Destroying a Town in Minecraft Anarchy (200 subs?)

Video Information

Yo hello to nosolite my only viewer that’s so funny well thank you bro thank you for being here i really appreciate you like [ __ ] bro you i know you haven’t been subscribed for like the longest but uh you’ve only been here since like two days right i mean i already remember your name

Wrong Yo my peruvian friends yeah i might be building like i don’t know after like three hours of base hunting yo thank you desa thank you so i’m going to be basement thing first let’s hope to find some some nice [ __ ] and after that i’m going to be building again hello tv hello i

I haven’t seen you in a while i feel like it’s uh nice to have you here also if you guys haven’t seen my latest video feel free to check it out after stream tomorrow ish you choose when uh the music is a bit loud i feel like it should be yeah like that

Okay pogba um okay okay so i from this stream on ethernet is here yes who’s gg gfg gfgf i mean um subscribe guys if you’re not yet i’m trying to reach 200 subs i’m going to be hustling a lot these next few months let’s hope we can reach it

Um we we reached 150 subs like way too fast like i don’t know how the [ __ ] we even detached uh so thank you to everyone as you can see my cords are now blocked you can’t see them i don’t know like maybe i’ll just leak chords like at

15 viewers or something like that or 20 we’ll we’ll see we’ll see um and yes of course 18 is here 18 is my best friend i mean one of my best friends i have many friends on the server also anyone that wants to call in feel free i am

I’ve been looking forward to talk to you guys um darts priester i don’t know if you guys are here can you help me i’m in spawn i can i can help you die if you want uh i mean i’m not going to help you right now because i’m streaming uh

So yeah sorry for sorry i’m sure you can get out of spawn i have a video about it like if you don’t know how to escape spawn check the video hello my swedish friend hello hello you wanna you wanna join the the call or what okay okay yo what the [ __ ] uh

Sorry gg who even i don’t even see you wait why is the server dead that’s weird normally it’s peak time right and where am i tripping to get a bit further away from give me promo to your discord and the chords there give me promo what do you mean how oh [ __ ] okay

Uh guys also i have 9 viewers so i i can ask you guys right so do you want to see a uh every time i drink i take damage um like like this week or should i do it somewhere next week uh that i’m like that that that i i have something

Planned for tomorrow uh i’m going to be i’ll type it up i i’m going to be doing building competition which with penrose and hopefully you can join and that’s gonna be tomorrow’s stream every time i drink i know i mean every time i every time i take

Damage i drink like should i do another one this week or should i just skip a week because it was so [ __ ] funny last time i it was the best [ __ ] ever uh so yeah let me know let me know if you guys want that also any video ideas stream ideas let me

Know in the discord the discord thing is link is down below um bruh the cobblestone needs to go away like um on god i spent like four hours or almost five hours editing today it was [ __ ] crazy uh i spent all day editing literally all day and yesterday like also like four or

Five hours editing um and the videos i edited are going to be dropping next week so if you want to get catch them uh turn your notifications on i don’t upload or stream that much so you won’t get spammed by me don’t get no no i i i want to do thank

You gg i love my turtle too i i want to do the the stream the the every time i take i take damage i drink but like with a little bit less alcohol but i mean i know i’m still gonna get [ __ ] up you know hello fury hello my my kids

I mean i don’t know i don’t know guys should i do it should i do the stream you tell me like i listen to you guys if you guys say nah let’s do something else then i don’t do it fury do you want me to do

Every time i take damage i drink part two and then this time without copyrighted music so it won’t get blocked everywhere so that everyone can rewatch it because it’s so [ __ ] funny oh god i’ve never laughed so hard re-watching my own [ __ ] because i like the drinking stream we

Did like oh my god that’s i literally can’t all these [ __ ] were so [ __ ] funny i can’t drink stream was productive uh i mean yeah it was like my highest performing stream uh but like fury should i do it should i do it are you you’re saying yes so sure

Thursday then tomorrow building competition with penrose and hopefully that can join too um and then and then thursday i’ll do drinking uh the best thing about thursday is that i don’t have school on thursday oh and guys also today no tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are my last two days

Of my hospital job so i’m so [ __ ] i literally can’t wait like my you guys don’t understand i’ve been wanting to kill myself over this [ __ ] job and i’m finally it’s finally over wait someone died here bruh how can you die are you coming to the courts hasn’t you

Uh oddless who are you atlas what courses you sent me i mean so many people send me quotes bro i literally have in that time i i spent all all yesterday and today editing videos and hopefully tomorrow i can film something um tv be broke uh message me on discord

Again so i so i see it again oh oh oh you are tv oh i haven’t had the time yet i i was like busy editing i i literally like two hours before the stream i i stopped editing uh to sleep for one hour because guys i’m going to be doing a

Eight hour stream i’m going to be streaming till 4 am my time uh and at 4 am i have to work so i’m literally going to stay up all night and stream uh because yeah i don’t know i just felt like it no i don’t go it’s got this

Camera he tried to kill me bro everyone tries to kill you i trust him he’s a nice dude he watches my videos everyone that subscribed is a nice guy it’s just facts um anything here let’s try to find some bases come on guys come on

I mean i found so many bits already but it’s like i know it’s possible you lost bruh fury everyone tries to kill you it’s nothing special even me even i tried to kill you right so it’s not a bit and it’s not a big deal also guys like the stream so

My stream gets recommended to newer people because as you can see i’m trying to get to 200 subs and it is so [ __ ] hard it takes so long to to grow a small channel um i mean it’s going very good i can’t complain but still like every every little bit helps and um

To the new people here like i rely on you guys to to help me out with new people so if you have any friends uh that’s that like minecraft content and [ __ ] like that to subscribe send them to streamlink uh brah why is there just random portals

Why is this desert village in brown it’s just completely in the uh guys um only guy who has done is in a fair fight basically but i wasn’t a disadvantage when i killed you i didn’t even have timer super intense minecraft player oh my god guys i’m a simp

I i hadn’t heard that one yet outlets [ __ ] bro well i haven’t fallen in lava yet ten minutes in i’m getting better uh you had max said is brought to you bro still still i could beat any protest and i could beat any max or max stats in in part two

Only people i slim for prison scots uh and 18 that’s we ask him for 18 deaths uh he is literally his corpse in disguise but we don’t we don’t say that here uh because we don’t want his identity to be uh to be known um

Please start if you want to call in let me know just just uh tell me right now you know you know you guys are always welcome i [ __ ] it’s it’s the thing i like most about streaming is talking to you guys please stop being so wholesome we are an anarchy

No i’m kidding bro i love you two priests no homo for real um as a priest finally didn’t uh didn’t ignore my message on on instagram i’m actually a female with a voice picture guys oh my god yo um 18 dads uh like if you if you wanna go stream like [ __ ]

Hit me up bro i can call whenever you want youtubers can you call i [ __ ] love calling you um yesterday wait was it yesterday when did i stream no the day before yesterday um next stream i’m going to be no joke 18’s voice makes me blush bruh bruh

Okay you guys can call um all right let me put you guys in the comment that’s bog [ __ ] our first call call you uh priester let’s hope that uh hey priester bro 18 that’s moving sauce i’m kidding well advice street uh chat not on on stream what the [ __ ] yo hold on

Let me put you so that everyone can hear you uh okay talk now hello hello and now our swedish friends yeah we’re starting my baby your baby oh my god i was re-watching the the whole conversation we had while drink yo hello hello and our drunk conversation was the funniest [ __ ] ever bro

Oh my god by the way if you hear any like noise coming from my computer just tell me and i will like turn it down i bet the the chat oh i i moved the chat box [ __ ] guys now now the chat should uh show up again on um on stream i’m dumb

My friend played c years ago on a school computer today bruh what he [ __ ] bypassed the computer so he could play like [ __ ] steam games on it bruh every school has a one dude yeah yo guys did you do you guys watch ksi i do sometimes like i have watched his

Brother like a little bit oh yeah he he is about to he’s going to chop an album and chew and and bruh he got 21 savage as a [ __ ] future i can’t believe this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i fell in lava what the [ __ ] am i like crawling on the ground with an elytra

With you you’re probably having lag okay yeah it was like big brain scar no smooth brain let me let me check this what’s going on here my my my my stupids uh what do i call it uh oh it’s still working okay i’m gonna grab my ipad so i can watch

Your stream as well yes pog he has an ipads oh my god i’m so poor stop reminding me imagine how oh imagine being raped yeah dude i got it from a friend do you think i had some goodness imagine rich imagine money bro i’m going to check on my account

Let me check i went to the store today and it hurts i want to cry i hate going to the store I had to [ __ ] go to a convenience store because of the [ __ ] school food we got bruh they [ __ ] served us raw fish and stale wrong wait what the [ __ ] why what’s wrong it looks cool it was cooked but it was like frozen and [ __ ] it was not [ __ ] healthy

Bro i did get money on my account but it got taken off for like um what do you call it for what like um you give the government money oh like that yeah that’s it bruh i was rich for one second for [ __ ] sake [ __ ] oh my god guys tomorrow my final

My final two work days at the hospital i can’t i’m crying i mean have fun like before you leave like say bye to your people yeah i’ll suck everyone’s dick i’ll just [Laughter] uh sucking the sick people’s dicks i mean i don’t like many of the people

There i i bro there’s this one dude and i want to do a story time about him just about this one dude and i don’t want to say too much because i’m saving it for a story time but this this dude oh my god i have i

Could talk [ __ ] two hours about this one guy i have to work with this dude every [ __ ] day so yeah damn i can make story times i got some as well but do them it’s so fun i also love listening to other people’s story times it’s the best [ __ ] ever especially with

Swedish accent oh no lava okay be right back and grab something do you watch luna the the youtube yeah yeah oh yes guys if you know luna let me know in chats i [ __ ] love luna i literally have been watching him for so long like 2016 i started watching him

Oh yeah you’re more og than me bruh when i i i started watching youtube very late but um since 2015-16 um i’ve been watching like every day so [ __ ] much i think i like started watching youtube when i was like five and i just watched this [ __ ] illegal animation really bro

I i i don’t know why i started so late with like youtube and just anything like on the internet i wish i like did youtube like well i wish i was older and could do youtube like when i was much like much longer ago Like 2014 was such a it seemed like a such a good draw imagine starting youtube in 2014 yeah but like i don’t know i was a kid back then and i i couldn’t do anything i didn’t even have a good computer so i i don’t know i think i started at the

Right time Luna yes he is a man of the million stories yes guys i love luna i uh i also listen to his music i couldn’t buy his merch because i’m poor but oh wow his merch is saying yeah i [ __ ] love his merch it’s like the [ __ ] i would

Wear every day but i can’t yeah and honestly he does good music yeah like i’m a [ __ ] man i i wish i could do music like that so [ __ ] awesome it was one guy in my clash actually my friend he like did a song that would

Sound like really good it was like it sounded like some music you would use in a rap song really yeah he’s actually the guy i play with he’s actually well he tried tried playing on this server wait what’s his name uh i can’t say it because it’s his real

Name it’s that dude that you think this dude used his full name in a minecraft nickname what a [ __ ] yeah i think it says a brother’s name actually but still i mean i don’t want to roast your friend but how dumb can you be like it’s just

On a game in general you’re not going to use your real full name right like who does that [ __ ] i [ __ ] used to when i was little oh my god i never did that never mind but listen i was eight nine eight how did your parents let wish two shits

When you were aids well i mean i played minecraft when i was like eight or nine oh [ __ ] i mean who well never mind i used to used to play multiplayer offensive yeah i was just like i tried saying everything that made no saying then i just fought again

Uh hold on let me read chats you’re allowed to hack on energy wait who says report what the [ __ ] yeah guys report me right now i’m hacking on an anarchy server oh my god oh my god you’re so bad you’re so you’re such a bad boy i’m

Going to [ __ ] report you now because you’re hacked girls i did the heck i did hack oh my god no yes you’re hacked i’m going to report yes stop hacking please don’t hack me guys please imagine nothing cool not like i’m hacking right now yo guys if you’re not subscribed yet or

You haven’t liked the stream please like it so it gets recommended to new people it helps out a lot um yo i have a chill nice seeing you here um i was allowed to go shooting at the range when i was seven but yeah you’re american so american people just just do

Everything at like [ __ ] eight years old being american is just like shooting everything at like [ __ ] six years old you get your first gun when you’re when you’re born like it’s just like bruh it feels like it’s [ __ ] illegal to kill people in america yeah yeah right

This is the vibe i’m getting like how how can you just have guns everywhere like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you i mean i know it’s just in some states more but but still like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you i mean no i should not be [ __ ] i

Shouldn’t be roasting america all my viewers are american guys i love guns i love america please subscribe donate [Laughter] nervous sweating i’m good like like all my viewers are american i don’t [ __ ] get it yeah cringe guys if you’re american i would i wouldn’t no never mind i wouldn’t imagine being american

[ __ ] [ __ ] go to the eu or watch eu yes time zone guys come on what’s wrong with you because me needs sleep yeah I can only i literally all peak hours are [ __ ] like when i have to sleep it’s so dumb i’m down i’m spanish yes yes park spanish people are so park hola amigo dart do you know if gellard is still at the old base otherwise we could give scott

The chords if you wanted to check it out wait what old bass i have no idea where geology is yellow I said jell-o you said this is why you’re watching this is why you like and subscribe because i find faces i find basses oh my [ __ ] yes [ __ ] yes looks like a [ __ ] orc survivor oh ob sword so i don’t have to craft anymore sexy pearls that’s so [ __ ] pog yo

Whoever this base is you’re [ __ ] dumb why would you build why would you let your portal there like [ __ ] dumbass book and cool i can give that to someone nine tnt bro this dude is [ __ ] stacked he’s [ __ ] smacked wait i need to look i need like [ __ ] you

Very soon bro this dude has so much [ __ ] holy [ __ ] bruh why the [ __ ] would you leave all your [ __ ] here i like your thumbnail on the stream i wonder who did that build oh yes i i i don’t know who did that probably a swedish guy yeah oh my god

My friend was actually there yesterday it’s still not grieved really yeah i i don’t think i just [ __ ] grieve it like the all the bases i’ve checked like people don’t grieve them they just leave them yeah as you miss god apples i missed cold apples no way yes you did

Huh am i blind no way i’m getting trolled right this dude is trolling me [ __ ] man why am i even listening to you guys oh i did what the [ __ ] six what i thought you were going to see them thank you uh fury holy [ __ ] i would have missed those

Damn boys yo medical bees beeson bison i don’t know how to say it in english but um nice seeing you here i’ve missed you bro i i i feel so embarrassed that i so many people talked in the in the in the drunk stream and i ignored so many people

Like it’s so dumb scott next time you do a drunk stream i will end uh i would like um how do you say that like say the comments for you so you don’t have to read them oh yes should i do one on thursday guys everyone in chat do you want me to

Do drunk stream on thursday or now like you guys decide what is first day the fourth day um right i’m [ __ ] today is a first in the fourth day of the week thursday is is what do you mean wait is it tuesday today yeah it’s tuesday okay then i know yeah yesterday

First day yes okay okay okay i’ll do it i’ll do it all right [ __ ] yes okay guys it’s your turn notifications on right now you don’t want to miss that [ __ ] you don’t want to miss that [ __ ] and also tomorrow i’m going to do a building

Competition with at 18 dads and uh and penrose it’s going to be the funniest [ __ ] again oh my god oh yeah where do you guys even do build um competitions like on another server oh no no we do i’m here uh we we have a location uh plant already but

I can’t say it’s because yeah yeah of course button that does so much for me i i i hope penrose uh wakes up and i mean he should be awake but i hope he uh joins the the call the thing i like most about about streaming and youtube like is is just

Being able to talk to people so much yeah so much fun and yeah i don’t know i would have never been able to do that [ __ ] if i uh wouldn’t didn’t start it yes just wait hold on hold on i need to reach yet i can’t be snacking um

I will slap my paypal account so hard it will work and i’ll doughnut bruh i i know so light i i added another uh another option to donate um i don’t know if that maybe works better for you um also you can talk to paypal support if

You want it it’s your it works for uh for fury one time so Do you hear birds in the background a little bit but it’s not it’s not too bad all right it’s kind of cute yeah yeah wait are you are you hitting on the birds priest you’re hitting on everything oh my god oh my god i just want to talk about the

The videos i’m uploading next week it’s just too funny that the drunk stream highlights are just too funny all the [ __ ] that happens oh i know what i’m gonna upload because you gave me an idea oh really okay okay damn born uh i was so mad i missed like six hours of

Last one but please oh um okay medical business so thursday 8 p.m belgium time maybe i’ll start earlier uh yeah yeah i don’t know no no never mind never mind 8 p.m 8 p.m belgium time i’ll just go like till very late uh uk it’s legal to kill scott if he’s

Standing on wall and has bow and arrow what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] bro fix fix the uk right now i don’t know what’s wrong with your country i’ll succeed because we need british accents i want british people ash you [ __ ] dwight where’s mongrel he was a british one

Right yeah oh my god was he a british one oh my god it was so funny every time somebody mentioned that british or like everybody goes hey love which do you love oh i wish i was british damn let me just like i would sound even

First if i had a british accent not that british british accents are like bad but like i feel like i would sound really weird uh 18 dance if you if you stay at the at the city the whole they’ll stream or like for another three hours then you

Can stream snipe me because i will come to you uh you he’ll come i will come wait what what i didn’t this is so quick uh i stay up till like 4am my time anyway i just need notifications to work oh [ __ ] oh i i hope they work i hope they work

Nobody wants to miss the drunk stream guys it’s uh it’s the funniest [ __ ] true i shouldn’t be able to miss it now since i got the weekend on first day oh yeah oh [ __ ] really yeah i got an early week now oh that’s so fun next weekend i get a weekend on wednesday

Maybe i’m going to stay at my dorm for the weekends and that means i can stream like the whole weekend so i hope i i will uh um arnel thank you for for already going to the city and and building i appreciate you guys that’s pretty quiet the quiet game yeah

No why we’re here i’m streaming yeah but it’s fun no don’t [ __ ] talk to me bro why why else are you in this [ __ ] chats to be quiet yes [ __ ] you just do it did i get it all wrong all this time bruh i thought i thought you were going to be quiet

No no we won’t i thought you weren’t going to entertain people bruh we need to entertain the every person watching like all 11 of them 69 donated one yes that’s fury but i don’t think he um i mean i’m not roasting you fury but i’m not saying anything i i i need my

Money i sound like a fart your birthday is friday no so light that’s fairy park i hope you enjoy it birthday fridays are the best my birthday is in the exams so i’m going to cry oh yes i’m gonna check one when your birthday is yeah let me check when is your birthday

What what date may 12th it’s almost wait what the [ __ ] what what day is it i need to stream on your birthday I guess that is mate i got i gotta make it yeah wait no but no no no i mean like is it what weekday or what like what day like you know let me let me check it’s sunday oh i can stream on sundays that’s park

I don’t like sundays why don’t you like sunday because you’re so boring that’s true that’s true wait i might be wrong might be wrong hold up bro i’m wrong it’s um wednesday okay that’s also fine i can stream every wednesday yeah boy if you can call in for like a few minutes

The whole chat can wish you happy birthday of course yes because if you don’t say happy birthday on the on the 12th of may to priests i will literally come to your house and kill you in real life in real life not in minecraft and again and the and the and

The very scary swedish man will come to you too you don’t want to make the swedish man angry he will make you choke in a meatball bruh he will bro did you know i was born on mother’s day uh but there’s so many mother’s days isn’t there like a lot of them

Mother state yeah what do you mean like there’s only one mother day really bruh i never know when it’s married i feel like it’s like three times a year that never it is christmas well you could be like right in the way of like it’s not always on the same day

Like no but like like we have the belgium one and then the dutch one and then like international one are there are they all on like different dates yeah yeah so that’s why i get so confused i have a question do we celebrate new year new year’s twice a

Year or once a year what the [ __ ] is that kind of question one you celebrate it like one day and get to till 12 a.m and there’s another celebration well that’s still once a year well that’s still once a year it’s like one period where you stay awake to celebrate

Right so it doesn’t really count you still celebrate after 12. well most people no i i go kill myself after 12. oh in minecraft to real life what do you think no but i i don’t know does it count as two times you can’t kill yourself you gotta

Entertain us you’re asleep oh [ __ ] i need to entertain you guys guys who is entertained are you entertained by me i’m very annoying yes i’m very entertaining i was trying to sound like i was scared who is talking right now please priest and darth vader i i don’t know how to

Put like the the the discord overlay so people can see who’s talking oh no he’s gonna make fun of me like like like people doing a mogus how do i do that guys please tell me i need i need stream overlay uh let me check does anyone know i

Really want to do it so it so it shows up when someone talks scott do you think i would do a good job if i was streaming on youtube yes she would do a very good job Stream now stream stream boy i i don’t think i would get viewers from this i don’t think there’s many people that like me here bruh what the [ __ ] someone asked me if i’m born mate 12. i’m not [ __ ] priest [Laughter] guys alex so csc said

You are born may 12. you are you can’t deny i’m a [ __ ] taurus okay how does overlay work please help me i need overlay i need overlay let’s watch a youtube tutorial with like a 12 year old oh my god yeah i’ll do it next time guys

For next stream i’ll make sure that there’s a discord overlays so everyone can see who’s talking all the time yeah they watched like [ __ ] 20 minute tutorial just to see how to get the [ __ ] stream shirt guys go up to my stream yo i thought fliff was trying to chat all this

[ __ ] i tried and i tried streaming on twitch but i got no views only like a [ __ ] these [ __ ] use bots but it’s wanted me to go to a website and buy box or something medical i don’t see anything on the on on obs or for the

Like like on for discord’s chat levels but i’ll i’ll just watch youtube next time boost confuses me so much i will teach you my song it doesn’t you can’t okay about this goose taught me how to use elijah boos because you can’t explain for [ __ ] yo we need goose man in here where’s

Ghost man true but gooses i’ve only talked to goose on drunk stream and i miss him he called me daddy [Laughter] he was just i put it in the video he just said like okay daddy and there was a weird [ __ ] ever he said it’s so like normally like like

Yeah i daddy but no he said it like sexually you know oh yeah like all right yeah yeah and then and then and then fury was like no only i can call him daddy and i was just like bro oh [ __ ] guys nobody gets to call me daddy not

Even my girlfriend calls me daddy it’s weird don’t call me daddy um i have a joke what oh my god are you going to call goose yes i’m using youtube goose sound effects bruh shut the [ __ ] up i thought you were actually calling goose but he said goose he should answer

Goose very went mongro why why is mongrellos even here i miss mongrel yeah smh and arrow is not here everyone is just gone all my friends left me guys should i ask him if you want to join the live chat yes you’re in live chat you’re in your live show

You’re in live chat we are in sweden yes oh i’m gonna build sweden for [ __ ] sake oh my god no two lights don’t call me daddy please okay daddy brah i can’t it’s weird why does he not answer okay then i’m gonna uh this guy that has his real name no no no

Is he subscribed it’s the only thing that matters yeah i showed him your uh call him right now i will intimidate him i will make him subscribe yeah can i invite him yeah yeah yeah yeah i will scream at him i need to hear his swedish accent crying

Crying and sweetie yeah he has swedish accent too yes hello what up bro you’re that bad are you subscribed yes [Laughter] is everyone in your family subscribed no no no make them subscribe right now make them subscribe i will i will i will kill you in minecraft i love this stream

What the [ __ ] is why are you making that sound you sound like a bird is it the busting chanel that [ __ ] busting up What’s happening bruh so many swedish people oh my god yes there’s two swedish people here now that’s that’s that’s one too many that’s one too many we need to kill one there’s only place for one swedish person sorry we need to kill you wait wait Wait I was trying to do the [ __ ] voice effects but i can’t do it oh doesn’t it work oh should i i will use it on my phone voice changer yes use voice changer sound like pewdiepie right now wait i’m gonna try to open discord on my computer again if it doesn’t work i’m

Going to commit a sewer slide oh yes okay i’ll i’ll do it with you don’t worry thank you i won’t let me die alone don’t you want to continue this operation windows isn’t your windows in in in swedish No honestly that’s kind of cringe bruh put it in swedish right now no no what what what i had to put it in english i can follow some youtube tutorials oh yeah that’s all that’s also why i enjoyed it what are you talking about about windows sweden yes windows in sweden window

Yeah windows like glass like not apple windows make your voice change your work what the [ __ ] wait yeah i’m going to try it as well Why why does why does boris not moan anymore no idea it was so funny who [ __ ] all right just this work does that work that’s it no you still sound swedish oh you’re just [ __ ] still true well on the fish boys it’s the only free one right only works on skype

I used to do that [ __ ] back in the day damn all right hold on i’m gonna try it i just need to log in a chat bro my lights are broke i’m crying no no oh my god i’m dying what the [ __ ] i need to repair lighter right now i almost broke

You what i almost broke my elytra why because i wasn’t paying attention on like um like have i don’t have unbreaking on it yet so like i only have my ending it can’t break right it was just staying on one on one durability yeah but like it scared me because i

Thought it was gonna break uh no solid says get poorest in the car but he like no offense but like it sounds like i’m talking to a seven-year-old it’s just it’s weird you know like i don’t want people to think that i’m some [ __ ] creepy

Like i i also think it’s funny but i can’t do that like too much uh yeah voice is important you know nobody nobody wants to listen to a kid talking to a old guy can i make a stream highlight about your story of you talking to to that one guy uh

Like like the story you told two days ago about the guy that you talked with in the shower can you make me even gayer than i actually am what can i can i use that yeah of course go ahead thank you i i won’t i i won’t use your personal life

Story that’s just too sad if you have any more stories actually later on like it’s so [ __ ] funny yeah i got a lot but i like i have so many weird [ __ ] that i can’t think of like like the other [ __ ] so i have to

Like come up with it like oh yeah yeah like as we grow bro i was like i was cooking like uh like 30 minutes ago and no an hour ago i mean and um i i burnt my finger like i wanted to see if

The if the if the thing was hot and i put my finger on it for like way too long and [ __ ] bro you’re like my mom she does that too but like she can handle the heat she like puts her entire [ __ ] hand into the pen and she’s like ah this is god

Why does she put her own hand in the pan yeah she’s weird yeah you keep going oh my god you should you shouldn’t wait we should add mackie to the call my kids the 18 deaths friends can someone message her because my my chat is uh

Do you guys still hear me yeah i don’t even have the mind okay start my mind yeah can you wait turn for accomplish off because it isn’t working and i can barely hear you yeah i think it’s [ __ ] up on mic or some [ __ ] yeah join and and go like restart your

Discord and [ __ ] yeah uh priests are you online yeah right everyone leave me bruh these guys these guys just left me no i’m still here but like i’m scott shut the [ __ ] up what why no i’m just joking this dude that was uh yo no sir it’s me too i was [ __ ]

Priest’s story was so [ __ ] funny uh and then fury was interrupting it and everyone in chat was getting so angry at fury oh my god fury was being so annoying like when you were stalking uh scott when you’re coming to the city i’m going in like a few hours

Uh but priest can you can you message m4 ccds can you ask her to join the call holy [ __ ] it was kind of funny though yeah it was funny as [ __ ] the story better turn away wait darth are you back no he isn’t okay never mind okay never mind i’ll just i’ll just

Message her myself i thought he was back he’s gone again he’s gone uh streaming i’m downloading the voice thing right now let’s hope it works right it’s not gonna work it is oh my god why is 18 gone i needed him in my life 18 my man 18 deaths

Hello hello i hear you okay good uh does it sound better now yeah it sounds it’s oh she doesn’t want to join us Um what do we call her what’s her name like mckeeds or something like 18 that’s friends oh um scott wait uh i’ll see i already answered that where is everyone today why is everyone not here i am i’m my journey to where uh priestess what

Bro i need i need bases there’s no bases here bruh i’m i’m about to just go to the city and start building again oh no this no he’s just spamming me now the guy who is spamming you oh the guy we just invited I sent him the link to the stream why is he spamming you because you got to keep he got kicked oh yeah i mean come on you know i don’t like too many people in my hotel yeah i i can i i understand it mikey geez mackie these nuts bro

Where is the goose he needs to be online i don’t know yeah yeah i found 24 bases already i think he’s on idol in discord can you guys hear me now yeah yeah [ __ ] clownfish [ __ ] up your mic bruh he’s gone again we can’t hear you

Again first you need to rejoin call your mic is laggy oh my god i’m stuck here [ __ ] stop it’s scott do you know any good stores for computer parts for what computer parts stores yeah but we are in different country online score oh online stores no like i

Wish i did i literally it’s too expensive to me so like i don’t even look at that [ __ ] [ __ ] i [ __ ] need to get something like please piece bro your mic is [ __ ] up again why did you guys [ __ ] up your mic so badly i’m trying to do something for you hold on

It’s fine it’s fine oh my god i’mma just go to the city [ __ ] it um i have one micro center what is a micro center what the [ __ ] uh nikolai bro nikola was so funny last stream i i hope he he joins again um well that’s all that’s uh i see portals

Oh no there’s a highway [ __ ] it’s a shop for pc parts oh okay micro center i mean the shop needs to be in europe because if it’s an american shop like most likely you have to pay like super high uh taxes like on top of it it’s

[ __ ] i get like custom taxes that [ __ ] sucks like i can’t buy anything from from american stores uh oh that sucks yeah oh what’s happening oh my music is [ __ ] up Dark what the [ __ ] are you doing that i don’t know what dart is doing dart just fix your mic it’s fine bro i’ve never talked to dizza actually and also not the door now [ __ ] i should call him sometime on stream gunfish [ __ ] me up my mic or some [ __ ]

Bro just restart your pc we’ll be waiting i will be live for another eight hours so it’s fine it’s fine i will walk to the to the the city no no i can’t walk to it because people know where this [ __ ] uh opening my first can of monster damn boy

I need more i i could order more but it’s i don’t want to waste money mango is best i know but it has more sugar in it and i want to drink less sugar wow he’s dieting no i’m just eating healthy because next week i’m going to eat unhealthy with my girlfriend so

I want to balance it out yeah okay watch out for forces that may be trapped um i mean i don’t really care about trapped portals i have a lot of thousands i literally can’t hear you bro oh wait you’re actually killing my ears but now yeah it’s fine

Wait you can hear me now oh no your voice is your your whole mic is [ __ ] up again wait how about now bro it’s still [ __ ] up the [ __ ] is happening it’s fine just do try the voice changer of stream or later and like try maybe maybe for tomorrow

I still need to reach out to penrose because he i don’t know if everything’s ready yet uh sometimes you should do a fit with your girlfriend i will do a video with my girlfriend once i reach like 400 each subscribers uh so it can take a long while uh unless

Unless i get help from you guys so subscribe if you wanna if you wanna see that uh but yeah see she she doesn’t want to be on youtube if uh if i don’t have like a lot of subscribers which is obvious because i don’t want to also put like everything

Of my life like out out there um yo gooseman you’re here bro hey guys man join the call show nicole can i call you i need you in my call right now come give me that goo snack bruh come here come on booze man join the car can you call the gooseman up

I can do that again thank you goose Wait i i would stream with my girlfriend if after i after she does voice reveal i will stream with my girlfriend because now when i stream i can barely talk to my girl for like a long time uh but yes it sounds better uh i can hear you i think

I’m trying to figure out how to join i i stick with this word bruh your guys is my so [ __ ] how is my mic [ __ ] right now oh no [ __ ] i’m a [ __ ] clone fish yeah guys what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you guys doing clownfish just just slapped your mics

Yeah wait uh is my mic still [ __ ] no it’s it’s a bit better now yeah i hope so hello david boy welcome to the stream oh my gosh my hobby yo goose man goose man goose man i missed you i miss you too oh my gosh your voice is so soft [Laughter]

Hello mackie hello um are you subscribed i mean i think you are thank you for joining the chat mikey can you sing in the ghost language yes man goose man takus uh uh uh honk damn bruh i can sing a swedish i actually don’t know what he sounds like to be honest

It’s like yeah that sounds like that i do like i can’t do this i cannot google i don’t know there’s a joint link in the description of my of my stream so if anyone wants to join my discords get notified if i upload or when i’m going live

Ask questions give me video ideas um join my discords link in the description oh my god that’s a goose i like your singing goose why you sound so cute though uh uh thank you 18 can you can you message me like what a an anti chris says already so i can

Check it out tomorrow after my stream yeah hello conicon nice seeing you for a good time comic con is good boy all right sounds like you’re having sex what the [ __ ] i i’m i’m i’m in a constant state of having sex 24 7. why are you always why do you just sound horny

