EPIC Minecraft Builds – 20+ SheraNom’s Mind-Blowing Fantasies!

Video Information

Hey I’m Shara you don’t know what to build you’re bored of building Oak houses well then this video is definitely for you see I love fantasy especially fantasy buildings houses trees and purple Lakes just like this one so since we’re here let me show you this Lake it’s magicky and it spills

Around like it comes from the earth coolest part is this trees that grow and draw the magic I mean the power from the lake I wouldn’t recommend to build the lake too big because the bigger the lake the more blocks you’ll have to use and purple blocks well they’re expensive

Best part of this build that you can make it any color you want so if your magic is red yellow or blue suit yourself and use the colors of your choice well another thing you could do is try to build the whole Forest of the beautiful magic trees and I know it

Might be hard for you to build trees but it’s magic trees so they can be any shape you want to build this beautiful white trees I would use a bit of Androids white wool and glass and if even some code wraps and as for the trunk I usually use drip Stone but you

Could also use puzzle it has a very cool texture moving on another cool idea I have for you is this serpent remains I love the idea of this build because it’s very easy you just build the Arches from the bone and the structure is super simple

To make the spine just add a few quartz stairs and maybe quartz slabs run them along the Arches you can make it as long as you want and looks very impressive you can only think how long this piece was another cool thing is these ribs we

Don’t even know how big this animal was but I feel like it looks very impressive again if you need some bone blocks just go to the Nether and I’m sure that you can find some there another cool idea is this beautiful magic garden it’s quite small but I

Managed to fit in a lot of plants I love mixing nether plants bit a lot of on on the ground plants for example these amethyst buds which aren’t even plants but kinda look like flowers with this beautiful nether wines mixed in with a few Spore blossoms also don’t forget a

Few tables for the pots and different sections for example this is a water section with the water plants drip Stone as some kind of flowerbots or this more earthy section with a little bit of a corruption spreading from the earth remember the bigger the selection of your plants the cooler it will look

Don’t forget to mix in different soil types for example this coastered moss and this funny looking warp Neelam whatever it’s called and idea number five or maybe number six uh waterfall no that’s a lie that’s just not a simple waterfall this is secret magic laboratory and we’re just going

Down this very secret path to get into it and a bit more a bit more and here we are in our laboratory very much secret overgrown and absolutely beautiful on the left you can have your magic containment Exposition then a table with a lot of Brewing stands water and those

Crystals from the lake here I propose to make some kind of containment for nether plants or anything interesting you can find in the Wild on the right we have many pots of more magic plants some storage and even more purple thing from the lake in the corner there is a small

Furnace to accommodate your needs and one more brewing stand I recommend you to make this because you want but the smaller the cuter is going to look and our next idea is beautiful Magic Room for this build you won’t have to do much just peel a few ruined columns with

Magic things I use a few glass panes you can again use any color but I love purple mixed in a few different blocks for texturing but building this room is fairly simple there is no rules for ruins and anything you make which is kind of random will look impressive

In the middle we have this beautiful Enchanted setup make sure that you have all these sorted bookshelves or either 30. I believe it’s 16 but it is level 30. surround them by a few blocks to make a cliff they’re formed a bit and here you are with your beautiful

Enchantment setup I also decided to run this little stream of water on the side for texturing made a small Bridge it’s kinda cute overall it’s a very easy project as it doesn’t require much structure again ruins can be ruined in any way and the last project of this map

Is this beautiful Magic Tree I want to believe that the seed of this tree was placed in the basement of the house in order to contain it but the moisture and dumbness of the plates have bated Sprout and in no time the tree has struck the

House and made it go into the sky this is again a fun project if you love trees and they want something interesting to have in the world I would recommend making the house first and build a tree around it as it makes it easier to build the branches in different directions

For the inside technically I even made a very tiny tiny interior just about a few furnaces crafting table you can even get here by going down so technically that door it’s kind of useless idea number eight stomp portal I believe that the whole she was struck by lightning and

Explosion created a portal to another dimension the portal is put deep into the stump so everything is covered up with wood I recommend you use Spruce Wood with a bit of Oak and a few Spruce stairs trap doors fences lanterns and maybe a few of these bushes here and

There the most important part of this build is to make it wide enough to fit the portal so I recommend to go at least by eight by eight but definitely not less you could make this as big as you want or use other wood types and number nine first of all this

Beautiful Road made a few path blocks and Spruce which go into this not hanging but Floating Bridge you would have to jump a bit to get across but I feel like it’s easy enough and the chance of you following is very little apparently small but yeah that can

Happen the bridge is being powered by this magical Crystal from our other builds and technically you can build it as long as you want or use any other crystals that you have at your disposal of course if you’re not careful you can fall between the islands but with a bit

Of attention getting across is not an issue idea number nine or number 10 I’m not sure if we go along this path we can see the Dwarven Vault and the ruins Dwarven ruins again to build the ruins you won’t need much just put blocks randomly and kinda looks cool you can

See there is a small hatch of water here and rails with a few mine cards it was also really fun to use some sculpt for decoration as it shows how corrupted this place get and old to make the place Cozier you can also use a few wooden elements like this campfire and seats

For people who are camping and the side maybe they’re Excavating it or maybe they want to go to that Warren treasure if we come up this road you can see there is a small door on the bottom so you can actually enter the Vault and it’s a beautiful storage room so wooden

World is a funny way to make your own storage on this side I put a lot of furnaces so you can smell all your oars and on the right and other left you can see these doors if we come here you can see the door where you could build your

Water elevator or just stick down to have a mine inside on the other side you see the same door and lots of chests and barrels on the top I’ve decided to use a few red lamps and a lot of bushes to make this place overgrown

So the next idea of real world is this beautiful Apple Village as you can see I’ve made this Apple Village made of lots of Red Blocks I use red terracotta what you doing I made the Phillips I made the village you did yes I made a

Field okay let me show you okay so over here we have our starter house with the narrow portal which is also an apple it looks amazing I know and over here we have an apple and an apple with villagers but it’s not a prison it’s just I’m sure they didn’t look like yeah

Yeah okay don’t worry don’t worry about it don’t worry about it and over here we have our Farmers Market it’s also very professional and as you can see Cosmo Insider I have having a lovely time they love it here they’ll love it totally not the prisoners okay and got it guys yeah

No never and over here we just have our field of crops with our automatic melon and pumpkin farm you did it bye and if you want to see more definitely go check out the village on Dio’s Channel and let’s move on our next idea as you know you already can find the

Remains of an ancient city in normal Minecraft so I thought why don’t we bring it up on this service as you can tell that’s a lot of remains I’ve decided to use a lot of tip slates caulk and a little bit of dark oak to see that

Someone came here and tried to excavate this place more but they haven’t quite rebuilt it just yet what we see here is a well of some swords as skull has a very powerful magic and the dwarfs knew that and tried to mine it out of the ground I really

Recommend you use the Scout sensors because it really make plays come back to life the next idea I want to show you is this floating island as you can see I even tried to make a floating island staircase but you could also use a bucket of water to make this build

Better try to decorate in texture your Island as much as possible I used a lot of bushes some dirt Cobblestone and even some Stone on the top of the thing you can build a house a tree or maybe something different to make the place even more magicky I recommend you try to

Build it on the water and it will also save you life if you fall building it on the left I’ve decided to build a tree and it’s getting rainy because I haven’t turned off the weather yet to build this tree you can use my tutorials or you can build it yourself

Overall minus the weather this is a very magicky build you can build it very high in the sky but remember it will be much more annoying to get up and down and get all your materials our next build is this beautiful mushroom Village that I’ve built with my

Good friend koala build her channel is in the description make sure to check her out so if you’re up for a challenge and you want to build Organics mushroom Village is a very good start you can use art for your reference or even this video to build your own mushroom Village

For this build we’ve decided to go with red mushroom blocks and Spruce and mud bricks at the base for the smaller mushroom we went with the stem blocks at the base and brown blocks with a lot of matte bricks at a cap I would definitely recommend to decorate your village for

Example these crops all these cute small mushrooms again the pad in the middle will also be a nice addition to your village to put it all together and of course lots of trees the perfect place to build it would be a dark Forest but any other place you have will do as well

Overall this is a very fun build and you can only imagine what kind of magical creatures live there another cool idea is tree money entrance as you can see the entrance itself is between the roots of the tree the trunk is the main visible part which is the

Hardest to build and the foliage is quite easy so if we go down between the roots through the small room and here the elevator I also want to show you the mining room so let’s get down and if we come here you can see this beautiful magic mushroom mining room

There are many many doors here and you can make this room as big as you want but the main point is to put mushrooms and lots of spruce details just like this one and this one as you can see there is a lot of vegetation at this

Ceiling and on the floor I mix a lot of deep slate and Moss and even this flower in Azalea if we come here that’s the door this mining shop goes very far as I mine quite a lot in my Survival series I definitely recommend you try to make

This build as it’s easy and looks absolutely stunning if you are fan of allies these little cute creatures I trapped here you might want to check out this idea this is fantasy Building made by my good friend microcosm gaming and he put so much work in it look at all

The layers look at the shape and the color palette this building is Magic come to life it’s very much inspired by the Ally and it’s called Ally house this is a very versatile building you can make it to be a potion shop a Tavern or

Maybe a guild so make sure to check out the full tutorial on his channel and let’s move on and this one was quite requested by all of you this is a shop card I made it a flower shop card but you can make it any

As for details on the right I’ve made a small camp for people who work at the shop here the horses they added up to the shop card thing I’m not sure what it’s called at the front here are the Stalls where you can sell the goods I put the flowers

To make these wheels just stack up for stairs in different directions I use dark oak stairs and to get into the card you have to use a strap door like this and then you enter inside there is not much space on the left there is a lot of

Barrels chests campfires with food and some potions in the frames on the right I’ve tried to make some kind of curtain to separate the stall from the main part of the card and here are some flowers again you can put anything here but I chose flowers here there are more

Decorations I put some banners on top and this place is quite open because that’s where the seat would be for a person to manage the horses two probably is not enough but that’s all I had nearby overall this is a fun build it would be a nice addition for any world

You can just imagine how this card is traveling around and selling potions of flowers or food to the citizens of your kingdom and another cute idea you all have requested is this little cute fairy table I’ve made this little noob in the forest by plenty more trees and

Decorated it with a few mushrooms lots of flowers top grass and some carpets in the middle I built this cute little table and most important thing is this flying candles I’ll choose my candles to be green because I love green but I feel like purple or red candles will do even

Better I’ve built these little chairs from slab and Science and in the middle on the table there are lots of plates made of frames and cups with mushrooms growing out of it probably shouldn’t put the mushroom in that would make more sense and I didn’t get the cap well moving on

Another design one of you suggested I make is a forge I’m sure you meant forged the building but I’ve been thinking why not make Forge the hammer this thing looks quite cool and it inspired by last Epoch Forge if you’ve played it you will probably recognize it

It’s a fairly simple design on the side you can see it just made three by three blocks with lots of stairs on this side and in the middle we have this water to cool down you from when you’re forging in the middle it is Anvil and a smithing

Table so you can do anything you want here technically you would need the grinding stone too but I haven’t put it in here yet one of the latest things I want to show you today are the corruption options as you can see here’s my purple corruption

I have experimented with it quite a lot here’s the one with deep slate one with drip Stone coming out of the earth inside the Earth but I have a few other for example this green one you just use lots of cyan blocks with this warp blocks I’m not sure which what are the

Names but you know you can find them in another and it looks quite cute give it some kind of mushroomy look but let me show you the yellow one I think that’s my second favorite I use lots of Honey blocks some mostly yellow terracotta yellow glass the honey makes such a

Funny sound can you hear it oh and some pool also don’t forget to use lots of glass to make this kind of flamy crystals and a few candles the last one one of the coolest in my opinion is the red corruption you can easily mix in lots of deep slate with like this

Redstone deep slate which makes it so corrupted in the middle you can use black glass with red glass and some of these red blocks from the nether if you enjoyed today’s video let me know in the comments like And subscribe and remember I do have tutorials on some of the

Things so make sure to look in the description and see you next time bye

This video, titled ’20 + Fantasy Build Ideas for Minecraft’, was uploaded by SheraNom on 2023-05-13 13:11:47. It has garnered 9970 views and 634 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:17 or 1037 seconds.

Hi, friends 🙂 Today I want to show you 20+ fantasy ideas you can build in your minecraft world. There are many ideas with different difficulty, so anyone can find something for themselves.

🌸Ally house by Microcosm gaming🌸: https://youtu.be/Eoq8Rf7Gx4I

🍎The start of the Apple village by Dio🍎: https://youtu.be/xKcinkwIUZI

🥖Koala’s channel with cool tutorials!🥖 https://www.youtube.com/@KoalaBuilds

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Even more Ideas on my other accounts! Don’t miss out 🙂 🌸Pinterest🌸: https://www.pinterest.com/Shera_nom/ 🍁Reddit🍁 https://www.reddit.com/user/sher_nom 🐳Instagram 🐳 https://www.instagram.com/shera_nom/

JOIN our Discord community server: https://discord.com/invite/uUfvPWydDr Get to know me behind the scenes and chat with awesome people 🙂


00:00 – preview 1:06 – 1-2 1:45 – 3 2:36 – 4-5 3:32 – 6 4:29 -7 5:16 – 8 5:54 – 9 6:43 – 10-11 7:43 – 12 8:59 – 13 9:35 – 14-15 10:29 – 16 11:27 -17-18 12:30 -19 13:01 -20 14:24 -21 15:11 – 22 15:53 – 23

If you have any suggestions on how to improve the video or what to build next, please leave them in the comments 🙂

Like and subscribe to support me 🥰

===========What I use========

🦄 Texture Packs:

🦄 BSL shaders: https://bitslablab.com

🦄 Replay Mod: https://www.replaymod.com

🦄 DaVinci Resolve 16: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com


🦄 Skin: Mochhi from Skindex https://www.minecraftskins.com/profile/3229400/mochhi/2

🦄 Music: Epidemic Sound Join this amazing planform and help me a bit with this referral link: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/3lxntv/ ( It doesn’t cost extra for you but helps me out )

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  • Becoming the Grim Reaper in Minecraft

    Becoming the Grim Reaper in Minecraft Minecraft: Becoming the Angel of Death Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where the player transforms into the Angel of Death. In this exciting gameplay, viewers are in for a treat as they witness the protagonist navigate through challenges and conquer obstacles in the virtual world. Unleashing the Angel of Death As the player delves deeper into the game, they take on the persona of the Angel of Death, wielding immense power and authority. With this newfound identity, they embark on a mission to conquer enemies and emerge victorious in the Minecraft universe. Mastering Survival Skills Survival is key… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE NEW Mods & Packs for Minecraft! 😱

    UNBELIEVABLE NEW Mods & Packs for Minecraft! 😱Video Information the 1.20.1 update of Timeless and Classics now rebranded as Timeless and Classics 0 represents a significant advancement in the world of Minecraft firearm mods this version has been meticulously crafted by a reassembled team of the original Timeless and Classics developers they have not only Rewritten all existing code but also remodeled and animated the Firearms enhancing both functionality and visual appeal furthermore they have expanded the mod’s features creating a more immersive and detailed experience in this latest update the mod boasts an expanded Arsenal offering players a selection of 14 distinct guns spread across seven… Read More

  • Exploring Primordial Caves for 100 Days in Minecraft

    Exploring Primordial Caves for 100 Days in MinecraftVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] hari pertama aku terbangun di sebuah village yang biasa-biasa aja sih ya di sini aku lagi cosplay jadi seorang pengangguran yang yang baru nyari kerjaan bisa dibilang aku ini orangnya yang termasuk pilih-pilih kerjaan ya aku cari kerjaan sesuai kesukaanku aja sih di pagi itu k mulai kegiatanku dengan mencoba mengumpulkan beberapa kayu untuk membuat meja kerja sebagai alat untuk membuat pickaxe dan alat itu aku gunakan untuk mencari beberapa pbatuan untuk membuat alat yang lainnya Setelah itu k lanjutkan kembali kesibukanku di Village kayaknya di persediaan kayu lagi membant Villager merapikan hebel… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Insane Minecraft Hardcore Monument Drain

    UNBELIEVABLE: Insane Minecraft Hardcore Monument DrainVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore – Draining Monument – lofi – no mic’, was uploaded by hlpog on 2024-02-22 12:42:07. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:31 or 5011 seconds. I like blocks Ignore Tags- Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video…. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Build by Beppo

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Build by BeppoVideo Information my nether portal is so boring but how interesting can I make a nether portal H So the plan is to construct a massive circle of nether biomes around a giant ruined portal this is going to take weeks okay I think this island is a good spot for it so we’ll have to flatten it out quite a bit I wonder if there’s a faster way I can clear [Music] this yeah although there’s still a lot of debris so let’s just boom now we can build a giant circle around the [Music] island uh-oh that is… Read More

  • Shocking Return to Egg Wars – Pro vs Noob #shorts

    Shocking Return to Egg Wars - Pro vs Noob #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ماين كرافت : العودة لحرب البيض بعد سنتين !!؟ هل الاحتراف موجود #shorts’, was uploaded by Noor Gamer on 2024-05-28 07:56:28. It has garnered 417 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. ماين كرافت : العودة لحرب البيض بعد سنتين !!؟ هل الاحتراف موجود #shorts كلمات مفتاحية 0 minecraft, 0 minecraft songs, 0.16 0 minecraft, 1 9 minecraft, 1 and 0 minecraft song, 1 minecraft, 1 minecraft day, 1 minecraft girl 69 minecraft girl, 1 minecraft intro, 1 minecraft juegagerman, 1 minecraft songs, 1 minecraft stampylongnose, 1 minecraft… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos with MR. LIGHTNING – Minecraft Mayhem! #shizoClickbait

    Unleash Chaos with MR. LIGHTNING - Minecraft Mayhem! #shizoClickbaitVideo Information मैं तो एकदम नीचे डिक डाउन करने जा रहा हूं देखते हैं क्या होता है अरे भाई कोल मिल गया एक सेकंड गोल्ड भी है ओ माय गॉड आयरन एंड भाई देखो डायमंड भी मिल गया यार आज तो मजा ही आ गया अरे एमसी लाल सुनो हां क्या हुआ बोल तुम तो क्रिएटिव मोड से This video, titled ‘minecraft funny || minecraft shorts || #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by MR. LIGHTNING on 2024-06-06 12:15:26. It has garnered 625 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft funny, baby zombie… Read More

  • EPIC 1000 FT CACTUS FARM!! 😮 Minecraft SMP India Livestream

    EPIC 1000 FT CACTUS FARM!! 😮 Minecraft SMP India LivestreamVideo Information नीट अभी क्या है ये जब भी कैक्टस मिल रही है य गिर रेडन ट चलो भाई स्ट्रीम चालू हो गई कोई गाली नहीं देगा हरसल भाई को तुम रोक नहीं पाते हरसल भाई के घर पर पता लग गई गाली देते हैं क्या होगा चलो हेडफोन चार्ज हो रहा आवाज रिपीट नहीं होनी चाहि स्ट्रीम पर आवाज रिपीट हो तो बताना हेलो मिस्टर हरजोत वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम स्ट्रीम टू द अरे बाप रे 14 महीने अबे अभी तो तेरे आ महीने हुए थे जी गया क्याक कर लिया भाई से कुछ महीने ीने किया भेजा नहीं… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN! Mikey Diamond Battles JJ Emerald in Minecraft Castle

    EPIC SHOWDOWN! Mikey Diamond Battles JJ Emerald in Minecraft CastleVideo Information Mikey and JJ are at War so we’re building diamond and emerald castles but only one person can be king pip I think JJ should be king oh no way Lou Mikey should be king oh you know what since we can’t decide let’s build some diamond and emerald castles to see who’s is best and decide who will be king after having a war oh you’re on Lou and at the end of this video we’ll crown Mikey as king no we’ll be crowning JJ as’s King anyways I’m going to get started building my Diamond Castle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Battle Pt 41: Winner Takes All!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Battle Pt 41: Winner Takes All!Video Information okay he’s not [Music] friendly can you see him say hi T say [Music] hi I mean what’s the odds so it’s like I’m going to beat this down and I’m going tame her beat her down shove some meat in her about the time I get her tame three freaking Raptors come out of nowhere and take me and her boat out I hate them [Music] Sons I don’t think the first a kit gets rid of be that’s SC let’s find out oh my God I hit [Music] scrap oh my god did Abus I hit… Read More

  • Phobos SMP | smp, semi-vanilla | Java 1.20.6/1.21 | events, custom bosses

    Welcome to Phobos SMP! Join Our Discord A chill community based SMP launching tomorrow is looking for active members! Phobos SMP has been running since mid-2020, and this new season features a semi-cohesive lore story, custom datapacks, and a texture pack. Explore the mysteries of the ancients and the tainted’s wars on a big island while creating your own lore and theories. What We Offer: 2 new custom bosses Legendary weapons to compete for No mods Active welcoming community Lore to build off of Whitelist system for safety Experienced admin team Vanilla feel with quality of life improvements Ready to… Read More


    SZEDZIANOWO CITY (2017-2024) CREATIVE-CITY BUILDER [PL/ENG]Hello, Hello!More info in main page!The biggest Polish Creative City!Discover over 80 districts!- Project owners:WargroyPablito_mcThe mountainMakeThisRealwww.planetminecraft.com/member/makethisreal/Reg_D_Wistwww.planetminecraft.com/member/reg_d_wistKarol06Ten_Cool Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Yasssss Minecraft Queen Slays”

    This Minecraft meme is a solid 4 out of 10, just like my mining skills in the game. Read More

  • Zoom through Minecraft with Minebikes Mod – Ride in Style!

    Zoom through Minecraft with Minebikes Mod - Ride in Style! In the world of Minecraft, a new mod takes flight, Introducing Minebikes, motorcycles so bright. Craft them with care, fuel them up right, And ride through the pixelated night. To start your journey, craft a table so fine, With categories to browse, items to combine. Gasoline is key, for your engine to ignite, Refine it with coal, water, and might. Don’t forget the spark plug, to start your machine, Choose wisely, for different types are seen. Repair with a wrench, iron ingots in sight, Keep your bike running, in the day or the night. Paint your ride, with colors… Read More

  • Back in my day… #minecraft #memes

    Back in my day... #minecraft #memes Remember when you used to spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to have your little brother come in and blow it all up with TNT? Good times. #velhostempos #minecraftmemories Read More

  • Noob vs Pro: Minecraft Showdown

    Noob vs Pro: Minecraft Showdown Minecraft Noob Vs Pro: A Fun and Educational Comparison Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for some entertainment and learning at the same time? Look no further! The Minecraft Noob Vs Pro video is here to provide you with a delightful comparison of the mistakes made by a noob and the correct strategies employed by a pro. Learning from Mistakes In this video, viewers get to witness the common errors that a noob typically makes in Minecraft. From inefficient resource gathering to building structures that are prone to disasters, the noob’s journey is filled with valuable lessons for beginners…. Read More

  • INSANE!! Completing EVERY Quest!! Minecraft Sky Revolutions Gaming On Caffeine

    INSANE!! Completing EVERY Quest!! Minecraft Sky Revolutions Gaming On CaffeineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Revolutions | COMPLETING EVERY SINGLE QUEST! #18 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-06-01 22:00:23. It has garnered 18043 views and 847 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:35 or 3755 seconds. Minecraft Sky Revolutions | COMPLETING EVERY SINGLE QUEST! #18 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Bees 2 | A DIFFERENT KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/lHV7xvXMjvo ★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine ★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC ★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc Sky Revolutions Mod Pack -… Read More