EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Chunk Mining!! Watch Now!

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He more O one W [Applause] Don’t Now [Applause] Dre [Applause] Down Here I’ll show you Around Hone K Time guess it’s time to let go No’s me down I need a good Good good night good night baby I’ve this you’ll take me home Goode goodbye Baby Goode good nighte baby He I He Str my heart Ining falling the I don’t know We Uping drown my baby for I know C when we could enjoy each’s my heart all in pie I love what I need my no don’t know don’t know we say Goodbye go Yeah He All for Perfection and consumtion so It’s All right what a buff that we have right there welcome back to the survival Kingdom let me get back on our screen so that you can see what we’re doing here and I hope that everyone’s having a good Friday night there we go let me get my chat where my game

Crashed well that’s not too good of a start for our first live stream here but I hope you’re all doing well tonight see let’s check the chat see who’s hopping in here to hang out tonight if you’re here you’re hanging come and say hello popping in the chat right here we’re just rebooting

Minecraft and tonight we have quite the plan we have the start of a brand new adventure we’re going to be hopping down and Mining out an entire Chunk in Minecraft and of course we’re not going to be able to do the whole thing tonight but we’re going to try our dang best to

Get as much done as we can it well this does not usually happen maybe it’s a streaming thing thanks of those of you that are popping in at the moment unfortunately as you can see up in the OBS screen right here my game keeps crashing so we may have to

Do a little bit of TR troubleshooting and I’ll figure it out and I’ll check with you in a minute all right all right we’re going to try this again let’s try to hop into the survival Kingdom I’ve got my fingers crossed on this one here we

Go put GL for good luck in the chat so that this works and I really hope to spend some time with you this Friday night we’re going to be mining out an entire Chunk in Minecraft of course course we’re not going to be able to get

The whole thing done but we’re going to try our dang best to get as much done as we can this is looking okay let me see if I can go into full Window mode maybe I’ll do something else right here I’m going to try to restore the chat so

That I can see you all and if you’re here hanging out on this Friday night say what’s going on say hi all right just adjusting my my screen real quick and I think that we are good to go so and official welcome to the survival Kingdom in lifestyle this is my

First time live streaming in a year I haven’t done it in such a long time and I’m really excited to get to hang out with you all on this Friday night and just see what’s going on see what’s good uh good and bad in your lives we can

Just chat about anything if you want to chat about Minecraft more than happy to do that I love playing this game but if you do want to chat about anything if you have any questions about life for me I’m also more than happy to chat about those

Too and I think a decent way to start off this first live stream here is to give a little bit of a tour of the survival Kingdom right here we have one of my favorite builds right here this is our windmill actually I take that back we’re

Going to start from the Great Beginnings right here if you have seen any of my uh hardcore videos I actually have an episode one I know that on my main channel right here oop on my main channel right here you’ll see the windmill and that looks like the first

Episode for the hardcore Kingdom but in reality I do have a second Channel and this is uh in our first video we ended up making this starter house right here and I really do like the way that it looks it is definitely kind of like Sprucey I think that going forward with

Builds just like this of course it starts to rain I think that going forward though I’m going to try to do a little bit more contrast uh definitely use a ton of different blocks much more uh than a starter base just like this but of course on your first episode you can’t

Do too much besides do the basics and I think that I actually did pretty good when it comes to like texturing and like that sort of thing so I’m pretty happy with how this came out if we hop in here we have nice little painting of

Some fruit and this is where I do most of my crafting I would say the stone the Stone Cutters right here of course I got my Anvil if I need to do anything and I got the crafting table I really do love spruce trees kind of like as a little

Color accents and then this is my main chest where we have all of our like really essential items hey Daisy what’s going on yeah it’s pretty cool um I’ve put how many 274 days into this world uh and I don’t uh in Minecraft a full day is like 20

Minutes or so and when I uh when I play I try not to sleep as much as I can and so when you’re doing 100 days video and you don’t sleep it’s about like 33 hours of time so if you multiply that I mean I’m getting probably close to 90 hours

In this world which is actually kind of crazy and so this is is the good old starter base right here and if we head over in this direction I have probably my second favorite build that I’ve made thus far this is a fantastic Windmill and it is supposed to have unlimited

Wheat but we actually have kind of like a hidden area for all that sort of stuff and we’ll check that out in a second but if we go over here we have our farmer friends who if we click on right here for the first time in maybe 90

Hardcore days uh is actually giving us a wheat trade if we head in here we’ve been doing a little bit of wheat trading or wheat uh harvesting in this field right here but if we head over here uh to the or if we head over to the cave

Over here you’ll notice that we have an automatic wheat farm and that really does a ton of good for us if Millie will let me trade with her we’ll get a couple of quick emeralds real quick and if we head in here I really do like the contrast that we have this area

Over here is kind of supposed to demonstrate all the wheat that’s been collected in the windmill area over here and on the left hand side we have tons of storage which eventually once I get fully stocked up with a ton of food will be all held in here but I’m nowhere

Near that we still have plenty of harvesting to do within that second episode we also made this this build right here is actually a gold robin build and I haven’t uh I’ve done a couple of his builds in the past and I really do love building my own

Things but having such an incredible build like this is something that I’ve done in actually three different hardcore worlds I really just really just love the the look of this design it really just kind of like Blends in with like everything that you’re making when you’re making like some sort of city

City or like a kingdom just like me but anyway within that episode we ended up having this Tower area which is my own build I came up with this myself and I actually really do like it especially given the fact that we were probably 70 75 days into this play

Through and it’s pretty sparsely furnished but I really do kind of like that gives a nice little simple Vibe we have some storage over here we have a chest over in this direction and I don’t really need any seeds so I might as well

Get get rid of some of this stuff that I have you will notice that I do have earthworms right here which kind of is weird it’s obviously not vanilla Minecraft but I do play with some mods I don’t know which mod has earthworms but that’s fine with me I don’t I don’t you

Can’t really do anything with them actually that isn’t fully true I’ll show you what happens if uh you eat an earthworm it doesn’t happen every time so we’ll take a couple bites out of this and as you can see I end up getting super woozy it almost looks like there’s

A thunderstorm going on or something like that and I think it’s actually really funny what’s going on break the net no fresh animations uh what what do you mean by that in particular uh in terms of mods I don’t have like any sort of like movement animations if that’s what

You’re talking about uh but yeah I’m super curious let me know also you know in this area right here we still haven’t done too much with it I mean I guess a little bit of oddend storage but there’s really nothing in here but if we do head up here up this

Ladder we do have a bit more storage I don’t think I have anything else in here but this is still the beginning of a massive Kingdom we can head up to the third floor and not too much of a view right here I’ve saved that for all the

Way up here we can flip up the trapo and we got an awesome look at our Kingdom right here the wind the windmill just kind of pops up and then my favorite build build which we’re going to talk about plenty more in the future is right over in this

Direction why don’t I have fresh animations I I don’t actually know if I know what fresh animations are uh please do inform me and the wheat farm right over here with the windmill is impeccable in my opinion I think it’s just perfect I don’t know how this iron gem got around

Here but it really does work out for me the plan is to have tons of massive wheat Fields like that going on in the future too so that was pretty much the epitome of episode two for the hardcore Kingdom uh episode 3 is actually coming out next Wednesday I really hope you’re excited

For it and we’ve actually we’re actually working on episode 4 at the moment we’re about halfway through it uh so plenty of content coming y’all’s way I really can’t wait to show y’all not really any uh anything in here but I did end up uh mentioning real

Really quickly in episode 2 that I was going to make some sort of like treasure area secret treasure area and I never showed this off in the video but I ended up I’m trying to decorate everything in this world feel like I need some stairs right here or something like that but uh

