EPIC Last Stream Before Winter Break! Modded Minecraft LIVE

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BL SM BL La it’s time for the last stream Before Christmas the game lagged murder has been committed anyways so um I’ve been doing some mining off camera whoa and amongst the things that I found is the last two vampire fangs needed to complete the vampire Quest see where the [ __ ] that is this

One so today we’re going to become vampires pretty cool so this one is uh SLC mining I don’t see myself in creative mode do you see myself in creative mode I don’t so what I found is this right um when you go to a snow biome like this an ice

Plane what you will find is a lot of these little like um these little areas right you see a dilda don’t worry about the dilda we’ll find a lot of these little things right little like snowman uh cities and in these snowman cities they have chests and some of these chests

Have the most batchest [ __ ] broken loot you’ll ever find I’ve been to one Bome and I think I’ve been to like 50 of these things like I just run around run R ran around for like an hour see those chest don’t have anything we go over here there’s going to be another one

Um nothing in that one where’s the channel reward well people were abusing it I had to do it six times in a single Stream So I removed it and now it costs 200 uh bits so now you got to pay 200 bits for it it’s uh it’s says um oh here we go

This is this is this is what I mean bam loot chest Fair yeah yeah so now it’s l $2 if you want me to do it oh no not two whole dollars [ __ ] see I’ve been running around for a bit and um you got work to do all right man

So 15 rare Mega loot chests 22 common Mega loot chests and four epic Mega loot chests K cases they’re gold cases now that is a lot the first stream on this world it took me 4 hours to get enough money to buy one of these

And now I have four now I have five actually why why are you die [ __ ] are you man did I steal your [ __ ] think he’s pissed at me for that and in some of these chests you just find like just a just a couple of fishies I like I like finding

Fishies so we’re going to open these and then I’m going to go become a vampire that’s the plan let me actually complete that Quest just to have a done submit okay now we can become a vampire anytime we want I actually think I need

To do this there we go so now I should have sanguin so in like 20 minutes I’ll become a vampire in the meantime I can open loot crates very po I haven’t seen this biome ice plane spikes H that pretty cool snow with hardened ice underneath all

Right little castle little castle in a doorway I’m not going through the doorway I’ve learned my lesson pretty shitty place okay I’ll open this good thing I open this chest all right I’ll open one more one more I’ll finish the city and then it’s done

That’s all I am going to get what are those floating things up there oh die you’re dead you’re dead what the [ __ ] is that actual dust take it shut the [ __ ] leave me alone die die all of you die problem solved all right way Stone uh snow op

Loot let’s come back here later let’s go home for now all right I am very excited about this I want to empty my inventory so I only have the uh the loot left it’s going to be epic it’s going to be five epics actually I’m expecting good I want good armor that’s my

Goal cuz I have kind of [ __ ] armor actually my armor is pretty good cuz I have ni chest plates so pretty solid stuff um oh yeah I found this is pretty good pickaxe mending Fortune efficiency I only need Unbreaking that is going to be pretty perfect let’s get rid of all of this

Uh this can stay for now okay five we get dragon helmet okay there’s a dragon helmet is it better than one I have 2 five 2 three terrible awful you go over in the corner shovel two shovels actually this one has a lot higher mining speed the fury goodbye how fast is

This is like a super good shovel I mean unenchanted pretty good basically no durability so that’s kind of [ __ ] I also got a bow I need to compare this bow to my main bow uh where the [ __ ] have I put that up here wait did I lose that bow did

I I think the good bow was one of the things I lost when I lost my backpack [ __ ] okay that’s fine I’m keeping this bow and Viking leggings which are worse than the ones I have you go in the corner 3 four five okay okay terrible that’s a lot faster than the

Other one I’m keeping this uh seven speed terrible terrible and oh axxe I’ll take the axxe you know what I [ __ ] I’ll I’ll take the axe and Samurai leggings which are a lot worse than ones I have 1 2 3 4 5 is that a pink laser sword that’s not a ping

That’s a green laser sword uh this one has 10 this is terrible Samurai helmet 23.3 25 awful awful terrible terrible all of this just sucks okay well we’re making our way through I’ll keep all the loot in here all right let open all of these here we go night helmet that is

Worse than my helmet these are worse than my things that’s worse that’s worse that looks pretty good it’s like good draw speed okay and poisons enemies keeping that one the chicken beak this is really slow the Winger that is also quite slow is this an

Axe this is an axe oh it’s a pretty good axe I’m keeping it you know what I’m keeping it all right bar Mischief thank you for the follow thank you welcome to the stream uh we’ll keep that and we’ll throw that away I’ll throw all of this

Away all right down to the rare ones this is where it gets exciting Al I’m throwing this away hold up um let’s see Withers enemies is that faster than the other one as well oh [ __ ] it is faster wait oh [ __ ] this is really fast all right yes I am keeping

That uh I’ll throw that away 4 4.8 oh yeah I have my walking boots [ __ ] well I’ll actually these are way better I’ll do that good buying water walking I guess it’s another really good bow oh that shoots Five Arrows as well I’m keeping that that’s say that’s say mining speed

17.6 mining speed 10.5 was almost instant mine it’s pretty solid unenchanted uh pickaxe shovel it’s called a shovel all right solid did you just gift xar of Mischief gifted a tier one sub to Justina 01 is it going to read every single one oh God oh God it’s going to read

Every single one let me turn that barel of Mischief 10 gifted Subs holy [ __ ] thank you so much for that I mean it’s only the 20th it’s kind of early for a Christmas gift don’t you think but I appreciate it thank you very much holy [ __ ]

Wait [ __ ] this means I have to I have to open the Minecraft server now am I shocked yes yes I am shocked because I promised I was going to open the Minecraft server if I got 10 Subs God damn it you ruined it I appreciate it man thank you very much holy

[ __ ] it’s been a while since someone gifted like that also it is just reading every single one of these then it’s going to take a while The Coincidence pretty I promised this like a week ago I said like if I get 10 subs or whatever I’m going to

Open the Minecraft server and I guess I’m opening the Minecraft server again now I don’t really have a choice [ __ ] actually also this is a perfect time because two days ago I bought a new OverWatch account and it got banned within 7 hours so I I spent five bucks on that

And now I made that money back so we’re fine perfect absolute perfect this music and boy five new OverWatch accounts and get banned on every single one of them perfect Al blister still X of misch finished just finished reading every single one of them do you

Just going to read all of them again Now one to Wolf wait wait wait does this mean you passed Dragon hold up I got to check this open server to boom I I got to start the server it’s been a while you know what I’m seeing though you know what I’m seeing X Mischief

Gifted a tier one sub me I’m not saying anything with this I’m not I’m not implying that you need to do anything here um but something that I’m seeing is that xar of Mischief gifted a tier only number 61 damn that’s that’s kind of cringy you’re 19

Behind can’t hear me because of the bot yeah I know it’s kind of terrible I’m just saying you’re 19 behind that’s all I’m going to say I won’t mention it again also I have 10 more boxes to open oh [ __ ] that is really good that helmet all right Viking

Helmet here we go no I lose oh wait that was minus 10% speed perfect uh what is happening here well you got a sub that’s what happening here you’re cringely you sub no no no no no no no you’re not allowed I’ll return the money if you do

19 more it’s been a been away for a long time that is true but at least you got free sub hey that’s pretty nice I mean you got the worst free sub you can get cuz you get no benefits of being a sub on this channel but hey here we go holy

[ __ ] 23.4 okay I’m going to check this out did you guys know did you guys know that yeah it’s like a free like it’s free money every month thank you for the Su dude all right I mean it would have been kind of weird if you didn’t

Sub also this pig is ass I thought it was going to be really good never mind you know what’s funny the guy who gifted um 34 Subs he never sumed himself just came and gifted this 34 subs and dipped uh am I keeping this I don’t remember no I’m not keeping this

Throw but yeah holy [ __ ] that’s 16 subs thank you so much bear Jesus Christ it’s a good ex of mischief one sub to fast 25 gifts holy [ __ ] holy sh this is going to be a good Christmas dude it’s going to be a good [ __ ] Christmas wrong language you know what

Right now you can speak in any language you want honestly we we’re we’re doing happy time now Jesus Christ you know what the funny funnest thing is I can’t hear anything the bought this really loud for meway you know what the funniest thing is I was

Like do I really do I stream today I don’t know if I’m going to stream today cuz I’m like kind of tired so I wasn’t going to do it but here we are how many Subs that wa that’s 40 41 Subs later here we are yeah know I wasn’t going to I wasn’t

Going to stream today I like ah [ __ ] it I’ll wait until after Christmas who cares if I end now I’m not ending now I’ve been like for 20 minutes bro it’s gonna be a long stream now I was going to do like two hour stream it’s gonna be a long stream now

I’m [ __ ] happy I’m actually happy now but how much is that holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of money bro a lot of [ __ ] money I’m getting my twitch payout now I need like 40 bucks to get my twitch payout you made me happy you made me really [ __ ] happy

Bro where’s the tiar there are two things that will make make me cry cute animals and really hot food now I don’t have any of those actually it’s not going to make me cry but do you want me to go get three really hot chilies and eat them right

Now also I’m a [ __ ] vampire Now do you want me to go and get three really hot peppers and just eat all of them at the same time no drink nothing Al this is I I need seek him here because I don’t understand how this works saying yesterday chilies all right

I’ll go get them give me one minute boys I’ll be right Back to Milo X of Mischief gifted a tier one sub to Lumix X of Mischief a tier one sub to pyro Frost O x of Mischief gied a tier one sub toore you don’t understand the things I will do for [ __ ] money man like holy [ __ ] says something about the server I’m out uh not the server but I like I’m going to open the community server this is single player but I have

A community server that I’m going to open though I was planning to open again for the third [ __ ] time it’s going to die instantly but oh well the things I do for money let me let me go full screen here it’s going to stop doing the the thank you thing now

Sry we can be quiet okay here we go Community server when I’ll send it up after Christmas don’t worry so here we have just a little little thing of pepperonis 10 more [ __ ] sake dude 10 more bro I don’t have this many followers I don’t have enough viewers

For this dude 50 okay why are you some don’t worry about it here we go okay I I promise I’m going to eat three of these now no drinks this is terrible these actually make me feel sick but oh well you’re my sugar daddy now bro I

Don’t even care I’m whoring out for this Okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] can I use I think I made a mistake oh I think I made mistake three I’m horing I’m whing out I mean I’m kind of horny for money as well but [ __ ] all right here we go let me pull up another one oh my God that’s

Two I think I’m stopping it to oh God it’s terrible it’s terrible oh [ __ ] yeah they can’t be that spicy they can’t be that spicy oh my God they’re Chinese by the way it’s [ __ ] awful actually [ __ ] awful I’m pretending I’m not pretending I’m not pretending I swear oh it’s terrible I don’t if you can see me I don’t think the camera’s good enough but like I’m holy [ __ ] oh do I do a third one

I guess I’m doing a third I mean [ __ ] it for money b i little oh [ __ ] do two more I’m doing one more one more five listen if I do five I’m going to start throwing up I don’t want to do that I’ll do three

Okay okay here we go I need something to spit in my mouth is full oh [ __ ] four no three three I swear I cannot do four listen I need to be able to complete the stream okay I’m going to go put these on as well gu oh [ __ ]

I don’t like this I don’t like this [ __ ] awful I have this this is soda this does not help I’m in pain this is [ __ ] awful this is what you do you join streams and [ __ ] me up look into my I can’t breathe Merry Christmas oh [ __ ] oh my

God why did I agree to this why did I agree to this oh my teeth hurt did I eat something yes I did it’s for money it’s for the it’s for the money it’s for the oh my [ __ ] god okay seven Mor and even 10 [ __ ] you see him no

Way oh you’re saving it for the burger redeem go for it it looks swag it’s really swag you get VIP I mean I could give you VIP right now for 50 Subs Bro this is terrible for for 50 Subs I could give you VM right now if you want [ __ ] yeah nice burp thank you um it’s terrible I’m dying um terrible shovel oh [ __ ] is that a red Delo sword I can’t um I’ll take this I’ll I’ll oh [ __ ] I’ll take that I’ll take

This giving VMP you know [ __ ] it I’m giving you I can’t oh my God I can’t think I have Apu um oh [ __ ] know there we go what do you mean unable to add VIP oh that’s why yeah that means you need to join the Discord so I can there [ __ ] you

Know I’m dying bro okay okay I still need to open the Epic Loot crates I need to survive for like at least five more minutes then I can go die in a hole oh all right all right they’re right they’re right I’m ready I’m

Ready okay one two 3 4 five here we go you don’t have VIP perm to VIP him on Twitch you’re weird I don’t know good shovel good shovel huge [ __ ] sword what the [ __ ] you thought mods good I don’t know 24 damage must be my TW actually you’re not my quickest

VIP um there’s a um an OverWatch streamer an old OverWatch streamer called aimbots I gave him VMP within like half a minute I think he came to the chat I just gave vimp no thoughts about it all right shitty pickaxe wait did I say shift right click to sleep you can

Only sleep at night what the [ __ ] what the f I got a sleeping pickaxe void Miner [ __ ] is void Miner and the gobler I got the [ __ ] gobler dude I had aimbots in here yeah yeah yeah aots came in I think like two years ago I was playing Widowmaker in

Gold and he came in and was like bro you’re a pretty good Widowmaker and then then he left came back actually no [ __ ] we duoed bro I dued with aimbots on stream I remember now uh so now you don’t have to save up for Burger true true some people save up

For burger for [ __ ] years dude all right anyways guys guys listen I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m doing anymore I need to get I need to figure out how to do the V the vampire stuff because I’m a vampire now how do I do this does anyone

Know oh my tongue [ __ ] Burns dude oh my tongue [ __ ] hell all right I just wanted to play some video games I’m going be real I just wanted to play some video games today this is not what I wanted to do oh [ __ ] holy bro bro come on God damn it

You know this means you have the you have the sugar daddy emote now that means you have the sugar daddy emote also I mean thanks for 1,100 bits we added 100 x of mischief’s chair that’s pretty [ __ ] cool um yeah you get you get the sugar daddy uh emote now you should use

That also guys there’s there’s a hype train now you guys should uh yeah there we go you guys should add to the hype train holy [ __ ] we’re looking emotes all right bro you can’t give me this much money like I swear you cannot give me this much money you understand that

Right we added 50 bits to I’m you from giving me more money bonus bits unlocked we added 50 more bits you not thank you that’s the limit no more you are not no more no no no more go [ __ ] dumb it I swear to God if you don’t like recall

All these payments I’m going to be pissed God damn also wait Lightning how do you have the thre Monon subscriber Mark the [ __ ] you haven’t been whatever thank you now I guess we can get married I guess we’re married now bro I guess we am [ __ ] dude

I should have signed a prenup oh no I should have signed a prenup with you so I could get half of your money cuz you’re always [ __ ] St act it’s married my sugar daddy hell yeah [ __ ] up oh you have four months on your badge that’s pretty cool actually you don’t

Know how no [ __ ] clue man and do I have any more food in my house I don’t think I have any more food in my house that’s basically it oh wait I have to drink blood I already signed the prenup daddy boy more [ __ ] how many how many

[ __ ] things is that what are they called I I don’t even know what what the [ __ ] they called bits that’s 2,000 bits in like a minute also I’m I’ve recovered I think I’ve recovered now oh I can feel a burp coming up oh that’s terrible can I drink this Blood

Oh [ __ ] I can neat okay okay no that’s another 100 bits is two bux 100 bits is $1 you get one cent per bit which is not a lot but I it’s like 20 bucks I’ll take it of course I’ll take it that’s I don’t think my stream elements

BT has ever had to work this hard he’s working [ __ ] overtime I’m going to give him half of this money you know this means I I have to open the server now right like the stranger craft SMP server is on its way back in a modded form I

Don’t really have a choice hug you oh you’re giving you’re getting a private hug after stream bro listen you’re ging a you’re getting a private hug here we go again here we go again dude third times the daddy that’s me that’s me Jesus [Laughter] [ __ ] daddy daddy bro

I’m getting paid tonight boys I’m eating pizza today here we go daddy oh I just made a mistake I cannot open my eyes again if I open my eyes I’m [ __ ] there is there is hot pepper sauce on my fingers if I open my eyes it’s going to

Get in my eyelid in my eyes I’m terrified oh [ __ ] um a fellow human can you see my Minecraft skin sure it’s it’s dream but red it’s really good I [ __ ] them hard listen as long as I don’t open my eyes more than it is I

Can feel it it’s up here if I don’t open more I’m fine how many how many [ __ ] bits are you going to give me I swear God damn it I’m going to have to buy new actually most of this money by the way most of this money is going to go

Towards my travel fund because I’m going to the US this spring so thank you for funding my travels to go see women in oakl thank you very much um holy [ __ ] all right does anyone know how I do this how do I unlock things I need to

Know wait grab that’s temporary wait do I die in sunlight hold up oh [ __ ] I do die in sunlight oh [ __ ] I hope it will be hookers it’s not going to be hookers I’m gay I’m so gay dude I’m so gay of course I mean now I am listen if you give me

Enough money listen 10 bucks is 10 bucks you know what I’m saying H Train completed level two 75% your community contributed a total of a lot of [ __ ] bits but I wouldn’t say my community I’d say bear contributed a lot of gifts and that’s about it that’s about it dude no

Man is gay but enough money can make it can do a lot of things for a lot of money you know what I’m saying you got tit easy oh [ __ ] I got a sugar moment oh God okay how do I get blood Vamp irism oh my God my nose is still [ __ ]

Dying from the hot things oh God okay okay I’m going to have to reenter myself I forgot what I was going to do today I I I was going to do something that’s for sure so sexy my my snot is sexy I I know right I know choo choo big choo choo

Train [ __ ] I need seeum to come back cuz he knows seeum knows no one else does I can check this oh here we go as a vampire you no longer need to eat food instead you drain blood from living life forms any excess blood drain will be stored into bottles of your

Inventory make sure the keybound draining okay I need to keep bu that blood suck blood oh [ __ ] I can suck people you got six budget batches in one hour you [ __ ] did as well God damn God [ __ ] damn and and you got the emote you’re the only person right now

Who can use the emote Suk your blond B when we Suk your dick while at it um V what else is on V mining assist trinket vario the the [ __ ] is vario all right here we go I’m going to go sunk some [ __ ] blood right now this emote yeah you’re the only

Person that can use the sugar daddy emote your special boy now the most special of the boys listen give me like a couple of minutes and I’ll eat another haunt pepper if you guys want I just need to reenter myself for a bit cuz I actually

Do feel like I’m going to get sick if I eat more I’ll do it listen I’ll [ __ ] do it you special de boy yes oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] look at this huh and now you [ __ ] die right bet wait the music just end [ __ ] the silly music for silly people ended no

Way eat it all I can’t eat the entire thing I will literally die if I eat the entire thing I will eat more I will eat more in a sec why do I have weaknesses because I’m in the sun it’s because I’m in the sun okay come to your country what country

Are you in if you give him enough if you give me enough I might need a bit more you know what I’m saying don’t give me more money please don’t give me more money it’s enough it’s enough also isn’t there a big boy over here oh there’s a

Big boy I’m going to kill him I will kill the big boy okay and then then I will um I will humor You by eating another another tasty hot boy all right Herobrine sword here we go listen for you weeb I have a kunai I have a [ __ ] coine that I’m going to

Use on this big boy ah he does a lot of damage by the way like he oh I just did I just like three shot this [ __ ] Jesus all right so then get used to ones shot me by the way um not anymore apparently okay here we go let’s do another

One uh what’s my name who knows who knows it’s a might be a bit of a secret who knows imagine not having you’re not gifting me Nitro bro no no no no no no bro no no no no no you’re not doing that you’re not no no no no no no

You’re not doing that hold up before I’m eating this you forgot my name skill issue let me just make this a bit smaller you’re not gifting me Nitro I swear to [ __ ] God I’ll accept your friend request listen I’ll accept your friend request oh [ __ ] can’t do that accept DM here we

Go [ __ ] Dam it you absolute [ __ ] [Laughter] [ __ ] what do you do for a living like actually what do you do for a living dud God downam all right let me eat one more this this deserves a celebration this will be the last one I eat though this is the last one I eat okay just so you know

[ __ ] do I really have to do this I kind of do have to do this oh it smells terrible it smells so [ __ ] bad okay I’m doing it you work at the mall do you own the [ __ ] mall what’s up with that just work a lot you know

That’s fair enough we own the grind brush we on the [ __ ] grind okay that one looks disgusting I one one that looks fresh cuz some of these do not look fresh where the [ __ ] is the stem on this one okay this one doesn’t have a stem I’ll just eat the entire [Laughter]

Thing I don’t do this I don’t want to do this oh it went straight to my [ __ ] throat oh God except the Nitro yeah HG shwing woo W baby oh gone oh I um um I I don’t like this I’ll boost my Boost my feel sick make it swag I’ll work on that

Later I need to oh God why do I do this to myself why did I agree to this the suffering is making you cackle I’m happy that my suffering brings you Joy oh [ __ ] I’m I’m these guys hate me now I forgot about that well [ __ ] you too Die I can’t I SU I feel so [ __ ] sick I feel so [ __ ] sick all right let’s let’s oh [ __ ] let’s oh this doesn’t feel good doesn’t feel good I mean I like money listen I like money as Mak as an oh [ __ ] you know what you know what I’ll do you

Know what I’ll do oh God I’ll trying I’m going to beat the under dragon today I’m today I’m beating the Ender Dragon that is now the goal let’s get that [ __ ] done oh my God thighs I do like thighs and titties thank you very much for that

I know the worst part is I can’t even be happy about the money because I just feel sick I’m just not doing well hey but at least everyone has every like everyone that watches me on the regular has a free sub now so that’s pretty cool oh [ __ ] my mouth feels feels

Terrible do I have a blaz rod anywhere let me find a blaze rod somewhere yeah [ __ ] my brain is just numb I take this place for complete this Quest here we go you leave with this lunatic don’t leave me Al with this lunatic please don’t leave

Me bro the next gartic phone stream is going to be wild everyone has have subs for the next gartic phone stream [ __ ] all right let me oh [ __ ] where’s my nether portal I think it’s a Teleport to the nether portal we’ll go there I’m going to get my

[ __ ] uh what does the have to do with garic more people are going to join if they have sus cuz they’ll be like oh should I got a sub woo you know it’ll be great so it’s going to be wild and also like when I play gar think

That’s the only time people watch me no one watches my Minecraft streams everybody loves the gartic streams they’re here for the silly antics that I get up to I have the silliest gartic phone streams I can breathe all right let’s find this [ __ ] Another Castle it’s right there I found

It what the [ __ ] is he standing down there what do he have a mallet it’s weirdo you got to stop be in Luna thing CU you got some Christmas gifts to buy you know that’s fair enough that’s fair enough you should probably go buy that [ __ ] I’m going to buy a new

Microphone now you know what I’m going to do I’ve been planning to buy like a new microphone this you know what this could this could be the push I need and the motivation I needed to buy a new microphone oh God uh so how do I get blood can I

Get can I wait can I bite you well I can bite you but I don’t know if that’s a good Idea that gave me nothing [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] wait hold up new micro penis yeah I kind of need a new one the old one broke let SPO it in two it’s hitting hitting the pillow too hard you know oh [ __ ] I’m Dy this is terrible hello there holy sh do you see

The damage I do wait I don’t even need a sword these fuers just die Why did no one tell me being a vampire pus is [ __ ] broken bro like if Belle ever wanted to dieing she could have just committed suicide by vampire just [ __ ] two shot her

Jesus die everything micro need to be repl sometimes yeah I know I know it’s they wear out very quickly I feel like it’s planned obsolescence you know like it’s a big PE has it’s big P’s fault 100% what why are they over there this is the spawner

Guys actually this St is kind of better I can bite you all day oh I will bro I will you just tell me when and where I’m there away with you last bottle I think I can make that jump no no one cannot oh [ __ ] raar yes per for me K oh

God all right I’m a very normal functioning human being don’t worry about it let me kill these [ __ ] places why don’t they spawn spawn for me Spawn I need I need your rods rare sprinting blaze of Phoenix what the [ __ ] wait why are you up there this is oh wait he’s invisible oh

[ __ ] wait how the [ __ ] am I going to kill him I can’t see him there oh he’s low he’s low he’s low I have one Arrow did I hit that I think I hit that I don’t even know oh there is there is [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he heals I got him accept

An nro I have accepted an Nitro it’s been accepted I’m pretty sure it’s hard to do with streamer mode yeah it says claimed says claimed um yeah I have it I have it I have it easy good poo thank you very much kitten not going to call you that anymore

That’s [ __ ] terrible it’s [ __ ] awful all right how many Blazers do any have three I need some more hello why do you have a what do you have a wait hold on why do you have a bowl he has a [ __ ] Bowl why I don’t need

This what what is he doing to me he’s hugging me yes Huggy boy thank you very much now you die goodbye okay how do I get food I don’t understand I’m not getting any food you just came back hello Noob hi uh well did you get a sub I’m

Guessing you probably got a sub that’s why you came back he’s humping me I mean he was kind of humping me actually yeah it’s true oh fell down five how many do you need like three I think three more right three weeks yeah three weeks to come back here’s a

Sub he’s doing your job’s kind of doing your job actually all right let’s uh head somewhere else I need to find a good way to get blood cuz these funkers just do not give me blood at all yes block the fire for me thank you who the [ __ ] just lightning struck me rare

Ronin blaz the Raiden a funk well he’s dead though okay you will just perish please thank you okay oh nice you get X bear of Mischief gifted a tier one sub to new and Arsenal 12312 we have given 51 gift Subs in the channel 51 bro bro you need to Cal your [ __ ]

Titties real quick oh I threw away the thing God damn it don’t think I threw away any important right there okay that’s cool yeah you need to call me your [ __ ] titties with those gift Subs bro I don’t think my twitch can handle it twitch will be like bro what the [ __ ]

Happening you never get this money what are you doing this guy is cool this guy gives me a lot of money so I like him anyone who gives me a lot of money I like I like money I know very rare and rare trait for me to have but I actually enjoy

Money contrary to popular belief rare deceiving wither skeleton of inner peace I am not feeling in their peace right now what the [ __ ] what compell you to stream today I like money what can I say you love money too bro money is [ __ ] great uh so where where’s my portal

Uh probably put a thing there oh there he is there’s the guy you die [ __ ] you did he die or teleport can’t even tell it’s lost all the items you have a Lego set Bro I want a Lego set oh I want a [ __ ] I love

Lego I haven’t built a new Lego sand in years I think the last thing I built was like uh oh you even have the number hi Walt welcome welcome to the stream Walt um thank you for that put the Vape in your pants Oh [ __ ] can I take it Can I

Taste oh wait you built the Bugatti dude holy [ __ ] wait a minute this is the scent you built this one right here bro this thing is [ __ ] dope all right hell yeah I think the last Lego Cent I bought was the Lego ooh I think the y-wing right not

X-Wing the [ __ ] uh the [ __ ] bomber plane this one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is the last thing I built but not this version this version sucks ass where’s the version I built what the [ __ ] no no no no no cuz the one I had had like full full Motors right or

Engines like this one I think I built this one way [ __ ] cooler no there it is there it is this is the one I buil Anakin’s one this one this one is [ __ ] cool look at this [ __ ] hell yeah for no no no I’m not eating a fifth

One I am I refuse I will not be eating any more chilies today sir all right that is not happening I don’t care how many gifted Subs you give dude I do not care how many gifted Subs how many hours bro I don’t know I don’t remember years ago years ago I built

That thing where’s the teleporter [ __ ] over here there we go okay uh let me go and get some snacks in game I need some in game snackies can I eat the Villager wait uh where’s it have I killed all the villagers [ __ ] I might have killed all the

Villagers that’s [ __ ] I’m biting the duck come here can I bite the duck oh that’s not what I that wasn’t on purpose I swear that wasn’t on purpose I’m still eating the duck for health okay that’s a volti moment every moment was me a volti moment okay here

We go here we go yeah there we go dude I’m breaking the owl stack [ __ ] the all stack over here stacking no blood for You what the F yeah dude I’m sucking the blood right out of them I’m killing yeah I’m killing them here we go they did nothing to you they were stacking too high they were getting too close to God which is me we’re getting too close man I don’t Know also Walt um we’re officially I’m officially going to open the the the SMP again but moded it’s been decided bear of Mischief kind of decided it for me I don’t have a choice this is what I’m doing now now you give me enough money I’ll do

Anything oh [ __ ] it’s a vampire now oh that’s [ __ ] dope all right cuz how do I get blood vials I need blood vials please I’m not getting any [ __ ] blood vs this is a lie I’ve been scammed I got Tallow I strip naked no I’m not saying that I’m not saying that listen

But but listen I have promised at 1,000 followers I will open and only Fans and who knows I mean I’m mainly going to I was I I said I mainly going to post topic but for enough money you know I’ll post anything on there I won’t do it no stream I won’t do it no stream cuz I don’t want to get banned cuz that’s kind of

[ __ ] you’ll sub all right bet we’ll we’ll hey we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens how the [ __ ] do I get this I do not understand will be stored in bottles in oh I need bottles on me Okay I once made a website called toast for host sounds like a solid [ __ ] website not going to lie the [ __ ] that sounds like something you would do actually that that does sounding character for you okay let me um uh let me get some bottles me finally my alcoholism is

Going to come into play I’m going to have so many empty bottles do I have any sand or glass [ __ ] no have a shovel though is this a shovel this is a shovel you’ve already found a place in my heart money man I [ __ ] love money all right let me get some

Glass I thought gift Subs prioritize people with more watch time no I think it’s random if it can’t gift enough s like if there’s if there are few people in the thing than there are viewers it just gives to random followers and the watch time thing doesn’t work by

The way it’s broken it’s been broken for years um rigged kind of actually where’s the door nice um coal are there faster furnaces in this P pack I don’t even know we got to check that b Bonk Bonk Bonk there we go um yeah yeah Walter’s new here don’t worry about

It furnace do we have anything faster Limestone Cinder furnace that’s pretty cool blast umber shle Ring okay who just took damage I heard someone take damage who’s being a silly goose out here I don’t trust that there’s a bumb in your mailbox as long as there’s none in mine also I have why does it say one though on there it say one I don’t

Understand what the [ __ ] that means I don’t understand get levels I’m confused they confuses me yeah he this [ __ ] gave me Nitro and like 60 gifted Subs it’s [ __ ] wild I love money though hey I love money [ __ ] it it’s a real mischievous [ __ ] that’s for

Sure let’s craft some of these 51 true actually only 51 that’s pretty uh pretty pepega pretty pepega me saying that does not mean that you have anything to live up to okay I’m just saying that I’m just making this very clear do not not again you’ve done too

Much all right let’s go and get some extra blood to you’re on sucking on got to FM some blood um I think there were cows over and pigs we back so how do I get levels of vampirism I genuinely do not understand uh repeatable blood drive if you launch

The third time you’ll get I don’t give a [ __ ] in case you have ended up dying twice well under here your third chance okay I don’t care 50 push-ups W can can’t do 50 push-ups the Walt Walt cannot do 50 push-ups I do not believe that for a second

Um do there actually no animals you can oh well it’s only because you weigh like 2 lb it’ll take years yeah that’s what I would say I was bet I can’t do a push-up do I really have to do this it’s going to take a couple of

Minutes but I can probably set up a camera to do like a push-up cam if you want me to okay if you want me to do that I’ll do it uh I don’t know give you push-ups [ __ ] let me see if I still have the app if I don’t have

The app I can’t be bothered uh cam it’s called Droid cam right I I actually done a stream for this once took a while set up but I will do shut the [ __ ] up I’m going to do push-ups I’m I’m going to do push-ups hold

Up um how the [ __ ] do I connect this I don’t remember so then should go to here if I press Start check IP and Port yes I understand I don’t [ __ ] you oh that’s why so the wrong thing start a [ __ ] okay I think anyone no need I think

I know what I need to do I think if I connect this to my computer hold up this is the one thing I don’t like about having a [ __ ] iPhone things like this is so much more difficult connect over USB instead Okay what do you mean no devices detected you [ __ ] [ __ ] wait someone’s calling me hold up hey oh hey oh there something yeah oh okay yeah Okaye Y oh say okay there we go fixed that was very very random I never get calls all right um let me try and fix this right now no one ever calls me and then they call me on stream that’s kind of [ __ ] up I’m not going to lie okay

Allow no devices detected I do not understand if this doesn’t work you’re not getting push-ups by the way I just want just want to say that you’re not getting push-ups if I can’t make this work um not you having watched L bro IM on is built different I [ __ ] love

That [ __ ] we’re brothers you’re you’re Icelandic that’s kind of cringe actually I’m not going to lie okay what if I do this St um nothing [ __ ] works dude bro you’re is slanic you need an app to make sure that your children aren’t going to be inbr when you meet

Someone that’s why you have money cuz you’re [ __ ] isic that makes sense all right I can’t make this work by the way like it it just doesn’t want to work which means welcome to push-ups you will not get push-ups today I am very sorry about this this is very

Unfortunate D my ALT account got a gift sub as well that’s pretty cool look guys guys don’t laugh at us for being Swedish come on that’s kind of oh [ __ ] that’s kind of weird bro come on also uh real Mr HS thank you for the follow I appreciate that thank you thank

Thank you welcome to the stream let’s get back to gaming I spent too much time on the phone and [ __ ] it’s just my friend asking a thing about Friday don’t worry about it all right let’s get back to gaming no push-ups I need to eat more babies can I

Eat this baby nope I need normal animals like a cow you have a volcanic eruption happening yeah but you probably live in R and then like if you it doesn’t really matter if you don’t need money rlcraft not really rlcraft sorry no it’s uh roll like Dungeons and Dragons I know what I’m

Playing also like isn’t isn’t then you are in how did I know because like 90% 95% of the population listen I’m just saying can I well at least I’m killing things all right try to play better Minecraft I think I’ve played that actually um but isn’t the volcanic eruption

Happening like way far away from anyway look at this [ __ ] I’m eating his ass why do I have so many like almost empty bottles just kind of weird I got no say in this I’m not my sugar that is Icelandic [ __ ] dude no

Way that is kind of that is kind of an L on my side that is kind of an L my I’m not going to lie sugar dy I don’t really care honestly it’s money’s money bro money’s money listen we don’t discriminate here okay

If you want to be a sugar you can be a sugar D you know no discrimination as long as you giveing me money I don’t care duck duck duck that that did that give me anything I think that might have given me something it’s a tiny bit of blood

The volcano is 50 minutes away from me you can see it from my window and that’s kind of based actually that’s pretty cool um all right so this should complete my quest two out of three [ __ ] [ __ ] okay can I eat the Vampire Hunter hi there I want your blood thank

You can I get your I cannot get your blood all right I’m still recovering from the hot chilies like that [ __ ] really [ __ ] me up that really did [ __ ] me up uh let’s go this way is five five trees conqur of 800 cars you know what I can see um from my

Window nothing because it’s pitch black and it’s been pitch black for like 2 hours and when I wake up in the morning it’s going to be pitch black I love living North you know it’s [ __ ] great I mean bar can Rel to this bear can definitely relate to

This um Truth or Dare I’m thinking a truth because I’m physically exhausted why oh God it’s a m miix thing wait can I eat the can I eat the ants oh wait I can holy [ __ ] no way they don’t left me this is kind of weird they’re very lone

You can relate yeah that’s pretty much how it is it’s just [ __ ] dark and cold all year around it’s terrible except for the Summers because in the Summers it’s the other way it’s like oh you want dark you want to sleep you you want to

Sleep no no sleep for you it’s going to be sunny all day around oh you want to have sun in the middle of the night go right ahead I just want to have I just want to have an equal amount of cold and bright the entire year

Please is it true that you can’t get some girls okay listen listen that does un cold listen man listen [Laughter] listen so how do you guys feel about the M pack is a pretty cool mod pack actually um it’s pretty cool mod pack um um yeah it’s cool mod

Pack and C over here all right if you move to Singapore you have an equal amount of dark and light but you’ll melt I would rather not my dream the place I want to live the most is I want to live in Wyoming in the US the United States uh

Thing of Wyoming state of Wyoming because real estate is really [ __ ] cheap and I’m just going to build a castle and live in a castle that’s my goal do we have snow as well yes we we have we have we have some snow it’s a it’s a thing oh my God I’m

So [ __ ] look at this look at my punch BR the strongest [ __ ] vampire there is why would I put Wyoming because there’s no one there what do you want me to live in like [ __ ] California I don’t live in California I want to live on like a

Cheap plane with no people just in the middle of nowhere in a [ __ ] field somewhere it’s going to be great okay Quest complete does this tell me how I two L to go out and drain mobs uh lag instead of carrying 50 bottles of

Blood you can dump oh [ __ ] we can make a okay that’s good that’s good as a vampire you’re much weak in the sun to avoid the red Overlord you can skip nine please s in a coffin I’ll make one of those as well blood blood for the blood God oh

God tired of being a vampire either find an alter cleansing no no no I don’t want to do that I don’t want to do that before you start making blood weapons recommended to make a blood infuser pling blood infus tank blood blood it I don’t really care about that

All right great die take your snow I would rather not I have enough snow no want to live in the urals I don’t want to live in urals terrible place it’s just a mountain I don’t want to live in a [ __ ] Mountain going to be a dwarf

I’m too tall to be a dwarf I die in the minstead I can never be a minor though I like minor you want to nap them cuz my voice gives you ASMR Vibes people keep saying that people like actually keep telling you oh you

Have such a nice voice they come in oh I love the B the bass in your voice it’s like no I don’t what the [ __ ] are you on about wait like what are you on about no no no can’t believe Vol is the new dream oh yeah I am I love miners

Dude sing for you no I will not mainly because I’m not home alone and I don’t I don’t want to embarrass myself front of my family I I have to stay with them the entire Christmas I don’t w’t embarrass me okay it’s bad enough as it

Is they already see me as a failure I don’t want to make it worse I look 18 sound 34 you’re assuming I’m 26 yikes yikes you know what’s funny uh a couple of weeks ago uh me and my friend we were looking at Lego stuff on the Lego website right and

Um to verify yourself you have to make like a child’s account and then connect that child’s account to an adult account right to like a parents account and you have to verify your age and the way to do that is you send a picture of your

Face and they use your face like a a a live feed right it it said I look too young it said I looked under 18 it was like I can’t we can’t accept this and I’m I’m so I’m [ __ ] destroyed after that the the Lango website said I’m too

Young the Lango website said I’m too young it’s awful it’s actually it’s a skill issue it is a skill issue like actually a skill issue all my guess 26 is incorrect all right that’s incorrect uh you look 60 during TS at least for women that’s seen as a positive you know

Like oh it’s awful I’m 19 wrong this is incorrect what the [ __ ] am I doing where am I going uh also that is a last I’m not I’m not taking any more guesses because now you’re just going to guess every year until like 30 that’s not

Fair I need four glass let me get some glass you’re six and you look three this is true I’ve never seen Walter but this is true true actually I can I can accept that sounds about right number the second guess is right I am 20 years old uh need four wood one

Iron nope yes um I haven’t seen you either this is actually quite true [ __ ] I need an axe why do I never have an axe he needs the axe that’s an endgame reference o do I want to see you depends do you look like Lord far One I mean if you do that’s pretty cool I think for these Bam Bam blood container here we go oh [ __ ] look at this I got oh oh whoa whoa whoa you look like [ __ ] same bro [ __ ] same the too real but it’s way too [ __ ] real you sound like

B yes I’m going to say the English way as well you sound like bork I love Bor bork is my favorite artist I just love bork so much people who don’t speak Scandinavian languages just can’t say Scandinavian names and words it’s terrible it’s absolutely awful how dare I say Bor like that yes

Bor is my favorite artist no I love Bor Bor how do you say in isic cuz like um where I live I’d say bck do you do you roll your RS for that like Bor is that how you say it Bor true I love Bor it’s like when you play OverWatch

And they’re like yes I love playing toror Yorn yes Tor Bjorn is my favorite but like which way do you say it in Icelandic do you say b or B I feel like B would be more Icelandic I’m very bad at Icelandic the ks M are like

B okay what the f is this removes weaknesses am I stronger now I’m assuming I’m stronger okay I said it right yes based I’m so smart you don’t blow up my ego more than it already is that’s a bad time uh see what else I got I got a i

These do not have anything to do with the vampirism mod that’s [ __ ] great also leveled up something oh knowledge of death reduces range deection oh [ __ ] I haven’t upgraded any of these special items uh this one only this one it’s the only thing I care about cool can I drink straight from

This wait I need oh God I kind of don’t want to be a vampire anymore I actually kind of don’t want to be a vampire anymore cuz I need to keep a glass bottle how how the [ __ ] do I drink oh I just pressed V never mind actually I

Like being a vampire this is all the food I need right there solid uh next Quest I need to make a coffin I going to make a coffin the question is where am I going to get wool I don’t know where where do I get

Wool I haven’t seen a sheep in like 15 years there are nowhere to be found actually what I can get right here okay see I am smart I found the wool right there bada bing bada boom crafting table no crafting table I’ll make one my

Ego is so good bro my ego is huge have you seen my ego it’s massive you’d be impressed some say it’s the biggest ego it’s it’s the biggest ego of all of them keep this on me as well wait does this mean the mobs don’t attack me actually got to try this only

Scandinavian say bada bing bada boom true bada bing bada boom as I snapped in the room how do we keep going how do I get W by staring at wool listen I’m I’m slow sometimes okay I’m slow I’m going to check if mobs don’t attack

Me cuz that would be a huge huge PBW for me actually um find some Moby boys I mean I mean these guys attack me cuz they’re cringe vampire hunters and always he’s dead skill issue yeah you know what my favorite thing that Scandinavians do but no one

Else does is you know how um all um all like English speaking people say um uh he still attacks me this is [ __ ] up yeah you got [ __ ] specs so um all the um all english- speaking people you know when you see a train saying choo choo

You know like ch ch cho cho but in Scandinavia t t t t tet not the Cho choo train it’s t t I always laugh whenever I play Minecraft and I see like tough the material I’m like t t that’s so funny cuz that’s the thing in Sweedish we say

T t is my favorite word also spank says hello there welcome to the stream I [ __ ] love t t bro the best I need [ __ ] food I don’t have any food anywhere that’s so Swedish is really Swedish dude it’s so Swedish it’s terrible it’s [ __ ] terrible I love it though I absolutely love

It I am this friend right uh she likes to make random sounds actually I’m going to the US to visit but she makes random sounds well one of the sounds she makes sometimes is Snip snop she just makes that sound last week I ruined it for her

I told her what that means in Swedish she’s pissed she hates me now snip sop every time glib glop actually kind of the same energy eat this wolf I’m eating the dog I’m doing a China no so what then what that sound means Walt if you say snip snop is basically like saying

Um was was like a good child uh child version in English for vagina was like a child friendly word for vagina um but it basically means vagina penis but in child language in Swedish snip snop POS you know hey that’s fair you guys want to see the video

You guys want to see the most legendary like child education video in Swedish history you guys going to [ __ ] love this um you say P or Pika okay um there we go there it is I saw this in school when it came out it’s so

Bad it’s a b though it’s a Bine you’ve seen it before it’s so Good it’s so Fu if you know the lyrics it’s even worse it’s bad enough when you can’t speak the Language man you’re watching in high school true hey guys um so in today’s biology class we’re going to have uh sexual education and uh [ __ ] awful oh man I’ve watched that video too many times by the way like actually too many times God damn I mean High not in high school oh I

Mean to be fair both are bad both are pretty bad um let me find some Pang no let me find some more I’m going to eat this food hold up there we go um actually okay I’m going to search this up how to gain levels with Minecraft

Vampirism find a hunter who will give you task to get vampire Bloods that’s not what I’m looking for I want I want to level up as a vampire to reach our levels you have to collect some vampire blood kill normal vampire embes with a steak I don’t want to be Hunter want to

Be a vampire uh craft an alter of inspiration placees to use this you have to fill with blood okay if there’s enough blood inside you can sneak right click with an empty hand blood would be fused into making even stronger okay so we need to build an Tim

Inspiration that’s fair like I can do that alter of INSP this thing so that’s really easy I got to go back I could become a vampire vampire Hunter Vampire vampire vampire Hunter don’t you mean a vampire hunter hunter or a vampire no a vampire vampire I think could be a Vampire the H vampires this is true actually I didn’t think about that because I’m [ __ ] stupid all right my language skills are next to none you guys do not understand the

Linguistical and eth e e language history skills that I understand are incredible I’m built different really no one comes close I speak big words sometimes big word me big thing that’s why I like large Fanboy [ __ ] um your Swedish is getting in the way kind of I’m terrible at Swedish by

The way like my Swedish is [ __ ] awful I barely ever speak it the stream only attracts new Divergent people this is accurate this is actually very accurate if you’re not autistic you can’t watch the stream either that or you you at least need to have

ADHD your Icelandic is great I bet it is this easy language this old shitty language I can’t even say that because you’re like the most Scandinavian out of all of us because you speak more like the Vikings that you’re more Viking than any other person I think that’s pretty

[ __ ] die get out of here Rift boy imagine being more Scandinavian than Scandinavians that’s kind of weird you’re proud and inbred yeah I I got to I hit you with that one I did hit you with that I know it’s pretty [ __ ] up but I did I did hit you with that

One uh did I put glass up here somewhere feel like I did one piece of glass you still fun each other this way I mean it’s still legal in Sweden first cousins can marry in Sweden uh which is uh you know it’s polarizing as a subject to say the least

Not because anyone ever speaks about it no one really gives a [ __ ] cu no one does it but hey maybe that’s why old immigrants moveed to Sweden okay that was terrible I should not have said that it’s going to I swear I swear I’m not racist please please don’t cancel me on

Twitter that that was that was [ __ ] awful that was actually one of the worst things I’ve said I should just stop talking for a bit I’m going to stop speaking that’s probably the safest way to go about this you are Twitter oh [ __ ] you’re Twitter wait no it’s called x [ __ ] I

Just D dead named X dude I just dead named X that’s kind of weird it’s kind of [ __ ] shouldn’t have done that look at all these loot I’m getting what’s the quest for this thing oh I’m not even close to this for new V BL V PR to become stronger you needs

Some inspiration place down an inspiration alter and start getting inspired okay we’re going to F this with [ __ ] blood I got to make like a vampire house somewhere I’m going to make a vampire house you think you got it maybe you didn’t oh God what’s this what are we looking

At no one really get sh it’s not very loud oh well okay yeah no you got it you got it I’m I’m deleting that clip after stream hey mons can we can can we get a deletion on that clip I think this clip is very offensive to minorities and I

Don’t accept that in my chat can we uh can we get rid of that just just real quick okay how the [ __ ] do I fill this CR crate of Crystal Shards wow so many crystals get out of here I don’t want these terrible wait two magic beans do I plant

These I don’t plant these oh [ __ ] do I go up oh I guess we’re going up oh [ __ ] bean pod what the [ __ ] do I do up here hello oh oh I just went through oh I bugged myself out okay you’re going to keep ding to the only trans person you want respect

Dam let me put another magic bean right there I’ll follow you up baby don’t worry too fast what the [ __ ] do I do here there’s they’re just two Bean ponds at the top of my world what the [ __ ] the point to this hello why are there two Bean ponds oh

[ __ ] wait I just me a [ __ ] on money I’m [ __ ] Rich hold up I’m [ __ ] Rich bro potato I got I got stuff no way two golden eggs do you [ __ ] out gold can I eat you I I got a mince pie I got a mince

Pie I think that was I think I committed a mistake right there I’m going to throw you in there I’ll be back eat you I will don’t worry about it bro I’ll [ __ ] do that I’ll slob you up like I slum not the [ __ ] pie God

Okay um there’s not enough blood in the blood alar there’s not enough blood in the blood alter there is not enough blood in the blood alter oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] did I just get lightning struck skill point no way I’m ninth Vision now holy Funk I’m ninth Vision I am built

Different hell yeah hell yeah all right I need more next thing is regeneration and then we can become a bat I can become bat mode lick you first listen I will lick you like a cow licks the salt Stone in the field people who aren’t farmers are not

Going to understand what the [ __ ] I just meant listen if you come from a farm place you know what I’m talking about you know what the cows do to that [ __ ] salt stone or what the mooses do you know what the Moes do bro godd damn calm down dude listen I’m I they’ve

Given me enough money for me to be like this today okay I will just meet them with whatever weird [ __ ] hello are we friend you are not friend you die can I eat you [ __ ] you terrible vampire absolutely God awful vampire um I need a lot of cows I need

To make a cow Farm of some sort I think think you like when they pin you down what the [ __ ] okay listen listen listen listen we’re not I’m not going them for a stream I’m text me after stream don’t do that by the way that’s no no no no no no let me

Eat this cow real quick HT your vampire cow huh get [ __ ] uh how do I fill this bet you D don’t DM me or number wait does is Iceland covered by like free EU texting cuz Iceland is like way away you know it’s like way to the side and

[ __ ] please tell me this FS the container oh God it doesn’t it just fills the [ __ ] bottle okay I’ll place the container here and I’ll run around no you got to pay [ __ ] Noob thanes me your Snapchat bro yes I use Snapchat okay I use Snapchat shut

Up I know mostly pedos use Snapchat but I use Snapchat sue me it’s a good way of them giving information different people all Right [ __ ] just cow up why does he have a uni bra what the [ __ ] oh he’s [ __ ] up now don’t I shouldn’t have said anything I regret saying anything it [ __ ] up all right I’m going to explain this to my dad later I’m going to like yo I just

Made like 150 bucks and be like how this Icelandic woman don’t worry slanic woman just gam me 250 don’t worry about easy Blood come here piggy why you said a BL I’m sucking the black pig sometimes I shouldn’t say Things why am I lagging so much hello can you have 12 cent no listen I I gave you the option of getting money I told you I’ll give you money for modding like a scent you’re like no I won’t take it listen that was your chance bro those your [ __ ]

Chance no money for you oh you know what’s confuses the [ __ ] out of me like this the genuine thing that confuses me right it’s like according to my um to my demographics and stuff wait did you actually send me your [ __ ] Snapchat listen we’ll we’ll look at an

After stream all right we’ll look at an after stream um but according to my YouTube demographic 42% of my viewer base are women why is it so [ __ ] high I make like [ __ ] children’s content for Minecraft why is my viewer base like almost majority women I don’t [ __ ] understand it’s terrifying women’s scare

Me oh he’s dead that wasn’t on purpose chicken does chicken give blood chicken do not give blood too tiny too weak what in the [ __ ] is happening here I don’t think this is Right this doesn’t look right does it do you guys how do how do you feel about this what if I jump through the this used to be a door but saying old women artistic that actually makes sense that would explain my sister yikes um intended feature it’s not a bug it’s

A feature could you donate me some blood sir I would love some blood right now he does not want the blood um give me your blood no no what if I told him of a blood drive what if we get like donors to come and give me blood that could

Work I’ll be like um blue bank and I’ll drive around in a little little truck and I’ll go to different cities and I’ll set up shop you know the mobile blood banks hell yeah 16 drops of how the [ __ ] did I get 16 drops of evil you guys have you guys ever seen

One a the drop of evil does you guys want to see some [ __ ] up [ __ ] let me find a secluded place I sound so Norwegian yeah I know when I do like a Swedish accent in English I just sound Norwegian but no one ever calls me

Out on it because No One Ever Knows the difference like no one outside of Scandinavia would know the difference so I’m like I just [ __ ] with it let’s keep going it’s actually it’s really easy the difference between sounding Swedish and sounding Norwegian is your inflection at the

End so like if you want to sound Swedish you just sound a bit more dead inside like if you just sound depressed you’re going to sound Swedish and then you if you want to go Norwegian you go a little bit up and you be a bit happy because you have all the

Oil money in the world so you don’t really give a [ __ ] anymore um yes you’re a bit uh you’re bit like this bit happy gol lucky because you know you have the oil and you have the natur gas and you also don’t have to deal with all the Swedish problems like gang

Crime you want to if you sound depressed you’re just going to sound finish this is also true but I love making jokes about Scandinavia and at the same time I [ __ ] love Scandinavia it’s double-edged sword if you ask me [ __ ] I don’t want to kill the pig hello Mr

Cow this cow looks really depressed no it’s funny I mean one of my most visited subreddits that I go to all the time is um r/ two Nordic for you that is one of my favorite ones we invented ABA this is true we also invented Max maren now it’s funny because most people

Don’t know about Max Martin or as I call him in Swedish Max Mar sounds so [ __ ] wrong could you die please thank you there we go yeah most be if you guys want to have a [ __ ] wild read right look at Max Martin on Wikipedia and look at his dis

Discography look at the songs he’s written and now you know why cuz this is kind of funny you know how all the old people saying that all the music in the last 20 years sound the same there’s a reason why all the music in the last 20 years sounds the same and

It’s Max Martin that’s his name he is the man who’s made all the music in the last 20 [ __ ] years I mean it’s good music don’t get me wrong it’s good music but I mean Taylor Swift wouldn’t exist without Max Martin just saying or the weekend the

Beibs [ __ ] it’s almost daytime let’s go sleep feels wrong going to sleep actually no it feels like real life going to sleep during daytime I love taking naps I’m the kind of person where like I love taking naps because I get super tired during the day and I’m like I’m just I

Just want to sleep right now and then when I wake up I feel like I’m dead it feels [ __ ] awful I’m just like yes death all right let’s try this um you’re just about to nap damn you should go nap I can be left alone

For a sec so I can gather my thoughts why is this not working give me Blood please thank you the eie Eber I am a very eie Eber the E is Eber bnk wait I have permanent regeneration I have permanent regeneration that’s [ __ ] busted bro that’s actually [ __ ] busted there’s

No I think I’m ready to fight a dragon do do you guys want to do you guys want me to go fight a dragon I kind of want to try if I’m doing this much damage this has like a 44 this would take 10 seconds to kill a

Dragon I’m going to go try you can’t I’m going to go something to drink give me a sec um I’ll do that thanks for the gift yeah bro Lon you can’t you can’t missed that [ __ ] dude God damn you missed 51 gifted Subs skill issue um 51 yeah 51 and 2,000

Bits which is pretty cool I like money listen [ __ ] love money um Mr Beast liter Mr Beast bro if Mr Beast came in here and gave me like $5,000 damn new microphone H this is interesting oh God more okay listen smart ass one huh okay let me go get with the

Drink be right bike X Paar of Mischief gifted a tier one sub to Walt BR they have given 52 gift Subs in the channel all right here we go money oh there we go thank you for the gift the sub bro bro all right let me one

Two chair stream and sub that’s what you want seeum that’s what you want also I’m a vampire now look at this I’m I’m a vampire eat more chilies I’ll do one right before we end stream okay I’ll eat one before the end of stream because I I’ve already had four

Okay no Okay listen if I eat one more will you accept that as the last one I eat will is Will is this acceptable go take a [ __ ] later accurate one more is enough okay [ __ ] hate you I actually hate you you’re the worst you see how rasty my cheeks are it’s

From the [ __ ] chilies I hate you I hate you I have a burning hatred for you right now I mean thank you for all the money but [ __ ] you my belly my poor [ __ ] stomach zoom in you want me to zoom in okay I hate you I hate you I hate

You okay let me let me um let me do this sensual as I possibly can oh [ __ ] oh God I don’t I don’t I don’t hate them because give they oh [ __ ] I’m sad give me $100 this is very accurate it’s very accurate that wasn’t that bad you know

What that one wasn’t that bad that actually was just kind of nice all right solid I’m no no more no more you’re were watching a burrito and oh God why does everyone come to my stream while they’re taking a [ __ ] or eating something I swear like I’m just going to

Go eat real quick eat another one later later okay I don’t I don’t know how I feel about it later I’m a loser and I can’t take spice listen I can take [ __ ] spice my best friend is Chinese all right I’ve I eat I’ve eat his hot sauce that sounds terrible so

Many times so many [ __ ] times he knows I can handle my spite I handle ghost peppers better than he does okay I’m just saying these ones are just terrible I don’t know what it is but it’s like the specific type of spiciness I I just can’t deal with it I don’t know

Why um can I milk you hold up can you come down here boy come down he doesn’t seem to want to come down damn I need I need more animals to milk also I need my thing for the milking I can milk you oh God gone titties are free oh [ __ ] free titties

Ooh got to check something on professional streamer on the phone here we go all right um yes so seeum because you know this stuff what’s the fastest way to get blood how do I get a lot of blood really really quick well it was the best way [ __ ] zombie boys you don’t know

Well in that case the fastest way is to go with milk bottles and milk cows kill things yep seems like it oh God it’s the [ __ ] chili burps you know when you eat something that’s spicy and you start burping she dust me in everyone in chat is subbed accurate

Accurate that’s what you want though that’s what you want if I could have one sub for every follower I’d be pretty happy I’d be pretty happy 850 something um yeah yeah that’d be nice that’d be nice where am I going oh yeah teleport there we go this thing where’s

This oh he has this one I remember this you’re not that rich this is fair actually you can’t give me like a month’s salary can’t really argue with that nope oh you guys know what we should do we should make up like a super really sad backstory so the next time Mr Beast

Does one of those like donating $10,000 to R streamers you know to make a really sad back stre make sure he knows about it and then he comes hey hey hey you know who what the [ __ ] is happening here stop hey feathers nice free feathers I’m running out of there uh if

He ever does that expect to me listen if he ever gives me $5,000 I’ll give you 10% bet uh let’s go into this little hobbit Hall after I drink some blood huh You’re Dead dumbass does sheep give like no blood that’s giving good amounts of blood all

Right your mom died after being hit by a car and Str multiple wasps and mold by a bear true true you cackle and snorted but why does everyone always say bro whenever I’m on a Discord Discord call with people they CLE and snort I do not understand I’m not [ __ ] funny I’m

Like the most unfunny person alive I don’t understand all I do is talk about how I like sucking Fanboy [ __ ] like there’s nothing funny about it so stupid Oh God wait you’re a vampire oh never mind he’s dead you were laughing at Walt not me good

Why we laugh at the Walt though it’s kind of Bas uh let’s see what’s happening in here hello hola can I just kill this guy holy [ __ ] do you see how F holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you too get out of here [ __ ] do you see how [ __ ] powerful I

Am I’m like one punch man I’m in my training montage stage This Is My Superhero story my origin the [ __ ] lag okay let’s see where I am on the map um I’m right there which means if I go south I have not explored so let’s go

South why am I DIY is there a [ __ ] here oh no it’s cuz I’m in the sun well we’re running in the sun you’re all gay I’m not gay though imagine being gay kind of weird kind of reversed based kind of cringe actually I would never be gay that’s a

Fact just because I may or may not have a one point Point have sexual relations with someone that didn’t have a penis that doesn’t mean I’m gay okay that doesn’t mean I’m gay I just want to make this very clear for anyone that gets confused about this does not mean that I’m

Gay [ __ ] these cows keep going straight South baby straight South should I actually go south am I going right yes I’m going right way I need to find a v I need to suck all the villagers I’ve said I like men multiple times I’ve never said I like I said like

Fan booys I can admit that I’m G cuz going why does everyone say I have a micro penis every time every time it’s always mro penis instantly as soon as you see me what what is it about me that makes you think I mro penis you’ve seen it oh

[ __ ] then I can’t argue then are you watching me sleep cuz that’s impressive you can find out where I live kudos to you cuz them middle of [ __ ] nowhere um it’s nice it’s pretty cool actually I got a pretty nice one I’ve been told okay this is going to

Sound really weird and I don’t know why I’m talking about this on stream but I’ve the weirdest thing anyone has ever said about my Gentleman sausage is they said it it was aesthetically Policing I how do do I take that how do I take that what do you mean aesthetically pleasing what the [ __ ] does that mean can a can a woman tell me what a can what what does a woman mean when they say that cuz that’s just kind of

Weird my dick face no no no no no you can’t say that you can’t say that that’s weird as soon as it’s a minor I’m I’m tuning out I’m aesthetically what do you mean I’m aesthetically pleasing have you seen what I look like I mean you clearly you

Have because you’ve been staring at me for like two hours I am the opposite of aesthetically placing [ __ ] weirdo it’s Instagram no I’m actually hiding my true beauty underneath this baggy hoodie you can’t see my body I could be really fit for all you know or super fat or both fit

Fat this is just a string of me sucking blood it’s pretty good I love sucking blood yes he’s fat slander that is w that is [ __ ] slander kill all these [ __ ] I’m just fat the [ __ ] I should be able to mine with my hands this is

Unfair if you turn your music up and Whisper you sexy beast literally be aesthetically pleased I won’t do that I will not do that also I’m not fat I’m just killing this guy because I can he does no damage to me I am literally Unstoppable I’m going to suck your blood thank

You that sound is disgusting that’s what good [ __ ] okay get away with you Dy three gifts none of which I want all right also as soon as I find don’t say that again I’m going to say it again [ __ ] smells I was going to say [ __ ] sounds SL get in my brain when

Somewhere else um that’s so Swedish of me why just because I think it smells like uh smells like s struming i sound Swedish are you right yes you are you are correct in that I’ve had so many people come into stream and ask me if I’m [ __ ] American bro

No I’m not all right let me kill this [ __ ] come down here this is mildly unfair there we go get back here where where’s your hit box brother where’s your [ __ ] hit box oh it does a little damage oh wa it does a little damage it does a lot of Damage the boy is a heavy hitter that is a heavy [ __ ] hitter I have three and a look at this look at this I have three and a half health bars worth of hearts and that’s that’s how much damage it [ __ ] did that is [ __ ] wild okay how close

Are we to the death point no I don’t have a gear no I’m so slow now [ __ ] this way that was a lot of damage oh well 700 M Ain nothing but a thing stop shooting me [ __ ] all right I love just randomly getting dsy because it’s daytime it’s [ __ ]

Great love being a vampire just awesome yeah all right now let’s uh let’s get a bit more blood I want to fill up the tank and then I want to find a waypoint to teleport back home I we G two hours okay oh I miss being able to jump up two

Block high things it’s only been like a minute since I couldn’t do it could do it but still all right got to go fast what happens when I run out of blood does that mean I can’t run anymore I swear if it means I can’t [ __ ] run anymore I’m going to be pissed

What the [ __ ] what will I do at Christmas I will be at my grandmother’s house drink a lot of alcohol pass out right before kalanka wake up just in time to open gifts and then go home and sleep it’s a pretty much just a normal Swedish Christmas like just standard stuff

Really oh I’m so excited for for kalanka yeah I love kalanka who same thing every year you celebrate on 24th so do we bro so do I I love 24th is the best day to celebrate honestly Christmas AR to syn Christmas for me starts at like 10:00 a.m. that’s

When I have the first bit of alcohol and then I just kind of keep going from there you know have alcohol with the breakfast and then [ __ ] go for it I wonder if I can get blood from the from the Dragon no that’s what I love about

Christmas and um Advent so the four Sundays leading up to Christmas it normalizes day drinking I love anything that normalizes day drinking same with Midsummer and Easter and any day of the week where you’re feeling day drinking I just [ __ ] love it it’s great would you just normalize being

Alcoholic here going to between the drink and your just in your 20s listen what you’re trying to tell me here is that you don’t break the law I don’t think I’ve ever met a single person in Sweden who hadn’t that alcohol by the age of like 16 at

Least bro if you’re not out drinking when you’re 16 you’re kind of crunch in Sweden like that’s heard someone starts listening to Christmas songs already in July oh that’s [ __ ] awful I hate Mariah Carey oh I [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] you do break the L good no it’s like kind of

Funny like you are it’s socially unacceptable if you don’t drink when you’re 15 at least a bit like come on being 19 is so cringe being born in 2004 is pretty cringe that’s like the worst year to be born I don’t like Christmas music I love Mr

Bé Mr Michael boble Bo I love him he’s such a cool guy and on a real note for a second he’s had a pretty [ __ ] up life I’m not going to lie cuz like Michael bé uh his his son got cancer when he was like 3 years old it’s pretty [ __ ]

Depressing M boo that M BL is [ __ ] awesome I love M BL so much not just the music though like I don’t even listen to the music I just love him as an individual he’s super cool oh there we go you got beer Dage I think I started

Drinking snaps with uh our Herring like every every Easter summer and winter I started drinking snaps when I was 13 that’s pretty cool I [ __ ] love snubs bro is the [ __ ] best flavored vodka goes bur you want to meet Michael I’ve met Elton John oh [ __ ] these

[ __ ] I’m in a stone hold up I hate these flowers why am I so far down the [ __ ] happened am I in a mountain the [ __ ] where the teleport me yeah know like snaps is the snaps is the [ __ ] man a lot of countries don’t have it and

Sometimes I’m talking to my friends from like America and stuff and I’m like oh I love snaps they’re like what what is that no you’re not living life if you don’t have snaps come on especially you going like Denmark and you get Smur AB br oh Smur Brad and

Snaps come on bro come on the heavyweight championship Heavyweight Championship dude from Iceland that was in Game of Thrones you know he wasn’t the heavy he was the World’s Strongest Man you do not if you do not know of the world of strongman you do not speak of the world

Of strongman be quiet bear the world I I live and breath strongman I’ve competed in strongman actually fun fact pretty fun it’s a really cool sport I used to be super strong but now I’m super weak sauce because I’m too tired to go to the

Gym actually I go to the gym it’s just like I can’t be bothered I can’t be bothered to be that I was really heavy for a while like right now I’m at the lanest I’ve been since I was like 15 and I’m like 100 I’m I think I’m 102 kilo at the

Moment which is the lightest I’ve been in five years basically um we just [ __ ] die real quick I just want to thank you random buil Um all right let’s see here do we have any unsuspecting villagers to I could suck off please no imagine not having a I have a really high metabolism but I was eating um uh when I was at my heav that was 145 kilo like I was a big [ __ ] dude for a

While and um I was eating like 2 lers of ice cream a day on top of my normal food which was like way too much [ __ ] food and I wasn’t even one of the heavier guys but like bro listen it’s a it’s a lot of work to

M maintain being that [ __ ] heavy let me tell you it’s not fun Meanwhile your average American accidentally gets to 600 kill like it’s [ __ ] wild I love that show uh my 600 life because I just love laughing at and I know that sounds mean it’s like oh my

God you’re laughing at people that are overweight no but it’s like comical it’s comically overweight like how can you I don’t understand how you can accidentally get to like 300 kilo it’s difficult for me to weigh over 110 it’s really difficult meanwhile these [ __ ] live their life and just it’s so weird

We’re definitely Scandinavians yeah we’re so [ __ ] Scandinavian I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone weigh over 300 kilo in person ever and I’ve seen some heavy [ __ ] people well most of them have an ething disorder but still do you understand how difficult it is to weigh that much

Like in in Scandinavia a lot of you will get probably get professional help when you’re like 250 at that point it’s like holy [ __ ] you’re too heavy bro it’s just it just doesn’t happen here really what the [ __ ] what who you not you [ __ ] off who just lightning struck

Me that’s just we what the [ __ ] someone actually just [ __ ] struck me with lightning let me bite this boy real quick die die die let me eat this villager thank you no but it’s weird that I know it’s like all you’re um fat shaming or whatever but there’s a certain point

Where it’s just like dude it’s just it’s just [ __ ] up like it’s just [ __ ] up that you’re that heavy okay why they don’t get health when they’re that heavy yeah I know it’s that was a charge creeper I don’t trust that [ __ ] Jesus no like I will never understand

How people can let it get to a point where you’re that fat yeah like you’re so fat that we cannot medically intervene and help you because you’re too fat how the [ __ ] do you get too fat and it’s not like oh you got to uh lose like 10

Lbs no it’s like hey you going to lose like 70 kilo before we can do this it’s so fun them you’re going to say oh it’s because um you know so like the um they they proved that they’re going to maintain the weight after the operations so isn’t a

Waste but a lot case that’s not even the case it’s just that they’re actually too heavy for it to be a safe procedure I would know one of my best friends she’s a nurse she works in like uh uh heart surger and stuff like uh the

Uh yeah she she works in heart surgery emergency surgery and things like sometimes they actually just get people who are so heavy that they’re like we can’t do this like we just we can’t do that we got we got to leave this [ __ ] we can’t operate or they’ll die what fight fight

Fight die I’m killing you with my hand I don’t care why am I taking so much damage I can’t even tell if I’m taking damage bro I’m just hitting them with my [ __ ] hands let me get that I need that ender pearl thank you 80% yeah most of the people on those

TV shows either gain the stuff back or they just die a lot of them actually just die after the show’s done like unironically it’s quite funny oh I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean I didn’t mean to do that Sinister boy sorry let’s go home don’t die it’s quite sad

Um but honestly for their sake I’m happy they die because imagine weighing like 400 kilo not being able to move like imagine actually just not being able to live your life like that no I think it’s better to just be dead honestly for your own sake it’s kind of like you know how

Um um you know how like it’s um I’m happy they die okay listen listen listen I had my my grandfather’s cousin right he died a couple of years ago and he had dementia and Parkinson’s and like just all of the [ __ ] and he had like you

Know a hump back and it was really [ __ ] up and for his sake I wish he had died like 10 years sooner because he should not have lived that he lived like 98 and he had like at least 10 chronical illnesses from the day he was born he

Should not have lived 98 years I feel terrible for him like actually [ __ ] terrible he had a mentia for like 24 years it’s it’s pretty bad it’s pretty bad so that’s a case where it’s like the you know we should have just I don’t I’m not really for medically assisted suicide because you

Know it can be R used for the wrong purposes but sometimes sometimes maybe it’s just better you know just maybe just maybe I’m just saying okay anyways uh unlocks bat mode how do why suck blood toggle action portable blood potion crafting that’s not

It key R what do I have an r that I don’t need dragon breath no uh open mine menu no no extended inventory be Ram reload I only need inventory sorting and whatever this thing is use action show recipe I guess that’s fine that does do something unclear what it

Is wait there just skill tree thing down here uh shoose WIS your setting is expensive use certain skill key is needed okay that’s what I need to do so toggle action one let’s try that am I am I a bat I’m not a bat what the [ __ ] does unlocks action toggle bat

Mode I don’t understand okay what if I put this on like weird [ __ ] buttons um oh wait select skills oh no that’s just this menu okay oh you were supposed to go into the post office skill issue get funed uh [ __ ] let me put that up what I have on

Up okay so if I do up down oh [ __ ] okay I can use the the these Keys cool and then vam so toggle action two is going to be on that left toggle action one is going to be up down I guess whatever and toet switch vision is going to be right

And select skills I guess will be an R I don’t [ __ ] know oh [ __ ] here we go region did I toggle that off back mode oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] wait oh I’m become a bat okay I need music for this hold up where where my music ended but I can I can

Fly okay let’s go up here and see what’s in this thing life is good now this this is life is good I mean we’re flying kind of slowly I’m not going to lie it’s it’s not the fastest upwards but ay being a bad is being a bat listen I iuck can take

It this is so much better I don’t have to run on the ground like a [ __ ] peasant anymore I don’t have to be like these [ __ ] peasants look at this guy look at this shoo what is he going to do about it nothing Blaze

Pet stop it I want to be I want to be [ __ ] you get out of here boy why do I not have regen oh I need to choose if I’m being a bat or a region okay okay that’s fair that’s fair I want have both at the same

Time nice what are the other skills I can have uh let’s have a look can I uh so we can go this route action uh that gives you a speed and damage boost on cost of increased blood usage allows you to S more blood more efficiently and stop at the right moment

Also increase your bite damage that’s pretty good instant kill any non-vampire that has below 12% of his Mass health using a vampire sword oh wait that that’s solid charge your blund using tools on the go okay temporarily freeze all nearby creatures that’s pretty good summon bats summon a lot of bats around

You while in bath mode so become Batman grants temporary immunity from direct sun damage I don’t care reduce sun damage your body will not be weakened by water anymore decreases your thirst for blood that’s pretty nice I don’t know what disguise does Action that temporarily blocks all high value damages by consume

Blood for that inv this ability so this gives us teleportation uh alls you to see Additionally the with poison blond avoided by creepers BL this is entity through walls in the dark okay these are pretty cool you sound on for a few minutes uh I can fly now that’s what

Happens I’m a I’m a flying boy so that’s pretty neat I’m a [ __ ] bat y I’m a [ __ ] bat now hell yeah [ __ ] B uh can I buy Ender Pearls by the way nope I cannot okay we need to get ender pearls to get to the end I might

Not get to the end today so that’s a thing can I switch off from Bath mode thank you my region back turn off on dark mode or your sub bch is different now can you even see the sub bch now if you’re on dark mode

This the one month one the one month mon is kind of shitty disconnected AO there hi welcome to the stream uh all right what do we do what what what do we want to do next actually do we want to go to the [ __ ] Twilight Zone I want

To see what we get in the Twilight Zone there VI on this sh I still love it I I love the um the 12 month sub badge I’m going to be real the 12 month sub badge it’s pretty gay and I like it it’s pretty good it’s pretty good I made it very

Rainbowy stink guy oh I never had that in my inventory Wild Burger Discord roll there is no Burger Discord roll the burger Discord roll is just being VIP so no I mean you can I could make one am I going to go who’s mad at me there’s an Enderman mad at me hold

Up hello who’s mad make one just for you do I really spp that hard I can’t say the word it’s bad on Twitch nowadays do I really s that hard I’ll think about it I’ll think about it I like money so a that’s the one thing let’s go to the pil first all

Right I need flowers new red flowers pupppy come here I actually know a woman nam pupppy in real life huh would you look at that they le as well dandelion why are they called d and the lion what is so lion why you so Dandy about this

Lion I I like this emote don’t I I don’t [ __ ] know I need I actually need emotes for my channel you can make emotes for me I do need emotes for my channel un ironically Pokey said they were going to do emotes for me but they haven’t done emotes for me I’m [ __ ]

Pissed no I’m not not paying them I will never pay any anyone for emotes I require all of my emotes to be free of charge I don’t like paying for things you’ll do it for free you don’t have to do it it’s fine also I need a diamond what am I

Doing I mean if you want to do it for free sure go go right ahead but like I won’t I want to ask you to do it cuz that just feels wrong bucket bucket oh [ __ ] disconnected thank you for the followe that thank you thank thank you all

Right Quest completed hold to the even tide what the [ __ ] what is that hold to the even eye I don’t know where Quest what the [ __ ] there’s no there’s no completed Quest anywhere what the [ __ ] did that mean oh well I whatever kill 50 holy [ __ ] I didn’t look at these Quest kill

50 Cyclops how no no enchant 25,000 items no way dude there’s no sh cbk welome to the Stream bro this is [ __ ] there’s no way you’re expected to complete this [ __ ] mod pack now I refuse here take my diamond bam all right here we go all right Twilight time let me put a

Wayo can I make a way point no more subs that’s fine bro that’s fine home this is home portal let’s go this way I don’t want you to gift any more subs okay you’ve done enough for today [ __ ] idiot also I have so many levels

Up uh let’s max out iron skin I think I couldn’t Max it out for today yeah it’s enough for today listen I’m not going to stream for like another week anyway what about the night no more in the night either cuz after this just so you guys know after the stream I’m taking

Christmas break for like a week so we’ll see oh [ __ ] can I wait can I eat these [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I can hell yeah give me your blood brother nice okay I want to find a boss I want to go kill a boss Easy I actually think I’m going to be able to kill the bosses way too easily it’s nothing going to be funny I need to find a Naga I need to find a Naga first that’s what they’re called call you tonight um otherwi is preoccupying tonight I’m sorry about

That here what the [ __ ] why is there a tower in here these aren’t usually in the Twilight why’s there penis tower oh I hate this staircase oh God I hate this staircase oh it’s a wher tower I know what tower this is Al my game’s lagging hold up that’s a long lag [ __ ]

H is just dude in here oh there say a dude in here and now he’s dead goodbye get [ __ ] idiot now I want to I just kind of want to see if there’s any interesting loot to be found in here there’s the NGA how many hints do you think it’s

Going to take for me to kill it because it’s a boss I mean it’s a boss how many hits I thinking five hits probably okay more than five but still pretty decent damage this sword is really [ __ ] good also I take like no damage from this so

That’s fine for me you did a naughty thing what did you do did you poop in the shower that’s pretty naughty huh that was really fun easy uh do we get a chest in the middle no we do not get a chest in the middle oh damn you dm’d me oh

God I’m going to look at that after stream umam bam all right where do we go let’s go north this is West let’s go west actually I’m going west now I didn’t accept your request though I listen I I’ll I’ll do it later say still pending oh you’re

Discord I’ll do it later listen I’m [ __ ] streaming Momo hello I mean you’re trying you’re kind of just killing yourself right now going to put out your fire you’re going to burn down the forest dude wow he’s so strong what what a strong individual I just

F all right I think I’m pretty powerful actually I think I’m wait let me turn on my region real quick I’m not even buffed right now can I wait can I drink from you [ __ ] I can’t even drink from him well then you die can I drink from you I can’t drink

From anything this [ __ ] I can drink from the deer though I’m going to drink from the deer here we go yes these sounds are terrible who the the [ __ ] oh my God why are there so many of you just just get out of here dude get out just get out of

Here there holy [ __ ] leave me alone let me eat my deer in peace me just tastey [ __ ] yes this is a really annoying thing to like I love the vampire Buffs cuz I’m strong as [ __ ] oh I haven’t eaten this yay more Health here we

Go okay let me let me fill in some more blood and then we’ll go find a lich guy I want to kill a l as well then I we’ll see if I do anything more after that uh which biomes are they in I think they’re in this biome

Actually could be just going to find a big old Tower so [ __ ] fast uh Tower I need Tower there’s a there’s a door what happens if I break him I’m going try this oh we just stay there that’s ominous make it disappear one pixel it’s exactly zerum pixels

Think it’s like a paper have you ever tried it with a paper paper like the one thing in real life that are zero pixels thick can’t see it from the side it’s wild ow it hurts oh W this really hurts actually hold on where’s the middle I see one chest

There I see a chest over here you’ve never had sex with paper don’t try it as far as I know it’s not a good idea I mean I’ve never tried it myself either so you know who knows oh that’s made Bug Stomper these are terrible chests why are my things blacked out

That’s weird all right let’s get out of here oh [ __ ] glue is hon where’s the [ __ ] door there we go also I like how I mention paper and your first thought is like I’ve never had s with the paper that’s kind of sus like that kind of makes me think you know have

You it’s a very whole house that’s kind of sketchy is there a basement to this house I don’t have an axe with me so I’m not going to check oh well hi there [ __ ] loot goodbye I never stay if there’s [ __ ] loot I mean if there’s [ __ ] for loot he

That’s a whole different thing no [ __ ] loot there’s going to be loot in this hill let’s have a look unless I find a big Temple right now that’s not Diamond that’s a Prosperity or I don’t care about that I don’t really care about diamonds either [ __ ] where are they where’s the Lich

Temples usually find them like instantly there’s a NGA thing again might be another one one wonder if NGA gear is better than my gear seven 10 never mind you know this got me thinking how in the [ __ ] am I supposed to kill that dragon from earlier cuz I need to kill a

Bunch of dragons cuz I need to get dragon egg for quests and stuff and I mean I have like pretty good gear right now how the [ __ ] am I supposed to kill a dragon damn I mean either I’m going to need a lot more damage or I don’t

Know actually don’t know I just I need more health is that a floating island hold up can I go to the float oh no it’s just a big tree just a large tree hey I found it there we go let’s kill this L [ __ ] yeah L [ __ ] so funny I’m making

It funny with words here we go let’s going this way now this place has a lot of loot but the thing about me is that I also have a lot of loots I don’t really care I’m just going to go up where’s my oh that’s wrong that’s my region oh I’m thirsty

[ __ ] all right well I’ll kill him without any regeneration that’s fine I need to go and get more thirst because I can’t regen I can use my Powers here we go no just going to can I kill you oh yeah I need to do this that’s one that’s two shut the [ __ ]

Up such a difficult boss fight it’s so difficult I’m so stressed right now oh oh there we go wait can I eat these guys [ __ ] no I can’t okay well then I’m going to sunk this man that’s a lot of quests oh I got a voodoo doll prevents you for stiz of

Death burning in darkness what the [ __ ] is Darkness that’s ominous uh full gold armor I don’t really care [ __ ] okay I’m going to look at this in a sec I need to go and get myself to [ __ ] drink in game well good thing I have a lot of

Health I don’t care about full damage let’s find a deer or cow what is this Ram I’ll take it let me drink there we Go thank you let stop [ __ ] I’m too powerful I keep accidentally killing everything I just want to sunk Through Blood uh okay what else did I get that’s pretty much it a magically enhanced string is used by sages to create things [ __ ] off a lot of quests as well oh

[ __ ] all right box one stone one book one pair of boots I like booties all right Dragon boots plus 0.5 step height I don’t even care that these are like kind of slightly worse 10% speed and step height look at this holy [ __ ] I am Speedy as

[ __ ] look at this zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom the music fits perfectly I’m just enjoying myself gr so fast all right what else do we have this bam is that a pickaxe that’s a pickaxe I don’t know what the void filter is I don’t understand sad all right what’s this

Hello boring how much money do I have I’ll buy one more of this bam oh my God wait Health boost resistant to knock back jet pack I now know how I’m going to kill the dragon I am the dragon fear me the [ __ ] it doesn’t even use your

Ability I just won the game I think I just won the game with that chest plate Actually I’m going to go try and kill the dragon before I end stream I’m going to do one more thing I’m going to go try and kill a dragon this isn’t broken at all this is fair this is fine [ __ ] flying I’m actually happy for I’m really

Excited I made a bunch of money and I learned how to [ __ ] fly let’s go into the teleporter wait does this mean I can’t jump anymore I just fly I just fly now okay that’s that’s not going to get annoying at all is it I many of you made the merch gold and

Diamond that sounds pretty cool all right we’re almost done I’m just going to do some a bit of drinking real quick and then we’re going to go kill the dragon or a dragon I’m not going to find that Dragon but here we go don’t I yawn I

Do sometimes what the [ __ ] I’m thinking that me son I got I got to get rid of a sun hold on in the middle of the day I don’t want to deal with this sleep [ __ ] I can’t sleep when I’m taking damage hold up oh my god oh you’re saying don’t

Yawn I won’t I won’t don’t worry can I be outside now thank you God damn that was scary this looks complicated not an isn’t that complicated I mean it’s kind of complicated in the beginning but like you know I have my Vampire Skills and I have my level

Skills I have all my quests too many [ __ ] quests um no it’s fine we have we only have like 101 pages of items and I haven’t gotten into the complicated mods yet I’m kind of just going through the Easy Mods first first because I know how they

Work then we’ll see then it’s going to get bad do you understand by the way how easy I could kill the Ender Dragon right now like the sword I have the ice blade I’m pretty sure if I use this on the Ender Dragon it’s going to like three shot the Ender

Dragon like I’m just going to kill the like I don’t even need to kill the thing I can just fly up and kill the End Dragon kind of epic well let’s find a a dragon of any kind shouldn’t be too hard or maybe it’s going to take six hours who knows

Uh might take six hours slay the dragon well I don’t have I can’t the Ender Dragon is going to take ages to find I don’t have any ender pearls and stuff but I’ll kill a dragon right now I am [ __ ] terrified you do not understand how scared I

Am CU they have a tendency to kill me very easily they have many times in the past look at anything big I found on the way as well just to try it out I can [ __ ] fly this thing has 12.49 armor look at Diamond Armor this chest plate is like almost

Double Diamond Armor and has more armor toughness and it makes me more Health look at this bunch of wolves H I killed the dog and then I fly away gigachad that’s a giga Chad Move um [ __ ] I would have hoped for a dragon already but I guess not why am I still going upwards wait wait if I just Sprint up I can just Sprint upward s what the [ __ ] fun a village ass I agree I love ass ass is pretty

Cool uh anything cool in here I’ll take the blacksmith I’ll [ __ ] rob someone and drink your blood actually I’m going to craft Jesus I’m going to craft another coffin I think it’s a good idea to have a coffin with me at all times no that’s a [ __ ] dress [ __ ] that I know

I can kill them extremely easily but I just [ __ ] hate them let me go downwards please God give me your wool thank you I didn’t need it there’s a whole piece of wool up here but still so C coffin um three wool and six log six wood you guys have any wood

Anywhere no I guess not [ __ ] I never have an axe why do I have an axe it’s want an axe okay here we go oh I just got I got 38 [ __ ] logs from that Jesus I I only needed one all right here we go I have a coffin

No let’s steal everything from the blacksmith too easy Jesus yes that’s me I am him terrible terrible loot also this flying is kind of nice cuz I don’t use up any my blood thirst hunger stuff can just can exist for a while it’s pretty

Nice do I still watch you Cal no no no I don’t I don’t I haven’t watched that in years they’re so [ __ ] boring dude I’m not just say the new I’m too old for that this they just [ __ ] boring let me kill these [ __ ] real quick so you’re dead when it stops

Lagging there we go thank you just going to kill these [ __ ] there we go any good charms in your chest you swing in no no no the the best classic one is um uh [ __ ] wait what is this m then hold up Fen on you last one but like what the

[ __ ] is this biome hello CAG the [ __ ] is this platform this isn’t a crack Jesus I mean I know they call like the the Badlands May Mesa but that’s a real [ __ ] Mesa jeez is that a dragon that’s a Bone Dragon that’s a dead Dragon [ __ ] well at least I can loot this

Corpse give me your things Mr Dragon ha got a skull bro this [ __ ] death pack is going to drive me insane by the way like moving on the ground with this jet pack is terrible moving in the air pretty [ __ ] sweet um jumping not that

Why can’t I go this way thank you it’s like if I stop and then I try it’s terrible um maybe we don’t kill a dragon but we can kill this thing I can kill this thing and now you you you don’t know what this is right you you have no idea

What this is let me find there we go but this is Medusa like the the [ __ ] the lady the stone lady if you look at her you die hey I got her nice that last time I went down into one of these I instantly died and

Um oh now she’s done see what she gives money [ __ ] it I like money I’ll take that what can I do with the head legendary weapon has a unique Banner pattern that’s great wait a minute can I hey Funk boy get over here I got to try something on

You look at me look at me oh [ __ ] and then I bunk and he dead you say I like money every minute well because I like money what was why is there another guy here this guy’s huge that’s what she said can I please go go down please thank

You there we go is this not a dragon head if you only know how often I say uh fanboy when we play garic phone you’d be [ __ ] mortified like Morty from ricking Morty funny funny moment Um why are there no dragons usually I run into dragons everywhere there’s another Village two Villages and a pirate ship that’s pretty cool I’ve never seen this hold up I’m kind of exploring now this wasn’t what I was going to do but I’m exploring it [ __ ]

Do we have anything in here what’s this that’s just the wizard tower never mind cat emote oh man I got to make an emote for my cat I still haven’t done that everybody let my [ __ ] cat bro uh that’s not it there he is there he is

He’s fat [ __ ] we call him fat [ __ ] like his name is kbis kbis he his name is literally fat [ __ ] he’s the best look at how goofy he looks wait wait look at how [ __ ] there isn’t a single thought behind those behind those eyes he is so

Stupid I love him he’s one of my five cats I used to have more but they died terrible [ __ ] awful uh where’s the Blacksmith there it is since snaps of the cat maybe you never never know where he is he’s a very elusive cat sometimes he’s here sometimes he

Isn’t he was in the Desert deser Hills yes I can see I feel like I’ve been here I feel like I’ve been to that portal like that specific portal that’s that’s nothing my cath I to I think I’ve had like 35 cats over the past 15 years that’s a lot of cats

Soot of little [ __ ] they’re pretty cool though I mean they live in the middle of nowhere they live outside so it’s fine that’s why they die also mainly imagine having a guinea pig having a guinea pig is just a skill issue of itself cuz you know they’re

Going to die it’s like hamsters you just know they’re going to die cans can at least make it a couple of years all right what’s in here hi zombie I’m going to drop down please do not murderize me I’m not going to press that [ __ ] button you dumbass oh it gives me a

Boat maybe I should press it what’s this oh I have that terrible terrible I like the duct tape duct duct tape is pretty good curse of binding pumpkin I’m not taking the pumpkin oh hello nalm get [ __ ] uh can I get this way nothing is

That it do the entire place okay so glad I went down here wow Epic Loot guys incredible I went down into a modified Minecraft Sea Temple and I found what in Minecraft 12 12.2 the new update holy crap guys you won’t believe it gone sexual gone wrong I am taking damage cuz

Of the daytime I’m taking damage cuz daytime I’m about to die I’m going to die I can’t get so anyways guys um all right it’s been a good stream thanks so much for watching God damn it [ __ ] no I’m going to leave I’m this stream

Was supposed to be 1 hour and 20 minutes long it’s now been 3 hours I have stuff I need to do so I’m going to Leave so I’m going to I’m going to say it I’m going to say my outro it’s been a good stream thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed and you haven’t already followed please consider following as I really do appreciate it don’t forget to join the Discord link is

In the channel description that’s going be that’s going to be it for this time can you choose raid I don’t raid I don’t do raids very rarely I do raids I’m see you guys next time which will be after Christmas the next stream will be after Christmas probably on like

Tuesday or Wednesday next week we’ll see I don’t know who knows so yeah it’s going to be it for this time I’ll see you guys next time I’ve been Vol bird and [ __ ] every single one of you then why do I have a raid emote for when I do raids very rarely very

Rarely goodbye

This video, titled ‘SHORT LAST STREAM BEFORE WINTER BREAK | Roguelike Adventures & Dungeons | Modded Minecraft LIVE’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2023-12-20 16:51:19. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:27 or 10527 seconds.


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I’m currently trying to get monitized so any watchtime is grealty appriciated!:D

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    Discovering Secret Treasure in Ocean Monument! 🌊🔥【Minecraft】Video Information This video, titled ‘【 Minecraft 】LET’S GOOO KITA KE OCEAN MONUMEN!!’, was uploaded by Fukutsuki Kairi on 2024-02-28 15:31:57. It has garnered 1197 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:22 or 10402 seconds. Top Up All Games & Trusted Vouchers Hassle-Free? Just Gemushop.com 😉 and don’t forget to use the voucher code DISKONKAIRI to get an additional discount of 3% for every transaction above IDR 50,000. Follow the social media for interesting events too! 👉🏻 https://linktr.ee/gemushopid ================================================================== Halo semua, your pretty sleepy here, kairi chan desu! Now, gimme your money! https://trakteer.id/Kairi%20Chan/tip?quantity=1 Stream Rules [ID]… Read More

  • SHOCKING LIVE: On1can Streams on Hive!

    SHOCKING LIVE: On1can Streams on Hive!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE BUT IM LIVE ON HIVE :3 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-04-15 09:34:29. It has garnered 216 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:33 or 6813 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: https://discord.gg/2w9qWzb5Cm #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp #bedwars Read More

  • Insane Luck! Minecraft One Lucky Block Challenge!

    Insane Luck! Minecraft One Lucky Block Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But We’re On ONE SUPER LUCKY BLOCK!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-06-03 03:00:14. It has garnered 303384 views and 4622 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:04 or 1144 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Nico and his friends are on ONE SUPER LUCKY BLOCK! Using the lucky block they can get super lucky items or unlucky items! What will they find inside the lucky block? Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More


    APHMAU's SECRET BLOOD MOON FAMILY PARODY!Video Information This video, titled ‘APHMAU Having a BLOOD MOON FAMILY in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)’, was uploaded by Aphmau Fan on 2024-03-25 18:36:54. It has garnered 30363 views and 121 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:28 or 1228 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Aphmau Locked on ONE BLOCK But We’re ELEMENTAL in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL) 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Ein or Aaron? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft… Read More

  • Spread of Civilization – ValhallaMMO – Seasons – Realistic Economy – Real Farming – Dynamic Borders

    Join the Fight for the Brand New Mill of Fertility and Hellsword Objectives! Double Experience Weekend – Time to Play! 🎉 Join Us on Spread of Civilization Today! 🎉 Server Details: IP: Discord: Join Discord Dynmap: View Dynmap Version: Java 1.20.4 About Spread of Civilization: Welcome to Spread of Civilization, an innovative Minecraft server that offers a unique and realistic gameplay experience. Collaborate, trade, engage in diplomacy, and interact with the world in a way that feels real! Features: Real Economy: Engage in player-to-player trade, set up shops, and become a master craftsman! Infrastructure Over Teleports: Build connections with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare!

    Minecraft Memes - Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare!I guess you could say this meme really mined my craft – I mean, scared the living daylights out of me! Read More

  • Motor Gang Trio: EfeKan, Ali, and Baby at Work!

    Motor Gang Trio: EfeKan, Ali, and Baby at Work! In the world of Minecraft, a gang was born, Ali, Efekan, and Baby, workers sworn. Together they built, with blocks and with glee, Their motor gang, as far as the eye could see. With tools in hand, they crafted and mined, Their adventures in Minecraft, one of a kind. From building grand structures to exploring the land, Their teamwork and skills, always in demand. So join them now, in their epic quest, As they build and explore, giving their best. Subscribe to their channel, for more fun in store, In the world of Minecraft, they’ll always soar. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Spiciest Seed Memes

    Minecraft's Spiciest Seed Memes “Trying to find the best seed in Minecraft is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is made of pixels and the needle is a diamond block.” Read More

  • Minecraft: STALKER Transformation

    Minecraft: STALKER Transformation Exploring the STALKER-Inspired World of Minecraft Imagine stepping into a post-apocalyptic world, reminiscent of the eerie atmosphere found in the popular STALKER series. Now, thanks to a creative Minecraft player, you can experience just that – without the need for mods. By utilizing Optifine, a resource pack, and a vanilla world, players can immerse themselves in a unique gaming experience that brings the haunting vibes of STALKER to life. TheZone Map: Pripyat City One of the key elements that make this Minecraft world stand out is the meticulously crafted TheZone Map: Pripyat City. This map, available on Planet Minecraft,… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Pokemon Trainer in Hardcore Minecraft! Catch ‘Em All!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Pokemon Trainer in Hardcore Minecraft! Catch 'Em All!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a POKEMON TRAINER in HARDCORE Minecraft! Ultimate POKEMON अभी मजा आयेगा |’, was uploaded by TechnoBreed on 2024-04-21 07:53:24. It has garnered 8362 views and 226 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:17 or 497 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_s32QnrCRWIhKS4G6h1nmQ/join Welcome to an extraordinary Minecraft adventure where I challenge myself to survive 100 days as a Pokémon in Hardcore mode! Join me as I dive into the immersive world of Pokémon, taking on the role of a trainer-turned-Pokémon, facing numerous challenges, battling fierce opponents,… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days of Plagues in Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days of Plagues in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS of Plagues in Minecraft’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-05-18 03:00:04. It has garnered 2429779 views and 40714 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:01 or 1321 seconds. I Spent 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Plague in Hardcore Minecraft! Will I SURVIVE the APOCALYPSE? Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join 👕 Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft Hardcore Cursed Treasure!?? #shorts

    🔥Minecraft Hardcore Cursed Treasure!?? #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛔ ⚠️ ❌ MINECRAFT HARDCORE – Tesoro Maledetto #shorts’, was uploaded by Fabio Mason Minecraft on 2024-03-18 09:53:29. It has garnered 7359 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. ⛔ ⚠️ ❌ MINECRAFT HARDCORE – Cursed Treasure #shorts YOUR FAVORITE VIDEOS: ➡️https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MyQhGlORFho ➡️https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_IhW9BQFc3I ➡️https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NFm6MGvKHbc ➡️https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FBGTKK5X9vA ➡️https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2cU-DatxI4E MY FIRST TIME IN HARDCORE MODE: ➡️https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs8xQMidpMQ At 500 subscribers I will no longer use the teleportation in Meson-Potamia. At 1000 subscribers I will return with the web Cam 📮​MY CONTACTS: ➡️​https://www.instagram.com/fabiomasonofficialp/ ➡️​https://www.tiktok.com/@fabiomasonofficial ➡️​https://www.twitch.tv/fabio_mason Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft Island Attack! KingFuchsy” #clickbait #sneakpeek

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft Island Attack! KingFuchsy" #clickbait #sneakpeekVideo Information This video, titled ‘Neues Minecraft Projekt| Insel Attack| Trailer #minecraft #trailer’, was uploaded by KingFuchsy on 2024-02-10 07:54:18. It has garnered 784 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Read More

  • Intense Finale on Respite SMP – Chaos Unleashed!

    Intense Finale on Respite SMP - Chaos Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Chaos of the Respite SMP – Part 2: The Finale’, was uploaded by FineMiner on 2024-01-10 18:30:09. It has garnered 100 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:05 or 665 seconds. #minecraft #smp #pvp Video: The Chaos of the Respite SMP – Part 2: The Finale Part 1: https://youtu.be/GM7t3PmYH7c?si=f4niRuclmgnStMiR Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:31 The Chaos of the Respite SMP 1:12 The Fight 10:35 The End 10:53 Outro Join the new Discord! – https://discord.gg/JRJTbPHxpV Subscribe to the channel! – Socials – Twitter: https://twitter.com/FineMiner7 Email: [email protected] Spotify User: https://open.spotify.com/user/315ky6przouxva7qmyqb2ap24oqi?si=4937a0f70c6d4202 Discord: FineMiner#5662 Secondary… Read More

  • 🔴🔴🔴 Epic Minecraft Donut SMP Live Raid!

    🔴🔴🔴 Epic Minecraft Donut SMP Live Raid!Video Information This video, titled ‘🟥🟥🟥 Minecraft donut smp live!!! — Rating Bases —🟥🟥🟥 — ( Teaching my friend how to CPVP )’, was uploaded by Zachary on 2024-04-29 03:17:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft #Donutsmp #Fun #Entertainment. Read More

  • Bizarre INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis em Minecraft! #shorts

    Bizarre INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis em Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A INFESTAÇÃO de kiwis… #shorts #ksmp #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by VamppyChan on 2024-04-04 17:55:27. It has garnered 13789 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Superhero Lucky Block Race ft. AndyCraft!

    INSANE Superhero Lucky Block Race ft. AndyCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘SUPERHERO LUCKY BLOCK RACE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by AndyCraft on 2024-04-07 22:30:02. It has garnered 68300 views and 1304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:33 or 873 seconds. Today I did a superhero only lucky block race in minecraft with my girlfriend and my friend! Read More

  • Insane Herobrine Chess Match in Minecraft! 🔥 #viral

    Insane Herobrine Chess Match in Minecraft! 🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine chess Klassic Scorpion in normal speed|Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-03-29 06:30:14. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine chess Klassic Scorpion in normal speed|Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New Videos, like & share. 🤗❤️️… Read More

  • Spirit of ECB

    Spirit of ECBThis is a Vanilla SMP server with very little plugins and an unmoderated raw community. We do not moderate the chat and leave most players alone. Chat and work together with others to become the most powerful player, or work with others and build something magnificant! If you want no moderation, and build protection this is the right server for you. Proximity chat enabled through the Simple Voice Chat mod Read More

  • The Chicken Coop – Enigmatica 6 Modded Whitelist 21+

    Join our Enigmatica 6 Modpack Server! Are you looking for a social and active community to embark on modded Minecraft adventures with? The Chicken Coop is the place for you! We are a mature and friendly community dedicated to enjoying modpacks at a leisurely pace, building a beautiful world, and engaging with each other. If this sounds like your kind of Minecraft home, visit our Website to learn more and request an invite to our Discord server! Server Specs: CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D Ram: 20 GB Hosted in: Europe (US players welcome!) Whitelisted: Yes We hope to see you… Read More

  • Vanilla Survival (No Hacks NO Resets)

    Vanilla Survival (No Hacks NO Resets)No HacksNo ResetsNo ModsJust pure Fun on minecraft the way the game was intended to play!Please consider voting and supporting the server! Big loveLynxHQSimpleminecraft the best EU survival server! Find My Youtube and Twitch LynxHQ Read More