DreamSMP but we are Minecraft Mob Hybrids

Video Information

Hey everyone sometimes i’m slimkickle and welcome back to the origins smp a minecraft server where me and my friends all are half of a different minecraft race or mob for instance i’m half slime staying on brand club gun gun wilbur soot is half ghost because he’s dead inside

And phil’s of minecraft is half bird cause i don’t know he’s fly you guys really enjoyed the first time i got on this server so i guess i’ll do it again let’s slime right in hey hey charlie what’s going on guys i’m doing well how are you charlie we’re building the pube

Oh the pubes just won the pew how i mean how how where you know you know the big floating rock in the sky is that the start of the pube that’s the pube that’s the pube man are we are we calling it the pube yeah yeah that’s the oh that’s miserable i’m in

I’m in i’m coming up i’m coming up the strand and things are about to get really hairy but before they do a huge thank you to my sponsor for today’s video afk arena thank you for sponsoring this video i can’t tell you guys how much i’ve always wanted to create a strong

And beautiful team to go on adventures with me and that’s when i met her afk arena for those that haven’t seen afk arena on my channel before it’s a casual but rewarding online mobile rpg with a unique fresco art style in it you build a personalized team and level up heroes

From all sorts of different factions i started playing right around when they added sun wukong and he’s been at the center of my team ever since fighting voter suppression by taking everyone to the pole i’ve always loved my team with wilders like gorvo and tassie who cover defense and range

By diving into battle and then putting the enemies to sleep and afk arena has all of the classic rpg elements so if you love rpgs like me you’ll love afk arena and it’s called afk arena for a reason unlike other mobile games afk arena isn’t grindy you can get rewards

Even when you’re offline and it’s also afk arena’s second anniversary so there’s rewards for playing right now if you download and play afk arena before may 5th you will get a hundred summons and one special gift code help support my channel and claim those ridiculous rewards by clicking the link

Down in the description with those 100 free summons i can’t wait to see the team that you build we’re currently doing a to-do list for the pube right now the pube i want it to be a public house i want it to be a pubic house

Public i want it to be something that something that anyone can come to okay yeah i’m looking i’m actually inside the pube right now and oh it’s coming did you just detonate the it’s fighting back number one build it build the [ __ ] right that’s okay number one yeah we’ve

Got a minute we need a big big pube uh wait [ __ ] rambu’s rainbow’s not is rambu an adult oh hey rambu how are you doing man hey rambu we’re building a pub we’re building up okay okay and there’s nothing weird about that in do you know in england we spell pub like

This ah okay okay it’s it’s like a silent like accent thing kind of um you wouldn’t you wouldn’t really understand uh and we currently are writing up a to-do list of things so number one is build it i want everyone up here this is a this is a group effort

Okay hold on number one thing to do is build it right build the [ __ ] is the words i used i’m pretty sure right yeah i want you i want a nice wooden uh i’m thinking i’m thinking tudor i’m thinking you ever been to maine charlie slime’s cool i’ve been together

I know of new england yeah i’m thinking of some tudor style lovely like some wool to like look like the sort of insulated paneling that they use so i mean you’re so like so like a little oh a little hairy huh yeah a little bit hairy you could say yeah

Step two accessibility right oh so this is gonna be open to everyone well it needs to no not just open but available i want i want and available okay you can’t leave water so we need a stream coming up into the pew your pub so right i’m asking

Because i would have thought it would be a it would be kind of a private part but like you know we can make it we can make it public no private parts around here our pew obs are public as hell you could say it’s a public house so what you’re saying is we

Do we need the pub the public hair you said the wall right that’s what we need we need to inherit the world the wall the walls good wall’s good uh who’s in my pub you’re watching my [ __ ] pub tommy you you haven’t been on the street i’ve i’ve

Yeah i’m overseeing the production of the pub we need the next thing on the list what should it be the next thing on the list is sourcing right you sausages so we need to find someone who can produce the drinks someone who can produce the sauce listen listen guys i’m having slime i

Got all three dips bam you got your guy okay okay i’m making them straight from the source next step is going to be games i want i want little redstone toys little redstone toys uh fun things to do uh just memes just a couple memes pub

Pub for children oh so tommy you haven’t seen you haven’t seen what i can do have you oh josh oh you’re gonna like this you’re gonna like this lend me your eyes and ears okay you’re gonna want to see this and most of all you’re gonna want to hear it

Hit me hit me off sorry i had to reform all right so how do we now how do we how do we make it accessible to not only a person that can only breathe in water but also a bunch of people that just can’t touch water at all

Tommy we want to make sure that anyone if they tried enough hypothetically could make it here if they really wanted if they really wanted games i’m on games design some creative fun toys and games to play in the pub leave it to me leave it to me i got some great ideas

What do you think of this uh it’s tether tetherball we made a tetherball wait that’s pretty good right i’ll pass to you yeah here bonking around oh it’s coming pretty fast let me send it back oh there it goes oh this guy’s good not gonna leave score on me not gonna let

You score do you have do you have oh how do you make item frames i got another game idea does anyone have any does anyone have any cows perhaps charlie why did you need cows i’ve got some cows oh do you actually yeah why’d you need them oh i needed a

Leather can they spare some oh i’ll kill them oh okay yeah hey charlie look at this you got something you got hey rambo check this out man this is this is a new game this is a new game tic tac i’ve i’ve invented it tic tac bone Mm-hmm mm-hmm scrawny little man what is this this is a game charlie you’ve done it this is a game well now now it’s now this is just awkward oh this is stuck right now now we’ve got a whole situation here oh man it’s exploded anyway this is a

Pretty good game i’m about to perform an illegal movement you don’t mean you don’t mean four but oh there’s no way i made the game rambo it’s a good game it’s a good game tommy you can’t listen man we told you to make it we told you to make it accessible and

You put up a sign that says where the wetters go i don’t know about this don’t make me bounce don’t make me bounce i’ll let you bounce if you hit me a co if you hit me i’m going to get real small don’t do it here we go here i go

Oh how are you little one i’m good should we read a book together oh yeah you’d like that one you here here hey here how about this how about this let’s do a little tic tac bone i’ll show you uh i’ll show you how how big my brain still is

Can you uh hey can you can you pop the uh can you pop the top ones though can you change this you know of course i oh so what’s it what’s life like down there right now i want to do tick-tock this is great for me i’m going to learn the renegade all

Right oh okay okay oh one of you oh tommy oh this isn’t beyblade what are you doing come on come on quick quick quick go charlie come on wait a second wait a second did you do i when i was not looking at you cheat can you go smaller

Wait wait wait wait wait wait does anyone have a lead and a chicken because we could legitimately make a tetherball holy [ __ ] wait that’s like no it’s not we’ll we’ll pay we’ll pay it we’ll pay the animal we’ll pay the animals do you drink slime booze do you mind pushing one out

Can you squeeze them can you squeeze a ball let’s let’s let’s squeeze a ball out of charlie let’s squeeze does anyone does anyone want to go on an adventure with me who took the bones from the fun chest that was me i turned them into white terracotta

No one is going to have any fun anymore everyone let’s hope see look at that that’s what happens when you mess with the games guys does anyone want to go uh anyone want to go on a hunt for my for my people i want to find something with each other

Let’s go i’ve been looking for my people for a while wilbur all right and and to be friend with you i need a slime ball i’ve tried like pushing one out it hasn’t happened um i need one for my game of tetherball up

There so we got to go we got to go find i mean we got to go find my my family i mean if you wanna save time charlie i’ve gotta i’ve gotta i’ve gotta bucket i could um i mean if you consented of course i could try and milk

Right right click me wilbur all right so what do i where do i put this like it’s like you kind of like really anywhere you can pretty much just get in here i’ll give you a good angle there okay while we’re gonna do it for a while or

Is it the rain is kind of it’s like it’s making me a little more uh more more liquidy than usual kind of just dripping off i swear it’s not usually like this it’s usually i’m usually thicker we could get you a pet slime as you did if you if you’re willing to like

Is that right does that feel right i don’t know i’m not i’m not so sure because like i mean you’re just you’re hot you’re only half slime you’re a hybrid you’re not like i guess but it’s like does that make me better you know what i mean because i feel like the implications

That it does if i’ve got him on like a leash i’m gonna be honest with you charlie slimes cool i thought this was where the swamp was turns out it was an enchanted forest yeah this is super not a swamp uh i guess we can just get some dark wood keep going

Is that here can we get that yeah this is dark wood this is dark wood here i got my render distance on low you’re gonna have to navigate for me i mean we can swap places if you want tell me a little bit about yourself are you my uber driver where are you

Heading tonight yeah so i’m i’m on my way to the swamp uh you’ve been to the swamp uh no what’s your zodiac oh oh uh i’m a i don’t really you know i don’t really believe in that kind of stuff okay well you know if you just build me

A room that is so that is so leo of you that is so little of you to not do not play along no question i’m actually in aries oh wait no that’s fine which one’s april wait no you can’t wait it’s fine where are you going

I mean and aries like you would know where i’m going i mean i was just [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude are you [ __ ] gary hey there’s anyone check this thing out over here it looks like some sort of village or temple wait wait wait wait

You think if i you think if i drop on the pressure plate i’ll i’ll bounce back up i really want you to try i’m going to try I’m absolutely going to try okay i’m going to immediately run into the wall the second you do it okay okay will you survive okay i’m now on normal people hearts okay ready three two one go wow you know i didn’t realize that it would detonate after a timer i kind of thought

It would go right away so when i kept bouncing and like the the arc was slowly getting lower i just got like progressively more and more afraid i’m sorry i’m starting raining i’m sorry i’m thinking i want to head back to the group because i can’t see a swamp phil’s and minecraft

Will know where one is because he’s he’s the flyboy and he’s been everywhere okay i don’t know if this is going to be bad or not to say right oh hold on no no no stop hey guys i joined and he said that okay okay

Listen listen what is i don’t know if i can ask this but i did listen i gotta know what the [ __ ] is like a kin list we were talking about zodiac and it came into my [ __ ] mind and i’m like what is that did you laugh is it’s characters you

Liking yourself too essentially oh oh okay so it is a little different that’s cool i thought it was going to be something bad but i think just am i right saying that or they’re going to say i don’t know i don’t know let’s go back charlie let’s go back

We’ve we’ve raided the village dude we haven’t found us we haven’t found a building we can’t just go we can’t just keep going back to phil for everything we can we can phil knows you need to ride in the front cause i cannot see over it

No baby oh look at you going f5 press f5 charlie look dude you are getting [ __ ] one star for this ride man look how good it looks dude what the [ __ ] he has achieved that and all what did i do what did i do hey we’re back have you guys

Have you guys have you guys like worked on getting nikki her little fish tank so she can hang out wilbur i’m down if you want to make that our our project right now we can do that yeah sure let’s do it um i’m going to go get us some sand i’m

Going to go get okay cool you go get sand whoa this is crazy that you guys have like actually achieved something here i feel like i feel like i can never do that in minecraft every one of my neurons deactivates when i boot up this block game

Wait charlie what because when you get real small you’re the size of one block if you swim can you go underneath half slabs can you be smaller than half a block wait you can can i think he might be able to i would think we saw us michael here can i get squeeze

Rampu we are gonna crack this case wide open okay we gotta figure this out right first thing we need we need water right we need water god i feel like i feel like a specimen if we do this then if you do this okay and you do that

I have something to show you i think you have to we have something to don’t get your ankles too close here this is uh this is where we talk about the shady business can i join the shady business if you can get small enough dude i feel like a [ __ ] slug oh my

God but like i’m half off at the same time a very powerful one oh i think oh my god i’ve been so confused because like charlie was making like was talking about how small he is and stuff and i don’t have the mod installed because it didn’t work for me oh so i

Was i was just a regular guy walking around is let me try something can you try hitting where my head is oh [ __ ] do you think if i jump on a slime block i’ll see god that’s actually a good question right this is dude we are cracking the cases

Here wait do you have any more how many slime balls do you have i have no slime balls we didn’t achieve [ __ ] oh you guys said you guys i thought you guys went to go get slime balls oh wait no i think i think what we did

Is we gave up after about 10 minutes and said i feel so we’ll figure it out phil you know everything in minecraft do you know where a swamp is actually passing through little swamps you did can you point in a general direction if you want it’s just north of this place

Oh [ __ ] just grab on to phil’s foot he’ll just still just soar now he can extinguish charlie’s real little for me again yeah i’m a small guy oh tubbo this is where you don’t randomly stab people wait no no i’m gonna go and pollute your tank oh yeah throw it in eat it

Guys you’re disrupting tubbo you’re disrupting the flow you’re gonna disorient her oh my god to the [ __ ] auto clicker what the [ __ ] oh my god i wanted to be like one note can i have some wood what did someone hear something jesus i’m about to [ __ ] i’m about to unlock

Tinnitus origin i’m getting out of here oh god it actually you know now that now that it’s gone it feels weirder yeah there we go phil do you think you could leave me you think you could leave me to a swamp i really want to see if i can find some slime

It’s a bit of a walk but um it is definitely this way i remember like i passed a bit of a bounce for me i don’t i don’t i don’t walk yeah i’ll be honest i don’t know how far away it is because i kind of just like

Flew and just didn’t stop for a while and that’s where i found like of [ __ ] how uh how long is a while ah like about an hour and a bit maybe an hour and a bit yeah maybe an hour and a bit there’s got to be one closer there’s got

To be a swamp closer right holy [ __ ] what the hell yeah here’s your swamp we literally dude we literally just found the [ __ ] far lands man i’m going to post about this i’m going to get so much reddit i am going to get so many karma i have been walking

Straight for 15 minutes and i have finally discovered the minecraft farlands how long did you spend looking for a slime uh like with will we we just got on a boat and went in a random direction and like found a golem and i think talked about zodiac signs

And that was it yeah and then and then i think we just kind of gave up i keep thinking i’m hearing slimes and it’s just me it’s just you it’s just me slapping against the ground over and over again where is oh there’s one i see it i see

It i see it oh it’s big too it’s big it’s big it’s big brother lend me your goop oh i need your help i need your help there’s a ton of things i’m on my way i’m on my way i’m away watch out i also get smaller when i die look at

That okay i’m getting i got i got four i got four i got ten [ __ ] i did not dude i’ll be straight with you i did not expect to find one the first night oh i see another one you do oh [ __ ] yep yep yep goodbye come on

No did he on spawn in front of you literally right before my arrow hit him that is oh my god dude i found a little one i found oh i found two little ones oh three little ones oh i see a big one right oh you do go this time you little [ __ ]

Don’t despawn we’re we’re uh we’re actually making some progress here i have 16. nice okay all right i’ve got a slime block here’s what’s gonna happen can can you give me uh do you have like a bunch of like dirt or something i can use like build up and jump on this

This is the moment it’s all been building too man all right i’m gonna jump next to it i bounce up to there you got it yeah yep yep all right wait you bounced okay predictions hypothesis uh i think you’re just gonna bounce the same height i’ll be honest

[ __ ] you i think so too i think so too dude i’m gonna literally sue the person that made this origin out of the kindness of their heart if i bounce the same height i’m going to sue them here we go [ __ ] that felt like less was that less it was the same oh my gosh oh why was i born why was i born just to suffer just to suffer i’ve killed i’ve killed my people for nothing phil i just bounced on the corpse of my brother for nothing

Well here you go here’s some more oh great great great i just yeah i get to live i get to live with the fact that we massacred them for [ __ ] that’s fine they’ll come by their [ __ ] yeah hey modding community hey wouldn’t it be cool wouldn’t it be cool if every time

You hit us if you hit a slime block as the slime origin you went up a little higher each time or so i could just [ __ ] orbit [ __ ] i wasn’t i’m not goopy enough my viscosity is not vicious enough modders out there if you’re out there if you’re watching this video please

Help me become the slime i was meant to be and i will slime you later you

This video, titled ‘DreamSMP but we are Minecraft Mob Hybrids’, was uploaded by Slmccl on 2021-04-09 14:49:34. It has garnered 2620263 views and 152454 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:02 or 1382 seconds.

Me, Wilbur, Philza, Ranboo, Tommy, Niki, and others from the Dream SMP all became insane mob hybrids in minecraft! Shenanigans ensue. Download and play AFK Arena: https://patron.me/SlmcclAFK Join the 2nd anniversary event during April 6th through May 5th and get 100 free summons and 1 special gift code:aaz27uvgfi

Edited by Zaltoman: https://twitter.com/Zaltoman https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM3u3XJ4ZicJmI5i4nM832Q

Friends in this video: @WilburPlays @ph1lza @NikiNihachu @TommyInnit @JackManifoldTV @Ranboo @Tubbo

Origins Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/origins Slime Origin Add-on: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/slime-origin

We became hilarious mob hybrids again in minecraft, and it was so funny. Wilbur Soot is a phantom, Ranboo is an enderman, and of course, Slimecicle is a slime. Some of these mob hybrids are pretty sus so be careful! You never know when there will be another minecraft mob hybrid Among Us.

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    Insane Minecraft Survival in Hindi! 🔥🌲 | Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java Survival Series: Epic Beginnings in Hindi! 🌲🔥 | Gameplay Episode 1 |’, was uploaded by TOXIC PLAYZ on 2024-01-09 14:13:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Java Survival Series: Epic Beginnings in Hindi! | Gameplay Episode 1 🏷️ Tags & Keywords: Minecraft Fps Test … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Challenge! Can We Hit 300k Subs?!

    Insane Minecraft Build Challenge! Can We Hit 300k Subs?!Video Information [Music] oh oh [Music] yo what’s up crater Sky how are you bud [Music] oh oh oh I’m good that’s awesome what’s up ory demon hey easy I wanted to let you know you’re an amazing streamer I do not want you to quit yo Orie Damon yo thank you ory Damon that was very nice thank you that was very nice of you [Music] [Music] yo what’s up Lucas that’s what we like to see W’s happy Thursday happy Thursday Lucas Lucas [Music] [Laughter] [Music] a oh [Music] my you put some amazing work into your videos… Read More

  • 🍁Become a Pokemon Master in Minecraft!

    🍁Become a Pokemon Master in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【JP/EN #minecraft 】ポケモン初心者がマイクラ世界でポケモンマスターになる!?#2【#新人vtuber 】’, was uploaded by 葵杏くれは🍁⛩新人Vtuber on 2024-01-14 14:16:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank-you for coming! I’m still coughing like I have a cold, but please forgive me! ! ! I’m playing Minecraft MOD’s Pixelmon! Almost all Pokemon… Read More

  • Losing my mind in Minecraft Art 145 – CRAZIEST episode yet! 👀

    Losing my mind in Minecraft Art 145 - CRAZIEST episode yet! 👀Video Information we viory [Music] viory viory tomato one one one Ro yeah for we to get down get down 10 kills on the board right now just wa to my friend was gone down I revived him now we’re heading southbound This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 145 | 9/11’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-04-29 15:46:37. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Art Transformation in Minecraft! 😱🎨 #marvel

    Mind-Blowing Anime Art Transformation in Minecraft! 😱🎨 #marvelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Before and After VFX 🎬🟩 Minecraft #marvel #minecraft #music #animation’, was uploaded by anime art🎨 Channel on 2024-01-10 08:40:08. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Before and After VFX 🎬🟩 Minecraft #marvel #minecraft #music #animation Read More

  • Complexity SMP Modded SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to Complexity SMP! About Us: Complexity SMP is a 2 1/2 month-old Minecraft server focused on exploration and quality of life mods. Join our tight-knit community for a long-lasting world full of creativity and adventure. Join Our Discord: Our active Discord server is filled with useful features to help you get started and connect with other players. Join us here! Modpack Features: Explore mods like Alex’s Caves, Create, Cataclysm, and Iron’s Spells for a mix of creative freedom and engaging gameplay. Enjoy the journey to the late game power spikes! Check out the modpack: Click here to explore the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting memes after finding third Minecraft book

    Looks like someone leveled up in meme-making skills! Read More

  • “Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!” 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes

    "Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!" 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes When you’re trying to impress someone with your knowledge of Minecraft materials but all you can think of is the Italian version of the periodic table. #minecraftfail #nerdproblems 😂🤓🇮🇹 Read More

  • Discover the Best Survival Experience on Minewind Server 🏠

    Discover the Best Survival Experience on Minewind Server 🏠 Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of building the ultimate survival house in Minecraft? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. With a thriving community of players who are passionate about crafting, building, and surviving, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine joining a server where you can collaborate with other players to create epic structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and custom plugins, the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer looking to dive… Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Mob Farm Build

    Ultimate Creeper Mob Farm Build Minecraft SMP: The World of Creeper Mob Farms Exploring the Depths of Minecraft SMP In the vast world of Minecraft SMP, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. One such example is the creation of mob farms, specifically designed to harvest resources from hostile mobs like creepers. These farms are not only practical but also a testament to the ingenuity of Minecraft players. The Art of Mob Farming Creating a creeper mob farm requires careful planning and execution. Players must consider factors such as spawn rates, mob behavior, and resource collection. By strategically placing spawning platforms… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Wooden House Interior Build 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Wooden House Interior Build 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Survival Wooden House #2 Interior Tutorial – How to Build -💡Material List in Description!’, was uploaded by WiederDude on 2024-04-25 10:00:17. It has garnered 21167 views and 636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:42 or 762 seconds. ➜Minecraft: Survival House 2 interior Tutorial ➜Thumbs up^^ & Subscribe for more =) ➜Download houses: http://billionblocks.com ➜Main House Tutorial Video: https://youtu.be/exfMp-q_FUE ▼More House Tutorials▼ https://www.youtube.com/WiederDude This is the interior tutorial video for survival house #2 you can also use this video to get awesome interior ideas for your survival wooden minecraft house! If you like… Read More

  • Cursed Adventure in Minecraft

    Cursed Adventure in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Iniziamo la Nostra Avventura – Minecraft ma è CURSED🌈’, was uploaded by Carnino on 2024-01-05 15:00:27. It has garnered 325 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftita #minecraftshorts #minecraftitalia #shorts #minecraftma Read More

  • Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍

    Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍Video Information ओके गाइस मैं एंड ड्रैगन मारने आ गया बट मैं बैट लाने भ मर गया तो क्या हुआ ओके गाइस वेलकम बैक टू माय न्यू वीडियो आप सभी का स्वागत है आज हम खेलने वाले हैं गवल डॉप्स ओपी आइटम्स चलिए शुरू करते हैं ओके तो मुझ स्पॉन भी ची जगह पे मिला है यहां पे ग्रेवल मुझे आराम से देखने को मिल जाएगी तो यहां पे ग्रेवल मिल चुकी है इसको माइन करता हू सबसे पहले मुझे मिली है एंडर चेस्ट लेट्स गो और देखते हैं क्या-क्या मिलने वाला है नेम टेग मिला है ब्रेड टी एनटी… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱Video Information first thing I did was get some wood because you always got to start with that then I found a cave and mine for some Stone went into a deeper cave and got iron and then I stumbled across a creeper and then he proceeded to blow up all on his own accord and then I did some mining this is totally legit mining yep I’m definitely not insta mining it’s just sped up real fast I got some XP from this will then I’m in the nether boom found The Fortress that’s a totally legit way of… Read More

  • Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!

    Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!Video Information there we go yay okay now we can oh wait we should probably get some totems o right yeah totems are important totems are very important but yeah welcome to the stream everybody wait I got to do that thing wait no that’s there we go I was thinking of a I don’t have a key set up a mute key set up for Discord bad l oh yeah a little py Pond yeah oh okay of course it has to start raining the moment I know why this exact moment it has to start raining I love… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information [Music] let’s eat wow so [Music] yummy hey eat it more wow Ain mine h h give your back to me [Music] no huh hey don’t oh you huh give it back to me no [Music] huh oh my God m [Music] huh oh no are you okay they bullied [Music] me and they to my cake hey what did you do to her let’s not bully each other give her a cake huh hey take [Music] it let’s go [Music] home wao hello I want to play skateboard huh you can only play 10 minutes okay be… Read More

  • INSANE! 1M Subs on Minecraft’s SPUD Update! 🥔

    INSANE! 1M Subs on Minecraft's SPUD Update! 🥔Video Information hello oh my gosh okay let me put on this is why we don’t update things hi hi everybody oh my goodness oh what a pain twitch is not going to happen tonight so it’s just going to be me and YouTube like it always uh like it used to be so hello hello everybody hi um how you doing Strike Zone hippo no Avid quick singer hello viid I saw Ruby in the chat sadden hello cup half full lemon hi everybody odev GG on 1 million well okay so look sorry I’m a minute late I’m… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CRAFTING on INGITOR SMP!! 🤯🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey besties how are we doing I can’t lie I have been looking forward to stream like I just have so much fun streaming and I was looking forward to this uh oh I still need a there we go we got the map open that there I’m going to get that there okay now we’re organized and ready to go Charlotte oh my goodness you’re so early today hello how are you doing how is your day going welcome Charlotte welcome okay apparently dippy and Blacky are in a group yes hello Hi how are you I’m… Read More

  • Royal Asylum

    Royal AsylumThe time has come to flee your war torn country and begin your new life as a prisoner of war at the Royal Asylum in the Lost Kingdom! Start as a peasant and mine,chop, and fight for your life to rankup and achieve Noble status through the kingdom. This is a prison experience like no other. We are a Semi-OP RPG Prison server! Rankup by completing quests, mining, and fighting for your life today! LINKS Discord: https://discord.gg/bFRgSKa Forums: https://royalasylummc.enjin.com/ mc.royalasylum.net Read More

  • CozyCraving Vanilla – No Whitelist – No Grief – Survival

    Welcome to Cozy Craving Survival Server! If you’re looking for an unwhitelisted survival server with a fantastic community, you’ve come to the right place. Our server features a plugin that can rollback griefing and looting, giving you peace of mind while you play. The server will never be reset and will grow over time. Connect to our server at: play.cozycraving.com Read More

  • Enceladus NO

    Enceladus NOEnceladus N.U / Saturn Survival (2015-2018)Here you will find a thrilling survival gameplay experience with a friendly economy tuned for fairness in our server. We are grindy/farming based and simply land claim survival. Our brand theme is a hysterical space-medieval with mystery. Use /warp shop to work your way up the economy leaderboard or thrash the PvP monuments with your friends. It is what you make of it here and you can find other various unique beauties in our palace. The snail lords are coming – bring your talents alive and find what’s notable about your creativity! We are simplistic… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Chest Looting”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Chest Looting"Well, at least this meme scored higher than my chances of surviving a creeper explosion in Minecraft! Read More

  • Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes

    Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes “When you accidentally trade your diamond sword for a stack of dirt in Minecraft, and suddenly realize you’ve made a grave mistake. RIP to your hopes of defeating the Ender Dragon with a pile of dirt.” Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “INFINITE FUEL IN MINECRAFT | HOW TO MAKE INFINITE FUEL SOURCE IN MINECRAFT” by Viper_Playzz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive in a community of like-minded players. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vast open world, unique gameplay… Read More

DreamSMP but we are Minecraft Mob Hybrids