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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] just kidding I’m here hi hi everyone it’s o o o hi J hi hi hi NE hian hi hi Steve hi re hi Hi V hi Hi D hi hi K hi Mr hi Hunter hi frer hi ped hi yanis hi blink hi noja hi real works hian hi Ola hi Nova hi Josh hi orange hiel hi hi Hunter hi hi Black Jack Hi D hi eeka hi hi hiy hi T hi hi hi hi hi character hi hi I spit hi g hi notorio hi hi M hi Gom hi K hi r hi P hi speeder hi gley hi g hi J hi P hi PJ hi munchy hi Joseph Hi V hi K hi J hi Steve hi hi ly hi hello hello it’s me it’s hi hi hi hi hi it’s Goen time hello I am back after almost a week of no streaming after my my very first voluntary break since day you because my body was failing hi everyone yeah honestly I wish I had like a lot of stories to tell but I didn’t do nothing I I just I just slept I I just I just slept I’m in class all he is rapid fire greetings of course welcome to the intro to I Amari streams I just rapid fire say hello hi everyone hello hi yeah I I I I just slept honestly I just I just slept yeah honestly unhinged Z material all I have to do is listen to the voices in my head you know the voices tell me their secrets and the voices tell me that I admires are all dorky so it is what it is yeah did you have any nice little dreams I tend to forget my dreams imediately upon waking up it’s very unfortunate I wish I had vivid dreams but I don’t only have those no no I only have like um waking nightmares but that’s different that’s a that’s a different conversation out together hi everyone Hi I didn’t miss my eye admirers one bit not one bit I did miss them because they’re smelly so I can’t miss smelly people yeah even when they shower they’re still smelly so of course it didn’t miss the ey admirers no way Jose I did not miss I admirers one little bit they’re all stinky and Nery and dorky and so no not even a little bit I did not miss the I admire is one bit I have standards so of course I miss my stinky Birds yeah I’m just kidding I missed you a lot I felt weird not to not to uh stream for a while like I came home from Al Luna Institute then I’m like now what I’m not accustomed to having Leisure Time and so my body went to the default so whenever I have spare time I sleep and so so like I’d get home from a little instant like I got to squeeze and an emergency nap I’d pass up for half an hour I wake up and I’m like now what did it feel not going to lie I kind of did yeah you see I live a fairly reclusive lifestyle I don’t really go out much and so even oh my God I bless their heart I have a friend who wants to take me out and like you know you’re in your blank and blank years you should be going out enjoying life I’m like I can just I can just ghou Earth that you know and and so like they’re always trying to take me out and like I I’m such an introverted I’d rather be at home kind of person I love my own little bubble and so like I not that I mind going out on occasion I mean if anything I I do get Stir Crazy on occasion but I I like to spend my free time by myself I like my lonely time you know lonely time is good time time to reflect time to read BL you know it’s different different it’s it’s good um but I I was I was I I was sent on an unexpected um escaped of the other day that I didn’t really want to go into uh so uh but okay all right no like I learned today that one of my classmates from high school who mind you was among the youngest in her class is prante with twins and just got married that’s insane I’m like oh I’m so and so years old and I haven’t thought of kids yet that’s crazy it’s okay finana can bear my children any day yeah I would y’all do while I was gone wait for me to get back would y’all I imagine y’all just sitting on your butts drawing in the dirt I can I can imagine I can imagine just like twirling your little thumbs going know what where’s go where’s goby where where goby time from finals oh Jesus Christ oh my goodness BEC okay what happened why is why is everyone snails why are when snails I I think snails are cute though I like snails they taste very good I like escargo H yeah the IMR went a little I’m not surprised I’m I’m surprised it took y’all this long to go crazy I thought that my my presence my influence would drive most Mortals mad but here I am and and you are not and you’re not absolutely losing your mind yet so crazy czy how that works out huh good to see you everyone also Maya thank you for the donation from the other day I was not on my computer but thank you very much thank you for the 50 um hope you’re taking care of yourself and resting and healing enjoy your break I had so much soup I had so much soup in case y’all don’t know I’m a mostly soft food liquid diet I had so much soup so much mashed potatoes add some mushy peas apparently that’s a British thing yeah but it was delicious lots of gravy lots of rice porridge and so I’ve been enjoying my my soft food my yummies my num Noms mhm join this I no thank you baby Cory thank you for the super no no thank you actually yeah but thank you for the 50 Maya thank you so much thank you thank you I was offline for that no way what is this blank aad Dono doing here no no no no message no nothing no one just drops a $100 donation and says nothing that’s a dork move only dorks do that I was right I was thinking to myself when I when I was out and about enjoying my time up I was thinking to myself hm I wonder what I and Myers are doing and I thought to myself I bet they’re being dorks again and I was right see only dorks do that blank donations blank OAS dork Behavior not that I know what that’s like I only know from watching the I admirers interact okay thank you for the AA Dono nerd dork imagine imagine oh I know you’re just so overwhelmed with emotion my super smart super cool oi is back wait I [ __ ] myself wait wait wait and then you couldn’t type in anything cuz your arms exploded and so I understand being in the presence of such a creature like me is is very overwhelming I’m fully aware I’m fully aware it’s okay no one it’s okay I understand you’re still dorky but like I understand where it’s coming from thank you for the araona thank you thank you thank you it’s good to see Alan I missed you that was won we I was one way I had nothing but me and the evil thoughts also why did why the [ __ ] did um YouTube eat up the super chats again like I can’t read a lot of them oh God damn it if I missed it I’m really really sorry um cppy the cat look thank you for thank you for the supera cppy L it’s been a all since we last contacted a some verbs are emotional so those being me I hope to see the Dork once more I miss I I know there’s more I did read them I’m sorry I did read them to myself when I was offline but it seems like YouTube cuz my YouTube chat kind of crashed and had to refresh I think it ate up the history for these I’m sorry about that guys but I did read it thank you thank you Cappy uh be PE thank you for the supera I think she can dodge the Super Chat bullying by not streaming her POV laughable outright risible risible what’s what is this word r i s i b l e what the hell is that word risible risible risible ha you can’t make fun of me I don’t know what that word means jokes on you I have low IQ [ __ ] you you did not account for the fact that I am indeed a dumbass oh it’s it means laughable oh H jokes on you I don’t know what that means anyways BJ thank you for the sil I would cast I would cast repel meance upon V but I see another wizard has beaten me to it listen no I am I’m surrounded by meens constantly okay you’re just jealous okay you don’t see they don’t they don’t go to this agency okay they’re they’re from elsewhere okay yeah shush Cappy thank you for the Sila cppy L it is raining today it would appear that the heavens are also weeping as I am I miss a of course you miss me of course I and Mar are just clingy and dorky of course I bet as soon as we ended stream last week y’all already crying missing me I bet I bet y’all are missing me immediately already yeah you probably just as soon as stream ends youall popped over your your little birdie butts and went yeah I bet you missed me immediately thank you thank you for the super um ra ran SAR welcome to the m thank you for joining a ret welcome to the me ship as well thank you thank you Alex thank you for the dog no proof I don’t need to have proof I I just know I just know it I just know it okay um cppy the cat thank you for the super Cappy’s log today it is cloudy the light of the sun cannot be seen just like the light of my life I am Mari Angelic menen of nanan six wave Aluna I cannot be seen I miss a I like how I like how um uh C’s having a whole Soliloquy having a whole like Captain’s Log like Captain’s Log 47 No goo in sight report when goo returns thank you Cappy que thank you for the supera been really hard week with that you go I hope you’re enjoying your break you better be resting up we Birds miss you and maybe you like you well I like you guys a little bit I suppose but I’ll have you know that I was resting well I was doing lots of sleeping okay lots of sleeps um I watched a movie with kunai and B uh I was mostly just hanging on the server just you know just chilling taking naps and that kind of thing working on my side projects in that sort of stuff I hope you rested up as well I hope things are okay for you K Cappy thank you for the super Cappy’s law Cappy shower thought edition if I was a bunch of geese how many geese do you think I you could fight I see saltan I miss ya why would I be a goose why would I be a goose I feel like if I had an animal kind of I’d be like I don’t know maybe a different kind of I’d be an eagle I’d be as someone as patriotic as me as someone as patri patriotic as me I’d be an eagle symbol of freedom and um possibly bald thank you for the super um yellow Nome 24 welcome back happy and welcome welcome to the MIP happy to have you uh Cappy thank you for the supera Cappy lo I to return soon oh joyous where did all these snails come from I miss a yeah I apparently I missed the snailing the snail happening of of the iord interesting I I okay cool I like esaro y all taste good when um when steeped in butter um K thank you for the super um I saw a woman walk by me at work and she was like 6868 6668 range now so distracted how pretty it was I forgot what I was holding you know tall women a certain teeling I know how you feel kature I know how you feel I love I love me a tall lady a tall glass of water and empis on tall okay and plus I wear heels a lot I want someone who at least like who can like you know like you know who can like a girly who can I can wear heels around you know yeah baby cor thank you welcome back happy five months I me oh thank you for the five Gifts of Vivy core if youall got a gift and membership from Vivy core make sure you thinkk them properly thank you Mr Sinister thank you for the five gifted if yall got a gifted membership from from Mr Sinister make sure you thank them properly thank you you com and Dy welcome back Happy 10 months um got to love I her brain is so wrinkly it’s a prune brain about the same size too thank you um Phantom thank you for the super yippee I is back I promise I wasn’t [ __ ] and pissing everywhere while you’re were gone I feel like I walk back into chat like um Donald Glover walks in with that gift of like him walking in with a pizza his hands that was me walking back to YouTube me walking back to everything it’s like I made the mistake of of opening Twitter today cuz normally I just I just tunnel vision my tags like check the Gen tag check the art tag check this tag check that tag then hop out um I accidentally opened the TL and squirrel but I was like I wonder if I missed anything these past few days I should have not scroll okay we’re I’m going to like I’m going to Men In Black um flashbang my eyeballs so I don’t I can forget what I just saw cool awesome I I no yippy V Community um thank you um very thank you for the Super Rat I am a genius for talking about Blackjack what is this blank Super Chat doing here thank you for the supera but if you’re going to try to deny the Dork allegations you might want to be able to um not let the cat catch your tongue okay thank you ohar thank you for the zaa who is a Amari for the blind it is light for the hungry it is bread for the sick it is the here for the lonely she is the companion for the sad it is joy for the prisoner it is freedom bro I’m just some dude that’s very sweet but I’m also literally I I I am just a goober I’m glad y’all look at me in such a way I appreciate it but I’m I am just a I mean I am I am just a goober I’m just a silly goob but thank you I am I am the the you your ha I’ll take that that that’s a good one I am the ye to your ha okay okay thank you a thank you thank you it’s good to be back real thank you for the super W look Sly towards you welcome back we miss you it’s your flushy me cozy chalky thank you for the Ching I’m really back okay I’ll be honest Chad I I I had the funniest imagery when I hit uh ghost stream and yall are exploding in chat I thought it was the cutest thing I could of imagine myself walking into a room and just like a small army of these little birds just like just like waddling towards me like you’re back you’re back and it’s the cutest imagery these tiny little pathetic looking birds there just like te Gooby gooby it was so cute I don’t know I the the the the imagery of it I found very Charming it’s very cute this the eye admire of wling and going [ __ ] where were you goby yeah cuz I imagine y’all would try to dog pal but you’re just little BBS you barely weigh anything and so it’s there like a bunch of BBS like just magnetically attached to my body it it was very cute imagery it was very cute imag little these little Waddles um Patrick Connor welcome back happy 17 months welcome back a thank you for the awesome 17 months welcome back good to see you again it’s good to be back I missed y’all thank you Patrick thank