DEWSTREAM – Ep57 One Way Windows – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods nine we are back um and last episode we did a little bit more work over in this section over here so this is sort of like our our Ender IO section at the moment we obviously made these uh silicon creators in the uh

Second last episode um and so currently we’re at what 60k silicon it’s doing pretty good it’s a nice passive Generation Um what about sand sand we have about 100K so we’re getting a lot more sand than we’re using um not so much gravel gravel were sort

Of like 15K that might even be dropping ever so slowly but yeah 100K sand that’s pretty good um I think part of that is because this guy’s sometimes giving us like oh actually we’re out of the grindstone Bowl so that that’s going to drop soon as well

Or actually completely out of it hmm okay well this happened last episode we set up these La smelters to what I thought was automation um as you can see it’s not quite the case now what I was trying I really thought we nailed it with the router I still

I’m still skeptical as to whether it should work or not um but what we’re trying to do is have it so that we can have multiple alloy smelters and if we order multiple of the same item it will spread it out evenly now the problem is obviously that

There’s three ingredients for each type of uh or for most of these uh things that’s like multiple ingredients and so splitting that up is difficult as you can see it’s kind of not worked I in hindsight I have a brand new idea it’s actually phenomenal oh no it’s not phenol oh

No no it’s not oh actually sorry I’m really I’m trying to figure it figure this one out yeah oh man it’s so annoying it’s genuinely so annoying because I thought this was it I thought this had nailed it but as you can see I mean it clearly hasn’t if we’re still having problems

Um I think part of our problem is the rate at which stuff is um placed into this chest it’s possibly a little bit too quick so yeah okay I I really thought this thing was going to be perfectly fine and we wouldn’t have to worry about it and

Yet here we are that’s the max amount of speed upgrades as far as I know I oh you know what hold on if we search upgrades actually you know I think there is a stack upgrade but I don’t think we want to move a stack we do want it to do one

At a time as it allegedly has been come on man I I really thought we nailed it um all right so what’s the problem the problem is I I think I do know the problem I think the problem is that obsidian is shared by multiple recipes in Android if we go

Over to the Alice melter I can sort of give an example um it’s used in the end steel and the dark Steel and I’m guessing that’s just the problem here because if we look I think we’ve got n still sitting around as well as dark still in here and so they’re

Wanting to go with the obsidian but instead the irons jumped in whereas obviously these ones were meant to be separated man so how do we solve that um great question phenomenal question obsidian is sitting with nothing and then we’ve got the other two ingredients so like the coal and the

Gold or whatever and then the iron and the I don’t know whatever the other one is I think hold on hold on hold up hold the phone I may have Tracked Down the problem so obsidian gets paired with n steel and dark steel coal dust iron so this has the coal dust

And dark Steel cold Us in dark steel yeah that’s what we want and then this should be the End Stone and the iron okay well that seems fine then we did that what I would assume is correctly ah I really didn’t want to do this to you guys I didn’t want to start

With what we just assumingly finished off let me cancel again let me oh gosh hold on all right I do have another idea um what if we link up both of our readers because currently we’ve got it set so that if this inventory is not empty

Um you know then let the stuff out I reckon we might be able to have both of these guys going if that makes sense so in other words if this guy’s empty and the chest then go for it how does that sound I that should work my only problem is that

That’s not gonna be pretty um so in here what do we have inventory not empty for both of these so if both inventory is not empty output resident signals I believe how we’ve got this set up because we’ve got it like um we’ve got this guy set up to be Redstone

Signal locks the order crafting okay um I could actually do I could set this to pulse I think pulse insert insert snake set that should work let’s go ahead and do um and and so what this should be is if inventory not empty and this inventory is not empty

Do the thing we will obviously now need a variable store let’s grab one go ahead and Chuck in there until we get those two and this guy will get this and let’s reset everything else oh man if this doesn’t work I might just try to

Get it to work off camera and then come back to you with whatever the solution is because I mean it’s painful at this point yeah you know what because some of these oh yeah I’ve got it I’ve actually got it and I understand the problem now

I was just about to put it together and I realized so when am I crafting something for example crafting the end steel there’s obsidian in that smelter and then what’s happening is when the order for the um other recipe comes in for that uh the where is it for the dark

Steel it’s sent it attempts to send the obsidian and it goes oh hey I found a spot for you and it places it in there we we don’t want that to happen at all oh God yeah okay that I mean that throws a problem ah we’re gonna have to do it separately I

Think which is honestly like that’s not that big a deal I think we’ll just have to do that separately I think I think that’s fine we’ll take out one of the recipes for example the end steel and we’ll just do that in a separate um a separate Rob smelters

It took me too long to realize this I’ll be I’ll be honest but uh yeah I think that’s just the smarter option I don’t know why I was so sad in having all the recipes in this one chain I mean obviously that’s more convenient but it’s just

Too much effort I think it’s it’s not worth the effort I should say that’s probably a better a better explanation there um all right well here we go we’ll try to hook this up so am I now attempting to do an identical setup here that sounds horrible do I need to now I

Don’t think I need to now right because all the items it’ll just sort itself yeah we’ll leave it as it is let’s double check that that works so if I search steel um dark steel and I order 10 is that gonna work is he able to put that together I think

He’s got to make some cold dust so that might take a little while but I guess we’ll check back in on that in a second um all right cables I’ll hook this yeah here he goes everything’s up so far equal amounts in every single one yeah cool sounds good to me all right

Nice I will uh attempt to replicate this design then you know what actually I’m I keep jumping back in here we won’t do that I have a far better idea that involves less work for me and isn’t even as good later on we’re going to go into these

Guys I only need to go into these two we’re going to get rid of the dark steel from this guy and we’re going to get rid of the End Stone from this guy right and we’ll place them back in uh oh no we still will right hold on

Hold on hold on no that’s fine yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s perfectly fine no that’s not fine no it’s a problem uh yeah it’s a problem okay don’t worry I was gonna just try to add multiple Distributors but then we’d still run into that exact same obsidian problem

Yeah my bad my bad I can’t well I’ll be back here I’ll see you sleepy back all right I think I have got all of them so they can go in there we’re pretty much done then I imagine Chuck this guy in here um oh he’s already oh he’s just already doing stuff

Great cool um we’ll put the speed upgrades in soon these guys they’re gonna need the OCTA one two three four fives awesome they’re gonna go one two three four five and everything’s working everything’s worked yeah sweet everything extracted everything’s going cool so then this guy is going to go

Ahead and get some speed upgrades and then we should still be in action cool and it is pretty good having our end still done separately I think I would be beneficial to have that still done separately as well because we obviously need that steel for the end still sure

Um but we’re making these grind bowls um pretty much non-stop so these guys are going to be running pretty much non-stop all right they’re getting power that should be fine everything here should work then I don’t think I need to time it because it’ll all be the same recipe

We don’t need to do any integrated Dynamics and that guy’s good to go okay there we go ladies and gentlemen job is done wonderful yay hooray we’re all happy everyone’s everyone’s in a great mood okay now that means that this guy here um no longer needs to be here he can be

Picked up and that is good cool um I can add him over here um and that should be fine as long as I sort of catch it before it breaks um what I should be able to do so I can place this guy here disconnect him set him up to extract

And do all that yeah I’ll hook this guy up real quick um and then we’ll jump into whatever we’re actually meant to be doing today all I should need to do need to add that to every single one and they should all now work that should be all that is required

And I guess we’ll we’ll see that later cool okay so in terms of these guys they still do not have grind balls if I search um The Grind ball and I attempt to order I don’t know one thousand it says we can I’m gonna click it

And so then these guys should rule to life now there’ll obviously be a lot of that coal dust needing to be made but at the very least some of this should begin and and so it has now I mean it’s already it’s already broken isn’t it like what’s going on here

Where’s my missing obsidian oh it’s still in the chest so I think it does catch up but that’s obviously a bit of a problem that we still have um that’s fine then we can I mean we can make that happen I am a little bit confused though how that is breaking

Because this guy’s set to pulse inserts next set he is pulsing like crazy I guess but it should be end is it not and do I need to do like both is and not what I think it is if I search and we have and which I thought would be and I’m

Pretty sure that’s what I want and I’m pretty sure that’s what I did yeah because if this is empty and this is empty Apple Redstone maybe it’s happening for that Split Second and that counts that that could be true maybe I need to give this guy a little bit just a short delay

You know what I mean because like that that shouldn’t be happening that shouldn’t be happening at all we need a I didn’t even save it let’s save that and see if we get something happening okay cool the five tick delay seems to be what we want

That seems to be pretty fair with uh how things are moving um in terms of these none of them are overflowing cool I’m happy I’ll say I’ll say good okay awesome so as a result that should obviously mean that we should start getting um grind balls into some of

These I’m not sure where they’ll go once they oh I guess these guys are filling up cool um so this guy is going to fill up with about 1 000 of them which means I probably want about three thousand just to I’m just sort of ordering these to

Get the first initial like uh burst through and then um when we get down to obviously like this section over here what’s this this just has oh it’s empty I think um but then it should hopefully be able to order the extra bits you know what I

Mean just to push it over that extra Edge we’ll see either way cool awesome that’s happening now um what do we want to do well um one thing we did start doing and I thought it was a pretty good solution but um you guys of course are attempting to one-up me

Um so occasionally we need to send stuff back to our base right I’ll set up something that’s automated like this stuff over here for example and let’s say we just wanted to send all of the Honeycombs back to the base um what that would usually consist of is

Me either bringing the network over and setting up an importer or entangling the block uh over there so what I did is I went ahead and I got an entangled binder that is bound to a chest that is hooked up to an importer so this guy’s always I can

Take him out slap him on an entangled block and then I know that that entangled block is going to send stuff back to the base and that’s pretty cool I I still think that’s pretty pretty nice and that should work um you guys however specifically Urban leat suggested the dim storage chest now

I’ve actually I’ve had this suggested quite a few times so I figured I should probably give it its uh do you it’s do you stream diligence as we’ll say here um and so it is called a dimensional chest but it’s from dim storage that’s

Why I was sort of typing it a bit weird there um so this guy now it looks scary but allegedly the recipe isn’t actually that bad it’s sort of more just it looks secure than it is by the way our um our Contraption uh doesn’t exist I’ve

I’ve lost it in between transitioning uh the server I don’t know how that took place but it’s no longer with us so I might have to try and recover that at a later date which also does concern me because in theory yeah in theory we’re out of logs now

But we’ve got 1.8 K somewhere I guess yeah we’re importing it but yeah we don’t have any new logs so that’s a problem we’ll sort it out at a later date um all right so patterns let’s make a dim storage chest because if this guy’s cheap and easy to get then it probably

Is easier just slapping down the chest rather than doing the entangled blocks or at least we’ll see we’ll see if that is the case so we need both of these things dimensional walls are going to cost us an Ender pill um and obviously some iron and whatnot and dimensional cores uh iron and

Another little thing and this thing is just some diamonds and some iron see relatively cheap it’s all just simple crafting recipes there’s no smelting involved which is nice um that’s alternate two or at least for us two entangle blocks which would cost us a lot more ender pills I believe uh obviously some

Unobtainium and some obsidian a little bit of Blaze probably more expensive I guess but on the flip side like we’ve got a lot of that stuff you know what I mean but on the flip side of that we’ve got a lot of iron you know so the other one

Isn’t too too big of a worry either all right so let’s have a look dim dimensional chest I’m gonna get two of them for now um they craft pretty quick we’re grabbing an importer because that’s obviously important if it was a slow craft it might not be as worth it I’m

Trying to I’m trying to sell it to myself because I’m I’ve obviously got the other thing set up so it’s sort of like oh we’re adding an extra step you know adding an extra job but if it can do things fast we’ll we’ll do it I guess so

Here it is dimensional chest frequency one I can open it here it is we have over here the config so I’m obviously in a world by myself so I can just leave it as a public um if I ever wanted to change that you just click it and I can just change the

Name to make it my own thing um I’m Gonna Leave it public because that’ll obviously make it a little bit easier for me in terms of um I can just slap this guy down and he’s good to go and that’s pretty good and then obviously there’s the frequency

So currently we’ll leave him as he is I don’t need to lock him that’s it a legend oh it has it oh guys that’s all you had to say if you wanted me to use it all you had to say was that there’s a beautiful 3D texture

A little animation texture oh that’s fun oh cool okay so this guy should just take care of things that should be it he’s good if I Chuck you any entangle blocks they go cool so then this is my new thing I just ordered dimensional chess and I just place them

Down so I go like oh I’m over here and place this open it up chucking Redstone it’s gone cool yeah that’s that’s pretty good see I don’t need to right click it with a wrench I don’t need to do anything else nice um in fact what I could do is if I grab

This base chest uh entangle I don’t need that anymore sure we’re going to go in here and go dimensional chest I’m going to order 63 of them you know get us a stack see how long that takes craft very very quick that is nice um so grab these out obviously this goes

Frequency one Whatever these ones are fine I should be oh I thought I was going to be able to hide this in my in my tool belt but I allegedly cannot okay okay hear me out there still might be a workaround if I grab a dank you ready we just make a good

Old-fashioned dank just uh run of the mill tier one dank and I oh dank item level one cannot open dank inventory level six well I don’t want to open up level six this is level six cool I want to open up this one do I have to huh what

Thank you Adam levonne cannot open Dengue inventory level six I don’t want you to that’s the beauty of it I don’t actually want you to open the other thing huh oh oh I I see a problem copies frequency to other danks only works on the same tier so I’ve got the wrong dank do I need to make a second dank is that what we’re thinking because obviously I’ve moved the world around so I’m guessing maybe that’s a problem if I grab you what are you

He doesn’t have an inventory but now he does hmm level three you know what it is I I know what’s happening here um because obviously I was playing on a server I think this is this is other people’s danks that I’m uh opening that I shouldn’t be having access to

Um we’ll probably store them just I don’t know why not so this is my dank I mean like yes it looks like it’s my tank so we’ll keep our level 16th over there and I’ll keep making danks until we’re good let’s go um planks and just I guess order a bunch

Guys there was not that many of you playing on the server how many dates did you make Jesus look at how many thanks I got in here there’s probably like five people on that server who’s who’s doubling up with the danks and for what what are you

Storing in them not now this is a good that’s a pretty good thing to have nice little create dank good to have on you what is this this is someone’s whole base I’ve got just in my in my backpack here all right cool all right well uh I’ll dispose of them

At some point uh you’ll you’ll have to take my word I think we’ve got all the stuff that’s in those anyway so there wouldn’t really be anything to take um but if we put dimensional chests in there oh I still I can’t even store away the Dank I had a

Plan to store the Dank in my tool belt and then use it as you know a thing to place tools okay well that doesn’t really work all right um okay how do what’s this solution then how do I do this if I have a bundle I don’t believe that works I don’t think

You can play stuff at the bundle oh you can throw stuff though I mean that’s an option okay all right oh you know what whatever it doesn’t matter we’ll just saw the chest now I give up I’m sorry I give up okay so what are we doing what’s the plan well you

Know what I I didn’t really have a plan to be honest I was just hoping that the plan would fall into my luck and it did because I was thinking ah you know what as I was flying over this I’m like I really should do something about this

And then I was like oh we need to make it useless so we need to automate Soul Sand um now in terms of Soul Sand all we needed was sand so we’ve got sand taken care of that exists now we need to do is uh work on our bulk haunting so over here

Currently we’ve got it’s a pretty annoying setup we’re using exporters and detectors and it’s I’ll be honest it’s messy it’s messy what I need to do is replace this with crafters and that is what I’m going to do I’m going to rip this up and we’re just going to turn it into a

Crafter um that will go facing the other I guess I can just pick this guy up place the Crafter there perfect um so this crafter will have a few haunting recipes for example it will have this recipe here dirt in this wait what what’s that Soul soil oh so soil no no

Sorry Soul Sand that makes sense so we would like this recipe and I would like it to be a stack for a stack that should work so we’ll take that beautiful and so this recipe will exist there I will then go into the Importer and I will order at least two of these

Guys that should be fine put that away pick up this that might make a little bit of a mess uh let’s actually grab our proper tank back there we go um oh boom that should be fine um hold on I’ve got a very messy inventory I do apologize so the import

Will go here cool the only thing I’ll have to do is possibly do a white list where I just say hey you can take out Soul Sand that’s your job that’s all you do and there it is that’s all he does so if I go in here and I search for Soul Sand

I should be able to order a stack and it should place the stack on there as you can see and then when it’s done it should be removed uh while this is happening I don’t believe we’ve got this chunk loaded or else I would have a lot less Source anime inventory or

I really do need the Um skulls to go in last now I I obviously could using integrated Dynamics be like hey you cannot place the last skull on if there’s not four uh Soul Sands there but I don’t think that’s necessarily easy to do and so I think the solution is just to

Just to break one of the skulls for now uh you know what we need to make it smarter I can’t be manually coming in here breaking things so I have a better idea we’re gonna get a Destructor just a normal one it doesn’t need to be fancy uh and we’ll have this guy

Yeah you know what oh yeah yeah oh I’ve I’ve done it I’ve only gone and done it hold on all I need is a detector ready oh this is amazing and I just need to place the detector on the side of say this guy so break this and I will place the detector

On the side of it yeah so it’s connected um this guy here is going to only work with a redstone signal okay and so what we’ll do I’ve clearly got to go around from a different side that’s fine oh don’t get sucked in or break this guy

Can I can I break it from up here gonna be a lot faster all right perfect that should still place we’re going to have this detector actively detect things who saw that one coming um no but genuinely we’re going to have this guy detect our levels of Soul Sand

If our levels of Soul Sand uh less than four so a mid signal when under four no when above four what that means is if I don’t have enough in my system it will not place the last one so currently we’ve got some Soul Sand in here

Um as seen here even a second one oh it’s actually damaging three mate you’re gonna be smarter than that come on what are you even selling me sleep charm I mean that’s fine whatever um let’s go ahead and do no soliciting is that isn’t that a thing hold on hold

On one second one moment Crafters I saw the thing there was definitely it was in the bounty board oh here we go um oh it doesn’t exist what does it hold on hold on uh wandering what do we have unlock the reins of a Wandering traitor llama wow

Invites a Wandering Trader to find a new home oh interesting okay I need to look into that can I pick him up wait all right come um yeah so how cool is that so that as you can see can work so if I go back to the Soul Sand

Um and we order two more so obviously we have four it’s gonna order a stack at a time so I guess that two more didn’t matter but it should place the thing like awesome how good ah we’ve solved it quite simply with this little guy here oh the detectors man

They they can get the job done um Okay so that’s it that’s that’s it pretty much done the only other thing would be possibly to put crafting cards on this guy or setting up our requesters to work a little bit better so if I go back in

Here Soul Sam we’ve still got two give it a second it should shoot up right here that’s where it should go because we’ll get a full Stacks worth I don’t know how long the machine takes he’s currently haunting he’s haunting as fast as he can he look he can’t go any

Faster he’s trying he’s trying it’s absolute darndest okay have to have faith that it’s working all right so it’s apparently the slowest thing on the planet because it’s still not here yet I believe it’s all chunk loaded so it doesn’t even have that excuse you know I

Mean I thought like oh maybe you could chunk load excuse no still no Soul Sand all right let’s uh let’s zip over boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Soul stands on it but it’s not being imported whitelist Soul soil okay hold on wait wait

I’m actually I’m very happy with this the only other thing would be delaying him because obviously if for whatever reason a place oh actually no he can’t place unless the other one’s on right you see how that works no actually no because it didn’t work I don’t know all

I know is that it’s working currently and that’s pretty cool um nice so this is obviously getting us um nether Stars decent amount and so all I need to do is open my backpack grab out a dim chest um oh actually yeah slap him to the side

Go to Output have him push out the left and there you go fully automated never Stars sweet now another thing we could benefit from would be a dimensional tank now they exist as you can see here and I can pretty much order one quite easily

And what this guy will allow me to do is grab the essence and stuff although in hindsight like just before I place that guy there or I guess maybe a little bit of foresight I don’t think we need him uh we’ve got a ridiculous amount of essence coming from our spawner these

Days courtesy of speeding up our spawners and as you can see I I turned off the um falling animations because it was ridiculous what’s actually happening here are we we’re still good no we’re not good oh why are we not good oh we’re good now our experience level has shut up quite a

Bit okay we we had a bit of a hitch there that was a little bit concerning but it appear to be good is everything here working the Armory cabinets still is a bit rough this guy is out of books so hey guys in terms of the rate at

Which this guy runs nowadays there you go the fact that he’s out of books means this guy is going off his chops um what are we looking at in terms of Fortune that’s obviously the creme doc creme dollar crop we do actually have some more cool um so books what’s happening we don’t

Have any yeah what that we have we don’t have any rotten flesh going into this guy um obviously we’ve got run flash so let’s grab an exporter just a good old-fashioned exporter slap this guy here maybe I don’t know get a cable or two just attach him there

And have this guy do rotten flesh I believe that’s how this works right rod and flesh goes in here and that makes us the good stuff how’s it not in there yet run flesh item exactly no redstone I’m not like I’m not crazy am I mechanical drying Basin yeah okay does

He not input from the side is that it’s a fair excuse if that’s the reason I just didn’t think it was the reason okay oh unless this guy might not be attached to anything hold on that might make more sense to be honest yeah yeah that actually that makes a lot more

Sense all right let’s go cables try this again so you’ll connect there yeah let’s try and oh I’ve I don’t know how I’ve done it but I’ve locked myself in here what I okay that’s fine um you’ve got this and this brilliant you go there exporter there just one

More time guys one more time run the flesh boom awesome and so this guy’s making books again which means we get an enchants off of the things again and obviously this guy should get his books soon as well I believe yeah you’ll get them from this guy essentially whenever he can cool

Why is that does this guy have an upgrade no neither of them have upgrades oh well they’ll fill up in no time um okay cool cool so yeah in terms of essence we’re fine nice so that’s the Wither that’s netherstars automated that’s the book’s done we’re doing pretty good

All right we’re doing good in my little world whether we’ve killed what do we get iron sight um the village of trade will be killed well making a lot of the quest lines for ATM 7 the trader villager thought it’d be funny to constantly push me around the

Quest screen take them out all of them I want everyone this is personal everyone comes into this and they’re like ah the Villager Trader or the wandering Trader ah wow look wow look at him and then like poor a weekend and you’re like flinching a little bit I’ve actually I’ve never harmed a

Villager Trader a Wandering Trader fun fun little fact all right here’s what we are going to do we are going to do a little bit of prettiness now in terms of glass we’ve got a lot um what’s a fun glass we need the fun Glass mod that adds a fun glass what’s this

Glass frog lights they sound fun I don’t know if they are fun these look fun I do like these these look very fun we may go down and like get some of these glass because yeah once again they look fun I want to essentially I want to build a

Room around this a bit of a room I want to I want to have have this stuff looking a little bit nicer than it currently does um in terms of floor I do want it to be planks and so that’s what we’ll do just a good old-fashioned plank floor I

Could push for a different plank but I think well I think we’ll keep it simple uh let’s grab exchanging Gadget oh we lose our flight the cost of the exchanging Gadget we lose all of our flight um we’ll select this guy and then I guess this just becomes my life

All right um so what we’re gonna do real quick is Mason table yes um stone bricks they don’t go in beautiful I guess we just need Stone right is that how this works Stone um brilliant Chuck this in uh what do we want what’s a fun one

Um I kind of already saw what I liked that I kind of want to go with and it was it right yeah just do I want to just do checkerboard ah in hindsight no we’re going to do disordered stone blocks so I’m going to grab some of

These and this is going to yeah that looks fun uh we’ll make that make the wall up here um so this bit up here I’m thinking yeah we have this go all the way around possibly I don’t know even some sort of bit there Maybe oh

Um that could work I could do stairs and we can get away with that with framed stairs love me some frame blocks use them when I can um there and there and I think that looks pretty cool um so then up here we’ll obviously get some walls once again

Frame walls come in clutch we’ll have these come around here I was gonna do glass I don’t really know the glass might just might just not happen I’ll I’ll be real with you um now we could just do plank walls does that I mean I guess we can

Just trying to decide whether that looks good enough to be acceptable there I’d argue it doesn’t and so we’re just gonna go ahead and pick them all up all right instead we’re going to go for the glass um I am glass fan so we’re gonna have this go around here and then

That’s all going to be different type of wall I don’t know what type of wall but it will be it’ll be different wall that’s going to go through there beyond that point it doesn’t really matter what it is um ah maybe it does because we’ll probably end up doing that ah

Yeah okay I I talked myself into it all right this is uh this just got a little bit higher energy or effort I guess both but everything I’m saying is correct just slightly different um you’ll go there and there sure boom boom um what I could do I guess yeah I can

Open up on that side sure whatever and then obviously this will all be um wood I think the item charging in my inventory is causing it to sometimes not place because it’s like charging and that’s updating it in my hand I’ve noticed that a few times so we might

Attempt to Blacklist this guy from why is he charging on something I’m not sure I guess I just gotta be patient with it so here’s how it currently looks nice obviously obviously you know plenty of stuff to clean up great wonderful it’s almost faster just to

Break the blocks in place I I could be using this exchanging Edge a lot better than I am I I will I will admit that um as for the roof I will be making it planks um so that’ll be good let’s actually honestly yeah let’s just change it to building Gadget

And then just do some of this and that should be pretty good and then what we will do is just pick up some of these bits here I don’t need the roof to all be wood although underground we might make it all wood but I at least want the outside

To look as though it does you know what I mean it’s about convincing us I guess see like that looks a lot better than if I actually put all the effort in you know um now over here it goes down do I want that to happen here as well and then we

Do something else um Beyond this part of the wall possibly even just more wood and then this is purely just whatever this glass is that I want I’d say so oh frame blocks I love you guys here we go I’ve got something for you I just need to make sure it doesn’t

Already exist oh wow they’ve got everything one-way window that’s not what I wanted but awesome let’s get some tinted glass what am I why am I hearing fire can we not burn down my house what actually was that fire that I’m hearing you guys had that too right like a little flyer crackling

The meteorite doesn’t have any fire in it I don’t think it was my jet pack jetpack makes very different sound it sounded very much like you know a little flame crackling was it in The Frame Window thing was it in here somehow I’m not sure I’m not sure but

I mean that sounds awesome are you kidding me so one-way window so if I place this here and here and here currently it’s nothing okay just sure but then if I make this wood planks hold on hold on hold on uh they’re not called wood planks they’re just called planks I I

Swear I’m not doing all right I make these planks how do they become one-way window wow framed one-way window okay so this is the framed one-way window and I’ve placed planks do I need to then grab glass and be like surprise no okay hold on oh hold on

At frames we have some tools we have wrenches we have what else what else do we have uh hammers screwdrivers and saws and keys okay some item frames as well wow I’m just learning okay hold on we’ll grab the Hammer as well we’ll grab the screwdriver so so what do I do here

The targeted camera cannot be rotated interesting okay current see-through side none hit with a framed wrench to set see through a side to North hip of the frame range while crouching to clear see-through side wow oh how fun oh my God and then oh that’s so oh my god oh

Wow so for example oh I wish you could do multiple sites because imagine if I had like this all the a see-through Mountain where from the outside it looks like a mountain but we’re actually working on the inside like it’s all it’s flawed off and this is all windows

Oh that would be so because we could do it with like this bit over here that’s I actually I really like that this is going to become these framed one ways [Applause] that’s awesome oh yes cool okay let’s pick that up frame one way we’ve currently got four I

Think what I needed like one more yeah two more get some more frame cubes happening oh I didn’t mean to put that away but I guess that’s fine God what what is happening with that inventory one week off what I was gonna say Mr frame block because I mean hey look

What I was gonna say I felt far-fetched it’s now not it’s now not far fish what if you guys did the whole go through in fact like it honestly could exist that’s the thing it would be here they’ve got so much stuff but like the the one that you can walk

Through you know what I mean they’ve got secret storages the Redstone Block ones are pretty cool we could definitely cam up some stuff double slopes I don’t know yeah how would I even find the block um I guess it would be one of these frame bookshelf mini Cube

Yeah you know what I mean they’re right like um Mr Mr framed himself Mr or Mrs framed who runs the joint um over here how like you can go through this glass yeah that but any block right I mean I mean easy I look look for Average Joe sure problem right like

That’s difficult that’s a challenge that’s a task for Mr for Mr and Mrs framed run in the joint walk in the park consider it done like I’m genuinely I keep looking because I’m like it could be here it genuinely could be here okay what would it yeah okay

All right I’ve got my eye on you frame blocks I love this mod so much um okay so with our Newfound one-way windows we’re gonna have them here oh that’s so funny and it’s going to be dirt we’re going to get six dirt I mean yeah and then we’re just gonna

And then we’ve got a nice little secret secret secret it’s then over here we can go ahead and tidy this up a bit see what I mean though I wanted this whole thing to be a camouflaged area how fun would that be next update names update you’ll you’ll see it

Yeah oh you know what I need like two-way two-way window upgrade my one-way window to two-way window just make sure it doesn’t exist two-way window no see well not two-way window sorry two side of wind I think it would still be a one-way window okay I

Don’t know where I’m going with that but it’s fine it’s fine um so this stuff can also be fancy block whatever the fancy block is whether it’s planks um or this stone that we’ll mess around with what’s the stone have we used it all up we may have

Crack disordered I think that’s what we’re currently doing um so that can probably line up there um and I’m guessing if I can be a little careful probably line up this area and then we can have probably not planks I’ll probably pick something else to to line the walls but uh

I guess it’s a start let’s do something else it’ll be a good old-fashioned bricks so we have a how are we feeling on the brick Department you know what I I genuinely I think the bricks could work and we’ve got uh automated clay I believe so that should be doable

And so that can go along there cool um and then once again just to make things look nice let’s get back to exchanging Gadget let’s hold one of these Keys up into three by three and tidy up at least a bit that we do have uh opened up here

Make that look a little bit nicer oh guys I’m gonna need some ideas with the uh with the one-way window on what we can do now in terms of like functional I doubt there’s anything um but in terms of just fun what can we do oh yeah we get like our underwater thing

I think the problem is glass is pretty cool as well but like I I don’t know I find that really fun that that’s like that and then when we come in here you can look out a little bit oh I’m telling you endless fun for the whole family

All right this is gonna go there um sweet now we get a better view all right cool uh sure sure so bricks bricks need clay clay we’ve obviously got some so I will grab all that out hopefully I don’t know do we have it orderable I

Don’t really know what we did with Clay um but what are we doing here we are placing it into our Ender bag so that it can go get smelted there we go and then we’re searching bricks and we are making bricks boom and then we uh collecting this um interesting

Okay there we go I was like what what’s that about but that seems to be fine it’s that why’d it do that come on man that’s not what I asked for what are you doing all right well there we go luckily it didn’t replace that okay I think I need

To be slower I think I’m like uh turning away before it happens or something maybe I don’t know he’s been being a bit weird especially since I shouldn’t really have any lag as we’ve seen last episode in this episode aside from this gadget for some reason

I know daiwolf’s been working on it I’ve been seen on his uh Twitter doing some pretty cool stuff um I can go there and then short I can go there all right cool and then obviously there I know it’s replacing some in the war but that’s not the end of the world

Um this place hey looking pretty tidy looking pretty nice um I would like to finish this off right because otherwise I mean you know what happens right it just nothing happens like it like I’ll never finish it it’ll never end um so let’s go ahead and make the

Mason’s table so I can think a little bit more Stoney stuff and then we’ll wrap this up I know that this episode’s probably been mainly uh building like just making this structure look nice but I’ve honestly had a lot of fun doing it so no regrets and regrets at all

Um let’s at least pretend to be keeping this in line so that later when it comes back it’s fine as in when it comes back like uh over here you know what I mean it doesn’t look as uh out of place I guess cool yeah it works okay

What do we want the roof to be do we know do we have any I mean I guess I started with planks like over on this side so we could just keep doing planks that should work cool I’ve got all the ideas today Mr direwolf 20. here I am it’s your boy

Um so this goes cool right how he does stuff but you know what else is pretty cool the ability to select a specific area as in no look I here’s what I’ll say I’m aware that if I mess around with these settings I can have it do exactly what I

Want in terms of if I turn off fuzzy I think that’s pretty much all I want to do and then this will just literally only replace the roof or maybe I’ve got a like if I understood what I was doing sure everything would work perfectly in fact I think that’s what I want

Connected right but hear me out oh what the I don’t even know why that just happened but what I was going to say was what if I could hold this guy and like select like drag to select a giant rectangle and then continue expanding it to like select the entire roof deselect certain

Blocks I don’t want and whatever and then press the button to have it do it all at once you know I I think that would just be better rather than clicking and going oh oh undo but then like already there’s water everywhere you know what I mean like

I think that’s fine also I think it did work I just ran out of planks um so I think that is fine what I was doing like this is obviously what I wanted to but that involves me to like oh hold on is that what I want to do

Yeah I just I don’t want the yeah okay I think we’re good but do you guys get what I mean I get what I mean hopefully you guys get what I mean um I should be able to do that oh oh God no I’ve I regret everything up I take everything back

All right hold on all of these need to be dirt oh I don’t want that to be dirt that could probably be frame block to be honest let’s go here I’ll make those uh framed blocks I think um so what I can do is I can break this

And break this we can search framed double frame double um and what we want specifically is a framed slab stacked on top of a frame slab now I never know what this is called I know it exists because it does but for some reason my brain is

Unable to witness it or remember what it’s called ever um yeah half nope slab but from framed at framed slab or can you no kids I don’t think you can just place two on top of each other right right guys oh you can okay I think I think that’s what I want then

So we’re going to place that on the top and that will obviously be I think it’s gonna look gross because I think grass for whatever reason in the frame blocks I think with the shaders looks great might just be easier to do that okay well it’s there for the future if

We ever want to test it again um and then hold on and then we grab two more frame blocks or frame slopes and we place them underneath and then we get the best of both worlds stuff on the top stuff on the bottom obviously in theory um all right let’s continue with this

Stuff um and as you can see it progressively goes through so as to not um harm your server um you know whatever you happen to be playing on so that’s why it’s sort of jumping around a little bit because it’s waiting until I guess it has the right

Time now that’s probably that’s that’s fine that’s probably one all right are we good have I done this I think I have and and we’ve camouflaged it somewhat nicely this guy can probably do with being uh one of these stones well ignore the the wood that’s gone everywhere that it shouldn’t

Um and I may also just bring this back one because I think that looks a little bit better from the outside not seeing the the stuff um I was gonna put glass all in this area you know what we’ll wait for uh for frame blocks to add that block I’m

Talking about because that’s totally something that’s gonna happen right guys yeah exactly all right I’m gonna I’m gonna wrap it up there yeah it is it has been normal episode length for me in terms of recording and um I’m happy although I don’t really know if we did much

Um I am happy with what we’ve done having this area actually properly set up is pretty cool um I don’t really know how to show off the one-way glass because I would love to it was a pretty big feature of the episode um I suppose I can place this here

And we can place um look look you got to think from a from a video perspective guys we place proper stone bricks and we do like that right is that what I do guys help me make your thumbnail if only I can move slowly ready I gotta time thumbnail

Okay there’s something to be had there thank you guys for watching hopefully you’ve enjoyed it hopefully you had a fun um yeah I’m feeling a lot good these episodes I felt I felt a little bit better I think eliminating the the lag that we were having um because of our server

Just being so far away from us um removing that even that was like 200 milliseconds it honestly it does it is it’s just one less thing to be concerned about you know what I mean I think it’s fine like we’ll probably do more series in the future on servers

Whether or not I um let people on this server and see if the see if they see if just if it’s just the latency that was the problem or whether it’s actually people in general like causing you know passive lag in the background is the problem I’m not sure

But either way thank you for watching hopefully you’ve enjoyed it thank you to our channel members and our tier three channel members and now donators thank you guys thank you to our tier three channel members Melissa Andre and final Phoenix 13. as for this episode I won’t

Lie I’m getting a little bit of a allergies at the moment so I’m sort of wanting to end this episode sooner rather than later um yeah that’s pretty much out so be prepared for that but thank you for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye

This video, titled ‘Ep57 One Way Windows – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2023-09-26 20:00:16. It has garnered 711 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:16 or 3376 seconds.

This is a series on the ATM 9 Modpack! We’re jumping in quite early the modpack so we can look forward to frequent updates, and all the fun that comes along with those! Traditionally ATM packs have some fun late game goals to work towards, and a wide range of mods at your disposal to tackle whatever it is you want to, by whatever means you want to. By starting early, some things may be different in this playthrough when compared to the version you’re playing in the future, but for the most part it should be similar 🙂 You’ll just have a lot more mods to play with!

Things: Modpack – Client Side Mods – (The Physics mod pro can be found for free on the authors Patreon. You can also support them financially to assist in making the mod, as with all these other awesome mods and shaders we interact with!) Shaders – Playlist –

Partnership: Code – DEW BisectHosting – They have provided us with a free server to host our YouTube Community server on, and the code gives a discount if you plan on hosting your own.

The Dew Crew ATM Server: Depending on when you are watching, we may have a community All The Mods 9 server up and running 😀 You can join the server via our community Discord- and all the information you need should be found in the #welcome channel 🙂

#ATM #Minecraft #ATM9

I encourage you all to check out my friends and their channels too, they all do slightly different content so you might be surprised with what you find 😀 I might also show up in some of their videos that don’t make it over to my channel, so feel free to head over there and keep an eye out!

vRifty – AzzaFortySix –

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    Crafty Bikes: Indian 3D Drive Update Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where updates never cease, In Indian bikes driving, the gameplay has increased. With a big mode update, the adventure takes flight, As we explore the city, both day and night. Our houses have evolved, our cars have been enhanced, With graphics and textures, our world is entranced. From old to new, the journey is grand, In this virtual universe, we make our stand. Challenges await, like driving at full speed, Or blasting with a rocket, fulfilling the need. In Ma mode, our houses come alive, With ultra-realistic graphics, we strive. So join us… Read More

  • Leaving them alone for a sec be like… 🔥

    Leaving them alone for a sec be like... 🔥 When you finally give them some alone time in Minecraft and they immediately start building a giant statue of themselves. Ego much? #minecraft #memes #funny #meme #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft – Episode 590

    Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft - Episode 590 Minecraft Episode 590: Building a Stone Castle Wall Welcome to episode 590 of Minecraft with Lờ Đờ Vờ! In this episode, our host embarks on a journey to build a magnificent stone castle wall. Despite facing some challenges along the way, our dedicated gamer is determined to create a masterpiece in the virtual world of Minecraft. Harvesting Resources Our adventure begins with the essential task of harvesting resources. From gathering wheat to exchanging it for diamonds with villagers, every step is crucial in preparing for the grand construction project ahead. Building the Castle With diamonds in hand, our gamer… Read More

  • Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day – Minecraft

    Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Roleplay Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into the realm of roleplay to create captivating stories and adventures. One such thrilling scenario is becoming a police commissioner for a day! Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and imagination. From building magnificent structures to crafting intricate storylines, the possibilities are endless. Roleplaying as a Police Commissioner Imagine stepping into the shoes of a police commissioner in the virtual world of Minecraft. With your authority, you can enforce justice, maintain order, and… Read More

  • 🔥LIVE – CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!

    🔥LIVE - CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] I seem to have lost some pertinent files to live streaming and I’m trying to find them but they are uh Missing where or where could they be oh I’m in the wrong file of course they’re not in that one that’s arcane oh want Kraken there we go overlays animated [Music] um nope I don’t want that [Music] one uh I want screens [Music] animated I think it’s [Music] that h [Music] um well close but not quite well there I am I’m still missing things though I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?

    Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?Video Information these are the scariest seeds that should never be used starting with c290 X2 the myth of the terrifying living Island and it looks pretty normal I spawned on a a a a sand area not very scary if I’m going to be honest with y’all oh man I love these rumors so much cuz apparently we have to put the render distance to five to make it to come alive I don’t know if that’s going to really do anything but we got to follow now it looks like we’re on an island but nothing happened to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!

    Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!Video Information yep my game all right all right I’m live let’s go first live stream on the Miguel [Music] SMP so I don’t really know what I’m doing right now but I’m just adjusting some things cuz well this is literally my first stream everything good going to go check see if the stream is and I’ll get to some plan to some plan the game on the Miguel SMP no give a rundown of what the Miguel smpp is because some of you guys may not no actually like basically everybody won’t know who it is even though… Read More

  • Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!

    Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Ultimate Guide: Building an Automatic Cobblestone Farm”‘, was uploaded by Game_ZONE on 2024-01-10 17:16:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #cobblestonefarm #tutorial #guide #building #automaticharvesting #farming #gaming #youtubegaming #youtubevideo … Read More

  • Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!

    Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!Video Information तो आखिर साइबर एमपी की एसएमपी को जॉइन करने की रिक्वायरमेंट्स क्या-क्या है एंड क्या मैं उन रिक्वायरमेंट्स को मीट कर पाऊंगा यह सारे क्वेश्चंस का आंसर मैं इस एप्लीकेशन वीडियो के अंदर देने वाला हूं हेलो गाइ दिस माय नेम इज अल्फा एंड आज की वीडियो में मैं अपना एप्लीकेशन एप्लीकेशन की रिक्वायरमेंट हैको मैं परफेक्टली मीड करता हूं बिल्कुल परफेक्टली एंड दूसरा है कि मेरा टाइम क्या है तो व मैं मोस्ट ऑफ टाइम में एक्टिव रहता हूं एंड दूसरी बात है कि मैं कंटेंट क्रिएटर हूं या नहीं वो तो मैं कंटेंट कटर कंटेंट क्रिएटर… Read More

  • Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum – Episode 05

    Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum - Episode 05Video Information [Music] what’s up everybody this is super tilt and welcome back to my Arcanum Institute gameplay series uh I don’t even remember what we did last time but uh in between I did make some Source crystals uh I you know farming some amethysts off of that and we also uh I also figured out how to do uh lava with this old thing we got a couple things of lava here uh basically if you put any smooth Stone within a 3X3 under this thing eventually as you throw at it to fill up the you know… Read More

DEWSTREAM – Ep57 One Way Windows – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack