Does the PERFECT Minecraft Prison Exist? (ft. SeenSven, MiningBlob, jjkay03, Jensencheah)

Video Information

Over the span of 2021 minecraft has seen a lot of presence this all started with the famous youtuber dream getting trapped on his own server this encouraged many players around the world to build their own prison everyone gave it a try and competition made things go at an incredible pace

This fascinating subject allowed for many discoveries each in prison claimed to be better than the last let me take you on a journey for the perfect prison As i said this all started on the dream smp minecraft roleplay server or the owner as imprisoned in pandora’s vault and that results as a present made by awesome dude and dream himself who without knowing it laid the foundations for every next prison it features a cell surrounded by lava

Thousands of obsidian blocks tons of cold shacks elbow gordons and much more at first it seemed inescapable but after less than two days the first escape plan was really Seeing just how fast a present was required three months of work has been thwarted we began to ask ourselves that was the perfect present even exists To answer this question we first need to define what a perfect prison is some might say it has to be open to visitors and not hurt the prisoner in short the prisoner’s physical and mental health have to be respected others might say that only security matters i’m okay with both

But from a solely technical point of view all we want is for the prisoner to be locked in forever so a perfect present is an inescapable one but what makes a present escapeable to help us understand i’ve listed every fundamental point of perfect prison has to follow you shouldn’t be able to

Yourself and respawn outside get help from another player use a never pearl stacey’s chamber smuggle items in or break any blocks has an one done the perfect prison or will anyone build it let’s take a look at history shall we the first noble person to take on this

Challenge was teens van after watching a video on how to escape pandora’s vault he thought to himself i bet i can do better and that’s just what he did he spent two weeks building poseidon’s worlds and uploaded a video about it expecting to get between five to ten hundred views that’s where

He was wrong but what made it better than pandora’s vault the main factor was the cell did he use obsidian maybe bedrock no he decided to go with cobblestone now you might call it dumb until you realize that after four hours of punching the block is back

This is done using the sky ball player’s favorite contraption a cobblestone generator when a gap appears it gets filled a cell with unbreakable walls surely no one will escape out of that mithridac an escaping master declared war on the 16th of march 2021 he showed to the world why this prison

Was bad and how he could escape it seems then instantly got to work but he wasn’t alone this time he had the help of a player named obama man and a wrestling genius called the death creeper together they would make a truly inescapable prison hades vault every flaw that was abused

To escape poseidon’s vault was fixed but this time a community was prepared less than a day after its release it was escaped even i made a little video about it but the true goat is still mithradak who escaped it by himself with no outside help good thing he’s trained for this

Because the next 2 prison will simply exile the prisoner adan’s will was made by mining globe it’s pretty much the same as hades vol but with no way to bring in items from the outside but the true upgrade was a multitude of what we call chunk buys a minecraft chunk is a 16×16

Area going all the way from bedrock to build limit if you overload it with data it’ll kick any player getting near it and don’t even think about going above or under it this thing has no height nor depth limit it is simply impossible to traverse but that didn’t stop mithrak

As i said he can’t bring items in but this legend took all he needed directly from the prison and is hit with only a barrel and a sign now onto jensen’s design he went for something very cruel yet optimal and as much as i hate it mario flaws have been found about his

Concept in minecraft there is a set number of end portals 128 to be precise since it’s the only way to enter the end dimension mojang made sure it was unbreakable this was without counting on the player’s obsession with achieving the impossible mushrooms they’re tiny and insignificant but if you grow one

It becomes big and most importantly solid if there were any transparent blocks in its way such as i don’t know a portal to another dimension it’ll replace it and that’s all jensen needed for his prison he would go out and break every end portal but one far away then he make the prisoner

Enter the dimension and break the last entry to this other world doing its name justice the end so is this a perfect prison i actually know dunstan’s design has one flaw and it’s the absence of a real present for its concept everything is very theoretical

At least for now also and even though it is okay according to our definition isn’t banning the end making you worse than the prisoner we’ve gone over five presents if you think that was a lot let me tell you that we’ve barely scratched the surface history hasn’t given us a perfect

Present yet so why not make one ourselves remember this fundamental list in the beginning we’re gonna use it our new goal is to cross up everything but on your live code we’re going to experiment let’s first address the killing yourself tactic if this one works it’s only because people

Manage to bring in items so if we take care of that we can kill two birds with one zone make sure the suspect doesn’t have items we usually kill check them this idea works wonderfully but as if everyone wanted their prison to be escapable they never do it

Right before the prisoner enters the cell the way you enter is usually with a bed because of the way they work they can respond you in a box so the best way to make a prism item proof is simply to instead of letting the prisoner sleep in the bed you make them die

After setting this point point the way you can do this is by trapping a monster near the bed usually we hate to see this message but not this time whether it’s night or day the prisoner can’t sleep however they can set their spawn point and get killed to enter the cell

We did it item smuggling and suicide escapes are officially impossible well fixing these issues seems pretty easy what’s next here we are reason why i’m even making this video in the first place the unfixable issue a concept is unstable and unpredictable that nobody can comprehend it let me introduce you the power of

Friendship you as a guard can control the prisoner however you cannot control their contacts it may have been easy to make it inescapable alone making it breaking proof looks impossible so far we haven’t had to bother with strategies regarding items because we can easily clear the prisoner’s inventory but a saver from

The outside can have every single item in the game this present war has lasted a pretty long time and i don’t know about you guys but i’m tired of waiting as we know a random player who wants to save the prisoner has a lot of ways to do it weathers bedrock breaking techniques

Infiltration and more these methods are good but depend on an element as unstable as the prisoner’s friend guards make things simple we’re gonna say that if you get caught by a guard the plan isn’t valid this means stealth is key and from my experience i know exactly what to do

We’re going to use enderpearls to their full potential to make the player land on blocks instead of getting buried when an underpull reaches the ground mojang made it so they teleport your feet at the corner and it’s a heads also they’re thrown from the player’s head

Do you see where this is going i throw pearl my feet go up to my head which also went up by a block repeat this process and you can go up solid walls and roofs in my last video i saved my imaginary friend from hades vault using this exact mechanic if we somehow

Find a way to make an unparalleled pattern friend’s help can be crossed off our list first of all pulling through roof relies on three factors the hitbox the block faced and the following speed when it comes to the hitbox you basically have to be standing at all times

If you happen to crawl you’re stuck the block you’re facing has to have a surface to stand on and finally the falling speed this is a bit of a tricky one it only applies if there is no surface to land on when you purl up there is a fraction of a second

When you can see the next layer depending on how fast you’re falling you can throw another pearl to reach the next floor the way we’re going to experiment is by trying our best not only to build the perfect prison but also to make a perfect escape plan

My small brain alone won’t cut it so i’m gonna have to get some help from far and wide expect to see some unknown faces and maybe some familiar ones on a quest for knowledge i joined jensen’s discord server and contacted the man himself i told him i could pearl through any

Roof and he immediately proved me wrong what if the prison was built at the bottom of the world just on top of bedrock usually bedrock is not very hard to pearl through people do a lot to go on the nether’s room but this time i couldn’t place any block under here i

Needed to break bedrock to go under the prison but once here i was stuck i tried using a light truss to purl up but it didn’t work because i wasn’t in my standing animation and then i remembered this trick you can place your shulker and the void the way you do it

Is by exploding an upside down shelter while falling i was planning on pearling from here when it suddenly hit me no i mean literally hit me the shocker shot his thing and i started levitating this was my chance my falling speed was reversed which meant i didn’t need a surface to land on

This was perfect my head hit the bedrock i pearled up and it worked i was very proud of myself but it was far from down a few hours later he gave me this new challenge in this design binaries made it impossible to place blocks and the roof was too high for my pearls

To reach it took me four hours of learning and mostly trying random stuff but i found a way and i named it la spiderman if you crouch and walk forward while pearling onto a wall you’ll get stuck in it allowing you to climb it like a spider you then gave

Me more patterns but i managed to go through all of them here is a montage of some of his ids [Applause] [Applause] Because the banners gave me so much trouble he came back to try and beat la spiderman trapping me in a pyramid i couldn’t find a solution i needed help fortunately around the same time a random guy named blabber splash joined jensen’s server and his dedication was outstanding i would no longer work alone

Would be a team and according to jensen the problem makers together we went on a server and started trying to go up this pyramid and their pearls and block were useless for this one we had nowhere to teleport to and no space to build our only solution was entities and as it

Turns out one of them can be fouled stacking up boats by placing them on the side of batteries made us reach the top it sure was tedious but it worked once here we just had to enter the last boat and use our green gems once again next

The blue dream had the useless idea of detecting the player why useless because the prisoner’s accomplice doesn’t care about getting detected once they can have such open gear that you can’t kill them and need so little time to break the string to open the way for their next attempt

That it doesn’t matter the burn flash and i have been working for days on an unprobable battery went from one id to another and couldn’t find anything until we decided to get some inspiration from the best for the latest version of hades vault the death creeper made a defense that

Seemed impossible to curl through to anyone swiss cheese but labby is not just anyone and he made a discovery that changed our entire point of view what we needed was to be facing a block at all time but the strike board pattern made it so whichever block you were in

You’d end up facing air forcing you to crawl and then laby got it instead of facing one block we’ll face four at the same time and then purl up like it was nothing it worked i was super happy but he wasn’t the perfect prison seemed to be moving away from us so we

Got back to work what we needed now was to make the player face air at any point we couldn’t use more than one block wide air pockets because it will allow for his companion to place a boat and bypass the whole thing then we thought about stairs arranged to

Have the line between four blocks full of air there was one problem though you can water lock them changing your falling speed and allowing you to pass it the perfect block for the situation had to not have a head box and its four corners could not possibly be waterlogged

And to not let space for any blocks or boats to be placed iron bars glass panes fan skates and walls they could all be waterlogged the burns flash was giving up i was dancing until until i placed a piston block when extended they were actually perfect no space for a boat

Nor any blocks if you try to pull through you’ll get stuck these blocks are revolutionary couple these bad boys with the death creeper swiss cheese and you get the belgian lasagna This is it the imperial pattern after this discovery we instantly contacted scene’s van and told him about it he told us the pattern was good and we were full of joy all work paid off we can finally cross off the help from the outside point we made a perfect prison

Except we didn’t we’re focusing on this thing so much that we forgot the name of the game we were playing minecraft anyone can just mind the banners in the worst case scenario with a pattern going from bedrock to the height limits and with perfectly timed allegoriums it will only take

10 and a half minutes to get rid of them correction it wouldn’t take any time at all if you drink milk and shove them with an efficiency 5 golden axe before the guardians give you the effect back the destruction will be instant it seems as if we didn’t target the real issue

If people could traverse from the ground let’s make the ground itself and accessible mining blob the builder of titan’s vault knew that the real problem with other players being able to approach yourself and since one shangbang was reversible he made tartarus a present with four chunk bands to go

Through until you’re in the present times are considered by some as unfair which makes sense you’re basically banning the player but it’s also a vanilla feature that appears to be very useful in our context so as tartarus a perfect present no it’s actually possible to break into it

But i’ll tell you more about this later next the blue dream had the useless idea of detecting the player i was so wrong while we were searching for the inferable pattern jensen was busy working on what he will call reception fault when you compare this observer cube to other prisons it might look

Miserable but it’s actually excellent what he wanted was to open his latest work to visitors so one end portal will be kept but don’t get ahead of yourself unless you go through the visiting process you’re not entering the cell why because if you break a block or step on a string

The only way in will get destroyed by a mushroom this observer mass then got upgraded into arabis abbess jensen’s first proper prison scenes then was also back with according to him the perfect prison gaia’s fault this present will later become a reference and the prison were

And who does better when is it all two people claimed to have made a better prison than him mining blob with the pyramid and a new challenger named jjko3 also known as rey they both had one thing in common they use the block name block 36 it is unmovable

Prevents any block placing but can be blown up and interactive through if you want to learn more about this mysterious block the curse judge made a great video on the subject there we go we now have four contenders for the title of best maybe even perfect minecraft present jensen with the arabis abbess

Teams then with gaia’s volts mining glob with the pyramid and finally jjko3 with the kangstone we want to get a winner but before the victory comes a fight and who better to talk about these prisons than the bellar themselves i got those four builders to defend their work

And tell us why their prison is the best of the best My prison is the best because it has the ability to adapt and it actually tackled the challenge of building a prison in the oval world which makes it vulnerable to outside attacks and other things but we actually managed to get that under control and since we’re constantly updating the prison we can actually

Adapt it to whatever is escaping it and fix the method they used so once enough people escape we will make it more and more inescapable and sooner or later it will be completely inescapable hey so my prison which is every burst obese i definitely don’t think it’s the best in terms of dedication

And designs you would probably say it’s small and like a lot of security features other pizzas offer which is true but it doesn’t need them perception box if built perfectly which is something even i felt that it alone is one hundred percent breaking proof all the outer layers of the prison is

Just for visiting i know there’s gonna be a lot of people criticizing me for using the app or literary stopping people from going to the end just to imprison someone but is it really that extreme when compared to chunk bans or update suppressors that literary crashes both the games and the server

But yeah if you don’t like it just link the perception box to activate something else like an update suppressor but of course it does make some flaws come back like unloaded stasis chambers so if you still want 100 brake improve without any escape methods at all the end is required it is still

Maybe some genius finds a different way other than that i was also asked to say why my prism is better than the other prisons so uh because all the other prison sucks ok i’m joking but seriously i don’t know who else is in this video yet but probably all those presents are much

Bigger and requires much more effort just to be another version of a normal prison the pyramid the most inescapable prison in the internet currently it uses 64 outer junk buns and two in a lockdown truck bands the pyramid is also redstone computer it is surrounded by soul sand elevators

Which are with the proof and the source and elevators are also chunk banned so there’s no way of getting in there’s sectors everywhere and the redstone tells the guard where exactly the sector the error is at when a lockdown is triggered the guard stasis will trigger

And teleport them out of the chunk ban while the intruder instantly gets trunk banned the king’s zone it’s not the best prison aerys says in fact it has never been escaped from the inside legitimately after this little fight we can get an idea of the ranking

Mine goes a little like this mining blob on top with the pyramid followed by scenes van and jensen tied for second place and last i would put jj ko3 this is my opinion and definitely not final since we still have a lot to discuss these presents are very impressive

But they’re not quite perfect there’s still a way to escape most of them and i’m going to go over that as a disclaimer some of these plans require a ridiculous amount of work but so do these vaults also the ideas i’m showing were original at the time of writing this

Let’s first talk about the pyramid at the time of editing this this present hasn’t been escaped yet which bothers me a little because i had already chosen the winner of this present war before the pyramid got released so because i want to prove a point and

Since i know so much about presence now here’s my attempt at saving the prisoner from the pyramid first of all you’re going to have to dig into the east wall of the pyramid lock yourself up and build a tiny tnt cannon to blow up the chunk man machine right in front of you

Once the chocolate boxes have despawned build another portal and bring a shulker from the end then set up this ender pearl cannon that will allow you to bypass every chunk ban it consists of a pearl alignment contraption and 40 tnt mic cards activate it and make sure to get

Levitation before your purl lands when you get teleported spam your pearls until you reach air at this point you won’t have any mining fatigue yet so deck to this exact coordinates and place the bow in between those four blocks to allow yourself to purl up until you reach the respawn area once

Here break the boat place the block in the corner and purl up again to reach yourself and explode yourself and the prisoner since you obstructed the respawn area they will be free a more serious note the pyramid is escapable and so is gay as volt

As front and jensen have proven it or is it well it was but gaia’s vote has an ability that others don’t have it evolves the builders are constantly improving it and fixing every flaw as soon as they find one making it the potential winner of this competition another potential winner is erebus abbess

If everything is going according to plan that is take everyone out of the end the mansion and trap the prisoner in here finally we have the kingstone this one is my personal favorite its design is amazing and it’s the first notable prison to not accept visitors but this present doesn’t only have the

Use of block 36 in common with the pyramid they’re also escapable in similar ways we now have our two finalists erebus abbess and gaia’s fault the observer mess against the chunk beds after all i’ve said they might some tide but when you include a new element that we ignored all this time

There is a clear winner and the pro stasis chambers it was here hiding in our list waiting to be crossed off it seemed pretty easy to fix at first when the player dies their pearls do too but what if the pearls didn’t know they died if another pro is in an unloaded chunk

Then it will not be disabled at the player’s death this allows for the lamest yet most effective way to escape to execute it throw a pearl in a bubble column far away then when you’re imprisoned ask for a friend to go activate the pearl no prison has managed to fix this

Problem except for one of our two finalists here is a hands pearls don’t work between dimensions you guessed it erebus abbess is our grand winner this present and its builder genson are the current best when it comes to minecraft presence at least in my humble opinion and if no

One was hiding in the end but the story doesn’t end here a rivalry was born on the 19th of may 2021 with jensen being an anti-chang man and cloning on gaia’s vault with their own weapons since van is ready to take his revenge and probably has some hidden plans you

Know what would be funny uh his his prison that he’s always teasing is called obsidian penetrator right if he releases that i will try to escape this and i will show him that it is also escapable and i will also pop a a chunk ban on top of his prison and ban

His prison and all the guards yeah i don’t care i’m gonna do that what you gonna do i just made your prison useless that is how things are today but this present war is far from done there is still a lot to be discovered the minecraft community has already

Proven several times how dedicated they can be i wouldn’t be surprised if erebus abbess has been escaped by the time i upload this video that is it for now this video took me a week to do so do what you gotta do it has been yatsu have a good one

Oh yahtzee’s here shout out to y’all pretty awesome guy i know you’re smiling right now Shout out to you man

This video, titled ‘Does the PERFECT Minecraft Prison Exist? (ft. SeenSven, MiningBlob, jjkay03, Jensencheah)’, was uploaded by Neve on 2021-07-11 15:30:11. It has garnered 377429 views and 11189 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:22 or 1702 seconds.

Is the perfect minecraft prison possible? This is the question I’ll try to answer in this video. Which one out of, Gaia’s Vault, Poseidons Vault, Hades Vault, Titans Vault, Ares Vault, Pandoras Vault, Tartarus Vault, the Pyramid, the Kingstone and Erebus Abyss is the BEST minecraft prison?

Thanks to them for the help research: – LabyrithSplash – JensenCheah : – SeenSven : -jjkay03: – MiningBlob : – Forest Fox :

Thanks to them for the help writing: – Zerephio – FynnMcC – SeenSven – LabyrinthSplash

Special Thanks jjkay03 – SeenSven – LabyrinthSplash – Jensen – jjkay03 Community ( – my family – Conpandawe ( – Panda’s Community

Chapters: 00:00 – Intro 02:02 – Definition 03:38 – The War 07:03 – Experimenting 08:56 – Serious Progress 17:23 – New Generation 19:55 – Prison Builder Fight 23:41 – Escaping the Pyramid 24:31 – Which Prison is the Best 27:23 – Conclusion

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    The Shocking Truth About ParentingVideo Information रिदेश ना अी ना भाई को थोड़ी देर देख लेना मैं काम करके आती हूं इ तो आपस में ही खेल रहा है मेरे साथ नहीं खेल रहा है क्या करर मैं मिट्टी खेल लेता हूं मिट्टी खेलना मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगता है बेबी ये क्या कर रहा है छ छ मिट्टी क्यों खेल रहा है मैंने इन दोनों को देखने के लिए बोला था इन दोनों कहां गए तुम दोनों को भाई को देखने के लिए बोले थे ना सॉरी ममा हम लोग भूल गए थे आज के बाद भाई को देखूंगी This video, titled ‘अपने बच्चो… Read More

  • Doomed in Minecraft Anarchy Realm?!

    Doomed in Minecraft Anarchy Realm?!Video Information [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is Brandon I’m designer/ stop doing that right now I can’t stand the sounds stop so welcome oh we’re starting a brand new an Anarchy realm and it’s going to be anarch like it’s going to be crazy so there’s going to be a safe Zone the city right there’s a spot where you can’t do anything you can’t grief you can’t steal you can’t murder but only in the only near spawn and then in the city area right anywhere else in the realm Like Anything… Read More


    AG LIVE: CRAZY MINECART MYSTERY!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information baby we built this house on memories take my picture now shake it till you see it and when your fantasies become your legacy promise me a place baby we built this house on memories This video, titled ‘where the minecart go ? 🤔 #logic #shorts’, was uploaded by AG LIVE – R on 2024-02-16 10:45:23. It has garnered 7735 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. where the minecart go ? 🤔🤔 #logic #trending #shorts #minecraft #tiktok Minecraft minecart Minecart destination Minecart track Minecart journey Exploring minecart routes Minecart transportation… Read More

  • Insane osomatsu! Minecraft Server Live Stream | BaiganSMP #3

    Insane osomatsu! Minecraft Server Live Stream | BaiganSMP #3Video Information राइट क्लिकट मात्र आ लाइ देखिए प्रॉब्लम ब लो दोस्त कैसे हैं आप लोग क पर तुम अपना घर में जाके अभी नहीं चाहिए मे को अपना में जा ले सामान वगर में [संगीत] उठा गग है तुम्हारे पास आर ग होगा तो क्या है कोडिनेट हाइड करने को नहीं चाहिए नहीं बनता आवा लाइव टेक्स्ट लगाओ कोने हाइड नहीं करना कोई मतलब नहीं है दरवाजा लगा पड़ा है मेरे को जहा तक या मेरा घर इधर ही है क्या बोल रहा क्या बोल रहा तुम य मेरा फ वगर है ये मेरा घोरा ये मेरा छगल [प्रशंसा]… Read More

  • Ultimate Chicken Horse: EPIC Sigil TROLLING!

    Ultimate Chicken Horse: EPIC Sigil TROLLING!Video Information all right dudes welcome to Ultimate mine Steve Ultimate Chicken Steve ultimate mine chicken Steve it’s basically Ultimate Chicken horse so you see we’re building this parkour uh to get to the end and we have to go through this island I’m placing my first block right here go away I’m placing my first block right here so every round we will place new blocks to build the parkour to actually complete the map and uh then we can also add traps and things to try to stop each other you get one life per round to try… Read More

  • Transforming my ugly hole in Minecraft!

    Transforming my ugly hole in Minecraft!Video Information okay we are live right now let’s go ahead and pop out my chat and we are going to put it into the URL spot and then YouTube open up the chat top chat live chat what’s up Noah what’s up Greninja what’s up Ender Soul how is everyone doing what’s up graned what’s up Crown uh what’s up gos let me send in the Discord @ notific there we go live now live now working on the whole once again I don’t know how to spell again I spelled it with an H again there we go… Read More

  • 🔥 ZAIDO – Ultimate PVP Resource Pack 1.8.9! 💥

    🔥 ZAIDO - Ultimate PVP Resource Pack 1.8.9! 💥Video Information السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته كيفكم ان شاء الله بخير اليوم رجعنا لكم بفيديو جديد بالقناه بدايه جديده نوعا ما بلعبه ماين كرافت انا وين جاي لا تقوللي الاصفر صار عندي اه لا فكرت الاصفر نسيني حرفين يعني انا انا جنب بده واكيد شافني ودع البد يا باشا [موسيقى] ‏what h binks auf لا الجيم غريب الجيم جدا غريب اوكي يا ربموت ما مت اوك هنا انتهى الفيديو والسلام عليكم This video, titled ‘أفضل ريسورس باك بي في بي لماينكرافت 1.8.9 ! 🔥PVP’, was uploaded by ZAIDO on 2024-03-31 08:46:01. It has garnered 47 views and 1 likes…. Read More

  • Minecraft Pomni Transformation: Mind-Blowing Abstraction with Digital Circus Mod!

    Minecraft Pomni Transformation: Mind-Blowing Abstraction with Digital Circus Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Pomni Transformation to Abstraction in Minecraft (The Amazing Digital Circus Mod ) ADDON UPDATE’, was uploaded by Hard Craft on 2024-02-13 09:00:06. It has garnered 9292 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. #minecraft #addon Read More

  • EcoSurvival

    EcoSurvivalWelcome to EcoSurvival we are a basic survival server with a few enhancing plugins. Server IP : (1.15.2) We tried to change a few things that most server do. We want a realistic economy for the server so there is no server shop the only way to get money right now is to sell stuff using a chestshop or killing mobs. Read More

  • 🏔️ Highworlds SMP – CONTENT CREATOR – 18+

    Highworlds Creator Community 🔈10 Members actively looking for more 🔈 📹 Content Creators ONLY 📹 📚 Highworlds is a Hermitcraft like content creator Hybrid Survival SMP. About Highworlds: Collaborate with a welcoming community still in development. Stream and record your gameplay. Engage in weekly group sessions and creative freedom throughout the week. Craft your own story in the world. Join Us: Anchor yourself in a new world with fellow creators. Participate in community events or create your own. Experience a server with dynmap plugin, 11 datapacks, and custom Modpack with SVC. Join our Discord to connect with admin team and… Read More


    “We’re breaking the meta with this one… because we literally broke the block in Minecraft.” Read More

  • Stone Thrown, Husamettin’s Zone: Minecraft’s Mysterious Monster

    Stone Thrown, Husamettin's Zone: Minecraft's Mysterious Monster In the Minecraft world, danger lurks in the night, Endermen and monsters ready to fight. But fear not, for heroes like us are here, To face the challenges without any fear. Hüsamettin, a brave protector in our midst, Shielding us from danger with a mighty twist. Fakir freezing time, a clever move indeed, To outsmart the monsters and make them concede. But tragedy strikes, as Hüsamettin falls, A sacrifice made to protect us all. We mourn his loss, a hero so true, His bravery and courage shining through. Now we must seek the mysterious monster’s lair, To avenge Hüsamettin… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Fortnite gameplay and looking for a new and exciting gaming experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community, endless possibilities for creativity, and thrilling gameplay, Minewind is the place to be for all gaming enthusiasts. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in intense PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. So why wait? Join… Read More

  • 🔥 CRAZY Modded Survival Realm Gameplay!!

    🔥 CRAZY Modded Survival Realm Gameplay!!Video Information right [Music] right forgot what you call him to be honest I forgot what you called him to be clearly honest oh yeah we have a walking stick forget is there anything we can do with mutant in sax uh from what I saw it makes a giant smoke bomb don’t ask me how don’t ask me how useful it is I’ve never mutant INX yeah what [ __ ] you think I said we got out to work oh [ __ ] another chicken let’s go it’s working hey we got your oh okay no no Tyson it’s true I can… Read More

  • The Escape Plan Gone Wrong 🚨

    The Escape Plan Gone Wrong 🚨Video Information [संगीत] वई आर यू रनिंग वई आर यू रनिंग खत्म बाय बाय टाटा गुड बाय गया m This video, titled ‘When I Try To Escape Then This Happened 😭 #shorts’, was uploaded by Sapiens World on 2024-03-22 14:38:51. It has garnered 422 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 1. In this YouTube video, explore the vast and creative world of Minecraft as we embark on exciting adventures, build magnificent structures, and encounter various challenges along the way. Join us as we delve into the endless possibilities of this popular sandbox… Read More

  • Insane 59 Minecraft Downgrades – Skip Tutorial Now!

    Insane 59 Minecraft Downgrades - Skip Tutorial Now!Video Information remember when bricks used to look like this but now they look like this or when diamonds used to actually be useful and these are the downgrades both big and small that have happened to Minecraft but first we got another downgrade to talk about since remember when the Subscribe button used to be red yeah I missed that too surprisingly but you can actually fix that still since when you subscribe it’ll turn rainbow for a split second so watch closely try it for yourself and thank you it helps out a ton to most finding out… Read More

  • Minecraft: AsterKatt chases rare cherry loot (10)

    Minecraft: AsterKatt chases rare cherry loot (10)Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello how are we all doing today ignore the fact that I accidentally pressed the wrong button on my keyboard to transition us over here but we’re here ever so slightly later than usual but that’s okay we have a mission today I want to finish building my little farm area and in order to do that we want some more Cherrywood so we’re going to go on a little adventure and we’re going to find some Cherrywood and it’s going to be great it’s going to be beautiful nothing’s going to go wrong… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build – You WON’T believe this!

    Insane Minecraft Build - You WON'T believe this!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build like or not’, was uploaded by Not Gaming Bhangu on 2024-01-07 03:30:28. It has garnered 3 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft build like or not #minecraftratingyourbuilds, #minecraftbuildlikeapro,#minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpc #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecrafters #minecraftdaily #minecrafter #minecrafthouse #minecraftonly #minecraftserver #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuildings #minecraftxbox #minecraftideas #minecrafts #minecraftuniverse #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafthouses #minecraftart #minecraftforever #minecraftsurvival #minecrafttutorial #minecraftcreations #minecraftersonly #minecraftps #gaming #mcpe #minecraftbuilding minecraft build, minecraft builds, minecraft build hacks, minecraft build tutorial, minecraft building tips, minecraft build challenge, minecraft builds house, minecraft builds aesthetic, minecraft build ideas, minecraft build… Read More

  • Mikey & JJ’s Village FROZEN Under Ice! EPIC Minecraft Maizen

    Mikey & JJ's Village FROZEN Under Ice! EPIC Minecraft MaizenVideo Information oh I had a good night’s sleep I had such a sweet dream all right let’s get started wait what’s that outside my window is that ice that’s the first time I’ve seen something like that is it really that cold outside I don’t know what’s going on here at all I guess I’ll have to go outside anyway it’s completely abnormal I need to go to Mikey’s now and find him then we can really figure out what’s going on with the weather outside my window anyway let’s go outside JJ don’t go outside I’m really Frozen… Read More

  • Join Bingus in Epic Hive Minecraft Stream!

    Join Bingus in Epic Hive Minecraft Stream!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you ever wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together I’m just Mak my tracks and doing my time do you ever have a wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and it more [Music] time do you ever ever wonder if we could have done a better we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together… Read More

Does the PERFECT Minecraft Prison Exist? (ft. SeenSven, MiningBlob, jjkay03, Jensencheah)