EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Freddy Fazbear TRAPPED by JJ and Mikey

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JJ we’ve got a job to do the boss wants us to pull off a heist and grab that red flash drive Mikey you sure this is the right move I mean messing with these guys could get us in serious trouble JJ take a look at that guard by the

Entrance I’ve got a plan to neutralize him without raising any alarms all right but we need a solid plan breaking into their place won’t be a walk in the park I’ve been scoping it out there’s a weak spot in their security system and I know

A guy who can disable it for us Mikey there’s the seller we can’t afford to let him raise the alarm either any ideas on how to handle this I’ve got a stun gun here it’ll knock him out without making much noise what are you doing I called the police don’t worry JJ he

Won’t know when to hit him lights out let’s move him to a quiet spot before someone notices Mikey there’s the safe how are we going to crack it open without drawing too much attention I’ve got just the thing pass me the explosives from the bag explosives Mikey

Are you sure about this we’re not here to bring the whole place down trust me J J these charges are small but powerful enough to get the job done without causing a scene we’ll be in and out before anyone knows what hit them Mikey we did it the safe’s blown open and look

At all these emeralds this is a jackpot told you JJ the risks are always worth the rewards let’s bag these emeralds and get out of here Mikey this is a game Cher for us with these emeralds we’ll be in the boss’s good graces for a long time Mikey we’re not wasting any time

Next up the second store any special precautions we should take Mikey this is unexpected we were after something else but look at all this Weaponry what do you make of it seems like this store has more than just Goods on display they might be dealing in some serious

Firepower should we grab some while we’re here it could come in handy later no JJ we’re not here for weapons we stick to the plan Mikey I’ve got a crazy idea what if we grab some pickaxes and break into that building across the street there might be a chance the flash

Drive is hidden there might Mikey what the hell look over there is that is that our friend Nico oh no this is messed up what happened to him Mikey we need to get out of here this is Way Beyond what we signed up for hold on JJ we need to

Figure out what went down here something’s not right Mikey look over there is that a statue of Freddy Fazbear what’s it doing here oh no don’t tell me we stumbled into some kind of horror themed setup this is giving me the creeps Mikey this is a nightmare we

Can’t stay here we need to find that flash drive Bale JJ you watch too many horror movies but you’re right let’s focus on the mission Mikey I think I found the room it looks like there are a lot of prisoners in here the flash drive might be hidden among their belongings

All right let’s make this quick keep an eye out for the flash drive and we’ll get out before anyone notices Mikey looks like we’ve got company these guys don’t seem too friendly Mikey forget the scuffle for now we need to find that flash drive before things get even more

Out of hand nice one JJ we’ve got what we came for now let’s get out of this place before it turns into a full-blown war zone Mikey I’m not sticking around any longer this place gives me the creeps let’s go Mikey I think this is a

Dead end but we need to get through this wall we’ve got to find another way yeah we can probably break through here let me grab the tools Mikey what the heck is that thing that’s a creeper they’re usually not around in real life this is bad Mikey what do we do it’s getting

Closer uh I don’t know JJ in the you’d hit it but this isn’t a game Mikey forget the creeper for a moment look over there in the corner is that a suitcase yeah it is let’s check it out maybe there’s something valuable inside Mikey looks like our luck just took a

Nose dive in the second garage there’s a bunch of security guards and they don’t look too happy to see us well that complicates things we can’t let them catch us with the money Mikey we need a plan and we need it fast how do we deal

With all of them there’s a storage room to the left we can use it as cover and maybe find some something to give us an edge Mikey that was too close for comfort now we need to find the keys to get out of here any idea where they

Might be there’s a desk near the entrance let’s check it for any clues or Keys Mikey I can’t believe how intense this has become first the creeper then the guards what’s next let’s not jinx it JJ Mikey we’ve got the keys let’s jump in the car and head straight to the

Airport we need to get out of here before more trouble finds US agreed JJ buckle up we’re on our way to the airport once we there we’ll have a chance to regroup and Mikey do you think anyone’s on to us that Heist got way messier than we

Anticipated it’s hard to say JJ we need to stay low and stick to the plan once we’re at the airport we’ll lay low until we can assess the situation first we need to ditch this vehicle then let’s find a quiet spot to lay low and go over

What we know we can’t afford any more surprises Mikey we need to find a plane to get out of here any idea where we can charge harder one on short notice there’s a private jet terminal on the West Side let’s head there and see if we can arrange something Mikey do you think

