EPIC Minecraft Adventures with Fren! 🎮

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Hello oh [ __ ] sorry mic all right guys welcome welcome welcome you’re going to see some changes I think hi hi hello good to see you all uh lining is going to be a bit weird today and I apologize my key lights aren’t working but yeah hi everyone welcome back to a Tuesday

Stream um there’s like a little thing that’s not disconnecting uh but yeah look at you guys look at y’all look at yall in that chat going cray cray um but yeah so today is the second week of February right we’re in the second week already second week of February of our charity

Month very excited oh necro thank you for tier three for 47 months yeah chat looks different today it does it does my camera lighting is is is bad and I apologize for that but um TTS also isn’t working well that’s great professional streamer I am refresh cash yeah I don’t know why that’s

Working so let me test out stream no alerts let’s try this again there go now allert look it only took 47 months for Genie thank you for uh 26 months and Haron Blake for 47 months Antonio D for 47 months thank you guys so much and Y Ying wait how’ you manage to

Dono wait how did how did you manage to do that rest thank you for 38 months is there a did I is the did the links not work properly for a certain for the website or didn’t he just use the normal the normal L shouldn’t it should be all

Directed towards charity because the whole concept is are use streamlabs uh oh chat’s glitching hard yeah what’s going on refresh cash let’s refresh cash it was working don’t know why it don’t work let’s see now you can go to your streamlabs and donate directly uh how do the link in your bio

Redirects wait what to not not to tiltify uh oh oh no no okay okay that thing redirects fine okay okay okay W just double- checking all right but so as you could see I made a stream schedule it looks it’s just like a template one so it’s not the you know

It’s not fully customized and I I plan on working on it um when I get more time but yeah I’m pretty excited for the stuff we’ve got going on this week we’ve got lots of collabs what the heck was that lots of fun things uh in store oh no this is

Broken again T tarmin thank you so much so much for 10 Subs why does this it’s broken again isn’t it no no no it’s working it’s working thank you so so much T man gone Tarman gon that was a duck yeah I heard there was a duck I was

Like what what the why is there a duck here um yeah so today we’re going to be playing some Minecraft with Geno so I’m pretty hyped because we haven’t played with Gino in a hot minute and I missed playing Minecraft uh also when we get into Minecraft I actually have a new

Skin on that necro scent and I’m going to see if Gino recognizes what that skin is I’m not ruining my sleeves my mom said to do that to the sleeves so that it it you stretch it out a bit more there you go the factor upgrading stream this hard in the middle

Of also doing a month of Charity a thank you when you get your motivation going your a steamroller oh you have no idea I’ve already bought some stuff did you break the news to Gino about your fuch gs1 no hit no I haven’t not yet I may have to

Soon let me poke him actually and then in the meantime I’ll log on good time to do that yep I didn’t buy 10 Gundam so I bought U the bong Cammer in preparation for next week I bought the one chip and I’m a little scared and

And what else did I get that’s it that’s what I got why does chat keep breaking I have to look into that balers gate this week yes we have balers gate well I I I’ll have to look into why it’s not working something might have gone pretty wrong but it should be good

But I also if you switch to this screen Tada we got a border CH only shows the most recent message then keeps the old right I was like I don’t know why it does that um but yeah we in the game boys is Gino in the game oh no it’s just

Me all right so if you guys wondering who I am what I am how do I play this game again it’s been a hot minute wait how do you how do you uhoh oh e right okay it’s because I’ve been playing like other games so I’m like

Getting confused with like you know the controls and all of that but hello guess who I am chat guess who I am we’ll be changing skin so don’t worry but guess who I be hi Mir I am you’s profile picture so we’ll see his respon to the profile pick uh so today’s

Plan I don’t know what Gina wants to do if he wants to go to NE I’m down for that but I’m just going to be working on my house I got a lot of materials as you can see um but we’re also going to be working on the tunnel

So yeah I’m going to try the hopper idea I think it’ll be great it’ll be awesome um but yeah I’m going to poke Gino so let him know that I’m ready I’m ready to play whatever okay there we go uh so you Sprint Sprint is control I have

To it’s been a hot minute shift is just Crouch um and the way home is somewhere I don’t know what was home again I have like cordinate saved but like ah shizel nah shizel switch playlist too hello hello how was your um your trip or whatever it was yeah it was really

Really good uh it was a surprise trip for my mom cuz it was 60th birthday and in Korea 60 is like a huge celebration I thought you were 60 are you not 60 no I’m I’m I’m 50 I’m not quite there yet really yeah I’m not quite there yet I’m

50 okay yeah yeah yeah yeah but when I hit 60 yeah that’s going to be the major year hopefully people aren’t good at math but like it was besides having a daughter 50 years old she was really happy to see me and it was a lot of crying everywhere and yeah oh that’s

That’s my favorite yeah right tears tears of joy is your favorite or is tears of Sorrow no just like just emotion and all that good stuff oh yeah it was so nice it was so nice and then yeah oh Gino I need to tell you something what is it so I’ve been doing

The charity um month on my stream and we’ve reached the goal of I’m going to do a Dark Souls one no hit run okay I thought you were gonna do that anyways no no it was gonna be yeah yeah and then I also have a goal

This is like I put it at one of the top so I don’t think it’s going to get reached but I said I will do a no hit run of all the Dark Souls games like in a row or just no no no no separately separately yeah yeah that make sense

Yeah I don’t think yeah but all the one in the road is called a god run rate um well if it’s just Dark Souls it’s the Dark Souls Trilogy and then yeah just the Dark Souls Trilogy that’s the goal I’m not doing God right now okay well that’s how much is that at

Um what did I set it at ungodly amount ungodly okay you’re I’m okay you’re probably going to get convinced to do it anyways if if you do Dark Souls 1 which I guess you have to now uhhuh then there’s no way you’re going to just stop at Dark Souls 1 right you

Already done elen ring yes well you’re you’re just not going to you’ve already done two so you got to do the rest now wait what no I don’t think there’s like a sun cost FY applies here I’m like nah I I think one is like good enough and

Elder ring is good enough I don’t know okay I guess we’ll see oh 20K 20K for all Trilogy apparently yeah that’s a lot yeah so it’s like I’m safe for now but Dark Souls 1 I will be having to do the no hits by the way you have to learn it

Yourself too right you can’t have any guides right is that part of the deal wait but I thought I thought you said you would teach me well what I I don’t know what the deal is what if what if it was you have to rote it yourself and

Stuff no no no no the deal is I just have to do it okay yeah yeah hopefully someone will help you cuz uh no there’s some good people that I can think of yeah I I heard there’s this really nice person named Gino last name machino middle name

Most benevolent kind teacher of no hit running never heard of them oh yeah oh my God oh come on oh what is this what do this mean oh I someone just added a emote to my chat it’s you putting on sunglasses for something exploding in a ball of fire I was like oh

Boy oh man but I’ll pay you I’ll pay you pay me what I’ll pay you to teach and cream pies or uh that’s a bonus but I know the same payment method doesn’t work you know so I got to switch it up how do you get back home

Again I’m so lost so have you figured out uh what you’re going to build or you going to just like live in my house or what oh I did but what what what did you want to do or you got to work more on your house as well I I’m so lost though

Yeah there’s like a bit more I can do but at this point we should probably uh well I I don’t know there’s there’s a lot to do I guess what shall we do oh you’re probably a Minecraft expert now because you went ahead and started a server and freaking played like a buch

Well I refreshed on some stuff and then I also did learn some new stuff that I have never seen before so oh for example for example well there’s just the like new update stuff netherite stuff and oh okay okay you’re going to have to teach me all of that

Oh no oh no I don’t know where home is and I’m dead oh yeah I have full diamond armor by the way if that’s okay bro no wait that’s not okay well remember last time I had a bunch of diamonds so I just I made some armor wait but no you have

To use those diamonds to make a block why I I’m I’m sure I have enough for a block okay okay then then all is good all is good what what’s the block for steal like stealing all my other stuff what do you mean I I don’t steal anything I didn’t steal anything for

Like the longest time I didn’t even take anything what’s your what’s your new skin by the way oh did you where are you oh I’m going to hide in your house cuz I’m getting chased oh God oh God oh God where where are you please don’t bring a

Creeper in here where are you what yo you said you wouldn’t build off stream what the flip is this what is this what the f I’m so confused what you’re looking at I didn’t build off stream bro what okay explain excuse me what the deal was no building off stream

I haven’t built anything what are these bookcases then oh that’s my enchantment setup what okay yeah but that’s building no I didn’t I placed that on stream no you didn’t what is this Hopper what’s a smoker oh going to sleep or or um where are you are we just going

To okay I’ll sleep I will sleep I sleep oh what the heck youo wow is this is this is this mocking me or what oh we have PVP on I forgot also I feel like we should change the difficulty to hard okay wait hold on Uh settings but what your my my like cooking setup is that what you’re upset about well because it’s hard there you go done yeah hard’s better you have the cooking you have enchanting hey guys ien I I don’t think I’ve Enchanted anything yet though oh okay what is the silk touch stuff uh

That was from fishing probably oh my God okay uh Hey guys Gino here welcome back to the Stream today I wow this is horrible I have to I have to stop you before it’s too late this today I am going to show you the definition of betrayal here is my setup

For enchanting that I said I wouldn’t build and in fact here let me show you this set up as well you see all these chests yep yep that’s me that’s all me I said I wouldn’t do it you know what actually I forgive you you didn’t take

Down the signs I appreciate that no not yet no you must you may not take down the signs oh can I have can I have some pants certainly not uh are we going to sleep or oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re already wearing my my skin so you don’t

Need that oh so wouldn’t you like to see your skin wearing uh hold on where am I supposed to put a there we go like wearing a diamond I don’t have I don’t have Diamond gear for you at this point I literally saw I literally saw it in your

Hand yeah but it’s mine though G what is it did did you do any off stream uh farming well yes but only of spruce logs because that was the deal that wasn’t the deal that was the deal only Spruce locks did you no that

No I no you just said we we we allowed farming okay simply yeah oh you oh no I did I did some I did a little bit of fishing but you also move stuff around well hardly I didn’t really I didn’t do anything significant oh no you also uh I see

You’ve also flooded a flooded a tunnel eh I didn’t do anything oh you didn’t flood a tunnel I never did that oh yeah okay so you don’t know anything about you don’t know anything about a tunnel right I don’t okay cool all right why what I I have no idea what you’re

Talking about nothing no I I was just questioning your uh mhm how much work you’ve done you know and I am amazed I am amaz suspicious right now what do you mean suspicious I sound not not nothing of the sort at all I don’t know I don’t know what you’re speaking of

Um do you happen to remember the coordinates of that skeleton Farm we found uh no thank you for uh yes – 1701 425 no uh okay do you want to build a skeleton Farm that’s probably if we want to do some enchanting that’s probably

The next thing to do okay uh how do you make a skelet Farm like do we need to have some stables for the people you know yeah we want to give them a nice comfy place to to stay mhmh and um yeah okay uh I can be in charge

Of yeah for the skons right yeah yeah yeah I could be in charge of the what do you call it like the B not done my house though maybe I should finish my house first okay yeah yeah take your time what are you you’re so what are you

Griefing at the moment I’m not griefing anything okay I should do have some food if you want here oh yes okay okay I’m good for now cuz I have bread cuz I I made it but I should be good for now okay mhh yeah we should probably go to the nether today

Also okay okay yeah yeah I F really down but I would need a diamond armor or else I’m going to die well we’re not on Hardcore so that’s okay you’re allowed to die I do actually have enough diamond for another Diamond set but 14 Subs sorry wait wait wait it’s on hard mode

You do know that right yeah I know okay okay uh but yes I would need the the set please I would like a set please and then so how about starting with work first mhm and then we can um do the skeleton spawn or are like are

You going to go get the skeleton spawner right now do you even know what you’re saying yeah are you going to get the skeleton spawner no wait then how are you going to make a skeleton form by making it oh as then we’re going to make the

Farmer around there yeah yeah you got to make the farmer around the spawner oh oh oh I thought like we were going to pick up the block and then I can like just start prepping let’s ah I see I see I see but what about the someone in chat

Said you can take skeleton farm with silk touch that is straight up not true oh really a okay okay never mind never mind what you up to I’m not doing anything oh okay I’m getting the materials ready for the the skeleton spawner or F oh gotcha gotcha

Gotcha um okay so what do we actually need you said it’s at negative one right uh negative 1 yes 170 Nega 1 I have it I have it I have it I want mind to enchanting my pick though I’m I’m I’m one level away from getting Fortune enchantment here oo

That’s pretty cool cool cool cool cool cool okay uh let’s see here what are you working on right now um like my house and the idea for my house cuz I wasn’t able to yeah I’m going to I’m going to come see your house I I’m no I’m not there but

I’m working on the idea for my house so then where are you uh somewhere in this beautiful world yeah that we call Minecraft right yeah yeah what are your coordinates right now uh I don’t know how to check how do you how do you check your coordinates yeah

You don’t know how to check even though you just told me the coordinates of the skeleton spawning oh uh yeah about that that was like my chat told me how did they tell you uh via magic god damn it okay uh H H you’re you’re really you’re really into the

Thing tank huh yeah it’s getting frustrated yeah it’s I’m having a hard time right now miles thank you for 200 b um so my coordinates are here uh chat what’s my coordinates can can you can you let me know they can’t let you know why not cuz it’s they you are the

One who needs to pull it up oh okay chat how do I find the coordinates uh 420 they said 420 by 42069 yeah yep yep um yeah so that’s where I am just thinking really hard man yeah oh let’s see [Laughter] here you don’t understand okay listen listen listen listen

Listen I’m going to kill you so fast I one and a half I’m sorry but look at look at this mug look at this mug we would don’t want to hurt this mug do you would you how dare you try to escape wait I got some bad news oh no no

It’s fine I’ll run back I thought I slept oh I I broke my own bed well that’s that’s unfortunate God dang dang dang it but I think I respawn at like where we started the game so ah well I’m not going to pick up your stuff so you got five minutes to come

Get it five minutes why five minutes wait what’s the cornat oh where you at Gino I I don’t know I I wish I knew I maybe my chat can help yeah yeah yeah yeah press F3 chat will help you please J I need uh the problem is my F3 key doesn’t

Work okay I’m running I’m running oh please please please say this yeah item items despawn I think after 5 minutes so oh G say it no you can make that I’m pretty sure you can make that but I don’t know the coordinates oh that sucks oh freaking okay hold on hold on hold

On maybe maybe I wrote it down in my bunch of coordinates let’s see F let’s try this way I think this might be the right way wait no this is the wrong way you know you know I promise I promise to to work on my house when I get back I

Swear can I please have the coordinat I I don’t know them okay can I I beg of you sir could you click F3 and tell me those juicy numbers um okay uh it’s -3 or -3 9769 ah thank you thank you thank you I promise I will work on my house no more

Tunnel digging it’s just okay that’s no you it’s that’s okay it’s in my blood you know like I got to dig tunnels no digging tunnels is a different H right you’re right yeah I I got to dig the tunnels so you did find the previous

Tunnel uh I might have yeah a I might have stumbled upon it when I was moving some stuff were you at impressed I was not impressed why not I thought it was a solid tunnel okay I found the old house from the old house we go straight

This way I thought it was a solid tunnel okay oh it’s night time I’m going to die this is not going to work oh that’s really unfortunate wait you have you have two and a half minutes two and a oh [ __ ] oh you can make that debatable I’m I’m going to be out

Of stamina oh I can’t even Sprint cuz I’m hungry no here I’ll give you some food when you get down here it’s okay okay Gino yeah you wouldn’t murder me again would you no no no I would never murder you twice I just I had to teach you a

Lesson right there okay okay okay yeah lesson learned lesson very very very well learned I I promise oh it’s raining too it’s so sad that I died oh no wait yes yes how many minutes do I have uh you still have like a minute and a half okay okay

Okay the hole I let the hole’s still in the house so you can just drop down stay in alive stay in alive stay in alive you wouldn’t you wouldn’t care here I’ll bring this just in case okay what are you bringing I’m I’m bringing something that will guarantee

My safety I know I won’t kill you I won’t kill you okay okay Gino J J I literally brought a flower for this occasion why the G no this is go just pick up your stuff it’s right there oh my God you can’t do this to me

Dude why why would you do this no I I didn’t do anything I talking about I’ve been betrayed I I gave you some food though uh it doesn’t matter I don’t have Time no what’s the issue here there’s it’s everywhere I don’t see the problem I didn’t place that there by the way I think that that just spawned in naturally oh likely story likely story Gino Gino please oh please Jino J please have mercy on me okay I’ll give you okay I’ll give you a pick I’ll give you a pick oh thank you oh oh my God please where oh oh thank you no way you’re just like dropping oh well thank you for how much time do I

Have no I I put it in the chest so it it won’t actually despawn oh oh okay okay then ah this yeah it it takes a while to mine that but okay okay that’s fine I think it doesn’t take as long as when I tried building that tunnel so I’m fine with

It oh my God if I ever Gino ginoo happening Jo don’t do this bro oh it’s why I don’t know what’s happening why is there water coming wait I think it’s it’s raining out there is why 39 I don’t get it someone said check quartz 397

70069 300 did you put it at 420 oh jeto no please jeto I was so close no don’t tell me I’m to restart it are you kidding me that’s what that’s what she said what Terra thank you for 45 months hold on hold on hold on oh please oh please you should have

Known this was coming like you’re trying to you build a tunnel to try to steal my stuff multiple times it’s simply that’s simply not how it works around here why not come on okay with the tunnel was like genius no yeah yeah it was genius until can can I be completely honest

Though with the tunnel I didn’t even take anything like yeah like no I I I didn’t notice anything missing yeah the thing is I was going to take like small things to be like I wonder if you not but I didn’t even get to that stage so right so how long does this

Take um I don’t know how long it takes oh thank God oh my goodness [ __ ] it’s only game why you have to be mad you know yeah what’s going on how’s it going down here don’t you think the punishment is too severe for the crime here I’ll help you dig I’ll help

You dig what did you say no the punishment is way to okay the trick was that you’re actually supposed to go from underneath I did but you put an obsidian thingy underneath are you in inent but you put obsidian underneath no I didn’t do that no so I can’t really go

Under from underneath oh that’s right well I guess I can’t help you you put a Holy Trinity around my box I had I had I had collected so much Spruce Wood oh yeah I think I stole some of that actually there it is oh thank

You and I I think I also took that oh thank you yes thank you thank you okay here you go oh wait shooto I laughed and then in me laughing my mouse moved up so I started oh that’s very unfortunate cuz I got a Dono and it

Says the consequences of my action and he they said certainly that hello again you I can’t get off here how am I supposed to get up here thank you you know what my mama always taught me Gino to work smarter not harder wait I’m trying to go up I’m trying to what are

You I’m trying to go up please oh oh my God you gave me a a Gino you do have a soul thanks Gino thank you this is like patches in Dark Souls when he like he tricks you but then it actually leads you to the right thing oh

Yeah what’s the right thing in this case I I I simply donated you a diamond pick is the right thing you know it’s not working oh Earth go there we go what happened what happened why there Ender Ender Ender dragons no why there so many Endermen in here Ender

Beep it’s because you put down these bad blocks I don’t like that sound at all what the heck is that sound I’m I’m doing something did you not get your stuff I did oh okay I did I did yo okay uh youo you’re kind of dead there’s a bunch of

Enderman I don’t like the sound I don’t like the sound oh is it cuz you’re enchanting something oh No what’s going on okay you can keep that diamond pick though thank you okay as my promise I’m going to go work on oh I’m going to go work on my house um okay or we can work on the mob spawner actually yeah let’s go do that

Wait yeah we should do the mob spawner oh oh no I can’t surely there’s no more traps I have planned for you Gino yep have you heard of oh God have you ever heard of the concept of forgiveness okay understood um hold on hold on can I

Borrow your chests like to put the wood in temporarily you have a sad what oh yeah you can take one of those mending fishing rods if you want why do you have a fishing rod oh uh what do you mean you have Saddles since when did you get saddles

You have F out of the water you got bro br br uh you did all of this no I didn’t I didn’t do that I didn’t even do that much what are you talking about didn’t do that much and literally has the whole uh inventory in here you have a map you have

Prismarine you have emeralds you have raw gold Jesus y you have TNT uh do I where not anymore I probably found that in some chest somewhere oh okay so this small chest up here I’m going to put like my logs and stuff if that’s okay okay sure and then what do

We need for the farm um um okay so we need hi Genie hi Chad how you for much actually not that much stuff we need um what do you call it the yeah I guess you can take that or I mean I guess okay here we go what

Happening um how many do you need I think am I getting stuff am I getting wait 5 + 4 n is it 2 there you sword oh thank you please do not die with that okay what do I do with it uh make armor okay I I don’t remember when I got those

Diamonds but oh okay I don’t have okay so oh crafting table okay there you go nice nice and then put this on whoops no put this on God damn it this on and then put this on none of my chests are sorted I I don’t know if you’ve noticed that but

Yeah it’s okay though and then eventually I still kind of I I guess I don’t need to get that I I just need I need like a couple more bars of XP so I can enchant a fortune pick m some okay should I have a sword do you have a

Diamond sword or should it should it just be a diamond uh axe cuz you said axes do more damage right yeah axes do more damage at at first oh but once once we can start enchanting swords then swords are definitely better okay well I’m just going to stick with the pickaxe uh

So I got a helmet yeah so we’re going to make an X XP farm so that okay um we can level we can start enchanting more stuff okay hey yo I look good oh didn’t you have a manin over here I did yeah there we go

And there you go nimon basa thank you for 45 months how what what uh what level are you by way I have zero cuz you killed me oh yeah that’s right whoops you moed me my mistake cold blooded well no sir it was my mistake

For my oh I’m going to take some cod if that’s all right um yeah you can take whatever you want okay so we need um what do you need maybe I shouldn’t have placed all that obsidian do you want me to go get it no

No no no we we can get other I thought I placed one back in a chest somewhere oh there’s an obsidian in here oh yeah I got it here oh okay mhm um I I want to we we want to get some Soul Sand okay I think what does fishing rod of mending

Do mending is an enchantment that it takes a bit of XP and converts it to um like repair oh so so you kind of want everything with mending except for like certain things can’t if you have like silk touch on it or something okay oh I see I see okay what do I

Get oh are you enchanting yeah I’m going to enchant the another pick cuz I got Fortune three nice okay um in terms of building the farm mob do you want me to start like getting wood or anything or like Stone no it’s more of just mining stuff

Oh silk touch does work with mending oh Yeah you can enchant stuff if you want here like once you get enough levels that is A um H I’ll actually put the saddle back away cuz I’m like I don’t want to carry all that stuff around okay so you have 14 books oh I’ll enchant the books right too bad I um well we we’ll wait a second so basically when you’re enchanting

Stuff you want to go through the so you can see one enchantment right on the when you put a tool in you can see one enchantment you’re going to get so when you’re enchanting like this you kind of want to you want to only enchant stuff that is good oh silk touch

Yeah like Silk Touch is decent but but yeah so you want to just like go check all your gear see what has a good enchantment and then if there’s nothing then you just enchant like a book with a level one or something oh wait because when you when you enchant something it

Refreshes the the all the enchantments so oh but the bad thing it says like for silk touch that requires level 30 and I don’t got level 30 I would just wait cuz I would just wait okay okay whoa what is that what’s going on back there I’m just I’m putting some books on

My stuff okay so while you’re doing that actually CU I’m all set okay reset I’m going to try and find my way towards so are we just digging straight down um yeah probably but I I kind of we need some Soul Sand first because I want

To make a I want to make an elevator to the the thing ah got it so um I’m going to you got your diamond pick right like we can both get some obsidian here yes um I’m also going to yeah actually I could do it later I was

Going to get some wood for sticks do you have any of torches cuz I have zero torches for some reason yeah I have a bunch of torches thank you I think you picked up all my torches okay here I’ll give you half thank you I just left it right here I

Had 38 and it was like oh no it’s all gone thank you oh yep ah let’s do it this isn’t a troll spot right I’m not going to die here right no no no I I’ve trolled you enough until you do something else and then

M and then I may do something again okay okay oh yeah that’s why the water’s here trolled me I almost fell in the lava well just yeah you yeah you just mine with the water okay Bend with the water oh there we go how many obsidian do you

Need uh for a portal you just you just need um I guess what four you need 10 okay I got three how many do you have I have nine 10 oh wait then yes so we we got enough okay and why why are we keeping okay

Let’s go well we I don’t know we could use some more maybe oh okay so are we going straight to the nether well I just I just need a bit of Soul Sand so hopefully we spawn in a good biome so that I can actually get

Some okay watch out the lava there okay yep yep yep yep yep but yeah I’m I’m I’m good okay where should I Port going I’m going to prep some wood for sticks I I have a lot of wood oh you do okay didn’t you didn’t you also have a

Lot of wood did you I put it away cuz that’s for building okay it’s for building purposes okay this where where should we put the portal uh we could put it at your house it’s cuz we want like a convenient area right I’ll just put it in between

Okay and then we can always just somewhere else all right well we can make multiple portals too right yeah nice wait someone in chat said we need 12 no you don’t need 12 okay I think 10 minimum and you can make bigger if you want ah does a bigger like make it

Better or now no it’s it’s the same but it just like bigger portals can have uses for other things or they just look better sometimes ah goaa all right all right are you what are you doing right now H I’m waiting for the portal okay all right surely it’s spawns

Where there Soul Sand close all right thingies cross all right I’m ready Dr um oh boy uh so about that okay this is a horrible spawn wow that’s that is INS okay what’s the plan I almost wondered like if we should move it to like somewhere way further away oh that’s so okay fair enough that’s so bad okay so I guess we we’re going to

Need a lot of building blocks to bridge out from here if we’re actually going to do this surely wait do you want to build out or do you want to just build the portal somewhere else well for the portal to not be linked it kind of has to

Be quite a bit further so I’m just going to I’m just going to get some building blocks and we’ll just have to Bridge and I’m going to put all my stuff in a chest so I don’t die if I get hit by ghast or something where are we bridging

To wait are you still in there yeah but where are we even going to bridge to it’s all terrible I’m actually just going I’m going to store all my stuff oh my God this is a terrible idea yeah that’s that’s that’s very unfortunate oh my Jesus

Okay okay I’m going to also store all my stuff in that chest cuz I don’t want to lose it yeah maybe that’s not a bad idea is this diamond armor okay what oh my God I can’t believe how bad this is yep do you have like dirt I have

Cobblestone I have I have Cobblestone okay so I’m going to bring like a I’m not sure which direction to go in I guess we should go over there yeah I’ll just follow whatever Direction you choose um I’ll put the thing away I’ll put that away hopefully there’s not a

Lot of latency here oh boy and then I’m going to put all my diamond armor away do we need to light the path at all or nothing will spawn uh think’s good spawn but it’s probably not going to be uh too big of an issue okay thank you

For eight months wait you know is it your birthday no oh it’s not okay I got really confused someone someone in my chat was like happy birthday Gino I was like wait what oh my God cuz if I known it was your birthday you would have stolen my stuff

No I would have given you a present oh my um please tell me a spider didn’t spawn there oh yeah just push him off [ __ ] please don’t tell me you’re wearing my diamond armor no I wasn’t you weren’t I was not wearing your diamond okay good

Did you have your diamond pick no okay nice but I had a stack of 64 Cobble that’s fine oh my God honestly good idea for not bringing that stuff in oh my God I don’t want to play this game anymore that was such what happened I I knocked him off I

Is it night time or something oh I see it’s night time okay well at least you didn’t waste like 30 diamonds there so that’s that’s good I hate my life I literally was like oh no yeah that was just unlucky and I freaking dead I should maybe Ed labs for this

Instead that was so lucky I had a bed so I’m just going to have to sleeping wait I don’t have a bed also I’m far away so so just keep on I just okay keep on trucking good sir so far so good though yeah how so well I

I’ve made I’ve made it about halfway to to safety oo I found a except there’s a lot of enemies around here oo oo okay cool cool cool cool cool and I’ve been used to playing on Hardcore so now I’m all uh oh you’re really good at

The gas well no it’s just I I feel like death is really bad right now oh oh oh like you’re even more like paranoid about it oh there’s a what do you call that thing over there found a shipwreck I got I got gold nuggets and a golden pickaxe cry uh so-3 right

300 I hate I hate we should have we we should light up this whole area so that the spawns aren’t as bad okay yeah yeah yeah I it’s actually way too dangerous to do anything right now there the creeper is going to follow in so oh and then literally destroy everything we’ve

Worked for yeah and break the portal and yeah a creeper can break a obsidian well they can when they explode when things EXP when things explode next to a portal I’m pretty sure it just breaks the portal yeah like the obsidian stays there but then it yeah just the portal gets deactivated

Same with like a gas shot I think I see I see um I’m going to pray cuz I’m nowhere near a village or a bed but I’m going to pray this Igloo has a bed so then I’m going to be able to sleep okay well aren’t you close to that

Other our other house no so my bed I never slept so like my my respawn you don’t even have to sleep you just have to place a bed and click on it I don’t have a bed no I yeah I know but I meant like to set your spawn ah oh yeah yeah

Yeah no oh my god oh please don’t hurt me skeleton Chan please if I die again then it’s going to suck ballistics please please say this place has a bed I don’t think this place has a bed crap okay oh oh I am near the other house okay I’m running I’m running yeah

Yeah that’s what I meant there’s like um creepy skeleton guys with bow and arrow that gave me a shackle what is that I’m dead you know I’m dead are I’m so going to die I’m so going to die I am so going to die oh I made it I made it

Okay to’s still here that’s awesome go beat toen I left okay let’s see what can I use do I have any food here there’s a lot of food here yeah but I have to make it there I’ll just make it there okay making it there making my way all right hopefully nobody went

Through this portal okay cuz I’m losing 19 levels if they did oh no okay good thing I didn’t lose like any levels do you need more Building Material or do you want me to like uh stuff okay okay then when I get back I’ll just gear up again because I’m assuming we

Have a bridge made um it’s not made yet okay does it have like fences on there and stuff or nay yeah I’m putting a protective railing okay okay that’s smart that’s smart but this is the perfect spot to get sniped by a ghast so but you got not

Sure how much it’s going to help you got railing so it should be fine right well no why not it’s it’s just it’s not fine oh okay going up bye sheep bye bye bye bye bye bye thank you um gas going to Nuke you away

Oh I had no idea making it back to the Village like walking on the the rafters of an Orlando wait what’s the rafters part I I know an Orlando an Orlando where all the painting Guardians are oh good times man good times yeah well it’s not going to

Be good times when you’re trying to know hit the game that’s for sure what you’re going to there’s like a uh what is it script it’s scripted right well there’s a strat but you got to know what you’re doing and you’ll teach me wait um oh no it’s this way yeah yeah

Yeah he do not attack do not attack the things that are on the bridge right now please okay me yeah okay I’m not even there yet I I actually might need more Cobblestone I thought I would have enough but uh actually no it’s okay I have enough I just need to make more

Slabs okay oh you’re using slabs oh I was going to bring dirt my peasant ass all right well slabs are just more resource efficient Yeah I see I see I finally made it to the previous house or sorry I made it to the new house and then I’m going to set the spawn point here so that when I inevitably die again I don’t have to make the same walk yeah that’s a good

Idea how’d you get the bushes here by the way the what the bushes like aelia Bush oh I just they drop from a tree I honestly don’t even know what they do they’re very pretty they’re very very pretty okay so I’m going to take some salmon

Perfect eat that I got a gold pickaxe though yeah that’s it’s a it has under breaking yeah Unbreaking oh sorry Unbreaking yeah it just makes it break not as quickly more durability nice it’s actually surprisingly going pretty well in what way well there’s no I heard a gas but it

Hasn’t shot at me so ah and I’m nearly at the wall perfect okay then I’m going to put on my diamond stuff and then oh well yeah okay and then take all that yep I am so ready and then we’re looking for Soul Stone well we just I just need a couple

Pieces of Soul Sand but eventually we want to find like the Fortress and stuff that’s the most important thing got it but I just need like One Singular piece of Soul Stone for now or Soul Sand I mean okay it is very difficult to access the bedroom in this house here we

Are in what house in the in your house why are you accessing my bedroom well cuz I don’t have a bed so I need to set the spawn point so it’s like spawn point here I’m coming in I wonder if I should put a a roof on this Too hello ooh W this is so cool please do not die with all that stuff I don’t think I can right cuz you said it you made it so I can’t die well no that is you can die do a lot of things here you’re all set

There you go uh can you break this I misplaced a slab I don’t have my pick you got it okay nice okay so I’m going to go get my stuff as well then oh wait what’s up yeah I’m just going to place a few more just I don’t know for safety might

Protect from a gas or something smart smart smart so so wait dig dig into the into Sor dig into into here and then dig down I guess okay like just so we don’t want to be right against the edge probably got it got it got it got it okay I’ll start digging

Whoa this digs fast so I have to be really careful okay is this not Soul Sand this is Netherrack got it yeah Netherrack is is good for just having a lot of it cuz you get a lot of it okay but that’s about it I well I guess you can use it to

Duplicate you can use it to build yeah it’s got a nice reddish Hue like a brick color you know so how far down am I or should be digging well we just want to get into like the main land for that section okay uh huh what’s going on uh no don’t worry

About it just kind of lost yep very lost okay what a what a brutal spawn this is one of the worst spawns I’ve ever seen actually I know that’s I’m like huh this is a not what I expected um okay nice this looks good so uh huh like this is not the way

Or like I’m just trying to see where we are we go straight uh this is yeah this actually works I or actually do we want to get out from here cuz it’s still not all the way down I think no no no just no no just keep going

Straight I’m just going to see where we are guess where we are uh uh huh mhhm Wonder yeah Soul Sand Valley it’s not bad o nice I have a fortune pick so you should dig yeah oh wait wait we’re actually yeah this is the bottom we wanted to reach

Right there’s a ghast over there couple of them maybe those are the ones I was hearing oh no are we what happened are we dead I guess I don’t is that the Soul Sand over there man this is a little tricky to do trying to fight the

Gas that’s kind of dangerous right I’m trying to deflect it but it’s a little delayed we’re standing on Soul Sand am I yeah yeah this is all Soul Sand here we’re in a Soul Sand biome so oh so soil Soul Sand oh nice I’ll collect

These okay okay all right Chad I get it they’re like you’re standing on it okay I’ll get a bunch of this well we don’t actually we don’t need that much yet and especially it’s right here so okay um do magma creams where do those spawn uh I’m being attacked by

Piggies oh uh yeah I don’t think you have to give him an Ingot right yeah I would just run away wow why is it being a dick bag oh he’s on fire ow ow ow uh we’re probably good to return if you want to stop dying him

Yeah uh uh how do I get back ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow coming but yeah by the time we want to get some like when we’re actually going to properly go through the another we want to get some potions going probably okay

Pots cons we need to find the Fortress first Fortress okay but first we’re going to do the skeleton spawner now right yeah so so you got the Soul Sand right so the Soul Sand you put at the bottom of of a water elevator and then it just lifts you up and gives you

Air oh wait then I should oh I should use that for my house too yeah it would be good for your house yeah can you give me like half of it or whatever okay I guess it works t okay so that’s good it’s also we should probably sleep

Again K do you have an extra bed what happened to yours I died and lost it I think wait did I I thought you placed didn’t you place one uh I broke it I placed it and then I broke it so yeah I don’t has a bed may

Please in i i wool here I lost it in the lava oh you have a bed thank you oh okay I will sleep right here all right ready how do we find that skeleton spawner were we just mining mhm for the gold remember and then I don’t really

Remember but uh we we’re mining for oh sorry for the diamond and then it was just there and I was like oh I have a fortune to if you want it but it’s not great that’s okay I’m I’m good cuz we’re just going to go make the spawner

So I I wouldn’t mind bringing an enchantment setup down there too but oo it’s not that far away so we can do that after it’s not that far away yeah I thought it I thought it wasn’t that far away 170 oh yeah it’s not okay yeah that’s pretty

Close yeah water and then so I we need um kelp I think it’s called kelp oh in the water in the water right yeah so that we can we can uh kelp is what makes water blocks full so you don’t have to place each water block individually oh my God

You have basically learned everything about this game no oh I’m just going to go grab some but if you want uh I’m going to go work on my house a little bit okay sure and then let me know when you down to go all right guys this is the time yep

Time to start griefing again this is the time this is my opportunity he’s far away from the house this is my time to shine okay okay okay so so so chat chat chat I’m going to start off with signs where are signs signs here we go check it out

Okay all right that’s probably good done you’re done your house no no has I’m done with my um special surprise oh great mhm so I just need to put if you go in water that has Soul Sand underneath it will it um like you can’t go down that water you

Know what I mean you can’t go down you can only go up yeah okay okay okay why what are you what are you going to do oh no no for my house just cuz I was like then I need to separate but what like you can make if if you want

Water stream that you can go down you can use magma blocks or you could just drop like there’s no reason to actually do anything like that that’s true okay I’m I think we’re ready to go basically quick yeah cuz the SK F we

Get no I well it took a bit of time to go I had to go to uh the right biome no no I meant the Soul Sand you lied to me I didn’t lie to you oh crap it doesn’t work a a Gino a Gino my farm my Farm’s ruined

Now my oh no ah Jesus wait it has to be a solid water block what does that mean yeah it have to be yeah that’s why that’s why you need the kelp to like make it full blocks of water it can’t just be flowing water uh do I have a book somewhere is

That not what what is it working it’s probably not working if you need to ask no it’s because like but but yeah they need to be all water source blocks on top all of them how do you do that well you either place the water buckets or you uh oh

Buckets or you use kelp which is why I just got some but you need like a a bunch of what kelp yeah yeah you can do it or you can bone meal it bone mealing it is easier if you have to go really far oh so oh wait I think I finally

Understand what you mean by like God it well we’ll see when we’re building the farm you’ll see it yeah yeah yeah I’m like of what you mean by it needs to be all Source blocks I was like ah gotcha yeah I can’t be flowing water B okay

Soas bir I’m going to put some stuff back at my house and then you said you’re ready um I basically yeah okay okay I ready too Um I am probably going to need let’s see here where is my coal coal I don’t have any coal H oh no I have some I need to make my cow Farm bigger no I think it’s perfectly sized honestly forign C 43 months it’s it’s um what is it

43 space saving how do you say it like space efficient I I don’t know yes yes yes I don’t think that’s what you meant but no no it is efficient efficiency okay I am ready I would like to make a bucket though here we are and I’ll save the

Bucket here we go all right all right I’m ready I wonder if I how much leather do you need for a a full enchanting setup um I guess is it it it’s 45 right I almost have enough leather but I’ll just I’ll do that after okay I’m going to start heading towards the

Coordinates okay sure yeah 170 cuz we have to dig down right yeah but you don’t want to just dig straight down probably right right right that’s dangerous but like make our way too back to the spawner and then like dig up straight up digging straight up is a little

Difficult then then how are we supposed to well digging down is probably easier where where the coordinates gun 170 yeah um1 and then 425 okay so it’s a little bit away yes are you are you going there right now yeah I’m heading over there okay with much difficulty but I’ll make it there

Oops all right so okay how close are you to it are you like almost there no no I just started walking oh 170 cuz I kind of need you to direct me cuz I I don’t remember the numbers you said 170 yeah negative one but that’s like the down yeah and then

425 okay so yeah it’s quite close not super close but are you planning something no I’m not planning anything okay okay you sounded sussy there for a second why just a second oh there we go okay I’m almost getting I’m getting there no I’ll start digging down I’ll

Like but that’s is do you know if that’s the coordin directly over the the skeleton spawner or is that just like close to it directly I think like I was standing on it and then I checked the coordinates okay so okay I hope you’re right because I’m this is going to be

One of the like what I’m going to build digging down now is going to be the the elevator or whatever so wait okay now you’re making me second down like question myself so it was negative 170 425 yes are you sure do you have a screen is it a screenshot you took

Um I should have yeah taken a screenshot can you like confirm that you were over the spawner yeah let me cuz it it would suck to dig this entire hole down and then yeah hold on let me see I have to move it later cuz where is the

Where did they save the screenshots from mine I actually have no idea right ah cuz I know I did take a screenshot but it was just like screenshot taken and then I don’t know where why is this H it’s not what I meant to open trying to see look into documents

Okay documents okay it’s apparently it’s in so do uh window R and then percent app data percent it’s in it’s in the dot Minecraft I guess ah app data percent I see it and then yeah okay shots G I got some bad news what is it I didn’t take a

Screenshot how do you know the coordinates oh you wrote it down I wrote it down hold on I have I have an idea I have an idea I’m going to I can just build it okay no I’m going to look up the VOD real quick cuz I I think I know

Around where when it was so then I could see cuz then that will make it simple um oh oh no wait oh really uh-oh uh I didn’t bring a bed and that might have been really bad did you bring bed that’s okay I mean I’m sure it’s

Fine okay hold on I have an idea I’m going to disconnect you you go on ahead I I don’t have a bed either I’m I’m at the spawner location already oh my God why you moving so fast are you checking the VOD though y yep it’s I guess it’s

Not the end of the world I can just dig oh is the end of the world if I can’t find it okay sure it should be pretty quick I’m just oh my oh here I go this the first session we ever played so here

We go yeah yeah oh here we here it is uh so no I never stood on top of it okay can you like send me a time stamp on Discord of it so I can just see I can send you here pop uh I think so I remember there was a

Time where I ALS like might have gone back cuz you’re like oh you can I have it okay so you were looking to the east uhhuh at it soga – 173 is where you were you know doing that quick math like I but I just need to build it like some somewhere not

Right on top of it oh not right on top of it then the coordinates I gave you or even in the screenshot would work right no it’s no that’s a little too close like it needs to be I guess probably I guess seven blocks away from the

Spawner it has to be seven blocks away okay quick math time well like minimum but I’ll probably do I’ll probably do quite a bit more than that just to make sure so oh okay okay so you were you were standing surely I won’t die to a creeper or something so you’re standing

You were standing right on this block uh-huh oh wait I have the exact coordinate of the block as well of me standing on the Block oh on the spawner or on the spawner exactly on the spawner oh okay so what are those coordinates on uh it is – 170. 338

42542 so yeah that was the exact coordinate Yay I did it wait can you say that again yeah I closed the 170. 338 and- 425 something 425 I don’t think that’s right yeah 425 because looking in your screenshot you’re standing on 173 422 but you’re looking to the east mhm and the spawner is like to your

Right oh no look at the look at the next screenshot I sent you that was of me standing directly on it oh okay nice nice nice okay oh thank God I don’t need to pull it up again cuz I was like I just closed

It okay okay so 170 okay so I guess this was the right block then nice okay oh by the way chat yeah if you’re noticing you dire guess my mic sounds great I did fiddle with a mic that’s another upgrade that I did so I think let me know how the mic sounds

Should be good now um but yay and it was running and no one said a single word just want to make sure it’s far enough away nice nice nice nice uh it’s night time so negative 425 right that’s where I was heading okay I’m back in the game

Oh what a waste of an arrow what kill skeleton Oh I thought you were digging I wish it could start digging now wondering if I should just dig like all three blocks cuz one of them is going to be the way to drop down mhm and then one of them’s going to be

The way up yeah so if I should just take all three and then I can fill it in but no I probably don’t have to do that oh God there’s a lot of creepers there I’m coming I’m coming oh okay there can’t be holes in

The ground please what do you mean I I like fell in the hole while I was running cuz I was busy looking at the coordinates okay well the place where I put Cobblestone is where I’m digging so probably do you want to dig the other

One yeah uh I’m almost put a trap door over it I’m almost there but do you have a bucket of water though oh I just put away my bucket at home because to safely dig straight down you probably want water a sh do you have

Iron well I’m deep in a hole already but it’s okay I can come back up after okay you said you oh no no no no no no no creeper please there are a bunch of creepers here so you put a a cobblestone you said yeah but but yeah that’s where I’m

Currently digging but it might be not a good idea to drop down there yeah okay cuz I’m just digging straight down so okay okay um H yeah this is a predicament I’m being chased by like several creepers yeah that’s not good that’s why I that’s why it went down already because

I so I oh you put I see you put torches to where you want the next hole to be is that is that where it is no the next hole is where I put the trap door okay where you put the trap door is it near the stone the

Cobblestone yeah it’s it’s right literally like one block away from it I don’t see it I’m almost done this one though I’m almost done it’s been it’s been good there’s been no caves and stuff okay huh so okay so the level of the of the spawner mhm was negative one

When you’re staying on top so probably want to dig this a bit lower than that fud fud fud f f fud f f f fud okay soga four is that good enough oh boy doesn’t really matter okay I’m almost oh did I okay good I might die

Just simply don’t I might actually pleas I might these guys are being jerks youo simp oh chat the faith you guys have in me uh okay I lived you make a fence gate again um Okay negative 425 oh uhoh how do you change uh oh oh um okay you don’t have a bucket of water do you I kind of messed up I I I don’t I accidentally messed up I changed my mode to creative how do you change it back uh SL game mode surv

How’ you do that I pushed an F button oh now it is set like I was trying to push F3 but then F4 switched it to something else that was weird that was really really weird hacks right I was like what how does it change your a

Button um okay you’re a so you have no water right nope I have no bucket okay well that’s oh F3 and F4 that’s why okay I was pressing those at the same time and that changes game mode all right well time to do this I guess four 2 five 5 and then negative

170 oh it is it is this one come on creeper a I almost killed a creeper with a fish a fish mhm what did that poor fish deserve to do that um oh it’s it’s like the dead fish that you gave as food I didn’t do

That uh I’m confused so you I found the Cobblestone right at 170 and 425 right yeah but you didn’t dig directly under there right yes I did but you can you can open it up oh did you put dirt on it is that why okay wait which Cobblestone are you

Talking about yeah okay my bad I I kind of forgot I placed two cobblestones uh what okay so the other Cobblestone uh-huh is the one there is no other Cobblestone oh did you go in the cave and then put it no that’s not it either

I’m almost out so yeah I’m going to see where you’re coming out from cuz this doesn’t make any sense I am so confuzzled I’m going to put it right back to how it was okay so there’s that one bro come back okay it cold up what is this

Then yeah that’s that’s where the spawner is oh that’s why you put that there okay and then this is the trapo that I should be digging down at okay okay okay well now I’m back up so can I go down and see um if you don’t drown sure how’d you

Come back up without drowning um I was placing water water buckets repeatedly oh okay surely I don’t need to place water down here I didn’t I didn’t see any caves so mm- obviously don’t drop down there yet okay unless I should Place water but okay I’m a little scared now why why

Why what happened well I just I don’t want to fall and die uh warning the water froze the water oh can you place a torch next to it please yep yep yep yep okay that actually is would have been a problem well actually hopefully that’s not a problem well as long as

There’s a torch right it’s going to be okay right yeah unless the the blocks underneath freeze um yeah what oh no uh don’t worry about it where you’re good everything there so it’s not frozen right uh it was and then I broke it and now it’s gone so

Uh uh you’re not trapped down there right you didn’t just a torch next to it no I did but it wasn’t melting so I thought hey maybe if I break the ice it’ll help the Melt and then uh I didn’t know it would okay can you can you go

Get water and put it in okay I’ll go get water I’m sorry um oh uh H uh I’m sure we have something at our previous house that you can oh is it is it closer to our previous house yeah I think so okay okay just go go uh West okay

I’m so I was trying to help I was trying to be like oh isn’t there there’s a way to break ice and have there be water still yeah that’s what I thought if you just break it by hand doesn’t it anyways while you’re doing that I’m going to look for the spawner

Okay I’m going to get the bucket uh once I get the bucket do we need a bunch of buckets or just one bucket um well probably just one for now like you just need to place water at the top okay okay I found the spawner nice oh that’s right cuz we have

This huge M shaft yes okay I maybe I maybe put this a little far away but that’s okay um I got some more bad news what’s the bad news cauldron doesn’t cut it right no you need a bucket of water okay I’m just going to

Go back to the house house cuz like from here I is there no iron or something no there’s no iron so I’m just going to well cuz now that I know the way um I could Sprint back to the other house go get a bucket and then save

You um I can’t remember how big this needs to be 10 in I don’t think so no I think so minimum really it needs to be 10 inch is that what you’re saying minimum 10 in WoW mhm I didn’t know you were like that why

I no I just think there should be a lot of space I don’t know so 10 in how much space if it’s 10 inch how much space 10 not much Bas if it’s 10 inch oh not much no no no no if it’s like 10 in then 10 by

10 oh my flipping wow there 10 double 10 like a square 10 by 10 yeah any smaller than 10 is too small I agree right yeah yeah I agree mhm okay I’m almost at the old house sorry the new house which is going to have a lot of stuff and

Then getting there getting there Jesus these are oh I should get a horse yeah you can get a horse and then question if I don’t have a tying thingy post thingy the horse stays right bucket of water like wait if you don’t have a what a tying thingy for the

Horse the like the Rope thingy that you tie yeah uh yeah it’ll probably wander it wanders sh tingles okay um I’m bringing the bucket of water really I won’t accidentally break the spawner I could imagine pleas do not please please please do not I’ll bring two buckets of

Water yeah that’s a good idea more is better yeah and then I’m headed back back to the old house okay okay so I think it’s got to go at least three down I’m amazed that you remember how to make a spawner well I I yeah I don’t know or did you look this

Up no well I looked this up years and years ago but people are kind of guiding me because I I didn’t remember the number of blocks it needed to be ah four on each side which sounds about right and then so now we have infinite bone meal and infinite arrows and

Infinite yeah it’s going to be an XP farm plus like obviously it’s not it’s not the most optimal XP farm but it’s good yeah good for bones and I guess arrows and okay yeah like you can just disenchant the stuff they drop as well so for more XP

Nice then basically we beat the game no this is just for later so we can can start enchanting and then okay I’m making it back 170 anybody remember how tall I think 23 blocks I have to fall right yeah clearly you know yeah yeah I I I know it says um

You needed to be just high enough you brought two things of water right two buckets yep okay and so yeah just place it on top and I guess make sure there’s a torch next to it so it doesn’t freeze okay does the torch take a while to

Unfreeze or something cuz I put a yeah it takes some time yeah I see cuz I put a torch down it still would to unfreeze and then that freaked me I was like uhoh but I’m pretty sure if you break ice it should just spawn water I thought that’s

What I thought too that’s why I was like oh I’ll just make it faster and then it just disappeared okay I’m basically almost there cuz I see the igloo and then I believe it was wait that’s not right the igloo no the what I just did ah there’s a couple

Different ways to do it okay so you need water block okay okay did you yep I I put one down so it should be coming down right uh yeah as soon as I see it then I’ll start bone mealing the can I come down well okay yeah I see the water coming

Down can I come down think good I’ll fill these up with water just in case that’s somehow not enough wait fill what up with water the bucket okay yeah nice oh my goodness let’s go okay so how can I join you down there oh what is this water what’s

Happening uh Gino did you just shoot up kelp uh yeah oh also elevator can you come up for a second cuz there’s a do you see those people over there oh oh uh nice uh except what is this about here but who are they can those are pillagers and can

We go say hi I don’t know huh can we go say hi we can but I’m not sure if we should really do that yet uh they’re coming closer yeah just come down here okay don’t do it Gino thank you thank you thank you okay so you said

You have more water right yes can you place one in the other corner here mhm oh my God you’ve been Busy oh my God wait what are you doing don’t you need water over there no no no no okay no we we’re pushing them all towards where our like room is going to be ah you got it um I do need some fences though I think wait why did you break

That we we need that block there oh well okay so what I’m doing is I’m I’m building the room uhhuh oh oh my goodness I don’t remember how to build Anything yeah I’m building the room that’s going to push them towards us it’ll raise them up and then kill them or well it won’t kill them it’ll bring them to low HP okay so then MH mhm yeah you understand it right mhm mhh I was totally paying attention you have any more of those signs by the way what signs just any signs uh no I unfortunately left them all behind also did you mean to throw the

Seaweed well no it’s the way I did it is like you have to break this the kelp for it to be a block gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah you got to break it and then it changes it to blocks oh okay so I bone meal and then I break and then okay so signs

Here oh I think this block wait that’s not right we definitely we’ll have to seal all this up at some point okay um so so yeah what happens is like once the Farm’s done we’ll break all these blocks on the corner the water will flow down

Okay wait did I I did this wrong uh oh it’s whoa that’s too far dude oh yeah no no it uh watch out oh I just got to place a soul stand there hello skeletons have a safe trip yeah surely they will okay this is

Correct and so now um I got to go up a bunch of blocks ah so it shoots it all the way up yeah so so you put an elevator it lifts them up and then it’ll drop them next to our room where they will take a bunch of damage uh-huh

Uh-huh it’ll drop them into this room taking to much damage and then it the stuff flows into here and then I think so since this room is a bit higher we probably want to take it probably like 20 I don’t know I just got to dig it high so

Okay Surly you understand what’s happening yes yes uh Gino yep is mining with a gold pickaxe not good Gold’s just not very good cuz I tried mining it very quickly but it breaks very fast I tried mining lapis and it wouldn’t drop oh yeah you gold

Doesn’t mind that oh wow what a pathetic gold is like the tier below iron I guess what wow but it’s F it’s really fast though ah check in my head okay going so I’m going to dig this up I’m going to grab I think you I I kind of you don’t have any

Gravel do you or sand uh Soul Sand but no not sand I can go get some I’m actually I’m going to go grab some cuz it’s it’s easier to do this with gravel I would say okay the sand is right there cuz we’re at the beach

No are the Raiders still here are still over there but like like why does one guy have like a big head a big head yeah do you see that like he has a oh yeah yeah that’s the uh that’s like the leader so if you kill

Him then you get an effect on you that next time you go to a village you’ll get a raid and we are cly like we’re on hard difficulty so we’re definitely not prepared for that got it got it okay do you want me to bring like two

Beds um yeah it’s probably not a bad idea guess okay he said Head West okay he’s carrying a banner Ah that’s why yeah he looks kind of scary that Banner is terrifying yeah I think that’s the point get too scare okay cuz I’ve never seen pillagers so a

Yeah they’re they’re really good like on especially on Hardcore they dropped the item that at least one of them specifically specifically drops the item that allows you to revive when you get killed do it is it like a one time use or a permanent it’s a one time use but

You can like get a bunch of them Ah that’s pretty sick okay I’m almost back at the new house okay I’ll bring both beds well are you making new ones or no no I’m bringing the old bed I would not do that wait why did you already break

It yeah from our old house oh oh oh okay I got you okay so let’s go up oh six okay coming back okay I’m here where’d you go I’m uh I’m towering up to make it go up oh okay so you’re oh no oh no mini zombie mini zombie go away

Go away go away go away go away go away yes really won’t mine straight into lava where’ you okay so this is good um huh I’m going to put it in the chest and then this can hold here and then I’m not sure how far out I want to

Go here I maybe it doesn’t matter far far out well no no no I guess yeah yeah it doesn’t really matter during this time I can some stuff I can’t remember if if this is this room is supposed to be three high or two

High um five high I think you want it to be two five high five high yeah like five brain five high I I don’t know cuz I I thought CU if it’s too high I think they can they take more fall damage here because they’re like bouncing so it’s less

Consistent but but I I I don’t remember if there was an issue with two or not but a mile oo found some iron he so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 nice okay well I might have to try and er that whoops let me know when it’s getting

Close um yeah it’s getting close nice I am getting some more resources from the M shaft I just hope I don’t get lost so oh boy yeah all this wood there’s so much wood here I’m going to get them all get the wood oh there’s a uh you’re

Good about gravel right you don’t need anymore no I think I’m okay okay like it’s I’m just using it as temporary block so that I can count and it count how high and then also they’re very easy to remove M so okay oh boy that’s dangerous okay really I will hit this

And not die I want to see the SK skeleton Spawning I almost ran straight into lava do not do that almost yeah I mean you can survive a decent amount of time in lava cuz you’ve got full diamond so oh that is true that is you don’t you’re not going to like instantly die it’s still scary though yeah that’s true okay sweet

Sweet just going to farm this stuff okay on gen uh probably uh I’ll get it in the next couple days hope I haven’t mess anything up I want to go see it once it’s finished yeah now we just need to make the actual like kill room I guess

Okay I am surrounded by a bunch of resources so if you ever need whoa what’s purple interesting oh I think this is the a geode or something yeah I made it back to the geod that you discover last time oh yeah shut that so pretty oh wait I don’t unless there a

Different one cuz you want to have left a detector rail behind I would not have taken any rails so oh so maybe you did already discover this so much amethyst it’s so sad amethyst doesn’t do anything well I thought you make like a spy glass with

It don’t you or something but then what do you do with a spy glass I don’t know yeah you look you simply look you spy on your neighbor o iron yeah that’s perfect for you when you’re plotting how to steal my stuff I don’t steal and I haven’t stolen I simply

Admire oh I didn’t know interesting okay heading back all right so they’re going to spawn here or land here MH I I’m probably going to have to raise this a lot cuz I I I lost count I don’t know we’ll see what happens PR like this prga

Chat okay o just going to get more iron oh oh yeah the spider spawner oh yeah I found it oh I found your oh I found your old setup my old setup for what uh or not setup but I found the crafting table so I assume that you were

Here probably Once Upon a Time okay I’m just going to get redstone this should be basically ready I might have to raise this a bit more H this cuz they might just be dying instantly on HP but all right do you want to come uh do the honors or what

Yeah actually wait we have to seal off the spawner I kind of forgot I have a bed too okay uh H yep I think it was this way and then I think it was uh this way I hope my chat isn’t having an aneurysm because I might be

Lost oh boy well I just need to find follow the coordinates right okay so oh no what is going on I’m just a little lost but I’m making my way I’m making my way uh M shafts they all end up on the same place anyway

So I what does that mean they all end up back [ __ ] wait no no no no no no no no wait I see your name oh I see your name okay okay that’s good that’s good I just need to head towards that direction yeah I’m making my way oh creeper

Hello okay I got some bad news Gino what’s the bad news I may be a little bit lost just a little okay no please don’t die creeper why why do they just spawn out of nowhere there were no creepers and now there’s a million creepers like that’s that I call bullsh

SKS no no no no no no no okay okay okay I’m back up I’m back up okay okay no no no I found a way I found a way uh can I have your coordinates 1714 48 oh I found a golden yep I’m so lost you can do the OTS

Well how are you going to escape there H that’s a great question like negative one okay here we go maybe I’m just going to start digging negative 174 and negative oh 172 400 basically 172 and 400 okay let’s go negative yeah that’s where I was going the wrong way okay okay gotcha gotcha

Gotcha 400 okay I think this is the way okay yep yep yep yep yep okay I see your name I see your name okay I’m contemplating yeah I’m think I’m just going to dig straight down to you don’t move just temporarily okay yep you can

Move you can move around cuz you see me right I’m above you yeah I see you there okay yep I’m just going to dig straight down okay okay so all you got to do is remove the torch that’s in the spawn room mhm hopefully I didn’t need to dig that

I don’t think so so wait where are you going you’re just digging straight down mhm oh oh There was water here did I ruin something please tell me I didn’t ruining anything you actually might have wait are you serious oh no no no no no

No no no no no no no no I’ll fix I’ll fix I’ll fix it okay no no wait just wait just wait before you do anything uh oh my God great did I wait don’t I closed it I closed it it’s all good it’s go it’s all good but

You didn’t remove the water right no no no no I’m going to have to test this I did I did I did I did remove I need to go test it Surprise okay so let me just make sure this is all still good okay it looks like it’s fine I found a bunch of stuff all right so what you got to do mhm come in this room and remove this torch okay and then leave as fast as possible on the wall

Okay okay good okay so the the thing is this might be too oh uh get out of the way really quick please oh my goodness that would have been bad what’s happening so the skeletons are going to spawn okay um and they’re going to fall here

Uh-huh and we kill I guess oh maybe it’s actually a bit high no this will work right ideally they’d be a one hit you have any wood to make some more chests here uh no I only have a lot of rails we can make more chests with

Spruce planks right well I don’t I I only have a little bit oh uh-oh uh H yeah I don’t have the wood I have deep slate I wish I can make stone chests okay so I’m going to make an enchanting area over here I guess okay I’m going to keep

Killing wow Gino you made such a great thing well we can probably we should probably lower this like half a slab or something oh is it too high you don’t like looking up yeah cuz yeah you want them to be one shot ideally but like when we’re actually doing this we’re

Probably going to use a sword anyways so it doesn’t actually matter true oh I don’t even have my mending Rod rip wait I’m some I building this the wrong Dimensions somehow in the meantime oh okay yes I’m level 7 oo is that gold uh no I wasn’t wait what this guy

Had gold armor yeah they can they can do that that’s why you want to be using a because like no matter how like there’s people there’s going to be skellies wearing armor so they don’t they don’t die okay okay far enough far enough so once we get

Like a mending once we get mending like ideally we get it from a like a villager we get villager training going at some point which we should probably do soon as well okay then we can get mending books and then I thought you had a a fish fishing rod of mending

Yeah I have a Ming fishing rod but that’s it guys I don’t have a sword people are like Mad that I’m not using a sword and I’m using a fish you can just you can use like a stone sword even what’s wrong with my fish fish does Trick

H it’s very weird to me that um like Cobble deep slate can be made into like Stone stuff it can yeah that’s sick yeah it’s pretty nice especially cuz the Deep the Deep slate looks so much better than Cobblestone does it does put a furnace here and then put some coal in here

Too but why though uh cuz I have iron all right anyways but this is basically done uh the only thing we need in here is the enchanting area and then decorations and then well I guess but it’s snowing like an anvil I guess okay um may I take some Liberties to make a

Really cool thing what are you making I won’t break anything I promise but what do you but that’s not what I asked what am I making yeah what are you going to make a surprise Gino for your birthday it’s not my birthday but happy birthday Gino do you are you like still around

Here cuz we kind of need some wood down here for uh yeah I’m oh I am upstairs I’m upstairs oh thank God oh thank God thank God are you trying to kill those guys no no no no no I’m making like something really cool don’t worry about it I am you need

Wood it’s okay I can go get wood it’s okay it’s fine no no I could go with it no we’ll have to come back here anyways I need to bring like an anvil and stuff oh okay uh oh but I I would like to bring some bones

Back cuz then I can make I can make a an automatic tree or AFK Tree Farm here too at some point a tree farm yep what’s a tree tree Oh um I have bones I can put bones in here too I no no no it’s okay we’ll probably want to bring them back ah okay okay bring back bones and the bone meal right yeah cuz then yeah bone bone meal is really useful okay and then uh I’m going to

Take some of the Torches thank you and then that’s going to go there and then building huh what are you building a surprise I’m I don’t like your surprises I don’t think wait why no no this is not at all troll you’ll appreciate it I promise it’s good it’s a good thing it’s

Not a bad thing why do you have a trapo though is that necessary well I just don’t want like random mobs to fall down or something oh so I they would trap door closed yeah that’s probably a good idea okay okay did you bring back this Golden Apple

Mhm cuz I was exploring the Min m shaft area so okay and then I’m going to put that there okay break this break this break that actually I do need more of this stuff here so I’m going to break this as Well okay then I’m what are you doing up there oh wait do you think yeah what’s up never mind I I’m wondering if my water at the bottom would freeze or something but I highly doubt it I’m not doing anything bad it’s like I know I gave you like you know zero

Reason to trust me before but I’ve changed my ways you know right for real this won’t break anything with it nah maybe I’m so concerned what are you doing up here don’t worry about it it’s it’s nothing but good things see I was like constantly nighttime oh cuz we didn’t go to

Bed can we go to bed there should be in there you got two yep sleep on this side wow you had to build a little like yeah this is the enchanting spot so you’re GNA have to sorry oh can you do bunk bed situation can you do a buned I know I

Want a bunk bed with you can you though can is it possible a okay somewhat somewhat oh you killed them all okay off to work okay I’ve got bad news the pillagers are really close now just simply run away uh do they ever go away they’re they’re

Probably just going to hang out there for a while until they like despawn or something how long did it take them to despawn well we might just have to like run away what what level are you by the way 11 okay that’s not bad but yeah so so we

Can AFK down here and just like grind levels and get a bunch of Bones and stuff eventually but okay okay I’m going to return back oh I’ll go with you wait I’m going to actually take the kelp I I yeah okay sure I I grabbed some but cuz I would really like um

To make my elevator for my house as well okay did you run yeah you ran we’ll double team him we double teamed him wow he didn’t drop anything though here I’ll double team well just don’t don’t get swarmed by them okay uh the other guy they’re all gone it’s just this one guy

Ow I’m sorry you w straight into my shot no fair fair fair fair okay did you use a boat is that how you got here so quick uh I used a boat for some for the ice part yeah can I ride the boat with you I’m pretty sure it’s a

Chest boat so no unless you want to go down and make another one why would you well because I was fishing it’s my fishing boat I need extra storage in there oh God damn it just going to pick up some ores on the way back cuz we don’t have an iron

Farm or anything okay please don’t steal that oh welome fol how wait actually though how do you Dr drive this it’s whole so bad to drive I don’t think it’s the boat’s fault ah okay I crash landed right near you here J no way you actually did yeah

I I put you broke it no no as in I brought the boat here oh okay okay okay I’m I’m just going to make another one oh thank you how do you drive it’s so annoying do you drive in like third person view is that how you go about it

Oh there it is no oh my God this is so slippery get out harder to drive on the ice what the heck is this dude I I I’m never making it back well I’m back know I got your I’m abandoning ship I’m sorry but no no I I have so much

Loot in my chest though so don’t wait but I have bad news what like I just can’t pick up your boat your boat’s kind of stuck how like it it fell in the water well oh my and it’s it’s like sunk to the bottom no no no it’s just suck

Stuck in the water well that’s that’s okay I have to break the ice to the shore are you kidding me oh yeah see this is why you shouldn’t have stolen my boat well cuz I I’m pretty sure I have like Saddles and stuff in there I guess it’s not that important

But but yeah you can you can break the boat and get the stuff in it or just like shift okay where are you uh I see your yeah this this is fine this is fine how do you get out of here um I’ll take it back you can take the

Other bone okay thank you oh man hello cute pandace SM oh no G I sing oh boy okay just follow me I guess wait now this boat’s stuck okay there we go yeah just follow me just follow me it’s okay oh okay okay both are stupid man no they’re

Good oh you could break it while on the boat that’s correct should use Touch here actually but nice nice I I do have like a boat lift here that I was using but I don’t know if this connects or not what’s a boat lift well it’s just like a

Way to get the boat onto the ice that’s super cool oh my I see my camera does nothing that’s why I was getting confused cuz like my mouse was going everywhere and then it was getting extra confusing and I was starting to panic that’s true yeah you can just

Break the boat but if you have a boat with chest then that’s the tough part e you don’t want to like lose all the stuff and then have to pick it up right right yeah with with a just normal boat you could have just oh you did make a ramp broke

It wow you Ed like um what is it you use a redstone yes a little bit and CAG thank you for the $10 okay so okay so we have bones that’s good mhm and we have XP MH mhm the next thing is probably the villagers okay and that probably should

Have been even the first thing but okay I am going to go and make my elevator work okay sure you have Soul Sand yes and I have the kelp yeah so the easiest way is just to like bone meal it bone meal the kelp

Okay I have bone or or you can just swim up and place each kelp if if you want okay I have I have bone meal too I’m going to place some vines on my house nice close all your wall around your water what does that mean

Probably just like enclose it I guess I can’t do it in open area no no no it has to be a tunnel like a water tunnel oh question wait so for the water elevator you can’t oh no then my I a it has to be hidden make it go through the air if

That’s what you were asking yeah does it have to be tunnel like everywhere or can it be segments that are open you know what I mean yeah yeah part of it yeah it can be open in some parts like if there’s a cave or something oh okay

Okay so it doesn’t have to be all doesn’t have to be all filled in but okay uh Oh I see that’s actually none of it can be open if you don’t want it leaking out I see cuz they’re all going to be Source blocked God ding dang okay I got to pee real quick but I’ll be right back okay surely your stuff will still be there

When you come back and you’ll be alive okay I do want to get on my second floor place some more Vines there yeah you want the uh you want the Librarians and but like for the enchanted books but I I don’t know what’s technically the best I feel like farmers are really

Easy though to get a bunch of emeralds from right because you can give them like carrots and stuff I really got to do something about the inside of my house make it fast what was that that was pretty fast I I got to finish the inside of my house cuz it’s

Looking a little rough right now ah okay okay I have to reconsider my plans for why is that cuz like you need to they said because it’s each block needs to be a Source block it has to be fully covered but then I wanted a thing where like you

See waterfalls right no it it doesn’t have to be fully covered no leak out um yeah it would leak out though yeah I can’t have a leak out foring bananas you for 40 months if you stack glass PES that don’t touch anything they make a post and scale them oo

Okay never mind I found a way track gave me hope you can also yeah you can just put like Windows though yeah do you have glass like glass um I have yeah I’ve got a bit but it’s just cooking sand surely you can do that I mean I can

But where where does one find some sand I found it there’s a ton of sand over there okay I’m going to go over there and do some sand farming well actually do I want to do that or so you’re going to work on your house a

Little bit yeah just a bit I I just want to make it look better okay I’m also going to work on my house that’s starts with getting some sand I’m going to take off my diamond armor cuz I don’t want to lose it okay sure be so sad if I lost it all

If I lose it all okay so Stone nice so you’re totally not going to off stream like be come back and be like I’m level 200 now I I might oh wow oh well yeah that’s fine though like just AFK farming for I’m not going to do that while we’re playing are are you going to

Set a macro and if you do can you share it with me what a macro to Simply click once every like 10 seconds yeah I don’t know how to do that is it really simple well it just you just need like a a program for it or

Yes but yeah it’s pretty simple I would Say okay and then let’s see any iron you don’t happen to have iron do you I have a bet it’s okay I’ll just use I’ll just use stone stone is good enough well you’re what you’re going to like make iron blocks for something or what no no iron um shovel cuz I’m just

Going to shovel like a ton of dirt but this will work uh let me know if you want to go to bed um I could go to bed I guess okay okay I’m in bed why is it you still have your bed in my hallway well I had to put it down like

ASAP oh Diamond shovels are kept Forever Wait what no someone said A diamond shovel lasts forever if you repair it oh yeah The Mending right right right oh I should yeah we’re mending I guess yeah I should go get the fishing rod okay so they said wait what does that

Mean so you fod you hold the fishing rod of mending in the left hand right uh that’s not how it works you hold fishing rod of mending and then in your no you need The Mending enchantment on what you’re trying to repair ah so so you want each of your pieces of

Gear with mending on it basically like especially when we upgraded netherite uh-huh you want mending on it oh it only repairs the oh [ __ ] you chat okay never mind thank you I’m pretty sure they explained it but I just misunderstood all right sand time ah how’s your house looking

Gino good except you placed a sign right where I’m trying to you can’t you’re not allowed to break the signs the signs are integral right I wonder hm is there a clay Farm is like is that possible or is it too hard I don’t know of a clay Farm because

That’s not that useful but I’m sure there is I see cuz a farm for basically everything ah clay makes like really nice design is that so yeah yeah terra cotta yeah okay and then it looks real nice okay are you just like searching up blocks to use or something

Nope then where you where where are you getting this from from my past experience of building with uh terra cotta okay sure wait surely not this this how to build a house guide that you searched up well no I actually have not searched up a guide at the moment at all

It’s just from memory okay yeah yeah and I just remember Terra cot red terracotta looks real nice as a roof so you so you’re like actually building your house now I’m collecting Sandia I told you I’ve changed my ways that uh that obsidian uh scare has has set me

Straight Gino yeah you don’t want to yeah you don’t want to mess with me cuz you know how do you know that like camp that Dr Phil sends like those troubled teens to set them straight um I I think I maybe no oh I was going to I don’t know I

That’s essentially what’s happened to me so i’ I’ve oh yeah the ranch yeah I’ve been sent to the Ranch sent to their Ranch and scared straight by Gino okay wow I have a ton of sand now okay yeah that’s so sent to the ranch please don’t you should make a ranch for your cows cuz you said you needed more space right wait need more space for what your

Cows oh yeah true true true yeah I should make a ranch and I’ll send you to it and with the cows if you send me to your Ranch I’m going to kill all the cows eat steak all day fun easy how so I remember I recall you saying

For no hit Dark Souls the time is one is the two is the easiest um Demon Souls is the easiest is Dem Dark Souls though well basically but but it doesn’t have dark in its name that’s true mhm so I don’t need to play Demon Souls it’s it’s just the Dark

Souls so then besides Demon Souls it would then be two and then one then three um I I’m I’m not sure on that actually cuz Dark Souls 1 would be easier than Dark Souls 2 for sure nice if it wasn’t if it wasn’t for one boss who Orange

Cenm oh oh oh oh but even then though arguably DS1 is easier than DS2 no hit but I think it’s it’s easier to be consistent at Dark Souls I I see I see but for in Dark Souls 1 if you’re going with the sorcery route and

You get past on and then the run is pretty simple from there okay okay my faith and my hope is going up that I’ll be able to do it yeah it’ll probably take quite a bit less time than Elder ring run took you I well well I think so but who knows I

Guess all right I’ve done nothing but get sand how’s your uh dude I really want a chimney now yeah the chimney’s kind of I I yeah it’s pretty good how do you make the campfire again uh campfire I honestly don’t remember stick coal and wood okay sticks and

Coal yeah there’s also Four Kings I guess but it depends what route you use how hard some of the fights are I want to use the easiest route yeah sorcery is the best rout that’s what I used in God Run 3 nice okay campfire um oh oh I can make like a soul

Campfire yeah but I I don’t know if it’s different for a chimney Though ow didn’t didn’t we have a potion of of weakness somewhere would we have taken that potion of weakness no I don’t think I don’t recall potions I broken the twich app and I can well in the in the igloo that doesn’t an igloo have one of

Those oh where it where we picked up the enchanting stuff yeah I think I used it wait on on what on uh didn’t we I thought we used it it’s fine we need to go to the nether anyways but okay cuz cuz what you want to do is you want

To zombify the villagers right yes because then you get the better deals yes so I just have to do that yeah so yeah so basically what you do is you collect a bunch of villagers you um set up a way so that you can make turn them into

Zombies so where do you want to collect them are you going to have like a store for the for those villagers mhm yeah we’ll set something up for them okay then I would do this this oh no I’m so bad at building okay there we go

I thought you were N9 and a half out of 10 no no as in um my design is 9 and a half out of 10 but the oh no there goes my farm oh boy it’s okay okay oops no and I just build straight down down okay okay okay breathe breathe

Breathe breathe okay good breathe okay I’m thinking maybe I should go from down to up wait no no up to down up to down this is going to work okay one two I’m going to make the coolest water elevator okay your house does look pretty like once you once it’s actually

Built it’ll look pretty cool from down here I think really a thank you I hope so I just really want like a cool a like elevator you know yeah oh what a deal oh did you trade with the villagers yeah I traded some stuff nice nice how close am I

Nice um okay I guess actually those rails that we had might come in handy oh why well because I probably want to transport the villagers with rails oh well I was going to save the rails or what I had some plans well it’s I I I guess they’re kind

Of only temporary so okay okay yeah then I can I can bring you the nails rails sorry bring me the nails rails I’m and be my water thing is an absolute mess I hate it oh wait I know how to fix it I can

Just I can just get a bucket pick it up right pick up the water from the bucket and then yep I’ll be good wish I knew where I put all the bones that I brought back or maybe I used them all thought I had more though for bone

Meal wouldn’t it be sick if you can make bone structures in this game you can you can yeah oh that’s really cool yeah there’s like there’s bones in the nether we saw some oh oh oh like the bone blocks no I mean like a bone chair like a bone oh well you could

Just make it a big chair but but yeah true true I might actually use that bone for like my house yeah that could be decent like bone white cuz that would look really nice a Mason who’s Mason Mason Mason what Mason dis dick right uhhuh okay so where should we build this

Thing the village yeah um Midway I don’t know if I want to build it on ice but no like near the portal yeah yeah I think you’re right yeah like right in the middle okay so this is surrounding it two three four five take a breath okay no I

Hate I hate building this thing it is so stupid are you still doing the elevator I am but it’s like cuz I’m trying to do the glass Paine thing it’s a pain ha but um y finally okay I oh I also got some dark oak if

You want oo like I have saplings that we can plant can I you oh yes please yes please it’s so funny I don’t remember getting almost any of this stuff somehow the oak no just a lot of the stuff that I have in my chest like CU it

Was like two weeks ago oh oh I was going to say like uh that some of them might be my stuff that I put in there so no no no what do you mean no no no I I put my stuff in there okay yeah maybe I guess but did you get

Like I don’t know did you get gold blocks like where maybe I stole these from the village or something probably okay wow what a time to not have my stuff okay okay okay time to climb up again I hate I got a bunch of slime balls apparently yeah so I was like I

Think I got it from a swamp you found a swamp yeah where could not tell you where there I can’t remember je how many hours did you play no not a lot like it doesn’t take that long to find a swamp what I feel like

You’re like oh I beat the game while you were gone no I didn’t beat the game likely story sir in fact okay now everything makes sense now you started your own server because you beat the game on this server oh right yeah we’re going to get to the Ender Dragon it’s

Like oh yeah I already uh and then it’s like we get there yeah and I was like huh why is this guy already dead and you’re like oh yeah I forgot I killed him while you were gone speed run this game y okay am I almost at the bottom yep you caught me

I knew it guilty as charged okay this this thing’s a mess so I’m going to I’m almost getting there though almost getting there have to get rid of the water again okay so I guess we want to like trap the villagers somewhere probably oh I can bring the rails

Ow um it’s probably fine for now and and you left a bunch of them in the in the chest I thought in my chest no no in in the chest in the where the skeleton spawner is uh did you do that I took them all I don’t are you sure uhhuh I have

Like 64 I have 74 rail two detector rails and seven powered rails it’s fine I I can also just I I forgot I had lead I we have slime so I can make leads for them you’re going to have villagers on a lead I think

So Gino Gino I didn’t know you were into that stuff dude well now you know wow wow shocker I won’t die right I think this is yeah I think this no surely you won’t surely I won’t mother oh my God how did this happen how did you

Die I was aiming for the water block and the water block at least it’s not hardcore we should have done it on Hardcore don’t don’t you think that would have been funny why I would have lost it all yeah I I just think I I think that’d

Be that’d be good content probably I guess I guess I wait so what is Hardcore and tail well if you die the you’re done really yeah yeah no good thing we didn’t do it on Hardcore I would we should have done it on Hardcore for sure no I would have I

Wouldn’t have even been able to play I feel like no we could have done it you could have done it I don’t know if I no no we could it it wouldn’t have been that hard oh yeah yep oh yeah I press X to wait did

I did I lose my diamond pickaxe oh boy ain’t no way you you it’s got to be down there it’s like got lost to Lava or something right right you uh Gino do you have a Pickaxes you actually don’t have your diamond pick actually maybe I do maybe I just it it’ll it’ll come to me I oh I left it in the chest okay never mind I’m good okay good cuz yeah we’re a little short on diamonds right now oh we are what happened well

Okay so where should I bring these villagers did you get that we need we’re going to have to like breed them whoa Gino I didn’t sign up for this dude yeah yeah you un knowingly did I ain’t going down for this okay I think that’s done okay perfect and then we need

Oops I think I’ll we go and then we need this like that perfect perfect one two three four and then we need okay oh this would have been much easier than what I was doing okay I’m almost done with my elev wait I’m not even almost done I’m still like

Are you using kelp and stuff or what are you doing not yet I’m making the the the walls for the elevator yeah I’m making the walls so that the water doesn’t spill okay are you just going have like a big pipe in the middle of the open area

Basically you should have just you should have put it like right underneath though I feel like but no cuz I wanted like an like a walk to the house kind of thing okay okay I need to go up um uh okay we got to go up so how many villagers are you like

Planning to enslave probably like 20 oh my God if you need an actual number Jesus and they are the people who you’ll be trading with essentially yeah h okay 1 two three four five six all right okay here we go villager slave trade oh wow yep yeah just like back in

Mowind when did you do a you had a villager slave trade in marwin well no you don’t remember the the slave girl that we had the oh well I mean that we w the show in that case yeah no no no no no that was we were simply following

Orders right yeah yeah true that’s not on this Okay so we’ve built that up and then this I really need to organize these chests cuz I don’t know where anything is I just check every single one every time so everything has to be a source block so even that

Um so maybe I can surround this one up here like that yeah hey yo okay are we going to sleep or oh yes I can go to bed done someone said last time they did a villager slave haul and it had 74 74 what do you even need that many for you

Just you’re trying to get the right trades right right oh well so then what if oh so you’re it’s because you’re trying to randomize right and hopefully get the right one is that what you’re trying to do yeah sort of I see but then in that case

Why not just murder the ones that aren’t the right trade yeah you can do that yeah oh ah why did shush zombie okay I guess we don’t do we have any sheep anywhere there are sheep nearby cuz I’m going to need a [ __ ] ton of beds oh for the villagers

Ah oh this is dangerous okay I know that our past Farm had a sheep in breeding sheep is wheat right I can’t remember yes it is also wheat so now that I finished that I can use my kelp okay can use kelp oh I’m about to die I lost all my

Fish Ain’t No Way ain’t no flipping way oh no here it is okay so here’s that and then all the kelp here we go but then you said I could also just use bone meal on the kelp yeah bone meal the kelp yeah that’s the easiest way but

It’s but that’s more for like really tall yeah this this is really tall isn’t it well the one that we built earlier was like don’t worry about it the one that we built earlier was like 60 blocks oh okay I thought I oh here we go but

Yeah like for ones that are like 100 plus blocks mhm then you probably I don’t know if you have enough air to place all of them you know ah I see I see okay that’s why okay let’s put this down wait oh no where’s the kelp please say the C didn’t disappear

Oh there it is oh thank God I have a bunch of extra probably so okay thank you it’s not like it’s hard to get either I have an odd number of cows I think devastating oh maybe not okay all right let’s do this kelp and then you put in kelp and then

You break the kelp right yeah once it’s full to the top then you break it okay and then it should make it all Source blocks okay and then you break it from the base yeah okay it from the put Soul Sand underneath it right yeah Soul Sand yeah on the bottom okay uh

Uh what’s the problem I’m trying to keep building my thing up but it it won’t for the elevator does it oh it won’t place in flowing water okay okay wait what won’t place the kelp won’t place in flowing water right it will Ah that’s the whole the whole point

Kind of yeah cuz I have I put it it’s fine we don’t need the last block okay okay well here we go oh let’s give it a shot hope that this works okay and then you break it from the bottom all right where are those sheep oh shoot I need to put

Soul or I need to get soul soul soul thingy now Soul Sand yep going oh this will be so exciting Improvement major house Improvement Soul Sand yeah that looks pretty cool thank you I’m pretty uh chat sent me vid now we can Ascend oh I have H what am I doing

Okay your signs look really great on top of my house oh you’re welcome really glad those are there it worked Gino it works it works yes I wish there was a way to like search in a chest cuz I played a lot of mods where you could just search for

Items Sky Bridge infiltration oh yeah yep okay H now now we just need one to jump down okay So okay if I want to jump down what’s a good way Gino do you want to try using the eator uh I will later I’m just I’m trying to find some sheep right now oh it’s pretty sick oh we didn’t we have some sheep at our other place yes we had a sheep

Farm how about oh okay I found one nice just kidding that’s a chicken Oh no you’re getting Henri itis no it just I I could only just see white so I just assumed it was a you twoo cannot identify animals no I no I can’t I can oh okay it’s okay

There’s no shame no I actually did find a sheep though I found one nice oops oh [ __ ] oh well this is a predicament okay I got to make a cute pond I kind of don’t like the look of how um the glass sometimes pops out I don’t

Like that what does that mean like because there’s something next to the CL glass it it changes the design of the glass does that make sense oh oh the pain you’re saying yeah the pain the window pain so I’m considering wow hi creeper wow hi creeper

Okay imagine he blows up your thing send him up your elevator are you Ser is it night time fault huh is it night time like how come all these zombies are just busting out of nowhere what’s going on they’re busting wait question does a zombie with armor not catch on fire uh I

Think if it’s got a helmet it doesn’t what kind of dumb go away [Laughter] please what unfortunate what in the what in the tarnations what happened what in Sam Hell hecking Billy Bob jerking God damn it at least I didn’t lose anything except all my dignity okay uh

Do you have like a cave or something where everything G today’s just not my day dude yeah clearly not like I I was trying to make wood and then I wasn’t paying attention so I put like my planks into the thing and I just Auto clicked it and I made

Two buttons that aren’t even useful for anything no those are totally useful today is just not not a day for me it’s it’s a it’s this is a great day for me I we made a skeleton’s farm and I trapped you in obsidian or at least all

Your items well I’m glad that you are having a productive day I’m being slaughtered absolutely slaughtered got sheep now you did oh my where is that godamn zombie I swear I’m going to kill him I’m going to murder him he’s going to kill you again no that’s what you

Think all I got little brown sheep a that’s good I’m actually going to uh I think what I want to do is I’m going to do what I do best interior design let’s go or design designing you’re going to steal that’s that’s what actually no you don’t do

That the best what do you mean you’ve basically failed every time okay but first off I don’t steal second if I did I’d do a great job uh I don’t know about that i’ do an amazing job my bones by the way do you want to go to bed or yeah

Okay I’ve died three times dude there’s no way I could do hardcore no no no it’s but it’s different though how is it different well because you wouldn’t be doing dumb stuff okay right what does that mean like we’d be playing a lot more carefully uh-huh that’s what I think I’m doing and

Then I Die uh let’s also get some Okay ooh I have an idea oops Okay no Okay I’m going to check out your village oh I haven’t what village of villagers I haven’t done anything with them yet oh oh cuz you’re making a ton of beds right right right well yeah I’m in the

Process of doing that okay okay got it got it Chad I have an idea okay okay so on Gino’s roof I’m going to hide a single water block Source right and then I’m creep behind me and kill me or something in like glass panes all the way over to his house

Fcking genius dude right right right really you’re also not muted by accident hello yep okay okay yeah it’s working okay where’s the sheep or where are you going back and forth from what do you mean where you going back and forth for the other sheep from

The other Farm whoa look at these Vines how’d you do that by placing them did you find a Vine biome uh it was from the swamp oh what what we need to find is like we need to find some bamboo very badly oh for the scaffoldings yeah ah where would bamboo

Be in like the bamboo jungle I think jungle damn h okay and you haven’t found the jungle biome yet I have not found a jungle damn damn damn okay we’ll find it someday oh dang it the Sheep aren’t ready yet oh to mate yeah a just simply do it it’s it’s easy just

Do it sheep uhuh oh and I messed up again he but you can’t enchant shears can you what do you mean like can you put enchantments on Shear I thought you can I I could have sworn you could can I put like fortune on the she on shears or

Something maybe no I feel like you can’t but I don’t Know can’t you do Unbreaking someone said I doubt it or maybe I don’t know I don’t think I’ve ever tried do you have any carrots I don’t think I have any only at the other Farm oh but we did have carrots though yes there are a bunch of carrots okay

Nice okay well yeah I guess I have golden carrots here too all right where are my boats one two Birch Birch Birch okay um okay got to go get some stuff got to go get some stuff all right do you have um oh wait no actually

Whoa what is this for uh this is going to be the surely not a jail for villagers can we Spruce it up and make it look nicer if anything yeah you can if you want okay I have gotten explicit permission so I’ll be okay I have yep I have Spruce planks

Okay and then I just need some what were you doing over here by the way huh why were are you over here getting the wood from my chest no no from the trees which tree like over here you walked straight past my thing what thing all right what are you doing wait

What thing what are you talking about I’m confused I was getting wood where what are you talking about I don’t know I guess I’ll see eventually there’s nothing I don’t your paranoia is is crazy man youo Doos oh oh I have to fix a sign pick some of my sons where are

You I’m uh in the village okay uh okay where are you right now H where are you at in your house doing what fixing a sign fing fixing a sign cuz I realized that uh one of the signs I wrote is not very accurate which one oh you’ll see maybe Okay okay there you go done now I should build it here cuz he doesn’t come to this house so then I go in sneak in perfect okay oops my spawn point got set all Right does a trap what are you thinking about does a trapo like stop water why do you want to know that for like my elevator um I yeah it does maybe well like you can also water log a trapo I thought what do you mean water log trapo

Like it can be underwater so I don’t even know if it does stop it ah I see I see chat here’s the predicament if I make a skybridge way to the house and then be able to drop down from the top then then how like how do I sneak in the

House you know what I mean I don’t think it’s possible so what are you doing right now what are you working on your elevator uh at the moment I’m trying to think of like how this going to work how what’s going to work like the elevator

I thought you already made it no no no no so like if I’m trying to Spruce it up it’s not working though ah whatever this ain’t working I guess I’ll just have to give up on that dream hey bro what’s up wait what you doing what do you mean what you doing over

There at the Village no no what is she doing on the vine outside I’m at the Village right now no I I literally I see you it must be lagging or something I’m at I’m literally at the Village I’m digging out digging out the uh villager

Thing oh my God you can’t come in and see I did nothing I did nothing there’s like there’s nothing but I did you could come inside and see I misplaced a block that’s for sure but like I did nothing oh my God okay I fixed it

Oh my God I have a you better not have stolen that glass pane oh no I didn’t I’m fairly certain you did oh I did wait look it look the sign I fixed it um where’s my glass pan there you go why did you breaking through the

Window that’s how I got in oh yeah I was watching it the entire time wait but I was just seriously I was thinking about how to do the elevator there you were yeah no I was that’s I was likeing my house I couldn’t think of it putting like secret signs in my house

Which I know you’ve already done you couldn’t even find the secret sign that I actually put there’s actually one that’s hella secret that I don’t think you’ll ever find okay you’re cheating you’re the one that’s right in here that I how how did you know saw how cuz I was I

Was digging this out earlier to go um like on my roof uhhuh oh God damn it God damn it I’ve been I’m going to put like a passcode on the door okay you know what fair enough fair enough that’s what I need I need to lock the door and

Hide the key okay I mean go for it you know I respect the privacy of a man’s house you clearly don’t I know I clearly do don’t worry don’t worry I do I do do they do trees ever grow 3×3 or is it always 2 by

Two are you shooting me dude no I’m not okay uh I don’t know if there’s 3×3 trees secretly you drop the top and have a water spot I see okay dang ding ding my plans got foiled cry why are you shooting me what are you doing here still sorry I

Was oh wait do you want to check out my avator um I just need to harvest these sheeps really quick wait how come there’s only like four okay go four sheep I thought you were like making them love all the time well they they’re a little I don’t know

They must have like low testosterone or something Oh okay so where’s your elevator over Here why do you keep circling my house what what do you mean like I was I I was hiding in the sugar canes earlier when you were circling around my house cuz I was in fireing your house I don’t understand what this what this suspection is okay I was just no it’s

I’m not casing it I was admiring it okay Chad you’re like getting a scouting report for when you’re working no no no no I was admiring it okay so yes the way up to it is a bit tough but uh T did you mean did you want this what yeah

Why okay you could have just used GL blocks no it’s too thick I want it like very subtle you know what I mean yeah okay yeah and then that’s it nothing else you can go so sad that’s all I wonder if you can make a I’m going to test something out glass

Blocks are you shooting me dude I’m not okay something’s shooting me well it’s it’s raining so there could be a skeleton okay um wait actually yeah I think there’s a Skelly but how can it be in my house like I don’t understand I go all the way over there and then

There okay okay okay okay okay wait what wait what the heck why are these arrows coming from the Gino G I literally see you bro I was okay now you may go back and do your sheep F activities I’m actually going to be building some stuff over here how am

I meant to get down uh that that one Wow real mature oh there’s a creeper no okay that’s fine okay oh thank goodness okay um um I’m thinking what I could Do Gino y Gino please what do you mean please stop shooting arrows I’m I’m not shooting arrows I literally see the arrows arcing straight up I just it’s just skeleton obviously oh yeah surely can you put a um a uh what do you call it a ladder on

Glass or no uh I think so okay like glass pane uh probably not okay okay okay Chino what what’s going on dude I have no idea I’m just I’m not my keep right now why are there arrows just I hate you why bro did you just actually use a bow

That does an enchantment that it keeps dropping arrows on me you mean like rain of arrows yes possibly oh J how how long does this last like 2 hours are you serious yeah why would you do such a thing I wasn’t even doing anything why

Would you do such a thing I’m not doing anything well putting the rain of death arrows on me that’s evil that’s so evil so how’s your sheep going pretty good okay I am actually working on my house okay uh oh uh oh okay there we go did you

Just oh I forgot I didn’t just do anything no no no I thought I I put a sign and I forgot that I put the science so I was like oops yep yep see now you’re you’re getting paranoid not my fault okay and then CH is this high

Enough G what are you doing I literally saw G I literally saw you dude I see you it’s pretty impressive that is pretty impressive sir can you can you please just go away to your house let me work on my house in peace I don’t understand you told me to work on my

House and I do and now you are like being a menace I’m perfectly fine is this the is this high enough how high do I need to go chat Gino Gino what are you aiming for even G G what are you even aiming for right now dude I’m what do you mean I’m

Mining some obsidian oh okay is that okay or yeah yeah yeah OB it’s fine what’s so funny over there because I kept building up and I didn’t realize like oh I’m going to die die like I feel really stupid cuz I wasn’t paying attention and then I kept

Building up and then I realized like oh wait I’m actually going to die oh my God oh my stomach what you can’t even hit me too yeah you’re too high up my arrows don’t go far enough as soon as I build my trebuchet then I will

Knock you right out of the sky can you can make a trishe well no but I’ll do it anyways a okay okay what are you you planning up there what what do you mean I’m well I’m just wondering like why are you building so high I can’t get back

Down just jump in the water so remember how I said I was going to like someone had a brilliant idea of making like a middle finger okay yeah so yeah I’m making middle finger and you’ve played yourself kind of so now I’m screwed because like I

Made the middle finger but at what cost you know what I mean yeah did you break my bed Gino no I didn’t do anything okay okay okay okay buddy why what why are you wondering that are you going to go sleep no a [ __ ] okay okay kind of annoying that I have two

Different color sheeps here I kind of messed up why what’s wrong with two different colors well it’s just you can’t combine them for a bed oh yeah the wool oh oh so this is what you do kill the Sheep that’s not the right color okay and then just bre just breed

The Sheep color you want right all right well since you had such a bright idea which um which one do I take out what colors are there uh white and brown I’ll leave that choice up to you dude you’re the one who’s farming them

No no it was your idea it’s an idea I just going to make two different color you can feel free to not do it no I’m just going to make two different color beds obviously okay wow all inclusive buil I built up all this W wool I can’t oh

Whoops I can’t get rid of it I need I need more arrows though so I’m going to go to the skeleton Farm okay Charly that’s okay with you yeah I’m just going to be working on my middle finger the twitch bit rate probably looks so bad when I’m going through snow why

Well you know like going through the snow on like there’s a lot of particles and stuff right ah yeah ah but the snow looks so pretty okay there we go there we go then a I should have brought some iron there’s iron dister I think I left

Iron in the chest at the skeleton spawner yeah yeah I guess but it’s not enough oh wait okay yeah I right it is enough yeah it’s literally the perfect amount you’re welcome I knew that iron would come in handy someday that’s kind of funny okay there we go um then I need make

More glass make more glass uh o level all the level I was a level 11 right guess what level I am right now two three close but it’s so sad well I’m level 27 nice wait can’t you enchant at level 30 the yeah level 30 you can get the max

Enchantment nice nice nice nice I remember when it used to take actually 30 levels to do it my God let me know if you need to go to bed I’m good well technically you’re in the the the the thingy right yeah I’m in the I’m but there’s

There’s beds here okay no no so I don’t I don’t need to go to sleep but if you need to go to sleep both of the beds that both of the beds that you placed are unsleep oh really I made a bunk bed situation yeah but that’s that’s not

Just how it works what do you mean well a bed can’t be covered cuz ah rip yep getting a fortune sword would be nice oo I thought you had a fortune sword did it break no uh or I mean a looting sword I have I have a fortune

Pick dang so Pacific so so Pacific how many enchantments can you have per item um quite a few it depends on the item like let’s say a diamond pickaxe I don’t know I guess I guess you can have Unbreaking efficiency fortune and silk touch are mutually exclusive I think oh and you

Have mending four of them like five of them in one uh you can definitely get four oh not sure about more than that I see I see I see but yeah so swords can get probably at least five I I don’t know it depends on the

Item damn bows can get I think like five maybe I I don’t know oh okay okay what the oh here we go What are you laughing about chat say something funny okay do you have enough of the bones now sir I’m just going to wait until I’m level 30 I Think Jesus so I can enchant stuff okay I’m pretty sure you can’t have mending and Infinity on the same bow surely you know

Right that’s yeah I was like how would I know I wish I knew I wish I could tell you the answers okay uh you know how to make a I think it’s a grindstone uh no but uh the village had a grindstone oh okay prao yeah I saw the village uh what do

You need a grindstone for though cuz isn’t that just to break it’s to disenchant stuff so like I can the skeletons drop Enchanted stuff right mhm so I can uh disenchant it and just get more levels from it ah impressive what are you now 29 yep still 29 nice Okay oh Oo okay I’ve have way too much stuff put it in the chest there we go and I’m going the start let’s fill up the walls a little bit so it looks nice get some designs going let’s see here okay I want that design ooh this design will be good ooh that’s really good

Fences okay oh yeah and then I’m going to make more glass Easy yeah so are we gonna do a hardcore world next or this is just like the test run this it again you know I’d love to but I will a th% die like with I bro because once you die it’s GG right it’s game over

Yep yeah I’m going to die like no no no you won’t yes I will no you’ll be fine trust me okay so but yeah that’s the but you’ve done no hit runs you know how that feels well yeah but like that was all scripted and then if it’s just

Like got to survive and live for x amount of time this is easier doing a hardcore world is much easier than doing a no hit run so really yeah I think about how many people play on Hardcore press X to doubt you think so you think

More people have done no hit runs than in a Souls game than played hardcore and had a like a successful world yes how much would you like to bat I will bet five cows you could take all five of my cows in real life no I don’t have any cows in real

Life I mean the one in my um oh okay I’ll sure I’ll bet you five cows five cows sure yep I was I I would like real life cows but I don’t I don’t have any also you have a farm to hold those real life cows sure damn you see my background I’m

Sure there’s room well your background’s a green screen so it might be a lie for all I know okay true sure good point temporarily I’m going to okay what someone said Hardcore Minecraft is people playground ain’t no way what like what do you think’s hard about it though because like everything

Kills you and you die of hunger and it’s dangerous you die of hunger mhm it’s dangerous why don’t you just simply eat then because then in order to get food and then you getting food you die you know what if you simply don’t die it it’s I would like to

But my track record again shows that I am very likely to die no I don’t think so I think it’s pretty it’s pretty simple okay okay okay the hardest part is not getting blown up by a random creeper or well actually I mean I don’t know there’s

Things you could die to I guess falling down in the end or something in in the in in my in the hardcore server a couple people died that way so that’s it like they just like it’s GG for them well I I have it right

Now so that people can just get back on like a okay not not they have to spend Channel points to get so what happens if you die on your own server well I probably just I what I would what I was thinking is that I’d probably just like

Not play for a week or something and then back punishment I see I see did you get a lot further in your server would you say versus like this one yes I’m significantly further than that what you would think having two people would speed things up eh well not compared to

Having like way more than two people that’s true that’s true like yeah a bunch of people built a lot of stuff that I didn’t end up having to build uhhuh uh-huh so that’s pretty cool and then um what’s your goal like to beat the game well we already beat the game but I

Don’t know just build stuff oh nice wait you already beat the game hold on excuse me I I like that just registered again what well beating the game just means kill Dragon right right you already killed it yeah what I mean think about how quick

That is right you just got to go to the nether find a fortress get some blaze rods Farm some Enderman go to the end portal and then you just kill them like that’s kind of yeah and just and just like magically grow like dude that’s as easy as just save the world wait

Yeah as in no it’s not easy you make it you’re like simple simple simple like all those things you just said sound like they take quite a bit of time no yes it doesn’t like beating the game is not our goal on this probably right unless

Unless we just want to get like super heavily geared and then do it m but yeah I guess beating the game is not the cool beating the bosses yeah cuz I I’ve never I’ve never fought against the warden and apparently he’s like the hardest one I think but I I don’t know I

Don’t know anything about him let’s go for Warden but I yeah I’ll probably do that on that on that server before here though I guess ah and then and then you could tell us how to do it surely yeah yeah it’ll work it’ll work

Um so what level are you now uh 31 oh dang nice nice okay piercing is piercing a crossbow I thought it’s a I don’t I feel like it’s not a bow but I don’t know it’s not I don’t think so I think that’s a crossbow thing but I I have no idea I

Don’t think I’ve ever had piercing on a bow before I thought I saw cuz one time I tried enchanting a bow and it said piercing so I was like oh oh okay yeah maybe then two hours later oh my what on Earth is this huh what happened wait what’s funny no nothing’s funny

I just some villager is doing some like weird thing here oh yeah what what are they doing no it’s it’s it’s stuck between you have to see it oh yeah come here come here and look at it before he moves okay one second I’m a bit far away so it’s going

To take me a hot minute to get there why what are you how far away could you possibly be I was uh trying to find like farming materials to make the best house ever you know that sounds completely false what what do you mean that’s doesn’t sound true what do you mean it

Doesn’t sound true it just it sounds like that’s made up oh who’s the who’s the like um what is it suspicious one now okay hm are the villagers still doing the weird thing that you’re talking about no no he stopped he stopped he he was just

Like he was stuck in this thing here Oh um are you going to sleep it’s almost night time no it’s not it’s daytime no but it’s almost night time I said how do you how do you know it’s almost it’s it’s bright it’s bright half oh yeah it’s right okay my mistake then [ __ ] why what what’s happening

Uh just out of curiosity how how often do you look up basically never okay okay oh J I made it back from my Adventures so where’s the villagers e where are the villagers oh you just trapped them that’s evil uh not yet I haven’t gotten any yet oh godamn it okay

So I’m so bad at this I’m so bad at this oh it is my okay I’m going to bed oh my God hey Gino in case you do I know you say you you never look up but in case you do I just need you to know so this server has some

Issues what do you mean um the sky sometimes has seams in it those are called clouds No no no like separately you might think in between the clouds there’s like a seam issue but it’s just like at with the whole Java like new Java Edition the the the sky

Gets wonky sometimes I actually have noticed out yeah yeah yeah so if you notice any seams it’s completely natural okay yep like if yeah so so that that thing you see up there is just a seam I just see clouds up there oh okay really so I

Guess it’s just a server side like my side thing well you mean right above yeah I don’t see anything up there oh okay okay you like in the sky you see something yeah it’s like a seam in the sky that makes it seem like it’s Matrix but it’s

Not well whatever you’re talking about I don’t see it’s either glitch or my render distance isn’t far enough probably probably okay hold on how do we now okay also if you’re wondering okay so you don’t see a seam at all no I don’t okay then I don’t need to tell you this

Next part what’s the next part I mean like cuz if you can see the seam it coincidentally just like for some reason leads to my house but that is just pure coincidence okay why do you have like three boats oh no what I’m stuck on the I’m stuck on

The path Ah that’s so annoying oh you got the Villager in the boat yeah but oh Dig Down From the Path here no what no no no no no and then you break the ice yeah no no no no no why not he go in the

Water but I’m not trying to get him in the water you’re I thought you were trying to get him across where did you where did that other dirt go oh I just I just need to can I do this oh well yeah boat’s do oh

Can you just place the boat on the ice yes sir okay easy water on the surface to flush them into the ice oh I have a bucket no it’s fine okay it should be fine surely they’ll listen to me I I’m going to pitch them a

Really good deal oh yeah oh can I can I hear you pitch um you’re gonna come here and live a happy life away from your family um so actually no no I’ll bring your family as well okay okay and then um what if they ask like what’s the HOA

Fees on that uh you will serve me oh what if they’re like I don’t really like servitude well then what are they doing right here in this Village that’s a community getting trapped in your like compound is servitude no no no no oh okay

Okay come on come on may you enjoy the O you know what I could be working on actually I got a brilliant idea okay oh wait I do see that thing in the sky what huh what is that thing in the sky it’s the seam the seam that I’m talking about

Mhm yeah it just um so how did you fall off of that and survive because I I watched it what do you mean you mean the SC right yeah how did you fall and survive that I will tell you as soon as you tell me how exactly you are throwing a boat

On grass you’ve never tried that before no that is bizarre Ginger Crush thank you so much for the raid I hope so would you care to explain yeah are you were you planning on like dropping TNT on my house or something or no you weren’t even you weren’t even

Like on top of it though okay okay so the original idea was I was going to build a sky bridge to your house cuz the tunnel idea didn’t work so the skybridge ah okay yeah but it failed because I didn’t build high enough I thought it

Was um but then the render distance is way too big right you know what’s funny I actually really like genuinely bad up there oh my God I genuinely had the con um what is it conviction to work on my house but then it all went to well you

Also I mean you could do things other than working on your house cuz you seem to hate working on your house no I do I love working on the house but it’s just like chat strikes me with a really good idea that does not sound like a really

Good idea to me no a sky Bridge what kind of material did you build that out of a glass pain that’s a joke right no wait so your idea was that I wouldn’t be able to see it because it’s glass yeah kind of was that no that’s a total five head idea

Surely I feel like you’re Jud very well and then you fell somehow I feel like you’re judging me no no obviously not okay well the idea was I have a water bucket so I wouldn’t fall and then the original idea was like I wanted to drop down like Mission Impossible into your

Home uh and you would you were going to like place a water bucket as you fell and survive that or no no I was going to somehow hide water in to getting into yeah I would never notice yeah into your home or like somehow find a secret way

And then after I do that I would you know peruse your items yeah okay so thievery again yeah no not thievery doing what you do worst no not not thievery perus there’s a difference I’m going to go level myself up a bit I feel embarrassed but yeah and then uh work

Hey chat stop giving me ideas I’m not following them anymore they all failed no this is you’re just putting on an act right now and your I I know this routine no no this time for real okay I’ll just flat I’ll read it they said plan C make

A Launchpad and wings and then swoop down you’re going you’re going to be like Plankton you’re going to get the the the best plan Z and it’ll finally work I don’t I don’t I don’t like I feel like there is no plan anymore my covers have been blown oh my

Gosh but seriously okay be be a th% honest with me How likely is it you would have found out what the sky Bridge yeah I was watching it in real time I was watching you build it the like when I got back I saw you in the air wait

Damn it very unlikely that would let say that you didn’t look up well the the issue is that oh there’s a cat here kitty the issue is that when I walk back to my house from the from the spawner or whatever I look up or I I see your house right yes and

Then I see your big tower oh yeah and then I look up more and then I see the big line in the sky so there’s almost no way I couldn’t have seen it like there’s no way I I would have had to really try hard to not see it my

Brain did not connect the T you know how like people watch TV shows and they be like how come the villain didn’t think of this right that’s so like stupid right and I’m like oh so you admit you’re the villain yeah I mean a very bad one admittedly but a very very bad

One oh my God so when are you going to take that down never at least make it you got to go up there and make it like say a word well I would that’s what you should do go shape it in a way that says something cuz that’ be pretty funny it’s

Going to take Forever um how come the skeletons aren’t spawning uh it just takes a bit surely you’re actually at the skeleton no for real I am no joke I think your spawner thing broke no it’s not I’m going to go check it out don’t don’t do that oh okay why well

Because you’re going to break something by going to check it out oh okay okay okay very enough oh yeah they spawned nice getting XP getting bombs oh there’s a cat here but I don’t know where it went to oh you want a cat oh what do you want a cat for

Stop there we go what do you want a cat for I tamed it I thought you I thought you were a dog person I have a dog and a cat oh okay so so you’re going to you have to get a dog now yeah I can get a dog later I saw oh

Who’s this guy what guy okay sure I guess I don’t know where oh and the sleeps on the bed I’ve never seen that wait now I want to see the cat how did he get here oh cat chases away Creeper that’s crazy yeah this nit yeah this nitwit villager moved into my

Prison I thought out of Oh I thought out of um that’s fine he can breed oh oh he wants to catch a ride I guess so question am I allowed to keep my sky thingy um I mean why not I guess sure okay like why do you want to keep it

Though like what’s good about it uh I mean I’ll just build I’ll just build into it you know like you said yeah make it make it say something at least or I don’t know to have it made say something I feel like that will be a

Lot of glass cuz that took like a lot of glass to build out there yeah I guess technically though it shouldn’t take too much to like start making letters because I just used all of it to make a bridge all right I’ve captured the Fletcher o Can you capture a um Baker

Want some cake no why why not can you even trade cake ah I guess not I don’t know if you can damn oh apparently Farmers sell cake ah okay there we go I’m level 11 yep I’m going to start setting up I think the villagers like it

Here are they like dancing with joy well they’re just they’re having a good time it looks like that’s good like good time meeting or no they’re not meeting yet ah okay um damn yeah that’ll do two three one two three no no no oh disaster struck what happened everyone’s

Leaving I thought you said they’re having a good time who’s this other guy also some other guy showed up I feel like you’re describing a party rather than a Minecraft situation but I don’t I didn’t bring him there likely story let’s see uh like people are just coming out of nowhere into to

Find beds here I guess they’re probably like hey what’s going on um if I break this block okay I got to remove their old jobs though how do you do that by breaking the job thing there’s a job thing oh they came cuz there’s a bed yeah but it’s still

Kind of weird that they just randomly show up though um oh thank God okay it didn’t it it’s all good okay okay and then we get set right buddy right there okay there you go wow nice all right so what’s your next scheme going to be no no scheme I’m

Actually doing something really nice for the house or for not the house but like if you come back to the skeleton spawner I did something real nice what did you do I made a little uh hot thingy it looks super nice sorry Mason if that’s your real

Name that’s his job isn’t it not anymore oh rip we go and then T need more boats and then we can have like a singular window I think over here oh yeah I guess I can just steal their beds I didn’t really think about that oh yeah cuz they’re not even living

There anymore no they’re getting kicked out rip this is I’m slowly I’m slowly taking over The Village oh sh oh I see that’s kind of messed up that we’re B basically building a village right next to the original Village and then being like you have to serve us now you

Know like they were there first no they like it they like it I don’t think so they you said they literally left they’re not smart enough to know now you’re just being dis landord yeah I’m their landlord I guess oh you’re creating a Thom a what a Thom what is that a thief

Like they’re Thief f e f I think they’re like the your servants thiefs yeah right I think right Thief correct me I’ve never heard that word before oh really you haven’t played enough games Gino yeah probably I haven’t I haven’t played a lot of games that’s where I get all my knowledge

From that’s where I learned all my French from games you say oh your French mhm which game uh Nancy true how could they not like this set up there’s a cat here well because maybe a cat is not enough the cat is absolutely enough I don’t think so dude trust me

Nice actually I like the look of this place quite a bit oh yes nice nice can I make yes I can make yes yes so for the Skeleton thing to spawn you have to be near the spawner or else they don’t spawn right yeah correct

Yeah uhuh I see I see okay yeah it’s kind of unfortunate with spawners like they’re not I don’t know it it’s good for oh it’s good for getting ah I all right cat you sound like you’re really struggling with cat well it it’s tell it’s following me

Around oh okay that’s a good thing isn’t it um yeah it’s good for it’s not the best XP farm but it’s decent for just getting like bones and stuff it’s good in the early game at least I see okay if you ever come back to the skeleton spawner you’ll be

Amazed I’m not sure if I will be no for real chat actually was saying like oh damn your success rate on me being amazed is not super high at this point well this is the turning point I guarantee I guarantee it I can’t believe that thing is going

To be in the sky like forever now no not forever you’re going to take it down what’s more likely you take down that entire Bridge or or um you remove the signs around my house um I remove the signs yeah which is never going to happen probably it’ll happen have Fai

How do you make lanterns again you needed iron right uh I think it was like the iron nuggets you need right okay okay me what am I getting pushed by Lantern iron nuggets and a torch okay perfect and then get how how does one get iron nuggets iron ingot and the crafting table got it okay um I’ll be back oh oh they’re they’re doing it they’re they’re they’re they’re walking but why I didn’t give them any

Food they were doing oh no I guess he just got the drop never mind but that’s still doing something are they are they walking are they what are they walking no not yet as soon as I give them as soon as I make them full then they will

A a villager that ain’t fuing ain’t no you got to feed him first like you got to take him out to dinner first and then I see I see understood yeah makes sense okay any respectable person would agree no I agree I agree a th%

Agree next no next thing you got to do is make a nether portal to my house instead no like that’s the next step because you’ve done it in the sky mhm you’ve done it underground yes but I’m not that smart to figure out how I could do that so now the next

Logical thing is through the nether of course if only I had the skills to pay the bills don’t look too good no it’s easy just one all you need to know is that one block in the nether is eight in the Overworld so simply one block in nether

Is eight in the Overworld I think it’s eight yeah so simply just do that mhm and then you will be able to make a portal straight to my basement straight into the jail cell that’ll make for you okay and uh you can live there just with the all the other

Villagers uh what if I don’t want to live in the jail cell what if I don’t want to live in the jail cell well you don’t have a choice what why I could say nay I say n you know I don’t want to live in the jail

Cell well uh one you shouldn’t have you shouldn’t have done all those actions then what what actions one Two one are you going to sleep or wait what are you counting huh what are you counting uh blocks yeah I’ll go to bed CH you didn’t like break the skeleton spawner or something no no no I’m not I’m not near it well then what are you doing I was building around

It you should come see you should come see um come see eventually I can come seea it looks so good maybe oh boy the doubt the Doubt’s creeping in it’s more of like I started building first ask questions later so I’m like oh this does not exactly look how I wanted it to

But what should I enchant next I need more Spruce helmet are you just enchanting right now well I’m constructing the Villager place but I have I’m level 31 so I might as well level 31 got to slow down I’m I’m only level 11 well yeah you can just Farm oh but I

Was I was building okay there we go maybe this is enough wood oh I just realized I’m going to need chair stairs damn sag such noises did I reset the enchantment okay okay and then we go one two 3 it’s so funny that you thought I wouldn’t be able to see that well

Because I thought if it’s high enough that’s actually insane like when you come back from the spawner uhhuh look from my house what I see I mean I kind have saw as I was which is why you know at some point I was just like crap I think he’s going to

See it just is not going to work out so I was like crap crap crap it was s s days potatoes sag days okay this is a good start this a good start to the spawner um but yeah it’s freaking awesome uh it

Is seven though for me so I got to I got to go okay sadly but we me some good progress today though I guess yeah as in like you did a lot but okay I promise I swear next time I will not build stupid Bridges stupid tunnels I swear I won’t

Do it and I’ll actually build my house actually before building the house I’m like trying to build the skeleton spawner nicely um I’ll do that and I promise it’ll look so much better next time well okay sure yeah I promise promise proba an area that has to look

Good but well well it will it will okay sure it will guarantee surely it will it will it will okay then are you staying on or are you heading off um I’ll probably end I think oh yeah you’re not going to play more what does that mean you’re not

Going to play more and be like so this is where my griefing session begins well I might then if now that you said that you gave me an idea and no go toed TR it’s GNA be do know you got to go to bed you got to sleep

Bedtime yeah you’re right I guess sure yeah bed time bedtime oh okay then uh let’s play some more next week oh yeah sounds good hell yeah all right have a good night Gino all right see you bye all right all right so tomorrow is an earlier stream uh as you saw in the

Schedule we’re going to start at 1: p.m. PST also I realized we hit the subscriber like goal so yay um we’ll pull it tomorrow but tomorrow we’ll be playing po world with Hau and I think Alchemy will be joining as well so um yeah that’ll happen and we’ll continue

More Minecraft next week um no no twitch Clips I think we’re just going to be playing power world all day um and then on Thursday will be Ballers gate with llama and then Friday will be oy cake so and your cosplay yes I will be cosplaying as your but because tomorrow

We’re going to go from 1: to 5: so we’re ending 2 hours earlier as well um but yeah thank you all so so much for joining it was a super fun time as always I feel so bad though cuz I feel like I’m not contributing at all except being a

Menace but next time I’ll be of utmost help if I can but yeah let’s go raid you said Irene’s on I definitely want to raid Irene slash raid bubbly corn awesome awesome awesome awesome uh thank you guys again so so much it was super fun today and tomorrow will be

Even more times of fun but I hope you have an amazing rest of your Tuesday and I’ll see you guys next time bye-bye Everyone

This video, titled ‘[02/06/24] MOMMA MIA its MINECRAFT! w/ Fren @ginomachino’, was uploaded by PotasticP VODs on 2024-02-10 21:50:34. It has garnered 286 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:05:21 or 14721 seconds.

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  • Back in the Day: Storytime

    Back in the Day: Storytime The Exciting World of Minecraft: A New Player’s Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey into the blocky universe of Minecraft with a new player, Anshu_gaming559. Join in as they explore the vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and face challenges in this popular sandbox game. First Steps into Minecraft With a sense of excitement and curiosity, Anshu_gaming559 delves into the world of Minecraft for the first time. Armed with creativity and a desire for adventure, they set out to discover the endless possibilities that await in this virtual realm. Exploring the Unknown From lush forests to towering mountains, Anshu_gaming559 navigates… Read More

  • Transform Into a Paladin: Minecraft RPG #1

    Transform Into a Paladin: Minecraft RPG #1Video Information This video, titled ‘A quest to BECOMING a paladin…Minecraft RPG #1’, was uploaded by Sqannky Duck on 2024-06-04 09:06:35. It has garnered 657 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:50 or 1550 seconds. Socials linked below: https://linktr.ee/sqannky ^ dont forget to check out gamer supps ^ join my cord: https://discord.gg/KKcTjv27ck All links in my link tree are yours to explore! I’ll be posting more often in Instagram and trying to post on Twitter Second channel: ​⁠​⁠@SquankyDuck Mod pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ciscos-adventure-rpg-ultimate Mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/slender-the-haunted-forest https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/siren-head-the-arrival gonna start branching out into other minecraft mods/mod packs like rlcraft and… Read More

  • Herobrine SMP Bay Gameplay | HC GG Gaming

    Herobrine SMP Bay Gameplay | HC GG GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘herobrine SMP Bay#herobrine #minecraft’, was uploaded by HC GG gaming on 2024-02-17 11:38:41. It has garnered 2600 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. herobrine SMP Bay#herobrine #minecraft @TechnoGamerzOfficial @AndreoBee @AnshuBisht @imbixu @ChapatiHindustaniGamer @YesSmartyPie @TotalGaming093 your Queries:- minecraft herobrine smp, minecraft herobrine smp fight, what is minecraft herobrine smp, minecraft herobrine smp youtubers, hero prime smp minecraft, minecraft herobrine smp pvp, herobrine smp fight day, what happened with herobrine smp, minecraft herobrine smp stream, minecraft herobrine smp code, minecraft in herobrine smp, minecraft hero brand smp, herobrine assembly new… Read More

  • Secrets Exposed in Minecraft Fun Police Series 26! Subscribe Now #animation #minecraft

    Secrets Exposed in Minecraft Fun Police Series 26! Subscribe Now #animation #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fun Police Series 26 Don’t forget to register on the channel #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft1 on 2024-06-01 06:50:28. It has garnered 1413 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Adventure in Minecraft 1.20 + Terralith! HardCorn Pt5

    Ultimate Adventure in Minecraft 1.20 + Terralith! HardCorn Pt5Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring the South Pt5 in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 + Terralith | HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2 -Ep61’, was uploaded by BCowcorn on 2024-05-13 16:47:55. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:44 or 5444 seconds. HardCorn!: Terralith Series 2 – Episode 61 – Playing Hardcore Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales Update (world started in 1.19) with Terralith 2.4 Data Pack. It’s my second hardcore Minecraft world with the Terralith terrain generation datapack, this time with the Structory datapack as well for added structures scattered around the world. I’ll be… Read More

  • “Make Easy Money on Donut SMP! Join Now!” #clickbait #minecraft #gaming

    "Make Easy Money on Donut SMP! Join Now!" #clickbait #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best way to make money on the Donut SMP DonutSMP.Net #gaming #donutsmp #minecraft #server #pvp #fun’, was uploaded by skittlez on 2024-01-11 07:21:13. It has garnered 1976 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. yes donut smp money making method Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Minigames with ZookZ LIVE!

    Insane Minecraft Minigames with ZookZ LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live |Hive Minigames|’, was uploaded by ZookZ on 2024-05-28 12:30:04. It has garnered 91 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:14 or 7574 seconds. Would you like to join the staff for recordings? if so press the link below! Application Forms For Recording: https://forms.gle/zwaoK5TssqR7CG8g8 Public Discord For Zookz: https://discord.gg/d29Se4U2rD InterLifeSMP Discord Server: https://discord.gg/kjN8CaraWT #minecraft #minecraftlive #hiveminigames #gaming #zookzyt Read More

  • Minecraft Chaos-Cars Duel: Boys vs Girls! ⚔️

    Minecraft Chaos-Cars Duel: Boys vs Girls! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘👦 Boys 🆚 Girls 👧 | Minecraft 💎’, was uploaded by Chaos-Cars on 2024-05-08 20:00:01. It has garnered 1934525 views and 23011 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE! Learn to Create Auto Chicken Farm – BADGER

    INSANE! Learn to Create Auto Chicken Farm - BADGERVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO FAZER UMA FARM DE FRANGO AUTOMÁTICA (Minecraft 1.21 Tutorial -TEXUGO)’, was uploaded by TEXUGO on 2024-05-31 22:00:16. It has garnered 158 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Have more ideas for tutorials? Comment there! Welcome to the BADGER channel, where I record Minecraft and Pokémon videos all day long! Follow me on Instagram to keep up with my Mine and Pokémon Memes! Instagram: texugo.png Want to be my friend on Pokémon go? just use my code! 5826 8311 8316 Pokémon videos every day at noon and… Read More

  • Shocking! Mickey Joe’s Wild Barely Default Rap

    Shocking! Mickey Joe's Wild Barely Default RapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Barely Default Rap 🎤🎶 (Pigstep Electro Swing Remix Parody Minecraft Song)’, was uploaded by Mickey Joe on 2024-06-06 02:40:03. It has garnered 377 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. Minecraft resource pack rap using a remix of Pigstep Your daily dose of cringe. I listen to too much Eminem. I don’t know what to say, but here it is. enjoy(?) Like the video, & subscribe to the channel to help me achieve my YT dreams 💙 The beat is a remix of Lena Raine’s Pigstep, by the… Read More

  • SkrubShack

    SkrubShackWelcome to the SkrubShack! This is an all new OPFactions server. If you are looking for a OpFactions experience on a smaller scale, we are the server for you! Come join the new community and work your way up the ranks! Read More

  • V For Vanilla – Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information Server IP: VForV.net Server Discord: Join our Discord Version: Java 1.20.4 V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021. We offer a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience with minimal admin intervention. Our goal is to provide a fair and authentic vanilla experience without game-changing plugins or commands. Join our small international community for a true vanilla experience. Server Details World Border At 30M No Map Resets Random, unprotected spawn area No TPA or Sethome Griefing & Killing Allowed No Duping (Exception for TNT bombers) Chat isn’t strictly moderated Dedicated server hosted in… Read More

  • Death Follows | Official Server

    Death Follows | Official ServerDeath Follows is a modded Zombie Apocalypse server. There is an active community along with frequent updates! Play on the server or just get the modpack to play with your friends! There is a mostly Anarchy playtype for the server aside from a few specific rules. Designated CFZ (Cease Fire Zones) are to remain PVP free. There are hardly any spots and youd have to go out of your way to break that. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft X Netflix collab spicy!

    The new Minecraft x Netflix collaboration is so good, the Ender Dragon is demanding royalties for its cameo appearance. Read More

  • Minecraft: Drip Stone Drama [🔥😂]

    Minecraft: Drip Stone Drama [🔥😂] "Drip stone in Minecraft: exists Logic: confused screaming Who knew a simple rock could break the laws of physics in a virtual world?" 😂 #minecraftlogic Read More

  • Surviving the World’s Biggest Minecraft Creeper

    Surviving the World's Biggest Minecraft Creeper The World of Minecraft: Surviving the Biggest Creeper Exploring the vast and pixelated world of Minecraft can be both thrilling and challenging. In a recent video titled “I Survived Worlds Biggest Minecraft creeper,” players were taken on an adventure like no other. Let’s delve into the exciting details of this epic Minecraft journey. Survival Skills Tested The video showcased a player facing off against the biggest Minecraft creeper ever encountered. With its towering size and explosive power, the creeper posed a significant threat. The player’s survival skills were put to the test as they navigated through the blocky terrain,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! You won’t believe what Minecraft mods I’m avoiding in my modpack #dejatwo

    UNBELIEVABLE! You won't believe what Minecraft mods I'm avoiding in my modpack #dejatwoVideo Information This video, titled ‘I WILL NOT use these Minecraft mods in my modpack #dejatwo’, was uploaded by DejaTwo on 2024-06-02 02:25:31. It has garnered 428560 views and 65523 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving the Deadly Wasteland in Minecraft

    Surviving the Deadly Wasteland in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the Steve Dweller in a Deadly Wasteland in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-21 16:19:23. It has garnered 148046 views and 6484 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:30 or 1830 seconds. Hardcore Minecraft in a haunted wasteland. This is my hardest and scariest challenge yet as the Steve dweller or mimic dweller is set loose in this hardcore survival world. Herobrine is also scaring me 24/7. Dangerous mobs roam the land while no passive mobs, no wildlife no vegetation spawn in any way. Can I make it out alive? After previously… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Logic Water Bucket Trick 🤯 #Viral

    INSANE Minecraft Logic Water Bucket Trick 🤯 #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic with water bucket#minecraft #logic #browsefeatures #viralshort’, was uploaded by Ysa gamer on 2024-05-06 14:31:45. It has garnered 511 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate PvZ battle in luxury village | SNOW Minecraft Survival Walkthrough

    Ultimate PvZ battle in luxury village | SNOW Minecraft Survival WalkthroughVideo Information This video, titled ‘SNOW minecraft Surviving in luxury village in b.e | Minecraft Survival Walkthrough (mobile gameplay)’, was uploaded by The battle of pvz on 2024-04-17 00:00:14. It has garnered 61 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. SNOW minecraft Surviving in luxury village in beta edition | Minecraft Survival Walkthrough (mobile gameplay) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on… Read More

  • Minecraft Pirate steals Hyrule’s Bread!

    Minecraft Pirate steals Hyrule's Bread!Video Information This video, titled ‘plundering Hyrule but it’s in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by The Bread Pirate on 2024-03-09 21:06:46. It has garnered 3483 views and 192 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:53 or 11273 seconds. “Smooth seas never made a skilled pirate,” so today we are pillaging the coast of Hyrule for all its booty! 👑💰💀 💭 QUESTIONS Q: What game is this? What server? A: 🎯 Minecraft! We are playing on a map of Hyrule created by @Grazzyy and his team. Q: Can I join the server? A: 🤫 Not yet! But someday Grazzy will make… Read More