EPIC Helicopter Battle in Minecraft – Rich vs Poor!

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what are we going to do JJ our car won’t go anymore will it it seems he won’t go anymore I think there are a bunch of zombies around us who will happily eat us so where can we run to JJ have you heard about some skyscraper nearby it seems there is a roof where only people can get in I don’t know where it is but we just have to run until we find someplace safe follow me Mikey otherwise they’ll eat you up o JJ he surrounded me please help me leave us alone you stupid zombie I’m very tasteless If I Were a Zombie I’d eat you first what because it’s very loud we need to be quieter let’s go there it seems there must be some place where we can catch our breath then why didn’t you say anything about it before show me where it is before these zombies finally trap us follow me there will be no doors in the building on the left there we can teleport to the roof you took ender pearl with you you took it didn’t you of course I took it how can you forget such an important tool JJ it seems they are already here what are we going to do try to throw the under Pearl as high as possible we don’t have any other choice anyway we can’t get out of here anymore and these homes won’t even think about feeling sorry for us right now let’s throw it up it’s so good that we were able to do this mhm now we are high above the ground where no zombies will catch us now let’s take a look around sheesh how high we are it’s even scary to look down I didn’t think we’d actually end up here I hope these zombies haven’t learned how to to climb walls like spiders otherwise we are definitely finished we don’t even have weapons but the most annoying thing is that it seems we are the only survivors in this city we don’t even have anyone to ask about anything it seems not because look over there it seems our friends chip and Milo are there yo guys were you able to survive in this situation too we are so glad that you are here too because we think that there is no one here but us we thought the same thing that’s why we were surprised to see you here by the way JJ open the chest there you will see the blocks we need to build a helicopter to fly away from here good luck because we’ve already started doing it Mikey did you hear that they’re actually building a helicopter it seems like it should work we should also understand how to build a helicopter because I’ve never built a helicopter in my life what about you I didn’t do it either can we ask them how they do it because they are obviously much more experienced than us I think we can figure it out for ourselves let’s open the chest and take a look oh Mikey look it turns out there are blueprints therefore we will be able to cope without their help but they are really much more experienced than us I think they will do it much faster than us but there’s nothing wrong with that is there because we’re friends and we’re all going to fly away together then I’ll see how to do it right because we need some more weapons or radio stuff on the helicopter I’ll see how to do it good then I’ll start building a helicopter for now we seem to be lucky because our helicopter will be made of diamond and their helicopter will be made of mud I don’t know why that is but I think we can say that we are very lucky with this nevertheless we need to understand how to build a helicopter correctly although we have the blueprints it’s still very confusing JJ even though I knew they were very good at building but I didn’t think they were doing it so fast fast it seems that for them it’s like there’s nothing to do how fast they are hey chip maybe then you can teach me how to build as fast as you do or maybe you can tell us a secret haha it’s just a long-term experience do you know every day build some things then destroy and build again I think you understand what I’m talking about the main secret is not to think about what you are doing but just to do everything according to the blueprint that you have you had the blueprints for the helicopter didn’t you yes we have the blueprints but even with them JJ is somehow very slow to build I think maybe you could help us later when you finish it or something JJ can you do it faster you’re embarrassing me what maybe you want to help huh hey Milo what are you doing get out of here did you want to break my helicopter no JJ you asked for help I thought you wanted to rebuild the helicopter so I decided to help you it’s just a joke don’t be offended all right now not so scary I thought you really wanted to stop us from building a helicopter moreover you are so inconspicuous among all these diamonds hey chip what else are you going to do it seems like you have some kind of plan to stop me from building or something you can talk straight I understand everything maybe I’ll come myself I’ll break your helicopter with my own hands ha of course I’m joking or maybe I’m not kidding who knows don’t be offended anyway we’re just kidding around you know that yourself yes but if it goes over then I might get angry all right Mikey maybe you want to help me because you’re just standing there watching me build a helicopter and it doesn’t even seem like you’re going to help me or what no I’m studying how they build a helicopter I’ll help you but a little later I’m busy with a very important matter right now I’m doing a fork in their base do you want me to show you what intelligence is JJ look under the helicopter hello and now we have to get out before he kicks me off Mikey really why are you just standing there go help JJ you’re standing here and saying you’re doing something important how Brazen you turn out to be well all right I think I can teach you something too what will you teach us dig mindes you know it really helped us in terms of the fact that now we can dig much faster than ordinary people do you want me to teach you look at me now I can see how fast the blocks can disappear right under your nose yo JJ what are you doing why are you wrecking our helicopter it’s cool that you can do this but can you get out of here here we still have a lot of work to complete this helicopter let me take another block and now the exploration is over I can go back home that’s what they call intelligence not that you’re standing there looking at them learn While I’m Alive Mikey JJ after all I underestimated you your hands are really fast when it comes to digging blocks all right let’s finish building our helicopters before it goes too far exactly if only Mikey thought that too but that he was just standing there doing nothing all right I hope at least he can help with electronics because he says he’s doing something with a laptop there and he’s still better at it than I am well listen anyone can dig blocks but not everyone can figure out a laptop I think you should appreciate him and then you say that he really does nothing although I’m looking at him he’s really doing nothing I think this should take into account those who are younger than us my little brother Milo can’t help much either what I want to help too but you’re so fast I just can’t keep up stop hurting me you say that every time because I can really get offended and do nothing just like Mikey what how did I end up here anyway I said I wanted to help but I’m just not as good as JJ or chip Milo we’re in the same Club don’t worry if there was a competition where we were on the same team we would give these two guys a head start right only Mikey understands how important we really are only if it was a competition for doing nothing and then you would definitely fail it too come on guys we are all useful in our own way we just need to accept it and learn to joke about it I think you understand that too but I decided to say it anyway the main thing is to do something and not stand like Mikey what okay Mikey I’m sorry I was joking I didn’t mean to offend you I hope you’re not offended by me what can I do to make you forgive me don’t do anything I’m already offended can you transfer me a million dollars then maybe I can forgive you huh it seems cheaper to leave everything as it is okay we’re almost done Mikey we need to install electronics I hope you can help me here I’m still waiting for my million dollars if something it turns out that I do everything myself with my own hands again okay JJ it seems that there are not enough colors in your life catch the joke personally from Milo and me I think you liked it I have never blown up so beautifully in a place that was not mine oh JJ it seems you’re a little angry I’ll get out of here quickly chip it seems you’re a little too Brazen I didn’t think your jokes could come to this well if so then I’ll send you something bombastic too what do you want to send me a surprise we are always happy to have surprises if anything what do you want to send us maybe some diamonds or something yes send us a couple of diamond blocks we will be eternally grateful to you I’ll even help you if that’s the case these are diamonds if anything just a slightly different color come here wait these aren’t diamonds Milo watch out for TNT sheesh JJ stop I left only one TNT don’t need a second one wao it was a joke wasn’t it come on anyway this TNT is not going to fly right now why are you so scared I think you peed yourself no JJ it seemed to you all right maybe we really deserve it but I think that’s where our jokes should end because we have almost completed our helicopters we should get out of here before the zombie comes up with a way to get in here I think you’re right but I thought you were the first to start these jokes and I can’t leave you without an answer therefore I decided to make fun of you in my own way too but everything is fine between us isn’t it a of course everything is fine come on we’ve already finished building the helicopter and we did everything inside too I think we’re ready to fly good then when can we fly are we following you or are you following us do you know where to fly to get to the safe Zone I think it’s on your right in that direction I heard that there is some place where we can protect against these zombies let’s fly there good Mikey you heard him get in the helicopter I hope you took the weapon you’ve been preparing for so long because we’re already leaving mhm exactly there we’re flying straight and we shouldn’t have any problems JJ can we have some fun in the air or have you had enough I think I’ve had enough of your jokes usually everything ends badly after this so let’s just calmly fly to our destination oh oh Milo you’ve refueled the helicopter completely haven’t you why did our screws fail oh no JJ help us what happened to you will you be able to land smoothly or it seems that something is not going according to plan no a Milo I’ll try to land carefully but I won’t find anything JJ what a horror aren’t they all right how can we help them I don’t know let’s try to land next to them and see if they’re okay JJ I think their helicopters are definitely the end look they landed very badly I think it’s because you sent TNT straight from their blade back then chip Milo are you all right can you hear me hey chip come to your senses everything okay huh JJ is that you I thought we were done Milo where are you are you okay then let’s get out of here it seems our helicopter broke down for a reason I think it’s because it was made of dirt here take these weapons because the zombies have already smelled your blood and are coming right here to eat us we need to fight them so they can’t eat us chip and Milo if you’re not feeling well then stand behind us and we’ll protect you everything is fine with us especially since you gave us weapons we’re not just going to stand by and watch you risk your life for us we Milo that’s why we’re going to fight Milo stay by my side we will be able to repel the attack of these stupid zombies JJ I don’t think I thought about the fact that we might not have enough weapons I will stand by you just don’t let them eat me good chip and Milo are you all right then be ready there are still a whole bunch of them it’s going to be a long battle I’m sure of that we’re fine JJ thank you for worrying uh better think about how to kill as many zombies as possible Milo shoot shoot more accurately or have you already forgotten how to do it of course not I’m shooting as accurately as I can don’t put pressure on me moreover There is almost nothing left of these zombies you and JJ killed most of them well it happens sometimes I think we can end this all we have to do is fly to the safe Zone a few moments later good morning JJ what took you so long to sleep good morning Mikey I don’t know the dream was so good I didn’t want to wake up at all and now I want to walk around the city hm what what is that did they grow some kind of Bumblebee on their shoulder what’s the matter with you you’re kind of weird how did you get bees on your shoulders look JJ everyone in the village has these bees it seems that we have fallen behind the fashion maybe we should also buy some for ourselves so that they sit on our shoulders hey hey huh look over there buy a bee means they bought bees here let’s go and see what kind of fair this is M you choose your bee and I’ll go and see what a great selection we have here there are bees of all colors here it’s just incredible yep I think I know what color bee I want I want a green bee we will combine in this because I have green clothes all right and I want to see what colors there are here because I think I want to choose something else but I’m watching now and I don’t like it so I think I’ll choose the red bees so we just have to to wait for our turn mhm it seems like it’s going to be a long time because I remember how we once stood in line for almost 5 hours sheesh I don’t know how it happened what how long has it been possible to stand in this queue it feels like we’ve been here for 10 hours Mikey how long have we been standing here 10 minutes man can you go faster why are you taking so long to take it or not to take it I recommend you to take it because it is dangerous for your health I can break your face well done I thought he wouldn’t get out of here anymore H give me one B $64 and any B will be yours we put the price tags next to each other why are you surprised I’m sure it didn’t been here I just noticed them did you hear that I’m not the only one who hasn’t seen these price tags unfortunately guys even so I can’t give you these bees for free they cost $64 and that’s it oh a few moments later how could this happen these price tags were definitely not there you saw that they weren’t there either and that’s what he did what a bad salesman I don’t want to go back there anymore $64 is too much how are we going to find that kind of money H you finally seen it I thought you wouldn’t stop whining do you see this poster so we’ll find the money here I see a chest there is the money just line there yeah no we need to look for some kind of key what a strange mine this is we should be looking for the key not digging for diamonds it’s so boring I’m so used to digging diamonds I guess that now I can’t look for the key you just don’t understand that it’s much better than digging we can easily find the key and open the chest how long have we been digging around here but I don’t even see a hint of a key yeah look Mikey I found the key it was here after all let’s open the chest sheesh there’s exactly $64 for me and 64 bucks for you this is definitely enough for us to buy 1B for ourselves

This video, titled ‘Rich JJ and Mikey HELICOPTER vs Poor MILO and CHIP Helicopter in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by MayJay on 2024-04-28 20:36:34. It has garnered 32884 views and 183 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:33 or 933 seconds.

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    Olympians NetworkWelcome to Olympians Network! 1. Custom Gamemodes: – Immerse yourself in our handcrafted custom gamemodes. Whether you’re battling fierce mobs, exploring mysterious dimensions, or solving intricate puzzles, there’s something for every player. 2. Survival at Its Finest – Brave the wilderness, gather resources, and build your dream base. Our survival world is both challenging and rewarding. Team up with friends or go solo—the choice is yours! 3. Skyblock Adventures: – Start your journey on a tiny floating island. With limited resources, you’ll need to be resourceful. Expand your island, create automated farms, and unlock new challenges. Skyblock is all about… Read More

  • Aurora SMP 1.21 Hermitcraft-inspired Java Whitelist Bluemap 18+

    Hello everyone! Are you ready to embark on a journey like no other in the enchanting world of Minecraft? Look no further than Aurora SMP, where the possibilities are as vast as the starry night sky ⭐ A World of Imagination Survive and thrive in our season 3 world. An engaging multiplayer experience awaits where the community matters. Join forces with friends or go solo; the AuroraSMP realm is yours to conquer. The only limits are the ones you set yourself! Community: Join a warm and welcoming community of fellow adventurers, where bonds are forged and friendships blossom. From sharing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Reality is the ultimate shitty joke writer

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  • Trade Mine for TF2, USA’s Minecraft FOMO

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

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  • DadMeene’s Epic Fireball Showdown

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  • Sneaky Sewer Block Tricks 1.16.5

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    🔥GOLEM STEVE vs. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE - ULTIMATE VILLAGE SHOWDOWN!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-07-10 14:00:45. It has garnered 1240 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3

    Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iceberg – Layer 3’, was uploaded by marlboroluvur on 2024-06-19 10:15:14. It has garnered 2286 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:04 or 1864 seconds. Any feedback or changes I should make? Lemme know down below 😀 Read More


    STRIVERSUMIT - SHOCKING NEW REVEAL! 😉Video Information This video, titled ‘New Episode Out 😉’, was uploaded by STRIKERSUMIT on 2024-07-10 13:30:31. It has garnered 4201 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #gaming 🎮 Welcome to STRIKERSUMIT ! 🕹️ 🚀 Dive into the ultimate gaming experience with STRIKERSUMIT , your guide to the vast world of virtual adventures! 🌐 🔥 Immerse yourself in a universe where pixels come to life, as we explore the latest and greatest games across genres. From heart-pounding action to mind-bending puzzles, this is the hub for all things gaming. 👾 What… Read More

  • Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!

    Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft song for kids | New Generation Rhymes | Kids Cartoons | Kindergarten Songs’, was uploaded by Siddhi and Babu show on 2024-07-09 08:03:55. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Newborn Baby Songs | Newborn Baby Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Newborn Baby Songs| Collection Of Rhymes For Kids | very special compilation of Nursery Rhymes | New Generation Rhymes| New Generation Poem | New Generation Kids Song | New Generation Music for Babies |… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmiet

    Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmietVideo Information This video, titled ‘Damit hat keiner gerechnet. | Minecraft Challenge’, was uploaded by PietSmiet on 2024-02-29 19:05:00. It has garnered 141234 views and 5959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:15 or 2955 seconds. That’s bitter! You can find our merch with shirts, hoodies and caps on https://pietsmiet.store Don’t miss any livestreams and follow us on http://twitch.tv/PietSmiet More videos from Minecraft Challenge can be found in the playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5JK9SjdCJp_jPpLReQoYtqqJBBNLczl5 More videos from Minecraft Challenge are available earlier on PietSmiet.de: http://ptsmt.de/p/104797 This is a multiplayer Let’s Play gameplay of Minecraft. We played the game on the… Read More

  • Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft Roleplay

    Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Demon’s in a New Town – Demons Life Trailer MCTV//Minecraft Roleplay’, was uploaded by Night_Films on 2024-03-31 06:41:42. It has garnered 147 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:08 or 308 seconds. A Demons MCRP ROLEPLAY thumbnail by @JackHeptic #mctv #minecraft #minecraftroleplays #roleplay #mcrp #minecraftrp #demons #supernatural Cast @MrMatrix69 Read More