Video Information

Foreign Thank you Foreign [Applause] Thank you Foreign [Applause] Foreign Hello and happy Friday and haha you have been clickbaited you did it you you clicked on it you have been click baited officially it is true welcome to the Friday stream where I have done it I have click baited you and I have gotten you in this stream haha YouTuber one viewers zero

Absolutely got you haha take that deal with it happy Friday everybody welcome on in you’ve been click baited congratulations you’re already here you might as well stay I mean that’s the way it goes wow I don’t know what to tell you there we are eggs how you doing today Elena what’s

Going on Celia how are you doing arcade night what’s going on status fire how you doing and by the way thank you for the five gift memberships before the stream even started you gifted 10 minutes before the stream started you know you’re like the five

The people who are here five of you have a membership I guess that’s what people get for showing up early and being in the chat before it even starts oh my gosh and Aquatics thank you so much for becoming a member I do appreciate it and poker thank you so

Much for the Dono we were so certain no oh no he was gonna blow up the tree we don’t have to stare at the Ugly Tree anymore oh my gosh scribbly dibly how we doing Tash you’re so certain I know Shanae what’s going on good to see you a

Halloween Sky not quite yet we still have a Summer Sky we’re not in the fall yet we’re gonna enjoy the summer while it’s here and I would say it’s hot here today um but it’s only like 65 Fahrenheit out right now it’s supposed to be in the

Next hour it’s supposed to be up to almost 80. so you know it’s gonna get a little toasty but my wife is currently down in Arizona on a bachelorette trip where they’re supposed to be going around and having fun in Arizona and everything like that

And uh it’s well over like 105 where she is right now already I’m like oh God I cannot complain about the Heat this weekend okay it’s like oh 112 here yeah yeah I really can’t be complaining too much oh my gosh uh Emmy upgraded it here too but I don’t

Know where to access the server so the server right now uh one you have to link your account they didn’t get access to all the things but the supporter server is currently offline we are doing some behind the scenes stuff to get it updated and you you all are going to be

Really happy with the route that we’re taking it um I can’t I don’t want to say too much on it right now uh but you’ll you’ll get a lot more information coming soon we’ve got some really cool stuff coming for it and uh yes I will confirm eggs uh sorry

For any backlash that comes on this it is getting updated to 1.20 very soon um we’re currently as egg says he’s stress testing it right now and we’re we’re improving the server performance a lot so for a lot of people who have been on there for a while you

Know occasionally it does crash and gets a little laggy uh so we’re we’re fixing that we’re we’re getting a lot of it should be really good so for those who are on the supporter server sorry it’s been offline for a little while uh we know it’s been a few days but we don’t

Want to rush it and mess it up so we want to make sure it’s done correctly and uh and you all are going to enjoy it it’s gonna be great Maxwell thank you so much no that was two days ago oh if you’re in here thanks

So much for coming to tier two member pollen feathers Collective thank you so drinking I’m going to support I really do appreciate that what are we doing today we’re destroying the world obviously it’s in the title we got a lot of work to do I did not lie in the title the thumbnail

Was correct we are in the Mesa if you know well actually you don’t know because the video comes out tomorrow so we’re actually ahead so this is a previews of previews um I’ve decided that for a project well one you all know I’m going to the desert you

You know we’re moving over to the desert and we’re all doing that type of stuff and y’all are clicking the like button on the stream and we’re doing the desert thing y’all are doing the liking the stream thing and it’s great um didn’t like the world anyways I know this world sucks

What’s that metricate how you doing hello football at work Mars hopefully your Friday is going well um and we’re gonna be chilling where I’m at work today too wow look at that so this I spent yesterday doing that today we need to do that we need to why no enchantment uh so

There’s this really cool setting it came recently it’s really really cool um called it’s in base Minecraft settings so this might look a little bit different but it’s somewhere in here where is it I don’t know actually don’t know where it is well it’s called enchanting glint it’s a new setting in

Minecraft because enchantments are very very bright and if you have it all the way up you can’t see any enchants on your armor um why is it not in here where is it I don’t know but anyways I’ve been chanting Clint glint turned down so I can actually see

What my tools look like but they are enchanted so if you like looking at the purple Thanos materials you can keep the enchanting glint all the way up or you can turn it down a touch and actually see the netherite colors so yeah I spent all yesterday and I mean

There’s a dead shovel there’s two dead shovels um yeah so today we’re destroying the world by mining red sand I have already mined 27 742. this was at about three thousand before yesterday so accessibility settings oh is that where it is accessibility there we go glint strength and glint

Speed speed controls so if you turn these both all the way up you can see wow it’s behind my face um there you go you can see how crazy that is or you can also go in here and turn the glint speed all the way down so it’s

There is no movement core modded or you can I kind of do like a that into that somewhere in the middle because I like to see it just a touch but I also like to see the armor so I turn it down I think it looks better I think the game

Looks a lot better maybe we do that and we do that right there so you can change a lot of things like Distortion effects of VFX damage tilt all that type of stuff you can change all of that in here and it’s it’s great it’s it’s great

Can we see the desert village you picked no it’s actually out of render distance um you can see that though you can see that you get that today we’ll probably go over there later we gotta do some Mining and things watching from Nigeria and I’m a fan too

But hey thanks so much for being here dude well come on in yes so we must mine sand lots of sand so much sand sand Sands hand sand the red kind we like the white kind of sand in this world right here because my end goal is I’m

Transforming the entire Mesa biome and I thought I would cool be cool to uh take out all the Red Sand and bring in regular sand what’s that fan sound uh it’s my AC unit sorry it’s toasty today if the fan sound is in here and it’s too

Loud I do apologize but I am not willing to sweat myself out of my office so that you have slightly better audio audio quality if it’s too much yeah I’m sorry this is the way it goes like Jimmy’s Empire yeah I’m starting to see why Jimmy didn’t take the advice I

Gave him of Hey you should remove all the red sand in your Mesa and turn it all to regular sand I told him do that and he did the middle and he was like dude this took too many hours I’m not doing this and I was like

Jimmy it’s not that bad just like you just it’s one layer of red sand how bad can one layer of red sand truly be come on now one layer of breadstand it’s not even that much dude I’m halfway through the biome and I’ve already mined over 20 000.

It’s a lot I’ve filled 15 shulker boxes of red sand so far Danica Burr that’s the goal I want to clear up the sides here because I do want to bring the sand up so it’s not just so flat I’ve got some ideas on how I want to take it I want to

Make it a lot more realistic and really really cool I’m debating right now if I want to do like a sand dune effect or not in like the sand itself but I feel like it with it it would be weird on a smaller scale so I think it’s probably going to be flatter

Like kind of just slow sloping up sand and then you get to the mountain I’m not even touching the mountains I’ve already I’ve already decided that I might be crazy for this video but I’m not stupid so we’re just gonna do the the base the mountains for now the Mesa plateaus

Those are going to be staying because I think these ones actually look pretty nice I wish they were the shattered ones but like the tall skinny pillars but this will work too uh savitar god of speed thank you so much for the Dono your next series should be hardcore modded uh hardcore

For me I’m gonna always keep a single like any single player series I think moving forward I’m probably Gonna Keep regular vanilla but the modded hardcore is kind of where we have new life so if that’s something you’re looking for and you haven’t checked out new life SMP you should check that out

That’s kind of where we’re gonna land on it uh Solarium thanks so much for becoming a member I probably said that right wrong not right incorrectly uh but thank you I appreciate that thank you very much next year should be Vault Hunter Skyblock there’s so many Vault Hunters packs now it’s crazy

I feel like Vault Hunters is something that I would load up and just be like I like these types of games but this isn’t what I like in Minecraft like it seems fun it seems cool and I love those types of games like I’ve been obsessed with Diablo 4. in the new

Season I’ve been playing with some buddies and it’s been so fun just hit level 67 last night so I’m not like super grinding out crazy crazies um but I’m definitely playing a bunch so it’s gone all weekend so I’m uh most likely after working through the day just gonna play Diablo all night

Uh but that’s fine cool I swear uh there’s no right way to pronounce it and I myself knows it hey you know what I I appreciate you mentioning that because otherwise there’s usually the people who who are like no it’s pronounced even though you write it out

Phonetically I still don’t know where to go with that mend your shovel please I got like five backup troubles we’re fine for now you want to know how to do big projects so Wednesday’s stream by the way how did we feel about that we did a live

Building lesson stream seems like a lot of people enjoyed it it’s actually getting for a live stream it’s getting a lot of like views after the fact very surprised like a lot of people are going to check that one out after really liked it was fun love that stream lovability cool kind of

Super useful awesome for shovels before it breaks dude this thing’s got 400 durability on it with on breaking three I can almost fill an entire shulker Box off of it not even close to breaking we watch the whole VOD yeah I appreciate that thank you raunchy yeah don’t eat the Red Sand

Everybody don’t eat don’t eat at sand in general but like don’t eat the Red Sand I will say though I don’t know if it’s just me but there is like a core memory of like taking a bite of a sandwich while sitting on a Beach and like they’re just being a

Little crunch of some sand got in it I don’t know if that’s just me being weird but I just remember when my family would go on vacation as kids and being in Pacific Northwest there’s not really many warm beaches or anything up here so we would typically go to places where

There was like a beach that we could hang out on and we would live on the beach as much as we could during the day and just like you get there you you pack your sandwiches and your ice chest during the day and you take them out

They’re a little chilled maybe a little damp because all the ice is melting and then you take a bite and inevitably because you’ve been on the beach somehow sand found its way Anakin was right it gets in everything a few pieces of sand to somehow find their way into the sandwich

I swear it’s it’s a thing any beachgoers can confirm have that with cookies yeah see I think it’s just anything you’re eating at a beach there’s just gonna be sand in it this eventually is gonna be like um completely like I want to expand the

River and make it a lot better so that’s why I’m just like filling in the water as we’re going first one is dog hair if you have a big dog I guess favorite uh yeah I have two Huskies we call it the house flavoring it’s it’s just the it’s the house spice

You know it’s the secret ingredient crunchy that’s why they call it a sandwich exactly whoever named it was sitting on a beach they’re like why is the sand everywhere I got to shed a lot dude yeah most pets shed most most pets they do their best but they

Just they just shed a little bit we still love them what’s the flavor of husky here uh well we have two red Huskies so it’s it’s red husky flavoring anova’s kind of more of a brown husky but you know she she qualifies she’s got

A little red on the tips of her ears her ears look toasted oh my gosh uh it’s Solarium thank you so much for the gift membership I think I said it differently at that time too but thank you I appreciate that nonetheless yeah so today we’re kind of just doing a

Chill Vibe stream of we gotta take out a lot of this so hopefully y’all are having a good Friday um and are okay with just chilling and hanging and uh if you have not already please be sure to leave a like on the stream we

Got 1300 people in here we have hit 700 likes we are above the typical liking point at this point in the Stream So I do appreciate it red husky is my favorite benadry’s flavor the fact that I’m like wait is that actually a benadry’s flavor says something about Ben and Jerry’s flavors

I think I can’t eat ice cream anymore because you know Dairy and all that but I remember they had a it might have been Benders it might have been somebody else but there’s an ice cream called fish food that I remember my dad was just obsessed with oh my gosh

He and he anytime there’s we would go out to get ice cream like get ice cream at the store he’d be like somebody got fish food I think it was partially because he liked the name but you know it’s fine so many members today oh yeah we got a

Few we got a few I really do appreciate all the support y’all we’ve been above a thousand for a good while now usually it was like hitting a thousand and then dropping back down shortly after but I I really I really do appreciate it so thank you everybody Alex thank you so

Much for coming to supporter I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you what’s your opinion on the old structures and mobs um I think I mean there’s no mobs in Minecraft that I absolutely hate they all have their use they have a use case where they’re kind

Of fun to deal with Phantoms are annoying but I also sleep so much I never see them so it doesn’t even matter But old structures I would love to see a revamp of some of the old ones it was cool that they gave the desert well a use finally but even at that there’s only like four pieces of suspicious sand in it so is it really useful I don’t know

But it gives it a reason to go find it I would love to see more structures in the game I will say I love Trail runes like if they add more structures like the trail ruin that’s not just run in and open the chest and leave

Oh my gosh the trail runes are so cool whoever came up with the concept for that at Mojang like hats off to them the trail Rune is oh I love that thing anytime I find one I I will go in I will take the time doesn’t matter what’s

Going on in the video or the stream we’re stopping we’re exploring the trail Rune I have had so much fun checking them out also hardcore video launching tomorrow and I found a trail Rune so dang close to my base I’m just gonna say it now because I’m so excited about it that

It’s one of those ones that we have been flying over in streams and I think if we go back and look at streams post 1.20 or just videos I think you can see it in a vast majority of them and we just nobody noticed it nobody ever noticed it

Until I was randomly just digging through the area walking through the area on the ground I turned a corner around a tree and I was just like what it’s been here it’s been here the whole time I was very excited uh Wicked Stacy thank you so much for

Coming to support I had to renew the membership hey I appreciate that hardcore video tomorrow yeah yeah yeah yeah new life was yesterday so if you haven’t checked that out check out the new life video I’d have I had a lot of fun recording that one I realized on New Life

I want to just have fun making the videos and I was starting to stress myself out a little bit when I was like oh my gosh I have to build a massive thing every single video that was starting to be a little stressful um so I’ve decided instead on new life that

The pacing might be a little bit different than we see in hardcore videos typically but I I just want to do stuff that’s gonna be more fun we’re still gonna be doing doing some building and all that stuff in there it’d be really cool um the video should be fun yeah we still

Got 48 there are Billy Minecraft Legends is dead uh they actually just put out a video recently where they showcased a few new game modes coming like they’re adding mini games to Legends which seems kind of fun who knows how long people play them for but they are in mini games so there’s

That I thought it was neat also cash thanks so much for the two months of Ben and Jerry’s due lactose free options now so I need you to know this they do yeah yeah they do they’re hard to find in stores though it’s a real and I don’t feel like I

Should be ordering ice cream online we actually found a few lactose free ice creams at Trader Joe’s and we are definitely in the Trader Joe’s cult like 100 percent unless we just cannot drive over to make it to one Trader Joe’s cult members 100 Corner actions with other people in New

Life yes I would love to I think it’s well I do know what it is everybody is traveling and they’re so busy guess how many weeks and I mean weeks it took for sausage and I to actually get people to show up to the end dragon fight guess how many

Weeks we were trying to get people to say hey we want to get some more people just and just the two of us to go kill the Ender Dragon is anybody around it took we were all that the unlike if nobody shows up to this our end one was we set

A date we set a time we said show up we’re going to kill the ender dragon show up and that was finally when people actually were like oh yeah I’ll come 17 has been on for 17 weeks it was five weeks yeah Tiffany was right

We tried for over a month to get people to be on is there so many conventions happening in their summer so everybody’s out on taking vacations and like you know like doing a whole life not sitting in their room playing Minecraft come on now you think they’re living we got

Minecraft Builds to make could they so we’re hoping that uh that kind of Spurs some more people on because now that the ends open and all that there’s just more fun blocks out there there’s more Adventure things people can do I know everybody on your life is like

Man I want to get back on them I want to start recording I’m so busy I really just can’t wait to jump on and start playing again but guys I just everybody I just can’t I just got so much stuff happening this week and I’m just like I

Get that but my own motivation like I’ve had plans with the people who live around me to like have some fun stuff going and we just have yet to find a time where all of us are online or even like home to be able to jump online it just hasn’t happened yet

I really want to fight the dragon but scary yeah Pearl I get that I get that how you doing today by the way I hope you hope everything’s going well also Pearl uh so if you haven’t been here for a while uh I decided to transform this Mesa and I had a thought

And I I was just like wow I have so much red sand and I had this thought I was like I remember on Empire season one about going over to your base and you’re smelting red sand to turn it into glass and I was like Pearl there’s no red sand

In the Mesa why are you doing that and you were just like no there’s red sand everywhere in the Mesa it’s fine I just it was easier to get the red sand then go get glass and then go get sand and make glass and I was like but Pearl it’s

Red sand it’s so rare how could you use it for glass and then I started doing this and now I’m 30 000 red sand-minded I’m trying to clear the biome so now I I understand so I I wanted to apologize for giving you a hard time about turning red sand into

Glass I get it I I sincerely get it now yeah okay some things uh uh yeah something because I just made a quick turn I hope you’re good too yeah I am doing good minus staring at red sand for six hours yesterday and now more today

And then now I just also feel bad for Joel because Joel got like what a hundred thousand red sand and Empire season one to build the mazelian palace I’m just like granted he did it over the course of basically nine months so it’s a little different than doing it

In 48 hours but you know here we are another one of the crazy projects yeah this is the start of the plan is that I want to take out all the Red Sand and bring in regular sand because I think mesa’s just looks so much better with

The white sand to contrast against the Mesa buildings so that’s like stage one of the process and from there I haven’t really figured out the rest yet there’s gonna be things probably hopefully hopefully I don’t just spend 50 hours doing that and then say ah video’s done

But they do they look a lot better yeah I hope everybody when they see this like Jimmy on Empire season two I convinced him to change his little bowl out to regular sand and he was like yeah it does look better but I will not be doing

The rest of the Mesa because it took forever and I’m like I get it I get it I get it uh oh good sand ASMR that’s always the goal you know me she’s here for the sand ASMR also Kayla thank you so much for the donuts I really appreciate that sorry I

Missed those earlier thank you thank you thank you Pearl are you still a copper Golem I can’t remember like still the the second copper Golem loving new lifestyle I managed to get in need to modded properly which I don’t think would have happened anytime soon yeah new life’s been good for that

The entry level mod pack basically we just have stuff to go explore and then we have the um create mod that’s that’s pretty much the extent of our modern in that series is you can either go to explore these cool structures or you can automate things with create

Yeah you pick you pick what you want to do the end stuff the entries and things are cool those are fun to I need to get out there and go mine some more okay Pearl well I am also a small I’m a small being now so we got we gotta

We gotta get together soon on this server okay there are two shulker boxes already filled on stream today woohoo lots of new blocks though and new cooking food yeah the cookie I haven’t gotten into the cooking on new life yet I need to do that I’ve seen what gem and

Scott were doing like they got into it right away and I was like huh that’s cool I’ll have to do that soon and then I just kind of forgot I make cabbage rolls that’s that’s the that’s the food I exist on that’s all the food that I’ve been existing on in that series

As a Golem who doesn’t eat I haven’t done much either but I like the premise yeah yeah the decorative like pumpkin stew and everything is that that’s worth it alone Minecraft needs more stuff that you can put just out as decorations that are not full blocks and not things that go in

Item frames item frames are always the same flatness level and most of the decor stuff that we have are different shapes is either a flower pot or you kind of have like a light source you have a few things like the grindstones and whatnot and like but

Like those just don’t really work in like certain settings so you’re stuck with a lot of full blocks or like a slab and I wish they would add more things that were different shaped as decoration options like the stream we’re almost at a thousand likes we got another chat

We’ll get in there don’t let your dreams be memes I know you all really really love watching me gather red sand and just talking about random things for a while why are we taking stand uh so we’re actually going to be picking up all this sand taking it out and then we’re gonna

