EPIC!! Building a MASSIVE Pumpkin Farm!! 🎃🔥

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All right hold on hold on I gotta get LV I don’t know if he’s going to be the first one though I mean people get in here real fast people get in here real fast normally I don’t know if he’s going to be the first one though um people get in

Here real fast we’ll see people get in here real fast normally I don’t know if he’s the first one n he wasn’t the first one he was the first one bro it goes so fast wait hold on I got to talk to uh James decided to talk to

Him um because I do we have a we have a team base we got to do some work um I’ll probably talk to him today we’ll probably join a call so I got to DM him that but of course I got to get the stream started off with you know a

Little bit of chill Farm building yo what is up 644k what’s up wsy uh what’s up AP aplex what’s up what’s up everybody can you rate my base n not right now guys I got to build a pumpkin farm guys this thing is crazy I’m working on uh where’s the news all

Right there we go there’s the there’s the Ping there’s the Farm lag the server I don’t think so N I didn’t build cical dude um this is like a crazy thing I’m working on like it’s not done yet but it’s like pretty huge and I’ve got some plans to make

This thing beautiful this thing’s going to be crazy 18th pretty good that’s pretty good that’s pretty good uh don’t have a way to get up there dude I accidentally afked here oh if I AF her The Hoppers are probably like starting to fill up how bad is it wait wait are they all

Good are these Hoppers not hooked up or something oh no all these grew too I might be a little bit of a pain what’s going on over here I don’t really know ke you said you would be you would be on the yes dude I just I just

Talked up a stream dude I’m going to join a call with you and we’re going to plan to build something on the base all right but uh first I’ve got to uh actually oh wait no this is full this is like full of crap I my sword away

Hold on like turn up my chat size Kil can you help me with the bubble n guys I’m I’m going to TP to base eventually but right now you know I got to do the classic you know start the stream with some Farm building cuz you know I got to

Get get some of my own stuff accomplished you know I can’t just have you guys have the best bases got so many pistons to place we got so many resources it’s taking me forever to get through them how could you work for me uh just

Sell stuff on ah when I need it I mean like I need uh log normally like and I’m not the only people who will buy this stuff like a lot of people will buy this stuff like Redstone like 100k of Shuler that’s an insanely good deal right now

Cuz no one else is doing that um I don’t think oh 90k actually redstone’s not that badly priced right now yeah that’s actually a good deal these are all good deals I have so much Redstone stock piled up though like I got to buy that Shuler that Sher was actually like crazy

Uh yes sir how can I work for you you had a one by one trapped two guys yesterday so I you got trapped dude that’s unfortunate T it a n no I’m not tping right now oh wait hold on guys I got to get my coffee I’ll be right back e

Oh crappy crap crap crap whoa whoa whoa whoa my M my pick stuff up from that far yo what’s up dude still 72 people already in here dude that is crazy um I’m pretty excited I’m G try to do like a long stream today like over

Six maybe six hours plus you know like depending on time depending on you know what I need to do but I I do plan to have like a crazy I’m going try to do a long stream you know I hit 1 th000 subscribers it’s a big deal guys it’s a

Big deal I’m like actually kind of I’m so hyped yeah Wireless yeah guys I don’t think oh yeah I do need to open my window dude it’s like super stormy out though like it’s not even that it’s not sunny at all it’s not sunny at all that’s the problem

I open these blinds though maybe let a little bit more light in dude it’s such a like it’s such a miserable day out such a I would like to show you guys outside my window but the problem is it’s like nasty out you know well no not

Nasty BR I just want you to want you to have my like address you know like some geog geoguesser crap crap you’re going to pull right I’m just going to get leaked I’m to get dock or whatever what sugarcan farm does I use Tango Tech Tango Tech is the best sugarcane farm yo

I’m not tping I’m not doing you know I’m not going to do TPS for a while today cuz um uh I’m doing a long stream you know I I may do like two pockets of tpas you know but I want to get a lot done on my farm

Today I want to do get a lot done like I want a Hu I want a huge portion done I want like this whole first floor done like at least I’ve already gotten like like all the hard Parts done so it’s not going to be that difficult what’s up

Steve what’s up Steve is here me Farm not working that’s unfortunate oh sneeze coming in I’ll take a shower I normally sneeze after a shower I don’t know if that’s uh okay is that like a warning do I have cancer or something I’ll WebMD it probably have cancer um um can

You yo kelp how is your day going so far pretty good pretty good uh I actually woke up like really late um so you know I didn’t really have the the early this morning but I definitely got enough sleep um I’m hanging out some friends later today so I’ve got a pretty good

Day plan uh I’m going to stream for until they come over so or like I can’t handle it anymore which hopefully that won’t happen hopefully I’ll be able to stream for a long time is 75 modules for sugar king farm good yeah that’s pretty darn good like that’s pretty

Impressive um I got 150 I’ve got 300 in total modules built uh but um that’s split across two Farms wa wait I actually have to sell this stuff I all this all right guys from now on all of my money is never from donations I’m going try to get to a billion dollars

Guys I’m going to be the first to a billion dollars this pumpkin farm is going to generate me so much money it’s going to be ridiculous like I’m going to make so I’m going to make like I guarantee I’ll make like 3 m a day from

This farm this thing’s going to be so big this thing’s going to be huge and then I got to build a cactus farm I’m going to build a huge cactus farm K you need a 100K subs for iro yes I do guys get me to 100K

Subs have you gotten the new build for adem I haven’t dude it’s so expensive to get like um I don’t even know if it’s only two times multiplier right so like do I want to grind for that or do I just want to keep building Farms I feel like

I want if I just spend the time building Farms it’s a longer better term investment you know you know if people give it to me then I will I’ll boost my Farms but I don’t think it’s that good if I’m being honest and that may be a bit controversial of a take you

Know it’s too it’s like 2.5 yeah but like that’s not that much like it only lasts for 2 hours and it costs that much like IFK 247 I need so many it take me so much time to get all the resources I need you know C you do the same farming

Get 2 me a day dang that’s actually good it’s actually really good yeah sugarcan is like kind of cracked U but I think pumpkin’s more cracked I think pumpkin is probably the way to go people are going off of about sea pickles but like I see I think

They’re not going to be as good as I think um just because like you know like pumpkins give you this like same amount like like basically the same amount and the Farms are going to be like you can build them better you know can you show

The progress on dut base uh we haven’t made that much progress but yeah I will wait did you guys watch Dr Donut’s stream yesterday it was so bad it was so bad it was it was actually horrible I wait I mean like did you guys try to

Watch it like attempt to watch it cuz I mean I have hey if you guys were if you guys were around for the giant TNT like detonation um I don’t know uh the hours haven’t updated so I can’t turn on donations yet I plan to turn them on like I don’t

Know I guess I’ll turn them on as soon as I can but like I don’t even know what I’m going to do with that money like what should I do with it um do I should I get a better camera I kind of like the microphone like having

A wireless headset and like it’s kind of got like a aesthetic to it you know so I’m thinking like maybe a camera if I upgrade something stock market yeah I probably like if I if it was like my money like I would just put it in like an index fund

That’s where I put all my money I save it all well I don’t save it all I spend like like I spent a decent amount like I I spent a good amount on my PC I spent a decent amount like on um other stuff too

So I spend I spend my money on like stuff that really matters I don’t like I don’t ever spend it on food like I never go out to eat um on my own money I will never do that it’s so expensive going out to eat is like the most pricey thing

Ever all my friends who go out to eat have zero dollars left yeah I spent $5 dude that’s an investment that’s an investment now I now now I can get seen in evi chat easier no but I did I did buy an ffi uh membership that was worth it though that

Was worth it I skipped out on the uh K of Clans battle pass so um that’s why that’s why I had $5 that’s my budget um I got I my budget for like Recreation is like10 $20 a month never go over that never spend over

That why I got I got to spend money on uh on everi dude W stream dude his stream yesterday dude his intro for the yet the stream was like he was talking about donut Dr donut stream dude that was actually funny though like uh I mean

It was horrible and not very fun to watch but it was pretty funny you lost 500k of inventory down down to give me some buckaroos nah I can’t give you my money I think I have pays off right like I pay you can’t pay me right I don’t think you can pay this

Account I’m pretty sure this account you cannot cannot be paid I can they need te if a team Bank comes out that’s what I need I need I want a team bank cuz right now like my team all them like everyone has their own individual

Money stash I let I let my team take as much sugar can as they want for me and they just sell and they just sell it I don’t think he can pay me the money though cuz uh I pay pay things off you said yesterday to t you T

Me yeah bro but I I was going to TP you hold on what’s your name SL TPA I have it copied and pasted I’ll TP to you first when I do TPS but right now I’m not uh this is all attached to one rail system uh no I don’t have any rails

I’m rich I don’t need rails anymore I use all Hoppers I use all hoppers zero rails all Hoppers wait there’s yeah there’s seeds planted on all these so as soon as I put the glow stone in this thing’s going to be going crazy um I’ve got a lot of Glowstone to put in

Though BR this thing this thing is this thing is in insanely expensive rails are so annoying fire idea yeah if like with iron prices like I I’m able to afford it I bought like I bought like three shulkers of iron blocks like iron bulk iron that’s what you need to

Buy crazy nuts at larger Farms you can build with just iron dude my aiming is dude do you think my aim is good do you think I build fast like do you think my building speed is good I feel like I build pretty fast feel like I I can like aim pretty

Good when I’m building what even Hoppers that doesn’t work yesh my cough still so hot I have a very sensitive mouth I cannot eat my co drink my co eat my coffee whatever all wait wait wait wait is water count as your like can I have water as my

Favorite food cuz I mean that’s probably my favorite food if I’m being honest like every food is better with water so why does can’t it just be the favorite food you know like I’m pretty sure water is my favorite food like I got a giant glass of water here let’s go water for

The win wait you think yeah bro check out this aim bro check out this aim I’m actually cracked at aiming on in Minecraft Focus up build the biggest farm I possibly can Speed Run Speed Run Speed Run Speed Run Speed Run yeah bro it’s intense you

Got to focus a lot to be able to build farms that speed uh well I mean like if I’m going chill mode like this is like chill mode like I can I can focus I can like watch a YouTube video and talk like when I’m was building at that speed how are you

Getting all the Redstone out without opening inventory I’ll show you I’ll show you show you wait so basically like right if you have an empty hand like after you deplete your stack what you do is you press middle click if you put press middle Mouse button it’s a pick

Block thing so whatever block you’re pointing at like this well like right now if I if I hit this it’ll go to my Observer well I already have observers in my inventory but if I do that it will like pick the block you know so that’s

How I’m doing it it’s like in default Minecraft it’s not like a mod or anything it’s like pretty easy to do uh how do The Hoppers work uh The Hoppers are super simple like right now I just it’s just a giant line of Hoppers underneath um I just like normally have

Mine carts underneath but uh I just have a giant uh Hopper system I want to forget that wait I get them all yep I think so dude all the like I accidentally afked here and all the vines grew down from the Lush cave I kind of like it

Though I thought that was a creative thing wow n bro this is all in the donut P it took you one day to build a p giant mega pumpkin base can’t be that Mega then I mean unless you play for 24 hours straight if that’s what you mean if I do

A 24 24hour Farm building stream I don’t know if I could do base DPS because that would Tire me out like Farms are chill you know Farms I just have to like you know speak my mind I can just Yap you know I can just Yap Non-Stop and uh yeah

I just have to place redstone Place Pistons it’s pretty easy wait I just fell I I wish I had glass in my inventory that’ be make it so easier to get up can you T me uh I’m not t right now n i don’t pay people money when they

Ask for it I can’t afford it I need the money for myself I’m trying to go batt toop right now trying to get on batt top so I cannot pay the money out uh we do give a lot of money out for giveaway like uh for events and stuff though

So I think I have another shter of Pistons I’m not 100% sure though I’m not 100% sure yo James yo James if you’re still in here bro if you’re still in here you don’t actually have to pay me back for any of the like sugar can you still take

Dude like you’re just a massive help in general so like I don’t I don’t really need you to like pay me for that stuff like you just take the sugarcane and whenever I need like help crafting something something uh I’ll take your help crafting stuff cuz that’s basically

All I need like um so that’s it all right see you Magic The Rock I dude magic the rocks on the grind too guys if you guys ever like if I’m not streaming uh watch him because he’s he’s his channel is probably a dub I haven’t watched a lot of his streams actually

Well normally I’m I’m like playing the game while he’s uh streaming but uh it’s a good time to go streaming uh because there’s not a lot of other streamers at least don’t SMP streamers uh my ping is on EU is fixed that’s good to hear that’s good to hear

Dude I need Pistons I need Pistons dude I’m getting all right U what else do we have dude come on do we have any more Pistons I got I’m bound to have Pistons wait so much Redstone oh yeah I’ve got more Pistons let’s go let’s go dude it’s

Like I’m burning through through all my right opponents like this whole floor took me like multiple like two shulkers of pistons and two shulkers of observers and like four shulkers of of Hoppers like this thing is crazy huge imagine creepers blows you up from behind bro they fall down from the ceiling like

They spawn on this and like they come down and it like blows everything up and it really bothers me I really hate it got to go eat real quick uh okay see you oh I didn’t put I didn’t put pumpkin seeds down here that’s unfortunate let me do that real quick

All right I think that’s good I’m going to break these though I do not need the pumpkins there put the uh observers down dude observers could you please show the hopper system how it works yeah I will hold on well dude it’s really simple it’s really simple it’s just a line of

Hoppers you know it’s like all these Hoppers Point into one of these Hoppers and then all those Hoppers bring it to the end like it’s just a super simple system like it’s a lot simpler than mine carts like it’s not difficult to do if you guys struggle with the mine carts

Also like coppers are just simpler too so but they’re like a lot more expensive so you might want to be concerned about that dude so many pistons how are you I’m doing pretty good yeah my username is insane FF uh I well this is my account that I

Play on when I don’t like like not on stream now like I used to play on this account on stream well I play this account on stream but I don’t like go to Bases like it’s not for it’s not like for activities this is just my Base

Building account you know like for like you know my grind sessions cuz farming is like the reason I like playing this game right like Crystal PP is fun but like Minecraft for me is like building like that’s the most fun part for me like I want to build a huge base I’m

Going to build a huge base around this pumpkin farm like I’ve got some great plans so actually let me go over my plans all right so you see how this thing’s like actually kind of ludicrously large 1 2 3 4 five I’m going to I’m going to put my

Base in the middle like I’m going to have a like a hollowed out Center and it’s going to be like pumpkin farms all around me and the Pistons are going to like have like I’m have like a white noise of Pistons if I turn off if I turn

Off like if I keep the audio of my like alt accounts on like I’m just going to hear permanent piston activations there’s a piston activation every half second at this point like it’s it’s crazy how much I’m farming uh what what do you pay for a

Sher of Pistons uh I’ll pay 300K for a Shuler of Pistons if there’s one on ah I think that’s good is that is that a good deal oh God it never gets griefed I think it’ll take a bit to get griefed I think it’ll take a bit of

Time uh should I also do uh uh I’m I think I going to wait for Dr don’t to go live before I do some work on the base I don’t want to like do it all myself I’m I’m happy to help when he’s streaming but while I’m streaming probably not I

Really hope I can stream today dude like like a long time cuz I keep saying that I want to but like um I always have to do something I think the weekend though I’m safe I think I’m safe like and I don’t have a lot of family members home right at at the

Moment so I should probably be good for like streaming a long time dude so many redstones to place P he said he made 300K is 300K good 700k 700k for a Sher Pistons H maybe 500K I think 500k I’ll do 500k 500k for a Shuler Pistons 500k for a Shuler

Observers I could probably do that no that’s actually a lot I can only do 300K like that’s way too much I can’t afford that like that’s a significant amount dude 100K on that account that’s that’s for giving away so if you ever pay money to my kelp talkx account I’m

Going to give it away um but all the money on this account well I I do want to get like sponsor some giveaways with this account cuz I am one of the wealthiest people on the server one of the wealthiest not the wealthiest diffuse Kev Joo mix fat stacks 450k

450k dude let me think like I buy shulker hold on let’s do the calculations I’m going to do the math real quick so I buy shers of like times four plus like 70 plus like 100 like I paid like three a little under 300K for the um materials I think

So I mean like it’s not going to be worth 40K is a lot 350k is what I’ll do 350k 350k is what I can afford for a shulker of of Pistons or observers observers are actually cheaper but I’ll pay the same amount I think 350k is fair I think 350k is

Fair for that all right that’s how much I pay for the components and I’m paying you like a like 50k extra for Redstone uh for crafting C open payments I need to pay you uh no JX JX JX all right listen listen you can keep all the money

You can keep all the money like that’s all you can keep you can take as much sugar can as you want and you keep all the money you just have to help me craft stuff when I need it you know I don’t really care like you can just keep it

All and you can sponsor events if you want you know um are you going to stake this I don’t know what that means uh what do you you saw someone you don’t know using your farm um if they didn’t grief it like you know screw it like you can until they

Gets griefed you know you could use it like I don’t care I’m not going to grief my own Farm I’m not going to like destroy everything at this point I just buy more uh stuff Hello kelp how old are you today well how are am I today oh um I’m pretty

Good I’m pretty darn good I got up uh like 11 I actually stayed up a little late I was playing some games with my friend I play OverWatch like would you guys want me to play other stuff I know like a lot of you guys just are going to

Watch for donut SMP but uh I do want to play other stuff like I plan to like I’m not going to be locked into Don S&P only but right now that’s like my main game that I like playing so that’s what I’m playing how much play fortnite I don’t

Play fortnite I’m really bad at fortnite you love OverWatch nah uh what kind of coffee you even drinking uh Black Coffee nothing in it uh I don’t know generic coffee play East don’t I had the bad quality yesterday because it’s funny uh that’s my guess you know we’re not I’m not 100%

Sure if I’m being honest I don’t know what staking means what is what is am I going to stake this black coffee yeah like uh there’s nothing in it like no cre creamer or anything like that’s what black coffee means valerant N I don’t play valerant

Uh let me tell you the games I can play rounds like the game like a well I have like a lot of unique games Starcraft 2 I’m cracked at Starcraft 2 um these are all of course obscure games uh but uh they’re the ones that are fun playing I

Have any of you guys played StarCraft one Shuler is worth 10 10K one Sher of what uh how much money how much in-game money come to your farm uh not not really sure I think like 2 m a day and you can have two so I have two

Of them so I probably make like four mil a day if I actually sold the stuff uh but JX JX takes a lot for um building crafting fireworks so um some of the money goes there um so it’s kind of it’s not I don’t really measure not really measuring at the

Moment dude I’m so close to finishing this bro I you died to a pigling brute you’re so bad one shulker of piston nah you’re crazy if you think it’s 10K I’m paying 350k 350k for a shulker of Pistons I think that’s a good deal like I’m paying you for your labor and of

Crafting and I’m also paying for like the cost of the ingredients so I think that’s a good deal I think that’s a solid offer for shulker of Pistons what religion are you um I don’t know yet uh you know I think they’re all they all have their merits I think every

Religion is interesting and you know um I think religion can be important to some people it’s a complex topic you know you never going know the right answer bro what fault are I 10 ke when are you T people not right now if your base is cool when I visit it

But right now I’m not doing base tours bro that was not my fault they were like 10 you have the suggestions for clearing a big area um yeah hold on I’ll show you look I’ll show you what me and Dr donut did cuz like I’m improving I’m improving my strategy uh hold on

I’ll let me pull up the video well I’m improving my TNT uh explosion strategy so we have to but like so basically this what me and Dr donut did for the first um layer right so we blew out this huge area right for the for being Muslim no I’m

Not being Muslim all right I’m not being any religion you know check this out so basically blew out this whole are wait wait wait you want to see what it’s on like on donut stream on Dr donut stream if you guys saw it it’s like horrible like you cannot see

Anything so this is what you guys missed if you watch Dr donut stream yesterday check out how crazy this is like isn’t this you were there yeah dark vexi could you see anything could you see anything holy I mean this is a pretty huge area my it was like a solid Shuler of TNT like we blew up a lot um I think I’ve got more explosion stuff in here um no it’s after this well team oh yeah okay I have to mute it for

This look you can trust so I was in a I was in I was in a call during this but like check out this one this is like the bore hole method i i i m out the top layer and then I blew up uh everything so this way worked pretty

Well this is what I did for the T this this area that I’m working in now it’s pretty crazy it’s pretty crazy um so yeah that’s basically basically what I did can you P nah I’m too poor I can’t pay anybody I’m actually a broi so no I

Cannot dude so much so much wait did I finish the Pistons wait did I finish this I can’t even remember I think I might have yeah I think it’s finished wait yeah let’s pick the Redstone up guys just whole first layer is almost done I’m not even sure a hopper can like

Handle the whole thing if I put the glow stone when I put the glowstone in I guess we’ll see I guess we’ll see face cam oh crap you’re right yeah my bad oh there we go there’s face cam face Cam’s working wait is my thing going to come on all right there we

Go yo kelp is there any way you can raid me on YouTube I’m trying to uh no not right now wait maybe I mean I I got to put some more people in my RAID thing right now jestic is the only person I can I raid I

Think and I didn’t even work yesterday like I didn’t even raid him it’s kind of crazy did not work as planned dude so much Redstone to place so much Redstone to place hey what’s up lime crystals what’s up how have you been dude so much Redstone like think about this this each

One of these observers is two Redstone each one of these Pistons is one of redstone and every no so and every single Observer has a redstone so that’s four Redstone wait no yeah it’s four Redstone like per pumpkin all right so that’s how much Redstone it takes to like measure a

Pumpkin it’s growth and break it isn’t that crazy dude this design is actually such a good design though are you tired um no I’m not really tired I got my coffee I’m doing pretty good when I was little I used to play with redstone so I got pretty good at it

I used to make uh piston doors like wait do you guys know how to make do you want me to do like a seamless piston door I probably should add one of those to my base I need to learn how I want to make my own 3D 3×3 they’re hard to make

Though I’ve like tried to make one but I cannot get that center block that center block is the difficult block to get um I’m trying to design my own not copy a tutorial you know like designing it is fun oh I didn’t even actually finish this um I’m

Stupid boom oh bro no no no you can pick block those you can also you can pick block a lot of stuff in this game oh yeah I need to get a hoe is there any hoose on H dude I’m not paying 500k for a hoe can you someone put like a stone

Hoe or something on H I’ll buy it put it for like 5,000 so much so much um how long do you think I’ll take thank you easy dub thanks for the hope dude this is crazy bro standing desk is crazy bro I think donut streams would be

A lot better if you had a standing desk don’t you think aren isn’t the standing desk like Fire gets me standing gets me uh my blow flowing did you use the farm boost in the lobby no I haven’t I’m going to put Hoppers over the top of

It that’s how I’m going to do it so that’s my plan that’s my plan I think it’ll work I think it’ll work like just over top of the Redstone so I’m going to put the Hoppers oh crap wait did I forget to put a I forgot to put a piston there dude

Building this is like kind of hard like placing all the blocks properly cuz like you get like I think I just blocked myself in here yeah but wait no I didn’t I could build out dude I probably shouldn’t use scroll wheel should probably start using my

Binds how much do you pay for 10 stack 10 stacks of Pistons um whatever whatever the percentage of that uh in a Shuler box is for of three 350k so divide 10 by 27 and then multiply it by 350 and that will be tell me your price that I’ll pay I’m willing

To pay and you can put it that on ah for that I’ll but if you ever guys ever want to sell less than a full Shuler just take the percentage of the Shuler right that is filled up by and then multiply it by the um the price I’m willing to pay and

That’s how much you’ll get that’s how much it’s worth um are you going to stack this form you spent 1.5 mil on Hoppers that’s crazy I probably spent that much too I’m being honest kelp if you stand in a certain area of my pumpk front pumpkins don’t grow

Out and get destroyed um it might be that you’re like it’s a bad runer distance you know like maybe you’re standing too far away yeah I will rate your pumpkin farm but uh only when uh I start doing base rates cuz right now I’m not doing that right now or I need glow

Stone where’s my glow St wait yeah where’s the glow stone I got to put these in here actually wait SL cell glowstone glowstone glowstone Dude where’s glowstone kelp can you please TP to Evy I’ve been asking uh well I will TP to you but there’s not at the

Moment I use pumpkins because they’re the most fun and they’re probably the best those pumpkins are going to those pumpkins will eventually get broken I think um I got to make sure though wait where’s my glass shulker I have a glass shulker in here somewhere lots of glass to place and I

Need a lots of uh deep slate to place I think I have a couple shers of those too kelp after the mine cart stash how are n there’s no m cart dude that’s the thing it’s just solid Hoppers a solid Hopper thing I don’t have to worry about mine

Carts oh wait I forgot I have to put glowstone in first wait I think I just buy it off gear Crystal PVP is so wild some interesting Redstone needed forgot to do that dude I’m pretty sure it’s going to be super loud once I get all the

Glowstone in like I’m pretty sure like crazy amounts of HPP ERS are going to be act or Pistons are going to be activating cuz like this is so much so many pumpkins whoops they don’t even have my silk touch how the pumpkins going to get light oh no they can get light I’ve

They’re spaced out where I they’ll get light I can get it in everything will grow like everything is going to be able to grow I’ve done this I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing I’m an expert expert at pumpkin farming dude this is actually pretty huge like this is actually

Crazy run along this whole thing place a glow stone you have a Shuler of Pistons want a bulk deal for a million no I said I pay 350 for Shuler Pistons I cannot pay a million that’s a lot you have three shers of Pistons I’ll

Do a million I’ll pay you extra cuz uh wait no it’s 350 it’s probably less I’ll pay you I’ll pay you 1.2 mil for three shulkers what’s up bot pop back from eating tell what are good Farm Dimensions what do you mean glowstone and water apart not sure what that

Means uh wait how do I do the glowstone in the middle wait do I not have glowstone in the middle wait is everything in this Farm growing oh no I do put I put I do have a glow stone spaced out oh yeah wait I put it here is that

Where I put the glow stone yeah I put the glowstone there all right makes sense dude so much to place so much glowstone to place I didn’t place it here yet because of uh I was uh doing crap uh this this B actually I extended

It out a bit um will you buy a shulker with nine stacks of pistons for 100k when I have it no I will not I’ll wait yeah I will buy it that’s that’s yeah I’ll buy that I’m stupid yeah that’s a good deal nine stacks of Pistons worth

100K uh yeah get back to co uh glowstone placement lots of glow stone to place massive Farm to light up dude this is actually kind of wild though the the Lush cave it’s kind of interesting building under a lush cave I kind of like the vines though I’m going

To put Vines over my whole thing I’m going to try to get them to spread across the whole thing cuz it’s actually pretty sick it’s a good decoration oh yeah yeah if you want to see dude I showed you how to BU I built the Hoppers it’s just Hoppers underneath

The dirt like they just connect you know um I’m pretty sure I plac hoppers on Stream So if you go to like an old stream you can see them too you can see the hopper placements um but it’s pretty it’s pretty good design it’s a pretty good design uh just simple Hopper

Placement dude I actually don’t sell much on ah wait what does my ah like sell how much have I made total spent total earned I think 900k off slash ah so I mean I guess that’s pretty good I wish you could could do bids on ah though bids would be kind of

Interesting you know like if you had Sher bids on like shers of Pistons that’d be kind of that’ be kind of awesome you know dude wait I place it all right here I’ve plac it all good right there I’ll do have to place another one this Farm is actually pretty

Insane like you can hear Pistons going off all the time I like how like how big your farm is yeah it’s pretty huge I need to sit down I did enough standing for that session uh kelp can you TP not at the moment a live auction would be cool I’d

Be concerned that people would B pay too much you know used to be bids at kelp talks but there was a dupe with it oh dude that’s annoying C you’re really my help big no idea sitting stream time yep standing time is over standing time’s over

Uh oh I put it in the wrong spot whoops oopsies I don’t think there’s a point to this this glow stone even I mean might as well put it though you know I think I put it on the other one I found out the bind for like

Zoom it’s z z is the zoom button wait no I didn’t even put it for this so I guess I’m not putting it cuz a little waste it’s kind of a waste I think all these grew right oh no I did put it never mind I’m putting it glow Stone glow stone we get to mine out all this it’s not like perfect to this area I think I have a little bit extra to mine out kelp uh does your alt AFK all the time this is render distance too low for it all work mhm I’m pretty sure one Al can AFK

This whole thing I mean it’s a square right it’s a square if I stand in the middle it’s going to be you’re going to be able to fit you know be to render everything so I think it yeah I think it should work uh glow stone glow stone down here

Wait there’s already glowstone here what am I doing oh no I already finished this glowstone side all right go to the other side how big is your Farm have you been good like 50 by 60 or something um I think this is 71x 71 uh area that I

Cleared out um might be a little less than that something like that uh it’s pretty big each one of these is nine or this each one of these is like 10 so 10 times 1 two 3 four five 6 7 70 70 big that’s how big it is

N I can’t pay anybody I’m not giving away my money uh at least right now at the moment um how many Hoppers do I have left I think I have a decent amount of Hoppers left um SE pickle is op just one small farm give 2K every 40

Seconds uh you really think so I mean the problem is you need a lot of bone meal to fuel it don’t you um SE pickle SE pickle you need like Hopper clocks and Redstone clocks though which I think are like uh like they disabled them like I don’t think you can

Actually do that wait why did I put that over but couldn’t put glass that’s wild yeah you need quite a lot of bone meal yeah I mean you can build bone meal Farms but to keep up with that rate it’s crazy you thought Hoppers don’t pick up

Items through one block uh no if in a farm like this they do I don’t really get it but yeah they don’t pick up blocks through one block unless it’s in a farm like this like Stupid Creeper Stupid Creeper yeah yeah I mean this one’s working you can see it’s like filled

Up it’s filled up pretty good uh wait wait do you think I’ll be able to render all this I feel like I will be able to render all this like if I stand in the middle it’s not that crazy big it’s like as big as my uh sugarcane Farms I think maybe less

Maybe smaller actually maybe I no it’s probably bit bigger it’s probably bigger so you would say 71 area 71 area is good for farms uh yeah I think like any area that’s like decent size you know like you got to start small like don’t start going

For a huge area but um if you have Pro like if you want to blow out a area with TNT and you’ve already built there what you have to do is you’re just going to have to like have like a wall right and you don’t blow near that wall you just

Blow out a new like room right it’s separate and then you connect the rooms with your pickaxe like you don’t you don’t blow out in near cuz otherwise you’ll damage the Farms so it’s like like you got to be cautious when you’re digging out you know uh this is

Redstone wait I think used a full Shuler Redstone got to clear out all this put glass in yo what’s up yo I always remember your name you have a very simple and uh funny name I like your name uh two shulkers of gunpowder on H that’s pretty

Good what’s up a fire how do you get items for the CH items up for the chest uh yeah that’s going to be an issue and I have not sorted out but I think I can do it I think I know how to do it uh you

Can use droppers but if I make a I have to figure out how I can get a redstone clock to work cuz they’re like disabled like they block them they prevent them from working uh on the server but I think I can get around it

If I do a slow one and use a lot of uh Whatchamacallit uh dispensers or droppers to lift items up but I think that’s how I’m going to do it like droppers can push items up um and you can build like a a dropper chain you

Know 160 viewers God dang yeah I know I didn’t even get a shout out or anything like this is crazy guys I hit thousand subscribers in like a super short time wait yeah dude JX dude I’m going to join a call with you I’m going to join a call

With you soon um like after I finish working on this Farm which I I do want to do a long stream so it’s probably gonna be a bit you know I’m gonna work on for a while but I do want to join a call and we can

Work on the base um so that’s what I want to do uh blue face smiling sorry I was just advertising my ah uh bro no you’re good if you advertise your ah uh that’s fine if your ah is a good deal and if it’s as long it’s relevant to people in my thing

You know like if you’re advertising Pistons like I want to hear that I want to hear about piston deals I want to hear about Redstone deals going down uh I don’t really care about armor deals so if you want to advertise armor deals don’t do it in my thing but uh if you

Want to advertise like Redstone deals or like piston deals or anything like that in my thing I want to see that like I want to see what’s going down you know I’m trying to get some deals too trying to pick up on those uh you’re selling a

Glass Shuler for 100k that’s actually a good deal that’s actually a good deal wait dude those are actually good I’m going to buy one of them I’m not going to buy all of them because that’s a lot of glass but one of them is definitely

Worth like that’s a good deal K is it normal that Pistons can only push four blocks no they should be able to push 11 I think 11’s the default in the game they Nerf it they might have nerfed it like on the server they might have a

Plugin because it causes lag like flying machines could cause lag um still the best donut SMP YouTuber dude thank you so much dude donut SMP fire server dude so many farms people do not like this new season like what do you guys think of the new season I think the

New Season’s better than than the other ones cuz I played the I played it like when spawners were like the M meta it was not for me I really like the Farms I really think Farms are the more fun like a lot more fun to make money than just

Spamming spawners like it’s kind of get kind of boring like if you’re a crystal PVP bot and all you like to do is Crystal PVP I get the spawners are probably the way to go for you but like it’s kind of boring for like people who like build

Bases do me I’m TOS spot you love the new season yo this seon new season is good yeah bro I think the new season goated so much more grinding uh I don’t I think yeah I think the new season but it’s like yeah you build farms like look at this whole

Thing I built it’s massive it’s like a huge impressive Monument of a base you know it’s going to look sick I’m going to decorate it like it’s this is like a insane Cool Base so when people find stuff like if you do base raids you’re going to be fighting in like areas like

This like imagine like stuff going down in this base you know like you’re fighting throughout a pumpkin farms the ruins as they blows up the crystals and stuff like that’s going to be sick um can you get get TNTs and iron for my farm nah I need it for my own

Farm but there’s people selling it on ah probably tutorial nah I don’t make tutorials uh but you can watch my stream and uh learn how to make it dude I have to go get more deep sleep I do proba I should probably make a chest system like

Soon cop you made a video on how to build your farm sugarcane module in Discord want me to take it down no bro if you have a video that’s like explains if you have a tutorial video on my farm like my actual thing I will link it I

Will I I’ll promote it oh yes bro guys guys guys guys guys all right let’s watch this guys this guy made this guy made a tutorial all right this is this may be the new linkage right if this is a good tutorial I’m going to link it let’s see wait is this actually

Good is this a good tutorial guys should I link this I mean I’ll put this in the thing this is how you do it this is how you do it yeah I I’ll link this I I’ll put this in the thing like this if you guys if if

You have a tutorial like this if you guys want to make a tutorial for my pumpkin farm I’ll do it I’ll link it let’s put this in let’s put this in the Discord real quick um yeah I got on face cam back on it’s just on disabled on Discord uh when I like

Have my other streaming um I don’t know where to put it hold on Clips trade uh I don’t really know where to put it I think we have a tutorial section uh Kos list tickets scammer list um I don’t really know where to put it

But no I guess I’ll just link it in the description I’ll link it in the description hold on let me edit my video put that in the description cane Farm yeah I’ll put that in the link in the description W video awesome tutorial if you guys make tutorials for

Anything uh yeah I’ll do that for everybody well not everybody but if you have the best Whoever has the best tutorial link why can’t we donate to you cuz uh I don’t have monetization guys I guys do you realize this is like I’m not I have not been streaming for very long

I have not been streaming for very long like this is this is like my sixth stream ever and so it’s kind of crazy like I kind of like uh did not expect this I almost I almost can like have you guys like you guys almost can donate but

Uh it’s like hasn’t updated yet so get more of this um do you think 55 and 55 is a good Farm dude guys don’t worry about the size it’s not about the size you know cuz like it’s like you need to know the I need to know the cube

Volume too right like it’s like it’s like about height width and uh whatever all right lots of this can you T me to my farm not at the moment not right now uh can you um are you going to give do more farms pumpkin or Si sugar

Can nah bro I’m I’m trying multiple Farms I’m building a cactus farm next that’s my plan then I’ll maybe I’ll try C pickle I’m going to try a lot of farms guys I don’t want to I don’t want to like make my content dull you know like every

Every every I’m building a bunch of huge farms right and uh I’m trying all types of different ones you know I got to find the best one to build you know I don’t want to like just stagnate and build a crappy one every time like if pumpkin’s

Not good I got to admit it you know but right now I think pumpkin’s the best at least in my opinion uh oh if you do F3 I would get nah bro I cannot press F3 leak my money leak my uh coordinates give away all of this like no way K you sell

One sugarcan of glass for 80k nah uh I don’t need glass anymore I just bought one for 100k which I thought was a good deal but apparently wait is it no it’s still 100K on H wait is anyone selling Pistons or Redstone bro get this out of here if

It’s not even full stag enough to make a Block H what is it Pistons Dr Don doesn’t TP here he can’t DP here those are actually good good prices for a stack of Pistons I might buy all those 10 11k for a stack of Pistons is a good

Deal so much so much to mine out you’re selling Pistons yeah I saw some some oh wait I didn’t finish the glass what am I doing what am I doing I didn’t finish the glass silly silly silly well actually a glass shulker on me I probably should I could have just used

That U kelp you’re selling sell one shulker of glass for 80k look on auction uh I don’t really need it right now I just bought a Sher of glass I’ve got plenty of glass um but um I’m sure someone else will buy it glass is super useful um

Only D I’m I’m not buying that uh I I only want to buy like bulk stuff like guys it takes me forever if I buy Redstone like that um but if I buy uh I want to buy like shulkers of Pistons though like if you guys show shulkers

And pistons 350k for shulker Pistons it’s a solid deal kale when’s the next Bounty event um I don’t know but that one was super popular so I’ll probably do that again and it’s not not that hard to host so I’ll probably do another one of those I

Don’t want to get I I don’t want to burn out on them I can’t just keep spamming them I can’t just keep doing them over and over let me blow my nose I’m not sick guys like I don’t have a cold I don’t think just like three stacks of pistons for for

Four I don’t see it I don’t see like a shulker of Pistons like a shulker would come up if it was selling please make an event soon probably not today probably not going to do an event today they’re hard to host and uh we have to plan ahead for

Them like like all right so if I actually if I get donations I have to like split it between my like the people who help me make my streams like I’m not the only one who puts in the work to like make these things happen like uh I

Have a like the guy who runs my Discord like the people who like Dash in my Discord like he’s put so much work into making like the events like crazy you know so I mean like your donations I’m going try to get them to go to him too

You know I think that’s all fair you know I’m not the only one making the content here wait all right whatever K are you going to TP later yeah I’ll TP I got a priority TP to this guy wait no I lost it all right well if he comes back he’s

Like a green profile picture he’s like the default green profile picture so I TP yeah this is his name I’ll TP it to him why are Pistons so expensive is just Cobble like okay well I mean if you don’t if you think it’s cheap then uh go

Make me some they take forever to make they’re so difficult to craft takes a lot that’s a lot of materials four stacks of four wait for a stack of Pistons it’s four stacks of cobblestone three stacks of planks um ke people want a CVP T tournament tney plus bets uh they

Do um today I don’t know if I’m going to do it today hold on let’s see moderator only keep have your ver don’t trust it okay we should do another cpvp event maybe this weekend I may do we could do it tomorrow Dash like if you want to host one

Tomorrow I don’t know how large we can make the prize pool like last last time we had a huge prize pool we gave away 10 like $10 million yesterday it’s crazy isn’t it so we do that our Bounty hey all right let’s make a poll let’s see like a pole

Um I don’t know if that’s spelled right but uh there’s my pole tomorrow is my okay okay okay you don’t have to do it tomorrow you don’t have to do it tomorrow I mean the Bounty stream we can probably do without your help but um the seek PVP like the the tournament

Is like a lot harder it’s a lot more work that goes into it it still be useful to have your help though Bounty it’s actually pretty close it’s actually pretty close yo k your big uh big can uh Farm be before it gets unloaded I don’t know I haven’t tested it actually haven’t

Tested it oh I don’t know I missed that wait is this all good is this all soled I think this whole floor is done guys I think if AF to G in the center of this we’re all good I think everything gets loaded right I mean this is a pretty big area

K you really my help but bigbody know uh no I saw your message already dude Bounty streams you guys like Bounty streams more I mean that barely won though so I mean like who knows could be different on a different day then big events might drop to every

Weekends or something yeah well I mean with winter break it’s crazy like we have like everything can be crazy but it’s hard to host a big events by myself without people’s help because like I basically have to do nothing I just have to focus on the

Stream I think that’s what makes it so entertaining you know like cuz I can I can focus on the stream and you guys you can focus on like the making it super fun of the event super fun hi go thanks for the TNT yesterday I’m using it for a

Cane Farm sweet dude good to hear that do you guys play donut SMP while you watch my streams um because that’s what I do when I play like when I watch like Dr donut streams I just I watch I watch and I play you know watch your play the same yes yes yes

Okay okay all right now time to set start the second layer yes yes okay okay makes sense um where is you’re new 30 FPS dud Welcome to My Stream hop on the donut s SMP fire server fire server I kind of get annoyed by all these mob drops Redstone put all these

Down I need to make like a a good area to start like you know organizing all the chests for the uh the huge Farm blue like color coding my Shuler is also important cuz I always forget like what crap is wait I don’t want to sell the GL

I’ll put that in the glass chest Cobble deep slate uh put that in here I keep the hoe though can you show us the work you’re doing Dr dut base yeah I’ll show you the base I know you guys couldn’t probably couldn’t see your last stream uh or his stream I

Mean I got these peach rings bro the server is so fire did something just blow up this is the base right now guys not much to see just a lot of TNT and huge area we got to clear out all this we got to set up there’s lava still we got to clear

Out that’s going toite if we’re not careful Man Creeper comes oh God yeah that’s happened to me before please don’t spam please don’t please don’t spam 25 uh I’m trying to get people to buy like someone else should buy the ingredients craft it for me and then uh I’ll buy it from

Them like you can make the money from crafting it you’re selling a Shuler dub dub that’s not worth it it’s a scam uh well someone just made 350k from that so I mean that’s a dub for them that’s a dub for them like that’s how I want to buy it insta

Buy that crap that is crazy full Shuler of Pistons 350k um that guy just made like 50k just from crafting if he bought all the materials you just made 50k from crafting um probably over that actually no I’m not tping right now not tping kelp you want to donate uh no if

You want to donate to my kelp talkx account dude J JX JX JX JX keep all the money for team stuff so we can work on the team base like we can make like a giant like Vault full of like netherite and stuff so like when someone finds a

Team base it’s crazy I think that’s what we should do like I want to I want to put all the money that you make like that extra like all the money you do you don’t want to spend from like getting sugarcane from my farm just we can work

On the base all right that’s what I want to do I don’t need any of that money I’m just going to I’m just going to only get money from my Farms you can take all the money from that sugarcane farm all right dude just bought like three shers of

Armor dude sick all right we dude we should make a huge stash for base we should we should use all the money like use all the extra money that you don’t want you don’t need to you don’t need for anything else for like we can stock

Start stockpiling so we have a bunch of kits we can start doing cpvp together or something want to be friends with you before you became big um I don’t remember you exactly but I did I did like I used to talk in donut calls all the time actually still join Doctor

Donut calls I still join uh my own calls uh so actually my my own server calls have gotten kind of crazy like there’s a bunch of people in it right now like oh toxicity toxicity is in it bro orc’s in it lesty and James are wait

Lesty and James are in a call I could join them like there’s a bunch of people in calls here I’m going to join I’m going to join them yo yo what’s good yo what’s up dude what you guys working on I’m going to check your sugarcan farm to see if I can

Grab a a little bit of fire been hearing like my plan like uh should we make like a big stash like full of good armor and stuff I’m so scared cuz I I’ve I made stashes before and they get raided so easily and that’s on this server on this

One I think yeah yeah I’ve done that was last season that was last season I don’t think they get raed on this season yes Spears I’m doing a do race race today just not right now can you TP and give me uh maybe later but not right now I’m

Working on my huge pumpkin farm yeah that’s just a little bit like scary for me to make stashes I don’t I don’t feel it’s gon I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s gonna get raided if we build a stash um but I mean like we can try it I

Mean just don’t too much stuff all right I have um I’m I’m waiting for this guy how so reach so fast in the second season of donut I mean by the way I meant I am new to the stream oh okay hold on fireworks uh you

Make fast wait yeah do the puzzle for the cords and the stash yeah that’s what I want to do I I want to make I want to make a giant stash right and make a giant like treasure hunt to get to it you know like yeah do like I’m going to hide the

Cords in a video so like people can find it and they’ll get crazy amount of loot I guess our base to our base no not our base we got to do it somewhere else but I think St yeah I’m going to start I will fund the stash you guys can you can

Fund the stash for um I’m we’re yeah we’re going to use that we’re going to use that stuff okay hold up uh I need to get stalkers so I’m going to go back dude this I don’t know there’s something is there something wrong with the suar farm or is

It how much does it produce per hour what’s wrong with it I don’t know are you afking there what the heck I think I’m afking there okay I sold it I think I sold it recently oh okay cuz we need um falling off on money I’m I like 100k

Sugarcane gun yeah wait is is hung is sugarcane a limitter right now uh I mean so is gunpowder I don’t know why my gunpowder isn’t producing as much I 100K gunpowder I have four but someone name someone named James doesn’t want to let me use it no I I was going

To let you I’m going to let you use it the thing is the sugar farm is only doing like there’s something definitely wait check a it’s your favorite drink I’m selling blocks of redstone for 35k that’s actually a good deal well 33 3K is probably a better deal how’ you

Get rich rich so fast oh yeah 30 FPS basically I just build farms I didn’t get rich that fast like I just built Farms like I used to make a bunch of like if you watch my video like how I made fat stacks on donut SMP or whatever

Oh wait this is too low never mind I got to fix this I probably should build the item collection system for this bottom layer it’s going to be making a crazy amount of pumpkins to fill up super fast check your ah wait wait Bop pop

Uh I need I need I need observers too guys I also need observers so that Hopper line layer will yeah dude the dude you know why I’m using Hoppers do you know why I’m using Hoppers though it’s faster like if I use mine carts it’s going to take me so much

Longer to build so that’s why I’m using Hoppers I know you guys I know it’s worse I know it’s worse but um it’s I know it’s way more expensive but uh I don’t really care at this point like I’m rich already so it’s a lot faster to

Build than building rail rails check a your favorite Dax n bro I don’t need Cobblestone someone else can buy that someone else can buy that um can you please TPA to me and give me advice hi kelp hi Lucifer lucif what is up can you please Ste me uh not at the

Moment uh I kind of I’m kind of working on my own thing can’t let people get ahead you know I I go to I go to all your guys’ farms and you guys are progressing so fast I can’t be like you know falling behind how do you get money to build the

Farms uh I build the first Farm by like grinding and then I build and then I keep like using reinvesting all the money I earned into more Farms wait this is messed up dude placing all the Hoppers takes forever wait here okay well if this is

This is how you do the hopper system so guess you you guys can learn wait wait wait I want to have like a hole in the middle this is where my base is going to be I’m going to put my base in the middle these four like these 4×4 I’m

Going to I’m going to like build my entire base in the middle it’s going to be sick also do you have a tutorial for the farm no I don’t have a tutorial for the farm someone needs to make it though if you guys make a tutorial I’ll I’ll shout

Your I’ll I’ll link it in the description someone made a sugarcan farm tutorial and I put it in the description of the video so if you guys make a pumpkin farm tutorial and it’s good then I will like link it in the description like at least for my design

You know like and you can go over like the different like you can go over like the mine cart system or like full Hoppers and why one’s better or one’s worse um those are good ke what what time Z you I’m on East uh EST on East Coast of United

States so that’s the time zone watch the streams you will learn the designs yeah honestly I build so I build I’m just building all constantly so I feel like if you just watch you’ll understand what I’m doing um dude this kind of gets bugged out though like if you right click on all

These Pistons they like fix um that happens all the time in like some C specific places pumpkins Tut who’s pumpkin Tut um you should do try raid Farms yeah but raid Farms are limited by like I think there’s like a mob cap so you can’t like have crazy ludicrously large raid Farms

That’s the issue and uh I need crazy ludicrously large Farms to support my uh fat stacks tutorial oh wait someone’s already made a tutorial bro you thought this was D donut n bro I’m not Dr donut Dr donut build giant Farms like me what is the best farm to build

Pumpkin pumpkin’s probably the best it’s a lot easier to build than like sugar can sure your chain is kind of a pain cuz you mess up like you can like destroy a lot of progress it’s just kind of like annoying to work with it’s hard to light up you know it’s just a

Lot of difficulties pumpkin just chill you know you can just place a lot of stuff people like people who think that like this is a bad design I think you know like people who think that Hoppers like you know the Hoppers are such a waste they don’t realize like how much time it

Takes to like um build mine carts right like mine carts like take so many extra layers like it’s so much more space to clear out it’s just a lot more work like full on Hoppers are so much easier like I just have to spam Hoppers and like this whole layer is

Done I’ll give you sugarcane Pistons if you help me f figure out my pumpkin first uh you show me a Sher while um yeah okay I’ll check it out when I do base tours I never start my stream as Bas dos though I’ve been working on this I’ve

Been working on my pumpkin farm for an hour but I’m doing a long stream today guys so uh I’m not going to be doing like uh base Wars for a little bit you know just working on the I just got to get my pumpkin farm going like this is

My base it’s going to be my base so like this is going to be my main like loot room and stuff like I’m going to put a stash in here like my plan for my plan for this base is crazy like look at this so you

Know like you know how big like this whole thing is like um going to be like like multiple layers three layers of pumpkin farms up and I’m going to be building like my base in the middle right I’m going to be putting it in an exact center so one two on each side

Right like these bases and I’m just going to live in this area right Kel you did the math for a gold gold Farm it’s 1 mil for 1 hour hour uh maybe if it’s like a crazy gold Farm but like you have to think about like the

Spawn rates are different on This Server Like You cannot like bring like normal Farm rates into the server right like the only Farm rates that translate consistently are these kind of farms because it’s like a consistent grow growth rate but like uh based on like mob cap and stuff like there’s mob caps

Of of players you can probably get a decent amount but there’s a there’s a hard limit it’s like uh a lot less than a normal game 300K for both of that no that’s not worth it uh it needs to be like it needs to be

Like 200k 200 like 20K and I’ll buy it that’s too too much raid Farms aren’t affected by the mob cap on This Server uh I I know you can’t build a huge one I know you can’t build like one of those like ones that like make you millions of emeralds an

Hour uh because there’s some like limiter so there is some limitations no I’m not paying people right now not at the moment wait Who’s online anyone interesting online Pedro’s online there’s 200 almost 3,000 people online guys server is getting crazy it’s getting more and more popular I love the I I love like

Streaming this I love I love it growing like I’m trying to be the I’m trying to be the biggest donut spp streamer I’m just going to stream myself building Farms you know well I don’t want to be only a donp streamer eventually I want to like do stream other stuff but uh

Right now this is my like moo like I love streaming this like I know what to do got everything planned out it’s easy to interact with viewers on the server uh it’s just a lot of fun to build farms a lot of fun to like re chat ke can I

Get mod no I can’t give you mod uh would you pay 10K for a Sher of deep slate brick n got to go for a bit okay bye bot pop C can I get mod someday uh if you’re active in my community maybe kelp can I

Have uh money to build it no I can’t give you money to build something like I need to I need to get all the stuff my I you need to get all the stuff yourself it’s part of the part of the grind you know part of the way to get

Rich you know the rich get richer cuz you know we can afford to build more Farms cuz we can just pay people to get stuff uh so if you’re a broy actually you might want to just work for one of us and then get the money and then um I

Don’t know or instead of like you know getting the Pistons from me build them just use the Pistons for yourself how many of these 71x 7 area are you building I’m only building one of these pumpkin farms probably because I want to I got to go to Cactus you know

I’m making a video like trying to find the best methods you know so I’m experimenting by building Mega Farms so I’ve like get like all the experience I need to like you know truly determine what the best farm is look how crazy this is dude I think this will be the biggest

Pumpkin farm like in one area on the server like gemstones just crazy big but like this is a lot of this is a lot of modules K uh can I help if you don’t n if I don’t want money I just uh I no I

Can’t I can’t let you TP here I can’t have any the coordinates exposed to anybody that’s the problem what is the layer of hoppers for uh they’re going to collect all the pumpkins uh I could use mine carts but they’re like they’re like way harder to like

Place and they take up more space like this is the most condensed method is 2K money worth one stack of redstone dust yeah probably I don’t know who’s buying like like if you you have to like bulk I’ll people pay more extra for bulk in general so

Uh at least I do CU it’s like kind of annoying to like go through and buy all the Redstone off H also logs fart yeah I remember you m you have a very unique name uh Steve is here yeah I remember him too he’s pretty active he’s in here a

Lot kelp what do you prefer season two or season one um I played like season one like early on like when before spawner stacking and um I could say that uh I like this one a lot more like bases are harder a lot harder to get found like my base never

Gets found and um yeah it’s pretty sick I like this season more I didn’t play that I didn’t play that much on the other season I just mostly played on this season dude so much built look how much I got done uh this whole the center area I can skip

Though so many hoppers don’t Clips why are base is hard to find this season cuz the it’s a the world’s way Huger like you get like the coordinates like you up to like 200,000 I think or like 150,000 so the the world’s a lot bigger and everything it’s like just a lot harder

To find it’s a lot harder to find your base like stream lag oh well is it good now I think it I think it just I think it just like lagged for a tiny bit you know I don’t think it was like a long lag dude yeah I remember Don SMP Clips I’m

Pretty sure I’ve watched like some of your Clips stream’s good rip stream uh stream bad you had a pretty big base I just I just like swallowed my spit B it’s crazy remember me go to k not at the moment are you fine yeah I remember you I TP to

You if you have a unique name I’ll probably remember you like if you like are you fine I remember him like I God voice cracks too much talking um yeah so I tried to TP to him uh I’ve TP to him before I think how can you collect all the

Stuff uh just go mining a crap ton you know you go mining a crap ton you like grind Redstone get it pretty fast you know take that long a shower feel very looking pretty good you know should I need a thirst trrap of myself you know post that I think I look pretty

Good mic oh my mic muted my mic muted oh no let me check uh no my mic’s good my mic have been may have been far away we couldn’t hear you by the way uh okay well um now you can I think it’s cuz like I move away from my mic like if

I put my mic out here like you can barely hear me right like my mic is a lot quieter if I do this how much for 60 four Pistons just made them took me 20 minutes L uh I think 10 11k is how much uh stack of Pistons goes

For so pretty good amount pretty good amount you can hear me yo what’s up Zam how you doing I’m pretty sure I’m getting more hyped as the stream goes on guys I’m getting more and more hyped I think the coffe is like really kicking

In you know I have a really low coffee I have a really low like caffeine tolerance hey wait I’m I’m going to Abus coffee this stream guys I’m going to go I’m going to go crazy I’m about to I’m about to stream for like 20 hours

Straight um we’re an hour in we’re an hour in that’s like a full inventory of uh Hoppers I just went through I’m going to be honest if I’m being honest wait do I have any more do I have any more Hoppers uh guys I might be out of

Hoppers wait a minute wait a minute go no I’m out of Hoppers all right well let’s see if we got go to the team home and get some Hoppers I’m going to craft some some Hoppers lots of Hoppers to craft put these in here wait is there any extra Hoppers I

Think we’ve uh burned through like most of it most of the the wait who’s here lest’s here yo hold on let me undef yo what’s up I need I need to craft more Hoppers oh gold in here yeah yeah I need to craft some Hoppers uh you

Want to help yeah sure I’ll do hold on I got I got I got extra materials wait what do we need logs and iron I got plenty of logs I think I got another shulker of iron block iron I got like a ton of ir give you some no I think we’re

Good on iron for now I need a lot I I I purchased a lot of logs though like L logs are a big deal he can I TP elev to my spawner base so if all right um all right LV wait hold on that’s iron

Blocks wait let me put it in like the organized area wait where logs go let’s let’s remove all these empty ones suar fire you I need the I need the fireworks cuz I wanted to go base hunting actually yeah I thought it would be fun should I do base hunting on

Stream you think I found anything maybe I’ll put these in the empty shulkers all these empty shulkers got to go yeah the empty shers put them in the chest over there yep and then these these how many shers do we have I think we have quite a bit stock filed yeah we

Have a lot uh I think all these are good yeah all right uh block of iron jungle Spruce logs birch logs fireworks blocks of iron that’s a lot of iron block fireworks yeah I got quite a few iron blocks guys I’ve got crazy stock po of resources is actually ridiculous you

Have logs yeah I’ve got logs hold on where I put the log wait where should I put the logs I just put them right here put them right here yeah yes that’s good so dude I look how many logs there are I saw I saw the sh on a I was going

To buy it but I didn’t buy it wait are there any more logs 70k buy that 80k buy that 65k bro he’s trying to scam though like half of them are 32 all right two more shulkers too all right wait I need to like clear my whole inventory so I can craft

Optimally I can craft chests optimally uh I just got to remember I put all my my tools in there got hacked by anti for one date dude that sucks well I’ve got banned two times already is it for macroing no it’s for um I’m in Duos and then I’m just uh

What’s it called I’m in Duos I I’m just fighting people right and then when I X when I use my XP bottles it just bans me all I’m putting chest in this in this in this chest all right I’ll craft the chest if you want if you

Want to craft the Hoppers you probably craft faster than me though no not that much don’t you have a not anymore dude look at I can craft chest pretty fast cuz I made a take and they said it was banable so I just s it

Out okay cuz the model wasn’t allow so I just s it out I guess I guess macers are not allowed uh I’ll put the hoers in should I put dude look how many jungle logs people farming a bunch of jungle logs wait I’m going to defen cuz I got

To talk to chat all right thanks for helping me I’m I’m going to keep crafting Pistons or I’m going to put the I’m going to put the the hopper in this chest all right all right sounds good so annoying LOL I don’t know what triggered it uh bro that’s unfortunate

The stockpile of items is crazy yeah holy I’ve got crazy amount of uh resources I need to make like a huge Redstone stock pile maybe that’s what my like in the will be in the uh like treasure you know I hope people don’t slash sell them though because like

They’re worth a lot like it’s worth a lot I don’t pick this up let me come down here I mean I’m burning through logs like I burn through logs crafting chests and stuff I just go by the Shuler you know going through shulkers over over over shulkers you know kelpy want to check

The base later I got yeah I’m plan to do some like uh B tours you know those are always fun but at the moment I’m crafting maybe that’s like 2 hours in I’m at 86 minutes you know I’m doing a long streaming today guys for my 1,000 subscriber special you know pretty hype

Though dude you know you guys have no idea like I got so excited when I guys was like dude I got 200 subscribers from the first video and now I’m at a th and I’m like insanely happy dude like this is crazy uh 1 2 3 4 5 six 6 7 8 n

Dude so many I can’t D with dark oak I can’t even tell if it’s planks or logs at the point like it’s so hard to see chest dude like Minecraft is an aim trainer at this point like I I aim I’m like aiming like 24/7 yeah you really

Deserve it I am new to your BR streams they and are fun to watch dude thank you thank you thank you can you give me some iron I need pumpkin farm um N I can’t give you iron I need it for myself dude look how much look how much I’m burning

Through we’re probably going to go through these two stacks of blocks crafting this all right like we need a crazy amount of iron to supply this I can’t imagine I can’t believe that I actually like did this stuff by myself like I used to like craft everything like I built up all those

Farms like by hand like collecting my own resources basically like my first huge one like took me forever I’m I think wait should I do a video should I do a video of like me from nothing like should I play on like an ult account where I have absolutely

Nothing and see how fast I can get like a huge Farm going like would you guys watch that would that be a good video I think that would be kind of a good video plus I have fun doing it you know kind of starting from scratch uh that’s an interesting video idea yeah

I feel like I can get I feel like I like you know all the YouTubers like I made 100K in like 24 hours I could probably be like I made the a a huge Farm in 24 hours maybe I’ll do it like on stream right like I’ll just like uh I’ll just

Stream for like 12 hours straight and see how much I can get done yes if you don’t get help from anyone yeah I yeah you want to watch that guys yeah let’s see I I think I bet I could get pretty far I don’t like getting help guys like getting help is

Fun for like when I’m trying to make host like big events like when I like when I host the events like I do accept donations like if you ever want like if you guys want to help me out like with um prize pools for donations uh just uh

Pay um kelp walks right this the account that I set keep all the money on for Don for like donations and um like hosting events right so if you guys want like higher event like prize pools that’s what you should do uh I think we we we gave away $10

Million with the Bounty event like that’s we that’s how much it costs uh but that was like mostly Kev Joo like Kev Joo gave a crazy amount of money to that account uh for the event full shulker of chests um come on k please your spot I’ll do 10.5k for 64

Pistons uh let’s see let’s go to should I clear that should I clear it of Pistons hold on say Edge piston I might clear the ation has of piston wait 12K for Pistons do some math H I’ll play I’ll play 12K for uh that many pistons but if

I CRA if I buy them all but like it’s a pain to buy them dude aim trainer for real aim trainer for real my aim’s going to be absolutely cracked take all this dude this is like this is not a full stack I cannot take that dude I need to buy like One

Log all right I’m taking this I’m take a One log from here that should work right oh no it’s going to fill up my inventory weird all right whatever I just have to accept it I just have to accept it if you don’t have like full Stacks it

Like fills up your inventory weird all right now I think this should work yeah okay all right I think he’s AFK at this point um you should do a video where you you bounce to yourself 10 million and fight people um the problem is I’ll just get

TNT I’ll probably just get trapped and I’m not good at Crystal that’s the problem like I’m not that good at Crystal PVP like I’m pretty bad I got to turn I got should I turn the um like huge event that I did like with like

When I had like 400 viewers into a into a uh video I also got to turn that into a video maybe I’ll turn that into a short like I I’m still really new to the YouTube guys like I started streaming six days ago I feel like I’m I’m doing

Pretty good I feel like I’m figuring it out pretty fast lots of chests yes yes you are the best dude thank you do hide-and-seek hide-and-seek’s actually a good idea but dude how we I have to like make a map you know I have to like make a I have to

Like build a map like hideand-seek in my griefed pumpkin farm like maybe that’s it I could do that um but it’s a like how do we do hideand-seek you know if someone has a Cool Base that they’re like willing to like rent out like it’s probably going

To get griefed after the event but like could you give me one stack of blocks I can’t tpd right now I’m busy but um I will soon I think I’m going to save the rest of those uh this is like this is like a this is like a lot of uh

Yeah this is enough for now and no bro I’m going to need them I’m just going to craft the full set I’m just going to keep crafting sweet that’s the first shoker of H Hoppers first Sher of Hoppers done uh again I tell tell you I’ll tell you later okay

Sweet wait what bro I’m throwing I’m actually throwing I just threw is anyone selling planks all right that’ll make it work such a waste but you know you can’t tell with these like it’s impossible to see can’t see what’s going on wait these are planks wait already full what am I talking about

Everything’s crafted uh uh do such ah stick here no I’m not right now wait maybe if you’re stealing I think you’re steal good stuff normally 280 I mean that’s okay um n it’s a it’s too still too high it’s worth like 230,000 that’s how much it’s actually worth if if it goes down

To 230,000 I’ll buy it I to dude but it’s not worth it like it’s not worth the the hamster plays no it’s just selling Rockets uh I can get I already have plenty of those I don’t know what wait what’s the ra ratio I need um oh JX is here dude

Sweet yeah JX is here I’m call I’m crafting dude crafting crazy amounts of uh stuff he’s got a sign I need to dude we got like two shulkers of piston or like piston of uh chests let’s see what let’s see what he’s typing dude he’s taking his time what’s with the sugar cane

Farm I don’t know what’s wrong with it dude you’re just checking it too much I think dude look it’s filling up pretty fast like this is how much it goes like I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it wait minut afking it yeah I’m afking it it should be

Working what’s wrong with it I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it actually take these Redstone Parts though Cobble deep s Shuler I’ll take that too yeah it’s pretty cool I don’t know what’s wrong with it though I need to work on the base can I

Get glow ink sacks please why do you need glow ink sacks they’re so they’re so easy to get bro you get so many of them can you buy my obser it 16k not worth I think the rates are like as they always are dude I don’t think there’s anything actually wrong with

It you know anchor in here bro what’s the proper R for chest Hopper more iron I’m going I’m crafting pretty Qui quick hey he T because I need to see my pumpkin farm wait he put a sign over there I’m pretty sure see what he said IFK for like 2

Hours but there was only like two chests no man that doesn’t seem right that does not seem right I don’t think you maybe maybe you’re afking it wrong probably afking it wrong dude I don’t know how you AFK it wrong but I think it like it’s it’s filling up wait yeah

Like uhoh uhoh uhoh yeah I mean like this one’s doing fun I may maybe it’s the slabs I don’t think I think it should be doing good though I got to sell all this crap um yo what’s up vexi dude this one’s I don’t think look how fast it’s going

Like it’s going fast like I think the my Count’s loading it it may it may have not been recently like I think it should be working yo vexi maybe someone’s here maybe some you like the coordinates on accident someone’s like taking all the sugarcane uh I don’t need this is this almost

Done three three stacks of blocks how long is that going to last me I craft a decent amount with that give me some chests Hopper guys the Discord server yeah join the Discord server um I need to I need to like make a better way to do wait we

Have like a we have like a thing where like you can like say deals I think how’s the deals thing yeah trades um I think these go yeah like look how many comments some of these trades get buying iron gold for spawners for 150k selling full shers of piss and

Observers hold on I need to get capitalized on this I’ll pay 350k per shulker all right you know I’m just going to do on that I find Dr donut told me about you you are really on the ground for real for real yeah dude I’m building some massive Farms dude this

Thing is I’ve got some crazy stuff all right I got to go I’m I’m going back um and uh working on the farm I need to get my piston my tools out out um I think I put them in here in here yeah take the hoe too two three uh four

Uh wait one okay guys guys guys look how look how fast I can organize my inventory 2 three 4 One like all like instantly in my hot bar automatically organized dude I’m so cracked at organizing my my hot Bar C can you make me mod please Steve is here no I don’t

Know you that well I can’t mod you quite yet how to automatically fill your hot bar with Hoppers from your inventory When You Reach zero um you press the middle Mouse button hold on I’ll show you like if I have no hop hoppers in my hot bar

Right like without going in my inventory without going in my inventory like it’d be annoying right like but if IIT yeah wait so you see what I just did if I proba middle Mouse button I can get on easy can you TP to the second no I can’t

TP to the second sugarcan Farm J well JX has a TP there but like that’s enough right like you don’t need it like I want to keep keep one sugarcan farming to myself cuz I need for like uh I need to make sure it doesn’t get

Griefed at all for the video or like if it gets griefed you know I can use it in the video and I’m not going to blame you I really hope this doesn’t get found if this gets found like I’m out like a Hu huge amount of money like a

Ridiculous amount of money it’s so annoying when people ask for mod I mean like some people deserve mod but like a lot of these people are like still very new in my chat you know like LV like like a lot of these people who are

Already mod um they like I I talked to them like in the Discord a lot like goldi he’s had mod because like I talked to him in the Discord a lot and I don’t have membership so like you guys can’t even like get like something that shows up in um thing yeah

Like gold fight Tau to me some Crystal like I Crystal PVP him like he’s good uh can you Dosh M can I build a huge sugarcan Farm soon soon soon but right now I’m having a lot of fun building my Farms you know like I’m working on a huge uh comp farm right

Now I built a huge version of your of your neck to my Farm uh I don’t believe you I guess I’ll see it if I TP um I’m a girl on this account this is my grinding account you know if you guys want to know why I have a girl skin it’s pretty

Simple um I like looking pretty that’s why that’s not gay you know it’s just how it is um you need to we need to record a video about Bounty thing and post it yeah well I already have wait when easy Farm is good to make uh manual sugarcane farm that’s probably a good

One you can’t even join the your Discord why not bro gay gay nah nah you know I just like having a girl skin you like nah bro I’m 100% straight I just you know I like looking pretty you can’t I can’t even Jo kelp you’re doing donp how many kills can I

Get with 10K crystals so I need a mil for crystals law uh build a farm you can start funding it that’s a good video that’s a good video idea it’s actually a really good video idea I that like 10,000 crystals is a lot or you can like spent a million

On crystal you probably need more than that wait slash a wait shop gear 350 yeah I think that’s uh 3.5 no yeah that’s 3.5 mil you’re going to need more than a million um I can actually afford I can afford 10,000 crystals or I could at the beginning of the stream is anyone

Selling Pistons n BR you still got it overpriced this is actually a good deal guys I need observers though like observers are easy to craft too like they’re cheaper to craft you don’t need wood um congrats on 1.2k yeah hey I know it’s crazy dude that’s why I’m doing a long stream today

Cuz I got 1,000 sub subscribers I didn’t really I didn’t really do anything for it you know now I’m going to I’m going to do this I’m doing this for I’m doing a longer stream you know that’s that’s all I can think of you know I I do I want to

Like release a good video for um for uh 10,000 or something you know I want to make it like special cuz like that’s a huge that’s a huge uh like Monument you know you need quartz for obser yeah but like quartz is cheap I think I think you

Can buy it off this nether uh 35 640 640 time 27 six no six that’s only 17,000 basically for quartz and I’m buying a full Shuler for 350,000 that’s not expensive that’s really cheap hey C I’m not saying give me mod but in your next stream you

Should look like putting slow mode on because I keep oh no no uh I think I think the current I already have slow mode on like 5 Seconds like that’s the same as Dr donut is um I can’t your thing doesn’t work what thing doesn’t work my link doesn’t work I’m pretty

Sure it works yeah dude I’m I’m going to TP to you I mean you’re not very active in my chat either but uh I have you like look I have your name copied and pasted right I’m ready to TP you uh first when I do Bas TS but right now I’m not doing

Base TS also got to TP to Lime crystals like if he wants me to TP uh kelp kelp kelp kelp help kelp no DC don’t work it doesn’t you’re second right yeah you’ll be second um I guess I have to do a new invite Kelps Kingdom invite invite No Limit expires after never

Uh let’s put it in the description let’s put it in the description uh tell me if it works after this all right I put a new one in well wish you the best look have a good rest of your stream thank you thank you thank you I think I think slow Mode’s slow

Enough like do you think slowo is good enough right now guys I don’t feel like my cat’s my chat’s moving that crazy fast you know I think it’s moving at a good rate dude so many Hoppers so many hoppers wait wait I think this is already all right got some

Water yo kelp help me out I want to become the richest player only from donations so please n that’s a horrible goal becoming the richest player from only donations you ain’t doing that bro and it’s kind of boring isn’t it like play the game like get build some

Farms it’s way more fun to get rich from building massive huge ludicrously large Farms right like check this baby out this baby’s going to make me fat stacks you know fast stacks on the donut SMP steing nine stacks of observers on a 200k though that’s not worth it’s worth like a

100K not paying that like people giveing me good deals on Pistons um but it’s definitely not worth for 200k for that many observers that’s worth like uh 110k try to pay me 9 9 900 extra 9,000 extra dollars not worth how much you pay for one Sher of

Redstone uh normally I pay like 100k for a Sher of redstone but right now I don’t need that much I have like so much stockpiled LV TPA to me the big surprise crazy thing uh I will but not right now not at the moment I’m not doing TPS uh

You’re on the list too uh lime crystals and that grit gital guy or whatever uh he’s on the list so 2.4 million crazy amount dude my lips are like kind of chapped should I go standing mode I think it might be time for another standing mode need my dogs are barking so loud

Can you guys hear my dogs in the microphone like they’re so annoying they just never stop barking like they like it’s honestly so annoying I can’t ever sleep in cuz they keep yapping they just bark non-stop uh yo can I get some money I need to expand my farm n we can’t hear

Okay well that’s good and it probably cuz my microphone’s like a a headset mic ke can you buy observers for 11k yeah I buy observers for 11k right now they’re like 16k on ah though not worth not worth at all all right so I got to figure out how I’m

Going to do this right like um it’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 my room is going to be like a 2 by two I no 2 by one 2 by one room I think is what my the size is going to be I’m putting a giant room in the center of

This uh or not giant room but like a room for my base you know to like store resources and like manage my shulkers heat my stockpile of pistons and stuff C you’re making exploded room for the new Farm I’m making W yeah that’s a w you make me you made me Rich through

Buying shers of pistons for yeah pistons pistons are worth a lot is anyone selling good observers for a good price you lower it yeah I’ll buy that now I’ll buy that now he’s a little bit less he’s cutting me a little bit short but I guess I’ll buy

That um yeah okay that’s the one worth it TNT used uh to be 7K per stank now it’s 8K TNT used to be 10K a stack but that’s what I was buying it for um but uh now and then I used to buy shers of TNT for uh

100K wait wait no this is already good this is already good I’m leaving I’m leaving this Center space open I’m going to be completely surrounded by Farms it’s going to be a it’s in a crazy base wait wait no what am I doing I’m still doing it

Wrong oh wait did I go far enough out wait the center I think hold on I need to put the blocks over the center hi what’s up Elanor Fagan what’s up bro what tutorial you using for this giant farm um I I’m basically it’s an it’s like ill mango design originally but now

You don’t need uh those whatchamacallits those like music blocks or whatever wait I guess I’ll put one two three I think it’s right here and right here uh so that’s where I’m going to be building the room uh so we could probably go out here

It’s going to be like a nine I don’t need a room that big that’s so this probably be like a perfect size perfect size of room I think the Pistons like the Pistons like bug out on the server like they go invisible for a second I’m not

Taking any at the moment hey can you check my Bas no I’m not checking out bases right at the you’re media too bro sussy guy are you on the thing it’s pretty cool if you’re media I know I just got media like a few days ago it’s pretty crazy huh

Dude 170 viewers is crazy like it’s pretty huge yo what’s up evi TPA um no I’m not tping at the moment Enz dude hey what’s up I remember you evi yeah evi is in here isn’t that crazy TPA clown P you got a really nice surprise for me uh I’m actually kind of

You guys are kind of hyping me up with these tpas but at the moment I’m not tping I got to I’m trying to work on this Farm I’m doing a long stream today so don’t worry guys I’m doing tpas you know soon dude everyone’s spamming dude I love this little heart

Emoji I kind of like it wait can I put custom emojis in there or is it stuck on those like kind of bad ones cuz those aren’t the best emojis you know I hope this like doesn’t affect the like uh you know storage system cuz I’m doing this kind of oddly

With these split Hoppers you know cuz 1 2 3 4 okay wa I need to go one more out so this like Center thing is going to be a room building his Lego set while watching bro Lego sets are so fun bro did you get it for Christmas I got

One I got like a Lego Tie Fighter for Christmas I love Star Wars um Kel how many pumpkins you I don’t get any pumpkins a day at the moment k modu for 100k a day how many uh N I make more than 100K a day I don’t

Know how much you need for I don’t know how many modules you need for 100k a day though not 100% sure dude I know there’s bound to be like one hopper that’s like placed like really wrong so like none of the items are going to collected from it that’s really going to bother

Me it’s going to be like impossible to find though everi how you doing yeah dude everi I watch your stream dude you’re dudee if if I stream like the intro like pulling up Dr do stream is so funny someone needs to make a clip of that cuz that was hilarious he’s like

The highest quality stream and we got the Dr donut stream in like 240p dude I don’t know how anybody watched that I don’t know how he’s had over like 100 viewers on that it was so bad C you’re selling shulkers of TNT for 200k uh want to buy you can get a sale

No I don’t want a sale uh and I don’t really want TNT either um well actually it probably will if you put it for 200k I’ll buy it that’s actually decent deal how much is they going for wait actually they’re going for cheap yeah probably buy them but not right at the moment

Right now I don’t need clear out a huge area but I know those will sell that’s like that’s like um how much they’re worth right now o got like a stuffy nose or something I need to blow my nose he averaged 400 viewers who averag 4

Viewers uh I I don’t think I ever average 400 viewers like this is like I’m this is the peak average viewers out like this is the average like I haven’t gotten a shout out or anything so this is which I probably normally get like this is crazy for not getting a shout

Out like this is insane wait I don’t need to do over that line I’m going to split them Dr donut did Dr donut did he shouted me out not this time though not this stream like he normally he like post my stream when I had 400 viewers yeah definitely shouted me out

Like on in the in the server chat yo good morning uh Sinar it’s morning for you I think it’s afternoon for me yeah it’s like 3:00 for me crazy how time zones work man real life is so so exciting good morning Keel yeah I already said it

Good morning um your base is getting raided no bro that sucks did you get inside it or did someone find your base Dr donut stream quality is fire I know I wish I had a stream as qu quality as him should I try to lower the bit rate and mik mine horrible

Too no I cannot do that that’s it would be too bad it’ be too bad I’m not willing I’m not willing to sacrifice you know like all my viewers for the me uh kelp do you have multiple Farms or are you just building it please no yes

No way I can do that no way I can do that I don’t know how I don’t know how people were still watching that EV if I really said please no L yeah e fire would you ever do a stream in that low quality no way it’s so

Bad it’s like literally it’s literally unwatchable like I don’t know how people were watching that like he like when he was doing like the TNT explosions I mean I feel bad for you guys you just missed out on awesome TNT explosions like you could see like some pixels maybe

Lighting up but that’s basically it use my texture pack to see if Hoppers are wrong uh C see you see you answer uh bye that’s awful to watch yeah kelp do you have multiple Farms or are you just building a huge pumpkin farm maybe like for five minutes kelp you I’m building

Multiple pumpkin farms nah bro I don’t even do I don’t know if I can turn it up dude I’m concerned I will turn like I I’m not set at 240p you get at 240p it’s like it was like horrible it was like Beyond bad your base got raided Noah

Dude how did you like how did it get found do you have a lot of villagers there we need to find out like what causes the base to get found if your base has a lot of villagers I’ve heard I think that like caus to get raided if

Your base has like um I don’t know there’s a lot of things yo what’s up Dary I remember you uh ke you’re watching ill mango right now what do you change about your farm uh my farm it does not use uh hover mine cart and because I have enough money to like not

Use that and it’s cheaper to build or it’s faster to build not cheaper to build way more expensive to build if you don’t use that what should I build I’m think I’m going to build it out of diamond blocks my floor uh what should I build it out of

Actually what block should I build like because this is like this area right here is going to be my room it’s going to be my like my uh my main loot room H what blocks are on sale guys what block should I use pretty sure M mine

Carts count towards entity so yeah okay what’s your max viewers in every other stream my dude this is like the like my stream is this is crazy already like this stream is crazy large like I didn’t think I get 180 viewers like netherite blocks diamond blocks I think I’m going

To put I think I have to put carpet over it cuz I need like I need the height all the height I can get uh netherite nether blocks I don’t know what dude what should I build it out of dude diamonds are expensive I don’t

Know if I have enough to fill this whole area hold on let me try I’m I’m going to need one of these in the base anyways uh let’s see let’s see let’s see iron blocks no iron blocks wouldn’t be good see where is my resources I have fat stacks in here

Somewhere I may not even wait do I not have them stored here well anyways let me set my home here wait no maybe I I won’t set my home here yet I don’t know where my I don’t know where my stuff is let’s go check my

My main base how much for two stacks and 10 pist two stacks and 10 Pistons all that is Um I pay like 22k for that like this is overpriced slh observers anyone selling a shers ofers I’ll buy that that’s a good deal oh wait there a bunch of empty empty uh shers wait do I have goodies here wait I have a lot of TNT here I I didn’t

