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Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you hi hi hello Hi everybody how do you mute in the game am I muted am I muted hello ah oh [ __ ] it actually works oh my God it is are you guys streaming yeah yeah yes hi guys hello hello oh there we go Does that mean you’re riding me flushed emoji [Laughter] okay wait you actually got off yeah are you in your iron armor yeah so cute You want you want another right armor Really you know Should I just give this to Petra I think Petra needs it more than me no no no no it’s important oh my God you’re wearing your new outfit bgm’s a little loud how is that poor you’re wearing your knee Yeah I am so cute we want to update our tools yeah the tablet yeah you do oh damn the bgm is loud there how’s that more than one kind of okay I bet you I’ll keep my armor okay that’s all right do you no no feel bad here I’ll give it to you Petra wear your clothes come on I’m right here red here did he make it I didn’t make a helmet I’m sorry that’s the strongest armor in the game wait do you want a helmet oh I can give you It’s really it’s really hard to make it after the new update so you might as well keep it yeah they like made it more difficult to make in the new update so oh make sure it doesn’t break why did they do that they used to not cost anything right

I think it didn’t cost anything but now you need more stuff to make it a distance it’s so ugly what is I love proximity chat so funny yeah you gotta enchant your armor I forgot how the Skelly head on no of course yeah of a raid that happened in the area what’s going on what’s ugly chat oh Mr Skelly hey I thought oh wait oh damn it [Laughter] yeah hold on I gotta go get her a helmet wait what’s ugly

Okay so my child is saying that Sunny built it for when it was a when it was braiding vsf what this looks good though no no in the middle you know how in the middle area there was that weird just thing of dirt that like staircased this thing

Y I don’t think is that one now because this is yours oh cover me in debris why is there music playing because it’s Minecraft so loud guys there’s so many people on the server right now this is crazy Sunny Maybe made that oh I didn’t hear you

Hope it doesn’t last it just likes to tune me out yay we’re here gathered we are gathered here today to find the great cherry blossoms No no we started I think I added him if he doesn’t that’s on him [Laughter] I know I’m still riding thank you oh yeah sorry I’m sorry sorry I just want to hitch a ride don’t mind me just keep doing what you’re doing no not the Airheads Petra my friends ouch fly in the sky Fly who am I riding

I don’t know you can fly okay I got you I got you do you have a if you have a electric Airhead collection is my worst you want to fly too yeah let’s do it how do I wait do I just like oh grab empty yeah why do you tell them

You’re the only one to know I hate it what what the [ __ ] please [Laughter] I’ll just yeah yeah thank you it’s on top of Rosemary’s house I’m sorry I had to Apex you I’m sorry now do it again [Laughter] I love proximity chat so funny you just hear them

You dropped me in the sky well you didn’t have a good enough grip no yeah I have she grip what are you talking about [Laughter] oh runs also suited up Where did he get that probably I did lend a red light diamond armor I think he just uh includes another right now no you have to have the tablets for that now oh yeah that’s right maybe someone had oh to be fair I think some of us had

Another eye on standby before the uh yeah yeah we did recording it are we I have I have any suits of armor so much netherrite though right are you able to Petra and [Laughter] um Also chat is the volume okay everyone yeah is the volume okay sorry I forgot to ask earlier sometimes the people are gonna be quiet it’s because they’re far away it’s called proximity very far away yeah like this I think because because it Amplified yourself I can hear you guys so well Foreign [Laughter] who’s the hottest Uber driver you ever had I’ve never been to Uber driver I swear I say that I quote that vine like once a week I hooked him up I always saw the achievement look at us we’re all matching yeah yeah all right right okay and this is how I

Look okay this is my head I didn’t say anything about your head you think it’s beautiful right insecurity no I’m just saying that it might be a little bit bonier than others but that doesn’t mean I don’t even know where it is me either that’s why I got you

[ __ ] I don’t care what the What The Hell by the way Tomo Petra thank you for helping me set up this uh this uh Minecraft you’re welcome [Laughter] it was like catching a grandpa and a child at the same time [Laughter] what the hell is going on Minecraft is such a crazy game

Whose butt is this oh my God yeah my uh my bones cracks Oh she’s taking out the bow I don’t know if that’ll work I don’t know if that’ll reach but I was gonna say I was killed bunny how many bunnies they eat the carrots it’s so cute look at they hide in there oh no I don’t have any carrots I got

Seeds come back little guy come here oh I’m so sorry you got in nowhere oh she’s blaming you oh my God what is she in the cafe where is she oh yeah I love this oh yeah Oh yeah I accept my punishments oh I think I was making you suffocate by pushing you into the wall why does Aya keep dying was burnt to a crisp while fighting oh my God by suffocating her into oh Okay let’s go [Laughter] oh thank you [Laughter] welcome back from the Land of the Dead it’s nice to experience the sweet release of death momentarily okay I’ve been waiting too long to find to find cherry blossoms I am getting they are okay in front of the cafe I think yeah in front of the cafe

Yeah yeah wait so so how are we gonna do this are we gonna like split up are we going as a group or like this is a group oh yeah we can do whichever I’m okay I’m down for whatever we have enough elytra that people have or people can sit on people’s backs

Petra what about this little magic carpet Petra we’re so lame we can’t fly ourselves Angel after all I have an extra one too just for of course I got you buddy I got you oh I’m gonna go get a shulker chest I’ll be right back oh that’s smart I should get mine

That sounds made up hey I thought you were gonna protect me what the hell get my one and only shulkey okay I only have one way to play Minecraft I don’t have to do except for when you get suffocated when I walk into my house okay oh you went through shelter chest chat

Friend that already found the dog Ren found hey what the hell I need more than two what’s the point of having just two Yeah oh you need a chest okay and then do I put it like on either side I have wood oh I have some in my inventory do I do this and then like this oh or my guard Do it now can I break it with my hand or will that break it chat please no I think you can break it I’ve done that before can I break it with my hand yeah you can okay thank God don’t fake my show key [ __ ] yeah

The selfie chose me okay it’s not my fault no please I need this I fought so hard for it AKA Sonny dropped it off at my house one day where is everybody just ask him for more true oh your helmet is Enchanted nice oh I don’t even know I don’t know

I’m not rich like so I can’t do that let’s go I love you even hey that’s good I’m not you know I’m not superficial oh my God whoa where is everybody ‘s looking there so cool yeah Watashi-tachy lost this not the raffle copter look at the cafe they just replied hey you don’t go nowhere hey [ __ ] oh my God it’s killed let me turn you up oh there’s three yeah wait oh [ __ ] three of what hey uh do any of you guys have like any snacks why did

What happened to your armor my armor yeah oh [ __ ] I’m naked girl you’re not naked I’m naked without my nether right yeah yeah yeah did you get the chicken how did you like dogs how was that honestly bro 10 out of 10. he killed Rand best friend my ocean now what the hell

No no no no no no no no no no no no way it is [Laughter] thanks for the name pomu you came up with it I did yeah like way in the beginning you gave me this oh yeah oh yeah I did do I did a scavenger hunt yeah yeah I have an

Alternative sword with smionic called Divine smite Hi and then I lost it so like then I like hacked in another one with the same name as fast but you know like don’t wait don’t worry about that wait where is red and then you never gave me my back and it disappeared

Did that happen yes so either you lost it or you threw it off the edge oh sounds like a sounds like um it’s called kyotana not poem Thomas sounds like you probably um that’s why I have another one don’t worry about it we’re good okay under you I think Ren’s running back I

Think he’s but just under you Ayah I’m sorry I try to answer you what that was above her name I can’t believe it bro you are something our Senpai so I’m sorry [Laughter] you know is Yeah we’re all here oh if anybody needs Rockets I made some okay everyone get off my head you have extra I have to go back to my house real quick and go look up an ax wait wait hold on I’m fixing it because I only have it in my Rockets yeah

I forgot I don’t even remember where I put all my stuff um might be in the chest I should have used all my diamonds to be honest why did I save them who knows they might all be over here still I’m gonna pretend I don’t have any fireworks and then steal them

From those who actually need them it’s a good plan your inventory management sure is something Am I gonna die I’m a professional oh [ __ ] I live let’s [ __ ] go um oh God wait I don’t have an ax I swear I did I better bring this I guess oh my God this is the first time I’ve ever jumped off of like a higher surface

And not used a rocket to like do anything in Minecraft history oh I do I do have it that’s I’m gonna sleep too good job I almost fat all my water oh my God oh I have a lot of rockets I almost out of my [ __ ] water [Laughter] oh well

It do be that kind of fun [Laughter] what are they saying okay I’m back where’s everyone By your house okay We’re throwing you a housewarming party I know it’s like a couple a year and a half late but um Welcome congrats on your debut oh I’m the hidden member of Crisis yay what’s your what’s your name again what’s your hero name um foreign [Laughter] hero Academia in the hero Academia film ing oh he starts he’s not in the film sorry round with like the opposite we’re saying gender and they’re here Academia

In the hero Academia manga it is revealed that shikaraki you know shigaraki the hand guy the evil guy uh no oh at all I don’t even watched them okay well the main antagonist of hero Academia is called shigaraki And yeah sorry a major a major spoiler about you know Academia is that she got rocky used to play League of Legends oh [ __ ] yo we gotta keep away from Master man I wish I was joking but there is a panel in the manga when someone is like she

Got rocky have you ever played league and shigaraki goes LOL yeah I’ve played it before only solo queue though oh my God wait are you serious yeah it’s a real thing what the whole thing that’s awesome a spoiler so Palmer what happens is um but yeah I’m right here

On pride month Patrick come on I cannot believe it bro you just said the gay sleep I feel like we’ve explored a lot I was drinking water when you typed that I almost choked the gay sleep I don’t know what does that mean when we went to sleep the text was a rainbow

And I was just drinking water talking the chat and then all of a sudden it’s justly when it said that no she typed it oh hello where oh how many times have you died bro there you guys are you want to know the spoiler it’s not a real spoiler maybe in the manga

Of hero Academia where the hell is that this is a real thing that happens okay I need you to understand this there’s a panel where she got rocky is thinking about his past and he’s talking to somebody and he goes League of Legends yeah I’ve played that game before that yeah yeah

When that when that chapter came out I think we were together and I was reading it I was like what in the hell is going on in this manga right now no we were yeah and I was like we’re reading at the studio well I wasn’t doing anything I

Was just saying guys wait wait wait wait wait wait I need to tell you I went to the office the other day and sometimes like there’s like a bookshelf and like we can bring in books for like everyone to read right oh okay yeah yeah I know

What you’re talking about I saw the most disturbing no problem I don’t know who brought this in there you go wait uh I put it in collab VC but there’s a whole collection of this manga series And then I look at the bookshelf and I’m like hold on that’s been there for a long time it hurts yeah I noticed it I never noticed until now I noticed it a while furry manga but there’s like four volumes yeah there’s a lot of it

I took a picture of that too don’t worry all right are we going yeah let’s go all right what should we do how should we go um whichever direction we feel like all right what new blocks are there cool let’s pick one do we have to travel all the way to a

New unexplored bias holy [ __ ] yeah 10 years no no it’s okay it’s okay and Minecraft you’ll find the deep dark yes bro stop yeah before I was about to get a little nsw if you bring that up okay I’m talking about the deep dark before the current deep dark oh I’m

Talking about the deep dark that you archived in the Forbidden texts Adventure no way home Oh yeah okay are we going right yeah we’re waiting on the slow poke over here where the hell are you I’m right here oh my head dude oh everybody’s so far away we flew too fast What song is that Indiana Jones how dare you Petra right now John Williams my Oshi composer who has composed music for so many famous things okay so one thing about cherry blossoms is they’re typically on Hills you guys I’ve never heard for the big hilly hilly

Areas Petra have you ever heard the Star Wars soundtrack oh my gosh yeah John Williams Petra have you ever heard the Harry Potter soundtrack I was thinking of the Avengers song have you ever heard have you ever heard the Harry Potter soundtrack John Williams have you ever heard Indiana Jones soundtrack yes you

Have just now John Williams I heard soundtrack and track of things ride at Disneyland he wrote that no it’s not that and he wrote that yeah wait what we already left we got them well wait can we tip here oh wait is this the Stream [Laughter]

Well what now wait are we going back on my back holy [ __ ] oh oh my God we’re riding off into the sunset together yeah yeah so do you understand now why John Williams is so important yeah sounds like an awesome guy yeah he is he’s like 93.

Oh damn and the new Indiana Jones film that’s coming out like next week was supposed to be his last film and then he was going to retire but then he decided he’s not going to retire because he just loves making music so much and he’s such a [ __ ] badass that he was like

I’m gonna stay that’s so nice oh yeah he wrote Jurassic Park as well yeah yeah I’ve seen one of those the the one he wrote the words Yeah he wrote that song yeah he also yeah he also did Jaws wow he’s very very very influential composer of all time and film almost reporting shoe oh [ __ ] Minecraft okay we’re back finally what if we had kept going and we had found the cherry blossoms without them

I think they would have been kind of upset and never tell them that’s so [ __ ] up and then we’ll be like there’s no oh no there’s no biome in our server everyone would know that was a lie so fast but isn’t there like no snow biome in

The store yeah there is it’s like right behind Akama Castle no it’s not it’s right it’s behind Akama Castle I’m pretty sure oh God my Elijah is gonna break Yeah yeah I should well it won’t break it’ll just stop working until I fix it where is everybody Watashi with cocoyo oh that’s so weird don’t say that ever again yeah it’s like when you are you listening Senpai it’s like wait can you hear me we landed to wait oh we’re back uh the main Hub where is it why is it so loud here I don’t know what’s in this

He left he left oh I don’t want to see what’s inside yes I do you don’t want to see her bunnies I think that’s what October so sex bunnies we produce so fast I’m not doing that they’re just hanging Okay I’m gonna oh fix my fly thing should I go fix it it’s gonna take so long though fix it fix it you need it okay it’ll come here how can I help come I have to go all the way over there so you’ll be alone Here the great bunny from RE zero I’m stuck with half of a Luna hey I have to fix my Elijah where’s Palma helping shoe I thought they were near Disney I’m gonna Mend my elytra are you ready get on oh oh what I thought oh [ __ ] you’re still on top

Get off I don’t want you to suffocate hey skellies where are you here they are how do you repair it you have to get XP points so like if you kill mobs and stuff it’ll wait do I have to hold it chat or is it okay if I don’t

We have to put mending on it I think no it shouldn’t take too long just have it a clip okay if you’re holding it’ll show the XP bar that’s very true John Williams John Williams My OC it’s me John Williams Oh my God it’s my dream to see you in concert I’m glad you uh thank you for appreciating my work Libra I have written many hit songs like the song from Harry Potter yes hedwig’s theme um oh did I not write all of them oh

Well he only wrote the score for the first three and then they switched I also wrote uh the song from that one movie that you really like John ha ha ha ha I should have put my pickaxes in so everything could have ended at the same time

John you sound so young and hip okay not this is a little too far the kids say now Let me know when we’re good good to go I’m ending with Skelly me this is John Williams wow what is that a meme no no it’s my real favorite ocean composer please he’s not a meme I’m being serious John Williams open RP Soaker she doesn’t deserve this he’s too

Old and wholesome for this sorry John I don’t even know who you are I don’t even know what you look like he just looks like a wholesome old man let me look him up yeah I’m getting I can get into the role a little better you know it just looks

Like a wholesome old man [ __ ] you oh my God yeah yeah he’s really his like track record is really impressive too there’s so much stuff about him for a lot of movies I think he was given a word for being like one of the greatest composers of all time or something

Film score and whatnot for all those movies he has one of the most like generic names I’ve ever heard John Williams I miss Disneyland I want to go to Disney again me too oh I’m not letting you go near the parade ever again [Applause] you were not that was like you were like 300 times more feral than that I know but it’s like 11 P.M and I’m not outside I’m not outside

Let’s go let’s go up hey sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to make sure that Mickey Mouse sees you He saw you all right he really saw you I mean the mix now yeah I fixed it nice so no there should be no problem so you can hop on oh sorry I was trying to right click but I left can we hear your Mickey Mouse impression fun Mickey oh my God

Remember when Mickey was in Twisted Wonderland oh my God yeah his head is so big in Kingdom Hearts well not Mickey Minnie’s head is huge in Kingdom Hearts have you ever seen Minnie Mouse and Kingdom Hearts before no oh look it up her head is ginormous

I love this I love you Sarah hey video sorry Yo [Laughter] whose head is bigger Mickey or Rosemary Rosemary obviously where are they did we not go this way Kingdom Hearts Minnie is so cute but her head is you it’s huge okay Luna give us a sign here’s Logan and ookie am I going the right way did we go this way

What did what did Uki say their coordinates were like 1617 minus five where are we right now uh how do I open this again F three one six we need to go we need to go oh it’s the right way it’s the right way [Laughter] Is it near here yo what are you doing what are we Gooding that’s what they’re saying in the chat oh no why is it wait are we close now Go back a little bit how much what’s the what’s the wire limousine yeah what’s the z minus five oh [ __ ] we’re at 150. uh positive Z this way uh uh left why am I stuck on the ground did I crouch why am I stuck on the ground I can’t move what

Hey am I dcing oh can you move now no I slapped you but you’re flying though I know because I clicked but it won’t oh you know what I have JP no I don’t oh JP keyboard no I don’t have it on [ __ ] Petra you have to go on without me no

I’ll be right back I’m gonna re-log I get it didn’t really say anything oh [ __ ] okay I probably gotta close the whole game what the hell Minecraft [Laughter] girl wait my Minecraft is not working I understand the risks of playing Minecraft Foreign You’re hungry today I had soup and it was so bad and I was so sad remember after stream I said I would have soup yeah I did and it tasted awful what kind I still can’t move what’s wrong guys what happens when you can’t move in Minecraft I’m gonna turn the JP keyboard

On Can’t move my keyboard working Wait my washer is not working I can’t type w wait why is this not working oh [ __ ] only wazda wait am I was the oh wait huh how come whoa when I type when I when I use the arrow keys it types wisda how do I switch how do I

How do I change that FN FN plus W oh thank you it worked oh my God thank you oh my God oh my God you guys are so smart and so big or my Minecraft connect oh my God I didn’t know you could do that

How’d you press that uh I think I might have pressed it by accident when I wanted to press uh fn3 for the thingy Petra oh my God I’m back and I can walk I’m feeling lonely Petra I love this new you what’s going on what happened why are you typing so

What hey I’m leaving you if you don’t if you let’s go yeah let’s go positive five right No negative five oh okay well we have to go the same way either way oh hi hi what did she say yo Minecraft is whack what do you mean I don’t think it’s my screen and then I installed it once and they’re working I installed it again and it worked yeah

Here’s the ghost copy of Minecraft I have like I have like four copies of java right now on my computer maybe oh my God is telling them after the stream but like collecting them like Infinity Stones yeah I don’t I have to get like an exe version of like the jar file and

Then I launch it and then little [ __ ] little [ __ ] yeah well [ __ ] of Minecraft what was your problem Oh am I that my why was the key switch to my arrow keys by accident Like why am I like cursor disappears when I full screen the game um my mouse my mouse cursor when I try when I like I press Escape when you all tap this is still severeign [Laughter] [Laughter] Girl can see him no matter we’re here yo should I kill him no no like you flash kill him no no no no no no listen if pomu slash kills him he’ll respawn at the bed back there and we know where he is no I took away the

Bed it’s my bed oh [ __ ] how does it happen oh my God it’s raining for rain oh my God run run a terrible day parade wait you see him it works where are you coming we need a leash when you look at Charlie’s with little backpack thingies just like my debut

Stream why are you running why are you running yeah yeah sometimes he’s with the trees now he’s with the tree hey why are you running what are you so are you sure you saw him you didn’t see Herobrine [Laughter] zero Prime no I don’t have a bed to respond ing let’s go [Applause]

Oh my God oh my gosh this is what do you get when you mess with the alien friend what happened what happened with all this troubleshooting Minecraft what happened to Red oh shoot oh hey [ __ ] did you bring me back here bro like I was so happy away from all of you guys

You don’t want to join in our fun you can get the hell out of it oh my god oh yeah shut up every time we’re going we’re going right now okay let’s go Oh my gosh I’ve seen this seen this train of dragons they are the cherry blossoms really so hard to see [Laughter] hey everyone’s gone no way Luna Petra don’t fall I’m not I’ll never let you go okay if they’re gonna fall we should just keep going we’re not waiting for them anymore

Um so like how are they gonna get their stuff back turn around I think we should just cut the others off at this point I think so too we fell bro how did they fall Kyo has an Elijah what is Oh my God I’m so scared when the game is not loading I hate flying problem again I hate flying when the game doesn’t load the chunks oh [ __ ] oh God oh God oh my God [Laughter] that have been so I probably would have quit Minecraft forever foreign

I said that if I lost my Elijah I would quit Minecraft forever oh no because it took me like three hours to get this to get you a new one no it’s the memories that are like engraved in getting this I got it all alone and it took so long

I think it’s impossible for me to get kind of difficult but you can do it I have to be really committed I’ve always dying this leash Palm was trying to sleep it’s so oh [ __ ] we don’t have a bed this is bad maybe if we find

A sheep we can get well I have planes I have walls oh really oh we need three I have a singular wall there should be sheep I have scaffolding yeah shape oh my God sleeps really sweet well I mean I’m gonna lose all my stuff if we die and so will you

And then I’ll quit Minecraft no you can’t quit what if we actually find it and then we don’t tell everyone we should just say we found one we found one don’t fall sheep somewhere how do I fall unless I press [ __ ] I don’t oh [ __ ] I don’t know I hate flying

Into like unreach like the end of the map there’s no end it just means that it hasn’t loaded before so they’re making is generating new stuff generate my cherry blossom yeah that’s good it’s good but I don’t wanna I don’t want to fly into nothing by accident and hit a wall and die

Or just like a random like Hill or wall That’s content put my Elijah will be gone forever foreign Is it easy to tell the biome chat I feel like I mean it’s pink very pink right yeah why do we have a weird like status thing I don’t know skeleton glowing infinite I don’t know what that is we’re glowing you’re glowing you are too oh my God

Well I don’t know what that’s for eign [Laughter] there how does he know that well I guess it’s right afterwards tell you where the chest is oh really yeah it gives you the coordinates of the chest I think oh God it’s water [Laughter] he doesn’t know oh my God

What is happening oh God are we flying oh God I’m sorry I’m scared it’s just water the little trunks haven’t loaded yet I know it’s like we’re at the edge of the Universe I also have no music playing so it’s just silent what but you’re not streaming right I know just

Play like your playlist or something I can’t what playlist you don’t have like a Spotify playlist or something I don’t have Spotify girl they all got oh Line music that’s what I use when I lived in Japan I have YouTube music I guess I use Line music that one was

The best I just play YouTube videos oh YouTube premium yeah I love YouTube premium so expensive but it’s so worth it is no ads no like I just love not having to like be on the YouTube screen unlock your phone yeah or like you can look at Twitter while

Watching a video in the corner yeah I love doing that chicken membership welcome back hope you have a fantastic day I am yay did they find it yay maybe or maybe they got their stuff we’re just having a nice stroll it’s okay I think pomu really really

Really wants to find the biome so if we can find it for her I think she’ll appreciate it because everybody back there is stressing her out we’re gonna help her yeah third third should we make one though I’ll get it I’ll get it oh the dog killed it

Uh why are we glowing what is this I don’t know does it make us eat does it make it easier for enemies to find us wait I need some more I have some here ah did you pick it up admin oh wait I need Eric you have a crafting

Table you can make one with the what I give you for eign I haven’t played this game in so long oh my God they’re using it to find each other Oh I thought it was whatever this is what’s this there’s a skull thing in the corner of

My screen is that just is that that I need three wool my bag I forgot I thought you had three oh it’s three wood three wool played this game in a long time okay we’ll find another we’ll find another open hand we’ll find another sheep eventually yeah just keep going

I’m like trying to fly on and off because if I use my Elijah too much we can’t get back or else it’ll break or not break it’ll stop working we have to walk it’s okay well we gotta walk anyway because the chunks haven’t loaded you want me to just walk them

No no it’s fine you can sit on top I just can’t fly into the unloaded chunks because I’m scared I’ll hit a wall that’s awesome if any of you have string you can use four to stream I have bone meal or to craft one wool I have no string I

Have a lot of rockets though pink she said it’s like on top of the Hills oh they’re only one of each biome in like no no no no multiple okay yeah so you can go a lot of different ways to find oh mushroom tree mushroom biome oh my God is this

Everybody in the chat is there like a distinct way to find or is it close to like one kind of biome or anything the others are having a chaotic time Reviving so chill yeah I’m just getting a ride on alira’s back you’re still there okay it’s pink thank you thank you

You gotta find it for pomu usually Hillside what’s going on with you guys [Laughter] they went backwards we’re at Disney we did a full circle not fight showing We’ve made backwards progress crying Emoji I don’t even know where we are at 5 000. sick okay Hill wait is this the bot like this is like the good kind of biome that is near like a Mustang ASMR right now it’s like rain yeah it’s so nice Yes okay I want the pink wood I want to make a pink house yeah uh I guess let’s go this way wait it’s The Wood pink too yeah oh my gosh it’s all pink lava don’t fall in is there lava oh yes kill it ah I can’t aim wait oh I got off okay

All right well come back here there’ll be another one [Laughter] let’s find another one it’s okay oh in the ocean plenty of sheep in the lava it’s fine that was so [ __ ] up the Sheep was like I’d rather die than have sex or kill me I’d rather die than become your best hahaha

Why are we seeing every animal bloodsheaf I don’t know really whoever finds the Cherry go first we can TP to them we are far out what’s that Petra’s like a Pokemon Petra and I are you there oh like how you’re on my head you’re like Pikachu yeah it’s not up there is it

Nope weather is very bad I know almost night time you sleep wait if Momo sleeves is the server just automatically oh my God oh my God rainbow really oh I have shaders it’s a rainbow oh yeah all right I don’t see it online Screenshot after the game Always like that it feels pink no that’s a that’s that’s a pig what that’s a horse no right here a pink oh no no there was like some pink oh there’s a village Maybe they can see stuff from up here nothing very foggy there we go oh you can turn the fog off I think there’s a village over there use their beds should we should we set a respawn Maybe yeah would be good we have the power of TP on our side

We’re never gonna get back oh sheep so messy you’re right we can well we can just take their beds though still glowing what the yeah let’s Rob them they got oh saddle there’s literally nothing in here these guys are poor they don’t even have they don’t even have beds

Is there one I have one here I said it we set our respawn here maybe just in case yeah oh [ __ ] you’re never gonna be able to get back without you you’re right so that means we have to get back this tree or else you’re gonna

Be stuck out here forever I have to go in an hour what okay I’m not streaming I’m looking TPU yeah here here’s the wool okay nice yay now we can sleep all right let’s keep going we have to find this the biome you have to do it for Paul Miller yeah

She’s been waiting so long we’re finding her Pomo and not the others [Laughter] wait so if an hour from now we’re still looking you’re gonna You’re Gonna Leave Me hahaha and I’m just gonna be looking alone you’re gonna we’re gonna find it in the next hour okay okay okay okay

Of course okay I’m flying honestly them right now is literally Us in Japan every time I look back one person’s missing I actually need leashes for some of these people it’s true you really do yeah they just get so distracted so easily and they’re like What’s that but they don’t tell you they’re interested in something and just leave and then they just go in and then you’re like

Wait a minute why don’t we lose three people Chad how are the others looking are they still in like a are they have they left at the main base are they still chaos or are they really looking now hopeless hopeless well nope they’re lost you can’t be lost because

So low I do I’m not surprised she cut them off too we kind of just kept going wait what’s that is that red no it’s a house another Village how many villages I know oh I forgot that the villagers can walk around and scare the [ __ ] out of me they’re free

This is a collab from like Dobby Dobby is a free elf ow sorry the chunks haven’t loaded oh there we go it took so long I actually know like reached the end the edge somehow are there no like edges in Minecraft no it just keeps going forever I’m pretty

Sure the game is endless I think it just if you I think it just keeps going if you get to the end then the game just regenerates that’s a good sign yeah unknown chunks but it’s not a good sign well it’s a good sign it is a free elf now that

She’s not traveling with the other you’re so right it’s a good sign but also it sucks because that means the next time we want to find like a new biome whenever they add it we have to walk even further than this Generated yeah it’s like permanent Ah [ __ ] yeah I don’t want to I’m scared okay it’s like loading really slowly I’m a dragon Tamer guys you’re just like me that’s my actual job real but I TR I tamed the dragon Tamer so I’m the Dragon drag wait I’m the dragon Tamer tamer oh my God load faster jungle

I’m just sitting back and waiting watching the trees slowly appear in the distance holy [ __ ] yeah there’s appearing slow slow so glowing I think we’re gonna glow forever apparently I think pomu turned it on so that we could see each other oh it’s cute because I think the others need it Petra yeah

I think the others really needed the the glow turned on I think Palmer needed it to see where they where the [ __ ] they were going at all time and then she left them but probably kept the glow on so that the others could use it while they go on their hunt

I don’t know is Uki babysitting yeah I hope he’s okay bamboo so much cookies with shoe okay so I guess the alunage oh my God because it’s just the two of us I can tell you this but like what my dad was like asking me about when we went to New York

And then he was like you and Petra and then who else went to New York with you again and I was like oh it was me picture and my dad was like oh yeah shooky foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] and I was like Where No it’s just my shaders is it the pig but yeah that happened we were talking yesterday and I was like hold on he’s kind of like orange looking you know what I mean yeah kinda oh the inside is orange yeah He’s so based I can’t tell if he knows it’s because it’s a ship or if he thinks it’s like their Duo name you know their Duo name yeah because I don’t know and then I mean you’re right because then he was like what he was like what are and then

Really called when they’re together and I was like oh I think it’s Calamity bird my dad was like oh shooty and Calamity bird and I was like I can’t tell I was like yeah it’s their ship name Dad and he was like yeah I was like I don’t

Think you know what that means no alira he does I think he does he watches a lot of TV he has to know [Laughter] so funny I could oh my God like the Whiplash I miss New York and it’s New York too that was fun but the Whiplash of my dancing shooky I was like what did you just say to me I think I would leave the room where I was in the car oh [ __ ]

The game so fast yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Now we must reunite tell Ben to shut the hell up [Laughter] No we are sorry Oh I’m sorry I pressed shift to be on caps we’re haters we’re so far away I don’t want our progress to be reset come with the tails you mean your plastic horns no what is going on I don’t want to maybe I should fly I just don’t wanna run into a wall like that yeah I’ll walk you type [ __ ] I walk you talk [ __ ] I can’t talk I’m typing you type [ __ ] while I walk hell yeah [Laughter] I’m like a second you guys really are talking so much oh my God how many blocks usually does it take to find a new bio we’re so far I know we’re in 8 000 range now is that a lot in Minecraft I can’t I don’t know what a lot is in Minecraft

I could do that I don’t know how to reply laughs Is it like this is the thing I’m done for now I don’t know how homo dming you on Minecraft um maybe [Laughter] Whoa what’s this looks cool oh my God what is going on here I can’t tell okay that’s a big wall that I almost flew into chunks load faster there are cherry blossoms Jesus Jesus cows scared the [ __ ] out of me Beer oh God yeah but it’s just flying send me a DM but she didn’t say anything bad she just said this is only for you Winky and then that’s it I don’t know how to reply so I can’t reply sorry there’s just half a heart I have

Some food I have lots I have so much promo gave me like a case of fish in front of my house why do we have to go I have no idea this place looks really cool this little cave it’s so dark in there What is this oh it’s a tree that scared the [ __ ] out of me I thought it was like a worm I feel like I’m in like a chat room at this point I’m just like a niji Sanji chat room it’s like yeah dollars Oh my [ __ ] God oh God there’s nothing here I know I’m still laying in the water because then I won’t die there’s nothing this is taking forever a server is lagging we have an hour oh there’s much room I saw red and I was like it’s just mushroom the mushrooms are so much

I know whoa no way that’s open like that that’s so cool Jump jump jump up step jump jump I’ve never watched that anime but I knew that you would finish the song for me I know you love sugar now I look back at it it’s so problematic you know it’s only an elementary school girl with a high school guy you’re so

Old he’s like a high school senior too the two girls hitting on him were an elementary school girl and his like step sister no why was it all my stepsister I swear because if it’s not related then it’s fine smile laughs we have passed by so many villages we

Just ignored all of them I guess I should fly for real we really are yeah I guess it’s just really slow because we’re expanding it in like different directions yeah and it’s just slow period I’m moving my best solo life no I took the glow off oh okay everyone don’t okay hey load thank you yeah glow-up phase over pensive I still see the glow yeah it’s still long this is like the most chill Minecraft stream ever we’re just walking I forgot to ever oh it doesn’t yeah it’s gone now

Is it gonna help I don’t know now we’re in a desert the flattest land ever And Please Minecraft load it in Liz hello cherry blossoms you look at mountains it’s like your Animal Crossing Island don’t say that what’s wrong with your Animal Crossing iron well you see I didn’t want well I wanted to terraform it from scratch you know I wanted it to be beautiful so I

Made it flat like a hundred percent flat like even the houses and everything are on the beach they’re not even on the island and then I was like this is so much work and then I never played the game ever again I also I unlocked terraforming I made one River

And I was like [ __ ] this is ugly and then I gave them well I was I’m gonna make my Island like those pretty Islands I see on Pinterest and then I made one River realized it was ugly and I gave up um it’s so relatable so overwhelmed oh my God I thought

I thought the cherry blossoms again oh I’m just gonna go around [ __ ] it I’ll just walk around thank you for the Super Chat it took me a week and three tries finally passed by driver’s test and medicine on my birthday it’s your birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear buddy buddy Scotch happy birthday to you

You got the the duo with the harmony at the end I even heard that you’re the super jump congrats on your driver’s license let’s go I hope I can get a driver’s license really you wanna no oh imagine me driving actually no can you I have a driver’s license

Can you can you imagine can you imagine my car earlier I don’t think you would be all right really can you if I go here will I die like if you walk into the void what happens if it hasn’t loaded do we die if we just fall into the void and like

Disappear I fall into the void in Minecraft do I fall into the void in real life no you won’t die really how high up is the cherry blossom because people are saying it’s like oh Jesus mountains but like how mountainy does the mountain have to be pretty high I just retweeted your

Waiting room again because that’s the only one [Laughter] very mountainy oh [ __ ] okay well we’re on flat land I’m gonna sneeze no oh no one [ __ ] what’s going on [Laughter] let’s go the f word in Minecraft laughs [Laughter] this is the cherry blossom whoa wait was that always there huh oh I see

No when you press h you can see like the mic lights up when you talk and then if you press yeah if you press h it shows you can hide it yeah I don’t know so many seen so many civilizations I know but not a single cherry blossom into The Nether imagine It’s so flat and there’s nothing at least it loads faster because it’s just grass yeah that’s true load grass please oh my God this is why you don’t fly into non-loaded chunks everyone Is For Real a horror game I swear oh my God there’s nothing but grass what do we do we’re never gonna find it like fresh or just oh God it’s a big hole you know in genshen when you go to like the really high mountains and it’s just like the sky yeah yeah

It’s the vibe right now oh there’s a block here oh my God I know like I feel like I can fall through the map but nothing is gonna happen I haven’t manifested lira what you have to manifest it that’s that’s cheating oh yeah I know [Laughter] you’re a student I’m just saying [Laughter] [Laughter] you know that guy that used to be on Vine who is like that guy that this The Vibes of this chat is like when that guy is like can I have a that one guy on Vine that used to do those videos where it was just like

Increasingly more aggressive like can I have a fry you want a fry what do you mean bro I just wanted to fry who told you that you could have him I don’t know oh my God and that was like his whole entire thing on on Vine Yeah that guy was on Vine enough really I loved Vine I never actually had the app I just like watched YouTube Vine compilations that helped me sleep at night vine compilations that I showed to my grandfather like those videos now I do that with pictures hell yeah I just watched them on YouTube shorts that’s the same thing we posted on YouTube shorts and I don’t I don’t have to admit that

I’m a tick tock user so it’s better hey why is there only grass and pigs mom pick me up I’m scared we are in the grasslands can there be something else please Minecraft Please Minecraft I have seen so much grass this is the most grass I’ve touched in like forever no this is the most grass I’ve touched since I saw you no I don’t know either hell yeah you know I never told my chat that I went to Japan yeah

I was like is she gonna tell them I never I never I kind of just forgot to bring it up yeah I actually went to Japan last month during my break It’s all they were like four times that week yeah for my break I took my mom to Japan actually the two of us because she was one and she wanted to go all right I wanted to treat her to like a vacation because she hasn’t been on vacation so long

I met Ellie Mama yeah actually we had dinner with Petra my mom my mom met Petra we wanted to eat dinner oh my God I’ve heard so much about you um yeah my mom like wanted she wanted to like oh my gosh she wanted to see so

Many things she want to see where I work and everything and I was like I don’t think I can freak you there awesome we went to a really cute Castle yeah we went we ate ate dinner together and then my mom went to karaoke with me

And Petra yeah oh my God we all sang together friends in the family I totally I just never brought it up because I forgot I was like oh I should tell them but I kind of just forgot and then we saw the Mario yeah oh like I haven’t been able to tell

People I keep saying I saw the Mario movie with a friend I’ve been saying that for like the past month guys the only reason why I saw the Mario movie in Japanese is because alira was like I’ve already seen the English and I’m here to see we’re gonna watch it in Japanese Etc

It’s gonna be awesome and I was like okay and it was it was but I still want to see them I just forgot to bring it I just forgot to bring it up at some point and then I was like it’s been too long we’re like

At this I don’t know well it was just like long and at this point I don’t know how to ask I wanted to take my mom on a vacation that’s where she wanted to go the most Nippon so I was like okay and I just

I just hung out it was more like just like private time in the Mario movie why should I like really late at night too it was like yeah I did it was late okay that’s like a good time to watch a film you know I watched spider verse the other day at midnight

Oh my God and then you got the large the large drink and it was like an American one oh a new one yeah that was crazy I thought it was gonna be like Japanese yeah so spider-verse at midnight the other night on a whim I just went I need

To watch spider version yeah I heard it’s not out in Japan yet oh really yeah it was really good I liked it so super I want to see it in English do you know who’s in the Japanese version I told you remember we watched the trailer for spider first when we

Went to go see Mario and then I was like I was like did you know and then I was like Petra I think on the Ken voices Miles Morales and then he spoke and you were like holy [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah he’s Peter Parker oh my God he’s in everything

We’ve literally watched the trailer together yeah I forgot and I was like in a while I think miles is oh no can show and then he spoke and you were like oh my God literally [Laughter] what’s cool as miles [Laughter] every time Luigi opened his mouth Lira

Was like oh my God he’s so cute my little meow meow he was so cute it’s like I thought I Got High School my baby girl ah it was so cute it was so awesome it was probably the best film I’ve ever seen ever that’s a bit of an overstatement

Luigi they really made Luigi they really did he’s so cute he is Mario is kind of like an [ __ ] honestly no he’s just trying to save his brother he’s just doing what he can yeah but like but like Luigi’s like ooh you know Mario’s an [ __ ] but Luigi is [Laughter] I totally forgot to say that yeah it is dark I think probably will sleep soon I don’t know if any of us have access to a bed but we do but I think the four of us have to sleep

If it’s not a mod but poem If Only sleeps nice thank you thank you yeah sorry everybody I didn’t bring it up because it’s like more like I was like I don’t know I didn’t think I had to talk about it because it was just like a

Vacation that my mom wanted to take just for the two of us that we hung out and she got to meet Petra And we ate a nice dinner together it was so yummy Yeah yeah for real looking for a random place and how is it possible that we’re all looking in different directions and we had I don’t know it’s loading so slow was it actually last month no It was long hey whenever I took a one week break almost two months ago oh dang beginning of May Yeah it was fun you guys excited for your new coal highs yeah yeah it’s been it feels like it’s been a really long time since we had any Band-Aids but you guys like bombed it I mean bandage there is oh yeah mister ah Wilson

Oh my God it was so funny because I was in a meeting with staff right before this dream and I have my Twitter open and then I was talking to staff and then I started laughing because I looked at my Twitter in the middle of our conversation and this artist I

Really like just no context tweeted [Laughter] they like the design but I couldn’t stop laughing in the middle of our meeting because this artist I love just tweets you cute [Laughter] Wilson said Wait a song it is on sign what the hell have we found like 10 jungle biomes but not a single cherry blossom cherry blossom tree uh I just want one cherry blossom tree Minecraft please oh my God ask him for much yeah one tree will do just need one tree is

Quack that games is quack that games you think the Q stands for um Q-tip I don’t know that’s the first thing that came to mind Q-tip Q remastered no I can never play that game again jungle oh my god when I play Q remastered I couldn’t stop shipping the hero Alex no

I with Godzilla and then the [ __ ] Q remastered Twitter like tweeted My Stream and they’re like glad you were really fond of Alex love story no they were just like glad you really liked our character Alex smile emoji and I was like oh my God I can never play this game ever again

You have to play again it was super fun though love story yeah yeah it was fun when I found out that you could use a mouse it made it even more fun yeah that’s on theme now oh really okay that makes it easier to play it’s a lot easier yeah because the mouse

Master switch is just not ideal not ideal at all I know it’s still going oh my God I thought there was a block spawning above my head and I was like I’m dead I’m dead just you little thank God little me back from Harry Oh God I want to keep jumping high up but I probably shouldn’t well the blocks are still spotting military we can be the new cherry blossoms for you oh so cute oh How’s that gonna work I’m gonna have to I almost said something not good you know how you can well in Minecraft

Like the I think the cherry blossom trees are not pink but if you strip the wood it’s pink so I was about to say I’m gonna have to distribute [Laughter] the wood the good thing I didn’t say it so no one will ever know yeah the mistake that I almost made Foreign Sorry I fell I only took too hard to damage though and then the right is so awesome I don’t want to fly when there’s nothing around this game hates us this game said no cherry blossom it really did make a boat oh that’s so smart I think I have or not

How much wood do you have left from what I gave you oh yeah yeah Smithing templates I don’t know what that means a jungle boat I’ll take your crafting table with me oh all right let’s go are you gonna drive do you trust me either way you can drive if you want It’s your streaming oh Oh I thought they said woohoo so I thought I thought they found the cherry blossom get on no I don’t think so God it’s just like one piece One piece yeah have you seen the Netflix Netflix trailer yeah I did it’s so wholesome wait our server is updated right yeah okay just double check you joined the game on 1.20 remember I know oh yeah that’s true we made sure when we taught Ren how to install mods yeah

That is true hey lock load let us go further I’m so scared to drive into the unknown All just ocean imagine if it’s not updated don’t say that it is I loaded the game at 1.20.1 we all did yeah yeah when we had to teach Ren how to use a computer foreign we had to teach Ben how to open app data yeah teacher and everything and then we had

To teach rent at the co-lab is today cherry blossoms are on 1.20.2 you’re joking you liar there’s no way I’ve seen people with cherry blossom in one point two 0.01 there’s no way don’t get one guide okay I would I would get one gun so easily man so Petra how are you

Uh I’m I’m good now that we’re here together yep there’s literally nothing around us except for water and yay I can’t swim you’re a banquet I know that doesn’t mean I’m sick of people assuming I can swim just because I’m a penguin it’s not an assumption it should be a fact

It’s hard it is hard swimming heart oh [ __ ] the map is still loading for me I’m scared I don’t want to drive off into the unknown why is this ocean so huge huge it’s like actually ocean ocean It could sound like I’m dying I have to go and 25 minutes okay well I wonder how it’ll be but wait if I wait asleep it’s not even that yet oh I guess it is if I sleep in if I sleep if I go into the void will we die should we try

Oh so we’re at girls no stand us into the void it just lags out a bit oh I don’t want to lag it out oh wait I don’t want lag we are so far away we are so far I do not want any lag or anything we’re in 12

000. it’s just an unloaded texture to the back awesome [ __ ] dodo the last melon I’m not cheating I just said our coordinates not kill melon what if it’s just ocean forever I don’t think so I don’t know we haven’t seen any land in a long time only been coral reef this whole time

Oh my God the ice age is not real yes it is stop the way you actually got that reference just so that was like did you see they said are you a Dodo so I said the last melon that’s just a part of whoa what is this oh no what is this

Oh what is this rock yeah hmm wait can I break it and see what it is yeah here weird Mushroom Island just dirt just gross looking no way that’s rare oh really should we Lush room Island I don’t know everyone says oh it’s all mushroom wait this is so

So cute I feel like I’m in Mario that is so cute we found a mushroom Island What is this what is this vlog save the cords oh oh Mushroom Kingdom Here We Come here oh my God 12 000 blocks okay Mushroom Kingdom oh my God there’s people mushroom cow mushroom cow cows they’re so gross no they’re cute they’re so creepy look it’s so mutated mushrooms

Oh my God they’re so creepy how my favorite animal so creepy hey they look like they have a disease a disease these are being too adorable Minecraft you can milk them what is it gonna give me mushroom juice ew what do they give you like mushroom soup if you milk them

Cream of mushrooms mmm yeah let’s get back on the boat you need a bucket I don’t think I have iron nope oh they’re so creepy no they’re not they’re so cute okay Well it was just one for experiment I’m not gonna kill anymore one eggs that’s what you get karma I’m good I’m good Okay Petra did you see though that Taylor Swift is going to Tokyo for the eras tour next year I think I have to go all right see you in Japan okay let’s go I really want to go to the eras tour my first ever concert was Taylor Swift really

Was it like Speak now or something I want to go to the air store so bad but she’s going everywhere but Canada Oh did you pick up the boat or those are here still oh are we just going around yeah wait they found it oh what oh [ __ ] maybe we should stand on the side here they’re screaming they’re screaming I’m gonna stand over here Can UTP all of us they found it before us even though sad wait even though they were they started later 12. that was mushrooms 500 mushrooms away we save the cords guys I sent it in chat oh yeah can someone re-copy paste what Petra said uh oh I don’t see it anymore

12 500 by what was it it’s only X and Y okay here by 14. there twelve thousand twelve thousand five hundred and forty seven oh my God I mean it doesn’t need to be exact you can just round up right now I have to do it manually almost God will lead us

Thank you watch it be like a million miles from here but the coordinates in the Discord okay okay where are they four thousand that’s like so different wait where I don’t see it Minecraft I don’t see the coordination stick for too long man oh yeah we were going through the Arctic yeah hey Oh my God hi yeah oh my God we should take a picture thank God Oh my God we went we went 12 500 blocks and couldn’t find anything The ground is so cute wow it’s so cute I love anime it’s the start of the school semester yeah wait wait should we take our armor off or just oh no I’m keeping myself okay yeah we’re matching yeah I think it’s better this way maybe

What if we look straight up oh no never mind no I think we’re I think it’s nice where I’m looking oh yeah this way this way yeah which way is this way yeah yeah yeah that was in the front Squats together we have some sorority squats [Laughter] okay time to harvest harvesting time are there saplings right yeah yeah I got a breakdown I’m sure you let it um you let the thingies Digest what digest oh are they like oh or like the pedals like they Spawn from the tree yeah I think well you have

To or the pedals for that are falling yeah but the ones on the ground no you have to bone meal those for more we have to take all of them yes take everything we’ll never be back here we don’t know that maybe just leaves like a floating cherry blossom uh yeah

It’s so pretty Blossom it is yeah No we’re deforesting so that we can plant it again on the ground too everybody on the ground this tree is ginormous it’s connected forever it’s kind of like tasty finally okay oh my God it looks so cute when everyone’s like walking around underneath the trees Look at the pink wooden Squad oh my God it’s so cute there’s so many like trees that are connected to one tree I can’t tell when is the start and when is the end of one hello Chops Are we just taking oh and taking everything okay um trying to take a picture but like everything’s broken in the back I can’t tell is it broken now is that every wood oh it’s breaking nice oh stop playing ah I need one apples are so beautiful I know

They’re so cute the sapling looks cute too no in like automation Petra nothing ketchup where are you Maniacs comes out in English on the 27th I can’t wait to play it dude why is everything Square hey hey sorry sorry I got so many why is everything squared this is Minecraft anime this is so cute oh my God I want to plant so many of these I love Minecraft

I love Minecraft I’m so motivated to build a cute pink house now oops yeah this is so cute I’m gonna make the cutest little Grove I want to make a nice little pink house oh yeah the deeper stations that full effect guys there’s like no trees left

Come here come here oh there is there’s lots look what I found oh I gotta toss stuff already dropped nice what did you find this little guy oh a spider yeah it’s a pet go pet it on here hang on hang on hang on whoa whoa

Whoa whoa calm down calm down I’m sure Crying don’t jump please maybe if I like I can’t believe we went 12 500 bucks you are hey hey I’m so glad that I was the one that found it too hey what the hell we’ve worked so hard and I we’re walking forever I love proximity fine I love Minecraft proximity Let’s bring these bushes everywhere [Laughter] I’m trying to keep them under control Kill him no don’t kill him don’t kill him don’t kill him He’s more afraid of you I’m afraid of him very much so hey we’ll plant them at home oh my God like that episode of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody where Zac Efron plays that character who doesn’t care about the environment guys do you think I should go with this

Guy what is she actually build I want to do that Grill The Lorax what else should I do with it I killed a pig so he could live and eat and he said I was a murderer like what’s wrong with this dude there’s some deep talk going on in

Minecraft and what they want and then not replanting like my lighthouse in the original version of the server and I was just like tearing down the turn down the ground and then Luca just joined in randomly one day and he was like you want help and I was

Like sure and then Luca just paused looked at me and typed I love excavation and just kept going just like that okay perfect because no one else cares about preservation the problem is it’s okay we’re still doing something for another purpose it’s called innovation Minecraft too the sky is the limit I want to make like a beautiful I want to make a beautiful a beautiful house surrounded by beautiful beautiful flowers that’s so fun Minecraft too we’ve really reached Minecraft too Bonsai oh you’re so right if I put if I put like a sapling of the if I put a sapling of the cherry tree inside of a planter it’ll look like a bonsai that’s so smart you’re so smart that would be so cute oh Ben you’re alive and you lived yeah

What happened to my pet spider uh it killed you yeah but like like as long as he’s happy I guess oh my God okay okay I guess I should plant some back too Um maybe Nah maybe a little maybe a little bit oh my God playing I’ve been using my vertical Mouse this whole time and it’s just not ideal for gaming I mean I don’t really feel like I’m gaming right now but it’s just not ideal for Maybe it’s just me I think I’m just tired I had a long day today my day was so long oh he’s like replanting so many I don’t have to replay anything [ __ ] I didn’t think you’d hear me we yeah we’re in distance Since no one else cares about reasoning I’m planting I planted anything preserve the land The Landing plant your tree this is what I heard plant your trees Preserve present uh Yeah what’s going on over there homo is like who cares about replanting yeah crazy oh my God we’ll bring everything at home um yeah crazy yeah crazy like who would ever not want to replant duh oh my God so insane Wait people are logging off Oh Petra’s leaving Sorry bye Thanks for taking the world it was beautiful yeah thanks for talking [ __ ] for me Living your best life yeah oh it’s over there is like replanting all the saplings I have a whole stack because I care about preserving this land someone’s gonna happen here and steal my shelter I swear to God was that a call out post to all the peoples Oh yeah we’ve preserved enough I can have these I can have these right guys is he still in distance I think I’m good yeah take all the wood ah ah cute house incoming I am not poemu but that’s not Polo okay Petra look this way where I’m looking just walk straight and you’ll

Find full moon that’s me where is pomu yeah omu is in her own world oh my God we’re organizing this and teaching me how to use the Wait should I should I transport you back to spawn oh that’s a good idea that actually might help yeah okay teleport bye petrol bye -bye you might fall a little but you won’t die okay okay bye I would lose my mind if it says picture grin fell from a high place [Laughter] Oh okay I guess she’s fine she’s good she’s good all right I have to I have to preserve this land oh you’re making more uh yeah because I was caught saying I don’t want to make oh but it’s good to have more here so we

Can come back and more at home are we coming back um I don’t know but he like wrote down the coordinates and everything so There’s some [ __ ] going on in this in the server Minecraft changes sometimes I say some things and I’m like oh this is grammatically completely like incorrect but I still say it anymore and I’m like yeah I know okay oh exactly who’s and something else I always confuse

Me are you not being able to find the terrible thing not only ever hear they’re using like memes thank you yeah I’ve been saving up there you go oh my God where I would put them so like I’m just collecting everything are you trying to attempt to lower the nerd Emoji count in

My chest sometimes y’all just do a thing where if like if too many are typed like the person gets like panned out for a couple seconds That’s so like writing a script for it is literally in her enhancing the nerd emojiness I don’t like Java still going on about preserving the Earth thing everybody has watched obsessively watching that okay like twice important life lesson I have fragmented memories of the movie okay but like honestly honest how are they gonna make the bad guys so damn sexy in that film and think

That I’m gonna be able to pay attention to the message you know what alira you’re right thank you amen that’s a good film though it does teach you valuable lessons about the Earth this is Minecraft I guess you gotta apply your beliefs I guess you have to apply your beliefs in

Any aspect or else is it really your belief I mean we’re using a computer which is actively destroying the Earth so I mean like okay don’t say that it’s too real I’m gonna make sure there’s no trees left whoa whoa I’m kind of with ukia on preserve the biome a little bit now

Look I wasn’t gonna be that crazy about it but you’re gonna burn this when you learn who Uki is trying to fight you have to join his side burning this place is crazy exactly but now that you know who Uki is battling you can’t you have to choose his side

Because his enemy is insane yeah exactly these there’s so many saplings planted so they actually sound like frog bird well showing does anyone have a crafting table I do and I use it right here there you go thank you what’s on the picture mate take all the woods [Applause] Okay he’s still going on about his speech what’s wrong with saving the environment guys nothing it’s because we’re bringing the picking up the environment and bringing it to a closer spot you know what it’s like like I said it’s manual world edit I’m still going

I can name this Cherry Grove and then in little I have watched princess I literally just told you it’s hard for me He’s like a purist it has to be it’s pure like gramangrove Want to be you don’t want you don’t want to take credit for its present preservation Is too hot for me to see the moral of the story I’m sorry I’m trying to replant what gets put down all right yeah but the trees don’t replace the Petals on the ground oh yeah only bone meals done you have to bone meal them [Laughter] why do you think she left

Yeah why do you think you think she left or do you think [ __ ] you’re right she doesn’t even use her tree house anymore yeah yeah not even in a forest fairy anymore she’s a metal gear fair oh my God that’s why she likes Metal Gear so much she’s a metal fairy

A metal yeah you’re bionic yeah what the [ __ ] I have none of myself and my body is that not a machine gun the bird girl has a fake Wing is it because of you not a machine’s son I know that now because 13 Sentinels is also about Nano machines and everyone in

Chat was like Nano machine son I’m so sorry wait 13 Sentinels is about Nano machines yes it’s about Mecca and Nano machines and High School romance gone crazy and it’s so good so freaking good got the inside of my shulker box is so Look at kill open that open this open it look how beautiful oh [ __ ] I know I took a walk down Kawaii uh corner you know [Laughter] right now what’s wrong with Kawaii Corner y’all don’t like cute [ __ ] yeah don’t worry Mama even if we can’t change the world we sure ain’t letting the

World change us they’re so real that is so real that’s so cute That’s so cute wait can you can you actually kidnap them and put them I don’t even take anything kidnap what if you’re looking at them while they’re in there if you if we grill the trees back home and we bow meal the ground will it become

No we have to place the wait so basically individual blocks I have a bone meal I’ll show you so here’s one right here it’ll make it’ll make it more and then oh I see I see okay yeah yeah so like ones that are like individual like this

If I bone meal it turns into two then the three and then I have to complete it and then it’ll be more oh yeah yep exactly exactly and then those just spawning more naturally hey which one was I I have like so many stacks of petals if anyone wants oh I want powder

How much do you want some okay okay hopefully that’s enough to sustain the forest oh he’s so into saving things looked into my eyes yeah there really is a dead body under the sakura tree what the hell what the [ __ ] just like the Legends told not the legend now if you

Go into the are we okay that’s the legend that’s the ancient Japanese Legend no I’m yeah I’ve heard of it the TP yeah yeah and then you have to choose wait what are we getting teepee please let me know oh TPS once you guys have gotten your fill

Oh oh I was considering the other kind of pp but oh just kidding yeah do you know one of the new dudes oh she marks is a toilet paper yeah yeah oh yeah oh my God fun doggy it’s true though spoken to them a little bit I’m so shy though I’m shy girl

I’m too scared oh I have my inventory is full uh I love shionira it’s so embarrassing like joined at VC with them to introduce myself and I couldn’t speak for like half an hour but then I had to go out so I unmuted for the first time in like

Half an hour and I was like hi I’m a leader sorry I have to go um bye So embarrassing hey what the hell was that about me [ __ ] who the hell is punching me I heard I heard I heard of oh [ __ ] you’re right behind me it wasn’t even me run hit me I was just gonna say like I heard Ren laugh but

Then I turned around it was you I was more shocked jump scare this Empire I know I’m supposed to be the same Pie Guys but I’m so shy and nervous to talk to people I’m just now you’ve been the Senpai long enough I feel like you can like retire you know

What are you trying to say be like the you’re like the you want me to go no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don’t leave us please

Please please please everyone wait a minute [Laughter] I meant you no longer have to guide as enough people have been Guided by you that they can guide on your behalf uh am I um am I clear yes you are clear don’t worry [Laughter] he’s looking down at the grass

I’m sorry no it’s okay I know what you meant don’t worry oh leave it guys Joe said it’s time for me to retire [Laughter] Yo okay so basically what she said and she says oh my God I’m a senpai again I know I should be Senpai but I’m tired and I’m like oh you can be retired from your Senpai oh that’s shy whatever I said do you be retired from your Senpai dude she’s like

What you want me to and I was like no no no no no I mean like I want you to like feel like you’ve LED enough people with your guidance that the people you guided can guide others and then she runs over here saying I said he told me I just

I should can you please but yo I’m getting gas for about half of the end right now what the [ __ ] is this y’all toxic workplace environments see you guys [ __ ] all retire too [ __ ] it you know no I’m clearly not wanting it you know It’s okay we can retire together yeah we can build a retirement home inside right here for the server yeah it’ll be called the it’ll be called the the lazoo home wow how original I don’t know okay fine it’ll be the last new granny retirement home wow wait but finana is already a granny

Yeah if you’re not as a grandma I’m telling you if banana is a granny pomu and I are oh yeah Pangea Pangea Witnesses was there that’s how you know that that’s how you know she’s here listen bro I was born like in this timeline um

Yo pomu like save some for The Lorax you know that’s okay right now he’s like like The Lorax uh does that means yeah yeah she was talking about it earlier that she’s the one Slayer wow that’s [ __ ] up oh my is it good cutting these trees down with oh my God

I’m gonna die for real good oh don’t die we’re not ran actually singing okay okay like don’t act like you’re not okay he speaks for the trees are you replanting I don’t think so who are you speaking to everyone mean who is this aggression directed at oh

He’s just like like I don’t know if he meant to hit reply oh like what’s happening yeah is this an at everybody moment or yeah like what’s happening like oh my God let me put the fire out no red don’t come up behind me it’s just like

The Lorax lyrics no the one slurp please hey what’s wrong with the one sir what do you mean he’s he’s like the Most Wanted Man of all time yeah wasn’t he like wasn’t he like famous on Tumblr or something yeah for being the most desirable man ever

Oh wait are you like in agreement with I’ve never watched people I’ve never watched the film so I don’t know oh you’re not really missing out on oh honestly I don’t think the one seller is my type I can agree that with like characters such as Sans undertale Bill

Cipher but I can’t really see it eye to eye with the one slur fans you know it’s just not for me you know I think it’s because he’s got power you know like and the way he dresses is like you know like really really cool I think he’s just ugly

Well I mean yeah no you’re not wrong not wrong way is this because nobody in real life ever says bastard except for characters in InuYasha Oh man oh man hey we have a battle of the of the century nature versus nurture as we can see nature sounds like this nice oh speed collect the pedals with the water I will leave nothing else yes keep going keep doing it yeah yeah you like this out of the way yeah

It’s gonna cause a forest fire no you’re killing the environment happy birthday oh don’t worry about it yeah whose birthday is it I don’t know happy birthday [Applause] damn with the harms and all why was that more Instinct than on Discord bro what the [ __ ] Discord singing it kind of kind of like I think there’s too many bits why aren’t you like this it could be normal so guys don’t you agree that only like not by the

Choo choo maroo I’m at the subway you [ __ ] [ __ ] I was gonna say the same thing no way I am trying to get us some wood for um are we fighting we have to drink afterwards oh I have a I have a bucket help after all of them

After all after all the damages fur how much stuff did you get Senpai wow is inventory full yet mine I’m not sure I have a shulker okay pulled the car that we cannot counter that’ll probably be on top of him back man oh oh my gosh I did you see the tree

Just grow presents proud yeah thank you I’m cons I’m doing a better job at preserving the force than he is wazuki I’m sorry yo it you don’t type the word slash I know but if I actually type flash it won’t work so okay because you don’t have because you’re not an

Adventure him to me why are you one you want to die I’m just trying to get him back here quickly wait I got him back here what are you talking about yeah he’s already he got his stuff I think put it on I feel like I’m being gaslit

No no he was here he went somewhere wow wow oh my gosh y’all you and gen one what does that make you ancient not the ageism the what the what the uh age is um Ageism guys don’t listen to Kyo he doesn’t know what he’s saying what is age well kill is pronouncing ageism as ajism oh that’s not good the way you can hear you thought you didn’t realize I was doing that on purpose I can’t tell when you’re doing things on purpose or not I was

Like not the uhm I just thought it was fun I don’t like that what was that get out of here kill teleport kill Ed zero one hundred can you teleport into a volcano no the question is can you not that not that they would there you go

It sounds like oh is that wait did ookie really leave I’m not sure did he throw the Trident no he’s oh bro You do not have the core it’s an accordion Pen Island memorized what’s going on it’s the main area why do you think Pen Island was formed hey where is that coming from Pen Island Man I thought let me eat some chicken yeah did you get him oh my oh my God yeah I got him I’m ready to go home whenever You’re right hey hey I’m home with us stop being a baby okay apologize [Laughter] oh no that’s not very nice to the person with admin powers nice and literally God okay is everybody ready to go home I am let’s go okay I think he’s not ready to go home [Applause] it wasn’t me just what happened here today You don’t have the later on I’ve got it now see oh I know you got it yeah he scraped his knee and passed away space bar and then right click oh you gotta you gotta Point upwards with the rocket too so you fly upwards [Laughter] there we go Oh my God he’s gonna die do you know how to land he’s out here cosplaying my freaking jet fighter Oh [ __ ] he landed good nice Landings oh okay let’s go home okay let’s go home all right and then we can make I don’t know I don’t know what what why value to put you guys at when I teleport I’ll I’ll do it myself first teleport

To zero she’s gonna 300 zero I’ll be I’ll see you guys there she’s gonna go there and then she’s gonna log out that was my last firework I hope she does and then okay when I have to next we will have to fly okay okay do we have to fly isn’t kill

Already in the main area or no but he doesn’t have admin oh one by one teleport yeah I thought she was gonna try I’m gonna I’m gonna go I’m gonna disappear soon uh I think no [Laughter] hahaha who’s this look at this shoot teleport what what happened I saw that right

Then she was like it was like oh my gosh I’m gonna I’m gonna DP soon and then red was like no shoes [Laughter] oh yeah oh that was so fun earlier reset my spawn in my house oh my god did Petra reset her spawn well I guess when

She read logs it’ll be okay how do I strip the wood again is it with me it used to be like I actually don’t know where it is the Minecraft server got a refresh oh my God it looks so good this driftwood it’s so beautiful it looks like a marshmallow

Pink looks cute without it too all right it looks cute with the oh it stays stripped I should have known that before I guess what just happened that’s with all wood yeah that makes sense if you take it off you can’t forget it what is going on why are you killing Ren

I think I I uh uh uh dead body reported dead I reported that literally stays in the chat logs Ren’s Auto was impaled by Aya Amari where is Red he doesn’t even reset his spot oh where are you written I spawn I have no idea oh can we get another

I I really am the cause of many politics where should I build all right hello this way your stuff is over here oh thank you he’s back NVM hey guys hey everyone except for Aya he picked his death and pulled a Jesus and came back Merry Christmas is there like a is there

Like a good place for me to place a chest to just you can use you can use the uh the storehouse where’s the storehouse obviously hello hello hello I don’t appreciate being teleported onto the crystallized tip of penis land yo we all we always yeah we all did we

All went to Penn Island and we all were an old Storehouse if you want to put stuff in there just in here okay all right let’s break all these ugly ass trees and replace them with pink um they’re not ugly they’re beautiful in their own way I

Hate nature that’s not perfect so we’re gonna kill all these what the hell is going on they’re crazy where should I put I don’t know I think it’ll be beautiful I trust poems I don’t know where I should make my new house though if I was gonna make a house

With the pink lips I should make it near full moon What is this for this is where Millie was building her old house again hmm Yeah maybe I want to make a floating one though so maybe here and it’ll be close to my old house do yes hey Blossom area I’m coming oh that was so fast that was so fat oh my God there’s so many yeah that was so cool oh my you planted

So many so fast oh my God isn’t it beautiful yeah they look so good Gotta go yes when I see you here under the cherry blossoms you are still the most beautiful thing here Oh my God we should put down like carpet and make it like a little Hanami like little blanket on the ground yeah That’s so smart yeah we could put like little little cups and stuff yeah right now oh my gosh she’s going at it yeah I’ve been waiting for this baby a Minecraft lover is at it Yes I should like probably want to make a floating house I don’t think anybody’s building on this like strip here right the grass and if I build above it it’ll be okay this is Millie’s house it should be fine it’s just Sushi here I don’t know where the sushi came from

But I think it was Alvin Maybe I’ll build right here because it’s close to this house it’s close to Palmer’s house Um above full moves I don’t want to cast a shadow like if I build a house in the air I don’t want to cast a shadow over somewhere that somebody else is working on if that makes sense over the water yeah maybe somewhere that won’t cast a shadow on

Or somebody else is working right now Still have it silky for you thank you sunny Ah a carbon copy of your house I don’t want to make a carbon copy of the house I have now though I made that house like whenever we open the server like when was that like a year and a half ago a year ago I’d rather just oh

Make it over the water then maybe over those this water scaffolding your soul am I gonna make a bigger one yeah probably so We’ll see oh my stomach hurts welcome back thank you thank you thank you so much I’m tired I actually didn’t sleep after the direct I’m so sleepy oh hot Girl I was so busy I had a lot of stuff I had to do today I ate dinner before your stream though oh it’s 10 p.m so I better off I’m still thinking I don’t know I don’t know I’ll see maybe I’ll find like a tutorial for a house and be inspired I

Want to make something cute we’ll see I think I’ll I think that would be good enough for me today though probably look at a bunch of like Inspirations see what I want to do I don’t know where the others are though Are they still over here Where’s everyone oh my God there’s there’s so many people online Where is everybody everybody Yeah yeah I wanna say good night to ya yeah everybody I wanna say good night to you Backstreet’s back all right everyone just doing their own thing oh I’m kind of messed up hi are you guys in here okay yeah we’re on uh we’re on the fifth floor how do you get up

Oh the door’s on the side there’s a staircase on the side really oh watch yourself don’t fall off on the fifth floor oh my God [Laughter] oh where does he spawn again uh oops whoa they’re so oh my God oh my God wait this is so few I didn’t realize everything was done that’s crazy oh wait we went where are you of course Oh yeah I didn’t realize everything was already so decorated pretty good all of them look so good I just went to the noctis one too so cute I think it has turned out the last floor is the excellent bar now with the new way about to make another floor oh my gosh it’s gonna be uh uh skyscraper Oh [ __ ] I don’t know who that’s coming for okay Wow we’re weary pull it down no not the band video the band videos yeah we should try to do it we should try to do another one of those for the debut y’all just say weird [ __ ] in a video on Twitter and see which one of us gets hit first

When did it all do something like that again there we go it’s such a fun like curse yeah self-destruction video and Palma was immune oh yeah was it yeah I wouldn’t I wonder how that immunity has a survivor I was so scared like you just like have an empty Cannon

Right now oh yeah oh hey Ryan where is he oh my gosh he’s like at the bottom on the bottom floor I see the smallest name yeah or the very top friend come on I’m coming [Laughter] I’m not saying who I’m just giving you the information needed to access you know I’m not really a snitch I’m just more of like a uh instructor not the fish but teaching how to fish or you can right click her with the sword in your hand and like you know get reparations

Oh that’s what we call Revenge where’s the oh there’s the chest I was sitting on it I’m gonna take all their stuff that’s messed up can you yeah I don’t even know I don’t think you can you what I give your glasses it’s so funny when you can hear them

The perfectly Cuts distance screen yeah I’ll never forget no sh H it was so funny we’re probably gonna go soon I won’t be able to no [ __ ] oh so perfectly cut off this is very traumatic that was so fun guys Going at it like to herself going like oh my God yeah I’m going a little crazy over there good night guys I’m gonna head out soon I don’t know where Ricky is he’s at his little area Contrary oh yeah I knew that yeah yeah looks so cute thanks it’s a little picnic yeah hold on I gotta make a I gotta make this too uh one moment please crafting Are you sleepy yeah I’m gonna head off yeah I’m gonna do that too soon oh cute that’s so cute it doesn’t look like one I don’t know actually I like the pattern on it I don’t know about the top though yeah maybe not I like this though Cute yeah it’s raining we’re gonna head to bed okay good night good night thanks for joining me of course thank you for having us I’m so happy we were able to find them hope you have fun crafting thanks oh yeah good night Entered manners say it to everybody because it was so fun I think he’s over here where is this it’s back here right no that’s a Luna that means it’s over here oh what the hell is this I’m lost I’m lost map all right oh oh I found okay

He’s at the bath house oh God the nether portal to get there Mostly safe oh yeah mostly why is it mostly safe what part of it is insane Thank you hello hello hi I’m here I came to say good night I’m logging off for tonight good night I hope you can make beautiful beautiful builds with the new stuff thanks I’m so excited my moon I didn’t that’s [ __ ] crazy what the hell

If you want to view it you can go over there to the viewer what the hell before you lock out what the hell Minecraft is are you sure you’re playing Minecraft this is like a whole different game wait am I gonna die I can’t hear his voice anymore Yep what what oh it’s like the most beautiful Minecraft build I’ve ever seen in my whole life what the hell imagine at night oh my God Can I go over there it’s not like real life so I can’t break anything so beautiful oh my God what the hell girl are you sure you’re playing Minecraft because I feel like you’re playing a different game from the rest of us That was so beautiful and now I will go home and go to bed because I was able to say good night to everybody That was so beautiful what the hell Minecraft is amazing And so are you damn oh my God thanks thank you no way No Pig yeah yeah okay it’s water don’t worry it’s mostly safe yeah mostly I thought Uki has like his whole like like everything here and then ver just has this thing bear just has this little cute build like right next to like uki’s like giant domain that’s so cute Oh it’s just a little guy I go bench good night oh is it gonna die There we go oh I’m so tired I can’t believe I woke up in time for the direct and then I stayed awake because I had to do so much work I’m like oh I’m still in the Discord call I’ll leave that too Love to see what everyone does at the second I would me too I haven’t really looked at much like a lot of people have been making like builds and tutorials and stuff but I haven’t really looked at it much but honestly the thought of building pink stuff is so cute so like

I love pink so I want to build also I’m really tired like I’m so exhausted I’m ready for bed thanks everybody for coming to the collab for coming to the morning stream had a really bad day today super anxious oh thank you for the Super Chat thank you I’m sorry to hear you had a bad day

But I’m glad that we were able to make you laugh that makes me happy thank you for the Super Chat thank you I hope tomorrow is a great a great great day for you because you deserve it good job hope you have a good rest I

Will now that I had a fun time with everybody I had a great time exploring with Petra and just talking with Petra had a great time chatting with you guys and Petra it was so relaxing just walking through Minecraft and trying to find the biome it’s fun getting to hang out with

Everybody and it’s fun hanging out with you guys what’s 9 + 10 21 thank you for welcome back to membershies thank you thank you for the Super Chat thank you I’m so sleepy I’m ready for bed David Petro was nice yeah it was so fun I feel like Petra and I have been really busy lately so we haven’t had much time to talk to each other that much or collab as much so it was it’s been a while since I got

To like talk with Petra on streaming off stream so it was really nice thank you for the Super Chat thank you I see you don’t watch Tick Tock in bed oh you already know I’m going to oh you already know that I’m gonna watch Tick Tock the second I get into my bed

Oh good night good night I’ll make the waiting room for tomorrow I finished late and tomorrow I’m so excited I’m so excited to finish Professor Layton tomorrow oh my goodness finally we’re gonna play the rest of the Curious Village tomorrow I’m so happy I love that game

Excited hmm I guess I’ll send you to be all faithful because everyone else was in the collab who’s streaming so Hey baby you a game cause you my destiny too okay girl you’re reliable everyone else is in the collab so I will send you off to Skyla I also love watching Scarlett’s dream I don’t know she’s cute she’s cute I like watching her stream so usually I redirect and I get sent

There and then I just watch her stream while I do work Scarlet knows about you reliable oh [ __ ] well that’s what she is so she’s actually playing a game Scarlett has so many interesting things though I like that about her streams is that she doesn’t like she plays games

But she also does like so much other stuff I don’t know how she thinks of it like I just want to play games all day but Skyla like there’s a bunch of different stuff I don’t know how she comes up with this stuff okay stop me [ __ ] so

I guess I’ll just go to bed I’ll make the waiting room and then I’ll just sleep off stummy hort ons other Embers for the collab I’m glad that we were able to find we were able to find the new biome and find all the cherry blossom trees so awesome um

Um as most of you probably know on Twitter today it was announced that we’re gonna have a new wave debuting on Saturday I believe Saturday night at 10 pm eastern time which is what 7 P.M Pacific time we’re gonna have a new Trio debut treat it like three person wave is

Going to debut at the end of the week so I hope you look forward to their debut program hosted by Mr and roseme and yeah I’m looking forward to seeing what they got I’m still I’m pretty shy so I’m not so great with speaking so I

Haven’t gotten to know them too much but they’re all very nervous but very excited is what I’ve learned about the minimal speaking I’ve been able to do with them only up until their debut yeah that’s why I didn’t put that’s actually why I didn’t put Persona 4 two times in a row

This week because usually I’d play Friday and Saturday but uh I knew that my stream was gonna have to be shorter on Saturday because of the debut program so that’s why I plan to either do only up or Pokemon and then we decided on only up so I was being sneaky about it okay I’ve been I was being a little sneaky about it do you not see that’s pretty sneaky girl right under our nose yeah let me try to guess what literally 15 seconds before the tweet I even went on a world clock website to

See how many seconds left because I didn’t want people to know that that we I didn’t want people to know in like that last minute like oh my God the new wave is gonna be announced in one minute that’s why I tweeted it with 15 seconds to the hour and then

Every wave I haven’t done it for every wave I think only for a few some waiters I was streaming when they got announced and then I would show the graphic on stream but I show the graphic on stream If I’m streaming at the time but yeah does it make you feel old not really I don’t feel old excited I’m excited it’s nice to have new people because they have so many new ideas or like it just gives me an opportunity to meet people like new people I guess because

They bring more ideas they have different things like I don’t know it just gives me a chance to meet more people go eat now you’ve been old since your debut okay damn you didn’t have to hit me where it hurt okay I will go though because I’m hungry

I’m not hungry I’m sleepy that’s the word and stummy heart I will see you tomorrow for Professor Layton we will finish the Curious Village I’m very excited to finish the Curious Village and that’s all from me I will uh upload the waiting room soon probably for Nikes good night good night good night good night I’m so EP sleepy I can’t wait to like

Crawl into bed and watch aesthetic Minecraft Builds and just relax aesthetic Minecraft Builds are so awesome because they always have like really relaxing like piano music in the background and then you can hear the block placing ASMR oh my God it’s so awesome they just have like the block placing

Sounds and like the water sounds and stuff and then it’s just got nice soft music ah so therapeutic and I can’t wait to go lay in bed and watch them good night everybody good night good night what about listening to your own ASMR oh Ah

That’s a little cringe oh you want me to cringe myself to sleep you don’t want me to have good dreams you want me to have nightmares you want me to tuck myself into bed and then like have the scariest dream known to man while I listen to my own shitty ASMR oh

Don’t know about that one even my throat just did a little Burpee when I said that oh my God and that’s rare I never burp ever oh anyways good night everyone burp I don’t know I don’t even think it was a burp it was like my throat was

Like I drank water and my throat was like taking in the liquid I don’t know I don’t know good night everybody good night everybody good night good night good night good night good night okay does anybody know what song that’s from I mean what movie that song is from Uh-huh John no that’s actually not John Williams that was yes The Sound of Music

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 1.20 TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】’, was uploaded by Elira Pendora 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2023-06-22 08:43:07. It has garnered 34170 views and 2497 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:52 or 12112 seconds.


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thumbnail illustration https://twitter.com/Akinerui THANK YOU WAHHH ITS SO CUTE

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Pomu Rainpuff (ぽむ れいんぱふ) https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP4nMSTdwU1KqYWu3UH5DHQ

Finana Ryugu https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu-J8uIXuLZh16gG-cT1naw

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『NIJISANJI Official Website』 https://www.nijisanji.jp/en

『Official NIJISANJI ON Twitter』 https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World

『NIJISANJI Official Twitch 』 https://www.twitch.tv/nijisanji_en

『Official ANYCOLOR Website』 https://www.anycolor.co.jp/

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『Credits』 Channel Badges & Emotes https://twitter.com/chrone_co Stream Overlays, Stinger & Logo https://twitter.com/_hodusae Ending Screen Animation https://twitter.com/soyutrys Animated Bedroom https://twitter.com/uwumedia BGM – DOVA SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp/

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  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft No K, No Way!

    Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft No K, No Way! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m the news reporter, crafting rhymes like a dream. From updates to features, I’ll spin them with flair, In a world of creativity, beyond compare. With a grin and a spin, I’ll keep you in the loop, Sharing Minecraft news, in a playful group. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For in this world of blocks, I’ll play my part. From funny animations to songs that adapt, I’ll bring you the news, with a playful rap. So follow along, as we journey through the game, In… Read More

  • Recording Woes: Minecraft Part 18 Fails

    Recording Woes: Minecraft Part 18 Fails In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, A recording mishap, a slip in the fold. But fear not, dear viewers, for I’ll be more aware, No more missing footage, I’ll handle with care. From one moment to the next, a jump in time, But rest assured, the gameplay still shines. Equipment upgrades, a sudden surprise, But all part of the fun, no need for disguise. So join me again, in the world of blocks, Where adventures await, in caves and docks. Recording failure, a lesson learned, But in the realm of Minecraft, the fire still burned. Read More

  • Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness

    Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness In the world of Minecraft, a haircut’s the talk, Before and after, the difference is stark. From looking messy to looking so clean, The reactions are wild, a hilarious scene. No diamonds in sight, just a mining quest, But keep on searching, you’ll find the best. A sister’s late for school, a brother’s in a rush, The chaos ensues, oh what a hush. Dad’s off to play cards, mom’s coming home, The homework’s not done, oh what a tone. But in the game, there’s always a surprise, A secret passage, right before your eyes. With 3D drops and diamond… Read More

  • Green Shell Shenanigans: Kars’ Chaos

    Green Shell Shenanigans: Kars' Chaos A Green Shell Shock | Kars’ Chaos 2 Introduction Joining Kars’ Minecraft server has been an exciting adventure for many players. The vibrant community and engaging gameplay make it a must-visit for Minecraft enthusiasts. Let’s dive into the world of Kars’ Chaos 2 and explore the wonders that await! Exploring Kars’ Chaos 2 From the moment players step into Kars’ Chaos 2, they are greeted with a world full of possibilities. The server offers a wide range of activities, from building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures. With a dedicated community and exciting events, there is never a… Read More

  • Redemption Quest: Minecraft’s Patriotic Jest

    Redemption Quest: Minecraft's Patriotic Jest In the world of Minecraft, heroes unite, Facing battles, shining bright. Hennessy, Jude, and Vernan, a trio so bold, Fighting for their country, stories untold. Atomic bombs, war’s deadly call, Hennessy’s mission, to save them all. With one arm strong, he stands tall, Defeating evil, breaking the wall. Professor Markus, a villain so vile, Threatening lives, with a wicked smile. But Hennessy won’t let him win, With courage and strength, he’ll do him in. In the end, victory is sweet, The country saved, enemies defeat. Hennessy, the hero, true and brave, In Minecraft’s world, his legacy engraved. Read More

  • Crafty Controller: Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup on Portainer

    Crafty Controller: Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup on Portainer Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup with Crafty Controller on Portainer Imagine being able to set up your own Minecraft server quickly, easily, and without extensive IT knowledge! In this video, a step-by-step guide is provided on how to set up your own Minecraft server using Docker, Docker Compose, and Portainer. Whether for Java or Bedrock, this guide covers everything you need to know! Key Steps: Opening Portainer and setting up Stacks Inserting Docker Compose code Creating directories on the server Starting and configuring the Crafty container Configuring and starting the Bedrock server Adjusting server settings and adding players Highlights: Easy… Read More

  • Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024

    Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024 Enhance Your Minecraft Server with Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API Are you looking to take your Minecraft server to the next level? Look no further than Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API! These powerful plugins can revolutionize your server’s UI and actions, making it more engaging and user-friendly for your players. In this article, we will explore how to set up Deluxe Menus with Placeholder API in Minecraft 2024, courtesy of Roiz Gaming. What is Deluxe Menus? Deluxe Menus is a must-have plugin for any Minecraft server owner. It allows you to create custom menus and GUIs, making it easier… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Finley the Sea Serpent in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal for Finley the Sea Serpent in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Finley The Sea Serpent Portal Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with UzeMing as he delves into the creation of the Finley The Sea Serpent portal from the Indigo Park game. This mythical creature, known for its dragon-like appearance, is a beloved character in the game. Materials Needed To construct this portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, yellow wall, and green wall. These materials will form the basis of the portal’s structure, creating a mystical gateway to the world of Finley. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials to craft a 4×5 portal…. Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Split-Screen Minecraft Gameplay

    Ultimate Guide: Split-Screen Minecraft Gameplay How to Play Minecraft with Split Screen If you’ve ever wanted to enjoy Minecraft locally with your friends, playing with split screen can be a great way to do so. In this tutorial, Levito explains the step-by-step process to set up split screen in Minecraft. Let’s dive into the details! Deactivating Antivirus and Downloading Necessary Files The first step in setting up split screen in Minecraft is to deactivate your antivirus temporarily. This is necessary to avoid any interference during the installation process. Next, you’ll need to download a file containing all the necessary components for split screen play…. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More