Be bringing back in regular sand this would be really really cool thing I know I know I know oh wow all right we like the moving pieces and modded getting a windmill oh my gosh just just a windmill just the way the water wheels are cool too but

If we could have a moving windmill windmill not meal it’s not you can’t eat it um a moving windmill just on the top that just goes around just slowly it doesn’t even have to go as fast as the create ones go if it turned like a quarter speed of the create ones and

Just like slowly went around oh whipping I love your content being able to watch your videos and streams really clear my head from what is going on at home you have quickly become my face I hope everything is going well over there and uh if anything I’m glad you

Found that you can come hang here and have a little bit of a distraction from all that so thank you so much for the support and glad to hear that this has turned into a good space for you to hang that makes me very happy the title has

Me worried yeah we’re destroying the world look we have already destroyed two shulker boxes of the world so far we’re slowly eating the entire thing that’s the goal we’re gonna eat all of it pleased to meet you also hey blocky how you doing I saw your message back on Discord I’ll

Get back to you after stream boy doctor thank you so much for becoming a member my dude I really appreciate that 10 out of 10 click bait yeah yeah no 100 no I got I got you all you’ve been gotten you’ve been YouTube clickbait baited click baited you’re welcome

You’re welcome for this experience of being officially YouTube click baited by flip you can all say thank you for click baiting me now you’re you that’s totally fine to do I know you really appreciated it laughs I can’t wait for this to like the the algorithm to start doing its work and

People coming in and they’re like I just I’m so hoping for some people to come in and be like actually upset that I was clickbaiting I think I love that it’s so funny you gotta troll the trolls that’s all I’m saying are you even a YouTuber if you’re not

Living to troll the trolls I don’t think so we’re getting it’s thank you you’re welcome you’re welcome anything for you all I’m here for you I’m here for your entertainment so I am thinking we take this back a good amount and I wanted to build like a riverbank

Before we go into the sand which we probably won’t do today because if we can clear out all the sand today I will still be very happy excuse me they had a carbonated beverage this morning my girlfriend watched you die in your last hardcore World on stream and now

Out of superstition refuses to watch your streams but I’m here in her place happy to support I hate the amazing uh you can tell her anything we don’t talk about the fact that Minecraft won’t add things to kill you anymore do we that’s exclusively a banned conversation on stream now

Um so it’s totally fine That’s funny though that’s funny though thank you so much for the dodo and for the laugh that’s funny that was pretty bad that was of my like top five worst moments I should probably put my chest piece on uh unrelated but you know just for safety

And it’s alright thanks so much for the donut 1K likes you did it we did it it’s amazed on the map unfortunately not our coordinates are currently 1850 negative 250. so we’re about and my my starter house is like positive 300 so we’re about 2 200 blocks away from home right now

And I’m not building a map wall that’s gonna be that big I’m not I’m not updating that every single time we might do a separate map wall over in this region that could be kind of fun every single zone we have that we develop because I want this to be something that

We keep coming back to I don’t want to just build here for like three or four videos and then leave I want to be something I think it’s gonna be like a five to ten episode um break from the city we’re just gonna be over here developing this region

Building up what I’m calling the desert Port town right now I kind of want to read rename it new papyrus and then bring the banner from Papyrus back in which if you have not been following the channel That long uh on Wednesday’s stream we actually went and

Walked through it but papyrus uh is a form of paper it’s like the original paper that the Egyptians used Way Way Back in the in the in the ancient eras uh it comes from sugarcane or Reeds and things and that’s what I named my original City I built in

Building with whip which was my which was a desert city and it was the first project I picked up when I started a Survival Let’s Play on YouTube so this here is kind of my coming home to that if I I want to take a lot of those elements and see what I

Would kind of do in my modern build style is the whole project is the whole plan behind this project uh bring those building with foot Vibes back of that same Project Style and how would I do that in present day foot building styles I think it’d be super fun Eastern toy town

Nah I’m gonna leave that with Jimmy Jimmy’s earn the toy reputation I don’t need to try and come from on that I don’t need to try and cumber’s brand he is enough title like that are we not destroying the world is this not destroying the world we are destroying we are destroying

Blocks all we’ve done today is break blocks sorry spinnies Papyrus is also the name of the plant they used to the paper and so okay yeah yeah I never looked into it that much that I just knew is a form of read and the closest thing we have to that in

Minecraft the sugarcane it’s eating the world yeah hopefully we don’t have to poop later I will say I did order one of those sweatshirts the fuzzy I am kind enough sweatshirts we haven’t seen the movie yet but I saw that and I was like I love this thing

I don’t even need to see the movie yet we’re gonna go soon we’re gonna go but I saw that it briefly come back in stock and I was like I’m getting one before they go out of stock again because I know the first time it went in stock

They sold out in like under like an hour and I was like I’m getting one I don’t care I’m buying one it’s a great movie uh no spoilers please we I know Sid really wants to go see it I think I think we I might try and get her I

Don’t think we have plans next weekend at least we probably do and I just don’t know you might be able to know that I’m Not The Keeper of the calendar uh I try my best but I am not good when it comes to scheduling things have you ever watched Gravity Falls I’ve

Watched a few but I haven’t watched it enough to like know much about the show I kind of watched a few and I was like I don’t think this is for me we did the barber Hammer double feature highly recommend it how dare you live hard to find that many hours interesting

Content to watch by the way how are your allergies get better A lot better now actually hasn’t rained for a few days so I’m not dying from all the things getting thrown back in the air thank you for asking hope you’re doing well today welcome welcome welcome

Barbie or Oppenheimer uh I know Sid really wants to see both I’m kind of more interested in seeing the Barbie movie which probably says a lot about me but you know I’m fine with it I’ll definitely watch both I mostly just want to see the Barbie movie for all the hype

You cringe the whole Barbie movie oh I’m gonna love it then let’s do it growing shopping down spruce trees for the puzzle oh there you go there you go you can Auto Moss farm that pushes the Moss Out into a big platform and then you grow the spruce tree and then you

Harvest the pogzole and by the time you’re done picking up the podzol the Moss has grown back into place there you go they’re both good for their own reasons oh yeah no I’m both fantastic films I’m sure prepping for the desert expansion yeah yeah I’m gonna I’m removing the Giga

Tree and turning it into a desert we’re just gonna say oh no it died I don’t oh no wow suddenly all the leaves are gone oh no I don’t have to fill out leaves anymore what am I ever gonna do I’m getting better I would never do that rips no elves

Mangrove log equal Meat Block you know it also equal a meat block your hardcore world is what inspired me to play MC again so thank you so much hey midnight masquerade that’s awesome that is absolutely awesome hope you got some fun projects going on over there biggest thing I can say to fellow

Hardcore Minecraft players is just take it slow and enjoy the process all right keep and also very much on the side of every Minecraft seed is a good seed now you can always find a place to build and hang and eventually you’ll find all the blocks and everything I think so I think

That’s pretty awesome um but just like being there for the experience is is good is good stuff Hardcore Minecraft for me is so fun I absolutely love it I was talking to one of my friends last night because we’re playing we’ve been playing Diablo a bunch um

And we were talking he was like man I just don’t get how beautiful play hardcore Diablo like that why why would anybody do that and put so many hours into a character and then like you just die granted it’s a bit of a different game but also like the same way you can

Just have like gimmicks in that game where you die and like oh no it’s all done I guess I’m restarting like you kind of have that in Hardcore Minecraft too and you just gotta be okay with it and just I’ve been going for it I think a big part of being a good

Hardcore Minecraft player is having the skill to not die but also having the ability to say all right if they made it so you have earned it water and eat food also love your videos have been watching you for two years now oh my gosh Ethan thank you so very much

For that I really do appreciate that don’t know also the dog in your profile picture I hope that’s your puppy because they’re adorable what would you say if they made if they made it so you have to eat water drink water and eat food like

In game if we have to drink water too if they just give that to us right now and say you have to carry water bottles on you and everything like that I would be really annoyed I would not that’d be a I would find a mod that would get rid of that probably

Um literally like most of the reason for it is I I don’t think we need another thing to upkeep just like the fact that we already have to like keep our food up like that just so that we can regen hearts it already just feels like a

Chore and it just takes up an inventory space and so water would just kind of be the same drawer on top of it so every time you would eat you’d also drink a water bottle and and just gone from there so I I hope they don’t do it I

Don’t think Minecraft would do that I feel like they’re pretty set on their like this is how players survive standpoint and they already have water bottles in the game that you can drink and it doesn’t do anything it just kind of is you know because I think that I think it’s pretty

Set on where that’s gonna go but just having it have another inventory space when our inventory is already so small um to fill with another item you have to mandatory carry around otherwise you’ll die kind of a bummer raft in Minecraft dude oh my gosh yeah

If you want to see the experience of we had with a game where you have to eat and drink water go watch the latest rap stream green Joel and I did with Jimmy on his channel also Jen thank you so much for coming to remember I really do appreciate that

Thank you thank you thank you ah so much red sand huh it’s a good day when you’re harvesting saying because there’s meter than water bottles have to no inventory will be hell exactly that’s kind of exactly where I’m at with it if they make anything more that I have

To carry around mandatory for inventory mandatory in my inventory that’s a lot of words that end with Tori and I’m confused now um what was I saying uh yeah anything else that you have to carry around with us I remember when they added the hoe as like a useful thing outside of planting

Fields and I it took me so long to get used to that you all have no idea how much I hated to carry a hoe around I was like I just I don’t want to feel another space to that even still to this day the

Hoe is in my under chest it does not come out of the under chest unless I specifically need it and that’s usually only if I also need to gather a lot of whatever block would be needing to be gathered if it’s just a few I will just punch it I will not take

