DREAM Responding To Minecraft Manhunt Staged Claims [FULL STREAM]

Video Information

What did i do i mess it up somehow all right hello i need to do this and then lock it there we go hello hi let me lock okay this is off is it all styling it’s off slightly that is aggravating actually there we go lock that okay good enough good enough

We’ll go with that hello hi how are you guys early stream it’s not it’s not going to be too long of a stream maybe like 30 minutes or something we’ll see i just thought i would take this opportunity a couple days before the manhunt to talk about um past manhunts basically

And a really well put together video by somebody um that you can see right now on the screen yeah i’m gonna wait until the uh what’s it called the notification goes out and then we will talk but hell hell hello but hell but hello i missed you guys i love you guys

Thank you for always showing up to my streams and everything and supporting me um uh lots of cool stuff coming um Lots of cool stuff coming we got a manhunt coming out on the fourth so that’s in two days it’s the 4v1 grand finale um that’s going to be pretty cool got something big coming out on the 5th and lots of stuff coming out from george and sapnap and

Um and everything i think ant’s actually uploading his first video on the fifth probably which would be another cool thing on the fifth um yeah lots of cool stuff how’s prison life prison life is great absolutely incredible waiting let me know once the notification went out guys you guys can tell me

It went out they got internet and jail yeah they do actually thank you guys for the subs maybe you should save them save them for um for like george or sapnap or carl or something somebody who streams often but if you’d like to you can got a notification

Okay i got it it’s been out for a while it went out okay i don’t know how many viewers i have how many viewers do i have let me tell them my viewers my viewer account is glitch i wanna make sure i have more than eight thousand which is

What it says for me right now that way i can i can talk 87 okay okay cool good enough all right so um what i want to do is this stream there’s this video it’s called did dream script minecraft manhunt in-depth analysis with proof it’s by night trees it only has 2000 views

But i thought it was a really well put together video i just wanted to talk about it because it’s pretty cool i don’t know i like a lot a lot of the stuff he says is is um is is i guess suspicious but when you know the context is not at all

Um and i think that’s that’s what’s coolest about manhunts is like something cool will happen and you don’t understand or like the video is edited in a certain way and you don’t understand why it was edited that way and then when you hear why you’re like oh that’s kind of cool

Or when you hear what happened you’re like oh that makes that totally makes sense um i think that’s that’s something that’s really cool about manhunts before i i go over this video quickly by the way guys don’t send hate to this video or anything the guy sounds like a very reasonable guy

Sounds very cool please don’t send hate don’t support that um and i think it was made it was it wasn’t made in a haiti way at all if you watch the video well put together he you know he did a very good job i could see this guy doing well on

Youtube with documentaries or something i don’t know um but it’s very well put together so don’t send don’t send hate or anything um but anyway so just to i want to talk about some manhunt stuff just before like just briefly um before we go into it i’ll put something on the screen what

Can i put on the screen whatever that’ll be good um so uh basically with manhunt just to explain so the the way it works with um the series i tweeted about it is that generally we for the last two we’ve done a a series so it’s a five best of five

Series so basically it’s kind of a team versus team it’s me versus the hunters right and so the 3v1 was me versus the three hunters and the fourth one is me versus the four hunters and we do five matches right and whoever has more win whoever if you get so basically best of

Five so if you get three wins then you win so in the four hunters it went 2-2 and then i won the final one so i won that series three to two so basically the first it’s first to three essentially now if i had won the first

Three then we would have just i would have won 3-0 obviously why would we do it again if i’ve won three times in a row it doesn’t make sense if i won three out of the first four same thing you know three it’d be three to three to one

Victory and then but it didn’t happen two to two i won three to two for the three hunters right and so now when you’re talking about four hunters it’s the same thing so that’s why that’s why there’s the the rematch so there’s the normal one and then there’s the rematch to the

Normal one there’s the finale um to the three part series and then there’s the finale rematch which is and then if um if the same person has won three of the four then it’s over if there haven’t then it’s the grand finale which has happened both times

Um so it’s two to two right now in the four hunter series and the manhunt that’s coming out is the final of the series and whoever wins that wins the series and that’s on the fourth so that’ll be that’ll be really cool um and then also another thing i’ve said

This many times before but i think this is just important to understand where i’m going into this video is that with the um with manhunt off the beginning if i die like right off the beginning we just redo like if i die in the first like couple minutes we just redo that’s

Something i’ve said for a very long time because that’s it’s pretty much pointless we could have done a grace period i need water we could have done a grace period but we chose not to because it’s much more entertaining to see somebody run away once i’m gonna get water one second

There we go all right so uh so what i’m saying is is basically if i die off the beginning then we redo it because we don’t want to have a grace period the second thing is actually the hunters get paid an undisclosed amount if they kill me

Off the beginning so the reason for that is essentially so that the competitiveness is still there because i don’t want them to like let me live off the beginning because then the video’s not entertaining so there’s not that intensity of oh he could die here or oh he

You know he’s he’s gonna you know he’s they’re gonna kill him because if if they weren’t going to then they would just let me live because if we have to redo it ten times if they kill me ten times in a row off the beginning then you know like why are they

Why would they even kill me right they just let me live so that’s the incentive to make it so it’s actually intense off the beginning um so i think that’s important to know and the second thing i guess the third thing there’s a couple rules with manhunt so

Generally with manhunt we have you can’t you can’t like permanently break um the portal the nether portal on either side unless you know for sure that the other person can like restore it right and we made that after one of the manhunts with me versus george where i broke the portal

Um and so that’s basically if you know hey he has a diamond pickaxe he can collect obsidian whatever then we probably let it go fair game um but generally you can’t this the next thing is that you can’t um you can’t create another portal

In the nether so you have to go back to the original portal in the nether it’s like i can’t just nether travel because then i get extremely far away and they can’t really find me in the nether because it’s really hard to find people in the nether because the nether so

Spread out and there’s lava and everything so that’s generally those are those are probably the most important rules we adjust the rules as they go um and i think one of the rules we’ll probably be adding is no instant damage potions maybe we won’t but that’s just

Like again that was so op so generally if something crazy happens that’s like op then we just you know we change the rules to make it so you can’t do it the next manhunt that way the manhunts stay entertaining you know and and you know people can get better and

Better and try different strategies because if you find an extremely op strategy then it’s just gonna be every manhunt oh we just go straight and get into damage potions or whatever um so that’s generally what it is um and then we have a general rule which we’ve never really like enforced in any

Way whatsoever but it’s basically like guys guys don’t do anything like extremely broken and overpowered that’s like an instant win like if there’s an instant win thing then then just neither of us would do it because that’s just that would make me every manhunt pointless because then why don’t you do

That every time um so that’s that’s kind of generally the the rules that we follow um but that’s that’s that’s for the manhunt rules i guess now let’s move on to specifically this the reason i picked this video to watch and um and talk about is just

Because i feel like it goes over so much like it’s so detailed it goes over like basically everything that’s possibly suspicious in any manhunt ever right and i think that’s really cool so by going through this it’s kind of just this is instead i mean i could have just

Done it without this video but i think this video was really well put together so i can go through this video and just talk about everything everything under the sun right that’s possibly suspicious about manhunts and get it all done in one stream like and i thought i’d do it in a stream

By the way any channel anybody feel free you can use this this content’s yours this contents anybody they want to post it monetize it whatever i don’t care feel free do what you want um but make sure that there is a disclaimer not to send hate to the original person

In the description of that video if you do post it thank you all right here we go so we’ll start at the beginning it’s kind of long so i’ll probably be skipping through it but i i watched it already originally um and i started writing a comment and then i was like

Whatever i’ll just stream it’d be better um but what i want to do is i’m going to go through it i’ve already watched like i said so i’m going to skip i’m going to skip over a little bit but i’m making sure i hit every point

Um so here we go let’s watch basically this guy’s this thing he he has some theories but it’s manhood scripted blah blah you know you know what it is this is number two on my notes so he just has notes about minecraft oh it was number one

Giving dream seven this is the first suspicious point in which i found about the manhunt in my notes it is known as number one and it is from the video minecraft speedrunner versus two hunters you can see here george kills sapnap just as it seems all over for dream

Giving dreams seven pearls this is never again seen in any other manhunt and this kill happens to be the only reason dream won this manhunt which begs the question why did george killed sapnap in this specific manhunt and not in any other so this one i think is pretty funny i think

Most people who are fans of mine might know this but george and sapnap like they go at each other there’s you can find so many streams online of like george being like dream help me and and because sapnap’s just killing him like they just they just on the smp everywhere they literally

Just kill each other like they do that that is literally like their thing that they do they kill each other now after this i will say they probably learned a little bit and realized hey in the manhunt we shouldn’t do that but i will say they have actually done

It in future manhunts after this i just cut it out i the reason i cut it out is because the fact that i want the man has to maintain like serious right but if they set a bed like there’s been times where george and have set a bed and then literally just

Killed each other like been like like they’re fighting and they’re like yelling and you can hear them like fighting right and then the funny thing is is in one of the manhunts they actually did they actually were fighting for a long period of time in the manhunt where i

Did the nether trapped them on the nether roof george and snap that were killing each other we’re killing each other on the nether roof like that that happened in another manhunt so it has happened it’s just that it happened in that in that point to and like totally ruin them like if they

Hadn’t done that they would have lost right i mean they would have won but he did do it he made the mistake i got the pearls and i purled away but you know they have they they have before um killed each other in manhunts they have since then kill each other in manhunts

And they always do in all their streams kill each other and i will say that like bad boy halo and ant frost they stop them they try and stop them from killing each other so ever since there’s been more hunters than just them i think that’s why it happened in the

Two hunters because they kill each other right um but in the future hunters like battle just tell them to stop and stuff so um that explains that number two on my notes and it is from the video minecraft speedrunner versus three hunters the most notable point about this video

Is that dream managers sneak up on the hunters on three separate occasions despite them having a compass pointing to him at all times this makes it seem as if they didn’t have one at all now take a look at this you can hear that bad you’re specifically searching for dream

And you can so i mean he says you can hear about it specifically searching for a dream but he’s literally walking he has no hunger he can’t even sprint and he’s walking towards a cow he’s like you can hear that he’s specifically searching for a dream like now he’s looking for food because

He’s gonna die if he doesn’t get food right now um but i mean i get his point he’s saying that the compass should turn and then he would see he would see that the compass turned but i bel i actually i’m pretty sure i’m not 100 sure but i’m because i’ve

Actually i’ve very rarely been a hunter and when i do i click the compass but i’m pretty sure that when you click the compass um you have to click it to update it so that’s the first that’s the first thing um and the second thing

And even even if you don’t at this point applies as well you can just not look at the compass like a lot of times you can just get distracted like bad has no reason to believe that i’m hiding behind a tree about to jump him when he sees a cow and

Runs towards the cow and that was like so quick you can see it’s in the period of like i don’t even know how quick like it’s like this makes it seem as if they didn’t have one it’s very quick like take a look at this one mississippi

Oh two mississippi it’s like two seconds like it’s like literally not even a second where i’m hiding and then i’m already like on him like maybe maybe it was three seconds between when i was behind the tree and then ran out and attacked him like i don’t know i think that one’s

Kind of a moot point just because i think it’s you can just he makes this point about the compass a lot throughout the video saying like oh if they saw the compass they’d know this um so i guess two a couple things to clarify with the compass

Um one the nether you don’t we don’t actually use the compass so in the nether we have a little thing above the hop bar that points to where i am um because in the nether you can’t actually use the compass because the compass like swirls and stuff so there’s

It’s not actually a compass so they say compass when they’re in the nether but they’re just referring to the the compass that’s above their hotbar that shows them that shows them where i am um but again with the compass it doesn’t show why i’m sorry it doesn’t show like the y-axis

So it only shows it only showed points so if i’m below them or above them they have no idea and so a lot of times he even says like when they’re underground like oh they’re they’re running around on the ground they don’t know that he’s in the wall

Right there well yeah because i’m just in a wall like they’re not going to just randomly mine through the wall i could be anywhere i could be in a tower i could be at bedrock i could be literally anywhere at all throughout the world so they don’t want to waste their

Time and mine around and one thing he talks about later which i’ll just skip over later is in the nether when i made the nether maze they’re they’re like walking through the netherlands he’s like why don’t they just why don’t they just mine through the wall and follow their compass

Because again they’re assuming i’m probably in this nether maze and they want to explore it and so they’re walking around checking all the different areas going to the end of the maze and et cetera et cetera to try and figure out where i am and they’re not mine through the wall

Because they could mine like if i just dug down five blocks they could mine straight for like they could dig a whole chunk error and they probably wouldn’t find me you know even using their compass because in nether you just have another accu i mine two blocks away

And place netherrack and then i’m gone so the nether the nether maze part that’s definitely like the compass wouldn’t be helpful there because it’s just they’re just looking around they’re hoping that i’m in the maze um but he makes the point a lot that they that i

That i sneak up on them even though they have a compass and the reason for that is that i i’m very careful about when i sneak up on people so in this case i’m pretty sure i saw the cows i wanted to kill the cows but i knew that bad was near me

So i didn’t kill the cows i hid waited for bad to come and then jumped him because i needed the food like you can see i have four hunger bars and two hearts like i needed the food and i only have four pork raw pork chops and i wanted to cook it

As well um but again i don’t really remember um i don’t this was a long time because i i don’t remember if that was exactly my mindset but i that makes sense that’s kind of what i would think right now if i was thinking that um but i usually take opportunity

Moments to jump them jump them to attack them and surprise them i take i take like opportune moments so i do it in times when i know they won’t know that i’m coming or they really wouldn’t expect it because why would bad expect that i’m going to come back

Towards them and kill him right like he would expect i just keep running away and get further and further away from them but if i come back and attack him he’d have no idea so that’s why a lot of times i i do that searching for dream and as you see here

Dream gave enough time for the hunters to collect full iron again after sapnap only had sapnap was the only one who had armor left after this fight so this is another thing he mentions uh quite a few times um but one thing that one thing he gets that he doesn’t

Understand is that we don’t see their point of view so we don’t know how they collect iron one thing i will say is that if you ask them a lot of times they um they have extra iron like they leave extra iron at spawn in a chest and

They leave extra iron near their bed in a chest and that happens i don’t know that happens really frequently it happens all the time um like they’ve mentioned it in videos before a lot of times i’ll just cut it out but they do mention it and they’ve talked

About it on streams and stuff i’m sure before but they get extra iron so like they’ll mind they have four people or three people they get a lot of iron and they just have extra iron they throw in a chest knowing that i’m probably going to kill

Them or even if i kill one of them then they’ll have extra iron and they’ll be able to you know respawn grab the extra iron throw it together and then um and then come back and fight me so they mention that a lot he mentions that

They have how’d they get the iron so quickly well it’s because they had extra iron and also sapnap i think had some of their stuff like some of their extra stuff i’m not 100 sure but i think he might have um but either way they had a they they can

Just they have extra iron sir you see this all the other hunters had been killed and only sapnap had armor left yet dream had gave the hunters enough time to collect full iron armor for all of them yet again to then again fight against them

Now the next point is at 20 oh yeah also in this part they’re they’re like they’re pretending they’re mining iron because they think the reason they had time is there you can go back that’s the part where bad was singing like the reminding iron or whatever whatever he’s saying it was

Some like dumb mining iron song because he was trying to trick me that they were mining iron because i because they just died so they but all but really they had iron and they snuck up on me so that was why they sung that reminding iron song to try and trick me

So um and it was like some somewhat it wasn’t mining away it was like actually like a like a custom song that they did um but yeah that they if you go back and watch that manhunt they sang that song um oh yeah we’re looking for some iron we’re looking for some more

Like that that’s what bad was singing it’s because he knew that i was thinking they’d be mining because i just killed them but they weren’t because they had extra iron so that’s what happened eight minutes it’s 34 seconds in you’ll see that dream doesn’t burn any of the stuff giving away for the

Hunter to yet get it again ah yes i didn’t burn the stuff that’s in the water i technically could have i could have placed blocks and stuff like below it and tried to block off the whole waterway and and got it up so i can burn it or i guess

Do i have lava i don’t even know if i don’t think i have lava maybe i did maybe it’d be a little easier to throw lava in there and burn it um but i wasn’t i think i just wasn’t thinking about that and i was also items despawn fairly quickly and you can

Always go back and i mean i mean sorry this is this is like at a random place in the world so i’m just probably expecting they’re not going to find their stuff it’s super far it’s going to despawn before they find it and also it’s in the water dude like am

I really going to am i going on my way to burn this stuff like probably not and also it’s like you know one set that doesn’t even have boots like it’s like a water bucket it’s two diorite and some iron like that’s basically it again see the stuff is here dream could

Have easily sorted through his inventory and threw the stuff in the land and burnt it yet despite that dream just chose okay he gives me a solution i should have i should have watched that part he gave me a solution but still i mean i just wasn’t i was just trying to

Be quick and getting out of there and i wasn’t thinking about it that’s just a mistake i should have burned it um but i just made a mistake to burn any of the stuff here giving the hunters a very easy way to come back get their stuff

And continue chasing it well it’s not easy i mean they they don’t have it’s like they have their coordinates up and screenshot right before they die or something like they they probably don’t know the location they probably know the general area they might be able to get back there in

Five minutes they just died oh there’s boots um so i mean it’s not it’s not easy you know it’s not easy but but either way i should have burnt it this is number three of my notes dream at all times this makes me question whether or not

They actually have a compass you hear george scream there well again they’re not like they’re not constantly like he’s cooking iron sorry he’s cooking food like he’s not constantly looking at his compass staring at it and going where his dream is he gonna sneak up on

Me and also one thing he doesn’t even mention is that i come from the same way the compass was pointing like look how i’m coming from this direction so even if he was staring even if he was staring at the compass it would be pointing the exact same way i’m just

Running in a straight line towards him from the same direction like even there the compass just wouldn’t even if he was staring at the compass which i guarantee he wasn’t i mean it would still surprise him because i just came from the exact direction the compass was like it wouldn’t move

At all yeah acts like he doesn’t have a compass telling him that dream was about to approach him and runs like he’s actually scared and i know some of these from him might seem nitpicky but he was just going over like every possible suspicious thing in every manhunt ever so don’t

I wouldn’t fault him for that and say oh it’s nitpicky this is so dumb whatever he’s just trying to go over literally everything which is perfect because that’s what i want to do i want to go over everything it’s pretty good but he should know the position of dream

Did you hear that he said we can’t hit him though just listen did you hear that he said we can’t hit him though now you would assume here that he’s just saying he can’t reach him but seeing how close they were before dreaming into the water

And seeing how many times dream had me so i want to give chat a chance to guess why he said we can’t hit him though so he thinks that he said he can’t hit him though because i’m too far away what do you guys think why can’t he hit

Me why did he say i can’t hit him though i see some answers booed that’s right when you’re in a moving boat you literally can’t hit like you can’t hit somebody the minecraft mechanics don’t work so when he said i can’t hit him though

He’s in a boat him and bat are both in a boat and you can’t hit in a moving boat so they he when he said i can’t hit him he literally means he can’t hit him so congrats chat you’re very smart messed up in the water and the fact that

Dreams stopped to eat it begs the question why didn’t he just hit him once which has given me the assumption hunters they have a client which tell him how much health stream is on so here sapnap knows that dream is really low and he can see this so he tells the other hunters

We can’t hit him though that’s just okay see how george not found mentions for strength two it does plus six damage yes at this point’s kind of dumb but he basically says we’ll watch it here we see a cut we see a cut there and then we see george not found

Mentioning the exact same line again Exactly so this is actually a funny story so at this point i don’t know how much i included in the video maybe you guys will remember this but at this point in the video they’re talking about beating me to death with strength two sticks like i’m

Actually not sure i included it i think i might have but they’re like george and bat are having a conversation how much damage would we do if we had sticks that had strength too because they were gonna they were gonna beat me to death with like sticks well they were joking about

Doing i don’t think they were actually going to that’s what they were joking about i’m not sure i included it i think i might have but the reason he repeats themselves because they’re having a conversation like bad’s asking questions and george is going back and forth i don’t know why there’s

A cut there it probably just has to do with the pacing i do a lot of weird cuts with pacing um and i mean i like literally you can watch the video i was killing enderman for so so long why would i just spawn in a

Pearl in a chest instead of just kill one extra enderman like that doesn’t make any sense um but regardless the reason they’re repeating themselves because they’re having a conversation like dad’s like what if we have strength two what if we did sticks what if we did like a hoe like they’re talking about

Different things that they could beat me to death with with like a stick or something weird with strength too so that’s why that’s why he repeats himself but and now looking at me in the second stronghold announce the hunters pearl i don’t know about that but that seems pretty sus to me

Now skip to 4 30. here we see dream announce the hunters but he found the second stronghold so i’ll give chad a chance again why do you think that i said that why was it okay for me to say that does anyone know in chat is there a give you a hint

I see a couple people there’s a couple people getting it right okay i’ll say so basically the portal was already lit so when you light the portal it makes a sound right it goes like like a giant sound that everyone hears right so i had already lit it they knew

I was at a second stronghold they just didn’t know how i was at a second stronghold they literally already knew that like they they knew i’d lit a portal and they knew it wasn’t the portal they were at so they knew that it was that i was at a second

Stronghold so the reason i said it is just for the video like i’m not the second stronghold like this is for the videos that would people know like oh that’s what he did he went to the second stronghold um but they already knew so it didn’t

It didn’t give away like anything at all right um so i mean i wasn’t giving away anything they already knew and i was gonna get the achievement when i went through anyway but despite being very excited i don’t get the reason why dream would do this if he was actually doing this legitimately

This not only gives the hunter a realization that i mean some stuff like that is literally just for the video like the reason i said that was for the video but the reason i said it was because i knew it didn’t cost me anything like i already lit the portal

They already knew they were already on their way they already they already realized that i lit a second portal why would i not say that that way people understand the video more like that’s why that they need to leave right now but also gives them the notice

That oh yes he is at the second stronghold he could have waited till he got into the end and then mentioned oh yeah i wasn’t the second stronghold but i don’t see why he mentioned it here and then also gave the hunters one minute of extra time

So this time this was probably dumb of me um but my mindset here when i give extra time which is really just me clearing my inventory and stuff was that they are like i ran the path it was extremely far it was like 4 000 blocks or something and i’m thinking

I can kill the dragon in like i could like my best time killing dragons probably like two minutes and a half or something like i didn’t have the beds and stuff so probably maybe five six minutes i’d kill the dragon maybe it takes ten if it’s like super long

But i was thinking there’s like no way they get here what i didn’t take into account is that they had speed pots and stuff so i could have i could have that was just a mistake on my part but it’s only an extra minute and they got

There with more than a minute left in the dragon so i feel like it didn’t end up mattering but it could have again that was just a mistake on my part i should have rushed in but i still had to clear my inventory either way but i

Should have gone in that way the dragon had more time to like perch and stuff so that was just a mistake as he took oh this is number four in my notes and is from minecraft speedrunner versus three hunters finale yet again dream managed to sneak up on the hunters

Despite the hunters having a compass pointing to him it makes me question whether or not the compass is broken at this point see look here he manages to sneak up on bad boy halo and sapnap while they have a compass the compass should be telling them that dream is this way

Yet they seem to be heading this way well the whole time when they’re tracking the compass is pointing this way they see the ocean above ahead they make a boat they run forward to go click on the boat they’re assuming that i’m that i’m not hiding

Again it’s just all about what are they going to assume are they going to assume maybe he’s hiding behind that hill let’s just pay attention super closely to our compass and see if it turns right here like no they’re not but when they are you notice they do that in the videos like

If you if they know hey he’s right around here they do that they they do say or they they’re like oh it just turned he’s right above us or right below us like they do that they pay attention to it when they need to but in this case they’ll just assume

Uh you know he’s probably not right here and they’re not going to pay attention at 100 of the time like sometimes they’ll just not pay attention to the compass 100 times and again i think they have to click it and the reason i think that’s because there’s a glitch in 1.16

Where if multiple people are clicking the compass at once and it’s updating it glitches out and doesn’t track right so i know that because we had that problem so now they know that and they don’t track it they have one person that tracks usually because of the fact that if they all

Click out once it glitches i don’t know why that happens so maybe so i could tell me why it’s a minecraft glitch but that does happen so i know they have to click in order to update the compass so which really makes me question issue now now this this one actually

This this is like the most suspicious one in the whole thing but alex he’s almost broken and he’s on half a heart yes now look at that just a few seconds later we see a cut so he is on half a heart i want to point out something here with

The cut just pay attention to my blocks i have 34 right 34 blocks he mines a block there’s lava here i have 37 blocks which could very much easily kill him if he’s lit on fire 34 and then suddenly 58 okay so the cut is a long

Cut okay so that’s the first thing to point out the cut is a pretty long cut i’m mining i’m trying to get into the portal the porters the portals through the lava um but i’m but i’m it’s a long cut so it’s not like a 0.25 seconds cut or

Something it’s a long cut it’s a little bit later there’s a cut and now his shield is fully repaired and if we so it’s not fully repaired first of all it’s like partially repaired jump to 1621 we can see his inventory in which we’ll see that dream

Only had six iron ingots yes no extra shield remember this this is very important it has six ironing it no extra shield now we jump to 2444 and we’ll see that dream here has an extra shield six iron ingots and a fully repaired and almost half repaired shield this makes me question

What happened because he couldn’t have which one is it finale goodness come on george you got this what are you doing oh my god please die i oh my come on i have crafted another shield he’s ironing which makes whether or not dream had prolonged the manhunt just so the hunters could

Get fully enchanted armor because note at this point before in the video the hunters didn’t despite now this makes me question that whether or not dream had prolonged the manhunt just so the hunters could get fully enchanted armor because note at this point before in the video the hunters didn’t have enchanted armor

Their armor was just normal iron armor just like dreams and they had all died they had all died pay attention to that he says they had all died right let’s see did they all die so bad died okay it’s okay just look for wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Sometimes i got him oh my god george died oh i’m out of here i’m out of here stop nab yes george this way i don’t even know what i’m doing around goodness i don’t understand how you got above me i thought i was digging down to you i i fell in my house

Didn’t die so that’s the first thing that’s wrong about that south nap didn’t die so sapna had full iron and sapnap was able to retrieve some of bad stuff so bad habits full iron satin had full iron so the only person who didn’t have full iron was george regen ice bucket challenge what

Oh that’s smart so he was able to collect obsidian right then and make an enchantment table so they already all george didn’t have full iron but i don’t know how he got it but i’m assuming they had extra iron maybe they had x maybe they had a little

Bit extra um but i i don’t know how he got full iron but either way even getting him full iron wouldn’t be that hard you know that quickly um and again i’m traveling a lot and you don’t if you i don’t know if you guys see here but i mined

A lot of wood because i was planning on trading for pearls so i mined so much wood so this time period that’s literally like two minutes in the video it was literally like probably five ten minutes or something in in real time i don’t know how long it was but i

Was trying to get enough wood to do trades and you need a lot of wood you need like six stacks or something of wood um so basically they enchanted and he’s so he’s saying here that like um how’d they get full enchanted armor when they had just died well sapnap didn’t die

Satnav had bad stuff george did die and didn’t get his stuff but george probably got full iron or they made that extra iron for him and then enchanting prop one it takes one level each one level so you kill like a couple mobs and you get one

You get one level like all you need is four levels each to do it and sapnap again didn’t die and if you listen closely in the video sapnap enchants for them i’m like i’m pretty sure for for bad at least i’m watching him actually this happened

A long time ago but i’m pretty sure he enchants for them you get that while we were down in the cage he enchanted what nice oh kill the mobs get xp how much do you have do we need more here i think that’s good it’s a jor george

Made the interview in a chance but but so bad says how much do you have do we need more i’m pretty sure maybe i didn’t put in the video but i’m pretty sure sapnap enchanted some stuff for them but i’m not 100 sure oh incoming i got extra levels another

Pick up don’t pick it up i just killed some mobs wait hold on wait what okay yeah so they’ve been running um but yeah so basically they enchanted for each other they shared xp they didn’t all have to get xp but i don’t know exactly what happened but regardless it’s not that long

To get level you know level one enchantments on all your armor and your sword that takes like it takes nothing like which makes me question how did they get full enchanted armor in a matter of three minutes in the video which makes me believe that he dream did prolong

The video just so the hunters could get a fully enchanted armor to catch up to him again and make it more intense man i don’t even i don’t even have any of the pearls at this point i mean i have some i don’t have the pearls like even if i

Wanted to prolong it i could just prolong it by getting more pearls or something like it doesn’t make sense so you can play off this play this end crystal play now the next point backs up my other my other claim even further dream here the hunters catch up to him

And you can see almost all of them have full iron armor yet again only georgetown found doesn’t have a helmet this makes me question did dream yet again stole it for long enough so here i was just killing enderman like you can see my xp actually i want to look at this i

Remember my xp was like insane All right so look i kill them here i’m at level 27 right i’m at level 27 and then they show up again like here i’m at level 32 and almost 33. now the hardest levels to get are 27 to like like 27 and above i’m at 32

Almost 33. that’s a lot of levels like you can sit at a mob spawner for 15 minutes a double cave spider mob spawner for 15 minutes and barely go from 27 to 30. like you you’ll get to 30 probably in like 15 minutes like i was there

Killing endermen and mobs and there were so many mobs killing them for like the longest period of time trying to get pearls i just needed like five pearls or something and there’s like endermen were rare they hardly spawned and i was just killing them over and over again so that’s why

They caught up but you can just see my levels like i was just killing so many mobs and it takes such a long time to um to to get to get all the pearls you need and um and i didn’t really have many because this wasn’t on 1.16 so there

Wasn’t the trading or anything just so the hunters could catch up to him and make it more intense collecting enderman so that could be explained by that dream took a really long time to collect enderman yeah i feel like that’s a really half-dashed explanation i mean it’s it’s

The explanation i wouldn’t say it’s after it’s the explanation you can see my xp bar you can see that i was short on the pearls you see i got the last pearl when they came you can see i killed plenty of mobs obviously because like my xp

Went up like so much in that time period go yourself and try and collect five pearls from ederman in that time period like you have to kill at least 10 endermen to get like five pearls like okay not at least but on average 10 enderman like that’s quite a lot

And it’s still this is number five on my notes and it is minecraft speedrunner versus three hunters final rematch here we see there’s a very clear hole in which sapnap could have hit dream we see that there was a one block hole in which he could have hit dreams

I mean like to be fair i mean i don’t know how i i can really explain this because i’m not from their perspective so i have no idea why they didn’t hit me but if you watch her like i’m yeah i’m not gonna die like i’m on i’m on plenty

Of health they can hit me you know two times maybe three times in a row and i wouldn’t and i wouldn’t die like it’s not like they didn’t hit me because i’m low on health like with this theory before with me seeing my health is low then why why

Wouldn’t they hit me like they know my health is plenty um but also like they’re mining these holes while like and this isn’t an easy hit to be fair like he’s like three four he’s like four blocks down there’s like a block in the way it’s up

One to the right like it’s not the it’s not the easiest hit it’s not the easiest hit and they’re trying to mine so they’re probably holding pickaxes and stuff but then again i’m not them i have no idea but sometimes like you’ll just make mistakes especially when you’re like

In an intense moment where like you’re fighting somebody it’s just hard paul is still there again now but now if you notice the block is gone that was there which means bad must have broke that block so they probably couldn’t hit me jump trying to jump up and hit me from there

Broke the block and then like right as he broke the block i towered up so he couldn’t hit me then it was a two second delay between when he first built up to now sat nak um 11 seconds we see further evidence this one’s so funny

Which backs up my claim dream here is on one heart yes bad if he jumps here and hit stream dream is dead so bad doesn’t know that first of all second of all i have a loaded crossbow pointed right at his face that i somehow missed i don’t even know how i missed

That shot that was like the easiest shot i ever could have taken but like bad doesn’t jump towards me i can just like shoot him in midair he takes like a giant crossbow hit lands in the water and then he’s far away and second of all i just want to watch

This through because i just wanted to show you guys yeah bad just badger stands still for some reason he he just stands still i don’t know why but he just stands still which backs up further evidence saying that the hunters have a client which show how much health stream is on

Okay so let’s think about that real quick so he just said that he thinks that in this scene at 33 seconds and 12 of 33 minutes and 12 seconds in the manhunt finale rematch that bad not jumping towards me and hitting me was because i was on one heart

And because they can see my health so let’s go and watch that scene in slow motion actually let’s watch that scene in slow motion three of my what time is it at 33 12. friends try and hunt me down and stop me from beating minecraft we said

I’m gonna watch this whole scene in slow motion if i shoot and miss bad doesn’t jump towards me kind of weird george jumps towards me i’m on one heart keep in mind switches to his sword and hits me i’m on one heart he’s saying that they

Have a mod to see my health george hits me with a sword on one heart but because he was on slow cool down when he switched to his sword i lived on half a heart like i i was probably like literally so close to dying here but he he skips this clip

Why does he skip this clip that’s ridiculous like he uses the clip like literally a couple seconds before it like george is kind of weird there he goes like i have a crossbow they don’t know him on one heart obviously they have no idea i’m on one heart

So bad badly kind of gets ready to jump i miss i don’t know what the hell’s wrong with me you know that kind of sucked but then yeah bad does this weird like hop thing but then again like i mean we’re really we’re talking about bad boy muffin halo here like are we

Really going to hold him to like make some epic sprint jump final hit with like a switching to his sword in midair like i don’t know i don’t know maybe probably not but um but we’re talking about george like right after this that he shows like he shows bad doing this weird thing

And then then he doesn’t show george like it’s not even a second later like he could have just shown this clip a second later george hits me with a sword when i’m on one heart like there’s no way that george could in any way whatsoever think that wouldn’t kill me

If he knew i was in one heart like how how i mean swords do like two hearts or something like there’s no way like but but because he had switched to his sword and hit right away it didn’t it did less damage it only did half a heart like that’s like

That is the closest you can come to dying like getting hit by the sword on half a heart i mean on one heart getting hit by a sword like there’s no way like you you die like nine out of 10 times so that’s just like like he doesn’t show

That though and you can see here it says weak attack right so weak attack just means basically that he swung too early so he didn’t let his attack charge um and he had to do that because he was getting shot by me like half a second

Later if he hadn’t done that then i would have shot him back and maybe lived um but that’s just to me that’s just crazy he didn’t show that he just like skipped over it he showed the clip a second before and then not the clip right after but

There’s the there’s the context so basically that doesn’t like that in my mind that proves they can’t see my health like he’s hitting me with a sword on one heart how how could he possibly know my health is one heart then he would have just stalled or done or backed up or

Something like that doesn’t make any sense now we jump to the next part at 14 17. i just want to i just want to ask is this even possible so we see a minecart which spawns right next to the end portal and look i i have no idea like

What is that why would we stage that like yes i have a great idea let’s put a mine cart with a chest in the end portal room that’s the that’s the best idea i’ve ever had to stage things that mean that’d be geez like what like

What is even like what is that even implying like why would i stage that doesn’t make any sense yes guys my my perfect my perfect manhunt is the the mine cart in the with a chest in the end portal room randomly on the staircase like i don’t know how the hell that happened

I’m assuming like the mine carts like the the mine shaft spawn first or something and then the end the end the the stronghold spawns next and so it glitched and like so the when it deleted the the mine shaft the the chest uh fell down thank you cash up

Um and i i think that’s what happened i’m sure it can happen i’m sure somebody can prove that can happen i don’t think i have the seed for this world anymore but but it did happen it happened why like what what is that just what is

That to stage what is that that’s like the most unreasonable thing ever it’d be like hmm what if i start the manhunt on a horse with a saddle and just right away like it’d be like the dumbest thing in the world like how does that happen

I don’t know i don’t know how it happened that i’d be like the worst thing possible you could stage i have no idea how that happened but yeah that’s just to me that point’s kind of just like i mean i have no idea but here we don’t see any holes here in the

Roof nor do we see a rail track here so i i just i just want to know how this minecart’s here i’m not saying this part scripted i’m just really surprised yeah i’m surprised too i was surprised when i saw it here’s the next part how how the hell did the hunters get

Full armor again like they had just died not a few minutes ago in the video i mean again he keeps using like a few minutes ago in video terms like really you just need to like like the the video like the like the recording the recordings we’ve done are like four hours

Like sometimes less but usually somewhere between like three hours and four hours maybe five hours i think the longest one we’ve done ever was like five hours five and a half hours or something like that happens that’s what happens so when you’re watching a 40-minute video

You know you’re missing two hours and a half of footage so every minute like every minute’s like four or five minutes or something like it really is so when you’re saying how they get it in three minutes like it’s it’s probably like 15 minutes or more

Like or or like maybe around there or maybe less maybe more just depends on how much i cut out um and usually when they’re not near me i cut more out so usually when you when you so that way you it feels more like tense because

If you’re seeing them like all the time then it feels really tense so i’ll cut out a lot of times when they’re not near me unless they’re saying funny stuff um but yeah so and again they have backup iron they have um they have uh they have backup iron

Usually and chests and stuff and they can and again the times longer so i’m assuming that’s i mean i i don’t know i don’t think i have to explain that but yeah did they manage to get before armor see here they died in the lake fight

Just a few minutes ago all of them yet they managed to get full armor on my notes and it is minecraft speed runner versus three hunters grand finale here i just want to clarify that this this play is not scripted the one in which he placed boats across lava wow thank you

Cross this is not scripted it’s called planning it’s a thing where you have a list of stuff that you want to do in a video and you pick the stuff that you best fix the situation oh yeah no and that’s something about manhunts as well as like like

Some things are scripted but not scripted in the way you would think like it’s scripted because i plan it like i’ll go you know what here’s a list of like 15 cool plays i came up with i want to try and do them if i can

And then if there’s an opportunity to do one then i do it so like that so that’s why some things may seem sort of planned like oh how do you know to do this everything because i sat there in a survival world and practiced jumping lava on boats for

20 minutes or you know or longer and different things i tested i tested different things like in one of the in the manhunt where i snuck through the portal with invis um i was worried that there would be a flash like i was worried that maybe when you

Go through a portal and you get to the other side then you’re then you’re able to um it would like flash me without invis right and so they’d see it so knowing that i wanted knowing that i wanted to eventually use invis because again you have to go back to the

Original portal so knowing that eventually i would want to sneak by them with invis to get through the original portal i tested that i tested in survival what happens if i go through the portal with invis and so i went through and i tested it

And you can’t there is no flash and i was like that’s perfect you don’t flash you’re actually in this it would work and so i do that and i go through a checklist and i check with all my different plays and everything i’m going to do

And i check and make sure they work i test again again i revise them i revise them and i do that with every play i do because if i don’t then i’m going to mess it up in the video and that’s the thing is like i only get

One chance i like most of these i get one chance because once i do it they know about it and they don’t fall for it again like only like i don’t think they’ve ever fallen for a trap twice like i’ve tried multiple traps twice just to see uh

Maybe they’ll fall for this one again but they don’t i think maybe i have done maybe maybe one’s work twice before but generally they just don’t so i have one chance and so i make sure i spend hours literally hours practicing my plays and everything that i that i plan on doing

In survival worlds to make sure that they work i i practice them i have a list i have a list right now of like six things that i haven’t even used and i didn’t even use in um the manhunt that we recorded the other day like i have a list of things

That i just go through and like now it’s like it dwindles and then i go through and i come up with more and i i start that’s why i search reddit and i search youtube and i try and go and survive and come up with things myself and everything so i know

How things generally work um and that’s why and that’s why i do so well in the main house because i actually i come prepared and i i practice things and make sure they actually work um so yeah that’s why i like the boat and everything like i already knew

I i knew that would work because i i tested it in this case again you can use xp right now i’ve talked about this before the this one’s like the most obvious one where it’s like oh that was staged because my xp goes down after a certain

Point but the server the server crashed and during that whole point the server was lagging so you can actually see in the uncut footage um of the my last manhunt the server crashed there wasn’t a rollback because we had fixed that issue but the server crashed um but that in this manual particularly

If you watch it was lagging a lot like you can go through and watch this entire this entire manhunt and it’s like very laggy compared to usual and it’s because the server the server was having problems and it ended up crashing and it did like a literally like a 10 second rollback it

Doesn’t make any sense my xp went down like it literally it was back before i killed two blades and i got xp and then i didn’t have the blazer odds and then the server rolled back i didn’t have the blaze rods and i lost two 2xp

And like all my stuff was back to literally 10 seconds ago or whatever um and that’s the only time it’s ever happened and well the service crashed in manhattan before that’s the only time we’ve ever had a rollback and it’s because the server was having problems

Um we actually moved to a new server again very recently um which is upgraded and stuff so i don’t think the server will ever crash again but maybe it will um but it crashed in the most recent minute but there wasn’t any rollback or anything in the most recent one so it

Didn’t matter but yes i already explained that for dream that is false here we can see he’s just lava traps he’s saying this is legit and blah blah he said that there just clearly do know how the compass works yet still dug for dream in number six and then yeah it’s

And again so he’s saying here that um they knew i was either above or below them right away here um and they knew i was either above or below them right away here and he’s saying and they didn’t in other cases they he didn’t know

I mean they didn’t know that he was near them and he snuck up on them but the reason here is because they’re actively looking for me so they’re paying attention to the compass and also the compass automatically updates in the nether so the nether they’re more likely to notice right away

Because they don’t have to click it like they have a little thing above their hotbar and so they don’t have to actually click it um they can just see it update above their hotbar so in the nether it makes less sense for me to be able to

Sync up on them because of the fact that their compass will move on they’re above their hotbar um but also if they’re actively looking for me they’re more likely to notice the the compass moving so that’s just an explanation they should have obviously been pointing towards this way they still dug for dream

When the compass wasn’t spinning around in the circle i just had to point that out um 14 15. i hear this one i’m just going to skip over but he basically just says that it’s suspicious that they towered up to me and stuff even though knowing i’m probably going to trap them

Um but again the main thing is just like what are they what do they think i’m going to trap them in like there’s no trap i don’t have any i’m like in the sky they’re being careful they’re safe bridging like there’s not really much i can do so i i

Think that’s just kind of like they’re coming for me because they think they can kill me they’re being overconfident and i end up fishing rotting them into the air like i i honestly didn’t even know that was a thing until i found out about it

Like just before so and i saw a thing on reddit where it was like the they they fishing rodded a like a strider up in the air which i ended up doing in the same manhunt later um but i i tested if it worked on people

And it worked on people and i was like what the hell um so basically like you can’t you can’t call that stage or anything like it’s just they don’t how are they gonna expect that i fishing rod them like shoot them into the air like they’re just not gonna expect that they just

Watched him and be like what is he right behind dream has been it has gone in 240 is why the hunters just watched they were right behind dream yeah they were right behind they weren’t right behind me i mean they were close but they weren’t right behind me which

One is this four hunters did i even open this one um i didn’t four hunters what time was it at 22 43. i don’t see them but they’re not right behind me i get some ground on them like so you see how far he is there he’s pretty far

I make some maneuvers like to be fair i like perfectly parkour there like i don’t know if he’s gonna do that and i perfect around that i basically had perfect movement like that you could not have done better movement in that situation like actually i don’t think you could have

Maybe like literally barely better and then like this takes like like maybe he was right on me right then but like i’m like that was like two seconds like he he’d have to be like five blocks behind me to make to mess me up in that case like

I don’t know it doesn’t that doesn’t that’s not a that’s not a thing like obviously he was far enough behind me where i had enough time to do that and even if he didn’t he knocked me in and then i i emerged like saddle on the thing again like he

Fished they just watched him and be like what is he doing and they just sat there here if we look at they didn’t but they were chasing me yeah they’re looking at me because they’re like what the hell did he do crouched there had like two of them jumped down hit the

Strider even twice two hits in this strata we’ve been dead to me this one’s kind of ridiculous it’s like if any of them had suicided into the lava and happened to get close enough and dream didn’t move away quick enough and they hit his strider twice and then died then he would die

And and and why didn’t they do that why didn’t they risk literally burning their all of their items in lava for like a chance at killing him like and he says that a couple times like that’s kind of like i don’t know i i feel like if he would

Do that maybe he’d be a bad hunter because you know he’d be like i’m gonna jump down and kill him he like jumps down i just like move two blocks back and he’s like that just dies and burns all his stuff and they’re like you idiot what the hell is wrong with you

Like i don’t think that i don’t think he’d be a very good hunter and i think the other hunters would like disown him in two seconds like yes please risk burning all your stuff in order to you know potentially maybe do damage to his strider like so it has 10 hearts

A crit from an axe would do 10. how are you going to crit him with an axe you saying like like superman like they like jump in midair perfectly land the crate with the axe get in the lava and then like start spam clicking or something like they’re not like

You’re acting like they’re like like every player is like technoblade or something like that like they’re not gonna they’re not gonna pull that off like even technoblade wouldn’t do that technically they’d be like i don’t know i’m not jumping in this level like i am going to wait i’ll get another opportunity later

It’s fine i’m not gonna jump in this lava and die like i think they’re just like he expects them to be like these like perfect bot even like a bot probably wouldn’t be able to do it perfectly because i would just back up i’d say oh they’re jumping i just turn right

Move to the side maybe they get one hit and then i’m just out of there like the only reason i’m sitting there is for the video i’m like okay there’s no way they kill me they’re obviously not pulling any bows or anything they’re not trying to kill me i’m gonna sit there

Like that’s fine and i’m gonna i’m kind of bragging with them and then i go away that was the only reason i did that but if they showed any sign of trying to kill me i just bolt out of there like these things are fast

It will do like six hearts on a strider here we see dream fighting with george and sapnap this dream is alive so he starts to build up yet when dream places water george just watches he just see he just watches and he doesn’t keep building up i don’t understand why i don’t

Understand why either but then again it means george not me like i that’s the thing is like because i don’t know their mindset like i i don’t know their mindset at all so but i’m assuming he just i don’t know he just didn’t want to engage in right now because george is

George like george isn’t the best the best player on the hunters or anything like he’s probably not gonna swim up alone and i knock him down and he dies and then everyone’s mad at him like now 40 59 is the next point here we see bad boy halo

Place an ender crystal right next to dream this is a one block distance with no blocks in between but he runs off how do you blow this in the crystal up dream would have easily died even with 10 hearts and full diamond armor he would have died from an ender crystal

This close hell even nether right with full prop 4 might 40 58 i put it i put it down it keeps pushing me he would die he would die from from blowing up the crystal in full netherite i put it i put it down it keeps pushing me up

Like i feel like he like he sees that and then he just like stops skips ahead five seconds and then keeps watching the video like die from a net and a crystal this close which i don’t get why bad boy taylor didn’t blow this up now 44 42

Is the next point i wanted to clear up many people say this is fake because bad boy halo here is hitting dream with a pickaxe this is not fake but you can see bad boy halo carrying a pickaxe around and holding a pickaxe throughout many scenes right before yeah i mean bad only

That only had a pickaxe because i had killed them before attacks as a weapon yeah he’s right at the start of each manhunt dream always gets either really good luck or shows off an insane play so again this is why i’ll explain i explain this at the very beginning of

The stream but but i’ll explain this again here so at manhunts when we start we originally we were going to do a grace period when we originally first started manhunts and i was like that’s boring though like if we do a grace period then the first like

However long of the video when i’m just collecting stuff it’s gonna be boring and that’s like the hooking part where you get hooked into the video so we decided okay well let’s not do a grace period but let’s if you die right off the beginning we just do it again

And that’s the most that’s the most fair and again i said at the beginning but the hunters actually get money if they kill me off the beginning so that way they try hard that way they don’t just let me free um so the best thing about it is that

That leads to the beginning usually getting lucky because if we’re redoing it let’s say let’s say we redo it three times because like oh i die right off the beginning or there’s like nothing i just run out of hunger like we’ve had it before right literally just like run away

There’s like nothing in a million years i’m like in the middle of an ocean there’s nothing there’s no shipwrecks i just want to hunger i’m like i’m like on one hunger bar in the middle of an ocean two minutes into the video i’m like this is like the most boring video

In the history of the earth let’s restart i have nothing i’m in the middle of like i’m in the middle of the atlantic ocean like pirates are gonna come kill me or something like i feel like like an ant could come and kill me at that point like it’s like

We’re going to restart um so that’s why it leads to more more lucky beginnings because like as an example when i jumped down this desert temple like i knew that hey if there’s nothing good in this desert temple i die and i knew i have nothing if there’s

Nothing good in the status temple we restart so i jump into the data temple because i’m like why not if i get something good then it’ll be it’ll be awesome i can kill them off the beginning and get away if i don’t get something then i die and

Then okay you know they get money and i have to it hurts my bank but i get to we get to restart so it’s like it’s two seconds into the video that’s why i take more risks at the beginning of the videos i know i can take more risks for more

For higher reward knowing that okay if i if i die here it’s right off the beginning we’re just gonna we’re you know we’re gonna restart because we’re not gonna that’s the agreement we’ve had for for the like since the beginning of manhunt i’m like yes i have to pay them but no

It’s not um that’s not staged or anything like i just realized i’m going to jump down the stair temple i got a got apple it was awesome so i probably wrote this due to the fact that he got a notch apple and he got another one in the next temple so i wrote

This is next impossible to do consistently without refilming so here’s my theory what if dream either has a set seed as we never see him load into a seed i need to plan each and every play ahead of time i don’t know that’s what i wrote in my notes

That’s probably what i thought at the same time and here i just had to point out the mail stone crafting table what the hell you’re like using this debunking mana video roasting for the [ __ ] stone what the hell is wrong with you dislike about the manhunts like last manhunt

I pointed out in my notes i pointed out that they clearly understood how to use the compass yeah sapnap knew that dream was either above them or below them which showed that he clearly has an understanding of the compass so they’re bad yet in this in this manhunt dream is right next to

Them and they head towards the wrong way they have a compass which is pointing see how bad boy halo just walks away so again i talked about this at the very beginning of the stream but the reason he’s walking that way is because again he’s hoping i’m in the maze if i’m if

I’m just in the netherrack somewhere he’s never going to find me you know he’s never going to find me so he’s just running around in the maze trying to like searching all the different corridors and everything that i built which i did on purpose and so he’s just running around and

That’s why he ran the wrong direction even though he can see on the compass that i’m this way he’s not going to just mine into the wall because he has no idea how far this way i am he has no idea if i’m underground they just know i’m in this general

Area because they entered the maze knowing i’m this way and then the compass turned so you know okay he’s probably in a in a maze right so that’s generally what that’s generally why he’s not following the compass here because he’s not going to mind through the netherrack i can just

Cover myself in netherrack and he’s never gonna find me it’s not like the overworld so and i’m crouching they have a compass pointing right to dream how could you miss him like seriously you’re right next to him your compass is pointing this way you just have to dig this way and you would

Have seen him this is just so inconsistent throughout all the manhunts i just don’t get it here at 1 19 48 we see that satin that makes a mistake he blows up a bed and he kills himself i feel like this is such a rookie mistake for sam that

It shouldn’t happen um well yeah it is but then again like just mistakes like that can happen occasionally i’m pretty sure he just i again i don’t see his perspective but i’m pretty sure he just like misplaced a block like he just meant to place up he placed a block on the wrong

Side of the bed like i’ve done that in live streams before and i’m like i’m a i speed run right so at the very end of a stream i remember one time at the very end of the stream i was in the end i placed the block on the wrong side and

Clicked it instinctually and blew myself up when i was in the end in the speed run and i’m sure sapnap has probably done that in his streams before like i’m sure you can find a clip of him doing that his streams when you’re under pressure you’re doing it quickly like it’s literally just

You know it’s just a thing so that’s just again you can’t really say that staged or anything all you have to do is place a bed and a block next to it and then it wouldn’t kill you this is such a rookie mistake to sap that but yeah but again

Even rookie mistakes happen to the best of the best like you see speedrunners die to that all the time um obviously not super often for like professional speedrunners but then again you do see it it’s happened to me before um it’s happened to people i’ve watched before plenty of times and it’s happened

This afternoon i’m sure plenty of times on his stream i don’t get why he made it he just said he he just walks into another this is much more suspicious than six hear how bad is really cautious about going to nether thinking that dream has made a trap for them

Here at 33 44 he goes against completely what he just said yeah so the thing is in this part there’s people because people say that point this pedal are out all the time and say well the first time when he needed time they didn’t go through but the second

Time they went through right away um but there’s there’s a difference between the two so the first time it was the first time they were entering a nether portal after me and they had a discussion they had like a five-minute discussion about whether or not they should go through

They talked about their armor they talked about everything they could possibly have on the other side they talked about all the different traps everything right and they decided okay we’ll go through and they went through and then nothing happened and then later on now again

They got to the same part where i’m by a portal and i end up going through it and i’m trying to bait them to follow me and they followed me right away and the reason they followed me right away is because of the fact that um that they had already discussed

It like they already had the discussion so it makes sense the first time they had to have the discussion and then once they had the discussion the second time they just went through because they had already discussed it and understood hey we have enough armor we have like

Prop 4 we’re fully protected there’s like nothing he can do to beat us like basically so they they basically had um they had all the they had all the incentive to move in the second time because they already had that discussion they’re not gonna they’re not gonna stop and go again well

Guys what if he has a trap again like whatever let’s talk about the same thing we talked about 10 minutes ago like obviously not they’re not going to do that so they they did it they didn’t do it the second time because they had already done it the first time

An obvious trap yeah bad boy halo despite being cautious before falls for it again i don’t know i just have to point that out now 38 minutes in is my next point here we see that they just started to kill each other they realized okay we

Can’t get out we have to kill each other we see we see the hunters back in full iron armor this is this is next to impossible time they had just died now they’re back in full iron armor this is well again things take longer than you think um to do

Um there was a part in this video uh four hunters rematch uh go to it or hunters rematch that’s like i want to see if i put my inventory here stuffed up scream like yeah you can fake that that like let’s go like that i don’t know the ocean is massive That’s good for us oh yeah look at my inventory so if you notice one thing i have no bow okay i have no bow i have no string right so i have no bow i have no string to make a bow and i have 25 arrows okay and i have

Enough to make a bunch of beds but one cycling is risky especially on servers it like barely works like and the thing is i find that out um was it this video no it was another video it was either the next video it was before this might have been before

This that would make more sense but either way on servers one cycling doesn’t work that well um so i didn’t want to do it one cycle i needed to get a bow so the reason this takes so long and it seems like instantaneous like look i’m in a i’m in a mine shaft

Like collecting string like obviously there’s cuts between this but like it’s like obviously it’s not like an instantaneous thing Like it makes it seem like it’s literally 10 seconds but like that’s probably a five minute period where i’m trying to figure out what’s going on i think a creeper blew up and exposed that thing and then i broke the string and i had to make the bow and i had to

Um prepare my inventory et cetera et cetera so it’s like literally you know it doesn’t it doesn’t make any sense to me so like it’s obviously it’s longer they probably had backup iron um maybe they didn’t but i bet you they did that that’s when the

That’s when the response is like a lot of this how they get ironed so quickly like they have backup iron so wow if they actually mind this legitimately they’re like the best miners in the world which is what makes me think that dreams stole here so they could get hawaiian armor yeah

I just had to get a bow i didn’t have a bow that took time i probably got more arrows i think um i just i didn’t have all the materials i needed to beat the dragon i didn’t want to go in and i’d have to like tower up to the

Crystals and stuff like that takes so long and they’d definitely be back so again now here 43 36. oh it’s this video right it’s this video where i one cycle oh yeah yeah so i once i do one cycle this video um so yeah so it’s actually it’s

Actually this video where i end up one cycling so that doesn’t it doesn’t make as much sense but i need to get rid of the crystals i didn’t have to tower up to the crystals um i wasn’t sure because it’s a server if i would be able to one cycle it all

The way and i actually didn’t i had to kill the dragon with my axe because i didn’t one cycle all the way um so that’s why i needed a bow i needed both still regardless even though usually you might not the servers are very shaky good i get i challenge right now

Any speedrunner professional speedrunner that wants to go do a one cycle with less than like go go do a five bed one cycle it’s like a normal one cycle on on spigot go do it i i will like if you can pull that off i will

You will be a god like it is it is almost impossible like i’m telling you i have tried it i am very good at one cycling i have tried it it’s like impossible i i tried like i did like nine beds or something and it didn’t work here like

And i barely got it like it’s very very hard the dragon doesn’t get like knock back like i bet you i actually think that you probably nobody probably able to do because i actually practiced it like over and over and over again again to make sure it would work and i was

Able to get i was eventually able to get it one cycle is when you killed the dragon in one cycle like when the dragon’s coming down only one time um it’s very hard to point this out on servers it’s way more hard very ridiculous how they didn’t find him

Half of him is exposed yeah had any of the hunters been on any of that half of me isn’t exposed oh you mean on the half second yeah well then he’s right the fact that they did yeah but i was moving around like i was moving like i was paying

Attention to their names and stuff and like moving based on where they were like i wasn’t just being like oh let’s hope they don’t go on this half of the world like that’d be stupid i was like paying attention and going okay i’m gonna move over here i’m gonna move on this side

There’s people over there i’m placing these blocks here to block myself like i was being careful it wasn’t just like that the four guys circling didn’t see that these blocks got placed is even more ridiculous oh yeah but they’re not looking towards them they’re not expecting me

Like there’s crystals left still if you see those crystals um they’re not expecting me to um um to kill the dragon yet because they they don’t think i can one cycle on a server um so basically they’re thinking oh he has to go break the crystal so they’re

Paying attention to the crystals not the middle which is why i had a feeling it would work because i knew there’s still as you can see with the dragon there is a crystal left so there and there’s multiple crystals left so they’re sitting there going oh wow like he needs to

He needs to kill these crystals they’re not going to look in the middle and go oh maybe he’s killing the dragon right now so this is number nine and taught the hunters had accounted so in hitman he’s saying well in hitman he taught the hunters saw how to counter

This by jumping down and breaking the boat but again you have to jump down hit the boat perfectly and then and then it would kill me right and that’s assuming i don’t have like a water bucket or something um to mlg or another way to energy or

Pick up back up the boat and place the boat in mlg like but he will die no matter what if he jumps and does that he will die so it’s kind of like the lava thing where like you’re telling him to which is why i think he probably

You know wouldn’t be the best hunter i’ll just say that but because he would be like kamikaze jump down and like just jump after me probably mix miss the axe hit fall to his death and then everyone would be like you idiot like again i think it’s just one of those

Things where you don’t you don’t do those risky plays because if you do those risky plays nine out of 10 times you’ll die and you don’t want to give me that advantage like if you give me that advantage i’m taking it and running with it like i

Will take advantage of the fact that you just died probably kill your teammates and then you will be like the fool the clown with the with the you know the red shiny nose that tried to jump and jump to his death you know like they in earlier manhunts you see them do more

Stuff like that but they they learned they definitely learned um and they decided okay we need to be less risky don’t do all these risky things you know try and take our time etc did this had george sapnap or bad jump down broke the boat would have been game over

For dream yet none of them even risked it and you can see if you watch the hitman extra scenes video you can see that in the hitman extra scenes videos like they keep they try it multiple times it takes them a bunch of times to get it you know

Like they don’t get it first try they don’t get it second try they don’t get a third try like they try like five times and then eventually they break my boat when they’re when they’re trying it it’s not the easiest thing in the world and again they will die if they do it

They better hope i don’t die otherwise they just gave me a ginormous advantage have to survive they can always already suspicious enough but when he goes into this in this this part here that part is where cave spiders usually spawn yet not a single cave spider sponge

So first of all i’m breaking iron with a golden pickaxe i’ve staged that part i thought it’d be so funny to break make myself look like a fool um but no i i think that the the reason the mobs don’t spawn as much as because it’s not easy

Like uh we play manhunts on easy so maybe we have played a manhunt not easy before but we played manhunts on the easy difficulty so cave spiders don’t actually give you poison and there’s much less spawns and the reason for that is just because we don’t want a man would be lame if

You’re just dying to mobs every time there has been some manhunts where there’s a lot of mobs and so but there’s a second thing as well even on easy there’s we also play on a server so there’s mob caps so what mob caps are is it means that if

There’s a certain number of mobs already spawned then it won’t spawn as like it won’t spawn more mobs near you because it’s hit the limit the limit of mobs being spawned right um so i want you to listen carefully something he says that this plays into that because he says

Something you can hear jordan sapnap complaining about there’s so many mobs yet next to dream there’s not a single mob that makes sense right so he’s saying you can hear george and snap that complaining about how many mobs are near them but by dream there’s no mobs and that’s because the mob cap

So basically they have all the mobs it hit the mob cap and then i ran away from them and i was near them which is why it spawned mobs near me by them and so basically for mobs to spawn near me they’d need to kill all those mobs or have those mobs despawn

So essentially that’s what happened so when you see no mobs in manhunt it’s usually because of that and also i cut out me fighting mobs a lot because it’s just boring like and also this man was uncut you can go watch this entire man there’s lots of mobs there’s tons of mobs actually

Like this manhattan was uncut on dream xc you can go watch the fully uncut manhunt from start to finish like it’s it’s as you can tell that’s not stage that we turned down mob spawns or something even if we did that wouldn’t it wouldn’t matter but we didn’t we don’t we don’t

It’s just easy um and there’s mob caps so basically they took all the mob they took all the mobs i had none and they had to kill the mobs for them to sponsor me so this is unreal lock and this lock is repeated in the next manhunt it’s not unreal luck though it’s

Again it’s just mob cap so it’s not you can test yourself on servers there’s mob default mob caps i don’t think we change stars i think it’s default it’s probably not that many mobs and that’s good for manhunts because it makes manhunts a little bit easier for both parties because there’s a

Little less mobs um and yeah it’s just it’s just and also we don’t want to you don’t want a man where i’m just fighting mobs the entire time you know after this as well just watch see how he goes into a case by the spawn this is where k spider spawners

Are and again it’s just mob cap he’s saying there’s no mobs there’s no cave spider it’s just mob cat i got lucky i got lucky because they have all the mops and they’re not killing them because they’re just running from them or they’re killing some of them but not

As much not as much as they need to two of them as well there’s a gapsy dream just making enves right i didn’t hit 17 mil guys i i checked my sub count pretty frequently i was at 1691 or something like that like i didn’t hit 17 but i would

Encourage you guys to go subscribe um so guys go to youtube.com dream youtube.com stream easy enough click subscribe 17 mil you see him making envy and not strength he didn’t make strength yeah so here i i made invis because i was planning on sneaking by them the portal

I knew they were waiting at the portal because they weren’t coming to attack me they had died recently they were meeting up with each other they were grouping up i knew that they were doing that so the problem is that i wanted to make invis in order to sneak

By them i thought it’d be cool i thought it’d be easy i thought they wouldn’t realize and so that’s why i did that so yeah i made invis i prioritized the invis over strength knowing i could just make strength later and i’m pretty sure i did make strength later

Very confusing to me as strength in a man and later on this invis comes in very handy well yeah because i planned i mean it came in handy because i i made a plan and i stuck to it in the plan the plan worked like it’s like and this

This invis potion that he decided to brew really helped him it really helped him for some reason like that’s kind of suspicious that he made a good plan and followed through with it and it worked like i don’t know in which he needs it more confusing

And backs up my point even further is how dream continues to run back to the portal here he keeps he has in more than enough obsidian right he has 40 obsidian he’s literally building with obsidian he has more than enough obsidian to make a second portal i mentioned this

At the beginning we have a rule you can’t make another portal to another well you can’t nether travel you could we could potentially make another portal if it’s close it’s really close to the other portal but you can’t nether travel so like the rule you have to go back to

The original portal that’s that’s like a rule we have so i i’ve said that i’ve said that i mean he probably could have found that i’ve said that so many times i’ve said that on streams i’ve said that on dream xd i’ve said that probably in manhunts actually um i think

I say it in the most recent manhunt actually i’m saying like oh if only i could travel with the obsidian um so and head back to the overworld that’s why that’s not suspicious this is a rule we have so nether portal himself and just leave run away right

You can just run away make another portal and just he keeps reiterating that no i can’t because that’s against the rules i believe i i can’t check their compasses he informs he informs the hunter he informs the hunters that he can quite see them giving him a hint to check their compasses

So this was the this was a dumb move by me but i knew they were going to realize shortly so i thought i would keep their attention and so by keeping their attention i could just say um i i said i can see you guys

And then i said i can see your dumb little castle thing and so my thought process was oh if i say that if i say that then what will happen is they’re not they’re not going to check their compass they’re what they’re going to do is because they don’t have a compass

Anyway they have a little thing above their hotbar and another but i’m like okay what they’re gonna do is they’re gonna be like on lookout like he has to be here because the castle they’re not gonna think he went through the portal because how would he go to the portal

It doesn’t make any sense if he knows we have a castle he says he can see us then we’re gonna like look for him so they’d be on full lookout i wanted to like keep their attention that way they’re like on their heels even though i was in the overworld now

Backfired because george knows me and he could tell that i was lying he could tell that my lying voice or whatever and so he went guys like no he’s in the overworld like he instantly knew like if he even if he had taken like a minute to find out that

Would have been enough but he instantly knew so um that that’s why that happened i didn’t like that again i make mistakes just as much as someone else makes mistakes so this is such a bad play you could just it is a bad play i i should have

I could have done it well i think it would have been a good play if it had worked like you’re saying that now but if it worked you would have been like wow that was such a good play they were on their heels they never thought he left they thought

Like but it didn’t work and so now you’re saying it’s a bad play but i’ll admit i could have came up with something better it would have been much better maybe i should have just stayed quiet i really i thought they were going to realize soon anyway and i knew i i knew

That eventually they were going to catch up to me before i killed the dragon anyway because generally it takes a while to kill the dragon it takes a while to get to the end get in the portal go to the stronghold um you know find the end portal room

Fill it in kill the dragon so i just figured they’d catch up anyway so i thought maybe this would just give me a little bit more time it backfired to give me less time so it was a bad play i mean you’d expect to see way more bad plays

So and there are a lot more bad plays that obviously you’re not talking about here because they’re not potentially staged or whatever left going to the end dream is collecting iron for his minecart play my question here is why did none of the hunters put any pressure onto him

In the football this is even more insane they left him alone for 30 whole minutes yeah 30 whole minutes right well it’s because they know um so there’s two things one they know that i’m nearby because they have staffing up on the surface which was smart and they have him running around looking

At the compass checking where i am at all times so they know i’m still underground they know that i’m near everybody and they know that i’m and they and they know that i haven’t left right so they know i’m not running to another stronghold they know i’m not doing anything weird i’m just

Underground mining and so they know that and so they know what’s the best he can do he could get diamond he could enchant but even if i got full prot 4 diamond and tried to fight them they’re they’re four people in in there there are four people in prot

Diamond like protection one diamond four people like even if i got full protection for i would not be able to take them like i mean maybe maybe if i do like pull off some crazy moves like totally out maneuver them destroy them then maybe i’d win like maybe

Four people in pro one diamond that’s insane that is absolutely insane so they know they just know here like no matter what he does no matter like they just what they don’t want to do is they don’t want to get trapped they don’t want to get ironically they don’t want to get

Trapped they don’t want to separate they don’t want to do they don’t want to do anything like that they just want to stay by the portal they want to make sure i don’t just run by them and get in the portal they want to defend the portal kill me if i try

And come in and then boom they can they can they can kill me so that’s why they’re they’re assuming there’s nothing that i could do that could you know that could beat them so and they know i’m on the ground if i go to the nether they would know

And they’d know i’m making potions or something so generally that’s why i get he’s good at pvp and you’re setting up some sort of trap but you could at least like have two people putting pressure on him you have full diamond and possibly plot two you could

But then again let’s say two people come and fall for a trap which ended up happening one of them came to put pressure on me in full pro and prot diamond and died like so that’s why they didn’t do it and george didn’t listen and ran

Out and died and he only went he didn’t think he didn’t think it was a big deal because he didn’t run that far but he died so that’s why they didn’t do it they know that they’ve learned enough to know that i will trap them

I will trap them and kill them so they do not want to fall for a trap so that’s why they’re not coming to me they know well what if he has something set up he could have an end crystal you could have something anything you know or plot one

Versus a guy with no in charge and before iron this is such a just right it seems like it’s an easy fight but i have killed them you forget i killed them in full plot 4 the manhunt before this with a trap because they chased me like

They know that like so you’re saying well they have full they have full diamond like they actually could kill him like yeah they could but also they could die and then lose their entire advantage so what they know is hey we’re safe in this room he can’t trap us in this room

He comes to us we kill him because again they have that advantage they just don’t want to get trapped had he gone like i don’t know two minutes three minutes earlier it would have been game over for dream yeah he goes just a stream finish

So no this isn’t right um this is just editing this is an editing trick um uh it wasn’t right after like it was it was pretty soon after but it wasn’t like like in the mean and he said he watched the full vote so i think he would know like it wasn’t

Right after it was pretty soon after but it wasn’t right after and i can tell you the reason for that the reason for that was because i stopped sneaking like you can go watch in the vaude like i once i knew the trap was done i

Just started not sneaking at all and i was just literally standing there so what are they gonna do when i’m sneaking they don’t know where i am when i’m standing there ten blocks away from them standing up not sneaking george is going he’s right there i’m gonna go kill him

Right so and also i was being quiet i was trying to act like i was afk i was like being quiet and stuff i wasn’t saying anything they were even like dream dream and stuff if you watch the full vod like i was being very like i don’t know ominous or whatever

Like i was i was being weird and um and so yeah it was mostly it was two reasons one it wasn’t exactly right after it was probably like 30 seconds to a minute after um and two it was because i stopped sneaking when it was done this is the trap and despite

Being there for more than five minutes right in video time alone in video time alone that could have been so much longer than actual game time well if you’d like speaking of which everybody right now go on youtube search up minecraft manhunt channel click the channel it has a compass icon

Subscribe to it and there’s a video that’s called half that’s called um one heart bluff it has the full uncut clip you want to check it out you know you might as well go check it out that’s fine subscribe notifications on see more uncut stuff in the future um so yeah so

So you can see exactly so i’m sure he i don’t think he’s aware of that channel maybe he’d miss that that’s fine not even a there’s not a single mob again mob caps i’m sure either mob caps or it’s just the fact that it’s easy but i’m sure it’s just mob caps

And also it’s the first night so i don’t know if that’s special i think i i’m i i may be wrong i’m pretty sure first night mob spawn less or like don’t spawn at all or something like hostile mobs because i just ran down into the mine

Shop like i didn’t even have wood like i collected wood from the dumb mine shaft like i think that mobs don’t spawn first night um but i don’t know i don’t know i’d love somebody to look into that but i’m pretty sure that’s why or mob cap but there’s there’s always just

The fact that it’s easy there’s like three reasons that could potentially be explanations so a single mob in the whole cave but then here at 44 52 we see just as the hunters come in just as the hunters come in there’s one measly spider oh there’s one easily spider there

Throughout the whole entire cave during the whole time there was not a single zombie no single skeleton or a single creeper that is insane luck i don’t think again it is kind of lucky um but but then again it’s also like again i think there’s an explanation for

It i’m pretty sure it’s either just the first night or the fact that it’s uneasy or the fact that mob caps or an explanation of all like all of them together i don’t know and is what allows him to survive on almost one heart is basically one heart

That’s what allows them to survive this luck is ridiculous and basically impossible and here also at 452 would see all the hunters turning to run this is just absolutely ridiculous it’s not ridiculous like okay this is this is something people need to understand um 1.16

Is so ob and two hits is all it takes to kill dream with on full health right on full health had he had full health it would have only taken two hits even with that iron armor we’ve only taken for two hits from a stone axe to kill him

Yet all four hunters just run what makes this even more ridiculous is george george george had only realized dream had eye and armor so before when they ran they only saw that he had shield they had a he had a shield and they all ran

I’ll just say this this is all this is all i’m gonna say this is all i need to say i have beaten each one of these people here that are running every one of them in a best of ten when they had full diamond armor i had a shield and no armor

And he’s wondering why they’re running when he sees that i have more armor than them and a shield and he’s wondering why they’re running from me they don’t know i’m on one heart they’re assuming i’m rushing them with full health like he’s saying because he said like

All it would take is two hits with the axe they’re assuming i’m on full health with an iron chest plate and a shield and they have no shield and that was when they had a shield imagine they had no shield they wouldn’t even hit me they would not

Even get a single hit on me they break my shield i back up place blocks i break the blocks and my shields were generated i attack it with my shield on they br i hit them they break my shield i back up i place blocks i break the blocks i

Hit them they break my shield i back up like they will lose even if they had armor they would lose that fight if they had no shield like with a shield like there’s almost nobody even close to me with the shield now like even back when i did the technically deal with techno

I wasn’t even at i wasn’t close to as good as i am now with shield like i i’ve i practice like every day over and over like even going on chill pvp servers i i’ve lost one time one time against anybody ever since the since axe shield combat came out on

Um with without taking keeping track of the stats on the shield server shield pvp server one time and it was to it was to a guy named spencer and he was a he’s a very very good he’s like one of the best of the best pvpers there is unshield

So that’s just for the future if i have an advantage in the fight they’re gonna run anybody in that case would run it doesn’t make sense why they wouldn’t run they’re gonna run they’re gonna get more stuff they’re gonna come back it doesn’t make sense if i have a shield

You know i think most people also don’t realize like regardless of how regardless of how good um verosa how good that i am at shield shields are just op like if you don’t have a shield and i have a shield every nine out of ten times i will beat you without even

Hitting me once and that’s not even like i think the average person if you have a shield and they don’t and you know how it should like all of them i think if all of them had a shield and one of you want me and i didn’t have a shield

They’d probably be able to beat me nine times out of ten like shields are that good so when they don’t have shields and they know i have a shield and they know i have axes this is just like obviously they’re gonna run so i think that’s just to me

Like that is like the most like save their life that’s what they’re doing you’re right you’re right like i mean that’s just is the most the most obvious thing that you can that you can do um now obviously like that’s that’s why like i’ll say this as well like

I because the fact that i practiced for the technical dual with chill pvp with a specific kit i am very good with just like shields and axe and like not much stuff involved when you start introducing other stuff like lava and water and flint and steel and bows and crossbows and blocks

Then like obviously i wouldn’t say i’m like the best of the best or anything like that like i’m sure there’s plenty of people that could that could that could take me on in that combat and beat me or do it very well against me because i’m very i’m very specialty on

Just ax and shield because i practice that for a long time um so just to say like i don’t want to be be cocky or anything i’m just saying like basically you can ask almost anybody that’s just how it is and chill pvp it’s very it’s very like it’s it’s very intricate

And most people don’t know how it works and like obviously ant and bad they don’t do shield pvp very often it’s like neither of them know much like snapdrap’s by far the best at shield pvp in their group um and even him like obviously i i i

Don’t think i’ve ever lost like a series against sapnap but he does like very good like i’d say he’s one of the best he’s probably one of the best shield pvps like on minecraft um but again he’s but but there’s dif there’s like different leagues so um it makes this that’s why that’s

Why they would run so it’s ridiculous and why why they ran like there’s four of you guys here and again i didn’t have a shield there so i had a shield i’m sure he’d be running at me so had just all three of you jumped him one disables a shield another person’s

Lands are here and the other person lands a hit dream would have been dead yeah but they don’t know my health dude like if they knew my health you’re right they should have engaged me even with the shield but even then maybe i could probably

Still i could maybe still win that all i have to do is just not get hit i just i just block my shield back up place blocks i maybe could beat them even in that situation if they were if they were chasing after me especially down in a mine shaft

Um but uh but but they don’t know that they probably think i’m on full health why would i be charging at them if i was on one heart it doesn’t make sense for sure there’s just no way he would have survived that yet they all ran it’s just ridiculous

At four at 5 10 i just want to clear this up here george just says that he’s like oh he has armor he dream of three and a half hearts yet he he takes a cut level we see that we see a cut right there and then we see dreams

It’s not like a it’s not a suspicious cut it’s just cut like oh he was low and then he cut later on like i just cut because i wanted the music to fit like that’s literally all that happens so i mean like i do that a lot there’s so

Many cuts like you’ll see where it’s like widely cut out like one second and then it’s like oh wow because the beat drops on the next like hit or something or the beat dropped whenever um uh yeah the the beat dropped when he did like a cool jump or like a

An awesome play happened like i i can’t because i don’t compose the music and i don’t have a composer to compose the music it’s all like music that’s that’s already put together so i don’t really get to control that much about the timing sometimes i edit the music

Actually i’ve done that plenty of times but some songs are much harder like edit and stuff and i want there to be like a drop at a certain point or something and so in order to do that i have to i have to cut the clips or extend the clips instead of

Instead of extending the music or cutting the music so it’s all about it’s all about the rhythm it’s all about um it’s just all about how it goes like it needs to be smooth has two chickens this this is not scripted the amount of hour thank you

As they got here no it’s not it’s not from creative mode if you trade with a fletcher it’s very easy to get tons and tons of arrows up builds out pulls here can you tell can you tell any difference between these two striders well obviously not obviously you’re not

Going to be able to because you’re you’re watching it through youtube compressing it my rendering compressing it um the recording like if you’re watching the raw footage i don’t even think it looks as good as it does when you’re literally playing minecraft like obviously i can tell the difference otherwise i wouldn’t have

Jumped into the lava pit not seeing that the strider had a saddle on like obviously that’s not going to happen so things look different when you compress when you compress things like obviously you can see how blurry that looks like do you really think that’s how my minecraft looks like look how blurry

Things are like yes my minecraft looks like that when i play it like no it’s like 10 times higher quality and like very clear it’s on my own monitor not all the compression and everything so obviously you can’t tell the difference between because of all the stuff that

Rendering does to it that youtube does to it and everything um so that’s why it looks different to you it’s the same reason why if you watch the horse clutch which he actually says this horse clutch is legit like at some point wherever he talks about the horse clutch

He’s like the horse it’s right here chill it’s very much doable for someone like drake he was by him 30 minutes i want to clarify something many people say this part is scripted looking at this this is not oh so where’s the where’s like the horse

Can you even tell that this is a horse you tell that like this is horse they look like like splotches like like what can you like that it’s the same thing but on my screen it’s very clear that this is the horse right so it’s like it’s very different

Based on compression like and he says this one’s legit he’s like this is very legit he says this is not scripted this is a plane heals by him which does he can they go he has no saddle right yeah i didn’t place a saddle so basically striders can spawn

With saddles um now i’m not actually sure if this was if this is a glitch in the version we were playing on um because there was a glitch at some point in minecraft where strike strikers would just spawn with a saddle and no mob um but even if it wasn’t striders can

Spawn with saddles with a like guy on top of them or something and then that guy can suffocate in like blocks in the nether or just die somehow like from a skeleton or something i don’t know i don’t know exactly how it works and then it’s just a saddle so that’s

What happened i’m guessing um we were in the nether for a long time so there’s a lot of time for it to happen um it just had a saddle on it so i didn’t have a saddle i didn’t place it it was literally just there like

So had this strider not had a saddle had it not had a saddle he would have instantly died i wouldn’t have instantly died i wouldn’t have i wouldn’t have jumped because i could see that it had a saddle he’s like he would have if there wasn’t a saddle he would have still

Jumped into the lava and died like like obviously not if there there wasn’t a saddle i wouldn’t even jump like i would have i would have stayed and ran ran around like i’m not gonna just be like all right i didn’t just like yolo it was like

Let’s hope there’s a two percent chance this has a saddle on it and just like jump into it or something like obviously i’m not gonna do that like i would have i wouldn’t have instantly died because i wouldn’t have jumped at all i just don’t get why he took this unless of course

This was already put here and just left here i just had to point this out as it affects my decision in the end so i need to point this out now what i want to point out is another ridiculous situation dream is on half a heart and throughout this whole entire nether fortress

We don’t see a single single wither skeleton ever not a single wither skeleton so there’s no wither skeletons but i did come across blaze but there’s no wither skeletons but but again mob caps first of all mob caps um and second of all wither skeletons are actually

Not are actually fairly rare to find in like the normal fortress biomes like whether skeletons spawn a lot in the nether not in other ways in the um the basalt delta biomes like there’s so many of them and you can see in the manhunt before this like he

Points out when there’s when there’s like no mods it doesn’t work there’s so many mobs like if you watch the manhunt before this which one this is the finale rematch they’d be the finale the four hunters finale i wonder if um this will come up four hunters finale

Pretty sure maybe it was 400 finale i think it’s the oh no it’d be in the it’d be in the uncut one which i did which would have been orange finale yeah um look at this first of all so many plays oh my gosh this biome is one two three four five six

Seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen like if you can’t cherry pick like you can’t say look in this look at this video and say that there and see that how there’s no mobs there but look at this video and there’s like a billion mobs they’re not even mentioned

Not even mention the billion mobs like it’s that’s not fair but the thing is it just depends i think that the reason that there’s so many mobs here is one the biome because it’s more it’s way more likely for wither skeletons to spawn in basel deltas

And two the mob cap i think that because i had just killed two of them they probably were like above ground in daytime in the overworld and i’m in the nether so the mobs were like have an ability to spawn like infinitely and also i’m not 100 sure but i think

Mob cap might be per world and so if the mob cap is per world it makes sense because in this case i’m the only one in the nether which means i get all the mobs and then in this case of the one he’s showing right now

Everyone’s in the nether so i split the mobs with four other people so i’d have one fourth of the mobs i would usually have that nether fortress is so imagine they’re in like a basalt delta or something that means they would have way more mobs which means i would get like none

So could be that um or it could be that there happened to be no other skeleton spawns because i’m not in like a biome where whether skeletons spawn very often people than my then the amount of friends i have this is that’s ridiculous like seriously there’s not a single mob here

And stream manages to survive in half a hard man i don’t know i mean i i release again on the minecraft manhunt channel guys go subscribe to it’s called minecraft manhunt has a compass i released the full-on cut of this as well you can watch from the beginning

To the end it’s like 15 minutes i want half a heart in the nether not staged no cuts didn’t die there just happened to be less mobs or less mobs than than i don’t even think less mobs there’s like just not mobs didn’t attack me and

There were blazes that attacked me and i killed them um and if mobs did attack me like he’s acting like i would have died like i probably wouldn’t have died like i have a shield like i can just shield shield time my hits and block like

I didn’t die on half a heart in a pit with 15 angry piglens attacking me and he’s thinking i’m gonna die on half a heart if like one wither skeleton happened to be there or something like it’s not too much of a difference like yeah it might have

You know it might have mattered but probably not honestly where’s that one i kind of want to see that three hunters rematch maybe which place to be no not this one three hunters finale rematch no because this is in the update grand finale so it’d have to it’d have to be

300 it’s rematch right this is that close oh my god there’s somebody oh my god like i survived this and he’s like there wasn’t one mob and he was on low health he would have died like i’m in a hole with 15 piglen on half one heart and a half on half a

Heart there’s like three piglin like angry at me in a hole with me and i didn’t die like you can’t and really say like well it’s so suspicious like they turned down the mob spawns because then he would have died like i don’t know 33 48. here we see sapnap just killed dream’s

Horse right i don’t want to get to this horse fight this whole horse fight is just ridiculous but then here we go i mean the horse fight was kind of for content like like we got to each other with horses and i was like this is this is awesome

Like why not like joust that’s like super awesome right nice he i think he said like let’s joust or something and then i just did because like why would i not that’s amazing content it’s a 1v1 like we can we can fight anyway we had this this awesome horse fight

And then we got we killed are you kill i end up like being screw it whatever this has gone off for too long i feel like you’re stalling i don’t want them to catch up i’m going to kill the your horse i killed his horse he killed mine and then

We just had a 1v1 like an actual only one sap naps horse die right dream kill sapnap’s horse he runs onto his own horse and runs away but sapnap here is kills dreams horse right i’m not gonna i’m not gonna comment on how if he had hit dream

His dream would have died but he kills james horse and then he he runs oh yeah because sapnap’s probably low and again southamp doesn’t know how much health i’m on like that’s the one like i’d say the number one criticism made by people that of manhunt

Is they’ll say like why didn’t they just hit him again he’s on half a heart or on one heart or on two hearts but they they just they can’t see my health they can’t they they cannot see my health so he has no idea if i want eight hearts

Two hearts like yes he’s hit me twice so we can assume i’m probably low but he probably doesn’t know i’m this low and he’s probably low himself so he’s most likely his priority was killing the horse because he doesn’t want me to get away and get a huge head start but then the

Second priority to him was i need to live i’m probably really low and he runs and he eats runs away he runs away one hit on dream and dream would have died but he doesn’t know that he doesn’t know i’m one hit runs away this just makes no sense can

Imagine just say that again say that again but imagine you don’t know my health so just say dream has unknown health and he ran away it doesn’t sound as ridiculous does it just replay every time someone says he had this health and did this just replace this health with just unknown

Dream had so set up kills his horse horus horth kills his horse he’s on unknown health and he runs away okay that’s that’s not as ridiculous as you would think he’s on unknown health and and he runs away right now next point is in the same sequence 4 48 dream just

Killed zap nap right dream dream here just killed sapnap and just as he’s about to get close to his stuff no wrong you can he points it out but the time changes so basically i wasn’t just getting stuff i had already looted his stuff

I was like mid i was like way more than mid-looting i took like a minute i was looting it and then they ran up and the reason i cut was for intensity like i’m not gonna sit there and show me looting his stuff that’s like the dumbest thing ever like

All right guys let me just sit here i’m looting his stuff no one’s talking look off i don’t care if you keep watching i don’t make videos for entertainment purposes or anything it’s fine like obviously i’m gonna cut all the other hunters jump out but now if you watch the timing on this

We just watch the timing of this this timing is very interesting there’s a cut there and the sun has seemed to have gone down for like there’s a cut there and time seems to have passed it’s oddly suspicious it makes me think that dream sat there waiting while time passed like

Yes i actually did i sat there looting stuff and time happened to pass because that’s how time works and then i got his stuff they popped up i ran a few minutes yet and then the hunters just entered what i’m what i think happened here is

Dream cut and waited for the hunters to come in creating this intense situation where justice dream’s about to lose just his dream is about to loot the stuff i might have the clip for this if i do um i’ll if i do i’ll post it it’s i’ll suppose

The uncut clip like it’s literally there’s nothing nothing happens it’s just i loot for like 30 seconds and then they they pop up like that’s it this is probably just for viewer attention i guess yeah that 4207 i just need to point this out i i really just needed to point this out

Like this is this isn’t the point i just i just need to point this out snap that god damn it had you just hit dream dream would have died chat that participation come on what’s the answer guys what’s the response i know by now he said if sapnap would have just hit

Him one more time he would have died uh chat you need your participation points he doesn’t no finish the sentence what’s the fill in the blank he doesn’t know he doesn’t know his health he doesn’t know my health that’s why it’s like the answer for like everything but

Yeah he doesn’t know his health but also like i’m like to the side one block below him there’s a block between us it’s like a foot trap like it’d be hard for him to hit me first of all and second of all he doesn’t know my health so he probably thinks

He might have to hit me three four five times he thinks i have food i just happen to have no food that’s why i didn’t heal otherwise i would have been on full health so again he has no idea what my health is and it’d be really hard for him to hit me

So congratulations chad you got your participation points this will all be on the test by the way this will all be on the test i’m just letting you know you need to make sure you have your your study guides your notes out like seriously and also my last point on

This whole entire thing is on this this manhunt specifically minecraft manhunts this is final rematch my final question about this one is why didn’t dream post a full vlog for this one um well that’s actually that’s actually a good question so the reason that we haven’t posted the full vods in the

Past there’s like a couple main reasons um one the first one is that it kind of pulls back the current right so whenever you watch a manhunt like you you get all the intensity you get all the intense scenes and you have like it’s crafted into this like movie

Cinematic experience and you watch the uncut it’s like you know there’s much times we’re just sitting there talking we’re not you know we’re not we’re not really doing anything i’m just collecting stuff where it’s super quiet whether and there’s also like like so the server can crash

Just things that happen um we pause we go to the bathroom like it just it kind of cut pulls back the curtain so that’s the first thing and the second thing is that we have to be on our best behavior like we can’t like obviously i don’t

Want to ruin my like my retention and stuff so obviously we can’t curse we can’t do we can’t like we can’t we can’t curse we can’t say inappropriate things can’t say things i wouldn’t want on my youtube if i release an uncut um or just things that i that or we

Can’t talk personal stuff like because during that down time we always like meme and talk personal stuff and curse and whatever during the downtime in the manhunts and so it makes the manhunts like the la that one manhunt was probably the least fun to record like it was the it was

Super fun still but it was at least fun to record because we were like knowing ah this is gonna be we’re gonna release this uncut so let’s just you know we’re not gonna um like let’s just we’re not gonna talk anything personal we’re not gonna say anything we wouldn’t want in the video

We’re not gonna say anything on what doesn’t want to go on youtube things like that so that’s why we don’t that’s why i’m not releasing any more in the future maybe i’ll do another one just like down the line like but it might be like four or five videos

From now or something that way it’s like okay just again it’s pretty much just like hey here’s proof this isn’t staged let’s upload it again um but that but that’s generally but i think uploading one is enough because like crazy stuff happened it was a it was similar it was

Like the same to all the other manhunts basically it’s uncut you can watch it you can see how things go you can see the different progression et cetera et cetera um so that’s why that’s why we wouldn’t release it for the last one it’s just we’d rather you know we’d

Rather just be ourselves and we’d rather we’d i would say be ourselves i guess yeah be ourselves yeah because like obviously when you’re on youtube like like if i want to say [ __ ] or something like i’m not gonna say it on youtube because then it’s going to be like youtube is good

Like i have a much more um like i have a much younger audience i i like not cursing in videos i like not using language in my videos i like being more pc in my videos um so like i’m like obviously we’re still ourselves like you

Can tell because you can see our streams and we’re exactly the same people the only thing is that we don’t curse we say less inappropriate stuff we say less things that that are us like brand friendly and stuff if that makes sense um so so yeah that’s that’s what i would

Say so i’d say that generally we just don’t want to be like that so um yeah i said pc pc it’s like um what’s what it’s what is what’s it called uh no trust me i’m talking i mean pc but pg would work too but i do

Mean i do mean pc pc is like um uh what is pc i i know i i do mean pc though so i’m sure somebody knows what pc i’ll look it up politically correct yeah politically correct that’s what i’m saying so we don’t have to be more politically

Correct which which i guess i’m considering is like knock no cursing no um you know no no no saying anything inappropriate no not talking about like your personal life um et cetera et cetera um so that’s what i mean but yeah so that’s that’s why we didn’t release

It so you can’t really also you can’t really say it’s like suspicious like we don’t have to release uncut if we don’t want to i only did it the one time because i was like screw it um people you know there’s that will shut up a lot

Of people that think manhunts are fake obviously like if there’s a full-on cut then you’re much more likely to be like but now the things have shifted it’s shifted from it’s fully staged to um well they can see his health and um they can see his health

And so they know not to kill him and um and like he sets the seed like so like it’s shifted now from like a different accusation and then to a new accusation eventually we’re gonna be like using like some like api that like verifies the seat is random on

Like some website everyone can confirm and like i don’t know it’s gonna be like this whole like all right but no matter what there’s gonna be people that don’t believe we’re people that don’t wanna believe no matter what and this is the end of this video so um so yeah um but yeah

So basically um no obviously not staged uh i’m sure you can everything i’ve said here you can go and verify independently from whatever i said and mostly you don’t need to because i just i literally showed exactly why um i do want to do more manhunts on the manhunt channel

I am going to be releasing a t-shirt soon that’s a manhunt t-shirt that if you buy you have a chance to be in a manhunt um like fight going against me i’ll be speedrunning and you’ll be like hunting me maybe maybe you’ll be hunting me with like george and sapnap or something

Um maybe george have not bad and aunt i don’t know maybe five people i don’t know um but that’s what i that’s what i’m gonna do in the future so i don’t know when probably some point this month maybe um but i do plan on doing that so that’ll be

That’ll be good and the reason i made it a t-shirt is because it’s cheaper it’s like cheaper than a hoodie um and uh and so more people can enter if they want to um so yeah that’s that’s what that’s something i’ll be doing um i do plan on doing manhood to other

People um i did offer technoblade in the past to do a manhunt um i think that offer’s still there if he wants to do a manhunt i’m down with doing a manhunt um i think that but i will say this i think it’s a little unfair

Just because i think that it’s kind of like me him being like hey do you want to come do a hypixel um do you want to play high pixel mini games or something it’s like oh yeah let me embarrass myself or something like i think that

Obviously if he spent a lot of time um preparing and stuff that he could do really really well because manhunt is mostly about preparation it really is but then what probably what would happen is because it’s a one-on-one which is why i don’t do the one-on-ones anymore

It’s because then i just try and focus more on pvp right um so like it would probably just be like i just go into an open field and just sit there and try and wait and then technically comes and then i open pvp him run once and then and then

You know in my in this situation i’m assuming i beat him because i’m better at shield and then i run away and then i just do that repetitively because i don’t need to come up with these clever traps the reason manhunt’s so interesting is because i come up with these clever traps

Right and the reason i have to come up with these clever traps is because there’s four people i can’t just like open field to combat them it wouldn’t work right um so that’s why i think it’d be it’d be less inter a lot less interesting than the average person

And um yeah so i think that’s that that’s generally that’s why i wouldn’t be that surprised if it didn’t happen um if it did maybe we’d do kind of like an exhibition type thing um uh maybe we do it with some cool some funny plugin or something that way it’s

Not too serious because also i feel like we don’t want to like we don’t want to reunite like that feud or something like i say i like technoblade a lot i say we joke with each other and joke about like mcc and the duel and whatever else but like i consider techno

A friend and um i don’t i don’t really want to i don’t want to engage too much i want to be a friendly rivalry you know i don’t want to like because imagine if he beats me then it’s like i’m getting clowned on like oh he beat you

In manhunt dreams trash and if i beat him then it’s like yeah is he dream be talking to techno’s trash like even though like he’s out of his element in like a game that he hardly plays you know um so i would rather i try i i’m

Less inclined to do it now than i used to the reason i used to really want to do it because i was like oh i can beat technoblade and then like i i’ve beaten him and like we weren’t we weren’t really like friends like i guess we could say we

Were friends but i was like i was just like oh i want to beat him and that’s why i wanted to do the duel so badly too um and i i don’t feel that way anymore like i don’t have that same like i want to crush technoblade and beat him and whatever

Um and i will say he humbled me a little bit with the duel i was i was going into that not expecting at all it to go the way it did and um i think i’ve totally that side of me there has is gone like i i honestly i i think of

Techno as a friend and i want to continue being good friends with him um but i do we could do a manhunt though i could see us doing one i’d be a little worried about it messing with our friendship somehow though um but yeah yeah definitely like with tommy quackity carl like doing

Stuff like that on the manhunt channel that’s why you guys should subscribe um i would i could i could see us doing that so that’d be a lot of fun but yeah um thank you guys for coming to my stream thank you guys for watching like i said at the beginning

I’ll reiterate it do not send hate to this person um obviously i i i’m considering hate like if you’re commenting and saying horrible stuff or damning him or harassing him or whatever um and obviously i’ll say this that anybody who does that you are no fan of mine

And um i i do not accept you into this community i did not accept you into my i as a fan of mine um so do not do it um again i consider that like if you’re commenting saying negative things if you really really really have to do something then then

Then literally you can just like leave a dislike that is the easiest thing in the world but do not do any more than that if you have to and i say unless you have strong feelings don’t do that okay i’m sure he’ll see this video he left it

In the description saying hey dream could dm me or something um so he seems like a good guy um and i think he genuinely this was actually a good thing because i got to talk through this explain everything talk about all these different aspects um so obviously i

Can’t control i can’t control anybody but i but if you see people doing that make sure they know they are not a fan of mine right there they may be they may be somebody trying to be a troll or whatever because those exist obviously in any fan group but

They’re not a fan of mine no hate um and secondly there’s something else i wanted to say um yeah subscribe to me about 17 million um it’s gonna be grind time i have three uploads i want to upload this month hopefully i get all of them i’ll definitely get two

Hopefully i get hopefully i get all three um i wanna try and get the podcast for this month um i wanna try and get uploads on my second channel for this month uploads for the manhunt channel for this month i know sapnap’s uploading i know george already has a video recorded that he’s

Uploading and probably another one he’s uploading um and we’re popping off and frost video coming out on the fifth 5th manhunt coming out on the 4th i think 3 p.m eastern i think is the time it’s coming out premiering 3 p.m eastern time on the 4th

That’s the goal i don’t know might be changed hopefully it is um what else is there to say um yeah we got awesome stuff on the fifth so i’d say i’ll say this i’ll say this on the fourth after watching the manhunt you might you might want to stay up you might want

To stay up i won’t say any more than that you might want to stay up late um yeah i will see you guys soon i love you guys thank you for coming out um and uh yeah so bye love you bye actually who am i gonna raid let’s raid uh let’s see

Screw it let’s ride ninja why not all right slash raid ninja oh we’re not gonna rate them slash host ninja all right bye guys love you

This video, titled ‘DREAM Responding To Minecraft Manhunt Staged Claims [FULL STREAM]’, was uploaded by Fruit River on 2021-02-04 16:16:49. It has garnered 2655 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:52 or 7552 seconds.

DREAM Responding To Minecraft Manhunt Staged Claims [FULL STREAM]

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  • Victory Dance in Roblox Death Ball: Score More!

    Victory Dance in Roblox Death Ball: Score More! In the world of Roblox, we aim to win, With Death Ball battles, let the games begin. Brother Ian and Ethan, gamers so keen, Crafting content that’s fresh and clean. Join us on YouTube, for gaming delight, Minecraft, BTD6, we play day and night. Our channel awaits, subscribe and see, The fun and excitement, for you and me. In the heat of the game, we fight and we spar, With uppercuts and gems, we raise the bar. Defeating opponents, with skill and with glee, In Roblox Death Ball, we’ll always be free. So come along, join the fun, In… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Power Punch!

    Ultimate Minecraft Power Punch! Minecraft: The Journey – Exploring Bow Enchantments In the latest episode of Minecraft: The Journey, bugmancx delves into the world of bow enchantments. From Power to Flame, Punch, and Infinity, the new enchantments offer exciting possibilities for survival in the game. Power V, Flame I, Punch II, and Infinity I Bugmancx crafts multiple bows and heads to the enchanting table to discover the enchantments awaiting him. With Power V, Flame I, Punch II, and Infinity I, he creates the ultimate bow for his adventures. The combination of these enchantments provides him with a powerful weapon to combat the mobs… Read More

  • Dada’s Real World Texture & Shader Experience!

    Dada's Real World Texture & Shader Experience! Exploring the Realistic World Texture and Shading in Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their gaming experience. One such way is by incorporating realistic world texture and shading modifications. These modifications can transform the familiar blocky landscapes into stunningly detailed environments, adding a new level of immersion to the game. Texture Details The texture modifications in this Minecraft world bring a new level of realism to the game. From intricately designed stone walls to detailed wooden floors, every element has been carefully crafted to enhance the visual experience. The… Read More

  • Head-Hunting: Wither Farm Guide – 730 P/H!

    Head-Hunting: Wither Farm Guide - 730 P/H! In Minecraft’s realm, the Wither Skeleton Farm shines bright, With 730 heads per hour, a true delight. No wither roses needed, just a new delay, Efficiency at 100%, in a whole new way. The farm’s speed and rate, now higher than before, Spawn proof, settings, and enchants, all to explore. A new mechanic to despawn unwanted mobs, With 2 wolves to trigger, the skeletons, they bob. Fully automatic, the farm mode stands tall, For Java Edition players, it’s a call. No Bedrock support, but the design is grand, Join the Discord server, to download the land. Inspired by others,… Read More

  • Unseen Gaming Horrors

    Unseen Gaming Horrors Minecraft Madness: A Glimpse into Music Free Gaming’s World Channel Description Music Free Gaming, a family-friendly channel, is a haven for Minecraft enthusiasts. The channel primarily focuses on Minecraft gameplay, offering a delightful experience for viewers of all ages. Support Options Looking to show some love to Music Free Gaming? Here are some ways you can support the channel: Tips & Subs: Visit https://musicfreegaming.com to provide tips and subscribe. Merchandise: Explore the collection at https://musicfreegaming.com/collections/all for some cool merch. Wishlist: Fulfill the channel’s wishes at https://throne.me/u/musicfreegaming. Channel Links For more exciting content and community engagement, check out these links:… Read More

  • Mining Mayhem: Dungeons Unleashed!

    Mining Mayhem: Dungeons Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, dungeons await, Explore, fight, and upgrade, don’t hesitate. Monsters lurk, bosses thirst for a fight, But with skill and strategy, you’ll shine bright. Join the adventure on Cristalix today, Where challenges and victories come your way. With Discord, VK, and TG in sight, The Minecraft world is yours to ignite. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting news with flair, every single time. Minecraft facts and updates, all in rhyme, In the gaming world, you’re in your prime. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tricks

    Insane Minecraft Build Tricks Unlock Your Creative Potential with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks! Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Look no further! This tutorial is jam-packed with innovative build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, these tips and tricks will inspire you to create jaw-dropping structures that will leave your friends in awe. Let’s dive in and explore the world of Minecraft building like never before! Secret Tricks and Creative Strategies From hidden passages to stunning landscapes, this tutorial covers a wide… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Survival Minecraft Server 🌲

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Survival Minecraft Server 🌲 Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting server to join where you can showcase your building skills and survive in a challenging environment? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! While watching this amazing video on building a base for survival in Minecraft, you may have been inspired to take your skills to the next level. Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that will keep you engaged for hours on end. Join a community of like-minded players who are passionate about crafting, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a variety… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Fun and Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Fun and Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft. Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and vibrant community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching the latest YouTube video by Sara Gull, you may have noticed the energy and creativity that Minecraft brings to the table. Just like Sara Gull’s channel is all about life refreshment and benefiting others, Minewind Minecraft Server offers a similar experience. With a focus on fun and community, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity, build amazing structures, and connect… Read More

  • Minecraft Adventure: Una Tranquilla Gita in Miniera!

    Minecraft Adventure: Una Tranquilla Gita in Miniera! Exploring a Tranquil Mine in Minecraft Vanilla Join UchihaLupo on a peaceful adventure in the world of Minecraft Vanilla. In this episode, the player embarks on a journey filled with excitement and creativity. Let’s delve into the highlights of this captivating gameplay. Discovering New Horizons As UchihaLupo navigates through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, they stumble upon hidden treasures and mysterious caverns. The thrill of exploration is palpable as each block reveals a new possibility. The sense of wonder and curiosity drives the player forward, eager to uncover the secrets of the world. Building Connections Interacting with friends and… Read More

  • Can Knarfy Break Minecraft’s Potato Update?

    Can Knarfy Break Minecraft's Potato Update? Minecraft’s Poisonous Potato Update: A Chaos Trip Introduction Minecraft’s April Fool’s update this year introduced the Poisonous Potato update, bringing a whole new level of chaos to the game. The update centered around Poisonous Potatoes, adding a quirky twist to the gameplay. Exploring the Update The update featured a variety of new elements, including Poisonous Potato blocks, toxic mobs, and unique items like the Potatish Great Staff of the Peasant. Players could venture into the Potato dimension, encountering potato-themed structures and creatures. Breaking the Game In an attempt to push the update to its limits, our protagonist embarked on… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Friendliness is Guaranteed!

    Join Minewind: Where Friendliness is Guaranteed! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we’re diving into the magical world of Minecraft with a cozy Cottage Witch modpack adventure. Join us as we explore new lands, encounter friendly creatures, and face the perils of the unknown. From towering trees to mystical biomes, there’s always something exciting around the corner. But why stop there? If you’re looking for a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With endless possibilities, friendly communities, and exciting adventures waiting for you, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new horizons. So grab your gear, set… Read More

  • Customize Default Model Tutorial

    Customize Default Model Tutorial Customize Your Minecraft Model with Yes Steve Model Tutorial Are you tired of the limited models available in Yes Steve Model for Minecraft? Do you want to create your own custom model but don’t have the time to start from scratch? Look no further! This tutorial will guide you through the easiest and fastest way to customize the default model without the need for complex animations. Let’s dive in! Importing and Exporting Models Before you begin customizing your model, make sure you have the default model file for Yes Steve Model. Navigate to your .minecraft folder, then locate the… Read More

  • INSANE ENCHANTING HACK in Minecraft 1.19.2! 😱

    INSANE ENCHANTING HACK in Minecraft 1.19.2! 😱Video Information hello there everyone the inada here and welcome back to Episode 22 of our FTB Skies let’s play series where today we’re working on getting our enchantment factory set up from industrial 4 going enchantment applicator all that good stuff and uh working on getting ourselves some enchants at least trying to that’s the goal at least anyway let’s get started welcome back my friends another wonderful night here in the world of the andrada where today well stuff and things are going to happen we’ve got some industrial forgoing to work with let’s break down our clock… Read More

  • WARNING: Never Use Seed 232 in Minecraft

    WARNING: Never Use Seed 232 in MinecraftVideo Information s guys what is up welcome back to another pixel Razer video where today we are doing another horror Seed video where today we continue on with the series of I believe it’s season 6 where you guys comment a seed that you guys want me to try to do and we play on that seed now today we are doing a seed I’ve never heard of but it’s similar to 2323 I know you guys in the comment section have been freaking out about 2323 but today it’s similar but it’s not the same it’s 232 but… Read More

  • Worldbox: The Surprising Future of Global Ideologies

    Worldbox: The Surprising Future of Global IdeologiesVideo Information Какая идеология самая сильнейшая в этом мире у нас есть демократизм фашизм анархизм коммунизм консерватизм либерализм монархизм Социализм синдикализм и у каждой идеологии по 1.000 человек и у каждого человека в своём государстве есть определённая качество отключим Восстание отключим голод и старость отключим природные катаклизмы и другие бедствия а также отключим все ненужные эпохи и Как видим уже каждая государство построила себе костёр и несколько домов ещё хочу сказать что каждая черта в каждом государстве даёт свои какие-то определённые качества и Как видим анархисты уже основали второе поселение например черта анархист даёт плюс два к военному делу плюс… Read More

  • Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Adventure

    Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft AdventureVideo Information k This video, titled ‘Exploring New Realms #minecraft #love #100dayschallenge #pokemon #survival1 #games #gaming #building’, was uploaded by R.S.G on 2024-01-11 18:30:08. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to our Minecraft gaming! 🌟 Welcome to our epic Minecraft adventure where we take on the ultimate challenge: surviving 100 days in the wild world of Minecraft, all in ! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, join us as we tackle survival mode, explore mods, dive into multiplayer madness, and much more. 🏡… Read More

  • Matt’s new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!

    Matt's new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!Video Information friends friends friends friends friends friends friends you are tuning in to friends with mat from Friends withm mat.com and just remember if you’re watching this live stream then you are friends with Matt now I’ve got some serious business to get to because I just started a brand new Minecraft server today today and we’ve already got an enchanting table at level 30 we’ve already got we’ve we already got what we’ve already got a whole city built we’ve already got all of the caves and caverns like mapped out torches everywhere actually there’s really not torches… Read More

  • EPIC Base Build Inside Moving Train 🚂 Minecraft Parody

    EPIC Base Build Inside Moving Train 🚂 Minecraft ParodyVideo Information look JJ it’s a whole bunch of diamonds pick up your pickaxe and get to work we don’t have much time it’ll be night soon and the zombies will attack us yeah Mikey we found a whole mountain of diamonds and now we are extremely rich now you’re super rich all the villagers will be jealous of us do you think I can buy a whole box of carrots with one Diamond definitely with this vein of diamonds a new Village I hope the villagers won’t take all our diamonds away from us but we’ll be open to… Read More

  • Insane Weekend of Fall Guys, Minecraft, Valorant – 150 Sub Goal! Larry Bug Gaming

    Insane Weekend of Fall Guys, Minecraft, Valorant - 150 Sub Goal! Larry Bug GamingVideo Information ब हेलो हेलो हेलो एवरीवन वेलकम बैक टू द स्ट्रीम और आज फिर हम लोग मा नहीं खेल पाएंगे क्योंकि मा ही नहीं क्या करें हमा दो के सामने हम चिल्ला चिल्ला पर क्या करे बताओ [संगीत] थ सिपल तो आज खेलने वाले है या ने वाले है य अभी बस सा साइड हो जाए हमारे दोस्त पता नहीं क्या है या चलो य लोग बलोर ब कर रहे तो बता तुम लोग बता अलग से ता मा चल नहीं रहा आज पास होया नागे या फ ना चाहोगे गु जोर से आ रही है पर क्या बोल… Read More

  • Unveiling Lilyville’s Top Traitor RON9IE – Minecraft PvP Drama 😡

    Unveiling Lilyville's Top Traitor RON9IE - Minecraft PvP Drama 😡Video Information This video, titled ‘Revealing Biggest Traitor OF LILYVILLE gamerfleet pvp god RON9IE hacker 😡 Minecraft Live’, was uploaded by Happy Adi Gamer on 2024-01-14 06:52:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags :— gamerfleet live stream lilyville day 9 gamerfleet live stream herobrine smp gamerfleet stream lilyville lilyville new member … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mishaps with Bang RA

    Insane Minecraft Mishaps with Bang RAVideo Information [Musik] kebanyakan malah hancur [Musik] semua [Musik] kebanyakan terus diapain Buset Kaget gua Anjing Lah iya kocak ini adalah orang-orang yang [Musik] tolong Gimana cara cancelnya [Musik] cancelnya I’m so sorry my friend foreign This video, titled ‘Hal Stupid yang Gw Lakuin di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-23 05:50:00. It has garnered 109 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. Stupid Things I Do in Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play Minecraft games, brothers and sisters. Donation link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link… Read More

  • Pixel Planet 21+ Bedrock SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelist

    Pixel Planet Gaming: Future Server Join us at PPG in creating a new Minecraft world for the next big update! We aim to have a friendly SMP server with various gaming channels on Discord. Let’s work together to choose the seed, resource packs, and world name. Come join the fun and make new friends! Discord: shackfu Read More

  • Worldborne

    WorldborneWorldborne is a plugin based Nations server where you will join a group and try to rise to the top. Several nations have already been founded so far all with rich lore and really cool people. We also have the plugin for Simple Voice chat so that people can easily communicate. We offer a non-toxic community with an anticheat, as well as several moderation tools. Also unique to the server are custom Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – GAMERS, I GOT A THEORY

    Minecraft Memes - GAMERS, I GOT A THEORYGuys, I have a theory that if we keep upvoting this meme, we’ll all level up in our meme game! Read More

  • Ronaldo’s Recipe for Minecraft Motivation

    Ronaldo's Recipe for Minecraft Motivation Why did Ronaldo go to Roblox for a recipe? Maybe he’s trying to cook up some motivation to score more goals! Or maybe he just wants to listen to some motivational music while playing Minecraft and Mobile Legends. Either way, he’s definitely got his meme game on point! Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Build Your Own Empire

    Mastering Minecraft: Build Your Own Empire Welcome to the Imperial Amphitheater Building the Underwater Kingdom Welcome to the Empires Mode server, a creative multiplayer server where builders can create their very own kingdom. Jake Kelton embarks on a new Minecraft Creative series to showcase the process of building a mega base Kingdom. Whether in a creative test world or survival mode, these videos aim to inspire and provide tips and tricks for creating your own incredible Kingdom. When starting on the server, Jake had to decide on the type of Kingdom to build. After considering options like a flying city and a city built into… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Derpage Turns into Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind: Where Derpage Turns into Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. Have you ever found yourself craving a new and unique Minecraft experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. While watching the YouTube video titled “The derpage will happen #shorts” by Music Free Gaming, you may have noticed the sense of community and… Read More

  • Ultimate Kelp Farm for XP Boost!

    Ultimate Kelp Farm for XP Boost! Minecraft’s Easy Auto Kelp Farm: A Versatile Solution for Fuel, XP, and Food Looking to level up your Minecraft game with a reliable source of fuel, XP, and food? Look no further than an easy auto kelp farm! In this tutorial, players can learn how to construct a dried kelp farm that is perfect for Minecraft 1.20. This innovative farm features an automatic harvesting system that is seamlessly connected to a smelter, providing a hassle-free way to gather resources. The best part? This farm doesn’t rely on Zero-Tick technology, ensuring a stable setup without the fear of breaking or… Read More

  • Unearthing a Powerful Rune Stone in Minecraft!? Ep. 8 Solo Leveling Mod

    Unearthing a Powerful Rune Stone in Minecraft!? Ep. 8 Solo Leveling ModVideo Information but now not more goblins all right sure let’s put the Venom Fang on [Music] oh it does answer the question it does we can apply our poison to our magic or wait maybe it was just burning I think the rate I think the rate of those hits are literally yeah I think the r of those hits are from the poison thank you silver car for Prime thank you thank you come the T we’re just chilling out with some more goblins but you know just chilling out with some goblins just not a big deal… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Mystery: Haunted Realm

    Terrifying Minecraft Mystery: Haunted RealmVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Minecraft Myth: haunted world’, was uploaded by TymaxgameHD on 2024-03-01 13:50:35. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:31 or 91 seconds. If you have scary myths or bedrock seeds/ video or photo footage from any Minecraft version, you can show it on my discord server and I’ll upload it on YouTube if you want that! (: My discord server: https://discord.gg/xMv8xvh5 Copy the link and join (: Subscribe, like and commend if you want more! It’s a great support for me! Thank you Read More

  • 1.20 Update Exposed! Insane Base & Creeper Farm

    1.20 Update Exposed! Insane Base & Creeper FarmVideo Information welcome to 2b2 the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft established in December 2010 2 b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos Reigns Supreme with no rules and No Boundaries players are free to explore build and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination prepare yourself for a journey like no other where danger lurks around every corner and Only the strongest most resourceful players can Thrive welcome to 2 b2t where history is written by those brave enough to venture into its unforgiving landscape I never slow up no I don’t take I… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Ultimate Minecraft Treasure Hunt!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Ultimate Minecraft Treasure Hunt!Video Information hey guys this is Karina and today welcome back to my channel and I’ll be playing some more Minecraft for you guys oh oh this is where we are okay okay we’re building our cherry oak house here should I continue working on this house H we got some oh yeah we got diamonds in the last episode we got three of them we got a ton of iron cute I’m going to make myself a little hat since I’m already making more iron so I can make a hat her I’m going to try and take down… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft stream with crazy bedrock PS4 gameplay!

    EPIC Minecraft stream with crazy bedrock PS4 gameplay!Video Information what’s going on guys welcome back guys to another stream today now we are here on Minecraft um on a new survival world called stream so pretty much I’m going to stream this world a lot and a lot um throughout the week um and also now I’m going to do a thing now where I let you guys choose a game on Fridays that I should play so it be pretty fun I want to finish the FNAF one that that is a tall mountain guys like um I will met I we do have cheats on… Read More

  • Unlock Secret Levels in Minecraft with Cartoon Ladders

    Unlock Secret Levels in Minecraft with Cartoon LaddersVideo Information I found colorful ladders and so many characters in Minecraft hey guys it’s Zach here today let’s take a look at the new Rainbow staircases to different colors lots of different interesting portals at the end of them and the most interesting characters look I won’t even list them all there’s all sorts of minions and rainbow friends and ladybug and all sorts of good characters like lunk Angela and Jimmy netron anyway we’ll see it’s going to be interesting I think you should enjoy it I suggest we go probably all the way to the first one… Read More

  • Exploring Insane Minecraft World LIVE!

    Exploring Insane Minecraft World LIVE!Video Information well well well hello the KD is already here saying I’ll join after the Minecraft stuff maybe dot dot dot all right today we are playing agario instead of Chess okay because I tried to play Slither I tried this last stream and I tried it right before this stream and it turns out you can’t play Slither in Chrome apparently which is a crazy thing I don’t know why they haven’t fixed that but if I press play here doesn’t work so instead we’re playing agario okay which is a great game I imagine we’re probably not… Read More


    "💎UNLIMITED DIAMONDS IN FF WITH COMMAND BLOCK!🔥" #Minecraft #GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNLIMITED DIAMOND WITH COMMAND BLOCK #viral #minecraft #technogamerz #gamerfleet #shorts’, was uploaded by OCTAPLAYZ FF on 2024-01-02 17:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Skeleton goes crazy vs all mobs in epic battle! #minecraft

    Skeleton goes crazy vs all mobs in epic battle! #minecraftVideo Information he [Music] he ow h [Music] yeah [Applause] oh that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] k [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘minecraft skeleton vs all mob fight are freaking out|minecraft mob battle|#minecraft|’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-03-25 22:00:26. It has garnered 4086 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:22 or 322 seconds. minecraft skeleton vs all mob fight are freaking out|minecraft mob battle|#minecraft| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft… Read More

  • WorldScape Realms 1.20 Survival

    Welcome to our Realm Server Community! Hello everyone, we are looking to create a dedicated and friendly community on our realm server. As we grow in numbers, we plan to transition to a regular Java server. We are seeking committed individuals who can help us build an amazing world and form lasting friendships. If you’re interested, feel free to reach out to me on Discord: Archality. Read More

DREAM Responding To Minecraft Manhunt Staged Claims [FULL STREAM]