EPIC Minecraft Adventure Map! You won’t believe what happens next!

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Okay we are now going Live on YouTube I clicked the button Dremel time once more yes leftover salt hi cool creeper n DIY stray hotti biscotti good to see you green Necromancer pyan my tea went down the wrong I have tea tonight not cuz I’m sick I just

Needed to little pick me up ghosts hi good to see you good to see you uh we’re going to be doing a bit of a Dremel stream so uh as you guys know this is a more relaxed stream Where We Chat and uh I do my best to survive in Minecraft’s

Most beautiful Adventure Map so without further Ado I have a question for you guys actually before we get started FaceCam positioning um hi jet welcome face cam positioning right I I’ve been putting it up in the top right hand corner but then Markiplier Markiplier’s down here and I

Like Markiplier thank you twitch but then impulse SV is over here and then and then Tango Tech is down here where do we go where where do we go where where does my face most belong bottom doesn’t work for Minecraft Tango text down in the

Bottom be a rebel put it right in the middle okay all right guys let’s get started today keep it up I’ll put it up here for now and uh we can discuss as a community where we like it I got rid of the Border I don’t know I feel like The Border’s

Kind of unnecessary it’s just not needed so we’re going to hang out up in the top today make my own position that’s a good way to put it middle of the screen maybe not so much okay cool well I’m going to start the epic music and we’re going to begin

Today just wanted to get your thoughts on that ah Dremel stream I’m so excited it’s been it’s been too long it’s not it hasn’t been that long but it’s been too long tro says I think face cam position should be on the right cuz my IRL face

Is looking over at the Minecraft main screen that’s a very good point that’s a very good point I like that thinking kind of like pinning it into the reality of where I’m facing upside down middle bottom good idea DIY cool creeper use a green screen to put it on

Your Minecraft skin but then my whole awesome background is gone ah all right guys let’s talk about Dremel because I have some surprises for you I actually stuck around and played a little bit after the last time I played Dremel if you guys remember for those who are new to

Dremel uh we got this incredibly amazing mythical weapon last episode holy uh it’s called ascendants and it has this ability called holy Moonlight it grants me Max health and knockback resistance this is an insane sword we’ve barely got to use it so I’m really excited but also

Thanks for luring trog off camera mining no there was no mining really a little bit not not much we made I made a house and I made a ladder up here hollowen hello oh I’m so sorry you had a migraine I will try to uh be relaxing tonight is

A relaxing thing um so I I I built up a little bit of a base just out of the materials that were lying around uh there wasn’t much but we’ll check it out check it out I I just kind of grabbed some of the prismarine around the area uh had to

Make a little bit of this uh using some dye that I found and the glass cuz some of the glass is used around here and I’ll show I’ll give you a little bit of a tour it’s not much it’s not much um and there’s something we have to do uh

See you stray have a good night um so so the first thing that we have to do the only thing I’m missing if you can tell I’m missing probably more than I should know um but uh but what what I’m looking for here is I want to make an Ender

Chest so we had uh eight uh 10 obsidian on us um and I was I decided I was going to wait uh for you guys to make this cuz I don’t actually know what’s in the ender chest or right now I actually don’t remember how do you make an Ender

Chest I thought it’s obsidian how is this what come on isn’t it a wait do I need blaze powder is it a primal Pearl elliptical thank you so much for the the Super Chat dude I have to go back to school tomorrow it’s 9:45

P.m. I’m so sorry you have to go back to school guys I ofender an obsidian yeah I’m I have a feeling it’s been disabled I don’t we don’t have well this is technically an well yeah I need okay so I need blaze powder shoot okay well I don’t even know if

There is a nether in Dremel so Ender Chest chest we will not be getting today unless we can steal it yeah obsidian plus I vender Necromancer yeah I uh I need to get an ie vender which I don’t have uh here here’s my here’s my basic stuff so I

Have some stuff that I Min from around this uh area and so this will be used to build up more of the base and then I have some raw materials not much and this is a chest with 15 bones theft theft theft yeah ghosts I was thinking we could probably steal one

From one of the towns we just need a diamond pickaxe and I this is my valuables chest I am one Diamond short from that unfortunately um Anvil and this is my potions so it’s not much but then I’m making a wall of equipment um so all of like the cool

Stuff that just doesn’t make sense to carry around with me I’m going to put it along the wall here as we like head down we can like grab stuff this is my wall of oh is that an eye Ofender Oculus of nothing hold on a second maybe this is uh some things are renamed in Dremel so I just no it is literally it’s an Oculus of nothing game player I’m glad you like the music yeah it’s the Dremel streams are very they’re a very relaxing

Experience where we just kind of hang out wall of items that looks good but will never get used yeah basically going to be a wall of things I will never have a need for uh anymore there’s no point um you’ll need s silk touch if you want

To grab an Ender Chest oh gosh this game you’re right um so we have our our stones of Agony um we got this a stream or two ago it’s the what is this thing it’s the it’s the space Rock Celestial condr Shand Dru um a runic vessel and uh

I’m actually going to take this runic amplifier today because we might be able to make a decent chest piece um I have an idea on that and then I’m also making a wall of maps over here my my biggest limiting factor right now is leather put

Up the flower I think the flower is in my Ender Chest so we’re going to have to get an Ender Chest in order to yeah we’re going to have to loot our Ender Chest in order to do that uh but I do like I do like that idea so we’re going

To grab some stuff here and um where I want to go maybe somebody can help me yeah left over Sal I have a cat see us where shoe I don’t think that cat is a map the cat is a map hydrate thank you yes so if anyone can help remind me

Who knows Dremel what I want to do is I want to take this runic Amplifier do I have the money is the question we’re going to try I want to take this runic amplifier and this chest plate plate and see if we can afford um the this like runic chest piece I want

To go to that um it was is the city that was kind of like Asian inspired what what what tower gets me there does anybody know otherwise I will find my way it’s like a lava it’s like a oh boy it’s like a lava Tower we have in-game music happening I

Don’t know if it’s the Western Towers though Mount Evan fire is not it I know we’re getting double music here we’ll listen to the dramble music for a second Lauren where we are I don’t think it’s here clueless of what I’m talking about I there’s a town There’s a town I don’t

Think it’s Mount eban fire but I will check Mount eban fire there’s a town that that uh I can buy this really nice chest plate from it is not Mount Evan fire oh yeah and I got to get my render distance down otherwise things will get

Framy uh it is like a volcano this is one of the first Towers we found by the way it’s a pretty cool this is where content Cavern is it’s nearby um but uh yeah so I’m going to find this Tower hey Avid have you tried it seals no what’s

That tell me everything about it okay it’s not on the western Towers it must be in eastern Tower by the way I hope everyone is having a really good night um if you’re having a good day if you’re at the end of your vacation I’m really sorry you

Know going back to work or back to school steals steals tried it steals no I have not M’s desolation is not it Cy Peaks the black jungle ooh I don’t think it’s the black jungle either it’s a game by a person who made lethal company oh really is it uh it’s

An older game then like one of their older games I assume maybe it’s a central tower golf of Dremel it’s a horror game I love horror games that would be really cool I would I will definitely check that out hm I’m stumped if only there was a

Map it’s down here but I don’t know what city it is there’s a city it’s next to it’s it’s Tower is inside I guess we’ll just start clicking Towers nope super old I think okay cool that sounds very cool ebony velt I don’t know if it’s

This but we’ll see are we on a lava no but it’s very pretty okay we go back this is how we learn uh that patch 1. one. zero hey sador by the way came out in the middle of my playthrough wait what uh can’t I guess I can’t just upgrade huh because

It’s like the whole map what uh what does the patch what does the patch have what am I missing yeah I’m curious what did it change I had to get on the beta I just you know I’m a beta person pretty Peaks maybe it’s this one let’s check this doesn’t seem

Right I’m never going to find this town this is not it either sador you might know okay I forget the name of the town but it has the it has that temple in it that everybody made me donate all my diamonds to and I was mad about it what’s the

Tower there’s a tower that’s in a volcano there it’s like a pretty it’s a pretty cool volcano what is the tower Sodor says on the Dremel changes some balance changes bug fixes in a new structure or two they made the final boss easier and I’m mad about it oh good

So easy mode all right that’s fine it’s black jungle black jungle I thought I went there black jungle dude I love Dremel oh me too black jungle oh yeah look at that okay ah now I feel good okay off in the distance I believe in that direction is where we’re heading

Right now I’m just going to check I do have slow falling but it’s starting to fade so let’s get some more we’ll put on our wings and we’re going to fly okay and we’re going to switch our music back on ah speaking of that Avid aren’t you

Using the candle of uh Purity oh yeah I should put that in my off hand thank you I only got to like Greenfield uh fantasi says yeah uh Dremel is a massive map there’s a lot of stuff to explore I have I’m pretty happy with our progress from last time we’ve got a

Decent load out bunch of decent gear I’m I’m I’m really happy with with where we ended up I’m worried that I jumped off the wrong side did I jump off the wrong side I’m not sure sure there should be a city I’m just going to go full on 32

Chunk render so I can see it aha it was just slightly out of render distance okay that’s good Sodor says uh it’s not worth upgrading Dremel because you need to redo everything you’re stuck with 1.0 and it’s questionable balancing yeah it’s fine it’s still such a beautiful

Map such a beautiful map I have no problems with it Utah Hi how are you I’m doing great Utah and how are you doing by the way for those on the YouTube side if you’re confused I’m simultaneously streaming on Twitch and YouTube for those on the twitch side if you’re

Confused I’m simultaneously streaming on YouTube and twitch now now kiss I almost didn’t say it and then there it was pris says I’ve been working on a resource data pack that adds a bunch of Hobbit lord of the ring style decorations I love watching your streams while model modeling pris prismarine

That is so cool cool creeper I have not stumbled upon sugar cane if we see some we’re going to grab that just got back why is he now floating I have my elytra on um cuz we’re going into this town because I need to find the runic blacksmith and see if I can

Afford to upgrade or to buy his thing it’s always the hardest part is finding him I cheated one time you all got mad Utah says I have first day of second semester tomorrow hey good luck on that good luck it’ll be great you know it’s

Going to be great it’s always uh not I’m not saying and you’re stressed but I I used to get kind of stressed about going to school or starting a new thing and there’s always that like anticipation window and then you’re in the middle of it and day one’s always easy it’s just

Like syllabus syllabi and getting getting comfortable figuring out what the semester is going to be about very few times is it like a sudden shock to the system so yeah yeah enjoy uh 1.1 changed some it item textures so I think you can mess with the resource pack files to get those in

The world oh that’s cool yeah maybe I’ll do that will Avid find oh no there’s a twitch poll going on about if I’m going to find this guy uh if I’m going to find this guy where is this Guy he’s always so hard to find He is always so hard to find like I oh the villagers are jumping off stuff I feel like I’ve already explored the entire Village uh fantasi says I’m especially a fan of the custom textures and music from breath of the wild yeah they’re really nice gaming new how you doing

Welcome here we go avid’s Dremel philosophy lesson should I be taking notes no don’t take anything I say seriously I’m mostly just goofing around I don’t know what I’m doing half the time though I am working on a pretty cool boss fight right now um and I’m

Really proud of it it’s just not something that I see in a lot of adventure maps I really focus on the mechanics of the boss and less like my bosses are much they’re much less like Terraria bosses if that makes sense like a Terraria boss is very much like shoot as

Much as you can Dodge as much as you can it’s highly mobile I like ones that are more subtle mechanics driven um I’ve been working on that a bit and like trying to teach the player that there’s a very specific ah Rhythm very specific Rhythm to beating a boss

And once they learn it they can beat it over and over and over again okay we actually can’t afford this thing okay so why did I come here runic amplifier Diamond chest plate gets us the super heated chest plate it gives me increased attack damage granted minus three max Health but I

Have a sword that gives me plus six and it has armor toughness and I had to spend a lot of money to get this this was kind of expensive um so I’m buying it going put it On Utah raptor did you bet four or against me uh minus three max Health Plus two attack damage plus eight armor versus plus two armor toughness I don’t know what’s this is slightly better I guess Kiko did I buy the wrong thing netherite upgrade without the netherite

Yeah maybe this was uh just as good but this also had fire prop I don’t know but it’s Artisan versus artifact I don’t know I have I’ve had my eyes on it for a while it might not have been worth it Viking hi buddy how you doing I hear

You’re working on a video spoilers that’s Viking over on the twitch YouTube by the way sorry if you’re confused we’re just doing a little chill we’re doing a little chill Dr Dremel stream today guys um I do have some goals we should get back to our house

Now that we have our uh our armor so we’re going to find we’re going to find a tower or we might just wander randomly look at my inventory for a second Kiko I’m I’m actually I’m playing the game I’m playing the game uh I have a house now I have a

House I showed it off at the beginning of the stream it’s it’s in theme using the blocks around it it’s so beautiful yeah yeah I feel like this chest plate actually wasn’t half bad and I just got scammed by the way I feel like I got scammed Ron’s chest plate

Seems really good but I guess I have a back up now question from bobster uh do you know the Minecraft servers origin Realms good Minecraft Survival and Diamond fire make games I recommend looking at both of them okay I will thank you observes as his inventory becomes a

Mess within 15 minutes there’s a horse uh hello hey can I have you as a horse all right we friends I have carrots I I want a horse it’s been so long I’ll take it for as long as I can whose horse is that I don’t care oh

Sorry right you don’t like you don’t like to get cared um Viking says uh I’m about to start recording so some voice overs this uh video is going to be interesting to make I’m going to need some b-roll world oh heck yeah I’m excited I’m excited

Dude let me know if you need any uh if you need me to be in it or whatever you need for me bud just tell me know let me know super heated is like glass Cannon incarnate with the full set yeah that’s what I’m gathering uh sador with the

Minus Max Health though my sword gives me plus Max Health are we friends I think we’re friends yeah yeah I didn’t see the hearts but no we’re not friends are you serious how long are you going to take to tame I actually learned how to tame

Horses because of this world I had a horse and then everybody told me forget about your horse and that was kind of mean if I’m honest because I liked that horse does this horse is this untameable what’s happening is is he like a okay saddle are you good how many sticks

Is he excuse me I have a lead now oh I can totally take that fence with me oh he’s slow oh that horse is garbage hey give me my saddle back good luck that was a waste I want to find my horse it’ll happen Avid commits his fifth crime this

Stream I gave him back here I don’t even want the lead you know what it’s like I was never here enjoy wish it was a little higher if you know what I mean five stick horse 10 stick horse yeah for sure Viking what is it with you and get

Getting slow as heck horses I have very bad luck and I love to waste food one day we will find our horse again um I know in this direction is that boss that we lost to a whole bunch so we’re going to go in the opposite direction of

That s says I know where the fastest horse in the map is but I’m not going to tell you yeah that sounds about right until I ask really nicely right right I like these superheated plates though they’re really I wish I bought the pants but I didn’t have Diamond

Pants so this is what we’ve got and now I have a backup armor like the thing is this armor is still pretty good plus eight armor plus two toughness without any downsides and then it also has fire prop I’m a big fan that’s something up

There why don’t we go up there take a look around the shaders look so nice thank you yeah I think so too these are complimentary shaders with some custom settings from my buddy Whimsy lemon revives as a Zombie horse with a saddle already on it so Avid can

Ride it yeah for those of you who don’t know the lore of my horses in this uh playthrough um I got a horse on the very first stream I named it lemon because somebody donated $50 lemon lemon if you’re here you you blew my blew my mind

That anyone would be so generous um and so I had to name the horse after them and then lemon exploded and the stream ended that’s how it ended it was hilarious should make that into a video Sodor if you asked nicely I might tell you Ah that’s all right I’d rather

Gear up I would need more so here’s my goals my goals in Dremel are simple I need a better ranged weapon that’s part number one I do have uh so in ascendance I have uh I can drop it and it fires these projectiles oh oh and they bounce

Look at that boing they bounce around that’s cool I don’t know if I would call that a ranged weapon though zombie horses should spawn in abandoned Villages yeah but you can’t saddle a Zombie horse Giga hello can you please say this German word in German I can’t trust you

That that isn’t a bad word that doesn’t look like like video games in German but thanks for joining on the twitch side n DIY I just love when my curse Forge says Fabric’s not installed even though it is O I do like curse Forge because it handles all of my multiple instances of

Minecraft like playing Dremel for instance I have that as a curse Forge profile so that way when I need to uh switch between this and my adventure map um it’s super easy I don’t have to like manually manage installations and all that junk yep translated not good thanks

Magic solid I bet they’re making like a I knew it see I don’t say things in German you just can’t trust German words they’re all munged together house Al galin what is that it’s homework but I don’t trust it flow line that I trust actually I don’t have any blocks that

Was a mistake guess I’ll grab what is this quartz I love quartz I love me some quartz Kiko I’m trying to think if there are swear words in Dremel I think most of them are just stupid Easter eggs yeah there’s uh I found some like in lore in-lore swear words that are that you’ve mentioned to me and they’re pretty funny they’re not real swear

Words Mass Mach I have a specific uh profile in curse Forge for your server heck yeah actually I’ve been meaning to talk to uh those who have access to my server um I I want to update it um to at least 1 121.4 the challenge with that is 1.

