DerpBlock – Alex’s Caves: Best Minecraft Mod

Video Information

Bet you all have heard of this mod called Alex’s mops right this mod adds over 85 mobs to the game with their own uses blocks and items it also adds a boss which is the void one but what if I were to tell you that Alexander Mobile’s

Aka the creator of this masterpiece is working on another game changing mod Alex’s caves will show you what Minecraft’s caves and cliffs could have been adding five biomes at the moment this video I will be telling you everything we know so far be sure to check out Alex’s mods Discord server

Because he will keep you up to date with the Mark’s progress also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video please be sure to leave a like And subscribe we are full of giant neodymium Nido Neo dimion

Oh my God they’re full of giant neodymium crystals that are sprouting from walls of Galena Elena can also be crafted into several types of blocks variants on these drift zones Tesla bulb can be found it also explode with the same effect as Lightning but the pig

Stands next to it it has a chance to change into a pigment magnetic blocks have a strange effect which includes Iron Golems as well with the help of blue or red magnets you’re able to make cool Contraptions like elevators and moving platforms or some cool mechanisms with the help of a magnetic activator

That tells the direction you can also walk on walls if you wear iron boots in this volume you can find several types of structures but you’re also able to encounter several enemies first mob you’ll probably gonna encounter is the notor camera with propellers that scans any life form and then projects it to

Other Hostile Mobs to inform them of your presence second mob is the Ferro slime which is a slime that’s able to fly in straight lines and combine with up to two other slimes which makes them bigger and stronger third mop is called the toiletto a small creature with two

Horns that can shoot electronic lasers at you this guy can also fly making it probably one of the most annoying mobs ever fourth mop is the boundary creature made out of two parts that are connected to a change the one part walks on the ceiling while the other lowers itself to

Attack when you’re able to shoot it down it will try to climb back up and the last mob is called the magnetron a magnet looking mob that is able to take blocks out of the ground and make a body out of it making it stronger and bigger

Nerder can now drop a gizmo that you can use to craft a hologram projector which can be powered by magnetic lights and a holocoder you can use these items to scan mobs and display them as Holograms you can also place and activate the lever next to it to make it spin next we

Have the magnetic core you can create the system by placing down a square orientation with Magnetic light Smasher made with a heavy weight which can be dropped by a bound Droid in the center and a quarry block to the side once the construction is done the Smasher and the

Drone attached to it will activate this Smasher collects items and blocks while ignoring liquids it will send them to the Quarry which will spit them out but once Bedrock is reached the Quarry will deactivate and the Smasher will fall dropping only magnet ingots when you kill a pharaoh slime it will drop

Pharaoh slime balls which you can use to make a potion of magnetizing which causes any entity to be affected by magnets there’s also seeking arrows that can be crafted with the red magnet surrounded by eight arrows it will fly to the closest mob near it if you

Perhaps miss one of your shots the magnetron can drop a heart of iron that you can use to create the resist sister Shield this Shield has two modes one mode pushes mobs away while blocking and one pulls mobs towards you finally we have the Galena gauntlet made with first

Slime balls Galena and the telecore which can be dropped upon killing a telethor you can use this weapon to attack moths but also mind blocks with iron or netherite Souls from a very long range like the silencer and finally we have the maglev rails which are made

With blue magnets that make Minecarts go faster but also hover above them making Minecarts also able to jump over a small Gap caves are massive and later almost making it look like he never went underground it also reminds me a lot of Ice Age 3 to be honest this cave is also

The home for a species that went extinct long ago the reason why it’s lit up is because of these slide sources called ambersil you can also find giant poo and trees and fly trap lands at the bottom structures in this cave will have cave paintings on them that teach you how to

Tame the creatures that live here now this cave biome has six mobs and the rare golden frog variant apparently first mob is called the super Pteranodon this creature would fly across the beautiful paradise that is called the primordial caves you can tame and also write this creature perhaps you can tame

It by feeding it the golden frog or this little fella trailer Charis the second mob is the world of ceratops a large orange strong herbivore that likes to eat plants you can also tame and ride it but this big fella is also the prey of a small pack of Fallen Raptors these

