EPIC Minecraft Bingo Showdown!

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If you wants to talk well it’s too late you’ve already talked ah my my one witness logic he got you there all right we’ll go make a a um twitch theater for this wild refrain is there no booted all right you guys are bit loud I think

Let’s see if I can’t alter the deal the El I mean has no rhythm has no rhythm excuse you you take that how do you spell rym oh oh okay uh r h y t hm yeah I got it okay algorithm has Rhythm but only an exclusively five6

Time perhaps I could not keep any time so I actually don’t have rhythm I just want to aggressively defend myself of course copy that GRE thank you for the 100 bits everyon thank crack thanks Crack okay I don’t know why while refrain is still in the list up here uh look I can hear myself it’s my Stream 5 minutes uh you got three three take it or leave it five it is all right I’ll be back in more second okay I’m putting a twitch Thea

Link in the lockout Channel and Discord Nice and I will turn on my Discord sweet there it is interestingly enough it truncates the names is that sounds good all right uh it’s a bit quiet on my stream I’m going to get some music up I have found the absolute best music and by I I mean uh somebody else sent me it and

It’s uh how is that a bit quiet I can’t I can’t even adjust that um the the uh Minecraft themselves have put out lowii hourong songs sweet in game or just like um just versions of the on YouTube nice yeah there’s three different Tunes one for each of their games but they’re all

Lowii and really Awesome cool well at the moment I’m listen to a friend like me from Al uh you know what that’s fair I cannot do that on YouTube as Disney would be mad at Me it’s the original Robin Williams Vision I’m now messing with audio settings because for some reason it is coming through really quiet for you guys which is weird because you guys are maxed out okay I’ve turned up blade a little bit also turn up algo algo is already at 135% Minecraft server console here

Yay get bumed up okay I can I do I need to bump up it up in general Museum oh my God thank you for the $10 thanks thanks for the 10 bucks the $10 roonies bup people run up a bit I appreciate you throwing money at me all right all right it will allow for uh more edited content a lot faster eventually six different flowers that will be easy to

Get hi hello um yeah six different flowers would be a little simple uh I’m looking at seven uh we’ve got oh we we’ve even got some that are really good for um the potions sitting around us right now this is specious yeah potion effects here’s three four

Five six oh there’s more than seven 8 9 10 counting with King yeah 10 Flowers are we we are in a flower Forest that explains a lot yeah yeah would have to be so anything with flowers anything with bees the ocean right beside us by Goden torso c is now Turned I’m so used to my single player mods I’m trying to zoom in and then scroll in and it’s not Working I’ve got the OptiFine Zoom Yeah just see a lot of KP out there KP makes for a decent ear use of composter does it that would make sense cuz you break one block and get like 30 I suppos in the flower Forest would just break all the flowers and put those in Yeah how does uh what’s the oh now now you’ve got me interested sorry I apologize no composter suppose if we do doing blackout we don’t need to rush as such it’s just something to be done at some point all right we are playing blackout then mhm yeah we’ve only got

Three people yeah makes sense I thought we were just going to be against you N we could cycle through it being on the single um flowers are better in composting than kelp is yeah as long as they’re around which they just happen to be everywhere at the moment yeah all right um shall we just stop I I don’t have any reason not

To yeah let’s do it I guess we can um aligor is already cheating he’s looking around before the thing starts I had to come down from where I started here I’ll look at the floor for you yeah look at the floor straight out of the floor make that great content that is

Right there tching the grass justed team us go team us there’s a be in your ear blade yeah you jealous uh four unique animals horse eat 20 unique Foods cake scaffolding as there must be a jungle nearby mining fatigue uh that’s an easy but you don’t actually have to go to the

End at all reach Sky limit so 20 unique foods does cake count towards that I imagine it does yeah oh we have to get we have to get netherite uh how much just one uh ho yeah just one Ingot two but oh no one get to yeah yeah

And it’s 1.19 so we don’t have to do the uh horrifying other part there’s there’s so much weird stuff in here we have to breed three different animals and then breed four unique animals well I don’t think hogin counts toward being an animal I don’t know potion of invisibility is really

Annoying food is gon to be interesting not too difficult just oh my audio is off in game uh oh this is too close to spawn it’s uh oh are you not opt I might not be oped yeah I I’ll make it both Ops uh I’m already I just spawn production so we’re

Fine already an OP I believe I guess it would be nice for teleports and stuff later yeah you both Ops thank you achievement 26 cheat I mean what my favorite ACH achievement slash obtain item I don’t even know I can’t even pretend like I know what I’m

Doing I’ve realized why my game audio is not coming through because it’s not attached to anything oh yeah that’ll do it then oh um Roy in my chat just told me if we kill a Wandering Trader while it’s drinking its invisibility potion it’ll drop it uh yes drop or a chance to drop

It it has a chance I don’t know maybe it will either way that’s probably worth doing if uh we have a crator cuz it’s just for night is it is it Brew yeah Brew potion of invisibility yeah we we’d have to give it like Redstone or something but no you

Just need to take you can put it in and take it out immediately oh really uh I’m going uh yeah go find a oh do uh what do you call it find a uh Monument because we need uh mining fatigue oh true yeah we do too all right cool see you suckers and

Then uh fill inventory that’ll happen eventually don’t need to rush that one yeah yeah that’s the good thing about the black is that you don’t need to rush you just got to r Wait does it just like fill your inventory with anything uh yeah individual items

Okay I haven’t seen that one before it’s kind of cool uh we had it in the lock cut against SM oh yeah and everybody just threw all of their trash on top of me I don’t even remember that like I ran around found some flowers my die of them uh

Oh all right let’s set up our hot bar go sniper duel is probably the only one I haven’t really practiced as such did you pick seed or is this random I like starting a flower Forest take that do need paper sugar cane [Applause] no what happened to my cows there was a

Large number of cows here moment like just a second ago um is there any other po or things we need to get uh any other effects I mean uh no okay pigs do you eat flowers no no um potatoes and carrots Fortune take that take that uh can we get glowing from sus

Suspicious St I don’t think so no but glowing is easy enough to get yeah yeah because it’s just Arrow yeah I’ve got potatoes where’ that other chicken go there’s three of them and now they’re all gone carrot the potion of invisibility that’s a corrupted Knight oh you know

What there is a mob that I can breed hey how’d you beat me literally same TI where’ that other bee go oh you’ve got the chicken already you should breed the bees oh oh easy I didn’t know there was a B1 well it’s uh four unique mobs so we then need also

Horse which is not particularly easy unfortunately that’s probably the hardest one to breed one I want to breathe okay the rest of my bees I’m going to start on some eating hey a rabbit I one was after my last time playing lock out I have a hate for rabbits

So rabbits are um not fun please have iron Roy bees breed I’ve done it before multiple times H which one of these beard treas should I go to first uh the one with the good stuff in it there’s lava hey a cave useful that’s never mind it’s got water in

It oh that’s where I’ve got mining fatigue you do you do have that okay here we go where’s the other be now now the other be disappeared here are come on friends I found a swamp I can always make another another crafting table the bees have bread nice is there no okay

Cool oh so it was um to brew the potion of visibility that’s a golden carrot then a fermented spider eye yeah which is sugar and M a brown mushroom and spider eye yeah I found every single mob ever no not the good ones hey Co cow this cow okay Cool do this okay I not paying attention I no longer haveing fatigue that’ll be a good nighttime goal kill some creepers oh I’m being dumb sticky piston requires oh TNT what do we need with the TNT I just assumed it was obtain TNT yeah so you can make it or I guess find

A desert temple it’s all down there I might get some right here oh I am not having a good time sugar cane for anything the cake uh we need it for the spider or the potion yeah okay pretty good I need don’t need blue D for anything do we

Noe that away I want that c that can go away uh I’ll that I’ll eat that oh actually do that I’m not actually sure our horses a different I guess they’re a different mob than donkeys but yes don’t if I can’t see breathing together uh I’ve got eight golden carrots so if I

See them I’ll do I’ll do that oh okay perfect uh okay sweet pumpkin there is no wear a pumpkin on your head for 5 minutes what a shame oh thank God lots of pumpkins here Though I guess we have oh oh that’s what the paper would be for sure yeah I should keep that that’s right I’ve got leather and I’m getting ink now okay yeah you’re good then you’ll take it or do you need a I’ll find sugarcane okay SW okay you need slime for anything

Doesn’t look like it no uh we need to get to world height eventually yeah no rush on that no um wait we get our wait use a loom to design a banner how do you make a banner the one stick six wool beautiful I’ll make that right Now sheepy boy give me your coat your coat is Tiny why is my Hunger not going down suppose I haven’t taken damage oh yeah we do have to tame the horses before giving them the golden carrots or apples someone’s made that mistake before I am that person I am also that

Person okay chickens need chickens okay I need to start eating there’s the banner I do need dye oh where where will I find all of the dye if only sugar cane flower forest does this give us anything nicely done thank well done that’s a really terrible Banner I’ll work on that

