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Foreign I’ll be um a lot in a moment hey how’s it going soldis and who else is there let me go grab you and find out DJ hey I got you saw this how goes it guys let me know if the music is too loud so yesterday I [ __ ] my stream because I

Was muted the whole [ __ ] time okay oh how does that even happen it’s so dumb so so dumb okay I need to try to be quiet so Andy can sleep and let me show the skin I’m gonna make today this is gothaurus character I’m gonna she wants me to make a Minecraft

Skin out of this so that’s what I’m gonna be doing and I’m gonna be doing some pixel work too I have more stuff to do with streamavators good thanks just finished downloading the new Zelda so we’ll be playing that soon I’m so ready oh nice dude nice say new skin also

Okay might be a little tricky to get um colors because it’s a little bit blurred it’s in your skin I guess this one was brutal Suze she loved it this is so cute okay let’s get like a grayish where’s my color thingy here it is I love making Minecraft skins and I’ve

Definitely been doing more of this lately okay so grayish I think that looks okay so this is gonna be for gothor hey bad guy what’s up how goes it thank you for lurking I’ve seen mods where you can uh give your Minecraft character a big old hat

Like that I’ve seen like specifically a witchy one too it was really cute so I was a YouTuber that I used to watch Kelpie the fox Maybe I don’t remember okay so let’s get purple for the eyes I’m also not sure how I want to do the face maybe just like like this

So I I want to see if I can make Llano today as a stream Avatar character because I love him he’s hilarious and he needs to be a part of the pack and I have a really funny idea for his character I can’t wait I need it so this character is definitely complex

So let’s see how I can pull this off as a Minecraft I also want to make um one of gothar’s Gaia avatars too see I also I have no idea what game this is okay so trying to get the the reddish purplish of the hair I’m starting to like this playlist more

And more okay how does this look for the hair I think that looks good oh let me show the skin that I made yesterday it was a really simple one let’s see I made Fair Vex from Sims Busting Out just a very very simple character but in

That game she was my favorite because the goth character I think it’s cute very simple I want to make more Goth characters like um from shows and stuff I just this is what I like doing okay I love making skins if any of my followers really want one

Let me know I might make you one for free we’ll see oh let me show yours to you soldis let’s see let’s see where’s my soldis one soldis uh here it is I love it there you are I just I kind of wonder if the back of the head’s right though it

Probably needs more hair on the back but it’s honestly okay maybe you know it kind of reminds me a bit of the villain from The Fifth Element zorg because the hair like now I want to make his character oh my God I need to do that that’d be amazing

I love it all right I’m just like wanting to make more and more Minecraft skins okay ears oops wrong tool and I think it’s a fascinating process to watch people make uh Minecraft skins a stick of gum it’s so funny I’ll never not be amused by that I’m

Glad I got stream avatars working again and we got Magnemite back I know um I was watching another streamer play some um 64 games and it makes me want to get back into 64 games I I can’t really play a whole lot of them without a controller but some I can

Like I can definitely play uh Kirby 64 without it and I eventually want to do a no damage run of that so I’ll probably look into that at some point I think that’ll be really fun okay so it’ll probably take me about an hour to do this skin and then I’ll get some

Pixels anyone’s wondering why I don’t take off the legs when I work in the head because I like it um I don’t know I kind of like it uh making the head up in that position but then again it’s fine like this too but also I just

I don’t really need to get rid of the legs okay so this hair is pigtails okay okay um do the USB uh work yeah they do they do I um I was using one for a while but it started getting stick drift and it just made the games unplayable I was playing

Conquerors bad Friday when when it cropped out and it’s just like that game is hard enough as it is so I really raged at the game during my last um playing through of conquer I never planned on finishing that game because it is hard it is so [ __ ] hard it’s stupidly hard

I usually only play up into the horror level that’s usually when I when I give up on it because it’s so [ __ ] hard hey hey isn’t that game Ninja yeah it’s um it’s like one of the few uh Nintendo 64 games that is like for mature audiences okay the hats How to do the hats hmm that is gonna be very tricky very very tricky I’ve I’ve definitely done hats on characters before but there’s really not a whole lot that you can do with it so it’s a good a good choice that I made the eyes pretty low

And she has like little side uh little side things going hmm this is cute okay so hat um let’s get um and like all the all the colors in it too um let’s make this darker maybe a little more to the gray as an all makes sticking out thing around

Yeah you definitely gotta get creative with stuff like this probably gonna end up looking more like a tiara or something um let’s just go ahead and color that like that Um hmm okay maybe I’ll put like a light blue Brim okay hmm I can draw it going down on the side but I’m not sure how that’s gonna turn out um I’ve definitely made characters like this before like I’ve made a several sort of Mana characters let me go show

Them off I love them let’s see um do I have a collection of that let’s see collections some um sword man here we are let’s see like Isabella like with the the little complex I love the the little veil the transparency on it it’s so pretty it’s a very pretty character yeah

It’s so cute and she has a little cat transformation too it’s cute kind of reminds me a decade a little bit oh I even made the tail it’s awesome I love the pink I love the colors of this all right let me stop being distracted okay right yeah me being distracted

Absolutely happens a lot Okay so mm-hmm all right so let’s get a bright purplish brim for the under the Hat more purple okay that’s um it Blends in with the hair too much how about now now still hmm it Blends in too much with the hair and I don’t like that

How about that I mean that can kind of work I like the bright pink is that what I want to do yeah and I’m going to put like um for the layer of some like little pixely stuff okay so this will be like the the under it going up or something I

Don’t know okay um layers maybe put it like that and then like in this character it’s like hard to tell like and also it has no back apparently um I could just make it like maybe going up on the size of it or something so this I really wish there was a

Program like this uh for you to put textures on um Tomb Raider models I want that so bad hey fun memories all right so the upper brim let’s get some yellow more faded like just some little Speckles or something I I don’t know what else to do for that Maybe

Yeah I don’t know uh maybe just a little bit going up um and let’s get like a a light pink pixel in there maybe another one going up but just again it’s really not so much you can do um okay so let’s make this like point or something going up from

Under the pixels and then we’ll make it go into the side Maybe is there a yeah there’s like a little bell on it on the bottom I think so just make it going like that and I’ll draw like a little bell darker darker there we go that’s actually really cute

So soldis what are you going to be doing today anything interesting Okay so okay this is where I have to use my imagination a bit I kind of want to make the blue like okay so like this pink is the under of the hat so kind of Imagine like flipping up right here

So I kind of want to make it like flipping down right here maybe maybe like let’s see how how the [ __ ] do I shape this like maybe like that that kind of works maybe even making more go down um I don’t know it’s it’s complicated but it’s doable

I like this I like this a lot do it again it messed up there we go I love it that’s so cool okay I’m done I’m done okay all right so maybe let’s see draw some outlines for this and see how it looks phew okay not bad looks good yeah okay works

And then we’ll put some more textures on there later Okay so okay it looks like she has a short skirt on with some uh platform shoes and some stockings oh and she’s got like a long robe I like the Liney bits I like uh stripes all right so

All right let’s start with the skirt because it’s I like to start with um the lower half first okay so let’s get this color and maybe dull it down a bit yeah okay right so okay Okay so it looks like her the Torso is going to be the same color as the skirt

So let’s go ahead and color that and just add all the details and stuff okay Okay so let’s do the stockings okay so purple um let’s get this color but go more purple and okay make it just go like that make that one a little bit lower

And bring the skirt down just a little bit yeah I was really annoyed um that I was muted on yesterday’s stream but you know like at least you could hear the game sounds and I also it’s pretty much like me playing without commentary really really dumb when stuff like that

Happens that’s why you always always got to do a record test before you stream or record like always always always always laughs okay now let’s do this as like um lower the opacity okay yeah that looks nice okay right um is that I don’t know what that is

Maybe it’s just like a little oh it looks like it’s a little design on her uh stalking almost looks like a little pumpkin but you know 10. um I need to know what the the name of this game is so I can put that in the like information when I upload this

Okay purple okay it’s a shoes I’m just like trying to brain like are these blue are these purple okay I’m gonna make them blue and match the Hat ah foreign feels a little bit crap this morning but I’m okay okay this is kind of in the way so I’ll make it smaller

Yeah just sometimes my my breathing is just feels like there’s like pressure on my chest might be like a a mild form of asthma we’ve had this problem since I was a kids because I grew up around smokers okay if it’s any worse I am pretty sure I’d need an inhaler

Holy [ __ ] I’ve mentioned that to the doctor but you know got so many things already okay so all right let’s make this a white color so if you guys hear me kind of like breathing like kind of weird that’s why I don’t always do that but just happens

Sometimes I don’t know what triggers it actually Andy told me that yesterday that air quality was really crap so that that could uh be something to do with it and it has been getting hotter okay um I’m thinking like what I want to do for a 3d effect on the shoes like what

Part I want to make sticking out maybe because like I really like doing that um oh I know since it kind of looks like it’s a little bit curly toed I’ll I’ll do that here we go that’s cool and I’ll put like some little it’s a little scrappy details again it’s

Really hard to tell oh and those look more like boots Maybe it’s hard to tell with this white blur in the way and right here it looks more like boots oh okay so I’m gonna make these more boots but I do want I do want to like um emphasize that these are stockings

Because that’s you know that’s cute okay so this is hello so I’m gonna make them for the boots I could put her stockings up a little bit too um but like I think I like the lengths already so I guess I’ll keep it like that and

Let’s put some it looks like she has like a tear can’t tell if that’s no it looks like decoration it’s just so hard to tell you the Gotham’s online okay okay she’s probably at work I want to try to remember to do a raid when I’m done I just always damn forget

Getting a bit of a headache now Goodness Me well you know what it’s okay it’s just pixels at the end of the day you know as long as it looks similar that’s just what really counts Okay so I think that’s maybe a detail on her boot yeah

I don’t [ __ ] know I don’t know maybe actually yeah I see it now this is boot this is all boot okay yeah my eyes uh fix better on that okay so that’s details all right so let’s give her some more details then let’s do a little sticky uppy thing

And some straps maybe oh there’s like little buckles on the side okay and I do want to make some straps because straps are awesome okay looks good it looks good nice okay there’s not a whole lot else I need to do for that what about the back though

The back what should I add on the back maybe like another like I don’t know but I want to put some kind of detail I don’t know just so it’s not plain I don’t know oops hmm I don’t know okay so that’s the legs that’s the legs oh okay so torso

Okay light pink right there definitely okay so let’s make it like let’s go with like that hmm okay let me just look at that one for now okay so let’s get this nice light pink from here and I just like I think of how I want to layer things too like okay um

I woke up with my throat feeling pretty sore but it feels better now [ __ ] thankfully because like it was it was at the point where I’m like oh God I’m gonna get [ __ ] sick [ __ ] that [ __ ] that might have to um take some aspirin in a minute okay okay right so

Okay so let’s make this um the same blue blueish purple like this is where like I’m like is it blue or purple I think it’s more purple than blue but this the Hat it looks more blue and this looks more purple oh it’s kind of a mind [ __ ] okay so let’s

Um yeah color that okay now hands okay okay um okay definitely a more complex character and I’ll absolutely put the stripes so all right let’s work on the Torso I can’t really tell how her top is if there’s like straps or whatever okay I think there is I think there’s okay all right so let’s just make it like a kind of like a tank top kind of a thing no and the back that’s where I gotta get

Creative because apparently she has no back is that virtual gotcha hey basically virtual what’s up how goes it yep stream Avatar is working again and I am not muted like I was in my last stream Hall how could I have this how could I have not have like looked over

At OBS and saw like hey the mic has a red x on it like okay okay so let’s give her the little Collard thing let’s put like the little pink Jewel on it or whatever that is ew let’s make it like that um yeah that’s cute okay now let’s make

Kind of like a corset right here and um okay it looks like she has like pink trims right here like I said it’s so hard to tell with blurry blurry out pixels foreign you know I’m gonna make her hair going down let’s make her hair going down so like this will be covered

There we go okay it does blend in with her outfit a bit but um it’s okay I’m thinking I kind of want to make this maybe a little more of a purple more purple that does look better what about this part cool music thank you this is a playlist

I got from Kawaii bat fangs it’s a cyberpunk I mean like I’ve like listening back to myself on streams where I have no music it’s honestly not bad but I like to have something to listen to while I’m doing stuff because I kind of go crazy with silence like I I need like

Constant stimulation with having ADHD and whatnot I just you know okay okay this looks much better and I do want to change the color this make this more purples well have it like this is that is that closer to it I think so yeah okay also it can give this two colors

Like it has a little bit of a shine area oh you know what I kind of want to oh oh let’s make um let’s make this have a little bit of transparency they’ll be pretty um let’s see I love doing stuff like that it’s just really pretty okay now let’s um see transparency

How does that look now ew that’s kill I dig it okay all right so okay um hmm oh right this is going to be like blue blue on the sides and right Okay so definitely a complex character okay so start drawing the blue on the sides

And this goes all the way down her feet but um okay okay um also how do I want to yeah okay um so like this something like that there we are the back end is this like well it could make it like a like one big piece like a like a cape

Instead of like you know um two jacket tails okay so the back okay I’m kind of imagining how that goes right now the sleeves um I can draw it a little bit in the front too just a little bit um yeah a little bit yeah um okay let’s do the details over here

That doesn’t look good okay no I do want this to do some um over layering okay it’s perfect okay um let’s make it stick out right here to emphasize boobs um it looks good I like it definitely looks good okay so fill in the skirt area I feel like something is off

We got it yeah an extra pixel but see I want it like that there we are hmm phew okay there we go I like that I like that oh all right let’s see now what let’s take a break and let’s draw a lotto let’s draw Llano as one of these characters so

Let’s go get him off of my PMC here he is the mouth wide open ah okay let’s um yes take a whack at China I love how he drew the legs like that okay oh it’s been so long since I’ve worked on one of these

I need to make Connor so koi vet thanks partner okay so I have so much more freedom to work on these um for these characters um how many outlines on this are they all black yeah they’re all black okay that makes things a bit easier um well basic outfit um color palette

How am I a color palette I’ll just use my own and these characters do have shading unlike the the Gaia the little little tiny tiny Bean Head ones oh hello there Tara moly how goes it okay let’s get some red in here okay okay so that’s connected to his little vest

And he’s got shorts on thank you this is definitely going to be a fun character thank you yeah damn weather change always gets me been getting hotter which is kind of nicer but at the same time like warm weather attracts like bees and wasps and stuff nothing like usually