The time to get the hoe out I cannot I cannot I cannot when is hermitcraft season 10 starting uh probably tomorrow I yeah I I think yeah I definitely know a lot about when hermitcraft season 10 is starting and I think it’s tomorrow yeah if you watch tomorrow on YouTube make

Sure you’re subscribed to my channel too and just keep refreshing the sub feed especially around like 10 15 a.m Pacific time it’s like an hour and 15 minutes prior to now there’s definitely gonna be hermitcraft content out right then yeah all everybody start a new episode tomorrow yeah you’ll see it

It’s actually going to be titled something Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 Survival but it’ll still have the HC in it so like it’s definitely still hermitcraft thank you Pearl is in here she can vouch for that yeah all right if she’s still here I don’t know if she’s still here

You’re not funny just condescending yeah well you don’t have to be here can you tell me why I would know anything about whatever Minecraft is starting sure I’m friends with a lot of them but I wouldn’t know anything about the series why would you ask me might be a little condescending but you

Know also if you did two seconds of research you’d also know that I’m not a part of it so I wouldn’t know what’s going on and also that I’ve multiple times said that I don’t plan on joining let season 9 Finish First no no no it’s

It’s a silent ending it’s just new ones tomorrow season 11 of hermitcraft oh that’s next Saturday yeah yeah they’ve actually started to keep up with the definitely legit Hardcore Minecraft series that you see where people do like entire like oh my gosh this is the most amazing start

To Hardcore Minecraft I’ve ever had and then they play for like a thousand Minecraft days to build their starter castle and kill the dragon and make a perimeter and get a super mob farm and all those things um and full nether at Armor in every single

Armor term in the game yeah all those things yeah those where they do it in that one video uh and definitely mind all the diamonds legit uh yeah the hermitcraft decided to keep up with them so they’re doing an entire season in one episode now what play multiplayer

I’m sorry if y’all if y’all are gonna nice to meet you I’m just saying I’m not saying that these are dumb questions but I’m just saying that like not every question is a good question no no every question can be a good question you just have to be asking the right person

And anything related to hermitcraft outside of the Empire’s hermitcraft crossover that we did like nine months ago I have zero information on so I’m not the right person to be asking if you ask dumb questions get answers dumb answers no if you ask the wrong person you get dumb answers there’s I’m

I’m big on that every question is valid as long as the question comes from you actually wanting to know the answer not a question that just makes fun of the person but if you ask a question and like you’re generally like not generally like honestly curious about what the answer

Is and you want to know that information like that’s a faster or not that’s a different story especially if it’s personal there’s always like this always timing on when you should be asking personal questions or just not asking them but like if it’s generally out of like a desire to learn

And understand I don’t think there’s really dumb questions foreign I’ve thought about that my ability with Organics is not good I’m really really bad at building Organics I tend to steer away from them because one they take me like five times the amount of time to build as it does to

Make like a building and then I’m also not happy with it so I I kind of like to it’s definitely something I want to learn more about I would love to like do a live stream or something with gem and just or or even Pearl either of them they’re both absolutely amazing organic

Builders in Minecraft and just talk with them about like building Organics and try and figure it out I I think that could be a really fun if we do more of those Minecraft build School live streams I think that could be fun to like bring in some guests

And talk with them about that because I feel like I got trees down pretty well and I got terraforming down pretty well and then I’ve also got building structures down pretty well not so much like futuristic cyber Punky structures I can get those I just have a hard time

Coming up with a little details to really sell the theme the generic shape of any building I can I can I feel like I can nail it it’s the polishing details of different styles that I don’t quite understand on some of them just because I haven’t done it before

Uh I haven’t done the research but stuff like Organics is just a skill that you either have or you don’t and it’s something that you gotta train that is an art skill in itself and a big part of that I think is actually understanding the block

Palettes and color theory to be able to use color theory to convey a shape kind of like what B-Dubs did recently where he was using glass panes to add Shadow and then also make walls stick out differently like that is a really smart way of creating shape like without there being anything just

Because you can make something look farther back if it’s a little darker or maybe the other stuff’s hanging over the top of it so that’s the type of stuff I would love to learn so trying to think about how to make that entertaining and not just me asking questions trying to learn things

Learning Redstone next hold your horses there don’t you don’t you even try and put that on me yet Ricky Bobby come on now we’re not we’re not yeah redstone that is a different brain there’s a builder brain there’s a red Stoner brain it doesn’t overlap very much shovels that break it’s got 200

Durability on it we got time we can finish almost all that probably will you ask questions also make us learn things yeah I think there’s also something to be said about sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know and that is a completely valid thing like that is a hundred percent a valid

Point to be at and everybody starts there when you’re trying to learn something new and people are like so what questions do you have about this thing we can just get started on what you want to know and you’re like dude I don’t even know what questions to ask you yet

Like I need you to start and then I’ll like build off of that so maybe having me there being the one like asking questions because I have like the general stuff that I have questions about and I need the practice I need to learn and all of that and then

Then from there that might help other people be like oh I have questions here too thank you kindly are you gonna let us ask any questions probably I mean if it’s a live stream it’s definitely take questions or we can honestly it’d be if I can even find

Somebody do it gem is slash was an art student I just made Fine Arts for 8.5 years makes different big difference in how I do organic so that’s terraforming Minecraft especially colors area like you said yeah yeah she was in the medical field I don’t know I could be wrong maybe I’m

A bad friend purple smile thing for the eight months big storm is outside my door at the moment I don’t like it I live alone oh my God you got a purple smile I can’t I can’t say it but if you know the thunder buddies chant you could

Definitely say that for yourself right now and if you don’t know what that is uh it’s probably best you don’t go look that up nice to meet you What’s happening I’m like uh we’re destroying the world who are the creators you need to visit on new life like that I there’s a lot of people in there I haven’t even talked yet hey little buddy okay bye he’s like come down here come come down

Here yeah come into my spider cave it’s super fun slowly falling stand we definitely won’t poison you down here yeah it’s totally fine okay there’s no fire there but we did kill it Ah that’s where they’re coming from we have killed five shovels well none are broken yet there’s two

Dead in there and three dead in there one two three four and then we got that perfect lava is needed yeah we could use some lava you think that making all buildings to the city that you’re rebuilding from the same time period is important um I think either from the same time

Period or a progression of time period works like not everything needs to be like as if it was made in the very same moment but I think a theme is really important I think a lot of Minecraft players start out and they just kind of

Go yeah this is you know what over here I want to build a medieval castle over here uh I got my starter house it’s a little bit more modern and then over here uh I’m gonna throw like a futuristic spaceship and then and I think that has

Its minecrafty charm to it don’t get me wrong it is great for the Minecraft charms and the Minecraft vibes but in reality it if you’re trying to make like a cohesive world it’s not gonna feel put together it’s gonna feel like different elements so oh no spoilers and it’s fine

Hey test for making a perimeter in the nether uh take the time to clear the top and floss the ceiling meaning remove the nether act from the ceiling before you start digging down it’s gonna be pain it’s gonna be a lot of pain um and use a lot of TNT like creeper Farm

Is a must before you even start and if you have the option do not do a Basalt Delta and another big one is if you want to do it right if you want to do it the quick way you can do what I did and build raise Works uh perimeter making thing

Where I think it’s raised works I can’t remember who to exactly uh I think it’s a racehorse design there’s the perimeter you can make oh no oh no Sun’s down why do they look like the baby flood okay I don’t know if anybody played Halo one it looked like the little baby flood foreign dude that flood level where you like go down into the lab and then the second level is coming back up the amount of hours me and my brother spent growing up like when we were kids

Trying to beat that on legendary oh my God that is a core memory right there we spent oh we spent so many hours that level was so tough but so fun have you have you beat all of Halo one actually they did a lot of the Halo

Games if you beat it all on legendary like at one consistent playthrough you got a special ending after finishing the last level so you got like an extra cut scene and we wanted to see that because I was like before YouTube days we just

Knew it was a thing we saw it in one of those stupid gaming magazines where it’s like secret ending beat everything on legendary in Halo Combat Evolved and we were like yeah all hyped up on Mountain Dew playing Halo till like 4 a.m trying to stay quiet so we didn’t wake our parents

Up and they tell us to go to bed Good Times oh hi he’s like jump attack oh no I jumped too high you Ricky Bobby references today have I said another one if I saw I didn’t realize it all hyped up a Mountain Dew is that oh

Yeah I guess that is one huh I haven’t even watched that film in so long why do they jump so high though I don’t know he’s trying to hit me I hate The Animated Mod so much that made me jump I love it for everything except the

Spiders the spiders are a little a little too Goofy a little quirky okay there’s like a potential for a triple spider spawner over here We have that one there’s one down there oh that’s definitely too far away but there’s those two are definitely close enough in another string Farm just growing my little tree Jenny thanks so much for the 10 months I really appreciate that how many years have you been playing

Minecraft I started playing Minecraft oh God uh 2013 10 years I definitely took a break for a while I played like 2013 to 2015. and then I probably took a break 2016 2017. ish not like a full break no no actually no I played it pretty consistently it just

Depends on how much like I’ve always kind of had a Minecraft world going since I started whether it was a CR most of them were creative worlds when I was just playing before I started YouTube I mostly actually I actually exclusively played creative Minecraft for like the probably three years before I started

Uploading videos when I first got Minecraft I only played survival because I was playing on servers and friends and we’re all building our cool Cobblestone castles back in the day that was always oh yeah we all got to start summer you know and then um it was always the cool costume

