DEWSTREAM – Ep47 Gregtech Macerator – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack

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Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods Greg Tech I mean all the Greg Tech I mean Greg Tech I mean welcome back to all the mods nine um in the last few episodes we’ve been doing some great Tech um if that little intro skit didn’t uh

Tell you about that and that is what all of these are these are all Crafters leading to entangled Great Tech Contraptions um little machines and whatnot and they all I mean they all I think they all have to exist because some of them have different molds in

Them and the molds you might be able to remove them with a little bit of effort but I thought at least at the time that it’s probably easier just to make multiple of them why not that way I can at least craft two things at once

It’s fine it’s fine it works right we’ve got all this stuff and we’re making some pretty good progress um right towards the animal I love that I don’t have to go to bed um right towards the end we realized what our plan was surprise surprise um so we need rubber right

That’s sort of like the last piece of this puzzle as well as templates but they’re easy peasy um by the way this whole episode won’t be Greg Tech I promise I probably okay a stamp of stamp of Promise because there’s a lot to go over in this episode

Let me tell let me tell you let me just let me sneak peek um oh wait let me where is it what where is it hold on hold on what am I sneak peeking ah yeah anyway um oh yeah rubber tree that’s sort of like

The last thing we need and so we had a rubber tree that was gifted to us to be fair it looks like there was an arrow above it as well I think someone’s come and cleaned up the arrow now in terms of the rubber sapling my understanding is that of course it

Grows right in front of me rubber sapling um is that you can get it from oh you get from a quest that wasn’t there in the last um update I believe we’re on currently the beta version of uh all the mods nine 0.1.0 um so you can get it from Blue Skies

Doing some magic or I think you just have to find it so we’d have to travel far and wide to uh get that or you know be in a freshly generated World um but now there’s actually a quest which can I just click that and it’ll take me there oh how cool

So this is under the oh it’s under the brand new Greg Texas oh my God oh my God yeah all right buckling the funny part to me about this is the fact that like there’s a text section you know I mean there’s a section for Tech Great Tech is a completely different not

Just a different chat like a whole different section that is ridiculous okay and so oh God okay okay all right okay I’m trying to wrap my head around everything yeah a lot of this stuff we can knock off like we’ve done a lot of this we’re

Just gonna have to go through the effort to do it um but this guy over here oddly enough it’s its own little star sticky resin slime farm so we’ve gotten sticky resin you can get that by um uh smelting slime balls you can get some uh some rubber trees

Fine and fun rubber trees to get yourself some sticky resin alternatively slime balls not in the furnace will get you some so if you needed some uh saplings to get started you can do it through the quest if you’re not into the quest just travel around and you’ll find one I’m sure

Um okay so yeah we’ve got rubber trees I already harvested some last episode and so this episode what we’ll do right off the bat before we do anything else is we will attempt to add them to this Farm um I’m trying to decide yeah I’ll probably

Have them grow in the middle so that we get a steady supply of them but not like a an infinite amount of them you know what I mean and just to double check yeah that you can’t grow them in a bony pot we also tried last episode but new version you

Know I thought I’d I’d double check so what we’re going to need is um a thing from create the cart assembler we’re gonna have to slap this guy down um I don’t really know where we normally do this but I guess we can Chuck it down

Here when he goes through this he should just disassemble I believe uh he’s probably facing the wrong way that’s fine here he comes and he should just turn into a good old-fashioned bit of blocks cool and what we can do is we can change the filters so

Um I think yeah these inside trees so the few trees here I reckon we turn those into the rubber saplings so we’ll just go ahead and clear that filter pick up the one oak sapling there go in here so it’s rubber grab rubber sapling add that to the filter and then

Give them some to hold and I think that’s fine I I genuinely I think that’ll sort of take care of everything um let’s grab a leather um what’s the easiest ah I mean I guess that works let’s see I don’t actually know if this will work but I am tempted um

I don’t really know what’s it I this hmm let’s just see what happens okay oh okay yeah the second he gets picked up it’s no longer Redstone okay okay it was a it was a fun idea all right give it give me that at least so how do I do this then

I think I’ve got to dig it up again I I despise the effort it takes for me personally to get this done all right here we go yep cool he’s up and running you’ll be good we can pick that back up put that back up awesome so if we break

These now they should be replanted with Greg Tech saplings I believe let’s have a look we are wrong oh okay did I really place it on the wrong side honestly it’s not the end of the world we’ll let it happen whatever but I’ll you know what that is that’s a problem for

Another day that’s what that is it’s fine it’s fine um we will however just before this gets going too much um we’ll grab a drawer to put um the Greg deck stuff in because obviously we don’t have that at the moment so I’m going to go um rubber logs jump over here currently

We’ve got this guy there surprise surprise and so I’m just gonna I guess I can place him further down the line so we can have this guy here give him a rubber log grab a funnel I won’t bother locking him or anything like that we don’t need to

Just yet and that should be good once he gets going you’ll get going okay all right all right so what what’s happening what am I talking about what’s the deal this episode is get the basic maze writer built because I think we can do

That but I did also want to have a quick look at the quest because there has been some changes there’s a donkey um no I think these yes it’s all different oh this is yeah there’s a lot so there’s actual yeah there’s all the other stuff there’s some bosses on the side here

This is great if you honestly if you didn’t know what you were doing going through this Quest lineup in terms of like learning modern Minecraft for the first time that would be amazing like that it would be so exciting going through this I’m jealous I’m I’m just thinking like

How do I erase my memory but only like specific Parts okay I’m also trying to see if there’s anything that I don’t recognize but I don’t I recognize too much of it I feel so bad I’m like ah I recognize a lot there’s a few things like I don’t really know the templates

And stuff starter power oh so helpful okay so yeah Greg takes what we’re doing right we’ve sort of we’re working through the steam age um steam extractor is pretty much what we’re gonna need to get this rubber pulp that we’re pulling from the rubber farms

And we’ve got a lot of this stuff we’re sort of just trying to get that rubber done and then we can finish the rest of everything so let’s do that let’s get that done there is I know I sneak peeked it before but I apologize everywhere for you guys but

It is it is overwhelming there is an ATM stop that is allegedly craftable I haven’t looked through everything um this guy is phenomenally expensive for example one of these blocks needs 729 nether Stars that’s one of these blocks you need a lot of those blocks you also need all the modium and

Obtainium Alloys um which can be made with 8 billion power and two blocks of those goodies um or just one billion power if you just want to make a few oh but that will use a piglet heart if you do it that way which you get from a boss that spawns in

A different dimension uh yeah and that those are just the surrounding blocks there’s a lot of them because it’s meant to be easy compared to the rest of this stuff that needs bedrock what why does it what do you mean it needs bedrock oh my God okay it needs better

But also needs bedrock why wouldn’t it need bedrock okay why didn’t you bedrock is that like a getting bed request I’m sure there is at some point the sniffer oh the whole reason this packet exists okay that’s fine the ATM start it’s a little bit away from us okay

Let’s go and make this uh rubber all right so we know that we need the extractor that that’s just something that we’re gonna need so I’m gonna go extractor uh if I can spell sorry I’m I’m shivering shaking um and we want just a low pressure steam

One we could probably make a high pressure one but it needs a low one anyway so you know Boppity boopity as they say in the industry um so a lot of what we’re doing at least for these like steam things is manual crafting but all of the uh electric

Stuff I believe we’ve hooked up for auto crafting that’s that’s what I’m currently believing we’ll we’ll see there um man I just instantly I didn’t bookmark the thing let’s go ahead and do that bookmark awesome um six of these they need more plates I don’t even have enough plates I need

More bronze oh oh yeah I love it when there’s a little loophole for making stuff all right I’ll uh I’ll come back with that stuff all right there we go we’ll grab our piston that should be quick and easy Bam Bam low pressure steam extractor brilliant let’s go ahead and grab an

Entangled blockout and we’ll go ahead and hook this guy up um and so I believe we set up a teleporter to jump to and from our area oh oh we were actually told the meters that everything is so you can sort of see how far away stuff is

Cool cool so we’re traveling about 100 meters to get underwater and also why does it look nicer sure yeah cool everything looks nice now new update everything looks nice it’s the it’s the the things look nice update unintended feature um okay so uh low pressure that can go there

Entangle him he’s good to go uh you know let’s look at his interface is he just normal yeah he is all right that’s fine uh what we’re going to have to do at some point which I guess we can do now is we need to make sure that these guys

Have their vents on this side and that thing there so for whatever reason it takes a little while it could be because I’m playing on a server in a different country or maybe that’s just how it is I’m not sure we can pin the blame on on the country uh server Fiasco

Um but what this does is it allows the steam to leave the machine as it produces this guy up here very very stubborn I’m not sure what it is but he doesn’t want to do it all right well anyway I I couldn’t get it working we’re just gonna pretend it’s fine

Um so by the way just off another side note I have updated out our little um comment section helpful tip clipboard and there is some good stuff in here that I’ll get to later but I we’ve been working on this Greg Tech thing for like two too many episodes

Um so I want to at least try and get this one thing built you know what I mean all right so that is now entangled we have the steam extractor so let’s see if we can add the recipe for it so um what we’re trying to do I believe is

Get this pulp so that’s going to be either sticky resin or rubber logs now honestly we could probably just use sticky resin because we can Farm slimes easily like we’re currently farming slimes in our mob spawner so you can even just use slime balls yeah but uh do we need rubber logs I

