EPIC DISASTER in Hermitcraft Vault Hunters E7

Video Information

Guess what everyone I am now level 40 I was a little bit cheeky okay I was off running some plundering vaults with ISO force and EO and all the gear that I was getting was level 40 so I decided to uh eat some burgers and here I am so after

I spent my skill points on some morning frostbite and made me s a new sold I’ve now come to the point in My Vault Hunter’s Journey well fell out of looking at my base is me I do all of this I get all of the stuff sorted into

My little computer I get all of my drawers sorted I even get my little dter system but I still have all of this mess over here all of my beautiful Vault stuff and this is what I’m looking at at there’s no house so that means there’s

No walls no roof and no safety if a bdy comes along I’m pretty much stuffed you know so today that is what we’re going to do we are going to get a building put up and for that I’ve already done some planning I like to sketch up in Creative

I just love the creative flight you know and I know that we can get it on here but I don’t get it until Level 50 so creative world will have to do for now so in order to do that I am actually going to take building gadgets

Hey because I actually want to make the copy paste Gadget this is going to help me loads and I will show you how once I’ve made it so let’s hope and pray that I have enough resources for this oh man I know I’m low on that yep oh I shift

Clicked it and now all of my chromatic irons got and I’ve only got 33 all right building Gadget copy paste Gadget all right this Geer as you can see there’s a little black bar down the bottom he needs some energy so can I make an energy cell of some kind oh there’s this

Ener cell I forgot about this oh perfect all right can I link you up to this and you get energy yes perfect and then you go in there that didn’t take long at all wow this is a really good thing right so now we have the co and past Gadget I

Actually need to get the resources for the build and luckily I made the perfect tool last episode so let’s take this and head here because this is beef’s place we’ll go here grab me Pouch and me eltra oh and me Little W thing so I can get

Back and actually I’m going to be lazy I’m going to go to spawn and then go to beefs not pork and then we’re going to head to this point here which is over there we’re off and we’ll go into the side here shall we make a little entry point oh my God

No my smelting tall I hate this thing I’m going to use the new thing that I made which is a sickle base and then I just put picking ax in and shoveling on it stupid thing hey look at it oh this is amazing oh no

Okay oh look at it so we can only use the Terracotta for this because it’s not like hermitcraft where you can redy them but I think this should be enough so let’s use my walk plate home you got to love these let’s get a chest ready and

Then make up the rest of my materials which are going to be some of these blocks some of these blocks o don’t have many of those some of these blocks and then a few more different blocks I think I’ve nearly collected everything that I need I’m probably missing something but

We’ll find that out I suppose when we go to actually build it so on that note should we head on over to the creative server so here we are on my test world that I couldn’t make into a flat world because of teralith apparently are you

Ready to see my build though I’m very excited to show you I hope you like it you can kind of see a bit of it on the map all right 3 2 1 there it is I’m so happy with this build it took me a while to get right cuz the roof was

Actually quite complicated but I love it I will probably add some more of these details into the top roof and I need to do some on this side but I thought I could do that on the server rather than spending all the time on the creative

Server so what I need to do now is click this first position set then click this area copied right now I need to check to make sure everything is in here it looks like it is so next I have this machine this machine is called the template manager

So what I need to do is put that in there and then I do copy and it says copy clipboard has been successful so fingers crossed this worked back to the fa Hunter server we’re back and now I need need to make myself one of those

Template things if I can spell oh that’s a nice easy one right let’s put you down here for now then I need a bit of paper ooh I already have some made up look at me go then put that there and then put my thingy magic in there and do paste

Yeah all right so now that this is done I want to do load and it says that it has copy zero in it all right and and then oh I hope I’ve done this right I take it out and there’s nothing that there’s usually an outline it says my

Renders don’t really work here outlines for now there should be an outline and there isn’t one so I tried something different I looked at the tutorial I pressed G and I found this paste so now I have an outline and I don’t know if this is how I want it because I can’t

See anything if I move it moves so I can’t see behind me but I think because of the design I need it to come out a few more uh let me think there’s one two three maybe on the front and maybe three here I have no

Idea what I’m doing it’s very scary all right so I’ve had a look and I think we go out this far far as I can see oh man this is very scary all right well let’s go the stuff in my inventory then and give it a go please work I’m so

Petrified it’s not going to work I also don’t know if these framed things are going to work but all I can do is hope and pray that it does so I think this is probably all that I need oh dear ma all right let’s just YOLO it shall we let’s get up

Here I’m scared I don’t want to do it we’re going to try and do it okay 3 2 1 go um it’s wrong oh no it’s too over okay I have oh no and it hasn’t done all of the things I didn’t think it would it looks a mess

No it’s me trying to make my life easier and I oh oh no way they’re ghost blocks oh all right um let’s do this and do undo it went thank God for that all right so how many was it that we had to go over two was it this one all right

Let’s try it again um it’s okay no I did it wrong oh my God I hate myself sometimes why do I do this I do be gone thank God for this all right third times a charm actually I should probably do it down one as well well cuz I’m

Pretty sure I was a bit off and actually I’m going to take this tree down cuz that was in the way all right let’s do this again I think that’s good I think that’s it my build is it because I’ve run out of stuff it those all just ghost

Blocks oh man what do I do about this like I can see that I’ve run out of this wood that’s fine but oh like AB mess oh my God look at the state of it oh man all right well at least I’ve done some testing for you all and these

Things don’t work for copy and pasting over okay so don’t use them unless you want these like I don’t really know what’s happened like has it worked maybe it has you know and well it must have cuz they’ve gone down but they’re just I can’t do anything with them I’m literally going

To have to remove them that is so weird why why have you done this to me I’ve been so good today I’ve been a nice person can I not do these either no well um we know what I’m doing fixing the build all by hand and

Without an angel block and I don’t think I’m in the position to actually get to level 50 that’s 10 away ISO is level 47 H do I get to level 50 and then Finish the build is that lazy is that lazy I hate using scaffolding does anyone else hate using scaffolding

I don’t know if this is lazy you know do I just leave the build do do I leave it and get creative flight oh man I wish it just worked why did you not work look at the state of it okay time to go away and think and

Make some decisions what to do next I’ve made a decision I’m going for the creative flight the laziness is too strong within this one it’s just such a pain in the buls to just go around and do all of these without flying easily so let’s finish off this Crystal and let’s

Head into a vault shall we hey it’s my favorite type of v a Sandy V I actually don’t like sand faults I hate creepers but it is an Elixir so it should be relatively easy to do it’s what I’m hoping anyway we need to find what is

Good for us oh there’s a load Stone in the first room you spoil me game I shall remember where you are wooden chests are not that good okay oh I can do the altars now oh oh I’m not going to though I really should but I’m

Not going to I need to level I cannot waste time oh no cannot waste time with that I don’t think why do you give me so many options game ooh okay a gilded going to be for me no what is it going to be then coins

Maybe living I want to be level 50 I want to get creative flight here’s some coins let’s see coins oh yeah it’s the coins oh some living to try right how are you you’re awful okay good to know more coins though oh I forgot about ores ores could be good for

Us that was scary all right let’s have a look no they’re all so terrible just coins is then just the S to go now oh my God taking five too many hits oh we’re nearly done I’ve just noticed oh we have done we are done we are Pros we are done

We are Pros oh should we try this all right let’s try it loot orate chest okay well there’s no way I’m doing that right that’s a difficult one 15 or Nest like I need to find an x mark for that and then it’s sorted oh tier two of the bow wait game

Game how much do you love me game oh my God that’s funny how many AR in are ah that one doesn’t count that’s mean all right well four uhoh uh-oh uh-oh no this is dangerous sorry so many mobs no what is what is going on don’t St spawn in my

Head I want to get that champion in my frozen thing why am I poisoned what poisoned me thank you that was rough there is a dungeon over here oh oh NES should we see what this dungeon is normal and it’s coin don’t want coin especially cuz

We have this up here might as well just loot this save myself the stress oh hello please be your Nate no you’re coin I just need to find like a mega POI or this room this room would do please game do not not have this as a trap please I beg

You but it’s going to be a trap cuz I’ve been so lucky with these recently yeah oh uh-oh oh no big baddies I need my water back we’re off I went the wrong way I went the wrong way I cannot go the wrong way why am I going the wrong

Way I’m an idiot no I do what just did I don’t think I’m going to do this you know there’s another dungeon there I’m not seeing what it is it is oh okay is this hello it’s coin again oh no all right let’s try one more room we