Because gooses are always horny yeah this dude always sounds horny i’m sorry it’s just my my boots it’s fine it’s fine you can be horny when i’m 21 i’m gonna buy beer every morning whoa i can already do that so imagine having to wake wait till 21 to

Drink alco what a magic what a [ __ ] yeah all the other non-european people [ __ ] you no it’s either because it’s hybrid because sweden wants to be weak or because we get too powerful if we drink beer the vikings in sweden will just [ __ ] everything up so

We need to give it some time sweden sucks now whoa whoa someone is being held a certain chat someone says give me some of that sexy juicy goose ass bruh hit me up baby are you being success in my chat again huh I don’t i don’t appreciate cessnas and chad’s only only in private no i’m kidding your [ __ ] is always sausage always talking about dicks and ass why you guys want to suck dick and chat all the time like what what’s wrong with you sassy guys i i forgot this ign i think

Wait what was your ign That was a social test bruh guys you need to take care of your take care of your skater’s mirrors yeah what should i oh my my my brother asked me uh what i should call my my people to touch me skater is memers me for snow something easy to see you need something

Cringe but also something easy to say My scottish my scotties my scholars scotties guys do you want to because scotties [Laughter] nah i don’t know i don’t know any suggestions the cess club nah [ __ ] you it’s got dozers oh that’s not that bad oh yes i like it i like skateboarders oh the [ __ ] is spamming the [ __ ] i

Need it guys you are now my composers unless i get a better suggestion it’s crazy it’s good it sounds someone on the server is called shut up for real oh that’s a cool name holy [ __ ] yeah bruh I also like the name goose man oh thanks i would have sex with goose man i don’t know who he is you call me daddy in my drunk livestream i still can’t get over it yes goose are you coming too yes i am do what no yeah only only me priest and goose

Understand oh wow so so so i am nothing to you okay you have never asked i am not thank you i am nothing to you vader you are dead to me you are dead to me i can teach you what means what does it mean tell me now yes Do it live on stream what is mm-hmm it means it means bass oh why can’t you just say bass i don’t know it’s not like you’re saying like like we’re not saying coordinates it’s just a secret language bruh you guys weird as [ __ ] they’re gonna slow down and reverse the

Audio and they could hear the chords slow down enhance yo guys i went to the to the to the uh hairdresser today my i i got a fresh cut what’s up y’all wanna touch my hair yeah i want to touch my hair can i touch your hair right now yeah bro

I’ll send you a pic yeah try not to like do anything weird like don’t don’t come whoa don’t come check my hair check my hair please check it now wait let me see let me see uh 18 what happened what happened dating uh the reason we are because we get from scott bruh

You need to take care of your children scots yo what do you think of my cuts please you need to feed them that’s a nice fade would you would you put your dick on that [Laughter] guys everyone that doesn’t know i have a girlfriend i’m not gay okay i’m just i’m just kidding

I will literally slap slap him or her slap him i will set the [ __ ] out of anti-christa i don’t know who that is but i’ma slap them up goose i dare you to leak your cords in public uh well i mean i mean should i yeah it’s just hurts in public

I need permission from priests yes priests 18 you want me to hand down anti-christa i can turn i can turn around and and okay my chords and nether right now are a hundred thousand hundred thousands matter cards yeah why are you so far away because i’m just i’m just a goose like that

Did you just say i’m a goose like that i remember when i was flying for winter migrating 18 18. send me a dm of what he did like for you i want to know a little [ __ ] boy i might get a [ __ ] i must let him slap him up for real

Isn’t antichrist furious all the count i don’t know but if he is i don’t care i’m gonna slap him i think i think it definitely like if i no but like i believe from what 18 death i could be wrong though so 18 if i’m wrong correct me but like

I believe uh the account was like an old friend of 18 and then he just kind of turned around and just destroyed or like messed um like stole [ __ ] from the i uh seven base or something and then stole hilo illus like [ __ ] and that kind of stuff i’m not sure bro

We’re like our main base or what um i’m not sure i’m not i really don’t know because like i haven’t been i i was there he killed a luna man corner how how did this random piece of [ __ ] kill aluminum and corner are they so bad

Has anyone seen uh that’s why you need to teach your children scots let’s go toasters i will teach you pvp you teach me pvp let’s go oh i suck i am the swedish katoa sir the swedish yes i’ll be the american but oh you’re american [ __ ]

He’s real way 18 oh my god 18 did he did he [ __ ] grief our main base like are do we have a new one now or like what happened i mean what a [ __ ] boy like what the [ __ ] is wrong with him i don’t wanna know the full story behind him

Tell him to watch the stream tell him to talk in chat why are you being why is he being a [ __ ] i’ll get him i’m gonna go up he’s like get him with you i’ll i’ll call him right now i don’t care oh can i wonder i’m swedish he’s a kid

He trapped him but corner let him out corner is such a dumb piece of [ __ ] sometimes sorry cornerbot what the [ __ ] is wrong with you oh my god why would you oh my god corner is so dumb scott i will help you find him i’m swedish thank you okay

It’s it’s a it’s a piece of [ __ ] from 2p so it’s probably like the the edgiest piece of [ __ ] ever imagine coming from 2b2 to imagine bro what i bet he feels so cool because he’s from the oldest energy server in minecraft but i’ll [ __ ] slap his mom i don’t care [Laughter]

[ __ ] because you can’t trust anyone yeah it’s true i mean here here i i mean i can hear here’s different like i can’t respect for you yeah piece of [ __ ] came from for now i have never been raided for real 153 subs i need more though i need 200 come on

Guys do better okay thank you thank you i’ll subscribe on all my other accounts brah i know that doesn’t help that doesn’t help it worked for me they know where they just unsub on god i i lost and gained like three subscribers over the past few days so

I’m pretty sure that’s like all out accounts that just went away whoever’s unsubscribed has a small pp i think it’s just youtube and subscribing people like i don’t think it’s actually people and subscribing yeah like yeah but they still have answers they still have a small pp because they don’t

Subscribe yes youtube if you’re you’re you’re you have gay yeah like you swear i was subscribed but then like i looked i’m not so scared yeah i mean oh you weren’t subscribed okay i cancel you now no no no no i have all of those channels where i swear i subscribe to

Them and then guys look at us this we gave who gave this a pp guys who gave sus pp it must have been that of course it’s dead Oh my god guys so this composed me the diamond block says it have you guys heard of this youtube called scottos me i heard he’s doing really good content i would have sex with him yes aka pop-pop oh my god guys 18 deaths is pop off

Pop dude bro that’s what i call my great grandfather oh my god check that check this what if your grandfather is pop bob guys check the street yeah check your stream check your stream Who built this who [ __ ] look at this no that’s my base oh this europe who built this who is this that looks really nice is this her now oh my god erection don’t know area temple or no yeah i’ll heal man oh man oh my god guys thank you holy [ __ ] this

Town is like actually like [ __ ] nice pretty looks really good i know pop-up whoa guys do you know that pop-up is us Wow oh bob guys wait guys i i i think i think priest might be all this does wait this is or i i think so don’t tell them don’t tell my [ __ ] bro guys everyone in chats don’t talk to priests i think he says if you ask me yes priest he is

He is jesus oh my god guys everyone in chat everyone in chats raise this just just use us dude you’re the such one you’re almost like swallowing the mic uh yes i’ll swallow [Applause] Oh guys fury gave me like a hundred dollars yesterday Yeah what the [ __ ] he actually yeah he actually like sugar daddy furious that’s nice free is called guys this is the church of fury my top donator if you don’t know who he is um we pray here for him praise lord fury bro who the [ __ ] hit me what’s wrong with you Oh my gosh anti christ is here what why is antarctica here it’s free let’s be honest i will convince you they killed me what the [ __ ] is that wait what who are they like the that’s the jackass like oh my god i knew that i knew they would be there or

Bruh some dumbass leaked cards no it’s because you’re streaming yeah well of course you have these chords also you have do you have not leaked courage that’s good bro i’m gonna go back right now i’m gonna slap them up they’re interested they [ __ ] underestimated me bro if they are not there anymore they’re

[ __ ] trash crystal brad aircon that they are [ __ ] gone i think that was antichrist yeah it was it was i saw her name he’s an easy pathfinder i mean he has a point but like still but like why the [ __ ] would he would he not even fight me in a fair fight

I’m gonna come help you sweet [ __ ] guys don’t die though like that don’t don’t embarrass yourself don’t underestimate my power [ __ ] you bro well guys we just rebuilt we rebuilt no he’s going to destroy church of fury and my ikea let him destroy let him destroy it’s fine it’s fine we will get him we will get him easily i mean i don’t care about my [ __ ] i care

About killing this this piece of [ __ ] i want to see when it’s about oh wait oh oh oh [ __ ] i almost have more light dress than you scouts i need to hide my i’m going to go back right now but be careful your stream like he could

Find your [ __ ] like yeah i i i i put on be right back yeah okay i’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick oh yeah sure Bro i would slap him up i would slap him right now but that’s the thing he was already like 18 said it like he was already on a highway oh yeah i mean i don’t care about the city we just rebuilt i made the city to be graves like that’s just the point

Search of fury too yeah bro thank you that just gave me more content you know that get your ass to the city right now bro i’m gonna come to the city soon kids thinks he’s sick right he thinks he’s so cool guys i played on 2b2t i can kill

Your way especially if you are playing what does fury another chord it’s not it’s not fury it’s someone from the someone from um i really too nah bro i don’t think it is fury can’t fight like that i really don’t think it is i mean i mentioned fury on in a while

He is at school right now it can be him oh yeah maybe imagine being at school I bet he is not there i bet he left i bet he left he’s such a [ __ ] how’s american schools what about it yeah how is american schools uh well what do you mean by it like what does uh well i mean i get free lunch because

My parents are broke so oh [ __ ] i mean that’s cool right yeah i mean for lunch money your lunch money that never happened do people actually steal lunch money in america Uh yeah you have to be like 20 bucks a week i think what yes what the [ __ ] bruh people here just bring their own food i you get fruitful within sweden that’s why it’s so [ __ ] at my high school you couldn’t even buy food like you had to go outside of school and

Only the the last people in last year were allowed to go outside well my school has a lot of stuff you could buy in the lunch business yeah but my school a bunch of gatorade what the [ __ ] america be like bro please please i bet this piece of [ __ ] is

Watching my stream and he thinks he’s so cool bro you killed it you killed a youtuber with 150 subs you’re not you’re nothing bro you are still nothing you didn’t kill vitamin c bro just do the clown oh my god i can’t why did you shut down your sis white

Skull why did you shut down your streams because i i don’t want to see where where i don’t want him to see where i am i’m on my way to him right now and i bet he’s gone my bet is scared it’s anti-christopher said i’m reading shots for you what is he talking

Talking in game chats yeah what’s he saying he said why why did you shut down your stream scottos me oh he is watching i didn’t shut down my streamer my stream is still up i’m just i just don’t want to show where i am [ __ ] thinks he’s funny

Bro why why is he not on 2b well what [ __ ] he doing on this [ __ ] as anarchy server if he’s yeah why why play on this server when you can play two ways like Saying scott why are you so afraid of crystal well i i’m not afraid of of course i’m literally on my way you shouldn’t be afraid if you have a swedish man wanting to help people i literally would have clapped this i had my lightroom tell everybody i’m on my way hey

Darth you’re here hello where the [ __ ] are you guys are you out there at your base i’m like pretty far away from uh i might i don’t know i might be there in like in like five to ten minutes but i bet enter anti chris takes care of me

Do we do we have a bed here i want i need to go help those fists bro anti christ is not gonna be there they’re a [ __ ] they’re not going to stay there to fight me scared swedish man they know swedish man is coming and i leave do we have a pet

He’s portal trapping no adam well guys we have something to do later the stream we can we can rebuild city well it depends on where you’re building like don’t go in like wait i will text you about this because i don’t want to like give him any ideas of where we are

Oh yeah no i i i it’s fine i won’t he won’t know where i am i i i know how to hide my base what i’m not going to go out on the same highway bro i know how i know how energy works what yeah can i like tell you where you

Should like kind of build so we can like come visit you yeah sure sure tell me that i’ll i’ll build near you guys but like don’t do a tune here because there’s there’s always people that leak courts yeah true i want to join the stream mackie mac you

Uh add me on discord my discord i’ll i’ll um i’ll give you my discord right now Uh i’ll type it in in stream stream chat bra oh shifting views you know what you’re gonna do then bruh i’m not leaking court right now i need to clap back real quick after that i don’t care anymore anti krista if you’re not a scared piece of [ __ ] stay there 1v1 me

Beat me fair then i’ll shut up uh then i’ll move on i want to help you bro i don’t want to see you get killed i don’t care if i lose it’s still fun it’s a [ __ ] game yeah true true guys because it’s it’s to be fun guys maki is going to join

I’ve never talked to this people Scott i like to execute like where you should like kind of build oh yeah so we can at least like i don’t mind traveling though like we don’t mind traveling for ourselves okay hello love hello I need to welcome our guests oh hello maggie who are you welcome people funny guys join the discord it’s linked in the description um double darts why the [ __ ] did you place another ender chest next to the end of this what is that what’s wrong with you

Um yes i i don’t want to go that far out because i i need to always like check out bases like yeah near the 100k so i don’t want to go that far out no that’s fine as long you don’t just don’t go in the minus you know i duked

All of these enders yes now i will go positive something somewhere yeah that would be great yo mackie um we couldn’t hear you i don’t know you can always join It’s so funny this has just sent me something yeah i’m not going to say anything i i i want to be i want it to be a surprise do you have background music on yes yes [ __ ] the background music when i can sing the wheels on the bus go

Everyone’s still watching stream sorry for uh they’re not being um well gameplay i will put the gameplay back on when i uh after i kill anti-christa because i got uh stream snipes by an actual 2b2t player guys an actual 2b2tv so you know they must be a very sad

Person if they play on 2b2t my god maggie we still can’t hear you or wait what about me yo we hear you now hello good because my internet’s really [ __ ] bad i was expecting you to sound like uh the same as corpse i i mean uh 18

Yeah like everyone just in in 18 that’s lives alive has like the corpse voice you know priest no i’m looking for like sheep but i can’t find [ __ ] spider web spiders give me back my [ __ ] treat um yeah we actually need 18 deaths in this call like i want to hear him

Yeah i wanted him to come on the callback corpse and pewdiepie is he available but listen i can’t function with music i mean 18 if you’re still watching and you want to join uh feel free bro oh [ __ ] i’m gonna start blushing again like for real i’m not even joking like i

Wish i was joking i feel so embarrassed saying it [ __ ] it’s fine just don’t moan on the [ __ ] you know i like boris i’m surprised goose haven’t done this moaning oh no no no no no no not again don’t do this weird [ __ ] again hey that was what the [ __ ]

Is there supposed to be quartz in this chest okay 18 don’t worry don’t worry i’ll clap him i’ll i’ll [ __ ] his [ __ ] up antichrist is a [ __ ] what’s up with this crystal dude i don’t know he just he stream sniped me and i had an electron and he thinks he’s

Sick because he plays 2b so i would help you scott guys anyone in chat that isn’t subscribed yet subscribe you’re you’re getting premium content here premium content me getting killed live on stream you’ll end up like krista after i rape him jesus christ hello pandaru subscribe

Also guys like the stream if you haven’t yet so it gets recommended to new people trying to get 200 subs it takes way too long how many times do you say i wonder i need to say it because like i keep like new people join all the time so i have

To say it yes i might be near i might be near but maybe i’m very far off antichrist if you’re still watching maybe i’m maybe i’m next to you maybe i’m not we will never know oh my god i wonder who is the next victim gonna be

From oh no it’s gonna be it’s gonna be me oh no antichrist can’t do [ __ ] he can only like wait did darnell and these are both die bro i mean i guess they’re known these are not known for their pvp skills so it’s fine I got never seen pvp schemes dart i really don’t believe uh like no offense but i don’t think you um can can’t pvp can they only one year [ __ ] darth vader of course oh yeah [ __ ] darth vader yes he can do everything because i can of course show you okay

You can choke me safe to say yeah i’m the worst people how do you say that people peer people no i think i’m the worst like at that i can do [ __ ] yo guys what should i do at 200 steps you should do this you should do anything

I think you should do a giveaway yeah i’ll do the giveaway why not give away giveaway at 200 subs guys come on subscribe right now give away all the my fury has given you bruh i need that chance i literally need to buy food whether you want i’m on i’m on my desk

Bro what what’s antichrist saying he said when is ketos me coming oh bro i’ll come for you don’t worry yes i will also cope for you not investment but damn swedish man is coming for you be scared you fix a [ __ ] bedside careful the swedes are coming literally pewdiepie

And corpse are coming to you oh [ __ ] it’s going to be the biggest battle in mind with history i need to do calculations no hold on i can just put my course on on my screen i can um down boy yeah we need spiders uh priest

Wait hold on i’ll check it out this [ __ ] spawner what the [ __ ] am i saying forest is so pretty yeah well if i if i um if i die to him then i can’t talk anymore don’t worry i will kill him i will avenge you stop it stop wait yeah

I thought you were one of the best pvp players yeah the [ __ ] did he beat your ass because i had my tracers off and i had my electron and i and i was reading chats yeah and i asked my outer totem off also so that’s uh i’m called next time

Holy [ __ ] i got hit and i mean 18 deaths didn’t worry me like he i mean he told me he was on the highway but i didn’t know he was like a hostile player with with gear you know i mean he saw a lot of [ __ ] people

Sent him to spawn or some [ __ ] like bro 18 18 why did you give him chords this is all your thoughts as well if i had a friend and then he suddenly like turned around like that i mean yeah scott that would be the same if you

Suddenly turn around on me or something yeah yeah i guess like i would be like surprised as [ __ ] i might be almost there may or may not be i may or may not be you may or not wait i need to change one key point real quick

Why the [ __ ] are my blocks turning into ghost blocks eat my [ __ ] ass you’re sweating bro nobody is doing that stop stop i don’t wanna eat your ass stop how dare you how dang he sounds exactly like her it’s so weird why the [ __ ] are my blocks not blazing

Oh my god the gold happened i’m rich oh what i mean Swedish it’s extreme okay okay i’m checking oh yeah kill him now for [ __ ] sake do it for me son he’s here he’s scared he’s scared he’s trying to he’s trying to oh my god he’s so bad come on who’s here who’s here here what the [ __ ] is wrong with this huh

I wish i could be there driving the [ __ ] out of this dude oh my god he’s so bad he’s so bad oh my god i got him low so easily god yeah eat don’t forget yeah yeah i got him he’s trying to end crystal me this dude is so trash

She imagined trying to end no not llama oh my god this dude is so trash bro you sucked i i got them down like so easily i don’t have crystals so i i if i had i would end this dude so easily yeah oh my god he’s trash dude i get out of

Here i’m getting him how did he get such good gear in like a couple of days he’s i got him down like under half a is held like two times already like three times but i’m going to [ __ ] mock the [ __ ] out of him if he dies he’s so bad

What the [ __ ] is he doing he’s just eating golden effort but i’m beating his ass so badly it’s just sad it’s honestly sad oh my god i wish i could come and save you no no i mean i’m not playing oh my god he had like three health oh my god

He’s so trashed this dude this dude thinks he’s something this is sad to watch i thought he was a 2b2t player this this isn’t a 2v2t player bro this is not a 2p 2k player if this is the 2v2t player then i’m a [ __ ] god bruh

I thought two d players are supposed to be legendary this dude can’t even [ __ ] kill me he’s a 2b2 t1 a bee yeah bro this this dude is nothing for real yeah i wish it wasn’t so toxic right now nah bro this dude is talking mad [ __ ]

And like running up on me and he can’t even beat me sorry if i’m toxic priest no no don’t match it you’re not talking yo you’re a [ __ ] like you can be toxic to people who deserve it though yeah yes antichrist you’re pissed at the antichrist you can’t even pvp properly bro

Do we have wood here yes we do yes this is going to be oh no no i didn’t oh [ __ ] i i messed up though i didn’t have actually our armor sets i’m done wait where’s my [ __ ] bow i’m gonna oh my god [ __ ] these phantoms

Eat my left nut i swear to god didn’t you already lose your left hand that’s true eat mine right now okay dessert yeah no i think it’s oh he also doesn’t have extra sets oh my god i’m getting him i popped his totem i popped one totem already oh bro

It’s my son he’s going to run he’s going to run get him he’s running he’s running oh my god he’s running he ran away he’s so asbr to be to be [ __ ] wannabe bruh no way this i kicked his [ __ ] ass live on stream bro you’re nothing don’t even

Go back to toby you don’t even deserve to [ __ ] look at toby you’re literal trash i i [ __ ] clap the [ __ ] out of you [ __ ] you bro go [ __ ] kill yourself why are you even on this [ __ ] server bro running away from a fight he [ __ ] yeah he he thought he was so

[ __ ] cool he ran he ran oh my god actual trash excellent he was saying yesterday he was better than popo than [ __ ] bro this dude is nothing he’s literally nothing [ __ ] dog [ __ ] brad dog [ __ ] go [ __ ] kill yourself bro go return to your mom’s basement yo don’t steal my shits

This is a [ __ ] off oh my [ __ ] god bro he’s he’s making excuses saying that you brought so many enchanted out yeah oh my god bruh shut your [ __ ] mouth bro you’re literally nothing you’re literally nothing you just ran away you [ __ ] lost you [ __ ] lost that [ __ ] oh you brought

Apples bro bring your own [ __ ] apples and what the [ __ ] are you even talking about everybody is calling oh he [ __ ] he’s back he’s back he’s back oh my god he ran again he ran again missing the phone i was literally get a mid-air bruh where are you at come back

What the [ __ ] did i do with my shoulder box now bro go return to your [ __ ] mom’s basement go go go back to tube into d what are you doing go wait in your queue while you [ __ ] watch hentai and hate your own life bro what are you doing with this [ __ ] server

This is why i love scott no homo right popped another totem so easily this dude is so bad he can’t even 1v1 this dude can’t even 1v1 oh my god why come to anarchy if you can’t 1v1 bro why even try to fight me why even look

At me don’t even [ __ ] choke on my tracer bro you literally can’t do nothing get out of here get out of this [ __ ] server just leave you already you lost you lost [ __ ] everything you lost your reputation bro anti-christian antichrist oh whoa you’re the antichrist bro then i’m

[ __ ] jesus like what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is wrong with you and jesus [ __ ] just beat your ass bro chill like why even come here and talk [ __ ] anti-trash get him this out get him i’m waiting here i’m waiting here you can’t even return because you i just

[ __ ] beat your [ __ ] ass bro i just beat your ass i’m gonna miss this city so much man rest in peace man sorry for beating you up but antichrist [ __ ] you [ __ ] go kill yourself i don’t care about you yeah yeah go fly up there go fire i

Don’t even care about you i [ __ ] [ __ ] killed you already i killed you with my [ __ ] like oh my god scott is so toxic yeah i’m so toxic guys oh my god like [ __ ] [ __ ] this dude i don’t care about him he comes here he comes comes acting cool and [ __ ] like

Shut the [ __ ] up and now he’s running now he’s running oh oh my god i’m scared of scoot-dows me toast me scouts go [ __ ] kill yourself bro what the [ __ ] are you coming to here on anarchy yeah keep running [ __ ] keep running go [ __ ] run back through your tribute to

T boost [ __ ] ass [ __ ] like go [ __ ] yourself on 2b2t i don’t care i don’t care go away guys if you’re watching subscribe unblock your bed yeah oh my god wait wait wait you need to like block it better anti-stretch anti-slip anti-trash bruh trash can’t even [ __ ] beat me

Can’t even try to beat me run keep running [ __ ] oh wait this is the funniest [ __ ] that has ever happened on this server bro i can’t believe it’s happening on stream i’mma not gonna like suffocate myself so i can die oh my god guys if you like the stream for that

[ __ ] i just beat him up so badly that he had to run that way give give me his armor bro you you you are just making a bad name for 2d players like wait i just lost you lose armor i lost respect for literally every 2p2t player just because of this one clown

Versus [ __ ] no i mean that’s like the stuff he had on i think that’s illusion look he tried to he tried to portal trap me what a piece of [ __ ] bro he can’t even do that properly but i’m not dumb i know how to [ __ ] play minecraft bro did you kill him no

I popped like [ __ ] four totems and i just ran away but this is still alive yeah but he can’t do [ __ ] bro he can’t even [ __ ] try to kill me come back yo i don’t know i don’t know where he at 18 i don’t know where he is he just ran

He left the game did he leave oh my god oh my god i left antichrist left oh my god oh my god that is so that’s actually really sad oh my god guys i actually i uh sorry i said he had to kill himself there was an obvious uh guys we are

Playing anarchy okay i can be tactic sometimes i don’t condone killing self this video has been taken down nah bruh i’ll just i’ll just censor myself he logged oh my god guys you have to subscribe for that [ __ ] if you’re watching and you’re not subscribed you

Literally have to uh can i have his stuff he he didn’t drop his software now he he ran away um okay guys last last day at the base i’ll i’ll go we will go make new town new town i will take my flowers i need to come hit the base for the last

Time guys i’m the [ __ ] nobody can even challenge me try try pull up on me my courts are on screen [ __ ] try challenge me come kill me stream snipe me i dare literally everything everyone if you are a 2v2t player oh no i’m scared [ __ ] you i was going to build ikea

But we will make newtown we will make newtown clockwork make new ideas disappeared quickly i can’t believe this dude actually thought he was so cool like running up on us like oh i’m a bit too deeply here with his ant crystals and i just [ __ ] wrecked his dudes oh

You had enchanted capo yeah bro [ __ ] prepare for a fight then if you think you’re so sick at pvp all right [ __ ] uh 2v2t gavels everywhere and also don’t initiate a fight if you like [ __ ] wrong bruh you know you will lose to me like what the [ __ ] are

You even trying scott can you teach me how to pvp wait my oh um yeah sure bro guys subscribe uh like the like the stream if you haven’t liked it yet so it gets recommended to new players i just [ __ ] destroyed this [ __ ] fake ass super gtt player i don’t even believe

This dude play stupid ct [ __ ] that [ __ ] you need to teach me how to protect my children this dude is probably like like the guy that gets killed at spawn at 2b and then cries and and [ __ ] leaves it again he just [ __ ] locked he logged off after i [ __ ] killed him

Oh my god i didn’t like spamming please give me calls to a phone please give me kids yeah he’s like oh my god chords [ __ ] man yeah bruh antichrist if you’re still watching you’re a [ __ ] bruh you can’t even pvp properly why something can’t work he is getting

More people on bro he can get hill the whole [ __ ] 2b2 server on like if they’re all so trash like bro i can take them out on bro 18 call him on telegram call that [ __ ] boy up until you can’t take king garos imagine getting beat up and leaving yeah

That’s the [ __ ] baddiest thing you can do 18 tell him to add me on discord i will call him right now i’ll [ __ ] roast the [ __ ] out of this trash dude on stream i don’t care about him i don’t care about him i want to talk to this antichrist this dude

Even his name implies that he thinks he’s so [ __ ] sick at the game this dude can’t even [ __ ] fight oh my god it’s embarrassing sue b2d player my [ __ ] ass bro well please please make a highlight or something [ __ ] i will bro this is just finished ever i’m beating a [ __ ] boy

Player up you need to upload the video oh my god oh of course i will [ __ ] boy bruh i hope he’s watching and crying let me join of course bro come here come in here 18. i’m [ __ ] suck uh you should invite anti-christ i can’t antichrist bro i bet you can’t even talk

To me he’s too [ __ ] scared to do that [ __ ] he’s crying he’s yeah he’s probably crying oh he beat me up he had capo he had did I don’t know what to do like he brushes your mind bro don’t even talk to me does he actually play 2b is he actually does he have a reputation there because now it’s gone like he doesn’t he has network bro he’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] boy he can’t even take a fight properly

Oh yeah i knew i would get him i [ __ ] i all the confidence in the [ __ ] room come like what the [ __ ] bro he can call me right now i’ll talk to him on this card but i i bet he’s too scared i don’t think he’ll be screwed i’m gonna

Ask him i can literally call him on telegram i don’t care i’ll call anywhere no [ __ ] excuses but i thought i i i talked to my girlfriend on the other ground like only like i [ __ ] what’s up please invite antichrist to discord chat bro i would i bet he’s too scared

It’s not in this school or anything he’s too scared to even talk to me probably though she was embarrassing beat him up so badly bro he didn’t even get me to half my [ __ ] health oh my god medical beason you [ __ ] missed me killing a self-proclaimed story to d player he was

Acting all cool and i then [ __ ] beat him up and he ran to the away um i mean you can pull up but we’re going to move so we’ll rebuild yeah if you’re close just come here and then we’ll i’ll um i will hide the stream for for like a

Few minutes and we just go somewhere else that’s the best [ __ ] highlight clip i will ever make it’s so funny i wish i could fight him like two this dude didn’t expect me to run up on him with like [ __ ] five cents please wait call me yeah yo who took my

[ __ ] armor one of you know i will literally kill any of you give me my entire ship this dude get where’s my where’s my [ __ ] armor shulker oh i have it oh oops oh no i’m sorry i’m sorry i will kill you and then just oh [ __ ] i

Got it oh my god i’m so sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry okay which arrow was here he would roast the [ __ ] out of him oh my god over here bro i’mma put his name in the title i need him to [ __ ] cry about it antichrist bro

I have never seen him on two bcuties it’s a [ __ ] boy bro i can’t even [ __ ] i don’t think he has a reputation i’ve never seen him there well i mean it has nothing to do with with capitals or [ __ ] like 18 can can take me like at

Least to half my health if if i have gapples like yeah he’s just [ __ ] [ __ ] at pvp what does that mean like take it too what does everyone flicks that they are playing to be just uh yeah yeah yeah they’d be like bro i played two b two t

Where my uh my [ __ ] eight-year-old sister can play two pt that doesn’t mean [ __ ] bro why why the [ __ ] would you flex with that the server is hard this dude actually thought he was doing something oh my god frisk towards me you should [ __ ] play too good city

It’s too many q q hours i i originally can be asked and i’m at your european time you would [ __ ] getting quick i mean yeah that’s true but still like i don’t know i have all my friends on here on this server so i i

Will join you if i if i am your friend yes i mean yeah i mean i i would do it for a video but but like for now like i’ll always main like mind anarchy since i started here so i i feel like i can’t just leave it you know yeah

Will you join another energy server one time i mean yeah sure why not but like try speed running spawners bruh yes i would i would do that [ __ ] for a video it’s so funny oh i wanna i’m gonna do that as well 18 left me a gift that’s so cute

What do you think left here is still here goose man suck his dick right now oh i’m so sorry for killing you bro they’re now oh my god these back to spawn darno i thought you had my choker i’m so sorry i will send you the courts from the from

The new base and i’ll give you sets for for uh for killing you you kill the star wars fun star wars fan oh no i’m so sorry guys i think darth is a star wars fan oh really yeah i don’t know don’t know why the [ __ ] would you like

That that [ __ ] gay [ __ ] star wars uh i put a better fight on 18 with less shits uh i mean i think even fury could get me lower than this [ __ ] antichrist dude i want to build a [ __ ] store destroyer in the end because that would be a good idea um

Guys if you’re not subscribed yet i see a lot 18 people watching like please subscribe and like the stream so i can get 200 subs uh it takes way too [ __ ] long to grow a channel but i’m grinding out here i spent like today and yesterday [ __ ] four to five hours

Editing a video so yeah yeah right i [ __ ] grind the [ __ ] out of this [ __ ] today i’m going to be live for like eight hours so yeah i hope you guys appreciate it so i mean i i’m happy if anyone um if anyone watches me likes like that

Means like the world to me guys thank you that means that you need to subs yeah that that means need to subscribe yo mr can subscribe thank you thank you mr ken i [ __ ] love you bro working death star vanilla guys i’ll i’ll upload the the highlight

I’ll yeah i’ll upload it next week i’ll i’ll i’ll take tomorrow you’re lagging i’ll work for it am i lagging yeah a little bit oh i should be it should be good hours like every now and then i get like spikes but it should be yeah okay you’re good now

Yeah well if anyone wants to donate first link in the description uh if you have too much money uh i will buy food with you with your was so funny yesterday he uh he i think it was nico or venivichi like one of them impersonated his fury uh was [ __ ] funny is [ __ ]

Uh fluffles we don’t need a mod meal is here so you can beat him out today yo boris asa how are you bro how are you i just bro you if you guys are just joining now you just missed the best [ __ ] ever oh my god

This this this is going to be literally the best highlight i’ve ever made in my life um i’m waiting for 18 to arrive here and then we are going to build a new city our city got griefed guys uh here’s the courts on on on not just

Right yes it’s just the texture pack uh this is man’s grave if you want to come here to to pay respect rest in peace man i’m sorry for building you up dude that’s his next grave 2.0 uh i’m probably not going to be looking for bass today uh i i already did too

Much this stream was too hyped already bruh i [ __ ] i can’t believe that happened on stream tells me i can send you the course to man’s real cream oh i have his course don’t worry don’t worry actually go visit it for [ __ ] sake but i visited

On live on stream like last stream i think i appreciated boris i’m sorry you can’t join the call you you always moan i wish i could we can’t have your morning on our [ __ ] like for real um yes guys if you’re only just joining bro 22 viewers holy [ __ ] bro holy [ __ ]

Like the stream uh subscribe um so so guys to anyone that just joined there was a 2b2t player named antichrist and he was acting alco and any stream sniped me and i had matched racers off and i had an elytra on and he killed me

Uh with like two hits i didn’t even have my hour to throw them on so i went back and he was acting all cool and [ __ ] like broken at me and [ __ ] like i don’t know what he was saying but like he was acting all cool and and then

He tried to portal trap me with an ant crystal um and i [ __ ] came back through the overworld and i set the [ __ ] out of that dude and he [ __ ] left empty and just [ __ ] left viewers yeah it’s that’s the peak with 18 18 who’s anti-christos homie i will literally slap anything that’s

Related to that guy he’s so he’s so [ __ ] trash i literally slapped his whole generation up in that fight like his [ __ ] kids will feel the slaps that i gave him in that fight oh my god i can’t believe that happened on stream what are the chances that i get stream

Signed by a real to be 2d players guys and and you know what he was saying he was saying oh he was so many gap fools guy just called me as gapo bro he didn’t even get me to half my [ __ ] health he’s [ __ ] trash um

Wait dart what do i have to unblock your bed already yeah you can do that if you okay but where are you going actually are you going to scott oh 18 yeah i need to meet scott again that could be uh yo i’ll see your meal later

I’m gonna make 18 deaths and mods because he deserves it he’s a [ __ ] 18 18 that moderates my life increasing gifts prison goose 18 18 are you still coming to to the city or should i just go to another store [ __ ] antichrist he’s trash

I want to make it work in death star and [ __ ] read all bases and [ __ ] that’s so funny my house i built for like four hours straight i’m so trash at [ __ ] anything i like it though it looks like a big ass mention of like a pillager the mushroom gave graves got [ __ ]

Destroyed fury fury how are you bro are you home yet oh my god that was so funny i can’t i can’t oh yeah aj is coming is coming nice bro that was so [ __ ] funny oh my god everyone kissed my [ __ ] or got chat bands guys

Kick 18 that’s [ __ ] right fast for hell oh my god yes do you remember when anthony asked you for help to get out of spawn yesterday really yeah oh my god a 2b2t player asking for help in spawn that’s the [ __ ] craziest [ __ ] i’ve ever heard is

That like goose will you help me spawn now right this is like the easiest spawn to escape it’s not easy oh my god i can’t believe i’m surprised how messed up it is like considering how new this server is i mean it’s two months old but like the first

Month like a lot of people like tried so hard to make the spawn pads and then they just gave up the spawn is going to be bad soon because of me oh really swedish man is going to grief i planted a bunch of trees at spawn because i was bored

I will rebuild church fury my top tone either my favorite donator um holy [ __ ] i i’m gonna take those diamonds i’m just joking hey goose your eyes diamonds blocks look how rich we are oh my god oh my god i bet anti krista is watching this and

He’s thinking like bro i wish i was this rich oh this is so funny i can’t oh my god i almost broke darth his bad where look at this weak ass [ __ ] lava casts how is the 2b2t player doing this bad at creeping that’s a small lava cast bro darts good

Baby yeah you you [ __ ] destroyed antichrist you caught him gay yes oh my god i think i think he just ended this life okay i hope i didn’t say anything bad if i offended anyone that’s gay guys it’s all right we don’t we support lgbt yes you can call me such

Yeah yeah don’t be stars though but you can be gay oh [ __ ] am i gay if i don’t wear socks yes yo fluffles is asking is the the lava casts are sloppy yes they are very sloppy please come here hey what the [ __ ] who’s doing this

I have a book i know who’s acting stupid it’s darth this is darth You guys actually sound like girls how are you doing your voice like that hey baby i’m a girl damn girl where are you at bro hit me up hello love one might this my insta bruh add me on snapchat me on snapchat um i was i had greek in school

And and um i i just looked up kill me uh on google translate in creek and i was like bro this is so cool i was like 15 or something and i and i thought it was me was like the sickest [ __ ] name ever and then i hit and then i hated it

For a while and now i like the name again i couldn’t even pronounce koto’s me i’m going through the nether real quick get some quartz he’s probably be playing the real two ptt because he’s scared of you yeah he probably is he’s probably like oh no i got to collect him

Where i try to escape 2b2 t-spawn again oh [ __ ] i might do that one time but i need to fight priority queue and i can yes let’s get close me let’s do collab when we right now i can buy priority queue on 2b and i’ll do it

Yes i can say with pride that i joined the minefield server when there wasn’t any like griefing at spawn oh me too me too i i wish i witnessed i mean i joined on the first day so obviously yes sir you’re awesome how’d you find out about

The server on the first day i used to play here in 2018. you did yeah i was top i was top kingdom in in kingdoms like two two seasons in a row like i was a [ __ ] legend here but then it goes oh that’s where i’ve seen

You i remember did you read it because i didn’t no way yeah i play kingdoms yeah but i played on a different username what was your username goachrooms right i might i can’t no probably not anti-christian’s back antichrist is back oh oh my oh come here [ __ ] boy come

Here wait i need to kill my capitals i need my capital i want my way to you i’m going to kill him there he is where is his [ __ ] boy where are you at bro he’s going to be going to jungle jungle young he’s gone he’s scared he’s scared he’s

Scared yeah i’m halfway there so i’m gonna help you kill him come here [ __ ] boy come here where are you at are you ready oh no i have to get food i’m scout now i almost killed myself there guys i will literally once you want anyone in chat anyone literally me fight me

That he went that way uh i don’t know where he is he’s probably [ __ ] crying in the corner somewhere uh hello smith hospitals yes guys feed me everyone stop blood versus feed me blood i’m the new techno blades who’s techno bait i’m scott those blades rise up [Laughter]

I would call you skrtoskis skatoski’s bro if your girlfriend makes a channel she should call it skatoshie so funny oh my god i can’t scotoshi oh my god i hope she’s listening i can’t this dude actually was like acting cool in chat and then asking how to escape spawn bro

Hey i hate you scott bro i’m sorry darnell i’ll give you a free set for real i i i thought you took my my armor joker i didn’t know uh i killed anti like a month ago did he already play here a month ago why is he

Is he talking in chat let me know if he is because yeah what does he say yes he has not said anything yet oh he’s a [ __ ] boy bro he can’t [ __ ] oh he said something you you you you bought a fairly enchanted apples and 87 well i

Ate normal once you noob you are easy kill bro sure bro come get you watch this stream his hearts didn’t even go down come get me then come i’m waiting and i [ __ ] get it that’s how we do on 2v2 do you [ __ ] [ __ ] on 2b people literally eat enchanted

Golden apples as foods okay i don’t think i don’t think he’s furious anymore because fury wouldn’t act like a person no he isn’t fury but he isn’t fury fury is better than antichrist oh no i’m scared of antichrist his name’s so scary antichrist are you the real antichrist oh my god

That name is kind of cringe that’s yeah that name is really cringe sorry but my my name is pretty cringe as well no don’t worry nothing is cringier than antichrist yeah but my my username is still cringe i mean i i would respect him if he would have

Killed me in that fight i would have shut up and moved on i had such an old my old youtube username was so [ __ ] cringe well what was it what no no no i’m not saying it was a cringe ah i want to know i can i can say henry devin yeah henry

Devil [ __ ] christian is henry your name your real name yeah that’s my real friend oh my god and it’s just the first name so it doesn’t really sound okay let’s call each other by our first name henry uh wait christopher what was your first real name i got two so you can choose

What is it what is that right daniel or bowie oh yeah i have probably i forgot i like boy wait how do you have to do he’s in the jingle guys i flew over the jungle i can’t find them is your name wait can i say your names go yeah yeah

People know my name it’s my spotify yeah there he is my name darius this dude just ran away i can’t believe he [ __ ] logged after i [ __ ] wrecked him yeah kind of not gonna lie guys he’s not in the chango i just flew over there the dude is scared he probably went like

10k out already if i have a dislike on my stream it’s probably from him and it’s to be too different oh no i hope he has friends but i don’t think he would he would actually let them watch this because it’s just embarrassing to kill you yeah yeah where’s your 2v2d

Friends at antichrista come on bro bring them i’ll take them [ __ ] oh i literally i’ll [ __ ] kill them and their entire family every generation you need to fear me on every circle i join i bet i would even beat up antichrist in cubecraft without tanks like easily this tooth is so trash

Oh my god 18. everybody is roasting yeah it’s so funny i killed him and three of his friends he has friends here bruh it’s even more cringy i always saw him getting wrecked let’s do it oh my god go on anti-christian i’m waiting for you bro where are you at oh

Rachel says they feel bad for auntie everyone’s hating him no he’s darnold what the [ __ ] why are you feeling bad for this want to be a 2b2t player and that chris has worse at pvp than me and that says something yeah everyone saw it live on stream you can’t even say

Gabor no no gap but gabo is not an excuse here you literally can’t even end and chris to me did you guys see how he and crystal me this dude tried so hard like oh i have end crystal i’m going to kill this with bro i literally stood here and he

Couldn’t do [ __ ] he could literally play dude you were in the [ __ ] lake he like and crystal himself yeah yeah yeah i got him with his own crystal it was so funny oh my god guys if you’re watching the stream and you’re not yet subscribed or you haven’t liked the stream yet

Please like it so it gets recommended to new people uh feel free to donate and he said he was better than pop-pop yesterday oh my god this dude anti-christa because like pbt that like every person has 64 gapples like [ __ ] stacks instead doesn’t have friends on here uh 18 says um

Oh my god the only dude the only person i believe that here that plays 2b 2bs18 he’s the only one that actually can can back his skills up but [ __ ] anti-christ is [ __ ] a [ __ ] boy i haven’t played on super duty but i’m i’m i’m trash he’s not even [ __ ] um fighting with

Honor like he honestly just i i would have i would have died i wouldn’t have run away if he would have got me there like i would have just let him kill me like that’s [ __ ] that only the decent thing you can do at least like just let yourself be killed

18 would have done really good on 2b bra of course 18 was probably top group there too yeah damn damn boy i was supposed to base with like two people on there but they didn’t have problems xx obama gaming xxx it says is this the sisters anarchy server in minecraft yes it is

Yo obama gaming first of all i love your [ __ ] name um and yes guys this is the sissiest yo i need to do it as an intro let me write it down that’s so [ __ ] funny obama subscribe if you haven’t yet i’ll shout you out i’ll become like firm scenes wait wait

This is different minecraft history i wrote it down so i won’t forget i’ll i’ll use it as an intro next next next video i do like next video i film i mean oh you should do like where you like you take fan made intros god oh [ __ ]

Also write down that you want to like put the discord like you know who’s talking to me oh yeah yeah i need to sorry yeah thank you thank you you are subscribed obama thank you so much i’ll subscribe to you obama do you do you um do you make content or not

Uh discord chat bubbles how is there so many flowers in this forest okay it’s already written down tomorrow i’ll make this stream highlight and i’ll i’ll schedule it for somewhere this or next week i don’t know yet uh can i join the vc you know there’s

Already too many people on the vc sorry guys now i’m definitely making a video about antichrist it’s the funniest [ __ ] ever oh my god um just a roasting video we need to expo expose them for [ __ ] sake yeah we need to expose this [ __ ] fake ass to city player you can’t even

Back up some claims let’s make all these mine will look honestly if you like uh try to like contact 2b2 like players and like get their opinion oh [ __ ] but i don’t think people even know him there like he’s probably a nobody in two weeks that’s the funny part oh my

God oh my god i need to ask 18. i need to ask 18 18. can you please uh ask your two be too deep friends if he what he does there and if he is some something on on there uh or or just uh give me their discord or something

That’s the funniest [ __ ] yeah i mean there’s probably yes i like maker i wanna i wanna i wanna just know because if he is actually a decent player on 2b then i don’t know how the [ __ ] he sucks that badly here but then like make an interview type of

Video like interviewing the members of ruby 2b and just [ __ ] on him oh my god yeah i mean if they’re if there is friends then they won’t but i hope you’re true i mean i beat him as life so [ __ ] i can’t believe that actually happens oh my god where’s the ridge at

Gang nowhere what where’s red shotgun red chad bro i’m red chat oh my god gang gang gang gang wait is this 18 oh no that’s anti christian what the [ __ ] wait what i found him i found him oh my god i need to kill him i need the conveyor

I think priest is the only one with pink chick i found him my phone in my phone yeah i like it i like it oh he ran away again he ran away he’s keep running he keeps running why are you running oh my god this dude

Is a clown he’s a clown i thought i was 18. i would have got him in him already he was afk what shot color are you gonna get don’t make a video about him we are backing you why not why not why wouldn’t i make a video clowning

This this fake ass to bct player it’s a funny [ __ ] bro i i killed him live on i i i correct him live on stream and he then ran away can you like you make all the mindvalled youtubers expose them oh my god of course bro i got legend

That’s really cool i don’t remember asriel he’s trying to get attention but i don’t care his attention is just bad like what i don’t care if he gets attention i just need to clown this dude if he gets attention for being the biggest clown on here i don’t care i don’t care

Or we can like kidnap him and make a like big circus and kidnap him yeah bro i’m not going to do a video praising him and sucking his dick i’m going to [ __ ] clown on this dude i kidnap him make fun of him everyone hits anyways so yeah bruh i don’t care

He he is the biggest clown like first like who was it like condemn was a huge clown and then who else was like a big clown on in the community [ __ ] it yeah oh yeah yeah he left after after 18 that’s roasted him so hard oh sorry

Yeah what like what happened to condom because i don’t see him anymore i think he’s playing on an out but i’m not sure i was a big fan on my first date bro me too everyone [ __ ] hated the [ __ ] out of me ah i don’t know what i was but i wanted the

People to hit me but uh yeah i got i got roasted so hard when i joined first me and my friend anthony is the biggest clown in in [ __ ] mindful history history oh god wait maybe i should name the video dance the biggest clown in mindview anarchy history and then

In parentheses like antichrist uh like [ __ ] boy he [ __ ] locked again the way he looked he knocked off oh that was so sad this dude off no way he logged off damn just accept it bro you are trash you are literal trash you’re even less than trash bro like even trash is more

[ __ ] has more pride than you [ __ ] no just do it bro 18 is finally here he took so long yo 18 you’re gonna stay here i don’t think he’s joining again he’s too scared he’d be like no gap oh i’m scared of deadpool yeah and he’s a 2b2t player guys

Everyone that is subscribed you are now escotoser every stop biscuit toast me gets he gets one sub god give me netherride bruh Oh just or okay yeah sure i’ll give you an angle are you still at this yes you are i need to meet you in minecraft for the second time are you are you coming here yes okay we’ll we will rebuild the i’m he’s crying right now i literally gave you netherrides yeah

Everyone my name is antichrist and i come from 2b2t i’m a professional and i can kill all of you people be like bro i’m stupid to tea bro my [ __ ] ass is stupid to d bro shut your mouth you can’t even beat me also science here

I i would still play 2b2d if i had friends oh yeah i mean i i join mongrel asks for a light show bro i don’t i’m not charity antichrist is a [ __ ] as bo bozo i guess yeah he do be a bozo i thought it was going to be just a

Chill stream but this this [ __ ] clown he joined back he joined back he joined back i bet as soon as i show up on his tracer he knocks off again bro fury of course i i survived spawn this anarchy spawn is too easy bro okay i’m gonna be a little more quiet

Oh why your parents yeah oh no don’t let them get mad at you i will fight your parents tell them you’re on stream yeah i’m on stream don’t understand him where’s that going i’m sorry anarchism is not the top clan um i think uh mike ran and i think that’s

Kind of um a bit better than yours and like if you want to challenge or can we we can fight you guys i i i will i will 1v like seven like the whole anarchism like wait when are you doing a base tour scott um i don’t know our base is like half

Finished like nobody has time to finish it very nice i i might just do it but uh fluffles i’ll i will i will fight anyone in your in your clan at the same time and then then we’ll see who’s the best who is the best like if you want to challenge our clan

We can do war he said he would clap everyone in your group who antichrist yeah sure she was like so toxic yesterday and said you would clap everyone yeah i see nice job antichrist you really did it you really proved yourself there he couldn’t even beat you this dude just

Made himself the biggest [ __ ] clown in mindful history oh my god it’s called build church somewhere else i will fury i will don’t worry we need to we need to praise lord fury for more donation no more food money build a bigger church now yes yes fury we’ll build bigger church

We need funding though fury i mean fun for the resources when i was doing drunk stream i was literally asking every seconds for donations it was the funniest [ __ ] ever i couldn’t even take myself seriously you want more alcohol guys everyone watching right now thursday i’m doing drunk uh drinking

Stream again like you’re not gonna gonna want to miss this [ __ ] you need to turn up on your notifications and also next week i’m going to upload the two funniest videos i’ve ever made so so you turn on notifications uh so you don’t miss it or join the discord so you get notified

I remember when you called me on a saturday sunday and you was i think it was when you were like [ __ ] up after this it was friday yeah yeah uh hangover stream was funny as [ __ ] wait wait 18 found him 18 squirts no oh no he’s not here [ __ ]

18 found him oh my god please tell me when 18 kills him did he kill him suck my [ __ ] dick did he kill him guys oh my god he killed him wait can you make a screenshot and send me to me uh real quick of the chat wait who

Oh of 18 of the dead message of 18 killing him yeah he didn’t he i didn’t see the method but he but he’s raging right now oh my god he went he left he left oh my god 18 [ __ ] legends well he’s gone he’s dead see him raging and [ __ ]

He left he left this dude is so trash please can you screenshot it okay yo can you can you make a screenshot of that please i i sent a screenshot of him raging okay thank you thank you thank you oh my god antichrist is such a [ __ ] clown

Um yeah it’s just sad honestly how badass do this and and like if you [ __ ] talk you need to back it up like in the first uh the first like um week i was [ __ ] talking everyone at spawn and i was still killing everyone at spawn because like if you [ __ ] talk

You need to be able to back it up like it’s so easy like if you can’t back it up then don’t [ __ ] knock um scotch you realize our group lives at your base so i don’t know if if you want to have war against us i mean i’m basically a nomad i keep

Everything in my uh in my under chest so i’ll kill all of you don’t worry like if you want to start a war i will start a war uh he lost yes look in chat all right wait wait chats minecraft 18 come back here we will make we will

Go to a new city how the [ __ ] did you know what are you guys doing yeah looking shirt i can’t see chat oh yeah miko just said mikose got shot caller oh big flaps he can’t kill you because he’s antichrist not anti-god yes guys if anti-god joins i’m gone but

Yellow needs a shot color i said jenner oh my god that’s come back we need to rebuild cd yeah i will i need to make um yeah let’s go let’s go i don’t think it’s coming back to the server yeah no no no guys i’m going to hide my my

Stream real quick my um stream so we can um i need to hide my stream so we can rebuild another city somewhere else guys come 18. it’s almost there we will make new city wait for me no i’ll i’ll just give you new cards don’t worry

I was all almost there we won’t go too far too far it’s fine hopefully still follow the highway because i have no food so funny i can’t believe that we actually did that wait for him oh oh hold on guys you’re not leaving yet it’s okay never mind uh mackie is coming cool

Well we heard maggie voice maki voice reveal guys that that deserves the donation yeah oh my god i really i literally can’t believe that happened live what the [ __ ] bruh can you send me chords to new bass of course of course i will send new chords to all the people that were here

What color do you think uh it is i think he’s a green check discord hold on bro i have literally like oh wait more than 10 discord messages i am there now i don’t know what the score to check bro i have literally like 10 [ __ ] messages right

Yeah i have no idea who that is but where is he where is he uh i can send you screenshot on chords i mean are you on the same highway yes oh on the on the pos x right i mean this guy is uh with each other

That’s mecca she just joined this the stream yeah i’m behind her okay yeah sure i’ll i’ll wait can you just say your chords out light it doesn’t for matter 33. oh you’re too far already hold on can you stay there i’m coming yeah oh i see 18 deaths here now as well

Bro you guys are going so fast oh [ __ ] can’t you guys wait for me the king i need to bow for the king he needs to power for the king and for the queen come on nikki is is the energy queen okay and the queen is geller on uh i don’t think so

Okay guys we are we are coming we are going to new um i need to block off my my stream um so i can go to new city and we will rebuild we will make bigger fury shirts for donations um oh food i mean if anyone donates i will able to

Choose church don’t worry and we’ll make a man’s grave again and mushroom grave because i want to help you with man’s grave yes yes i’ll leave man’s grave to you actually don’t worry yes you canceled me for killing man so uh you deserve it spinning cat spock yes This is so awkward yo uh i don’t know we need more dono the stream yeah we didn’t have any donors but it’s fine i guess i i worked yesterday so i have a bit of money streaming for the fun and that’s for the donation Thank you so much king uh 18 i don’t know where you’re now on the highway are you going plus or minus like i don’t know where you are fury understand uh here you can donate any every stream but it’s fine guys it’s fine streaming is hobby work is work

I can’t i can’t complain if i don’t get paid for paying my for playing minecraft rides Uh i don’t know where the [ __ ] these guys went wait dart you are you’re you’re with them where are where are you uh 33025 minus two bruh i went back four three thousand no thirty three thousand twenty five minus two i went the wrong way hold on

And we’re up on the highway yeah i’m coming to you guys wait one second i feel so poor right now oh don’t worry me too i mean in real life not in minecraft good for the king and queen oh what am i i’ll be recalled

No i’m i’m i’m just i’m vitamin c guys subscribe for freedom c i’ll post my dick i am i’m just a regular swedish guy no you’re pewdiepie bruh wait i mean i shouldn’t i shouldn’t be having like i just put four four gigabytes of ram to my

Minecraft oh wait oh you meant money crashed oh my god this is one of the best streams already and tomorrow is going to be as epic i’m fat mc oh my god i’m fat emcee oh that’s the best [ __ ] ever fails all the scotosis are watching pewdie die Wait i passed you guys already wait you i i’m 33 i’m 3 33 000 i’m not right now oh you guys are here oh my god hello scott oh my god hello hello guys hello i will not talk in stream chats right now uh don’t no

Don’t say anything we are we are now we are now nobody can know what we are doing where we are going we don’t want any any stream snipers like last time you don’t want any stranger there’s no extreme snipers no strangers too uh cv i’ll check this

Card in one second i need to i need to do this real quick i’m so oh i can get my food i can’t even help you wait you are naked here bruh yeah 18 gave me food not going oh 18 is giving me a big gift

That’s very hot show it to fury oh i need to show it fury fury here is big knife i don’t know what is this do you want a deck 18 or can i have it look what i got from 18 scott a pickaxe whoa i’m so rich 18 is rich boy Does he want to back the pickaxe no no the sword oh my is here i’m just looking oh my god this is 18 death spread i need to save it yeah yeah kiss it frame it we got skatous me bread and 18 death spread bruh mackie just said poop why are you

Saying that maki let’s go let’s go guys i am the baby subscriber subscribe and i’ll say let’s go let’s go wait i will resubscribe so you say let’s go sorry if you guys are deaf now i mean i maybe shouldn’t read this outside not the baby Let’s go 18 let’s go let’s go when are you i’m just looking at that i will follow you guys yes follow us we need to go somewhere i’m just hey scott i’m just looking at your screen right now and now i only see the yeah be right back

Nobody can know where we are going it’s secret guys we are rebuilding city we are going to be cozy and it goes i will write every donation on a sign guys so from now on if you donate i will write anything you want on the sign big bug guys big bug very big

I i no i’m not i’m not going to drink my monster yet bro i would order more but it’s expensive i don’t know where where 18 went though and it just went straight hello wms gaming um uh if you’re new here subscribe um we’re traveling to a disclosed location

So i can’t show my screen right now rip the house you made well i i was waiting for like four hours yeah i know right but it’s fine like that the base was meant to be destroyed basically i’mma donate so many racial slurs mongrel what the [ __ ] bro

Uh i will write on the sign anything but no racial serves i’m gonna build ikea as a restaurant yeah ikea restaurant wait if you actually have adding air in sweden yeah we also have a kia restaurant here oh very nice yeah i [ __ ] love it

Yeah i think we went the wrong way er um dart oh no wait 18 deaths are you still on the highway or did we go wrong because i feel very dumb now i need food yeah i have some food i need penrose to to to come to the stream

Just go to me goldek carrots yes okay where’s 18 keep running okay okay no idea Oh great [ __ ] stream already that’s just major stream mongrel you got the whole squad live laughing oh the whole chat i mean that’s funny uh i think i reached my peak today holy [ __ ] that’s crazy wow yeah you hit 22 right yeah holy [ __ ] bro it’s got toaster sparks

Oh my gosh we went past 18 deaths guys scott um corner wait um corner says please tell scott to check my discord guys i’m i’m i’m streaming i’m i can’t i i can’t be i mean you know i’m screaming but like i can be checking this card all the time i

Will check this card but it’s boring for people if i just am silent for for like five seconds to check this first okay i will check it once it’s a big chiller but i i’m traveling right now i i want to until we get to the city for you guys

Okay thank you thank you we make ikea oh wait scotty um bruh i can’t check i need to follow them corner i’m literally following follow me 18 deaths right now but scott can i tell the courts the priest yeah of course of course tell them to please desire now please yes

Thank you oh [ __ ] i hit you sorry i need to add you as a friend oh yes portal okay we built here we built here oh my god we did portal due oh portal cd and you oh wait corner is saying that he wants to help this time um

Oh no that’s possible oh no i’m stuck sure bruh corner hold on i’ll place some water down yeah send corner to the base card so i guess no no no i’ll give you the water i’ll give you water oh no i don’t have a bucket here here’s the ender pearl

Oh my god thank you 18 already placed water okay never mind thank you so much 18. don’t don’t fall all right guys i’ll give you all the basic the the base chords if you anyone in a few league sets uh next time i’m only doing it with uh

With the close people hi it’s the team hello yi team thank you for for checking like every stream since now yeah you would never leak of course not um 18 where are you at man you’re like a father to me Wait where do we build like here right here or no let’s let’s go a bit further from the portal because where is 18 18 why did you just leave me you left us bruh 18 come back to the portal we are lost okay i will just

No i can’t put the stream on yet guys i’m sorry people are leaving but i’m sure they’ll come back soon what could you play chess for me oh yeah of course of course here hear my swedish boy thank you very much you are so rich you are so rich so much gold

Yeah i know Okay we’re just waiting for 18 here i don’t know where he is i got like 10 stacks of gold blocks we don’t have any court yet guys uh fury asking for cathedral fury bro only seven people are watching stream yeah but like there’s not much to see so

It’s fine they’ll return later when i puts the main screen back on sam scottos is mega player bruh scott if you make it really really good hundreds bruh i mean of course i will i already said i will make but like you can’t expect that much for me because i’m not that

Good of a builder you know you are shut the [ __ ] up bruh i’m not did a good job on the cool shirt look at my big epics bro where’s 18 did he just leave i’m so confused oh my god scott always me chest i’m taking it

No i don’t break it though and it’s my last one okay thank you uh okay let’s just build here i don’t care i will bring it for you oh no okay do you have elytra oh yeah come come here come here we will build here

Oh okay oh yeah i said see where you went [ __ ] water i’m here you see me yeah i see okay we go this way and then where are you shining and then you can send the courts to everyone so people can come help build it

Yeah i can send it to you look at me because y’all patch the highway oh i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry sorry i wanna call me up but nobody can block my bed for [ __ ] sake um well guys we are making base here so um oh my god i’ll send you you’re hunting

No i’m not so bad something guys i’m going to make city i need to change the title sorry i’ll do it later uh i lost you i’m at the portal oh [ __ ] it i’ll just [ __ ] type the course okay i’ll give everyone the chords hold on i’ll give everyone the chords

Nice forest is burning oh no okay guys i’ll give you all the chords one second one second i’ll put them in this chat wait who’s in this chat priest mcgee who’s okay gus i don’t care i just goose with my life yeah bruh i would put my uh

Don’t put your dick in the case please this is the chords uh uh 18 that’s check the check the group chat that we called in same for mackie uh now mongrel where are you at corner i’ll give you also the chords i [ __ ] know i’m not

Gonna shake so i mean g [ __ ] right yeah okay [ __ ] okay that’s not far at all evan tube wait who’s this hey can you help me get to your town thing i can’t wait who is this who is this oh is this mongrel oh [ __ ] bro you you change your name

Oh oh here you hear this mongrel i didn’t know it was you that’s why i didn’t i didn’t text you back uh i’m so sad when you find a place please message me chords wait bruh okay i i here’s new chords in the corner darnell here’s new chords

Whose discord is in the background i don’t know not mine desires new quartz i snapped that dude up so good hello why why are you like shining bright uh fear about me check color uh alexis c zed who wants to join my loyalty will be bigger than three you’re shy now

Yeah it’s the glow who is alexa c is that i don’t know him but he’s funny you want to go physically wait i’m going to give your skatosi chest here no thank you can you just place it down yeah i i gave it to you oh clevy wants to

Join uh can see we join i don’t know i mean i trust him but yeah sure why not why not i’m gonna play for an hour more but i’m gonna go sleep oh no because i got this [ __ ] school tomorrow perfect school on a swedish school damn boy damn boy

Okay i sent cards to everyone now i will open the thingy back up nice okay it’s got those i’ll be online at like 5 30 because i have school and homework so i’ll be at base like six okay tomorrow i will be doing building competition guys so i won’t be at

Uh i won’t be city maybe i’ll go later but tomorrow building competition to the fuel people that are still watching 18 18 i sent you the courts and in the group chats i’ll send you and drive it yeah and thursday drinking stream guys you don’t want to miss that you tell

Everyone to [ __ ] watch that [ __ ] it’s so [ __ ] funny it might get taken down i need to go get 18 at the portal [ __ ] l18 i’m kidding imagine losing the portal not like i did i did i literally hold your hand 18 i’ll come suck you off right don’t worry anymore

Where you at maki i’ll suck you off too i’m kidding what forgot they were they are listening uh and that’s weird now oh i can build a nice little house here can i do that scott of course bro i built anything you want at city it is a city for scotosers

Yes only subscribe people can come there and people are interested to a priest but i’m a good builder of course you do i need i need to come over too but like i have nobody to like block my bear oh no but also don’t worry bro i’m not even drunk i can’t make

These dumb jokes i mean i’m kidding everyone that’s watching let me just make them let me just say them [ __ ] please like come on not that deep almost online city yes skoda city guys and we make the cathedral here on the big mountain big boy mountain big ass mountain guys big ass mountain

Nice um that mountain stick i mean if antichrist tries like bruh he i know he is he still has sex now there’s no swedish boy is here so if anything bad happens you know what that means oh guys don’t even try to raid space because it’s chop shop um

Okay i need to get i don’t even know do you have a shovel extra yes i need a show i think i have a show but [ __ ] you phantom i can’t sleep because then i will lose my respawn point the phantom right now [ __ ] it [ __ ] i mean

There must be a hole in the phantom somewhere right like in a mouse probably i mean it has a screen from somewhere yeah yeah that’s right wait where’s the hole in the phantom i don’t see a mouth though [ __ ] i mean we can just make a hole right like wait

With me i have a gift for you you have gifts yes can i do chop chop oh [ __ ] gift oh i have a bet swedish flag yes yo How am i gonna go out with this [ __ ] yes now you can be swedish oh my god guys i’m swedish subscribe i am teaching by now i deserve subscription right now yeah every every everyone that is swedish is pewdiepie yes of course that’s how it works

