EPIC FableSMP S3 EP 67 – Ruffled Feathers

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Last time on Fable as Fe wolf tried to let Juno go he thought it was time that because of what happened with centros and nearly attacking her he should let her go but it seemed that no matter what he did she did not want to go and she venly refused until he

Apologized and and gave her a hug and brought her back in inside so he decided instead of running away or pushing her away or running away from his partners he would go try and get some help where he went to ulses and they did a bunch of

Tests they tested his blood to see that he was in fact pretty a lot of hybrid a lot of wolf uh they tested his strength on three different kinds of mobs for frame of reference where it took ulyses just about a 100 do there we go we got

Everything we need just in case so don’t mind me hey is going we’re both for muted and not Deen don’t even worry about that one anyway there’s a lot of wolf in that guy don’t worry he’s he’s doing Lord don’t even worry I’m not we’re not there yet we’re not there yet

Okay uh wols we’re so silly um so yeah t ulyses uh did some tests on him and for frame of reference where it took uls’s 100 hits on an Iron Golem ah it took Wolf’s 10 so it was a bit of a jarring moment to learn that much and then after that

They got to work on some potions elysius gave wolf some potions that should help him though noted that they didn’t have the desired effect but didn’t really elaborate on what it should be so with that that is where we get into Lord todays be strong yeah real strong so

Let’s get into it yeah okay we’re gonna do we’re going to do a different song that one sure vibes okay let’s go hi you you you still want to be over there in the corner okay I can’t stop you okay hi hi Sparks hi

Um oh I was like what was that it was him okay we’re kind of getting right into it today I want to go I have AR’s book and I haven’t read a whole bunch of it cuz I just haven’t but I wanted to go check on the map that race that he

Was making I don’t know where it is I’m assuming town hall probably that feels right so Somewhere Is on by the what was wait what was that what what what’s wrong what’s wrong hey uh where are hello wolf uh where uh okay one um by the by the records what what is what’s wrong hey hey hi hi what you’re good you’re good hi what’s wrong what

What’s what’s what’s wrong why why why why was it is what happened where is someone here or I’m no it’s sorry it was a it was just a test I I should have put it in the in in on the coms I’m sorry it was it wasn’t nothing’s

Wrong what wait the the the the the warning Bells warning Towers I I I figured out how to U make them work properly and so I I was just yeah um are you oh okay nothing I didn’t mean to scare you I didn’t it’s okay it’s nothing’s wrong no

No one’s no one they not attack right nothing okay okay no I yeah it it was just a a a test of the the the alarm Towers I um sorry sorry I didn’t mean to overreact I it just it it sounds like the nether alarms I think that’s exactly the nether

Alarms the what at The Fortress the war Fortress and another we had alarms on on either end the rep Bells uh if you trip to one they all tripped and they lit up and that that meant that everything uh was was going wrong that we were under

Attack that we were fighting um it it just sounds just like them but it you you it’s okay you didn’t know I just it startled me I didn’t know we had them um I’m I’m so sorry I I thought it would help to have some way to in case we were

Attacked again that we could everyone could know no it it makes sense it makes sense it would probably is helpful to everyone keep them it it it makes sense it just uh caught me off guard and sooped me and would it would it help if I it showed them

Expl I don’t have to turn it on I could just explain it or or or I can show you the other things I’ve been working I’ve been working on a bunch of things to try and help um if that would help yeah sure e either one’s fine uh yeah okay then

Um yeah let okay so we have the tower over there we have one um here there’s more right there’s I heard a couple yeah uh there are uh Four Towers around town but they’re all connected to an underground Redstone Loop that actually is linked to several more Bells

Because there’s a certain distance that you can’t hear them anymore so I made sure to place a bell every I didn’t actually measure out the blocks it was just kind of a when you stop hearing them made sure to another Bell so there’s probably why you could hear so

Many is that there are a lot turned on all at once um so like this one here will emergency alarm it uh when you turn it on and I won’t I won’t turn it on it has you can even come see back here um it has all of the all the Redstone so

That it activates Two Bells up top and a light because you need to be able to see like which I found if you fly over you can see really easily which uh which which Tower is on by its it blinking light mhm so that you know which Tower

You have to turn off again and I have they don’t um they don’t stop perfectly because Redstone Loops is pain but um these are all there’s also stop switches in the backs of all of them that will oh wait I might have left the other one one

Moment I might have left the other one on did I I did this is why we have the lights uhhuh can’t accidentally leave it on mhm there we go they’re uh I don’t have them labeled because I realized that well I’ll explain to everyone at

Town Hall how to use them I didn’t want as much as I want to be able to you know label like hey keep this is the off switch and you have to keep it you have to keep it on until you hear the Bell stop ringing and that means that the

Signals stopped and the loop is done and but then someone any if what if a raid happened and they found the switch and it just is the big off button and yeah so and it’s like kind of too on the nose yeah so I worked on these um we have

Yeah there’s one over by uh will not fake and there’s one by Town Hall um and I actually even by Town Hall I’m I’m going to call I call it a town meeting I have a a thing over here even that I’ve realized we probably should have had

This before of like you know when when a town meeting is called uh having kind of a notice board having when things will happen I like the design on the sign yeah it you know load star Grove well yes okay uh but um and uh I have a whole

Setup and I have signs around that even kind of advertise it is uh the the search efforts for ARA are over in here I have a whole map it was just my discoveries map but I’ve expanded it to also include uh outposts so that’s that’s what I was like

Originally coming here for um oh yeah just real quick I’ve started working on okay this is finished but a lot of people didn’t have armor during the fight so if we do a town hall meeting at at some point during night I want to tell anyone who needs armor to ask me or

Any other materials um and maybe putting them around town kind of hidden like your guy um I carry this now I just got rid of my building shulker and just carry oh yeah a second set that this isn’t my set this entirely second set’s armor was working

On enchanting for a while but I can make more I can make plenty we’ve got so much netherite and materials um that I can yeah I can spend that time enchanting so getting everyone geared up properly actually um and having materials around people who don’t carry armor

Yeah I think that would be really really smart uh let me add that uh I know at least then had my chest plate from we went to the Nether and gave that to ooshi and then I gave mine to uiss during the fight so and armor stash stash stash there there we

Go there we go okay but yeah yeah I aside from that I was actually coming to I The Outpost we went to on the other day to maybe map those out I I found this book with our sauna stuff mhm it’s her diary so it’s pretty personal the alley has kind of pointed

Me in the direction of it and showed me where it was I don’t feel great going through it but frankly if she’s going to mad at me she can do it when we find her and that’s yeah that’s fine with me I’ll take that but I already found she

She wrote down about everything that happened since she’ been here but also that the outposts have hidden chests so the ones that we went to that we thought were empty have hidden chests somewhere in them so they’re actually even still now worth marking and noting um and then

Also a an image of a map she’s been working on but I haven’t it’s like nearly 60 pages and some of it’s kind of he heavy or I guess just hard to like looking at pictures of that she’s drawn of like me and Hal from when we made cat

Scratch records which isn’t sad it’s nothing about that is sad it’s just it’s sad right now yeah it hurts to see when she’s not here yeah so I haven’t gotten to go through much on my own but I there’s at least two things in there that are really useful do

You want to try and go through more or do you want to whatever I can if if I mean even you don’t have to even read out loud but if it’s hard to go through I can just be next to you or I can read it and tell you the important bits or

I or or we could just go look at outposts for hidden chests but if you think there’s helpful information that might help us find her yeah I I I think it’d be helpful going through it with you just having someone else there yeah I I can do that we’re um I have it

And I have El I don’t know if you want to do it here or or if we want to go be perched I mean cuz I carry the El turn consistently I also now have PL turns oh can’t believe you’ve done this I toed it back do you want

To if it’s a diary I don’t want to be out in public maybe we go over to the observatory yeah okay let’s let’s do that don’t mind me okay I also did that oh um there’s also one at our front door and then also the open entrance that used to be there

Was those pillagers in our house like a lot when that happened oh she told me yeah so I closed up the the back entrance and also got those set up at the entrances a pretty high pitch so I hear them all throughout the house just something I

Know that that was nice and open but now it’s glass because you know yeah that makes sense why we it do you want me to how can I how can how can I help you wait now I can read out loud if you need I can just

Sit here if you want to just read I if you’re okay reading out loud I might just stop looking if it’s a hard one yeah I can do that okay I’ve read so the first Pages or so okay or skip you want me to start

From the beginning or do you want me to start from the beginning okay all right um it feels strange waking up here I’m still jumpy and I seriously doubt I’m going to stop being jumpy for a while I only saved a few of my siblings the

Others have to be out there somewhere if I’m lucky maybe they’re back home with Mom I’m not usually lucky so note to self give back what ooshi gave us can’t afford to owe anyone ran into the last person I actually expected to find the actual real lady of

The world I guess she’s one of the people around here the alleys want to meet her and she seems nice but I don’t know I don’t want to take any chances should mom is dead she’s dead and gone and there’s nothing I can do about it we have no

Home and no one who even knows we’re here and this isn’t helping found oxra got to check if they’re safe that a guy named wolf who is also a wolf really on point with the name I guess oxra is safe he seems to like the

Library and so do the others I want to take her home but I don’t know I don’t want Ry getting suspicious got a note from a guy named Caspian he knows about mom maybe he’ll know how to get her back but I can’t get my hopes

Up Lyon had her I don’t know how many resets I’ve been through but from what I can remember alyon never showed up to help me I shouldn’t be mad I shouldn’t be mad because he got husked and was trying to remember but I just why Caspian said there were resets where

He remembered that he had to remember me he had to know I was out here and I needed her maybe he just assumed I was dead starting to think that this would all be much easier if I had died in the ather fall like I was supposed

To maybe I could find him talk to him anything he wouldn’t have just abandoned me right the experiments the pillagers the Allies the Vex I didn’t want to remember any of this it’s still pretty fuzzy but they are still out there and they captured my siblings I even want to

Know how close they are this time they can’t have it yet or they would have turned me and the others IND Vex already the clock’s ticking I have to find them as soon as possible before it’s too late I can’t let the other allies know they’ve dealt with enough already on a

Brighter note Ray and their brother sherbet fixed my wings it’s not as natural as it was but especially now I’ll take it any way I can get around faster is worth it not sheret looks exactly like Fable it’s disturbing Ray and sheret are apparently and Darrian and Fable children

Respectively with the same mother kind of glad I wasn’t there to see that storm go down I’m guessing it wasn’t pretty I found Forest well Ray found Forest he’s understandably jumpy but he escaped a p Outpost and was wandering the plains in search of shelter he’s back home safe they’re getting closer to

Finding out how to make Vex I’m got to get my siblings out of there note to self don’t do not trust Oshi iist right I think she mentioned that they only recently got to interact again yeah oh she said that they built a school yeah yeah that’s that’s that’s

What the building over the hill is MH and this PID don’t ever give coffee Ray coffee ever again there are other universes apparently I can’t think about this too much or my head is going to explode going to focus on the task at hand instead going to the Pillager Outpost

Today it’s the only strong lead I’ve got to take it if I can they figured it out not sure how long until it’s on a mass scale but it can’t be too long got to find the Mansion but it could be anywhere only glue Left Behind The Outpost was a totem and hidden

Chest oh hidden chest that’s what you meant right oh wait shoot I I’m a fool I’m sorry possibly F stages there we go I can’t take on a mansion alone Ray might know what to do or maybe wool for Mambo still not totally sure about Oshi

If anyone else finds out what totems are the Allies could be in danger more in danger than they already are at least the ather is dead it’s gone there’s no Home left there’s nothing to go back to we’re stuck here with people who want to destroy us and it’s all

Reay’s fault oh why was I stupid enough to trust him why am I stupid enough to trust anyone wolf helped me today in what way he could it was nice to get my mind off of everything and the dance Pavilion does look pretty nice I think the Allies

Like it too they deserve something nice like that it’s been so long since they’ve had it went out with Caspian today he wants to find Mom and I guess teaming up is better than searching the entire world by myself no sign of her yet but they showed up instead they’re disturbingly

Close I want to hope they were going for the village and I just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time with my luck it’s likely but they’re close they’re way too close I have to figure out where the hell they’ve been coming from before they find me before they

Take me back memories have been coming back I think the raid set them off I can’t remember him I can’t remember exactly what he did but I can remember nir every time I do I get so angry I know he betrayed me and I know he hurt

Them I just don’t know how he’s out there and he knows I’m screwed it was already good at being two steps ahead of me do you recognize that name I don’t think she’s ever mentioned at me talk to Ray today we’re better can’t blame him for what happened

To the Aether all he wanted was to get back part of part of his family back he didn’t know if it were for Mom I would probably destroy Dimension without a second thought too doesn’t mean it still doesn’t hurt you found me I’m such an idiot I should have been

Keeping things on the low down low not running around on a search with Caspian like I’m not their Most Wanted they shot me in the shoulder it felt familiar strangely but I handled the patrol just fine Caspian an axe helped to clear out the rest of them two Pillager outposts

In one spot it’s not normal that’s for sure is it a coincidence or have they known I was out here I can’t be sure it’s going to drive me crazy but they’re gone now all the ones at The Outpost I just hope they didn’t get any messages out about me before that

Happened found the mansion and burned it down that should buy me some more time but how much I don’t know I’ll probably I probably should be afraid of wolf All Things Considered but no matter how much I should be afraid I’m just not I don’t know what it is but it’s

