EPIC FIRST STREAM! GT New Horizons Part 1

Video Information

Hello it’s time for some modded Minecraft it’s modded Minecraft Monday hasn’t gotten old yet all right so a new pack this one is going to be kind of a long haul I think let me uh switch over here we go it is we’ll see if I need to reposition

Where my where my head is but uh yeah great Tech uh GT New Horizons is the pack uh we may have some initial setup here because besides like installing the pack and getting it running as you can see I’m not really done any setup I know there’s going to be some stuff around

Going through controls and those sorts of things hey foxy blue hello I’m doing good your favorite Sabin there’s not a lot of Sabin in the world I’m pretty sure I I was the first at least back in the day I Googled that name and there there were no other

Results so but uh doing good how are you um yeah so I thought about doing more of the the Pokemon uh mod pack from last week but uh I did try the older version and it sort of worked it was okay but I just didn’t see it being like a long-term

Thing right you Google you Google Foxy blue when marxy comes up what if you Google marxy does foxy blue come up you’re tied together now well welcome welcome uh we’ll see if anyone else shows up but I’m pretty excited about this this is a pack that honestly if we play this through to

The end this is going to be uh assuming I’m not like assuming I don’t quit my job and do nothing but play this pack I going to be uh if I’m playing this just on Mondays this is this is going to be years before it’s done um I

I’ I’ve heard that the in-game stuff in this pack takes thousands of hours to get to so um we’ll see we’ll see how it goes but we should probably get started uh as you can see I I have actually I’ve played the first um i’ I’ve played this pack once

Before about a year ago for about like three hours because we were just trying different packs out and looking at different things being me and a friend um so I have the you know some very early knowledge but but uh I don’t know where that install went it wasn’t in my uh curse

Forge it feels like the music’s kind of loud too but I guess it’s fine all right uh maybe it’s my my headphone let me turn down there we go all right so we’re going to create a world um let’s see World options generate structures World type realistic Alpha

Interesting what else do we got that’s it interesting uh we’re not going to allow cheats for good or ill um and keep us honest we can do hardcore there’s no way I want to do this pack in hardcore though there’s no way um okay so new world let’s

Go so this is um the reason I was not inclined to play this mod pack uh when I was looking at different packs to play and I was kind of weighing things over the last week is that this is a I think it’s 1.7 Minecraft 1.7 based pack we’ll see in a second

I’ll pull up F3 uh kind kind of oish but this pack um is getting updates like I think it was updated in like the last week there’s some people that are very invested in this pack uh it seems like it did take quite a while to load

There’s a lot of mods in this oh okay uh I was going to pull up her Sports here on the side here uh the great thing is is this is I’m I’m just doing this in single player I haven’t set up a server so so uh when I’m I can pause the game

Which is great um so yeah this pack was it is based on Minecraft 1.7.10 this is GT New Horizons 2.5.0 um by dream master XXL and probably other people involved as well mods there are many mods I think uh nope this says there’s 21 mods uh that

Is oh I see there’s a GT New Horizon’s core mod I see that must be doing a lot of heavy lifting it’s a large mod pack with every recipe gratified all right so anyway um the game begins uh with me figuring out the first

Thing I need to do is I need to rebind keys for my keyboard because I I don’t have a quity keyboard uh so we’re going to figure out the very essential things like movement I thought I saw movement there there we go so uh I don’t

Want a w ASD I want um strafe right should be S and walk backward should be R and walk forwards w yipper uh and then I need to figure out what this uh conflict is on R inventory sorting um I do want inventory setting sorting on button three which is the

Clicking the mouse wheel uh I don’t need who I do kind of want maybe I’ll leave both hopefully that won’t cause problems and amazingly right now I don’t show any other conflicts so that’s that’s good all right back to game so here we go it’s a

World uh let’s see so we have Journey map it’s interesting oh yeah so in Greg Tech I think I know um not really even so much from playing it but I have watched some other playthroughs not all the way through uh like three-fold uh playthrough of uh GT andh uh so I do

Know that there’s like different ores that are present in different places in the world uh yeah so it it starts off very Minecraft like where is he he’s all the way over here let’s uh I need to change that as well so uh let’s S search by key

E oh good job good job yeah none has the letter e in it inventory inventory should be uh F and there aren’t any conflicts amazingly all right cool done and done boop boop um oh a okay thanks for the Discord invite all right so now it’s not e it’s

F fireworks for opening my inventory all right cool uh and we have some kind of uh uh uh loading item list I hope it it’s going to work uh yep yep okay hey all right so we have a a ji kind of thing going on here

Hold on my microphone is kind of not pointed at me that’s probably not helping let me know if that’s sounding good uh all right so um maybe we’re doing okay we also have down in the bottom right uh kind of a uh what are we looking at sort of thing we can

Sprint we can sneak if we want to uh I guess uh I should probably look at the quest book I mean we could go punch trees and do the the normal Minecraft thing but uh I’m guessing the quest but Ooh So Fancy uh we got an exit button we have quests we

Have party and we have theme and we have Quest notifications uh but it’s just me so there’s no party uh quest lines And So It Begins so here here’s the here’s a hint how big this pack is for those those that don’t know there’s like nine tiers oh no no there’s

11 tiers because start with tier zero and 0.5 this is kind of familiar there uh a a wild saddle appears if someone wants to catch that um yeah and then ingame goals uh we can’t even click these things to see what they’re about but this this is interesting uh for those that are

Familiar with the Stargate franchise the the DHD I believe there is an endgame Stargate that you can make in this uh but anyway your first night uh all right so your first task is to find food and shelter for the night the knights in this pack are cruel because of Hardcore

Darkness but you will have a bed by the end of this Quest tab you don’t need to keep this book use the Tila button to open quests without the book unless you change your key binds uh if you need some extra help or just want to hang out so there’s a

Discord link here link are clickable uh many gtnh topics are explained in our Wiki there’s a Wiki uh it doesn’t have the same extent and structure of the quest book but some things are better with pictures and tables might check that out later um if

