EPIC Battle: Surviving Medieval Minecraft Hardcore!

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And i survive one one single day in this medieval mod pack i made you know what i don’t know i don’t know if i can we’re gonna find out welcome to my new hardcore series this is uh it’s gonna be good okay first thing i’m doing getting out of this jungle

Is get right out of the jungle right away no no point in spending any more time here than oh the house i forgot about these things i can’t remember if they’re hostile or not hostile and what is Okay there’s piranhas there’s A pig there we go pigs that’s what i want to see normal let’s just get out of the jungle this is not forge labs jungle fever it’s supposed to be medieval this is more it’s more jungle i i don’t even want to go in the water giant centipede over there

But there’s just so much like look at this giant slime topping around over there Something just made a noise i don’t know what it was okay see there’s just there’s plants just shooting poison at me it’s just taking me with poison okay this is why you don’t be in the jungle this the moment i spawned and i saw the jungler and i thought it’s time to go

Because look you got what the goal with this mod pack was to try to make something that was kind of like world of warcraft or a fantasy medieval type thing so i installed pretty much every mod that uh even somewhat resembled this theme and the best part i

Didn’t test it at all yeah what you’re seeing is the testing let’s see what’s going on in here something’s running inside of it there’s also skulls right there so that’s okay it’s alright it’s orcs it’s orcs i don’t even i don’t remember putting or why is there so many orcs i don’t

Remember putting orcs in this mod pack these things are these things are yeah look at they’re all chasing me down okay i don’t know if the griffins i don’t know but i don’t want to go back in the jungle we are five minutes into this

And yeah look at this back in the jungle i’m glad to be back what’s gonna can i eat a coconut or something I would love an apple right now it’s a nice juicy apple if i find a cow a pig something like that i will pass on anything spitting poison at me anything shooting in poison dart anything’s gonna put me in a big web trap i love just a nice plane and why am i

I’m still poison zero zero doesn’t matter still got the poison debuff i’m sorry but i had to i had to do this what did i say about the poison A web trap what did i just said web trap and the first thing i see man creeping around big legs right now the focus is just getting some basic food and some basic food getting out alive getting out of this jungle there’s two things i want to do

Hey how’s it going you’ll hear me okay just gonna okay now i’m gonna go this way this what is this biome oh another one hey how’s it going please heal me get rid of this i need this poison effect needs to go it needs to go away right now where are you okay

Okay i don’t know what that thing is i don’t know what that thing is i don’t know what that thing is i don’t it’s the thing from harry potter It can twim what is that what is it what is it I forgot about the products i forgot about the this come on come on What’s going in here okay what’s this like look look what’s going on over there Okay this is it’s gonna be good all right now this this is what i’m talking about here we go finally unless i’m not wasting i’m not screwing around i’m not gonna do a little tour of the woods this time just straight to business with me no messing about knock down this tree

Get some wood immediately immediately make a crafting bench look at this not wasting any time cut that out throw that down there and make some sticks good okay then i’ll take these sticks boom you know you don’t you don’t need to see any of this this is this is pointless

This world is not safe it is not safe at all it is there’s a big big area that you can die in well it’s good what i’m gonna do right now immediately is just make a full set of tools and can i do i know how to make a shield

Can i make a shield with stone you can do it can it be done i can okay for the longest time everyone was like you don’t why don’t you ever make shields why are you you never you’re a man who doesn’t have a shield and i’ll tell you right

Now because i forget this time no way let’s figure out how to build it first there we go shield stone shield that’s what you want to see immediately oh look at that there’s like a windmill over there oh these things it okay i’m not i thought it was some i

Thought it was something that it wasn’t that it was getting ready i got someone just shot at me i’m going to need food there’s half of a windmill right there and there’s a llama i can’t remember if you can eat those or not what are these bill shrimp eat these oh

Look at this i’m a lucky man okay i i i i i need i can see you okay so even when you even i forgot i forgot about all this stuff so we’re gonna try to try to kill this thing there we go okay see

I’m a new man since i’ve played our all craft what did i get life drain charge okay starting to think maybe this little little barn farm here right here it’s gonna be my see the problem with even getting these little resources off the ground there like even the

Oars is that there’s other things that can spawn just from doing that all sorts of creatures can appear i thought i thought that was tnt for a second all right so this is what i was after i was after a nice little place to start and get some food going

Start getting some gear avoid like anything that there’s a dead dragon hey how’s it going melon seeds die one emerald for gunpowder you know what well there’s a deal that i will accept gladly they need more than the spread so this is the leica nice mom it adds a ton