Bro i don’t have a shovel what the [ __ ] does anyone maki or or that do you guys have shovel i need it so bad i lost my shovels i don’t even have x like i have too many pickaxes and swords but i don’t have chivor or or axe

I have no idea i should build this [ __ ] house i need to put my creativity in this now every creativity you need to put in it yes anyone else want to voice review on stream like mackie anyone in chat tv you can always call him [ __ ]

I need to take on this whole mountain for fury for furious uh fury’s uh church why did you ruin furious shirts that’s so racist what the fury church is so racist how is fury church no no no no no no no that’s not why i he anthony is a racist

Because he destroyed fury he destroyed the church of a white boy that’s that’s so racist [Laughter] i get revenge for the few research oh you can’t show him right now tv that’s sad bro all right corner i we already heard your voice and same for you fluffals that’s not a reveal

And macky was was surviving in the car like you guys make too much noise like no offense like i’d let you join on drunk stream but no this is not trunk stream so it i don’t want it to be too chaotic i need to go to the store tomorrow to buy wine and

Yeah but i think i’m only doing it with one bottle this time oh god i don’t know how to fill this [ __ ] i mean i want to do it with two bottles again but maybe i just don’t drink all the bottles yeah i i mean yeah maybe just buy two for

That i i will have my girlfriends call me if i if i do anything that’s too much you know i will watch you as well thank you thank you yeah mongrel will join join join yes we need british people oh no oh no maki is building me again no maki no

Look at the stream guys looking right now again i remember it i can’t bruh please don’t i will cry oh my god 18 bro 18 is the funniest [ __ ] dude ever hold on i might invite mongrel to this call real quick mangrove why did you name it why did you

Change your name it’s so hard to remember uh i’ll probably be there tomorrow okay fine one girl everyone subscribe i mean probably only subscribe people are watching right now can someone check how many subscriptions i have right now yes you have 157 bro no way it updated wow did i get like six

Subscribers this stream that’s so park holy [ __ ] yeah you did wow we make maps that’s pretty decent i think for [ __ ] it’s me you’re gonna beat me and then you’re gonna beat me cozy i will beat anyone up just like man but you’re never going to beat beautiful

Real pewdiepie i will beat pewdiepie wait for the toast me versus pewdiepie battle yes oh yes i love this i am the next dream guys oh my god you need to make abs on him what labs yeah absolutely no 18 deaths needs to make abs for your statue uh it’s kinda

One day i’ll have 200 subs one day i think pretty soon i think it’s gonna take a long time before i reach 200 bro good yeah do you remember american theme song yes guys and they’re just blinks on this texture pack look this look at this yeah

It’s so yeah i’m not gonna stay true oh you guys downloaded it too yeah i downloaded it yeah it’s so pretty right i [ __ ] love this texture pack it’s so hot i was searching for the [ __ ] lawn oh my god goose always makes like the most

Comments and i [ __ ] know it [ __ ] i love this goose can you do you have any stories to tell uh my stepdad hey what what did he call you a stick what does it mean hispanic it’s a racist wait are you spanish uh which isn’t even wait why do i not know

My own slurs yeah uh darth said he didn’t know what stigma either wait wait speak yeah [ __ ] spicy bro i don’t i don’t know that word oh my god what are you saying well i can did you not watch my race reveal oh my god guys we have fake fans in here

Kick them is there anything if you guys haven’t watched my race reveal smh there’s a [ __ ] smoking weed or some [ __ ] it smells so [ __ ] much wait what the [ __ ] whatever like cooking food mongrel do you actually live in puerto rico what do you live in puerto rico

No i live in brisbane oh okay okay on my own uh you you just sound a bit like low like i can barely hear you is this better yeah that’s perfect that’s perfect oh my god okay can you say more british [ __ ] oh like what uh just talk ready stop

Tell me tell me that she just ate uh a tea with with biscuits she could toast me look behind me statue oh my god 18 no he actually rebuild it what did he rebuild it’s a thing from the building competition no it’s exactly it’s bruh you guys will

See in the recap it’s the exact same build like It’s absolutely swaggin dude guys this is me this is me right now wow coming downhill guys i came so much it’s tripping in the ocean i’m getting your mom pregnant with this come for [ __ ] sake we need we need a compilation of priests saying for foxy

I mean yeah you are but you don’t do the weird [ __ ] like i wonder when i started transformation what kind of compilation [ __ ] people just do dick sucking compilation of me like i mean i’m not actually sucking dick but like telling me that i am

Oh my god you know what i mean right [Laughter] i just face reveal with a video of me sucking dick no i can’t i can’t i will watch that video i won’t wait guys i have a girlfriend i can’t i don’t eat i will donate i don’t want to cheese you’re going to

Be rich if you make an old defense i don’t care i’m not joking i would donate for you to make that video i i won’t though i will donate so much money for me to take dick in a video like that yeah face reveal oh yeah

I wonder whose dick is gonna be no i won’t bruh first of all if i was gay probably yes but i’m not gay i’m into girls and i have a girlfriend so like like everything stops me from doing it and i don’t want to if my girlfriend is

Watching i don’t want a sick dick um i’m loyal to you i don’t want any other man or woman um awesome bro one day i’ll marry her i just know oh i’m going to live with her like in a few years so oh hopefully and then suddenly a couple videos later

Why i broke up with my girlfriend now i’m joking but like that’s cute my girlfriend be gay i’ll reveal wait why is why is obama saying what about the joe biden what are you what are you talking about where did joe biden go why is that in

I will leave now i think because i’m tired if you turn we love you tv uh thursday is the most important stream because i’m going to be drinking stream but tomorrow will be building competitions so i don’t know um i will just build a city from now on so i’ll

Change title real quick so i don’t quite pay people sparking uh minecraft anarchy town building oh yeah finally finished the [ __ ] roof for [ __ ] sake that’s for [ __ ] sake another combination wait how are you so good at building why does this why does this look good

It doesn’t look good or is this 18 that’s built is 18 dead building this or is this you me bro why is this cute like i mean i will put my dick uh goodnight xv thank you for watching i thought joe biden would make you divorce your wife bruh shut your mouth [Laughter]

I mean we love you but that’s out of line yeah bro obama are you tripping for real i mean if i was single oh my god that’s obama you have the best username ever bro please please talk more in my chats like every stream obama oh my god if it’s actually the

Obama gaming channel he’s actually obama yo obama fly me out bro yo obama wait obama what’s your what’s your last name wait what’s your last name obama what the [ __ ] his last name is barack oh president i think what [Laughter] please join please join my discords

Obama i need you in my life more please i beg you oh my [ __ ] god if obama joins the drinking stream i’m dying like for real i can’t this dude is so [ __ ] funny yeah we are not sassy only christian but he is what the [ __ ] producer i’m guys do you guys know

Does not know what sex is excuse me it is not my fault i’m a virgin this is sex on the street right you think so yeah i mean just go to amsterdam i mean there was this girl in just a underwire out in the street so i think so

Guys i bought sex oh my god oh my god guys i bought sex not clickbait what the [ __ ] oh my god i wish i could stream scream like that uh this character gets banned for breaking tos but i can make a new please make a new obama uh so you get notified

By my streams um i need you in my streams bro yo you’re funny as [ __ ] bro do you play anarchy obama uh what’s your name wait fluffles is a sex dealer flip false a sex dealer is called a pimp oh my god oh my god can Voice is so sexy uh oh my god pop-pop you just actually visited my base wow i can’t believe it oh my god in the socialist minecraft server wait i need to look what elijah looks like with impact cape oh my god i bruh this is too funny

Dude empty and uh the campaign russia welcome to the old spanish the last thing you want in your burger king burger is someone’s butt fungus but unfortunately it looks like that’s what you’re gonna get how is your voice so good at that can you can i do the same but with sushi’s

Minecraft players um top ten stratest minecraft players number one number two 18 deaths oh my god i can’t right this is if i don’t remember anyone else’s help this is the perfect [ __ ] clip for my highlights [ __ ] oh my god okay number three number three the fury ate you

Now at least i won’t be bullied for it anymore that my voice sounds like that bro no if counts your voice [ __ ] them you have the prettiest voice i’ve ever heard i i’d probably suck your voice voice right we need such voice like the last thing you want in your burger

King burger is someone’s food fungus but as it turns out that’s might be what you get guys i will i can’t wait for my burger king foot fungus i have a message from 18 dads uh tell us both to shut the [ __ ] up he stuck in 2017. [Laughter]

Yo he got you there bro i got you there you need to do a 2021 meme uh why is it 20 big junkies what the [ __ ] that’s not true guys what the [ __ ] can anyone tell me a 2021 meme i i yeah i i can’t think oh oh i know i know

Baby let’s go scream scream let’s go as hard as you can please oh no dude like i can’t everyone’s asleep in your mic in your mic so it sounds louder okay don’t baby let’s go that’s the start of the [ __ ] highlights oh my god thank you directly into the mic

Directly into the mic thank you so much that’s great well you’re welcome uh wait why swiffer sayings guys i will have sex i will sell pop poop sex no scam free hello free hello bro you’re selling meats i need meat meat’s expensive as [ __ ] bro what this dude always says herself

Un beat me unbeat me i said don’t beat me oh and oh i thought you said beat me i may have beat me okay i will start katerio here here’s cathedral uh it’s going to be so cute i will start with one tower here and then make like a bigger thing here

Okay and here’s that i would call the cathedral are you going no my god i need i need fury i need to praise fury all right well i’ll help you with that when i get there oh thank you thank you priest please yes uh check city scored yes

I’m sorry but you also see like you wouldn’t flip us a session exposed oh my god guys also said that they weren’t sussy but like if they weren’t saucy then why are they banned dude you can’t say that you’re not saucy you i [ __ ] love your brain

I need more british in my life thanks man oh [ __ ] guy can you guys join on thursday for the drinking stream i’ll try i need i need all of you in here like i’ll see if i can okay okay thank you it’s like same hours as always i’ll probably be able to

Thank you that would be [ __ ] awesome that’s all i need just you guys and i i mean 18 if you if you’re still listening can you can you join on on thursday these times i last time was so [ __ ] funny um fury what the [ __ ] are you saying why

Are you why are you speaking japanese in my chat bro do i look like i’m japanese i literally did race review yeah i saw your race reveal you have a nice arm oh thank you bro thank you would you suck it though do you want you just like my arm bro

Yes you wanna know yo talk dirty in english to me right now i don’t usually do that bruh please poor baby where’s where’s the dirty english dog we need it what what kind of stuff do you want me to say i can say the funny but i want to know

What kind of funny just go out everything you know i don’t care you say something like suck my dick or something yeah yeah oh you mean like in a fight or something no no no like like like baby yeah yeah baby girl yeah like that like that like that

You sound like it though come on bro like you sound like a chat yeah yeah i’m like baby girl baby yes hello there baby girl yeah talk to me bro talk to me bruh why is this so [ __ ] cursed what’s happening in chat flip was your

Name makes you seem like a [ __ ] furry it does flip for sounds like a sassy furry saucy fairy fluffles is a fairy confirmed oh my god fluff saucy furry bro I knew the whole time we all knew uh crazy what chat are you in chris do you want to join i’ll let you in for a few minutes um right as you said that crazy enter chat bra crazy is illuminati confirmed wow whoa whoa yeah i had no contacts i’m just fiving

Crazy gracie you missed the best [ __ ] fight ever we ever did on the server but i’ll do a highlight about it like as soon as possible when let’s go the fight it was like oh my god that was like as bad as i am i’m automatically better because if i start a [ __ ]

Fight then i at least [ __ ] finish it yeah bro like i can’t even fight by but even i know if you’re gonna start a fight you have to finish yeah of course bro i was going in there just i i i said if i’m dying i’m dying and i’m shutting the [ __ ] up

But like you you die with your honor that’s you don’t run away in a fight like bruh how [ __ ] low are you the lowest of the low straight up disrespectful yeah bro just finish your fights guys if you ever started fights finish it you guys guys guys check the stream i

Think pop pop is in my stream it looks like pop bob has become the moon what the [ __ ] yo one girl i think i think i’m going to have to uh i think you need to be in every stream thanks mom like i need you here it’s too funny oh my god stars

Yeah uh gigi asks do you got a hack to be good no we hack to [ __ ] not die the [ __ ] if you play anarchy without hex even if you are the [ __ ] best player ever you still will lose it doesn’t matter it’s anarchy you hack for a reason because

If you don’t hack you’re meant to [ __ ] die like my one friend uh he was like people people who hack even on anarchy servers are so bad nah bruh nah to him so many times and he still doesn’t understand and like how can you not understand this literally anarchy

Like everyone has hacks the the worst player with kill ara can kill you if you [ __ ] uh have hacks uh we have no uh ethnox and you’re still a god like bruh it just doesn’t work like that and hacks also don’t help you that much like clearly i [ __ ] wrecked

Antichrist and and and he he had hacks and i still beat his ass up so i mean they helped a bit with like mining and stuff i mean yeah but that [ __ ] you can also do in vanilla it just takes longer so why would you waste time right like it

Just doesn’t make sense people that shame people for hacking and anarchy like what’s wrong with you bro it’s [ __ ] anarchy oh yeah yeah uh bob and i am committing my biggest troll of all i have become the moon guys pop-pop is in my server now oh my god

Oh mongrel just makes my stream my like my highlight is going to be so much better with you and it’s oh i’m guessing this is just going to be my thing now i’m the guy who does the chills yeah yeah you just apply it to everything right do you have a youtube channel

Uh yeah really how many subs they upload like wait how many subs are uploads which one what i could’ve sworn you just said any uploads but at the same time saying how many subs which were how many subs uh okay uh i have like 30.

Oh i think i wish i think i already found your channel right uh you’ve seen the one where it’s just a reupload of you finding my base oh that’s where i know your channel from okay okay bro you need to talk in your videos you could actually do something you’re funny as [ __ ]

Thanks dude uh some dude named sorex is talking other language in my chats but zorix i mean i see you bro subscribe if anyone’s watching and hasn’t subscribed to like the stream yet uh it helps me out a lot i’m trying to reach 200 subscribers i’m going to be streaming for like

Another four to five hours and if you want to donate feel free to uh okay that’s all technically my first ever youtube video is a minecraft video [ __ ] mine too like i was like what nine bruh with how old are you now i am 17 by 2018. oh yeah yeah yeah i asked

You that when i was drunk i remember now and i and i guessed it i guess it i remember guessing your age i’m [ __ ] drunk dude i i already watched everything back so uh to edit the highlights compilation wait sorex access hi i play call of duty

Warzone and mine get on ps4 bro if you subscribe to me i’ll i’ll subscribe to you right now we do sub4sub here i don’t care i need subscribers wait i’m looking you up right now hold on hold on zrx only the best youtubers on here 3 a.m minecraft anarchy challenge at a.m Gone wrong gun sexual foot fun look can you can you can you intro my my trunk stream for me real quick uh what do you want me to say for okay so say like um oh i don’t know what should you say say like um

I am not skurtos me but welcome to the scotos drunk stream okay thank you that’s perfect uh zorex i can’t i can’t find your channel i looked it up like you need to be a morality bro everyone starts like that wait sorry i i for real can’t find your

Channel i’m actually looking for it and i saw it on channel but i can’t find it you click on them in the chat can you z zorox no i can’t click on people on chat i think or can i you’re so sassy i know you took my fortnite card zorrex uh

Add me on discord and send me your your channel link or join my discord and and use the self promo channel uh uh crazy you wanna and you want to join the call hold on where is gracie you must be the imposter you are so stussy i just saw you went shut

With gracie gracie gracie what’s your what’s your discord gracie i i can’t find you right one girl you’re too funny i can’t uh ask at all if you ever play bad words i i don’t because i suck at it bro i’m bad i only play skywars dude you’re

Meant to be like the best player at pvp on this server what are you doing man i mean i i i could win but i just don’t grind it because i’m better at you know other things gracie i added you as a friend uh rick

Uh i sent requests sorex add me join the discords i i want to stop to you i want to check out your channel i feel bad if i don’t um i mean i said stuff first up so i need to keep my promise you know imagine you bro i feel scott playing bad

Worse would be a liar hilarious uh i did it on on b doggy games guys check out my latest video i uh the dude i collabed with i i played bad words on his channel so uh if you want to check that out it’s a very funny video uh i wish i uploaded

That [ __ ] that’s funny as [ __ ] so last video b doggy games his video is the first link in the description feel free to check it out i love the fact that i’m awful at pvp yet i’m decent at bed wars somehow yeah i don’t know guys wait who is who is this

Oh oh my god guys 18 deaths is pop-up is pop-pop in my anarchy top 10 sussy moments number 18 deaths is pop bob why we got this dude with this voice how how do you have that voice it’s the most beautiful voice i’ve ever i’ve been practicing man i’ve been practicing oh

My god that’s so perfect uh gracie i i sent you a friend requesting discord you need to accept it um the um joel’s voice in an anime voice can we watch what voice i can try and do the chills voice but in an anime voice oh do it do it

Number 15 burger king cut lettuce the last thing you want in your burger king burger is someone’s foot fungus but unfortunately it looks like that might be what you’re gonna get bruh you need to moan though where where’s the moon’s hands okay you’re actually good at this [ __ ] down Empty dumps you’re so sassy 18 dads thank you for joining yeah he i love when he does that just join for one second it’s the greatest thing and then just screams into his mic uh zorex i i still can’t find you hold on i’m missing chat messages

1818 is corpse husband by the way but it’s not good don’t tell corpse husband guys uh guys like the stream like like the stream and subscribe i will i will i will um i won’t secure deck but i’ll give you i’ll give you a kiss gracie subscribe we have both chills and

Carp’s husband uh imagine getting a boner to moaning bruh well who’s getting a boner who said flip that dislike for the moment no come on bro come on we need to animate no stop moaning like the stream i need i wanted to get recommended oh my god It’s too late you guys like the stream it helps out the launch yeah gracie accept my friend requests and i’ll add you to the vc okay it’s not that hard you know what it’s hard you can make my dick when one growl moans what

Oh my god i did you did oh she did what she can’t what what what does that mean gucci like you’re crushing like what the [ __ ] is that it’s supposed to fall dude you’re a fairy why would i listen to you i’m not i’m not gonna i’m not

Gonna oh she joined nope dog who voice reveal voice reveal gushy she can’t it’s crazy we are all waiting for voice reveal voice reveal dude it’s not i don’t i don’t think crazy is a dude or or are you i’m using dude as a gender mutual term yeah okay dude talk to me

I don’t let you talk bruh check your uh voice and sound settings this is so sexy you’re so sassy you’re so sassy i know you took me for that guy i know you took my 19 fortnite card oh can you do the 19 fortnight cards [ __ ] with that stupid voice you do

Uh wait in the uh child’s voice yeah the 19 fortnight cards 19 fortnight card i know you wait the actual like original all the uh i don’t care just do whatever bro 19 fortnight card who wants it and yes i’m giving it away remember share share share and trolls don’t get blocked

What the [ __ ] uh corner um bruh i don’t want you in the call today coroner i join on drunk stream i’m just fighting with these guys connor rhymes with boner and that’s kind of sucks rhymes with i’m gay so that’s kind of sad wait it’s priest sauce yeah

I can’t believe you guys have not realized that yet wow uh corner don’t make me go corner don’t make me meet you bruh i i just said to you on drunk stream i’ll let you in not today bro not today okay boy if he stamps one more time i’m

Using him guys corner you know i love you but bruh okay i’m getting this thing you kind of see dude stop corner you’re kind of broke corner why is this why so yeah why is that are you so sassy corner why are you so [ __ ] with that

Why are you acting so sassy today oh my god i can try and do joker voice i’m the joker bad man what are your [ __ ] voice actor or something you’re so sassy Can you do another monster you want to sound like these stars can you do the amogus impersonation of the cersei’s shut your mind bro guys if anyone’s everyone’s up to me or get your baby blown up guys stop this it’s up to 18 dads of course up to 18 deaths it’s up

To me i didn’t know you hit me and like the stream please um i i will be streaming for the next four and a half hours uh till i have to go to work at 4am geez uh sing the a movie song what’s the moga song oh yeah duran moga song

I don’t know the amogus song uh it’s a sus song right it’s like [ __ ] how do you do it i don’t know it i just know cersei oh [ __ ] i i forgot how it goes i mean i i’d sing it but like bro i was watching pewdiepie before the

Stream went up and um he he’s saying uh never gonna give you up and and uh i honestly forgot how good the song actually was like it’s a [ __ ] banger song i used to listen to it when i was a kid before like rick rolling or something

Are you wanting me to sit there never going yeah sing it sing it sing it sing it never gonna give you up never gonna let you down why is it run around uh uh oh yes i meant to meet your client def i’m going to put you right now bruh

Nice nice 18. i’ll check it out when i when i yeah link it there uh also link it in my discord um We’ve known each other for so long you won’t get this from any other guy i just wanna tell you how i’m feeling i wanna make you understand never gonna give you up i’m never gonna let you down [ __ ] yes this is like wonderful thank you conical i’ll see you later uh apparently

Wait hold on guys obama is talking he says rick astley is house master yo oh my god you exposed him i am house master i think i could play that song on my ukulele i’m gonna try uh hey uh medical try try it turn them on and off again i don’t know

Maybe it works but wouldn’t wouldn’t wouldn’t get demonetized though dude what playing playing um rickroll no i can’t i can’t stream because like i don’t want my string getting getting blocked like i want it to stay up so people can can watch it and use clips for from it unfortunately

Unlike the drunk stream unfortunately i’m not going to do copyright music anymore i mean it’s a vibe but like i don’t want the stream to get taken down that [ __ ] was gold though it was so [ __ ] best stream ever i heard myself this thursday the funniest stream well two okay

The funniest stream volume two yes i’m just going to call it the same but with a two behind it listen wait is that you chris who was he clearly i think priests right my ukulele yeah yeah yes nice play some [ __ ] what do you want me to play uh

Yeah i’m never gonna keep you up very cool i can just play it no wait dude this reminds me of something else this reminds me pl please shut the [ __ ] up by pink guy come on dude oh wait i know that one wait let me look up yes wait hold on Come on dude i’m drinking monster the white flavor this is going to be okay give me a second i’m going to look up the chords bro i’m hopping out there stop being a [ __ ] god shut the [ __ ] up nobody even wants you here i’m sorry i got it stuck in my head now

Guys watch 18 that’s video right now 18 deaths videos are literally like so good i actually like them 18 i will literally suck your dick right now where your video at literally i’m sucking your okay i got it i got it do you want to hear it yeah yeah yeah

You’re ready let’s play it yeah yeah okay what’s the intro away yes Well there you go i don’t want to bother the stream too much dude i will literally like dress as pink guy and like like i dude will your face reel my girl my whole youtube channel is a face reveal dude really what do you ever

Wait hold on let me let me look you wait what’s your channel name i forgot did you just say let me lick you no yeah lick me bro lick me oh my god bro i said look you up i i would never lick up a man bro that’s

How this is i honestly that is disgusting wait who is this is it this is crazy yo you’re actually a girl guys can we have [ __ ] chat for girl talking right now an actual girl that is not a trans girl like me wait are you a trans girl kinda

What’s your pronouns or is it just i don’t have any preferred help okay sure not just just to make sure you know uh hello corner corners here guys spock uh gracie by the way you can you can join the chat anytime also on drinks on drunk stream i’m gonna need a lot of

People in the chat so uh and uh in the call i mean so uh if you guys don’t know but i can’t watch streams on my home computer and the one i used watcher streams it doesn’t have doesn’t have voice connection i can’t princess on here and watch the

Stream at the same time oh [ __ ] but can you but you can’t call in right uh i don’t know i mean yeah let me know if you can on the thursday stream yourself let’s see i know you took my point thank you yo what’s your what’s your what’s your

Channel name uh uh mongrel and just mongrel like if like when i talk and stream if you just click my uh i can click people in stream i don’t know why i forgot fortnite he did like far knights oh that’s how you do next time you have

A fortnite player in the minecraft like chad you need to be like fortnite i’m confused what’s going on we are just weird we’re just [ __ ] talking at this point we’re not even saying anything wait 18 is showing me something hold on by the way i’ll do it i’ll do a very

Good stream highlight from this one but it’s gonna take me like five hours to [ __ ] edit trying to get all the uh chills audio from me wait 18 that’s showing me something i’m so confused stand here and and it’s going to come all over you

Wait no no he’s blowing it up he blew me up bro 18 why are you blowing me bro i don’t know what the [ __ ] is wrong with you 18. step bro stop blowing me off stop blowing me 18 what are you doing step bro i mean like if you wanna

What are you doing bro what why is mickey looking at me like that bruh 18 already blew me like bro chill wait is it actually a pop bop no No no no 18 is pop bob but he is he he is also cop’s husband oh my god he’s everyone yeah 18 is corpse husband didn’t you know yeah teen is god yes he is oh my god that’s the best thing i’ve ever said everyone in in peru is sucking music at

This moment so wait if 18’s god then that means that just remember i’m an underage girl [ __ ] bruh guys can oh my [ __ ] i’m just calling the cops right now no guys i didn’t know i didn’t know i am calling the police i told you like 13

Times when how old are you if i may ring all of your streams i i thought they were joking people were saying you were 12. you’re not wrong oh my oh my [ __ ] i didn’t say anything weird to crazy uh yeah you you told me that i was sucking uh 18’s balls

I didn’t i said that everyone in peru is doing that yeah oh my god oh yeah i’m in america yeah yeah it’s fine i don’t live in france how old are you i’m a lesbian what the hell this chat is so cursed oh my god i’m a lesbian i think we’re american

Oh that name oh bro that’s a good one um mongrel you’re hella cute bro like those [ __ ] memes like i wish i could grow a mustache like that and a beard yeah dude i shaved really yeah i have to go off at around like oh yeah 8 15 which would be in

Got time like right after midnight okay yeah i’m staying my parents are coming i’m gonna stream for like four more hours so it’s fine whatever oh jeez okay bye bye see you later i’m not going off right now it’s not like i still i thought you said you were going right now

I don’t know in 30 three minutes oh i’m sorry oh sorry come on girl sorry can you give me beards what i need beards i didn’t really have a beard it was more just there was a beard i need beard right now it’s not really a beard give me a beard

I’m sorry it’s not really just starting to grow stubble at like 16 bruh i literally can’t grow beard it’s so sad i can grow a beard and i hate it it looks disgusting be happy be grateful no it’s not fun because look i’m short i’m short as [ __ ]

When i have a beard i look like do i hear cersei talking listen baby listen stop it what the hell are all the 13 year old boys in my class getting beards i can’t grow [ __ ] i think i’m actually the shortest from everyone around here you’ve probably

How tall are you here i am but he’s like four three i’m not four or three you’re [ __ ] i’m like i wish i was five i am like 170 centimeters i’m like i’m like uh 175 six ish i am like how much is that in inches

Like five nine i think five eighths ish so i must follow you you sound like a [ __ ] 20 year old what the [ __ ] you do sound pretty old yeah why do you sound so old i don’t know i sound are you can you just can you

Just can you can you raise your voice so you sound younger thank you Holy [ __ ] don’t feel bad about being perfect my last girlfriend was wait what the [ __ ] is moaning like that what the [ __ ] is that crazy no no way right it has to be goose dirty it wasn’t me oh yeah it’s probably because it was oh it wasn’t me

Jesus [ __ ] christ i hope you don’t know like that medical medical beast how old are you he’s saying he’s older than everyone in in this vc i just realized he’s not older than me i’m the oldest what the [ __ ] how old are you he’s like 45 ish oh yes You’re you’re my son bruh you say everyone’s your son zombies my son that’s hella sad what may oh [ __ ] medical you are older than me then can you do the old pewdiepie intro oh do it you want me to say the old no no no no

No no no no no no no no no darth vader let’s do it darth vader needs to do it he’s swedish oh sure what’s up bros my name is pewdiepie guys i have a pewdiepie and corpse husband in my stream that’s so much clouds yo how is

It pewdiepie please shout me out please yes shout me out please give me big big big ass shout outs big ass yeah oh i’ll be i’ll be cinnamon toast so far so far you’ve got [ __ ] what is it uh corpse um pewdiepie and uh

Uh chelsea cdm oh my god yes dantd oh my god wait it’s that annoying you don’t have to let me in but just let everyone in at some times flip us i can’t let any everyone in like you know ah bro how many times do i have to

Explain this you guys sound way too young and it sounds it’s just weird talking to to people that scientists sounded like i was 20 years old yeah i mean i’m not talking to you i mean um everyone is in this vc right now sounds like at least above 16. but like you guys

Sound just way too young and it’s not i have nothing against you guys but it just sounds weird to people that just join the stream and and i’m talking to to people that sound seven and like you know i [ __ ] love you guys but it’s it’s just

Like don’t get offended by that it’s just like bro come on i just needed my bed mean guys do you think do you think i should let everyone in the vc what’s your opinion not literally everyone at once please like i think that would be way too many people

It’s going to be like really chaotic and it’s not because of their age it’s just it’s going to be chaotic no matter what i know my swedish house is so like look crazy joint but she is like very calm she she just says something every now

And then but you guys are way more active in the vc it’s like nothing personal like i’m calm i’m calm as [ __ ] yes we are all just fighting here one time i translated the wikipedia page for the word pedophilia why are we talking about pedophilia it’s a bad it’s a no no pedophilia

Oh yeah guys don’t do pedophilia just so you know yeah do not smoke a priest doesn’t mean i [ __ ] children okay priest got groomed on by a old man when he was younger it’s only 15 the old man was priest but i grouped myself i’m sorry you’re watching

Oh my god doctor phil is that you who it is doctor phil and jesus famous people are on the street in voice chat doctor phil is sassy very doctor philby looks good with that big Oh jesus i thought you had a girlfriend yeah why the [ __ ] you coming on me then brian alice says that was not me it was my tweet and scott aren’t they since you called the police on both of them both said that either i was sucking something no more neighbors you wasn’t

Sucking anything bro i am not sick no i don’t i don’t suck anything for sure you suck Yes i don’t sound like i’m 20. i mean that’s that’s not a [ __ ] deal teenager i mean it’s not bad for like this you just sound older than 12. i think we know what you’re talking about i know she does she sounds like at least like 16.

