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GD got download and FC 24 yeah and he forc him to download FC he was bored he needed something to enjoy his time iing me I didn’t a good thing bro oh but now Mike it is time for him to help you make you not bored or s for

Like help to make you you know what I’m saying it’s like now I must help you I will break you this guy is a p oh my god oh is he kiding you yes he just [ __ ] bleed me I’m not good at GTA combatting

Anymore bro I us to be the good yeah bro yeah he was so good at dog fighting what happened man all right ladies and fellsman welcome to potentially the end of season one brothers that’s crazy wow what a py he kills me and leave the game and there goes the family friendly

Stream no BR my my I would have [ __ ] up either way but not bro yesterday like wait were you Year Mike yesterday when um I don’t think you were bro sh was like yo check what Eng playing on Playstation man’s in GTA in the strip

Club bro I’m like oh my God bro you already know I had to message him yeah he was actually like a smiley face on his status yeah he was actually whacking his meat tagging the Italian sausage You already know how to message him bro but then but then he said hold on I’m going to join real quick and I said oh no you going to get hit by TOS BR cuz I was still streaming get off me get it off oh sorry

Stop trying to kill me bro I keep sniping this [ __ ] comes back I’m going play GTA but then have to move why isn’t you do what just happened sheep sheep what I do you oh you know what I almost do this is going to lift

Me up my wings oh I’m so smart though oh 45 that’s actually not bad that’s better than uh I think that’s better than uh H how long do you think it takes to finish 26 and he’s trying to kill me bro what the [ __ ] is wrong with this [ __ ]

Ass I just drove up team in um off the radar how bro get B and became more white [Applause] y bro bro bro is the Speedy black man bro I to make sure he’s the Speedy black man but then brother got more white when he got burn Minecraft just a Minecraft is Just

Okay did I miss something yeah what’s up with you you what’s up with me what’s up I’m tired of all this useless portal hopp and you see this is how um people look like Griefers man cuz the low level kills them like three times and then

They say that let me go get my revenge and take it out on Lucas like oh my again how can you be level 26 and then expect level 271 nothing in you’re going to get punished for that my if whoever made these left some sort of signs guide

Posts all the portal frames do look kind of different you’re right this one totally has a fire Vibe and that skull back there that’s the white pumpkin there’s there’s a system stay away from me you monsters Petra where are you going guide post but someone must be

Able to tell us how to navigate these stupid portals redone abilities hopefully smart enough help us find the way home oh I’m blind at least it’s got to be better than firew world seems a bit flimsy etra I promise you we’ll find the Portal It’s that or die trying right five proximity

Grenades you made your mind you’re just going to go through this portal and that’s it maybe I am person maybe I’m just saying that I’m tired of just you can only kill five I thought you car like 20 OD like all the throwables in the bloody game so

Whoa yes no no no no no no yeah yeah no no no we even have anything to say in your defense whoa whoa whoa everybody calm down Glide over tempers are running kind of hot maybe we should just all say we’re sorry I really want you to make use of [ __ ] WIS bro

I’m sorry Petra I think I just got carried away I accept your apology see it’s okay friends being friendly everybody being cool Petra if you really think go through you the proximities let’s go that’s what we’re going to do the gods of Olympus have a

Bad Oh I thought you were about to say I was a God man feel like such a now oh my God the MP so stupid in this game NC AR enemies for you serious right now guys I think this is a Mesa biome awesome oh man you’re right I mean all the sand and clay and everything gra animation hey Lucas I’ve been meaning to ask you what’s that oh uh it’s it’s just

A you know a book I picked up back of theg damn why am I it’s all about different biomes have to be new like reward oh no it’s silver uh what the how you doing fck so much for my hunch with that red no Advanced civilization anywhere

Keep an eye out for the exit portal I don’t want to get stuck here if the wor happens you mean pumpkin face Killers surprise fire worlds monsters yeah any of that stuff who knows what this world has in store no something like that look at that know

Sh don’t think you can jump up looks like some sort oops jump now little Journal huh I’m 10 seconds behind don’t think so we not going to find out where it goes just standing around on it Jess come on bro why am I what even is that teeth sand clay where are

We like we fall down into the inside of the does not look like the there are people here Petro wait get down what is it look whoa see a quick save so weird why isn’t it on fire exactly what I was wondering maybe that’s this world’s thing zombies and

Monsters come out in the daytime wouldn’t be crazier than anything else we’ve seen we should get a closer look to see what we can find out i’ms for me what the there’s something weird about this Zombie I could actually use a hand it just doesn’t make any sense don’t worry Petra I got your back oh who are you this should be a piece of cake yeah that that doesn’t seem right I think I can e him it was just one zombie what was the problem not all

That thing was like stronger tougher I hope there’s not something wrong with me because that would be really really inconvenient maybe this world zombies are super buff seems possible we had that much do this forever one I can’t even figure out how we’d fight a whole CT of them is this kind

Of well that seems about right I don’t know about you guys but I’d really like to figure out a Say damn this man has no friends he plays the exact same games oh no no exact same games listen to the games he play he’s play GTA now yeah GTA fortnite fc24 R Redemption to a game I want to play Roblox [ __ ] Detroit become human okay he’s kind of good for that

Raymond Legends I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is Ghost Recon don’t know what Ray legend fasinating Lego DC super villain Toy Story three what yeah man inant boy we’ve got to attack them before they kill us boy oh boy just sound like a terrible it’s like I can finally hear

Myself think again be ready guys [ __ ] these birds man what are these birds for just like that not cooking they’re going back the way we came from this might sound crazy but I feel like they’re trying to lead us somewhere you’re right that does sound crazy come on I’m really starting to

Think someone is behind all this and I intend to find out who we should follow them see where they go let the Rage of the feel your blades creatures BL trying to be gu CU enemies are so tanky why won’t you just die alreadying bro I need to upgrade magic bro I don’t

Have any I can’t I can’t rely on any magic I have a question she if you so you know like in GTA if you stand like 5 minutes you get kicked right sand and clay awesome now when you’re watching TV does that 5 minutes still count quiet

Stay alert don’t let your guard down for one second I think you don’t even you don’t get K I don’t think you get kicked at all hey told you guys cuz if so I wonder if there was every anytime somebody tried to you know how when you bought

SEC somebody’s like CEO thing I want to see those I wonder if somebody’s ever G AFK and like even like bro you’re going to see tonight you just going to chill online and watch t together wait what are you doing I yeah what’s it look I

Don’t think I don’t even know if that’s a good this R thing or there’s like better things to do cuz I remember P Griffin used to be a very good thing that doesn’t L for easy I want to do it well if you insist it was not stupid it

Was good bro stop grabbing him grab the birds bro it shocked me I can just freeze this man what the H yes well at least we learned new you know what is actually kind of not with our bare hands anyway why have I not been using this more look there’s someone think he’s

Friendly that bird just doesn’t Hello Hello maybe his hearing is bad or something uh that makes sense I guess back a bit guys where the hell are you brother the whole beginning brother what this is like do the beginning bro there you don’t have to do oh oh yes yeah it takes like 5 minutes [ __ ]

Prologue it’s good story G story is very good too much play G in your entire life bro what you what have you play a GTA game I have play GTA 5 why P fin bro Mike is surprised over the little thing bro but someone could die and he would be less surprised

Bro no bro cuz like no that’s actually accurate but like on the PS3 when I had GTA I finished the game like I’ll tell you at least 50 times Bro bro probably play director mode it wasn’t even D mode that time that you H what you okay I mean I didn’t know about you guys but if I get a game I’m going to play my money’s wor game already you are freaking me out you’re freaking out what

Do you think I’m doing right now has to be like really bad then okay yeah I understand what you’re mean but like if there’s a decent story behind it and the game just doesn’t cheat you I’d finish it how there are more of you like for example how’s the the game what’s going

On here I’m sing some hostility the performance on the game what was your first clue I know it might sound crazy but we came here through a portal okay it’s goak bro okay okay okay okay okay uh been alone for a while right now people were you at a restaurant or

Something maybe there was some outside I don’t think a restaurant will be having a 18 plus game in a kitty section for playing game to a man outside what are you talking about I know it’s probably hard to understand right now but what is his out restant my

Friend may you like runs to SP good people I promise how R to go this I by myself defitely not IGN that’s Youing yeah leave me alone buddy yeah you had one now leave me you know what you need to do you need to um take a like what you can you to sounding this Jesse since when do we take orders from like what going anywhere with you oh I wanted

To try guess they’re used to getting their way all right G so many like iconic lines from us like oh [ __ ] like a [ __ ] bro you guys are on the song bro help me bro I don’t know what to do about this puzzle okay what is thez I haven’t been looking at the stream okay now I made this man too soft [ __ ] sakes you don’t suppose it’s friendly do you why if you bring

It on that in and massively hugely inating guessing no on the friendly whatever it is I think it’s behind all this for the violent nature of this visits we have much work ahead of us but maybe it can even be you guys part of you you’re controlling everything I am making everything useful

Deficient effective I am what you might call a computer a thinking machine designed to make things Useful so brother I’m just playing the game bro I even know on I have made their world thanks to me wasted thought I am connected to them and they are ConEd to me as much as I love hanging around and chatting unfortunately I think we have to get

Going what [ __ ] game must I download this time bro that what you want me to do now you’re fine bro must take time I everyone and everything in this world and my conclusion is that you are not from yet I would like to ask you some questions to expand my database how did

You get here I am very excited for the acquisition of new knowledge it’s uh when you use your feet to take you someplace you are attempting to be cute so far your performance is has been inate this makes me sad now I must do you think in GT

Oh yeah no way I did my I think they were working on something I saw something about that they’re going to have a bunch of like PR scatter it around s you know I’m scared of that kind of like imagine it’s just like implemented too shly and like everything just looks the same

