Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 11 – Clearing the Remaining Bosses

Video Information

All right good all right one second just gonna better yes all right three two and A one hello my fellow citizens of the 72 verse – rap player – you wish me a specific and welcome back to another episode Oh dragon Block C shattered Dimensions episode Robin yes this is

Episode 11 Oh dragon Block C shattered two metrics hope you guys enjoyed series as much as I am providing it to you guys and yes so basically we are picking up from exactly from the last episode I haven’t done anything in between episodes because I want to see what you

Guys were telling me to do in this mod pack because I was like kind of curious as to what I should do one of you guys we’re suggesting that there is another boss flight around here in this dimension I have two bunch of stuff I’m gonna put over here there’s a bunch of

Another boss fight in this dimension which is underground and it’s like some sort of like mole monster type thing I have no idea where it is but our my mission today is to go find it oh and one thing that I want to clarify for you

Guys was um where the heck is the hub that was in the beginning of the series where all the other people were I am going to give you two reasons one that is focused on the arm the roleplay aspect of this series and an actual reason the roleplay acts role the

Roleplay aspect is that Frieza knows where my bases where my base is basically so I don’t want to keep all the Dragon Balls there that’s why the Dragon Balls are located in commies look out right now and not down at the hub I don’t want those guys to be any harm and

I know and I’m pretty sure Frieza problem hopefully won’t touch them if they know that I’m not there because he’s kind of going after me and not them so I’m just kind of staying away for them so no harm will be done to them and the actual reason you remember how I

Used to do or spawn and how it crashed my server and I can’t repeat everything that’s the other reason why I haven’t it’s gone everything’s gone and the people were a lot of the people were from the boyfriend/girlfriend mod which was a Norris bond and I don’t have that

Anymore so those people are gone um but people are saying why don’t you just create it and I plan on recreating it it’s just that because of the role-playing aspect I don’t really want to go and touch that um bother them too too much I don’t want I don’t want to

Rebuild it yes but it will it will come back later on the series don’t worry don’t you worry but yes also I want to say was I am probably going to spend one more episode in this dimension just because if I spend too long in here I’m pretty sure

Frieza will find out that I’m here and send all those men here and I don’t want that because I mean I am pretty awesome and I look awesome in the frickin killa kill outfit but I don’t want his army coming here so I’m probably gonna leave

After this next episode and if I don’t find my Dragonball and would you listen to that professionalism at its finest it’s fricking midnight here that means it’s midnight on May 18th just to keep this freakin video a date on and yeah so I don’t even know what the heck I’m

Saying anymore but um even though I look awesome in this uniform I don’t want freezes army to come and find me so I’m going to spend at just one more episode in here and see what goes on maybe trunks will have another mission for me if I tell them that I

Can’t find the Dragonball yet and I have to go back so see what happens so first off uh hello big horn sheep I want to be able to train so if we don’t find this underground dungeon I want to find you you’re their grout dungeon I will blow

Up this frickin world to a freak at bar dirt and do anything great I’ll do I have a pickaxe at all no I do not but people were telling me also I put this son because you’re stupid to not wear that like okay but I want I want to

Kill like Gil uniform so you know what I’m keeping that can’t tell me what to do oh what’s this oh is this did I already go through this one no I don’t think I went through this one so let’s go explore I don’t think I went through

Here uh well I hear the spider so clearly I have not gone through this area um hmm let’s go up Oh God let’s not fly cuz that’s cheating what do I get we got some gold boots it’s kind of nice uh fermented spider eyes because why not because that’s extra food actually so

I’m going to keep that charm of keeping I don’t know what a charm of keeping is but I might as well keep it because why the heck not you never know when you’re gonna need charm of keeping um dessert any get out of here I failed um I just wish to leave

Alright gosh darn it I just want to leave thank you what we got here we got a mushroom because why the heck not and those guys just fell oh hi you little tiny spider thingy so you’re so cute why won’t you just die thank you

And I saw you zambie kick this yeah you were just so overpowered with the dragon black sea mud it’s just freaking freaking cool lights how lovely thank you I accidentally touched something and then it lit up because they know I’m here and they go and gave me company but

Yeah we’re just gonna walk around we’re gonna do a lot more boss flights again this episode just a lot also because I want to be able to get this up so we can get another attack you guys have been suggestions like you need more attacks um I want to be able you’re you

Guys are giving me suggestions of new attacks keep them coming because I want more suggestions like obviously I want to be able to make everyone happy potion of swiftness woo it make me even faster than I already am I’m pretty fast I mean I’d love to be faster um no do this

Thank you see anything in here now let’s keep on going up here and see if there’s anything like special oh hello these guys just keep falling all oh there’s a witch hey witch guess what I have this so I thought you will Punk and now I’m just

Going to get poisoned for a little bit so don’t mind me also I want no I don’t want this I need to beat this up okay good destroyed it all right ow ow pain get out of here do you know who I am no you probably

Don’t but I know who you are dead oh baby zombie no and now I have Oh God alright um I wanna put this here God dang it Oh stupid spell tones get out of here do you know who I am you probably don’t but just get out of

Here alright um there’s like so much stuff I just don’t I don’t need the ender pearl ah I don’t need you I don’t need you I don’t need out keep you because they never know when you’re in need that I don’t need you actually what am i doing this adds like this up

I want to keep those I wanna take you out take you out take you out ah take you out and yes I just I have like such a big inventory right now I wish I had I wish I had the mod to give me like a I should make an ender chest

Throw the bunch of stuff in there but I’m stupid and I fell out again all right um take this spawn zombie spawner ah how do you think you’re doing do you think you’re good to freak me I am too awesome I don’t even need to go super

Saiyan to face you punks all right so now we’re gonna go back up here and I know that there’s another mob up top here um I can I want to look around to just to see if there’s any like hidden chests because I mean goodies or awesome

Goodies are fantastic get out of here you know who I am get out of here so get the Frick out of here Oh get out of here stupid spell tone oh this do baby zombie doe take this hey pick that hi Zack freaking big bang actually what the heck

Am I doing that for I’m just gonna use freaking key blasts um anything special net oh maybe this is Oh take this can I actually like use the use my key blasts to actually kill the same and I know I can’t I can’t hurt you guys but can I

Can I can I use to keep us to kill this or do I actually have to use arrows which I actually don’t have any arrows right now so this is going to be bad or maybe I’ll go up to one just punch the crap out of it yeah you’ve got nothing you’ve got

Nothing board actually I need to kill this thing fast and fast because I’d want to beat this episode to actually go farther so we’re gonna go super saiyan on this but how does it make you feel I actually have to go super saiyan to face you

Oh wait you guys were telling me I have to hit this orbs back at him that’s what I have to do so maybe if I hit the orbs back at them oh that’s why I do this take this okay I actually gonna go a get out super sand

Because I realize that kind of stupid to do this and I’m going to charge up and also I’m going to put this in my inventory so I don’t have to deal with you ow stop that please can I can I punch these back okay he is going down okay

Maybe maybe I could punch punch these back punch it back punch back punch back punch my my he’s got three but oh maybe the flames stuff the flames Oh take this take this he’s got three he’s got three left Jesus this is like hard though because

You have to hit the stuff back at them but they just think they blow up on you maybe I could go up to him go up to them and maybe they’ll blow up on because uh to just stick just blow and bottom bottom yeah that’s it

Freakin blow up on your master blow up on your master look hey look up over here blow shoot me shoot me oh you come on you had one job freaking hit your master take this you stupid Punk take this there you go alright okay this is

Actually do going as well as I thought it would all right why don’t you guys just be happy and just can you not freaking do this to me I hate this I will beat the snot okay where are you why are you up here you not do that please take this take

This take these maybe can I can I can I use the key blast knock back talking back at you can I use the give us snap back are you did-did-did dude I don’t know for some reason now I have like a fairy tale theme in my head I don’t know why I’ve

Been watching a lot of anime lately a lot of anime like it’s like crunchyroll has been on like constant play for like the past like a couple of days and it’s fun I like it why can’t you freak why can’t I hit the back at you come on I just want to kill

You you stupid Twilight torte Lich why can’t you just die already I mean obviously I’m a lot stronger than you you should not be able to face up to it freakin Saiyan do you know how awesome that is well my god my god you got me kidding me I just

Want to beat this up alright sorry about that edy like quick for like quit second because my brother decided it to RuPt me the top like this mm-hmm this is like this is absolutely crazy because these Lich’s are just ridiculous and you guys are probably like really

Upset cuz you know how to beat these and I still don’t dick let me out please thank you – Ken destroy your map okay he sees had three shields right take the longest time why can’t look at that you were taking so much abuse I am literally get to the point where I

Just kind of just want to fly off because I are not my priority that’s actually exactly what I’m gonna do you are not my priority oh wait maybe I can home maybe I can Big Bang the crap out of this thing big bird on track nope does nothing

Alright fine what we gonna do fight old bang the Frick out and then what we’re gonna do afterwards is we’re gonna big break attack up there and we are off because I am done with this stupid mob that was I hate those things literally and he doesn’t really drop

Anything special so I don’t even know why I was going after him whatever I’m realizing that I’m running out of items oh my god um I’m just gonna fly around for a little bit see because I’m still gonna try to see if I can find that underground thing that you guys were

Telling me about in a comment below but I mean it’d be quite awkward if I don’t because it’s kind of like the only thing I really wanted to do this episode this being really awkward um okay so mushroom biome mushroom biome mushroom biome is there anything in the

Tree besides frogs that I just killed word bought freaking barrier han it’s not really my bare hands that you actually use a blast kill oh I hear I hear I hear mobs the Hecker is are those bees what the heck are those I hear them well guess what

Sayonara because I don’t want to deal with you right now what my my what I want to deal with is the things underneath the freaking ground Jesus all right so I’m gonna charge this up and destroy all the wild deer because I am a terrible person I still know I’m still

Evil sort of not really yeah sort of evil so I just destroyed a whole family of deer I hope they don’t mind I mean they probably just spawn back anyways but still I hope they don’t mind here’s a mushroom kingdom is Mario Molly oh but you win here probably now I’m just gonna

Destroy your home I hope you don’t mind hello bunnies look at that just kind of want to see is there anything special in here I mean I’m grabbing a lot of mushrooms I mean that’s cool take this get out of here you pop all right nothing absolutely

Nothing god this is terrifying because I want to be able to like actually do stuff I have a oh I do have a lot of um XP though from punching the crap out of oh there’s a cab ran let’s see if there leads anywhere or is it just gonna

Disappoint me like it like everything in life it’s probably disappointment packets this stuff get out here nothing lovely anything in here of course not why the heck would there be wait what’s over here heck are you back is this heck is this some what the minotaurs is this oh this

Is what they were talking about the freaking Minotaur is over here mini-bosses and this is like okay give me your dream of your Golden Axe and there’s maze slimes alright so okay found where I was planning on going first alright you guys are getting Oh God

Alright so I don’t need the golden axe but raw meat sure why not um can you get out of here please I said get out of here you know how dumb you are freaking mace lime take this raw beef and shove it up your butt oh oh hi

Take this fine you know what the key blasts aren’t key blasts are important for this take this God you guys are terrifying you guys are absolutely terrifying get out here Jesus I would scream but people are sleeping oh my god oh these things are fast where are they

Take this Bruce actually I don’t know why I shot Bruce Bruce is awesome Bruce is my pal where are they I know this is like a maze but like I’m also what the heck is this stuff sticks you grab sticks out of it oh well maybe I can like make doorways using

These I don’t know idea look at all these sticks yeah that’s awesome whoo I feel so happy taking I don’t want you mushrooms I don’t need this either also I still oh there you are Oh what the what what there’s freaking why why why was that a thing all right

I can always want to and also um poisoned Jesus all right okay God you guys are terrifying what the heck is this place what is this I need to eat thank are you what is this what is this stuff was this I can’t get it Torche

Berries I can’t play some but uh this minute sorry oh my god get the heck out of here you freakin whack jobs do you know who I am do you just take that one I mean they’re not gonna kill me but it was terrifying looking alright what’s

Over here oh this is what the whole torch area was well I thank you for letting it up I guess I kind of want these taken let me let me grab your torches I’ll take this area of torches cuz I know I’m gonna need them because

It’s getting kind of dark and I need torches to light up my way like nobody else all right also just a mark where I’ve been what oh what what quit what the slime beetle what the heck’s a slime beetle and why can’t I hit it take this my god what the

Heck’s a slime beetle alright uh what now what I plan it doing is big bang attack of this open it up for me oh you are too kind where we got get some iron ingots and I thought I heard something no way no freakin way I actually died now please

The heck are you Wow I lost everything oh I mean I still have my stuff but I lost everything well we know that uh those stuff are booby-trapped as pretty booby trap this is oh my god all right well I have no intentions I don’t want you but would get good four

Carriers to the cobblestone well I have no intentions of uh getting back here at least the dragonballs are still there and I gotta tell trunks that um yeah buddy is still not there I can’t find anything so this is I actually died that’s really really bad I’m surprised I

Actually died I mean it’s booby-trapped so I can understand that but I mean I still look fabulous I look fabulous I gotta get I gotta get some part of this one that’s one of my friends make art for me for this having my character in freakin killa kill armor that would be

Hilarious but I would say thank you guys for joining me um we did find what we were doing but it I didn’t find everything I just died that was awkward so uh yeah that was pretty dang bad but I want to say thank you guys for joining me once again

Um I think like I’m gonna stay out of the [ __ ] Twilight forest for at least one more episode because up because I want to do something else also because I don’t want free said attract me so now Freesat doesn’t know where i am because

I died so thank god death is on my side so thank you guys very much again and I would be seen

This video, titled ‘Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 11 – Clearing the Remaining Bosses’, was uploaded by owTreyalP – Dragon Ball Z, Anime, and More! on 2015-05-18 19:01:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 11 – Clearing Out the Remaining Bosses Our hero, now …

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    EPIC Anime Study vs Game Battle! 📚🔥🎮 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘me in study 📚 VS me in game 🎮 #shorts #gaming #study #shorts #thanks for 10 sub’, was uploaded by Official Anime lovers 07 on 2024-05-02 02:21:36. It has garnered 32 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Is video mein, hum Minecraft ke virtual duniya pl 0 hai. Hum apne raste mein mukhtalif jaanwaron aur avishkaron se milenge. Kya hum raat ko surakshit ta0ur par guzarenge, ya humein kuch naye mushkilon ka saamna karna padega? Chaliye dekhte hain ki yeh jungle ka safar kya anokhi kahaniyan lekar aata… Read More

  • BlissMC

    BlissMCMinecraft server Network [1.16-1.20.1] with gamemodes: Survival with no economy BoxPvP with custom gear sets and Elytra Based PvP Practice where you can become Minecraft PvP Master blissmc.org Read More

  • Morven 2 SMP Vanilla Community Focused Nations

    NEW SEASON LAUNCHED MAY 5TH! Server Info Inspired by Hermitcraft, Morven is a private vanilla SMP server with a nation/district system. Our goal is to establish an active, long-term community focused on creating artistic and creative builds. Every aspect of our server is community-based and controlled, from elected admins to player-organized events. Image Gallery from Morven 1 Nations Spawn: Link Dwarf: Link Medieval: Link Modern: Link Oriental: Link Viking: Link Wild: Link Morven 2 Nations Artoira: Blend of Medieval and magic styles. Hanami: Blend of Japanese and Asian style builds. Vvardenfell: Steampunk fusion with Dwarven and Nordic builds. Unique Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s wonky gravity logic

    If only real life followed Minecraft gravity logic, we could all just jump off cliffs and survive with half a heart left! Read More

  • Crafty Edit: Minecraft’s Delight

    Crafty Edit: Minecraft's Delight In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and news are like a gamer’s dream. I’m here to bring you the latest scoop, In rhymes that will make you wanna whoop. From new mobs to fresh biomes, I’ll cover it all in rhythmic tones. So grab your pickaxe and get ready to mine, For the best Minecraft news, in verse so fine. I’ll keep it light and full of fun, With emojis to add to the pun. So stay tuned for the next episode, Where Minecraft facts will surely explode. And remember, in this world of blocks… Read More


    MARCELO'S HOT MINECRAFT MEME 😂🔥 No, pero seguro que es un experto en construir castillos de obsidiana y en encontrar diamantes en cuevas llenas de creepers. ¡Un verdadero héroe de Minecraft! 😂🏰💎 Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 29

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 29 The Minecraft Adventure Continues: Day 29 of the Wood Challenge As our intrepid gamer embarked on day 29 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft, they found themselves in a serene world with a seed number of -6445641826395173780. The day started off calmly, with our player spawning near a beach lined with trees, providing ample resources to tackle the day’s objectives. Exploring the World With the world at their fingertips, our gamer set out to gather wood, craft tools, and build structures to survive and thrive in this virtual realm. The lush landscapes and diverse biomes offered endless possibilities for… Read More

  • EPIC WOOD FARM & RUINS! 😱| Minecraft Hardcore Ep 19

    EPIC WOOD FARM & RUINS! 😱| Minecraft Hardcore Ep 19Video Information This video, titled ‘AĞAÇ FARMI ve KALE KALINTISI│Minecraft Hardcore Bölüm 19’, was uploaded by Ani33r on 2024-05-25 11:30:30. It has garnered 445 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:51 or 1251 seconds. In this video we are making a tree farm. This farm is a medium difficulty farm where you can obtain birch, spruce, forest and oak trees very efficiently. By subscribing to my channel, you can come to my Discord server and benefit from various advantages: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmYoNkEW3p_pWqrzS37obJQ/join You can support me by subscribing: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmYoNkEW3p_pWqrzS37obJQ •Discord: Coming soon… •Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ani33r •Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ani33r/ •Twitter: https://twitter.com/ani33r… Read More

  • Spirit Haunting in LukeUCraft: Minecraft Horror Mod

    Spirit Haunting in LukeUCraft: Minecraft Horror ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘ES verfolgt mich immer weiter…Man from the fog – Minecraft Horror Mod – LukeUCraft’, was uploaded by LukeUCraft on 2024-02-16 13:00:13. It has garnered 184740 views and 4558 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:27 or 1827 seconds. Horror Minecraft in hardcore mode. Will I survive The Man From the Fog, the CaveDweller and other horror monsters? This time I’m playing in a DripStone biome only world. So it’s going to be exciting. If you want to play the Minecraft Horror Modpack yourself, feel free to download it from Curse Forge. ☀️ Subscribe to… Read More

  • Surviving 50 Days in Hardcore Minecraft?! | Swaniac

    Surviving 50 Days in Hardcore Minecraft?! | SwaniacVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore – Day 50’, was uploaded by Swaniac on 2024-05-08 01:35:41. It has garnered 5129 views and 161 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Join my Discord server! https://discord.gg/SsKMfCgHYV #minecraft #survival #minecraftsurvival #minecraft100days Read More

  • Satan’s Minecraft Army 😱 – Ultimate Survival Challenge 😈

    Satan's Minecraft Army 😱 - Ultimate Survival Challenge 😈Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 😱 ultra hard core series 😈 #1’, was uploaded by Devil Army 😈 on 2024-02-24 09:00:47. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. —————————- Made by – capcut _________________ Recorder – none __________________________ ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This video for only entertainment purpus ________________________ I hope you 😊 enjoy the video 😁 so plz like and subscribe for more amazing content ______ ___________________ Thanks for watching 😊 _________________________ GNORE THIS DISCRIPTION minecraft hardcore 100 days hardcore hardcore minecraft minecraft 100 days survival minecraft 1.20… Read More

  • Tulip SMP Leader Shocks Viewers 🌷 #Minecraft

    Tulip SMP Leader Shocks Viewers 🌷 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Leader break rules in Tulip SMP 🌷#minecraft #gaming #viral #trending #series #ytshorts #yt’, was uploaded by RangeGamer7 on 2024-05-29 11:45:00. It has garnered 122 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Giraffe’s Tragic Life Story in Minecraft!

    Giraffe's Tragic Life Story in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘iCRIMAX’s GEBURT bis TOD in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Herr Giraffe on 2024-05-20 07:00:32. It has garnered 901 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:45 or 3105 seconds. Today I’ll show you the complete life of iCrimax in Minecraft! It’s going to be a really fun and exciting adventure, dear friends! 😀 iCrimax: @iCrimax #minecraft Read More

  • Teacher’s first Minecraft game! Shocking Vtuber debut

    Teacher's first Minecraft game! Shocking Vtuber debutVideo Information This video, titled ‘TEACHER PLAYS: MINECRAFT – First time ever! Mr Aejis – Vtuber Teacher’, was uploaded by Mr Aejis on 2024-05-30 04:59:46. It has garnered 83 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:01:38 or 14498 seconds. Mr Aejis plays Minecraft – Session 1 Aired live May 29, Wednesday, 2024 ——– Mr Aejis – Vtuber Teacher Mr Aejis is an independent vtuber and teacher who streams first-time playthroughs and health & wellness lessons. Focused on the whole health of the person – physical, mental, and emotional – regular lessons are given in a relaxed,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Progress! ft. ANIMAL

    INSANE Minecraft Progress! ft. ANIMALVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Minecraft Progress(Montage) l ft. ANIMAL’, was uploaded by XProNot on 2024-03-26 11:17:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video it took a long time to edit the result is here. Follow Me On Instagram … Read More

  • Minecraft Anime Drama – Love vs. Pain

    Minecraft Anime Drama - Love vs. PainVideo Information This video, titled ‘Love and pain – Minecraft anime’, was uploaded by Graf TV on 2024-02-20 13:42:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. A story of divided love from my life, minecraft animation Love and pain – Minecraft anime #minecraft #anime. Read More

  • Mysteria Network

    Mysteria NetworkStep into the enchanting realm of Mysteria Network, where a boundless world of adventure awaits you. Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey in a true survival experience? play.mysterianetwork.com Read More

  • LumaMC SMP, Survival, Towny, Jobs, mcMMO, QuickShop, New Server, 1.20+

    Welcome to LumaMC! Looking for a unique Minecraft server experience? Join LumaMC for exciting features, custom plugins, and a friendly community! Features: Towny: Build towns, form alliances, and join other players’ communities. mcMMO: Level up skills and become a master. Custom Items: Special items with unique abilities. Player-Based Economy: Engage in trade and resource gathering. Hoarder Plugin: Sell bulk items for extra cash. Ranks System: Climb ranks for titles and abilities. Artmap Plugin: Design custom maps. Dynamic Seasons World: Real-time world transformations. Fishing Competitions & Custom fishing: Test fishing skills and compete for rewards. Jobs: Earn cash and rise through… Read More

  • —§xA§xQ§xU§xA §xL§xA§xN§xD

    — \n How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose:MultiplayerClick the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button ” Add server”In the field ” Server address ” write: play.aqualand.top:19132(GL HF) Read More

Dragon Block C: Shattered Dimensions (Minecraft Mod) – Episode 11 – Clearing the Remaining Bosses