You play through a launch the BL on Cur Forge be aware that it doesn’t always work properly doesn’t play well with all the custom versions and mods in this pack at so if you have any problems first switch to another launcher like multi MC prismer Technic okay so if we

Do have problems I did launch this through Cur Forge because uh that’s why I’m kind of used to using uh all my stuff is in there but uh if we have problems we can we can try a different launcher so uh our job right

Now is to get eight dirt so we kind that you know that first dirt dirt Hut um it said Tilda what is Tilda in my keyboard scheme I think it’s there we go all right I know where that is now so we don’t technically need to keep the quest

Book on us ooh tabs so we got some fancy like armor tabs here uh weapon things and um maybe like SPAC suit things yeah Galactic Craft so this doesn’t have the Ad Astra because that’s for newer versions of Minecraft but it has galactic craft for Rockets which is the other thing that

Was motivating me versus some of the other packs I was thinking about like FTB Inferno is that um this does have like a going to space and space exploration and resource um aspect to it later on in the pack but we got a long road before we get

There U one second I got to move that DM message out of the way going to keep tabs on when ads will appear So the plan uh for the playthrough for the stream and future streams is going to be we’re going to take a break about every hour

When ads run and then come back continue and that’ll Play Nights with uh turning this into stuff for YouTube as well so should be able to break break uh pods oil and get dirt and uh there we go so we completed that and that then shows us the other things that we can

Do mushroom biomes why are there so many uh numbers in the corner uh e too many keys Sticks and Stones loading the chunks better questing back up your stuff so it’s kind of informational stuff I think there’s a chicken in front of me uh so gtnh pack is made for realistic

World generator if you set up using the vanilla biome swirl chin you will get huge mushroom biomes all over the map if you have this problem please generate a new world with rwg um okay so let’s let’s take a look and we got a brain jerky uh let’s take a

Look at the world around us do we have a bunch of mushroom biomes probably want to figure that out first before we get too much uh invested in the pack I mean I don’t know what that is but uh I don’t see a bunch of like giant mushrooms everywhere

Anywhere looks like this is cold Forest uh into Lush desert some cows over there I wish um so one thing I’m kind of aware of is the fact that I think having the quest book open is still going to let time pass in the world uh which is not great

But we can always hide in a hole um maybe what I’ll do is I’ll um go ahead and do the the normal Minecraft thing oh we have uh like Fast Leaf [Applause] breaking there we go just collect some wood here and uh just do the normal Minecraft things the first day and then

We can get in a hole hide away and uh read the quest book then that might be the smart thing to do so we have wood can we we can make planks Hey look it’s not one to four it’s one to two can we make a crafting table

Nope super and we have nutrition as well so we need to have a Balan diet for reasons uh can we make a pick p i c k okay I was kind of expecting that to filter oh maybe over here yep this tool cannot mine anything it can only be used for crafting

Interesting all right so we may really really really need to um read the quest book but I suspect that we need wood generally speaking uh let’s see what what is this wheat grass from biomes of Plenty uh herb garden from Pam’s harvestcraft so Pam’s harvestcraft is a

Is a mod that I’m very familiar with um if we have some other once we can get some food out of there uh textile Garden is interesting but it’s not going to help us eat uh can we see the time yeah top left year 1 Day Zero it is approaching 600

P.m. which means we’ve already berry garden excellent got a few different kinds of berries what’s this another berry garden excellent um let’s get ourselves one more tree and hide away uh and we can use this time to enjoy the darkness and read the the quest book okay so we looked at the

Mushroom biomes kind of warning but it seems that whatever I did was the right thing to generate the world uh numbers in the corner uh what’s with the numbers in the corner numbers of different corners but maybe these up here uh this is the in-game info IGI mod some of the

Info it gives is useful right away some of it shines later on in progression for now the most important thing it does show the most important things thing it does is showing if you are in an ore chunk further quests will explain what that what it means if you want to hide

It type SL IGI disable in the chat uh type SL IGI enable if you want to turn it back on okay we’ll see might be good to turn it off at some point um and then uh IGI config opens configuration window to control its position scale and size that’s

Interesting uh the commands xcore TPS from the extra utilities uh toggles numbers to measure TI time and milliseconds and the TPS uh uh-huh uh-huh ideal TPS is uh 20 two time at most of uh of at most 50 I think that’s 50. if your TPS is less

Than 15 things are going to start lagging noticeably it’s 10 or less uh it’s going to be hard to play okay so I think I get that let’s go ahead and claim we got another bearing uh can I so we can oh I can’t see it if I hit T so we

I’m not going to be able to point at it but up in the top left we see chunks loaded Dimension Overworld biome so we can see what time it is we can see that it’s night uh do we see TPS we see FPS 60 FPS let me R read part of that XU TPS okay so slash X U um somewhere there’s an underscore on this keyboard uh somewhere hold on where’s my key map uh symbols underscore aha all right I have to be in the window aha TPS okay um interesting what does it mean

Again uh toship shows three types of measurement instantaneous average and worst case uh each one first shows the tick time and then the TPS in Brackets okay so we’re looking at DPS in Brackets they’re all 20s so can we um hit that again it goes away okay

Great so I think we’re okay which is good because they have a a pretty beefy PC so it’d be pretty weird if we were not able to to uh have decent performance all right e too many keys uh too many keys to Fe fit on 104k keyboard

There are many keybinds in this mod pack to avoid conflicts most of them are Unbound by default that’s why we’re not having conflicts only the ones available from the start are bounds here’s the list of what some of them do so we we found the open Quest book one I thought

It was Tilda is it is it not oh it’s I don’t have to hold shift cool uh open the quest book uh R to draw weapons uh it’s a second hot bar that holds weapons interesting I think I cleared that binding okay we have B to create a