you for the super thank you um CH B thank you for the pink super welcome back ya we missed you a lot but hope you had a great restful break I have to work now I dly agree to another overnight chelby are you working un reasonable hours again you can’t be scolding Gooby and going like a you work too long you work too hard and then you pull yourself you pull this on yourself um excuse excuse me pot meat Kettle anyways hope you have a great stream and happy to have you back W wub you lots thank you wub wub too got plenty of R child be holy smokes another overnight youve been working a lot lately Goodness Me pleas please take care okay please rest rest ball yourself all right you need to rest too thank you for the pink super chowe or else if I if I catch you overworking again I will point and laugh in that exact order okay thank you B thank you for the S but thank you thank you join us I am yeah I will not be joining you thank you very much um Missi The Rock welcome back Happ happy 16 months welcome back thank you it’s good to be back thank you thank you Cappy welcome back happy 20 months was ion I didn’t even notice Cappy the Super Chat history says otherwise it says otherwise babe you might want to check the Super Chat history a 45 minute welcome back thank you for the Sila she she am just a little she’s just a little creature I am La I am indeed just a little crypted I live inside your walls and eat your funny cotton candy so yeah what super chats Cappy do you think I’m colorblind do you think I cannot I don’t see the funny colorful boxes people send thank you 45 minutes JY thank you for the super happy anniversary happy one year uh think of supera happy 12 months happy anniversary AR wow I got my anniversary just in time for your return I’m happy to see you back and M I hope you had a wonderful week thank you I had a very good week thank you I just slept like a lot I just slept a lot that that’s all there was to it thank you for the thank you welcome back happy one year happy one year yeah although I did miss my eye admires I recall eating some some particularly good soup and thinking to myself I wish the BBS were here to taste this with me I got a little lonely not going to lie but that’s okay now I’m back uh Lyn Cawa welcome back thank you for the Sila I tried writing goo for the entire for the character limit but it got but it got flaged as Spa as spam anyways goo is back yeah YouTube’s weird with the spam filter I don’t know why cuz I I take it like just a Super Chat full of this the word goob I take it sure why not I am back good to be back thank you oh good night Joshy take it easy yeah I’m sorry I got flaged you’s kind of weird about it these days but thank you very much it’s good to be back goodness me thank you very much Lynn uh Vincent the K necromancy thank you for the Supa wait wait our smart super go has returned let us rejoice shout her of free supas and mentions of many maroon means Galore listen listen listen i i i they’re not free firstly it’s good to be back they are not free thank you very much secondly um when you said maroon maidens I thought of Maroon 5 like the band and like Adam Lavine I was like I don’t know if I count Adam Lina’s madeen material for my for me personally me personally I like them I like them more um soft and bulli you know this is my personal type my personal preference okay yeah thank you for the supera Yannis thank you for the super I don’t miss you listen here you bakas listen here you dories nice try you yanis I can I can sense your way way way you miss me I know it it’s hard not to miss um Giga chat like myself I’m not bable shut up um Scholastica thank you for super ble CH Majestic be honestly have me in a beastiary have me like in a D and D beastiary legendary yeah oh yeah I hear about tornadoes hidden um certain parts of the states I hope youall are okay goodness me um Carter thank you welcome back how 3 months welcome back I get to beback thank you very much thank you thank you I’m s sky thank you for the super wait wait wait crying already it’s a pee coming out of your eyeballs this time GM ly thank you for the supera I joke about forgetting my El’s name since she abandoned us long ago but I figur the derky Bob anxiety are my tiet seriously I don’t want to make you feel bad taking a break it’s funny cuz I can’t read sarcasm very well like in person over text it’s even harder so thank you like I can get sarcasm to some degree I think my my online literacy has gone up a little bit since debut cuz just CU of raw experience but I have a hard time identifying um sarcasm in in person offline and no online through text is even harder for me I’m like what but thank you I appr thank you g Mommy okay my J welcome back happy 11 months update she smiled at me and I could not say anything to her also while you were gone tornado was very close about 20 miles we did not get better yeah what is with the tornado it feels like we’re in that movie 2012 no the day after tomorrow it’s like we’re in that Apocalypse movie yeah all right who’s getting raptured I hope things are okay k um bunker down if you have to okay watching a stream is not worth your life okay yeah good night frog okay easy good easy uh luy Warrior thank you for the supera welcome back have some Hush Puppies I hope you had 8 hours I had a minimum of 6 hours per night yes yes I was very good about it a sad sky thank you for the SAA as return is like the episode of K kids next door with a bunch of baby chicks imprint on number one honestly yeah the fact that I know exactly what you’re talking about kids next door was goed okay I really wanted a cosplay number three at one point thank you for the Super S welcome back happy 20 months s thank you so much welcome back welcome back um thank you good to see you again jomy thank you for the super uh speaking of dorkiness I want my first asan Empire uh what number is that AG of Empires tournament yay it was just me and S is playing but hey I me 50 bucks let’s go 50 smackaroos let’s go let’s go and you’re going to spend it wisely right if you don’t I will bite you you have to sacrifice your blood to me okay excuse me goodness me um R welcome back happy win month welcome back a thank you R I’m back thank you very much thank you thank you thank you hm the B makes it better uh I’m not here to judge you for in that into that kind of thing but I’m going to judge you just a little bit okay L thank you for the SAA welcome hello go I missed you also I want to let you know I just got into a game because my friend told me there’s a character that looks like you and I’m currently on the grind to get her what game is it I know I look like a character from Grand blue fantasy I think I think I think yeah I know there a few game Chara I know it look like a lot of genin characters I know resemble a lot of um star rail SL gensin SL third impact characters so uh yeah yeah but thank you for the SAA yeah I missed you guys um you’re well behaved without I was gone right you didn’t get up to any shenanigan re right because you do realize that I Mars get into some um um shenanigan I will have no choice but to destroy you right is still alive ah it me I rather bite the angel no bite me okay I taste like beef jerky you play Crib crib when I was young I as my grandparents may please have G I’m still dreamed from working sing stream G me energy a thank you happy to hear that thank you thank you thank you I like yeah beef jerky is good though sorry my allergies are acting up I’m really FY from Blue AR uh blue iart ar iart ar archive damn I don’t know why I’m having a joke today goodness me I I take a few days off and I forget how to be a streamer Yiannis thank you for the super you behave very well why why do I not believe you why why do I not believe you H oh thank you Maria how sweet of you thank you yeah my um my God andness me sorry sorry my outs are acting up I’m really flum Goodness Me J thank you for the super I’m not crying you’re crying wait wait welcome back a good to be back good to be back I miss streaming I I don’t know what purpose I have if I’m not working in streaming so like it helps it helps it helps a lot it helps keep me sane mostly well Doan if you got to go to bed go to bed Kissa welcome back happy 11 months welcome back goby thank you good to be back shooting n thank you for shooting thank you very much thank you go detected where it’s me I’m the goo it’s me hey it’s me it’s me the goober hey how’s it going hi everyone it’s me your favorite goober it’s me ya back from a weekl long break yeah goodness me my I’m so FY today unfortunately I have some [ __ ] allergies I’ve been sniffling and I’ve been I’ve been full of fleem for the past two or 3 days it’s kind of rough yeah it’s kind of rough out here where where’s the real Li it’s me I’m right in front of you Dingus I’m right here I haven’t gone anywhere it’s me you ding doong haven’t going nowhere okay yeah M iing more Val than usual yeah it’s because my voice is really well warmed up because I was on the phone with a friend earlier and so I had time to warm up my voice cuz typically I’ll take a nap and go straight to stream but if I have time to warm up I tend to have fewer voice cracks and better control over Miss Mar that’s kind of difficult normally it’s kind of difficult without warming up but with warming up anything is possible yeah a phantom go to bed good night good night thank you goodness me I’m so flamy today goodness yeah um so I hope you had a a a a good not a good time without me per se but I hope yall got some rest and stuff too I hope that during my absence y’all were taking the time to take care of yourselves and all that jazz [Music] yeah I hope you’re doing well hope you’re doing well I missed you a little bit I suppose a smidge a Teensy Wy bit very thank you for the Sila thank you thank you a Miss arari who the [ __ ] is aramar who the [ __ ] is that who the [ __ ] is that well to be fair dollahan I never said I was mommy energy I always feel awkward people call me mother I’m like um I am just a goober big sister I get though kill thank you for the super welcome back goop hope you had a good break I got to say knowing that admirers if we were keeping your sane I wor about your sanity you don’t understand there are aspects aspects aspects to coner creation that I have I personally abhor certain aspects of it but the brightest spot is the eye admirers okay I feel like everything is worthwhile because of the eye admirers you know cuz personally personally there are aspects about this line of work that’ll drive a [ __ ] insane okay they’ll drive someone insane and drive them to do some crazy [ __ ] but the I admirers will keep me tethered and grounded and I appreciate it I mean a very stinky a very stinky spot but a bright spot nonetheless yeah very very stinky smelly even stenchy but worthwhile um alen mini welcome back happy four months that one um do it for them pick is just an endless stream of comments on a board honestly yeah no for real for real the I admir keep me saying cuz there are so many like um like aspects to creation that I do not [ __ ] with I I personally hate and what there are things that drive me away from being active on social media but like having the eye ad Mars and and our little bubble really helps yeah that’s why I feel so lonely when after I hit end stream I feel so I feel crushed sometimes not going to lie and thank you for the super it welcome back time to spend uh spend dinner money time to SP spend dinner my money responsibility huh what do I mean eh what I hope you’re not wasting your dinner money on me I hope I during oh yeah of course during um the break y’all had time to strategize and and learn to properly utilize your money right during my absence y y took a financial literacy course right of course you did you did your homework you you learned how to spend better right right you did didn’t you right yeah of course G welcome back happy 11 months welcome back good thank you good to be back good to see you again thank you for rejoining yeah surely y all did right mhm right col and J is not a real mode I refuse to accept it it’s not not a real emote I I it’s it’s not real it’s not real it’s just like Britain Australia and Canada not real no no thank you no what do you mean nope what do you mean what the [ __ ] do you mean nope what the [ __ ] do you mean nope shut the [ __ ] up isumi thank you for the thank you for the gift it Alan thank you for the super oh I sure I learned a lot definitely why do I not believe you Alan Mr Sinister Mr Sinister I’d like to have a talk to you because um um um can we have a stream where we don’t have slanderous super chats I need I need a counter I need a counter if y’all have the right to give me the car counter I have the right to give y’all the slander super counter because this is getting ridiculous this getting ridiculous stop thank you for the AA Super Mr Sinister um if you properly learned your financial literacy lessons you would not um do that vaguely gestures in that direction you would not do that you be smarter and wiser about it but you like you like just making problems on purpose don’t you Mr Sinister what will you learn that you consequences thank you for the AAA thank you very much cing no thank you for the super lol l out shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up jelly right that smile off your face not even a real emote mundane thank you for the supera I was able to stay hydrated all week oh good nice and hydrated good is that a piss super shut the [ __ ] up mondy ah blueberry this thank you for the AA supera budy blueberry okay okay blueberry no no no no no no the problem is I know what you look like blueberry you’ve come to two my mean greets now and I know what you look like it’s not really responsible so if I see you offline if I see you ever in person it’s on site it’s on site it’s on site if you hear footsteps rapidly approaching [ __ ] run you better [ __ ] run I’m about to get you I’m I’m going to steal your