Ep138 Unobtanium Seeds – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mod 6. um just out the gate in this recording i’ve turned on a noise suppressor um because i currently have a big fan blowing in the background to try and try and make my experience a little bit more enjoyable and then hopefully i

Won’t be as i won’t be as annoyed in these in these videos um so let me know what you think of the audio i i think it might be a little worse than normal but the alternative is i either sit in the heat which i normally do anyway so i

Might you know do that or you hear a little bit of fan uh we’ll we’ll see what happens we’ll see how this video goes and let me know if i didn’t say anything if you would have noticed i get i mean maybe i should have brought this up later in the video

Anyway anyway this episode as you can see i’ve been i’ve been building a little bit i’ve built this little this nice little pier area um it’s not the most beautiful thing but it’s it’s a thing i feel like the fences are sort of ruining it i don’t know anyway i want to

Build a nice little room here um to actually move all of my crafters in and i’ve got the chunks out so this is going to be a nice little area for it and if we need to expand like if we need to go into this one or these four we can

Because we’re actually underneath the solar panels and we’re already junk loading those so it’s like it’s kind of a win-win right it’s free real estate um so what i was going to do as well is just chuck a chuck a few slabs at the top i’ve done this roof style in um over

Stressed and we’re just going to do it again because that’s that’s what we do here okay we’re just going to do it again um so yeah i’m gonna move all the crafters from the house into here we’ll see if that fixes the frame rate that happens

Um over at our house we’ll we’ll see how that goes um and if i’m honest that’s sort of as far as i’ve gotten in terms of uh planning so i don’t really know yeah i don’t really know what else we’re going to do um so i guess that’ll be a surprise maybe

All right i ended up bringing it up a little bit more to maybe give it a little bit of a nicer look i i’m going to be honest i don’t know i don’t even know if this looks yet i feel like we need to put a border around this while

That’s sort of uh ruining some of it okay this isn’t too bad but we can we could definitely work with this um now comes what i thought might be a tricky part but i’m sort of realizing now it also might not be a tricky part

We might be able to use yurting bags or bags of yielding or whatever they’re called um before we do this i would love i would absolutely love to just give it a test um so what i’ll do is i’ll just grab a pattern out of this

I’ll place it into this guy and we’ll try and pick this up no okay so so it can’t pick this up okay that’s that’s unfortunate because that means we’re gonna have to manually move these um i can put most of this stuff away and we’ll just i guess i guess that’s

What we’re doing now we’re just putting everything away manually um yeah this this should be fine okay i guess i’m gonna do this now i’m gonna start here pick this up oh my god that is horrendous um is that everything i think it is okay and now i’ll just walk it over

Okay um oh i feel like we definitely need a better solution than this because this is horrendous um i did i didn’t didn’t even plan where i’m gonna put all the stuff um what we also need to do is like drop all of these until we actually get

The crafter in our inventory maybe i should have placed the crafter here beforehand you know what next time we’ll do that that makes more sense doesn’t it all right um i’m going to place it here i think i think oh is that it’s too late it’s too late we can we

Can move it later okay i just want to get everything pinked up okay um i might want to move this back one reason being we have two diamond pickaxe recipes oh well um reason being is there won’t be much room to walk in otherwise unless

Uh you know what i think it’s fine then i think it’s fine there um so what i’m going to do now now that we’ve learned a little bit is i’m going to pick up some of these empty ones first so that we have like we can place them

Somewhere okay one of those wasn’t empty but that’s fine that’s a okay i can live with that we also need to make sure that the um server doesn’t realize hey there’s a bunch of items on the floor let’s um clear them all because that then i’d have to go and hunt them down

Okay um believe it or not that is that is everything all of these are full and i believe our house is empty and what’s the frame rate like here it’s still pretty poor so that means it’s something else i’m gonna pick up this guy as well actually i think when i pick

This guy up there’s nothing in him he’ll um break it up he’s connected to a flux point you can see he’s not even really doing anything um hmm what do we need to do here do you think it’s possibly this guy as well it could be that this guy’s like going

So insanely fast that it’s creating some lag do you think that’s possibly it hmm i i do think it’s possible shall we pick this up and see how’s our frame rate doing is it any better it’s still pretty poor like it’s it’s noticeably poor it um let’s

Place this back that should be fine is this empty again yep okay so it’s not that i i’m telling you again by the way i’ve ripped all this stuff up before let’s we’ll do it again we’ll see if maybe it was a combination of everything making it lag so we’ll pick

This guy back up that stops you know that issue then i’m going to go ahead and just like vein mine all of these pick up this pick up this pick up these and like here let’s um How many drawers do we have in here do we have okay we can store these that won’t get confusing but like look the frame rate still pretty poor so so it’s not the drawers we’ve narrowed it down further let’s let’s put them away let’s you know let’s

Actually get to the bottom of this and figure out what exactly is our issue um is this an importer let’s disconnect that guy for a second um it’s possible that it’s the requester because that’s something new that i’ve added recently it’s possible that it’s like all these all this stuff here i

Mean if i’m honest we’re not even using this stuff so should i just pick this up i think i should um i’m gonna pick all of this up i thought i would i thought i’d be able to just vein mine all the cables but it doesn’t really want to do that okay

All right we can manually pick this stuff up do we feel like we’re oh it was something here oh my god like look oh my god our frame rate’s amazing again okay so something that we had set up was uh causing all those issues okay beautiful yeah nice