Realize how much crap I have left over here bunch of empty crap I have so much junk I’ve just I have the crap lying everywhere where dude I don’t I don’t remember where my goods chest is like I don’t remember if I died it or

Anything wait do I not have it do I not have a lot of diamonds I don’t think I have enough diamonds I don’t know what to build it out of guys I don’t know what block I should use Emerald blocks might look good it’s kind of I’m think I’m going to use

Emerald blocks let’s try that G man where do you get pumpkin farmer design from uh I don’t know so I hope some one of you guys one of you guys in the audience right make a video about how to build my pumpkin farm design because I know some of you guys

Do like and show yours on the server too like get start make a presents right and you can also start building Farms like we need we need a bigger farm community right I’ll link your I’ll link your tutorial in the description into my thing all right if you build

One uh not put it under there wait should I put under there how do how how am I going to deal with this like Redstone like uh I got to cover this up somehow let’s try let’s try carpet I think I can put carpet over it

Like I need to do it what other color would go with this what other color would go with the emeralds or should I carpet the full thing you added it guys I need observers now though I have so many pistons you guys sold me so many pistons H uh uh Emerald blocks

12K like this isn’t a crazy room I’m not building like giant arches or anything I’m just like trying to have like a cool loot room you know um cuz my loot room uh has not been like good like I’ve not had a good loot room for a

While yeah I think I need a different color I don’t know what colors everyone good well deep site bricks thank you thank you I don’t really know what uh lime carpet um there’s something like there’s like a color wheel right there like a there’s like a rule

Hold on let me go to my OBS so there’s like a rule right like where colors on the opposite side of a color wheel go good together so green and red should I do red I should have red wool should have red wool but it’s like this color green so I don’t need

Like magenta anyone have magenta is there any magenta die I don’t know if magenta D is available wait could someone sell magenta die I’ll pay a bunch like 5K a stack of magenta die cuz I need a lot of magenta die right now also wool wool’s like not on

Sale oh white wool for 100 200k is actually like the only one so that might actually be worth um so does anyone have magenta die leppo purple purple yeah I need men uh yeah magenta die uh put that on ah I’ll buy it 5K 5K for a stack I think that’s decent

Um I got to dye all these carpets I got to get dye the wool first though maybe I’ll put the I’m going to sell these carpets for now wait what was in that Shuler what was in that Shuler was that like a full shulter of Pistons uh

Oh I really hope that shulker was not full of good stuff wait let me go back in my stream let’s see what’s in it I need I need to make sure wait wait hold on that Shuler was full of P Pistons I you checked I don’t think I had that many I

Don’t think I have that many pistons how much did it sell for dude gosh I I gosh why did I sell that dude no one’s telling magenta die no one’s telling magenta die purple die how do you make magenta die red die and pink Dy and blue

Dye wait can you turn pink pedals and pink yeah I can wait hold on let me control it magenta die um I can buy purple wait 5K for purple I got purple and then I need blue wait wait wait yeah it’s blue no pink and purple die make

Venta sweet now I just need ah cool 11k gosh that’s so much 21 stacks of Pistons no way it was 21 stacks of Pistons dude if I sold 21 stacks of Pistons I’m going to be so mad gosh that’s so bad no way no way I

Got wait hold on I got to sell my sugar cane cuz that farm is about to fill up too so I could get some more money already spent a lot on this Farm today wait is there any iron blocks too I going to check those 180k I’ll buy

That any iron blocks iron ingots iron ingots iron ingots iron ingots iron ingots iron ingots iron ingots no I think that was the only Sher of iron blocks hey yo you’re my favorite donut streamer uh you inspired me to do giant Farms sweet wait bro I have TP

Requests on that’s not good that’s not good I’m going to have to turn this off I think well most people don’t even know my name on this so we’ll see how long it takes oh no it’s thinking it’s not that long for people to realize not that long not that

Long bro what it takes that much diee dude that is crazy no way takes that much all right got to turn those off not not going to be uh able to TP with that it was a piston shulker no bro no way how many pistons were in it though were there a

Lot of Pistons bro no how much did it sell for even I don’t even know how much it sold for dude no way had a bunch of Pistons no uh thank you D I hope I yeah guys I’ve seen a lot of you guys wait dude this

Doesn’t even look that good this doesn’t even look that good I thought this would look better but I’m going to do it anyways cuz I already spent a bunch of money on magenta die I think it looks okay nothing crazy dude this dude magenta die um how much stupid uh it was

Piston dude how many pistons were in that Shuler it was not full was it it was not full was it like please tell me it was not full if it was a full Shuler of Pistons like if it was nine Stacks like that’s a hit but like it’s

Bad but like it was full that’s so bad like that’s really really bad yo kelp what’s your favorite d&p streamer you inspired me to do giant Farms my favorite d&p streamer um it’s actually dude like there’s such different Vibes like eifi he’s got like such a chill Vibe it’s like fun to watch

Him like he streams at the perfect time like late at night when you’re just trying to chill and he’s like streaming like some simple like Crystal PP you know just chilling around like it’s fun to watch Kim but like if you’re trying to like watch like base tours or like

Like a character I think Dr donut you know there’s like benefits yo kelp you have emeralds for you uh I think I have enough emeralds I don’t think I need need anymore you know there’s there’s like there’s a different streamer for everyone like you can’t say the best you

Know obviously I’d say my I’m the best you know I’m the best I’m the greatest streamer of all time I’m better than xqc I’m better than every streamer to ever exist on this planet but like in all reality though like it’s a subjective thing subjective too subjective where’s my silk touch here’s

Here’s a silk touch put the Ender Chest right here yeah the carpet the carpet’s slightly annoying um but uh I think I can get around it wait this is going to be a layer of dirt wait is this directly uh I’m have to I’m going to

Shift this one up I’m going to get rid of this cuz I’m going to put like blocks here I’m going to put blocks on the wall I need walls yo KP you’re my favorite D spr me I saw your message dude is pretty crazy I’m got to see that Inspire inspire

People to build some stuff on the server I feel the player Count’s gone up dude we’re at it’s almost at 3,000 players like midle of the middle of the day well not middle of the day it’s like 3:00 guess it’s pretty middle of the day how

About about to sneeze oh my God I need to blow my nose ah bro so much blowing of the nose this cuz it’s nasty out guys it’s a miserable day it’s rainy it’s dreary the sun’s not out the clouds are over it’s like foggy it’s like such a miserable

Day out so so bad two stack dude please sell them bulk like uh someone else buy that off the auction house and like sell it for a markup like that’s honestly what I’d do wait no what was I doing I need to get rid of this lwn uh GX kept the

Emerald no I already I don’t need any more emeralds I don’t feel like getting my deep slate but actually I think I have deep slate in there actually so that’s the only bit I’m going to buy dude I’ve played way too much Minecraft I don’t know if I like the

Auto crafting book like I kind of like the challenge of crafting but I mean like it’s it’s convenient when you’re like crafting a crazy amount of stuff um yo kelp you’re my favorite I think my chat’s I got to refresh oh no I’m like really far behind in the Stream like

It’s not like up to date yo what if you build a pigman Farm guys you got to someone else got to do it like CU I don’t think Pigman Farm is that good because of the mob like rate SP up I think uh pumpkin and stuff is like the way to

Go windows are going to be on this level yo kelp I’m the guy that was Bedrock account and Screen shared cords 800 creeper B 800 creeper spawners yeah we’re we got everything I’m so happy cuz right now you’re making fireworks bro yeah fireworks are the way to go but fireworks the way to

Go I think this is going to be a pretty cool storage room like main loot room like place the AFK from the farm this is my AFK zone for the farm uh I’m going to set my home here wait what are my homes even what

The hell is home F three I don’t even know what home 3 is I guess let’s check no I don’t need this home anymore bro bro get away get away from me kill polar bears I got XP yo what’s up Golden five I wish I wish polar bears Dro stuff you

Know D I got these like peach rings dude for Christmas and they lasted me forever I just have one every once in a while and it’s like sweet you know a normal Shuler like 800 like people just buy them off shop they’re so cheap it’s Observer why do people sell shers of

Like absolutely nothing yo ke how much is two stacks ofes ASMR bro is it actually that bad uh anything Peach flavored is always awesome in taste honestly dude yo up how much for two stacks of observers um I need to buy more at a time

N do you have any advice on how to dig out an area that big TNT that’s my advice it’s definitely my advice uh SL set home Slome all right there’s homes homes renamed you should get a storage system going for a pumpkin farm yeah I probably should put a storage system in wait do have any more um chests at the back the base no I can’t give you money wait yeah not yeah call

Him where is um wait they’re crafting up some Gunpowder GP baby wait is there any more hoppers in here they craft any more Hoppers oh yeah there’s there’s more Hoppers yo what’s up JX what’s up wait hold on wait do you have anything to show me guys guys guys

We need we need more pets guys we need more pets what other pets can we get in here we have we have um timot and Jimmy they’re pretty cool they’re pretty cool um see he’s got a sign for me anyone got s stacking or automatic raid form uh okay I have a

Question how much IG spawners you have to fund your Hoppers zero IG spawners I have zero IG spawners absolutely none uh do you think I can switch the Farms what do you mean switch the Farms like we just switch what do you mean switch doesn’t make any sense uh but I have to

Go like you want the other Farm cuz I’m not taking you my other Farm uh parrot camel 9 LM can I try need more peach rings should I make another s another cup of coffee all I got to go home wait all right yeah bro I can’t the

Other one but uh if there’s something wrong there’s something actually I need to fix on that second one second sugarcan Farm I haven’t removed the slabs yet actually if you go through and you remove all the slabs it should increase the efficiency if you want to

Do that but I’m not doing that right at the moment yo ke water on Top 9 LM need it I don’t know what that means uh how do I get XP levels I need uh I think spawners give you a decent amount check Redstone age nah not right

Now how much money is 128 I don’t know um I pay like 11k for stack of observers that’s how much you want uh for them but I’d rather buy like a a Shuler of them for 350k Shuler is way were worth guys you guys need to get my red I need my

Redstone uh comps guys I need more Redstone comps more observers I think I’m almost out of observers I got a decent amount wait let me see I got a plenty of redstone to craft them wait how many observers do I even have guys yeah I’m low on observers Hoppers observers yeah guys

I’m low on observers I barely any got barely any observers no it’s a bunch of random crap yeah I bought those observers those was a decent deal yeah I need observers wait wrong there was 19 stacks of Pistons inside that Shuler and I you sold it I’m sure I saw

14 others remain to F it was 19 Pistons bro 19 stacks of Pistons I accidentally sold SL sold 19 stacks of Pistons that is so bad yikes that’s actually really unfortunate uh dude that’s if I’m at least I wasn’t observers because that’s what I need really bad right

Now guys this storage system is going to be a pain I think I have some like droppers I need droppers so this is my plan let’s see if it works I’ve got a solid plan set up for how I’m going to do this wait is anyone selling droppers no no one selling

Wait n no one’s selling droppers I have to go craft some think I got red repeaters and stuff so I’m good on that I need to figure out what the like rate is that uh like how active fast they can be activated The Observers cuz there’s like a limit on

Redstone clocks right like you can’t have it too fast but some people were doing it like I think if it’s slow enough the Redstone clock can go I think it can function uh yo kelp you have a raid farm and an outpost if you ever lead let me know okay thanks I’ll let

You know if I need it but right now at the moment I do not need it yo kelp is a yapper is kelp yaps your account L yeah no it’s not my account some random guy made it no magic The Rock has it I think uh oh you’re going

To use water elevator to um no I’m just I’m going to use a hopper wait yeah hold hold on where’s the droppers I can use bubbles or I can use I’ll probably use bubbles that’s actually better it’s actually a better idea um wait what do I need I need Cobblestone

Wait why do I have so many pumpkins already uh do I have Cobblestone here I think I do do where is redstone just need one stack of redstone dropper there we go what am I doing I need some repeaters too I think I have those stored where there’s like a random chest or

Something yeah here we go I got observers here or not preservers uh whatam weall it uh Redstone repeaters I’ll take I’ll make take some stores in case too bubbles are probably going to be their best bet cuz probably yeah I don’t want to use just uh Whatchamacallit how many crates do you

Have since you AFK so often uh I don’t know uh probably like 300 uh I but plus my all accounts probably have like five 500 I Observer SC if you need any uh no wait yeah if you SL sell them if you SL sell them um I’ll pay toner k for wa know

350k for a Shuler of observers kelp drop droppers they fill up so fast they’re slow n bro I think it will work I got to put the bubble column here I’m going to put the bubble column here like so bubbles will go now there’s Bedrock right there

Bro I hate creepers they’re so bad wait I put the bubble com on the other side there’s no wait there’s no Bedrock here so I got to put on the other side uh yo you got 75 mod in from that’s actually pretty good uh creepers Ops for real I don’t know what that

Means uh I think you’re right here yeah creepers are my Ops I know what you mean screw those I hate creepers creepers are the worst blow up my Farms blow he’s blowing up my Farms all right I think this should be enough like with the rates cuz like this should be enough

Right I just got to make sure stuff doesn’t get clogged 90 for a stack that’s good deal up 500k stack it just depends you know uh hopefully it’s enough yeah hopefully it’s enough um I think I can’t extend it out I got to see like what’s

The limit you know 1 2 3 four five six let’s try six of these and see how it works wait these are right next to each other so I cannot I have to move this that will lock up so I got to like move these back

One uh when when two three one two wait no what am I doing again I’m doing the same thing 1 two three all right hopefully this will work let’s see how it goes let’s see if it locks up well let’s try this many ticks let’s

See see it we’ll like stop if it goes too many times like it’ll burn out cuz like the mods on the server I mean that’s definitely Overkill how many I have I may only need two I think this is actually working I don’t think this is going to

Burn out I think this I have to do it wait but I need to put the I need to put them to the side on what if I remove these see how this goes see if this is enough the Farm’s obviously not working at full capacity yet though so

The middle ones are not working yeah because there’s no pumpkins in them they’re activating just there’s no pumpkins well once this fills up I got to see like what’s the limit cuz right now this is not like maxed here let me turn this off let me

Just break this for a second so I can redo it better um I’m going to put them sideways where is my droppers droppers droppers there we go then I’m going to put like a bubble column here right and that’ll work wait can I run Redstone across the

Top of them no I couldn’t cuz it’s a I need a wait wait I’m going to I have to move these actually over so I can fit the Redstone in dude this is actually going to be crazy uh bro kelp yes today I tested on everything random teer test and ax you

See got low 4 um that’s pretty good I’ve been on the toilet for the last 1.5 hours but now bro what is wrong bro what you got something wrong with you dude that’s not good it’s not good if you’re if you’re on the toilet for that long here here is the

Droppers all right now this should work this is this is what I need all right let’s see how long it takes to these fill up and if they like I’ll see this can keep up with the whole Hopper line I think this will probably be able to keep up with the hopper line

Just two of these on that same clock you know this is how the redstone’s going to be all right let’s start it I know I can add more I can add more too since there’s enough space wait no there’s not enough space never mind I

Can I can add more though if I need it uh wait how many did I buy did I only buy one there there’s two I should probably make it glass shouldn’t I bro my inventory is so full I don’t have any glass on me shop glass no it’s ah glass hopefully

There’s some for cheap 4K whatever I already have like a bajillion but like whatever yeah someone bought all the glass off AG the Redstone will lock the hopper no these aren’t going to lock the Hoppers it’s not connected right I think we’re good oh these might get

Locked you’re right wait no I don’t think wait does it power these wait is there a backlog like is this is this flowing like how much how’s the backlog doing oh crap oh crap yeah is this depleting I think this is depleting though so I think we’re good I

Think this is depleting so overall be good I have to wait and see although this is not fully grown all the all the pumpkins not fully grown so it could be like even more extreme you know uh kelp there’s glass in my b in the base yeah I

Know there’s I’ve got plenty of glass the problem is I’m just like uh too lazy to go get it I’ll probably I’ll probably do the same system for this level too um I can add in bro why is there a skeleton wait let me just do it let me

Just set up like for it um wait be coming out of this level wait no this level below gosh dude get out of here bro I hate skeletons too you’re just a nuisance you don’t do any damage you needed glass no I don’t need glass any I just too lazy to go get

Glass you know I need like a infinite inventory so I can like not run items you’re selling kelp all right well I’m going to need kelp actually so you’re right you’re BR Bros already knows what’s what I’m going to need Bros predicted Bros predicted what I’m going to buy all

Right wait how how much else high is this going to need actually be like if this is a layer of dirt then we’re going to have so dirt pumpkin this is a pumpkin and then it’s uh pistons and observers and then Redstone and then the next Hopper line

Which will be on this level so I need it right here I think that’s SP that four is this one also yeah dude this skeleton get out of here bro you’re so annoying see I had to jump down for that I need pearls I’m just going to keep a stack of

Pearls on me or something cuz like it’s so annoying to get around bro I’m so bad yo kelp are you making a bubble elevator to transport the pumpkins yeah so I got like dispensers hooked up to this Redstone clock and it’s going to move them up I think it’s going to be pretty

Sweet uh I got like the this Hopper clock this this is working you Ed The Observers think it works uh here’s my piston wait here’s my uh observers wait not OB no where’s the droppers I made extra lots of extra dude I love being able to buy stuff up here makes life so

Easy wa I’m break all these blocks I’m just going to have like a tube like this although I probably need to fill it up first wait what can I fill sell for my inventory D my inventory is full of good though that’s the problem SL bucket

Of water I need a bucket of water bro I almost bought that what the crap that was close that was close guys I’m going just blue like 100k on a bucket of water that would been bad uh I think I need to move this dude how can I get this up one I

Need to take I I’m going to take a one a source block from here put it there and then put one here right and then should be should be good crap I just blew destroyed all the Redstone I just destroyed all the Redstone gosh all right well that

Shouldn’t be too hard to fix that’s crazy how much shulker Hoppers Keel climbing kelp climbing yeah bro kelp is kelp is crazy I need it for all the source blocks what’s your vanilla tweak settings uh what’s Vanilla tweaks like I have a lunar client that’s what you’re asking about all Right this is my system this is my system wait is where is the water still there wait is it still leaking or it’s taking a bit to drain all right where are all those Hoppers and observers and stuff like repeaters did I grab them all or did they already despawn okay Redstone and

Torch I need finish the bubble column though I need to make like a staircase up cuz that wait I got pearls bro I probably I’m going to cover up this Redstone actually cuz it’s going to get destroyed by water cuz I have to like fix something um 2 and 1 half hours

Are you going to TP at 3 hours I’m at 200 and half hours um I don’t know I’m doing a long stream today so I don’t think you guys should have to worry wait what time you have to get our bed cuz I did want I I’ll T like I’ll

Try to I’ll do like three teps if I like they’re needed like if you’re like an EU player uh this will protect it from the water all right there we go now I can Pearl up there and uh fix this yo C C uh ke what are you because

Don’t it leak the base nah it’s kind of expected bro he leaks everything no bro I think he’s fine we didn’t put that much time into it let’s be honest like compared to like a lot of the crap I do it’s like barely any time it’s not that not that big a

Deal here let me block off the water actually cuz I’m going to put I got to put hoppers in here instead of glass um wait do I have chests all right I think I just got to put temp temporary blocks cuz I don’t I don’t have any chests on

Me kelp how do you pay for shulkers of glads fi knows wait he does he doesn’t leak everything yeah he doesn’t leak everything you know but like whatever he does it on accident supposedly well that I think he actually did on accident cuz his binds are just

Bad if uh I have uh to go to bed in an hour and you can maybe do a f a favor uh real quick please I don’t have time uh should I do TP B TP I don’t know if I should do base TPS I kind of want to finish this storage

System wait let me finish this storage system then I’ll do some TPS all right sound good I think that’s a good deal uh okay BR yeah okay this is like work working pretty well the second one activating I think the second one’s activating now hopefully I don’t need more than

That hey tips on clear lava fast ke undin mute your mic on stream okay yo are you muted on stream you got it wait I have to mute on stream yeah why oh hold on I’ll be right back on stream dude this all right what’s up dude I’m back yeah

Sorry about that they’re talking about uh something that I do not want to add to the server um and so yeah I don’t think it’d be good for the server not this server but like um Whatchamacallit uh my server my Discord server let’s Munch eify what’s what’s that mean uh

Need wait let’s make sure this is keeping up right this is filling up it’s actually filling up fast yes I might need more do I need more do I need to add more kelp you should help you know how school is starting again when is the next tournament before school starts uh I

Don’t know uh though he forgot to mute n you make for the clocks faster I could make the clock faster the problem is uh if the clock’s too fast it’ll um it like break the Redstone okay well it’s not burning out yet it’s actually crazy though it’s fun

To watch see if it’s depleting now I mean am I going to be to supply a full Hopper of stuff like it’s crazy how do you still play pay pay for shulkers of G goass I don’t know what that means why do you build a clock sorry I wasn’t

Listening uh so I can get the uh this is working I’m trying to get this uh to uh to like dispense the items and go up faster than they fill up you know I wait hold on wait oh wait is this going the wrong way wait what’s going

On uh what’s happens let’s see if I can get this going again yeah like they it burns out like it has to be on some delay how low can I make the delay though I don’t think that that one didn’t work for some reason dude it’s it’s the server it’s

Like this this this would work on like not the server but with the server you need to have it like that you know are are you Donut’s second cousin um no we’re actually not related surprisingly all right I think that’s work I think this works this is like the

Lowest I can get it I think I mean it’s it’s like it hasn’t like filled up yet like we haven’t confirmed let me and let the let me empty all these dude my inventory is so full though and I’ve got like hold on let me

Put all this away I had to put my stuff away and then get like stuff you know ke my help my sugarcane farm broke and I don’t know uh why can you contact you on Discord um I’ll do base tour today so you probably see

Um wait did I have chests wa I have a I have a bunch of chests on me um observers put those in like I have an observer thing right here’s observers all right um Redstone torches uh I’m just going to keep some of this stuff on me I got to

Go put all the chests in uh wait kelp I want to say I love the streams and now I’ve got something to look forward to in the afternoon to keep up Dude Sweet uh glad you enjoy the streams uh how much does it does it make

This thing I don’t know how much it makes yet I don’t know how much it makes yet um kelp do you pay anything for shulkers of glass I don’t really need glass right now that’s the problem like if I needed glass I’d totally buy it

This is like a m this is a major major like this is a major farming stream guys like this is like my major goal for this stream is to get crazy amount of farm stuff done right like I do some off camera I do like some off stream Stu work um but

Like I’m trying to get like more a crazy amount done today on stream you know I mean dude these chests are hard to fit in uh kelp buy my pistons on H I need observers guys though I need observers more like I need observers way

More so if you guys can like sell up me observers I’d way rather have that wait it’s so hard wait you think I can do it this way dud it’s so bad it’s so bad to do it that way it’s like so hard to place a chest in

The right direction the new chests are so annoying dude skeletons spawning I need to light up this area too it’s like like all the monsters spawning are so annoying how much do observe a cell for like 13k for 64 um I’d say like 12K maybe uh but I’m

Trying to buy like a shulker for 350k I’ll buy a Shuler of observers for 350k if you’re willing to do that if you’re willing to grind out that that uh so yeah help you can just buy the resources you can just buy the resources for the things and then bro

What is going on here wait do items all right there we go that fixed it all right these starting to fill up all right I’m starting to get some items starting to fill up these uh these chests so many chest to place though so many chests I want a I need a huge

Storage system for this thing this thing’s going to be ludicrously large uh ay imagine if there was a quartz farm that I would sell be so good cuz one Court sells for five yeah um if you can make a gas TI Farm that’s probably the best farm cuz like

Crystals sell for a crazy amount and if you can just like build like craft crystals that’d be like crazy and you can make some crazy fast rates uh like get like at least uh in like jenal so that might be better than gold Farm even if if rates are good

Uh I’m not really sure though also dude building a gold Farm in the nether it’s like it’s way smaller the nether is way smaller so it’s like way more risky yo K I got 64 observers I’ll do 13k for it um that’s like not a

Lot uh but if you put on H I’ll probably Buy in the bulk like when I do a big uh buying because I probably need to buy observers here shortly uh for the uh Farm I need to clear out this whole area first wait where is my um Hoppers

Hoppers ooh o ooh please bro ha Ward dude what’s up ha Ward what’ you say have you said something before BR start putting emotes let’s see if he said anything else because I’m just noticing uh please don’t put that in my chat please don’t put my that in my chat

I t dude check your check the DMS bro I’m pretty sure I’m in I’m in it um please kill help do you clear out lava cuz I ran out into a lava lake I added it to Lord midu wait what does that mean ha Ward uh how about like do like oh hold

On I okay oh dude like this is like I need to put so like this this I want like how like should I go down a bedrock with chests like this thing is going to fill up like this thing is going to fill up a lot there we go this should work they

Should start filling up the chests wait no I already have chest above what am I doing I don’t need Hoppers right here oh no bro I need to get that Hopper I need to clear out this whole area ke Hoppers are better than mine carts uh depends look it like like everything is

Like depending the reason I’m doing this is because my circumstances allow like these are cheap for me like I’m able to afford all the Hoppers like they’re not that expensive but for most people um yeah you’re not going to be able to afford that it’s way too pricey um like

I’m buying like paying for hundred hundreds of K for like all these Hoppers uh please kelp you’re the best redst I know uh I’m not that good at Redstone I’m going be honest I’m pretty bad I’m pretty bad at Redstone ke please red uh no I’m dude

I’m should I do base stores how long have I been streaming two hours two hours I’ve been streaming uh well I’m I’m still having fun so much fun doing this I’m not going to do Bas tours when I feel like taking a break from building Farms I’ll do base tours

I’m going to be honest U right now I’m having a lot of fun building my building my sugar farm not my sh F my C my pumpkin farm uh 2 hour 45 rating bases uh base tours guys I know you guys love base tours but like sometimes I just not in the mood

You know I’ve got so I’ve got so much I want to do like I’m trying to get this whole thing done trying to make fat stacks you have two stacks and observers on ah uh do you have ADHD yes I have ADHD uh how’d you

Know I don’t know how bad it is I don’t know if it’s like severe ADHD I don’t know if I’m like uh you know just a basic kind do do you guys think do I seem like I have ADHD um ke I add deserv IGN and Lord Meadows

No I’m not buying that I’m not buying any of those observers they’re like not even that they’re not even bulk like they’re small amounts uh TPA uh EU I’m going to sleep in 10 minutes bro all right guys I’ll do base tours I’ll do base tours as soon as

I finish this chest all right as soon as I finish these chests I will do base tours but I have like some I have like some people I have to TP to first like lime crystals and uh this guy wait no bro God I lost it it’s TP yeah this guy um

Um got pay pay are you going to get on alt Farm yet uh I don’t have any more ults I have to buy another account so that’s probably what I’ll do uh well I have this main account though I’m not going to use it for base tours I use the kelp

Kelp talks account for uh base stes that’s I got media you know uh you’re the best streamer I really want to yeah I’m going to help D you keep saying that message dude hi um dude yeah I already got the message dude uh hi what’s up uh

Bru brute someone else muted uh yeah you might want to like yeah you might want to like uh time him out for like a little bit uh TPA it’s not it’s not mey EU it’s 1:00 a.m. for you guys bro guys I need I need to finish this uh

Storage system my inventory uh I guess I’m go on another account so it doesn’t really matter too much all right I’ll do base tours I’ll do base tours I’ll do base tours let’s go into standing mode for it though let’s go into standing mode I’m going to disconnect

Um hold on I got to switch my thing I’m get H all right time to stand wait all right all right all right all [Applause] right get hyped get hyped get hyped all right let’s uh go to uh game capture it’s on my other monitor though so I got to bring this over I’ll put this one of my other no it’s not my other monitor if you guys press Windows

Alt or Windows tab you guys can have use the desktop thing all right can you guys see this all right bro the aspect for ISO is like getting messed up when I hold on let me let’s fix this all right there we go um yeah okay this is this is what you

Guys made me last time so SL TPA Walter sa tping to you uh Lauren Meadows slash wait hold on bro okay this is that wa I have to T your lime crystals and stuff okay okay I’ve been to this base I like your item collection system your item collection system is actually good

Um like these will stop the blocks like it’s actually unique like you can tell that this has like a brain he knows what he’s doing cuz like he actually has a good item collection system all right I need TNT bro I’m not giving out TNT on this wait how much is TNT right

Now give money to kelp talks if you want more donations coming out actually yeah whatever it I don’t really care all right um yeah okay so pretty pretty cool base I mean there’s not much to see um that’s changed too much still the same design so the same Farm um SL

TPA wait what is it I think this is the right guy um SL statistics Walter sa he’s pretty good dude I’m pretty sure he’s making some quite a few money TP lesty uh y TP all right all right all right this huge glass wall this huge glass

Wall looks good wait I don’t even have full bright on this guys so your Bas must be light lit up if you want like crazy viewing I don’t know how dark it is for you dude it’s actually really dark I think on stream uh but uh yeah

This guy’s base is actually pretty big this guy’s pretty base is pretty big I think he started soon too SL statistics get he’s made 2. million and he’s five days that’s actually good it’s actually good this guy’s doing pretty good um yeah his next layer’s going up

Bro bro he’s like going to double his income he hasn’t finished the second layer dude he’s going to be making fat stacks how much stuff does he have he’s like preparing um there’s a bunch of deep slate bunch of random stuff all right that’s pretty good that’s pretty good SL TPA

Lesty yo what’s up elegant ideas uh dude there’s so many people I TP L LP bro this is crazy bro they built a they built me bro they built me they B built me I got to screenshot this dude the end Farms are crazy the

End Farms are crazy I might have to go base hunting in the end now wait um okay I thought I’d survived that whoops guys I’m really bad I’m really bad I’m really bad that’s pretty bad uh oh wait okay all right good enough all right you

Have crap in your item system now all right dude yeah pretty cool base uh wait how many layers is this wait wa wait a minute how many layers is this wait this is actually crazy oh it got griefed pretty sure I got griefed pretty sure this got griefed a cactus

Farm huge cactus farm yeah D this just definitely got griefed but I mean that’s huge that’s a huge amount of SP that’s a huge amount like added all built out of dirt though definitely going to get griefed you should built out the Deep slate all right yeah solid base solid base solid

Base SL TPA Lord midow wait SL statistics back fish Lord he’s made 16 million yeah bro I can’t pay him anymore money he’s already rich this guy this guy’s this guy’s making fat sacks this Farm must be lit uh Bros use slash night vision all right there we

Go all right pretty new base it’s not anything crazy it’s kind of small yeah pretty ugly base I mean it’s a start to start nothing crazy though uh statistics Lord Meadow let’s see how long he’s been playing a day and this is all you got done I’m going to be honest

You could do better but I mean actually has a decent amount of money and stuff SL pay Lord dude that’s sick that’s a decent amount but you need to use this for yourself SL pay Lord Meadows 10K sweet base uh G4 Alex C all right tping to you uh wait SL DPA lime

Crystals SL TPA I am B3 SL TPA survive and craft okay I’m seeing if someone wait wait wait this is actually sick 15 creeper spawners that’s a decent amount hold on my audio is turned off in here all right there we go now you can hear bro wait this is broor broor here

Uh do stats him 40 mil bro this guy is ludicrous bro he crafts so many fire fireworks it’s ridiculous he’s going full I’m pretty sure he’s like full firework met he has a huge sugar farm everything 15 creeper spawners how big is this one though bro this is wild this is

Wild dude check this out dude he’s got the does that work does having the mine cart like that work I he’s building more bigger like this is like a lot of modules like this is huge this this is definitely bigger than mine this is definitely bigger than

Mine um he’s already rich though I’m not paying him I mean like holy Sashi is crazy uh he did he mine this out like it’s all smooth so he must have like used anchors or like something consistent yeah man wait statistics G G4 Galaxy he’s made 2 million like these

Guys are rich too this guy’s pretty darn Rich too TP wait what’s up man what’s up man so should be larm crystals I mean Cool Base not not detail but like it’s a good sugar can Farm it’s probably making them fat stacks you know dude I drank all my water wait I

Might have more in my water bottle wait hold on I’m going to get my water bottle don’t punch me please don’t punch me all right let’s see let’s see let’s see nothing on the side unfortunately just another sugarcan Farm nothing too crazy it’s it’s pretty big it’s pretty

Big um looks like it’s working good you put glass in the middle um yeah looks pretty solid uh nothing nothing crazy though nothing too crazy to look at I think he’s eding this time TPA to me all right I’m TPA you I can TP you again if you TP again I’ll TP to

You VV TP all right T to that guy TPA uh n wait should I do TPA he instead should I do TP instead so my chat’s not like spammed wait do we have a bit explosion ready all right light the explosion if you want to light it are you going to

Light it on stream you want to light it on stream well I I don’t want to be like in in the in the zone you know I’m not trying to get dogged on bro we’re dead bro we’re dead BR I’m not we’re not surviving this bro we’re not we’re not going to survive

This this guy bro he just blew us both up what God gosh I’ll tpd again though I don’t think that is my stuff gone I think my stuff got blown up so smart bro bro lit it bro lit it without like no safe place this gu

Better as a home here bro did you die did you not die bro you just you just lit it on top of me I got to stop cussing this is my vocabulary I mean it’s kind of a small area too like what are you going to do

Here I mean cool area cool explosion I’m sad I died wait oh he’s give me totems wait can I have some food can I have some food uh that’s what I really need for base tours SL SL TPA silicom I remember him if I remember you

In my chat I’m going TP to you all right so you know you people that I recognize silicom I recognize uh here I’m going to solve a Rubik’s Cube in the in while I wait for people to accept TPS wait I got to TP goldi too all right yo

Y kelp the base Chang a lot from where you were let me give you a a tutorial a tutorial I don’t know if I need a tutorial if you make a tutorial I guess this is the sea pickle farm wait can I sell wait hold on I’m selling

These I’ll pay you whatever I get 3K I mean that’s not too good good here’s 10 okay cuz I sold your sea pickles um but can I get a screeny first yeah yeah y all right yeah I’m in a pretty cool base pretty cool base um nothing too crazy

Though wait wait let me see if it’s actually crazy I didn’t look very long um yeah it’s a pretty cool farm right here I wonder if is is this down here must be like a mine cart I do like the decoration they like decorated it we got

This I like the sugarcane wall I mean bad Farm design but cool looking wall um the sea pickles like how are the SE pickles doing for you like can you tell me like if these are good cuz like dude it’s it’s burning through the bone meal no doubt no doubt this thing Burns

Through bone meal like nobody’s business wait can you turn this on can you turn this one on can you turn it on TPA 70 uh not right now not right now not at the moment it’s pretty fast to be honest uh well I mean dude yeah it’s

Unfortunate I burn through bone meal but like it’s pretty cool it’s pretty Co mini Marlo yeah pretty cool base guys you guys are doing pretty good statistics undor silicom I mean he’s already rich I already paid in 10k sltp hamster Place slpa hamster Place bro oh wait he’s more to show me am I missing I’m missing something guys sorry my

Bad yeah guys oh there’s more okay okay there’s more sugarcan Farm oh yeah I I think I remember this base I think I remember this base wait there’s there more there’s more dude there’s actually so much there’s actually so much more sugar cane another hallway of sugarcane another hallway of sugarcane

Bro it’s actually there’s a lot more sugarcane than I realized uh I could take all those observers oh I can steal them all I’m going to set home here and steal all your Redstone components I’m going to be honest no I’m trolling I’m trolling I wouldn’t do

That sick base the sick base is that it is that it wait is there more here I think that’s it I think that’s it I mean yeah sick base you guys have a lot of you got a lot of stuff uh free no bro you guys can take this I

Don’t need this all right um this is cat I don’t need anything on I’m not taking any like handouts if you guys give me handouts I’m going to use them on stream uh for like content wait I’ve I’ve added a farm since last time hope you liked

Can I get some money to build more farms and Redstone stuff yeah maybe I mean this is really small though you haven’t like proved yourself much this is actually really small like barely anything done statistics hamster plays is he a mobile player dude he’s a Java

Player 18K m is 3K I mean he’s not too broke he’s not too bad of a broie oh I remember this base he has like the weird hallway and stuff I like the sugarcan hallways and this room up here is actually sick wait does it all redirect

Here good AFK spot too yeah I mean it’s a pretty cool base but like there’s problems there’s problems t y 70 xq uh yeah okay uh scre the other ones I L lost yeah this is a cool room to have it too all right sweet yeah okay cool base Cool Base uh

Nothing too crazy though not not too much of it changed mini Marlo all right guys goldi oh yeah I get to gold F wait after Min Marlo uh you think he’ll accept if he accepts I’m going try to solve a rubby Cube all right I’m scrambling it up I’m scrambling it

Up I just see be a gold five too this guy’s taking forever all right we’re teamate gold F yeah I’ll t a bobby bop bop pop all right let all scrambled up for next time all right we’re inside his farm oh yes wait wait can we go in the

Big room can we go in the big room how dude he’s filling up this giant wait remember remember last time he made this giant room dude this is is actually crazy um yeah this is a solid this is a solid size pumpkin farm but you have to put glass here or

Something yeah I like the grass though I like he actually put grass in so it’s like not going to be like super duper ugly I might want to put some GL grass in mine it’s actually a good idea all right right back to building dude honestly a dub he’s doing pretty

Good 1 million he’s a million dollars um TPA Min Marlo you think they’re going to to accept this time all right guys I’m solving the Rubik’s Cube uh we’re going to get the first side solved uh let’s get this first side solved uh dude mini Marlo is not

Accepting why are you telling me to TP if you if you can’t like accept me all right green orange all right first side side is solved I’m doing another TP request cuz this person is taking forever all right there’s the first side solved uh SL TPA Bean wait what who am I

Tping to 564 KK I’ll give him some time all right so this is this is this is the once I’ve solved wait and then I have to like get the top right wait wait hold on wait how do I do this wait no I I forgot forgot to step I haven’t done

This too recently hold on let me get finish this move all right yo what’s up crystals bro this is like a new stash or something 17 creeper spawners I mean that’s a solid amount wait wait no I’m not going to steal your XP XP ball bottles I mean like it’s a really low

Stash you don’t have a lot of stuff yet but I mean it’s good it’s good you got a you got a good amount of stuff TP mini Marlo wait I’m tping the mini wait is it w w okay I T the wrong one all right this is uh this is my uh Ruby

Cube I got do dude I got to do like one set of movements every time every time I TP eventually I’ll solve it all right there’s like wait no I still have a little bit left on that that on that second layer all right pretty cool

Pretty cool I mean this is kind of like what I don’t know if this is good I’m sure wait if if items like fall like right here is it going to TP is it going to like get to the end cuz like it doesn’t pick up enough them I guess it

Does wait was that my fault no bro that’s so bad dude what is exploding what is exploding right around here dude that’s so bad wait this goes for a long ways this is long wait how long is this wait this actually pretty long one two 3 four five six six modules six

Modules dude it’s actually pretty crazy it’s actually a decent amount yep solid base I mean it’s not like it’s not ludicrously large but like you know it’s pretty huge SL dude what is the explosion noise is that all you have to show me okay slash TPA I am all right Rubik’s Cube uh

Continuation let’s go red boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Wait I messed it up wait what did I mess up is something not right right oh yeah something’s not right wait hold on I got to fix this real quick all right second layer is done

Second layer is done why is he killing me bro don’t kill me I got to solve my Rubik Cube all right yeah okay wait um just a bunch of diamond blocks that’s a pumpkin farm and how how are you I’m pretty good you’re a big fan not

Going to lie okay dude I’m glad to hear that wait this is actually a pretty big area you dude this will probably make you a decent amount like you can probably make 100K a day with this this area definitely definitely if you fill it with pumkin Farms okay is there more up here

Let’s Okay okay he’s blowing up I’m worri down here oh actually yeah if you blow all this down you’re going to be making way more than 100K a day probably make like 4 300 okay I if you like clear out all this area and fill it with f

Farms I’m being honest like it’s pretty big pretty big area Good Start let’s see your statistics I am be 10 days at BL time that’s kind of a lot don’t punch me though don’t punch me all right yes solid base solid base um nothing too crazy wait screenshot

Okay all right wait okay free totem I’ll take that so cp8 Ru box all right let’s see if I can finish this Rubik’s Cube these last steps are kind of hard wait okay I’m not definitely not finish it wait I skipped a step hold on I got to finish

This I got I got good RNG on the uh ruik Cube so I’m going to be able to finish it fast wait no I just bungled it dude I just bungled it wait Did I bungle it okay I bungled it all right I got to re I got to do it again later

Um I can’t read the sign there’s nothing on it for me um wait how many modules is this yo what’s up wait okay okay okay okay okay okay okay eat a peach ring k Su yeah I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it you need Redstone right here you’re missing Redstone like right

Here and you also need Redstone right here but uh yeah that’s basally it they have right here but you don’t have it right here you also need Redstone right here but I just don’t have any yeah I mean pretty cool how many modules this wait one iron gold SP I I want

That three modules back three modules tall almost just died and 1 2 3 4 5 6 um yeah it’s pretty big nothing too crazy crazy all right I got to I got to finish this Farm guys I got to finish this Farm wait is there more sh wait what’s

Wrong wait Pistons missing here like what okay something’s wrong I think with their Farm I think there’s something actually wrong with their Farm still wait I mean this looks all right like what’s what’s the big whoop yeah this looks like all I think it’s working wait is there some down

There that like not reset or something like I think everything is working uh why’ you give me one Redstone uh I think this is like placed already like what’s wrong with it I mean you already placed the Redstone there um TPA ETA uh don’t punch me together I’ll leak your

Cords okay okay this is at the state we in the Ruby’s Cube I’m like super close most of the sides are done but uh I need to like fix it like fix the rest of this fix it you know okay pretty cool pumpkin farm wait

Let’s see if I can go in here I don’t think I’m able to go in there um yeah it’s pretty cool wait yeah diamond blocks diamond blocks all right sweet I’ll take those lots of sugar wait this is actually big one dude one 2 three this is actually dude this

Is actually sick this is one of the cooler bases right dude they decorated it bro they decorated it oh this is actually decorated no I’m not trying to pull whoops wait now it’s a bad idea I wish it wouldn’t make the noise you think I’m going to get any no

One TPA here yet a bee farm a bee farm that’s a good idea hold let me just like uh I just turn down like my chat volume is there chat volume how do I turn off like um how do I turn off that just that volume there thing it’s settings wait hold

On like it yeah bro honestly I haven’t seen a be this is the first be Farm I’ve seen I bet it’s probably it’s probably pretty good isn’t it like I feel like it’d be decent um op control wait video settings wait let me go to chat settings and chat

Uh all right there we go yeah I’ll I’m just going to TP accept uh TP here so subscribe subscribe to it’s epic 8 all right everybody this guy’s base is actually cool like it’s not boring like it actually is a cool room like it’s organized it’s got

This like big hallway which is actually is sick oh sea pickle farm is that the new meta like is that really the new meta I mean it’s pretty cool yeah this is a solid base this is a solid base I think this is I think this is worth a sub yeah pretty cool

Base I tbaa hearing people people so uh don’t type TP in my please don’t type TP in my chat go doing is live has he messaged me anything no I didn’t message me anything wait is let’s see if his stream fix let’s see if his stream’s fixed I’m munching and crunching right

Now hold I’m me all right wait yeah he’s live bro uh okay stream quality is fically least all right what’s up what’s up with this uh this Farm is pretty sick one Iron Golem yeah I like this chest storage system wait eight creeper spawners it probably makes him a decent amount right

Probably makes a good amount pistons pistons um good good designs guys I mean it’s not hug of Base wait C pickle so this guy people actually have cicle Farms on it’s not making anything it’s not making anything at all I think people just don’t have the bone meal right

It’s not making anything it’s not making anything at all hey JX I’m doing a long stream today so you gonna be on like later cuz I’m GNA keep doing I’m Gonna Keep streaming I’m streaming till like 6 o’clock right that’s my plan at least like I’m not even tired today like

I’m not even tired after streaming for three hours it’s because I guys if you want long streams like you want super long streams I can do it because I can just like uh do Bas Wars o all right should L me any signs screenshot yeah I’ll take a

Screenshot when Dr Donut’s live my viewers dip a bit though yeah five is good for the basic yeah working on the Bas is like chill you know like I’m totally down to like build some decorations and stuff but we got to figure out what we’re doing like

If JX if you put something in chat like what you want to work on like if we work on like um a new crafting room or like we improve that like current room we’re working on like if we make like a redstone crafting room that’s dedicated

To Redstone crafting or if we make like um maybe a sea pickle farm cuz I’ve heard those are good uh actually I don’t want I don’t want to do that on stream because sea pickles like I have to learn the farm and stuff I don’t really know how to craft

It wait is it on you any bone meal wait you do this must be making a decent amount how fast is it chewing through bone meal wait there’s actually making them a lot wait oh dude sweet I’ll take that use that invent server invents wait whoops missed the right click yeah okay that’s

Pretty sweet that’s pretty sweet I think this is a solid base I mean the sea pickle new guys I got to figure out if C Pickle’s good like I feel like it’d be kind of like uh super expensive to keep up with the bone meal but I still think pumpkin’s better cuz

Like it takes this thing takes a lot to build and it’s good but like the supplying it with bone meal is going to be the pain right like um I think you get like you’re turning your bone meal like like tripling your bone meal how many do you get per bone meal like

That’s the question like if you get if you get like four sea pickles per bone meal wait is that one bone meal it goes every time how many you getting per bone meal if you’re getting like if you’re getting like three per bone meal it’s like $15 per bone meal

20 million he’s made 20 million so he’s not bad e just made 4 million or 400,000 yeah yeah I think bone meal’s good I think if this is really good like if it gives you mul more than one per bone meal like how much is he getting per bone meal

I think it’s a lot like I think it’s more than I think like look how fast these are filling up yeah I’m pretty sure he’s making like pretty sure he’s going to be making a lot more like but how much bone meal is that cuz I can like use I can use my

Pumpkin farmer to make bone meal and then turn that into sea pickles you know I could do that like would that be worth it like if I use my pumpkin farm to fuel the bone meal production for one of these Farms I don’t know how many pumpkins on

Average does it take to make one bone meal make moss bone meal farm and use Moss bone meal uh yeah that’s what I was thinking but uh what’s like the return like what how many hour how many bone meal an hour does it give all right ah

BR yeah I give you the bot pop bot pop YT all right check this out I’ve got a Rubik’s Cube dude I’m so close wait no yeah wait D I’m getting so close where is the uh okay this one’s good uh all right here we go guys I’m so

Close I’m so close I think this will be it let’s go Rubik’s Cube solved at the farm ke uh did you mean remove the slabs like which slabs the sles inside of the farm you know the ones that keep the water up um you can remove those after it’s fully

Built W stream hope you get monetized soon so I can pay so can you pay me um yeah I I’ll pay you if your base is good and you’re poor um this is actually pretty good wait this what is this kind of farm is this I think this is a is this

Cobblestone that’s a moss Farm so Moss Farm uh I’m not sure what he’s using the bone meal for I’m not sure what he’s using the bone meal for I mean pretty simple base not anything too crazy I must be using uh SL statistics Bop pop 70k 300K made 300K in his purse

That’s pretty good that’s pretty good that’s a decent amount of money so I’m not going to pay you anything because you’re already rich SL TP accept I should I need to do TP accept I need I need to stop tping to people guys

I’m not going to TP to you if you T if you type TP in your match chat I’m only tping to you if you TP me uh through TPS here all right sound fair sound fair all right uh sign doesn’t say anything guess you got to write the

Signs when I get here I kind of like this though the iron golems and the cages it’s actually pretty cool like menu right right right right right right um pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin all right solid amount of pumpkin farms one two three wait bro wait bro oh my bro

Wait this is actually huge wait this is actually huge how many modules is this this is like one one two one two three four four by one two three four it’s four this is 16 modules right wait one two three four yeah four 16 modules and um he’s

Cleaning up this whole area from more I feel like you might want to stack though okay he’s putting down a sign you missed it wait Dr J blew up all the TNT inv I should probably wait should I go work on the base with Dr D I think I I think I

Should um 38 module 38 no wait where are the other ones I don’t think there’s 16 in here it’s it’s 4×4 right the 16 oh you have more over here it’s like stacked on both sides I think if you go any further though the problem is you’re

Going to like run into a problem where it’s like uh what’s it what’s it called like you your render distance isn’t going to work anymore yeah it’s it’s it’s 16 plus 16 so he’s right it’s 32 um yeah okay all right yeah I mean solid base

Solid base I’ll give it a good rating I’ll give it a good rating let’s see statistics though he’s probably already rich he’s not rich that’s crazy yeah 2 million made he’s already rich he’s already rich all right hold on I got to

Lo I got to go to my AFK spot SL AF wait slome AFK spot wait let’s check on the cactus farm while I’m on this account I TP some more people here so yeah no one repaired it no one repaired the farm that’s so unfortunate that’s so

Unfortunate kind of it’s kind of pretty with the sunset you know with the sunset with the clouds and like my giant Cactus for my giant farm completely obliterated uh bro you have a big pumpkin farm uh no I’m not teing you don’t I don’t need the

Help well I kind of want to help dude kind of want help I want I work on my own stuff too AFK spot wait I’m all good like in my AFK spot yeah I’m in my AFK spot all right get this on the second monitor or the

Second uh like screen redo my video game capture to lunar clients lunar wait hold on where is lunar I can either work on pumpkin farms or the donut base let’s see K talk you didn’t even know that was using your cane Farm okay if you use my cane Farm I

Don’t really care uh people were complaining about it though um all right like JX is like complaining about someone using your my the cane Farm or like it’s bad rates let’s see if it let’s see if I can find you wait go to the cane Farm if you’re

There go to the cane Farm if you’re actually there um please rate my base wait I got to sell all my sugarcane cuz my thing is full my storage system is full all right hamster please no it’s just JX here dude wait is he filling up shers like super slowly all

Right home Home Fort yeah what’s up dude I think the rates are good I think you’re just taking it all super fast so I don’t I normally don’t do that like it takes time to build up you know um C you know came for oh wait already said that already read that Um uh here’s my chest Shuler let me put the chest away wait I got to finish that anyways I’m live check it out lots of spam from the do donuts uh where’s a pumpkin farm help TP to me Lord Meadow so we can make a trade uh not not right now put on

Ah no kelp when can you remove where can so you know all the slabs that have water over them like under the under the iron bars you can remove all of those um except the bottom layer except the bottom layer you can remove them and that like just watch the tutorial uh

They go into it in the video that I that Tango Tech video hey you want a TV to me bro no not really I don’t really want a TV wait GX you can you can take as much sugar as you want as then SL sell it cuz

I want to SL sell it if there’s extra but if you’re C crafting fireworks you can uh take as much as you want wait should I I don’t want to P chest right there I to clear out this whole area uh k no right now you want t n I’m done

Tping chat what is this man’s username it was kelp talks but now I’m on the insane FF account you know you think I can outstream Dr donut going to be live right for like 2 hours on my guess uh that’s my that’s my guess I feel like I should sell these emeralds I

Don’t really need them anymore let’s buy more Buy sell the kelp I don’t need that in my inventory carpet I don’t need that the wool’s actually useful though I’m going to keep that um lots of chests though hopefully I should be able to place all these chests

Down chest chest chest chest chest chest chest chest uh you get so much observers like netherite block uh I don’t believe you I don’t believe you have a whole wait do you have a shoulder ke where do I place The Observers when Pistons watching the pumpkin seeds yeah you want The

Observers ping the pumpkin seeds hey you’re back to the farm yeah I’m back to the farm dude base I can do base tours but like for long streams I cannot do too many I don’t want to burn out on build doing Farms right like or like I

Can do base tours I’ll do them every once in a while right but I don’t want to burn out because I’m doing a long stream like I can just chill and build some bit build some pumpkin farm it’s what I like doing the most I’m working

On more cane farms at kelp toxic that’s good to hear dude uh more fat stacks incoming for you lots of Hoppers lots of Hoppers dude this is actually going to be a huge storage system I need cuz I think this thing is going to be making me so many

Pumpkins is like uh wait I got a slash sell well let me finish this and then I’ll slash sell all those uh and my main main sugarcan Farm isn’t there a way to put stuff in shers automatically yeah but it’s like they turned it off on the

Server you can’t break uh shulkers that are full of items automatically with pistons so you have to use uh you have to like manually do it it like mine it so unless I had like an AFK Al to this like digging I don’t think it’d be

Possible do you guys think this will be enough chest for my pumpkin farm isn’t there a way to put yeah uh yo kelp I got so many observers a little bit NE right in my shulker TP to me a lord no I’m not I’m not tping for uh for

That yeah but Dr donut went live my viewers went down a lot but uh I think 94 is plenty still 95 okay I just droing it’s cuz it’s cuz I don’t do not a base stour right now uh yo Keel uh got so many observers a little

NE no not right now not right now right now I’m uh building up the pumpkin farm that’s what I’m doing grinding the pumpkin farm put it on ah I’ll buy it dude I don’t I don’t want to like get I don’t want to um get I don’t want to like uh

Pay extra you know like I don’t want to get free stuff that’s the problem like if you have gifts for me that’s cool but like I don’t really want them uh on this account so yo kelp there isn’t any iron bars on the top layer okay you can put iron bars too

I guess I forgot those my bad whoopsies I kind of I kind of like uh I kind of guess I forgot to finish the farm basically I mean I don’t think it makes that big a difference though I think it’s like pretty much the same rates I just because like the item like

Comes come come together with the like uh plugins you know uh yo K I’ll do it cheap my for my loot n just put on each for like the same price I pay for everybody else why is do much peut yeah donut stream is finally not like horrible wait this is bedrock guys

Do you think this is enough chests do you think this is enough chests guys I hope this is enough chests for uh for all my stuff I mean it’s a decent amount so I think it’ll last me uh now I got to sort my inventory and

Uh BR uh somebody asked Dr donut how to get rich and he said don’t ask me ask me KP bro yeah well I mean he doesn’t he doesn’t make the money himself I think sea pickles guys are the new meta if you guys like build sea pickle Farms but you

Also need to build bone meal Farms so it’s like multiple kinds of farms that like combine together yo K I’ll stream uh I actually can hook up a pumpkin farm to a uh to that and like grow stles that way uh but I’m not going to do that as of right

Now K when I joined the SB it was uh now it’s like one yeah but I did is he think is it stream good yes stream’s good now stream’s a lot better yeah uh yesterday was kind of goofy definitely a goofy stream we haven’t hooked up The Hoppers hook up The Hoppers time

Whoops all right guys I think this is a decent amount are the he still clicking bro it broke that’s not good I think I have to turn this up even more then it’s going to break all right there it now it’s like a small signal it shouldn’t break for a

While I think that’s good it’s coming with your IGN when’s the video coming out uh after I like build more Farms I need some crazy farms for the video Don’t I uh I think it’s I think it’s blocking up still I think it’s like going to back up like really

Bad I haven’t even afked it all right I’m going to my home base and like organizing my crap wait no I have I have crap here home five uh yo kelp I sure you won’t change your mind dude it’s IG Lord Meadows I’ll do it real quick nah I’m

Not trying to TP at the moment he’s going to what’s the check mark mean zman he’s got a check mark how how does he have a check mark it’s cuz he 100K subscribers dude that’s crazy he’s going to farm pumpkins yeah dude pump farming pumpkins is correct I love farming

Pumpkins know dude that’s crazy got verified verified he’s a duper yeah I’m a crazy duper dude check out this like check out this massive pumpkin duper dude this thing dupes like like thousands of pumpkins an hour verified he’s a dup uh can you make a tour of video on pumpkin farm no I’m

TR someone else will make it and I’ll probably like if someone else makes it though I’ll uh I’ll promote their video because people always ask me for Farm on and I don’t really have one I’m just going to shove all some Redstone in here I don’t feel like sorting that right now

At the moment wait I’m going to sell the ender pearls too I have a bind I’m I’m going to get my command command binds up so I can like sell fast uh put that in there put that in there where the Hoppers go though I think I have like a shoulder of Hoppers

Yeah I’ll just put them here all right slome one slash the wait it’s like a it’s like a command in here Mods mods uh there’s like a I don’t remember what it is play time what’s play time do 16 I think that’s 16 hour 16 days know 16 hours I guess I guess since I’ve had the game open disable that though where is uh it’s like a chat one wait

Command auto text hotkey all right there we go insta ban uh yo kelp I’m going show you Sher uh kelp has finally hit one day of play time that’s crazy yo kelp I want to show you my shers before you buy them uh I want God so I you want I got God

Lo no bro I can’t TP dude I was tping earlier if you were talking in chat earlier I probably would TP you but uh right now I’m not doing it you can catch me you can catch me soon though I’ll probably do more TPS today um but right now I’m just grinding the

Uh grinding the the farm construction bro my eyes are getting tired let me look out the window real quick bro it’s just so rainy out it’s like kind of a miserable day can you congratulate me on hit dude 359 Subs dude you’re catching up to me honestly dude that’s crazy a lot of

Subs I know bro 1.3 is crazy too too I can’t believe I hit that bro so much to sell how much you think I’m going to make what’s your guys predictions for how many how much money I’m going to make from selling all this I think I’m going to make like a

Million at least it’s probably a million stretch time yeah it’s always stretch time when’s it not uh when’s it not stretch time I should do some like more stretch 1K at least $1 yeah you’re probably right I used to do this thing where I’d sell all my pumpkins and whoever got closest

To guess how much I’d make from them I’d give the money I’m not doing that right now though I need this money I need to buy more pistons and observers I’m really struggling to get on batt top cuz I keep spending all my money also like one of my sugarcan Farms

Makes Z cuz I uh let GX take all the money uh can I have all the money uh no I can’t I can’t I need the money it takes so long to sell I need a cell wand or something wait or like a chest that auto

Sells stuff when I stuff like I put up with a hopper uh the base I TP to you not my real base can I show you my real no I’m not tping at the moment not seeing at the moment lots of sugar can to collect though uh how many blocks between every water

Source in the pumpkin farm uh you can have like a nine by9 dirt tile uh before it like like and then that can be completely saturated by water if you have a water thing in the middle the very center of a 9×9 so that’s how it works that’s the best way to do

It wait what’s my what’s my cell SL cell multiplier up to do I have the highest Farm one crops are always going to be consistent if people leveling up their other multipliers I get like like the the the fireworks is like good but like if that ever gets

Nerfed or it’s like not as consistent as Farm like Farm is always going to be good I think you know hope I hope they don’t I mean they probably won’t Nerf fireworks they’ve been around for a long time uh but it’s just building Farms is easier I don’t know I like

Crafting Auto Crafters come out I’ll do it the close squid ink is actually so annoying the multiplier prices are so scuffed yeah it’s like insane to get the multipliers up so much sugar cane yeah I get a lot only one minute and they go nah bro I can’t I’m not tping dude

Tomorrow I will TP to you or like later today uh if you’re still on uh dude my eyes are hurting the contacts staring at the screen for uh three and a half hours I don’t know why my eyes are like this maybe I need to get like some uh eye drops or

Something uh can you show me you’re the sugarcane farm yeah you want to see it this is my sugar K farm it’s pretty big I can go down here out here look how crazy this is this is the whole one this is I have two of these uh kelp

Uh do you know my Moss Farm yeah I’ve seen Moss Farms before I don’t know if you I don’t know where it is dude it actually takes so long to sell this stuff wait can I sell this whole row I sld this whole row no bro I’m not tping dude please stop

Asking uh cool that is not a farm that’s a factory yeah on God I mean it’s getting pretty industrial it’s getting pretty industrial up in the done S&P like let’s see if I unlock like monetization if I can apply for it I they like check you know got to like

Check go to my channel wait and then I go to manage wait I got to turn on music too I never I always need to turn on music what’s it called wait what am I wait uh herob board music there we go pull that up I think I there a playlist ready for

Me all right there’s a there’s a song playing now manent to I can close some of these tabs uh my ch Channel yo M what this Farm not a factory uh Keel can you help me with my farm uh not right Now no I think hasn’t updated I still don’t have the hours count towards the like um the thing you know yo message deleted what was he sending wait LL yeah was kind of an L uh yo can I make making half what the what half of what the first one

Makes I mean half of this is like a lot like this makes me a lot of money and I don’t even turn it into fireworks if you turn into fireworks It’ll like triple your money over triple quadruple you just sell it that you don’t get it as Much uh dude dude I honestly I really don’t to try if like I think SE cuckles are going to be the best I mean I like building pumping the most that’s why I wish they were the best but you know do I have to fall do I have to be a meta

Slave or should I just buch Tri pumpkin I’m going to start you’re going to start streaming honestly I’d watch Dude you got to start oh I need like is the music what wait what about the music volume do you think Music volume is too loud I think it’s too loud I need to

Turn down uh I turn it down a bit FS make double what that one makes in a second yeah I’ll start tomorrow cuz I have to wait 24 hours for for it to work okay yeah what’s up goldi uh put down a little it’s coming all

Right sweet I’m glad this is a good volume dude so much sugarcan to farm it actually takes so long I don’t think I got that much money wait how much did I have I think I got like seven I’m going to get like 700k wait how much am I going to get how

Much was I at before I don’t remember what I was at before uh hope immediate I can get yeah can probably get imediate fast I’ll shut you up goldi uploaded YouTube short on eify and got 5K views that’s good it’s a good amount of views I need to make like a dying

Compilation cuz I die so much on stream when I’m touring bases not to like people but like I just kill myself it’s kind of a problem kind of a problem okay actually sorry I didn’t ask that you no bro just I know you’re grinding well then the next time I go

And you grind B it’ll be even crazier you know wait okay that Up all right one more row to sell do you recommend sea pickle Farms I don’t know I don’t know I haven’t tested them yet the guy guy who blew you up um yeah the guy who blew me up bro I don’t think he did that on purpose though I think

That was just uh on accident I died I died twice one time I jumped and I just I just face planted cuz I thought I could surved pight uh but I didn’t have like feather ping or anything so I just died and then the other guy uh he just blew me up

Let me see uh my streams that would such a w um yeah would be yeah I guess I start tomorrow you’re going to start streaming tomorrow sweet uh please do sea pickles recommend do you recommend SE pickle for yeah I don’t really know bro it’s

Like they use a lot of bone meal and I don’t know if like the effort to build a bone meal is like harder than pumpkin you know what I’m saying like cuz they’re a lot more complicated you can’t scale it like I don’t know if it’s a

Scale scalable as uh pumpkin and you need a lot of like bonium if you have skeleton spawners maybe you can like if you can like Supply a b me through skeleton spawners it might be good but like uh I don’t think it’s good oh yeah it’s probably dude actually

If you get a bunch of skeleton spawners and you keep feeding it bones actually might be crazy I I don’t know how many Moss like I got to I got to figure out like how much the generation rates of this stuff like I don’t know I don’t know how many hour

Like how much it can make an you get a lot of skeleton spawners yeah but like you have to put them you still have to put the bones in you have to craft all the the bone meal to like fill up chest F Chests you guys so so much can I set my home there nah I need my multiplier level up I can’t have other people sell it for me I need the multiplier leveler I only think I got I don’t even think I got like that much from that I think I make like 1.5

Million from this Farm you forgot to take a screen with you time uh tomorrow I’ll probably TBD tomorrow I can tpd uh where’s that thing that I turn on wait wait what is it slash is it commands wait what is the thing that I turn it on

Auto auto text h key I think that should work on Redstone crafting yeah it’s a good idea but right now let me uh let me keep working on my farm I’ll do it I’ll do soon I have 97 viewers still even with Dr donut streaming that’s crazy 85k for my observers

Know that’s a good deal it’s a good deal H observe H observers uh 10K 10K I’ll buy those I’ll buy those buy those buy those buy those buy those I’m not going to buy those those are way too overpriced all right that’s a good amount of Z I just get

Bought I think my ult account’s getting killed is it wait no is it this account wait no ST I’m so stupid braillo bro I just wanted to buy some obser oh my bad I’m not saying it’s just giving suggestions for later yeah bro I I got you I got you I’m I I

Definitely want to do some Bree work I’m streaming for a long time today so plenty of time to do fun stuff how many modules your your game for 150 150 modules and I have two 150 module uh sugarcan Farms so I’ve got a lot all right guys I’m going need to buy

Some dirt I think I don’t have any dirt so let’s see how how much dirt is let’s actually really no there’s no dirt on age that’s bad it’s kind of bad K wait wait bro what’ you say that’s so bad and you bought them all yeah shulker full of Pistons

Hxu XU there we go you don’t have him I don’t see him you give me observers you have observers for me 14k that’s not a good deal wait is that a no it’s not good dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt wait do I have any dirt wait there’s actually dirt in

Here wait is anyone selling dirt on ah dude that’s actually really expensive what am I buying that for 10K bro that’s so expensive dirt is pricey now look at ahm selling H dirt did you sell more how about someone’s dirt maybe this one selling dirt for 10 mil selling epic Sher

Box nah I’m not bu that uh yo someone bought it from yeah I’m pretty sure wait someone else bought it first gosh God Dang dude I have so much dirt to place though all this got to be farmed up you know actually need to put blocks in between there too uh cuz like uh slate or something no someone about wait you ignoring how much for my Shuler wait

What you have a Shuler I didn’t see it uh bro 200k I don’t I don’t want any armor or anything there’s not anything good in there it’s like unorganized and annoying I don’t want it if you have like if you have like Redstone I’ll buy it but I don’t really want anything else

Right now me I really hope that Redstone thing like doesn’t break so I might have to re reorganize how my storage system works if that’s a that become a problem you know I actually think this is like filling up too I think like the The Hoppers can’t

Keep up with like how many pumpkins it’s going to make Place grass blocks yeah I’ll Place one it’ll eventually spread right can it spread diagonally I think it spread diagonally right so don’t have to worry too much I have to fix all this after though I think so yeah I think it’ll spread

Oops bro so much random crap’s going to be in my Hopper system wait it’s all going to get stuck cuz this is so overflowed spider ey there so much random crap all right there we go all right I think that should be good it’s gone dude someone’s keeps buying Them you need collection system quickly I have a collection system I may need to upgrade it though it’s kind of like it might not be able to keep up this is so crazy big it’s actually ludicrously large the old the old pickle I’ll buy it selling epic shter

Box wait what’s the pickle selling pickle i s Redstone for 200 no bro do not sell for ra for 200k that’s worth like 900k no way you sold it for that little no way this guy sold it for that little that’s a bad idea try to scan this PO

Guy yeah bro you about to you’re about to lose like so much money on that dude thanks you B poop it’s a good deal it’s good amount of amount of dirt but I really need those like observers and pistons right now or Observer that’s what I’m going to need

Like that’s going to be my main like limiter right now in future lowered it to 150k and did organize I mean it’s like Max armor right Observer name tag I don’t know it’s kind of like a lot of junk you know like the ax is kind of

Good but it’s like I don’t really need any of that so I’m not going to buy just a bunch of random stuff hey I’m new what’s up St Stacy Emerson what’s good uh you need Shuler of cobblestone I can sell for $10 $10 do not sell for $10 sell it for

More I don’t need Cobblestone at the moment I’m probably going to build a cobblestone Farm cuz no one’s selling me Observer so I’ll probably need to craft my own and buying it is really expensive it’s like a lot of money for like Cobblestone F have a nice day but by the way

L thank you dude same to you same to you thanks for thanks for talking to my chat nothing much you that’s good good to hear uh you’ve uh so uh you play the J SMP like trying to like uh are you like completely new to the whole like doing S&P and everything be

Like all right you bought 10 shers of Cobble so I’m going to craft you some okay Bet bro bet see pickle Farms are so op yeah I think they are I think CLE Farms are going to be the new meta like they going to be so broken cuz but like

The yeah once I get once you get like skeleton spawners it’s going to be like insane you know like you’re going toble to get so many sequels pretty sure you can turn one bone meal into like four seels you hear his voice I’m just bored

Uh you’re just bored do you play um do you play uh donut SMP the server fire you should hop on if you’re bored 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 uh and do you like Minecraft sweet dude um

Swear I heard his voice TP Oasis pal I have something for show you no I’m not tping right now I’ll do Bas TS eventually again the stream but right now I’m just working on um I’m just working on the my pumpkin farm chill you know pumpkin farm grind grind

S uh one bone meal is $10 on average SE pickle yeah I know it is is wait you get two SE that’s like two sea pickles SL worth SE pickle it’s like $5 each right no $4 each yeah it’s actually really good it’s actually really good but

Like how much bone meal an hour do like each of things produce if you build a moss Farm or something I mean it can’t be too much can it like it’s not like Lois sorry know you already asked my parents no bro you can’t join cuz your parents oh that sucks dude

Makes sense makes sense though wait there’s 2,800 people online that’s crazy a lot of players 3our stream is going crazy oh how how far am how how far am I in I am we at almost 4 hours today I’m going try to beat evi no way he can stream

More than me today trying to get I’m trying to get this uh crazy stream stream link oh crap I forgot to put a dirt holes in this is a good song I thought Hoppers were able to pick up blocks through yeah well they can they can they can like in like they can

With this Farm the way PS I think the way the P Pistons push them uh it can collect it you’re going to you have to you go to your friend’s house all right all right see you see you thanks for tuning in thanks for watching my stream drop a subscribe if you liked

It wait what’s after 2259 I don’t know is that like hours in a stream I’m not streaming for 24 hours I no way I can do 24 hours that’d be pretty [Applause] painful dude so much the place I need get water too no like what time uh if that’s military time I don’t

Know it’s 5:00 for me 1.3k already is insane yeah I know bro I blown up I blew up so fast I still have 85 people watching me wall do donut streaming like this is crazy crazy Discord yo donut is showing all all his his what what chairs on stream that’s interesting like his

Gaming chairs let’s see yeah where did he get all the chairs oh I have the stream pulled up dude he dude there’s there’s like 14 different chairs bro it’s crazy kill bunch of dirt on for I don’t need I don’t need dirt anymore show us n

Bro go watch Dr stream uh your Vibes are in Max that’s probably why you have 90 people still here I know it’s pretty crazy I appreciate I appreciate the kind of words wait I got more shers of dirt I actually made I actually may need more

Dirt I’m being honest if I’m being quite honest I’m burning through this I only got two two things done this layer is going to be slightly less than the other layers though n still no I stay here x you like it here you like you like the Kel talk stream when the dror

Donuts there’s some there’s something for everybody there’s something for everybody you got 770 viewers I’m a little bit behind I’m 77 yeah it’s chill yeah well I’m been doing a long stream I can’t be going too hype one two three 4 one two three four right here right here right all

Right this already good all right we got them all all of it’s done K up your your slow Chill Vibes dude he’s like um well he’s uh wait what is he doing what is he doing right now is he Crystal pping I don’t do I barely do any Crystal

PVP and I don’t I do crystal PVP off stream I don’t feel like streaming it I’m like it’s not fun to watch someone he’s bad because of the PVP really I don’t think it’s that good fun you know uh but I like building Farms it’s chill it’s relaxing showing off chairs sounds

Interesting sounds interesting dude so so much dirt I actually may need to buy that dirt shulker I’m being honest but 50k for a shulker of dirt is a lot I paid 15K for the last one I be 20K the max I’m going for cuz like no

Way dude I need some way more chill to be honest all right thank you dude this song is a Bop this bomb get this song gets me hype though 2K in dirt a Sher of dirt no way is a Sher dirt for 200k 50k for a Sher dirt no I can’t do

That bro am I allowed to sub no you can’t sub it’s allow it’s illegal it’s illegal prevented uh I love Nintendo switch in the should I show it off more should I put it like this I never played I’ve never played Nintendo switch well I I’ve played it I

Just haven’t played it like seriously like I haven’t played that crazy of games should I play donut SMP on switch should I start streaming from switch you build pumpkin farms on the go pumpin farm grinding on the go such a smart idea wa my chat is like I think my

Chat’s far behind cuz I’m like not the live thing all right there we go bro I’m going to make a kelp talk clip channel for real you need so many views dude please I don’t care if you take my Clips you can take whatever content you want

For my streams as long as you’re not like re-uploading my videos I’m fine with it like don’t take stuff from my videos but you can take stuff from my streams you know Farm building Montage all right I’m totally down I’ll watch it how you how how do you download the

Streams though like I’ve got to got to download the streams and make my own videos yo can you please say Joe Mom you wait Joe Mama Joe moms yeah I can say that uh help getting blown up by don’t be smartest player yeah bro there’s there’s

There’s there’s a lot of me dying right like I’ve died a lot to stupid things yo C TPA y yal tech for Big Pumpkin Farm yeah screen recording is a good idea I’m actually record wait I actually recording this stream I have this I’m I’m recording this and streaming because

You know I thought I thought it might be good concept uh is this one of the Farms you’re using for the new vid or not yeah everything in the everything I build on stream is going to be used for the vids um I’m I plan to like uh put this all on

Uh like I’m I’m going like best finding the best farms in SP and I’m going to show off like you know my correct Farms like I built I built some crazy crap like this is like uh this is like one of my biggest farms like the sugar chain Farms are both

Huge like I’m a major grinder right now I I feel like I got to try CLE though I feel like I got to try it I feel like I got to try I can’t dismiss it you know you like my name I’m kelp kelp talk but that’s pretty

Close you’re going to name your kids kelp talks it’s probably not a good idea they probably get bullied in school what is this kelp you got to say you got to try kelp Farm though dude kelp kelp grows at the same rate as sugarcane it’s so bad everyone

Spamming Dr Donut’s chat but kelp and then maybe he’ll do it uh I’ve been in the Stream since you uh talked about streaming 24 hours and abusing abusing coffee cute yeah thank you thank you dude you’ve been here for a long time then been here a long long

Time what is this this is a giant pumpkin farm uh the layer below is is a pumpkin farm and then this is the second layer I’m stacking them on top so placing all the dirt layers now make a make a make yourself a kelp face filter and rename it your channel to

Talking kelp uh I don’t know about that become a kelp vtuber are you and Dr donut siblings we are not we are not siblings I’m going standing mode it’s standing mode time guys let the desk rise there we go lots of dirt to place uh more like yapping kelp yeah bro can

You please no I’m not tpping at the moment you putting something on ah if it’s already on if it’s just kill I don’t want it I already have plenty tell me if you put something on though that’s new age dirt 15K that’s not a full one though 50k for

A full one yeah man I’m buy that I need full ones I I don’t want to like uh like have like a half full shoulder how many hours will rough take to produce um I have no clue wait hold let me do some math uh no I don’t feel like

Doing math we’re just going to see we’re just going to see wait do you guys what you guys wait what what do you like what would you want the meta to be like what is it like the I like think pumpkin would be the best meta because like they’re the most

Fun to build in my opinion um but uh I guess I guess the meta you know I can’t like direct The Meta myself you everyone thinks uh like different things are fun dude Jimmy and timot yeah maybe I need to take maybe maybe I need to pay them a

Visit 1 2 3 4 One Two 3 4 9 by9 produces 50k a day okay we’ll have a lot of those quite a few 1 2 3 4 5 5 six by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 seven times uh if his right if prediction is

Right this will make me 6 million 6.3 or 6.3 million a day if that prediction is right I have no clue do SL eh crew Dragon droppers I don’t need droppers right now um meta of something if you can’t Farm automatic so you have to work manually and travel

Yeah yeah I mean pickle SE pickles like SE pickles could be autom completely automated though like C pickles can be automated if you have like a moss farm that provides bone meal and it’s hooked up but like you have to build a you have to build a moss farm and you have to

Also build the uh Whatchamacallit farm so it’s like a lot you know it’s a lot for like one single Farm and I’m not sure that like that’s a meta you know I’m not sure if that’s like the best best thing to do you guys like my AFK box in the

Center it’s going to be like the sickest AF AF AFK box ever K do SL should I build a second one of these I don’t know if I’m going to build maybe I’ll build a second one of these later but like right now I think

This will be enough I feel like I should I build a cactus farm like I I feel like I got to try Cactus like that’s what I started with that’s what I started with so feel like calus vers probably probably a good good attempt you know

Nah bro I’m not selling that wait AG crew Dragon someone else is buying them all I think Oh no I got this one yeah I bought that one uh these two SL Bell 2 million dang that’s a decent amount is barely not as Rich As I Am

Wait if that if if that guy’s prediction for a 9 by9 making 50k a day is accurate hey how many pumps is that slash 4 4 times 1.7 that’s 7,000 pumpkins a day in 24 hours do you think a pumpkin farm if one grows every 18 minutes and there’s 9 by

9 9 * 981 so I’m going to say on the safer side 40 time wait 40 every 40 pumpkins so I get I get 40 pumpkins every 18 minutes times so how many is that an hour 1860 time 40 wait wait no the fractions wrong wait what did I do

Wrong I don’t feel like doing math I just lost my entire train of thought I can’t feel like doing the math but uh it’s I think that’s possible I can figure out I can calculate how much how much it’s going to generate um just based off of like how fast the grow rates

Are. accidental I can’t find that guy he two words his name how am I supposed to do that pumpkin is best wait wait what is better pumpkin sugar pumpkin I say uh pumpkin but uh there might be a new met of cicles but I haven’t tested it

I can’t tell you I saw some sea pickles Farms today there were some pretty rich people at the hel they also had sugar Cade Farms so I don’t know what they mean like money making method was bro I’m getting cracked at building do you think I do you guys think I build

Fast you think my building speed’s good it’s like fortnite up in this what is better I already answered pumpkin probably better kill those two three four what it’s fast it’s fast can you guys can you guys build this fast or am I building slightly faster than you

Guys dude I do have to put like a slate or Cobble deep slate or whatever in between there h o Oasis h o no I don’t see anything in there logs on AG being over double the price of iron per stack is so illegal dude logs are harder to get than

Iron like if I’m being honest they’re harder to get cuz like you have to actually manually get that like most of people have Farms you know like they have IG spawners or something uh they try again please a Oasis that’ be enough dirt for me now I

Don’t really need more dirt uh but I will take observers guys always need observers please observers please please please please please 350k for a Shuler of observers and then if you want to sell less than that um sell like 10K a stack or just like uh do like uh calculation if

Sher ke your Redstone come observers over Pistons cuz I’m trying wait ke does the Redstone come I don’t really know what that means anyone selling observers 10K stack 10.5k stack 12K stack 12K 15K stack not mind that it’s a little my price range buy up observers they’re fast as

Crap like if you guys tell observers I want I want to tell me what they’re on each ke you’ve been building for 4 hours ah those are rookie numbers I can do that for way longer uh tell me tell me when tell me when I’m building for uh for 10 hours

And uh then I’ll uh then I’ll uh tell tell you I’m tired placing blocks is so fun though I’m selling on ah I don’t see any when do you do base ring um not right now uh maybe soon maybe soon though uh I I’ve been streaming for 4

Hours so I’ve got to like uh probably uh probably should like uh do some like chill based stores cuz like uh I’ve been building for a long time but it’s like way more fun for me to build like building is so much easier than like doing base stores someone bought it BR

Pumpkin gu us on how to make big pumpkin farms or Kel farms uh this is how you build big pump FS just watch the stream I’ve literally built like an entire layer I basically built an entire layer in on the stream in the time the stream

Has been running I built an entire there I’m pretty sure wait 1 2 3 4 5 6 Seven 8 n okay I thought this was 10 big all right there we go dude I like I like the vines dude I want Vines growing along the uh the whole pumpkin [Applause]

Farm KP you’re you’re about to cry what did you do what happened bro I got 20 minutes of sleep in Germany please TP nah man I can’t TP I’m not doing TPS right now all the people hey look if I like think about this right like if I TP to

You because you have about to go to sleep right all the people people that I was going to do TP bases to like you know later uh I’m not going to be a to TP to them cuz I was I’m not doing base TOS then so you know it’s always someone

Who’s going to have like not not going to be able to get TP to because of the time zone I try to TP to people I try to like space them out like so they’re different every day and like TP as many new people as possible but you know I

Can’t when I’m not doing TPS I don’t want to do TPS I’m waiting for you bro I just need base and redstone okay go go go yeah yeah I’ll do that I’ll do that I’ll work on that wait dude but I’m like trying to finish this

Farm like I want to get this Farm done it’s so bad dude okay yeah wrong message okay dude lime crystals have been here in for a super long time too I remember this guy he’s been here he’s been here for so long netherite hoe [Applause]

On I don’t need netherite ho wait is it a good one pretty badass I’ll take that check mod chat okay yeah finish your farm uh but don’t go on Bas that yeah okay I mean I don’t know why I can just type that in my chat um sea pickles of farms

Don’t work they don’t work why do they not work I I saw some guy’s base and it worked let’s go am I OG uh I don’t know if you’re OG it tell me if does remind me of like who you are I’m going to I’m going to keep going

Until I run out of redstone like you remember me when you’re famous kelp talks with two L’s yeah I’ll remember you you’re literally my name squ I squashed 80k on the new pumpkin farm already Dang I mean it’s fat it’s going to be fat stacks for you why can’t why I can’t set team home underground I don’t know man it’s kind of weird I need to like get to some stretches in you think I touch my toes I can I can dude I’m so

Inflexible bro I used to yeld better but like right now bro that’s so bad should I do splits I can’t go low on the splits either I mean when I place Pistons observers I do put redstone on all the observers and pist no just place redstone on the uh on

The top of the observers you don’t need to put it on pistons and observers you know only one is required so it’s not it’s like you know how big is farm this is the second layer on the on the pumpkin farm I think it’s pretty darn big I think it’s pretty darn

Big my farm it will be a pumpkin farm ke are they good at streaming and you just started yeah it’s pretty crazy pretty crazy how fast I GRE grew but I mean like I had a lot of shout outs from Dr donut and stuff so it’s it’s pretty

It’s like you know it’s not all me it’s not on me I don’t really know how much of it is like you know is going to be like you know stick around and I’m going to be able to maintain you know it’s like kind of a lot of pressure fire

Aspect that’s kind of crazy those are a rarity if one of those spawns and you’re like placing TNT you’re just screwed dude so much dirt to place wait is this right that’s right yeah also need to clear out this like I don’t know what happened here but I did not blow it

Out see see properly cuz it’s like in the farm Zone 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 uh creepers are dropping from above down on me yeah bro like these block like creepers will spawn like on these little islands and stuff and it’s so annoying so annoying I wonder what this looks like

Without full Bread on bro it’s actually kind of wait why is it lit up oh it must be from the uh like Whatchamacallit wait do you guys like do you guys like full bright on or is it better without kelp build kelp build an auto Kel Farm I would but like there’s no

Reason to like the Kel Farms are so bad like they can make you no money I’ve been making so little money it’s actually insane I’ve been making like four $4 a year it’s only worth one and they grow at the same rate as sugar maybe if I had like a flying machine but

Still it would be bad even if I had a flying machine you know so probably not uh I had to start this music over again cuz like I was like running out you know ke in the beginning in a manual Farm uh manual Farms the best manual

Farm is sugar K CU you can break two blocks you can like two blocks when you break the like the base you know I do I probably should build a c farm for the means everyone I want like I need to make like a movement you know like I want a meme that’s like buff kelp buff kelp spammed everywhere spam all of Dr Donut’s comments with buff kelp uh but the channel would be

Wouldn’t not be here if you were standing here it had a perfect personality for uh well thank you thank you I appreciate that I mean I’m having a lot of fun and I hope I can stick around and keep streaming like I streamed I I’m I’m completely able to

Stream every day at least for so far and I’ve like not gotten tired of it like I’m not gotten Burt out like I’m just talking to people you know I just chill here and I talk to my chat and it’s that’s basically what I do although I’ve

Only been doing it for like a week so you know it’s still very early K uh I have 17 by 38 pumpkin farm I built half okay okay it’s a solid amount that’s a solid amount built this thing is actually ludicrously large second layer dude do you think

Wait guys do you think this is a cool like I know it’s kind of weird like the carpet and stuff but this is going to be like my main AFK Zone you know like this is where I’m going to have my AFK account and they’re going to be chilling

In here like this is going to be like my base like my personal base like inside of there although the storage is like the Looting room like where you slash cells over there so it’s going to be kind of weird kind of awkward I think I can fit a ladder in

Between here so we can get out too so maybe I’ll do that U because the sugarcan is a bit expensive yeah wait what yeah I don’t know what you say uh should I put should I post kelp mem yeah bro put it in the fan art I’ll

React to Fan Art and stream there’s a lot of fan art if you guys want me to react on to like the thing that channel that’s where I look wait there’s also like a Clips Channel too I don’t know I don’t know how many Clips are in it though wait let’s

Check see if there’s any like fan art that uh kelp fan art wait oh yeah crap there’s someone’s building a kelp base there’s not enough for me to react to but uh there’s stuff coming in you know wait is there Clips too hi my oh yeah someone’s working on

New video there’s a lot of cool stuff there’s a lot of schol stuff coming on with the server are you going to AFK tonight yeah I’ll probably AFK tonight how much do you think you’ll make an hour uh if some guy’s prediction was right uh 6.3 million from this Farm uh

But I’m not 100% sure this is definitely the biggest farm I’ve ever built what uh what what does the Media Kit give you the media the media gives you like um Media Kit G gives you like just the same stuff as like the blue one blue

Plus or whatever so so it’s like the same thing as $10 a month but it lasts like 90 days instead of 60 and if you just make another video you you’ll get it back uh can I have money nah I can’t give you money dude I need it for myself

I need it for my own Farms nope it’s 8.3k okay that makes more sense Wait wait hold on wait what was the dimensions 8.3 7 * 6 * 8.3 thous all right let’s see all wait an hour or is that a day how much an hour I don’t know I actually have no clue guys I guess we’ll see I

Mean I don’t really know so it’s kind of hard to tell like I don’t even know if this item thing is keeping up like this is how many pumpkins I’m making that’s $4 $4 $4 every time that one of those goes off $4 in the chest so that’s how you know G

Check kelp Clips Okay an interesting that’s an interesting meme I don’t know if I’m going to put put that in stream maybe maybe later I don’t feel like setting up my thing for it though wait I forgot to put dirt blocks in for this copyright um I don’t know I don’t

Really care I’m not monetized or anything your back has a farm the farm is going great dude uh building I’m putting dirt in like gold like gold uh Golda gave me a good suggestion to putting dirt in or grass in so it’s less ugly you know so can when you look

Through the glass it’s like like pretty I actually have more dirt in here I bought some bought a plenty of dirt yeah this will be enough this will definitely be enough I definitely have enough dirt hold on LV just DM me ke talk what res are you reading um a bunch

Of old ones I don’t know I think I’m reading new ones bro BR up in chat like a lot oh sometimes it’s like not like current you know how do you how do I join the Discord server a link in description uh see you pop pop uh 8.3k

Every 12 hours is roughly my estim for 9 all right I don’t think you’re I think that’s uh wait I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know how accurate that is I dude I really got I probably should just test one n by9 and see like what the rates

Are and see how I should scale and like what the best method is you know but uh I kind of build some Mass I to measure it yo how much do you think you’ll make from the 17 by 38 pumpkin farm I don’t know man that’s kind of an odd number

Though you can calculate it you just have to calculate how many pumpkin stands you have and then multi and then that’s grows every 18 minutes so you know do the whatever math it is I don’t remember the math I can’t like give it

To you off my on my head I have to think about it so much dirt the place wait LV is my am I reading like am I super far up in chat like or am I reading the newest ones uh 300K out of 500k SL cell boosters wait

This SL sell boosters what is [Applause] that I don’t know what the hell is that hole for I don’t think that’s intentional wait I going to hold here either where do you get your farm design from uh I got my farm design from IL mango originally but I think there’s

Better ones now um you just use like like it’s like it’s like the ill mango just without note blocks you just have the Redstone and that should work I’m pretty sure oops this is too long all right guys I think it’s the whole next layer done with dirt I now I

Can use my hoe where do you get I already answer that okay I’ll be right back I got to go like get We all right am I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m back what’s up it’s a Tango Tech design yeah Tango Tech is not where the pumpkin design um for the sugar cane yes yes it is um it won’t let me join the Discord what is the invite link gosh is

It like broken again if LV is still in here he could probably help you but I I I’ve already tried it I’ve already tried to fix it guess it’s not working well sometimes it like I think they like Discord like disables it because it’s like too effective or something if

There’s too many people joining and they think it’s like a bot you know I think I’m botting or something oh crap I I forgot to put the water in h bucket 20K 20K is the lowest no I can get you still buy a Sher Redstone I might actually need it

Because like uh I mean someone will buy it someone will buy it for 100k should I make a sugarcan or pumpkin uh uh if you have fireworks I pick a sugarcan you want to craft all the fireworks and stuff but uh I don’t really want to do

That cuz it takes forever so I’m building pumpkin also I need it for a video I need the other bucket something in my inventory’s got to go I guess that I should s the B actually I haven’t even made the I probably should like U put down like an auto thing so it’s

Like not going to run out of water so many water buckets also how do you make your storage system I’ll show you my storage system uh it’s definitely it’s definitely not good I think I need to improve it I think I need to improve it cu the rates are going to be too

High so um it might have broken too okay so yeah I’ve got I’ve got this I’ve got this clock with the repeaters I have to set it to a certain speed and then I dis it dispenses out the um the items into this um that’s fed by like the hopper

System so that’s how it’s done water you missed the missed the hole with yeah I I need the water to I need extra water right here so I can like get a Infinite Source here we go here we go there now I can go fill in that hole what a banger song isn’t

This wait bro oh this is what you’re talking about I’m stupid that’s the whole what’s a Shuler worth a shulker of what a shulker of um Pistons is 350k a Shuler of observers is 350k but right now I don’t really need obser I really need observers I don’t

Really need a Pistons right now I really need observers though my Observer to pist ratio is bad what wait you missed the hole yeah okay yeah I know what you mean uh nothing with it’s a Shuler a Shuler oh shuler’s not worth anything like it’s

Like unless you can sell for 800 800 is how much a Shuler is worth because that’s how much it doesn’t shop and no one else sells shulkers they don’t really sell shers on uh SL sell because it’s just annoying they don’t stack or anything and 800 is not a lot most

People won’t buy them from there most people just buy them from the shop unless you can go lower than that probably nothing wait what am I doing trying to read chat and would you recommend putting Hoppers mine carts with rails under or fully Hoppers uh Hopper mine carts like Hopper

Putting spamming Hoppers like I have is like not worth it it’s only worth it if you’re rich and you can afford it but it takes so many more resources and crafting time wait is it worth even doing this I don’t think it is I just’s go grab and put it

In all right I think that’s all of them I’m still going to keep inventories in my buckets in my inventory CU I got to go bow everything I missed the SP I’ll have water I probably miss the spot let’s be honest wait no this is two this is four

This is one this is five hi what’s up Mixie what’s up cutesy can you show Farm yeah this is my farm dude dude where are all these new people coming uh yeah so this is this is my farm I’ve got this is the second layer I’ve got another layer down here

So this this whole thing under here is also a farm is this is this grass spreading is this grass spreading at all D this grass is spread at all yet I don’t know how long it takes it does spread has any of them spread oh yeah one spread and it’s spread diagonally so

I know it works all right sweet but uh that’s the whole Farm it’s 5 a.m. dude thank you it’s been a long time do you have any de do you have demons no I don’t have any demons do you have uh do yeah if I don’t if I don’t

Build pumpkin farms Dr donut will like you know Murder my entire family no that’s a troll I’m joking uh but that farm is insane thank you at this rate you’re going to have to build another storage system for another lirer no I think I think it’ll be fine I

Think I’ll be fine I think I’ll just be able to pump pump it all into the same column with the in the hopper system I’ve set up it’ll be work l m he actually got them captured got what them all captured what captured uh how would you pay for 607

Observers I don’t know I don’t know how many stacks that is I pay 10K Stacks so do the math if you and if you sell in Sher I pay a huge premium so I’ll pay you like if you sell a giant Shuler with like nine Stacks or more uh for a full

Sher I’ll do uh 360 300 300K something wait how much pay yeah 350k so do that Dr donut spamming is live in chat always useful how are emeralds and dirt how are the are my emeralds and dirt thanks uh how long did it take you to

Build uh like 30 minutes n bro it taking me it takes me a while to build but most of like the crafting and like resource Gathering like I don’t need anymore like I don’t need to wait that long I can just uh get it you know I also have

People who help me craft so I’m pretty lucky if you have teammates don’t let them see your base like just have have them help you craft you know cuz that’s that’s what’s more fun you know 20 stacks of Pistons is too many 20K for a stack of Pistons is that

Too much money yeah pistons pistons probably go for less than that I’d say like 12K is how much you pay for like stack of Pistons or observers wa no not 20K 12K that’s that’s the optimal you know 12K is how much I pay for like a stack of each at this current

Market but but I I want I want full shulkers dude I want four full Shulkers so if you have full shulkers of observers right now which is what I need oh people are actually selling a lot for good prices I should probably buy those cuz 16k is too much anything over that like I can’t afford that dude my inventory is just full full of water buckets and

Crap I got to dump these water buckets when I or some of them at least I’ll keep one keep one in my inventory CU it’s useful if I forget something uh ah Oasis okay I’ll buy all those as soon as I can um do you have any creeper

Spawners for me no I don’t have any creeper spawners at all I have zero creeper spawners all my teammates have the creeper spawners real I’m lucky have sound on otherwise that would been a huge hole dead easy D on 99999 that’s how many wait what is

It do you have any creepers no don’t uh I you 12 keeper spawners nice I’m throwing all the water buckets buddy no I can’t throw away the water buckets I I’ll I got to put them in a chest you know after I get to the end of

This line there’ll be chest for me to put them in wait is it over here I think it’s over here yeah dude more creepers he still Following dude what okay okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine you didn’t blow up anything serious I’m still good gosh that was so bad wait I think he didn’t blow up anything right I think everything’s good I think everything’s good yeah okay everything’s good do you have private Farms or yeah

These are all my private I don’t share any with anybody should I team up and try to build like the biggest pumpkin farm in the server like the problem is like what’s the point what’s the point so risky I’m basically already teamed you know like people get the resources for me I

Just build a farm wait I need to what do I what was I going to do oh yeah put these put these uh away I’ll keep one also don’t need this dirt keep some dirt these shers away too dirt empty Shuler wait is this empty Sher no that’s

Not put the empty Sher whatever SL H Oasis someone already bought them 15K no I’m P that H uh piston AG p no bro everything’s so expensive can’t afford I mean if if you got people to trust you then yeah dude I can’t bro I don’t want people to I don’t want people

To come to the Farms though I don’t want people here like I don’t I’ve only shared the location of my farm to one person and so far it’s working out great like he just takes sh whenever he needs it and and yeah it’s fine right now my money’s good though so

I’m not like like right now I just let him keep all the money he makes cuz I don’t really need it like if I need like when I needed money I had to pay me like half he kept half I kept I kept half you

Buil a 70 X7 manual sugarcan Farm uh but it’s in the wrong wake and no I’m like uh then don’t TP me cuz I’ll get very infuriated I hate Farms that are built wrong the the the manual ones if you put two block you got to put two blocks in between guys two

Blocks in between wait I got to plug in my headset it’s almost dead no more Wireless four hours in 4 hours and 30 minutes actually 81 watching you built a my farm Netherrack cuz of Po so ugly dude that’s uh I mean nether R’s okay but

Like deep sl’s easy to get though if you’re at the area you might as well build a deep slate you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying oh hold on guys I’m uh I’m messaging people I got some stuff L planned later all right sweet sweet sweet guys

I’m back back back to back back to reading chat deep slate takes so long to mind them uh yeah but like if you you’re going to get it like you get it if you’re down here like if you’re building in the right Zone you know like if

You’re building up that high then you’re probably going to get raided anyway so I mean like what’s the point just build out Netherrack but if you’re like building underground and you’re trying to have a base that’s an investment you know like bases do not get found on This Server like they take

Forever 4 hours so far I know guys I don’t know how I’m have so much energy to keep talking dude like I feel like I can talk forever like I can go like like Honestly though like I have like a streaming superpow I’ll never run out of

Stuff to talk about I’ll always find something to talk about especially with chap but like I could go on incoherent rambl about the most random stuff I feel like like I could go like is water like water is my favorite food so you know is that possible can a

Water be my favorite food is that allowed is that allowed in the rules of like uh foodery you know does it count can you T me a pickle farm not right now uh can someone uh sell power rails for 10K or under dude power rails are pain to get

You to get the gold is gold cheap I used to buy dude gold used to be the most expensive thing to buy for powered rails 150k for a stack of blocks that’s actually really expensive dude cuz no one gets Pigman Farms D maybe that’s UNC capitalize like how much you P how much

Gold do a pigman Farm produce dude crap to move this so I can hold that for now he going to spread eventually like all these Vines grew down when I was afking so I got to get some shears and spread them to the uh main thing uh yo kelp got

A VC soon doesn’t matter on or off stream yeah bro I’ll I’ll V you off stream like join up the Discord and uh I’ll V you gold isn’t even that hard to get when you know how when you’re money yeah I know but like it’s super

Expensive on ah no one’s selling it it’s not it’s not as cheap as iron your stash got right dude that sucks you made more observers O Okay 14k dude I guess that’s the price now cuz no one is selling for cheaper uh I guess I’ll have to buy

Those how much am I like how much am I paying when I I guess I’ll buy that dude that’s not that’s not that bad eventually if the if the Piston Observer Market gets big enough I’ll never have to carry shers on me I’ll just buy it

Off AG as soon as I need it you know maybe that’s better maybe you should just sell in stad of shulkers at this point hey can I hit 10 can I get 10K no I can’t give you 10K that’s all my that’s all my money I earned someone

Rated my 30 pumpkin farms no way bro that’s so bad wait we’re in they in deep slate layer or like were they like easy to find you the most broke Farm but dude you like you’re spending your money on building more Farms dude that’s an investment that’s how I got rich dude

You’re doing it right you spend the money on TNT you spend the money on more observers you spend the money on more stuff like you’re going to make a lots of money guys uh eventually if you guys if you don’t want to build farms you can makeig Bank off of selling observers too

Like if you like crafting stuff you can buy the resources like the other people are selling like people sell Redstone and and Cobblestone and um wood for all cheaper than you can sell The Observers and pistons so you can make like you can probably profit like 50k per

Shuler yo Keel spend the money to make money yeah you got to spend money to make money it’s a capitalism 101 like this is capital right here like this is capital but in this server Capital can get raided so you know bring down the B the the wealthy you know like if this

Got leaked guys if someone rais this this is like a mill multi-million dollar Farm like this is probably like the one of the craziest Farms on the server like when you raid like when someone raids these like huge like far Mega Farms like it’s they’re going to make so

Much sorry caps like us Americans love capitalism yeah guys why do you think I’m so good at the server guys I’m like American I like making money I like making money C do you want to buy Reser or Str res uh yeah maybe yeah maybe I want to buy it hold on let’s

See 200k yeah wait don’t is there how much are block going for 30k 30k 30k 30k no that’s 20K for not that much 30k uh 35k uh that’s where I want to stop that’s plenty for now thanks for buying you SU usus USA us us uh I think you’re just saying USA

Over yeah USA is pretty pretty cool probably like the second best uh country at least in the top five you know as soon as I hear a creeper I just insta run or will he blow up I don’t think he’ll blow up if he’s down Thereo wait how long have I streaming 4 hours 45 minutes guys I’m G I’m streaming longer than F5 F5 normally streams like 6 hours like I don’t know how he streams for so long I think you just got used to it dude like like on on break though it’s like

Crazy I think once my school starts guys I’m have to start streaming later though uh like once my col college classes start dude so much to so much to farm ultimate Farm bot here wsg guys what is W me mean what’s good all right what’s good dude I just

Google it can you check statistics what’s your name p dude you don’t have auto corrector you must not be on the server 2 million monies but you have barely any on SL cell that’s kind of crazy May ah ah buddies what’s good JX are still in here uh what’s what’s

What’s up Dr Blaze hey what’s up vmdt how you guys how you doing I me I’m still 81 viewers consistently for like past for past forever with Dr donut streaming isn’t that pretty crazy what’s up tnrp is still in here too don’t it needs to be more a communist n

Man what you guys that would mean you have to share your armor like everyone have to have equal armor you know would you share your armor with the kids who like just wasted all crystal pvping and dying it’s not good you want to share your money with those kind of

People dror don’t ban me from the Discord oh no what’ you do probably did something equality equality yep sorry guys the money’s going communal everyone in the server shares the same purse all right from now on would you guys still play PL if that was the case I’m pretty sure uh the

Economy wouldn’t work anymore Jim jimmyy crying so much cuz he misses me bro I’m on the pumpkin grind so dude tell him I’ll be back it’s like I’m working on the oil rig you know I’ll be home one day I’ll one home to B and

Jimmy bro I forgot to put water bro I forgot to put water and I just destroyed the water thing I’m so stupid I’m so dumb no I’m just going to skip that for now AG I’m page 200 batt toop yesterday that’s crazy that’s actually pretty far are pumpkin farms worth it uh I

Think so I’ll probably make my money back off this thing what for Oasis burn it through the money guys burning through the money spending money to make money spending money on massive Farms get fat stacks on the D SMP uh you said the reason for the ban

Was spaming but I wasn’t okay I wonder how much it makes yeah guys I wonder too hey let’s go check the chests actually real quick let’s go check the chest see how much I’ve gotten here wait wait wait is this getting backed up still guys

Uh yeah I might need to up the like the speed I might have to add more like droppers I mean I’ve already got dub already got a dub and this thing’s not keeping up I mean how can I do it better like how how can I like increase the speed I

Guess add more add more that’s probably the answer I think it’s going to make you uh I don’t really know I don’t really know how much it’s going to make me an hour but I mean it clearly is not able to keep up currently my current system

And I think that’s going like you can see how fast like that’s $4 every time it clicks $4 in my wallet all right I got to make a water source I’m just going to do this right now here we go got to take that water source wait put it right here

Water water I only have one bucket on me so whole Elite 12K for observers all right I got I got a lot of observers now what’s in this Joker ah crap dude I just had a major sneeze major sneeze had to blow my nose yeah bro major sneeze not good not good not

Good I might need to go sitting mode here shortly guys I love this song dude this song’s good dude stop spamming w w in chat for don’t wait okay uh everyone Sub in like a real fast we got 83 likes already I already put the water I sneeze

Before I go out the water sneezes are kind of a big Interruption Which pumpkin farm are you using like whose pumpkin farm uh e mangoes but like it’s been modified over the years you know like it’s been upgraded by some other people so use don’t use the Note

Blocks you don’t need to use the Note Blocks bro I’m I’m bungling this bungled bungled K refresh the page is not not 80 likes okay I’ll refresh oh crap yeah that was a major I was wrong I was wrong oh okay yeah yeah it’s 100 102 at this

Point I haven’t refreshed it for a while no okay I got to put dirt back in I was going to have to move that anyways so let’s put that there wait wrong kind of thing wait you can H up that’s crazy wait no you can’t do what you can’t you can’t shovel uh

But you can’t ho a shovel how much money should 60 p funkin pars make uh I don’t know this is 6 time 7 by I don’t know I it’s probably going to make a decent amount I’d say I mean that’s a pretty big everything is good watching kelp top

Stream fun thank you thank you when you rate bases cuz you come to mine again so we can take scen um I don’t know when I’m raining bases again it’s a good question I’m kind of just going with the flow I don’t really have a Time Time stable yeah

Nope kind just listen to Boppers you know you want to sleep okay good night good night it’s getting late for the EU players definitely getting late Co should I put my desk in standing mode yeah bro standing mode is the meta everyone loves some standing mode oh wait I don’t I didn’t finish

That all right there we go it’s 1:00 a.m. for eating EU dude that’s actually super duper late EU is kind of like wild their time difference is crazy like what what part of EU are you in help me and diffuser ability stash you would to come tomorrow live and all

The B mods are going to use it stash okay yeah I’ll visit it or more advertising in the chat wait did Dr to advertise me in chat today I think I think I got all those viewers natur you know it’s 0.0 for me I don’t know what

That time dude don’t talk at military time I guess that’s 12 12 midnight it’s almost midnight for you dang yeah it’s like 6 o’ for me yeah it’s basically 6 o00 that’s crazy wait I think I think it’s time to move this I think I move

This wait did I get them all no I didn’t get here H I think they’re all good water now now I can just do the the Farms Farm it hum what do you want to know uh do I want to know anything uh I want to

Know when do you guys think AI is going to take over the planet when do you think humans are going to be less smart than AI um it’s 11:52 p.m. for you dang I’m maybe same country and I’m not posting my country in a random chat okay

I mean country is not really narrowing it down but yeah I get you I understand I mean unless your country has like one person it then yeah you’re probably screwed if you leak the your country at least a thousand years AI is based on humans yeah right

Now but like it’s uh it’s getting pretty smart pretty fast kill my country it would be okay okay okay SK can you rate my base or just build a huge pumkin F uh I’m not doing base rates at the moment I’m going to do them later though I don’t worry I’m

Going to do more base rats this stream so don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry in computer science we have learned AI will be um I think well I mean you’re learning from the school system guys you can’t really trust the school system they’re kind of slow um but uh I think

AI is going to probably be like revolutionizing Humanity here very shortly I like I don’t I think in our lifetimes uh AI is going to do a substantial amount you know I think it’s going to substantially change the world you know I don’t know if that’s for the

Better I think it’s probably for the better like imagine imagine how like like never having to cook for yourself because AI can cook for you like you just have to eat sleep and those are like all the functions are carried out for you like all the stuff that’s boring

In your life you can automate and all the stuff that you have fun doing you can choose to do like isn’t that what life’s all about what are you doing instead of putting not uh you just have to put Redstone in the new update they changed how Redstone works so now you

Just have to put redstone on top you don’t have to do anything crazy you’re just lazy you’re just L yeah bro no bro I’m not lazy bro look dude I’m not lazy I’m just you know excited to have like boring stuff automated like do you do you do

You really enjoy the M stuff like of life or would you rather have life be only the exciting part would you rather be able to teleport you love sitting in the car on your way to good places or would you rather be transported by a Rockets that’s basically what I’m saying

Like jeez I think that’s a dub I’m just a gamer I mean maybe maybe but like even like I code I code stuff and um there’s a lot of boring stuff there’s like a lot of trivial stuff that you do not need to do like there’s a lot of stuff that

Could be automated but it’s just not you know so I’d say I’d say once the boring stuff code gets automated and you just have to lay lay out the structure and like like you can already do that basically you can already like lay out like a substantial

Structure of the program like if you give it enough information and it can do like individual classes uh without hard work there is no achievement um I think hard work will just be be on a larger scale I mean like AI is going to yeah AI is going to be able

To do like you know stuff fast but like it doesn’t know what to do it just redefines what hard work is like right like when a computer came out like it wasn’t like oh yeah the number crunchers the people who like do math manually oh

My God the hard work is ruined like life is going to be over no bro it’s just the boring stuff’s gone all right and then you can like instructions to perform operations instead of like you know all the boring stuff like isn’t that what you want isn’t that what’s isn’t that a good

Thing don’t it see you’re going to cry when you see it he probably leaked the base if he leaked the base I’m going to I’m not basing with me that’s his last chance did he blow it up did he blow it up or did he keep it around like he he

Better have blown I’m tping I’m typing his chat tell him to blow it up no he’s already he’s already passing I think he’s already way past it should have blown it up should have blown it up you can’t let that stuff live on the server you got to get rid of

It no he didn’t leak it he just there was just some like disgusting stuff he showed on his stream like stuff I don’t want I don’t want to share No I can’t talk about it it’s too it’s too nasty it’s too disgusting you can go watch his stream if you want to

See nasty stuff like that but I’m not into it it’s like weird really weird look at the Dr donut Discord uh what’s in the Dr donut Discord bro I just need like one stack 750k bro that’s crazy it’s wild it’s a Lot all right sorry for that kelp do you think you should retake or you going to get too tired wait what is that uh I probably should drink another coffee what donut i s I saw what D donut sent me dude it’s nasty it’s like why would I I don’t want

To see it like it hurts me like he should have blown it up he should have like put down like 15 anchors and blown the entire base up like people who build stuff like that should not be allowed in the server wait wait wait I need to see something something’s weird something’s

Weird uh with this uh this Farm I can’t like like look I started with this grid pattern there must be like an anomaly in the Grid or something right cuz I’m ending it weird you know U maybe maybe I’m wrong I think I’m wrong I think this is a

Right but yeah I’m I’m just I’m just wrong I think that’s fine uh kelp if you next stream you’re raing bases can you bodyguard so I can no I can’t have you bodyguard cuz then you might leak people’s bases I looked with Dr don’t sent me do

You guys want to see do you guys really want to see this stuff like I mean I’ll show it I’ll show it look at this thing they built their there like look at this two wide water in the middle in water and like just stuff on the sides like whoever designed this is

Like like this is the worst version of it too this is the worst version of it they put what like like it’s bad it’s so bad like what like he should have blown up the base I hope he blew up the base uh excuse me sir what’s the best way to

Earn money in this game manual sugarcan Farm manual sugarcan Farm ke what’s make more money Auto pumpkin or Auto sugar um uh depends if you make it fireworks it’s definitely sugarcane if uh you want automatic completely and you don’t want to like craft anything uh pumpkins that’s my answer that’s my

Answer Crystal complete your vers the ratios crazy wait dude I have so much yeah look wait you know do you know I was like a little bit bothered wait TSM kelp leak cords of that disgusting site no bro I don’t have the cords it’s not my it’s not my

Location wait I just started this weird I just I just started it weird you know like normally I start fat but instead I started like skinny you see this wait is there not water here no there is I just where let me reload TPA him no I’m not tping him I’m

Not tping him right now check this out though wait how much how much progress you think he’s got done on the farm wait is the water not centered bro all the water is messed up that’s why get gosh I’m so silly guys I’m so silly I’m such a silly

Goose ra this water right I think this water’s right only four blocks yeah I I’ve bungled the water I don’t know how bad I bungled it though how is this side bungled yeah this is not right let me try to fix this there we go

Hold on this side too now this is right I think this one’s right I think this one’s right this one’s right wait wait is this one right I don’t really know H bucket two so Pistons you can I can no I can’t I I don’t want donations I will take um I’ll

Take it if it’s like for I’ll buy a shulker for 350k that’s how much I’m willing to pay this is only three that’s four 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 there we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even eight there we go I think I fixed that wait no

This is wrong too 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 three four five wait what am I doing wrong oh this is five dude I’m so I’m royally bungling this I’m just too tired I’m just too tired it’s too too exhaused too much work uh between eight yeah I don’t know

Why I’m like funling this I’ve built this thing like a m billion times I’m going to buy more buckets of water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bro this is seven what am I doing wrong 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 this

Should be eight right one one two 3 4 5 6 7even 8 yeah but that’s right this one is wrong gosh now now it should be right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 all right there we go

Jeez I’m selling it to kelp already nah bro put up put up for 350k bro 50k for a Shuler that’s how much they’re worth uh Pistons oh no observers I think 50k for a sh shulker of observers that’s how much I’m willing to pay if that get the water up before all this

Disappears all right we going tobine all the water filling up with buckets again all right is this good now wait did I finally fix it is it finally fix fixed it’s piston uh dud I already have so many pistons though I rather have observers H uh I don’t know kelp you

Know what isn’t a bunch of work building a it dude this is just as easy I I should I should go do that though dude let me finish hoing this and I’ll have I’ll I’ll just I’ll be finished with this for now so let me do

That I’m placing like I got to ho all this stuff yeah we got to work on a Redstone Room what what kind of block should we use should we do use deep slate I’m kind of St to use deep slate um you know CU I

Feel like that goes good with red we can like put Redstone in the walls and stuff ke wait you should TP nah I can’t TP right now the Pistons are you talking to that guy he’s ke a w W chain more W’s oh I just remove the dirt the grass I

Mean wait bro wrong thing wrong thing I do need to eat something or something like cuz I not eaten much today ww damn I mean you won that tournament I ate peie and peanuts dude I’m farming up farming up so much you reckon going to be blue red purple what are

Those I don’t know bro I’m getting kind of tired how can I H myself up should I drink another cup of coffee is it worth it is it worth it I think I might I think I might I think I might after I finish this after I finish

This row I’m going to go make a cup of coffee and then go to the base and work on the the Redstone room decorating the Redstone Room lots of building done today lots of progress made actually takes quite a bit of time to build these

Things be right back for a little I also need to get a snack I think a coup of copy’s incoming I think it’s bound to happen cuz I need that I need that in my system I need some caffeine need some caffeine fuel for 5 hours into the Stream I’m muted all right well whatever I have to go in and anyways I’m to go I have to go be right back I’m going to make myself a cup of coffee right I’m going make myself a cup of coffee and then I’ll be back up and I’ll

Uh I’m going to go work on the Redstone Room in the base I got to remove these blocks these are really annoying U we already have the Redstone Room mined out but yeah it doesn’t need to be that big but it needs to be big enough we can like put it on some

Shulkers you know yo you went from 900 bucks to 150k in two day wait what is it two days that’s pretty good yeah that’s good that’s that’s pretty impressive what do you what do you do for your money all right let me go do a good vantage point to

AFK how good are we doing we got one dub but I think it’s backing up still so it’s probably making more than that what’s that noise what’s that weird noise all right guys I’ll be right back wait hold let me get the pumpkin in the shot dude why I he like weird

Noises ping pong Carnival oh there’s like a weird Ping Pong video playing I think the autop play did that all right guys I’ll be right back what little bit of a break little bit of a break dude that was crazy yeah I made myself a cup of coffee

Um dude I probably should have grabbed some water I think I’m I just drink tap water thought he died weird sounds it’s probably my dogs probably my dogs Oliver wait hold on all right my inventory is like full of crap all right I’m going to go to SL

Wait let me go to slh home five put all this stuff away then I will that’s AI k yeah I will I’ll join VC let me just put this crap away though wait what is all this other crap this dirt observers dirt uh all right I just sell it all I don’t really

Care yeah but put this hoe in like my Ender Chest like on hand all right slh and then base all right I’m going to the team base uh I started I started grinding donut like um you know probably like a couple weeks ago Dude my coffee is still really hot

So it’s like not quite not quite ready to drink you know wait let me join uh join up wait I’m already in it oh I’m on yo what’s up James what’s up yo what’s good LV that is crazy you just weren’t playing with you you weren’t playing with

Me huh blood joined right when kelp joined that is crazy all right all right whatever whatever all right so what how do you guys want to do this room I said we do deep slate with like Redstone like accents you know like we can use redstone blocks I actually to say that I

Think that would look pretty good hey C I need to show you a few things look at my um SC hold on old done S&P was good but like yeah I probably like old done S&P more but it’s impossible to like govern a server that big you know Dr Blaze wait

Ke I have a question yeah how big how big are your pumpkin sections like one section is it a 9 by 27 no it’s way longer than that all it’s n by are you looking K 9 by 63 yeah I’m looking now like on my screen share oh

Your screen share yeah let me see it 27 bro that’s actually stacked it’s everything’s full everything’s full right here and then we have all that yo you Jo your team ke I want your room room room in your base uh nah man I already got LV and what call I don’t

Think I want any more people in the base yeah it’s timey no like 75 players on peak time oh yeah was a lot smaller it’s a lot smaller it’s fine it’s just probably because is donut still streaming no I’m not talking about stream oh I’m talking about yeah donut

Is still streaming so that that Drew away a bunch but and also it’s like time for other people time zone yep all right so um I mean I say we make it a little bit wider too yeah yeah let’s do that let’s do that let me get rid of this uh this

This stone for now and put some deep slay you know excuse me yeah but old was good but like it’s like uh there’s like it’s just impossible to govern like such a big server so you know how I was like saying the sugarcan farm is being a little bit goofy so

Basically oh that Redstone just got chopped yeah there we go all right so you know how I saying the suar Farm was a little being a little bit like weird yeah so what I’m looking at is first of all I put the iron bars and I don’t know

I don’t think that made like even that much of a difference but what’s is that normal that you know the Hoppers are like you already behind the chest yeah it’s like that’s how yeah that’s how it works like it’s not worth there’s a system like get rid of that but like the

System would be way more costly than it we wor oh okay so I mean it’s just simple you know if slows down in the chest eventually uh yeah and like yeah and you said removing the slabs would make it easier I mean like faster I don’t know it I don’t think it really

Will yeah I it’s already pretty fast and yeah is fast is fast I check it like every like less than an hour oh I never check it that often I only check it like every like 12 hours oh okay okay okay I’ll start doing 1 two three four one

Two I think it’s because like I’m not at like it’s weird cuz I’m not at school so I feel like time goes by faster can you rate bases now no man I’m working on the Redstone Room check out this base we’re working on we got two

Pets we got the this is our crafting room for like fireworks and then this is our crafting room or this is our this is our like pet room then they can go in here if they’re like not tied up or they tied up um only 55 VI yeah well Dr D is

Streaming right now so I lost a bunch and I’m not doing base rates or anything crazy uh M me Dash want it to event tomorrow if definitely wasn’t Dash going to expand this part a little bit so we don’t get interfere I don’t know I’ll do an event

Tomorrow still W stream y thank you reminding at this whole area I mean get a little bit of redstone dude Redstone for 500 dou that’s pretty cheap tomorrow if there’s like an event I’ll get y okay sweet dude that’s a good idea l no that’s a cool stash yeah we got a

Pretty cool base here do slod and SE seek at the donut donut oh wait wait yeah you know what SL hide is right yeah I know what SL hide is good good but I mean I don’t really need it I’m not on my my main account I

Don’t think it well I don’t think it really matters like what’s the one of it for most most situations K is it good that when donut is live there are still 50 or more people watching it shows you yeah I mean I had more but I mean I’ve kind of been

Doing boring stuff this stream I’m be honest I just been build this is interfering this is interfering what is with the the Redstone of the lava is interfering with our Redstone Room no bro we can just we can just make this out like this you know we can like separate it a

Bit that’s what we need to do right like the oh you know I’ll just make it look like a little bit more just like put right there let me just grab a little bit oh crap we’re going to need more Stone I’ll grab that so you’ve been streaming for like

Yep I think we’ve got how long let’s see how long it’s been 5 hours and 20 minutes we’ve been live kelp can I get mod since youed my my name and you’ve been my base no not yet not yet I still have to know you for longer you’ve been

Here for a while though hide and seek at the dut base I don’t have a home there anymore n this is only LV and um James is that’s our this is our base oh wait TR tile wait what ises how does this look I think that looks interesting that

May be a good for floor the tile deep slate tile deep slate tiles yeah yeah what do you want to make the roof I don’t know I say make like a big arch again um at of deep slate I’m going to make a little pillar here do you want to make it taller

Actually are you building out a stone or a deep slate oh shoot I’m actually stupid me um I don’t know what do you want to build it out of I think deep SL will look better for the Redstone Room with oh crap do this deep SL yeah all right

Let’s do that you want me to grab a little bit of redstone blocks redstone blocks like design the room hold let me fix your Redstone it’s really bad yeah I’m sorry oh comee what is this what did you do I have no idea bro I just saw it and

I was like maybe this will work L all right this will this will be better all right well it’s not interfering with the ceiling anymore yeah now we’re good what did you do stand up desk time bro should I stand up my coffee is not

Even ready I think I should wait till my coffee is like a little more like you know cuz I’m I can’t I don’t drinking it’s too hot right now oh diamonds got to get go got back some lime water and peanuts dude I love peanuts oh my God gosh this vein is

Actually Mass dudee this vein is massive bro how many times did you get like without using silk touch it’s like oh my gosh still going 12 diamonds from one vein it’s definitely just two different veins do I still believe in you um I don’t know I don’t remember you so shout out to

Who hold up okay go wait I think you’re best streamer than D I enjoy watching you more than uh it’s all subjective I guess U mods time this man out I think he’s fine he stopped do you remember me uh I don’t remember you actually your name’s not very

Unique how should I do the AR how should we do the Archies I think like uh do here let’s try he uh no I can’t give you TNT right now maybe if I visit your base but not I’m not raing bases right now elor I do thank you for coming by

Yeah thank you for coming by though thank you for watching my streams if you stick around for a little bit longer maybe I’ll remember you but I mean you don’t really have a profile picture or anything so it’s kind of hard to remember you know you look so old like for

65 I know I I I keep it young you know I got a bunch of creams and like special oils that keep me from uh aging I think one Higher would be good I’m your favorite YouTuber your name is super chalky is it in game name super

Chalky um or you Other M uh YouTube accounts TP crew Dr I’m not tping at the moment I’m doing a Tango Tech Farm already and it made 100K but I invested it to make bigger and now I have 1K I mean it’s worth the investment if you if

You don’t lose it all ke I dm’d you a lot on Discord but you never spond a lot it’s kind of hard dude I have a lot of DMS I’ll try to find it is your name Hamer plays on Discord ke you need to new profile picture mine’s so

Bad I don’t I can’t yeah I can’t really see yours it’s not very recognizable Unstoppable Lego is pretty good it’s a pretty good name here what about this I think this will be a good Arch yeah I think this will be pretty cool this like kind of distance like we

Have this arching over let me get some like uh let me get some uh more bricks maybe craft some stairs maybe some slabs too I don’t need that many though pry good um yeah it’s real name hamster play official but uh display name it’s just hamster PL okay

Vales yeah it’s a pretty chill stream not doing too much just a long one you send me what in the Discord I’ll check the Discord I got mod CH up I think mod add everybody bro why are people adding everybody all right yeah so I think we

Should space this out though and like have um more detail like so like these like pillars like Arch out and like uh these there’s like a thing back here hold on let’s see like something like this right and we got like red we got have like Redstone accents

Maybe have to dig out more though cuz this is like kind of like bad it’s in general chat okay I’ll check General chat what’s in up in general chat top balances wait hold let’s see someone drinking coffee that is a Vibe dude I’m trying to blow it up I’m trying to

Make it colder I haven’t even drinking any yep y what’s up should we put stairs here like would stairs even I think stairs do improve it what if I put some slabs too like that like stairs look of weird but I think that’s pretty good yeah we need to like dig out a

Little bit more though one two three and then we put another pillar here like repeat the pattern you know we Farms wait kelp do you still need Pistons uh no I need I need uh observers right now uh we are my Farms good Kane yeah your Farms are good

Um not as big as mine though get to step your game up get good build massive Farms on the DP want to buy some doors for me got doors of doors want to buy them for me for free username chick stats want to see um

No I don’t want to seeck stats right now working on this base yeah so you guys think this uh you think this design is going to work pretty look pretty good I think it looks pretty good uh this this is our Redstone crafting room we’re going to have like

Redstone accents right we got to add figure out how to add that maybe we can put like blocks you know like in between there door store V3 I’m so stupid I am so stupid my mic has been muted mic has been muted this whole time didn’t even

Realize oh that’s why I was like help and you just wer responding I thought you like I thought you were like a beard bird like your mom walked in or something I have a 100 by 100 hole that is that big that’s pretty big oh did I

Tell you that this guy is like selling is giving us good deals I say that which guy some guy like I I I was like buying full shulkers of like blast Pro and I was buying them like sing like one by one the leggings and he was like dude

That’s like a lot of leggings do you need any more and I’m like yeah sure dud you’re buying bulk dude that’s the way to go yeah so I started buying in bulk like chest plates I’m going to buy pickaxes in 10 dude pickaxes are good dude no one sells axes though like is

Axes still like a huge unta Market it will take my friends to sub dude thank you Unstoppable Lego can you show us your pumpkin farm not right now I’m working on this Farm I want to stream more pumpkin f building soon you out more what how long how long do we really

Need it I think this is probably big enough basically well we need it high but to like fit the Arches but we don’t need it I think we need any longer so we’re just going to craft Redstone and stuff yeah do a small vent tomorrow

Maybe a small one okay I mean I’m down any size is good is this even are the other sides like dig out even I think they are 1 two three yeah I think no you need to dig out this back wall right here yeah but like this is like the Arches are even

Yeah um do you do you mine carts or La I don’t know what that means for pumpkin I don’t use mine carts I use like a lot of Hoppers because it’s way it’s like way faster to build and I have enough money to afford it keep NE 69k that’s insanely expensive dude it’s

Crazy I we lost this base remember yeah how’d you get back I’ve had a screenshot of a cords like on like randomly I was looking through my um I was looking through um like my like screenshots to make sure that I didn’t have like anything and I remembered that

I took a screenshot of like height level dude keep dub so glad you got this back so yeah I was like gosh I lost this entire I’m gonna I’m gonna take uh team leader yeah you stay team leader I need to leave yeah yeah should make a on how to make B your

Pumpkin farm someone else probably will uh and I’ll link it like I already got the someone’s uh shuri Farm in the description also um okay my brain just blanked my like my brain like literally just blanked oh I don’t know ref for Gore are we going to make the out of

Crafting tables again I think that’s probably a good idea maybe like a center colum it’s useful crafting tabl always you want to make a check you want to make a checker I actually you good yeah which else we make check and then the no the Checker and then Redstone in in

Between the crafting tables Redstone all right all right I like that idea so we’ll do that I think we need to dig out a little bit more right here do you find on YouTube or well I already knew how to build a pumpkin farm from like my head but I probably found I

Found on YouTube originally he is so smart I I looked up I knew the design from like I built pumpkin farms like a long time ago yeah yo what’s up blue cool guy I saw you in here before double for 200k double double what T dude we don’t say hi to Winnie what’s

Up Winnie wait is Winnie the the Axel aut yeah I don’t even know his name it’s so bad we need to give him a fish friend no dash why are you stealing see my Crosser of tropical fish he has a friend now oh no no no no

No no no no no there’s a friend I forgot the actual eat fish yeah bro yummy yummy yummy he fed him dinner well at least he’s hungry not hungry no friend no friends I think we need to give him another Axel I won’t eat that probably probably you mess around in Creative

Probably yeah build it in Creative first and like get a feel for it 45k if I make it it’s better is it really better if I make it I mean hey Evolution what’s up oh sh I’ll make one I’ll make one I guess I’ll make one should I make it unlisted though

Yeah I think I’ll make one good you’re going to go to sleep good night yo kelp I’m trying to make a pumpkin farm here you pay me $67 I am struggling to get materials TP n not right now you got to start grinding got to get

The grind on you know what do you do for storage um I have like a giant storage system I you can see go back in my stream I I build a uh a system for my storage yeah about that how are you going to keep up with that are you going

To place the dispenses everywhere like instead of the glass no I’m going to I’m going to add I’m just going to make it wider okay cuz that’s like so much pumpkins dude yeah I need like two more you’re about to be the richest on the server easily dude I’m sorry I know

We’ll see we’ll see we’ll see I hope this I I think it’ll make me quite a bit unless people find better pickle Farms dude I think the pickle farm is might be correct pickle farm is correct a shulker box of it with a let me see what

Multiplier with a 1.4 multiplier is uh like 10K per Shuler 10K per shulker mhm I mean it’s like worth as much as pumpkin but like it’s like way it like grows fast it’s grows way faster you just need a lot of skeleton spawners yeah but when are you going to start

Base raing uh probably not for a while I mean this stream’s long very long by the way lv’s got one right now lv’s got one got one what pickle farm mhm that’s cool there we go wait is this done it’s done I don’t think it’s going to work

Though because it needs like a lot of SCU in spawners like a lot we no I don’t use mine carts or my my P my current pumpkin farm it depends though I feel like I have to make like a branching tutorial where you can like learn each part individually you know cuz that

Way you can customize it to your needs let me buy let me get a torch real quick do you possibly have any coal no I got none all some are there torches on ah I got some I got some c will you stream tomorrow uh I plan

To you said there’s going to be an uh is there going to be an event tomorrow yeah maybe it’s a plan later figure out what it’s going to be yeah we do is this right I think this is right careful careful right here we okay we need you probably need to place torches

Above here above what above the arch because so mobs going spawn e it’s fine I don’t think they will I think it’s too small what’s good dash dash yeah Dash what’s the best med for making uh money um it’s uh pumpkin or sugar king or well crafting fireworks probably uh

But maybe sea pickles cuz that’s like a new thing uh it’s it’s still up in the air there solid one method what are you making the ceiling out of just polished where do you rate bases uh I don’t know yeah probably I’ll try tpd first if you’re still in here my chat’s

Moving pretty slow right now so I’ll probably a to notice you got yeah I’ll reverse I that all right you see that message did you say wait what did you say you send a message I see I missed your message I think but I gotten deleted no I’m not seeing right now uh

Does anyone have a coral reef all bot 35k yeah buto he wants to build that pickle farm pickle farm we need a bunch I think we need a bunch of crafting tables right now uh we have Redstone here yeah we do CRA this blocks I only got four stacks of

Crafting tables only four Stacks dang think we might need a little bit more probably a couple oh I need polished should be polish oh dude there’s a lot of polished over here never realized that there a chest oh yeah there is I think I bought that off Ag and forgot

About it uh how much SE pickle sell for and is there the the SE pickle sell for the same as pumpkin they’re four but the reason they’re good is because um the you can bone meal them you get like a bunch when you bone meal them and they

Grow like way faster yeah they grow like way faster so you can just you just bone meal them and get a crazy amount fast so if you have bone meal then it’s worth He we got to move these shelers out of the way for now you guys move the smithing table you

Going to go to sleep all right good night have uh thanks for watching my stream dude this is actually a pretty sick crafting room we need I need my axe definitely going to need my axe where is it where is it where is it

Where is it where is it where is it yo ke I’m trying to make a pumpkin farm can you pay me I’m SC yeah what’s your name tell me your name I’ll pay you I need to know your IGN though I can’t just pay some random gu I have I have a

Bunch of redstone blocks you have a bunch of redstone blocks I got Redstone do beaten going be sick uh no I’m not tping right Now’s going to look sick dude why are observers so expensive because dude everyone wants them’s trying to build farms I so like one rope T so I place yeah he just a little bit wait should I do it up to this point just got a couple crafting tables drop me a couple

Stacks Kel please kelp please what no I can’t give you money I already gave someone money um hey ke what’s up kso no I’m not paying you yeah I’ll show you my texture packs here is my texture packs sick you you have 10 sea pickles pickles and only 47 Coral oh this hurts

My eyes bro this hurts my eyes the red the red and the CRA oh my gosh well it’s in now undo you have to do it now let take it what do you guys think of the crafting table uh red the bright red crafting tables what if we

Made it Diamond I’m just kidding um we could probably afford Diamond dude diamond is like a stack of blocks would be 95k 60k you about um yeah diamonds might actually look good with the crafting tables I’m just going to do it who cares well that’s a little bit expensive hold up or

Is it good how many stacks that we need it’s like two yeah we can definitely afford that hold up let me no no no I think diamonds is going to be even more I think I think diamond is going to be better and even if it doesn’t look good diamonds are good so

We need them yeah they’ll be actually going to buy three stacks cuz dude I didn’t know that they were that cheap bro diamonds are not hard to get in this new update like they’re actually really easy to get people there’s not like a lot of espers Epic design thank you thank you thank

You uh after stream look at messages yeah I’ll look in messages dude it always like I have left-handed on but donut just doesn’t like recognize that left-handed like yeah I like I like using left-handed but I’m not actually weirdo it’s weird I know it’s just like are you actually leftand in real life

No seey put it in a Shuler and C um dude what make it netherite all right netherite yeah okay dude netherite would be crazy bro ain’t no way we could do netherite let me just check real quick dude one block is 95k yeah one block is 95k why are

Diamond so cheaper I guess you get like you also get like the O yes sir uh yeah I think Diamond looks better especially with this deep this if this gets raided bro I mean fat stacks guys if you raid fat stacks if you guys raid this

Base NE block just s dude LV is Rich oh yeah he does he does have that well you know who you know you want to know why he has him LV should I tell him netherite is so cheap uh Rising this Rising oh you’re going to use the S desk

Yep we’re going standing mode might go standing standing modood all right yeah diamonds is way better I love how this is a redstone crafting room but it’s diamonds yeah it just looks cool it looks way better du what do you guys think of the room

Dude I can make that back you know how easy it will be to make that back with fireworks W standing modes yes standing modes is better get you hyped you know get you excited all right all right all right all right what are we going to do almost done my second cup of

Coffee again that is okay wow all right what are you going to what are we going to do coffee of the day I think we need a Ender Chest hey wait let’s move everything out here you finish the Diamonds though we didn’t wait can you not wait are there

Diamonds here oh there diamonds here I just can’t see them all right there we go oh yeah okay that’s way better I mean should we do like something like that what if we what if what if we what if we alternate the alternate uh no I don’t think I don’t

Think that think maybe like put him in the walls like this might be good though like down the middle like if I just put like one like right here you know it’s probably going to get covered up with shulkers yeah probably but nah we put

Them on the floor most of the time don’t we that’s true we’re going to make this uh I need to get some glow stone though I’m going to put some glow stone the ceiling like uh this you want to make a chandelier down the middle no I don’t think we can finish

Chandelier in here wait where’s the I need like trap doors to put over that maybe just put one in the center yo save everywhere wait is this a crafting room yeah this is this is a sick crafting room I think I need a crafting table bro oh yeah put down a

Crafting table y kelp can I pay you a pay a little bit oh that’s the worst wood hold up sorry I probably offended I probably offended everybody in this chat but what with the crafting table I said I hate the that wood which wood I hate

That I just gave you a spruce door Spruce bro yeah it’s bad kind and the worst trap door I don’t really like the trap door I just don’t like that I can’t see through it dude I think the trap door is ugly yeah Spruce itself like do other where’s

The other wood wait dude why is there a crafting table right here wait where wait where’s uh other trap doors though we need more trap doors there’s a bunch of do you want we’re not using Birch please yeah Birch is bad too no I’m pretty sure I like Oak

The most I like Oak yeah I’m just going to get you some o right now is is um yo kelp this is world’s W crafting room yeah this is our Redstone crafting room this is our firework crafting room and we’re separated by like a lava thing check this out check out the lava

Thing credits to the guy you paid 200k yeah the guy I paid 200k like gave me the design wait why are there Spruce trap why are there Spruce trap doors here I have no idea I didn’t put them there do a room tour for 1K Subs

Kelp he already has one so oh oh oh oh all right all right all right I mean my room’s like not that crazy here let me if I just turn my monitor no I can’t turn it any further all right uh hold on here’s a quick room tour guys I can’t

Watch it because your stream’s DeLay So this is like um my bed I haven’t made it there’s my couch um there’s my TV there’s my window here’s my setup like here’s my te like this is all my setup stuff I got water I got Peach

Gummies I got nuts and then I’ve got my Waters you give me some Peach cies here my computer dude ship them to you all right all right all right 100K 100K 100K 100K in game for uh iral trading I’ll ship you candy if you uh pay me

Money in game it sounds like sounds mad sketchy hey Winnie 1K Subs Winnie make a full house tour um n man I can’t do a full house tour maybe at maybe a 10K bro bro I hate this I literally went right in front of the trap doors and they

Despawned it just disappeared yeah unfortunate I was in the chat for for trapo all right I got you a little bit more here you go I dropped you them please don’t let them despawn wait okay okay I got him I got him what I think it looks pretty good wait wait

What does it look like without lighting me look let me look at it with shaders I think this looks pretty Co oh my goodness with shaders with SH let me show you the shaders yeah let me show you with shaders yeah yeah pull it up I’ll show

Share on share it on stream hey don’t don’t you sick Buy on hent bro N I can’t B by anything um wait this is so bad I like 999k ult 99.999 k ult no way that breaks the rules too hey uh in uh Hey Keel can you move out of the frame

Real quick yeah are you sending screens yeah hold up hey wait which way are you taking the screenshot like towards the chest well come back here huh I know what you’re all right let me just let me just it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine don’t worry about it

Don’t worry about it all right all right all right Kel would you pay for uh I’m going to tell you you broke the rule band what what rule did I break what rule did I break you might need a I don’t think shaders are against the

Rules I first look at it and make sure that there’s nothing like to leak there one sec let me just send it first okay I’ll send it then make sure there’s nothing to leak there and then as long as you don’t your F3 up I think we’re

Good yeah I don’t think I had My3 up but if somehow I’m just going to put blocks here block it up all right fre look I think is no bro I told him do Dr D says fun he saw me streaming with me using Freel look I use free look all the

Time he look I sent it to you all right all right make sure it’s out of the frame first and you can see it all right some check this room out dude isn’t this sick dude your Crusaders are kind of like low quality though you you get like

The on like melt your graphics card well my graphics card will probably like instead of melting it will probably explode dude I didn’t IRL trade what the hell did I IRL trade oh the trolling with the peach rings Maybe uh but I’m not going to ship this guy peach

Rings nice shiping peach rings H stick honestly no the shaders look fine with like better I’ll buy this one I’ll buy that stick turning off my shaders though I’m going to turn off full bright dude that full bright looks pretty good wa this this room’s like this area is really dark though custom

Brightness I like custom brightness I got turn on full bright though or light whatever it is full bright what if you put like my brother is have his pills again for real for real I don’t know what that means but uh do you have trap doors and uh glowstone

My for tell me how to how to stuff no I cannot hey what did you say do you have um do you have trap doors yeah I got trap doors yeah man I’m in all the streams what what made but sadly not first yeah dude the people who get in first are like

Instantly in I don’t even know how they get on so fast easier to rate my setup should I do a setup rating thing if you guys post your setup as fan art I’ll review it anything you guys put in fan art I’ll review as long as it’s not bad yeah as

Long as it’s safe for work you know ke you should yeah I’ll rate my your wait built your first pumpkin farm today good it’s good start making oh wait does anyone know how long Dr donut is streaming for you should wait till he’s uh uh well I’m I’m dude it’s like it’s

Like 7 o’clock I think I got to go at like 8 do a delay test what’s a delay test I already know there’s a big delay I always forget to click the like like I fall behind in the Stream look how big this sick this crafting room is I think we should make

We should add some more like what would be a good add what if you put like a pillar down in the middle like something like no I think that look weird with the pillars or the Arches that we have can you read me when you end uh maybe there’s glass I’ll read people

When I get L you know all right let’s get some chests in here yeah all right if anyone’s telling logs please yeah wait Sher boxes of logs there was like five shulker boxes of Ls logs in here wasn’t there there is I me I turn them all into wood or or

Chest unless I think someone take I think someone must used it we turned them all into uh oh there’s wood right here hoers H someone 95k for a full shulker box is good right of logs uh I normally put like 70k but only 100K I’d probably buy

Though I just bought one no 120k is too much all this junk all this junk in my inventory someone want to sell more Oak lugs or just any logs I mean do we need a lot of chests in here for Redstone no oh did you finish the farm what farm the pumpkin

Farm no I’m only like one I’m like halfway done basically with the whole thing okay that’s crazy right one two get a little bit of chest in here 64 chests is fine I mean it’s kind like how do you want to do them against these

Walls what if we did what if we did like like put them back like do base raing before you leave yeah I’m going to do some base rats before I leave I’m not going to end uh let just experiment let just try something you’re yeah I did a

Long stream cuz I hit 1 th000 subscribers 6 hours so it’s pretty good pretty good long stream do it pretty good for a such a long stream too 6 hours good stuff bro yeah I’m on the grind set I need more uh all right um how are we going to place these

Chests chest we push him in the middle did you want to like make him go up something like this right in the middle like a t right and put like chest like on along like this oh W put some extra crafting tables on top you yeah just look down get in your

Chest look at the crafting table need lots of of crafting tables right I think these are just a little I think I think we need more you think we have enough crafting tables guys I mean we have a couple but like I feel like we could always use more you

Know oh yeah all right that’s good that’s good that’s good I think we have enough crafting tables now oh wait just barely enough that’s good all right mixed nuts I love mixed nuts you put more chest like above no I think this’s plenty of chest I

Don’t know if we need this tall actually I think we should just keep it one block oh what if we made like a pyamid yeah I like weird I think one I think one block go good put it in this chest H extra crafting tables we only have a stack and 48 left

If you sell crafting tables on AG they sell for like 500 on Dead series like one crafting table sells for 500 at least that’s how much I paid for them cuz I bought them off AG for 500 30k for an enchanted golden apple honey roasted cashew salted dude cashes are better but

They’re like less filling you know they’re not as good for you either bro I’m out of water out of water I’m might have to go get water I’ll ship you some right now oh dude they’re selling axes for 40K ax 40K oh the price has gone down finally

Finally I have a crimson axe that I bought for yeah I bought a crimson axe too what I bought it for 90k a few days AG I bought this like 100k dude they’re insane I guess they’ve gone down though people people take my advice and started selling them more comp you can change

The economy whenever you just want to yeah for the better for the better all right I got to be I’ll bur I’ll be right back you’re still dreaming dude that’s crazy yeah bro I told you guys I was going to do a long stream today all

Right I said I’d do a long stream why’ he betray you who betrayed me wait all be who betrayed who all right good good what’s up stream I don’t think we sent it this room right stre are you back LV LV oh my gosh bro that’s so bad so bad can you hear

Me dude I’m going to I’m back my bad why’ you just dip H I was doing something I was U oh I’m back I’m back I’m back wait wait hold let make sure my mic my mic’s working right guys u i r Savage’s base cuz he killed me and didn’t get my loot

Back and he teamed with a guy that raided my base two times faxi I don’t know who fa faxi is to be honest ke I should okay well that guy just roasted you so wait oh no uh faxi uh no I can’t give you mod dude so new hey what’s up

Roblox killua X YT I got hiccups or something oh no hiccups yeah bro hiccups for a while wait I’m not even wait am I out of my BRB right dude my live keeps like falling behind I like paus it or something um are you raing bases uh I

Think I going to start raing bases all right you guys ready for some base rates yep it’s base rating time that’s crazy bro we got a lot done are you going to keep the are you going to keep the mic on no I got a different it’s like you

Know got to get in the zone uh I think we got a lot done like you guys like this room like I think it’s pretty good got lots of chests now um TP yeah I’m a TP guys one second I’m actually going to take TP here so

You want to get me to TP all I fixed the CH I fixed a little bit of chest room all if you saw it before you left but I did I saw the chest I was right behind you okay all right let me get him on the right

Account thank than you ke for helping yeah see you guys awesome base we made some good progress see you all right yo what’s up guys what’s up all right we’re doing some base rates we just we just got off the call you know um so who wants me to go to their

Base who wants me to go to their base uh let me get on the right account uh I’m set up I’m set up switch to Minecraft wait is this the right one yeah this is the right one guys all right TPA hear me

TPA hear me if you want me to Jo go I’m on the insane or tox account not inane FF um tping down in 3 seconds you you ooh wait bro he’s building a bad pumpkin farm design though he’s building a bad pumpkin farm design why is it wait he must be like he

Must be like trolling right like no way he built this like this is bad right no way nah bro you you should build a better design though like this is good but like you probably use a better design dude he must have mined this out

Did you mine this out by hand get a sign get a sign bro get sign so I can see dude honestly I think he M this out by hand it’s actually kind of big see statistics so statistics helpful two 127k m bro I don’t have a sound

On yeah now I can hear it now I can hear it oh that’s why I have sound off never mind um wait yeah you might my bro how that must have taken you forever dude uh SL statistics help I mean dude you got you already have a bunch of money I

Can’t pay you dude he mined this whole thing out by hand he mined this whole thing out by hand there must have taken him hours have three shulkers of Pistons bro is prepped and ready bro is prepped and ready dude this is actually going to be

Huge this guy’s ready dude I got to visit this guy again I gotta visit this guy again here’s more Redstone dude I gotta visit this guy this this guy’s full on stacked dude SL TPA the great old uptp before honestly sick base bro sick base bro this is I I I’m actually

Excited to see what’s what’s going to come of it you know I’m actually excited wait I actually sent him a TPA request I supposed to be taking TPA her instead oh I remember this guy yeah I remember this Bas love streams and what you do thank you man I can’t really one but

Dude has he made progress I don’t think he’s made much progress but that’s new that’s new maybe some of these are new um did he fix this or is it still the same n this is still the same there’s still these pumpkins that grow and cannot be broken because the Farm’s built

Weird but I mean it’s pretty cool uh yeah I’m not really paying anything you didn’t really do much um wait you trying to take a screeny like what’s going on is this for me he what do you want me to do place it help you out I got to go

To next base you know much here W up wait did you hacking how do he move so fast did this guy just like teleport oh wow oh wow this actually long wait is this automatic or is this this is like a manual bro I think it’s a

Flick a switch bro I don’t think you can load this whole thing I don’t think you can load this whole thing Ain’t No Way BR just went like whole whole one thing dude ain’t no way bro why’ you build this like it’s not even automated there’s no observers you finished working on a

H I should I TP to hamster playe should I TP hamster please probably but got one Observer ain’t no way bro this is crazy this is crazy wait super long there’s nothing on the sign for me you have to like refresh it it’s like bugged all

Right yeah redo it redo it I’ll read it I’ll read it dude I’m so I’m almost out of mixed nuts guys got barely any left all right all yeah don’t think I all sweet Bas I mean this is very interesting this like the first time I’ve seen something like this very

Novel guys please don’t ask me to TP in chat guys I’m not tping to people that way I’m only accepting TPS so TP accept me oh okay okay okay this hold on let me get some water I’m going to get tap water to my faucet need some water with these

Nuts I hope he’s not punching did he punch me dude he punched me all I have to be accepting dude I’m not accepting no punchers dude I want to go get some water dude put me in combat gold to beaten all right whoever that is getting a TP except

How does the sugarcane work observers he one Observer we have another base for villagers if you want to see um I don’t really want to see villag base I’ve seen a lot of those any Pistons if it’s okay or not N I don’t really have any wait

Bro he’s got a huge manuals two huge manuals and it’s got this cool hallway with like Redstone lamps that’s pretty sick that’s pretty sick I mean I haven’t seen a lot of manual pumpkin farms I think any tips no I don’t really wait this is actually cool I don’t know

Wait what’s the point of this like middle thing yeah I like this like overseeing room I like wait this is actually this is actually cool this actually looks like a like a factory you know like a factory this is the kind of aesthetic I kind of like to go for but

Bro he’s got arches and stuff like this is actually probably one of the coolest places this is this is how like decorate your Farms dude this Farm is decorated well wait let’s see if he have riched or not Noah I these Tak is screeny yeah bro sick base sick base honestly probably

One of the coolest on I’m not going to pay you cuz you’re already rich but um dude this is actually pretty sick um definitely well built definitely well built um yeah I like the Arches and stuff that I is there more oh there’s more dude there’s more all right let’s keep exploring

Let’s keep exploring is it insane FF no I’m on I’m on kelp talks account I’m on the kelp talks account all right wait wait did I go the wrong side oh wait okay okay dude this is actually sick there’s like a secret under the Bedrock five creeper spawners dude

That’s actually sick it’s a good idea yeah cool chest room got a skeleton skull um Bo’s punching me yeah I’m coming I’m coming coming enchanting room bro anything written here wait why can I not type in it can I type type in it I can’t type in it wait what does this do

Wait oh it’s like a secret dude it’s like a secret AFK spot I guess and he’s got villagers ready dude and he’s got villagers ready yo I can’t play right now but I TV uh okay all right I think that’s the end of the base tour wait I’ll keep following

Him though if he has more but yeah this this is a pretty sick base he has it decorated I really like the arches over here let’s let’s go check out these arches again one real quick because this these arches and like this whole command system is like really sick there might

Be a little bit pointy but actually I kind of like the pointy aesthetic wait there’s more okay okay I’ll follow I’m following I’m following dude this is sick I’m going to wear this I’m going to wear this uh I don’t get dunked on these are good books though too mending efficiency and

Breakings yeah I’ll take that put that in the interest uh I don’t really want to see the other base not really I got to go to other people I’m like accepting TPA request or TPA accepts Dude Sweet base though sweet base honestly you two dude have a good base I’m actually excited to

Check up on this so stay stay in my streams because I’m trying to see this again actually sick base bro um I love to see those expansion of the Arches and stuff I’m not dude don’t don’t ask the TPA in my chat I’m TPA accepting

Bro I TP this guy today this is the second time I TP this guy today I see how much progress he’s made bro it’s oh it’s the whole first layer is dumb the whole first layer is dumb dude check this room out though this room is like sick too full deep slate room

Dude isn’t this crazy dude it’s all done the whole thing’s complete should I try finish pumpk by tomorrow or not depends on whether you want to see it yeah finish with you can dude uh don’t don’t stress yourself out though all yeah this is actually pretty

Sick but this might not be getting this guy might not be getting enough light all right yeah I I’ve seen this I’ve seen this today sick base sick base uh let’s go ooh wait I like how open this is this is actually like a sick room to like chill

In you know like chill in AFK sweet enchanting room actually I don’t know how I feel about this like thing on top yeah I’m following I’m following don’t spam yeah please don’t spam in my chat I’m not seeing that way wait I lost him oh no he’s in here still

Dude this is actually this is huge huge I think it follows the Contour of the cave it’s so big it can’t even load the whole thing it look yeah this thing’s huge I like the base like but I really like that open area you know like it’s actually like well decorated and

Stuff dude check this out from there’s yeah there’s dude there’s like a huge straight wait how many creeper spawners six that’s pretty good A little Wheat Farm I guess they like do it like breed and like Farm themselves and breed dude check this out though stop spamming please yeah please

Don’t spam you have lots of dirt um I don’t really need buy dirt right right now dude check out like this guy’s got full villagers efficiency 5 all the good chance more hallways more hallways is there any more or is this all dude I mean pretty sick base let’s

Your statistics I mean you don’t have any auto Farms or anything it’s clutch 400 dude he’s broke he’s poor I’m following him let’s see where he has to take me now pay it’s CL wait it’s not it there’s no underscore all right I’ll try to probably use mine

Carts yeah how do I pin this yeah okay pretty sick base pretty sick Bas slash payit CL Lux clutch I’ll pay you 20K pretty sick base pretty sick base um yeah I really like this open area and yeah that’s basically all I had to say uh now next

Person wait to be accept okay there we go it’s goldaa yeah okay how big is the max villagers reach detected range uh I’m not sure I’m not really sure people do giant hallways though to get around it okay massive cane Farm massive cane Farm look you can see all the cane going

Down wait how many modules back is this I mean one two it’s four tall it’s like three back I think uh no two back still it’s huge he’s got a Hu like good collection system see how many dubs he has all right he’s already stockpiling up he must have sold recently though cuz

They’re definitely making more than that and it’s got wait this these wood giant wood pillars dude it’s actually sick H dude I can’t read a sign bro they’re so buggy so buggy yo gelp what’s up wait can you see the on the wait can you see the Redstone is correct on the Chain

Farm I think most of them are some of these might be busted though like just because you built them like you didn’t update the the thing like sometimes you have to like hit this like if oh no that one’s good that one this one’s good wait

No this one this one’s not activated by anything I don’t think this this final one this one might be busted but I mean I think your issue if it’s like too grown you might have to break the bottom blit wait you have redstone on both sides of

These yeah you do have redstone on both sides um some of these are like growing way too much like this this one like if it’s growing too up and it’s not getting knocked down like all of them are growing too up there’s something wrong with it you have to like reactivate the

The The Observer cuz it grew before you like Place The Observer so that could be the issue um but that’s basically all I have to say like break the sugarcane and place it in front of the Observer real quick and then uh it should press it and

Like reset he what’s the point of this oh okay some Hardcore Parkour U pretty cool base pretty cool base yeah let’s go inside here let’s go inside here pretty sick pretty sick needs a roof though um um I guess this is his main loot room guess this is his main loot

Room he just built this base inside of this giant giant hole um dude I don’t really have anything for you to like like what are you trying to get me to do I I I I told you was wrong but I can’t really help you too much with it you

Know going to let me die o o i gota I’ll be right back I got a burp going to burp guys all right all right I’m good now I’m good now bro I must be sick or something bro like why am I sneezing and crap yeah let’s go try let’s go try to

Help this guy out bless you bless you thank you thank you thank you like all these up top are working right like all these are grown like barely any like I’m pretty sure these ones are working this one’s not hooked up to anything bro like you need observers here too this

One you got to hook this one up like this one’s busted you know like it’s not getting connected you make you can make bring the Redstone line over like if you just put three dust right here that probably work be good enough you know um but basically yeah I think everything

Else is like you just have to like replace and break the sugar cane and that should fix it but I mean like I can’t even get down there oh there’s a witch down here bro all right I got to TP except the next person I’ve been here for too long

Sweet base bro uh I really like it’s decorated and uh you got to you should decorate more cuz it’s actually pretty sweet um okay oh okay I like this base he’s cleared out a big chunk big chunk cleared out big chunk cleared out lots of mine carts three pumpkin modules

Already done this guy must be pretty new though let’s see wait wait highby base is just got raided I’m building a new one oh that’s unfortunate statistics he’s a bettered Rock player that’s one I think I teleported this gu before he’s made a million so this must be his new

One can I get a screen yeah you can get a screen punch in the air punch in the air punch in the air is he taking it is he taking it all right sweet yeah dude pretty sweet base pretty sweet base wait bro bro look he’s already got

D du of them a double chest how big is a mass I don’t really know dude I don’t really know wait is this my my chat not moving I think it I think my chat’s not moving right now uh it’s pry you L your computer on

Been too long yeah all right thanks kelp for the tips on sugar farm you’re still streaming holy yeah bro I’m streaming for like 6 hours and 30 minutes so far I’m going I’m going to try to stream for as long as possible what’s this guy typing what’s

This guy typing what farm should I build bro you Bu you’re already on the right track Bro you’ve already got three of these like aren’t you making fat stacks from these like honestly I mean maybe sugarcan if you have the creeper spawners but it doesn’t look like you

Have any creeper spawners so I’d say start with pumpkin goldi why can goldi do stuff I can’t no I pinned his comment for him ke where’s James I don’t know let’s see what this guy else has to say bro I mean this base is honestly a

Good start he just started this base two hours bro this guy started two hours ago and he’s already got this I mean obviously had some seeding money but still sick base bro sick base wait wait there’s more over here oh he’s got a cobblestone Farm that’s smart that’s

Smart um yeah dub W base W base W base wait wait he got creeper spawners 220 creeper spawners yeah I probably should build sugarcan yeah sugarcan is better if if you’re willing to craft if you’re willing to craft I say build sugarcan all right sltp accept next person guys

I’m actually kind of hyped for base tours I’m actually I’m actually having a good time he doesn’t TP to spammers I don’t TP to anyone who tells me to TP in chat I’m only tping accepting right now so that’s basically the that’s basically what’s going on bro LV uh please tell

Keepi to try to TP for okay well oh haha ver um no I’m not seeing you haha you if you spam me with TP request like this uh I’ll probably to accept it randomly it’s just random guys it’s random you just got to get lucky um I think this is just pumpkin

Farms yeah just big big huge pumpkin farm like look how look how long that is um sweet I mean yeah I like this base it’s like kind of ugly like it’s it’s not very like the best decoration but he actually tried to decorate it and like

Not just deep slate walls so you know I get points for credit like it’s pretty pretty good base wait let’s see okay I follow this him let’s see what he has to show me okay one creeper spawner that’s a good start maybe you should like if you start getting more of those SL

Statistics Thug Shaker I feel like I T this guy uh 17K SL Pay Here’s 20K cuz your base is cool SL TPA uh wait no I’m not TP people what am I doing TP accept there we go uh my headset just died all right hold

I’m back Hey Big K can you give me some money pretty please with the cherry on top like 10K and can I get some crystals and totes nah be you don’t have a base actually dude it looks like he’s getting stuff together if you build a base with

It if you build a base with it there’s 10K wait let’s see his statistics tot cuddles he’s 300 dude he’s new he’s new all right cool base Cool Base just kidding it’s not really a Cool Base you got nothing build a cool base with the money use the money as seeding cash buy

Like some pickaxes or something uh wait bro I left him before wait this actually cool I haven’t used this is the first like use of Cherrywood I’ve seen and it’s like the Cherry Cherry uh let’s see what it says can I get a seren yeah bro

What account you I’m on kelp talks so TP TPA TPA here kelp talks sweet sweet farm wait this is simple brother what are you doing guys I think I got to blow it up all right screw your farm uninstall bad base bad base horrible base horrible base fix your Farms fix

Your Farms zero out of 10 negative 10 negative Z out of 10 negative 5,000 out of out of uh 10,000 bro you got zero sltp accept uninstall your game never play this game again never play the game again all right see you all right see this is how

You do it two blocks great job great job great job great job cool sugarcan farm sugarcan farm it’s pretty sweet see dude look this is how you build it it’s not that hard guys it’s really simple it’s really simple like this all right it’s that simple it’s that simple

It’s not complicated it’s actually very easy it’s actually very easy all right let’s wait 10 creeper spawns that’s pretty good that’s pretty good he’s oh pumpkin farms he’s got a huge pumpkin farm system o wait his pumpkin farm is huge it’s actually big I I don’t

Really know how to tell how many modules but I think it’s quite a few can’t see the can’t see the the dirt yeah this base is pretty sick he actually actually decorated down here too by the way thanks for the TNT no problem all right he has se sweet base

Um I guess this is going to be a villager trading hole although I don’t think he’s got a zombie be villager yet wait let’s see up here oh this just yeah already yeah pretty sweet base it’s pretty simple wait can I have some money let’s see if you’re rich or not if

You’re rich I will I’ll give you money SL hsbt 54 n you’re already wait SL pay hscore there’s 10K sltp accept I mean that’s a decent amount of money not nothing too crazy not nothing too crazy please don’t tell me to TP to you I’m not I’m I’m not uh tping that way

You have to TP except like you have to TPA uh hear me if you want me to TP um okay hey kelp this is my base it’s a work in progress I know you you paid 100K to but I would be really nice if you could give me like gear or some pick

Or materials for the farm um can I also pose in your disc pause in your Discord sugar cane design and one more thing I need badly creeper spawner I don’t have any creeper spawners I have zero spawners actually I don’t know if it guys guys guys guys guys I’m not I’m

Scared like I’m pretty sure this design is horrible guys I’m pretty sure like this is a stupid design I’m pretty sure this he got this guy wasted a ridiculous amount of his time building this because guess what it’s C it’s like the same block to block to cane ratio as

Everything else and it’s like way more difficult to build because the water does not spread properly so I’m pretty sure this guy just made it his life way more difficult and um he probably should have built a like normal you know non- bad Farm design so it’s like a manual it’s like

Probably this is probably like the most worst manual you can build other than that one guy Dr donut sent me a picture of do you have anything to give me uh for the farm uh if you I guess I’ll give you money for this I mean do you have sugarcan you

Don’t have any sugarcane SL wait SL statistics B3 all right he dude he has 100K bro what is he doing bro you have 100K bro you have 100K and you’re in this base bro I’m not paying you bro I’m not paying you let’s see if he has to say anything