121.4 changed how you detect if an entity has an effect an active effect um entirely so it will break anytime I try to use that um and so uh we’re going to have to run around and test things I have I have on my whiteboard I have a whiteboard to

My right um and I’ve I’ve kept track of like all of the different things that are all the reget possible regressions that are going to happen you just got to love what what this is this is not good this is not a good tell me is this

A this is not good right Heart of Glass minus 10 Max Health some movement speed three attack damage and five armor uh uh I’ll put it on cuz I’ll be fast right oh yeah I am speed bro that’s amazing it’s amazing latche are you serious it doesn’t seem

Good also hi latchy hi Batman any damage Kills really with minus 10 Max Health oh no wait that’ be 20 how come it doesn’t actually it doesn’t look like it’s subtracting my health isn’t that interesting my health is still at huh yeah this is an interesting this is yeah I’ll let you guys decide if this is

Good but for now it increases my Max Speed so now I have I have this which is plus 014 this which is plus 015 and then when I hold matoshi it’s plus 02 so I’m pretty fast I’m like as fast as a horse now yeah one heart is 2 Hp I don’t

Understand cuz I’m wearing it and yet I have look at all those hearts I have am I mistaken eat food thank you thanks ghosts are you the flash I might be I’m holding ascendants I’m not oh there goes the health okay yeah nice uh there it is

Right yep there’s the loss I was wondering when that was going to happen well I’m fast so maybe we’ll maybe we’ll live with it I also didn’t bring a bed I’m very prepared today let’s see how fast we are oh this is just this is awesome we now have like a traveling set

I am faster than a horse oh I Am The Wind I am speed you’ll never catch me this live stream is so chill yeah Dremel streams are very chill we just wander the countryside and uh explore and find things and hang out and wait till he get to the end game it’s

True he doesn’t even know yet you guys are scaring me on the YouTube side I all the Dremel devs in the YouTube chat always are trying to scare me doesn’t know this doesn’t know that let’s see where we end up today I don’t think I’ve been in this

Neighborhood so we’ll see where this brings us kind of seeing some jungle trees godspeed Spider-Man thank you wait my health continues to go down wow this is some serious armor I guess I I forgot how health uh reduction Works in Minecraft this is 17 I think there’s one Dev here what do you

Want about oh really I guess I just I assume every Dremel fan is also in my every Dremel fan who has been in my chat is usually a Dev I am I am mistaken it’s just Kiko the dev and hi Kiko Sly yeah I just think everyone’s a Dev

Whoa now what do we got here have I been here or is this another magma e biome sador I ain’t a Dev you play enough Dremel eventually you either live long enough wait how does the meme go you play long enough to do you live

Long enough to be a I dang it I can’t I don’t know I don’t have the I don’t have the me I’m not Viking I can’t just spout memes the five armor is nice yeah it is but the health live long enough to be a villain or die a hero

Yeah that’s the meme so you live long enough to be a Dev or no you live long enough to be a player or die a Dev that doesn’t feel right I think the template’s all off there is a volcanic area on the map I thought

Yeah I just got to say I love this speed right now this is so nice to get around let’s see what’s around this area I’m planning on playing Dremel but I tried to get it on 1. 17 with insane gigs allocated but it’s still laggy uh

Hm I usually just have to lower my render distance and things work just fine W oh my gosh the low Health it’s brutal I’m G to just die you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain that is the that is the that is the template how

Do we apply it to when you play Dremel long enough you might as well be a developer maybe that’s just maybe that’s just the saying and just we don’t follow the meme template this would be really fun in multiplayer uh Fantasia says yeah I bet you I bet

You it would be it’s a massive map it’s 12,000 x 12,000 blocks what is that you die a player or live long enough to see yourself become a Dev there it is Kiko uh I found what looks like an office building what is that what is this this is Dremel

Um Kiko I just going to tell you Dremel has inspired me in in my own adventure map um I was working on a Town and there was a spot in the middle of the town that I just didn’t I couldn’t quite figure out what I was going to fill it

With right and then it came to me a graveyard obviously every town in Dremel has a graveyard so I put it I put a graveyard in and it looks good the graveyard is actually the entrance to my dungeon so um you have to like go through the Crypt

Um the way that I handle progression in my adventure map no zoom in again for me you want to you want me to zoom in hold on okay hold on ghost did you fill the graveyard with jokes um I’m I’m I’m uh I’m much more of a sellout than you Kiko

I filled it with patrons names here’s the cube ghosts for you there you go if you want to see that it’s a Bastion office is it a Bastion I don’t know I mean I do see the I don’t know what’s going to go on in there we’re probably going to die

Thanks King you’re welcome ghosts that’s fair we also have a patron gra graveyard yeah this is my first graveyard so I’m kind of new to this thing Kiko you’re like a graveyard expert but the way that I handle progression in my adventure map um is

That when you beat a quest uh you’re in adventure mode on my on my map which um I like that you guys chose to go survival mode it at it’s a whole different series of range of challenges that that we have um independently of each other um but I’ve chosen Adventure

Mode just cuz that’s how I want mine to work however um when players get certain items um like for instance there’s a pickaxe that they obtain pretty early on in my map that pickaxe allows them to break very specifically gilded Blackstone um and then I use guilded

Blackstone as kind of a barrier to later quests and so in my graveyard there’s a crypt and when you open up the Crypt it’s filled with gilded Blackstone so you have to have beaten the pickaxe Quest and then you you can break in so that’s how I handle progression in my

Map um and there’s a million different ways to do it you you’ve gone the open world route and I love that um mine’s definitely more linear than yours Metroid Vania yeah that’s kind of the idea um exactly so what’s uh what is this office building I live in my

Tombstone what’s uh what’s up with this what do I want to go in here should I enter from the top or the bottom chat what’s a crypt it’s like a t it’s like a it’s like a grave for rich people um it’s like a very fancy grave

Should I go in the top or the bottom what do you guys think should I just peek in and maybe we change out the music through the Mist to New Horizons this is the music that we’re playing top okay I’m current left over saw I’m currently working on a Metroid Vania Minecraft

Adventure map that is so cool heck yeah the side o all right top was first we’re going in the top what it’s solid uh I did not expect a solid cube breach reach the office we’re going in we’re going into the office it is a solid cube of Blackstone at the moment

Guys uh okay why why is it a solid cube of Blackstone um I’m going to switch out my chest plate look at the front in third person maybe we’ll see we’ll see what’s down here yeah thanks prismarine yeah put on the good chest plate very good point

FBI open up hey uh yeah what’s going on here why do I why I mean hey I I love polished Blackstone it’s one of my most used blocks probably but uh I’m a little confused Utah raptor sleep well friend sleep well excuse me what I mean do I keep going all right

We’re getting out the flammer I’m done playing around what’s in here hey open up are you kidding me it’s just a giant Cube this is literally just a cube isn’t it wait a second okay if it’s just a giant Cube It’s not like some kind of dungeon

Then that means there’s like a special item in the middle of It there’s the outside try the front what the what am I missing my flammer is going to break help me out here is this like a is this a troll cube is this a troll Cube minimum wage office workspace it’s something like a I mean why is it just a solid Block it’s a puzzle oh no did I break your puzzle Kiko I just went in I just started drilling oh I hope I didn’t break your puzzle yeah there were colored sections

In the front with crying obsidian in there all right let’s treat this a little smarter then let’s treat this a little smarter find TNT and blow it up that’s a that’s also an option that is also an option okay well we have some Blackstone collected um oh wait there’s an

Entrance wait or did I break this hole I broke this hole it looks like a USB like a ethernet port um okay let’s build up like a a little Tower and then we can see what this looks like from the front I also um I swapped out a bunch of

Songs and added a bunch of songs um to my playlist aha what does this want it’s a cube why would there be wait if I have to break do I have to break obsidian to beat this puzzle H have it about to play some Connect 4

It does look like that break behind the the boxes with obsidian let’s try that that seems like an obvious thing to do All right boxes of obsidian there there there there there there and there I could do that perfect timing on the song ending I wish my flammer was oh that’s a very cool color huh what it’s just more of the Stuff and I can’t break obsidian what on Earth look at the flowers on the top maybe some kind of connection yeah we’ll take a look at that too yeah I also noticed the non obsidian is swapped yeah like there’s kind of a different Block in the center the

Flowers on the top that’s another idea that another idea let’s take a look at that it’s just a Box yeah just like rooted dirt I mean Why why would there just be rooted dirt and flowers let’s just dig out the entire box I mean that is an option Um interesting both pink this is like the perfect music for a puzzle too it gets you thinking is there a quest item that interacts with obsidian no there’s not um I’m not seeing it unless it’s command block powered and breaking all breaks the puzzle um interesting Nicholas with a long long

Name are you using the oldest phone to record this how could I record Minecraft I this is Java that you have to be a bot account there’s a 99.9% chance I haven’t broken the puzzle okay good and I’m going to assume Kiko that I don’t need to break obsidian because I

Wouldn’t be able to do that the empty ones might need to be filled out yeah let’s take a look again we’re going to figure this out I haven’t broken the puzzle that’s the good news what on Earth though I mean what is it trying to tell me what is it trying to tell

Me I’m not breaking the puzzle to Smither I’m investigating the puzzle to SMI the ring yeah why are some of the squares inverted well they’re all inverted on the front but yeah no you make a very good point I’m willing to sacrifice a bit more of my flamor for

This because it just digs so fast I should have repaired this this before what hey wait a second I found a thing I don’t know if I solve the puzzle though I feel bad that I just kind of flamed my way through that H run it Catalyst I wonder though

If there’s more stuff in here I broke it um did I is the question I don’t know I cheesed the puzzle oh I’m so sorry Kiko the flammer is too op I’m curious now what the puzzle actually is um this was obviously a hollow point okay go back to the front look at

The patterns okay I will cuz this or maybe I broke the thing that would tell me that hold on more like block block breaking is too op okay what did I oh hold on a second I’m seeing it now so guys this was this was

Like this and there was a so this was the only one that was so all of the other ones there are like patterns so obsidian crying that is matched here and here bricks black stone that also exists here and there and there this was the only

Only one that was on its own that one had this one is the only one that had smooth Blackstone so we were supposed to mine in through there and that’s how we would get it yeah that one had Blackstone we figured it out see I kind of like the I’m the

Kind of person where I see a maze you know you ever you ever play with one of those mazes uh you like have a you have like a magazine right and there’s a maze in it I like to start at the end and work backwards that’s basically what we did

Here we figured it out we figured it out and we got another runic Catalyst I totally didn’t that’s not cheating I used my flammer okay back to being really fast generally a lot of Dremel puzzles designed in a random open world structures boil down to Spot the Difference yeah it makes sense cuz

They’re a lot like Coro uh puzzles and I love that I I think I need to get more used to the puzzle solving pattern sometimes my brain is just in like streamer mode and I’m like I just need to I need to get my audience that

Dopamine hit right now or it’s all over for me they’ll never watch me again and yet uh and yet some people stuck around to see me solve that so thank you what’s that it’s black concrete let’s go get it maybe we’ll find our way to uh to better gear today actually yeah hey

Kiko oh this is some very dramatic music Kiko I’m G to I’m going to make it very dramatic I need better armor or ar ranged weapon this is your last this is your this is me asking nicely I won’t ask nicely after this the music is way too epic for this

Moment I’m trying to make something out of [Laughter] it that is kind of the funny thing with this playlist is there’s just some songs where if they hit at the right time get enchantments Bozo you think of enchantments enchantment uh it enchantments Ah that’s probably the right thing to do

But doesn’t that mean like I have to to grind levels this song is too much I’m putting Castle in the Sky on my list of songs that are too much and I’ll be revisiting you for the next stream Castle in the Sky are enchantments really the British

AV no I’m referencing Dragon Age you guys ever play Dragon Age um there was a dad and his son and they were wanding and they were they would do enchantments and he wouldd always go enchantment enchantment yeah where are you bro please repr reply where are you bro I’m in your

Walls this looks like a cool area I’m on I’m hunting for Towers there’s no wrong thing to do as long as we’re seeing new terrain there’s really no wrong answer generally if you want a good bow you have to make your own there’s a few legendary ones but you’re nowhere near

Any I want a legendary bow I can get anywhere Kiko if I find a tower Aid look at the twitch polls oh no should Avid get retribution for cheaty I didn’t cheat what are you on I didn’t cheat this is a very cool area oh is that another

Box guys I found another box we’re going to fly to that thing I am from India hi from India I am Dad it’s not cheating it’s alternative puzzle solving I basically threw my flammer durability at the problem so it was kind of a little more

Brute Force but now that I know a lot of Dremel puzzles are just Spot the Difference I can work I can work with that uh I think you walked by this box I did well I here we go we’re going to go check it out I want to find another

Tower I want a better rang weapon the reason I want a better rang weapon is because I want to beat that boss that kicked our butts prison Studios way to lose your viewer from India you’ll scare them away with dad jokes [Laughter] nah you have a tower unlocked for an area

Like you have a tower unlocked for an area like remotely near legendary bow hm well maybe we do go get that legendary bow today I kind of want to I kind of want a legendary bow I want It okay yeah maybe we’ll try to do that I’ll try to find a tower once I I break into this Cube and we find whatever’s in here my guess is it’s going to be a a whatam Whatchamacallit one of the purple blurbs my inventory is already full that’s Great can I make this please thank you okay going to go super fast super fast build mode wait was that the right one yes hello I like this music for specifically this puzzle right now it’s like this mystery Cube Gonna get all the magma I love the shaders In Here Also obsidian they these shaders decided obsidian was going to be shiny I think that’s a correct assumption cuz obsidian is a very shiny Rock Red insecure potato thank you for changing the color of my lights on

Twitch now I’m a professional so there we go flammer it I don’t oh no don’t tell me don’t tell me there’s obsidian about you you monsters wait a second I’m a genius Please ha you’ll never make you’ll never take me alive Dremel devs oh this is the old Minecraft version too where um if you’re on a magma block but you’re off like the corner of it it doesn’t burn you you have to like actually be on the Block

They fixed that bug in like 1.20 or something yeah obsidian obsidian is volcanic glass it totally does make sense that it’s uh it has like a what’s that it it it makes sense that it’s shiny okay tower Tower tower Tower what direction do we feel a tower is going to

Be maybe over that way let’s go See uh they fix it the same time as they fix slime and Soul Sand yeah that’s right it’s nice to have that fixed because for the longest time I was working with slime block launchers and players were like getting stuck and it was really frustrating yeah I just don’t want to

Tell you where the good loot is you know I totally get it I totally get it I found ascendants all on my own I’m actually pretty proud of that but at the same time you know for the content um I need animals once we can uh once we establish our

Home base I need more like a much better food source our food is our food source is rough but that’ll be for another time um Heart of Glass right About now okay let’s move ooh this is a cool place didn’t someone tell you to go in the the cave yeah I pretty much uh usually chat drives where what we do and where we go waterf flow happens to be my favorite backseat driver I’m not complaining streaming um

An open world game is really hard uh because I’m often trying to figure out okay where am I going to take this Stream So that everybody has a good time you know we actually like achieve something there’s a feel goodness to achieving one important thing every stream you know last stream we got

Ascendants stream before that I’m sure we did something cool um so I don’t mind getting back seat driven as long as it’s not like super cheaty uh let’s get to the top of this mountain and put our our uh our render distance way up and see if there’s anything up

There if you’re desperate I can give you a hint but be warned your chat will Grill you chat grills me if I like sneeze Sodor I’m used to it you can’t protect me well let me get to the top of this mountain I would like to find a few more

Towers today at least one more if we can we got to get to 100% oh hello I did not expect this whyly it best be a hint demo man says it’s true Avid I will Darkness you without Mercy if you get a hint I did fix the

Darkness uh redeem by the way Magic on the twitch side I did every time I make a base I want people to feel like they’re about to fight a boss that’s a good strategy for making a very cool base yeah I’m working on a boss right now it’s a uh oh oh this

Is a song that’s going on my list words of an words of an Angel where are you I don’t like this song I think xylophone is the creepiest instrument ever created where are you I’m going to Nuke you from my playlist you are removed how do I get

Rid of you I don’t actually know how to get rid of you I don’t want you view more hold on here I found you you’re gone remove no that’s just not for me I don’t know how that one snuck in there you’re gone xylophone is beautiful Viking says in moderation yes a

Cow oh my gosh if we were close to home cow two cows oh my gosh if we were close to home three cows man that would be a food solution but we don’t we don’t have a way to get them home home Viking I’m going to tell the girl