Got a minute 45 there’s load Stone in that room that I’ve just marked are there any orates there’s no orate what are you no all right one more room then we have to run back two rooms to be able to get a load Stone some more NES probably not enough

Though stupid creepers I hate them so much oh okay a oh no well at least didn’t blow up me all night oh god oh it’s only three I only needed what is that four more to go a what no what is ethereal mobs in this Vault can spawn in as ethereal being

Immune to any damage ah well that’s mean I’m not going to lie on that note we’re off oh that’s cute look at the bottom right at that little thing look like little ghost that’s cute well we did it a how many levels did we gain one we’re

At level 41 well it’s good to know that I got that Cur first thing in that Vault so my next Vault should be okay right oh I got charm oh I’m going to open that in a sec oh me me thing don’t work now look

Um I don’t really know what to do about this temporary solution put in place borrowed some cables from isll and out of all my loot I actually got two decent Siz jewels and all of this stuff so let’s open all the gear first because I

Want to save this to last I’ve not had one of these yet and it’s very exciting to me we got o a decent Shield then what I didn’t even see these look at the movement speed I have to work with these as well they’re like one less armor but

I don’t care look at the movement speed it’s perfect what’s going on not that I’m complaining at all look at the mining speed wait you can get 20 mining speed all right that’s going be rolled as well and then these oh I don’t want to give up the seven armor but I’m

Pretty sure I can get more than that I think I get 18 armor if I roll a six now so we’ll work with that one as well that was a pretty good hole next up my beautiful charm okay I’m hoping that this is a valara one I don’t know how

These work I want it to be a valara cuz they’re cute saying that they’re all cute look at them oh they’re so pretty okay it’s a tenos one and what does it do 12% tenos Affinity okay let’s put you there look it it is so cute oh my God I love it

Look what does it look like when it follows me I’m stuck oh look that oh so cute I’m easily amused from my skill point I’m going to up frostbite and now to roll some of these buts there we go that one should do me perfect then for the magnet I don’t

Think I’m going to touch that actually let’s um let’s uh fundamental it oh it’s better I don’t want to push my luck I think that’ll do trousers we’re looking for increased armor and increased attack damage there we go very bad on the item quantity and Rarity but my

God that will do me my skirt then finally the boots I’m looking for a tra disarm armor and item quantity really so let’s do this one well there we go I think that one will have to Do I I’ve done look at the crafting potential it I’ve done quite a lot here but I have Max armor I got lowest knockback resist I don’t care about that right now 13 increased attack damage I miss out on the item quantity cuz I got item Rarity but this is the closest I’ve

Been I don’t I don’t want to do it no more I don’t think fairy boots not bad they’re bad but not bad I got an orent as well identify you lot luckily nothing’s better than what I have all right well I’m going to run vaults until I’m level 45 let’s see how

Many it takes shall we how many volts do you think it would take for me to get to level 45 put it in the comments down below and we’ll see did you write down in the comments how many volts you thought it would take me you could

Probably see on the right that I did join some others for a vault as well but anyway should I tell you how many vaults I did we did one two three four five volts but I don’t know if we should count these ones because they’re zero XP

I ran some at a zumas level cuz I run some vaults with the zom Wells and isol so I didn’t get any XP for that so well done if you guessed five even though it’s was a bit of a trick question wasn’t it so I do have some goodies to

Open I gave my low level crates to auma and I did do some Bounties in that as well so let’s open the bounties first ah Echo oh black chromatic still got to love these bounties so now to open my completion crates and I believe this one is probably worlds’s yeah this

Is worlds’s level I said that I’d give these 12s but I can now see that he’s level 45 so I don’t think you’ll mind if I keep these now and then out of that we got two decent Siz Jewels I’ll obviously keep them all though and another one I’m

Obviously hoping that I may get an artifact in all of these ooh oh don’t mind if I do and then my last completion crate a I didn’t get an artifact okay and then I did get a painting room in inscription which is beautiful and some mod boxes we must run

Inscription soon all right let’s grab as much of this gear out as I possibly can it’s all a little bit low for me now though oh we do have some 45s all right okay let’s do this lot first all right let’s see if we got anything good that

Has four chaining on it look at the attack damage though that sucks oh hello hello okay this will probably oh but my other one is so good H this one we may use oh my God that okay I kind of have to use that what is there an Enderman here oh my God

Leave me be I’m I’m yoloing it you can go there love and the rest of them aren’t so good I may keep them just in case somebody else wants them though all right last lot go oh oh wow look at that that crit hit resistance oh that’s so

Good that’s actually a really good helmet minus the armor if I can get increased damage on that I might actually take that instead everything is like high rolled on it and then these ones also have crit hit resistance save me from them stupid snapping turtles I

May work with those as well so I’m going to see if I can actually put increased damage on here I can and I can get 14 all right let’s spend some money let’s hope now for 14 go 12 give me 14 yeah okay that is perfect I love it now

Trousers oh I also want increased damage on them as well give me 14 that’s 13 should I just go with 13 it’s literally what I have on the other two pieces so might as well to make you look pretty I swear this is what I’m doing recently gorgeous it feels good to

Be level 45 only five more levels to go and I shall have my creative flight all right so as we’re over level 40 we should probably get to this one here so let’s actually just do a few quests because I want to get to this one and

Hopefully get a valara little totem not that I don’t love you tenos but I just love valara you know so let’s work our way through these complete and I get an inscription uh next I need to apply an inscription to an architect Crystal okay we’ll just do that

Then and claim you yay and then we did the level 40 perfect oh my God you you get the four Echo gems and an orange and then I can just auto complete this what that’s ridiculous okay next is to do a god order that was Speedy now let’s identify

My second charm of the day hoping for valara like I said please they’re the OS I like to do because it’s all Health based if it hasn’t changed oh no it’s like Dona no I think it’s a very bad eye donor as well a does it fart out red it

Does fart out red these things are so cute all right well I’m not changing I think I’d much rather do a tenos than an ey donor so everyone I think I’m going to call it there for today we are nearly there next episode we shall become level 50 and finish off

The base oh man I’m so sad about this but creative flight is going to be amazing I will finish you my be so everyone if you enjoyed today’s episode then please give it a thumbs up it’s always appreciated and if you really enjoyed it then please hit the

Subscribe button so everyone I will see you all next time Bye

This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 7 – A DISASTER’, was uploaded by Stressmonster101 on 2023-12-06 16:00:02. It has garnered 20347 views and 1836 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:33 or 1593 seconds.

Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 7 – A DISASTER Hermitcraft plays Vault Hunters Modded Minecraft.

My Gear and skills: https://vaulthunters.gg/armory/Stressmonster101

♥ My Social Media: https://linktr.ee/NatalieArnold ♥ My Stream upload channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StressmonsterExtra

Intro made by Vans Design Intro/outro music: Gemini_Robot (YouTube create)

#vaulthunters #minecraft #stressmonster101

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    Dream Lands Craft SMPDream Lands Craft is first and foremost a Survival server trying to enhance the vanilla experience by making the late game much more interesting by adding leveled progression in terms of Elite and Infernal mobs which spawn in addition to normal mobs, unique items, jobs. The server economy allows you to buy and sell many different items for in-game money which can be used to buy gear, building blocks, ranks… You can claim your own land which can not be griefed so you can work on building megaprojects, you can play in the MobArena and much more. Almost everything you… Read More

  • Newland Realms 18+

    Join Our Adult-Only Bedrock Realm! We are looking for more members to join our casual, cooperative Bedrock realm. With around 12 members already, we are seeking to expand our community. Our mega-base cavern is carved out of a snowy mountain, and we are constantly expanding and building new chambers. We have been active for 4 months and have no plans of stopping. Our main rules include no PvP, no mob/item/xp farms, and no disrespectful speech. If you are interested in joining our community, message me for more information. We also have a Discord for members to join if they’d like! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Meme #33

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Meme #33Looks like this meme is on a winning streak! Score of 73 in the Minecraftifying Memes league, watch out world! Read More

  • Only 0.04% of players know this spicy Minecraft secret #hotmemes

    Only 0.04% of players know this spicy Minecraft secret #hotmemes Only 0.04% of Minecraft players have the patience and dedication to build this secret feature…the rest of us are too busy accidentally setting our houses on fire with lava buckets. Read More

  • Ultimate Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE!

    Ultimate Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE! The Exciting World of Minecraft Furniture Mods Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spruce up your virtual world with some stylish furniture? Look no further! The Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE Malayalam is here to take your gameplay to the next level. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting mod and how it can enhance your Minecraft experience. What Does the Furniture Mod Offer? The Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE and Bedrock Edition brings a wide range of furniture options to your game. From modern sofas and elegant tables to cozy beds and decorative lamps, this mod… Read More

  • Minecraft Barrel Tutorial

    Minecraft Barrel Tutorial Minecraft Barrels: Crafting and Uses In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for new ways to store and organize their items. One popular storage solution that has gained traction is the humble barrel. These cylindrical containers offer a unique aesthetic and functionality that sets them apart from traditional chests. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft barrels and explore their crafting recipe and various uses in-game. Crafting a Barrel in Minecraft To craft a barrel in Minecraft, players will need the following materials: 6 Oak Planks: Gather oak wood and convert it into planks at a… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on One Chunk in Minecraft’, was uploaded by WelcominTV on 2024-06-01 14:00:03. It has garnered 254222 views and 7424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:37 or 2917 seconds. I attempt to survive Hardcore Minecraft while on only One Chunk. During these 100 days I have to use limited resources, stave off starvation, and beat the game with limited land. Can I survive all 100 days?…. Watch to the end to find out! 👍 Can we get 30000 likes for an even harder 100 Days!?👍 #hardcore #100Days #minecraft ────────────────────────────────── 😵‍💫BRAND… Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Mob Madness!

    Real Life Minecraft Mob Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mobs in Real Life! (EXTRA CURSED)’, was uploaded by MR.LOKIGAMER on 2024-02-15 09:34:50. It has garnered 44 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. Minecraft Mobs in Real Life! (EXTRA CURSED) Minecraft, But Scary Cursed MOBS are ULTRA REALISTIC Challenge with ETHAN! Can you Believe the END?!! #Eystreem #Minecraft Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, funny, secret, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft mobs in real life extra scary, minecraft mobs in real life, minecraft mobs, minecraft scary mobs, minecraft myths scary, mobs in real life cursed minecraft, extremely… Read More

  • FerFox – INSANE Memory Loss in Minecraft! 😱 #shorts

    FerFox - INSANE Memory Loss in Minecraft! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Do You Remember.. 🥺 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by FerFox on 2024-05-10 23:00:03. It has garnered 3091553 views and 157710 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Do You Remember.. 🥺 #shorts #minecraft #shortsminecraft #foryoupage #minecraftMods #trending #tiktoksong #shorts FerFox does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.20 challenges in 2024! Today FerFox plays… Read More

  • SHOCKING Reality VS Realistic Minecraft 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    SHOCKING Reality VS Realistic Minecraft 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Reality VS Realistic Minecraft… 😳 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Johny on 2024-03-01 22:14:37. It has garnered 12909 views and 431 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Reality VS Realistic Minecraft… 😳 TikTok:https:https://www.tiktok.com/@diamont.crafter Read More

  • 🔥Sachin DESTROYS in NEW Lifesteal SMP 🔥JOIN NOW!

    🔥Sachin DESTROYS in NEW Lifesteal SMP 🔥JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥MINECRAFT | NEW BEST PUBLIC LIFESTEAL SMP | FOR JAVA / PE | FATAFAT JOIN KARLO 🙃’, was uploaded by Sachin playz on 2024-03-19 06:32:12. It has garnered 1611 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 🔥MINECRAFT | NEW BEST PUBLIC LIFESTEAL SMP | FOR JAVA / PE | FATAFAT JOIN KARLO 🙃 ◽️Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/sachinplayzofficial/ 🔵Discord:- https://discord.gg/YnbC729ss4 🤑For Businesses and Sponsors:- [email protected] Minecraft 100 Days On a RAFT https://youtu.be/wYvsdLjeDWs?si=g8IzslRasNvO1HP_ Minecraft 100 Days in JUNGLE https://youtu.be/CuQ0l7T4kvY?si=aDapHUzJmDGFXF5k Minecraft 100 Days on Survival Island https://youtu.be/ND7XaOJ9xEM?si=OK_3DsACfAuhyBez Minecraft 100 Days In Badlands Only… Read More

  • Unbelievable VR Eyetest Game – Mind-Blowing!