Yeah you sound like someone guys you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] this is what he means means that no you sound older than you are because you are using your words right like you talk like better than someone yeah yeah yeah yeah it works did someone say okay forbidden words number one gay

Oh my god what is this can you use the fa word if you’re asexual you can use that word nah but like a lot of people don’t consider asexual people in the in the community right yeah but like if you’re a man and you’re asexual and you’re dating another man

Like it’s like you can still use that word but if you’re a man you don’t have to dirty if you’re asexual and you’re a man and you’re a man dating a woman is it different then You can’t say it like treatment from the unit one yeah right like i don’t think it’s actually suffer as much about it uh like from it actually i want to get like i don’t know if scott minds but i want to get like real personal right here don’t do your thing i

Like personally i have like i’m pretty sure i’m asexual like i don’t label it but like i have zero sex drive so i just don’t feel that [ __ ] you know but like i still like decide on that but that’s the thing that’s like saying if you’re gay like okay have sex

With a woman first before you decide like that’s uh yeah it’s not wrong like saying like it’s it’s it’s like i just don’t have that drug like i don’t have those feelings wait but how how do you know that you that you’re by them why not still love someone without

Wanting to have sex yeah all of my friends are changing from bi to asexual i don’t know that’s the thing i think that’s like there’s a really big chance like some most people who identify as asexual indeed like um like end up like uh having sex later anyways but

That’s because they’re it’s like trauma related yeah maybe they just don’t know i’ve had it yeah they’re figuring themselves out but like i’ve known from like pretty young you know and it’s like i just don’t have that and i’ve been to doctors for it like i just don’t have a drive

How did you know when you were like three that you didn’t have a sex drive i didn’t say at three did when did you take three no but listen i i think it’s a bit weird to say like have sex first before you know no i know like i know of course

Yeah of course i don’t i’m not saying that actually no i know but like it’s like it’s like weird saying that to somebody like ultra like gay like okay ethics with a woman then um yeah that’s that’s normal nobody should say like try it yeah yeah sure

The person that you had sex with your girlfriend wait the first one yeah uh no she’s not mine she’s no no she’s not my first one like i’ve had many it’s too personal but more than one it’s very horny um wait no so light says am i the only one

Who understands what scott is saying by not letting everyone in yeah i mean i i hope everyone understands and i’m sorry that fliphos and corner gets uh angry about it but i mean i hope you guys don’t take it too personally i’d be certainly surprised if anyone else like didn’t get it

I mean you’re taking a break i think you also need to be careful young people on your stream because like you need to be careful like you’re over yeah i know i know really about it yeah i don’t want people to make anything weird with it like i’m just fine like assumptions yeah

You don’t want the tommy in the dream thing where he made a joke and like i didn’t know that yeah the dream was like didn’t turn it literally just say like nah dude it’s fine he’s my favorite yeah probably yeah but like but tommy and it said like something about his age

Being 16 and then dream was like it doesn’t matter as a joke oh yeah yeah well that was ninja he’s like a reverse pedophile like age is just a number a reverse battlefield i think that age is just a number it’s single-handedly one of the most threatening things i’ve ever heard

Just like so vaguely terrifying i don’t know what it is but there’s something terrifying about just like dude i’m underage age is justin was 9-1-1 wait for the thing i mean it’s hard not to take it personally when you let a 12 year old grow in but say my voice to eye but

The big difference is i’m not saying that you’re childish but the like look look at look at like darth vader for example he’s 14 but when i talk to him it sounds like i’m talking to someone my age almost and and when i when i talk to one of you

It’s nothing personally but like it feels like i’m talking to someone like way younger than me i am way younger than ever but it doesn’t feel like it you know like i’m just talking no but that’s like scott that’s kind of hypocrite you know like

I i get i know what you mean with like okay the voices but like she’s still like 12 years old and i don’t know how old fluffles is like it’s a little bit unfair like it’s not like yeah so it’s like not even such a difference i mean you want me to to

Apply it to everyone then like 14 minimum age what well you want me to to to only talk to people like at least 14 years old i haven’t said that but you can’t like no but like what would be the best thing to do then i’m asking you i’m not trying to listen

Saying you can’t like say that you’re letting this thing happen and then look way like for the exact same thing you know that’s what i’m saying and i don’t know what kind of thing you want to do and because this is I’ll talk to you later yo okay i’ll see you later bro bye bye bye bye goose goose noises so priest what what would you do in my situation i would just say like in general or if you don’t want them on your stream right now just instead of like saying bro you’re like

Is lagging for you guys or no oh no yeah he’s gone but now he’s there wait yeah priest i you’re to leave for like 10 minutes so all right it’s okay oh [ __ ] this is the foundation of the church i built it i need to make it bigger no it’s still

Uh that’s what she said why is the church so round Stop i am so bad at making this okay i’ll make it bigger [ __ ] it that’s what she said but make it really really ridiculously big i’m not on the stream right now you can do whatever you want on the stream your friend just got downed i remember him now we’re heading southbound

Now we’re in the [ __ ] park streets what [ __ ] song are you singing it’s true with you what chug chug with you have you never heard chug chug with you oh my god dude Oh no you are not a mean man i don’t know who what song is that choke joke with you blog drama yes we’re doing blog drama who can join the stream and who can join oh my god so much drama bro i hate making a thing about this

People stop bitching you sound like mickey mouse Look the thing is i really don’t care about who i talk with i’m not [ __ ] flirting with any kids or something like i’m just [ __ ] talking on a minecraft game i’m just like i just fight with other people better than with other people it’s just like how you choose your own friends right

And like i appreciate that you watch me but you can’t like make me like talk to you if i don’t survive with you like that you know like i have nothing personal against you it’s just like the vibe do you want to hear a sound of a dying duck

Why not i mean yeah sure kill the duck what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] You guys can hear me okay yeah we can hear you uh medical what do you mean preference um 18 went in bro thank you 18 for for that oh bro 18 is so good at roasting people it’s so [ __ ] funny he’s like mineville’s roast person oh

My monster is almost empty i’m going to cry oh no don’t cry you’re not under your bed man there’s always monsters under your bed man oh my god that one was so bad i’m sorry yeah nah i’m gonna have to make a public apology video just like you did with uh num

Public apology for the joke thank you guys i am sorry for what i said on skotos me’s stream on the 27th of april 2021 i uh i was 28th [ __ ] yo reuben ruben maranas pre-record he’s wasted of enjoying as [ __ ] and enjoying the stream thank you reuben uh

I i haven’t seen you talking at all but i mean if you’re enjoying i’m [ __ ] happy uh fliffel says i’m not trying to pitch about it i’m just pointing this out because some people are annoyed by it you could say only your friends are in

The vc i don’t care okay i’ll just say that then um sorry for the are you sure about that what nothing okay are you sure about that about what okay so yes i’ll just say that then sorry if left was for a misunderstanding i’ll just put my friends in the dc okay

I’m sorry it’s not uh i mean yeah let’s leave it at that okay or or i can just wait a minute what and your discord fluffles is marked as a friend but i’m not cap oh my god oh i need something let’s go this is so sussy dude you said

Friends what the [ __ ] i got exposed from live on stream live you are friends now oh my god you are friends oh my god 19 year old friend with a 12 year old girl oh no okay i’m deleting friends hold on it’s so so sick you’re leaving friends

Oh no my [ __ ] discord crashed i’m crying oh [ __ ] i mean not my discord my my minecraft wait is obama gone your mind yeah oh no i was about to ask obama you didn’t even tell me your last name before you left obama barack where are you you also does

Me i’m here i don’t know what this sounds like obama is here guys obama is higher voice obama female confirmed well done who is obama who is obama time stopping noises Brother wait wait what who who said who said something about killing killing what wait someone said something about what i heard something about killing obama what why are people killing obama this is not good bruh i said whatever and how do i get it oh yeah that’s low-key racist i can’t

Believe obama didn’t die yo is this oh my god sorry darts wait is darth vader not in the chat oh yes oh you’re here why why are you not talking i don’t know what to say just just say sassy that’s content look at this show me your epic swords look at that look

Oh wait you don’t have shots wait look it fire but work it’s so good yes i know it’s so good bruh why are you so poor i i i i can’t bother doing new armor right now why is 18 deaths in the boat just chilling he wants to go for a swim

Oh i’m in his boat bruh as it says the imposter is sauce right i’m taking a screenshot dude i just saw you i’m exposing you for exposing you bro wait what you just got exposed from live stream you have it when i don’t know did you lick your dick bruh no i literally

Wait slumbai says can i say some cringe annoying ugly rails yeah sure somebody go for it it’s like a guy with a wheelchair is here let’s beat him up it’s the breaking bad wheelchair guy oh my god forgive me like what the [ __ ] you talking about i think he just saw your dick

You are you saw your dick how he went in your pants I am very scared i can’t get him mongrel has a mongrel has a bigger stick guys stop stop getting his [ __ ] thank you scott oh i’m getting [ __ ] here i’m in shape among cersei brah amongst cersei guys among sassy what two things can you never eat for breakfast hang on now

We’ll read this in the chills voice what two things can you not never eat for breakfast what come on see the next part dude come on somebody come on wait we’re waiting for somebody oh what two things are oh i didn’t oh no where’s them but i’m gonna kill them

And never be eaten for breakfast um slumbai come on say it you’re being dusty dude what what is it slumbai what is this he made you he brainwashed i wanted to get revenge for man should i make a texture pack that just turns the minecart into the baby car please do

If it doesn’t exist already i will try my hardest wait first look it up it doesn’t exist already because i don’t want you to wish your time whether it does on night it convertible minecarts oh my god we need that guys scott city is the best city ever oh my god disgusting

Dude we have all those good dosers here scotosis there’s just two sketchers here everyone here is subscribed only subscribe people can join the city and you need to donate 100 every day yes you said i could join and i i don’t donate you donate with love sang on

I don’t know respond blushing right now this dude are furry for real what i was lunch and dinner somebody you make me want to kill myself what are you saying friend i can’t even fake laugh at that lunch and dinner oh my god i’m going to [ __ ] make phantoms go extinct

Please do i can’t handle this okay wait no 18 killing yourself no no no no no no no no no no please no no no no no no no no get one okay get one [ __ ] I was trying to take out the fire i i couldn’t 19 deaths [ __ ] it’s the worst joke ever make ikea i’m waiting for it i i need blue blocks i need terracotta or something you can just mine whoa where the [ __ ] is there we got hacked by

Pizza oh my god pizza is saucy where is all the wool uh i have wool for you here yes i need here i’ll give you all my wool my big white [ __ ] i’m gonna make this phantom pregnant with a alien here’s the white wall i have here white wall white supremacy

Oh my god hold on give it back i’ll make it black wool we need to be on it it needs to be blue no black where the [ __ ] did you go come here what you needed back to make it black no no no no i’m kidding oh my god i’m going to [ __ ]

Rape these phantoms oh my monster is empty welcome to a new video with swedish video yes i can’t do intro the best swedish youtuber ever not pewdiepie pewdiepie is the best one oh no you’re gonna say like anomaly or some [ __ ] oh yeah he was going to say darth vader oh

Yeah yeah that’s true dude i just killed myself to get to spawn and like killing yourself because but like getting on the phone is so easy what’s with the [ __ ] just joining the server and they’re like i know where are the trees i don’t see any

Trees oh my god i’ve been standing still for the past 10 minutes and i haven’t seen a single tree yeah i know right it’s so [ __ ] easy too i i plan on treating to make this then stop complaining it doesn’t work bro oh [ __ ] i will still be like where’s tree

Can i be a freak uh this court is crazy yes why is there a big lava please give me a free kit i’m a new player oh [ __ ] i’ll hook you up bro thanks is still trapped on the island of furries what the [ __ ] does that even mean bro what the [ __ ] i

Wish i really hope that’s true know solid is still watching bro i this he’s my he’s my new number one fan i [ __ ] love nosolite what happened to fury is he i don’t know where the [ __ ] curious fury is gone number three what number am i you are number four and

Then please number five and then i hate number five why it’s is donating so much money every day he literally made me a millionaire should he be like no yeah of course i just want to see if he was still here and he is whoa uh i’m trying to make this caterer like Don’t say anything bad on stream okay penis okay let’s read it let’s see some bad words let’s say somebody uh what what does mommy say i can’t say uh willie are you the real evan tube mummy said i can’t say the word text hi we weren’t saying that words on your stream sorry

Let’s do it you were acting cells on my stream bruh no no no i wasn’t saying the words when said words oh my god Oh my god are you [ __ ] mad why am i why are you mad bro british people be like brah they’d be like are you happy are you [ __ ] mad you are your [ __ ] mind like why did i curse so funny what the [ __ ] skittles me come to my house oh i’m coming

Oh my god it’s so pretty the house i’m coming boys i’m coming there look what you yes oh my oh what the [ __ ] no more swedish man here gone the house is kind of cute no no [ __ ] i would hit that no i’m an obsidian what are you doing

Get the cover mean obsidian uh wait they were saying names for a male part and saying they are not allowed to say text huh what the [ __ ] are you saying cupcake are you tripping again i didn’t i didn’t say anything stop doing drugs exactly cupcake what are you saying why

Are you doing drugs we never said anything bad cupcake why are you lying about what i said i didn’t say willy yeah evan you would never swear he’s like he’s a nice kid that does it toy reviews and shits do i call you evan tube now or is it still my growl

It’s still mongrel but if you want you can call me evan tuber i remember when i watched evantube when i was like a little kid is that a thing what what is that i have never heard of that yeah he like he did toy reviews and [ __ ]

It was actually pretty good it’s way better than what they have these days right i’ve never heard of that he is he was actually way better than what kids have these days i’m being serious the [ __ ] that they have now just like the the egg mystery egg surprise challenge at 3am yeah

Calling mystery egg at 3 am yo atleganti joins brah you’re he’s always sleeping hello atla i i i bruh i miss you bro we barely talk anymore or time zone tell them to expose anti oh oh my god um no i know he’ll just see in the video

Atla you missed so much [ __ ] this this stream but i’ll i’ll do a highlight i’ll do a quick summary for you number 15. you have 160 subs no way no way how who is subscribed wait it was just everyone that subscribed to stream are you [ __ ] love you i will literally

I will literally i will i won’t do anything because i have a girlfriend uh but i i will remember you dude you actually have 160 subscribers walter oh how bright you have no idea but you have it it was it was obama obama did it obama thank you obama thank you obama

Thank you for shouting me out goodbye my children i will go sleep i will watch stream on my phone oh okay goodbye my swedish friends i’ll see you later goodbye yes goodbye good night bye bye good night bro uh my my swedish boy is gone oh poor baby

I’m trying to get to you guys but i feel like i’m going to die and neither of them is are you are you on the highway uh no but i need food go on the highway go on the highway turn timer on but i’m already but that’s the thing like i’m already

Running and like they are both offline and i already unblock my bed so like if i die right now i go back to my oh don’t die bro are you close not really [ __ ] trying to look for food try to go to the highway seriously my way it’s faster i don’t

Know the courts of the highway it’s like zero like just go to just go to set zero is it yeah what why 128 zero yeah yeah so just go is that zero and why i don’t do well with numbers my guy you need to you need to okay

Okay that needs to be zero like just zero zero zero zero that is gonna be zero all right i can do that that’s that’s and from there one you just got to build up when you’re when you’re at those chords you just go okay what the [ __ ] is going on here scott

Gathered one cyanide pills well um i can’t help with that bro what do you want me to do to kill wait i remember i hit another chest here oh really you have an energy i’m gonna i hope it’s still there i i think it is i hit it so uh

Oh we can track it i hope so do you have an end chest at your new base right it’s got yeah yeah yeah there’s one how good because like i literally have nothing because i like killed myself in the nether so no netherright anymore bye bye oh yeah boys it’s still there

Really what the [ __ ] i hate that i don’t know how i hit it because you’ll you’ll thank me bruh i’m gonna do it on the stream because many people watching this stream is kind of still like park like i got zero money but i got so many subscribers like how i

Don’t know this yeah this really was a pog stream and also like like so many subscribers it was all because of me my my voice attracted so many new subscribers oh my god this is so [ __ ] cool 160. every stream i do is so good okay

Keep scraping when it’s at 169. i’m just i’m just scared that i that i’ll stop growing like i don’t know when yeah you were so growing uh just like i knew yeah i was going to say that but i did i want to make it symmetrical

I’m making church of of fury fury the capper Guys fury is the biggest gaper on the server really yes wow he kept so much bruh this church is going to be so cute like you guys are going to want to have sex with this church um i don’t theory would want us to have sex with the church

We are going to anyway jesus christ oh my god right boys i’m sooner are you nervous yes why i’m seeing you in real minecraft life oh my god the first time i thought on the in real life on the server um it was last stream and he immediately killed me wait what when

Like when i was on the alt account the temporary one and like on spawn you mean you are like at spawn yeah oh that was like two streams ago i think or three already it was two or three four yeah because during stream and then hangover stream and then that

Stream was building stream yeah i didn’t get to do the uh hangover stream because it i was in [ __ ] college dude nobody watched that stream it was like it was it’s like my least few stream but it was just me being hungover and just doing nothing Uh first time also scotty killed me yeah yeah i was so funny so atlan was on an alt account and and and and i saw him at the end portal and he was about to go through and i [ __ ] pulled up on him and i

Killed him and it was so funny and then i was just [ __ ] talking him uh and he [ __ ] hated me for so long scott can you give me the end portal chords at some point uh yeah sure if it’s not broken i don’t know thanks because i don’t know it

I’ve killed like most people here because like i only know that it exists i’ve i just nobody’s ever told me what it is what do you need from the answer like electrons stuff i mean you can just buy it from me right how much like i don’t know like a few

Emerald parks like huge stacks or like a few kids of nether rights enchanted armor or enchanted golden apples thank you doing business what the [ __ ] where’s my mind hold on oh there it is welcome to my mind we’re mining diamonds shut the [ __ ] up uh

Uh scott used to be a big [ __ ] not gonna i just said that spawn and killed randoms and bragged about it yes but it was so [ __ ] funny because you’re you are all so bad like i killed everyone nobody killed me i get good guys

I i i was i was the original fury fury is just a copycat of mine i was the real one sitting at spawn killing everyone and fury only player on this server who isn’t like toxic now priests and and and penrose are so wholesome i literally never go like

Oh my god guys i’m so [ __ ] good i 1v1 everyone on the server and i i got all the netherright stuff look no no fury i i was the first i was the first spawn killer bro i was the first one i joined day one i killed everyone

I’m the og i didn’t die i mean when i was online you know i everyone hated me people were like meeting me and [ __ ] i technically haven’t died to you i mean i mean i can’t kill you when you come i’d rather you didn’t because i

Like at least let me set my uh spawn i don’t need to kill anyone now i already made my reputation for myself uh if you really want to kill me at least let me set my spawn first uh i used to be a talks a little bit in

Chat yes she left the falls you you were um so many before the first few days it was so much so much more toxic now it’s like wholesome most of the time yeah that’s the thing why were so many people like people are like trying to be toxic so

Hard because it’s anarchy and now people just you’re a little [ __ ] i bet i could kill you fury agrees my spawn farm on day one bruh fury what a [ __ ] you are bruh [ __ ] boy you did creeping i’m sorry uh that’s why i uploaded the downfall of

Revolution oh my god on 18. we we took them down 18. you and me i was your insider yes revolution i i gave uh 18 the courts of revolution and he [ __ ] killed him so hard yeah oh my god that was so i was in revolution i know

Where are you what the [ __ ] yeah yeah i don’t even remember you i was pretty quiet bro i’ve never i swear i thought you were new what the [ __ ] how long have you been on the server since february bruh what the [ __ ] yeah i’m i’m not new i’m

Literally an og holy [ __ ] like not early february like uh you but like still february yeah yeah bro i didn’t know uh bro but 18 i i i was in revolution and i joined you bro uh i i switched sides um me and miles tried to be really nice we

Made a huge farm for people that’s escaped spawn yeah don’t try to be nice at spawn that it just doesn’t work like it’s a good idea but no i mean you can try but it just won’t work it was timed out by 18 deaths

Oh my god i love that i made 18 months it just fluffles keeps getting muted oh it wasn’t me this time don’t blame me yeah the cathedral i don’t know it look it it looks so weird like it just doesn’t look like a cathedral yet

I’m i need to make it longer i think hold on Should i never never travel or like yes another server always don’t don’t go overall but try to go fast try to go to zero yo this is 18 that’s both oh my god i need to save this in the museum here here’s boats i think that i saved your boat oh i

Can’t place it what the [ __ ] oh i can’t 18 that’s all right that’s the thing with the server it’s just kind of weird when are we getting the history of 18 that’s video uh 18 i will make video when i have more subscribers i want you

To make a revolution yeah i will do that one but i need i i’m going to make the 18 video when i weigh more subscribers i don’t want to do all the like the the best videos now uh i want as many people to to

To do it i mean someone else can do it before me i don’t care but i will i will make the 18th video when i have more subs i’m thinking about like when i get better at the game uh just like making a new revolution group by a different name

What just the 18 deaths hate group or no okay scott i’m in the nether right now and do i have to like get the set like yeah yeah okay i just had an idea the worst idea what’s the worst idea revolution group like a group called the revolution yes

I only recruit the players that are like please can i go in your group like a new player he’s already getting ready how many months in the year have 28 days all of them funny funny joke sorry i just can’t i’ll read that in the uh chills voice now

How many months in the year have 28 days all of them top 12 months with 8 28 days they’re around december january february oh my god that’d take too long i need to work in three hours guys three more hours down bro what no i was going to ask like what uh

Number should the x x be that doesn’t know okay it’s always a horrible path right now yeah whatever x you’re on like it goes all the way to what like at this point but i never see robochryst on anymore so i don’t know how the [ __ ] he’s still working on that

He does it when you’re asleep but no that’s impossible i i stream for like eight hours from 24 hours a day scott to shovel yeah i know um i want to check my playtime real quick this time oh my god you threw my chat on for you so what’s your play time bro

14 days 15 hours still rookie numbers dude that’s a fortnight that’s a fortnight frightening epic victory way out wait how many days is the fourth night two weeks oh really i didn’t know 14 days i thought it was two days i don’t know why no no it’s it’s 14. i i’m not british

Only british people use fortnite doesn’t actual words i have not used that as an actual word since form not really since the game came out i’ve only used that word to represent the game you want to hear something sad yeah sure i actually play fortnite still

Oh no ironically i actually enjoy it i think it’s fun i mean i could enjoy it but i just it’s not i i just don’t play that many shooters but i i enjoyed it i could play it still but i just i’m just too busy with minecraft and i irl [ __ ]

I wish i had time to [ __ ] play other games and just do [ __ ] but yeah college and work and i mean i have time for streaming yes but streaming is yeah like youtube stuff so i don’t see that as free time kind of well you’re working right now yes this

Is work i’m actually working i’m working i made zero dollar this stream no but i’m getting i’m getting subs so work with friends yes obama does not approve of you muting the epic gamer footballs imagine not being british yes guys be british right now be very very british

Look okay i’m just going to make this [ __ ] huge i don’t care anymore i am drinking my cup of tea with a crumpet oh my god i am watching downton abbey on the tv on the telly you already actually drink the yeah of course i do we like a good cooper [ __ ] sake

I’m being serious i actually i actually drink coffee all this [ __ ] bro i actually drink too i actually i mean i like it that uh 18 is just being uh a real um um how what do i call it like the the the opposite of anarchy yes he just doesn’t care about me

This is betrayal i know right i am making church for top donator and he don’t donate bro it’s not necessarily that he’s not donating it’s that he’s not even watching what the [ __ ] what a scammer i know right he’s fake um fury is fake subscriber if you really

Unsubscribe i don’t want you here you’re another real sorcerer i’m fury from those are dark right now i am real skeptosa yes ryosuke i need to learn to like i need to practice to do your voice and then just like oh my god no no that that’d be great let’s go though sir

Fury fake friends come from oh those me because that was me guys that was me i had to uh scott yes guys everyone that is subscribed is the skoda uh wait who who made it who who made who came up with that name was it was it obama no

Uh i i forgot can anyone wait good do you guys know who me who made up scott no idea [ __ ] i forgot that minion i don’t know who build it but it’s so crazy why is it so why is it it’s so pale just use yellow

Bull for [ __ ] sake why is it so [ __ ] bruh this minion is is like ill someone help this minion guys for only one dollar a month you can feed this minion and it will become a more yellow if everyone donates one dollar i get 14 guys and i can help minion become yellow

Darth vader is a real composer yes oh yes if you came up with a name i i remember now i thought it wasn’t i’m sorry i can’t watch you stream now my computer died oh that sucks that’s us i said that sucks you [ __ ] you’re so sassy i know you took my point

Wait who’s empty does me look like he got covered bro ng i don’t know who you are but subscribe if you haven’t yet um and hello bro it do be having covet bro someone bring it to hospital why are you saying one girl fun fact i have actually had covered 19. oh really

I i i have been tested like four times and i’m vaccinated and i’ve never had it yes and i work in a hospital so i’ve tested ones but like it was semi-traumatic so i don’t want to do it again it [ __ ] sucks right it feels like people are are like [ __ ]

Sexually assaulting you when they put like the [ __ ] in your nose in your mouth i actually threw up i was i literally made like the worst noise when they put like the [ __ ] in my mouth for the coffee test like i was like choking up

That was like me and like there were so many people watching me when i went to go with test what was happening so it was so [ __ ] crazy and like that they don’t block you off like just everyone stared at you while you make like the most disgusting noises

It’s so [ __ ] it’s terrible awful yeah yeah yeah guys in chat if you’ve ever done a coffee chat uh kovitz oh nico they all nico [ __ ] yes oh nico i love you bro yeah yeah uh i need to wait i need to make it some symmetric hold on one two three uh

I actually made the go test today gek like [ __ ] this [ __ ] yeah yeah i’m gone bro kobe test be like like that’s this time does this sound you make it’s [ __ ] terrible bro but i i i had my first faction nation so and in june june 9 16 i get my second

Vaccination so then then i’ll never go with test again hopefully yeah yes got to go what’s the highlights thank you atla for joining uh i’ll see you later bro nico is a gamer all my home is dope nico yes nico is a very loved person on on skothostme channel guys everyone praise nico

Uh scotto is gagging for one hour coming soon bruh this kind of sucks because ella says brian gagging for one hour not even 10 minutes right giving [ __ ] i’m i’m married in minecraft me stuttering compilation like my ex joking on my bra nico you bruh

I wish i could see chat right now and because hello funny bro um am i the only one who didn’t gag when i had coffee tests bro bro i’m not gonna make any jokes because but like holy [ __ ] how are you not gagging on a kobe chance yeah chad

Like jesus at the test why can’t i talk what the [ __ ] you went from chest to chest to test break kills me bro brain damage yo you guys want to hear is the mars kuttos gagging on sexual gone [ __ ] [Laughter] y’all like that geez no don’t eat that mouth in your life

Uh i didn’t but that’s because they did my nose not my throat bruh but they do both here like they first put it in your mouth they first [ __ ] take the [ __ ] out of you and then i put in your nose then they put it in your butthole um

I think that’s just you bro you oh my gosh guys don’t clip me gagging bro what the [ __ ] is wrong with you no swap down my urethra oh god if i ever see a [ __ ] skuttos out of context i’m killing myself i prefer the butt rather than the nose

Bruh what the [ __ ] no what the i mean i mean if you’re used to that then sure but like uh i don’t i don’t want anything in my butt bro i know you took one question what the [ __ ] are you saying come on girl you’re so sassy i know you took my point

I’ve never been coveted but you’re in sweden sweden does not know of it right like it wasn’t as bad i’ll have to find the video that i’m referencing when i say that those likes are mugas what’s up mugas this isn’t what the [ __ ] i like amugas yes for china moment what

The [ __ ] are you saying bro [ __ ] i was chill oh he’s talking about bro yo don’t do that no it doesn’t you know you know that uh that intro you know how you see my videos yeah i i’m putting that [ __ ] [ __ ] you bro bruh people have a [ __ ]

Pov of like scutos getting that sloppy topping oh my god you are kind of so slow no i’m just doing gold bruh everyone that has been cover tested has made that sound for real yeah i wonder if i will do it i don’t think so people are thinking about you 18 already

There’s only corpse in my life right now check it out like the video freedmc i’m going to make a video about it i’m freedom c guys i’m fantastic with the sexiest minecraft server ever [ __ ] the camping rusher is also british wait really are you the camping rusher oh my

God so that means that i could be the camping [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] is that that’s the dude that like started like the whole two bct hype oh dude yeah yeah and then they basically kicked him off the server yeah it’s [ __ ] funny fanfic [Laughter] stream is just 18 meetings

Oh my god oh no he has to go your video is so good wait i still need to watch your video 18 i’ll do it tomorrow morning i’m gonna do it you need to you need to upload the the drunk stream oh bruh i’m uh that’s so funny Next week on tuesday it’s dropping uh drunk stream and on a thursday the the the building competition in two days on our drunk stream is gonna be it’s going to be [ __ ] sick bruh it will be too good bro oh my god i don’t know what i’m even

Gonna do i’m just gonna vibe somewhere yo what happened to the the antichrist guy bro he didn’t that he lost a clown that [ __ ] clown bro he was [ __ ] typing you know what i caught him he was [ __ ] typing What are you talking about yeah he’s so trash 18 wrecked how was he in 2v2 like two two like the dude can’t even pvp no no he’s good but i don’t know what the [ __ ] is bro what happens on live then like i [ __ ] recorded this dude

He could barely even get me to my house of my life he called me on telegram he come and telegram and then he was like really mad because he finally like he’s not he wasn’t mad about losing like he was just bitching because he was

Like yo this guy is so cocky because he was like eating so many great enchanting so what the [ __ ] am i meant to just die like what the [ __ ] is he’s all right but i think like both of us beat him yeah but i don’t know what

The [ __ ] fury was talking about like hitting his friends he’s [ __ ] copying that [ __ ] bro fury you’re a big capper bro i don’t know what you’re saying every day don’t cap fury we don’t appreciate cappers hey fury where’s my hundred dollars bro run away no because he’s like auntie chris is my

Friend he’s not that piece of [ __ ] but he’s kind of [ __ ] like he’s kind of [ __ ] anyway what the [ __ ] this dude is does he actually have like a reputation on on tv or is he just some random we just go pvp and like spawn and stuff

That’s how we do really we don’t do anything crazy today because it gets gripped at the end okay that’s fine but like but yeah i don’t know what the [ __ ] happened there i’m gonna clown him so hard in my next video uh like i’ll explain to y’all expecting

This score i gotta make a video about it he was bitching about the crystal still working as well bruh he was so bad did you see that i saw him sorry i clapped him with his own face yeah yeah so he’s such a dumbass it’s nothing to do with the crystals not

Working this dude can’t even [ __ ] crystal pvp like what the [ __ ] because when i was when i was fighting gods my questions didn’t work but it was like manageable right [ __ ] straight up didn’t [ __ ] work like that’s right how do crystals not work i i i didn’t know that

I think it’s too fast like i don’t know this happens it’s kind of stupid [ __ ] mind you oh well i beat him without crystals so oh yeah um illumina was fk mining apparently and then he he knew the base courts could send it to him that uh he just killed him with the

[ __ ] stones no way he’s so dumb why the [ __ ] he just killed aluminum wait where’s aluminum even did he rage quit oh no i had to give him stuff back i’ve given him three electrons bro aluminum oh my god bro bro i will expose is firefox on his uh anarchism and farm fall

Wait nico don’t you know eight corpse husbands the guy with the with the deep voices corpse oh yeah pop-pop is corpse why do you think he left to b2t on discord i’ll send you the cards what does this will send you you want to play mangas with uh pewdiepie

Yo how do you send this to uh screenshots yes like the court you’re building right now are they like they’re the over uh world courts right you said can you can you look at that yes did you send something i don’t know oh i don’t have access uh rip

Well it’s a video some chinese guys shouting like a [ __ ] Can i download this [ __ ] i think you can you should be able to it was [ __ ] this square i have to [ __ ] pay like works it’s so confusing oh oh we said oh this is oh no he said this is me when you meet Rough little space reveal damn bruh fairfax didn’t know you’re asian but okay can’t be so smart um why is there a little crybaby fury i was going to look for him and spawn but he left bro where’s fury he left oh no he had a house in the spawn and i

Just went and blew it up did you just blow up his house oh no he was like selling this puffer fish they called it he called it drugs i was giving it to people oh fury is gone now we can talk [ __ ] about him fury you lie you can’t

It’s good now oh no he went to sleep right [ __ ] it can’t be sleeping right now it’s like it’s like it’s like middle of the day in america oh no let’s go white boy body so probably that asian dude kind of be looking like antichrist oh my god

Oh no he looks surprised no he’s fat that’s why you’re moving so slow like what the [ __ ] was that oh he was bitching also his game lagging blame lag Did he seriously start going about like how his game was lagging like he says game of zagging he says god has enchanted apples and he had normal ones he said he only had one set he said he was lagging he said chris was in work oh no my hair is wet yeah like

Wait what like if you’re too close What you mean i get the message i just don’t understand like what you mean by your hair split what what is your hair when what the why did you say that Because like if you’re a 2b player if you’re actually like a 2b2t player that’s actually really good then like what was your hair with my hair would be wet bro what would you rather i said something else no i just don’t understand what you said your face works we like my soccer way

I mean like it doesn’t really affect your uh performance overall oh yeah it’s just such a random it’s like it’s [ __ ] annoying but like yeah how the [ __ ] the cpp on 2b there’s like way more lag there right he’s so [ __ ] bad i’m too big no no i think

This server like i’ve never liked him yeah i’ve literally never had like here yeah oh no he’s just [ __ ] weird like that i don’t know you see us he has good wi-fi he’s good at pvp let me just clown him in a video and then i’m good

I just thought he’s fine like he just he’s he’s pretty honest about it i can body shame people that i’m gonna get cancelled for that oh no cancel people for running Oh my god oh no wait nico is asking how what do you what you eat for that voice i need to know give me your voice what’s my what bro what do you eat to get that voice butter [ __ ] all right this is how it works the more [ __ ] you read

Sounds about right yeah guys eat boots if you want that voice that’s why i’m a high voice i read it now bro it didn’t work for me guys help why is this fluff without texting me so much he sent me some dumb [ __ ] bro i’m not gonna talk to you bro

Once wants to get this [ __ ] i think i’m not sure everyone in the child has to show me the [ __ ] idea bro [Laughter] i don’t have an id bruh all these oh my god at least priestess is 18. and and uh mongrel is also old enough kinda oh no i’m close enough

Yeah i mean you’re another kid so it’s fine i am legal in my country that’s all you need to know i mean same here but like i’m not into i’m not talking about having sex with you asking if you have a girlfriend 18 um i guess soon i would say i do oh