Anyone is on to us we can’t afford to attract attention it’s hard to tell JJ let’s stay vigilant and move quickly we need to get on that plane and out of here Mikey we’ve got the plane let’s board quickly and get out of here we can

Sort out the details once we’re in the air agreed JJ the less time we spend on the ground the better once we’re in the air we can figure out our next move Mikey I can’t believe we’re actually getting away what’s our destination we’ll head to a secure location for

Now a few moments later Mikey something’s not right I can’t seem to maintain control of the plane we’re losing altitude JJ hold on tight I’ll try to stabilize it what the hell is happening Mikey we’re losing control I can’t do anything to stabilize the plane

JJ you alive talk to me yeah I’m alive Mikey what happened where are we we had to bail out of the plane it crashed look we need to move but there’s a problem JJ we’re in a tight spot the plane went down because of some malfunction and I

Lost control the worst part the red flash drive is still at the crash site the police are swarming the area Mikey how could this happen that flash drive is crucial what are we going to do JJ we can’t afford to waste any time take this weapon and let’s handle the situation

Before the police secure the area Mikey this isn’t going to end well we’re taking on the police now we don’t have a choice JJ we need that flash drive and we can’t let the police get their hands on it be discreet take them out quietly and let’s get in and out Mikey this

Feels like a bad idea we’re escalating things way too quickly JJ stay low and follow my lead we’re going in to retrieve that red flash drive remember we need it for the boss and there’s a hefty reward waiting for us got it Mikey let’s make this quick and quiet there it

Is JJ the flash drive let’s grab it and get out of here before more cops show up Mikey let’s move we don’t have much time good job JJ now let’s get out of here and figure out our next move one eternity later we came to our boss now

We need to talk to him so that he will pay us for this flash drive boss here it is the red flash drive we went through hell to get our hands on it Well Done Mikey JJ I knew I could count on you too hand it over boss why all the secrecy

Why did you pose as the store clerk it’s all about keeping things discreet my friends Mikey JJ you’re naive if you thought you were getting a reward you were just Pawns in my game retrieving something I needed without knowing the full picture JJ we’ve been played that

Rat we need to get out of here before his goons catch up with us Mikey we might not get our payday but we’re not going down without a fight these guys won’t let up JJ watch your back got it Mikey let’s show them we’re not to be

Messed with we need to finish this quickly and get out of here the boss might have betrayed us but we’re we’re not going down without a fight agreed Mikey let’s make them regret Crossing us it looks like we’re in the clear for now let’s proceed cautiously to that

Warehouse District we need to find this secret hideout Mikey we can’t afford any more surprises if this guy was telling the truth we might be walking into a trap where’s your boss the one who betrayed us we want answers I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m just a

Middleman I swear you better start talking or things are going to get real ugly for you okay okay he’s got a secret hideout in the abandoned warehouse District but I swear I didn’t know he was going to STI you the warehouse District huh you better not be leading

Us into another trap you’ve led us on a wild goose chase and I’m done playing your games we don’t need you anymore you better hope we find what we’re looking for or you won’t be so lucky next time you betrayed us and you won’t get a second chance consider this your

Punishment for leading us astray into the water you go maybe you’ll think twice before deceiving someone again now that we’ve dealt with that problem let’s focus on finding this Hideout it has to be around here somewhere if he wasn’t lying about The Hideout a few moments later there he is

The traitor let’s keep our distance and observe his movements we need to figure out what we’re dealing with before making a move agreed Mikey we can’t afford to underestimate him especially if he’s got something to hide in there they stay in the shadows watching as the criminal Authority moves around his

House the dim light inside reveals glimpses of his activity we need to find a way in without alerting him if he’s got information on that flash drive we need to get our hands on it there’s a back entrance we could try that less chance of him noticing us let’s wait for

The right moment when he’s occupied or distracted we make our move we can’t afford any mistakes JJ I’ve had enough of this betrayal we need to hit him where it hurts in his own Den I’ve got a plan and we’re going to make him pay what are you you have in mind Mikey

We’re going to break into that house find whatever dirt he’s hiding and use it against him it’s time for payback it’s time let’s move quietly and stay low we don’t want anyone catching wind of our presence got it Mikey stealth is the key once we’re inside we find

Whatever we can to use against him all right JJ start with the drawers and cabinets we’re looking for documents anything that ties him to our setup got it Mikey let’s make this quick and thorough silently move around the k kchen opening drawers and inspecting the contents the ticking of a clock echoes

In the background as they sift through the evidence that might expose the criminal authori Secrets JJ he’s coming we need to get out of here now agreed let’s go back through the window we can come back later with a better plan go JJ I’ll cover our tracks we can’t let him

Catch us off guard again we need some Firepower absolutely Mikey we can’t afford to be unarmed in this game you there we know you’ve got Deep Pockets and we’re not leaving without some compensation for our troubles it doesn’t matter who we are what matters is that

You’re going to pay up for the trouble your kind has caused us that went better than expected with this cash we can gear up properly we should be able to get the best let’s make sure we’re prepared for anything reach the arms dealer’s location Mikey JJ what brings you back

So soon we need the best you’ve got no holding back this time you’ve got it I’ve got some new arrivals that might interest you we’ve got everything we need this time he won’t see it coming let’s make him regret the day he crossed us no more games time to make a

Statement let’s bring this house down he won’t have a place to hide after this here we go get ready to watch it crumble as the explosives detonate the night sky is illuminated by fiery destruction debris scatters and the once secure Hideout of the criminal Authority is reduced to ruins that’s for the Betrayal

Now he’s got nowhere to hide let’s run away faster so he doesn’t catch us because he doesn’t have a home anymore one day later hey Mikey we need to go to the bank and talk to the consultant I need to withdraw some cash from my card it’ll just take 30 seconds of course

Gentlemen could you please provide your cards here you go it’s just a small amount should be fast yeah we’re in a bit of a rush hope it won’t take long not a problem let me process this for you done your cash is ready that was quick thanks a lot Mikey let’s get going

Absolutely JJ quick and quick out what’s the plan for the weekend hey Mikey let’s hit the market and grab some groceries for the week we could use some fresh stuff at home absolutely JJ I’m running low on snacks anyway need to restock JJ my man long time no see who’s your

Friend you can trust JJ on that what can I get you guys today we need a bit of everything some veggies fruits and maybe some of that special cheese you always recommend Mikey let’s head home I’ve got this amazing cake waiting on the table it’s calling our names cake you’ve got

My attention what kind of cake cake are we talking about it’s this incredible chocolate caramel cake I found at the bakery trust me it’s worth every calorie chocolate and caramel you’re speaking my language lead the way my friend Mikey let’s swing by my place I want to check

In on my wife and see how she’s doing sure thing JJ it’s been a while since we caught up with her Mikey do you see what I’m seeing is that is that my wife sleeping in bed with some wealthy guy uh JJ I hate to break it to you but yeah

That’s what it looks like I’m so sorry man this is unbelievable I can’t believe she would do this what do I do now JJ I’ve had enough get out of this house what’s going on why are you doing this I can’t take it anymore JJ we’re done now

Leave fine but at least let me grab some money from the safe I need to figure things out you’re not taking anything get out now I just need some cash to get by can’t you understand this is ridiculous I have a right to my own belongings your belongings won’t solve

Anything just go JJ leave take it easy JJ you don’t have have to go through this alone let’s figure out what’s next together it’s over Mikey I need to go everything’s falling apart it’s a mess Mikey she kicked me out and I could only manage to grab $64 from the safe 64

That’s hardly enough to get by what are you going to do I have no idea Mikey right now I just need to figure out where to stay and how to make this little amount last hey Mark we’re going through a tough time and I was wondering

If you could help us out with a good deal on groceries JJ I wish I could but times have been tough for me too I’m barely scraping by I’m really sorry JJ I wish there was something I could do maybe check out some local assistance programs for food banks thanks Mark we

Appreciate your honesty we’ll figure something out Mikey let’s try the bank maybe they can help us out with our financial situation hi there we’re going through a tough time and we were wondering if there’s anything the bank can do to help us out maybe a loan or something your accounts are frozen

Unfortunately there’s nothing I can do here JJ we need to get to the bottom of this let’s contact customer service and see if we can clear things up JJ we need to figure out a way to get some food how about we try fishing fishing it’s been

Ages but it’s worth a shot let’s do it here’s an extra fishing rod I brought along it’s not the best but it should get the job done thanks Mikey I haven’t fished in years hope I haven’t lost my touch thank you more than Mikey for giving me this fishing rod now I can

Catch a lot of fish JJ give it a shot cast your line and let’s see what you can catch all right here goes nothing hey I think you got something quick reel it in I’ve got something this is incredible look at that not bad for your

First catch what do you think a good dinner absolutely I can’t believe I actually caught something this feels like a small victory Mikey let’s head back to the market we’ve got this Fresh Catch and maybe Mark can use it or even help us out great idea JJ if we can

Trade it for some groceries or get a good deal it’ll be a win-win I see JJ sometimes a little creativity and teamwork go a long way Mikey after all that I could use a break how about we take a little stroll sounds like a plan

JJ a walk could do us good clear our heads a bit Mikey I can’t believe this she won’t even let me talk and her new husband is threatening to call the police it’s a tough situation JJ maybe it’s better to step away for now emotions are high and it doesn’t look

Like they’re open to a conversation I just wanted closure you know to understand why things turned out this way fine let’s go I don’t want the police involved it’s just hard you know Mikey this is escalating quickly the police are here and they seem serious about arresting us stay calm JJ let’s

Comply with their instructions and try to explain the situation calmly gentlemen we’ve received a complaint and we need both of you to come with us officer please we don’t want any trouble we were just trying to have a civil conversation yeah we were about to leave when you arrived one eternity

Later Mikey this is a nightmare they’ve taken everything from us and now they’re moving us to new cells do you think they’re planning to keep us here for long I don’t know JJ this whole situation is insane I never thought we’d end up in a place like this did they

Give any indication of how long we’re going to be held I’ll hear you out at the station let’s go gentlemen not a word it feels like they’re just doing whatever they want this is beyond frustrating we need to figure out what we’re up against maybe there’s a way to

Speed up the process or at least get some answers Mikey this is crazy we’re in separate cells but at least there’s this tiny window that connects us any ideas on how we can get out of here JJ I’ve been thinking maybe we can try to

Find a weak spot in the walls or the doors something we can exploit good thinking I’ll check myself for any loose bricks or a way to pry open the door and I’ll do the same on my end we need to be quick and discreet about it if we find

Anything we can share the information through this window Mikey I found a loose brick in the corner I’m going to try and work on it quietly great I’ll keep keep an eye out for any guards let me know if you make progress JJ looks like a change of scenery they’re taking

Us outside this could be an opportunity right Mikey maybe we can use this time to assess the surroundings find weaknesses in the security or even gather some Intel you two stay together this is just a brief walk so don’t get any ideas got it officer we appreciate

The fresh air keep an eye out for anything unusual we need to be strategic about this agreed let’s make mental notes of exits guard Road ations anything that could help us later all right back inside no funing business we’ve got some information let’s use it wisely when we’re back in our cells

Here’s a shovel we’re giving you the opportunity to dig yourself a new home make the most of it sure officer I appreciate the tools JJ this might be our chance if you create a distraction I’ll try to slip out when the guards aren’t looking got it I’ll make it look

Like I’m digging but keep an eye on the guards how’s it going in there JJ we’ve really done it this time the police are Furious and they’re hot on our Tails how did we end up in this mess Mikey sometimes you have to break a few rules

To survive we can’t let them catch us now any idea where we’re headed not a clue JJ but we can’t stay in one place for too long we need a plan and fast right we need to stay off the main roads avoid any attention how about we find

Some secluded spot to lay low and figure out our next move Mikey desperate times call for desperate measures we need to do impossible and hit the bank we’ll have to wait until Nightfall to pull this off robbing a bank JJ are you sure about this Mikey it’s showtime night has

Fallen and it’s now or never let’s start setting up the dynamite to blast our way into the Vault and pull off this Heist JJ I never thought I’d find myself in a situation like this are you sure about this got it JJ this is crazy but desperate times right the vault’s open

Let’s move Mikey JJ I’ve got the bags let’s make a clean exit I’m moving as as fast as I can Mikey keep an eye out for any signs of trouble I’ve got the cash Mikey let’s go JJ we’ve got to move the alarms have been triggered we can linger

JJ the longer we stay the higher the chances of getting caught grab what’s in Arms Reach and let’s make a quick exit JJ this went South fast we need to find a way out before they lock Us in I see an emergency exit up ahead let’s make a

Run for it this is it JJ let’s hope we can slip away before they catch up JJ we made it out now let’s get to our secret spot near the fishing pier agreed Mikey we need to lay low for a while until things cool down we should be safe here

The authorities won’t think to look for us near the fishing pier it’s incredible how fast everything escalated who would have thought we’d end up here life takes unexpected turns JJ we just need to stay low count our gains and figure out the next move JJ Against All Odds we pulled

Off the heist we’ve got the cash and now we can actually consider buying that house it’s surreal Mikey a few moments later let’s be smart about this welcome gentlemen I have a variety of homes to show you let’s start with this one it’s a fixer upper but the

Price is unbeatable a plot of land with a bit of History it’s literally just dirt yeah we’re going to need something more than a mud patch it’s quaint but we might need something with more space and now gentlemen Feast your eyes on this charming house priced of

$110 it’s a steal after what we pulled off this price feels like spare change we’ve got enough cash to aim higher let’s not settle for less it’s a nice place but we’re looking for something a bit more upscale of course I understand I have a few more options that might

Meet your criteria now gentlemen the keys to this stunning estate can be yours for the modest sum of $610 that’s a hefty price tag we’ve got the cash but do we really want to spend that much let’s not rush into it we’ve come this far we can find something that

Suits us without breaking the bank now gentlemen Feast your eyes on this Hidden Gem this cozy house is list listed at $677 it’s perfect simple yet elegant JJ what do you think I love it it’s within our budget and it feels like a fresh start fantastic choice now if you could

Provide the necessary funds we can complete the transaction here you go take good care of the paperwork JJ can you believe it we own a home it’s surreal it is Mikey and you know what makes it even better we did it without compromising who we are it’s a fresh

Start my friend JJ can you believe this is our new home it’s incredible it’s more than I ever imagined the architecture the space it’s perfect and check out this backyard freeze this is the police you’re both under arrest don’t make any sudden moves how did they

Find us I have no idea this is bad Mikey you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law what are the charges we haven’t done anything wrong recently we just wanted a fresh

Start how did they catch up to us Mikey I I can’t believe we’re back in this mess they’ve thrown Us in separate cells again yeah JJ it’s like deja vu but hey at least we’ve got this little window to talk how are you holding up it’s frustrating but I’ve been better we need

To figure out a way to get out of here again any ideas we’ve done it once we can do it again maybe we should start by assessing our surroundings see if there’s any weak spots in these walls or doors Mikey something feels off they’re Gathering us for a walk outside but

There are way too many armed guards I’ve got the same gut feeling JJ this doesn’t look like a casual stroll keep your eyes open and stay alert Move Along prisoners just a little fresh air for you it’s not just a walk look at all those soldiers

This feels like more than just a break agreed JJ we need to be cautious and ready for anything JJ I’ve got a plan stick close and follow my lead what plan Mikey you’ve got to fill me in here I’m Flying Blind trust me JJ we’ve got an

Opportunity here when I give the signals we make a run for it there’s something off about this situation and I don’t want to stick around to find out run for it where do you know a way out of here just trust me JJ we’ll figure it out as

We go Mike you I get that we needed a way out but explosives seriously get ready and when I nod we make a break for Freedom JJ it was a last resort we had armed soldiers surrounding us we needed to create chaos and confusion one day

Later Mikey what do you think about the idea of opening a new store I suggest we go to KFC and discuss this H I like this idea hello hello what do you want H I’d like some baked chicken and fries please okay what about you me too please okay

It will cost six emeralds okay thank you by the way we are opening a fashion store soon and we will be glad to see you on the opening day thank you m it smells so delicious M yes you’re right right so what about the new store I want

To open a store next to KFC and your order is ready thank you here are your emeralds thank you here is your order Bona and have a nice day thank you and have a nice day too thank you so let’s get back to the topic I want to open a

Fashion store next to KFC and a shot will help us with this he will provide us with premises for the store wow this is very very cool I will help you with this come on Mikey ashad is already waiting for us H so interesting what our future store will look like M I’m

Interested too and here is a shot hello bro hello Hello friends how are you we are fine and how are you everything is okay this is great so how are things going with the premises everything is ready you can start inspection so what are we waiting for let’s go I can’t wait

To see see our future store I can’t wait either come on Mikey here is your premises please wow I really like it this premises is really big I’m very glad you like it we can go inside right now come on why are we wasting time

Can’t wait to get to work wow I really like it it’s so spacious here you’re right I really like it too the store is really big so what is the rental price renting a premises will cost you only nine emeralds we agree here are your emeralds please thank you very much for

Your help you helped us a lot in finding a premises always happy to help JJ contact us if you need help thank you bye rot good luck to you thank you and good luck to you too well then it’s time to get to work we finally opened well it’s time to

Let in the first buyers come on it’s time to get to work finally today is the first day of our store I’m so glad you’re right we made a very cool store H where are our first buyers H we need to go out to meet them and here they are

Welcome to our new store we are finally open Welcome to our store hello hello everyone we are finally open hi Welcome to our store hello hello good day hello welcome glad to see you this is wonderful finally the first day in our store Mikey what do you

Think about this I am very glad to receive our first buyers yeah there are so many of them today it’s very cool there are so many amazing glasses here I don’t even know which ones to choose can I help you or give you advice I’m looking for new glasses wow what a

Beauty it is here leave this store they are trying to scam you they stole it all what what are you saying get out of here or I’ll give you a hard time get out of here go away what this is the director of KFC everything is fine guys don’t pay

Attention don’t worry he always seemed strange we are with you thank you so I’ll buy a soda water okay and it will cost $7 okay here’s your $7 please thank you for your purchase we were glad to see you in our new store come again thank you good luck to you

Thank you good luck to you too have a good day have a good day to you too goodbye hello what do you want Hello I’d like a cola please okay it costs $4 okay here are your dollars thanks for purchase come again thank you you have a

Very good store but don’t pay attention to the KFC director he’s just jealous he always seemed strange thank you for your support and Trust have a good day hm what is happening there good day I want to buy a new hat from you one moment please what is happening there I’m sorry

It will cost $6 okay you’re $6 thank you for your purchase have a nice day glad to see you again so what’s going on here JJ she tried to ruin our clothes what for what the director of KFC sent me and gave me money please forgive me this is

The money he gave her what the why is he doing this he said that you are taking all his clients away from him and asked me to stop you please forgive me take this for close this won’t happen again oh okay we forgive you but don’t do that

Again and don’t listen to him we’ll figure it out thank you good luck so the first day of work has finally passed I’m glad yeah Mikey I’m glad too and here’s your share of the money wow this is cool we finally made money yeah this is our first money earned

Hey look there what’s there this is the waiter and director of KFC what are they doing I think they are planning something hm that’s interesting they are really suspicious you’re right what are we going to do don’t know in any case if they harm us we will contact the police

I hope they won’t do anything bad to us I hope so too okay now we can go home after the first day of work hooray it was such a busy day did you enjoy our first first day at work yeah he was very interesting well here we are at home Mikey finally I

Am so hungry I’ll eat now and go to bed Bon of PE Mikey I think I’ll go to bed too thank you good night good night to you Too Mikey come quickly something happened at KFC we need to find out what happened there let’s go quickly what the look someone was killed there what look there are zombies there are a lot of them this is so creepy Mikey look someone is lying there we need to help

Them urgently what are we going to do we have swords So the plan is this we are now going to rush inside and beat all the zombies come on Mikey let’s go well we’ll give you all a hard time now forward to attack watch out JJ get it

Help JJ there are too many of them look out Mikey we’re almost done JJ help me me get it yes we did it quicker we need to help them wait what they are very similar to us is it really us are we dead this

Can’t be true is it really true no I do not believe I think the director of KFC did it all I think the same let’s go to the second floor I think there’s something hidden there what the Mikey look at this what is this they hide TNT

Here for what what do they want to destroy look Mikey there’s another room here what the what is this look here’s our store what what do they want to do I think this is the plan they want to destroy our store but for what what did

We do wrong to them why do they dislike us I don’t know Mikey but we need to stop them I agree with you but how can we stop them we are dead what we can do I think we can go to the sleeping director and stop him H okay let’s go

Mikey we need to to do this before he destroys our store what the it was just a dream it was just a nightmare JJ you won’t believe this I just had a terrible nightmare what I also had a nightmare I dreamed that we died and that the director of KFC wanted

To destroy our store let’s go quickly we need to find out if everything is okay with the store Mikey look they stole some things from us they are going too far we must take action what are we going to do JJ we must inform the police they should

Help sort this out yes you are right let them deal with them I hope they help Us hello police we urgently need help our store was robbed they are also probably planning to destroy our store using TNT where are we BP store near KFC KFC does it all okay okay we’re waiting for you thank you the policeman is coming now I hope he will help us

Oh here he comes come on Mikey we need to solve these problems quickly hello did you call hello yes it was me the director of KFC is trying to harm us did you see it yes of course yesterday he ran into the store right during the day and slandered us and today someone

Robbed us I confirm this well let’s go to him then okay let’s go come on Mikey hurry up I’m sure they’re planning something terrible now we’ll find out I think so too there he is he’s there this is the police stay where you are you are suspected of causing damage to the BP

Store as well as plotting destruction what are you saying this is not true do you really believe these two charlatans don’t make excuses we all know we know what you’re up to it was you who robbed us today and we know that you want to destroy our store we also know what you

Are hiding on the second floor no you’re lying we’ll check it now now you will show us everything that you are hiding on the second floor come on I won’t show you anything you have no evidence we will now open the the door and find out

What you are hiding you don’t have a search warrant you don’t have any evidence so I won’t show you anything either you open it yourself or we will open it ourselves no I won’t show you anything you don’t have a search warrant you have no right to enter my premises

We have the right no unfortunately he is right what I don’t have a search warrant which means we don’t have the right to open this door go away what are you doing guys leave he’s dangerous no we can’t leave it like this go away guys we will solve this problem later this can’t

Be left like this this get out of here we’ll talk to you now Mr policeman leave us we’ll talk to him now Mikey come on I’m coming listen here now we’ll go and you’ll open that door I won’t reveal anything to you you will open this door

I won’t open it we know that it was you who started all this we know that you want to destroy our store we know that it was you who robbed our store and we will not leave this unpunished we’ll be back we need to get to him on the second

Floor and get get evidence yeah but what’s our plan we will make our way to the second floor break down the door and photograph the evidence on camera and show this evidence to the policeman I like this plan but I’m very afraid that something might happen to our store I’m

Afraid of this too okay let’s go we need to do this quietly and unnoticed go around behind Okay let’s go sh there is no one yet we need to work quickly H need to climb onto the roof hey come to me come after me hop yes be careful don’t

Fall hop yes come after me be careful don’t rush it’s slippery here no come on the other side okay break here go first we are in place break down this door ready mhm go Mikey look what’s there he really planned to to destroy our store now we

Have evidence and we will finally punish him is it really true what we saw in our dreams oh no we’ll punish him Mikey before he does it JJ I’m scared everything will be fine Mikey now we’ll go and call the police now we have evidence and we will punish him he won’t

Have time to harm us let’s go Mikey we need to punish him quickly okay let’s go quickly come on Mikey there’s not a minute to waste okay I really want to solve this problem as soon as possible be careful you might fall here hop out

Are you hurt no everything is okay H I’m fine come on let’s go need to report to the police as soon as possible JJ I’m scared what if the police don’t believe us everything will be fine Mikey we will get through everything JJ what if they’re in cahoots don’t worry about it

It’s impossible now we will call the police and they will help us with everything and we will punish the director of KFC just don’t worry okay JJ we need to call the police right now we can’t waste a minute we need to end this is up we need to stop him before he

Hurts us hello police here we go again we found evidence he’s definitely planning to destroy our store we are in the store waiting for you okay thank you what did they say he’ll come now here he is hello glad to see you again hello how are you

We found evidence tonight Mikey and I snuck into his premises on the second floor and found a plan to destroy our store here look at this let’s take a look at this H yes this is is too serious yes you are absolutely right Mr policeman all this was planned by the

Director of KFC therefore we really need your help I understood you then we don’t have a minute to lose he needs to be arrested right now come on Mikey we need to end this ASAP I hope he gets punished properly he will be responsible for everything Mr KFC director you are under

Arrest for intent to cause damage to a BP store you must take us to your room on the second floor immediately I won’t show you anything you have no proof we have proofs therefore you must open the door for us or we’ll open it ourselves come on do you really believe these two

Charlatans they want to set me up besides you don’t have a search warrant here look this is a search warrant this is not a search warrant it’s a fake copy that’s why I won’t reveal anything to you stop making excuses this is a real warrant we know that you wanted to

Destroy our store and we have proof of this open the door or we will open it ourselves I won’t reveal anything to you I’ll open it myself no it’s all not true it’s not my fault they set me up it’s all your fault and you must be punished

For everything you have done I’m not guilty they want to set me up don’t trust them Mr KFC director you are under arrest for causing harm to the BP store as well as its owners you have the right to remain silent anything you say will be used against you in court follow me

And don’t resist we’re safe now JJ he’ll be punished yes my now we don’t have to worry now we can go to work in our store and not worry about anything hooray Goodbye Mr KFC director

This video, titled ‘Freddy Fazbear Got TRAPPED by JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-01-11 11:45:01. It has garnered 2953 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds.

Freddy Fazbear Got TRAPPED by JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, I make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. This videos is exclusively for fans of Maizen. I just want to create exciting stories to this characters(mikey and jayjay). Enjoy my videos. Good luck!

Original Maizen Channel – @maizenofficial

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  • 15 Years of Minecraft: The Beginning – Part 2

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  • Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvP🗿🔥

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  • AnParan – CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! 🔥

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! – Minecraft Border Hoarder 18

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  • VanillaEvolved SMP 1.20.4 Semi-anarchy Java & bedrock crossplay No hacks Seasonal & permanent maps

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  • 1.20.6 Nuke factions Quests SMP Survival

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  • Minecraft Villagers Gone Wild! | Eternals Smp Ep.30

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  • Uncovering Ryder and Pomni’s Secret Bunker in Minecraft Maizen!

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  • Shocking Heart-to-Heart With Gizoku and Onri! 💔 #Minecraft

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  • ¡Asombrosos Mods de Supervivencia para Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.81!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Building Real Shiv Temple in Minecraft!

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  • SuperiorCraft

    SuperiorCraftSuperiorCraft is a Minecraft server dedicated to fun, engagement, and playing with your friends. We love to see our players engage and have fun on our server. mc.superiorcraft.net Read More

  • Enclave Kingdoms Bedrock: Factions, Semi-vanilla, PvP, Whitelist

    Enclave Kingdoms! A bedrock server that is faction based with various add-ons like new armor and weapons to keep things interesting. Message me or comment if you are interested! Factions: Legion of the Sea Kamereon Kazoku Warriors Guild Mercenaries Each faction gets their own special abilities and perks in certain environments. What can you do? Start a war Win a war (don’t lose) Become a faction leader Overthrow your faction leader Become a spy Get hunted down by a bounty hunter if you are found out And so much more! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “This ain’t Minecraft, suckers!”

    Minecraft Memes - "This ain't Minecraft, suckers!"Well, I guess this meme must be playing a different game on its own score board! Read More

  • Crafty Modern Minecraft House Build: Easy Tutorial

    Crafty Modern Minecraft House Build: Easy Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We build modern houses, no need for chains. With walls and windows, and farms to tend, Every detail crafted, every moment we spend. From building walls to training our skills, We’ll make mistakes, but we pay the bills. Subscribe to our channel, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we’re wild and free. Join us on Instagram, and on YouTube too, For more Minecraft fun, just for you. We build, we train, we make mistakes, But in the end, our creations are great. So leap into the verse,… Read More

  • “Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!” 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme

    "Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!" 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme When you accidentally walk through the wrong nether portal and end up in a world made entirely of diamond ore… talk about a first world problem! #minecraft #shorts #meme Read More

  • 7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base

    7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base The Adventures of Minecraft – 7 Days of Survival: Building, Modifying, and Protecting My Base Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft with Fabulas do Luar as they dive into the challenges of survival, building, modifying, and protecting their base. Join them as they explore the vast landscapes, encounter dangerous creatures, and unleash their creativity in this exciting gameplay series. Building a Strong Foundation From crafting tools to constructing shelters, Fabulas do Luar demonstrates the importance of building a strong foundation in Minecraft. Watch as they gather resources, mine for valuable materials, and create intricate structures… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax – Minecraft Circus Ep.2

    SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax - Minecraft Circus Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-05-02 20:00:11. It has garnered 6832 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:56 or 3716 seconds. RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure to watch… Read More

  • Terrifying Cloud Minecraft

    Terrifying Cloud MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But It’s Terrifying’, was uploaded by cloud on 2024-04-24 20:00:12. It has garnered 929 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:19 or 2539 seconds. 3 Players survive the Minecraft Mod Fear Nightfall for the first time and regret it. Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/u4uptwqgPy Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjQ6Ao2dJO5wPGnRGbk0oKg/join In the video titled “Minecraft’s Scariest Mod: Fear Nightfall,” players explore one of Minecraft’s most intense and terrifying mods. This 42-minute episode captures their journey through dark, suspense-filled environments amplified by the mod’s enhancements to the game’s horror… Read More