shoes I’m going to break into your house and steal your left shoes so that you’ll never have an matching pair of shoes ever again okay specifically your left shoe okay all right cuz if y’all want to be um want to be little shits want to be little little turns then then um a feel feel free to you little you little chaes okay it it’s not being responsible blueberry Des it is not being responsible Mr Sinister now stop thank you for the AA I’m going to steal your shoes thank you drer bread man thank you for the sub no boops I don’t call give you a permission to Boop the goober okay no boopies allowed yeah I’m going to have a meet and greet except it’s in prison I’m going to fight you thank you super okay I’ll be armed and ready then I think that me no no no no I got I got the left elbow of Justice I’m going to bring my salami stick okay I’ll I’ll bring the deli meate of Deliverance okay yeah I’ll cheat you like a Baler skate boss and beat you to death with a salami stick on Minecraft um Alan thank you for the super so if you stal all the blues all Blues love shoes wouldn’t they be all right why are you like this why what happened to make you like this you’re feel that God never comes down from heaven because he doesn’t fear what he’s created thank you for the supera lucky Warrior thank you for the supera my financial responsibility is me sitting for commission that how a friend describe hot foxman who’s a [ __ ] also my baby foxman I are listen commissioning is fun though I can kind of see it I used to take commissions myself but now that I’m I’m I’m a a streamer who acquires art sometimes from um artists and commissions them I can kind of see the the the thrill in doing so I understand where you’re coming from Al welome back happy 14 months are are you a seraphin because you ignited a fire in my heart now honestly I really miss you a thank you Alice I missed you all too um my Angelic um Origins are um um uh hidden behind a lore uh so uh wait for the lore thank you welcome back happy 14 months thank you thank you yes from The Cinematic The Cinematic Masterpiece Spy Kids Kids 3D was wild it’s it’s it’s the guy it’s it’s the guy it’s [ __ ] Elijah Wood that is wild to me the fact that Elijah Wood exists as the guy in Spy Kids 3D is is kind of insane to me that was a a cultural phenomenon I think God doesn’t come out as Heaven because on the eth they and a much cooler animal and forgot all about us TBH listen it’s me I’m the cooler animal if you Google the word cool a picture of me comes up but you can only see if you’re also cool so if you don’t if you Google the word cool and you don’t see a picture of me it’s because you’re not cool okay yeah that’s the only explanation okay you know yeah yeah y maete was in there too that was crazy he was in the first two movies I think yeah and he cam me on the third one did somebody ring the dster that was crazy Emily Osman was in there too what a what a star what what a wild cast yeah yeah mhm if you don’t see it then um then um honestly then you’re just not cool enough yeah yeah mhm so about my my time away from streaming I bet y’all are wondering I must have some fun adventures and stories to tell us no uh I just slept like a lot now listen listen listen listen listen I I I know I have a a deep sleep debt to pay off and so uh I was sleeping a lot I didn’t do a whole lot to be honest I wanted to find time to pick up Hobbies but I kind of don’t really have time for that thank you for the five gifted thank you so much welcome new M if you all got a gifted membership from C make sure you think them properly thank you it’s funny I almost called you Theo I’m actually a big fan of Theo I’m I’m I’m a big fan his singing is very good I also quite like whale Taylor I’ve been listening to his music a lot lately his cover of um what’s it song um I did the same thing I tell you that I [Music] never stay stay by Justin Bieber yeah I’ve listened to his cover of that a lot lately m yeah yeah I got lots of sleep lar thank you for the SAA if I look if if I look a bit cute will you show up too no cuz I’m not cute no thank you B thank you for the supera did you mean Shark Boy and Lava Girl no I did take a little day trip uh the other day um but no I did not meet Shark Boy and Lava Girl I just move I just check the next town over yeah okay yeah um but anyways anyo so I made a quick drive with to me and my me and my GES I made a quick drive the next town over um to see some friends um it was just like a one day like a little day trip kind of thing um I was the designor driver because in my opinion I’m an excellent driver not a single accident but get this on the way there so I I went this little girls trip right so when I was on the way there I saw a cyber truck like a real deal cyber truck and God was a [ __ ] ugly I thought I was in simulation or something I didn’t know that they actually had those I didn’t know that cyber trucks were actually on the road I thought it was a proof of concept kind of thing yeah I saw a cyber truck this actually real yeah I I couldn’t believe my eyes you would not believe your eyes you would not believe your eyes listen I I didn’t know they were real I thought they’re just memes yeah okay yeah listen I’m an excellent driver all the drivers on the road are safe because I let them be okay if I if I went Mad Max mode then they’re done for okay yeah there yeah exactly yeah so I saw a cyber truck I took a photo of it of my phone I’m like wow one ugly [ __ ] it looks like a PS1 rendered PS1 rendered car it’s like a cyber truck looks like a child trying to draw a car far from memory you know if it’s it sounds it sounds weird but it sounds like cyber trucks look like children like it looks like a child’s drawing of a car okay it’s a it’s a little wild it’s it’s a little strange to look at but I was like okay how much are how much do cyber trucks cost are they like are they are they expensive I imagine they are they’re Tesla aren’t they yeah it look legit looks like a PlayStation rendered car like PS1 era yeah yeah exactly this like it’s like they ran out of polygons to render the full car and so they just use like vague shapes yeah 50 Grand huh okay they better have like like a massage chair built in or something they better have like it better come built in with an attractive Maiden in the back seat okay yeah 40 Grand goodness me also I’m so bright not I I read 40 Grand from blink and I thought oh like War himmer 40K sorry H yeah that’s crazy 100 Grand no okay I don’t know perhaps it’s it’s the the hillbilly hicking me but all I need my car to do is turn on and drive from point A to point B okay I can drive a rust bucket I can drive an engine with wheels I can do anything I don’t see why that needs to exist okay they’re kind of Bonkers looking yeah it’s kind of wild it’s like indestructible yeah don’t don’t cars have like like edges where they’re supposed to like crumble for safety yeah I mean I guess like I guess maybe has a roll cage I don’t know I don’t but most race cars have roll cages they’re not that pricey are they w desab Bel thank you for the AA super thank you thank you um I gave you this AA because I bet it during a crab game with I Accord y’all are gambling now tisk TSK y’all are gambling y’all are gambling in there I’m disappointed it happened twice it happened twice you gambled not once but twice thisel is horrible with money we’ve established this we’ve established this debel is extremely bad with money and therefore we should point and laugh thank you for the aaup can you breaking news deselle supports supports gambling unheard of unheard of unheard of mods cu the sniper this ridiculous desel fright and Center I must scold you deselle where are you why why are we doing that huh why are we beding over here why are we gambling over a crab game huh why so it’s a squid game is supposed to be a work of fiction why are you making a reality huh you Dingus don’t hide me shush listen here Dingus you better start being bir your money or else I’ll contact the devs of crab game and and ban you from playing don’t you play genin I haven’t played genin in almost two years so ha checkmates I haven’t had time to I’ve seen a lot of net porn yeah okay so so no way absolutely not what the hell that’s some dorky Behavior desel dork nerd that’s very uncool of you and dorky of you therefore um um point and laugh if nothing else Works public shaming protect do absolutely not no no we are here to name and shame don’t call and three me what is this 2009 L thank you for the super actually debel is in based I admirers are un-based they’re financially irresponsible they’re short and stinky they are smelly and dorky they’re the worst honestly truly they are the worst thank you for the AKA super desel and thank you for the being as well you absolute Dingus you absolute Dingus I picked up genin again l50 on arino and proceed to delete the game again okay iino kind of slays though kind of slays also the ultra high high heel that’s stiletto I want a shoe like that I love it I love shoes that force me to walk my tippy toes I don’t know I feel so I feel so Le in it yeah mhm it’s 27 col 3 ah God not now okay col and J is not a real there’s no way it’s a real emote there’s no way absolutely no way is that something you get at a coffee store what what get get what I did with a CO a c a coffee store what they talking about arcino oh isn’t she a lemoni like Italian B Bob lemoni like like Italian it’s not an Italian name aren’t aren’t a lot of this the fouille like are like like um um I don’t know why I almost said lesbians I me Italian I don’t know what happened I almost said lesbians no Italian not lesbians most of lesbian I don’t know how I mixed up I don’t know how I mixed up Italians and lesbians I thought you American I’m sorry ital lesbi yeah exactly exactly oh a character from an Italian opera oh okay okay I don’t know why I just I just default it to lesbian let’s go lesbians let’s go Lesbos are Les Lesbos is a Greek island non Italian I love like I love homoerotic eraser in history like and they were friends they just when the other died the other the other one this the living partner wept for days and wrote wrote poems about it about their partner they wept and they wept as if the other half died but they were just really good friends I love that what’s it time for lesmond H Le [Music] bonich let’s bichi and they were roommates yeah I I I I love writing love poems about making sweet love to my homies my my my besties me and the girlies they ever just write deeply erotic like like poetry about your bestie you ever you ever do that yeah yeah me personally me personally if somewhere in recorded history someone writes I like I like Carl on a platonic level I will come back from the grave and slap that Rider if somewhere in recorded history if I many many years down the line I have graduated I have died and someone writes oh she wases platonic with carlac I’ll come back from the grave slap you and send myself back to the Grave okay okay you can’t platonically eat cooch okay okay listen the the thoughts and feelings I have towards cic are anything but platonic okay all right yeah you know you you ever kissing freak a homie just just on a platonic basis yeah you know you ever write tender aphrodites how how tender aphrodite has struck you the longing about your best exactly yeah yeah exactly you’re besties even yeah yeah just Besties me and my Bes going to party till it’s early got me feeling early tonight yeah I could back to talk about cross I would I would I’ll come back from G just for that yeah yeah I am Mar quotes yours for the taking here you can have it you can have it you know recently I rewatched um this is very random but like one of my friends I was travel with I guess it’s the streamer brain in me that I just I’m very quippy and I I say things because I think they’re funny I guess it’s part of just my my streamer brain I suppose um but on my drive with my friends to visit my friends in another town it was like a three-hour Drive um in during that trip like one of my friends who does not know I’m a streamer mind you none of my friends know they don’t know I’m a streamer right and so I just say things I don’t only say on stream but like with no with lesser vtuber context of course and I think at one point I was talking about Len’s uh know Len Kina his punkish outfit because it has that plunging neckline it’s pleather he has his hip windows and I I remember talking about that cuz we was we listen to vocal in the car cuz of course we were and then I mentioned the term um sexually weaponized twinks the way the car went I what the [ __ ] are you talking like yeah it’s not like the alfit is like a sexually weaponized twink and so and so like and so like they’re like I you see some of the most like the most off-handed things I’m like I it’s just a streamer brain it’s just it’s just a streamer brain lond for the plon platonic smoing you know you know how it is W than you for the supera that’s benefits I have platonic corny I feel friend pit sounds very complicated I would never be able to do such a thing it sounds very complicated you know also what the hell I mean come on come on Len Google it right now Len kumina punkish outfit that’s that’s those are sexually weaponized twinkish okay sexually weaponized twink it’s funny cuz cuz like me and Ike were just messaging about like a few hours ago I I Lally just got back today and I was like bro bro I can’t believe Len I can’t believe Len is is is weaponizing his his his sexiness in that outfit it’s Absolut nonsense absolutely nonsense h i put I mean it’s culturally different you know like for example in my culture like um like um going up to some and just like doing a quick like sniffy pack like like you know like just like on the cheek or on the head that kind of thing it’s a sign of like um of like familial affection like that kind of thing it’s like my mom will do that too like I’ll I’ll be going to like good night Mom and that kind of thing she’ll give me a little like a little like a a little sniffy sniff on the cheek and that kind of thing yeah I guess like it depends on the cultural context but I think like there’s a pretty big difference between a platonic CZ and the cheek between European folks and like you know diving face first into someone cooch it’s it’s a little bit different okay yeah the hippo are delectable I bite them if I if I was given the option delicious yes yeah mhm okay forg me for understanding what is poly crisis I’m sorry what is what is poly crisis isn’t it is it is it crisis but polyamorous is that what it is is that what it is is that what po Christ is I I I’m been a little behind on on on on C nian memes oh good for them [ __ ] good for you good for you [ __ ] okay nice you know what love your best life love your best life go go ahead go for besties I guess my only breasty in crisis is probably V cuz he has big breasts so I guess yeah go go for it go for it besties go for it yeah go for besties oh by the way um speaking of Besties I watched wolf children with kunai and V the other day it was really fun I liked it I like movies with it it doesn’t have an antagonist nothing it’s just it’s just a a Coming of Age kind of story and I quite like it yeah I quite liked it I watched watch the GH ghost um wolf children H it was a good movie I liked it the sound the sound track was really really uh pleasing mhm yeah yeah so uh I think me Viv and Kun I VI and I talk sometimes Kun I not talk on a damn near daily basis and then yeah ghost children listen I just watched incantation I don’t need that right now thank you yeah it’s a very good movie yeah and then I don’t know I had P book for for dinner earlier but I’m already hungry again and I want more Foodies I’m so hungry we’re pre-blocking pre- blocking I wanted to chitchat first I mean I know I T to I tend to Yap when I play anyways but I want to Yap first I missed y’all good mint welcome back thank you 11 months um well I had a stroke welcome back happy 11 months thank you welcome back I’m catching the V tomorrow during morning doing work have a good thank you no worries no worries thank you for stopping by happy 11 months G thank you for the so we go it’s common to greet women with a kiss on the cheek and men with a quick hug I found the USA’s awkward wave in head so funny honest I want to burp excuse me no what I love about like um my favorite American Greeting the Christian side hug I love it I love it for those you know a little bit but not that much you in the side the good old Christian side hug I love it leaving room for Jesus I love it I love it personally it’s like for those of clothes with all like do a full frontal hug right rest my chin on their shoulder um for those I’m just meaning I’ll like a wave and that kind of thing um I weave I I do this I wave with both hands I can’t wave with one hand I have to wave with both hands um and then like for people that I’m not sure like am I close to you or am I not close to you a good Christian side hug a tasteful Christian side hug you know yeah with my with my friendos though the the girlies me and my girlies I’ll be giving them full hugs squeezes even and I’ll go like like that I do that always sway side to side and that kind of thing you yeah handshake greetings listen listen when I do okay when I was in business school we legit had a lesson a 15minute lesson on how do we how to do a business handshake because when you do a business handshake you have to hold the other person’s hand so that the web between your index and thumb touch each other web to web contact baby oh baby are we about to have web to web contact are our hand webs going to touch oh [ __ ] it’s getting pretty serious are we going to have web on web action you see how it’s [ __ ] weird they’re like okay students listen up you have to touch webs like uh that sounds wild can we just have a polite nod instead no you have to touch webs like okay we’re getting a little personal here okay yeah oh baby are we going to hold a hand it’s it’s a business appropriate handhold oh [ __ ] yeah it’s a it’s a business appropriate hand hold there should be like a Sims Mosaic over it then that’s kind of scandalo isn’t it yeah yeah I can’t grab the spa in that wrist though cuz my hand’s too small I can’t reach yeah yeah business appropriate sensor yeah precisely no speak I get that Christian side hugs are the way to go with hugging kids cuz I don’t to get too touchy with them so it’s always like a side hug or a Pat in the back or a head touch always that yeah plus like kids are kind of ger magnets I oh my back when I taught I caught so many colds from kids so many colds they’re walking germ bags okay especially the ones that I worked with loved rolling around during a recess playing with dirt playing with sand all kinds of germies they wipe their face with their own hands they shake my hand afterwards they touch me afterwards it’s it’s nasty you get sick really easily around kids so like I have to minimize my contact cuz they’re just they’re just ger magnets they truly are yeah exactly mhm i t for a little bit yeah no kids you are so true for that Larry they love like like um like the uh I think this called the Wuhan handshake where you touch ankles they love doing that and they love fist bumps cuz kids think it’s cooler than a wave so especially the little boys I would teach they love fist bumps they love that [ __ ] yeah how to get off you’re like oh see l a little butt then they’ll [ __ ] off it’s great it’s fabulous exactly curious C true and real felt felt felt but to be honest I remember I was working at Aluna Institute during the peak of Co and [ __ ] there be people upstairs coughing their lungs out I’m like go the [ __ ] home we have teams that have hybrid schedules work at home don’t get me sick yeah I got hella sick before debut I’m not doing that [ __ ] again yeah honestly I just cough into my coochie if that makes sense okay here okay it doesn’t make let me let me print you a picture so so okay so I’m at my desk at the Luna Institute I want to cough my hands that’s nasty I don’t want to cough my elbows like having germs on me in general I can’t cough straight it’ll get my monitor on my keyboard I can’t cough to the side I have something I have my notes there can’t cough to my left have my more have my monitors there and so like I just I I pull my my my chair back a little bit and I cough downwards it’s like I aim for the space between my legs I look down when I’m sitting but I just cough into my cooch yeah I just I just look down and I cough this in that vague Direction you know so so you know you know it’s no one’s going to see it no one’s going to I’m not getting cooch action so it’s okay no no one cares yeah exactly so what if we in sitting a I just turn into a vague opposite direction of where I didn’t want it to go you know oh my God this one time I caught I felt a caught like no I felt a knees coming and I was in the middle of a conversation so I turned around so fast I I cracked my neck I was talking to a supervisor and then I felt a sneeze coming and I was like oh [ __ ] I turned around so fast my neck meet the loudest [ __ ] crack I thought I broke my neck I thought I [ __ ] broke my neck I thought I thought it was the worst I thought it was over it was over for me I thought it was I thought I was dead I thought I was dead and then like she heard the crack she’s oh my God are you okay I’m like yes I am fine continue speaking what was the issue yeah is not crazy Bonkers absolutely Bonkers crazy Doo crazy crazy crazy C it didn’t hurt though I think this is probably just a joint popping or something yeah mhm oh also I’m I got a present from a friend because like I’m the kind of person like I don’t usually celebrate my I I’m hard to uh shop for in terms of gift giving and that kind of thing and so um uh and so I lost my Chain of Thought uh um it’s hard to buy gifts for me because uh I I’m not a very celebratory person I don’t celebrate most holidays and that kind of thing and so so um my friend wanted to get me a gift and so she had to sit on it long and hard but she got me the perfect presents okay you understand this gift is perfect perfect for Gooba you know she knows I take very risky car naps and now that summer’s coming here now that Summer’s here um I’m [ __ ] because um the cobs are about to get very d dangerous and so what she did was she got me a uh a chargeable fan and it can mount anywhere in my car and so she’s like I know you’re going to sleep in your car anyways at least use this fan I’m like that’s po F and I can crack a window turn on the fan and it’ll be safer they can still take car naps yeah then she also got me like this little like um blankie that’s really plush I can sleep on it so I don’t have to sleep on the buckles of my back seat yeah mhm it’s super handy dandy I appreciate it yeah so thoughtful so thoughtful she got them on sale too I I felt bad I was like please don’t tell me you spend a lot for this and she’s like oh no I got him still I’m like oh thank God I feel really guilty if you if you peed a lot for it I like can people spend too much on me I feel kind of guilty you know yeah yeah I I do crack a couple windows open though I cracked the uh the drivers and the passenger window just to let some air in yeah but I think the the air movement of the fan will help a lot too yeah so we’ll do we’ll do absolutely absolutely yeah my car nappies yeah I have the the um the the little the the windshield what are those called I think like sun protector dads the gold in my windshield yeah I have those I always use them yeah mhm are you going to play are you going to play Minecraft or what [ __ ] you I’m I be the game right now no re the game takes a second to boot up and I think that’s why I lost frames no worries it’s bling up no thank you for the super I’m still nice save money bro thank you thank you I thank you for the super also yeah honestly okay I don’t care which tax bracket I’m in when I’m shopping online I sort from from cheapest to most expensive I don’t care how much I make per year I will always purchase I’ll always browse shopping online from cheapest to most expensive okay and I’ll be checking the clearance section first all right it is how I roll personally okay there’s no better way to do it you have to if you want to be a resourceful good goober shop from cheapest to highest it is what it is okay m is there other way to shop I know some people just go via like um certain categories which is fine but me personally I like to budget carefully so yeah exactly it’s a perfect place to be fergal because you can organize the prices ahead of time you know you have a Ben you have the advantage yeah you absolutely have an advantage you know Minecraft okay is my server connection going to work I hope it does nope it did not okay let me leave enter nope no connection okay yeah let me see I also say that as I’m trying to I had to buy some expensive Gear For an upcoming project and like it’s fun and dandy and like I’m I’m I’m always willing to you know pay what’s needed to support the channel and you know like give the eye admirers what they deserve and everything but at the same time girl girl girl we we girl I’m glad my parents don’t look at my bank statements because this upcoming project is a little pricey and that’s okay that’s fine fine I think it’s like it’s it’s one of those cases where it’s it’s you get out what you put in so like I’m fine with that that’s cool with me but man I was Consulting another member to ask about how much they paid for this kind of gear and it’s like o it’s O it’s very o let me switch screens um CU now Minecraft is up and working [Music] yay y y y y y y Yi y yi yi H where am I where is Gooby gooby is here hi Gooby it’s Gooby hi it’s Gooby it’s Gooby it’s Gooby it’s Gooby it’s Gooby little ads or something precisely yeah hi it’s me that gber and I’m I’m playing the block game okay my mission today is reg gain lost items I might solo Mission the end to get a new elytra cuz in case y’all didn’t know I actually died on fous stream because of server lag and so I lost all of my Nether um my netherite stuff and so today I will be keen on um getting those items back or making it back or recreating it somehow okay that is the the goal of today I’m a little sad because um I had a sword on my person that Pomo made for me and so I’m a little sad I lost it but I think I remember most of the stats I can probably recreate it yeah okay also the BM okay okay I think bm’s okay yeah mm yeah yeah if you can find finan old hide out I might we’ll see I think some of us still have wait doesn’t foger’s area have like netherite hidden somewhere oh paper back friend thank you I’ll come back I’ll be four month time to go on to Crusade for glor and on Minecraft that is yes precisely thank you thank you welcome back good to see you again thank you thank you I don’t remember where foger’s area is though I think it’s somewhere over here I might just grab that honestly cuz actual Mining and uh searching for um for what youma call it um netherrite it’s a very tedious process I would find perhaps a smidge boring so uh maybe I’ll just do this instead okay that’s M does where’s Fuller’s thingy I don’t remember where it went woh I could have SW was back here wasn’t it ooie did give me a lot but um oh yeah but then I think the server got some kind of update and we had I got rid of my extra stuff yeah I was like I’m not going to need this much netherite I I don’t want to cheat I don’t want to cheat too much um with this and so I was trying to be reasonable like yeah I can’t use all this netherite I’ll just have some of it then lo and behold I die oopsie poopsie that’s on me D where is it I don’t remember where food CH is it past here is it the other side wait is there I think there’s a map somewhere around here isn’t there is there a map of the server somewhere I forgot I should probably grab more Rockets though they oh they’re different flat duration Mining and mine well mining for netherite is particularly bad and plus I found the way I died unfair it was because of server lag yeah is it near Luna is it I looked near already I want to thread this I’m the best yeah is it near Aluna I could have sworn it was but I didn’t see it there earlier I’m also very bad at finding things it’s it’s embarrassingly bad my memory and my perception are not very good unfortunately the server’s a little Hodge oh is over here somewhere the server who’s flattening all this is someone building something here H I don’t see nothing yeah I don’t see I don’t see his area he here’s another portal I made H let me check my house first I might have a couple of um extra nether uh netherite uh bricks hiding somewhere I might have a few hiding around somewhere we’ll see I he gave me a big chest of out I think I got rid of I think during the server when it got yed I know the the the update took a lot took out a lot of stuff I might have removed it is there any hidden storage I don’t think I do oh wait I do oh my hidden storage has diamonds in it but I have Nether Bricks but I don’t have netherite FL Jacks good night Mr Sinister you take it easy good night good night you can see from the rail and you ride it like the rail around the server like the the big one like this one is the one over here well I guess I can follow along and see what happens I don’t know how long it goes for though you I’ll just walk along the real normally I’ll just walk along the real like normal person okay y’all don’t see that I’ll just walk normal okay y’all don’t see nothing y’all saw nothing you saw absolutely nothing listen at least I at least I lived hello enslaved person at least I lived oh why is it doing that what does it work though it’s not going to punch me off or anything it’s not going to throw me off the the the the thingy is it yeah it is butter scratch I’ve seen Monty pon it’s not going to kill me is it what a what a what an idic view how wonderful it’ be nice to have a more functional skyro I don’t know how H how uh how wide this one goes actually never read this before my almost two years of being here almost I didn’t I haven’t rden this I have not R this I don’t know the English is for that I I never have I been on this yeah you know while I was on the break I I got to thinking I got I got to thinking and thaing cuz I had nothing but myself my own tortured to thoughts and so is it over there I don’t think so um but I was saying to myself H how should I make this more sustainable you know because the speed I’m going right now is doable in terms of like will a survive like uh like well I survive streaming and that kind of thing probably not I’ve not been here in a while I was like could I survive her current pace and everything and I don’t know I think that I think like me taking a day off for a week is still like a better course than say like like never taking a break I suppose and it’s still my preferred is that it I think that is yeah okay I think we found it I think it’s it’s still a better like um course of like it’s still better than like you know just going super hard super fast all the time I guess but I don’t know the break was fine I got some sleep and everything but I don’t know it’s I did I did miss streaming I miss streaming for one and secondly I felt like I was not doing anything I feel like I had no purpose or nothing I get ah how do I get inside I feel I had no purpose I wasn’t doing anything important is there a way in hi get inside fuler ID is it in here isn’t this this your mysterious cave oh it’s [Music] spooky it’s not hidden somewhere is it oie took everything oh that’s fine I guess we can go to oie’s place and see if we can find any spares we can I’ll see what I can do I’ll just walk back manually then there we go yeah fer IDs yeah t consistently I don’t know this I don’t know how often I’ll take long breaks like this honestly I feel a little bit directionless not going to lie oh I don’t have any torches on me I have nothing on me good goodness me I should probably build I I have some Diamond I can make some temporary diamond armor I should probably need to go to the guardian farm and farm some exp real quick yeah I don’t know I guess I just like streaming cuz it gives me purpose you know I feel like like I don’t know I feel like I’m actually interacting with people in that kind of thing cuz like like I told you before right it’s weird how like back in the day back in Ye Old EDS before the goob was the goob before a was a back when I was still in heaven I can go literal days without speaking like like I can go days where I speak a handful of sentences because there’s no need you know everything’s done on teams I don’t need to socialize I just do my work keep my head down do that kind of thing and so like now I Yap as a job which is kind of czy to me which is fabulous and everything but I feel like without this I’m going back to being just someone who barely speaks a few sentences a day you know and I feel like that’s kind of I don’t like that me personally I don’t like that I don’t want to have to go back to that yeah you know that’s just me personally yeah yeah listen y’all have to hide my walls okay y to hide my walls I’m taking care of myself for the most part all right the G is taking decent care of herself I she believed so at least yeah I believe I am probably slippy slip hi con hello pardon me I bur goodness yeah you know I feel like uh like even though someone who’s fairly introverted I quite like the the social aspect of streaming and that kind of thing like I get to interact directly with people which is really fun yeah it’s really nice I quite like it and I be it it be it feels remiss not to do that you know um okay I need Foodies I think I have some meat in here I do I I’m very well stocked okay well I have most most of my regular tools are should probably make a couple of I should probably make my sword yeah take one Lo break if you fre breaks no Force breaks and I’m feeling bad goop you know bad feeling goo take some small breaks I probably will I think a couple days here and there just to get some sleep in and that kind of thing yeah oh good night com andachi yeah it’s a really like dangerous Pitfall for a lot of streamers I think it’s very easy to neglect one’s Health as a streamer you know yeah it’s so we weird it’s so it’s so strange it’s a very interesting like um thing I’ve seen and and not just like like me but like other even Indie streamers where it’s like they don’t take very good care of themselves meie thank you for the ride oh noen welcome back happy 20 months good to see you again hello hi hello [Music] hello do you have games on your phone Hi family hello good to see you welcome on in thank you for the rain mil thank you thank you I too love robes I I also love robes especially when they have a cult activity involved um family for you I’ll take you to the holiest place on the map not the cathedral even Holier the Sheep frecker isn’t it beautiful isn’t it isn’t it beautiful here family this is for you please enjoy okay please welcome welcome it’s so good to see you welcome it’s very Holy One like equals one prayer for the Sheep okay all right you’re welcome uh 45 minute thank you for 10 gifted welcome new M if you all got a gifted membership in 45 minutes make sure to thank them properly thank you very much thank you thank you thank you what do you mean all know that this this sheep is a relic of the server this sheep is basically a deity okay yeah welcome new menen welcome welcome welcome fresh blood in case the family were nowhere we’re not a cult or anything but we do regularly do silly blood sacrifices cuz they’re fun okay yeah hi for Welcome Back happy 6 months hi I am new here what is that um actually according to your membership you’ve been here for at least 6 months so actually you’ve been here for a while than you very much yeah yeah we’re not a cult yeah of course of course you know we’re not a cult because I said so and you can trust me Trust Gooby trust Gooby when she says we are not aults uh Joseph Massie welome back happy 20 months I am my nii oi forever hope you rested well during your break I’m your Oshi you have some suspicious taste thank you for this thank you wel come back happy 20 months thank you thank you I had a good break thank you very kindly thank you very much I’m a well arrested Gooby I did lots of sleeping lots of thinking little B yesk than you you for the Sila sometimes we get silly goofy and do some blood sacrifice we’re not AAL exactly you we can do you know we can do recreational blood sacrifice you know yeah remember how back in the old days they thought blood letting would fix everything it’s like oh you have a cold let’s just let’s just bleed honestly let’s just bleed we we just let the blood out then it’ll solve all your problems right just just at this point just just [ __ ] bleed just [ __ ] bleed that was wild like oh yeah leeches and bloodletting that was wild tpping imagine trapping oh I have diamonds in here gooy okay oh how did oh you know what oh my netherite ingots are here because when crisis joined I was going to give them um netherite gear and I brought it down from my cloudhouse so it’s easier to access oh let’s go I have it I have 40 ings I can remake everything let’s go yay yippee I forgot I had them here for crisis cuz they made them some gear a while back oh that’s where I was hiding cuz I could have sworn I had a fair amount of ingots left over let’s go if not a cult then I didn’t have to make sacrifices oopsies that’s just murder the Poo are going to find speaking of the popo so like I mentioned earlier I took a little Daye trip across town and on the it was like a three-hour drive right so on the way back it was me and four people in my car I borrowed my mom’s car it’s a bigger car it’s it’s like a mom van and so as I was driving oh good night C Creo as I was driving I noticed that there was a motorcycle behind me the entire for a good like 10 miles there was a like a um motor cyclist behind me and so I was like okay that’s fine but he looks a little bit like a police cruiser I guess you know how police have those like those chunky white like um The Wider they’re not driving Harley’s it’s like one of the wider ones you know yeah like The Wider one he had a white helmet and he had um the how you say uh the the pilot Sul the aviators the aviators he had those ones he looks kind of like a cop a little bit and so I noticed he was tailing me pretty close a good like maybe 40 ft behind me it was tailing pretty close for a cop it was behind me for a while and I I was [Music] like what I do and so mind you chat I abide the laws of the road not every’s aabon okay drive according to your local state laws driving laws okay by God there’s so many dumb drivers out there do not be the dumb driver and so I was driving and this guy’s following me for like 10 whole miles and he was kind of like I couldn’t he looks very serious but to be fair he’s also driving motorcycle they always look serious but so while this was happening I got suspicious I’m like is this the police following me um uh and so I I eventually we finally hit a stop light like miles down the road we finally hit a stoplight and I noticed he pulled up from behind me to move next to me by my drivers I was like oh uh oh am I am I getting pulled over and like it’s an it’s an old man like an elderly gentleman in like a funny biker vest and he just waved really friendly I’m like oh I we back and we went on our merry way I thought I was being ched by police it was just a grandpa it’s a friendly grandpa that was it I freaked out for no reason I feel stupid that was stupid that was so dumb I thought it was a dangerous individual I thought it was the popo or something no just your friendly local biker grandpa I I felt dumb and mind you I I didn’t want to freak out my friends I just let them cuz they’re sleep in my car they’re sleeping cuz it was a long day and so they’re sleep in the car I’m just like what knuckling I be like what I do do I break a law is he is he is going to pull me over if fin get my first ticket no just just just peaw he’s very friendly he just waved High I should probably beat him first he’s very friendly just just your local grandpa just minding his damn business let me get the the weat from over here mhm yeah exactly you know what’s funny cuz um back in the day my dad um drove a motorcycle back in heaven before Dad came to um where we live now back in heaven um my dad um owned a motorcycle right and my dad now I’ll be driving to the grocery store my dad’s like honey drive carefully make sure no one’s following you abide by the State lost I’m like I’ve never been in an accident I drive really carefully and everything I’m very paranoid cuz in my area where I live there are some crazy ass drivers some crazy crazy drivers and sorry I’m going to borrow these and I am not one to um to let my life fall into someone else’s hands and I’m a very defensive very careful driver and so my dad’s telling me that but back in the day when he drove a motorcycle he tell me these stories about him and his best friend how he like he’s like he doove a motorcycle and he be in the front seat his friend in the back seat and while they’re driving and doing tricks they like swap places while the motorcycle is is still moving pulling 40 on the highway and he just casually swap swaps place with his friends while the motorcycle’s moving and now he has the right to tell me to be like oh Drive seat honey dad I’m going to the grocery store five like 5 minutes from the house it’s not that far he’s drive carefully honey Dad shut up Dad yeah dad used to be kind of a wild child dad had like an ear like he had earrings and everything dad has a tattoo Papa has a tattoo he let me get one though he’s like your mother I didn’t raise you to have a tattoo like Mom Dad Dad you have a tattoo it was so funny exactly exactly ARS on my case like honey drive safely honey drive