DEWSTREAM – Ep147 Automate Botania – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods 6. um in the last episode we did something i i apparently i don’t remember what we do in any of these episodes um oh yes we set up a string um so we set up this guy he essentially grows us these spider web

Saplings which gives us string um he does it every like 14 seconds honestly pretty good like i’m genuinely i was impressed by how good this uh this works we also set up a little body part just to sort of see the scale as to like how

Much this makes compared to how much of this makes and to measure that we went ahead and set up this we had 24 000 string both of these have been running at the exact same time that’s how much string we’ve gotten from this guy you know a little bit

A little bit um from the other one we are now at 51.5 000 so we’ve gotten what like a little under 20 000 actually no we’ve gotten like 25 000 or 26 000. um that’s pretty good that’s honestly a lot better than like 10 stacks um so yeah

This guy’s definitely the way to go um i’m sure maybe a woot farm would be good as well but we’ll leave him for now he he’s doing a fair job um this episode i want to do something a little bit different i want to create the mechanical crafter needed to build

The atm star i want to set up everything to be automated so i want to set up all of the patterns we need all of the crafting all of that stuff um because i want to know the exact number that we need for instance um with this infinite

Storage part when i click start i see exactly what i need i have everything else i know okay we just need a nether quartz and string okay so we have a goal i want to have it so that i can click on craft atm star and it will tell me

Exactly what we need and we can work on automating every single step of the way because we’re sort of already doing that but we’re doing that with each well even then we’re not really order crafting each bit that’s that’s the part that’s sort of been annoying me we’ve been crafting the

Stuff but we’re not automating it and i really want it to be automated um so my goal this episode is to set up all the auto crafting for it like as much as we can right i assume we’re gonna have to create some new machines because like some of this stuff needs

Like britannia and whatnot i believe it or not though i think there is actually a way to um automate britannia stuff there’s um i don’t know what it’s from is it from mythic botany but like there are actually some uh britannia machines i know it’s in the

Quest book so we’ll look in here britannia um like a mechanical apothecary which is from botanical machinery so at botanical botanical machinery oop here we go this is pretty much it so we can look in here and there’s a runic altar that’s mechanical so that’s how we’re going to

Autocraft that sort of stuff um some of these things i don’t know if we have unlocked i think most of it we can get we’re gonna have to reset that stuff up but i think we can auto craft it i think it should most things should be autocraftable so um that’s that’s the

Goal i think we start off um what do we start off with do we leave the atm star final recipe till the end or do we start there and work our way down i don’t know i think oh yeah i really don’t know i gotta patch this up nice that’s so ugly um

I you know what atm star well i’ve just realized is it even possible like if i create this pattern yeah this is not everything that we need um um hold on hold on is this doable no it’s not doable because as you can see it uses more than nine um types of

Blocks if if if um it used uh less i’ll show you what you could have done you could have for instance changed one of these to be like a stack you know what i mean and then you can get rid of all these and you have extra spots but because i

Believe we’re limited to nine i don’t think we can actually auto craft the atm star um this way so how do we do it uh there’s a few other ways to autocraft there’s what i’m thinking might be the way is if i actually learn how to use integrated dynamics to craft because

Integrated dynamics has a way to do it i just have no idea how it works like the the main part i don’t know is how to actually create like the crafting recipe itself it might be in the logic programmer so maybe i’ll i’ll skim through this a little bit maybe i’ll

Even look it up because i’m not sure how it works okay check out this um in the in the if in the logic program if we search recipe we get this we get um a crafting grid and then i guess outputs we can also determine how much rf is

Going to be going in and how much rf is coming out which is very odd we can shift click to configure this lets us determine whether it’s strict nbt item tag variants and then i guess some sort of filtering um I don’t know i don’t i don’t know if this the way to do it okay do you know what i think is the way that we can do it if we set up the star so the big mechanical crafting like this big um this big mechanical crafting star if we

Set this up and on the back of every single block here we set up um exporters right exporters with i guess crafting cards on them that will mean that they’ll um they’ll maintain every single type of block that they can and then what we can

Do is we can have a recipe that says put in one patrick star get out one atm star that that would allow us to craft it within our crafting station but the issue is it doesn’t give us the ability to check all the ingredients because obviously the ingredients won’t be a

Part of it the other option we have is like this patrick star for instance it’s just made with a bunch of concrete like oh and like concrete powder like this isn’t an expensive recipe this should be something that we can auto craft like by itself you know that should be easy

To do um i assume there’s gonna be a few other ones of these that are just easy to craft like for instance this thing should be easy to craft like it doesn’t have to go through any machines this should be pretty easy to do um and what

That means is we can have a recipe that uses these complicated um ingredients like this thing right we can have that be a part of the atm star recipe does that make sense so the rest of those ingredients for example the unobtainium alloy blocks the nether stars maybe the patrick stars they’ll be

Automatically crafted in the background just 24 7. um and then when we order a star it’s going to craft for instance um the other blocks we want for example an oblivion shard maybe can we autocraft astral sorcery it interesting is astral sorcery on the list here it is

Ah but astral sorcery is it’s like um locked like all of these you get to know everything astral sorcery is like um hidden i’m i’m not a fan of that but for this specific example um so we’ve done a lot of talking i don’t know what to do i don’t know i

Don’t know where to get started i think i think we should build the big star and i think i’m going to build it here or like roughly here so i’m going to pick up this oh another thing by the way this guy a creative generator i held shift on it

Generates an infinite amount of of fe which is forged energy um i don’t think it should because it’s a furnace engine and a flywheel so it should be creating rotational energy but this says that it creates an infinite supply of forge energy which means as far as i’m aware um That’s just like infinite power you know like like i could plug that into my system and we have infinite power i we don’t really need it because we’ve got infinite power from those two solar panels we have but it was interesting to note and i found

It a bit weird all right i’m gonna pick this stuff up um i’m gonna try not to rip apart my entire island and i guess we’ll see where we go from there i’m probably i’m gonna be honest i’m probably gonna dispose of these guys unless he runs away he might let him go

Okay all right um we probably are gonna have to automate this stuff which i’m surprised we don’t already have it automated maybe the recipe changed or something but i should now be able to craft mechanical crafters how many do i want i’m not sure am i going to count how many i need

It says 55 so there we go okay that you know what that helps so i think we just need 40 more because we have 15 on us we’re gonna need some polished quartz and some buttons beautiful oh check out this we can actually make a diamond grit

Uh sandpaper using diamond dust so i’m gonna make that one my other one disappeared is this just going to i assume it just has a bigger durability i was thinking maybe it would do it faster but no it seems to be just durability which even then that’s pretty good um how much

Is that 1024 not too bad okay let’s try this again um 40 please and it says that we can so we’re going to go ahead and craft those then i need to actually build the star and and this is going to be an adventure on

Itself and we got two extra so i’ll try and put those away there we go we have 55 exactly i do kind of want to put it here so it’s like a big star behind the house i is that a good idea is there some way better we could put it

I think this would be cool which way do i want to face it do i want it to be this way i think i do i want to be able to see it like um from over here for example see a big star in the background i think that’s

I think that’s not too bad of an idea um so how do we do this uh i’m probably gonna do most of this off camera but what it’s like three and then a gap of three and then three okay we can we can start off like that one

Two three i’ll probably go in and do i want to wrench them later or do i just want to place them correctly because what we can do is we can do like this right and then it automatically it’s going the right way and then i can chain them all along this

So like i know that goes like that for example and then what it’s three high should i do this i guess why not okay i’ll probably build the rest of this off camera because this is gonna be very tedious i wish there was a better way to do it i

Assume you could probably get a um a schematic for this which would make it a lot easier instead of doing that i will probably end up placing it all manually so i’ll meet you guys back here in uh what’s going to be a long time for me but a short time for you

Okay and the finishing touches are going to be the 4 at the top and there it is not too bad not too bad there it is beautiful um okay here’s the uh here’s the mechanical crafting part now to actually run this guy um i believe we can make a motor an

Electric motor from create we are going to actually put it have to put it into um this guy to craft it or you know in a smaller like i wonder can you craft bigger recipes in a smaller mechanical crafter i assume that works but i guess we’ll

We’ll have to find out right um what are we missing it wouldn’t let me craft them why was that we’re missing zinc sheets uh that’s not fun to do all right here we go i’ve slapped this together real quick that’ll uh get stamping beautiful and our system is

Full once more uh we still don’t have enough for the well actually how much um quartz did we end up having for the infinite storage part how close are we to this we’ve chipped away at a little bit only like a hundred thousand which it that’s

A lot but out of a million it’s you know not too much we’re getting there we’re getting there it’s just taking a little while um i’ve got to empty my storage a little bit though all right well that’s probably enough so i’m gonna take those out our storage is

Extremely full by the way i’m not entirely sure why but probably something on this screen maybe even the slime or something you know what it’s likely the slime we don’t even have slime on this list here and yet it’s all the way up here so we’ll add that there um

What what else is here that we don’t have already um dimensional shards yeah it’s looking like that all right so i’ve got all the stuff here um i’m wondering if i can put it together like this like in this big structure i don’t i don’t really know if

This is how it works in fact i’m already placing things in the very wrong spot how do i get that back out all right so that’s it all put together um now do you think i can just borrow this engine real quick do you think

Do you think that’s the thing i can do um i’m going to pick it up we’re going to pretend that everything’s perfectly fine i’m going to slap it down here i’m going to how does this work i mean i guess apply some power to it

All right i think i need to place a little wheel like that then i can place the motor on it i can oh i can make this max speed i can plug the power on and it’s over stressed so i guess i can lower the speed

If it’s going to let me do that um so even even having this guy go at one speed it is overstressed uh can i temporarily do you think just like chop some bits off oh did it just drop everything that’s weird all right let’s try this again um this

Time we’re going to set up a furnace engine like so i never know how to place this guy it’s always a mystery there we go i think that’s how we do it i can put cobble in oh i can’t put i can put cobble in i can

Put does this have to be ores i thought a blast furnace did blocks but apparently apparently i’m completely wrong um good thing we will we have ores um i mean i’m going to put some sapphire in here nope what does a blast furnace i i you know

No we’re not doing a blast furnace anymore i hate it why is it i hate everything i hate everything that is and never will be okay let’s try this again with a normal furnace how does that sound so boom we’re gonna put in a stack of

Cobble and some block of coal and this guy should be spinning and he should be spinning this which should spin that but clearly this isn’t working i guess it’s not far enough away maybe it has to be this far furnace engine uh the cobble got eaten up that’s fine

We can grab some more cobble nothing to worry about there we go that’s now moving and then i can place the cogwheel and the entire beast has a working okay okay that’s good i’m gonna break this again temporarily and we’re gonna try to build the stuff i mean there’s no point building another

Motor is there because it’s just gonna um break it like it’s not to be fast enough so there’s no point in even doing this right all right well in that case we can just hide this guy around the back in fact let’s get some more cogwheels and just

Like have this go down into the ground a little bit so just do some of this That will go there if it’s going to let me place this last one beautiful this guy will attach there wonderful we can then attach this guy i guess here furnace bada bing bada boom wonderful okay so that should be out of this whole guy wonderful wonderful um i do actually

Want to test real quick um hopefully this doesn’t take me too long but i want to test if you can actually craft different things on the one structure here like um will this work for instance uh so anderson alley at the top brass sheets like that that’s the design now if i

Power this guy up with some cobble that i keep disappearing um will that start crafting it do i need to whack it with a wrench maybe wrench nope um how do i say yep do it do the thing oh okay so it’s to do with paths so for

Instance what we could do is we could change these to go a little something like that um have this guy go left so it’s yes to do with a specific path so i can rearrange a lot of this stuff to go elsewhere like that goes there that goes down

Basically redirect everything away from this middle path and it should work yep look at that it actually worked um yep there we go so oh wait a second wait a second no hold up hold up oh oh oh i oh i did i break things no no no you meant to uh oh

Uh oh uh oh what if i break this what’s gonna happen okay okay this should work bam beautiful beautiful that’s that’s what we want we want all these to connect um so that should work i currently don’t have a way to speed this up do i have a

Rotational speed controller um i don’t is the only way to make it with this stuff that i don’t have yep it is um so yeah i guess we just have to wait all right here we go it’s going to connect with this last bit at the bottom any second now any day now

There we go and we should just get a motor for this which we’re not going to use but at least now we know how that works exactly it should spit out the finished product in a second any day now when it’s ready oh there it goes okay wonderful so that

Works um and then all we would have to do is just redirect these to go um all in the same direction all right well we spent a lot of time doing that um i guess we should start on all the other recipes um we can at least get those made right um so

Let’s uh do i want to clear this full list i’m going to clear most of this stuff okay so first things first let’s see what we’ve got do we have netherstar blocks craftable um we do not we do not so i’m going to create a netherstar block

Crafting recipe there we go do we have unobtainium um unobtainium these guys autocrafted nope i believe we just have them made we don’t have the mortar crafted so here we go we now have those auto crafts beautiful and those ingredients we do actually have being crafted 24 7 so that

Shouldn’t be an issue either so we can remove those that’s done next up is creative essence we have some is it autocraftable not currently so i would like to auto craft this um I think we can actually craft this stuff within the system using this master infusion crystal oh i think um my so here’s the current issue with this guy um it’s despite this guy not being used up it’s gonna try to craft a new one every time and i don’t really know how to

Change that in this recipe so i think what we will have to do is continue to use these guys here which isn’t a problem so this guy here makes all these blocks up to insanium so we are getting insanity and blocks out of this so that’s not

Really a problem in fact all i need is an importer i guess i i don’t really want to use an ultra importer but i guess we’ll use one this guy can go there and i want it to take out specifically insanium we’ll see if it can even do that can i

Have you take out insania so far no um how can i do that all right well i think at the least what i can do is grab this guy press a pipe upgrade on him um i don’t think it needs to be anything fancy we just need to get access to the filter

And i’m not sure at which point you get access to a filter boom not yet is that working though is that still taking stuff out i feel like it’s not is it it’s not even taking stuff out and putting it in there is our system full

I don’t think it is no it’s not full okay i can’t figure out how to get stuff out of this then i mean we can interact and put stuff in why can’t we take stuff out um Hmm i’m sure i’m missing something but my issue is i i don’t know what that is oh you know what the problem is um we need to change this guy here to have them be external they will go to the output buffer um results of the crafting operation will

Will go to the output buffer but remaining items like buckets will stay in the input that is what we want we want to click apply what that means is these insanian blocks will end up there and as you can see they’ll get put back into our system so that works wonderful nice

So that’s somewhat auto craftable all we’re going to need to do now is actually get a hold of the original essence what’s it called um inferior essence we’re just gonna need more of this i believe um okay okay we’re getting this is gonna be a long one i already know um so that’s

Essentially done to a certain extent i guess we need to actually set up this recipe right and how are we going to do that um honestly i think we are going to do it this way even if we’re going to have to craft a new one of these every time um which

It’s honestly looking like we might have to uh you know i don’t think we will we’ll just have to need we’ll just need one of them because the recipe the atm star recipe only uses one so in theory we only ever need to craft one at a time

Right so we are going to need uh to make one of these but i think we can just make one of those manually i don’t think that’s something we need to stress too much about all right yep sure enough that was pretty easy we’re going to keep that in there

That should be good he should remain there that should be fine and then we can chuck the recipes in here and that should be good we should now be able to craft creative essence uh what do we need insane gemstone okay we’re not quite there yet insanian gemstone blocks will require gemstones

These guys require the insane essence which we will get from the blocks that we’re making and from there we’re also going to need a prosperity gem which we can make and that should be it now we should be able to craft it let’s give it a shot creative essence creative

Essence i know we have some already but what are we missing we’re just missing insanity blocks okay beautiful and and that’s the the other issue we’ll have to uh cross okay so in theory these are autocrafted next is rune of sins um okay i know we have one we’ve made one and

The ingredients don’t get used up so we have everything for it but can we auto craft it using this guy the mechanical runic alter so as you can see we don’t have elementium ingots we don’t have a greater band of blah blah we can make one though we’re gonna use a rune of

Mana okay we had a spare beautiful um where do we go from here though mechanical alter greater band we’re gonna need some terra steel oh this is gonna get a little bit messy but we have the stuff for this i i want to try and knock this stuff out so in

Our nether bag we should have the a mana infuser we should have the terrace steel aguila blah blah going to need this probably that we actually do have some man of steel but that’s not what we’re after mana pearls nether stars man of diamonds these are for the terra steel i know

That much i remember that much i should say um we’ll probably need some sparks and the lapis lazuli blocks are we thinking that’s it probably we’ll probably figure out that we’ve done something wrong oh actually you know what before we do run off we also need to recreate the um

The alvin portal which is going to need these pylons and it’s going to need like mana pools full of stuff this is going to get a little bit messy i think with a aconite i think we’ve got a floating one in there that should be good enough oh god

All right well we’ll give it a shot we’ll see how difficult this is to set up oh my system is not uh connected anymore you need to go to the nether thank you very much there we go beautiful nice we’re here um why are we in the nether

I guess because i’ve got this stuff set up already but we don’t we don’t need to be here at all okay this says items can be filtered by the way can i blacklist this blacklist ignore nbt item experience okay so now if i drop this i don’t pick it up beautiful nice that

Works that’s i i’ve never used that before okay so there’s still scary noises in here i don’t know why i guess maybe just because it’s the nether um let’s clear a bunch of stuff here it is making very scary noises also is my place not claimed anymore what happened there

Ah okay well we’re claimed again thank you for no one uh breaking all my stuff much appreciated here we go um So we’re gonna need a bunch of mana pools i know that much uh so what i’m going to do is set up our little mana pool place like this these guys are all going to get sparks on them like that and as you can see what that means is

All of the essence that this is creating should be used to fill these up currently it doesn’t really look like it’s doing that i don’t really know why this guy should be generating essence um maybe we need to get our wand back out ah you know why because we’re using the

Rooney alta for the um rune of sins we set it to the mana spreader we want to rebind this to the mana collector and there we go that’s more our style so now all of these are filling up beautiful um i think that’s good for now

I believe we want to set up our gateway we are going to need another one of these pools um let’s break this and this big room here lots of space being created um we want the gateway core we want living wood around it and then i think it’s like these bits go there

So it’ll be this this then you can place any block there living wood shimmering living wood living wood then same thing here um living wood shimmering and living wood so the core in the middle all this stuff i believe then we possibly get two mana pools here

With um pylons on top of them like that and then we need to get enough um why doesn’t it do that uh we need to get enough mana in them so what i should be able to do is place a spark and another spark there’s lots of scary noises happening

And i should actually be able to get um oh i accidentally picked this up again place that back down um what are they called they’re called um these things augments so i think i want dominant and i think i want to place dominant on this

Uh to be honest if i could see the spark it would help a lot so let’s just break that in that um a dominant spark and then this and as you can see i think now these are filling up a lot faster than the rest yeah these guys are just getting

Pummeled with spot with arm power in fact these have drained how cool is that um so i think you only need half of the pool to be full but i mean this i mean it’s phil it’s filling pretty quickly i don’t think we need to worry to be honest um another thing i

Will do though is we do have this other wither aconite thing i might go ahead and place this guy um i should be able to just do this with arachnite and then i should be able to go netherstar and netherstar okay beautiful and it didn’t get picked

Up by my uh magnet despite my magnet only having the faded netherstars on on the list um the last thing we need to do is bind this guy to the mana collector and that should be good although this with aconite doesn’t appear to care too much about this uh

This thing we’ve put there oh these pools are full okay yeah i think we’re good now how do i turn this guy on uh are we gonna have to look in the book again i honestly i think we are because i i don’t remember to be honest

I do not remember conjuring with mana no do you reckon i just whack it with a wand maybe change this to function mode and oh i think it’s already turned on yep that that that looks to be it beautiful um oh no it didn’t kick on why didn’t it kick on um

Function mode do i need to like quickly send something through oh no didn’t really care too much interesting oh the uh the pylons the pylons how could we how could we forget the good old trusty pylons there we go now let’s turn it on surely now it should kick into gear

Yeah look we got some sparkly effects it uses a little bit of mana here but it’s filling up and i think we’re good it looks stable okay so that’s that part done oh i picked this stuff up again i can’t help myself apparently um i keep picking them up um we need to

Actually make the mechanical versions of some of this stuff so mechanical i want to get the mechanical um it’s not here mechanical daisy mechanical mana pool this guy does sound pretty cool mechanical manipule just like your regular manipulator can store quite some mana it is also capable of matter infusion

As with any other pool you can use catalyst however this pool requires you to put them into its inventory and to not place them below okay i like the sound of this this sounds like um it will do all the infusion for us so i might make this one first it’s we are

Still going to need this elementium ingots um and those need us to set up this uh um these like infusers first so i think what we’ll do i’m not entirely sure how this is set up but i think it’s um is it like this do we do

Um what do i want to do this one two three no well this one will be more like this one two three four five then we place gold like that and then we place this in the middle do we think that’s do we think this is it

And then i possibly go one of you um oh one of you uh my magnet’s going to be a little bit annoying here let’s um let’s magnet this let’s let’s say no man of steel no mana diamond no nether stars and no mana pearls there you go

So now what i should be able to do is go one two three and then maybe a wand no it doesn’t doesn’t really appear to be it does it oh this requires This requires a platform blurry however this requires a dominant spark augment to pull mana from sparks okay so i think i place a spark on this guy and i’m going to need another dominant augment which i think i used the two that we had that’s the dispersive one what does a dominant

Augment cost it’s going to cost us some pixie dust which is a mana pill through the trader that is phenomenally easy there we go give me the mess you please once the server stops lagging i guess we’ve gotten the pixie dust and i mean we’re still getting the the pixie dust

Here we go spark augment dominant let’s go and place this here there you go that it’s that easy ladies and gentlemen it’s that easy um let’s go ahead and drop some more nether stars here and here they can do their thing beautiful um and that worked we’ve gotten terra steel so i’m gonna

Set more of these up uh it’s not netherstar it’s what is it mana diamond there that can keep crafting that was honestly pretty quick i believe what we do then is we chuck the terrace steel in here and then it spits out the elementium right or is that getting um

Magnetic i think it was getting magneted i’m not oh no that was the other one we got oh oh okay are they gonna send it back that was the other one we crafted i just realized okay so they the portal took it but it hasn’t given it back um

That could be a problem that that definitely could be a problem um alimentium how do i how do i get you um it says control so i’m gonna hold control and hope it opens here we go elementium ingots uh oh it’s only two mana steel oh we don’t even need the

Terrace steel so i just did i just throw the terraced steel away let’s check in a bunch of man of steel why not you know there we go elementium it’s that easy okay uh while we’re at it let’s go ahead and make a bunch of man of steel i mean

I mean this is this is about as easy as it gets okay yeah surely we can make the stuff now right um so for the uh mechanical what we call it the mechanical manipule we’re going to need these catalysts which need brewing stance okay we can make a bunch of those

Uh we’re just gonna see how easy this is to make so this will be an alchemy catalyst then that will turn into a conjuring catalyst sure um we also need another alchemy catalyst for the full recipe then we’re going to need a diluted mana pool which is going to be living rock slabs

In like a boat formation that’s a diluted manipule then we’re going to need a fabulous mana pool which is going to be either shimmer rock or bifrost block shimmer rocker i believe you possibly get from living rock is it living rock in here do we want to try that um

Shimmer shimmer rock let’s have a look we might as well just check it um it looks like we’re going to need bifrost block um how do we get by frost again we’re going to need rod of the bifrost living wood altar right as a bifrost okay um

Oh you know what we do have one um is it that simple and then what’s the other thing we need do we need was it just glass it’s not just glass is it no um how do we get the bifrost bifrost block with elf glass how do we get elf glass

It is mana glass into the trader so i believe the mana glass oh if oh my god we’re just running everywhere the mad glass is probably glass yeah that’s man of glass beautiful that’s probably good enough then the amount of glass can go in there this netherstar can go back over there um

The bifrost blocks have been or the elf glass sorry he’s made oh wait no we need that that makes bifrost blocks then the bifrost and the living rock um oh gives us shimmer rock and then was it just this a fabulous manifold there we go okay we’re almost done um for this mechanical

Manipule the last is the greater band of aura we have a band of aura we have one terrace steel that we happen to still have and there we go greater band of aura then we can go ahead and make this we can search band because i guess it

Doesn’t auto fill and here we go mechanical mana pool i’m going to go ahead and pick this guy up that’ll give me the spark back i’m going to place the mechanical manipule here i’m going to actually place the spark on it is that doable okay it did get placed

But it doesn’t really appear to be working does it mana mana pool and then you put like the catalyst in there okay um so that’s from at botanical uh this thing mana battery mana emerald block i’ll see if there’s some sort of like mana pipe or something you know what i

Mean industrial agglomeration factory i think that’s what we wanted for the terrace deal mana battery uses dragon stones these spirits okay i i’m starting to think we don’t need that stuff because i wanted to automate the terrace steel but we don’t even need terrastil i think because for the runic

Altar you just need elementium which we have a bunch of let’s um let’s see what we need here we need a rooney culture i’m just honestly just going to pick this one up there we go we should have that assuming that it actually got picked up and

Didn’t just break yep there we go and then we need another one of these bands of aura so we’ll make one of these just a normal band of aura that costs the rune of mana we are going to have to make another terror steal but you saw before it is

Honestly not that hard once you have stuff set up the biggest thing for britannia by the way that i will tell you is these guys here the wither aconites and then set up some sort of netherstar farm because as you can see this is a phenomenal way to

Get um mana and then the other thing is sparks sparks are really good that makes the transferring a lot quicker as well um so here we go this with the band of aura gets the greater band of aura and then mechanical runic altar here it is this is it it’s

Beautiful isn’t it oh it actually does look like it’s filling up okay wonderful oh that is really good um okay i’m gonna need another one of your sparks so i think i need to just wander the forest this um can i get the spark please yes i can beautiful i’m gonna place the

Spark on this guy so now he can get power he can get stuff if he wants um as you can see he can hook stuff up here he’s getting mana that’s wonderful so far everything here is looking pretty neat isn’t it um the next question is well what’s the next question i’m not

Actually sure um i guess we need to bring our network into here or i could bring this guy into the overworld um a big question is does he store the mana what do you reckon did he store the mana he did oh interesting okay what i might do then um Ah what should i do i think i might bring this uh this flower with me into the oval world and we’ll just set it up in the overworld right we can go to crafting galore we can come over here we can go ahead and place the runic altar there

Beautiful isn’t it it actually is pretty neat um we can place our wither aconite i guess here uh i guess that’s fine with it aconite i’m also actually going to need another one of those mana um what are they called mana mana mana collector i think this is what i want isn’t it

Uh it’d be easier in the other dimension wouldn’t it i just need to bring over the network i didn’t want to bring over the network oh you know what actually oh what why am i suddenly a we have entangled blocks we can leave it in the nether and entangle it in the overworld

Look at that we’re geniuses this episode by the way we’ll probably just keep it as the britannia stuff i’ve realized because uh this stuff’s pretty neat so if we can hook this up and show it off in a video i think that’s worth it um set up this spark so it’s getting mana

Again wonderful we’re going to grab our entangler we’re going to entangle this beautiful um i’m going to pick up both of these which i do not want to do you know what you can have the other one as well so that can go there let’s run back

Go back through to the crafting area okay so far so good next we’re going to need an entangled block grab one of these chuck this here hopefully this works it’s entangled um the next thing we want to do is set up a craft how much does this run of

Since use one two three four five six seven that’s fine that’s that’s perfect almost um okay let me get a crafter and then while we’re at it let’s also get a pattern for this so this should be good i’m gonna need a to grab another pattern here just to you know craft this

There we go okay so far so good once again let’s grab the crafter that i crafted here it is nice diamond one we will go down here we’ll place this there we will chuck in our recipe and shall we give this a shot rune of sins we have one here i’m going

To ask for another one we have all the ingredients i’m going to press start another thing i think we want to do is get an exporter um just a normal one and then also an importer well we can use an ultra one that doesn’t really matter um importer can go

At the bottom that should be fine what we want there is an exporter possibly on the back here um where is my other dank here it is my cables let me grab a cable hook this up like such oh that is not a cable what is happening

All right that can hook up like that and this side guy i want him to actually be living rock and i want to see if this works so if we search living rock can i place in this and will we see it go it does beautiful i think this works

Then if we search um sins we have one currently i i think this will work maybe we should go check let’s go let’s go double check i don’t have the other one on me nope okay okay here’s the runic altar all the stuff’s in it and it actually is working

That’s awesome it was almost complete as well so use a bunch of matter then empties oh that is perfect that is actually amazing all right i i want one more thing i want to get oh we can automate the entire of britannia oh that is so good genuinely

I like britannia i like batanya now this little add-on genuinely so good um oh what do i want to do um mechanical i want the mechanical daisy that’s what i want um blocks of elementium well we’re gonna need a bit more but once again this is like phenomenally easy once you’re at this

Point of the game um so we’ll quickly make another block uh what else do i need i i probably need to grab the daisy out of here like at least one we can grab them all there’s no harm down there uh we’re going to need another one of these bands we’re

Making a few of them which means we’re also going to need another terrace deal but hey once again easy peasy what else does it need oh it needs to be a floating daisy that’s a little bit annoying we’re gonna need a pasture seed and a flower um

The pasture seed honestly not too bad actually pasture seed okay so we just need um was it just the seed or was it a fern or something it was like a tall grass wasn’t it do we have any grass well we do we actually do um can i drop that and will

That work drop yes pasta seed okay um flour we’re gonna put i guess a gray one we’re gonna do a pasture seed and we’re gonna go for some dirt and that will give us a floating Island floating how do i make this floating dirt pasture seed and then the flower dirt pasture seed and then a flower um what have i done wrong it’s a it was a mystical flower does it have to be a tall mystical flower nope um what about just a mystical magenta nope um

Mystical green like if i search green if i search floating green floating green flower glimmering oh it has to be a glimmering one okay how do i make it glimmering somebody tell me um glowstone oh easy there we go floating green flower then we place that floating

Flower with the pure daisy that gives us a floating pure daisy we put in our band of aura we make it the greater band of aura assuming everything wants to work there we go and then um you know what we just remember the recipe daisy um

Goes at the top the band goes there the two blocks of elementium and we have a mechanical daisy i’m gonna pick this guy up i’m gonna place this i’m going to Did i not pick up the spark or did the spark break i feel like i’m just breaking sparks is that i’ll we all under that same assumption here spark maybe i don’t know maybe got picked up let’s place this here oh it doesn’t actually wanna oh you know

What it doesn’t actually need um these things does it i could probably just have this guy be in the overworld okay hold up hold up because the um the pure daisy just works using magic using magic voodoo powers um so we should be able to place this here

We should be able to have a crafter another crafter made i really should be maintaining these let me autocraft a bunch of them all right we’re going to place this crafter on top i probably want another importer as well so we’ll get one of these hooked up left

At the bottom that should be fine inside of these recipes we’re going to have um how do we want to do this um i think we can actually do just like the one to one so like if we get living rock um living rock here and i click on this

Recipe right here processing we can do alternatives i can do forge stone um i think this should be good then forge stone apply set we’re going to have to put it in a pad and we’ll see if this works tuck this there create that pattern that should be good

Open this guy up chuck him in now if i search living rock oh living if i uh if i can spell living living rock and i say two please it’s gonna put two of the red alabaster in and i think that’s fine it’s not going in i don’t think that’s fine

What’s going on here no that’s not fine does it have to be specifically stone let’s um hmm well we’ll edit it we’ll we’ll change it so that it’s specifically just don’t that’s fine i can i can live with that place that there make sure it’s just the

One make sure nothing’s ticked yep make it the one beautiful oh maybe it’s the daisy let’s update that recipe may it could have been fine it could have been that i included the daisy in the recipe that’s that’s possible possibly it um living rock two of you please let’s have a look sure

Enough there it goes so yeah that should work we can do one for living wood as well um living oh my god i can’t get that eye in quick enough living wood click this press that remove the pure daisy um we can get rid of that and just make it a normal log

That’s probably easier um grab a pattern i’m happy about this this is sounding good to me um chuck this guy in there there we go everything is now auto craftable beautiful how long does this take though that is the other question because i’m also a little bit worried

That it’s already outputting and that they’re just both going so quick that like i can’t tell that that’s what’s happening you know what i mean like they might constantly be being taken out and put back in so until it’s finished i won’t believe it okay it finished there was i believe it now

Okay oh that’s pretty good what that means now is i can get a crafting upgrade and i can chuck that on the back here and it will craft we should see it in a second it will craft living rock to put in the machine right it should at least let’s maybe get a

Stack upgrade as well just to spice things up one of these in there um i yep there we go oh oh that’s beautiful that is actually awesome um so our rune of sins is made if we wanted to we could craft um well we have to do one at a time but

We could craft ten of them we just have to do them one at a time um that is awesome that is actually incredible should i should we do the rest how long has this video been it hasn’t been an hour yet we can squeeze some more in why shouldn’t

We okay i want to automate terra steel because that sounds awesome as well just having like a stack of terra steel always made um without any crazy mechanics and stuff um so that’s this guy here we have everything except for this band that is that is awesome um so

We got to make some more terrorist still but once we do this one we shouldn’t have to do it ever again which sounds incredible it sounds almost too good to be true um so we made the ring the ring goes in here we wait for the terrace still to

Magically appear in our hands there it is we make the ring again and then bada bing bada boom industrial agglomeration factory here it is we can chuck a spark on top open it up that should start filling up with mana assuming we provide this guy well he actually does have some netherstars um

There we go maybe he just needed a bit of a kickstart he he does appear to be struggling a bit like he doesn’t really know well he’s not really doing anything is he hmm let’s go is it because there’s two i think it’s because there’s two let’s place one

Yeah it looks like two was just causing a bit of an issue okay this works um so once again we just want to entangle this guy like so we’re gonna we’re gonna fly back into the overworld like so and hook this guy up like we did with the other one

Um so do we have enough room um yes we do we do actually have enough room entangled block like this guy down here we can entangle him he looks beautiful um should we do the crafter again i think we should um so set up crafter here that’s fine then search terra steel

Click this get the recipe for it um terrastil agglomeration yep here we go place in this recipe we can remove this bit and that is it that is how it’s done ladies and gents ladies and gentlemen i should be able to chuck in this pattern

I should now be able to say terra steel i would like one please and should try and craft it i want to see how this process works we will try and run back into the nether this hub area is very nice i will say i’m that’s one thing i’m

Happy about um so this guy yeah it looks like he didn’t have enough mana how do we fix that um what i honestly need to do is if we open up this guy we have these dispersive ones if we get a dispersive and we say put it on this spark this spark then

Spits out everything it has specifically or at least it tries two more i what do we want to do here um can i get another dominant spark dominant spark i want to place that on this one and that should now yeah look now they’re filling it up okay it is

Emptying these though which i don’t necessarily want so can i possibly get um did we automate this as well i don’t think we did um i’m gonna make a few more or i guess just one more and place it also on this altar because i want the altar to

Also have a bunch in it um and then this mana pool well honestly we should hook this up too shouldn’t we but we honestly should um we need a rune of fire oh can i i can just autocraft everything can’t i oh my god that’s amazing um we are gonna need oh

Oh i’m excited now i’m excited there’s a lot we can do i’m gonna grab this mana pool we need to go automate it that is awesome so we have that terrace still now did that terrace still get made not yet i guess we have to wait until there’s more mana um

We can fit it here we can fit it here entangled i i like this this mythic botany or whatever whoever made this props to you this is i think what everyone who’s stuck playing with britannia wanted um rafter like butane is fun but it’s like i want to automate stuff easily

And do stuff like this um so this is for the mana pool in the mana pool i should be able to make stuff like mana dust um ah mana powder that’s what it’s called um so we can use probably just any of these right let’s do gunpowder do we uh

I mean we have redstone we why wouldn’t we you know let’s do redstone here we’re gonna get rid of that mana pool thing um we really need to fix our whole pattern issue here um this pattern can then go in here and i should be able to say um powder

I would like one mana powder please let’s have a look how long will this take do you think it’ll be quick we’ll be slow it looks like it is slow or possibly not even working oh you know what though it’s because we’re missing our importer um we got to

Slap the importer on the bottom and then we’ve got to oh we we don’t have the importer on the other guy as well do we we’re gonna have an importer here so now powder we have it terraced steel we have it oh my god okay okay there’s a few more recipes we

Need we need the recipe for the mana pearl we need this guy here we need the recipe for like the mana diamond we essentially need to do all of these um so we are mowing through all of these um old patterns that are now broken um

Which is a good thing but it’s just it’s taken us a little while isn’t it get rid of the mana pool there we go so that’s those three we can chuck um these three in there and now we can grab that terrace steel right and i can say like keep a stack of

Terrace steel or keep 16 terrace steel always made i can chuck it in there and it will craft that much terrace steel that is phenomenal that is actually insane um what were the other mechanical doohickeys the apothecary so you can make flowers automated a brewery don’t even know what that’s for

Then the other two that we made that is awesome that is actually really cool i’m very very happy about that how much terror still do we have two oh let’s make them um okay um The only other thing i can think of that would be cool for this mod is similar to this daisy a mechanical version of the flowers like a mechanical um enclosure right so i kind of want to check this out but botanical machinery at botanical because they could have it and i just

Missed it daisy brewery apothecary agglomeration and then a market oh that’s like the automated alvin trading oh that’s that’s actually even cooler oh my god okay i like that oh what a cool mod what a really cool mod the apothecary um yeah i think the apothecary just helps

You make this stuff which honestly we need to make a massive wheels a mess of wills um this might be worth doing this might be worth making we i mean we might as well while we’re in this episode while we’re doing this let’s um

I kind of want to get the the market as well so that we can automate the the elementium but i guess this is probably going to be like the last one we make isn’t it um grab this guy grab i’ll just grab some of my terraced steel that we now have made

Um and then i just need a little bit of elementium so we’ll go back and grab that let me just say though if you were worried about um well like how hard is it to get to it’s still pretty tricky like you still need to do the vanilla

Britannia stuff but once you’re there you’re done you’re finished it’s over um so what was i after mechanical apothecary here we go this guy right here so slap that in put in my ring there we go i’ll grab another spark grab one of these guys

Um i guess we’ll place it down here i’ll place the spark on top actually no it doesn’t need a spark does it it doesn’t need mana so we can have this guy in the overworld as well oh beautiful makes my job just that much easier um

One thing i will say is i believe we’re running out of room here um because i want to have the wall there do i bring it up a level already i mean we kind of have to don’t we if we want to keep this uh this pattern that we have going uh

The the other annoying thing is we just don’t have bricks and i’ve decided to make this out of bricks and we need bricks how do i get bricks you know what actually um it’s an easy fix because we can say the recipe for bricks is this right that works

And then we can say the recipe for bricks again is this and then i can just add these uh patterns in where they belong so for instance down here this will smelt the clay and then over um in this direction we can actually um craft the bricks and then

I can search for my bricks i can control shift and i can say i would like 2 000 bricks please we don’t have 2 000 okay i will say i would like 1 000 bricks please and it will craft that many oh my god huh

Okay and there we go we have the brix crafting um i guess i’ll do this real quick i’ll do just the the bare minimum like absolute bare minimum um just so that we can finish this episode okay i think this is good enough how do we have it here we have um

Yeah just above so we can have it here and then place the apothecary there and that allows us to see underneath it easily we can fly up and do all the other stuff beautiful i’m going to grab a crafter um i think this should be really fine because um i reach this

Again beautiful i believe we can include the water in the patterns so for instance uh the massive wheels will i don’t even know if this needs water in it i guess i guess we’re about to find out um pattern massive wheels um i don’t think we have all of them so

We can’t even really finish or give this a proper test so let’s try a different flower that we can do um what about the wither aconite i mean we have a lot of them apparently but if i wanted to craft another one it would be this recipe

I would grab a pattern chuck this here create that pattern i want to see if this works um chuck this in and then get an importer one of these bad boys slap it underneath um let’s go for it let’s search wither aconite uh control shift wait how many do we

Have we have 15 i’m going to click start and craft um i have a hunch that it needs water so what i might do is get a sink and then we’ll uh we’ll get some liquids through this pipe here so i’ll do i guess think liquid and grab our little wrench here

Do that yeah that look at that the toolbar tooltip at the top it filled up with water so now with a aconite we still only have 15 which is interesting oh we also need seeds to go in don’t we um so we need to actually edit this

Recipe uh we’re probably gonna have to restart that whole thing because it’s probably already put the stuff in but we need to also add um a seed to this i believe let’s click seed edit this um we’ll put the recipe back in and then we’ll go into the other dimension and

Make sure that we’ve cleared it up so i have a feeling that there’ll be like some leftover stuff in it um i’m i’m crazy why am i even in this dimension the block is in the oval world i’m oh god i’m clearly going crazy like this is

The block i can just open it to check yeah so let’s pick this stuff back out put this stuff back away um search with a aconite control shift start one craft and there it goes oh it makes a very loud noise in my ear but it worked beautiful oh

Okay that is awesome that is actually really cool i’m a huge fan of this mod um okay oh that that is actually incredible that makes things so much easier wow um what would be the last yeah the last thing would be the fact that like i’ve

Still got to place these nether stars on the flower or like i’m still going to drop coal on the flower or put water to the flower it would be cool if there was some sort of like um ecosystem you could make that allowed you to do it a bit

Easier that might be a thing already in britannia that i don’t know about but um yeah i like the automation so far it’s uh it’s honestly pretty cool okay i i think we’re good oh what an episode it took us a little while but uh i like

That i i very much like that um oh oh oh whoa why’d they move what the okay um someone went ahead and moved some of these other things like the um automated potions and the centering of the suggestions so that’s nice um i’m not entirely sure what they replaced it with because i

Don’t remember where it was um maybe magic possibly um well i guess we did a little bit of botania although the one that isn’t on this list um what else was there the the island cleanup so our slurry machine and the micellar reactor and stuff yeah yeah i guess um travel to alfine

I don’t know um automate some vegemite yeah but we could do that and then have it go into lava that’d be fun um and then i don’t know there’s probably something other string uh so yeah thank you to those of you supporting the channel financially we have oracle

Skeletal jacob oathus derpy snow luna mugs and vrifti supporting me financially through um donation links over on discord then we have the coolest v-rifty and mugs who support me financially via the um channel membership here on youtube that little fancy join button um so thank you guys for watching

If you enjoyed please do consider subscribing or liking the video or both if you’re feeling up for it and hopefully i’ll see you guys in the next episode um i i i just think we i really want to get i want to make a star

I want to make some stars i want to get some star production going the fact that we can automate these steps along the way is going to come in real handy um i i like this i like this so far so far so good so far so good we’ll see if that

Uh that keeps up in these upcoming episodes um but i will see you guys in the next one goodbye You

This video, titled ‘Ep147 Automate Botania – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2021-11-13 12:25:42. It has garnered 2020 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:35 or 3875 seconds.

This is a series on the All The Mods 6 Minecraft modpack! This modpack is packed full of a bunch of different mods! From Tech mods, to Magic mods, to Dragons and Dungeons, and even their own mod called Allthemodium! There should be mods for whatever you fancy!

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Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack Playlist:

I would highly recommend checking out other YouTuber’s playing this pack so that you can see for yourself the variety at which this Modpack inspires people to play it.

ChosenArchitect’s first video “All The Mods 6 Ep. 1 New Mods New Builds”

47MarkIV’s first episode “All The Mods 6 – Ep 1 – Ore Doubling & Flight”

xBCrafted’s episode of All The Mods 6 “All The Mods 6! | Modded 1.16.3! [E01]”

#ATM6 #Minecraft #ATM6modpack

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    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme MadnessWhy did the creeper cross the road? To blow up the chicken on the other side! Read More

  • Zombie Verruckt: Minecraft Madness in BO3

    Zombie Verruckt: Minecraft Madness in BO3 In the world of Minecraft, we take the stage, Crafting news in rhymes, setting the page. Insane Zombies in Black Ops 3, we explore, With rhymes and beats, we never bore. We appreciate your support, hanging out with us, Thumbs up and subscribe, no need to fuss. Gear we use, links we share, For streaming success, we always care. Throw a buck in the hat, if you please, Support our channel, with great ease. Facebook and Twitch, where we play, Join us in the fun, every day. In Minecraft’s world, we make our mark, Rhyming news, with a playful… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Noobs vs. Pros vs. Hackers vs. Gods

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Noobs vs. Pros vs. Hackers vs. Gods “Why did the Minecraft noob bring a shovel to the fight against the hacker and god? Because he heard they were digging their own graves!” #minecrafthumor #noobmistakes Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Servers – Join Now for Free!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Servers - Join Now for Free!Video Information hello everybody brow here and I wanted to go over something that a lot of people have been asking me about um I have and run a lot of community servers some paid some free that people inside of the community can play on and a lot of people don’t know a lot about them so I wanted to kind of let you know some information what are the different servers what makes them different what makes them better than maybe other servers that are out there what systems can you join them on easy quick answer all… Read More

  • Ultimate HeroMC PvP Gameplay

    Ultimate HeroMC PvP GameplayVideo Information [संगीत] तेरे को क्या चाहिए मेरे से मेरे डायमंड वापस दे ओ नो नहीं मे डायमंड This video, titled ‘@UiHeroMc Players Minecraft 🥶 #pvp #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UI HEROMC on 2024-04-04 06:22:54. It has garnered 12343 views and 213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. In Minecraft, MLG (or “Major League Gaming”) refers to a term commonly used by players to describe performing a clutch maneuver or stunt, typically involving water buckets, to prevent fall damage or execute a daring escape. It’s a display of skill and quick thinking, often celebrated… Read More

  • 🔥TOP 5 MUST-HAVE BLOCKS in Minecraft!!🔥

    🔥TOP 5 MUST-HAVE BLOCKS in Minecraft!!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘5 most used block in minecraft’, was uploaded by ActuallyMaple on 2024-03-06 11:47:32. It has garnered 40 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. #comentary #hypixelskyblock #minecraft #skyblock #gaming #shortvideo #video #hypixel #shortvideo #viral #subscribe Read More

  • EPIC DJBruhdy Reacts to Manhunt Grand Finale Rematch LIVE⁴

    EPIC DJBruhdy Reacts to Manhunt Grand Finale Rematch LIVE⁴Video Information I started a stream I start a stream I’m streaming chat I’m streaming I think yes no maybe so perhaps per chance one could have reason to believe so uh uh okay yeah I’m streaming I’m ultra streaming I need to close Minecraft because we do not need Minecraft when will I what in what realm am I ever going to need Minecraft not this one not this one hey there mic stick hey there broy stick okay not going to lie party’s 500s being a year ago is flaring crazy I’m scared why do I hear this… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Civilization Wars! Land At Stake!

    Epic Minecraft Civilization Wars! Land At Stake!Video Information this is the Las vdz sunshine good morning Las vdz with the server reopening sometime tomorrow citizens can’t wait to return to axilus however instability continues to haunt the region Beek has seemingly made no concessions to their massive stake on the continent their proposed border is now encircling yet another Nation settling nearby The gerk Horde descendants of the famous wrath Community ktek nevertheless phase one of the Las vas development plan is still on track leadership has recently discovered that the underground ores and resources are actually renewable in the long term regenerating after 1 year… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Growth Challenge!!!

    INSANE Minecraft Growth Challenge!!!Video Information today we are playing Minecraft but mobs will get bigger every minute this one’s going to be a funny one wait is that a portal already okay well we found a good seed but like I say mobs will get bigger every single minute so that means creepers zombies and yeah even the Ender Dragon wait hold on is that a sheep oh my gosh look how small it is yeah so they are got to get bigger oh it’s so cute look how tiny it is the shadow is bigger than the Sheep itself what the heck… Read More

  • Epic Sweet Potato Circus in Minecraft Update!

    Epic Sweet Potato Circus in Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Updated Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sweet Potato – Minecraft on 2024-05-29 12:00:58. It has garnered 291 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you do everything that you would in the regular game, but with a little more naughty fun!Be sure to subscribe to my channel if you want to see more Minecraft gameplay! mod: mod: #Immersive_Paintings_Mod_1201_1194_Download_Links #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Hacker Creates Ultimate Safe City!

    Minecraft Hacker Creates Ultimate Safe City!Video Information this is the impenetrable City from Avatar and Last Airbender and I’m turning it into Minecraft’s safest city complete with blast proof walls doors that can kill anyone outside my team and so much more upon joining the server for the fste I was given a set of armor and tools by a player called Emma which seemed like a nice gesture but you never know what people are really after on This Server so even though I’m suspicious I happily accepted the gear saving me a lot of time grinding which means I can instantly start working… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody! See You Again – Wiz Khalifa (trailer)

    EPIC Minecraft Parody! See You Again - Wiz Khalifa (trailer)Video Information [Music] hey everyone down here from the Diamond Minecart hello this is Stampy and welcome to a Minecraft it’s been a while since 360 my friend and I’ll hop on 1 20 when I see This video, titled ‘”A Tribute To Minecraft” A Minecraft Parody of See You Again – Wiz Khalifa (trailer)’, was uploaded by Kemac Animations on 2024-03-04 16:20:49. It has garnered 127 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Song by: Wiz Khalifa Parody by: @JJGamesOfficial Animation by: Me Read More

  • Dead Factions

    Dead FactionsA balance between beta nostalgia and fast-paced gameplay. – Eat –> Heal – Beta Walking (lite stamina) – x2 Mob Health (remember when they were hard?) – Minimal Travel (2k border) Better Raids. – Lite TNT Jump (less “ooh!” more boom!) – Giant Zombies (remember MineZ?) – Seasonal Features Resurrect the Glory Days of Faction Raiding. Discord: Personal Website: IP: Read More

  • Experium SMP Vanilla SMP Whitelist 1.20.4 New Season Hermitcraft-Inspired 18+

    About Experium SMP: The Experium SMP is a whitelisted 1.20 vanilla server that just started a new season on June 1st. Join us for a fun and dedicated community where everyone is included. Server Details: Version: 1.20.4 Edition: Java Difficulty: Hard Host: Apex Hosting Server Location: California Member Requirements: Discord with voice chat Active participation Experienced Minecraft player Good building skills Age 18+ English speaking Server Rules: Respect all members and creations No griefing No resource stealing No cheaty mods/hacks No duping Lag-friendly builds Datapacks: Multiplayer Sleep AFK Name Display More Mob Heads Player Heads Wandering Trader Armor Stand Statues… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Farmville with Villagers

    Minecraft Memes - Farmville with Villagers“I’ve reached my villain arc because those baby villagers just won’t level up fast enough, it’s time to take matters into my own hands.” Read More

  • “From baby blazes to senior ghasts” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "From baby blazes to senior ghasts" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “When you’re a beginner in Minecraft, the nether portal is like a mysterious gateway to another world. But as you get older in the game, it’s just another annoying chore to deal with before you can mine some more diamonds.” Read More

  • Kroberto’s Epic Hill Destruction

    Kroberto's Epic Hill Destruction Minecraft Adventures: Destroying the Hill Duo SMP Unveiling the World of Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players embark on exciting adventures, building, exploring, and conquering challenges. The thrill of discovering new resources, crafting powerful tools, and engaging with fellow gamers creates an immersive experience like no other. Exploring New Heights As players delve into the game, they encounter various terrains, from lush forests to towering mountains. The thrill of conquering these landscapes is unparalleled, with each new discovery sparking excitement and creativity. Resource Management and Crafting One of the key elements of Minecraft is resource management. From… Read More

  • Talking Villagers in Minecraft!

    Talking Villagers in Minecraft! The Advent of Real Talking Villagers in Minecraft Imagine a world where Minecraft villagers come to life, engaging in conversations with players in real-time. This seemingly impossible feat became a reality thanks to a resource pack created by a talented developer. The pack introduced random sounds to Minecraft villagers, transforming them into chatty companions for players to interact with. Bringing Villagers to Life Upon witnessing the potential of this innovative resource pack, a content creator decided to take it a step further. With the help of a developer friend, the creator successfully implemented a voice chat mod that allowed… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft’s Hidden Secret – Incredible Marketplace Pass!

    Unveiling Minecraft's Hidden Secret - Incredible Marketplace Pass!Video Information 2 2 super f f again r [Music] M hello everybody and welcome to the bonny’s a channel I’m Bonny Z and today we’re going to be playing Minecraft because it is Minecraft Monday but before we get on to that I have some really really exciting news to share my test order for the t-shirts that are on my store for all you gamer moms out there arrived how freaking cool is that get my hair out the way I’m so excited I’m obsessed look at them okay okay so there on the Bonny Z the… Read More

  • Hunting for Mumbo on HermitCraft

    Hunting for Mumbo on HermitCraftVideo Information any luck today G no she’s the oceans oh wait speak of speak of the what we got what’s that okay impaling for Fortune 2 but I have a pick here with Fortune 2 on it perfect I brought you some luck the sea is providing today um speaking of providing I was hoping you could help me provide some death this morning mhm I uh hold on it’s a bit precarious cuz if I get caught right now it’s the game’s up i’ I have to kill Mambo today okay okay I must I’ve set a trap… Read More

  • 🚨Viral Minecraft Scarecrow Hack! 😱| Shizo Clickbait

    🚨Viral Minecraft Scarecrow Hack! 😱| Shizo ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral scare crow hack | #minecraft #youtubeshorts #short #shorts #ytshorts #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by ANAYAT YT MC on 2024-04-29 18:04:00. It has garnered 554 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft viral scare crow hack | #minecraft #youtubeshorts #short #shorts #ytshorts #shortsfeed Discover the art of crafting the perfect Minecraft home with our step-by-step tutorial. Learn essential building techniques, explore creative design ideas, and master the use of diverse materials to construct a cozy and aesthetically pleasing abode. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player,… Read More

  • EPIC Elevator Build in Minecraft! 😱 #viral

    EPIC Elevator Build in Minecraft! 😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Elevator 🛗 Build Minecraft 😲 #shorts #trendingshorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by YT GAMERZ on 2023-12-15 03:30:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Elevator Build Minecraft #shorts #trendingshorts #viralshorts. Read More

  • Insane Faction Playz in Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) – Day 01!

    Insane Faction Playz in Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) - Day 01!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) – Day 01’, was uploaded by Faction Playz on 2024-02-10 13:17:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Planet 1919 (PE) – Day 01 ◇ Game/Edition/Version – Minecraft Pocket Edition Developer – Mojang Studios … Read More

  • Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft!

    Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft!Video Information very unusual closed basements today let’s take a look at them subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s take a look at the new basements unusual closed we have here five characters good and bad we’ve got a racer here the man outside the window that’s SpongeBob next up Captain feeds and box aboo well let’s get started support with a like And subscribe to my channel don’t forget well we’re off so the first character yeah let’s go from the very… Read More

  • Discover the CRAZIEST Toilet Dance Ever! 🚽💃 AverageHarry’s Skibidi Toilet Escapades

    Discover the CRAZIEST Toilet Dance Ever! 🚽💃 AverageHarry's Skibidi Toilet EscapadesVideo Information most of my people strugg stress political corruption SK the toilet hey hey Chloe Rogue thank you very much for the two months in the show or IRL I think in the show I don’t know I saw a tweet I saw a tweet exod think for the 10 months as well you like the shirt Chad do you like the shirt do you like the shirt it’s like towel oh I don’t know why I went there to rub it it’s like a towel towel material guys my Raven cosplay came today does anybody want to see… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!🔥 Join Raptor Gamez in Hive NOW! 🚀🌟

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!🔥 Join Raptor Gamez in Hive NOW! 🚀🌟Video Information and I should be live Gamers how you guys doing hopeful you guys are having a great day very cool we’re playing Minecraft again however most likely Friday will be either Roblox or fortnite very cool W going to start am I not started uh hello hello hello hello can you guys hear me H hi how you guys doing hey Zula hopefully you’re doing well Mr glaze very cool what the SLO that’s kind of sussy sloth wait is that the real sloth or is that big sloth oh he is a Rolla okay um I was… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Chara Virus 19 Causes Chaos

    Unbelievable: Chara Virus 19 Causes ChaosVideo Information [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh how what This video, titled ‘Chara Virus 19 (Full Screen)’, was uploaded by Бирс Neo on 2024-02-28 07:15:02. It has garnered 54 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. ТЕГИ, НЕ ЧИТАТЬ #funny #chara #charavirus #minecraftshorts #minecraft #mcpe #animation #mod #monsterschool #minecraftshorts #undertale #shorts #villager #addon #pokemon #tutorial #world #mods #edition #pocket #minecraftanimation #luckyblock #creeper #meme #app #ios #free #dinosaur #car #guns #download #editor #fnaf #herobrine #hack #dantdm #addons #minecraftpe #planet #tutorail #pixelmon #plane #tank #alieninvasion #maker #creator #furniture #pack #decoration #blocks #furnicraft #crazycraft #map #bedrock… Read More

DEWSTREAM – Ep147 Automate Botania – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack