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Hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to small one piece survival stuff with me but don’t I don’t need you anymore probably unless I do more screenshots of the building but anyway so we’re back for here but all I’ve made some changes offer fixik you again

I have you I have two of you where is it put on I have three of them oh God I don’t want the MacBook I really don’t it’s White Oaks Fritz I just never looked to take because it is so destructive but if you take that fruit you’re gonna break

Everything and that’s just how it works I don’t want to do that but yeah anyway we are here build a little bit of uh we have a thing right now basically everything I twitch my dog reacts thinking it’s time to leave the room because my dog doesn’t want to be in my

Room anymore apparently he wants to go downstairs with my brother’s not there everyone’s at work so I’m just gonna stick up my dog jumping through sweet every time I lose much glance in his Direction because he seems to think it’s time to go no dog no

It’s not I know it’s I know it’s not the most comfortable around the fan solid form is jumping up every chance he gets that has been on edge I don’t know why I I just I hate seeing him doll happy is the problem anyway but himself I don’t get friends

I hope your Bryce I’m gonna go steal from the spring base right so I made some changes to config I have made it now so hopefully larger bases should spawn quicker and larger boats should spawn quicker which I’m hoping will lead to us getting more uh themed geek double for opportunities because silver

Had done I haven’t even seen one of the big box yet so we’re gonna got in the ocean we’re gonna look for big boats regrets growing trying it ourselves Some Devil fruits I mean Clan we’ll see how that goals the same goes also I really want to get depth

Straighter because if I get hold of that straighter I’ll build a swim really quick like possibly quicker than the bolt if I can get like you know that and like Speed Booster stuff on like I I can move exceptionally quick so I I’m very interested to say a couple

Enchant table which I might go and do real quick actually because I have the levels I have the lapis I think I even have the books what is out here it’s underground aren’t they okay whatever let me see why is there a door here oh oh oh it’s because of the it’s because

Of the thing it’s because this because the fence thinks there hello Luffy right anyway there’s thing we could care hi go away bunk bunk nothing good of him guys bunch of people here also where are we on quests again well we did that one no baller I had to

Be able to learn Fire collect fire out if you can collect five freckles okay uh the fun fire one’s probably the easiest thing to do probably I’m going to oh I have to paint this base yeah I’m just gonna get a boat I always get a boat for now I really

Want to do some DIY in the very short now I just did that in the last episode now I’ll just make some boats I’m just glad to see that way it’ll be fine I can still swim sort of quick if I need to turn up inch ends you know okay an eagle

Fighting new territory that’s that’s the main thing the thingy territory if you come for me you’re gonna die don’t do it yeah okay so I just hit directly north I’ll hit New Territory I knew it and you’re gonna be stupid why do you do this you saw it matched I

Mean dollar Marines like here but that they’ve kind of got to put Marines had dolphin fire or white beard they never said a chance well things are getting chaotic again moving along keep moving along oh I do I say the right name I have no idea anymore anyway I feel confident that I

Can say this no I don’t I don’t not entirely okay so I’ve been having assault lately so you can cat I forgot about this stop eating stop eating you anyway um same things I think I thought recently so I’ve been watching the episodes with the gear 5 stuff ER dumb

In my personal opinion I think the Kentucky stuff from bleachers better that’s the conclusion of cubed Super Brain I don’t yeah I say I don’t know why I know exactly why it’s because Kombat she’s stuff was awesome badass it was it both saves the real animated you know there’s an animation thing

Going anywhere with it but one with serious badass and just really true and there was a Goofy cartoon with lots of cartoon noises and I don’t like them so yeah I think personal preference I’m saying with compassion this one um that’s just I don’t know it’s been

Lingering my brain like the gear if I think should be such a big thing and yeah I was more excited for the Bleach episode where you can practice and so for that my brother hadn’t seen it yet my brother’s caught up on Bleak show so he got to watch it for the first

Time hello Big Fish hello I can’t hit him oh whatever hold on And him I got him I may have done oh I I think I got him okay kill I’m gonna keep reading North now yeah anyway I gotta shut up to my brother he obviously loved it as well because of course he did it was Kenpachi

Um yeah I don’t know any any thoughts on that I don’t know what it is I do know what it is it’s cartooning I don’t like it the fact is you can be goofy and still be enjoyable gear 4 showed that gear for office get griffy like it literally starts bouncing around

Uncontrollably and bumper them like that’s goofy but also like he still has coolness the ice bringing out the heads they’re turning out of people’s body to rubber candles Club going through his face all that stuff I hate it the noises are probably the one that gets me the most though noises I really

Don’t like and all you annoy uses of him boying around the black oh I I like your fifth if I’ve come to this conclusion like I like his look and not I like the idea it can affect the world around it but I just don’t

Like living with it he’s too goofy oh so all yours are idiots you all jumped in the water oh God Hollow fish wrong Slack well I didn’t kill him come on then oh Andy’s dead yeah I think we’re fine I haven’t seen my belt anywhere where my bulk oh yeah I

Got dragged out of it okay I’m gonna keep heading North now I’m gonna continue looking for Big Marine pirate well let’s try and get the elbow throughout oh wait hold on no Concourse hockey does not in fact destroy my boat well that’s good to know because that

Means I can use the camera as a fishing now when they attack me the fire fish specifically I can just glance at them now doing that that’s so much easier like the factors can catch me sure but now I can I can counter them it’s fine also beggar about

Biggest boat don’t have a bigger spell it’s a pretty big boat yo who hit me who was it because of you uh so you got two oh no another one be gone I think he’s gone uh you like a boat that could tell the Devils were in it we should we shall investigate

Oh okay I can get for now no longer am I stuck out of your belt I can get in there oh so oh no oh you lot are in here too you’re gonna kill everyone’s feel all the fun they are actually I can hear them doing it right now they’re killing all the

People on the boat they’re bad and whom I meant to kill oh no oh no oh look look seriously you go for me there’s a pirate right there mate stuff oh gosh iron chest okay so still to this day never seen her go test all on these books

I’m helping by the end of this series I will have at least seen one who’s got fire yes bottles of ram be gone I hear the fire no this is why I was scared of I knew this would happen Salvo you prick why do you do this there’s no reason to

Set fire to the Wooden Boat ah yeah Becker be gone I think there’s anything else in the boat anyway but like still the cool boat I don’t know actually go get the books I suppose sure let’s go grab the bookshelf quick before you know the whole [ __ ] thing

Burns the ground thanks to someone shooting fire around [ __ ] server why’d you do what look at that yeah so unnecessary give me the book somewhere up here that was red uh hello camera come on this isn’t the place for this mate like seriously we should be fighting the top of this dying Bowl

Well no you start gonna be fighting anyway abandoned [ __ ] we’re out of here swim we’re going the wrong way start heading north God damn it oh my God that I did none of that that was all that was all the NPCs thought we saw the MP I was nothing to

Do with that ship’s destruction like that was El Salvo and Kuma and I don’t know who else was doing bad things Hollow fish go the way yeah that looks so cool using hunkers hockey underwater when you’re swimming waves going out in all directions because grandma like obviously you’ll see the ones below you

Because normally you know you’re Underground nah and here I’m just basically swimming around standing up it just means you can actually Rex and so after that I’ve got the benefit of my uh fish armor I mean I’d have to worry about breathing basically I can just hold my breath for an exceptionally

Long time and that’s the way we’re going to just pretend it is definitely not just magic armor that gives me unlimited breathing underwater okay there’s two random Marine Forks there I saw something over this way what’s over here also I see a big fish coming up behind me you know

He’ll he’ll be dealt with did I actually just deal with him right there there’s that fish dead wait a minute where is where’s Big Fish going they actually take care of him oh God he swapped her into him just died oh it’s just one of these oh so we’re in for something special

That is not the case and there’s even a second one right here gotta hit the spawns for these things I I really wish it was a way to turn them off so good I’m gonna turn these snatchers off like the one piece structures I mean maybe structures are all right but like

Yeah I could do without them like yeah the sword shops nice so you can obviously get good weapons really quickly but you can get the weapons from beating the enemies anyway so it’s like you’re not losing them very short not being there I really would like an

Update where we could turn them off or just they’re spawning to get fixed like Demon Slayer doesn’t have nearly this that’s not even true is it do you mean this layer literally spawns in boxes and then those boxes become the the structures pretty much which for the most part they normally turn out

Somewhat okay what that is definitely not always the case there are plenty of times where things go already and it just yeah you end up with terrible spawnings like when Google’s too close to me it’s a really big one you end up with an entire big structure into the mountain and things foreign

Technically possible also double Village hello you that will not survive you all will definitely die you are so screwed because there’ll be random attacks going off everywhere so God for so quick I’ve missed the wall jump mods well jump wall climb I missed the wall claiming mods I left it out for Kaizen

Thinking now it’s true LP let’s plays in its purest form and to be fair it made combat a lot harder because I couldn’t Dodge but yeah I’ve missed the traveling around saying with all the move it’s super speeds because it does there’s just an element of like you know