safely dad you drive safely I drive plenty safe all right boys kind a breed yeah yeah Mom L is gut renting Dad L is insane actually my mom is kind of a it’s kind of wholesome like I can’t get into deep for it into it obviously because of um like privacy and everything um but oopsies oh no no but um I said this recently but uh my mom learned English by watching Flintstones and so she genuinely thought that Yaba daao was a common English phrase and that’s adorable to me that’s kind of adorable give me your Earp thank you time to shave y’all nak it give me your fur give me give me give me give me it’s like a lot I know a lot of like um Korean um um immigrants learned how to speak English through watching friends and stuff pardon me yeah and my dad my dad loves Fig Newton cuz um my dad is not from um America and so when he um left Heaven he had had to um be picked up by uh soldiers and that kind of thing and so Dad didn’t have a house he only had my dad told me he had a PO t-shirt a green strip P t-shirt a pair of jeans and flip-flops and $5 in his back pocket that’s all he had and so when he was picked up by soldiers um he got meals from them like rationed meals and so like that’s why I like Mom and Dad are so keen on me never wasting food and that kind of thing and so um uh and so dad for the very first time when he was being um served food by the soldiers um he had Fig Newtons for the first time and my dad was upset hooked immediately to this day my pantry at home always has pales on piles on piles on piles of fig noons cuz my dad loves that [ __ ] he loves Fig Newtons and so now like whenever we go to Costco or something my dad Mak like oh honey it’s got the Fig I’m almost out I’m like Dad you have three boxes he’s like no I need more my dad loves it me personally I’m kind of neutron vant but I always make sure dad’s stocked up he loves that stuff yeah he it’s his favorite dessert yeah he eats it with coffee okay I think I got enough little for now let’s put this away mhm yeah you never know when you run out of Fig Newtons you know you know never know you got you got you got to keep the [ __ ] thing on you okay let’s um let’s go to the guardian farm and farm some exp it’s mending okay cool let’s go to the guardian farm and farm a bit okay cuz I need exp so I can get my armor back yeah the raspberry ones are better in my opinion but he likes the originals cuz those are the ones they gave him yeah honest can I say something very controversial I don’t like milk a whole lot I I love oat milk holy smokes I love oat milk but regular milk I’m I should probably get some armor though um let me just borrow some um iron armor from the store from the um the reception just so I have something on me when I’m traveling through the nether yeah yeah fun are pretty okay I don’t have anything against them but my dad’s obsessed I I I’m not obsessed for say they’re fine but I’m not super Jazz about them or nothing okay let’s put these on for now so have something to work with mhm wait do FS help you poop do they do fig help you poop I I know prunes do do do fig do figs do too do they have fiber the F have I guess they’re they’re fruit and I think fruit have a lot have a lot of fiber and good carbs and and good sugars right oh then great I’m glad good thing my my dad’s regular I guess of all the strange topics I didn’t think I talking about my dad’s poops but okay sure yeah it’s full of huh I know prunes are I know prunes help you poop oh theow I love those ones yeah they’re super yummy no I had um tim tams um for the first time a while back tim tams are yummy I like them I can see the obsession it’s hard to get where I live my Jinky today is oong tea iced it’s warm today so I I wanted a cool drink hi Chim hello excuse me excuse me oh who are these who who gears are this ah it’s for the for the nether dragon yeah excuse me thank [Music] you excuse me you know it’s funny I feel I’m feeling Oly nostalgic today but um my so I was raised by my auntie right my parents are both very busy um getting like uh working to earn from me and my brother when we were kids um we weren’t born wealthy um and so Mom and Dad had to work really really hard to get where they’re at right now and so um and so uh my auntie raised me and she her English is a little bit broken she doesn’t speak very good and so um I picked up the hab saying skew me when I say excuse me because that’s the way she would say it it’s like I C something skew me instead excuse me sometimes I I’ve always found it very adorable about her I hope she’s doing okay I haven’t spoken to her in a hot minute let me let’s not fly fly into the lava pillar I am honestly the best at flying I am so cool for that yeah ain’t it cute and she act like I uh how do you say that in thing me how do you see this in English it was so funny too cuz like it’s like whenever you go out places like to get groceries or go to the gas station for a snack after school she tried her best to speak English but it’s still a little bit broken which is honestly why I will never judge anyone on their English capabilities never English is tricky as a former English teacher I still [ __ ] up my English as a former English teacher same honestly I will like that’s why I I think I had people at my meeting greet a while back who apologized for their English I’m like no your English is fun and never apologize like I’ll tell you a little secret people like I’ve spoken broken Spanish to lots of people people genuinely do not mind when you get it wrong they really don’t they really don’t if anything most people are flattered I even tried okay how come I can’t get let me in oh there he is yeah most people do not mind yeah most do not mind like all that matters is I even tried in the first place like I know many many um non-english folk who if you try to speak their mother tongue they don’t get mad if you mess it up they really don’t care yeah exactly people who speak broken English n of 10 times probably no more languages than you anyways so like I I never get mad at that so it’s like if y’all ever think that you’re speaking poor English in chat or in meaning we know that I genely do not mind like at all and plus I used to tutor a lot of folks who don’t speak English as their first language it’s kind of normal for me to listen to that so I really don’t mind it’s kind of normal to me at this point uh this this I die my armor is so bad I I can only take a few hits yeah yeah yeah no we D I know it’s like well let me tell you what guys if you want to get good at something you have to be bad for a very long time you don’t develop skills immediately you have to be bad for a good long while before you’re remotely good so don’t get discouraged just keep at it you know yeah this I don’t think that shunning people for their lack of english comprehension necessarily facilitates their Improvement in the language if anything it discourages them from practicing and the key about language Mastery is practice so if you don’t practice at all then you’re going to get screwed over so practice be encouraging you know I being a bad I do too but it’s a necessary it’s a necessary [Music] step yeah g me thank you for the super all you need to know in English is eyes is cute I just got back from vacation from my Breaky break and you’re already being slanderous stop lying shut up no I’m not he’s right you know no they’re not I said so completely incorrect extremely wrong and I don’t know how the kids say it yeah now shut I’m not shut up I’ll have you know that as a former Archangel I can Divine Smite you for such Behavior okay it’s not true though so therefore it is slander liel to be exact now shush no shut up nerds catastrophically refus shut up C this C that whatever now shut your mouth shut okay it’s not true though paper bag it’s not now have you know you’re extremely incorrect it’s not the truth therefore I must Smite it as a paladin I must erase the evils of this world that includes wirers like you okay yeah um oh my oh my what yellow thany though iir always testing my patience I take it back I didn’t miss you all I didn’t miss you all at all not one bit the ey admirers are always stinky and annoying always whiny and they tell lies of course I don’t miss the ey admirers of course not I’m ignoring you now don’t want to talk to y’all anymore you’re being annoying spread lies and misinformation on purpose good night Caster you take it easy I super cute it’s the truth I up close shut H that’s right and you’re annoying I I don’t pay attention to you [Music] anymore yeah of course I’m calling you stinky cuz you are I know my eye admires at the back of my hand I know yall stinky as hell okay happy thinkk you for the super what you doing there a can to Divine SM me better make it count better make it hurt cuz if you don’t you want to get Divine Smite it huh you want to feel the fury of my Smite very well then Divine Smite well the police will never find your body Minecraft C thank you thank you for the super nerd get is my desk audio too loud holy [ __ ] that was really loud how come no no one ever told me that’s really I just noticed I was going to the red goodness me sorry about that everyone goodness yeah tell me these things chat H listen listen no no no I only I only need one spell slot to Smite all of chat okay yeah I only need one spell slot you’re so little and so small and dorky that it only needs one spell slot mhm they’re D can y’all die a little quieter please I can you politely pass away more more serenely thank you oh my God they’re smooching now God damn it um St laugh on I admires her kissing again kiss kiss fall in love a single Target okay nerd I can just cluster yall together real close you’re just the tiny BBS anyways J momy thank you for the super and no need for Smite we’re already Smitten by you that’s awfully corny anyways Sly corny I spell slots I other shots artificer artificer D and D but if I introduced guns I love artificers why make automatons and I can just make an AR-15 you know easy peasy you know what I want to get into I want to get into like calligraphy and like fountain pens and [ __ ] yeah my dad has a fancy fountain pen yeah it was from like one of his jobs like a like from a bajillion years ago sorry Dad he’s old but like I kind of get into like calligraphy and stuff but I don’t know where to start no no more Smo chees okay you’re meanless meanless absolutely meanless yeah I’m I’m ask I’m going to ask staff if I can release my um like um like a DI like a i gu a chart of all my handwriting so I can give it to y’all as like um in case you want to have a custom type set you can use my handwriting yeah why have you eye out um y’all are my maidens and you’re just overwhelmingly attracted to me cuz I’m very cool it’s different okay yeah mhm okay mhm yeah I I I want to ask staff about it yeah cuz I think I think Wilson did something similar so I’m going to double check make sure if I can do it yeah I can provide it for free K thank you for the SAA yeah maid lless as shown by today Gay Panic listen I’ll never not be a little bit panicked by a thought of a certain um tling woman I feel so bad for the people who are in the car with me we made a brief road trip uh to a town a few hours away girl carlac was mentioned on multiple occasions it was bad n of my own IRL offline friends can escape my brain rot they can’t they can’t because I have some music from the balers gate soundtrack on my Spotify and so I was playing it in the car as we were driving and they’re like oh you like B gate too like who’s your favorite character I’m like don’t get me started and then the yapping happened yeah my brain Rod’s pretty bad it’s pretty horrendous not going to lie yeah no one is safe no one’s safe she see in red it’s like often isn’t that usually a term of like someone getting very angry when I see red the color of love baby color my wife oh bye icon color of love baby have you heard of a hot scorching passionate red oh yeah hell yeah baby and my one of my friends likes hon yeah listen people who like aarion are not willing to admit they like aarion cuz that man’s a theater kid that man is theater I mean slay but like yeah everyone the thing is like all the cats is so likable though it’s hard to pick a favorite and I would have like loved to court manthara if I didn’t um [ __ ] yink her uh in the goblin Camp ra if she wasn’t a very uh very unfortunate casualty of my murder spree okay yeah I think it’s so interesting that he’s an alha who’s so large and hairy even very orange you must have ate well as a kid yeah BOS 3 is supremely Well written oh Basel that’s fair I do like Lazelle though I like her character growth the rting for her is really solid [ __ ] starts into theater kid he’s the whole damn theater he’s the stage he’s the costume makeup Department he’s the lights he’s everything L to this stream but hi I I than for of course I admirers are a little bit crazy and don’t know when to stop and so the past few months they’ve been going crazy with gifted membership so uh yeah yes I an itch I admirers are Bonkers they cause problems on purpose if there’s like going to if there’s ever going to be like um a superlative test of like which Phantom is the most likely to XY I admirers are most likely to um commit a crime for shits and giggles for the meme yeah you casy cuz you need more for the blood listen I love blood sacrifice much as much as the next guy I feel like we scare people sometimes oh y’all scare me sometimes yall are bongers for Content listen I’m the content creator you don’t have to worry about that I’m the content creator okay it’s my job to produce the content Okay and like like a responsible content creator I I generate the content from myself cam IRL I mean we’re all BBS though ah baby cor thank you for the gift it thank you thank you thank you the coffee break after the blood sacrifice is kind of neat though okay I do like the communal coffee breaks though that is fun Cy thank you for the Sila oh good night Larry um y’all y’all need to calm down Cappy do you have the right to talk guys that was not an invitation guys guys chat I admire this calm down that was not an invitation for your Tom FY thank you very much thank you for the five gifted blueberry Des thank you very much thank you for the five gift if you all got a gifted membership from blueberry make sure you thank them properly Larry thank you for the gift you can stop now thank you very much thank you thank you running out ofs you can stop now thank you and welcome new maidens welcome welcome welcome welcome to hell I admires are clinically insane I admirers are more like it’s a quote War Shack from Watchmen like you’re not I’m not stuck here with you guys you are stuck in here with me but they’re just these tiny little birds are yall try to snipe OE oh my gosh y’all guy thank you for the gift to lar thank you for the gift to Noah thank you for the the gifted thank you thank you very much Branda thank you for the gifted as well thank you thank you Watchman is I did like Watchman quite a bit C thank you for the gifted CH thank you for the gifted oh my God they’re going they’re going for it they’re going for it thank you for the gifted thank you welcome new meetings welcome welcome to the meeting ship you have a m you stream tomorrow yippee blueberry do thank you for the five gifted if y’all got to get some membership from um from blueberry make sure you thank them properly thank you very much blueberry D thank you thank you desil thank you for this gifted thank you e thank you for the gift thank you thank you welcome now M welcome welcome IR calm down n not well thank you thank you for the gift thank you thank what M me stream I’m just going to Yap again thank you a very Co thank you for the supera but Cappy I’m all hype up on Mountain Dew on gets at Mountain Dew who gets you Mountain Dew and why did they hate you thank you for the super thank you thank you Alexander B welcome back happy anniversary good to see you again welcome back to the main ship I believe magic exists in this world it it must because how else can you make me so happy a you guys you know not to get to do like um mushy gushy on y’all Or Nothing But like like I said earlier there there are aspects to content creation that I personally abore but like having I admirers be around is like like you know what that’s why I’m still here honestly if it weren’t for the ey admirers and the cool people around me I would not pursue this personally it’s stressful it’s kind of crazy sometimes but there just so much good that’s come out of it that I can’t reasonably leave you know I don’t want to yeah so anyways thanks nerds thank you Alexander happy anniversary thank you for the gifted loua thank you for the gifted vivor thank you uh blueberry Des for the gifted thank you no one for the gifted as well thank you thank you God owie stay still stop dodging goodness me quit your moving I can imagine just like I this like K re just Matrix dodging this I like how like this gunshots in the background yall trying to snipe OE I’m I’m talking how much I admire Z me me they’re like hold still OE T thank you for the gift thank you thank you I tried so hard and got so far in the end it doesn’t even matter I had to fall to lose it all thank you for the gift olar thank you for the gift thank you so much thank you thank you ad thank you for the five gift if yall got to get a membership for me me you think them properly thank you rle thank you for the gifted as well thank you thank you they’re still going they’re still going why why is there Boss music in the chat I hear Boss music oh my God it’s like the cran aune I saw at that at the Korean spa a while back just the Boss music it’s like I can imagine everyone trying to snipe OE and I was just doing the gon dance thank you for the gifted blueberry D hello I heard a noise uh if it’s the demon it’s time my time to go I guess okay thank you blueberry um 45 minut thank you for the gifted um sat sky thank you thank you for the five gifted if youall got a gift and membership from s Sky make sure to thank them properly thank you sat sky thank you thank you oh no Ola make sure you’re okay don’t CL too [Music] hard oh my God almost died oh I wasn’t I wasn’t paying attention you guys are distracting me you’re distract me the de are trying to get them too the thing is Alie is not a brand GI to account cuz they’ve had M ship before yeah unless you turn it off and you’re [ __ ] with us which would be mean uh ly thank you for the gift thank you thank you me P chap okay I need to eat Foodies Foodies you can do that yeah you can she clearly turned off to make sure we spend money on the goop listen I don’t know why you would you do you do you do that you do too much of that already okay you do too much of that already K thank you for the gift it’s stop thank you thank you very much thank you thank you IE has wall hacks on they can see where the what the the the the soup of the the GED bols are coming in from yeah yeah I know I was hacking honestly okay can I can I eat some more please me guys holy [ __ ] if you have a mortgage to pay off then stop stop spending holy smokes have you learned nothing about financial literacy I know that schools are horrible at teaching that these days I know but like come on chat this is ridiculous blueberry thank you for the gifted that’s enough thank you I worry about your financial status you can stop now I like how reell just a defiant no no thank you guys I I swear to God I’m going I’m going to grab you by the neck with consent on Minecraft uh MX good to see you again welcome back can you say um B huge big thank you to all the gifters who we love and appreciate for all your kindness honestly no I’m always amazed by how generous I admirers are it’s like like oh this person lost their membership let me get that for you these the the willingness to shoot like mes without much of a second thought is kind of czy to me I admir are crazy generous so thank you happy thank you for the gift I’m going to burp excuse me excuse me I burped kill me I’m going to burp again excuse me I’m goodness me sorry about that is 62 enough for levels to level up all my armor uh let’s keep going just in case I have lots of I have lots of food thank you M for the gift it what do you5 minut thank you the GI it as well thank you thank you what the hell you know I are genuinely generous people yeah that’s crazy that’s why I’m very proud of I admirers I’m glad that my community is full of sweet people like that cuz um my favorite kind of person is someone who’s kind and um thinking of others and that kind of thing and like you know like generous gracious those kinds of people and so like I I like that I admirers don’t have a B in their body I really appreciate that cuz it’s like me and myself I’d feel uncomfortable if if I admirers were mean or even if they still like me and supported me if they’re mean or spiteful or angry all the time I feel a little bit upset honestly so I’m glad that I admirers are really just this among the sweetest buches around honestly and you are boneless you are chicken tendy sentient yeah little bab thank you for the gifted thank you thank you yeah yeah I’m very mean people are very scared 45 how how come I don’t believe that oh I know y’all are bully bu and dorky that’s why yeah cuz you’re so dorky so you can’t possibly be mean cuz you’re you’re nerds I’ve cracked it I’ve cracked the code I know the secret I admirers are so nice and so relatable cuz they’re just a bunch of dorks I got you thank you for the gift thank you thank you n not thank you for the gift thank you thank you yeah yeah eym are so dorky they can’t possibly be mean I can be mean like uh once I told someone that the shoe selection they made do not fit their outfit boom mean I’m so [ __ ] mean yeah sometimes I eat cereal without milk n thank you for the gifted blueberry thank you for the gifted yeah 45 minutes thank you for the five gifted if yall got to get some membership from the the 45 minute make sure you think them properly thank you thank you very much welcome welcome welcome ghostb thank you for the gifted thank you thank you yeah you know they’re still going it’s like I The Matrix level dodging I like to imagine as I’m playing Minecraft it’s a bunch of burps fighting in a parking lot like feathers like fluffing around everywhere Brenda thank you for the gifted thank you thank you yeah your Dodges are impeccable they’re kind of kind of insane you mic your PO who the [ __ ] does that that’s kind of crazy huh oh yeah good night Doan you take it easy good night thank you I pr D that’s crazy that’s crazy y are insane clinically insane uh isomi thank you for the gift thank you very much okay I think it’s enough for is this enough exp for now I think it should be we can head back now sure all my armor broke I’m nak again no I better be careful in the nether then okay thank you for the gift to Zumi thank you thank you someone hold them still someone hold them still so we can have IR Mak guys it’s okay if it doesn’t work now try again later okay maybe now is just not the time maybe you should try later okay how’s that sound try later save your money and try later okay perhaps today is simply not your day okay guys guys come on okay do you me you can you can stop now you can stop you’ve had you’ve you’ve done your damage okay no one thank you for the gifted thank you very much welcome new maidens if you got a gifted members thank them properly okay okay listen guys I don’t want y’all making suspicious decisions iions to snipe someone just just try another day just try another day okay all right all right okay okay we’re on the same page excellent what rman happy anniversary M you after this message I will get that membership mark my words no they’re not I curse this membership I curse this message so that whoever Snipes will miss I guarantee it I guarantee it just try it try try me I I’m not a liar okay Mama Mari did not raise a liar okay okay I’m just I’m that good okay uh yes let’s get to enchanting yeah okay just try just try anyone try it mini scooter shut the [ __ ] up Steve thank you for the gifted thank you very much thank you thank you I was right little thank you for the gifted thank you and Brandon thank you for the gifted oh see see see what I mean see see SAS thank you for the super 99% of gamblers give right for the rest to hit big oh my no don’t follow that logic please please don’t cppy thank you for the supera i e dodging gifted like she Dodges her doing her assignments oh the call out not the call out blueberry does think you for the kids that wasn’t encouragement that was trying to discourage you stop stop I was trying to get y’all to stop it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s over it’s over honestly it’s over it’s not going to happen it’s not going to happen you miss every shot you don’t take and you lose money for each one you send precisely okay okay I do nothing I to tell them the truth okay yall question my power this is what you get uh where’s my um is there not a crafting table around here no table of the crafting aha [Music] hello and thank you for the gift thank you thank you I’m using Google Play guys no that does not count oh my God don’t guys I know some people who put themselves in some intense can I help you okay I know some people who put themselves in some crazy credit card debt so please don’t do that be smart I beg of you um wait how do I work with this again how do I work with netherite oh I need Diamond first right okay than I I brought diamonds okay let me make this do I have to Anvil it I forgot this with with this or is it because it has an enchantment on it it’s TNT thank you for the gift no no John Cena no John mini scooter I know that’s you [ __ ] mini scooter mini scooter I know that’s you mini scooter I know that’s you you are not slick thank you for the gift TNT Raider if yall got to get the membership from mini scooter make sure thank them properly okay not John Cena can I help you God damn like whenever John Cena appears in my chat to do something silly I imagine him just bursting through my door and just like [ __ ] Batista bobbing me in my gamer chair can I help you go away stop mind your business personal have you heard of personal space sir damn what the hell good night Frank you take it easy I keep imagining myself getting just absolutely just Batista bombed okay uh let me see okay let me make a plate out of diamond first uh I’m going make my leggies I my my fashionable uggs and then it’s like this right how do I make it I forgot I forgot oh [ __ ] me you need you need you need the the blueprints don’t you what the are you sure about that yes I am thank you mini scooter for the 50 gift dead thank you very much thank you thank you why am I getting tag teamed thank you welcome no M if yall got to get a membership from mini scooter I know it’s you and your ghost accounts make sure you thank them prop thank you [ __ ] I know I I know it’s mini scooter you are not slick you are not slick welcome new M if you all got to get some M make sure you think them properly I know it’s you I know y’all aren’t slick I know y’all aren’t slick I don’t need okay how do I let me Google this you’re innocent um no no I I don’t think so no indeed you are not not you are not actually actually just not the Batista honestly um so actually um sounds like some nerd [ __ ] you’re on so um actually not my problem actually thank you it was it it was um how to make netherite armor how do you do do it now oh I need the stupid thingy I need the stupid um the the Whatchamacallit the uh the the the H the the the blueprints d d damn it um I just want know my friend who’s looking the stream just Dam going death now it’s like hi uh let me see what the hell hi guys how’s it going D how do I get those um how do I get the blueprints oh templates okay how to get Minecraft armor templates okay how do I find this what the hell I see the find obiously the find prin use memberships is there is