Like I can inst in intrinsically feel that he won’t hurt me it’s stupid thinking like that that got me in trouble in the first place but I can’t make it go away either way he and Mambo helped prolong the Alle safety today I owe them for

That are we still considered a book club after this I don’t think we’ve ever read a book at book club what really yeah I think one meeting we went and took down a mansion to help me one was just on Mambo’s floor cuz she’s not doing so hot we built the

Pumpkins in the middle we went to sound like a mini Library I don’t I don’t need like indoctrinated V asking him book questions but didn’t actually read a book that day I don’t think we’ve actually booked much at book club I don’t know the last time we

Booked she’s here she’s here and she’s in my hands and yet she wants me to kill her I can’t do it she has to know I can’t do it after all I’ve been through after all caspian’s been through I can’t just throw her away like it means

Nothing I need her she has to know that her not being there was what made me trust namir thinking I had no family left made me want to protect the one I thought I found if she’s gone again how long will it take before I become that

Version of myself again I can’t remember everything I did I just know about the thinking about the pelis makes me feel sick I don’t want to be that person ever again I don’t have to be if Mom’s here but she is here and she won’t talk to me

And she wants me to kill her I can’t it’s so selfish of me but I can’t ven found the house no one was supposed to find the house they cannot under any circumstances give v a reason to want to use this against me I hope I haven’t already I didn’t know

Vin she mentioned it to me I think it’s just me and V okay I’m doing it tomorrow putting my mother’s vessel on the portal and I will never see her again I know it’s the right thing to do I know it’s what she wants and it will help sh and Ray get

Their dad back but it still hurts even if I have the memory of her face again even if I know how much she loves me I just want to be selfish I just want my mom I want to scream there were more there were more in purgatory there were

More of my siblings trapped there and we left them behind we left them there and we closed the door because Fable couldn’t risk ining getting out and I get that I really do but why do I have to keep sacrificing my family to fix the problems his family made why

Is my mother dead while he survives a blade to the heart why are my siblings locked away while he gets to walk free it isn’t fair I didn’t do anything they didn’t do anything anything and yet there’s no home and there’s no Mom and no safety and I just want to go

Home I shouldn’t have given her up he feels bad he should he’s walking free while mom died to get him out I don’t know what it is though I should believe him when he talked about the loss of all the souls of the Aether I’ve been around good liars in my

Time he wasn’t lying he hates the ather fell I should just be grateful that he feels remor at all and that he even took the time to take care of the Allies left in purgatory but I don’t know something about him still makes my skin crawl

There’s this tiny voice in the back of my head that keeps asking where when he suddenly started crying about the alleys he certainly never seemed to care before why would afron and asan keep the souls from leaving the ather it doesn’t sound like them especially if the whole

Place was falling maybe I’m just being paranoid maybe that’s last thing I want is to piss off a God in his own realm I should just keep my mouth shut love this I didn’t know she and Fable talked I mean I guess that makes sense I

I didn’t know that and what he told her we I actually haven’t really talked to him about the details I I what is an OU keep the souls Rel L ather that I I I uh uh sorry I are puzzle pieces and things you know I just you’re fine I

Don’t know who they are but they’re they’re the gods of the the portals the gateways the entries and exits they I don’t know right sorry I you all right yeah I just um do do you know what happened to them Starlight sorry sorry you’re good yeah okay uh we can keep

Going where’ you go I I asked uh in andan if she knew what happened to them but she doesn’t she shouldn’t see them she didn’t see what happened to them uh sorry thing okay okay I just know where you went yeah I guess it probably looks weird I it’s

It’s strange to listen to her when someone else is there or try and talk to her when someone else is there yeah okay um think I’m may have almost witnessed Ray’s deck he crash landed outside of starbarks while I was in there and he was bleeding everywhere his eyes were

Green and he tried to shove me away but obviously I wasn’t just going to leave him lying there in a pool of some blood even if I don’t exactly know how to patch someone up but he’s okay now I think at least as okay as I could get

Him to I waited outside the medbay until axe caspan an axe got there I hope he’s all right I know we’re not exactly the best of friends or anything but I should probably check on him or at least ask someone else to about how he

Is I think I can safely add wolf to the list of people I fully trust I swear if I have to listen to him ramble on about Ray’s laugh again I’m going to strangle him his laugh is like a sunset who even says that okay hey listen no there was there

Was nothing wrong about the words that I said okay okay I can’t stop thinking about that nightmare I’ve been trying to keep my mind off it but cleaning this disc and making costumes but it wouldn’t stay away can’t be real nightmares show me terrible things all the time just

Because it feels clearer than most that doesn’t mean means nothing I didn’t hurt that kid I wouldn’t have h a kid not one as defenses as that and not especially especially not for him but even if I really did see him as my dad right s Dr

Today it turns out he doesn’t like fa either the writing is really messy here she wasn’t sleeping oh she kept having that Nightmare and every time it would be more until well we’ll probably get to that page soon turns out he doesn’t like Fable either is that enough to be friends

Maybe who knows I think if I stay awake the nightmares can’t get me I don’t have to keep thinking about airor perfect plan I know that feeling okay so mom might still be in the robot thingy that as Caspian found that doesn’t make sense she would have told

Me about another vessel she would have I asked so many times if I could be one how some robot gets to Be Your Vessel and I don’t I wanted to save her we went back to the Outpost to try and find totems burned it down too just in case

Don’t know when they’ll be back they don’t I got to know know something’s wrong by now I hope they just leave it but I doubt it the nightmares are real I killed that kid how could I do that looking back at the last few entries I’ll admit it not sleeping

Wasn’t the best idea not okay I still did those horrible things I still hurt that kid I still don’t know if I’m still that person or how quickly I could become that person if they come back but I trust wolf he’s been through the ringer too he

Knows what it means to have a past you’re ashamed of honestly I feel like he knows me better than I know myself at this point he says he’ll protect me and for the first time in a very long time I believe that I believe I won’t have to be alone in this it’s

Nice um so the Mir we we need to find sorry I didn’t read that one I just saw the last page you Didn’t this isn’t your fault promise it’s not my it’s not my fault and we can we can find find her EXA we’re we’re going to get her back we that’s why we’re doing all all of this we’re going to get everyone in on this and I actually I might have a thought

Um there is a book that I have from going to the mansion with ARs she mentioned thinking of him as her dad there’s can I there’s a book I have at the library can I go get it real quick you be okay I’m okay I’ll be here when you get back

All right I’ll be right back so hungry fine okay it’s just it’s it’s hi hey okay I have another book oh I put I put this down like a like a fool here just cleaned up like a fool what if I already have elro wow that’s so crazy what if we just

So this one um okay I have read this one before but I I’ll read it I think it let me see it’s it’s in here uh dangerous it okay fine I’ll just read it um okay one of the patrols returned with a strange creature they found wandering

Around a dark Forest if it weren’t for how other worldly it appears to be I would have dismissed it outright a little thing clearly couldn’t hurt a daisy if it tried and therefore is of no use to us but something about it is making me stop I’ve never seen anything

Quite like it and aside from my own curiosity there’s something else telling me it’s important that we do need it I’m not sure how to explain the feeling but my gut rarely steers me wrong I’m keeping it in the dungeons for now perhaps some light eventually will shine

On what purpose we could use it for these are t Okay power extracted successfully power transfold to Totem vessel given to your de tainment control ex right right oh wait okay so every reset the pillagers have to refigure out how the vexing process works and AR’s always

Been going on a clock against that and they started finding pieces they started find they found a library there was a library near their Outpost they found parts of how to do it little thing I’m currently keeping in dunge clearly has a lot more power than initially realized the note details the

Process in which the creature’s power is extracted from and transferred into an artificial vessel which is then used to bend its will to that of the holder they apparently effective attack attackers when properly trained in this way this could be the sort of power we’re looking

For to boost the patrols and run our raids more efficiently I’ve been sent out others searching for more of the creatures hopefully will come across I only wonder where this book came from figuring out how to create vexus okay new development of Patrol is reported back something more to a person

Was found protecting some of the creatures she’s clearly more than that than they are and yet she is not of this Dimension so this I think this is where he’s talking about Arana I think they found her if this is written she we in the library me and C

Found there was a book for her where she talked about it was one of her journal entries but previous talked about someone who was her dad and as she was starting to get Memories Back about the alleys and the ather and trying to go find them and they were hidden down

Below like knowing that she heard the Allies I’m assuming that person is a Mir could maybe have been the one who wrote this that’s what I was thinking but okay the patrol has successfully captured her is waiting my orders on what to do I’m unsure is like the first creature I uncovered there’s

Something about the description that Rings a faint Bell when that sounds almost like a promise of an Untold weapon and a warning she could be dangerous even e in our favor or against I’m not sure if it’s a risk I’m willing to take for now perhaps if we can

Replicate the process of these notes we can describe with a certain degree of success we can turn her turn to turn now I’d stick with the Army I know we can get under control but they wouldn’t they want to turn her into a weapon yeah that’s what I’m worried

About and there’s no way to undo that it’s not that we know of no can I hold on to the diary the yeah of course sorry good the alleys are they’re adamant there’s no way to undo that I don’t know how long that process takes I’m not

Sure okay I well it’s helpful anyway and we have we can start looking at the outposts has something to do yeah the the hidden chests right and I know we burned I think we burned the mansion that I went to bur I went too as well

And they’re so annoying to find so far away every time but the Outpost could have something to start us off with so we don’t have to aimlessly keep trying to get them from villagers and Maps exactly we can do that do you want to do

That right now yeah we can go to The Outpost um I know I probably should Mark down the coordinates for you to actually add to the map or something but we can like maybe get banners and there’s one that way I have a bunch of them set up I

Have banners and maps and stuff uh at the library set up for this yeah we can go grab those and then take off yeah I know have three at least perfect and short little glide back to the library can go grab those and there we go grab banners we’ll grab like four

Just in case and I’ll grab a copy of each of the maps so that I can I’m not sure where they are do that okay here we go um are you still at the Outpost or Not The Outpost the observator the words oh hi hello I was

To sure for you hi hi hi okay um I have I have all this stuff um want to lead the way yeah we can probably go to the one um I would we can just start with the festival ground one since we both know what that is yeah back pass the

Festival ground to the left okay let’s go hey what’s going on why why are you going hey hey whoa hey hey hi hey what happened what just are you okay yeah wi wings that was that was rough that was rough I’m I’m okay I’m okay it didn’t hurt that bad The Landing what

Hey baby why are your wings all messed up not not the color I I noticed they got darker that’s that’s the problem that I just hate I hate I hate them I hate looking at them I hate that they changed when I did something so awful

And now it’s like a visual reminder of of everything that’s wrong and I I need I need to be able to fly I need to I I don’t do you even have it doesn’t even look like you have mending on them right now no they’re all messed up your feathers are all ruffled

And looks like it hurts are are are your wind are you hurt it doesn’t feel great no I just I don’t know I just just I don’t want to look I didn’t want to look at them I I know like for efficiency S I should take care of them

Because that would be better but song I know you might not like them but you need them right even if it’s a sometime okay that sounds sometimes when I am really struggling with something and I don’t want to do it for myself at all like look at my eye right now I

Covered it up I I hid it away I didn’t want to look at it I really struggle with looking at it but sometimes I need an external motivator I knew that I I was messing up during the the fight and when I was trying to fly around and help with things because I

Was my own feelings were impacting my ability to help someone else in a way that I don’t want in a way that I don’t like so it got me to take off the stupid bandage and maybe that’s with your wings you don’t like them right now and you don’t have to like

Them and we can work on figuring out why they keep getting darker why they’re like that but right now letting yourself hurt because of it isn’t isn’t good for you and if you can’t I can’t often take care of myself for me but I can try and take care of myself for someone

Else right now can I take care of you so that we can help our SAA I I want to go out and like find things and and be productive but I just really just want to say yes and not do that yet come on can why don’t we go find somewhere

Like nice not in the middle of just in the field field just sit in the field probably not no do you want to go back to the ob cator or do you want to go down to ours I know that you didn’t really want to be

Around hell and oxra so if we if you want to go back if Oli is more manageable I can also kick him out I feel like if I if I did something I feel like Ollie would take me out first I don’t know why I just feel like he would I

Don’t up on the observatory then we can we can we can we can go back to yours I don’t I tried to let Juno go and it didn’t I I nearly killed her and I felt so awful and guilty and I centros he can fight me off you can hold

A sword if push came to shove physically I as people you could do something there’s like chance but she’s she’s small and Tiny and fragile and I tried to let her go and she wouldn’t let me she just ran back and was really really adamant about like n man I live here

Um so I I I couldn’t do it but I guess I may realize that I don’t want to like push her away I don’t want to like push you away I don’t want to push centros away because of this I it’s better to to try to find ways to fix it than to

Push to keep others at arms like and okay I don’t love how but like he did have my cloak for like weeks and I think he might have like some attachment or something so like I should probably like see him he doesn’t forget that I allowed him

To follow me home that day I guess or whatever don’t me don’t come to me come on we’ll Walk why is okay there’s just a there’s just a table I don’t know I don’t think we’re meant to know and right they’re nice their alarm systems they really smart for making them and getting them all to hook up I don’t understand Redstone but they’re still good thank you

I’m sorry I didn’t think to put up I’ve been pretty good about putting out kind of you know the there’s a a test happening don’t freak out I just maybe got a little excited this time that I feel like I figured it out um you had a bit of a bit of a

Science moment wait wait okay before before we go in come here come here I have something to show you okay I finally finished this I uh we bothered by the fact that this was really nice and looked just out at just an unfinished Ravine W it’s full of all the flowers orchids

And sunflowers sport blossoms and torch Flowers that’s so cool it looks like an exposed Lush cave that is ah do this you do this on your own mhm you’re Wonders that is this is amazing I I just uh sometimes mhm it gu and our son and I have a lot in common in the whole if I just don’t

Sleep no no nightmares can’t get me I think I think they’ll find a way unfortunately but this is very pretty set what is that is there a bench mhm do you want to go down there is there assigned seats at the bench I kind

Of want to go to the bench a little bit we’re not flying though we’re walking no we’ll do a walk to the bench I want to see the assign seating at the bench look it’s I want to see the colorcoded bench oh where’d you go wa this way oh

Don’t mind me went down more um actually uh just so you know I never got to show you this either but um I added a whole shower Zone and I got distracted by the towel yeah yeah I did have that too But a piece in here for if you ever wanted to uh hair stuff hair stuff yeah yeah oh heck yeah I don’t know the towel feels like a pretty good plus oh this is so cool from in here we have a actually we have a zombie spawner down in this cave

Oh it’s uh for axe for axe in my little preparing for fighting chest I made sure to have rotten flash just in case a need oh okay this this is like this is so Cool I don’t know what I expected from that that was on me ah no no really really going to make the wing the wings a challenge now you’re going to make them all wet I L I didn’t mean to do a dip it was the drip Leaf why don’t you

Sit on the unassigned purple spong oh I don’t know if we can do that I don’t oh no in the center we miss aled okay can I see your wings this is too close or I think I can start here start with the center and I

Uh I’m just going to kind of go through and okay well technically I guess this is pring mhm I think that’s what that would think that’s the official term for for feathered wings M for the for the up get the feathers to I know align back

Together again and get some of the ones that are broken and tell me if anything hurts okay nothing should hurt or I’m just trying to be gentle with these I trust you I I’m sorry that I wasn’t there when you got home you keep saying that you don’t have to be sorry

I I I I know I keep saying it I just um maybe instead of sorry what’s going on Starlight there was a lot lately I am uian can talk to me now mhm that I imagine yeah having someone else just commentate all the time be a little bit jaring yeah um is

It okay I don’t I don’t know her or have the same connotations that all of you have it’s heart because I’m so angry she makes me so but I um Athena and Jamie had a good point I talked to them a bit and they I should the more information I have the

Better I can figure out the truth what’s actually going on um she uh I I guess um I I had been hearing those voices I don’t actually know wait the voices from before those were more than just just her I don’t know why I why was I what are the voices were

They who else I guess it was just her she says it was my I I was trying not to hear her so I would hear Isa and peric loose instead um mhm but uh I I had the night the nightmares and the and then fable brought us to this

Temple and I I’ve actually seen a few of the temples from the gods this one was new it wasn’t the Temple of creation or the Temple of the mind this one was to all four of them and he explained how he used to be I guess how things used to be

And he was talking and I just I was looking around and next to it there was a library and this library was set up almost the exact same as a library I’ve seen before back in the endstone reset there was a time that I

Was I I would I would Snoop around a lot with invis potions trying to figure out information about the others and sometimes it was always dangerous because they all had elytra and we didn’t and they could get around and they would watch us from these high islands

And Icarus caught me when one of my potions ran out and they’re a lot better fighter than I am and I was out and I was an idiot and I got caught up in the open and it was not not good and they were trying to pressure me to bring them to

Where our new base was and I couldn’t risk Jim’s safety doing that and so I figured I would just I picked the furthest place I could think of so that I would have time to stall and that was the Temple of creation was Fable Temple before we knew anything about

And there was libraries there too that gave us books that told us Athena was going to die and I brought them there and the longer I went the more I knew that I had I I didn’t know what to do because anything I had to escape they

Were going to be able to be better than me they they could move faster with their wings like they didn’t have potions I didn’t have ender pearls I was walking I was walking to my grave I think that’s what they thought too really ready to kill me that

Day and when I saw this library and it set up the same and it was next to the temple and there was another book like the other it’s a different but it’s enough that I just couldn’t stop thinking about it and when Icarus came to see what I

Was doing cuz I obviously had wandered off I turned around and they were there and they were I was cornered and I freaked out and my eyes turned colors and I grabbed a hold of icarus’s mind I told them to get away from me and I made them get away from

Me I made them back up away from the door so that I could get out but outside of the door was the rest of the caves so they fell and Fable freaked out and I freaked out and I ran and I flew until I I crashed and

Then I just was freaking out and and then she was in my head and she was telling me about how she’s been watching me and she was trying to she she needs me to to Eden I don’t know who to believe right now because the things she say ring true Mhm but I have no I don’t want to trust her I don’t want to believe her I don’t then don’t don’t trust her but if she’s going to be in your head and if she’s going to answer these questions and I don’t know seems like her goal’s almost on line a little

Bit she needs you in a way she’s knew answers that you didn’t have before I don’t think you have to trust her but I think you could use her yeah that’s rather than I guess the other way around of you being used which she is just kind of there I

Don’t got many words for that I don’t think you have to trust her frankly I don’t I don’t recommend you do but I don’t think this is about trust all right you’re you’re right just there are pieces that come with it that are it just adds like a whole

Another where once we had no one really answering this questions and we were figuring them out as they come and then Fable shut up and that bring a new Rin of questions and answers and queries and knowledge same thing with her a whole new set of answers and

Questions but that also means that somewhere in the everything has to be connected truths and lies I started a whole new book called inconsistencies trying to figure out the real story from the sides I keep hearing working on it that makes sense just I guess took me

A second to be able to even feel like I could think about it without freaking out more having the nightmare of the day Isa was taken but now it’s like my mind can’t make up on who the one that dragged her out was can see both sets of Footprints yeah I uh

And I guess it was just a rough couple of day I I when I got home I I don’t like looking at myself I I don’t like seeing her eyes and I guess I freaked out with the hair being different and my eyes being different it was two

Different I couldn’t look like me and I could only fix one of them I don’t know now I I don’t I don’t know if I now regret it because now I don’t have I don’t have any bits of IA really like left but I am I

I I wish I I wish I didn’t I wish it didn’t bother me so much I wish my eyes weren’t there’s just so it’s always there always something I guess erck didn’t mess with my eyes but and Darian always does and I I think it’s fair do it like when parts of you

Change always change you I just finally felt like I was starting to look like me like even with all of the scars that aren’t mine and the AR s that I have from other things i’ love the tattoos were something I got to pick mhm And now I I I just it happened again and I don’t I want to check on Icarus but I can’t I can’t go up to them looking like this and Fable told me to stay away is helicopter dad is that what he said to you at the party yeah uh

Yeah yeah he I kept trying to go talk to Icarus and so he pulled me aside and told me I was dangerous and you’re not I’m sorry I didn’t notice it I I was trying at the party to cover up anything that was wrong because I didn’t I I just wanted to let

It be good for everyone I didn’t want to draw attention to my eyes being messed up I didn’t want to cause a scene I just wanted to be there for Athena which is fair when you were even if it wasn’t the best of circumstances you were there mhm

How how do your wings Feel Love better A lot better like normal but nice like like like I went and got like you like a fancy spa treatment I felt nice thank you of course I love you I love you I know you don’t have I know you don’t feel like you and

Maybe maybe your eyes will be like that for a little while until things can be figured out and you can get them back and the scars aren’t yours but you sound like you you sound like you you smell like you when I touch your hands you feel like

You even if it’s visually not there and I know trust me stilll I know sometimes the visual could be really nice as I get more memories of what I was I guess a part of me can’t help but miss everything about me that was more human that I really didn’t think about

Until I started remembering what I used to be can I take your mask off no I didn’t I didn’t know what you looked like before but you have like pretty pointy ears and you have to beans you got to beans and I don’t know how your knees

Bend like that but they do they do that’s that’s just how it is you got a tail I like your T I hold your hand I can see your claws and I know that your claws can be dangerous but I know just because someone and something that my mother keeps trying to tell

Me is that a tool is not inherently evil or bat just because you have claws you have things mean anything nothing about nothing thats maybe I’m biased Mhm and I’ll say the same about you maybe it’s hard to have that care for ourselves but I can have it for you you can have it for me and then we’re taking care of yeah exactly can I kiss you yeah I know you haven’t gone anywhere but I missed

You I missed you too I was um I know there was a day before the party that I really should have come and talked to you just couldn’t get out of my bed do Weir you know neither could I I mean you were hurt I was just I still like got

Up eventually that’s okay maybe my wound was physical and maybe yours was a little less so but it doesn’t make it hurt any less yeah I don’t want your sorries for what you didn’t say I don’t want your sorries for your hair I don’t care what you do to your

Hair as long as you are okay and as long as you are making yourself as comfortable as you need to be I like to believe that we have time to do fun experiments in the hair and to do tattoos and to do this and to do that but it’s not always the right

Time so I don’t want sories for it Okay I told you at the party before you explained everything we are okay you’ve done nothing wrong yeah I am I was totally I was totally crying my eyes out thinking that you were going to be mad and I know that you wouldn’t I just was in that head space I just

Was when I came to you SOS I was terrified that you were look at me fear in your eyes I just appear covered in blood this monstrous thing telling you that I heard him my best friend and a part of me was scared because I knew I needed your help but

That I would scare you even if I know that your first instinct was to clean me up and to ask what happened and to help and to keep me from leaving sometimes anxiety and fear doesn’t really care for what logic might have going on yeah I mean anxiety and fear sure

Said keep crying and freaking out about how wolf is going to reply as Caspian was dying over my hair like I asked I don’t really mind you changing your hair because that day still happened I still have that memory of us doing each other’s hair in this spot and laughing and trying like

18 different colors on your head just for like frenzies cuz I kind of got like into to it giving your necklace being with you that’s the part that mattered to me you’re the part that matters to me love you love you why you say the stars in back or stars and

Beyond I kept that note then I’m going to keep every note from you you know what I shouldn’t keep your cap I really got to give that back to you but not yet cuz I’m pretty sure we’re supposed to go like be on the big

Couch so I think we’ve got to go be on the big couch let how have them back first for like approval and then you can have it back H’s got to sit on it yeah it’s so we can carry smells like cat yeah we want to make sure we carry it with us

You want to smell like cat now it’s very unfortunate but I think even though that olly isn’t in my house and there is no cat in my house I do smell like cat and I it’s so upsetting and I don’t know if that’s like from thenen coming over or

Olly just comes downstairs to like just does v just inherently smell like a cat yeah V has a cat and just smells like a lot of cats wow okay well hi bud oh hold on I really got to work on remembering this what uh I have every

Down what wow wow I have all of these chests and none of them are the right chest chest why am I why am I why am I like this boom it actually is in my Sketchbook because I totally didn’t have anything else to write in at the time mhm hi bud how are

You yes hello I don’t have any okay do do I have cookies okay I do I’m might have no okay don’t I have glowry cookie you don’t even you don’t even want a cookie you want coffee I’m not giving that to you so you’re going to have to deal with this cookie you’re

Going to have to like it okay gives coffee why did you have one in your hand just ready to go just it’s no reason mhh all right you’re taking up the center of the couch there a lot of room being taken up here that like I feel

Like hi Alice Hello we have to like Boop oh hello this just an entire entire dog in my lap right now hello I would actually like to cuddle that dog not this dog but okay okay hi yes hello okay yes we’re looking in the face now okay cool hi all

Right we’re scooting over there we go ma’ you can have that I yes you know you’ve been a very good girl good guard dog for keeping Ox rated company W guards look at him he just immediately in your lap this is so unfortunate for me I’m I’m really put out I’m really

Deep leaps is that a ribbon ribbon when did you when did he get a ribbon when did he get accessorized I made a collar for Fina for cheser oh okay uh and how ow looked jealous so I cut a spare he looked jealous peace yeah he looked jealous he did he looked

Jealous okay did you jealousy in his eyes uhhuh yeah okay so and then he held still and let me tie it on him so you know what I think he likes it okay he’s right you look you look great matches your eyes and all that you

Don’t have to be so close you don’t have to curl up and way that you are you know that you don’t just on my leg we could share you get that leg I’ll take this leg I’ll just lay my head down there we go wait are my horns on the

Wrong side of my head for that maybe damn it fine it’s okay we’ll lay down a pillow it’ll be great hey we’ll go we can go to The Outpost soon can even I we have a town meeting coming up we can explain everything to everyone and then work from there so we’re not

Just running off exactly and it’s good to let your wings rest they might be a little sore right now after I just messed with them I did fly around probably when I need not should have small rest and then we’ll keep looking in the meantime you take a long

Nap but before that I can tell you the alley language that we’ve made I mean yeah oxra is your little friend it’ be good to be able to talk to them please yeah yes please okay here you get comfy and I’ll start scrapping it and we’ll go down the

Line and I guess just one more love you Starlight love you song so the first words are hello and goodbye

This video, titled ‘Ruffled Feathers { FableSMP S3 EP 67 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2023-12-10 01:29:58. It has garnered 197 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:25 or 5365 seconds.

Hi Hi! This is Episode 67 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Rae helps Wolf when he has a hard time doing it himself..

Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade

Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… Season 2:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list

Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artfulrenegad

Twitter: https://twitter.com/artfulrenegade?re

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artfulreneg

Alright that’s all from me, see ya next time byyyeeee! :]

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    Insane PVP Training Montage: Mastering GrainVideo Information This video, titled ‘Training PVP…’, was uploaded by Grain on 2024-03-03 02:48:44. It has garnered 40 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:40 or 2440 seconds. Grain OP is streaming (if u no like zaza i come for you) Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video…. Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Battle! Who Will Survive? (2024)

    Ultimate Villager Battle! Who Will Survive? (2024)Video Information This video, titled ‘Which Villager Will Survive? Minecraft Challenge (2024)’, was uploaded by botXsonic on 2024-04-30 10:30:15. It has garnered 9547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Which Villager Will Survive? Minecraft Challenge (2024) minecraft minecraft funny villager camman18 shorts minecraft mods minecraft villager minecraft animation minecraft shorts mrbeast shorts steve minecraft but twi shorts minecraft memes froppy craft minecraft funny animation villager memes all my fellas minecraft villager shorts aphmau villager ai cover dayta funny minecraft shorts villagers vs socks apollo notvixios minecraft noob vs pro grox mrbeast minecraft meme… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Unleashed: Minecraft RTX SMP with FREE Java+Pe | Mind-Blowing Realism LIVE! 🔥

    Insane Gamer Unleashed: Minecraft RTX SMP with FREE Java+Pe | Mind-Blowing Realism LIVE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft RTX SMP: Java+Pe | Exploring Stunning Realism on our Epic Server Live! 🔥’, was uploaded by Bhayankar [email protected] on 2024-01-14 16:57:59. It has garnered 7 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:50 or 2870 seconds. Welcome to an exhilarating and interactive gaming experience! Join me in the dynamic world of Minecraft as I embark on epic adventures on the RTX SMP server, where creativity knows no bounds. This isn’t just a regular live stream; it’s a community gathering where viewers become an integral part of the action. IP– RTXSMP1184.aternos.me Port–… Read More

  • Unbelievable!! Iron Golem’s Epic Revenge!! 😱🔥 #minecraft

    Unbelievable!! Iron Golem's Epic Revenge!! 😱🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Iron Golem Revenge – Minecraft Animation 🤨 #minecraft #funny #shorts’, was uploaded by JONSENA AYUSH on 2024-04-27 15:53:17. It has garnered 50 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Iron Golem Revenge – Minecraft Animation 🤨 #minecraft #funny #shorts Read More

  • Insane Pride Modpack Test ft. TenkoBerry

    Insane Pride Modpack Test ft. TenkoBerryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft [Pride Edition] – Modpack Test 1’, was uploaded by TenkoBerry on 2024-05-30 23:33:27. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:40 or 820 seconds. This is Just a Homemade Modpack By a Stump VTuber (( Mods Used in This Modpack -: alexsmobs-1.21.1 – Apocalypse Weapons 1.2.9 – blahaj-forge-0.1.2 – cgm-forge-1.19.2-1.3.7 – citadel-2.1.4-1.19 – cofh_core-1.19.2- – CosmeticArmorReworked-1.19.2-v1a – create-1.19.2-0.5.1.f – FarmersDelight-1.19.2-1.2.4 – framework-forge-1.19.2-0.6.16 – geckolib-forge-1.19-3.1.40 – jei-1.19.2-forge- – Laendli_1.7.4b (1.19.2_forge) – MobCatcher-Forge-1.19.2-1.2.12 – NaturesCompass-1.19.2-1.10.0-forge – obscure_api-15 – PrideOres V1.2 MC 1.19.2 – StorageDrawers-1.19-11.1.2 )) Read More

  • SHOCKING: I hired TV woman for build challenge

    SHOCKING: I hired TV woman for build challengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I HIRED TVWOMAN IN A BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Daxx’s World on 2024-01-11 18:38:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I HIRED TVWOMAN IN A BUILD CHALLENGE (MINECRAFT MOVIE) More Daxx Videos! I Hired UPGRADED CAMERAMAN To … Read More

  • Gothic HITSYNC Songs of 2024!

    Gothic HITSYNC Songs of 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘Best HITSYNC Songs in 2024!!’, was uploaded by Gothic on 2024-03-13 04:01:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minemen #combos #shorts #pvp #minemenclub discord : ogothic Discord Server : https://discord.gg/3W6xMg9RYe … Read More

  • Liga Promise

    Liga PromiseWelcome to Liga Promise – the ultimate destination for Minecraft enthusiasts and sports lovers alike! Immerse yourself in a world where Minecraft and football collide in an innovative gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a Minecraft veteran looking for a fresh challenge or a football fanatic eager to explore new horizons, Liga Promise promises an unparalleled fusion of creativity, competition, and camaraderie. Get ready to rewrite the rules and redefine victory in the exciting world of footcube. Don’t just watch – step onto the pitch with us! ligapromise.lol Read More

  • Kosmosis – Roleplay PvP 1.18.2 Towny Diamond Economy Custom Terrain

    Address: Version: 1.18.2 Discord: Join our Discord Kosmosis is a Diamond Economy driven Towny Survival Server set on a map with Terralith Custom Terrain. Homebrew and eccentric Datapacks offer a unique survival experience, and a powerful server machine keeps the experience running smoothly. Custom Terrain Kosmosis makes use of the Terralith Datapack to bring you an exciting and epic world to build your civilizations on. Explore treacherous volcanoes and the peaceful Moonlight Valley. Diamond Economy Kosmosis utilizes a strict diamond-driven economy that makes your inventory your wallet. Start your own venture using chest shops to hoard the world’s diamonds… Read More

  • [1.16.5 Technically Industrial Legacy] -200+ Quests -Survival -PvE/PvP -24-7 Staff -LandClaim

    [1.16.5 Technically Industrial Legacy]  -200+ Quests  -Survival  -PvE/PvP  -24-7 Staff   -LandClaim“🔧 Gear up for an electrifying journey into the heart of innovation on our Technically Industrial Legacy server! ⚙️ Version 1.16.5 has never been more thrilling with this carefully curated tech and industry-focused modpack that will take your Minecraft experience to dazzling new heights. 💡Unleash your inner engineer as you harness the power of cutting-edge machinery, automate your processes, and revolutionize your gameplay in ways you never thought possible. 🏭 Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, our friendly community is here to welcome you with open arms and provide round-the-clock support from our dedicated admin team. 🌟Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Yanking Yourself with a Lead in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Yanking Yourself with a Lead in Minecraft"What happens when you pull yourself with a lead in Minecraft? You get tangled up in existential knots! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Villager Tinder Profiles

    Minecraft Meme: Villager Tinder Profiles Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor #gamerjokes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Vehicle Creation

    Ultimate Minecraft Vehicle Creation Minecraft: Crafting Adventures Await! Embark on exciting crafting adventures in Minecraft where you can build everything from cars and rockets to TNT launchers and planes. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the endless possibilities that await! Crafting a TNT Launcher One of the thrilling creations you can make in Minecraft is a TNT launcher. This powerful cannon allows you to launch explosive TNT blocks at your enemies or structures. Gather the necessary materials and follow the crafting recipe to build your very own TNT launcher. Watch as the explosions light up the sky! Building a Rocket… Read More

  • NEVER MINE at night in Hostel Of Time! – Episode 3

    NEVER MINE at night in Hostel Of Time! - Episode 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Do NOT mine at night! | Hostel Of Time – Episode 3 | MCTV’, was uploaded by TwistyPrideP on 2024-04-18 21:00:11. It has garnered 202 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:17 or 1637 seconds. Hostel Of Time is a fantasy MCTV / Minecraft Roleplay based around the common tropes of isekai concepts! Twisty’s note: 🙂 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits! Directed, Recorded & Edited by Twisty Thumbnail Logo art by Twisty & PeeblesMeebles Music/sounds used in this video: https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/ways-of-the-wizard https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/the-blue-nebulae https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/our-happiest-day https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/relaxing-ambient-scene https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/woodland-bunnies https://www.purple-planet.com/tracks/illuminati-conspiracy https://www.purple-planet.com/dreamy https://www.purple-planet.com/playful ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Actor Credits! Atlas: Twisty (you’re already… Read More

  • LostCircle2GMOD: My NERAFELL creation

    LostCircle2GMOD: My NERAFELL creationVideo Information This video, titled ‘My fanmade part in NERAFELL // hosted by : @kiyaless // #geometrydash #gd #minecraft #anime #top’, was uploaded by 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙𝕮𝖎𝖗𝖈𝖑𝖊2𝕲𝕸𝕯 on 2024-05-11 10:01:05. It has garnered 1024 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. ID : 105115815 song : crankdat – party all night (NONG) *TAGS* (do not read) : #anime #amongus #dora #extreme #vernam #geometrydash #gameplay geometry dash, gd, neiro, top 1, 4k, extreme demon, aod, impossible level, hell, hardest, 4k 60fps, бесплатно, скачать, загрузить, rtx, видео, good quality, asterios, fusion z, abyss of darkness, impossible demon, upload,… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT MOD: Restoring Sanity to Analog Horror

    INSANE MINECRAFT MOD: Restoring Sanity to Analog HorrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Added Sanity To Minecraft’s Analog Horror Mod’, was uploaded by Jamsteo on 2024-04-02 15:56:46. It has garnered 1105 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:55 or 13735 seconds. —————————————————————- Hi my name is Jamsteo! I Make Gaming, Comedy, Commentary, Trending topics, Challenges and anything I think is entertaining! I Hope you enjoy my Content C: follow all of these and I’ll kick your depression • Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/theofficialjamsteo/ • Twitter – https://twitter.com/jamsteo • Discord – https://discord.gg/ZcsWbf5cNd ——————————————————————– Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNOz2IjzHIGYD-GMuEb7AEw/join oh your still reading?… Read More

  • Secret to Ultimate Happiness Revealed! 💥 #motivation #minecraft

    Secret to Ultimate Happiness Revealed! 💥 #motivation #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘(हर इंसान ऐसा नहीं होता है। गलत है।)🥺Best Shikh Mood Happy 😊 Aalag Ho Tum bhi #motivation #minecraft’, was uploaded by ACHHI-SHIKH on 2024-03-27 18:38:34. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. (हर इंसान ऐसा नहीं होता है। गलत है।)🥺Best Shikh Mood Happy 😊 Aalag Ho Tum bhi #motivation #minecraft 1) Motivational video 2) Inspiring story 3) Motivational quotes 4) Inspiration video 5) Success story 6) Creative things Subscribe to my youtube channel grow and 🤦🏻🤦🏻🥺🥺 #motivation @smeditorsvsm @smeditorsvsm Read More


    MODULUS GAMERZ vs TECHNO GAMERZ: EPIC Minecraft Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘🌍 TECHNO GAMERZ Destroy Our SMP Universe! 😵 | Epic Minecraft Battle for Survival 🚀 #TechnoGamerz’, was uploaded by MODULUS GAMERZ on 2024-03-07 02:32:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. TECHNO GAMERZ Destroy Our SMP Universe! | Epic Minecraft Battle for Survival #TechnoGamerz … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Melon Showdown: NOOB vs PRO CHEAT in CATNAP Build!

    EPIC Minecraft Melon Showdown: NOOB vs PRO CHEAT in CATNAP Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: I Cheated In a CATNAP Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Melon – Minecraft Animations on 2024-04-10 06:47:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft build battle and NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER! This has … Read More

  • INSANE Factory Build in SMP Minecraft!! 🤯

    INSANE Factory Build in SMP Minecraft!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Creating The Factory In SMP Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by TheTechnoJelly on 2024-04-09 08:36:58. It has garnered 28 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:26 or 7646 seconds. Trying to get Create with the Create mod! Almost at the point where I don’t have to mine manually anymore! Or at least not to much! So here we go! My Links! https://www.patreon.com/TheTechnojelly Twenty https://www.twitch.tv/thetechnojelly TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@thetechnojelly Twitter https://twitter.com/TheTechnojelly Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thetechnojelly/ VTCraft Members! https://docs.google.com/document/d/11C9s5j785ybhIEdgPAa7BNgXQoYm3UERDZvliYjyErQ/edit #minecraft #minecraftgame #minecraftgameplay #minecraftstream #minecraftlive #minecraftsmp #minecraftmultiplayer #minecraftserver #minecraftmods #minecraftmodded #minecraftmodpack #minecraftgaming #minecraftfunnymoments #minecraftmoments #minecraftfunny #minecraftletsplay #minecraftplays #minecraftvtuber #minecraftvtubers… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BASE BUILD!!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EASY SURVIVAL BASE 🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by GS GAMER ZONE on 2024-04-22 02:30:07. It has garnered 109 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Hey guys! Today I’ll be playing (game) and in this video I will be showing you free fire . If you enjoyed it, let me know and be sure to leave a like and subscribe! YOU CAN FIND ME ON : 1. Instagram: https://instagram.com/gs_karan_yt?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= 2. Maine channel subscribe here !! https://youtube.com/@gsgamerzone?feature=shared YOUR QUERIES – hello guys.In this video I will teach you how… Read More

  • 🔥 BLOODRÆGE’s Epic Transformation in Minecraft #shorts

    🔥 BLOODRÆGE's Epic Transformation in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sheep As Anime character #shorts’, was uploaded by BLOODRÆGE on 2024-01-28 08:54:09. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. so i did it Cursed Minecraft image created by ai prompt! Minecraft sheep as anime character hope yall stop with that weird contraption now 🙁 @youtube #shorts #ai #minecraft #funny Read More