You’re able to walk her I had to really stupidly have powered attacks but you’re always able to move really quick it makes you feel powerful in game you know like how good is all that super strength if you’re just super slow or you feel super slow by comparison in this case

Though no I feel super quick for super strong maybe that’s something the fact is you know pretty damn strong I could play energy We’re Gonna See crocodile we better not see crocodile if I see Crocker that’ll be very sad because I’ve gone completely like free since that factor has been removed

Which is very telling that yeah he he’s he was the problem he was the problem all along oh so I just realized oh yeah you used by you take emeralds for weapons uh I I would like to quickly double check what is your what’s your um what’s your terms of uh

He’s driving out of here well never mind it’s not gonna figure that one out today I don’t think one of these shops above surface that’s not been destroyed and go ask the question again I just want to know I have any how everything I need this again because I

Don’t remember I think it’s like I think I need a stack of books for some of them but I’m pretty sure there’s like other there’s no right required I think it’s diamonds actually isn’t it I mean we get them from these chests so I mean blah blah blah blah yeah look

There we just got you know okay I was a diamond chest plate no I never mind okay enough playing online back to the ocean just return where we are most comfortable Aki I know I can find more belts over there not finding anything here I was hoping I

Could bear Marine for really quick no even Marine first turned up to be like super uh way more I basically they’re spawn race their spawners were at 25 before I think they’re also competing with like every other thing though so it’s like probability alongside everything else so basically things like

Camps camps are super rare camps have got like a 10 spot rate and then big structures have a such and such broad rate and basically yeah normally the the Big Marine farts are big structures which I think also includes the big Bandit camps have a set of Spawn right

They’re like three and a bit more times more common than what they were before so in theory should totally be seeing them ahead of like a bunch of other structures but Marine forests hate spawning in the world so I probably still won the Big Marine ships well Paul out big belt

Medium-sized belt remember says that I think has possibility of summoning the elephant not great odd but you know I think it has odds build battle hear about my boat you [ __ ] not leaving it behind I I kinda need it for fast travel Punk okay so oh yeah I forgot we need to do

The bobbing thing correctly hold on hold on hold on oh move oh yeah I can just do this me does not need to fake people are embellished we shall kill everyone just with brain power be gone Philz what’s that the cat an account instead

Yes it did give us a box it’s Trader but it does happen but oh hello Luffy oh God Luffy’s here too uh Luffy’s here he’s also blood the [ __ ] black if he’s here he’s also you know wrecked the entire under part of the ship I don’t know what he was fighting there’s

A scrub apparently giving you know the nature of it I don’t have any more space but I’m not leaving good good good ball behind uh yeah you can have this Lily Pad me I’ll be having that okay so got both we’re gonna return home drop off the goods continue the search

Little bubble we’re gonna need the space um so yeah we’ve got iron fisted cheese or basic wines I cannot open the other basic ones before this got that there we have 18 emeralds cool uh put our skills in here too because why not we’ve got all the freaking rum in the world

Gloria score your score is getting all the bottles anymore I need to organize this base better which I’ll do at some points for now I just want to get stuff I want to get double for boxes so I have them oh so air curiosity bunk bunk bunk storming it tool three sorry

I mean you’re dorky which I will just get over time as my door he gets higher I’ll get more more jumps which I think up to Max what six or something I have a hockey mirror do I have hockey no game the [ __ ] I’ve got a hockey mirror if I go hockey

I just know it’s a hockey mirror in the corner I guess I was always there I just wasn’t noticing it because they’ll assembly private okay don’t don’t slow the hockey mirror if I don’t even have hockey to use with it that’s just cruel also how do I even get hockey again

Pretty sure hitting things is the most basic level way of doing it so you know if I fly around and I punch thing there we go I believe that just increases my hockey cool then once I reaches certain levels it will uh level up again yeah yeah every time I hit these guys

I’m getting a little bit more also spin guys two three God yes I’ve missed Apple so much fun especially when you’ve got yeah you get with this is such a good feeling like you go so far so fast age for the love

Of God don’t no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no go go go back girl he’s blocking it kick cars hey at work get freaking up here you Sons I’m not dealing with you destroying the

Area I live at in Hampton very easily please don’t be fighting with Ace go away big go away oh so what is happening oh God he’s found me ah spin cars you block all of that also the ghost is coming for me well I mean that’s why I’m gonna be coming a second

Hey snow no Ace has gone around Mage oh God ah be strong for me I cannot beat him cannot beat him it ain’t happening I’m level 40. I don’t even have a proper Awakening yet I don’t even know what that means at this point I don’t I don’t

Know if it’s just like level 45 or something’s where you get your like little full power oh God okay that knocked him about oh yeah I’m a hero you’re surrounded you have no Escape seriously no it’s the time you want to go for this all right be gone hey snow

Why is Ace involved in this a speck off oh my little area is still excited no it’s not oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] off back off back off back off

Do I waste anything I don’t like wasting things all right they’re all gone go what do you mean Marine Hunter what did I do kill Hunter Marines in a single life I didn’t do that that no no that’s a lie that wasn’t me I didn’t kill them I’m being framed

I just happen to be near me Hulk when he went around face trying to kill things mainly me and happened to kill a whole bunch of the mihawks we really have to do this I really rather not like I I accept you’re way stronger than me and

Like I cannot beat you at this point so like if you could not yeah no he’s still coming for me will help keep me in the game but he will also block all my attacks this is very unfortunate yeah I couldn’t even take a break on top

Of the roof there he’s even weakened me down again after me healing slightly killing me who did this okay is that really no it’s your ass up your ass up you can deal with them right folk uh mate can you can you not oh God oh here he comes

Is he actually trying to fight him no he’s not I’ll go down back up whoa conquers that’s not conquerors I have conquers right now I’ve got my sword out uh why do I have my sword at is that gonna benefit me I don’t know like I don’t think Kiki arm is gonna

Work is a problem like nobody does that to me concrete all the weekend he’s coming from you it’s not going to help me against him much then that’ll work pick cars I do one I don’t want to just lose God damn it I need to I need to get

Someone else to distract him that’s my use I need to get someone’s attention it can fight him enough and have him hit him to trigger a fake decision probably I don’t know technically some people will just go I don’t know we saw Liffey goal for me help before between yeah definitely if

We hate behind him in theory Luffy and Saba will take up yeah there we go no yes Sabo take over Salvo please just fight him I don’t want to do this man ow oh God all right running yeah you’re running away again be careful just far up away surely you’ll just get left

Alone right okay over here now now he’s still coming okay so Morgan that didn’t stop making chance seriously you fully remove the Hoops I I really thought I would have went too far away from you to do anything ow oh you hurt like a [ __ ] um

Ace Ace I’d like to use cover mate like to use use cover wait is it okay I didn’t quite reach me there who’s fighting is someone fighting him what’s happening are you generally just taking pot shots at me because you can pull effect and the other thing he’s just taking

Parties he’s just no I’m just trying to fight him yes Odin yes Odin’s fighting him okay Odin you you deal with this oh he’s not gonna deal with this oh I don’t think I’m gonna beat him there’s a fun question actually do we think Odin and his prime

Could have actually beat me Hawk oh there there’s an interesting question all right because the fun thing about Odin is the only facts he didn’t win is against Katie Dole younger candle you know kaido with assistance though sorry Karen get a straight win so like we don’t know what

Would have happened with that one he’s lost to Roger and Whitebeard like okay if you’re gonna have a list of people you’ve lost against it’s like oh yeah we’ll give him of course you lost those folks because next to No One beats them and bumper them so like

Yeah he’s really freaking strong so like how strong is mihawk could meet Hawk fight those people fate yes win Okay I think I think I think I’m being left alone now I don’t I don’t know though I keep forgetting you’ve got devil for Yamato because like literally hello who’s there saw the explosions yeah keep forgetting Galaxy download for it because like Yama doesn’t have a devil fruit technically and like this

Mullet because we don’t have our developer in yet but like yeah that’s down for so technically get stuck in the water already dude oh things are more peaceful again beautiful all the really bad folk have left Rogers here to card the area hopefully um and I’m just gonna pick out the

Rewards for all the randomness adventure oh I’ve got guy over my base Zach Sam Morgan I can deal with that all right so it’s gonna quickly grab yeah I need to clear this chest at some point because living outside’s a terrible idea there we go we got we we

Did we did our battles we survived oh holy freckles lovely right cool uh let’s just drop off all this stuff really quick then let’s continue your little Adventure go and look for more boats that was the initial plan the mihawks don’t really do that yeah I

Can’t fight Mijo I’m still way too weak I do one damage to the guy and he has like 600 health as you work up to me Hawk like your fragrance Yamato and saddle for example Andrew where are you no seriously where are you Becker that smoker that’s all Kirby gone

Andrew you inside the hill me thinks he’s inside the hill so I could be gone there’s your hotel where is he you don’t just randomly blast me with lightning like that and not announce your presence he’s in the hill somewhere okay the fact are you the hollow that entire Hill making my base

Terrible idea unless I like Lane it with obsidian I’ve got a lot of work possibly doable though anyway for now heading back to the Belt we’re gonna look for big boats so where are we going uh well north of his main line so I guess we’ll hear the

