Dog Armor + Java UI Update Hype! – Block Party Podcast 133

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[Music] this is the block party of Minecraft podcast episode 133 we’re your host bearded sloth and little C get all our info at the blockparty now let’s get the block party started yay woo welcome in little C welcome in listeners glad y all could make it back for glad y all could the 133rd week of us doing this I feel like you’re you like this number I like 33 a lot there’s a lot of significance around the number 33 but that sounds like an after hours topic I want to get into Minecraft on here before we get started I would like to announce that our new YouTube channel is almost ready almost we’ve been talking about this for weeks we’ll get it you guys got to get prepared you need to get it subscribed make sure you subscribe to it with notific on it’s almost ready I would say The Branding stuff for the live streams are almost done and ready to go so all we have to do is make a few videos to put on there for this start yeah I think I’m going to go ahead and record a tutorial tomorrow I don’t know when it’ll come out because you’ll do the editing for it and everything for me little see but I’ll do the basics on mine I want to do an updated items order because I have a better way of doing it for Bedrock now oh boy I get to edit a bearded sloth video and just to give you an idea of what it’s like editing for the big sloth man he’ll send me an hourong tutorial most of it’s just him saying well if you put the repeater here instead of here it runs better that’s a very good impression of me little see but I don’t you don’t need all that we need the tutorial and a little bit of explanation well that’s I’d love to hear the listeners what they want to see and the viewers I guess too I want to know if they prefer tutorials that explain why you’re doing something or if you just want what you need to do and not understand any of we’re still going to put explanations it doesn’t need to be as descriptive as you make them because you just need to explain what the Block’s doing not the entire history of the Block in the Roman Empire no I want everybody to have all details all right before we get off on a rant here little see we’ve got several comments from the listeners this week I’m so proud of you listeners thank you guys for supporting us that is the best way you can support us is by commenting every week our first comment comes from Ripley again me and my friends are making a PVP realm to get better at combat and I think he’s replying I kind of put a message out kind of to motivate you all to get your comments in and this came in late last week didn’t make it quite for the show I think I just asked what you’re up to in Minecraft yeah so you’re making a PVP realm just to get better at combat that’s a great way to do that Stu seate realm from like if you have like a main realm where you all play together either make a separate area within the world or make a whole separate realm where you can just like kind of PVP or maybe even a creative one where you go into survival to just practice PVP I wish I had friends when I was a kid I used to play games kind of like this and I’d end up having to just make a two-player and the second player wouldn’t do anything and I just have to play all alone and learn all the moves and stuff on a fighting game I used to play way back in the day I was probably like seven or eight kind of thing and I used to do that all by myself I never had friends though so it’s good that you have friends for your realm that is awesome replay again that was a long long way to go to say that that’s me overe explaining again just like my tutorials all right thank you for that comment rley again next one comes from kangar I just installed the new naturalist add-on for Bedrock it adds over a hundred animals to Minecraft it costs about $10 but the animal design and animations are better than the free one I previously told you about so I removed the old one it includes a book with lots of info and tips well worth the money to add some nice variety to your single player or multiplayer world so I don’t know if this is every add-on pack on the marketplace from all the ones I’ve seen on YouTube and stuff they all have a little book you get in your hot bar when you install it that tells you about it which is pretty cool yeah I don’t know if everyone has that but everyone I’ve seen so far just like you said that’s what I’ve seen with it I know I watched somebody on this one I think it might have been Echo that I was was watching and he was kind of going through it he had a tough time trying to find the animal he was trying to look up because they’re not an alphabetical order but other than that it looked amazing and I’m sure that they’re polished a lot better than some of the free add-ons you get out there there’s a lot of junk out there for Bedrock Edition especially and probably Java Edition honestly I’m wondering if they in this add-on pack if they change spawning rates or how spawning works overall because having a 100 animals you’re never going to see half of those if you’re just on default Minecraft spawning yeah I’d really want to dig deep into the coding on that I don’t think you can access any of the backend stuff for Marketplace add-ons which kind of sucks but it’ll help with protecting like for copyright type thing well exactly this is $10 right or whatever it is roughly and so you don’t want to be giving it away for free that’s piracy that’s not good good we don’t like that because you want to support the creators that take the time to do this kind of stuff right and if they’re offering something and $10 seems worthwhile if it’s something you really enjoy it’s probably like having a whole new game almost but that’s awesome kingar I’m glad to hear that you changed it over and this works as a replacement for your free one you were telling us about that one was cool too now I hope to hear the weekly updates of what animals you’ve run into yeah that would be interesting to hear I know there’s a lot of them though our next comment comes from IRL nickname um yes doggo armor I love the trims and stuff and if you want to learn about armor Trims and stuff I highly recommend the rec RP 2 video on it he collects every single possible piece of armor in the game and it’s insane it’s a three-part series he compiled into one movie that you can find it’s a little over an hour long and yes I’m so happy about hardcore mode coming to bedrock still waiting for I don’t know like usable Inventory management decent all right so originally he put navigatable but that’s not a word so I changed it to navigable which navigable does not sound like a word it’s how about a UI that’s decent to navigate there we go that’s much better for my small brain not having a cool down for interactions like placing blocks or picking up water buckets oh well it’s a step I guess I don’t get the usable Inventory management I Bedrock there’s a few things like if you shift click while holding one on Java it’ll go to your first slot and you can’t do that on Bedrock that’s the only thing I can think of yeah the rest of them should be working honestly even on Java I don’t use that I use it if I’m doing something quickly but if I’m playing Survival there’s not really a need to switch super quickly I kind of wonder if this might be a problem with how he has his keys binding too because everything I know it’s pretty similar I’ve switched to Java a couple times but there’s still some of those shortcuts like moving half your inventory or whatever that I’m still learning on keyboard or Mouse I know how to do it on controller I don’t even yeah I guess yeah you use the half yeah all that stuff seems close to the same there’s a few weird things if you hold down an item on Bedrock because of it has to work on mobile but other than that it’s the same and with UI the Java UI looks better but that’s all I can give to it I think the Bedrock UI has more function easily understandable for someone new into the game um but I think the Java one does look better I mean they’re about the same but his main point here is talking about the dog armor right that’s great and hardcore mode I’m loving dog armor it’s coming they announced big things and it looks like like it it will be out before the 1.21 so we don’t even have to wait for the full big release really I didn’t hear about that yeah it looks like it’s coming in 1 12080 I don’t think I agree with that decision on Mojang’s part to release it earlier I think that’s a mistake well they kind of do that with it takes away from the big update possibly I think possibly but just like they did last time they might surprise us all of sudden with some big things so I’m hoping that they get that worked out and we’ll all be happy none of us were really expecting hardcore mode by the way I mean we all we all thought eventually but they said they’re waiting until they fix the death bugs so we still have a long time to wait I assume but that means they are working on it and that’s a good indication that we’re getting closer I I I don’t think it will be tied to 1.21 either I think it’ll be either before or maybe even after I think it’ll be a secondary update for hardcore mode I don’t think it’ll be tied to a big update the way they seem now the the hardcore mode things like okay whatever it’s just parody change which is fine to not be in the big update but I feel like any features like the dog armor that should be that was announced At minec Con or Minecraft live whatever and it was the big thing one of the big things well that came with our vote remember it came with our vote but I assume they were just going to correlate that into the update kind of thing and no I think they like to get the things we vote on First and get that out there the armadillos of course because that goes with the dog armor you got to have the armadillos because you got to have the scoots for that to make the dog armor but the fact that it’s we’ll get there but diable dog armor is amazing and yes you can take your dog armor back off by the way how do you do it I couldn’t figure it out I want to say I don’t think it’s Crouch I forget what it is but it was something fairly simple it wasn’t oh shears you use shears oh that’s what it is is weird but it makes sense in the game world but if you tell someone to Shear your dog to take their armor off it’s just weird but no that works yeah so that’s what it’s going to be so you can absolutely redy it or add colors whatever I think it’s cool too the dog won’t take any damage until all the armor is broke so if you’re in like a combat situation with your dog if you keep the armadillo scoots like in your hot bar you can just keep replenishing their armor before they take any damage right yeah you can keep them up and I remember kangar actually on many shows ago was talking about how they had an army of dogs with them all the time so you’re probably going to have these Giant armadillo scoop farms and you’ll be able to just have this Army and keep healing them almost kind of like a combat game that could be fun you have your military of dogs and you keep them their health up in a way that’s kind of cool throw Warden into the mix see what happen no that’s an unfair that’s unfair yeah it’s just wrong poor doggies something Fair like a bunch of wolves could fight I don’t know all right moving on thank you for all that discussion starting comments that’s why we like your comments listeners it gets us talking next one comes from advisory Labs I’m in an eternal state of I want to play Minecraft but I don’t want to play Minecraft at IRL Nick how are you still into bedw Wars holy cow that type of focus longevity of interest in one subject amazes me I’m sure I’ll get 3:00 a.m. motiv to get Jericho’s stuff done soon I haven’t been doing too much Jericho playing in the past week but that’s just cuz I’ve been working on the block party stuff and some real life stuff but I I still have the motivation to play Jericho it looks like a a lot of our players are starting to they got their three- week Minecraft playing in it’s starting to slow down I think we lasted a little longer than other Seasons we are two months through we going to throw a few events in and hopefully reignite the flame yeah and it always comes in phases as far as Minecraft in general I go through that this week I didn’t play a whole lot I was tired by the time I drove my truck all day and stuff but I definitely get those motivations and just like you said their advisory Labs at 3:00 a.m. sometimes you’re just all of a sudden oh I’m going to go do that and turn it on and go at least some of us do that I’m not allowed to I I would have a horrible sleep schedule cuz I will wake up at like 3:00 a.m. and have the best idea of all ideas ever for something in Minecraft but then I fall back asleep before I write it down now I do find it funny that advisory Labs called IRL Nick out about loving bedw Wars still and I just have to say him a lot I have to tease him a little bit when are you g to grow up IRL just saying just saying I was talking with one of our other friends and we were like so what does a bedw Wars player like Pokemon evolve into what’s the next phase of a bedwars player and we decided on valerant there you go they’ll go from bedways to valerant and I’m not sure if that’s an improvement or not I think it’s a bit more of an improvement because at least valerant has real Esports to it random thoughts from Little C there you go IRL actually had a response of course he did he responded oh I am in that exact State at the moment also I haven’t played jerck in a while mostly because I haven’t had time and the little time I do have I often spend playing sidm civilization 6 with little SE and our youth group leader I really need to get on Jericho so I can make a hidden or presentable gold farm and get good gear we agree you need to make a presentable or actually just make a hidden gold Farm okay dude your gold farm he built this thing he’s his base is fairly close to spawn it’s I would say it’s at spawn considering in the lake and kind of what some players the riv the Ravine or river or whatever you want to call it there between the mountains and yeah absolutely and he built this thing way up in the air out of cobblestone just so ugly the blocks he didn’t build it right the first time he had it on the wrong side they were he made himself a death chamber because his bed he said it spawned at his bed and then the gold Farm like the zombie pigman got out and he just kept dying now little see I just want to point out you kind of wish I would have made a 500 build limit that you had to get 500 blocks away from Spawn again now don’t you nope I really don’t okay I just think there should be I don’t know I just want him to build his gold F underground you know we had to change the render distance on the server I’m blaming it all on his gold F that’s the sole reason we had to lower the r because it was too ugly from Spawn and you could see it it was so ugly that the server used more resources say yeah we’ll get into that I did have to change our view distance also for any new listeners we’re allowed to troll him we know him in real life that is right he is a friend of ours in real life at least we say the word friend let’s put it that way all right let’s move on let’s talk about what we want to talk about there little see so as I’ve already mentioned I didn’t play a huge amount of Minecraft this week I did play around on the snapshot for Java because they changed the you UI and I saw a few people oh no get the pitchforks out they changed the UI I loaded it up and I’m like this is the best UI change they’ve ever done because it kept the good feel of the Java UI it still felt the nice premium kind of older Minecraft style without the dirt background it makes it look more modern and also the in or the blur when you open the pause screen is great I’d love to see that move to the inventory and UI in when you’re in a UI it blurs around it I think that would be cool the type of blur it is annoys me though it is a box blur which makes if you know anything about like Photoshop or anything you’ll kind of understand that it just doesn’t look as good as like a smooth glazed across blur I have to tell you a little see every time I’ve seen Java Edition my first impression on the menus with that dirt block background to me it looked like something I used to create back in the 90s on a Macintosh computer it was just so not yeah nice looking I liked it only for the nostalgic factor of the dirt background and I totally understand that that’s what you grew to love but I think this is better I’m glad they didn’t change all the UI though I’m glad they didn’t change like the button style and like the menu style and stuff like that I do wonder if they are going to get to that and they just started with this I’m guessing they’re going to merge just like Bedrock changed their UI quite a bit Bedrock should change their UI to have the same style is Java I think yeah I think they’re going to meet somewhere in the middle would be my guess I I think Java is already in the middle though because they kind of added the blur like the panoramas and stuff I’m just happy to hear that you actually liked it I assumed we were going to get all this uproar from new Java players I I saw a few I saw a lot of people that are like eh whatever I I won’t notice that they changed it and then I saw a lot of players who were like this is great but there were a lot of people who were like why why’ you change this this is this is the worst thing since the warden killed me in my hardcore world and I’m like maybe it’s like they could have done a few things better this is still a snapshot they’ll still take your feedback they are getting better about taking feedback because for a while a few years ago they would see feedback and they’d be like eh no I think recently they’re starting to actually listen to the community more at least from what I’ve seen so give them your feedback if there’s something you don’t like about it but I think it is overall better and we’ll get into that a little bit in the change logs that’s where it came out and everything overall I think it’s good that I think we’re going to meet somewhere in the middle with the Bedrock and Java the closer we can come together as a community I think the better overall will be some of it can be fun right oh bedrocks better Java’s better just play the game the game is awesome it’s Minecraft Let’s just all agree that we love Minecraft can we just do that you all are forgetting about the greatest version of Minecraft of all time Nintendo DS nice that is not the best version it is so weird how they ported that it is I actually really like Legacy Edition stuff on the console Hey I’m just saying Legacy UI is Java UI for like the main menu I’m just saying just putting that out there but they didn’t have the dirt background back then that is true I I didn’t really like the dirt background I just think the buttons and stuff on honestly that’s the first thing I saw when I saw this new Java UI it looks like the Legacy Edition UI to me which is good because most Legacy players when Bedrock came around most of them either got a computer and started then playing on Java or they played Bedrock but a lot of people went to Java yeah and there was a lot of things about that that I liked and I understand as a redstoner I kind of like that what is it called quasi connectivity something kind of cool about that is cool but if you’re just getting into Minecraft and trying to learn Redstone logically if you don’t watch videos and you’re just trying to play with it it’s not more sense yeah which I actually like Bedrock Redstone but I’m not a redstone guy at all I just I’m happy when I got my lights my Redstone lamps to turn on and off with the lever there you go speaking of redstone I’ve been working on my auto sorter go figure it’s about time you didn’t have one last season I know I and the season before you only started building it right yeah I’m going to finish this one I’ve got right now I have one row completely done and it’s a row of 53 items total I’m going to have four rows is where I have it set up which will put you at can you do quick math there I wasn’t listening 212 there we go items for that section that’s what I was thinking guys listeners that’s what I was thinking right I’m smart totally and I started actually decided to dig out another section cuz this is all happening at y Lev 41 so it’s just above the main floor is then I’ll have bulk storage underneath that basically but I should be able to double that up so that puts me at quick math here little see I still wasn’t listening 424 424 items I think that should do me okay individual items this is a good thing I’m not a listener like I heard the sound of you saying the number but I didn’t hear the number that’s okay it’s it’s weekend it’s Friday I’m done with school no more numbers please the biggest problem I’m having with this order because I’m doing it differently than I’ve done it in the past I’ve always just dealt with some item skipping I did it with a repeater basically and doing the old school way of doing it well now I’m using a Target block and glass the hardest thing is getting enough wheat for the hay bales oh yep for the Target blocks it’s taken me forever so now I’m starting to feel like I’m holy Bookworm I’m just farming this whole time and making these giant fields of wheat a while on Bedrock people would do some piston thing with you you can do pistons I don’t like that idea because what I’ve seen with pistons on Bedrock they’re goofy laggy like weird well you do the Piston but then you use obsidian or some other unmovable so just so it does a tech kind of just so it redirects the Redstone basically right and that’s what shuts off then your redstone torch that allows the hopper to unlock so it sucks one item down that’s how all this works so I’m using Target blocks I’ve decided that is a pain to get wheat fields that big I need to just take over this huge planes or something and just do the whole thing but in this I did realize I have my iron farm going by the way and it’s working very well it’s pumping out iron like crazy and also poppies I totally forgot because I’m an old school player that you can take the poppies put them in composters and make bone meal wait what and the bone meal I forgot about that then makes your wheat grow I totally forgot about that and I have tons of poppies too with my iron Prime but I I’ve been composting kelp and a lot of like leaves and stuff that I get I’ve been composting those and I didn’t think about poppies yeah and the seeds from the wheat right after you replant it not just keeping all the red dye you don’t need yeah I don’t need red for anything and there’s so many ways to get red dye anyways you really don’t need them but so I’ve been doing that and that’s where a lot of my time has gone when I’m in game and digging out this huge area and all this I’m just happy I got one whole row done originally I was just going to make the four and that’s probably what I’m going to start with and start sorting at that point I also need to decide which block I’m going to use or which item I’m going to use as a filler and then rename it diamonds that would be a crazy filler that would be I totally could do it though because you don’t need that many netherite no I’m not that’s not nether blocks wait no beacons beacons that’s stars there you go no I’m not that rich I’m trying to think of what’s something easy to get I mean you can use Stone that’s something simple half slabs in and then you double it yeah half SS anything it really doesn’t matter I always rename it yep that way it doesn’t get I remember back in the day when XP was challenging back on Legacy Edition we even with mob Grinders they went quick so getting XP to rename that those items was a big event in our world and I remember having a discussion with you you’re like I don’t know I need more XP can you help me we need to kill the Ender Dragon a few times or something right and it was a struggle and do you remember back then it if there was an enchant that cost 30 levels it would take all 30 levels to get your enchant it was a lot slower going I there’s something to be said about that to me it was more enjoyable for the long grind it was but also losing motivation very quickly from trying to get level 30 I lose motivation trying to get three more levels to enchant stuff early game yeah that can happen too I suppose that’s all I’ve been up to in game I can’t think of another thing I’ve done other than work on that sorder and digging out the room basically now as far as the server goes we were having Nether Portals we’re taking I clocked this one nether portal it took me 2 minutes and 26 seconds for me to change Dimensions wow that is way too excessive and this just started happening either the last major update not major but last update or the one before is when this really started happening we’ve had Jericho SMP on a view distance of 32 this whole season and I think towards the end of last season we jumped it up and we haven’t had any issues up until recently with the nether portals and everything so I really wanted to figure it out I reached out we still are hosting with bisect hosting definitely recommend them their customer service is awesome I was with them the other night working with them they’re like well maybe we can change server locations cuz we recently did that too we changed from basically the Washington DC area and moved it to Chicago area and I thought maybe something there happened or whatever so we went ahead and moved it back to the original location place still had the same problem he had me tested in another world same problem taking forever he changed the view distance and guess what it fixed our problem our view distance was at 32 chunks which is a lot for a server yeah that’s but we were running it fine whole time so nice and I planed my entire base to be at 432 and it works fine in the Overworld all that you were fine fine we dropped it back down to 16 this week and it’s been so much better it took that 2 minutes and 26 seconds down to like 12 seconds and we may try to slowly bump up the rendance and see what we can do right we did test that a little bit today it took a little bit longer but definitely not 2 minutes so we need to find that balance somewhere because I’d like to get the view distance up a little bit higher like you said you planned your base around it I mean it wasn’t a huge deal it’s just I kind of made it so if I stood at one block on a separate iron where Island where my iron farm is underneath it you could see like where the castle and stuff was going to be right and we are only on four chunk simulation distance still which I think is better for servers especially cuz when you’re walking through a forest or something you see mobs and animals a lot more yeah because everything’s despawning really quick and then spawning back and yeah it works it’s a lot more busy in the server when we first started season two we had it on eight chunk simulation distance and I think we stayed with that for a long time but we always had complaints oh I can’t find animals I can’t find food I can’t find squid whatever it was and that’s because it was spread out amongst all those chunks right so I do like playing and a lot of the tutorials out there are based around Realms which for a long time could only be four chunks so when you’re watching many of these tutorials that’s what they’re based on so it’s just easier to have it that and that’s what people players who aren’t as you know super Advanced as us that is a balance too even with the view distance is we have people on lower-end devices playing they might only be able to Max see eight eight chunks view distance or something so there is a little bit of a an advantage for players like you little see that have a fancy computer that can maximize the 32 chunks so I I don’t mind lowering it a bit uh I think we’ll probably end up right around 20 or so we’ll see how it goes but that’s what I was working on I worked on that I really wanted to solve that problem and me as a server owner I definitely want to take the time if there’s something I can do to better the experience for the players that’s what I’m going to do because I do care about you players honestly I really do that pretty much sums up my Minecraft week as far as real life last week we woke up had a broken window I don’t know if we talked about this last week on the podcast I don’t think we did think this happened but our sliding glass door we have on our house woke up the one side was all shattered just cracks all the way through it is a good representation of what happens to my brain during an algebra test okay it just shatters it just shatters and eventually it’ll just fall apart there you go I think it was the weather change and we’ve been here for 13 years something like that that we’ve had the house the door and windows original from way back in 1990 I think so never was a problem but I’m guessing some moisture got inside the window panes basically this day I was in Wisconsin one day and it was like 70 degrees and it dropped to 20 this week I think it was something like that happened yeah it was something with there was moisture inside of the window pane I assume because they’re just old windows that happens so the moisture got in there it got it was nice and warm so it wouldn’t have been a problem at all and then it got super cold so quickly like overnight it just got really cold I just thought we installed a texture pack on our real life window that’s what I thought it was and was some kind of fancy design on it well maybe that’s what it is I haven’t checked uh server resource packs I’ll contact God and see if he can remove it there you go that’s got to be it that’ll be an easy fix that way like I said we play too much Minecraft life revolves around Minecraft Minecraft is life there you go this week I’ve also been watching for some reason a bunch of video game repair videos I’m kind of back in that mood again if you don’t know we also own ccram CCR I don’t think the website works right now actually but it I think it actually redirects to a page on uh on the block party oh my goodness but anyways we repair video game stuff so I might get back into that we’ve kind of Let It Go I haven’t repaired things for a while sold games and buy and sell and things like that but maybe I can supplement our in inome in this household a little bit more by doing this because I don’t think repairing consoles is going to make a lot of money the lack of loads out there and what they’re paying in real life Trucking right now is not good I don’t know I play Trucking assum and got some pretty good rates yeah I’m definitely struggling in real life in the trucking World other than that I really haven’t done all that much this week just did my little bit of trucking today I drove all day long and didn’t even have a load so I got paid zero for that one but I did make it back here to do a podcast so there’s that so this week I haven’t been doing too much now last week I did talk about building the new computer for church so this week I brought the old one home cleaned it out it was super Dusty cleaned it out and then fixed the issue that was with the ethernet port every time restart the computer the ethernet port would just not work and you’d have to go into Windows settings to reable and disable it so I was able to fix that I had to reinstall Windows which it kept all the files but it uninstalled all the programs so it’s not like we’re using this computer but that’s a little annoying cuz I want to fix it on the other one that we’re still using at least you were able to diagnose what the problem wise I’m just trying to find a different solution now which I think I can use Windows repair install kind of thing and see if I can figure that out and then of course school oh man it’s almost like I’m a student or something yeah School kind of takes up your life in teenage years doesn’t it yeah nothing excit I mean I guess I wrote this is just how I do school so I had a month to write a research paper and I waited about half a week before it was needing submitted just to pick a topic I wrote the thesis statement and then only wrote half of the first paragraph until the day it needed submitted and then I wrote the rest of it there you go how’d you do I don’t know yet oh well probably not well I don’t know that’s probably not good you don’t want to wait till the last minute all the time I do understand though they say with age comes wisdom so I’m just waiting until I’m the wisest to do my work there we go I’m telling my teachers that if I’m ever laid on a document that’s a pretty good one I am using this in aord of law uh other than that I’ve I helped holy Bookworm she got a new computer oh dude I’m so jelly of her I want to take her graphics card and switch it out with mine yeah nice she has a 4060 TI not just the 4060 but the fancier one and she’s got pretty purple on there now you had to do a little extra to get that to work so I didn’t know it actually it was a pre-built but it didn’t come with the RGB software installed which I’m actually very impressed by they didn’t add any apps or anything they just had a fresh install of Windows and a website redirect on the homepage that’s all they installed wow that’s pretty good especially for the deal you got prebuilts and stuff that’s really good so we had to install some drivers and stuff so if you’re definitely new I could see that being a problem cuz you had to install some MSI stuff for the motherboard and then some like Nvidia stuff to get the drivers to make sure they’re updating but if luckily holy book room has a little C but you didn’t buy this from let’s say Best Buy or anything this was New Egg new egg from ultimate battle station ABS which is the same when I got my pre-built and you actually had some of that bloatware not bloatware but some of that software on yours it might be different too because I don’t think the it’s connected to the motherboard the same way cuz there’s not like a normal type RGB controller but I tried to install the thermal take software cuz that’s what the fans that’s what the logo on the fans was so I’m like oh maybe that’ll make sense it only changed a ram stick RGB but then I installed signal RGB it’s what I use personally for my keyboard and mouse and all the lights I have and it worked well it’s a little makes you play Minecraft better obviously RGB makes you better at games absolutely and you were able to get it all to work then yes and she she was so happy when I showed her how to change the color she so she can have the pretty purple that she loves of course now have you talked her into getting Minecraft on her computer and is she going to do mouse and keyboard now I don’t know she is playing a game I think as we speak with mouse and keyboard is she yeah wow and she has to learn some stuff but she’s doing pretty well I know she called me cuz that’s how it works when I’m on the road all week I have to talk to youall on the phone can’t do this in real life I was really sad that I wasn’t here for the initial startup of the computer and it was actually a pain cuz she has a really old Monitor and I had to figure out had to get special cord and stuff right but I remember she said she was trying to figure out how to move on the game forward and back and everything and US Gamers we all know the keys that do that but she figured it out now the funny thing is way she told me this the way she fig figured it out was Well w means walk so that must work and that’s how she fig figured out forward was W that I never thought of it that way I don’t think that’s how it was intended that makes so much sense though I’m never gonna forget that I’m hoping she talks about it on her Noob corner or something that makes sense I always just think W it’s just though she will be because she’s been around me with consoles and stuff if we can get her set with a nice maybe miniature kidss Xbox controller or something kid because she has small hands she’s not that big she’s I don’t know she seems to be doing pretty well with keyboard and mouse on the game okay if she can get it figured out then that’s awesome and if we can get her over to playing Minecraft on there and stuff we might just make a gamer out of her yet there’s still hope there is still hope all right well that sums up our past week now the past week in Minecraft all info from we got a couple of them nor I guess their normal day is snapshots Wednesday and beta previews are on Thursday Now Beta previews are whenever they get the beta preview out so we’ll start with Minecraft Java snapshot 24w 09a came out Wednesday February 28th 2024 experimental update 1.21 of course these require the experimental data pack changes ball bed drops two mushrooms either both red/ brown or one of each when sheared this is kind of cool that you can Shear the bogs now and get mushrooms it’s like the uh mushrooms you can Shear them and they’ll drop their mushrooms yeah exactly updated bog texture and model oh yeah and that’s something too when you share them it just changes the texture so they made a separate texture instead of them just turning into normal skeletons like mushrooms turn into because I heard I think it was ibx toy cat and he’s like that would be an advant that would be helpful in combat if you could instead of getting poison arrows you just Shear them all and then they’re not poison arrowing you but that’s not how it works that’s how everyone was think that would be kind of cool so they put in a bit more work changing the texture to make the feature better I think I like that maybe we should change it so the mushrooms now just change texture and you could keep doing it I think it makes less sense for the all right keep going with this removed Randomness from the radius of both Breeze and player shot wind charges so it’s less random that’s good additional changes to the Vault texture to even further distinguish from trial spawners so they did this last time they put like this orange bit on the top is what it looked like to me now it looks like they put it on the bottom so they’re just trying to figure out what works there that way you can tell the difference between the vaults and the trial spawners all right let’s move on to the stable stuff still in the snapshot the changes here the wolf armor will protect the wolf from most damage sources until the armor loses all durability and breaks I love this wolf armor shows signs of increased breakage as durability goes down so that’s cool kind of like a iron golem you can kind of see how damaged they are in fact it’s the same basic mechanic isn’t it players can repair the wolf armor with armadillo scoots while it is equipped on the wolf wolf armor can be dyed in similar fashion to leather armor so I love that you get all the colors that way the wolf’s owner can now repair wolf armor on a wolf the data pack version is now 33 the resource pack version is now 28 all right let’s get into the UI stuff here and I’ll I’m just reading it from their change logs here the UI has been updated to sport a fresher look and to be more consistent when it comes to the layout of different UI elements all while retaining the essence and feel of the old screens as always we’re eager to hear your thoughts and opinions on further improvements or changes let us know what you think over on the dedicated feedback site and of course there’s a link there and you can leave your feedback and discuss the new UI over on their Discord channels so for all you Java players with your pitchforks put them down put down the Fire Sticks they’re not pitchforks they’re Trident okay put down your Trident and put down your flint and Steels and just go leave some feedback there you go leave some feedback in your book and quill instead of complaining to me about it to them there you go all right let’s get into the item stack components this is kind of a big deal if you’re not into coding or the technical side it’s not huge but it still will affect you a bit and they say we are making some large changes to how items stack specific properties are stored and represented in this snapshot replacing the current NBT tag with structured components with such a large change we deeply value your feedback of course you can share your thoughts on these changes over at the feedback site so I don’t know about Java coding for pack and stuff but I’ve heard that this is more this is closer to bedrock Edition and I’ve heard that it’s going to be easier to get into now I think it’s going to be easier to make things that are being changed on Java to bring them to their new add-on place in the marketplace yeah that’s Pro that’s the motivation behind it I would assume that makes sense logically cuz it doesn’t make sense for them to go through and make such a big change without making money but even without that and not being negative or anything just having a parody of how things are done is good that’s a good thing and I’m glad to see it’s not Bedrock getting the less efficient model and it’s Java getting the more efficient model right and it it is easier to have add-ons and things like that created from people like me that doesn’t necessarily have a coding background at all and just want wants to have fun with the game in the back end of it so it is a little easier I think with that all right let’s get into the fixes here and of course this is Java Edition so this is what was wrong and they fixed it tipped arrows stuck in the ground never lose their effect oh that could be abused the fog from lava is much denser when having the fire resistance effect active compared to bedrock Edition extinguishing candle shows inaccurate subtitle load Stone Compass does not stack after dropping and destroying the load Stone items named with an anvil on 1 120.4 don’t stack with items named prior the Realms player list is rendered larger than its visual size the scroll bar in the Realms player list can no longer be dragged using the mouse cursor elements within the list in the experimental feature requirements menu cannot be selected via the mouse cursor search field in the social interactions menu not focused by default wind charges never despawn the fall damage reduction for the wind charge is not working baby armadillo shouldn’t drop scoots when brushed and of course many more of course you can get the whole change log I always leave a link in our podcast description for that all right let’s move on to Minecraft bedrock and beta/ preview 1.20 18020 this came out the next day on Thursday February 29th 2024 coming soon and we already spoiled it a little bit we already spoiled the change logs guys I’m sorry hardcore mode this is their statement here we’re excited to say we’re working on Hardcore Mode for Bedrock Edition and we hope it’ll be ready for testing sometime in the spring ooh that it’s almost spring time right yeah it really is so we’re getting close hardcore mode is a sub category of survival where you only get one life and no chance to respawn I think I’d enjoy this I heard ibx again he was doing a it was a video on the whole changes and stuff and he was talking about if they’ll try to water it down and make it easier for the Bedrock players cuz they know it’s a bit more of a younger audience well they continue here not only that in hardcore mode the difficulty is locked to the highest setting so no more putting things into peaceful so you can move them and then turn it back to hard just saying then they continue on with such high stakes we want to ensure we get hardcore mode right before releasing it into the retail version of Bedrock Edition so once it goes into testing it’ll stay in preview until we’re confident the experience is smooth for both players and creators so I’m assuming with this and this is is again another idea from ibx he’s like maybe there’ll be more warning labels and stuff of if you die you can only spectate your world type thing because just the Bedrock audience might have more issues than the Java audience with that to make sure it’s clear what hardcore mode is oh right exactly yep and you’ll be able to help us test hardcore mode by submitting bugs and of course a link there and giving them your feedback on Discord or on their website they continue here we’re also happy to announce when we are ready hardcore mode will be available in realms for both Java and Bedrock I didn’t know you couldn’t make a hardcore realm on Java because I knew you can make servers and nobody really uses Realms on Java but it’s cool that you can yeah absolutely maybe when uh hardcore comes out maybe I’ll make like a video series or something on the YouTube you also have to understand where their motivation is behind this stuff they’re trying to appeal to the mass player and not the gamer only people for the hardcore mode I think it’s a big marketing thing because if you look in Minecraft YouTube what’s super popular I survived 100 days in Minecraft hardcore type video that’s the big thing in YouTube that’s still the trend it has been for the past few years they want it on Bedrock so more people see Bedrock on YouTube so more people play Bedrock so more people have the chance to click on the marketplace so they can make more money and that’s part of it and but I’m not saying that in a bad way I’m just saying more more money TR marketing to and I think this is something that a lot of the naysayers have about them making money if they keep making money guess what they’re going to keep producing the game and making it better if they stopped making money we wouldn’t get any updates for the game the game would stop that’s essentially what it is right so this is a good thing there is a good balance that’s how business Works we’re talking to some of the players that are still stuck on 1.9 or 1.8.9 yeah there is those people all right let’s keep going here the experimental stuff here within this again we’re still in beta and preview stuff you got to have the the toggle on so don’t forget that if you want these changes Vault hit sound pitch corrected to match Java Edition updated Vault visuals trial Chambers will now be placed in the same location and configuration as Java Edition and I did see some videos on this they’re identical now the rooms and everything are identical that’s good between glad I hope they do that with all the structures Villages and stuff that would be amazing would make it so much easier to find good seeds dude we got to come together as a community we all love Minecraft stop hating on each other we love you all as long as you like Minecraft if you don’t like Minecraft that’s a whole another story there’s just one guy that’s like Terraria to games just in the audience for no reason fortnite players fortnite’s still a thing yeah no all right let’s move on to the stable side of this bet preview the these features do not require the toggle to be turned on known issues players are unable to connect to preview Realms on Xbox one and PlayStation 4 in this version wolves wearing wolf armor don’t trigger post damage invulnerability resulting in the wolf armor being rapidly destroyed by continuous sources of damage such as lava slimes and magma cubes so they’re aware of that so if you’re playing around with this know that they’re already working on fixing that for the next one probably changes here with Wolves wolf armor has been de experimenal IED and is now available during normal game play wolf armor can now be died wolf armor now acts as a shield absorbing most damage directed to the wolf the collars of tamed wolves are now properly shaded wolves tails are now correctly positioned when sitting and I think the collars thing that kind of messed up when they put the armor on it wasn’t lining up correctly so they they fixed up I get it that we’re getting dog armor but why can’t we have different types of dogs I really want a a shiberino doge dog that would be awesome I want a doge there’s add-ons for that let’s put it that way maybe we need one of those Ono cough cough that that might be worthwhile looking into we might some things don’t quite work on servers as they would in a single player or even a realm all right uh move on to armadillo stuff the armadillo has been theexperimental IED and is now available during normal gameplay and this is on the this is beta preview still not an actual release so don’t get that confused breeding cool down is no longer reset after roll up oh that could be abused if you could just constantly keep breeding them cuz then you could have major scoop Farms yep blocks here Sweet Berry bush now drops up to six sweet berries when mind using a fortune Enchanted tool this is interesting considering didn’t they fix it with flowers when you mind flowers with Fortune I think they’re just balancing it out now yeah I cuz everyone wants more sweet berries isn’t that what we all want yeah that’s what we got to have of course fully grown cocoa pods now consistently drop three cocoa beans double slabs can once again be created when stacking two of the same slabs together and many more so again that’s what Mojang’s been working on that is what they’ve been working on good job Mojang they been working I’m liking these changes I like the Java UI change not that I play Java and don’t really care but I like that the parody and the coding and stuff seems like they’re getting closer just overall they’re working hard I love to see it thank you Mo also I don’t know when this change happened but if you go back to like I think 1.9 at least I know if you played vanilla 1.9 straight off the launcher your frames even on like my computer would be low I played the newest snapshot with no optify no sodium or Fabric or anything and I was getting like 400 frames which is really good wow that’s awesome without any client side performance mods that’s good so they are working on that thank you now it’s time for listener questions our first question comes from anime what is your favorite thing about Minecraft how involved would you say it is in your daily life I don’t know if that’s a fair question about favorite thing I love a lot about Minecraft now that I reread this question I think I read it wrong for my answer I think I was thinking the second question involves with the first question of what’s your favorite thing in Minecraft and how often does it in your daily life of Minecraft playing hey take it however you want that’s the fun thing about this as long as it gets us talking right that’s the big Point remember listeners you got to dumb down the questions it’s little CN BS you’re talking to I do have to say my favorite thing to do is probably you’re not going to believe this Auto sords no way this is shocking headline event but only because it makes it easier to sort out all this stuff I do when I mine which I call my mining therapy I just spend hours mindlessly mining or when you f things same thing and I just love doing that so having the sorder to put all my stuff in at the end and not even have to think about it I like that the most I’d say as far as how involved I am with my daily life and Minecraft and everything I think it’s become a major part of my brain thoughts overall just in life I think about Minecraft a lot I think I think in Minecraft my brain is just instead of thinking in like real life I’ll have dreams about real life things that look like Minecraft and to be honest obsessed between having Jericho smpp and now the podcast and the live streams I’m doing it takes a a lot of time on the weekends especially for the podcast and the live streams and getting that all done and I love it don’t get me wrong I absolutely love that and I try to play Minecraft at least once a day I try to in the evening not always sometimes I’ll skip a night like this week I did just too tired after driving but I love playing just a little bit I don’t have a dedicated day or anything I’ve been trying to balance out on the weekend where I have some time to play Just without any live stream without any podcast just time to play and a lot of times that does come during the week at the end of the day but I’m usually tired so I’m just doing something simple like my mining therapy and don’t want to think about stuff I find it interesting that when you’re live streaming you can’t it might just be your play style is extremely boring like if you don’t tweak it a little bit for live stream but like I find when I’m live streaming I’m enjoying playing Minecraft a lot more it might be because I’ve live streamed so much that the live streaming just comes naturally at this point and I just it’s actually become quite a weird thing in real life interactions I’ll do something and I’ll not force but I’ll change my reaction or something and if there’s like I did this today on a voice call with real life friends not streaming recording or anything and I said a joke and just subconsciously I looked at the camera that’s not on I looked at my cam my webcam and just like made a face and kind of like winked you know as I said this joke like you’re going to zoom the camera in on your face right and I’m like oh my gosh I have live streamed too much I will say I think I’m doing better I’m much better than my first live stream on here that I’ve been doing you’re getting better but you’re still not as good as the master yeah I I you did every day for how many days 150 days in a row yeah it was awesome don’t do that kids don’t do that please you are really good at it anyways you’ve been doing it since you were a little kid though doing videos and stuff I’m getting back to uh let’s just say the new block party Channel you want to be subscribed yes absolutely definitely got to go find out now if you see it with BS on the screen or something you can kind of be like hey but if you see little C it’s going to be good all right let’s get back to Betty May’s question here so yeah what’s your answer I can’t pick one favorite thing out of Minecraft I enjoy building for like just an activity in Minecraft I like building Landscaping just changing things I guess tweaking things but I’m trying to think of like an item or a certain feature and I think scaffolding comes into play a lot for me and that’s like I took this as day-to-day within Minecraft I use scaffolding almost every day to fix my dang sign at shopping district on Jericho cuz it’s Observer powered and those like to break on servers and I think just in Minecraft in general observers break but it’s the best way to do this sign so I have to climb up there with scaffolding every day break the Redstone and replace it to restart the little observers following around or start the Redstone lamps following yeah keep this is this is why I like scal so now you’re real life you have to log in you have to stop whatever you’re doing in real life just so you can do that fix the sign in game there go there we go so that’s how much of a part of your daily life yeah I kind already commented on how much I’ve been ingrained by Minecraft absolutely all right we got another question here this came to us actually on the 11th of February via text so we’re starting to catch up a little bit I love the fact that we’ve got a whole bunch of these Lin up a lot of questions will always take more keep them coming we try to do two a week this one came from froggy e where did the names BS little C and holy Bookworm come from well bearded sloth or BS that’s just describing him in real life if you look at me if you watch his live streams you’ll understand absolutely one he just looks like a sloth and you you just are a sloth I am a sloth a lot of the things I do I’m not usually moving fast on things I think things through before I do them now for the rest of the names my name in real life starts with a c and so does yours BS your real life name so I’m Big C technically I guess technically he’s Big C I’m little C so it’s kind of just been like a family nickname and stuff with some of it and then yeah and our names are very similar yeah so people don’t want to get us confused so call you a lot and it’s quite funny and also sometimes with just our gamertags I’ve gotten so used to calling you that I’ll use that more than saying Hey Dad I’ll just be like hey BS right exactly I call you little c yeah and I’ve talked about this before I have to think what the situation is where I’m at let’s say I’m at church I can’t necessarily call you little C or call holy book room that I call her by another name way quicker if you ever meet let’s say someone who knows me in real life if you ever need to get my attention quickly if you say little C I’ll hear it I’ll still like I’ll hear it and I’ll react quicker than your real name yeah absolutely funny and then and we call each other these too and then holy Bookworm if you know her at all it makes total sense she reads a lot so that’s Bookworm and she knows a ton about the Bible and she’s striving to be holy she’s trying to follow God and the Bible and all those things and she knows a lot like a lot oh yeah a lot about the Bible in scripture so that’s where that comes from is Holy Bookworm makes sense I remember when we were trying to come up with a gamertag for her and we came with that and we’re we all looked at each other that’s perfect so that’s what we went with speaking of holy Bookworm now it’s time for everyone’s favorite part of the show holy bookworms joke of the week what is more amazing than a talking dog a spelling [Music] bee that’s actually a pretty good one it made you laugh over there pretty funny I like that one thank you usually her silly jokes don’t but that one I don’t know what it was about it it was just unexpected I’ll just say that that was not I wasn’t expecting this joke until I read the show notes I was like no that’s pretty funny all right that was a good show thank you listeners for being a part of it by getting your comments in definitely want to do that we do appreciate you all listening to us every week also if you’re loving the show and you want more of this I mean why wouldn’t you a great way to support us no matter what you get or don’t get is by actually subscribing to the podcast there’s a way to do that through our podcast host and everything of course the links there but you can help support the show by subscribing to the podcast find the link in the description to subscribe it truly does help us out and is super appreciated best of all though you will get access to more of us with the after hour show and all the early episodes of the block party podcast help us get the word out about the block party podcast by telling everyone about the show visit the blockparty we want to hear from you we love your comments and questions you can join our Discord or email us at contactthe blockparty thank you for being here we truly do appreciate it make sure to tell everyone and I mean everyone about the black party of Minecraft podcast I’m bearded sloth and now I got to eat my coffee and I’m little C [Music] bye

The Block Party – A Minecraft Podcast on 2024-03-02 17:14:35. It has garnered 10 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:39 or 3999 seconds.

In Episode 133 of The Block Party, hosts Bearded Sloth and Little c dive into the vibrant world of Minecraft with their listeners. From combat training realms to exploring new add-ons, they cover it all. They read through comments from their dedicated community, discussing everything from PvP realms to the latest Bedrock add-ons. With insights on hardcore mode and inventory management, the conversation gets lively. Little c shares updates on The Block Party’s streaming endeavors, while Bearded Sloth tackles auto sorting chests and iron farms. As they transition into real-life updates, they reflect on everything from broken windows to video game console repairs. Tune in for the latest Minecraft news, changelogs, listener questions, and a dose of humor with HolyBookworm’s joke of the week.

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The Past Week in Minecraft (Change Logs)

• ⁠⁠Minecraft Java Snapshot 24w09a (

• ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Minecraft Bedrock Beta/Preview (

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TAGS: Minecraft, Block Party Podcast, Dog Armor, Add-Ons, Java, UI Update, Build Tips, Redstone Machines, PVP Realm, Naturalist Add-On, Texture Packs, Combat, Jericho SMP, Bedrock Edition, Java Edition, Auto Sorting, Chests, Snapshot, Changelogs, Wheat Farming, Gold Farm, Computer Stuff, Church Computer, School, Listener Questions

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    Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft gameplay and stand out from the crowd? Look no further! We have the perfect recommendation for you. While watching the latest YouTube video on the best Minecraft sound effect to make your videos go viral, it became clear that to truly elevate your Minecraft experience, you need to join a server that offers a unique and exciting environment. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community, thrilling gameplay, and endless possibilities, Minewind Minecraft Server is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned player… Read More

  • Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins!

    Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins! The Perfect 5-min Enderman Farm! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than this perfect 5-minute Enderman Farm tutorial! In this exciting video, you’ll learn how to build an extremely easy and highly efficient Enderman XP farm. With step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, you’ll be able to create your own Enderman farm in no time. Don’t miss this opportunity to dominate the world of Minecraft and obtain valuable resources in a simple and effective way! Building the Enderman Farm Follow along as the tutorial guides you through the process of building… Read More

  • Crafty Modern Minecraft House Build: Easy Tutorial

    Crafty Modern Minecraft House Build: Easy Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We build modern houses, no need for chains. With walls and windows, and farms to tend, Every detail crafted, every moment we spend. From building walls to training our skills, We’ll make mistakes, but we pay the bills. Subscribe to our channel, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we’re wild and free. Join us on Instagram, and on YouTube too, For more Minecraft fun, just for you. We build, we train, we make mistakes, But in the end, our creations are great. So leap into the verse,… Read More

  • Bakwan Battle: Minecraft Roleplay

    Bakwan Battle: Minecraft Roleplay Welcome to Bakwan: Fight Back Redone! Are you a fan of Beacon Cream and the Minecraft Series Roleplay, Bakwan: Fight Back? If so, you’re in for a treat! Bakwan: Fight Back Redone is now open for all Minecraft enthusiasts to join in on the fun. For those unfamiliar with the series, Bakwan: Fight Back is a Minecraft Roleplay set in Indonesia that mirrors the ups and downs of school life. What is Bakwan: Fight Back Redone? In this revamped version of Bakwan: Fight Back, players can immerse themselves in the world of OC’S (Original Characters) and bring their delulu… Read More

  • Super Chests: Minecraft’s OP Quest

    Super Chests: Minecraft's OP Quest Yo, thanks for watching, hope you had fun, In the world of Minecraft, we always run. The chests were super OP, giving us a thrill, But in the end, we defeated the dragon with skill. The Gamerz09, bringing you the best, In Hindi, he puts all his gaming to the test. From villages to cities, we explored it all, And in the end, we saw the dragon fall. So hit that like button, leave a comment too, And don’t forget to subscribe, we’ll bring more for you. Until next time, stay tuned for more play, Goodbye for now, have… Read More

  • 100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Madness

    100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Madness Exploring 100 Days of Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with Boubou as they tackle the challenging Hardcore mode in version 1.20.4. Despite some technical difficulties, Boubou has bravely uploaded their gameplay to showcase their survival skills and determination. Surviving the First Few Days Boubou managed to narrowly survive the initial days in Minecraft Hardcore, setting the stage for an epic adventure ahead. With a few goals achieved, the journey is far from over in this vast and unpredictable world. Even though Boubou admits to not being the best hardcore player, they… Read More

  • Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6

    Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 The Exciting World of Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft universe with the Litematica Mod 1.20.6! This mod brings a plethora of exciting features and enhancements to your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Litematica and explore what it has to offer. What is Litematica Mod? The Litematica Mod is a powerful tool that allows players to create and manipulate schematics in Minecraft. With this mod, you can easily copy and paste structures, build intricate designs, and even visualize your creations before building them in the game world. It’s a… Read More

  • New Quests! Day 3 – PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft

    New Quests! Day 3 - PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge: New Quests Unveiled! Embark on an exciting journey through the Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge with TheGuill84! This thrilling competition features daily quests and two major alliances, the Nether Alliance and the Overworld Alliance. Players must complete quests to earn XP for their guilds, contributing to their alliance’s success. Quests Galore Each day, new quests unlock, providing players with a variety of challenges to tackle. From weekly quests to daily tasks, there’s always something to keep you engaged. Whether it’s hunting down a Warden or exploring new territories, the quests offer a mix of adventure and… Read More

  • Minecraft: Beating Game in Tiny Space!

    Minecraft: Beating Game in Tiny Space! The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Beating the Game in a 3×3 Area! Imagine being confined to a tiny 3×3 box that extends all the way to bedrock in Minecraft. Sounds impossible, right? Well, not for the brave souls who take on this ultimate challenge. Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where players push the limits of survival in the most confined space imaginable. The Challenge Begins Stuck in a cramped 3×3 area, players must navigate the limited space while striving to beat the game. Every move counts, every resource is precious. From mining to crafting, every action requires… Read More

  • 15 Years of Minecraft: The Beginning – Part 2

    15 Years of Minecraft: The Beginning - Part 2 The Evolution of Minecraft: A Journey Through 15 Years From Humble Beginnings to Global Phenomenon In the vast world of Minecraft, players have been crafting, building, and exploring for 15 years. What started as a simple indie game has transformed into a global phenomenon, thanks to the dedication of Mojang Studios and the vibrant Minecraft community. Minecon: One of the pivotal moments in Minecraft’s history was the introduction of Minecon, where developers and players came together to celebrate their love for the game. These events provided a platform for fans to connect, share their creations, and get a glimpse… Read More

  • Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies

    Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies In Minecraft’s world, a battle unfolds, 1000 dogs versus zombies, stories untold. The wolves howl and charge, teeth bared in the night, Against the undead horde, a fearsome sight. Armored wolves join the fray, a fierce display, Clashing with zombies in a deadly ballet. Level 2 wolves, armored and strong, Against armored zombies, a clash that’s long. The fight rages on, in pixels and blocks, A mob battle for the ages, no time for talks. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic scene, In Minecraft’s realm, where battles are keen. Read More


    REDSTONE MONSTROSITY DESTROYS GOLEMS: Epic Mob Battle! The Redstone Monstrosity may be tough, but let’s see how it handles a group of angry golems armed with nothing but their fists and a whole lot of attitude. It’s like watching a bunch of toddlers take on a giant robot – except in Minecraft. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce!

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce! Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3: Wind Burst Player Bounce Change Wind Burst Enchantment The latest Minecraft Pre-release 3 update brings exciting changes to the Wind Burst enchantment. This enchantment now allows players to bounce 7 blocks up per enchantment level. However, at level 3, players will bounce a whopping 21 blocks up, posing a risk of fall damage upon landing. Players are advised to have a target locked in or other means to mitigate the fall damage before hitting the ground again. Data Pack Version 48 Update In addition to the Wind Burst enchantment changes, the data pack version 48… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!

    Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rating My Favourite Modded Minecraft Series (From the 2010s)’, was uploaded by Manic Bestia on 2024-06-01 18:34:01. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:43 or 4183 seconds. I promise there won’t be any Herobrine jump scares in this video. LINKTREE: SUBSCRIBE: @ManicBestia SECOND CHANNEL: @CrummyCaketin [Video game modding (Modification) is the process of alteration by players or fans of one or more aspects of a video game] The modding scene of early minecraft was whacky, today I showcase some of my favourite ways YouTubers would use… Read More

  • Ultimate POMNI Challenge in Minecraft

    Ultimate POMNI Challenge in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey save POMNI CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation’, was uploaded by Mayzee – Minecraft on 2024-05-08 13:00:19. It has garnered 99724 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:02 or 662 seconds. Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: POMNI CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation Today JJ and Mikey save Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus In Minecraft. We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! #maizen #minecraft Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Read More

  • “EPIC SG GAMER LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL:650” #shizzoclickbait

    "EPIC SG GAMER LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL:650" #shizzoclickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :650.. #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-18 12:57:03. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:02 or 242 seconds. DISCORD: : k4f My s1 lets play world play list : My letsplay series season 2 play list : @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!

    STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!Video Information This video, titled ‘Alla FEL i “My life in Minecraft” 2024!’, was uploaded by STAMSITE on 2024-03-01 16:30:06. It has garnered 16819 views and 1083 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. Playlist for this series: Draw pixels here: Party Bots Youtube channel: 10% off if you use the code “STAMSITE” at X-Gamer: – Buy merch here!: – Streams take place here: – Stamsites Gaming Community (SGC): – The game’s Discord is here: 00:00 – Intro 00:19 – Episode 41 04:41 – Episode 42 07:25 -… Read More

  • Insane Secrets: Modern Underground House Build Minecraft

    Insane Secrets: Modern  Underground House Build MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | How To Build a Underground Modern House🏠’, was uploaded by Pulpyx on 2024-04-15 16:02:40. It has garnered 389 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:07 or 907 seconds. An Ultimate version of an Underground Modern House. Level up your Minecraft Journey by Building this. I have included everything you need in this build. So have a look and believe me, it’s quite easy. Creating Builds that require less time. If you like my work then feel free to support this channel by Subscribing. Also you can suggest any ideas… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft MOB Madness ft. Jared Merlin

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft MOB Madness ft. Jared MerlinVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft MOB World 2 Ep 3’, was uploaded by Jared Merlin on 2024-03-27 02:46:29. It has garnered 0 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:31 or 3271 seconds. You can also find me on… Facebook: Instagram: Video created & edited with Microsoft Clipchamp Opening sound provided by Pixabay Read More

  • Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4

    Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4Video Information This video, titled ‘EXPLORING A CAVE | Minecraft Survival | S1 EP4 | VOD | READ DESCRPTION’, was uploaded by SquirtNugget1 on 2024-05-24 07:30:03. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:31 or 7771 seconds. ✨Welcome to my channel!✨ Here is a Minecraft Survival VOD series where I explore a new cave! I find lots of new things around my world and more! I even found some cats and you won’t believe what I named them! I hope you enjoy this VOD! If you would like to watch any of my… Read More

  • “ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames – WIN big prizes!! 😱” #lastgametitanium

    "ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames - WIN big prizes!! 😱" #lastgametitaniumVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft sonOyuncu titanyum Karpuz / yΓΌksek ΓΆdΓΌllΓΌ Minigames // Guard Γ‡ekilişi #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by SeFqYEAHHH on 2024-02-12 15:53:59. It has garnered 36 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. #titanyum #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncu #titanyumpvp #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncu #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival DISCORD 🚩CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: / @blacksh4rk_baank craftrise the kingdoms vs craftrise the kingdoms open space craftrise the kingdoms raid craftrise bug craftrise 1.2 craftrise gezlos ahmetdeniz thekingdoms craftrise survival crafrise skywars craftrise thekingdoms raufai captain pilot emirsty thekingdoms cashing… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build πŸ¦ŠπŸ”¨

    EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build πŸ¦ŠπŸ”¨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Cute Fox House Build Tutorial 🏑’, was uploaded by Krafter on 2024-01-12 16:00:31. It has garnered 152 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. In this Minecraft Tutorial video, you learn how to build cute fox house in 2024 + interior . If you enjoyed it, drop a like and subscribe to my channel for more!🀍 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” ᐁ SOCIALS ᐁ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Discord: β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” ᐁ MUSIC ᐁ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” song i used in background : β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” ᐁ Chapters ᐁ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” 00:00 intro 00:40 layout 00:49 head 02:49… Read More

  • MinionMC

    MinionMCJust some basic survival multiplayer world to play on and have fun. Come join if you want some basic vanilla smp just for fun. Read More

  • Dark Hearts 20+ – Realms

    Welcome to Dark Hearts 20+ Bedrock Realm! This bedrock realm is looking for players ages 20 and up to join. Our realm is about a week old and features cool mods such as one player sleep and shearing sheep for OP loot. Currently set to peaceful mode with survival and keep inventory enabled, we plan to adjust difficulty and inventory settings as we progress. Join us for long-term fun! Rules: Main Rule: Ages 20+ only. Maximum of 20 players in the realm at once. No direct invite link; provide your gamertag for a manual invite. Respectful behavior is a must…. Read More

  • GenuineMC Semi-Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla ~ 1.20.2]

    GenuineMC Semi-Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla ~ 1.20.2]GenuineMC is a Semi-Vanilla Minecraft server that is run by an amazing community! We have attracted individuals of various ages and nationalities who have all found themselves at home on our server. Their voices have helped shape our community and have helped us prosper for 11 years as a Java Minecraft Community. Their voices have allowed GenuineMC to become what it is today!As a team, we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for new and current players. We also strive to meet the needs of every player, as well as listen to their personal comments about our community…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crazy conspiracy in Minecraft”

    Well, I guess you could say this meme really “mined” its way to the top! Read More

  • Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery!

    Tree Planting 101: Minecraft Mode Mastery! In Minecraft, trees are key, don’t you see? To survive and thrive, plant them with glee. Different types to choose, each with a use, Find saplings in Survival, no need to abuse. Pick the perfect spot, where they’ll grow tall, In Survival or Creative, plant them all. Dark Oak trees, giants in the making, Follow these tips, no time for faking. Like and subscribe, for more Minecraft fun, Join the community, a new adventure begun. Plant those trees, watch them rise, In this blocky world, reach for the skies. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! πŸ”₯

    Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! πŸ”₯ “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 🀣 #shorts #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Flirting in Minecraft

    Flirting in Minecraft Minecraft Animation: Talk to a Woman Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players encounter a myriad of characters and scenarios. One such instance is captured in the animation titled “Talk to a Woman.” Let’s delve into this humorous and engaging Minecraft short! The Encounter In the animation, a character proudly declares, “I’M A WOMAN, @PoKeX87MeLLaman!” This unexpected revelation is met with a comical reaction, adding a touch of humor to the storyline. The character’s enthusiasm is palpable, drawing viewers into the unfolding events. A Hilarious Twist As the character continues to assert their identity, a sudden sound interrupts the… Read More

  • Ultimate Rice Farming Technique Revealed! | MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22

    Ultimate Rice Farming Technique Revealed! | MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22Video Information This video, titled ‘Bambus fΓΌr Reichhaltige Erde & Reisanbau | Let’s Play Together MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22’, was uploaded by Z3ntus on 2024-06-02 13:00:05. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:26 or 1646 seconds. β‡’ Let’s Play Together Minecraft DarkRPG: Bamboo for Rich Soil & Rice Cultivation | #22 | 4K, 60 FPS, Blind β‡’ Playlist: β‡’ To the channel: @Z3ntusBl4ck β‡’ LPT by Z3ntus and with Lord Darq ____ Social Media ____ β‡’ TWITTER: β‡’ Instagram: ____ Livestream ____ β‡’ Twitch: ____ Participant ____ β‡’ Z3ntusBl4ck:… Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Boy’s Terrifying Hack

    Minecraft Mini Boy's Terrifying HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try This scary hack in minecraft #short#subscribe mini boy’, was uploaded by Mini Boy on 2024-01-03 17:01:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • πŸ’ŽπŸ’°I’m the Richest Player in Minecraft GENS! πŸ’΅Cap.1

    πŸ’ŽπŸ’°I'm the Richest Player in Minecraft GENS! πŸ’΅Cap.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Soy el mas RICO de Minecraft GENS.. πŸ’²πŸ’°Cap.1’, was uploaded by Frozeado on 2024-03-30 03:03:17. It has garnered 1056 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬ βš”οΈServer in this video! πŸ‘† IP: β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬ πŸ“± My Discord πŸ“± πŸ‘† 🐦 Mi Twitter 🐦 πŸ‘† πŸ“Business email: [email protected] πŸ“± Twittch: πŸ“ Pack’s In this video! πŸ“ β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬ #MinecraftHCF #StaffSeries #Frozeado Read More

  • Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft – Pixel Art Timelapse #010 Caterpie

    Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft - Pixel Art Timelapse #010 CaterpieVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PokΓ©mon Pixel Art Timelapse – #010 Caterpie’, was uploaded by Bug & Buds on 2024-02-18 10:16:21. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. I hope you have enjoyed this PokΓ©mon Pixel Art Timelapse! If you would like to build this in your own world, you can download the schematic below! Material List: Black Carpet x 828 Lime Carpet x 608 White Carpet x 284 Pink Carpet x 80 Follow me on my other socials if you’re interested! Discord – Twitter -… Read More

  • Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvPπŸ—ΏπŸ”₯

    Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvPπŸ—ΏπŸ”₯Video Information [Music] he This video, titled ‘I can ClutchπŸ—ΏπŸ˜ŽπŸ”₯#minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #sonyvegas #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-16 16:19:26. It has garnered 1490 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More

  • AnParan – CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! πŸ”₯

    AnParan - CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! πŸ”₯Video Information huh live stream lagi langsung end dong lupa ganti dong Oke Guys kembali kita di Minecraft petulangan Baru kali ini gua enggak di kota karena kota Lagi offline jadi kita di sini kita kali ini targetan gua ngalahin Ender Dragon sekarang di episode 1 ya Jadi ini bakal sebuah series live stream yang bakal gua main cuman pas live stream aja ya teman-teman ya yaitu tujuannya tujuan akhirnya yaitu kita bakal membunuh yang namanya Ender Dragon dan ini kita sudah Spawn apa nih ini kita udah Spa G mana gua ya apa nih lagun Ini gua di mana… Read More

  • Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC Minecraft

    Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC MinecraftVideo Information hi welcome in or welcome back today I’m going to complete the first 10,000 days in this [Music] [Music] world oh my gosh you are so slow let’s speed this up starting from day 1000 I went straight to work doing a lot of neglected projects around the world first I ran most of the main farms in the world this included the raid Farm the quad mob farm a gravity block duper for both sand and concrete the gold Farm bartering farm and most of the farms on the industrial Island including the bone meal Cobblestone Nether… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! – Minecraft Border Hoarder 18

    UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! - Minecraft Border Hoarder 18Video Information hey guys lter here and welcome back to border hoarder if you’re new here border hoarder is a map where I have to collect every single Minecraft item in 1.19 and expands this border to be from small to very big so today’s episode we are trying to get some weather skulls as well as try to fight the weather himself and hopefully hopefully find the what do you say find the stronghold and fight the inner dragon ooh that’s good but it’s not what we want we already have sharpness five on this sword I did a… Read More

  • πŸ”₯ EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation πŸ”₯

    πŸ”₯ EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNTIME DANCE FLOOR | Fnaf Minecraft Aninated Music Video’, was uploaded by Animation Lobby on 2023-12-29 09:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Animation By animation lobby Song By CK9C. Read More

  • VanillaEvolved SMP 1.20.4 Semi-anarchy Java & bedrock crossplay No hacks Seasonal & permanent maps

    VanillaEvolved – Vanilla Minecraft Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord community PlanetMinecraft Page: Check us out on PlanetMinecraft About Us: VanillaEvolved has been offering vanilla Minecraft gameplay since 2013. Join us on our seasonal or no-reset maps! Seasonal maps reset every 6 months while the no-reset maps never reset. You can switch between servers using commands. Why Choose Us? True vanilla Minecraft experience Java/Bedrock cross-play support View in-game stats on our website Semi-anarchy gameplay Active and friendly community Unique in-game rank for completing all advancements Freedom to play how you want as long as rules are followed For more… Read More

  • 1.20.6 Nuke factions Quests SMP Survival

    NukeFactions is not your typical Minecraft survival server. It combines the classic survival gameplay with a host of additional features designed to enhance and diversify the player experience. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, NukeFactions offers something for everyone.Key FeaturesSurvival ModeAt its core, NukeFactions offers a robust survival experience. Players can gather resources, build structures, and survive against the elements and mobs. The world is expansive and filled with opportunities for exploration and adventure.FactionsPlayers can create or join factions, fostering a sense of community and cooperation. Factions allow players to band together, build bases,… Read More