Waypoint okay well we have this for fature reference we can come back so I’m just going to I I just want to kind of work through these initial things uh let’s see back up your stuff the mod Aroma backup is included in the pack to back up your world and

You can adjust save path frequency number backups to keep it uh uh to keep in it settings at config Aroma 1997 you can use another model server abilities don’t use several backup mods at once um yeah store information okay it’s included okay cool and we get a uh coin so I do

Know in this pack there are coin coins that you can use and turn in for certain rewards that could potentially speed you along um but you might want to save them for avoiding something very difficult uh let’s see so better questing better questing is a number of

Uh useful commands for the quest book uh which is what we’re in I think uh so there’s different things that we can do if we update the mod pack um generally speaking unless there’s a pressing reason to I’m not going to update the mod pack um because

So many times things have been broken but we’ll have to play that by ear um different admin things reset the quests like if we wanted to start over unlikely reset the specific Quest maybe something got bugged um save changes if we’re editing something or manually complete a quest like if it’s broken

Copy quests enables bq3 hardcore mode you only start with three lives so best luck not going to do it if your single player world does not have cheats enabled go to the Escape screen open to land Enable cheats okay makes pausing impossible yep uh-huh uh-huh yep okay all Mak sense

We get a book and quill I don’t know will use that for bu or something uh and then Minecraft works and chunks for those that didn’t know uh there’s different kinds of Chunk loading Solutions uh Ser utilities mod claim chunks so that’s not something included

In the pack I guess use four types of anchors from railcraft uh although they’re not craftable until low voltage tier n SP uh cheated and admin anchors to chunk load forever for free uh use a chunk loader from GT Plus+ you’ll need EU for

It uh use one of the blocks uh that CH chunk loads itself uh self if you do this on a server expect the ads to be mad at you don’t use Chicken Chunks to get anchor like blocks it’s buggy okay uh I’m sure at some point we’ll care about chunk loading

Things uh we’ll have to figure that out then working on stuff but just letting you know I’m here pretending to understand stuff well appreciated if you want to um ask questions I mean you’re sounds like you have me in the background the the lyric is appreciated

But uh if there’s anything I say that you want me to try to explain more uh maybe it’s something I can maybe it’s something new to me too right now I’m just kind of running through these early quests to uh get us going also because it’s night there’s

Nothing else to do really but to to read the documentation essentially uh Sticks and Stones this book has a built-in reading light like you you can read about quests while you’re waiting for the night for the night to be over but for now you may want to get the

Basics done uh if it isn’t dark already go out and collect some gravel and wood well we almost did that uh keep in mind that uh you need food so look for Pam’s Harvest craft Gardens save some of the drops from them for seeds make sure to read the info

Quest links to the first Quest they have important info okay so um something worth noting here in this is that there’s the these different types of uh there’s different sets here of tasks and the reason for that this one says consume no and this one says

Consume yes so you can see it’s wanting to check but not consume uh from us nine gravel and five um logs essentially right so it’s just it wants to check that we’ve got them uh and then down here it says consume yes so we’re going to have to pay two logs but we

Won’t have to have five and nine gravel so uh and then we’ll be able to complete this and I think this is you can zoom out on this by the way uh and you can see up here completion 7 to 45 so like we can see

These these ones but there’s a total of 45 things just on this page so it I know it gets wild uh but okay I completed Quest and it’s day so I can’t see anything at all but I’m going to try to look up and dig and hope nothing jumps down jumps down on

Me I hear a zombie and a skeleton that is the wrong key and a creeper just run away ooh it missed o what’s what’s this A Limonite or okay also things aren’t as simple as just like you know coal and iron and copper uh well here’s actually Some Coal

Uh putting Li to the thing I just said but I do know ooh there’s a structure free house or free death uh hello are you hostile you are a coven witch from witchery so maybe not hostile hold that hold that thought we’re going to eat some things we get all these berries we’re

Going to eat Them and they’re not very satisfying uh okay so if we actually look at one of the food items here it says Berry it’s a morsel it’s a very small amount of food nutrients just fruit uh Dimension returns start after eating any food four more times okay the cool thing is you saw how

Fast I eat that little that little morsel uh this one has grain let’s eat a cookie and we got some hearts from that apple juice it’s unfulfilling snack probably not even bother eating it what about this brain jerky It’s A light meal let’s eat the brain jerky all right

That I gained one research point something down there and I’m well fed whatever that means I don’t know Let’s uh find out what’s going on ooh door animation What’s your deal can I talk to you all right uh you are not skilled in the art it says down there all right

Cool uh are you going to get mad if I open this chest aha it’s got an apple just what I needed uh I might just take over this house all right so we’re going to we needed one more log I think one or two or were they supposed to be oak logs

They might they might have needed to be specifically oak logs let’s go over uh back over here then and then we’ll go look for some gravel so we can progress in the quests and we got six and a chicken all right uh now we’re looking for

Gravel probably buy the Coast is a good place clay I’m sure we’re going to need that got some squidy over here um I’m sure I will find some gravel along the coast somewhere I feel like the clay will eventually be very useful what’s this stuff over here black granite interesting

Well I see clay and I see dirt and oh here’s some gravel excellent I need like nine right to advance the quest maybe that’ll be uh maybe we’ll find oh yep and nine all right can I have Quest completion detect all right and claim cool so we got five the Survivor

One coins and a torch torch might be helpful next next Quest we need to find uh interesting as you may have uh as you might have noticed when collecting gravel no Flint dropped for you well there is a recipe for that look up flint and not enough items and craft

Some the search field of in the eye is at the bottom we already found that out of the screen when we open the results are on the right side okay so we going to figure out how to make flint o an egg all right so i n t I was worried for a second okay so we have some options we can spend three gravel to make one Flint or we can use a mortar and gravel so a mortar is uh looks like some kind of stone and two pieces of Flint for a level one mortar is there a specific

Level of mortar that we need level zero okay so I guess any level will do but there are different tiers of mortars uh there’s also loot bags in this which is a thing we can get as a reward and there’s a chance of getting all sorts of things as you can

See including some food food or armor or uh equipment of various kinds good stuff all right soon inventory is going to be a problem so we’re going to make might as well make two flint there uh apparently okay why did it think we had three well now we have three

Whatever that might be a bug but I’m not going to complain uh all right so now it’s time to get yourself a 3X3 crafting area use your flint and some wood to build one right so we need two wood and two flint to make it grab table all right that’s special

Hooray we can claim we get five I think that that’s not 25 coins that means we get five coins right and two apples all right and then we diverge if you are playing single player updating the pack means having to reload the quest book use the default load

Block to do it for you without switching to creative mode you don’t lose progress but you might have new quests to complete use the items to craft it and place it and right click sorry no rewards other than satisfaction knowing it’s you versus the world this block

Does the same thing as the Comm command BQ admin default load okay um if you don’t know know that I care about doing that so we skip so uh main quests and secondary quests now that you’ve made it this far you might notice how the two new quests look different

Let’s go back do they look different yeah so this one is kind of like rounded like these ones were and this one has a little thing along the top like these ones did they they are different uh the quest with the jagged lines is a main quest it’s linked to

Other main quests by a thick line you must complete main quests to unlock the next tier uh and to progress in general if you can’t progress go back to the previous tiers and look for uh incomplete main quests the other Quest is an optional Quest and is not needed

To unlock new tiers however optional quests often introduce you to useful items or processes uh what are the coins for you can use them to purchase things in the coins coins coins questbook tab you have to scroll to the bottom uh once it unlocks in case you started in a bad biome

Here’s enough coins to purchase some saplings so we get some forest ranger one coins and a steak uh right so we have another optional one right so if we uh we have an apple and sapling we can craft an oak sapling and we can submit that and we can not

Only get coins but we can also choose a reward uh yeah yeah once you complete this Quest check out the rest of the quest tabs new one has unlocked okay uh it’s very Dark I I have made a mistake uh yep but you know what I can see some light from the house I see a zombie coming after me too who will get there first oh my uh thankfully that witch had this house here that I uh can live in uh yeah so

Don’t spend all your time in the quest book or you may uh not notice that it is night all right uh okay cool so anyway can I uh okay this is harvestable without a tool so that’s good I’m glad all right okay cool just keeping an eye on

The time uh well it’s night so I’m I’m going to eat the steak and then we’ll uh a there’s a wild wh mascot whatever that is and why why is there uh what is that emote around it is different than normal something special uh okay so can

We craft an apple sapling it’s just an apple and a sapling right so let’s get on that we get saplings and we got apples we have an apple sapling uh we also have this handy chest here so we can put stuff away that we don’t need to hold on to

That’s good all right Quest book so pear Cherry orange or walnut pear Cherry orange or walut so the the Paris cherries and oranges all are thinking about the fact that it seems like there’s a like a nutrition thing where we’re going to want to balance our food intake um it seems like

Fruit is pretty has been abundant even in small amounts maybe a walnut sapling would be good I think I’m going to go for that unless someone in check has a strong uh opinion Otherwise in three two one all right walnet it is uh not that I’m necessarily going to do anything with that right now except put it right there uh at some point we’ll figure out where we’re goingon to put a base all right so still night though so

We’ll keep on looking at the quests so the next main quest is tools yeah now that you’ve got shelter and a crafting table you should make some tools unless you’d like to continue punching trees with your bare hands uh you should probably make the shovel

First so you can get gravel for the rest more easily so the shovel okay okay so we make it from flets uh that makes sense can we make sticks the normal way yeah we get we get two sticks from two planks that that is rough but now we have our first shovel

Um and I’m guessing the Flint pick so is it um okay it is a to bookmark Cool uh so if I search for what Flint uh that was not helpful what um what if if I go into here and we look at pickaxe and I hit a on this yeah I can bookmark that there that’s handy cool an Axe and a

Hoe all right so we’re going to need uh what three six seven eight uh eight more uh flint and again each Flint is three gravel unless we can make a mortar but the issue is that we would need some kind of stone I’m not sure yeah we’d have to cook it which requires

Uh okay Cobblestone and Flint so so we need to pick anyway so we need at least uh we need a good amount of gravel to get the um to get the pick to make the furnace uh and then we can make the mortar and that will make a make it more

Efficient to get flint which I think will be a a good short-term priority in fact I’m guessing that if we were look uh maybe I’m getting ahead of myself but I feel like the mortar is something that is achievable and there’s probably a quest somewhere here but it’s fine

But uh yeah we’re still waiting waiting for Dad it’s dangerous uh yep we could make a sword we could uh make a chest so let’s see here if we go back to quest lines there we go without dying is something else that’s unlocked but requires tools so both of these

Requires tools we need the quest that we’re currently on to be able to do uh let’s go back here what else did we unlock I think we unlocked the thing about coins right coins coins coins all right and so we have if we submit five coins we can get a loot bag of

Seeds um we can get a maple sapling Oo we can get magical saplings we can get uh you feel that a bit more Fortune might be a good idea yeah so I think you can put the fortune enchant on the loot bags to increase the probability of getting certain things

Uh hold on one sec let’s see if I can fix that green screen well we’re stuck inside anyway nope what about that nope okay uh trying to figure out how to fix uh this but uh I think that’ll have to be a between streams thing okay so anyway I don’t think I’m going

To do any of the coin stuff right now just kind of curious that verify that it does exist and look at all the other things so there’s like uh there is um uh different like magic stuff and space stuff and uh nuclear power and uh rockets and

Stargates uh you know thousands of play hours in the future is it day yet there still a spider I’m not playing hardcore so it’s not the end of the world if uh something were to get me I would just prefer I would prefer the Iron

Man uh so what are we after we need more gravel right that’s that’s the main thing uh maybe I should fix my hot bar uh sure normally I’m like sword pickaxe shovel or sword bow pickaxe shovel something like that but uh I don’t know how long it’s going to be before we get

A bow let’s run I I am aware that there there can be slash are some very weird mobs in this pack that do very strange things so I’m I am paranoid also uh also also where are we right now right here where’s that house oh it’s right

There uh can we ah I just need to double click okay we’re going to save that location just in case we get lost there’s the uh temporary home uh I’m going to come over here and shut this door before I leave don’t want something to wander

Around all right and we’re on the hunt for gravel um for a couple minutes uh also on the hunt oh I have I have some apples there is that let eat apple that did very little okay we’re on the look for uh different uh Pam’s harvestcraft Gardens as well for

Different bits of things to eat uh and probably not running uh probably what we’ll do is we will I don’t think I I’m going to need to take a break here before we can uh before before night that’s all right because I can pause the game because it’s single

Player um so here in just a couple minutes we’ll take a break um need to get some water anyway but in the meantime we’re going to be on the hunt for some gravel and maybe some pams that is not pams um Gardens so if you’re not familiar with

Pam’s harvestcraft it is a mod that adds a bunch of different kinds of um food items into the game and then I think it includes the ability I think it’s part of the same mod that allows you to then make interesting Foods out of those items if I remember right it’s been a

Little while since I’ve played a pack that had pams harcraft Ow so here we go here’s an herb garden so it’s going to give us things like ginger and celery we can eat these directly it’s much better to uh take these and uh plant them and you know establish a a garden uh and like a you

Know a farm plot and uh uh you know then use it as a ingredients for making better things but uh we are kind of desperate for food here so here are chestnuts uh wait this this is a weird tree it has a Chestnut and an apple and Nutmeg and a

Chestnut um it is it is a it’s a uh some kind of hybridization going on here and it has an avocado growing on it okay that’s that’s something uh they’re all growth zero though so well the Apple’s growth 50 but uh unfortunately uh nothing ready for us

And it is time for me to take a break so I’m going to be back in just uh a few minutes with some more Great Tech New Horizon see you Soon

This video, titled ‘GT New Horizons | Stream 1 | Part 1 of 4’, was uploaded by saebynVODs on 2023-12-24 02:22:43. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:34 or 3154 seconds.

The legendarily large Minecraft 1.7 modpack with every recipe “Gregified”! Join me in the first part of my livestream as we embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Modded Minecraft, specifically diving into the GT New Horizons pack. This episode marks the beginning of what promises to be a long and exciting adventure, filled with intricate mods, complex crafting, and endless exploration.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/saebyn

More about the modpack at https://www.gtnewhorizons.com/

In this session, I set the stage for our adventure by going through the initial setup of the GT New Horizons pack. As a complex and detailed mod pack, GT New Horizons offers a unique challenge that could span years of gameplay. I share my first impressions and strategies as we navigate through the initial stages, discussing the pack’s features, including its extensive quest lines, the importance of resource management, and the nuances of the mod’s ecosystem.

Our journey begins with basic tasks like crafting essential tools, setting up a shelter, and understanding the quest book’s mechanics. I also delve into the significance of various mods included in the pack, such as Pam’s Harvestcraft for food resources and GregTech for advanced technological progress. The gameplay is interspersed with insights into the mod pack’s complexity, offering tips and tricks for both new and experienced players.

If you’re a fan of Minecraft and love the added depth that mods bring to the game, this video is a must-watch. Whether you’re looking to start your own modded Minecraft journey or just enjoy watching others navigate these intricate worlds, there’s something here for everyone. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more Modded Minecraft content. Your support encourages me to continue exploring and sharing my passion for this vast, modded universe! 🌍🛠️💡

  • School’s Out, Minecraft Kids Gone Wild!

    School's Out, Minecraft Kids Gone Wild! In Minecraft, naughty kids cause quite a stir, Skipping school to play, their grades a blur. But the teacher’s on their tail, ready to school, In a movie-like showdown, breaking every rule. The kids build forts, hide and seek in the halls, Crafting potions, climbing walls. But the teacher’s no fool, she’s got tricks up her sleeve, To bring them back to class, make them believe. With laughter and fun, this tale unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity molds. So join the adventure, hit play and see, The clash of naughty kids and school, in rhyming glee. Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video Minecraft Animation Boys Love: The Magic Five Part 7 Introduction In this installment of “The Magic Five,” a Minecraft animation series created by Martin, also known as Marty, viewers are taken on a journey through a love story involving Minecraft boys. The story unfolds with a disclaimer urging those who do not support or are against LGBT+ to refrain from watching. Martin expresses his dedication to improving his storytelling skills and invites viewers to like and subscribe to motivate him to create more content. The Plot Thickens The episode opens with a mysterious curse placed upon a nearby sorcerer,… Read More

  • The Ultimate Brazilian Minecraft Mob Farm

    The Ultimate Brazilian Minecraft Mob Farm The Brazilian Minecraft Mob Farm: A Record-Breaking Creation In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a group of Brazilian gamers has achieved a remarkable feat – the creation of the largest Mob Farm in the game. This incredible structure has captured the attention of players worldwide, setting a new standard for innovation and ingenuity in Minecraft. Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Building a Mob Farm in Minecraft requires a deep understanding of game mechanics and a creative approach to problem-solving. The Brazilian team behind this monumental project has demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication in designing and… Read More

  • Speedy Games Galore: Racing to the Top 3!

    Speedy Games Galore: Racing to the Top 3! In the world of games, speed is the key, Minecraft, Guitar Hero, and Geometry Dash, you see. Fastest hand games, they take the lead, With skills and reflexes, they succeed. Minecraft, a world of blocks and fun, Building and crafting, under the sun. Guitar Hero, rocking out with a guitar in hand, Hitting those notes, in a rock band. Geometry Dash, a rhythm-based game, Jumping and dodging, never the same. Speed and precision, to conquer each level, With quick reflexes, you must revel. So there you have it, the fastest games around, In the gaming world, where speed is… Read More

  • Minecraft Barrel Tutorial

    Minecraft Barrel Tutorial Minecraft Barrels: Crafting and Uses In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for new ways to store and organize their items. One popular storage solution that has gained traction is the humble barrel. These cylindrical containers offer a unique aesthetic and functionality that sets them apart from traditional chests. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft barrels and explore their crafting recipe and various uses in-game. Crafting a Barrel in Minecraft To craft a barrel in Minecraft, players will need the following materials: 6 Oak Planks: Gather oak wood and convert it into planks at a… Read More

  • IBAI’s Wild Minecraft Night

    IBAI's Wild Minecraft Night The Exciting World of Minecraft: Ibai’s Velada Event When it comes to the world of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a timeless classic that continues to capture the hearts of players worldwide. Recently, popular streamer Ibai took on the challenge of organizing a special event within the Minecraft universe, known as La Velada del Minecraft. A Night to Remember La Velada del Minecraft, or The Minecraft Evening, promised to be an unforgettable experience for both Ibai and his audience. With its open-world sandbox gameplay, Minecraft allows for endless possibilities and creativity, making it the perfect setting for a unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Knight: Code Delight

    Minecraft Knight: Code Delight In Minecraft, Hollow Knight takes flight, A world of wonder, crafted just right. From characters to enemies, all in place, Every detail, a work of grace. The terrain, the structures, the music too, All recreated, just for you. With combat, abilities, and charms to equip, Every feature, a thrilling trip. Explore the world, from King’s Pass to Dirtmouth, Every area, filled with truth. Download the map, and join the fun, In Minecraft, the adventure’s just begun. So tell me, what game should I make next? Leave your suggestions, and I’ll do my best. For now, enjoy this Hollow Knight… Read More

  • Thank You Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3

    Thank You Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 The Evolution of Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 has been a significant milestone in the evolution of the popular game. From new features to exciting gameplay elements, this edition has captured the hearts of players worldwide. Exploring 3D Texture Packs One of the most notable additions to Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 is the introduction of 3D texture packs. These packs allow players to customize the look and feel of their game, adding a new level of immersion and creativity to the experience. Embracing Third-Person View With the inclusion of a third-person view option,… Read More

  • Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft

    Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft Building a Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft The Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft is a unique architectural design inspired by the popular Jenga game. This project showcases a creative blend of functionality and aesthetics, offering players a visually appealing structure that also serves a practical purpose in the game. Layout & Materials The construction of the Jenga Lighthouse begins with careful planning of the layout and selection of materials. In this project, red is used as the primary color, but players can experiment with different color combinations to achieve varying atmospheres, from modern to fantasy. Jenga Element One of the standout… Read More

  • Insane Roblox Challenge with VTuber in Kucing Lucu Minecraft World

    Insane Roblox Challenge with VTuber in Kucing Lucu Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘#challenge #roblox #vtuber #minecraft #anime #gaming #cat #shorts #kucinglucu’, was uploaded by Gaory life on 2024-05-30 16:56:02. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs GodVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftpe #gaming #technogamerz #pixelart’, was uploaded by Dark Alpha Gaming on 2024-01-07 14:00:23. It has garnered 4846 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • PR02Z Lockdown Saga Gets Insane! #shorts

    PR02Z Lockdown Saga Gets Insane! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lockdown Story Part 2 #shorts’, was uploaded by PR02Z on 2024-04-12 18:43:17. It has garnered 115 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Yo Subscribe if you want Game Minecraft Find me online at ; Discord : https://discord.gg/w5ZpGWxtUM Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pr02z?igsh=MWFwdzBobTd4MXBvaQ== Twitter : https://x.com/PR02Z2?t=PojdNgc8LIG97FIvn6tTbw&s=09 Tags #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dbd #gamingcommunity #indiegames #horrorfan #remake #gamers #re #saw #horrorcommunity #fanart #horrorart #twitchtv #videogame #instagamer… Read More

  • Elveron-mc

    Elveron-mcElveron is a Runescape based server, Same skills and mechanincs but better map! We offer a wide range of activities such as a new concept Hunger Games! With a huge range of custom items and bosses we serve with a custom plugin built for this server! play.elveronmc.com:25617 Read More

  • Eternal Realms – realms

    Eternal Realms Welcome to Eternal Realms, a world of endless possibilities and boundless creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a redstone genius, or a survival enthusiast, there’s a place for you here. What we offer: Survival and Creativity: Explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and conquer challenging quests. Friendly Community: Join a community of like-minded players who are always ready to collaborate and help out. Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and challenges to test your skills and win amazing prizes. 24/7 Access: Our realm is open around the clock, so you can play whenever you want. Join us now… Read More

  • Estella™

    Estella™EstellaMC is a unique Minecraft Network focused on the game mode Kingdoms and will be expanding into more as time goes on. The network strives towards prospering in every area of the Minecraft space. Our objective is to deliver the most enjoyable gaming experience.Join our discord to be updated and meet the community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft madness: Terror exhibit

    Why was the Enderman the star of the Minecraft exhibit? Because he was always a head above the rest! Read More

  • Minecraft SMP War: Battle Royale on Blocks

    Minecraft SMP War: Battle Royale on Blocks In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, RedXypher’s the king, living out his dream. With BoomyDamovi by his side, they rule the land, Creating content that’s always grand. From Burger King to smp wars, They entertain us with their Minecraft scores. So hit that like and subscribe button tight, And join them on this epic gaming flight. Follow them on Discord, Twitter, and more, For updates and laughs galore. In the world of Minecraft, they’re the stars, Spinning rhymes and crafting bars. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, Just let the beats and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers be creepin’!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers be creepin'! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303

    Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303 The Epic Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303 in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, two mysterious and powerful entities have captured the imagination of players worldwide – Herobrine and Entity 303. These enigmatic figures have become the stuff of legends within the Minecraft community, with players speculating about their origins and powers. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the epic showdown between Herobrine and Entity 303. The Legend of Herobrine Herobrine is a legendary figure in Minecraft, often described as a ghostly entity that haunts players in the game. With piercing white eyes… Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Minecraft Build Hacks to Enhance Your Survival World Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, survival is key. To thrive in this blocky universe, players often rely on clever build hacks to make their journey easier and more enjoyable. Here are five useful build hacks that can help you improve your survival world and achieve your goals faster. Armor Swapper One essential build hack is the Armor Swapper. This ingenious contraption allows you to quickly switch between different sets of armor with the push of a button. Whether you’re gearing up for battle or exploring the depths of a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Addiction Confession by Mika Akatsuka Ch.!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Addiction Confession by Mika Akatsuka Ch.!Video Information This video, titled ‘【 Minecraft 】 We aren’t addicted–‘, was uploaded by Mika Akatsuka Ch. on 2024-06-05 15:13:32. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:09:27 or 18567 seconds. I’m Mika Akatsuka, owner of Nightfall’s Bloom florist and cafe. Vampire cat boy VTuber who likes flowers and sweet things. Won’t you let me make you a bouquet? ✧ Jason Free ✧ https://twitch.tv/Jason_Free https://twitter.com/JasonFreeTweets Youtube: @JasonFree ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ✧ Links ✧ Support me: https://streamelements.com/se-2750660/tip Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mika_Akatsuka Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mikaakatsuka Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@MikaAkatsuka ━ ━… Read More

  • Eating Money: Sociable Movements Pt.7

    Eating Money: Sociable Movements Pt.7Video Information This video, titled ‘компанейские шевеления pt.7’, was uploaded by съел деньги on 2024-03-13 21:47:22. It has garnered 54 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. #raft #goosegooseduck #valorant теги: funny moments, funny, minecraft, try not to laugh, comedy, compilation, funny videos, gaming, epic moments, чикен ган, meme, gameplay, fails, helldivers 2 gameplay, new brawlers, sands of time, brawl stars funny moments, brawl stars funny montage, brawl stars 2024, football, den19k, funny moments brawl stars, top 200 funny moments brawl stars, memes, brawl stars funny moments and fails, top 200 brawl stars,… Read More

  • Insane EarthTwister BIRTHDAY Stream! Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Insane EarthTwister BIRTHDAY Stream! Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘BIRTHDAY Live Stream | Let’s explore and chill in Survival Minecraft!’, was uploaded by EarthTwister on 2024-06-01 04:41:50. It has garnered 48 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:51 or 5031 seconds. Today, we’re going to just hang out and have fun in Survival Minecraft. We are going to get as much as we can while he hang out and explore! Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed make sure you hit that like button and subscribe if you’re new! This video is inspired by many Other minecraft Youtubers like fWhip, Gemini… Read More

  • FALCO BREAKS THE INTERNET!? Minecraft News Gone Wild!

    FALCO BREAKS THE INTERNET!? Minecraft News Gone Wild!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT FUNNY BREAKING NEWS EPISODE 1 | Breaking Your Tenda Funny Minecraft News | Minecraft News’, was uploaded by I.M FALCO on 2024-03-06 16:21:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel If You Are New Then Subscribe My This Channel And Like My This Video.In This Video I … Read More

  • EPIC CACTUS BOSS BATTLE! – Minecraft Monday SMP

    EPIC CACTUS BOSS BATTLE! - Minecraft Monday SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘BIG CACTUS RISES- The Cactus Saga : Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 35 l’, was uploaded by MetalGearSnake on 2024-05-12 06:54:23. It has garnered 49 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:56 or 11456 seconds. BIG CACTUS RISES- The Cactus Saga : Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 35 l Hope you enjoy! “You must be Ames” “You’re pretty good” “Kept you Waiting Huh” ______________________________________________________ https://www.tiktok.com/@metalgearsnake99?lang=en https://twitter.com/MetalGearSnaked ______________________________________________________ Other Channels You should check out! https://www.youtube.com/@Cyber-Odyssey https://www.youtube.com/@UC-5OK1w-I2RXYTGE-eUE_zA https://www.youtube.com/@UCCYGu8GXU1Xr94UhZAx9tcA —————————————————————————————- #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Mob Battle Tournament!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Mob Battle Tournament!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Souls-Like Universe Tournament – Mob Battle | 1.19.2’, was uploaded by Aool on 2024-03-28 15:00:01. It has garnered 1031 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:45 or 1245 seconds. ✅ Subscribe to the channel: https://bit.ly/3O1fgcZ 👉Watch the videos on my and Anonima’s gaming channel! (Daily Videos at 18:00) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoWGlHf5qnJbXjWJo0Of_cQ ✅Support the Channel by being a MEMBER: https://bit.ly/3zyVXDp ​✅Donation Via Pix – https://livepix.gg/aoolgamer ✅Contacts: 📌 Email: [email protected] 📌 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aool_gamer?igsh=cTRjeDVyNWtwM2pp 📌 Discord do Canal: https://discord.gg/ErZK97ZMRa ✺ Discover other series on the channel: ✺ Minecraft: THE NECROMANCER: https://bit.ly/3L8HVhl ✺ Minecraft: POISON: https://bit.ly/3ZAgRMB… Read More

  • Fian DC – INSANE CHEERING 🚨 | Minecraft #shorts

    Fian DC - INSANE CHEERING 🚨 | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MENGKREP CERIA | Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Fian DC on 2024-05-27 18:49:12. It has garnered 1137 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:55 or 10135 seconds. Thank you for watching this video. For those of you who want to support with donations, you can click this link: https://saweria.co/fiandinar https://sociabuzz.com/fiandinar/donate ____________________________________________________________________________________ Discord : https://discord.gg/4PcjzKB Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/fiandinar/ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Spec PC Kentang : Mobo Asrock Steel Legend B450M CPU AMD Ryzen 5 3500X CPU Fan Cooler Master ML120L V2 RAM G.Skill Trident Z 8x2GB SSD WD Green 120GB HDD Seagate… Read More

  • Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shorts

    Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a trap in desert in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-05-27 13:30:18. It has garnered 723 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal’s EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment” #clickbait #viral

    "INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal's EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment" #clickbait #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:08:55. It has garnered 9012 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo #animation #attitude… Read More

  • LonelyMC

    LonelyMCLonelyMC is a towny server that offers a wide range of possible futures, you can join a town, create a town, even leave a town you joined and join a different town or delete the town you created and create a new town, the only limit is your imaginati- But seriously, as a towny survival server with some sort of an economy, Lonely is a somewhat standard, bogstandard minecraft server, we can promise that there will be staff that tries not to be annoying, a server that is stable (it hasn’t crashed yet in any of our testing, pretty wild)… Read More

  • Billionaire City Economy Re-Imagined PvE PvP 1.20.X Economy Cross-Play Competitive Friendly Community Jobs Apartments Community Goals Houses Businesses Daily Quests

    Billionaire City NEW GAMEMODE: MOODYSMP New Player Rewards now available with /np -> 2x Sell Boost for all Items & Fish! How to Join! There are no requirements to play on Billionaire City! All you need to do is add the Server with the following IP: IP: billionaire.city Discord: https://billionaire.city/discord About Billionaire City Billionaire City is a revolutionary Economy & City Experience, aiming at setting new Standards in the field of Minecraft Servers! There’s lots of features to find on Billionaire City, also ones like you’ve never seen before: Buyable Ships(Yachts etc.), Proficiency & Collection System for Progression, a unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: the intoxicated update

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: the intoxicated updateLooks like Minecraft is trying to cater to a new demographic – the intoxicated gamers! Cheers to a whole new level of building and mining with a little liquid courage. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Ronin builds a giant axe, a sight for sore eyes. With JAVA 1.20.1 for the best performance, And shaders that enhance, a true conformance. In the land of blocks and pixels, a house/storage takes shape, A creation so grand, it’s hard to escape. The music sets the tone, free to use with credit, As Ronin crafts his masterpiece, no need to edit. So watch till the end, leave a like, hit subscribe, For more Minecraft magic, where creativity thrives. With Ronin as your guide, the journey’s a delight, In the world… Read More

  • Wither gets stung by BEES!! 🐝🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Wither gets stung by BEES!! 🐝🔥 #minecraftmemes Wither: I am the ultimate boss in Minecraft! BEES: Hold my honey. stings Wither to death Wither: defeated I guess I just couldn’t handle the buzz. 🐝 #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Late Night Kitchen Shenanigans with FranSauce

    Late Night Kitchen Shenanigans with FranSauce Exploring the Mysterious World of Minecraft at 3 AM Zuli’s Midnight Adventure In the vast and pixelated world of Minecraft, anything can happen, especially at 3 AM. Zuli, a brave adventurer, decides to make a trip to the kitchen for some water in the dead of night. Little does she know, this seemingly innocent journey will lead to unexpected encounters and eerie experiences. The Witching Hour As Zuli navigates through the dark corridors of her virtual home, strange things begin to occur. The clock strikes 3 AM, a time known for its association with the supernatural and the unknown…. Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you a fan of LEGO and all things creative? If so, you won’t want to miss out on the excitement happening at the LEGO Convention featured in the video “LEGO CONVENTION FULL TOUR – New Bricks on the Block – Bricking Bavaria & Brickhunter.” With 60 MOCs (My Own Creations) on display, including themes like LEGO Star Wars, Harry Potter, Ninjago, Minecraft, Technic, and more, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. But why stop at just admiring LEGO creations when you can bring your creativity to life in a whole new way on Minewind Minecraft Server? Imagine building… Read More

  • Diamond Hunt Shenanigans

    Diamond Hunt Shenanigans Minecraft Mining Expedition: Finding Diamonds on Stumpscraft SMP S4 Ep.13! Exploring New Horizons In this exciting episode of Stumpscraft 4, our intrepid Minecraft player, Stumps, sets out on a mining expedition in search of the coveted diamonds. But before delving into the depths of the earth, Stumps takes a moment to work on their fishing dock base, adding a touch of tranquility to the adventure. Unearthing Hidden Treasures Equipped with a trusty pickaxe and a sense of determination, Stumps ventures into a new, unexplored cave in the wilderness. The dark, winding tunnels hold the promise of valuable ores, including… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Telugu gameplay LIVE with TheHanu0! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft Telugu gameplay LIVE with TheHanu0! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE : MINECRAFT IN TELUGU #TheHanu0’, was uploaded by The Hanu0 on 2024-03-05 16:45:06. It has garnered 132 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:25 or 8965 seconds. Discord :- https://discord.com/invite/KN3B4VEA7E MI N E C R A F T L I V E IN TELUGU ───────╼| Minecraft – Live ┣╾─────── ──────╼|Recommending┣╾────── ✪ ➥  • Setting Guide & How To Survive 1st Ni… If You ENJOY My Content, Do The Below ⧭ Things. That Makes Me HAPPY ツ ⫷ SUBSCRIBE ⫸ ⫷ LIKE ⫸ ⫷ COMMENT ⫸ ⫷ SHARE ⫸ Discord:… Read More

  • Maximize Minecraft Advancements

    Maximize Minecraft AdvancementsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Collected EVERY ADVANCEMENT | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #16’, was uploaded by FitShaw on 2024-05-05 16:35:39. It has garnered 4682 views and 425 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:08 or 1748 seconds. In this video I challenged myself to collect every advancement in survival hardcore Minecraft! Schematics, world downloads, texture pack & more can all be found on my Patreon! • Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FitShaw • Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UXbzKpJv5B • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitshawmc • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fitshaw • Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/fitshawmc 00:00 – Intro 00:35 – The first advancements 09:51 – The quick & easy 22:30 – The… Read More