To come attack your house she is in your town right now at a steakhous hey don’t you dare don’t you dare tell anyone to attack my house I have I’ll have you know I have two sleeping babies and if anyone wakes any one of them up there will be heck to be

Paid magic you’re about to stay awake for 12 hours oh I see you’re responding too counting cows with Avid whoa uh wait is that where I am are you asking where my coordinates are uh my coordinates are 51 46 33 49 got to go now see you leftover salt

Thanks for being here I’m going to Smart my way through this though we’re just going to kind of do this deal this is why you carry a water bucket it’s funny like Dremel I don’t play a lot of Survival Minecraft but um when I I’ve learned a lot by

Playing through Dremel like maybe you should make a base never really never really occurred to me that there would be a functional need for a base you know the chests and the items and all that stuff needs to go somewhere never really occurred to me oh hello fire protection 4 that’s

Good and I can make more glass with this light blue dye i’ I’ve been finding this ever this is a pretty good chest um let’s put it in our shulker box as it starts to rain fun aan I can’t believe you did Ninja bridge over there and waste all my

Blocks what do you think I am made of blocks uh let’s get the fire protection throw that in there I mean like even I I even cleaned out my runic vessel let just throw a bunch of junk in there it’s not there’s nothing wrong with having Blackstone except for this

One polished Blackstone bricks I never want to see that again uh prismarine shards this is good okay I’m a little nervous that this is going to break and then fall in the lava there we go okay that could have been bad but we’re going to go good

Stuff Viking Viking says Avid will be upset cuz screaming children yes well they tend to they tend to scream as they do Crimson Matrix it took me a 100 days in m in a Minecraft world to start building a base that sounds like a video

Title and also I understand I get it I’m a nomad when it comes to these games I don’t usually settle down which is very different from me IRL IRL me love settling down I I settle I settle so quickly I just get all nestled into wherever I am and just kind of like

If I’m at a party I’m a chatter box but I try to like find a good corner to like bring people to me you know they come to they come to my my domain where it’s safe hoken says that reminds me I need to log onto the server and upgrade some

Play uh upgrade to upgrade and play some quests yeah hokin and I have some more quests coming to the server soon some more cool quests coming and some new cutcenes some new lore a new boss actually this month I probably am going to finish two new quests I think now

Will they get to the Discord or will they get to the the patron server in a reasonable amount of time I sure hope So I love quest based games yeah me too I think Minecraft is a what the we found something we found a tower yes sweet oh that’s a a lot of Tower wait have we been there What Lies Beneath the roots of the big tree what servers it seems really cool

In adventure map or whatever it’s called Uh NATA this is called Dremel um I think it’s Minecraft’s best adventure map ever created as an adventure map maker myself um it there’s few there are a few things that come close um in fact I don’t think anything comes

Close it’s not a server it’s a map um and it is down in the description of the YouTube video where you can get it be warned the download is large um I found like an Elven City guys this does look important yeah this is pretty cool except for Herobrine’s Mansion 2 Kiko I

Really am going to have to check that out but is it does it have the same scale as Dremel or are you joking I can’t tell it’s hard sarcasm on the internet um what have we found is this a thumbnail have I been here um oh wow there’s all kinds of stuff around

Here excuse me was that lightning hello was that a creeper I have no idea okay Aid do you use left right up down or as uh WD to move I use the as a wsd to move creeper gotcha thanks creeper I don’t have that soundboard effect bro didn’t see it nope did not

See it this is probably suitable uh for a thumbnail yeah maybe next uh next video I was happy with my thumbnail for this one it was right next to my base I like it was just I’ve been trying to make my thumbnails be the gear that I I

Currently have and every episode I’ve I’ve upgraded a little bit more and so you can see the progression in my thumbnails uh which is really kind of neat um I know streaming series whoa I know streaming series don’t usually do like super well but i’ I’ve been really

Happy with the performance of Dremel and I just love hanging out and playing Dremel um what is this is this a good place or a bad place am I going to get hurt I’m going to Glide in we’re going to parat Trooper Troopa in yeah this is feeling thumbnail worthy

And we found a snowy biome hello fool has a sound effect uh but I made him regret it of course pris Marine Studios of course go find out okay we’ll go in let’s just uh turn on our render distance super quick and just see if there’s anything else around this that

We should be aware of it looks very cool very Elvish uh that’s a thing we’re going to go to that eventually not yet I don’t think I don’t think it makes sense to go to that first but if I don’t go there first I’m never going to go there

But you know content is begging me to go in this direction oh there’s like a little statue is this this is a drari town I know I know their architecture okay let’s get our frames back and we’re going to fly in here goes nothing I also have to repair my elytra at some

Point I like games that ask you to explore and find things out me too holin me too mein in uh twitch side says so we back in the mind swinging our delete message Hammer from side to side this task a ain’t continuing and I’m stopping

It now what on Earth is that is that a reference to something Avid where are all the monster spawns well this is a a monastery so I doubt there are going to be a lot of monsters here but uh let’s see what we can find no in adventure bot um it’s

Possible Discord pushed out an update today that broke monster spawns it’s a monk the dreamer come to life live that’s a spooky monk okay so they have their monks like on display I’ll go up but I want to go down first may she be our thread of light is that a Captain Sparkles

Reference magic oh advanced description reminder thank you thank you thank you thank you um yes o uh I don’t have voice mod on let’s do that check one two oh that’s face cam check one two okay voice mod needs to be turned on you’re going to hear me twice twice

Twice for a second okay now you’re going to hear me twice again sorry sorry now you’re going to hear me once okay uh hello hi uh let’s let’s put on a good voice for this one as always when we approach something that’s of interest and of good lore we read the

Lore I can hear you once good all right let’s read this devout order of drari founded this asure Monastery long ago to follow the teachings of virtuo What secrets lie within its lofty towers and Crystal Caverns ooh there are crystal Caverns too so there’s a down below and an up up

Top sweet it’s like the perfect high five monk oie the learned I heard a zombie let’s take a look at this book it’s just a regular book got it I use that voice changer you do game player yeah voice Mod’s awesome why did that voice sound so

Slimy did it sound slimy it should be does this sound slimy or does this sound normal like like a deeper Storyteller it should be a Storyteller if it sounds slimy something is wrong deeper no slimy okay good cuz this one is my kind of slimy voice

Slimy that’s the old one one before had a squishy sound effect ah yeah it must be that one you got voice mod Pro just so you could sound like Morgan Freeman hey that you know everyone you can choose to spend your money in any way that you see

Fit uh okay oh beats it’s like Vikings video and we continue we have some wheat I no I’m not equipped for this hold on let me just die no shoot my Fireballs excuse me get crit yeah uh we are low on health excuse me no I have not slept yet

Oh they’re fighting cool yeah just you know who’s going to win left or right left or right left or right chat guess you have 3 seconds two one left or right ah was [Laughter] right we have to make it like mandatory I think on the twitch side or it’s going

To be hard to enforce this but whenever skeletons are fighting we should take bets we should have like a little ooh some meat uh we might be able to cook that up where is everybody in the monastery hello this Monastery seems like a bad place is anybody here hello I see

Money oh no are you you’re dead are you yeah oh are you Me Oh no you’re drowned wait what happened to the monks guys the monks are attacking look at their little monk face hi um I just killed the monks that’s so sad well there’s clearly a mystery to be

Uncovered here as to what happened to these monks the squishy sound is good yeah um may she make you clean and holy gross what uh medical storage glass bottle come on give me something good give me something good come on nothing leeches they just have a just have a bin

Of leeches like ready to go gross uh I guess I’ll grab some more bread it’s like kind of the best food we have right now until I can get more meat in my life which may or may not happen anytime soon oh look at the heads up there are those like de developer

Heads those look like developer heads M leeches Magic says I’ll make a poll instantly for bets on skellies all right awesome I’ll try to make it happen ah bed yes okay I set my respawn point that makes me feel a lot better okay so it’s like a hospital here this

Is cool I dig this Design test skellies nice magic nice uh this is a cool place I I definitely want to figure out I have a feeling if this is a Dremel dungeon which I believe that’s the game we’re playing then going down is going to be where we uncover the secrets that’s just

It’s just this it’s just how this map works and I and I don’t mind that um so I think what I’m going to do why are there so many gosh darn creepers hey do you mind oh this is a lot of food I didn’t not realize how much food was going to

Be in here grab all this bread scales sweet hey hey hey wait hey be cool I’m just stealing from you I’m sorry it’s no big deal um so I what I was getting at is I’m going to go up before I go down cuz I feel like down is

The way to whatever this is does he know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t think I know whatever you think I know I don’t know leeches were used for medical treatment I did know that hen I didn’t know that don’t do anything insane while I’m

Gone magic I can’t make any promises I’m so sorry mine the wheat for bread I mean yeah I’ve just got so much I I think I’m good I’ve got so much that’s my new bed I hear a dead guy in here oh yeah hi hi he was the armorer or something I

Believe whoa what are fireworks our first fireworks let’s go I’m so close imagine it soaring through the air like the vermi of old he was trying to make elytra oh that’s cool but then he turned into a zombie which is not so cool but I will definitely be stealing this Anvil

This is extremely valuable oh sick he was trying to make an elytra that is not how you make an elytra dude an armor stand as well wow man that’s cool hey what’s going on numbers welcome to the YouTube chat does he know I don’t don’t know what do I know I don’t know

What are you talking about do I know do I know what do I know what do you know D delis deis I just like these I’m fighting monks with mustaches right now just let me be um I am going to grab a bed um on my way

Down that looked like avatar the Last air bender references with the sticks and Feathers you’re right it did yeah like the um uh Ang’s uh like kite his glider yeah totally ah another day in Dremel as the music in the sun all that so beautiful all right we keep

Moving datalist from the minitar Labyrinth ghosts uh you’re scaring me I don’t know maybe that’s what people are saying around me um all right I’ll make a couple of these in the bread this is pretty useful to have he doesn’t know yet this map does not require OptiFine I don’t think wait

Does it I’m not using OptiFine no I don’t think so uh I’ll Take These Wings of feathers and wax hey hey whoa come on now where are you mustachioed monks coming from chill out what happened nothing really it requires some fabric mods though yeah I’m glad that you guys use fabric that’s

What all of my uh all of my mods are on so I appreciate that then how does it have custom entity models that’s a good question how does it have custom entity models I assume I don’t think you guys using animated Java there’s so many monks in

Here what are you guys doing in here oh chest up there red Golden Apple let’s go hey no stop it just leave me alone okay which mods like custom dremo mods so when you download the map cup half full um all the mods come with it so I

Don’t know exactly what the what there are in here how many mods are in here but I added a couple of my own too um like the I think I added camera utils so I could do the zoom the face Zoom that’s very important for dramatic

Effect uses a cam mod cem mod I don’t know what that is well the monks are probably living in their homes yeah I mean the monks are definitely um living in their homes but they’re all dead Undead now they all died um oh gosh she will grant us resilient

Hearts I’m not liking what these monks are up to uh not going to lie not totally stoked about what these monks are up to sorry I just got to break their shrines and stuff just makeing making sure okay well your hearts aren’t that resilient if I could just break right in

But anyways okay uh I guess we’re going up I thought we’d be going down though H we’ll see hey hey oh custom entity models is cem got it got it got it got it yeah I don’t do a lot of custom entities just cuz I

Don’t like uh in my map I don’t really have a lot of that I I leave more open for player imagination someone didn’t rewind this book let’s read it ooh this is a good one there it was again I am unabashedly unambiguously Unapologetic my eyes might

Be failing me but my ears are still as as sharp as terain field mouse ooh that’s a teraman field mouse there was definitely a very loud clanking noise from somewhere in this building again in the middle of the night monk SAA says I have nothing to worry about but I just

Need to document this phenomenon when I hear it I’m might not have access to the restricted section of the library that’s where we’re going uh like Abbott Beth bethar and his inner circle but I’m still a scholar and a caretaker of this Monastery my prayers dick excuse Me my prayers go out to the abat Abbot for his safety and resilience wherever he is on this dark and unsettling evening may she guide his path stupid zombie stupid jerk yeah interesting so Restricted Section of a library that sounds like some nefarious stuff is going on in here

All I’m saying you never when something has a restrict look at Harry Potter if they didn’t have that Restricted Section how how many problems do you think they would have actually had half of half of the plot in Harry Potter is Harry and Hermione go into the Restricted Section

Oops they found a book on how to I don’t know split your soul into seven pieces okay that didn’t actually that was a different time but you get what I mean it just it opens you up to having nefarious things all I’m saying I know I just butchered Harry Potter lore we’re

Going to leave it at that bamboo I guess I’ll take some bamboo with me why not fill up a bundle that’s why we have them I use a mod pack for Avid Adventures that uses Dynamic lighting mod and like 50 performance mods yeah I use a lot of performance mods do in

Minecraft what is the point of having a restricted section of a library if it isn’t to invade the Restricted Section obviously hey this is the chambers of that person how did that person get into their own Chambers if they didn’t even have a way to get into their Door oh excuse me die may she grant me the form ver Mari yo these guys are are up to something hello I see some stuff aha abbit Bal sahar’s notes we’ll check that out just going to look at the view it’s night time approaching very good

Crafting table means we can make some of this oh my gosh it’s more wheat than I ever needed do some of that and we’ll do one of this and now we have stack of bread good stuff glowstone dust Wither Skull don’t give me ideas okay let’s read these notes I

Think uh Abbott Bahar is a woman so I will try to do my best oh yeah I hear The Whispers the promises that it’s possible the idiots in the dungeon say it’s impossible but my dreams disagree curse that witch the demon that calls herself our lady I don’t need her I

Shall Ascend Beyond ver Mari and no one will be able to stop me my ambition is Limitless these monks I have a feeling are not just hanging around brewing beer like normal monks these monks these monks are trying to like Ascend to like godliness and I’m a

Little I’m I’m I have a feeling they may have dug too deep um to use a Dwarven analogy I just think they may have they may have goofed look under the carpet okay really look under the carpet do you know or do you just want me to I’ll look

Under the carpet I look under this carpet here you think there’s something under this no I mean going to say I’m going to go with there’s nothing under that carpet and now we’ve just ruined the the evil lady’s room maybe she didn’t want to be evil at first but it sounds like the

Power kind of got to her head too deep and too greedy well just one person it seems like is trying to ascend to be a God could have been though I agree green I agree could have been I’m glad you asked or mentioned it all right well we’re going to

Continue our search we need to find the restricted section of the library wherever that will be my guess is it’s probably going to be in the library and then we look for a door just a hunch let’s see um I haven’t been here yet ooh this is oh we’ve been down below

Yeah this is cool though up top more food I probably don’t need any more bread though but that’s fine you know what I just realized whoa cookies it’s probably not worth it I could just make up things that people are saying you know in chat because most I guarantee most of you are

Either on Twitch on YouTube I can just be like oh yeah hey on the on somebody so and so says uh I’m amazing thank you so much uh General General farts um that really means a lot to [Laughter] me don’t give me ideas chat okay let’s see what we got here oh

It was a long journey in a tall tall mountain to climb but we finally made it all th’s face is all white but his breathing is steady steadily evening out the monks of the monastery are so friendly and accepting I’m especially fond of Monk Garis he helped carry th up

The long and winding path to terum I can’t help but feel something when his smile touches the dimple at the corner of his mouth I could listen to monk gara’s talk about the goddess’s teachings all day Miss Fern told me to seek out uh old friend Abbott Bahar but

I heard from monk Ali that he’s been away from tun for many weeks hopefully he will return so I can give him Miss Fern’s letter from mossfield for now I’ve been given a nice room second floor above the cleansing Chapel I’ve been told that many of the monks left with

Abbott Bahar so I have one of their rooms to myself cool sometimes I don’t read the whole thing I get the gist hi General farts yep there you go you should absolutely start doing that thanks EO it the the only issue oh I got to get that the only issue is I would

Have to simultaneously play Dremel figure out what we’re going to do and where we’re going manage twitch and YouTube chat and come up with a third uh hypothetical mystery chat that I can just say whatever um would be would be a feat of of uh parallel thinking and

Processing where wor a shot oh this is pretty this building cool this just kind of flows out okay neat uh I feel like we’re getting close to the Restricted Section I like the little like mural here that’s very cool uh Shrine access okay I’m considering aish AAR Al virtual

Sear definitely didn’t uh butcher that okay and that goes down to the main area nice I guess we’re going to the shrine ooh very pretty very very pretty uh this is the shrine this is this is it just just kind of like a a box with

Okay uh I would be remissed if I didn’t okay there’s nothing there all right well it’s fine I’m not disappointed in your Shrine it’s just that I expected a restricted section of a library oh look at this that’s how people must have gotten here by boat and then they kind of came

Up this walkway that’s very pretty if this is like the regular entrance I might my problem in Dremel is I never enter an anyone’s front door I’m always entering from like some obscure side entrance uh I mean half the time the front doors are closed it’s on them aha this is the

Front door okay got it and this leads out to a very pretty balcony let’s see what’s out there Petition of avid liar what is the pole that I just missed looks like more water still very Pretty okay to the Restricted Section this seems like possibly oh a library it definitely is a new area this is not OSHA safe this is the this is not this is not approved I feel like I’m approaching a library oh it’s a 400y old Rose 1,400 yearold espor

Benan sprig of the Primal tree ageless whoa that’s like a big deal those monks are not OSHA compliant exactly I’m not stopping that joke you guys if you watched my one 100 days in chunk lock I said if somebody commented that joke that you know they said it’s the funniest joke they’ve ever

Heard then I would never say it again well I’m going to pull a Wolf of Wall Street on you I’m not quit I’m not leaving I’m not leaving I’m not I’m not giving up that joke I can’t it’s too good it’s too it and by too good

It’s it’s one of those jokes that it’s not funny it’s not going to be funny the first time it’s not going to beun the 50th time but time number 100 somebody’s going to laugh and then everyone’s going to laugh there are ways to make things that aren’t funny funny

In Osha Osha might just be that for me excuse me sorry uh oo some gold armor lots of armor oh a diamond I can make a pickaxe finally but I probably should keep those um first verar verar great uniter guide the blades of the just oh it’s a warrior monk up there hey

Bud sorry you’re you’re dead unfortunate I might need to make oosha reviews for The Dungeons of the adventure server I would love that these monks are definitely not forklift certified just saying yeah definitely sador oh gosh wow I fell the whole way down what did I tell you what did I tell you

Not compliant not safe magic excuse me can you get out of the way of me stabbing you repeatedly please I just thought of a cool custom item a high level instant health potion that gives armor damage or speed bonus uh when in the off hand that’s that’s a cool idea hi

Goodbye where is this uh where is this library that they speak of maybe it’s up top have we been all the way up maybe we haven’t let’s go all the way up see what’s going on I think we go up this level zero days since the last incident that’s what I’m

Saying look at this there are no handrails in this entire Monastery are they trying to kill people clearly they killed all their monks and turned them into zombies what’s going on uh I want to find your library monks so I’m heading up now I’m doing the the opposite of

What I normally do in Dremel which is that the secrets are usually in in holes but now hang on I got to take a quick peek hi honey lots of honey oh yeah could have guessed Honey’s not really all that good right like it’s good for for like saturation and stuff

But that’s about it let me just take a peek down this I just want a handrail oh that’s the library hey now hey chill uh there’s skellingtons in here so I’m just going to do one of these oh yeah you guys are you guys have fun down there how did

I not this is where the library was wait did I read this book and then I was like nah and just nobody we already found the library guys I was just being a butt how did that happen yep yes you read that book and didn’t go to the

Library oops rest and I found the restricted access but guys Professor mcgonagle will have my will have my wand if we go in take it mogle all right let’s figure out what’s going on um I’m actually gonna barricade myself cuz I don’t trust the the Nuggets we need a quest Arrow like more

Bethesa games ah yeah I I know you’re being factious cuz that is uh garbanzo beans and I mean that the nicest way to garbanzo beans but if you have you ever smelled the can of fresh garbanzo beans being opened it is stinky all right here we

Go many are aware of the doctrine of spheres but few are privy to its deeper Secrets the doctrine of spheres is the Hallmark of asomatous school of alchemy and the source of much their power through this journey practitioners of the atomus school hone all parts of their body heart mind and spirit alike

These Alchemists are formidable foes after besting just a few few spheres and the Masters of the Arts are nigh Immortal some say that the Ascension to the Fifth Sphere Heralds the coming of the great work but I disagree you see I’ve ascended to the Fifth Sphere I’m a

Firstborn kind of a showoff but all right we get it Fifth Sphere jerk I’m the first first of my kind a born mortal wielder of divine magic and a completer of the great work yet true apotheosis still eludes me I now know that the this sphere is not the last

That one more exists I see it in my dreams a swirling Vortex of yellow and purple devouring all that stray near I hear my idealic conscious idealic Consciousness whispering to me telling me to reach out and grab it it will be more Tre it will be treacherous more

Than every other challenge yet but I do not fret I am the epitome of alchemy so far beneath all who came before if I am unable to do it no one is even a first of the necromancers only completed the great work all shall bow before me and

Cower in awe and fear they will hear my name and tremble for I am Akim Lord of dust and my ambition knows no bounds the rest of the pages turned to dust in your hand this guy sounds like a jerk I want to I want to kick his butt I

Really want to find that guy and kick his butt the chest in the Shelf in the main area is calling to me you mean that right there you want me to get that hollowen it is him I want to crush him this person this this is a very dangerous

Place they are mad with power they are mad with power the music also I got to admit was like perfect for that that whole that whole moment hope you guys liked that that was fun for me felt it felt like a moment he disintegrated the book yeah

That guy’s a jerk let’s find him and break his face um okay so it’s clearly uh awful down there but we’re going to go down there cuz we’re amazing at this game oh left or right left or right I can’t see left or right left or right I

Think it was right it’s too late don’t kill me this is bad hi monks good book I like that book it was a really good book we’re dead it’s fine I really liked that book hey lucky us uh there’s another book here I think the reason so if I turn off my shaders

Oh it is a light room but the problem is uh there must be spawners oh yeah I see them die cave spiders of course you filled this room with hell death and destruction there’s more spawners High nerd die uh piercing me wait is piercing that goes on a crossbow right hi ow ow

Skeletons are the worst where are the skeletons spawning from it’s fine we continue Mint or mini ice I think is probably the right way to say your name hey I I’m glad I could make the stream oh thank you for being here magic no no worries on being laid on

That pole that that was it was it was a quick Time Event and I don’t think any of us I don’t even know who won so don’t sweat it this is all garbage this is just awful down here let’s use our mega sword ability ready should be bouncing bounc around or

Did it once it lands does it okay there’s a cool down on it I should have been using that more it’s fine I’ll be fine there’s a chest in the restricted area oh oh I see it now okay I’ll go get that in a second Frost Walker boots and

Bane of Arthur pods solid where are all these guys coming from there’s got to be more spawners half a heart it’s fine where are the spawners uh huh I’m not seeing any unless they’re like hidden inside of the books nope okay let’s get back to the restricted area

We’ll have it die again oh this book is junk the restricted area is filled with garbage uh let’s see so Frost Walker and Bane of Arthur pods a very interesting combination for a book there I heard a skeleton no okay let’s look around there’s another chest up there and then there’s a book

To read looting loyalty blast protection Okay I accept an empty map why not oh that’s so cool goodbye all right let’s take a look at this book hopefully that spider just kind of hangs out keep him in my perview there uh okay our glorious Monastery tyon was founded many

Centuries ago in the second aim shortly after the end of the deity war aari led a small group of drari to this very Mountain where they set up a camp over the next 100 years this group and their descendants built what you see today satisfied with her work the vamari

Leading the monks sailed North on a nomadic journey and was never seen again when she left she handed her position to the first Abbot a drari by the name of cavena since then the first Abbot of t uh Tyron was always has always been a Mari unlike other old parishes where

Viari usually LED as the monastery developed it be uh began to be known as a place of meditation and wellness Travelers visit from all across Dremel in order to bathe in our Springs renowned for their healing properties as it matured the monk Hood took up the practice of medicine to better treat our

Afflicted some of our number also took up art inspired by the illustrious painters of spearhead and the botanists of the black jungle using the knowledge granted To Us by the study uh by the study of the body many monks took up the practice of self-mummification a fatal art that requires immense medit

Meditative fortitude few of our numbers uh have ever attempted it and fewer have completed it those who have are honored by the shrines dotted around the monastery self mum mummification is gnarly in real life like when people do that like it’s so it’s so grueling on the body you basically starve yourself

And you can’t oh it’s it’s an it is don’t look up pictures it’s spooky it’s spooky what people do hi latchy welcome back hey Logan welcome to the chat on the twitch side okay I feel like we’ve gotten everything that we wanted out of the library in the Restricted

Section I is there more to this area or is it just a place to explore or is there a dungeon I feel like there should be a dungeon hey whoa how how many excuse me yeah there’s more okay yeah I’ll be looking around is there a spawner or

Something oh there’s a hole in the ceiling remember that book right before the library entrance uh yes I remember that book right before the library entrance the one that we maybe I should just take a quick look at it it seemed to have given us some Clues aoud

Clanking from somewhere in this building again in the middle of the night right aoud clanking ex to the Restricted Section it’s my Monastery my prayers go out yeah so just about the Restricted Section allowed clanking um okay maybe the entrance to whatever we need to get to is in the Restricted Section

No I’m not seeing any like clear indication uh there’s also another area I missed there’s two areas I missed okay well I got to find both areas the book right before the library entrance what is it actually pointing me to though cuz we found the Restricted Section uh this might be

Something this is the honey this is where we came from right okay I still need to go to the top of this we came from down here or up here I should say so we’ll head on up and this is just a top of a tower oh

Right this this this this this this okay I need to get over here how do I get up there it seems like there would be a staircase but I am very lazy so I’m going to place some blocks oh oh my oh oh Abbot uh excuse me what are you doing

Stop I implore you was that the Abbot we just got attacked what hey now and I actually like held my ground pretty well I don’t think they were that tough but letter of thanks arino I’m so proud to tell you that beneath the altar of the cage Chapel deep within this mountain our

Parish has finally achieved the long-standing goal What was that Sound okay we’re going to ignore that that was voice mod anyways uh deep within the mountain our Parish has finally achieved longstanding go praise be to the goddess for Illuminating my path to your bottled letter although it took time for me to write back initially I’m deeply thankful

That I chose to do so you must be close indeed to our lady I cannot help but feel humbled by your knowledge and generosity tyrun has never been like other parishes are monks less Pure or perfect than other ministers of virtual Faith but the last the sin committed Long Ago

By our founder can only can be rectified not only will will our order again be led by a vermar but for the first time since the goddess’s departure new vermi shall walk Dremel our order will be a love uh will be a love will wash over every soul living on this continent

Humbly yours Abbott Bahar of tyr uhoh they’re in deep trouble abot has built-in Boss music not really not intentionally uh whoa we fought an Abbot we fought an Abbot uh where did where how did you how did I so uh actually I should probably keep that

Cuz they said I just want to I don’t want to forget and we all know I will excuse me string um yeah they they said beneath the altar of the Caged Chapel beneath the altar of the Caged Chapel okay yeah I know where that is don’t throw away that book it’s limited edition

Okay I won’t I tend to throw a lot of things away cuz you know my inventory is usually a disaster uh buckets of water let us wash away our mortal forms yies they’re trying to do some not good stuff they’re they’re trying to ascend you guys to godhood and that only that only

Ends in one way in pretty much every movie or book I’ve ever read okay so there is uh beneath the Caged Chapel I think I I think I might know what that is but we’re going to have to look around there’s going to be some kind of dungeon in here that’s for sure

Yeah so I’ve Been Working On My Own Boss and uh this one’s underground it’s a it’s a it’s a mining boss and I’m starting to work on the mechanics now and I want to build a really beautiful underground hello uh hello underground like Cathedral um that’s built of quartz

Kind of like incendium um what do they call it’s like in incendium in the quartz there’s like a quartz biome there’s this giant Cathedral it’s very cool very pretty aha there’s the spawner I knew there was a spawner um yeah I want to do that and then I want to put

The boss in it thinking about it it’s going to take time cray hey Avid how are your holidays they were very nice cray thank you for asking uh yeah it was pretty relaxing we were up at the cabin up at my cabin um in the woods and it was it was very nice

Uh spent some time with my in-laws my wife’s parents and yeah it was really nice how are yours hope they were great what is okay hang on a second the Caged Chapel deep within this mountain the Caged Chapel deep within this mountain caged Chapel deep I’m going to

Keep saying it and we need to go down I knew it I knew it but how how do I go down I need to find some kind of it was worth a shot I need to find some kind of staircase leading me down the area with the iron bars where was

The area I’ve seen it okay where was the area with the iron bars again streamer brain help streamer brain Avid Avid has what what latchy what uh I made a piston noise I’m I’m proud this area with the iron bars this one the cage Chapel I guess you’re

Right oh yeah oh yeah this is it we have found something oh boy can you water bucket down no need no need here we go latchy what do you mean you made a piston piston noise like with your mouth like with your face in real life what are you talking

About uh Magic uh asks um what is my mining boss going to look like well if I had access to 1. uh 20.4 it would probably be a zombie scaled up in size but I don’t know if I’ll have access to that yet so I might have to use a giant

I think I’m going to have to use a giant and just and just write the AI it’ll be very basic AI um hey guys what the can I ask what the heck is going on in your monk your crazy monk dungeon where you’ve imprisoned are you invulnerable

Oh no oh gosh oh he’s invulnerable or something I’m stuck Immortal monk excuse me any uh um um I am in prison I’m imprisoned with an immortal monk I must leave immortal that’s not cool no I can’t okay okay wow this guy I am I deeply regret letting this person

Out I could see them getting rid of czy says I could see them getting rid of the giant with 1. 120.4 I could too okay hopefully I’m back I really do hope that YouTube has restor dored itself I didn’t blue screen am I back I’m back it’s not over I’m here I’m here

I said blip blap is YouTube back that’s the question it looks like it is guys I don’t know what happened uh twitch was fine twitch held up back okay we’re all back okay I’m sorry Hi YouTube ab is going to have to catch us up uh you

Didn’t miss much guys um and I apologize for that I don’t know what actually happened on the YouTube side cuz twitch was holding strong so it definitely wasn’t my internet but I think something got funky with the YouTube maybe the YouTube server I don’t know um I’m very I’m very

Careful with my internet stuff YouTube missed one death yeah but we’re all back we’re all good um okay so we’re just down here in the hole with the UN the undead whoa okay there’s a lot to there’s a lot to uncover here and I found a

Lever and all of of these rooms have very suspicious things oh I hear him hi I’m back hi you didn’t miss much we are so close this is not a good place Aid have you played Seco uh yes I have I love SEO uh Shadow dies twice

Shadows die twice yes I love that game it’s so good they’re trying to like freeze the monks look at all these experiments this is bizarre oh oh hey guys are we there’s a trap chest Keys hello and welcome we are in with this perfectly perky and wonderful music we are in some

Kind of prison where monks were experimenting on people hey the deprived are you cool this is sad that’s just sad this is just like a deprivation chamber you guys are monsters for making this this is like a torture facility uh let’s read the let’s read

What we got going on in this book real quick maybe hide hole ourselves in we have found that taking away the senses brings our Kindred closer to virtuo for a time but our Sovereign minds are lost after a long period it is clear this treatment is not sufficient

Monsters I going to kill every single monk in this in this building they are monsters they’re not monks monks don’t do this monks brew beer on Christmas we lost the uh the Invincible monk thankfully um which is I’m very thankful for that uh this looks like they were grind this is disgusting

Yeah you you’re dead Okay we’re going to go grab the super sword now or whatever it’s going to be I’m excited excuse me hi Cay do you uh asks do you prefer twitch for streaming in general I feel like most people do but I’m rarely uh on

Twitch um yeah I can answer that question because I’ve just recently started streaming on Twitch I feel like if you’re going to stream and focus on streaming twitch is your platform um the people who are on Twitch hi people on Twitch I’m talking about you generally want to watch

Streams that’s why they’re on Twitch so they’ll stick around for longer this song is on my ban list before we met by trailer works I will ban you you are you are not the right song for this stream all right you’re banned um but anyways yeah so

People on Twitch generally tend to watch the stream and not end to end but often a lot longer YouTube you’ll get about 11 minutes on average um but I’m better known on YouTube so that’s why I do the Simo streaming and I want to grow my audience on Twitch because twitch um I

Feel like the audience on Twitch is more understanding of if you change up your game um you play something different you do something different um twitch is a little more forgiving for that I feel like on Twitch people are more invested in creators rather than somebody putting out a b

YouTube video that a million people see and then everyone just forgets whose name it is uh after they’ve watched it um anyways yeah so I feel like there’s advantages and disadvantages um yeah twitch is just a lot more like people centered um and definitely like people

Want to support you more as a Creator on Twitch uh so yeah I could I could talk your ears off about the differences but anyways who wants to see what’s in this chest I’m sure you’re dying to know what it’s a helmet oh followers of virtuo all

Strive who put me in darkness twitch I swear of course you redeemed that thanks this helmet gives the wearer lingering poison and hunger effects that’s a ter it’s terrible well I’m in the darkness might as well cool this is this is garbage why would I want that hunger F this is

Awful great job guys all of your all of your murder uh led to the creation of the stupidest helmet in existence the read the other stats 50% Max Health 50% movement speed 50% attack damage 50% attack speed okay I do get that that is that is pretty cool that is pretty cool

So if I could counteract that maybe hey hey maybe maybe just maybe it makes sense okay I’m leaving I feel like I have the goods and the lights came back right at the end of that song solid all right let’s get out of here we robbed these awful horrible monks

Blind so many monks please oh it it’s him it’s him hang on a second we’ve got to do something with him he must be like the guy who achieved like Transcendence or whatever he’s proba the most evil out of all of them come on get your butt up here let’s

Go we’ll find something to do with you come Here taking my time probably taking too long thanks like I was saying saying okay you want to play this game huh you you stupid Immortal jerk yeah you I’m talking about you Hi I have a full inventory which is my typical problem just give me a second I got to Loop this guy around hey what’s going on Creeper hello it launched me okay I just need to throw some junk out that is fine okay part one part two you know what you get for your horrible crimes against humanity you’re going to drown for all of existence Oops I meant to flip there never return to this world you

Disgusting monks you should have just stopped at brewing beer enjoy forever in your Undead eternity wait will they still be invulnerable if they turn into a drowned well that’s a question that we need an answer to we’ll find out Sodor says how many Subs to beat this on Hardcore Mode Sodor I don’t

Think I would I don’t think I would ever be able to even do that but let’s find out oh yeah there he goes he’s transforming come here you Undead jerk will he maintain his Undead status I believe so but you’re now a drowned so you know what just enjoy he’s a

Husk Avid later today am I the real villain yeah that’s true am I the real villain I don’t know did this guy torture people for decades trying to achieve some kind of weird Transcendence sador 100 gifted then got you codor don’t I can’t I will not be able to beat

This on Hardcore ever ever hey the doors opened oh that’s cool you’ve only increased his power I’m worried that I did but you know what maybe I come back with a bucket of lava you guys and I just bury him in the lava there’s got to be something we can

Do okay fine no money for you sador save your first off Canadian money is that even real we’re not even sure if that if that floats on the on the national stage in terms of a currency so we you know that’s part problem number one problem number two save your money don’t don’t

Uh I I can’t promise I could do anything on Hardcore ever there’s no way I’m maybe Viking could Lumix hello and welcome welcome to the stream uh I think I might actually have a Bo Sodor gifting a tier one sub thank you so much that’s so kind of you

Sodor thank you or Sly are we are we on a friendship basis now or I can call you Sly who knows only time will tell and Dremel are you going to go to that Tower thing oh yeah nah see I told if it didn’t happen it wasn’t going to

Happen Scotti slap the door X spending money we’re off on our next adventure maybe we can find a tower so Aid it’s time for hardcore 99 more gifted Subs I did not agree to that I cannot beat this in hardcore it’ll be like the shortest stream ever hey guys

Welcome to My Stream today we’re playing Dremel oh sorry the whole world is deleted the whole world is deleted do you guys want me to go to that Tower thing or will you forgive me if I don’t it’s probably just going to be a prismatic chard or maybe even less

It didn’t look fancy enough Lumix what is this this is is an adventure map called Dremel um it is it is beautiful is stunning gorgeous amazing adventure map created by uh the brainchild of Kiko who is in chat um and I’ve been playing this this is like the 9th 8th 9th

Episode streaming episode that I’ve played uh it’s amazing it is an amazing uh map we just we just uh uncovered these a monk a monastery a monk is it a yeah a monastery they were they were doing experiments on people and they weren’t very nice and so we took their

We we kind of imprisoned their uh super natural Undead leader in a water coffin forever wow this is beautiful oh you haven’t seen anything you’ve not seen anything hardcore no hit win numbers I there’s there’s a certain kind of person who can do that it’s not me hello I’m

From Brazil my name is vinicus Vin VIN vinicus I hope I got I probably did not get that right asked you a question what did you think of 2023 it was an incredible year it was a year in which you worked a lot um how was your 2023 um

My 2023 was awesome uh my my son was born my second son um and uh so that already was an amazing year and then um YouTube became a much bigger part of my life in this year uh so that was pretty cool if we talk about YouTube in general

Um you know I released something called chunk loock and that blew up my channel doubled in size and then I had a collaboration with a good friend of mine um LD shadow lady and that blew up my channel again uh so yeah it’s been a it’s been an amazing year it’s been an

Amazing year um yeah I can’t complain Kiko says it’s the brainchild of myself and 18 others yeah that’s true there’s a big team can’t wait for what 2024 brings us I know I’m with you Lumix I’m with you or Lumix probably Lumix I would guess that’s what I would guess

That’s how you would pronounce your name your computer must be beefy to run this smoothly yeah um I’ve got a 4070 TI um decent CPU as well um it runs it runs pretty smoothly I was having some blue screen problems you guys are not going to believe this um I’ve been blue

Screening the first time I blue screened was actually on a Dremel stream and I was like ah must just be buggy buggy Minecraft like some weird funky buggy Minecraft n right like that’s what you would guess um Well turns out it wasn’t that um but it took me a really long

Time to figure it out so I was I didn’t know what happened I blue screened fortunately you know I was able to keep the stream going I just had to boot back up then it happened again when I was playing lethal company with some friends again we were playing modded but still

Seemed to happen every time I was streaming but also when I would put my computer to sleep sometimes s it wouldn’t come up like it had blue screened while uh while it was asleep so it we’ve been there it turns out it was my audio interface crazy enough when you plug my audio

Interface uh into a USB hub um it has something to do with like dropped packets but essentially what happens is it it causes it causes some serious problems um and uh and it blue screens and so I was blue screening I was blue screening a lot and I was really sad it’s very

Hard to diagnose a blue screen very very hard um because H the codes are usually very generic and so you have to get tools to like trace the stack it’s a nightmare oh we’ve been here we’ve been here uh that over there uh I recognize let’s go

Take a quick swipe around just to make sure but I’m pretty sure this is where we got that really cool chest Piece uh Lumix says I’m almost done with my adventure map that took around two months to make heck yeah that’s awesome if you’re in my Discord uh you should totally share that because we would love that have I been here that looks like I’ve been here y that’s an avid dirt Bridge with

Some concrete mixed in okay we have been here awesome you’ve been here I thought so average Dremel enjoyer I forget that the Discord has other things my yeah that’s where I got peace treaty yep my Discord is a very uh is interesting cuz I’ve brought together a bunch of different like communities it

Started as just like a bunch of people who loved adventure maps and Avid Community Challenge and then uh chunk lock happened and Adventure bot happened and now they’re like like three very distinct communities within my Discord um but it’s it’s over like almost 1,700 members is kind of crazy like if you

Think about the people who are subscribed to my channel and the number of people in my Discord it’s a very disproportionately large number um Adventure bot is a whole thing RPG Discord RPG that I coded hello town have I have I seen this town I

Think I have yeah oh yeah I broke these I we’ve been here we have been here cool aha if I had diamonds dude I would be stealing presumably there’s an Ender Chest in here but what I do know is here is there’s a meat a meat stall and I want the

Meat I’ve only been on Discord 5 or six times discord’s cool it’s kind of like how do I describe it it’s like um it’s almost like a it’s almost like Reddit in a way the way that at least my Discord Works where it’s kind of like just a private community of like-minded

Individuals who can share discussions and ideas and there is Dremel music so I’m going to let that play yeah discord’s really good for community building I agree um it’s funny cuz I wasn’t going to start one and then somebody asked me they’re like hey are

You going to have a Discord and I was like I have no idea maybe and so I just started it on a whim that person joined and then left within a week but they came up with the idea and so I have to give them props for that

You the meat man hi I would like your your meat please uh we’re going to go for mutton I believe the mutton trade we thought was a good trade so let’s do that let me take out my money here so much mutton just join the Discord excited

Thank you Lumix you I promise you uh first off you’re going to be welcomed by a lot of people that’s like the thing in my Discord is people just there’s a whole there’s a whole welcoming committee don’t be overwhelmed by that very very nice people um and then

Just make yourself at home the Creations channel is awesome if you ever need help building something the help Channel everyone is super um helpful for lack of a better word they just they’re interested in in helping other Adventure Map makers or whatever you’re working on there’s four people who joined at

Once magic says well heck yeah yeah you guys will really oh thanks thanks for only slightly psychotic human thank you for also joining the Discord I promise I’m not just uh I’m not just blowing smoke it is actually a very cool place okay so we have 64 meat that’s a

Good start it’s a good start we can cook that back at home if we can find a tower I want to find a tower so let’s do that we’ll run through the night uh is that a good idea is it is the day rising or setting the sun isn’t

Moving Kiko ask would your Discord be interested in a short write up about Minecraft Dremel level design I’ve always wanted to do something like that but I don’t know where I’d put it uh uh yeah we are all Adventure Map nerds Kiko um a lot of the Dremel people are are in

My Discord too so you yeah you would get lots of love like if you made a thread in the Creations Channel um we have threads that go back like a year plus of people just updating us on their adventure maps and everyone just encouraging each other it’s really cool

Uh okay Heartwood I don’t want to go to uh highall Tundra city of highfall I don’t think we’ve been to the city of high fall so we’ll go there and we’ll get our music back do something a little more chill hopefully city of highfall black jungle city of highfall

Okay we’re going to go this way oh yay highfall I don’t think I’ve been to highfall let me know it’s 5:00 a.m. gamer player 192 I I appreciate you being here you need to get some sleep you helped with highfall average gremel enjoyer all right cool Kiko yeah I would

Uh I would love to see your thoughts on level design um for me I I I I don’t do as much level design just because I’m limited by not having tools but boss design yes so much I’m so much about boss design lumic says this is such a

Great Community I love it wow you have already uh you’re already embedded in the Discord I love that I mean I know you joined but yeah you’ll it it’s it’s awesome it’s just people who are super it’s like one of the nicest places on the internet and we really work hard to

Keep it that way so I’m I’m glad you joined it’s a really nice place uh average Dremel enjoy art on Twitch says honestly I could have done better with highfall that build is from late pandemic times I’m sure it’s gorgeous all of your builds are so

Nice all my stream start at 2:45 a.m. sometimes they do wait is highfall which way is highfall do I follow this bridge I must right that’s a tower we have a tower it might be a tower we already found I don’t know uh gamer player sometimes my streams

Start earlier for you sometimes um it just depends on how crazy my workday is uh Kiko says uh specifically average Dremel enjoyer won a Build contest oh that’s cool and winners of those contests get their builds put in the map that’s such a great idea that’s that’s really

Cool I need to do something like that the hard part is I’ve restricted myself I guess builds I could do builds I could do I couldn’t do um like things that require data packs because I just I’ve restricted myself to not using those have we been to that Tower let’s go find

Out and then we’ll try to get back to that City average Dremel enjoyer I totally get you on on thinking your build can be better I mean that’s the thing with builds in Minecraft is there never in any art you can always add more strokes and more

Shading and more buttons and there’s so many things that you can continue to do it’s it’s the work is never finished it’s just perfection is the killer of progress sometimes and sometimes it’s like there is a good enough enough and I’m sure it’s I’m going to see it I

Can’t wait to see it I love self-improvement yeah self-improvement uh you’re always going to get better and you’re always going to go look back at your work and you’re going to cringe a little bit or you’re going to be super proud of something that you spent a lot of time on but

Regardless like if you keep doing something for enough time no doubt you’re going to get better like that’s just how getting good at things works you know anyone else nervous that I only have like 4 Hearts as I approach this Tower I’m going to like fall down I

Don’t think I’ve been to this one is the good news I might actually uh give myself a little more Health not not be you never know I love self-critique to healthy extents yes same same cool a tree huh this Tower grew out of a tree or did the

Tree grow around the tower I have so many questions so many questions uh I’m probably going to pill her up on this one unless there’s some kind of entrance probably going to pill her up but let’s see oh no all these towers I think have like a parkour way to get

Up will avid’s armor break oh yeah the keeper boots are looking rough good poll on Twitch good poll I surely hope not I’m going to try to do this one the right way if I fall my boots might break huh can I actually do this one without placing a single block I

Don’t know let’s try to go around yes somebody’s been living up here Spruce planks hey what you doing over here man guess I’ll take your planks and I will build with them I was going to say you lost like three permanent hearts a while back yeah

That is my uh that’s my armor I have armor that makes me go really fast all right and we’re up what tower is this spearhead Forest okay is that the town uh Dremel enjoyer is that your is that the place that you made cuz I will be heading to that

Next spearhead Forest spearhead Forest spearhead Forest we’re at 37.5% gosh this game is massive we’ve been we’ve played for like tens of hours we’re only 37% spearhead Forest spearhead Forest I know there’s two sounds right now I was hoping I could just find it really quickly okay

It’s fine we want the Dremel music spearhead Forest okay nope not highfall okay well we’ll try to I want to see highfall so we’re going to do that spearhead Forest spear for I’m unlocking a lot I have a lot of these now done pretty Peaks black jungle spearhead forest and

Look we only have four more to go in on this side sweet I’m excited oh look at that yeah okay we’ve been there what is my is my render distance on like ridiculous numbers again it is and it was it was doing just fine okay cool good to know

All right we’re going to go over there and then we’re going to try to get to oh and there’s something there my gosh this game for people with ADHD don’t pick this game up you will never be able to put it down all right let’s do a little let’s

Do a little float and try to head in this direction and I’ll take a quick peek at chat we’ll see what’s going on this is beautiful I know I know it’s beautiful it’s hard to wrap your head around making something like this but there was a process there was a process

That went into this my my ADHD goes boing boing boing that’s right Jal enjoyer that’s right uh Kiko this whole area is very Skyrim few structures are basically just Skyrim barrows yeah I love the seeing the inspiration but yeah I mean you start with with you have to build the terrain

And there are terraining tools like World painter um and then uh I’m looking at the pole right now uh I’ll look at that in a second and then like then you have to get actually into each of these builds and you have to create the flowers you have to create

Each of the builds and those are handmade I mean I’m sure there are some tools with world edit and things like that but like the amount of time dedication it would take to make something like this these giant lily pads those are amazing the touches here

Guys it just makes me it makes me feel so happy and I’m so jealous at the same time because if I had a canvas like this the things I would do ah the things I would do I end up relying on Minecraft terrain because I just when I when I started my

Map I didn’t know these tools existed I was just watching hermitcraft uh but we’re going to check this little build out this is adorable all the flowers and trees are gener ated automatically by World painter I just decide where they go and like 95% of the trees brush uh Bush Rock

And assets are all from public repositories wow that is amazing that there there’s already so much like sharing of designs that is so cool I mean it’s amazing bro take off your slowfall it’s so painful Sky I don’t have a choice it’s just part of the

Wings I don’t have a choice I know it’s very slow the wings do that the wings okay we put our chest plate back on did you uh Delete the burnt out video if so can I ask why that’s a really good question um so I didn’t delete it it is

Either for members only or unlisted I can’t remember and the reason was because when I put that video out um I wanted to reach my my very core audience to just let them know what was going on um I’m not trying to hide it or anything but coincidentally the timing

Of that video I became very burnt out um and then my friend Lizzy reached out to me and she was super helpful and and very sweet and um and kind of just talked me through some stuff and then totally somewhat unrelated but she was making a video that was inspired a lot

By my content um and I was like it it pulled me out um and I realized that I should probably make a video to like you know if she was going to point people to my Channel I didn’t want my burnout video to be the first

Thing that people saw new people uh I’m not again I’m not trying to hide that fact it was just that I didn’t want that to be the people’s first impression of me because I wanted my channel to succeed um and so I uh I made it unlisted um because it just wasn’t the

Right time and I felt like I I reached my audience um so yeah that’s that’s why it’s either unlisted or it’s it’s members only why is there a creeper in here the timing was crazy though the timing of all of that it’s yeah I don’t know it was I can’t stop smiling about

It it’s so cool man one day stop it what’s the matter with you one day guys I would love to do this in a more professional manner but it’s uh most people say don’t get your hopes set on that kind of thing it’s just not likely

But I love this we forced Avid to take a break it’s true uh my Discord please repair the Boots copium Logan you’re right I know I I I need to figure out how to do that I’m sorry I will get an anvil um my community the people who I did reach was

My my my inner circle of viewers the people who who are there at all times and they’re amazing and they all like put in Discord all of their names they changed their names to break time for Avid and whenever I like showed up anywhere uh they would they would

Totally block me out um it was awesome it was like so incredibly humbling to see people who I don’t know personally um care about my mental health like that it was uh it was awesome I’m very thankful for this community Kiko says it’s really important not to force motivation upon

Yourself you’ll end up hating what you do and if you keep forcing it it’ll get harder and harder to enjoy what you do again and and Lumix says we will always love your content two extremely sweet and thoughtful messages um I think Kiko to your point yeah um I think my problem was

I I was frustrated I was very specifically frustrated because I tried to do something that I thought was going to work um I had made chunk lock it blew up oh husky hello and welcome quick Zone uh quiz Zone hello and welcome welcome welcome i’ made

Chunk lock and blew up I mean a quarter million views is nothing to sneeze at and I thought if I do a 100 days video I am going to this is it this is my moment and uh it was a really humbling experience because it it wasn’t um I I

Pushed way too hard to make that video in a really short amount of time a 100 days video you guys is grueling as a content creator it is it is really really tough because we’re talking probably at least 33 hours of footage just playing the game not even like

Weaving a story and you know creating an editing and all of that stuff Aid do you know that even Russian Minecraft YouTubers play chunk lock I have a feeling that more Russian Minecraft YouTubers play chunk lock than anywhere else in the world and I also I totally

Get it because chunk loock is brutally difficult and uh that seems like a Russian thing to like and that is not stot typing in any other way other than that I like I just I had a feeling that it would really appeal to like people who also like to play RuneScape um

That’s where the idea came from uh Lumix says YouTube needs more communities like this one I agree um though I am thankful uh that you know mine is a little bit of a diamond in the rough so to speak um but yeah um you know so I was

Burned out because I I was like I put so much time too much time and I was a new dad I wasn’t sleeping sugar cane sugar cane we were looking for this yes we can bring that home I was a new dad I was exhausted um and uh I pushed myself way

Too hard and then I was like I was like well we can’t not have an avid Adventures video it’s been so long and I just sat at my keyboard and I was like this isn’t happening alumic says I feel like a lot of people always think YouTube will be

Really easy um but it uh but it can definitely get really tough sometimes yeah um it is I think there’s a bit of survivorship bias right um I always I don’t know if you guys have ever he heard this story I don’t even know if it’s true but they

They said back in World War II um all these planes were coming back with all this hole damage and the the engineer at the time they were like well you know we need to armor our planes we need to figure out you know how we can protect

These planes from from getting shot down and so they were like well let’s look at all the spots that they were shot and put armor on that and then somebody who is very intelligent I’m not sure if this is a real story but it gets the point

Across is that somebody was like well no no no no no if the plane was shot there and it was able to come back then we don’t want to armor that spot we want to armor the spot where the bullets aren’t because those planes they didn’t come back and that’s the concept of

Survivorship bias survivorship bias which is essentially that I promise I’m getting to a point are you relating World War II to to [Laughter] RuneScape yes but it’s only to illustrate it’s only to illustrate the point of survivorship bias which is essentially that we as consumers of YouTube see only uccessful creators and

We don’t see the people who didn’t make it because they aren’t there right and that is always going to be a challenge in our lives no matter what we do there is always going to be we’re always going to be looking up at CEOs the ones that said they sacrificed everything to make

Their dreams come true and now you know it’s worth it and and I think that’s dangerous because I can’t tell you how many startups I tried to create um four five I tried to build um over many years and all failed all failed you know one of them still around

I don’t think it’ll pan out I have shares in it I don’t think it’ll pan out it doesn’t matter the point is like game player I’m so glad you’re going to bed go sleep um CRA says I honestly feel the same way with my last video I hoped it

Would pop but it simply didn’t uh it can be a really real motivation killer um yeah you know I think there’s a bit to making more videos not necessarily sacrificing quality I think there’s a balance but I do think it’s sometimes it’s just it’s a crapshoot sometimes and so you just

Don’t know what it’s going to be it’s a shotgun approach you know of is this going to stick is this going to stick I things and also you don’t I think also like you can’t consider something a failure how long are you going to give it cuz you have an entire lifetime for

That video to pop off just saying um I also know that I missed a couple here uh Kiko is saying are you comparing YouTube to getting shot in a bip plane while flying over War torn Fields of Europe in the midst of great battle the greatest

Battle the Earth has ever seen Kiko if that’s not a if that’s not some Kiko lore I I felt like I was reading a book in Dremel but you’re you’re so you’re so good with words and that is hilarious but Kiko I Kiko says I really

Hope that 2.2 explodes and we get a ton of attention I know it’s sort of not likely given the current Minecraft ecosystem I don’t know Avid hydrate thank you um I don’t know uh I don’t sorry what I mean is I think 2.2 could explode I don’t know on the Minecraft ecosystem

Side of things things are changing I think you need to find the right content creators to push your content I’m not big enough to make it blow up I’m not um but I will say like with chunk loock that series didn’t really do that well initially and then I posted it on

Phoenix sc’s subreddit and Phoenix SC put it in his video and said he was going to play it and uh and then it blew up it took that that push we’ve been there oh I know something I’m going in that direction I have hope it it wouldn’t

Have blown up if not for for Phoenix SC so you do need to find the right influencer to push your content I will do my best I will do my best though good night psychotic good night um but I will push it as much as I possibly can with all 182,000

Subscribers that I have I’ll do my best Kiko yeah you really need to think about your marketing for it um had I not posted on uh the Phoenix SC subreddit nothing would have happened you do need a social media manager something yeah uh C says yeah but we both know how the

YouTube algorithm kind of works at least a bit and I can’t it can rise again but normally there’s just one Spike and that’s it um I’ve had some videos where like 6 months out they they finally took off uh but I don’t know uh it it really

Depends but yeah I see your point um I don’t know I like to I like to think that every video still has a chance for as long as it’s up in public Kiko I don’t know who could do it a social media manager yeah that’s tough um that’s really

Tough and I don’t know either I don’t have the answers on that one Emanuel hello and welcome on the YouTube side we are slowly gliding our way we’ve been here this is where we got our wings I forget what this place is called but it helps us travel back and forward in

Time Emanuel says are you going to put me in timeout for a test no no I’m not going to do that what uh Kiko says like I could do it but I’m just not in tune with social media trends Kiko you sound like an old man or old person you sound like

Me oh but I totally get you I get you I’m not up to speed with social media either and sometimes I feel I feel funny advertising myself but it is an unfortunate reality of this world that we’re in um where we have to advocate for ourselves in order for

Things to be seen and we have to claim that they’re the best of something it’s just the state of what things are now the 100 days spooky will take off I’m calling it now green Necromancer I think that one is not going to take off I don’t think that one has a

Shot uh but I appreciate that I would I would like my 100 days in chunk lock to take off I think that’s a great video sometimes I go back and I will I’ll rewatch a part of it video to see if I like what I did I love what I did

In that one that’ll always be one of my favorites just the editing the whole thing laty says I’m learning uh I’m learning to do that type of social media marketing but I would be no help hey it’s something Dremel enjoyer my ad my adverseness to social media statistically makes me less likely to

Get hired also why did you come here Avid well I think just on the other side of that mountain there may be a Pillager Outpost I’m actually going to try to get down because there’s something I’m glad you Lumix I’m glad you like my 100 days uh video I’m also

Going to pride myself on another series that didn’t do well which was gilded um for those of you who have seen that which I I’m going to assume many of you didn’t um gilded was basically secret life um but we did it way before secret

Life was a thing we had the concept of tasks um and we had a task machine that had to give up tasks and if you didn’t uh complete your task you were dead um and what we did was we actually had a mod that ported backported armor trims

From 1.20 into uh no Avid you should fly into the sky weren’t you going to repair my boots I do need to repair my boots I haven’t yet you’re right oh wait do I have an anvil I might have an anvil I do have an

Anvil okay I I can repair my boots let’s do that really quick while we talk um gilded was cool because it uh it basically took like secret life which didn’t exist yet so it was the first of its kind in that regard and then it uh excuse me can you please

Leave it combined a bunch of other mechanics with like all of my friends and that’s where I’ve met most of my contor content creator friends is through gilded which is just bizarre because for all of I don’t think any of anybody no that was almost okay that scared

Me but it was cool it was a cool series wish it did better but that’s the thing on YouTube cray to your point too like yeah the algorithm and the audience or whatever it is um sometimes things don’t pan out and it’s important to meter expectations which is something I’ve learned um now

Having made more content wow all three to repair my boots maybe I’ll give it two and I should probably do my pants then if for doing it there go my diamonds I need mending or something but then again mending just means you have to sit at a farm and

Punch Enderman all day which is also kind of lame green watches your videos I think unlikely I think unlikely but I guess you don’t know you never know maybe what maybe you could have watched Josh or whimsies you never know it would be funny if the goat hit

Hit him yeah yeah it’s a good point it would be okay I want to see if the Pillager Outpost is over here I think it’s in this direction you see something about to break my elytra elytra the pul says armor yeah that’s true is this the Pillager Outpost I it

Feels right because if it is there’s something very special waiting for us here you need Rockets I do have Rockets I have seven I just think I’ll break my elytra so I’m not going to do It come on is it here yes it’s here oh my gosh this is worth it our first rocket flight oh oh what what was that are you Kidd it lit me on fire what was that about all right fine Cay says actually now that we talk

About it how did you find me I just remember you joining my Discord uh I honestly I probably was recommended one of your videos cray um and I I I thought it was fantastic um the stuff you were doing with with data packs and breath of the wild I was like

I am and always will be on the search for extremely talented data Packers and content creators and you are a mix of both and so I was like I got to know this person and so I joined your Discord because that’s usually the best way to

Reach people um yeah so I was like yep got to know this person and that was that was it that was basically it I also I had funny enough I had met how ziki um who’s like another well-known Minecraft um data packer in the Zelda breath of

The wild space um and I met how zikon read it and then like somehow it all came full circle because then you had brought haiki into my Creator Discord and yeah the rest is history Lumix you drove for six hours today wow that’s a long way to go read absam call description Avid

Absam call description ion PR says I have to go digging for this clip but I remember something funny happening while making something with with player statuses there was one of you on top of a mountain while I was trying to do stuff with a goat it knocked off interesting interesting yeah

The glider my glider oh thousand of years despite cutting of technology used in its construction its weaknesses are hard to ignore mainly being prone to combustion in aversion to water-based Magics combustion I see I see you trying to tell me this whole time now there’s a reason we’re back

Here we have a nemesis to deal with we have a nemesis to deal with psychotic what do you mean you don’t have access to my twitch it’s twitch.tv/ avmc there he is he killed us long ago oh he still hits like a truck we got a

To go oh this is bad oh this is bad do I have my glider on still I don’t know oh this is real bad um I don’t want to die here oh I know what to do oh no the snow okay it’s fine we’re it’s fine this wasn’t the

Best I’m going to use my Ability he’s just confused come on 2 one I don’t know if I hit him my food is not on my hot bar gold Apple we might have to he’s getting confused in the snow which is kind of convenient for me we’re taking him out he killed us a long time ago this is

Going to guys this is important I promise you getting past him is really important it’s just you and me on a slope uh oh no okay I’m just going to I’m just going to go around him it’s fine just going to go just got to go this

Way oh hanzo’s Bow doing work hanzo’s bow yes die you’ll never kill me again you monster yes I have the wrong armor on oops did anybody notice that I believe thank you for believing in me the ascendant ability sort of buggy on snow I got you I think um the

Ascendant ability flies out flat is that right cuz it would be nice if it kind of like flew up in the direction I was facing but maybe there’s a limitation to that sentence is not like snow layers apparently not wrong chest plate yeah thanks latchy

That was late but I still I crushed him and now guys what we are searching for is at the top of this mountain everything we could have ever wanted and more I promise you if you if you uh watched I think it was episode two of this streaming

Series then you would know in a hole of snow at the top of this peak so somewhere somewhere where is it it’s around it’s around here come on come on come on okay it’s probably up there it’s fine we’re going to find it guys did you already like the

Stream Cay thanks for reminding people appreciate you it’s been so long I think I’ve forgotten yeah well I didn’t forget I didn’t didn’t forget what’s up here or should I say who is up here it’s my horse it’s my horse and he’s awesome ah I found my horse I’m actually

Really happy I’m actually really happy he’s got sick armor he has like this special crazy War plate armor that gives him 14 Max Health this horse is awesome and he’s fast he’s really fast ah I’m so happy he’s back it’s not lemon lemon died lemon died a very tragic death but this horse

Nameless horse we now have again ah it feels good oh man H I did not feed him for days jet no I did not the horse immediately dies now come on have some Faith thanks for the light blue hippo I assume that’s for the horse oh I’m so happy I actually can’t stop

Smiling I I missed this horse we’re going to have to figure out how to get him Home all right I think I have one more cool point of interest in me for tonight I Kiko or someone I don’t mind if from my coordinates 2437 1919 I don’t mind for my coordinates if you backseat me a little bit because I have one more I

Have one more in me I will do it especially now that we got this horse back I’m so happy name him nebun Chad Nezar if I can’t pronounce it easily I he’s not getting named that uh Avid if when you’re done streaming this map and have it

Completed um would you mind making a super cut of the playthrough o a super cut of the playthrough I could possibly do that the challenge is I don’t record these streams so I would have to download like The the lower quality what is this this

Is not the right this is not the right mood song I’d have to download them at a lower quality so it might be a second Channel thing and it’ be a lot of editing name him Nico that’s a good idea oh you sort of explored most of this

Area so I don’t know really where to guide you okay that’s fair I don’t know if I’ve headed this way so we’ll go this way we’ll see what we find do you use vods uh prison Marine studio um if by VOD you mean like I when I’m record I’m streaming to YouTube

Right now so I just leave the video up and on Twitch I do the same thing um I don’t know does twitch give me the full uh quality download or is it also I assume it’s compressed name him Thal thrang that is a name Central Plains goek verant Labyrinth spear head Forest

Moss Field let’s go that way ooh that looks cool yeah twitch vods I do use twitch vods I keep them up yeah I keep my videos up but twitch eventually deletes them right I mean Kiko another thing is I could always just make a super yeah

Super cut where it’s yeah it’s just all of the videos mashed together even if it’s is 1080p um I could still do that I do um I do maintain a place playlist for all the videos name ravaged not dumb at all not totally being sarcastic Kai create hello and welcome

To the stream friend welcome name him popcorn these are all very good names for my horse uh prison Marine Studios asks what are your thoughts on moyang fixing levitation for entities the player is riding it allowed me to make a ridable inflatable horse they fixed levitation for entities the

Player is writing I didn’t know that actually uh that is really cool that’s amazing I’m whenever they fix something that’s completely busted uh which is a lot of things um that makes me very happy name him Leroy another interesting name I should watch you more thank you

So much Kai create I stream I also make the videos um so definitely feel free to check it out if you like what you see today and I appreciate you being here and there goes my pickaxe I think I’ve been here but I’m going to double check I don’t have a

Name for the horse yet maybe we name the horse Kiko you guys Kiko Kiko I feel like needs to be a part of my playthrough in some way I think we’re going to name the horse Kiko yeah it feels right uh we’ve got some books here Frost Walker do I have to dot dot dot heck yeah Kiko 101 yeah now now Kiko’s going to be super confused when I say their name in chat they’re going to be super confused but I think I’m gonna I think it’s going to be Kiko I don’t need this

Junk time to bring out the kiko pole again yeah all right Kiko let’s go this won’t get confusing at all uh have I been to that that no that’s a very strange looking monument I am so happy I have my horse I definitely am going to lose this thing at some point but

Yeah you should name him wave that that’s it it looks like a kind of wavy symbol looks cool yeah it does look cool let’s go check it out I’m already so confused you have no idea Kiko says well Kiko you’re going to have to take it up with my horse also named Kiko

All right we’re going to try to get to this mountain this is my least favorite part about horses is the whole water thing but that’s okay we can we’ll just kind of nudge him nudge him across poor Kiko baa Tilda just name him Tilda I’ve already named him he’s

Kiko there’s a road to your North that leads into the mountain range North never eat soggy waffles North East North okay cool yeah I’ll do that rather than just like doing my usual breaking in through the back entrance of every facility that I find because I I can never seem to stumble

Upon the front door and that’s a me problem I’m pretty sure the kiko poll on Twitch well well played okay so there’s a path into the mountains up here to the north I love how fast we are on this horse by the way ooh this looks like a thing a big

Old Lily Pad what do we got going on here and I’ll grab some of this sugar cane while we’re at it I’m full that’s all right I have I have some I can grow it this definitely has something in it right I don’t have a pickaxe anymore I guess I’ll use the

Flammer there it is O A Diamond hoe and a bunch of scales I accept I don’t think I need a diamond hoe though sorry to offend the loot chest but it’s just not in the cards okay come on horse Kiko squared yeah uh this looks like the path over

Here oh it’s like a bog like a marsh aha there was a bridge that went across this and then up into here nice aren’t scales just r textured emeralds yes they are Husky yes ooh The Verdant Labyrinth I’ve not been here The Verdant Labyrinth verdant isn’t

That a color for green or a name for green latch’s me message got caught up in twitched because they said I think you need the hoe how dare you latchy the best horse name I can’t even read that it’s too small you’re finding all these strange characters wow guys look at this

Area the music is doing its thing The Verdant Labyrinth what have we here a little base camp I’ll be setting my spawn nothing of Interest come on horse if anyone is familiar with the canyon of the lost from wincraft this is basically that though not nearly as large and confusing

Cool I am very interested in whatever this is uh okay horse get in your horse hole that is a very deep horse hole I didn’t realize this shovel was so good yeah okay I’ll see you soon Kiko Okay here we go up this spiral Mountain oh we’re going to go there too oh man I found a new thing that’s the thing with dremel you guys you just wander in a direction and you find something I’m so envious my map I feel like is just so much smaller in

Comparison I wish I had this canvas I’ve said it before I love making bosses maybe one day maybe one day I don’t think Avid Adventures will ever be done I think that world will will always exist but there may be something that uses big boy tools like

This to do something more and maybe a crew hey smaller leads to a tighter more fine-tuned experience that is what I have I have a very on Rails experience that is also quite challenging Kazooie like banjo in Kazooie a diamond that doesn’t really make up for

My other diamonds that I had to spend today but kazui e can I put you on my head and fly around you climbed a spiral Mountain Avid Kazooie yeah like Banjo and Kazooie what is that does anybody know what that is over there this map I swear we’re going to go to this

Now him the chicken yeah I see him ah the place wait hotti do I go that way I want to go to that I want to go to that yeah what do you guys want me to do do you guys want me to go over to this crazy looking

Prison um I assume so that seems like the right thing to do cuz I think I’ve already been there that’s um that’s the the what do you guys call the forge that Palace is the temptation of elyra breing yes it is it is you need a world map to keep track of

All these that would be cool there does need to be I wish there was something like this make a poll I think I’ve actually been over there uh AJ fun you have a second Channel they ask yes um it’s not terribly active um but uh I

Will be posting something on it in the not too distant future related to a one of my newer videos and I want to do more um stuff on my second Channel mainly like commentary and meta stuff uh V EXC Creator hello and welcome to the stream see a green Necromancer have a great

Night yeah I do have a second channel the Kiln that’s right the Kiln or virtuo is that the Kil Kiko I think that’s the Kiln just from the from the other side I would love a a a working world map but I think that is outside of the realm of what is

Possible in Minecraft maybe I’m wrong but like a Skyrim type map would be really cool love from India heck yeah thanks for being here okay we’re going to go to this prison thingy that’s suspended over the water you can use mods that is true that is true

I think with yeah with dremel being such a massive map either you have to you rely on like I have a map at my house of the whole area but it’s it’s not quite granular enough yeah Kiko yep I have that map I do have that map it’s in my house I

Showed it at the beginning of the stream my house is actually pretty sweet maybe we’ll get there by the end of the stream if I can find a stinking tower all right what is this prison oh yeah this is cool it’s like ask B uh question in the chat are you busy or open to collab um I am generally very busy um Tech T typically my collabs are something that um is something I’ve been plan like I plan out for many many months um like there’s this project I’m working on with eppington that we’ve

Been planning out for like nearly six months I’m I’m just so slow uh so yeah typically I’m I’m super selective on uh like the creators and collaborators um holy moly Avid holy moly what latchy holy moly I want to see what this suspended asban thing is ooh there’s a

Door a chest runic Catalyst right on that’s eight wait I didn’t get it hang on oop oop deep shuffling some stuff around hey Aid could we collab with another command can we do another command block battle that was really fun that was really fun and that video

Didn’t do half bad actually okay I need to get up up to the top I need to get up here so let’s do that I try not to ruin these Landscapes with pillars of junk but sometimes you just got to do what you got to do I don’t understand how YouTubers do

Live streams for hours unicorn puppy asks you know my first live stream I ever did was probably about 3 hours and I was wiped just totally just like my voice was gone um like I my eyes hurt everything um and then you you kind of like get

Practice in pacing yourself um and you just get you just get a lot better at it and your body kind of gets used to it to it um and you take it easy I usually stream for about 2 and 1 half to 3 hours that’s I found that that’s my limit I

Feel like these nuggets are going to push me off by the way so we need to be super smart about approaching this this is very cool by the way this design of this like prison thing very cool uh I forgot you said you needed an

Ender Chest yes I do need an Ender Chest okay there are bad dudes in here so let’s ow I’m My Own Worst Enemy uh-huh I see you I think a piece of armor is going to break you guys I think it’s going to be this Shield hi ha goodbye ow goodbye this is Sparta all right this is a very cool build who made this um it was a group of 13 creators led by The One and Only The Kiko Hi hey don’t do it hello you are very fast follow Aon what am I missing n it just use fireworks they totally work I’m not doing that I’m not going to get tricked again rabbit stew I’m like going to eat this rabbit stew and then grab my bread just the

Saturation you can’t beat going to put next on this song this song is just not happening this song is much better subathon numbers just said I just started at uh started as just Kiko in Rift and then more people and more kept joining this particular build is pre 2.2

And made by Kiko I think very cool Kiko’s a very talented Builder World Builder and otherwise I’m trying to get better at building this year oh my uh I guess I’ll use this okay ow that was a mistake but we did our best did I hear somebody like

Outside this is this build is from a build pack actually no kidding that’s cool that that exists though I I really like that idea of people being able to share builds I don’t think there has to be like I don’t think everything has to be made oh

Hello did I get bad Omen I did not because it was not part of a raid or something um I don’t think like there H there does not have to be what am I getting at it’s okay to take builds from other people I’m totally all for that like especially if

They’re made publicly available hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa chill out okay I’ll see you next ever I guess I’m going to assume there’s something good for me yes scales more rabbit stew I’ll get that saturation up Keo said they put it on an island

With chains and gave it an interior well then that’s that is the honestly that’s the best part of this build so you made this build very special by doing the things that you did to it okay up to the top oh I saw a creeper head and I was like

Uh we about to get blown up okay we’re going to sleep hey look at that whoa plus 10 Max Health movement speed but your attack damage goes down we have added a piece of gear to our movement set cool oh man we are going to

Be very fast I need to have I wish there were like sets in Minecraft that’s cool uh we have a oh diamonds hang on I’ll read that book in a Second we are out of room for stuff okay I don’t see anything else oh my goodness 10 pages I don’t have it in me if you do want to read this you can pause boom boom bam bam I do like I like this I don’t have it in me to do 10

Pages towards the end of a stream but I do love your lore Kiko lore DAV Pro what’s going on on the twitch side all right I’m going to fly out of here now hopefully not break my elytra in the Process we’re good Kiko is this the verant Labyrinth I don’t think so right is that the Labyrinth or is the Labyrinth something Else this whole mountain range is a labyrinth okay cool catch you later goodbye thank you for stopping by Kai all right we’ll see what’s at the end of this and then I think I’m hitting that limit I think I’m like getting a little sleepy I need to get some sleep

Tonight it’s 11:00 where I am let’s see what’s uh down here follow the Path yeah this is a very cool mountain range so is this uh like early Dremel stuff all I’m seeing is polls with Kiko as the option for everything what on Earth is happening on the twitch side you guys guys what are you up to Hey There Kiko don’t Kiko’s also the

Horse so you know Kiko be careful what do you mean by early did I say early or is that some a response to something else I don’t think I said that hey hi get horsed okay what is this Shrine to the verant Mistress don’t mind if I

Do why did somebody donate ladders to the verant mistress hey Kiko question for you when you make the like all your chests are you just using like are the chest I think the chest loot is all pre uh loaded like pre-configured like you you’re not using loot tables are you

Or are some chests using loot Tables oh you yeah yeah yeah yeah oh sorry early Dremel stuff um I mean like 1.1 or like early in the development I just just curious like where in the Dremel cycle um this is or was I’m just curious cuz You’ uh CU I think number said the particular build was pre 2.2

And made by you so I guess pre 2.2 could be a large range of Years and out we go this is a very cool area horses kind of get caught up on the snow but otherwise it’s pretty cool you make custom loot tables pregenerate them so it’s always the same between each save oh that’s cool that makes sense I do use loot tables quite a bit

That is technically a data pack thing that I’ve given myself permission to use because it’s it’s so important for my dungeons this terain is from 2.0 but basically all trins from 2.0 gotcha was one was version one to two like a to total redesign of the

Landscape cuz it feels like there was a lot of thought put into this map uh mossfield former uh or highfall Tundra city of highfall we’re going to end in one of these places 2.1 did no terrain change 2.2 rework two biomes touched up a few others Zoe hi sorry I’m late oh yeah

It’s getting that time for me uh I’m going to go to the highfall tundra the city of highfall and then we’re going to call it there I’m ending here see you bye husky thanks for being here this has been a very nice stream every time we do a Dremel stream unless

I’m banging my head against a boss that I can’t beat I am the most relaxed I’ve ever been all week yeah it was a complete uh so so Kiko is saying from one do from Dremel one to dremel two it was a complete terrain remake just entirely redone from

The ground up Dremel 1.0 was also a complete rework from an even earlier version which was never made public yeah I get that very cool there’s a tower um but we’ve been to that Tower today we’ll go this way wait the path goes here where does this path

Go wow even when it’s raining it’s beautiful I know and the music is like perfect for it somehow the music always lines up until the moment that it doesn’t and I say I’m never going to play that song again and I get really mad I’m mostly kidding so Dremel was remade from

Scratch two times that to me makes sense there’s just a lot of planning that seems to have gone into Dremel 2.2 so tell me Kiko what goes into Dremel 3 and what would you do differently cuz I know I know you you’re always probably thinking about what’s

Next it the path just ends here oh hang on there’s a chest Dremel 3 exists it came out a few years ago on April 1st hm nothing suspicious about that release date at all got It I know you have plans to Port Dremel to newer versions of Minecraft I’m sure numbers would be oh a mending iron axe I’m sure numbers would be very happy to have access to more modern data packing features likes the slash damage command name tag oh I missed that thank you my

Brain I see it thank you I picked it up hang on yeah let’s make this official purple thank you Zoe for changing my the color of my Lights here Kiko we’ve done it he go horse you are now officially Kiko we’ve done it guys did I get my Anvil no okay we must end on a good note yes we must keep it purple purple is the best I started on purple it lasted all

Like 5 minutes then people just changed it to whatever they want okay I don’t know where the path is it just kind of ends Dremel uh sorry hang on let me catch up on the kiko says there will never be a uh a Dremel 3 I generally think that most of

The train is as good as it can be and the entire remake would be unnecessary I do however want to make a standalone Dremel game in the far future cool that’s very cool Rock FR uh and let me just see if there’s anything else before he says

Said game would differ quite a bit gameplay Wise from Minecraft map but still be by exploration of the ruined world I love that idea that’s so cool rock FR says I’m starting my own third life S&P with my friends we aren’t YouTubers but I’m super excited also we

Didn’t manage to install the data pack so I kind of made everything with four command block that’s cool good luck good luck Doge hello and welcome me hi Phil says Dremel 3 is real and it’s beautiful I believe you somehow I believe you even if it was released on

April 1st by the way horse going up a mountain side like that rainbow guys look at the rainbow this map is so beautiful am I late me uh maybe I’m trying to get to a good spot where we’re going to end the stream today so yes maybe but we also have to

You know find a town or something a good a good natural spot to stop rainbow yeah that happens after it rains with my shaders maybe it depends on your definition of beautiful I am very curious on what the Dremel 3 April Fool’s joke was the rainbow’s fading isn’t that

Amazing the shaders doing all that work okay game listen to me I want to end at a place I want to end at a place cuz that’s how I like to do it I like to close things off and then we’ll start there on the next stream also why is everyone voting one

Kiko option look I can’t control the twitch chat trust me I’ve tried Doge asks have you ever tried any dweller mod uh or something horror uh yeah I made a whole like 100 days series um with horror maps I would say um if you guys haven’t seen the

Manic or sanguine data packs um the the creator of those packs uh their name is vizzy and the same amount of love and attention to detail that has been put in a Dremel has been put into those horror data packs they are and I’m not even

Like it is amazing how much effort and time and attention to detail those data packs have they are incredible and for people who don’t know those data packs you really really really really need to check them out Midnight Rider hello goed so numbers you know vizzy it’s like

All the all the best data Packers in the world know each other Kiko says the premise of Dremel the game is to create a world that actually meaningfully changes over time independent of player interaction and so actually truthfully uh truly evolving world like imagine halfway through the game there’s some sort of natural

Disaster that changes an entire region or a town gets raised to the ground that’s cool Landslide or something like that uh generally I want to genuinely uh generally I want to create a game that recontextualizes what games can be and why people play games cool so something that’s like

Living Midnight Rider asks is this single player this is Minecraft so I mean I get your point though yeah this is a single player map but you could play it on multiplayer Doge says actually I’m a modder so yeah it really helps to get feedback cool yeah manic is goated and sanguine

Don’t forget sanguine OMG uh just like that one place in Fallout no Kiko I’m glad for the thank you for the tech stump I appreciate the the Insight in the context it’s very cool I would love to make a game at some point I love making things for people

There’s something really special special about it a tower okay that’s where we’re ending today didn’t think we would find one but we did I could almost cry we found our horse we got a tower a couple Towers today game design is fun I am with you

Um the funny enough the game that got me into programming totally changed the trajectory of My Life um because now I’m a software engineer is stardew Valley uh and the reason is because I realized well when I realized that one person made that game and that

Game had so much love in it so many details and the fact that one person could do that that to me was like a moment when I realized how much how many more people I could reach by learning software and by doing something like that and so I changed my

Career I I wasn’t that I was an electrical engineer so I was working with hardware and that stuff uh you just it your reach is limited and you’re always stuck with a company where software you could go Forge your own path as a developer you know uh Doge ask Adventure Map so it

Includes new bosses yes this this map has a lot of bosses sardu Valley is one of the greats easily one of the best games ever made oh yeah it’s insanely incredibly good um it just sucks you in it just knows it just does because you can see how much

Love was put into it um you can the replayability is ridiculous and I mean the developers added so much Terraria is another one that’s up there Terraria was made by a husband and wife team I believe um that would be cool too you know to have like a significant other who would code

With me that would be very cool um but my wife she’s a she’s a dietitian which is also great for all so many reasons um but uh yeah no that inspired me single-handedly inspired me um and it was kind of crazy because I had a job offer to go work at

SpaceX um at the time but I didn’t want but it was for electrical engineering and I really didn’t like Elon at the time um and so I nearly killed my horse and so I decided um I said no they flew me out they you know they paid for my

Flights and they they gave me an offer and it was all right I didn’t like La um and so I I said no um and I moved to Denver with my wife cuz we wanted to go back home uh to where she was from it didn’t make sense to work for SpaceX and

Elon and that I didn’t like Elon before not liking Elon was a cool thing I didn’t like him because I didn’t because of the whole submarine thing that’s that and that was early Elon weird Elon lore horse hole don’t kill Kiko Kiko is now in whole Kiko Will

Survive uh Cay says coding is a really powerful skill in general even for some generic jobs it can make your life so much simpler yes and it can automate so much of what you do uh sorry there’s a lot in the chat terraria’s team is a little larger now

But it started as a red uh redigit and his wife then became redigit and his wife and now they got a few pixel artist and Cutters yep that’s right please I want to play with you I want to get back into Terraria but I don’t like playing single player H I

Know Terraria is tough single player Kiko says getting an opportunity at SpaceX is admittedly very cool regardless of Elon it’s kind of the only thing that Elon is a part of Bes because he manages it far less than something that works like Tesla I’ll be honest

With you um you know there were a lot of reasons why I said no to SpaceX um gosh the interview process was insane I spent an entire day just like before I even got a chance to interview um I had to fill out like a test basically that

Proved I was competent in electrical engineering um here we’re at Grand Pike Canyon this is where where we’ll end but I’ll finish the stream with a little bit of a story Grand Pike Canyon so so basically I had to prove um I had to prove to to their team that I was

Even capable of um being an electrical engineer so I had a big you know big assignment had to do all this stuff it was ton it was mess um and then I passed the test and I had phone screenings and then finally they’re like all right

We’re going to fly you out um and they flew me out and it was really cool cuz when I got to the campus um in La which I don’t like La I I’m not an LA person and so that was a big ding I was like no

Not going to do that um but then I I got to the campus and there’s this cool rocket ship right in the right in the parking lot um I waited in the lobby and they were like okay like they’re ready for you and I walked right in

Um and on the right side is Mission Control straight ahead is the assembly line where they’re just making rockets and they’re 3D printing Rockets um and I got a like a big tour of that and on the left was the fro yo bar and the the like

The cafeteria basically um and just up above was uh was one of their like re-entry Vehicles like their Lander so like it was cool like the entrance is like wow uh there was an Iron Man suit um in there cuz like Elon has this like Iron Man thing froo say no more well

That’s how they get you so here’s the thing I did eight hours of backtack one hour interviews at SpaceX um even my lunch was an interview there was no time for me to just get lunch and that sets the tone for what the rest of the work

Environment is going to be which is basically everybody who I interviewed it was higher and higher up in the company they looked more and more tired and they were more and more sweaty and their hair was more and more disheveled it looked like half of them had slept in the office at

Night and I asked them what their work life balance was and they were like it doesn’t exist this is their life and I can’t spend my life building somebody else’s dream no matter how cool that dream is it’s not in my DNA um to dedicate myself to somebody else and

Uh when I said no they were stunned um to me it made perfect sense like it wasn’t even that hard of a decision it was no so quickly so early on I just got a free flight to LA and then they flew me to Denver so I could

Go skiing but anyways take care of yourself and make sure that uh you’re doing the right thing for your brain um because if I had done that then I my life would be dedicated to something else and instead I have a life in Colorado with two kids a job I do this

Um and it’s I will live longer it’s not about the money um or doing something cool but anyways Mando Hunter hello and welcome corrupted MP hello before you go Avid show your base I didn’t get to see it okay we’ll end there we’ll end there thank you for

Listening to my Spiel uh my base is at Shah no it’s not there Grand py Canon we’re almost done with this whole area that’s so cool um yeah I’ll show you guys my base and then it’s time then it’s time the giant sneeze hello and bless you and

Welcome Mount eban fire it’s at the the beachy place is it this yes okay Kiko it’s not like don’t get your hopes up about this B here it goes mini moose hello and welcome this this is my humble base I built it in this beautiful Island community which is

Kind of like a a symbol for how I want to spend my playthroughs in Dremel um we have before I show you the actual base we have a full Suite of guards to protect us from any threats that want to make their way up from the waters I’ve

Decided to keep them they’re very very good friends of mine and then uh over here this is it this is the it’s pretty cool I have a wall of um of weapons that I’m going to fill in uh the null blade and all these other things um and uh this is the wall

Of things that I don’t understand um so we’ll get around to that no this is awesome I love seeing people build things in Dremel cool and then this is going to be my wall of maps and this is the map of Dremel the giant sneeze says

I like your Vibe it reminds me of uh when I used to watch Captain Sparkles many years ago that is very sweet of you people say I look like Captain Sparkles I’m not going to confirm or deny how I feel about that but I think it’s very

Funny but thank you um but yeah anyways this is my house this is where we began the episode it’s only fitting today that we end here oh what a wonderful stream we went long today we went long today don’t forget the Masterpiece of art of course the cats um guys those on

Twitch stick around you know I always say goodbye on Twitch last so those on YouTube I want to thank you so much for sticking around till the end of the stream for those who made it uh apologies YouTube cut out in the middle not really sure what happened there

Sorry um but uh thank you I appreciate you for being here and uh I’ll see you in the next one don’t forget to like the video subscribe check out some of my other videos if you like the vibe here and uh Goodbye YouTube goodbye I look like your new

Neighbor hey good good for your new neighbor okay goodbye come over to Twitch we’re going to raid somebody let’s do it twitch let’s do uh twitch.tv/ Avid MC for those who want to me to say goodbye to you on Twitch come do that goodbye goodbye twitch twitch

This video, titled ‘🔴 The Greatest Minecraft Adventure Map | Ep. 9’, was uploaded by AvidMc on 2024-01-04 14:00:24. It has garnered 510 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:36 or 12216 seconds.

Hello friends! Let’s continue our playthrough of the HIGHLY anticipated Drehmal 2.2 Map. Let’s see what the hype is all about!

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    Unbelievable! Top 10 Minecraft Mod Addons for 2024Video Information This video, titled ’10 of the BEST Minecraft Create Mod Addons for 2024′, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-04-20 19:00:21. It has garnered 153483 views and 6511 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:46 or 1246 seconds. Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/dejojotheawsome 25% off your first month with Bisect Hosting: https://bisecthosting.com/dejojotheawsome Create is one of the greatest mods ever made for Minecraft and it’s addons make it even better! In this video I make a list of 2024’s best addons to enhance the base gameplay of Create and even add some delightful QoL! 00:00 showcase box by @gtheglorious… Read More

  • Mysterious Spider in Minecraft

    Mysterious Spider in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Perhaps spider on 2024-05-27 22:33:41. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:51 or 11691 seconds. I think im really starting to like this game Read More

  • INSANE Crafts on CraftKhana 6 by its_smies

    INSANE Crafts on CraftKhana 6 by its_smiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘CraftKhana 6’, was uploaded by its_smies on 2024-06-02 18:27:56. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:12 or 132 seconds. the map is made by: Newalbacore8 https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/splatoon-3-in-minecraft/ The sponsor of this video is the Straight Up minecraft server, The Straight Up minecraft server is an anarchy server, that means you can walk right into someone’s base and open their chests and loot them, the server is java 1.20.4 and has an anticheat, join the server’s discord and come play with us and make history, https://discord.com/invite/camSwwyUAe Read More

  • Unbelievable Backyard Adventure – BillyRantz Ep. 00

    Unbelievable Backyard Adventure - BillyRantz Ep. 00Video Information This video, titled ‘A Whole New World! | Backyard – Ep. 00’, was uploaded by BillyRantz on 2024-02-29 23:38:01. It has garnered 1069 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:41 or 941 seconds. #minecraft #backyardMC Join the Backyard Discord! https://discord.gg/BGyaBgpeV5 Hello and welcome to the Backyard! A place where 22 Minecraft creators have come together to play around in the endless sandbox that is Minecraft! Watch us as we create amazing builds, get into numerous shenanigans, and make a whole bunch of fun memories together! Today is the beginning of a wonderful thing! We… Read More

  • Unlock Ultimate Power with MAzPulse!

    Unlock Ultimate Power with MAzPulse!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft best texture pack for armour and tool 1.20.50 1.20+ pocket edition’, was uploaded by MAzPulse on 2024-01-10 13:40:39. It has garnered 26 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:14 or 254 seconds. Minecraft best texture pack for armour and tool 1.20.50 1.20+ pocket edition Minecraft pvp texture pacK how to pro pvp tips Minecraft lag fix Minecraft pvp texture pacK how to pro pvp tips Minecraft lag fix Read More

  • Join TimberHines123 & Izzy for Minecraft fun! (She’s single btw)

    Join TimberHines123 & Izzy for Minecraft fun! (She's single btw)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Izzy (“the best friend ever, she’s single btw”)’, was uploaded by TimberHines123 on 2024-03-25 06:30:17. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:19:51 or 19191 seconds. Read More

  • 🌴 LIVING LARGE on YouTuber Island 2 πŸ€‘πŸ’° MINECRAFT

    🌴 LIVING LARGE on YouTuber Island 2 πŸ€‘πŸ’° MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE – WIR WERDEN REICH ✿ YOUTUBERINSEL 2 ✿ Minecraft’, was uploaded by Flauschi on 2024-01-14 12:32:47. It has garnered 11570 views and 805 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. *πŸŽ‰ Don’t forget to subscribe! 🎨 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flauschiyt Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com * all links marked with an asterisk are affiliate links / advertising βœ”οΈ This video is child friendly / family friendly! Read More

  • Insane Speedrun: Anya Masters Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC (No Deaths)

    Insane Speedrun: Anya Masters Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC (No Deaths)Video Information This video, titled ‘Speedrun Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC – No Death + All Boss [No Commentary]’, was uploaded by Anya Gameplay on 2024-04-21 01:14:59. It has garnered 216 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. Minecraft Kung Fu Panda DLC – SpeedRun + No Death + All Boss [No Commentary] This adventure map is filled with action-packed battles, epic showdowns from the movies, and pand-tastic co-op action, so sharpen those chopsticks and start practicing your kung fu kicks – it’s time to unleash the Pandamonium! Read More

  • Mind Blowing Indonesian Minecraft Animation – Must Watch!

    Mind Blowing Indonesian Minecraft Animation - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘β™ͺGak Pake Lamaβ™ͺ Animasi Minecraft Indonesia [Prisma 3D]’, was uploaded by RyMoon on 2024-04-23 22:36:45. It has garnered 285 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:17 or 197 seconds. Thank you very much to those of you who have watched this video πŸ˜€. Collab With : Retqi : https://youtube.com/@Retqi?si=yMW83x6PPoVklK8g Liszz : https://youtube.com/@Lisz-gak-kece?si=b4kyddQbCsdObZay _____________________ Original Audio: https://youtu.be/adq15m54YI8?si=q4wHVmLE9mPnjD_S Map : https://youtube.com/@IanMCAnimID?si=x18y0Q0YD4xjRuU4 Thank you to: Allah SWT, Parents, Prisma 3D YouTube Subscribers. I hope you enjoy my video πŸ™‚ Hastag: Minecraft, Minecraft Animation, Minecraft Animation, Mojang, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Song, Minecraft Indonesia, Minecraft Song. Read More

  • Glory4Glory

    Glory4GloryΒ‘Glory4Glory! π™Ώπšπ™Έπ™Όπ™΄πš πš‚π™΄πšπš…π™Έπ™³π™Ύπš πš‚πš„πšπš…π™Έπš…π™°π™» – πšƒπ™Ύπš†π™½πšˆ 1πŸ”πŸŽ.𝟐𝟎.πŸπŸ’πŸ•.πŸ•πŸ“:πŸπŸ“πŸ”πŸ“πŸ— π™΅πš„π™»π™» π™Ώπš…π™Ώ πšƒπ™Ύπš†π™½πšˆ 𝟷𝟢𝟢% π™°πšπ™Άπ™΄π™½πšƒπ™Έπ™½π™Ύ πŸπŸ”πŸŽ.𝟐𝟎.πŸπŸ’πŸ•.πŸ•πŸ“:πŸπŸ“πŸ”πŸ“πŸ— Read More

  • CleanSMP – SMP 1.20.4, Money system, Survival, Java, NO Whitelist

    Welcome to Clean-SMP.World We are a new Minecraft server seeking active players to join our community. Our server offers: A clean vanilla map without claims and other world-changing plugins A money system where you can earn by selling items A shop with essential items like enchanted books and ores The freedom to build with friends, while keeping in mind that griefing is not allowed The challenge to become the richest player through farming Join our discord community: https://discord.gg/ye72wNkTCG Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft vs. Fortnite: The Ultimate Showdown

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft vs. Fortnite: The Ultimate ShowdownI guess you could say this meme really mined its way to the top with that score! Read More

  • Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies

    Zombie Showdown: 1000 Dogs vs 1000 Zombies In Minecraft’s world, a battle unfolds, 1000 dogs versus zombies, stories untold. The wolves howl and charge, teeth bared in the night, Against the undead horde, a fearsome sight. Armored wolves join the fray, a fierce display, Clashing with zombies in a deadly ballet. Level 2 wolves, armored and strong, Against armored zombies, a clash that’s long. The fight rages on, in pixels and blocks, A mob battle for the ages, no time for talks. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic scene, In Minecraft’s realm, where battles are keen. Read More


    REDSTONE MONSTROSITY DESTROYS GOLEMS: Epic Mob Battle! The Redstone Monstrosity may be tough, but let’s see how it handles a group of angry golems armed with nothing but their fists and a whole lot of attitude. It’s like watching a bunch of toddlers take on a giant robot – except in Minecraft. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce!

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce! Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3: Wind Burst Player Bounce Change Wind Burst Enchantment The latest Minecraft Pre-release 3 update brings exciting changes to the Wind Burst enchantment. This enchantment now allows players to bounce 7 blocks up per enchantment level. However, at level 3, players will bounce a whopping 21 blocks up, posing a risk of fall damage upon landing. Players are advised to have a target locked in or other means to mitigate the fall damage before hitting the ground again. Data Pack Version 48 Update In addition to the Wind Burst enchantment changes, the data pack version 48… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!

    Insane Minecraft Saga Review! Must-Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rating My Favourite Modded Minecraft Series (From the 2010s)’, was uploaded by Manic Bestia on 2024-06-01 18:34:01. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:43 or 4183 seconds. I promise there won’t be any Herobrine jump scares in this video. LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/ManicBestia SUBSCRIBE: @ManicBestia SECOND CHANNEL: @CrummyCaketin [Video game modding (Modification) is the process of alteration by players or fans of one or more aspects of a video game] The modding scene of early minecraft was whacky, today I showcase some of my favourite ways YouTubers would use… Read More

  • Ultimate POMNI Challenge in Minecraft

    Ultimate POMNI Challenge in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey save POMNI CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation’, was uploaded by Mayzee – Minecraft on 2024-05-08 13:00:19. It has garnered 99724 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:02 or 662 seconds. Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: POMNI CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation Today JJ and Mikey save Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus In Minecraft. We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! #maizen #minecraft Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Read More

  • “EPIC SG GAMER LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL:650” #shizzoclickbait

    "EPIC SG GAMER LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL:650" #shizzoclickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :650.. #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-18 12:57:03. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:02 or 242 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!

    STAMSITE exposes all WRONGS in 2024 Minecraft life!Video Information This video, titled ‘Alla FEL i “My life in Minecraft” 2024!’, was uploaded by STAMSITE on 2024-03-01 16:30:06. It has garnered 16819 views and 1083 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. Playlist for this series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp5oigUIqFWSHkfZ5YJq1cqb1aVf6E9x6&si=yakL4IfweqjB3tz7 Draw pixels here: https://display.stamsite.nu Party Bots Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@PartyBotsOfficial 10% off if you use the code “STAMSITE” at X-Gamer: https://x-gamer.com/stamsite – Buy merch here!: https://stamsite.nu/sv/ – Streams take place here: https://www.twitch.tv/stamsite – Stamsites Gaming Community (SGC): http://www.discord.90gq.se/ – The game’s Discord is here: https://discord.gg/2UdqpDwTBT 00:00 – Intro 00:19 – Episode 41 04:41 – Episode 42 07:25 -… Read More

  • Insane Secrets: Modern Underground House Build Minecraft

    Insane Secrets: Modern  Underground House Build MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | How To Build a Underground Modern House🏠’, was uploaded by Pulpyx on 2024-04-15 16:02:40. It has garnered 389 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:07 or 907 seconds. An Ultimate version of an Underground Modern House. Level up your Minecraft Journey by Building this. I have included everything you need in this build. So have a look and believe me, it’s quite easy. Creating Builds that require less time. If you like my work then feel free to support this channel by Subscribing. Also you can suggest any ideas… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft MOB Madness ft. Jared Merlin

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft MOB Madness ft. Jared MerlinVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft MOB World 2 Ep 3’, was uploaded by Jared Merlin on 2024-03-27 02:46:29. It has garnered 0 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:31 or 3271 seconds. You can also find me on… Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IAmJaredMerlin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjaredmerlin/ Video created & edited with Microsoft Clipchamp Opening sound provided by Pixabay Read More

  • Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4

    Discover Hidden Secrets in Epic Cave! Minecraft Survival S1E4Video Information This video, titled ‘EXPLORING A CAVE | Minecraft Survival | S1 EP4 | VOD | READ DESCRPTION’, was uploaded by SquirtNugget1 on 2024-05-24 07:30:03. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:31 or 7771 seconds. ✨Welcome to my channel!✨ Here is a Minecraft Survival VOD series where I explore a new cave! I find lots of new things around my world and more! I even found some cats and you won’t believe what I named them! I hope you enjoy this VOD! If you would like to watch any of my… Read More

  • “ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames – WIN big prizes!! 😱” #lastgametitanium

    "ULTIMATE Minecraft Watermelon Minigames - WIN big prizes!! 😱" #lastgametitaniumVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft sonOyuncu titanyum Karpuz / yΓΌksek ΓΆdΓΌllΓΌ Minigames // Guard Γ‡ekilişi #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by SeFqYEAHHH on 2024-02-12 15:53:59. It has garnered 36 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. #titanyum #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncu #titanyumpvp #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival #sonoyuncu #titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyumsurvival DISCORD https://discord.gg/Af2pgUEZ 🚩CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: / @blacksh4rk_baank craftrise the kingdoms vs craftrise the kingdoms open space craftrise the kingdoms raid craftrise bug craftrise 1.2 craftrise gezlos ahmetdeniz thekingdoms craftrise survival crafrise skywars craftrise thekingdoms raufai captain pilot emirsty thekingdoms cashing… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build πŸ¦ŠπŸ”¨

    EPIC Minecraft Fox House Build πŸ¦ŠπŸ”¨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Cute Fox House Build Tutorial 🏑’, was uploaded by Krafter on 2024-01-12 16:00:31. It has garnered 152 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. In this Minecraft Tutorial video, you learn how to build cute fox house in 2024 + interior . If you enjoyed it, drop a like and subscribe to my channel for more!🀍 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” ᐁ SOCIALS ᐁ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Discord: https://discord.gg/NEshEh2bZd β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” ᐁ MUSIC ᐁ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” song i used in background : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEoaHiVNNS4 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” ᐁ Chapters ᐁ β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” 00:00 intro 00:40 layout 00:49 head 02:49… Read More

  • MinionMC

    MinionMCJust some basic survival multiplayer world to play on and have fun. Come join if you want some basic vanilla smp just for fun. minionballs.us.to Read More