Later okay um no Ry we’re all on the same team we’re trying to uh be friends we’re all trying to finish it as quickly as we can it’s called black out rather than lock out mushroom that’s sweet well that’s some fancy World Generation that is a um a very tall Desert I need a the space for it um I’ve got a spider eye good enough okay oh I that’s what I need I need a sword uh we do that and then we do that and then we go once upon a time all right I got to go down was a

Minecraft blackout we did Awesome that hi he’s writing a fairy tale ah day oh book yeah that makes sense predicting the future why am I killing you we don’t hear killing the mobs oh hi uh this version has things like add up together right different unique oh hi not this version though okay that’s a

1.20 version which hasn’t been released to the junior P ah see I didn’t know we were gen pop o uh God there’s so much iron here actually get this Enderman stop hitting me zombie oh my God let me there we go be Better oh I just realized I have a way better Ping On This Server you’re playing on my computer yeah zombie that’s not your boat now okay never mind well there’s two zombies in that boat I think it’s gone what can I throw away don’t there anymore don’t there anymore please don’t come over

Here spiders I just want all of the irons you can stay over there I’ll stay over here we don’t have to be friends I just don’t want to well rest in piece of that boat it’s got a small hole in it caus by Creeper explosion CED beef is my C be there it

Is it’s only a flesh wound incredible done that let’s make a come directly up to me and as soon as I finish the boat here in away come on friend you need to get in the boat is sniper duel just hit the skeleton or do

I have to kill it kill it um this guy is standing boat he’s not getting into it hold on they Enderman can get into boats right yes yes they have to like run past it though I think if they’re on top it doesn’t count okay I I did drop them on top of

It so that’s probably fair not ah no no no okay well rip that axe I accidentally thrw an axe on the ground and then Enderman came up and blowed up nice hey uh friendly spider can you die okay cool I do not yet let’s do this night

Night good night okay got that it is time to make some things uh oh I can do that how much do you have enough okay because I I was just starting to work on that so actually I’m two short one short is this for Unique Foods no iron ah okay um

How do we get chain mail is that only trading with piglins tring yeah maybe from I should that one first maybe from Woodland Mansions oh yeah well you also got that one so okay uh scaffolding how those thank you in the main nice good job blade glad you were working toward that

One okay those look we dropped an ender pearl oh you know what I’m going to let’s do this and what else is going in something else is going in potato oh apparently there’s a chance of finding chain mail in Buried Treasure really are you that might be in

1.20 is it yeah I don’t know if that’s a new or an old thing oh no I think that is right I think I have seen that before hey can I have some string please thank you appreciate it that let’s not die right how far is 50 blocks not not 50

Blocks okay there don’t know if he wait no don’t want to sleep oh think be in there not ideal that’s a way to uh refill my Hunger pretty easily like that one that creeper just uh he’s on our team hurt me there’s a little bit lag

Involved okay I think that’s all I can eat for now cook chicken I be more fish I haven’t seen any open air caves oh there’s a freak dang it I got scared sced because of a creeper and let go and uh I was going to wait until the

Skeleton got set on fire it did not get set on fire the 50 is like further away than you think usually yeah I know I was quite far away I did hit it which was nice I do want all the coal yeah I’ll take all that and that another Berry

Treasure okay where’s this one going to be dang it that’s the same one there’s a cave my goodness uh no that’s just oh it’s a water cave I don’t think I’m set up for that all right okay they won’t enter the boat unless it’s an open area around it that makes Sense yeah those are blackout so we are we are working together to get all of the goals done oh you know what I can work towards because I think I saw a egg over here I I can work towards the cake oh nice IR I need one more for my like the

Egg may have despawned I have like not seen a single cave yet wait got one oh Brown sheep thought I might have had a Tre but it was just a lava flow ah hey sh I’m going to start collecting that wo cuz that can be useful for blowing up in

Netherite oh yeah true or just find it in a Bastion you’re lucky that hey a Llama one of those okay cook M as Well I need food come heal thank you okay what heaven i e m oh I forgot it’s really bright in the cave because I have full bread I was like oh this must be open to the air nope apples I could eat Apples uh fish I need more fish and I need cooked Chicken salmon salmon okay this looks like a cave area please let me find a way down if you want to join me for a big a massive cave um that’ll be useful just set your compass to me oh right forgot I had that Tower I’m going

To keep my coal actually I might have ran too far away oh there’s llamas here I don’t think we need those for anything though I’m right beside llamas where might be different llamas sweet you eaten you you find in fake lavas they’re not fake they’re very real I assume okay

That I’m proud of that was a hard goal that was well done blade I’m proud of you oh no that that was a farf dang it okay oh my God darn forests oh finally some chickens do we need um mushrooms for the spider eye I’ve got a Fed spider

Eye in my inventory oh never mind then is it two eggs or one egg or three eggs one egg three milk one egg three sugar two wheat someone’s got to teach Steve how to put milk in a bottle or a bag welcome J want to join us for Lo

Up huge underground cave there that’s good okay uh uh let’s put that there okay let’s get this going cool uh Golden Apple I don’t need to eat it now one of those Unbreaking three food is such a really an annoying Resource One there as well no I got some

Food I’ve been killing pigs and cows you’re Pro you’re like all the way back by spawn huh I did yes I am besid spawn okay I walked right by that cave thank uh no like I’m not beside spawn I’m I’m like over the hill from Spawn we don’t need pumpkins for

Anything do we we might have a four for Lookout oh let’s go J oh yes hey Vex yes yeah we I’ve done a bunch of Minecraft lock out we played with smant Once no that’s a boat thank you um oh I okay then let’s get I just realize the hardest part of freaking

Um the cake is the nine iron needed for buckets yep it’s okay we’re about to go mining right I very good at finding iron uh oh there’s a ton of iron it’s it’s the mobs that’s the issue I’m good at that too I got a bunch of gold by the way

Nice amending gold shovel no thank you my guess is there’s probably a it it goes way down below deep slate so yeah we’ll find stuff yeah well it may have a place where we can actually make a uh portal at the bottom as well oh yeah I found an open Lava

Lake too already I pass an abandoned portal not a good one I H okay I have you know what I’m going to going to do this weird thing where I leave the resources I don’t need right now in a chest so that I don’t lose them is

That’s such a weird thing I think it’s it’s that very weird uh so weird that I don’t usually do it and then immediately regret it sock oh uh I should be collecting ender pearls shouldn’t I I have one but yes we do need to find the stronghold we don’t need to open the

Portal so probably only like one or two are needed depending on our exploding luck where did he go that Enderman man they like teleport no nobody’s in the nether yet okay are you just hunting on well there’s one teleporting around being an absolute nuisance because I keep trying

To avoid looking at him but now that I want to look at him he’s gone so yeah heyun welcome in I just had to turn your down I didn’t realize I you 100% for some reason that’s because I always give my 100% ah this card sounds very strange sometimes I feel like it

Changes can these zombies stop being zombies yeah I did After diamonds don’t see any I’m coming to the surface oh my God I found a sizable underwater cave that went to uh de SL I am looking at bedrock and diamonds did you plant wheat N I did I found you yeah um there’s a little drop in the water uh go go down

That and then just look down yeah it looks pretty nice yeah there’s there’s diamonds down there I can see them so so why are you up here uh because I was getting attacked by about seven zombies and six skeletons I’m going to try and get sniper duel from this skeleton that’s stuck over

Here the want to put him in a boat uh yeah put him in a boat that would be great really appr let’s make that might okay uh can I hit him from here is this 50 blocks do we think this is 50 blocks behind you uh well not

Anymore he appears to be dead there’s Redstone for a piston and for the rail oh I broke the boat oh did you well fun fact I made two ah I’m out of arrows oh wait a minute yeah um okay I recovered one of your arrows unfortunately um oh my God there’s so

Many zombies there yeah we can easily make a ah there’s a child it’s a dead child um love them uh yeah we can definitely make a portal here that’s really easy to do um and there’s like so much iron skeleton come down okay you’re just killing him yeah because I don’t have

Any arrows to do the sniper duel with here’s one arrow that does not help me as much as I would like it to um one Arrow to rule them all uh I just need an oh I also don’t have an iron axe to mine the diamonds

With that is far down okay let’s not do that next the picka you mean yeah how are you going with theet for the cake cuz I have enough to make three buckets uh I’ve got three iron on me here let’s I’m going to put a smelter down okay

Start with that thr your in there if you have any uh I found two G side by side you find iron here’s some more iron all right I need to make you the one thing I am lacking in regards to um in regards to uh cake making is uh cow for the Milk I have llama I have frog I have sheep sheep I have chicken I do not have cow dude that Skelly just got wrecked by a zombie good boy who’s a good boy did you kill that skeleton you’re dead now creeper oh man hey we are quite in fact back in the

Mines Skelly Skully why this is a massive Cave so many ships in this ocean so many what chips mhm though every single very treasure map I found has been to the same treasure so something tells me there’s not a lot of treasure in the Ocean okay say that again not loudly though oh another Diamond I can make a diamond hoe I don’t have enough for a nether ho at this point we don’t need anything else do there’s no music box I absolutely love ancient city there are oh

Uh are we on Hard by the way I assume we are but no we’re not because we would have seen um we would have seen uh zombies wearing armor by now if we were okay I was wondering cuz I felt like I wasn’t taking as much

Damage as I normally do fores I can breed them don’t forget to uh to T them first tame them first yeah that is an weird necessity oh my God you you have vastly increased the production enjoy that food actually give me one iron for a shield I just realized I don’t have a

Shield oh should probably do that uh oh you just making me a shield uh no I already gave you the iron it’s in your inventory sorry it lagged my Bad isn’t that iron pick don’t you think okay two buckets all right um I got two buckets yay two buckets that bat just flew straight into lava that is unfortunate um I’m going to make a chest just cuz I got too much stuff I I oh my God okay well I found

All of the creepers oh man oh man Indeed also I might die so I put the important stuff in there too no away from the creeper no away from the zombie how did I get a grass don’t blow up I need that gunpowder nope well there goes the gunpowder oh all right I’m going down wish be

Luck just kidding I don’t need luck I have a shield oh there’s a lot of danger down here actually did you hit my bed before you left there’s a bed yeah up at the top one of those and yeah I’ll use up the sticks for that

Ah set the zes from New Zealand have [Laughter] reach weird question how does one make a piston Uh Wood across the top is it stone or Cobblestone I think it’s Cobblestone oh Cobblestone two on the sides iron bar in the middle and a redstone on the bottom I looked at my buckets and thought they were iron

Bars uh I can get you downstairs clearing up ah you didn’t want that chest did you I mean the stuff should still be there right yeah the stuff is still there I like the stuff inside I didn’t care too much about the chest oh okay good good good okay I ha ankle bodies

Uh children you mean mean I also hate children ankle bers are zombie children specifically what’s the difference uh ankles oh my God can these creepers how many how much G do you have uh four okay one more there’s one up there’s one up above I’ll go make that as well as grab the

Stuff for k um I do have enough for one more bucket I’ve got three gunpowder and I’m hunting creepers I’ll race you for it uh you’re not going to beat me wow wow the confence win Huh uh there we go oh I’ve got an iron up here um hi hi hi okay you might beat me because I’m getting assaulted I just killed two Creepers for no gunpowder one there’s another Two that’s the first skeleton I’ve seen okay I’ve got all the all the ones under the need it is where are these monsters I just hear them all around me ah sand I need sand Oh diamonds nice just across the way uh oh my God uh down go Stone I was not expecting to see that I guess I’m underwater so I can see more when I’m down here go there and then how’s it go that and that it was in I crafted it it was in my

Window was in my crafting window I told you you’re not going to beat me you certainly okay we all Beats can we away uh I would have loved to however there’s a small issue with the location of my bed currently not a great spot uh it’s in a pit in the ground uh

Because umf inits a creeper decided he didn’t like the terror forming around the area o time to do an all achievements run where’ we go uh thunderstorm oh no oh my gosh I’m alive woo I got I was trying to get a Enderman into a boat and I jumped in the

Boat and there’s a creeper right next to me okay still alive uh I don’t need you I don’t need you I don’t need you I don’t need you I need you how did I I’ve got no that that wasn’t me okay um dude what is up with they love to get as

Close to you as possible if you want a hug man just ask my chest go did my chest break so did my I’m sad I didn’t look at his face did I no I’m not dead yet okay H need a what need it need an entrance we need a jungle a jungle

Yet dude I give up this guy will not do anything normal okay I need another okay got another bucket oh you know what I really need this little nice pair of shoes love my shoes what I really need is a village that would be nice um I’ve been Gathering coal as I’ve been

Going cuz if I can get a a trade that is coal and iron boots DET I can get chain mail how do you how do you craft a detector rail uh pressure plates St red stone and a rail the Cobble oh gosh there’s more of them how do [Applause]

I yeah this is a blackout so we’re all on the same team you can see on the right of the team we’re all in blue oh no oh it blew up my bed that’s disappointing okay give me the dirt give me the dirt give me the dirt okay we’re

Good we’re good good we’re fine no problems none some problems little bit of problems oh yikes I just got a couple of skeleton horses Oh yay that is a f game I’ve never seen before had to happen huh yeah it’s kind of freaky the first time it happens okay uh you know what

Can I get enough no I get six I need seven oh all right I have 3 anything no uh no sh reminds me [ __ ] I’ve got sand I’ll take sand I can SM for glass and make glass bottles you could have had four more sand okay I’m going to

Cake what that so I could use that for sand to blow up some more sand ah good choice standand stuck I should make Shield do we need lapis put that on my off hand uh not that I know of oh I’ve got so much bone meal gold well I found an actual

Witch that is kind of annoying well they can drop a bottle considering how our last lock out how yeah how lock okay oh you tried to find a where FL out that was like one of the deciding yeah we’re going down to the bottom come on give me a Village so I

Won’t die instantly I haven’t seen a village or a lava pole oh I vaguely where lava pool is but it’s pretty far excuse me this is my house get out of my house oh my gosh I almost died I this way dang swing back into the 1500 1500 don’t need

That need a lot of this um I don’t I don’t have arrows do I no I Don’t okay beautiful let’s make another few beds because that’s nice might as well good for This where there it is progress I got a bow for free it’s SE better days get get sniper J in we’ve got bows I’ve got like three bows I don’t have any arrows I can give you some use your TNT BL some grael get the [Applause]

Flint run around that I don’t need TNT for that I got 30 creepers chasing me at all times in this game that is just a ah speaking of creepers I thank you for Well r that squid squid just got struck by lightning why why am I looking at 12 creepers don’t look at them it’ll be safer it’s not safer we need glowing for anything glowing behold there like a potion of glowing from glow glowing saacks it feels like

It would make way too much sense for ah the glowing squacks do love those two wo so far um Lava uh I’m standing on top of a lava pool play it’s a very large lava pool yeah that doesn’t really sound safe uh yeah we’ll get ocean a child child creepers imagine oh child

Creepers would be so terrifying no I I still haven’t found a cow to make the cake with and it’s thunderstorming and has been for forever so I can’t all of the zombies and creepers oh my are making this an maybe we should meet up I’m doing fine got everything cow I’ve got

Everything except for the cow you have the Hostile mob kep got yeah I will say I killed a lot of cows can it please stop raining is that why we’ve got so much food yes well it doesn’t grow on trees some food does but not that what am I

What am I doing I’m thinking he the glowing and getting an AR of B but I can no I can kill that bat just took a hit for the skeleton I was attacking swe found a village that sounds like excuses to me it’s not excuses it’s a problem it can very well be

Both oh hi zombie you appear to be in a hole but that is me running away blade bravely ran away when danger reared its ugly head blade bra turned no I’m not running I keep messing my water clutches you’re on New Zealand internet too son I found a cow all right we’re jumping

Down I to two babies cool just what the doctor ordered Death also I thought that was kind of the opposite of what doctors order oh you’re not going to the right doctors now are you I I might actually be going to the correct doctors in this instance can’t one more well that was I have 45 iron time to actually obain not die armor

Okay no one take Qui job i e Villages here I do okay Now there’s got to be a bamboo jungle somewhere right that’s why they’re giving us the scaffolding one or just a regular jungle can have bamboo in It I’ve just realized that blocks that’s the rules uh I thought it was 150000 it might be 1500 that’s the rules get rid of the bad stuff networ with his kid we don’t need spider eye anymore Village but I do I I can get this done um all right I cleared out

Everything useful in this cave sadly are we able to sleep night away uh we all need a bed yes yes I would need to go upstairs and net would also need to have a bed for me cuz I can see the mob C over here that’s right I’ll I’ll get myself

Prepared for the also go to the nether which is kind of sleeping y it I was just setting up to go to the nether myself as well yeah nether I’ll s them that away wait does that work y oh sweet uh do you have stuff for a portal up there

Or are you coming down here um I’m coming down there I got a water bucket and I’m just getting flint and steel uh I will also grab a buck it cuz that would be useful to have do you have full armor if not I can make it uh I

Have uh everything except for a Good Hat okay I can provide hats however I would like an iron Sword uh you know that is thank you for reminding me I can also make iron axe so I’m going to do that I need you all right uh there’s actually water down here I mean there’s water but it’s not Source blocks uh the giant aquer above your head is

Not that’s above my head I have to swim up a waterfall yep yeah that’s that usually be I found a close one I’m assuming by the way that you’re down at the bottom of this m yeah there you are look at you there’s more Village over here hi I am

Now Landing sorry I said solid superhero Landing yeah it’s bad for your news that skon where’s my sheet uh uh tra I forget how to do this so you know what we’re going to we’re just going to you need uh back I’ve got yep I’ve got TR that works there you

Go come back here we’ve got enough lava to literally make like 17 portals so oh we need um hold on where is your job lock ah oh that won’t work though we have to too there we go no that W work either happens to be a house under here hello

Uh you have to scoot that over arrows you can just place it on top of the water oh it actually worked okay uh wait a minute do you have Flint yes I I told you that’s what I was I was grabbing you have a bed you place down

Here so when we die we can uh do you have wood how are you still a m do you have a crafting table I do you don’t take yours with you take it with me everywhere okay there is Sir if you turn around you will notice a bed you have a

Hat do you have a hat for me hat I would like a hat my hat is not great it looks kind of cute But uh I’m going to make a chest here too so we can just drop off anything we don’t need got two villagers who are completely cut off from all of the Beards oh sweet uh beautiful had that for a while that is the trade that I want that is

Perfect okay um I need spice if you have any extra iron or um no it’s all cooking up at uh the top yeah no problem uh did you that end I’m going to put mine in the chest just in it’s in the chest up there too oh

Beautiful um is it a good thing or a bad thing with beautiful upgrading well we’re at the bottom well in a way it’s beautiful it’s okay one if you like red if you like red hot liquids that are detrimental to your health unless you’re that one doctor that you know surrounded by Crimson

Forest solid yeah um I don’t see anything that’s not nether waste oh there’s a soul Soul Sand Valley over there one what does K do you have a saddle I would like to ride one of these away from here uh I would also like to ride one right

Away but I do not have a saddle one unforunately I see one way to proceed here careful there’s a lava there in the nether beside the giant NE Lava Lake there there’s lava it was like a pitfall okay uh is it just it’s find a fortress okay

Is that all we need well we need um netherite well yeah we need netherite we need one thing at a time I suppose yeah we need uh the blaze powder okay there’s not really an easy way out here I think I’m just going to I don’t have enough building blocks for this

Actually I didn’t bring old I regret this decision immediately on the other side it’s cooking I kind of forgot about how useful gold is chain armor how’d you get that arm did you craft the fire together it was villag in I see um arrows do I need the arrows we

Still got sniper duel we can do the in nether easily enough yeah especially with a S and Valley right beside us yeah okay all that to you guys then um oh thank you glowing you guys do glowing as well breing the hoglin uh I kind of need to come and

Meet up with you guys then I need to I’ve got everything I need for the Brewing I keep looking for a jungle what cords did you go in uh we are I I don’t know the cords we have to go back to the portal right yeah I’m not near the

Portal if you give me your coordinates now we can M it’s right by spawn 103 85 10385 both positive uh yes yes 640 okay the complete I’m I’m netive 2,600 so probably closer to I’m going to hit Southeast the portal is probably actually at like 20 80 so uh closer to

Spawn on that side uh how do we and see if I can get a lava pool on the way what was the question uh I remembered oh perfect these Skyland excuse me excuse me I do I I gave you the things I gave you the snacks I don’t need this kind of

Uh annoyingness yo can we um talk about this okay well that skeleton shot a piglin that’s a that’s a choice while exploring a Bastion yesterday oh cool there we go there we go there’s the Fortress okay we just got to get on that Fortress got it you breid the hog oh my

Goodness oh sorry it’s not zombified okay never mind no you even read those I don’t know I I don’t think you can oh yeah cuz they’re a zombie that would yeah you can’t breed zombies so not with that attitude well what I should do is go to build

Limit and then see if these a lava pool around me that potentially would be I don’t if we need that much more here uh blaze powder which I’m kind of situated to go grab in a minute how wa found a I found a fortress yeah yeah why didn’t

You tell me I’ve been looking for one I said I found the Fortress he did yeah but you you didn’t tell me you had to be like net hey nublet I know you are completely being dumb right now but you need to listen for a second uh 50 to8 both

Positive I’m currently Gathering materials to build a bridge because it is um 528 so 50 and then 28 oh okay that makes more sense and it’s it’s further than that but you can see it very clearly from there how did you get over there find an

Easy way uh there’s a bridge right where the portal is and then I hug the wall oh through Soul Sand Valley I thre my string out it for SC so while I was breeding hogins you’re doing that why I did not blade hi blade hello SP through

Yay I found the wall that you have Hugged I did what now I found the wall that you have hugged oh okay that’s fa Magma Cube Magma Cube threaten to knock me into the lava Magma Cube hey I found a fortress I found it first did you I didn’t hear that there’s no proof of that except for the video

Evidence cut the tapes cut the tapes I don’t see either of you having a g goal for finding a fortress I will say I am zooming very hard to get to this Fortress you you don’t say okay I’m going build Li oh I want a saddle so I can ride my

Favorite mob in the game I’m not going that way but what’s your favorite Pokemon oh you’re here hi hi sorry I’m not building a staircase wow I thought we were friends scar is my favorite Pokemon Gen 3 is a good choice I will say sc’s gen two yeah but he’s better than gen

3 True Gen 3 is my favorite overall where is it oh it’s over there I saw a blaze spawner but it’s like disconnected really like okay we’ll figure it out oh hi Blaze oh you found one uh just a single Blaze I’m currently hey there’s a blaze spaw 50 shot where are

You uh look to your right left look to your left oh oh you went this way let me down let me down never mind don’t let me down don’t come this way never going to let you down oh lava probably was the right choice no no that

Was that was a mistake I thought that went down into the Fortress it turns out that it was in fact the end of The Fortress well good thing he slept there’s an axxe in there and some iron okay there’s nothing of use around me oh have some more Nether Hello friends

Oo how did you uh we’ll probably I just lost I found the blade spawner so everything which makes it difficult you have a boat uh I did have a bow yes it is no longer with us okay you know what I don’t like Blazes all right we’re leaving for a minute this is uh a little bit rude on their part an hour and I haven’t seen a lava ho yet okay back get another go got one I’m going to I’ll be able to get a few of these so ender pearls would probably be ideal I

Think let’s go flying and disconnected flying is not on the server oh called that Shelly welcome in yeah oh hi that’s uh that’s that’s an interesting experience yeah okay okay uh South South East yeah that’s dire I’m going okay need those anymore that I can go there oh I can there’s a

Way easier way to do what I’m doing and I’m just being dumb okay I have five five blaze rods I think that should be fine right I can’t imagine we’ll need more than that potion that’s that’s what 10 yeah five should be uh yeah we just need to find

The we need to do potions too right yeah so reserve two what one one full rod for a growing sand unless I find one in the village I would get like 13 we would be better than 10 you’re asking a lot for me here another full one one for the end the

Chest and for fueling the brewing stand true okay and that leaves three for finding a stronghold so there sex eyes to find a stronghold we are up to seven I’ll get okay remember to get glowing I’ve come up here with gold the blaz can hit you just like physically in melee yeah and harder than the fire so well no not harder than fire cuz the fire catches you on fire but yes it is pretty tough surprisingly thank you for the childish giggle amount of the the

GRE what I do not you oh okay that’s fine GRE donated a a child childish giggle amount of bits oo 69 ah okay where is this that’s funny number eight oh there’s a blaze right up here really hope I hit it on the way to you guys can you give

Me anyone that got Redstone yes I do I’m currently working on that right now yeah I’m working on it I made a smart decision in putting that in a chest mine’s in the Chest drop it yeah we got 11 let’s get out of here now I have to get home with four steak and a dream oh boy do you have The what’s that do you have the obsidian I don’t have obsidian at all okay if I manage to get to you guys I’ll be able to mine the portal uh or the seven billion blocks of Aidan around us yeah that’s what I mean I’d have to mine around the portal uh 43

430 43 430 puzzle of 430 okay so I need to go more South I’m making a run for it it will be safe will it it was not safe I didn’t think so uh and you’ve got diamonds as well I’ve got four of them if I make it out of

This cool just need another two H Ocean Travel yay wait a minute that was almost a [Laughter] mistake don’t know about you guys but in this one I felt like I’ve always had a focus oh we need glowing don’t we yeah we do back just grab some glow snip and

Yeah glowing sniper doodle doodle doodle I’m alive okay we’re good uh put you there wait let me in me in thank you okay I’m I’m looking at this recipe because for some reason it really okay I can come in don’t need touch do I I can

I can come and I can come and fire the underground that means that I’m not looking for a a jungle though no that does mean that you probably best to sick above ground then yeah bo uh that that I didn’t even need the sticks okay hey perfect I made a ah stupid

Dolphin I’m going wrong way I’m going wrong way uh no I don’t need anything from a sh brick can you get bamboo from a Shick I don’t think so right no no I don’t remember saying any I def 30 seconds ago what do you guys talk about I’m just stuffing things stuff and

Things okay uh I’m coming back with glow stone well maybe you coming back right uh well there’s these lovely pigmen that are piglins that are a little bit rude I remember where our thing is I should be fine yeah I’m good I found the iron just haven’t found how to get to it

I’m back at spawn all right I was saying uh while I was deing that our nether portal is actually situated very nicely compared to for netherite cuz we’re right at the bottom of the world already oh yeah cool yeah I’ll come and do you have food four

Iron how much food did you take I’m falling through the world give me a second uh none I didn’t I didn’t take any of your food that your portal is it surface or no the um 53 I gave you all my pork uh no I have three pork chops uh 400

You sorry positive 420 4 it’s negative 40 positive 42 yep yep yep uh there is a uh hole down to it oh I didn’t know you had one heart I did get glowing though oh love it oh that’s annoying I got throw your stuff out here you go he

You and I guess there wasn’t much actually there was no I’ve got nothing I fell into the Eternal lava pool y uh by the way we’ve got uh a tree farm just just in case by the way a or it’s like a ravine what am I looking for uh there’s

A hole in the ground you should see some wheat seeds by water they might be grown into Wheat by now okay water uh I’m going to go try and do some trading uh going up top then no with the piglins oh uh you got gold good yeah do

You need iron for anything actually I need yeah I’ve got nothing nothing I’ve got absolutely nothing oh you still you’re above ground aren’t you we are way below ground I mean you’re Overworld yes I am Overworld so yeah you can find me all right yeah cool Co

Cool I’m going to chop some wood so we can make lots of beads hey buddy good choice I have a bunch of wood already though I can you give me some ender pearls that’s not ender pearls that’s onions oh this is full oh we have every

Hoe well not an iron hoe I guess I can fix that I think you’re literally below me now anything other than leather would be great okay well that don’t want I just dig straight down though uh Which Way hold on I know where this is I think hold on if you

Go there should be the edge of the swamp there should be a um a little hole that goes straight down you just follow the water stream down try like 80 to 100 430 should be a uh like wheat and a cave nearby there I’m just trying to guesstimate where it

Is I see I see a big cave that’s okay buddy buddy like let’s talk we need to talk about these traits this is I see up I see all the detector it’s a nice touch you brought food no I see lots of food and um and that’s not there’s a setup for

Below further down uh so if you want to grab those furnaces and the food and stuff in there that would be great well I don’t really have a choice cuz a um creeper blow it up ah okay perfect okay buddy we you’re dead to me do you have any

Pearls no no I got I got but also yes if you had some that’ be good after trading 15 gold with a piglin it gave me and I quote the the only the only useful thing I received was two obsidian and the only thing that does is speed up us getting

The Ender Chest yeah Ender Chest by like 3 seconds you want me to bring this IND pill down yes oh we have to get diamonds for a ho di I have four diamonds don’t worry okay and I have a diamond ho okay yeah except for the netherite oh we need two Diamond

Hoes yeah so I’ve got one and we have enough diamonds for another one how do we get out of here again I’m taking string that was close don’t blow up every creeper I want to blow some up how am I got to get down there uh water there’s lots of water yeah there’s

So much water that’s not I don’t have a shield and I’m being chased by creepers um there’s some iron I left down there oh no I do have iron I just don’t have a shield oh you want me to make you a shield no no no no no I’m just going to hello Uh there over that no yeah I’m good I’m good I’m not I was I was asking n no I’m good okay good then then then everything’s okay uh I I go the water over there blade where I’m looking or you can just do that too yeah okay I’m going to gather gold for

Trading and iron for surviving real quick I doing and get food I think uh I’m going to the surface really please don’t die to the skeleton uh I’m going to get that scaffolding that is the only thing I’m really useful right now respawn point six oh the um blaze rods are down there

If you want to brew you got right okay cool yeah um we’ll make our if need be there is uh like that too there’s not Cobble okay all right we’re going to go kill every animal in a 20 square mile radius and come back with food sheep and we’re actually doing really well

Yeah make one of these actually um if actually if you’re going to go look for the H if you’re going to go look for the jungle maybe we can make a few um eyes ofender maybe try I think you can get enough for two I’m already at the the

Surface oh okay never mind then we don’t need blaze rods as such anymore just for the just for the BR sand we just need everything else as blaze powder don’t we yeah maybe keep one in case keep one just in case I don’t think we need all

So just keep them as there and just leave them in that chest that’s our so I need I need to make some glass and then we make one of these I’ve Ender Coat swamps are great why am I not running One Two am I not sprinting 3 2 maybe I have F of view off no my speed is not changing have you tried getting a move on maybe just Auto Sprints I don’t Know cool should be done yeah wait I’m busy getting goals go Away neither what Sprint is control did we get any Nether wart no we did not I kind of forgot about that I found a village I’m honestly not sure if I’m sprinting or not nice have you crafted the brewing stand already I have okay yeah we need nether W is a

Problem I’m taking this instantly with me I’m I’m taking one yeah I’m taking one blaze powder with me I’m leaving the rest here I’ll take the water bottle with me controls not working either I’m going to make myself another X I’ll leave the hoe open that we need sniper door as well

Arrows a bow that string need string okay there’s enough string I’ll try to get um I’ll try to get sniper Doolan well um that was a chest and a half from that blacksmith five iron iron sword iron helmet and three obsidian oh it was on Toggle no it’s still not sprinting do you have three or less hunger punches no I’m I’m full on Hunger that can stay that can stay are you hitting the right button control or double tapping for and does two yeah so that’s not working Either You oh maybe this working all right I’m going to go see if I can get myself some the W I think my fov is off so I can’t tell when I’m actually sprinting like the fov change uh but like I can’t tell if I’m going slowly fast I CH my crafting T I wonder what that’s under why is there another flower Forest before there’s a jungle okay now it’s on okay now I can definitely tell all right I think I was sprinting it just didn’t seem like it I wish the zombies would stay away oh what was I

Doing oh also want to make one of these Shield yay hey squid Alicia welcome in enjoy your lur give me the boat got the boat okay what directions go for the Fort do I follow do I go through the Crimson yeah uh there’s a bridge and

Then you go to the right and then go straight basically you’ll see the Fortress after a little bit there’s a Soul Sand uh Valley over there unless there’s a second bridge net made that I don’t know about nope it should go toward the Crimson Forest though from the portal okay towards the

Soul Sand okay oh right um I don’t have Any I see the the salt where jungle it should be once in the Soul Sand Valley like hang to the right and then just kind of Follow that you should see it across the Lava Lake it is in the basal Delta for the most part I see it perfect through There’s another one over here there’s a good chance there’s nether wood in there somewhere I remember seeing one of those uh yeah I know lava pool rooms and then stairs going down so there’s probably one somewhere in there it doesn’t seem like a big fortress at

First oh make sure you have blocks to get up too we didn’t make a staircase we just pillared up really hey a lava pool oh you setting up the uh sniper duel nope I I meant blade cuz he got take I ran out of arrows oh dang I lost some

In the chest there at least I thought it yeah I took them going to go pick him up put him in a Boat how did I keep this warp fungus I thought I put it away oh well I’m not letting go of my dreams I just need a saddle okay you stay there oh any chance you can find Bamboo in M shafts okay surely here wait you can find Bamboo and

Shipwrecks I was not 50 blocks away uh yes I think there is bamboo and shipwrecks now oh maybe not 1.19 but I thought there was I’m not sure H and the supply chest yeah I know I just read that I thought you were talking about something else I have found A o Here Comes night this should be close right hey look at that it’s it’s gorgeous it’s am it’s it’s perfect Green Goodness ah no not what I want to do and you go then you go yay there we go all right we should probably go netherite digging then unless we’re

Going to go for the stronghold um yeah in the boat in the boat ah ah yes the jungle directly beside the cold biome the last place you’d look okay where did you guys bridge in from to the right I assume I see you you’re going to like this there’s a lava pool at

Spawn of course there is I was super far away from Spa it’s in the flower Forest God dang it okay that was almost really bad I think my lag saved me that might be the first time ever that that’s happened I accidentally let go of my shield but I think it didn’t register

Until after the creeper exploded okay so do you guys want to take care of the stronghold yeah sure I’ll take care of the netherite okay Ender where are you you can find netherite ingots in bastions yeah but it’s probably it’s probably easier to mine before NE what is after this I kind of

Want to know the seed because oh my God these cave I think the world is empty because these caves are Massive uh oh there’s a cake here that’s a lie next to some llamas Enderman why is my boat not on my hot bar no one knows dude oh my gosh can you maybe die what’s the likelihood of me just casually glancing into this cave and finding a stronghold

Thoughts up here okay cool four out of 10 it works half the time four out of 10 NE wart guess who’s in a boat spooky Nova okay let’s try this again shall we water bottle Nether wart blaze powder well I found some tropical fish I’ll do the inner

Shortly B potion put in a golden carrot should give us a potion of night vision only I had an item that lets me build and climb really quickly night vision and then fermented spider eye something like scaffolding would be useful right now No that Enderman really look like a horse I have to say there we go if you do happen to find a saddle in there blade I’d be very thankful oh go looking I would like to ride a glorious Strider across the Lava Lakes in search of a Bastion

So what do you want from the Bastion a netherite Ingot oh I see that was the most efficient creeper thing I’ve ever done in my life I killed a spider and three pigs sorry I had just stopped talking for a second because I was getting assaulted not by a skeleton or three

Pigs though because cuz they were dead thanks to the creeper true true but the other skeleton and the two zombies did not die well I mean you got to do better then got to do better it’s hard to get skeletons in the the same spot as other mobs because they’re not melee so

They’ll stop 10 blocks away from you and shoot at you rough out here okay okay I have food but I forgotten where we live over there okay cool it was 400 420 something like that yeah 420 uh or positive 420 40 40 and 420 one of those is

Negative one of those is positive I’m pretty sure was ative 40 positive 42 I do not want to be dying here I just try both my where’s my super Soup oh it’s really close to the cake imagine that quickly get llamas drop meat uh they drop leather it’s not on a sell is it not my favorite type of meat personally beggers can’t be choosers so true but I also have what is that 60 meat on me that’s a strange

Desert all right I think we’re out of animals unfortunately okay I think I saw a a zombie Peg riding a strier earlier oh really ooh okay let me go ahead I have my warp fungus might as well just go ahead and make that ready and then I will search while looking for

Another up here jump up no not me in the boat in the Boat they’ll do it okay this is man this swamp is massive facing west so look at that one 77 so I need to go down to 27 what are you trying to do not oh okay I thought you were uh triangulating the uh stronghold though like just tell me where tell me where

Blade do not look at me do not look at me ah dang it look you um gas now I’ve got two of them on me I don’t have enough ow I don’t have enough arrows to deal with these guys right I just test off some zombie plakes there’s three separate stacks of

Wool in this chest not like a full stack but like just separately there sometimes stuff happens you can bring well that’s a hell of a there we go it only one I guess okay I am back okay where are those extra diamonds I they’re on my person okay you

Would like to come out of the nether I can present them to you or I can come get you in about 30 seconds okay so you you are near the portal yep I’m right on the other side cool same same portal as always right yep think we constructed another portal

Uh knowing blade yeah oh Fair Point actually I never made one I forgot this isn’t shapeless it’s very strange to me that the warp fungus on the stick is not a shapeless recipe oh did you want oh no that’s new blade I thought you were blad I would like blaze powder and ender

Pearls uh I don’t know who has the ender pearls I have a singular ender pearl did you bring one in the nether with you cuz I think we had I thought we had three I assume blade made the ne I used one I guess we only had one I thought we

Had two I’ve got one blade has one or had one so oh do you not have yours anymore I’ve got it now I I made it into an i event so yeah we had two then and that’s for a second oh beautiful you guys have fun with that I’m going to go nether

Hunting okay going to do that hey guys technically speaking now you see me we can get there in one now you see my armor actually for some reason I can also still see you no you’re still a ghost boy oh cuz you’re on our team that’s probably why all right what am I

Giv you do make stuff entities behind you disappear so you make the chest disappear there thank you um is gold no can we get like two more ender pearls uh I didn’t see a warp Forest but if I find one I will gladly provide why can’t I use why are oh the

Bats have gone through the portal that explains a lot okay what don’t I need got plenty of food I’m going to leave some food behind I’ve got 13 pork chops okay I left some food cooking and I just realized I didn’t bring it with me that’s okay I have enough would you

Like some bread oh net were you wondering or that was blade were you wondering why there was just a a block to bridge where ready to go over that there was there was a pig a piglin chasing me the bridge was blocked by two blocks

High just in the middle of Sir Sir I’ve got one gold could you spare some ender pearls please let go behind that that is that is gravel that is less than useful we are standing on gravel sir okay I’m I’ll bring 24 gold through I can give youy for trading please M gold

Gear please please sir can I have some more go you go thank you more you want Oh blade blade blade blade blade there you go BL blade blade blade you would you like some Oak planks there’s some Oak planks as well some planks as well I don’t have a crafting table uh Co

Yes what you want Rey you know you don’t have to kill him right you’re not going to put him in a hole I don’t have a pickaxe o um I have iron you just need to ask I can get you a pickaxe I also have iron oh you should probably make a

Pickaxe okay well you have fun with that I’m digging down uh I don’t know what these terms mean Roy I was unaware y4 I believe is the optimal there’s a Strider and a Strider does that mean he has a saddle no no no that uh there’s actually child do not steal my

Gold are you sure that means it’ll put a saddle uh there is there is a um a chance that a Strider spawns on top of a Strider just in general but there is also a chance that a Strider can spawn on top of that Strider and then there’s another chance

That a Strider can spawn on it it is infantes you can eventually like there is a chance that like Striders can spawn on top of Striders up to like build tide wasn’t someone in the Minecraft Community collecting rare mobs that’ be really hard to find huh uh yeah yeah

That one that one’s kind of impossible they were work I have eight ender pearls yay nice my look for a Strider another Strider on top of a Strider where is the saddle Strider that cannot be rarer than that look for the zombified P sitting on top yeah that’s what I’m looking for do

You know where you saw that blade I can’t remember no would have been on the way to the Fortress I I may have been thinking of like okay and you didn’t see any chests in the Fortress I didn’t see any chest in the Fortress no I didn’t do a a big

Look but I had a a bit of run around the bed uh was there more iron in here you said uh no it’s not my prison sorry I have living on me you want to come caving with me uh no because I’m going to go find the stronghold this is a good placees

E okay you go the C do it you know what let’s just craft some leather armor leather armor is better than no armor well there we go boom so turn around go this way oh my God okay I’m starting to get some weird lag weird lag might because I’m starting to blow up

Some yeah that’s that’s potentially It boat okay no debris yet Uh okay a million Striders and not a single Saddle okay it is this way oh I didn’t craft it that’s not where I want that beard to go that’s where I want that beard to go get this up here boom boom how goes the bed Mining and also I assume you have a diamond pick I do I’ve made that mistake

Before that that’s painful on so many different levels well I didn’t finish mining it I realized as I got found it like oh you need a diamond pick to mine this that would be pretty bad no debris yet at all it’s okay you only need

Four I left the gold ore there too by the way okay cool I did keep four onop ow fire hurt fire Bad come on hanger go down so I can eat well that’s a lava Curtain first chest I see give me Saddle a oh eenie in the air not I can see did you take all of the Nether wart or one Nei the neither what yeah I left neither W behind okay I don’t need it anymore yeah I know did you like never mind I’m just trying to

Figure out the new area I Min like three pieces okay so this is new Good oh I think I see one can you guys the dog nope making his bed nope oh that is unfortunate it’s unfortunate we can’t hear the dog yeah he’s hilarious I found your one ancient debris two ancient debris two in a row any more no where did that Go what is running at me right now okay you come into inventory don’t have to worry about it burning cuz H3 doesn’t burn true can I make a furnace at a black stone where did that go supp to find out shortly what let me out let me

Out I don’t know if this is lag or oh yeah hit boxes would be a good idea probably happens every time I blow up a bead no not that the oh there there oh did you find the stronghold no I I I was wondering where my pearls were

Going ah I see they’re going straight down that’s us uh they were disappearing into a tree okay that’s less than less good are you both in the end or in the in the nether sorry not in the end uh yes I am in the nether so you should be

Able to sleep that would have been great that I brought there you are well sheep make beds as they say they do excuse me lava stop they’re carpentry skills are amazing I ran out of blocks in my block Spot hi Mr Frog you can’t help me okay there was lava that way there was lava that way okay well I need to carry on my Corridor over here yeah I’ll go that Way y 14 he not that way apparently so Zoom work Zoom see oh it does that’s very convenient okay ipped to five I have yet find Z XC as 567 and two mouse buttons for 89 all my mouse buttons are set to start you things uh okay do some blow up

Here baby Strider riding on top of a Strider baby Strider I think it’s a work for us you have enough ender pearls though now right I’ve got six yeah that’ll probably get you there at least yeah well I’ve also got blaze powder on me so blaze powder powder if need be I

Will debris where are you kill a small family of Enderman do what you must because you can my God there’s lava yeah there’s lava yeah I don’t know fashion and a or Forest be fine I think it’s a nice fashion well you know you don’t find netherite

Wart just sitting here let’s go grab it this is like the most full Bastion I’ve ever seen SE uh wow now let’s see you get the hang up like this he we’ll leave you there all right I see a whole lot of uh brutes so I’m very excited at the prospect of

Dying uh make a respawn anchor there R there that rid of that I want the black stone okay this is gravel need all these hey not a lot of beads let’s do this so eight beads do out this I need to come back up for some more wood than God we got this

Gravel flying up beeds is scary where is those four freaking there’s only four brutes here what do they think they’re going to do kill me yes turn a corner surpr very successfully I don’t know how I didn’t do it on purpose but they are kind of

Stuck okay I’m going to back to my main Corridor and choose another one to go down so I’m going to easily get lost I’m making a maze you know what I’m going to do a little bit of triangulation now not Much it far no I I’m just getting like a generic idea as to how far away I’m looking killed five brutes that makes me happy that might be all of them actually I shouldn’t assume that mind you but do you play with subtitles on uh no that’s a smart idea but I’m not

Going to cuz I’m in the Bastion right now uh let’s give our El a quick way out of here no I’ve not chosen a good place to do this ancient of bra bombing ah I’ve NE I’ve never had this there we go we’re Close probably notably no ancient debris let’s make this lots of arrows though that might be helpful Um I am going to take these gold boots cuz that will protect me from no for a bit no lesser pigs no I love the sound you’re making ni King what’s up the stronghold is right under where I got the bamboo it’s underwear where I got the

Bamboo well you found it uh I I haven’t exactly found it yet but the the pearls are right right here uh why are you attacking me oh well we’re attacking you Now oh um I guess I got to make a new okay I here to actually get the exact I shouldn’t be down here yet Uh for a gifted subro it won’t renew automatically you don’t need to worry about That you still want your free stack point no dice there you Go oh my God Road come on come on come on one ancient debris two ancient debris we need one more that’s all the chests here though no ingots no ingots well I know where the Ingot is I don’t know if I can get there alive I went for the upper part of the

Treasure Bastion uh getting down there might be an entirely different problem uh well that was interesting if only there were ender chests here just send it straight back and die uh yeah Roy I don’t know if you’re trolling but water bucket would not be a good choice here

Actually but it’s a pretty good troll Yeah that was a m shaft not a stronghold But nice hoe wait what am I doing I don’t know what are you doing I didn’t know you had the four I forgot you had two I could have come back right now I was wondering why you’re being so quiet about it how where do strongholds spawn what what level do stronghold

Spawn at low they can be as low as like in the Deep slave y okay come here friend I’m going to come in I found it nice um so there’s a bit of a bug we’re doing this on your on uh on This Server blade you’re in the stronghold but the

Advancement isn’t gone no no there’s there’s an x-ray bug I can see the stronghold through the ground yeah oh look a slime I suppose we are near a swamp Okay um give me three seconds for you’re going to win in a second right yeah I’m going for the nether andot

There there’s a hard of oh I got enough netherite um they didn’t didn’t see me interestingly a hord of skeletons I don’t know how far down it was a diamond sword now cool look at this achievement I don’t know how they didn’t see me but I’m standing in the Treasure area and I’m

Alive and you got enough action to bre yeah I’ve got four nice in fact I can make every single right now oh there it is yay well done oh man Ray thank you so much for the just over two hours that’s not bad yeah we did good we had all but I think

Three at like um at an hour and 10 minutes so yeah the the ingame ones are theyes yeah sweet okay they have loot in these treasure bastions this is actually pretty good we did we worked quite well together for it yeah I thought we did too oops right what’s the

Time 9:30 p.m. don’t know about yours it’s probably different 3:30 730 curse of binding Diamond chest plate you know what Sure make it nether right oh I could oh I need a um smithing table I don’t even know how to make that I think I see the desert that you said was really high oh you found it yeah yeah it’s pretty obvious I feel like you know if you saw

It bet an incredible desert uh what’s the recipe for a smithing table is it two iron bars and two pieces of wood twoie yeah oh a it’s a crafting table yeah got it all right oh I need to actually smelt okay hold on forgot about that part wait do I not

Just yes I have the gold gold will not be a problem uh what’s the seed that’s the seed copy that and put that in the chat for people that want to take a look around I’m pretty happy I survived a Bastion be honest I think that like the last kind

Of practice that I’d need to do before any kind of rematch against smth would be surviving vestan I think the practice we need to do is getting to the end and getting end goals done quick it’s really like you’ve done like the gold strats before right cuz you were doing

Speeduns I feel like that’s the thing that we need to get down finding the gold and Bs yeah and uh getting them all into the hole that so cool but uh okay question answer what shape do you put netherite scrap inap shap sh it’s shapeless

Yeah oh I cannot it’s curse of binding I can’t take it off all right oh I have a helmet actually you know what I have a better plan what is this I don’t have food what I don’t have food there we go yeah I wasn’t that far behind

You I could have done it faster if I was Rush rushing oh was digging into making a corridor ready to make some some more bead bombs and I just H across them yeah to be fair also I wouldn’t have jumped straight down in this treasure Bastion that was like almost

Certain death without already knowing we’ won the game so yeah found those there and smelted them then realized I didn’t have the gold to make the gold hoe and I also didn’t have the wood to make enough sticks for the rest of the hoe or to make the smithing

Table oh that’s where you were working on you had to finish up the SPI table I came up above and found that there was no hello Kush cave found that there was no wood available but there were bones and saplings set up to grow so bone me up to

Get my wood to get my table man I uh clutched that one out by meeting by putting the saplings there plan from the beginning there’s a lot of swamp in the seed yeah it was a pretty big one really random small swamp too I think there’s like three separate swamps there is a

That poor little brute just tried to swim in the lava toward me and died all right just a moment I am trying so hard to find this portal the portal doesn’t exist wait what portal oh you’re trying to find it in there you even have enough

I mean it would have to be 11 right or like a pretty close to full one I think he just wants to find it that’s fa silverfish spawners all right do we go take or two I think we do take we’re not doing another one I’m

Down for another one but it’s yeah it’s yeah it’s 9:30 for me and I do have to work tomorrow but I heard Jess was down for another right oh my God I just got swarmed I took on one and four more jumped down on Meo yeah so I’m probably going to call

It there are you going to keep going blade I don’t know oh suddenly I just cranked my neck so badly okay I think we’re okay there’s a bunch of zombies here why are there diamonds on the ground oh you’re going for the stronghold too yeah yes I don’t know where this

Ends there is no end and no beginning this way come on give me food give me food do you know how to spot secret rooms King no didn’t you say there was an x-ray uh yeah it wasn’t on purpose oh okay there are 12 zombies around our spawn so don’t

Die is this two kind a library I have half a heart remaining on the plus side I got out of my my curs of binding armor hi oh I’m going to dance around zombies are you doing okay no I’m at two hearts ah so many silverfish where are they coming

From uh the ground as you’re killing them they are spawning more you know what uh game mode spect oh that was a lot of lag what is this I left my base behind superfish hi welcome to the zombie party I’ll be your guide you run in circles until you die teleported blade to

Blade oh I’m spectator by the way blade how you do blade so uh it was a secret room King yeah it was it was a 100% a secret room so is this we can’t see each other and spectator count can we I can see you yeah yeah just here where

These blocks are here this is a secret room here yeah and then another one so where you see the stronghold go in slightly but not go any further yeah thought it was the same over there that indicates there a secret room okay a secret door so then up and then here over here

Blade there’s another secret room no that’s one there you can see the the button here yeah but the button doesn’t do anything there a 2i 2i slash game mode survival there we go did you are you staircase down SL game mode survive yeah you can see where I just St straight

Down perfect I’ve got I we were missing oh my God I had the exact amount of blaze powder I needed I needed three more ender pearls with the any and the chests I got two from the chest good luck at your job oops sorry got that one going to the uh not that

One uh spectator where’s the other one there C bye onion thanks again for the read we have chosen a very dangerous spawn I must say is there any chests that I haven’t grab all right the world what button do you press switch game mod like that F3

F4 so hold only three and you tap four it changes so you ran away from this jungle and then had to come back to it for the stronghold Yeah uh how do I teleport sltp SL teleport and then choose who you want to teleport to for coordinates there we go hey look a safest lava pole they still exist oh you’re looking at spawn oh I’m I’m just flying around above the stronghold ah oh it’s down

Here let me go see I assume you found the portal room by now right nit yeah yeah me go faster you can only go fast side to side which is something that annoys me about spectator mode teleport tort teleport team member wait where’s the stronghold play teleport to Huh SP spectat mode functions is under the jungle right net and blade yeah I don’t see it it’s quite deep I’ll get back to and you can teleport to me you can teleport to me I’m still here all Right there we go yeah had no idea how I missed that it’s massive I know oh yeah there’s the portal room right there I don’t think I’ll have time to complete another one how many um eyes did you put in uh I there was two to

Start oh okay so you did have quite a few you probably didn’t even have one break huh uh I did I had three break oh you started what do you mean unable to open loot not generated yet where are you someone has to open it first probably my God this thing is

Massive oo it’s a pretty blue oxel yeah so where where was I that I grabbed the bamboo are you going to keep streaming blade I think I’m about to read out yeah um yeah I we’ll I’ll finish up as well all right so yeah I

Was no yeah I was right here I hope you all have a lovely night thanks for the lockout Invite we did well we actually did really well yeah I was impressed no end goals mind you but even if we did have end goals like we need like three more ender pearls and we could have gotten in how devastating losses that we have devastating

Deaths this game I think it was just net yeah just the one that’s pretty good yeah my one death was after we finished yeah same all right see you all later have a good night you you did Kill King didn’t you oh that’s right that wasn’t devastating because we were that was

That that was a necessary sacrifice for the uh I can shoot myself but Net’s right Here I didn’t charge it I was like I’ll just do like one damage it’ll be kind of funny because you won’t expect it just dies everywhere did in fact die yeah that that happened all right good night y’all night good night until next time oh are you done as well blade I am

Done as well thanks for playing yeah thanks for inviting me some the computer seem to handle It yeah we’re getting better we’re getting better definitely getting better I have messaged small Lance seeing if he be up for a rematch haven’t had a response but he is a busy man all right let’s go find something to R Le chat streaming nice I’ll be ending as Well however I do not have the YouTube to Twitch raid functionality as of yet does one of those exist uh truffle is currently trying to set that up Um and it uh truffle works for both ways the uh the only uh thing that’s holding back currently the only thing that’s holding them back right now is uh there it’s still an alpha um but creators are able to uh join if they are in the Discord

And users have to have the extension installed on their browser yeah yeah some some way of connecting the YouTube and the twitch accounts yeah cool but it does a lot more than that it also gives Channel points and to YouTube and yeah I think I he about that project

Yeah well it’s lwig is the one who’s kind of doing it so well ladwig’s team just uh all right well I’ve got a raid starting thanks for the game oh Yeah by to chat bye chat Bye and thanks everybody for hanging out if you’re new to the channel feel free to subscribe if not thanks for joining us once again you guys are awesome uh more lock out coming soon I’m sure uh December we’ll see this uh work becomes absolutely insane December

Um I’ll have a better idea as to what my work schedule is I believe on Saturday I want to try and get um I want to see if I can get another stream next week but I’m not sure and then I’ll be leaving the

Country so for over a week so won’t be a little bit for until after that but I don’t know uh go watch my newest video if you haven’t already um yeah you guys have a good rest of your night talk to you later bye

This video, titled ‘Noobs Play Minecraft Bingo Live’, was uploaded by KingNooblit on 2023-11-10 02:58:40. It has garnered 24 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:53 or 9233 seconds.

Playing some lockout bingo with a bunch of cool content creators. Goal is to get 13 goals before the opponent to win the game. A bunch of us have far too much experience in minecraft so this is going to be a really fun experience. None of us are minecraft speedrunners though so we wont be able to do some of the crazy tricks you would normally see.

~ Links ~ Discord: https://www.discord.gg/S2rDugmTSE Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/KNooblit

#Minecraft #live

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  • DiamonD GamerZ – Ultimate Safest House! 😱 #Minecraft

    DiamonD GamerZ - Ultimate Safest House! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🤫 Safest House 🏠 #minecraft #shorts #ytshorts #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2023-12-24 09:00:12. It has garnered 2424 views and 139 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft 🤫 Safest House 🏠 #shorts Read More


    5 INSANE MINECRAFT SHIZO MOMENTS | SR♡GAMINGVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by 《SR♡GAMING》 on 2024-03-02 03:08:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind

    Ultimate Minecraft Hacks That Will Blow Your MindVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft virals hacks that will blow your eyes #trending #virals #short #minecraftshort’, was uploaded by AAA DEVIL GAMERZ on 2024-05-23 12:22:55. It has garnered 8368 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Nioum’s INSANE Minecraft Mansion Tour!

    Nioum's INSANE Minecraft Mansion Tour!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ce pote dans les Hosts de Craftok sur Minecraft’, was uploaded by Nioum on 2024-01-07 15:24:40. It has garnered 1412 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. ➡️ READ THE DESCRIPTION, IT MAY BE USEFUL ⬅️ Hi! My name is Mattiou, passionate about Minecraft short films/animations, and thank you for watching this video! If you like me, don’t hesitate to subscribe! You will be welcome on the channel! Currently in Partnership with Minecraft.fr! https://minecraft.fr Come to Craftok | play.craftok.fr | 1.8.9 – 1.20.x | Crack & Premium ▼▼… Read More

  • Craziest Death Message in Minecraft – RAREST DROP!

    Craziest Death Message in Minecraft - RAREST DROP!Video Information This video, titled ‘¡ESTE JUGADOR OBTUVO EL MENSAJE DE MUERTE *MAS DIFICIL* de MINECRAFT!’, was uploaded by Primary Slot Stuff on 2024-01-10 17:14:44. It has garnered 2443 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Hi, I’m Primary Slot, an electronic and hip-hop music producer known for my synthwave remixes. If you’re interested, you can check out my main channel. I also make videos of curiosities, tops, reviews and occasionally direct videos. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts My Main Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/primaryslot Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/42MGF… My Bandcamp: https://primaryslot.bandcamp.com My Souncloud: https://soundcloud.com/primaryslot Twitter: https://twitter.com/SlotPrimary Twitch (In… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Unstoppable Diamond Ring Run!

    Minecraft Madness: Unstoppable Diamond Ring Run!Video Information This video, titled ‘diamond ring run funny game play video #minecraft #music #memes #phonk #майнкрафт #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by UNLIMITED GAME on 2024-03-20 07:31:31. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • WavePvP

    WavePvPFrequent Questions How do I join WavePvP? Joining servers is different for both Java and Bedrock platforms. If you are a Java player, simply select ‘Add Server’ or ‘Direct Connection’, and enter the IP address: play.wavepvp.com. Which Gamemodes does WavePvP have? Every Minecraft server has it’s own gamemode. WavePvP features Survival, Skyblock, and Prison. If you enjoy any of these game modes, WavePvP might be the server for you! Which Versions does WavePvP support? Minecraft has many different versions – each with their own features. WavePvP supports 1.8, and 1.20 connectivity, so make sure you join on one of those… Read More

  • Server26 SMP Small No Teleport 1.20.2 18+ older Players Discord LGBTQ+ Friendly GriefPrevention Player Shops No Resets est. 2015

    Server Information ⚠️ Attention 18+ means 18+ Please be 18 or older! ⚠️ We are a longstanding SMP with over a dozen active players and we are looking for more! Our main goal is to keep the Vanilla survival experience as unaltered as possible, with only 3 plugins in place: GriefPrevention Sleep voting Player item shops for trading Join us at play.server26.net Map: https://map.server26.net/ Discord: https://server26.net/discord Server Features No Warps, No /tpa, No /sethome No (Mojang) chat reports No McMMO, donation perks, or adminshops World will never reset Land claiming Player trading via signs (No adminshops) 20% of players need… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, oh man!

    Looks like this meme is really “mining” for approval with that score of 7! Read More

  • Jailbreak Jive: Baby Worker’s Boss Beatdown in Minecraft

    Jailbreak Jive: Baby Worker's Boss Beatdown in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a baby worker did rise, Beat the boss, but got caught in a surprise. Off to jail, the little one went, A twist in the tale, a message sent. But fear not, for in this game of blocks, Anything can happen, even with shocks. Stay tuned for more adventures, more thrills, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity fills. Read More

  • I did IT in HELL💀🔥 #minecraft #memes

    I did IT in HELL💀🔥 #minecraft #memes When you accidentally type “NEZERE” instead of “NETHER” and end up summoning a whole new dimension of confusion. #LostInTranslation #MinecraftFail 😂🌌 Read More

  • Anarchy Unleashed: WinRise Server Grand Opening

    Anarchy Unleashed: WinRise Server Grand Opening Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft on the WinRise Server Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft on the WinRise server? Get ready for an adventure like no other as you explore the vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and engage in epic battles with other players. The WinRise server offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join the Community on WinRise Connect with fellow gamers and make new friends on the WinRise server. With a dedicated Discord channel and Telegram group, you can stay updated on all the… Read More

  • Nether vs End: Epic Minecraft Animation

    Nether vs End: Epic Minecraft Animation Minecraft Nether vs End: A Battle of Dimensions When it comes to the vast world of Minecraft, players are often drawn to the mysterious and challenging dimensions of the Nether and the End. These two realms offer unique experiences and formidable foes that test the skills of even the most seasoned players. The Nether: A Hellish Landscape The Nether is a fiery, dangerous dimension filled with lava lakes, towering fortresses, and hostile mobs. Players must navigate treacherous terrain while battling creatures like ghasts, blazes, and zombie piglins. The Nether also houses valuable resources like nether quartz and glowstone, making… Read More

  • Bluey’s Parents Turn EVIL in Ultra-Secure Minecraft House!

    Bluey's Parents Turn EVIL in Ultra-Secure Minecraft House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Evil Parents vs Most Secure House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-04-30 14:04:06. It has garnered 12099 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:50 or 530 seconds. Evil Parents vs Most Secure House in Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More