We fixed it um let’s place all this stuff away let’s also get a cable we need one of these okay well um we can almost put everything back to how it was in fact that does not need to be there at all um i got to place all my all my drawers back

Okay beautiful nice i mean if i had known that i probably would have left all my crafters there but the fact that i didn’t know that it doesn’t really bother me too much draw a controller that’s the important one bring all these okay all of this stuff is back i put in

A nice green carpet on the floor so that stuff looks beautiful as well um that should mean that i can go ahead and hook this guy back up and we should be good once again okay um so what next well we can fill up the floor

That’s nice um what else do we want to put in the crafting room i think we want to put a patent grid there i would imagine so should i pick this one up or should we make a new one i kind of feel like we should make a new

One um the question is why don’t we already have a lot of this stuff uh like automated like let’s get a patent grid let’s let’s just make one of these automated get the grid automated there we go um we should have a machine casing automated so i’m not sure why

That’s not a thing i’ll also have to set up a teleporter that goes like instantly to here because i don’t want to be running back and forth all the time that is not a that is not a fun time oh this guy even uh he’s not hooked up that’s

That would also help that would also help we’re going to need a network receiver and network transmitter um and then i guess we’ll just grab a network card so the receiver will be um where do i want to put this i i guess we can have it here and i’m going to build

Like a wall around it or something i guess um right click that and we’ll go hook it up all right so this guy’s going to go here um as for what we’re going to call this we’ve already got one called um crafting galore we’ve got crafter galore um

So this one has to be called something else this is going to be called patton um what is called pattentown there we go pattontown wonderful hopefully i spelt that right if i didn’t that’s that’s your problem not mine um all right so this stuff’s hooked up so now if i search pattern i

Should be able to craft a pattern grid yep it’s saying i can i’m waiting it’s arrival here it is pattern grid um so where do i want to put this guy do i just place him in the floor that seems a bit boring um i suppose what i could do is just place

Him on the top there or even possibly maybe break this place that down and move everything in there that seems like a good idea i feel like that’s not too bad of a plan and then we can have you know another layer of uh stuff up there okay beautiful so

I’ve got my patterns here i will need a exporter um to be putting in patterns um some nice blank patterns on here so blank are they not called blank or am i not seeing them pattern are they just called patterns they’re just called patterns okay there we go

So the patterns will go there we’re gonna need a um you know i was gonna put a crafting thing on there uh you know what i will um just a crafting card crafting upgrade that should then take care of everything this guy should uh fill up with patterns beautiful okay

Wonderful um so we fixed our lag issue it was one of the integrated dynamics things so our base is beautiful again we can pick this thing up and just start to chuck it in our system um what’s next i genuinely i don’t i don’t really know what what’s next um I kind of want to rearrange this so that it looks a bit nicer but i think what we might end up doing is just if i search requester we have a bunch of them i might just make a wall of these and i i’m quite a fan of that we can

Make use of those um as for what goes in these empty slots what i could do is i could move the wireless transmitter um to be you know like in the floor somewhere should we just do that i think we should and then i can uh use this area for something else so

Transmitter open this guy up putting our infinity range booster in our dimension card wonderful cover up the floor and then now oh now three remaining requesters go there and how’s that i i’m liking this we’ve done a nice remodeling here this is i’d say i’d say we’re doing pretty good

Um how long has this video been already it’s been 15 minutes do i upload a 15 minutes video do i dare um i don’t think so but i also don’t really know what else we’re doing um well actually wait you know what we can do slime

We should be having oh no we don’t have it okay wait no but we we found slime balls but we still haven’t fixed our slime issue 240 slimy honeycomb blocks what’s that from though i don’t believe we should have that because i don’t think we have a slimy bee set up

Wait we have the slime there who’s in here the slimy bee is in here did i put him in there hold on i must have but what my brain hurts the whole reason why i didn’t before is because the bee died so then why did the bee die

You know what might have happened since i got the b and it was nighttime it’s possible that the bee attacked a mob previously and lost its stinger and then it slowly died i think that’s what happened yeah okay so we’ve got to be okay well now i really don’t know what to do

In this episode what um is there anything here that we could just quickly work towards oh actually i do think that i know something that we might be able to do um it might make a mess but which way am i going this way um i believe in our void

Miners we currently have a specific upgrade like let’s have a look is this a yeah um let’s see what we’ve got if i can open it we have a metallica or miner i believe if i take this guy out we can change this to be a just a

Some sort of or minor like a different one let’s have a look memory programmer or minor no let’s um go back uh multi minor or minor i think that’s what we want all minor le oh or multi minor let’s do multi minor i’m not sure what

Multi minor does but i feel like that might do all of them i hey we’re about to find out we’re definitely about to find out let’s fly over here open this guy up place it in then click on minable drops here is a list of all the drops we could possibly get we’re

Going to be getting sandstone we’re going to be getting twisting vines we’re going to be getting what does it start lost to most it doesn’t we’re going to be getting canopy tree leaves certain quartz i’m crying obsidian um pretty much the whole works i’m trying to see really what’s this

Origin grass golden oh my god this is this might be too much um yeah i was gonna see if it mines um you know like all the modding or something we’re going to be getting sponge okay is there all the modium dark rune stone there’s some cool stuff here uranium

Some other word i can’t pronounce uranium again yellow alabaster some diamond okay sulfur i’m just slowly trying to go through this and see if there’s what looks to be all the modium cactus fruit okay um no i don’t see it it’s possible we went past it so i’ll do one last little skim

Through here to see if it makes an appearance but it doesn’t look like it okay no it doesn’t make an appearance i i’m gonna test all of them in fact what i should probably do is just get a um programmer here one of these guys um he needs power

Where are we getting power from here okay let’s um place this guy down boom i’m just going to test a bunch of them because surely surely we’re meant to get something cool out of this um i want to try we’ll go back to multi miner and should i just try a resource

Miner you know i want to try ore is going to make it all yeah or miner let’s see okay well it’s definitely done ors these are pretty much every single or but looking through it still does not appear to be any of the the all that we want it’s not none of

The all the modium stuff is in here at least from what i can see um i’m hoping i’m not going past it that would be very embarrassing yeah i’m not sure um it’s i don’t know the issue is if you google stuff for this you don’t find much it’s very

It’s a very elusive uh mod to try and learn uh you know what i i managed to find a reddit person they said no it’s not even a thing it’s not possible um okay well that’s fine that’s fine i still feel like our bees aren’t they’re not good enough i mean

If we have a look we’ve got a fair amount like it let’s turn all of this into it just to see exactly how much we have um what what’d we get two and a half stacks that’s not bad that’s not about two and a half stacks of entertainment i want a lot more

I want a lot more um so i think what we can do and this is apparently what we’re doing in this episode uh by the way if you you haven’t caught on i’m gonna make some blocks of these i think we only need to do four blocks of each

Um are we gonna have enough vibranium maybe i’ll make some more and i wanna try and make the seeds um i’m never normally a fan of seeds because they’re so overpowered but i mean but hey why not so we’ll try that one two three four beautiful okay so

Let’s search um all the modium and we’ll just bookmark all the seeds to begin with and then we’ll go through and see exactly what we need here to make the seeds once again hopefully the audio isn’t too bad um let me know what you think

Because i am i’m starting to get a bit chilly here it’s it’s getting a bit cold in here so i’m happy i’ll be happy if you guys can’t really hear it so the tier for these are a magical that’s ridiculous and they’re from uh mystical customization um

So to make these guys we just get some insane blocks some older modern blocks and prosperity seeds easy enough um insanian blocks let’s see we don’t um we actually do we have some farmland um i believe this is what we were auto crafting back here with the we had a

Crafter that we ended up taking away let’s let’s try this again um crafter tier one i guess why not um we’ll slap this guy down here i guess um see here’s the crafter oh he’s got he’s got recipes for bags of building let’s um let’s get rid of that

If i if i can figure out how all right you know i think we do need to upgrade this um reason being is um they hold more recipes and we need more recipes i believe so i’m just going to quickly uh autocraft a few of these bad boys

All right here we go we have the crafter um i really shouldn’t have uh taken the other one before um i’m a little bit disappointed uh so anyway in this guy what are we doing we are searching for insanity we’re gonna bookmark this guy and we essentially just need this recipe here

And we’re gonna click apply then we need to get the next recipe this guy is going to be for the supremium we’re going to place this here we’re going to click apply beautiful and i’m going to do that for pretty much all of them okay so we actually do have some

Supremium so what i want to do now is i think i want to make at least one of this insanity right so we’re going to grab one of you oh i accidentally made a few that that’s fine that’s fine we’re going to open this guy up we’re going to place one there

We’re going to place one here i’m going to click remember and then that keeps those like patterns there then i think i want to just like turn these into every single um other one like such and we just want to make like a row of this right so we want to place that

There place that there place that there and then we can place i don’t know these ones here in fact we could probably just i don’t know fill the whole thing but we’re gonna click remember and now it should oh it didn’t it didn’t do it okay we’re gonna place this back

And try to remember it again interesting all right we’ve clicked remember i’ll click it a few times is it now remembering it is okay so we can take this stuff out wonderful oh you know what the problem was i shift uh shift i shift clicked on it because i for some

Reason they were being annoying like why can’t i place this here explain that why is this top row what like i’m clicking i’m left clicking and it won’t go there i i don’t know but anyway these are all bookmarked we also want an infusion crystal

Um i might want to do a new one oh i do not want to do that i want um yeah a new one this guy is going to go here remember and then i’ll place him next to him we’ll try to get two in there right and i think this is good enough

I think it’s good enough um we’ll have to provide power and stuff and then we’ll also have to get an exporter um we’ll just do an ultra one let’s also get a flux point we might as well no not a plug a point nope not a plug a point

Um slap this guy here look him up to her network so he’s powered get an exporter open him up and place inferium in here and so this guy should fill up with inferium currently he’s on redstone ignored um currently he won’t even open anymore that’s great

Okay but it’s all in here um oh we also need to put the infusion crystals so let’s do oh wait i also needed to um results of crafting operation will go to output buffer but remaining items like buckets will stay in input um Okay i think i want to do results of crafting operation will stay in input buffer that means when it crafts these extra essence they’ll stay back in here i think that’s what we want to do and then i want to add um these full infusion things to the list that

Didn’t go to the apple no internal did it not save do i need to oh i need to set that for every one i need to make that internal apply internal apply internal apply okay okay that makes sense that’s good all right we’re going to place these back

Here and as you can see it’s working like a charm so i’m going to put the rest of this stuff in oh i can’t really put more of this inferior in but as you can see it should be working okay there we go if i click fast what happens let’s have a look

Well i guess it just does it faster um so this is gonna make us insania um it’s apparently draining power really fast i don’t but you should be is it draining more power than it can physically get i don’t i don’t understand what’s happening if i get back to slow

What’s the difference is it a lot faster um it’s a little bit faster it’s pretty fast all right so the last thing we need to do here i can put these guys back in that should be good um is get another crafting upgrade or grab this guy i’ll

Also make sure these guys are autocrafted because we use them a lot i don’t know why it’s not on the list um so i’ll run in here and add it to one of our many lists there we go we’re going to get 16 of them beautiful but this guy

Is now going to be crafting upgrade which means he should craft these infusion crystals and slap them in and it looks like that’s what’s happening okay wonderful um yeah i guess oh you know what i could do which would be way faster you can make the blocks directly into them

Oh that would be way faster let’s um hmm how do i do this reliably i think what i do is i add in a recipe or um for making an inferior block to one of these i add in this recipe sadly oh do i really have to run over

There every time or can i just go in here and go to um where is it now is it at the bottom pretty much so i’m pretty sure i can just go here and place this in and now if i search um inferior it’s on the list beautiful beautiful um

I am actually going to go ahead and change these recipes so i’m going to make this guy instead this guy is going to be All right that’s going to be this one uh the question is does it need a master crystal i didn’t see a cycle it’s saying that it needs a master one how do i make this can i hold on hold on can i just make a master one real quick that apparently has

Unlimited uses i’m gonna need a supremium gemstone which needs a prosperity gemstone that’s the easiest thing i’ve ever seen in my life um okay and then turn that into this yep easy enough and then turn that if i can find the right thing into a master oh my god i’m

Missing one okay we can that’s fine we can we can just craft some more there we go master wonderful we can take this off the list and we can actually just slap this guy in um can we there we go that’s in there and we can yeah essentially just leave that

Beautiful okay okay hold on hold on so this should work now if i click apply that now upgrades i’m going to what i need to do is turn this off for a second okay so now we do pretty much the same thing we did before we place um one of

Each of these in here they don’t have to be in the right order but i like to do it just because it looks a little nice that can go there that should be pretty good we can also rearrange this just to make it look a little nicer click

Remember okay oh these need to have they changed again these need to be internal okay apparently you have to change them again every time i i don’t understand all right all right so this should all be good they’re all set to internal that that’s perfect then all i need to do i

Believe is add an inferium block onto this and as you can see we appear to be working this is going essentially the same speed it was before but it’s doing blocks at a time so that’s definitely a win in my books um what we could do as well is let

Me just try and order like a thousand of these oh we don’t we don’t have enough how much um essence do we have now oh we we just we just used it all huh that’s um Not that good that’s that’s pretty bad that’s that’s not good um you know what we do appear to be getting oars i saw this number go up just before um i was trying to catch it go up again but it doesn’t really appear to be going

Up anymore um we should be able to just smelt this and get us at least some more um yeah it’s not really it’s not really going up is it what can this guy be put in he can be smelted or can he be enriched no okay

Um i guess we’ll just he went up by one okay so he’s barely going up um that’s fine we can actually wait with our furnaces are back over here but i’ll um export us over here so here we go um inferior more and that should then if i can reach my

Furnace there we go getting uh getting smelted we have we have some essence again it’s instantly gone um what i want to do now is actually just check our void miner and see if he’s getting the stuff because i feel like he should be shouldn’t he uh minable drops um peridot

I no i’m not i’m not really seeing inferium here oh no we are we’re getting it at a 1.39 rate um he’s got plenty of powers that’s not a problem he’s got his bandwidth and his frequency modifiers um so he should be he should be good he should be spitting

Out a bunch of uh inferium i i mean i guess it’s a low percentage but i normally he’s pretty good all right well anyway let’s see if we can at the very least um get this guy up and running so um insania we do have four

We have exactly four so we can make one of these i’m going to take four of these out um i mean i i imagine we should do yeah all the modium um we should probably do unobtainium since like that’s that should be the hardest to get right so we’ll grab our blocks

Grab that out we’re gonna need a seed in particular a prosperity seed base so one of these guys uses some shards and some wheat seeds hopefully you guys are following along i haven’t really been going too slow this episode this guy is going to go here on this infusion altar we’ve set

This guy up way in the past and then in no particular order but i guess alternating i don’t even know if they have to alternate we’re going to place all of these blocks like so then oop in it goes because i guess we have our lever on but normally

You you know apply a redstone signal here we go this stuff does a pretty cool little animation and we get ourselves an unobtanium seed it’s it’s that it’s honestly just that simple um and then i guess i can slap it on over here um oh the other thing is i think we’re going

To need this insanian farmland to actually grow it let’s get a botany pot um a hopper body pot we’ll get a chest there we go we have our morphing tool on us that’s fine this will go here hopper botany farmland and then our seed on top

That’s not good he does not want our seed um we’re gonna need something else really he needs only magical soil that’s what he needs okay this magical soil needs an overgrowth seed these um uh gaia spirit ingots and then more insanian blocks which we don’t have so we can’t even grow it

Unless we have magical soil we do okay do we have the other stuff overgrowth we do i don’t know where we get these but i’ve got a few of them um i think it says in britannia okay well i mean hey we’ve got we’ve got one i i oh i don’t feel

Necessarily good using it because the whole point of this video was to show you guys how to do it but and we just have it we just magically have the magical soil but hey we can at the very least set this up okay there we go

So this guy takes like a minute to grow um i believe you can bone milled as well um i’ll tell you what let me get this um uh what do you call it this britannia book let me put that in my hand my hand is that my hand there we

Go and then search overgrowth and seed can we look this up overgrowth seed entry index okay i’ll i’ll hunt it down for you guys i’ll figure out how we do this oh it’s right here it’s on the second page uh an overgrowth seed is an elusive item that when planted on grass spells

It into enchanted soil flowers that are planted on this enchanted soil will function at twice their normal speed unfortunately no method of actually creating these elusive seeds is known however they have been allegedly spotted by historians in ancient structures and temples perhaps okay so yeah i guess we we stumbled upon them

My guess is that we like dug up a dungeon because i don’t think when was the last time we’ve actually gone hunting for dungeons uh i don’t know all right well i i mean we’ve got it it’s gonna be doing its thing we only had one right only one magical yeah okay

Um this guy’s gonna keep doing his thing he’s gonna what the oh it’s because i shift clicked all right it’s fine this won’t fill up anyway um okay so i guess if we want to do more of that we can either just wait or we’re gonna

Have to set up a void miner or you know some sort of generator for that uh inferior essence to get it a little bit more reliably um but yeah i’m happy with this episode we got some stuff done we made this nice little ocean side little shack i i think it’s

Pretty cool i quite like it um maybe we could do some fences here or something thank you guys for watching hopefully you enjoyed and hopefully i’ll see you guys in the next one and uh you know what i i was gonna just end it but we

Might as well uh say our thanks to the the people supporting the channel financially uh thank you to skeletal jacob oh wait this dirty snow luna mugs and v rifty supporting me financially over on discord and then thank you to uh to call us to vrifti and mugs uh for being

Channel members um by the way i if you’re still watching at this point i would like to know what sort of content or like extra perks or whatnot you guys would be willing to um donate for or become channel members for like um i i’m only talking like a dollar you

Know a dollar monthly subscription or something like that but what sort of stuff are you guys after because like a dollar doesn’t seem like much but if if i’m able to get a bunch of people you know spending that dollar a month that adds up for me you know what i mean and

That can be actually extremely beneficial um so i would love to know what what sort of content you guys would be willing to to pay a dollar for each month um and i’d be more than happy to to try and figure out how to supply that

Um so yeah i guess that’s it thank you for watching and hopefully i’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye You

This video, titled ‘Ep138 Unobtanium Seeds – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2021-11-03 18:12:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

This is a series on the All The Mods 6 Minecraft modpack! This modpack is packed full of a bunch of different mods! From Tech …

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    Minecraft's Top Mob Squad: Solid and Sassy! In the world of Minecraft, mobs roam free, But one stands out, as solid as can be. The Iron Golem, strong and true, Protecting villages, with a heart so blue. With arms of iron, and a head of stone, He’ll defend his people, never alone. Against the dangers that lurk at night, The Iron Golem stands, ready to fight. So next time you see him, give a cheer, For the most solid mob, with nothing to fear. In the world of Minecraft, he’s a true delight, The Iron Golem, shining bright. Read More

  • Pup vs. Samurai: Cave Chaos | Minecraft Opus 2

    Pup vs. Samurai: Cave Chaos | Minecraft Opus 2 The Wood Debate and Cave Adventure in Minecraft Introduction The Minecraft community was abuzz on May 30, 2024, as Chu and Samariyuu delved into the world of Miney Crafta Opus 2 in G Major. The stream promised a Wood Debate and a thrilling cave adventure, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Wood Debate with @samariyuu The stream kicked off with an intense Wood Debate between Chu and Samariyuu. Both players showcased their building skills and creativity as they discussed the best use of wood in Minecraft. From crafting tools to building structures, the debate was a showcase… Read More

  • Mine Rhymes in Episode 611: Crafting Lands of Fun

    Mine Rhymes in Episode 611: Crafting Lands of Fun Welcome to Minecraft Lands, Episode 611, Where the adventures never end, always so much fun. Lo Do Vo here, your guide through the game, Bringing you updates, never the same. In this blocky world, where creativity thrives, We build, we mine, in our virtual lives. From crafting tools to battling mobs, We conquer challenges, no time for sobs. So join me now, as we explore and play, In Minecraft Lands, where we’ll stay. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share, Let’s spread the joy, everywhere.🎮🌟 Thank you for watching, until next time, Keep on gaming, in rhythm and rhyme. Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Extreme OneBlock Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days in Extreme OneBlock Minecraft I Survived 100 Days in OneBlock Minecraft in Extreme Mode Introduction In this thrilling adventure, a dedicated gamer embarked on a challenging journey to survive 100 days in the intense world of OneBlock Minecraft. The task at hand was not for the faint-hearted, as the player navigated through a map called “One Block is Not Normal,” where every move was crucial for survival. Survival Tactics The player encountered numerous obstacles, from mining for essential resources to battling mobs for survival. With determination and strategic planning, the player managed to overcome each challenge, including creating a sustainable food source and… Read More

  • IBAI’s Wild Minecraft Night

    IBAI's Wild Minecraft Night The Exciting World of Minecraft: Ibai’s Velada Event When it comes to the world of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a timeless classic that continues to capture the hearts of players worldwide. Recently, popular streamer Ibai took on the challenge of organizing a special event within the Minecraft universe, known as La Velada del Minecraft. A Night to Remember La Velada del Minecraft, or The Minecraft Evening, promised to be an unforgettable experience for both Ibai and his audience. With its open-world sandbox gameplay, Minecraft allows for endless possibilities and creativity, making it the perfect setting for a unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Knight: Code Delight

    Minecraft Knight: Code Delight In Minecraft, Hollow Knight takes flight, A world of wonder, crafted just right. From characters to enemies, all in place, Every detail, a work of grace. The terrain, the structures, the music too, All recreated, just for you. With combat, abilities, and charms to equip, Every feature, a thrilling trip. Explore the world, from King’s Pass to Dirtmouth, Every area, filled with truth. Download the map, and join the fun, In Minecraft, the adventure’s just begun. So tell me, what game should I make next? Leave your suggestions, and I’ll do my best. For now, enjoy this Hollow Knight… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the perfect start in Minecraft 1.20. But first, let’s take a look at this exciting new YouTube video titled “THE PERFECT START! Lets Play Minecraft 1.20 – #1 MALAYALAM.” In this video, the creator explores a brand new Minecraft world in Java Edition 1.20 for the first time. They promise fun activities, challenges, and more in their upcoming episodes. While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does showcase the endless possibilities… Read More

  • Avengers vs Thanos in Minecraft School

    Avengers vs Thanos in Minecraft School The Epic Showdown: Monster School Faces Thanos in Minecraft Animation Thanos, the formidable villain from the movie “Avengers: Infinity War,” has set his sights on enslaving the world in the Minecraft universe. In response, Monster School rises to the challenge to save the world from this impending invasion. However, Thanos proves to be a formidable foe with his immense strength and power. A Battle of Epic Proportions The clash between Monster School and Thanos is nothing short of epic. As the monsters band together to defend their world, they face incredible odds against the mighty Thanos. The animation captures… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Dominating Minecraft SMP

    Ultimate Guide to Dominating Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make best Minecraft smp (roadmap)’, was uploaded by GamingGamer237 on 2024-05-16 10:25:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. india #lapatasmp #howto How to make best Minecraft smp (roadmap) Hey everyone!have u ever think how lapata smp members … Read More

  • Intense Dog Battles from Another World

    Intense Dog Battles from Another WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLOODY DOGS! | FROM ANOTHER WORLD – S3 E2’, was uploaded by Rotch Games on 2024-05-31 11:20:15. It has garnered 1344 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:33 or 3933 seconds. From Another World Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/from-another-world List of mods and resource packs: https://pastebin.com/xtZe75H1 Discord: https://discord.gg/SNHyZYE2uq Read More

  • “botXsonic – Insane Villager Rail Experiment!” 🚂

    "botXsonic - Insane Villager Rail Experiment!" 🚂Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager Rail Madness! 🚂’, was uploaded by botXsonic on 2024-06-07 10:30:16. It has garnered 9500 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. minecraft horror game gaming twitch maizen horror jj maizen jj and mikey video game lets play live mikey maizen playthrough games mario gameplay livestream maizen challenge merely adequate maizen jj and mikey survival hermitcraft hermitcraft season 10 minecraft pranks maizen mikey jj prank video paper mario boss fight minecraft 100 days 100 days in minecraft cy yu plays ps5 maizen monster battle escape mikey jj mikey… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art – Must See! #Viral

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art - Must See! #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘satisfying sand art #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts#trending #minecrafthacks#technogamerz #SHORTS’, was uploaded by mr. Allrounder gamerz on 2024-06-08 03:36:01. It has garnered 3894 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. satisfied sand art #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #viral #shorts #viral #shorts #house #minecraft morden house build #minecraft morden building #minecraft pocket #minecraft mod #minecraft download #minecraft morden houses #minecraft tutorial #minecraft tips #minecraft short #minecraft shorts #minecraft #shorts #youtubeshorts #viral shorts #trading shorts #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning #gaminglife #pcgaming #online #gamer #playing #playinggames #videogames #instagaming #gamerguy #instagamer #onlinegaming #game #play #gamingsetup… Read More

  • Daku vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft AMV Edit!

    Daku vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft AMV Edit!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daku x Herobrine | Minecraft daku song AMV/Edit #trending #feeds @SquaredMediaAnimations🤝🏻@Jiban12’, was uploaded by Ahan yt on 2024-01-07 10:08:16. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • DracoNova

    DracoNovaWelcome to DracoNova! We’re a small smp server aiming big – a hybrid server/player driven economy, free to earn ranks, custom gear, bosses and more that is to come! DISCLAIMER: Currently we’re in a beta period with not much to offer, but with a soft-reset coming soon we hope to meet everyone’s expectations. Everything’s explained and updates are shared on discord. We provide land claiming for a comfortable experience, but for those interested in more exciting gameplay, we hear you, and we provide – wars. draconova.com Read More

  • SummitSurvival Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4

    Updates and Reset Notice In addition to the latest updates, the outer end islands will reset next week to replenish the elytra supply. About Summit Survival Summit Survival is a SMP server that focuses on creative gameplay without limits. Build redstone contraptions, large-scale builds, or simply explore and collect. We have a no griefing policy in place and minimal rules to keep things productive. Joining Process Connect using the IP summitsurvival.org. Cross play is supported and you can connect via Bedrock using port 63809. Server Rules Do not hack or use x-ray. Do not modify player builds or entities. Do… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block Bro’s Minecraft Adventure

    Looks like that skeleton upgraded from bones to swords real quick! Watch out, he’s leveling up. Read More


    I PUT MY ARMOUR ON... HOT DAMN! When you put on your armor in Minecraft but still manage to die from falling off a two-block high ledge. Priorities, am I right? #minecraftlogic #gitgud Read More

  • NYC Minecraft School Showdown

    NYC Minecraft School Showdown Minecraft 5 Borough School Battle: A Sustainable City Creation Competition Students from across the five boroughs recently showcased their creativity and gaming skills in a unique Minecraft competition. The event, part of an e-sports competition, challenged students to design sustainable city spaces that would make their boroughs more future-ready. FOX 5 NY’s Kendall Green brings us the exciting details of this innovative competition. Building a Sustainable Future With Minecraft’s endless possibilities, students were able to let their imaginations run wild as they designed and built virtual city spaces. The competition not only tested their gaming skills but also encouraged… Read More

  • Minecraft RP Hostage Crisis ft. Cisko G

    Minecraft RP Hostage Crisis ft. Cisko GVideo Information This video, titled ‘GEISELNAHME IN MINECRAFT RP’, was uploaded by Cisko G on 2024-04-14 16:00:00. It has garnered 115421 views and 6313 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:42 or 1002 seconds. Play Minecraft RP: https://www.pizzaland-rp.com/minecraft-rp/ Minecraft RP Discord: https://discord.gg/pizzalandrp If you laughed, it would be cool if you left me a thumbs up. thanks ^.^ MY REACTION CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwZQ8AgvbfoAaFhkTLMxfow My shop: https://lolingo.de/pages/cisko-g 3. Channel (Rare Videos) https://www.youtube.com/c/Ciskoo Minecraft RP is actually something completely different BUT I definitely wanted to try it out. It was interesting to see RP in Minecraft instead of RP in GTA. Enjoy… Read More

  • SwiftySloth Spills Tea

    SwiftySloth Spills TeaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lets Talk.’, was uploaded by SwiftySloth on 2024-04-13 02:17:26. It has garnered 656 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:31 or 1711 seconds. Just A Discussion About The Channel And A World Tour Music By: C418 https://discord.gg/gCHBeewq #minecraft #nostalgia #minecraftnostalgia #legacy #building #survival #old #stampy #minecraftlegacyedition #minecraftbuilding #minecrafttutorial #dantdm #diamond #classic #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuilding Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SERVER WITH SUBS #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NO NOVO SERVIDOR SURVIVAL JOGANDO COM OS INSCRITOS #minecraft #murilintv’, was uploaded by MURILIN TV on 2024-03-20 11:37:50. It has garnered 76 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:36 or 4776 seconds. 🔥🎮 Minecraft Survival with LIVE Subscribers #Minecraft #Live 🚀 @murilintv #JogandoMinecraft #Minecraft Subscribers #minecraftlive #liveshorts #shorts 💬 Join our community on Discord! https://discord.gg/9eGuwExu5j 🚩 Server Rules: No disclosure without permission! Autoclick, Macros, Hacks? No way! Respect is the law: no offense, no prejudice. Zero tolerance for griffins and trolls. Come to have fun, not to cause trouble! 🌐… Read More


    EPIC MOB FARM on ONE BLOCK MINECRAFT! Ft. aQuiltyBirdVideo Information This video, titled ‘One Block Minecraft Episode 7. Mesa and a Mob Farm’, was uploaded by Minecraft with aQuiltyBird on 2024-02-23 19:38:30. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:55 or 475 seconds. We move on to the Mesa Phase. The beginnings of a mob farm at -17. A base inspired by the sculptures of Ursula von Rydingsvard, https://nmwa.org/art/artists/ursula-von-rydingsvard/, rises out of the void. Granny plays One Block Sky block. I enjoy many hours of exploring and building in Minecraft. It satisfies my need for adventure and is easy on my… Read More

  • 🔥Unlock Insane Minecraft Builds! Join My Journey! #roadto250Ksubs

    🔥Unlock Insane Minecraft Builds! Join My Journey! #roadto250KsubsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Road to 250,000 Subs! Help Me Build in Minecraft! #shorts #short #trynottolaugh’, was uploaded by EZ Gaming on 2024-05-03 19:51:35. It has garnered 167220 views and 575 likes. The duration of the video is 07:16:45 or 26205 seconds. #trending #live #gaming Membership Link Below! Become A Member to support the Channel and get customized perks like Priority Replies, Shout-Outs, Custom Emotes, and more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_FeaWgMWngiv5zlteRSPAw/join EZ Gaming Merchandise: https://www.redbubble.com/people/ezgaming/shop Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/30FN4EVWHTP5G?ref_=wl_share Read More

  • FREEZE in Hell: Ultimate Modern House Tutorial!

    FREEZE in Hell: Ultimate Modern House Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft BEST Modern House Tutorial🏠🛠️’, was uploaded by Hell Frozen ©️ on 2024-01-02 17:09:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial ✓ Download Build https://hellfrozen.mcmaps.app/download -My Socials- … Read More

  • “BIR-SHORTS Goes VIRAL! Guess the Cartoon! 🤯” #shorts

    "BIR-SHORTS Goes VIRAL! Guess the Cartoon! 🤯" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘comment cartoon name ❤ #shorts #viral #shortfeed’, was uploaded by BIR-SHORTS on 2024-06-08 07:51:05. It has garnered 9 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. viral #viralvideo #trending #minecraft #shortfeed #food #sohigh #shorts #ajjubhai #art #anime #asmr #attitude #animals #army #animation #amazing #artist #bgmi #bts #bhojpuri #bollywood #baby #breakingnews #beautiful #blackpink #best #bjp #challenge #comedy #cute #cricket #cat #cutebaby #cooking #comment #capcut #cartoon #desigamer #drink #drippy #dance #dance #drawing #dog #diy #dailyvlog #dj #durecorder #edit #explore #entertainment #explorepage #education #education #emotional #english #easy #editing #enjoy #food #flyingbeast #football… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft House Build TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to build a house in minecraft (tutorial) 👷‍♂️👷‍♂️👷‍♂️🛠️🏠’, was uploaded by Nomis180 on 2024-03-08 17:00:00. It has garnered 6970 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. how to scam bro for a house 🗿🗣️💯 Subscribe and like for more high quality videos lol #minecraft #memes #shorts minecraft, minecraft meme, dog minecraft memes, memes, meme, cursed, cursed song, Where is my mind song meme, cursed minecraft, timelaps meme, hypixel meme, skibidi toilet meme, minecraft but, minecraft trolled, minecraft dog died, minecraft dog taming, minecraft funny, funny, minecraft tnt,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Jeffrey’s Criminal Chaos!

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Jeffrey's Criminal Chaos!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ZAFIROLAND | Capítulo 18 | Jeffrey el criminal’, was uploaded by Slam Craft on 2024-06-05 14:00:59. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:14 or 3434 seconds. Welcome to ZAFIROLAND, the MINECRAFT series where we live a new life in the role! 🌟 In this series, I play alongside other streamers like [nombres de los colaboradores] and we explore a world full of adventures, challenges, mysteries and fun. 😎 Do you want to know what destiny has in store for us in ZAFIROLAND? Don’t miss any chapter… Read More

  • Kingdoms at War III

    Kingdoms at War IIIWelcome to Kingdoms at War:III The Final Frontier, a truly immersive fantasy factions modpack designed to transport you to a world filled with adventure, magic, and epic battles! Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey and establish your dominance over rival kingdoms? In this modded Minecraft server, you’ll find a plethora of exciting features that will keep you engaged for hours on end. One of the highlights is the diverse selection of advanced RPG classes that allow you to customize your playstyle and master unique abilities. Whether you prefer the brute force of a warrior or the mystical… Read More

  • Hotdog Water Hardcore Vanilla Semi-Anarchy Voted World Resets

    🌭 Hotdog Water 🌭 HARDCORE VANILLA SURVIVAL Hardcore: Votes for world reset are held on our Discord. Vanilla: No random teleport, bed TP, or land claim. Rules: PvP, griefing, stealing, and fun are allowed. No cheating or hacking. Join us! IP: play.hdw.dog Website: https://hotdogwater.dog Discord: https://discord.gg/5FwnHSYHex Video Intro: https://youtu.be/vG0hjhuSSpE Read More

  • A mole

    It will take place at the beginning of the summer holidays an unforgettable event to mark the launch of our server. Come to our Discord server for details!We are a starting survival server and we are preparing interesting events for you.Krtminec – your server for the summer!ktminec.cz/discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft 2 Meme Madness!

    It’s so popular, even Creeper’s are jealous of its explosive success! Read More

  • Midnight Fright: Ceiling Crawler in Minecraft!

    Midnight Fright: Ceiling Crawler in Minecraft! In the dead of night, a sight to behold, A scary thing on the ceiling, a story untold. At 3am in Minecraft, panic sets in, As the fear of the unknown begins to spin. What could it be, lurking up high? A mystery to solve, with a curious eye. The viewers await, their hearts aflutter, As the narrator describes, with words that stutter. But fear not, for our hero is brave, Facing the unknown, with a rhyme to save. In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes, The story unfolds, as the fear slowly slows. So join us now,… Read More

  • Spicy Steve: The Minecraft Legend

    Spicy Steve: The Minecraft Legend When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and suddenly become the most wanted criminal in the village. #minecraftproblems #villagerjustice 😂🤣 Read More

  • 3 Years of War: The Epic Finale

    3 Years of War: The Epic Finale The Epic Finale of a 3-Year Minecraft War Journey Embarking on a Virtual Adventure In the vast world of Minecraft, players often find themselves immersed in various adventures. One such journey took place on CCNet, a Minecraft war server that offered a unique experience set on a realistic map of the Earth. The server boasted custom features that added depth and excitement to the gameplay. The Long Road to Victory For three years, players on CCNet engaged in a fierce war, battling it out for supremacy and control. The server became a virtual battlefield where alliances were forged, betrayals… Read More

  • Discover Mind-Blowing Texture Packs from Top Youtubers!

    Discover Mind-Blowing Texture Packs from Top Youtubers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Explore the Texture Packs UNIVERSE of Top YOUTUBERS!’, was uploaded by X15q on 2024-05-03 19:47:45. It has garnered 60 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Link in comments The texture packs are not mine, credits to their creators #Minecraft #PvP #BedrockEdition #Bedwars #Skywars #VideoGames #Gaming #Blocks #Adventure #SurvivalMode #CreativeMode #Building #Server #Community #Multiplayer #Competitive #Strategy #Combat #Battles #Survival #Resources #TexturePacks #HDTextures #Landscapes #Graphics #Animation #Entertainment #Fun #Gameplay #Customization #NewTextures #Updates#Weapons #Armor #Recipes #Secrets #Tips #Tricks #Challenges #Achievements #Techniques #Strategies #Skills #PvPvE #Events #Minigames #Races #Mazes #Worlds #Biomes… Read More

  • The Craziest Minecraft Cursed Moments

    The Craziest Minecraft Cursed MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cursed moment 🤣🤣🤣 #trendingshorts’, was uploaded by Facts’Full on 2024-03-06 08:42:08. It has garnered 7 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft cursed moment 🤣🤣🤣 #trendingshorts Read More

Ep138 Unobtanium Seeds – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack