EPIC Minecraft Arcane Engineering – Don’t miss it!

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Welcome back everybody to another episode of create Arcane engineering brought to you by our wonderful server hosting sponsors who host all that your eyes can see right now Apex hosting if you’re interested in grabbing a Minecraft server maybe playing some creative Arcane engineering or vanilla Minecraft or in the mod pack whatever

Floats your go check them out at the links in the description of the stream of the YouTube video and you’ll get 25% off your first month give him a try and see how you like it um all righty how is it going everybody going all right how

Are you side question before before we get to started does anyone have a coordinates of a stronghold um I think so it’s probably marked on the map I think right uh veridium Catalyst it’s kind of like in a bubble on the map I like oh no no no I have it

Marked in the nether I’m pretty sure cuz we did the nether portal let me let me help you out there oh yeah yeah yeah like yeah I’m just going to go ransack some bookshelves real quick it’s probably a good idea all right let me see where was it at um it Was uh end portal portal is at -39 260 and portal portal sounds like it needs to be followed by toil in trouble it’s basically just do North uh like what is is it uh 100 120 blocks away or something like that any oh I see it think cool cool who

Someone’s doing something important Eternal saw yeah whoa what the heck mate I uh after last session I did some of those jobs and got some of them Silvers and uh so um I figured that this way we can get the saw that allows things to just continue I saw what you did there

Perpetuity oh that’s a big deal so I mean you know I I don’t think we’re going to go through the 16,000 um kinetic mechanisms we apparently needed to add een gold upgrades for but um nonetheless the option is there right on so that’s done I mean there were only

A couple but it was like you know like they were mining it was like submit two diamonds and for eight silver and I was like we have two diamonds so here and I was like okay have eight silver and I was like I like this exchange I appear

To have run out of uh my knives for making Source gems we have 3.8k I do want to just say did anyone like I don’t know if either of you in looking at the source gem setup I made last time did you think that it was horrendous because the top comments on

My video look I’m looking at I’m looking at the comment scene um said that was the most painful thing I’ve ever watched you make and I’m like that’s dang I thought it actually worked pretty pretty well um but anywh who I’m hey we got 3.8k I did modify it slightly afterward

Zan when I was on afterwards and you like butt shifted and and you were like look at the elevator um it was because I got on and I noticed that the thing was backed up and so I made a slight modification to it that’s what I was

Doing at that time cuz I didn’t want it to just be stopped until this episode you know especially that was that was when I changed the floor of the elevator to Glass yeah it’s a pretty glass floor elevator mhm yeah uh who’s writing these comments man like get some sun what do

You what are you so angry for so I thought it was the coolest little like he has it funnel in and it’s all in like a straight line it’s neat it’s compact how what I know I don’t know I don’t know this was highly uploaded too so I read I

Read the comments as well and I got a comment on mine which is rare um but I got I got a comment on mine and so this was this was uh like here here’s it’s yo that Zen no way he doesn’t look like he sounds at all he actually looks pretty

Good well that’s good oh so uh you know not good like yeah feeling feeling feeling built up after that one you know like feeling pretty good obviously I’m sounding bad but I’m feeling good I guess kick some [Laughter] ass who’s running around writing this stuff man but Pete’s pretty as

Always uh yeah Pete is pretty of course I actually and and it’s I I joke about it I get that all the time of wow like this is what you actually look like holy crap I thought you were some Nery teenager and I’m like we make jokes about how old

I am all the time like what are we talking about we make jokes about how old I am all the time what are we talking about oh hey guys just uh you you definitely sound like a coming in here you definitely sound like a teenager that’s

What I yeah that’s definitely what I get all right well Boys in all my years working with Saws and stuff I knew how to make an eternal one so I got that taken care of uh on the on what you were talking about with your gem Source thing

Are you talking about the Harvester over here is that is that where the complaint lies or is down in your processing no no it was the underground it was the underground part cuz I I look at that I had the harvesting thing that was all already set and and good and stuff like

That last time but yeah feel free to I can show you like what I did what I what I modificado sure let’s take a look okay Dad let’s go take a look I want to see what you’ve made all right I will I’ll be right down in just a second

Father take your time son you can raise me oh I’m on top of the elevator I’m getting sent back up I’m going to get crushed I think you just clipped through yeah I I think you just CLI through yeah I just was like oh I can just fall

Down nope nope can’t do that can’t do that okay here we are um so yeah you see uh anyway apparently this this whole setup here is insufferable um despite the fact that it has 3.8k Source gems but here here’s what happened right so there is a situation where we don’t get

Enough of cuz it’s a 30% chance of the leaf bowl to turn into one of the leaves that then gets pressed by the deployer into that little purple string um and so if not enough leaves come through then this the drain can basically get backed

Up all the way through and full at which point it just stops being able to accept more and so I added an additional Basin over here that in the event that the 100% efficiency Basin gets filled up CU not enough leaves come through then it pipes excess into the one that does the

25% yield just to clear out the backlog and which point once the backlog is clear it’ll revert to only inserting into the 100% efficiency so anyway that’s that’s what I changed sounds good I I I I would really think that if they were complaining that the main complaint

Would be the the the Slowdown belt is pretty like it’s it works and and uh uh I I think that you’ve done fine with it but I would say that it’s non-standard and and purists would be like excuse me what are you doing and it was no it

Seemed to be more the Sorting specifically they they said sorting and I was like like um okay but anyway yeah I just the reason why I didn’t I didn’t think that the uh belt thing was super urgent was because you know it’s going to it’s going to run uh for you know a

Few days before each next episode and I feel like 3.8k Source gems I don’t know exactly what we’re using them for yet but they will probably go a decently far way so yeah no I do that’s good I think you’re fine um I just want to I I kind

Of want to can I take a break from this today to kind of help see what it is that you are doing with trains and massive drill things and stuff there cuz this it’s highly interesting um it’s pretty straightforward but absolutely yep y don’t stop now soon

Okay I’m going to going to head over there with you father you want me to do you want me to go deeper yeah let’s go over there father and you can show me is there anything is there come on help with today Peter uh so all I’m doing with the train did

We get a did we get a z I’m sorry if we got a zy z Sky Stone so really this is just you know the the track like I again I wouldn’t say that this is anything particularly interesting or strange but here we are you know just making myself

A little path for the train and then wa it’s so like nice and curved I like good curves you does look like okay and then down here the uh you know you joked about the star bule running the drills wait did you do it guess guess what uh is running the drills boys

Oh did he do the wall of starbu no there’s no way I got to get back and see this wait wait wait wait wait did he do wall of star buun no not a wall what the heck are you talking about look look above you you

Can I didn’t know that only three would be enough to power the whole every drill yeah wait what three starbs enough for every single one of these drills um did I oh I was I I was like how did I disable it do you no I’ve got oneop wait what the

Freak so the only thing I’ve got to do now is make it so that the toggle back works and uh then add in the deployers to feed the Redstone to the the bit hold on if you if you have this go forward the drills are active as they’re going forward yes

You send it again you have Redstone I don’t have any redstone on me no oh they are holy freak so the is the whole thing basically powered by the Gantry yeah Power stress stress is transmitted via Gantry shaft huh so it’s it’s the same way that like Harvesters or deployers pull from when

When they become a device they get powered for their stress based off of the the connection that they have okay so the Gantry Carriage is that like a it’s like a chassis basically well the carriage is just literally the gear that runs along a Gantry so uh everything else is a device

That connects to that but if you were at the at a Gantry it’s very simplest is the pole and then you could put a carriage either ver or to the side like this one is or uh even hanging and it’ll just when rotated One Direction it’ll go down when rotated the opposite it’ll

Come back so that’s I guess I’m just curious what is actually like rotating the drills though cuz you don’t have cogs on the back of every single one right it’s just some bricks what I’m saying it’s the same way that like when you have deployers on a on a device you

Don’t have to go and get the stress to each individual deployer when they’re part of one of the uh assemblies and so okay and the Gantry counts as is that yes okay well the G the the Gantry carriage and everything glued to it is

Part of that yes got it huh so so if you hold uh if you hold super glue then you find that there’s just a whole lot of glue holding all this together huh dang that’s fancy I did not think I didn’t think the star bunes would be enough uh stress that’s

Awesome yeah I just I I just found a couple of those like I was like I don’t know how to make these guys and then I found a couple and I was like I don’t know give them a try and they just were like and here we are yeah they’re pretty

They’re pretty cool so how is how is the train system going to work I don’t know I haven’t made it yet can I can I help you father with the train I I I will say yes but with the caveat of I don’t know how it’s going to

Work so I like I I just am going to throw stuff down and and see what works like I don’t have you made a train though or just the tracks uh just the tracks I don’t have a train the next thing we need to get is the oh

I I mean I guess the things that we need to put together is um getting the train casings and the sturdy plates running which are just uh the sturdy sheets are are kind of the next thing that needs to happen sturdy stdy sheets sheets okay okay so compressed oh we got

To put him in an adcraft well no there’s also powdered obsidian it’s the powdered obsidian and I’ve built the the if you recall I made an obsidian machine that’s why I made that so we’ll build we’ll we’ll pull off that create powdered and then we just

Got to stamp it and uh then so those are all kind of the next pieces to getting the train put together oh and then the lava for the recipe signments as well too so I can Port the lava over from underground yep okay it’s a lot of lava for one sheit

Huh that’s the idea um I’m a little oh that’s right I I don’t have this running like I I I was like I’m a little confused on I thought I had this working back and forth but I actually disabled that portion because it’s going to need to be more involved I’m going to

Need to use a a sequenced gear shift to make this whole apparatus work because the next piece that goes along with this is there will be kind of a a tuning fork type thing I mean I not necessarily in these exact spots but there will be blocks that uh sit along these channels

And they’ll have deployers on them poking inward at the Catalyst and so we’ll have a system that either raises them into place that maybe that’s what I’ll do is I’ll have a Gantry that like lifts them up and then pulls them back down do you need multiple or wait why

Why not just one the more Redstone you because we’re going in a cycle right and the more Redstone we hand it the more faster it builds more sky Stone so if I give it if I have four deployers feeding it then it’s going to uh uh make more

Sky Stone in the time that that deployer that sequence ends and the drills start up again huh okay makes sense got it so is it basically going to be pop pop bunch of redstone little delay the game Tre goes across Retreats and then exactly repeat add infin item got it so yeah the

Uh you know like I said I haven’t figured out how uh all of this will work specifically but that’s the general idea is there not like I mean maybe it’s not the most efficient way to do it cuz it would be obstructing some of the drills

But you could just have a deployer under it perpetually going you know Redstone Redstone a lot if you red stone while this is extended and a new redstone block uh comes in then block the machine oh you could in theory put drills on both sides um but I’m not uhhuh if you

If you wanted to go that route then then that is an option but yeah that’s not the way that uh I’ve put it together so um so yeah the idea is have it all set and then grow it out and yeah just use the sequencing so basically I have some

Of the bones put in place but I don’t I I don’t have any of the Redstone feeding mechanism nor do I have sturdy casing and a way to build the train really going so if you wanted to uh work on the Frain uh sturdy casing and all that

Sturdy casings are basically like that’s just the the underlying Foundation of a train yes okay I and uh then I will look into trying to figure out how to get these deployers and pieces to work okay so I can’t remember have you already powdered the obsidian or you

Just have a lot of obsidian the there you can definitely get powdered obsidian uh there down in uh resource processing to the right there’s some area stuff that you should be able to use okay already already powered or no it powdered it it it should be there’s an infinite Loop that’s creating the

Powdering although it’s probably finished by now um so I would say split that half and half maybe or just um you know with a tunnel but yeah there there is definitely powder powdering and if there’s not then add the device to do it oky dokie sounds good I will work on this

Um wherever you set that up I can route the lava to where we want to have the sequence for it oh yeah this is such teamwork I’m just cooking some ters right now because I’m running low on food but after that I I stole sweet rolls out of from somewhere I was like

This will this will feed me for a bit yum please cook taters please cook there we go that’s some cook ters right there brass or is the the deployer is smashed brass right yeah by the way everybody make sure to like the video subscribe to C Sparkles 2

And check the playlist if youve missed any episodes and you wish to catch up on them let us go and check out how to do the now we’ve gotten all of our jobs like outline it’s like okay break and and break well I mean you know so how was your

Day um dude it was so good we played uh we played some pretty awesome um turkey Towers you know what more could you ask for oh heck yeah man I hope you had fun I um I I’m sorry if you didn’t have fun because of the islands yes yes my entire experience in

Evening was ruined because of it no fine okay good that’s good news I’m happy to hear this we got any uh spout skis I do I already have a spout ready to go this is awesome your back the fact that he knows this is distressing

I was like yeah I know where one is uhhuh can’t imagine how he can possibly know this I am getting advertisements in my chat from for you toon.com are they synced up I hate this thing man oh you wait you have one in your

Inventory or is it I do cuz I I got it from a a supply Crate I thought just me having one in mine popped it up for everybody oh no I don’t think so God that would have been funny hey guys what should I order for dinner I’m being I’m being pressed to

Figure out what to order for dinner still Korean barbecue I can’t do Korean barbecue it’s not accessible at this location you know there’s probably other places that do it yeah but not in the same kind of like glorious way the last place did it where it was it was like 10

Bucks for really really solidly good bowl and yeah I missed that I really missed that um thank you cool guys Nation for the Thousand bits I’m glad I’m feeling better too it’s uh it’s nice and tip 11,000 um with 200 I I I don’t know if

It was a weird stomach bug or food poisoning I’m genuinely not sure oh right oh yes I see you have 348 uh powpow obsidian so how does that Work oh we have that manys okay so Zen is the obsidian going um up into the crushing wheels and then it gets crushed and it turns into powdered obsidian and there’s leftover obsidian as well yes if you look at the recipe then there’s a uh when you crush

Obsidian um then you get a chance like 75% chance getting another obsidian and powdered obsidian so it says the powdered obsidian is guaranteed so why is there oh the obsidian is just is it recycling basically okay got it got it got it I take that 75% potential

And I send that back out to be crushed again so that I can continually fill it up got it got it CU you can just take powed obsidian and and uh smelt it back into obsidian anyway so it’s like that way I end up with a surplus so that’s

How the loop works and that’s literally all that Loop does okay got it um and you uh you would like to keep half of it though I don’t I I would just be sure to set up the system so that it continues to have infinite obsidian in whatever way that I

Could think that by the way it it wasn’t doing it Loop right now it wasn’t processing any new stuff I don’t know cuz it was full oh the drawer was full oh oh cuz the drawer was full of Obby I see wait no no no no no no I don’t think

So because like it’s the numbers I drawer but it’s the chest underneath the CH the The Crushers that uh is what you’re you’re really wanting to be looking at I mean I just threw a stack onto the belt that feeds The Crushers and it did start processing them

So uh but then they then it’s just stopped and is hung up there because there’s no room in the chest underneath the Crushers for them to go into correct I don’t see a chest underneath the Crushers I only see a drawer where’s the chess maybe I’m thinking drawer or

Saying saying chess but thinking drawer the should be what is full there’s nothing in the shoot the uh H oh did you mean to have a shaft filtered on the brass funnel I think I threw that there to turn it off that’s something I would do okay

Well that that that’s that’s uh there’s yours it works there’s your problem um how do I there hey you know all the sudden it oh wait why did it stick wait oh it’s supposed to be on the obsidian is the filter there we go that’s much better

Yeah you don’t want to you don’t want to Output the dust you want to Output the city no I’ve I’ve I’ve learned I’ve learned uh from my mistakes now I’ve learned the error of my way okay there we go much better now all right there we go fixed it crisis

Averted I knew we had it in US yeah yeah yeah we we good we good oh look at that that go look at that Rin dude dang that brass funnel just that just brings the items out wait that’s wrong filter the wait we want it to be the dust I’m so

Confused do what I had it right the first time I’m just okay zen What is the what is supposed to be ejecting out of the obsidian chest and burning I I’m just thinkinking through oh it is dust e oh okay interesting the dust ejects out because that’s what’s going

To go turn back into obsidian that can then go through the loop and uh get crushed again so got it the top of the crush top of the crusher should be obsidian and uh the dust should be popping out and then that’s where you would split off to get your dust as well

Interesting interesting indeed this was not entirely um clear to me but regardless what I can it’s now this is weird dude this is weird but anyway yeah I don’t um uh why but why would you take I guess I’m just confused why not why the smelting right if the

Obsidian recycles to obsidian be the crushing Wheels why not just have the obsidian cycle back smelt the dust back into obsidian isn’t the goal to get dust the goal of that machine is to get obsidian oh okay got it got it just to get obsidian I see okay understood using the Dust for

Stuff hasn’t hasn’t been built that was here’s a way for us to always have obsidian we need for what we need to use the Dust for okay understood see I was slightly confused I thought the goal here was to get the dust and I was like why wouldn’t we just recycle the

Obsidian over and over so that we keep getting more dust but yeah now I now I get it okay cool cool cool cool cool and with that mess out of the way let’s uh work on this I suppose so what we’re going to do is I suppose just a

Little side thing I figured for the sake of maybe needing some crafting resources it would be easier to open the loot bags that we’ve been holding on to for a bit I’ve Enchanted all 21 of the uh bags that we have with Fortune oh I I have three more do you want three

More throw them my way okay I wonder if I can just can I throw items onto the elevator and send them up to you you know should be able try okay call the elevator that’s going to work that’s awesome delivery oh these are the tool kits oh

Okay oh did you not want fortune on those are they’re the engineers no I can Fortune these I was just talking about the uh artificer bag oh the magical boys I got you yeah magic boys but I’ll I’ll do these two oh dear lord um Zen is

There anything on the other side of the wall from the crushing wheels and obsidian or can I expand that way if you dig through you’ll find out I’m not sure just cave okay probably a little bit spooky okay I’m going to need I’m going to need more blocks I’m going to need

More torches and um and then I guess I’ll just make the thing and we’ll be good anyway start cycling the dust but if I cycle the dust the dust will be gone won’t it uh it’s going to basically eject all the dust though is the problem so I should I need

To split the dust it would be so much easier if I could split it right there and have half go out one way and like half go out the other but I don’t know how to split the dust is the thing um let me think how could I yeah I know

I can tunnel but um I guess I need to like Roo it back brass tunnel could I trying to uh oh I guess could have the brass tunnel round robin you’re right that could take half the dust out yeah yeah that’s probably how I’ll do it that’s probably how I’ll do

It yeah for sure for sure we got any brass tunnels oh yes we do that’s not the right way oh no magnet no magnet not now not today not today Satan I’m running away as fast as I can just call me that what I would never okay see I’m getting such Satan

Provide these I don’t know about that oh that’s pretty cool I’m getting such mixed feedback from people they’re like half the people like oh route out the dust half the people are grout up the obsidian with the dust it’s all it’s all a mess it’s all just such a mess nobody knows

Nobody knows that’s why you just uh come up with the plan in your head and you just run with it and let them uh you know try and build it on their own in their own world mhm you’re so right about that you’re so real for that dude

All righty so P you you didn’t get like sequence assembly going did you you just like that was just something you got rewarded with in a CRP uh yeah okay they ain’t they ain’t getting me I’m underground that’s a lot of them huh are there a lot yeah there’s a few okay

Exciting I mean if you get enough to make the train assembly then we might not necessarily need to do the whole thing but I can’t believe I voted for those talking about the sturdy sheet yeah whoa huh what happened protect the Villager from an undesired shock without starting a fire

I got struck by lightning what do you mean why you you sacrificed yourself for the Villager yeah what why I get struck by lightning are youting lightning again I think you’re asking the wrong question what is happening dude this sounds like a crazy time going on out there

You okay BD you okay everything good M okay so we need to eject oh dang we just got so many more of those that’s awesome all right so we’re going to do the seids to subbly ADH here I guess or something do many gear boxes not very many not very many

That is very fast that is probably faster than it needs to be going do need to be going that fast feel like I’m going to use up all the stress of the entire system if I have the mechanical presses running at this speed so should I step them down

Maybe a little bit or it’s going to take like 10,000 stress probably I’ll I’ll step it down like a bit I might be upsetting Peta what happened what are you doing I’m wondering whether star buunk need to breathe I thought you said I thought you were saying Peter but you were saying

Peter I was oh no I I was saying I was saying Peter p t pets no I know what you mean I know but I thought you meant Peter you know gotcha he doesn’t got me what what do you mean I don’t have you he doesn’t got me jeez okay

Okay that should do right I’m pretty sure and then throw it into the old RI uh Pete I have your um Lava location wonderful where’s that at um it is at uh why is that not oh it’s got to be veral um if you come into level is it level three Zen’s resource

Department okay um It Is Res it is there all right uh and then I can I can greet you cool I’ll be on my way to Zen’s resource department real fast good that’s that’s what I like to hear uh what is my best way to do this

H just wish I didn’t have to use so many freaking things things here trying I’m just trying to not use like every gearbox on the planet but I may just I know I could do an encased chain drive or I could like I don’t know belt it or something but maybe I’ll just

Belt the gosh dang thing I’m just going to Belt the gosh dang thing and that’ll just be easier that way there we go there we go that’s all I needed to do all right so BR where’s my car or should I bring it no I’m going to have to bring it over here

H if I cycle only dust it won’t make the extra dust if I cycle only Obby it won’t be self-sufficient I need to cycle the Obby and half the dust and take half the Dust for myself going through right now I am man I can’t handle this well that’s where

You just all you need to do is put the uh uh brass tunnels on the dust portion so that you split half of the dust off into one spot and half the dust off into another right no I was going to do that but if I’m also introducing the Obby into that then

Uh I’m just going to for now only do the dust and just see what happens so that’ll be great that’ll be awesome so we’ll do that and then which I don’t even know what direction this thing is spinning it’s so gosh dang freaking fast what direction are we Going the it’s the flash out here balls hello Golden Ocean thank you for okay we are going that way that’s which way am I going I can’t tell uh thank you for their raid much appreciated okay it’s going in Jesus bro it’s too fast it needs to go the other

Way um so then I’m going to get it to go the other way I’m I going to get it to go the other way I’m going to need to do it is it going to be here wait I do it on the other side hey let me show you

Welcome welcome to Zen’s resource Emporium here’s where you need to root the lava this got to work for you or something yeah unfortunately my god well I’m saying unfortunately that’s what zen zen feels that way I’m happy to work for him he’s such a he’s a mind of Our

Generation what the heck what a mind of Our Generation yeah he’s one of the minds of Our Generation generation wait no don’t don’t do that oh balls in the sack wait oh God no hold on how do I undo this without breaking every I’m going to have to God dang

It other than that it’s going well yeah other than that it’s going well so we could do that right and we do boom boom that’s spinning the other way and then it’s going to be going yes okay perfect Perfecto look I know we’re about to get

The same comments on this episode as the last one where everyone is like oh my God you’ve done the most inefficient thing of all time but at the end of the day if the thing works then it freaking works even if it doesn’t look the prettiest thing of all time you

Know and remember even if it’s not generating resource every 10 seconds we have multiple many days between episodes I do need more gearboxes do we have more gear Boxes by any chance here yeah we do this time it won’t even work long term well you know what we probably

Don’t need 10,000 sturdy casings so I think we’ll get away with it I think we’ll get away with it okay Al righty I think maybe this has a chance of really tunnels have to go on a 90° they can’t go on a 180 degree belt that’s frustrating that’s very

Frustrating that’s very frustrating I don’t like that I dislike this dramatically wait what they can’t they can’t route things onto a an opposite thing it’s VAR balls well you would set up a drawer on the route that is supposed to go in with funnels no but I need it to be half and

Half so gotta yeah it’s not the IDE alest thing that ever was but um okay that’s pointing the right way at least yeah we’ll still get it to work I think it’s just slightly more annoying or wait oh God no um we can still make that work right oh

God uh I don’t I don’t like am I really going to have to make the belt all the way over here Ah that’s so annoying it’s so annoying that’s just so annoying why and this is all oh God whatever it’s just going to be belts all over the place man what can you

Do it is what it is Broski it is what it is crime a river are we at least is that going the right way I genuinely don’t know anymore what direction is what so we’ll find out is that like no that’s the wrong way that’s

Balls in the sand back dude um so we’re going to need this one I can probably extend over here right does that go the right way I can’t tell I can’t tell the direction so it’s like just a guessing game okay that’s going the right way

Cool um so you have that go there and then this will go over to here and then that’ll be fine just do that then we can power that and then this will be like that cool okay good just pull the blocks out of the drawer all Z needs is the dust

Bro I need the Dust sh the whole point is I need the dust so all right I just grab that and then all I got to do is get this belt going here easy peasy like this and like that I know I can do in case chain

Drives but freck freak it there we go that’s going to work and then bada bing bada boom that should work so we just round balls uh God dang it man Where’s my water bucket we just round robin it right uh click and hold it to add it I

Never remember how do you do oh yeah round robin just round robin and then it’ll pass half to over here and then all right how is it going with the lava rooting getting there pipes laid down just need to get the gear boxes so nicely done well done

Bra guys I’m just going to have it filter and send out dust for now if that doesn’t work in the long term then if you have it forever it will run out um then it’s whatever then we can Reston it we can Reston it and and and freaking whatever man freaking whatever

Skis it’ll do for now it’ll do for now I could have just manually taken a bunch of the freaking dust and thrown it over to here like I don’t even know that we need to have the casings generating infinitely I could have just manually thrown a bunch into a barrel okay and

Had him go out and do this and we would have been fine like take a thousand or something like that I didn’t need to do this whole automated thing man I didn’t need to do it it’s completely not necessary but I did it I did it for you I made this for you

Anyway um okay I need to get a fle um what her should we do here oh there’s some funnels that’s fun cool cool very nice I think we’re good once um once the lava has arrived we should be good AG I was on the way that’s awesome we love to hear it

Yeah I was just thinking about this whole like instead of uh routing half the dust yada yada like could have just I could have just basically oh that’s not going to work um is that going to work wait will that work I don’t know if that’ll work do I

Need to extend I might have to extend it by one uh I could have just like thrown a bunch of the stuff into a barrel and probably would have been fine but you know oh I hear I hear things happening coming oh look at that all right let’s see how

This goes let’s see how this go Zen I I apologize if um something here does not go to your liking oh I I need to have this go into the uh I need to get hold on one sec I uh want me just like pick it up and and move it over

Or I forgot to add a tel there little job there all there we go yeah hold on I’m goingon to I’m going to I’m going to go get a tunnel really quick no I’m going to go get a tunnel really quick so this will work uh better

Got me and then and then that will be just such a good solution to the whole I was like man this is going to be so cool when this works great oh Um hold on one sec here here we go uh Hey that wait oh it doesn’t want to wait why doesn’t want to go there oh cool my job’s being phased out that’s great oh my going my wife no your your job is not being phased out yet as you can tell um I

Don’t think you’re being truthful to me right now dang that is uh I feel like the stacks there just a little bit a little bit much maybe I’m just going to put it what I’m going to do is I’m going to put a drawer here uh you know I’m going to do

That and then I’m going to do do that and I’m going to do that and then that is going to be the drawer where I put the powdered obsidian cool and now it should be good cool it is done I fear we’re not producing nearly enough lava for the rate that this is

Going at right now problem is as well as yeah I don’t think we are lava’s slow with 18 or 16 of those um are we are we eating the buffer extractors I’m sure we are I mean that’s half a bucket per pore and that’s pouring pretty fast

Um I’m going to take a look and see just how fast cuz I’m pretty sure it’s pretty fast I mean can we can we just put some more our Boreal extractors on there we could I mean keep in mind this was just like the you know the starting point

Because we had a lot of the obsidian powder kind of ready to go but right actually well there’s still 763 in here so yeah it might I don’t know it and also it’s going to keep generating so yeah I don’t know I do have a pretty

Big buffer of lava so oh we we could add more of the extractors are there is there more real estate to add them I mean there infinite real estate it’s free real estate it’s free real estate oh sorry I shouldn’t have pulled that up I could have just flown up that

Was silly my bad I have to wait to call it all the way down oops um my apologies I can make a few more arboreal extractors do we want to do another 32 sure I think that’s pretty manageable all right I’ll get to clear

Out and get the trees okay the oh do we need more of the trees for it oh yeah and how many more pumps uh how many pumps do I have right now I’ve got got three uh there’s five more in the chest okay what about pipes pipes uh another stack would be good

Okay okay so we got that good thing we have ample iron uh by the way Zen uh I don’t know if it was clear but we are generating the casings now by the way Zen I don’t know if you know but you were muted nice well done good job

Boys uh Pete you hear that Papa’s proud I like around my dad’s proud of me I want nothing more um what that’s like what do you mean you don’t know what that’s like have my papa proud of me or your papa okay still I also have a papa but

But you’re the papa you can get hyper literal and miss the joke that’s fine too I think this is evasion of the joke more than missing it I didn’t mean to upset you father listen Zan you’ve called me Daddy before uh is close enough to be me being your father I’m proud of

You thanks all right uh we have uh stack plus four pipes five more pumps 32 AR Boral extractors anything else needed how many bors uh 32 32 okay easy enough yep yep yep uh that should just be it yeah chck them over do you want to do you want any

Assist assistance you just you want to you want to hook it up to Peter’s Paradise yeah uh let’s see need the what are the trees called again agriculture blazing archwood oh someone just said positive reaffirmation your your efforts here not a waste as sturdy sheets are used quite often oh

Cool very nice down we go let’s do it let’s do it I hate that you can’t jump on the elevator one of the best things is jumping when the elevator is like going down and then you’re like you know if you time it right when it starts to move

And you start you get that big jump that’s so fun I know what you mean oh my God wait no there’s so much lava holy freck there is a lot of lava but it’s being pulled from a Boral extractors that had a buffer and these don’t have a

Buffer anymore so okay got it um do we need to mine out more where are you planning on putting it uh along the edge of the lava I think would look nice so I just usually get a PR big chunk out and then eventually make this look

Better H I thought you were going to dump you’re dumping me into lava careful careful there why are you spliffing me you’re not Z I’m not meaning to spliff you you mean you’re not Z what are you say is he Zen what you saying more than he SLE me this session

Or this season to be fair you you have kind of like changed you’ve changed Peter you said new season knew him he did he did ow there was a trident boy did you hear that sound sensor we go I’m far um do we have the do we have the

Space I’ve got a good amount now what should laugh nut oh nuts Thunder nuts even I didn’t bring dirt oh God all right as we go or I’ll I’ll go oh you going up you’re on fire hold on I’m dealing with [Laughter] something he’s going through some

Things he’s going up okay so I’ll do you want you want me to Route some pipes and pumps over or something like that to the I need the dirt for the trees first right do you want me to Route the pipes and pumps to the place

To the distance sure yeah okay cool I’ll do that that is danger oh God balls oh God balls um I wow didn’t bring shafts you have shafts by any chance I got plenty of them okay cool oh that’s cuz I deposited uh we’ll probably need some shafts and cogs and stuff like

That everything good over there my pretty went bad am I pretty oh God okay so I have I have pipe uh just like underneath here um to tap into running over to this area basically so all right oh I love when he gets like this sorry I’m

Back not going to ask what happened I’m just going to let you know that I’m here for you let’s grow this tree huh see what is [Laughter] you so pretty dude there’s no way the floor should be looking like that hurts so well sorry okay you your B that’s cool

Yeah bone me is working well man is it you don’t think it’s vertical is it it’s probably a combination cool God I love that sound I’ll f one a scow man maybe we just need more hold on hold on hold on don’t don’t do it I’m going to clear some more room up

Top ow I didn’t think that would clear the floor as well all right surely it will grow now uh why did it why is it h oh my God is it only need one sapling what do you mean what oh god oh I don’t want it I don’t want wa

No stop what are you doing I want oh my God it doesn’t look good you guys ready uh wrap up or you still in the middle of something no he wants out he wants out we we just wanted to uh connect dude again come look at this it’s fine

Dumbest thing I’ve seen in my life it’s fine hang on I’ve got to do something first Pete just hook up the extractors it’s fine oh oh yeah I forgot wait wait hey what wait what’s does it not count as a tree yet or oh okay got

It no it’s only the internal for hey Zen how you doing man nice fall here you think the pump is going to reach huh you think the current pump is going to reach or we had we need to add a new one I’ll probably add plenty more

CU we’re going to add quite a few more trees yeah I just didn’t have any shafts or cogs so but we couldn’t you know if you put a uh if you if you put a shaft just right here I can belt it you know belt it belt the shaft yeah that’s how

You get the rotation that’s how you get the rotation you know I’m in or you don’t have to do that you don’t have to do that if you don’t want to no I mean we could here have some shafts cook up cook a meal okay but

I also need show me show me show me show me I also need cogs you know I got some cogs there you go cook up okay let’s see what you got so much pressure show show me what you got okay so we’re going to we’re

Going to do that then yeah then we need a cog there I suppose and then uh what I could do here is I’m trying to think if you know maybe uh I like to think that indefinite patience is a feature of the afterlife huh what I’m

Just seen us for wrap up a bit ago and I’m like sorry Zen oh here we go that’ll be that’ll be good and then see here’s what I was thinking that’s what I was thinking and then we do that and then there and then yeah look at that look at that pump go

Look at that pump go sea belts that’s good yeah we can extend it if we want so um sorry Zen were we keeping you from sanity what huh what were we keeping you from sanity were you trying to escape we we got we got a new tree set up if

Excellent um real happy about trees I’m that sounds cool are are you happy with it yeah do you want to do you want to show us what you have been working on before we wrap up you can you can see the crowning achievement of today if you go to the top of the

Elevator okay let’s go Pete my half heart okay top of the elevator huh that’s really nice elevator looking good man what what happened are you on the respawn screen currently oh yeah you can’t see us but we can see you um I mean I I I assumed huh this the crowning

Achievement you’re I thought the crowning achievement was a 5×5 over in the ocean so the Catalyst extends down either one or two lower than the top of the ocean okay so when you put Redstone in and applied energistics Stone Sky Stone replaces whatever happens to be there including

The system that I built oh no wait I can’t I can’t move the the Catalyst only a couple if you hit it with a wooden axe it moves like five so I would have to rebuild the entire wall there so the only option I have is is to go and and basically make

A bowl that goes into the ocean one or two blocks because I’m one or two blocks off and um so that that way it has enough time and then make the the uh deployer hoop be off of that got it um that sounds tedious and annoying so like did it replace any of

The machines and stuff or was it just okay just the top Deployer so I mean if you couldn’t you least one more time couldn’t you in theory move the just like the bottom two rows of mechanical drills up to the top just glue them together and it’ll still run along the Gantry the yeah so like it shouldn’t be

That crazy to to just readjust the wall I mean no it it’s not it’s not uh uh you know intellectually difficult to do yeah it’s just annoying that you you did all this and then it was just like here’s Sky Stone yep yep yeah that was that was yeah yeah yeah that’s

Unfortunate but uh it sure did look neat the once I’m being pressed to order food oh oh that is really cool yeah wow that’s pretty fancy and that’s the idea and then you have as the next part of that sequence for this to go dang She’s a Beauty

Man I believe in you she’s becoming more and more uh Sky Stone but otherwise birth marks after post birth marks I mean I can like I said I can so but it it did work right now I just need to recess it um well yes and no like I said more

And more of it could potentially become cuz people are saying that it’s it’s supposed to not replace even if they’re saying that it’s literally oh but it did you you saw it replace a aoer well yeah I had four deployers around it and I had uh the the the industrial iron pillar decorative

Blocks all around it had it looking pretty nice got it you see you can see kind of how it was working and then uh but now you can’t see how it was working so what a pitch that it’s not supposed to do that well it did

That all you have to do is just not have that happened well guess what nice to know that if it was working properly then you wouldn’t have this problem I have to worry about later but like I said it neat neat an idea and you know once we get there then it’ll be

Fine but yeah it goes out four and I don’t have any blocks on me but one two three four so I think just one too many yep one too many so yeah I the hoop can still work from two below it’s just annoying right yeah yeah

Just I guess I probably should have put two and two together given that the hole for the for the the thing is is not centered yeah I suppose so feel like it’s still kind of one of those things where even if you look at it now and it makes sense you don’t

Really see it until you do it did you guys see uh what’s going on with that track right behind you though uh what’s going on with it no it’s a nice track yeah it’s pretty cool right yeah what hello dude I actually I didn’t notice it but it’s kind of like a mahogany

Color it is to like a maroon uh-huh I’m did you lay this yourself yeah come check it out God what what are we looking at yet I’m so confused I I saw the track mind never mind don’t worry about it no track’s track’s really cool man oh

Wow that was a cool that was need to rebuild this what’s that what what if you didn’t need to rebuild this what if uh maybe it just works now like people said it would you know I got baited guys cool hey uh Zen do you want to do

You want to check out what we did for yeah yeah I also would like my stuff back heck is that over there I had I had an extra don’t worry about it just let it despawn wait look at that that looks crazy in your hand it’s

You hold on so big in your hands so screenshot this is so screenshot pose pose you just you’re so invisible all the time why are you so invisible say I’ve got piano hands why is he so shy I don’t know what that’s going to

Try and do with that c it was just like I can’t move um okay we can show you really quick what happened with with what we’re doing over here though you know we we have the uh Whatchamacallit we we have the sturdy things coming nice gives in like a couple minutes he’s

Going on a run it don’t take me a minute to get there Jordan flies off like a 90° difference well no because there’s a was Stone over there cross the ocean it’s just on the land just just on the land over there I I know that it’s over

There hey we got 740 of the sturdy things nice we may actually want to add a Whatchamacallit um Okay so there is no more of the Dust so yeah there does need to be some Obby sent in to recycle otherwise yeah it doesn’t it doesn’t do man this whole Obby recycling system is

Complex how is it complex I’m so confused on where the complex because if you just recycle the dust but you’re splitting it in half it doesn’t it doesn’t have enough to sustain um yeah it doesn’t have enough to sustain it looks like oh wait oh God I’m just deleting

Frick I meant to put it here okay let me get an upgrade but is this down in the mineral area uh no it’s in resource resource production level three um so basically yeah it’s it’s going it’s cool we got we got some of the stuff but um the thing is if we want

This to be continuously generating it appears that if I just have the dust ejecting right but it’s split round robin in this uh in this tunnel here it’s not enough to continue to sustain additional dust and obsidian production like it will eventually just fall off um

So you need to cycle some of the obsidian as well if you want it to like because you have obsidian that is a 75% chance right but the dust is 100% chance so why not just put the obsidian down and grind it again uh so that the obsidian the partial percent chance is

What’s going onto the production belt and that way the loop always has just the same static amount of of obsidian going in the cycle in it I’m not sure I fully got that so every time you have like I you I give you one OBS I have one obsidian right uh

And I put it in right now and I get a 75% chance of getting another obsidian and 100% chance of getting a dust right yep so I spit the 75% if I got it out onto this belt right here okay and then I crush it

I put the one uh regular dust out to be uh smelted into obsidian and it goes up and then the process starts over and oh so you’re saying sing don’t send the send the obsidian and then do another crushing step yeah got it okay got it it I mean it’s not

Like the wheels are expensive I mean they take a lot of stress but we have a lot of stress so that way that way you just have like you you literally only have you you could do like five or 10 obsidian or just a stack and that would

Just be enough to keep it going constantly and I’m perfectly fine taking 75% uh of the crushing product and using that to produce that’s fair sense uh we ran out of lava huh y who could have guessed that that was going to be wow interesting well anyway um if it

Becomes a thing we can worry about it later I suppose cuz for now we still do have 532 do you have any idea how many of the sturdy sheets that we need in order to make a train uh probably like 20 I don’t know

Oh okay so I I just need to make casing so got it so the 700 plus is probably good to hold us over for a bit kind of like in general while we need to be able to mass ruce we don’t need to store Mass quantity two different things right so

Um at any rate nice job on getting it up and running good good job cool cool um I someone remind showed me that uh while you can change the name of the level you can also change the numbering of the levels so I went and you know renumbered them to where they’re no

Longer -3 -2 and one and five I saw that yeah and I was like this makes a little bit more sense in my to me so you’re are these the trees you have a hard time finding Pete no these trees are easy these are the easy to find ones also like be that

This to be obsidian to it needs 10,000 blocks for it to be infinite um if this block it you know but we could absolutely pull from the lake and just see whether or not it just gives consistently or not are you saying that the lake would

Be enough and that the trees might not actually even need to exist potentially but I don’t know if that’s ,000 blocks what you could do though is stupid don’t do that don’t’s maniacally um so oh these Tre are cool so I’m glad that you’re getting it done and everything’s going

Well um if someone gets Fire Res you could jump to the bottom of the lake and see how deep it is well we Fallen here quite a few times it’s it’s deep we could then if it’s 10,000 block then we’re good but also we could uh if we needed to because these

Are generating these are generating lava we could actually dig it out until it is 10,000 and it use the lava from the trees to expand it to where we need it should manually place down the rest I mean you know oh no oh no no that’s going to be no I’m not placing

That 10,000 10,000 if you drop a hose in the middle and lower it down it will tell you with an achievement whether it’s infinite a hose yeah well the poy oh the hose poy yeah do we have one of those I easy enough to make oh that is really easy to make um

Well I mean we can worry about it next time any other any other time yeah um Pete why don’t you take us out uh give me one more episode so I can mentally prepare for that script how you do it yeah not tonight brother um all right well we want to

Thank our sponsor Apex hosting for providing the server that we’ve been playing on if you would like to play on a server and find your own off by one errors then be sure to check out the link in our description you can save 25% off on your first month help supports

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Everything that happens ever uh and if you have enjoyed this video please consider hitting that like button leaving a comment letting us know what you Parts you particularly enjoyed and uh then okay we’re we’re I I just like that we’re like hey there might be 10,000

Blocks and so Jordan starts bre bring up blocks well no we got to drop the hose pulley into the center oh I should have just built up one true but anyway um so yeah let us if you haven’t already please consider subscribing turn on notifications all those fun things

Anything for you boys before we go that’s it for me I guess that’s all all right see you later bye guys farewell

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Create Arcane Engineering Ep. 13’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2023-12-01 01:00:12. It has garnered 24895 views and 1125 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:47 or 4907 seconds.

In Create Arcane Engineering, we must build a factory to “master the arcane”. That’s the description it is very cryptic. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Series Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZzrPi-5Kf0j9e6qskwQ8X9-

X33N: https://www.twitch.tv/x33n Pete: https://www.twitch.tv/petezahhutt

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    PR02Z Dawgy WILD Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOOD Dawgy #shorts’, was uploaded by PR02Z on 2024-04-12 18:25:56. It has garnered 7376 views and 160 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Yo Subscribe if you want Game Minecraft Find me online at ; Discord : https://discord.gg/w5ZpGWxtUM Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pr02z?igsh=MWFwdzBobTd4MXBvaQ== Twitter : https://x.com/PR02Z2?t=PojdNgc8LIG97FIvn6tTbw&s=09 Tags ok #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dbd #gamingcommunity #indiegames #horrorfan #remake #gamers #re #saw #horrorcommunity #fanart #horrorart #twitchtv #videogame #instagamer #pcgamer… Read More

  • SolarMC Network

    SolarMC NetworkSolarMC is a high quality brand new CrystalPvP based Network, we have a variety of gamemodes and we work hard to deliver updates every day, so that you can enjoy a great experience. SolarMC.online:25626 Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.20.4, Discord, DiscordSRV, Dynmap, Voice Plugin, No Whitelist, Coreprotect, Age 16+, Crossplay

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you’re tired of smp’s dying off, look no further! Our community has been thriving for the past few years, thanks to our shared love for Minecraft and other games. Join our discord server to connect with other players and enjoy our Minecraft smp. Why Join Us? Active community with ongoing major build projects Welcoming to new members Friendly and mature environment Community Guidelines We have a few simple rules: no hackers, griefers, or clowns allowed. Respect your fellow players and join our discord to access the Minecraft server. Ready to Join? Join Our Discord… Read More

  • Astral Valley

    Welcome to Astral Valley, where the moon’s gentle embrace and the twinkling stars weave a tapestry of wonder in the vast expanse of Minecraft. Within this realm, the boundaries between reality and the ethereal blur, inviting adventurers to embark on a journey through the celestial wonders of the galaxy. Each block placed and structure erected is a testament to the cosmic dance that unfolds under the watchful gaze of the night sky.As you traverse the landscapes of Astral Valley, you’ll discover mountains that rise like celestial giants, their peaks reaching towards the heavens. Valleys cradle crystalline rivers, reflecting the infinite… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this Minecraft or a glitch?

    Minecraft Memes - Is this Minecraft or a glitch?I guess you could say this meme is blazin’ it with that score of 4208! Read More

  • Teacher’s Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan’s Class Clash

    Teacher's Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan's Class Clash In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. Pirated copies, beware and take heed, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel is the only one you need. Original content, each day a new delight, Subscribe and follow, keep happiness in sight. MC Funny, Classroom Series, and songs to sing, Fangkuaixuan’s creations, joy they bring. So join the fun, in Minecraft’s world so grand, With Fangkuaixuan, happiness at hand. Read More

  • “Hotter than a lava pit: Historical Minecraft Meme” 😂🔥 #minecraft #shorts

    "Hotter than a lava pit: Historical Minecraft Meme" 😂🔥 #minecraft #shorts Why did the ancient Egyptians play Minecraft? Because they heard it was a pyramid scheme! 😂 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft

    Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft The Loyalty Trident in Minecraft Are you looking to add a unique and powerful weapon to your Minecraft arsenal? Look no further than the Loyalty Trident! This special trident offers a range of exciting features that can enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore how you can create your very own Loyalty Trident. Creating the Loyalty Trident To make a Loyalty Trident in Minecraft, you will need to combine a trident with the Loyalty enchantment. The Loyalty enchantment is a rare enchantment that causes the trident to return to the player after being… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!

    Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-15 22:30:01. It has garnered 842 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some of the best fails, wins, and other hilarious moments from the Minecraft community. From exploding creepers to epic building fails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Hashtags: #Minecraft #Shorts #Funny #Fails #Wins #Epic #Gaming #Laughter #Entertainment #GamingCommunity #MinecraftCommunity #Gamer #GamingShorts #FunnyShorts #FailShorts #WinShorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Java Edition Minecraft… Read More

  • The Mystery of Creeper952 in Minecraft

    The Mystery of Creeper952 in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unexplained minecraft #memes #minecraft #gaming #mod #minecraftmemes #earth #experiment #warden #mc’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-13 18:14:46. It has garnered 8666 views and 328 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Thanks for watching! #memes #minecraft #gaming Tags:minecraft, funny, gaming, scary minecraft, minecraft mystery, minecraft creepypasta, tutorial, minecraft history, minecraft mod, prank, secret, minecraft challenge, wifies, dream, minecraft pe, minecraft uncovered, minecraft phone, minecraft viral, mcbyt, hidden, minecraft bedrock edition, eystreem, rgn, eystream, retrogamingnow, now, eyestream, retro, mumbo jumbo, trolling, minecraft myth, game theory, the game theorists, herobrine, testing scary… Read More

  • Insane 1v1 – Nabor vs smerb Weakkam in PEREZALIV

    Insane 1v1 - Nabor vs smerb Weakkam in PEREZALIVVideo Information This video, titled ‘Набор в тиму | smerb slabakam(Neverdie) PEREZALIV’, was uploaded by cCMEX_ on 2024-05-24 17:38:29. It has garnered 125 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:41 or 101 seconds. ds-sssfuccckk https://discord.gg/erariseempire – clan tags: prostocraft, prostocraft, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft anarchy, anarchy, pvp anarchy, pvp on anarchy, anarchy prostocraft, pvp, danqo16, pvp, anarchy pvp, prostocraft anarchy, anarchy from scratch, byttcehb, anarchy minecraft, a lot of pvp on anarchy, prostik, a lot of pvp, mrirbbi, jetmine, anarchy without donation, jetmine, dape, vupsen anarchy, vupsen pvp, wellmore, vupsen, uhk, prostocraft pvp, 1.14.4, development from… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: Me VS Captcha in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    INSANE Challenge: Me VS Captcha in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me VS captcha in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Black Buddies on 2024-04-27 04:49:49. It has garnered 2828 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. shorts #minecraftmods #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftanimals #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shorts #shortvideo #short #viral #minecraftfacts #minecrafthacks #MinecraftMadness #BlockBlast #CraftyCreations #PixelPioneers #AdventureCraft #MinecraftMania #CraftingChaos #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBonanza #MineMarvels #BlockyBattles #CreepersCraze #CraftyChronicles #PixelatedPerfection #MinecraftMayhem #BuildBrigade #RedstoneRampage #CraftingComrades #EnderDragonDrama #MineCraze #BuildingBuddies #ExploringEndless #BlockBounty #CraftingCarnival #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBash #CraftingConquest #BlockyAdventures #MinecraftManiacs #PixelParty #CreepersCorner #CraftyCove #EpicExplorations #BuildingBlitz #RedstoneRuckus #CraftingCrew #EnderEpic #MineMasters #BlockBlasters #CraftyCapers #PixelPals #AdventureAwaits #MinecraftMoments #BuilderBuddies #ExploringElysium #BlockyBlast #CraftingCraze #EpicEndeavors #MineMadness #BuildingBlocks #CreepersCavern… Read More

  • SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳

    SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT INDIA🇮🇳 @Its_Rex_777’, was uploaded by NOT_ REX on 2024-04-02 13:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. loyalsmp #minecraftp #lapatasmp #minecraft #minecraftpe #viral #op #smp #technogamerz #gaming #minecrafthindi #loyalsmp … Read More

  • Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮

    Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s Magic on the SMP now?!?’, was uploaded by SchelvyPlays on 2024-05-08 11:10:54. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:02 or 10082 seconds. Uh yeah I added magic and tech! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #sunrisesmp #schelvy #schelvyplays #live #chill #funny —————————————————————————————- 🔴YouTube: https://youtube.com/@SchelvyPlays 🟣Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schelvyplays 🔵TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@schelvyplays? 🟢Second Channel: https://youtube.com/@schelvythesecond?si=vSJcmi8mzZg9EQXF 🟡Zen’s Discord: https://discord.gg/B7nHAuKYVW 🟠Collab Crew: https://youtube.com/@CollabCrew2?si=PY-pKGozDCUN-Hjt Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Motion – ¿Que posibilidad habia? 🥴 #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by StoyacoV Shorts on 2024-03-11 09:45:00. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. My Server: IP: Motionserver.ddns.net Port:19132 My Community: https://discord.io/stoyaco ▶ Tags (Ignorar): minecraft shorts bebu, minecraft shorts beta, minecraft shorts ep 24, minecraft shorts rtx, minecraft shorts tiktok, minecraft shorts ep 5, minecraft shirts music, minecraft shorts alan becker, minecraft #shorts loop, minecraft #shorts gaming, minecraft #shorts perfection, minecraft #shorts rtx, minecraft #shorts song, minecraft shirts, minecraft hot alex and steve, minecraft… Read More

  • Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft Bosses

    Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft BossesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dragon Bosses All Bosses ( Marketplace Map )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-06-01 02:47:13. It has garnered 528 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:12 or 2172 seconds. Link: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=c84d9d5e-2f5a-4d6a-8ca9-60ef1a9b17ac 00:00 Earth Dragon 03:45 Wind Dragon 07:29 Lighting Dragon 11:19 Nether Dragon 13:41 Water Dragon 17:09 End Dragon 20:09 Fire Dragon 23:00 Ice Dragon 25:50 Undead Dragon Read More

  • 🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trending

    🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:12:04. It has garnered 4172 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo… Read More

  • Purple Parrot

    Purple ParrotWelcome to Purple Parrot! Immerse yourself in an exceptional survival multiplayer Minecraft server experience. Discover the vast 10,000 by 10,000 block map using Dynmap, where thrilling quests await. Unleash your creativity with custom items, indulge in exclusive crates, and engage in vibrant player economy with ChestShops and auctions. Claim your territory, set up homes, and explore public warps to connect with our friendly community. Join us at play.purpleparrot.pro for an unforgettable adventure filled with endless possibilities! play.purpleparrot.pro Read More

  • The Penguins All the Mods 9 – Modded Network Tight-knit ATM9

    Welcome to Our Community! A small, active, and friendly community awaits you! Join now to be a part of our amazing builders and engaging activities. Rest assured, you won’t be the next sacrifice! What We Offer: Multiple homeslots and /rtp Fully pregenerated dimensions Custom quests, time-based leveling system, and huge builds Our rules are simple: Don’t be a detriment to the server and its TPS. For more details, check out our #rules channel on Discord. Server Details: IP: atm9.ihatemy.live Version: 0.2.58 Hosted: Germany, with a diverse player base including Americans Join Our Discord: Discord: https://discord.gg/egFSuuCdVH Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥Looks like this meme is getting all the love, scoring a perfect 39 out of 39 heart-eyes emojis! Someone clearly knows how to cater to their audience 😂🥰 Read More

  • Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 – Huntin’ for Fun!

    Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 - Huntin' for Fun! In Minecraft’s world, trains are a sight to see, Hunting them down, a thrilling spree. With background sounds of engines roaring by, Watch until the end, don’t be shy. Eight trains in total, each one unique, Randomly tracked, a challenge to seek. Check out my first video, a train hunting delight, In this Minecraft world, trains take flight. Join me on this journey, full of fun and thrill, As we chase down trains, with skill and will. Don’t miss out on the action, watch the video link, Investigation Addon by Gibonz, a perfect sync. Tags like train and Minecraft,… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Oioioicraft.exe! 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Hotter than a lava pit: Oioioicraft.exe! 🔥 #minecraft #memes When you accidentally type “Oioioicraft.exe” instead of “Minecraft.exe” and end up summoning a herd of confused llamas in the game. #MinecraftProblems #LlamaInvasion Read More

  • Minecraft’s 10 Best Island Seeds

    Minecraft's 10 Best Island Seeds Exploring the Top 10 Island Seeds in Minecraft Java 1.20.6 Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft Java with the top 10 island seeds for the latest version. These unique landscapes offer endless possibilities for exploration, building, and survival. Let’s dive into the diverse worlds that await you! 1. Emerald Isle Discover the lush greenery and sparkling waters of Emerald Isle. This picturesque island is perfect for creating a tranquil retreat or embarking on exciting quests. Keep an eye out for hidden treasures beneath the emerald waves! 2. Volcano Bay Feel the heat at Volcano Bay, where molten lava… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 Days in EXPANDING World!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 Days in EXPANDING World!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in A EXPANDING World In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Lindough Two on 2024-05-06 21:51:31. It has garnered 4031 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 04:34:09 or 16449 seconds. Main Channel @Lindough I Survived 200 Days in A EXPANDING World In Minecraft! ► Modpack Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-mc-forge-bmc4 All the music I use in this video is licensed by Epidemic Sounds – https://share.epidemicsound.com/x3x16v #minecraft #100days #expandingworld Read More

  • Vesperous: A Minecraft Love Story – Stream

    Vesperous: A Minecraft Love Story - StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Falling In love with Minecraft Again – Vertical Stream’, was uploaded by Vesperous on 2024-05-03 11:44:49. It has garnered 151 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:36 or 9876 seconds. Vesperous Social Links ♥ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/vesperouz Don’t forget to desaturate that Subscribe button Minions! Read More

  • Unbelievable! Best Free Minecraft Hack 1.8.9-1.20.4

    Unbelievable! Best Free Minecraft Hack 1.8.9-1.20.4Video Information This video, titled ‘THIS IS THE BEST FREE MINECRAFT LEGIT / GHOST HACK CLIENT 1.8.9 – 1.20.4 (akira)’, was uploaded by envision on 2024-05-21 18:42:18. It has garnered 177 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:28 or 88 seconds. THIS IS THE BEST FREE MINECRAFT LEGIT / GHOST HACK CLIENT 1.8.9 – 1.20.4 (akira) ❗DOWNLOAD LINK IN THE COMMENTS❗ injection ghost legit cheat client HostadamPvP Zefew Zylowh TheHidingSlayer Thrintios Zigy MeeZoid Laser Finup lolitsalex PainfulPvP DJTasty Forrestbono Protaclicker vape cheating custom bypass veltpvp abyss arcane velt exploit stimpypvp serenity massacre / vape mushway /… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! John Hall’s Epic Auto Fire Cannon Build

    UNBELIEVABLE! John Hall's Epic Auto Fire Cannon BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automatic Fire Cannon | Creative Minecraft Build Ideas’, was uploaded by John Hall on 2024-01-15 16:00:03. It has garnered 2488 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. 🌟 Dive into a whirlwind of creativity with our Minecraft Shorts! 🌈 witness the magic of building, exploring, and conquering challenges in the pixelated world of Minecraft. 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a newbie in the game, these shorts are packed with excitement, inspiration, and a touch of humor. 🔨 Watch as we construct jaw-dropping structures, navigate treacherous landscapes,… Read More

  • “SHOCKING! NEVER touch a PIGLIN in MINECRAFT 🔥” #shorts

    "SHOCKING! NEVER touch a PIGLIN in MINECRAFT 🔥" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Never Hit a PIGLIN in MINECRAFT #shorts #minecraft #explore’, was uploaded by Krishna Raja on 2024-05-16 12:49:56. It has garnered 10140 views and 238 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Minecraft minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,shorts minecraft,minecraft tiktok,minecraft but challenge,minecraft speedrun,minecraft 1.20,minecraft animation,minecraft facts,minecraft update,beating minecraft,minecraft manhunt,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft tutorial,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft hitmen,minecraft survival,minecraft ai techno gamerz,fleet,gamer fleet,fleet smp,fleet smp anshu bisht,herobrine fleet smp,gamer fleet smp,gamer fleet minecraft,hindi horror gamer,gamer fleet and yes smarty pie,fleet smp memebers and their names,fleet real name,chapati gamer,fleet smp live,fleet… Read More

  • Unbelievable! AJIA-HYA 1.20 Seed Secrets 🤯 #minecrafttricks

    Unbelievable! AJIA-HYA 1.20 Seed Secrets 🤯 #minecrafttricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Greatest 1.20 Seeds🥹 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-05-10 15:00:16. It has garnered 11998 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Minecraft Greatest 1.20 Seeds🥹 X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More