EPIC Minecraft and Valorant VODs!!! 😱

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My how do I unclaim a uh allow all players claim ability am I clicking it oh mine is just [ __ ] even okay so when I right click Ryan’s it works but when I right click mine it doesn’t work right click what is that God the CH it

Says open your hello left click the three people I public yeah it says public for me too how do I turn off settings you guys figure it out me keep farming wait I have Auto jump off but it still makes me auto jump it could be

Your boots it could also be your it’s definitely the boots it’s the boots a boot barl thank you so much for 46 months welcome back thank you Moon thank you so for 40 months in a row welcome back oh is it is it is it broken now for

Janet as well oh I have more if you made a party click those settings as well okay I take it back the ancient City’s 4,000 blocks away oh okay good thing we didn’t come to you yeah I would wouldn’t recommend it yeah it’s a Explorer Compass are you guys looking for netherite right

Now I am wait Eva is your thing even fully Enchanted like your diamond stuff what do you mean Diamond like your diamond gear like your diamond pickaxe your diamond everything more uh I’m not using Diamond I’m only using diamond pickaxe Eva you need Diamond gear to upgrade into

Netherite oh like you shouldn’t even be looking for netherite you can’t even like you need a you need fully enchanted diamond gear to upgrade into netherite otherwise it gets too expensive and you’ll never be able to enchant your enchant your netherite gear yeah I wouldn’t recommend doing that in that

Order I no you need full diamond gear of everything and fully Enchanted I’m going to remake the party yeah yeah yeah I think that’s probably a good decision noidea yeah because um the way you upgrade into netherite Eva is you take your diamond gear and you put on a

Netherite Ingot on it oh and you want the enchants already on there because when you put enchants on netherite stuff it becomes really expensive and it costs a lot more levels W You’re So Pro no it’s because I literally just did this on on vanilla Minecraft oh and that’s

What everyone told me and I was like oh thank you but yes I just went through this so I know I was like saying I was going to say I was like Evena did not play as much as Ryan how is she already farming for ancient

Debris um she’s not she not that far behind how can we look at our playtime I feel like I did play more than Ryan or equivalent way I don’t know how to remake it oh did promoting fix it nope I don’t know how to leave oh where is our admin is

It I see It yeah and then you scroll all the way to the bottom settings invite players manage allies yeah how do you leave is it a command maybe it’s like leave party yeah I tried leave part ad is asking what we need to do like what is said basically Janet’s

Party thing is bugged even if we are in her party we can’t interact with anything okay and also I’m trying to fix it by leaving my party but I don’t know how to leave my party and furthermore I sent a screenshot of all the settings in Discord okay furthermore ma thank you so

For 30 months in a row welcome thank you Vulpix Vulpix thank you so much for 27 months welcome back chin thank you so for 28 2 months how do you see that 4.6 hours uh mine says time played 58 days what the flip as in like half a

Day no it’s going by Minecraft days how long is a Minecraft day again 20 20 minutes mhm yeah 20 minutes I think it’s 10 minutes or 20 minutes so multiply 58 with 20 oh G so smart everyone’s so smart everyone but me no anyways Ryan what’s yours how do you

See it uh press Escape go to statistics scroll all the way bottom and it says time played 58 or dat happened to my shaders zero you’re you’re seven mhm oh yeah we’re not that far behind from each other well EV but the way he plays Minecraft and the way you played

Minecraft is very different that’s true I didn’t have this chunk block till now till today chunk block the chunk grid thing guys where is my shaders thing true oh my God kicked me I’m sorry where the heck is my shaders gone yeah are your shaders Ally anymore

Oh my God we’re going to fight you guys want to make a faction try now yes I’ll try now nope still doesn’t work it must be something with yeah don’t worry I don’t think it’s on your end I think it’s got to be something with like the party

Setting and having it changed is it cuz your name is different than x choco bars it should be RZ bars but I I I think it’s just the party name became that way I but I don’t know fine legit yesterday so I’m confused join try now I unclaimed

Everything can you reinvite us no no she unclaimed it you can interact with it yeah I can I can interact with it now but I do think this should oh maybe try reclaim actually once I’m in your party I’m lagging I think that’s the first time I

Should I recreate the party yeah try recreating the party yeah maybe you had to claim it in the party well it doesn’t make sense because it worked when I was with her that’s also true so I do think it must be something else just don’t know what yeah it works

Now okay wait but I haven’t claimed it yet oh right uh okay okay Moment of Truth it works oh okay I pray to God that never happens again yeah cool cool cool guys the shaders is supposed to be in settings and video settings right yeah shaders on the top

Left press K and oh oh top right I see it oh wait is this what it looked like huh kind of want to get different shaders for this but maybe it would mess up the game okay uh okay I can start putting my stuff away now

Then the Creator come see your um your guys’ chat too mhm mhm did they tell you the story of how this was made no no no they said they made it for their that’s so cute and that’s adorable so cute okay but question how is this stard new Valley

The farming but isn’t that just Minecraft 10 for seven months in a row I’ll come back thank you we’re trying to figure out maybe we’re missing something Also can we sleep I hate winter put this [ __ ] to bed please okay oh my God more yes thank God I had them add the what’s it called the change the majority of people needing to sleep cuz I haven’t slept in so long oh thank God yeah I love that feature

Yeah I was like uh ain’t no way we’re going to get everyone there’s no way we could can beat the warden though fi enter the oh um it sounds like a scary place oh I’m in some type of battle field oh it’s a bunch of weather Withers oh that’s good then you can

Probably spawn the the big guy with there later wait I just want debr I don’t care about weathers okay what are we waiting for S oh no I I was sorry I was talking to myself oh I like it continue you want me to continue talking to myself yeah I’m jealous of

People who can who can talk to themselves even though I do it I just read everything out loud mhm okay right are you there yet no almost why it was 4,000 blocks you know how far that is nope but I did you got not get your wings yet

Wings no we didn’t go to the end did did you no of course not I don’t even have [ __ ] diamond armor I see I thought I could skip diamond armor but makes sense not to yeah you cannot skip you at least with the vanilla stuff you can’t skip things like

That I was also going to say like is your pickaxe like fully Enchanted yeah it’s got Unbreaking three efficiency five five Fortune 2 mending oh you just need to put fortune 3 and you’re good I know is three the highest uh in vanilla yeah a

To yeah I don’t know if TOS exist in this one but I don’t know either also I have I wanted to give you a trinket earlier Ryan but I forgot to oh I have the fuse we got it last night oh does anyone else want it then it’s a really good one

I’m down I don’t have one it just makes your attack speed a lot faster like 40% scatter emo oh% attack speed it is cute oh no I love sworting sorting is great but it turns my brain to Mush but in a good oh co so Ryan wants to fight the warden but

We’re just all going to get one tapped by the warden no he wants to steal [ __ ] from the warden yeah oh I’m not trying to fight it oh I don’t think I can honestly where did my copper go I did like that they make copper important in

This they did huh they made use of it when normally has no use MH oh that’s what I wanted to do oh did we end up getting Janet has red dye yes she does I do yes you do Huh bird house I wanted to YouTube oh yeah I also have silk touch if anyone needs w got to say that it’s a diamond pickaxe though what the hell oh you can’t just turn it red I had to have crafted it red lame hello Al oh but it would be so much cuter

Red I [ __ ] love dude I love sorting why don’t you want to come over to my house and not no it’s different it’s different it’s different pause does anyone know how you remove your set home yeah you just set another home it didn’t let me they said I had two

Many and I only have yours oh oh okay so I need glow stone from the nether I’m in the nether if you want to if I want to I don’t know you want to if I want to I know where I’m at you have to cheat though I need clay

As well what what do you mean I need to cheat um sltp oh Ryan found it you did it he found the ancient city right on left dang It gas thingy keeps crying it’s so annoying okay I now have 40 almost done I can always be op oh man Janet’s entire Farm is gone gone I hate this wait that’s so messed up this weather Suckss Del little pet birds are so Bering wait was Rhinestone is call Ryan he’s in trouble do we TPT now we can TP to him dud you would go TP to him and be like hey what’s up wait how would we TP to him s TPA is abled why why not I mean if we we haven’t been using it only once I’m saying it’s possible

Uh F I have likey that isn’t SL TP kind of broken yeah it is that’s like the thing no one uses it yeah because it’s not very um you might as well play in creative mode at that point well I’m ready to walk with at to

Him yes whenever you guys are I will be there as soon as Janet dung sorting oh is it cuz you’re waiting for me yes oh I see what the [ __ ] do I do with warped Roots ug ug she says oh H raw rabbit raw salmon uh slice of strawberry

Cake guys how do we get more food um you want some cherries I’ve got like 200 cherries how do you have 200 cherries I cut a lot of trees yesterday chries don’t really feed your health bar right yeah but you can like Juice It Up I have like a bunch of stacks of

Steak and stuff steak I would love some steak R by New York RP what not that steak Eva loves steak I would also love steak Seline loves steak too I do go to sleep Jan Jan like lamb oh me too Jen go sleep can Jen sleep thank you Seline can diey bed pink

Oh we can dye our bed pink you guys don’t like the white beds I made you guys I like white thank you my bad holy moly I have 42 levels what if I die you get it back I think I think so right J get what back you get

Um Love levels back when you die yeah all of it actually it’s kind of all of it mhm that’s what’s broken that’s why I would know okay anyways think it’s funny don’t hilarious okay I have 42 ancient debris how many more can I find before we had to go to RS one

Stack wait you’re oh you’re just like preemptively mining the ancient debris yeah I’m like just I’m just too far like if he told me like maybe like four hours ago I’ll be like okay fine I’ll M for diamond right also I have 30 diamonds at home so like oh that’s good it’s just

Going to take you a lot of levels but yeah that’s I’m level 47 that’s good well that has diminishing returns oh what does that mean like because you went beyond level 30 your level like your 12 levels Beyond 30 is a lot more exp than like were you to level

1 to 30 oh I see so you’re just wasting a lot of exp a but that’s okay it’s not like you’re level 100 I’m not I don’t think I ever will be I also used a lot of my levels too to make this pickaxe and the silk touch pickaxe and my armor too

How the heck do these shutters work are you making blinds oh you know you guys can get blinds for the homes right oh God Janna my things exploded sugar cane in here where should I put the Flora what that like the flowers and stuff oh at the top there’s like a

There’s like a d button actually would it be better if I just made it a flower looking thing let me put it as this okay flowers and flowers and dye at the top okay um um what about like saplings saplings seeds Okay I wonder if I should make like another chest for

Saplings up to you fine up to me my worst nightm oh I’m going to loot your stuff here and oh yes it exploded marble she’s back sometimes she’ll just like wake up and be like I want to be cuddled then I just have to hold her

Forever as she just Pur nonstop my God was so clutch the [ __ ] oh my God there’s so much to sort wow your favorite wow wacky thank you so much for 32 months welcome back and thank you be thank you so for 29 months welcome back more chests is this what exploded I really

Want to play the other mod pack now Pixelmon no no no not Pixelmon Holy Grail yeah Holy Grail with the 400 plus Quest RPG there’s that many yeah oh my yeah I figure I figure if Holy Grail went more like farming route they probably put in like quests

That like kind of lead you to like actually farming per Seasons all right we quitting what you should thank you for 31 months welcome back thank you mad killer thank you 20 months in a row on the server I guess we could quit it’s fine wait you’re in the ancient city

Ryan yeah he’s stened oh my God he’s been in there I think he’s just like discovering stuff what the flip not a single sweat oh oh something you’re so immersed I can’t play Minecraft cuz Marble’s in my arms I see I need a yeah one of those like

Um the the uh what are they called it’s like a bag but it’s not a sling oh yes thank you oh my God I need like a sling that marble can just sit in and then I can just have her against me without using my arms you know what I’m going to

Buy a baby sling marble that that’s what you are a baby she is a baby when she wakes Wes up and she doesn’t see me she goes oh my God and then I have to call her over and be like marble I’m right here and she just comes crying to

Me yes I’m talking about you I woke her up olly does that I don’t know why maybe it’s like the youngest kind of thing oh you’re so nice for not calling marble stupid for it oh big they’re like babies you know like Allie of marble are so young

True um Janet do you see this by any chance um let me stuff my face um yeah what is that I can’t get rid of it oh it’s gone wow you’re genius did I ever tell you that quite a lot but not enough at the same time this

Girl get an Apple no every time I pick up seline’s loot to Move It I get a freaking achievement achievement hey that’s a good thing though why does this Moss not look like moss it looks dead what happened to it oh it just looks dead in my hands if I were bone

Meal you would be with the seeds oh I would be with the seeds noted does that is that intuitive I want it to be intuitive for you too so if any anything is like not let me know it’s intuitive I just need to learn well if there is anything that’s not okay let’s

See what else is somewhere where it shouldn’t to be the flowering AA what these shaders look so ugly it’s just Brown yeah it’s just Brown and the Moss carpet is also Brown just why if I could be any animal real or not you know what I feel like I’m doing right

Now oh I’m having so much I’m like playing slots in Vegas or something like it’s so fun how like does that like in what way it’s like you’re gambling no like you have no like what are you doing right now that makes it feel that way so like

Like usually like you’re like oh I almost hit jackpot one more try right no like what are you doing in game oh I’m farming NE the ancient debris still Oh I thought you were you would really love looking for mending then you looked for mending mhm you didn’t like do Janet’s method what’s

Janet’s method like breed and just keep changing them I think that’s what he means by looking like he placed it okay okay placed it over and over like over like okay okay okay okay okay okay okay yeah that’s what okay I thought you went like searching for a villager oh no no

And I was like what that’s even crazier yeah that would have been crazy also do we have bamboo probably not huh like not me no how can I look at all the flooring # floor nope I want to look at all the flooring possible tiles nope what should I search floor nope ground

Nope pattern nope oh there are cute furniture furniture yeah now I want to look for mday we already found mending so I have to wait for next server to do that what like I want to I want to roll for mending now oh you don’t want to do that they’re

Fine I was being sarcastic I don’t think you would actually enjoy that cherry chair Cherry chair Cherry chair Cherry chair wa I can’t make this is it not a stick oh is it because this is a twig Janet I’m going to show you the cutest thing ever look at this I like

Cute it’s a war war block I’m on it yeah you were oh yeah now you’re on it you’re like swimming in it before Oh my God I love the heart in the back yes we need this in our home okay I will start decorating once once once we’re sorted and we go on

That adventure thing and then all of that yep yes we’re going on a trip are you are you all waiting for me no I think Eva’s mining for um and then I think Go’s working on her home whenever I found like so much I can’t work on my how much did you

Find oh I’ll sleep wait you can’t work on your home because it’s winter yeah no trees are growing for wood oh my God Ryan yeah Ryan you Elsa Our Town what what do you mean you Elsa our town and now we can’t grow anything Oh you mean like it being winter

Yes oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that that happens with time you know maybe it’s good that I didn’t play too much I wouldn’t want to be blamed getting Elsa to everyone I’m in this really under everyone’s house can this handle like other shaders I kind of want to try different shaders

Would that destroy the Pokemon I I wonder if they would look funny I don’t think I would change the Pokemon thank for n months in affecting the files that are like the general whatever okay I’m changing my shaders then cuz I have shaders I really like and I don’t like these too much

Oh um and then I open this and then I I go to my settings and video settings Shader packs I’m open shaders pack folder drop that folder in exit out of everything let’s see if this works apply oh it’s so bright I got so used to the soft tone is this too pigmented

Now my eyes got so used to the soft colors um ptty thank you so much for 28 months and welcome back thank you anide thank you so much for six months in a row welcome back thank you oh it doesn’t really change what oh wait no it doesn’t

Change guys I’m so sad I saw colors of things huh it only Chang then I saw like a bunch of chests to loot and instead of like catching the Gyarados first I went to loot first and then the Gyarados swam away that’s okay I feel like getting

Gyarados is yeah is pretty easy just catch a magic carb give it an exp share and isn’t it only level 20 oh really yeah that’s pretty easy catch a magic cartp get him Pokemon I thought uh Gyarados was like pseudo legendary but I guess it’s not

It’s just really strong um maybe in the first one 150 gen or 151 or however many I don’t know I’m only on maybe maybe up to J Gen 2 yeah yeah I would say Gyarados is oh I think it got it’s got like a Mega Evolution now though now

Right oh yeah it does have a Mega Evolution now yeah I dra Gyarados is pretty common I wouldn’t call it like pseudo legendary okay holy mon of creepers yeah one thing I could do without are the creepers I’m surrounded by three of them in this cave Do Okay when I go Adventure I’m going to bring some shears try to bring back some flora and then and then make Windows get some sand for Glass no rush but I’m still ready to go on this adventure whenever I’m pretty much ready now come home I’ll be done by the time you’re home well I’m just going to type slome oh oh I see yeah I’m cheating self aware Ryan do you know if

We can equip our backpack um yeah oh Happ hit you you you open it and then press the button on the bottom left or on the left side and it auto equips I open it and I B ride ride I was looking at my right side guys bottom left cool thank

You oh I want a glass blower bench how do you make stained glass stained glass oh I feel like if we summon our Pokémon near the glass the funny guy it might making mad the warden if we summoned to what uh cuz Evo is like oh we can make

The our Pokemon fight the warden I feel like if we do he’ll get so mad at us I think I think if we try to fight the warden we will all just simply die simply y we would just die I’m pretty sure oh my God are you okay creeper fell on my head

Oh the way you fell on Janet you would bring that it was it was crazy it was wasn’t it it was all right I’m ready we’re all sorted I’m going to go try to get fortune 3 on my pickaxe dude I’m not even level 30 I got it from beating up all that

Beff Barrel booty Janet is this ash to symbolize like monster drops or like drops in general okay okay you can replace the symbol though no no no no I just I’m just asking hey Ryan huh what’s up can I take some books yeah you may sick did I made this entire

House so I can make a kitchen and I haven’t made the kitchen yet I have quartz to help sure bless You all right I used the book thanks dooug d o WG d o w g d o w g what you mean wait holy moly I found a [ __ ] ton of books uh I got a feather falling for oh nice yeah you know that’s pretty lit they me

TI I haven’t found any debris in a while maybe I should go home debr I’m about to find one see guys it’s like slots it’s really like slots jpot and most gamblers just stop playing before they about to win big oh you have sunk and lost

Fallacy what the heck is sunk and lost fallacy sunk cost fallacy [Laughter] lost I can’t sunken lost a fallacy and debris sight Eva and I are one of a [Laughter] car I’m still confused laughing so far no seriously why how I get on that joke no it’s okay

Okay the joke is funnier theel you understand [Laughter] Eva God I’m so fast s always has a fun time when even I in the same room so close dude oh my god when me Eva and St oh my God Steve dude I can’t it is I think you I think

We need our own show probably the funny thing is like it would be sitcom but I think it’s just a it’s like real though like it’s not it’s not a it’s not what’s it called like a I can’t even the word scripted it won’t be scripted oh it’s definitely not scripted

I guess I’ll have Janet mine everything considering I’ve got like nothing my pickaxe never break this game is so broken with mending yesterday my pickaxe kept breaking and breaking and breaking don’t tell me you’re breaking your diamond pickaxe yeah I was thank God I found a lot of diamond

Before this oh my God Eva that like hurts my soul well now I know how to play Minecraft uhuh no wonder Ryan was trying to like find a like Enchanted whatever for so long oh that hurts my soul oh my God there’s too much loot in here I don’t have enough hands not

Enough hands yeah when is my duck evolved I don’t like how it looks like anyone isn’t it fully evolved final evolution wait really yeah oh [ __ ] I think your duck is fully evolved it looks fully evolved to me oh man why do I keep leveling it

Then well you can breed it with your ditto and just make a new baby duck no no no no I we didn’t add breeding to this one unless you guys want it then we have to add it it’s probably I mean breeding is kind of goes crazy so yeah it’s up to you

I know I know go would have abuse the [ __ ] out of that what I’m just getting hamsters man why am I catching a stray out of nowhere I don’t know but Eva does that yo we going or whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa freaking freak get fresh what ow

That’s right he’s supposed to be our tour guide for what where are we going Warden City oh you want to go there still it’s 4,000 blocks I guess not like I don’t know no we can go you want to go it’s but you I don’t know how we’re

Going to I can teleport there but I don’t know how to teleport you there unless if you want to use hacks I think we should cheat guys but that’s just me I almost died I so glit of death holy [ __ ] Ryan how do you get the EXP after

Giving them sticks like oh you have to it’s glitchy you have to like remove those and put it back down move uh where do I the boxes the tables okay [ __ ] it I’m going home SL home I’m so scared he’s going to get

Out um oh he won’t CU I put a plank oh oh [ __ ] you looted uh the thing I think oh one of the Fletching people oh God here we go ready uhhuh just run right behind me okay running right behind you okay can you just place it down

Though instead of it’s like right here you know it might be a little bit easier R just put it down please I think it’s funny oh my God oh my God there’s an owl if anyone wants to catch it it’s kind of cute oh there’s two owls a small owl and a big

Owl can someone go to sleep please yes um thank you give me a second you using this diamond sword you got in here or like what’s the story behind that why do you want it I don’t know saw Prett good right you can use it

You can use it you can have my old sword oh thank you so much wait is that a diamond sword J Jan yeah I’ll take it I hear things screaming above chobo yeah I’ve been slept in days I think it’s coming at oh okay okay I’m so rich in de breeze

Seline loves it when you call it de breeze I love it it’s like it’s like Febreeze combined with debris it’s debris wait what is it it’s not debris it’s debris that’s what I said debris damn she just she really just changed it to her convenience no and then the classic why

Would I say that yeah I never say that why would I even say that that’s not something I would say oh my God why is iggly Puff so stinking cute you’re coming home with me little baby oh my god did I want to I want to fill our house with pink Pokemon

Yes um no not a daddy you sound like a daddy the one to advance what’s Vans don’t worry about it rhymes of Vans thank you dinosaur oh my God I have so much oh my God this makes me so happy it was so rewarding yay yay I forgot to

Five let go wait when did you get on I think I got on on I don’t know when did I get on can me when did what time did I get on um I don’t know around 12 something nobody has nobody has glowstone dust huh NOP but I got

Quartz how crazy would it be Ryan if I bought a lot of these Fortune One books just to get fortune 3 be kind of crazy but I mean you could you’d have to do one in one and then and then like go to two and two and then like a yeah it

Costs 10 yeah it’s a little too crazy huh it’s not that bad I don’t think it’s crazy at all you’re wrong pink planks does what I have count as pink planks they’re Cherry planks you got a whole chicken coup out there if I have cherry planks does it count as pink

Plates though Eva does oh yeah I need you can take chicken if you want chicken yeah Eva give me a half my steak I have a lot you got 40 steaks 40 you you K that many Pokémon on what why would you have to say that cuz that’s

What you were doing right cuz that’s what that’s I know what Eva meant to say when she said van she’s calling me a predator what what does that mean you know there’s like umex oh Lantern yeah a white van I see it just sounded like oh hey

Little girl you look pretty good there I didn’t even say little girl love for you to come home with me that’s what it sounded like well you’re wrong what is happening dude okay oh my God Steve said the funniest see gem land where is she going

Yeah where is this is hecking pretty I have to turn the light on wait guys okay but but okay so uhhuh he’s a he was telling me how like oh my God uh when he sees kids it’s like oh my God they’re so cute right but

Because he’s a man he feels a little like inappropriate staring too long at the kids even though all he’s doing is admiring how cute they are so he was like oh yeah so when I walk by kids and I I look at them I try to do like a whole

Like face okay you guys didn’t see it but like a like a face just to like make sure that it you know not the like oh yeah like the frownie like oh cute I laugh so hard [Laughter] hearing wait a minute wait I have lanterns chest a three and not a four um

I I need it space I need it space um good uh Ryan can I can I please have um like a diamond yeah no Janet I have to show you I have to show you this it’s so pretty it’s so pretty I’m running to your homeless so

Far so I should take the I put enchantments on the diamond pickaxe yes you put all the enchantments you want everything you want on the diamond pickaxe okay what do I want I just need Fortune on it or fortune 3 I mean you want Ryan why do you have so many

Chickens wait hold on SEL I’m going to come to you oh my God these eggs look so yummy what’s up all right s look at this and tell me what Ryan can you please give that to sine what wait Ryan can I get a diamond pickax the pickaxe also

Why are you Wolverine yeah why are you Wolverine um um Ryan that pickaxe just keeps getting sucked in back to you it’s in there oh it’s in the chest which one is it I don’t I don’t see it um there’s only one pickaxe in there the diamond pickaxe that has nothing on

It this one this top left one so what do I need on this one you want well efficiency five exists right mhm you want efficiency five you can combine no EV but that says four i v is four okay five is V though I before B makes it four um yeah you want

Efficiency five and you want fortune three what about breaking breaking four then Unbreaking I don’t have Unbreaking four exist unless you get like a oh my Ryan do you have villager upgraded with mending oh what a waste oh not po no his mending is like isn’t it like a lot

Ofap what a waste that we got that diamond oh I know it is unlucky that uped can I also like we already have a cheaper version of that where is the where where the [ __ ] is why couldn’t it be Fortune here it’ll be in right here check here oh where where

You where’s the efficiency five there’s a four gu here yeah you just combine four four oh four and four four mhm yeah um do you happen to have 35 so you cut trees EV you cut trees you know what you got you got to earn it Eva you got to

Cut trees and yeah this one you can do on your own you cut trees take sticks trade sticks excuse me sticks trade sticks oh okay what do you think you said what did you think I said I thought you said something else before trade sticks you said cut trees something and then you

Said trade sticks yeah but something before that I I only said trade sticks and I said trade sticks twice oh that’s you said it twice I See that’s what I thought um this drill bur sat on the stone cutter until it died that was really oh my God like yeah you wanted this trinket right it’s really op be careful what wait what what do you mean be careful you’re going to be very powerful with it where are

You I’m at my Bas wait but you make it sound like I’m going to die no you’re powerful well everything else is why careful if I’m power wa where’s all your farm why is it so empty it’s winter oh don’t upset me what happened Janet’s already upset oh that’s what happen I

Didn’t wait that’s so [ __ ] up so day one you sent all that time for oh my God Eva man Eva’s got no chill oh man no wonder you here I hope this makes up for it you guys need any any uh Cherry saplings I have two stacks of

Them I think Seline wanted cherries do you want cherries Seline uh no no we have a lot okay I’ve got both Cherry saplings what the oh my God is that Eva no it was not me I’m playing Minecraft who was it who’s opening who’s opening Tik toks no that’s

My ringtone my grandma called that’s your ringtone yeah it’s due to hustle oh my except dog version I actually love that you have like an actual R yeah I haven’t had heard I haven’t had a ringtone in so long time why is the chain oh because it’s a slab oh

Right I see can someone go to sleep it’s scary oh that’s kind of cute I like that can you go to sleep I’m up on a mountain right now trying to prepare for spring didn’t R say summer oh he skipped spring never mind Eva can you go to

Sleep um I haven’t slept in so long I can go to sleep I can go to sleep I can go to sleep give me don’t worry if Ryan if Ryan has a I’m in the nether so it doesn’t count day 14 oh my God oh my God

You can only sleep at night guys how many days in I already slept you’re not real I already she’s trolling she’s doing it on purpose right Eva surely I just can’t see the daylight guys ouch okay wait okay I should probably disenchant these curses like why would I ever want

Curse of the Thunders R strikes the user with a thunderbolt after they hit too like let’s disenchant this it doesn’t it can’t be dis chanted are you kidding me I think curses can’t be removed correct if I’m wrong Smite let’s remove Smite Unbreaking one remove this now I can buy uh efficiency

4 think I can build my house now oh I need emeralds they restock right genan lookie it’s cute where isn’t this pretty sea gem Lantern yeah isn’t it pretty only cost it one of Ryan’s Diamonds oh nice here that’s my last diamond yeah we’ve got no diamonds

Hey man thank you so much for gifting Subs I really appreciate it thank you oh guys there’s a merchant take his llamas uh he sells a bunch of flowers and he sells lime dye green dye and a a toome oh weren’t you guys looking for a to Yes uh TOS are just higher

Enchantment yeah there’s a to right here for you Ryan sorry what do you want a to this guy this Merchant is selling it for eight emerals what what to is it uh run l r r a randomized to uh transforms text into something ruins where are you above

My house oh let me see yeah this guy his name is MIT Traer yeah the trader oh wait what is that that’s weird who what does that give acquire the to it just like what oh you can only buy it once what does that do what is that achievement transforms text into runic

Um you can’t make it either well you could it uses a lot of I want to buy I want to buy this cabbage seed oh go for it why not I have money do you need it weird Sky High thank you so much for 22 months welcome back thank you a long

Day you had a long day it’s been a long day in Minecraft yeah oh it’s been a long day glass blower crafting table bricks man everything needs clay benj can I give you all my farming stuff oh my God go you looking cute you got headphones where are you uh I’m on a

Mountain clearing stuff okay I’m going to put it in that chest outside then okay what is in that chest seeds pumpkin seeds melon seeds I beetroots I’ve got carrot oh the chest outside was my cherry plank farming and my Poké Balls and my my inventory I have totally

Forgot I left my inventory out there now it’s got seats let me move all oh man I need to make maybe I can make one oh my God a shipping bin oh no I wanted to make a shovel shovel I brought some eggs from um Ryan’s chickens perfect perfect my God we’re

Going to have a kitchen and we’re going to Cook mhm one burning like in real life no like I just burning by my house um hopefully not yeah hopefully not real life that would suck um one time in my last apartment there was like this like evacuate okay I wasn’t even streaming that day and I lived on like a 20 plus

Floor and I walked down like hella flights of stairs holding my cats and when you go down those stairs it all starts to look the same and blend a bit and your brain starts to tell you what if I just throw myself off the stairs God and that’s my story of you

Wanting to throw yourself downstairs yeah I had a lot of intrusive thoughts that night that day and it was a false alarm by the way I was the only one who have AC on my floor that’s so troll good one what do you do with this Li Tone oh here’s some more dirt Jin Jen oh thank you you guys need magma blocks too I got that here I’m going to give you quartz Mr Pickles I found a crazy cave in front of your house a cave cave system has a bunch of spider

Webs and it’s crazy looking oh yeah it probably was in there do you see torches no I I put down Tores there might be some I see nothing oh I probably went in there but you could check it out there might be some chests and stuff wait why

Are you guys making the kitchen wait I oh wait I can sh you come here Mr Pickles because the chests areed right where’s the kitchen uh it’s not made yet but it is in the process why what’s up oh there are no there are no torches or

Anything near it yeah there’s some parts that I wasn’t putting down torches it’s a really the entire area had no torches there’s a better chance than not that I probably looted that oh if it’s near to our town do you think it be C

Off if we do the FL like this for the kitchen maybe um you freaking me out I think there are better things than basic blocks with how many creative mods there are but I can look for tiles that look like that yeah I’m sure we can find flooring

That looks like that I just don’t really know how to look at the floors um what was I going to do Pok balls here Food baby I’m bringing home a lot of clay we can make like perfect oh my God where did you get clay um it was like right at our house when I was trying to move everything and then I started mining clay and there so much so much here um I’m moving the beds

Upstairs so you guys can reset your beds okay I yeah Captain I need more sticks I see why there’s there’s clay here oh that’s why I opened this one wait have I chopped down all the trees and it’s like winter still does that mean I can’t we won’t grow anymore

You have to use bone meal if you want to regrow them CH where do you keep the coins damn that is not a problem with for me then I have no idea yet is there a spare chest that do doesn’t have like a home oh yeah just make it B

Then I ain’t got a clue I have One Singular coin I hope Winter’s over soon then oh my God my birds keep like crawling up on my bed when I is that’s so cute oh I have three bir these freaking beds are adorable Seline they’re like

Plaid oh my God oh my God I’m pretty sure there’s like more we could do I like this though oh can’t even imagine something cuter why are these floors so like uprooted oh that’s Eva she came in here put that down and left um the clay where the glasses

Because for some reason that makes sense in my brain yeah that makes sense in my brain what do you do with zinc I don’t know there is a Pokemon item for zinc though but I don’t know if that’s the purpose of it should I just take all of this on got new hat

Nice oh oh my God can you make a pink plaid bed yeah probably I have one should I take the pink dye and just dye it that oh my God oh my God do you want yours pink sure oh my God Spruce fence yes

Slay oh I don’t want to pick it up and then redo it never mind oh thank God we don’t have dark oak yet huh we have the saplings oh we have four uhhuh uhhuh I PL grows slower this season I can’t that slow no yeah we don’t we do have bone meal

Why do we have to chop wood nine times in this mod pack well it’s better than climbing up yeah yeah that’s that’s actually way easier I do think it’s better to climb or better than climbing up that one that one tree of dark oak only oh it dropped me five nice

I think we’ll make a selling bin eventually I didn’t move mine to you guys by the way it’s only temporary sure I’ll upgrade the diamond what does that do you can like just sell more at once yeah just sell more at once here um oh give me a

Sec I am not putting that on that bow is so cute Eva thank you Eva gave me this what I gave you a bunch of other hats too oh my God I think you’re only showing that one huh I want to when I plant crops again

Which fence should I use for my crops cuz I want to make it look cuter but I don’t know which one’s better the right or the left the left ones yeah probably the left ones but I think the right ones would be good for like animals or

Something like a barn I think this one’s for Animals I agree oh look it’s a milk pin whatever can we milk this thing we have a bucket you have a bucket that’s really weird let me try oh my God you did what is hold on oh [ __ ] it’s all Frozen

Now Eva what is this wait wait I I need an empty water bucket [ __ ] hold on I’m put my water here wait where’s the milk oh here it is Canon you could nice you can milk it my God you like milk no I’m okay you get oh

My God let me milk more of you I don’t like this I don’t like this either wait I have a milk T can I milk my own animal oh my God what is happened happen oh my God you could wait this this mod is amazing wait

Seline can I know what these doors are for is it to go outside no I want it look like a oh I threw my great ball out there um yeah it was supposed to look like a window but then it didn’t really look like a window oh you should just have Windows and

Blinds look so type in blinds yeah I typed in blinds but the blinds weren’t that cute I mean we they’re cuter when they’re like you don’t think you don’t like the Cherry blinds I’ll try making them right now maybe they’re cuter once they’re made oh they’re like miniature look up

Insir I think you need multiple multiple ones oh where did it go just oh oh my God ch ch you have a mellow uh melon steain stemon oh that’s cute actually wait you mean you’re like you have One Singular plant on your farm oh yeah it’s not growing though oh it’s say mat

Sure yeah it it’s cuz it’s winter wait I froze the whole place that’s pretty cute Jen Jen come look huh where’ you go these blinds are cute look oh yeah oh my God oh my God good find that’s so funny wait I love this bed I know oh my God okay we

Need some contrast though a rug for sure is Eva living with us I I think so like she’s been talking like she is so man you ma’am you do have a place you know you guys want me to live in that basement no but I mean you chose

I mean I’m down for you to live with us but she like one day she was just like how about this for the kitchen Seline I was like oh sure that’s thought there is three beds guys not two um you right the third bed he didn’t move the third bed you’re

Right yeah one day Eva was just like talking about our place and I was like oh she’s living here with us back to collecting sticks um you guys need bone meal if you go to the beach beach uh and collect ski shells they turn into bone meal no

Okay the seashells turned to bone meal gy yeah they do they turn into three bone meal per se I’m LEL 51 okay Eva you should use your exp before you like gather it like that I’ll after I get Sticks what yeah how many sticks do you have oh uh I can’t tell are you talking Discord mhm he is um I have have logs so I’m going to make it into sticks right now he um what was I going to do oh nice I have 36 emeralds

Now just enough for one book okay now that I have two Ray thank you so much for six months welcome back Rudy thank you so much for eight months hex K thank you so for 31 months sky thank you so much for 22 months thank you hey om man thank you so

For giting five Subs I don’t remember if I thanked you Phoenix and K thank you welcome back 62 months and 41 months Bessie thank you 35 months Expo thank you 15 months jard thank you so much for 11 months in a row s thank you so much for 35

Months wait I didn’t say thank you to so many people anite Patty trollerina mad killer dude spoiled yosher bearus wacky I didn’t think anybody the past hour Cy can what the heck Uncle thank you so much for 47 months tin pant thank you so for 7 months math thank you so for 30

Months did did I think people I I’m so confused duck duck thank you so much for 25 months Kent thank you so much for 58 months welcome back for oh my God have any of you guys messed with the Chisel yet no but I figure

There’s like a lot to do with it you I it gave me um I I don’t know how to explain it I have 312 Cherry plank bits now and they’re just tiny little blocks oh jeez is this pickaxe G now why does it feel like Eva’s going to her teacher and she’s

Like how tiny you’re missing fortune 3 how do I get fortune 3 we only have Fortune one well you can do the method that Janet suggested okay wait what did you say give me oh that is um tiny maybe we should go the dungeon maybe I’ll find for2 in the dungeon

Um it takes forever to mine what do you need a pickaxe to do this oh I got it why is Eva sounding the horn I don’t know that’s just EV you’re so funny Eva is so funny I think we should go to the dungeon oh okay dungeon yeah me thinks

Sure oh he’s def proberbly wait did uh wait Janet brought back the clay right yes I put it in the uh glass glass yeah oh my God you brought so much clay do I just uh furnace the clay into brick Oh man see that’s where my

Knowledge kind of how do I turn this such a brick Oh you guys should buy the Kiwi sapling I want Ki Oh it is Clay but it can’t go in the blast furnace properly you can get a toilet go liked that she did youa just sounded so excited for it

I very excited Ginger flow yo anybody got Vines randomly um n have what you know our mine I feel like our mine oh uh J have Jen Jen if you have coins there’s a rare item in the store today what’s it called what is it Al alert uh umbrella it’s an

Umbrella oh I don’t know what I’m going to use an umbrella for I think it’s forc decoration yeah ban can we go to the dungon now yeah you guys want yay yeah we do okay I just realized too to go to the end in this one oh my God you can get a

Toilet that’s what I said I couldn’t make how did that happen how was that said at this like right after that’s crazy I can make it cuz we were at the same shop probably oh someone asked me a question I wasn’t here where were you pee PE poo poo on

The toilet oh no not on it above it I didn’t have to poop oh right right oh yeah cuz you’re you’re guy you take your you guys are above it as well no we’re on it yeah well you’re also above it I literally hover on top of the

Toilet okay so you’re definitely above it what do you mean oh wait really I don’t know anymore you know when you when girls go in public do you even touch the toilet uh I like to put toilet paper on it sometimes depending you’re actually sitting yeah public toilets I

Do the thing where I um I usually always put on a seat cover or use toilet paper to cover yeah I put on a se you are sitting on it though right huh cuz like I always imagined I don’t know I don’t know why maybe girls

Bathrooms are cleaner but um I would say girls bathrooms are pretty I it depends on where you are it’s pretty gross yeah no girls bathrooms are disgusting like actually like I don’t really like all over the seat and cuz that’s what oh that sounds n okay no it doesn’t go like that

Oh I I mean it does surprise me though how many people don’t flush whenever I go to public restaurants I genuinely don’t understand where that tendency comes from these days though they don’t every bathroom like Auto flushes most of them do usually Eva your home really

Confuses me like why do you have doors on top with absolutely nothing else oh I just didn’t want that in my inventory so I just put it in there this isn’t a home this is just I just didn’t want to make I didn’t want to

Make home how is this not a home it’s a house not a home you have a bed here with all your chest of th you just destroyed your bed like she just destroyed her bed because I pointed out that she had her bed here she just wants

To live with you guys yeah she does you can live with us but is not a home time yeah I want dungeon time wait EV you and I have like 17 minutes the nether 17 minutes but I want to keep playing Minecraft wait what’s 17 minutes we have

To go participate in another stream in 17 minutes oh yeah so are we not doing it then no we can do the dungeon in 17 minutes can’t we maybe we could try oh my God Janet you look really how I look you look a little

Crazy I just got a lot of things going on yeah there’s a lot of things on you eyes oh I still need to make a backpack well I’m down to go I just yeah we have to collect eyes guys or else we w we can’t go to the end it’s not like

The regular end it’s not like the regular Ed one of those eyeballs yeah we have to collect like I think we have to beat like I don’t know 16 bosses or 14 or 12 or I don’t know how many oh but you have to collect all these different eyes from different

Places in order to go to the end oh okay oh that’s pretty cool I like that way more than just fusing Ender pears it’s way harder well I’m down to go to the dungeon I accidentally turned on inventory highlighting how do I turn that off you double click the search pie

Mhm I bought a kiwi sapling so in Spring we can grow yes can you buy the toilet too no we can probably make the toilet oh we could okay I I want to buy the rare item of the umbrella I’m doing it then because it’s like a rare item oh

Are you actually chiseling oh my gosh what’s a ginger because I had so many my goodness I’m making a cat door well at least it’s going to look good you know you’re chisler after 50 years okay I’m ready for the dungeon I’m down to go to the dungeon we got 17 minutes

Only um actually now we have 15 but yes 15 minutes now Chop Chop okay there’s no way we’re finishing that in 15 minutes okay but it’s in the nether so you aced that so fast Choo I mean there’s nothing I can do about it oh but it was just to

Flip our these in my inventory my Baner fell in your lava pit Ryan what’s your what Your what my Baner oh is it dead yeah I hope it dies that thing was so ugly what my God Eva Baner is so cute overcover over covered oh wait it just I I just accidentally gave

Hello oh you have significantly less chickens what happened he probably mowed them down I’m going to hatch your eggs someone killed it wasn’t me I’m going to hatch more of your eggs can we go to bed before we go to the dungeon oh wait no actually it’s in the nether huh

Mhm these blinds are to get rid of winter winter Jan Jan hates winter whoa who’s building anything on top of the roof oh wait that’s [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] where do you see me here I see you I’m Coming so we’re not I have sword we’re going right now aren’t we okay I don’t know I don’t have much on me though what you doing in here getting my exp real quick wait I have 400 I mean 44 levels wait why did you break that like

What’s the point of that to get my exp oh how do you get your exp by breaking it oh so when I kept buying the sticks I I I could have got XP operations ready do we go in the nether now I’m going Brian has this knife called The

Watcher wait how do you make the potted plants I thought that’s coming I thought that’s guys I don’t have gold shoes oh my God we need gold shoes oh my God just kill it just kill it just kill just kill kill kill them wait somebody out the portal I killed it

I killed it oh my God that’s so terrifying okay we’re going into The Nether mhm I don’t think we have time for the dungeon um yeah I don’t think so either guys but we could go there and you could touch the Waypoint there oh I’m down for that that’s pretty

Good okay I’m going through the portal I’m in I’ve got no weapon other than my iron axe yeah I also H Ryan I’m also not I’m also not fire immune so for those of you who are f box I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t well then I definitely shouldn’t be

Leading uh let I can just chop down the stream for Block guys if I start burning I’m going to slash home ow ow ow I was changing my settings somebody shooting at you oh it’s a gas isn’t it it’s a little dangerous here oh there’s an onyx over

There oh my God oh my God slice slice some up is it far ran um mushrooms 500 block oh my God oh my God Ryan keeps looting my mushrooms Ryan stop taking her mushrooms I don’t want Ow Ryan this just reminds me of when you blocked my passage and I burned to death that was kind of funny I’m just going to minus a way through come here this way this way yeah I’m not fireproof I think only Ryan is sounds like Ryan I’m only halfway hard to make I’m

Fire protected but like not immune the trinket backpack me trinket there’s a trinket there’s also a backpack that prevents it too a backpack oh is this a fortress oh it is yeah this is the base sd8 thank you so much for subscribing 31 months welcome back thank

You God I’m underground and lost and confused she’s lost and confused wow this is what a red carpet must feel like oh my God [ __ ] where did you guys go um it was a very convoluted path the path is not clear to me it’s not clear

It’s not clear at all this is not the way I went either oh God I’m going to die you can cheat don’t die don’t die no Seline would kill me no you can do it wait I need glow stone I I need that I oh I could I have silk touch at

Home uh I I don’t mind the dust yeah I don’t mind the dust don’t even look at me um Can can you kill the blaze B in where are they um around this glow stone patch I don’t see you oh anyway you guys can keep going

East I think my dinosaur just attacked a that’s where the waist stone is no I didn’t get it I I want I want I want that glow stone up there still EAS there’s so many there’s so many there’s so many of them spawning a there’s a skeleton that’s going to shoot

You I hope it shoots you instead ow that’s Cara Ryan you got blocks huh you got blocks it’s only shooting you oh okay I shot me car wait your hand your your sword oh who your sword is so cool where do we go keep going I don’t know but go cheating

You don’t understand what happened to you can’t really drop it you might be better off mining it I was drowning in lava honestly oh my God I almost fell in a lava ditch oh my God he said East this Gastly is trying to kill me the cbone no they’re they’re

Safe just trying to P me where’ you go just keep going kind of Northeast kind of like actually where you guys are going is kind of correct what do you mean kind of correct you’re like in the G you’re heading the general direction okay being in the nether without blocks is just

Like I don’t know how blocks Ryan we need you wait I have some blocks on Me Mine them I just get some Netherrack I regret everything I should stayed home I was not prepared for the nether look there’s a lot of glow stone here it’s loow to the ground I was not

Prepared for this that my one block all right let me where are you guys come ran do you know the way where is it kind of going wait do you see that guy up there where’s the glow stone huh you see J oh next to me no no no like across the

Across the island isn’t that like an Enderman yeah that’s a ender oh my god get him dinosaur see look look how nice that is oh thrs bones down there guys yeah there’s more down here to our bottom left oh my God give me your your dinosaur is gigantic he makes me feel

Safe oh that’s a down there where are we supposed to go towards me oh very close oh my God Ryan’s that way guys how did he get there so fast he I thought he was I’m on the map oh my god oh jeez yeah but we’re fighting for our life

Wait I can build uh janen builds here okay guys oh where should get the B meal yeah I was thinking the same thing I was thinking the same thing I was like guys um can we get these real yes oh it’s a toal [ __ ] yes ohal okay okay okay okay

There Zoom back to Mission okay I’m playing like Hopscotch more like death Scotch oh [Laughter] no what happened I don’t know Eva what did you do I didn’t do anything it’s okay I’m [ __ ] dead bro guys what happened help I need help building I’m crouching I’m crouching

Okay make sure you crouch make sure you crouch are we heading the right way yeah on their Maps it looks like it um you guys are so far yeah I think they went a different route from you we we’re going through a different route all right well Ryan

Literally left us went back for you and then kept going look there’s more here if you want what do we do now where are you oh I are you above or below above oh how’d you get up there what you mean guys tell me if something’s going to shoot at me am I

Crazy I don’t see you right here oh you’re good but you’re reaching a wall soon did you just jump like two blocks double jump yeah it’s a it’s not trinket it’s a um it’s a drop from a mimic oh okay Ryan let me just go fight a mimic and get double jum

You can that’s the thing you can okay Ryan let me just go get myself some double jump by meeting up a mimic getting the Dr oh my God be careful what is that cute pink Pokemon it’s a i score piing up a lot of your

Dust I want it can you give it to me later yeah okay oh you have you have a magnet trinket huh don’t you nope you got that from a too oh it’s just part of my armor oh part of your armor now wow okay trust me it is not a good thing

Dude it’s pink it’s a like a scorpion thing oh you oh there’s so much shut up oh my God come on they’re so far away what the is that a great ball oh [ __ ] Ryan did you go down oh [ __ ] I killed it by accident yes yep yep yep and then you’re

Here am I going to die from this height I don’t think so are you we by her Red Blocks no but oh there’s a stairs I made for you oh oh literally made this for you I didn’t see this W okay and it is right here I see go oh glow

St why does your sword do crazy stuff uh because it’s upgraded an iller Refugee a refuge come to the front and then where is this Ryan there’s no way I can do this with my O soul anter not yet don’t look at me you just to touch the point

Right wait Ryan I can’t even mine these Soul lanterns yeah you can mine it which is kind of cool you can’t cheese it there’s so much glow stone over there do you guys see Shiny mag that’s near us oh that’s not near us it is near us it

Is near also guys I figured out something not us you know how yesterday Mewtwo was spawning and everything and all the shinies it’s because all of us has to stay together I think I noted Ryan how do I add it or did I get it is it called quasi

Dogs yeah I could rename it yeah this is quite a name quasi dogs how do I get home um whoever placed the block on top just [ __ ] me over I just go you might have to retouch it really J dung yeah dungeon that says dung D no it says do it’s a

Dung it says a lot of things in there holy [ __ ] dud oh my God it’s cute I think once we beat it we can loot this place bro EXC what is my God hellish Paradise you’re here you’re here come to the front oh wait you’re not there front

Oh let me go back oh my God the gas is so ugly oh is it one of those giant Gates that turn and move oh my God just it what’s inside oh my God I just died oh no I’m alive holy [ __ ] you know a

Dong it sounds crazy in there oh my God that Gastly is so scary looking I oh my God the Gastly or the gas oh my God G are you guys on the The Fortress oh my God what is happening they’re panicking Don’t Panic happening where [ __ ] are you guys and

Where is the way point it’s this way you guys are so close are you guys in The Fortress broes what are you on are you serious yep should I wait can I can I now just TP back here through the Waypoint yeah you can now yeah do

Later is that a lot of close though right there there’s so much lava much there’s so much don’t think about it J don’t think about it the CL God it’s camping my way down why are you going towards it going to the light like actually wait don’t do it you’re to lose

Your life that’s so risky there’s so much though look at that okay oh gosh oh I’m going to TP home mhm okay fine let’s first get the way Stone where is it how do I’m going home Ryan where are you on the Fortress I hope you die I hope you die next to

Usess okay can you tell us what y level so when I dig down I I’m trying to find you well we have to get to the ground but I made a staircase but what y level are you whatever Selena was at the ground no please can check your map is

Now I’m on the ground 58 58 oh my God we’re 50 blocks above but it’s literally not that it’s a ground oh you this one that’s why wait this Gastly just dropped a rare candy on the floor and pooped it out you guys are I see do you want me to

Mine I’m fast okay okay okay well I got to go so I’ll be on later see you later Guys yo I’m not even playing people I’m supposed to play that’s oh what’s up yo so we’re playing valerant first hell yeah well get ready to carry me because I haven’t played much valerin I’ll be honest we got to we got to prepare for our Premier season oh

Premier it’s fine I actually just finished my warm up perfect I didn’t know you guys oh okay Alan do you see my match history like it’s like Immortal threes and Immortals and not ascendants shter or you get oh no I I get I got him in the game I I I dropped

Four kills against them against who Tony and Danny oh but when they’re on my team we I was fine oh I saw that oh I see this this is rough you guys won though what yeah we won look at look at look at the jet yeah your J was actually One V ning

Holy [ __ ] okay but like yeah you see my lobbies is they’re not ascendants they’re all Immortal 3s well yeah but you are also Immortal 3 no I’m Ascend three isn’t that where you want to be though okay no but look because it’s cuz Immortal too this act

Already your MMR is like Immortal for sure yeah just win bro I I can it’s hard man it’s very hard it’s very hard going to do4 hours stream wait 24 hours how long have you been awake for no I just finished my warmup what are you talking about he’s

Been streaming for 12 hours also where is Eva well Eva is trying to get out of the nether so um yeah cream cake thank you so for 46 on welcome back thank you um need what why did he get so quiet am I muted you’re a funny guy I would love to see

One Singular day where Eva is on time but that is in my dreams oh my God are you saying like you visit the girlly your dreams yeah that’s fine that’s fine if EMA can’t play right now we can just get a fil to uh I would I would ping her

First what about that what about that like 17-year-old you know one the one that starts with an EOS what well we can run a PDM I’m down for that okay we’re get out of range yeah you get out of the range bro we only have four hours to play what do you

Mean the comp Cuttin oh yeah yeah the comp I was like where the [ __ ] are you going I don’t know why Texas Texas I actually don’t remember the the last time I ceed with Justin yeah because every time I ask you you’re like oh sorry K I’m editing a video you

Guys that’s not true Aiden says no to me without even saying that first part just says he hates me oh hi Eva oh yeah I know I can only play like four yes you can you can only play Four is on the qm oh uh I I can only play till like eight

Or something wait why cuz I have to go to dinner PL what I can come back and play after you’re supposed to be here till midnight Eva I you were wait wait you guys are an agent we are on a TDM because we didn’t know how long You’

Take well you don’t about so I’ll be on Minecraft Minecraft just kidding I’ll warm up do you have netherite yes I do oh no I have another scraps oh you’re about to have it though she got she got so excited yes I do in fact have netherite it’s cuz it was all

What she was working for the last couple hours Pretty much have it as a matter of fact I do it’s in my chest it’s true it’s true oh I guess we will need a fill for Eva then huh I think okay well you guys aren’t going to aren’t you guys going to move to um lethal later yeah lethal but that’s much

Later okay oh shoot my load out is all wrong can I go back in here I can’t there’s ACH with I’m god this is my first time playing uh oh really really wait my S feels so low low we played uh oh we played uh I’m talking about uh count

So my bad guys wait what doesn’t count oh that definitely does not counts good today but I think M made my sense really slow first be my I haven’t yet at 32005 dude I haven’t played on my main in so long it oh I haven’t even tried out my new deagle that I

Made oh sorry like like the load out like the combo wait is the new bundle out and everything no that’s for the next ACT or next episode or whatever it is I don’t know is tomorrow [ __ ] yeah you flashed that yeah we didn’t get one there we didn’t get one

There no I got I have you I have you are you serious are you serious why is my audio all funny Dam my valerant sounds so quiet reloading my goodness oh he tpd out oh my God that’s got to be racist oh what who took my kills you know kind of

Crazy after taking a break yo I’m getting [ __ ] on by big mom mom oh my God there’s a r in our SP I’m flashing I’m flashing that’s big flash Big Flash damn my audios are all over the place that’s FOC so sorry um on sh I missed my wait did Phoenix change no

Final stage final saage guys die the score is close we have to win oh is it sitting up sitting up my God my guardian is not it thoughting up oh man even the Outlaw’s not out dude I I I want the new knife but I love my

Knife on my main so much I don’t think I would change into it what is it the it’s like the the the newest uh dual blade melee thing I don’t know what this is called the senium the Imperium I don’t know what it’s called dring these balls it looks like

This like I would not change this like I I these remind me of Monster Hunter and so I don’t want to change it I’m so blind oh no yeah these remind me of Monster Hunter so I want to keep this oh my God we’re doing a team keep going

Hell yeah face your fear oh my God I hope you guys I hope you guys know the rule of like whoever dominates CDM will suck ass in the game I suck ass all the time my sick of everything to do I hate yoru me too oh I thought my game crashed

I this yoru flash was lasting forever dude dude dude wait that was the same thing with me Seline I thought my game crashed I was like this yoru flash is absurdly long D I was like I swear I looked away what is happening okay Mex we are out okay hear it up hell

Yeah they like barely warmed up but it’s okay oh f I forgot I was Immortal on this account you’re Immortal what the heck yeah oh yeah let’s freaking go that this happened like four or five months ago four you you haven’t played in so long you don’t have a history yeah four four

Months ago I think I hit Immortal four months ago or something you know I was 20 r r away from Immortal and now I’m dude look at my act three triangle it is like non-existent yeah yeah same me J I was I had I had five promo games while in my

Ascendant three yeah thing and then I’m still a send three I was not making to the pizza party yeah well no no no you you still own me one yeah I thought I thought he already got one I already I already got it episode act episode 7 Act

One Immortal 3 two triangles was it 2 months ago I don’t remember there was a period in time where I was five stacking with wait you part of that Jess like we were playing with Timmy oh yes yeah that’s where I got that’s where I won all of

It oh when we were so yeah when we were winning a bunch that that’s when I got Immortal and then I hav’t play what VV I hope this Q pops she like manifested it before she left I like that well I guess this is a good time for me to

Edit I wish I could cook ramen at my desk right now get instant cookers have you guys seen that person who cooks like gourm meals on their bed what yeah I love watching them lazy po just fun like they they have like a like a very mobile like

Small setup and they have like a show in the background and they just cook on like in their like they Fried Chicken like a whole ass chicken you guys see the Thanksgiving dinner they did she was insane that one was so fun what are you guys watching

Okay we need to show something can someone yeah hold on I got to find it um I think I’m just fat in my for you page reflects that I know I literally only watch Muk punk I found it it’s right here I’ll put it in a general I

Watch cooking videos I put it in general that video it actually so good he cooks it on a table covered with a bed sheet okay you just like [ __ ] told me that Santa is a real no no I’m going to correct wait that’s not true no no no no that person

Is lying no that’s not true they guys everything on the internet is not real I hate life nothing’s real unless you see it in person be right back I’m going to go pee I hope it pops soon it was a real bed yeah I was laying on the bed with them wait what

The what is happening oh you guys think um you guys think like singing lessons are worth it uh no you can’t teach you can’t teach this thank [ __ ] god they can’t teach that oh my God what did I just hear you should really unlearn that maybe tell someone to is it possible to

Unlearn unte that guys you’re so mean wait why’ you say just a don’t worry don’t worry Alan I support you do I like it no but I’ll support you thanks man just the heads up what oh yeah just the heads up you should if you have any

Skins on shuffle right now take it off because it’s glitched right now and it’ll mess with your load out it’ll give you a default skin why would you have it shuffle need to have on your good oh I have thank You convenient how convenient I don’t know why I said it like to restart my on damn we’re playing valerant now Valerant what are you trying to learn how to sing where did that come from what happened um I mean it was just like a thought like I do like singing But like I don’t like hearing my voice so I was like is there a way to train it yeah

You can I have a tip for you yeah just uh cover your ears when you sing Oh oh wow can’t you still hear yourself yeah you can hear yourself even better actually oh that’s great you know when the singers like put their little finger in their ear when they

Sing they put their finger in their ear no yeah you mean like the in ears no no no like like when singers are just like singing they’ll like plug one ear so they can hear themselves better oh yeah they like close their eyes and they plug their ear with a singular finger

Mhm yeah I I personally like to wet my finger before putting it in there what’s wrong with you okay Alan God I really hope the Q doesn’t fall y wa hooray hooray Haven hav hav this map is not even going to be in the next ACT let get let’s get our reps in our next episode oh my gosh we’re back to valant oh I can be put on the smokes

Roll that’s okay with me I can smoke no it’s no no no you can do what you were doing no no no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah guys I’m not a one trick duelist anymore all right I never thought the graduation I never thought your duelist was good oh

My God that’s a lie that’s a lie God every time play duelist initiator we were owning yeah I was sarcastic wow oh wait it was very clearly sarcasm Eden yeah duh yeah duhh sorry I’m very vulnerable right now being a s three for the past four months

Four months haven’t you been playing yes yeah he has been playing oh my God Aiden you have a changed embarassing it is a very embarass the last four months I took like a break from like grinding you haven’t changed like when life puts you down you just have to keep getting back

Up no dude you oh my God man oh my God I what you down has to keep getting back up it’s not about how hard you can hit holy crap they have a breach yes Alan it’s okay we have you can get hit and keep moving

Forward oh my God are you saying are you are you Rocky yeah perseverance is key is that what you’re trying to get at oh you don’t know like a it’s like the speech from the movie I don’t know I live under a rock how hard you can get hit and keep moving

Forward yeah yeah all right Alan call please call what I’m not calling [ __ ] I’ve been I’ve been streaming for 12 hours he has been he has been streaming for 12 hours everyone go see on pistol very good we have a Yu get in there yeah get up in there get up in

There cracks and [ __ ] oh my God I totally forgot this is what it’s like starting flash flash already in there this side is oh one on one in the smoke one in the smoke one in the Smoke back site log and back site I’m blind I’m blind I’m

Blind hold on just wait for Jess wait for Jess they’re going to make a mistake some Al’s lit 120 on back oh my God there’s two and garage window one more reaches garage window i h him last player standing wonder why they took so long I had a feeling they were taking so

Long God like so long they did take so long uh volume I should have made the call to go back site I’m surprised no one little Gremlin on the box well we did have one back site but he got oh [ __ ] I’m using theong M you’re using your Minecraft keyboard what’s your Minecraft

Keyboard there’s keyboards for different things yo win wi win wi uh um oh no um yeah so how is that buy huh AFK there’s a stinger they broke my Stinger oh this skin has a stinger I didn’t even know dude this guy ISE down a you guys get

Kned oh I got her okay one’s push EV there’s one behind you with a bulldog Which Way A or B out of a out of a is on he might be nice that’s the guy the other two are B yeah he’s got a bull that gun Bud combo pretty

Sick I like this they probably rotated to a oh nope killjoy is still here holy crap not that guy wait it just it just reactivated oh both okay that could be in your garage window 30 seconds left oh my God I don’t remember how to play this game okay I got my keyboard

Though wisar don’t let to you only aim in this game right now man my sense feel so slow do I really just up it just up it okay this sound very cash money just up it a little bit it’s not slow are you on the right

DPI yeah 30 3200 yeah it’s probably just stop eating until wait just force up Force up again you two Force up everyone Eva you can’t buy oh gosh out I’m going walk up break the sure I’m going grab the sword then wait no okay I’m can you guys make noise a

Yeah I’m going to Dart here and then I’m going to leave for a I’m darting for you and then I’m leaving oh kill joo’s on a oh she’s dead I’m going towards a are rot off C to let go let’s go one no no no no we’re going a we’re

Going a we’re going a for sure we’re going a for sure yeah we’re going a for sure I’m blind them don’t I toot that’s embarrassing my is ready oh one’s going to be front care for flank yeah try to kill the flank guy do you hear anything I I I

FL I FL D go go I ulti and just has a Molly ipped a Molly broke my I have ulti still he’s running on not on not on on on on on on on on on on I’m far one enemy remain last player standing no I’m going to die

Oh we’re so broke we have to live that round yeah we buy we buy for sure just light armor it I have AAL let’s go let’s go faster can you throw your smokes in Al oh yeah smokeing Al come here come here everyone he’s not playing Heaven right be I doubt he plays

Heaven oh yeah running for long long clear I’ll drone for Sight my drone is blind ATT attack SAA he’s still alive backside SOA I’m so blinded by dead SAA Dead one CT dead KJ unknown car long I don’t have it yeah what the [ __ ] is this ring area where the [ __ ] is this care long still where is he I don’t

Know oh short short short I’m one HP I’m leaving well I’m getting this one top 3 two 1 40 nice nice round 4K nice round nice round I can I get a bar I get a B wa I can light I can light armor should buy one yeah

I was thinking about it but then I didn’t know who to buy cuz there’s two people oh let’s go see let’s go see I feel like KJ should rotate back a we can do this fast yeah all’s back here still back site wait I have I isite still one enemy remain last

Standing he’s like he’s like grass yeah he’s dring from garage you can just you still have a lot of time you can go back towards a running from garage oh oh my God that guy is so sad just the goat right now that scared dude Aiden started like Aiden tapped

While the kg was alive and I was reloading and I just I was like oh my God I could not kill the KJ yo yo yo yo Alan you can’t go James Bond here brother you can’t go James on here brother what does that mean

Oh7 goam brother oh my God Alan is [ __ ] at this game oh my God EV oh Jet’s on top of the box on a I have your garage push care for the C push though nice we got a pick on KJ she was probably Seaside oh yeah Eva’s just clearing out

SE all all on her own yep I just have to care cubby okay yeah I think he’s open M PL have your back oh run B all I’m on the here over actually I’m going to do s we a little dumb here okay broke my other one not not one enemy remaining front

Sight nice damn he said today yeah he said no D zero I triple Z triple zero dou o Zer o zero game just started I’m going short all right let’s do it I’m down Jo okay I’m just going to drone short then and dart for Sight yeah go go revealing area in as

[ __ ] they’re pushing bomb oh shoot I just have a feeling that me and you would die jet flank KJ unknown dropped dropped from window Dr oh my God last one 130 flank short yeah car’s short I have long she is 10 HP three she is last player standing guys she has hit

138 she killed me before I could even shoot a bullet oh my God it’s just ping difference no Wonder come on let’s go I got this oh my watch your eyes just [ __ ] kill her please thank you so for 39 welcome back hey heyy hey yeah you’re the one to talk I got my one oh my God that pain difference actually owned me though holy CB oh my

Goodness I should have just swung and instead of um holding I just wanted to knife her that spray was nutty that spray was something that spray was something oh God we’re falling apart one on C I got absolutely sat down how are so um if I try to plant here the breach

Is just going to all and he’s going to flash sight okay I’m going to off your feet I’m off I’m off log and CT you have ulti and my God I thought I looked away I thought I looked away but I only like look to the left like 20

Dees you must keep going damn if the if the jet didn’t Dash I actually would have just killed the Sha I on the jet do you remember that one time I bought you oh yeah I can oh yeah the [ __ ] I can buy a bulldog here uh got like let’s play this

Round a little slow I’m going to Dart long no want a bog I just got wall bang dude they just them just pre-firing me I just got spammed like perfectly I don’t see anything nice that’s KJ that’s free C know Jet and you not with the gun in the thinging oh Sho

[ __ ] take flight how does that not kill window just drop down window 40 revealing area cover going out what the double smoke what the double smoke oh this one’s going to fade oh God got the garage enemy remaining andit reloading he’s he’s off he’s

W did you take that as as quiet as if you taking the SATs like what the [ __ ] was that dude wait what I said make noise window and you’re I did not hear that I ain’t going to lie I heard it don’t worry that’s why I

Went into window to die I know that’s what you’re the go but it’s all good it’s good it’s we won the it’s all I think we go see again I don’t want to hit a while KJ has all so this K has been giving me for SPL

Maybe we just out of my way look for her I’m I’m down for look oh my God they’re just pushing down for the first time have done that before yes he’s clear as heck yeah they just pushing you should run I’m dude I’ve never held this I’ve actually never held this like

This FL FL FL FL J FL J two two two oh oh my God we just di I didn’t expect it to be jet with knives holy crap Thrifty she’s they got to Nerf her movement speed when she’s got knives I I enemies Clos eyes up I was prepared

For a gun swing not a knife out swing dude yeah she’s oh we got KJ let’s go oh yeah I Ed back site last time I have yeah he only plays l so far standing ahead cover going out shut that cover going out oh yeah I’m going to drone this droning

Nice P one back site still Sil oh tagged him on him oh god oh you got it mind oh wa jigle my heaven yeah yeah both C wait they’re both out already you one enemy Remaining last round in the half last round in the half there’s wait can I have a de I’m so good with that gun we go here come see wait wait wait Eva can you try my deagle so ugly come come see come see isn’t that amazing oh oh you like you like you Like I’m oh my God police the police are here they’re double they’re double oh my God still on site pistol I’m blind garage garage out one enemy remaining nice nice police were there BL woohoo sing sides um defense defense this is my cro thank you so much for 37 minutes

Welcome back thank you defense defense defense I’m down let’s go to stay with you Alan do you think do you think I should just buy only the melee when the melee comes out also what are the chances of it coming out in my night market because I

Kind of want to I want it for my night market night market like nightm is not like super super rare yeah you you got get that to dude the whole bundle is just so expensive oh where is it oh he missed it they’re defa they put an alarm bot

Window I don’t think they’re hitting C guys they’re not hit okay I’m going to Dart out for you and then I’m leaving oh they’re in window yeah you smoked me oh one’s one’s one’s in spawn nice front garage and one Spawn in one Inage hey you took the last bullet kill nice nice everyone note down your observations then let’s run it again I have a ghost yeah you can have mine yes oh my God Alan bottom to the top that’s what I love to see top maybe I would

Have got a 4K you didn’t smoke me Aiden yeah yeah I was saving you from over I’m a good teammate no you [ __ ] me over I pushed through the smoke and died yeah that’s your fault oh my goodness it really be your own it really is watch this watch this one tap DP

Away revealing area oh one oh one more in garage SAA Dead one more KJ KJ garage see that one tap t away so cool can I have that you want that you guys want to just uh like fourman a thre man a A or C which one do you want to do you

Guys want to Stack C or a stack C or a pick pick pick pick what is this trading Market going on okay what is this TR you [ __ ] okay fine fine we’re stacking a we’re stacking a we’re stacking a no we’re stacking a come come come come they smoked

Give you I’m giving you a mid smoke give me a mid smoke they’re definitely going see yeah oh one’s waiting on a one’s waiting on a one at a Lobby he might be I think I’m going to go St they’re coming a they’re coming a they’re coming a three more three more

On a scared they’re running through short bleach bleach breach breaches here he used both blinds breach no blindes Omen long they might be rotating off they’re droning actually oh oh a that was so close both both on site no 104 to bre if I kill the breach

We win the round if I kill the breach we win the that was really close I think if you just weren’t so darted you would have had it honestly yeah sugar zero smoking [ __ ] oh you like that yeah you like that out right here I’mma just do what

They did to me that’s Zeta right wait what wait sugar Z Zeta I forgot yeah sugar zero Zar yeah shad ow there’s a lot there’s a lot of M oh on site on site what the [ __ ] I darted I darted oh no they got my Dart planning what she did that full

Blind that’s so stupid still here back site oh 140 140 breach 140 breach back oh my oh you got the breach still there one enemy remain could be offsite oh you we have Wall we have wall for smoke we have wall for smoke no we should have wall though okay can you

Wall can you walk going up last player standing oh that’s good camouflage killed you yeah yeah I know than big [ __ ] her [ __ ] her out okay that was that one tap was insane what a One Tap wow that was really good that was that was that was really cool yo

Yo yo wait J request a vandal oh than happy birthday thank you it’s an expensive present $2,000 I know oh one window oh there’s two waiting out Lobby there’s two there’s two there’s two out Tap Away One Tap One Tap they are spamming garag just you they got to be

Helly follow follow me follow me okay one enemy remaining that was that was pretty clever D we sounded like an army they’re like three people running at this [ __ ] that’s so already go down go down why the [ __ ] did I go down mid cuz I’m holding you I have you don’t worry

No I you think I you I’m 18 fine fine I think they’re going to be here oh they blinded I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m droning here short can you watch short for me Eden I can you watch me Eden well uh there is one short so there’s one short that

Crossed one on site so on site fre short I’m one enemy remain back oh EV okay that was look look look look I went to go k can you watch me don’t worry don’t worry that was no no no that was an insult from me I don’t blame you it just

Funny that you said yep then just proceeded to continue to fight the guy short I didn’t expect it to be that bad fast I thought she was backside that’s why I said yep oh you thought I was backside yeah I thought you were back wait they were

Immortal no they weren’t only one of them oh I’m confusing our ranks with them oh my God our ranks are so dis disparity is that the word has high disparity yeah our ranks our ranks have high disparity really has spray control like shoud No Cap thanks what did what

Did you say Aiden she has spray control like Shout oh oh oh oh oh yeah I think it’s CU Eva played a lot of Cs like her spray control is actually so good is that all this AK mhm you don’t know what it’s called Trout’s AK no dude

It’s like iconic dude I came I came into PC gaming on fortnite oh actually yes wow what I didn’t know that about you yeah that’s how I met he’s a Zoomer that’s how you met Aiden yeah that’s how but yeah oh my God be controller player too

Oh wait no no I wasn’t controller I wasn’t controller wow wow I had no idea why can’t you play along with my joke be right I’m that makes me Aiden’s first PC friend if you think about it yeah true yeah I actually think yeah I

Mean yeah wow yeah yeah I mean yeah yeah wow yo why was the game so fast it was a 135 yeah CU we had multiple first Bloods hell yeah alanen said please tell ethos I said hi I’m G to start crying I’m going to start crying on

Stream already tearing up why I missing so much [Laughter] Mario Mario Mario yeah oh I forgot a map cover [ __ ] that’s fine you’ll need yeah honestly we don’t but someone in chat made a comment about it so he said Luigi Luigi watching was so funny I need to watch find my goodbye thank you mon shaking what happened the clip where you guys are like Al Alan and then the door opens and he’s just [ __ ] twerking oh where is that clip so funny I tagged it in clip

ALB that clip is so funny aen can you find that POV from my POV what the do it right now I feel like can you find it from my POV too actually it’s probably already clipped on my channel there’s no way that didn’t get clipped probably is already clipped on your channel Shen

Thank you so for 13 months welcome back thank you did you guys ever clip the thing we’re like um we’re playing lethal company and we open the door and Alan is like twerking at the doorway disgusting disgusting I’m pretty sure it got clipped there’s like no way that moment

Happened and none of you CLI it fracture an ice box and boom I play on Breeze I usually play sky but sky seem to be great out for some reason why did Valor do that I’m so confused oh I see it’s cuz you picked it unless unless you want me to like do

An FNS cosplay I think we perhaps need a yeah oh yeah I played Sky cuz I thought s would play SOA I kind of want to try gecko on Breeze I low key think it could be good it [ __ ] it I can play Sila then oh triple initiator honestly I’m

Down no no no guys we need someone guys I think we we need a CER we need a cipher we don’t need a cipher we don’t you don’t need a CER no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t you definitely don’t a CER we have a jet same thing as a

Chamber boom don’t rotate boom yeah I’m just going to op all right all right we have so much information with my D watch us get no information [ __ ] I do think though Breeze is one of those Maps it’s really hard to take space like it’s so hard to hold a choke

On Breeze you just get own oh my god there this is a breeze game with no Cipher what is this by the way guys I had to play D because I haven’t played this game in eight months I don’t know how to use my abilities yet that’s fine

Okay perfect oh Sho we’re defending as tripled initiator this is going to be interesting Pokemon and we can just re on 2 1 2 three honestly hon the defense that worked the best for me on breze was just like one through one every what’s the what’s the wall is it is it from

Here what the [ __ ] are you talking about chall this is CH wall like for for b b oh like this yeah where’s it from again quiet for me uh is it this uh I’m just going to do this horrible wall deal it Z thank you so 26

Welcome back thank you I don’t want to look um it looks like we have to have mid on lock for this B wall oh that’s a lot of people that’s four wow the choke okay we have mechl and me dick oh my me me is oh god um this isn’t

Good last player standing that’s really not good guys very good start yeah I will play like that from that corner there use your for yourself and allor right guys um I threw that cuz I definitely forgot jet dashes honestly I also should have just played Vier my win rate on Breeze with

Viper is 100% you yeah they a yeah Molly them they’re all BL they are they walled up yeah one’s already back site last standing what the you God man his name is God no no it’s it’s mlov been mov us the entire time I love m

Damn our comp would have been sick on attack first but of course we start defense I guess we just have to like take space like mother truckers um like you should just like fight yeah I think we just fight a me we can’t play back with this com you got flash youring

Up it’s all good oh yeah sorry I was one where are they going tunnel tunnel tunnel oh they’re going B they’re going B I’m 140 on jet there’s Raina Raina and Jet were half fall oh my God bro stages near half Spike planted oh dead I whiffed I whiffed come get this

Yes apprciate it appreciate it if I use wingman to diffuse it’ll use up wingman right uh yeah if you havng already like um cyer trip if you use it once it’ll it gets consumed right like Viper orb okay yeah exactly uh let’s do the a main play or mid play

Whatever you guys prefer yeah you guys want a main play mid play finding they see it they didn’t see it right no nobody was here yeah yeah do it again let’s go double flash yeah I’m down nothing care mid oh my God my thing fell Beyond readying down Walling down

Yeah they’re up I’m low okay one one window can you kill me just I’m holding the window exit around like elbow area yeah there’s around elbow area niad one enemy remaining nice all right they still didn’t see the nope they’ve been avoiding a uh let’s just can we they’re like

Pretty broke no actually no they also 7100 you should just we can just do the play and if they’re here we just fall back it’s not bad like I just Molly it off just combo dizzy combo dizzy he go first or Flash go first flash goes first okay same time get

Out oh I missed they’re so far back mid yeah I’m dead I’m up here I’m up here I’m up here okay I’m going to ult them I’m falling back there’s a lot of them down two uh yeah I think it’s going to be eight for sure yeah didn’t see

Anything running back what a marshall shot they’re grabbing orb oh they’re getting Sage R I think are they nice nice That’s one left oh my God okay Coie okay I like this kachow kachow it looks like carow who bought you that uh uh uh how how much did you have cuz I’m pretty I don’t know can you sell I don’t [ __ ] know okay I’ll e out Mid nothing nothing at all car aiming too they out oh yeah they dashed out P mid is still clear just keep your wall up oh that’s planted in behind the wall yeah blow up wait wait there’s one crab one crab one CRA the wait how did that Siege get back

What I don’t know you tell me I know I I know but like I swung the wall yeah he swung and he you SW can I get a ball that’s just timing let’s still be main play Aiden you and me can you two can just wait or alen can you buy okay

Actually if you get anything I’m just going to oh sure okay dog right off the bat actually it’s fine you can Flash squs s s for 32 welcome back thank you oh my there’s two mid I’m walking I’m walking yeah I need help one more yeah there was one more mid

Uh they’re on site okay yeah still alive I’m going to D oh my God Fant one enemy remaining [ __ ] dude that was almost really bad cuz I didn’t counter strafe and I had to spray and it was so bad dud got kill if you he anything I’m just going to

Okay thank you I can buy both I can I can buy I can buy youen gun if you want uh I’m going to Al this room yeah he’s going to Al so if anything May coming to my domain why do you have a candy it’s not f I know to change I remind

You quiet oh there he is jet dashed bricks 120 right now she is full heal on be on or not Viper they’re planning a Arena’s lurking through b so Carry Your Flank soon Alan one stuck right side front side pyramid standing oh mid door and front pyramid both sides oh n n n

NT Dr time wait wait can we all can can we uh can we get one more B I’m going to ult I’m going to ult I’m going to ult I’m going to ult straight through elbow okay yeah yeah yeah uh oh shoot how do we cover window I guess one holds

For window holds for window yeah yeah one holds for window and then I can do the best I can with a eagle okay I’m just going to ult off rip so see you on the other side oh they blinded out window jet dashed up at least got one the

Begins got two nice she’s going to rest front sight you will not kill my Ally nice one enemy remaining on site was on site was on yeah could be tucked at Shadow Nice Shot Aiden let’s go damn we only need deal Aiden No Cap No Cap you and I only need

Deal you deals are so broken oh my God I help use J excuse me can I get this corner please thank you okay I’m going to Molly and then e the timing might be a little off I’m going to try to Molly window uh I’ll

Try to shoot the ey in okay she does it again get out of my way oh that missed you know what got the trade to Mid too mid nice one more jet was up top last standing my KN is the most broken thing ever dashed up mid Spike planted yikes Jesus that’s spray

Control oh just remind you can’t you can’t H with smoke oh yep most broken ability in the game for sure you know the tech yeah you aim at the sky and then pull down this guy um jet smokes can’t have the bomb oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so

What you want to do is when you get to the bomb you you shoot the can we have viper a can we have viper a let’s swap this round actually let’s swap when we have guns let’s light by let’s light by I can buy for next okay yeah we’ll do it

Next round um Alan you want to collapse on Elbow see how it goes yeah I’ll drop down with you okay maybe it’s look at Mid one in spawn yeah R window you push this or hold this I’m drop wall drop wall drop oh my [ __ ] on me

120 they’re up a f uh 120 120 that last player standing one late mid one late mid yeah dashed into sight and then one late mid Sage there’s a vandal down and bite just in case they go there oh I guess Sage is going through uh spawn

Planted dude if I just killed that jet it that round would have been over this round would have been long oh my God this is so cringe I you have one FL time for you to save I wish I could have got a One okay I’ll play last round before the switch Let’s uh yeah yeah yeah you play a let’s have Sky outoors let’s have Sky play with you actually no SOA should play with Viper I take it back uh I can just all a in want um sure we should fight for yeah then then

We fight for Mid we do need maybe I can anchor got that don’t get in my Way’s down oh yeah one’s in spawn I got you I got you dropping W dropping wall s is here y one more two more two more who Viper has all Viper on B so

Unknown oh my God that was almost so bad I’m with you I’m with you okay I’m going Toom waiting waiting El she’s running elbow yeah wait you didn’t get her no I didn’t get her yeah oh my bad get buddy she’s playing yeah’s myd I have back up and

Eight to my I have Al in five I have ult in five it’s like right here Spike planted I’m going again going again where she don’t know gu yeah I where last standing oh I need you to live I need you to live it’s so hard for her to shoot

Wingman yeah I played that wrong that’s my bad that’s all good I feel like B would be good with this comp I’m down give me Spike oh I have Spike um if they don’t have no Molly yeah okay I’m not going to buy dog because we have

[ __ ] wait no no I think dog is better than all of the other he okay just go full util take your ghost take your ghost take your ghost oh no no take your ghost okay they going fast I think so care tons we don’t hold tons yeah enemy remain

The wait don’t don’t kill him you guys are scaring I thought that flash went in the corner I swung and she was not blind yeah I blinded myself oh my gosh blinded but on no she was blinded it’s just it was like a very it was like a

Half blind it was like a not really a blind she like had full vision on me oh my God yeah we can do that again I’m down you give me Spike or we can do a I guess we’re all here there’s a shorty on the ground

One one enemy last one was doors last one was [Applause] doors nice oh who wants a deagle for next round my my Spectre Spectre HS a for you um thank you just all right I spawned picked up the bomb and then I tried to drop it to and then I missed your body

And then I pter car they might take like an aggressive Peak I think one like ran out Mid it’s okay oh my last standing pushed out yeah this Viper is crazy what why is he there why is he there why you there why am I there cuz I was baiting you guys thank um can I get a buy I think the the sage is going to try

To wall off after wingman goes so I guess we just wait for sage wall uh Eva can you buy or you going to buy an off I think I ly think if he AB sure I’m down uh let me make noise on let me make noise on a though oh stage wall stage

Wall she dropped off the wall why she still peing sayage just delay I made a lot of noise got the sage one more a okay one doors one double doors one was bide I’m going to going to clear oh yeah he’s still doors just has the timing yeah standing I

Hate that Dart put me in kind of aate yeah she’s always late that Raina is so slow I reung Alan mhm know this off this guy re top mid when there’s two people looking at him I should have play for more time um do we like by I think we like by

Yeah I can I can buy a deagle we can we all go mid I’m go mid I’m super down just this and um I’ll go solo a man and then that oh I [ __ ] my Dart oh my God I’m one HP I oh we lost our smokes oops mid in

Heaven mid mid in Bridge mid in Bridge I have the one enemy Bri dead could be on site God oh God um fell down CL Look them in the eyes you kill them almost get yeah it was almost a good sure I should honestly be like free as [ __ ] I’m just going to stay mid wa why I I mean yeah you could I mean yeah if they die though on you just

Got to go yeah the thing is the thing is I died first that’s yeah we lost our smokees that was pretty rough yeah one’s Nest one’s Nest again one’s left one was yellow yeah all going down all going down one Bridge yeah begin Bridge Dead one more H one more one more one

Halls bridge bridge dead last one was Halls onite onite behind you last standing nice oh my go oh [ __ ] not even close even my God oh my goodness this game gives me so much anxiety yo I was calm until I heard the scream sorry I was calm until I heard the

Scream yeah let’s go let’s contact up B and then I just plant hold your wall for a bit let’s CL clear bit elbow just screamed I got so shook I was like oh [ __ ] so nervous you still want it get out of my way is that us running is US running

Okay right side okay I’m down to wall and go I should have asked for a flash I’m muling down down yeah that’s fine left side left side left side down down left side is detained en I don’t know very good want to go again hopeless and Afraid my God so

Rusty I’ll take Spike work toward wait a lur towards mid a lur towards B B A okay just like hold while okay they’re pushing pushing elbow there’s two pushing there’s one near the yeah there’s one near the smoke he darted out car car the door swing car the door swing I’m kind of

Stuck just chill nice one enemy remaining pushed up here he has to be oh our window she was all the way pushed up like back uh 40 that is scary he SP oh oh you spam do right now blinding o mess with my crew I got gooped we got This pleasee this is going to be fun are we contacting yeah yeah yeah this Viper likes to make moves if we don’t make noise oh there goes her Molly oh my oh that’s a lot of people man 40 jet flank what the 40 jet flank last player standing Dash back what the oh

My I like this ohn andn I like the play though I should have put an orb for you I can buy I know following me MC dicks I can buy you unless you want to knives I don’t want okay I think we got a default a little bit I’ll make noise at

B want to get the AR oh this is a terrible spot to okay by for moled that’s as As She Goes one more enemies it’s fine I have give me a sec is ready hit 70 Viper used both mollies if you guys want to go be her smokes are down

Too actually we’re kind of towards a I’m going back I’m going to walk up a going down going down you have a dart yep mov has te 91 on Sage rest left side is clear oh right sidee down a 30 seconds they’re both here probably you will not kill my

Allies I think her 83 what the fre what the actual freck what the actual freck let’s just a classic a play with smokes um here Sage balls I can buy uh someone here we go can we go where we you want to go a A or

B I just want to do like a standard hit at this they have a stack get out of my oh she walled off ripped this time yeah we can fall go back here spawn I’m going to flash out mid to oh y got him wow that was a lot of bullets

Here just wait for Alan there’s two on two elbow 2 a he flash yeah he’s lower left one more she blind nice already out one enemy remaining one oh boxes last player standing this guy’s too crazy no I pink Spike tox screen down oh God God he’s still there yeah I was

Going to say this guy like takes time so scary yeah this guy takes time I assumed he would have been like roing here damn that Viper single-handedly carried the team Defenders win yeah yeah there’s a Viper and plus the jet for Bloods just randomly swinging things and everyone and the four first

Blits I didn’t think that J was a problem yeah I think it it was just the Viper the Viper just kept acing us pretty much yeah 3K 4K 3K 4K 3K 4K pee andly make food no don’t do it do it good no don’t do it at this

Time- 17 but plus 14 for a win yeah I got the same- 18 + 14- 17 plus 14 I’m plus 18 minus 45 we’re also well okay we threw a bunch I was a demon yeah that last round I I mean I was just I should just [ __ ] give in to be

Honest give in no like like given and like went back in in instead of like oh oh I forgot it was the Viper last alive and I swung now lowkey same I was like oh I’m just going to kill him here yeah I was like I’m just going to kill this guy no

It was a Viper they got they got the round over with real quick it’s okay the Viper is the only good one on their team yeah the Viper was shredding us let’s see what I go against them five and N against them what an absolute Legend yeah midor thank you so

Much for 46 months welcome back thank you oh chatty chat chat you saying Chad go back to watching your VOD Little V boy you want to F for me I got to go in 30 minutes no I have work to do I just came here to match f

Little V boy oh yeah season started forgot your M now watch your vods we did go write that down go write that down BR let me eat my yogurt bro hello right write it down write it down is just goingon to make it back in time this will I’m going to prank her

Door so she misses the queue be right back oh my God my God are we unlock for double smoking the door uh yeah I think double SM is fine that uh nah nah I’d win nah I’d win nah I’d win just what is that from uh I don’t know I’m just saying

[ __ ] it’s jjk manga or the panel this here oh she wants to play kill honestly didn’t even know that you didn’t I’m just following oh [ __ ] thank you for for make me what is happening I want me to play probably sky or STI sky or stiper I can play sky

If you want to play Viper but I can play Viper just play sky just play sky just play sky oh yeah I like this chamber pick hell yeah I ain’t G care I ain’t G care someone said yo I love your channel may you please buy me my first knif skin

Yo you know I love what we have bro like can you please buy me the new bundle yo talking let me get a $5 valent gift card is what he said D I need to I need to catch up on free oh dude Free’s so good bro I

Watched like two episodes yesterday and I was like wow this [ __ ] is fire dude you also got to watch Apothecary Di that one’s so good it’s so good I just watched that really yes so good dude it’s so good the main character just reminds me so much of Eva so I am like

Loving the animey right isn’t she just Eva anime F I have to I have to watch you have to watch I did not know Eva could be like personal like I don’t know like anime like like perfectly but the main character is like legit Eva she can’t be any more Eva I watched

I watched solo leveling and I’m now rereading it oh wow wait you watch it without me that’s [ __ ] bro well I mean when I asked you I was going to rewatch It Anyways no I know know no you guys have to watch the Apothecary Diaries I

Was like oh I’m going to watch this anime maybe like one to three episodes and I’ll go to sleep I watch the entire thing and I caught up oh God I’m not going to lie that the the anime season like this season is pretty yeah free and Y yep you have

Um what else I mean solo Lev what the [ __ ] is this agent select Hurry Up Wait Eva how much have you watched only the two episodes you don’t watch more it’s so good how did you stop I live the main character like what do you mean no you have to watch you

Have to relate to it have to watch all of it wait that make it’s so good the main character is legit Eva I can’t get over it I have the same scars as her right now I’m not going to lie oh yeah you do huh yeah no they’re the same person dude EV

You have to watch all of it though I trying to make a new recipe I’m closing my ears using oil and I [ __ ] up my eyes no Eva you have to watch all of it it only gets better I swear to you watch more okay just watch it I think

It’s up a up a up a on a three on a three on a she’s sucking front shower two more you take scorpion grip we [ __ ] kill you EV your oh my God down a two enemy remaining there’s one stand last one youha he’s one HP the most unfortunate

Right clicks I’ve ever seen I know I DED her and she didn’t die she just Spam me with her ghost God I hate ghost spammers man they trigger me go I was waiting for you to go up ghost spammers actually trigger me oh did just push into the

Planner wait where did I need hit refused uh it oh [ __ ] I missed it dashed up on site a judge Spike planted I’m in our spawn last player standing dude Aiden where the [ __ ] are you oh what I went to go flank and then there was a

There okay which gun to pick this time okay time they just keep running through short yeah can we get uh yeah we’ve only had pistols um yeah I think this good me and Viper together or Viper next time no I only know what CH taught me launching smoke I’m blind ped

Up in yeah and you and you and you left side yeah side here they’re attacking me oh my God 142 TP TP put my wall up two TP two TP one unknown on site pocket pocket Cipher pocket one enemy remain last one was pocket a Spike down B

Bang do not die do not die I will cry I will cry I’m dying 142 to the jet dude birth what the hell I made noise for you Alan I made noise for you honestly I like I was in all with how well you did that I SC this guy

Dude dude dude that spray TR is crazy good [ __ ] Bro some good [ __ ] out of you that’s like to see you see how astonished that ashra is very good at you very good BL it again Dash You Haul one raise the showers careful one TP

Two on eight two on eight one back side to Astra 96 to Sky back side and front side last one back side back side oh two nice nice round God am they just keep dashing in dude have a I feel like they’re so aggressive

Somebody Eva EV I can I can give you my band oh actually wait I’ll just like shks I’m down to just take your V you CU I don’t want just on e that’s true I hear a lot for shower how’s that judging shower oh my God shower one one shower one shower one

Shower Spike down a oh my God this guy lurk though one sh one B he’s going to get my gunite one enemy remaining I suck with the Phantom dude take this out restroom he suck with the he’s in the restroom he’s in the restroom he’s in the

Restroom they are hard they I’ve never heard someone say I’ll get you the phantom for you again remember to talk to each other out there the equ huh no no you’re taking they no I suck with this Alan you had to see you don’t lose unless you give up I

I gave up showers showers showers showers let me give up I gave up I gave up I gave up my Phantom oh was so ugly get out of my way they there okay I’m smoking your hookah launching smoke it’s a they’re going going going I don’t see anything one front hook one FR

Hook shower EV so dead I’m so dead goodbye open up the oh shoot sorry I totally ruined you smoking Garden smoking elbow one’s hurting too one Hur okay one’s Hur racism racism no the way this guy PE me was that was trilly no trust me

I’ll buy you I can buy one and then can you can you I’m going I’m going toak showers I’m going to showers oh we’re buying we’re buying wey wey I’m ulting showers you’re Ting showers okay I’m going to run showers with you and grab orb I really want to grab this

Orb yeah can you flash yeah go flash themself I’ll smoke short first yeah oh I was just going to com our smokes they flashed wait they’re towards B oh my God okay atast I’m rotating don’t resp back yeah one long oh one short one short push up long bled and long

One was short one was short smokes they have no race short race short race short just sting I’m concussed dead nice I yeah yeah one rotating 148 really lit I’m going to be really late San just on 30 seconds left last player standing we’re a liar Spike planted I like

Not it’s okay I heard the it’s okay I heard the dash what an angle what what yeah I just been like not like out here I heard him walk okay what play do you guys want to makeo um I don’t want to play B okay I can play B oh actually never

Mind um they love rushing U-Haul so what if we just sat back in UA [ __ ] CS are tur the [ __ ] are down oh they know two two of us are new oh behind us yes oh that was a possibility wow that was like a world record she was top she dashed top

Truck guys guys planted cyer 101 get 101 s last player standing [ __ ] we still double s ouch okay we have to stop the jet from dashing onto top truck let me uh I can play what’s it called I’ll play a I think as long as I

Just play anti like she just dashes off the flash so if I just play anti this jet it instant up she they dog too though so careful oh yeah they do dog dog I she dog okay yeah it might be hard though cuz it it’s going through smokes actually I won’t

Smoke it no I have to smoke perfectly fine it’s quiet at day start they’re coming go they dogged in hookah that’s Garden Oh hook smoking doesn’t go oh God okay I’m running the other way I knowly where you are we have raol

Ra no no no we we do oh we have ra one was cubby Care One see you two two two two back side now back please I was trying to live all right someone tell me someone tell me where to play I think we push up

I think I think we have to push up be long wait even if we do push up be long it’s still like like hard trip I mean we can just flank right or get the trips and leave either one I just think it’s worth like we we just aren’t taking enough like aggressive

Space launching smoke molly want me to FL shower they’re taking their stars back oh never mind they smoked a I’m blinded I’m so sorry this guy they’re still watching this trip they’re coming back me I’ve got your Trail I don’t know they they came back and watched the

Trip they came back and watched the trip Aiden did you just see how I died oh my god dude what is happening let me show you how I wait I’m going to smoke this like this last standing nice trade nice nice nice oh dogging oh my God she lur through a

Everywhere yeah what are they watching trips I I they they cleared me here yeah that’s they cleared me there look at how I died maybe they heard they five stream mode no I don’t know do they they do have five streamer mode why does he keep

Talking to me Shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] loser ass [ __ ] oh shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up I see I see I see I see I mean I can cover my screen honestly take f f okay are they out showers I don’t know we

Don’t know we don’t know they needed me off to a actually I’m just going to come careful for the dash Alan oh actually never mind they cut noise they didn’t inde he cut noise yeah nothing short for now I’m going to smoke shower and leave oh you need the or let me know

Already myself it’s a in Al Hall last standing oh imagine if I hit that transfer though did I blind you that round in the half no no no no imagine I that trans the should I just cover my screen no I don’t I don’t I don’t know if they’re sniping I don’t

Even know if they’re sniping or I think I mean this running down um [ __ ] man think watch and learn might have to go for like a de want the launching smoke one one here you he there’s one ho hoen got thisen one they tped it oh my God viory open up the

SK a back site nice shy nice all thanks General thank you so for 30 months in a row welcome back thank you girl would do not pay attention to like I don’t know I I didn’t know what to do against that team I played

Pass I I mean we just had to we just had to stop the like it was really easy to stop the jet Dash Sky flage it’s just we just didn’t take enough measure to stop it I think oh can we um can we goon yeah yeah yeah I’m down cuz they only went

Off of Sky flash they didn’t even check if the sky flash anyone or anything you know it’s just flash Dash flash Dash can’t play Both Sides that’s all I’m say talk thank you so much for 41 minutes welcome back thank you and SK here too uh Cypher here too I hear the here

Okay just on top standing really where is he he’s just right out I have goodness gracious why did he say good play oh I think just typ talking to himself um they three on B with cyer with Cipher with Cipher and sky cyer

Sky and they did a double play at w y we should uh wall up wall down Walk Up Walk up here should we force I’m down to force so wall up and then wall down wall up wall up and then we get up and then I’ll take the wall

Down hold the youha they’re room by wa he’s marshalling marshalling top top box he’s he’s peing he’s peing 50 Astra de on my body de on my body and then Astra out out out help guy help our Sky help our guy oh my God one one oh Bulldog nice

AC the or for you she raay was a yes could be could be we don’t know could be mark it as well nothing’s clear not back site not U-Haul flash you hul clear one’s pipe one pipes one pipes in the smoke with a judge going down you hul both you hul

Both you hul both you hul 70 70 by got this enemy remaining a judge has a judge nice just drained of my gas there’s no gas left oh wall up orb down orb up wall up orb down don’t you guys to know ftic was in the same situation braan finals map five

But that was Ice Fox that was Ice Fox it really was Ice Fox that was um the Astra light swing showers can we make noise um be long as Aiden holds showers Aiden hold showers Aiden hold showers I can hold short okay Eva you and I will make noise be long here yeah

Sky oh my God there’s oh what the fudge dude she’s just perfect tracking me perfectly Beyond the Wall there’s a deagle on my body she’s pushed up short and she has my gun deagle on my body AST here last player standing of course you clear that whatever

Whatever whatever yeah get me out of this game these losers I think we all I think we just like EV or no yeah where show show showers and take show of sky sky flash to the right and then I’m so late I’m late I’m so late

There come with us we’re going to do okay wait let me see if they I [ __ ] up my flash okay I want to get I want to get seen by the bird I’m coming in the Smoke want to walk up going down going down jet was showers jet was showers jet was also

Showers I’m clearing oh what dude this jet is so sus dropping dropping like hacking sus oh I’m going B last player standing you know I bet this jet is already here no I how are they predicting where no I I feel like jet like lowy has walls or something

Dude I I just ref that jet like has the most perfect swings ever like perfect timings can you C in like 30 we need to fill I got go no no don’t do it no I should recorded uh I’m surprised they had streaming mode on all of them oh I

Couldn’t tell but this jet I’m reporting I should have reported game we have 2 hours left to this act will oh sorry uh Jess is making food okay I guess I go make food then be right back I’m gonna go get food be for Aiden yo such a fan bro tweet

Huh bro dude dude it’s just like I I just opened [ __ ] I [ __ ] with that though give me tabs and [ __ ] [ __ ] with that I did give you a tab I did give you a tab [ __ ] with that bro it’s like my dog for real my dog for real my dog for real

I am convinced that jet was had walls or something perfectly tracking me with her guardian around corners of the wall are you kidding me she’s perfectly tracking me with her guardian past the wall she couldn’t even see me she was just shooting me with her guardian cuz she could see past dude and

Then and then the perfect swing timings and the Jet just uh like swinging pre dude I I I just feel like oh my God Ian Ian oh my God congratulations oh my God I’m so I’m so happy for you oh my god let’s go Ian oh my God congrats dude you

Got into all my dream schools that I couldn’t get into well not Cornell but Yale in Colombia I think I apply but I didn’t get into Yale or Colombia that’s so awesome congratulations Ian you got who cares about Harvard and Stanford I mean I don’t not care but you know yell in

Columbia Cornell that’s that’s pretty insane good job Ian I’m so proud of you did you get your uh the essay checked over more after I looked at it dude that’s so awesome Ian yeah you get to chill I’m so proud of you I’m so glad dude those essays do work I swear

To you college essays are so worth reviewing I’m so glad you got it checked oh my God great job I’m so proud dude I feel like a proud older sister I really do oh my God I’m so proud of you D oh my God that’s so exciting you’re going to have a great time in college dude University was some of my best years in my life even compared to now I was just broke but imagine if I had money in University oh that would have been nice I was just

Broke no oh I hope you get into upen upen is great you have a yeah no upen is amazing my friend from Northwestern she ended up transferring to up she had a blast balls be right back I’m making two more games I think we only play like two more games oh for for

Cancels okay be be again for Alan why is this game so Random um I mean justand just like no like anyone can anyone can do whatever like yeah you know Sam Sam said on stream he was like party not ready oh he was like chat anyone can out frag me whenever

Even my video editor I was about to clip that [ __ ] I was about to clip that [ __ ] no cap you’re the Baseline bro yep yep I’m the Baseline even that guy even that even that guy even that guy points to the homeless dude on the corner so

Funny Ian I know I only looked at your college essay like once but I just want to say like I hope I contributed to it because I’m just you know like I want to Pat myself on the back because you know like I did like look at your colge just

Say I did I did I did I’m kidding a little bit but it would help my tutoring track record dude that is so awesome though oh my God that’s so exciting I’m back let’s go is just not back you want me to look at your med school essays I went to underground not

Grad school feel like you have to be a whole another caliber to look at grad school stuff I don’t know is grad school I don’t know I don’t know anything about grad school dude I did want to look at people’s college essays though I forgot

That was like a whole thing I wanted to do dude it’s so awesome when you finish um when you get into the undergradu want though you you spend like the rest of senior year just chilling I didn’t allow myself to play League of Legends until I finished college essays or college apps

And then after I finished my college ABS marble you’re going to burn yourself stop baby no um after I finished my college ABS I started League of Legends and then I got addicted and then I was really glad I didn’t start during the school year y thank for the appreciate yo thanks for

The raid dude thanks thanks for the raid thanks for the raid [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no I just look like an idiot no you look like an idiot everyone Point laugh as a penrad I’m emerging from lurking to say good luck a that’s so cute I really like your name by the way

I love Inori um Valia thank you so much for 32 months welcome back and thank you like Selen was just humming sakuna what all right was that you humming or was it Seline I wasn’t humming I was muted oh oh are we ready yeah

Oh for my rice balls is in here like in the lobby yeah yeah yeah oh [ __ ] my fault I about got range I went to undergrad for communications and I uh I majored in Communications I minored in business actually at Northwestern it’s called business institutions program but it’s pretty much a minor for

Business PE Pew PE PE PE Enceladus thank you so much for your Prime welcome to the star prism thanks for my St thank you I did major in calms oh my God I literally saw Kelly’s tweet she like made cookies and I was like oh my God I want cookies so bad right now I wish I

Had cookies and she dm’ me and she’s like hi would you like some chocolate chip cookies for your birday I’m so happy I’m so happy she literally read my mind like I didn’t even say anything that’s so cute I just saw this tweet and it looked so

Yummy that’s so cute thinking of a girlfriend think of a girlfriend think think what what did you say trying to manifest I’m trying to manifest I think he’s trying to manifest himself something oh I see wait Alan did they get moved in who um Kelly and Ethan no no no they’re staying at

They’re staying at uh uh up godamn that me leaking and I just be asking daring questions out here that’s why I didn’t specify we oh man we’re talking about undergrad while I’m eating Ramen basically or tap and it’s just like this is nostalgic as hat you guys eat dinner

Yet eating fried rice right now I made myself tap goody oh you so yummy I freaking I freaking love that goodi spider pig thank you so much for giting us up to Ian oh I really want to make t t eventually yeah match found honestly I could just write down

My recipe for you it’s so easy sure okay to play un noce you guys want to play I don’t how to play we’re going to be up all night right I’ll be right back [ __ ] rock are to drink I’m going to get a energy drink called coffee wait no go

Back to raise I didn’t I [ __ ] that actually you [ __ ] with my raise okay all right never mind for Joy after this you want to do some tinkering sure but if anything explodes again you are telling brim all right Who’s down to win I’m pretty down to win I’m hella down let’s

Win whatever you hope you know you did it for the cues go off mean wait is this new loed or no no it’s old I know it’s so confusing cuz we played the custom I know oh my God starting FL see yeah nothing oh my goding vision yeah put smokes down one

B I’m leaving okay dead do you have dog I’m holding CT one enemy remaining ohike down C he bomb site yeah bomb site bombs dropped on site Bombs Up B Mound nice let’s go dang look at all these ghost that CER thinks he sees everything this cyer thinks he sees

Everything this ghost is too good which ghost the Wukong one oh it’s actually too good okay can I try yeah I’m fighting a oh [Laughter] sorry I was like body blocking accident oh taking this one back one enemy remaining down H yeah damn you two just

Really just held it down I’m fighting a e I’m fighting a get those Eco Frags let’s fight a wh Sky you want me to I look I look this way anyways so I do it left no I think curving no I think curving here is better on the right side I’m going above enemy taking going 63 63 63 holy [ __ ] we went dummy stupid oh and

Now Perfection there’s vandals down I’m a little far where I was so surprised they committed to that let’s keep doing it I can’t believe they committed to that considering like we sucked and Ned and then about to be honest we so there okay I go with you guys this time my

Flck yeah flash okay watching um is ituring Vision do me through do me through do me through oh [ __ ] no I keep out I’m going to clear I’m going to clear front B oh my God this guy yeah they’re at Mound guck oh oh just gets three last player standing Time Zero thank

You suggest is your birthday not my birthday it isn’t not it is it it is in China Spike planted Korea true my bullets went do do on her ear and her head like it went like it went like her right ear and then her top of her head like it went perfectly around

Her that was really unfortunate oh dude if I ads straight that I would have gotten her that was really unfortunate that I’m here I’m Notting a I’m block Vision what there’s four five four all four four yeah all four all four they’re doing okay I died oh shoot last standing they needed

Me push they already Ned push my domain they’re planning B Spike planted that guy doing what is that guy doing I think because the ray was defending he probably got confused with the audio one of my creatures it’s a good thing all right figure out what they do eventually set situation they

Already need yeah they already needed it’s what forced me to swing so Aiden I hate to break it to you but they needed me um I hate to break it to you no don’t say it don’t break it to me no don’t break it no don’t do it don’t do

It I have ultimate for retake oh they’re that oh they’re dogging up C concealment yeah but I didn’t hear anything following oh those two two two falling off of Mound interesting El anything toward Vision there’s a few see they have four SS you have four SS well the only

Impactful one is re oh they have five Sky yeah sky grabs or I’m blind I’m pulling oh they open they open door for not yet they’re in B yeah they flashed in B nated ra Ed are you serious she Ed here ra is breakable wait wait for God God God God one

Enemy unnown never saw him I never saw him [ __ ] nice nice round hell yeah grab this ball sorry like that spam on this guy [ __ ] yeah that I noticed you put in your video you you said this is God too yeah you know like any time God it God it just just

Lee what nah big fam big you know I only say it because you say when I if I say Lee if I say Lee you got to be like Carter Lee Carter Carter rush hour no rush hour I’ve never seen nothing outside a that broke the dogs here earlier

They could fall back towards a I hear the one one ra ra there’s at least two where’s there C careful B yeah they could be up B ra someone one a one one a okay okay you need smoke no no no no no he doesn’t know I’m

Here can you just jiggle stairs two two two two know now Satchel inside two two two last two last two a front sight in stairs stairs stairs was front sight still St still nice nice nice full cor no that was illegal no that was illegal he’s

Hacking need a drop I see we’re just like we like broke every round huh no one should be able to hide from ethos flash uh let’s do the n Play again yes I like it okay this what I’m going to do let me show you my com you

Guys want me come too I’m uh yeah you go a I’ll hold B flashing off this okay R and Glory if you’re staring at it you might get blind but they should be blind too I’m playing I’m playing know two in their spawn y covering it one enemy remaining flawless

IID want to keep fighting a want to keep fighting a okay he’s fighting a balls balls balls I have a I’m on the board to the comes the airplane you are so stupid you are see it’s an airplane my this child in our spawn I’m an airplane a said here’s the

Airplane oh he’s judging that wow I know exactly where you are open they have a lot of time I’m out one enemy remaining FR FR oh front sight okay he’s onina okay yo yo yo this guy found the counter he put a judge in rubble you know what I have a counter

For him I also have a counter for him I also have a counter for him what if I judge him what czy you want to move up I’m going to concuss the left yeah I need to blow something up oh maybe I should have came over going to flash without a I

Can I’m blind oh wait wait wait wait oh oh I was the only one fighting there I forgot yeah oh o yeah what that’s not a kill yeah we might be throwing dude that would have been such a good play if we had more one more person oh he’s he’s pushing

You he’s fighting you there you dink them 74 on Cipher you guys looked at each other and didn’t for like a full second I know that was you did get the omen though you did get the omen but like but like but like like I got traded and

Stuff I’m so buy pleas buy please oh did I concuss The Omen yeah you did nice I’ll f it I I’m I’m keeping well I think they know Nowa okay if you say so so that’s my job I’m going straight to them turn I needing pulling them

In I don’t hear it’s in our spawn it’s in our spawn it’s in our spawn oh my God I couldn’t see him cuz the could have gone in B could have gone in B could have timing car there’s a omen like in b he we didn’t clear anything this is like all scary

Okay right planted I’m right here I have ulti for retake oh oh my gosh he just swung time to raise raise Raina CT standing oh n last round before the switch last round before the switch I can buy one I me yeah oh wait no it takes two all life armor

Uh thanks oh thanks uh just request thank you happy birthday thank you that’ll work I’m so I still have ulti for Retake 65 65 four four four four four I’m blind oh my God [ __ ] sock eater they’re grabbing orb guy got it I’ve got your tra [ __ ] I’m TP R time to let’s both go through Mound Spike planted reload targ con block Vision where’s the bomb Oh from one enemy remaining nice oh my

God [ __ ] me little little kissy kiss most in a while oh my God I’m saying it cuz I know it’s not true Hold Up Wait hold on hold up oh Lordy that a w Jesse watch yourself I’m not something I know I’m watching I don’t know I can’t defend you here Alan

I’m not going to lie what is happening there’s no there’s no defending here kisses a guy EXC me one flanking I’m blinded care flank care flank care flank I’m there’s two on site who’s more brain dead who’s more brain dead yesen this is not you should stop fighting one enemy

Remaining that was painful unknown I hear her stairs Oh Heaven now I want a kill last player standing oh my God 117 117 I Believe In You 117 pulling them in yep yep yep he good who’s more brain dead how sometimes sometimes I watch you feel I when fingers like dialing in you’re

Not breathing or something because it just progressively gets more and more like panicky you’re not breathing I feel like you’re running out of oxygen okay that last play I was completely trolling I was yeah I was just running around I was like yo I going just keep tapping

This kid like I wanted to tell you like to take a breath you know find the and break damn J and I got some kills dude let’s go reloading right like shroud oh my God is that shroud round out pled one enemy remain I get a Healy

Can I get a Healy please Healy hey thank you so much wait wait let me let me suck it off wait we’re moled we’re Molly wait the he is doing more damage than the or the mol do the heal oh she’s got deagle I’m coming

Please can you please oh my God oh my God a vandal guys guys guys there’s one deagle shot I’ve never seen Seline and J move so fast oh I H the deagle and I wanted it so bad I wanted the deagle I looked over to them they were like straight hard

Anchoring yep y boom deagle y dude I wanted the deagle like I got a vandal instead the situation great round yeah wait no wait trade with me tra me this no it’s like I love the Spectre what is your birthday I’m actually so much better with the Spectre than a

Gun you want a Nate Bend oh wait we have oh we do have race Su I’m theive player of the I have Thee I have the spike keep going keep going keep going I’ll put on your Molly keep going keep going keep going of course and just like that Jess it’s up to

Us one’s at b or was that Waterfall oh yep last player what oh that is so unlucky what the [ __ ] happened boys it it was Allan’s fault it was Allan’s fault it was Alan’s fault I can’t believe she Roomba on the mound perfectly I thought she would Roomba a Direction looks your what is happening what did I just hear I just ke I kept telling Alan go go go go keep going keep going dud our free round no you made us lose our rifle yeah why did you make us lose rifles now I have a [ __ ] now I have a

Phantom so Phantom Tag oh what the oh there a oh [ __ ] yo I swear I saw like one moread yeah there’s one more wait what the what is that guy doing just take take take side [ __ ] this FL guy I wasn’t Omen here too yeah uh one Spike down

A I think went through b I think went through b what the [ __ ] standing well then yeah conce wow must nah need a need a sense of urgency here Alan call please call dude I haven’t shot in this game forever just get me out call please honestly I feel that so I

Know just by about are going to that work Vision in I sucked them Cypher C cyer cyer has this cam on see he just put a trip down I’m taking it I’m taking itting yeah okay the camera nice dude there’s another trip onite div another trip on site you kill the

Trip ready I think you should oh sh you have to plant I know exactly where you are he’s back back yeah he’s back site now oh my God three flank three flank three okay where is Spike okay yeah yeah play for B play for I’m popping

Okay last player standing I no 54 dis Sky you got this I think we got we got it yeah we got it we got it nice let’s go my good guys I Haven I have not shot a bullet our sky is the playmaker yeah I can’t believe you got two there that

That was ins that was a balls play for sure if I dude you getting two there actually secured as the round holy crap the they don’t call him balls for nothing right there yeah can you flash in front of Rebel yeah let’s start this let’s see

Now I sucked them oh they went oh two two two more two more two more two more down one enemy remaining he was a c player he take a take a okay go together go together I’m scared oh my God yeah all you got to do is

Trade we have two stars and an alarm bot wait did I hear yeah yeah yeah oh my goodness standing wow I think we both had our util out yeah it’s cuz J and I haven’t shot in like I know 30 rounds dude my dog no worries CH no worries all good

Team all good I saw this guy jiggle was holding it and hean right wait can we can we have race Satchel B but the rest of us contact a sorry raise Satchel a but the rest of us contact up B we haven’t tried that work um I just

Need one sky flash let’s make some chaos that’ll work hard cover it already up okay I only have one smoke I’m smoking Heaven a good have a good we have a really insane timing here okay that timing just down B last player standing that wasn’t a head shot it was like a millimeter

Off my only it was like my Crosser was on her head it was a little above but come on can you just uh I’m going to S the waterfall can we walk up really fight they don’t they don’t fight walk up and just in on thisy you

Can off my yeah I’ll off your keep it cool that’s how you survive about there got your targetting them ready I’ll handle this Vision what the oh my God my astral thing bugged he put a trip there watero dude my astral thing bugged that was really

Unlucky oh my god oh oh my God Scar the [ __ ] out of RT there’s a c red righted yeah oh my goodness I take them out still waterfall there’s a trip there’s a trip right here did we already break it yeah there’s two water okay last what is that jle he likes squiggle

Dance here because we’re the best water I knew he was going to play waterfall too yeah that’s so far back this gu play my let’s just take Rubble space I have not even shot here yet I feel like I’m bro I have not shot my gun I think it’s time for lethal without

Yeah one4 94 nice 51 on downo was R she’s by the AL or standing rubble and Al or in the corner in the corner of the the or What die you actually walked in this guy was scared the entire time he didn’t want to swing you I’m sorry let’s whatever I saw it’s okay um if I make a lot of noise B and I ulti you think they’ll shoot the rain or raise rocket uh

Situ or should we just take it here here can we just here can we fake a just that this star and then I’m just going to try to get out they smoked front B they smoked front B one break yeah one’s breakable I have the two one more

One Cypher is there you said yeah he just tripped R Heaven I broke the trip oh I have a timing have a oh [ __ ] I should have let you you want to plant he’s coming to a he’s going to back com one enemy remaining Omen was breakable right oh he’s he’s near me

He’s near me okay Aiden has on what’s Happ One Tap One Tap match point so hungry what the calling let me go here let me start seat let me grab my uh orb fake seat you guys go just Sky flash this for me and then just go back you’re just go back

After I am with you just don’t show any present on a first yeah I’m not oh my God I it’s okay let’s just wait let’s just wait smoke smokeing Vision you guys come back in Scatter where on close to an ulti wait wait one’s pushing out a c it’s just it looks

Like just cyer oh my god oh One’s On Me one’s on me yeah I need this is so just wa oh my God that was almost so bad oh my what the [ __ ] do we have C okay CER was last player standing oh 30 seconds left think oh

Dear I did dink him I didn’t you even see that they look like us but are they us I have so many questions I can’t shoot I can’t I mean we spent the entire game not shooting Jess how we spent the entire game not shooting Jess I can buy you the

Deagle no it’s okay no we’re forcing up anywhere we’re forcing up anyway we have to we have to we have to OT we have to OT you could buy a better gun maybe I don’t know okay okay I’m going to walk up here yeah they do it’s only one left

Obscuring Vision why are they in is smoking D he always smokes Make some noise for me on my Smoke’s fading stair no no I’m not picking I’m not we clear front a one’s breakable I’m walked into see I’m opening the door I open the door i havec i

Havec two leaving a two leaving a now I put mol on the pl spot water right now water he don’t let him peek him I’m blind dude I’m so far BR [ __ ] I broke the flank trip so they’re kind of worried about the FL playing anti last player standing he’s playing anti oh

No oh dude I just SP the entire game not shooting uh you’re going to opsy okay that’ll work that should work right if someone typed that to me I wouldn’t even be mad [Laughter] come iot I think oh my God R I heard are they’re going to go

There’s smoking stairs I can hold your be I can hold your be see anything I hear grass opening Tree open Tree open could be upstairs could be could have Tim upstairs on site going through breakable front sight one more front sight yep cyer unknown sky was front sight still front sight

[ __ ] one enemy stairs what stairs stair down I’m going to hold stairs iomb on me fake I’m going to regroup 30 seconds left where’s the bom right in front of he in his cage nice I brought it out I brought it out Alan I had

To SES I had to do what we need to do win the sooner I’m out of this game the better I said that and we went to overtime this just making me really insecure and sad and I don’t like hey hey birthday happy happy birthday that’ll W

It’s all good just just think about how many scraps you’re going to get in the next game scraps wait are you playing I just want to [ __ ] eat it’s actually my first time playing we’re taking his lethal virginity yeah cap no cap on God type [ __ ] oh he’s

Close unbreakable three three two two two two two I’m Ned I’m Ned there’s four here Omen breakable one more one more y Omen was breakable one enemy remain healing healing here no he’s dead AF you got this Allan oh my God attack win bro what is my score that’s a way

Ended okay [ __ ] valerant wait when does the queue go down at 10 one more hour we should play one more yeah we should play one more yeah there’s no way I’m going to end on a 417 let me finally make my food oh what I thought you were making your

Food 15 first Bloods me and you poop on the floor yeah me it’s like you know when you got it you got it you know lowy though lowy though and was kind of the closer yeah and was and was the closer we open it he closed that [ __ ] he he he

Knows how to tlor thank you four months happy two years spider pick thank you so for giting us stuff to Ian en en en oh my God that name is so hard to say enus thank you so much for your Prime so Jay do thank you so much for 16 months

In a row welcome back thank you shindo thank you so much for 10 months Mao thank you so for 24 months happy two Years oh my God Janet is still streaming dude it’s the Minecraft it it’s actually the Minecraft she is just deep into Minecraft on the bright side though that means she’s having fun GG’s you like my score 417 dude it got to the point in the game

Where I hadn’t shot for so long I just could not shoot for the rest of the game what a score I don’t think I’ve scored that low in a long time well I haven’t been playing valerant much no I knew you were joking it’s no biggie I didn’t think you guys were toxic

GG’s my score pains me I was not down to end on that oh thanks Kit Kat I was but a bot but thank you spend the entire game not shooting you can’t really shoot after I pray I pray I’m in the double digits the side and kill I’m going to cry if I’m Not oh do we have win loss loss win was that our score have we played four games when have we played win loss loss win oh yeah holy crap we got owned on bind oh it’s cuz that jet just no this jet was Walling I swear to God that jet was Walling

It wasn’t like the breeze Viper the breeze Viper was really good I swear to God that J was Walling Mountain Dew thank you so much for 28 months in a row welcome back thank you I did earlier I ate so fast I didn’t really chew yeah I do plan on getting into Final

Fantasy but there’s just so many games to be played that it’s a bit rough but I am sure that I’m going to get back into it actually I’ve been so sure for the last couple of months said I was going to get back into it that I that I haven’t unsubscribed yet

But I could have saved some money if I had unsubscribed earlier it’s just hard because every time every time people get bored they’re like let’s play Minecraft and then I start Minecraft I’m like well there goes my final fantasy opportunity Maddie thank you so much for 40 months welcome back we did indeed

Win we did indeed win but to no credit to me I think I won a Max one round for us out the 30 rounds we played oh my God Ren thank you so much for gifting us up you can kill him Back hi Neil how are You Ace thank you so much for 38 months welcome back you know as much as I like really flavorful Foods I’m also fine with just eating like rice and Kimi and like seaweed not that that’s what I’m eating right now but I freaking love Kim Kim is so

Yummy and it’s good for you man taking a break from studying kimy is a college meal saver depresso we should have want the breeze game we threw a lot on that one run a back I didn’t even know there was a bundle available yeah I there’s I’m not going

To be replacing this melee with the new one oh Ren thank you for the 500 bits thank you excuse me excuse me and so I don’t know if I should buy the new bundle cuz I’m not replacing this melee and I don’t think I’m replacing any of the the gun

Skins I could buy it for my other Account the only reason why I would want the new guns is because that skin line you can turn it white and I freaking love the like white gun aesthetic as you can see so that’s like the only reason why I would buy it but the knife is just so

Good but I don’t see myself replacing the knife or my knife but then I think I wouldn’t enjoy not not having that skin bundle on my man so I don’t know what to do no no no no no I don’t want you to fund it I I’m just like Curious or not

Curious I just don’t know what the best decision is should I put it on my main should I put it on an All no no no you know what bundle I regret I regret buying the video game bundle that one I really regret I actually knew going into it I was like I’m not going to use a single one of these skins but I got it because I thought if I missed out on the

Melees of that I would be kind of sad I really regret buying the video game one but out of all the skin lines I bought that one’s the only one I really regret no no no I think the video game skin is like a fan favorite a lot of

People like it I think it was just like for me I knew I was never going to use it and I bought it anyway so yeah do I regret not buying one Um No I think I bought everything that I wanted I don’t really hold back I think I have everything I want in ballerin skin wise like there was nothing I was only waiting for things to come in the store on my alts like the protocol Sheriff that was about it it that’s a cute

Spray I have regretted not finishing battle passes I regret not finishing like earlier battle passes am I going to regret not finishing this one though oh this is a cute spray oh who let me just zoom in on the spray that Sage one is cute too oh the sprays for this bundle are

Pretty cute oh yeah this bundle is kind of M or this battle pass is kind of M it’s just the the sprays are really cute the be Buddy I saw it earlier it’s cute I think the sprays are really cute for this bundle though they did a great job I saw this uh color coding I was like wow this is so Diva intentional probably right dude the enemy kept my Vandal for so long

I don’t know if I would ever change my Phantom skin whoa It’s lagging oh this one’s the other good Phantom skin I could change it to this one but I really like the Champions Phantom damn this is a long que match found I just had to complain about

It dude I complained about it and then it popped I should just complained about it to begin with now we get a scent Aiden’s favorite map oh I don’t mind it anymore but like take it on the map they oh yeah this is your silver

Map you just got [ __ ] ego I did just get Al play play Jet Aiden you want me to play Jet oh which one you want J I’ll play C Joy I’ll play this psych I rather you make space said I don’t have to what you’re going to lurk I’m not

Going to lurk I just don’t want to flash every time I have never seen Alan lurk you’re going lurk Alan no don’t accuse Alan of lurking I’ve legit never seen Alan lurk Alan you’re l i only lur unless I only lur for like really sweating I don’t like I like just going

In yeah you you don’t know about the the KJ ethos my looks like bro I get I get behind them I get you get behind them you you give them back shots you do that no no I’m like weird bro I get behind them and I just look at them

Bro what is happening observe what am I listening you won’t even know I’m there is this is this illegal get me out start the game start the game dude start the game start the game start the game did I just hear something like illegal that was quite an experience you feel com

Dude it’s the fact that Al has a deep Bassy ass voice that just doesn’t make it better just doesn’t I just get right behind them I just got to get right behind them and watch them oh my God Kelly’s cookies look so good I know that’s what I’m they’re like

Salted or something it looks so good K it’s my birthday too I can give you bite if you would like tomorrow bite I don’t get my own cookie yeah you get one bite you got one bite you even get a cookie evil ass laugh what is this evil ass [Laughter]

Laugh holy [ __ ] you Alan you remind me of doof insts what P the platus [ __ ] s when I laugh you [ __ ] Peppa Pig what that was too far bro you’re not latte latte latte wait they stop they only kill dude I don’t remember my lineup what the [ __ ] is

This pull back pull back heav star one stop one St oh close off [ __ ] one more main one on site one cat my God ler cat oh yeah uh 68 Astra Spike planted team I’m so sad I missed my Dart I’m sorry I heard you Alan I was going to

Hold back but I missed my Dart tiled me I just I just it’s fine I just I literally stood up and showed the camera I’m tucking in my shirt into my pants and cover all the way up over I aming the [ __ ] what is this back hit with a

L with a lurk of cat yeah the lurk of cat was insane on pistol wow on pistol don’t show any mid presence but like we walk into mid late as four oh fight um wait I heares theyes oh my God that KJ got a nasty shot on me D Astra I

Think oh this is a game this is a game for sure these guys are not a joke everyone up your monitor closer I’m feeling up I’m feeling this I’m treating this like a premier game is so close it’s some behind my head right now oh this gameit not a I’m literally

Doing the SS right now these guys are good okay they’re trying they’re trying very hard like this is the last game they could play yeah that’s why they’re trying that hard I think I know it’s cringe standing ahead nothing B main top mid oh nice got

A kill oh I dashed the wrong way oh good [ __ ] Dan I dashed the wrong way open oh my God this guy’s marshalling be mean he’s grabbing my guardian he grabbed my guardian he’s leaving main or it dashed out dashed out one up mid oh my God one mid one enemy remaining

Should be Tes bomb is Cap bomb is cap nice a good for holy crap he he marshalling be me [ __ ] I didn’t take a breath that whole round a breathe out breathe out breathe out need a drop can I get thank you I’m going to I don’t remember my

Dart losing no more rounds a shoot what was it do I just start this he late flashed it sorry that’s just a practice Dart the dart from b d from B that missed they’re droning me what the hell yeah I missed my Dart down a oh I

Have how did I not fail that transfer one switch one on site switch dead back site one remain cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat sorry sorry that one step closer chill bro I can drop the vle drop the vle very good I don’t remember this D

Whatever I’m just going to Dart I’m just this or this yeah just like you jump and shoot it at this thing yeah I think I’ll just shoot this thing you’re talking about this thing right yeah that’s what I did that’s okay show you okay stand right here uhuh aim right here double bounce

Full Max charge it’ll land in a God Spot it’s like when they come out standing they’re starring here oh you see that right above a I I don’t even see it FL have your man have your be man so Cat Care Cat Care Cat Care Cat Care cat smoke

Cat com in one enemy oh my God nice round guys want a late look these guys want a [ __ ] late look I’ll bring out the op oh Okays I’m going mid I’m going mid go don’t make me what where they where did they Dart you remember where they darted at Mid oh right here I’ll shoot I’ll I’ll shoot it I’ll shoot it I mean so track them down get out of my waying oh oh my God this guy is

Insane she’s running up cat just just running up cat up cat up cat up cat maybe two one mid we have no we have no info on C they could be up cap they could be up tree yeah up up heav did we get the late ni that’s yeah holding

Me they’re another one yeah a man a man and one was bside oh they’re they’re falling back little you are divided up cat no way they re here right up mid going cat Soo was Last Stand he’s just holding Kos tree he jumped down out

Down oh n n n n dude this this this even on an Eco this KJ is still late no they are so slow and methodical like even after I killed they just a this round yeah yeah yeah y wait you do anti oh [ __ ] I’m going I’m oh yeah I

Should you should uh throw mol here like that and then play on aide so you don’t get hit the mol’s already down yeah I step B step one mid what takes away see in then they’re probably walking ring area over here dead oh got one I he’s watching me up yeah canuse

That one enemy remaining was oh unnown unknown nice I’m [ __ ] on I’m [ __ ] tur on right now wait what wait what go wait a minute I still think of you as like I oh never mind everyone does everyone oh my God my Dart own them you

Know EV any time go to Club Eva still asks if I’m underage wait what what did you guys say meanwhile I’m drowning Aiden’s shot glass yeah I know wait what did you guys say that made my check go h Huh oh he said uh he’s so turned on

Right now oh my god dude okay Aiden we we need you to dude this guy is crazy one one one’s oh I’m shooting cat that’s way too high can you ping It J two gen two J One they’re both s they’re both S I got drone but I’m far watch out watch out watch out I just got here where’s your wait and did you understand me when I said artist don’t deser oh my god did you

Understand him you understand no no no I just have to make sure just make sure cuz like it’s a very specific call it’s very it yeah I want it yeah don’t I want they got the KJ they got the KJ out oh I actually kind almost made

That you go for that shot I flash for shot I need they’re coming up cat you should Run I’ll return decoy here yeah they’re planning now enem planted I suck one enemy remain unknown could be help nicely nice round oh thanks what are we looking at is over I knew this would be easy but thanks for lighting the up um we are we are a little stacked

Over here okay let me just rotate to the other side s like that what so rude I have all you’re so rude I’m so sorry you’re so rude they smoke bottom M okay starting mid then get ready to spray oh my God oh my God 80 jet dude three mid there many

There’s many many I’m up up Astra as well nice two mark it one more one more one more you guys left left left left I’m as [ __ ] spawn in spawn oh my God bro there’s so many Kongs bro I’ve been hanging I’ve been Aiden you’re should the H your sh I was

Freaking going to D M for you the moment they smoke no no no no no they they were there were three and he pulled back and it then darted me oh I you said they smoked it no yeah but they pulled it back instead it was a

Good it was a good pull back cuz I thought I was going to bait it pull back what the [ __ ] fu is y’all problem P I can’t use my words look at pull back oh CH out CH out check I was swinging with your two M last two m one enemy

Remaining this guy still really yes last round in theow you know the last time I played valerant was like real or like a lot of valerant was with you okay they have everything for Mid I’m not oping here I will and then you left for Japan then I

Stopped playing valer was it Japan I don’t remember I’m going to play off was it before that I don’t know I’ll find them do you actually want to play Val again aren’t you playing a bunch of T get out of my way get out of my way

Tiles one you’re smoking mid I’m darting mid I got my Dart instantly she’s what how do you be oh there’s a box there there’s three mid three three three no forid formid formid all formid all formid C through 59 on jet oh no I have Spike I have Spike spike down a

She’s running towards a main from cat Luna you are on my mouse pad start up five start up in five uh make it watching me last player [Applause] standing nice when Allan rethinks his I like see the gears in Allan’s R be like Oh I’m just going to hit this he like rethinks

His decision he’s like I’m just going to get this guy instead you guys can you guys go uh all man I’m just going to dash up cat sure I like see it in Alan’s actions no I think you can see on myb I lean into and smoke a mid and then and

Then just flash tree from me we’re going fast yeah yeah we’re going fast okay well then I’m darting close and I’m just running up where you want my second smoke uh use second smoke for like three or heav doesn’t matter Shadows Starting oh wait they’re stacked wait they’re stacked they are stacked I mean well there goes our SP down good last player standing kind of weird they had four they had four it was one two 3 four oh also on BBL you don’t smoke oh you don’t just gamble just gamble just

Gamble that there’s no [ __ ] if I if I would have just took my time I would have killed it all it’s a it’s a calling energy from last season it’s not even that t calls a strat our five Stacks John John call the same yeah in season placing enemy Spott

In Monster bro monster bro that’s a good play standing ahe no please down I have the spike 50 gied hey I did damage to all of them hey that’s a good Eco I’ll take it L confit L confit there a confit n too extravagant um if they keep

Maybe I think I think we go mid yeah say I think we go mid I’m going to Jo I here drone no no dark dark mid and drone I am everywhere I’m thinking you drone mid I think you’re Jo after everything me cover oh my God this guy is [ __ ] on me

Bro down last standing this guy [ __ ] on me no good [ __ ] on me yes very good um we got a bit on what Happened watch them run when by my son that’s when we strike I don’t want spike Al so disappointed in oh Aiden dashing there no flash or anything crazy okay but this guy jle one ta me it doesn’t matter you could here in the open with a sting and you’re dead still

Like dude no no no no that guy jiggle one half me it doesn’t matter how you died bro you were going to die I just want might have a sick ass sick ass nasty ass [ __ ] dope ass time yeah just wait for wait for Al

Wait to me wa hold on holy [ __ ] he has no idea holy [ __ ] he has no idea one cat see cat oh she just put her the [ __ ] is I’m on site hard there they are oh my God k Spike down on site one enemy remaining last standing oh wait I 30 seconds

Left this guy said I’m stream sniping J thank you so much for the raid I really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you dude Janet I was like oh my gosh she’s still streaming I don’t know you are you stop stream sniping know who this is sorry there

Were so many voices in my head I was like oh my God she’s still streaming she freaking loves Minecraft uh let’s just grab B main space Jess I’ll leave you in here or something I’m going to join you in I don’t know KJ here okay going to leave you

There oh oh my gosh she’s offing Oh my he went to the right what oh down m Ow they’re running up be already oh [ __ ] one right side one one’s Rosa last player standing you got top 116 my Al is ready 30 seconds left one enemy remaining what a rat the dimensional fabric here is I have like the way this is going what a

R I’m broke dude he Dash to the left wow I still think work so F just like wait this round if you want to dash I can Flash you can we smoke C oh my God I haven’t heard from Ann in Forever actually are you there nothing close mid

FL how did he get me stand he he fall back fall back so’s in spawn so KJ are in spawn how do you guys want to do this close there’s three in spawn three in spawn they’re they’re like they’re like flooding CT yeah they’re all in CT right

Now FL ready one’s cat one’s cat one’s cat one more one more so CT there we’re going there mind this the mark Market CT this is is rough we are strong because we are together don’t forget that um can you guys buy a deagle and

Come here on B AAG yep a deagle light by light by light by light by oh yeah you can do Guardian yeah let’s just see is he did he usually um I don’t know where he stands actually we hardly going be here oh you said spam not nothing

Lane oh they’re here oh funny funny enough I think they ran out of our a so just care yeah they probably push they probably pushed they push for sure I can get you guys a gun just chill just chill yeah okay I give you a gun thank you here

Kill K as go up up cat up cat am he’s close is dead down I hate this guy so much I one’s Heaven I have the spike there they are yeah that’s make a good cat last standing Spike down a did I fell asleep cutting through 30 seconds left planted

The timing in that the timing in that is wild dude I hate those [ __ ] when you Sila Al I assumed he would run away but he’s stuck in here okay I have KJ I we could just do classic KJ B yeah we could I don’t think don’t know

K we’re not going fast we’re just yeah I’m droning wait don’t I’ll Flash the first corner okay okay St is here you have a shock For be we need we need he flooded out flooded out log’s dead CT smoke 40 Astra one enemy nicean oh my God you I have no idea what she’s saying um can I get a buy though J you I I’m flash on this guy I can Flash the yeah flash it I’m going to go fast on a man okay you do that my God s I’ll this enemy [Laughter] one Heaven one

Heaven deploying drone I one shot you want to it SW grenade going out dropped on site one enemy remaining Heaven last nice you’re a funny guy dude what he said he said oh I overheat him what you say ready to stretch your wings oh my God yeah that was

Scary I saw you go for I was like [ __ ] it I thought you all the way up here I was like [ __ ] it I inspired by my Ace you want to get one yourself yeah yeah I mean I got the entries too even though I saw one of

Your entries no it doesn’t matter got it same thing um no no no no let’s try to get this jet though oh not there this time just get orb and leave run ow oh nice maybe me and me and like Seline can fake like a mid push you guys say a okay

Yeah hold on beautiful yeah just just Dr Dr Dr Dr ready FL on C starting CT now let’s walk up let’s walk up you weird ass [ __ ] I’m here I’m here one enemy remaining k k tree oh my is ready they have two that entire time s tree s tree I

Have cross I have cross really am yeah wow really really why does this jet just swing on random ass timing bro like whatch your I’ll do pistol r no but this time no bottom I do not I do know I want we could just do that a

Play again I want to can can me and so fake a and you guys sure yeah we can do that okay I’m just going to here I’m L just going to like throw decoy and Flash you just Dart and Al yeah yeah I’m going to DAR it all I’m going

It get out of my way they didn’t didn’t get anything they didn’t get anything only can you watch my body oh never mind yeah going mark it be back KO still a outside out as oh I found KJ oh out lane already last player standing my God sa yeah I can’t reach

There wait no you can do damage Dage J Aiden Aiden we’re rich I forgot we’re rich bro who are we to dis can I up uh do you want to ENT no you can you can how do you want up though call it I don’t I just like hold up mid for you

Guys let’s get you let’s get you down bottom mid then like something okay I can D bottom mid for you they’ve never held bottom mid though no I mean they might like clear like he go up and post them through sure I’m holding C holding C oh they got

My D here mid it sounds like two shooting can you hold my body me meing here with a guardian going hold going to hold they smoked us off they smoked us off you stay here I’m leaving you an going to pick up cat now yeah yeah yeah I’m running cat with

You okay I’m darting a ring tree Yeah I broke GL last there’s at least Y I’m to go back I’m falling he’s going back B he’s going back B I’m going to walk up here oh shoot the turret are walking up we have 25 seconds oh my God they got to commit

[ __ ] k got standing Spike down a dude actually moves like a [ __ ] Ooa dude sing sides over Cy not a good shot today my shot on the guy other ways to be useful we needed like one pick during that one play I should I had a great play I just

Whiffed yeah I Whi too it happens it happens y’all you’re right you’re right we still in this sh let’s go I feel like their SAA doesn’t play SAA yeah he just shits I just haven’t seen his start go anywhere useful joing dring joining B I got tagged I got tagged Dash

Nice logs clear y wait KJ likes y there he is down spike is down I’m running off I’m running off one enemy remaining well want to push B okay push B switching sides match point I need I need to was that was that your impression of what they were saying

No yeah I think our a play was really good it’s pretty hard to stop unless there’s five here then I’m s to like us should just come just come come come me yeah going shoot by too deep breath oh thank you I’m doing I’m doing Leaf Dash I’m doing Leaf Dash Okay we

Blinded starting sight oh my Dart missed one front sight two Heaven two Heaven one switch two Heaven what the there’s so many of them dude they always stuck they they probably insta rotated cuz that one Molly that one Molly SL here oh KJ was as side yeah the alond flash me dashing and

That K they fine honestly I’m down to do it again but this time like just do a fake like in then go go mid I think they would see the fake I think if we do the same thing and we do a fake it’s a bit obvious nothing everything seems

Obvious but do with confidence it’s Never you said they’re running up mid starting one top mid oh one I’m going to drone this cat soon wait one broke my K cat K cat K cat K cat Dash up on site she just F K cat cat nice round oh my God thank the Lord she full sprinting head shot

Me like that no but it was like from like nnia like I was here and she was here and she’s like this and she head oh my God okay they’re not peing a anymore I feel like I could inch up with an OP wait you don’t want to do the a fake oh

Let’s do the a fake then no no no we do it we do it we do it we do it and then we leave Aiden we leave Aiden I’m switching tole the blind the dart the dash okay they DED top mid I I running upes K cat we got the

Trade I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving yeah yeah yeah jet was a heaven we SAA could have anchored B oh up m one yeah one market two Market two Market two Market go back smott instead raling are my godp they’re leaving towards a they’re leaving they’re coming one could still be

Aay down get back to right now one enemy 30 seconds left wait wait wait oh no oh [ __ ] is door closed no door’s open get on Nice Alan I’m not that dumb I’m not that dumb no I don’t even think I don’t think going for that rotate kill was even

Worth really if because if that Che peak in earlier bro we’re just we just lose dude we l just lose like it’s just high risk for like medium rewards you know lethal company yay take the site with [ __ ] it I thought since as died no one would

Be wobbly ankles thank you so much for 40 months in a row welcome back thank you somay thank you so for giting five Subs I really appreciate it thank you did it though wait so proud of us oh there’s an update I’m ending Immortal 3 I’m ending wait oh you up yeah yo

Congrats let’s go [ __ ] um should we run Leslie’s link one more time with the new yeah oh is there more new stuff in there well the game updated so I figure Nico might have updated the mods as well do you have the link on you Alan by any chance I have it

You just post it again yeah here DP thank you so much for 19 months in a row welcome back thank you sweet okay okay time for I’m gonna go PE PE okay don’t I’ve never played so I swear Alan you’re I was going to ask Timmy to play lethal company but

He’s playing tarov there’s no way we’re going to get off of tarov you’re either loud or you’re quiet or you’re both what is it right now you’re louder than usual I think I think I fixed it I think the issue was like Discord [ __ ] like I turned off a bunch

Of disc I know you’re playing tarov but lethal question mark good luck I turned off uh Echo cancellation I think that’s what was [ __ ] with it DUS yeah so let me know if it like does that again like changes yeah yeah that [ __ ] was annoying as hell annoying as

Hell updating what’s in this update oh what if they added walking hot dogs hello what nothing the way Seline said what she just sounded so tired of your [ __ ] wait there’s new moons oh oh let’s go to Ouran what like AR um how do I do any of

This wa you never played a I’ve never played lothal company so has an played has Anne played oh nope oh my God I’m so excited I haven’t really watched wait wait wait uh the link that Jess just linked you guys have to run that program

Before opening I think I ran it oh oh uh open it and then no it’ll close your game for you it’s a code so do I run the game first and then open it or no it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter just load that [ __ ] once

It’s done press the key and then just load back lethal and then oh I’m so excited to play lethal company with you two who’s never played oh [ __ ] oh crap oh crap I literally don’t know anything about this G perfect you have the best

Squad to do it too let let me and an cook let me and an cook okay okay we we will carry we will carry oh if you say so I don’t know something about moons and stuff yeah something about Moon we just Moon explorers and don’t and don’t

Ask questions we go in rure we go and raw we just go around adventure around moons wait so like if we see obviously you guys know there are monsters like if we see a monster do we want to tell you how to like counter it or you just no no

No no no we will go in raw all right right [ __ ] it I can’t wait now we go in raw hi hello Hello who is hosting the lobby I asked that as it has to be SEL because no one else here knows um what was I going to do oh wait okay I could probably do like like three or four rounds shut the [ __ ] up okay wow

Three or four that is so little I’m so confused okay it depends I thought you were staying up well I am but I have to edit videos too oh um where do I have all of you guys on Steam you have to add me like okay okay

Welcome to your first on the there’s my friend code I guess this is your very own autopilot ship where you will eat and sleep for the duration of your contract at home to complete theing process you will want to I put my friend code In oh my God it’s so loud it keep saying an error occurred every time I Jo did you run the program again you have to run it yeah no Capt can’t move yes because the mods update as the games update and the mods update too I can’t move did you upate Christina

You have to update you all have to update the game mhm no no no no uh you have to run the link again this link that just Posted no no no they they didn’t run it because they thought they didn’t have to run it again you have to run it every time you load it load the game is Christina talking I’m so confused I was talking in the game oh yeah she’s talking in the game do I just

Run the link again oh my gosh we have new colors um did I add you playing with she actually cries like she’s being killed IRL wait am I supposed be moving oh wait I think is just buged cuz I ended the thing wait but everyone but how are you moving

Then I I I don’t know I’m chill yeah you’re grab wait how is an oh there’s Jess wait an did you run it you have to execute the program I don’t think Ann executed the program an after you I ran it before updating uh maybe ran run it again that might be

And make sure you press any to ex it yeah yeah I did like you saw the command prompt pop up and it just ran a code okay yeah then that it worked try it again hi chrisa hello CL here they took out the Kirby they took out Kirby they took

Oh did you add me yeah I did wait do I cute like I want to be you can be oh we’re already friends SEL has a mask like we can all tell who SEL is okay oh oops that’s the wrong button oh I oh I’m watching game not loading

My you uh reinvite me yeah where is Alan am I friends with Alan on Steam who is I think TW and twer and twer no the Evo how you do that yo wait that’s what I look like oh my God Miami you should go to

Sleep oh we have an Ann’s here uh we just need Alan talking you’re talking don’t push to talk Open Mic Open Mic I’m just nervous I don’t want to talk yeah open micing yep it’s working in game you can mute on Discord yeah defin on Discord as soon as Alan

Joins yes is twerking way guys I love twerking me too actually thank you thank you thank you and clap that’s just his name what does his me that’s his steam name oh why I want to change my color I don’t know cuz it’s awesome I Want the laston I zero I sent you invite I oh uh can you move is I like spawned on my third monitor oh just click the window and then Windows key shift and then Arrow key to the monitor you want it on good night good night thank

You oh [ __ ] I forgot you can hear oh it’s even better cuz you’re also uning Discord bro I know you mute yourself in Discord I’m making Sarah download lethal wait she you coming to play yeah I really want her to try lethal what the hell how

Do who is this your hands on your knees KNE this I can’t see this person oh wait can you guys all pick different colors yeah I think we are all different colors I call pink no Aiden’s yellow Aiden Aiden and well the problem is there’s yellow and there’s dandelion so I think I’m

Dandelion guys what what Alan what where’s oh yeah they took it out I told you pushing me stop pushing Mario well to be fair Hayden’s not even here to role play with you so oh yeah are we waiting for Hayden and Sarah no I don’t think Hayden can play I

Don’t know what the [ __ ] he’s doing oh where is uh Sarah she’s downloading she is oh should I start then yeah you could start one okay wait can she join me how I check my wait is it Eclipse wait it’s eclipsed I think is it

Oh my God okay can I see it it is it is it is where am I and go follow all of them where where wait is it possible to be the first mood and have it be eclipsed and no no no an an oh my God what his body

Disappeared where Ann’s body disappeared wait did an die yes he died yes how did he even he got lost and then he walked into the bees oh what it’s so dark I know and also the walls are angled wait this fire exit how is there a fire exit right here oh I can’t

What the [ __ ] what was that a loot bu I ain’t got nothing bro leave me alone bro I ain’t got nothing the loot are things saying yippy saying yipp it’s the loot bug oh why is it so dark I don’t know wait is a fire no

Is it off me it is off of you it’s fine wait which way did Aiden go I don’t know isn’t Aidan also new yeah I think he just went with like bronie and Christina al so an’s just dead by himself honestly who knows a might be

Too um also it’s oh oh they found loot also it’s Eclipse but I don’t know what monsters are out here I don’t see anything yeah okay I’mma go in com like I don’t see any monsters for bro oh my God my ears what the [ __ ] I’m about to

Die sorry I didn’t know you I don’t have any me too let’s go dude I died to the worm there was a dog and a worm I have me wait how’ you guys die I died to a worm there’s worms and dogs one person back oh wait is everybody Dead Oh

Christina doesn’t know there’s dogs oh Christina you have to walk away cuz it’ll walk towards you and if you touch it it’ll kill you yes you have to crawl though you have to like crouch crouch walk just come from we literally just came from here oh

No wait where’s Allan oh he’s good he’s good are you talking about the thing that was chasing me in I don’t know I just died instantly and then that was it oh and died to the bees like first five seconds into the game it’s okay I thought it a loot bug

That’s sad that’s pretty sad wait I don’t even know how to counter it you just hit it I don’t have anything to hit it with so [ __ ] they’re being chased by the same loot bug that killed me they’re being CH oh oh no Jess has a flea on her face that is so

Gross oh no she just taking it what was I supposed to do dude [ __ ] is trolling me what do you Mean um [ __ ] out of here oh Allan just left Aiden he’s laughing he’s laughing you guys [ __ ] smell stupid Alan just left Aiden wait Alan left you he left you he left he left he actually just left you he saw you on the cam and left you as he should

Wait what the [ __ ] is your problem I was just about to get back to the yo yo chill chill we don’t need fting on our second day out here guys wait wait wait wait this is so unlucky it’s eclipsed again dude came out of wait guys it’s eclipsed

Again also somebody needs to hold an’s hand Eclipse me I got this it means there’s monsters outside oh oh oh it’s not eclipsed wait is it eclipsed me and you bro me and you wait which color are you which color am I I I think I’m green

Am I green oh it’s not oh my God we got so lucky oh my God it’s not Eclipse it’s not Eclipse let’s go yeah oh my God what’s your friend code uh Post in general okay oh wait yeah that’s true let me know when she adds me

Oh I’m a gummy bear yes AUM bear yummyy bear chrisa she’s a yummy gummy bear a yummy gummy bear she’s a yummy gummy bear oh try just try just try you try it try try it just try wait s can you jump over it you can jump over it

Okay just can you jump over this one where uh that one oh my God Al don’t you worry I’ll bring you home what happened to Alan pain no it’s a flash jumping over a land that’s a that’s a oh never mind yo wait you two are sticking together I feel like that’s not a good idea no no no I think that’s a great idea

Also if you want to look for items press right click okay you going back yeah you want me to bring stuff back no I I want to go with you okay okay I’ve collected EOS how did Alan die um he jumped over the little thing

After me and then it exploded on me oh miss thank you for the gift up thank you I actually can’t believe that first round it was eclip there’s a spider in there somewhere I saw okay oh that’s a turret oh that does not sound good oh my

God there’s a spider at the entrance be careful yeah um there’s a spider near the exit the fire exit well wait uh shoot I’ll just wait I was going to ask if Sarah ready to be invited yo hey good job guys you guys are alive and you brought loot

Back I like that you’re EA oh there’s a lot of Loot on the left room oh this was near the fire exit that I couldn’t go to oh that’s must be locked oh okay once they come back we can leave I am guess what we’re having

Tonight what some so oh my God my thing is bugged I can’t I can’t exit this wait where’s Jess where’s Jess and Christina they’re inside um I can’t exit this monitor I don’t know why wait are we going back in there for them um they’re near the fire dude my

Thing is bugged I’m stuck at this spider there’s a spider near the fire wait what happened I’m stuck at the monitor you have to go touch grass dude I’m actually stuck at this monitor oh my God you’re stucking like the VR can somebody move this game you’re slipping

El I’m actually just stuck I don’t know how how do you can you beat the game no give me out let’s start the ship we’ll start the ship when they’re back I don’t even know that’s going to kick me off well we just got to Hope hey I might

Be stuck here until you guys buy a TP oh you guys can’t even buy a TP cuz I’m on oh I can buy a I brought back a lot of loot is everyone back we’re having we’re having bottles tonight wait don’t go out I’m starting the ship we’re popping bottles tonight we’re

Saing I’m stuck oh who I got off oh my God thank you for the N months I hit like 10 keys at once wait is dark it’s night time it’s night time no where’s the light oh my God wait uh don’t start the ship is Sarah ready to be invited

Yeah I’m back I don’t see her on lethal I don’t know how the [ __ ] you that that was impossible h jump can you try inviting her invite to yeah yeah yeah I just wait I’m like a I’m like a pro at this game no I definitely don’t know how Jess made that

Jump and you didn’t but wait are you sure your first time dude I’m pretty sure like I triggered it and said is this your first time oh Sarah joined yako thank you so for 31 months welcome back thank you thank youel oh my God I totally

Forgot thank you you can pick you can pick a color I’m pretty sure I would have died to the land mine that kill you there so many hello my is like tutorial or something you just go you just go this way this way an this way hello this way

No this way this way I’m going that way I’m following this way you have you have ducklings behind you ducklings don’t die where you getting with Wakka Waka from what wait Christina talking yeah I can’t hear her no no my game so buggy I’m running inning my game is so

Buggy no I want to hear Christina so bad she’s so cute oh my God wait wait would Christina have to relog or do I have to relog guys guys a guys there’s aen oh be careful oh a key a littleit ear what the [ __ ] sorry like waights or something it’s

About a bench or something wait am I the only one that can’t hear Christina it might be Alan can you hear Christina hey Christina’s playing with us she’s here do you hear her I’m just kidding yeah I can hear her oh my she kissing you oh my why can’t I hear her she’s

Kissing you she’s throwing kisses oh what do I do I think I have to relog but then I’m host and then okay whatever we’ll just relog what if she relogged I I think I’m the problem not her oh I hate steam is there why is it so dark cuz

It’s steam you have to like turn off the steam valve wherever it is what the [ __ ] happening do you see it the valve turn off something so wait something’s moving there’s a spider in here and get out get out get out get out get outting I’m getting

Wait is there like a setting to that thing looks so weird I’m for this is good wa what Ste over there where’s Singo I’m right here our no said hell yeah no wait is this the fire exit yeah should I open it yeah I opened it yeah oh

You thought was be like the mimic I was worried it might be the mimic a mimic there’s quicksand there I just heard Sarah yell from her oh I wonder what happened I thought I had something wait um when we go back I’m might have to restart the game because I can’t hear

Christina wait Sarah get out she Aiden you killed Sarah you’re supposed to stick with her okay I have to restart my game should I do that when we’re back up I guess I do who’s oh Sarah’s alive Sarah’s alive Leal company Sarah’s alive oh nice they’re all alive they’re all together I don’t know what they’re

Doing but they’re all together I hear her yelling again oh nice can you use it oh okay back I go where we going oh no I have to relog so I can hear Christina oh another monster just spawned what is it that they’re looking at oh it’s a spider

They’re just in there with a bunch of monsters for I love the Arachnophobia mod thank God it exist I actually don’t find the lethal company spider to be too bad because I actually do better with like tarantula looking spiders than like black widow looking spiders what are they doing hello welcome

Back oh that’s not it is it this one no is it this one oh yeah yeah yeah oh my God your toes curling too I have to restart my game so I can hear you Christina I miss hearing you when I exit out of the game is the safe file just going to

Exist or do I need to do anything I’ve never like re-entered a game before that might be bow ah sine what’s up what good dude they’re still inside yeah there’s a giant outside um who’s stepping outside with Timber well I hope the make it back holy [ __ ] it’s are you talking about the

Giant why did they go back inside why do they keep going back inside how do we deal with this raid boss oh you can’t okay oh my God I hear Christina but not actual Christina I hear the tree giant Christina oh my God the tree giant took Christina’s

Voice oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God guys guys guys what do I do what do I do what do I do just run inside yo yo I’m doing run

Inside guy think he is dude this guy is actually he took Christina’s mic hell yeah and now I can’t hear Christina this guy just staring at me bro this guy’s spawn camping I can’t get in dude this guy’s spawn camping I can’t get in well if they don’t okay I’m here I’m

Here here here oh that’s what Christina was saying Walka Walka W are they all dead no they’re alive oh yeah Dustin’s alive dude I hear everything Christina said earlier to me now got the nope never mind this gu outside oh hey [ __ ] walk away yeah do see okay

I’m sorry oh [ __ ] we’re leaving remote it was near midnight and they’re still in there pick up the remote just do by itself I see wait don’t don’t step on that don’t step on that wow no no no that’s mine that’s mine okay wow oh wow

Wow wow no no no you don’t pick that up you pull the lever on them touch the web oh my God my game is my game is so bugged okay wait let me restart this game you want to restart it yeah yeah can we restart that is some delayed audio holy crap

What it wasn’t even the tree giant talking it was just hecking delayed audio Yeah that’s a I’ve never ran into that bug Before is that just file one oh it is file one nice nice nice building to sell your scrap metal and other Goods you have days left toet the can hello my gosh back hello oh my God I can hear you finally I’m wait it keeps everything you had

Yeah cuz it was a safe file has a safe wait do I have is everyone here roll call uh Alan is here okay here Alan is here oh he’s here is he the last one I think so here okay is here I’m starting thank you guys thank you just sell

Everything wait wait wait wait let let an touch okay wait no no no we need the money we need the money do not mind we need the money mom said we where just okay and grab all this stuff and run up to the window and put it on the window what is this

Place it’s where we sell stuff oh my God we’re turning in stuff you’re not white Seline oh how do I change the page that’s what I was wondering who changed the page don’t know no this is the same page well it says page three for me your died

Oh wait did you figure it out yeah you press B and N oh how much do make like if you live on an oil rig how much do you make wait Alan Alan there Luigi’s still here wait there’s one Luigi Luigi still here yes marble yes

Marble baby um so you see above it says page Alan can I click b or n to change the page Alan there’s Luigi Mario and Waluigi where so do you see above the rack it says P click b or see what the [ __ ] are we seeing wait you

Could be Griffin I don’t want to be Peter Griffin where go to the second page oh I see it wait how do I flip the pages b or n yo you look so my got Knuckles am I a skeleton you are a skeleton I’m a skeleton oh that’s the one I have time

Scaring people wait which one is that one yes marble where is that am I Kirby uh uh yeah you are Kirby oh that’s why I was like I swear we had more money than this dude move I think that is very expensive what does Christina want that Christina wants a flashlight oh

Yeah okay let’s see what we can buy with our money oh just leaving just leaving what the Cirby okay um store can you suck me up for some work teleporter confirm I just stopped multi streaming C store wait I I have to be Luigi again oh wait marble I can’t right now

Facility guys yeah yeah ier Griffin wait can you you gin change Peter Griffin change your I want to see it am I white am I the white one I do it you’re not white do I have a white stick fig sh Confirm Walky talky to has a bony ass I’m just going to be the skeleton Breaking Bad okay wait walkie talkie I appreciate I am the one who knocks okay ice oh I got a shovel thank you for the yes I don’t know I don’t know the answer

To this test can can you can you if somebody wants a walkie or a flashlight put it in the locker or or shovel did I order one more walkie oh yes Marvel is purring into the mic oh yes here’s the one more walkie you want it here yeah it

Hit yeah I thought I ordered three okay low I feel like what if I like what if I like what if I like Jess are you on the ship shove my middle finger up your butt will that work what what I don’t think it works wait no if you stand up here stand

Up here stand up here you’re going to lay there marble right on this twerk yeah yeah okay now oh this perfect and I put my middle fing up your ass oh my God what am I listening to yes marble oh my go I’m digging for Treasure oh oh my God what type of

Treasure did you get got some extra dingleberries um stupid do you guys want to do an eclips please or um yes yeses are easy where’s where’s Anna I’m here oh my God imagine we just left okay we’re Landing yes marble honey what is this is that a shovel what do I do with

This on my way you can hit spiders and kill things with can I hit people oh [ __ ] I’m so sorry flashlight oh Christina has a flashlight oh wait can you damage each other yep yes Marble Marble I need to I I can’t play if you sit on my hand like that

I’m also so afraid of you purring into the mic and then I die oh is it um you got um are you guys alive um are you alive I mean are you allergic to bees by any chance um yeah I am oh oh gee well it might be a problem we have to

Call a b there’s a dog what is that a Crouch oh God Alan anyone on a walkie um did I get Alan killed how am I how am I supposed to go inside the ship when there’s a beehive and two three dogs oh well I hope the others are having a lovely time

Inside anyone on a walk yet Just Me Myself and I huh if a giant spawns we’re so screwed hello hello my walkie is weeping but I don’t hear anyone hello um is anyone alive does a bird ever die oh my God I keep hearing the walkie but nobody’s saying anything

Oh my God what is happening I hear it a little less here if I am the only one alive we got to vote to leave okay I am not the only one alive live I’m just stuck and nobody’s made it back oh dude I don’t want to drop and Die but that cash register is that a bug well it doesn’t make sense why anyone would drop it there oh they voted to leave did anybody make it back dude that cash register is bait for sure I want it so bad Though I can’t we lose everything if I die well then hey at least we got a beehive oh everybody Died so welcome back everyone I had a I had the giant at my door and there was a fake fire exit that was bu yeah appar my was yeah yeah you kept talking the walking and I heard the beep and that’s all I heard oh yeah I thought

I was talking but yeah I think I think Eclipse places are a bit hard for us right now no no I’m so down for more um I don’t think so how many I only bought three but I think we just lost one no it’s not the [ __ ] is that sound probably some

Hinges who’s this who’s this why you running so fast you’re not getting away from me you want a race hello hello which one is Assurance again where is it is it on the left side I think it’s on the left side oh yeah thank you there’s mon wait who’s got a walkie

Uh not me like it’s like aest mimic I swear I saw someone take off with a walkie oh this is the maze wa does somebody you want to come into the long room with me okay downstairs yeah this way this way Yep HIIT you were zooming what the she really was zooming oh yeah tea kettle is there anything else nope what’s in the middle I don’t know find out [ __ ] [ __ ] find oh my God I’m kidding you fall off and you die you can jump on this though this

It’s locked that door we have a key we have a key what going big oh my God wait wait scar me hello yes I check wait what’s that noise oh you took the walkie yeah what is this I’ve never seen this yeah I’ve never seen this this giant

Pipe here wait Aiden where are you do not on that there’s a landine there’s yeah what did you say Aiden at the Long Haul on Ice we can we can have whatever you like is that you yes me that’s you which way do we come

From that way this way way oh yeah this way what’s over here oh there’s another land mine wait can you jump over it oh no you don’t even need to jump oh my gosh wait wait do we all come left who this is different dude the game looks kind of

Different oh maybe oh the door is open maybe this room was already looted did anybody go straight I did go straight oh is it a dead end oh it’s a dead end I actually remember I think all the loot to the left cuz it’s a maze over

There know there’s nothing in that room Ah that’s you I just went in here I think we just have to look through the maze a little bit this is a dead end this area this is a dead end oh this one oh and I mean I guess you just keep walking around

Should be on the side building lead the way dog I don’t know nothing do um I think we have to just like venture out in the The Maze more I’m going bring back another place yo that building was trash new creature yeah yeah I didn’t like that I have a

Back dude we went around and all I got was a teapot where the heck is Allan where’s Allan Jess Jess Jess Jess what come here come here where like behind you there bird happy birthday you go thank you I got you some liquor thank you building Chris is

Dead oh [ __ ] where’s the be there who broke a bottle wait is there only one house or what or place we have we have a another homemade flashbang oh there’s a lot of monsters there’s a dog what the sh what is that oh my God is anyone alive yeah okay wait wait stop

Moving okay Seline I’m going back in you freaky let me close the door before you talk I almost killed you anyways I’m going back Aiden I legit I legit see you flicking off the dog all right SEL don’t don’t pull the ship don’t pull the ship I’m going back in

Okay this guy’s [ __ ] the ship bro he’s bro dogging the ship know for pull this [ __ ] we’re out you don’t want to liveit what is happening YouTube it like started running after me for a second like what do you want me to [ __ ] do dude dude dude I was talking no one

Say anything I just get [ __ ] rammed um the dogs chase you if you make noise or you run or walk without crouching I did so funny you must Crouch walk every time the door closed would just insult me or Destin yo dude no we need more money we need more

Money dude I was watching Aiden like give the dog the middle finger on the Monitor and it looked clear as day dude I was I get pissed off get the [ __ ] this way guys this way to the right to the right everyone follow leader yeah we follow the

Leader and then we turn left turn left turn left people who have walkie talkies yep we can’t afford anymore we lost one we’re broke as a [ __ ] I’m a broke ass [ __ ] inflation got us all no cap of I don’t know where I’m going oh who’s already here

Hello I got key she got a key can I get a check Aiden it’s literally you and me you are so so Stupid dude Aiden’s having so much fun I know for like the stupid oh [ __ ] I guess ride is the only way yeah I guess so when end out ride it out that is just not a sing at all uh if you go down oh I tried peeing

Like oh there’s another B pee anything this the way nothing this waying wait oh my God this broken huh no I heard the vent open though which means who is this oh my God it would be Alan what is your outfit what if wait guys is Alan talking

Oh no I’m like singing guys is Alan talking hello um no I hear nothing what was that noise that what happened don’t use that fire it’s a fake fire exit it’s a fake Fire EX you and open it I have you made an open it you are you died anyway that

Car clean up an which side did we come from oh came from this side huh okay Aiden we get it I have a key we could open a door I’m going to go grab their bodies are we on offense oh we are perfect I can’t believe Destin me and open the door

Aiden oh you’re still alive good job yeah you think we’re making Koda oh we are that’s good Sarah died just died what she was just alive can I get Ann out of the fire exit wait um there’s a little bit of a situation here like hold still Aiden hold

Still uh which one of you guys want to be TP guys there’s a dog already oh my God there’s already a dog oh my God that scared me For for dude did you TP aen or no yeah I tped Aiden is he dead he’s dead how I don’t know by the time I was going to TP him he died come here doggy dude I don’t don’t think we’re ever going to go to the bigger

Moons why dude we suck we kind of suck we suck okay like to be fair I died because I had too much weight on me dude I was backing up and then you [ __ ] killed an i i Wasing up looking at the coil ahead and then I just hear a beep

And then Kaboom Kaboom uh we definitely don’t only only sell enough for quota how much is quot 24 we have enough we definitely need the Eva carry I don’t know where Eva is though how much I Bott oh wait we have a beehive yeah yeah I got the Beehive yeah sell the

Beehive we have to sell the Beehive sell the Beehive don’t sell too much but sell the Beehive bottles hey sell the Beehive sell the Beehive can I ring the bell yeah uh don’t sell this stuff I think yeah but try not to die try not to die

Die don’t die just try not to die just back up back up back up back up all right we’re good we’re good dang nothing’s on sale dude they made this game a lot harder wait do we have anything else we need like $20 more we keep selling uh yeah yeah keep

Keep the screw we’re going to sell that whatever you have in yeah sell your what you have in this brush dang we barely make quota yeah but do you see on the there was an update there was an update today I don’t know I can’t or I guess I

Don’t know the last time I played leth company but there’s been an update wait what does that do uh that monster in there could could grab you what we what did we decide on for my new emot oh my God okay I see me is everyone on the ship on the

Ship wait do we have everyone where’s Alan he’s on top of the ship it’s fine oh my God he said wait wait wait no wait do we not sell everything I saw Loot on the ground we have one screw somewhere wait I thought I saw Loot on the

Ground we have a scre and a flash back around twerk a silly woi Christina you’re in the Center in the circle I swear of a monster spawning so much faster than they used to maybe the update was that yeah maybe I really think we downloaded like the hard mode update cuz I’m going to jump I’m going to jump I’m going to do it yeah you can beehive beehive beehive

Please leave the beehive on the outside of the ship by the way not the inside was that how did it get there who’s yapping what hey guys over here all right we need to we need to get money we should we need to go to the expensive

Places dude we need like Janet or Eva we need some carries here I’m going to make this jump I’ll be the I’ll be the car I’ll be the carry you scared I scared what is that is that a cat there’s a cat oh my God a cat oh Leo oh my I’ve never seen a cat what does the

Cat do look pick it it like a machine gun what does it do it’s meowing it’s just a pet oh mon away I guess you oh oh wait maybe we can just bring it home I guess oh yeah here you want to pet it a

Cat wait maybe it’ll give us a buff a buff I’m just leaving at home cat’s not going to turn around and like bite my face off is It oh my God value 88 how do I pet her oh oh that’s pretty cute that really was an aggressive pet Aiden lost our other walkie dang we have we’re down to zero walkies it’s so dark we don’t have everyone’s still still alive uh bronzy felt his death immediately oh I think

Bronzy fell do we explore this left side yet oh oh my God I never make oh oh my God I made it hello dude I never make that jump I don’t father um this is all Looted a rework for the thumper the Oh I like that it like charges into a Direction that’s pretty cool it’s like a Rhino dang all the monsters got Buffs it also seems like the outside monsters spawn faster did The Nutcracker not do that before oh wait Allan’s got a walkie hello

Allen okay bronzy died with loot tell me something new I think that’s why we’re not making money cuz bronzy keeps dying with loot oh I should open those doors what was this like vo oh no it didn’t even do anything is that T2 oh there’s a beehive you

Two hello hello welcome back I got a big bolt wow oh they’re so close to the core room but there’s a monster literally camping the end of that door Alan can you hear me a what are those two monsters they’re looking at oh we have to pet the cat oh

That must be a thumper right oh nope that’s a Bracken that’s a Bracken for sure uh why is Allan running at it Allan is running down the bracket I hope you had a great stream um I see something running outside wow I can’t believe monsters spawn so fast now oh there’s a monster

Outside I’m pretty sure we have to keep petting this cat so that it shuts up I want to go for the Beehive outside hello okay I’m going to go for the Beehive outside can you guys watch Allan and TP him if he’s about to die how how do I what do those things

Do I’m just going to run at it okay I got the beehive thank you for the giu go how you like look at the what time I hear a monster should I go back should I stay up to you get that off of Al outside our ship though um what time is

It like 6 I went inside the building and there was a big monster it’s 6:30 oh we do not go back inside okay no wonder there are so many monsters when did the monsters spawn more I think they spawn around whenever it’s like 5 6 600

P.m. was just talking no yeah oh Oh you mean about the monster yes oh no I just mean J yes she was talking do you not hear her I can’t hear I can’t hear if she’s talking oh just might have to relog no you can relog when we’re in

Orbit is Alan going to be able to make it back I see a fire exit is that a real fire exit oh he’s too scared to take it to believe yeah me neither there’s like two monsters outside our oh oh no no no no don’t bring the

Beehive don’t bring the be we we we start the ship and then the bees fall off and then we can break in the Beehive yeah yeah yeah I didn’t know there was a beehive oh oh oh oh oh oh oh shoot how is Allan gonna get out of this oh my God

Please no my thingy didn’t pop up oh it my TP didn’t even work what the heck oh wait no it did work I was just late well that’s unfortunate okay we start oh shoot where’s the beehive oh nice a it’s only $59 oh all the guys died as they should I’m not surprised

Welcome back everyone dude Sarah enter the building and leave the building watching you is one funny [ __ ] should I restart oh shoot I forgot I already started that was too good I hear you she goes in looks around as she’s not seen the place before Sarah you got scared by

The oh wait to be fair I would get scared by the yippi as well oh shoot it’s foggy oh it’s foggy it’s foggy okay everyone stick together okay okay follow Alan but slowly oh God hello I can’t see anything where did they go yeah I’m here

Here this way I’m literally on your ass we found the wall that’s a good thing oh the main entrance is here where oh y there it is hug the mountain follow the light oh my God is that us or is that a loot bug that was me oh I can’t tell anymore oh

Oh just got shot dudee bronzy is scarier than a monster Sometimes are you guys alive I think is that how FR died yeah probably I’m going to close the door Yi yipp wow it’s all just a maze there’s a gun in there um okay I’m going to go will I be able to see the edge okay I I think that’s The

Edge oh my god dude foggy is so painful oh thank God you can see that wait what did I go there oh no oh wait am I okay oh dude where am I oh my God I hate foggy how did I Stray so far from the edge Ed what where did I

Go oh oh my God oh my God I made it holy crap I don’t even know how holy crap yes Kitty oh Allan’s dead Sarah died what is happening okay Jess is alive an is dead I don’t even know to what did an drown Christina’s a lot Bron’s dead as

Heck dude we’re never leaving the lower moons Aiden’s dead F dude look at how many monsters are spawning now dang I feel like the harder moons are going to be impossible with how frequently the monsters spawn okay Christina’s almost back but she’s lost what did you die to I can’t even

Scan what did you die to gunshots of course okay you died to gunshots what did you die to an drowned I thought he drowned yeah poor an just died by himself bronzie died to gunshots bronzy said he was going to be the carry what a liar um did I hear

Scream Sarah died to gunshots wait Sarah’s body flew that far towards the entrance Allan you can’t be dying to gunshots come on Christina’s lost Jess is almost back oh Jess is going the right direction I think Jess will make it back wait I think Jess has nothing on

Her right Jess has nothing on her she drowning welcome back you saved me were you drowning yeah oh you actually perfect timing oh nice okay we just need Christina to come back and then we can go in the air and then you can relog and Eva can join and we’re all

Good I can’t even tell if you’re drowning in this fog oh there’s a giant oh my God wait oh oh you drowning oh my God okay let’s just go Seline actually perfect timing oh man are we going to make quota oh we are we are oh thank God you like the cat

Yeah I’m sad I can’t hear CH oh she’s going to relog Jess is going to relog and then Evo’s going to get on okay to be fair I ran into like a corner a deep corner with the turret all right yo what the [ __ ] is with these turrets oh wait L transferred

Me yeah I can oh the cat cost $80 his name is sock wait is that a mod for lo I almost said lley lesli error you have to run the lesli the Leslie link every time okay I’m going to go pee I’ll be right back hello I can hear

You hello wait did I see the cat what are you going to do to it wait where’s what kind of question is that I just got to make sure Allan doesn’t like [ __ ] throw it off the [ __ ] [ __ ] are youing it wait I hear J super

Delayed oh I hear her through your mic well you might want to relog too Christina I don’t hear I don’t hear Jess at all I don’t hear she went to go pee she went to pee she went to pee bro leave sock alone Su this yo what is happening here

No no no I promise you they made this game harder bro yeah it does feel harder but bronzy should not be dying the way he’s dying okay okay okay can someone teach me how to [ __ ] jump this [ __ ] wait that jump was actually pretty hard no dude like I don’t understand no

Jumping is hard actually but me D to the tur that one was bad too that one was pretty hard let’s go we have to wait for Christina to relog and then we have to wait for Eva to get on yeah EV what did you guys eat for dinner

An you should eat oh Eva on Press B and N to flip through the pages of Suits hello hellend press like n from where to like check out the other suits yeah actually back welcome back welcome back we’re ignore Seline we just need Christina to relog EV Eva Eva what you

Have for din I had a Ramen H yeah like real Ramen or package Ramen hello real Ramen I went out to eat real Ramen I have package Ramen back everyone’s here yeah hello okaya what did you eat for dinner I haven’t eaten dinner yet you should eat dinner I ate it’s not

Dinner yo hold up hold up hold up I I I I have a I have a question is no Eva we needed you we needed a carry everybody just keeps ding we’ve been stuck on the lower moons you should eat dinner why wait that’s embarrassing I know I know many people my

Consideration you should take a shot and if you don’t want to drink then it’s okay like honestly har bronzy I know why you guys have been dying now honestly bronzy has been dying in ways that he should not be be fair we have like three this is a lot

Harder EV EV wa [ __ ] there’s there’s fake fire exits now there’s fake fire you EV Eva Eva Eva there are fake fire exits don’t forget why would there be fake fire exits the game also feels a lot harder for some reason where where oh that’s the maze that’s where

Where I sto not a fan of the maze oh [ __ ] God oh did someone say my name is just alive no I’m here oh nice I have a gift box oh my God you scared me oh there’s a land mine right there [ __ ] come here D they changed the maze so it’s got

Like diagonals now what the who who made it back with loot already protol thank you so for 28 months welcome back Bas on thank you so much for 25 months Arlo thank you so for eight months in a row Carlos thank you so for 29 months Cara thank you so much

For 12 months happy one year Maus thank you so much for your Prime ryb thank you so much for eight months in a r slurpie thank you so for 12 months happy one year back I think are giting us up to sh oh my God good night Thumpers need more than three dude

I feel like they are scaling the game to be a lot harder but I don’t know it’s so hard now yes kitty kitty oh Allan’s at the core are Allan’s hands full oh he’s going to pull pull the core he’s not going to pull the core I turned it off bro oh my

God I really hope they don’t die to falling welcome back home I do not want you guys attempting this jump i’ rather you guys be alive please stop attempting these jumps please please guys stop attempting these jumps I couldn’t wasn’t me I wasn’t attempting you uh I I can’t I can’t I

Can’t with you guys I I just I know I know okay wait is everyone dead I just tpd wait wait what did Eva just die to what wait we didn’t get to grab anything what did Eva just die to Bron still in there y oh Alan’s coming back Sarah is here

What happens if you start the [ __ ] Christina died to a turret while I was saving you guys that is unfortunate Eva got eaten by a door bronie got out of a real fire exit oh the game’s bugged and it says there’s loot there but there isn’t jeez welcome back guys Christina

Took the apparatus early and then just died you took the apparatus oh you have you can’t just FR Christina like that I saw you pull the apparatus I just saw you Alan can’t believe trying to pend it on Christina I leg saw you I saw you debating about it too you’re running in

Circles deciding whether or not to pull the apparatus and you did it I saw you debating wait what is that it’s the thing that Alan dropped at the floor it makes monsters it start it makes monsters start spawning faster this thing so you want to pull it like later but it’s

Worth a lot so it’s good to get yeah I was worried I was going to find my way out of yeah they made it the they made it a lot harder like the map the inside yeah so I was just like you know I probably won’t find my way out unless

I grab it right now just I just got to the maze [ __ ] no it’s okay I was watching the four of them ask each other to jump on the beam and I just watched them die and I was trying to get them all out before they

Attempted the jump and I I I pulled two out before they tried to jump but the other two were a little bit too fast for me was just watching yeah Eva got eaten by a door actually the real doors um the doors don’t show up or what what do I

Say the the fake doors don’t show up on the monitor oh you say about monitor the fake monitors don’t show up or the fake doors don’t show up on the monitor pick me out can bronzie just hurry up and come home like next to a

Thing yeah can he just run I don’t know why he’s not running just run home bro I think he’s chasing him is he getting pecked to death wait to go I don’t know wait he’s alive still he’s to the west of the ship if

You guys want to go look for him how do you how do you deal with the uh peckers do you just yell at them you just group up they don’t attack you if you’re like together bronzy died to bees what wait bronzy die where’s his body right

Here oh I’m sorry like where’s his loot to the west of the ship West so this is North we’re looking right now or what uh let me see uh you have to go a little bit further you’re like too close to the ship uh yeah you’re facing wait no the opposite direction so

I go the other way oh the moner right there in front of us yeah he was the other way and then I guess to the left or right come come in come in stick with me stick with me oh that’s a dog went oh my God what the

Fudge oh my God oh my God oh my oh my God oh my God holy [ __ ] dude I swear the rate of dog spawning is so much higher than it used to be oh bro what the shadow Army okay okay I’m getting gang banged literally there’s fake fire exit guys there’s fake

Fire oh yes it’s I definitely heard bronzy warn you about that SEL I literally can’t I can’t make this up this [ __ ] up Seline like I was going to come get you to come grab this beehive and I’m getting [ __ ] y I saw this no this guy was One V oneing bro

Okay let’s let’s just sell enough to make quota actually oh yeah wait we have a lot in here actually yeah just sell enough to make quota we have 758 yeah but the cat’s $88 and I don’t think anybody wants to sell the cat right not sing the where’s the cat here Eva you

Can Leo don’t sell Leo please [ __ ] ugly dogs the dogs the Dos you can’t say any white ISO [ __ ] cat this so funny bro Alan you don’t understand this guy was legit One V oneing for like two minutes he was one that [ __ ] bird for two minutes let’s

Put the cat on I got third party by bees like ack [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the actual [ __ ] did I just watch what what am I watching chrisa Discord yeah yeah EV watch what I there there’s there’s plenty of Comedy that was when we found out fire exits were fake

D dude even even like more Des was like this fire exit doesn’t seem to make sense we want to aim for Titan right what is Titan the hardest Moon oh let me check the store that dude I swear this store has no sales either oh nice God I cracked myself up

I’m you crack yourself up is everyone here on the ship can we get flashlights yeah yeah you want flashlights yeah and walk okay dude nothing’s ever on sale did they Nerf the sales too probably uh um and then we’ll buy walkie talkie and then shovel

Oh okay every you want to pick up the presents there’s a lot more just twerk just twerk for them they’ll come back yo that [ __ ] is creepy that [ __ ] is not real you want to [ __ ] square up like I’ll square up with you like I will square up with you beeter beet

Her Peter Griffin no no no Eva go back in the corner go back in the corner and just stare at us look this [ __ ] ain’t real this [ __ ] bro this is so creepy wait can you do the little oo shy em Eva five five Five I think I got everything then I ordered one more I ordered a stun grenade that’s what I order actually just ruined my KN okay Eva I got you a shovel wait wait wait Eva has a shovel I’m going with Eva where’s Eva here Eva know how to beat sh uping the

Cat my stun grenade is oh wait that that thing goes up to my th that’s a that’s a [ __ ] pit bull oh we should have sold the Beehive because sometimes it bugs it’s okay you kill the cat um I would not kill the cat what it’s possible it’s just as

Birthday look creepy in this corner oh wow 9 minutes okay we have to say happy birthday no matter what the situation at midnight watch me die right I want us I want us to be chased by a Jester we in the house we go in the building

Remembered yeah could we go in the jester and then s oh we couldn’t afford to go there I was trying to time it uh yeah we can how much does it cost to go to Red i50 where are you they have homemade flashbangs now

It’s a one time use oh wait no we have that last time too actually let’s go to March I think March is our best bet in making money yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo what the [ __ ] why are you hitting Sarah are you hit making us

Off oh my God Eva Eva you and me you and me Eva you and me you have a flashlight he says you and me like he’s been doing things wait going to take equipment take a flashlight or a walkie where’s the flashl the walkie okay fine I’ll take it off

Okay anything you’re saying over uh I’m so tired how long have you been streaming for wait Alan how long have you been streaming for oh a orange cat y I love the cat distribution of course I would get the orange cat like br oh the core I’m not doing that uh wait I’m

Going to get rid of this land mine how do you get rid of it oh did it Miss they took took it out you can’t like proc it with a throw anymore that sucks the core is in the right room oh you guys made it across the

Jump yeah I promise you it’s just cuz it was dark last time mhm okay uhhuh she promised it was we can’t even say happy birthday to her anymore she’s dead bro she said it was cuz it was dark we can’t even say happy dude J die we can’t even say happy birthday to

Her wait how’d you die oh she was showing me that she can jump oh what happened here wait um did she step on I guess so wait can you grab their equipment can you grab their equipment an can you grab the equipment you grabbed it like the flashlights like

Everything just grab everything oh you can grab everything yeah I grabbed it all well on the bright side Jess isn’t dead alone [Applause] so even Sarah I think wait I did they get blasted right okay an an yeah I’m going to pull this and we run out

Okay what does that do run run run run run oh my God which way that’s setting oh yeah okay we have to carry all of this home yep how do I grab it press e have you never grab stuff inventory is full your inventory is full oh oh oh then then it’s okay

I dropped the flashlight do I bring it back uh yeah we have to come back and pick up the flashlight and stuff when you pull the oh my God I almost walked off to my death yeah don’t fall in the water yeah when you pull the apparatus the monster spawn

Faster yeah I think is this a ship yeah the ship is in front of us mhm mhm okay we have to run back grab everyone’s equipment that they dropped and then I got to TP their bodies oh shoot I dropped the shovel in here okay let’s go back and grab the stuff

You can put the flashlight in the cabinet Alan are you still alive huh oh you are still alive oh sorry I don’t know mind walking talking when my hands full yeah yeah you can’t you can’t oh oh my God we’re bringing back bodies yeah might as well my hands are Free Ando and thank for two months welcome back um okay once it turns midnight we got to drop everything and just say happy birthday I was like why do I See look at the cats look at the look at the cats look at the cats oh oh we have three cats I put them so they look at you oh well I rather not die to dogs wait are dogs to me yeah that’s where I

Say well I don’t know but I just I just uh don’t want to die to the meowing you know what you back guys are this thing just happy birthday in a minute yeah can we just start the ship and just get J back I to sing just happy birthday yeah

I have to grab everyone’s bod yeah sorry sorry sry this is body bag please wait she can hear us she can hear us we I don’t care I want her to I want to hear wait start singing happy birthday happy happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy Birth dear Jessy birthday to cheers to a new age a new year name your real name is H what the be grateful be spontaneous okay get ready sing again happy birthday to Youy birthday to you happy birthday dear J happy birthday birday to wow thanks guys I happy birthday Jess happy birthday Jess I have joined the 25 Club Christina and Eva wait I’m 25 I’m 26 25 damn you’re not 26 yet okay guys it’s eclipsed everyone be

Quiet as soon as we land there’s going to be monsters it’s eclipsed eclipsed thank you Squall thanks squ thank you squal thank you for the happy birthdays everyone happy the Raave guys what do we talk about it’s [ __ ] um what Eclipse I know oh you what is this just play normally wait the cats are going to be so loud at the entrance I feel like we should have moved the cats or something like made my

Bait oh what I thought I saw an item crazy oh I’m not trying a fire exit not with this mod oh you’re still alive What the [ __ ] no nothing’s there I close that door for a reason yes wait but everything else was like a dead end oh then it’s a fire exit time or it’s left side be oh no I didn’t go upper left that is terrifying what oh my

God what oh my God what a [ __ ] monster was running at me and it has had someone’s voice screaming happy birthday my God that’s pretty scary that’s actually pretty scary I’m the maeline oh my least favorite what are you pointing at oh somebody killed it who killed the loot

Bu my God what do not do not [ __ ] with f do not [ __ ] with that oh there’s a turret here as well bro this this turret is oh no wait they pulled the apparatus everyone oh [ __ ] we must exit the oh there’s a Brack in here oh

There’s a Brack in here don’t look at it I already glance at it come this way don’t come this way of course it’s Destiny took that wait this way this way isn’t it this way oh I don’t know but also there that way has a

Fire exit that’s fake don’t go to it how do you know it’s fake who did it who did it I know it’s fake when you smack it with the shovel and it growls at you oh I tested that shout out to shout out

To oh it’s a ther oh my God and a land mine oh God [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh how do we get out of here oh my God Christina we got to get out oh I don’t know oh yes oh God there’s a giant oh can’t go this way no Oh my God Fudge me fudge me fudge me fudge me fudge me fudge me holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap oh my God what do I do okay anyone alive cool lovely Selena’s gone we are oh no CHR all right we got to we got to watch

There stepped on it the spiders are coming yeah the spider dude I hate the giant sound wait what did you guys all die to um di to a Thum I oh no she she wait she’s actually she’s actually gone she’s holding ass oh my God the spider was singing happy birthday she just [ __ ] turn on the Jets oh my God wait she turned on like super speed or somethinge she ran through those spider like it was nothing oh this a Giant I Chris freaking out what do I do what do I do I think everyone we should vote oh wait never mind s’s lot should get S doesn’t know how to T people don’t work T poor baby how T Pe oh sarah sarah Sarah she’s [ __ ] Sarah’s like what the [ __ ] did I just come into sah oh my God this is like a [Laughter] movie this is movieovie I don’t know how to I feel like I just watch a featured my first day I don’t know what to do

Dude we can vote now we can vote they they’re safe flip the switch how do youpone oh no out of hold right click hold right click whoever didn’t hold right click oygen meter yes yes yeah did you hold right click oh is it that there’s a button right here it says be

Up run out of oxygen guys oh never mind they’re good is that how do you know I don’t know why the door opened I didn’t open that what do you mean you see the oxygen oh okay okay okay okay that didn’t TP anyone oh it’s cuz I got eaten by a

Giant you can’t pull me out of a stomach wait do mean they’re alive no seline’s dead he just keep trying to TP me I think they can bring back okay came then oh my God there’s four monsters on Jess’s body what did just die do death

[ __ ] I had such good loot is that everyone dude I was getting camped by the Giants and then there was a Bracken inside yeah by the door we had a dumper a Bracken did I miss games died to someone else stepping in the land mine my God okay wait I

Think the dumper stepped on like I’m I’m I saw someone the dumper was not on it yet why are you heading off there’s only one day left like 19 hours you stream till like8 one more one more run bro one more run Al one more

One more one more wait wait yeah we only have one day before we cele one one one day one more day okay let’s go let’s get this bread last run wait are you leaving too Aiden yeah I have to edit videos responsible people they they nerfed my inventory Nerf inventory no it’s always

Been for oh anyone want to take a walkie is there a walkie mhm it’s inside the locker K hi hi oh do they made the maze oh what this is so confusing when they make it all diagonal like that actually is it less confusing I can’t tell if it’s more or less confusing

Oh Um wait where’s the coil head oh over there it’s on them left who died okay come come come come come back back back oh no this giant room okay oh tell me if I can back up oh yeah up there up there they’re dealing with a coil head

I’ll I thought coil heads were kind of like late spawns I didn’t know you could just like start with one I go I go yes kitties oh nope Eva died with a lot of loot that is quite unlucky is anyone still inside what is bronie just staring outside for oh

Oh my God Allan got out with the coil head tailing him f do you want to find the fire exit I don’t think you can reach the fire exit on this map without the ladder isn’t it like a I’m trying to Ping like I’m playing a game that has a ping

Jesus um I think it’s on this side it’s over there it’s over there Bron we don’t have a ladder though oh you guys don’t know how to get to the ship oh the ship is over here yeah yeah yeah there’s no way there there where’s the

Building oh the building is this way no no no don’t go there though there’s a coil head at the spot like the wait no but Allan got out so it probably reset oh it resets yeah cuz Allan got out so it’s wandering around somewhere right isn’t Allan back back oh Aiden’s back I’m

Back what was that oh Allan’s back on the coil head out no oh Allan died he’s dead no Alan no no I’m like one HP is it even worth to go back um hello who’s got a walkie oh oh there’s so many monsters it’s actually crazy how many monsters are

Now now I exists oh no wait who who left they left Christina oh why did they look away from the coil head wait Christino was going to grab loot oh D’s still alive no Christina was grabbing loot the person who was watching the coil just had to watch the coil oh

No oh it’s who’s an fighting oh he’s a bird an’s fighting the oh an’s getting pecked to death oh my are you oh you’re okay you’re bleeding a lot okay let’s let’s go grab your loot an oh my God where was your loot where was your loot and that was

Amazing wait where is your loot dude I I felt like I was hearing Boss music wait an where’s your loot where did you die or where did you almost die it was near the the house the the building oh you got to give him some time he’s

Traumatized are you guys trying to go back and get them no we’re just trying to get an he was one oneing a bird I was outside the house and then the thing just stared at me and was getting I’m going go in and get their body I think they died to the

Coil oh no I already I already tpd them it’s right here I think where wait wait where did I TP you wait wait a second oh right here right oh yeah he’s scared of us he’s scared of us where’s your loot when we’re in the

Game you only had a shovel and touch him man go up and touch him he only had a shovel him a bch Yoo why why why why why no no wait where’s Ann there’s no way no oh my God there’s a giant you’re a giant GI giant there’s a

Worm all the worms on me you might have to TP me oh that’s cool the worms on me and the Giants on me that’s fine it’s all fine and dandy please for you w oh my God oh my God oh my God what happened oh my God how do you even get out

Of bro these cats these cats it’s all right it’s all right were they the reason why the dogs were we have to sell these stupid cats we have to sell them yeah we have to sell them oh my God these cats oh were they like uh attacking we have to sell

Them oh my God these cats got to go huh we we have to sell them we have to sell them oh my God they literally camping it oh my gosh shut up you know why he added this Seline what it’s cuz he’s a [ __ ] furry that’s why I think it’s a

Mod yeah someone made this mod it was all over Twitter um all right my guess is people are done question mark oh I’m getting on Minecraft then I think just has done yeah I feel like just has people over I think has to go yeah I I I think

Sure okay all right well thank you for my first session of lethal company I hope you had fun thanks for my partner in that was an experience one in the bird all right I will catch you later okay I’ll see you guys bye thank God no bye guess everyone is sleeping GG’s

Everyone wait do we wait for them and tell them H I don’t know they have people over oh hi Jess did you still want to play I’m down oh uh Sarah was giving me we thought you have people over so people left Eva left oh Jen has to work

Yeah oh it’s okay we can get off okay Sarah pulled her plug on her PC thank you for playing have a good birthday thanks for the invite GG’s GG’s G happy birthday Jess happy birthday thank you Minecraft happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear J happy birthday to you

Dude I can’t believe I’m turning 30 this year me and Janet Broden Arya all of us are turning 30 this year are there any other 94 oh you guys too yeah we’re all turning 30 together wait there’s two people on it did have to happen

Sometime oh we got a fridge and a cute little lamp and a loom from what is this we have a goose plushy you turned 30 yesterday happy birthday what are all of these things that we got oh I forgot we got glow stone h what was she going crazy oh it’s spring day

14 she was happy that it was oh my God yellow octopus nightlight oh these are such cute decorations garden light that’s pretty cute glass paint glow stone Essence lamp ow flowering pink window that’s pretty cute oh how did she make this these are so cute

Oh this is so cute how did she make this these doors are so cute calendar wow oh Jess thanks for the read I hope you had a great stream happy birthday lovely oh that’s so creepy that Heracross is just staring at me um I was going to make glass panes

Is it like this yeah and then I want it to make I’m so curious what this is a gold nugget uh I can grab a do I play Minecraft on 400 DPI I like it was going too fast um gold gold gold that’s what I was why is that haraca staring at us red terra cotta okay what does this look like oh that is so pretty oh my God can it oh my God guys that is kind of the cutest thing ever

No oh oh my God I thought I thought I broke it that’s so cute I’m going to make so much more what else did I make oh this wow that’s cute as heck oh my God oh my God these mods are so cute I’m telling you modded Minecraft is where it’s at um

Okay oh okay oh Janet saw this I hope Janet saw this CU these are hecking cute um to about you can’t hang on anything on the trapo huh right oh yeah there’s no really Center Point to put that’s pretty cute and then oh I needed Vines that’s what I needed oh that’s pretty

Cute oh that’s cute right um let’s see what else can we do oh I wanted hanging hanging lights how do I make these oh string and glowstone dust okay oh it was this one what happened to all our string I swear we had more string what happened to all our

String ow ow that scared the living heck out of me Eva why’ you turn oh my God it’s so loud what the Yeah you fix that you go to your back to the game menu hello yeah hey uh I would love to say I got you this bamboo but janen got

The bamboo for you Eva do you have any string yeah but I need it why okay what is this glowing Moon isn’t it so cute Eva oh I broke it put it back Eva it’s in your inventory put it back oh I don’t have it in my inventory

Yeah you put it on here actually that’s kind of cute wait can I put in the center of it hold on no there’s no center it’s an even number oh [ __ ] you’re right oh you can make string with flax how can I put in doors wait SEL look look

Eva oh I was going to put lights there like hanging lights oh yeah honestly that would be better can you put it back yeah yeah where’s the dieye chest I ate it how does this work oh it goes under something oh but it can’t go under this

Can it go under this oh I can I wish it would it could go under under this well it can go on a slob so maybe if I put like a can it go on a shelf you think can I make a shelf oh yeah like one of these

Nope Eva did you piss off an Enderman or did I definitely not me oh I guess it was me that’s pretty cute what can I put on top of it feel like a glowing light or something um oh this shelf is kind of too big for

This I wish the slob didn’t stick out so much oh a small pink shell oh what an item shelf what why can’t I take it out am I bugged bit collection what what was that where did I grab that bit no you can make half a slob can you actually slab

Nope it probably can’t hang on a staircase either even if it hung if it only stuck out like a staircase amount crotch with the Shelf this shelf or this shelf oh this one I can’t right oh really that’s so Troll let me thank you oh that’s cute um okay what else can I add um oh I have quartz let’s just put the quartz in here mushroom mushroom I don’t think can you come back with lots of sand Eva and divines let’s go an adventure I’m so weak that’s why we should go on adventure what look at me I look like a nerd do I look like I can I can swim strong um you’ve got Enchanted armor and you have a backpack I don’t even have an enchanted

Pickaxe okay well important question do you think I look better with glasses or no glasses like at me I would take those off okay um but I have a compass that tells us where to go what do you mean it tells us where to go like click on it click right click

And it brings us to any of the structures I’m going to swim oh oh my God it’s so cute [ __ ] you wait just catch it oh I can’t believe you just killed a cat Teddy Ura yeah it’s really cute I learned from janen oh and go anyways you want to

Come um to an Adventure I feel like I’m going to die and lose everything no no no first of all there’s grapes you’ll be fine but I got to work on the house looks good to me me for now I my compass oh yes she has a berier said dropped it

Netherrack what is down here what is this what is this oh Jack BS thank you so much for 34 months welcome back thank you I need a bamboo for something but I don’t remember What I feel like I’m too weak to go on in oh that’s where the string was oh my God I’m so stupid I was like I swear to God we got so much string just going to put it with the glass actually wait I’m so stupid I think these are supposed to go

Together like this oh this is a slap actually uh for oh my gosh yes uh so I’m going to upgrade my backpack okay and’s going to finish building her place and by that time would you be done cuz I want to go to yuse or yellow Yellow Stone Cliff

Y yeah Yos Cliffs or Yellowstone we’re going to Yos yeah Yos oh is it is it pronounced yite no no no you’re right Shady thank you so much for subscrib thank you um oh my go you put carrots in here I’ll come back for you answer

Oh should I should I make this higher guys it’s cuter if it’s one a higher right that’s cuter right I think that’s cuter but maybe we can have another one higher we just leave it like that like that that’s cute okay um oh um oh their wallpaper does exist

Oh my God we need so much wool M’s thinker thank you so much for 18 months in a row welcome back and thank you if I were wool we’ve only got three wool okay I mean I guess an adventure wouldn’t hurt because I do need stuff oh

My goodness some iron yeah yeah yeah what are you making a backpack why do you have a crazy axe um do you want it one you can make me a crazy axe I make you a lot can I get a backpack you want me to make you a

Bathpack mhm I could but then I need to use some resources do you have leather uh I don’t know Janet might have used it find it oh I just turned flx into string I don’t know where anything is oh my God we’re so you guys are so poor you guys have 12 copper

Um and then how much did I need okay this is way too hard to make four white one red four pink one red why can’t I split this what the heck it just can’t be split oh this one’s cute okay oh with a pie okay you don’t have any oh my God

How am much suppos make you one pink wool okay it’s time to kill some cows wait how do you die W I thought it was with pink Dye oh how many did I need oh that’s pretty adorable no h Um oh we won’t have enough shell kitchen sweetheart kitchen table white concrete how do you make concrete oh counter how do you make concrete guys cauldron concrete counter sand and gravel uh concrete powder sand and gravel um I think we have sand but no we have gravel but no

Sand didn’t my tools are also all on the verge of breaking okay I got to go grab some Vines hi lo okay um oh why did it sit like that oh wait there’s a torch h guys where did it go huh it’s in there how did she do it oh shift click

I don’t like that all three of these are on the same level but I I want this to kind of pretend to be a clock oh man I kind of hate that they’re all on the same level though I don’t like that either does it look too empty without that

Though oh this looks better okay I need to go and get sand hanging plant hanging plant oh right does the grass one look like um string flower all right what this from here I actually don’t know can I make this longer oh oh that’s nice slap string and flower slap string and flour

Slim string and flour I remember I thought this was really Short for for where’s the wall W I have some yeah you have one that’s also a different color uh you can dye it okay oh you can have this and this home you can’t put this flower in there potted flower there you goel Brian had some leather oh you just took it from

Ryan he has some leather oh wait can I I need to upgrade it can I have it back yeah have a smithing table oh I just put the pot down Oh po just die cuz yeah yo this chainsaw is a is a hazard yeah really is oh no I’m missing a leather oh you guys have 15 right here on the top chest okay there you go huh let should upgraded put oh how do I wear it

Crafting table too uh right click it and then there’s a backpack guy on the left side it’s like a little oh and then how do I open it press B A that’s so cool nice your left and right are two liquid containers then your right side is your crafting table

How do I put the liquid in it you need need a bucket oh and then you can also get the sleeping bag on it too so you can sleep anyway uh by the way I recommend you specifically to dye your backpack blue oh you need lapis lots of lapis lots of

Lapis yeah four blocks of lapis and then two lap lapis orse um I don’t think I have that much lapis oh what the that’s cute um dude I need three levels so I can enchant my pickaxe at least I just uh collect your quests my quests yeah you don’t have any Quest oh

I do wait none of these are exp none of these are exp for me oh I can’t a level um for for wait this sounds so cute glow flower oh we don’t have any tulips or pink tulips okay wait be right back I’m going to go

Put the food away from my desk cuz just been sitting here I should put it away yes mirle I’m going oh you’re in here I’m going to make myself some t my sweet baby my sweet little baby hopefully okay let me check oh my gosh no I already have too many

Cats if I get a four one my mom will kill me did Eva stop by oh oh nice everything arrived today okay after I end stream I got to grab my stuff um oh it’s going to enchant well there’s a Golem dude we got to clear up what the fudge is

Happening wait it says armor that Ryan doesn’t need or is that is that his armor whoa whoa whoa wait where do it where did his enchanting room go Eva what where did Ryan’s enchanting room go did he block it off oh he did oh I see wait this isn’t as enchanting room um

Where is Ryan’s enchanting table I thought it was in there where’s Ryan’s enchanting table hi there it wasn’t in here right oh what did he what what did he do that what is this Fortune three what sorry that was so loud that’s probably one some of the one of

The luckiest ones I’ve ever gotten um and then this going this one’s going to be silk touch oh well um mending book mending book um okay I still need Jesus okay I still need wait I need the efficiency 4 right so I take the efficiency

4 and then I have to put on a pickaxe right I can’t do like book in pickaxe or can I are you a Fletcher nope oh 20 28 emeralds 28 emeralds I will uh refill the sticks okay um wake up I can do book and pickaxe okay

Po okay I have to go get a lot of wood for Ryan get up oh shoot okay the The Mending book is a bit more important than efficiency five I need a book du oh I accidentally bought a lantern oh is the Anvil out there okay mending fortun the Unbreaking the

Efficiency 4 I just need just need efficiency five okay um what is this is this a crafting table wow it is wait this backpack is insane wait this backpack comes with a crafting table is this Ryan’s armor that he wears or is this a spare I wish he had some spare

Shoes anyone got spare diamonds for a helmet I didn’t choose I think because we’re going to put like counters and stuff Here I don’t have to put this down here because it wouldn’t show so instead I’ll just put it here put counters and stuff that way um think I could only make two for oh you know what I can put up there instead probably this one oh yeah that looks cute then we just

Put vines on the things yeah that’s good for try to enchant oh gosh oh the contrast this is how Ryan lives he just lives efficiently it’s okay if the villagers go down there right it’s not like anything happens right Charmed what is that what the heck is the enchant

Charmed it can go on my chest though and what the heck is Retreat I need prop Four man okay I’m ready Eva just an eeve oh Run’s so cute oh it’s going to drown if it doesn’t stay in the ball oh by please just stay I really am too lazy to fight nice well I’m ready oh my God you have a diamond Scythe that’s so

Cool now watch this wow what a cleave I haven’t even looked at the weapons I just see Ryan carrying around a bunch of cool ones okay guys here’s a prop position okay we can all right why the [ __ ] is there a pig in here come here come here

Piggy are you guys just going to watch me what oh I hate that bush okay so I thought you would never kill Pokemon what was that I I give up okay anyways guys we could ride this thing but I think it only fit to yeah so I

Guess we walk can we make another one is it hard to make it’s very very hard well it’s not hard it’s just like really time consuming we got time for that I I can make in one minute give me a second no no no no give me give me you

Need all the parts to it like yeah I looked it up no no no like oh wait do you see me yeah look at Meen up up up up oh no tro I have all the ingredients I could just make it in one minute

Okay oh there is a katana how do I get down I don’t know wait the katana does oh no it does less damage in the axe how do I look up all the weapons Eva what’s your weapon called storm me something ax what I’m just going to give it to you wait

Why no like so you can read it oh I don’t know how to read that oh it’s just like a regular axe yeah using mythical nuttles god said if you want to type word in search will show all the word what I don’t want know Twin Blade sigh spear glaive hird glaz 7.5

10.5 oh did do you make this server ow ow sleep yeah the only thing about chalks is that it does so much damage to people um what is this called metal okay oh this is renuance weapon 15 13 wait the katana has oh wait this has 2.5

Attack speed did the katana is kind of crazy no this is good too what is the diamond want to yeah how do you land this I don’t know I have no idea this is my first time using it I do have a diamond War glue but not because I want to and only

Because I found it I guess I could use that it might be better than my app nine damage um this thing oh does two hits holy moly what the heck H what is that on you a boomerang oh it’s Renekton Weapon It’s like a war

Glave but I found it I don’t know if I want to use it though guys let’s go okay can someone use the compass so like can you use the compass I’m going to drive this you use oh all right get in you got to get mine all right where are we going I

Don’t know where do you want to go I don’t know go me um where are we going Eva I don’t know can’t tell me using the compass Um dude there’s too much no we’re going to yosity there’s it’s legit called yosity yeah you somebody uhoh Lane down Lane down it it scroll all the way on the bottom it’s right under Yellowstone what the fudge okay how do we search oh it’s behind us click it behind

It gby how do you push again oh wait go a little left yeah yeah yeah go straight now oh my God we’re actually going to go see yuse okay I’m kind of stuck um no I’m also stuck I’m pushing the plane there we go I was stuck in grass for some reason okay

Okay no it’s still stuck Eva are we going to die we’re figuring this out can you help me push it are you really getting goomies mushrooms right now oh are these goomies what those aren mine oh why is it stuck you can break it and pick it back

Up oh my God you’re Wolverine what does it move H can you ask your chat if anyone knows how to fly this thing um I don’t know how to make it go up you push it by just holding down Dum you chobo Eva yes oh I got it you figur it out go

How’d you do it you have to keep tapping space bar oh EV I am holding down W the wall let me try got it what the okay I’m pressing W and tapping space Eva can you type w okay you want to try SL sure how do you make it go up oh wait

Wait wait wait I need a ride okay well you how do I lower it how do I go down uh you have to point down and then hold w I’m looking as down as I can it’s not going down sh Shi shift shift is to go down shift

Oh okay let’s go I’m stuck now oh there we go okay let’s go it’s like we’re playing wobbly life this is so cute I am rovering wait we going the wrong way your somebody is on the right no no it’s this way okay G me follow along she’s following oh

Eva there’s no way this girl pressed alt I did press I oh my God Eva you can’t alt have I can land I can land oh no I was eating I can land here Eva okay I’m ready now you look so silly I do you look

Silly I You Look Silly oh I can eat while you’re flying wait it changed Direction wait did it reset wait no it’s not wait what the heck wait Eva it says we’re here this doesn’t look like you’re me can you check your compass I didn’t

Bring mine I didn’t think I Eva it says it’s right here oh it’s not found oh it’s not in this Dimension yeah but it says Overworld well that means it’s not like spawned in this world no it does disabl Overworld means I know what Overworld I think you pick a new

One yellow clip Yellowstone clip oh it’s under Z it says not found Eva stop pressing alt oh my God well at least you don’t lose exp in this mod yeah what should we find instead [ __ ] I haven’t died in so long and that’s how I die [ __ ] hell you want to look for

Like Igloo yeah or jungle Tower o jungle what do you want to look for Eva should we look for a mansion um I don’t know is there anything you’re looking for shy Kai thank you so your 401s happy 401 Northern ruin ocean ruin does anything interest you anywhere at this

Point anywhere take us anywhere okay I searched up something random oh oh it’s not found dude there’s nothing oh it can only go 10K radius that’s why so if it’s not within 10K radius of us we can’t find it you can just head One Direction for a bit I’m down for that

Too a craphy tower oh this one was found ah oh which one a cartography Tower I have no idea what that means though isn’t the that the people that make the maps I got no idea don’t hit alt Eva yes ma’am I want alt tab wow this world [ __ ] looks so ugly how are you flying so fast oh I have no idea Pro oh I added mods onto this airplane maybe that’s why yeah I have plus 10% engine power and plus 50% takeoff she made the plane but

She can’t fly her own plane sometimes being the brains and the mechanics are different you’re right the pilot isn’t usually the mechanic yeah W I look so silly in this this blue ran why didn’t you tell me I thought that was the point no the point was for me to look

Cute Eva you’re a duck You Look Silly and everything why was I born like this dude this consumes a lot of hunger really I’m not hungry at all I guess it just consumes driver’s hunger I don’t know oh what’s that that’s what that Tower

Oh it’s a temple it you want to see it yeah you me we found a tower you can land this right pilot yeah all right everyone seat belt please seat belts we’re preparing for landing it is now 5: a.m. in Los Angeles oh chest oh my God this this is amazing all

I got were glowing ink sacks I got a smithing table tou you can take the pine no I I don’t sadly I was not smart enough ow wait there’s no ladders for oh I can’t breathe I can’t breathe I can’t breathe oh my goodness oh I okay ready loed

Everything wait oh I had a diamond axe I forgot okay that’s to it I used iron and copper that’s it well what the flip what you have iron or copper I don’t have I have IR but no copper I wish I could just sort it by Overworld things The

Gallows you just click on it with it you have four Coal I didn’t bring any all right maybe s do you have coal or copper no none all right G let’s go I made a takeoff thing for you for what oh crap I can’t oh there you go yeah is it your legs are falling through the helicopter don’t worry about it are you

Sure yeah it’s fine oh there’s a little house oh yeah let’s go visit it okay I think it’s a village oh it is a village oh there’s probably a waypoint here we can steal um why do they have swords I don’t know um they want to fight you goom

Oh do we really want to land here oh there is a way way Stone wait are they pillagers I don’t know there is a way Stone though what do you want to do I think we just [ __ ] them up um okay I’m landing you Eva let me add him okay you can fall he can get off now huh go fight them you want it to get stronger but they’re nice miles those ones are Nice I right click it right click oh we did something oh they’re all moving now what happened we we made these little copper Golem oh um is there anything worth looting in here no oh I don’t think so I may try going to one of these houses make sure you touch the waist

Don’t I did anything I’ll take that that’s food does this ever run out of power anyone need a ride yeah give me a sec I’m going to check out the house I can’t believe how much hunger this consumes Eva you owe me a feast Eva you owe me a feast this is

Consuming so much of my Hunger all right let’s go okay get on well good thing I have six bread to feed you oh thank you what a feast Eva can we go to a steak house yeah I really want to eat some steak I can also just make you steak I’m down for

That go are you in LA are you in La you will be soon uh what was that we just oh look Eva elephants oh I’ve never seen elephants before you want to go look at them and say hi yeah yeah I do I do I do I do if

I kill them what happens oh I I pedaling this like Contraption is that why it’s consuming my Hunger here go pet the elephant elephants wait they’re so cute are they Dumbo Dumbo how do I make friends with it oh my God there’s a baby one Co there there’s Co yes hello

Child that’s awesome he let me feed you some Bread thanks up okay I’m ready [ __ ] oh nice you need to smelt it though smelt coal oh coal never mind mind never mind uh so put four coal on the bottom left corner like 2 by two uh then put three iron ingot on the top right one in the corner one side by

One on the left side and one on the bottom top right corner one on the left Landing yeah that’s it that’s one of the upgrades and then you get the item and then press uh put it in the aircraft this is going to consume so much of my Hunger when we take off

Again did it work to me the other one requires copper ores all right up up we go I should have brought my horn God damn it okay next time we go on adventures I need to bring my horn and my silk touch mhm silk touch is really good for Adventures

Cuz you’ll find a lot of things like corals mhm hey we’re actually flying over a coral reef everyone OHL it’s a boat can you Waypoint this Eva coral reef really it’s a boat yeah you you like boats you want me to land you on it this Fisherman’s

Boat yeah put let me at him let you at him are you going to fight him no I’m just going to say hi he’s got kelp and fish this guy’s got nothing dude why did I get a oh smith thing I can um catch your fish he’s got Nemo thought that was

Useless where the heck did my axe Go wait this is so cheap it’s 10 Co four emeralds guys where did my axe go not my pickaxe but like my axe huh oh it’s on my backpack oh it can hold my tools oh I forgot I made myself tea ready um I don’t know if we’ll have

Enough power for oh oh my God we barely didn’t land in the water good playing where’s go oh she’s there I like that this hovers so there’s two other aircrafts say’s oh actually I need a lot of sand like a ton of sand um I guess we could stop by for

Sand oh um where did it go okay not it cannot descend too fast yeah you’ll break the airplane it’s just like real life I only have an IR iron shovel I don’t even have a shovel oh my God it’s a seahorse oh it’s a seed draw oh my God I want a Mana

Fe in okay Eva I can’t make a shovel right like a diamond one not oh the that torch Tech sounds genius um the only thing is oh um it’s not very tall can I go lower or will it be water o can I go even lower oh oh oh that’s

Sandstone hey this is genius did you get enough I’m trying wait what a go me find I don’t know oh you just put torch below oh yeah that’s Janice Tech yeah it’s kind of Genius I forgot about it [ __ ] huh don’t fall in this hole oh oops oh

I have no room can you pick this though mhm behind you again okay I think this is good oh what are you dying from I’m hry oh my God okay should we fly to go yeah um there’s a a zoo bat who took my spot oh you can fight it [ __ ] you

Whoa oh my whoa what is this biome this is terracotta Savannah Badlands is this what go want to show you to your right to your right to your right to the right yeah there go oh this is so cool this does look really cool Oreos kind of it reminds me of tiramisu yeah

Tiu I’m surprised there’s not like really Pokemon here I would think like a legendary Li Liv maybe I’m not loading a single thing oh there it I’m loading him again oh my goodness what is that I’m not really sure me what is this there’s a bunch of

Giraffes and zebras and horse oh oh Eva look a Lapras oh that’s nice ow dare you hit us you guys need F I have four stacks of bread oh I’m okay you think I can catch those Lapras need well this thing is quite strong dude I’m going to

Drown my whimsic God’s going to drop BR that solar beam did peanut damage D thank you four months welcome back thank you oh it’s paralyzed it’s low HP there’s no way I don’t catch it right nice okay oh Trident are nice who what is this thing it’s a Staryu oh my

God okay shall I go back on route yeah gy did you see the ter misu Mountain mm it’s so like cool oh wait what’s down there on the left there’s like a thing there where oh oh my God I think it’s just a failed NE portal uh one of the one of those

Things oh my God there’s Phantoms wait guys it’s so pretty down here is there a chest I don’t see one yet no chest okay I get in is a good at flying this now oh thank you oh my food is flying in the air that’s disgusting my bad another house

There a creeper on it Minecraft Dent dreams do hit different they’re so nice refle so much faster than go I feel bad I know I think it’s the engine oh the power is failing oh it’s going back up that was so interesting the mini game hi Highlands we’re in the

Highlands oh the highlands it’s hard to fly I guess the wind here is crazy will goom be okay can you type to her do you see her we should wait he went he went the opposite side oh go towards her to the right to the right uh your other right oh yeah yeah

Under M yeah straight go left a little bit still left left yeah now here uh left again okay yeah receed this round the Wizard’s Tower oh she found the Wizard’s Tower maybe you w Meet Harry Potter oh I see it oh [ __ ] them up hello copper oh yeah copper you need that good

Landing how’d you get in [ __ ] we can just I’m on the bottom axe our way in oh there’s a bed in here oh my God efficiency five sharpness five and paling five how’d you get all that all I got were ender pearls what oh who feather falling not one of these

Again where I just find the same things and everyone finds really cool things oh no sorry but s can you hold my Premier Ball yeah man not one of these again it’s always like this it’s okay it’s one chest when I keep uh all your trash I obsidian oh there’s a ladder here

Oh you got the vines you want in mhm wait all the vines went in your inventory Eva yeah that’s how I knew here take it oh what is this trapo for my backpack is full with sandest there I don’t think so there’s a chest at the top or not the

Top this room did you get it what thinky oh yeah okay you can hold the iron I can’t hold on to it where is it no I just made sturdy pipes that’s it I had the landing gear and sturdy pipes and that’s all you should put all the sand in this

Airplane oh can I do that oh yeah pressy does it make it harder for the plane to fly I don’t know but if you break it all that goes away like all that falls out of the airplane oh let me know when you’re ready gooy I’m ready okay I can up hey

I guess all it took were the pipes huh yeah Minecraft is dangerous to stream I end up streaming forever dang this cartographer Tower must be like something really unique whoa a house and a boat oh it’s like a castle oh I’m landing ASA be careful your Sand’s in here oh my

God the the green uh Greenhouse stuff precious sand is that a hamster that [ __ ] hamster your hamster’s here my hamster there’s a hamster here look oh I caugh one of those you just e a bunch of an orange and then you can pick it up in

Your hand that’s cute oh it’s a villager place what the heck would I do with a bucket of cod give it to go oh wait are these glowberries do you want a tadpole maybe here where are you going me here I don’t know what the [ __ ] tle is but

Wow I’m ready to go in the castle oh my God what are these sorry buddy did this villager so pissed at me why he’s just watching me take his entire Greenhouse why are you doing that what it’s pretty I need it oh Vine here I’ll leave you some Vines dude

I left him some Vines 22 obsidian does that castle have loot man this game really making me choose my inventory space huh man I don’t need e this don’t need this what do I not have room for bread oh my bread is up here oh my God why can’t I jump

Oh this is what I wait how’d you guys get in the castle the front whoa are you guys okay wait how’d you oh up here oh Whoa a dojo how many chests for in this castle where the hecky are those barrels this is where I was oh Soul campfire opal you can’t just climb where do you think you’re going huh h I guess I won’t need this these zombies took out my ritage so fast

How do you guys get in the castle the front who broke their Aquarium I think I think so there’s been oh wait yeah I think I’m done looting waa this is such a nice area there’s a chest down here guys this chest has so much food oh my God this is making me so hungry I want to eat it where’s our plane

Where do we land or plane oh it’s next to the green house I remember you want to go home Eva yeah I’m tired let’s go home let’s go home I’m down oh is it this one oh Eva broke um so your stand all on the

Ground yeah can you put it back in the plane as I deal with the zombies oh God my Sand oh watch out it destroyed all my sand um yeah did I hate the KN I really do oh I lost like 10 stacks of sand at least Sand’s easy to get yeah you want these sand yeah well I still have three stacks at

Least I can get more sand when I get a hoe you mean a shovel oh oh yeah a shovel honestly this thing is so nice though it goes pretty fast and it makes traveling really easy I’m going to make an airplane next wait is this isn’t the

Airplane nope this is like gyro Dan whatever I hate creepers me too I think they should be deleted from this mod I don’t know about that because I get Clips like the one about janets yeah but losing all that sand we worked for whoa what’s this this structure oh my God oh my

God oh my God oh God holy crap we have to fly over that wind swept grally Hills um why are we like flying like this clean sorry I just wanted to write it down it sounded fancy okay I almost alt tapped um I’ll just down the village if you alt tapped here wait

That’s not a village that’s like a singular house oh do you want to see who lives there yeah might as well oh look at these jungle trees they look nice are those jungle trees what trees are they I I don’t know who lives here there’s a person on top no it’s a

Pokemon oh what are those trees mang Groves knock knock how is it nothing here oh there’s some barrels oh look what am I looking at a comfy if you don’t get caught oh you said nothing but barrels yeah barrels nothing in the barrels oh wait I found a diamond

Pickaxe oh nice what about up here I didn’t really get there there’s glowberries there is Indeed whoa oh my God stve thank you so much for subscribing 37 months in a row welcome back thank you oh do you want some lily pads no I’m okay um a Pokemon I guess I’ll beat it up all itad uh Ren thank you so much for

Gifting subs thank you or gifting two subs thank you three subs thank you um how thank you so much for subscribing how thank you so much for the tier three sub 25 months in a row welcome back and thank you um backa thank you thank you so much

For the 49 months welcome back thank you oh this place is called an orchid swamp sounds unique yeah but I don’t see any orchids true well it go oh thank you thanks whoa fractured Savannah so pretty here oh a shiny spawn a coton what oh I love coton

That shit’s too far I think that’s back at home oh okay flash home it’s probably near um goom I can’t wait to see Janet’s expression when we write this oh my God more tiramisu this one’s look so delicious Eva I shouldn’t eat before I sleep huh no probably not

Sorry is that yellow thing down there I don’t know looks like a Sand Village you think that’s a wayist stone I don’t know oh there’s another Village across oh this one’s not a village but there’s a village across oh this dude’s got a a llama or something isus there’s no wayist Stones

Right thank you so much for 19 months in welcome back thank you oh my God he’s so angry oh wait it’s a grandpa with a cane they [ __ ] SL he was so [ __ ] angry yeah the grandpa came running at you he’s got a loot then right oh my God I’m not too

Sure plume thank you so much for 19 months welcome back thank you reto thank you so 19 months as well welcome back I don’t see any loot okay you can get on the plane unless he’s hit it dude that Grandpa came running at you with a cane yeah [ __ ] him

Okay Way Stone here you see oh yeah see in the middle to the left are these way stones like pickax or we just like right clicking them I’m right clicking them okay uh okay let me park it so that we can have like a a bit of a Runway yeah yeah yeah you

Think they’ll shoot us I hope not oh this one’s a crown oh I guess they’re friendly do they have stuff oh nothing to loot oh some of them have stuff but it’s like barely should we take this one I don’t know we can just make it oh

Well I took it what’s this uh fin do do Doge oh it’s like a a bread dog oh it turns into a giant bread dog what the heck I found a whoopy cushion oh I was like that sounded like an in-game sound um there’s a snake in our plane oh man not again

Eva yeah how do you make the plane oh you just uh pick it up and then put it down did a break again where is it oh I I uh the sh the plane is missing a part got it nice wait it’s missing another part oh that’s all oh really yeah oh oh

Growth Eva your health is kind of low thank you man looking at this makes me so hungry her Remy of gelato tiu gelato for Well there’s a ship dang this ocean is huge there’s just so much ocean what’s that oh it’s a ship home Mm I’m still so sad about the stacks of sand they stand on the left yeah but I ain’t going to put that much effort into getting it again oh our biome kind of looks pretty too mhm oh my God look at all the cherry blossoms I

Planted I like it made her place so pretty oh wait this is gooy oh right Go’s got like a landing pad up there I had mine too you know go house looks crazy that’s my Landing Pad down there you know where where where oh your home that I asked

About it’s not it’s not a home the one with the two doors for no reason it’s a landing pad um you have a campfire in the center of your Landing Pad list it’s efficient the moment you get home you can cook food you cook food

On it yeah you right click a bunch of fish on it or anything actually anything raw nice oh my God oh my God we’re home I’m I’m tired good night night oh this needs Moss huh I’m going to put it in here think about it

Later why do they want to stand on this so bad I I I don’t understand Marble blocks so tired sorting is hard when you’re tired oh oh oh wow we have so many diamonds Bottles Decor oh hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey for hey hey hey hey hey oh it’s like where did my bucket go Oh okay I try enchanting some things and then I go bad fortune 3 fortune 3 oh is it just everything wait what does an axe of Fortune 3 even do all right um okay um okay efficiency For knock back oh Thorns take the efficiency for it only was efficiency for I want it to be silk touch oh wait is Pro 3 the highest I thought Pro four was the highest okay a four is the highest I can’t I didn’t know it could offer you like a tier lower

Um I see well I’m going to go to bed you guys have a great time with U I’m going to go to sleep good night everyone thank you guys so much for watching good night bye guys

This video, titled ‘[01/08/2024] minecraft adventures, lethal company teaching, and valorant :D’, was uploaded by starsmitten VODs on 2024-01-09 22:14:15. It has garnered 784 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 11:08:44 or 40124 seconds.


00:00:00 Minecraft with chobo, itsRyanHiga, vGumiho & xChocoBars Link for the mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/bigchadguys-plus 01:53:50 VALORANT with aidensphan, ballslol, chobo, ethos & jessica 05:45:00 Lethal Company with aidensphan, ballslol, Bronzeys, chobo, cwistinart, ethos, jessica & leeholic_ 08:18:00 Minecraft with chobo & vGumiho # starsmitten #celine

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    When you and the boys spend hours building a massive castle in Minecraft, only for one of them to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced lava bucket. #MinecraftFail #RIPCastle Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chaos Live Stream

    Ultimate Minecraft Chaos Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Live Stream 🔴’, was uploaded by Chaos jordi2001 on 2024-06-08 08:35:31. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. If you haven’t subscribed yet, do so if you don’t have to, if you don’t want to and if you like this video, press the blue thumbs up ——————- ————————————————– ————————————————– ———— Did you like it, well I did😁 see you next time ———————— ————————————————– —— https://twitter.com/Chaos_jordi2001 ———————————————————————————— https://progameguides.com/fortnite-shop/ item shop leaked items https://fnbr.co/upcoming game site https://itch.io/ ———————————————————————————- https://www.twitch.tv/chaos_jordi2001 ————————————————– —————- ip of server play.originrealms.com… Read More

  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Game Time || Hit Subscribe & Like! #shorts

    Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Game Time || Hit Subscribe & Like! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Steve and Alex team up, a dynamic dream. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Together they conquer, hand in hand. New updates arrive, with features galore, From caves to cliffs, there’s always more. Redstone contraptions, mobs to fight, In this pixelated world, day turns to night. So subscribe and like, if you enjoy the show, For Minecraft adventures, we’re ready to go. Join us on this journey, through valleys and heights, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity takes flight. Read More

  • Minecraft Boss: The Ultimate Hot Mess #meme

    Minecraft Boss: The Ultimate Hot Mess #meme When you finally defeat the Ender Dragon in Minecraft and realize that you are now the true boss of the game, but then a creeper sneaks up behind you and blows you up. #minecraftboss #neverletyourguarddown Read More

  • Thank You Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3

    Thank You Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 The Evolution of Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 has been a significant milestone in the evolution of the popular game. From new features to exciting gameplay elements, this edition has captured the hearts of players worldwide. Exploring 3D Texture Packs One of the most notable additions to Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 is the introduction of 3D texture packs. These packs allow players to customize the look and feel of their game, adding a new level of immersion and creativity to the experience. Embracing Third-Person View With the inclusion of a third-person view option,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the perfect start in Minecraft 1.20. But first, let’s take a look at this exciting new YouTube video titled “THE PERFECT START! Lets Play Minecraft 1.20 – #1 MALAYALAM.” In this video, the creator explores a brand new Minecraft world in Java Edition 1.20 for the first time. They promise fun activities, challenges, and more in their upcoming episodes. While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does showcase the endless possibilities… Read More

  • Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft

    Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft Building a Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft The Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft is a unique architectural design inspired by the popular Jenga game. This project showcases a creative blend of functionality and aesthetics, offering players a visually appealing structure that also serves a practical purpose in the game. Layout & Materials The construction of the Jenga Lighthouse begins with careful planning of the layout and selection of materials. In this project, red is used as the primary color, but players can experiment with different color combinations to achieve varying atmospheres, from modern to fantasy. Jenga Element One of the standout… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing AI in Minecraft with Dronio

    Mind-Blowing AI in Minecraft with DronioVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-15 21:30:00. It has garnered 431 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some of the best fails, wins, and other hilarious moments from the Minecraft community. From exploding creepers to epic building fails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Hashtags: #Minecraft #Shorts #Funny #Fails #Wins #Epic #Gaming #Laughter #Entertainment #GamingCommunity #MinecraftCommunity #Gamer #GamingShorts #FunnyShorts #FailShorts #WinShorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Java Edition Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Poppy Playtime Minecraft Cheating Challenge

    Ultimate Poppy Playtime Minecraft Cheating ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //DRAW in POPPY PLAYTIME Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-03-22 18:00:00. It has garnered 171916 views and 1600 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:38 or 2258 seconds. I Cheated with //DRAW in POPPY PLAYTIME Build Challenge in Minecraft Today in Minecraft, we’re having a building competition! But nobody knows that I’ll be using //DRAW to cheat in this POPPY PLAYTIME build battle! How long do you think it will take before my friends find out? Will CATNAP, DOGDAY, MISS DELIGHT, or the SMILING CRITTERS catch us?… Read More

  • Uncover Insane New Minecraft Easter Egg! 🤫🖼️ #minecraftfest #shorts

    Uncover Insane New Minecraft Easter Egg! 🤫🖼️ #minecraftfest #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Das NEUE Easter Egg in Minecraft…🤫🖼️ #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftfacts #minecraftdeutsch’, was uploaded by EinfachGustaf on 2024-04-21 11:03:54. It has garnered 200595 views and 15560 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Skibid Toilet Animation Part 1!” #clickbait #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Skibid Toilet Animation Part 1!" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft skibids toilet parts 1 #minecraft #skibiditoilet #part1’, was uploaded by 3camera animation on 2024-01-14 04:39:14. It has garnered 9 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Try the free video editor CapCut to create videos! https://www.capcut.com/t/Zs8jMX6Sq/ Read More

  • Master English with Dronio & Minecraft – FREE trial!

    Master English with Dronio & Minecraft - FREE trial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 22:15:00. It has garnered 5243 views and 907 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Godly Gamer Defeats Baby Zombie – RIP! Minecraft Animation

    Godly Gamer Defeats Baby Zombie - RIP! Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry Baby Zombie, Rest In Peace | Monster School Minecraft Animations’, was uploaded by GOD BOYZ GAMAER on 2024-03-26 01:23:50. It has garnered 2962 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • NinjaGamerGirls REVEAL the laziest Minecraft tactics!

    NinjaGamerGirls REVEAL the laziest Minecraft tactics!Video Information This video, titled ‘que flojera ⚒️MINECRAFT BEDROCK⚒️#videojuegos #minecraft #minecraftberdock #streamer #shorts’, was uploaded by NinjaGamerGirls on 2024-04-05 18:00:04. It has garnered 665 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. ————————————————– ——————————— 💖🎮 GAMER GIRL 🎮💖 ———– ————————————————– ——————— ⚒️ Minecraft REALMS ⚒️ Technical Realm: https://realms.gg/27JoLmL_TfA Realm con Hacks: https://realms.gg/yTzEnsXKKrY Verify your Minecraft username on Discord to be able to play: 🤖 [Discord] 🤖 – https://discord.gg/jpwBkvATbU Minecraft Whatsapp Groups: https://chat.whatsapp.com/E1zR7o3mUc2CW2NwN3mPMr Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/733539675110501/ ————————————————– ——————- Social networks: 💜 [twitch] 💜 – https://www.twitch.tv/ninjagamergirls/ 💝 [Instagram] 💝 -https://www.instagram.com/ninjagamergirls/ 💠 [Facebook]💠 – https://www.facebook.com/RdaNyDoranTeSs​ 🐥 [Twitter] 🐥-… Read More


    INSANE HUGGY WUGGY REMAKE PRECISION BUILDVideo Information This video, titled ‘REFAZENDO O HUGGY WUGGY DO MINECRAFT BEDROCK/WIN 10 NO MINECRAFT JAVA’, was uploaded by IsaacBeyCraftYT on 2024-04-05 15:00:41. It has garnered 766 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:36 or 576 seconds. Description/Credits Here: | V Channel of the original addon creator: https://www.youtube.com/@BendytheDemon18 Wiki do addon original: https://mcpedl.com/poppy-playtime-addon-the-tight-squeeze/ Mcreator (The Program I used to make the Mod): https://mcreator.net/ [Versão do Mcreator usado no Vídeo — 2023.3] Blockbench (The Program I used for the custom models): https://www.blockbench.net/ Plugin (Geckolib) that I used to run the customized models in Mcreator: https://mcreator.net/plugin/91484/nerdys-geckolib-plugin-forge-1182-1192 [Versão do… Read More


    EPIC DOOMER BUILDS UWU TOWN in MINECRAFT! 🔥#GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘| The Town of UWU | Minecraft BETA 1.7.3 #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by DoomerPlaysMinecraft on 2024-02-21 00:51:57. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. The town of UWU was founded by Ospence5 on August 9th 2023, and currently has 25 residents. If you want to see UWU for yourself you can find it at mc.retromc.org Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the video. If you did please considering subscribing and hitting that like button as it supports us in a major way! ~ Doomer… Read More

  • Coca MC

    Coca MCCoca MC is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server with treecapitator and /home and /warp plugins to help with mobility and gathering resources. There is a small and friendly community with active players who can help you if needed. There are certain teams you can opt into joining, which each have their own lore, but it is entirely optional. This is mainly an English-speaking server, however, we have German members too. We are planning to add more plugins in future, mostly just QoL or fun plugins which don’t alter progression Read More

  • EpicGaming: Semi-Vanilla, Vanilla, Minigames

    1.20.6 EpicGaming Multi-Server (3 Servers) IP/Address: play.epicgaming.ch Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/m2GWN6F We offer: Towny Survival (Semi-Vanilla) -Mobheads -Playershops -Death Chest -Teleports -Ingame Ranks -Ender Dragon respawn Minigames (over 20+): -Soccer -Horse Races -Build Battle -Bedwars -Ice Boat Races -Parkour -Boost -Sheep Wars -Pig Race -Chess and more 100% Vanilla: Opened 3 weeks ago, version 1.20.6 Server Tournaments: We regularly host events and tournaments. Next event is today (Sunday 8pm CET). Join us! Community Details: -Small, active community -Average age: 20 -Server uptime: 100% Interested? Let us know in the comments for server connection details and a past event video. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why can’t players ride zombies?

    Minecraft Memes - Why can't players ride zombies?Looks like the zombie got the better end of the deal! Who knew they were such skilled sniffer riders? Read More

  • Hot Maizen Memes: Minecraft Madness!

    Hot Maizen Memes: Minecraft Madness! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone with texts!” 😂🎮 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure!

    Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure! The Evolution of Minecraft: A Look Back at 15 Years of Creativity and Innovation Delivering Updates and Managing Community Expectations In the world of Minecraft, the pressure of delivering updates is a constant challenge for Mojang Studios. With a dedicated community always hungry for new content, the developers must carefully balance innovation with maintaining the core essence of the game. The team’s ability to manage these expectations has been crucial in keeping players engaged and excited about the future of Minecraft. One key aspect of this delicate balance is the regular release of updates that not only fix bugs… Read More

  • Sneaky New Series | Minecraft Hardcore s2

    Sneaky New Series | Minecraft Hardcore s2 Minecraft Hardcore Season 2: A New Adventure Begins! Welcome to Wolf City! The beloved Minecraft Hardcore series is back with a thrilling second season. Fans are in for a treat as they join the adventure in this hardcore gameplay. Exploring New Challenges This season promises exciting new challenges and adventures for players. From building intricate structures to surviving dangerous encounters, the stakes are higher than ever in this hardcore world. Survival at Its Core In Minecraft Hardcore, survival is key. Players must navigate the world, gather resources, and fend off enemies to stay alive. With limited lives and increased… Read More

  • Journey into Madness! Modded Minecraft Hexxit

    Journey into Madness! Modded Minecraft HexxitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft – Hexxit’, was uploaded by UntoldGG on 2024-05-09 18:05:29. It has garnered 58 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:38 or 7298 seconds. Read More

  • Sly Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: Leather Armor Only!

    Sly Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: Leather Armor Only!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but only with Leather Armor! | Stream 6’, was uploaded by YertaPain on 2024-04-09 06:35:34. It has garnered 780 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:10 or 8470 seconds. Yoo this is Stream 6 of the Minecraft Hardcore Series! Today I set up the villager farm (mostly) so that I can have good trades for enchanting! Lets see how long it takes me to beat the ender dragon! I hope you enjoy this stream and be sure to subscribe if you enjoy the fun! If you want a Text… Read More

  • Dronio’s Explosive Minecraft Adventure! #viral

    Dronio's Explosive Minecraft Adventure! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘В Minecraft с Компотом – яркий фейерверк веселья. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-08 13:45:00. It has garnered 11491 views and 1639 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS… Read More