Castles and then I remember having one buddy who he hated us going into his base he would always get so mad if we went into his base and so one day me and another friend decided these none of us were creators we were just hanging on our own little server but we decided

That we were gonna start making secret tunnels everywhere and so we would be all in like back then I think it was Skype so we’d all be in a Skype call even with the guy who was like don’t go to my base I don’t want you guys in here taking my stuff blah

Blah blah we’d just be like secret tunnels and just like start digging around his base and we were trying to figure out how many like little ways we could have throughout his base just to like fly all over the place and get everything and then we started learning Redstone to create like disappearing

Doors so we could get in and out of his base it was so fun that was a good memory that was those were the good Minecraft days the OG Minecraft days where everybody’s just kind of just enjoying playing the game doing random stuff I feel like that is a

Little of something I’ve lost since it’s become like the full-time gig because everything is kind of like geared towards content could definitely I definitely still do that type of stuff to people but it just it doesn’t have the same like natural thing to it where somebody like

Acts like there’s a few things I’ve done where people still have just yet to discover them before they watch my video and then they see me doing it so there’s always that start a blue goblin tunnels exactly yeah yeah it was so fun we ended up at one point

Underneath his storage room we ended up building an entire base like and he was online the entire time we were down there working making it he just didn’t realize we were down there and so we had an entire base underneath his base with our own storage room and we ended up

Finding a mob spawner so we had like a zombie experience Farm down there too and it’s just so funny it’s good it’s all good stuff okay we’ll we’ll fix this later I just don’t really want to fill it all in with water because it probably honestly the Marvel one with water the

Less I have to actually uh black widows thank you so much for coming to member I’m sorry I missed that earlier thank you thank you thank you I mean what has to be one of my friends who’ll build secret rooms in our other friend’s house and he’d find them weeks

Later and be deeply confused with where they came from oh yeah that’s like one of the best parts you find the friends that kind of know about the game but don’t really know about the game enough that you can kind of mess with them and be like wow I

Don’t know you know that must be the Minecraft bowls yeah you know the moles they dig tunnels around yeah you’ve never seen a mole before yeah you got to stay up for like 10 nights and then the moles gonna think you’re so sleep deprived it’s gonna come out and find you yeah

Back when there was no Wiki for Minecraft I claim to fame on the first multiplayer server I played on was making a tunnel Network between everybody’s bases yeah gosh I remember I based like almost like 2 000 blocks away from the person who were making secret bases in and before having Enchanted like Enchanted gear I

Dug a tunnel the entire distance from my base to his underground at like y level 12 or something just like just the entire way just a straight line and then like hooked a corner to meet underneath his and I’m just like why would I ever do that

But back then I wanted to dang it that’s how we would get to everybody’s bases that after everybody like found the tunnels and realized it that’s what I would use for traveling around built Minecraft tracks like that yeah we usually we’re never Rich enough to actually do that as before

Any of us really knew how to play the game we didn’t know about iron Farms or anything I didn’t start watching YouTube like I legit did not watch YouTube at all outside of like just stupid little skit videos um until probably closer to like when I started uploading

I think that’s that’s probably pretty true remember boy talk oh yeah void fog was when you got close to the voids you’re standing on top of the Bedrock like at the base of the world you just suddenly get all this fog the house from the stream it is the

House from the stream so I don’t feel bad going over there I told you all I was building it told y’all I had to I had to build a house for something you all know what that one is I added a few little extra changes to it and foreign

Got set into the world now it’s no longer on a super flat it looks good I need to get more sand around it I just didn’t have any Marcel the Shell yeah one of my friends brought that up a while ago and she was like have you ever

Seen these oh my God we’re hanging out their house and we’re just going through like old nostalgic YouTube videos just hanging out catching up and whatnot and somebody started bringing it up and she brought up Marcel actually I might have been said I was like oh my gosh I

Remember this and I was like I’ve never seen this and we watched the first one I was like okay I kind of get it I kind of get it we were big into like the muffins video or the shoes video or our our vibe that we went with

Or the scary video where the car is coming down the hill and then it disappears behind the tree and you’re like what we’re or that game where you had to like get the little square to go through the line and so you had to look really close

To the screen to try and trace it so if you hit the walls at all it would uh if you hit the walls at all you’d get reset so you start looking in closer trying to get it right and then right before you get to the end it just pops

Up the scary face and screams at you you’re big into that and we’re big into like Club Penguin back in the day or gosh what was that there was like one of the original like where you could have your own little village you could attack other people

Other players online and it was like hours put into it so like Avalon or something can’t remember I was really big into that for a while I kind of was into RuneScape for a bit but not really RuneScape had a short short moment for me Tribal Wars no no it’s like overtime it

Was like like OG like it was just browser and you’d like queue up and be like this will finish in five hours remember it’s kind of like an Ebony or an elvenar but like this is like the OG one what all of those are inspired by

Was it elvenar maybe I can’t remember it might be that I can’t remember what the name is I tried finding it a while ago and I found the server was shut down I was like no okay I’m sad are you collecting sand uh to get rid of it

I wanna I’m re I’m kind of my next project is rebuilding this biome and I need to get rid of all the sand this whole hill here is probably honestly gonna be gone I think I’m gonna tear it all down Clash of Clans no it was before Clash of Clans way before it

I want to bring I want to get rid of the Red Sand and bring in regular sand because I think that contrast against the Mesa is gonna look so cool so we’re destroying the world today welcome you’ve been click baited you’ve joined the stream welcome to being clickbaited

I could not have a place to layer of normal salmon on top of the Red Sand thank you coin uh because this is kind of the main Just Dropped In hey uh eleanova well come on in thank you so much for the donut I really appreciate it we’re doing good today no

I have to admit something about myself and RuneScape until I heard someone say it aloud I always read it as run escape oh no oh no hey you know what we’ve all been there on something thank you so much for the Dono I appreciate that Alex uh just

Just dropped in we’re kind of working on tearing out a Mesa today well all the red sand in the Mesa for those who are just jumping in um my next project because I’ve talked about a bunch on stream next hardcore episode is launching tomorrow and it’s going to explain a lot more but

Basically for the briefest of brief explanations is I want to start kind of a new chapter I’m not giving up on the old things at all I’m just kind of realizing that I need a bit of a break from the old build projects so we’re starting a new chapter in the

Hardcore World similar for the longtime fans to how I did chapters in building with flip where we kind of just left we kind of would take the Ender Chest we’d take the stuff inside of it we still go back home if we need to to pick up stuff

But we’re just kind of picking up and leaving and we’re gonna go start some new projects so all the old ones are still going to be there so they’re still going to be doing their things they’re still going to be stuff that we can get

And grab as we need to but for the most part it’s just gonna be like we’re just taking a break from all of it I’ve been loving them and I’ve just I’ve kind of at the point where I just inspiration is going elsewhere and I want to follow the inspiration I don’t

Want to force the inspiration to be in a place where it’s not so because that’s that’s honestly that’s how you get burned out if the second you have projects that you’re like oh I could kind of that’s that’s where burnout comes from and so I’m like you know what

I just we’re gonna have a new chapter we’re gonna have a new chapter we’re gonna go to a new Zone we’re gonna start a new build project and keep the same hardcore world I had played with the idea of doing the wad Z and uh getting rid of all my armor

And everything starting from scratch until I re-earned it and then I was like no I don’t want to do that I don’t want to risk the world I’m sure it could make a really clickbaity video and I’d get like 7 000 comments telling me I’m copying

Wadsy even if I verbally in the video said so I’m inspired by Wazee and what he did in his hardcore world and I’m gonna put everything in a box so yeah I I’ve decided against that because I was like yeah maybe we’ll do that in another

Maybe if we really get to the point where I’m like yeah I could I could go for like a full refresh or bring some Insanity back into the series but also I kind of don’t I purposely don’t put Beacon Buffs everywhere because I want that to still feel a

Little scary a little spookies because once you have full Beacon Buffs I really can’t die I like ten thousand a thousand project going on all at once in different places so I get it yeah I wanna I’m still gonna go on the route of we’re building a world we’re building

An entire world and everything in the world has to be connected so I’m only gonna be picking projects that relate to biomes that exist around where I am so I’m not gonna be like okay I found the perfect build location 15 000 blocks out it takes 10 minutes to get there by

Another ice boat Highway like I’m not gonna be doing that at that point I would rather spend the hours to transform and build up a new biome full custom biome of whatever I wanted to be perfect nearby where I am I mean I’m transforming the entire Mesa here

I’m okay with a little terraforming to make it make an area the way I wanted to be he says has these wind mining red sand for going on eight hours what do you do with all the sand I’m gonna put in a nice box and it’s gonna

Sit there well actually it’s gonna be a lot of boxes because there’s a lot of sand best way to hide Redstone Farms buildings or underneath custom terrain depends if if you want to show the circuitry there’s something really cool in Minecraft about showing all the Redstone circuitry I just uh don’t make

Mine look good enough to actually be willing to show it and also I don’t think that built still fits me because I’d love to use like the really cool like concrete wiring lines where you have the different lines all in different colors so it kind of looks

Like big wires going around like that’s fun that stuff looks cool new shulker monster nah you drink coffee what do you like to drink I don’t drink coffee I might go to energy right now has been Celsius or like a matcha green tea I recently swapped to the sparkling Celsius

Because I realized that the green tea one was like hurting my jaw it was making my jaw get really tight I was like I probably shouldn’t be drinking that and so I’m testing these ones out to see if it happens the same so far pretty good I kind of use them as

A pre-workout though I will say if you’re doing something with a lot of caffeine in it you have to use the energy if you’re just putting all that caffeine in your body and you’re not using it it’s that’s a problem that’s a so I I usually wake up in the morning

Drink half of one and then I go work out for like 45 minutes to an hour and then I get into my office and get going on the work day and kind of slowly sip on the other half I found that’s been a good balance for

Me and it’s something that I can use that actually helps me wake up hey for real can we get a collection count of the goblin crime committing red sand Goblin crime committing Reds a crime we’re gonna fix it we’re gonna come back and fix this and make it look all Purdy

Yeah thanks so much for the donut one one account of Boop Bonk sorry Bonk not Boop Bonk specifically bong cannot move your least favorite Minecraft biome no honestly um Islands they’re so ugly they’re so ugly the train is so flat and boring and so so ugly the only good part about a mushroom

Biome is the fact that they’re mock roof that is the only good part about it or if we’re counting the end as end biomes has things all of the end biomes all of them every single one ugly so ugly let’s watch the sunset How far is this but I’m here base about 2 300 blocks or so a little over two thousand you can you’ll see all that if you hardcore video Drop in tomorrow we’re gonna do a Saturday release because we did New Life yesterday and I had this

Video ready to go so it’s a double flip upload week And I’d go thank you double flip out loud Delta hate swamps swamps are only like I like the aesthetic like the aesthetic of a swamp I like the actual idea of being in a swamp like I don’t like building them the green is weird I like Oh I thought it might like it

The like the green being that like gross and grimy it’s not my favorite I get it like I get that it it gives the swampy Vibe I wish the water was a little less merch like I think they could add a little bit more blue to it it would be better

Maneuvering response is the nightmare yeah mangrove swamps especially they are awful to walk there I feel like mangrove swamps have a pretty decent watercolor though right like they don’t they don’t have that as gross of color right because they are technically more oceany like edge of ocean

What are we building uh we’re destroying today no building only destroy I need to borrow Joe’s Joel’s hose Desmond Troy I guess Des dried died so we can borrow Troy foreign Like I’ll skim and keep scrolling for a while until there’s something I feel like I recognize then I kind of stop um if you comment within like the first three hours of a video going up I usually go through two three hours after a video goes live and just kind of read

Through comments and respond to some and everything like that um so I I read a lot there and I I like to read them to get a lot of feedback so even if I’m not responding I’m taking a lot of feedback into account because apparently uh if

You didn’t know in a blaze for Blaze Runners and create you can right click a blaze spawner never knew everybody else knew but I didn’t know that is the next video tomorrow does that work for you hopefully hopefully tomorrow works is uh Marcos just sent the video back so

We’re we are ready to upload pleased to meet you oh no thanks so much for coming to supporter I really appreciate that thank you for all the sports today everybody I really appreciate it all been very kind today tomorrow’s great oh perfect let me pick up audition Sam And Sam Sam well we only got this tiny little corner and then this whole section’s done too foreign okay so I would like to petition Mojang to allow me to place tall grass tall grass on sand please please thank you all right uh let’s load that up and then oh

We can load you and that gives us another two full shulkers and then this guy I’m back now welcome back dead Tall Grass no no I still want the green tall grass like grass like putting out the edge like to merge the biomes together would be so good you can use

Dead bushes sure but like it’s not quite the same you know I’ll grass on Sand Moss online yeah we could do moss on sand really needed to all right let’s go fill these last puppies up oh Alexander that sounds cool just use armor stands if you really want it

Except those don’t load from a distance I am sand I don’t care we got a field in the episode You Bet Your Butt would get a feel in the episode so we’ve cleared all of this today to around the corner to there so we cleared all of that this

Is a lot flatter I’m not so I’ve decided that river section there that’s where we cut off I’m not doing all of that because if we get over here you can see I would be spending about three billion hours mining red sand if we continue all

The way around like this and blah blah blah blah hey Georgetown cave we would be going for hours it just doesn’t end it just like this Mesa biome goes for about 3 000 blocks camel there’s a forge will we get lucky what do we got on the forge

Red and iron yeah I need my iron hello gentlemen hello hello hello hello you have a camel you have a camel it’s a jelly hi jelly do you have a camera where is the camel there’s no camel camel I don’t have a saddle though bummer hey buddy you wiggle yours yay

Ring the bell you want me to cause chaos you’re telling me I should be chaotic okay double kill S from the camels yeah Liz no why they killed hey there’s been seven I’ve killed more rabbits than I’ve killed ravators can’t even pick up the rabbit’s foot it’s fine I’ve killed 90 sheep apparently oh we’re at a thousand skeletons ignore the wandering tradestat there’s still no warden in here I will

Say that I still have yet to kill a warden haven’t tackled that one quite yet I accidentally did kill a parrot I remember that that was a sad day creepers are we at 400 I feel I wonder how many zombies are we at 600 ah 667 uh we almost had we almost

Had evil number I’ve killed one Cod yeah nobody even wants a deal nobody wants to touch those go to 800 cave spiders that’s pretty good that’s because that was the first mob farm five ocelots how dare you did I really have I really killed five ocelots oh I feel bad

Why have you called a cat it was a TNT explosion I remember right it was a TNT explosion can’t remember where it was or what I was doing but I feel like it was I don’t even think it was on camera maybe it will I don’t know

Yeah I think I had a cat with me that I’d like tamed I was bringing him back home and I accidentally I like he teleported to me as I was lighting off a TNT or something about Withers oh dude we’ve killed so many Weathers 35. 6300 wither skeletons

35 weathers we have a lot of weather skeleton skulls we can work through I probably should I think it’d be a pretty boring stream but it would definitely be one that I’m like yeah this would be useful to do it’s just like a full-on Wither skip killing stream

Just like stock up absolutely stock up on beacons you know it probably wouldn’t be the most fun stream but we could see how many beacons can you make in two hours when you have unlimited weather skulls and I already have unlimited pretty much obsidian so it’s not like that’s a challenge either

Quesadillas I used to love cases Death Valley next make sure they wear sunscreen they’re very susceptible not on not on the orange but like the rest of them make sure they wear sunscreen that’s awesome though Yosemite is beautiful I hope you’re having a good time that sounds like an amazing summer

Most of my brothers are going camping this week I’m kind of jealous I’m jealous and then I didn’t want to deal with finding a Rover to watch the dogs this weekend because Sid’s gone and I was like I just I’ll skip this one yeah Yosemite was the

Last place my dad and I went camping together and it was so fun it was that was a really good trip we had the crazy experience we camped out like in Yosemite one then one of the uh first night we stayed at a hotel nearby second

Night we camped out like in the park and we had the craziest night somebody was late night free climbing apparently that’s a thing free climbers are always if you are into free climbing I feel like you’re just how can I get more of an adrenaline rush

Other than holding on to a rock where I already could just fall to my death if I have one long one wrong move and this person was like you know what sounds great I’m gonna do it at 2am and so they fell and they were nearby our campsite the

Rock face that they were climbing up and they landed on some Boulder down below them hurt their back so they couldn’t keep climbing and so they managed to get the attention of some other campers that were nearby us yes they were also doing this solo I should probably add to make it even

Dumber um and so at about 2 A.M the park rangers blew in on a helicopter to lift the person up off of this rock that they were barely hanging on to if they had fallen any other direction they would have died um and my dad and I are we were up late

Just chilling hanging by the campfire just chatting as you do camping and all of a sudden we see this helicopter come by which just lights on just everything and it was so crazy and we’re like all right what we couldn’t we didn’t really know what’s under going on we just saw

People getting in and out of helicopters and like oh my gosh it was crazy and we’re like what the heck are they doing over there like hopefully they’re not like coming and checking campers I mean like we’re like we’re fine we’re just sitting here by our fire having a good time

Um and it was so weird thankfully we found out the first thing we asked the next day when we got off when we got down and um we asked the park ranger if the person was okay and they’re like yeah they’re stable in the hospital right now

Like they’ll be okay but oh my gosh that was that was an experience that night going back to sleep after that was a little difficult um there’s just so many people around lights all over the place flashlights looking and everywhere making sure that every everything else was safe going on

And like they had somebody on like animal watch to make sure no animals were gonna come up and bother them while they’re there because there’s so much movement I don’t know why that person was thinking they were just real dumb real real dumb individual um but they were like you know what I

Want to do put that down there they’re like I want a free climb Yosemite at night I’ve just been the team watching you safe to say I ain’t moving tomorrow uh just been in the gym watching you safe Kyle thank you so much hope you had a good workout I did nice hole

15 minute Core workout today and a 30-minute bike ride afterwards I got I got my active time in I’m I’m good that man must have so pretty big you know what yeah I think it’s one of those things where just like if you start getting into free climbing it’s you’re you’re chasing that

Adrenaline high and there’s it’s one of those things that’s just like and also they’ve like they’ve done a lot of studies on that that dude who uh free solo was the documentary made on him about like the actual chemical makeup in his brain like his his actual brain they like did brain

Scans on him and everything and his the chemicals in his brain were so different that like he just did not possess the ability to like have fear like he just could not be afraid of things this dude is like free climbing the just the any large Summit of the world that he can

He did half dome which is insane as I I couldn’t remember his name uh yeah and that just like learning about him and everything is that’s I’m just like that person is on another level of humanity that I never even want to try getting to

Like I’m good being if like I mean I’m good like I’m good like I’m never gonna do that the only thing I could kind of get into because I briefly got into it when I was really when I was big into swimming was like free diving and that like I I

Enjoyed freediving only until like a safe extent like I was never pushing it too far I could get down like some people go like hundreds of feet I was I was happy about like 50 feet I was like this is look at me I’m so deep underwater wow yeah let’s swim around a

Bit I’m like okay I’m ready to go back up now but yeah no I’m not I don’t have the breath control to manage that anymore I’m not in the same swimming shape I was but yeah it’s a is it yeah I’m never gonna try and pronounce that but yeah I can’t remember

Exactly what it was Alex yeah the dude’s crazy it’s so impressive what he’s able to do yeah it’s one of those things anyways where I feel like it’s just when you don’t have the ability to possess fear and you’re also somebody who just loves living for adrenaline and getting that

That just adrenaline high that you can get from doing something absolutely crazy like you’re gonna keep trying to find crazier things to do uh yeah yeah GA play any sports when you’re young I swam competitively for like eight or nine years and then I swapped to water polo and played that a lot

Or I played for like three four years and almost got a college scholarship on it and then I got a back injury probably for the best though you know wouldn’t have ended up where I’m at now so back injuries finally healed so we’re good foreign gang yeah that was a distance freestyle swimmer

I was that one that I hated it oh my gosh I hated doing the 500 in the mile it was always the end of the event they’re always like the last races so you’d sit there after warm-up for like the entire day just waiting for

Yours to go and then your coach would be like all right you’re up like go get warmed up again I’m like ah again can I just show up late they’re like no eggs has a question uh jumping in ask if we have green light for lunch uh eggs

I’ll check in with you after stream if that works but if you all think everything’s stable yeah let’s do it shovel you still got 177 there’s still a little red on there another right you if you have netherite with Unbreaking three you can go until there’s no red on the

Bar you’re fine totally fine yeah eggs uh if we’re if we’re good like if everything’s ready all right I’d say send it I mean might as well the only way we’re really going to find out if there’s problems is once it’s live and people are on there

Risk of rain music risk of rain is a game that I’ve never played but I used to love watching people stream it I really like the soundtrack it’s so moody some Moody just did not just drop my phone on my face oh my gosh the amount of times that

I’ll just be up there just like in bed and it just goes just like all right that’s the sign put the tank phone down like we’re done no more put the phone away I went to your seven he was my family last summer and being British The Mansions were so big for us

I remember when uh for our wedding when all the YouTube friends came out uh we have a lot of mountains of the Seattle area too and everybody’s just like wow wow I remember that’s something that you take for granted and there you reliving where you grew up and all that

You just don’t really think about it and then um gem at one point which is like the trees are so big here wow this is so cool I’ve never seen trees that are so tall she’s like everything on Newfoundland was like all the trees are short I’m like what do you mean like

These are just normal like I’ve grown up with these things everywhere all right 10 full shulker boxes All right we can pick these up another shovel to retire and we gotta go back home shovel retire and happen now new shovel what’s your favorite game besides Minecraft spoiler Zone uh you grew up in Seattle area I did yeah I’m a Seattle local right now I’d say I’m really enjoying Diablo 4.

I’m really I really enjoyed Diablo games my favorite game of all time probably outside of Minecraft is most likely I’d say Starcraft 2. I loved Starcraft 2. sorry dog break you come up hey yo how are you doing did you just have some lunch your breath smells like you ate some food

This is Nova yeah what’s up do you want to come up you come up come here yeah come up up up you could do it I believe in you you could do it you could do it oh can I pick you up oh no oh there you go this is Nova

This is my Malamute she’s very big oh sorry okay you won down she’s like no actually I don’t want up up what what do you mean sometimes okay uh let me go put this shulker boxes back and unload the Red Sand and then we can do what you’re thinking I’m not gonna

Say it right now but I do know what you’re thinking normally your mom does it okay she’s not here it’s on me thank you have a tip I’ll make sure she gets that and a very important bank account that she has her little piggy bank exactly Jenny exactly I was Jedi

Survivor for you I haven’t finished it yet it’s been good but I haven’t finished it it’s one of those where every time I start playing it I’m like yeah this is fun and then I get like three hours in and I’m like I kind of feel like I’ve been doing the

Same thing even though I’m progressed in the story and moving them forwards and all that I very much get to this point where I’m like kind of I’m kind of done like I’m kind of done and then I come back a few days

Later and I pick it up and I go and do those and I get like another two three hours into it and then I get to a point where I’m like I think I’m done tonight which it’s okay like I’ve been seeing it a lot in The Gaming

Community recently oh geez that’s a little leggy here um where I remember France 50th yes hey for real what an adorable puffer yeah she’s pretty cute she’s a cutie she’s almost two years old that’s Nova uh thank you uh drace thank you so much for the donut

Uh what was I saying oh yeah like in The Gaming Community there’s these so many people one of the Diablo Debs said it recently sorry I keep going back because I’ve been playing the game a bunch and the Diablo Dev was like literally verbatim said we want you to

Play other games it’s okay to play other games and is this hardcore this is hardcore and they’re like we don’t want your entire gaming experience to be Diablo 4. and the community got so mad at them like so many of the Die Hard fans in the community were like

What do you mean you’re not gonna make content for me to play Forever blah blah blah blah and then like for anybody who has been playing or hasn’t been playing the game they just launched a new season which is pretty fun I’m having a good time with

It I’ve been playing a bunch with some buddies and it’s been really good and I’ve gone about to the same point I was at in the first season and I’m still having fun with it and then people are like oh my gosh there’s no content there’s nothing to do this game

Sucks blah blah blah blah blah there’s not how could they make such a terrible game the end game’s awful it’s like you realize that in the course of four days you’ve played like these people played like 70 80 hours like to reach the end game in Diablo 4 like

It’s a lot of hours like it is a Grind game like you gotta play a lot to get there and these people are like oh my gosh there’s no content in the game I’m like you spent 60 on this game and you’ve now played well over 80 hours you’ve you’ve gotten more

How many things can you go and do in the world where for you get one dollar like one dollar gives you an hour of entertainment like to me if I could get an hour of entertainment for doing anything for one dollar like that is good that sounds fantastic I would love to

Pay one dollar for an hour of just enjoying what I’m doing and people are like oh my gosh there’s nothing wrong so I’m trying to be more anyways long story short I’m trying to be more okay with gaming for my side of being like yeah if I’m bored of the game

Right now that’s fine I can pick it back up later and then I’ll just enjoy it when I pick it back up and that’s totally okay if you didn’t do YouTube what have you been for work uh I was a database engineer before this so I’d I guess I’d

Be doing that I worked in computer science world doing super fun stuff got to come to networks and things super cool that’s exactly how I measure how much a game is worth yeah like I always come back to Minecraft and I’m like dude I bought Minecraft back in the day for twelve dollars

You think I’ve credited my job but even before that even before it being my job I spent 12 on this game and I put in a thousand hours at least before this became my job and then you have people who are like wow Minecraft has no content there’s

Nothing to do in this game I’m like foreign y’all just oh my gosh average everybody expects the game that they play not everybody I shouldn’t say everybody I shouldn’t you shouldn’t generalize like that but so many people expect the game that they play to entertain them for their entire life

It’s like no that’s not the case it’s not like you can’t expect a TV show to be unless you’re watching The Simpsons to be there and entertaining you for your entire life but like enjoying it when it’s fun and when it’s there is great and when you start

Getting over it then you put it down there’s more games to play I know your steam backlog I’m looking at you I’m looking at you I know that steam backlog has like 100 games you bought and haven’t opened you haven’t even installed them I know because we’re the same we both have done

That we all have done that our steam back logs or your Xbox backlogs PlayStation Network whatever it might be you got a backlog in there and there are a lot of games that you have purchased and are sitting there that have yet to be installed tell me I’m wrong

Stop calling me out because we’re all the same my steam library’s got like 400 games in it I’ve played maybe a hundred of them I used to buy The Humble Bundle every month and so I just get like eight new games for like 10 bucks and they’re like

I haven’t played any of them busted I have no backlog sorry you’re wrong sure sure backlog is finishing my Lego Star Wars game yeah I’m like halfway through that I’m not on the switch and it just did not have the performance I was hoping

For so I kind of was like hey don’t call me yet like that yeah broke I can’t buy this many games that’s fair you slowly get them if you go through sales and things you’re like oh this is cool I remember seeing this a few years ago it’s 75 off yeah

All right my friends we’re about two hours in here and uh I gotta go take the puppies out and handle them Nova is still looking at me in the corner being like damn I don’t mean I don’t need to be a bother again Dad can we go do the thing so I gotta

I gotta go handle the puppies thank you all so very much for being here actually let’s look for the final count for the final count Nova be nice shovel her red sand is now at 45 397 this morning when I woke up it was

27 000 so I’m almost 20 000 stand on the day uh and pickaxe not pickaxe that hasn’t moved much the shovel when I woke up this morning was literally at 400 000 almost exact so so yeah I mean that I mean it’s 10 shulker boxes we got 10 boxes today that’s 17

000 something Sam so that makes sense do the thing with Nova you’re right it’s time thank you all so very much for being here I really do appreciate it y’all have been absolutely awesome today thank you so much for all the support I really really do appreciate it again

Thank you thank you thank you uh if you have not heard I mentioned a few times now there’s gonna be a hardcore video launching tomorrow at typical release time unless there’s some major event that I’m not aware of I’m gonna be released in the video tomorrow it’s I

Have a lot of fun it’s a different vibe it’s kind of something new again going into that new chapter and I I’m really excited for it I think it’s gonna be really cool going forwards on it I’m kind of evolving the hardcore video style wherever it might be going um

But I I think it’s gonna be good if you just got back you can rewind the stream and watch it all you want you’re all good give the dog as much love I will I will I will gotta go clean up the house too because we’ve got some people coming over later

So I got a lot of things to do but thank you so much for being here I really do appreciate it y’all are absolutely amazing have a wonderful Friday have a wonderful weekend be good to each other and with that I’ll catch you on the flip side oh Blake Thank you

This video, titled ‘DESTROYING MY HARDCORE WORLD in MINECRAFT 1.20 – HARDCORE Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-07-28 20:06:12. It has garnered 38436 views and 2392 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:09 or 7149 seconds.

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival in Hindi! 🔥🌲 | Episode 1

    Insane Minecraft Survival in Hindi! 🔥🌲 | Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java Survival Series: Epic Beginnings in Hindi! 🌲🔥 | Gameplay Episode 1 |’, was uploaded by TOXIC PLAYZ on 2024-01-09 14:13:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Java Survival Series: Epic Beginnings in Hindi! | Gameplay Episode 1 🏷️ Tags & Keywords: Minecraft Fps Test … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Challenge! Can We Hit 300k Subs?!

    Insane Minecraft Build Challenge! Can We Hit 300k Subs?!Video Information [Music] oh oh [Music] yo what’s up crater Sky how are you bud [Music] oh oh oh I’m good that’s awesome what’s up ory demon hey easy I wanted to let you know you’re an amazing streamer I do not want you to quit yo Orie Damon yo thank you ory Damon that was very nice thank you that was very nice of you [Music] [Music] yo what’s up Lucas that’s what we like to see W’s happy Thursday happy Thursday Lucas Lucas [Music] [Laughter] [Music] a oh [Music] my you put some amazing work into your videos… Read More

  • 🍁Become a Pokemon Master in Minecraft!

    🍁Become a Pokemon Master in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【JP/EN #minecraft 】ポケモン初心者がマイクラ世界でポケモンマスターになる!?#2【#新人vtuber 】’, was uploaded by 葵杏くれは🍁⛩新人Vtuber on 2024-01-14 14:16:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank-you for coming! I’m still coughing like I have a cold, but please forgive me! ! ! I’m playing Minecraft MOD’s Pixelmon! Almost all Pokemon… Read More

  • Losing my mind in Minecraft Art 145 – CRAZIEST episode yet! 👀

    Losing my mind in Minecraft Art 145 - CRAZIEST episode yet! 👀Video Information we viory [Music] viory viory tomato one one one Ro yeah for we to get down get down 10 kills on the board right now just wa to my friend was gone down I revived him now we’re heading southbound This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 145 | 9/11’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-04-29 15:46:37. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Art Transformation in Minecraft! 😱🎨 #marvel

    Mind-Blowing Anime Art Transformation in Minecraft! 😱🎨 #marvelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Before and After VFX 🎬🟩 Minecraft #marvel #minecraft #music #animation’, was uploaded by anime art🎨 Channel on 2024-01-10 08:40:08. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Before and After VFX 🎬🟩 Minecraft #marvel #minecraft #music #animation Read More

  • Complexity SMP Modded SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to Complexity SMP! About Us: Complexity SMP is a 2 1/2 month-old Minecraft server focused on exploration and quality of life mods. Join our tight-knit community for a long-lasting world full of creativity and adventure. Join Our Discord: Our active Discord server is filled with useful features to help you get started and connect with other players. Join us here! Modpack Features: Explore mods like Alex’s Caves, Create, Cataclysm, and Iron’s Spells for a mix of creative freedom and engaging gameplay. Enjoy the journey to the late game power spikes! Check out the modpack: Click here to explore the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting memes after finding third Minecraft book

    Looks like someone leveled up in meme-making skills! Read More

  • “Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!” 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes

    "Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!" 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes When you’re trying to impress someone with your knowledge of Minecraft materials but all you can think of is the Italian version of the periodic table. #minecraftfail #nerdproblems 😂🤓🇮🇹 Read More

  • Discover the Best Survival Experience on Minewind Server 🏠

    Discover the Best Survival Experience on Minewind Server 🏠 Welcome to! Are you a fan of building the ultimate survival house in Minecraft? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. With a thriving community of players who are passionate about crafting, building, and surviving, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine joining a server where you can collaborate with other players to create epic structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and custom plugins, the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer looking to dive… Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Mob Farm Build

    Ultimate Creeper Mob Farm Build Minecraft SMP: The World of Creeper Mob Farms Exploring the Depths of Minecraft SMP In the vast world of Minecraft SMP, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. One such example is the creation of mob farms, specifically designed to harvest resources from hostile mobs like creepers. These farms are not only practical but also a testament to the ingenuity of Minecraft players. The Art of Mob Farming Creating a creeper mob farm requires careful planning and execution. Players must consider factors such as spawn rates, mob behavior, and resource collection. By strategically placing spawning platforms… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Wooden House Interior Build 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Wooden House Interior Build 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Survival Wooden House #2 Interior Tutorial – How to Build -💡Material List in Description!’, was uploaded by WiederDude on 2024-04-25 10:00:17. It has garnered 21167 views and 636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:42 or 762 seconds. ➜Minecraft: Survival House 2 interior Tutorial ➜Thumbs up^^ & Subscribe for more =) ➜Download houses: ➜Main House Tutorial Video: ▼More House Tutorials▼ This is the interior tutorial video for survival house #2 you can also use this video to get awesome interior ideas for your survival wooden minecraft house! If you like… Read More

  • Cursed Adventure in Minecraft

    Cursed Adventure in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Iniziamo la Nostra Avventura – Minecraft ma è CURSED🌈’, was uploaded by Carnino on 2024-01-05 15:00:27. It has garnered 325 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftita #minecraftshorts #minecraftitalia #shorts #minecraftma Read More

  • Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍

    Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍Video Information ओके गाइस मैं एंड ड्रैगन मारने आ गया बट मैं बैट लाने भ मर गया तो क्या हुआ ओके गाइस वेलकम बैक टू माय न्यू वीडियो आप सभी का स्वागत है आज हम खेलने वाले हैं गवल डॉप्स ओपी आइटम्स चलिए शुरू करते हैं ओके तो मुझ स्पॉन भी ची जगह पे मिला है यहां पे ग्रेवल मुझे आराम से देखने को मिल जाएगी तो यहां पे ग्रेवल मिल चुकी है इसको माइन करता हू सबसे पहले मुझे मिली है एंडर चेस्ट लेट्स गो और देखते हैं क्या-क्या मिलने वाला है नेम टेग मिला है ब्रेड टी एनटी… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱Video Information first thing I did was get some wood because you always got to start with that then I found a cave and mine for some Stone went into a deeper cave and got iron and then I stumbled across a creeper and then he proceeded to blow up all on his own accord and then I did some mining this is totally legit mining yep I’m definitely not insta mining it’s just sped up real fast I got some XP from this will then I’m in the nether boom found The Fortress that’s a totally legit way of… Read More

  • Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!

    Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!Video Information there we go yay okay now we can oh wait we should probably get some totems o right yeah totems are important totems are very important but yeah welcome to the stream everybody wait I got to do that thing wait no that’s there we go I was thinking of a I don’t have a key set up a mute key set up for Discord bad l oh yeah a little py Pond yeah oh okay of course it has to start raining the moment I know why this exact moment it has to start raining I love… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information [Music] let’s eat wow so [Music] yummy hey eat it more wow Ain mine h h give your back to me [Music] no huh hey don’t oh you huh give it back to me no [Music] huh oh my God m [Music] huh oh no are you okay they bullied [Music] me and they to my cake hey what did you do to her let’s not bully each other give her a cake huh hey take [Music] it let’s go [Music] home wao hello I want to play skateboard huh you can only play 10 minutes okay be… Read More

  • INSANE! 1M Subs on Minecraft’s SPUD Update! 🥔

    INSANE! 1M Subs on Minecraft's SPUD Update! 🥔Video Information hello oh my gosh okay let me put on this is why we don’t update things hi hi everybody oh my goodness oh what a pain twitch is not going to happen tonight so it’s just going to be me and YouTube like it always uh like it used to be so hello hello everybody hi um how you doing Strike Zone hippo no Avid quick singer hello viid I saw Ruby in the chat sadden hello cup half full lemon hi everybody odev GG on 1 million well okay so look sorry I’m a minute late I’m… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CRAFTING on INGITOR SMP!! 🤯🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey besties how are we doing I can’t lie I have been looking forward to stream like I just have so much fun streaming and I was looking forward to this uh oh I still need a there we go we got the map open that there I’m going to get that there okay now we’re organized and ready to go Charlotte oh my goodness you’re so early today hello how are you doing how is your day going welcome Charlotte welcome okay apparently dippy and Blacky are in a group yes hello Hi how are you I’m… Read More

  • Royal Asylum

    Royal AsylumThe time has come to flee your war torn country and begin your new life as a prisoner of war at the Royal Asylum in the Lost Kingdom! Start as a peasant and mine,chop, and fight for your life to rankup and achieve Noble status through the kingdom. This is a prison experience like no other. We are a Semi-OP RPG Prison server! Rankup by completing quests, mining, and fighting for your life today! LINKS Discord: Forums: Read More

  • CozyCraving Vanilla – No Whitelist – No Grief – Survival

    Welcome to Cozy Craving Survival Server! If you’re looking for an unwhitelisted survival server with a fantastic community, you’ve come to the right place. Our server features a plugin that can rollback griefing and looting, giving you peace of mind while you play. The server will never be reset and will grow over time. Connect to our server at: Read More

  • Enceladus NO

    Enceladus NOEnceladus N.U / Saturn Survival (2015-2018)Here you will find a thrilling survival gameplay experience with a friendly economy tuned for fairness in our server. We are grindy/farming based and simply land claim survival. Our brand theme is a hysterical space-medieval with mystery. Use /warp shop to work your way up the economy leaderboard or thrash the PvP monuments with your friends. It is what you make of it here and you can find other various unique beauties in our palace. The snail lords are coming – bring your talents alive and find what’s notable about your creativity! We are simplistic… Read More