PSAs is it very much like this one or completely different it’s a heck of a lot greener than this place just imagine grass and trees instead of sand and clay come on is this a BOS feel like a b do I think I would like to see this world for

Myself if I could send my Town’s people my friends through to other worlds damn the [ __ ] is up with these Hispanic [ __ ] they just killed you for no reason this world there must I was parachuting from the sky because I of my oppressor in the sky right help make

Everyone get score look me for 2 seconds and [ __ ] just blost my brains out as a matter of I’m looking for theal come on not that I’ve had much luck so far if you us you at least to be about what you know not about information I already have my job

Is to be useful I have completed my job here and must be allowed to expand and continue to be useful unfortunately our conversation has not been help let kill you at this what oh any your bra may prove why is it J sometimes the CES just go like alter

Tion like what the [ __ ] BR to feel useful it feels nice I it’s your favorite TI welcome out of their like wasn’t he just like between fingers huh every time p gets new information it seems to get distracted while it processes yes like a computer version of enough for us to

Esape ask Pama something sense like a unsolvable problem I think want so many people yeah we just asked really confusing get it all why so parado stat I think it would work what do you think would work on take Souls uh nothing it do not sound like

Nothing trust me when I tell you trust no one so if I trust you I should not trust anyone but if I do not trust anyone I should not trust you it’s working so I should not follow your advice and therefore not trust anyone meaning the machine you struggling this

My boy I don’t play this game you the [ __ ] okay I could give that [ __ ] to a sixy old and it up how are you messing up with the prolog man it’s like the introduction to that St away for to peek the whole time give me a second better these guys

Yeping just you emote Forehead oh get [ __ ] Speedy black Manish just too Speedy for these [ __ ] no how does that make sense you know the money vans in the game sh left to run the green and white money would with these so they say use sticky B to blast open the doors I use my P

Rockets open the doors as soon as they land sticky bomb the size of my hand is more damage why is that always so disorienting maybe you got a shot after all new guys better stick with me though wow have G please just stop bro there’s no one GD here I’ll C it

Later but I’m not getting rainbow bro sign would I was going to get rainbow bro you should get rainbow you know and get [ __ ] no get back into hiding we can figure out what to do next are you playing now friends I really I’m playing the m story

Mode but the we all play palad fortnite Roy not real Royale freaking Ro company brother theb while I super animal Royale super you know video Chinese Jason how you saying on she like 80 bro she is intriguingly cryptic isn’t she how the game BR turn me so strange it’s like an exact

Copy is this the building of the is a face cuz seems just a little off K tell me when you figure out how to play online is this is the face chance also naked please do it quickly because I think huh that Cactus isn’t in the pain

I wouldn’t be surprised to be honest just imagine if you walk up to him you b a circle can just smash time to see what it man wait show you we could you have load [ __ ] at like 10 or something oh yeah and I’m going get GTA at 10 I’m going do my own thing it’s it’s slow paced bro what do you mean it’s slow oh God it’s the fastest B G oh God we all got to get Titan BR after the’s not wait around for these mobs sing over the you guys want me to

Download the game ain’t all that if I got M Morales I don’t need oh God I already I already got Lego Batman 3 bro got you I have one already on the PSP bro you know should get Lego Jurassic World chipal probably the first time came out where

Else the year came out of course you would win the game of the year then I would be surpris to be honest because like GTA was massive came the trick let’s see about this secret lab can help us you you don’t sound excited I got Got a notification

Rock fumble the a we just learn scre screens scre fbl the I main a [ __ ] up the I what do you mean has been a most intriguing person so far I’m still not entirely sure what to make of her she fing I thought you would at I think he’s stuck on the

With right after the ends when you’re in North it comes to like 10 years later and then after that what’s her name you could also explain why you seems to after that yeah but te some new my it doesn’t have to come back to it okay okay you’re right sorry I’m just a

Little I didn’t know would actually be able to follow us what are you doing in this world anyway tring remember if IES pull no just figed all that buch of you are the first people I’ve seen come out of the portal Network in forever so you have to excuse me if it

Made me a little anxious oh yeah I can see how that would yeah just the risk that comes with setting up camp so close to where the portal Network spits people out think I help build the dang thing that would make forgot you people called us that never was my Favorite I’m afraid that’s a little out of my abilities right now pama’s just too powerful and besides there’s actually no exit portal back to the portal network from this world what why not I destroyed it so that Pama couldn’t get free it was implosive but it was the only way I

Could think of to make sure Pama didn’t try and spread to other worlds okay well action to online you basic or something I can’t do that while P’s still running maybe it’s not I was about to say the same thing other world and make it just like

This everything walk and talking in but that’s the point of GTA you start off with fuckle and then you get [ __ ] and then you get AIT [ __ ] I swear I made with oh sorry I keep foret make everything more efficient I’m sor till the day Pama decided that the

Town’s people weren’t efficient enough already started making them useful saying they’re 5 years old this is why AI is a problem bro they should just stick with making big booty [ __ ] oh pring L3 and R3 at the same time with Frankl you go slow datab if I got chipped P would know

How to build long you can see why i’ want to stop that from happening at any cost yes the extraordinary risk going to help us stop Pama if you can’t even risk going anywhere near away from them I think I help with Pama your friends getting out of here Jason is

Just always out for you bro what’s in your lap crazy complicated keep you see no keep C away from I’m confused is this something from the game or something that Mike and Sh were talking about I wasn’t paying attention to either bro I was spacing up I’m

Guessing to you out of the way with hey don’t you judge me I’m bro I need to find the next no need it you said I’m way down here that’s why all this Is wow what a builder make sure you don’t drool on my floor now okay so you know about pama’s weakness to water then yeah I do I’ll admit you figured it out I did though once Pama caught on to its ped you need to join my Lobby we need to [ __ ] kill

Pedro times because he keeps he killed me even and I just became brother [ __ ] me more and whatever you do don’t get caught I’m not about to get left alone again oh you could have made this much easier for yourself it is useless to defy us get

Out of their heads Pama your friends have been made useful you always don’t do this Petra please I know all your moves now why even bother fighting can I open this before it shuts Petra please have to fight it Easy Another I’m not going to leave this place until I this is is foreshadowing on God all right do I rescue petol Lucas Jess destroy [ __ ] a car bro what must I do by this car driving oh God use the headset Jessie and don’t forget the last cauldron and one more thing get

The Roses to Harry Harry come on what are we going to do Harper told me to remember the last cauldron well they do it Quick this Pro gam play oh my God just a lot of money and Petra I know no I I know a lot of money I don’t know if it helps at all something while I was give me my money part of Pama that I think was

Important was tall did you see what I posted the grp about it’s like it’s like a fuzzy dream and I can try to remember more if you want but it’s making my headache even worse as [ __ ] bro why is just so weird I got kids in responsibility [ __ ] that

Bro [ __ ] this what you went through you could probably use some rest I br going to make his back exactly probably enough like four us to we just have to find whatever it is before Pama chips Harper and starts downloading her mind why does this har what she may have come across like

Just another weirdo but she’s actually old Builder she built the portal Network which hopefully means she can help us get home that’s a bit but I mean Jesse ain’t ended with Shut before she was abducted you sniff it to find this thing that’s what she said are you sure oh this sh good if somebody is alone for a really long time their brain changes and not for the better it does look like she’s lost her way a bit Yeah I’d say that’s

Putting it light watch her tone she is a genius and should be treated as such although even I have to admit this is a bit much I want to I guess we shouldn’t judge her based on how weird our place is we need her help to save everyone who’s been chipped by

Pama definitely right now we need to focus on let’s see if we can figure out who har and why he wants oh That another B fight is this hurry BR punch the freaking button brother good morning harer it is Harry it is always so good to see you you should not let yourself feel guilty you have the best of intentions you are like a flower in the desert and bring joy to those who have

None here you go Harry $325 put the floor inside of w what you mean c there’s so much techno battle and numbers in here I can barely tell if I’m holding it right side up or not I’m going to play different games online onl yeah but finish the prologue now bro

You still finish the prologue bro online bro what is the how long is this prologue bro just play the online just press pause and go to online and press play bro oh my God [ __ ] to another game I can help you all right thanks for coming out to

The stream guys it’s being a good one but I just realized just stream bro might come iny what did you say That just swear to you just said game okay I didn’t just St there I’m going to get my PS4 oh my God rainbow so we can play rainbow I don’t have enough storage I’m going I’m off I watch no it’s really not bad BR rainbow is actually kind of decent when you’re

Not getting shot and kill I remember I hate this game I wanted to be reminded why I hate it so much K if Mike G M I was going to say I’m sure bro what with us no one’s playing with me I’m playing G GT exactly I’m getting my PS4 I’ll be back fcking [ __ ] kayen where are you now in the prolog can go online bro okay you coming please don’t make your character look fugly bro I need actually I don’t care about I’m not going to try I don’t make

Your character look like your [ __ ] pro clubs player bro I don’t want to see a random Generat make your own Do Your Own Thing Ken [ __ ] what these people say bro well what’s going on Jessie is it working did you put your stick in them what are you seeing a I’m not in the lab I’m outside what I’m at the base of a giant

Mesa from the looks of it it’s like some sort of mob view or something that’s a bit what a Preposterous name I love it wow I wish you guys could see how cool This is So Co remarkable how is this possible I mean I’ve always heard Tales of what the

Old Builders were capable of Harper would have to explain the specifics but I it’s like this headset lets me control things that are hooked into Pama unbelievable there are so many questions I want to ask Harper is a sham she was C that spider jocky had to haul Harper all

The way back to town I’m Harper’s only shot at getting out of this with her brain let hope she isn’t too far away from this just like they must be taking har where they put those I’m onev okay what am I supposed to do I seem to remember there being a