He does sorry guys you’re too late he ate just for today just gonna leave the stream at least someone in this server is [ __ ] most of the players eat cereal for breakfast yeah imagine eating actual food for breakfast what a [ __ ] [ __ ] do you have to be there oh my what

Oh fury sound your fury was my hundred dollars i fury where’s my paycheck bro i wish i had the paycheck we all do bro don’t worry you have a job i mean it pays bad bro yeah but it pays better than unemployed [Laughter] wow really would you rather have no money

You’re you’re speaking facts yeah guys donate for pop-pop you know we should do all right i know we should do it all right we should do like um like a monthly subscription that people pay so we don’t grief them oh my god we should i’m gonna just start a patreon and just like

If you don’t pay this we will greet you brief protection just like fill on my [ __ ] i’m not the best one finding bases but vanity will finally we’ll make fanny work for us bro betty’s gonna get a fat paycheck you know you know score do you know um

Like before i move the portal remember when the porter was right next to right next to a highway guys before i had to move it like 10 000 blocks pretty much benny if any had that portal his list of portals he told me it was like six hours before i invited him Like i i think i think i told him like to pull up to the base i gotta get the chords and everything he was already really [ __ ] oh my god we would have gotten raided by this dude probably i always keep my shoulders out i think they’re still out yeah why

I keep like everything in my energies i don’t trust anything i’ve seen but i was watching stream and i saw the quantity of [ __ ] like chokers [ __ ] yeah bro yeah i don’t know i just don’t trust anything i i i can’t did Faces Just a thomas bro but the thing is like i planned everything so we wouldn’t get griefed or like stolen from but this [ __ ] illuminati coin is just [ __ ] up like they could have [ __ ] up more than that like you don’t understand bro look illumina lemme don’t got killed with a stone sword okay

This guy took his [ __ ] he put it on the end of the chest right and then corner got on top uh they told me they told me about it corner was fine illumina was fine i got on i killed them i got the ship back yeah i think i

And i left the bed trapped but you know that trap that i go that is a cobblestone and you cannot get out like you drown before you get out right [ __ ] corner i don’t know what the [ __ ] you thought about he swapped the blocks he started swapping the blocks for obsidian for no

[ __ ] reason and then the moment he was swapping them under crystal joining and he [ __ ] escaped through a little bit dude it’s so [ __ ] dumb corner [ __ ] up he told me uh i mean i don’t know if it’s true that’s what he told me i mean the guy’s [ __ ] dumbest anyway but

Apparently they chased him down for like 10 minutes he set up he said by by his bed he set it up on the cup before they started chasing him so he ran away until he was far away from the base he killed himself and because illumina and corner were so

Far away chasing him he spawned right back in the base he opened his chest he got all the [ __ ] that he wanted and with illumina mcconnell came back he just [ __ ] smacked the [ __ ] With his own yeah it could get more bad than that bro and i’m just sleeping bro i just checked my messages all caps were like yo get the [ __ ] back bro get back how did how did they both get clapped by one dude because he’s good at pvp but i don’t

Know bro he like he’s right that’s [ __ ] weird bro evp the [ __ ] bro i’m literally not that good at hack pvp and i smack the [ __ ] out of this dude well at least i got a good video yeah it’s content that’s what matters yeah we all do it all for content guys

Oh my god it’s just uh it’s just a policy to stunt everything’s fake yeah it’s all scripted it literally looked scripted like i don’t know how the [ __ ] it doesn’t happen on on live stream because it’s because it’s such a like a dumb thing to happen like everything could have been so easy

To important like they just didn’t break a one block oh god they [ __ ] up what is fluff on texting me now what the [ __ ] is this oh my god 18 check discord or transgender what the [ __ ] If you don’t want mute don’t be transphobic bro [ __ ] wait he’s in anarchism though so he’s pretty much like oh i mean you’re not getting invited sorry bro bruh we don’t want anarchism in here disgusting we spit He’s a cool guy but he’s not the best of pvp i mean yeah i bet he knows that’s awesome i guess yeah guys anarchism is [ __ ] i mean yeah you guys don’t pvp like none of you it’s good though i love you guys hi bruh you gonna sleep oh me yeah

Oh i thought you were i thought you were saying bye oh no you spit on you spit on seven if you sit on us what the [ __ ] is wrong with you fluffos what is it he said he spits on us if we sit on him what what

What are you saying this hella says bro what the [ __ ] this guy bro what is he talking about what the [ __ ] are you saying i don’t even see it i don’t see it bro oh it’s not showing up because it’s censored i think wait or is my stream not is my worst

Chat box it should be showing up yeah it’s not showing up at least only the youtube one bro youtube sensor so much it’s so cool okay you say sorry not spit no shot you said you repeat on us we see speed message retracted Literally just not making sense i’m just not speaking sentences it’s so [ __ ] funny i got i literally don’t remember anything happening after like the third hour only like killing me oh i’ll give you all the inside on the last like 10 minutes okay yeah yeah so

I was hired so i don’t know but i just know for some reason we ended up on the hall like it was just a hole i don’t know where the whole careful oh yeah it’s just like a square in spawn yeah i watched it in the rear and then

Yeah yeah and we had and the only thing you had to do was jump in the hole and then you will land in the water and benny [ __ ] bro funny [ __ ] it was taking like three hours to get down and then i remember since we arrived and fanny was that and

He was just at the top we were there for what like two hours two hours later he was like ten blocks out And then like we stay for like way longer and then he he like he couldn’t get down i don’t know what the [ __ ] he was putting crystals on the house and something like he said so he was putting crystals then for some reason people kept jumping in the hole

And even though there was water they kept dying yeah i i put a clip of corner just jumping to his death they keep falling and they can like they just keep dying i was blowing up everyone with tnt oh my god you were just randomly killing fury at one point

No i didn’t kill him someone else killed him i don’t know what the [ __ ] i watched it back i killed fury and then i was saying that corner killed fury for some reason and i didn’t believe that i killed fury it was so funny i remember that i was high but i can’t

Remember that [ __ ] yeah but i only raised it very much crazy power was when you when you killed fury yeah corner corner grabbed his choker and he put all of your [ __ ] on his shoulder okay oh my god but then someone killed corner or some

[ __ ] i don’t know i didn’t kill coin and they killed someone else yeah next to next to a wall and for some [ __ ] reason i don’t know why like what’s the reason behind it coroner broke the [ __ ] world it was my story it was lava no it was so dumb

Yo oh [ __ ] [ __ ] burn i saw elijah’s burn i saw [ __ ] like tnt golden apples and it was literally i was just too drunk to realize what was happening it was so [ __ ] good it’s like why do you even break the [ __ ] wall like i think you break the wall and turn this

Yeah yeah i put it in the in the in the recap that that part when you told me that and i was just like i couldn’t even process that [ __ ] i was just oh oh no i thought i thought i told corner to kill himself but i cut that part out

Oh my god yeah then just random people keep coming and then we keep killing them and then it turns out they were all teams and [ __ ] I i i’m just next drunk stream i’m gonna go to spawn and i’m going to try not to die but i’m just i don’t know if i die [ __ ] it i don’t care i have enough sets we build uh we build like bases and [ __ ] oh yeah yeah

Let’s build a base that’s fun first i’m going to do like base hunting until i’m drink and then i’m going to spawn from scratch what like we’re starting from scratch or something no no no no no no no no no no i don’t mean like actually getting rid

Of all your [ __ ] i just mean like having an empty inventory you know i mean i’m not and i i won’t be able to survive i’ll be literally drink oh scott you know what the video we have to do the one where we uh we log into alternate accounts oh yes

I want to do oh my god yeah yeah we actually i i need to get an out account still but it costs money but the thing is it has to it has to be mean scored because we have to base course of people and it would be funny we just show up to

The basement i mean yeah yeah guys you can just generate a free alt account i need to actually buy one too like like that i can use like because i need it but i just i don’t know i’m trying to save it for a monitor and

Cost too much money i don’t care i think i think an account is like 14 or not really what i thought it was [ __ ] expensive or [ __ ] no it’s cheap okay well maybe yeah yeah when i have time for me you know you can always ask fury to buy it

Bruh fury and buying [ __ ] capping right captain oh my god he just left i think he’s not even online on this card he’s very slipping bro he’s so tired what the [ __ ] is he sending me fluff for this [ __ ] fury [ __ ] scott i have an assignment what is it uh cupcake

You sending me on this video says 10 reasons why not to pay taxes what the [ __ ] why does that even exist oh what is this [ __ ] guys does this cut too zero is this the right form for a cathedral tell me now in chats it looks more on my way because look it

Looks so trash but guys tell me should i build caterio this this big damn i mean i like it like a cathedral yo i feel like you’re building everything everywhere else besides the [ __ ] date bro it’s like i wanna i wanna build this like on stream but i’m scared that i

Leaked like that i leaked chords or something when i’m tired this is [ __ ] like i’m not only care bruh okay yeah yeah next week you know you know when you hide your chords in uh and you put the picture on the top you know if you if you type down like

The what’s the [ __ ] called you know the line with the [ __ ] crew [ __ ] to play commands and stuff yeah i’ll [ __ ] spanish you guys i don’t know what the [ __ ] is called yeah yeah right you put this in you push hud just disappears yeah yeah but the thing is when you when

I when you rejoin it comes back and like uh at the last base like last stream i leaked scorch for like a second when i rejoined but nobody realized but i leaked the courts is that how people found it no no no i gave i i gave them the chords but like

When i’m tired when i’m like doing a six hour stream i forget that [ __ ] so that’s why i’m just too scared to [ __ ] to do that did you lick the course for the city yeah but like i don’t think anyone know this because that nobody told me in chats you’re like until

I think he just followed me on the highway like it was pretty obvious uh what i was doing so yeah i don’t know probably he’d probably watch you like run the highways and [ __ ] yeah yeah i’m sure he did it was very obvious i just went on the highway

Oh who’s [ __ ] building our city i mean this city no nobody’s gonna find yeah because you hit the thing yeah yeah i mean who who has the course for this [ __ ] uh like a few people like coroner darnell uh yeah everyone in the skull only people trust if anything

Tells you anything do not send them yeah yes bro i still can’t get over the way he just ran bro i gotta flew away oh my god he just flew away like the first two times when he flew away i just couldn’t be as quick because i already won so

Yeah but i should have chased him down and just killed him i was so pleased that him making time oh yeah bro oh my god i mean i did kill him i didn’t kill him though but like and when he was like finding the stuff because i had crystals with me i was

Getting poppy [ __ ] i keep losing the [ __ ] highway what the [ __ ] the thing is he has he only had i mean did you kill him with like armor and stuff right i mean sorry you like broke his armor some [ __ ] i broke his armor okay because that was i think those hill

Dominums are more yeah but like i i also only had one set of armor so it it was a very fair fight only that i had capitals which like why the [ __ ] did he not have yeah he i think he only had the shield of corner and uh aluminum because he’s

Bro he’s literally playful there i think he’s so [ __ ] dumb why the [ __ ] you gonna fight like he shouldn’t have [ __ ] like that you shouldn’t have [ __ ] like that but they [ __ ] up they did like what the [ __ ] no he was actually planning to do to go after me personally then [ __ ] wait

And prepare for that [ __ ] don’t go it’s too stupid [ __ ] yeah it’s because i don’t know like what we do sweet she just go with one set then we just use [ __ ] on xp bottles but he’s so [ __ ] used to this yeah i’m gonna try to edit this video like

Tomorrow but it’s gonna take so long i might just do the the antichrist [ __ ] first and then the highlight i need to stay up until i until i go to work it [ __ ] sucks but oh wow really yeah like jesus christ in like two hours and 30 minutes i have to work

Oh that sucks yes jesus it’s 1 am now yeah i know it’s like 1 30. wait what time is it there uh 18 right here 7am did you stay up all night no i slept oh okay okay i’m in the [ __ ] farm all right bro you need to are you going

To join tomorrow for the building competition oh sure i don’t know if i got more more ideas to build i mean because that’s the [ __ ] golden [ __ ] that wasn’t [ __ ] the red pants and the shoes stay here you know you know what’s the funny part about it

You know you know i’m good at feeling right i’m like decent right like um when i was building this [ __ ] you know i was always [ __ ] i was i was like actually putting effort on that [ __ ] like i thought it was a [ __ ] blast bro and then i looked

I [ __ ] freaked out that [ __ ] and i’ll say oh [ __ ] the funniest thing is that i literally didn’t notice until it was finished because i was so [ __ ] drunk i was just like oh [ __ ] aj is building my build i wasn’t like happy as [ __ ] and

I can’t wait for you to see those videos next week i made i made the doors to my cathedral i’m a [ __ ] i’m becoming a builder guys holy [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] epic i will come help you when i’m there yeah thank you thank you where are the tourists these are the doors oh

I just love the lack of doors but i mean like the the gate you know 18 yeah i have a question i have a question listen why the [ __ ] is your minion so [ __ ] pale Yeah he’s a [ __ ] minion no way it’s a real story bro is there a crazy a texture pack i can download for rather or is it custom made i’ll try i’ll try oscar if she can get it nike please give me your minion bro oh my god this is so terrible I don’t know oh i think it’s because yeah we didn’t have yellow material so i started to build the cracker minion oh it’s called i just dms cupcake that edp wants her bruh what the [ __ ] are you talking about um fluffles you’re stripping bro why are you talking about battles bro bugging Does 18 need to meet you again like i think i think i need to i think i need to yeah yeah i think you’re after it and you just want a cupcake i’m not gonna lie to you if it looks like he already hit a bunch when he got that one [ __ ]

That’s [ __ ] like both sides bro it looks like it’s [ __ ] melting and [ __ ] the atp video was so [ __ ] funny what the [ __ ] you saw you saw you saw when you tried like a fist bump and the [ __ ] guy he’s like oh you think he’s being a pedophile she’s bumming bro i’ll catch Oh my [ __ ] god it’s just him talking about his [ __ ] he just said a picture of his [ __ ] say hey baby how are you feeling i’m good yo so i’m just kind of took a shirt right now which is really good Bro i need to step up my dirty dog game bro like [ __ ] hmm i just copy just copy this chat and paste on the [ __ ] chat someone needs to make a copy pasta about edps [ __ ] talk bruh oh there must be what is this cocky place my name might be cupcake but i’m

Not a cup cake look at the profit picture she’s a cupcake clearly right cupcake stop capping like that’s what a cupcake was saying [Laughter] delicious cupcake right you want to eat her out she assists no not even not you yeah stop it bruh she’s underage don’t do that [ __ ] no if it’s

Don’t do that here like go find people your own age bro why are you being so saucy right god if this [ __ ] continues you’re gonna have [ __ ] 12 on your child looking at the [ __ ] thing bro uh yo who wants to eat cupcake out uh not me bro sorry me neither i’m good

If cupcake literally turns out to be a [ __ ] cupcake not eating around shut the [ __ ] up oh my [ __ ] bruh fluff on the stairs that’s thirsty as [ __ ] today he’s like he’s like he just like thinks of something worse to type every time he speaks something

It’s like if you if you if you like scroll up it was a really normal [ __ ] then you scroll down there’s more [ __ ] up again oh god i just did that oh my god what is this first message i want to see this [ __ ] bro cupcakes yeah i mean flippa stops

What the [ __ ] bro what’s he saying i don’t know just some [ __ ] up [ __ ] about eating cupcake hours this is so weird hello that 12 year old the 12 year old joined oh it’s uh gracie gracie joins yeah i just heard that i love that 12 year old i was like what what

What the [ __ ] still being weird guys you’re gonna get in the [ __ ] [ __ ] Picture oh girl is that you well i just kind of killed bro this is me oh my girl where are you at i’ll stick you up what what what what did you say what i didn’t say bro i i no no we’re talking about the drawing yeah yeah not you bro

Oh i didn’t i didn’t draw this what is that it’s literally like some [ __ ] kid youtuber from 10 years ago bruh this what it was described bro fluffles what are you saying stop talking about sex with us stop talking about some 12 year olds Wait who the [ __ ] is streaming there i got some fixes real quick wait who’s streaming on the discord oh that would be the 12 year old i was so confused did you oh my god you muted him again oh did i oh [ __ ] my man just clicked it are you almost here

Yeah well yeah yeah i could be considered almost there okay okay that’s cool i might stop on the way to like get some uh paper for like fireworks oh oh i thought i’m on the highway now though that’s good that’s good i need help with this [ __ ] cathedral it’s so [ __ ]

Hard to build this [ __ ] yahushi i don’t know how to continue bro i i’m not eating that so i can’t build like that the only thing i’m good at is building i suck at the other things in a building too hey yo like you guys really need to like help

Me like learn how to pvp because i i think like i i can’t even hit them like i suck press button okay now yes so this works you look at someone press a button and that’s it and then let’s go over like death if if we ever see each other

Or like if you come to the thing right now you can like try to pvp with me i suck who me yeah you can see how much i saw you would have beat him okay with your hands oh no i know i know don’t worry right Uh she muted herself i don’t know what’s she says i couldn’t i can’t turn my mic on because my mom is home tell your mom to go your mom is all enough please please don’t say the word again foster oh my god i’m gonna go to the bathroom don’t don’t

Say any slurs please i’m gonna leave this school i can also have this one it’s okay bro i’ll see you thursday oh you guys entertain the people Oh [ __ ] i guess it’s just I’m singing Mommy told me not to say sex this the dirty mommy said that sex is a bad word cupcake clay says who the hell is that well introduce yourself it’s me um for you all of these but potter scooters okay i have no idea like a three-year-old

I didn’t say any naughty words while you were away one girl bro yeah what are you doing bro you are tripping again yeah oh my god i said the same [ __ ] again one girl’s vocabulary is just sassy and imposter no no no no no i didn’t say that i didn’t say that

I didn’t say saucy or imposter you’ll have to re-watch the stream afterwards while you’re editing to find out oh i’ll find out tomorrow i think it just takes so [ __ ] long to edit these these streams because they are so long the shorter you make them the easier to edit

I i like streaming for a long time though it’s it’s fun yeah i get it man and then i get subscribers and views and that’s pog wow i wow i hope i get 300 views on the stream that’s going to be my first like video with 300 views on my channel

So that’s pogba it says 270 views now wait what really i i i don’t have a any video with 300 views on my channel okay yes but for you how do i continue this this cathedral it’s so hard bro uh hang on let me just

Like i don’t know what the [ __ ] to do i’m gonna just i hope can you can you see the stream uh not my phone so i’m going on my eye but okay i can’t look on my phone because um i’m kind of in the cold oh yeah yeah that’s fine it’s fine

I do the exact same thing you guys many times even if erection up whoa what the [ __ ] are you saying whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa uh gracie what are you talking about why are you talking about erections uh chill let’s see no but uh what do i do with the build guys

All right let’s see hello fury i’m good i mean how how do i continue this uh i would personally make it more of um stone but okay like stone bricks ish or no no like when i say cathedral hang on let me just why did i tap off youtube i could just

Use my phone um uh fury paypal never likes you i guess but luckily i have work next to streaming i got on so many subs though so i really can’t complain today yeah dude when i said cathedral i was meaning like this this [ __ ] oh

I mean i can do like that ish right i can still do that i need to make it longer though i need to make the sides like less [ __ ] yeah okay okay i’m gonna do that now and then like this on the inside and then just f everywhere

Yeah yeah we need f’s everywhere yeah but but like if someone else donates uh becomes top donator we need to change the f to their letter no no no you can you can have so many different like stained glass windows and every time someone you donates you can put the

Oh my god yeah for like 20 dollars we we put we put a window and then we need we make a basement with science and anyone that donates like just one dollar we put a sign with whatever they want on the sign in the basement hello fluffals um guys uh

Get me to 20 likes if you haven’t liked the stream yet i’m at 19. um please drop a like if you can oh i’m so close to 20 likes wait how many uh subscribers do i have right now one oh my god 162 right i’m almost i almost have more steps on

My parents almost than you’re my parents how many subs do your parents have my parents are like 200. how what it’s something work related and i have had the channel for like 10 years ah yeah i’m crying yo alfredo you’re here how are you bro vinnie vichy i missed you bro

I mean i i’ve seen your chats before but i was i was too busy and i forgot to respond to you bro focus on what you like to do while streaming people will come eventually yeah yeah of course of course i just i just fight here bro

I mean i’ll do some streams every once in a while let’s get them get more clicks but i mean i really enjoy building and talking to to these guys what oh yeah yeah bro i like talking to dart mongrel and priester and that of course it’s [ __ ] it’s so [ __ ] funny bro

Yes yes yes guys you you you make the stream better for me at least well that’s awesome the top 15 most wholesome moments scott that was me oh my god i can’t believe i i’ve caught on like 10 steps in one stream that’s crazy nice tomorrow will be another like way

Too long stream so yeah i need to wake i need to stay up again till like 4 a.m didn’t come back to me uh i’m gonna message him right now i’mma ask him is everything’s ready for tomorrow uh like yeah i’d let you guys come to the to the

Place where we’re going to do the um uh that thing the building competition but it’s like far away and i don’t mind traveling but but traveling for you guys is like way harder i feel like so i’ll go there alone it’s like the building competition at

Where where you’re at right now no it’s like very far way back to spawn jesus christ yeah but like i can travel afk easily but you guys can’t that easily so uh the 10 subs are anti crystal fan girls oh my god bro i i i don’t know when i

Should upload the anti christa video because i need to spread out my uploads more um i think you should do that video as soon as possible though because people are like interested in it right now i should wait let me think so sunday i’m uploading a video um wait tomorrow is

Hold on hold on hold on let me check my my schedules videos because i’m not sure anymore uh i have like three few schedules at this moment at this time yeah i’ve been working hard guys uh so sunday 30th of april wait is it sunday when is the 30th of april

I have no idea oh that’s friday [ __ ] okay and what do i have for sunday oh no i’ll upload it sunday that’s fine then i mean in terms of like um When you should upload the highlight wheels or whatever the [ __ ] you’re calling them um like i’d say as soon as you’ve finished making them because you stream fairly often like literally every other day yeah i know but like i don’t want to spam my channel with like videos that i

Take like four hours uploading and then people get just like it it’ll just it look like i’m [ __ ] posting but i’m actually putting like so much [ __ ] work in these videos so that’s why i just spread them out a bit you know but like yeah

And like i i i i wish i had time to edit the highlights as soon as the video uh ends as the stream ends but like the trunk stream highlights i’ve only had time like yesterday and today to do those uh but this stream uh well i’ll just edit like tomorrow

Morning after i slept um and then i’ll upload it on sunday i think that’s that’s decent yeah and i mean like yeah i don’t know i can’t do a highlight out of every stream but like when [ __ ] like this happens i just have to you know and like the throwing stream was

Also just way too funny not to i mean any of them that you think are exceptionally good like like good enough to have their own highlights and then make highlights you know yeah yeah same theory but also what couldn’t you like um like before uh if highlights are like fun enough but like

Not important enough can you like make a video every now and then with a bunch of highlights i mean yeah but like some highlights are are like so long that i deserve their own video you know that’s what i said like the important ones get their own video oh yeah yeah

Yeah the the smaller ones like that it takes so much work you know i did this for once i did that for one video like the first highlight i ever did uh yeah that’s yeah it took like four hours editing and i it’s like it was like my worst performing video so

Yeah that sucks yeah so i’m just gonna do probably just highlights about this you know like like just make every highlight that’s worth it like their own video um i feel like that’s that should work fine yeah but i meant more like like uh for example like let’s say you you have like

A couple sus moments from like a couple of videos and you just make a sus compilation like scott being suss yes 406 1318600 enjoy bass hunters ooh wait did he just drop cards oh my god he dropped chords yo vani you’re getting a v yeah fenny just dropped cards bro [ __ ] what

Funny top donator pug yeah imma give penny his own place in this cathedral for real build a big v i’m not being made of the church by now what the [ __ ] are you talking about fearing it don’t even make sense uh should i make this church out of

Stone bricks or cobble or just stone oh you choose the other one building up i mean oh i don’t know what looks good you know what were the options again stone bricks cobblestone or stone could you like okay like and you’re talking about the floor or the wall like the wall

Like the outside i think you should do a mix you shouldn’t oh yeah oh but i can’t do that so i’ll just let you mix i’ll just do the yo 21 views 20 more 20 20 more views and and i’ll um and and i 300 views that spark

Sure you fix your paypal bra fury on god bro i need my you i need i need to get a thousand subscribers so i can finally have [ __ ] super chats so dumb like youtube should just enable super chat for everyone what exactly is super shot it’s like a

Way to donate to youtube i guess how many followers do you need for that again a thousand Oh really um yo see ya 18 dads thank you for joining i hope that i see you on drunk stream on thursday it’s gonna be [ __ ] epic good night bruh drunk stream i can’t wait if you get super chat i will download so much bright it’ll take like a [ __ ]

Year until i get i get that much you know but it’s fine that’s fine just got a big fight on your discord who the [ __ ] is fighting on my i’m gonna mute everyone on my [ __ ] discord if you guys are actually fighting about dumb [ __ ] i’m autistic and i hate lollies

Guards oh what the [ __ ] are you saying flipfolds what the [ __ ] is wrong with you lolliporn on your homework father i bet you [ __ ] spat bro oh god that 18 is the best [ __ ] roaster on on this [ __ ] server um i don’t see the fight where is it

Do you guys see it i don’t see anyone fighting is literally like 11 years old guys what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with you guys bro [ __ ] weird as [ __ ] always yo i’m a clickbait this the the antichrist feels so hard like 2b2t player fit mcc

Like like i i i wrecked this 2b2t player i wrecked um sucked my dick like something like that i don’t know yeah i am literally news with emc like something done like that i am vitamin c now i stole his body i stole his physical thought i have beard now guys yeah

I have beard and muscle body somebody yeah have you seen what he actually looks like yeah yeah yeah like bruh okay don’t stop simping for vitamin c bro how can’t you because i’m not attracted to men bro hey you don’t need to be gay to uh find a man attractive

I can find him pretty if you don’t look at them in the eyes while you’re doing it right i only maintain i only ever maintain eye contact while uh doing a bj dude what the [ __ ] yeah guys close your eyes while we’re giving boy jobs so it’s not gay

No no no no i i wear socks wait is this a better place for the for the cathedral can you check the stream real quick honestly he’ll make it bigger but you know wait from what sides like from behind look longer oh yeah i meant the front like the front

Ah i don’t mind it like is that good enough for the for the picture that you send me priester the picture what did you send the picture oh is that good enough for the front yeah is it is the front good enough um i’d say sure okay

Okay priester you can you can help me do the front right yes thank you bro thank you i mean the doll is going to look a bit big but you know i mean you can just make it make the make it larger i guess then like make it

Taller so it’s a bit in proportion the church of donators guys the church of saint fury that’s like we put all the donators there oh come on don’t just put like the best donators put like the like the best people on the server but no only dominators guys it’s church of donation

We’ll we will make half honors later like the the [ __ ] gods of the server deserve a different uh place dude no i thought i thought of a good one for that uh what if like a mega like underwater build for like all the best players on the server and it’s just like

Loads of statues of them like you know there’s that one place i believe it’s in china where there’s like so many statues under the water oh my god that’s such a [ __ ] great idea and like we built our actual skins you know yeah yeah oh my god that’s [ __ ] epic bro

And they can be posing as well and we make me and 18 dads holding hands and kissing both having grown naked wearing socks yeah yeah like wearing only socks just kissing and making minecraft only socks only socks only and i’m holding it yeah yeah like [ __ ] hands just

I’m almost there i’m almost there really tell me when you reach that the point on the highway highway i’ll come to you i’m there i’m there really okay let me let me just go to the to the point real quick i need to block off the stream one second because people

Can’t see where how i go there i don’t i for real want this uh village not to be uh yeah no so lights have you checked the the the streamlabs other options of donations i i added i added more options to donate and uh i i can’t add mastercard because my

Uh streamlabs is not verified for some reason um i don’t know why and it says i need more donations to get verified so it’s i don’t know something weird wait where are you um on the highway right yeah okay i’ll come to you hold on and like chords um

I believe i’m on the right spot wait i will just send you so you can check yeah yeah i just sent the x chords from the nether bit i believe i’m at the right place i hope so you should be i just you just don’t show up yet

Wait did you send them okay yeah i’ll send them like private oh okay okay i need to go back a little bit hold on i’ll just i’ll just come get you don’t worry i can move further or back or something oh no it’s fine i’m getting you oh bro i see you

What how do you see me oh i searched my tracer off [ __ ] sorry i’m done i’m done i’m done oh yeah just oh yeah yeah that’s fine that’s funny let me close this up because i had to burn my stuff yeah yeah guys sorry that there’s no uh

A few i nobody can know where the city is oh [ __ ] you guys won’t find it believe me it’s very far away priest and spent like literally like [ __ ] three hours walking wait hold on let me check i forgot where where it is oh i found it i found it

I’ll be honest the baseball was up before the chords were further away yeah really yeah that’s weird okay don’t you have elytra please i do i have one now but i don’t have a dawn oh wait i can’t be placing cobblestone here i got some oh i only got one rack

One there i caught up Okay this is the way this is the way there’s the portal hold on um come here my baby boy floyd hello hey you priest you forgot what i was going to say sorry i’ve been holding my [ __ ] p just such what were you holding

My pee i had to go to the bathroom but i didn’t want an afk oh i thought you’re [ __ ] like your actual dick oh you thought i said pin yeah bro i was like why the [ __ ] are you holding your dick that’s [ __ ] hella suspect bruce like oh i’m holding my dick

Shut the [ __ ] up i don’t want to know that [ __ ] bro i was so traveling to you and i was holding my dick the whole time i was so excited let me put all my [ __ ] livestream thinking of you So hard trying to do that who the [ __ ] built this [ __ ] netherrack here why you wanna [ __ ] oh my goodness bro this dude who the [ __ ] did this [ __ ] corner probably sorry corner oh i see the bill yes here’s the minion okay yeah i’ll turn stream back on hold on

Oh no my game crest [ __ ] you why is my game crashing oh [ __ ] i crashed too i’ll just crash okay 13 more views i think i can get 300 views two more hours i’m definitely not leaking quads in chat right now bro what the [ __ ] bro why why would you

I’m definitely not doing that that’s definitely not what i’m doing i’m crying i’m sorry i had to give out the face quads i’m so sorry why did you leave the currents oh my god no no people are gonna agree no please how are you are you subscribed

Because i will i will i will give you a kiss i know sorry i’ll kiss your dad i won’t kiss you um what if they are their own dad bro how huh uh i need to send scores to medical bison how is everyone guys like everyone in chats

Are you guys vibing because i’m vibing hard today bro i’m [ __ ] feeling good it’s two more hours and i have to go to work um i’m staying up all night guys and after work i’m going to sleep so [ __ ] good like the stream share it with your friends hold on

Going to be the best [ __ ] ever drunk stream 2 park yeah oh drunk stream volume 2 oh yeah oh my god i’m actually going to change my username real quick what’s in in minecraft or yeah like where where else on this cards oh yeah true true i mean what what’s your username going

To be well something with priests again because i just don’t like mukhozi oh make it um hide your children because i’m pleased oh my god i’m also excited for drunk stream um what is that this base looks like it’s near my base i mean i haven’t checked out the area

Maybe it is my chill check it out tomorrow building stream i mean if benro’s response to me uh it’s probably busy but um if he doesn’t respond then i don’t know what to do with the then i’ll just do buildings uh city building stream again nice i mean i like city building stream

It’s a lot of fun okay hold up i don’t know what what you guys are referencing but it’s it’s like [ __ ] like i don’t know what you’re tripping i don’t know what the [ __ ] bruh i am not you guys are no you guys are as old as me what the [ __ ]

You don’t know memes yeah bro i don’t know memes city build stream was a vibe though yes and i’m city building again city building stream too wow it’s just the fire like for real we’re just fighting out here i mean just let base hunting go for a bit because like there’s barely any

Places that i haven’t traded yet so yeah give it like a month or so yeah yeah yeah i’ll just i’ll do a baseball they play something again in a month i’ll just do some this and that like some random events like building competition and if anyone just

Can think of any other stream uh ideas uh please let me know and for your suggestions on my discords in that one channel or just message me in private i appreciate anyone’s ideas i feel like we kind of need this server to blow up on the internet like um to

Beat it i’ll make it blow up guys i’ll blow everything up no no put the tnt away in a way i hope it doesn’t blow up like that extreme because like i would be kind of sad like probably but like maybe we get like veteran thing i mean

It’s not just an anarchy server so maybe like they would have already like sorted out how to make it not lag as much yeah yeah of course plus a pizza is kind of sensitive so like anything wrong they’re immediately banned oh my god pizza is such a [ __ ]

To be honest like he can’t i really i literally can’t tell if he’s actually being serious sometimes like i think he’s something i think he’s just kidding when he’s like acting up like that i mean like with what happened to 18 i’m not sure like what the [ __ ] is like what’s this

Problem can he listen he can’t handle a [ __ ] joke and like people are counting him like i almost really think that he’s just kidding and and doing it for people to meme i mean if you were somehow able to get involved then just ask nah pizza wouldn’t even [ __ ] look at me

Bro he doesn’t care i think even if i had 10k steps he wouldn’t he would even he would still [ __ ] on me i’m pretty sure he’ll like yield the one guy with the biggest clout on the server it’s clouds there’s people on the discord talking 24 7. they have the most clouds

The saddest people on this [ __ ] planet are the guys talking in the mind who anarchy discords they are actually trash have you guys just just go check the discord look at people that talk in every channel and then you just know like okay i’m i’m not down bad like these guys

Hang on i’m just gonna check it out yeah just bro i’m telling you these guys are the saddest people on this [ __ ] planet which one the one owned by uh 18 no no no no the official anarchy discord well at the official mindful discord ah [ __ ] i haven’t like

To have done anything so i can’t like access don’t worry it’s just it’s just all [ __ ] trash in there these people they are bad those people think they are better than anarchy players because they pay to win on other servers and they don’t use hacks i paid like 13

And these people are flying for free oh my god yeah it’s for you like that and then they go into the anarchy channel just to talk [ __ ] about anarchy people and this dude this one dude was bragging about being the number one like uh um

Person in in in the chat rank and he felt cool about that i don’t know what these guys this problem is like they all just [ __ ] satisfied bro like i don’t know what the problem is like i don’t care if you talk on a discord but if you brag about it and if

You’re being like such an arrogant piece of [ __ ] about everything then i don’t care about you bro i wouldn’t just tell them to like 1v1 me on my involvement i don’t care i don’t care only does one dude even [ __ ] pays a patreon subscription to to get a discord rank um on the

Mindful discord like they went down bad so like oh my god yeah if you ever feel bad about yourself look at those people on the discord honestly i really regret buying a rank on like minefield me too i would have never now but like if you if you are in the pay to

Win [ __ ] like yeah of course you don’t even think straight anymore but like i got on survival i got like um what do you call that right like king or something oh yeah yeah i if i have emperor oh damn i know right yeah

Back in the day i was dumb as [ __ ] i mean i didn’t spend that much but i still spent spending even spending one [ __ ] dollar on this trashy servers just a loss already yeah where’s the energy bc oh hello are your parents home oh she’s gone again my mom’s downstairs oh okay

Yeah are you watching oh bro wait why did people take back their likes what’s wrong with you guys dude go in the [ __ ] bed dude i had 22 legs and now i have 19 guys what’s what’s wrong with you come on i just like i liked it earlier

Why i’m guys i’m literally crying right now how can you take back your legs like that wow i can’t sleep i can’t sleep on stream because like people will know what my bed is and it’s too big of a risk um for real yeah like what if someone pat found find

Fire i’m taking an okay in the mind though discord wait what did you say yo robcon’s sue you don’t see the voice chat and the anarchy discord uh no no i mean like the the mind will discord you need to check that one um like it’s like

If you screw up by a lot like you you can see the the the sad piece of [ __ ] talking this one guy is called lop He’s [ __ ] ugly as [ __ ] and he feels so good about himself because he is the top talking person this discord and there’s some other status people under this course press f3 for candy oh robcon2 really if i press f3 i get candy oh my god i might have to do that [ __ ]

Um i need to build this [ __ ] out like auntie and me where were like talking on the discords uh about like bugs uh on the mindful discord about bugs we had on the on on anarchy just asking for the staff to to like repair the the

Like to fix the bugs you know like like soul sand that you can’t walk on that [ __ ] and then [ __ ] these sadness people came into [ __ ] [ __ ] about anarchy like i don’t know just [ __ ] can’t be honest yeah soul sound is really [ __ ] annoying it’s not really

Souls and i have problems with it soul soil yeah yeah yeah and like exactly yeah i don’t know why why does it do that does it think that you’re using speed hacks yeah yeah it’s very [ __ ] annoying they haven’t fixed any [ __ ] bugs on anarchy i think i

Literally i’m so confused they they just leave the server to die i guess actually why are speed hacks even banned like i get i got flying hacks to prevent the lag i guess it’s like the only thing i can think of If i wanted to lock the server i would build a lag machine yeah i don’t know bro ask pizza are you going to respond oh i know it won’t unless you tell him to soak my dick yeah then he will just ban you hope people can’t escape spawn on 2b2t

Um i don’t know what what do you mean i don’t play tv uh if you wanna know how people can’t ex uh escape spawn and to be then like watch film say yeah yeah i’m ice oh no i’m not saying that bro barry you almost got it you almost got

Me i’ve been streaming for six and a half hours and i still won’t say that [ __ ] you bro perry if you’re not subscribed yet please do yeah you almost got me there oh [ __ ] uh fury um i’m not sure i’m i’m thinking of naming it just church of donations instead of

Church of saints fury barry are you are you online right now or are you just on youtube um i played one hour and got for 64 diamonds bruh you must be you must be the god hacker right guys do you have 64 diamonds like i wish i had that [ __ ]

Once three four five six one two three four five six bro you only have four diamonds so paul bro i have four diamonds but i have so much the baby yeah so the baby counts as 10 diamonds you know one two three four one two three four oh my god hold on

Building is so [ __ ] hard to do i can’t i remember when i used to be like you but it building yo priest are you here you’re here right priest yeah my computer’s being a dick oh here bro i’m losing likes i’m crying out loud

I had 22 now i have 17 people hate me people hate me guys this is so sad i’m actually crying i almost said uh play despacito but then i decided not to because like i actually [ __ ] meme ever bro please no like i actually have an alexa so like alexa

Alex i go to porn up right now can she hear me no alexa play despacito i can hear you siri play porn up is that a thing does it work i have no i don’t have apple so i wouldn’t know i’m poor guys it doesn’t do that right look upon i think is having a issue oh are you trying to change your name wait what did they say that they have fur but they have what’s porn no no no no no no no no no no no don’t don’t don’t don’t show us what the [ __ ] is wrong with you bro what the [ __ ]

Of course when i want to change my username minecraft is having a [ __ ] issue what do you want to change it to well that doesn’t even matter but like he’ll the whole site is like like [ __ ] oh if you go to minecraft right now i don’t know if i’m the only

One is it like yeah it’s like it says five hundred dollars this sounds so [ __ ] creepy bro yeah why are you whispering why are you watching porn bro don’t not watching it i already finished it oh my bro this is getting too [ __ ] bad stop

Kind of go to the bathroom be right back okay guys let’s talk [ __ ] about priest priest priest success priest is us priest can go suck my dick once porno brah he does the priest oh no he’s he’s back what how did you pee that fast oh no i’m not even back i

Was still listening you [ __ ] up it’s okay guys okay we’re gonna go to the bathroom okay okay bye sauce he watches cessporn among this pond okay google look up among his pawn oh my god no way uh fury your church is not done because you don’t pay me pairing my screen now

Uh you’re sharing your scream that’s not porn it’s literally oh what the [ __ ] yo bro what the [ __ ] why are you showing him bro it’s actually hentai oh my god don’t do that [ __ ] bro go sleep go to [ __ ] sleep don’t [ __ ] stream hentai on this oh my god it’s actually full Why are you streaming porn on [ __ ] discord that’s not okay bro i don’t condone porn i’m laughing so hard right now bro i’m not watching i i’m just playing minecraft bro i’m doing wholesaling yeah you probably don’t want to this is actually like no no no no no hold on let

Me check though no no no no never mind guys i’m just playing why do they have such big tits what the [ __ ] guys why did it so big why they have mommy milkers why did they zoom in on the guy’s crotches what the [ __ ] is going on stop dan mommy milkers

Top 10 mummy milk oh no my mom is your mom number one why is the intro for this hentai so long bruh wait why was his dick glowing what the [ __ ] am i watching oh my god and over i don’t know yo cupcake is watching cupcake

I i am not streaming for it someone else and i can’t do [ __ ] about it okay sorry no this is this is them this is him this is not nope shut the [ __ ] up it’s all fine and good eating bread why the whispering the whispering is so

Creepy bro the whispering is kind of creepy like i feel like bruh don’t whisper in my ear like that amocos is very sauce yo the imposter is suck i just dreamed and died on this course yeah you did i watched oh my god i can’t but it was just the intro dude

What the [ __ ] just the intro where’s the actual contest no no no no no guys go [ __ ] watch boring your own free time why do you want to do it in a discord call free time i already watched the entire show what the [ __ ] the plot’s nice i watch hentai for the plot

Yeah guys hentai brad some plots are so good bro no i don’t literally never watched i don’t actually watch them it’s so boring i can’t get i can’t i don’t feel anything when i watch hentai for you oh oh no what just intro there was raw

It’s not me doing i’m not doing this [ __ ] bro man [ __ ] your basic i don’t see any very furious [ __ ] you what talking [ __ ] about hans are you gonna i mean i i mean i love hentai sorry guys sorry hentai lovers yeah you better do or else i’ll never donate to you bruh

Crying guys look on my look on my stream look on my stream right back yo priest we were just talking about you watching hentai all the time oh definitely not streaming it’s hella creepy bro no my mom doesn’t hear no no i mean the other girl voice bro

Yeah that’s my girl right are you saying goodbye what what i’m did she call us pieces of [ __ ] bro yo priest can you can you she left gracie i need help building the cathedral it’s so hard i built the base wait mongrel check this is this good um it’s all right

I mean i can make it longer but like you tell me i still need to terraform the whole thing like under it i’m good at that i could do that i mean yeah i can do the two but if you can do it it’s fine too whatever you for

I mean i first need you to help me uh like i’m coming online right now like but but should i should i make the the the base longer or is this fine i’d say make it longer okay wait longer okay i do look kind of weird right now okay i’m making it longer

Oh yeah uh fury i this isn’t your church bro this you you’re too late i already named the church of donation yeah if you’re you stop donating so now just to donate a church yeah vinnie vichy wanted more than you this stream come on bro it’s good

I’m make i’m trying brian i’m literally building so hard right now to to make the church look good okay i’m not asking you too fury it’s fine if any vichy my my baby we’re gonna have to build a venus statue yes right in the middle of it imagine

Means come fast like does that mean that he just doesn’t last long yeah penny are you watching like what is the meaning behind your name like you just don’t last long in bed or like i’m not trying to roast you i just no i can’t be roasting my only donator um surely uh

Bye yeah bye fearing i i literally already built you a church what the [ __ ] are you saying this dude is such a capper i literally everyone saw it on stream we built you a big church i spent like [ __ ] four hours building you a church and then it got griefed yeah

Oh it made a great video i mean i’m going to make it a great video so i i don’t really mind that city got griefed i’m in right now yo park okay okay i need help with the base of the church yeah it got destroyed but that’s not my

Father still built a [ __ ] church bro uh i still have swedish flag i’m so happy my swedish friend is sleeping i’m actually crying [ __ ] christ how the [ __ ] does that church not count just because it got destroyed sure he is scamping so hard bruh 18 that is spoiled speaking all facts about you

So spoiled man yeah for you i spent so long building you a church and you don’t even care like for real bruh [ __ ] you bro uh please look at the base please i need to help you i need your help let me turn off um [ __ ] tracer oh yeah yeah me too i

Turn them off free cam to see the full base of it or watch my stream yeah i’m watching your stream right yeah like how what can i say make it longer make it longer like but like only the back parts or like just in general i like it a lot like in general

But like which part do i make longer like only did only the last part of it or like everything are they explained what vineyard she is she is short for fenny villavici like i mean i know of anybody richie but like i know fenny vichy just in in itself means like

Oh no no vichy is uh oh sorry sorry sorry i i was wrong i’m sorry uh conquered it means i came i conquered uh i i thought it was like i thought she means quick for some reason i don’t know why um but like uh mongrel

This part of the build needs to be longer or just in general uh i would say that needs to be longer oh in general wait here’s cobblestone uh my cozy hello hey thank you what are you doing with the bread i need to press so what exactly is going on right now

Like this it was a sign rip 18 yeah leave the signs i guess that’s 18 that’s great we will make a grave there and you will name it 19 deaths 18 deaths better [ __ ] change his name now on minecraft just every time he dies he changes his name yeah

That’s the funniest [ __ ] bro that would be absolutely excellent but i don’t think you can i mean you can’t change your name every month so if you just if 18 just counts his stats like every every time every month and then just adds it up yeah it would be a funny meme that’s

Like to keep up with that [ __ ] it’d probably get old very quickly yeah right i still need to film the video about showing my stats um but i just haven’t had any time to film anything wait wait what kind of stats like my my anarchy stats people want to see them so

I was going to film but i didn’t have time yet church of donation or is it cathedral of donation yeah cathedral cathedral oh [ __ ] church or fury cathedral of donation yes yes we built the church of fury but he doesn’t appreciate the church of fury so he doesn’t deserve cathedral if you

Don’t appreciate church of fury yeah that minion i hate it the minion is so funny mackie build it the minion will eat you got cathedral it’s 200 for cathedral but you bro no i cap bruh i don’t see nothing cathedral of donation here is scam um

Okay so like is this part don’t talk we just in general longer i guess i think it would lose like shape though because like it’s yeah i mean the chi i i already like this shape so i’m not sure if we should make it longer well maybe we can do

Let me see i mean i think i always what i only said make it longer because then you can fit more string gloss windows mmm that’s true though and yes sure you can about you then wait i will wait let’s make it a little bit longer maybe like

Like a few like like 10 to 20 bucks ish you could do like this like making this area like yeah yeah yeah kind of like seats you know in a church wait no no first let’s let’s do it first this one like like 10 bucks more like like until there and then

And then after that’s what you’re doing 10 blocks like like like this ish yeah okay but like you guys can have like the cathedral of donation i’ll build like a cathedral for the most legendary players on the server oh but you need to do it underwater right you are

Underwater right like the thing you were saying um i’m not sure if i’ll do it underwater actually i mean yeah maybe it takes just too long right to dig it up i mean i don’t have like water breathing stuff it’s kind of that kind of stuff you do

On like creative yeah yeah it’s true you can make just a big like a very tall howl so you can just make all the players statues next to each other dude you have no idea why i have pond and make make at the end like a thing

For like me or 18 deaths or something like that so like i am legit planning a megabase here yo earlier today when i was eating i and my my food was hot and i spit all my eyes out on my keyboard and i was crying dumb yes bro i’m eating right now

I can eat again in like five no six seven hours so that’s park one and a half more hours and then i have to go to work i’m gonna go in 15 minutes i don’t want to stay up all night oh [ __ ] yeah no that’s fine bro yeah never feel obligated to

To uh it’s it’s not really that it it’s like i’m just having a good time and like i just yeah i have to make myself go because otherwise i just won’t uh yeah wait no actually no i technically have the day off it’s just my parents no of course

My parents like it when i sleep properly otherwise they’re like yeah oh no you didn’t sleep my parents are the same even even though i’m 19 that they don’t want me to stay up late when i’m home it’s kind of dumb but i think it’s kind of fair i see their

Point of view like mine say it’s like like that they say that like they’ve seen like studies saying like oh well mental health is like highly linked to sleep my mom says the exact same thing right i mean honestly i don’t know just mentally ill my parents are like

Bro my parents don’t believe in mental health really yeah bro i don’t know don’t ask me what is a sad what’s depression what is they said they believe you can only be sad when you are poor and have nothing bro that’s [ __ ] reals yes i mean paul what

Where being poor just just just makes it worse but i don’t know yeah like bro okay this shape should be good for cathedral um yes okay let’s go baby let’s go everyone that donates 20 gets a glass window with your name and top donator gets something in the middle uh hold on

I’m back sir you always know so lights bro you’ve been here all stream like don’t apologize if you leave for for like a few minutes thank you so much for all your support uh no so lights i really i i love you bro you’ve only been here for a couple of

Days in my streams but still it feels like you’re always here already um i don’t think i’ve seen him around before no he’s only been here for like since like last stream i think like and then he commented on the video on a stream that he was re-watching it like [ __ ]

I mean i’m glad that people uh enjoy the content i guess i’m just really hoping that penrose gets back to me if you guys see penrose online like uh don’t check his insta why is it so hard to get a hold of you guys like freezer and penrose like bra

I was just hard oh sorry i forgot i can hit you you just hit me sorry you want a piece of people okay bro no don’t i will die i will lose you have told him let’s do it no i just want only toner i lost the rest

I can give you one i can give you one oh my god you really want me to like die right now yeah okay let’s do it let’s do it like a fist fight like what are we doing no no real fights wait have you have you set your spawn

Yeah i have we both have totems we should be fine oh no no no no no i can’t even see you what the [ __ ] it auto eats [ __ ] me now can see how bad i am though how are you this bad bro you can’t even hit me why where should you kill aura

I don’t get it it’s going to pop right now [ __ ] is that killer dude where’s your kill wait should i turn it on yeah yeah turn it on bro that’s so weird it is am i at it as a friend or something i don’t think so you couldn’t even fight back at what’s

Happening the killora is intimidated how do i hold it oh wait wait it’s on it’s on okay fight me now are you full health like speed it’s um timer it doesn’t really work with the kr on the server like only don’t only correct three heads

Okay okay i i will not it’s fine i don’t want to pop your toe down here i have a free totem yeah no you’re ready don’t die don’t die don’t die there’s no thing no no you can have it you can have it don’t worry bro turn your

Chin doesn’t know how his hacks work i do i just don’t use kill alright oh my god oh yeah yeah save your total for later bro i have too many okay but let me put it in hs yeah thank you very much i gave good my totems

Also needed oh wait i got on breaking in my chest i need to put it on my [ __ ] uh we need to build this this cathedral of donation yeah for all the donators finney vichy this stream wait who who are my top donators next to fury

Let me check let me check i need to i need to see this [ __ ] uh streamlabs okay so aluminum and nico oh i for yeah yeah i mean i didn’t forget but i donated the big amounts like aluminum last stream donated like 10 uh pounds and nico also donated like 13 dollars

And then penrose and vinovici so they all need their window of course um and then i guess here what you want a gaster oh yeah sure yeah and of course uh maxie my first tornado ever he deserves his own window yes melon colored window oh my god yes

Everyone will get their own pretty window it’s going to be so epic okay okay uh wait can you to the the front oh yeah man no let me you don’t have any like ovens or furnaces i don’t know what what resources do you need i’ll get them

Like just um this one i’ve got the name stone brick oh yeah here here wait let me put it i’ll mine somewhere hold on okay thanks oh i have 300 views oh my god first first video with 300 views [ __ ] wow i i thought it would take much longer but

Streaming helps so much hold on my last strong stream gave me like a hundred hours of watch time oh really yeah it was like something crazy like that but i don’t think it even counts it’s blocked much in every country ever that sucks yeah i think stream on thursday is going to

Be the [ __ ] best [ __ ] ever i didn’t even realize my pickaxe broke on the way i messed i messed up that pickaxe because like i made it too expensive no like that [ __ ] bro so that sucks i’m mining so much shut up like um the kitty roll thing is it gonna be only

Spruce wood or like also with oak then what like are you only going to do it with like um oak or also like spruce and oak or only spruce um it doesn’t really matter like you decide from yeah i’m bad at building like you’re way better than me you don’t even know

Like you haven’t seen my builds whatever maybe i suck i’m also like digging and at the same time this is going to be the basement for all the kind of smart yeah yeah probably looking for dark oak oak i can’t find [ __ ] i don’t know if

I don’t know if there’s dark coke near nearby i don’t think so though i will take a look there’s still a lot of people online yeah i don’t know so many people that are online like i only know finivichi zangapets nico miracle pison you and that’s it needs more stone bricks find something

I don’t know how i’m going to even work in like one hour oh my god [ __ ] [ __ ] hungry as [ __ ] i should have had a snack i just drink coffee on my work we should have breakfast so if you come i i don’t have i don’t have uh breakfast but what’s wrong furry

Bruh last [ __ ] after today it’s my last day of work i’m going to cry when i finally [ __ ] can’t stop working at this [ __ ] hospital and then next week i can finally [ __ ] sleep on on wednesday and thursday i’m going to be the happiest boy ever oh my god

Damn can’t wait for that good ass sleep oh yes thursday will be the happiest stream ever uh i do a lot of [ __ ] for getting [ __ ] with and disrespected uh fury bro we are you don’t appreciate our church that we i mean my church that i built yesterday uh two days ago

Like at least give me give me like like like praise me for doing that and what do what’s the artwork like um appreciate yeah yeah this appreciates the church that i built uh on the building stream it took very like a lot of work okay it’s like everything i built uh

Everything i built takes so long because i’m balanced building so you be like that doesn’t count bright counted for me i worked hard on that church for you uh then what job will you have i have another job um that i’ll talk about in the video on uh on friday uh so

You’ll see the the video um pop up soon friday yes um and that job is like way less tiring it’s it’s so much better shiri i’m literally building your church right now to pray for money what do you think i’m doing i’m here at 3 a.m building you a cathedral

I mean i i would donate it to you but look fury scam it says because fury joins paycheck you know wait do you need more uh stone break oh no fine i’ll do i i’ll leave it in the chest for now okay thanks Oh goose is back online oh really i mean goose if you’re watching you can always come call back should i just drill build the walls or or leave it all to you no you could start with the wall okay but more better church equal more bank

Okay where is where is bank for tiny church and then i’ll have to terraform this this this [ __ ] so hard it’s going to take a while but i kind of like terraforming sometimes it’s uh it’s relaxing hold on this phantom kicks me off wait what the

[ __ ] i got a donation i think i got another donation so i think someone subscribed hold on yo zorak subscribes that’s so punk thank yous rx guys if you have your um uh subscribe subscriptions on public it will show up but i think most people have them on private which is sad because

You deserve all the clouds the 11 viewer clouds is it goose yes my goose goose where are my neck hats give me nick honk he’s right here baby yes goose right here i wish goose was here as well wait what do you mean he is here right like in the game

Yeah oh in the here at the builds yeah scott can i hear your best uh southern american accent i i literally can’t do it sadly i don’t know how to do it i i wish i could it’s so funny but i can’t get out of my country

Go back to your attention you don’t belong here i literally can’t do like those accents i’m so bad at it shame i suck at ex i can only we’re rushing on ends really sucks it’s the curse of being dutch like dutch people can’t do accents for real satisfied wait

Is mongrel still here what the [ __ ] yeah i’m still here huh you didn’t talk right no he didn’t oh my god bro you said you were going to sleep so i thought you were you were gone you mean i can’t go now no no you you don’t have to you don’t have to

Like if you like basically this is the point in time when i said that i was going to go wait wait wait i could come on my alt account oh okay you should um mongrel like if you need to go to sleep sleep yeah be healthy boy

Yeah in a bit i’m just gonna check if my new village has moved in on animal crossing animal crossing my sisters play animal crossing and i really don’t understand that uh it isn’t so good like what’s the point of animal crossing like what do you do you just like you

Fight you just cross across animals no you vibe yeah it’s just very calming and like just very fulfilling but like so is minecraft so why why play crossing you know exactly different it’s a different vibe i don’t understand i’m just not i’m not a nintendo kind of guy you know yeah

The discord what what do you say that you need the chords yeah yeah uh goose man wants some chords to to me yes to my asbr yes uh wait can i dm you this hold on yes you sound like normal humans no we are bro are you insulting goose man

Guzman is not a normal human he is goose he’s literally a goose cupcake called you’re racist against goose all right i’m gonna try to nether travel i’m probably gonna die though so use a highway um i mean you can also just like go on your main account and block

Off your bet and like my bed is block right so i can just oh yeah darth will come you should be you should be fine if you uh yeah i’ll just i’ll try to come on if i die i’ll do that dart is also here dark

Dark is also here i mean they’re faded oh whoa then i shouldn’t do it because nobody will unblock well i mean your bed is unblocked nevermind everyone is here so i don’t know uh that’s come on i was here you boys were talking about watching things bro we were it’s not oh

My [ __ ] god cupcake let me explain this [ __ ] to you gracie was was was randomly [ __ ] playing hentai on on discord and that’s not my fault i i didn’t condone that i i said stop and i didn’t i yeah i i didn’t watch it so don’t be doing as as if it’s my

Fellow prize i watched for you i didn’t oh and saying why do they have big big titties i mean they did but you i didn’t believe they actually she’s like she was actually playing that [ __ ] and then i watched and it was like actually animated do you even say you don’t do anything

When you do watch it i left after that yeah bro why the [ __ ] like the hentai doesn’t get me on it’s just like it’s just drawings you know yeah you’re really disrespecting and i like i mean like sorry what do you mean it was too cringe that

Wasn’t cringe that was [ __ ] normal it wasn’t that crazy it was kind of funny but i mean i don’t know maybe to you it is uh sorry if it was cringe cupcake i’m sorry i will i will lynch myself oh god oh my god what do you mean

I’m so hungry guys there’s nothing nothing to eat did you say me or said eat ass oh yes that’s not better right Yo anyone in belgium uh wants to get their ass eaten only if you want to though you stay in belgium yeah are you in belgium yeah bro that’s hot that’s not as fun that’s how is that hot how is that hot bro that’s so hot

Bro i can’t just do it it’s just always acting maths doesn’t like i just can’t help myself oh my god where’s god’s girlfriend bro i’m talking about men i only eat man no i’m kidding i’m kidding i’m kidding guys saying i’m certain no no no no no no obviously kidding says bro bro

One more hour until work guys can we hit 500 are you going to work in an hour yes have you stayed up all night yes oh my god that was my plan before this stream and tomorrow i’m doing the same thing and then i’m done with work oh

The seasonal thing no it’s i signed a contract because i was poor and now i i’m still poor but i it kills me to wake up at 4 am so uh oh yeah that sucks here guys oh he is wait tell him to log on right now

Gather log on right now right now great [ __ ] oh my god i don’t need to fight money no i mean you don’t have to donate if you’re poor bro i’m talking to the rich people elon musk mr beast are you in chat i’m [ __ ] dead bro I hate doing all nighters yeah it’s they’re fun sometimes but no not if you have to worry you don’t feel good oh yeah definitely not what is your job cleaning in hospital oh that’s hot rust how is this hot i’m literally cleaning cleaning the toilet i’m literally cleaning sheds that’s one thing oh

I mean bro there’s no there’s this one dude oh my god literally okay only 12 people here so guys exclusive story time to everyone that’s here so i there’s this one do it every day i i clean the toilets at like 7 30 a.m because we first have to clean all the

Desks and shits and every day the same dudes at 7 30 a.m comes into that toilet and he sits on that [ __ ] toilet for more than 30 minutes always when i have to [ __ ] clean the [ __ ] toilets and i clearly i and he he comes in while

I’m cleaning so like not even like like if he came in before or or after i wouldn’t care but like i’m literally cleaning and this dude just walks in and closes the door and i’m like bro what the [ __ ] is wrong with this dude and he

Sits there like if it was like one minute i wouldn’t care but this dude sits there for like 30 [ __ ] minutes it’s actually stupid you should tell them the [ __ ] off i have to be nice to everyone but i can’t get the [ __ ] off my toilet i’m trying to clean into you

Oh god this dude’s called me tripping right i will i won’t miss this dude it’s [ __ ] that’s amazing yeah this dude has some has some [ __ ] like if he has autism then i don’t pay him blame him but like if he’s just doing i don’t know what he would be doing for

30 minutes on the twitter yeah like everyone everyone like the dude i work with says he’s just [ __ ] jerking off in there i know right maybe it’s just jerking off with the rectal dysfunction how old is er he is like like a kind kinda like like a bit fat

But like not that bad and he’s like 30 ish um no beards glasses so he’s he’s like the erectile dysfunction i don’t think it’s erectile deflection but maybe he gets off from like people being in the same room and like getting caught and [ __ ] like that like i don’t

Know what the focus problem is is he like is he a a patient no no no he works there he he he’s one oh he’s one of the repairmen what the that’s that makes it worse yeah bro i’m just [ __ ] sweating about this dude this [ __ ] like there’s something wrong with this dude

Like if it’s something mental then i don’t blame him but like maybe it’s just somewhere for him to chill without anybody being able to see him but like why in the beginning of your work day and why at the [ __ ] same time when you know that i’m cleaning the toilets because i clean

Them every time at the same [ __ ] hour like bro what’s wrong with you don’t you respect like all those people like [ __ ] work like brah i’m trying to clean yeah right this dude this juice gets on my nerves like sometimes i swear to god like most people when i’m cleaning ask

Like can i use a restroom and i’m like no sorry i’m cleaning but like there’s another one like just a few quarters away and they’ll be like okay thank you but this dude doesn’t even say hello he just walks in close the door before that takes a [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah

Imagine a 30 minute [ __ ] this dude like literally [ __ ] like his [ __ ] brains out like our store like literally everything is like in the toilet like blood it’s giving birth every [ __ ] day trying to bro this dude i don’t know what his problem is for real he’s waiting i swear to god

Today when i go to work he’s going to be there same hour i just know it what you’re gonna say to him is i am cleaning the bathroom get the [ __ ] out bruh i don’t wanna i can’t be rude that’s the thing well i mean i would say

Uh i would just say like I’m cleaning now could you get out for at least like 10 minutes just get off the toilet and then go sit back well i mean i i think it right now it’s probably too late because you’ve already let him do it yeah yeah yeah i’m kind of saucy can you let me clean

The bathroom let me clean let’s kick down the door and just say hey bruh the [ __ ] off the toilet get the [ __ ] out of here that would work just have a mental breakdown thank you for that every single day and you’re still [ __ ] up crying your eyes he’s [ __ ] crying

Oh my god bro this is this dude’s got me crying sometimes like i’m just trying to clean you uh what are you doing you’re waiting for me what do you do while you’re waiting for him to come out i mean just clean the other bathrooms and after that i just

Move on like there’s been many times where i didn’t get the chance to clean that one stall you know i’m going to be checking all the coffee when i arrive at the hospital that’s fair yeah where do i get food though [ __ ] what’s up i was washing dishes from my job and a

Bunch of other stuff but i i got fired because uh so she asked me one day do you want an early shift on sunday and i say hell yeah i have school the next day yeah and then a couple days after she’s like oh we don’t have an early shift open for that

Day and i’m like okay cool and then sunday rolls around and i go to work and my friend says he’s been there since 12. on an early video oh my god so and then so uh i asked him and he said that she asked him to come in early for help and

And then she walks in and says to my friend i’m gonna let you go up five since you’ve been here since 12. and then so i asked her can my friend work until the end of the shift with me because you are you told me that you

Were going to give me an early shift but then you give him an illusion yeah what the [ __ ] she said and then she said uh no you don’t want to work uh i’m going to go home right now you don’t want to work and then she clocked me out herself

So i i was like just doing work for no money so and then i tried to explain to her and try to tell her what i’m trying to say and then she just kept saying that like uh you don’t want to work what a piece of [ __ ] yeah and then so

Uh i let my feelings get the best of me and while i’m walking out i flip her off and say [ __ ] you but then that’s not the thing that gets me fired apparently because on the way home i’m walking home like four four miles three miles um and i’m like i’m texting her

You’re making me walk home i don’t even have a ride [ __ ] you and then a bunch of other [ __ ] and then i come into work uh on wednesday a couple days later yeah and the chef tells me that i don’t have a job and i’m like bro you’re just like bro

And i’m like bro and i walk out oh that’s sad that’s sad [ __ ] when did that happen it was a couple months ago i’m not exactly sure when bro do you have a job now uh i applied for one but i haven’t been emailed back it starts in the summer okay

So i don’t know about it yet but i had to i had to list that i was a uh you know uh [ __ ] fire in the reason why i was fired why why why why is that a thing i don’t know they just they were like uh

How were you let go from your old job did you like leave or were you fired and i said i was this was over uh an application i didn’t like it wasn’t speaking one-on-one but can’t you just lie i would have honestly yeah but i want to be truthful and they and like

On the application on the application it says like they’re going to contact my old work to make sure it’s yeah my boss said that i didn’t want to work so i stopped working my boss clocked me out i would just have not mentioned my previous job to be honest yeah but i wanted