Bees creep me out but the other day there’s a [ __ ] big ass wine um on her like trying to get in the house on the on the glass door and it was actually [ __ ] so cute it was so [ __ ] cute I think it’s a Bumblebee and my roommate tells me that they don’t

Even have stingers I’m like it’s so cute it’s like when they’re that big and fluffy they’re pretty much like a little animal at that point you know okay is this too high up so I just need to be covered with like this I think I feel kind of derped out

I think it’s okay I think I I can’t make it any higher or any lower so about like changing the shape of the head so this should be okay have you been streaming lately virtual I know you’re a streamer a vtuber I think I haven’t really been um noticing many

People streaming lately as I’ve been like really busy with stuff but like if I’m not busy I try to come by uh people’s streams well depending on what they’re streaming if it’s something I’m interested in okay I like how this looks all silky it’s really pretty

Let me see if a lot is online let me see okay black shorts this looks so good [Laughter] oh my God that is adorable laughs I need to draw some hair for him too can’t just not show his pink hair and Little Beard do these characters have noses probably not

Well mine has a freak face the lion has this dirty little mouse I’m the only one that has it like that this is so freaking cute okay now we need to see in those little Browns his hands I’ll just make it like that I don’t know how people can wear

Flip-flops those things shred my [ __ ] shred my feet okay this is so cute because I have some different colors to it hopefully Andy’s sleeping don’t want to wake him up he needs to sleep he’s definitely a man that deals with a lot of [ __ ] okay now

Debating if I want to draw the black lines around his hair yeah it’s fun not much in the past few days um just being lazy over streaming ah I feel yeah what do you like to stream again okay we have Lego his uh Idol animation is gonna be yeah I’m just going crazy

Okay I think that’s all we need of that so let’s go ahead and save this ah okay let’s work on that Minecraft skin a little more then we’ll make more posts for Lana oh um virtual if you were ever into Minecraft I’ll make you a skin or hell I

Could probably just make one anyways because I like making Minecraft skins of other streamers of YouTubers and stuff when their eyes are like more than one pixel I definitely like to add like more you know it’s more of a color you know make them just to make them look nicer

Or shading and stuff what are we doing now this is looking pretty damn good so far let’s work on W stripes so that is a teal kind of color light blue foreign looks good yeah like that oh love it come on I dig it I’ve always had a fancy for stripes

Even if they’re not uh Blacky gray which is my favorite kind of stripes also like a light pink and black um okay let’s pass games Apex OverWatch and some kitchen oh okay oh speakings of FPS um there’s um this thing called open Laura and you could play Tomb Raider

Like the classics as first person shooter and it’s the coolest [ __ ] thing I’ve seen in my life I need to do that at one point it’s um very buggy but I want to try it out for funsies I just need to remember to make time for it okay so

With the sleeves I gotta figure out how I want to like do that now with the jacket okay how do I feel about it being like that I mean honestly it’s whatever it needs to be like yeah okay so legs okay okay so the back I need to make her um her hair

So let’s do that but the back what the [ __ ] is this um what is that the top um Okay so um right so that’s just her shirt so I want to make this like going down and then I’ll I want to draw some detail on that okay but yeah that’s

That’s fine her hair is going to cover that up and it’s supposed to be pigtails all right it looks like she even has like little hair ties it’s like they’re they’re so detailed she maybe does it’s just it’s a blur for me I asked gotho if she could get me any bigger pictures

But this is the best you could do okay let’s start adding some um more colors to her hair come on uh I I don’t like how that looks it’s better hmm I usually only put three colors for the hair but sometimes I just like yeah a little more

If it starts looking so much better when you add like all the different colors like yesterday the Vera one the vervex one was looking so boring and crappy but when I added like the different um layers and colors it just really started looking better when I added the bracelets even though

Her character doesn’t have any because I just thought it was boring that she didn’t really have any accessories can’t wait for Godzilla to play with us and see her with the skin this looks really good Let’s blow everyone up I love when I get raided because like it’s just dropped bombs everywhere and everyone goes flying this is looking really damn good okay let’s put some more um let’s see there we are more details it looks good yeah looking good okay so there’s a gold trim okay come on

Okay not right there but on the sides and on the back right there okay yeah and front anything to show Okay so ah Okay so that’s probably annoying hearing me say okay so so much just how I process things when I’m working in front of people I just I vocalize my thoughts um

I love purple and gold um so this is all the okay yeah it’s making sense all right so let’s get let’s put the gold trim back again without the yeah it is on the sides too um I might actually make this pink right there it’s it’s kind of confusing to work with

It really is Um and I’m like debating like under the arm should it be striped or should it be pink I think he put stripes because um this part is her arms go on top of that so that makes sense like that I think definitely one of the more complex characters

And maybe put a little bit of purple under it really I like the I like the purples um okay I have an idea of what I want to do with that so I’m going to make this top part sticking out that’s what I wanted to do originally

Even kind of wanting to make it like maybe draped over it like that and on the inside I don’t know if I put it on the inside or maybe no actually no so okay I think I’m gonna get rid of the pink on the inside because it’s supposed

To be like a kind of like a okay I don’t know how to word it kind of like a shawl bit to it a big coat yep hopefully I don’t sound like I’m [ __ ] dying I really what is this all right um um right so okay I’m gonna make the the sleeves

Stick out a little bit on the bottom and they have no yeah no trim on the bottom kind of a little strap thing going all right 80s Sunday music it’s a drums like that it always amuses me really good sounding stuff all right this is coming along wow this is fancy looking

Now I want to make her hair sticking out okay oh it looks great I need some more on the sides on the ears sticking out Okay the Hat’s already there good This is looking really damn good all right let’s work on Lano more oh thank you everyone for hanging out I really appreciate it all right let’s do all the the front poses first something does look a little bit odd about his character this is It’s the outline it just kind of

Doesn’t really match it it’s so cute though it’s so cute um ah here’s the other front ones uh I really need to make a doctor appointment it’s Friday I could see it doing that today okay so the head I’m not a fan of this here okay naked that’ll work still here just lurking

I appreciate it was like kind of not feeling so great right now I mean mentally I’m fine I just like feel kind of crap health-wise I’ve been anxious to like make a doctor appointment because I have to ask my roommate for a ride and I don’t like

Bothering him I mean you know he’s cool about everything but I just I don’t know it just comes from I get anxiety when it comes to having to ask people for things like anything like even if it’s like someone like Andy I just get kind of anxious because

Um this comes from like my background and just you know shitty situation growing up oh I’m sorry I know the feeling it sucks so like you know I just don’t like asking anyone for anything ever you know like no one hears a dick or anything everyone is amazing but just like

Yeah just a stupid anxiety thing but also I hate needing to depend on people too I feel you I don’t really I don’t really depend on people so much I mean I guess I kind of do depend on my roommate for rides because that’s about

It you know everything else I can do on my own huh the only other thing I really ask of like Andy is like hey uh do these chores you need to you need to do it foreign because we like to keep our place nice and neat okay so this doesn’t look right

For the shoe here how the [ __ ] do I do this I don’t know I’m just gonna make it like [ __ ] how do I make this damn sandal like that that I don’t know I don’t know I might just make that skin color all right so where was I um vest shorts

You know for some reason his character just reminds me of a dad it’s like with the sandals and the shorts and whatnot it just reminds me of it My dad would dress like that back in the day this is very casual and comfy okay that’s that for there I just make it like that like oh that looks good like little sandals little sandals um oh you know what I could probably add him into the stream avatars today um

Close-up things okay I also need to add um a couple more people to it oh yeah anxiety anxiety can get [ __ ] like when I was dealing with like so much drama not long ago um part of my brain is like whatever but like the anxiety part is like Panic you know [ __ ] anxiety

I hate it okay this looks good pretty easy character to draw all right Australia let’s draw this and then I’ll get back to the skin thank you you like the music my sister told me um she’s been on a medication called um lithium and it totally 100 gets rid of

Her depression I’m like oh that sounds interesting that would be amazing I forgot to mention that to my therapist yesterday okay therapists can’t prescribe the medicine that’s a talk to my regular doctor about that um I hear it has some super nasty side effects oh yeah what have you heard

The only reason I remember the name of it is because of the Evanescence song with the same name who I feel like I’m okay for the most part so I don’t think I need a new depression man like I mean [ __ ] I do get it kind of bad sometimes okay

Okay I want to make a darker pink right here yes nothing specific just stuff I’ve seen on TV I mean like that’s kind of all meds you know I’ve never had any uh negative side effects with the like the meds I’m on now which is awesome

Like I hear some people they gain weight from meds you know like I would hate that I would I’d be like I can’t take this med if it does that you know um okay this is looking really good but I need more shading on the on there but I wanna

Finish everything else first okay let’s do the the that trim all right okay so where is this going to start uh okay I’m confusing out with the arms going I like that music yeah it just caused a lot of uh GI um you mean uh gastrointestinal issues

Dude I already got that like bad like holy [ __ ] man shows that like the the pharmacy system is [ __ ] okay let’s put this on the bottom layer wait um how do I want to do this trying to think like that Yeah that works yeah oh dude like that’s something I need to go to the doctor doctor for again now because like I’ve been getting like a lot of pain and whatnot um what about the inside sign um think think Maybe I don’t know oh yeah I’ve been getting like really uh

Bad pain in like my lower intestinal area especially if I eat certain things and I just like I can’t I can’t live with that it’s some of the worst pain I’ve ever [ __ ] felt too let me include I’m sure it’s a side effect please that is the best [Laughter] Goodness Me

Okay let’s put some more purple in here [Laughter] okay this is really damn good turning out okay okay do I want how do I wanna because I like the the way the arm sleeves are but the outside I think I want to put like um yeah there take out the arms

Okay so I can put this gold trim on give me the color put it right there there we are looking good Okay it’s okay if it’s not even um let’s make this all sticking out this isn’t really not much else I want to make sticky note like this up I think that’s right is it okay now the green or blue light blue whatever it’s good music

I’m just like afraid that oh what if it starts playing not copyrighted I mean copyrighted [ __ ] no okay this is where stuff can get a little confusing okay there we are there we go oh this looks really damn good let’s um do the pose test I’m not done

Like like say you need to connect that okay I need to connect the yeah that’s pretty much all I really needed to check on that make it half and half all right let’s do the pose test again sitting sitting is the most important for the post-test

Uh the legs I need to fix the legs okay okay okay pose test sit down there we go there we go that’s how this way am I missing a pixel right there is this it is this finished is it am I finished um okay let me see okay let’s do a little kick

E yo Okay check the head and look up whoa I’m not trying to break her head off okay I need to put a little pixel there and some more shading and stuff okay looking good yeah I think this is about done maybe um Let’s uh put um some tremains on the ins the inner layer

Um okay I do want to shape the grain just a little bit or the mint color or whatever okay okay just like adding so much detail to this now for this looking good um maybe a little shading for like that then when I do that I want to do all the sides

I don’t know I don’t know how I feel about that that’s like more more shading stuff that I need to do too um and I’m like taking so long with this one it looks really good though I want to add a little more to the Hat

See I’m happy with the stripes and such put a little shine on the gold trim and then that’s about it I’m almost done I’m hungry okay now I just want to add some shine to the gold trim okay it’s not even see if I can get away with that probably not

If it’s not even well it’s not a hard fix to make it even a little bit annoying and I just I don’t want it to be not even yeah foreign Let’s ignore chains he’s a raging Us game okay there we go no Steve oh wait no there we go

He definitely can be picked up too just ignore it well this is done this is done all right but um I don’t know what to name it um I don’t know what to name it but it’s done but uh let’s spend the oh wait uh add more details to the hair

It’s under it oh whoa whoa whoa what the hell okay just gotta like you know make it like all right okay this definitely took a long time to do but I’m pretty happy with it I look out there but yeah yeah this is good this is good it’s really freaking cute

I don’t know what to name it though but I’ll figure that out off stream and of course the download will be in the description so yeah let’s minimize that and exit out of this and get this back up and yeah how much time we got left a bit

Let’s make Lono from the side his mouth looks low oh you know what for funsies let’s make his um let’s make this his Idol animation um it’s gonna be amazing okay and I’ll give it to him as um as an animated email let’s see it really shouldn’t have to be that big

Let’s get animation Shop open the art animation shop okay this is gonna be a fun very fun haha let’s see how is this his head is flipping all around let’s um let’s go look at um let’s see the how it looks see oops we broke Alana according perfection oh yeah side to side

[Laughter] all right so side to side [Laughter] to side and upside down just [ __ ] broken it was just [ __ ] crooked I love it doesn’t look this one in the middle let’s see that’s amazing no he just needed upside down [Laughter] this is ridiculous oh I got tears [Laughter] oh yeah that’s our Llano

[Laughter] okay let’s see where’d it go refresh refresh refresh oh I need to resize the chicken I’ll do that right now I mean after stream I’m gonna send it to him hahaha um okay let me see if he can come by I guess he’s uh he’s offline now Um that is great though that that should be a remote for me um Okay so let’s undo and copy I need to get um I just need to put these on the sheet that I make for him so let’s do that I like that really 80s sounding music okay let’s save my progress

It nope okay I don’t need animation shop anymore what time is it all right let’s do a couple more Sprites for him let’s see let’s do this one let’s see can I do it like this Maybe okay thank you all right here we go and that’s all for that one now side

I don’t need Derpy little me right there um get rid of these he’s just broken okay so sign uh running I’m almost done with his and then we’ll make him we’ll definitely make him sleeping like this yeah that’s it for his so let’s do that and then I’ll put the sheet together off

Stream maybe or maybe I could put it together if he if he was um in the chat I would uh definitely add him right now you should make a a relative characters what if I caring haircut and everything a Rallo Karen haircut that would be like um

That would be like this let me see Karen haircut is kind of ran into like the old school emo haircut I know this is looking like a 60s haircut that name that speak to your manager now I like that now like that’s all this And they’re a bit that sticks up in the front in the back too dude I don’t know oh there you go those are all together [Laughter] there you go just for you and just let the mouth be all weird oh my God tears you know I have a Karen redeem right

You can redeem um meet uh acting as a Karen you just gotta pick a stupid topic for me to flip out over Hmm huh that music sounds epic what the send you a pic on Discord okay oh my God let me copy this copy and show it to copy copy image let’s see Karen I think mine fits it pretty well foreign that music just makes me think like

Music you would hear in a mall or something just makes me think of like fashion designers and [ __ ] okay last one then we’re done and then I’ll end I am pretty hungry um draw the little facial hair where the hell is the shorts okay foreign ‘s off and let’s draw some hair

There we go done all right that’s gonna do it I’m very hungry I’m gonna go figure out something for lunch and I’ll uh I’ll be working on some more stuff off stream thanks guys for hanging out it was um it was a really nice chill stream and pretty productive um

Uh today’s Friday so I don’t know if I’m gonna stream tomorrow maybe maybe not we’ll see play it by ear but I’ll definitely be back on Monday and next week I will be getting uh back into uh Tomb Raider week so yeah I’ll be doing Tomb Raider stuff uh next week all

Right I will catch you guys later

This video, titled ‘Art: Minecraft Skin for Gothor & Pixels of Lano’, was uploaded by Ralodosmovo on 2023-05-12 17:15:19. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:02 or 7502 seconds.

Skin Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/dungeon-fighter-online-shaela/

Ralo’s Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ZyUzddA2PK

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Ralodosmovo

Ralo’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ralodosmovo

  • Modding Mayhem: Blue’s Minecraft Mod Mysteries!

    Modding Mayhem: Blue's Minecraft Mod Mysteries! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, our Minecraft news reporter, always in rhyme, Crafting updates with beats that ignite. Icing every detail with a grin and a spin, Exploring the world of mods, where the fun begins. Playing modded Minecraft with Blue, a VOD to see, Streaming on Twitch, where the action is free. Join the discord, chat with friends off-stream, Get live notifications, for the… Read More

  • Cottage Chic: Minecraft Decor Tips (E06)

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  • Crafty Minecraft: Dinner Bill Dilemma

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  • Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft

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  • Crafty Mom, Minecraft Bomb: Block Xuan’s Rhyme

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  • Sweetberry Farm in Minecraft

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  • Block by Block, Crafting Fish Tank Fun | Minecraft One Block Madness | Devil369 Gaming

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  • Bedrock vs Java: The Ultimate Showdown

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  • Sneaky Disney Date in Minecraft!

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  • Crafty Edit: Minecraft’s Delight

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Why tf isn’t this in Minecraft yet?!”

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  • Skull to Steam: Minecraft’s Coolest Dream!

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  • HOTTEST MANHUNT EVER 😂 #minecraft #meme

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  • Exploring the Nether in Minecraft All The Mods 9

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  • Trick to See Yourself in Minecraft

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  • Shocking 3D Pirate Transformation in Minecraft Animation

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  • Bribed to Play Phasmohobia on Minecraft Map

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  • Insane Minecraft Hacker Destroys Server!

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  • Insane Creeper Farm Method in Minecraft – No Cats, No Redstone! | RoninCraft SMP

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  • “MarcOps captures rare Pillager escape – EPIC Minecraft adventure!” #clickbait #savage

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  • 🦖 Dino’s EPIC Minecraft Boss Prank! SCARY AF! 🔥

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  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Kaela vs Villager – Who will prevail?!

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  • Insane Minecraft One-Shot Warden Kill 😱🔥 #shorts

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    CRAZYLAD plays Minecraft: EVERY BLOCK TURNS INTO AIR! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥Minecraft but! Every Block You touch turns into Air #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by CRAZYLAD on 2024-04-20 02:29:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft but! Every Block You touch turns into Air #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • Just Survival

    Just SurvivalJust Survival – Experience True Vanilla Gameplay Welcome to Just Survival, the Minecraft server where you can enjoy the game in its purest form. Dive into an immersive world where only your creativity is the limit. Features: Vanilla Gameplay: No TPA, home, or disruptive commands that take away from the authentic Minecraft experience. Semi-Anarchy: Embrace the freedom of anarchy gameplay in a respectful and family-friendly environment. PvP & PvE Challenges: Test your skills against mobs and other players in both Player vs Player and Player vs Environment challenges. Active Community: Join a community of dedicated players that support and encourage… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord server here About: Experience true vanilla gameplay on Harmony Reloaded. Join our server for a classic Minecraft experience without land claim, economy, teleport, or hacks. Rediscover the simplicity and magic of the game. History: Harmony Survival started in July 2015 as a MCPE server. After successful years, it was shut down due to hosting limitations. Harmony Reloaded aims to bring back the essence of vanilla gameplay before plugins and pay-to-win mechanics took over. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable chat Active moderation to prevent toxicity No pay-to-win mechanics… Read More

  • BlazeVR [BRAND NEW | VR | VOICECHAT | HIRING] Bedrock + Java

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft.net & Play Store research: spicy!

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  • Minecraft Mayhem: Last Minute Bakkalamca TikTok Adventure

    Minecraft Mayhem: Last Minute Bakkalamca TikTok Adventure In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to share news in a rhyming scheme. From updates to tips, I’ve got it all, Crafting stories that will make you enthralled. With a grin and a spin, I’ll keep you in the loop, No need for a start, just leap into the group. I’ll narrate the scene with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move in a playful sheen. So if you’re a fan of Minecraft’s delight, Stay tuned for my rhymes that shine so bright. I’ll bring the game to new heights with each line, In… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME BIKIN PANAS!! 🔥 #101 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #101 😂🎮🤣 Read More

  • Creating Rabbids Invasion Portal in Minecraft

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  • Breaking Bedrock & Reaching Nether Top – Minecraft 1.21

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  • Minecraft: Survive Zombie Infested Tunnels!

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  • DO NOT attempt the living armor stand challenge in Minecraft!

    DO NOT attempt the living armor stand challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEVER try the living armor stand challenge in minecraft… [SCARY]’, was uploaded by Glitched Studios on 2024-01-14 17:20:53. It has garnered 269 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:03 or 603 seconds. this is my first video but I still have hopes for it *idk what to write* feel free to recommend stuff and thank you for your time 🙏 #scary #minecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #creepy #creepypasta #challenge Read More

  • SHOCKING! REDUCE 10 Years POV Transformation

    SHOCKING! REDUCE 10 Years POV TransformationVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV : REDUCE’, was uploaded by 10Years on 2024-06-09 12:05:26. It has garnered 23 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. IP – ru.weakestww.ru bye bye reduce minecraft, griffer, minecraft, server, griefer show, griefer server, mine, in minecraft, griefer, opened his own server, survival, new server, anarchy, new griefer server, minecraft server, griffer server, opening a griefer server, minecraft survival, cheats, minecraft server, sunrise, opening a server, pvp, opened a server, stream, pvp, jetmine, jetmine, minecraft server, noob, minecraft but, server review, 2b2t, best griefer server, griefer show… Read More

  • Unbelievable Twist in LOVE SOUL Story! 💔🤯🔥 #minecraft #shorts

    Unbelievable Twist in LOVE SOUL Story! 💔🤯🔥 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wait for It 😯🔥 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LOVE SOUL on 2024-03-15 03:08:33. It has garnered 352 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. minecraft minecraft but minecraft shorts minecraft hardcore minecraft animation minecraft survival minecraft challenge minecraft funny minecraft mod herobrine minecraft mods maizen skibidi meme skibidi toilet brawl stars rank up skibidi toilet all episodes skibidi toilet rank up monster school brawl stars rank up scary minecraft monster school skibidi skibidi monster school story minecraft school monster school skibidi toilet attack funny monster school skibidi toilet… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft V29 gameplay by Hasnain 9T9!

    Unbelievable Minecraft V29 gameplay by Hasnain 9T9!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft V29’, was uploaded by Hasnain 9T9 Gaming on 2024-05-22 07:47:53. It has garnered 54 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:05 or 245 seconds. Survival Mode: Players must gather resources, craft items, and build structures to survive against monsters and manage their hunger and health.Creative Mode: Players have unlimited resources to build whatever they can imagine without any threats from monsters or limitations on resources.There are also other modes such as Adventure, Spectator, and Hardcore, each offering unique gameplay experiences.Minecraft’s open-ended nature allows players to construct anything from simple homes… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft gameplay LIVE NOW! 🔴

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft gameplay LIVE NOW! 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE 🔴 Minecraft!!🐐’, was uploaded by 2sa on 2024-05-25 19:12:12. It has garnered 27128 views and 198 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:26 or 6686 seconds. My Cloak (Advertisement): https://store.badlion.net/shop/2sa Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft glitch – Elia Stellaria’s legs are hurting!

    Unbelievable Minecraft glitch - Elia Stellaria's legs are hurting!Video Information This video, titled ‘my legs hurt【 MINECRAFT 】’, was uploaded by Elia Stellaria【V-Dere】 on 2024-06-06 23:35:50. It has garnered 2627 views and 493 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:25 or 12385 seconds. Hi! Welcome to my stream! 【V-Dere VTuber Group】 https://www.v-dere.moe/ 【Schedule!】 https://www.v-dere.moe/schedule/elia-stellaria 【Merchandise】 https://www.v-dere.moe/store?vtuber%5B%5D=1&orderby=asc&orderby=asc 【Streamelements Donation】 https://streamelements.com/eliastellaria/tip 【Throne Gifting】 https://throne.com/eliastellaria/wishlist 【Fanarts】 Tag #StellARTia 【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/EliaStellaria ~~♡~~ 【Opening BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jjZwbZ192Q 【Background BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7Zu2IruAq4 【Ending BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLJluy-WQN0 ~~♡~~ Rule 0: Be Kind Rule 1: Take care of yourself Other rules below – No spam or self-promotion (If you see spam or trolling, don’t engage with it. Please… Read More

  • Terrifying Encounter with Creoh at our Minecraft Campsite!!

    Terrifying Encounter with Creoh at our Minecraft Campsite!!Video Information This video, titled ‘He crashed our campsite!! #minecraft #minecraftscary #minecraftmods #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Creoh on 2024-05-13 22:50:55. It has garnered 738 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More