    Unbelievable VR Eyetest Game - Mind-Blowing!Video Information This video, titled ‘#eyetesting #eyelevel #magic #eyegame #art #mindboggling #duet #eyesgame #smallbusiness’, was uploaded by vr gaming 143k on 2024-03-19 01:15:46. It has garnered 6383 views and 544 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #shorts #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortfilm #shortstories #shortsyoutube #shortfeed #shortstory #shortmovie#minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftdownload #minecraftpe #minecraft_download_link #minecraftpe1#shorts #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortfilm #shortstories #shortsyoutube #shortfeed #shortstory #shortmovie#minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftdownload #minecraftpe #minecraft_download_link #minecraftpe1 Read More


    DARINA'S EPIC ANIME MAGIC CHALLENGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘#tutorial #challenge #anime #magic #minecraft #trend #trending #funny #dance #duet’, was uploaded by Дарина on 2024-05-24 17:35:34. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT CHAOS: iHorus DESTROYS EVERYTHING!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT episode 9’, was uploaded by iHorus Smash on 2024-04-02 04:10:29. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:20 or 8960 seconds. Welcome to the channel, I stream Smash, Rocket League and other games. Feel free to sub and hop in the chat, I usually reply to everyone. Have a good day~! Read More

  • Insane Peppa Pig EXE Attack on Minecraft House ft. Mikey & JJ

    Insane Peppa Pig EXE Attack on Minecraft House ft. Mikey & JJVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Peppa Pig EXE family vs The Most Secure House Minecraft gameplay Mikey and JJ (Maizen Parody)’, was uploaded by AlexBro on 2024-05-29 13:20:20. It has garnered 27617 views and 225 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:58 or 538 seconds. Today, we’re facing up against one of our scariest opponents yet, the Mutant Scary Peppa Pig EXE family and Mikey Play like Maizen JJ and Mikey experiment with JJ and Mikey to Scary Peppa Pig EXE family I hope you will enjoy my videos. Read More

  • ZapCon Network

    ZapCon NetworkEste es un servidor con amplias modalidades java y bedrock con buena optimización y comunidad el server sigue en desarrollo para tomar ideas de la comunidad y mas espero que les guste y se diviertan. mc.zapcon.net Read More

  • 🌎 Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Java Semi-Vanilla 18+ Whitelist Dynmap LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Infinity Isles! We are a fresh 18+, semi-vanilla Java Minecraft server that started on the 25th of March this year. Our community has grown significantly, welcoming players from all over the world into a close-knit community. If this sounds like the place for you, be sure to apply! Why Choose Us? SEMI VANILLA: Whitelisted server for 18+ players with vanilla survival gameplay enhancements. WHITELISTED: Thorough application process to ensure quality players only. SUPPORT: East US coast server location for good connectivity worldwide. PLAYER PROJECTS: Help shape the server with your building skills. ADVENTURES: Explore the server’s unique history… Read More

  • Krotje Hardcore MC

    Krotje Hardcore MCWe are broke. and we want you to hang out with us. will you shack with us? Kortterdikrotterdikrot. Kortterdikrotterdikrot. Kortterdikrotterdikrot. shacks. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Two kinds of Minecraft players…

    There are two types of people in the world: those who understand this Minecraft meme and those who don’t realize it’s pure comedic gold with a score of 1065. Read More

  • Creeper Chaos: Chloe’s Hardcore Night

    Creeper Chaos: Chloe's Hardcore Night In the world of Minecraft, Chloe takes the lead, With AZKi, Iroha, and Polka, a daring deed. Their first explosive night, a tale to be told, In Hardcore Minecraft, where adventures unfold. Chloe, the creeper magnet, with her friends by her side, Facing challenges and dangers, with nothing to hide. They navigate the world, with skills and might, In the HoloServerHardcore, shining bright. AZKi, a beginner, living by flattering others, Embracing the game, like sisters and brothers. Iroha and Polka, joining in the fun, Communication is key, under the sun. Together they conquer, in this virtual land, Crafting, building,… Read More

  • Minecraft: Bamboo Destroys Logic [🔥😂]

    Minecraft: Bamboo Destroys Logic [🔥😂] “Why use logic when you can just plant bamboo everywhere and call it a day in Minecraft?” 🎍🤷‍♂️ #bamboovslogic #minecraftlogic Read More