EPIC Art and Minecraft Collab – Invasion Alert!

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All right hello good evening good morning and hello afrogenix hopefully I said that right Chels hello yes look at them dancing dinosaurs I love them I’m doing good uh yeah just kind of chilled today did some more tweaking with the stream stuff and as you can kind of see the

Nightbot kind of in chat now ather just finished streaming a now I really want to get into uh streaming during the morning just can’t quite do it yet so but I want to eventually I foret all you guys already customized all your little people so cute a thank

You uh I worked reallyy hard on it uh lots and lots of hours lots of advice as well but uh yeah I think we’re going to be still doing a little bit of emoji drawing we’ve been doing a lot of drawing lately but we’re so close to

Affiliation that I got to get on the train to finishing all the uh the stickers and the Emoji stickers uh and I know yesterday um because again I was tweaking stuff for the stream um we tried doing all the boss stuff but things just weren’t working so hopefully it works now let’s

See let me test it there’s a Countdown let’s see if I want to make it so you guys have to you got to be quicker than that uh I had it on auto join and auto playay but I wasn’t sure how active we really would be with that so for now I put it on just

Uh by manual but we may have to end up turning it to just Auto join and auto play for you guys otherwise we’re going to have it just Auto uh just end abruptly let’s see autoplay is probably a good yeah here give me just a second turn it

Off just so he can get it to work cuz I was like well maybe chat wants to you know do it themselves but at the same time it’s probably going to cause an Issue okay there we go all right I’m loading it back in takes too long to add commands yeah true maybe everybody’s connection is also probably different all right let’s try that again chat uh just ignore the uh the bot so each person looks like they’re going to have to take a

Turn and uh maybe when we have more people we’ll turn on the OD or uh the manual you guys should just join manually but since we’re still kind of small um it only we have to have a at least two people so if we don’t even have two

People join it it’s just going to cancel so I think at the moment I’m going to have to just do auto join oh snap I swear I I definitely made it so the bosses a lot weaker there we go everyone’s just buffing each other look at that defense attack power

Agility I don’t think you could get any more Buffs than that this is just interesting to watch guys I’ve never seen this in play uh I think there’s like five different types of bosses that can uh spawn so for some uh the entire time that I

Was messing with it it was the Pumpkin King and uh for the first time looks like you got the Spinosaurus Dy you guys are overpowered what the heck guys are op you’re taking him down like he’s nothing I’m afraid to switch over to my drawing room and it uh abruptly end so

I’m just going to let it play out for a second ah boss fight yeah what do you usually do uh right now we’ve been just doing a lot of drawing and then uh we also play games um I know the game right now we’re playing is V Rising but because we’re

Getting close to affiliation uh I’ll probably be doing some more Emoji uh or twitch Emoji drawings so that chat can eventually get all those when people subscribe um cuz I think at the moment I think I only got like uh like like five of them so we’re lagging a little behind

We got to get to work which we’ll do right after this battle I just I’m afraid I’m going to switch the room and it just mess up the battle so I’m just letting you play out real quick look at all the little people it’s cute I think it should should be fine

But yeah better not risk it I know you guys are so close it’s fine just one more hit wait is the last hit the person that gets it or do all of you guys get get it oh oh no all of you guys get it that’s

Cool oh my God what are the but look why are there butts what are they disappearing what the heck no they’re slowly disappearing I think I don’t know what those are NPC Bots we’re getting washed by the big nizzy yes you can get watched by the big

Nizzy where did all these new no they’re definitely not viewers I don’t know what those were they were like weird NPC Bots or something are you try to attack a but maybe next time all right I’m going to change into the other room there you Go yeah uh apparently only I can um trigger those the uh Battle Royale you guys can trigger but I have to trigger the uh boss battles I think let’s see here we go all right let’s let’s get started shall we show some drawing can trigger can I Tri you know

You could try do uh what is it try typing in this oh wait oh I think you triggered it okay we’ll go for it that’s fine for me then but yeah uh I had to really Nerf the boss since we don’t have like 50 people down there so he’s

Like he got nerfed by like 30% for sure damn your boss fight set up so plain really are you sure I feel like it’s been scuffed for a while why was so scuffed huh I don’t know I I tried getting it done the other day and it wasn’t working unfortunately uh

Which mecoy was there for that stuff and then before I started streaming today I spent all morning uh configuring it so and just watching some videos until I got to a point where I liked it and then nerfed him by all the bosses by 30%

So if he had like 88 health or 88% health I put him down all the way to like 40 so just so that we have a chance cuz he does a lot of damage it’s just one person see you guys got this this you’re just on

Fire the boss scows I didn’t know you could scowl I know you can choose your uh your class but because I put Auto join and auto fight I don’t know if you can actually choose your class or not CU again if uh we don’t get people to

Join it it it won’t work so and if people are kind of drawing with me or you guys are kind of playing stuff alongside with me and you’re not noticing and you don’t put in the inputs then uh it cancels it nice good job oh no attack of the Bots

Chat what is that that’s scary why is there so it’s like a zombie AP apocalypse down there what the heck I I need to look into seeing what that is under uh the application attack the attack the Bots they don’t even have heads they are walking

Zombies oh there they go they all left you really can’t attack them then they must just be like a visual thing that well I don’t know uh the video that I follow didn’t really talk about anything like that so I don’t know if it’s like a visual glitch

Or may oh you know what they could be like fillers although I didn’t add any fillers or I didn’t toggle anything up on for fillers but it kind of not make sense to have fillers because then you have chat with like Bots that’s not fun don’t know it seems like they’re trying

To be in the fight but then they don’t actually get in the fight but then they register after the fight once the fight is over so I don’t know hugs I’m just going to have to one by one add all the other Uh custom games I know there’s one for like a

Basketball I haven’t even opened up the other games that we can all play oh no you flew off the screen uh it was kind of funky we have to uh check it out and if it’s a little weird and then we a pass on and find a different game needs to be set

Up out of the box it does not work at all ah I see well I will look into it and uh if it’s not seeming to work very well then I’ll put on or try to get something else working but uh I’ll see if I can uh browse through the system of it

Well not that we could figure out I see I don’t know maybe I could find like a a video or something cuz that’s just the only why I’ve been getting it to work just watching a whole bunch of videos and then finding out that the video is actually

Outdated and then they have to find like a different video wait what my reply is no what you must have typed in something and the bot said no interesting re can I say the Bots have a mind of their own it’s AI taking over I am hungry a oh what

Oh you guys are doing the eightball thing like what is happening with my bot right now why is it being so Sassy no I honestly don’t care uh I doesn’t I don’t mind at all I just think it’s funny don’t count on it why are you so Mean I don’t know if you’re asking me that or if you’re asking my bot that we determine everything we do know we do now oh I guess so All right sounds good uh thank you for popping in hope you had a a great Stream I’ll catch you Later otherwise we just chilling hanging out looking forward to Saturday me too I I am too we’ll catch you Later some of you look spooky with your little Avatar still There Emote looking good yeah I uh honestly it’s almost like every day is getting so close closer to closer to affiliation and I’m like I got to get all my emotes done like ASAP otherwise I’d be like probably playing something right now cuz all we’ve been doing is

Drawing but we have a really big game uh coming up anyway with a lot of people uh thank you the spicy Bracey do you have any 7 emotes uh I don’t no I don’t think so we just kind of made some uh em uh emotes up ourselves

So you’re not going to finish theot no don’t say say that don’t say that let’s see we got working on uh yeah I did some other just touchups see we got these two in the works I have the peer Tom one coming up Soon uh we guys are dead or done I don’t know dead a heart crying a raid and then we got our Bonkers which by the way um I’m probably going to remove the bat and color behind here and I’m probably going to make the bat move up and down that way uh

It’s kind of animated so just look like this doing extra work well I thought I was probably going to take like I don’t know uh an evening after stream that only take me a little bit or just a late night which I I don’t mind personally uh it’s l just taking into

The uh program and just moving up and down so like Christmas week is like next yeah I know oh that’s true we have extra days gone but well we will will at least have some emotes out and we’ll continue expanding them CU I don’t want to have only a little or

A few I want to put like a generous amount for people to have they can be used as Discord emotes yeah you sure Can you know I’ve never actually imported any like Discord emotes to use uh but I know you can do something like that so have I personally done it no what do I want to do what do you mean what I want to do you mean like during Christmas week I know Christmas

Eve um I’m going to be taking a personal day off Christmas day uh I’m busy I’ve been abducted by by family or summoned if you want to say that even if I told them I’m not available they’d come and steal me away anyway I heard the Discord server but I

Was in hermes’s chat for a second oh did any Christmas shopping no uh I’m officially poor right now I just got a house so all my expenses right now are just spiderwebs and cobwebs right now this is my wallet just spider webs nothing in it just

Flies uh I mean it’s just settings into enjoy mod I think it oh okay uh I’ll have to look into it and uh make sure that they don’t exceed the limit H cuz uh right now they’re obviously not sized correctly and so once I got to that point I was like all

Right I’m G to have to look up stuff at how to get everything ready um what’s with the DC server I heard just for server but I was in her’s chat I don’t know if you heard Discord I don’t have Discord up well I have it up but I’m not like in

It nobody’s in a chat right now or didn’t you talk about it uh oh you’re talking about the Emojis um mecoy was just telling me that you can use the emojis that I’m using or drawing for twitch for subscribers to use apparently you can also use them in your

Discord that’s what we were saying not that we were talking in Discord uh and afro there is a Discord there’s a Discord for Noir star for chat so all the Chatters can join their power together as one there’s a whole bunch of things in there um for everyone to kind of like check

Out got pet sections I think we even had like some baking pictur uh and the other star mates because I’m part of a group so you’re going to see the other uh three is it they have their channels in there too which heres is actually streaming right now too she’s also

Streaming uh looks like she’s drawing chibies right now I technically have her up uh a she’s drawing eeka guy a cute yeah she’s I’m not spying on her chat what are you talking about she’s right here I’m just I have her on my other I can’t hear her or anything but I’m just

Snooping on what she’s doing oh she’s drawing the uh Second Place raffle winner that’s right there is a twitch integration but that’s only for one streamer and not four at the same time plus the streamer needs to be the owner to add their own channel but I can still add the emotes

Yeah well for now uh just trying to get it up at them on for twitch and then maybe later we can try to get them on there honestly I didn’t know like I heard that you can do it but I just never really focused on it

So if it gets on there it’d be honestly just a bonus mainly for you guys just send them to you and I add them okay that sounds fine to me probably heard the Bonk I bonked you guys with my pen is that was a gentle cat good I’m always

Afraid that I’m going to smack the mic and then you guys are just blasted off into space from the sud I technically um did it under some settings where it’s supposed to not blast you like it’s supposed to be at a cap it’s at a cap where if it hits a

Certain range in audio it actually just won’t pick it up so that thing is working very well so I’ve definitely boned you guys like more than a handful of times already slings I know you guys were messing with sling earlier I don’t even know what the slings

Do all I know is I was looking through things and enabling all of it I know a lot of the things under commands work uh then check what they actually do sling 1000 yeah I don’t Know I haven’t personally touched anything with this sling I just know it says uh like it’s activated but I haven’t personally gone into the Thinging okay full power uhoh That’s pretty Cool I see sounds like I need to like amplify it a little bit CU it’s currently under all the defaults so maybe some others have like it increased for crazy uh results oh no uh when I when you want I can add a command for the Discord server so even when I’m not

Here oh you know what what um my nightbot um actually says hi and all that stuff to people when they say like hello and whatnot so I can actually add uh congrats um I can add a uh I don’t know 20 minute timer or something that way you don’t

Have to worry about that let me do a sticky no like uh I totally forgot about linking the Discord I just I was dealing with the nightbot stuff today thank you for reminding me yeah congrats trick nine wants to join TC he doesn’t need to wait 20 minutes for that oh yeah

Yeah true true uh yeah I can do a a command as well Weir screen did a thing yeah yeah I started learning all that stuff today it’s like one thing after another nice wow he’s a wizard thank you I appreciate that he has the power power of Commands yeah I I appreciate um twitch is just a different platform I’ve always you uh use like YouTube and stuff so I’m kind of used to the things on there but uh I never use twitch outside of streaming like I know the group wanted to

Stream or make a group together so I had to learn learn everything about twitch otherwise I never really used twitch it’s a new thing for me so I’m having to learn Everything it’s like trying to relearn like a program or something I’m used to Twitch never stream but uh yeah Discord socials Throne merch are the ones I see most Often one day hopefully we’ll have merch uh probably be a little bit I know I’ve I’ve had people ask for like our plushies and stuff but that’ll be a little bit or body pillows cuz I want to make a de body pillow asset so we can put funny things on the

Pillow like Mr moose um 7 is the wave right now o I’d have to look into it is uh yeah I’m new to all this stuff I’m taking it one day at a time you’ve been on and around twitch since launch day oh wow I

See uh I will have to look into it I Canna write that down too and then um guys are giving me like all the the tricks and advice yeah we definitely don’t want to make it harder for you guys here let’s see I’m kind of curious what that is That’s interesting yeah I’ve never seen um this extension before my advice for the day be who you are and don’t change that for any I appreciate it uh I don’t want to try to you know fit everyone’s like I guess the norm I guess

Um but I do want to make sure that uh I I have at least the basic stuff for you guys cuz I don’t streaming just doesn’t come with a pamphlet that you should just that uh you get recommended to use you kind of just have to start learning

All that stuff especially if you never used it before so it’s uh definitely a learning curve also thank you for the follow buzzle be cute buzle be you have a very nice Vibe a thank you yeah I just wanted be like a cool hangout really make new

Friends watch me just die in games all the time chat’s just seen me burn alive like so many times already on V Rising it’s kind of depressing or corer oh my God the other day that or when we were playing core keeper that was so

Bad I don’t even consider it a hard game we just I don’t know it was hard to watch that’s why I’m super excited for this weekend cuz we are having the huge group of lethal company again with more people than this time I believe I just remember a lot of death

Don’t no you don’t what are you talking about uh-uh uh-uh D what’s that cat a that’s cute Emoji like oh you guys have cute emojis I love those um yeah but I I think we only played with a handful of people last time and this time they’re saying it’s

Supposed to get pretty chaotic so uh I need to actually message them and ask uh about the mod stuff so that we don’t have another 30 minute wait which we shouldn’t uh since everything’s updated now wa what no armor no Potion No chicken meat Oh you mean core keeper oh I’ve

Read that with out like thinking context I was like what the heck are you talking about Chicken but uh yeah we we had a hard time for Sure that’s why we did a lot of grinding before we went to bed and so we’ll be ready for sure next time oh God the irind cinko Medco I promise I will go and do that before we play so one of the reasons why I didn’t play uh V Rising

Today is because I just still haven’t done that maybe I’ll do that uh tonight off stream that way you guys don’t have to uh witness that I know there was a weird um I don’t know connection issue I think it was because hermy just had too many applications up or something and

She started closing all of them it seemed to Work Ever played Terraria yeah I did play Terraria um it was definitely a little bit of time ago though it’s definitely been like shoot like two years so if anything uh we could probably Play It Again on this channel it’d be almost like fresh if they’ve done any up

Updates if uh you guys like to see that but yeah definitely been a little bit so I think it’s been a while long enough that we could probably play it again um same well I would say kind of like withhim as well uh I played until the planes and then I

Stopped but valheim would just take forever if you don’t like seeing grinding oh boy that game’s worse for that I’d have to crank up the resource gathering for streams for sure okay slots oh my gosh he’s gambling down there it looked like it worked without the

Tea your little uh machine popped up the first time okay question is I want to animate fire not fire unlocked prob not going to be able to do that command I know I saw stuff along with the things you’re using and I know they’re enabled but I haven’t messed with their default Stuff There’s a quote command Interesting you know probably more than I do that’s for Sure I think I’ll just pin animate this means that really animation like some Movement wrong Where I want did you not eat anything yet Soo for Dinner he refuses to eat at a certain point lines of this or I just CED in the wrong area there we go yeah I don’t understand I give up uh yeah I don’t I don’t know maybe it’s something I have to set up as well like

It’s under its default maybe I have to change something in it uh I looked into the nightbot a bit more I can add a time to uh yeah I I have it under my dashboard uh I just need to just put in the message myself uh I did the other messages that

Nightbot has been putting in um I’ll just add another um message to go along with it uh I wrote it down to make sure to uh do it tonight after stream how is next year going to be be most likely that is the most vague answer what food would you like today

Yes yeah I totally understand that uh I don’t think it really knows either oh you’re you’re good shko I appreciate you already doing the uh adding the command uh it it literally only takes me like a minute if that to set up the command the only thing that it takes

Time is just figuring out what I wanted to say really um with everything I’ve been setting on the stream I think they were the easiest thing to put up and I’m just so glad for that but like everything else on Twitch with extensions or games or

Whatever or just like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube over here literally the expression I am drawing is what I am like when I’m trying to get all the thoughts in the in the game to work or the games to work same face oops I head padded you guys again I’m sorry wait

What will nizy finish her modes when she get 50 ah as I see it yes the a has more confidence when nine ball ask again later is it true chat uh we’ll find out that was a horrible lasso selection right there gosh dang it That’s a little bit better I’m going clock out have a good stream okay sounds good thank you so much for popping in I appreciate that we’ll see you next time Byebye I think next stream is Friday you know what let me see this week is just kind of crazy there’s just so much happening yeah uh next stream is Friday um since I’m trying to keep cuz before I had like Friday Saturdays off but it seems like everybody wants to do collab

Stuff or at least leave it open to do collabs so now I’m just taking Wednesday Thursdays off yeah so Hermes will be streaming the days that I’m off so there’s going to be always one of us streaming from the group thankfully yeah she’s trying to do more she also works uh a

Lot outside of streaming but she’s kind of in like a pause moment so she’s trying to take the opportunity to stream as much as possible Are you trying to attack yourself what you almost look like a Raccoon funny Selections Terrible I have a meta night mask I see from this distance it looks like a raccoon or a pug they got lots of stuff on there Emo looks already good feel like we barely started coloring but uh thank you it’s going just taking a second with all this all these lines are not connected so I have to do it manually Inconveniently Okay that the one piece of hair not color supposed to be gray where Uh I don’t know we’ll probably have to uh look through all of it my hair is technically white it’s completely white I’m just trying to add more uh color in before I start doing all the Highlight stuff oh okay you see yeah these colors remove that see let’s put this under Dancing dinosaurs music so chill yeah I uh figured kind of go back and forth between um some Music I need to look up more uh what is it like chill music I guess to add to the Playlist So Uh going to probably finish two modes oh we’ll see um we do the peeking one that’s like half half the work it’s only like half ahead and a wall so maybe uh it’d be fun to hear your personal music uh I do technically have uh a metal playlist but it’s going to totally

Kill the chill Vibe and it’s very small I I didn’t have time to make it a Lar one Metal Gear revenge music oh jeez but yeah it’s not a I did make a playlist but it it probably scares some people not going to lie if they’re not uh used to that

I think it unique H some could say that I love my music I just don’t play it too often I definitely would have to add more to it um let’s see if it’s too much we can change it back bag pipes uh I think I only have maybe one bag pipe type of

Song why not hell I definitely have h where couldn’t have uh deleted it see I hope I didn’t delete it took too long to make it weird I’m hydrating right meow what’s the next emote H I technically have uh the one behind the door otherwise that’s the only thing I have at the

Moment unless I draw another or I sketch a different one see maybe I accidentally named it like something else can you imagine when did I make this could be that I don’t know I have too many freaking playlists kind of not really see what is this no it’s just my other one

That yeah I’d have to look for where I put um I guess my metal playlist cuz I definitely made one and I have a feeling somehow I well wa I didn’t believe it MH weird the Among Us disappeared a lot oh disappear when I dance probably because he’s getting

Behind you because he’s GNA stab you oh here I can turn it down there you go hopefully that’s a little bit better it’s like some of the songs that have just a really high beat they uh they really get up there in the volume oh uh I appreciate you trying uh it’s

Because I just uh moved and therefore the uh page isn’t working correctly so I was going to actually just um do bits later on otherwise I feel like we’re only like what nine people away so I was going to remove the um what is it was like

PayPal and then just use the bit system but I appreciate I I yeah PayPal is not letting it right now uh I had it uh updated but I still think it’s just being a little finicky because I’m not in the same location anymore but thank you so much I I super

Appreciate you trying to do that um yeah I’ve been having to tell people uh once um I get the bits and stuff working then then that should be working otherwise I’m going to have to fix that and it take it’s such a pain to get it done cuz

It has to go through like this whole authorization phase and sometimes uh it can take up to 24 hours hours to 42 hours for them to even confirm it and then uh you know and at that point I’m already going to probably get rid of PayPal So what’s this song called it is it’s gone I don’t even know what played I couldn’t even I didn’t even register what was playing thank you so much I appreciate you um hope to see you next time uh oh senko even alive and that was just a tap and he died

Nice I’m always alive where is that color at oh I put it it’s always one time I put it in the dang line art section hello what do you mean what yes hello hi heres hello I have noticed you what what do you mean you lost the

Gate why would you do that to me why would you do that to me why would you do that to me I’ve been winning that game for like five years why would you do that what get your back no I’m going to fight her later what the Heck oh my gosh can’t believe she did that to me rude Committed war crimes and then casually left I know we all lost the game chat I don’t know how long you guys been going for but we all lost the game music kiding it’s going fire Overlord yeah you haven’t watch season 3 it’s okay uh I technically haven’t

Either I watched the others but not season 3 even though I have like books from over um then again I am just behind on my anime manga in General once I renew everything or resubscribe to everything I probably like watch some while like editing after streams just put like an episode on it’s beautiful you should both uh season 3 then and yeah I’ll have to definitely watch it watch cyber Punk yeah of course I have I’ve even played cyber Punk

Itself and then uh well I I played cyber Punk first and then I was super excited when I saw the uh the animation come out for it yeah I know Rebecca is uh last time I checked she’s like crazy expensive let’s see cuz shortly after I watched it I was

Like they have to have some figures right well they got like the like the uh what’s it called pops but I don’t really care for the pops or I don’t really personally like the pop um figurines I don’t even consider it figures I think they’re like toys to me holy

Crap yeah just pop oh they made some in pop parade po parade is uh let me see yeah it’s kind of like the newer type of figures that’s come out but they’re actually uh affordable which is so nice for figurine collectors yeah um the only Funko Pops

That I have oh no the only Funko Pop I have is a reto and um Hermes and I got it for me for Christmas so I can’t really I can’t really you know it was a gift so yeah look at this these are on um $600 one chat I want

This Chad please we all want this this looks like amazing uh $30 that’s not bad at all considering um how much uh figures can go For that a garbage kit you have to make that what what do you mean make that or get someone to color it oh I get it you mean uh yeah it it’ll come um gray like this wait are you telling me that this is a th000

For a kit that you have to paint yourself jeez this one’s really cool too but I I’m personally like I like this this must be the type of that you’re talking about for the popup parade I love that what is this oh I guess it’s her with her hair

Down this is totally just a fan service one at that point it’s weird it doesn’t even really look like her yeah it kind of does look like like a Chinese bootleg doesn’t it I don’t it doesn’t even seem like the same person you could just tell me that this

Is like someone different or her sister and I would believe it but huh I will have to um look out for the popup version cuz I didn’t know that they had these out to be honest if it says resin or a garbage kit likely boot yeah true usually if they’re also on eBay

It’s kind of a given right and uh yeah she’s it’s going uh could personally be almost done faster so we got to book it a little bit yeah got to support the business right or the the company I I should say okay what is your most expensive

Figure yeah I have a summer saber but she wasn’t uh expensive I think my most expensive one um would either be my wolf and spice of hollow or my Vampire Hunter D figurine uh and my any Yasha one is kind of up there too it’s considered a Collectible all of those range around like the $200 range uh I know that’s not like as as expensive as some of those that can be out there but that’s just highest in my collection and I don’t know how people can afford the 400 ones I wish I could afford those but

Uh not with my wallet I don’t have any figures with I want one like nizzy with the hollow without clothes wow I don’t have a tail to cover anything though that would just be like a a fan service one if not with like a bikini or something I have a swimsuit that’s just

Made out of spiderwebs yeah 17th figures are expensive yes they are very Expensive uh I haven’t recently bought any cuz usually I buy them when I go to conventions and I just haven’t been to like an anime convention lately uh I’ve been been going to the Renaissance festivals instead um that for some reason Anime conventions are like the tickets are

Getting super expensive now cuz I like getting the hotel at the convention I don’t want to if I’m in costume and I want to go back inside like my room because I’m tired I want to be there I don’t want to walk like 3 miles to the car to have to

Drive all the way back home I’m just not about that uh I kind of like the reason why I do that is because it just all my figures have some sort of story behind each one so I can be like oh I got this one from

This convention and oh I got this one with heres and I oh I got this one with these friends you know that way they have some kind of symbolic you don’t buy a bunny figure H yeah I don’t have any bunny figures I know I like all the ones that are like

Of the show and not the fan service ones but that’s just Me there’s nothing wrong with the bunny ones But that’s for Me oh it’s really expensive yeah I wouldn’t know I never really looked into them especially if they’re like the 17th uh figures those are huge and they’re pricey yeah I think my last one that I bought for my collection would be my raap Talia from Shield

Hero she was the last one to be put into my collection and now it’s because her popup the uh from the popup parade collection came out cuz her original or the figures that I found of raap Talia be besides a pow parade oh my gosh they were so freaking

Expensive I was like I’m never going to be able to own one of her like ever and then they I went to an arcade like a gaming arcade with Hermes and I and they had a whole bunch like it’s like an anime arcade and they had a

Whole bunch of figures like right there before you go into the arcade and we were looking looking at all the figures that they had and then I saw the figurine I was like this one I can actually afford otherwise they go up to like $200 now I

Will want to eventually get like a really nice one um the one I want is the one with her and her sword which is like this one I want this one but she can be expensive yeah she goes for a lot uh the one I have is is uh like this

One this is a popup parade well doesn’t want me to but yeah I have this one sadly that doesn’t include shipping you know yeah that’s how they get you that’s why I usually try to buy them at the convention when I do make those big purchases cuz uh then I’m like well

I got like here and it has like whole story rather than I tell somebody when they come to visit and they’re like oh where’ you get that oh I just bought it online for $300 that’s it no significant story behind it just bought it for $300 Uh amyamy amyamy nids have $10 shipping aren’t those like the tiny ones too but they’re like the super posable Ones I feel like they’re expensive for what they are even though they are very um posable Oh no these are the uh the chibi ones I think about different Ones but yeah I still think those are kind of expensive for what they are if I personally wanted to buy one and there’re only like what a little a little over the size of your palm like three 4 in if that they uh you can just get pop parade and you

Get the whole figurine unless you’re just into the chibies then that’s your thing I like the whole body but that’s uh again why it would explain my wallet to be always empty when it comes to Figurines oh yeah I know they kind of almost give I mean they’re not these are definitely way better than pops but like a lot better but I is still I feel like I could get the the bigger ones I assume CCO has a CCO and indroid maybe

No sounds like you need to uh get your CCO uh figurine they’re really expensive h Hello Hermes hi I swear if you tell me that I I’m literally winning the game by like 20 minutes come on hi oh you texted or you messaged me on Discord

Here you just lost it by thinking about it yourself no um I definitely said it but uh here give me a second okay you punk okay punk I was winning that for five [Applause] years what do you mean I’m clearly talking to you oh you’re in my uh in my Twitch chat I’m making her scream her her side just full of voices right now oh God jeez oh chat it’s just instantly a whole bunch of people now oh mhm and you’re making me lose it now again yes you did yes you did I I remember clearly it says right here what is

It right we were talking about figurines uh you said here clearly I lost that M huh well senko says that you know what figurine I have a you lost the game one h we got her after all chat what no that was like hours ago before as you were uh when you started

Streaming I saw that it said you went live and you were drawing as well I was like oh well I remember you saying that if we’re just doing a drawing session if you want to chat so I uh messaged you before supposed you supposedly you went

Live I think you just didn’t uh see it right away you’re probably busy setting up I’m not lying Uh-huh I uh I got my what are you sure I throw a Pokeball every time II Arrives no she’s too wild she keeps escaping keep throwing all the master balls I’m running out of coin oh they started Battle Royale oh I’m sure you a bird Pokemon out There he’s going to give you masteral icing why me why me it’d be like trying to contain a wild animal she’d bite and Scratch you’re going to have to fight II about that I don’t think she’ll be happy about that she will eat you alive she really will Though yeah rise killed nizzy in game too oh my gosh yeah here I don’t know if you see my stream heres But you guys are fighting an eyeball I have it I have it on auto uh Auto right now because um if there’s not enough people that join on time it’ll actually just end it so people are doing like their own thing and all they’re listening to is like my my music and my voice but not actually like watching

What I’m doing it’ll obviously not joining so then uh we’ll be in a case where people will either be stuck trying to just wait for the person to do their attack or the it just won’t start at all so I had to put on auto maybe when we have a lot more

People and we can guarantee to just always have people in then we’ll do it but because then you’d have to actually join manually I’m a Neco yeah Sino is a cat he’s a red cat I noticed yeah you guys you guys keep buffing and healing you got all the Buffs on right now

At least somebody put all the Buffs so did you finish your drawing nice oh my gosh she’s always out to fight me chat oo res switch over and do a little bit I’ve been drawing for a while so yeah which one you want to do sure go for it we just

Stream until we both die of lack of sleep oh I see mecoy is scalding me he’s like you’re only going to get one emote done it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay ah it’s because we’re getting so close to being Affiliated I only actually oh my God I definitely got what

One or I think just one follower right what 43 I know I’m so close which means uh yeah I need to get um my stickers done um soon well we got one so I mean we’re going and we’ll continue putting in more for everyone so

They can get it’s not going to just be like Oh I’m Affiliated that’s all you get I’ll keep uh making more don’t you worry uh you’re going to have to let me know when uh everything’s working over there oh wait uh oh God medai just used the eightball

And said is she going to make it and ail said ask again later yeah see met uh even Bait itself doesn’t know no whether or not I’ll finish my emotes before affiliation well honestly I don’t have a uh a certain amount goal I’m just making as many as possible let’s see I’m pretty

Sure this is good so let’s merge that let’s merge all of these Otherwise you had to be a chibi okay Cool oh no I definitely didn’t do that yes Mom yeah oh yeah when the if you ever set up your um if you do stream avatars you need to download um when you open it up there’s a steam section and you go into it and literally the first uh extension for the application gives you like a whole bunch of extra

Um outfits that you can use for the Chatters so you want to download that and that came with the pack so eightball did nizzy one ask again later that is unfortunate gosh all right let’s see I got to open this where did I put my skin where did I

Question is where did I save it just on my she’s probably tired uh okay oh wait no no no oh I didn’t mean to start I meant to change my skin let’s change that take it off nice yeah Chad she had to do my own skin because the application to make the skin

Just does not not work like there’s something wrong with the Java so she had to take the time to do it for me ah new skin this is weird saying out of context oh yes which skin should I choose oh no is she G to make it chat I like how you

Invaded made me lose the game and inv made it again and you’re like Minecraft what is this blasphemy you know exactly what I’m talking about oh my gosh I almost forgot my star it’s always a dang star why do I always do that man I have so many applications up see I

Have currently just application of Minecraft up the launcher got stream avatars vtube Studio steam Discord Photoshop OBS the internets and my mood board I can invade chat we’re going to go invade PC at the brink of death no my PC is fine chat uh my my PC should there if it

Can’t handle that then I’m returning my PC because it is way too dang much I spent equivalent to $6,000 for my PC it should be fine I take it that new uh-uh uh let’s see multiplayer oh wait I think I need a Machi open have to connect you

No no wonder why your wallet is cobwebs h I’m a spider yep uh okay let’s do that’s fine that’s fine okay I have to change my categories so Minecraft stop it wait what I left the game okay maybe I have to do a direct I just clicked on it and oh internal

Exception Java Lang n pointer exception cannot invoke net Minecraft sir saying turn it on and off you wanted to change the category just waiting for you to switch uh still it says green now uh I can should I just I mean it was green earlier but oh there we go okay chat let

Me screen oh yeah I’m trying it’s being what give minute uh this trouble is real give me a second it’s Just just throwing them around in different rooms you are mine uh wait where did I put why does it not work with oh no it did load just being weird yeah it’s whenever ever I click off the game it goes black for them so what what wait what cut down a tree

Uh give me a sec my streamer avatars is being weird on their screen um you’re not going to see the scuff Stam it’s always scuff with me chat it’s how you know it’s real uh and I didn’t have anything like usually I start the games before we

Stream or at least I try to to get everything ready to go so all I have to do is just switch to the game I didn’t have any of that so you have to watch me uh manually do it on stream wait am I I’m still in creative mode oh I

Am how do I get out of that o here we go I was like why am I hitting things in one shot that’s uh yeah oh my God it’s been a while ow I forgot what’s bag again wait you died her me she just s wait she’s silent uh here let

Me I you messed up my uh my uh safety hole you’re and now zombies can get in get away from me zombie jeez I didn’t do anything yes you did uhuh I’m just over here trimming the tree there welcome Raiders thank you hello she’s been

Raided they came in just as I died you can see my dead body stuck in a wall they can smell death yeah funny enough uh apparently if you leave the dead body long enough it’ll turn into a skeleton is the stream is the stream on

Mute do I no no no does he say something hello good day good evening good morning her is a punk hey this is a stream okay all good all good uh can you please shortcut for game away why are the zombies so buff Weir it occurs to me that I probably have the

Sound off though there now you can hear Minecraft stuff what wow that was loud what hold on I don’t think you can hear it in quick chat what’s inventory because obviously it’s not I and it’s not tab e e is inventory I hope you had a good

Stream mythics uh you streaming uh dead by daylight God oh thank you for the follow oh mythics thank you for the follow I appreciate it hold on I’m struggling to get the audio scuff scuff scuff scuff we weren’t planning to play Minecraft tonight and then she invaded I invaded nizzy’s

Stream and told her to play Minecraft with me she yed me away and then now we struggle Chad we should live in the caves because we’re in the mountain okay you’re definitely still not hearing the game capture audio you ate you would be a cannibal wouldn’t rotten meat also hurt

Me you trying to get me killed you’re trying to get me killed that’s what you’re trying to do chat okay now you can definitely hear the game all right scuff time over I think SCU is always present shush it practically needs an emoji at this point yeah let’s see you usually burry

Yourself in the ground and wait for day yeah I mean it doesn’t help that we definitely got started more more or less as the sunset so and then we’re scuffing while we try to do that now it’s really loud okay hold on we’re to zombie not be considered human how is that ow

Can you hear block breaking do be scuffing the McGuffin yeah what all right um uh well getting beat up by an alien or not I hope you had a good stream I hope you had fun welcome uh this is our first time in our brand brand new modded

Server um we hope to make an amazing uh world out of this uh let me cheat just a little here and actually I’m going to show everyone off our starting area hopefully I don’t get lost this Time uh so we’re starting and essentially the Great Valley if you’ve ever seen The Land Before Time um it’s this huge crater surrounded by these really cool mountains oop and it’s got some really big caves built into like this really cool like split Twin Peak here um and then those trees

Over there and such are part of some of the mod packs and we’ll have to explore the rest of the world uh as we go I don’t want to show off too much and I promise I didn’t look around all that much except to find a cool starting

Point I know there’s an ocean over here and yeah so here’s our our lovely little home it is a home try the shortcut of let’s see try holding down F3 and then only tap not hold F4 should open a shortcut for the game modes okay F3 F4

Wh well probably should have done that on the ground you died twice what the heck H I don’t know what you’re talking about uh usually I’m the one dying what’s happening don’t worry about it all right chat I saw some water which means we need it for crops I wonder if I

Can get it to come down or our farm it does work thank you I won’t be using that too often uh funnyness I H didn’t really think that through at all where you going nizzy huh what you doing um well I thought it would be enough water

But it clearly isn’t but I was going to try to bring the water down in a way to be able to use it for crops I see I see um I don’t think I’ve ever been called a foolish soggy grape before mythics uh mythics says you H ho ho take

This you foolish soggy grape that’s what gravity says though not specifically mythics what am I trying to do what do I want nizzy’s already doing like water yeah um should I do huh huh huh are my little death markers forever going to be here now that I’ve died I hope those go

Away oh she already made seedy Place jeez she call me cheese cheese cheese Louise the water are the friends we made along the way I love water water and I are friends yeah you are except she usually goes by Mizu true she say she’s going to one day

Teach me how to become a water spider like my ancient ancestors yeah CCO says new clip unlocked maybe wait what just me dying or the fact that I’ve been called a soggy grape a bowl of wo B bowl of wo I don’t know that’s what medy

Said I’m awful at saying things so but chat knows that so all right I got two wheat we have some bread going along we’re great we can feed a whole village now wow meanwhile I walked in a circle and got confused let me just go get some Stone it’s

Fine there’s some coal over [Laughter] here oh what say CCO said that I’m being a of War you guys both have red names so for some reason I registered that as uh medic boy I’m sorry zingo Mythic says that you say that you’re going to set up uh a super

Dangerous forever infinite DMV where the lines are infinite and will never Escape wait what I don’t know what did they just tell what did they just say to me they’re putting words in your mouth I know excuse me you said what oh a I think trying to

Do it’s kind like how I like saying G garage garage and I love your garage let me get the torch all right I think that’s oh actually get rid of that there we go uh nizzy how is the iron grind goinging stop stop awful why is your chat talking about my iron

Grind in your own chat what I asked that I don’t know what you’re talking about you’re lying your chat’s saying that I told chat I do that offline because nobody likes watching The Grind that and I need to bump up the the resources all right I have a good

Amount of crops ready to go to be planted I just need seeds nice do you play V Rising too mythics iron farming in the PTSD core memory unlocked oh no yeah well it’s just cuz you need the iron to uh during the iron stage but you

Can’t Farm iron and the only way I can find iron is through like the camps because in order to mine iron you need an iron pick so how are you supposed to mine iron without an iron pick because you have to smell the iron for or you

Know you can’t so the only other way you can really find iron is you got to go around the entire Villages and just freak Havoc upon everybody and steal all their iron in their chests and if I’m doing it the hard way please do enlighten me cuz uh I’m doing

I guess the hard way if there’s another way uh mythics just says uh that they watched someone play and that they pretty much cried about uh how is a historically plentiful metal element so rare this is so evil yeah it really is that’s funny you think you farm enough but you

Want uh yes that is exactly the quote of 2023 you think you farm enough you don’t you’ll never be clean you’ll never have enough nizzy you’ll never have enough now I’m just upset ah I don’t think I’ve ever played Grim Dawn oh look it’s like a fallen tree

With moss on top I don’t even know that is I think I play gron I totally didn’t mine some wood with a pickaxe you didn’t see that God say yes so there’s a chance aall how long without a doubt oh God uh aall will she get enough iron yes definitely

H oh good one day what this is just a through passage okay well we got to get out of here cuz it’s already dark how many times do you think it takes to kill a spider by punching it it’s a good question it was at least four

All right let’s get a stone pickaxe now that my wood one broke maybe a stone sword while I’m at it just so I have something I want to go in the the caves but one I’m so close to dying I have no food these are oak trees you should be

Able to get some apples or you can go jump in the ocean on the other side of the mountains there’s some fish to mine iron and V Rising you need a merciless copper mace H you know I don’t know if I have the recipe for that and that’s why I’ve

Been having to do it the hard way what do you not have a recipe for they’re telling me how to get iron and V Rising oh gotcha just Mir or is the Minecraft music getting louder and louder me hold on let me just it was pretty

But give me apples I can’t even hear nizzy oh and then it stopped suddenly can’t hear me huh you couldn’t even hear think I’ll die if I eat the rotten meat ch’s trying to kill me go find some food for nizzy run off into the darkness I’ll find an Apple

Sometime what was that I think nothing are you sure it sound like a boom uh it’s nothing don’t worry about it mhm sure you say so why don’t you say so didn’t even notice I’m literally deforested and there’s not a single Apple what is this blasphemy Gods give me the Apple please

I’m working on it I’m working got it Hermes tell your Gods to like chill look I’m trying ohmighty Minecraft Gods give me Apple I think I am also the Minecraft God all right let’s see uhar Izzy out here saying Hermes watch out you’re in danger me being like I can’t hear you

What pretty [Laughter] accurate okay off into the distance I go again I guess nizzy is starving to death so and she’s requesting the aid of the Gods which I suppose is ow me super appreciate don’t die first I will definitely try to the next time we play probably do that it’ll probably be

Faster all right got another seat here lava let’s not fall in any lava pits that would be unfortunate um going to die no I found a pig I guess I’ll kill this one Pig not the piggy we’ll worry about finding more pigs later why is this Valley so it’s

Literally equivalent to Death Valley at this point oh no not the oh no oh no oh and I died again ah don’t worry about it I can eai myself back to spawn as many times as I need to uh just reincarnate as myself that’s just how it

Works she just keeps isaking back into the valley gosh darn this baby zombie though no just put up a web to catch some bugs no you were that easy wait can I eat these mushrooms can I eat these I like how I’m casually just picking mushrooms she’s just dying over

There on the other side of the Valley can I eat these I can’t eat these mushrooms okay I guess it makes sense not to just pick random mushrooms and eat them but you have to have two types of mushrooms and then you can put them in a bowl for mushroom soup so

Picky you’re picky well I’m sorry I don’t want to eat the zombie meat that chat wants me to eat I don’t know if I can even punch a creeper to death but it’s better than the baby zombie back and forth back and forth Punch The Creeper back and forth

I’m about to go see there any Villages that I just go pillage real quick I have a pork chop for you just make yourself a little Stone furnace at the house I just this is going to take me a second to go collect it surrounded by mobs you know what blow up thank

You my gosh I don’t even care about that body right now I can turn into a skeleton got to go get this body I am struggling chat it’s a good thing this isn’t a hardcore mode or I’d be long dead already don’t touch me I want to leave these here cuz I also

Want to bring them back H hold on chat I’m struggling I’ll read your comments in just a second chat keep keep spamming her chat do it now do it rude keep spamming you got this yes I did lose against a baby it’s a mean baby wow zombies are just out to get you

Look I have it’s so peaceful on my end like I have no idea what you’re even dealing with that must be must be nice nizing how rude I hope the zombie behind you gets you there you go there’s some flowers for your Graves ow how rude

There nizzy eat your pork chop that I worked so hard for you mean the ones that I just brought back oh wait what oh no I have some you go get your own ow rude I solved your problem now you’re at full stamina and health no what why am I so far

Away I’m about to die it’s 925 M what did you change the spawning point no I didn’t did it not put you at the spawn no I’m like two weeks away from getting to you oh look I can steal all your stuff no no no it’s all mine now no

What take your pork it’s my body pillow chat only for $49.99 here you can have all your wood junk back oh I can’t put it back yeah it is no it’s not yeah it is wait where’d you put my stuff hold I’m putting it in a chest hold on hold your

Horses yandre Vibes here sheesh yandre you mean you’re wait you calling yourself a yandere no mythics is saying yandere vibes it’s not like I fed you or anything here have your gosh Dain pork chop they’re in the chest heres thank you heres you’re welcome show the proper gratitude to your

Gods thank you Hermes you’re the oh greatest most beautiful goddess there ever was of the valley that’s right don’t you forget it time to click my mutton let I just I’m going to only take one mutton and you can have my other mutton thanks uh I want to check and see

If my wheat has grown at all so I could go and kidnap all the Sheep yeah I mean make pets with the Sheep uh-huh Chad I swear n and are on the same side oh we are it’s just like the type of anime where we’re just punching each other but we’re still

Bros you just kick each other asses but then when we’re both like fighting like a different opponent we’re like look at each other in slowmo we’re like let’s just join forces for now yeah all right check that going over the mountain was extremely difficult so you

Went over the mountain I I was working on it let’s go through the mountain oh it’s a great story mecoy you see I achieved and getting um you know pork and uh it just so happened that I gave flowers to Hermes because she died a lot

Right and uh I was like here you go for your Graves cuz you died recently and she straight up just murdered me so now my life is uh restored she asked for the assistance of the Gods I may not be able to do much about The Hunger thing in general but I

Can make a fully restored Body by eing her back into existence so you know just kill her first and then eai her literally total and e toally oh my God oh yes exactly mythics exactly also hello s legs a lot hopefully your evening is swell me and hermies are just bickering

At each other to be honest I lost the game stop it what is wrong with you why are you so why are you so mean tonight oh there she goes just laughing it off at least now you got a clip a I’m afraid to know what that is or what clip you’re talking

About goodness we’re equivalent to like what is it the movie r r r except more vicious or violent does the death really matter or count as a death if I I can bring you right back I don’t know gives you the fredes yes be afraid be very afraid grow

Grow give me wheat give me bread we can’t go over it we can’t go under it maybe I need to join just to keep the balance I won’t but I’m enjoying this a well you’re going to have to some time Mizu because you know piece that does come with the fact

That when you do join sometime is nice it’s like Mizu is a peaceful one yeah or The Peacemaker uh nizzy if you go through my tunnel uh don’t mind the emeralds uh I will mine those once I have have an enchantment on my pickaxe so I can get

Extra emeralds out of it okay I think I’m going to go into the tunnel or uh mines anyway uh I just wanted to fill out these last bits of the crops but I’m not really getting any luck ah how you got betray by Hermes uh

Well she’s granted her wish she no no I did nuh-uh uh-uh not that way be careful what you wish for you never know how the gods will grant it no our star SMP yeah maybe only Hermes would find you on your death’s bed and you’re just like one day I’ll

Get better and hopefully see you and in the mid midst of talking she just punches you in the fa face and like just ends you and then you’re reborn and she’s like there you go and you’re like H well that’s what it feels like and what’s wrong with

That it’s a definitely an emotional level that I cannot explain but it’s definitely a uh sus one all right so I got three we’ll leave it to that cuz the rain’s not going to fill out these anyway later let’s go into the caves with our already destroyed partially destroyed

Pickaxes uh we should actually make another one I’m tunneling my way to this ocean over here at least I think it’s this way who knows how far it is she took my wood you took my w I did I took all the wood she did take my

Wood peace was never an option that’s true you did wish for it you didn’t say how it would occur Chad you have to be on you have to be on my side on this heres Hermes is a monkeyy paw yeah it’s something you want to wish

For but you get it in the wrong way that or a way you don’t really want to happen it’s like a double-edged sword yeah what’s right I don’t see the problem the wish was granted sounds good Senco we’ll do don’t you be making deals over there H this doesn’t concern you nizzy she

SS uh where they are I still don’t okay random clattering sounds that’s not for me I think it’s just random ambient noise oh okay I I’m on my side she’s on her own side chat no I’m your disciple I’m on my Master’s side you can’t be on her

Side don’t be you’re corrupting my viewers hm are you smacking wood with a pickaxe although you didn’t have a axe but you do uh maybe no one said that I’m a professional of this all right I’m look I know that there’s a good good good to hear that was just a random ambient

Noise no no that one has no entrance at this one is this an entrance no ow this goes to nothing make another one of these I left the other one back there me pickaxes that was only one I said two I’m watching both at the same time it’s

Dedication what’s said the same time no j s is watching both of our streams oh well we did go entirely opposite directions I think yeah I can hear rain we might almost be through the mountain uh it’s really dark oh yippee hey let’s go hey let’s go I’m happy as can

Be digging under a mountain laughing at nizzy’s Misfortune whoa whoa whoa whoa no need for noises yeah pretty much I’m having fun I’m glad nizzy could join you hear that nizzy I’m glad you said you’d hang out ye I’ve been wanting to hang out for a little bit on Minecraft

We’re almost free now chat we’re almost free yay we made it except uh I don’t have another door hold on hold on let me make a door at the end of the tunnel almost free from noar Star a that’s one thing I don’t want to be free from

Doing the speed run to the depends which no are star the world yes I’d like to be free from that the group nah I like the group well enough well enough what does that mean h I heard that I don’t I say anything uh I shouldn’t destroyed that I

Don’t know why I did that I need to make stone stuff woohoo Stone stuffff yeah I accidentally destroyed some copper because I mined it with wood like a bum bum nizzy I know this isn’t even the ocean what the heck you trying to find Mizu no trying to find

I she just in the Forest yeah it’s in the dark oh smack come Here yes I have I have a bird you have a BB oh jump oh gosh cat sounds like she’s dying over there I don’t know what you’re talking about I found the Water don’t know if I’ll ever find my door again but you know thank you for the follow how it goes appreciate that and jump and jump where are you uh in the void you’re in the void yes now I must close myself into a wall hello parrot what are your probound like my

Pronouns good job she but hello thank you for the follow appreciate that yeah it’s on my shoulder now you can hear she you stole a bird now is that what you did yeah here it is it’s on my shoulder you see it why is there a door right here

Huh I found her cave chat how is this possible what I don’t oh okay funny our pronouns are dedicated really though honestly funny Mr dedicated ah got to make lots and lots of torches always when am I not you know it’s a it’s a good question all right here’s my new home

Away from home that I’ll probably never find again after today forever lost make a lovely little furnace uh I don’t know if this is smart or not you run out to the void uh I’m doing something okay this is a dead end let’s let’s close this off there’s since following you

All only was it present one streamed yeah but I understand that that’s if anything uh that’s a lot more important so and we’ll always be be here so unless for some drastic reason I end up stopping but no yeah I’ve worked too hard to just up and quit right now so

Mhm unless just something drastically is happening that would cause me to not stream for a little bit but I would update you before that happens so yes one day even if it’s just more than one day we will see you when you come back being in a tight cave like that would be

Scary yes I have Been uh jump scared or a few times wait is that it really wait where was that oh it was back here I think for the iron or not iron I think it was ah oh wait can we use him over here let’s go let’s go let’s go no I wasted

Him I was going to make him blow up this area so I didn’t have to mine it that’s okay and the night time is lasting forever yeah but it has given me a moment to appreciate my parrot and to eat that cookie that I brought me a while

Ago you got a cookie what kind of cookie a white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookie from Subway Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum B mhm chat let’s not get lost right I mean I shouldn’t get lost I’ve only been I’m just one extra room over chat tell me when she’s lost stop

No oh where where oh wait he’s probably in here come here B sit down oh not on me off sit somewhere random ow quite a quote a wise man uh I will always come back Subway cookie go hard yeah they’re pretty good actually leave my bird right

There I will say although I don’t eat that many sweets they they are really good mhm all right now I shall truly uh no I do not’s request wait what request fish fish you said feed me oh Gods I shall I get the fish yes little me baby my little kitty

Cat is pawing at me she’s like mother who yeah that’s pretty much what she Says oh I see you you little bugger I’m in the sea and that Squid’s gone Terminator is close I think yeah I’ll be back that was a scary sound that was a scary sound did you uh is it The oh what are they uh I don’t remember what they’re called I just know it was like they updated for the underground stuff oh I’m in an ocean right now um You Dr honestly yeah probably ow I actually have played Minecraft a long time but I’ve always played on like

Silent with like the little captions in the corner so I actually don’t really know what anything sounds like oh really so you just don’t know when you’re actually getting snuck up on yeah a little bit that’s terrifying she she plays scary mode chat at least I can hear them

Coming well the the caption tell me something’s there they’ll be like footsteps and stuff I never look at the captions we we live different lives you and me well I have the captions off now so it’s a little weird it’s a a little disorienting um I’m not sure I know the

Exact quote you’ve got there Sino with uh I will always come back but I do know the um like Kingdom Hearts version of that where it’s like uh What uh I’ll come back for you I promise I know you will is it a FNAF mem that’s a drown you know I don’t

Know I used to be keep up with the FNAF stuff and then like the games kept coming out so only watched like the first two games I think maybe three more than I’ve seen and I haven’t seen the FNAF movie yet I’m a little out of loop when it

Comes to FNAF as in I haven’t watched or done anything with it yeah Miss A FNAF it was spooky did you any of you guys watch the FNAF movie that came out I would bet Senco has from the reaction just now yeah they said yeah Mago said no who swim faster not me

Drowning yeah that’s good I’ll probably watch it one of these days I kind of just watched like what three or four different movies in theater though so I’m kind kind of holding off until stuff comes out on uh like streaming services last movie I watched was spiderverse 2 oh I see

Yeah spider like into the spiderverse or across the spiderverse uh they said spiderverse to yeah funny sites your funny scent C I’ve got like Amazon Prime and stuff I’m sure it’ll probably be available on there no this is way how many fish do you think it takes to feed a

Spider you know it’s a good question ah get away from me oh my gosh they’re going to kill me stop I died he was slain by a spider stop it oh no it’s thrown me off into the distance again you need to set your spawn point

Hold on I thought the uh the spawn was in the valley I thought so too but I apparently only set my own spawn point so oh I I mean I can fly over there I guess and then set it you’re going to have to tell me what it is though that’s a good

Question but how do you uh I’m not in the valley well I mean how did you set your spawn point um um forward SL spawn okay here here let me go back to the valley I think I know where so I’ll just close my little door here yes BB come with

Me got killed by they were feral chat the spiders of Noir star don’t seem to like her much no they don’t you can see all my like I died here points I don’t know if and when those go away I hope they do sure sure

Sure I have a BB I don’t have very many BBs in this game I’m super excited about having a BB BP BP B you have oh well they only take seeds to tame right yeah but I never find any and yet there was one just waiting

For me H I should totally go that way right chat uh hold on I’ve climbed too far I got to get to the other side of this this I think uh and then my C entrance should be over here welcome back spocky how’ your celest stream go yeah I’m not Minecraft the

Wizard I almost died um Minecraft knowledge worthy but I got a lot of seeds trying to head back oh my gosh some a lot of caves over here they are in most jungle biomes but you know I just never find jungles very often yeah and when I do usually I’m playing

With Mizu or someone who wants the BB more than I do so then I don’t get one yes Kitty you want on my lap hello H come on mine have been suspiciously quiet today yes hello yes join your mother I now have one of my fur babies

In your lap yes is it me so baby it’s the uh other one who wants dinner times two right my cats don’t get breakfast lunch dinner they get uh breakfast dinner and second dinner like Hobbits they are eating the plants I’m trying to get all the seeds I should have plenty of seeds

Now nice nice lots of emeralds I’m 300 M away out of 1,000 oh you’re almost here oh my gosh I just made it back into the can I take these back does this chicken want to come back with chicken oh gosh what have I done to

Myself in the valley but it sounds like nizzy no longer wants assistance so well it just depends if I can get them over the valley uh-huh uh-huh come children oh no and it’s getting night time welcome back Sketchy yeah uh nizzy your farm could use some work what what do you mean they’re growing it it was a bit of a rough Farm a rough Farm yeah wait where’ they go chicken no they’re running away I’m so excited about it oh that’s should CH never mind goodbye with you you’re too

Much if you come you come if you don’t goodbye the morning workout right we’ll get there in the morning at this point do you want me to summon you well I’m technically on the other side of the the mountain now Uh don’t tell me that’s sketchy I didn’t set up that field I am more than aware what do you mean my field is perfectly fine chat tell them tell them it’s we worked on it together and it was the most beautiful no me and my chat worked on it together

Gotcha uh sketchy would like you to know that it’s uh not beautiful and that one block of water can uh cover up to a 9 by9 Square our server is like 5 minutes old it’s good enough it’s a baby oh my God it’s like jumping simulator all over

Over again jumping up or going up oh this is cool is this a through passage please be a screw passage no it’s not swear I heard one sit down bird no I I did it I would have done it right zinko you’re supposed to be on my side stop corrupting my

Chat what the BB’s name oh I haven’t named a BB yet um cave Explorer oh this is cool chat you tell me what the BB’s name is I hear you zombie while we wait for nizzy and roast her uh what hydrate or dydrate you mean roast me you’re not

Going to cook me are you yeah spiders don’t taste great single I maybe try again on the BB’s name do they say single yeah what the heck good good drink your water oh it’s nizzy that was Rude I didn’t do anything your chat can’t prove anything either what the heck what was that look at this beautiful thing it’s great oh let me just come look at your farm with you oh yeah you said set the spawn how do I set the spawn again oh follow me

And then the spawn supposed to go inside our little house for now come come come come to Mezy get in the Box now forward slash uh spawn let’s see spawn point and then I think that’s it spawn point say unknown oh oh it’s the parrot making zombie noises oh nizzy the lunatic we got some single haters single I didn’t say I didn’t like

Single I just said it was a weird name uh that didn’t work for my spawn thing what fine hold on spawn point nizzy day there oh I guess I should do that for others but they haven’t joined the server yet so we’ll figure that out when how Rude oh look like a ninja he’s gone oh it’s a spider I’m going to kill the spider Rude why H H I’m going to kill the spider come here nizy I don’t care care that’s not my broodlings or slings I got the wheat you don’t want to

Kill me I got the wheat you didn’t even replant the field no because you’re chasing after me chat tell her to go away and then I’ll fix the field I already fixed it VI uh nizzy I have something for you to know no I don’t want to know ow rude oh

Yeah I lost ow well I had to go in here anyway actually who Jesus ah you’re welcome sketchy give me everything I’m gonna we test if your spawn Point’s working it it is hello BB she’s gone a damn I lost the game see it’s a never ending cycle at this

Point cuz all you want to think about is the game I swear we’re on the same side oh nzy I did bring you food there’s tons of fish in the chest it’s all yours yay wish granted times two aren’t you the lucky mortal yes sper ow I don’t think I could

Kill this thing with a block an assist at least yeah can I should I out my chat just a little bit nizzy they’ve definitely got something out for you just so you know no why is your chat so mean to me stop it Gremlins I mean [Laughter]

Skeletons you all right no I mean yes it’s okay you as many times as you need I need to get make a wooden sword or something ew I don’t like how your bird growled at me I know I didn’t realize the BB did that says the person who’s awake at

Almost 5:00 a.m. cinko that’s just a personal problem though not going to lie you’re a personal problem I’m the personal problem I beg to differ her look at him he’s just Camp he just camp in my body now ow oh I can’t do anything hold on nizzy I’m coming

No I think it’s this hole over here let’s see oh ah jeez an Enderman jump scared me in my ear in this hole set up a couple of Lights here go oh well I technically killed him but doesn’t mean it wasn’t uh really hard to do that all

Right I got you I got you a bit okay I I got out woohoo wait where’s my wheat there are two bodies over here get both still holding a a plant waiting for what jeez look away for one second n is just over there going crazy

I have to oh good night Seno oh good night o I hope you finish off your school nicely so you can uh have your nice winter break waiting for the death message technically since I resurrect everyone there’s no official death message The Sounds in this game are so

Loud they always sound like they’re right there yeah it’s trying to startle you yeah you and your munchin me yeah good night good luck on the last day of school and any tests you may have to finish off the semester quarter or whatever trimester thanks cinko all

Right I need another BB name that’s not just a what was it Splinter or something like that splinter maybe that wasn’t quite it but give me a cuter BB name please chat cuter chat she’s ask single very nicely is single Perry Parry the Platypus we got Tulin that’s from that’s from Legend of

Zelda brute Parry the parrot Parry Parry the parrot or so no the saying would be uh p parrot Parry the [Laughter] parrot there we go I do like Perry Tulin is the the character from uh tears of the Kingdom yeah and is already a BB a very famous

BB got people who actually could think of names showed up um spocky it’s not not that splinter was a bad choice it was funny but also I just didn’t really want to call my first cute BB ever Splinter yeah know he’s cute sitting out here under a tree in the rain you left

Him in the rain yeah I did the house is too cramped for him he’ll have a nice home of his own one day don’t worry he’s just a little BB oh your cat’s being loud mine’s not being loud but she’s definitely giving me the look of mom I want

Dinner other mom is asleep and or half dead you got to feed me seeds for BB well I can’t I think I’ve already fed it seeds at the moment or will that hurt it oh yeah okay okay I’m sorry BB how do you feed Seed is it upset cookie oh it’s joined me now [Laughter] uh uh that’s not good what’ you do hey hey nizzy you should return home why no reason am I going to come over there and then there’s just things destroyed I don’t know what you’re talking about what do you do

Nothing I didn’t do anything yes yes where go around the back of the house you know that’s an issue oh it hurt so much okay bye you didn’t come [Laughter] in why is he at her place because it’s the only house in the area

Uh oh I’m kind of stuck here oh oh this might actually work out oh shoot it could definitely hit me here let’s see come back come back around come on oh no not this way not this way I got it oh you did get him I was to

Try to sneak up behind him ouch and then I fell in a hole okay [Laughter] well come on jumping let’s we can jump up a hill right that was a struggle I need to eat something I don’t know what nizzy’s plan was uh I was going

To I don’t know sneak up behind him I guess I don’t know I’m amazed that I’m alive too don’t don’t be surprised about that all right let’s eat this I’m surprised there was only one illager so that’s nice all right uh I will be right back everyone my kitty cat is

Poking me and my doggo definitely needs a bathroom break right about now so uh go watch nizzy for half a second and I will be back in 5 to 10 minutes depending on how long my dog takes yeah and they normally come with like those big bowl things that like

Knock down everything I don’t know why it was so easy this time it’s going to be hard to watch My Stream I don’t even know how to make bread three pieces of wheat across the crafting board oh wait wait in a crafting board yeah yeah on a table wait in a table

Yeah yeah yeah what yeah three three PE three across oh yes I’m like over here trying to cook it I’m like Ste the we the other all right I will be right back uh follow nizzy for half a second and I will be back in a couple minutes by 10:15 is oh

No it’s all on me No uh we have to expand the farm more do more food uh I think I need more Dirt hi meu I am trying to fix my oh why do I keep doing that I keep jumping on the seeds when I’m not supposed to do that there we go I’m trying to fix my farm cuz chat doesn’t like my farm it looks like but I don’t have a bucket

To do crazy things either hello we are doing things don’t you have iron what do you mean actually dang it uh you know I might have brought back a few pieces so we can actually try that let’s see I’m so close and dying uh you always go borrow some I know but

You know how Hermes is she’s going to like whack me upside the head just don’t tell her chat Uh where okay we’re making a bucket I’m going to just put this iron back like nothing happened and she just going to think that we only had six iron my lips are sealed yes I meant murder oh no no don’t you know Hermes is like Immortal she just comes back and haunts

You like three times worse oops let’s SN a bucket a I think the water is um upam it won’t let me take any uh I don’t know I’m going to have to probably bring some up from Top it won’t let me grab any of this where’s the source yeah unfortunately we might have

To watch this just be one oh my gosh it really is it was just one piece there’s no way no yep it was I guess so no my crops are just not going to have any water uh which means we should probably leave this here so they at least have some sort of

Water also thanks for the follow uh is it coming yeah oh no our water full I liked our waterfall okay well I guess we should go look for some water you place it down near the bottom yeah and then we need what like is it I can’t remember if you need like a

4×4 of water to have infinite water or if it’s 2x two I’m not sure it’s pretty amazing to watch not going to lie what stop it feels like you’re uh I don’t play Minecraft that much if I do it’s for like building but when it comes to like real survival stuff

Uh it’s literally like naked and freed for me if you know that show if you don’t know that show what I just said probably sounds very weird uh our crops aren’t going to get any water uh I don’t see like any water source on the map either well

I guess we got to go explore um actually let’s get more wheat so we can make some more bread before we go oh no they’re not they’re not growing okay time to find some water it’s our mission cuz the valley doesn’t want to give us any oh look there is water just

On the other side of that how comical is this I have to travel up a mountain okay here we go you got this let’s go we got this I already hear skeletons ow stop leave me Alone you know what sucks is we only have one bucket what is are you kidding me you want me to go down that at this point I we need to make like an entrance through like straight out of the mountain to go to the other side just got to bring one more block

Okay all right don’t die nizzy please don’t die please don’t die please oh look iron we need iron right yeah okay and then you make a 2 by two source for infinite water I like the sound of that that’s that’s our goal who knew such a epic journey for pale water is

Such a thing I am at this point thinking I should just dig straight out from the valley of this mountain so we have an entrance into the valley this is crazy if we ever wanted to go somewhere where that is every time we would travel

I know one of us star mates from the North Star group are just going to die from falling no no no no one time I spent 4 hours Journey at 1:00 a.m. for sea pickles for sea pickles is it like for an aesthetic thing what is that where okay where where’s the dude

He’s not following us is he he’s going to sneak up on me and like push me into the cavern with my pale bucket that that’s disgusting I don’t like any of that it’s like a giant void just in the ground okay water oh okay I think if you go near that you die

You know H you might you might be correct that is really cool though uh definitely not GNA explore that now though uh I’m leaving there is no way this goes well no sorry I have a cough uh you might be right I don’t think it would go well either that’s why I’m

Leaving the longer we’re near that the more likely something’s going to happen so especially with a uh creeper Around why does it look even taller than before h die so much stop it no no such thing it’s okay we’re doing this to survive to make our bread okay h concentrating on not falling okay this way this way ah we’re so close oh look there’s some Cole I’ll take

That that might be what happens no oh I can hear myself through hermes’s computer for a second that was weird stop it why would you do that I was like why can’t I hear myself hello I uh went on a journey with chat to go get fetch a pale of

Water oh yeah and chat’s like depicting my death of fall damage I’m trying to prove them wrong right now uhhuh you got to say parkour every time you jump parkour parkour parkour no because then I’m going to actually die knowing myself oh uh while I was gone oh uh

Before that sketchy uh I don’t really remember what mods I’m using I know I have a corpse mod on I have a mod that’ll eventually give us teleporters um I have a more biomes Mod and I can’t remember the others let’s see oh the mini map one is a mod and

Then I think I have a stuff pack or a Bridges one or something I’ll let you know next time quick can I mine emeralds with my stone pick I don’t touch the emeralds so I can come back and mine them with the I don’t think you’re ever going to find this one

But I’ll leave it it’s like along the side of the mountain on the the other side oh my gosh it’s the valley chat we made it see I told you I would make it bird makes so many creeper noises and such I’m like have to put this bird

Somewhere that it’s not going to scare me every two seconds you get a vinyl record from to dance and around yeah yeah I’ll have to uh nizzy I have a message for you from sickling I who I went to check on while I was away oh my gosh is a a message yes

Yes what is she says nizzy I was in your chat for a while and you missed every single one of my messages how dare you really and so she said and then I got tired and she didn’t see her messages so I left no I’m so sorry

I didn’t even know she was in my chat that’s why she’s upset with you I’m so sorry um I am scared to put the parrot on my shoulder because I have already died like five six times and I don’t know if the parrot would die if I die

And I would like the parrot to live stick him in the house I will at a later time sck the parrot in the house it’s still possible to you know fall sh don’t say that look chat I’m just going to prove you wrong right now look look see ground

Level oh my God death just triy to ruin my entire see that no I lived you’re tempting fate I’m alive all right ah they’re they’re multiplying oh we got to get rid of them very soon because they’re going to keep I think well depending I don’t know whoa you said right

What nice I’m done there’s the other kill the guy with the banner we did sketchy we did it we killed him yeah and his friends yep it’s fine it’s not like there are any Villages around here anyway at the moment all right I’m back with the water the water yes what about

It now I can uh fill up uh how do I want to do this actually let’s put did you get two water yeah so you have infinite water yeah nice chat helped me with it although they were very uh sure I was going to die in the process

Chat why don’t you believe in me [Laughter] Chad’s so feisty my goodness what did I use the water chat did you run all the way there and back and then like fail to put the water down put one bucket in each corner I see oops

If you hold a cactus Block in your off hand it’ll give you extra Hearts I will have to find a desert and try that although it sounds more like that’s a trap and I’m going to hold a cactus and then just be like ow ow ow nice I appreciate your

Advice uh I’m going to whater his name uhhuh spy so sorry spocky boy spocky boy I appreciate your advice stop it please why is Minecraft out to get me I swear what are you doing nothing sus where where’s your extra water right here it’s in the middle between these two oh

Okay I have no clue how that worked but okay help oops I don’t know but it’s working for me that is the water IDK how it works fair enough it is using dark magic that cannot be understood I need a a shovel hold on this is going too slow make two shovels yay

Shovels ah jump off not my crops he wants the farm what oh you know uh we can eventually change location later I just uh oh know a Terrace Farm will be cute it’s fine we can put like bamboo or something up here later uh and then we can Trent or uh

What is it move the other Farms down below okay later yeah I agree spocky I agree it’s okay I’m here to help are they saying that the spider needs help no oops yeah maybe I will same level for now for this tier I’ll go ahead and add some dirt uhhuh uhhuh interesting nizzy

Interesting what what did I do now I didn’t do anything I’m just you shouldn’t have a food problem now right all right one two three four which makes this let’s see the edge which is fine honestly all right oh is that all the seeds I had I have more all right

Nizzy uh I think mushrooms have to go in a dark cave there’s a area over here oops that you could probably use as yeah they have to be in shade or I think if they break and direct sunlight yeah all right nizzy I’m gonna adjust what you got going here hold

On uh where did my bucket of water go okay um I guess let’s see two three four okay then that’s our infinite water so we’ll be careful about those and then two three four I can move it over near the front oh you fell why is there a hole what it’s

Cave okay let me just heal up a little after that was a little rough but it’s in like the middle of your field okay uh dirt it’s too far gone it’s it’s getting there two three four have concerns about the Cave opening over here and the lack of

Torches I apparently don’t have any torches I don’t have any torches either here you can uh put the mushrooms back over here and I think as long as they’re um in Shadow should be fine ni he died oh look my food source is all the way

Up you know it be pretty hard if this was Hardcore right now you just we’ just be dead okay what do you think spy boy uh uh you had the mushrooms I just plucked the mushrooms they’re apparently tote stools your body’s in the way grow mushrooms on your body I’m always lying

Around all right is there any way you could ask Hermes how much help they lost there I’m curious H me from when I fell just a second ago yeah oh I got down to like two hearts left two hearts yeah yeah so there should be a mushroom

Cave back here um if I remember correctly mushrooms will kind of grow just at random in shadow um okay we’ll see if that actually works and then here is a bunch of Wheat and a couple pumpkins on the Side wait what what for some reason it uh put it didn’t like what spocky voice said I don’t know why it made that happen what the heck apparently it doesn’t like it I guess whenever uh people use caps for some reason although I don’t know

Why even though people use caps in my uh chat all the time yeah that’s weird I’m going to write that down so I I can look to fix that cuz you’re definitely not the only one that’s ever used caps and they they did it just fine give me a

Sec Foy boy gives some general approval for the farm you know what it might be just nightbot because I installed it today so it’s just probably EXT sensitive o installing things right before stream and not testing it ma’am I tested a lot of things way before stream actually

Happened I tell you how am I supposed to know that it doesn’t like caps jeez night is how to get us I gu I personally don’t care about caps so I need to change that I’m going to miss something at instam uh well hopefully not I mean it’s not

That I can’t unban you but definitely need to see what it so uh or what the sensitive um settings are for it imagine testing stuff before stream couldn’t be [Laughter] me fair enough oh yeah here you go chat I’m going to put this in here for you good luck with that

Okay I think be all the wood up here all right don’t do it don’t pluck our one flower I see you looking at it this is our one flower it it gets to stay there in its place of honor nizzy I’m looking at you yes it’s a beautiful flower I

Know don’t you dare shake your head at me why you barking at me huh uh let’s get a new pickaxe I don’t know if it will set you for um no no no no it’s it’s on uh Auto join and auto fight because when I tested it

Bit uh earlier in my stream today um sometimes people aren’t exactly like on my stream they’re just listening to us and sometimes glancing at the the Stream So sometimes they miss the uh the doorway between where you’re supposed to input the join prompt and so it will

Actually just abruptly end the event and then nothing will happen so I’ve had to just do join just until I guess I get a bigger audience where I’ll at least guarantee have like two three people guaranteed to join it I think you need two or three people to do the uh join

Prompt and then now you see for some reason all the NPC Bots I don’t know why they exist but they slowly disappear like ghosts why I don’t know yeah so every time they fight a boss um there’s like these NPC bot things that appear and I honestly don’t know what

They are um but they’re there for a little bit and then they just start disappearing over time we need to build a pass through you know I I had to climb this mountain do you know how Izzy I I built a pass through that was the first thing I

Did you went that way instead of this oh I guess it looks kind of the same me I’ll show you come come nizzy we got to do what is it a fourway pass through each side you know this would have been really nice earlier except there’s like no water on this

Side this way me follow me wait there was water right at the entrance of the tunnel n no hold on let me make a nice pathway follow no here let me uh look uh I I will look right after she’s done with whatever she’s doing then I can’t believe I did all that

Then or water that just was already there didn’t didn’t you hear me say things like I’m fishing and no what do you mean I killed a drown and I got a bird and no the whole Adventure no no okay I’m guessing this is the jungle just over there

Yeah I have any Wheat on me oops I do and I see a sheep oh my gosh I was still think I only had like two hearts I thought I was going to die for a second sheep where’s your partner at I know I saw it chat says that you

Went on a whole J Journey up a mountain nearly dying several times yep that’s right all right well I guess I only had enough shovel for that so here’s the other sheep right Here nizzy I’m right here I’m next to you I found some watermelons so I was going to see if I can find their rest or their seeds Okay so I can grow some watermelons do you have to get the seeds from the watermelon itself uh once you have the watermelon slices

You can put it in your chat like your in your chat in your inventory crafting spot and it will turn into seeds chat how cool would it be if I could actually just reach out and give you guys watermelon I’m waiting for that technology man me too

Honestly it’s getting late we got to probably head back follow me to the ocean leave the Sheep No Minecraft yeah you’re right it is Minecraft think I’m going to head out for tonight I have finals okay that sounds good uh I’m glad that you popped in good luck on your

Tests definitely good luck on anyone sleep final yep wa where are you going just this way if you got a shovel you can help me dig we’ll get there faster uh I do not cool oh come on dizzy we’ll see you next time we have to finish this later it’s

Getting dark straight ahead now nizzy wait why are we going to the water come on ah nizzy yes are you keeping up yes where’d you go you aren’t behind me mzy come to my little cursor yes come on follow the mini map uh you took a turn yeah unfortunately my um PayPal is

Not or my donation thing is not working quite right right now uh cuz I moved and I had to recently update it and because I moved recently it’s currently in a mode where it’s trying to process they actually moved and it needs to verify but we’re so close to

Um being uh Affiliated that I’m probably just going to use um the bits and stuff or set that up later so but I super super appreciate you trying to donate uh tell fix [ __ ] I know that’s like the third person that’s told me today I’m not going to lie

Uh you guys are sweet uh I will look into it later but yeah that’s the reason why it’s not working it’s cuz I moved and my donation um provider uh is like uh your address is sus so we’re not going to allow that to happen right

Now yeah as I didn’t see the sub but and know it’s going to donate a well thank you so much I really uh appreciate that it’s very sweet of you to try to donate but later uh I’m close to affiliation anyway so I’m going to hopefully uh set up everything around that time Anyway you guys have been a lot of fun to watch today of her her is always over here trying to beat me up they’re over here trying to watch us wrestle I did no such thing I’m a good guy for sure you’re the she’s she’s a she’s a god of

Troublesome didn’t you know that oh I did yeah hold on I got to find the rest of my pathway should be over here pathway where did I end off as it got dark and it’s still dark and I don’t have any food in my inventory and that should be a a must

You you’ve gone a way that I’m not not sure it’s okay I found it uh okay I’m going you got done what you needed woh oh that’s good uh I love being able to watch streams or watching videos while getting stuff done it’s the best mhm n you’ll pretty much head straight

But you need to go just to the left a little if you were following my other path I’m just being attacked by zombies okay I mean don’t try to take your sheep home in the dark that’ll get you shot by a Skelly what do you mean I took you to my

Little boat house for safekeeping where are you going nizzy I’m coming towards you a anyone else hear a a scream and then silence no no vious my sheep are gone though sounds like a personal problem no we’ll give you water melon huh oh did you log off spocky have a

Good night oh yeah yeah they uh were the ones that said that they have a test tomorrow ah I got distracted by building a path and didn’t check for a minute sorry chat sorry See are you trying to come are you trying to connect this we have a little uh path to our front door out to the ocean and boat house it’s about to get dangerous in here W there’s a whole tree there’s a whole tree trees are spooky tree oh your sheep might die

No it’s between me and all these zombies okay there really was water right here I had a whole pathway and everything and a little boat house sir lags a lot right this whole time he’s like you I told you don’t worry sah lags a lot she apparently missed the entire time that I

Was out here talking about being in the ocean and killing fish for her I registered you just still in the valley man oh close myself out of my little house all right up a Little where’s your partner at I don’t need these really there you go son will come out how why are they hurt so much oh no I I’m good uh no just the zombies hurt really bad oh do you have any armor did I just hear the Nickelodeon

Theme uh I don’t have any that codeon on uh I made a little dooo sound oh maybe it’s her me I didn’t do the whole theme I promise are you sure I stopped come sheep come the little jingle of the Nickelodeon stuff gets stuck in my head occasionally don’t worry about it

I have no affiliation are you sure I wish I did apply to Nickelodeon before but I didn’t get that job so they can’t fiton if you’d like to hire me as an animator I would love to I did this whole animation for like one of their they have like well I’ve just

Applied before you know mhm and man didn’t get it but I only applied once I’d have to try again wouldn’t it be cool yeah did you manage to get your sheep I am I bringing them back now nice I know if I wanted to work for a lot of my

Artwork was inspired with like or like my coloring style and stuff was for like World of Warcraft mhm but uh company is not really how uh I thought it would be they’ve done a lot of changes yeah oh no I’m stuck in the train of sheep yes come sheep come sheep how dare

You all right where do you want this pin I have fenc pieces oh you do uh I guess well over here yeah that’s fine as long as well I’ll probably make them a little um area and block it in so that the monsters or the zombies can’t eat them

Mhm I used to be contracted by bliz for Star let’s say that contract inluded a few years back so I feel that yeah uh yeah I think uh during college and stuff I just really worked on a lot of my art to be you know kind of

Like the way that they they do their art and so a portion of a large ver uh very large portion of my life was dedicated and improving my art to try to blend in with their their work you know you want it to look like their work and

Now I’m like oh I don’t even know if I want to do Blizzard and it’s been a couple years since then so and now I stream and do my art the way I want to now so yeah that’s fair nice I like it yeah okay goodbye with you sheep uh can the um oh here I’ll hold them in can uh the

Zombies still get over the uh the fence no they can’t jump unless one of spiders can but they shouldn’t attack any animals okay plenty of other great Studios to look into and you worked up obsidian ooh that’s pretty cool that is cool yeah that’ be cool but

Uh yeah I’m just kind of taking it day by day now I guess yeah all right sheep and now we have a quick way in and they can’t go just goes in shears in all the yep here you go you did the hard work raining

Wool can we need that to make a bed yeah you get a you get the first bed uh I’m going to knock our house down nice I’m still thinking I want to live somewhat in the mountain like cave yeah cuz you know I’m a spider so that makes sense I

See so you don’t want to live together is what you’re saying but yes you know II and Mizu are going to want to build their own homes and then we have like the plaza in the Middle where we meet each other me you still like cat at

All uh she kind of was in my Chat is she still now I don’t know says yes I am yes okay Mizu do you want your own house or a group House She says group Mansion death markers you want your own Mansion no she says group Mansion group Mansion see if you go build your own little ho she says group Mansion but she still wants her own water area I see so technically her own spot traitorous her own spot technically but

She still want wants water all right so we each have our own house and then there’s like the Community Home in the middle gotta the town hall I like the idea as well like I could start building like Bridges across the entire Valley okay and put like a cool train

System oh my gosh how cool would that be all right gotcha so but I I still want to do like maybe a uh like she’s saying the the big building Mhm really only have one type of wood at the moment so let’s go ahead and do this I think the only time I ever really care for like my own building is just so that all my personal stuff like all my weapons and Enchanted things the things

I’m working on I can just put in my house and then put everything else that is for the community actually in the community box mhm that’s the only reason I think I would ever want like my own house gotta Um That’s how I do it too I’ll make a tiny little Hut for myself well it’s just for like the community stuff I eventually make like um what a shared storage Auto sort thing or something exactly yeah otherwise it’d be too much of a hassle to put your own

Stuff in like your own house and then you’re having to go to each individual house for stuff no I I wanted to be a communal thing and then my personal items would just be in here mhm this where we can cheat a little and put those furnaces and a crafting table

My little bird making n oh gosh I need the pickaxe for this little bird making creeper noises while it’s out just she also do the ones that go yeah I’m like standing right next to it it’s like how rude yeah really how rude in there half in there now I’ll make some stone

Slab any glass yet so so I’ll kind of go like this for now nizzy get up there yes hi I guessing just a little sus there nizzy I placed all these wrong I wish the watermelon would give more food don’t forget to get the seeds from

One of those I am I’m doing it right now I’ve got a lot so I need to just put them in the crafting St station you said just in your regular inventory one is fine oh oh sweet let’s do 20 uh let’s get this water music’s nice music yeah I turned off

Music my chats heard no music oh well my music’s nice anything uh I can do what is that there we go a pretty wallpaper thanks you guys are having to see it CU every time I click out of um Minecraft it it does that oh are you not doing like a a window

Capture I just did a quick thing uh I was but it was going to flip through like a whole bunch of other things gotcha there you go so you know how I gave you such a hard time not to break the flower I’m moving the

Flower I knew she was going to be doing some Shenanigans uh what was they doing oh yeah let’s do I don’t do shanans move BB Come on B good BB there we go where was the it can be different on the front and back I think actually oh it’s over here

Uh is it a three tiles over of soil that the water will plant or is it just two four wait it’s four yeah oh crap okay I didn’t know that H okay sweet wait since when is I don’t know I don’t know chat chat and Hermes has been guiding me the whole

Time I like just building in Minecraft more than survival it does a a 9 by9 square with a a DOT right in the center uh oh sounds like we have to sleep can we Shear you have to sleep can we Shear the we can Shear the the Sheep if you want to Shear

It ah I gave you the wool for a bed you should be a to I did I did but you need a bed as well so you can go to sleep yeah I don’t have enough for that right now hold on oh it’s diving oh yeah I’m coming ow get inside

Don’t close the door on me thank you all right oh wait it is four now that I look at an image of it we learn something new every day right 9 by9 which means when you put one square down you can count four out from either side all

Right you can only sleep at night it’s uh yeah it’s already morning wow animatic wow did that for what it’s just been Instinct well now you remember the actual number make me Spawn Lings yes I wonder if we can go find some chickens there’s there’s some in the forest Yeah what the heck your bird just squawked at me good good good no yes no yes no it can do what it wants it’s a BB we got three Bs in chat I don’t know when I got these but here you go uh I am no longer there you yeah

Goodbye if you’re saying that you were giving something what is that what is this can I steal this is this like a tomb or some sort hello what describe it it looks like a pillar H don’t know it’s an actual pillar oh it’s a waist Stone oh is one of the teleport

Things is it oh it is there supposed to the ones that you were testing they exist somewhere yeah uh I just didn’t register it was one of the way stones yeah Chad there’s like what two of these in the world right now because we were just testing mods so we must

Have found one of them that was a different world oh really mhm then there’s a waist Stone over here I guess they generate kind of naturally maybe you can bring it break it and bring it home I guess I can do that that means I would have to try to build one

Right and instead now I just have one they were very expensive if I remember correctly oh then since this is a brand new world I’m surprised that we we have one in our world yeah I didn’t place any so I guess they spawn on their own here and

There those are sheep I want chicken chicken no these are pigs what do pigs like carrots oh I don’t have carrots away for now we bother about sorting this later bucket it’s one of your favorites yeah well it’ll be nice so that uh we decide to go places

Or if I find wow there’s a chicken in the jungle chicken chicken on I’m chicken can’t leave trees floating around that’s illegal I was letting the leaves fall naturally but if there’s still wood in it they won’t fall oh is there still wood I thought I took out all the wood

Yeah Blas for me that I got Gold by Hermes that’s right ooh there’s a mushroom I’ll take that come chickens you will be claimed where’d your partner go I think this is the longest I’ve ever gone without just diving down underground yeah that’s true you usually

Do go we went a little bit too far uh you usually do go straight into the The Depths the I always try to get like the farm situated animals starting to breed and then once everything starting to breed then that’s when I start going into the mines he chicken SE catch up

What like I can hear is it raining it is raining under another Mountain yeah um I put chicken this yeah I like raining sounds yeah if I’m just like in my house in real life and it’s raining I love just lifting up the window and just listening to the rain some people don’t

Like the rain which is weird to me but I absolutely love the rain noise be really nice yeah do you like the rain noise some or sound rain uh as long as it’s not raining too hard uh but these days my dog’s super scared of like storms mhm uh so we try

To block out the sound of Rin or anything like that well that’s unfortunate he he’s uh uh SC cat dog and every time it storms um if it starts storming hard he’ll climb out of his kennel like if it’s the middle of the night or

Something um I don’t know how he does it but he scales the the metal gate um because we don’t lock him in or anything uh like to a box kennel it’s like a play pin kennel yeah you will climb out and uh he’ll show up at our bedroom door

Being like I’m scared and meanwhile it’s like a small thunderstorm or something yeah so every time there’s like any sort of storm we play we have to play like a lot of music and such to try to oh keep them uh keep them from noticing as much

Yeah it’s been pouring rain here this past week and I’ve Been Loving It O It’s supposed to rain I think tomorrow I don’t know but I’m here for it my grass needs it yeah so money I don’t have to pay I didn’t bring any doors so I guess

We’re well I should build one I don’t want things coming from over here into our Valley the Great Valley is supposed to be a safe place I know I loves the sound of rain yeah mhm it doesn’t rain much where I am it’s probably because it just either is snows

Right places don’t get a lot of rain yeah as much as I would love uh it to do that here a why is his friend keep running away come back we’ll collect this coal out of the ground and then fill up the hole since it’s right in the middle of our path it

SS melts yeah I would love it for the snow but I’m not that lucky a little ni he leaving trees floating around look this one no I’m not what this one does have any wood I just broke two pieces out of it she’s what rude uh usually I try to break all the

Wood out that way I can come back and pick up all the sticks and apples yeah uhhuh uhhuh nizzy I don’t know if you noticed but it’s getting pretty late is it yeah oh well we can uh call it if you want we’ll have to soon I’m going to go get some flowers

First and then when I return and place them down I think it’ll be time to stop yeah well uh I’m off tomorrow and Thursday uh and you’re streaming you know what you’re streaming tomorrow uh sure well if you play Minecraft or something let me know then maybe I will

Join otherwise I’m going to be off you’re like I want to play Minecraft right if you’re if you’re playing then I will otherwise I’m just GNA chill yeah um you know I just I don’t know yet what I’m doing tomorrow uh we still need to also

Um uh make sure to set up for this weekend uh stream yes so as chat we got a big old lethal company uh collab happening this weekend and also the uh Friday holiday stream yep uh uh I don’t know the day day uh it’s a

Holiday one on Friday at 6 PM CST Friday yes and the uh huge lethal company stream uh is Saturday at 1 pm CST yep so if you guys want to see some craziness you’re going to have to join for that uh they said it’s supposed to be pretty chaotic

So yes I’m told it’s lots of people but I don’t know how many uh you might find some other cool vtubers to watch huh yeah hope so I think the other ones were uh YouTube and the others did a lot of VR chat um ather uh kaida and eky guy do a

Lot of VR chat um and like 3D models um but it’s not it’s not actually them setting up the collaboration they’re just the ones that happen to like send out the invite to us it’s uh gosh wolf something uh hold on let me get to safety and I will look up their name

One Moment One Moment running through the forest little bunny FR FR okay let’s see let’s see

This video, titled ‘【ART and Minecraft!】Drawing then we got Invaded!【 EN | Nyzzi Dae 】(Description)’, was uploaded by Nyzzi Dae on 2023-12-23 08:37:56. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:33:18 or 19998 seconds.

Follow me on: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nyzzidae Twitter: https://www.twitch.tv/nyzzidae

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    Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft The Loyalty Trident in Minecraft Are you looking to add a unique and powerful weapon to your Minecraft arsenal? Look no further than the Loyalty Trident! This special trident offers a range of exciting features that can enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore how you can create your very own Loyalty Trident. Creating the Loyalty Trident To make a Loyalty Trident in Minecraft, you will need to combine a trident with the Loyalty enchantment. The Loyalty enchantment is a rare enchantment that causes the trident to return to the player after being… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!

    Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-15 22:30:01. It has garnered 842 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some of the best fails, wins, and other hilarious moments from the Minecraft community. From exploding creepers to epic building fails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Hashtags: #Minecraft #Shorts #Funny #Fails #Wins #Epic #Gaming #Laughter #Entertainment #GamingCommunity #MinecraftCommunity #Gamer #GamingShorts #FunnyShorts #FailShorts #WinShorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Java Edition Minecraft… Read More

  • The Mystery of Creeper952 in Minecraft

    The Mystery of Creeper952 in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unexplained minecraft #memes #minecraft #gaming #mod #minecraftmemes #earth #experiment #warden #mc’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-13 18:14:46. It has garnered 8666 views and 328 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Thanks for watching! #memes #minecraft #gaming Tags:minecraft, funny, gaming, scary minecraft, minecraft mystery, minecraft creepypasta, tutorial, minecraft history, minecraft mod, prank, secret, minecraft challenge, wifies, dream, minecraft pe, minecraft uncovered, minecraft phone, minecraft viral, mcbyt, hidden, minecraft bedrock edition, eystreem, rgn, eystream, retrogamingnow, now, eyestream, retro, mumbo jumbo, trolling, minecraft myth, game theory, the game theorists, herobrine, testing scary… Read More

  • Insane 1v1 – Nabor vs smerb Weakkam in PEREZALIV

    Insane 1v1 - Nabor vs smerb Weakkam in PEREZALIVVideo Information This video, titled ‘Набор в тиму | smerb slabakam(Neverdie) PEREZALIV’, was uploaded by cCMEX_ on 2024-05-24 17:38:29. It has garnered 125 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:41 or 101 seconds. ds-sssfuccckk https://discord.gg/erariseempire – clan tags: prostocraft, prostocraft, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft anarchy, anarchy, pvp anarchy, pvp on anarchy, anarchy prostocraft, pvp, danqo16, pvp, anarchy pvp, prostocraft anarchy, anarchy from scratch, byttcehb, anarchy minecraft, a lot of pvp on anarchy, prostik, a lot of pvp, mrirbbi, jetmine, anarchy without donation, jetmine, dape, vupsen anarchy, vupsen pvp, wellmore, vupsen, uhk, prostocraft pvp, 1.14.4, development from… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: Me VS Captcha in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    INSANE Challenge: Me VS Captcha in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me VS captcha in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Black Buddies on 2024-04-27 04:49:49. It has garnered 2828 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. shorts #minecraftmods #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftanimals #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shorts #shortvideo #short #viral #minecraftfacts #minecrafthacks #MinecraftMadness #BlockBlast #CraftyCreations #PixelPioneers #AdventureCraft #MinecraftMania #CraftingChaos #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBonanza #MineMarvels #BlockyBattles #CreepersCraze #CraftyChronicles #PixelatedPerfection #MinecraftMayhem #BuildBrigade #RedstoneRampage #CraftingComrades #EnderDragonDrama #MineCraze #BuildingBuddies #ExploringEndless #BlockBounty #CraftingCarnival #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBash #CraftingConquest #BlockyAdventures #MinecraftManiacs #PixelParty #CreepersCorner #CraftyCove #EpicExplorations #BuildingBlitz #RedstoneRuckus #CraftingCrew #EnderEpic #MineMasters #BlockBlasters #CraftyCapers #PixelPals #AdventureAwaits #MinecraftMoments #BuilderBuddies #ExploringElysium #BlockyBlast #CraftingCraze #EpicEndeavors #MineMadness #BuildingBlocks #CreepersCavern… Read More

  • SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳

    SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT INDIA🇮🇳 @Its_Rex_777’, was uploaded by NOT_ REX on 2024-04-02 13:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. loyalsmp #minecraftp #lapatasmp #minecraft #minecraftpe #viral #op #smp #technogamerz #gaming #minecrafthindi #loyalsmp … Read More

  • Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮

    Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s Magic on the SMP now?!?’, was uploaded by SchelvyPlays on 2024-05-08 11:10:54. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:02 or 10082 seconds. Uh yeah I added magic and tech! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #sunrisesmp #schelvy #schelvyplays #live #chill #funny —————————————————————————————- 🔴YouTube: https://youtube.com/@SchelvyPlays 🟣Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schelvyplays 🔵TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@schelvyplays? 🟢Second Channel: https://youtube.com/@schelvythesecond?si=vSJcmi8mzZg9EQXF 🟡Zen’s Discord: https://discord.gg/B7nHAuKYVW 🟠Collab Crew: https://youtube.com/@CollabCrew2?si=PY-pKGozDCUN-Hjt Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Motion – ¿Que posibilidad habia? 🥴 #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by StoyacoV Shorts on 2024-03-11 09:45:00. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. My Server: IP: Motionserver.ddns.net Port:19132 My Community: https://discord.io/stoyaco ▶ Tags (Ignorar): minecraft shorts bebu, minecraft shorts beta, minecraft shorts ep 24, minecraft shorts rtx, minecraft shorts tiktok, minecraft shorts ep 5, minecraft shirts music, minecraft shorts alan becker, minecraft #shorts loop, minecraft #shorts gaming, minecraft #shorts perfection, minecraft #shorts rtx, minecraft #shorts song, minecraft shirts, minecraft hot alex and steve, minecraft… Read More

  • Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft Bosses

    Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft BossesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dragon Bosses All Bosses ( Marketplace Map )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-06-01 02:47:13. It has garnered 528 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:12 or 2172 seconds. Link: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=c84d9d5e-2f5a-4d6a-8ca9-60ef1a9b17ac 00:00 Earth Dragon 03:45 Wind Dragon 07:29 Lighting Dragon 11:19 Nether Dragon 13:41 Water Dragon 17:09 End Dragon 20:09 Fire Dragon 23:00 Ice Dragon 25:50 Undead Dragon Read More

  • 🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trending

    🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:12:04. It has garnered 4172 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo… Read More

  • Purple Parrot

    Purple ParrotWelcome to Purple Parrot! Immerse yourself in an exceptional survival multiplayer Minecraft server experience. Discover the vast 10,000 by 10,000 block map using Dynmap, where thrilling quests await. Unleash your creativity with custom items, indulge in exclusive crates, and engage in vibrant player economy with ChestShops and auctions. Claim your territory, set up homes, and explore public warps to connect with our friendly community. Join us at play.purpleparrot.pro for an unforgettable adventure filled with endless possibilities! play.purpleparrot.pro Read More

  • The Penguins All the Mods 9 – Modded Network Tight-knit ATM9

    Welcome to Our Community! A small, active, and friendly community awaits you! Join now to be a part of our amazing builders and engaging activities. Rest assured, you won’t be the next sacrifice! What We Offer: Multiple homeslots and /rtp Fully pregenerated dimensions Custom quests, time-based leveling system, and huge builds Our rules are simple: Don’t be a detriment to the server and its TPS. For more details, check out our #rules channel on Discord. Server Details: IP: atm9.ihatemy.live Version: 0.2.58 Hosted: Germany, with a diverse player base including Americans Join Our Discord: Discord: https://discord.gg/egFSuuCdVH Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥Looks like this meme is getting all the love, scoring a perfect 39 out of 39 heart-eyes emojis! Someone clearly knows how to cater to their audience 😂🥰 Read More

  • Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 – Huntin’ for Fun!

    Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 - Huntin' for Fun! In Minecraft’s world, trains are a sight to see, Hunting them down, a thrilling spree. With background sounds of engines roaring by, Watch until the end, don’t be shy. Eight trains in total, each one unique, Randomly tracked, a challenge to seek. Check out my first video, a train hunting delight, In this Minecraft world, trains take flight. Join me on this journey, full of fun and thrill, As we chase down trains, with skill and will. Don’t miss out on the action, watch the video link, Investigation Addon by Gibonz, a perfect sync. Tags like train and Minecraft,… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Oioioicraft.exe! 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Hotter than a lava pit: Oioioicraft.exe! 🔥 #minecraft #memes When you accidentally type “Oioioicraft.exe” instead of “Minecraft.exe” and end up summoning a herd of confused llamas in the game. #MinecraftProblems #LlamaInvasion Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 Days in EXPANDING World!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 Days in EXPANDING World!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in A EXPANDING World In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Lindough Two on 2024-05-06 21:51:31. It has garnered 4031 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 04:34:09 or 16449 seconds. Main Channel @Lindough I Survived 200 Days in A EXPANDING World In Minecraft! ► Modpack Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-mc-forge-bmc4 All the music I use in this video is licensed by Epidemic Sounds – https://share.epidemicsound.com/x3x16v #minecraft #100days #expandingworld Read More