Discover the Tiniest Mangrove Swamp in Minecraft!

Video Information

This is the smallest Mangrove swamp I’ve ever seen it’s literally only two trees and I bet you’re wondering how did I even get here well we have to go back to the beginning well not the very beginning hey guys how’s it going this is Xeno corpse here and welcome back to

Let’s Play Minecraft like the good old days episode 11 we just threw the roof on or actually I should say the ceiling on in this room so now we have a full fully sealed room in this mountain I think the seiling looks pretty good what

Do you guys think I also would like to change up this bridge a little bit and put some blocks on it here oh no I’m one short oh that sucks oh well yeah the bridge is looking a little bit nicer now we’ve got a little bit more depth to it because we

Added some stairs and some fences to it so now I’m not as worried about falling off although you could still technically walk off like that but I think it looks pretty good we’ve got a nice little something something going on in here I like it

Okay so as far as the Great Wall of things to do I think we will go ahead and check this off the planting the roads and paths around the base I think that is officially complete completed so now we have several other things that we need to look after finish Mountain Base

Camp is one thing uh this room is finished and we finished the bridge but that we still have a lot more to do the hostel still needs work we need to do this for Santa because Christmas is coming up next week at least I think

Hold on let me check the date yeah next week um so we definitely need to do this so we need a room kind of up towards the surface of that mountain so we can build a chimney for Santa to come visit us in um go to the end and slay the dragon

Find another Fortress enchant all my gear we need fireworks for New Year’s which is also coming up there’s so many things we need to do guys but I’m so excited to get them all done another thing I need to get off my list is an Enderman Farm that’s a better source of

XP go exploring and uncover a full map take out over that Pillager Outpost next door because they are committing crimes against people over there look at them they’re evil build some kind of mini game that’s something we could do and then last but not least hit 1,000 subscribers guys if you’re not

Subscribed seriously consider subscribing it really does help me out it helps the channel to grow and guys we are only 21 subscribers away from 1,000 subscribers that would be so insane to reach that goal before the end of 2023 so please consider just subscribing if you haven’t already all right so let’s

Get to work on today’s projects let me put away these couple of blocks here so today I think I wanted to actually try to go and explore I wanted to see what’s kind of nearby I think it’d be a pretty nice and chilled little video that we have going on um and I

Think it’d be cool to kind of get to know our world a little bit better so what I’m going to do is I’m going to take the map that we have hanging up on our wall and we’re going to expand it to the largest possible size which there’s my paper boink boink

Uh 1 to four oh yeah that’s big and let’s grab some more paper 18 116 and that’s as big as it can get ladies and gentlemen oh my gosh yeah that we are a tiny Speck right here in the center of this area so what I want

To do is let me see do I have enough wool I do have enough string to make enough wool let’s make a couple of blocks of wool here cuz we’re going to need six blocks of wool and then I believe a stick and do I have any orange dye per

Chance can you make orange dye out of glowberries no uh I’m going to need orange dye but anyway I am going to make a banner and then we’re going to name that banner and it’s going to Mark our location on our map so that way we know

Exactly where home is on this map and we’ll never get lost so I’m going to grab a beetroot for some red dye and then I’m going to go over here and find ourselves a the nearest yellow flower which is this guy right here we’re going to turn it into yellow dye and we’re

Going to turn it into orange Dy and now we’re going to go craft our banner and turn it into an orange Banner oh crap I forgot how these things work um I’m going to need a loom now I think wait do you have to craft it it with the wool

Color oh man well that sucks can you not diee at a different color see guys I never use I I never use banners ever so I guess we’re just going to have to use a white banner and perhaps decorate it later but this is what what we will do

We will go to an anvil which is up here and we will name this home and we will mark it on our map right outside of our front door so we know where it’s at so we’ll place it right here and then right click it on

The map and now home as you can see is now marked on our map so that’s pretty cool very useful so now we can kind of go exploring and just see what this world has to offer so I know down this way we’ve got a swamp and a giant ocean

Right there which is really a lake and then I don’t really know what’s that way I don’t really know what’s this way but our map seems to extend the furthest distance in this direction so I think we’re going to head in this direction and we’re going to go from

There so I’ve got pretty decent tools I’ve got my spawn set and I have my map so let’s go and see what we can find out here let’s see how much map we can explore and see what we can discover this is exciting I’ve never explored a

Map of this side ooh is that a village heck yeah we already found a village maybe I should have brought more banners maybe I should have brought some shears and gotten some wool from these sheep that sounds like a good idea to me cuz then I can Mark banners and Mark

Little locations so I know where to go back to later on I think that’s what I’m going to do I’ll be right back I’ll take our Anvil with us and now let’s grab some wool from these guys here all right we’ve got wool from those guys and we

Can craft another Banner so now let’s go explore we know where that Village is let’s go mark it on our map so we know kind of where it’s at yep we found ourselves a village we could sleep in one of the village beds instead of

Having to make our own how about that H these are always so busted and weird oh and there’s a Skelly boy don’t shoot me down ah you suck I got a Smite four enchantment on my sword off camera this thing’s nice it’s not the best but it gets the job

Done for all the baddies we might encounter oh we got some bread sleep the night away right here and I think we will take this orange bed with us cuz I love the color orange and we will craft ourselves another Banner we’re going to name this Banner Acacia

Village we’ll take that with us grab this okay and let’s just kind of Mark it right here in the Town Center wherever that is I know there’s a town center with a bell somewhere um oh what happened here that’s weird how plants can generate and like destroy the house ooh I’ll take

That you know what we’re just we’re just going to mark it right here So Glam Acacia Village is marked on on the map nice you know I’ve never actually used the Waypoint system that’s built into the game I’ve always just kind of done my own thing so it’s really nice

Actually it’s it’s not very clunky at all you just need wool which you could find tons of while you’re exploring and an anvil and you should be golden there’s a cow in this pen right here I’m going to go get me some more of that beef yeah buddy

My inventory is going to get so full of junk so soon get out of here get out of here get out of here okay yep there are tons of villagers around here too okay let’s continue to explore let’s just go down this direction and see oh there’s more Village over here hay

Bales I’ll take hay bales oh look at all the broken crops you know I don’t think I have melon seeds yet so we’ll take those and I’ll take these hay bales those are super nice knock knock anybody home there’s just grass in your house and a chest here I got a couple of

Torches I can take for use later I don’t know where the village Bell is to be honest with you oh oh hold on free banners I will use these instead of my own so we can keep all the wool we’re collecting and we can use these as way points

Instead they’re just going to be brown waypoints instead of white but that’s okay that works an egg okay let’s continue exploration so we’ve got an accaa Village marked we’ve got home mapped and now let’s just keep going until we reach the edge of the map and we’ll see what else we can find

There’s another ACAA Village over the hill right there oh that one’s huge look at that wow look at all this what is that all right we’ve got to go down here and see what this is all about this is looking awesome can I can I MLG water

Bucket should I risk it for the biscuit oh I am just that good at the game let’s go that honestly scared the actual crap out of me oh why did I do that I’m so far from home let’s see what do we have in

Here just a big old hole huh oh wow yeah that goes deep I don’t see deep slate or anything nor do I see anything of Interest down there but uh we can mark the village and by marking the village will mark this cave if we ever want to explore it ooh hello hello

Everybody thank you for having me in your lovely home what that looks like it was placed by a player that’s weird um oh you’re a Mason that’s right you’ve got stone cutter stuff hello hello it’s so nice to meet everyone hello floing grass yes Acacia Villages are so buggy oh grindstone dude what’s

Up uh you buy coal nice tons more stuff here oh another bucket you know what I’ll take the extra Bucket look at all the hay look at all the freaking hay bales oh and there’s the Bell okay let’s uh mark this Village on our map we’ll do

This we’ll use one of our Brown banners and we’ll call this Acacia Village number two and we’ll place that here and mark it on our map so now we’ve got two ACAA villages on here I don’t have a on me so this is going to take a minute okay got

A ton of hay bales we got 42 of them now what’s in here more bread kind of useless stuff oh he’s farming I’ll take those melon seeds oh there’s a house up here let’s see what’s in here stone stone is in here oh there is a chest in

Here oh a compass and Maps look at all those Maps I’ll take that there you go I I cleaned up your house for you good sir enjoy have a good day that is so weird the generation of these are so weird there’s so many homes here too hello excuse me excuse

Me excuse me I can’t I literally cannot walk in there um hold on let me use these blocks I’m going to make it to where he can walk in here there you go buddy and get out of my way I want your emeralds oh gosh what a silly silly game this is let’s

See what else is up here o more hay bales looks like the Sun is setting we do have a house with a blast furnace in it I’ll take that and we will sleep in this guy’s house for the night excuse me sir I need to sleep all righty thank you so much thank

You all righty let’s head up to the top there’s one more little house on top of this hill here and there’s more hay bales ooh o it’s a Mesa yeah oh I love maces the Terracotta and the Red Sand oh we we’re in for a treat we’re in for a treat ladies and

Gentlemen okay let’s see there’s more hay bales holy cow okay awesome we’ve got this Village marked and we’ve cleared it out of all of its belongings so we’re going to head this way and I want to Mark the Mesa as long as it’s on the

Map oh a big slit in the world there look at that it’s a dripstone cave as well oh and there’s another Village over there you guys see that a another one on top of that mountain why are there so many Acacia Villages three of them the Savannah Acacia whatever you want to call

Them oh yeah we got a Mesa let’s go baby thank you for your contribution to society thank you for your contribution to society thank you and thank you for your contributions to society Yep this one’s huge this is a huge Mesa we found a massive Mesa we’ve just about uncovered the whole corner of the map I also think I see a regular desert up the hill we go let’s see if we can find that other ACAA Village I saw on top of the mountain but yeah we’ve got

The corner of a Mesa shown on our giant map here so we know that we’re close to a Mesa not super close but we are are indeed close to one oh look at it it goes all the way up to the top of that mountain there that is so

Cool hold on let let me just get an picture of this world generation here that is just so freaking neat look at that took a screenshot of that this world generation is sick I mean I complain about Modern World Generation because I am a very nostalgic

Guy and I really like the old generation of Minecrafts but you got to admit they did a lot right with caves and cliffs and you get some really stunning views and vistas of areas and biomes I just kind of miss the Simplicity of the old days sometimes you

Know what I mean let me know how you guys feel in the comments below I’d love to hear what you guys think there’s the other Village I’m going to take a little detour what is that oh it’s just a tree take a little detour and Mark this third

Village on the map they’re all within such close proximity with one another this is what I was talking about oh I thought I fell in that hole this is what I was talking about earlier with how Villages are so common look at how close they are to each other on the map here

With all the others a this one’s sick it goes all the way down in the valley and back up again is that our house all the way out there hold on is that our house all the way out there I think it is that mountain right there I think that’s our

House all the way out there this is one of my favorite things about invidium I can just keep the entire world loaded I mean they’re not like I’m only actually keeping 32 chunks loaded but it keeps like the visual of it loaded in memory so I thought that’s pretty cool

Okay let us mark this Village on our map ACAA Village number three and we’ll place this bad boy down uh on this tree and mark it on the map ACAA Village 3 let’s see some more Emerald Some More Cows free cooked steak that’s what I like about fire

Aspect uh let’s get all of their hay bales here is the Village Center technically what’s up guys just chilling I’m going to steal your bell all right further down we go nothing in there and a grindstone in there okay cool so that’s that Village oh and there’s a ruin nether

Portal down there I didn’t see that it was around the corner which means I would need to climb this mountain again oh well let’s do it let’s see if there’s anything good in there oh gosh a dude with a trident ow there’s not an easy way to get away from this

Guy man freaking guy with a trident what a loser yep he’s down there somewhere wonder how much damage I’ve done to him he doesn’t really do a ton of damage to me ow got him they dropped copper and nothing else oh look at all those Trident okay well I’m glad that happened

Um got a lot of golden tools here um we got an iron ingot I mean nothing really valuable in here I’ll take the golden block though after I obsidian ify all this water lava there we go and I’ll take the gold block nice okay we’re across the Gap now we’re

Entering regular Forest land oh there’s a regular Village yep here we are we’re at the Village this is a regular Forest Village that’s kind of high up here and of course it goes all the freaking way down there is there a blacksmith I you know I haven’t seen a blacksmith in any

Of these Villages are they just super rare nowadays have I been here I feel like I’ve been here cuz there should have been a brewing stand right here I must have been here before that is so weird CU I don’t remember this at

All gosh I mean it has been if it if it was episode one when I found this place then it has been a long time so you can excuse why I’ve forgotten or understand sorry why I forgotten but why didn’t I collect all these hay bales I love hay bales they’re such a

Cool block to build with but they’re so hard to get if you don’t have a wheat farm plus they just kind of a pain to craft because there’s nine wheat in each of these but yeah we’ve got it marked on our map let’s keep scouting that’s weird I can’t remember

Honestly I cannot remember if I have found a village before and if I’ve been to this one in particular I think this is a flower Forest am I right yeah this is a flower Forest oh wow okay cool yeah there’s tons of flowers around

Here is this it is it is a flower forest biome I’m going to mark this on the map right here as flower Forest so let’s do that and now we’ve just got ocean up in this quadrant of the the map here so I think we’re going to be taking

The rest of this by boat yeah it’s just open ocean out here this is going to go by a lot faster and there’s not nearly as many interesting things to see so let’s just keep going in a straight line and if I’m not mistaken we did spawn right

There thought I saw like a a building or something right there anyway yeah I feel like we spawned right here cuz there’s the first uh doohickey Pillager Outpost that’s what it’s called that we found two very boring minutes later ooh you see that right there I forget what the tree is called

But that means that there’s a lush cave underneath it I think it’s what is it called an aelia that’s it it’s an aelia tree over there so there’s a lush cave over there yeah here’s a really mountainous area that’s a regular Forest instead of it being a

Savannah so that’s nice oh we got a mangrove swamp that’s a mangrove tree wait is it just the one or is that an aelia tree hold on hold on hold on we got to figure this out what is that it is a mangrove swamp it is literally the tiniest

Freaking Mangrove swamp I’ve ever seen two trees one two MOJ we need to have a talk about stuff like this ignore the tree burning in the background behind me what is this like how how can something like this be allowed to happen in this game I wanted

A whole Mangrove swamp with a mud and everything and all I get are two lousy trees that is so utterly disapp disappointing I I I’m dumbfounded like I’ve never seen anything like this before in my entire life this is the world’s smallest Mangrove

Swamp um I I want to mark this as a as a point of interest because this is just so weird I’m just going to call it smallest Mangrove and we’re going to place it right here on this tree and Mark it the smallest Mangrove I’ve ever

Seen I I honestly I don’t want to even break down any of these trees I just want to grab a propagule and call it a day I I don’t want to touch this and there’s some mud down here but really there’s hardly any yeah three Mangrove proy ghouls fully

Grown and then just two mangrove trees just chilling in the water um okay well I cannot believe I I found a mangrove swamp that was that freaking tiny okay back on track for our exploration oh gosh is that another Village yes it is you’ve got to be

Kidding me yep I don’t think that Village is going to make it on the map but I can mark it anyway as long as I go to the far corner and place down a banner all the way out here and it’ll get me pretty much right here at it okay let’s do it

Then damaged Anvil we’re about to break an anvil ladies and gentlemen what village are we what number are we on AAA number three so this is AAA Village 4 and we’ll just place it like right here and Link it on the map and it’s right here at the

Corner so we know where it’s at okay we’re just about done circling this entire map holy cow we’ve done a ton of exploring today oh wow look at that there’s a ruined nether portal on the top of that mountain over there that’s kind of crazy all right

We’re just about back to where we were there’s the wait yeah that must be the same Mesa wow it stretches for so far this Mesa biome is huge so that means truly if I wanted to hit the Mesa at the fastest rate I could just go straight

South it’s weird I I’m hitting deserts and mesas going south and tigas and Birch forests in the north it’s like my world is actually aligned to the correct temperatures it’s kind of cool it’s you know it’s kind of rare to find a Minecraft world where it’s hotter in the

North or hotter in the South and cooler in the north the sun is beginning to set and I believe this will be the last time we sleep in a bed outside of our own and we will sleep the night away right here okay so now we just got to use the water

Bucket method to get down and up from here cuz that’s too far of a jump uhoh oh no That was so close I do not have feather falling oh my God that was so close wow okay uh I got to change my pants I cannot believe I almost died there honestly I’m I’m happy I didn’t die but I’m very surprised I didn’t cuz I very well should have died

There oh my Lord oh my gosh well that happened and what did we learn nothing cuz I’ll probably still do it again wow what an adventure wouldn’t you guys say so that was a ton of fun and we found some really interesting World Generation around here you know honestly the seed isn’t

You know a mindboggling super crazy seed but honestly I’m not mad about it it’s not a bad seed at all and you know I’m pretty happy with the the luck of the draw that we got here there’s a caca Village number two now it’s time to head on to the

House I won’t bore you guys with a walk there but I will film if something happens between now and me heading home so I’ll see you guys at the house ah home sweet home we made it home finally as you can see on our wonderful map let me pull it up in big

Screen I went out and marked the witch hut that I found and I also marked our skeleton farm on the way back so now we have tons of stuff marked on our map and that is super freaking cool I’m super happy with this honestly it’s so cool to

Be able to mark everything and just get an idea of what’s around me and now I know I’ve got a Mesa kind of close to home and I know where to find Spruce Wood we’ve got Mangrove wood now so we are fully set to go so I’m going to go

Hang this thing up in the house and then I think we’ll work on something else ah perfect the entire thing mapped out I do not like that spot though let me move it somewhere else uh we’ll move it right here above my bed for now and also I’m getting rid

Of white bed and replacing it with orange bed cuz I like the color orange a lot more yeah that looks pretty good we’ve got all of our stuff marked out on our map heck yeah we still have so much to explore on here but it it it just looks so good I’m

So happy about that we’ve explored so much okay so that doesn’t necessarily complete this objective here to go exploring and uncover a full map but it did quite a lot we got quite a lot of exploration done and honestly I think that’s going to do it for me uh let’s go

Ahead and answer today’s comment question of the day all right so today’s comment question of the to day comes from at Jonah Edwards uh what is your favorite movie of all time that’s a good question nice General easy to answer question that’s the nice question thank you um my

Favorite movie of all time that’s a hard question to answer cuz I I’ve seen quite a few movies but I’m also not a movie guy so I haven’t seen a lot of movies does that make sense it’s kind of weird but um let’s see I guess my favorite animated

Movie of all time is probably How to Train Your Dragon I absolutely love that as a kid and I still love it to this day the score written by the music composer who wrote the music for that has been amazing and is just always in my head um

Actually using some of that music in my wedding which is by the way this Saturday which is uh super exciting for me um so yeah that’s my favorite animated movie of all time like a a liveaction movie I don’t know that’s hard because I don’t really watch a ton of liveaction movies

Unfortunately um it’s just I don’t know I’m not a movie guy um I’ve always been big into Disney I feel like a Manchild honestly cuz I don’t watch a ton of just regular liveaction movies I I think it’s cliche but I’m going to go ahead and say my favorite liveaction movie is probably

Going to be Star Wars specifically episode 4 uh just because it was like the first one it’s my dad’s favorite movie of all time he’s a really big Star Wars nut and I don’t know I I just I really like the Star Wars franchise all right at least

The uh the original George Lucas franchise not the Disney stuff that stuff wasn’t really that great in my personal opinion argue about it in the comments um but yeah so that’s uh that’s my two favorite movies Star Wars as a live action and then how to train your

Dragon as an animated feature yeah and I could dive more into the other genres like horror and like action and all that but I think those two are like my top contenders for basically anything so what are you guys’ favorite movies let me know down in the comments below I’d love to hear

Him but I think that’s going to do it for me today here in our let’s play World the Sun is setting and it’s time for us to take a nap so if you made it this far in the video make sure you say the word Village cuz we found so many of

Them in the comments below to let me know you watch the entire episode from beginning to end and I’ll see you guys in the next episode have a good one and I’ll see you then bye

This video, titled ‘The SMALLEST Mangrove Swamp – Playing Minecraft Like The Good Old Days: Episode 11’, was uploaded by Xenocorpse on 2023-12-15 15:00:20. It has garnered 989 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:06 or 2106 seconds.

Every Minecraft video on YouTube right now is everyone one-upping one another. Everyone doing extreme and crazy things on the first episode. Compressing the entire experience that is Minecraft into short, heavily-edited and fast-paced videos.

I’m tired of pretending like I can keep up. Let’s heal the Minecraft burnout. Let’s Play Minecraft like people used to in the good old days… Back in 2011…

Today, we explore our world by making the largest map and exploring the perimeter. We discover the smallest mangrove swamp biome I’ve ever seen!

(This series is inspired by TheNeoCubist and my current frustrations with the Minecraft content on this platform.)

Music Credits: C418 – Minecraft: Volume Alpha

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    Minecraft: Sly Country House Build Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Countryside House Are you ready to embark on a creative journey in the world of Minecraft? In this video tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a charming countryside house using easily accessible materials in survival mode. Let’s delve into the fascinating realm of Minecraft construction! Building Your Dream Home Creating a cozy abode in Minecraft involves gathering resources, planning the layout, and unleashing your imagination. With the help of Bsl Shaders and the Faithful texture pack, the player showcases the process of crafting a picturesque countryside house that blends seamlessly into… Read More

  • YertaPain Dies in Minecraft Hardcore!

