EPIC BEAST HUNT in Modded Minecraft!!

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All righty guys what’s going on and welcome back to uh Minecraft mod survival episode 10.5 the reason why I’m saying 10.5 is because my OBS keeps glitching out and uh the recording keeps getting stuck in us in a single frame or not a single frame like it keep it keeps

Getting stuck in a specific screen but we’re back in the Twilight Forest and we are currently conquering what I think is known as the Snow Queen I think um and we did uh I did defeat one of the yetis but like I said the the footage kind of corrupted which I hate

That it does that um but you guys really didn’t miss out on a whole lot but we’re being we’re being we’re being attacked by these annoying like these annoying mobs that just won’t that that that just won’t leave us alone and I was meant uh I was meant I was

Meant to uh restart my Minecraft but I kind of realized that my OBS did the thing again where it locks into the screen for whatever reason I don’t know why that happens I really wish it didn’t do that um but yeah um so I think or I think we

Press onwards I think oh god I think I’m going to restart my Minecraft also I’ve been getting a lot of interesting stuff Unbreaking to that’s cool that’s cool um yeah so I am going to go ahead and restart my Minecraft and I’ll be right

Back so let me just do kind of a quick rundown of what happened between me before recording and and recording what I thought would be what I thought would be not you know so basically um I was actually working on my house again and there’s another uh like like another oh

My God you guys are freaking everywhere you guys are freaking everywhere okay these these things are a little annoying I’m not going to lie oh they’re coming from up there okay um yeah so pretty much I was just working on my house and there just so happens to

Be another mesocyclone developing but I didn’t drop a tornado which thank God and it drifted the opposite direction of of of like usually when it comes towards us but this time it kind of drifted away which was really interesting cuz usually the storms that we’ve seen doesn’t do

That they always head towards us this storm however excuse me just kind of drifted away and I guess we’re going to continue doing this so since I just started recording I’m probably going to make this a super long episode because we’re probably going to be doing multiple things in the

Twilight Forest oh my God you’re done you’re done you’re freaking done God those things are annoying cuz like they fire snowballs like constantly it’s insane but but anyways so yeah welcome back to the channel um oh yeah I got another Ender bow um so I was pretty much just waiting

For the storm to drop a tornado but it didn’t so which was a blessing cuz cuz you know we we didn’t want any tornadoes but but you know I just so happened to go back and I decided to go ahead and and defeat one of the AL What’s called the alpha yetis because

Apparently the boss is god um apparently the bosses are protected by a curse right and um oh oh my God oh my God you freaking [ __ ] I don’t think I’ve never said that on this channel um but oh yeah I I I don’t know what these maze wafer things do but I’m still

Getting them does my bow have punch I don’t think I really wanted to punch punch is kind of annoying punch is kind of like knockback but instead it’s for bows so pretty much the storm didn’t want to drop a tornado and I went ahead and went back into the Twilight

Forest and look what also I discovered on the magic map the questing ram in that direction which means I can go and craft some shears and um start shearing some wool uh for the quest Ram cuz the quest Ram gives you a Awards when you give him

Like all the all different all the you know pretty much pretty much when you give him the rainbow pretty much um son of a these the these the these things are annoying those things are annoying the other things just kind of explode I really like all right I know

Y’all see me I know y’all see me up there was that a oh for a second I for a second I thought that was a double kill I was literally going to be like no way that was a double kill with my super awesome bow okay this place is like

Divided into separate parts and it’s whoa oh wa what is this this looks different um this could be leading up to the Snow Queen when which in that case which by the way the Snow Queen oh thanks water uh the snow queen is a boss I’ve never

Fought before in the Twilight Forest so she’s kind of new she’s a new boss for me I think that I think we’re getting closer to her domain I’m guessing if this is the right direction um by any chance um oh it is it is okay well there’s Mr uh Mr there’s

Miss Snow Queen um how do you do oh she’s all right so arrow is pretty much oh God you like you like spawn things okay snowball snowball fight no actually speaking of snow oh okay so you kind of have to likez cuz she kind

Of has like a barrier of ice so you have to like she uses a barrier of ice as a shield oh okay well she’s not really doing that whole much and I don’t know how I didn’t I don’t know how I missed her right there but this is uh this is a Snow

Queen and yeah um really interesting really interesting I think ha yeah um a crap I don’t uh I think I think I might have to head back home and grab some more food CU we’re kind of we’re kind of running low hya oh she actually does do damage she’s just

Really easy so far like so far the snow queen and the Naga okay so oh God imagine if my own Arrow hit I mean that would have been bad pretty much the Naga okay so like the Twilight Lich was actually pretty cool so far I don’t know about this boss she’s like super

Easy beside B besides like her her barrier of ice which you can’t really hit or unless I just hit her right there I have no idea um did you just like teleport do you just like teleport I have no idea also my like oh oh yeah she

She also spawns she spawns these but they don’t they don’t do anything this is like really easy so far like like do you have like any special attacks what if I what if I like come on okay that’s no use okay um Snow Queen you’re kind of oh she

Just like charged the ground all right well this this boss is super easy so far I don’t know I don’t know like what I don’t know like is she is she getting more aggressive like she’s putting her hands up oh she is oh so she’s just all right well that’s that’s

Not even you’re you’re spawning mobs but they’re not they’re not really they’re not doing a lot and you’re about to be dead oh you’re not dead all right one more final hit and you’re done clear skies goal reached that was too easy that was too easy that was a too easy of

A boss battle or a boss fight yeah I think I might have to go back home and probably what is this bow a tribo hold up wa hang on what what in the world is a tribo does it like does it like shoot three it shoots three

Arrows yo okay I wonder if we have an Infinity enchantment at home yeah we’re we’re definitely going to have to go back and go back home and stuff like that to get more food and to probably uh repair our diamond armor if if if we even have any diamonds I’m

Not really sure but then again we do have spare diamond armor like back homeb so we do have spare we do have spare uh I’m just saying we do have spare Diamond Armor All right I know this probably won’t hurt as bad to to like to like do some fall damage but

It’s still going to hurt our armor nonetheless um oh yeah we’ve also been getting some crazy stuff so I went ahead and got the Al Alpha Yeti trophy which if you guys are wondering what he looks like that’s what he looks like right there I also

Got a glass sword which oh I should have used that on the Snow Queen apparently does 40 damage I don’t know about that but whatever you never know okay let’s get the bread out cuz it’s kind of like well besides the golden apples but I want to save those for like boss boss

Fights um okay all I hear more of these mobs I’m just going to avoid them cuz like some of them are kind of obnoxious some of them are really obnoxious and I just don’t want to deal with it so yeah we’re going to head back

Home and uh just just kind of just kind of just kind of recover you know get some more food cuz we have plenty of food and plenty of armor and this is what this is what the Snow Queen it this is what the snow queen is in pretty much

She’s in this giant like she’s pretty much in this giant like luminescent like Tower pretty much or dungeon so yeah that’s that so let’s go ahead and head back home and then we will come back to the tlight forest then again also we’re kind of like we’re kind of like going in

The in the wind direction kind of oh not it’s over here let’s chase the wind let’s be one with the wind oh no it’s this way oh yeah I don’t probably didn’t think of this but this is kind of like a glacier so we are going to have to kind of like mine

Down but it shouldn’t be that hard right yeah we’re right here actually we could we could theoretically just let this water blow down really think of that anyways yeah so uh now was a snow queen like I said we have plenty supplies at Home that we can literally just

Gain but if we don’t have any diamonds um yeah see this is what I’m talking about like I need to go back and and uh make some shears or I already have shears matter of fact um yeah I already have shears so we can just come back and

Shear all the sheep for Mr Quest Ram um man I can’t wait to meet him uh let me actually check the the TW okay this is Alex’s mobs we haven’t really got into this mod yet well kind of we haven’t really like discovered a lot of mobs

Yet but uh okay where’s Twilight Forest here it is okay so we have eat every edible item exclusive in the Twilight Forest consume con consume it B give the quest Ram what it is missing I think that means that we give him wool and he

He he he gives us Awards I think um if I recall I think he gives us like ores I’m pretty sure like throughout pretty much not everything it would be would be pretty dope if he gave us netherite but that’s not accessible in the Twilight Forest

So I do plan to gain netherite but you know oh and also um a little bit more off camera work um also done some ex um done some more work with the house upstairs been working on a little bit and uh my bedroom is uh looking pretty

Fancy all to thanks to my chests that have been completely stored up and have so much storage in it and I’ve been trying to clear some of it out and actually use it so yeah so um wonder I definitely know that you can um oh man yeah let’s check our

Enchantments because okay there’s power um uh let me guess there’s probably not like there’s probably not like a freaking Infinity no there is a God dang it there’s no Infinity all right well let’s check our comat combat that’s over here um don’t have any Shields Soul Seeker I

Have’t I haven’t really been using it I feel like I should be also I should probably be using that that Spectre of Life draining whatever it’s called um oh yeah diamonds diamonds um okay there’s three um well then again we have yeah we have spare diamond armor in here so it’s not going

To be that big of a deal but as a matter of fact I think I think we can actually repair these two Diamond helmets and then we can just like apply an achievement on it apply protection three that’s good enough but I think I might have moved my

Anvil um I think I might have moved it cuz I cuz I got rid of it uh crap I I actually don’t know what I did with it um I don’t know what I did with it um might have to make another Anvil yeah yeah I know I know

Um but yeah just kind of yeah we’re we’re we’re going to have iron I feel like I might have accidentally I don’t know I think I think I probably I can’t remember I think I’ll probably like used it up to where it broke probably that’s what happened with the last Anvil so that’s

Probably what happened to this Anvil so I mean it’s not okay oh my gosh my mouse my my mouse has been acting so weird lately like for some reason it it rapidly double clicks things which oh so it doesn’t it doesn’t actually take off the oh Mr water and Trader’s here um I’m

I’m I’m not going to interact with him um not for now so I could put the protection back um and then I guess I guess we can go ahead and you I mean I don’t oh my gosh this villager uh this villager it’s wondering

Trader I get I gu I guess this will work then again I have like a lot of levels I can use so so yeah um Shield I feel like you know what let’s just go ahead and make another Shield because and then we can go ahead and

Like we can do the same thing with crafting like just craft two Shields together and it’ll you know it’ll make another Shield so yeah he you Mr wandering Traer here you Mr wander and Trader a fresh Shield I guess we can go ahead and trade with the with the wandering Trader I

Want to I I want to see how this is going to turn out so um I don’t know let’s let’s just grab some emeralds all right Mr wandering Trader where are you at I’m guessing he’s like up here or something oh he’s right here hello Mr wandering Trader how are

You hair of bear Sombrero oh is that oh wait uh I was literally looking at this like thinking like what in the world is it that’s 20 emeralds wait hold on where where does this come from hang on where does this come from oh it comes from Alex’s

Mobs so you can get it you can only get it from villagers that’s interesting I guess we can get lilyat hair of bear what can you use with a hair a bear hair a bear I’m assuming yeah it’s from Alex and mobs which of course of

Course you get it from the grizzly bear I guess we can get lime dye I guess we can get some lily pads from him no I I want actually you know what I should just probably okay I’m not going to lie I’ve never heard those sounds before from a

Villager I don’t know if that’s just me I’m not sure if they’ve been implemented for all that grass is growing back after that after our first tornado um I’m done trading with you for now Mr villager okay is there any extra no of course there’s not all right put the

Emeralds back and put the lily pads down here yeah I feel like I might Bon color staff summons two minions I wonder if if I can actually use that I okay I think I’m going to grab some like cool materials to use um so yeah oh I already had other oh

Wait I think that’s I think that was from like um I don’t know yeah Spectre of life I’m definitely going to use that so um God okay yeah um oh that’s right food I’m glad I remembered um oh great um okay I think um I’m definitely going to go ahead and bake

This thing of potatoes this should be good enough for us but I don’t know as the calming music plays all right we’re going to go back we’re going to go back to the Twilight Forest Mr wander and Trader don’t take anything from my house I mean they won’t anyways

They’re not program to do that for a second I thought you like went inside the portal I was going to be like no you probably shouldn’t have oh dang it as soon as I got back in here I forgot to freaking shars oh my gosh going back and

Forth is probably going to lag my game yep I called it God freaking forgot my shears the one thing forgot freaking shears oh wait um I forgot to check this spot cuz I’ve been like constantly of course oh gosh all right well that’s great I think I think I just missed a

Bunch of dark oak saplings that I meant to pick up when I was chopping down a tree chopping down a dark oak tree that I was using for the upstairs um I really hope that I still have okay okay we’re good I was about to say really hope that

We’re good with that um all right let’s only have four because because it takes for all right all right where’s my shears where’s my shears um did I actually use my thing of shears did I actually H hang on okay I think uh I think I need to

Craft another thing of shears um cuz I am not finding it uh MH uh wow that yeah that’s that’s totally how you make shears um all right so okay um let’s go ahead oh is that is that another storm what what the hell is going on is that another

Storm yeah that’s another rotating storm bro what it hasn’t even been a few days we’ve been in the Twilight Forest Dimension that is another rotating storm what the hell is going on this is another rotating storm okay well this is going to be an interesting session uh let’s see if this mesocyclone

Drops a tornado you never know you never know oh my gosh I remember this yeah look okay th this was from episode 7 this is from episode 7 where the tornado dropped from here it like it stalled right here then it just completely turned around that’s the most erratic Tor tornado Behavior

I’ve ever seen and it looks like it sucked up a lot of gravel from right there all right we’re going to oh crap it’s getting night well I really shouldn’t worry it’s just there’s a bunch of mobs that what that cuz like literally episode 7 that oh that weird mob I I

Already forgot it name that like you can’t see at first but like when you attack it it appears um like like that thing I was like to half a heart when that thing like almost killed me all right Mr bison how are you there is a mesocyclone which there’s no way that

The I was about to say this isn’t there’s no way this is the same one that I saw like 30 minutes before I recorded and I thought I was I thought I thought the recording was going just fine but no all right we’re going to go storm

Chasing oh my gosh oh this was uh this was episode five yeah episode five that monster yeah that was episode 5 okay this one this one’s drifting away as well that is so weird this one’s drifting away as well that is so weird that’s L what the last one did and

Now we have this one the one that y’all didn’t see apparently according to OBS but okay I I don’t know about this one this one could drop a tornado you never know but I mean hey that storms could be giving us a break speaking of storms literally like at the

Beginning of January there was an outbreak that hit the midatlantic states and I live I live in Tennessee most of y’all probably know that but there was an outbreak that hit that hit Florida surprisingly the most especially Panama City Panama City I think got hit by oh

My gosh all right th this time we have a tornado um yep there she is there she blows there’s a tornado there’s a freaking tornado all right um Panama City got hit quite hard I think um I’m I’m sorry I’m going to have to I’m sorry I’m going to have to steal

Y’all’s bed because nighttime tornadoes are not are not I’m not even going to picture what that was but we have a confirmed tornado on the ground on the ground it looks pretty low to the ground as well what is this oh it’s Mr it’s Mr

Mut zombie not not as not as well um I don’t want to say that but oh it’s going back up okay it’s another one of those tornadoes that’s going to all right cool well hey at least at least we don’t have to like storm chase the thing you’re still

Burning well well then again you have like a lot of health and ew okay uh um yeah okay well just one of those like another one of those really weak tornadoes that just touches down for a second then goes right back up well that was that but

Um yeah so like I was saying like let me actually pull it up on my phone cuz I have a specific photo from one of my friends that like made a photo about it it was through the eighth and 9th the warning count was was was 360

Ironically enough and yeah the State of Florida was hit the most and like and like the Carolinas had some more storms but I heard I heard that the City of Panama City in Florida got hit pretty bad so I think it was an ef3 I think so

Yeah not common for the State of Florida there was an F4 that went across the whole state the whole state of Florida um that uh well I should say that went horizontally across the whole state I should say but that that that that was a shortlived tornado just wanted to make sure it

Wasn’t anything it wasn’t a particularly dangerous uh dangerous God I cannot speak a particularly dangerous situation well that was another tornado of the series can’t remember which one I pretty much lost count of tornadoes cuz we’ve had we’ve had a lot of encounters so far episode 5 and episode 7even and

And episode two being the first tornado um uh episode six kind of just had one of those tornadoes that went up or touch down that it went back up pretty much um God that whole side of our mountain is just scoured like that was such a a weird

Tornado by the way that was such a weird tornadic phenomenon well I’m guessing it was a mountain it just decided to it just decided to roll back around which is pretty interesting so yeah we’re going to go back and uh now that we’ve defeated the Snow Queen we

Can actually we can go ahead and start shearing some sheep we going to start shearing sheeps and giving the wool to the quest Ram um it’s going to be amazing okay oh man all right this is this is going to be cool uh it’s been it’s been like forever is the storm actually

Coming back this way if it if it like re reiated itself to come back this way that’s pretty interesting um oh I don’t know why I was having like a weird flashback to where I was growing those those trees like the Twilight oak trees whatever they’re called that we

Got from like one of the dungeons you’re still here but see you um all right this time I did not forget anything right no good okay all right so all right oh my god of course it’s going to lag all right I’m going to sit here for a minute

Um but yeah I guess we can go ahead and look for some big horn sheep but first i’m going to restart the game again so I’ll be right back all right went ahead and restarted the game again all right so now on to now on to uh shearing some sheep it’s

Going to be the best it’s going to be the best best thing thing I’ve ever did I don’t think so but anyways sorry dear I don’t mean to scare yall off oh my gosh I can’t be yawning I’m sorry um first big horde sheep in sight here we go there you go all

Right all right got Mr Brown big horn sheep got mred a blue big horn sheep hey my color my color Yes blue is my favorite color all right we already got pink I’m going to spare you I’m going to spare you Mr sheep uh that is San uh oh wait no that’s light

Blue you really look like a Canan or turquoise whatever what’s okay okay that’s gray or dark gray I feel like this is what I feel like this is going to be like the next 15 minutes just like sheery big horn sheep it’s still good but oh well as a matter wait did you

Just as soon as I sheared you you just like regrew some wool okay okay wait th this okay oh uh dark green yes um you have you have to be Canan you have to be C there we go there’s Canan and you sir are done you’re done Z okay okay

Um any other big hor sheep before I go to like the questing Rams biome I’m assuming that that biome will also have born sheep okay I already got Brown let’s try to like well I don’t know I guess we can kind of explore uh no we’re just going to go this

Way that’s okay that’s pink so what we got so far we got brown can pink green gray light blue and blue okay there’s green and there’s lime like light green uh gray I just want to okay we already got gray wool I I just wanted to make sure because I think there’s

Like I think yeah there’s gray and there’s light gray I know you guys are probably saying like you should know your wool types man I I know but okay all right well there’s a lot of Browns there’s a lot of Browns all right I am going past you sir no needs no

Needs to okay I’m also looking all right there’s pink okay I think I’ve already been through there also this is cool cool biome um seem like there’s another Naga over in to the okay is there big horn sheep in here I don’t know it seems like it’ll be an

Area for mobs to spawn like Hostile Mobs no doesn’t seem like it all right well this this biome does seem interesting I hope it has a lot of born sheep cuz i’ I’d love me some born sheep it also seems like there’s some more uh Twilight litches out

There I definitely do know that that spec the Spectre of life is not the only one you can get as a matter of fact I feel like I should check didn’t I just scroll past it no so yeah there’s Spectre of Twilight oh the zombie zombie scepter or no scepter

Why I say Spectre scepter I know and there’s also scepter of fortification I don’t remember that one also it seemed like there was some like I don’t know there was some some other item um but oh it seems like there’s another oh yeah there is there’s like another

Hollow Hill right here but it’s a bigger one is there any difference between them I don’t know I I don’t know if there’s any difference between small Hollow Hills and Big Hollow Hills I don’t know I really don’t know I’m not not sure if not sure if it’s not sure if

There’s any difference also there’s there’s some there’s something up here there’s like some kind of I don’t know seems like there seems like another thing that I’ve never even seen before so I don’t know about that also there’s a mushroom biome like some mushroom forest biome of some

Sort all right I’m just going to go across here to get to the questing ram okay yeah that seems like a pretty cool looking looking Forest got some more alha yetis I I already killed one of your leaders I know but you don’t have to deal with it

Anymore you can get you can easily replace that I’m sorry Mr M wolf I’m not coming for you you could stay your butt over there and oh it’s like a oh yeah it’s like a magical biome it’s like a magical biome yes this is what I’m talking about

Um oh wow what is up there it’s like a giant box or something or something I don’t know look at this look at this biome oh oh is that the I think I just saw it I think I just saw the questing ram I think I just saw the quest

Ram I I know I’m like really excited by the way what happens if you like I know we’ve already obtained this wood Twilight oak wood but like when you when you like when the tree like falls apart you get like a specific sapling so that we can grow these saplings at home can

We can yes we can Rainbow oak sapling yay rainbow oak sapling I don’t know if you need four I don’t know it seems okay there there is big horn sheep here but it’s brown big horn sheep I need I need other colors but first let’s go say hi to Mr Quest Ram himself

There’s a lot of brown big horn sheep oh my goodness oh my goodness well hello there Mr questing Ram how are you how are you doing are you doing good I hope you’ve been having your you’ve been having your piece of Serenity here at your place but

I’m here to make it better I’m here to make it better by giving you uh giving you wool but I’m want I want to do it in the rainbow okay black here we go I I don’t think it really matters and that oh wait no we we need light gray we need light

Gray ah crap well I mean there’s definitely big horn sheep but I need I need z i i i what I don’t know uh is there any other big horn sheep wow this is this is some beautiful trees it’s reminding me of trolls I don’t know why it’s reminding me of the movie

Trolls don’t question me why but it is there’s not a lot of big horn sheep oh man can we not like give him the the award that he deserves right now also uh oh wait no that’s like that’s like the larger Wells that have the chest at the bottom

Oh well oh well um well there’s there’s wild boards I need big horn sheep hey it’s the cross there snow quain defeated her um any other dang this place is kind of dormant of big horn sheep well I don’t know we’ll probably just I don’t know

Well if if we do think about it we can we can die the the Sheep as a matter of fact I can actually do it right now so if you okay that gives us pink D which we already have yeah I’m going to put the axe in

There yeah I’ll put the axe there pink tulip okay we definitely yes i’ say we definitely don’t have orange hey it still works still works all right let’s go ahead and put the wool in there so we can have extra room okay all right so uh blue uh don’t we already

Have yeah we already have blue and light blue and San so we’re good on that we’re good on that we are good on that we are good all that we are good we are good all that I know I just had I know I just had wool which wait i

H i I have to oh oh well if only if only the dispenser had wool interesting okay we need yellow and we need red I know that we need yellow and red and of course oh here’s red here’s red all right red red red come on my freaking Mouse Jesus okay

Um oh man naked big H sheep naked big H sheep I need y’all to regrow your wool here’s one I know this is like really weird commentary uh I I I am I am trying to keep it as uh we need yellow yellow yellow yellow okay

Uh oh we need oh we need light gray don’t we we need purple too wait no we have purple no we don’t okay so we have we have brown we have white we don’t have light gray we need we need uh okay so we have white we

Don’t have light gray we don’t have dark gray we have black or we do have dark we do have dark gray black brown red orange yellow we don’t have lime we don’t have and the rest we do have so yeah um ooh ooh ooh ooh uh I already have no

I do not will this convert into purple oh that’s magenta crap oh man oh man okay here’s another rainbow oak sapling um oh there’s hangang on I can’t I think I just heard one of the Cobalt dudes all right I will be back Mr Quest Ram I will be

Back I’m going we already have white yeah or wait what happen What happens if you light gray yeah okay okay okay all right all right we’re we’re doing it guys we’re doing it we’re doing it all right yellow and then oh we need we need lime yeah we need

Lime O Okay Okay Okay um the hunt for I don’t know what what flour we need to get lime crap uh oh God dang it what what freaking freaking freaking oh my God okay lime lime lime die where do you get that from curly fan okay God dang it all right

Um okay well I guess we’ll go ahead and is that yeah I I don’t know what we can I I don’t know I don’t know what we can do to find lime W I don’t know I really have no idea um I feel like lime is like the only one

We need is the only one we have left oh we have light gray and all we need is yellow come here Mr yellow sheep all right we just need one more I’m I am I am almost done Mr Quest Ram you don’t have to worry you don’t have to worry okay

Um wait can you just wait can you buy any chance no you cannot okay um okay what can you use for freaking freaking freaking lime okay uh uh I don’t I don’t know what green dye white dye oh I could have freaking my God I could have just

Freaking done that I literally could have just done that okay well now I know I I feel like I might have forgot about that might have forgot about that um oh thank God okay this is don’t you need don’t you actually wait are you are you kidding me don’t we actually need to

Freaking um oh my God put it back in there um okay we just need we just need to find like another freaking oh dang it go okay um we get it from Cactus God dang it oh man okay um this is kind of ruining the immersion um

Oh okay uh I feel like we’re going to have to find another God dang it okay if by any luck I think we might have to find another green big horn sheep if we ever find one um it’s probably going to be unlikely but well I can technically go

Back but I would have to go all the way back around in order to freaking do that I feel like I would just be better off over here wouldn’t I I feel like I would be I feel like I would be I don’t I don’t know I don’t know like literally okay lime

Dye like okay I don’t freaking know anymore I feel like you would find a lime lime big horn sheep I don’t I don’t freaking know man this this is hard this is it’s really hard um oh my gosh you freaking freak ow I I literally tried to jump I literally

Tried to freaking jump okay that’s not fair oh my God all right well I think I might I don’t know I feel like I might be able to cut when I find a lime big horn sheep or yeah lime big horn sheep I will I will come back to y’all when I find

One all right guys I was able to find I was able to find a couple with that actually had both lime wool and purple wool so yeah um that that does it um that pretty much does the whole the whole Quest um we are going to do it in

The rainbow order because I feel like it would be I would what deer suffocating what was that I feel like it would be respectful um I I feel like it would be aesthetic actually there’s no real proper like worldly meaning wers in it but just for Aesthetics um so

Um anyways um let’s go back yeah it definitely did take a minute but I was able to find them so we’re here here and we are about to have some rainbow fun and uh Mr Mr orange sheep Mr orange you a you a Cleveland Fan Mr sheep I

Don’t know why I brought that up but I sure did I sure did all right let’s go ahead and bring the walls out Mr Quest Ram are you are you ready are you ready yay he he is he is ready he is ready for that stuff ain’t he

Ready look at that look at that all right s all right s wool and okay I feel like I might have am I am I doing it right oh gosh I did not mean to do that um okay okay hey hang on hang on Mr sheep Mr big horn sheep all

Right and no no no hey all right all you go magenta pink and light gray white okay I think I’m going to do brown first Brown come here come here get out in the open boy okay um black gray oh wait does it actually go in its

Does it actually go in its order did I forget one gray oh hey look look at there look at there look at them look at him so so it actually goes in the order so it actually goes in an order that is awesome that is awesome look at you man consum it B

Yes thank you Mr Quest I got a crumble horn whoa whoa oh like crumbles the ground that’s cool got a bundle it has ores yes wow thank you Mr Quest Ram thank you buddy wow Mr Quest Ram is so nice oh thank you thank you I will I

Will forever remember you I really I really want you to I I I really want to take you home we we might come back and take him home I don’t know we might kidnap him I don’t know but that is not our objective we have reached a goal we

Have reached a goal with Mr Quest Ram okay what shall we do next um was that noise defeat red oh what was a Red Cap Snapper defeat a wraith what in the world there’s a wraith mob oh the Hydra oh the Hydra that’s the one I want

To do next the Hydra oh man this is awesome I don’t I don’t see the Hydra anywhere around I feel like we might explore I feel like we’ll explore and we’ll find the Hydra that’s the one I want to do next it’s probably the most it’s probably the coolest episode yet

Well we did it we might as well convert these uh not not as much as I want to use copper but I mean hey I’ll I’ll do it anyways more emeralds more diamonds more gold more lapies lapis thank you Mr Quest Ram that was truly truly a

Appreciation yeah I don’t I I don’t I I don’t know what this thing is I don’t know what this structure is up here I’ve never seen this before um I don’t really know what it okay I think this is it up here it seems like there’s another uh

Naga structure as well there’s a bunch of fireflies as well I don’t think I’ve never commentated on the fireflies now I think about it whoa what in the world is that it’s like some floating island that’s definitely some kind of floating island that’s weird Okay some kind of floating

Island well that’s something we’re not focused on right now so we’re trying to trying to find the Hydra the Hydra was a another really cool boss that I liked in the Twilight Forest and oh my gosh there’s another one is that like a giant is that like a giant tree up

There that’s like some giant tree okay um whoa whoa look look at this look at this oh my oh my gosh what kind of Castle is that that’s some imperion looking Castle wow that’s crazy oh my gosh okay well we’re going to save that for another time because that’s not our

Focus right now I I feel like if we use a bow it would kind of make travel a lot easier well that’s uh that’s an interesting looking uh Castle up there but it’s not really our objective right now we’re trying to find the Hydra so yeah um now what the freak huh what

Just oh did oh gosh I’m like I’m like I’m like getting inflicted with one of the curses again all right well I’m I’m going to take you out to know what this curse is okay so it’s definitely it’s a curse no it’s on the highlands so there’s Highlands in the

Overworld and then there’s Highlands in the Twilight Forest okay I’m not trying to get infected I’m I’m just trying to go across the I’m trying to go amongst the river I’m just trying to go amongst the river can I can I not do that okay I guess I can’t do that

Um oh my gosh okay I guess I can’t do that all right hey that’s fine that’s fine we’ll just go exploring we go exploring for Mr Hydra which way do you have to do these bosses in a specific order cuz if like if that has a curse

Don’t don’t I have to defeat something first I have no darn clue okay um oh that’s all right I am going to go this way ow all right um holy crap there’s another Lich Castle right there another another Hollow Hill but God that biome looks so

Weird it’s like crazy I I don’t even know there doesn’t seem that much interesting stuff over here it seems like it’s just PLS or what like with trees I’m sorry guys I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry Mr deer I’m sorry Mr dear I don’t mean to upset you but I

Have I have objectives to do I’m not finding oh wait is there like another Quest questing Ram place over here is this another questing Ram Place huh I wonder if that is another Quest Ram that’ be kind of weird like two Quest Rams what the oh that might just be one of the

Noises of the the deer oh wait there’s whoa there’s like something there’s something red oh wait is oh wait is this the Hydra I think this is I think this is the Hydra I think that’s the biome we’re about to come upon right

Now I think I think so oh y there he is that is for sure the Hydra oh man the Hydra the Hydra is a really complicated boss cuz you can’t you can’t hit him you can’t do damage to him that that easily but oh wait wait it so like isn’t

The Hydra protect protected by a curse as well dang this is like whoa this this biome is also those lotuses lotuses in Minecraft well because of the Twilight Forest obviously but still wow oh the oh oh the fog and the atmosphere changes yeah this is not a pretty

Looking Place well I guess in nature it kind of is but trying to parkour on the lily pads trying to parkour on lily pads so if if it’s protected by a curse don’t we have to go in one of these things cuz if I recall aren’t these the minro

Isn’t this the minnow room oh oh yeah I can see like the red biome oh yeah that’s that’s for sure the red biome over there so don’t don’t you have to go in one of these first and just I feel like you feel like you have

To oh oh oh gosh there there’s already stuff waiting for us all right there’s already there’s already mobs that are waiting oh God God he’s doing he’s doing like a charge he just went to the freaking water you Mr creeper can go ahead and kill yourself also I saw something I saw something

Over over here I thought so is he is he oh he’s drowning what are you I was glitched there were you like some sort of spider okay well we’re g to God dang it we’re GNA we’re going to use our water bucket to our advantage there we go and down

Here we are hello how are you so are you are you one of the minars cuz I feel like you are I feel like you’re one of the minotaurs and O raw meef well you’re going to be to some use I guess oh I I know I no longer need

The shears I’m going to put them back in there okay I’m going to I’m going to try I’m going try this bones bones collar staff and see what it does um oh there’s like okay Spa spawn oh oh yes attack him attack him oh it’s this two baby

Skeletons oh that is so cool oh double kill look oh that’s so cool it’s like a minion oh that is so cool that is so awesome okay I thought I saw a creeper oh like my favorite track so far in the Twilight Forest oh that is so cool fire aspect

Okay I don’t really need the Golden Axe but I’ll take it Ironwood sword steel leaf helmet also I’m not really taking these like oh hi hi there also you have kind of a different ax there sir like like it’s not really also me okay me steak how good is

This oh pretty good I’m assuming all right well we have to use a different backpack now unfortunately um okay TNT charms of keeping I’m still going to grab them but we’re still kind of okay where did my where did my little minion go or did he like

Disappear oh it’s the maze slimes I remember y’all I remember you all my slimes oh my gosh what is that what oh oh my gosh what the heck are you oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh holy crap like some spider that I I feel like I

Remember oh my God okay that scared me oh my gosh wow okay that was that was great that was great okay uh that’s cool um all right dead end that was cool that was cool that’s a cool use um oh I remember those MA slimes I remember those things too weren’t they

Called like oh free torches let’s go I I I I love how it’s giving me free torches but I think I think I do remember those like weren’t they called like weren’t they called like pincher beetles or something like that w’t they called Piner beetles I think they

Were I think they were called Piner beetles pincer pincher Piner beetles yeah the pincher beetles yeah I remember them there’s a lot of mobs that I’m remembering now and it’s so weird and I hear all these minotaurs that are like like they’re having the best time

Of their life right now oh gosh I really hope this is not like a maze well I mean it pretty much is from what I remember hey I really I really love I really love these I really love these uh these these torch rooms where it gives me free

Torches really I really do appreciate it you know I really can’t complain can’t complain about rooms that give you that give you free torches um anyways there you go let’s put torches back in there that’s lava I’m not going that way assuming there’s more down here oh

Yeah there sure is there sure is and oh hi you you called you called for backup sir you called for backup hey I’ll I’ll take your me steak oh it’s Mr it’s Mr May slime oh wow it seems like they have more Health than a regular slime give me all your slime

Balls cabon I need to see your boss you mean Mr Fring Mr Fring okay I’m going to shut up okay this is a different area um oh oh hi hi there I I really I really wow I really um I really do love the music for the

Twilight Forest I don’t know why hey a potion and more armor that probably is not as good as Diamond but whatever still taking it um just in case uh more buckets of milk I mean I guess maze map Focus maze map Focus hold up maze oh huh you can make a

Freaking oh okay Blake maze or map okay um okay apparently you have okay apparently you make a blank maze map but but what does that do I don’t know what that does okay well I guess we’ll find out if we happen to find any paper down

Here I think I think I remember what it’s talking about like I think I think if I recall it like it like you like discover a secret area I think oh oh God okay you’re like you’re like some weird Beetle oh oh you’re you’re like the fire beetle

Thing oh it’s the fire Beetle I remember you okay um is this a trap oh of course that is a trap okay fire aspect that was kind of the only that okay that oh wow we’re actually really close to bedrock I didn’t even notice that fire asp three I

Guess I’ll take it there’s an Enderman down here why is there an Ender down here in the Maze I have never seen an Enderman down here in the Twilight Forest I’m going to go ahead and take him out also the these blocks must be like really hard to mine out

Um uh okay well we’ve already been there um whoa hey yo this is oh gosh okay not touching me today no sir all right uh okay already been through there this is interesting interesting maze complex and oh great there’s poisonous spiders in here God now I’m going have to deal with Y’all you just like gave up your charge okay there’s more of these torch rooms I love it I freaking love it okay I freaking love it all right yeah I I I feel like this episode’s going to be oh you Wen you weren’t stuck in the ceiling like the rest of the

Spiders oh hi there hi there mister you just all right I guess I’m going to kill you anyways you gave me your gold axe I don’t really need it it’s it’s it’s not even the axe that he was wearing it was like wearing what am I saying um it’s not even the axe

That he was holding it was like a different axe all right you’re you’re just or wait no it that that one oh hi that one he was I I yeah look look right there you’re you’re holding a different kind of Axe let me actually search up

Axes or wow I’m really good at typing oh wow there’s a lot um there’s a deep gem axe God that looks terrifying um Golden minitar Axe oh you can’t craft it diamond minitar axe extra damage while charging all right I feel like I feel like we can oh

Hey it’s like a passage that’s blocked off and we have more oh God this is going to oh H H it goes even deeper wait wait wait how How does it go deeper if we’re at Bedrock level or or is the dungeon surrounded by Bedrock cuz if it’s surrounded by

Bedrock then I don’t know how that’s possible cuz like Bedrock is pretty much unminable pretty much all right time to do that again there we go and I’m accompanied by some Ms okay I’m going to go ahead and ignite y’all fire oh wow getting getting quite the welcome in here am

I with all the minotaurs oh hi that kind of gave me a light reaction there I’m not going to lie I know that there’s another one beside me these guys are just coming in like holy crap I should probably be using my shield how’s my armor doing Armor’s doing quite well

Um yeah okay um we got lava over here oh wait so that that that time that spider is stuck that’s so weird I don’t know why that’s a thing but whatever whatever whatever um all right we got I’m just going to like oh God it’s the weird freaking Piner Beetle dude it’s the

Weird weird weird Piner Beetle guy guy that’s just going to like that’s going to have a conion while he grabs onto me oh God I got a I got a freaking like okay that’s definitely not something that’s that’s not something that that I would want to happen to me when a

Pincher beetle grabs onto me and just all right pincher beetle just like grabs on to me and God okay okay all right oh wow of course you like delay my shield all right we in the clear where or not in the clear there’s one over here okay this is ow God I should

Probably be more cautious of that my me steak matter of fact I should probably that’s raw Mee me steak here we go feel like I could have it in my inventory as well you know you know okay there was fire aspect we got got red thread I don’t know what D what

The heck you’re you’re you’re like some sort of slime Beetle we’re like discovering a lot of weirder mobs I feel like I remember the Slime Beetle as well I have no idea though got more TNT I’m not I’m not really getting any more of the Ironwood ingots or

Whatever they’re probably even not even that good okay um all right go and collect another thing of torches okay oh Mr creeper just kind of realized my my diamond sword’s kind of wearing down a little bit kind of realize okay that’s a dead end okay I’m back

Again I don’t know where I was going I think I was going this way no that’s the dead end yeah yeah yeah um more Twilight Forest music wow this music is sure something all right let’s go a different direction I hear I hear another mlam yeah I think we might repair our diamond

Sword or I don’t know should we think we should make like a new diamond sword which oh my gosh unseen sword unseen ingots what the heck there’s like a lot of Astral sword oh my gosh this is like fiery sword oh I remember the fiery

Sword I feel like we should go to the nether at some point we have the voided Crystal Sword corrupt sword wow glass sword there’s a lot of different swords we can make but it don’t really matter right now cuz we’re trying to okay uh I don’t see any other trip I

I I don’t see any trip wire okay hey golden apples cool and and and mushrooms stew and paper hey paper you know might we might make that M we might make that maze map you never know you never know what would happen oh God it’s

Mr Mr Piner Beetle did he oh God okay you you are weird you have a lot of Health um somebody chasing me or was that like movement on the other side I think that was movement down here but hey we might we might find enough enough paper to create whatever

This maze map will do um whatever the maze map will do I have no idea um okay I wonder I wonder if we’re getting close to Mr mrooms layer cuz we never know okay that doesn’t look like a trap cuz I don’t see trap wire and it doesn’t look like a

Trap chest okay I don’t think also what does red thread do what is that supposed to do what is that supposed to do cuz I don’t know I don’t know what said red thread is supposed to do and we have enough look at that we can make we can make a

A maze map don’t know what this is going to do but let’s try it out let’s try it out for ourselves and click okay and now now to find the exit Okay um all right uh oh wow it’s literally like oh man you have you have to like explore the maze

What okay this okay this is like the edge oh man this is like the edge okay um all right yeah so right here’s a spawner room oh man this is like just like exploring oh man oh wow this is not even okay um oh hi there I kind of didn’t see you right

There cuz I was Lally I literally looking at the map and I was trying to like say okay so wait go through here and then you go through here and then you go over here you go over here go over here go over here wait no I

Think hang on am I just like this that this is really this is really making me really like okay you know what I’m just going to go back I’m just going to go back and okay that stuff isn’t that minable I just wanted to like

Test but okay wait this goes to a dead end doesn’t it I’m I’m literally trying to like oh wait no we have not gone this way all right just wait for that dude to pass yep ah dang your range God your range okay this one this

One of course has freaking all right all right that was that was for sure necessary gosh all right all right we’re just unveiling we are unveiling nope that’s not his room uh something something’s burning I don’t know what is but but something is okay what’s what’s over here okay this is like the

Edge that was like pieces of mushroom like you wrote it in the in the stone pretty interesting all right oh hi Mr weird slime Beetle God it’s Weir so weird all right we’re going to go over this area we’re just like we’re just like exploring the new aspects here creeper

Okay oh God I am freaking all right all right ow still gave me freaking poison okay all right I’m going to take care of Mr spawner all right TNT fireflies oh wait no okay okay potion instant healing thank you very much all right okay all right all right let’s let’s go this

Way more torches thank you very much I’m just trying to see like cuz if they I could have sworn like like there was some I think if I remember there was like some sort of weird secret with this maze I think think oh this leads back to this

Room hear another Enderman down here another torch rooman hey I’m going to I’m going to take them going to take set torches okay um oh wait this is this is one we haven’t been in oh hi this is the one that we haven’t been in and uh

Yeah okay another chest okay that one that one’s trip wire and of course the freaking what why why is it only fire aspect all right well it just kind of freaking just kind of revealed some of the other yeah this dungeon is completely surrounded by Bedrock what this is literally surrounded by

Bedrock that is so weird okay that’s really interesting I don’t know why but that’s interesting to know that it has to be surrounded by by a Bedrock hi ow axe that hurts hurts a lot hurts a lot man um oh is this oh I think I think this is his room I think

This is the okay let’s actually let’s actually um oh there he is there’s Mr minnow room oh oh God it’s Mr oh God he he he’s out he’s out okay all right it’s Mr minro it’s Mr minro and oh oh gosh oh oh wow oh oh wow

Okay okay all right you’re uh you got you got you got some Powers there sir you got you got some Powers there sir all right hang hang on hang on hang on all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go where you at where you at man

Come on where you at man come on come here let’s fight let’s let’s fight to the death fight to the death oh okay so he can he can oh crit crit and you’re dead that’s was another easy boss I feel like well I mean I can’t really be saying nothing well that was

Uh that was that was that um oh I got the I got the I got meat stroking off and the diamond Minar axe yes yes yes yes okay we’re going to be keep that in there and I think I’m going to go ahead and um oh there’s just other dudes that are

Waiting for me um don’t I remember there was like some okay I I don’t need M map Focus anymore I will take the potion of instant healing I’ll take that um don’t I remember there like being some Easter egg in here or am I just tripping okay that is a trap

Chest but I really don’t care it’s always fire aspect is it like because of I I don’t know it’s really weird and I just completely Jes that dude um I just completely Jes them um okay what about this chest doesn’t seem like neither okay I I don’t oh

God all right crit there you go I need to get my sword back out okay all right another chest that is a trap chest I don’t care I’m still checking it out we got a blaze rod got a blaze rod first time I obtained a Blaze Rod in the series all

Right um well I guess we’re going to end it here or no not end it here I still want to continue on and uh oh hi there hi there Mr May slime how are you oh you seem to have more Health than a regular Slime oh God dang it oh God I’m suffocating the wall I’m suffocating the wall I’m suffocating in the freaking wall I’m suffocating in the freaking wall what what what what is happening okay okay okay I okay I’m sorry I I had to do that I

Had to do that I had to do that oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God okay okay okay all right all right enough enough of this I had to I had to go into creative mode because I was suffocating oh that could have been bad

Oh that could have been real bad okay okay all right uh um I might as well cut and meet you guys again when I’m up at the surface after I’m done kind of like exploring this place fire aspect 3 it’s always fire aspect why what guys I’ll meat you guys back up in

Just a minute okay we’re back in the uh back on the surface and we are about to head into the the fire fire forest I don’t know and oh gosh okay wait so wait this is still this is still protected by a curse what I’m so confused okay notes on the fire swap

Fire is a trivial obstacle for a master Explorer such as myself I have tra have Traverse Seas I have traversed seas of fire and swam through oceans of life the burning air here is an interesting variation But ultimately no hindrance what does stop me though is that I have encountered another protection spell

This time surrounded a mighty creature that must be kind that must be king of this fire swamp this is not the first protection spell I have encountered I beginning to unravel the mysteries of how they work if this spell is like the others it would be it would be sustained

By powerful creature nearby well that that has to be oh so wait labyrinths of full full of minotaurs The Logical choice to bind such a smell spell my bad to would be some sort of powerful Minotaur different in some way from the others that surround it well I I defeated it I defeated

Him oh wait that’s the did I put wait wa my magic map’s right here I defeated him the heck oh wait eat me stroganov to climatize your body to the oh that’s what you have to do okay you have to eat the strogen off okay that’s that’s interesting so that you

You’ll be immune to the fire oh boy all right well well we don’t need notes on o oh there’s like there’s like oh man look at the atmosphere the atmosphere is so look at this the atmosphere is so crazy in this the atmosphere is so so crazy all right where’s the Hydra oh

It’s right here okay uh um I think I think he’s like on the inside I think of this but man this is this is something there’s smoke there’s stuff that’s burning yeah this is not a very friendly place um this is not a very friendly place

And oh oh wow oh where’s the Hydra oh wait I see it spawner all right all right um are we ready are you ready to see the Hydra there what what the uh Hydra you good you good oh oh God his head his head’s like floating uh his oh God his

Like he like oh God is okay I’m like I’m like firing these back at him don’t I have to like add light around him uh okay this is very weird um for some reason his model’s not fully showing uh okay and and apparently I’m I’m I’m I’m going just like throwing

These projectiles back at him um oh oh oh God fiery Inferno oh gosh he’s he’s oh my gosh yeah his his he’s not like fully showing oh God he just like he just like shown another head this is like literally the only way I can do how to feed

Him okay and then just just yeah I don’t know I don’t know what’s up with that I don’t know why that’s a thing he’s like his full his full his full model is not showing I don’t know why his full M’s not showing um oh gosh oh oh oh Jesus okay

Okay okay all right all right wait Golden Apple Time Golden Apple time yeah his full Mall’s not showing that’s really strange I’m literally just doing this like I’m I’m RI I’m I’m like ricocheting has ow God it hurts freaking bombs freaking bombs of The Inferno and I’m

Literally about to kill him this is not even that hard oh God just got hit by the freaking Inferno okay I don’t need I I don’t need any seeds oh wow that was that was not that hard that was not that hard at all um that was

Not that was not hard at all that was really not um that was really weird cuz like his his full got some hydrop got some fiery blood but his his full his full model wasn’t showing like it was glitching out that was really weird well I I guess

That was a Hydra um very interesting boss I oh man that felt kind of disappointing his full bottle wasn’t showing for some reason that was really weird well if I can’t think of any other Twilight Forest boss that we have not defeated yet except the one that’s over

Here that I really have no idea about but I think I have an idea what on what this could be down here in the South there’s only one other boss that I can think and I think that is the erast and I think we’ll probably end it

Before we go into it before we go into the aras’s huge Temple of his huge Tower of Doom his huge Tower of Doom and and death so let’s just let’s just see let’s just see what happens and go ahead and swim or not swim use our boat to our advantage um anyways

Um actually I should probably be like obtaining these no I don’t mean to jump back out all right okay all right and done that and go ahead and travel down here to where go and travel down here um and see the erast but I imagine it’s protected by another spell as well so

[Applause] yeah so yes we’re going to got to wreck the tower but I think I think the argas tower will probably take the most time to complete cuz its Tower is freaking insane it it it’s it’s not like the ledge Tower it is truly truly gigantic where’s it at I don’t see

It I don’t see its icon down there maybe it’s further down maybe uh yeah where where’s it oh there it is okay I was really thinking like wait where’s the a gas I don’t see him well um uh okay so there’s things surrounding it so I’m assuming that we have to that

We have to take those out as well so I’m assuming assuming we have to take them out So oh Jesus Christ holy crap God damn oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me God dang it oh it’s the freaking the skeleton Druids there down here or like down here in the forest oh my gosh it’s like it’s like a ghost wolf holy crap oh oh oh oh he gives me

Blindness oh oh heck oh God this is this is terrifying this is terrifying this is terrifying holy [ __ ] okay get rid of the blindness please what the freak is that I’m hearing like laughter I’m here I’m hearing spiders too we’re like we’re like right upon one of the things one of

The one of the dungeons I’m assuming oh and even even even your even your render distance is turned down like holy crap where the freak is this dungeon at like where oh here it is okay yeah yeah let’s get down here holy crap oh here we go um what is

This don’t you have to like place a trophy oh okay I guess I’ll take it as well all right and here we go all right we’re down in here with another uh another dungeon of some sort um I got oh oh weird helmet crab dudes and the

Cobalts all right I’m starting to see some familiar faces down here um oh God yeah I’m definitely starting to see some familiar faces um wow that you’re uh you have a lot of Health Jesus Christ um that’s uh oh gosh more freaking slime beetles um more more more freaking slime

Beetles okay um more slime beetles okay oh my God oh my God there’s a lot oh Jesus okay all right back up plan back back up plan oh God we’re probably we’re probably going to have to obtain some of our golden apples here because the oh God oh God oh God there’s

A bunch of there’s a bunch of mobs there’s a bunch of mobs there’s a bunch of mobs that that are running away from me even though they will they will come they will come to my they will come to their defeat they’ll come to their defeat eventually and there’s a free

Anvil I’m going to obtain it cuz those things are worth a lot of iron woo boy all right starting off starting off hot in this one oh my God all right you are done you’re freaking done okay uh where did I get cooked Cod from I don’t know also my

Diamond sword is kind of on the bad side here okay there’s like there’s a bunch of oh my God there’s a bunch of freaking weird what what are you what are you you like have some sort of oh oh okay God man y’all are weird Okay protection three finally a different a different

Freaking enchantment finally a different enchantment protection three oh my gosh okay all right well I think you guys are just freaking everywhere it’s unbelievable it’s literally unbelievable okay all right let’s go let’s go a different way and all right these dudes these these dudes right here just like naturally spawn that’s

Insane okay I should probably you know what no I’m actually going to be using the hydr chop cuz why not why not and wow you just you just hit your own dude you just hit your own dude what are you doing you just you just hit your

Own friend you literally just hit your own friend you on the other hand are going to explode okay oh gosh he can actually he can actually use it I did not know that I literally thought they were just for props okay steel leaf sword not that

Good thanks for the offer though but um technically I can repair my diamond sword but uh actually I think I might actually okay this is like in the same all right you you’re kind of you’re kind of man you you you have a lot of Health okay is there any other

Direction okay there is oh boy um oh wait it’s the same direction okay God okay this is this is going to be a doozy of a dungeon okay Unbreaking three Unbreaking three thank you for Unbreaking three I feel like well I don’t know I feel like if I find another Anvil I

Might do a quick repair of our armor uh blue wool um no thank you thank you for the offerings oh it goes down great it goes down okay so I feel like this is like the last thing we’re going to do and then we’re going to then we’re going to

Wrap it up this video this this this episode has definitely been longer I will admit all right there’s there’s just a lot of what the freak was that there was like smoke particles I don’t know what that could have I don’t know what that could have signified but I

Keep getting raw Cod I don’t know why but I’m going to take it either way um oh my God there’s just so much mobs uh oh that that’s an obvious giveaway that’s a trap um anyway um another charm of keeping okay honestly I really don’t need them because I I already have keep

Inventory so okay I I guess those dudes just like genu genuinely drop raw Cod it seems interesting enough um okay this kind of just goes in a circle I think I think your I think didn’t your slime ball oh wait no there’s another slime Beetle behind me like the slime

Ball like hey hey my Thorns my Thorns have Afflicted you and you’re cornered and done all right yeah I think I might have to repair some of my diamond armor using uh said diamonds that questing Ram gave me I mean you know the the questing ram

He’s he’s a good guy he he’s a wonderful guy he is for sure a wonderful guy I keep thinking that there’s something behind those stairs cuz it is quite suspicious let’s try some hydr chop oh it gives you generation I think I remember that I think I think I remember that the hydr

Chop gives you generation and oh my God there’s just there’s just so much mobs oh my God all right since you’re running away uh oh you’re you’re not running away no more you Lally sad just a second ago and now now you’re sad again you’re so stupid you’re so stupid you are

Literally so stupid and it goes even deeper it goes even deeper all all this stuff it goes even deeper what what the hell okay you have oh okay I was about to say you quite have awful aim but not not really not really I may have I may have spoke to

Too soon but you know it it is what it is okay uh destruction and destruction enchantment I don’t know what destruction does it sounds just as the name and Tails so it probably destroys things um I highly I highly imagine that it’s used on combat um

Okay what what are we even like killing down here oh there’s like a full grown tree down here I see I see okay trying to have some foliage down here while y’all still last and the Overworld the Overworld visitors from my world come here and try oh hey we have we have

Oh uh oh my gosh okay uh night Metal Ingot that’s an Ingot we haven’t seen before night metal block of night metal holy crap yeah you you seem genuinely passive I am not going to attack you by the way this hydr Chop’s awesome know way you on the other hand you’re aggressive what

What oh I just I think I just broke your thing okay um that’s interesting okay yeah I think I think I’m going to have to like repair some of my iron using my diamonds or not my iron some of my diamond using my diamonds to repair

Them so all right we’re going to have to go back cuz oh excuse me thank you guys um man this this dungeon is just shock full of Weird Mobs um and you know just all right dead EDS haha funny all right I hear more of those weird Cobalt dudes what I tell you

Shock full of Weird Mobs that just don’t have the slightest bit of sense to when somebody has a lot better A lot better fortitude and armor on them they should understand oh there is something behind here that’s a trap chest you’re enough fooling me man you’re not fooling me all

Right projectile protection 3 I’ll take it I’ll take that projectile protection wow you’re your your block of I’m assuming that’s what that is it’s a block of night metal your block of night metal is pretty insane um pretty heavy equipment there sir I’ve already been here this the one I didn’t go down

To um I don’t think so and oh oh okay yeah there’s just there’s just too much crap there’s literally just too much there’s too many mobs there’s too many all right um okay it’s kind of cleared up you’re sad you’re sad now just because I killed your friend well I

Feel like feel like next time you should just listen to yourself whenever whenever that you have somebody that’s just like that’s just kind of like like hey like I have better armor than you maybe maybe it’s oh that’s what caused those smoke particles maybe it’s better

If you just if you just treat me with respect but it is their domain so I guess I can understand that um ooh this is a different area this is different um I don’t think no this is this is not a boss area um oh wow that’s a pretty good irant

Sword there a bow with power four well we have another Power four bow that we can use we probably have another one at home let’s be honest here cuz of the Rog likee dungeons but were you there before I have no idea you might you might have spawned there you never

Know but okay we didn’t go this way um all right yeah here we go oh yeah you just you you just shot your own dude that’s uh that’s that’s pretty that’s pretty well pretty well trained of you there to just hit all right you just made me destroy my own torch Um you you just hit your own friend and he was he was upset he was upset but then he he was glad that his friend died but then I had to kill him so yeah oh you kind of scared me for a second you’re you’re sad too you’re sad

Too and y’all are both mad y’all are both mad and and oh my God your freaking block of night metal is hey my Thorns killed you I think um don’t I okay I I should probably repair my diamond armor um cuz I already have an anvil but just

Holy crap okay I I don’t even know like what the bosses of this dungeon all right that’s TNT another steel leaf sword uh wow that was a really disgusting noise um maybe I don’t know this is a dead end why okay uh I don’t know I’m not

Sure I’m not sure where the boss area is well then again we have probably haven’t discovered the whole dungeon oh there is an area over here um uh projectile protection 3 I’ll take it like I said I’m I’m taking I’m taking all of it I want all of it give me all

Of it give me all of it and I think you just broke his you you guys you guys are pretty good when it comes to you guys are pretty good when it comes to hitting each other you you guys are pretty good at that oh my gosh it’s

Like it’s like another freaking stairway it’s another freaking stair area it’s another it’s another room of staircases it’s like this dungeon this dungeon must be endless I’m telling you and you’re you’re you’re just upset you stupid cob Bal that has like no bit of sense that you’re just like

Upset mad at me especially but I mean you guys are you guys are attacking me so it’s it’s it’s my it’s my duty or it’s it’s it’s for me to survive I haven’t had a single death yet I just kind of realized but oh hi kind of just

Chilling there aren’t you but it has to come to an end because wow the hydrop really really regen Regens a lot okay I’m going to go ahead and get this back back and get the diamonds and yeah I’m just going to go ahead and try to repair a lot of this stuff um

So yeah I think I think that’ll be all right um I mean hey this will this will uh this this will help us out there we go there we go and now we’re down to 14 levels so we can technically use our our uh our bottles of enchanting cuz we

Haven’t used those yet we haven’t used our bottles of enchanting yeah the the these guys just like genuinely spawn and I took you out with one shot one shot one freaking shot how lucky for me is it possible for me to meet the owner I’m the owner really how lucky for

Me okay I don’t know why I’m thinking of that scene and better call saw when when Gus Fring meets loo salaman I don’t know why I don’t know why I’m thinking of that scene and we oh this is where the tree is okay oh God all right

All right I’m I’m surprised my shield is actually doing pretty good um oh wait you’re you’re a different guy oh man you were different you weren’t like the regular Red Cap you were like different dude um what what what why is this just a sudden dead

End this is like a sudden dead end a power three boat man you guys you guys are just like can Okay can this stuff be easily oh well that’s that’s something that’s that’s uh that’s interesting um wow you you guys are really going to do me like that where’s the freaking

Boss room cuz I’m not ending this video once we find it not God dang it I’m not I’m not ending it I’m not ending it I’m not ending it there’s there’s there’s that guy who’s passive but the other dudes aren’t so me it’s pretty pretty sad pretty sad for your guy I

Mean all right uh and uh all right this area actually has an area to go off okay um it’s a dead end oh I did not mean to hit you sir I’m really sorry I didn’t mean to hit you I’m so sorry I’m so sorry suly goes in a

Circle what the hell this literally goes in a circle this literally freaking goes in a circle this this literally goes in a circle um wait did I I been down here ow have I been down here uh you’re just kind of chilling in your own corner there there

Mister um okay I might go ahead and cut until I find the boss room so I’ll see you guys in just a Second always freaking scared watch this done all right um okay what oh oh here we go here’s an area that I haven’t been to okay goodness I was literally about to like question like about to question like where I’ve been cuz like it literally looked like I was like

Exploring like explored everything but this part um doesn’t seem like I have so hopefully this area has the boss that we’re looking for hopefully um hello there um uh I hope I hope it does if it doesn’t I’m going to be pissed I’m going to be pissed and it’s

Okay um I literally have no idea where this freaking yeah it’s a freaking dead end okay okay guys I literally have no idea where this boss is um of this dungeon so I think we’re going to leave it up to next episode um yeah so if you guys do want to want

To see more then just comment down below or click that like And subscribe click that like And subscribe and oh my God that’s a lot of mobs um yeah guys um I will I will possibly see y’all really soon in the next episode of Minecraft moded Survival see you guys later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded Survival – Episode 10 (Venator Bestiarum)’, was uploaded by Mr. Wedge on 2024-01-14 23:00:07. It has garnered 119 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:11 or 7151 seconds.

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    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, blokowo.pl Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More

  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

    Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab Exploring Tags in Minecraft: Customizing Your Gameplay Understanding the Power of Tags In the vast world of Minecraft, tags play a crucial role in categorizing and labeling various blocks and items. These labels allow for efficient identification of groups of logical elements within the game’s code. By assigning tags to items and blocks, players can streamline decision-making processes based on these labels. Creating Custom Tags The ability to define personal and common tags in Minecraft opens up a world of possibilities for players. By generating custom tags, individuals can tailor their gameplay experience to suit their preferences. Whether assigning… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!

    Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!Video Information all right guys in today’s video I’m going to be doing something a little bit different I’m going to be doing a solo windcraft run I have played windcraft before like eight years ago I was an Archer and just recently I decided to um see how the game has changed and I played as a shaman and I got to level 18 um I’ve never really experienced a story in this game so I’m going to try to go slower and actually experience the story I’ve downloaded a few mods that will um give the story voice… Read More

  • Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & Choco

    Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & ChocoVideo Information what’s this oh it’s just a normal security guard job but is it really we actually went ahead and created our own version of the FNAF pizeria with functioning doors lights and these weird robot things will postal survive the night or Will Freddy Faz barington get him first if you want to go see the full video the link is right here This video, titled ‘We recreated FNAF…’, was uploaded by Flash & Choco on 2024-01-14 11:39:01. It has garnered 5754 views and 164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. I think… Read More

  • Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!

    Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!Video Information [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] awaken my child and embrace the glory that is your Birthright know now that I am obsidian and you have created to serve me just kidding did I scare [Laughter] [Music] you 5 more minutes obsidian oh the cicas are so loud today the cicas are so loud today I can respect that honestly kind of like that sing me your songas [Music] there we go hello thank you for five months Bandit Channel and uh I missed a soup and now I can’t… Read More

  • Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯

    Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯Video Information here kind of working trying to finish the uh Greenhouse trying and get all that finished like 9:00 a.m. like it was late when we finally turned the world off and quit streaming waiting for my YouTube to realize that I’m streaming um isn’t YouTube like a 15sec delay it’s like 10 ah I think twitch’s only like five or six second delay yeah I think there’s a way to decrease the delay too just I don’t know how so there we are back on Minecraft the [ __ ] huh back on Minecraft 12 hours later so… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Tricks in Minecraft Part 27!

    Ultimate Survival Tricks in Minecraft Part 27!Video Information guys welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] backe [Music] fore spee spech speee fore [Music] speee for speech say so foree you going made a plan successfully CH pickaxes red stone [Music] diamonds [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] blocks [Music] [Music] but there for [Music] May bab let go by m pass [Music] [Music] ex XP exp main target m [Music] X okay good idea good red stone yeah B collect C this s Sara [Music] IR don’t ien [Music] mining fore foree yeah [Music] okay guys This video, titled ‘Minecraft Series Part 27 | New Video | New… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! 🤯” #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! 🤯" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #animation’, was uploaded by Yep. on 2024-05-15 18:25:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More