Don’t think we do I I don’t know what we do I don’t you I declare not need logs okay I wonder if that changed if that was always a thing usually that’s I honestly maybe last episode I said we were going to use slime balls because I that that’s

Definitely the type of thing that like you guys would have called me out for and I would have read in the comments and been like what like how did I miss that so either it’s new and you guys are fine or it’s old and you guys have fallen off

That’s all I’m gonna say it’s definitely not it’s not my fault it couldn’t be but it’s impossible all right so you’re telling me that we can now get pulp I can order a stack of Pulp no I can’t oh because we’re still crafting slime why are we crafting slime over here

We have a a box with 7 000 slime in it what are we doing who what is happening okay all I need to do is connect to it the only problem is I’m using every no this doesn’t oh no it doesn’t need to be there hold on let me

Let me just get under here real quick what’s happening so that’s connected there and above that block is nothing okay there’s no there used to be a more measure there’s no longer a mob Masher that allows us to grab a pre-made external storage thank you very much

Chuck that guy there open him up real quick tell him to earn the extract that way he won’t fill this guy up with any of his useless junk that he loves to do and so now we should have access to slime Galore 7.5 K beautiful which means

I can get my pulp I ordered pulp and I’ll be getting pulp so it’s just melt the pop we automated that last episode um I mean it’s just a smelting recipe and then it should also the Slime into resin and then into pulp through the steam guy steam guy is probably going to

Be a little bit slower I don’t really know can we look in here we can you can see the sticky resins in there you can see the processing eight seconds it reckons we can see the steam we don’t even need to go there and we get our pulp okay so pulp done

Cool what do I need Ally smarter is going to be making rubber engines I believe we added that somewhere here or at least I thought we did please tell me we at least added that Robert in gets into sheets but we don’t have the actual really

Come on previous me what are you doing all right so okay that’s fine um um okay so what that means is that I need to either make a new ally smelter which nobody wants to do or find the alloy smelter that we have that doesn’t have a mold in it because I

Think we made one yeah this one here has nothing in it it’s just used to combine some stuff together that is exactly what I want so it’s going to be I’ll just find it again um but what we’ll do is we will grab this recipe for the alloy smelter and we’ve got the

Pulp automated and all we need is a little bit of sulfur that’s all we want so it is going to be this guy here cool and now now we just need sulfur that’s all we need sulfur now there is a way to get sulfur that we were trying last

Episode and it’s this going coal in a sag Mill we can easily automate this end steel grinding ball which gives a 240 bonus output right bonus here I’ll put B this guy here sulfur dust as far as I’m aware I’m pretty sure he’s a little bonus guy I mean he looks bonus doesn’t

He because there’s main output and then there’s bonus so that’s the bonus and it should increase now the problem it uses coal it’s not guaranteed so it’s harder to ah well I guess it’s not too hard to automate because we can use detectors okay okay I’m listening I’m listening to myself okay

So that is an option we can definitely we can do that the thing is I reckon there’s there’s definitely there’s got to be a better way to do it right there’s there’s oars that are meant to be getting somehow maybe I should try and do that there’s railcraft

Sulfur which you can get from quartz at a 25 you can get it from blaze rods out of 50 as well as a bunch of bonus plays okay there’s obviously actual Greg Tech stuff um in terms of what we could do we I think we would need ore um okay

I’m just trying to see like is there anything that we have because a lot of this stuff is like a new world gen so either I would have to regen the world which is I am thinking about possibly going to a new spawn location if I go to completely random new

Generated chunks and we sort of bring our base over completely like it would look completely different um but I’ve got a fun idea for that the thing is it would be a lot of work and it probably would be a good like at least a few episodes a few would be

Generous a few episodes like if I wanted to make it a little bit of a story which we can do I was gonna just do this and not tell you guys but I figured I’d I’d propose it to see if you guys wanted that or not I might even do a poll uh

Later on YouTube but we could do something like that and have sort of like a fresh start but then all of our stuff still exists so we’re not just throwing it out and I’ve just gotta put in some work to like get everything back online you know what I mean that’s an

Option the main reason I don’t really want to reset is not just because of the effort but because in terms of like progression in the mod pack we have like with like I’m trying to think of like how I can make a tiny little sound in front of you guys it’s

Like this you ready you know we’re just scratching the surface that’s I don’t know there’s that option okay so you guys think about that but um we’ll see okay what am I doing sulfur yeah I’ll be honest I think our best bet is just doing that um that sag Mill

I think that is the play we do sag Mill and we do it with what’s the word detector let’s do that let’s grab a detector um and we’ll we’ll start sag Milling it up now currently our stagna is over here um I don’t think he’s automated at all

As you can see nothing’s taken out if I had this go automated stuff would be coming out so I’m just gonna bring it with me ah no I think he can live here I think we’ll do entangled blocks I I like the idea of keeping things in their nice little

Natural environment but instead automating it elsewhere you know what I mean um we will configure this guy preemptively I’m gonna say the top is going to be uh sorry push and um we’ll say the left will be pull uh you know I’ll just leave it blank I’m

Sure that pipes will interact with it right surely surely ah leave that there good uh hook this guy up everything’s fine it’s gonna be beautiful you should have to trust me um so this guy’s gonna go here we’re gonna grab a crafter we just need normal one I think um oh sorry

You’re there um no you’re not gonna be a crafter I lied you’re going to be an exporter sorry um an exporter you’re going to go there you’re going to be um work without redstone signal so if you get a redstone signal you will turn off what that then means is that if we

Go ahead and grab that detector we just made I can slap him on top and we can say hey here’s the deal we’re gonna be getting sulfur in our system and if we have oh what’s a good amount if we have 200 is 200 like a ridiculous

Amount maybe I’m gonna do it anyway if we have 200 or specifically um yeah above 200 amid a redstone signal get that done um don’t be exact if it’s any type of sulfur I’m happy as long as it’s sulfur and so that should work he should export whatever it is

Until that becomes 200 or over and then it will output Redstone turning off this guy stopping him from outputting our coal into the machine that’s the idea so I’m going to do coal I’m also going to do end steel grinding Bowl because that’s what we want to put in this guy

And I’m going to hope that that’s how that works we’re also going to get a crafting upgrade and I think that should just be fun I don’t think we have a way to automate um coal as in like craft it so I don’t think it’ll you know ever try to craft

Coal it’s just it might use it all so that guy goes there currently nothing in him which is a problem I might have to mess around a little bit importer um so what direction is that that is north let’s maybe yeah let’s let’s see if that’s how this works I’m gonna tell

This guy oh no it’s working he’s getting cold right yeah that number’s gone up cool and that number’s going down because it’s being extracted awesome nice now we can sit back and wait we could speed this up in terms of two weights um we were making a capacitor last

Episode this guy here uh oh what’s this guy you met a craft uh but we can Chuck this game and that will make him a lot faster as you can see ridiculously faster um to the point where yeah I think we will actually need to speed up the the the Importer

I wasn’t sure for that too but looks like we will or at the very least um I think a stack upgrade will probably just take care of all of that arguably oh it’s already made arguably a stack upgrade on the input as well maybe might put a whole stack of colon

Hey sir Let’s uh let’s double check make sure everything is working before we call it quits um that’s more than I put in so I think it is crafting the stuff so that’s good it is a bit of a slow process I will say um but that should work

Um I do it yeah I do have that auto craftable so it should happen obviously coal staying in there we’re getting sulfur yeah I’m happy it’s power hungry but once again we’ve got a nuclear reactor I think I think we’re fine for now um and so yeah I’m gonna call this so in

Terms of sulfur how much do we have already we have 40. cool sweet so I can now order rubber do you know what that means I think that’s the last thing oh no we need tin plates the final piece of this horrendous puzzle okay one of these Crafters was doing plates

Who was it you were you do have room for it so we can order more plates the problem was that this recipe it no existo um for tin plates this guy here he has a hammer that can be used for those tin plates and so that is where

This is going to happen yeah Craig Tech Hammer so you’re gonna go there if I’m quick enough I can change it um before it like puts a new one in there we can click apply um a good point was made to me um which was to still keep remembered slots for the tools

Specifically so that if I do a massive order in the party in the future I should I don’t think I wrote it down but I should definitely credit should be through I’ve wrote down everything but I didn’t write this down because I thought I didn’t have to but I probably should

Um alter and suggested that so I’m if we order something massive this could fill up the tool breaks then that spot gets filled up with items and it’s not too likely we’ll do a massive crop but maybe it will like I to be honest I don’t actually know

We should just plan for that um so template we’re going to be doing this recipe but not what we’re actually going to be doing is a processing one saying hey 210 equals plates yeah because obviously the rest of the stuff is supplied by this guy boom Moment of Truth

Can we go in here we search macerator we click Craft we are missing 34 sulfur now it doesn’t even suggest the software that we do have which means I just need to change uh that recipe real quick so this guy here that’s an easy fix well you can make that happen

Um now you can fix it a number of ways it’s a processing recipe right so you I can either change this software out with this guy by dragging it over or you can click on it you can click Alternatives and you can select a different solver so usually there’s a

List you can scroll we want this one so every tag that has Forge colon dust sulfur we want it to use so I’m going to set that and so now if we change our sulfur production to use like um Greg Tech sulfur instead this recipe will

Still work so it’s only a problem if you don’t want it to do that realistically um so boom boom and ladies and gentlemen boys and girls everyone either end or in between stand aside and witness greatness you know what’s really depressing this is two episodes like this is the