Stairway here though read the policy you mean it’s been REM I guess visitors aren’t being encouraged I would suggest the tower that’s not going to help you get back down you fre yeah you’re right okay the character creation before dig more stuff gets everywhere what you

Saying my boy you know you saying that about the zombie bro you you about to reach diamond and guess what from Diamond Kaden Caden Kaden Ken let see what I can C Jen just telling me doesn’t need to show oh he’s not going to stop sh just

Tell him to turn it down a of these my up there and make sure that everyone else can get back down too be quiet he should do the trick just but I’m afraid I need to be going thank you thank you thank you thank I only have a woman C

Buets ior the signal itop down for a second1 okay interfered that can’t be good Dr sequencing initiated initiated I’m attracting even more attention is that you Jessie uhoh hello Jessie P Pama no just what do you think you are doing Jessie this is a rather silly thing to

Do don’t you thinked once my Creator is made useful all your knowledge will be mine y let har and Petra go P but Jesse I am so happy to have them I cannot allow your disrupted Behavior to continue let go we’re all a bunch of happy moms right let’s go my team will

Soon isolate your location and you will be I’m a skeleton now it’s just aain Jessie what did is so awesome and you look so awesome while using it mean they what sequen re initiate sorry buddy but better you than meper you are my Creator please join me so we may maximize usefulness nothing

Doing I built you to help people not use them just stop this stop trying to make everything useful that giv my job that is why you made me once I download your knowledge we may expand to other worlds together everything no initia [ __ ] yes [ __ ] randomize your [ __ ] sex

Over getting started oh no time to move thinking imagine all the gallons bro they going to l g 5 sh no way just think about it bro [ __ ] sh first going to sign off on this if you want to know what’s inside my head you’re going to have to take it never

Fear Jess’s here and I’m going to Res be find her I’m sure she’s to see what what the hell Jess fig out how to use Myra headset cut himself off like bro I don’t know he was about to ask why you ask me this question that’s what I said

Sing uhoh that sound tends to mean [Applause] trouble to make reinforce like imagine you used sat on a couch I cannot play hide and seek forever Chessie it’s a boring game and I am too strong that door leads to I use pillows man another it’s glit enough Jessie you and your friends

You’re our only home you must remove the Redstone heart remove the Redstone heart see now Jesse what’s going on you can still save everyone I’ll be back to rescue you and take care of Pama I promise inter located dreni hi and begin like almost like to be like [ __ ]

[ __ ] you okay there’s no time to waste is everybody’s character just super [ __ ] lean right now yeah sounded like you were talking to Harper and P yeah Pama CAU up for me okay now sounds racist need to get back to the door I just saw and get inside’s core Jesse wait what about

Fob why do you I think I think she’s already been check fat [ __ ] and Pama big booty bit without Harper it seems we’re some stuck shut down that remember who we are the order of the stone we defeated a Wither storm save Sky City and survive psycho pumpkin

Mansion Harper showed me the entrance to P’s core and told me that we need something called again who that just brought back a a flash those I mentioned before they there are three of them I was whole time bro to late now bro sorry no that’s

Perfect thank too late but how are we supposed to destroy these looks ugly as hell T that’s your opinion it is what it is I like my C sh what are you spping on bro sounds delicious on that what’s wrong with milk yeah you you you like what no you what

You this I so kind why was I so B oh yes he never play GTA he’s [ __ ] life all these are many of them anything useful join me join me join me just join me join me first I have five people I’m doing a only gives more might come

In one I always love a good button there three 12s is that isn’t that the flower that I had to give to Harry back in the what I thought maybe Harper might want it back or maybe I could Emoji cool activate TNT but I still need some way to connect them

Freaking pren and change it got stone dust is a fuse stick a button to the end push it boom path clear that all sounds great what about the super Jessie quickly now need speed endless I’m going to go for the potion of Leaping all right all right don’t jump all over

Me what the hell even e the Redstone or buttons I can just drop the TNT on them from the sky don’t worry Jesse we’ll be right behind you oan do your stuff where you go where’s the why you still [ __ ] losted like yeah is supposed to be like yo take this Bro what happens if you play the game see that get like a free m that’s a good question man yeah like like the other day of course some monkey can because this won’t work myces will protect my building you say location now and then I will make all

Other you cannot defeat me your Defiance is not that like where you in the map and then I will just fcking spoke know why I think P might be on to us might have [ __ ] in there the town’s people are already building the exit we’ve got to shut down

P before it can send its chip for through to find Uhoh Lucas Ivor give me your bucket I don’t care who cares I just told honestly don’t care but you must go finish this and save why must I care bro you Must what I’m joining just wait though just start saying it with your [ __ ] I mean like you say I of course have been expecting you my defens your resist to me is I didn’t come here to talk I’m here to have say curiosity how exactly did you plan

To deactivate me now that you understand your mission I’m going to make it rain all over you it will take more than water we’ll see about that I don’t have time for this go crazy though yeah that’s pretty cool you’re okay then of course he gave himself D I got Ops

Season goes crazy just like Ken when he sees miners damn bro you are out for this man kayen you got to defend yourself bro you are to Jason is slandering you to the max let me turn this since turn off since you’re not are you going to take it then oh

They thing is I changed the night location and cost so much [ __ ] money was cheapest [ __ ] bro also I AC everything I to do so it should be easy for you to get in that’s hours Diamond the Inev you very but not enough I’m going feel soent about see when I’m not in a mission I can so many People wa you SK in here what the [ __ ] is this there so many other my last water bucket on there still one the [ __ ] is all these people man how out okay now that the green BR cool just let him collect the stuff and what

Wor 39 just get this [ __ ] and leave cuz he didn’t kill me kill me and he just all way I don’t know there we go did I made to kill A1 Lev 59 oh why did he kill no why come on I a gun P what the [ __ ] happened to your

Pistol I’m not lying bro I don’t have a p your I didn’t know I don’t have oh my look money yo 3,009 wa you got to come down J that’s 6 million my boy 6 million 6999 100 Mil 6 6.9 million 6.9 million go the

Guy 6 what go after the guy in the op I’m inside the building see what 36.9 million are you dumb oh you blind I just told you that I’m inside the [ __ ] building why you steal my [ __ ] don’t my [ __ ] kill you now did you [ __ ] Killen again no he’s

Okay Ken let’s go go [ __ ] no way Ken one come on I the guy you you killed me yeah he takes that KD serious bro you know get this abusive guy adive use my that sounds so guilty Jesse I can’t stop it my God snip can’t up I won’t let you sa you

If I can get to [Applause] that us to be another person theor I’m delivering the Caro bro I killed the I’m you my sorry I’ve got enough friends my it’s go so when you’re inor like when you buy option becomes available get out is trying to kill leave

Alone gu on me bro I don’t know [ __ ] tank got it’s literally the same guy Isen also in there no where she’s a fighter not a quitter pleas he’s like right behind the level 30 odd one he going to go deliv you car so much you never going to catch up to

Kaden where are you going what you think I don’t know exact is is it telling you to go somewhere yes and the yes I’m not lying oh my God deliver wait I have I have a what is your idea sh and dangerous too right it was inside a it’s got to

Be can you change it to m [Applause] oh my God can you take me to do that oh s wait okay there you go the will be up we should be this placees me why is it so far no grateful on imagine imagine that imagine to like cop

On like on a robbery right and accidentally your friend’s brains like option feels really good be cool imagine like a feature like P to hide in the car for a while the rest of the Town people get out it’s going to be a much bigger shock for them my the

Worst the [ __ ] going my I show you a shortcut bro come on okay fine let me get in you you [ __ ] take long blows up my doesn’t except my I did not blow up your car my op flying bike how do you jump sque oh shit9 how many units are there

Okay oh wow minutes why did you go you didn’t do this I’m ready Is the BK 11 stri one okay a two seated the the I don’t think whatever you decide to do clean it all up what I did last time yeah she will but that time I actually had BL I could go over yes yes I will after I help these Travelers find their

Way home I’ll come back find new make this world great again up you [ __ ] I see where does he get that money from where did he get that from when come play on the store you could get a million you have play all the time without yeah I remember that oh my God

Remember if all the time wait you kayen bro so you’ve been paying attention to that the whole time bro oh my God the whole time no I it under control so if if edar even gets G also have no we should grind for the old what the best way I don’t think I will see oh you you won get the money you yeah I won’t get the money is it weird that to see this place again

Cuz I didn’t get it it’s not something that you have to claim you didn’t even have to G what you going too far for me what I’m not going too I wanted to land on Ken’s head but [ __ ] Ken stop what must I do work and get G we need to do every

Single chronolog on guard the Doom we got to do the Doomsday even know the Doomsday is I watched Vanos I can imagine oh you Mo what the [ __ ] is up with low levels in this game and trying to kill higher levels I’m stronger than you [ __ ] I’m stronger than

You’s going to get so many noise complaints to slow down [ __ ] neighbors are going to me Michael died what happened why is kid always so concerned when someone’s dies like Ard your loot drops Bro yo get in Kaden what it’s your car you driving it is was driving me love this game he realiz sleep oh dude Kaden is going to be on this game N Stop bro nonstop okay we going come like tomorrow and to be like level 80 with a [ __ ] Casino I

All sh let’s get helicopter get outen [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] all right you already know time it is Gamers okay let’s tune this died all right straight it bro previously on Minecraft where am I and if you temp is not what I was expecting get we do I haven’t donee I miss okay

Let me start M why Harper your bravery is an impressive quality I look forward to studying that aspect of your personality get we’ll see about but say you can’t do the replay what is that this is the red beautiful going to do that oh my

At home you know in story mode you you actually did have explosive bullets right it was on the laser JTV went into the military place from there bro why are you so surprised about a helicopter having explosive bullets no but you want us to get five stars that’s what

You wow that that’s a lot of stairs be careful what and all revealed by the redone heart so cool I think the Savage shoots exposive cuz the laser I swe they NF the laser doesn’t I know what what Ken yes please I can’t finally this close blades were fading where’ you

Go feels like just I’ll be to be back jumped off the bridge wor the J faop the cop you’re going to lose the cops the [ __ ] oh story say that you don’t sound super happy about being back what’s up yeah I think you fig it Out but I I am okay let me get old Builder social politics for the good old times bro on our side come on BR I got a sick ass vehicle bro get in than you Jessie I hope I can keeping up to that look at this [ __ ] be surprised if

All actually I actually want to save this vehicle okay let me actually go save this car I actually want to keep it Sor me why do I get I thought that’s why we brought you convince them to hand over the atlas you’re not going to let us down right

I’m going to do my best but I warn you list this up a bit more to the max I need the max you’ll see when you get there Jessie come here are you sure we can TR look at all of our interaction with saved our lives only after she put

Them in danger if I remember correctly we saved her just about as much as she saved us don’t worry okay we’re going to get that Alice and get home Mike I appreciate the vote of confidence Jessie sorry I just a good easop I promise I’m trying to help

Lucas you just got to go through there theic r a door like a regular door yes yes time to step through and find out see a thing before you go in there I have one more piece of the fu [ __ ] come on I’m oh my is if some new competitors have entered the match some sort of crazy game think this is a game Jess’s right wow buddy backwards bu my only decent team Ken Ken you getting on my no bro invite us to your CE move you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my

God H okay back up Jessie Jessie one get in front of me bro the cops are going to kill me I swear to God Okay this is a misunderstanding dude what are you doing using weapons is not since the days of Tim have we seen such that’s totally against the rules right yeah I didn’t think we could throw TNT back nice oneedition I can’t get out now waen up your phone

Bottom are you all crazy mind controlled what oh my God hang on dude I am not in charge here okay it’s them right bottom right yes we are the ones in charge old people definely she n she’s kind of chill I want an explanation how do you get off

By he nothing he got to the boat and Mele this is going BC or let me just this where they Y is you just ruined our round of splits old people attacking competitors horrid and technically against the rules lashing out just because your friends were eliminated kind of sore

Loser Behavior don’t you think sport it is part of the games oh I’ve got a game we could play I’ll go first well if that isn’t the cutest little threat I’ve ever heard okay just straight what are these games talking about just calm down I can explain your

Friends aren’t dead wait what how when people are eliminated in The gamees they don’t die that would be Wast raining obviously they come back and then we have them go work in the mines go work in the mines this is slavery bro literally slavery bro what the hell your

Friends are alive and well let my friends go sorry sport but they were eliminated them’s the rules it’s called respawning champ we’re not monsters in our gam literally The Hunger Games Lally the hung games one of our respawn zones I hear it’s still pretty painful though well sport now that you’ve coming

In G I’m sure our fans would love to know how you got here spill go why bother they all end up in the mines stairs lots of them are you being a wisenheimer with me is that really what’s going on wow that can we get someone to kill this little [ __ ] for me

Please a few dozen times easy hadrien Jesse’s with me well if it isn’t Harper I must say this return is unexpected you’re telling me I’m here for Jesse oh really so tell me CH BL one is got to get she she annoying though my on old as [ __ ] as pretty cute right oh

Adorable we just want to get our friends and go home sorry Chief but this is your home now might as well get comfy no way we’ve been lost in your stupid portal hallway long enough we’re going home meaning you need my Atlas very interesting well that’s all well and

Good but I’m confused why would we give anything to Someone Like You [ __ ] and you interrupted SP what if I was about to change your mind thatd be hard because see I could be watching slab squash you right now which would be I love what could you possibly offer that’s better than that

Slugger I doubt you’d have anything that would interest us what is this old [ __ ] one bro let’s see send them to the mines they’re cheaters let’s make their lives miserable for fun how about a white pumpkin oh wow haven’t seen one of those since Cassie left oh don’t say that name

She still gives me nightmares oh is that who you got that from I don’t know what she told you but those things aren’t exactly valuable they don’t deserve to be here Adrien what about this I present the Redstone heart huh Seems Like Only Yesterday someone took off of that and

Vowed never to return with it oh but I didn’t bring it back Jesse did there’s no toy Slugger how about you just hand it over huh it could be uh pretty dangerous if you don’t know how to use it nuh-uh Adrien you’re not getting one finger on this thing until you hand over

My friends I’m not a big fan of haggling Jesse here’s the way my offer works you give me the heart you and your friends go back down to those portals I never look at your insignificant face again wait without the atlas but how will we

Get HS oh not my problem this is a onetime offer that your idea of an offer seriously that’s terrible terrible I’ll tell you what’s terrible Adrien well I do admit the kid is not afraid of playing a little hard ball even I think that’s admirable well you need the

Atas and I need competitors after your unexpected intrusion I seem to be short of team so how about this you playing the games if you win the atlas is yours to keep it’s a good deal Jesse trust me it really does take a big person to admit when they’ve met their match right

Adrien yeah that’s right Slugger I’ll play these games Bring It On well have a deal I banish him to the shadow all right then I suppose we can carry forward with the official enough add it on your own time oh but there’s one other thing I want if they lose Harper

Has to go to the mines too oh gravel Harper want to be a friend and show our new competitors to where they’ll be staying makes sense sure thing yeah Jesse this was not part of the plan wrapped up in one of Hadrian’s deals H he’s not one to let other people get the

Upper hand you know wait but this was your your plan you said you had it all worked out yeah about that I didn’t think you’d willingly come here I might have acted in haste before uh I could work out all the details you don’t say I’m I’m sorry okay I really am let

Me show you where the competitor Village is me cl we used to have competitors from all over travel here to play in the games at least until the others ruined it what happened Adrien and mevia let power go to their heads they started pitting against each

Other forcing people to be here it isn’t a bunch of old ass People come on I’ll show you where you’ll be staying well here it is the competitor Village sort of a home away from home for all the people playing the Games jeez wait are all of these people competitors yep at least the ones who aren’t stuck working in the courts mines those poor souls are just waiting for their next shot mining is tough work wow that’s just horrible I know Bu they didn’t make a deal like you did Jesse they’re stuck here till they win the games and what if they lose Adrien sends them to toil in the mindes if they’re lucky they’ll get another shot at the games but it might take a while I’m

Going to go confirm with Otto we go way back and well he’s usually the most reasonable of the three wait we still haven’t found Lucas or Ivor I’m thinking that hadrien must have sent them through the portal to the mines which is technically against the rules no one’s supposed to go there

Until their whole team is eliminated nuh-uh no way they do not get to put my friends in their stupid Minds yeah we got to bust them out of there Adrien always was one for maximizing useful um productivity see what you can do here I’m going to try and find Otto I’ve got

Confidence in you Jesse you might just get out of this old people bro we got to get our friends out of the mines quick I’ll go ask some of the other competitors they both want to D Bel in the mines uh old people think definitely bro they just see any youngst they like

Hey um that could be useful don’t you hello face meat wait a minute you’re the cheater that blew up my friend slam and face meat doesn’t look cheaters don’t stand around breathing up all a face meat air do you know where my friends are in the mines duh and they’re not going anywhere

Not on face me twatch that doesn’t mean just stand there staring at face meat get my friends now face meat doesn’t negotiate with meanies well there is something you could do face me was busy slamming mad reps at the gym and missed lunch time you see

Hey face me H do something about that and face me don’t think about getting your friends out geted wa it’s you froma you were like amazing I now and I am so super sorry about I get your problem set especially since you had no idea what was going on I

Understand now these games are nuts man I am so glad to hear that I do not want to be on your bad side I got to say you keep playing like that and be like Tim status Tim who Tim like the legend of Tim Tim on the

Signs sign like one okay like you could people could like already be talking they’re going to like say stuff compare you to Tim that’s right I’m going to win the games too no no doubt okay don’t like tell anyone that I would rather be be on your team green team captain is

Like she is so not chill listen I still feel super bad about taking out your friend I owe if you ever need anything you just come and ask shall no I mean seriously be from Hawai at all like I want to help out people well actually do

You have any extra food well um if I had some wheat I would totally give you some sadly I don’t have a secret stash and if you didn’t ask I wouldn’t loan you some wink see this is why she’s the good come on quick before anybody sees us let’s Go go ahead that should be enough for your bread all of it of course bra it’ll grow back just uh leave the seeds yeah one planting as I go and that’s another sweet and that should all grow back soon nice looks like that should be enough for some epic loaf

To yeah that means bread hopefully bread will be enough to get that face meat guy to help me righteous they don’t let us use crafting tables though yeah I guess I’ll just have to make my own where can I get hey I remember a bunch of like wood

Planks by the dojo I think they train by like punching ing them or whatever you know thank you now hey no problem happy to help catch you later yeah need to make some burn why was it that normal and not hold they don’t got holes in this place uh

Hey you’re the one that eliminate the one decent member of my team my team I’ll barely be able to get through to the next round all the shooting stars in The W hey no hard feelings I didn’t know what I’d gotten into let’s just move past this all the shooting

Stars to eliminate you in the next round it’ll be fun for me f next round if I don’t get you one of the Gladiators will you haven’t been here long so you wouldn’t know unless I win which I will you’ve got guts I respect that just

Can’t wait to see those guts on the Arena floor I feel kind of bad for you most of us got snatched against our Wills but you got tricked into coming willingly that old Builder should have told you these games were impossible she need to at the gym I guess she is I’m not

Sure no you don’t understand I have to win winning is the only way my friends and I can go home is that how it works that’s what we’re all trying to do yeah well good luck with getting home okay oh let me yink this one me give me give me give

Me there that should be enough for a table t y aha that’s some fine crafting let’s make some food okay boom bread now I should be able to get my friends back just before that I saw bro was is isn’t that like luukas not Luke Lucas’s hey that’s Lucas’s Journal you

Say something tiny cuz I’m trying to read here hey where’d you get that book you’re reading oh this this sh out some respawns inventory after got some Tales of Adventure feelings and other dumb stuff hey wait a minute you’re the pipsqueak that knocked me out of my

Tower yeah and this belonged to that little blonde buddy of yours let me guess you want this back cuz I’m actually enjoying myself there are some fascinating and thrilling tales in here hey don’t get too steam maybe we can make a deal and slam the

Immovable oh we can make a deal if you do everything I say when I say it and don’t make me mad again maybe I’ll consider giving you this stupid book back something Speedy Blackman doing Speedy Blackman thinks I guess I don’t know um hello hey face meat got some bread for you bread

Huh it’s not cake but face meat is starving it’s so warm oh I’m full of carbs it took me a long time to make that bread so you better hold up your end of the deals face me didn’t know you were so demanding wait here Cobbs

Brother trying Petra hey glad to see you already figured out the whole nether portal thing Lucas and Ivor should be right out one of those huge guys is getting them for me nice nice seems like we keep ending up in situations back with Pama you picked

Lucas and so today in that stupid game I worried well what I’m trying to say is thanks you know don’t make this awkward it was just on my mind and I thought I should say something I still feel awful about picking Lucas over you with Pama I’m really

Sorry it’s okay okay what’s important is that you saved me this time and I still have all my stuff I’m glad you’re with me in this Petra me too resp like me well probably does Jessie you got the mus are getting bigger and rip uh what are you wearing right shut

Up my outfit breathes one anyway how’s it been going out here you uh you don’t have our stuff by any chance do you he’s worried about his diary I’m working on that It’s Tricky though well don’t beat around the bush what has Harper gotten us wrapped up in

Yeah Harper is a tricky one as long as we stick together it’s going to be fine we’ll either get the atlas and go home or stuck in the nether together forever that is not reassuring Jesse hey Jesse I need to talk it’s pretty bad in there Jesse they don’t even do anything to

Keep the pig men away so they just stare at you while you mine it’s been terrible and we weren’t in there that long Lucas we need the atlas to get home I know apparently this guy Tim did it that’s true he’s all they talk about

In the minds guess he won the games a long time ago and got all of his team home they say he was three blocks tall and that he carried his entire team across the Finish Line yeah it’s super fishy well you’re out of those mindes now according to Harper until our entire

Team is eliminated you’re allowed to stay here in the village that’s right your friends weren’t supposed to go to the mines yet I am sincerely sorry about that Jesse this is OT my old friend like I said he may be able to help so you’re the one who’s supposed

To help us well I’ll inforce the rules at any rate if that helps you then uh can’t be games without rules some fake been killing in about you from the story she’s told I’m impressed you might actually make it to the to cuz they know bro that’s three exciting thing to come

To this place in a long only midgets [ __ ] a real wild card I think you might be a real Tim in the making yep a real yeah it’s fake really interesting you being here great as long as I get to go home that is the point

But you have to win first and my job is to make sure everybody even Adrien plays by the rules okay let’s reason just reasonable Lo can we trust him Harper nice hair’s been doing this forever transition at least he transition but like Anyway dorms are over there a big

Day tomorrow Jesse oh that sounds awesome can’t wait to just sit for a little while and in the morning I’m winning and getting us all out of here Kaden likes me just cuz the next event will be hopefully nothing too deadly I’m sorry but I can’t take you seriously

Looking like that it breathes wonderf hello competitors and welcome to the next day of the games it’s going to be a hot one woo yes it is Adrien and how are our teams looking Otto well mevia purple green and yellow are still making a strong showing but after yesterday’s performance in

Sple I’m afraid to say that the red team has been completely eliminated oh I guess it’s back to the mines for them and of course about our Plucky newcomers shut up we don’t need to hear about them well for everyone else don’t forget to be like Tim out

There wonder how this is going to go oh my gosh I’m so sick of these pompous jerks yeah I’m right there with you all right competitors the next event is almost upon us time to head to the starting line starting line huh a race we’ve totally got

This got this huh boom surprise locker room visit how we doing everybody it’s Adrien old people and here are the newcomers that everyone’s been talking about since their explosive debut in sple tell me champ what’s on your mind as you approach the next challenge make sure you smile when that spotlights on you

Winning ooh in the zone huh that’s excellent that’s just excellent time for the Speedy Blackman in hope you manag to hang on to that optimism the heat’s on out there I admire your confidence Jesse but I must ask what makes you think you can win when so many others have failed huh

Do you really think you’re special whatever you’re throwing at us can’t be any worse than the other stuff we’ve already survived oh really cuz it seems like two members of your team have already been eliminated yeah and there’s two left more than enough to win this

Yes perhaps we should just get on with this what a lovely day for a game Jesse good luck out there I’m sure you’ll be great but well everyone could always use a little dose of luck right thanks Sam good luck to you too of course I saw what you could

Do in sple and you made that deal with Adrien and I thought an enemy of my is my friend mem might be up to something so uh yeah how about we work together on this I could use an ally and you could use my help come on

Jesse I’m trying to help you out here oh come on em you expect me to believe that what are you up to here nothing honest it’s just watching you negotiate with hadrien trying to get home it inspired me made me want to go home too we should be working

Together in the middle of the race is a part with tons of Gladiators that’s when we should all team up defeat them then race to the Finish Well what do you say unless you don’t want the help of a former Gladiator I mean that’s okay too I’m

Going to stick with my team and you should stick with yours fine I’ll do that competitors to the starting line see at Gladiator Junction we don’t need them they’ll just hold us back I’m ready for this damn right those Gladiators are going down hint it’s going to involve a lot of punching and

Kicking all around awesomeness remember there’s no eye in teamwork Petra yeah but there is a me and I’m going to kick their butts okay started bro Jesse it is a total bummer that we are not going to be able to you know work together sorry you’re going to lose now

I still think you’re awesome though well they have a speedy black as well on your Mar but they ain’t ready for the big black man in the scene Speedy black man on the go go who watch out Speedy BL man’s got this [ __ ] Bro oh that was close

Yeah [ __ ] we did it this has been pretty tough can’t wait to see what else they throw at us get ready to witness some greatness greatness huh huh way jumps okay oh no okay not quite there we go oh [ __ ] I was looking at that okay that was pretty

Cool okay sounds like this is Gladiator Junction but where are the Gladiators my body you I don’t think it would have been a big deal though there’s no combat so I probably would have just like jumped the way not the Speedy black man 2.0 bro not the

Junior greatness don’t fail me now come on that doesn’t make any sense why aren’t they you’re mine I’ve been dreaming about this since fle wow your memory goes back that far fire away by squishy Jesse got your back go go no God damn it bro looks like you’re all alone now that’s

MTH you’re going to pay for that one clutch move it no you don’t oh [ __ ] I forgot that happens oh no not yeah just go [ __ ] Co was she watching the whole time maybe I can still win this thing dude I am like so close I could do

This sorry now I’m winning this thing hey whoa Jessie way to catch up dude very nice you just can’t take a hit can you get D hey you respawn you respawn I’m sorry about but you respond is fine you respond looking a little swordless there Jesse come on the flint and steel okay got your ass boy am I glad I’ve still got you come on blue fire [ __ ] blue FES the Speedy black man

Clbs even clums Falls must be from the days in the trees know who it will be prised that Jesse has not respawned yet too mevia me too what and in an unexpected twist and something that definitely was not planned Jesse wins Jesse wins Jesse and there appears to be a confrontation on

The field I bet you didn’t think I’d win but I did this just went from bad to worse you did whatever it took to win that race Jesse good to know and you you were supposed to eliminate Jesse our deal’s off deal no please oh rotten pieces of old slab slab

Probably think I’m scum or whatever but you know what I don’t even care you have your deal Jesse if you win you and your friends will just leave us anyway my shot at going home just went up in smoke so feel free to judge all

You want hard to hurt me any more than hadrien did just now no I get it em I might have even done the same thing in your position well I’m glad that you get it wasn’t personal at any rate I I got to go okay responding is the worst you

Adrien wants you Adrien why does he want to see me you made him real mad come on I don’t have all day okay if they want to see me let’s go uh really well that was unexpected no just Jess Adrien doesn’t allow dirty respawns in the

Palace D okay well be safe Jesse I don’t trust them hey I need to talk to you keep up come on come here it’ll be quick Jesse you going to do what I say or not hey Jesse Yeah over here Jesse I’m warning you I’m coming good just you I

Appreciate you being consider my job’s on the line here too you know I hope Adrian’s in a good mood I hate being sent out on dumb errands Adrien seems like a tough boss you mean doing whatever he says whenever he says it all the

Time he gets old but at least I get to take out my frustrations on the little People wow so this is how the old Builders live totally epic right sometimes I just like to stand here and just do that a whole bunch this is pretty cool this is incredible such amazing use of scale and angles right knew you’d be impressed I get to hang

Out here whenever I want and thanks to you actually helping us keep on schedule we have some extra time to enjoy the place I’ll go get H oh and don’t touch anything s him’s armor slab said don’t touch anything he never said don’t look at everything a bookcase no portal Atlas a

Man forever voyaging by saurin how did hadrien get this hey bro s is like someone bro hey that’s that Tim guy’s armor welcome Jesse fantastic to have you here just fantastic thanks for accepting my invitation it seems appropriate that you’d gravitate toward Tim’s armor what with everyone calling

You the new Tim down there yes I’ve heard the rumors that they’re calling you that and I can definitely see why people love an Underdog Story the decor of this place really seems like you’re going for a modern villain aesthetic does it I suppose taste can be intimidating to the

Classless you could look closer go ahead I assume by now you’ve heard all about Tim repeatedly everyone loves him and why shouldn’t they after all he’s Tim I can’t say I’m much of a Tim fan myself and why would you be you haven’t lost yet Tim is an inspiration to them even

When he’s not here one could say he’s an inspiration because he’s not here what do you mean it’s so so much easier for a legend to stay nice and shiny when it’s a fond memory easier to control it I’ve been watching your Legend grow but I

Worry that with you still in the picture it could get messy I been starting to think it would be best if you made a quiet exit you don’t belong here these games aren’t for you well that doesn’t sound like the deal we made you trying to change our

Terms think of this as a shiny a new deal see there’s something you should know about the games no one ever wins unless we want them to not even Tim let that sink in for a moment eh I’m not buying it Adrien is Tim even real I knew you were a smart one

Bucko of course he’s not real Tim gives them hope he keeps them playing the games but no one wins ever which is why I think it’ be in your best interest to play alone but no miss your friends your treehouse wait my treeh housee would you

Rather have 20 dick sucking you at all that once or have 20 dick sucking you turns out you’re pretty famous I was impressed treeh house had to bring back some things you might be interested in Axel Olivia hey Jesse Jessie oh my gosh I can’t believe you’re here yeah

This really scary lady knock us out now we’re in these smelly boxes what’s going on here and that guy’s voice is the worst I can even hear it through the obsidian not going to lie guys it’s bad where did that come from everyone isced to comp the tree be prisoners forever if

I don’t win that is bad I’m so sorry you guys got roped into this yeah that’s not the best just check something you yeah wait until I tell the others you’re here I’ve missed you guys so much wow this is just wow such a tapestry of human drama and emotion and we haven’t

Even gotten to the best part I save that for last what oh yes your best friend Reuben I don’t remember anything watch lungs I was asked it’s this guy bro I’ve heard all about him your best friend your partner in crime Adrien for an old Builder you are not that bright

You know that what I told you bro like my name is Reuben but the Reuben you’re thinking of he was like a little pig though seriously dude big fan I for so you use the atlas to kidnap my choose 20 dick suck 20 dick 20 dick sucking

Me I work in the m forever or until they get a shot of competing which is still basically forever no okay so what’s your deal if you lose the next match and go work in my Minds then I’ll let your friends go all of them you’ll just have

To stay behind in their place I hear it’s terrible in those Minds you’re messing with the wrong guy and his friends yeah they’re awesome just being supportive I’m not messing with anyone I’m just trying to maintain my games here okay I had hoped that watching your

S yes sir eat my ass eat my ass eat my ass freedom for theirs huh do you think you’re worth more than all them do you even really think you can win these games do some too it’s actually kind of a good deal uh yeah except the part

Where Jesse would be stuck here forever no way Adrien I don’t make deals with cheaters fine play it your way which is to say I will crush you and you won’t win anyway slab get this garbage out of my office sure thing boss come on idiot came for some justice Jesse you’re okay

What happened up there Adrien has Axel and Olivia what he used the atlas to snatch them from our world no are they okay other than hadrien having them trapped in obsidian prisons but he offered me a deal he said he’ll send you all home if I lose and go

To the mines in your place I didn’t take the deal oh I guess that was probably the right move probably what you thought that deal sounded good I didn’t take the deal because it was a no- win scenario and I don’t believe in those I know we can find another way I

Just hope you know what you’re doing Jesse was smart Adrien never would have kept that deal even if you did volunteer to throw the game he’d just send you all to the mines anyway probably while claiming that was the original deal so who’s supposed to help us then Adrian and mevia are both

Clearly the worst but what about the Third guy a how could he help he’s always stayed out of the more lever pulling sides of the games he seems like a big fan of the rules maybe we can use that to our advantage H he loves rules

That’s for sure always plays by them if you won I know he would definitely make sure you got that Atlas that was the original deal and he’s an honorable man we’re going to end these games for good think you can handle that Harper oh I think I’ve got some ideas

Wait wait wait you really think you can free everyone in this place and win the games yeah good luck with that last part do you really think you can just beat all the other teams by yourself that is a pretty tall order even for you Jesse the old Builders

Expect us all to fight each other I don’t intend to give them the satisfaction you’re what going to convince everyone to work together oh yeah whoa looks like we got a littleit auto I almost got competition I think that’s your Quee to do your thing all right let’s do the power of friendship

[ __ ] the old builders make you all compete in the games event after event after event they build up hope but they’re still controlling everything they’ll never really really let anyone win unless we work together Adrien keeps twisting and changing the rules I say it’s our time to change the rules on

Them what’s the point Adrien will still have all the power there’s no way he’s going to let us just take that from him he’ll just make up some new rues don’t you want to go home em I do more than anything but nobody beats Adrien at his own games nobody hey Tim did

That’s the only thing keeping me going in here oh yeah cuz if it were not for Tim I probably would have given up a long time ago let’s use that as that’s right Tim did beat the games and so can we yeah sure except nobody’s been able

To do it since Tim so what’s the point and it’s not like I haven’t been trying we all have oh come on sure Tim’s a legend but we’re better than Tim better than Tim Tim somehow beat all those Gladiators alone I don’t think any of us

Are better than that sure I mean well it’s like an inspiring idea and all that but actually should have Gladiators are like super used that as leverage I don’t know how Tim pulled off beating them but okay look for real I don’t think I could do that like max level scariness okay boo

Oh no I mean totally op those Gladiators are a bunch of tough cookies definitely true no way any you stand a chance against them uh where’s Jesse going with this that’s just because you’ve never had a leader to help you make a plan you’ve never oh I get it now with my

Help we’re going to do this even better than Tim did we’re going to do it as a team you might not believe in yourselves but I believe in you and I believe that we will be free yeah did it work [Applause] look it was a nice speech but strength

Doesn’t come from speeches AC should speak louder than words can’t expect you just talk your way through this Jessie comes from my friends we’re all care for each other don’t believe I’m unironically say saying this [ __ ] Bro true Jesse never even gave up on me and I used to be a bad

Guy slaves Rebellion God St BR we got to be free [ __ ] some crowd think they got through to him wait so who are we fighting then reaction definitely seemed mixed uh yeah totally I mean you did hear it right loud and clear it just might not have been

Enough well I guess we’ll find out for sure in the morning maybe I shouldn’t have used to is an inspiration ladies and gentlemen it is my privilege n my honor to be here today kicking out another wonderful day of the [Applause] game ucation day but the final day of the

Game Amer are our competitors ready for the final challenge the walls the walls so scared it’s okay if you are no one will judge you for it after putting up with your breath this whole walk please this walls thing doesn’t scare me at all still got your sense of humor huh

Cute meia for those unfamiliar with the walls you want to walk us through how it’s played sure thing Adrien teams start out separated in their own sections divided by the high inner walls each team has a short amount of time to gather materials bu defenses and craft

In their section before the walls come down oh wait I only see dirt and gravel in my section oh I’m sorry is that going to be a problem the sections are drawn at random oh you work for the worst people did you know that yeah but that dental plan though

See once the walls are down it’s every team for themselves but is surviving the walls the end Mia no it is not Adrien whichever team survives the free-for-all needs to step onto the Winner’s platform in the center of the Arena Winner Takes all but let’s not get ahead of ourselves

Because that’s only if the wouldbe winners can defeat Gladiators that’s right so all competitors better get to Gathering materials because that clock is ticking dark hopefully it’s not all dirt gravel oh choices are funny aren’t they meian what do you mean Adrien n just dirt on Place dog get you nothing but

Dirt and crap yep just dirt if I didn’t convince people to join up with that speech I need something to work with surely gravel gravel that’s worse than dirt nothing there brother at least they gave me a crafting table now if only I actually had anything to craft with that’s not good

Um I’m guessing that’s the aonomus wall oh do you know what time it is ask me what time it is Mia what time isri it’s time time for the wol to come down this should be interesting there the competitors are like wild ocelot sizing each other up un moving

Before they go in for the kill someone make a fishing rod hang on now we got movement looks like the Gladiator formerly known as Emily is preparing her attack and Jesse the newcomer is just painfully unarmed and unprotected Jesse this could get ugly now hang on em you don’t have to do this

Already made up my mind Jesse isn’t even trying to defend himself here it comes the Finish It Blow What Redemption of the century thought I’d try giving that friends thing a shot it appears Emily has opted thank you you made the right decision you could say you really inspired me oh well that’s could what is him doing why is she doing that no idea come on over here yeah

Why aren’t you all killing each other yeah see usually all the little teams kill each other aren’t you tired of letting the old Builders use you like this like uh like awesome people no like little pieces in their Gams doing whatever they say don’t you see none of

Us are the enemy it’s them they’re the enemies they’re behind everything my head hurts too many perspectives any need here that Gladiators being idiots right now idiots what they should be doing these aren’t your games anymore Adrien uh these weren’t our games wow my urge to destroy is dissipating Jesus imiles SL

Slap what should we do I’m sure that the slaughter will commit soon right you should be on our side join us I I don’t know face me finds that idea weird not going with them swab in my life I’ve done some things I’m not proud of but I won’t work for

Bosses who use people or manipulate them that’s inconsiderate first but you when I was mean to you pushed you around and made you go to the Tower with me you got that I was just doing my my job and came anyway so we could be on time

Himself I will join you tiny Jessie I think it’s time for us to finish this together it appears all the competitors are headed towards the victory platform as stated in our rules anyone who is not eliminated May step on the victory platform and win the games it looks like

They are going to do this together right behind you fearless leader 82 slab you’ll pay for that that won’t happen it can’t happen no no and they’ve done it the competitors have all stepped onto the platform together which by the Builder game bylaw means they are all

The which I’m sure my colleague means to say we are going to find some way to disqualify no we are not they all win going to get we’re ending this Dam so help me none of you will leave this place until you eliminate each other just give it up already Adrien I

Beat you at your own dumb game really really you think you beat me oh that just shows how little you understand the circumstances of your situation this isn’t up to you we control the games we decide their outcome m shut up Otto this run needs to

Pay for ruining our fun so you admit the games are rigged then sure okay sure fine whatever mevia Jesse won these games fair and square he’s earned the atlas I would think very carefully about what you’re doing I have Jesse with the power vested in me as an officiator of

The Builder games I am proud of P what are you doing white people bro now it’s been fun honestly but I think it’s about time we end this surrender the Redstone heart now yeah because uh I will trap you here forever you heard Otto the atlas is mine yeah we’re going

To talk to OT about that later but trust me the atlas will never be yours this is useless well well just when you thought mem had your M come back now that you’ve lost your oversized friend you really don’t stand a chance Run Away Little Emily I’m still with you Jesse thank

You you’re going going to need all the help you can get to seems he doesn’t have a pick take what is mine I’ll let your quick sport but not quick enough for my axe no what the don’t forget my axe hadrien she is old

As no slam it was an honor to fight the SL the goat I’m about the blue got to admit kid you’ve shown you got skills but you’re still know let see about that I got this Adrien had enough Adrien wait wait you’re right this has gone too far it

Was just supposed to be a game you expect me to believe that come on sport haven’t you ever had anything get away from you before I mean can’t you forgive me this game is and that’s our game sports fans the Redstone heart has been returned to its

Proper owners a bro was not watching this back now the back shut it bro I I lost hey fancy meeting you here you know competitors to these respawn pits got the would hurt so much sorry that’s probably not helping your mood right now it’s over I oh I don’t think

So it’s us yeah I’m so happy to see you guys I know you said you were done helping me but I hope you can give me another chance you know cuz I’m awesome and we both need to get out of this oh I knew you’d be back thanks for not

Doubting me but I lost my inventory when I respawned how am I supposed to get the atlas back without any weapons or armor well may Adrian’s inventory room and helped ourselves to a few things awesome man we got we got still still got here bro

Thanks and a bunch of that we still got no waves over here Tim’s armor belongs to you now time to kick some old Builder butt now to pick a weapon go with my sweet exactly bro can’t let these can’t let these guys slide bro have my li

Back my f what should we do with all those other competitors who betrayed us well mevia spending eternity in the quartz mindes doesn’t seem like punishment enough I have something special in mind for them Adrien mevia this game just went into overtime well isn’t that cute you found

Tim’s armor oh well isn’t that just the sweetest thing Adrien so sweet and so pathetic meia oh I’m going to enjoy crushing you [ __ ] slow as hell oh crap wall wall man W wait there that you keep be quiet no way gets out of obsidian Harper I’m going to

Owe you one time to go to work jump in the black guy yeah but I’m jump resistant no it can’t be you Mia give up wow her inventory was huge got ass Mia come on what kind of rookie move was T for now bucko hey Adrien huh over here you mess with one member of the order of the stone you mess with all of go Jesse I believe to shut you up you think this is going to help you’re deluded let’s take him to the slab Land

By I’m I’m still workshopping that one shut up let’s go come on you never could have won on your own shut up just shut up Alia shut up I see you don’t like having a live audience Adrien come on Jesse remember sple got it wa [ __ ] course you lacking bro power friendship on

God Jesus I knew it you and your stupid deal there’s no time for that now meia we have to get out of here come on whoa oh whoa hey hey guys how’s it going it’s going not the best and you’re not going anywhere yeah face meat wants to discuss his

Benefits plan oh hang on hang on Jesse you did it again feels like I say that a lot I couldn’t have done anything without all of you well done Jesse an excellent job uh thanks Otto you have truly shown my friends and I the error of our ways I’m

Glad to put this whole messy business behind us man do you need some new friends you know that yes I have come to that same conclusion and I am working on it I also know that the atlas is not mine to keep you have fairly defeated them seems

Only fair that you get to decide their their fate and with the atlas you can send them anywhere you want H you know there was this game that Olivia and I used to play back in our treeh house huh remember we called it which would you rather fight they

Getting oh they getting [ __ ] out’s Redstone heart right out and the whole thing shut down man you guys have had some crazy Adventures so many people trying to kill you goodbye Jesse goodbye thank you absolutely s them bro that all of them everyone that wants to go home

Anyhow except you folks that is I can’t believe how many competitors actually want to stay and keep playing the games thanks to you my Intrepid new friend I okay let’s see if the up bitching I’m making them fun again very exciting it’ll be more challenging just by myself but a good

Challenge that’s what I do exploring new worlds helping people wherever I go I was happy to help well I’m very grateful what you did won’t be forgotten anytime soon and I’m going to help too you taught me a lot about fairness Jesse and I I’d like to use that new knowledge for

Something good oh and speaking of fairness I think this is yours oh man there was some good stuff in there I was really moved awesome huh I guess he wasn’t so immovable after all well em how about you you said you wanted to go home right

Yes I just can’t decide if it’s what I want you get to leave and go on more Adventures do I really want to go back to farming I mean it has been ages since I’ve seen it and I miss my friends but one of I’m bored sounds like Otto’s

Going to be you know like restarting the games you could stick around and help with that Jesse that’s an awesome idea we can actually make them fun maybe I can be head Gladiator yeah thanks Jesse I needed that hey Ivor oh hello what you doing I was just observing Harper all by herself

Over there she seems lonely come on hey Harper oh hey Jesse Ivor I was just watching folks head on home things really worked out huh well I guess this is goodbye I’m going to head on back to Crown Mesa and see how the post Palma construction is going just hope they’ll

Take me back it’s not my real home but it’s the closest thing I’ve had for don’t worry I’m sure they’ll come around I sure hope you’re right you’ll be fine you’ll be fine getting over the I was a bad guy hump can be awkward but hopefully soon they’ll in invite you

Right back into their lives right Jesse you are a strange strange man iore but you know something you’re okay take care of each other all right get this and I’ll see you around salute you look lost bye Harper yes goodbye come on you’re amazing

So how do we get home now well the atlas belongs to Jesse now the deal’s a deal and all that sweet uh how does it work now you just say where you want to go and the atlas will show you the way why don’t you just go ahead and open

It okay book take us home wa spectacular there it is home figure it’s about time we get heading on home huh that sounds awesome yeah home here we come Jesse look can you believe it we made it we’re home after all that time all those portals we’re home I no I can’t believe

It either after all that traveling we were doing I was starting to wonder if we’d ever get home it is good to be back I’m just so glad we’re all back together that Atlas is so cool I’m glad OT let you keep it fabulous yes and that’s not all we got

Seriously what else did you get yeah show them Jesse the enchanted flint and steel the one that started the whole thing yeah none of these other Adventures could have happened if it weren’t for this the crown of the eversource the magical source of all of Sky City’s precious materials whoa wicked

Wicked the mask of Cassie Rose aka the white pumpkin oh man that’s even creepier looking than I imagined pama’s Redstone heart I know that Pama was evil and everything but I still kind of wish I could have seen it the portal Atlas I could have lost all the rest so

Long as we got to keep that huh I wonder what saurin would have thought of it so much power contained within such a tiny object easy there I sorry I can’t believe you got to do all those incredible things makes sense though you were gone a long time way

Till we show you all the improvements we’ve been making to town um Jesse what’s up Lucas so I’ve been writing stuff in here you know and well it’s kind of become like a legitimate book there’s just one problem I still need to put what happened to you

You’ve well you’ve been the hero of this whole story just put down that I got home safe and reunited with all my friends nice and simple I like it there done well tell the next one anyway I was thinking that maybe we could put it in here with the other

Treasures I I know it’s not as cool as like a portal Atlas that’s a great idea Lucas it’s perfect hang on what is it wasn’t that where the portal Atlas was a minute too yeah that was definitely where you put it guys flint and steel are missing too and where’s Ivor he must be headed for the portal Network is that bad what should we do I mean I guess he mostly knows what he’s doing yeah he’ll be back eventually after everything we’ve been through I think I finally trust him yeah yeah come on guys let’s go home what about the blue

Pause n resume brother all right hello hello just smoking blunt in the mall Bro got to leave those guys alone well in a very un unexpected twist it appears we are in the land of chickens that are indeed the size of that’s right Adrien and it looks like we’re just going to have to find Wing It wings chicken wings you do you’re fired Mia you’re fired

My we have to do drop zone bro we have what still downloading GTA bro let’s go yeah already stream that’s it for the game least he stuck with G all right season two probably tomorrow unless I die that’ll be pretty epic unless anyway already got to for watching

Game all and I’ll catch you in the next season I just red the Stream

This video, titled ‘End of Minecraft Story Mode Season 1??’, was uploaded by LilDrago on 2024-01-11 20:55:59. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:53 or 9713 seconds.