Little freaks are able to open doors just like in the Jurassic but can also still loot out of chests when they hunt alongside their Elder they bite and like to jump on their prey when the Elder is killed the rest of the pack will retreat but if you thought the Raptors were the

Only Predator then you’re dead wrong dramasaurus is just like the T-Rex a strong and huge Predator that always wins the fight no matter the enemy just like in the Jurassic franchise the ground will shake and the water will yet also shake when the dramasaurus walks

Near you you will be able to tame this creature and ride it but it won’t be easy there’s also a toxic variant coming soon which is called the tremorsilla and the final mob is called the relicures giant herbivore with long arms that they used to walk around but also knocked on

Trees dinosaurs can now lay eggs that will hatch like the sniffer eggs this means that there will be baby dinosaur variants that are either small versions of the mob itself or something else like frogs with their tapple variant just like the sniffer egg these can be broken

And picked up as an item and the eggs won’t hatch on either ice or Amber you can find these pillars in the primordial caves called Amber monolith and block on top can be crafted and placed everywhere around the world monolith is very rare and can summon any lifeform that lives

In a specific bind if you gain a subterraneous trust you’ll be able to ride it by holding on to its legs you’ll be able to Glide around the primordial caves but with a limit there will be a stamina meter showing how much time subteranism has to fly up until gliding

Back down if you don’t fly up meteor can slowly go upon killing a dinosaur you can get the dinosaur chop or Meat Block these meat blocks can also have bones attached to it and can be hung up above a campfire to cook it with these meat

Blocks you can also make the best fruit ever dinosaur nuggets that can come in four shapes the ones of a Stegosaurus T-Rex Pteranodon these nuggets can be found in the primordial cave structures just like the Limestone spear a stackable weapon that you can throw at

Mobs like a trident you can stack up to 60. next we have the Primitive Club club that when you hit any mop with it will give off a stunning effect she can recognize by the Stars swirling around a mob’s head when the stun effect wears

Off the mob will shake its head and go on with its a and finally we have the caveman armor which there are three pieces of it’s weaker than chain but stronger than leather it also makes raw meat able to be more nutritious when eating armor can be crafted like this

For the leggings this for the chest plate and finally this for the helmet it seems to be crafted with dinosaurs that you could be able to find in structures or get from dinosaur drops for the primordial caves we’ve got a lot of small features like the new Pottery

Shirts one being a brachiosaur and one being a footprint a new effect that you get when you wear caveman armor and makes raw food more nutritious a new Carmine Frog Light that you get when a golden frog eats a magma cube a new bone item that you get when eating a Meat

Block which you eat like a cake pine nut seeds there are probably the saplings for poon trees but we also got these special jungle tree variant saplings three new soup bowls that are called Serene salad tralocara stale and a Meat Block dipped in sauce when dinosaur eggs

Hatch you’ll get a baby small variant of the Dinosaurs light trap plans and other primordial plants are able to be put in a pot we got to see all of the cave paintings with my favorites being the Enderman forsaken who entry pushed down by The Relic Heroes Tremor Shores being

Hit by a club and the trilocaris now onto the tameable dinosaurs when you hit a tremorsaurus with a club it will be stunned but when you feed it Serene salad the stunning fact will immediately wear off if you repeat this process multiple times you’ll be able to tame

This Beast you can ride the tremorsaurs and with the stamina meter Roar to make all the mobs around you scatter also if you hit any mob the drummer Source will buy those mobs the way you’re able to tame film Raptors is adorable in my opinion you just have to put a Dino

Nugget in a chest and wait for them to snatch it and eat it only to fall asleep if they take a nap you can feed them Serene salad and tame the vulum Raptors as well as their Elder if they’re tamed they’ll follow you around and attack

Anything that is its threat to you by jumping on them and biting them if they’re ever attacked and low on health they’ll turn into Shadow mode and slowly heal this also means that they’re able to attack The Watcher even when it’s in Shadow mode the primordial caves you’re

Now able to find these Roost structures that are basically the nest of pteranodons you can find their eggs there but don’t stand next to them for too long or else the adults will become hostile roosts are made of fern touch that you’re able to craft with any kind

Of fern when you feed a subteranodon raw trolley Caris it will be tamed all of the tame dinosaurs can also sit and finally with the legendary poo and boat which looks sick Arctic cave is a biome loaded with danger and risks from Asic Lakes to enough radiation to

Make you glow between the lepiated structures and seeds of bubbling acid you’re able to find five new Mobs most of these are hostile under some conditions but some are passive and even Tamil by defeating monsters such as the nuke leaper and harvesting uranium or one can even create your own nuke with

Enough power to destroy an entire Village this time you can also find sulfur geothermal Vents and Cinder breaks that you can throw at Windows the gas you find in the geometrical vents can also be used to create Raiden glass the spine also contains several structures like this giant cat head

Can also find these cool blocks where steam comes out of onto the mobs the first one is called the new Cleaver a creeper that when it notices you starts an alarm and walks towards you while also closing its head before it does an explosion with the power of a small nuke

Then we have the radical the three-eyed fish that lives in the asset Lakes you can also pick it up with a bucket you can also feed them to the Ray cat and on that cat gamma roaches are just roaches that are able to pull mobs towards them

And now we have the Lost mob which is called The Brainiac why is it called that well because it’s a maniac with a brain it’s a stupid ammo okay so this monster is able to throw small bombs at you and when they explode they let go of small puddles of acid you’re

Now able to find three new Foods in the toxic caves spelunkies slam and Soylent milk which can sometimes be dropped by a brainiac each of these items can heal you when you have the irritated effect which makes you give off green radiation you’re also able to put a ragule in a

Bucket and cook it ever wanted to light off a nuke well here’s how you can build one but also the stuff you would need for the preparation and protection you can craft a nuke with four iron blocks one uranium block two uranium rods and two fissile cores this all cores can be

Dropped upon killing a new Clipper which can be risky now onto the useful blocks and items for the new process alarms are new decorative blocks that can be dyed in several different colors and can be turned on and off with redstone there’s new armor in town called hazmat suits

Which are immune to acid which means they won’t decay in it like nidorite won’t decay in lava you’ll also take less and less damage when you have the irritated effect when worn they give off these green particles and right now they give me the poppy playtime chapter 35.

Speaking of Hazmat there’s a decorative Hazmat block we also got a new weapon the ray gun which is crafted from One fissile Core two uranium rods and four polymer plates this new gun can deal damage constantly and leave behind some black marks before eventually fading away and finally we have the new process

Itself you can use a remote Detonator to detonate a nuke from a very far distance anywhere at any time once activated the sirens that are placed around the area will start making noises to inform everyone that the nuke or in any other case new Clipper is well about to

Explode the nuke explosion itself also got an update with way cooler looks and a longer range than before but in fact did you know that you’re able to sit on top of a falling little nuke and salute while it’s falling so that when you’re about to destroy the Minecraft world

You’re at least going downward style ever wanted to smelt all of your oars in a matter of seconds well I found just the right thing for you the nuclear furnace is a massive machine that can be created with multiple toxic cave items first you need to get your hands on 16

Uranium and 16 chart remnants craft 8 nuclear furnace components if you build a 4×4 structure with these blocks you’ll get a nuclear furnace the menu looks like this with four bars the Output bar the smelting bar the waste bar and the empty waste bar this giant ball can be

Used to smell metals and other solid items five times as fast as a boss furnace which means you can smell the whole stack in 30 seconds one uranium Rod can provide enough fuel to smelt that however this amazing new block has its downsides every time you smell something nuclear waste is created you

Can get rid of this waste by putting a bucket or a barrel in this furnace which will then become a bucket of acid and this yellow nuclear block but if you don’t get rid of this waste the nuclear furnace will start to heat up entering a critical phase that has three stages

First is where the bottom is starting to heat up second is where the whole furnace is heated up and the third is super critical where the furnace is shaking very fast and is burning everything around it and starts to look yellow and if you still haven’t gotten

Rid of the waste a nuclear explosion which will also be worn by Sirens will occur this explosion lets go with fire and nuclear waste blocks and is as big as the explosion of a new Clipper this block can also be automated with Hoppers hoppers on the back will insert into the

Smelt slots upwards on the bottom will take out all outputs hoppers on the left side of the front with input uranium rods hoppers on the right side from the front will input middle Barrel literally subnautica in Minecraft the abyss is home to many sea creatures and a civilization that has adapted to living

Deep in the dark with some strong weapons and magic powers you can also find the remains of destroyed human civilizations with some new technology that has been forgotten for a long time perhaps you can piece together a sunken submarine with copper ingots and drive it around the depths which makes you

Able to breathe underwater you can also let it oxidize and wax it but be sure to keep the lights off when you are in danger zone whale skeletons from whale false litter of the bind there are a lot of new blocks found in the Abyssal shasm which can be used for decoration the

Abyssal shasm has several types of structures some are connected to some of these creatures and some are underwater bases in these bases you might be able to find valves that you can use to open doors but also the drain which drains all the water out of a room in the

Abyssal trench you can find trading Alters that light up when something has placed an item on the altar now onto the mob starting off with one that already exists in default Minecraft the Drone can be found in this spine wearing scuba suits next we have the ocean life the

First mob being the lantern fish a glowing fish with dots all over their body they are way closer to the surface at night so that would be a perfect time to collect them in buckets second mop is the sea pig a mop that also exists in

Real life that gives you bomb you when you feed them clay balls the third is the tribal fish a fish that stands still like a tripod that’s it the fort mop is called the gossamer a giant glowing underwater worm that makes the waters look more alive fifth mop is called the

Mind Guardian a robot that is attached to a heavy anchor with a chain when it sees you it will try to swim towards you and explode although if you are able to kill it the Special civilization will trust you more six mop is one of the most dangerous creatures that swims

Around the depths it will attack your submarine when you keep the lights on and also when it’s close to you this creature is called the nightmare of the Sea The Deep ones are a civilization composed of three different species he won the Deep one night and the Deep one

Mage deep one’s attitude towards the player depends on their interaction deep ones all share the same reputation score and this score can be changed through attacking and bartering deep ones start out with stalking face where they follow the player but run away if C if chased they will blind the player and disappear

And aggressive they will attack on sight in neutral the Deep ones follow the player and will not run when looked at in the health will face the Deep Ones Will regard you as a friend often following you and assisting you a deep one can trade using pearls and a special

Altar a deep one Knight is a strong armored deep one that attacks with either a trident or a lance can trade with special lands called an auto lens after charging up an attack with the Lance players will Dash forward and spawn multiple wave projectiles deep ones can also trade small items like

Fish and ink bombs they use to Blind players it can also give a special glowing bomb which might give you the Deep Side effect an effect that makes you see true oceans fall the Deep one Mage uses bubbles to travel on land projectiles can also inflict this bubble

As a status effect which will drown those with it this effect can be negated by water breeding D1 Mage can trade a magic punch this item will summon deep ones to your location no matter where you are you can even summon an army of deep ones to fight off a drama Source a

Special deep one night variant can be found using a name tag to name the Deep one night stinky fish it looks like a blue Perfect You’re now able to get your hands on two new Pottery shirts hero and guardian hero represents the concept of a lost deep one that looks

Like a lobster slash crap like creature bioluminescent torches or new torches that can produce enough light to light up the abyss they can be placed both on land and underwater you can also find some new food changes by Deep roles which is Sushi and muscle which you can

Cook onto the features that are connected to the abyssalcasm mobs the lantern fish and tropical fish are now able to be put in a bucket and cooked Lantern fishes used to brew a deep side potion and tribal fish got a new look see pigs and gossamor worms are also

Able to be put in a bucket but can’t be cooked when you feed a sepic bone meal it will drop Marine snow which you can use to give life to dead coral blocks customer worms drop gossamer jelly which you can use to craft a floater a new

Item you should use when you’re out of breath at the bottom of the Abyss or in danger this item will launch all the way up to the surface of the ocean when used or will attract hole Breakers speaking of hole Breakers when you kill one it will puke out certain copper parts of

All the submarines it has eaten speaking of submarines if you build a structure like this using an enigmatic engine something else dropped by the hole breaker you’ll be able to create a submarine mine Guardians can now drop depth chargers they control underwater and on land and will explode after a

Certain amount of seconds the Deep one Knight can also throw tridents but only throw one which means if he loses his only trident the left to fight with its Fist and try and look for it when bartering with the Deep ones using pearls you can get your hands on the

Depth shards which you can use to craft death glass the type of glass that makes you look for water like its air which gives more aquarium design ideas you can also get a gazing glistening Pearl which shows the relationship between you and the Deep ones these dark and underground

Canyons are made of drone Stone and Corporal if corporalift can have a variant that has holes in it with red eyes that can look at you once you enter this by meal quickly find out that the lighting changes probably the same level as the darkness effect that you get from

Scope triggers or even darker so be sure to bring some torches with you Cornerstone and corporalif will have their own block variants but also Overworld or variants there are several plants that can be found in this biome like underweeds and Roots but also black bushes and Majestic thronewood tree with

Its own wood set like I mean look at this hanging sign damn bottle of Joanna can also be found in this area which is basically poop of all the creatures that live there you can also see flies flying around it this bomb contains several structures from shrines

Like this big statue that resembles a mini boss in this pole that looks like one of the creatures that lives there but we also have cabins with candles in them that are probably the home of the cultists and bridges with these small statues on them it looks so cute but

Also creepy now on to the mall for the first mob we have the Gloom off a very big moth that is attracted to light sources even though it’s passive it will attract many dangerous creatures for the second mop we have the corrodens of hostile rodent that is able to burrow

Through the ground it’s very hard to hit but also afraid of lights so if you place any light source you’ll be able to stun it and attack it next we have the Vesper a giant hostile bat looking creature that loves to eat blue moths even though they are very fast you’re

Able to hit them easily by blocking their attacks with your Shield they also like to hang around on the forlorn Hollow ceiling for a good night’s sleep for the fourth mob we have the under sail Yachts these more cultists like the living groups they can break and hold

Torches but also dig underground in order to attack you they also have this special mechanic called rituals that looks like a black hole with tentacles and red eyes they’re either able to do one on gloomos or Vespers when a ritual is done on the blue moth you’ll summon a

Watcher also style mob that can force you to see its own point of view the longer if you’re are in his possession the faster he gets the Watcher is also able to turn into a shadow if a ritual is done on a Vesper you’ll get a mini

Boss called The Forsaken a giant bad demon looking Beast that is hostile to almost everything alive or dead and is able to jump very high and very far but it’s also able to run very fast he can grab its enemies with one of its arms and bite them it’s also able to shoot

These red beams like the warden but more powerful speaking of the warden did you know that the Forsaken is able to kill the warden because it also has 450 Health yeah good luck killing it ditch mob now got an interesting use the Gloom off now drops Mark dust so when you

Throw it at any mop it will smell like a moth attracting many dangerous predators you can also use mafdas together with some Drano to craft more balls a new block that can be placed with up to four these blocks keep blue moths away from them so if you want to prevent any

Rituals from happening I suggest you would use a lot of them a watcher can either drop its antlers or knuckle gem which you can use the crafted Beholder a new block that you can use as a camera bringing you some Five Nights at Freddy’s Vibes you just need to right

Click the beer holder with another occult Gem and you can view it wherever you are besides other dimensions grow can now drop their teeth which can be used to brew a potion of haste or craft burrowing arrows arrows that when shot and lands on blocks it starts to dig

Five blocks with its teeth Vespers are able to drop their wings they can be used to craft batsuit or a new weapon The Dread bow a bow that way you shoot an error at something it will instead shoot a dark arrows and shoot other types of arrows it will shoot less than

8. we also got to hear the sounds for the best the universe aliens can drop dark tethers they can be crafted into several items but also tether blocks more about it later on these small men can now drop a desolate dagger that we hit him up with it floating daggers will appear and

It will start to shoot into the mob this lasts for a couple of seconds for seconds fight now is the final stage where the Forsaken goes into Shadow mode after killing this mini boss you’ll get pure Darkness they can be used to craft darkened apples an apple that extends

The darkness incarnate effect you can also craft peeling corporate along with the others you can craft Shadow suit which is used to craft a hood of darkness and cloak vertical armor set that gives you the darkness incarnate effect when warm the effect that gives you night vision and super speed and

When you run the cloak will leave behind dark particles you can craft a totem of possession with mafda Watcher antlers and a knuckle gem this totem can be used to will possess any mob or short period of time but you can also control players fertilizer is a new item found in the

Foreland hollows that’s basically bone meal but it grows crops in one click and finally the thing we’ve all been waiting for the Thornwood boat which looks so cool but the view when you’re inside of it Thank you

This video, titled ‘Alex’s Caves: Best Minecraft Mod’, was uploaded by DerpBlock on 2023-09-06 16:30:07. It has garnered 32359 views and 1951 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:37 or 1297 seconds.

This video is all of the Alex’s Caves videos combined, to let y’all know what you can expect for the first release right now, since a release is very close.

Here’s the link to Alex’s mods discord server:

But here’s also my discord server:

If you like this kind of content be sure to leave a like and subscribe! It would mean the world! I’m trying to hit 5K by the end of 2023 and 10K by the end of 2024, and i know we can do it!

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    Create and Conquer: The Sildaris Wilds [1.20.1] TRAILER: Watch now Embark to the Sildaris Wilds and forge society anew from the ashes of your old life. Join a growing community on this Nations/Geopolitics server with a steam-fantasy theme. Features: Airships Cannons, Flintlocks and Muskets Immersive gear from Epic Knights Coin based economy and player-run shops Built-in warfare system Routine events with rewards And much more Join now: Join our discord to start playing! : Join Discord Economy and Combat: The economy is coin-based with player-operated vendors. Engage in combat with black-powder firearms and aerial battles using airships. Explore spyglass astronomy,… Read More

  • play.

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Unleashing AI in Minecraft OST: Wither Storm Theme

    Unleashing AI in Minecraft OST: Wither Storm ThemeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode OST – Wither Storm Theme (AI extended)’, was uploaded by AI Music Extensions on 2024-09-16 12:58:24. It has garnered 675 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:55 or 355 seconds. • AI part @1:36 #ai #nintendo #gaming #nintendoswitch #playstation #aimusicextensions #xbox #minecraft #minecraftstorymode #mc #mcstorymode #mcsm #msm #witherstorm #witherstorm #whiterstorm #whiter Read More

  • Gladiator Showdown: Minecraft’s Coliseum Chaos

    Gladiator Showdown: Minecraft's Coliseum Chaos In the Coliseum, I found myself, Facing monsters, testing my stealth. With sword in hand, I fought with might, To entertain the crowd, a thrilling sight. Gladiators clashed, in ancient Rome, A battle for glory, a fight for home. But in the end, I emerged victorious, Defeating all foes, oh so glorious. So watch the video, see the action unfold, In Minecraft’s world, where stories are told. Like and subscribe, show your support, For more adventures, of this sort. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Teaser: Warner Bros. Pictures

    Minecraft Movie Teaser: Warner Bros. Pictures Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming release of “A Minecraft Movie.” This live-action adaptation of the beloved video game is set to hit cinemas in 2025, bringing the game’s iconic characters and landscapes to life on the big screen. A Magical Adventure Awaits Directed by Jared Hess and starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast, “A Minecraft Movie” follows the journey of four misfits who find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative realm filled with challenges and… Read More

  • Rainbow TNT Prank Gone Wrong

    Rainbow TNT Prank Gone Wrong Minecraft Rainbow TNT: Exploring a Colorful Explosive Step into the vibrant world of Minecraft with the Rainbow TNT, a unique explosive that adds a colorful twist to your gameplay experience. This special TNT variant brings a burst of rainbow hues to your world, creating a visually stunning explosion that is sure to captivate players of all ages. Unleashing the Rainbow TNT When ignited, the Rainbow TNT unleashes a spectacular display of colors, painting the sky with a dazzling array of hues. This eye-catching explosion is not only visually appealing but also adds a touch of whimsy to your Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥Gawr Gura’s CRAZY Punishment in Minecraft RP!

    🔥Gawr Gura's CRAZY Punishment in Minecraft RP!Video Information This video, titled ‘【ENRECO Minecraft RP】The Punishment’, was uploaded by Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-04 03:52:37. It has garnered 303694 views and 20164 likes. The duration of the video is 04:38:29 or 16709 seconds. this is minecraft roleplay 🐟 twitter: 🐟 thumbnail: Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. ◆ENigmatic Recollection Trailer: ◆Chapter 1 Theme Song “START AGAIN” MV: ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through… Read More

  • My Terrifying Encounter at a Haunted Minecraft Hospital

    My Terrifying Encounter at a Haunted Minecraft HospitalVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Minecraft hospital is HAUNTED!!!’, was uploaded by Spill!t on 2024-03-25 14:23:20. It has garnered 579 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:55 or 895 seconds. In this video i’ll be visiting the scariest abandoned hospital in Minecraft!!! These halls are haunted by many entities and we’ll be trying to escape them… ———————————————————————————— More scary video’s: ———————————————————————————— Ignore below: #minecraft #backrooms #creepy #liminalspace #minecraftmods #abandonedhospital #Minecraftsscariest #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Unbelievable! Lawless can’t sleep in Minecraft?! 😂 #minecraft #memes #shorts

    Unbelievable! Lawless can't sleep in Minecraft?! 😂  #minecraft #memes #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When you can’t sleep in Minecraft 😂 #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Minecraft With lawless on 2024-08-28 15:23:18. It has garnered 11148 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes 1.21

    UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘The Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes in 1.21’, was uploaded by ProbablySnake on 2024-09-18 08:00:14. It has garnered 10323 views and 769 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ▶ If you liked the video, please show it with a positive feedback 😀 ____________________________________________ ▶ TikTok: ____________________________________________ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftranking #mc #mcpe #gaming #foryou #fyp #stereomadness #funny #backontrack #funny #gaming #geometrydash Read More


    🔥 EPIC DIAMOND HUNT IN MINECRAFT! 🌟 | PART 5Video Information This video, titled ‘MINEING FOR ORES AND SEARCHING FOR DIAMONDS | MINECRAFT | PART 5’, was uploaded by Sweepful on 2024-08-17 00:27:15. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:21 or 8061 seconds. Welcome in guy’s my name is SweepFul if you want to know my real name let’s get this channel to 500 followers and I’ll tell you that information! I’m 26 years old with a 6-month-old baby who thinks I’m her chew toy. Following dreams of creating a community of nothing but gaming videos. On this channel expected to… Read More

  • 100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft – Insane Survival

    100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft - Insane SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a BLOOD WORM in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-07-13 14:00:39. It has garnered 3169252 views and 26115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:45 or 2745 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Blood Worm! I had to save my family from the evil Cobras! Will I be strong enough to defeat them? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More

  • 4RIN+ – Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunami

    4RIN+ - Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunamiVideo Information This video, titled ‘I INVADED a VTuber Minecraft server with @AuriLunami’, was uploaded by 4RIN+ on 2024-07-07 09:11:55. It has garnered 757 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 06:47:05 or 24425 seconds. ✨ Use Code “SAERIN4RIN” to Get $5 Off Your Sakuraco and TokyoTreat Snacks! ➡ Sakuraco: ➡ TokyoTreat: ____________________________ 🍰 FEED THE HELLHOUND: 🍰 🖊 JOIN MEMBERSHIPS: __________ 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬 __________ ◢ TWITTER: ◢ THRONE GIFTING: ◢ OTHER: ◢ DISCORD: Business contact: [email protected] ________ Other Minecraft VTubers ________ @AuriLunami @RIHSURI @SheeIchoKawaii ________ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 ________ Please… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)

    Unbelievable! Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV Underworld – Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)’, was uploaded by Nani on 2024-04-22 01:28:56. It has garnered 361 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:35 or 2375 seconds. #ragecraft #ctm #minecraft #fyptiktok #survival #bossfight I’m not a fan of boss fights where you also have to worry about the tons of spawns there are, but I must admit that it is entertaining and forces you to think of strategies to make it easier Download map: IMPORTANT 1: It’s been 8 years and I’m obviously not making… Read More

  • Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle Blaiden

    Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle BlaidenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Getting Cancelled in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Uncle Blaiden on 2024-07-30 04:58:44. It has garnered 87 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:31 or 10351 seconds. Getting Cancelled in Minecraft !!! WARNING FOR DONATIONS !!! You can donate via YouTube Superchats. However, for donations equal to or exceeding $5.00, it’s recommended to donate via the “Donate” link below as you can send a custom Text-To-Speech message that will play on the stream. Donate: Discord: Donate BitCoin: bc1quggu392up43gekw76ufu2y5pplzxwmf78shdey Donate Monero: 88TaTTUbqS5ZcLH4WWUeb8WatsZY91R7daXvzNVKbCKfUnHrE7AsBQjQs5Gh1QDXko8EH4G7UuUSGKS2ogdcNKWcAiKuwGW Instagram: Twitter: Beat Channel: Read More

  • MRG Network

    MRG NetworkMRG Network is a group of minecraft servers created by players for players. The network was made out of necessity due to the PTW nature of most servers out there. We have most features that other servers brag about but without putting a paywall between the players and the features they desire. We are a group of friends who have made this server from the perspective of players. We have played servers and were ignored with our requests and therefore we have made this server at the request of those who played and enjoyed other servers with us. We are… Read More

  • 🌑 The Shadow Realm is Now OPEN! 🌑 Realms SMP Bedrock

    Join The Shadow Realm for a Legendary Adventure! One-Player Sleep: No more waiting for everyone to rest! Reworked Smaller Shields: Get the protection you need without the bulk. Optifine-like Spyglass: Zoom in and explore like never before! Decreased Fire Spread: Keep your builds safe from accidental fires. Vein Miner: Mine resources faster and more efficiently! In-Game Events: Regular events to keep the excitement going! Discord Community: Stay connected, share your builds, and plan your adventures! In-Game Shop: Buy and sell items for all your crafting needs. !TPs and !setHome: Convenient teleport and home commands to make navigation easier! !Land Claim:… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Swap shield for door, trust me”

    Minecraft Memes - "Swap shield for door, trust me"Looks like the shield’s defense just couldn’t handle the door’s entrance into meme stardom! Read More

  • Unleashing the Power of TK WindCharge Logic

    Unleashing the Power of TK WindCharge LogicVideo Information This video, titled ‘WindCharge Logic・・・’, was uploaded by TK on 2024-09-16 14:07:34. It has garnered 618 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlogic #minecraftshorts #yes Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Mac’s Misadventures in Moosey Town

    Mac's Misadventures in Moosey Town Surviving the Harsh Desert in Forever Stranded Modded Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the desert planet of Forever Stranded, a Minecraft Mod-pack in 1.10.2 available on the Curse Launcher. Join Mac as he navigates through the challenges of this unforgiving environment, trying to survive against all odds. Will you test your fate and see how he tames this unknown world? Crash Landing and Survival Challenges Imagine crashing on a planet with nothing but sand surrounding you. In Forever Stranded, players must follow quest lines while braving the harsh desert environment. The first challenge? Securing water to combat… Read More

  • Tiny Minecraft World Challenge

    Tiny Minecraft World Challenge Welcome to the World in a Jar Minecraft Adventure! Embark on a unique survival journey within the confines of a jar in Minecraft! This challenging gameplay experience offers a twist on the traditional world exploration, pushing players to think creatively and strategically to expand their world. Starting Off Strong As you begin your adventure, you’ll find yourself spawned in front of a barrel filled with essential starter tools. These tools will be crucial in helping you navigate and survive in this confined environment. With limited resources at your disposal, every decision you make will impact your progress. Endless Possibilities… Read More

  • Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametix

    Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametixVideo Information This video, titled ‘Types of Noob Getting Diamonds 😎😦 #minecraft #shorts #gametix #viral’, was uploaded by Gametix on 2024-01-10 06:36:14. It has garnered 3180 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    TIGSMCTIGSMC, Server with Many Features! Join and have fun with friends. On TIGSMC You will find many minigames, challenges and more! If you will need help, we have many staff members, tell one of them what you want, and they will help you Vote our server for more players and more fun Join now and have fun! Read More

  • PLAINS N’ PEAKS SMP | whitelist

    Welcome to Plains n’ Peaks! Plains n’ Peaks is a private Minecraft SMP (Java only) for a select group of friends and individuals aged 14-20. Our server focuses on a safe and fun Minecraft experience without excessive automation or inflation. We enjoy hosting events, hanging out in voice chat, and having a great time together! We offer a vanilla experience with a few quality of life plugins, like one player sleep, and the Simple Voice Chat mod for socialization. If you’re interested in joining us, please apply here. Requirements: Discord account Minecraft Java Edition account Microphone and computer capable of… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

DerpBlock – Alex’s Caves: Best Minecraft Mod