Money would be cool bro you’re already rich I’m not paying you money you rich as crap all right all right all right if you get to guys I’m not paying money unless you’re poor you know wait this is actually big it’s actually pretty Dar darn huge how many

Modules up is this one two three four 5 6 7 8 nine I think it’s nine modules over and it’s one two I don’t know how modules tall it’s it’s three modules back it’s just be pretty that’s basically the same as mine wait oh text 764 like 764k or something um I don’t

Know dude why do so many people have numbers in your username like why do so many people have that like mine I lik your base yeah yeah uh NB nttb that’s your teammate base bro well apparently it’s uh nine perks now they’ve claimed it one Pig spawner I

Kind of like this I kind of like these details are these just for decoration uh lots of diamond blocks that’s the diamond blocks I mean yeah simple base simple base I like this like big wall it’s pretty sweet um moan that’s kind of a bad name uh

He’s got it’s filling up pretty fast though so I mean but pretty cool base nothing too crazy SL DP accept guys I might have to be right back again I’m going have to burb I’ll have to go for like crap my bad wait I just have to pay him for the

Damage SL statistics crystals crystals there you go bro sweet base sweet ba wait this guy wait he’s already filling this up yeah guys I have to go for like a minute I go to the bathroom for like I drink too much coffee but it won’t take me that long

Guys uh I’ll put on like door store on Loop cuz that’s what you guys have to deal with yeah but anyways pretty sick base uh hold on guys I’ll be right back let me put on uh door store door store all right guys I’ll be right back guys I’ll be right Back K time welcome to the d&p want to buy some doors for me got doors to The Doors St want to buy them from me for free I’m the door man buy doors for me I got them at my store for free come check it out

Maybe you can get a door for me I’m a small business trying to pay rent down to my last scent I need some help please come buy some doors for me crafted 30k feeling good selling doors in the hood selling doors and shopping wood your boy Kelps feeling good kelp is

Cool come buy some doors from the door store subscribe the kelp here we go welcome to the d&p want to buy some doors from me got doors to the door store want to buy them from me for free I’m the door man buy doors for me I got

Them at my store for free come check it out maybe you can get a door for me deing kind of lazy Michel crazy B be trying to steal my doors on The Daily all these crazy bees trying to betray me when I’m just trying to sell doors on

The Daily they really do hate me thanks for watching help out peace out Losers Kel time welcome to the DP want to buy some doors from me got doors to the door store want to buy them from me for free I’m the door man bye doors for me I got them at my store for free come check it

Out maybe you can get a door for me I’m a small business trying to pay rent down to my last scent I need some help please come buy some doors for me craf 30k feeling good selling doors in the hood selling doors and shopping wood your boy Kelps feeling Good kelp is cool come by some doors from the door store subscribe to kelp here we go welcome to the d&p want to buy some doors for me got doors to the door store want to buy them from me for free I’m the door man buy doors for me I got them

At my store for free come check it out maybe you can get a door for me deing kind of lazy Mich crazy baby trying to steal my doors on The Daily all these crazy bees trying to betray me when I’m just trying to sell doors on The Daily they really do hate

Me thanks for watching help out peace out Losers Kel time welcome to the DP want to buy some doors for me got doors the door store want to buy them from me for free I’m the door man buy doors for me I got them at my store for free come check it out maybe

You can get a door for me I’m a small business trying to pay rent down to my last scent I need some help please come buy some doors for me craft 30k feeling good selling doors in the hood selling doors and shopping wood your boy Kelps feeling good kelp is

Cool come buy some doors from the door store subscribe to kelp dude all right let’s turn that crap off a I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m back wait which account am my wait is it the wrong account oh yeah that’s the wrong count

Whoops that’s way too big fix that real quick there we go now it’s fixed hey what’s up dude uh what’s your username I’m Bedrock my name is kelp talks kelp unor talks uh if you want to know uh 7 TV here all right variety’s a first

Person ke talk you know I’m better than TP here Kel can you look at DMS yeah I’ll look at DMS bro W picture uh hold on I got money when you bought my hoe that oh I bought that hoe from you all right pretty sick base pretty sick

Base wait what is this bro what kind of design is this I’ve never seen this bro this is wild wait okay yep let me see let me see let me see I’m following wait what is your skin bro what is your skin a Joe Biden can I have money bro let me read

Can I have some money for TNT or H I started two days ago I’m not rided makeing a pumpkin farm but then I got blown up and it’s like 350 observers but that’s crazy I never turned on my farm so I I can have some money um you right click you can

See you you can’t see oh no right clicking does not work the sign is Not Invisible he killed himself every streamer who has vised number two took all fi’s armor and drugs re says I heard evi likees drugs what is this rolling paper what is what is this

Nose salts okay purple lean cocaine Leaf fentel fentel dude pills 7even 0.5 gram each non-lethal dose and dried Devil’s lettuce and what is this F bong all right guys well thank you so much thank you so much for the uh the kind gifts the kind gifts um SL statistics variety um bro it’s

22k honestly cuz it was like creative gift SL pay variety wait what how do you spell it variety what I’m talking doing wait bro what am I doing please money so I can afford drugs bro that’s wild okay hello my base got R my second base

Got raed cuz I used a bot and disconnected with one he logged on bro that sucks TP out of people a lot of people I wanted to show you the huge pumpkin farms 16 x 16 I had Bots and lost connection so logged on some giving us pistons and observers please we lost

Over 400k never e use Easy MC Bots those kelp fans out there yeah easfc Bots are going to like like other people can log on don’t do TPA here do TPA cuz it’s kind of iconic um bro TPA here is a lot it’s also annoying I never get picked

Bro it’s it’s random bro it’s it’s a more fair you know dude I’ve seen your base before like I haven’t seen your base in forever but eventually I got here dude didn’t I door store bro he built a door store this is the this is the biggest door store in the server so

Far wait what’s over here oh yeah I’ve seen that pumpkin farm BR got the sugarcane farm going BR built a door store another pumpkin farm going up another pumpkin farm let’s see this let’s see this more wait bro this is actually this actually huge bro this is

Actually huge bro this guy’s made crazy progress this gu actually made crazy progress wait is this like a boxy anything I mean yeah pretty sweet base U haven’t seen while actually have I here it’s pretty sick pretty sick you made some good progress you made some good progress good bubble column good bubble

Colum wait okay yeah it’s full bu wait what happens if we go up there okay you don’t get trapped that’s good that you don’t get trapped all right yeah sick base sick base I don’t have much to say but uh yeah dude we’re uh six

Hour I I got hit bro what is he trying to do it’s a decent amount it’s a decent amount I think I just put some drugs in this thing um yeah W okay I’ll take some steak but I got T accept somebody all right bro thanks for food uh Cool Base

Good progress good progress good progress okay okay okay okay okay pretty sick base just restarted your massive pumpkin farm that’s good to hear bro this is actually super tall wait how tall is this what 1 two three four five wait one two three four five six s eight

Eight eight tall three long how wide is it I can’t even tell how wide it is it’s massive this thing’s actually huge he must have blown this out no way this was like a cave or something um really small farm I guess this is like his OG base

Wait have I been I’ve been to this base before I think I’ve been to this base um wait is he putting down signs or something I don’t know I don’t think it sounds in here bro okay little sugarcane farm yeah bro this base is actually cool

You’ve made a lot of progress lots of autoc cane Farms I mean yeah it’s pretty sick pretty sick pretty simple um he thrs up probably fa fat yeah what is he punching me for let’s go to the top let’s go to the top or whatever this is I’m following I’m

Following uh can you TP no not right now dude dude please please TP except I’m not I’m not t if you tell me in chat I’m TP accepting um all right oh okay A little stash wait know how to Obby totem of undy lots of totems

Swords uh wait end lots of ender pearls in there knock back one only wait these are all knock back one dude these are actually good yeah pretty sick base pretty sick base not too much to see though you know just sure everyone check the pin yeah please

Check the pin kelp your eyes what’s wrong with my eyes um kelp restarted my massive pumpkin farm you restarted your massive pumpkin farm that’s good that’s cool to hear dud I go to go sitting mode BR I’m getting tired again dude it’s almost a seven hour stream guys almost a seven hour

Stream bro I’m getting tired all right well what’s up um yeah it’s pretty sick pretty sick room but got the glowstone uh portal I like the emerald details it’s kind of like well the lava floor is good I wish it was all Source blocks though it’s kind of weird the waviness you know

Pretty cool villager room pretty cool Viller I actually do really like the lava floor I do really like the lava floor giving up on T I guess Noah bro I can’t I I’m not I just accept TPA heres bro I guess it’s probably wait no never mind

Uh I’m surviving it oh three IG three SP Pig three IG is crazy it’s a lot wait is there anything behind this one no this one’s solid yeah solid base solid base um nothing too crazy of course but like I like the emerald the emerald accents with deep slate tile I don’t see

This di wait yeah the sugar creen farm we see in this yeah I think get a solid base I mean nothing too crazy but you know solid wait let’s check your statistics let’s see how you’re doing SL SL statistics do saory Hornet it’s got kind of broke so I’ll

Pay him do saory Hornet 10K all right sltp except whoever this is bye bye Eleanor I remember you I remember you you’ve been in here for a while what’s can I have Pistons I don’t have any on my account and make make onek well I’ll give you some money but I

Can’t give you Pistons yeah pretty simple pretty simple pumpkin farm you must be are you new let’s see statistics dot do y g 100K bro you have 100K bro this is your base at 100K it’s kind of wild barely any pumpkins can you buy some no man I can’t

Afford them they’re insanely expensive right bro just died he just died in front of me that’s not good that’s not good at all wait wait this is actually this is actually worth I got to buy these up got to buy these up anyone selling observers no one’s selling bulk

Observers guys I need observers more all yeah I mean base is kind of small I’m not paying you because you’re already rich dude you can buy some I don’t know where you got your money either sltp accept good pumpkin starm good pumpkin farm you know excited to see what comes

Of it but you know right now I don’t really know all right you know classic crappy sugarcan Farm design but you know is what it is yeah I’d switch to the better better design wait what’s your user my user is uh kelp talkx uh kelp uncore talkx so that’s

That’s my user not kelp wait let’s see SL CPA kelp let’s see if kelp is kelp screams is on yeah I’m falling I’m fing oh down down down there’s also an up all right pretty big uh pretty big farm wait what is in here wait is this autoc can farm from upstairs something

Um big pretty big farm yeah pretty huge Farm wait an he built it right guys and he built it right wait yeah okay solid manual sugarcane farm it’s basically you know it’s good start good starting money um enchanting room enchanting room villagers all let me go up let me go up let’s go

Up I love how much you got to pay I love you kelp how much I got to pay for you to build me a sugar I I I don’t build sugarcane farms for people all right this is pretty cool this is pretty cool let’s say solid base you know

You’re off to a solid start I looks like these are more autoc cane Farms although you should put glass though so you can actually see in uh I don’t know if I like the wood a lot of wood maybe add some like Cobble you know combine the

Oak with something else but you know solid base wait let’s check your statistics statistics. Cloud 200k made uh but he’s also poor though so you probably been investing it or wasting it on a crystal PVP gear but here’s 10K all SL TP accept let’s see what

Happens I’m going to die I’m going to die like I haven’t been TP trapped today at all isn’t that crazy zero TP Trappers all right all right all right pretty cool pretty cool bro this guy wait bro what is this guy’s Cape what is this guy’s Cape how do you

Get such a cool cape is it a Minecon Cape like a minec con thing um are the spawners spawners Cactus I don’t I don’t think that’s for me I don’t think that’s for me um little little uh Wheat Farm nothing too crazy there um little villager breeder

Villager trading Hall that I think is like still being filled up um dude this is long super long villager Trader Hall so I guess it doesn’t like break the mob Cap all right he’s got a sign see what it has to say let’s see what he has to

Say you quitted for two weeks or so Papa 16k has 700k uh going to make a massive pumpkin farm good to hear good to hear always exciting to see more pumpkin farms on the server wait see if anything else is this all has you think uh what is this down here

Uh villager villager oh yeah all yeah pretty cool base pretty cool base um pretty cool base oh wait let’s see how wait did I check his statistics I did statistics he’s got 16k well we just started again so I’ll pay him 10K all right I almost out of money I’ll

Just pay 50k 15K I mean sltp accept C you’re stealing shers observers all right we are I’ll check it slh observers hold on guys I got to Old tab I got to buy up those uh shulkers AG observers I’m on my other account this so you guys cannot see but

There’s are worth it to buy 200k that’s actually worth all right I bought them thanks for the thanks for the Thanks For The Observers all right back to the base back to the base all right what progress have I I made oh it’s pretty good progress um I don’t

Really remember your base it’s kind of like generic but uh if wait you actually do I remember this good amount of pumpkin farms good amount of sugarcan farm wait no I don’t really remember this collection system or anything but I mean pretty good amount of progress L let’s see statistics wait no

Delayed I remember this guy’s name I remember this guy’s name 1 million he must have overhauled the base a lot he’s a million dollars it’s a lot could a solid like you know it’s a solid it’s Improvement but it’s like not anything like beautiful all right sltp accept next

Person he streams wait is this the streamer guy I think I know that guy oh yeah I remember him that’s why I know his name all right all right all right wait have I been here before all right little bit of a uh sugarcane line it’s cool it’s cool pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin up

That’s making him fat stacks he’s already got he’s got a row of pumpkins there row of pumpkins in there I got some Redstone for the next one I guess building more building more uh pretty good farming base um really good start uh he’s probably been paying for that

Long on wait let’s see uh let’s see what’s got here nothing too good nothing too he’s put on one creeper SM he’s probably going to start making like um good amount of money how much year is a sh shulker of raw copper I don’t I’m don’t

Buying copper right now at the moment at the moment I’m not buying copper wait yo you just started two days ago dude that’s actually crazy start then play time yet less than in two days that’s actually crazy wait hold on let me check my uh my actual

Friends bro can I get a screenshot yeah bro you can get a screenshot what’s up dude hit the hit the lamp I’m looking at the lamp all right we’re going to Owen 1915 um special special occasion bro this guy this guy’s TP trapping me what is this guy doing bro what’s this guy

Doing what’s this guy doing bro he’s wasting my time BR get out of here get out of you get out of here bro why do you have gold pants why do you have gold pants bro do you have a sword do you have a sword bro get a sword bum get a

Sword I’m running from this guy no I I can’t let him kill me hold once I’m out of combat I’m going to buy I’m going to you think I buy a sword I got to kill him right he dude he’s chopping down logs to buy get a sword I’m pretty sure I’m

Going to dog on this guy I’m going to dog on this guy someone sell me a sword for under 700 or pay me money bro he’s about to get dogged on I’m dogging on this guy get dogged on get dogged on get dogged on bro forgot to bring a sword he

Forgot to bring a sword dude come bro why did I just cancel my Sprint bro come here come here come here bro come here dude he’s just running he’s just running all right I got I gota go the next person then all right bro you know CL good fight great

Fight great fight you to come back yeah go come back come back come back nah bro I’m gone ah EU players guys EU players you know got to GP glitch through the world 2 a.m. for you all right good night dude good night but what’s up all right this is a pretty

Cool base this is a pretty cool base it’s a pretty cool base um actually yeah I do like the details wait why do you have why do you put the glass there on that level for this one it’s kind of an odd odd play wait guys how long is was on BR

Right back dude how was long I was I on BR back oh it was just for a second okay I’m good I’m good guys I’m good guys wait can I get some money and a screen yeah wait I’ve barely I have no wait someone just paid me money so yeah I can

Give you money wait how rich are you bro you have the huge pumpkin farm SL statistics. d3s oh he’s actually kind of poor n slay. destroy 10K bro good luck I mean you’re probably going to make way more than that in like a day probably make

Like 100K a day with this right like no way you make less than that solid solid base solid base kelp follow me and be a also my base got raided yesterday dude that sucks one creeper spawner wait you want to follow you I’ll follow you then um pretty cool sugarcane farm pretty wait

This is actually big this actually huge wait how long how long does this go oh this actually huge this is actually massive can you AFK this whole thing no way you can AFK this whole thing and have it all grow it must not it must like go out a render distance okay

Little farm little farm all right solid solid little farm solid little farm kelp do you need observers yeah keep putting on my H I’ll buy them 350k per Shuler 350k per Shuler wait oh wa there’s something right here okay cactus farm cactus farm pretty simple ooh pumpkin

Interesting design I don’t think this is the best design for manual but okay break but I mean it’s okay it’s okay I would have done the rose cuz it’s way easier to chop them you know way more convenient wait why is this Cactus F why why is your manual cactus farm so large

All right the the sugarcan is definitely the biggest definitely the way to go to oh yeah you haven’t loaded us all in you can’t this whole thing in all right that’s pretty salid that’s pretty salid is this Sal um yeah bro lots of Auto Farms I’m not sure like uh

Let’s see let’s see his statistics I mean we probably can make quite a bit 800k yeah bro he’s Rich already probably from the i’ honestly wouldn’t be surprised if a sugarcane how much you sell it for what’s what I’m asking uh uh I can’t I can’t

Sell how much it take you to build man it doesn’t take that long I just pay people all right let’s see uh I can’t read the sign wait yeah I can’t read the sign you need Dr BL wait this is Dr Blaze what what’s up Dr Blaze dude I

Can’t read the sign but you have to replace it to replace it oh TNT yeah light it light it oh wait you gave it to me oh guys let’s see how big this TNT is blowing out another big area for wait bro this guy’s Farm is huge dude Dr

Blaze is on a roll dude whoa bro this is actually crazy big explosions big explosion oh that’s bad bro new expansion bro maybe maybe Auto can or like manual cane Farms dude this guy’s going to make Bank this gu how good is Dr blaz doing dud I’m pretty

Sure Dr Blaze is going doing cracks right wait SL statistics Dr Blaze dude 6K bro no way bro he’s already 30k bro wait how long has you been playing it’s probably new 14 hours bro that’s pretty new D already got this done dude this probably makes him a

Crazy amount per hour if he harvests it as soon as it grows right like no way I think I have to sell the drugs guys wait no I’ll keep the drug wait all I sell the drugs all right bro solid base Dr Blaze solid BL base I hope you keep

Playing dude dude I’m so glad to see like an OG on you know refrain from spamming yes please refrain from spamming how much would you sell a copper Sher of raw for uh I don’t really need copper uh copper really that bad um but if someone else does maybe like 30k

Um how much would you make a pumpkin farm I don’t build I don’t build pumpkin farms for people kelp you should make a kelp Farm bro why did my TP just one you should Flame the drugs out at B maybe I should put him in a frame I

Have purple lean purple lean’s the funniest one I got rid of the fentel wait fentel is probably the funniest one yo can you pay me in teammate some money please just started this all right well let’s see your statistics statistic do it’s Aus wait what’s your

Name it’s Taurus dude I’m so used to putting Z’s in it uh 4K how did you just start bro you have a million dollars no I’m not paying you Cyclone yeah bro solid base solid base nothing too crazy I guess pumpkin farm is coming up online U but solid sugarcan Farm pretty

Simple uh you didn’t really use the best design uh but anyways yeah solid base nothing too crazy except wait he’s putting down a sign let’s see bro t t start this on this B base it’s pretty solid wait okay wait burn down his house bro burn down

His house Dr says he’s using you bro he’s using me for what can I cannot accept that bro this is bad base burn it down Burn It Down bro why am I back here bro why am I back here let’s see what else this guy to say my username is kelp Talks what is doctor’s donut say he’s using for me dude you’re already rich bro I’m not giving you money bro I don’t give rich people money nah bro you’re already rich bro I can’t pay rich people bro yo kelp remember me you you help me fix my farm

Uh uh yes I do remember this this is actually cool thanks for again we build little bit Farms but we making it big all right I mean this is this is a solid size I mean like this is a solid size you should be impressed with this I mean

Like two modules back in like this the two tall I mean it’s is a solid amount done um cool item collection system actually good item collection system uh yeah everything looks pretty solid you’re probably making bank do you have creeper spawners you have four creeper spawners you probably wait let’s see statistics SL

Statistics happy Asgard 84k you’re solid amount of money a solid amount of money wait oh it’s like it’s hold on my uh sound’s not muted on the other thing all right there we go um yeah saw him out waer more to explore is this it um it’s all base nothing too crazy

Though SL TP accept all right SL DP accept wait hold on I’ll just TV accept this what am I doing donut says you are content for they ask him if your friend do but Dr said you’re just a piece of content him yeah bab on God please give to

Evi bro he’s get bro I can’t give this to evi I give this have a f already TP to your base don’t put me in combat or I’ll try to kill you and I’ll probably die if I die if I die I’m ending base T rates all

Right if I die ending GRE fre so you guys want to kill me all right a couple villagers couple villagers BR up he said it’s to about to Evy too yeah bro I’m not special guys I’m using Dr Jon for Content didn’t you know that too

Well bro check this out wait this is actually cool hallway it’s really low on Bedrock though wait what are you going to put in your sugarcan likeit you put you can put a manual sugarcan Farm I must been that before you [Applause] know bro check this out bro check this whole thing

Out wait wait wait is there Redstone up here why isn’t this like why is this grown three tall that’s kind of crazy ain’t no way bro ain’t no way it’s working properly oh wait all right solid am out of sugar can in here wait is he uh or pumpkin farms over here

Too um interesting design solid scale I mean this thing’s pretty big very dense too very very dense wait this is a crazy wait bro wait how many pumpkins do you get I mean this supped to make a crazy amount of pumpkins dude this thing is actually

Huge how do you space out your water and get all the things to grow like where’s your glow stone pretty crazy pretty crazy uh Cool Base anything else to see I think that’s a pretty cool base um wait let’s check your statistics Reuben you 14k I’ll pay you SL

Ruben 10K all right accept next person baby let’s go maybe you should back up but they said NOP no I’m just kidding they’re both joking with Marlo okay um sayia don’t think you’re taking you seriously yeah bro I don’t think I don’t think I was uh thank you wait who who

Who you guys talking about in chat wait this is actually sick design the Deep slate tile with the uh with the the the magma wait guys this is actually set wait and there’s purple glass the purple glass mixed too maybe red glass actually or orange glass wait how big is your

Cane Farm bro this is all full bro it’s maxed to Stacks bro bro I got to see this holy dude you think this is bigger than mine is this bigger than mine oh no it’s not bigger than mine it’s still pretty big though this is pretty

Big wait wait is it my blind is it not cleared out wait yeah bro sitting pretty sick though I the design is actually good the design is actually like really good like the art you know the all right let’s see let’s see let’s see oh there’s another side bro

There’s another side bro I’m silly I’m such a silly goose I think this side’s bigger too wait this side’s bigger and he’s making it taller I you might want to go any higher though like if you go higher it be kind of risky um yeah solid dude solid Farm solid solid

Farm check this out dude how many modules high is this already bro he’s buil still yeah bro he’s working in progress dude actually crazy yeah pretty sick base pretty sick base I’m basically out of money so I can’t really pay anything but uh yeah solid base which is

Easier to build uh for dead bra dead person uh pumpkin is probably better Better I F at least the desire I use wait wait did he have signs up here yeah but I can’t read the signs they’re not assistant all right I’m coming down I’m coming down I do like the amethyst floor the amethyst floor looks good look I want to go see the

Farms I want to go see the farms uh what kind of design wait this is a good design this is a good design I kind of like the wood dude I like kind of like how he decorate with the wood you know uh yeah I mean solid where’s uh wait

Let’s see the creeper spawners has three creeper spawners that’s a decent amount it’s a decent amount of spawners uh six out of 10 7 out of 10 Dr donut wait should I give it a rating four no BR I won’t give a four it’s not a four it’s definitely better than a

Four but we’ll see wait oh there’s actually more so I’ve got to see I’ve got to see oh huge pumpkin farm down here huge pumpkin farm well it’s not that huge but you know it’s pretty big wait how much is he stockpiled BR got a stack must have sold it

Recently yeah I’m coming bro I’m coming I’m coming I’m Coming all right we’ll see all right guys what do you think I should rate it I mean it’s pretty cool it’s like not the most detailed uh kind of crappy Farm I mean okay Farms you know um I’d say I’m give it a six at

10 I almost put my actual name well I mean yeah I just almost put my actual name kelp talks all right bro sweet Bas sltp accept the next person N9 wait bro 911 why are you talking 911 understand why people TP asking for money except for fun in wait

Bro this is in the open bro this is risky bro this is risky as crap bone meal Farm bro kelp Farm kelp Farm kelp Farm first Kel Farm I’ve seen ke first Kel Farm I’ve seen uh sugarcane yeah definitely this is definitely risky guys I don’t know why you’re building

That in the open like mad risk mad risk wait what is this bro what is this oh this must be an IG Iron Golem Farm bro Donut’s a real name it okay uh you don’t need to type that my chat like please do not type that kind of crap it’s not

Cool um yeah looks like they’re making him a decent amount of iron wait let’s see let’s see let’s see no irons Golems are spawning so I mean I’m pretty sure I’ve seen better bases like by like you know other people dude why is this all ice how did

This all become ice is this isn’t even a snow biome can someone explain this to me can someone explain to me how this all ice any anyways yeah this is definitely getting found ban others for sharing private info yeah Dr bro public knowledge yeah it’s public knowledge but

You still shouldn’t say it like what’s the point you know just kind to keep it like you know solid base solid base all right let’s see I’m following him all right I think that’s all he has to show me I mean it’s risky putting it

Out the open I think the base is pretty cool no lots of details lots of details average do doing is still streaming that’s crazy it’s like the longest stream he’s done all right he actually put wait his he has got grass in here bro one of his thing’s missing you need

Bone meal right there wait this is just built recently too cuz if you check it out like it’s it’s like not fully grown yet um so you must be new SL statistics do2 Kitty um three days how do you have three day wait okay he’s actually he’s

He’s got pretty good this actually well decorated this actually well decorated solid base um what’s up there I guess like a villager breed or something I mean I’ll follow you is this it is this it is this the whole base yeah I’m pretty sure this is the

Whole base yeah solid base nothing too crazy nothing too insane wait uh okay thanks for the torch to be accept I already have plenty of food but thank you guys Cool Base I’d say it’s like a it’s like a solid six out of 10 maybe four five five out of 10 oh

Okay wait have I been here before well detailed kind of narrow though um more villager over here wait hold on C form C form came form and it’s built right it’s built right it’s a solid mount it’s kind of small it’s kind of small uh beehive beehives are interesting but it’s got

Different kinds of farms let’s see what this so see what he has to say please no oh I I accept people randomly um stop spamming crazy Cod this is not my normal base uh W out Farms okay um yeah this is like a little uh enchanting room or not enchanting room

Uh Brewing room you know I haven’t brewed anything like I never Brew anything in Minecraft up okay send it uh nothing too crazy up here just little under wait up that’s up now now down um yeah it’s pretty small base pretty solid nothing too crazy nothing too crazy some

Villagers all right next person wait kelp you’re such a good YouTuber do do trio base raing with Fi and Dr donut maybe maybe that’s a good idea all right this guy’s new This Guy’s new I think SL let’s just let’s just check out statistics SL statistics crazy me no it’s. crazy

Koda um okay I think he’s new wait three days right I K my base got justed I was wondering if I could have some money and Redstone no I don’t really have any redstone on me uh I’ll give you money though I mean simple base nothing too

Crazy he’s built a sugarcane farm right he’s getting started getting set up in a good location although you might want to go deeper if this is your main base you definitely want to go deeper because you don’t want it to get like found super easy slay. crazy Cod up

10K wait what’s in here observers okay sweet wait I can’t even afford that I can’t even afford 10K now bro you keep those for your base all right sltp accept all right next person next person yo I’m not no I’m not monetized I started streaming like few days ago bro what is

This can I please have some money he’s got 21 minutes of Fate time he’s made 150 $ 5 in SL sale he’s $155 and uh he’s got zero shards should I give him money should I give him money chat should I I mean does he really

Deserve it does he really deserve it he tried to kill me without a sword and um he throt some you know bad stuff on signs no he doesn’t just gave you 10K TP to me uh I never tried to kill you yes you did bro

You tried to kill me broke boy yeah I’m broke on this account this is my uh this is my like uh base base account you definitely try to kill me dude you definitely try to kill me all right people say no I’ll give you money SL pay o and

1915 5K that’s all I’ve got all right sltp accept you you okay give me the feathers give me the feathers I’m a TV no way it doesn’t matter all right all right all right all right uh okay actually sick base a lot better than the dirt Hut um

From before um get ight nah ain’t no way I can’t get him to sell you drugs all right check out this base is actually cool all right taking a nap guys this stream has gone for a very long time the stream has gone for a very long time yeah solid base nothing too

Crazy nothing too crazy um how do you have a base this well decorated this awesome looking yet you have such a horrible design guys guys should I blow it up I feel like I should blow it up like this guy’s lights lighted on fire dog base on like I zero out of

10 learn to build better bases awesome decoration but like horrible um like actual like Farm like build a better Farm skill issue massive skill issue massive skill issue massive skill issue massive skill issue plaid bull pla bu is going to kill me guys when I die the base rates ends

So that’s like the rule plaid bolt bro plaid B is actually grinding bro bro bro bro huge pumpkin farm huge pumpkin farm wait this is actually kind of large wait is it one layer it’s one layer uh wait how many mine cart systems do he have hooked up

He has two that might be enough I’m not really sure he’s got a decent amount of pumpkins um kind of like the this is kind of weird pattern I mean solid base though nothing too insane nothing too insane dude I don’t care if you build

Like I’m not going to be rude to if you build your Farms wrong like con it’s like honestly disrespectful to like the whole Community if you build bad bad Farms like that all right plat B pretty cool base nothing too insane though nothing too insane um just some simple pumpkin farms it looks

Decent I’ll give you 167k right now you won’t no balls you won’t no balls he’s going to try to kill me is he going to try to kill me I don’t have any pearls guys I don’t have any pearls I don’t have any way to

Get away is he just going to give up is he just going to give up all right guys more base rates more base rates bro bro I’m dogging on this guy you think I can kill him without a without a without any crystals dude this guy’s horrible this guy’s dog this guy’s

Horrible bro he’s not even good at Crystal bro he’s horrible at Crystal too he’s actually so bad I could dude this guy is so bad dog on dog on dog on every time he hits me I hit him like 14 dude he just bro he just killed

Himself that bad bro if I had crystals I would have dogged on you if I had crystals I would have dogged on you but uh you guys know what that means no more base raing guys no more base rating it’s over it’s over I did enough base

Raing uh I dude I’m seven hours in uh I think I just base ra for like an hour and 20 minutes so I think we’re solid solid amount done yeah what’s up dude what’s up please see my I’m not buying drugs right now um slome AFK spot

Any of you guys have homes at the cactus farm you guys have homes at the cactus farm I’ll TP there and meet you someone to chat has a home at the cactus farm I made um I’ll TP do I’ll TP or I’ll go that home and I’ll meet

You H all right I gotta unpin this unpin this uh this thing right here unpin message bro do donut stream for uh is at eight hours you think I could stream longer than him bro like you think how long is he going to stream for I’m trying to outstream I’m trying to outdo

Everybody I’m at I’m at seven hours guys this is a crazy long stream nah bro he can like remove it if he wants bro it’s honestly more risky for him because I’m probably going to have like F3 if I try to leak someone’s coordinates after they they’re killing

Me and then I spawn there and I leak his coordinates then I got got a bedtime for real for real you got this dude he has a bedtime but I have like a have to go hang out with my friends like at nine or something I’m GNA watch evi because I

Need him to okay okay that’s fair that’s fair I’m just going to chill guys I gotta I gotta go um I gotta get my other account back let’s get this one going over here this is not be full screen anymore make that small uh redo my video or my uh game capture

To lunar plant all right okay okay all right all right so uh yeah all right guys back to the uh what is my inventory full of it’s full of garbage bro what is it oh shulker wood where should I put this garbage hey garbage shulker box all

Right here you go I’m going keep the Redstone actually and The Observers I got to I got to go plant pumpkin seeds that’s what the next thing is bro Keel please I need help with po nah I’m done tping guys I TP for so long I’ve been streaming for so long I don’t

Know how I’ve stayed above 40 viewers for this long this is actually crazy ke you should join private nah not right now bro I’m got to get some pumpkin grinding done I got to get some pumpkin grinding done do anyone know how long wait fi streaming I’m streaming where everyone’s

Streaming it’s the pumpkin grind set time guys the pumpkin grind set time hope you should join PR and wait all right I got to head out all right I you got to head out all right all right I got you I got you uh home wait slash wait uh wait what is

I going to do I need pumpkins wait let’s see how bad this is backing up I think it’s backing up pretty bad kelp y CT what’s up dude uh you can’t craft item frames bro why is that they could lag the server wait can you not craft item frames I haven’t actually

Seen any item frames on the server they might be disabled helps pumpkin seeds on age for no I don’t need 200 I don’t need I don’t need a pump ey pumpkin seeds I can craft them really easy yeah this is definitely backing you up there’s no way this can keep up

Yeah bro it’s really backing up I’m not even sure one hopper can keep up I might redo my my CH my system I think I’m going to redo it CU right now it’s kind of bad bro my headset just died bro like turned off I cuz my audio is

Off all right all right all right right hold on let me turn on um I’m going to like get some music I need some Music how about this kill I couldn’t S I don’t know I don’t know what that means wait are you the guy that try to kill me I’m not trying to fight you again you’re bad I destroy you Crystal absolutely obliterate you wiped off the surface of the planet instantly out of

Trace whole blood lines destroyed can someone sell me TNT for cheap on uh there’s probably it’s probably like 200k um that’s pretty cheap I’m being honest yeah guys this is filling up too much why there pistons in there bro this is actually back up bad

I’m going to re I’m going to have to redo it guys definitely going to have to redo it it’s going way too slow One V one you in Crystal PVP if you join East bro if you join East I’ll do it she to like make a kit and stuff wait k 200k

Cheaper okay well then you’re probably not going to be able to buy TNT it’s a pricey Endeavor it’s pretty expensive we don’t need e chest I just put one I just need I always need a so let’s just put one here get my hoe out obers in here uh yes you’re in the

Server no not this server there’s uh there’s multiple types of servers um e wa bro this is this is messed up just spy everything off 250 for a piece of dirt the guy just got just made a DB guys made fre money I should have picked up the water that was a misplay

This is also messed up I need to buy dirt anyways God damn I got scammed all wait this one’s messed up too gosh how is this one like more messed up mess up so bad on these no I’m the one in your description oh what server in my description Discord

Server everyone join Discord server how many layers do you have I have two this is my second layer e PVP wa that was great M okay TPA here oh all right TP accept that dude TP accept that let’s One V One bro he’s just running bro he’s a runner bro he’s you’re going to run BR I’m not one one if you’re going to run I’m not trying I’m not a fighter Runner he’s a runner bro he’s a runner getting dog on too bro this guy is such a runner he’s

Probably reting too he’s not even playing Fair he’s getting dog on all right I win whatever forfeit if he he cares got dogged on bro not even close not even close it’s actually pretty good he’s never played this before I know he’s never played it he’s actually good at totem me now he

Uh didn’t get dogged on with the totems easy yeah all right easy but you’re such a runner though you’re such a runner you got to like fight me you have to actually fight me all right you’re trying to drain me dude and then run out of crystals before you stop recing

Bro one one you n not right now leesti you’ll beat me one one on EU n bro EU is horrible I’d get like zero ping bro it’d be impossible to create Place crystals want buy my Sher full of TNT no never down someone else will probably someone definitely wants to buy it I

Play like 200k how much you sign up for I I’ll probably always need TNT so it’s a good deal probably pick it up he clapped you yeah bro he clapped me I got destroyed I got obliterated 200k yeah I don’t need that that’s like the average price so I don’t

Need to buy that right now there so many to place so many so many seeds guys dude this Farm to actually be lit though Farm is going to be unbelievably huge dude after um after this many hours guys starting to droping viewers uh yeah bro

Dude I think I started I think I started I got to 120 viewers um after Dr donut and ffi started streaming I started drop that like I really do need to capitalize off that uh untapped time you know a lot of un uh un unwatched time you know or people with the big

Names maybe it’s just like I get boring after seven hours that could make sense could make sense oh yo what’s up auxiliary what’s up auxiliary well finally you’re in here after uh what is it uh 7even hours spent my entire day streaming Minecraft my pum base uh no not right

Now um how long it take you to build that might try to build it um couple hours I mean I worked on it for like hours on this today this stream massive grinding sesh though massive grinding sesh dude I gotten so much done today like I built this entire

Thing I’m on my doing the crops right now I got like a whole layer done all this item collection system is really bad I started it you know uh leer made some mistakes I can learn yo what’s up yo back bro dude people have tuned in for like

So long it’s crazy has anyone here watched the entire stream no way you have it’s been like it’s been over it’s been uh 7 hours and 30 minutes it’s a long time you I’m you have can you see me my base no not right now I did a bunch of

Base rates my bad I’m broke I spray my ankle at practice bro that sucks what do you play soccer uh me can I can you T can I TP to you bro no you can’t T to me bro I I’m not even trusting you with these pumpkin farms these pumpkin farms are too

Precious for me to me too precious too precious bro I’m watching for 5 hours bro ain’t no way you been watching for 5 hours bro only 35 people left guys I’m streaming till I hit zero I’m streaming until I hit zero viewers you think I can hit it think I can hit

It where my eyes are starting to get tired reading chat been talking non-stop get hyped get hyped the wor wait do you think it’s worth streaming this long like do you think it’s worth dude my viewers go up and down actually like I was like I was

Hovering around like 70 70 But like after the base after I stopped the last base raid stash it went down a bunch you know if I do base rat they go up end stream Noob nah dude I I’m streaming I’m streaming for as long as possible as long as I possibly can I’m

On the I’m on the pumpkin farming grind set I don’t really care how boring it is I got to stream it you know get those watch hours easy yeah Dr when Dr donut stream well I still I still have like 60 viewers with Dr do streaming but uh it’s

Gone down I think I think people you know kind of get bored after seven hours can’t stick around forever I’m trying to outst stream Dr donut so he’ll like so some of the viewers will come back you know but I’m not sure how long is he’s going to

Stream for dude this guy’s insane he’s been streaming for 4 hours this is way longer than he nor streams I’m trying to out compete you know try to out compete you think I can stream longer than Evy too no bro I I got to go before then

Wait hold on let’s see no bro please don’t type that in my chat bro DM me I can check I check Discord yeah y bro it’s it’s honestly kind of worth I’m trying to get raided trying to get raided he has like a thousand viewers it might be in my best

Interest I don’t know how he’s still alive bro like dude he’s been streaming for so long this is like 10 times longer than he normally does bro I’m I’m up to s hours and 30 minutes dude I’m actually getting I’m actually getting kind of hyped dude like I don’t know how I don’t

Know how I still have energy guys dude building pumpkin farms though like just re nourishes me so like I just get pumped up after building pumpkin farms again you know I get I focus up I’m like focusing on the placement of my crops guys it’s like kind of chill you know

Kind of relaxing placing placing the seeds what is the plus next to your name uh it’s like a a rank that you get when you pay for it xqc um yeah yeah I’m the next XC guys X’s got nothing on me kick actually just offered me $200 million to start

Streaming on their platform so I think I’m going banon YouTube I’m hopping YouTube for my $200 million paycheck it’s not even exclusive actually I can I can stream everywhere I’m going to troll Dr Dona stream and say that he’s he’s been playing everyone joins his stream 200k bet bro bet Ain’t

No Way ain’t no way people believe that guys I cannot afford that no way way maybe when this pumpkin Farm’s done maybe when this pumpkin Farm’s done or thinks he’s Nate Bagel maybe you have media rank I got media rank not on this account I keep it on my kelp Talk

Account uh cuz that’s like you know the account I use like when I’m streaming but I’m playing on I’m playing on S FF cuz it’s like less annoying people like DM me less often and stuff too lazy to go get more pumpkins coordinate of troops to keep unoken

Contct it I don’t think this is enough to finish the whole Farm I probably have to buy more my aim is crazy bro it’s like an aim lab streamer 9,000 bro I’m going to get cracked at aiming can you fly with meteor you can fly with metor you can get everything

That plus has if you use meteor have yo I’m still alive yeah bro I’m never giving up bro I’m I’m I’m going to stream forever road now hold on to Dr D will probably end less than an hour okay I got I got to stay alive for that dudee dude what a bopper

Song help you should build a sugar farm or pumpkin farm nah hey Kel I’m back what’s up dude I remember you always got the kelp talks with the two L’s do you make any videos kelp kelp talks uh can I send uh remember me with 50k

Subs said gave me uh turn it 2K all right from that bro that’s nice bro I’m glad you invested in and make bad Stacks you’re in my Discord too I’ve seen you in my Discord for a bit uh can I have a shout out shout out

To edit King yeah no I don’t make videos but I’m thinking about it yeah bro make some videos get media rank service fire look how many look how many so many to farm this is actually kind of crazy how big this Farm ISO please get out of here I need my Observer

Collection put glowstone seats fast dude what a bot bro this song is f dude I’m back up at viewers some like I think people tune in for base base raids like and then some people tune out and then the people who like Farms come back in

You know I think that’s how it works that’s how it seems like bro I need I need my Pistons too got a Sher pistons in here right where’s my Pistons bro where’s my Pistons where my Pistons at there’s some Pistons right here should be enough for now as much my

Inventory K you should make a Bedrock because Java tournaments uh bro I can’t do Bedrock bro Bedrock is lame I’m sorry bro but Bedrock is like I didn’t finish this one I guess I’ll dist start with observers anyways you don’t like you don’t like

What can you make a s on a big pumpkin for um you can watch my streams you can watch my streams but it’s really not that hard guys it’s really not that hard to build pump Farms Bro this song is go so good dude I use this song when my c space that I made a long time ago get out of here bro just just a nuisance man yo what’s up where we are uh 7 hours and 30 minutes in still going going strong with

The pumpkin farm construction the pumpkin farm construction we are still going strong all right guys I might have to end the stream I might have to end the stream 50 views yeah bro I got 50 viewers how do I have 50 viewers it’s crazy bro how do I still have 50 viewers

After like 8 hours I me 7 hours ago BR watch them I don’t think that’s a thing no wait what does this say keep a buck sh from uh could you SL no I can’t SL any don’t and Don’t bro it’s taking another hour dude the problem is like my friends are coming over I’m like delaying you know I’m trying to delay uh so I can like keep streaming I didn’t think I’d be able to go this long I thought I’d end a while ago um but I got plan

Earlier you know I was I was prepped you know I got a good I got a good amount of sleep that’s why I was able to stream for so long or am able to stream for so long dude at 7 hours and 40 minutes guys I’ve been grinding Minecraft nonstop

Isn’t that crazy been playing Minecraft for 8 hours almost and I’m still not even bored of it like I could probably go keep I could probably keep going dude should I dude I honestly probably could pull up a 24-hour stream yeah your friends play with you

Bro they won’t play with me they don’t like Minecraft dude you know that Owen 1915 guy on stream that like Tred to kill me dude that’s my friend that’s my friend he’s also in chat so yeah that’s that’s what bro can you do 24- hour stream um I’ll do a 24-hour stream

Eventually it’s like it’s like it’s gonna be hard though it’s gonna be hard bro should I sleep or should I stay up the entire thing I’ll have to stay up the entire thing I’ll grind I’ll build pumpkin farms the entire thing pumpkin farms non-stop I don’t know if I can do base

Tourist might Tire me out actually I can probably do base tourist just not like you know a lot of Base tourist yo ke is YouTuber name um yeah I got to see it though you have to like s it to me uh like through the Discord put it in like fan art put

It like fan art and then I’ll check it out it’s good yeah I’m I’m still live guys I’m still alive U I’m trying to like do I did a long stream guys I hit 1 th000 subscribers it’s a big deal it’s a big deal hitting 1 th000 subscribers I

Got to make a hype stream for it right there is so much I’m going to burn through the Redstone comps bro no way did you fix the Discord uh I I don’t know yeah I hit 1K guys it’s pretty crazy isn’t it 1,000 subscribers in like a couple

Days I grew really fast I mean I had a lot of help how did you put the how far apart did you put the modules uh for this one it’s like a row it’s like in rows you know putl in the row cuz then I can put glowstone in between and it gets

Both of Them uh wait you think I unlocked you think I unlocked monetization yet or like yeah let’s see let’s see if it’s updated I don’t think it’s going to update for a while n it still hasn’t updated still hasn’t updated Keel you put the wait did you

Make a did you make a whole the whole Farm on stream uh not the whole thing like a huge part of it though like if you go back to the beginning you can see where I started started so you see how much progress I made so check that out k no I didn’t

Make the whole thing stream can you rate my base don’t TP uh not at the moment yeah I don’t know how much longer I can go I’m going to be honest 24 hours today no I told you guys I got to do something uh but I got to I can’t I

Can’t go live forever because I did plan something tonight ke join the Discord but it verifying doesn’t work though uh I don’t really know about that it might be busted or do right um probably the first one wa no probably the ladder uh do you know the mistake the hober

Water uh chest stream because I don’t know how to uh no bro I don’t know I don’t know what you did wrong bro it’s not that hard though wait is it a mine carts you talking about mine carts or like are you talking about sugar farm I need more

Contacts you need to describe the problem more so many pistons dude I wonder how many pistons I’ve placed I wish it told wait how many blocks playes I have SL statistics I almost I have almost 400k blocks play have the most one of the most blocked place on the server just from building

Farms and it’s not like cheated or anything legitimate yo what’s up fake evi how you doing uh com what is up so many observers to place placing observers is kind of hard you have to get have good aim dude my this is like a this is like a certified aim trainer

Building it’s like a certified aim trainer cuz like look at this I to like click perfectly on these head on these like little blocks that’s how I’m so good at cpvp I’m so cracked at placing blocks I’m getting raided let’s go dude donut raate bro are you

Serious Bon is raiding you bro serious as crazy dude 7 hours in 7 hours in dude ww bro I’ve been live for so long such a fire such a fire server bro wait wait wait look how much I’ve gotten done guys if you go back to the start of the

Stream this whole air is done this whole air was completed this whole air was done all right I I built this item collection system and it can’t even keep up with the bottom layer like the bottom layer is the only one that’s functional and it’s like going this much like look

How many look how many pumpkins are filled up like it’s completely blocked bro completely locked up it’s actually crazy I bro we got a we got a we got a a dub in a half bro but the problem is it’s like not it’s like getting backed up

Like The Farms can’t even handle all the pumpkins so we I got to fix this and like add more droppers don’t I’m streaming your stream bro that’s crazy donut raate donut raate bro what this is crazy K how will you AFK all your Farms I have to go buy another account for

Afking but I think with this new account I’m going to do a challenge where I stream I’m going to stream for I’m going to do a 24-hour stream where I see how much money I can get in 24 hours straight all right I think that’s what

I’m going to do 260 watching bro that is crazy yo what’s up everybody from donut I’m kelp talks uh subscribe if you like massive Farm construction cuzz this stream I’ve done a lot of I’ve done base tours um farm work uh I’ve done some decoration I’ve done a lot of crazy

Stuff uh like this is uho this is this is the most viewers I think I’ve ever had wait no I I had 400 viewers like wait this is actually crazy I’m seven hours into the stream guys so um I’ve been streaming non-stop for seven hours this is for my 1,000

Subscriber special uh building massive Farms massive Farms massive Farms construction has been done I keep this like this is on the donut S&P guys this is on the donut S&P this is the second layer there’s another layer down there of the exact same size 400 400 people watching right now

Nice base bro thank you thank you thank you donut rate donut RA bro thank you guys thank you guys for all watching this is like the this is the longest stream I’ve done this the longest stream I’ve done we’re at 7 hours and uh 7 hours and 49 minutes uh I

Have to end when my friends get to my house though so I don’t know how much longer depends on when my friends arrive 400 everyone sub dude there’s no way I can get to 200k but uh or 2K but I mean yeah so this is this is

Crazy bro so many people bro can I get those base cords yeah sure dude they’re like uh negative a million uh 1,000 a million or something like that uh I think I’m like 5,000 billion blocks in the sky too wait everyone sub yeah thanks sub if you guys sub if you guys

Like farming streams right I build lots of farms lots of farms bro can I uh you already answered that bro Kel you made three different Farms like this and I’m and I’m making money dude sweet bro dude a lot of people have built built some massive pumpkin farms wait wait is this

Guys’s first time seeing my stream cuz I know a lot of you guys probably have seen my stream before bro there’s so many so many how many blocks should I go go up for my sugar Farm um I I wouldn’t go too high I wouldn’t go like into

Stone layer i’ say keep it below – 20 in terms of cords you know hold on I got what’s going on where supers dude uh I don’t know if you’re asking where supers are but you can’t you can’t donate any money uh you’re not you’re not allowed what’s up

Dude you just went up 500 Subs no way no way I went have quite a bit though um you went have 400 Subs 350 viewers is a w I know you guys see my farm you guys see my farm like I’m making fat saacks on the donut S&P I actually did spend a lot of money to stream though I spent a lot

Of money on this if this gets found before I even start making money I’m going be so sad I don’t think it’ll get found for a while though I mean who should I raid should I raid eifi dude this is a long stream today K when you add modules like do uh

One block up hopper moove block I have I have full Hoppers underneath um I because uh it’s a lot faster to build and I don’t really care about the price anymore like if you’re if you’re struggling for resources build that with rails all right but if you’re

Um doing that that then don’t dude 1K Subs no bro no I’m not 1.7k wait am I I went up a lot dude since the donut read you subbed bro thank you thank you thank you donut raid still going on yeah also have poppers spent like

300K uh you have three as of right now that’s crazy bro spending dude like if you like the Redstone the Redstone Market is actually ludicrously expensive right now like a shulker of P pons is going for 350k like you can make a mill just selling Redstone and the resources to

Like if you just craft the Pistons and buy the Redstone off ah you’re going to be able to buy you’re going be able to craft pistons and just sell them for like way more than they’re actually like the materials are worth can you TP me N I can’t TP you

Geez you almost eight hour streams W yeah this is the longest stream I’ve ever done so it’s pretty crazy um I’ve been streaming I’ve been streaming every day though all right I think they’re coming at 9: so when as soon as they get to my house

Uh I’m ending stream but right now we’re good raid raid yo I sub dude thank you thank you thank you everyone like guys if you want to see if you guys want to see if you guys want to see like the beginning of like where I started today on the farm you

Can watch my stream I stream basically like 90% of the construction of this thing like most of this I built today was streams like that whole room like was stream today the the first floor like construction of this Farm was mostly streamed Today you liked liked and sub bro thank you thank you I forgot an observer no that Observer doesn’t go there there’s water there so they need to be a server donut raid is it’s doing is is dying or doing I don’t really know what that means yeah I don’t think a

Lot okay okay yeah I subbed and make sure to like this sub help you’re an amazing bro can’t speak but I love this channel thank you so much dude yeah I’m really dude the donut S&P Community is actually been so nice to me like thank you everybody who’s like liked and like

Started watching my streams like I’m I’m still pretty new but I’ve had like so much fun just playing Minecraft on stream and uh building like farms and like tping to y’all’s bases like y’all have done some crazy stuff I’ve gotten like some kelp signs built um I’ve seen

So many crazy farms and you guys say that you ins that I inspire you build Crazy Farms dude that’s awesome like I’ve seen like people have built bigger Farms than I have ever built you have 1.39 dude that’s crazy I started wait I I start this is like a 1K sub special

Stream so that’s what I started at I think I started I’ve gone up like so much I go up every stream are you monetized no I’m not monetized I started six days ago guys I started like uh like so I can’t get monetized uh they haven’t like accepted

Me I can’t even apply yet I don’t know watch hours but I do but it hasn’t updated how much Subs did you gain I think I’m gained like quite a few subs today with an 8 Hour Stream So I me doing pretty decent doing pretty decent I’m having so much fun

Though I’m going to start I’m going to start releasing some new videos like yesterday we did a stream I got the 400 viewers um doing like uh this uh we did an event where I put a 2 million $2.5 million bounty on me and everyone’s like

Try to hunt me down it’s pretty crazy it was pretty crazy congratulations to 1K dude thank you thank you thank you 6 days ago holy yeah I know it’s insane well I released I released a uh a video right um on like how to get fat stacks on the donut S&P

And uh it did really well I was playing the server a lot before that I was like but might as well turn this into a video right like this is like I’ve done a lot I’m pretty good on the server I know how to make money i’ I’ve spent the time

I’ve learn the methods 1 V2 donut uh bro I can know way I could kill donut even with two people well maybe with like like Dash or something I don’t know how good Dash is kelp you got to go you have to go to bed night good night bro thanks for

Chilling My Stream you were in my stream for so long today so long what am I making I’m making a giant pumpkin farm look how crazy this pumpkin farm is it’s actually ludicrously large I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure it’s like the biggest pumpkin farm in single area on the server like gemstone

May be able to compete nah bro gemston is smaller than this one like this is so dense and so huge there’s no way it’s big it’s it’s it’s smaller than the gemstones how do you feel if your base got griefed um uh I’ve never gotten a base griefed legitimately so I think I

It’s going to last a little bit I mean I’d be pretty sad though I mean I spent a lot of time and money on this on this uh base have you guys seen my sugarcan Farms yo kelp how’s it going what’s up dude what’s up hey Keel I’m back glad to see you’re

Still stream yo what’s up hamst plays you’ve been back in here and out dude the EU players that went to bed when I was like started streaming are probably starting to wake up soon like isn’t that crazy I’ve been streaming for that long I’ve been streaming their entire like

Sleep cycle imagine going to sleep and like watching someone’s stream and when they wake up they’re still streaming I’ve never streamed this long how how do you make the soul stand where the pushes items up um I’ll show you wait have you seen a wait the bubble

Colum the bubble colum I’ll show you the bubble column boom boom wait let me finish this row let me finish this row I’m almost done this like this this area this music’s good how big is your farm this is how big my farm is this is the second layer

Of the farm right uh this is my just this is my just my pumpkin farm I also have a sugarcan farm with uh 150 modules I actually have two sugarcan Farms with 150 modules each so I’m making bank off those too especially if uh they craft into fireworks which I got some

Teammates that help me craft into fireworks all right dude check the okay this is the this is the current system it needs to be upgraded though the system needs to be upgraded um cuz like look this is backlogging really bad like none of these Farms are working because it’s

Like so backlogged um so that’s the issue I’m currently facing um can we make an entire Farm can we see the entire Farm you’re making yeah this is all right this is the current farm right um I need to add more droppers so that I

Can get more items each one of those is $4 that’s dispensing so over $4 have a 1.7 multiplier dude check out how many pumpkin it’s not even that much cuz like most of the is backed up my other Farm let’s go to my other farm so this is my

Second Farm um this is the second this is the farm I built last all right um so this is like this is like a this is like a sugarcan farm uh it’s pretty huge it’s 150 modules um you can see it’s like this is like the whole thing

It goes across it goes three five down I think um I have another one uh let’s go to the other one is there a video uh for Soul Sand bubble no I kind of made it myself uh but I built it all in stream so you can go back and

Watch my streams if you want like a tutorial I think I built this like uh 3 days or four days ago not this one this one I built a long time ago um this is another one so I’ve got two of these I’m making Fast stacks on the SMP I remember

When I told you it was 1. it’s 4:00 a.m. now bro bro you’re still up you’re still up watching my stream way how much do you think oh profit wait how long sh came take the break are there no no there’s observers in the back like look how my I have in

Here fat stacks wait I don’t even have that much dude what’s wrong oh it’s cuz I wasn’t afking here it’s cuz I wasn’t afking here cuz I was doing base tours so like a large percentage is not claimed wa this Hope’s better wait no this wait is this a donut

Base did he do any donut did he do anything on stream on the donut base oh he blew out a bit he didn’t do much all right back to Pumpkin Farm you have a 9 by9 9 by8 farm and have three them do you think they’re worth a lot

Cuz I spent a lot um you just have to wait time guys it’s an investment it’s an investment to see how much you get wait what do you guys think about this room this is going to be my AFK room right this going to be like my storage

Area and I’m going to have like it’s going to be the pumpkin farms all up here and you can see you know you get the view I think it’s a good view for work yo can I help you with any yeah I’m buy like I buy stuff off ah I buy like

Redstone components uh right now I’m not doing it though cuz I don’t have uh I don’t need them actually if you sell a Sher of observers for 350k is anyone selling observers no no one’s selling for a good price 350k for a Shuler of observers or like uh you know oneir of

That for uh oneir of the Shuler you know just price the Shuler for how much ever it’s worth H H roblocks blocks of sharpness five blocks of 1.8 mil that’s probably much how much it’s worth but I’m not I don’t really need that much right now that’s like all

My money I can’t afford that actually that’s a lot of a lot of redstone then someone should buy that wait how much is it worth wait what is it 100K no it’s actually worth 900k it’s not even worth the 1.8 that’s 200k per shoulder that’s definitely not worth how

Much an hour K I don’t know how much this makes me an hour I’m going to be honest I don’t really know I haven’t hooked it up properly like the item collection system is not even make work working properly like there’s so you know I kind of like always do the item

Collection system after I’m done you know after I’m done the whole Farm are you streaming to tomorrow I plan to stream tomorrow bro my lips are trying to chapped bro is my stream wait is my stream bad quality or is it like just wait no I think it’s

Like I don’t know what’s up with my stream my computer may be like blowing up because I’ve been streaming for eight hours straight with like three Minecraft accounts open find a base easy to find a base can I can’t find a tutorial you can’t find a

Tutorial on what on how to build a base I mean I’ll build the ultimate base building guy I mean that’s basically what my video is the ultimate base building guide I I show you me like how I clear out areas for like building Farms How I build the Farms like

Everything is dropping like it’s probably going to drop soon guys I’m like I’m like halfway done I’ve been like uh doing the recording and stuff too when I got to stop recording I’m recording for this whole thing so like that’s an 8 hour video I just recorded

Is there a trick to place the Pistons a trap door and go underneath it and this is easy I’m getting good I’m getting used to this this is like how this is like the method I use you missed a spot no the spots like

Where the water is I don’t need to put I don’t need to put observers there you know uh you wait what time is the clock in your place right now um it is 9:00 for me so I’ve been streaming for 8 hours basically so that is actually just

Hit 8 hours eight hours stream isn’t that crazy and there’s still 255 people watching me playing Minecraft build this Farm why don’t you make God Apple Farm uh you can’t craft God apples actually um you have tons of sugar cane what do you do

With at all um I give it to my teammates to craft fireworks or I just SL sell it like if you if I go to my SL cell My sl cell multiplier is up to 1.6 I’m getting it to 1.7 you need 250 million sold that’s actually crazy we

Need one bill for time two multiplier you think I get you guys think I can get times two I think that’s possible get to go go to bed good night bro good night bro unstable Lego you’ve been in here for a long time too so you basically clear out space like

Vertically uh vertically don’t go up too high vertically wait the optimal shape is a is a is a okay so if you don’t want your base to found get found you want to minimize surface area ratio right you want to miniz your surface area to like um ratio so the optimal base design

Is a sphere but obviously building spheres in Minecraft is a pain especially if you’re filling them with uh with um with like Farms so what you got to do is you build a cube cubes are the best shap U for minimizing surface area but you might want to squash it too

Low if it’s like cuz you don’t want to build too high either anything you got to build like in like low deep slate like I’m right above bedrock and I won’t get found this won’t get found for a while like going to go to bed at 3:00 a.m. dude that’s unfortunate uh good

Night though 3:00 a.m. is really late ke how do you find someone else’s base to raid can you find that easy I can’t find a tutorial n you cannot find bases it’s like hard to find bases especially good ones cuz they actually put effort in

Like if you build a base on the surface it’s probably going to get found real fast probably takes like one or two days to get found if you build on the surface but if you build it underground it’s going to be lasted forever wrong way if you want to place observers go on

Top yeah but like I have to I can’t go under I can’t go under like I can’t get to that piston right like unless I like do a trap door which I don’t really need like I can just place them like this and I know how

To do it I don’t think it speed me up at all you know I have to see like a tutorial we need like speedr running I’m going to have a speedr running competition whoever can build pumpkin farms the fastest wins see if anyone can beat me fastest

Person to build a 9 by9 pumpkin farm wins can sugarcane you’re new to the server uh sugarcan Farms sugarcan Farms are good they’re pretty cheap to build help you need to mine out Bedrock levels so you have uh no bro I hope no one finds this I don’t know what you’re really talking

About how can I get good pretty good armor uh you can get it from like crates and you get the free crates and that’s like okay armor to start but like um I’d probably you can buy it off ah if you just to build a farm like a lot of

People sell it for like you can probably full set for 100k with a sword I have tons of sugar cane what do you need to do with it all uh craft fireworks you need creeper spawners and youa actually ah gunpowder people with creeper spawners they sell it so you can

Actually profit off this if you buy the gunpowder and they craft it in a fireworks you get like way more money so definitely worth to do that can you please help N I can’t let you help dude it’s too risky I can’t risk it with anybody even my best friend they don’t

TP light word no um how often do you place the glow stone uh on I place glow stone um like right here right in between every single one and I place glow stone uh like right here like right on top of here like if I plac if I place a block right here

That’s where the glowstone would be so I do that for every single one and that lights up everything enough for everything to go around how do you mind out so fast uh I use TNT wait you guys here I’ll show a clip of like me blowing out an

Area wait this the wrong one this is the wrong video all right this is how you see it all right right like I dug out like a bunch of holes that go down right and then I like it blow out the whole area so this is how it’s done and this whole

Area gets cleared out like right like look at how fast I clear out this whole year and all this information will be in my video when I when it drops so don’t worry don’t worry guys get hyped for the video K bu done someone is selling observers nah bro that’s

Horrible wait such a good deal guys eight observers 10 for 4K that’s horrible deal too wait is anyone selling a Shuler no one sells shulkers no one’s selling observers but Pistons are like on sale I I don’t think I’m going to run out of Pistons cuz people keep selling them

Yo when are you going to take a break though uh probably never no I’m going to have to end soon guys I’m going to have to end soon like relatively soon uh just not quite yet I’m not exactly sure of the time I should probably set up like a raid system hold

On let me edit the video so I get like a raid I can raid somebody after I think I have the raid thing set up wait okay okay wait how how do I how do I do the raids wait how do I add more channels wait how do I

Like wait how do I like um live redirects is that what it is how do I get to the I don’t know how to do raids I’m G to be honest guys I don’t not know how to do raids can anyone tell me you have

Co what’s a good Farm to make money I do not know it’s live redirects bro I do that like I think I have jti but it didn’t work last time on let me see um ever here we go all right I hope that works guys I hope that works for live redir

I think that was like the settings to like redir like hold on let me let me check one more time guys bear with me I just want to have it make sure I have it ready you Know is it under Community bro I do not know how to do it I don’t think I can redirect I think I’m blocked I think I’m prevented from doing it maybe because I need like more subs subs or something like what I not know how to do it 1K in 15 minutes is

Bad I mean depends if it’s if it’s AFK 15 minutes like that’s like kind of good it’s actually decent it’s actually really good that’s 4K an hour 4K an hour of doing absolutely nothing sounds like a DB to me how is this thing already grown it’s like good RNG we got the best

RNG all right I think I got live redirect working as I hope it works I need to like watch a tutorial uh I’ll do that after after this stream wait I got this Observer here all right we’re all good what’s a good way to buy an auction house I made 50k today

For off totems dude that’s a good that’s a good idea yeah bro uh flipping is actually a good I try to flip elytras and I ended up actually just scoring like I had invest like if you guys want to invest in something get God apples are the best

Investment like they’re going to keep going up in value so if you guys want money like you have a bunch of money already and you want to like keep it stable and you want to compete with inflation uh buy apples buy golden apples God apples best investment out

There ke why are you making space between the the Farms does it help um it’s kind of just an athetic choice and also uh I put light in between them so it just helps me manage my light and like build my uh things in like an organized fashion you

Know it’s like 7K per like Farm I have three so it’s about 21k 21k every what every hour 21k an hour is actually decent how do you make a hopper system hold I’m going standing mode guys check out this check out my standing desk it’s rising no one’s told me they got here

Yet bro this song’s good I don’t even know if it’s copyrighted if it’s copyrighted who cares I’m not monetized hopefully I don’t a strike or something do slh pick is this one it pickle potato pickle muffin Oh bro who’s going to buy that I’m not buying that what a scam honestly that’s the cheapest log out age but should probably put some better stuff sell a stack for $2 that’s what I’ll buy it I’m making skinny stacks on the donut S&P what’s skinny Stacks what’s skinny oh not fat stacks

Bro skinny Stacks bro that’s dog I get it I get it I get It bro he’s making skinny Stacks you’re new what’s up Pickle bro all right well let’s do check your statistic pickle muffin $1 $1 52 minutes of play time all right well all right here’s my suggestions to a new play start and then build a base and then

Build a auto build a sugarcan farm a manual sugarcan Farm start grinding up some money buy a pickaxe expand your area expand your base build some pumpkin farms then you can buy afford TNT and then you can uh building keep expanding you know keep building building more

Farms that’s if you’re a farm bot if you’re a crystal PVP bot once you get like a certain amount of money um you’ll be set for life you never need to build farms again so much Redstone selling stacks of redstone blocks for 15K dude do not sell them for

More sell them for more sell them for more you got to sell these for more like you got to sell that for like 33k that’s how much redstone blocks are work a a stack of redstone blocks is worth 33k in my opinion that’s what I’m willing to

And I clear auction house a lot so if you just wait for me to clear it then uh you’re good that’ll take yeah it will take time but you like it didn’t take that long it’ll take you like a day of work like in a day you can set up like a

Solid amount of solid base if I’m being honest is it possible to see how you add Hopper grab stuff inside the chest rather than what do you mean like uh how my my my system works like wait where is it over there over there there’s like

Chests you just have to the The Hoppers just have to be like pulling from you know C can I get uh some Redstone please I have like nuns nah not right now how do you sell sugarcane uh I just go to the I just

Like I just SL sell it and I get fat stacks you know it’s pretty good deal pretty good deal dude this song is interesting let’s see if what’s even Playing it’s still it’s still on her and no copyrighted music so I think I’m good I think I’m good I’m not 100% sure though bro so many so many placements I I got I got so much of this layer done kelp you’re active dude that’s good to hear

Bro how far can Pistons be and still work what do you mean be be from what oh oh from like uh render distance I’m not 100% sure I’m not like 100% sure I think it’s like you can go pretty far though ke you’re still active bro how

Are you still in here bro it’s been so long bro it’s been in here for like like 10 hours basically no not 10 hours like 8 hours you join pretty soon how do you sell I just slash sell it that’s how I do it make me fat stacks I got to sell all

This so much so much bro I don’t know how you’re still active if I’m being honest it’s so Long the song is actually good also I’ve been oh my chat just re uh fixed up I’ve been in the whole stream I’ve just not been chatting because I bu Bro you’ve been in the Stream the whole time bro bro building his bro on his Farm building grind set

As well you’re yeah you’re active bro I don’t know how you’ve been in here for so long ke you’ve inspired me to start streaming and yesterday I started my first stream and it did really well dude congrats bro bro streaming is fun did you stream the Don smpp cuz you stream

The donp bro you can get viewers cuz like everyone wants to watch donp content right now it’s the biggest server to stream I think it’s like some of the like all the like top Minecraft streamers right now are streaming donp right who isn’t I’ve been here since the

Stream started as well yeah bro you’ve been here for a while too my Farms aren’t as big as yours but yeah it’s getting there check my bow SL b y 6 million bro you’re rich you’re rich bro what are you Selling the problem is I keep spending my money like I spent so much on like building these Farms that it’s like crazy if these get found though I’m like out of like a like thousands of thousands of thousands of dollars I really hope this one doesn’t

Get found before like the video drops I really am worried it will don’t up my past Hypixel not going to lie yeah bro like look at this 2,000 lers on like almost at 3,000 today like just normal day bro like school there wasn’t school today so I guess it was a

Weekend but still bro it’s crazy it’s like now winter break bro people are like first week of school back it’s actually insane can’t believe there’s that many people on for the first layer of my pumpkin farm how do you off how high off the ground should I build it um

What do you mean how high off the ground you actually unless you want to do like a complicated like sorder you do not want to build it close to bedrock cuz if you build it close to bedrock it’s going to be a pain to build like a chest

System to store items thousands wor like millions of dollars yeah bra’s rich as crap you got 6 million how much you guys think this will make me a day I think this will make me quite a bit this is definitely the biggest farm I’ve Built you don’t have anything on ah I don’t see you amazing Dot no I don’t see you on that don’t me to check your AG if you’re not even in line bro 300K 300K a day bro it’s going to be more than 300K a day 2K per day maybe uh gosh you really

Think it’s that bad how much do you sell a shulker of copper ingots bro dude I don’t know bro I don’t know how much I don’t buy copper actually sell it for like 30k I’ll buy a Sher of copper inot I’m not really into copper so I’m not offering a crazy

Price like no one’s selling ingots either like if you sell ingots is better ore is like kind of annoying I have to smelt it I don’t have an auto sorer smelt up to be honest probably like 1.2 mil a day at least yeah I’m thinking it’s at least a million a

Day I got to do the calculations though got to do the calculations it’s a pretty crazy Farm it’s a pretty crazy Farm all right dude how many how how far do you think I’m going to get I’m already like pretty substantially through this uh this section but I’ve like I think I

Go one how many is it one two three four five wait six I think it’s six yeah right this isn’t even H or what happened did I stomp on it maybe a zombie fell on or something wait I actually might have to end the stream

Here but uh wait let me finish this row I’m going to end the stream guys but uh thank you guys so much for watching like honestly like today was such a long stream and obviously I didn’t maintain a crazy amount of viewers the whole time but like I always had an active chat

Guys and I thank you guys so much bro like honestly like having an active chat like you guys with you guys is like actually so awesome ke if you smell I’ll buy it for 50k if you smelt it all I’ll if you smelt it all I’ll buy it for 50k Doh pickle age Pickle he pickle muff here bro you you don’t have anything else someone must have bought it must have sold instantly do you remember from earlier yeah I think I do I think I do remember you has it been to your base too I think I remember your name I can’t wait there’s

Something Nam similar at least okay okay yeah I’m clearing that bro I’m clearing that it’s a good deal dub logs always need logs guys logs are super duper useful especially when I need this third layer full of Hoppers BR all right all right all right bro yeah I messed it

Up wait I can place this right guys all right all right guys that is the last Redstone place for the stream look how much we got done today let’s let’s I’m going to pull up the stream Guys all right guys we’re going to go to my stream real let’s look how look how far I’ve gone look at the start of the stream this is me at the start of the Stream I was placing on the first layer all right this is where I started and I got

That this much done bro that is crazy br br crap I just leaked that hope there wasn’t anything bad in there all right we’re updating all right guys thank you guys so much for watching my stream um but uh thank you wait did I leak it I think I turn streaming mode

First all right thank you guys so much bro

This video, titled ‘Building the largest PUMPKIN FARM on the Donut SMP!’, was uploaded by KelpTalks on 2024-01-07 02:47:26. It has garnered 5157 views and 189 likes. The duration of the video is 08:22:29 or 30149 seconds.

Description ————————————————— #cpvp #donutsmp #minecraft #live #drdonut #kelptalks east.uspvp.org ————————————————— Cane farm : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko7pr59PKWk

FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE ————————————————— Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kelptalkss Discord: https://discord.gg/6WKZT4AJhK Twitter: https://twitter.com/kelp55902879 ————————————————— Be Sure To Like, Comment, and Subscribe! Thanks for Watching! 🙂 – KelpTalks

  • New City Gate Revealed!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures!

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  • HcL Playz – Insane Hacks: Removing Netherite Armor in SMP!

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  • BUCAMU – [🔴Better Minecraft HardCore] No Sleep Challenge!

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Memes Revealed!

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  • Kerberus

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  • OrbitMC: Semi-vanilla, whitelisted, new, active.

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  • Minecraft Memes – Is it just me, or…🤔

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  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft Gameplay! Dronio #shorts

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Pagar Logic Revealed

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  • 🔴LIMITED LIFE SURVIVAL in Minecraft Realms – Play with Subscribers

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  • 🔥NEW Mod Is Terrifying! You Won’t Believe What Happens!😱

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    🚨SHOCKINGLY INSANE 24/7 PIRATE SMP - JAVA & MOBILE!🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE PUBLIC SMP 24×7 Eternal PiratesSMP (JAVA + MOBILE) Wi 🛑🤩ETERNAL PIRATES’, was uploaded by YO HARDIK on 2024-05-13 05:25:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE PUBLIC SMP 24×7 (JAVA + MOBILE) With @JustJPShorts / @JustJPLive #minecraftjava Welcome to our … Read More

  • Hidden Slime Block Magic – Unseen Circus Raft Fun!

    Hidden Slime Block Magic - Unseen Circus Raft Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘INVISIBLE SLIME BLOCK on a DIGITAL CIRCUS RAFT in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Slime Block on 2024-05-23 12:00:07. It has garnered 7351 views and 295 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:49 or 1669 seconds. Slime Block is INVISIBLE on an AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS RAFT in Minecraft! Slime Block needs to find out Caine’s past to help him get back her memories!! Will Slime be able to do it?? Watch and find out!! The video is inspired by Aphmau, Cash, Nico, Omz, Johnny, and TeeVee! 👾 Want to chat with Slime and his friend… Read More

  • “Shocking Truth: Why Minecraft Earth Should Return! 🌏” #MinecraftShorts #BlockBusters

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  • New! MINECRAFT God of Creation in 4K! 🔥🎮 Psychedelic Shaders & Ray Tracing on RTX4090

    New! MINECRAFT God of Creation in 4K! 🔥🎮 Psychedelic Shaders & Ray Tracing on RTX4090Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 準備起屋仔🏠 找數直播《MINECRAFT 當個創世神》著色器 & 光線追蹤 | RTX4090 | 4K直播 | 廣東話’, was uploaded by O-iPOWER『安特』 on 2024-05-30 17:29:55. It has garnered 178 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:06:30 or 14790 seconds. 0:00:00 Live broadcast starts 0:05:32 Construction begins ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♕ Certificate of thanks for sponsoring this live broadcast ♕ Xiaoji▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✩ Directly sponsors the operation of[Ante]✩ https://payme.hsbc/oipower (PayMe) ✩ Become ⇨ O-iPOWER channel member ✩ http://www.oipower.net/join ✩ Like⇨ O-iPOWER Facebook ✩ http://www.facebook.com/oipower ✩ Follow ⇨ O-iPOWER Instagram ✩ http://www.instagram.com/oipower ✩ Join ⇨ O-iPOWER Discord ✩ https://discord.com/invite/ZbPvTfg ▽The following is… Read More

  • PR02Z Dawgy WILD Transformation #shorts

    PR02Z Dawgy WILD Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOOD Dawgy #shorts’, was uploaded by PR02Z on 2024-04-12 18:25:56. It has garnered 7376 views and 160 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Yo Subscribe if you want Game Minecraft Find me online at ; Discord : https://discord.gg/w5ZpGWxtUM Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pr02z?igsh=MWFwdzBobTd4MXBvaQ== Twitter : https://x.com/PR02Z2?t=PojdNgc8LIG97FIvn6tTbw&s=09 Tags ok #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dbd #gamingcommunity #indiegames #horrorfan #remake #gamers #re #saw #horrorcommunity #fanart #horrorart #twitchtv #videogame #instagamer #pcgamer… Read More

  • SolarMC Network

    SolarMC NetworkSolarMC is a high quality brand new CrystalPvP based Network, we have a variety of gamemodes and we work hard to deliver updates every day, so that you can enjoy a great experience. SolarMC.online:25626 Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.20.4, Discord, DiscordSRV, Dynmap, Voice Plugin, No Whitelist, Coreprotect, Age 16+, Crossplay

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you’re tired of smp’s dying off, look no further! Our community has been thriving for the past few years, thanks to our shared love for Minecraft and other games. Join our discord server to connect with other players and enjoy our Minecraft smp. Why Join Us? Active community with ongoing major build projects Welcoming to new members Friendly and mature environment Community Guidelines We have a few simple rules: no hackers, griefers, or clowns allowed. Respect your fellow players and join our discord to access the Minecraft server. Ready to Join? Join Our Discord… Read More

  • Astral Valley

    Welcome to Astral Valley, where the moon’s gentle embrace and the twinkling stars weave a tapestry of wonder in the vast expanse of Minecraft. Within this realm, the boundaries between reality and the ethereal blur, inviting adventurers to embark on a journey through the celestial wonders of the galaxy. Each block placed and structure erected is a testament to the cosmic dance that unfolds under the watchful gaze of the night sky.As you traverse the landscapes of Astral Valley, you’ll discover mountains that rise like celestial giants, their peaks reaching towards the heavens. Valleys cradle crystalline rivers, reflecting the infinite… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this Minecraft or a glitch?

    Minecraft Memes - Is this Minecraft or a glitch?I guess you could say this meme is blazin’ it with that score of 4208! Read More

  • Teacher’s Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan’s Class Clash

    Teacher's Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan's Class Clash In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. Pirated copies, beware and take heed, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel is the only one you need. Original content, each day a new delight, Subscribe and follow, keep happiness in sight. MC Funny, Classroom Series, and songs to sing, Fangkuaixuan’s creations, joy they bring. So join the fun, in Minecraft’s world so grand, With Fangkuaixuan, happiness at hand. Read More

  • “Hotter than a lava pit: Historical Minecraft Meme” 😂🔥 #minecraft #shorts

    "Hotter than a lava pit: Historical Minecraft Meme" 😂🔥 #minecraft #shorts Why did the ancient Egyptians play Minecraft? Because they heard it was a pyramid scheme! 😂 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft

    Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft The Loyalty Trident in Minecraft Are you looking to add a unique and powerful weapon to your Minecraft arsenal? Look no further than the Loyalty Trident! This special trident offers a range of exciting features that can enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore how you can create your very own Loyalty Trident. Creating the Loyalty Trident To make a Loyalty Trident in Minecraft, you will need to combine a trident with the Loyalty enchantment. The Loyalty enchantment is a rare enchantment that causes the trident to return to the player after being… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!

    Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-15 22:30:01. It has garnered 842 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some of the best fails, wins, and other hilarious moments from the Minecraft community. From exploding creepers to epic building fails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Hashtags: #Minecraft #Shorts #Funny #Fails #Wins #Epic #Gaming #Laughter #Entertainment #GamingCommunity #MinecraftCommunity #Gamer #GamingShorts #FunnyShorts #FailShorts #WinShorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Java Edition Minecraft… Read More

  • The Mystery of Creeper952 in Minecraft

    The Mystery of Creeper952 in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unexplained minecraft #memes #minecraft #gaming #mod #minecraftmemes #earth #experiment #warden #mc’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-13 18:14:46. It has garnered 8666 views and 328 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Thanks for watching! #memes #minecraft #gaming Tags:minecraft, funny, gaming, scary minecraft, minecraft mystery, minecraft creepypasta, tutorial, minecraft history, minecraft mod, prank, secret, minecraft challenge, wifies, dream, minecraft pe, minecraft uncovered, minecraft phone, minecraft viral, mcbyt, hidden, minecraft bedrock edition, eystreem, rgn, eystream, retrogamingnow, now, eyestream, retro, mumbo jumbo, trolling, minecraft myth, game theory, the game theorists, herobrine, testing scary… Read More