DIY Treehouse Build with Lalaland Construction Services

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N K hello guys good night I’m going to go to sleep I’m really tired right now how are you guys hello hello K hello Ian hello K hello katsumi hi oh yeah did you manage to get in your home coka good night goody stream thank you oh guys I’m really tired

I’m I was not expecting that internships would be that tiring oh my God I’m dead hell good night good night guys time go to go to sleep me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me

That’s how internships are ah yeah indeed but the last internship I did was on 20 20 2018 that’s a lot of years ago already internships are full eight hours not always sometimes they are four or 6 hours when I did my first internship it

Was 4 hours per day and I only went four days four or five I don’t remember anyway it’s eight8 hours per day now so well guys on today’s stream thanks God I choose Minecraft for today’s stream I’m going to be building a treehouse h a treehouse uh I still need to decide on

What place I’m going to be building the treeh house but I have a place in mine I have that Cherry Blossom Place uh near the biome in mind I think that it would be it would be cute to build it here yes so yeah yeah I did them three times month by

Eight hours oh my God I feel so sorry for you I said today I won’t bully you thank you thank you my brain would not be able to handle that thanks I was just going to ask about the placement h i was fast yeah I was thinking on the cherry blossom biome and

I want to build a really big treehouse with at least three houses connected by Bridges so my idea is like I want to build a really big tree from scratch so I’m not going to use any tree that’s on there already you know I’m going to

Build it with a really big uh lock and then I’m going to do like stairs with um planks or something I need to I need to check how it looks better but yeah and I want to do like different houses on top of the of the tree how big exactly build

Limit I’m not completely sure build limit how many blocks is that cuz I don’t remember I don’t remember I want to start building and then just add the leaves I guess H what’s the what’s the build limit cuz the cherry blossom biome is already pretty high a lot okay then

We don’t need to worry about that we don’t need to worry about that I want to do it just really tall really really tall you know let’s go to the Minecraft so we can start playing cuz I still need to travel there cuz I haven’t played Minecraft I haven’t played Minecraft yet

So let’s go oh yeah sure guys look at the screen I need your help oh [ __ ] the chat is in a dark color I want to put the chat here on the on the gameplay screen but I don’t know where to place it and this one’s black so maybe it’s not a good

Idea maybe you guys won’t be able to read anything H maybe here on this Side what do you think I think it’s too dark but maybe if we go inside the game and it’s daily time or something can’t read it yeah right it’s Soo dark it’s not it’s not possible to read that let’s go inside the game and try to

See if it looks better or not if it doesn’t look better I’m just going to hide it for now and during next stream I’m going to try to make it look better n it doesn’t it doesn’t look good right hey hello wait let me check how does it look

N that’s too dark that’s too dark let me hide it for now what did you guys build there is that a really big Christmas candy oh it’s impressive ooh that’s a big we did one on the other s what did you do the P ship oh

Man oh it’s a candy can not done yet it’s looking cool though it’s looking cool yeah we could also do like a really big snowman but Christmas is still more than a month so for now guys let me show before I start building The Treehouse I’m going to show you some of

The stuff that I did on Minecraft cuz I didn’t really stream it and I did some things that you may enjoy uh my usually way around is to use white desex with a black shadow yeah I’m going to try that I mean I just put the

Deex that I have on my on my normal just talking o so I want to show you something what do you want to show me let me show first the Tower and the UND tables and the mousum I did if that’s okay seems run in terms

Of size the color needs to be adjusted though why oh you you mean the the Chad one right you show first okay okay Chad look this is the tabern it’s all made of wood I added a lot of cherry BL blossom trees around the place cuz it looks really

Cute then I have my doggo my Dogo is called meringa then I have my fox which is called um what was the name I forgot apricot apricot yes and then I have my cat which is called carot this is like the entrance of the of the tabern there’s a

Cake there’s some food here I did like in a small Farm bread factory here I just want to build a lot of bread you know I mean build not cook cook a lot of bread yes by the way why are there all food items food items cuz cuz I like food food’s

Tasty yes and then a the [ __ ] what was that town what was the town okay and up here there’s like the place where what the fox this leaves delivery for Lala wood delivery for Lala oh thank you for the tree ride yeah yeah yeah yeah thanks well this is the place where people

Sleep on the tabern and do you know stuff tabern stuff oh God that’s a lot of wood and a lot of leaves okay thank you uh I’m going to show The Stables now if you go out of the tavern and you go to this side to the

Left side there’s the Stables I bu this the other day I didn’t put the chickens here but I guess they look cute and there’s three horses this one which is slow as [ __ ] guys this is the slowest horse I’ve seen in my life like

I grab it cuz it was near this place and it was you know it looks cool dark and brown dark dark brown and black so I thought m cool horse yeah and it’s really slow really really slow they wandered in yeah sure the the gate was closed it’s impossible for them

To you know just walk inside these horse um is one horse that we found with Koka in a near Village I like it cuz it looks like the horse that I ride when I was a kid yes so yeah and this is the one that koca choose look here Lala look where look

Where Here what Oh you mean the the chick okay oh oh okay they fell from here I’m just dumb ah anyway they look cute they look cute it’s okay I like him and then I’m going to show you guys something I did for Halloween again I didn’t stream

It cuz I did the art stream but on on this Minecraft Ser we had some kind of event Halloween event and I did the maum with a trap yes look it’s that stone thing over there it was difficult cuz I had to use Redstone and stuff

Oh I had to use Redstone and stuff and I didn’t really know how to use it to make it work but at end it was cool right guys was it was it why are the sounds written by a demon though it was the demon of the forest

That gave me wood and leaves for the treehouse look let me show you from from the top from the frontal part up here okay this is the Maia with some bone decorations here with some blood on the floor and if you go inside you know really spooky ooh what’s over here oh

Cool there’s a secret entrance and it leads to the Tums as you can see there’s some stuff in the chest that I put so people could grab them and then why did you put this boat here okay and then if you grab if you grab this wood over I mean this piece of

Paper it used to be a cookie with someone you fell into a trap it’s cool right and it’s made with a lot of Pistons with slime things and Redstone I didn’t really know how to use it so it’s help me a lot H we can go out using this path but I’m

Going to show you guys what I did I hope that I don’t die first of all there’s this lava Zone should I grab water first do you guys have water I don’t have water and I don’t want to die while I’m showing all this Stuff oh come on it’s not that easy oh okay oh I did it and now it’s if you go this way there’s a labyrinth um I think there used to be oh yeah look there’s a hole here that I did so people when they fall in here they die if they

Are low on their health you know if they are full health they don’t die but it’s a scary you know it’s a scary then this is empty I I there’s no monsters now well there used to be some monsters around here okay oh [ __ ] I fell um what was

The what was your path I think it was this way now here there’s some more holes then I didn’t remember where it day so I hope that I don’t fall it’s not this way is this way I lost my cake you lost your cake okay and this is the finished

Zone the fun part of the last is that there were a lot of monsters mobs and then there’s the rewards here a lot of pumpkin pies pumpkins cakes and cookies that everyone um was able to grab I now never know to trust you in Halloween I mean it was fun wasn’t it

Guys I think everyone had fun a little bit of fun right Enderman yeah Enderman but do you want to kill it do you want to kill it it’s kind of cute this this Enderman is always wandering around this Lake and he’s placing a lot of dirt blocks look all of those dir blocks

Are placed by this [ __ ] Enderman but was s from the start oh come on it was not that s it was cool it was cool you guys didn’t expect it that you were not expecting me to make a trap okay and I know that that being

Said let me go grab the the wood and the leaves and I’ll go to the Cherry Blossom Zone I don’t have I don’t think that I have enough space to carry all of them do we have a connection with a portal with NE portal to the charot blossom

Zone I don’t quite remember remember I think that we can go there using the portal as you can see we already have an established an established uh base cuz I think that you guys didn’t really saw the base that we choose so let me show

Let me show all the other houses yes cuz on the first and the only the only stream I did of Minecraft till now was the first one doing the opening ceremony and we were searching for a place to do the base to build the houses but we

Didn’t really found one at the end of the at the end of the stream so let me just show it real quick even though it’s almost nighttime but I don’t care this is the farm kind of farm this house was the first house of the server

Of the base oh time to sleep me me I wish I could sleep in real life Too good morning okay this was the first house um these are the foxes on the LA of atan and these ones are the dog and cados and foxes of Koka and this On’s the cat of deathlock and then we have like a chest room here and I think that tan want to

Build some kind of aquarium down here for the Axel and stuff yeah the Construction then we have this other house here which is deathlock house as far as I know is this deathlock house I think it is it’s like a big Square I never went inside oh it’s empty okay some kind of farm field there are more origin matters yeah understandable enchantment room this

Looks kind of scary [Laughter] guys try not to get blinded by the lights too late too late when it torches okay and then uh there’s this which I want like guys I don’t really know what is this whose’s houses is this how do I open the door oh there’s a button here hello

Who lives Here oh it’s alone’s house okay K the ghost is there some kind of secret path here can I jump or run around it no okay hello looks decent it looks cool yeah I like the entrance it’s really safe I ate a cat why did you do that poor cat

But it tasted good I I mean if there’s people that like to eat horse and dog and rabbits I guess that a cat is not that weird neither right okay and besides that I think that’s it there’s the tabern and the staes that I built I already showed you

And then we have two portal Nether Portals one there and the other one on the other side um which one was the nether portal that went to the Cherry Blossom biome I don’t quite remember kind of like applesauce I hope you don’t mean the heavy machinery the heavy machinery what heavy

Machinery what are you talking about we didn’t have a portal I thought that we had one I thought that we had one anyway uh I’m going to grab F the wood cuz I guess the first the first thing that we need to do is big lock

So I’m going to put all the wood I can grab Here and I’m going to leave these here and this here and this two I mean the bucket is is going to be useful just in case that I fall and I have enough time to do water drop I’m not sure about the diamond shovel but just grab it in yeah I just

Grab it in just in case I eat iron my regular diet it sounds tasty I guess I don’t like iron cuz it tastes like blood and I’m really tired of that taste you know but the bucket’s made no don’t don’t eat my bucket please do you still remember the

Way I think so let me First grab some Water I think that I remember do I water okay oh I don’t have a I don’t have a boat should I grab a boat or I can go with one of you what was the way was it lead way Really okay was it that way F fact I can you can eat one Lego per month only one probably you can eat more right I mean maybe you don’t that interesting laa interesting what oh thank you but I don’t have enough space Oh I’m going to throw these where’s the

Ship oh here why can’t I grab it okay now yeah it’s made of plastic you can eat more than one maybe you have a lot of stomach a later maybe you can die I mean probably you can only die if you are really young if it’s a kid or

Something probably an come eat more than one piece of Lego if it’s just you know a normal sized piece okay the way what’s the way Is he that away I’m going to believe you is that Way don’t lose your way stole your ship but yeah plastic isn’t really the best thing for your stomach not going to lie I mean it’s not but technically you can eat more than one piece maybe your stomach will hurt a lot but technically you can do that it’s like for

Example technically you can go in go in a jungle and fight with a with a tiger or something it’s a good idea probably not but you can do it if you Want you can do it at least once at least once laala please don’t eat Lego don’t worry I don’t like the taste of Lego and when I was young I didn’t had Lego so I never really tried it yeah there’s a fun fact though on the other side of the mountain

Okay oh give me the path that’s a genius oh the F wow wow what kind of tart or chamber is this just a short stop oh my God poor villagers oh there’s a lot of stuff though do we have Infinity oh yeah Infinity six emeralds cool yes I like Infinity probably one of

My favorite enchantments it’s a shame that you cannot use it with MK I mean it would be too op I guess [Applause] oh hello kale do I look like I’m strong enough to be the tiger probably no one’s strong enough to be the tiger like with bare fingers if you have

A weapon it’s probably easier but it will be difficult still like it’s a tiger you know they are really big probably with a shotgun or I mean you know there’s a lot of e cuz if we are talking about going bare hands fight with a tiger beam probably

No one can do that but if we’re talking about that we have some kind of firearm or even some vehicle or something it would be easier that way you know if we have for example a tank or something that’s going to be easy peasy fun fact about haers they can’t die standing

Really like they die and don’t fall if you’re telling them about a cup it would be possible good point good point s an [Laughter] ambulance it’s not necessary guys don’t panic Don’t Panic no one’s eating Legos and fighting with tigers for now for now okay this is the biome that we were

Talking about oh you already guys buil some something why are these poor ships closed here okay let’s see I was thinking there was a place I think it Was this direction they had really nice views this is from when it first discovered this place oh oh okay so that’s all already okay okay my stomach has recovered I’m a Walmart fluffy when I was younger I used to eat things that a human cannot eat really

Like when I was I think around 2 or 3 years old I was on a park and okay this this probably is going to be a classic that a lot of people e but I saw a dog poop and I thought it was chocolate and my parents panicked okay anyway forget about that

Okay um I was thinking on building the I’m building The Treehouse there oh there’s a donkey I think there’s a donkey as I ha the charger this is how movies start and you need to say now that you have superpowers electricity superpowers you are I don’t know Power Man electricity

Man Vats man oh I I hear zombie where’s the zombie okay Bugatti a KS cry and sing class when I was hungry oh yeah a lot of kids did died cuz they smoke decently good okay what do you think about this place probably cave underneath hm

Probably yeah we can do it here but maybe it’s going to be a lot of work if we have to put everything on the same level where is the Shrek somebody once told me the world is how was wait I forgot the lyrics Um there’s a lot of different high levels in this Zone people do eat chalk I guess I’m I still Do oh this this is also pretty place with all the charry blossoms around and it’s pretty big I think the big enough to build lock here we have nice views Ice uh normal field and cherry blossoms in this Zone I think this is pretty nice what do you

Think La you’re lucky why am I lucky somebody wants tell me the world is going to Ru me yeah yeah somebody once told me the world is going to me and a smart is to in the shed she was looking kind of DB with her finger and her thumb being a shape also

Reserve the space between the cherry blossoms and the ice Peaks oh what do you want to build there I promise I wouldn’t bully you otherwise I might have you off the cliff there don’t why would you do that can’t you see I’m tired crys are a perfect match on Tinder

What are you guys talking about I said a wooden okay okay that’s better that’s better let’s see how big can we make the lock cuz this is something that I really haven’t check cuz I’ve seen some structures in the internet but they were smaller than the one I want to Build let’s see let me make this structure the silhouette with some deer First are you guys going to make a portal the pink from the blossoms and the light blue from the eyes makes an interesting refreshing plette yeah it looks really pretty it’s pastel everything’s pastel I like it let’s see we can make it really big but will

It be big enough to make it as S as we want to do it H the red cryon see different I think that for breakfast probably an orange cryon is better red crayons I feel them more for for dinner hello Jay how are you welcome oh

There’s a lot of flowers but I can’t grab them do you guys have a chest or something why are you throwing the flowers we have a to build in the high oh that’s enough then I mean it’s 112 blocks but you know I do want to make a really

Slam lock I want to make one of those chunky locks so the tree looks like really old tree do You Know The Deco tree from the Lan of Del of time that has like a really big lock I was thinking on doing something like that like a a really chunky lock and

Dandel leaves on on top and do like La do you have locks I have a lot of locks right now I have almost all my inventory full of locks I grabbed the ones that you left on on the tavern do you want some give me four okay Four oh do you want to you want to do the Chest I cannot grab them what did you do I don’t have enough space wait let me put the bed somewhere if I die cuz I fell from the tree or something I don’t need to worry this way oh yeah you can do this now with putting like yeah to each side that’s

That’s really cool that’s really cool I really like the idea I’m good today how are you I’m really good today I started my internship as a as a real engine game designer de something like that I guess and I’m tired but it’s okay it’s Okay remember when we would get mad because if we had an our project with Crayola crayons because they were the same color when we use them it would be different color that didn’t happen to Me I think the last time I used crons was when I was in primary school and it’s been a lot of years since that I think this is enough for the luck Sur I start placing the smaller locks Cry be goofy as hell when writing oh yeah it was impossible to ride with them talking about writing things do you know when you are on middle school and the teachers they start going no you cannot ride with with pencil you need to go with a pen cuz it’s more clean and blah

Blah blah blah blah blah I remember that I did a math exam with a pencil cuz I didn’t had any any pens and no one wanted to you know Lear one to me and I had to do the full math exam with a pencil and the teacher put me zero zero out of

10 they suspended my exam and I asked for uh for another teacher to review it help Lala yeah right I asked for another teacher to check my exam cuz I was not happy with it and I had a 10 I had a 10 but if it was not for the pencil

Writing I I would have 10 yeah yeah that’s Sad the [ __ ] you talking about H do you think that we should put more wood inside or just leave it empty I think that it’s going to be more more work if we have to put what the wood inside so I think that I’m going to leave it

Empty and I’m going to just put torches so monsters un spawn let’s put some more wood here so it looks more organic and we also can can climb this this way is the Bark on each side for the ones that don’t cover the top no I like it like

This I mean the the other ones use a lot of wood it’s not good when you see the middle of it from top but you use a lot of wood when doing those you lose one unless you want it to be out okay you build your choice okay let’s do it

Like this first and if we don’t like it there’s always time to change it okay for now I need a lot of wood I don’t really know how much wood we need for these so let’s just stick to this first let’s just stick to this First should we start going straight up H I think that was start going how many blocks one two let’s do five Three three four five I wasn’t keeping in mind that we have jees here that we need to to cut I mean it’s only this one right oh this one we also bother us okay these two then I think the others the other ones are okay are

Fine uh back in high school I had a test and didn’t have a pen so I had to use a pencil I asked teacher if that’s okay to use a pencil she said you can use your leg as long as it leaves the trail really the teachers they had in high

School were not that nice they were not that nice they were like oh you not using a blue pen then we going to put you zero you could even like black pants wear really big no green red nope only blue color then she fixed it to be that Pro was Crazy I didn’t really like high school the teachers were really they used to say something and then change it the other day oh the classic uh teacher will this be in exam there will there will be any questions about this part of the of the book on the exam and the teacher was

Like everything can be on the exam guys you need to learn everything everything could be on the exam just don’t ask question just St everything oh God I hated that I really hated That we should make some kind of door to get out of Here just a small door for now it will work I guess yeah let’s asleep let’s Sleep I was often told that the issue was that it could be erased and red is reserved for the teachers greeting so mainly blue and black with a bit of green for highlighting our teachers used to used to use used to use um red and

Green and I don’t know why we were not able to use black like I think that it’s not difficult to read and there’s no other purpose to the black pen oh come on besides writing stuff on the notebook right but no they prefer blue they said that there’s some kind of psychology or

Something like that that if you write on the notebook using blue color it’s easier to remember something like that I don’t Know during the winter we didn’t have Heating and she didn’t allow us to be in jackets she said that we were going to die from here That’s a classic That’s a classic we used to wear our jackets too on class cuz it was really cold and they

Were like don’t be so dramatic it’s not that bad what are you talking on chat guys someone kicked in a student from your class literally Street Fighter in real life the teacher got fired like a month after oh God that’s completely normal the [ __ ] she even tell my friend to

Shave and get to ha card man there’s people that’s so rude out there why were they wearing some kind of weird weird cut haircut look another fun story about my High School uh when I was on on third grade uh on high school middle school I don’t

Know how it works outside the Spain but in Spain middle school is like four years so when I was on third middle school year um I got a different hairstyle I dyed my hair I wanted to be I wanted my hair to be blue but I went to a hair stylist that

Didn’t really know how to use hair tint uh I don’t know if you guys um ever had any dye on your hair but usually when you want to go when you want to change your hair color to a more fantasy color like for example blue pink purple um even I don’t know

Orange you usually need to get first a decoloration of your hair to make it lighter and depending on the color that you want to get you will need a lighter color or not as light for example for blue and purple you need to have an almost white

Color on your head for orange it’s okay if it’s yellow things like that okay so I wanted a blue a blue hair color electric blue cuz I was on my emo face you know I was listening to linking Park all the time and stuff so we went to the hair stylist and

She was like oh yeah sure I can do that it’s going to be really quick yeah don’t worry about bought it and she put the decoloration product on my hair she Liv it there for 3 hours which is the first problem cuz as far as I know you cannot

Leave it that long if your hair’s dry but anyway um and after that I remember that she was cleaning my head and the hair was falling in pieces in pieces and she went like okay this is fine you know I was young so I didn’t really know the problem about

That and I was like oh that’s fine it’s okay I guess that it’s normal that my sculpts hurting I won’t die and then she started blinding the team and 2 hours and a half later when she cleaned while she washed my hair my hair was Green I was really sad that I it was [ __ ] green but not a pretty green color it was okay um I don’t know what can I show you guys that have that color do you see the color the green color from The exper Experience bar on the Minecraft game I had that

Exact color it was [ __ ] ugly it was so ugly oh my God and I was not I I was really shy so I didn’t really say anything to her it was like oh yeah it’s cool thank you and the next day I had to go to another hair stylist to get my

Hair done for another hair stylist professional and for some months I had to wear these really really really ugly orange color on my head that didn’t really look good on me but but well here we are now hello Alone come vire come vire how are you okay let’s keep going Let’s see we

Did five logs straight let’s go one inside and do like three four maybe five again should we go five five and then four four 3 2 1 43 32 1 H i Mean I think should I tell her should what should you tell me what are you talking about guys what should you tell me About huh what’s the problem about it I mean I you still need to put some wood here to make it look more Organic what what’s the problem I’m nervous Char biom usually is good for Monster spawning and protection that’s okay that’s okay we will be leaving on top of the of the I’m going to I’m going to make sure to put a lot of torches on lanterns so monsters don’t spawn

Yes yes I’ll make sure of that and worry it’s going to be okay I hope I hope let’s see here let’s do yeah let’s do five five each time five can I no I need to put first a piece of wood down here Right yeah I think so M let me grab first then this try lot some Wood it would be really useful to have some more dirt to to put there to be honest but anyway let’s let’s do it with wood I can always take it out after this we actually explore the area of the nether that corresponds to the Cherry biome we did right I remember that there

Was a portal near this oh yeah right guys there’s a portal there we can use that one are you doing that actually already oh there’s no there’s no obsidian oh yeah there’s obsidian are we using this one or you’re building another another portal oh okay we are

Using this one okay cool cool cool cool I’m making some scaffolding oh that’s going to be really useful thank you don’t enter the portal okay hi YouTube are you building the roof portal h I think it’s really cool though we can go using the roof okay um let’s see let’s put some more wood here p P oh hey guys I wanted to talk about you I I wanted to talk with you about something did you s the games the nines of the games Award of this year what do you think about it should we check them after the Minecraft stream and do just like a really

Short just talking stream talking about them cuz I think that there’s a lot of things to talk about it I’m not really happy about the nominees for the game of the year I don’t think that they are fair I guess this really depends on the opinion

But and I mean I hav’t really played a lot of the games that are there but I don’t think that Super Mario wonders should be a [ __ ] like honest honestly probably a family game a wor it is okay but a game of the year for the

Wonders and there’s not the armor Cory I found it really crazy Amor Cory was a heat everyone liked that game why is not there why is Mario Wonder up there it’s barely out and having a lot of games out there that really cool why is I don’t know I don’t know and for

Example the Resident Evil I can understand that it’s nominated as the game of the year but at the same time uh it’s not it’s technically not a new game it’s a remake right or remastered or whatever is it Called I wonder what the game is like I haven’t really play it I it looked like the normal Super Mario Bros but with some new stuff other mechanics and things like that I don’t know it doesn’t look like a game that I like to play I don’t

Know for example the one for the community the best community support I think it’s called it’s okay there was I think that there was um Final Fantasy 14 Destiny 2 which is like okay I kind of I can’t understand understand why it’s in there but at the same time it’s

Weird and what was the other one Community sport Community Support I don’t remember what was the other game nominated for Community Support yeah besides Final Fantasy 14 and Destiny there was two or three more I don’t remember which one we uh Resident Evil 4 is remake the

Latest is a something yeah the latest Resident Evil one is the one with lady dico right a weekend was it a weekend I’m not sure I don’t I don’t really remember we can check that after after the Minecraft stream part tell me your best pickup line who mean who are you

Asking BS no bers could it be wall bers H seems pretty thank you thank you I’m doing for now I’m doing the lck but the biome is cute right with the cherry blossoms and and the ice over there let’s see oh yeah guys did you saw that I I made a blue sky

Account I still don’t really know how to use it but I just reminded that cuz I I saw a notification pop my phone what are the cords uh 176 let me write them on chat uh 176 where’s the other card I can I can see it and 176

161 5 6 and 16 10 oh okay that works too then I guess that also works can I jump off the a full tower as I said before technically you can do it probably you can just do it once so is it worth is it worth you need to think that before doing

It cuz if you want to use a part part is called I think that’s not legal I think that’s not legal if you want to commit you know that thing I please don’t do that life is pretty sometimes sometimes it’s rough but you can go over

It I’m sure about it but in a more jokingly tone you can do it but just once let me get my trampoline not as far as I know really I know went to the eiel tower there’s some kind of protection or something so people cannot jump from There uh should we do four here let’s go with four if we set on the server it is what it is oh God yeah it is what it is I don’t know what happens with you guys saying it is what it is to everything it’s not the solution for all of your

Problems you know that right you know that right no there have been specific events in the past there is some stuff stop to stop you m okay yeah it makes sense probably people will try to jump from there until you run out of it is what it

Is how many it is what it is you have left what’s the limit that you can use cuz you already guys you already used a lot of it is what it is probably you’re going to run out of them soon you’ll you’ll have to find another you know sentence phrase whatever it’s

Called You’re a banana French banana French banana I’m at my limit of it is what it is with this year this year is almost over so don’t worry about about it you just need to wait till you just how many months are left a month in a health there’s

Already one month in a health left for 2023 to end oh god oh time flies time really flies it seems yesterday that it was January that it was still Christmas oh my God don’t remind me I’ll get depressed oh it’s almost the time of the year that time of the year where

Everyone starts posting on Twitter what their goals for 2024 2024 no 2024 2024 yes are like I’m going to go to the gym every day I’m going to eat healthy I’m going to Marry and then probably you won’t be doing any of those goals but it’s okay oh no wait [ __ ] I want to do the three or four I did four and the last one let’s do three in this one oh God this is already really tallo it’s okay it’s

Okay you’ve been preparing for Christmas since the day before Halloween and you didn’t realize it’s so late in the year cuz it’s different when you okay when you think it’s November 1st it’s like okay it’s November 1st okay just right after Halloween there’s still two months but when you stop and think about

It is when the problem lies like if you just think about it’s the end of the year it’s it’s November it’s okay cuz you’re technically not thinking of the time you have left on this year you know what I mean I don’t know it sounds it’s weird it’s

Weird my goal for 2024 is to make a goal for 2025 good goal good goal I’m sure that you will you will be able to to do it yes it sounds visible I don’t usually do these things for goals I just I don’t know I mean I I like to do things like

For example for 2023 I promised myself that I would be stronger and I’m going to be ending this year stronger so that’s cool but I don’t have those really fixed goals like I’m going to lose 25 kilos or I’m going to be able to leave to LIF uh

150 by the end of this year I don’t usually do that I have Arrived I saw meme some time ago of uh I think I already told you guys but um it was a British meme um L laa you remember that right I’m [Laughter] Arriving I know why you thought it as soon as you started laughing am I that predictable a blending okay um for this one for this one just to hello Len what okay so there was this meme that I saw some time ago thank you that it was what do British people

Say when they are coming you know what I mean and it was I’m arriving and I don’t know I find it really funny I don’t know if it’s funny or not you are British you know better than me if a British would say that probably not but it’s still funny

Nonetheless I don’t know I every time that I read the the word arriving or arrived I can’t I can’t I remember the [Laughter] meme it’s one of those memes that every time that you see them you can stop yourself from laughing I don’t know it’s just really

Stupid don’t mind me my stupidity laa has dirty mind I have transcend it you have transcend it what does that mean where are you are you God a French God hello crew how are you I’m doing a treehouse I’m building the lock right now as you can see really big

Lock definitely a joke made by a non- British people yeah like a lot of jokes but they are still funny fun funny fun trunk I have trunk what sorry guys I’m I’m really tired my brain is not working properly what are you talking about drunk drunk are you

Drinking okay how should we drank not luck okay this is a truck yes [ __ ] I need to go back Oh yeah this is the safest way to go yes uh where’s the door where’s the door okay that way ask me British Onie he said yes oh Bri saying yes and other Bri saying no h it doesn’t make sense to me but if it brings you Joy it’s

Fine I just have a really stupid sense of humor I don’t know there’s there’s this video on YouTube of an snail Kina do you know what video I’m talking about could you be able to find it and send it on on chat please it’s in a snail going inside

A drop of water and it just like oh my God it’s so funny every time that I’m S I look at that video and it makes me smile I my brain’s so stupid I don’t know the water is more like blue here it’s play on dependent after all oh

It is after that the water would be the one that you grabbed I don’t know okay we should do the branches now um should we start from this side the entrance is going to be there cuz the door is there so there’s going I I want to do

Like a big branch on each side so one there on one there and then it goes like Up I need to go cook dinner hope the rest of your stream goes well okay hope you enjoyed your dinner and before you finish I’ll still be here for quite a while so cookies are biscuits but not all biscuits are cookies for example the ones that you

Need to accept on internet they are not biscuits it would be cool but they are not biscuits Let it go Let it go I can hold it I can hold it I can keep it I forget all the lyrics today just all of them how big should we do the branches

The video was provided I found another one okay thank you so much then we have thing that it’s squee neither I can hold it back anymore right ah I was I was singing it well okay I’m know crazy I’m doing well in a green game by

The way I’m just telling last night I was playing some marioart with kandra and friends for her birthday oh yeah it was her her birthday right yeah I saw that she did an stream with with Nori and and some more I’m I’m sorry I don’t remember the names cuz I’m

Still pretty new there but yeah I I joined that that stream and then she did another one but it was too late for me to to see it oh Heck thanks Katrina look at that video guys I don’t know it’s fascinating it’s fascinating I love it just saw the video Lala your mind is so simple it is I know I know it is I know my mind’s really simple I don’t need a lot to to be

Happy I can be happy with the simplest of things like I don’t know for example it’s intriguing it’s intriguing is something that you say when you don’t want to hurt someone else feelings like for example I think that it’s the co end off am I pretty no you

Are just I mean yes you’re exotic cuz you don’t want to that someone’s ugly cuz it will hurt their feelings so you say that their beauty is exotic that is intriguing felt that way you know what I mean I cannot see ah I cannot See I need to do okay I’m going to use the scaffolding it’s going to be faster let’s see um I wish my mind could go back to being simple it’s not difficult you just need to be happy about everything for example sometimes when I’m having a birthday and I eat oh my

God that look looks so [ __ ] ugly I’m thinking how can I solve that I think that the problem is that I go inside every on every level I’m going to make it the same width so for example I think that the way it has around this place is okay so

I think that we should keep going with this one that look really ugly that’s a tower yeah that’s a tower not a not a not a tree I don’t like it but yeah sometimes when I have a bad day I just eat something that I like for

Example I don’t know to say something Kinder weno or or pasta I love pasta even if it’s just with cheese powdered cheese I just love it and it makes me happy just like that just like that it’s like my comfy food and rais with tomato you should go

In one the same for three in high and two out you should go in on one then same for three in high what what let me check again like I’m going to do probably this level and the other one the same width and then the two on

Top the WID that he has this one so three and four bigger that was a bit confusing it was right what this hell with multiple bad ear with multiple bad years I don’t know I mean it really depends on each person because there’s people that has a really bad year and

They don’t consider them really bad year it just really depends on how you on how you think about it for example okay this is a sad story time but uh there there was this girl that um I went with on school in primary school and and she died because of a motorcycle

Accident on 2020 and I thought her family would be really sad you know CU I mean if someone of my family dies I would probably spend a week an entire [ __ ] an entire week crying that is what I meant like but her parents were like okay it’s life this

Happens it’s okay everyone’s going to die sometime she wouldn’t like us to be sad so we want be sad it is what it is and that’s it like I found that really crazy different mindset I guess yeah completely different mindset when my I had a a bird when I was young a canary

Canary is it called Canary I don’t know the name but when my when my birth died I spent two months that every time that I remembered my poor beard I started crying so I don’t know I find it really crazy that people can just have that

Mindset but at the same time I really admire that cuz you know that means that you you want cry as much as probably I do another example is for example haiko the the the movie the film I watch it once and every time that I hear the

Music that sounds at the start of the movie I start crying I start crying I can’t I can’t watch that movie I start crying immediately it’s impossible you’re making a Tik Tok right now an influencer Tik Tok kuny Kun not Canary kuny it’s it’s just what are you what are you saying guys is you shouldn’t get upset over the things you have no control of M that’s cool is haiko the one yeah that one to go yes haiko is the one is that sha youo

Dad oh my God I don’t want to cry guys I don’t want to cry when he said dog dad um used to wait for his owner on the train station every day and then the donor I don’t want to cry but the owner passed out and the dog was waiting for him

Every day at the train station I’m not crying you’re crying guys you’re crying I’m strong I I I got to say that my dog if I die my dog’s completely ignore me like she won’t she would probably not care about me but haiko chiko was really cute Some you ride it every time different way okay let’s go back cuz it’s time to sleep what a ruthless to go my dog doesn’t care about me at all like at all I I I really care about hair I take really good care of ha we cook her the

Meals like with normal food like we don’t buy dog food for her cuz her stomach is kind of kind of you know how to say it I don’t know how to say it she get the stomach AES a lot so we cook the food for ha I B ha I take her on

WS I I I I treat her like my queen and she ignores me and she ignores me she don’t like Me um there was this time that I I uh how I don’t know how to speak guys H one second my brain I’m still processing the Hao thing um I had to bring her to the bed cuz she had to undergo a surgery you know and after

That she was still angry with me cuz she didn’t like the B the bad appointment she had an bad time and I guess that she thought that it was my fault and she every time that she saw me she just ignored me completely completely it felt so bad for a week for

A completely whole week yes it really hard whatever the opposite of an iron stomach is yeah um what would it be beans beans beans stomach hello person with a real L name let’s see um we still need to make this part thicker I’m going to go with this WID but Yeah here and here probably I’m going to leave that one on that with and just keep going in this one my cat gets mad at me for even the smallest things ah they do be like that right they do be like that pearly cats are easier to to make

Them angry right Doos are are are more chill at least from my opinion I know I had a cat I never had a cat but my brother husband has a cat and she’s kind of difficult my brother usually buys really high premium brand food for her cuz she

Doesn’t really like to eat anything that it’s not fish basically well she also like fries as far as I know but yeah my brother usually buys really high premium Brown food for for her cat for his cat and the cat is like no I don’t want these she prefers to eat something from

The trash before eating that high quality food to be fair Amy and Jack Russell they AR really saying yeah there’s a okay there’s this subreddit about Jack russels and do you know how they how they call Jack russels the normal name for Jack Russell is Jack Russell Terrier right cuz it’s a

Terrier so on the suad it there’s this internal joke that they are called Jack Russell terrorists and it’s so accurate it’s really accurate Jack rles are [ __ ] crazy and thanks God my Jack wrestle is still pretty chill cuz okay she likes to run and do crazy things but at the same

Time it’s not that bad there used to be some other Jack wrestles on the town where I live that were hella crazy Like yeah no no there’s a lot of rabbits in this in this town um and usually all the neighbors that had that had Jack russels let them out for a while to get rid of all the rabbits it worked it worked but there’s no Jack wrestles now besides my Dogo she’s the

Oldest one the other ones are on the heaven on the dog heaven Yeah let’s let me check if this is better or I still need to make it more thick let’s See it’s decent ah it’s decent I think that the branches are too small I think that instead of doing them 2 per two I’m going to make them 3 per Three yeah yeah I think that I’m going to make them three for three three for three let’s do that I’m going to try it out and then check again if it works we have two now so This going to be three almost this one and three and the other one it’s on one side um there’s one block here I think that we can make it the this side yes okay okay oh [ __ ] I need to break this cff link bye okay and now I’m going to make

It here and I will like cane coros cane coros till I got one and she melted my what’s a cane Coro cane Coro oh thanks for the wood thank you thank you can course so what bre that one she was a big teddy bear it’s like a

Doo I mean not dogo from dog Dogo like the bread like Argentinian Dogo and things like that 54 kilos oh that’s a big dog that’s a big dog s for the L yeah we’re a lot he joins such as AR D dreams rant staring snor hand tell dream and so

Much more but some of our friends read it hair M yeah I only saw the first Dream cuz I said I was sleeping on the other ones but it was really cool H yeah it’s the dark I showed the brown haired one oh okay okay I remember

Now I remember now let’s see oh I think that we [ __ ] up There can I put the scaffoldings horizontally or it’s only possible to put them no I cannot do that ah what should I do what should I do what should I Do should I bring the one on top and peel the one the lower ones first then horizontal up to six or seven horizontal up to six or seven need to be beside a block okay well I’m going to I’m going to take the first layer out and

Build and build on [ __ ] why cannot please why can I not please disc scaffolding there I don’t understand anyway can I place it on top of the leaves or I need the solid block to do that okay yeah I need solid block but this is too far away [ __ ] I’m not the

Smartest the smartest St in the shed she was looking kind of down with her finger and her thumb and the shape of a nail on her Forehead oh guys you said this W and I cannot and I cannot take this song out of my brain Now the other day I was taking a nap and I was on on the nap I was hearing a song I don’t remember what song was it but there was some old song on my dream and when I woke up I couldn’t I couldn’t stop myself from singing all the time

And remember the song all the time I hate you when that happens what what was the song I don’t Remember okay now this and now not Here here oh Okay I think I understand do I okay I don’t how shift oh okay okay thank you thanks got it I’m going to keep that in mind I had the Barbie song stuck in my head Barbie the Barbie song how was it I’m a barie girl in the

World life in plastic it’s fantastic you can brush my hair and dress me everywhere imagination life is your creation com about your let’s go party once you placed the first one on the side you can just click it normally oh I’ll try later cuz I don’t have any more scuffing thingies let’s go

To sleep though cuz it’s already night time I don’t want monsters to spawn inside my my tree if I may ask why is there a cake on my bed like on the side of my bed who put the cake There oh there’s a monster ah [ __ ] you oh okay oh a creeper oh man my bad my bad bed my bed is gone my bed is completely gone another creep no my bed’s completely gone it’s watch out okay that cake is mine uh that cake is gone right now I’m sorry oh

Okay you take care of them uh uh where are the ships I don’t remember not this way definitely or maybe Yes that way over there you need to watch the Barbie movie yeah I still little I still need to watch it take mine where are you though I still need to watch it I want to watch Barbie and opener hello oh good night I want to BU both but I just don’t

Have that enough time to do that yeah I mean you know what I’m watching right now I’m watching Goblin Slayer because I really like the first season and I watched I watched I read the Manga at that time when the first season finished and it was really good

And I’m now watching the second season and it’s really cool too Yes Yes are you guys asleeping or what cuz I don’t want to die Again but yeah I’m watching go ler and I want to start the second season of spy family and I also want to watch Fen the one the elf with ponytails of white hair you you know Hughes the artist he’s been drawing a lot of art art like you know

Art I’m starting the second season tomorrow oh you’re on the nether okay oh I can leave this here never mind I’m going to put the bed somewhere with some more protection probably inside this Place and I will probably yeah before oh good job before continuing building the log I’m going to go grab some coal and try to make some torches to put inside the the trunk to put some light cuz I don’t want any creepers to appear and break my artwor yes my art Workk Blink I can bring a couple stacks of gold if y’all give me the quartz if you want to let me one second let me grab this one and I’ll send you no [ __ ] anyway I’m going to send you the cots 2 3 1 1 642 1642 1642 1642 16

42 okay that will also work I usually don’t send the ones on why like is it necessary if you already have the ones on set an X is not really necessary to send the ones the cords on y right cuz it’s only the high I’m watching this SP family and IR night

Thinking about F and I cannot read that word cuz it’s hidden by heart but anyway um there’s a still IR KN going on I remember that they aired the first season some months ago actually probably a year ago and I know it’s the first episode it was the animation was really

Cool I really like it but I never really finished it cuz I I I wanted to play the game but I just forgot can I okay no I cannot watching I’m in love with the vness it is fantastic when’s the next season releasing did they say anything about It the next life the next life uh as a building or something like that I don’t remember the the name in in English hamura hamura in Japanese it’s an anime based I mean it’s not based on an atomic game but it’s like the anime itself is

Like um a girl that get isied into an atomic game that she used to play a lot and yeah she ends up being the the the biling kind of biling character on that serious it’s kind of cool if you like this General yeah oh why did I grab that wood with

Pickaxe Hur has a moving moving a movie coming up I didn’t know about the next season I didn’t know that Lala what that’s me oh the cool yeah thank you wait I I I did the Tores and I didn’t put them but yeah Hy food is really cool I

Really liked it when it got aired the animation is really cool and the colors are really really vibrant it’s it’s a nice I think that we could say that it’s a kind of Slice of Life kind of Slice of Life the colors kind of remind me of

Of um that one anime where there’s that blonde girl named Ken what about her name that she’s wearing uh American no American not British British jacket American jacket Australian jacket I don’t remember it’s a comedy first and foremost yeah okay yeah it’s it’s comedy mhm but it’s comedy and Slice of Life it’s

Both why are you Guys who’s going to die first you can’t do it let’s go woo I don’t know how long should I do this Branch I think that I’m going to do something like this maybe one more block [ __ ] anyway one more block and now I’m going to go

Up why are you trying to burn the tree good question they don’t appreciate my work I’m trying to build a really big home for everyone and they don’t appreciate it I need to watch my dress up darling I recommend you uh shik shikiori Shiki morisan sh Shiki morisan I don’t remember the

Name she let me let me search it really fast on internet Google s Shi son yeah shikim kaai shikim Mor son it means uh shikim Mori son is not just a cutie I I think it’s something like that in English it’s really good it’s really good I really like

Shikimori hairdress up dialing is pretty good show actually it’s great res up dialing is nice it’s it’s it’s really good I lik it it’s fun it has a pretty simple SL common plot but at the same time it has things that are real weird I don’t know how to explain it but yeah

It’s an experience you should watch it you should watch it boys will be boys why do you why do you say that why do you say That more animes that are good M more animes that are good oh I want to finish Boi watch you the rock oh [ __ ] I okay no never mind I’m doing this correctly yes I started the anime but I never finished it I watched I think that the first three

Episodes was it the first tree I watch it until until um but she had her first concert which I’m not sure if it’s on the second or the third I really liked it she has a Les B guitar which I really like Le B guitar but I

Don’t know why I never contined watching it can you guys stop showing fire to my tree like I’m trying to build a house and you’re trying to destroy It anyway let’s see let me check how it’s looking if we should make the the branches bigger thicker or What okay I don’t like I mean the one on the left is not that bad but I don’t like the angle over there I think that we need to make it softer that zone over there is still looking prettier though it needs some decoration anyway but for now I’m going to I’m

Going to stop Minecraft for now and let’s do the game awards thing real quick okay is that is that cool with you guys let’s do that disconnect quck game and let’s go let’s move to the just talking screen yes let me search um some web page that has all the game

Awards Game Awards words nominations 2023 the game awards here build all categories can I see them one by one next okay yes we’re going to watch it from the let me put this Here this here um okay let’s move again to the screen the gaming screen but I’m going to change instead of Minecraft I’m going to put I’m going to Put Firefox is this one the one that I want to share this one oh this is really small oh cute let me make it bigger like this okay H okay game awards guys game awards what do you think about the game awards cuz I am not happy at

All to start with the game of the year Alan Wick to I got to say that I haven’t played this game and I’ve heard that it’s pretty good it’s an horror game so I think that it’s it could be decent I want to play it I want to play it but my

PC doesn’t have the specs to play this game so so I don’t think that I can play it for now maybe in five years Ballers gate it was pretty obvious Ballers gate would be nominated as a game of the year yes completely I was surprised to see

Spider-Man like I saw a lot of people playing it but I was not expecting it to be nominated as a game of the year I I thought I would be nominated as for example uh I don’t know best Innovative mechanics I think that there’s like a category for that or

Something but I was not expecting it to be nominated for the game of the year Resident Evil 4 I already told you guys but I am not happy with it cuz it’s a remastered and not an original game and I don’t think that’s fair wonders I think it’s a

Joke like why is Super Mario Bros Wonder here and not armored cor six please someone tell me please out of every game nominated I only play two catch life C just consume your life Spider-Man honestly doesn’t deserve being there you didn’t like It and then the Legend of Zelda te of the Kingdom which I think that it was pretty obvious too I think that balers and T tears of the Kingdom were the ones That the most obvious ones yes yes this one no no I don’t think I don’t think that it’s good enough to be nominated as a game of the year anyway Maria has more right to be there than resonable for at least best game Direction Alan week 2 balers gate Marvel

Spider-Man uh wonder and tears of the Kingdom again I don’t really I don’t really played any of these games I play the tears of the kingdom and I watched a lot of videos of balers I also seen a lot of gameplay of Spider-Man but I know nothing about Alan Alan twig and and

Mario Wonder but the the game Direction and the design of the game of the of the kingdom is really pretty and bers gate even maybe it doesn’t have the best Innovative design but I think that the it really innovates a lot yes it really innovates a lot if you

Compare it to the other ones in this category I think the bers gate innovates a lot yes yes best narrative Alan Wake 2 balers gate again cyber Punk the the expansion Final Fantasy 16 and the Spider-Man again I have a soft spot for cyber Punk cuz even though I never

Finished the main story line and I want to do that I really want to do that cuz it’s so interesting and I really like it when I played it I don’t really know how Phantom Liberty is but I have heard a lot of people saying that it’s amazing that it

Really changes the game again like the base the playing game was already really good the expansion makes it even better but again I didn’t really play it so I guess that I cannot talk Final Fantasy 16 I also I also heard a lot of people saying that it’s

Really good and I think that there’s like a wolf a wolf pop yeah cute really cute best art Direction Alan Wake high five Rush Li of P the Mario and tears of the Kingdom um even even though I really like Lys of P I think it looks really pretty really

Really really really pretty I really like the ambientation the character designs the scener the wor building I think it’s really pretty and really well done probably high five Rush is actually the most Creative Design cuz it’s not an a style that you usually see on video games nowadays usually they go for

Realistic these cartoony anime I mean cartoony like you know Zelda or Mario but this one is like it’s it’s different it feels like I don’t want to say that it feels like like Borderlands is the style is pretty much different but it’s not a common art style you know what I mean

Did you watch the Cyber Punk anime I I did I did and I cried cried and I cried a lot you didn’t hear anything about cyber Punk really I heard a lot of people saying that it’s really good yes oh there’s another story time about cyber Punk when it got announced I pre-ordered

The the collector’s edition and the supermarket where the shop where I pre-ordered it um didn’t really have the amount of copies that they said so I ended up paying for having nothing and I had to contact with city project red and everything and they couldn’t do really anything cuz there

Were no no more editions left you know so it was really sad anyway I don’t want to cry again so let’s keep going you mean the side has allines and C shading yeah but tell me about other games famous games from this year that has that art style at least a refund

Yeah at least I had a refund but you know I was really hyped I was really really hyped because at that point of life The Witcher 3 was my favorite game I really liked it and I had really high expectations in cyber Punk

So you know I I paid it and I didn’t kn that I wouldn’t have a copy until January at the end of December start of January when all the collectors editions started started uh shipping you know so I spent like a year and a half or two years just

Thinking that I had a copy saved for me yeah really sad best score in music I wake valders Final Fantasy highi rush and the Layon of DEA I’m sorry if you guys like any other game of the ones here but I need to go with masayoshi suen cuz he’s also

The composer of the Final Fantasy 14 a lot of Final Fantasy 14 songs he’s an amazing composer like his music is so pretty so pretty so yeah when I’m I’ll be voting for him for m she so again um actually there’s in a story about him when an

Walker the last expansion of Final Fantasy 14 got released um and wer I think it was it wer the last Last Song of the expansion I don’t I don’t really remember what song was it but he was at the hospital cuz he had cancer and he was staying at the hospital and was

Writing that song composing that song on the bed at the hospital like wow wow I know the feeling let me ask you did you finish any game I did finish a bunch of games actually and if you look at my Steam account okay I have two games that have this the 100%

Achievement okay I completed two games 100% achievement yes I’ve got to go with the Zelda for soundtrack yeah the Zelda soundtrack is also really good yeah I understand that to yes but I have a soft spot for masayoshi um best audio design I don’t really know about these ones

So so I don’t know what do you think of this One I mean I I haven’t even played any of these so I can I cannot I cannot give my opinion only 200% oh come on I finished a lot of games but only two 100% okay Final Fantasy 16 had all the aces of game death Final Fantasy 14

Directory and music dragons do combat dep and even more death space is amazing you should play it I don’t have time to play my favorite game I don’t have time to play dead space you guys think that Dead Space will will win the best audio design

You’ve heard that Alan Wake 2 has great audio we will see we will see I will probably a vote for this one cuz I don’t really know which one to vote best performance uh Ben star Final Fantasy 16 camon monagan monagan Star Wars Jedi Survivor oh my God there’s a there’s a

Game from this year from Star Wars it is Ela from cyber punk I heard that this guy is doing such an amazing job Melanie L alone week to Neil nean while your skate and yri Lowel Spider-Man I know no one I know no one anyway let’s keep going I don’t know

What I just know that e El is doing really nice work but that’s it Innovation and accessibility Diablo 4 Forza high five Rush Spiderman Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter huh huh which what was it I think that it was oh I don’t remember but there was

One of these that there was a lot of people roing for I don’t remember if it was Forza or Diablo I don’t remember I think that they said that one of these two had really nice accessibility settings and things I don’t remember which one though do you know do you know guys

It would be nice if they said what roles they played yeah it would be really nice cuz right now it’s just yeah they are in that game just guess which one is just Guess the Character I guess the only one here I’ve actually seen in game is newor a

Stadion oh he’s a Stadium from from balus Diablo hell no why Not ah I’m dying one of the arcade Fighters that St in this category these ones oh my Throat for always has great accessibility yeah FR is pretty it’s pretty well done by that yeah I played some and yeah it really helps a lot to you know so everyone can play it games for impact for a thought proving game with a pro-social meaning of

Message so I guess that it’s this is a category for games that has some kind of social impact like maybe for climate change maybe for something more I don’t know I don’t know I know any of these games the space for the Unbound chance of Sinar goodbye Volcano High

Chia Teran Neil and venba I know nothing about these games I like the art style of this one though the colors are so pretty and this one’s also also cool yeah but I haven’t even I haven’t heard of these ones so poon Mystery Dungeon explorers of Sky

One I have played only two of the games listed in any of the categories good job guys good job best ongoing game okay yes epics Legends yes cyber Punk understandable Final Fantasy 14 my choice fortnite really do you know that they will add Lou Hamilton on fortnite like the Formula 1 Champion Lis

Hamilton and geni impire I’m going to vote for Final Fantasy routin cuz it’s my favorite game but I can’t understand why cyber Punk and ganshin impact are there too yeah probably ganshin well maybe not maybe not the Final Fantasy Community is really crazy too is really crazy too Guin going to

Get D On Again by The Sunny Community if they celebrate to Final Fantasy 14 probably going to win yeah I think so too I think so too Final Fantasy 14 has a crazy Community look at what they did at the last year game awards I’m accepted Too uh next one best community support balers gate ah this one is this is the one I was talking about guys balers gate cyber Punk Destiny 2 Final Fantasy 1 and no man’s the sky I don’t really understand why Destiny 2 is still here cuz I know that there’s still people playing it But I I wouldn’t say that it has a nice Community Support at least when I played some years ago it was not that nice the community was kind of rude in particular when they made it free to play at that moment the community was really rude really really really rude Final

Fantasy 14 has its moments um but in general everyone’s pretty chill and they usually help each other a lot the Cyber Punk Community I think that it’s also pretty chill and Ballers Gate I’m between wers gate and Final Fantasy 14 I think that one of these two will win I don’t think that no man sky is going to be any near first three places N I think the destiny 2 a no man the sky Destiny 2 is going to be on on

Fifth place no man’s the sky fourth place and then I think that cyber Punk’s going to be on third place and the first one’s going to be between Final Fantasy and bers yeah definitely if I understand it’s not about the community itself but how well the dep support the community oh is

It oh oh maybe I don’t know I don’t know hello games has had great support for the community hello hello hello hello games oh the ones from no man Sky I didn’t know that they were called Hello Games next category best independent game this is pretty similar to the the impact game category sea of the Stars I think this is sea of stars and buf finder these ones I heard them but I didn’t I don’t really know anything about these games neither oh these one’s from anuna

Interactive oh an auna usually usually distributes and produces really nice games I don’t know we will see which one wins I don’t I haven’t played them I don’t know anything about them best debute in the game the same ones Pizza Tower I’m going to go through Pizza Tower cuz I like

Pizzas that’s it that’s the reason it is written in the description right underneath name I’m just tired I don’t want a red guys I don’t want a red come on let me relax don’t make me red best mobile game Final Fantasy 7 what there’s a final fantasy for mobile Hello Kitty island adventure

Honkai start real monster hunter now and Teran Neil probably is going to win honkai yeah honkai impa’s going to win this one cuz who the heck plays Final Fantasy a mile I didn’t even know that it exist and Hello Kitty I mean no okay Hello

Kitty cuz for what I see here it’s all the srio characters and those are pretty popular maybe not here in Europe but in Asia are really popular and I like some of the SRE characters too yes Monster Hunter now probably top three in teral I don’t really know Netflix since when Netflix this

Games what best VR a Grand Turismo Horizon call of the mountain Humanity Resident Evil Village VR mode and synaps H I haven’t played any of these in VR but horizon horizon looks really well Resident Evil probably the experience on VR is is really scary and you have a lot

Of tension going on all the time and seeing lady dimitru being a lot taller than you and all the daughters probably that’s an experience that I want to leave at least once on my life but if we are talking about the overall experience I think that Horizon

Has a lot more freedom of places where you can go and um the game play We person of grabbing you and lifting you and it for a VR headset to play in VR true true true I have one I have yakul Quest best action game armored cor yes armored

Core dead Iceland too ghost Runner high for Russian Remnant nah this one’s armored cor needs to win this one come on yeah that’s it I don’t want to don’t say if you are Not in with me and with armored Cory don’t say anything I don’t care about your opinion armored Cory needs to be needs to win that one at least what is armored Cory armored Cory is a game with um really big robots meas and it’s really difficult to play

Or at least some people say that yes I used to I I played the old ones when I was younger I I used to play the old ones and then I completely forgot about their existence and this year they released umed core 6 and a lot of people didn’t really ever played any

Of the other armored cores so it was cool to see more people new people join the mea World um best action adventure game Alan Wick Spider-Man Resident Evil Star Wars Jedi and the lane of Zelda Huh I don’t know I didn’t play Al long week but I mean a Spider-Man I he that there’s the the the game play is cool cuz there’s a lot of verticality and it’s really smooth to go out there and you know jump between uh buildings and stuff so I guess the

Gameplay of a Spider-Man is cool but I don’t like Spider-Man as I told you guys So there’s a lot of Adventure in Zelda yeah I think that Zelda could also be considered one yeah you know I didn’t play that wig so I’ll go with Zelda I’ll go with Zelda I liked it I like the mechanics of that game and I like it a lot more than than

Breath of the wild if I got to be honest yeah next category best RPG bers gate Final Fantasy 16 lies of PC of stars or Starfield a lot of people were always talking about Starfield and how good of a game it was and it was not nominated

On the game of the year unless it’s some best RPG bestp is probably Baler skates are going to win this one cuz I think that bers gate is literally the definition of an RPG game a role play game you know yes so yeah I think that balers skate is going to win this one too probably balers SK is going to win all

The all the categories that it’s nominated or almost all of them yes yeah yeah it’s a DI between Final Fantasy 16 and balers gate you enjoy the Starfield but it isn’t the best RPG I saw that there’s there was a lot of books b game is literally a roleplay

Game exactly exactly it’s literally the definition best fighting I don’t like fighting games but I played Mortal Kombat and I played Street Fighter not this ones in particular but I played another version of these games I never had of God of Rock and pocket bravery I’ve heard of the

Starp Roll but I don’t like the idea that these are the characters I don’t know it doesn’t feel like a fighting game you know what I mean so probably is going to win Street Fighter but I want to go with Mortal Kombat cuz I really like Mortal Kombat

When I was younger I used to have the game for I think that it was a DS Light I don’t remember if it was or not the DS light but it was my first just fighting gamees so I’m going to stick with Mortal Kombat I don’t care what all the other people

Say same laa cool best family okay in this category in this one it makes sense that there’s it makes sense that there’s Super Mario Bros W I never played y I mean I played Sonic but the gameplay of Sonic is not that innovative I really like Sonic okay but and I don’t like big me and I don’t really know about these two so yeah wonder wonder yeah best Sim strategy C is a skylines Too okay C is a skylines too it’s just really fun no Fire Emblem no not Fire Emblem series of skylines series of skylines okay best sports racing I don’t like sports games but I’ve played I’ve played the crew not MotorFist I actually played it on stream I actually played the cre

No it was Forza never mind it was Forza rizon that I played on the stream between these two I think that Forza Forza is going to win uh final I the Final Fantasy for moo one I I heard a lot of people saying that it was not really

Good so and this is FIFA right I don’t like football yeah I will go for Forza hello Kendra hello how are you nice to see you here you with Katarina Fire Emblem you guys booting for are you all of you guys are voting for Fire Emblem going to cry

Why is strategy seem in the same category good question they do this every year I don’t really understand why it has nothing in common best multiplayer bers gate Diablo 4 party animals a street fighter and Mario Bros wonder I think this is also a victory for balers gate yes probably

Victory for balers gate balers gate is going to win all the all the categories it’s just a really good game it’s not FIFA anymore they low the r to use that name but it’s the same game but with a different name right I good just woke up no long ago looking at

The categories for the next upcoming game awards yes I wanted to stream it but cuz I thought that they would be streaming it uh on a Saturday or Friday night but they are actually doing on a Thursday and I need to wake up really early on Friday so I cannot stream it

Which is the same yeah I wanted to do some kind of a stream with you guys watching the game awards it could be it could be nice but yeah I know I think it’s around 1:00 a.m. for me in the morning something like that yeah Super Mario movie M oh yeah best

Adaptation yeah sure castania grand T isma The Last of Us the Mario movie and Twisted Metal I didn’t watch the Mario movie but the last of us is really cool it’s really well done the actors are so good at it so good at it like Alie oh my God she does Ellie

Perfectly I really like the last ofas I’m going to both for the last of us cuz I haven’t watched Mario Bros movie but yes I think that you guys going to put for the Mario Bru movie Right most anticipated game final fantasy hat is to like a dragon infinite World Star Wars and Tekken Eight uh H probably like a dragon probably like a dragon yes I mean there’s a lot of people that like Addis but it’s still kind of an indie game even if you’ll even if you really like it h is it’s an indie game there’s not going to be the

Same amount of people voting for AIS than voting for example like a dragon or Star Wars you know what I mean right Final Fantasy H it’s pronounced Jadis it’s pronounced Addis What are you really oh I hate it no I’m going to pronounce it it is it is I don’t care I don’t like hates hates I don’t like that Name I don’t like that it sounds weird content creator of the Year iron Mouse mousy understandable she’s really cute nice content people make games I don’t know what channel is these wi quak spring is an Spanish Creator uh content creator and Cipher I don’t know probably iron

Mouse cuz even though I know quack in the spr I don’t really watch them as far as I remember Su was really focused on Minecraft content but I’m not sure I it’s been a while since I watched his streams so probably M yes let’s go Mouse yeah right I only

Heard of iron Mouse none of the Others um best Esports game Counter Strike to DOTA League of Legends pubg and ballerin okay we all know that valeron’s going to win this one but I really like the competitive of Counter Strike I think it’s really cool really really really cool Ban’s okay but Counter Strike every time that

There’s like a uh competition of Counter Strike there’s thousands and thousands of people watching it it’s really good I’m going to vote for Counter Strike do people still play popg good question good question I want to know that too um next best Esports athlete I know I

Don’t know any of these besides Faker so yeah I I only know Faker cuz you know it’s he’s famous but that’s It CS go ball on Call of Duty League of Legends and epics no I I only know Faker um the do still has a following but it’s not as big anymore yeah da 2 is already kind of dead right now which is a shame but yeah strategy games are

Really fun yeah strategy games are really cool I used to play Civilization and Europe veral her of iron I play her of iron too yes I like them I literally don’t watch any of those games competitively I only watch CS go I don’t really play it anymore

Anymore I played it for quite some time but yeah I don’t play it now I think the only game that I used I mean I used to compete to be on the competitive scene of two games the first one is Call of Duty Black Ops 3 which is really really dead and

OverWatch yeah best Esports team the same I don’t really know any of this I think that the ones I know are fanatic and vitality and I know Vitality because of Counter Strike so yeah Vitality I guess I don’t know I don’t watch the other Ones the only one that I sometimes watch competitively is track Mania there’s a competitive scene of trackmania it’s the first time I’ve cared about that besti sports coach Christine Potter Chi Danny donic Sensen Jordan go Graham Remy xtq zum y home Son we have the same problem as before I don’t know any of these so let’s go to the next one I guess besy spursy band the Cs go one the Paris major I think that this was the last major they did before Counter Strike to arrive

It was really good it was really good I never I mean there was one time that I watched the worldship the world championship of FLW LOL League of Legends but I don’t really like League of Legends and I don’t know it’s a tradition to watch the major The Counter Strike major

Every year it’s just a tradition I do it I don’t know why but it’s really entertaining I think that watching all those really good people playing at that game I find it amusing yes next there’s no more cathegories that’s it okay that’s it guys that’s it no more C theories I

Thought there were still some left H Anyway the 2023 League of Legends World Championship isn’t even over yet oh it’s not I know nothing about it nothing about it as I said I think that he watched it once but it was not the world championship it was I think that it was the European

Finals or something cuz they hosted it in Barcelona and it happened to be that I was there cuz there was like a gaming event and I went with my with my class and I was there and I watched it for quite some time and then I

Left what that canot be it yeah right it felt really short I thought there were some more categories but no not enough Variety in most of those categories my thingss yeah there’s a lot of games that are are in a lot of categories Ballers gate I think it’s in five different

Categories yeah I don’t know but I’m I’m still angry about the am car but anyway that’s it for today’s stream guys I’m hungry I’m sleepy I want to go to sleep uh hope you guys had a nice day had a nice night enjoyed my stream oh hello Sheriff

Pumpkin I’m sorry but I’m I’m I’m closing the stream hope you guys enjoyed the stream and see you uh I think on Friday right Friday I think it’s on Friday on the on my next art stream uh bye-bye guys Bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】Lalaland Construction Services: Building a treehouse!’, was uploaded by ♡ Lala ララ ♡ on 2023-11-15 19:26:04. It has garnered 124 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:34 or 8194 seconds.


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Overlay from Sucomado (

Model art and rigging, thumbnail and ‘Just Talking’ Background made by myself


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This Minecraft Server, Lalaland, is exclusive for Patrons and VTuber family members (VTuber sons and daughters). In order to join, you can subscribe to any Lalachan208’s Patreon Tier and, via Discord, contact her or any of the Discord Server mods to join.

The server is currently a vanilla Minecraft Realms Server. If we reach the maximum number of players, it will be migrated to another hosting service.

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  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

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    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 27 Exploring the World of Minecraft on Day 27 of the Wood Challenge Today, the Minecraft adventurer delved into a world with trees scattered far and wide. Despite the current ease of access to wood, the player anticipates challenges as the days progress. Will the scarcity of trees become a hindrance after day 100? Only time will tell. Shoutouts to the Community Our intrepid gamer took a moment to send greetings to fellow content creators on YouTube and TikTok. Among those mentioned were: TikTok: @elspleex, @algun_pana_insano, @gero_haxx, @eric_rodriguez15, @cactuki_18 YouTube: @Juadre77, @Pinguin_pro13, @lautaroarcepalma1165, @user-cb3dv9pw8l, @kitsunebi-di8gs, @Agua_gamer_creeper, @TizianoYsa Become a Channel… Read More

  • INSANELY RARE Minecraft Advancement Hunting LIVE🔴

    INSANELY RARE Minecraft Advancement Hunting LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt | Episode 3 (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-06-04 08:41:19. It has garnered 64 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:45 or 6405 seconds. The marks the second episode of the LIVE Series where I will try to get every Minecraft advancement. However, I have a mod that adds over 1000+ advancements to the game! Come join and have some fun! Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock: The Conjuring 2 House Build

    Minecraft Bedrock: The Conjuring 2 House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE CONJURING 2 HOUSE IN MINECRAFT BEDROCK…’, was uploaded by Pucheku Gaming on 2024-03-22 07:32:34. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ ☠️░H░ ░o░ ░r░ ░r░ ░o░ ░r░ ☠️ ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ 🗡️WELCOME TO PUCHEKU GAMING NEW VIDEO⚔️ ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• New Video •.•] The Conjuring-2 In Minecraft ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Links•.•] Discord :- YouTube :- ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Download Links•.•] Creator:- ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Popular Videos •.•] ✅How To Make Replay In Mcpe:- ✨Mcpe Best Useful Mod:- 🤯How To Add Shader On Pojav Launcher Rendering Replay:-… Read More

  • Exploring Cursed Cave in Minecraft! 😱 #Viral

    Exploring Cursed Cave in Minecraft! 😱 #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘First time visit in cave in survival😱😱😱😱😱 #minecraft #vairalshort #technogamerz #anshubisht’, was uploaded by All_rounder_gamerz on 2024-04-20 01:30:34. It has garnered 6445 views and 231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • AndrewAllCaps predicts the future?! 🤯

    AndrewAllCaps predicts the future?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘3_14_2024(2)’, was uploaded by AndrewAllCaps on 2024-03-15 04:03:57. It has garnered 249 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:44 or 14024 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive 🥭🥭Please refer to the Rules below..🥭🥭 1. ✿― RULES ― ✿ ➤ No spoilers or backseating. ➤ Refrain from all homophobic, racist, sexist, and transphobic comments. ➤ No NSFW jokes. If someone asks you to stop, then stop. ➤ No harassment. ➤ Follow the Youtube TOS. (This means the Chat is 13+) ➤ No doxing threats or jokes. ➤ Read the room before making jokes or bringing… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft 1.21 MASTER gameplay ️” #viral #trending #memes

    "INSANE Minecraft 1.21 MASTER gameplay ️" #viral #trending #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘But Minecraft 1. 21 are insane ️ #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #clutch #funny #respect #memes’, was uploaded by MASTER on 2024-04-06 07:44:18. It has garnered 30 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock… Read More

  • MINECRAFT SMP Glitch: Epic Rage and Rhymes! Episode 12

    MINECRAFT SMP Glitch: Epic Rage and Rhymes! Episode 12Video Information This video, titled ‘「MINECRAFT: PALLID SMP」| ’Rhymes and Rage!’ | Episode 12’, was uploaded by Glitch Entertainment on 2024-06-05 21:11:25. It has garnered 119 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:40 or 7360 seconds. The Pallid SMP is a Collaborative YouTube Project within a Minecraft Realm! #PallidSMP (Arc 4) | Access To Power | With The Factions established all of the various civilisations in Pallid continue to grow, competing to become the most powerful clan on the server! Looking for a shorter version ⬇️ Pallid SMP (FMC’s Cut): Other Creators |🎞️🎥| FAiTZ 0VERK1LL:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Twitch Moments! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Twitch Moments! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘twitch: isqntiiiii #clipstwitch #minecraft #clips #humor #twtichclips #stream #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by iSqntii on 2024-01-15 18:08:31. It has garnered 2812 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with CRAZY twists! 🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with CRAZY twists! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bed Wars With Friends’, was uploaded by E24xhunter10 on 2024-04-09 12:51:50. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:47 or 6947 seconds. Hey everyone im biring you some minecraft bed war hope you enjoy. GOD be with you all. Read More

  • OMZ Trapped on GIRLS ONLY Plane in Minecraft?! – Parody Story

    OMZ Trapped on GIRLS ONLY Plane in Minecraft?! - Parody StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘OMZ Stuck on a GIRL ONLY Plane in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy and Lily,Crystal)’, was uploaded by Omz Fan on 2024-03-04 13:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This video is a parody of the best minecraft YouTuber! Please do not write angry comments, because this is a video of an Omz … Read More

  • Games3D

    Games3DGames3D is a vanilla Minecraft 1.20.1 anarchy server in Germany. The server does not have rules, zero admins and no plugins. Here you can play the latest version of minecraft with your friends or alone. Hop on to the anarchy server and fight for your survival and against players. Server IP: Read More

  • Sharkcicle SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist Beta 1.20.4 Dynmap

    Welcome to Sharkcicle SMP! The Sharkcicle SMP is a Semi-Vanilla survival server with added data packs and plugins! Our community is excited to welcome new players to participate in events and join in on the fun, including our newly added skyblock! About Us Our community has been thriving since December 2021 with no plans to reset the world. We encourage long-term projects and player creativity that will last for years! Player Rules No griefing builds or landscapes. No hacking or glitch abuse. Be respectful and kind to everyone. Respect boundaries and other players. No discrimination or hate speech. No PvP… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Math? Who’s she? Minecraft slayed that b*tch!

    Looks like Minecraft really dug a grave for your math skills! Good thing you have a high score in memes instead. Read More

  • Craft a Dispenser, Minecraft Style: Quick & Painless!

    Craft a Dispenser, Minecraft Style: Quick & Painless! In Minecraft’s world, a dispenser is key, To hold and dispense items, just wait and see. Craft it with bows and cobblestone too, A redstone dust to power, it’s what you must do. Load it up with arrows, or maybe some food, Dispense them with style, in a playful mood. An automatic dispenser, a redstone trick, Connect it to a clock, watch items flick. So there you have it, a dispenser so neat, In Minecraft’s world, it’s quite a feat. Now go and craft one, in your own game, And watch as your items, dispense without shame. Read More

  • Warden gets roasted by ore golems!

    Warden gets roasted by ore golems! When the warden sees all those ore golems in Minecraft, he’s probably thinking, “I signed up to guard prisoners, not fight a bunch of walking rocks!” Good luck, buddy. Read More

  • Why Minecraft Needs to Get Real

    Why Minecraft Needs to Get Real Why Minecraft Should Be More Realistic Minecraft, a beloved sandbox game, has captured the hearts of millions with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. While the game offers a vast world to explore and build in, some players argue that it lacks realism in certain aspects. Let’s delve into why Minecraft should consider adding more realistic elements to enhance the gaming experience. Realistic Environment Imagine being able to chop down trees and witness them fall or bounce realistically. This small detail could add a whole new level of immersion to the game. Players could also benefit from a more… Read More