Experience to be on there so i would oh my god just pops um let’s go let’s go does that actually say that yeah yeah it’s so [ __ ] funny that’s hot Yo yo you’re in love with me or something or like right no the totem’s hot oh okay okay and you i’m [ __ ] awesome This is the nicest thing anybody’s ever said to me i i need to get the minion totem though for mackie oh dude you know those texture packs where it’s like randomized textures so like you might get the item with one texture or another dude like if you can have like both

The baby and the minion oh my god wait let me let me let me look up minion texture packs hello i need this can you have more than one texture pack on i have one yes they can override each other oh [ __ ] i might need this

I have two texture packs and um the uh totem of undying kind of gets [ __ ] up because there’s a custom model on one of the texture packs oh my god bro so the baby just looks so weird i’m gonna download obama totem for an extreme are you what happened what happened what

Happened what happened what happened did you die yeah baritone mind a i don’t think i’ve seen the entrance look please build this guys if he donates you’ll get in the cathedral mccosy priest i think he’s afk who is the priest no priest is here right wait who’s going uh uh

That one mongrel he left yeah wait is it i think it’s mongrel but i say mongrel because i can’t speak yeah it doesn’t matter mango mongrel he’s gone you listen you live in my heart forever my girl i am crying all right i guess i’m gonna come on my you’re gonna come

Bro i’m gonna come yes hold on yo i’m hella hungry holy [ __ ] i just need to forget that food exists real quick guys food is fake say it with me food is fake you don’t need foods to live you don’t need food let me check how many subscribers i have um

162 bruh buggers that’s hot why is everything out to you it’s uh it’s a condition oh [ __ ] bro you’re good yeah like if you think i’m hot like uh everything is amazing let’s be honest oh my god no no now that food doesn’t exist everything’s awesome i still have to work

Imagine if you didn’t have to eat food that would be so good because it would be so much better i would never have to worry about uh what would be what would be better than that would be like uh food not affecting like what if hunger wasn’t a thing but you could

Still eat food oh yeah oh my [ __ ] god bro i would never buy food i would save so much [ __ ] money holy [ __ ] my game just crashed i keep crashing whenever i go through portals it’s so that’s weird you need to fix that i’m going to try to come on my main account

Don’t take that really common water what come on stop it stop around bruh wait priestess where is prisco i don’t know probably uh well let’s talk [ __ ] about priests well priests so oh priest is so such a priest wait what he says he’s here oh um i didn’t say anything bad about you

Please i just said you’re a priest and like like he said he can’t talk oh because you’re suss well priest is so weird why is priests acting sauce top 10 reasons why priest is sauce priest no talking let’s keep this going freeze is so weird uh oh my god

Where is he going to cancel me again we’re canceling please priest hates not only don’t even [Laughter] just don’t even oh my god all right i’m preparing so i’ll be there in a in a hoppiness skip yes park sitting down for like eight hours just [ __ ] you up yeah

Is this a church or a fortress it’s a church for donation imagine doing a 24-hour stream i don’t know how people would actually do it like i literally i have so much respect for people that can even pull off that [ __ ] that’s crazy like i think i could barely

Hold like 12 hours like everything above 12 hour stream i would [ __ ] die midstream i would literally just [ __ ] kill myself midstream oh my god oh my god i can’t like the tree even now after like seven and a half hours i’m dying already i i think it’s just people that

Naturally are good at talking and i’m i’m naturally like very bad at talking so i guess i don’t know you learned you know i heard a lot of youtubers used to be really shy about doing youtube help them like yeah yeah i mean it’d really be like that though like yeah youtube helped

Well when i when i’m in class and [ __ ] i i i feel less anxious to talk to people already and i’ve only been doing youtube for like a month that’s awesome yeah it’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] great is it is it hot though it it’s uh it’s warm it’s warm

Well actually actually it’s not normal oh my god yeah uh i have like what’s it called [ __ ] i’m scared of public speaking sometimes but not all like the the thought of public speaking doesn’t really scare me but when i’m up there like then it’s kind of scary but then

Like go through it with it you know yeah yeah i mean i think it’s like a normal fear to have rights like normal uh being scared of public speaking i i used to have no stress about it uh but this year it came back but now it’s gone again because of youtube

Like i did like a presentation in front of the class and like i don’t know if i was shaking because i didn’t eat and sleep or or or if if i was shaking because i was having stress or maybe both but yeah i was like shaking very hard

And like i think people could see that’s like uh sometimes uh like i’ll go through with it but i’ll be extremely nervous like but i don’t think you’ll be able to see it like in public speaking i mean yeah yeah i used to be like that i just killed myself without flocking my

Head i’m like no way wait are you not you’re did you kill yourself i’m about to right now i just i just forgot to block my bed so i just respawned okay okay oh bruce is actually doing work here this is so weird holy crap cracker minion priest is so not hot christmas

Yeah pretty cystic it’s like i mean it’s kind of how would i know what his dick looks like bro oh my god i knew my [ __ ] [ __ ] would crash [ __ ] you okay well my [ __ ] crashed oh yeah i’m restarting minecraft that’s not hot no not odd bro uh-huh at all [ __ ] what

Spawn is it’s like decently hard to get out of if you’re like if you spawn in the middle but if you spawn like near the outside it’s like yeah it’s way too easy bro spawn it just takes a couple minutes it’s not bad you just have to walk bro

But then every day you hear trees trees trees trees where there’s the trees where’s the food can i get free stuff please right now like free kids guys anyone can i don’t group like shut your mouth like goofy yes [ __ ] just it’s not wait you’re gonna right you’re just saying so [ __ ]

Next person that says going to smack their ass and kiss them yo i’mma kiss you bro shut the [ __ ] up before i kiss you you better be careful around kiss you so [ __ ] hard it’s gonna rip your face off oh my [ __ ] god i’m going to portray right now

But it’s actually kind of difficult to find one go to what i mean you know because i have the hacks and stuff i could see zip hackers oh my god reports don’t you don’t tell my mom don’t tell me report guzman to police mindville police

Oh my god uh i did not okay i should have never told you oh my god why are you doing indian accents what the [ __ ] oh i go through a portal and my game crashes again no way bro i’ll probably spawn like when i come back and i’ll spawn on the other

Side though it’s only when i do it on like maybe there’s so many portals around that it doesn’t know which one to go to hello again pandaru hello that’s park pandaru you just comment you just come in the stream to say hello and then you leave it’s like talk to me bro Another thing about baritone ever since a meteor update every time i uh close minecraft or like uh like log out of the game yeah uh it the fall height for baritone is sent to like the [ __ ] the build limit yeah so like i’ll set it

To go somewhere and it just jumps off a cliff and kills me so every time i open i have to remember i have to remember to uh to set it to three bro and i didn’t used to have to do that before the update meteor fix your [ __ ] [ __ ] bro

I thought mitchell was good everyone’s always telling me to get meet here i don’t know it’s doing it right now i forgot don’t die don’t die don’t die it doesn’t matter i gotta go to that uh that uh that e-chest in the above the ceiling

How the [ __ ] did they get that up there uh i don’t know ghost tents will work right you could play stuff with ghosting no i don’t know i don’t know how to get how to get i mean like how did they get it up there no idea i should i

Fury knows how to do that yo sure he doesn’t know [ __ ] actually never mind fury lies all the time he was like they broke it they broke the thing they he was he said they broke the nether or the end portal and he said the the [ __ ] chest above the ceiling doesn’t work

Can you get into it yes right yeah neither of them were true she lies always i’m literally crying you’re broke you broke or trust fury how could you i don’t think he’s watching anymore so we can’t say anything about fury guys if any time fury messes you say no [ __ ] i keep saying

Three instead of hashtag like why is my cozy here oh to get into the basement thank you my cozy yo this is actually pretty holy [ __ ] thank you what the [ __ ] he knows what he’s doing damn run down and then you i don’t know how i’m gonna get up here

Uh use very time how many phantoms are oh um bless you that’s hot sneeze for me daddy i’m so [ __ ] dead I don’t have any uh there was a highway going to it but i don’t know where it is uh set zero right yeah it’s zero 500 is that zero and then you go to y 121 okay yeah and like any x so if you just that bear don’t go there

It’s like almost always works fine yeah and then you just walk and it’s yeah i mean don’t give away the location of where it is but it’s like like you can reach it you know oh yeah i just went to i don’t see it though uh free cam above above you

I have storage espn it’s not showing now oh you mean the ender chest maybe someone took it down already oh i think it was further actually My girlfriend asked me like are you still streaming and i’d be like yes she says bro i’m going to [ __ ] die at work i just know i [ __ ] listen to some music at work and do some podcasts only have to work for like four hours and i take 30 minutes break so

Christopher why can’t you talk what is wrong with you it’s it’s something like his parents i think it’s just too late at night oh what are you doing with your mom i’m sorry i’m not going to disrespect not next to him like in the next room [Laughter]

Why is your mom next to you priest sir yeah explain that please freezer with mom relationship secret confirmed i’m sorry rooster is so good at building i’m so going to jealous bruh teach me the ways oh there’s a [ __ ] farm here i need to build more can’t sleep tomorrow and other eight-hour stream

What are you talking to like what the cozy my crazy thing i i think wait he said get me anderson you [ __ ] i think she [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] she it was an accident bro i would cry if i was you he just called you she okay There’s no excuse for that racism oh my god he said he’s such a convincing fanboy fanboy of what he said he’s a convincing fanboy what the [ __ ] oh my god okay your pronouns are now she you can’t decide sorry i i was because like when i first uh

Uh [ __ ] joined the server i always thought of uh cozy the account as a girl just because you were simping for him and now he turns out to be a boy and now you’re sad no i was thinking the whole way through yeah it don’t matter boy or girl like just the

Cozy sound it’s so hot so i just needed to get in them pants you know like i don’t care bro my cozy hit me up no i knew priest was a a boy i don’t care if sir hit me up watch your snapchat pretty soon yes hit me up

Wait let me see somewhere but uh uh why are you doing bro i’m checking something To the eight people still watching um thank you and and also why i mean i get i get if you have nothing but message to do and if you actually enjoy this then um thank you priests have you accepted me on snapchat that’s what i’m trying to see

Shut the [ __ ] up did you actually ask i asked no way right i tried to add him wait do you ever you always you have a snap oh yeah his sniper’s public right i’m on snapchat um it’s the goose goose man [ __ ] i should i should add you guys

Wait what’s your snapchat or can’t you say it in on life uh well uh what me yeah uh it’s dylan goose man with spaces wait where’s the spaces it’s just like regular words just between every word do spaces work on snapchats and all right well i don’t know i don’t really

Understand how i don’t know like that’s just a word that’s just a name but there’s like another name that she uses like so below that it’s basket candy mars okay don’t make fun of me i made it in 2015. what the [ __ ] is this so b-a-s-k-e-t

I found you where is your hair like that for real yes no way i’m so jealous of you bro uh awesome i’ll send a picture of my hair don’t wait don’t leak my name it’s my real name that’s fine i’ll send you a pic tomorrow uh you should have a friend request now

Yeah i got it i mean you can say my first name but like not my last name yeah oh you accepted it damn guys the cruise man just sent me a dick pic the [ __ ] i’m gonna in a second don’t worry bro he sent me armpit hair pick right what’s wrong with you

Accented bro hold on let me check this let me check this yo guys guzman is hella hot he has like big long hairs like i feel i’d kill them i i’d pull your hairs bro big long hair big long hair i’ma send you a picture no homo hold on

Taking taking my pants off real quick unzipping the zipper I revealed to you me that is hot bro i think the left nut is a little bit smaller than the right but overall it’s a five bats oh my god a five well you know if the nuts were equal size i would give it higher but like the dick though

Yeah but you know the balls are essential no [ __ ] bruh am i wait nico says am i the only one who can’t manage to get a [ __ ] totem in this game anyone else has as joker nico i i i trade you some if you need some jokers and totems like

I have way too many at this point i don’t have any because my cozy doesn’t look sure stupid cozy am i going to beat your ass bro where’s your ass give me your ass i’m joking because i’m sorry i’m sorry stupid cozy no i’m kidding i’m kidding you’re so

Awesome i love you mccoy oh he hit me what the [ __ ] bruh come here he dies he said spread me i’m spanking a bit too hard he’s burning oh my god okay i have a choker full of chokers missing the totem but thank you i’ll grind hardcore i bro i mean if you

If you want me to trade you some chokers for something like let me know bro i got you always nico also nico you you deserve place in the cathedral of donations of course because you then you you my second my third top donation nothing i have to mine stone with my bare hands

Why because i don’t have wood imagine being so far hey i i have a single single totem that darth gave me i yeah i had two but i popped one i’ll give you one when you get here the baby let’s go the baby i’m always cool guys let’s go this is lies

Because you like me this is how i talk at 4 00 am the baby says totem because he i’m at the location and i did there is no let me double check no ender chest hold on i mean you could basically walk the high on the highway um

Without food but it would take you very long guys goose man ignored me on snapchat i’m crying why did you send someone he didn’t sense anything back oh yeah you have guitar i forgot you ignored my last snap oh my god good guys cancel boots man he hates me

I sent him a picture of my eye and he just opened it and he left me on red just like that i already sent you a picture of me yeah yeah but like that’s not how snapchat works right so like you need to keep sending

Well i don’t think i don’t use notice so i don’t know okay you leave me already you you look at me and you just say nah okay there you go there’s a picture of my eye really your eye oh my god guys i’m looking at guzman’s eye right now

Are you really why your eyes so big bruh you know if the eye big the oh my god i’m so [ __ ] dead i’m almost out of skin powder i need to [ __ ] i need to go get more gunpowder i can i just use electro boost but that doesn’t work right

It works you have to you have to like you have to be looking down and then after the noise stops just look up and you can just fight infinitely yeah yeah it’s pretty hot i mean that’s meteor client i am on the impacts oh because he’s just standing oh no he’s

Not afk mccosie can you hear me oh he can oh my god he’s just bruh that was creepy i don’t know why i just expected him to not hear me cozy why are you so cute [Applause] damn right he’s showing me his ass like that like right chill chill chill lucky chill bruh

He still accepted my friend request my cozy sent me a picture of his ass and like one one cheek is bigger than the other and i don’t know how to feel about it yeah it’s not good yeah i mean i mean it’s still cute you know but like i don’t know

Bruh i can’t find them agosy i can’t find it what is it what can’t you find oh wait maybe maybe i see it it’s it’s uh it’s where we have an ender chest oh no dots in the wall i can’t believe it what i almost have to work

I want to get there before you have to work you won’t get here before i have to work yes tomorrow or day after brah i’m not ready for drunk stream but i just know like after i’m finally done with this [ __ ] job i’m going to be very happy and i’m going to drink

Christopher are you are you coming back before i have to go or well i have to live without your your sweet voice telling me goodbye he said he won’t be able to talk anymore okay well thank you already christopher for um for staying with us for so long mangrove has returned

Wait mongrel is in english time zone right mongrel is english right like british why mongrel why the [ __ ] why are you here go sleep come on girl i mean i appreciate you returning but go sleep it’s too late for you bruh it’s not even 10 pm for me it’s 9 50. wait

What state are you in pennsylvania is it like to the right of america boy it’s a state in pennsylvania i mean [ __ ] it’s a state in america i mean like what side of america uh on the east side okay yeah it’s 4 am here bro go sleep

Bruh cozy put in the wrong chords let me double check you wait when are you ending stream i’m ending stream in like about 10 minutes oh my god i put the wrong chords in goddamn i don’t know if i will be able i don’t know like maybe i won’t be able

To even stream tomorrow if i’m too tired but i’m going to try to do the same thing i’m gonna i’m gonna move that supersonic speed to get to you you won’t bro it’s impossible to get here in 10 minutes i think is that wait you have to leave in 10 minutes yeah bro

I mean i have to get ready for work i need to brush my teeth i put some clothes on like a new new clothes i mean maybe i’ll call my girlfriend for like five minutes i’m so hungry [ __ ] tomorrow after work i mean in a few

Hours i will i’m going to eat chicken with brown rice that’s going to be so good that is amazing yes it’s in my fridge i i already cooked it the baby let’s go the baby sauce let’s go oh my god guys um i got my elytra [ __ ] i’m dying

I could imagine i’m going to arrive on work and people are going to speed like bro maybe i’ll just do a short building stream tomorrow because like like i mean i don’t know if penrose reaches out to me on time i’ll i’ll do building competition with him

But if he if he’s too busy which i get of course um then i’ll just do like a few hours building stream and probably a few people arrive at the base i start building here already at the city uh darth vader uh he’s going to build man grave i hope um

I’m going to go at exactly 4 a.m so i have exactly eight hours streamed i think where’s that in three minutes yeah two now bro my arms are hurting like holy [ __ ] Oh wait did i charge my phone oh no i didn’t hold on how many it’s on 50 that’s enough i promise i reach courts tomorrow uh okay mongrel thank you um wait the support of far from the town no not not that far but no no not that far

I mean you see the chords right so you know you know i’m literally waiting for the timer to hit eight hours i’m dying guys yes i have some good heart iron for you i’m gonna feel this big ingot of iron here’s my my iron ingots here here we go yeah wait hold on

Guys can we have a bargain chat for 160 i mean 160 subscribers oh everyone is still watching you guys are awesome holy [ __ ] no so lights for [ __ ] for real thank you of course everyone that’s was in the call for so [ __ ] long mongrel darts priester 18 deaths of course

I wasn’t there for eating this oh sad sad he was [ __ ] funny as [ __ ] uh everyone that joined the [ __ ] city right this stream was so eventful uh i’ll try to upload the highlights sunday from antichrist um yeah thank you guys thank you i i appreciate you guys so much

I’m going to try to stream tomorrow but if i’m too tired and yeah then i’ll just do a short stream and uh if barros reaches out to me then i’ll just do uh a building competition uh watching on tv while playing brother spark nico thank you thank you

Um i’m going to leave now guys um all right thank you for watching and i’ll see you tomorrow hopefully normally you will bye guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anarchy Town building (Get me to 200 subs)’, was uploaded by Skotose me on 2021-04-28 02:28:52. It has garnered 400 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 08:01:04 or 28864 seconds.

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    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan’s animations are a dream. With humor and joy, he crafts each scene, Bringing happiness to all who glean. His channel is the place for child-friendly fun, Where laughter and smiles are never outdone. So follow along, join the Minecraft run, And bask in the glow of Fangkuaixuan’s sun. With rhymes that ignite and stories that sing, He spins the finest tales, like a Minecraft king. So leap into the verse, let your creativity spring, And let Fangkuaixuan’s joyous spirit bring. Read More

  • Everyone’s guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥

    Everyone's guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥 Remember spending hours meticulously building your dream house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch? Good times. #minecraftfails #oops #memories Read More

  • Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft The Creation of the Monster Monkey Portal in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing embarks on a journey to create a portal like no other. This time, it’s the Monster Monkey portal from the Zoonomaly game. Join UzeMing as he delves into the realm of monsters and anomalies in Minecraft. The Monster Monkey Anomaly The Monster Monkey is a peculiar creature with the face of an ape, long tusks, and remarkably long arms that it uses to move around. In the Zoonomaly game, these creatures are dangerous and will hunt down anything… Read More

  • Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server

    Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft gameplay and stand out from the crowd? Look no further! We have the perfect recommendation for you. While watching the latest YouTube video on the best Minecraft sound effect to make your videos go viral, it became clear that to truly elevate your Minecraft experience, you need to join a server that offers a unique and exciting environment. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community, thrilling gameplay, and endless possibilities, Minewind Minecraft Server is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned player… Read More

  • Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins!

    Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins! The Perfect 5-min Enderman Farm! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than this perfect 5-minute Enderman Farm tutorial! In this exciting video, you’ll learn how to build an extremely easy and highly efficient Enderman XP farm. With step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, you’ll be able to create your own Enderman farm in no time. Don’t miss this opportunity to dominate the world of Minecraft and obtain valuable resources in a simple and effective way! Building the Enderman Farm Follow along as the tutorial guides you through the process of building… Read More

  • TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!

    TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!Video Information hey guys Mikey and I are walking around the village and doing our usual things we just go out and have fun nothing out of the ordinary we should head for home now we’ve seen all we can see it’s true there’s nothing interesting here we should find something to do it’s getting boring follow me I don’t think we’re going to find anything interesting today then what are we going to do with you just go home what else do you have to offer I don’t know I thought you had something to offer look at the… Read More

  • RTGame’s Epic Minecraft Finale

    RTGame's Epic Minecraft FinaleVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you threw my sandwich away my sandwich my sandwich [Music] [Music] Dre you see behavioral extres the roller Coter [Music] hey folks you hear me hello how y all doing hope everyone is having a lovely [Music] day hi howdy he’s stopping the Minecraft series cuz he’s dying of old age it’s true you know that’s that’s what gets us all old man now he’s been playing Minecraft for years Ley coffee thank you for the 10 gift Subs it’s very kind to you haven’t even started the stream yet thanks everyone subbing it’s… Read More

  • Insane Vertical Stream on 2b2t! 5k Subs Goal!

    Insane Vertical Stream on 2b2t! 5k Subs Goal!Video Information yo what is up guys welcome we’re back back from the dead resurrected good to see everyone here Hank Mr felra 2v yata havlin stormi undefeated quick Vibes DS Switzer what is up guys happy weekend good morning Alpha I hope everyone is doing really good so what are we doing today well we’re doing the normal stuff the stuff we like to do but to begin with uh we are heading towards a specific location um Banner hunting once again see I’ve got a very interesting location to check out so we’re going to go there first… Read More

  • Shocking EPIC Rainforest Cafe Tour! | Lotus SMP S2 LIVE!

    Shocking EPIC Rainforest Cafe Tour! | Lotus SMP S2 LIVE!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and we are live how’s it going everyone welcome welcome welcome to the stream how’s everyone doing welcome spaer welcome Rose welcome Edam welcome reneer welcome bot rcks even though that’s just a bot nerie welcome and wait is this two different Sparger accounts or cuz one has a Garfield profile picture and the other one has the like default Panda profile picture from Xbox 360 um St an account welcome yes welcome me welcome myself how are you guys all doing today yes welcome I am welcome to the stream I… Read More

  • Minecraft Villagers Gone Wild! | Eternals Smp Ep.30

    Minecraft Villagers Gone Wild! | Eternals Smp Ep.30Video Information This video, titled ‘Moving Villagers in Minecraft | Eternals Smp Ep.30’, was uploaded by StumpsMC on 2024-05-28 23:35:17. It has garnered 530 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:35 or 1415 seconds. Transporting Villagers in Minecraft to their new Trading Hall Home using Boats and Minecarts, today we knock out the boring and repetitive stuff! Welcome to the most annoying part of the progress we are making here on the Eternals Smp Season 2 Episode 30! #minecraft #gaming #minecraftgameplay Check Out The Eternals Smp Members! @Gag3r @mikeymacmc @BiglyShronk @redgabs @armorbluegaming @sarnose @ProKitman @Skraby @OddManMC… Read More

  • Uncovering Ryder and Pomni’s Secret Bunker in Minecraft Maizen!

    Uncovering Ryder and Pomni's Secret Bunker in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SUPER Secret BUNKER of RYDER and POMNI in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Myzen TV on 2024-02-28 13:30:16. It has garnered 32966 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found SUPER Secret BUNKER of RYDER and POMNI in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best… Read More

  • Shocking Heart-to-Heart With Gizoku and Onri! 💔 #Minecraft

    Shocking Heart-to-Heart With Gizoku and Onri! 💔 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【アツクラ】ぎぞくさん&おんりーちゃんのほのぼのトーク♡ #ぎぞく #おんりー #アツクラ #shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by ぎぞくの切り抜き【ますメロン畑】 on 2024-06-05 22:00:12. It has garnered 3033 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. This is the clipping channel of GzK Gizoku, a game commentator and distributor (..◜ᴗ◝..) *Permission has been obtained from the person in question. So cute♡ ▷Clip source[Live broadcast]Continued: I will magically modify the 5 super rare weapons I have completed into the strongest weapons.[Minecraft]#Atsukura ▷GzK Gizokusan ▷Onlychan ▷Please subscribe here too🙇‍♀️ [2023. Atsukura Clippings Playlist] [2024. Atsukura Clippings Playlist]… Read More

  • ¡Asombrosos Mods de Supervivencia para Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.81!

    ¡Asombrosos Mods de Supervivencia para Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.81!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 12 MEJORES ADDONS SURVIVAL Para MINECRAFT 1.20+ (Bedrock/PE) MODS PARA MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.20.81’, was uploaded by Santiago Gamer289 on 2024-05-20 23:23:28. It has garnered 43587 views and 1594 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:02 or 602 seconds. ======================================== – Business/Contact: [email protected] – PayPal – Donations: – Become a Member: ======================================== Many make the mistake of adding too many addons that do not They integrate well with the game, filling it with low quality content. These addons only take up space and make it difficult to find the best ones. Therefore,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Building Real Shiv Temple in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Building Real Shiv Temple in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘om namah shivaya shiv temple in minecraft#gaming#minecraft#trending #omnamahshivaya#temple#bholenath’, was uploaded by Gaming Omshankar on 2024-03-21 14:26:18. It has garnered 5286 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. om namah shivaya shiv temple in minecraft#gaming#minecraft#trending #omnamahshivaya#temple#bholenath Jaishreeram minecraft minecraft techno gamerz minecraft in hindi minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft 100 days minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft video minecraft house tutorial minecraft game minecraft videos car for sale car for sale simulator car for sale simulator 2023 download android car for sale simulator 2023 iphone car for sale game car for sale… Read More

  • SuperiorCraft

    SuperiorCraftSuperiorCraft is a Minecraft server dedicated to fun, engagement, and playing with your friends. We love to see our players engage and have fun on our server. Read More

  • Enclave Kingdoms Bedrock: Factions, Semi-vanilla, PvP, Whitelist

    Enclave Kingdoms! A bedrock server that is faction based with various add-ons like new armor and weapons to keep things interesting. Message me or comment if you are interested! Factions: Legion of the Sea Kamereon Kazoku Warriors Guild Mercenaries Each faction gets their own special abilities and perks in certain environments. What can you do? Start a war Win a war (don’t lose) Become a faction leader Overthrow your faction leader Become a spy Get hunted down by a bounty hunter if you are found out And so much more! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “This ain’t Minecraft, suckers!”

    Minecraft Memes - "This ain't Minecraft, suckers!"Well, I guess this meme must be playing a different game on its own score board! Read More

  • “Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!” 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme

    "Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!" 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme When you accidentally walk through the wrong nether portal and end up in a world made entirely of diamond ore… talk about a first world problem! #minecraft #shorts #meme Read More

  • 7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base

    7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base The Adventures of Minecraft – 7 Days of Survival: Building, Modifying, and Protecting My Base Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft with Fabulas do Luar as they dive into the challenges of survival, building, modifying, and protecting their base. Join them as they explore the vast landscapes, encounter dangerous creatures, and unleash their creativity in this exciting gameplay series. Building a Strong Foundation From crafting tools to constructing shelters, Fabulas do Luar demonstrates the importance of building a strong foundation in Minecraft. Watch as they gather resources, mine for valuable materials, and create intricate structures… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax – Minecraft Circus Ep.2

    SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax - Minecraft Circus Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-05-02 20:00:11. It has garnered 6832 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:56 or 3716 seconds. RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure to watch… Read More

  • Terrifying Cloud Minecraft

    Terrifying Cloud MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But It’s Terrifying’, was uploaded by cloud on 2024-04-24 20:00:12. It has garnered 929 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:19 or 2539 seconds. 3 Players survive the Minecraft Mod Fear Nightfall for the first time and regret it. Join the Discord: Join this channel to get access to perks: In the video titled “Minecraft’s Scariest Mod: Fear Nightfall,” players explore one of Minecraft’s most intense and terrifying mods. This 42-minute episode captures their journey through dark, suspense-filled environments amplified by the mod’s enhancements to the game’s horror… Read More

  • “Escape from Tsinghua: Teacher’s Love Story in Minecraft” #clickbait #myworld

    "Escape from Tsinghua: Teacher's Love Story in Minecraft" #clickbait #myworldVideo Information This video, titled ‘【逃离清华】87:老师为了爱情把车和房子都买了#minecraft #mc #我的世界’, was uploaded by 我的世界细狗 on 2024-06-04 10:30:30. It has garnered 11508 views and 419 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Hello everyone, I am a dog. I like my world. Hobbies: playing on the computer, pit teacher. Passive: automatically generate traps around. Update Minecraft game videos every day! Thank you for watching! Subscription link: Welcome everyone to subscribe to my channel! #MyWorld#Game#MC Read More

  • Shocking! People still play JoJo?!

    Shocking! People still play JoJo?!Video Information This video, titled ‘People still play this game?’, was uploaded by JoJo on 2024-04-28 14:00:42. It has garnered 2157 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:55 or 235 seconds. This video will review Minecraft and see how good it is. You already know… Please like, comment and subscribe. I love you :* #minecraft #games #gamereview #review #memes #funny #videogames 0:00 Intro 0:18 Review 3:37 Score Read More

  • Insane Logic Revealed in 10 Seconds! 😱 #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Logic Revealed in 10 Seconds! 😱 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Logic in a few seconds 😂 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Deiiic Shorts on 2024-04-25 14:30:04. It has garnered 11326 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. ⭐️! Everything you want is here! ⭐️ 👉 My Graphic Designer and his networks: 👉Twitter: 👉Discord: Digman#2622 👉Youtube:… 👉Instagram : 👉Twich : 👉Twiiter : 👉I find: 👉YouNow : ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🚀 SERVERS WHERE I PLAY🚀 ►🔥 ►🔥 ► 🌝DI SCORD🌝 🔥 DISCORD: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PREGUNTAS QUE PROGRAMAS UTILIZO ETC ► 💥 🔥 OBS ►⚡️… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Roleplay: The Vampire’s Bride

    Intense Minecraft Roleplay: The Vampire's BrideVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Challenger – The Vampire’s Bride (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Queen Kat Productions on 2024-04-23 22:00:02. It has garnered 4017 views and 433 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:26 or 986 seconds. Never get too comfortable… ❀⊱┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄⊰❀ Subscribe! Please. I’m lonely. Join the Discord Server! – Discord: Check out Merch! – Viceroy_ (Machinima God) – Demon (Thumbnail Artist) – Sleak (Thumbnail Artist) – Inga (Thumbnail Artist) – Cora (Thumbnail Artist) – Kiwi (Thumbnail Artist) – Eden (Thumbnail Artist) – Damien (Thumbnail Artist)… Read More

  • Blind Minecraft Streamer Overcomes Obstacles LIVE

    Blind Minecraft Streamer Overcomes Obstacles LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m a bit blind for a Minecraft streamer’, was uploaded by PixlplutoLIVE on 2024-03-17 00:08:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I can’t believe it takes me so long to actually see something right in front of me go watch the full vod up on my channel now! Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft TikTok Hack Goes Viral! 🤯🎮 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming

    🔥Minecraft TikTok Hack Goes Viral! 🤯🎮 #shorts #Minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Viral Tiktok Hack 😯🤯 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming #viral #tiktokvideo #PD_Devil’, was uploaded by 𝐏𝐃 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 on 2024-05-31 18:29:53. It has garnered 434 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft Viral Tiktok Hack 😯🤯 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming #viral #tiktokvideo #PD_Devil #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered_insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#yout minecraft shorts skibidi toilet techno gamerz dream herobrine roblox dafuq boom minecraft shorts jj and mikey poppy playtime chapter 3 mikey and jj gamerfleet anshu bisht chipi chipi chapa chapa minecraft house minecraft water logic proboiz 95 minecraft video jj and mikey minecraft minecraft videos minecraft… Read More

  • Tamil MLG Stunt in Chipi Chipi – Viral Minecraft Shorts!

    Tamil MLG Stunt in Chipi Chipi - Viral Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi mlg #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #mlg #chipichipi #stunt’, was uploaded by NCG-Tamil on 2024-04-23 04:01:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Chipi Chipi mlg #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #mlg #chipichipi #stunt A New mlg is here Important :- —————– ☀This is … Read More

  • SbeveMC

    SbeveMCSbeveMC is our SMP server. We have a shop system different from other servers and we really try to have our players grind. Our server recently died due to an admin who was abusing we had to remove that admin and here we are attempting to grow again!!! Have fun!!! Bedrock Port is 19998 Read More