Weakest well that seems like a good direction let’s go bunk bunk flippy kick Bonk I ain’t killed him God we get so far with that as absurd I love it blah blah there’s our boat that’ll do hold on over we go bunk bunk God the forward momentum all right be gone

Everything appears to be gone excellent hello yes basic chest I’ll take it I’ll call I’ll take that too oh so everyone else here that’s my period be excellent uh money Hank us that’s how you see as often oh so there that that is berries like I would expect

That’s the normal bag size so Marine bases have exceedly large amounts of money in them that is what I’m understanding right now because the rain flies like freaking like a thousand targeting like 100 times good to know oh I get my ego Raider marine blue again those are really

Rarest I guess yeah you’re not gonna see those very often okay we shall head continuing we so good bow let me rest that’s pretty much their team right now it’s just I I get oh I guess the location I rest for a second get my speed back

I guess Nick some iron since I’m here why not uh but then use gecko some more looks before I tell me the diamond block up here give me how common these things are and the fact that there’s nothing in them I don’t really like uh looking awesome but

I guess I’ll take one now but I don’t really want to go hunting them like I’ll take one instead of passing but I don’t know I wish there was like a super boss sitting inside these things or something so like you know get the fight for the resources inside

But yeah there’s not uh that’s the boat we’re just at okay first guy head this way then Punk Bonk there we are good boy I’m not gonna make it damn it flippy kick conkers I want to posters oh me forgetting if I have the sword out I can’t use concrete

The gas makes sense many people ever use Colin Chris hockey while a sword was that right meat God I hope they had sea Kings at some point to dispatch the Glorious I don’t know what their plan is actually I I heard I think last time people spoke about this model and streaming them

Little they mentioned the fact they were thinking about pouring the mod off versions or something to which my reaction was God I hope not because it takes some of like this is a big mod like it takes some ages to Port things up and it’s like

Since this mod get ported up to this version to 1.68.5 what’s been added like it took so long to get ported up to these versions and not as much as you can use document during that time I I wish they would just like one person five is a creepers the Minecraft tons

Other ones live here please please please please please could we have new things okay we have the enemies and you do bits and pieces because like the mod’s so good we know that when these things correct they’re gonna be awesome give enemies that can use the devil

Fruits can we have a new down fruits you have the ability Arrow we always have a new things how to go into the mods rather than you know a new part on top of that they’re gonna Port Kenny versus other than 1.19 I don’t see the

Points like 1.18 to the Past at this point 1.80 people seems like 1.20 people found disappointing I don’t know 1.19 seems to be the more optimal version but even still 1.16 is such a good version as so many things in it so realistically why would you prioritize you know

Pouring over just building new things after you just did a bunch of porting over the last few runs I mean it be would it be what they do but I mean My Hope Is that yeah they just add new stuff for Allen you know porting versions of them because you know the

Bunch of mods where they go I’m going to port and ends up taking them so long to Port it it’s like I mean great but now we’re just in a higher version with the same stuff so like what was the point like already like a good version of Minecraft

But um I mean I guess maybe because I’m not my big car right now maybe there is a point to me it’s the thing of like you know they can do better modding on this higher version I don’t know if that’s the case I can get it it still feels bad waiting monster

Because little more Zeke important really quickly big ones let’s take it easy so you hit moons months and months and months during which time I’m just sat there thinking wow it’d be great we could get so many new things in that tail it could have been working hard instead

Of the part are you duck a port is hilarious really just taking something you already have and just putting on a new version of account it’s still the same mods I don’t know I I maybe I’m just against change that’s not even true I love change I just love

Change when I go it’s adding new things I don’t like change words changing the same version the mods or stripping away that’s why I hate it more sequoise and Digimon did that they stripped them all away foreign like what 1.18 then 19 then 20. and it’s like there’s still not as much

In it it’s the 1.7 version I don’t think so it’s like you know felt a lot of time boring then just it’s the new things in it I don’t know Digimon was pretty much the same deal for like ages like for like a good year or something it was just basically a

Shell of a mod where like you know there’s nothing in it so there was no point playing new version at all and then that eventually eventually has been fixed bit by bit but even though to this day they’re still arguably still more features no version it’s just a new

Version that is better animated Digimon and occupy has I think more now in terms of did you want oh so hello I found the ball I think I think they’re the mods of triggered this thing of like I don’t like it when mods just focus on pouring up tons

Because I’ve seen it I’ve seen what happens and you’re always stall was the best oh no I hear fire why do I hear fire who’s using fire all right murder murder murder murder murder back off hey snow Ace why do you do this you [ __ ]

Go away hey stop it stop it distill them seriously it’s just a fight all right it’s burning all day they’re not even worth it there’s a gold chest in here oh God uh this is why we can’t have nice things oh wait a second that’s a big pirate bill over there too

God Ace is really going hamburger I do see I’m pretty sure we got the Marine folks have you know different materials made out of it so it’s not going to burn as easily easily [ __ ] it’s still 100 gonna burn I guess a stronger ever shell but

It’s not that strong looks a big pirate bill yeah okay me putting the spider off the pirate boats was the best idea thank you way better boats now all right lines all my wife oh well where’s the captain are you the captain God you’re discipline that was a thing actually named kiss

They started working on challenges a new version of this mod we should never never like ported up that left me very helpful though that they would start adding really strong enemies in because they started adding unique enemies into that that was a thing I like I’d like to see more of those

But powerful I I really just want to see Rick ball settings like with devil for powers in the mailbox it’s so good the powers are so good let’s see big boss monitors with the chest head the chest had diamonds I wasn’t even aware the chest could have diamonds in them what hush

Why the chest of diamonds in it huh well then Apollo cat person random weapons random Michelle launcher yeah okay let’s get up here oh my God who’s doing that who’s destroying the boat this time who is it who’s the one is he Butchy there you can get away here um

There’s Liffey here murdering everyone apparently all right was that kind of Morgan oh technically it’s nighttime School Journeys will just be spawning randomly as I stand up on the boat big fish go away you’re completely outclassmate get out of here so uh let me know if you can

Hear a heavy panting slightly in the background that’s my dog ah he started getting more opposite which happens just as time progresses he gets more and more opposite because um he expects my brother I’ll be home more and more and so my brother’s gonna do home for like an hour

So that’s the thing so what the [ __ ] is that there what am I looking at what is this what is this place where are you oh I’ve never what it’s an ice cream it’s already dead who killed it which one was it was it you Luffy did you do

It two years later two years later Lithia beating this dragon I don’t know oh God this Pro dragon ever still a chance it was underground like up I see gold chess being stronger and he’s appeared a Roger was here oh the person oh I want to lift these well yeah yeah

Oh kite is over there too okay no please please don’t do this I was supposed to like what I’ve never seen a thing like this oh no no no this was like Kanye was doing I kind of did this he created all this destruction I see oh it’s all making sense that it

Was an ace Dragon base until Akino got a hold of it oh can you not stop hitting me be gone Okay let every known I have no water bucket right now I can’t really cover up the old uh lava situation we’ve got there so unfortunate uh this guy being absolute [ __ ] Menace uh blah blah blah blah blah water go that way go go go go go I need to grab

Water I want I want to strip this Dragon ow ow [ __ ] out ah where is a better X bigger bigger better exit go lower back acquires [ __ ] okay okay okay uh it’s open I think let’s just quickly grab the dragon Goods if we can oh that’s not good I’ll see you later

I think game is on top of that boat there look how cool that looks because I kind of got instead of Dragon Nest he’s trying to serve half of an Easter Dragon Nest into like a lava pit that’s so cool also chess yay God wait these are incredibly common

Kind of like freaking hell oh oh no that’s another one right there God he hurt me so much without me even like they can try what as they say what was even happening that would explain that then holy [ __ ] mate please stop I’m here in the war your

Time is over okay after leaving the area and coming back this is what I kind of did to this place you’d think there’s a fire dragon’s pit but it’s not it’s is is dragon dear God uh yeah I think all their goods just fell in the lava there so there was no

Saving that it was doomed yeah let’s just be off it was it was worth every investigation but we’re never gonna find stuff in here and stop Australian stuff oh dear pretty soon to be game we got attack runs for swamp up north that’s it well um

I need to find more ocean I mean there is still motion just you know change my direction slightly bump yeah okay stop here he’s very oh we already made out of my ass bye okay so we can still keep heading this way keep getting more ocean good good good good

Well I think next should we finally was a marker so I can return and drop off the goods because my inventor is looking a bit full again no [ __ ] just a small little island filled with a million things trying to kill me excellent be gone you know

God those extra Heights just are so terrible no no no no no no no no no no no no you’re an idiot you know that you need to get you launched yourself into this particular you did this to yourself sleep sleep sleep sleep make it not night time anymore then the things will

Stop trying to kill me while I go and look at all the goods that we got so right I got you on to poster slightly more wanted yay uh blah blah blah blah blah I can fall that way we got two iron boxes and one regular box noise

I got a whole bunch of Rome pipe one of these two hickies uh there um God so much from a couple of dials hey I got some beats got some beats and pieces I kind of want to open these up really quick though just to see what we

Get so hold on let’s really open these bad boys up see what good to get them oh 64. University what else did I get oh oh we got another right yay um and there is our inventory so we didn’t get anything let’s say the stuff that was there all

Stacked after that name my diamonds a lot more abroads some more nuggets some more goats bunch of random bits of armor that’s junk some random crappy swords also crocodiles for it if I got a whole crocodiles for in this story and then my only one then you know you could think

About it it’s another question we have boxes actually we love gold boxes though it’s musica oh I’ve got one of those didn’t I oh I did oh I got one of those all beautiful also never armor fake off with that then the gold chest three six of them sit up

I I got an iron why the gold one’s been the most disappointing what I got some gold I got an iron helmet I got two diamonds I’ve been bare luck with the Coleman ones if I’m being honest but never mind anyway three keys please I tell C that’s a c

What we’re going to be so Wooden Box gives us the Baku bakudumi just a Munch Munch for it iron box the up up know me not bad some people love it I’m not very good with it I’ve tried it I’m terrible with it oh start turning on me model Phoenix

I don’t think that’s in the uh thingy mod what’s the Tour Total me in the iron box wait what why is that what’s that doing in there it looks a bit um a bit powerful for the iron box a mythical Zone but all right well anyway

There we go got speed devil fruits to go alongside our you know four devil fruits some pretty nice stuff nothing lines up here though what did I get first to line up together so whatever means we can’t know if we want to which okay I can fly around the

Place which would make getting over the ocean quite easy all right for another people gonna end things there thank you all very much for watching hope you all enjoyed the show we are nowhere near the level of fighting against Blakes and me Hawking stuff as partly through this proof but you

Know we keep track kind of the same deal we need to get higher level for that by so much definitely no they definitely increase our endorphine hockey so we can use that too also so much destruction on the background my God but yeah anyway it’s a

Devil fruits again we can’t be on the table soon so let’s figure out what we’re gonna do with that I I would like to get my dorky higher first so I have better geckos before I get over it so I find you know I’m near the ocean I have a lot of geckos

But we’ll see I get higher door key all right dark I need to be a lot of strong opponents which is Trixie because I wanted to give lots of [ __ ] a really strong so we’ll see how that goes but anyway for now thank you for watching season next time forever one piece

Adventures go buy everybody also just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support any special thank you and shout out to our Elite members the journey members Sebastian Ramsay Alps and beat Arc 13 and our unremember monster Q thank you all very much for

The extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘DEVIL FRUITS ARE ON THE TABLE & MIHAWK IS A MONSTER! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 4’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2023-08-22 21:00:30. It has garnered 2454 views and 178 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:13 or 2893 seconds.

Minecraft One Piece Mod –

Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review – Minecraft Demon Slayer Mod –



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RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY Roleplay) –

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  • Newbie Herobrine’s Minecraft Quest

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

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  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s New?

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  • End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner’s Home! – Chill Survival – #16

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  • Minecraft Hardcore: Medieval Survival!

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  • daKatz Goes Back in Time on Minecraft SMP! (Ep. 13)

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  • “INSANE Minecraft Tips to DOMINATE | @MulticortT” #minecraft #shorts

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    HUGE HIVE LIVE COLLAB STREAM! MUST SEE 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS COLLAB STREAM W/ @ProfMush ??? 👀 | !subgoal !discord 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-04-29 09:11:52. It has garnered 260 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:55 or 5935 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp #bedwars Read More


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  • 🔴 LIVE Late Night MINECRAFT Madness with the Bois!! 😱

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  • Top secret Minecraft sand hack revealed! 😱🔥 #HerobrineVSgod

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  • EpicGaming SMP semi-Vanilla Vanilla Minigames

    Server Information Server IP/Address: Survival Server Features: Mobheads Playershops Death Chest Teleports Ingame Ranks Ender Dragon respawn Minigames: Soccer Horse Race Build Battle Bedwars Ice Boat Race Parkour Boost Sheep Wars Additional Information: Server Version: 1.20.5 (1.20.6 opening soon) Events: Regularly scheduled events with over 60 already held Community: Small but active community with 5-10 daily players Interested in Joining? Leave a comment for server details and a past event video! Read More

  • Emeralds SMP

    Emeralds SMPSURVIVAL focused 1.20.4 server!Java and Bedrock can both join, Bedrock IP is Port: 25561Being survival focused, that means there is No /tp, /homes, and keepinventory is Off!We do have an in game /shop to buy blocks, ranks, spawners, sell blocks and items! The focus is survival, so the prices reflect!We are non p2w (no external store or crates, Non p2w ranks may come in the future)Every person gets a guaranteed Ender Dragon spawn/ fight the first time they enter the end dimension!We have /vote rewards, along with vote party where you receive diamonds, claim blocks, $, and sometimes a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – *Hot Minecraft Meme: “and if we have a water bucket hahaha”

    Looks like they’re prepared in case things get too hot in the game! That’s some next level Minecraft survival skills. Read More

  • Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than Nether!

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  • Mario Trolls Minecraft Players Pt. 2

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies!

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  • Unbelievable! Testing magical sword in Minecraft

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  • Epic Battle: 100 Iron Golem vs Ravager!

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  • EXTREME BLUBERRIES Glitch DESTROYS Hypixel Bedwars!!!

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  • DemonjoeTV’s EPIC Minecraft Hardcore START! (CAT FOUND!)

    DemonjoeTV's EPIC Minecraft Hardcore START! (CAT FOUND!)Video Information This video, titled ‘My PERFECT START in Minecraft Hardcore.. (i found a cat)’, was uploaded by demonjoeTV on 2024-01-30 22:21:42. It has garnered 7285 views and 688 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:03 or 963 seconds. Today’s video is the start of our new Minecraft Hardcore Let’s Play using the Dungeons and Taverns Data Pack! Episode 1 will be all about establishing ourselves in this new world by getting some gear, a new companion, and making a house! 🔔 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘! 👀 𝗠𝗢𝗗𝗦 / 𝗣𝗔𝗖𝗞𝗦 𝗜 𝗨𝗦𝗘 ► 🧟‍♂️ 𝗗𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗢𝗡𝗦 & 𝗧𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗡𝗦 𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪 ►… Read More

  • Insane Wave Machine in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    Insane Wave Machine in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😍Minecraft cool wave machine 〰️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-15 07:55:29. It has garnered 2490 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 😍Minecraft cool wave machine〰️ #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations… Read More

  • I ALMOST SOLVED A MURDER with Saitama on AppleMC server

    I ALMOST SOLVED A MURDER with Saitama on AppleMC serverVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I almost won this **Murder Mystery** event Ft. Apple MC | AppleMC Minecraft server’, was uploaded by Saitama on 2024-04-14 17:00:49. It has garnered 1252 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. consider subscribing! Read More

  • MILITARY BASE OP in GTA V! Don’t Miss Out!

    MILITARY BASE OP in GTA V! Don't Miss Out!Video Information This video, titled ‘The MILITARY BASE IS OP IN GTA V.’, was uploaded by Humopedia on 2024-04-21 23:00:04. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. like, share, subscribe to my channel.. a free minecraft a minecraft download a minecraft pocket edition a minecraft house a minecraft seed a minecraft server a minecraft skin about minecraft 1.20 a paper minecraft about minecraft education edition about minecraft game about minecraft java edition about minecraft realms at launcher minecraft bad omen minecraft b minecraft skin beacon minecraft bedrock minecraft download… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft flower drop glitch! Must see!

    Insane Minecraft flower drop glitch! Must see!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Flowers Drop Op Items !’, was uploaded by CreepyTroop Gaming on 2024-03-14 04:24:19. It has garnered 651 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:38 or 518 seconds. Minecraft, But Flowers Drop Op Items ! In This Video I Played Minecraft But I Added Mod If I Break Flower That Will Drop Random Op Items And I Will Kill Ender Dragon With Items Dropped By Flowers Hope You Will Enjoy #minecraft Video Is Related With This ↓ minecraft but flowers drop op items minecraft but flowers drop op items mod… Read More

  • MuneerKhan unearths secret #Herobrine game hack 🤑 #minecraft

    MuneerKhan unearths secret #Herobrine game hack 🤑 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#herobrine remix version 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #shorts #shortsviral’, was uploaded by MuneerKhan pro Gamer on 2024-02-17 16:20:00. It has garnered 1025 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. techno gamerz minecraft,minecraft house,minecraft house tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft how to,minecraft shorts,minecraft but house,minecraft but,minecraft tutorial,minecraft houses,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft builds,minecraft manhunt,minecraft challenge,modern house in minecraft,minecraft funny,minecraft build,minecraft design,minecraft easy house tutorial,how to build a house in minecraft,modern house minecraft tutorial,minecraft mod techno gamer techno gamerz minecraft,minecraft cats,minecraft phone,minecraft catnap,minecraft cat prank,minecraft kitty cat,secret,cat prank in minecraft,minecraft catnap prank,minecraft bedrock edition,i fooled my… Read More

  • EmeraldLand