Of men like this to the game you’ve already you’ve already seen some of them they’ve already taken me down they’re uh they’re everywhere how long has it been before Hold the shield up not happening yeah try it try as much as you want then you go down Sit up i’ve learned whoa what’s this little dodo bird hey how’s it going big seeds Here you know what actually i’ll plant this farm now so i have a re renewal source so my plan right now is to uh just try to get a little house or a little place to survive for the first few days and get some gear and then start trying

To do the crazier stuff like that dungeon right there because doing that right now is a big huge way for this uh series to end immediately there’s a dead dragon there and there’s another one over you know what i’m going for it You get dragon bones there’s why is there so many dead dragons Look at all that yeah there’s wolves here 31 dragon bones look at this i can already make a dragon flute dragon bone sword dragon bone hoe dragon bone pickaxe dragon bone wall how do you get wither bones oh See the thing with this mod pack that i wanted to do is create a whole bunch of like things to explo there’s my first piece of artwork just like that gold a couple bones [Applause] i’m gonna use these bones right here how’s it going which one do you want right here

Oh look at him laying down that’s cool all right you know what so far not a bad start not a bad start at all the one thing i am afraid of though is night i am terrified of night get it send my dogs after it come on

It’s just a dinosaur take it out these things got excellent meat yeah come on take it out they don’t fight back give me a meat where’s the meat okay let’s go let’s go let’s go stuff like that is spawning there’s sludge there too you don’t you don’t be outside at night ever

Yep a giant a giant pail of garbage just spawned so you get inside you close the door and you don’t come out till the sun’s out i hear something running on the other side of the wall okay grim reaper come on try it see the shield what means why is there monsters nearby

What is that what is that what is that Kill the thing it’s got me it’s got me oh it’s a rock okay now there’s a tree the birds are cut they’re all showing up in my house look at they come they come i’m gonna die there’s too much stuff so this is a really bad situation i’m in right now

The bed is keeping me alive the scary tree is about to kill me i need to switch to my axe but i don’t know if i’m gonna be able to do it i’m gonna eat this i’m gonna hopefully heal and whatever this beetle is i’ll be able to kill it once i heal

And then i have to close that door what do they say a minute ago i’m scared to hit it there we go now the next step is to walk over here i just heard something growl that wasn’t my dog to do that then i come over here

Yeah see the warg see that the warg has been added to my nose then i’m going to bed because all of this this is too much this is way too much for a man like me this early on in the game how am i going

To survive this what is it now it’s day two ah day two have a nice relaxing day too look out my window for the first first thing i see is how am i gonna survive this you can’t you can’t survive this my house is already under siege

Unfortunately i gotta go back out there So i got a feeling this thing’s gonna spit poison at me [Laughter] okay so now the shambler’s dead what was next okay another one of these things And a reaper i can go through walls but if i’m like my shield can stop it Kill the slime i almost died to that i need to get iron that’s the new new priority let’s get some iron cools and a bow there’s blood on the floor for some reason oh another word hey that’s pretty good oh string right here

What i need to do is i need to okay so the new new order of operations is take care of this thing then i can go get iron but i can upgrade my stuff so that these monsters won’t become such a problem at night

I got to build some walls i got to get nice big tall walls oh take that what’s going on in here okay a little chest oh more bread beautiful at least they’ll be well fed oh look at that beautiful bridge another dragon all right what i need to

Do is not get distracted by Defend me look at this thing that’s coming for me It’s gonna kill me Nope it didn’t kill me but i did a ton of damage [Applause] to do anything you have to fight through so much stuff i think these things die easy Okay okay good i think those are like supposed to be like a food item you need any iron around here 10 that’s an axe a lot but i don’t it’s probably not an axolot i need iron and i i’m going to be honest i’m kind of scared you’re probably wondering why

Don’t you just mine well i feel like if i mine i’m gonna just get into trouble like if i start going deep underground there’s something down there there’s iron right there okay why did i do that i guess three iron i need some coal i don’t want one of those things to

Spawn i really really don’t want one of those things to spawn all right now i’m down in the cave just try to get a little bit of iron and get out of here that’s what i was afraid of i’m sorry dog i’m sorry dog i’m sure i have to sacrifice you like this

That’s that was the worst thing i’ve ever heard [Applause] what is going on out there there’s a groove There’s a salomon why is the things i’m hearing Okay you know what have you ever seen the movie iron man it’s about this guy who gets stuck in a cave what does he do when he’s stuck in the cave he builds a suit of armor and escapes the cave so what do you think i’m gonna do

I’m getting out of this cave darkling i don’t [Applause] just tin platinum what can you platinum oh wait use okay so here’s what i’m gonna do so i got platinum and i’m assuming that’s platinum so here’s the here’s the new move take this make an iron pickaxe all right now that

Might seem stupid but i can use that iron pickups hopefully to get this platinum which i can hope please don’t spawn it on those beasts okay then i can use that platinum if i smelt it down this is silver it’s very clearly nighttime now because of the uh sounds i’m hearing

But i’m hoping i can find some other ores around here i can get out of this situation so there’s an entire dungeon down here so [Applause] what do i do in this situation i gotta try to find yep so i’m just gonna walk this way now where’s this poison vial i have because

I think i don’t want to waste the silver because i’ll need the silver i can’t believe i just did that i can’t believe i just made iron boots when i so if i eat this this should make me fast i am so stupid i’m i am so stupid

I wonder if this stops the guru from spawning i’m holding it in my hand yeah it’s it doesn’t i gotta get out of the situation i need i need once it’s more silver i’m scared i’m so scared of that thing spawning it like blows up yeah see that’s what i’m scared of

That is what i’m terrified see it’s trying to get me right now i wonder what the best way out of here is no now does this death count that is the question that everyone is wondering right now does this one all right three times a charm and uh

This time my only goal was just to get a house and and not stop until i got diamonds okay there’s a windmill right there let’s just [Applause] so i’m talking about you there’s two seconds in the water I just spawned It’s a beautiful house because it’s completely empty oh there’s i can’t remember if these things are friendly or not you’re a good guy you’re a bad guy oh it’s got a little one okay i think it’s friendly it’s not chasing after me i mean what’s going on in this house

There’s more of these uh little castle there you know what i don’t mind hanging out with the dinosaurs here’s the food oh oh careful i remember what happens if i do too much of that with some bread already that’s what we need the sheep there this is the house i murdered in

Probably something good up there you think i can climb that only problem is you got to get to it without yeah see look Immediately they start coming can we go to this one no there there there oh whoa you touched the water they come get them get in the swamp all these dinosaur things all right it’s probably an easy jump for the average player but for a man like me i

Gotta break this i gotta leap inside you go down all right i’m gonna get your meat look if you made the mistake of jumping on the land what i got a swarmer it’s a piranha a swarmer we go Those blue fish if i remember correctly give you lapis i don’t know what that is which little tents around there’s I need to get up there should you get a pickup so if i’m gonna do that Hold on they’re gone oh oh Okay these dead trees are live trees i’m getting up that tower and that’s where i’m staying okay if you want to live in a world like this the trick is to be smart be slow and don’t rush things gonna be a very very very smart man all right extremely smart no shortcuts just Smart i actually don’t mind the piranhas i wonder if they’ll attack other mobs one of our grass down here ninja what’s that what is that [Applause] one Oh there’s cool right there i’m scared to get the coal do i get do i get a single piece of coal come on it’s like it’s jeez okay do i get two pieces of coal i think that’s too much two musical come on here we go

Okay that’s it that’s it that’s it you never get greedy Okay that’s gonna poisonous goose or stay away from that Regular there it is that’s what that’s what the thing is i i don’t what like what is that thing Yeah you should go back in this look at it just hopping around the swamp i don’t want to die there it is get back in the swamp Get back get back because the piranhas are flying out of this thing Come on come on you can’t have this fun i’m gonna jump in a hit hit The phone okay okay Okay that thing is doing a lot of damage what’s that oh okay these piranhas are okay Okay okay i need to get up that tower before nightfall oh wait i can make a boat stupid okay you guys keep hopping around on the shore it’s really smart of you to do as a fish i’m doing there was a giant poisonous frog right there the frog almost killed me

Just recover my health come on come on just hold shift like a normal guy we’re getting to the top of the tower the frog is in my boat that giant beast of a frog is just get to the top of the tower it’s gonna be safe up there

Yeah i thought the swamp was gonna be safe i don’t know why i thought that you know i just realized there’s flying animals oh way stone I thought there’d be a oh here we go compass some okay not really not really what i was hoping for but this is what i’m scared of all the all the men that come out at night do i i don’t have the supplies to make a

Bed so i’m just gonna i guess i’m just gonna sit here until daytime Here we go Here we go here we go look at the you ever see them show stranger things with the flying bats What is that oh okay here it comes for me no no okay Okay yeah yeah get let’s get this ring going those things can shoot if i remember correctly let’s do that i’m not going down anymore deep how am i going to survive in this world i need good armor immediately in the morning i’m getting diamonds no matter what

Here’s the problem i need to get back yeah this is the problem i’m dead i’m dead 100 i’m dead i’m alive how am i going to get through i have no what is this thing even venom shot charge a charged orb of elemental energy what am i saying a charged orb of

Element energy poison gland squeeze to make a poison cloud oh piranha you can use that for compost right you throw it you can compost it down into compost cool swarmer swarmer i gotta make this piranha launcher first i need armor i need i need diamond armor immediately

Okay how does a man get out of this situation i do not know why you go ahead and leave a comment saying how you would get out of this cuz if i jump down here i’m gonna be swarmed by beasts and then if i manage to make

It to the water i’m gonna be consumed by piranhas i don’t know what to do where’s that poisonous frog is it he’s in the boat Okay that wasn’t hard at all it was actually quite easy i don’t want to go into anything that’s too dark so we’re gonna do it like this got some torches Come up here this is the exact building that i died in before so i’m not a huge fan of that i think it’s time to uh Get myself some new tools I’m so scared to do this i need a shield when i get a shield before i start mining minerals i’ll be a smart man another dumb oh We got here what is this oh there’s iron too anymore Every single time i mine i feel like something’s gonna explode i need a shield so that i can properly counter that Beast that comes out I need more wood i always you always need more because i made that i don’t know what that was i have no idea what that thing was the most important thing i can do right now is get a door I don’t want to discover the django that’s what they’re called the janglus i forgot about the jengus I hear something running i heard i can hear something running out there Some sort of flipper okay shield how do you make a non-standard shield just one of these tower shields something something like this here’s what i would i know you might be thinking you just made one and i’ll tell you right now the first part of this video i recorded

Over a month ago so i’m going to need to make some food Oh didn’t find that last time today watching more bread that’s fine yeah that’s fine you know what all these cows are here you guys go make a cow what do you guys like make it make a sheep I’ll make bread i think this is the smartest i’ve ever played minecraft just low and slow okay that right there oh that was a wing That should be good enough Get me the diamonds it’s diamond time we just finished recording a very very cool video that i i don’t know when you’ll see it but it’s a follow-up to the there’s a cave down here am i gonna die if i drop down there Chuba cobbers down there so the question i just asked the answer is yes absolutely yes i don’t want to take whatever this is because i’m just gonna the question that is on my mind and probably on the minds of other people watching this is should i turn off all these crazy mobs

Because the game just becomes survived the onslaught you know i say leave them on watch me and try to the iron here we go am i going to set off the guy am i going to set off the guy no am i going to set up the guy

Nope but i got the pickaxe now so i’m going to need coal very soon yep see you see that one block open the man shows up who knows what that thing was or something though i’m gonna go over here to get the next one does anyone know how to turn off these

Name tags because it kind of ruins the surprise you know like oh that’s exactly what i mean the ghoul i’ve discovered the ghoul i need some glass so i can see what’s going on there there’s just so many things that’s the problem there’s like so many animals and creatures

Here we go nine charcoal leave one in here throw my iron in there the strider the strider’s been discovered all right yeah this is gonna take forever to get down here with a stone pickaxe but you know what i might just cut straight to it one of the good things about doing uh

A series like that i’m what are you supposed to do when the thing attacks because i throw my shield up and then i run backwards that’s what i’m going to do it’s going to pop i’m going gonna panic every time i See i gotta practice okay why can’t i eat how do you how what like i need armor this is like ridiculously difficult make an iron pickaxe so i can hopefully pick that thing apart i had my shield off i was swinging my pick i was what is this platinum

I don’t think i’ll get another one so soon so i’m not so scared of i just wanna try to get a platinum chest piece One more and more he smelled it down to platinum he was platinum what do you get you get all this stuff platinum glaive on the boots i will be enjoying a platinum chess piece oh seven armor that’s that’s like pretty much just as good a diamond or what’s going on out here

Anything i should be aware of I’m gonna go kill that beast down there we’re gonna get more platinum because i had no idea how good it is but now i know i want more there we go i need more armor when you’re dealing with something you need six platinum from that what else i get

Another quartz well i need that for i got some copper i got iron more armor i’m gonna need to feed this thing wood we’re five platinum now how much we got two more five plus two is seven what can you do with seven pieces of platinum

We can do a six can we make something good for a man let me make all right almost full platinum going back down now actually not quite yet i’m gonna do this throw that charcoal in there leave that open so i can run in here if i need to

Where are those creatures that have been harassing me here it is i thought mud crabs more fish oh oh i can withstand damage oh there’s two of them okay there you go switch to the axe gonna try me okay okay damage inside close the doors close the door

You know what i killed one before kill another one doesn’t matter one more platinum if i mine pretty far back what’s my mind all the way back here here’s the trick you just bind far back as far back as you can go there’s no problem i get out of here ignore that

Like that and now now i’ve already got way too much stuff that i don’t have to do it for that platinum in there and now we have the platinum boots on he has the platinum head there it is the iron halberd one the most okay remember my strategy i come back

Just a little bit oh oh that way if it explodes you’re nowhere near it see although that’s my way out but you know what there you go in case there’s a groove around we’ll do that where are you going hey you where is it where’d this guy go

What are you doing up there oh you can’t fit through here all right there we go all right is the other one still down here no i’m not minding this stuff because i’m not mining any unnecessary minerals oh no no no no no no no i didn’t even know that this stuff was

In here i guess i added that mod to i’d be content with one diamond at this point this redstone trigger the guy they might back up probably does that bedrock this diamond what’s this what’s this stuff lead i don’t want lead there it is There it is right there already this guy’s gonna pop open okay okay eight diamonds okay now it’s time to leave the darkling i think we’ll take it right out all right there we go eight diamonds i got a beautiful weapon very close to a full set of

Platinum armor actually i think just one more wait yeah come on two more look at this the full platinum set looks like iron don’t be fooled it is not iron is marginally better than iron and now i can kill any beast come on look at the piranha remember these things are giving

Me trouble yeah dead the one one little smack that goes down come around here right yeah there’s some sort of piece one around the swamp you’ll go down just like everyone else come on come on try me that was wall right here because you’re taking this what’s this

Way i’m not i’m not scared to walk around now because i got armor i got weapons even got diamonds back in my chest speaking of the time what do i do with them whenever i first get diamonds i have no idea what to do what is that place what is going on in

There no no no no no out of the water out of the water out of the water you just got diamonds you don’t play on a hardcore i want to know what’s in there oh little frog hello don’t turn into a big one how’s it going oh popping around what’s up oh

Their comfort it’s like they know i’m powerful now oh yeah there it is i need to know right now is this series worth doing do i continue that is this something you want to watch these long episodes where i just kind of ramble and kind of give you

A behind the scenes of me playing uh 100 days or i don’t know the series just go wasn’t it the series could just end when i die i don’t know not when i die if i die a little house right here and there’s a lot to explore

A lot of things to do and i figured if i was gonna have my own series my own hardcore series i may as well make it modded so i just wanna go take a little peek over here see what’s going on over here what is this how’s it going

You look like a pokemon i’ll see you later well the pigs and cows over there and maybe it’s the way out of the swamp ah more big dinosaurs hey a little house right there those yeti things again beautiful little house why don’t you have a door little bed enchanted gold a saddle coal

Sacred school over applies regeneration decisions around you oh enchanted but corrosive steel ink it golden look at this now this is what i’m talking about this is the life i gotta get my diamonds get back here all right there it is welcome that’s a really stupid name

This video, titled ‘I Tried to Survive Medieval Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by Forge Labs on 2022-08-30 14:30:08. It has garnered 2120014 views and 81199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:52 or 2932 seconds.

I Tried to Survive Medieval Minecraft Hardcore

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    Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21 The Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Netherite Mining Guide Mining for Netherite in Minecraft can be a challenging task, but fear not! The ultimate Minecraft Netherite mining guide for 1.21 is here to help you navigate through the process. With detailed methods, tips, and strategies, you’ll be on your way to acquiring this valuable resource in no time. Understanding Ancient Debris Netherite, also known as Ancient Debris in its raw form, is a precious item found underground in the Nether dimension. It typically appears in chunks of 1 to 3 and can only be mined with a diamond or Netherite pickaxe…. Read More

  • Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft

    Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft Building a Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft The Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft is a unique architectural design inspired by the popular Jenga game. This project showcases a creative blend of functionality and aesthetics, offering players a visually appealing structure that also serves a practical purpose in the game. Layout & Materials The construction of the Jenga Lighthouse begins with careful planning of the layout and selection of materials. In this project, red is used as the primary color, but players can experiment with different color combinations to achieve varying atmospheres, from modern to fantasy. Jenga Element One of the standout… Read More

  • Hot Iron Golem Prank Fail! 🔥😂

    Hot Iron Golem Prank Fail! 🔥😂 “Pranking an Iron Golem in Minecraft is like trying to scare a rock… it just stands there unimpressed.” 😂 #minecraftpranks #ironstonecold Read More

  • Outsmarting Minecraft’s Eternal Ice Night

    Outsmarting Minecraft's Eternal Ice Night Minecraft Adventure: Surviving the Forever Frozen Night Embark on an epic journey with Coolguyapf as he enters the End of Minecraft Iceland, facing 24 hours of darkness to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. Follow his thrilling adventure on various platforms: Twitch Instagram Twitter Discord Episodes: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Mods Used: Enhance your gameplay with these exciting mods: Cold Sweat Sanity: Descent Into Madness Villager Names OptiFine All For CurseForge 1.20.1 Music: Set the mood with these captivating tracks: 10AM-PM – Lud and Schlatt Crossing 10PM – Animal Crossing New Leaf 2AM – Animal Crossing… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Duels and Parties with Facecam!” #hypixel

    "EPIC Minecraft Duels and Parties with Facecam!" #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Duels and Parties (w/Facecam) #hypixel #bedwars’, was uploaded by KaneLion on 2024-04-28 04:41:47. It has garnered 717 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:59 or 4019 seconds. #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft Currently playing on Minemen.club! Doing parties and duels =========================== Discord: discord.gg/Vd8PwxmDf8 =========================== Server IP: Minemen.Club =========================== Texture Pack: Fruitful 32x (Chifruit 100k Pack) =========================== IGN Java: KaneLion IGN Bedrock: KaneLion =========================== You can ignore this – Hypixel Minecraft, Minecraft Hypixel, bedwars hypixel, Minecraft bedwars hypixel, Minecraft hypixel bedwars, Minecraft hypixel skywars, Minecraft pvp, Minecraft bedwars server, Minecraft texture packs 2024,… Read More

  • Exploring a Secret Stalker’s Base in Minecraft!

    Exploring a Secret Stalker's Base in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Found a Stalker’s 100% SECRET BASE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Mist on 2024-03-06 21:00:20. It has garnered 1725 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:31 or 1051 seconds. I Found a Stalker’s 100% SECRET BASE in Minecraft! – EPISODE 1 OF “THE CURSE OF THE MIMIC” Mist discovers he is being STALKED, and after hunting the STALKER down, Mist finds their Secret Base beneath the Saint Ender City graveyard… Upon reading a secret book discovered in the Stalker’s base, Mist accidentally unleashes a powerful force upon Saint Ender City…… Read More

  • “Discover the Craziest Minecraft Players! #mustwatch” #gamers #epic

    "Discover the Craziest Minecraft Players! #mustwatch" #gamers #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘types of players in Minecraft i #minecraft #technogamerz #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by ALONE BOY 444 on 2024-05-28 00:43:24. It has garnered 9354 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. types of players in Minecraft #minecraft #gaming #minecraftmemes #memes #minecraftbuilding #154 #minecrafttutorial #realisticvsreal minecraft shorts techno gamerz viral gamerfleet funny gaming anshu bisht mythpat minecraft shorts minecraft viral #viral viralshorts youtube youtubeshorts shortsfeed fyp subscribe minecraft pe reels short minecraft funny shorts minecraft funny shorts in hindi minecraft funny short video minecraft memes minecraft funniest shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • Minecraft Creative: Building Insane Mansion in Java!

    Minecraft Creative: Building Insane Mansion in Java!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a house/mansion in Minecraft Creative (Java Edition)’, was uploaded by Sol_says_hi on 2024-01-04 00:25:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Ep 2! You won’t believe what happens next!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Ep 2! You won't believe what happens next!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cringelad SMP season 2 Ep 2’, was uploaded by Thanatos 13 on 2024-01-14 20:25:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:38 or 5918 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/thanatos13official Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed Blindfolded! #nepaliminecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed Blindfolded! #nepaliminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some Minecraft Facts You May Not Know! #nepaliminecraft #minecraft #minecraftfacts #camman18shorts’, was uploaded by BlindFolded on 2024-04-29 02:50:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignore): Youtubers, lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, … Read More

  • Insane Roblox Challenge with VTuber in Kucing Lucu Minecraft World

    Insane Roblox Challenge with VTuber in Kucing Lucu Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘#challenge #roblox #vtuber #minecraft #anime #gaming #cat #shorts #kucinglucu’, was uploaded by Gaory life on 2024-05-30 16:56:02. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs GodVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftpe #gaming #technogamerz #pixelart’, was uploaded by Dark Alpha Gaming on 2024-01-07 14:00:23. It has garnered 4846 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • PR02Z Lockdown Saga Gets Insane! #shorts

    PR02Z Lockdown Saga Gets Insane! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lockdown Story Part 2 #shorts’, was uploaded by PR02Z on 2024-04-12 18:43:17. It has garnered 115 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Yo Subscribe if you want Game Minecraft Find me online at ; Discord : https://discord.gg/w5ZpGWxtUM Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pr02z?igsh=MWFwdzBobTd4MXBvaQ== Twitter : https://x.com/PR02Z2?t=PojdNgc8LIG97FIvn6tTbw&s=09 Tags #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dbd #gamingcommunity #indiegames #horrorfan #remake #gamers #re #saw #horrorcommunity #fanart #horrorart #twitchtv #videogame #instagamer… Read More

  • Elveron-mc

    Elveron-mcElveron is a Runescape based server, Same skills and mechanincs but better map! We offer a wide range of activities such as a new concept Hunger Games! With a huge range of custom items and bosses we serve with a custom plugin built for this server! play.elveronmc.com:25617 Read More

  • Eternal Realms – realms

    Eternal Realms Welcome to Eternal Realms, a world of endless possibilities and boundless creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a redstone genius, or a survival enthusiast, there’s a place for you here. What we offer: Survival and Creativity: Explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and conquer challenging quests. Friendly Community: Join a community of like-minded players who are always ready to collaborate and help out. Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and challenges to test your skills and win amazing prizes. 24/7 Access: Our realm is open around the clock, so you can play whenever you want. Join us now… Read More

  • Estella™

    Estella™EstellaMC is a unique Minecraft Network focused on the game mode Kingdoms and will be expanding into more as time goes on. The network strives towards prospering in every area of the Minecraft space. Our objective is to deliver the most enjoyable gaming experience.Join our discord to be updated and meet the community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft madness: Terror exhibit

    Why was the Enderman the star of the Minecraft exhibit? Because he was always a head above the rest! Read More

  • Minecraft SMP War: Battle Royale on Blocks

    Minecraft SMP War: Battle Royale on Blocks In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, RedXypher’s the king, living out his dream. With BoomyDamovi by his side, they rule the land, Creating content that’s always grand. From Burger King to smp wars, They entertain us with their Minecraft scores. So hit that like and subscribe button tight, And join them on this epic gaming flight. Follow them on Discord, Twitter, and more, For updates and laughs galore. In the world of Minecraft, they’re the stars, Spinning rhymes and crafting bars. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, Just let the beats and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers be creepin’!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers be creepin'! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303

    Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303 The Epic Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303 in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, two mysterious and powerful entities have captured the imagination of players worldwide – Herobrine and Entity 303. These enigmatic figures have become the stuff of legends within the Minecraft community, with players speculating about their origins and powers. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the epic showdown between Herobrine and Entity 303. The Legend of Herobrine Herobrine is a legendary figure in Minecraft, often described as a ghostly entity that haunts players in the game. With piercing white eyes… Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Minecraft Build Hacks to Enhance Your Survival World Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, survival is key. To thrive in this blocky universe, players often rely on clever build hacks to make their journey easier and more enjoyable. Here are five useful build hacks that can help you improve your survival world and achieve your goals faster. Armor Swapper One essential build hack is the Armor Swapper. This ingenious contraption allows you to quickly switch between different sets of armor with the push of a button. Whether you’re gearing up for battle or exploring the depths of a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Addiction Confession by Mika Akatsuka Ch.!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Addiction Confession by Mika Akatsuka Ch.!Video Information This video, titled ‘【 Minecraft 】 We aren’t addicted–‘, was uploaded by Mika Akatsuka Ch. on 2024-06-05 15:13:32. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:09:27 or 18567 seconds. I’m Mika Akatsuka, owner of Nightfall’s Bloom florist and cafe. Vampire cat boy VTuber who likes flowers and sweet things. Won’t you let me make you a bouquet? ✧ Jason Free ✧ https://twitch.tv/Jason_Free https://twitter.com/JasonFreeTweets Youtube: @JasonFree ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ✧ Links ✧ Support me: https://streamelements.com/se-2750660/tip Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mika_Akatsuka Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mikaakatsuka Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@MikaAkatsuka ━ ━… Read More

  • Eating Money: Sociable Movements Pt.7

    Eating Money: Sociable Movements Pt.7Video Information This video, titled ‘компанейские шевеления pt.7’, was uploaded by съел деньги on 2024-03-13 21:47:22. It has garnered 54 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. #raft #goosegooseduck #valorant теги: funny moments, funny, minecraft, try not to laugh, comedy, compilation, funny videos, gaming, epic moments, чикен ган, meme, gameplay, fails, helldivers 2 gameplay, new brawlers, sands of time, brawl stars funny moments, brawl stars funny montage, brawl stars 2024, football, den19k, funny moments brawl stars, top 200 funny moments brawl stars, memes, brawl stars funny moments and fails, top 200 brawl stars,… Read More

  • Insane EarthTwister BIRTHDAY Stream! Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Insane EarthTwister BIRTHDAY Stream! Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘BIRTHDAY Live Stream | Let’s explore and chill in Survival Minecraft!’, was uploaded by EarthTwister on 2024-06-01 04:41:50. It has garnered 48 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:51 or 5031 seconds. Today, we’re going to just hang out and have fun in Survival Minecraft. We are going to get as much as we can while he hang out and explore! Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed make sure you hit that like button and subscribe if you’re new! This video is inspired by many Other minecraft Youtubers like fWhip, Gemini… Read More

  • FALCO BREAKS THE INTERNET!? Minecraft News Gone Wild!

    FALCO BREAKS THE INTERNET!? Minecraft News Gone Wild!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT FUNNY BREAKING NEWS EPISODE 1 | Breaking Your Tenda Funny Minecraft News | Minecraft News’, was uploaded by I.M FALCO on 2024-03-06 16:21:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel If You Are New Then Subscribe My This Channel And Like My This Video.In This Video I … Read More

  • EPIC CACTUS BOSS BATTLE! – Minecraft Monday SMP

    EPIC CACTUS BOSS BATTLE! - Minecraft Monday SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘BIG CACTUS RISES- The Cactus Saga : Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 35 l’, was uploaded by MetalGearSnake on 2024-05-12 06:54:23. It has garnered 49 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:56 or 11456 seconds. BIG CACTUS RISES- The Cactus Saga : Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 35 l Hope you enjoy! “You must be Ames” “You’re pretty good” “Kept you Waiting Huh” ______________________________________________________ https://www.tiktok.com/@metalgearsnake99?lang=en https://twitter.com/MetalGearSnaked ______________________________________________________ Other Channels You should check out! https://www.youtube.com/@Cyber-Odyssey https://www.youtube.com/@UC-5OK1w-I2RXYTGE-eUE_zA https://www.youtube.com/@UCCYGu8GXU1Xr94UhZAx9tcA —————————————————————————————- #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Mob Battle Tournament!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Mob Battle Tournament!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Souls-Like Universe Tournament – Mob Battle | 1.19.2’, was uploaded by Aool on 2024-03-28 15:00:01. It has garnered 1031 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:45 or 1245 seconds. ✅ Subscribe to the channel: https://bit.ly/3O1fgcZ 👉Watch the videos on my and Anonima’s gaming channel! (Daily Videos at 18:00) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoWGlHf5qnJbXjWJo0Of_cQ ✅Support the Channel by being a MEMBER: https://bit.ly/3zyVXDp ​✅Donation Via Pix – https://livepix.gg/aoolgamer ✅Contacts: 📌 Email: [email protected] 📌 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aool_gamer?igsh=cTRjeDVyNWtwM2pp 📌 Discord do Canal: https://discord.gg/ErZK97ZMRa ✺ Discover other series on the channel: ✺ Minecraft: THE NECROMANCER: https://bit.ly/3L8HVhl ✺ Minecraft: POISON: https://bit.ly/3ZAgRMB… Read More

  • Fian DC – INSANE CHEERING 🚨 | Minecraft #shorts

    Fian DC - INSANE CHEERING 🚨 | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MENGKREP CERIA | Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Fian DC on 2024-05-27 18:49:12. It has garnered 1137 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:55 or 10135 seconds. Thank you for watching this video. For those of you who want to support with donations, you can click this link: https://saweria.co/fiandinar https://sociabuzz.com/fiandinar/donate ____________________________________________________________________________________ Discord : https://discord.gg/4PcjzKB Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/fiandinar/ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Spec PC Kentang : Mobo Asrock Steel Legend B450M CPU AMD Ryzen 5 3500X CPU Fan Cooler Master ML120L V2 RAM G.Skill Trident Z 8x2GB SSD WD Green 120GB HDD Seagate… Read More

  • Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shorts

    Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a trap in desert in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-05-27 13:30:18. It has garnered 723 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal’s EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment” #clickbait #viral

    "INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal's EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment" #clickbait #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:08:55. It has garnered 9012 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo #animation #attitude… Read More

  • LonelyMC

    LonelyMCLonelyMC is a towny server that offers a wide range of possible futures, you can join a town, create a town, even leave a town you joined and join a different town or delete the town you created and create a new town, the only limit is your imaginati- But seriously, as a towny survival server with some sort of an economy, Lonely is a somewhat standard, bogstandard minecraft server, we can promise that there will be staff that tries not to be annoying, a server that is stable (it hasn’t crashed yet in any of our testing, pretty wild)… Read More