    YertaPain Dies in Minecraft Hardcore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore with Leather Armor! (I died)’, was uploaded by YertaPain on 2024-04-12 00:22:55. It has garnered 1155 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:16 or 11476 seconds. I died in my hardcore Minecraft challenge! I hope you enjoy this stream and be sure to subscribe if you enjoy the fun! If you want a Text to Speech Message displayed on my stream click this link to donate! – this is the streamlabs tipping page! Join the YertaPain discord server here! (300 members) Read More

  • Rawbie dominates Minecraft Factions – LIVE NOW!

    Rawbie dominates Minecraft Factions - LIVE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 POV: YOU’RE WATCHING THE *BEST* MINECRAFT FACTIONS PLAYER *LIVE!*’, was uploaded by Rawbie on 2024-03-28 12:37:59. It has garnered 299 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:24 or 3744 seconds. IP: discord: 💸 TOP DONATORS THIS MONTH: 1. PJB Gaming ($2.99) 2. N/A 3. N/A Donations accepted through super-chat (found in live-chat) 😃 Read More

  • “Lost in Minecraft: Betrayed by My Friend” #shocking #drama

    "Lost in Minecraft: Betrayed by My Friend" #shocking #dramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘nooOoooo amigo #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by iAlexRm on 2024-02-11 16:45:56. It has garnered 60 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– •Social Networks: -Instagram: -Business / Negocios: [email protected] -Twitch: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– •Tags (Ignore) #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minecraftpocketedition # youtubeshorts #gaming #gamer #minecraftxbox #redstone #mechanisms #bedrockprison #bedrock #minecraftbedrock #speedrun #speedrunners #gamer #pixelart #foryou #bedrock #bedwars #entertainment #gaming #spreen #auronplay #dream #building #build #contruccion #juegos # children #kids #anime #animation #proplayer #noob #hacker #shorts #reels Minecraft, but I can’t say STUPID, Minecraft, but I’m on a block, Minecraft… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP – Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP where you can create your own culture, nation, story, and impact! We don’t have a specific build theme, so you can create places of any era, genre, or style to be unique and encourage story-building and roleplay! While you can create your own religions and cultures, feel free to join others as well! We host fun events, from lore-related to in-game activities, and you can even host your own events! Discord Info: Join our Discord and fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community… Read More

  • LuminaryMC

    LuminaryMCWelcome to LuminaryMC!🌍 Explore a New World: Dive into an expansive survival experience like no other. LuminaryMC blends the classic Minecraft survival mode with a rich MMORPG feel, offering you endless adventure and excitement!🛠️ Custom Items: Discover and craft a wide array of custom items designed to enhance your gameplay. From powerful weapons to unique tools, there’s always something new to find and create.🏰 Epic Dungeons: Test your skills and bravery in our meticulously designed dungeons. Each one is filled with challenging mobs, hidden treasures, and mind-bending puzzles. Will you conquer them all?🗺️ Engaging Quests: Immerse yourself in a world… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Why the Heck Did I Build This?”

    Minecraft Memes - "Why the Heck Did I Build This?"Well, clearly this meme has some serious clout in the Minecraft community – I guess you could say it’s got a “mining” of its own! Read More

  • Herobrine’s spicy Minecraft antics! 🔥

    Herobrine's spicy Minecraft antics! 🔥 Why does Herobrine always carry a torch in Minecraft? Because he’s afraid of the dark… and also because he’s trying to set the mood for a romantic evening with Steve. #minecraftlove #herobrineandsteve #torchlitdinner Read More

  • Minecraft Modding: Full Armor Effect Tutorial

    Minecraft Modding: Full Armor Effect Tutorial Enhancing Gameplay with Full Armor Effects in Minecraft When it comes to modding Minecraft 1.20.6 with Fabric MC, the possibilities are endless. One exciting feature that modders can explore is the implementation of full armor effects. Imagine giving players unique advantages based on the type of armor they wear. This not only adds a new layer of strategy to the game but also enhances the overall gameplay experience. Unlocking Full Armor Effects With the Full Armor Effect mod, players can enjoy a range of benefits when they don a complete set of armor made from a specific material. For… Read More

  • Mega Diamond Haul! Join Chris for Chaotic Mining in Minecraft 1.20!

    Mega Diamond Haul! Join Chris for Chaotic Mining in Minecraft 1.20!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill Mining Stream | Chaos SMP | Minecraft 1.20 Survival’, was uploaded by ChrisPlaysOn on 2024-04-07 12:15:17. It has garnered 10 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:54 or 9414 seconds. Follow ChrisPlaysOn: Donos: Twitch: Twitter: Discord: Read More

  • The Mysterious PenguinMan Mystery

    The Mysterious PenguinMan MysteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft What Wait Meme part 1 (Scary Nextbot)’, was uploaded by PenguinMan on 2024-03-15 15:11:38. It has garnered 1279 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:21 or 261 seconds. Minecraft What Wait Meme part 1 (Scary Nextbot) The most cursed Minecraft series… Subscribe and like or it will come to you at night..) #wait #What #nextbot Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Warden Battles Dragon & Enderman (Minecraft Animation)

    Ultimate Showdown: Warden Battles Dragon & Enderman (Minecraft Animation)Video Information This video, titled ‘Warden vs Ender Dragon and Enderman of the End Kingdoms (Minecraft Animation Movie)’, was uploaded by hubi game on 2024-03-04 05:18:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Warden vs Ender Dragon and Enderman of the End Kingdoms (Minecraft Animation Movie) Welcome to Youtube channel: Alex … Read More

  • INSANE Sky House Build!! Minecraft Ep.1 #shaniplayz

    INSANE Sky House Build!! Minecraft Ep.1 #shaniplayzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building House In Sky || MineCraft Series Ep.1 || #shaniplayz’, was uploaded by SHANI PLAYZ on 2024-04-26 10:53:03. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:59 or 2219 seconds. Welcome to #ShaniPlayz Minecraft Series! 🎮 In this thrilling episode, we’re diving into the world of #Minecraft to embark on an epic journey of creativity and adventure! Join us as we defy gravity and build our dream house high above the clouds! 🏠☁️ From floating islands to towering structures, we’ll explore different building techniques and strategies to create a… Read More

  • ANMOL GOES CRAZY – Insane Minecraft Adventure!

    ANMOL GOES CRAZY - Insane Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live with Friends’, was uploaded by PSYCHO ANMOL on 2024-03-09 22:13:28. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:55 or 1795 seconds. HAR HAR MAHADEV 🔱 Social Media Instagram~~ Twitter~~–BIf_XxWhdqOW7qA&s=09 Read More

  • DARK DEVIL YT 1M – MLG Master! 😍🔥💥 #shorts

    DARK DEVIL YT 1M - MLG Master! 😍🔥💥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Next Level MLG..😍🔥👑..(infinity)#shorts #mlg’, was uploaded by DARK DEVIL YT 1M on 2024-05-08 12:06:26. It has garnered 8068 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #minecraft #viral #trendingshorts #minecraftbuilds trending,trending songs,trending music,trending songs 2024,trending music 2024,tiktok trending music,tiktok trending songs,#trending,trending now,dei v trending,trending band,trending remix,dei v trending song,dei v trending letra,trending freestyle,trending new medley,trending music video,dei v trending lyrics,trending acoustic band,ralo trending freestyle,trending freestyle ralo,trending music band srilanka,trending freestyle music videominecraft,minecraft viral,minecraft viral hacks,trying viral minecraft hacks,testing viral minecraft hacks that are real,viral minecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft hacks,minecraft shorts,viral,minecraft phone,real… Read More

  • oChai_ Exposes Why HYPIXEL Rules All #HYPiXEL #MinecraftIsLife

    oChai_ Exposes Why HYPIXEL Rules All #HYPiXEL #MinecraftIsLifeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Proof HYPIXEL is the best server #shorts #hypixel #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by oChai_ on 2024-02-24 06:30:21. It has garnered 529 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Proof HYPIXEL is the best server #shorts #hypixel #bedwars #shorts #viral #viralshorts Texture pack – Venom 16x #bedwars #herobrine #hypixel #hypixelbedwars #Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs #Premium #ranked bedwars #montage,ranked #bedwars #texture pack #bedwars #ranked bedwars #ranked #bedwars#tournament #bedwars tournament,#ranked… Read More

  • Pacifiky transforms Minecraft into Valorant!

    Pacifiky transforms Minecraft into Valorant!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But it’s a Valorant Game…’, was uploaded by Pacifiky on 2024-05-04 19:00:04. It has garnered 34 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:31 or 391 seconds. —– Get Buff Here!: —– ⚠DONT CLICK!⚠ ——————————— ——————————— Questions, Comments, Concerns, Requests? Go take this survey! ——————————— Tik tok: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: Merch: Discord: Patreon:​​ Tags: #Pacifiky #gaming Some Tags (Don’t hate me pls) Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is… Read More

  • “Minecraft XD – Shocking Slime Girl Repayment!” 🤯#viral

    "Minecraft XD - Shocking Slime Girl Repayment!" 🤯#viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘slime girl repayment 😳| #minecraft #animation #anime #viral #monster #school #mosters #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr. Minecraft XD on 2024-05-17 03:43:31. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information: Server IP: Server Discord: Version: Java 1.20.4 About V For Vanilla: V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on December 4, 2021. We offer players a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience with minimal admin intervention. Our community is diverse and welcoming to players looking for an authentic vanilla experience. Server Features: World Border At 30M No Map Resets Random, unprotected spawn area No TPA or Sethome Griefing & Killing Allowed No Duping (Exception for TNT bombers) Chat isn’t strictly moderated Dedicated server hosted in Finland Server Rules: Doxing will result in a permanent ban Cheating… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lazy? Think again!

    Minecraft Memes - Lazy? Think again!Just because they spend all day mining for diamonds doesn’t mean they’re lazy – they’re just efficient! Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME 🔥💀 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Diamonds Galore! Minecraft Let’s Play

    Diamonds Galore! Minecraft Let's Play Welcome to Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 2 – Diamonds Await! Exploring the Minecraft World In this exciting episode of Let’s Play Minecraft, our adventurers dive deep into the world of Minecraft in version 1.20.1. Armed with a trusty seed of -1056946488598000456, they set out on a quest to uncover the precious diamonds hidden within the vast landscapes. Mod Madness Equipped with an array of mods including Fabric Loader, Fabric API, Sodium, Indium, and more, our players enhance their gaming experience with features like improved graphics, new entities, and enhanced gameplay mechanics. The addition of Iris Shaders and Continuity adds… Read More

  • Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale!

    Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale! Exploring the Depths of Minecraft’s Prominence 2: The End Realm As the journey through Minecraft’s Prominence 2 continues, players are faced with new challenges and mysteries. The End Realm, home to the formidable Ender Dragon, has become a boss-like entity known as the End Eye. This unexpected twist marks the beginning of the second chapter, revealing the vastness of the world that awaits exploration. The End Eye: A Formidable Foe The transformation of the End Realm into the End Eye introduces a new level of difficulty for players. This powerful entity presents a formidable challenge, requiring strategic planning and… Read More

  • “Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!” | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity Streamer

    "Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!" | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Witchy Redstone Again! | Java Minecraft | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-05-08 14:07:46. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:00 or 6960 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for… Read More

  • The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars Mastery

    The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars MasteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Bedwars] The Never-Ending Quest To Be Good At This Game :pensive:’, was uploaded by Fuggles on 2024-06-01 09:39:29. It has garnered 73 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:34 or 5554 seconds. This is live please subscribe! #gaming #hypixel #minecraft #bedwars Twitter: Discord: (you gotta be 13+) Newest Upload: Cool Channel: Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1

    Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 in Minecraft | How to play Minecraft | Tutorial #1 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Games With Viper on 2024-04-20 03:11:11. It has garnered 298 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Day 1 in Minecraft | How to Find Village In Minecraft | Tutorial #2 Hey guys i always wanted to post a video on this topic and finally i did it. I hope you guys will find it useful. Please do not forget to give like to this video and please do comment, so that… Read More

  • “BONINGRO – BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰” #minecraftsurvivaltips

    "BONINGRO - BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰" #minecraftsurvivaltipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live ❤ #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by BONINGRO on 2024-03-24 01:02:14. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:06 or 3006 seconds. Welcome to BONINGRO! 🎮✨ Hey there, fellow gamers and friends! I’m “Subhajit”, just a shy guy who loves the thrill of gaming and the joy of making new friends. Join me on my adventures in Valorant, where strategy meets skill, and every match is a story waiting to unfold. But that’s not all – I’m all about variety! So, expect to see me diving… Read More

  • Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamer

    Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘EPIC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce’, was uploaded by uLmElKa on 2024-01-26 09:31:08. It has garnered 2829 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. EPIC SYNC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce @KG411GD Read More

  • Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!

    Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WITHE THE VEIWRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by Nobu’s_Back_In_Blue on 2024-03-24 06:24:35. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:35 or 7355 seconds. Toriyama Read More