I really do like how this looks right here it’s definitely like a little secret area and eventually if I was to ever make like a world download or something like that I would definitely uh have plenty other areas just like that going on break the net it revamps the mob movement animations for

Everything you know I think I’ve seen some YouTube videos where people do that um I am playing on a gaming laptop and it is definitely a beast it’s the Rog zephrus g15 if you’re interested I highly recommend it and it’s this game is super decked up and I have like

Awesome resolution and whatnot and I’m able to to stream and have high quality and eventually I’m going to be doing replay mod and whatnot but I don’t think my PC can actually hand it handle it which does kind of stink um I think back

In the day I did try it once I like the zombies have like the cool moving arms and whatnot and then the creepers kind of have that Wibble wobble which is like a great animation I think I was playing on an SMP when it happened but um

I I don’t know I guess maybe it’s worth checking it out um I’m assuming the mod’s just on curse Forge right I guess the question would also be like how modded do I want to make the series if that makes sense like I know that there are like earthworms in that

Sort of thing but I don’t want to like make it so different from vanilla Minecraft that it gets out of a vanilla Minecraft niche in YouTube I don’t know if that makes sense like as a content creator like vanilla Minecraft is huge and since Minecraft is so huge having mods is also

Popular like that’s why people enjoy it and there’s so much to do with mods in Minecraft in particular but they’re also I think is kind of like a line with like well are you able to like still retain that mind the general Minecraft audience that would still be

Into it you know what I’m saying so um I think that a fine line but other people uh have killed it I’m forgetting his name right now I um oh low res bones if you haven’t uh break the N if you haven’t seen low res Bones on YouTube he has an amazing

Minecraft series uh I just found it like two weeks ago it’s absolutely incredible and um he has the moving creepers and that yeah yeah dude it is so good uh you I’m about to get R RTX 47 TI dang well done but highly recommend the 3070 3090 TI for something like

That yeah okay um I got you you use it on your YouTube videos okay cool um what do you think your reception is on it uh dude that system sounds great for recording too I’m a little jealous but if we anyway oh uh as I’m chat chatting with you dude it’s so

Happy Friday my man it’s great to chat with you um besides that we also made this awesome kind of bridge right here I KN knew that I needed to like get across here because at the Geto I ended up making this to be kind of like my cow

And sheep farm we’re going to change this I don’t like it whatsoever but I knew that I wanted my starter base right here and I knew that I wanted like the animals a little bit farther away and particular here so I knew I needed a

Bridge and I kind of just like went off a whim with it and somehow that ended up actually becoming the theme for the entire Kingdom and it’s also the theme for like my entire too which like I didn’t plan any of that whatsoever but for whatever reason like subconsciously

I must have thought like oh white blue and orange like that is like a good combination and so I’m I super dig it I’m down with it but anyway we made this cool Bridge um and this was just like off thee wi colors I was like oh what

Kind of like colors can I use based on like the flower in the dies that I have and then we’ve just gone with it and we’re going to continue to go with it and in between episode one technically in episode two I made this awesome Tower right here the original inspiration is

From it’s Marlo on YouTube how many hours would I say I have in this world it’s a super great great question um I’m on day 274 at the moment which I’m pretty proud of honestly say hi to our Gallant seed which still needs a name I’m still

Waiting for like a comment to like have a name for this guy um but in terms of ours in this world I have I want to say I was being honest I’d probably say like 80 which is actually really impressive because I haven’t had this world that

Long in terms of like in real life and that sort of thing um I did just do a 100 days video where I barely slept whatsoever just to get everything that I could done and I beat the game for the first time then um but for this since

I’ve been doing a lot of live commentary and sometimes it’ll take like multiple takes in that sort of thing I’ll go through days in that sort of thing um and I’ll sleep so instead of saying like it’s the direct like 20 minutes per game day that I’m always staying in terms of

Like 100 one a 100 days video if you never sleep is 33 hours I’d probably average I don’t know 25 to 27 hours per 100 days and we’re getting close to 300 so I would say I don’t know maybe like 70 at this moment then and we do have a beautiful sunrise

Right here uh we ended up making yeah this Tower by it’s Marlo and why don’t we head up right here because I ended up making this sailboat too that you’ll see in episode three and it’s definitely one of my favorite things that we have right here I mean look how beautiful this is

Hey break the net if you want to uh name our gallion Steed right here I would be so so uh honored for you to do that um the story behind this guy right here I’m going to be honest if you watch episode three on Wednesday you’re going to

Notice that this horse right here is actually a different horse than the original one that I talk about when I’m talking about the iron farm that I’ll show you in like a second um so I found like an awesome horse and I mean it was

Okay I you know first uh like um you’re always attached to your first horse in a Minecraft world I feel like and I’m definitely attached to this guy too because um I ended up getting that first horse and he didn’t like like me that much like I kept trying to like ride him

And he didn’t love me at first but then he was like he was my horse and that sort of thing and then I ended up uh going on like a super long adventure on my horse um and unfortunately um I went like 12,000 blocks looking for mangr

Vlogs and I couldn’t find anything and uh since I was so far away I have the fabric way stones mod and I had already wasted so much time and I was like oh my goodness if you go right here you can see that I have a map with everything

That I’ve tried to explore FL in order to try to find like a dark oak forest and like a mangrove swamp and that sort of thing and I just can’t find one um and it’s killing me and that sort of thing so I was like I I have to leave my

First tus like I need to go like this has been so long I can’t just like Trot another 12,000 blocks back and so we ended up finding this guy um I think right over in this area right over here and uh we instantly gut liking to one another and uh he

Actually like yeah like when I wrote him for the first time he or maybe like uh first or second time he like instantly loved me in that sort of thing and I was like a super awesome and you’ll see that um there’s a a great cinematic of me

Meeting this guy in the uh in like in episode three and that sort of thing but there’s also a part of it that isn’t cinematic that is like white and black as well so there’s two different horses this is the man for the series though this is the

Guy yeah dude think about it um this guy like if we lose this man’s it’s going to be there’s going to be problems man it’ll be it’ll be a sad day so yeah I unfortunately had to say goodbye to the first horse but we got this guy right here um actually

There’s so much to show actually I’ve been up to so much since that episode 2’s come out it’s actually it’s awesome to get to show you all so if we head in here of course we got our automatic wheat farm and we actually have tons of crops now we got

Tons of seeds right here we got uh miscellaneous of course and then we got half a double chest of wheat which is definitely how I’m going to be trading for those emeralds with Millie uh our farmer of course I can flip that switch right there and we can do a little bit of

Harvesting part of the reason that I wanted to do that you see I have tons of potatoes in here and I kind of want to like even it out I want to have more eclipse is perfect eclipse is perfect that it dude that is perfect what a good

Name like it goes with like the like the F like the the fur color and in terms of like the other horse was white and black and this guy is a black beauty like black as like midnight black as an eclipse I I literally couldn’t have made a

Better name I’m so impressed right now thank you for that I’m uh I’m going to absolutely shoot you out uh shout you out uh when we name him him uh we’ll name him in episode 4 um break the night that’s going to happen on February 7th I think uh I got a

Couple other I got a new series that’s also going to be coming our way um I think it’s really fun and then I also have um a different style video that’s related to the hardcore Kingdom it’s about um the five best Farms that you can have in a longterm hard in a long

Minecraft world because I’ve been working stead steadily away to get set up in that sort of thing and now I have five Farms that really are quite good you’ll see ones in there I guess we might as well check it out right now give you all a sneak peek for hopping on

On stream tonight thanks for spending your Friday night with me and again Clips perfect night I I I couldn’t be happier so anyway this is our sugar cane farm right here this is by dudy boy who is an awesome uh other Minecraft Youtuber break the net if you haven’t

Heard of him before in terms of tutorials and explanations and that sort of thing he is absolutely wonderful um we’re definitely buddies I helped him uh learn how to create short videos and that sort of thing um but he’s uh he’s a great guy I got to say

And he made a tutorial for this farm right here the idea behind it being you have this Hopper mine cart it spins around and then we have pistons and obser is right there and as soon as the uh The Observer sees that a sugar cane is sugarcane

Plant is three blocks tall then it triggers all of the Pistons to fire within within the entire row and then for whatever reason a hopper mine cart can pick up the sugar cane although it lands like on the floor right there the hopper still picks it up and it deposits

It into this chest right here which I think is really cool and of course we like we needed to make it really nice and that sort of thing and if we head around to the back right here we also have like a really cool look at uh our

Kingdom over here or I guess the cave area which I have a really a really cool plan for by the way but I’m not sure if I want to deliver on it if you want to know what I’m thinking let me know I have like I have like a

Really cool idea for down there but I don’t know if it’s worth it probably worth talking to someone about it but anyway we’ll we’ll ride on Eclipse we’re going to head to um a farm that is well that was silly just going to take a quick sip right

Now all right so anyway we will ride on Eclipse over here into the Cherry Grove where um we do have our are shoot to the spider XP spawner but this also houses something of even more importance as you can see right here we have an iron farm

And unfortunately if we zoom in through here you’ll notice that we don’t have any zombies and I’ve explained this in actually multiple of the videos that we have coming up but I’ve tried two times to get zombies the first time it got SE I got seeds on a zombie or a zom was

Holding seeds seeds the second time I Nam tagged a zombie and for whatever reason they both died this is wd’s iron farm and there’s nothing like there’s a solid block that’s covering above where the zombie should go but for whatever reason I don’t know if it’s like the direction of

The Sun or anything like that but the zombies keep burning and it’s really frustrating I got to say so I think eventually I’m going to make like a cover put another zomb in there and then just like cover this up it’s not going to look pretty or anything like that but

We’re just going to try our best and actually while we’re here I did forget before we hop back on Eclipse I do need to grab a bit of iron cuz it was working multiple times you see I got a couple stacks right here we’re going to need

That because we’re going to craft a couple of iron picks before we hop into our diamond pickaxe right here this is the first diamond pickaxe of the series because today as I discussed at the beginning of the live stream we are going to be starting to mine out an

Entire Chunk in uh in Minecraft and actually for those of you that are tuning in at the moment this was this was something that I wanted to ask you I’m not exactly sure where I want to mine out an entire chunk I mean I know I

Want to do it but I’m not exactly sure where we’re not going to do it in this area the caves are way too massive it would just be like a horrible idea hey dude thank you so much for uh the compliment about the replay mod tutorial yeah that’s one like really I’m

Really proud of that video and I know that I could make a much better quality video but nothing about the basics has really changed um and it’s that’s my most watched video and I’m really proud of it the cool thing about it is when I first started making YouTube videos

I just like and like I still do to a certain degree but it’s not nearly as bad just pour my heart and soul into like the creating process and like I’ve learned all of this just through experience like I’d never like took a video editing class or anything like

That I’ve always just loved video editing I’ve done it in like real life videos and like that sort of thing and like just super got into it and I was like oh my God I want to make the best quality Minecraft videos that I can like you’ve seen obviously Awesome YouTube videos

That have like incredible quality and when you see that you’re like I want to do something like that and that’s easier said than done of course and I was like in order to get a high quality video I need to learn how to do cinematics and I

Just like poured into it in order to make make my first couple of hardcore videos I was like I need to figure this out and I spent so much time and like you know like lost sleep and just like X Y and Z trying to make like my biggest

Hardcore video which was my first one that I ever made um just trying to like learn how to do it to try to make the best thing that I could and then eventually after I was like oh my gosh like that was hard like all that was

Like such a big project for someone that’s never done video editing before like I need a break right now um I need to I still want to Video Edit but I want to do something smaller I was like how else can I like contribute like I was

Like wait I’ve learned so much about replay mod right now like why don’t I make a tutorial like uh can you Discord call with me um not uh definitely at some point break the neack yeah I would love to chat dude um and one also cool thing if

You’d ever be interested in it as a cont content creator yourself is that I think it would be really cool within this series that you know say like I’m building something like I’m building this awesome building that we’ll get to just in just a second and I need to go

Get materials I think it’ be cool to have like a cinematic if uh of me like you know I leave the Kingdom on the boat or like something like that and I go through the forest and then in the middle of the Wilderness I run into like

A mini campsite or a campground and like you’re there you know and like it breaks up the Cinematic it’s like oh cool Dope music cinematic and then all of a sudden it’s like oh wait there’s like a funny dialogue with like another content creator like I think that would be

Really fun and like funny uh you definitely could like like I’m definitely good at making the cinematics now and so like I can make I could make something really good with that yeah right right like I think that’s like a really cool idea and then it brings in

Other creators like would love to get other Hardcore Minecraft creators in and one thing I think think like I guess I have my own little bit of style which is like a good thing to have like as any content creator right um like try your best to like take inspiration but like

Put your own twist on it and like mine is like very cinematic but I’d love to like do stuff with other people uh and like you know have Community within this world and that sort of thing and I feel like for me based on the way that I

Personally twist my own content and that sort of thing I think it’ be really cool to um be able to like you know have other people in those manyi dialogues intertwined within the the music cinematics and also I want to if like for me I’m about to mine out an entire

Chunk in the like an entire chunk it’d be cool like eventually have people help with like big projects and that sort of thing so anyway this is our windmill coming down or it’s not our windmill our our waterfall that comes down here I usually drop down this way for whatever reason

Um and then whenever I come up from the cave we got this awesome look at our nether portal I’m so proud of this um I don’t think can can you speed up us since it’s just you what what kind of delay is it uh let me take a look

Here sorry for pausing real quick um customization it doesn’t say like there’s no message delay um let’s see let me pop back in chat so I can see what you’re saying it go okay um how quick the message sends as in like how quick my response time is um maybe I could

Be I just got that um it part of the response time could be the fact that I don’t this is my first time live streaming in a year so I’m trying my best to like chat and like show things and also like respond um so apologies if that I guess

Um yeah let me know um if that was a quick response time for you I I think it’s just because I’m new to this once again and it’s might be if that’s the case all right so anyway yeah we got our awesome nether portal you’re going to see that um and

Then we actually we end up going ended up going into the nether in episode 4 so we yeah we’ve got there’s plenty that’s done oh it’s like 20 seconds it’s not you mainly YouTube okay man yeah that stinks I mean My Stream says it has excellent Connection in that sort of thing um

That’s actually that might be interesting do you ever hop into other like small streams or anything like that cuz I’m just wondering like if there’s only a couple people is it usually still that delayed like usually it’s delayed kind of like when there’s mad people you know what I’m

Saying but to continue uh this is like a villager breeder right here I don’t like looking at it it almost messed up this entire thumbnail for this is episode three no yeah I don’t I don’t really either yeah um and so uh you know I I don’t really know how the response time

Difference would be and so I yeah I really don’t like this right here we’re going to change it up it almost ruined the thumbnail this is episode 3’s thumbnail it’s coming out on Wednesday um and it’s caught an awesome awesome interior it’s got multiple floors this is a blacksmith right here

And head down here we got this is the first floor I really kind of like uh like the different like gradients with like elevation and whatnot that we have right here and it’s super functional if you wanted to have this as like a starter home this place also does support like

An awesome view of like the back of the kingdom and I can’t wait to have like this entire area filled up right here this area to the left of our starter house right here oh thanks thanks for offering uh break the net um no let’s chat at a different

Point in time um I uh I’m I’m trying to like I don’t know stream every once in a while and like that sort of thing and I I feel like I’m super enjoying our conversation like genuinely um but I also want to have that open to other

People too if that makes sense um and I was chatting with someone I’m an Elementary School teacher and I was chatting actually with one of my kids about this um cuz I told him I was streaming tonight which is funny um third grader and um he’s like can I hop on a call

With you or can some uh can I join you on an Xbox Live party and I was like hey man it’s not that like I wouldn’t want to with you it was just like I’m trying to get back into into streaming and that sort of thing and I was like well I want

To be there for the audience and I feel like when people are coming for you especially like if you’ve seen one of my videos from a long time ago and like you want to say what’s good and like oh what is like this guy actually up to in that

Sort of thing then I would really want um I would want want to be able to like interact one onone just like we are too and like if more people end up chatting I’d love for more people to join the conversation you know what I’m saying

Like that makes it ever ever bit more accessible for them I want I want this conversation to be super accessible for you of course like this is a great conversation I think that we have a lot of content things that we can and should talk about right but I also want the

Opportunity to opportunity to exist for other people too um yeah that’s I think as you would probably agree that’s one cool thing about being a content creator like yeah it’s like really rewarding creating content but it’s also like awesome to like have a community that relates and responds to

That content like some would say that’s even more important for me I would say that’s even more important like I love the creation process like the process of it is like wonderful but at the same time I think part of the reason that I do Post in general just because humans are like

Social creatures and that sort of thing is because I do like want to build a community I’m so glad that you’re a part of it you know what I’m saying yeah let me know if as a content creator if you relate to that like if you enjoy the process of the creation of

Creating but you also like want like a community and like that sort of thing so quickly uh we are gonna make a three iron picks I don’t want to go into my first diamond pickaxe and we’re going to enchant them just with like lowlevel enchantments and that sort of

Thing I mean we have plenty of diamonds I just I don’t want to use him yet so anyway it is time to start mining out our chunk I’m really excited to do this I think that you know we’ll head away from this area we might as well take a clipse

I think that’s a great idea and we’ll put uh some of actually we’ll take a little bit of wood I want to make a couple of chests let’s see do we have any ready for us AA planks I think that’ll work four chest yeah perfect okay and

Then we’ll put back this lapis and then we’re going to take eclipse and we’re going to find a spot to mine out this chunk all right put this guy back there my God I don’t know if you I don’t know if you heard that zombie sound that scared the Daylights of out

Of me I was not expecting anything that place has always been very cozy jeez get burnt out of of editing quickly and run out of good ideas ah man I get it um let me think for a second I’m going to think actually let me hop on a

Clips and let me think for a second what can I what can I recommend I guess my here’s my first question for you how would you describe your work ethic I’ve have just the lack of skill that you might be able to help with well yeah

Let’s chat I mean um yeah just because it’s not on a Discord call dude I’m more than happy to to chat I I mean I’ve really done a lot of editing over the last year to get to this point if you look at my videos from a year ago you’ll

Be like oh wow it’s way different your work ethic insane cool okay what’s your feeling about like chunking out things like are you able to take big projects like being a Minecraft Youtuber given the state of things nowadays is huge freaking projects right you’re a distance Runner cool same dude

Uh no I’m probably not the same as you I got into distance running this summer um but uh yeah dude I know exactly what that means in terms of like cognitive endurance and that sort of thing I think we actually might I think the might be the spot too

I think this is where we’re going to mine out this chunk right here cool um so yeah if if put our blacksmith in the background right here so if you are Clips you are so cute okay um if if you have a uh yeah wait tell me real

Quick what’s your you’re good with like chunking out things like when you’re long distance running like for me my longest is 12 miles like will you be like all right like you know chunk it like if you’re Mile seven will you be like okay like you know just do this and

Then do that or like even better put like when it comes to Minecraft content creation because like that’s the relevance here right um do you are you able to like be like all right like here’s here’s I’m going to explain my thought process for this stream hopefully this is helpful

Actually and then I um going to think for a second because I’m so bad at multitasking apparently while doing this oh shoot um boys determined per okay awesome cool same that’s why I keep on doing this it doesn’t matter how many video views I get at first it’s like it’s all the

Growth process and like if you enjoy it yeah anyway um here’s the the thought process between this entire stream which will be multiple streams because it’s going to take a long time to mine out an entire chunk yeah and that’s this is that is a micro project okay talk about chunking

My macro project is by my birthday next summer July 28th to have a massive castle like a massive one if you’ve seen NY on YouTube I’m talking like a freak like a massive castle that’s actually detailed in that sort of thing which is going to take a whole lot of work or if

You’ve seen Looney like a like a fat Castle um and I’ve never done anything close to anything like that but in order to get materials for that I need to do a lot of Mining and I thought there wouldn’t be anything cooler than to make I’m going to make this when I’m making

These videos no one else is going to know besides people at this stream that I’m working towards building a castle no one’s going to know no one’s going to know that I’m mining out this chunk right now this is all for people that just want to hang out the reason

Being I’m going to just cre cre creating small like medium builds in this Kingdom like chunking it out because like I just want to like add and add and add a little bit by little bit and while I do that I’m going to stream every once in a

While and I’m going to mine out this chunk but I’m actually about to mine out one chunk one block larger because I’m going to make an automatic wool Farm which is another part of the plan right get all 16 colors of wool and then I’m going to color grade the entire chunk

Like you’ve seen an entire chunk moned out entire chunk mined out that sort of thing hey Sasha what’s going on yeah doing great yeah happy Friday so anyway um you know mine down an entire chunk and then color grade it with all the different wool colors and that sort of

Thing and that is just one part of the story where it’s like the video will be like I built a massive Castle in Hardcore Minecraft here’s my story or something like that right and then it starts with like all right I did a ton of research

On how to like build a castle and then I realized that I needed to get to mining so I decided to mine out an entire chunk of the Nether and then I made a massive wool Farm to make it RGB to like do the whole rainbow and that sort of thing and

Then I realized that I had like either enough materials or not enough materials and so I kept grinding or it was time to hop into the creative world yeah sorry uh Sasha yeah yeah the uh the the delay is bad um anyway um so you know if I’ll hop

Into a creative mode I’ll start building that design it myself and that sort of thing and then eventually I got to terraform the area around here and then build the castle which is going to be like a crazy cinematic if you like my music cinematics it is going to be wild um but

You can think about how massive one video is to build an entire castle that’s all going to be secret but that’s a huge chunking out process right so for me I’m like and it’s okay if I don’t you know it takes me forever to like oh let me put

On some replay mod real quick so that I can start that part of the video right the mining out the chunk sort of thing and so um you know chunking it out it’s like you know why don’t I try to like build a community and just like chill out on

Friday night and chat with people play some Minecraft you know this is one of the most monotonous things mining mining mining is so monotonous right was like why don’t I like try to like meet new people and like enjoy build a community and whatnot I’m

Also can you let me know know if the grass is too loud I’m kind of kind of worried about that and me breaking these blocks yeah let me know um and then you know that’s just one chunk like this could mining out a chunk could take me like8 hours so that’s like

You know six streams probably I don’t know like I have no idea and so um you know enjoy the streaming process of doing that and then event for a video make a wool Farm secretly intertwine this entire chunk with that wool farm and like it makes

For an even cooler part of a huge video but instead like just enjoy that little process like I’m not going to just grind my my bum off make that one video I’m going to do everything along the side and then every once in a while on a

Friday night I’m going to be like oh you know what why don’t I hang out with everybody and do a little bit of Mining and eventually that process is going to going to lead as you know it’s like this huge thing and like I think that’s what

It’s all about right like the chunking process like doing those sorts of I don’t know sequences in terms of like progression of like chunking it out like that’s important too and it’s even more important for me when it comes to doing it on the video editing side

Like what I quit teaching great question um here let me is it F3 plus b for chunk no what’s trunk borders oh man I forget it okay one sec that’s a great question um and I I I definitely thought about that let’s see chunk quars Minecraft got to Google it of course

Yeah just hold off for F3 and G okay let me try uh give me one sec I got to pull up y’all chat once again after thank you yeah okay let’s see cool all right that works ABS I lost chat again dang you are awesome all right cool so

Let me just outline this real quick and while we do that I’m probably going to sleep as the sun goes down actually we’ll keep keep keep clearing GL grass for the moment and then I’ll let you know so yeah um here’s where I’m at um I am uh I teach

I so I work at an uh like an elementary school I teach specials classes for preschoolers okay I teach like gym and art and music and that sort of thing and I’m getting my teaching lure about halfway through uh I finished my first semester got great grades and that sort

Of thing but I also work as an instruct instructional pair of professional at the school what that means like kind of like a teacher’s aid and that sort of thing and so I observe teachers at the school and I also teach specials and that sort of thing and the reason that

I’m getting my teaching certification is because I’ve always wanted to be a teacher um it’s always been a passion for me I actually really would love to be a Rel a religious studies professor at some point in my life um and hopefully things go that way at some

Point but um and this is a sleeping bag by the way not a bed um but the end all um yeah so the end all be all for me like when I’m older um it would be so great to just like have an awesome like Community like if I could

Get famous and like you know be wealthy off of YouTube and like that sort of thing um I would take the opportunity right now I think that’s the best way to like short answer it if things were to blow up yeah like I for me personally I love everything

About the process like let me I can explain it to you like this I so like I work full-time and I’m in graduate school and I have this YouTube channel and I work for an energy bar company and I run social media for the energy bar company which sounds like it probably

Sounds like a lot like I’m very very driven person right um but as a result when I’m done with all of the other grind stuff this is this is what I’m doing on Friday night right like this is I love doing this I like I very passionate about Minecraft and

YouTube and that sort of thing and I love the process even the editing of course it can be a slog but like as you know when you love that process it’s absolutely wonderful like it’s really cool um and so having great feedback yeah I got I got a lot to do yeah it’s

I’m up at 4:15 every morning I guess that was what I was going to say um I wake up at 4:15 and I usually am able to squeeze a little bit of video editing in um from like 4:45 a.m. to like 5:15 a.m. that’s usually when I try to do it um I

Mean not all of it obviously I’ll tell I can tell you what the schedule looks like and that sort of thing um but uh yeah wake up I try to get like half an hour uh like video editing in and then I go to the gym uh from 5:15 to 6:15 a.m.

And then I start I got work you know I got school um at 7:15 a.m. so uh it’s definitely a grind in that sort of thing but at the so at the beginning of the day when I wake up right like what did I do is I either

Yeah I I record like I record like a part of like a Minecraft video or I will um I’ll do video editing like just try to chunk it out as much as I can like that’s how I don’t have much time so I got to use everything that I can and so

Then I you know I work uh I usually get home around like 400 p.m. and that sort of thing same 4:00 a.m. every day yeah dude so you know exactly what the gr even winter break same here that’s why I have so many videos coming up I just

Grinded the entire time yeah um that’s you and I are so we have tons in common that’s so cool um anyway uh so you know then at the end of the day like some sometimes I have class like I have class from like 4:30 to 6:30 two

Days a week but then like the other 3 days of the week I’m getting home and I’m usually editing here’s the thing about like the work ethic this is this is where it all comes in I know this is how I I spiral conversations but I

Always get to the point and I usually think that they’re constructive as a result um oh I just of course I just lost my train of thought after um oh yeah when it comes to the work ethic and that sort of thing so don’t get me wrong like it’s Friday

Night like I love playing Minecraft but I when I want to play Minecraft nine times out of 10 I force myself to Video Edit I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of like the quote about like you know don’t wait wait for the Muse sit and start doing it and like the inspiration

Will come like you’re not going to be successful if you’re you just only sit down and play Minecraft or edit when you’re passionate you have to like build that discipline just like you do with like longdistance running or that sort of thing June that’s sick June that yeah

Cool um so yeah like you know you have to build work ethic it’s like um when you for you so like for everyone when it comes to like going to the gym or something like that it’s like or going for a longdistance run maybe if you live

Somewhere where it’s cold like I’m in Denver I live in Colorado um if it’s some like for me it’s if it’s cold out I’m like H you know could I take the easier option or could I take the hard option usually both are productive right

Like you know am I going to go for like the 8 Mile Loop or am I going to go for the 5 Mile Loop like that sort of thing right it’s like as much as I can nine times out of 10 I’m forcing myself to go in the harder Loop because that’s what

Like builds the discipline and like the willpower and like the work ethic and like the results too right um that’s what I do like nine times out of 10 I’m not playing Minecraft nine times out of 10 I’m editing the video um and then what happens is because of the reward like

You know delay of gratification you’re New England I’m originally from uh from Boston I moved to Denver a couple years ago I went to school I went to college out here um but eventually um you know because of the the delay of gratification and whatnot you when it’s like Friday night

And it’s time to play Minecraft Minecraft is even better you know what I’m saying like if I have Monday through Friday it’s cold in France oh yeah I’ve heard that it’s cold in France I’ve always wanted to go I got to say um the chef behind the energy bar company that

I work for her name is patter um you can look up patter bar on Instagram if you’re curious that’s the other stuff that I make um her favorite thing uh is a French uh baguette uh like AB like no question about it and she said that she went to France oh Nebraska

Ooh I I think that’s way that’s even colder man yeah you guys are in cool spots too I got to say um and so yeah but um you know you when you you know you know it’s like a force but you know yeah kind of right like I’d rather play

Minecraft than like a video edit it and like cut content or like have to add on like audio you know like the little sound effects like that takes a long time and it’s not nearly as interesting as playing a game but then when you have that discipline and willpower and just

Like you have in other dis aspects of your life to then go and be like all right well like you know what I’m going to do a harder thing and then I’m going to reward myself on Friday night or I’m going to like you know this is what my

Night’s going to look like I’m going to chat with y’all for a little bit longer start up this um mining Expedition I’m really loving these conversations by the way too um and then um you know I’ll eat dinner and then I’ll go to sleep uh probably early since I wake up so early

It sounds like uh you’re the same there nette um yeah like I’m going to wake up at probably 4:15 tomorrow but here’s the thing I don’t have I’m on winter break right now with uh graduate school so I don’t have other stuff to do I’m going to wake up and I’m

Going to play Minecraft that’s part of my reward like on weekends I wake up early and then I play Minecraft and I record the content or on Sunday like I’ll be like oh my goodness instead of having like from 4:45 a.m. to 4 you know uh to 5:15

A.m. um I’m like oh my goodness if I wake up at 4:15 a.m. and I start editing this video like now at this level yeah pretty close to the mountain so yeah I went skiing um I actually went skiing last weekend with my twin brother

Yeah he came out uh to Colorado and him and my dad and his fiance which was awesome but anyway I’m going to wake up tomorrow morning probably 4:15 and I’ll be working on this Lake right here you may notice if you’ve seen episode two I guess the first one on the main Channel

This area looks completely different right here I actually terraformed it a couple days ago and we’re going to have like a huge fishing area right here in that sort of thing but yeah um wait did I lose y’all okay cool I like I thought I lost the chat

For a second um yeah but I do do skiing um I’m big skier uh back in New England back from Boston um used to hit the slopes down there part of the reason I came to Colorado was because of the mountains you love snowboarding nothing

Like it yeah uh I’m a big uh I really liked snow snowboarding too um I took a couple lessons and I was able to get um you know I was able to dabble with it now by no mean I definitely beginner you know um but but you know I’m an expert skier

I can ski pretty much anything um definitely beginner snowboarder but really did love it like I really enjoyed the process um the one thing though my I don’t know if you can relate to this and we’re actually as I told you for this wool Farm we’re going to dig out one one

More block right here um but I don’t know if your ankles have ever hurt as a result for me like after a couple days on maybe you’re different I don’t know if you’ve skateboarded when you know you were younger or you still do or anything like that um I never really was my

Family has ankle problems genetically so um we’ve never really or my brother’s snowboards uh his ankle always kills at the end of it and and the chunk bers are kind of messing with me right now uh but for me my ankles have hurt uh my left foot in front my left yeah my

Left foot in front yeah what about for you you goofy or you normal feels good to start this project too as I’m telling you this is huge like mining out a chunk just to get resources to start to make a Castle which is going to take so much

Planning yeah I can’t I mean I can’t wait it’s going to be a huge thing but it’s satisfying to start right just want to make sure I’m doing it right I want to want this to be symmetrical you know I think I am though I think we’re

Okay you’re goofy I don’t know why I had a feeling that’s cool that’s cool I uh I was about to like fill this in cuz I was like oh this doesn’t look good do you have any favorite places to go skiing or snowboarding grab a quick sip of water

Too and again thanks so much for hanging out with me tonight okay are we good with chunk borders can we turn these off i’ really like that I think so and we’re going to chop down this tree right here too all right okay F3 plus G right have I tried a one wheel

Ooh um you know I don’t know is that is it for snowboarding if so no it sounds awesome I have no idea what that actually is though what a horrible placement for these chests but we’re already starting to get some materials here you know I I feel like I’m going to

Lose Eclipse if I leave her over there him her what do we think what do we think I feel like eclipse is like she’d be a lovely gal yeah yeah yeah yeah eclipse is she’s one of our gals I don’t Eclipse over here we need you no

But yeah what’s a one wheel I want to know did I put the lead in the chest slip you can’t you’re not thinking man sorry y’all I keep pausing just cuz I I’m losing here we go I’m losing the chat okay you know what they are look one up

There blast you’ve probably seen the ads I feel like I here’s what I think it is I’m going to look after the stream okay um yeah let me grab this lead get Eclipse real quick um where’d she go Eclipse uh I think it’s one of those it’s like a skateboard right but it’s

One big wheel and like the board it kind of like crosses the middle like the wheel kind of like is in the center like it makes it rise like a hoverboard but it’s not if that makes sense I’mma I’m going check it out though of course all right get this tree out of

The way here I think it’s about time to do that take some fall damage but we got feather falling four huge huge play I didn’t mean to do that all right eclipse come with me go come on big hops come on here we go boom all

Right let’s make our s El a crafting table real quick and then boom all right make a crafting table and then make a fence gate if we can like it’s harder to do this while talking and streaming which I I guess makes sense right put down our fence gate right

There and then we can be sure that eclipse is not going to get away from us picture board yeah that that’s exactly how did you how did you put that in the chat that was like perfect that’s so cool okay let us start digging out a little bit more do you have one

Net that’d be super cool Oh and before something bad happens I guess I it’s some important to craft the ladders now I didn’t bring any wood over here huh that was silly of me 42 okay and we keep on going um if you have seen any of the uh first two episodes of

The hardcore Kingdom you will notice that these shaders are way different I uh don’t think that I can handle complimentary shaders on my PC and that’s okay because these are actually BSL shaders and they’re really pretty like they’re really bright I like the contrast on them I’m actually like a huge

Fan man this is going to be satisfying I can’t wait for this hey uh Sasha if you’re here uh I’d love to know um have you ever come to here to the US um if so like what are your thoughts about the differences between being in France versus the United

States and we startop I’m mining I’m mining I’m mining also I would love to know if you’ve seen any of my 100 Days videos uh or my my only 100 days video um I made two music videos in it and uh I took inspiration from cringy go I thought it

Was really funny um if you’ve seen cringle on YouTube um he’s awesome if you haven’t absolutely recommend such a goofy guy he’s so funny um and uh yeah I ended up making I bought I literally bought a green screen I bought a green screen and uh recorded two different music videos and

I did sing I mean it was very very bad singing but it was almost purposeful for like a comedic purpose um that was how cringy go kind of did it too and I was like okay that’s funny I mean again I do teach music class so like I definitely

Try way harder during that than than I did during the video but I thought that was part of like part of the charm and part of like the fun of it yeah I thought it was funny they’re definitely pricey I got the pine X it’s amazing I’ve hit 25.5 miles per

Hour in day even though you’re supposed to go 18 I’m English and live in you’re English and you live in France uh never been to the US love to know um yeah there are a lot of differences oh D oh no question about it yeah um I

Mean in particular just like if you think about like The stereotyp Stereotype between like the American and like The Stereotype between like the France they’re both like so different right like fat freaking American versus like the refined French person right um so yeah I’d love to go

And see I’m a huge foodie too like I you know I work for an energy bar company like I love good food and that sort of thing I love cooking in particular um and so getting to explore the food culture and know the differences with that would be cool but you know people

Are so different the terrain architecture XYZ I think I think it’d be awesome it’s definitely on The Bucket List um well um I think it’s actually worth uh that the what’s it called the one wheel 2 one net because uh my twin brother he ended up buying a I want to

Say it’s called a boosted board it’s a skateboard it’s very similar learn to the one wheel uh a little bit different though I think and uh it also gets to decent speeds I think you hadit a higher speed you hit I think you hadit 25 right did you hit 25 miles an

Hour yeah 25.5 um and that is like wild I think my brothers goes like 20 or something like that but he paid like $1,000 for it and it’s how he gets to work every single day back in Boston and uh he he actually I mean he actually broke it

Like he broke it like a week ago but anyway he’s going to get a new one um and uh it’s been I think it’s been super awesome I guess I would ask um f is really great here cheese and mettes and meats H don’t get me started yeah that sounds actually like

So wonderful um what about fast food I guess is my question I I mean I love cooking I eat really healthy um as someone that like goes to the gym all the time um so I’m not I don’t really eat fast food whatsoever but it’s a huge

American thing obviously um and I know many other places in the world like pretty much so many places have fast food right but is that part of the culture like are they there but do people eat them is there like a is there a Chick-fil-A of France if that makes

Sense like that’d be that’d be really interesting yeah I’m curious about the riots too um I mean I’m sure there are some but you know same thing applies here in the US right like there’s riots on small scales and large scales all the time you now we’re almost done with the

Shoveling portion here too which it’s a really good feeling and we still have plenty of uh uh what’s it called what is it called um efficiency or durability what plenty of durability back on our iron pick right there and again I think it’s so H I’m so happy that I used a

Couple of iron picks at first we’ll use Diamond picks later but to get it started off here I was like you know we have iron to spare why not use it and that helps me you know I don’t care about the pace necessarily once again it’s all about the process here

You all you all have KFC McDonald’s and King King Burger people do go often I don’t have a TV I haven’t heard about that oh cool Sasha that’s cool that you don’t have a TV are you uh much more of like a YouTube person that’s how I am

Personally put some of these materials back in her chest right here and I’m going to collect some more cuz you know again we’re do we’re doing this project to collect materials I don’t care how many chests I fill up the whole point is to get them

All um I have a couple of friends that that don’t have TVs either um I okay it’s time to go to sleep yeah I haven’t where’s my bed okay it’s time we are gotten ourselves into a bad situation here friends let us let us get out of the

Area this is Hardcore Minecraft I’m not taking any chances wo okay that was a little bit sketchy where is my bed it’s just not I must have I mean we’ll check real quick since we’re on Eclipse oh that was so nerve nerve-wracking is a bed over here there’s a zombie already in

There I don’t like this let’s go sleep back at the starter base oh my goodness Love YouTube and stream and you knit and crochet and guitar oh awesome I I do guitar too you’re writing a book I was thinking about that today and your full-time mom oh you do wow do a

Lot well um you know that at the same time uh you know as someone again like I I juggle a lot it sounds like Sasha does too and like you know YouTube is my kind of like relaxation in the same way that it seems

Like it is for her too and like not to not to put any like judgment about like being informed like of course there’s importance there but also so sometimes like you know your kids and the things that are going on and all that sort of stuff I think that those are also you

Know those are also four like you know priorities that you should have at the Forefront right but it sounds like I mean it sounds like Sasha’s up to date got a power one book in there okay let’s put that guy up here with other nice things including some armor trims which we’re

Going to have to use at some point and might as well put away the emeralds real quick just got blocks I’m running out of storage y’all oh it was organized and now it’s just getting so big that I can’t really hang I mean you’ll see you’ll see that I mean we got things

Pretty good for the most part kind of by like color I would say and then like walls are over here I mean got tons of andesite not heard of it in a while it’s probably got fired the cop I’m sure I mean at least I hope so I

Guess that’s how I feel about it I just hope that the the right balance of justice is served right and sometimes that’s you know horrible for the person because the person did you know horrible crime and that sort of thing but I’m uninformed with uh this news case in particular so

It hopefully it’s just like justice as it should be if that makes sense all right y’all we’re going to do a couple more rounds I think the plan for today’s stream um it’s so great getting to chat with y’all I got to say kid got shot for like no reason and the city

Blew up in a panic Ah that’s heartbreaking I hear it drowns too so I think I’m going to pop get out of here get out of here here don’t mess with slip and that’s tragic cops defend the rich really and the laws uh is the same it’s just not at all

Yeah I get it I’ve been lucky I’ve been able to travel to India and Bolivia and I got to say the um systems of justice and just legality I would say legal systems Justice systems are so different in each uh each country it’s it’s actually really fascinating in my

Opinion like here in the United States like you can smoke weed and whatnot right you can you know you can I guess I don’t even know if I can say that on stream hopefully I can um but in other places it’s so illegal like when I was in India if I

Had done that then then I could have gone to jail and it would have been difficult to get me out of jail is the justice system just paay to win um yeah it’s a good that’s a great question I’d love to know Sasha all right just a little bit

Dig dirt digging the go we’re almost there 100% true break it’s illegal here yeah exactly yeah it’s so fascinating I guess what’s your opinion yeah it’s this is a good question what is your opinion on it given the fact that um it is illegal right like since

It’s legal especially I’m in I’m in Denver Colorado right like this was the first place to legalize weed everyone smokes weed like not obviously not everyone but like everyone is fine with it right like there’s nothing there’s nothing wrong with you if you do that right but I’m curious as to whether the

Your opinion weed is illegal and abortion isn’t Jesus so there’s like zero Constitution or Bill of Rights oh I feel like I remember learning about that in class back in the day I can’t remember yeah I would love to know Sasha right let me get rid of this dirt

I’m ready to move on to pickaxes make this much more methodical for me kind of digging like a crazy man right now it should be legal it can help with mental health and such even I smoke it helps uh but I can get arrested I completely get it yeah uh I smoke I

Personally uh am a weed smoker myself I’ve done it since uh I’m 25 I’ve done it since I was maybe 16 um and uh when I started doing it it definitely was not legal you got to say um my brother my twin brother got into significant legal trouble and we had to

Pull plenty of Hoops in order for him to be able to um kind of have it off his record and whatnot uh so it’s been you know for everyone that’s definitely a a process look at it this way you don’t have California that’s a plus at

Least man yeah D we we live in a wacky country Sasha don’t get there is no Greener Side here I mean there’s you know the American dream is a great idea don’t get me wrong I like I love being an American right but I’m sure you feel

The same way about being French it’s it’s not a one’s better the other they’re just so different right here is a constitution but you’re English in France the lck one you oh my gosh yeah it sounds horrifying um what are you doing for self-care to get yourself through you’re getting racism from the

Judge what the hell sorry that doesn’t seem right I mean that’s how the that’s how life is right just uh sending sending my best out to you and you know again thank you so much for spending your Friday night with me hanging out really good to like

Get a little bit of progress here I mean it’s so funny when you think about those replay cinematics right like it only takes a couple of seconds and takes us a really long time but I got to say this has been this time is flown by um we’re going

To probably finish out with this pickaxe um we might call call the stream after that if not I might do one more pickaxe after here finish the iron pickaxes um it is uh about 6:30 my time um so it’s been like a great time on stream this

This is giving me such like a awesome reason to like come back and hang out I haven’t done it I was like man I feel like I might be just like saying things to the microphone which like is fun when you’re recording a video right but like it’s also way different like when

You just wait for the recession coming up here with the election I know I know um but yeah this has been like there’s yeah all right we’ll do this last pickaxe too I’m really I like our start um it’s great to get organized and kind of show you all what the Kingdom

Looks like and you know all that all that sort of stuff um and so uh yeah um we’ll do this we’ll do this one more pickaxe right here um I got to ask y’all um y’all have any other plans for the weekend or anything like that

I’d love to know for for me um as I told you I’m going to wake up and I’ll probably do a little bit of uh recording um again it’s so different being able to chat with people as opposed to kind of just like I don’t write scripts that

Much I did for the 100 days video but it’s so great to like actually just have like a free flowing conversation and that sort of thing like it really does make the time fly by um but yeah I’ll probably wake up uh I got that late area

That we’re going to um transform more into a fishing area and then who knows you got a half marathon tomorrow I’m so jealous that’s so cool um I started training for a half marathon um or I’m that’s not true I’m starting to train for a half marathon I

Actually should since it’s the new year um that was something that I was going to do I mean I I broke my wrist uh uh in June in June um and I ended up uh getting into longdistance running then I’ve always been a weightlifter I used to be a

Personal trainer um and then I got really into running and then honestly before my longest R run was like 6 miles and then just getting back getting into it I was able to you got to go um to a a wedding Sasha you are awesome you yeah you are so awesome okay

Um sending the best luck to you I mean you got this the you’re such a rockstar you’re so cool I got to say um have a wonderful Friday night maybe I don’t know what time it is for y’all but it’s Friday night for me um and I’ll chat with you

In the next stream all right yeah go serenade some people um oh self-imposed yeah even better dude talk about that discipline um but anyway yeah I was able to like just like through like getting into it I’ve always been in really good shape uh you and I I’m

Sure very good shape right um so uh you know it wasn’t that hard for me to get up to like 10 miles and then I finally hit 12 miles and then everyone says I’ll see you soon Sasha yeah have such a great time um and then

Uh you know I got up to like 12 miles and I just like just pushing myself in the way that you are tomorrow right there it goes we’ll finish up this part a little bit right here A whole lot of cobblestone huh and I’m not going

To please say something if I run out of durability on my diamond pick right now we’re saving this for the museum okay uh um but uh yeah for I I think you’ve heard within the running community and that sort of thing that like when when you’ve reached

12 you can probably do a a half marathon right it’s just the extra push right like speaking of you know doing the harder thing like what’s more whatever is more difficult for you um I feel like I feel like I’m I can do that so I’m

Going to get back into the swing of things um I’m so glad that you’re maintaining the routine especially where it’s so cold there I’ve just been uh I got into Muay Thai too which is like a mixed martial art um so in the mornings I’ve been going and like punch punching

The bag or I’ve been weightlifting or uh just been walking on the treadmill and like FaceTiming my mom who still lives in still lives in Boston and that sort of thing only kid in the cross country team with defined ABS the difference between me and everyone else is crazy yeah dude

Um hey actually here’s going to be my La uh the last piece of advice I can’t wait to chat with you all next time or with uh in particular uh with YouTube break it’s really been awesome being able to chat with you and there’s zombies so Eclipse we’re out of

Here um but I’ve listened I literally just finished it again today this morning on the on the drive to work and I’m going to probably start it again tomorrow or maybe even when I’m brushing my teeth tonight cuz it is that this book is this you do Jiu-Jitsu dude the amount of

Commonality is is what are you doing Eclipse oh sweet push the sweet berries did not like that that’s sick that you’re doing vjj um uh oh what was I saying um oh read the book I don’t know if I said this read deep work by Cal

Newport on Audible just listen to it on Audible yeah you don’t have to read the physical copy it’s actually probably more efficient if you listen to it for this particular AUD audible book although I love reading because um your ability to digest information you’ll be able to do it do it in intermediate

Moments like if you’re grinding instead of streaming listen to it or like if you are um going on a long run like sometimes it’s really nice to listen to podcasts as you probably know for like audible books on like runs and that sort of thing listen to it on a run deep work

Deep work by Cal Newport I’ve listened to it in total probably five times in my entire life listen to it for the fourth time just now I’m going to probably listen to it for a fifth time starting tomorrow because when it comes to 2024 I

Want to have a lot of output right like I want to finish graduate school and have two videos a week on this channel and work farmers markets on the weekends and work full-time and you know all this sort of stuff right deep work like how Newport is absolutely without a question

The best book to get you there the one caveat I will give when it comes to it is please do be careful in terms of like you also want to have balance in your life right like you do want to like also strive for like being a social

Creature and like having friends and like all that sort of stuff um but in terms of doing really difficult things really quickly doing hard work deep work by Cal Newport is by far the resource that I would um inspire you to read and it will inspire you to get into the Flow

State when it comes to video video editing and that will super super change everything in terms of like your output with making the videos because clearly you like making them clearly you like making Minecraft but the videos take a long time you get really good at honing

In and enjoying just getting lost in the process which is what this book tells you to do it will completely change things cuz if you see six months ago yeah I look five months ago on my YouTube channel versus look at um either my most recent video or the 100 days

Video or the next three videos that I have coming and I just changed my audio engineering like things are even getting even better um that book has hugely increase my productivity my in my quality everything it’s it’s shocking so anyway I’m GNA go eat some dinner um I got myself um

A leftover sub sandwich which is not usually what I do uh usually Friday nights are a hamburger night for me I make hamburgers and then Saturday morning I wake up kick it with a huge workout and then play some Minecraft that’s the plan but just with the Sub

Sub sandwich substitute and I really do appreciate you hanging out with me today I had such a blast this was exactly how I wanted to spend my Friday we started a major product or project able to get back into the swing of streaming and probably most importantly we’ve got a

Name on cutipie Eclipse right here so uh yeah break the net such a blast hanging out with you tonight uh Sasha you too and I can’t wait to chat with you for the next time I’d probably say next Friday I don’t want to make any promises but usually on Friday I kind of

Lay low I play Minecraft so so if we’re feeling mining out this chunk once again I’ll chat with you soon but if I don’t chat with you then then you’ll be able to see episode three of the hardcore Kingdom coming this Wednesday I forget what time but coming this

Wednesday all right have such a wonderful night what’s up D what’s what’s up watch bye yeah happy Friday y’all um have such a wonderful weekend and seriously I can’t wait to chat with y’all more all right good night y’all

This video, titled ‘Mining an ENTIRE CHUNK in Hardcore Minecraft! ┃ Minecraft LIVE #1’, was uploaded by Sliptini on 2024-01-06 14:16:39. It has garnered 51 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:51 or 7791 seconds.

In this EPIC Minecraft hardcore livestream, we’re on a mission to mine out an ENTIRE chunk! As we strip away layer by layer, chat with me and fellow Minecraft lovers about your favorite Minecraft memories, share your tips and tricks, or simply kick back and enjoy!

Don’t forget to hit the like button, subscribe, and ring the notification bell! Your support keeps the pickaxes swinging and the adventures rolling.


#Minecraft #Hardcore #MinecraftLive

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  • Salve Craft SMP – whitelist, Java 1.20.4 – Community-Focused 16+

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  • Minecraft Pro Escapes Real-Life Rooms?! 😱

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  • Summoning Herobrine in Minecraft Gameplay

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  • GREATEST COMEBACK EVER! Surviving 100 days on CRAZY Minecraft chunk 🎮

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  • Insane Minecraft Jelly Ch. Reaction! (Shocking Ending)

    Insane Minecraft Jelly Ch. Reaction! (Shocking Ending)Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft… nya??? (dies of cringe)🌠’, was uploaded by Jelly Ch. 【Phase Connect】 on 2024-02-02 16:10:04. It has garnered 6435 views and 747 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:52 or 10612 seconds. … 🌠Your super cute alien idol princess, is invading!! 🌠 I’m Jelly Hoshiumi, Phase Invaders’ SUPER CUTE SUPER FUNNY SUPER PURE shooting star 🌠 from a faraway planet! ═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰Donation Page✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══ https://streamelements.com/jellyhoshiumi/tip Jelly really appreciates your donations, but they’re not required to enjoy the streams! Unless stated otherwise, all donations are final and non-refundable, so please donate responsibly :3c ═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰Social Media✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@JellyHoshiumi… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Modding Builds – New Year Fashion Show Tutorial” #viral #trending

    "Insane Minecraft Modding Builds - New Year Fashion Show Tutorial" #viral #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new year fashion show modding builds tutorial#viral #trending #minecraft #gaming #youtube’, was uploaded by carryminy PC gamer on 2024-01-08 09:01:20. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • WTF! Unseen Minecraft Mob Revealed! #OMG

    WTF! Unseen Minecraft Mob Revealed! #OMGVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Minecraft Mob is that? #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-24 17:00:20. It has garnered 100 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and I would… Read More

  • “Minecraft SHOCK: Erik’s MENSTRUAL TREE FARM!” #shizo #clickbait

    "Minecraft SHOCK: Erik's MENSTRUAL TREE FARM!" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌳 EINFACHE BAUMFARM! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by ErikOnHisPeriod on 2024-03-17 12:00:42. It has garnered 29712 views and 1400 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. 🔥 Subscribe to me or a creeper will explode in your camp! https://bit.ly/3wSWETe ► 👕 Merch: https://streamlabs.com/erikonhisperiod/merch (Advertising) ► 💬 Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/Bk8bcmbXKA ► 💥 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@erikonhisperiodyt ► 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erikfkingone/ ► 👑 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/erikonhisperiod ► 🖥️ YouTube: @ErikOnHisPeriod ★☆★ More info & links ★☆★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ·٠•● 🎧 Background music 🎧 ●•٠· ► 🎶 EpidemicSound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/6eh1kw * ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ·٠•● Minecraft ●•٠· ► 🎮 https://www.minecraft.net​… Read More

  • INSANE EcoSMP Builds! Ep. 68 | MUST SEE!! #shorts

    INSANE EcoSMP Builds! Ep. 68 | MUST SEE!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Builds Ep. 68 | #shorts’, was uploaded by EcoSMP on 2024-02-12 22:29:29. It has garnered 5714 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. This timelapse shows us building a beautiful Victorian fantasy medieval cottagecore house in Minecraft. Our friend, Lindolas_Official, has been kind enough to let us create videos of his creations. Please show him some support on Planet Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecrafttutorial #minecrafthouse #minecraftidea #minecrafthowto #minecraftmedieval #minecraftfantasy #cottagecore #minecraftjava #smp #minecraftsurvival #minecraftaesthetic #minecraftstarterhouse Music Courtesy Of Mojang Studios Read More