EPIC Hive Party with Facecam! Don’t Miss Out! #hivemc

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yo what’s up everybody let me know when y’all can hear me I would appreciate it if y’all could let me know when you can hear me thank you thank you should take just a second here then it should be good so let me know once again when y’all can hear me come on come on where is it at let me know when y’all could hear me let me know when yall could hear me there we go okay I think you should be able to hear me now we got a lot of laws in the chat lot of laws in the chat but what’s up goofy banana goofy banana San Brian Ahmed fizzy hi everyone ZX Ruby what is up to y’all Penny what’s up penny Okay let me put this full screen okay can you all hear me all right yeah we can hear you okay thank you HOV HOV what’s up dude what is up to everyone thank you all for being here early if you all haven’t already make sure to like the stream let’s get in these games let’s get in these games Ruby what’s up you said How’s everyone’s day my day has been good I went golfing today I don’t know if many of you have ever played golf um but I went golfing today so hey James what’s up dude James it’s been a minute man what is up good to see you man good to see you first one to like thank you goofy banana thank you cupcake what’s up cupcake welcome back hey a bunch of y’all from the stream yesterday welcome back thank you all for coming back and watching again I’ve been grinding on my realm nice James nice dude what do you do on your realm like what kind of Realm it is is it yo don’t start it yet please I think I’m just gonna jump in a warm-up game really quick just by myself I’m going jump in a warm-up game really quick then I’ll start adding everyone to the party and stuff let’s go beond when I’m done eating Cas six a we’ll see you then dude what are you eating bro yo what I’m actually here when the stream starts Dragon Boy what’s up dragon what is up hey good to see everybody thank you all for tuning in let’s go this should be a fun fun stream Now reminder fizzy what’s up fizzy sounds good yeah we’ll see you in an hour fsy no worries good to see you though thanks for stopping in and saying what’s up and by the way holy crap I really got to warm up oh my gosh feeling laxidasical okay let me throw this boom boom boom boom nice oh I can’t forget to send a message into the hive The Hive Discord as well dude I have no blocks come on come on there we go that was perfect come on come on come on come on toid imagine we start with the dub warm-up game that would go crazy uh holy crap where are the chests okay it’s not what I want definitely not what I want we’ll turn on him though someone’s behind you if I’m missing your messages sorry everybody we’re just getting warmed up here I’m going to die right here I’m dead what did y’ all see that bro what just happened now I’m dead there we go just getting the fuels in getting the fuels in Ruby how’s your day been my day has been good like I said I went golfing that was fun Darkness what’s up Darkness welcome back dude welcome back good to see everybody in here Tony what’s up Tony hi Tony cupcake everyone make sure to like the stream let’s get to 10 likes thank you fizzy yes if y’all could like the stream that’ be awesome dude I can’t believe I lived there for a second I thought I was dead I wrote myself off dude North what’s up north north I saw your PM dude I’ll make sure to try the game after this okay I got you dude what do you require for a join button or a donate button ooh I don’t know I think you need to be um if I’m not mistaken I think I’m not sure but thank you all for subscribing I think you need to be approved for monetization if I’m not tripping we get 10 likes let’s go if you like your cool hey thank you how was your golf today it was good I played well I played well I really like golf it’s a good way to get outside and chill and everything like that okay let me give me one sec let me not forget to send this in here hold up everybody sorry about this delay boom let me check it really quick okay we’re good we should be good thank you all once again for tuning into the stream let’s get this we’re going to have a fun stream remember though I won’t be able to hey what’s up Darkness goofy Sid what’s up everybody good to see y’all um let me invite everyone to the party Who’s online invite players invite all online friends okay let’s go um unfortunately I won’t be able to stream from till next Tuesday that’s gonna be tough but I won’t be able to stream till next Tuesday I’m going to be out of town so I won’t be at my setup I do have videos planned for all those days though shorts mostly and I think I’ll have one long video um so y all will have content to watch at least but streams again next Wednesday will be the first stream again so in a week I don’t know a guy with 3K had the buttons can you enable those if you can yeah I’ll have to check atov if you could sign me send me a reminder that would be awesome okay let’s see who joined my party let’s see okay you’re already in the party part’s full it says okay let’s just jump into a game let’s just do some sky SkyWars some solo SkyWars with a squad Kane what’s up today what is up Ruby Ruby I saw your message um hopefully we don’t need more than the max players on solos right now but open all let’s teleport the party in here invite all online friends let’s go but we are chilling I’m getting on Minecraft right now let’s go penny what’s your Gamertag I’ll let you know when I create it North wizard cupcake what is up anyone up for a challenge let’s reach 15 likes hey thank you fizzy I really appreciate it at do what’s up dude oh you changed the suit the suit’s gone how dare you I only watch your streams thank you Penny well thank you for watching them K needs to get 1 million Subs hey that would be crazy that would be crazy we’re so far away from that that would be insane though even 100K Subs would be absolutely nuts I’m getting on Minecraft I will join your game okay sick I think we’re going to start this one here in a second and then everyone will be able to get in the next one but y’all know where’s Dom he’s not on yet I think Kane is so underrated thank you thank you Ruby I mean y’all have to remember though I only started posting on this YouTube channel a month and a week ago and I only started streaming like a month ago so like four weeks like 3 to four weeks ago and I missed a week in there so pretty crazy pretty crazy okay we’re just going to start this game let’s start this game some warm-ups dude do I have a teammate again why does this happen I need to remember to change that mustard what’s up mustard hitter hey thank you for subbing I really appreciate it thank you thank you if you play on The Hive make sure to join us make sure to join our games dude how do I always end up with a teammate in solos I mean darkness is a good teammate though don’t get me wrong we’re going to be the team to beat cuz this feels like cheating so we’ll see how it is I’ll have to next time we do solos I’ll have to make sure it’s not like that I got you I godess here so close to sub goal let’s go let’s go yeah I’m on time hey what’s up Lily spicy what’s up spicy good to see you spicy hey am I late Shadow what’s up dude Shadow holy crap I forgot to add you gosh dang it dude how do I keep forgetting that maybe I can do it halfway through the stream shadow shadow you’re only like 10 minutes dude welcome welcome welcome to everybody here thank you all for tuning in as always let’s make this a super fun stream before I I go on vacation so I won’t I won’t be able to talk I mean I’ll be on Discord I’ll be active on Discord like I said I have shorts that I’ve pre-recorded for the time that I’m gone um and maybe one long video so yall will see content from me but I won’t be able to stream for a little while but everyone we hit the sub goal hey thank you all for telling me thank you all so much for for helping me hit the sub goals I really appreciate it we’re already at 30 viewers and we just started the stream let’s go everybody it it es and flows so I try not to look at the number too much because it comes and it goes but I really appreciate yall for watching all the time it’s awesome someone killed me with full diamond armor when I was collecting iron armor yeah well look at me dude I don’t even have a chest plate I’m sorry I was late I was at a baseball game dude you’re only like it it hasn’t even been 10 minutes yet dude so don’t apologize no need to apologize at all hopefully one of these has a chest plate one of these diamonds chest plate pants okay we’ll take it actually this one’s a chest plate though give me that nope this one’s a chest plate what bro how many look how many Diamond helmets I have what the freak okay let me change the sub go really quick I know it just went under again but thank you all so much for helping me hit the sub goals remember we change it when we hit the number if it goes back below it’s totally fine is not a big deal at all um cuz we’ll just hit it again but every time we touch it we go Shaz an gamer I subbed for last sub on sub goal hey thank you shazan gamer thank you for subbing I really appreciate it remember if y’all play The Hive make sure to join up in our games you can friend me my username is Kane lion and then I can invite you to the games from there how do I not have a chest plate is my team still oh yeah my teammate still alive oh Darkness I’m coming dude I didn’t realize you were still alive let’s go we might have been the only team with two teammate who just fell oh big dubs I didn’t even hit anyone like not even one punch good job Darkness W let’s go mustard it was a mini game league and my brother was playing nice can you play Java please please I want to One V one again Epsy we’ll do Java I mean I won’t be able to stream for a little bit but usually we’ll switch between Java and Bedrock almost every stream so just stay tune dude and the Java streams will come ZX what’s up ZX welcome back to the stream man hey Kan I made a really cool idea and cod it for stream that you should try oh I saw that spicy maybe I will actually try it I didn’t know if that was serious or not I didn’t look through the code you’re one of my favorite YouTubers hey thank you okay here we go everybody let’s do what should we do what should we do let’s do a warm-up we always do a warm-up block drop so warm-up block drop we’re getting warm we’re getting warm PVP games right after this remember we switch between PVP and non-pvp so we can appeal to everyone but give me one sec open all teleport the party in here invite all the online friends let’s go join up join up Elise what’s up Elise welcome back I forgot what you said to call you Elise cuz I know your name’s not Elise you watch on your mom’s account or something like that I hard carried straight up dude you straight up did who has to come to the party oh okay I’ll invite you after Jordan I got you got you Shadow today or not not today we’re doing Bedrock today Pepsi but thank thank you for stopping by and saying what’s up dude not Java today only Bedrock today ahed what’s up ammed Ahmed welcome back I didn’t know was happening so how could I ask wait I missed it fizzy go Bruins tonight I’ll say go Bruins as well just for you Lily good to see you thank you fizzy for the message I’ll BRB I got to go on V one someone if they win I got to give them Hive plus tough dude puff oh my alarm’s going off give me a sec everybody sorry sorry okay we’re back we are back let’s go okay we’re going to start this game in a sec if y’all are having trouble getting in let me know what’s code enish welcome to the stream enish you can friend me my username is Kane lion I could invite you that way but here’s the code so for those of you who maybe your friends list is full or something like that here is the code feel free to join up if yall are new make sure to join the Discord I would really appreciate it and also make sure to like the stream if yall haven’t already just double tap it or click that like button if you’re on a PC thank you all so much remember me it’s Lexi yes with the Kane cuz Kane’s in your last name got it I remember I wish I had a PC I didn’t get a PC for a while like till I was older and could pay for it myself so it’s kind of one of those things I guess that’s actually not true cuz I did have PC when I was younger to play Minecraft but it was my parents I made a code that takes seven messages and reach out loud yeah I did see that spicy zi what’s up zi welcome back zi good to see you muster I don’t have enough money to play Java at any point got it but we’re on Bedrock today mustard we are on Bedrock today so there’s a Code thank you he for typing the code as well Bedrock is all right yeah bedro I like Bedrock I like bedrock and Java pretty equal to me wait I disconnected K join back up Penny let me see I’m going to go back open to all invite all online friends one more time if y’all missed it um thank you all for tuning in again we’re having a good time this is my last stream till next Tuesday or next Wednesday so okay Penny’s in let’s go oh actually let me change the power up spawn interval down to four would be perfect but I can’t five sure okay 5 Seconds let’s go starting this game I forgot to compete wait what fizzy whoa I just used one of my things bro that’s tough that’s tough I had a hard day at school sorry to hear that sorry to hear that that’s unfortunate some days at school are tough and I understand that Howard Kane why is it Bedrock Bedrock Java Bedrock Bedrock Java it’s just kind of um what short is doing well at that time Howard cuz I mean to kind of break it down for you if I have a short that’s in Bedrock and it’s kind of getting pushed right now um everyone who’s going to come to the stream from that short is technically a Bedrock Watcher you get what I’m saying so I kind of tried to align it with that but I do plan on doing a lot more Java streams as well in the future so no worries Howard we got you covered as well dude sorry about that what’s your opinion on Kendrick and Drake beef I I have no opinion on that to be honest but I like the music though like the music don’t ignore me holy can’t even read that name bro cannot even read that name I just saw the first part of it to be honest you two r uh it’s all good hey school is tough but in my opinion it’s worth it and it depends how you use school to make it worth it but for me I think it was super worth it it’s a midnight stream for you sorry it’s so late zi sorry it is so late it’s afternoon for me time zones are crazy dude should probably take a break at some point and I saw my YouTube short release daily spicy thank you for hanging out dude I just realized we aren’t friends on Hypixel wait actually like me and you aren’t head off or what are you saying can I might not go on Discord for a while we have to revise for big exams you’re all good whoever use that knockback Nemo nice try nice try oh my gosh this person just got two powerups hopefully they didn’t get a knockback Nemo gosh all good study for your exams that is very very important as always no way it happened again what it kicked you Penny guess if I’m on a phone or oh nice I got the power up without even looking at the screen let’s go here’s enish enish I like your skin bro boom got another one got another one also sprain my thumb today how’d you sprain your thumb today spicy I have broken two fingers and sprin my thumb what bro that’s trash how did that happen how’d that happen spicy welcome everyone who’s new if you are new and if youall play The Hive make sure to join up we are playing and it is open to everyone who’s on the stream we’re doing some custom servers if youall are new make sure to like the stream if you haven’t already and join up on the Discord let’s freaking get it 8 seconds to get this power up can I get it boom that was nice that was clutch I don’t know if y’all see what’s in my hot bar right now but I would be scared if I were you I would be absolutely scared if I were you boom hit Shadow out of here holy Shadow I’m sorry that I had to knock back Nemo you like that that was pretty pretty nuts knockback Nemo right there okay I’m I’m just going to jump down to this lower level to be honest so I can also read chat at the same time that’s so tough spicy guess if I’m on a phone or computer I’m going to guess a phone Lily I’m going to guess a phone imagine being born on April must be sad oh yeah yeah yeah yeah bro no April is the best month to be born in obviously quite obviously play Pokemon Shield please and thank you wow that is a big number right there I do I’ve never played Pokemon Shield to be honest correct I was born in April nice same as me then same as me that’s awesome okay how many people do we we still have five people left in this game dang we got some good we got some good players in here energy drink okay oh no no no boom boom no I was so close GG’s to whoever knocked me off that was tough I was saving mine have you ever played Minecraft dungeons I have not I’ve not played Minecraft dungeons March is better no no no no no no no no okay hold up oh gosh let me scroll down on chat there we go what this aha you only got can I make a request go ahead what this make your request my brother was born March 23rd nice play Darude storm uh heck no I’m back welcome back Dragon welcome back Dragon I’m going to pretend like I’m still playing check this out oh yeah oh I died twice Dragon welcome back let me cook hey let me cook Boris welcome back Boris of course I remember you dude of course I remember you Boris welcome back October okay October there we go we get some originality in ch born in October close to Halloween I would have gotten that power up if I was actually in the game your brother stepped on it while you were playing baseball spicy that’s tough it’s my entire personality you got to play that song by dude called Sandstorm dude no no no no you’re doing amazing yeah thank you thank you yeah I’ve only died like four times and I’m not even actually playing the blocks don’t disappear under me okay ooh enish knocked him off is that it is that GG’s no no no darkness is still alive he clutched it I think okay we’re going to spectate this good what’s your favorite holiday definitely Christmas for sure I have SATs tomorrow wait what’s that what’s that Boris SATs not sure what that is no that’s how I broke my first finger my brother still at the second time I was playing baseball or basketball nice I’m October 2 very nice Amed very close to Halloween yours is Halloween wow that’s crazy actually have a birthday on Halloween do you like that or is it is it weird en Hoy nice en Hoy there what this end of your exams got it got it got it got it oh enish GG’s enish very nice hey if y’all are new make sure to join the Discord like the stream if y’all haven’t already thank you very much okay here we go the Discord just got posted by the bot right there next game let’s go is my party full okay my part is not full so we are going to let’s just invite everyone who’s online feel free to join the party let’s do SG early SG game let’s go survival games does anyone know how many cs’s Hive pluses can hold I got mine on chocolate day wait what shanag Gro what’s up shanag Gro welcome for me it’s 22 vers2 six I meant favorite holiday just bad timing for sending wait what shanana Gro what’s up welcome you’re new do you play on The Hive shanana H or do you play Minecraft Java or bedrock in general welcome to the stream though thank you for hanging out okay here we go let’s get everyone in this game access mode open all teleport to party in here okay I invited everyone let’s go unless you’re YouTube rank all cs’s can hold 30 people no no no not like how many it can hold but how um how many I can host does that make sense CS number is random to be honest sometimes six sometimes 15 cuz I swear I’ve done more than six but I heard six before I think it’s before Trinity trins welcome to the stream sing my song called Minecraft after Minecraft it’s a digital hallucination what what is that Elise I think it’s 20 but it resets often okay I think you get 50 wow this is changing like I’m talking per day it’s to do with time spent in CS okay interesting very very interesting okay later Trinity Trends talk to you later close to sub goal need two away let’s go could you play bedwar yeah we could do a bedwars in this okay how many should we just start this game are we waiting for anyone I’m going to start this game in a sec type in chat slcs view limits servers created oh yeah it is 20 it is 20 you’re right dude that’s a lot that’s awesome thank you for telling me that that’s cool darut Sandstorm what this still going crazy on the darut sandstorm very nice dude I used to be able to do 50 CS in one Stream So unless they changed it nice dragon can you either accept my friend request or make a code yeah what’s your what’s your username enish enish can you send me your username is it’s like has three hes or something enish three hes nice got you I got you right here invite friend enish okay I invited you enish there we go you eat with all your homies what I’m going crazy for lack of Darude I have to go Boris have a great rest of your day Boris let’s go okay we’re starting this game everybody let’s get in one time I got pink eye dude I haven’t had pink eye for years but pink eye is tough it sucks you wake up and you can’t even open your eyes that’s disgusting that’s disgusting okay give me a chest plate every time I open a chest for the first time in a CS it never lets me click like my first few clicks it’s so weird as been Hotel wait I don’t even know what you’re talking about what is has been Hotel my dude has pink eye but I got Sandstorm nice nice I I appreciate how much you enjoy something thing if that makes sense okay let’s go give me something out of this Ender Chest that’s good boom iron sword sure we’ll take it we’ll take it that’s fine that’s fine we got a bow as well which is cool okay let’s open the rest of these chests and I’m going to go hunting I’m going to go hunting so good luck everybody have fun as always welcome to the stream everybody if you’re new by the way there is a Discord so make sure to join the Discord and please like the stream if you haven’t already penny you better leave Penny or else the damage is going to come upon you okay here we go it’s a show wait what oh queen of NASA what’s up queen of NASA queen of NASA welcome at 100 million at one wow that’s a big number at that number please Mew okay I got you once we hit that number I’ll me dude dead bro please don’t get an iron chest plate out of this what’d he get what’d he get he has a diamond sword which is not good okay I’m going to actually not fight that let me get out of here what’s the best game in Hive in your opinion um right now bedw Wars I think I like the new bedwars a lot I think it’s fun oh got it Lily got it thank you what’s up queen of NASA hey queen of NASA do you play wait have I seen your username before you might have joined the stream but welcome if you’re new if not welcome back anyway and if if you play on The Hive make sure to friend me my username is Kane L and you can jump in our games okay let’s freaking get it let’s get it everybody I’m going to try and get this dub to the best of my abilities who’s this who is this it’s dead bro he still has leather pants how do you still have leather pants oh my gosh you were hiding there for a second boom Oh close dude you have to be lit right you have to boom got you GG dead bro let me grab this diamond sword though boing boing hopefully no one comes and cleans me up right now okay nice GG dead bro good fight at one view eat pepperoni pizza oh you don’t have to ask me twice to eat pepperoni pizza let’s go hey we reached the sub goal everybody thank you so much oh my gosh hitting these sub goals is so awesome I was like hopefully we hit 1,600 Subs the stream and it looks like we definitely will cuz the stream is still very young so thank you all so much for helping me hit the sub goals I go ahead and change it in a sec when I get the next chance but really do appreciate it this is my first stream I don’t have Minecraft all good queen of NASA thank you for watching either way and I think NASA is super cool so thank you for hanging out and just being around even though you don’t play Minecraft I appreciate it okay Jordan I’m coming after Jordan right now I don’t know if he sees me coming after Jordan who Shadow for those of you who don’t know just shadow in the chat you got yourself oh my gosh that was unfortunate for you not going to lie sorry for your loss GG good fight yeah I love your vids catlo welcome back catlo good to see you in the Stream good to see you in the Stream I oh my gosh I’m not playing the Roo Sandstorm I’ve wanted to work for NASA since I was 2 years old nice are you still on that track then I like how I said NASA there I said NASA okay who’s this who is this enish let’s go enish all right well that was not a great start no dude the fire how many hearts they I stepped in the fire again cam leaving this fight leaving this fight at 100K do the Nitty Gritty oh my gosh what’s the nitty gritty doesn’t sound like a good thing or I don’t know if a good thing is what I meant to say or appropriate what is the nitty giddy fizzy welcome back fizzy what gender do you think I am spicy I’m going to go ahead and guess male might be out there though might be way out there whoa whoa whoa I can’t get up here this is not good let me turn around on this they only have five Hearts too so if they have snowballs I’m kind of screwed so it just depends got him on fire oh they have to be low that’s three diamond sword hits I can’t oh my gosh come on no no no no no come on come on come on we almost got enish here if I’m missing your messages by the way everybody please feel free to send one again don’t want to miss anyone’s messages bro this is insane that was the worst boom box to have in my hot bar I have like a normal boom box in my thing too dang it dang it dang it okay that was nice that was super nice long range no okay I’ll leave enish for now what what’s your favorite thing what do you mean cat love give me a specific a specific thing and I’ll answer saffron what’s up saffron welcome back welcome back I do remember you saffron of course of course the nitty-gritty is a dance but what’s the nitty part I know what the gritty is is that the same thing is the nitty gritty and the gritty the same thing do I sound like an old person when asking this question potentially okay give me one second everybody going to have to mute our friend what’s this sorry what’s this can’t have you spamming that in the chat over and over again but thank you for watching the stream by the way dude what is favorite thing what do you mean favorite thing so funny I don’t know what you mean by favorite thing okay diamond sword hit Lily Pad Lily Pad nice another diamond sword hit nice another one what the freak oh my gosh bro the cobwebs cobwebs cobwebs I don’t know if I’m going to chase this don’t no I’m 100% continuing my track for NASA I want to get a scholarship and graduate second year nice queen of NASA queen of NASA what do you want to do specifically you might have already said it I might have missed your message but what do you want to do specifically I’m guessing miib is not on I haven’t seen miib Sarah have not seen miib in a minute to be honest so hi GT what’s up GT favorite food either steak or pizza for sure welcome to stream by the way if yall are new thank you all for hanging out as always here’s Dragon boy right here okay I’m not going to oh my gosh am I stuck no we’re good but welcome if yall are new make sure to join the Discord and if you want to play we’re on the hive Bedrock you can add me as a friend my usern name is Kane lion and we can go from there so thank you all very much oh man I guess leave okay Sarah have a good one I’m a human and the comments are robots what I want to be an astronaut okay nice I know there’s like a lot of different things you could do at Nasa so that’s why I asked that question some people might be saying duh an astronaut but there’s a lot of different things you could do but that’s awesome que of NASA I wish you luck on your journey and hope hopefully you can fulfill your dream that’ be super cool we found a freaking supply Crate no ways go okay we’ll take the pants we will definitely take the Iron Pants there let’s go my dog is so annoying dogs can be annoying straight up pets can be annoying sometimes that’s just how it is favorite color green green is my favorite color hi I want to be an Astron in the first African-American on Mars that would be awesome queen of NASA once again I wish you luck the webs are so annoying they really are but they’re strategical you know what I’m saying Amed I’m back Boris welcome back good to see you again thank you Ken of course of course what mouse you using Vex or VR welcome to the stream bro I’m using bloody a bed list too bloody a bed list two is the mouse that I’m using okay I’m not just going to chase enish again I’m going to go find someone else oh Dragon Boy let’s go Dragon Boy no 4 seconds bro I love the I love the cleanup crew there y’all are awesome for that I’m going to cheer for everyone but enish right here we don’t just follow for the cleanup crew no this is Hive this is Hive vexer this is the hive so feel free to join us dude my username is Kane lion but welcome dude welcome to the stream if you play Bedrock though make sure to join the Discord thank you for being here I don’t remember fizzy for part of it I did so I had a base Minecraft one from before and then I used um something I can’t remember I have to look fizzy but I can check for you and see what it was does your mom call you honey buns my mom’s never called me that but probably similar things for sure for sure can you do a live on May 12th uh I might be live on May 12th definitely change the sub goal thank you all so much oh my gosh we’re almost at the next sub goal I’m just going to make it 1600 I will just just make it, 1600 thank you all so much for helping me hit these sub goals over and over I really like I said do appreciate it thank you very much it is sunny and Oregon nice I feel like normally it’s rainy and Oregon I might also be the first nice queen of NASA nice GG I was third nice HOV GG’s bro you made it again Insanity instantly wait what bedw warss okay we’ll do a bedwars next we’ll do bedwar next thank you Shadow I saw your message in game oh we hit the sub goal again we hit 1,600 Subs it’s okay if it goes down again but we did hit it so thank you all very much y’all are super awesome for helping me hit these sub goals I really do appreciate that I was hoping to hit 16 um this stream and we did so okay let’s freaking go can I buy your set for gaming what do you mean Boris what do you mean specifically by set 1.6k let’s go fizzy that is so awesome thank you all so much once again for real as you wrote it you got sub goal let’s go let’s go okay next CS we’re going to do a bedwars okay bedw Wars Duos bedw Wars Duos let’s go hopefully I can’t remember how many people fit in a Duos but I think we shouldn’t have yeah we shouldn’t have more than 16 we should be good okay let’s go bedwar Duos Adriana what’s up Adriana Perez welcome my birthday is on May 17th nice very very nice Ken I got second nice Penny Penny I didn’t even see enish first logged on hive three days ago enish what what do you usually play you can send Max players to 30 yeah I know you can set max players to 30 but the problem is is um when it’s Duos I mean I could do that so but there wouldn’t be enough gens you get what I’m saying otherwise we would have done squads but for other games yeah thank you enish thank you can me and HOV be on the same team if hov’s willing to as well I will put you two on the same team let’s go yes bedwars rule let’s go am I a good mod of course fizzy of course sure okay got you he do you know trees can be 9 month pregnant what are you saying okay how many people we got in here 11 if one other person wants to join that would be awesome then we’ll have even numbers but let me go ahead and set the rolls really quick we’ll go kind of like this so red blue yellow green and then magenta wait actually hold hold up where’s penny Okay so head is going to be green but then we’ll go red like this blue yellow I think someone else joined am I right in saying that and then magenta Maybe I’m Wrong okay so red blue yellow green magenta red blue yellow green magenta okay and I’m the solo one for now so if someone wants to join you’ll be on my team we might not have enough but I’m only going to put people on the same teams that I know are not going to be an OP team like for example ghosty and dark no you’re good enish I I wasn’t saying you were cheating I think someone else just said that you only joined three days ago to The Hive yeah I wasn’t saying you were cheating dude am I a good newcomer of course of course thank you all once again for joining in the Stream if youall haven’t already make sure to like and if you’re new make sure to join the Discord let’s freaking go I have to call my dad be back okay sounds good sounds good try to be nice because I don’t want to put others she bulying true queen of NASA do you know trees can be oh wait I already read that okay let’s go I oh Kitty joined nice okay Kitty’s goingon to be on my team let’s go Kitty thank you for joining uh I’m Aqua so wherever Kitty is there we go boom Aqua okay we’re starting this game let’s go everybody good luck have fun oh banana I just saw your message to wait I am too late I’m very sorry very sorry banana we’ll get you in the next one though so stick around we got a bunch of games coming and we’ll do bedwars again so no worries if you didn’t get in this one you’re the you’re the best mod SP spicy very nice okay getting blocks I’m going to FOC Fus where’s our Diamond at where are our diamonds at am I going to make this nope it’s okay we were treading the right direction there we were treading the right direction there I feel like you can make that jump definitely easily okay oh get the diamonds Kitty we’ll upgrade the Gen as always as always let me get a sword in case we get pushed what what are requirements for mods you just have to be active on the stream and in the Discord and be mature those are my only requirements for mod but I kind of pick mods by hand um so it kind of depends scavenger what’s up scavenger welcome to the stream dude welcome back welcome back Lily I didn’t know that at least crud I don’t have Discord you’re good as long as you’re active in streams in general I’ll keep an eye out for people like that as well cuz I know people also aren’t old enough to be on Discord so I’mma upgrade the Gen again Kitty boom gen is upgraded here let me give you some iron let me go get these diamonds we need one more let’s go welcome y’all who is this who’s this trying to push us right here it’s ghosty ghosty is trying to come nice kitty good job good job Kitty enish seems like someone who would blame hit regge just kidding enish I’m just making jokes I’m just saying that cuz uh you clearly cleaned me up last time okay here we go pixels what’s up pixels welcome CTA welcome to the stream I think y’all are both new so welcome good to see yall thank you all for tuning in if you play on The Hive make sure to add me my username is Kane line you can jump in our games but what is up about Diggity raid raid hey we’re getting raided what what’s up everybody biggity what’s up dude thank you for raiding I really do appreciate it does biggity play Minecraft Bedrock this is the uh I can’t remember how many times it’s been I’ve been raided but thank you all very much I really appreciate it bout Diggity what is up dude thank you so much for the raid I appreciate it man thank you very much head’s here got him got him got him but welcome everyone you like cuddling at least nice imagine being here the longest and not being mod spicy you know very well why you’re not mod bro you know very well yes Hive streamer oh let’s go B Diggity let’s go dude that’s good to hear that is awesome dude I feel like I’ve seen most Hive streamers um but I definitely have not seen your channel yet so I definitely have to check it out I’ll check it out after the stream but thanks for tuning in dude and thanks for the raid I really appreciate it okay here we go let’s get these two out of here someone’s coming with armor bro can you all uh focus on the dude that’s coming with armor I’m going to hit dead bro off actually no no no no no oh my gosh I hope dead bro at least gets that Serta is a hive helper nice I used to be a hive helper myself um duckington I see your friend invite I’ll invite you bro I got you dude I actually used to be a hive helper myself about a year and a half ago so that is awesome but welcome welcome everybody GG’s hey GG’s everybody nice streamer def gun Subs hey thank you pixels I appreciate that I really do appreciate it let’s go I do I do also stream Java so I kind of do both oh Kitty you already got iron let’s go let’s go everyone in the custom is on the Stream let’s go like this actually I’m going to go iron sword let’s get this as well we’re going to go on offense now on offense let’s get it let’s go yeah s yeah I was I was a hive helper as well like I said like a year and a half ago I came in with swagging so swagging is still a helper um me and him came in at the same time and one other person named Lucas who also retired I mean I say retired that’s sounds funny cuz it’s a Minecraft staff but you know what I’m saying like I got busy with school came back decided to do YouTube instead with the you know the time that I gained but anyways I’m going to miss the streams over your break but you deserve a break hey thank you Lily yes no streams unfortunately darkness is right here I got to focus for the next week I’m going out of town but we’ll be right back at it after no no no no no he’s going just straight for the bed no dude okay we go we go we go we hit him off he didn’t fall bro what what kind of clutch was that dude nice clutch darkness that was sick dude hey by the way everybody we hit another sub goal thank you so much for helping me hit the sub goals y’all are awesome I really do appreciate it thank you for the raid I’m going to have to check out your channel right after this this as well if you’re still here thank you I appreciate it thank you kitty you clutched up for us you absolutely clutched up for us great great job we got some cane lion lore of course of course Kimberly welcome back Kimberly to the stream good to see you good luck on your vacation thank you thank you very much Kimberly good to see y’all still a noob though you’re good penny takes practice of course takes practice let’s go okay stream elements remove your message at least I don’t know what it had if it had a bunch of emojis that’s probably why want another sub hey what’s up scars scars welcome dude thank you for subbing thank you all for helping me hit the sub goals I really do appreciate it and if y’all are new and especially if you play The Hive or you play Minecraft Java make sure to join the Discord that way you’ll get notified when I stream I am going on a little vacation but after that I’ll stream almost daily and I have been for a little while for like 3 weeks I’ve been streaming I’ve started streaming so let’s freaking go um boom diamond armor holy crap sorry Kitty I didn’t even notice that he was here is there oh their bed’s still alive okay we’ll go get their bed we’re chilling we got him we got him let me change the sub go really quick thank you all very much scars thank you for subbing I really appreciate it thank you scars thank you very much okay here we go let’s go like I said if y’all play on The Hive make sure to join up on the Discord let’s get it dude I can’t believe my bed just got destroyed like that tough tough tough tough tough tough how much is the fireball again I’m going to get a fireball okay kitty we’re going to go on offense are you ready are you ready for our moments hold up you can take those if you need uh oh my gosh it’s 64 I’m going get going to get it right here because it’s a pretty cool place yes yes yes yes I don’t know honestly I have no idea what you’re saying but yes okay here we go more gaps let’s get it you should get regen and enemy alarm it’s probably a good idea to be honest darkness is here I don’t know why I didn’t get a diamond sword what am I thinking I’m going go get go back get the emerald I’m a got the diamond sword let’s go let’s go okay on to offense Kitty let’s go this way we definitely should have got that Ruby you are totally right what’s your Discord plus can you make a survival server yeah definitely definitely planning on making a survival server I’ve had a bunch of requests for it so we are going to do that eventually but for the time being the Discord if one of the mods could create an invite link and send it in for the Discord link usually the bot sends it but it hasn’t happened yet so or it hasn’t happened for a little bit I got to go sorry King all good queen of NASA it was good to see you thank you for joining the Discord will be sent in a second for you scars I got you okay here we go I don’t know where Kitty’s at but what where where are they oh darkness is there wait Kitty are you still alive or did Kitty die did Kitty die I’m dead oh no I’m sorry Kitty I left you very very sorry how did darkness and ghosty end up on the same team I literally was like I’m not going to put yall on the same team because y’all are both good don’t want to make it unfair and y’all both end up on the same team that’s tough that is absolutely tough bro he blocked in fast holy boom got the bed no he had a knock back Nemo or Dory knock back Dory GG’s you guys remember me brother’s the best of course I do I remember you cheat on me and ignore me what spicy there’s the Discord link thank you he and the bot also sent it so there is a Discord link for anyone who wants to join it ducky what’s up ducky yo I’m here now hey welcome back ducky good to see you GG sorry no you’re good you’re good hey GG’s everybody GG’s everybody okay who’s still alive wait it’s just ghosty and darkness right wait are ghosty and darkness not on the same team dude they teamed they had a truce to be honest I don’t know if I could allow that I don’t know if I could allow that they clearly had a truce there I think we’re going to have to let him not join the next cs’s can’t really have that kind of got to make it fair so that’s tough dude there was definitely a truce they definitely in a voice call they has to be on the same team so then they truce I mean is it two random that they were that they were the last two left I mean I don’t even accept trues I could make a truce with everyone in the game and rush you guys right so we’ll give him another chance we’ll give him another chance you just know each other but because I know everyone in the Stream does that mean I should team with everyone in the Stream amid welcome back back it’s good we’ll give youall another chance but for future reference Let’s uh go ahead and not do that welcome back Amed good to see you dude okay here we go everybody let’s do a o quick block party quick block party they targeted us yeah definitely hey do you see this I do see that fizzy I do in fact see that teleport the party here let me actually add Max players just in case invite everyone who’s online okay here we go yeah I mean we could have a game where we all just team on them and see how it is sorry I tped you out of the game but you understand why I mean we can’t have you guys truing across teams just makes it unfair for everyone who doesn’t know people you get what I’m saying so but did you truce Darkness like did you not hit them until the end okay here we go everybody we’re going to start this game wait we’ll wait a second we’ll wait a second we’ll let everybody join up we will let everybody join up CM what’s up CM welcome back good to see you okay I will look at the replay I will look at it after the stream but you’re good I mean I’m not going to kick you guys from the games right now for sure for sure so it’s all good no worries it is all good okay let’s start this game good luck everybody y’all are good for now no worries no worries ghosty and darkness no worries at all y’all are chilling for real yellow come on Boom we got it we got it okay third person is definitely in the move in this for sure red holy crap Red’s kind of far dude if I died in such an early round I would be so sad if we did it wasn’t intentional okay I believe you I believe you you are all good okay here we go Penny you fell tough Penny just sends hashtags in chat tough penny Okay red where’s Red oh my gosh run run run jump okay we’re good dude it’s so slow in the beginning it is so slow in the beginning and it starts going so fast out of nowhere right again we’re coming back we’re coming back whoever went for the power up might not oh that was not worth it that was not worth it that’s tough that is absolutely tough okay purple let’s go see of darkness is it Java or Bedrock this is bedrock this is bedrock my Wi-Fi is going Burr nice nice we we love a good bur of the Wi-Fi of course okay green lime let’s go good luck to everyone who’s left there’s still nine people left are you kidding me dude holy holy crap me dragon and kitty on here let’s go who’s still left Heth ghosty sane dead bro ducky good luck to everybody who’s still left yo I’m back I subbed can I get subscriber while on Discord yes I got you scars I got you bro it should automa give it to you actually it should automatically give it to you I think I believe I believe so you bro what’s up brother the best what is up I have a pancake cape in Minecraft very nice I have seen that one quite often wait never mind I thought you were talking about this cape gray gray gray gray gray boom we made it I need some powerups I need some powerups wow right when I asked that’s amazing yellow nice dude is this the moment that I finally win oh okay I got it nice let’s go dude thanks for joining the Discord I appreciate it if yall are new like I said make sure to join the Discord really I really do appreciate it it helps you get notified for future streams so stay tuned but remember everyone I’m going to say this again I’ll say it a few times throughout the stream but I will not be able to stream for the next week I’m going out of town I won wait I did win last time that’s two in a row let’s go I think it was someone else fizzy nice it’s trash wait what are you talking about CM okay we got a dub CM what are you talking about okay let’s see let me make sure I’m not missing anyone on the friends list oh duckington I accepted your friend invite duckington sorry about that can we do SkyWars yeah we got SkyWars let’s go SkyWars create server SkyWars Duos let’s get it Duos SkyWars how many people can be in this 12 okay we’re not we’re going to have too many we got to do trios Trio SkyWars this will be a fun one can I get invite to party uh what’s your username again Amed in game wait this is trios but it says okay we’re fine we’ll just leave it like this open to all teleport to party in here invite invite invite all okay all the have been invited oh crap I forgot to make it I need to change the max players cuz we got too many people let me do it again oops invite all okay got y’all my 4 a.m. alarm went off oh my gosh I off I forget so late for you everybody we hit the sub goal paven deep hey thank you for helping us hit the sub goal I really do appreciate it y’all are awesome we’ve hit so many sub goals this stream to be honest it’s been a great stream already this is my last stream before vacation then I’ll be back at after but thank you all very much you’re going to miss my completely miss my show Deb debut wait why spicy cuz I’ll be gone or are you talking to someone else dude treasure Wars Mega ghosty bro you think you would win that there is absolute [ __ ] we got a One V one we got a One V one gy cuz I beat you a few times I think in our 1 V ones okay let’s go let me see Amed oh water Sid duh duh duh duh sorry about that totally forgot head go to sleep already I know it’s so late by the way you said you’re working on it for the server when do you think it’ll be ready I’m not sure I I mean I haven’t started working on the survival server yet but I will I think it’ll be a good time so we will see but ducky um I’m not going to join your party cuz we have our own party but welcome everyone who’s new like I said join the Discord if yall haven’t already let’s get it I missed it at leise what does it say you’re welcome hey yeah thank you again I’m sorry about it’s 11:30 p.m. I need to go to bed rubies good night have a great night I’ll see you at streams next week and hopefully um I’ll see you in the comments of my future videos that I release throughout the throughout the week this week okay let’s go let me set rolles video idea wherever you go put a new sign definitely he off making coffee nice what’s your favorite color of the outfit alphabet minus eggplant I’m going to go eggplant as well what’s up call me zo what’s up dude welcome I didn’t read your comment what is it Elise can can you put me and Doge on a team uh potentially no it’s going to be random it’s going to be random yellow L wait how many people we got let me see again sorry 17 okay okay okay okay let me make sure everybody he on team yellow lime red blue next up yellow lime red trying to keep it random so it’s fair blue yellow lime red blue okay how many more we got yellow holy crap we got a lot of us in this game thank you all for joining lime red there’s going to be a blue and I’m going to be the odd one out tough okay I’m going to look to be honest I’m going to look at the weakest team I’m going to add myself what the freak I’m not even going to say hello to that Kane I love your videos thank you I’m eating chips right now nice user will the survival server be on Realms potentially we’ll have one on Realms and on Java as well about to get targeted by who gy trees can be oh yes I did read that least I read that I think probably three times so okay let me see these teams ghosty war zone doya and Roboto okay that’s a good team Penny goofy Kitty duckington rips Dragon boy dead bro and Sid let’s see okay I’mma add myself to Yellow team um so I think yeah I’ll just add myself to Yellow team sorry that the numbers are uneven if we had one more person no no no if we had one more person it wouldn’t help we would need three more people to make it even but good luck everybody absolutely good luck me Roboto oh I’m on ghosties team whoops I joined the wrong team but it’s okay I say whoops cuz we got a bunch of good people on this team I think oh no no a bunch of people on here are new as well so this would be good this would be perfect good luck have fun everybody this should be a good one I’m excited let’s freaking go I want to light my candle but I’m not allowed one is home when no one’s home but you makes sense don’t want to burn your house down obviously uh nice [ __ ] okay let’s go someone’s already at Mid bro are you kidding me holy Dominic what’s up bro it’s all good I need dude me and ghosty fell ghosty what was that bro there isn’t Lives why would there be Lives why would there be lives dude we have everyone respawning that would be tough actually that’d be cool is that normal people do it I thought there was lives I’ve never I’ve never done lives before but Dominic what’s up dude welcome welcome Dominic good to see you we’ve been streaming for just about an hour y’all so thank you’all for tuning in that’s how other people do it who’s other people cloudy welcome to the stream cloudy good to see you dude okay maybe if you kiss the red team they will help you please and thank you kiss them what I posted some screenshots you making funny faces in media no no fizzy this is such a bad troll I had a diamond sword my teammate trolled me and I fell tough absolutely tough okay good luck everybody who’s left I will stay and and uh watch do a new CS uh no we’re going to stay and watch these people you can go though gy no need to wait up for us dude I’m a bad mod no you’re good fizzy you’re good is there an option for color blind like me yes in the in the other game there is an option for color blind actually but you wouldn’t need uh color blind mode on any of these I think or maybe I guess I don’t know how color blind actually works I subbed hey rifles deer Rax what’s up dude welcome to the stream thank you very much for subbing I really appreciate it Well mine’s pretty weird oh wait explain it user a so frustrating was funny not going to lie dude ghosty trolled us ghosty was trying to be cool doing buildups and stuff like that behind him and he absolutely wrecked us okay here we go here we go okay wow red team is loaded Sid and dead bro but they might be the only ones on their team who are alive yeah they are no no no these two are still alive but what are they doing rips what’s up rips and who who just fell Dragon I just watched you fall dude was that on purpose I got knocked off the edge tough Penny tough I fooled you guys dude you fooled yourself cuz you fell off like Red is yellow to me wow those are so wait let me read I fell in my own trap nice very nice dragon red and yellow those are two totally separate colors that’s crazy hey Autumn what’s up Autumn welcome back good to see you Autumn thank you for tuning back into the stream good to see yall if y’all haven’t already make sure to like the stream I really appreciate it and join the Discord if you haven’t already let’s not ask stuff like that at leise please thank you green looks like a shade of gray to me wow how do you know that gray looks like gray think about it think about it okay Goofy’s going goofy banana he has good armor as well wow he almost got knocked off there and he did GG goofy you survived a whole lot longer than me that’s for sure two new animated series Deb debting this month oh nice spicy debuting this month I had an enchanted iron sword tough Penny tough I don’t like thinking about that can I join of course yeah if y’all play on The Hive you can definitely join I wish I could be I could like your stream more hey thank you Autumn I appreciate it next game can me and Penny be on the same team sure why is everyone chasing me tough cuz I mean there’s only red and blue left now but you were the only one around there and those two are on the same team guess my favorite scent uh lavender do you know how people get color blind what I thought you were just born color blind you get color blind am I tripping diamond sword wait wait did I just see someone he’s above y’all oh my gosh they didn’t notice oh they knocked him down it’s over it’s over for Jordan Jordan GG Shadow GG dude this is tough you’re getting absolutely whammed by dead bro and Sid I’ll start a new CS right after okay they just finished it let’s go back to the The Hub GG’s GG’s y’all I guess I’m a little color blide Ren and green look very dull interesting very interesting you are born with it also genetics yeah that’s what I thought I meant like how do people get it yeah I don’t know I think you’re just born with it but YouTube only allowed one like per sub thank you Autumn I appreciate you for liking the one time though Victor blasy what’s up Victor welcome back I remember you Victor okay here we go let’s okay we’ll do a quick hideand-seek I know people like hide and seeks so a quick hide-and-seek for those of you who don’t do PVP as much and then right after back to PVP game mode so if you like PVP stick around teleport the party in here oops now teleport the party in here boom invite invite all online friends okay everyone join up let’s go that’s my second F favorite is orange nice I think it was war zone penny I suck at PVP that’s why we’re playing this right now you wait for me yeah wait for everybody Simon says oh I forgot about the Simon Says Dragon I totally got to do that dude you’re right I was just folling dead bro the entire time nice ammed very nice Ahmed you’re good though bad decisions hey welcome back bad decisions good to see you good to see yall can you wait for me it will take 10 minutes um we’ll get you in the next game then that’s a little too long to wait for everyone else okay 14 people in here we’re going to go ahead and start this let me make myself the Seeker of course dude what is that oh my gosh the face plant very nice okay we’re starting this game let’s go good luck everybody what map was it I didn’t see facility I don’t really remember that one dude treasure Wars CS next okay I got you I got you ghosty can we do a skin cont contest like go to murder mystery potentially that’ be fun actually would you all like that is my profile picture gray or what is it uh to me it looks like Maroon yeah maroon how long will you be streaming probably another at least 50 minutes brother the best I’m trying to do homework nice good luck on your homework much good luck I’ve never played this map I think whoever this quart blocks is I’m coming for you you’re going to help me be a Seeker it’ll be a true honor it’ll be a true honor for you wait never mind I’m getting this person instead dead bro got you dude help me find everybody let’s go okay where did that quartz block go is the real question can people be these pots I need to know what the blocks are I should have looked better crap okay no one over here dude can we win hide and seek again normally The Seekers win on the stream so far I thought someone was going to be here for sure sub goal hey everybody we hit the sub goal let me change it really fast thank you all so much once again for helping me to hit the sub goal wow we have been burning through these sub goals this stream thank you all very much y’all are awesome thank you all very much anything with a block on top of it can’t be a player got it that makes sense that makes much sense I saw something in here was I tripping I could have swore I saw something in here oh my God go dude there was two of you in here Jordan and we’re about to figure out who this is someone get the Leaf blocks what oh that was Amed Amed is your name wait why why is Sid part of your name Amed just curious okay we got six Seekers now and eight hiders let’s go love to see there are some entirely different people from the other day what’s up art art welcome back good to see you dude welcome to the Stream stream can I join you in Bedrock of course Victor just friend me on the hive my username is Kane lion just like my YouTube name friend me and then you’ll get invited to the customs and everything like that pre I mean my friends list is almost full everybody it’s almost um over 100 which is kind of crazy um so I mean it is over 100 it’s like 110 I think so once I get max amount of friends it’ll be fine people will still join I’ll just have to put up the code more stuff like that okay there’s three crafting tables still boom boom and there’s one of these like dark blocks one of these dark blocks okay wait what’s this way okay you can’t go that way can you get up there I don’t think so Lamborghini hurricane stto is my current favorite nice you went past me K Godzilla what’s up Godzilla welcome good to see you Godzilla hey if y’all are new or just joining us again make sure to like the stream I really appreciate it helps it get pushed so thank you all very much my homework is social studies on Abraham Lincoln cool cool cool okay wait this map is not as big oh here we go here’s one of the crafting tables I’m going to catch them I’m going to catch them everyone hit crafting tables on your way cuz there’s still two more I think yeah there is still two more crafting tables oh wait this is one of them so there’s just one more after this can you still do parties though yeah I got you kitty of course I’ll still do parties boom okay Dragon Boy nice GG you survived quite a while to be honest okay we got eight Seekers and dude we still have six hiders are you kidding me where is everybody chilling I have math homework nice or well not nice to be honest I don’t know why I said nice that one is a not nice as an unfortunate one of these has to be right dude what oh my gosh where is everybody where is everybody I’m in the lobby wait I got to come check you went past me tough I just fixed a lighter of mine nice Autumn I’m still alive I’m in the lobby good luck okay here we go wait what do you mean by the lobby this whole map wait isn’t this map called the lobby whoa how do you get up there crafting table two of these pots dude what what are these pots I’ve not been hitting the pots to be honest I’ve not been good about hitting the pots dude we’re totally going to we only have 20 seconds to find five hiders yeah I’m going to go ahead and have to ride us off on this one that’s tough help me on my homework if it’s math I have a chance but that’s a lot that’s a big ask that’s like doing work for free oh you’re in the lobby of the hive I thought you meant in the game okay GG hiders g g how to join add me as a friend my username is Kane lion I can invite you from there or just tell me your username Victor but we’re on the hive I made a card for one of my teachers teacher appreciation week nice Lily now I can burn my cigarettes nice GG yeah don’t wait how old are you Auto oh yeah yeah you’re older right Bluey I got you I’m accepting your friend request Bluey I see your friend request there it is Boom accept I accepted it let me make sure the part’s full boom okay let’s do another um let’s do another survival games really quick survival games then we’ll do treasure Wars like uh ghosty asked so survival games during treasure Wars I got you ghosty after this when will you stop live stream today probably another 30 minutes at least at least another 30 minutes probably W out a pot a GG’s every everyone who is hiding treasure Wars SL bedwars next Seekers win tough Blaze 162 319 16 2319 says not a valid player okay here we go everybody open to all teleport to party in here let’s go access and perm invite boom invited everyone let’s go hiders one tough I just invited all my online friends user so it should work for you are we doing treasure Wars no we’re doing survival games and then we’re doing treasure Wars I’m 29 nice I’m 21 the other live stream I was in was absolutely crazy what’s up Tosh welcome I think I already said welcome to you but what’s up good to see you in the Stream can we do Fallen Kingdom map uh I’ll probably just leave the map random whatever it is okay we got 16 in you’re already wait I have to go bye kane hey see you s San thanks for playing I appreciate it okay oh two more people joined 16 17 17 people in the game what is up everybody I never got one sent please what’s your username again user invite player invite friend it’s Jam isn’t it I think it’s cuz I think you always miss it to be honest cuz everyone else gets it sent I just sent it to you jam invite player invite friend Jam junor 160 boom okay I invited you to the party Jam you should be able to join it now while starting this YouTube channel did you ever expect your inspiration to join your streams no he off well okay to be honest trainer Dario commented on one of my uh shorts a while back I think I assume that’s your timeout and that was when I had 50 Subs is that crazy that was like a month ago so I knew there was I am in his Discord and stuff like that so I posted stuff there so I assumed maybe but that was super cool of him that was super awesome can you play Lifeboat not right now but I do have a Lifeboat short coming out this week it’s a pretty funny one not going to lie K Jam are you in the party now there we go okay jams in so jams in 18 of us in the game let’s go everybody we’re going to start this up 18 let’s get it can I be in one of the videos potentially no one’s honestly no one’s really asked me before to be in the videos so like maybe I could tell y’all when I’m playing and when I’m going to record one would y’all be interested in that potentially could be kind of cool huh could be kind of cool holy crap there is 18 people in this game it’s basically a full survival games because I feel like SG us hardly gets filled anymore dude my brother just got home candle time nice very nice candle time it is okay I’m going to go to my normal spot obviously yep I’m in let’s go sup hey speed what’s up speed welcome to the stream dude hey if y’all are new make sure to like the stream I really do appreciate it and join the Discord if yall haven’t already join up in the Discord really appreciate it okay let me throw that on bow we take gosh I need some better armor though bow with no arrows is also obviously completely useless but welcome failla what game is this this is the hive filla we are on the hive welcome to the stream if y’all are new welcome good to see y all make sure to join the Discord hey K Li do you like Sprite or 7even up Pepsi or cocacola I like all four to be honest not a huge difference for me between those I’m done with my social studies homework nice dude my brother just got home oh read that Emma what’s up Emma Emma welcome to the stream if youall play on The Hive make sure to friend me my usern name is Kane lion so friend me up jump in our games but what’s up midnight in Moscow what’s up welcome to the stream midnight Midnight in Moscow good to see you welcome everyone to the stream who’s new I really do appreciate it we’re playing on the hive feel free to join us we got 17 people from the stream playing in these games so it is a good time I’m getting ducking ston right here GG ducking ston I needed your pants to be honest I needed your chain pants but welcome everybody everything except Pepsi was good in my opinion my name is Emanuel hey what’s up Emanuel welcome dude oh my gosh who is this no we’re about to get cleaned I’m dipping we’re about to get cleaned Apple you just chasing me boom okay we got him in the we got him in the webs that means I could run for a little bit but I do got to eat I do have to eat chicken so that I could heal boom we got it okay we’re running we’re good we’re good yeah you all could friend me on the hive my username is Kane lion that’s how you get in the games so tune in tune in but thank you all I appreciate it please don’t go we’ll miss you oh are you talking on vacation no vacation will be good I’m excited for vacation remember I have videos planned for every day that I’m going to be gone and then streams again will start daily the week after so no worries at all you’ll still have content and then after that should be good time so you have a chest plate if I saw right wait what I do not have a chest plate there we go we got one okay now I can turn and fight this to be honest this blue Bluey Bluey I’m going to I’m not going to team with you no teaming so I’m going to dip but cannot be teaming are you scared of the dark uh depends am I outside I don’t know how to join you can just friend me on the hive if you play The Hive holy Kitty’s got an iron chest plate tough ah nearly fell asleep you can sleep fizzy you’re all good fizzy feel free to sleep I don’t want to keep anyone from sleeping all I have is cookies this is a joke this is an absolute joke hold up where’s this loot package at I think it’s close oh yeah it’s over there oh my gosh Kitty’s right on my butt though Kitty is right on my butt no that wasn’t any anything good that was not anything good good throw Kitty okay I’m going to eat up I have Java okay I also play Java so if you play Java make sure to join the Discord because we stream Java as well and it’s kind of random I pick between Java and Bedrock kind of the day of um but we do play Java I just streamed a Java stream two days ago so join the Discord then you can play Java with me I’m still on your live stream thank you can we do SkyWars next uh we’re going to do the treasure Wars if ghost is still here cuz he asked for that then we can do SkyWars definitely okay holy crap this has not been a good game I don’t have good stuff I need to turn up I need to turn up okay now I’m in the hive nice you can friend me like I said username is Kane lion you might already be in my friends list yeah treasure Wars next what’s your favorite YouTuber or what’s your favorite number 23 is my my favorite number oh crap Kitty’s here I still don’t have arrows which is tough dude I thought that I had oh no I thought I had cobwebs not good I got them on fire okay yeah I got them on fire I don’t know I wish that brought down more Hearts than it actually does that’s what makes it tough that was a good throw not going to lie dude I really have nothing to defend myself here cuz I don’t have snowballs or anything this is tough remember the mid chest just refilled so you can go get those that’s my best defense right there well if you have Java you have Bedrock too true if you have Java you also get bedrock nowadays for those of you who don’t know yeah I’m going to go on the roof no yeah Kitty is good boom are they following me they are do doink dude that was sick no no no no no oh my gosh well this is just an unfortunate situation I just don’t have the armor Kitty what happened Kitty were you low dude are you kidding me let’s go let’s go everybody sub goal hey we hit the sub goal at the same time we did that let’s go thank you all so much for helping me hit the sub goals we’ve hit so many this stream I don’t even know how many it is it’s a freaking ton GG kitty kitty how are you so low I don’t get it that was lucky everybody that was lucky I got that GG Kitty okay absolute GG’s there why I’m can’t join not sure Victor Victor what’s your username what is your username on the hive Victor thank you all so much don’t leave us we will miss you please and thank you I’m going on vacation it’s already planned my flight’s tonight but then like I said I’ll be back so no worries everybody no worries I’ll be back and I’ll have content all the speed all the agility let’s go you’re stacked now I know no at least straight up dead bro all right get over here dead bro I want the smoke I want the smoke dead bro get over here dude he’s just jumping off what the freak you have how do you still have six hearts there’s no chance you just jump off a skyscraper and you have six hearts what did you land a cobweb I think you did I think you did look right behind you boom I looked behind me Blaze okay Blaze six 23 one9 okay I sent you a friend I sent you a friend request Blaze I got you got you blaze I sent it Kan I got killed by the guy who tried teaming with you uh wait I’m trying to think who that is Bluey talking about blue okay come on Apple sure I won’t forget you no worries I won’t forget anyone while I’m on the vacation it’ll be a good time and I have content like I said so I’ll be uploading so it really is no worries but thank you all for tuning in I really appreciate it okay give me this nope who’s that it’s dead bro wait I saw something I want nice dude when mid chest get refilled I definitely need to focus on that more okay I’m dipping I am dipping just got a notification that’s why I look down whenever y’all see me look down it’s because of my dragon you have no armor bro what are you doing what is this the wooden sword Warrior the wooden sword Warrior coow Kow GG Dragon good fight bro how many arrows do I have 13 yeah I’m G shoot this down one two three I’ll join very soon talking the most formal way for the next one minute oh heck no that’s not me that is not me let me take that iron chest plate so no one else gets it boom even though I already have one yeah my flight is tonight me had midnight no well my flight is uh it is a Redeye flight so it means it goes throughout the night for those of you who don’t know so it it leaves at 12 I think do you remember this start point is OG what’s up David David Dory what’s up dude welcome to the stream remember this start point is OG wait what what do you mean start Point you’re talking about the map I don’t know what you’re referring to there I could have swore I saw him come up here am I tripping but welcome if y’all are new hey make sure to join the Discord please if y’all haven’t already join the Discord like the stream y’all are awesome let’s go put me in one of your YouTube videos should we do that I should actually do that if y’all are in Discord I can message in he didn’t fear death death feared him of course do you mind if I One V one you we could One V one I usually hate streams but now looking forward looking for yours and hope to find it every time hey thank you Lily thank you very much okay well we don’t have great stuff not going to lie we don’t have great stuff for this I almost ran back in there’s still four people okay I’m going go fight whoever this is over here good luck have fun everybody this person doesn’t see me coming it’s banana oh you put yourself in the webs tough got you banana good fights and dead Bros getting chased by Jordan nice I hit Jordan with the arrow on accident he has four Hearts SC going after him holy crap good thing I didn’t get caught in those webs GG Jordan no this is not good heal up heal up heal up ice box nice oh yeah snowballs which makes it tough for me gg gg we got six kills there let’s go everybody we’re doing treasure Wars next we are doing treasure Wars next which is like bedw Wars brother’s the best you are the one and only OG Minecraft player thank you how did it take you so long to grow your beard did it tickle while growing oh how long did it take you uh it takes me like a little over a month to get it to the link like this so tickle sometimes let’s go King Lion thank you what the sigma what’s up bro welcome okay let me make sure I have no friend invites that need to be accepted yeah we’re good don’t give up I won’t when are you going to do a face cam stream hey probably soon welcome to the stream just a small YouTuber I’ll do a face reveal soon dude what a dub let’s go big dubs can I be on your team potentially you just mued no I didn’t I just showed my beard no meing there okay here we go do treasure Wars should we do big ones xcq I’ll accept your friend request what’s up dude welcome to stream every Everybody by the way if y’all are new make sure to join the Discord really appreciate it let’s get it let’s get it okay we’re going to do wait let me make sure the party let me invite everyone who’s online to the party okay boom can we do after skin cont can we after do the skin contest I’m down for the skin contest holy skibbidy hey chill out got to go got to go Hope you join me Lifeboat though by hey see you CM okay here we go treasure Wars we’re going to do should we do three big teams should we do squads or Mega squads or [Music] Mega squads okay we’re going to do squads let’s go squads everybody IR what the sigma what what the sigma okay here we go ax mode open all teleport the party up in here boom invite everyone who’s online we’re going to have too many people for this I think we’ll see kind of depends if everyone’s still online are you a sigma what does that even mean bro wait let me join got you add me as a friend my username is Kane lion got you got you we got 13 we got 15 out of 16 people in here just so everyone knows 15 out of 16 people so one other person can join the teams will be random you’re logging on go CK you should be the last person or whoever gets this last spot otherwise the teams will be unfair so I’m just going to leave it at 16 then the teams will automatically be random who do you like better Messi or Ronaldo um I get asked this question a ton and to be honest Emma jnr got you Emma I added you let’s go hey ghosty I like that how did you make it uh big like that that was sick oil up chill out chill out bro okay here we go we hit the sub goal everybody once again I need to calculate how many sub goals we hit let me think we started dude thank you all so much for helping me hit these sub goals though for real we started at 1585 Subs so one 2 3 4 five 6 seven8 nine we’ve hit nine sub goals thank you everybody we’re going to go ahead and start this game um if you all didn’t get into this one no worries you’ll get in the next one okay so if yall didn’t get into this one sorry about that there’s only a certain amount of spots in squads or else we would have unfair teams um you’ll get in the next one so no worries headtops on my team dead bro and kitty nice good team Sage The Gamer what’s up Sage Sage welcome to the stream Sage good to see you okay let’s go D treasure Wars this is Throwback look I’m getting gold right now gold first good luck Sig musle let’s go puggle puggle plays VR what’s up puggle welcome Hey if y’all are new you can join us we’re on the hive my usern name is Kane lion if youall play Java I stream Java as well but also do not forget to join the Discord that stream element spot just sent it so if you’re new and you like the stream join the Discord puggle thank you for subbing I appreciate that really do appreciate it okay I’m getting these emeralds let’s go our team’s at Mid ducking sten’s over there very ni nice I’m coming behind him as well we got him we got him he didn’t pick up an emerald cuz I got three of them Kitty do you have the fourth Emerald I don’t know if you do but I’m going to go upgrade our gen let’s freaking go IR well actually in the real world floating islands are Impossible true true true true which makes this completely fake unfortunately and the only thing that makes it fake not the fact that it’s made out of blocks can you not upgrade Jens in this I’m forgetting upgrade bot two diamonds got it forgot forgot about that treasure Wars it’s been a minute since I played treasure Wars to be honest okay stone sword what bro are you kidding me get out here Jam Jam targeted us GG Cham is this a CS game yeah it is gamer boy gamer boy welcome to the stream dude yes this is a CS we got 16 people in this CS it filled up um but if y’all didn’t get in the next in this one make sure to add me as a friend on the hive username is Kane lion like I said join the Discord if yall are new really do appreciate it okay let’s go but we’ll make sure to do a game next that everyone can fit didn’t realize we had so many people joining the Cs today so we got a lot oh my RZ I’m burning paper nice yo you got this I believe hey let’s go we got this we got this goofy banana all all right goofy Bring It On okay they’re running we got to take out everyone else’s wait is a whole team eliminated where’s blue team is blue team gone what happened blue team oh gosh not good not good no no no bro are you kidding me I got punched in the back tough it’s all good it’s all good now we can get youall in the next game but I’ll finish spectating this one I fell my blocks glitch it’s it’s okay kitty we lost again tough tough scene it’s okay I just got dubs on SG I got dubs on block party today so I’m feeling good to be honest red team’s eliminated that’s my team we’re gone we are all gone unfortunate absolutely unfortunate okay but things are getting active over here I see yellow ghosty he has full iron armor but he’s getting triple teamed which is tough hold up everybody I’m getting a call hold up okay we’re good we are good I oh I wiped out blue though nice let’s go two more subs let’s go you just had wait wait let me see just had big fire good thing I had water oh cuz your candle cuz your candle tough yellow just fell but the treasure dude how are the treasures still there yellow team keep attacking this is bedrock but we also play Java so if you play Minecraft Bedrock or Java strikes a guy 19 I got you if you play Bedrock or Java make sure to join the Discord then you’ll get notified of future streams but dude welcome puggle good to see you good to see you in the Stream I appreciate it I know you are new so welcome okay ghost he’s fighting let’s go stri I’m already in a party but I’ll invite you to the Future CS that we got right after this game I got you okay yellow’s here oh XC is here nice XC okay come on we got to get a bed destruction here we got to get a bed destruction here obviously never spicy am in bed right now nice candle and burning paper there we go oh our oh my gosh holy holy smoly can we do this again it’s actually fun yeah this one is fun we can definitely do it again but we we’ll do SkyWars after this bro can yellow’s teammate come help him break these can xy’s teammates can help him get the treasure it’s 1: p.m. nice very nice okay come on come on Jordan’s here dude okay ghost’s finally here everybody Roboto go over there and help your teammates bro we need to get this bed destroyed this treasure you’re good spicy you don’t need a dude to stand out you already do you already do oh ghosty’s nice ghosty very nice ghosty’s blocking himself in oh but they’re hitting his legs now look I’m right here in this battle he blocked himself in again again if he gets this treasure it’s over for Green Team unfortunately he got the treasure green treasure is D destroyed so if they die now they are fully eliminated fastest Block in ever okay there you go apple eater is gone Goofy’s gone now Penny no Penny good try and rips is the last person they’re up here sir you wanted pepperoni pizza or pineapple dude pepperoni obviously GG’s everybody okay boom new custom let’s let me think we’ll do SkyWars I kind of want to do SkyWars so SkyWars custom we’ll do Duos no Trio Duos we’ll do Duos Duos custom we might okay we’ll need to do more than just that actually let me think let me go back I’m going to do solos and then I’ll add everyone to their own teams okay that might be best that way we can fit everyone in who wants to be in so if you all are joining make sure to get ready I’m about to send everyone invites let’s go open all teleport the party in here game settings change the max players very nice and I’m in inviting all online friends right now so if y’all are online you just got to invite to join let’s go can you make it overpowered we’ll probably just keep it like this Kitty for this time that was insanely flash blocking School nice can me and War Zone be on the same team we’ll make the teams random M KY cat slime in Minecraft nice puggle okay how many people we got 15 I’m G start assigning people to teams okay we’ll just go like this wait no uh five teams of three actually we’ll do five teams of three oh now there’s 17 people in the game holy IG my username is Kane lion just like my YouTube name so close to sub goal let’s go just like my YouTube name gamer boy and then we’ll see excuse me how many people okay 17 if we could get one more person in here that would be awesome we could get one more in oh nice dude spicy joined welcome spicy it’s been a while probably not going do that at least why can’t we be on the same team Kane uh The Vibes in the Stream are Immaculate hey thank you midnight Moscow dude thank you all who have joined who have subbed hopefully join the Discord as well thank you all okay here we go let me do we got 18 19 dang we got 19 people now 19’s tough because it’s okay okay we’ll go like this I got it we’re good let me set rolls teams of three so yellow yellow yellow that’s the first team lime hey if y’all are new by the way please join the the Discord it’ll notify you when I stream I am going on vacation so I’ll be off for a week but then after after that back to daily streams we’ll be doing the hive a bunch so if you play on The Hive it’s a good place for y’all for real okay blue blue blue nice gold roboto’s gold ducking skin is gold duckington and then the last three me spicy and Jordan that’s quite the team right there are you guys ready spicy and Jordan are y’all ready for this okay we got 20 people in this game so thank you all or 19 yeah 20 people in this game thank you all very much I really do appreciate it we should do a scrim scrims would be fun how can I join you add me on the hive my us name is Kane lion then I can invite you from there I’m at my PC right now nice okay here we go Jordan and spicy we’re on the same team going to need y’all to focus up so we can get this dub okay focus up so we can get this dub and throwing some armor on the ground for those who didn’t get it and some blocks boom yeah I like this okay sub goal a hey let’s go sorry you didn’t get in gamer boy we got you in the next one no worries dude got you in the next one that is the worst freaking mid chest once again the mid chests are just horrible for me horrible dude I’ll go find diamonds somewhere else we’re good okay over here three diamonds chest plate okay boots now chest plate okay pants boom now chest plate hey did we all did we actually hit another sub gold thank you all very much if we did I really do appreciate it y’all are awesome with the sub goals absolutely awesome it’s okay if if we hit it and we go down that’s totally fine as long as we hit it I will change the sub goal okay rips and Penny are over there I don’t think anyone was on this island so let me get these chest plate dude helmet again holy crap how many helmets am I going to get out of this chest plate what’s your Minecraft name it’s Kane lion same as my YouTube name if one of the mods could type that in chat that would be much appreciated okay let me get some hearts two dude do you all think I should add like an actual music playlist like the songs I listen to to the streams I think that might be cool cuz I feel like right now I would really Vibe out doing that okay we hit rips off GG rips g g can I have a diamond sword nice okay spicy get this dub dude for us get this dub for us oh my gosh it’s ghosty dang it dude and I don’t have Full Hearts by any means oh I didn’t even realize I have a chain chest plate on holy crap I don’t know why I have so much confidence in that fight and I literally have a chain chest plate tough absolutely tough but you add me on the hive to join not just in Xbox you add me on the actual Hive if y’all can K my teammates are sleeping tough Penny I see you I see you over there Penny already did ages ago oh thank you fizzy jeez if y’all read the chat my mods will tell you thank you fizzy I appreciate that I missed that I have no armor lucky on chest plate help me Penny fell tough Penny absolutely unfortunate for the program don’t add me on Xbox y’all add me on in the hive I won’t accept the Xbox friend request but I’ll accept Hive friend requests so that’s how you join so you have to join the hive which is one of the featured servers and then you can add then you can add me if that makes sense how do I not have a diamond chest plate bro in fact I have a chain chest plate even worse even worse Diamond chest plate Diamond chest plate oh my gosh got more helmets I’m going down here to look yes Bedrock The Hive server thank you busy okay chest plate dude I’m never going to get a chest plate surely this hidden diamond right here chest plate look at how many I I’ve gotten four helmets the odds are even low like the odds are low I have the same odds of getting okay whatever I’m going to go this way we’re going to fight rips bro wait no this isn’t rips dead bro he’s AFK unfortunate sorry dead bro I think he had a trap you just watch me die I I clipped that wait what I missed it spicy actually yes clip it so I can watch it that’s funny that is funny what Hive server so if you go onto servers if you click play and go onto servers The Hive is what it’s called like a beehive I clutch four times and still dead tough 9 plus 10 get this right and I sub 19 what’s up speed just kidding 21 of course of course 21 what else would it be are Ai and ghosty fighting yes they are all right y’all can have fun with that oh my gosh he’s chasing me I literally do not have armor to fight these guys that’s what’s so tough oh my gosh I thought I had bow clutch clutch clutch okay we did we did clutch right there but now I’m out of Ender Pearls hey how was that clutch K roo what’s up dude welcome to the stream Co Roo welcome to the stream dude good to have you bro missed a diamond oh tough tough where is it I’m in Hive okay sick I’ll accept your friend request after this oh my gosh he’s over there Juke guys how do I even how do I even fight this I have nothing I don’t even have projectiles to fight this okay that was interesting that was an interesting interaction right there no one saw that no one saw that that’s tough Penny subbed thank you speed I found you hey what’s up Koro welcome Hey if y’all are new make sure to join the Discord thank you all for joining up I really appreciate it no words thank you Godzilla no one saw what there we go this is the type of energy I need how to get to your Discord server the link was sent by the bot right there but here it is you can copy it you can copy it or you can uh just type it in okay gy and XC are left and orange whoever orange is where are you at Orange look how nice this map looks from up here looks pretty nice name a car for an edit hey henway JDM what’s up dude welcome to the stream Honda Pilot Kan please don’t spam LOL to Discord links and I’m getting accused of spamming in my own stream phone about to die when stream ends stream will probably end soon I’m going to mute you for that tough tough scene oof live stream is crazy they were all wackos wait what okay bye I don’t know how to do it it’s that funny that is funny I like that I absolutely like that okay go see versus XC still going on this battle is going to last probably forever who’s the last person though duckington duckington I’m right here dude I see you I see you duck I like the I like the skin actually can you make a CS with code I got you gamer boy after this I got you dude survival games okay we’ll do a survival games after this I got you gamer no worries then we’ll get you in there make sure to join the Discord as well like I said if yall haven’t already join up on the Discord we will get this going ghosty died tough tough ghosty ran out of blocks unfortunate SG Duos that would be interesting I like solos though I like solos I didn’t have a chance to get more tough tough yeah I’ll invite JD I see you bro I’ll invite you okay come on come on the last two people duckington is hiding as base I’ll show you where he is he’s at this base has a red face on it orange orange is the base it’s over here I see you over there it’s over here you over there it’s over here I joined hey thank you puggle for joining the Discord thank you puggle okay excc go get him I want a teaming round so me and War Zone can be team cane o sorry we’ll do SG we’ll do it free-for-all and then maybe we’ll do a team game after that GG’s GG’s XC absolute GG’s in the chat K let me add these friends who invited me if yall haven’t already and you play on The Hive add me as a friend on here so gamerboy I accepted your friend request and spooky fire I accepted your friend request okay here we go everybody I’ll do a party invite so I’ll invite everyone who’s uh online to the parties okay SL CS create server we’re going to do a survival games one more survival games let’s go I think we could get a good amount of people in here let’s try to get a good amount of people in here access and Perms access mode open to all teleport the party in here okay all online friends have been invited so y’all should have gotten an invite we don’t need to do the uh what’s it called the code because y’all should get an invite in the actual game so join up everybody Kane you’re the I’m sending you clip to prove it K let me see spicy can I got a shower bye see you Shadow the daily shower of course okay we got 16 people in this game we’ll wait a little bit longer look at my skin at SpongeBob where are you oh my gosh oh my gosh that’s not SpongeBob that’s freaking that is not SpongeBob that’s all I know that is scary bro invite me crazy cat slime it it’s not your username crazy cat slime is not your username okay let me try again where are you at gamer boy I invited you again gamer boy what’s up y’all oh KY cat slime sorry puggle puggles sorry about that baked AF what’s up dude welcome to the stream C inviting you KY sorry about that I did not realize it was KY boom I invited you KY let’s go what time is your flight am. or p.m. it’s at 12: a.m. so in the middle of the night gamer are you in now how many of us are in the game we got 17 people let me send invites one more time to everyone who’s online let’s go rips Blaze SpongeBob skin horrific can’t okay definitely ghosty how’s it going it’s going good dude welcome was it in the right region got you gamer you should be in now I was cooking in Skywars you were cooking you are absolutely cooking okay Gamer Let Me invite you invite gamer okay I invited you one more time gamer let’s get you in here and let’s start this game let’s go k come find me in the server penny p penny Penny of course spices by his pumpkins I don’t know where you’re at did gamer join yet gamer did join okay we got 19 people in here 19 people in this game that’s awesome let’s go ahead and start it thank you all for joining up oops did not mean to do that boom take a screenshot of everyone in here thank you all for joining dude not everyone in this game is in the Stream it’s insane it’s actually insane I didn’t get crap holy I need to get out of here I need to get out of here you’re a villager nice okay I’ll check the clip after spicy I got you okay I got armor now so people should be scared y’all should be scared okay I’ll have to see spicy I’ll be the judge of that spicy I don’t trust your judgment okay here we go boots I did need those let’s keep getting good stuff I’m going to go get some kills in a second and we’ll get going we’ll get going sub goal hey let’s go we hit another sub goal thank you fizzy for keeping an eye on that I really do appreciate it thank you thank you gamer I’m so sorry that I’m sneaking up on you right now GG gamer very sorry but no teaming is allowed no teaming and you weren’t teaming I’m saying that’s why I hit you so sorry okay here we go if y’all are new like I said make sure to join the Discord really do appreciate it okay sick we got a we got a Tracker let’s go let’s freaking go dude this way this way who’s up there rips okay I’m coming for rips going to go get rips rips and who else is that in there is that Psalms yeah rips and Psalms this is quite the battle that’s going on Boom rips you can’t run for long watch this boom box this is a kill right here dink what how are you still alive arrow shot we got Kitty I hit that arrow shot by the way that was insane oh oh nice fight Kitty GG’s let me change the sub go everybody that that SpongeBob’s in my dream right now dude straight up nightmare nightmare nightmare thank you all for helping me hit the sub goal y’all are awesome I wanted to save war zone but I couldn’t tough do you think we can get the stream to 30 likes hey I don’t know if y’all could like the stream I would really appreciate it I’m bounce good luck hey midnight Moscow dude thank you for watching the stream man you smoke nah do not I do not not smoke if you’re dead I post the clip in media your dad’s going to join nice let’s go subbed hey thank you gamer thank you for subbing gamer I really appreciate it did your dad get the milk cat tough tough okay here we go let me see spicy I’m going to watch your clip in Media where is it where is it I won’t accept the Xbox friend request but I’ll accept High friend requests so that’s how you join so you have to join the highve dude spicy that is actually funny dude that is actually hilarious Bistro twins what’s up welcome to the stream sahit thank you for the sub sahit thank you very much welcome if y’all are new okay who we got left spicy that is a hilarious video okay Kitty ghosty dead bro and JDP welcome to the stream y’all okay turn up I didn’t see the teamer go see who you’re talking about sorry if he didn’t oh I missed that Koro see worst teammate dude that is actually hilarious okay good luck Kitty versus JD the last two they’re both stuck in a cobweb oh my gosh holy crap GG Kitty absolute GG’s there everybody okay what give me one second SEC this is what we’re going to do give me a second we’re going to do a semi a semi quick one here okay we’re going to do the most insane block drop y’all have ever played okay I legit got targeted tough ghosty okay okay boom change the max players we’re going to do the most insane block drop y ever played inviting all online friends so everyone who’s online has been invited I mean everyone’s nightmare straight up the sponge actually won it oh my gosh can you invite I left yeah I invited everyone online got you okay we got 16 people in here we’re going to wait another little bit add a lot of boosters okay this is what I wanted to do so power up spawn interval we’re going to turn that way down two three seconds No 1 second powerups are going to be everywhere initial Vault count we’ll turn vaults up to 10 so 10 volts no yeah 10 volts we have fast anti- camping okay level remover okay so the level the top level the levels aren’t going to get removed we got a bunch of power ups and a bunch of vaults okay this should be a fun one this should be a fun one we got over 17 people in this game 18 people in this game let’s start it up let’s go good luck everybody everybody in here is in the Stream which is super cool to see so thank you I really appreciate it okay 10 volts goes crazy dude and PowerUp should be spawning like crazy how did I not get that power up are you kidding me you can you hear the power up it’s like d tough give me that nice we got a power up but it’s the most useless one of them all and remember the top layer doesn’t get removed so it’s going to be important to stay on the higher layers um unlike normal block drop give me that oh my gosh I got an extra Vault I already have 10 of them thank you I guess okay I’m going to try and stay up here for as long as possible you play on Bedrock yeah but I also play Java so if you play Java or Bedrock make sure to join the Discord that way you’ll get notified of either streams but dude welcome to the stream Jamal Jamal boyin welcome welcome dude thank you for hanging out I appreciate it oh my gosh I just got hit by a Nemo that was kind of a waste whoever that was kind of a waste yeah what’s up dude welcome appreciate you for joining wow the power up noise is so annoying sorry to everyone who has to listen to this power up noise but I made it one second okay come on come on boom boom boom give me this knock back Nemo dang it okay we’re going to chill on pink for a while everyone who’s down below good luck there’s 12 people left in the game still name eranga 0579 nice this is the hive Jamal this is the hive dude make sure to join the Discord if yall are new by the way I really appreciate it no no oh my gosh what the heck no way I just fell that far are you kidding me okay it’s okay we’ll destroy some of the blocks down here I’m going to turn on speed and just absolutely wreck a lot of these blocks so that when people fall they’re going to have nothing to land on okay but this is the hive if you play on The Hive make sure to add me my username is Kane lion that’s how you get in the games love you brother keep going hey thank you PUK bomb sorry I definitely read that wrong I’m playing game while I’m reading it but dude thank you I really appreciate you for joining the stream thank you for joining up that is awesome dude okay let’s go here we go here we go here we go I can I’m not going to restore any of the block levels on here let me go get the powerups down here though okay there’s still eight people left are you kidding me dude how is there still eight people left this is tough this is absolutely tough I did get a knockback Nemo finally which is insane that I haven’t gotten one yet land on there let’s go nice try Dragon Boy nice try there dude let’s go two knockback Nemos we’re going crazy six people left in the game let’s go bro mobile is difficult I believe it I absolutely believe it yeah the server is the hive thank you okay we went up a level maybe we go up one more here potentially no oh my gosh that was nuts that was actually nuts good thing I have so many vaults but now I don’t which is unfortunate but I’m going to go get this power up get out of here Dragon Boy nice let’s go dude I saw you holding your knockback Nemo too that’s unfortunate I have two more bols this is tough this is tough I really would have liked more than that obviously but it’s what we got to work with there’s still five people alive I didn’t think about the restore blocks power up because everyone’s just restoring the blocks up there which makes this um a little tough to say the least okay come on come on everybody sub goal hey let’s go we hit another sub goal thank you all so much for helping me hit the sub goals y’all are awesome please join the Discord if y’all are new and you play Minecraft it’s it’s a good place to be you get notified when I stream and make videos and stuff like that so thank you all so much for tuning in helping me hit the sub goals someone else just fell there’s only four people left let’s go what if there’s a revive power up I got three vaults now to be honest I’m kind of printing power ups down here cuz I’m the only one on this level give me that gosh but we are running out of blocks we are running out of blocks down here give me that nice safe walk how is that my first safe walk and there’s two powerups right here boing boing nice dude okay come on come on we did get more vaults that’s awesome another one now we have five vaults okay who else there’s three people left dead bro is one of them I see you dead bro I see you dude he has a jump power up which is cool where did he go get off H clutch oh my tough tough absolutely tough everybody your is your Gamertag Kane lion yes it is I have to wait for some reason for my bedrock PC to start okay sounds good hey thank you all for joining I really do appreciate it okay who we got dude someone is still on this level spooky fire welcome spooky fire I think you’re new I’ve never seen your username before so welcome to the stream thank you for joining hopefully we see you in the Discord and stuff like that that would be awesome okay dead bro and spooky fire are the only two left let’s get it everybody let’s absolutely get it dead bro collected knockback Nemo very nice very nice the knockback Nemo is obviously the best PowerUp way past sub goal a thank you all so much sorry didn’t change the sub goal yet but thank you all very much for hit helping me hit these sub goals we are hitting them so fast it’s insane we are already almost at 1640 and I started at 1580 when the stream started so it’s insane can I post an edit version can going watch it spicy dude that is freaking funny that’s actually funny are you doing cs’s yeah what’s up axo welcome back dude I think I’ve seen you in the Stream before welcome back we are doing cs’s we got about 18 people joining the cs’s right now wow it looked like I punched them but I’m not even in the game gotta go maybe I’m coming back hey K roo thank you hey everybody make sure to join the Discord if you’re new thank you all for tuning in okay we are going to end the stream there um got to go it was a 2our stream so thank You’ all for joining up we hit a ton of sub goals um please make sure to join the Discord if if you haven’t already and remember I’m going on vacation so this will be the last stream for a week I’ll be back in a week and then I’ll stream every day again but I have videos for all those days so no worries I got shorts and maybe one long for the time that I’m gone here is the Discord link everyone join up thank you very much I really do appreciate y’all tuning in um but have a good one and

This video, titled ‘Hive Parties w/Viewers (Facecam) #hivemc #cubecraft’, was uploaded by KaneLion on 2024-05-08 23:49:57. It has garnered 1027 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:15 or 7815 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftbedrock Minecraft live doing custom games with viewers on The Hive Minecraft Bedrock Server! =========================== Discord: https://discord.gg/C59tACx5vm =========================== Server IP: Hive Bedrock or Cubecraft Bedrock =========================== Texture Pack: Bare Bones 32x =========================== IGN Java: KaneLion IGN Bedrock: KaneLion =========================== Song: Beaty and Sylish Beat by Screamed Only

You can ignore this – hivemc live minecraft hive hive customs live custom hive live hive parties cubecraft parties cubecraft live minecraft cubecraft live minecraft bedrock live

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  • Endorwitch – Secret Decked Out in Minecraft!

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  • Olympians Network

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  • Minecraft Memes – Reality is the ultimate shitty joke writer

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  • DadMeene’s Epic Fireball Showdown

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  • Sneaky Sewer Block Tricks 1.16.5

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    ๐Ÿ”ฅGOLEM STEVE vs. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE - ULTIMATE VILLAGE SHOWDOWN!๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-07-10 14:00:45. It has garnered 1240 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3

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    STRIVERSUMIT - SHOCKING NEW REVEAL! ๐Ÿ˜‰Video Information This video, titled ‘New Episode Out ๐Ÿ˜‰’, was uploaded by STRIKERSUMIT on 2024-07-10 13:30:31. It has garnered 4201 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #gaming ๐ŸŽฎ Welcome to STRIKERSUMIT ! ๐Ÿ•น๏ธ ๐Ÿš€ Dive into the ultimate gaming experience with STRIKERSUMIT , your guide to the vast world of virtual adventures! ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ”ฅ Immerse yourself in a universe where pixels come to life, as we explore the latest and greatest games across genres. From heart-pounding action to mind-bending puzzles, this is the hub for all things gaming. ๐Ÿ‘พ What… Read More

  • Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!

    Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft song for kids | New Generation Rhymes | Kids Cartoons | Kindergarten Songs’, was uploaded by Siddhi and Babu show on 2024-07-09 08:03:55. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Newborn Baby Songs | Newborn Baby Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Newborn Baby Songs| Collection Of Rhymes For Kids | very special compilation of Nursery Rhymes | New Generation Rhymes| New Generation Poem | New Generation Kids Song | New Generation Music for Babies |… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmiet

    Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmietVideo Information This video, titled ‘Damit hat keiner gerechnet. | Minecraft Challenge’, was uploaded by PietSmiet on 2024-02-29 19:05:00. It has garnered 141234 views and 5959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:15 or 2955 seconds. That’s bitter! You can find our merch with shirts, hoodies and caps on https://pietsmiet.store Donโ€™t miss any livestreams and follow us on http://twitch.tv/PietSmiet More videos from Minecraft Challenge can be found in the playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5JK9SjdCJp_jPpLReQoYtqqJBBNLczl5 More videos from Minecraft Challenge are available earlier on PietSmiet.de: http://ptsmt.de/p/104797 This is a multiplayer Let’s Play gameplay of Minecraft. We played the game on the… Read More

  • Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft Roleplay

    Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Demon’s in a New Town – Demons Life Trailer MCTV//Minecraft Roleplay’, was uploaded by Night_Films on 2024-03-31 06:41:42. It has garnered 147 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:08 or 308 seconds. A Demons MCRP ROLEPLAY thumbnail by @JackHeptic #mctv #minecraft #minecraftroleplays #roleplay #mcrp #minecraftrp #demons #supernatural Cast @MrMatrix69 Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅATS MAXXA LIVE – JOIN FOR FREE NOW!!๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft

    ๐Ÿ”ฅATS MAXXA LIVE - JOIN FOR FREE NOW!!๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP LIVE HINDI | JAVA + PE 24/7| CRACKED SMP|FREE TO JOIN| #minecraft #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by ATS MAXXA LIVE on 2024-07-13 04:43:32. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:52 or 8932 seconds. public smp,public minecraft smp,minecraft smp,minecraft,minecraft smp servers,public minecraft,public minecraft server,public java minecraft,minecraft public smp,minecraft server,public bedrock minecraft,join public smp,join minecraft smp,free to play minecraft smp,minecraft public smp 1.19,minecraft public cracked smp server,smp,survival minecraft server,minecraft survival server pe,minecraft hardcore,minecraft survival server,minecraft server ip โญ๏ธโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ‹†โ‹…โ˜†โ‹…โ‹†โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โญ๏ธ โœจ Connect with me on social media! ๐Ÿ“ธ Instagram… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”จUltimate Minecraft Starter House Tutorial ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ

    ๐Ÿ”จUltimate Minecraft Starter House Tutorial ๐Ÿ˜๏ธVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”จHow To Make Starter Minecraft Wooden House ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ” || Minecraft House Toturial Video || Not Yash 09’, was uploaded by Not Yash 09 on 2024-06-05 18:30:21. It has garnered 3 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. ๐Ÿ”จHow To Make Starter Minecraft Wooden House ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ” || Minecraft House Toturial Video || Not Yash 09 IN THIS VIDEO I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE STARTER HOUSE IN MINECRAFT THAT WILL HELP YOU TO MAKE A HOUSE IN YOUR SURVIVAL WORLD THIS IS EASY TO MAKE AND ITEM LIST IS… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret in Minecraft Original AMV/MMV

    Uncover the Secret in Minecraft Original AMV/MMVVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Find” A Minecraft Original AMV/MMV’, was uploaded by Starline_Creationz on 2024-01-08 17:00:22. It has garnered 152 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:21 or 201 seconds. Welcome to my channel, on this channel you will be seeing just a little not many non-related topics, but what you all will be seeing mainly on this channel is Minecraft Related Content and more of AMV/MMV’s! Subscribe, Like, Turn on the Notification bell so you never miss a single upload! Credits: @NightBirdTheAnimus @ArcticWoLfANIMATIONS_ @Alansilvershadow @LilDaeDreamer @EthanAnimatez @JeffVixTM @K2AnimationStudios @CaptainSparklez @AntVenom @TheKingApdo @fredisaalanimations @ShadowCreeperAnimations @ThunderAnimations152… Read More

  • CraftUniverse Bangladesh

    CraftUniverse BangladeshWelcome to CraftUniverse Bangladesh, an excellent Minecraft server known for itโ€™s amazing experiences. We are a laid-back, no grief, economy, SMP server where we value community above all else. The server is running 1.20+, and everyone is welcome as both Java and Bedrock players are free to join! The server offers a variety of plugins that enhance the player experience while also staying true to Minecraftโ€™s roots such as keep-inv, player warps, grief prevention, and more! Show your support for the server by voting to earn free ranks which grant perks such as VIP rank, cool prefixes, money, vote crate… Read More


    Welcome to StellarismC! Join our brand new survival style server at play.stellarismc.net! We are looking for active players to join our journey. With a great discord community and amazing staff, there’s plenty to explore. Drop your discord below for more details. Experience jobs, prestige’s, skills, and more! Read More

  • Novadia {1.21} {Semi-Vanilla} {No Griefing}

    Novadia {1.21} {Semi-Vanilla} {No Griefing}The Novadia Minecraft Server is happy to open its doors to all players for the 1.21 update – Tricky Trials!We are a community-centered server focused on player interaction and sense of community. Here’s what you can expect from our server:Vanilla-adjacent gameplay – at the core, Novadia focuses on vanilla gameplay, but includes minor modifications that provide interesting depth of gameplay to the server, such as player heads, or being able to sit on stairs.Friendly community – Minecraft is always better with friends and new players, and during your time on the server you will no doubt meet new people looking… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s OP Power Trip

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's OP Power TripSteve: “I’m not abusing my powers, I’m just creatively exploiting them for my own amusement. Plus, who’s gonna stop me? The sheep?” Read More

  • Pixelated Savior: Cyberpunk City Heroics

    Pixelated Savior: Cyberpunk City Heroics In the cyberpunk city, a hero takes flight, Inspired by the tallest building, reaching new height. Minecraft 1.21, with shaders so bright, Solas adding depth, to the city’s delight. For the schematic, just drop a line, Litematica ready, for your design. Follow Maizie, on Twitter and Insta, For more Minecraft magic, a true master. Read More

  • Minecraft Hollowed Wardin Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme!

    Minecraft Hollowed Wardin Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme! When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly hear the entire Hollowed Wardin village chanting “Oi Oi Oi” in unison. It’s like a piggy protest rally! #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Dinosaur Survival Gone Wrong

    Dinosaur Survival Gone Wrong Exploring the World of Minecraft with ่ฟ…็Œ›้พ Meet ่ฟ…็Œ›้พ: The Minecraft Enthusiast ่ฟ…็Œ›้พ, also known as ้พ, is a high school student with big dreams of reaching a million subscribers on his YouTube channel. Specializing in creating Minecraft videos centered around original survival gameplay and server adventures, ้พ’s content aims to entertain and engage his audience. With a desire to join the ไผŠ็”ธไผบๆœๅ™จ, he invites viewers to support his journey by hitting the subscribe button. Episode Highlights In a recent video, ่ฟ…็Œ›้พ shared a thrilling tale involving a close encounter with a Velociraptor in Minecraft. The video showcases his… Read More

  • Minecraft: Memes & Mayhem

    Minecraft: Memes & Mayhem Minecraft – Episode 1 – Did it for the Meme Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with Clifton3D in Episode 1 of his gaming series. Join him as he delves into the realm of creativity, survival, and endless possibilities. Exploring the Minecraft Universe As Clifton3D ventures into the vast landscapes of Minecraft, he encounters a world brimming with resources, creatures, and challenges. From building intricate structures to battling hostile mobs, every moment is an opportunity for adventure. Building Blocks of Creativity In Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Clifton3D showcases his building skills by constructing elaborate… Read More