2nd Channel for Drago. This channel has all unedited and short clips. Some will be seen on my main

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  • “EPIC SKY SMP LIVE – JOIN NOW!” #minecraft

    "EPIC SKY SMP LIVE - JOIN NOW!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE | SKY SMP LIVE | ANYONE CAN JOIN JAVA + BEDROCK #minecraft’, was uploaded by SKY GAMING on 2024-03-21 07:38:15. It has garnered 174 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:09 or 7269 seconds. Hi guys.. It’s me akash.. Welcome to the stream of minecraft… Here we can play public server with you all.. Just need your support to grow.. Make sure to like and subscribe the channel.. ❣️ #minecraft #mcpelive #minecraftlive #mcpe #smp #publicsmp #publicsmplive #minecraftservers #minecraft1.20 server #minecraftliveindia #minecracthindi #minecraftsmpbedrock #minecraftjava #minecraftbedrock #mcpehindi #technogamerz #gamerfleet #fleetsmp #skygaming… Read More

  • Unleashing Sam’s Insane Steam Skills in Minecraft! 🔥

    Unleashing Sam's Insane Steam Skills in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Revolutionizing Steam Mastery | Minecraft Tier 0.5 Steam Age Quest Tree | Part 6’, was uploaded by Gaming With Sam on 2024-01-15 21:15:08. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:16 or 1096 seconds. Subscribe to my channel for more content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHL4lY06UnIiB8-CBOxsNgQ/ Support me financially and get your own custom 3D prints in a wide variety of colors and materials visit this link here www.sams3dpnd.com link to modpack: https://gtnh.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page Welcome, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts, to a groundbreaking episode in our gaming odyssey – Part 6 of the Tier 0.5… Read More

  • INSANE Nether Entrance Build!! – Minecraft Survival Ep. 8

    INSANE Nether Entrance Build!! - Minecraft Survival Ep. 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Live | CONSTRUINDO A ENTRADA DO NETHER – Minecraft Survival pt. 8’, was uploaded by Bieelzy on 2024-06-02 15:20:44. It has garnered 128 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:21 or 11481 seconds. #bieelzy #vtuber #pngvtuber #vtuberbrasil #minecraft #minecraftsurvival 【CHAT COMMANDS】 ➤!pix: link to my Livepix ➤!insta: link to my Instagram ➤!zap: link to the WhatsApp channel Donation to Rio Grande do Sul: Pix: Virgí[email protected] 【❤️ DONATE BY PIX 】 ➤ LIVEPIX: https://livepix.gg/bieelzyy 【🎨 ABOUT ME 】 ➤ My name is Bieelzy, a VTuber, passionate artist and technology enthusiast. Sign up… Read More

  • Burning OXY in NETHER?! Insane AnimalMace Moments

    Burning OXY in NETHER?! Insane AnimalMace MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘OXY IN THE NETHER | Pt.7’, was uploaded by AnimalMace on 2024-02-28 13:50:42. It has garnered 4336 views and 225 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:37 or 6697 seconds. Oxy and I have prepared ourselves for weeks, and it’s finally time to enter the most dangerous place in Minecraft. Will they make it out alive, or will they run into 9 bastions again and ragequit? NEXT STREAM: https://youtube.com/@animalmace/live I streamed this with friends on my server named Haven ! SOCIALS YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH24ufNPog8Tn4zblgPeF8Q TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@animalmace Discord: https://www.discord.com/invite/CvrFVbgeEU Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnimalMace This post is powered by… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cherry FarmTown Adventure with PrncsErosephone_VT!

    EPIC Minecraft Cherry FarmTown Adventure with PrncsErosephone_VT!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s play-Cherry FarmTown-EP.1’, was uploaded by PrncsErosephone_VT on 2024-04-07 17:36:52. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:07 or 1867 seconds. Hello, Loves.Thank you for watching! I’m still working on the model. and some other art related videos to upload.I’ve been practicing so i hope its better:3 If you like this video please like and subscribe and tell me any requests for videos you might have:3 here’s the tumblr account where im most active. https://jinniebearowo.tumblr.com/ you can ask me stuff before i debut as a vtuber, or… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build on ChillSMP!

    EPIC Minecraft Build on ChillSMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is one of the most epic builds of all time #Minecraft’, was uploaded by ChillSMP on 2024-02-12 20:59:42. It has garnered 6350 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. This is one of the most epic builds of all time Read More

  • Insane Gacha Club News! Minecraft Collab

    Insane Gacha Club News! Minecraft CollabVideo Information This video, titled ‘Quais as novidades? #gacha #gachaclub #minecraftshorts #fyp #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Lurani_KF on 2024-01-12 17:00:13. It has garnered 224 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Our girls just came home from school full of news to tell their mom, but what could they be about? Last episode: https://youtu.be/OI0SaoE24XE Kibouno Family Part 0: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUzmveN09rvLjUEktCVOVmBUAmMFcn6tu&si=suA_bEiMZleHb5ks Latest GCMV: https://youtu.be/QFA8NB-21AM Learning from Marks: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUzmveN09rvK_PLKPC2wkx6xF-sXTZB3V&si=DTUt4C-rgMJyagpi #gacha #gachaclub #gachaedit #gachatiktok #gachalife #series #tiktok #shorts #anime #fyp #foryou #story #music #musica #edit #capcut #funny #fpyシ #alightmotion #gachaanimation #brasil #minecraft #gachaindonesia #animation # livros… Read More

  • PrinterMC

    PrinterMCWelcome to Printer SMP a Vanilla Minecraft server with a difference! To make the server more challenging you can’t make netherite armor or tools, you can only get totems from mansions and villagers no longer sell diamond armor or mending. Another unique feature of the server is the custom events you can compete in such as ice boat racing or PVP tournaments to win one-of-a-kind items like a protection 5 chest plate or depth strider 4 boots! The world border is 10K in each direction so there is a lot to loot and explore. We hope to see you on… Read More

  • TotallyNotSuspicious SMP 1.20.4 LGBTQ+ Friendly Hermitcraft-like WhiteList Fabric Java

    Apply here: click here (Applications are rarely denied unless there is a lack of effort!) INFORMATION TotallyNotSuspicious is an SMP established in 2018, focused on creating an inclusive community where interactions between members are highly valued. Every member is welcome with open arms; no judgment here. Why join us? Servers hosted in North America, with constant 20 TPS Discord to Minecraft chat Simple Voice Chat integration Suggestion forums Ticket systems, answered immediately Diamond economy, no shop plugins Organized Dragon Fights and various events DISCORD Our server uses Discord for communication and events/updates. Joining the Discord is required to be whitelisted… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers are screwed now 😈

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers are screwed now 😈With all these new updates, the villagers are probably going to start giving discounts on emeralds just to get rid of all the extra items they’re collecting from us players! Read More

  • Crafty Clash: Minecraft Rich vs. Muscle Poor

    Crafty Clash: Minecraft Rich vs. Muscle Poor In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Rich vs muscle poor, a story untold. The battle begins, with diamonds and gold, Who will emerge victorious, brave and bold? The rich with their riches, shining bright, Or the muscle poor, ready to fight. In this epic showdown, day turns to night, As the players clash, with all their might. But in the end, it’s not about the loot, It’s about the journey, the thrill and pursuit. So let’s all join in, in this Minecraft salute, For in this game, we all find our truth. Read More

  • Minecraft Mobs: Hotter than a Blaze! 🔥

    Minecraft Mobs: Hotter than a Blaze! 🔥 Why did the creeper break up with the skeleton? Because he couldn’t handle his bone-headed jokes! #minecraftmobs #relationshipproblems Read More

  • Unveiling the Infinite Worlds of Minecraft

    Unveiling the Infinite Worlds of Minecraft The Mathematical Magic Behind Minecraft’s Infinite Worlds Step into the fascinating world of Minecraft as Professor Mobius unveils the secrets behind the game’s infinite world generation. Dive deep into the realm of procedural algorithms and discover how mathematical magic shapes the unique terrains and biomes that players explore. The Power of Procedural Algorithms At the core of Minecraft’s infinite worlds lies the power of procedural algorithms. These algorithms, such as perlin noise, are responsible for creating the diverse landscapes and environments that players encounter as they journey through the game. By using mathematical formulas and randomization, Minecraft is able… Read More

  • Insane Chicken Stunt in Minecraft!

    Insane Chicken Stunt in Minecraft! Welcome to the Blocky Thrills of Minecraft Roller Coaster Build! Designing the Ultimate Roller Coaster Experience Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft as we embark on the first episode of our Roller Coaster Build series! In this video, we dive headfirst into the creative world of Minecraft to bring you the ultimate roller coaster experience. Join us as we design, build, and test our very own coaster, complete with twists, turns, and breathtaking drops! From Concept to Creation From the initial concept to the final redstone-powered masterpiece, we’ll guide you through each step… Read More

  • VM Playz – 10 Most Hated Minecraft Items! #shorts

    VM Playz - 10 Most Hated Minecraft Items! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Most hated things in #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VM Playz on 2024-06-05 18:36:57. It has garnered 372 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern Minecraft House Ideas

    Ultimate Modern Minecraft House IdeasVideo Information This video, titled ‘mindcraft houseminecraft house ideasmodern minecrafthouse#maincraft #gaming #house #viral #top #look’, was uploaded by Tejas legend 3680 on 2024-05-25 05:08:40. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:09 or 249 seconds. mindcraft house minecraft house minecraft house ideas modern minecraft house cool minecraft house how to make a house in minecraft cute minecraft house minecraft house designs simple minecraft house minecraft house tutorial small minecraft house biggest minecraft house nice minecraft house lego minecraft house minecraft house aesthetic minecraft house additions minecraft house aesthetic ideas minecraft house accessories minecraft… Read More

  • Insane PVP Training Montage: Mastering Grain

    Insane PVP Training Montage: Mastering GrainVideo Information This video, titled ‘Training PVP…’, was uploaded by Grain on 2024-03-03 02:48:44. It has garnered 40 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:40 or 2440 seconds. Grain OP is streaming (if u no like zaza i come for you) Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video…. Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Battle! Who Will Survive? (2024)

    Ultimate Villager Battle! Who Will Survive? (2024)Video Information This video, titled ‘Which Villager Will Survive? Minecraft Challenge (2024)’, was uploaded by botXsonic on 2024-04-30 10:30:15. It has garnered 9547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Which Villager Will Survive? Minecraft Challenge (2024) minecraft minecraft funny villager camman18 shorts minecraft mods minecraft villager minecraft animation minecraft shorts mrbeast shorts steve minecraft but twi shorts minecraft memes froppy craft minecraft funny animation villager memes all my fellas minecraft villager shorts aphmau villager ai cover dayta funny minecraft shorts villagers vs socks apollo notvixios minecraft noob vs pro grox mrbeast minecraft meme… Read More