Third episode working on this right look at how few resources it is using like it’s genuinely only using like six iron and 17 steel and I automated all of it oh God to be fair I’m hoping that this will help us in future recipes and because otherwise I could have just

Made this manually but there’s so much stuff that surely surely right guys surely but yeah all of these should now get stuff in them maybe or at least a few of them should you can see some of the crafting bars at the top I don’t know

Um what we can do is we can fly back and check out our uh our crafting monitor this guy here what are we doing what are we up to so a little bit of everything apparently um currently rubber Ingot guys not accepting um oh why is it because he’s currently crafting

Maybe I guess we can jump under the sea and have a quick look um so one of the alloy smelsters was doing that stuff and so that would be um uh huh I don’t know which one it is what’s what alloy smelter is meant to be doing that stuff

It’s not this guy is it oh it is sulfur and raw pulp it’s in there steam alloy smelter is that not how do I smelter low pressure steam alloy smelter it can use any sulfur three roll pulp and it should give us what we want huh I’ll take those out

And it’ll put more in I’ll take those out and I’ll put in this stuff I think it’s uh you know what it is it’s because the doesn’t it’s the vent still hasn’t shown up on this side that’s the problem I need the vent to show up or else it

Can’t work I I’m pretty sure that’s the problem here but I don’t know how to do it if you shift and do that it changes its face right and so if you’re just normal right click yeah it’s meant to do exactly that but there’s meant to be a physical event that shows up

I think it’s there I think the texture just has an updated maybe f3a no that didn’t do it okay that’s fine ah there we go cool I just had to spin around a little bit sure whatever it’s fine all’s good as long as he’s working all right and then I’ll just have to

Chuck this stuff in and make sure I manually put the rest in and that should be good um there is a few things I want to do real quick well I guess we can first is I do want to make that dimensional card did we end up making that I don’t like I

Don’t actually know no we just have an infinite range booster I do want to push for this so if we can I mean it’s what I’m gonna do um so we need to order some stuff for example three nether stars and it says we can so I’m gonna order it at least

Get that cook and it might take a little while I’m not too sure what our going rate is on never start crafting um so we’ll see and then we’ll hopefully get this guy one’s already done look at that um we will need four of these I’m gonna

Have to make recipes for them I I thought I could get away with it because it’s like a one-time craft thing but that’s fine we’ll get it done range upgrades yep what what do they have from this everything but yeah that’s fine so all that stuff goes there

And so now I search dimensional assuming we have the goodies all we’re missing is iron um and mendeleevium which is for the nether Stars we’re wanting to craft more and then some gold as well okay that’s fine is the macerator done no oh yeah because I just I completely

Forgot what I was doing down there I’m like geez what what are we waiting on guys come on top that guy up um so we want that Gab we want the dimensional uh booster that’ll be good there was something else I was about to craft and if

Lost my like it’s gone I don’t remember what it was but I was gonna do it I was gonna do it oh yeah I was I mean I don’t know if this is what it was there were two things right one is I could push to get that acceleration staff again right if

You remember we made one back here we couldn’t follow through with it um because I think it was an issue with the version um that we were playing but I think in this version we should be able to so I’d probably have to rearrange the stones a little bit or something maybe

Um to get that done or in this version of the pack we do have the time in the bottle oh interesting I like it um this guy’s ridiculous he will store time as you play and you can invest that time into speeding things up so for example if you’ve been playing for an

Hour you shouldn’t have to wait for a slow machine um well with this bottle you don’t have to you can right click or depending on the machine shift right click on the thing just just simply speed it up and it’ll use up some of that time now this

Guy is looking a little bit expensive he’ll need a speed upgrade which I think we can do it we’ll see what we can make out of this guy because I’m not too sure what they’ll be but we can make that guy at least so we’ve got the speed upgrade

Um we would need Speed 2 augments from mystical agriculture these guys as well they don’t look too bad once again I think it’s just a matter of well crafting them um how many did it need two I might uh we don’t have we don’t have an obtainium and we won’t

Um for a little while we’ve just got to uh reset our end dimension um but I I like the idea of that we’re probably trying to craft one of those because that’ll be pretty fun as for the acceleration stuff if you guys want to see that I’ll push for it as well we

Probably get that done um you know like they’re options they’re on the table they’re available it could happen um was that all I was gonna say I mean there’s this clipboard do I dare look no I can’t we have to we’re waiting for our special thing here

All right well that’s gonna take a little bit it’s not the fastest thing ever there are a few things we can do so um the first thing I do want to do is add tablets to the requester so Yusuf and kiwi child uh both suggested to add

Those tablets that we use to control the weather and the time of day to our requesters so it doesn’t have to take as long to craft like the um the weather changer because that guy’s pretty slow so just by dragging that guy in there that should save us a ridiculous amount of uh

Time in the rain right obviously you’ll have to order the thing and whatnot but he should be able to that that should work so I’ll tell you what that is that done oh yeah Yusuf also said that in this version of the pack that we’ve got

We had the Eternal Stella this guy if put in a smithing table with any tool or armor it gives them the Eternal quality which essentially means you’re gonna love this hold on just before I just before I get to this part let me just let me just go over to all of the

Crafting that we set up in the past two episodes so that we could craft easily with refined storage using broken tools okay okay this thing makes them indestructible no durability as you can see it goes from durability 64. no durability infinite the cat he’s as scary he’s scary he’s a scary Craft

Um we I I don’t know if we ended up fully automating this guy um back in all the mods seven it might have just been Souls that we couldn’t fully automate but the rest of it the entire crafting or whatever else we needed I think the

Blood required as well all of it was automated um right up until that point using like um integrated Dynamics and a few other little uh little gadgets and stuff so I mean we’ll try to do it but yeah it’s gonna we’re gonna have to put in some work

There’s a lot of work to be done there really is I I’m excited because there is a lot oh also um we still have this when we have an internal box of direwolf 20. all I need now is for my PR team that don’t exist to um you know organize

Organize the collab of a lifetime so I can open up this box what listen listen one day you know what I was gonna say We’ll look up in the stars there are no stars we’ve removed them they they simply cannot be um but one day we’ll look up at the Sun

See our heroes shine I don’t know why this got really emotional um Mesa radar are We Done Yet come on man what are we waiting on the rubber is done we’re currently crafting steel plates allegedly something must be broken that doesn’t seem let’s go let’s have a look something’s not right here

Um you’re empty you are currently extracting this the rest okay so yeah this is what we’re waiting on I think yeah okay so you’re just like really slow seven seconds to get the rubber pulp okay I mean that that’s okay wait you know what I think that’s because I ordered a stack

Of the stuff I think if we just cancel that stack we might be good right maybe maybe not are they trying to no no nothing should be using the extractor that no that that shouldn’t be the issue okay let’s continue then these are empty this is empty this is has cast empty

This has rubber ingots and a plate mold he does have an ex an exhaust but he doesn’t have steam because this guy looks pretty there we go that was it that was the problem we’re back oh look at him go oh he’s quick he’s loud but he’s quick oh beautiful oh how satisfying

All right all right cool cool everything I wanted to like yell like a like a I I don’t know what I don’t know where did it like imagine you’re in a factory and there was a problem and we’ve just fixed the problem so I need to tell

Everyone to get back to work you know like what would you yell ah I can’t think of it you guys get give me a word this is this is a the YouTuber equivalent of those um or my equivalent of the YouTuber call to action you know like hey guys leave a

Comment on what you think you know instead I’m like tell me what word to yell at people in a factory okay guys that’s here that’s your homework for today what are we waiting on steel plates all right steel plates we have a problem something’s clearly gone wrong

Um steel plates are happening in this guy the three still is there the hammer is not the regulator and the crafter are here with the hammer and yet it is not showing up why is that um it is said to remember and either way you could go in a different slot if it

Needed to um it’s attached to the network regulator exists the hammer is from Ad Astra unless the hammer doesn’t exist anymore like the recipe for it no it does it exists it’s there it’s just not there um now the hammer itself the crafting pattern exist somewhere I know we can search it

Up in the that guy over there but I do just want to have a look because it should be here two iron two stick is that what it should be two iron two stick it’s there just good old-fashioned crafting recipe um um oh I know

No I was gonna say we’re out of iron but we’re just simply not so I that whole excuse just went down the drain okay um fair enough all right we may have to and I know you’re gonna yell at me for not splitting that stuff up but it’s fine we may have to

You know what the hell is not even here oh no it’s not it’s not an iron Hammer it’s just a Hammer Hammer I’ve got two huh okay okay new problem hold on hold on it’s a new problem okay so what’s the problem man it shows that it’s in there

Right this is showing that it’s one of the items in there oh that’s just because I’ve got this guy selected oh wow the regulator in this exporter is thinking that this iron hammer in the recipe is the eye in Hannah in the crafting watch this if I change recipe to no recipe

There’s no longer a hammer there and the hammer instantly Pops in oh wow that’s a very interesting thing so yeah oh okay so what we could do just in case you have all your recipes filled up and you’re having that same problem is for the iron file for example set the

Regulator to have two in here so like um make that a two you know what I mean keep two in there um or or don’t okay you can only keep one in there but drag another one in there as a new item and that should work in theory um

And then that would keep two I’m just gonna keep it a slot empty at the moment though and that should hopefully also solve the problem um so hold on Boom macerator boom Okay so we almost said hi to the Martian again um I don’t know why I flew over here we

Have a different teleporter but we had a basic mace reader so steam side over there potentially electric side over here what are you were you always there okay I won’t get too man um can we also what is this steam is that the compressor doing that

I don’t think it is but we’ll pretend it is okay um so here it is this is the basic Master reader not only do we get a cool new UI but it literally has like buttons that fade in and stuff like it feels like a completely different mod

I also I really want to find out what is that Steam oh you know what it’s the extinguish isn’t it it’s this sound right come on come on don’t door it’s not that sound what is the sound sound recent showing recent sounds these are all the recent sounds is it bubble

Column I don’t think it is it’s not campfired Crackle what is this no block but it’s not a bell okay smoker smoke it’s not smoke like it is smoke but I don’t think it’s from a smoker that doesn’t make sense oh my God I’m gonna be here all day

No it’s not Blazers why does this sound because it’s not from Greg Tech so what on Earth is it it does not exist it just doesn’t exist what are you what are you there must be I know in the past there was I don’t know what mod it was

From but there was goggles that let you see sounds I swear I swear there was there was a way to do it I don’t I don’t know what it is though remote lens Builders goggles Otherworld goggles track man’s goggles we’ll just have to put up with it closer he is

What is the Greg Tech um steam sound let’s see um I’m gonna blow my mind okay okay I found it I found it it is lava extinguisher okay that’s all I’m all I’m gonna say okay so now we can think in peace the basic mixerator from Greg Tech it has a

Spot for power um the first thing I’ll try because I don’t really know if it’ll work but we’ll try swiping an indicate on it and see what happens simply won’t go on but there you go um I probably should let’s pick this guy up hopefully that doesn’t somehow break it

Um and look around it like see there’s some other sides to it and whatnot so cool whatever um it requires low voltage in so there you go working is enabled I can disable it like that um there’s cover settings so I’m guessing what does that do I’m guessing you can

Put something on this to cover it up cool dude is it hold on is this thing like I could put any block is that what that’s possibly said like can I disguise these is that what we’re thinking maybe so if I click the front can I Place Cobble there

Yeah okay there must be a different type of color you know what probably in the Greg Tech quest line so currently we’re in the low voltage age I haven’t picked up um what do we have basic what do we have hold on we have the basic Maze Runner okay so basic

Electronic circuit I think if I craft one of those then I can start that questline so let’s grab one of these in my inventory um I’m gonna just need copper plates which apparently we don’t have Auto crafted which I’m a little bit upset about that we’ve somehow missed copper plates look look

I’m annoyed by that um hold on copper plates we’re doing that in this guy tin plate with the hammer this guy currently it’s fine okay yeah yeah it’s fine all right copper plate um paste this recipe in there cool XC obviously we want to replace that guy click apply

Um this no we can’t select something that doesn’t require a tool which is a problem because we’re going to run into that issue where once the tools run out it thinks this is a tool um so the only way to solve that is what I said before which is keeping two files

In the system at a time which won’t actually keep two in the system it’ll just trick it into keeping tools uh too so if I go I and file I can drag this guy here as well and it will try to keep two in the system

I mean if I take this out it should craft another one I’m not going to do that at the moment but that’s what should happen all is good okay cool all I need to do is actually add that recipe we should hopefully see the weather change automatically as well um the recipe being

A processing one so we’ll go here processing boom boom boom two copper ingots equals copper plates okay I thought we did that stuff but yes we didn’t it’s fine it’s not once again not the end of the world all right electric uh circuits electronic circuit should I say double craft and then we

Can at least start up that Quest let’s jump back under the sea um I guess but then we’ll try to keep a soft eye on it um so then we will have the basics the basic base reader and so here’s what they want basic me Serena into all

Washer into thermal centrifuge back into a meter reader this is one setup for all processing that will get you many by-products byproducts are often used for recipes further on and so be sure to keep them there are many ways to automate this setup so it is left as an

Exercise for the rate we’re getting this is like homework like here’s here’s your task for tonight use these blocks and hook them up um in whatever way you see fit it’s like doing a program they give you like here’s what you’re trying to do now go and go and do it okay okay

I didn’t have this other stuff automated how hard is this other stuff to make so one of them was a centrifuge I’m guessing just a basic thermal centrifuge I think that’s what I wanted right or was it this thing all of its older crafts oh we’ve done

Great oh we’ve done a marvelous job I’m very happy with us already hold on let’s um let’s get back in the house and add some of these recipes right so what does it want from us it wants um a basic or processor it actually wants a thermal centrifuge which I didn’t see coming

Um cool we’ll add them in we’ll see if we’ve got everything so thermal centrifuge we’re going to need copper wire four times that’s actually surprisingly easy because we have the previous couple I already made so we can just combine that up bingo bingo no problem patterns one day I’ll automate patterns

Going into this guy um or even just put them in a requester but for now we’re just going to be lazy next up is all washer this guy just needs some propels it looks like um let’s tell him to just use normal glass let’s just yeah fix that um

I’m gonna set it as the exact as well I don’t want him using different glass did this guy use glass as well no we should be good then um he will need propellers uh or tin rotors I guess they call them and that’s like a that’s an ugly recipe I’m just saying

How it is this is a disgusting recipe I’m gonna need a whole new crafter for this guy all right I’ll tell you what that’s fine let’s automate Crafters from RF tools so for example this Crafter um with oh sorry with this machine frame um and then also the upgrading of each of

These I know I’ve still got exact mode on that shouldn’t be a problem I think that’s all perfectly fine and so all of these can just go in here they’re all crafting recipes I believe yeah all crafting recipes cool some of them are invisible so keep an eye on

That some of them will literally like vanish in your inventory so just like yeah watch out for that I guess um Okay so what are we doing I’m crafting a at Greg I’m crafting a thermal centrifuge apparently I I will say is that electronic circuit done it is I’m going

To grab that to complete that Quest right yes oh beautiful oh and it remembered that I already had mace Raiders and stuff how long one minute we’re restarting come on man whose idea was this all right let’s um oh you know what as well yeah there’s Rewards yeah okay

So we’re gonna start getting cables and stuff oh my God okay passive oxygen line You’ll need it huh what little oxygen okay sure yeah um let me collect whatever other quests I’ve done I guess we’ll grab this stuff I guess I don’t have room for it really

I do it okay I don’t know why I can’t accept that then automation nope bronze plate I just need a bronze plate on me okay oh ah no I think the server’s done bronze plate we’ve got that that’s gonna be a bunch of quests done I think

When it updates maybe bronze play from all yours I have it there it is I’ll be back okay as we were um welcome to the steamage Steam Machines can process any recipe in Jui up to usage 32 EU per tick so low voltage stuff cool there are high

Pressure and low pressure variants of machines low pressure machines will take twice as long to process recipe but consume less steam okay so the high pressure ones were twice as fast allegedly after every SV Steam Machines need to vent that’s what we did um automation

I was just seeing if there was like um like you could pipe the excess steam somewhere else or something um I’ll take that that’s fine um yeah automation Okay so rather than live in a crafting grid making plates and wires it is often easier to automate these applied

Energistics can handle this nicely when you set use substitutions to yes so that’s sort of like um in the padding grid how we have exact having that off is meant to be used substitutions you know I mean that’s why it lets you use tinted glass normal glass all that sort of stuff unless

They’ve changed it recently refined storage doesn’t do that with tools um with um you know all these things once they use durability it’s like completely new thing whereas on the flip side like they have the ability to do it sort of if you look in processing like and you click on these there’s

Alternatives I guess it’s not the same but I feel like they could easily like I think they can do it you know I mean I mean obviously they can do it applied in logistics has done it but I feel like they’ve got this stuff already sort of

Maybe maybe not maybe I’m being a bit too dreamy um refined storage struggles in this regard because it will not use the same tool twice due to um it’s pretty much the the data in the tool in the item an alternative here could be to set up your

Auto crafting in something like an RF tools crafter that’s what we’ve got going um automation is highly recommended especially when we begin dealing with fluids you can set machines to automatically output back into a patent provider or a crafter just be sure to toggle the allowed inputs from output side settings okay

Um the thing that I don’t know though um I’ll put back into a pattern provider slash crafter can you output into a Crafter I didn’t think you could like obviously visually you can’t but maybe you can magically I’m not sure I might have just been a I might be misinterpreting what that means

But I’ll pretend that I am a bunch of circuits okay basically yeah the final boss of steam so yeah we can make a bunch of those and then we get through there okay cool so there’s getting started as well yeah okay sure there’s all the stuff about the voltage and stuff um we’re

Just gonna nail it I’m pretty sure right um so where are we we’re trying to make the rest of the stuff now those cables we’ll get back to those in a second um we need a thermal centrifuge what does that need nothing craft awesome next up we need an all washer what does

That need two tin rotors oh yeah I forgot that we were looking at that recipe Okay cool so I’m gonna grab a tier three Crafter easily and we’ll go over there and automate that guy that should be fine it should be fine okay guys we’re just

Gonna automate I want I’m gonna set up the oil processing fully or not fully automated but like I’m gonna set that stuff up this episode Ash oh that’s not good picking up Ash typically means something burnt um May burnt on the depot maybe something dropped on it like a stick or something

Maybe hopefully genuinely hopefully um so what do we need we just need a crafter like a diamond crafter and an importer and probably just a stack upgrade on that guy and that should be him pretty much covered um so let’s go ahead and do that um the crafter

Tier three is built awesome you’re gonna go here you will have a crafter attached like so you’re gonna need power importer and I’ve somehow put my cables away that’s fine we’re actually running through them cool so this is ready to go it’s ready to go the recipe we require

Of course is the rotor that I’ve somehow disappeared um I believe it was a tin rotor so we’ll go ahead and pass that guy in there I’ll double check it was for the oil washer yeah two tin rotors um so there it is I obviously want to do

Iron variants of each of these tools so iron screwdriver etc etc so oh I can’t yeah I’ve got actually half the stuff it’s fine uh we’ll set that to X whatever or click apply now we don’t have tin Rings or screws automated the only thing we have is everything

Else which is pretty good but we don’t have uh the tin ring or the tin tin screws so we’ll bookmark both of those tin screw needs 10 bolts which apparently we don’t have automated that’s great as well tin ring needs 10 rod we’ll just put it all in here um yeah

Yeah I should be fine it’s not gonna be fun this is horrible I’m just gonna add the recipes here okay and we’re just gonna pretend it’s fine can we just do that and then if it is fine just be happy like can we just let’s all just hope that this is fine

So what do you need you need a tin rod let me just we don’t have 10 rods automated nope okay great just just what do we have what are we going to use yeah sure why not why not use this no this is a rod uh yeah we’ll do that

Yeah it’s fine the one yeah so you’re gonna use an Ingot you’re gonna make it Rod the rod gets used by the ring this guy uses bolts that’s all fine nothing is broken just yet the screw needs bolts did I already do that no okay cool so the bolts

Are going to use a tin rod with a saw here’s where it could be a problem because tin rod with a saw like 10 Rod is the ingredient um is the same as this guy so they’re gonna fight over who gets to use it and so we just we just simply can’t

Get it like that doesn’t work um finding every inventory slide all items yeah okay we’ve got to move one of these to a different um a different crafter and well it might not be a problem this guy has has a spot doesn’t he oh he’s got

Two spots oh brilliant he saves a day only problem is I don’t think we need any of the tools what what have we got now yeah nothing that we need that’s fine well we can still work it out all right so 10 bolts are what what I’m going to

Craft elsewhere so I’m going to remove that click apply cool we’ll jump over to this guy and I’m going to in one of these empty recipes add in 10 volts as a option we’ll click that cool I’m sure we’ll say that’s fine I will then go in here

And I need an iron saw oh yeah I can’t oh no I can’t drag it into you so iron saw goes there so we should tuck one in um so this guy would turn what and I a tin Rod okay that’s fine so then what what is it let’s make the recipes

Um so this recipe here has to be a processing recipe I believe and so I need oh my God Hammer file screwdriver all right I’ve got the stuff so we’re gonna need not that uh tin screw a tin ring um sorry um Iron Hammer I no no not those sorry not those thankfully

Um and then just 14 plates I think that was it four templates tin ring two screw cool yeah nice so yeah easy that can be done and that makes us a rotor awesome wonderful love your work um then we need to make a recipe for each of these things so for example

Um two tin bolts equals a screw so screw two ten bolts I mean you guys have seen this before I I just feel the need to show it because this is all I’m doing for like the next year all right next is tin Rod equals 210 Bolt 10 Rod 210 bolt nice

Love your work um next is 10 rod uh tin file equals tin Rod so we need yeah um processing 10 Ingot equals 10 right I meant to be saying there but that’s fine um and now the ring so the ring is just going to be 10 Rod equals 10 Ring 10 Rod

Equals 10 ring I know we’re good that’s that’s everything I’m just gonna have to just simply got to put them where they belong so for example this guy was making bolts so the thing that makes bolts is this game he goes there cool um this could not work possibly

If a single other thing needs a tin Rod as an input we’re good same goes here if I’ve messed something up here 10 Rod 10 ingot that’s fine 10 bolts I think we’re good all of these look perfectly fine somehow okay so all I need to do for this game is add

Those tools courtesy of um an exporter on the top I sort of forgot how I had these guys set up importer there that goes there um X exporter a regulator and a crafting card which of course I don’t have it automated why would I have an automated Oh I thought we don’t have

Gold brilliant it’s fine remain perfectly cut okay exporter craft a regulator cool you Jack made off you will be receiving iron Hammer iron file iron screwdriver you’re gonna be placing all those in there I’ll click remember sure I believe this is good to go Shelby Rhoda is what we’re attempting to craft

It says I can so I will click it and I will just sort of wait I do actually have to move my stack upgrade back just to you know make sure that he can keep up with it works how good oh awesome okay act break

Hey Greg it’s me again I need a washer ah you need tin I’ve got you covered tin got an Ender bag sure I could double it but we’re just gonna do that for now so that’s now tin um we need our washer boom he’s gonna use some of those

Yeah okay and if we are really lucky we could order another macerator and I will because it said we needed another one and so if we’re gonna do this properly I also could have just used my teleport if we’re gonna use this properly well we’re gonna do it right okay

Okay all right guys so I’ll put this guy back against the wall he doesn’t need to be anywhere else there he is cool ah you know what I do want him over this side let’s go ahead and bring Dr silk touch back Dr silk touch is of course this guy here

Um we’re gonna pick this guy up ah you as well he’ll pick you up as well um there’s no real nice way to put this it’s a nice place to put this I should say yeah Under the Sea you look great um I can possibly grab the stuff from this

To put in there right out or or whatever cool well I have cables running underneath the power um so next I need what do I need thermal centrifuge and possibly a washer I don’t know which order I guess it tells me here doesn’t it um or washer then Central then now these

Guys because I didn’t look at all the other things we’ve got to cover settings there’s output settings um left click to tune the item order output right click to tune the fluid Auto output so for example I can um tell this guy to order output on the right side I guess

With a right click to tune the fluid and electric to do the item okay cool okay I I believe you um sure what was that sorry order output um I could do that right oh it kind of looks cool yeah okay I was thinking like do we want to use pipes

And stuff so we can see the things or something like I’m sure there’s some nice looking pipes that will show the item otherwise I literally just play some old next to each other which we can do you know it’s not it’s not the worst thing that I’ve ever come up with

Um but it might be a little boring and I’m not too sure um regardless let’s see if we can get power into these guys so we obviously got cables right um we may have used them great what we got I’ve got wires I think is what no I

Swear we’ve got a bunch of quest wires we must have used them all um but we can grab these right and we can grab these low voltage tin cables for example um and that should be good that should move power across there is also an energy converter

That you can get and so for example you can get a low voltage converter native conversion and it will convert it into like um just better power I guess and we’ve got a lot of power so we can push for a high amp low voltage converter I think

Um I think we can do that so like this guy the 16 AMP one it sounds pretty good the only problem is you need heavy tin cables but the other stuff we can do 16 times 10 cable plastic and Tin wire and that just goes down to stuff that we have

We can do it we can do it like but we can’t do it we can’t do it okay I’m just gonna add all the recipes so that we can work our way back so I need this these are just crafting recipes good old-fashioned crafting recipes nothing too crazy going on here you’re

Just gonna be that oh my God what a perfect patterns that all goes in there I think that’s everything yep there’s like an invisible one again not sure whose fault that is LV energy converter yeah so I just need iron and Tin and oh there’s also something else there

That I just saw that I didn’t like the look of um but tin I’ll grab out a couple of those and iron as well we’ve probably got some somewhere in like a villager thingy that we’ve got but you know it’s fine it’s not the end of the world

Um and what do we need to make this into an older modium furnace because that I should try to remember that because it is a worthwhile thing um furnace is that or is it not a thing it’s not a thing is we’ve got netherrine furnace oh it is but it’s not here

Oh how weird it’s like a little Easter egg you’ve gotta you’ve gotta want it you’re gonna believe wow look at that some hint it’s all here’s the thing right every so often I I think about this right right um there are items that exist in these mod packs

That aren’t in Jui there’s recipes that exist in these mod packs that don’t exist in ji for all you know a specific combination of dirt and Cobble in the crafting table could craft like the best item in the game but you just don’t try it because you’re

Like ah the recipe is not in ji it doesn’t exist but it could like this furnace for example it the netheroe furnaces there we’re not searching by mod we’re just searching furnace this thing is called a furnace and yet it doesn’t exist anywhere else it’s something to think about unless

Unless I’m missing something and this is embarrassing but yeah so we just need a bunch of all them on you um oh is this do we have nine all the modium a little bit more okay I was like that looks doable it’s not too dual I mean we could probably do it

If we really wanted to but that’s fine um okay LV can I craft you now or what are you saying that you don’t have red alloy cable was that a thing I thought it wasn’t a tin or do I have to pick is it is that the kicker

Oh one of them is red alloyed the rest of tin gotcha gotcha all right all right yeah yeah okay boom red alloy same thing we’ve already got oh sorry we’ve already got these stuff crafted at the very base level yeah this one here and so now that is all doable as well

And so I can try this again and so what this is doing my understanding of this is this will bypass the need to generate power within Greg Tech which does sound a little bit cheesy yeah it definitely does but we’ll give it a shot regardless because you know

Where there’s cheese there’s a way or something um lots of stuff needs to be crafted I’m a little bit concerned this guy’s still not done just because what’s this is it still that one um alloy guy that we had this guy here no wait this guy here yeah he’s still pretty slow

We could upgrade him um high pressure steam oh wait wait I always smelter can I just make a basic can I do that oh we could still basically I’d still need the power regardless but arguably there’d be no need to make the high pressure one I mean how expensive

Is this like can I just order that yeah I’m just gonna order all the how do we not have nuggets automated one of the most embarrassing and I’m still not going to just out of principle at this point um Um hi alloy we’ll make this guy because we’ve already got the steam generated you know what I mean so we can do this quite easily um just by picking this guy up and placing him down everything should still work as is he’ll just be twice as fast

To finish off the rest of these uh Little Things so what we’re just waiting on some stuff yeah there we go all right everything’s there um I’m going to now pick this guy up might make a bit of a mess but that’s fine open him up go ahead and upgrade

Him look at his split Chuck him back down he’s already filled up so this is apparently twice as fast as the last guy that we had or the or the way they were that the last guy was twice as slow which is a weird way to do it

Um we will need to give this guy some steam output so tell this guy that like that’s the side and that should update once again just got to give it a few seconds to I guess visually change his Mojo but I don’t know I guess it’s faster yeah okay that’s awfully so yeah

Are we not gonna like how long is that gonna take I I’ll have to be back when it’s done but I I how much is it ordering because I’ve got a full stack on me as well I could just make another one and just place it next to it to like

Manually boost this guy just temporarily which is awfully tempting um oh actually I could just borrow these right because if I just take this out and Chuck these in it’s now working as well you know do we have any more this is an alloy smelter as well but I did he’s working

This guy’s an early smelter as well yeah I’ve got two right here is that something I want to do okay he’s pretty much done all right um we just got the offer for a beacon which is pretty cool we might be able to mess around with that somehow

Zombie heads as well that’s tempting um but this guy who spawned under what are you doing mate get out of here what are you doing there’s only one of you as well I’ve noticed huh could only teleport one of your boys down here yeah convenient um something was about to happen

And this guy’s just oh yeah the beacon um what I was gonna see was we do have the Twilight Forest oh 10 pad oh I’ve heard these are pretty cool I’m sure why but I’ve heard it was cool down there I might just buy one um book enchantment mover

Okay I mean we can obviously make stuff this is what I was gonna look at though if we could split it into stuff what did that say s um what I’m thinking though was um the uncrafting table uncraftable potion the uncrafting table it like it’s a thing it’s hidden from

The menu but like as you can see it’s it lurks in the shadows this thing will uncraft stuff just saying just saying if you you know get a few beacons going it’s on the table it’s an option I will uh I will buy some though because why not

And by some I mean I guess what yeah yeah you want all right are we done almost oh my God I just realized now it’s gonna do all these as well I was just like putting everything back in and I’m like ah finally we’ve got exactly what we

Wanted and now it’s doing all these and this is just it’s not going to be done this episode unless I literally just AFK here and at that point like what am I doing you know um well is everything else done at least kind of like clay stuff down I’ll feel a

Bit better or washer another Mesa reader beautiful yeah okay we’ve got the all washers set up we’ve got the mace Raiders so these guys we can configure at least um so the output settings essentially I’m going to turn on this side click this and then double click it I think

Click now it’s Auto and that should visually change on this screen this should turn it into an output or at least it should um it clearly hasn’t done that maybe I’ll pick this stuff up just to like verify these is this something I can wrench is that what they’re trying to say

I double click that does that do anything and place this guy here if I was to double click that does that do anything all right they both said to Output cool you’ve just got to sort of do it quick so we go output we look at it and we click once click twice

That’s what I was doing I’ll open it again and try it again click once click twice and now it says Auto we leave that and it will update uh to be outputting so all of these uh in a way ready um in terms of cables I think we will

Still need a big like uh well cable the thing is like what am I looking at do I need these like actual cables and what’s the difference Max voltage Max amperage okay so I just need these 16 times ones cool what’s the difference between a cable

And a wire well one’s that oh one has more loss okay cool per meter which is per block so arguably I’d want another one of these which is going to be not too bad of a recipe I mean this guy is slowly getting there he is catching

Up I really wish I had that accelerator but that should be fine I’m gonna order another one and I’ll tell you what I’ll just play mobile game for a little bit I’ll I’ll try and win back my trophies on this little game I’m playing in between little things there’s so much in

This pack that’s slow as it is good what do these look like this is pretty cool power is obviously going in there let’s find this mess right up there what are there other options circuit settings so we can overclock oh okay so we can under clock it to like ultra low voltage

And possibly you could put an upgrade on this to actually overclock it is that what they’re suggesting um and then circuit settings place a programmed circuit in this slot to change its configured value hold shift when clicking buttons to change by five a program circuit in this slot is also

Developed for recipe inputs cool don’t know what that means I’m sure that we’ll uh show up at a later date in the meantime boom we just got a low voltage machine casing yay how you doing ah uh oh he’s actually we’re actually low on Steam this is rare not even

Low on Steam just low on uh like output you know what I mean it’s not outputting fast enough as this guy’s uh eating it up I think all right I’ve got to upgrade a different machine as well because it’s just too slow what are you doing I’m not gonna upgrade the machine

But this guy does need more Steam this guy still has a bunch of steam he’s just not able to move it fast enough I guess this guy has enough steam so yeah it’s purely just the moving of the steam at the moment which means arguably

And I don’t like this oh you know what we might be able to cheese it a bit let’s go in Tangled block yeah let’s just do a quick little bit of cheese let’s uh entangle the fluid tank go ahead and place the fluid tanks here let’s grab an extra fluid pipe bye

Boom set this guy to extract and that should now provide steam to this guy faster than he can use it and so he’s actually processing again awesome cool yay oh he actually uses a lot of steam is that what’s happening or is he just bogged down does he not have enough

Copper is he meant to have more copper for some reason why wouldn’t he have the copper surely if he’s meant to have copyright let me take this stuff out I’ll put them back in later if I need to oh nothing’s working why oh because I blocked the vent gotcha my bad

Uh yeah gotcha gotcha gotcha um all right I need you to spin that way and then this will be the output again all right well back a bit ever remain perfectly calm I’ll be back when this stuff’s done I’ll Chuck this back in old’s good okay I believe we’re good let’s get at

Greg we should now I can’t we still don’t have it interesting we don’t even have the cables oh okay no we’re crafting plates now all right what uh yeah okay are we done now though oh we are the cable the voltage thing’s there all we need now is the tin cable I

Ordered and I’m I’m sure it’s on its way guys I’m sure it’s happening let’s let’s have a look come on we’re very close to Greatness here um we’re actually waiting on a piece of rubber to me to be made which is interesting because I didn’t see anything down there like I don’t

Think I’ve got anything left over that would cost I’ve got sticky resin on me but I think that’s from a tree that broke maybe um I might cancel and order another one I think that’s maybe a safe bet let’s jump back down here tin cable um oh I’m actually gonna need

And I need a lot of these let’s get one for starters and we’ll go from there um I should also check just like energy cables to see if you know or energy pipe sorry just to see if they work I doubt it but you know we can try

Um let’s go at Greg again um oh there we go okay cool um while that’s crafting then I will order I believe the three more although I think actually four more that I will need I need a little bit more tin get it happening um did that actually happen nope

That’s fine okay and then at Greg and then we’ll order four of these just so it’s crafty in the background get that done it’s listen it’s about to happen okay so just to test this out here he is there’s input sides which I would imagine a green and output sides which I

Would imagine is that red side that’s that’s my current guess as to what’s happening here um in terms of cabling realistically I’m gonna run multiple cables underneath here oh they’re massive yeah they’re full blocks these ones because once again I guess they’re 16 times um is this guy what we’re going to be

Waiting on yeah so what’s the best way to do this at the moment at the moment to test if this works the best way to do it is by placing this guy here and then placing some energy on the top I’m guessing in the form of an Ender

Gate we’ll just do a hardened one at the moment so boom and so this guy in the perfect world would fill up with power we are not in the perfect world apparently this guy’s got no power in him um it’s possible he needs to be wrenched or something let’s have a look

Um look I’m gonna spin him this way and then actually I’ll spin him facing up does that change anything still nothing he’s still showing that he doesn’t have any EU this guy does have power available so like if it was possible it would be happening right that’s obviously a main thing here um

And well that’s I mean that’s all I’ve got what else could you do mate if that’s not the input and that’s not the input then what what’s the input um I suppose I didn’t look at the other side of this guy you know maybe maybe the other side’s where the input is

Nope okay um is there a page on converters um here we go um do you already have a setup for RF slash Forge Energy power generation in that instance you could make energy converters to turn that RF into EU and cable this to your machines by default

It is setting the EU to RF okay so you will need to thwack it with a soft Mallet to change it to RF to EU cool so we need to swag it oh and then um the red side is the EU and the green sides are for RF

Cool and you can rotate it so we need a soft Mallet one of these guys foreign of course it’s a little bit more rubber that we have to crop but that’s that’s fine it’s everything fine as then we’ll make that guy we’ll thwack this guy as stated and then he’ll be

Good at that point we’ll have enough cable so I’ll just keep this guy here the red is the it claims the Reds yeah I think the Reds the EU side as it said so I’m guessing oh yeah sorry I’m guessing I need to tell it to face

Down like that I think that’s how that works you can be covered and so that’ll all be there we’ll see but we’ll see if that changes when we whack it right so at the moment the Reds the EU slides sure when we like it will be the other way around or or is

That already the thwacked you know what I mean I I think what I’m saying makes sense but all right I will uh play another round okay I have successfully gamed and this guy is successfully done okay we should now have if we go to great we should now

Have four of the cables we should also have the ability to make a soft mallet rub a soft Mallet we’re going to thrive this guy um why converting native energy in and outs cool and so I’m going to run this cable here just to begin with

I will then attach my indicate oh powers in oh power’s not currently out converting native energy in and out okay interesting hmm what’s okay so none of these are working currently sure that’s fine um output settings have nothing to do with power voltage in that should be fine

Guys here he’s got that attached this is this yeah okay so what do I need this to be the opposite is that what they’re trying to tell me I need to do that because that’s not the case I think it was fine the way that it was um

Problem is just that the cable’s not cabling how do I how do I cable the cable okay insult the book how does one cable the cable so green sides are for RF you can rotate red side is for EU okay so the red side’s the bottom and

We’ve got that attached correctly as far as I’m aware um I’m not seeing a thing about cables so we’ll go back to this steamage I don’t see anything about cables there but I guess makes sense we’ve obviously got the starting part here where it talks about energy

And Greg Tech is measured in engine units EU energy utilization is measured in EU per tick you can produce energy in Greg Tech or you can choose to make energy with another mod and convert it to EU cool we’ve done that um amperage and voltage amp select

Packets of power EU per tick and can come in different voltage tiers low voltage medium Etc um machines which receive extra amps will not explode cables and wires will burn if given more amps than they are rated for okay sure I get you machines and cables and wires are ready

For operating at specific voltage tubes giving a machine too much voltage Matrix makes it explode giving a wire cable too much voltage makes it burn out low voltage 32 cool so on awesome um voltage loss we don’t care voltage conversion um I don’t think we care or do we

Um two lvng hatches can accept two amps of lve each resulting in the ebf being able to process medium voltage recipes this is a key aspect to progressing our voltage tiers in Greg Tech cool pour it okay sure okay I mean I get that so what am I doing wrong has this cable

Burnt out quote unquote is that what they’re suggesting or will it physically will it actually burn out like it won’t work Max voltage is 32. Max amperage is 16. this guy is a 16 amp low voltage which means he will only produce 16 amps and 32 volts so that’s perfect that’s exactly

What we’ve got um the cable should fill up with power because it says it can the macerator itself might not be able to you know what I mean like maybe it can’t um no he says he can take yeah he says he can take the the voltage oh apparently I’m activating sticky keys

Oh yeah new CPU oh a new uh uh SSD that makes sense working enabled overcooked so what am I doing wrong with the cable Cable’s the problem then right tin cable hmm wire cutters I can break it with that makes sense I guess what am I missing I’m missing something handy tools

The wrench can do stuff to change outputs and rotate them the file is crafted you know what it might be it could be that like these guys do have a power side to them you know what I mean like these guys need to be spun around or something

Do we think that’s possible let’s place this one here there’s nothing on the bottom of this guy if I spin him around there’s nothing on the back that’s obvious I can double right click and we can see if that actually I mean I think that’s just the output right

Because that he obviously has a thing on top man I’ve I’m quite baffled to be honest oh there we go huh what do the cables actually need to go above unless I like configure it differently I mean I guess maybe maybe that’s the case in which case I can have this guy here

Face him up place this guy here we’ll Mount this guy um run this along the top and they all getting power now no why not why not so the cable’s the problem I just don’t know how cable works I mean I guess that makes sense then I don’t know how the cable Works

Um I’ve man laughs absolutely I’m gonna lose my mind tools Hammer manually crafting plates repair him in anvils cool screwdrivers can you configure machines and covers wire cutters oh my God yeah they’ll enable wires and stuff okay we need wire cutters wire cutters I will craft a pair

Of course of course okay so that means I can probably put them underneath sure that’s good let’s put this guy there we’ll slap this down I guess let’s pick this guy up bring him with us Place him now okay uh do I have to reconfigure this guy

Let’s have a look output over here left click left click it might work maybe it looks like he’s gonna work ah um wire cutters exist and so I can right click the top I hit shift right click the top why are you where what what is this

That made sense didn’t it well I just did right click the bits to do the stuff what are you doing man why cut is there a crafting tool and right clicking on why slash cables will enable or disable connections to other blocks okay okay oh okay so they were already green right

So it should have already been working is that is that what I understand oh wait no red is hmm no no not a clue okay here’s what I’m gonna do I’m going to search cable I’m gonna get a tier one tin cable right that shouldn’t take too long and we’ll

See how that connects to stuff right because if it needs to be read then that makes sense we can easily go through and fix all that yeah but basically that um surely you don’t take that long mate come on few seconds and we should have him hopefully

But yeah man I know there’s a long episode I guess you guys know that bye now all right tin cables so if I place it here it doesn’t connect to anything if I have the wire cutters and I right click here and we wait for it to turn red does that connect

Is the question of the day okay that’s the answer as you can see here the red means go and so it connects cool okay that works then so all I need to do is hit each of these I don’t think you need a shift right click

And so I will just go through here and select all of these that’s already red that will be red that will be red that’s already red that would be red and that should all magically work is basically my final verdict um and so it is now just a matter of

Waiting this guy here should already be facing the bottom I believe we can shift right click to make sure yep he’s already facing the bottom so it’s just a matter of waiting for this stuff to update so for example waiting for that guy to update and some of these I might

Have to go back and right click some more um but I will be honest I’m not sure the thing is I’m picking up blocks instantly so I’m blaming Greg Tech still for some of this stuff being slower than I feel like it should so this guy I need to connect

Oh there we go we’ve got power going in there no power here let’s right click this guy power’s coming in power’s coming in let’s go we’ve done it that took way longer than it needed to I apologize but at least now you guys know so there we go this guy is purely

Powered we’ve got everything in here um the only this guy I picked up so I’m gonna have to probably reset him to be um outputting correctly yep we’ll pretend that worked and so in theory I grab a stack of iron I Chuck it in here and it begins what is the speed looking

Like 20 seconds with two EU per tick ultra low if we’re going into overclock can I bump this guy up low voltage why low voltage I’ve Got The Power we’ve got the amperage why is it low voltage what am I missing on that you guys gonna

Have to help me with that one then because I I clearly don’t know why it’s low voltage he’s got plenty of power is that just what he is no you can use voltage in 32 EU per tick currently he’s getting or he’s at least using two

He’s set to low voltage in here I could downgrade him but that doesn’t do anything that just makes him worse or you know it doesn’t do anything oh and so then this guy gets crushed or and so you’re meant to be a washer you are a washer I imagine you’re meant to

Get water as well aren’t you um we do have a sink up there do we have it syncs automated I think we do right cool let’s grab a sink it’s fine guys we’ll just get this guy hooked up and then we’ll wrap this episode up everything’s everything’s fine

Come on sync yeah you’re having a laugh how difficult is it to craft us some terracotta surely that’s the easiest thing on the planet mate 10 terracotta make it snappy please I’m begging you okay at this point it is literally fast for me to just make some more pipes and

Bring the stuff we’ve already got all right so this is water so I’m going to bring it across and down here as this guy has water now so he’s now able to crush or at least he will I guess once he gets some more water sure

So we’ll see that happen at some point maybe in saying that he’s kind of just not doing anything what does he do hold on or washer crushed iron ore plus distilled water so I need a programmed circuit otherwise to get this to happen Okay I think that I think that’s a job for another day maybe I mean I say maybe but like I I’m just gonna title this like Greg Tech all processing you know like Greg Tech mace reader I mean hey the mace reader works that’s what this episode’s gonna be

You’re welcome guys thank you guys for watching hopefully you’ve enjoyed it hopefully you’re having fun hopefully you’re learning something about Greg Tech I know I definitely am even if it’s taking a little bit longer than it should hopefully having fun thank you for watching as said again

Um this is a long one so I’ll try to wrap it up quick thank you for being a channel member if you are or a donator thank you guys don’t feel pressed to be one um but once again thank you to those of you that are um hopefully you guys having fun

I’ve said that like 20 times but hey it’s not over the years are Um and yeah hopefully I’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye

This video, titled ‘Ep47 Gregtech Macerator – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2023-09-15 20:00:15. It has garnered 728 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:39:05 or 5945 seconds.

This is a series on the ATM 9 Modpack! We’re jumping in quite early the modpack so we can look forward to frequent updates, and all the fun that comes along with those! Traditionally ATM packs have some fun late game goals to work towards, and a wide range of mods at your disposal to tackle whatever it is you want to, by whatever means you want to. By starting early, some things may be different in this playthrough when compared to the version you’re playing in the future, but for the most part it should be similar 🙂 You’ll just have a lot more mods to play with!

Things: Modpack – Client Side Mods – (The Physics mod pro can be found for free on the authors Patreon. You can also support them financially to assist in making the mod, as with all these other awesome mods and shaders we interact with!) Shaders – Playlist –

Partnership: Code – DEW BisectHosting – They have provided us with a free server to host our YouTube Community server on, and the code gives a discount if you plan on hosting your own.

The Dew Crew ATM Server: Depending on when you are watching, we may have a community All The Mods 9 server up and running 😀 You can join the server via our community Discord- and all the information you need should be found in the #welcome channel 🙂

#ATM #Minecraft #ATM9

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    EPIC GAMER BATTLE: NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM vs ME! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM VS ME #shorts #viral #ytshorts #trending’, was uploaded by Plays GamerZ_ on 2024-01-17 06:15:00. It has garnered 19 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM VS ME #shorts #viral #ytshorts #trending parkour,minecraft,minecraft hacks,technoblade,dream,asim aly shorts,challange,noob,hacker,dream vs technoblade,technoblade vs dream,minecraft dream vs technoblade,dream vs,best parkour,real life parkour,irl parkour,best parkour compilation,parkour shorts,best of parkour,minecraft dream,dream minecraft,dream smp,dream team,dream tiktok,techno,minecraft streamer,minecraft streamers,tiktok streamer,minecraft school noob vs techno vs dream vs me #shorts #viralnews noob vs techno vs dream vs me me… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parody Song with Surprise Ending! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Parody Song with Surprise Ending! 😱Video Information [музыка] один чёрный узкий мальчик разработал Ловкий планчик Как украсть у деда бутерброд род дед его хотел захава но беда хоть он и старый У дедули дел не в проворот весь день в поле он ебал наколол дровишек в баньку узкий мальчик в дом проник урот думал наконец похавать но спалился узкий парень не трожь мой буть ребро This video, titled ‘#minecraft #шортс #песня #майнкрафт #пародия #приколы #morgenshtern #мем #рекомендации #юмор’, was uploaded by NyrиK33k on 2024-01-03 13:55:56. It has garnered 2557 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • All The Mods Gravitas CyanDeserts

    All The Mods Gravitas CyanDesertsWelcome to All The Mods Gravitas CyanDeserts, We Are a All The Mods Gravitas Server . Our goal is to create a community of players, that love Modded Minecraft and care for one another. now for some reason this server list wants the description to be at least 100 characters long Read More

  • BCraft – smp, 18+, whitelist, crossplay

    Welcome to Our 18+ Community! If you’re looking for a build-oriented SMP with creative players, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re a builder, redstoner, or just enjoy projects big or small, you are welcome here. No playtime requirements – your progress stays intact even if you take breaks. Join our cross-platform server for both Bedrock and Java players. Experience a Hermitcraft-inspired economy with diamonds as currency. Visit our shopping district at spawn to buy and sell goods. Take advantage of our resource and creative worlds connected to the server. Rules are simple – no discrimination or racism, just… Read More

  • TulipSurvival 1.20.4 | Your safe place | Semi Vanilla Friendly Survival (Very Friendly Admins!)

    TulipSurvival 1.20.4  |  Your safe place  |  Semi Vanilla Friendly Survival  (Very Friendly Admins!)TulipSurvival is a semi vanilla Minecraft Survival 1.20 server with quality of life plugins to make your experience even better!You can play with your friends, make land claims, make towns, make player warps, buy & sell items to others and more!Come join our welcoming community 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Building and playing with friends is my Minecraft addiction!

    Minecraft Memes - Building and playing with friends is my Minecraft addiction!Well, I guess you could say this meme is really building up its reputation with a score of 57! Read More

  • Submerged Splendor: Minecraft’s Underwater Wonder

    Submerged Splendor: Minecraft's Underwater Wonder In the depths of Minecraft, a hidden villa lies, Beneath the waves, where the ocean sighs. Crafted with care, a mansion underwater, A true work of art, a gamer’s wonder. With glass floors and tropical fish so fine, Each one unique, in a watery shrine. But beware, only one fish per column to show, Lest they fight and cause a watery woe. To keep the water out, a clever trick, A pathway to block, the flow to stick. Dig deep, build high, create a grand design, In the underwater mansion, where the sun does shine. So dive into the… Read More

  • Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God: The Ultimate Showdown

    Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God: The Ultimate Showdown “Why did the Minecraft noob bring a shovel to the fight against the hacker and god? Because he heard they were digging their own graves!” #gamerhumor #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Hosting Minecraft Server with Friends

    Ultimate Guide: Hosting Minecraft Server with Friends How to Play Minecraft with Friends || Create a Server on Aternos 2024 In this Minecraft video, you will learn how to play online with friends for free using the Aternos platform. From registration to customizing the server with mods and plugins, each step is explained clearly and concisely. It demonstrates how to start the server and provides a quick overview of the console. Finally, it showcases the server in action, with additional tips on professionally managing it! Don’t miss this comprehensive guide to enjoying Minecraft with friends without spending money! Registration and Server Creation To begin, head to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Armor and More!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Armor and More! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting video showcasing the new Wolf Armor in Minecraft 1.20.5. The process of obtaining this armor involves finding the elusive armadillo mob in the Savannah Biome or Badlands biomes. But fear not, we have the solution for you! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server at YT.MINEWIND.NET to embark on an adventure like no other. Explore vast landscapes, encounter unique mobs, and uncover hidden treasures. The Minewind community is vibrant and welcoming, making it the perfect place to craft your own story. Just like obtaining the Wolf Armor in Minecraft, joining Minewind is… Read More

  • Minecraft: Epic Legendary Start

    Minecraft: Epic Legendary Start Minecraft: The Legendary Beginning 😱🔥 Embark on an epic journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Creativity One of the defining features of Minecraft is its creative mode, allowing players to build magnificent structures, intricate redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes. With an array of blocks at their disposal, players can let their imagination run wild and bring their wildest creations to life. Survive and Thrive For… Read More

  • WAR 99: INSANE MLG Parkour in Minecraft! 💥🔥🎮

    WAR 99: INSANE MLG Parkour in Minecraft! 💥🔥🎮Video Information با This video, titled ‘Hardest Parkour + MLG 🧊😱 in Minecraft 😈😈 #shorts #viral #minecraft #war99’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-03-22 07:28:40. It has garnered 17 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Hardest Parkour + MLG 🧊😱 in Minecraft 😈😈 #shorts #viral #minecraft #war99#shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort #minecraftshorts #minecraftdaily #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #video #memes #memesdaily #funny #funnyshorts #funnyshorts #funnymoments #funnymemes #funnycomedy #funnymoments #memeviral #memesbr #skibidi #skibidibop  #skibiditoilet #skibiditoiletmeme #skibidimeme #yessmartypie #yessmartypieisindiandream #yessmartypiereacts #dreamboy #ezio18rip… Read More

  • Revealing Haunted Villager Secrets in Minecraft

    Revealing Haunted Villager Secrets in MinecraftVideo Information तो चलते हैं सीधे अबे भाई तो ठीक है गाइस अभी मैं आ चुका हूं उस वर्ड के अंदर जहां पे ये मिस्ट्री हम लोग को सॉल्व करनी है मैप स्टार्ट करने के अलावा मैं तुम लोग को बता दूं वो विलेजर से फाइट करना बिल्कुल भी ऐसा नहीं होने वाला है जैसा कि मैंने सुना है वो विलेजर मरने वालों में से बिल्कुल भी नहीं है यानी कि मैं कितना भी ट्राई कर लूं मैं उसे मार नहीं सकता क्योंकि मैं सेलेक्ट करने वाला हूं यहां से हार्ड एंड हार्ड सेलेक्ट करने के बाद हम लोग चलते… Read More

  • Unbelievable Crystal PVP Skills Revealed! Get Ready for Ht3!

    Unbelievable Crystal PVP Skills Revealed! Get Ready for Ht3!Video Information This video, titled ‘3.5 Years Of Crystal PVP | Ht3 Very Soon….’, was uploaded by GreaterSteve on 2024-03-30 14:42:26. It has garnered 2527 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. Tags (ignore): #minecraft #pvp #montage #lifestealsmp #minecraftmontage #minecraftpvp How to make minecraft montage adrenalinbox tridentbox montage adrenalin montage subscribe button is a server made by saltys. This lifesteal server has a lot of good teams to join and has 2-3 gamemodes in it at best like carts , nethpot and smp. G0CKK, Stealthreflex_, Stealthreflecks, Xicz, BL4DeZ_, simplesyed, kolocc, karmaticc, roist_,… Read More

  • Unleash the Magic: Ultimate Nether Wart Farm Tutorial in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Unleash the Magic: Ultimate Nether Wart Farm Tutorial in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information let’s continue exploring the universe within art and the art within farming in this episode we’re going to be looking at how to farm Nether wart there are a bunch of different ways that you can do this but unfortunately there isn’t a fully automatic one but we’ll be going over all the different ways for you to get tons of Nether wart so that you can pick which design fits your needs the best whether you want an automatic collection system or you just want some assistance when it comes to harvesting it hopefully this video will… Read More

  • Master English with Dronio and Minecraft! Click for FREE lesson

    Master English with Dronio and Minecraft! Click for FREE lessonVideo Information какой самый сильный моб в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это варден или Эндер дракон но нет это было бы очень легко кто-то скажет что это Иссушитель но этот моб намного сильнее и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это заряженный крипер Он запросто может убить игрока в незеритовой броне с одного удара Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской версия игры стареет Итак я заспавнился и пока что я на максимальной… Read More

  • Unbelievable! DanoDiggle Uncovers Hidden Secrets in IgnitorSMP! #minecraft #smp

    Unbelievable! DanoDiggle Uncovers Hidden Secrets in IgnitorSMP! #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey guys how are we doing how is life treating you how is how was the weekend cuz it’s now like Sunday evening you know weekend’s kind of over which is lowkey really sad but it is what it is but like how was it you know hopefully it was a fun slay weekend maybe it wasn’t I hope it was though but you you never know you never know let me get that I am in a cave kind of in the middle of nowhere to be honest but when am I not exiled hello how’s your… Read More

DEWSTREAM – Ep47 Gregtech Macerator – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack