Ep34 Crafting the Nether Star – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack

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Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods nine we are of course back in the last episode we worked towards getting our hands on shulcus uh purple as well we’ve currently got a purple Farm in the form of just a botany plot so nothing too crazy over here

Um it’s getting stuff I mean it’s pretty slow to be honest for what we want um but I do have I mean I have some ideas I almost want to make like a proper farm for purple I’m just not really sure how viable that is uh we set

Up a little area over here with some Wireless uh refined storage so we can access our stuff as needed and Chuck it in here to be processed um we’re aiming for a bunch of this stuff um and I mean we’re getting it sometimes obviously I think it’s about a third of

The time but you can get it guaranteed from shulker shells and so that’s where this box comes into play now um currently you know I’m just trying to think um currently the problem is that when we spawn the shulker it spawns right here yeah then teleports away almost

Instantly and what we tried to do is I set up this environmental controller from RF tools and it has a no teleport module which is meant to stop them from spawning um but it’s kind of just not happening also I feel as though my sound for the

Game isn’t working let me just see if I can double check that yeah I don’t think it was um that should be good now you guys can hear the annoying noises just like I can I also upped the volume so it may be too loud just looking at the

Sound there let’s go like there I don’t know we’ll see because I thought the sound’s been quiet in the videos recently but maybe I’m wrong um now uh you guys have had some really good ideas one was compact machines that sadly is not in the pack

Um the next was the stasis chamber um think Dunson suggested that and it’s it’s a pretty good idea this guy stops the mob within its uh spawn I guess but then it’s a area um from doing anything it can’t attack it can’t yeah it can’t do anything so that’s a good idea

We’ll probably try that if this next solution doesn’t just sort of solve it um farden War said how about we change the glass to a different block because the shulkers may not be able to like spawn on the glass you know what I mean so when they teleport they’re kind of

Just teleporting away maybe if we make this all you know glass it will work better the other idea I just realized is what’s the working area here it’s spawning in the air is that the problem I that honestly could be the problem if we move this down one it’ll

Actually spawn on Soul Stone I guess I I reckon it’s worth a shot so we’ll pick that up pick that up place that guy there he’ll hopefully fill up beautiful it’s getting power as well um so I’m gonna place that there we’ll jump on out we’ve still got the

Environmental controller on this guy’s got some stuff for us that we don’t really need see pickles would be nice if we didn’t already have them um let’s see Moment of Truth um I’m gonna Chuck him in there he just teleports away hmm okay what do we from what we just saw what’s

What’s going on so for starters they’re still teleporting so this thing is I don’t think he’s working let’s Maybe increase his range see if that does something we’ll do 80 not much hold on turn around jet pack um yeah he’s probably gonna lose power soon let’s bump this to like let’s go

There what’s that 57 all right every sound is very loud I apologize to everyone let’s see now I’ve I’ve changed it around a little bit what happens when they spawn are they going to teleport okay yeah they just they do not care cool all right let me clean this mess up

I’ll be back there’s one more thing I kind of want to try and that’s to place um a block there and then maybe somehow that spawns it a little bit differently so I’ll Chuck this guy in here you spawned one okay so we get one out here it’s spawned

Two because once oh I was gonna say one spawned in there but then even he teleported away and he spawned on the glass so the Glass isn’t going to solve our problem sadly although he spawned on our dark clear glass which I guess is different it’s a glass

Um I still really don’t know the fact that they’re still teleporting is infuriating although this guy no he’s still got power all right we’ll try the status chamber it’s gonna cost us a little bit but I think it’ll be worth it we’ll try that out

Um and if that doesn’t work I I don’t really know I’m not too sure what the plan is um I will actually hold on I may have a plan the pack is updated we’re currently on 0.58 and the most recent one so 0.57 added a bunch of

Stuff some cable tears and create stuff it looks like which is pretty cool a bunch of food mobs and stuff um but it also added in 0.58 mob grinding utilities now that mod adds some pretty cool stuff one of which I was actually looking for in the last episode

And it’s the Ender inhibitor inhibits teleportation for entities up to eight blocks away this could be our solution it’s going to cost an eye vendor and some stuff I’m gonna get about four of these this honestly could be it this could just solve our problem um the timing is impeccable

Let’s have a look so I’m gonna hop in here I’m gonna break this I’m gonna place it there there there and there now that is it off that is it on so this is on let’s see the shulkers are so weird though because I don’t even know if they

Can occupy the same space I don’t think they can let’s see spawned one hmm and I cannot see it and it’s not even like attacking me or anything okay we’ll try another one we saw the the essence get used up okay here we go oh

So they’d oh wait you know what I think it worked I think this guy ate them yes okay okay I don’t think we need this guy we can pick him up I’m gonna sleep so that we can have some beautiful visuals what did I just see on this tree

Oh it’s just weird tree sure um yeah that stuff’s off that’s meant to be off okay how cool is that though oh I think we’ve actually done it um it appears to be a blood moon or something so we’ll go ahead and get our uh Sun ritual Sunrise needs clock

And we’ll make it daytime and everything will be great I should probably work on fully automating this so I can just press a button or something to make it daytime rather than needing to manually make stuff but there we go there you goes the blood moon goodbye and hello

Sunshine my my good old friend and I’ll be honest I think we’re good to go I think I can just Chuck this guy in here and it’ll just keep spawning stuff they cannot teleport anymore and we’re chop them up and we’re getting Essence as well as as you can see

They’re shulk of goodiness how cool is that I’d say very cool I’d say very very very cool now I think mob cross is the way to go I was debating just then whether we wanted to instead do um what’s the right word what am I trying to say here

Everything’s actually very loud I hope it’s not too loud for you guys now um it just it wipes my brain when they talk oh so when the mobs make noises um yeah I was thinking like maybe we do something that gives us like Fortune you know what I mean or looting

Um which mob grinder utilities has right it’s a mob grinding mod and it has a thing here called the mob Masher thing is I don’t know if this will hit a shulker you know what I mean because the shulk is you know shulking around um regardless though it’s it is oh well

There’s a mosquito trying to attack us I think I think that’s fine um it is better than this stuff like we’ll get more Loop once again even here we don’t need the loop so we’re in a bit of a pickle I’m just gonna leave it as

It is what I’m going to do most likely ah I still kind of want to put one in here to see if it can actually kill them because if we can get like looting 10 or whatever it was um on those shulkers that’s gonna be I

Mean it’s gonna be phenomenal it just is so we require uh two swords plus six swords so we need eight swords I can probably do that one two all right we ran out of iron um we should have plenty yes beautiful how’s this guy going he’s getting there oh it’s sorted the

Inventory which apparently is the largest thing on the planet it’s fine cool I lost count I don’t I don’t know what we’re up to I’ll just make some more yeah and then we need blocks of iron I think just three should do the trick um and then we have it so Spike and

Spike I clearly made more than I need and MOB Masher beautiful I guess we’ll see right off the bat whether he even works um there’s two possibilities for for how we get this guy to work the one that I’m thinking is that I place him underneath this shulker so

Wait for him to disappear there we go I’m thinking I place him there and they should still spawn on top of him yeah okay so they do spawn there I oh they actually spawn on the block that’s actually perfect a little bit weird but but perfect we need to give

That guy some Redstone so quickly zip on over oh also yeah yeah I forgot what we were doing we’re working towards the nether star then I can have wireless refined storage and everything becomes just a lot better so bear with me please what do I need I need a lever that is

Plan number one and then I’ll have to fly back there to make the rest of the stuff too but for now we’ll just do this come over here we’ll just jump in because we can turn that on um jump out here I mean it looks like it’s working I’ll

Be honest let’s go ahead and let’s say that this guy needs Redstone to run that looks like it’s working and it’s even hitting the one above it beautiful beautiful okay so now we can have some fun um now I believe a lot of these need gold yeah not too much though

Mob Masher upgrade looting so I want to make 10 of these which needs a few more golden nuggets that can be arranged beautiful so I need 10 which we’ve got cool and then I probably also just want the sharpness now you can’t even go like further and you can

Get like beheading and stuff um let’s just make a bunch of these swords yeah hopefully the rest went back into the system I think that’s how that works sharpness boom we made five what do I need more of these cool I need specifically 40 20 are they only 20.

All right um up close oh God I keep going to talk but talking is not working all right cool we have 10. so 10 sharpness 10 looting there’s beheading there’s some you know better stuff against certain mobs there’s some distances for fan upgrades um absorption stuff spawner Heights

Entity spawn a height I guess this has a spawn as well yeah cool jelly babies yeah gotcha gotcha and then I’ll be honest I’m happy that’s all I want there’s also a monocle spiffy old Bean sure yeah that’s that’s a thing that everyone knows of course all right so we need to be

Careful here because the thing um will hurt us a lot if I land on it but I can probably hopefully I mean really as you can see I don’t even need the structure around this so arguably we just rip it apart you know what I mean but that’s fine

Just gotta finish come on come on mate come on all right cool and I’m gonna put in sharpness and looting and as you can see it’s now insta killing them and this is the loot that we are getting from it I believe cool um so how do I want to do this oh

Can I not pick you up no okay that’s fine I think what I want to do is I would like to place these on the ground and hope that that still works we’ll pick up you I mean I think it only needs one so it should be fine so I’ll turn that on

I’ll pick up that and I’ll pick up this are they still teleporting let’s have a look sweet and so then I’ll just clean this up make this look nice and Bob will be your uncle all right sweet um I think this is nice it’s not horrific I guess um ignore this

What is this from oh I can make a rug oh cool grab this and I could place it in there I guess if I wanted to but I could just place it down and that’s where they’ll spawn cool all right well that’s nice um this thing is working with clearly

Getting a bunch we’re even getting oh my God we’re even getting charm fragments so I can actually make a shulker egg and Chuck it in there if I wanted to I mean that would still cause the issue we were having before of them spawning everywhere so this is better I do like

This we could make our charm we can make a charm belt and then a charm that does to be pretty cool the fact that we’re getting charm fragments from this is pretty cool um since we weren’t really getting those before um so yeah enter inhibitor thank you uh

Pleasure doing business so a little bit of work we have to do the first thing I’m going to do though is come up here and Chuck in a stack of shocker shells currently 49. now 57 you get eight a pop which is ridiculous um so we’re gonna jump down here we are

Going to try to semi-automate this with an item collector um and then how do I want to do it do I want to have a refined storage network over there which I could do I could get um the network transmitter and receiver we’ve got this stuff pretty much automated so

I can order that and I can also order some more bits so we can get a another transmitter and then another receiver done hopefully place that go there place that go there please don’t go there really what do we huh please that guy why don’t we have this

What am I missing hold on string oh now this guy’s full again you know what I’m just going to remove these I think the way that this works is it will oh I didn’t want whatever that was to happen oh how weird oh it’s just gonna void okay

I think that’s fine I think this works if I drop that does that now okay yeah sweet sweet but if you place one it’ll go there cool cool so it’ll currently only store one of each everything else will get voided I like that so for example Robin flesh um will now get voided

Cool sweet if I sort this will it just void everything nope we’re gonna have a stack of skulls um arguably um um yeah I might still block that so that it won’t remove with a skeleton skulls that will allow us to have yeah like infinite of the stuff cool all right sweet

I’ll I’ll leave that as it is I guess we’ve got a little bit of string we’ll pick up the rest of that junk cool and we’re pretty much back in business um hold on I’ll finish making I’ll finish setting this up and then there’s a lot I want to

Do I want to um streamline a lot of this but my first goal is getting this nether star that we’ve been working on it for quite a few episodes and I think we’re Nearing the end and it’s going to be really nice just to have that that sorted yes okay

So uh our next transmitter is going to go here there we go and then we’ve got to set up the receiver and the network card very very nice okay so I’m gonna place this guy I think here as weird as that may seem um shift right click go and send this guy off

So the idea is that we have an importer or something maybe even an external storage um external storage cool which I can order which is nice and we’ll get this guy placed right there external storage beautiful and we’re going to have a chest of some sort

Arguably a good chest fit it’s fine we can upgrade them well hopefully and everything will work wonderfully so for example um yeah for example this guy goes here with an external storage on him cool he’s going to be um extract only so you’ll only be able to take like um shelter

Shells out of this guy you won’t be able to do anything else the next thing we’re gonna do actually you know I think I’m gonna Place him here I think that makes more sense because that way the item collectors within range so once again um extract only double check yep extract

Only cool and then just place this guy here and that should solve that problem sweet yeah you’re going to get charm fragment plenty of charm fragments like a ridiculous amount all right and that should all be accessible within the system beautiful um and then what ah yeah we also need overflow protection haha

If I made that guy sophisticated I can Chuck that exact same void upgrade in there alternatively we can hook this guy up to turn off automatically also I should probably just turn on night vision ah it’s not that much better to be honest like it’s better but I think

It’s just better to be daytime isn’t it okay okay so I’m trying to trying to catch up mentally I’m feeling I’m feeling good I’m feeling good so one now now we can attempt to make I’ll tell you what I’ll leave that guy for now he’s gonna overflow soon it’ll be a

Problem we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it at the moment I’m gonna grab out a stack of lieutenium the next thing I’m gonna do is grab my combiner and I’m gonna play some Daniel this guy is going to receive one stack um I’m gonna take this stuff out I’m

Gonna grab out pretty much all of this stuff and just sort of I think just Chuck it in here that could be a problem but once again we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it so put that stuff away all right so I’m making another star I need mendelevium um dysprosium

And titanium now dysprosium I believe you get from Stone so if I look in here it is a one percent chance to get it from Stone um what I do want to look at is yeah I think you can do stone slabs as well and so we may as well do that because

Obviously um you know you can get more Bank feedback uh it did say smooth Stone though it didn’t it that that could be a problem you can also do Cobble slabs but that’s going to be a very low percentage um stone slabs are one percent as well cool

So yeah we will do we will do that boom and now it’s it’s such a low percentage that’s the only problem at the moment is that this is going to be ridiculously slow to get that stuff and I’ll be honest it seems like the only viable way to get the stuff unless

Unless you make it using um some of their reactions and whatnot um alternatively one of these bees would be perfect homium and erbium bees would get this guy um dysprosium unless you can make the seed you can with the honey treat yeah otherwise okay okay the other option is a fusion controller

And then you combine some things that we can get easily the only problem is this guy needs another Stone I sort of wanted to avoid needing to defeat an end a Wither to make this but we haven’t even gotten a single piece of this um dysprosium so the other option is that I

Just create a massive Farm to destroy this stuff which I think’s doable do we have any cobblegen blocks hmm all right so I don’t know how to um make the dispersium B I looked it up some of the bees have recipes for example the titanium B uh can be bred

From Iron and diamond and this bee does give you uh titanium from gregtech oh well actually yeah it gives you titanium from Greg Tech which then turns into titanium from chem lib right so that works um the dysprosium one I looked it up I mean we need a honey treat right that’s

Been infused with the gene of dysprosium right so like this recipe honey treat and then the gene the problem is to get these Gene samples um you use a gene um a pokey pokey Gene thing let’s go here yeah pokey pokey Gene sampler and what this does is every

Time a bee visits a hive you have a chance to get some of that bees Gene out of there now I don’t really understand how I would get the gene of a bee that’s not in there you know what I mean like how do you get the gene from a bee that you

Don’t have uh and that that’s obviously the problem is that I don’t really know how you do that now it’s entirely possible that it’s like you can get a different Gene from a different bee maybe you know what I mean like maybe but I’m not sure I I’m not certain now yeah

I mean that’s that’s pretty much it I don’t really know so we have two options either I go and kill the end uh killer with her that gives me access to one star that I can then use to make an infusion or sorry a fusion reactor right that’s um

That’s my first thing that we can do option two is I just keep pulverizing or dissolving I guess Stone until we get one stack of this stuff then I can just craft the thing right um and then from there I can then craft the fusion guy and then try doing it

That way right or I just set up a mass setup of dissolvers so like we do maybe a hundreds of solvers that’s a fun idea for a title as well um make sure that they’re supplied with enough power however much that is and then also generate enough stone or enough Cobble or whatever

Um to fill them all up and then that should be pretty good because once again it is a one percent chance which means in theory if we put a hundred Um dissolvers every single time one of them processes that should be one dispersium on average right and then that’s pretty good we wait for it to run 64 times that’s another starter that’s that’s not bad that’s not bad at all um I think I’m gonna do that uh or at

Least I think I’m gonna try to do that so um to get this running the first thing is obviously the dissolver this guy is going to cost us a little bit of stuff I’m gonna set up Auto crafting for it so that we know exactly

What we need and what I need to grab whether it’s more iron or whether it’s Redstone or something maybe even magma cubes or something like that we’ll be able to check it out um so yeah oh sorry here we go and yeah once again it gives us a little

Bit of a something to do so dissolver we’ll grab that then we’ll grab the piston recipe be pretty simple and we’ll just grow we’ll just go for the one that uses iron I’m sure that’s not a problem um and both of those can go in there

Cool so now if I search for dissolver I would like 99 of these or not 1999 just 99 uh and it will tell me what I need I need Cobble I need about 180 Redstone we’re gonna need 470 iron and then a bunch of um planks and and then we’re good

It’s that simple so yeah um well first things first this guy’s been running a little while it’s not exactly what we want but it’s getting there we’ve obviously got plenty more stuff there sure there’s some stuff happening there or something we could also upgrade those machines that’s not a

Bad idea we should also have the um iron Dude where’s the iron dude you know the iron dude this is the iron dude this guy’s probably got some beautiful I’ll take that I should probably give that guy a proper chest to like put stuff in since we usually forget about him and he’s

Full whenever we go there so I’ll tell you what let’s do that I’ll grab a chest we’ll grab um an item pipe problem solved right there we go head over here place you place you and set that up cool thank you awesome nice so we need Cobble and we need wood

Now wood should be an easy thing to do since we’ve got this guy here but what I’m thinking is I’m gonna switch this guy around currently we’re stopping this machine once this goes full whereas I kind of want to stop it now when this goes full so that you know we

Actually keep Gathering our wood that seems to make more sense to me um this guy here is currently what’s he doing greater than or equals two and he’s looking in that specifically and what’s he doing a variable store yeah inventory and an integer um we can swap that to be over here

Uh somewhat easily I guess what would I need to do remove that and then just sort of like just dump everything around there alternatively I just have this guy run 24 7 again not a bad idea um maybe we’ll do that I’m gonna take this

Out so that the system just runs 24 7 for a little bit just so that we can get wood flowing again I think that’s a pretty good idea drop that there sweet okay um in the meantime I guess I can open this up take out some logs this guy

Should be up and running again which it looks like he is so that’s positive as well I guess um so all we need now is Cobble now the Cobble solution we’re gonna have to find here has to be a good one now there is the option of just allowing our Quarry

To mine Cobble but that does not seem like the play just because it’s gonna cost us a lot of power um this guy’s also pretty full uh we could probably take these guys out that’ll probably help us out quite a bit can we just drop the rest that should be pretty good

Um we’ll put them in our system I guess why not we might use them one day maybe um and then we’ll grab the Redstone warmer there as well but yeah I don’t really want to do it this way because yeah it’s going to be a lot of power to

To run this and I mean I don’t really want to do that and we’ll grab out some Redstone plenty of redstone beautiful cool which means we’re going to need a different system to get our hands on um cobblestone I’m thinking we just do a literally a completely normal cobble generator so we

Just get a bucket of lava a bucket of water um and then we get some sort of Block Breaker now I probably just do modular routers I guess everyone’s saying that they’re pretty good Block Breaker I’m just wondering like is there anything that’s just better I do have an idea

The idea I had was that we I’m just having a look real quick was that we used like a player simulator that will break blocks with the pickaxe I give it I guess the Block Breaker does that too oh sorry the uh modular router does that too and then have it have the

Enchant um have it have the order smelting in chant you know what I mean I don’t know if we have one of those laying around but I’m pretty sure it exists um hashtag smelt Auto smell automatically smells whatever’s mind we can also craft that oh yeah let’s do that grab that search blaze

Powder oh we don’t have many blaze rods I think we’ve got some over in this system but I mean that sounds pretty good right then we just Farm um smelted Stone why not I’m surprised that we only have a stack of blaze rods I guess that I did

That thing where they don’t drop anymore but I would have thought I had more okay how’s this going is he like full yet yeah I mean he’s getting there um okay okay okay um this guy I think I want to do this I think that gives us more

All right we’ve got the blaze all I need is the book and quill which needs a book luckily somehow we have the other stuff awesome love to hear it and we will make exactly what we wanted Auto smell cool sweet so put that on a pickaxe and we’ll get stone allegedly

Now there is actually a way to automate Stone and then you can just use silk touch right I believe it’s so when flowing water touches flowing lava you get um Cobble I think if Stone oh sorry flowing lava goes on top of flowing water you get stone

So that is an option but I don’t really know I’m just gonna do it this way I think um we’ll search pickaxe what do we want um we’ll probably just do a diamond pickaxe why not um we’ll go ahead and Anvil this together now I don’t have any evil on me

Do we have one in the system allegedly not really go grab the one we have I’m just thinking like this guy’s gonna break soon um I’ll bring your mouth why not actually put him in our base so that we can actually use him I can go there do I have sound at all

I just realized I don’t have sound you guys have sound but I don’t can I have sound back I should have sound oh I just I just don’t for some reason okay whatever that’s fine um so then I want to search breaker and I want to make a breaker module

And I want to use this pickaxe but it will not let me okay it may need to be repaired I’m gonna repair it the good old-fashioned oh but then it’s gonna break the thing won’t it doesn’t even do it we’ll do ah I’ll just put mending on it All the way around mending sure whatever hold that that should repair it how long is that going to take not too long patience all right it’s repaired will this nail work it will beautiful and we’re gonna have Auto smelt and mending applied to this obviously the bending doesn’t

Matter but that’s pretty cool sweet so it is our breaker module awesome I’m going to grab a modular router um there we go I also I know sorry the security upgrade part I think I need to mention that on the next volcano block episode yeah I’ll try to remember to do that

Um so this plus that and then I mean that’s that’s pretty much all we want right I think so okay let’s what I need to do I need to grab a bucket of lava from our lava tank and you grab water from our water lake and

Then we need to set this up somewhere now currently we’ve got our stuff happening up here so I’m guessing I can just sort of Chuck it around here as well um let’s go ahead and rip this apart pretty nice cool can I see there place you there fix that wonderful

Um and now let’s just yeah try to make a little lava thingy thing so so um Lava water hole water goes there lava goes here Cold Stone goes there cool modular router goes here um I believe yeah this side that works whatever security upgrade cool this

Guy’s gonna say hey on the back that is where you’re going to do the mining cool and then we’re just going to Chuck that in there and that gets a stone works perfectly how cool is that um so so far so good the only thing would be if we could

Speed that up at all as in the actual I guess spawning of the cobblestone but I don’t know if we can I don’t know if I mean I would need to rank because if we had a hundred of these guys I would need a hundred Stone coming in um at a time

Uh alternatively hold on there’s one more thing I can try to do just as a proof of concept and then we can work from there um alternatively I think I can have this work as well so for example if we break that uh place that there that flows in

There that should make it on the left side as well and then I think I can edit this guy and say hey on the back and the left oh no I can’t do that oh okay I’d have to make two of these modules and place it in there gotcha gotcha gotcha

Is there any other way sure hmm okay all right so then yeah make another one that goes to the left and then that would work I I should mention as well I’m aware that there is the ability to just make stone from mystical agriculture for like a ridiculously I guess easy recipe

I I don’t like it I’m just yeah I’m just not a fan of it so we’re not going to do that now there is another option now I don’t know if it’s better or worse what we can do is we can craft it right so if I then make 100 compactors

Each give them a silicon dioxide they will make 100 stone at the same rate as the dissolve is dissolving it silicon dioxide you can get from dissolving stuff what we’re looking for here is type absolute so for example concrete gives you two glass gives you four guaranteed every

Time so I would only need to make what um uh about 25 right I don’t have to make 25 disorders on top of that dissolving glass so I would need to be able to make 25 glass um a process right that that’s doable I think we could also

Look through here to see if there’s anything else that’s like uh a little bit better of an option Lots can have like every single type of concrete right or we could do Flint Flint’s are guaranteed three Flint might not be a bad idea I just

Need it I’ll have to have a look at how you make flint but it’s not a bad idea I guess um but yeah so I’m thinking glass or at the moment Flint seems like the other good option I’m sure there’s something else in here that’s pretty cool the problem

Is I’d have to find this stuff and then automate whatever it is that we’re looking for blah blah blah um so Flint real quick it’s a very easy way to get that I guess you can make it washing gravel Um graveling gravel yeah okay yeah I’m not sure you know what you could do I think if you ran gravel in here right oh you could also do Cobble Cobble into gravel so we were three times our production right but what you could do right is you get a guaranteed

Um gravel and a flint even from doing this and then you can make it gravel out of less Flint so for example you can craft a gravel out of one silicon dioxide right and then you can potentially turn that into two flint which gives you three oh

Wait yeah hold on one Flint gives you three and then you turn that into gravel yeah okay so that would work that that would work okay all right all right is that is that worth it or do we just get sand somehow but then that might be just as tricky

All right are you guys buckled in it’s gonna be an interesting one I’m going to get a squeezer wait wait I’m is the squeeze it the best way to do it essentially I want to do this I want to crush it for Flint um I want to make flint

Oh wait I just realized that this silicon dioxide looks like it makes one of each like you could make any of it I don’t actually know how that’s gonna work hold on silicon dioxide will it literally just make one at random or do I have to pick

Oh I think I have to pick I think I have to say like hey you make stone let me have a quick look is that how this works I see Stone it makes Stone dioxide combiner wait no no hold on hold on compactor not combiner my bad

Um Stone pressure plate sure we can do that compactor cool place that go down um silicon dioxide and then I can tell at the Target how do I hello how do I tell you a different Target no I want I want a different Target I want Stone

Oh wait I joined to recipe selection and then I search Stone and select it okay now the selection is Stone now each of these will make a stone cool awesome so that that will work in the end for making our Stone right we make a bunch of compactors sure

What I would like to do now is set up the other thing right so I’m going to craft a millstone I think is what I decided on this guy is not jei synchronized so let’s go Millstone cool um he just needs a cog wheel we’ve probably got one in here or something

We’re going somewhere by the way we’ve got a millstone cool um this guy is going to oh God we’re gonna have to just you don’t have to bear with me okay we are going to be placing gravel into the millstone okay I’m gonna I’m gonna get some chests and we’re going to sort

Of plan this out chest cool can I get some signs we’ve got some I’ll actually make some more okay so you’re gonna go there um we’ll grab item pipes as well I’m gonna try and walk my own brain through this that that’s that’s what we’re working on here

God this feels like such a mess already okay and pipe’s cool so this is going to be um gravel okay well my game crashed okay okay we’re back and I went ahead and put it in the clipboard so here’s what here’s what the the plan is gravel into Flint Flint into silicon dioxide

Then silicon dioxide back into gravel now it costs one silicon dioxide to make it gravel and from Flint you get three of them so that is then infinite silicon dioxide the extra two that we’re going to get from that we want to turn into stone and then we dissolve the stone

Into dysprosium so that’s the process right so if we go in here and we make everything then we can give it a shot So currently we’ve got this it’ll go into Flint the Flint will then go into a dissolver so I’ll pick this guy up make

A bit of a mess but luckily I can put that stuff away so here we go so Flint will go into the dissolver like so then the dissolver will get silicon dioxide right that’s the stuff you know I think so then that needs to go into a compactor

And that will turn it into gravel which can then go back into the chest or I guess back into that either all right what we want to do is we’re probably going to put a pipe upgrade that is going to do two different things um one of which is put the stuff into

There and the second of which is put it into a different chest right so the way that we’ll do that is I’ll search pipe we’ll go ahead and make um some iron nuggets we’ll make the first tier pipe upgrade and we need the golden tiered pipe upgrade this guy allows us to do

Um round robin what that means is it’ll do the first inventory then the second then the first then the second right so we’ll essentially split up the stuff which is pretty cool alternatively I could just keep it on that and it will fill that guy up first and then it’ll be

Like hey here’s first it is filled let’s then fill up the next thing and that actually makes arguably more sense but it’s fine I mean overall works I guess I could do furthest first and that will fill that guy up and then this um yeah why not

Um so the compactor we would like to open the recipe selection and we are going to search for gravel that is what he will make that gravel will go into you and then gravel into there that doesn’t make sense at all so hold on hold on I know it needs to happen

We need to split this up a bit um so I need the silicon dioxide coming out of the dissolver to be the one that gets split so some into there but most into the compactor that’s the plan what am I picking up I think it’s trying to pick up that

Um okay so you get the upgrade you’re going to be furthest first which is you and then you cool and then you’re just going to put gravel directly into the millstone wonderful so we’ll go in here we’ll try that again gravel awesome and then this guy gets all of the rest of

The goodies arguably this guy could be a draw that might just look nicer I guess and it might even work nicer um draw oh draw beautiful you’re gonna go right there cool so this is currently this should work I just need that guy to spin I need to

Give these two power and yeah that’s that’s pretty much it and then just put one in to begin the entire operation um so once again this should be relatively easy if we go ahead and get our pause on a water wheel that’s pretty much this guy done we’ll get a cogwheel large

Once again ah you’ll believe we want this guy to spin as fast as possible so realistically we probably want an electric motor but I would need to make some of this stuff which would need a lot of that or we just like tear this up to spin

Really fast to power that guy both of which aren’t bad ideas two water wheels um and then just a bunch of COG Wheels um I reckon we’ll just speed this thing up so I’m going to grab about five of these and then I’m gonna take one of those out

And grab about five of these I don’t think we need that much but we’ve got them now I guess and then I don’t really know the best way to do this I guess but essentially we’re going to want to tear these up right so for example large cogwheel there connected to small cogwheel

Etc etc all the way up um yeah all the way up we can do that we can do this then we get a bit of like a chimney hunting I guess so then for the actual water itself I guess what I could do is I could have

These both be here we can then go ahead and cover this up um I know I know I know it looks beautiful doesn’t it you guys are impressed you’re like why is he doing it out of dirt I don’t know why but it but it looks amazing that’s what you’re all thinking

Right now yeah all right great great good I’m glad we’re all on the same page all right we’ve got some water and so I think I just need to do that no okay um all right how do I reliably make both of these flow sideways I think what I do

Pick you up pick you up pick you up go down here you ready oh you guys are once again you guys are gonna love it why am I doing this I just don’t stop either he just keeps doing it um you’re gonna be a water wheel you’re

Gonna be placed there you’re gonna be a small cogwheel with a water wheel on top you’re gonna be dirt across there you just he can’t help himself can he all right we’ll grab that I don’t even know if two water wheels are good enough to do this no they’re still both over stressed

Cool um I think I do want that speed the only thing I’m thinking is um the way this large Cog Wheel Works I may just um yeah yeah hmm hold on what do I need just a bunch of these I’m thinking because this guy’s a small

Cog wheel right so all I need to do this place let’s go here place this guy here place this guy here no way I think that’s yeah no yeah no no yeah no what you’re gonna be a large cogwheel yeah no yeah I think that’s fine there we go all right cool

And and what does it look like yeah yeah it looks it looks great that’s that’s awesome we’ve done great here today guys I’m very proud of everyone involved um okay we’re going to move the wireless block charger it’s just in the middle here I guess shouldn’t be a problem give him power

These guys are now going to be powered obviously we’re going to disconnect those that should be fine um now this isn’t actually enough power to power these as we’ve learned previously so we actually want to go ahead and upgrade this guy which I should be able to do I

Should be able to afford that um it looks like we need more blaze rods which I believe we’re making in here once again not a problem cool place powder I mean and these episodes are rough aren’t they um all right upgrade this guy into an advanced this will go from 50 RF per

Tick per block to 200. RF per tick per block what is yeah yeah it’s fine cool so oh we obviously don’t want that happening I don’t even know if that guy’s needed anymore but it’s fine you’re gonna go there you’re going to go there that should hopefully power you and then thus

You guys sure hopefully and all I need to do is place a single gravel into this system allegedly and then the entire system should burst into life and it should be beautiful I guess we’ll grab a snack to begin so one stack of gravel it is in there it is

Crushing itself into Flint it is flinting itself into silicon dioxide three of it that is coming in here to make not andesite what are you doing gravel please gravel guys what okay we’re gonna lock the recipe and we’re gonna lock grip hold on I I mean I’m gonna start screaming

What are you doing what do you think this is I guess there’s a pause button okay gravel gravel locked recipe gravel gravel I feel like I have to tell it you know it’s like voice activated I can’t grabble you’re going to make gravel that is all you’re going to do gravel cool

Okay it’s now making gravel all right cool sweet so that’s making gravel oh I didn’t mean to take that out that’s fine Chuck that back in there and the gravel should be making Flint at a one-to-one ratio based on what I based on what I read Flint from here

It doesn’t there’s no like percentage oh me now put 120 bonus out for 125 power use oh that must be for using it in for example the SAG Mill I believe that’s what that is cool sweet so this guy should fill up on silicon dioxide

And that guy should fill up on Flint and that guy should fill up on gravel but he’s honestly a little bit too fast but either way it should work and so then we’re good the extra silicon dioxide is going in here we’ve already got some showing up which is pretty cool

Um but that obviously is gonna wait for this to fill arguably two compactors may be good so let’s go compactor um it looks like we’ve got another one awesome we’re gonna slap him on top it looks like they’ve got enough power as well which is awesome he should get

Power pretty soon I’m gonna Chuck that guy there as well so you should now fill up two Chuck this guy here set him up to extract and we’re going to pause him recipe gravel and we’re going to click that and then we’re going to lock that okay oh hey

Whoa hey who’s who said you could do that let’s go gravel and locked yeah I I will destroy you no look I clicked gravel and he’s gravel and then I click lock and he’s like ah and a sight okay he’s locked he’s locked he cannot change resume sleep

See this guy’s got two gravel coming in at once um or at least you should can that keep up we should hopefully see this go up to like 15. it’s hitting 15 will it hit 16 if it hits 16 then we’ve known we’ve gone up because I saw it here 14 before nice

We’re at 16. and then that should go to 17. yeah I think we’re good I think we’re now keeping up with it awesome so all this stuff is going to just be bonus silicon that’ll fill up with bonus silicon that guy’s got plenty that he’s fine uh if we start getting more Flint

Than we’re using which we actually might we could even double that up and that’ll be even better in fact yeah we may just do that what are we at 41 . 42 43 we can do with one more just just one but then that’ll be plenty so dissolver go ahead and order one

Beautiful you’re gonna go there my friend you’re gonna go there and you’re going to go there and that’s gonna be set up cool so once this guy does get extra Flint which it looks like you will um it will simply go into that and then it’ll end up in the same place

Awesome that way there won’t be like much of a backlog um that’s full he’s almost full then it will all just be profits from that point onwards same as once like if anything else fills up so yeah worth it this little infinite cobble generator that was made

So far no no it’s very much not it would much make more sense to just make a couple more of those Auto smelters make a couple more modular routers right but we’ll see we’ll see is this full yet it’s full so so this is currently the rate at which we are making Stone

Every time that number goes up that’s essentially a piece of stone what do we think [Laughter] oh God why do I do this I mean yeah okay so that’s stone that we’re looking at right there cool um does this get better I think it does get better

I think we just have to wait for it because here’s the deal right this guy is filling up once he’s full of gravel he won’t need as much right then this will fill up with gravel and then this guy won’t accept any more silicon and that means all of it every

Single time will be going here except for like a rare amount right I think that makes sense I think it does get better yeah the problem is I don’t think it gets worth it you know like sure it can get better but does it get worth it I

Don’t think it does not at all Okay so what what is what else are we proposing here I make more Cobble gens and we do it that way I mean honestly a quarry probably just makes more sense doesn’t it but that’s fine um so the way this works I believe is I can

Just do a bunch in a row right um hold on so for example all of this becomes water all along here and then all of this becomes lava all along here and then they all become Cobble I may even be able to put a range upgrade on

This guy or something maybe not too sure just yet let’s um let’s give this a shot once again I don’t I don’t know we’ll see we’ll do some of these experimentings and see what our best option is um what makes the most sense for us at the moment is to do this

That allows us to fully order up that we can then um break all of these cool place that there cool he gets broken that makes sense and then lava here should spread and make more Cobble gin I don’t know if it’ll spread there may cool okay so sweet so now hold on

We now go at modular right at module and we now want I guess a range augment I I think we want a range augment I don’t really know though all right let’s get a range of augment range up oh yeah we’re going to add some okay so if

I add a range augment to the breaker module is that how this works so I think I opened this guy up and I put a range module in no he doesn’t accept range augments cool yeah okay so I think I just need to make more of these is that that makes sense right

I think that’s what I have to do yeah and then he’ll yeah all right I’m um long story oh actually hold on you know what I I know what to do uh there’s a 50 50 right one option is I mean what we’re doing works so we just

Keep doing that the other option is that we try out using um integrate Dynamics because I think we could share the same tool for example on every single piece and so I kind of want to give that a shot now I’ll be honest there’s a pretty good chance that it just doesn’t work

Um but we’ll try we’ll try so at integrated we’re going to obviously grab I listen just just Buckle in for this one it’s it’s already been a rough a rough episode uh we need to play simulator which needs World Block World Block World item World item um some of this stuff needs chorus

Literally popped course uh smelted so um popcorn is melted popped chorus squeezed this is yeah I I don’t know how to explain myself for this episode so we’re just gonna we’re gonna pretend that everything’s fine okay and we’re just gonna have to roll with it

Um one thing I need to do is I will need another Auto smell I uh yeah uh um the question can I just use Cobble do I even need it to be what’s this going to give us yeah that gives us barely any so I do need it to be Stone

What does that do I’ll crush it um okay sure whatever um in that case I need another book and then I need to obviously make that into a book and quill it’s easily done we’ll go ahead and turn that into a smelt fine Chuck in a bit more blaze powder

Auto smell cool wonderful so far so good um I need a pickaxe we’ll just craft the diamond on I don’t know if it needs to be Diamond probably not but whatever we got one and that stuff should be ready by now cool excellent so what do I need

We’re gonna need some logic detectors we’re going to need some item interfaces cool um item importer wonderful and that is then the item World importer awesome uh I have a feeling we’re actually going to need a lot of this stuff I’m tempted to just order craft it

Because that’s not a bad idea let’s get patterns let’s order 10 more if it’ll let me cool I think I will just autograph all this stuff it seems pretty good to me um hold on go ahead and cool integrated grab this I’m gonna do it I’m

Going to do it why not let’s get this stuff done um on the topic of that I will need another crafter most likely so we’ll just Buckle in I guess boom and I think I need that again okay nice this guy’s getting any diamond pickaxe as well as logic detector item importer

Cool item imported done uh or sorry the logic detector I mean it’s done that and that cool that that that that that that that horrific situation is taking place currently okay so I mean it’s fine I think this is worth it I need to be

Doing more of this like a lot more of this uh well let me see the wrong thing um in terms of like adding things to AutoCraft because I’m just I’m spending so much time crafting the exact same thing every episode and it’s just silly it just it honestly

Is so we’re gonna try to to stamp that out a bit um so what are we at are we good I I think we are good maybe let’s see um if I go World item importer can I order another one no it doesn’t even show up

Did I not make a pattern for that no I did I just skipped it cool great okay well let’s try this Chuck that in there and can I craft it what does it need it says I can cool wonderful or at least at the moment we can

Um right so that guy’s allegedly done the player simulator is done World item X World block import we order crafted apparently cool grab that logic detector see I added I thought I added the logic detector yeah logic director exists so yeah okay normally it shows a

Little icon when you can craft the thing I don’t know why it’s not doing that I’ll be honest this version of refined storage feels not as good as what I’m used to I’m not sure what it is though but we’ll pretend that it’s fine um

So what do I need I just need the item exporter cool like clicking clicking somewhere used to not have this select and I don’t know why it does it now it’s genuinely still infuriating uh if I’m wrong a bit I’m definitely not wrong about that because like if I’m

Typing in here and I click it stops but it keeps going in the top why I’m gonna ball my eyes out let me eat here uh I just I feel so lost there’s so many small little things happening throughout these episodes that are just like tearing me apart and we need to be

Solving them so that then Following episode we don’t have to go through it but instead I just I take it which is fine but then it’s there the next episode so I’m gonna look in I’m currently looking in the config but there’s no okay refined storage what are our options

Like like what would you even call that this would have to be something that they’ve changed off screen how to mention it’s just got covers Rose grids man I don’t know I don’t know what it is I’m not gonna lie to you guys uh I think I might just move to applied

Energistics just because it is so infuriating I it’s just so annoying having something like so inconsistent there must be a way to fix it I oh this button what is this button where’s this button here what is it what is this button for do you get

Huh sick yeah I love this button this is my favorite button I love the jei config button well I mean the jei config button we go way back what’s happening I hate it okay okay I’m gonna lose my mind currently the only way to stop this search bar from happening

Is by pressing enter is that correct if I press Escape escapeworks too okay cool so I can press Escape what about does tab do something tab works too so just clicking doesn’t work okay can I get used to that do I think I can mentally get you set what would I press

Tab because otherwise tab oh tab will alternate between it okay hold on I’ve just got to like relearn this entire mod I can do that because currently I go like banana I grab the banana out I press tab then I can press Escape tab to search tab to escape tab

Search I search for example cable I grab the cable out I press Tab and then Escape I just why do I have to press another button I that’s fine it’s fine it’s it’s fine if I’m typing in this and I press tab does that work tab won’t work when I do that

So I’d have to press okay so I can’t press tab I can’t press tab I can’t left click I have to decide between them um I have to decide between pressing escape or enter for me to press enter I typically have to take a hand off the keyboard or off the mouse

Pressing escape is at least a little bit easier to do so typing Escape I’m going to press it twice cool cool great I love that I love this game I love this game okay so what are we up to player simulator like so often you even saw there I did

It instinctively I click off the screen so it stops selecting then I click there just because it’s I could I could murder all right what do I need item exporter diamond pickaxe all right next on the list is World block exporter and then I believe we’re pretty much done so World block exporter

We’ve apparently already got all that stuff order crafted which is awesome he won’t go in there but he’ll go in here cool um player simulator can I craft you it says I can I’m gonna order one that shouldn’t take too long hopefully that’ll be pretty cool nice wonderful

At integrated we’ll grab some variable cards grab some logic cables uh play a simulator I will also want an item interface um we’re going to want a chest to go along with that and possibly a variable store so let’s go in here variable store order that let’s order chest get these

Guys Auto craftable planks yep sounds good to me and then a block of the chunks cool we can do all that wonderful love to see it variable store and and voila okay oh all right everything’s fine um I’m good we’re all good we’re all good so the idea here is place

That guy there pull him up connect the cables over pretty much here one of these will store the variables one of these will store our pickaxe that we haven’t crafted yet it will have an item interface on it awesome I now need the pickaxe um so I’m just gonna have to combine it

In the Anvil that we brought in here beautiful you and you Auto smell awesome um now I it may use durability on this guy I’m not too sure if it does we may need to consider something else but it’s fine we’ll try it regardless so I’m going to open up logic programmer

We’re going to get an item and that is going to be this that is the item we will apply that to a variable card cool diamond pickaxe wonderful we then I think that’s all we want honestly I’m pretty sure that’s just it just item um yeah that’s that’s the basic you go there

Play a simulator I want you to click an item and I do not want it to be right click and we’re just gonna see if that works okay and you are going to click this item and so how do we know if it works currently not working nice

Um we’re gonna try a few things first thing we’re going to do is double check that we’ve allowed them within our claim um allow fake players by ID I’m gonna just allow all fake players and I’m going to click accept there you have it that will now break the block

And I believe it is giving us Stone it’s just currently it’s all going in here we’ve currently got a thousand I’m going to take out a stack and we’re going to watch here why isn’t he doing the rest oh I think because he broke so now he’s

A different guy maybe I’m not sure but I’m going to change this guy to not check the NBT so he’ll just use the pickaxe cool and that looks like it’s working using durability cool we’re going to open this guy we’re going to go into part settings we want the

Ticks per operation to be as low as possible and we’re going to click save that should nail as you can see do it a lot faster cool awesome so far so good I’m gonna take that out just so he stops wonderful let me see what we do next we pick up

This guy cool what we should be able to do now possibly is share that amongst all of them I did not need to run all the way back here but we did anyway that’s fine I’m gonna order four more player simulators which we cannot afford because I need sticky piston and crystallized

Manual awesome um I may be able to do that Maybe we may also need more mineral trees oh God okay you come in there um oh you won’t even work though because you have liquid Taurus um you guys yelled at me last time I did this let’s grab a tank let’s grab two

Tanks what tanks can I make huh yeah these look nice one of you and one of you One’s Gonna Go here and the other’s gonna go here yeah that’s I mean that’s literally exactly what I want so that’s that’s great that’s wonderful oh we actually did have this guy set up

Um awesome so we do have some manual beautiful I was just gonna go and uh hook that up cool you’re gonna go there then you’re gonna get put away cool cool and cool okay so uh next up is sticky piston which I’m gonna go ahead and make a recipe for

Because we use them quite a bit I don’t have any patterns that is fine I should be able to order them nope I don’t have quartz at all cool okay quartz what’s going on I’ll see energy bulk watching Soul Sand wasn’t I um how do we not have quartz I’m gonna

I think I think I might what is this create or excavation huh what is this find all veins using the vein finder okay okay then you place this you put in a drill you rotate it and you get the results okay some of them need fluids like lava

To get what go on no it doesn’t show okay a sure I I will say as molding as I am at the moment this does actually sound really really cool um why does he need redstone ore what are you doing buddy I mean okay hold on

Like I don’t have the energy for this nether quartz it reckons I can get it from I don’t even know what the thing was that I clicked on this thing here buy them whitelist netherweight okay so it pretty much has to spawn in the nether it looks like um okay

I like I do like that a lot um vein at create or at create and then we just need to find the page that has that thing on it what are these portable drill block picker a brass drone I mean this stuff’s really cool but I’m

Just I’m so moldy at the moment I’m so mad okay hold on ah ill okay we’re not making that oh God I I I feel like I just want to run around in a circle you know what I mean do you guys ever just feel like that okay okay

I need quartz I am going to just go and get some quartz the good old-fashioned way and we’re gonna sort the problem out a different episode I think that’s what I’ve got to do because otherwise I’ll just keep like crying all right quartz you’d love to see it do I need to

Platinum you maybe or sorry um still touch you quartz um what are you quartz or to make a bunch of silicon dioxide okay interesting and then I could laser drill you laser drill nether quartz or dissolve it into all the silicon dioxide we want yeah okay

It’s fine I could squeeze this stuff and get some more yeah sure whatever whatever I mean what are we doing what that name here I’ll tell you what I’m gonna stick with my guns we’ll finish off this thing and then we’ll just left it left to left to do something different

I oh God this I’m in pain just by like I have Painful this is and what are you where are you I can’t even see him do you blow me above me I don’t care I don’t think I care maybe I do all right cool How much quartz do you think we needed

What’s it even for it’s four player simulators I just need a sticky piston that must mean we don’t have slime we do have slime did I never make the sticky piston pattern no oh because I couldn’t afford the pattern gotcha oh my God okay you go there

Clan simulator you get crafted cool and I wanted about uh four more of you so we’re gonna craft that many cool I’ll wait patiently and I’ll get my stuff and we will continue I waited patiently and we’ve got our stuff let’s now continue so the way this works now is I will place

This here here here and here we’ll put logic cables on each we’re then going to grab out this uh variable card Chuck it in here and pretty much duplicate it like so I’m going to grab a few of these specifically we would like five of them like so

We’ll then open this up and have this set to click item and we want to make sure that we set this guide to not right click and not check NBT then we want to go back and set him to go as fast as humanly possible

And we would like to do that on all of them so it’s going to be a little bit tedious but it will be worth it so that was already set up this guy’s next okay they’re all set up and so allegedly all I have to do is Chuck one of these

Px’s in here and they should all work ah they all work and it looks like I’m picking up Stone so this is going to melt this pickaxe in terms of durability so we probably do want something on this guy to stop that from happening in terms of indestructible and stuff like that

Doesn’t really look like we’ve got that as an option um unbreakable we’ve got Unbreaking there is unusing tools become unusable when having one durability left in the perfect world that will work the downside is that we need access to that right um why can’t I fly right now why can’t I fly

The ritual is running although it is out of stuff it is also a Blood Moon um I think I need a chuck coal in there ah um what are we doing oh yeah I’m using so hashtag I’m using we do not have uh there is no crafting recipe so I

Would just have to get it via sheer luck life stealing tombstone some other cool stuff I thought we may have had on a tool or something but allegedly not oh this guy has unusing cool I’m gonna go ahead and make a disenchanting book this guy here obviously requires a book

Which I thought I made but I guess I didn’t get book of disenchanting I’m gonna Chuck that in the off hand grab my chest plate go over to our grave shift right click and we now have fire protection mending and unusing so um I think I’m actually going to Chuck

Both of them on this so I’m going to Chuck on unusing and then I’m also going to check on mending so that we can uh repair it as needed via our inventory so yeah once again Chuck this guy in here and you’ll apparently just get the job

Done now I do kind of I think Unbreaking would have an effect on it so maybe we’ll just have a quick look do we have hashtag Unbreaking yeah we’ve got on breaking three I might just Chuck it on there just to just for good measure you know I mean just to be sure

Um it will actually cost me a bit of levels so pump it to the player and give me all the levels there we go cool Unbreaking will cost ten sure whatever and switch that back cool this guy can go away and then our pickaxe can go back whether

It’s Unbreaking I don’t know if it works that way um but we will give it a shot cool so all that’s left is to grab I mean this is just it’s it’s stupid I mean you guys all agree right but we’re sort of In Too Deep at the moment

We’re gonna grab a drawer boom and we’re going to go ahead and place this guy here with an item collector on top and there we go so that’s going to collect our Stone now once again we’re planning to process a hundred of this at once I believe that would mean that I would

Need a hundred of these at once and that would use up on average 100 durability at once now Unbreaking does look like it is working it’s not always losing its stuff so yeah I mean that’s that’s where we’re at that’s that’s that’s the current uh situation so cool cool

What are we doing what’s the plan I need to get dissolvers to start dissolving these if I was to just order 25 can I do that is that within range I just need Cobble and I think we can do that from this I think this guy’s got some Cobble cool

And we’ll put one away so we can actually store the stuff at least Chuck that in there can I now get 25 I can cool I’m gonna order that don’t know how long that will take but it is allegedly crafting we can look in here I guess

Yep there we go it’s just crafting Pistons I guess um and so then I need to set up 25 of them somewhere and then have them get the stone I mean this is a bit silly the stuff happening there I don’t really know if that’s uh solvable um

What do I want flesh Blackstone porous flesh Soul Stone bath salts wow it doesn’t look that looks so good oh no I’m hoping that’ll stop it from burning I don’t think it will but we’ll see I guess I could probably just do that all right cool but um I mean it’s

Working we’ve got stuff um the dissolvers should be waiting for me 25 beautiful so I will now just need to hook them all up uh they’re obviously going to need power that’s that’s a key part of them and it should just be a five by five like this there we go

Five by five he’s allowed to solvers um cool okay what next let’s see if a um wireless charger can do I also have no idea how long this episode is at this point but once again we’re just gonna sort of roll with it to those craft one of these because this

Guy does what a seven by seven by seven so he should actually be able to reach all that um by being here even right yeah yeah it’s all within range cool so I have this guy here um we’ll hook him up with not nearly enough power but we’ll pretend that it

Is via one of these Ender Gates let’s go it’s gonna go there cool so he’s powered and they should all fill up looks like they are we now need the Cobble to go into all of them so I’m going to break this block here and that is where the item pipes will begin

Um and yeah I think that is just the plan let’s do that and yeah I mean that is that is the plan that is the plan um sure we’ll do that many cool cool plenty obviously yeah I thought that might happen I don’t really know how to solve that then

So we’re gonna do this um I will want a pipe upgrade not because we’re making more than we need but because I want it to do a round robin I want them to all uh get stuff that’s that’s that’s the plan at least so this guy’s going to extract we’re

Going to open this up Chuck him in there get boom boom round robin awesome so each of these should get some Stone and currently at least they’re not using up too much power uh some of them are for some of them aren’t so that’s pretty cool as yet were you going to get

A bunch of everything which is pretty cool um so then we need to be able to extract all this stuff which I will be doing from uh this side right now I can just do item pipes connected to all of them and then have them go

Into some sort of chest do we have colossal chests I think it’s what they’re called doesn’t look like it if I just search chest I mean we’ll probably just do a sophisticated one right yeah that’s probably what we’ll do um so we’ll go over here see everything’s happening everything’s fine chest cool

And I would like to upgrade this guy that’s way too many recipes I would like to upgrade it into a sophisticated chest like so awesome I would then like this guy to upgrade into oh let me just make a shulker cool storage controller yeah Alaska deposit and pipe items to

And from a connected multi-block of storages I probably will make one of those uh no I won’t I like it we’ll probably just make one of these and I’ll just upgrade it a little bit get that guy there get that guy diamonds get that guy another right

Get that guy looks like Denver right’s pretty much as good as he gets cool okay wonderful um next up would be snack upgrades so these guys are a little bit uh annoying mainly because they’re quite expensive I guess that you can go in there you become that

Can I afford this two blocks yep cool that should be good multiplies the number by four and then if I just get a bunch of these like three of those then that should be good enough as well cool all right so all of those will extract ideally into this game here

And this guy will get this stack upgrade in those three that leaves room for upgrades we will then place all of this stuff as well as set them up to extract you don’t have to do it one row at a time obviously but I think that’s going

To be the easiest way to make sure that we are extracting from all of them I don’t think we need upgrades on these pipes um because obviously it won’t be running like super fast because I don’t think you can really speed these guys up unless you use some third-party mod that actually celebrates

The ticks of blocks or something which may exist there are some acceleration stuff from that Ritz mod I just I don’t know would probably have to mess around with it again to see exactly how we can manipulate them but this is all set to extract all

I need to do now is place this here and we should start getting stuff cool so obviously the main stuff that we’re after we have not even seen yet so that’s a great sign there we go that right there dysprosium I mean hey it’s begun now in terms of

Stone as you can see we need a lot more um luckily we pretty much can we can just expand this infinitely just Place more player simulators and more stuff and we will all use this same pickaxe to process there may be a way to automatically repair that guy

In fact oh yeah hold on um there may be some sort of pedestal that will allow it to repair while it’s on you know what I mean like it might um hold it in such a way that it allows for that to happen let’s search hashtag mending um okay

I’m gonna just try a pedestal then but then how would that work I’d have to supply um you know stuff in the in the area um at sophisticated XP pumps experience between the tank upgrade and the player but it has no recipe that’s that’s the only problem the backpack one

Might do the trick hold on can I tank experience pump repair items with mending yes but if this is in here it does not repair unfortunately okay has to be on my hand um okay hashtag repair um Can magically repair an item cool obviously mending obviously life mending

Nature’s mend it’s an option as well repairs gold items I could put Auto smell onto a gold pickaxe and then this will somehow do it oh this is a glowstone okay um okay yeah all right um well I’m not sure what the plan is then just to put it straight I yeah

I think we just make more of them why not the alternative is of course using the modular routers because they didn’t seem to break but I don’t really know how to get those to break multiple blocks at once um so this is what we’ve currently got

Player simulator can I oh sorry can I afford to double this I would need more diamonds we we can do that I’m gonna I’m gonna give it a shot I’m gonna do it uh it’s gonna be a little bit painful I’ll probably make most of it off camera

I just want to show that we have the stuff for it and then I’ll do like all the setup off camera um because it’s a little bit tedious and once again except so it’s probably already long um in fact yeah I think it is uh players simulator five of those start

Cool so I think I just need probably like one more of those and that should be good and then maybe a little bit more of these and is that exactly what I need replace that we play series we place that and then I just have to configure them yep

Cool all right I will be back oh the only other issue is the range of that guy um okay Fair Point Fair Point Fair Point could I if I place lava in here will that turn all of that into Stone do we what’s our what’s our thoughts on that

I think it will hold on yeah sure of course everyone wanted that to happen so um if I place you here that makes Stone it makes Stone but then it also prevents the water from flowing it can be seen there so we’re back to the same problem um yeah

I was gonna see if I could like somehow double this up and have twice the stuff um well yeah okay I mean I guess I just Place another one of these and just pipe it over here yeah whatever that works alrighty we’ve got our lava police oh

Sorry I don’t wanna I don’t know keep what what little design we have in this structure here I do want to at least try to keep as horrific as it currently looks there we go and so we’re gonna have where’s the center of this this thing

Here so that will be that and that and that will have a draw there and we’ll just pipe that across and that should be fine so nice all is good are we feeling good how are we feeling people that’s not what that thing is it’s an item collector

Boom item collector item pipes nice so you’re going to go here you’re going to go there you’re going to break that and go boom boom boom and cool I probably do want an upgrade in that guy too just to make sure once again that he’s alternating around

That way just one won’t be filled and the rest you know waiting whatever boom boom round robin all right cool all these guys need now is to be configured so I will borrow this and Craft um a bunch more thank you okay well that’s up and running

There you have it um let’s go in here just search framed and I’m going to grab two of these guys just to place in front of the drawers there and there I guess and will that work not really all right cool oh let’s uh remove that so now this is

Up and running again these should all have at least some Stone going into them and most importantly they should be going into here Stone you can obviously see all the stuff now some of them I think yeah have a few items that shouldn’t be in them for example I’m seeing a few logic

Cables that have somehow been uh sent through the system so I didn’t actually even know how that happened but I’m clearly gonna have to fix that for some reason a bunch of these have like that stuff in them I’m not sure why I’m guessing I messed up the piping at some point but

I don’t really know why I think no we still don’t have enough see I I don’t know like why is there aluminum in these very weird all right well I I think I’ve gone through all these so if there’s any in the future that are bugging out I don’t know

There’s clearly an issue somewhere um but I think they’re all fine I’m just checking up here to see what they have in them not just just looking around guessing um but yeah sweet so here is what we’re looking at um obviously we’ve got it sorted I would actually like to sort it by

I normally like to sort them by count but I guess now we’ll do it that way um so we currently have 57 dysprosium 58. and the more the merrier obviously um this guy in here I mean he’s he’s doing pretty good and so yeah once we have a stack we can

Literally craft what we want um this guy here is the combiner here’s what is going to be making this magic I may actually want just one more dissolver just to sort of be able to do my own thing real quick how’s he doing oh it’s actually full this entire system is

Pretty much for I didn’t mean to take that out but I guess that’s fine um hold on is over we’re making another star this episode guys it’s happening okay okay star click this click this click this one stack of lutidium we’ve got some dysprosium that we can chuck in

Here at least I was planning to but that’s fine we’ve got two that’ll be fine so the combiner will get 64 of those the next thing we needed I believe was I guess we’ll bookmark this guy again can I book my whole thing no okay um Titanium and mendeleevium now

Mendelevium I believe I’m getting from where the skeleton skulls two of them that’s I mean that’s pretty easy obviously skull I don’t even have them on me cool narrator oh narrates all diamond back narrator narrator narrator yeah everything’s fine everything button it’s okay when you’re here I’m gonna grab two skulls excellent

Bear with me bear with me to solver and dissolve both of these they do need power um sure these guys are lucky they get their own individual all right and then we just need titanium that’s the last piece and we’re getting that from squid ink so in here we search Inc

And we have one okay what was the plan here is to get more gotcha um okay uh hmm that’s the plan just simply get more we may I may just have to do squid Essence because I don’t see an easy way of doing this unless we had the capturing enchantment from apotheosis

Boom we get this guy makes mob have a chance to drop their spawn egg we kill some squid we get a spawn egg we start spawning squid Bob is your uncle okay all right fair enough sure all right so we currently need Bob to be our uncle um what have we got

We have fire protection four I do not care I just want a book what could we go in here Temptation boost whatever we can view all the possible enchants that’s a perk of apotheosis what that allows us to do is look at our current situation

And see if it is possible for us to get what was it capturing five I think it went up to so we can look through here for capturing um and try not to miss it because obviously there’s a lot and for whatever reason they’re not in alphabetical

So that would make far too much sense okay I didn’t see it no I do see it capturing level one okay so we can get level one I mean that’s a problem okay so if I got to 35 capturing is down here still level one hmm um okay

I also heard someone tell me that the Fisher I’m not sure if it was the Greg tech one or just like the marine fish or something was great at getting enchanted books so we may have to think about doing that um ah again in the meantime is it viable for us

To just kill enough squid to get a stack of ink not even a stack we don’t need a stack of ink each ink SEC gives us four titanium oxide each titanium oxide gives us two titanium so I need 32 titanium oxide which means I need

32 divided by four I think I only need eight right I only need eight ink for that that seems ridiculous that seems too good hold on hold on hold on so I if I put Aiden here I should just get us what we want that seems ridiculous

I mean it’s looking pretty good so far um let’s grab out our stack this person that goes in there what next which tree person’s gonna start moving um see yeah yeah this should get us 32 of this stuff right all right 32 and we chucked that back in

There and we get double so what I need now realistically is that stuff that we were messing around with so let’s go in here so staff awesome hold right click and and so now this guy’s going he should be going faster he’s barely going faster but he’ll get us a stack of

Titanium which as you can see is the final ingredient and we will have crafted another star in this episode almost to be honest almost automated and as you can see we will be able to now this guy is our weak Link at the moment we obviously need this guy to

Either be infinite so in other words maybe a drill is an idea like some sort of manual hand drill for example um ideally one that doesn’t need uh Power I guess but even then I might be able to have this guy access the inventory of like a charger for example

Um which is also what I was thinking with like um mending on an experienced pylon or something like that but regardless that’s an option get like a drill or something that can’t break give it that enchant let this guy use it cool that’s one piece that needs to be automated

The next piece is just the dissolving of two skulls easy peasy um then it’s the shulker stuff which obviously we’ve got the shulker available we just need to automate the dissolving of it and then also automate squid which we can do um after we automate enchantments which will likely happen

Um on the next episode or one of the other episodes Auto enchantments Fisher cool all right see how’s this guy going all right he’ll take a little while that’s fine all right you know what when I did it before it wasn’t going this fast I may have accidentally hit the Ender gate

That’s that’s what I’m thinking but regardless he’s flying through them and we’re gonna have a stack here it is you ready one stack of titanium and and they’re the star I’m gonna bookmark this guy or sorry screenshot it a few times wow that’s a visual bug right

Oh no it’s not a visual bug but it’s a template it’s showing where items would go this allows me to just keep pumping those items in here I think and they’ll go where they need to go but we have our first nether star our first never start and

We didn’t even have to fight the weather I would say that is a waste of time but it was our waste of time okay and it was pretty fun so yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna take that thank you guys for watching hopefully you enjoyed it and it may have been

Painful it may have been long unlucky mate unlucky I’m gonna I’m gonna stop that sentence before it sounds even worse thank you guys for watching thank you to our donators and channel members of course thank you to our tier three channel members Melissa Andre and final Phoenix 13.

Um congratulations on vrifty on becoming a two-year Channel member I have updated the channel member uh loyalty badges because previously they were little uh shapes that I made in in paint or photoshop or something they are now some image generated pictures symbols if you will um they’ve got a pixely uh texture sort

Of thing uh obviously intentionally to have it sort of feel the same compared to what we play I think they look cool but I’m I’m entirely open to hearing suggestions on either changes to these or completely brand new uh attempts to go for but we’ve got like a a bronze a

Silver a gold a diamond an emerald and then like a ruby looking type of uh it’s uh sphere I guess your colon I think they look pretty cool I think they’re cool I guess bronze I will say bronze doesn’t necessarily look that good and and obviously if you’re playing like

A ranked game that makes sense but in hindsight like now that I’m looking at it I’m sort of thinking like well hang on someone’s giving me money and I’m going like yeah yeah you get this until you give me more money you know what I mean so I I might actually change that

One to make it look a little bit better maybe um I guess it depends on what you guys think as well because at the same time I don’t know I don’t know yeah that now that I think about it it’s kind of it feels wrong it doesn’t look bad it just doesn’t look

As good as it should maybe I mean maybe it does I don’t know let me know what you guys think but regardless once again thank you guys for watching um thank you for being a channel member thank you for being a subscriber thank you for liking your video

Um thank you for being here and hopefully I’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye

This video, titled ‘Ep34 Crafting the Nether Star – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2023-08-27 20:00:08. It has garnered 1120 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:37 or 6517 seconds.

This is a series on the ATM 9 Modpack! We’re jumping in quite early the modpack so we can look forward to frequent updates, and all the fun that comes along with those! Traditionally ATM packs have some fun late game goals to work towards, and a wide range of mods at your disposal to tackle whatever it is you want to, by whatever means you want to. By starting early, some things may be different in this playthrough when compared to the version you’re playing in the future, but for the most part it should be similar 🙂 You’ll just have a lot more mods to play with!

Things: Modpack – https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-9 Client Side Mods – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/magnesium-extras https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/physics-mod (The Physics mod pro can be found for free on the authors Patreon. You can also support them financially to assist in making the mod, as with all these other awesome mods and shaders we interact with!) Shaders – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-reimagined Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3gNcPTidgoeQLiD1Oa3fxzrwT7HXOeUZ

Partnership: Code – DEW BisectHosting – https://bisecthosting.com/DEW They have provided us with a free server to host our YouTube Community server on, and the code gives a discount if you plan on hosting your own.

The Dew Crew ATM Server: Depending on when you are watching, we may have a community All The Mods 9 server up and running 😀 You can join the server via our community Discord- https://discord.gg/the-dew-crew-367254861747716098 and all the information you need should be found in the #welcome channel 🙂

#ATM #Minecraft #ATM9

I encourage you all to check out my friends and their channels too, they all do slightly different content so you might be surprised with what you find 😀 I might also show up in some of their videos that don’t make it over to my channel, so feel free to head over there and keep an eye out!

vRifty – https://www.youtube.com/c/vRifty/videos AzzaFortySix – https://www.youtube.com/c/AzzaFortysix/videos

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    Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Ultimate Guide: Building an Automatic Cobblestone Farm”‘, was uploaded by Game_ZONE on 2024-01-10 17:16:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #cobblestonefarm #tutorial #guide #building #automaticharvesting #farming #gaming #youtubegaming #youtubevideo … Read More

  • Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!

    Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!Video Information तो आखिर साइबर एमपी की एसएमपी को जॉइन करने की रिक्वायरमेंट्स क्या-क्या है एंड क्या मैं उन रिक्वायरमेंट्स को मीट कर पाऊंगा यह सारे क्वेश्चंस का आंसर मैं इस एप्लीकेशन वीडियो के अंदर देने वाला हूं हेलो गाइ दिस माय नेम इज अल्फा एंड आज की वीडियो में मैं अपना एप्लीकेशन एप्लीकेशन की रिक्वायरमेंट हैको मैं परफेक्टली मीड करता हूं बिल्कुल परफेक्टली एंड दूसरा है कि मेरा टाइम क्या है तो व मैं मोस्ट ऑफ टाइम में एक्टिव रहता हूं एंड दूसरी बात है कि मैं कंटेंट क्रिएटर हूं या नहीं वो तो मैं कंटेंट कटर कंटेंट क्रिएटर… Read More

  • Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum – Episode 05

    Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum - Episode 05Video Information [Music] what’s up everybody this is super tilt and welcome back to my Arcanum Institute gameplay series uh I don’t even remember what we did last time but uh in between I did make some Source crystals uh I you know farming some amethysts off of that and we also uh I also figured out how to do uh lava with this old thing we got a couple things of lava here uh basically if you put any smooth Stone within a 3X3 under this thing eventually as you throw at it to fill up the you know… Read More

  • 🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMP

    🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMPVideo Information sh [Music] sh [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone oh my gosh Le you’re on time I can’t believe it how did you do it this time hi everyone Hi bre hello ano hi coffee table on Twitch and YouTube hi set hi hi JD hi meno hi noodles hi Coco Al coffee table why were you in here so early welcome in everyone today was a scheduled work stream but I did some work before stream because gy woke me up early because gy woke up early to play Minecraft and… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclips

    Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclipsVideo Information here has to go This video, titled ‘raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #shorts’, was uploaded by SGGAMER000 on 2024-03-19 03:38:34. It has garnered 446 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #short #minecraft #lapatasmp #valorant #valorantshorts #valorantlive #applemc #valorantindia #lifesteal ⚠️ IGNORE TAGS⚠️ pojavlauncher how to join fake loyal smp fake loyal smp ip fake loyalsmp Lapata smp war Loyal smp war lapata smp season 5 lapata smp niz gamer psd1 lapata smp psd1 boys psd1 senpai spider how i… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!

    Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!Video Information [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n stranded in the open Dy out tears of Sorrow lacking all emotion staring down the barel waiting for the final gates to open to a new tomorrow moving with the motion following the light that set me free [Music] a yeah This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request Compilation Part 952 )’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-14 06:05:42. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art… Read More

  • Champions of Equestria

    Champions of EquestriaLooking for a place to horse around? Perhaps a game or two? How about an active community to be apart of? Champions of Equestria has got all that, so come take a look see yourself by joining our still expanding community with a friendly staff, active userbase, and upcoming game servers! We are coming up on a year old and still going strong, so come and find a home in our community! This is a multi-world server including Creative, Survival PvE, and Factions PvP worlds. It also has a cross world currency system where you gain money from selling items… Read More

  • Xapros SMP Semi-Vanilla with Dynmap – 1.20.4 – Events

    Server Information Our server features some of the new 1.21 blocks such as tuff blocks, copper blocks, and crafter! Join us for holiday themed events, minigames, and collectable items. Whitelist only server with 5-15 daily players, welcoming new members of all ages. Experience zero lag, 24/7 uptime, and no resets for your base. No land claims, tps, or mods that break the vanilla feeling. Strict rules against stealing, hacking, and griefing. Check out some of our builds here. Apply now by joining our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/NeekSj856k Read More

  • Nebula Wars

    Nebula WarsNebula Wars is a Minecraft Semi-Vanilla server that is created to bring back the feel of classic Minecraft survival servers, while still getting to experience all of the new features, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. If you like Fun, Non-P2W survival, then this server is for you!If you want to join this server through bedrock, you can!Bedrock IP: bedrock.nebulawars.orgPort: 8064 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Laugh or be kicked from server”

    I guess this meme is a solid 23 out of 10 on the laugh-o-meter! Read More

  • Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft’s Satisfying Twist

    Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft's Satisfying Twist In the world of Minecraft, sand art takes flight, Creating pixel pictures, a true delight. With torches and sand, a masterpiece is born, A Creeper with a Labrador hat, not to be torn. Subscribe to the channel, for more to see, Satisfying creations, for you and me. Share with your friends, spread the joy, In the world of Minecraft, where art employs. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, Crafting stories in a rhythmic beat. Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In every update, let the fun begin. Read More

  • Minecraft Gangster Laughs!

    Minecraft Gangster Laughs! Why did the creeper join the gang in Minecraft? Because he heard they were all about blowing stuff up! #minecraftgang #creepercrew Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft house tutorials like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for building and exploring, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn new building tips or an experienced player seeking a fresh challenge, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be… Read More

  • Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft

    Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft Oyunlar Hakkında Ne Kadar İyisin? Popüler oyunlar hakkında ne kadar bilgi sahibi olduğunuzu test etmeye hazır mısınız? Bu videoda GTA, Minecraft ve Hogwarts Legacy gibi oyunlar hakkında ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu ölçeceğiz. Kendi oyun becerilerinizi sınayın ve ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu keşfedin! GTA San Andreas Bilgi Testi CJ’in asıl adı nedir? Carl Johnson Minecraft Bilgi Testi Herobrine kimin kardeşi? Notch’un kardeşi Hogwarts Legacy Bilgi Testi Hogwarts Legacy’de hangi gruba seçilirseniz Azkaban’a gidersiniz? Hufflepuff Eğer soruların cevaplarını bilemediyseniz, videonun üstündeki linkten detaylara ulaşabilirsiniz. Oyun bilginizi test etmek için hemen izleyin ve kendinizi yeni bir meydan okumaya hazırlayın! Read More

  • Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮

    Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮Video Information like things get in your way push through those walls and the others will fall Sit Up Stand Tall you can get through it all I need some energy Ani don’t friend me I have a short memory I don’t really remember things that’s how I move on that’s how I stay a new day on I’ll keep moving right along and I feel like the pain in the past it needs to stay in the past you got to take off the cast I want to feel like I’m a new person I want to Clear Vision… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client – 1.20.62 Update!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client - 1.20.62 Update!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] for This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.62 MOD CLIENT APK – Toggle Sprint, Full Bright, Unlocked, No Circle – BUGROCK CLIENT’, was uploaded by matixdev on 2024-03-04 22:37:09. It has garnered 851 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. CHECK Download Tutorial https://youtu.be/JDPoU15od9g?si=4kr61rPk2C6–ei_ Download Link 1.20.62 https://bit.ly/4avrFAo 1.20.72 https://bit.ly/43I0YWY Educational Disclaimer: This video aims to provide educational insights into hacking techniques related to EDSA in a responsible and ethical manner. Everything demonstrated is solely for the purpose of showing vulnerabilities and security practices in digital environments…. Read More

  • Maggus – NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shorts

    Maggus - NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shortsVideo Information ihr kennt es alle ihr habt auf eurer Erkundungstour in eurer Minecraft survival Welt ein Pferd gefunden und wollt dieses jetzt nach Hause bringen aber auf dem Weg müsst ihr über einen Fluss nur bringt reiten nichts und rüber schubsen dauert auch zu lange dann nehmt euch eine goldene Karotte oder einen goldenen Apfel damit verfolgt euch das Pferd und so bekommt ihr es ganz einfach rüber This video, titled ‘Damit müsst ihr es NIE WIEDER zurücklassen…?! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #maggus’, was uploaded by Maggus on 2024-01-14 10:00:28. It has garnered 74097 views and 7670 likes. The duration of… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!

    Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!Video Information in this video we’re looking at seven amazing Forge mods for 120 these range from fully fledged New Dimensions to new awesome weapons and armor and even some small quality of life editions I really hope you enjoy if you found the archaeology update from vanilla to be a bit lacking maybe better archaeology can help this mod adds several new fossils artifacts and structures to be discovered and dug up for example you can visit the Temple of Light in which you might find the totem of growth this Nifty totem will will make crup scroll faster… Read More


    RECLAIMING MY PUBLIC ON SMP SERVER!! #minecraftVideo Information स्ट ही नहीं हो रहा व्हाट द हेक हेलो लकी वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम व्हाट्स गोइंग ऑन लकी सर कैसे हो मेरे भाई कैसे हो मेक श्यर लाइक कर देना स्ट्रीम को हेलो लकी वेलकम ट लकी यार 1015 बंदों को शेयर कर दे और देख जैसे मैं लाइक कर रहा हूं वैसे लाइक कर दियो और हां एंड तक जितने भी लाइक होंगे मैं जितने लाइक होंगे उतने घंटे में वीडियो आ जाएगी बस जैसे कि एक जैसे की 20 लाइक तो मतलब की ऐसे तो कल ही डालूंगा बट बाय द वे अगर 20 लाइक होते… Read More

Ep34 Crafting the Nether Star – Minecraft All The Mods 9 Modpack