DESTROY3R05 – Doing CTF Scrims! | LIVE On Cube! ( Bedrock – PvP }

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Almost flexible on leaderboard lights ship let me destroy like Minecraft’s ready renders the chunks worse with your render distance wait hold on hold on hold on let me just check what my recommended is I was invited one too I recommend it it’s [ __ ] 16 chunks [ __ ] 16 chunks bro

It was so terrible rice farmer 11. I know that guy mine is 26 chunks who am I missing you know rice farmer did you find rice it’s night playing like clicksy did you miss the people in the party I mean in the Disco oh don’t worry that’s not pop tarts

Guys I don’t think it’s popped up poster hey it was about reloaded uh we’ll see finally yeah Java YouTuber acknowledging the skills of the federal players Destroyer you’re missing so smart as well um I have maximum I hit my Max already give it to Lake Palace why is it resetting my chunks

This is stupid fried eggs the Muhammad Ali for of bedrock do you use Onyx bro rack join um yes you’re missing Ewolf Kitty wolf you ‘ve said turn the option off we should we should get loads of picking like every like ctf7 and try and get a 50

Versus 50 on Jacob flicker I really want to do that yeah I do want to do this like imagine like emergency Imagine One strength push bro that would be terrible all we need to do is get like release band getting like damn stuff like related noobs in I think he could

Get that many people with his chat yo I’m prixified we could easily do it that way but there’s a lot of people in this car we should have like armor allowed so you can people have people like that I don’t know if we have a 400 that can get together at one time

Laggy yeah Josh I actually disappeared about people with bad devices aka me what wait wasn’t sure could you make team a few more of these and I’ll eventually be able to balance okay okay he doesn’t cheat you have 20 people cheats okay [ __ ] I made this unfair for myself 1K official pack release

Oh my Lord holy [ __ ] though oh we went missing oh Falcon is here oops there he is here okay how do you like that what the [ __ ] yeah sure I still don’t care how some people are like that good the only disadvantage that I’m the only Comer but

I’m fine with it I’m back [ __ ] private has nothing to say but he’s he’s now joining the service so if he finishes private games he’s gonna come join us you could swap Maybe I want to give you at least one other comment no I’m fine she’s totally fine

Well let’s see where are the teams where are the teams AIT that’s sort of insane but like what are those teams huh um Josh destroy you smart Ender versus Pat Pop Evil Flex falcon about those I just got that one you guys have all cameras and I have just saw a few peers

Yeah and I’m the only comic what if I join your team um they’ll be yeah you can have Adriel I don’t know we’ll take we could swap Falcon and Adriel no no no no you guys can keep okay stop Adrian Flags stop typing no I’m coping this let’s

Just run this let’s just run this like please let’s just run this you just see how it goes I guess foreign I get the odd flag if I’m lucky I’m I mainly just like you know run around and like I’m better at defending and anything just stay in your party destroy

We’ve got an edge real guys like the only reason you guys will lose most likely wow that’s crazy and then make me feel sometimes at least she was an Arctic no what was that oh yeah it was Alex when Alex was like on flag and then like had

This like it was crouched behind him on flag and Alex and realized and the second person came in and crouched behind him and he still didn’t realize I’m gonna be a mute because like you guys are so mean and I can’t cope I think everyone likes that you guys enjoyed

Okay I’ll beat me here then nozzy and if we joining how about like you stay here and you don’t mute yeah I didn’t realize I was trying to experiment Adriel one talking one not talking and we’ll see if you do better anyways my team will switch okay I hope you die all right

Yo 100 all right yeah can I give you the wrong all right I just gave you the roll of my bed yes I brought sparring here because he’s you know he’s there how is this queuing for you guys okay all right let’s do games tradition I got placed in a different

Region all right now it’s fine all right good luck destroy all right all right this is the fastest start we’ve ever had um estimating a good computer hey man I have like I played on my I played in my lap my like very FPS laptop and like I was still pretty much the

Same it’s like a slightly of reacting if anything at first you’ll make you’ll make more mistakes you’re not used to the Perfection you have to pull off the [ __ ] about me I should really play before I started to say oh angel can you just both fam very spam them into annoyance oh uploading

Bro if my bow Wing is this bad I’m fishing up top private is not coming back what he’s done obviously with a bunch of people playing yeah he might be coming though he said after he finished the probability of that spot oh you’re invited write a pride of him but yeah

I love that guy he got me into everything actually oh God was one of like the first three people to watch me pop in the heading oh I got left let me see another point of taking DVDs is not the lead deal the person I need to play more often

Can’t play all week oh I’m dead same wow they got strength I think oh yep back out back out don’t take any fights I can’t aim bro uh how this is on 3.5 what the heck oh you will click stay back yeah I’m gonna go push up the oh what happened all right

Crashed oh what we did the time oh where’s the front force of a drawer yeah get the speed maybe I shot him have on top yeah garbage or is everyone just so you watch how this destroy you watch out this is nice foreign [Applause] what oh yeah that’s what happens if you have some of that age did you have the Alice do you have a GG Auto GG thing but instead it’s does he have an up does he have another juicy thing so it says that that’s awesome all right I’m I got invited to prick

S him so I’ll do a couple more value all right on by smart version nah I think there’s some Acura all right let me know when you’re back in go to YouTube I just he’s online we’re gonna get the replacement I don’t know ing zero but then we’ll have to change up teams

Oh is that even possible how is that ready Josh was leaving after a couple games wait what uh let’s do retro Josh is gonna be leaving after a couple of games okay because he’s a good guy invited to Pricks if I stream okay like oh

Stop like I have to be me for like the whole game to make like a back pain okay sorry I just turned your bedroom [Applause] uh all right oh we just don’t like Tiddly with it yes no did no one stay back and me and Adrian will try to get him

But he won’t be a tennis you’re a little quiet Adrian okay I will when I die This is going underneath I think it’s okay one inside it’s happening hey I got I got uh I was getting a combo there I was pulling off for a second on flying colors nope I’m coming back out then you stalling I’m gonna shoot him don’t bother typing just kill

Ed oh I wasn’t even smart oh someone was being blind we had three bags someone was blind there who was it someone was blind on the defense who was it I wanted to admit themselves right now someone was blind I think they were all private because I just died

As soon as I saw him as soon as I saw him is when rank said it be right this is why you should have to remember it foreign message me 32 times he’s underneath the flag yeah you guys just keep like just not watching it hey what’s up Chipotle no okay

Oh boy I didn’t even see that should we re-pick or should we just keep going honestly I copy yeah are you yeah I’m gonna play clutching seems like more fun see ya all right too bad I’m the scrim host I could just always as fast since since Josh left you

Guys want to redo teams do we even have another one you guys have one Reloaded uh sparrings here and just also grse um I can trade you then I’ll give you Flex boy Flex for who um wait who do you have in your team um you take sparring okay

All right I’ll tell them They sparred yeah you’re going on there oh all right all right hey Flex we got Flex for right do I not have yet all right we’re ready um halice is gonna queue again all right um uh tetra all right hopefully this goes better foreign [Applause] why is it normal oh it’s normal

Yeah why I’m gonna move up and do a little bit [Applause] foreign oh my God bro I’m above them right now uh something stalling I’m above them oh there’s your mouth I’m nearly out of blocks oh my God how does [ __ ] do that okay hi blessing all right get pulp I’m dead

Sparring up up two on top Less in the bridge yeah no I dropped them all right let’s put this push there let’s try it right there yeah go oh man all right okay nice okay that was just pure luck the thing nah that was always good some up up um [Applause] your Bridge

Yeah yeah I’m moving up the sink that’s why don’t you butterfly or Jitter because oh [ __ ] oh no I was stuck talking about how many are up there noticeable one right side let’s let’s just defend this I think yeah I blundered against Falcon I jumped okay

I’m gonna do a real big push since nope Falcon my son who’s calling basically foreign all right getting to you yeah they are oh actually I don’t know oh yeah Jason’s in writing I want them to get Jason to make it Power oh yeah it looks like which one of them left again

Their power than them oh yeah they got Jason he’s in their call I’m gonna go into alcohol you guys ready um not yet we just need Jason okay we’re ready now all right uh hive all right [Applause] no I’m dead all right I’m lagging man my ad though let me zoom in he’s

Getting isn’t updated so I can’t use it actually liking Jason dead Dragon pop in one left side hat what’s going up how am I alive how I I shouldn’t have George but still how did I live he’s dead they’re blocking out for a spawn bridge is like digging Gunther

All right yeah they’re blocking out for a spawn ink all right on top his hat was where it’s on where’s Bridge bro did it kill him there’s just alive bridge is still alive somewhere under the flag here can I hit that cool yeah I see him Oh [ __ ] no it’s not okay let’s go right that was good I’m not ready to open up referral um that missed all my groups ah he’s got that Ah dang oh my God oh there is no way that’s not America Okay yeah I like it man I love that thing Sam want that all right bro I didn’t fight I’m lagging oh my God someone still love that nah all right I’m gonna move up the cap oh they have strength yeah that’s right he’s dead he’s dead you got sort of thing

Someone is on flag I’m dead uh come on let me lose this one oh [Applause] my bad I wasn’t paying attention Jason crash pop just pinged Geo and uh I’m stuck in the other game um I think or do four sub I think it’s last percent Force up now just wait not good

Now they got Geo put us up in Jason for G I think someone out ready Me Maybe they’re going to game yeah it’s offline wait where did they get knife no they didn’t oh okay who do they swap for oh they took Jason out at this or seven

Half a night who are we stopping oh wait I thought you were gonna like switch me or something I’m gonna leave all right what’s happening all right it was better night or Jason [Applause] I’m dead there’s some good at bypassing that’s better I think that’s pretty accurate actually um flag I hit that

Was a long-range knife huh oh no I didn’t see anyone someone gets tired I guess no it’s not there’s four over there yeah I think there’s someone up there um someone shoot him he’s mad love foreign Our right middle I mean actually try him a couple times watch out he’s on top of the tree hat top three no I’m done I hit him a couple times bro I’m Gonna Know all right you got it oh God uh Pocus like on top right there now

On a flag someone on top I can’t tell okay okay I was weaving I messed that up thought I was slagging oh my God I stopped uh cut the sink on top [Applause] no they’re not oh see him I thought it was on a block that I could stand up yeah zero one

He’s dead oh man there’s still one up there unless it’s still up there all right I’ll let you guys it will help me with countless or I’m the oh yeah oh well at least it wasn’t like a two point diff I like how three of us were just trying to get get helpless

Yeah Jason hey Jason yo Jason I’ll get Knight instead all right oh dang I really dragged it from them I didn’t see Knight in the call that’s why I thought he wasn’t here after you wreck oh let’s keep being different I don’t like kicking people up I don’t want to leave

Yeah I don’t want to kick people out oh wait that’s a lot of other is there another screaming on them there’s a lot of other people here oh yeah they’re doing another scream over there they’re doing it monkey no huh but now we wait is he in the server door can you pick

Them ah I will get Jason up hey Jason welcome back you want to join us Jason okay okay nice I’m making my all right hopefully Jason shows up randomly hey what’s up son welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good one I need to be on more on top of chat

To someone else we can get name tag which what’s the name tag glitch oh P God he got Center inactive you can’t see name types of walls I’ve never heard of that glitch actually all right I thought before while we wait for wow thank you I’m sorry I hit you I’m sorry it was I meant to tie it I didn’t mean to and then to tie it those up the chance [Applause] bang that bull foreign Get him oh my God get him I was gonna say they did not die yeah it looks like this man just traveling upwards is really effective yes instructed falcon oh avoided I was gonna I was gonna fist in all right thanks oh what’s up guys I’ve been I’ve been pretty good

I hope you’ve been having why are we find you Dawn oh wait who’s that no all right I’m back oh hey Jason hey you’re joining our team must worry better says five before wait what about the what happened to the other team uh basically we lost one and then we’re gonna uh what

Oh but I want to chase him thank you I will I’ll keep Geo then we’ll take case now stay here you’re gonna go on hours and we’re gonna give them Geo we were just running a five before we waited for you to get back like this strength I nearly made nothing He knocked me over the void onto the strength pretty much actually failed oh I forgot the answer your computer yeah like I I get it’s not that strong but like any time I play Minecraft uh like it’s normally like pretty cold so I have no idea why it’s getting so hot recently

I mean I understand like this for fortnite like my PC game Minecraft is like the most intensive game there is no man I can’t even run like consistent 30 FPS on fortnite bro okay you have a laptop or an actual desktop actual desktop

Oh geez bro like what do you got in it I don’t know those specs are not that good but then again it was like a gift so like I’m Not Really Gonna complain I might just try like yeah yeah am I just trying like a upgrade it though all right

I’ll drag you over I was just dragging him to the other call oh no I just want to Jason because he has a mic you know an actual mute huh is GEO an actual mute I thought you like that yeah his main name you how do you feel about the next group

Came I haven’t looked at it you’re fighting next week uh no I’m gonna be on a I’m gonna be at PAX East this weekend yeah is that like the gaming convention oh what’s up Game Nerd I see or cube nerve uh what is your current parts

Oh dang and high five I used to have an i5 bro it sucked I actually I have an i5 please integrate you’re running on integrated Graphics no wonder bro basically any GPU to be honest with you I might try and get like an i7 harder SSD that’s whatever

Feels like I’ve heard people said like don’t get the I9 oh I have a nine nine yeah I know I have apparently the best CPU that can fit in my motherboard I think so I can’t upgrade my CPU at all I’m really hoping Chris

Oh my PC is an office PC that’s like 10 years old I don’t even know if you could am good you have to like build one or buy a pre-built or you could just like search out the case honestly office like cases are pretty yeah I don’t have the funds for it uh

Do you have a job to save up with no oh that’s step one or just like any dollar you get just keep it in somewhere just don’t eat for like a week I’ll tell them I’m ready uh just try invite me oh I never after the world save of course

World save complete I use the name as two one I forgot you’re using uh Jason progamer57 oh that’s fine all right I’m waiting for Jason to join it na2 all right uh sorry Mom my mom walked into the room no it won’t let me go to na2 I went to na3

Under my other scrimmers are there all right sorry my mom what’s in my room hi everyone all right all righty foreign there we go finally all right oh let’s do uh Greenhouse uh bars had some I never man I’ll die trusty gravy oh I actually was uh I was actually I

Queued against this kid he’s like he’s not half bad oh I have I just recognized the name I’m like I I swear that was I don’t know why but I was just playing like really bad against this kid but I’m pretty sure he does get crits because

Like somehow he beat me while he traded and he was at five and I was at like uh and then I was at nine I don’t even know what happened oh I just absolutely annihilated Pop Tart nice I annihilated Pop-Tart holy you know it was the funniest thing holy

I’ve never seen anybody kill someone like at in just maybe he’s got good name sense and he’s good people you know all right I just didn’t recognize Oh I thought I was gonna live though that’s digging that’s taking okay okay I’m coming shooting me I’m going for a hat I’m gonna go for

Jail get trusty gravy oh wait I can bypass this I I can oh wait um all right every day I learned is someone else so do you remember I used it what nugget what was button again I’m on airplane oh no he’s not a non he’s actually not a non

I mean butt nugget that guy oh butt nugget oh I thought I have no idea who that is gravy or something play oh [ __ ] I just got wrecked by trusty gravy okay and flex his thing he’s not that good dang bro I’m getting real hold on yes smart let’s go somewhere watch out

Um oh I did not see nice more wait for me wait for me I’m gonna go with you oh trusty gravy stop trusty gravy all right you got this right oh this person on top uh Geo watch out behind it nice bypass nice wreck that block collector’s awesome go go

You guys listen we got a too late buckaroo let’s go wait did all of them leave it yeah oh they did oh that’s why he was laughing oh three win yes sir they’re probably upset because he didn’t fall huh uh Slash who yeah I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure

Trusty gravy’s in their party yeah there’s only four in that call that’s why I was confused and also you got this don’t fail us now we need uh to escort Nazi file with five people yeah it’ll be funny oh I didn’t get the kill all right this random back bags on my PC

All right we’re ready uh robots trying to do the maps that we haven’t done yet first I think one of them accidentally left that’s why they all left because I don’t see butt nugget this time well you’re really gonna have Flex one beef no I’m like I’ll go I didn’t call

It was going with flex bro I didn’t control me I’m gonna do what I usually do and play all that sounds like Atlas Inc are you guys gonna be able to stop this get behind you guys behind you behind you behind me nice nice nice um oh geo geo geo geo Pop That

All right nice nice why yeah behind you got jumped is Trusty a mute is he just not at this he’s just not in their VC bro Atlas they quit me out like crazy got him uh Tracy all right nice Pop Tart he got me incoming Roger one one on Middleburg Atlas Middleburg um

They got two two nice all right all right we got him all right there’s somebody else where he was trying to he’s trying to sneak it um nice okay I’ll bypass on the left side ah I thought I could move I did really good for a Split Second someone um

Falcon oh one on one on on top on top there’s one top crashed all right you Um the edge of my mouse pad left side all right we need the support I felt we fell in a hole there thank you incoming incoming three three oh my god did we just leave it in the helmet we need to actually push because um but not yet

That are going to defend against this then we need this I’m not gonna get this good sports more smart no you’re smart yes yes sir yes smart what an MVP quick quick we gotta help somewhere we gotta help smart oh he’s he this is the free one

Free free yeah you got it you got it yeah that’s free nice digging get trusty all right oh he got it he’s coming down left side left side I know if he’s on top he’s on top he’s on top Edge I shot him off while I was getting comboed oh geodes nice

Change oh yes right bro nice yeah I thought they got it no I got it go he’s actually good oh Oh destroy destroy Destroyer please distract them distract them distract him that’s what I’m doing it I just juked the living oh my God go go go go I can’t uh creeper got me dang it’s all right I blundered my aim so oh yeah no they got that someone [ __ ]

Oh one’s done digging it whenever it’s just I feel like it’s too quiet I just assume hat was looking amazing another interesting jump jump jump what’s up Mom [Applause] I’m liking these teams they’re just balanced oh come on I’m on two five two five oh my God

Oh they might have that yeah they have that one nobody’s all of us are we’re dead yeah yeah that was good void I got void I’ll avoid method and I’m stuck on the other game I’ll pull you in the next one see them digging everywhere I go back to midnight too

All right gotta love the cube service no what it moved oh what just happened all right ain’t gonna go on come on foreign [Applause] Foreign man my bowling sucks I only got speed I’m right on top he got that one yeah no he got that no I was right there uh incoming incoming I’m based on base on base on base I thought they ignored me bro get it get it two on two one two one oh

Oh my God they’re gonna get this fix my chair yeah that was got that uh crap yeah I did I got that oh I did terrible oh I’m so sorry what happened what’d you get one in nine oh I thought he was getting good crits and stuff I had zero finishes but

You’re one at five it’s just bad too people oh just waiting for them to be ready I’m just in bed bro I feel like I do better including some of these you have power oh no they have power there’s power hey what’s up for mother how you been

I was the biggest lager at macro ah okay oh really are you ready hat ready all right um uh retro wait who do they also have okay they have Jacob AKA Storm’s former best friend ‘s at all pressure plates [Applause] one bottom half kill that live by like half a heart with our

Good d bypass bypass bypass all right Falcon [ __ ] knows me all right the Lobby’s full not a uh scrims if you were streams so you can’t you just have to join through the Discord because we both have ref at groups of five people like two

Geo hat on guys yeah trying to get four what’s going on somebody stop Atlas yeah let’s go bro all right I got it zero behind right side you gotta go through this way all right Cam Newton uh reading it might be able to end up in

Wait none of those guys already know are in the call oh God help help got it awesome all right just don’t let them bite though um Flex just 1v2 let’s go underneath yeah inside you power crash all right that makes sense oh I had listened you know I always think there’s like

Someone behind me and then I get yeah all right just like that oh [ __ ] what’s this no I didn’t get the look all right trap what is nosy always get blocked at the worst timings I saw that very clearly it was the funniest thing I’ve seen that’s stupid oh I got killed yeah

I got both thank you wrong game oh all right I’m pretty sure now what about Falcon exploring yeah we have the same music bucket bad it’s in racks over is that AFK still all right we’re missing Iraq we don’t have anyone actually no sparring oh yeah game door too

Dude nerd you gotta be in the vehicle Discord link is in the description I know you’re already in the Disco oh your back rack all right well we’ll fold them sorry again when someone leaves I’ll uh swap you in let’s go Zoo Castle probably like one of my only good maps

And they left oh man bro this is I surprisingly do good on this map I’m not gonna lie foreign mushroom do you guys have a noun do I have a none they do oh they could have took game there there’s tons of people someone is in lobby uh [Applause] um foreign [Applause] nice Jason I saw that I want to check that back later on your stream we were unscrewing before our whole team they went into a VC on a separate server oh I got to everyone hat all right we’re currently most of us all right okay nothing

Falcon they told you they’re drawn that server for so you can join the FBC oh scrim chat I folded I’m sorry ah no worries cool last night it goes getting a little better oh why does it give so much KB complex no honey all right nice nice I’m moving up there

Oh I couldn’t that’s coming on ah nice he’s good I think this is a Jacob guy oh he’s one of his Storm’s former best friend what a way to get introduced he’s uh he was he was hatless uh he was the former hotlist oh power on fight Geo has flag

Yeah I’m saying on nice go go go go go we can get a dream power on power on thank you right another one then they just keep coming in I’m 10 away from 400 subscribers oh [ __ ] them bro oh what how did I thought I had bad on top oh nice to go

Hours at listen coming thank you folks oh wait one of them crashed makes sense oh dang okay Oh he’s got plank foreign what oh you sniped me I was like what I just like disintegrated power got it power power power oh all right I’m uh he liked you oh they’re like Spike bro that lag Spike that was Goofy nice we’re in the wrong camera

Oh my bad I sent him nothing oh uh went offline this sounds nice the games dang hello Game Nerd we should play this bro thank you I feel bad for Cambridge is there a party invite the parties are full that’s the thing all right let’s do uh Castle yes Mark I think

All right was it me pulling up to help with you all right no that got that’s what got me more active in it but I was in the CTF scrims thing for a while I’m trying to send me the first who sent me the invite to that first

Sorry Dean where does this for fall off five above well if I had actually like built it I would have power or trapped uh Power so badly holy that’s true I said that’s what got me active in in the scrubbing I think that’s what made me a host

That probably still would have believed him like a Hoster I mean was it private that sent me the first that sent me the Discord like because I got invited to the YouTubers Discord first and then I’ve ended up in um that’s how I started in there with you yeah

People are about to get flagged so dang it nevermind nevermind now we’re leaving if I was leaving power’s uh going into our what nice defense I’m falling up her right oh yeah where is that I’ll watch that for him quick stop stop Jacob stop Jacob um I’m not gonna come back bro bro

I got stuck on the freaking block bottom right guys um yeah oh my gosh Bros somehow yes smart yes yes yes smart nice nice that’s better that we cap what that thing okay hi that did that that’s nice power inside um ah I was gonna do something cool

If I got [ __ ] that I would have been sick I wish you had gotten Falcon I probably could have gotten this bike here never mind Jacob is also there so I wouldn’t yes Atlas is hiding guys um for a second oh crap oh my God yeah I just followed his

Tunnel and he’s not in there what he’s right there my block just decided not to appear free they jump a bit they’re jumping me it’s like right beneath this one they’re gonna get strength oh foreign I got caught lacking hard Thing oh hurry hurry spawning guys oh nice try smart come on my way I was dead man dead I was trying to help you there’s like nobody on like what is this basically oh crap um I’m gonna like yeah I need you all to get hat lists

Away I was really hoping you guys would get atlas away sorry I focused on stopping the Falcon okay we got this three-person push never mind thank you all right all right here let’s go for like the flag and uh the rest of us stop uh Power all right

I probably should have specified who was doing who oh Get him oh my God that was dead click don’t let him cap don’t let them count and they want ah they lost falcon we are getting Pop-Tart all right getting pop turd oh and move here in BC now that I did not realize my bad’s boring I can

I’m sorry I was typing I think all right let’s do uh Greenhouse I’m gonna go through this game Flex boy all right oh you guys didn’t get in hours oh uh games uh void bug headboard glitch uh let’s try tetra all right there we go all right well these teams look

Wait is this the one where you can like boost I think it is it is it is it is um he sells the heart Jacob’s wagon Destroyer Destroyer destroy yeah are you gonna be able to get that though no I was gonna try but I did not get it

Maybe if I had more blocks oh one left side Geo no I was um Geo Mike I got him oh realize that’s what it is huh ah they I was gonna drop by two it says I got killed by smart it bugs like that okay Friendly Fire ly fire friendly And they’re all here got one of the bear uh yes smart yes yes yes yes yes thank you you’re rolling here and then bro creep well how let’s just spawned at the worst time again I think just one tap like uh smart both styled on it foreign I ran out of block

Do you think no worries at Los Angeles Yes some more Atlas is going to be right on your tail though I’m coming as fast as possible oh crap oh I nearly had him Maybe I really need all of you to oh crap yeah oh I’m playing oh it’s like I can’t there’s like three on me okay and one oh

Oh hatless fell headless spell let’s go nice good captain guys I have a speed two I think no oh my God not to sing I think do you oh my God guys I have speed too so if I can get flagged all right we need one more fly one more

Fly one more flag they’re all headless and Pulp they’re low they’re low they’re low somebody get you off of him speed two goes crazy nice all right Flex headed out oh I snacks I didn’t see that bro that was probably my only good game in that entire script same

All right so Flex left sparring want to join us since you’re here Spark he’s here what I’m trying to get sparring off thank you no I thought we said smart is he on mine he’s not online Spark is there anything else we can get if they don’t know someone we can get

Since sparring is like AFK I’m here oh hey sparring growing up I need someone oh wait what about Looney yeah he’s on yeah but we just got sparked you guys eat the other way well I guess we’ll take a spark oops that’s the wrong one sure um uh

I wouldn’t say that close I don’t know five I’m not hot I’ll do it foreign however we want a majority I kind of forgot I had a mic and was typing hours [Applause] one is above they’re big hit but I’m guessing this house oh it’s not actually I’m with you yes Hat oh what did I do Um power uh he’s on there bro bro power yeah run front front yeah I’ll go on this Atlas go Atlas yo they’re mining my thing what does pop doing oh my God All right we caught him off all right good defense for you Jason I’m right banjo uh one of them ah I messed that up come on yo you got this you got this you got this you got this pop is low all right another one oh my God

One’s keyring one’s carrying so watch out good job good job Palace is Keurig so I’m sure you got him oh Jason I just said I just said there were people there’s power there’s another one Jacob’s dead it’s going so well they’re just on him I thought you I

Thought he said someone’s own I don’t think Q I mean like queuing is like when they’re on it but uh they’re waiting for it I don’t know next flag yeah well because if on flag means where the flag is a second flag we’re simple creatures

Well I think is when I last time I said on flag you guys didn’t know what I was talking about he’s got a point actually because before I called out that it was like oh get you get you now all right I was trying to get them another one pop who does

I guess for future reference now you know that means like when someone’s just waiting for the next one okay because bro pays like 50 logs at once I’m stuck there hold on another one minute don’t die no all right we gotta go just me and you just pop oh Pop’s still here bro Come back go jail please please they’re blocking up our spawns they blocked up our Squad I got speed they blocked up power blocked up uh hat hat as well and Powers champion I shot him twice kill power dead guys oh he’s in there hold on oh y’all can kill him

He’s dead all right we’re good yeah broke up our spawn I’m sorry let’s go rock um oh yeah we can’t win this is I don’t know what I was doing bro yeah we can’t get it this left side someone has to get the flag now of course because it’s no point

Don’t even worry about breakup just all Rush prevent them yeah no we can’t get it what’d you do oh what yep no don’t have time it’s 20 seconds we can’t get it and plus Jacob almost died yeah bye wow these teams are when fletch’s here is pretty good

I mean all right now let’s probably gonna stop here lit screaming it’s been like three hours I mean yeah I guess I’m gonna stop dude I had to do I was gonna play some people had none thank you everyone for tuning in and that’s the end of the Stream

That’s the end of this read hope you enjoyed uh Road do 400 subs and three nine three nine I’m so close probably the next stream or maybe the stream after that I remember I’ll do I’ll do something this weekend to like just to get that little push stay up

This video, titled ‘Doing CTF Scrims! | LIVE On Cube! ( Bedrock – PvP }’, was uploaded by DESTROY3R05 on 2023-03-18 01:18:06. It has garnered 128 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:17 or 8417 seconds. some Music provided by Feel Free To Snipe! [Minecraft Bedrock PvP Stream] {Cubecraft mostly} {duels/capture the flag/bridges/skywars/survival games, maybe eggwars}

  • Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle – Join Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle - Join Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the exciting and creative world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taming an Ender Dragon to soar above your castle, just like in the video you enjoyed. At Minewind, you can experience thrilling adventures, build amazing structures, and interact with a vibrant community of players. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server by entering the IP address YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Minewind offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience that… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and Hacks!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Warden vs Golem Showdown

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  • Insane Minecraft Build Tricks

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  • Villager Trading Hall in 1 Block! Minecraft Gameplay

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  • Unleashing Minecraft 1.20.5: Armored Paws Update

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  • Crafting a Bubble Bath: Minecraft’s MOD-like Tub!

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  • The 1.21 Change Game

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  • Crafty GFX Pack: Minecraft Video Magic Unleashed!

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  • Zombie Attack in Minecraft Land!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

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  • Master Minecraft Money: Click Now!

    Master Minecraft Money: Click Now! Embark on an Epic Minecraft Journey: Conquer the Nether Fortress! Welcome to IDSP GAMING, where Minecraft enthusiasts unite to witness the most thrilling adventures in the game’s universe. In this episode, prepare to be captivated as we set our sights on conquering the formidable Nether Fortress, a task that only the bravest dare to undertake. Unleashing the Adventure in the Nether Hold onto your pickaxes as we delve deep into the heart of the Nether, a realm filled with treacherous challenges and untold dangers. Our mission is clear – to conquer the Nether Fortress and etch our names in… Read More

  • 🔮 MASTER MINECRAFT MAGIC: Enchanting Guide! 🔮 #shorts

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  • Ultimate Creeper Pranks and Scares

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  • Insane Parkour Challenge Live Stream ft. Pr.Ziyu 🔥

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  • Minecraft Survival Madness LIVE 🔥 #54 P2

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  • Unbelievable Mini Ocean Biome in Minecraft! 🌊 #gamers #minecrafttrending

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  • Insane Showdown: Nico vs Cash in Lucky Block Staircase Race!

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  • Unlock Elytra Flight Trick in Minecraft! #Rahul94

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  • Mind-blowing TikTok Hack in Minecraft! 🤯💥 #Viral

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  • PokeXplore

    PokeXploreUpdated to Reforged 8.2.0! PokeXplore has several unique features for you to enjoy! * Pokemon can learn any move they learned in any game from gen 1-8 * Simple TMs – only one TM for each move * Custom Terrain * Automatic Loot Chest Refills – globally! * Stunning and Unique Auras * Quests * Dual-Type Gyms * More features to come! Website: Discord: Read More

  • Werewolves VS Vampires UPDATE – SMP

    Welcome to the Werewolves vs Vampires Server! Join now and experience life as a werewolf, vampire, or hunter in our updated 1.20 modpack. Level up, unlock new skills, and become the ultimate Vampire Prince, Hunter Brigadier, or Werewolf Alpha. Features: Vampirism Werewolves Vampiric Aging Farmer’s Delight Quark Simple Voice Chat Waystones Vampires Need Umbrellas Join our Discord Download the Modpack Read More

  • PixelRealm

    This server contains many gamemodes such as skyblock, bedwars, skywars, normal survival and many more will be coming soon. the above discord server and visit server activation channel to start the server at your play timeThe server also supports all versions and can be played from both java and bedrockEnjoy Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost my pup to a 1% skele crit! Reset?

    Minecraft Memes - Lost my pup to a 1% skele crit! Reset?Seems like your dog really horsed around and paid the price! Maybe it’s time to invest in some pet armor and potions for extra protection next time. Read More

  • Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift

    Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift In the world of Minecraft, MishanYAYA reigns supreme, Crafting stories, building dreams, in a virtual stream. With subscribers by her side, she ventures far and wide, Exploring realms of redstone, where diamonds hide. Gifts from Vova, surprises from friends, In the world of gaming, the fun never ends. From LOL to FUGUE TV, she’s a star, Spinning tales of adventure, near and far. So join the journey, with MishanYAYA in tow, As she navigates the world, with a playful glow. In the land of Minecraft, where creativity flows, She’s the queen of the game, everyone knows. Read More

  • My friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft (HOT MESS)

    My friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft (HOT MESS) When your friends with laggy Wi-Fi in Minecraft start teleporting around like they’re in the Matrix, you know it’s about to get INSANE! #WiFifail #Minecraftmayhem #laggylaughs Read More

  • Revealing the Official Name of Minecraft 1.21 Update

    Revealing the Official Name of Minecraft 1.21 Update Welcome to the Tricky Trials Update in Minecraft! Armored Paws Drop and Realms Plus Upgrade In the latest Minecraft update, players can now enjoy the Armored Paws drop, featuring the Armadillo, Wolf Armor, and various wolf variations. Collect scutes from armadillos, gather your favorite wolf variations, and protect them with dyeable wolf armor. Realms Plus has also received an upgrade, offering a 10-player private server, Realm Stories, character creator items, and enhanced render distances. Ominous Trials and the Mighty Mace Enter the ominous trials if you dare! Available in Java Snapshot, Bedrock beta, and preview, these trials offer challenging… Read More

  • 🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let’s Play #405 – Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*

    🔥 Hardcore Minecraft Let's Play #405 - Direct transmission from German SagittariusA*Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Applaus] na einen wunderschönen guten Tag und herzlich willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft ja ich hoffe es geht euch gut und se bisher auch durch den Samstag gut durchgekommen ja ich habe ein bisschen was vor diesmal habe ich aber was vorbereitet hallöchen brinchen und hallöchen Lina brinchen Moment dass ich das nicht vergesse und zwar und zwar und zwar und zwar genau Eier genau eine ganze schaler voll Eier Teppiche und warte mal was war denn hier noch drin außer schwarzstein ach so ja das ist für die Farm noch… Read More

  • World Domination with Princess_Panda27

    World Domination with Princess_Panda27Video Information are doing Minecraft again cuz I said I would and working on the house we’re working on the third floor now yeah third floor I think yeah I got to figure out how I’m going to put the ceiling on this one and then um go from there I’m trying to get the stream up real quick and then there it is I can share it out real quick and then let’s see [Music] h [Music] okay there we go got it up all right let’s see probably do this someone near on here you want to be… Read More

  • “Insane Anarchy Survival on LantonCore #Minecraft Madness!” #clickbait

    "Insane Anarchy Survival on LantonCore #Minecraft Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играю на анархии LantonCore #анархия #выживание #survival #minecraft #майнкрафт #klauncher’, was uploaded by Hayper on 2024-01-29 20:01:41. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:24 or 624 seconds. Tags (do not read): #klauncher anarchy, funtime, funtime, pioneer, akvych, funtime server, pioneer funtime, farm, minecraft, funtime, funtime stream, funtime anarchy, fun time, coin farming, found dupe on funtime, minecraft, funtime fits, netherite armor, fan time, vulture, funtime fits, funtime coins, minecraft anarchy, dup funtime, holyworld anarchy, minecraft anarchy, wipe, mystic funtime, pvp funtime, minecraft, funtime pvp, in minecraft, cheats,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Explosions & Mysteries 💣🔥 | #gaming

    Insane Minecraft Explosions & Mysteries 💣🔥 | #gamingVideo Information hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybey that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit do that make me haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that I… Read More

  • Minecraft Modded Longplay Ep 11 – Counting Emily’s Deaths: Shizo! 🤯

    Minecraft Modded Longplay Ep 11 - Counting Emily's Deaths: Shizo! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘How Many Deaths? – Minecraft 1.20.4 Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 11’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-02-27 22:00:13. It has garnered 44 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:26 or 12866 seconds. If you caught my livestream where SerenaFire came to raid an ancient city with us, it happens in the middle of this video, right after I run around like an excited bouncing maniac. After that, I tragically die a bunch of times in places and ways I totally shouldn’t have died. Enjoy! Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Grind + SURPRISE REVEAL 🚨610/620 SUBS

    Insane Minecraft Server Grind + SURPRISE REVEAL 🚨610/620 SUBSVideo Information for h what’s up Thomas hey up Thomas how are you doing today how are you doing Thomas racist live once again I’m referring to uh the Los PS TV yes but me no no no chance you’re referring to m ow those suage Works where do you enter you like okay this is not it I’m many good to explain to me how this works where’s little cam cam what do you mean where’s little cam cam right here manam I’m not going to touch anything until goo tells me what to do I’m not going to… Read More

  • Never get banned again with SkySpoofer!

    Never get banned again with SkySpoofer!Video Information hey guys welcome back to another video today I’ll be going over Sky spoofer and the three different spoofer modes as well as answering many of the common questions I’ve been asked by you guys in my Discord so first off what is a spoofer a spoofer is a software that either permanently or temporarily spoofs your computer serial numbers to make it seem like you’re on a new device and this is most commonly used to remove Hardware ID bands which almost all competitive games utilize including valerant fortnite Call of Duty Apex Legends and many many… Read More

  • HARDCORE Minecraft: Ghost Survives 100 Days

    HARDCORE Minecraft: Ghost Survives 100 DaysVideo Information hello guys welcome to my hardcore Adventure today’s episode where we’re going to get scared make friends and many other things to survive these 100 days and if I die once then everything is [Music] gone so just like any Hardcore Minecraft video so to get myself started on the first day I got some food found this ruined portal with decent Loot next I got some wood for tools to then get some Stone after that I went to organize my inventory but then this happened ah son of a [Music] mother a I’m the smartest person… Read More

  • Corgi creates mind-blowing Minecraft sand art! #41

    Corgi creates mind-blowing Minecraft sand art! #41Video Information [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Sand Art (Corgi) #41 #shorts #minecraft #apexlegends #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Persivan on 2024-01-13 17:21:22. It has garnered 10567 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Satisfying sand art in Minecraft . Hope you all will enjoy . If you like our short content , don’t forget to LIKE and Subscribe . Share our video with your friends and let them enjoy . Stay tuned for more amazing videos . Game :- Minecraft Bedrock Edition With RTX On . :- Social… Read More

  • ☕ Java Survival – Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Java Survival SMP Server Java Survival is a multiplayer server dedicated to providing a legitimate Minecraft experience. Every block you see has been mined and placed by hand! Moderators and admins play the game just like everyone else, ensuring fair gameplay. Our server stands out with custom plugins for basic commands and land protections, giving us a unique feel. Say goodbye to the same old plugins like Essentials and GriefPrevention. Server Information Server address: Join us on Discord: Discord Server Our Commitment Provide an up-to-date Minecraft experience with longevity. Champion our community and value player input. Server Rules No… Read More

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