there term is there terms and conditions for mes I never noticed oh thank thank you Patrick you take it easy good night um can you purchase them off people can I purchase them off like Smiths or something uh where are the Smiths at ah hello do you sell anything dang it oopsies uhoh this is going to be very a Smith’s broke up huh oh was that a joke sorry thank you for the gifted SAS sky thank you thank you okay these no what are these These are are these Smiths I can’t tell no more okay uh do you sell anything I’m looking for uh-oh we may have a problem because getting this is going to be a pain then cuz I hope we can buy them off these folks because finding it naturally may be kind of a hassle oh these are Smiths aren’t they please have it oh no oh jeez oh cuz I died from a [ __ ] server lag uhoh um we have a problem I don’t have the blueprints the what the what the what is it [ __ ] call it uh templates where the [ __ ] do you find okay where to get netherite templates Bastion remnants really oh my God are you [ __ ] me oh come on really I have to read those now are you [ __ ] me but I die from a stupid ass server lag if I die from a genuine reason I get earning it back but come on really really that difficult now God damn it okay I’ll just get myself diamond for now uh can I upgrade if it’s can I um when I when it’s time to upgrade the armor to Nether rat if the diamond armor is Enchanted can I still upgrade it or does it have to be plain it’s not since the 1.20 update apparently it’s it’s it’s you need the netherite this the blueprint what what the [ __ ] they call it a template and then the diamond diamond armor whatever yeah I L think it’s still I dare not loot former livers goodies do you know the hell fire that ring up Rain Down me if I did that absolutely not it this Enchanted okay but okay I guess for now we have no choice let’s just do the old fashioned one just we’re only diamond for now that is such a [ __ ] pain wow yeah what the that’s [ __ ] damn I get the nether supposed to be hard but isn’t it already so tedious um get this get this let’s just enchant these M with it for now um ah I need PE I need emeralds I need emeralds so I can enchant these uh it’s the cartographers who do enchanting right I forgot no Librarians right let me get some emeralds on me real quick do I have any emeralds in here nope well time to do the little fashioned way H that’ be kind of annoying yeah I’m just like I’m just annoyed I’m just so freaking miffed because I died because of server lag I wish y’all saw my PO I wasn’t stream on PO cuz I was on break but like the the server lag killed me because it did that thing where it wouldn’t tell me where I was like no no no like I jumped off the building right cuz I was going to Glide I I lagged out and it I just hit the floor that’s it it’s such [ __ ] it’s not my PC it’s just my connection to the server is sometimes suspicious yeah it’s better now but like it depends on my [ __ ] internet cuz I live out in the middle of nowhere and my PC is very solid it’s just that like it’s just my my my internet is absolute ass uh okay I need paper oh God damn it yeah I have my Internet debuff it’s annoying it’s it’s like it’s it’s it’s also just stupid cuz there have been times where my pings are my ping was actively worse than literally Australian members and they’re the the meme is that they have bad ping and somehow my ping was even worse I’m mean I’m in the I’m in the US it’s wild I I’m paying for fiber by the way I’m just so in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere and bum [ __ ] nowhere that like internet is is not very stable here uh there any paper in here I should probably sleep though okay sleepy time that one get attack my mobs also Z please mind uh chat rules thank you very much thank you thank you thank you pat pat thank you for the pat pat is your family nope it’s that bad it’s that bad my internet is that [ __ ] it’s horrendous it’s absolutely horrendous I just have to just deal with it I can’t help that I live here yeah I just live in bum [ __ ] nowhere I mean great cuz I don’t like people but at the same time oh God the internet the internet is very bad here okay let me eat I’m so flamy goodness gracious no like it’s like not my router or anything it’s cuz like it’s literally just the area I live in it’s an area trust me I’ve done everything in my power to get my streams to work because remember back in the day how bad my internet used to be this is the most upgraded version of my internet and even then it’s not perfect it trust me I’ve I Ved all the potential like um if and if or buts or whatevers and it’s just the place I live in that’s literally it that’s literally it my neighbors have the same issue we all have horrible Internet it’s just the way it’s just the area we live in God has favorites and I’m not one of them okay I think that’s good let’s go to the other side and get those ones [Music] next to get honestly it’s like I’m willing to pay whatever it requires to get better internet but like legit the only way legit when I was having really bad PC and um internet issues back in the day before fiber was introduced in my area staff literally recommended that I move like legit cuz they’re like well there you can do but move at this point I’m like I know I don’t want to though yeah it’s thanks oh good night blueberry D take it easy good [Music] night yeah it’s absolutely insane and staff was literally like y you might want to move out because like internet if your’s that bad hello robs I can tell you’re new welcome come on in oh over here okay n KN thank you for the supera goodness me excuse me m night thank you for the super kind to go watch s of the hubby looking for an anime watch L make S is kind of okay it’s all right I was not a big fan of it personally but you should give it a try just to see if you like it or not I’m not here to G the enemy thank you for the super thank you thank you I did rewatch berserk on Netflix though I do love me some berserk it’s so funny cuz I feel like um Bloods his heart Wilson forgets how much of a big like um I guess medieval nerd I am I love Medieval Era stuff I love Renaissance and so I once I showed Wilson something he’s like oh it reminds me of this character from this anime called uh berserk have you heard of it before and was I I know he meant nothing by it but that was so funny I’m like I’m like Wilson my entire personality is that I’m a I’m an unironic theater and ren Fair kid I thought it was so funny it was so so funny it has the movies it has the movies on Netflix I did watch the one from the ’90s I watched the 1997 anime as well as the 2016 cg1 um I have thoughts and feelings but um it’s I like berserk enough to overlook a lot of things so I do love me some berserk but that was so funny he’s like have you heard of it like bless you and your little socks bless you sweet summer child good night so guy you’re all going to bed good night I’ve seen all of it you know listen I I love I love the Renaissance Fair okay I go every year getting like drunk at a ren fair is always so much fun I I 10 out of 10 recommend it now where’s the paper where’s regular paper there it is hello I I could have sold iron I am so I could have sold iron we have people who buy iron oh my God huh I need books right books oh I am not stupid I am indeed the smartest person to ever exist okay I have books around here some I have like leather around here somewhere hold on wait scratch that I’m actually a genius my brain is huge holy my brain is ginormous stop being doing a break soon oh man Minecraft is good I learned I have to find [ __ ] templates to make my recreate my netherite armor which sucks but what can you do nothing is like nothing in life is simple is it now where’s my [Music] leather no guys go to a redfir go to redfir and if you have legal age drink a little bit it’s so much fun I I love redfir with my entire heart and soul I know that liking renfair is kind of like a nerd thing but because I like it it’s cool then I officially declared that renest is cool okay hi Dale how’s it going uh I have leather here somewhere aha there it is Hey where’s my C don’t I have a crafting table here let’s go back over here do the r okay H oh yeah no I’m just I’m I’m drinking so much honey meat when I go to rfer I just I just go heavy I go crazy in the honey me it attracts a lot of bees so unfortunate side effect bees but but yummy but the the meat is yummy D I have no sword damn okay um let’s see [Music] yeah I’m so I hope you can [Music] go so yeah there’s always cuz they’re they’re mostly Outdoors yeah guys go to your State’s run Fair go to your city’s run Fair it’s a lot of fun yeah I heard the one in the northern states are really good yeah honestly the run for I good is pretty far from me honestly I just like um hunker down at a friend’s house cuz she lives about an hour away from it I just hung her down I just go early in the morning yeah mhm yeah yeah see yeah that’s okay my English may be a little bit fast for you but uh I speak a little quickly but I’ll try to slow down yeah yeah I should go to a rer at some point it’s kind of like if if nothing else just to people watch people watching a renfair is so much fun oopsies um oh I should probably look at these cross walker I need mending mending mending mending mending mending mending mending who’s got mending Thorns fire aspect multishot flame Fortune a here it is [Music] hello I need emeralds oh right I need I need currency I need currency right let get some iron yeah is a r turn for it any good I never been personally yeah any person never been I’ve only to my States uh R Fair okay let’s grab these Bates this I’m actually guys don’t mess with me I’m actually very good at axe throwing I got like I think last time I went with friends I got like four or five bullseyes in a row yeah I’m actually fairly good at ax throw in which in my opinion is a it’s a extremely attractive trait just saying just saying you can’t call me meanless for that I should probably sell these first huh mhm alien oh yeah yeah can you believe Ren is so popular got his own he got his own con isn’t that crazy yeah yeah I’m glad you had fun deselle they’re a lot of fun aren’t they hi Noah thank you more T than that F okay nothing is more sexy see the my forklift certification that’s that is that that’s Peak sex okay they call they call me um uh is sex H Amari cuz I be out here collecting the meens okay 3 to I probably need more not going to lie Never Enough late stage capitalism oh I lged out the server for a second oh my God okay yeah mhm 11 hours oh Jesus Christ hope you get some time to rest cream yeah how C so she show up my Twitter feed I know you’re welcome wait I can manifest things a Harley motorcycle I’m saving I’m saving to buy my dad one my dad turns a certain old a old man age and so I want to get him a motorcycle I found one that he kind of wants but I’m trying to probe him without giving it away but I’ve been saving him for a while now for a motorcycle I don’t know exactly which Mak model he wants I know he wants a Harley I know he wants a Harley and so I’m trying to like save up so I can like get the one he wants I’m saving up a little bit here and there for it but I kind of want to commit to actually getting him one now cuz he’s getting on the older side I want him to enjoy his motorcycle so where is it where is it it’s here right I should sell these first right I’m I’m so discombobulated today gone from stream for too long oopsies okay you’re not taking anything okay thank you thank you thank you thank you good night BL good night yeah I’m into motorcycles too but I don’t I’m a little bit wary of their safety and that kind of thing yeah know where I’m from I see a lot of people driving around motorcycles with no safety gear nothing absolutely nothing and you know what they say they say um so just for the slide not the ride yeah cuz if you slide on a motorcycle like on an accident girl that concrete’s taking parts of you off okay mending made multiple books of mending okay I purchase this I need a Anvil Anvil [Music] Anvil exactly that’s so dangerous that is so so dangerous okay give it mending uh Fancy Pants okay give me these okay H uh you know it sounds kind of like it sounds kind of lame but I would love to ride in a side car of a motorcycle I want to have like the helmet with the scarf and the goggles like The Aviator goggles I want to I want to be like someone’s Robbin to their to their Batman you know on to ride like a little side carbon motorcycle I don’t go beep beep hello beep beep I don’t want to drive the motorcycle I don’t know how to I don’t know how to ride a bike so but I’d love to be in the in in the funny little passenger seats I think it’d be funny um okay mending thank you okay okay perfect I can’t wear that yet oh yeah I need have my Noggin who you trust to drive my dad probably my dad knows how to ride a motorcycle yeah I’ll be the the JN gr’s roadhog yeah honestly listen call me call me um call me cringe for this but I unironically I love leather jackets with studs and spikes and stuff like that I don’t know I like it back in the day back in my emo face I still like it now I am well out of my emo phase but I refuse to stop liking that that is still Peak fashion to me uh let’s see why are you hacking your prices up oh no you’re you’re pricing it down ah a sale for me thank you let’s get for all my all my stuffs um are you out for the day I have money oh there is okay thank you H thanks my my bicycle for going to work yeah honestly I’ve I never learned how to ro ride a Bo a Boer a bike bicycle before my parents are worried I’d fall and hurt myself yeah buy like aoto jacket yeah can you search my name no I will not exactly exactly I’m I’m a sucker for like a black leather jacket or a suit jacket I’m so weak for those a nice suit jacket oh yeah uh uh hoay yeah okay chat let’s vote is that a bot or a miner okay chat which one is it a bot or a miner let’s call it right now um let’s do PE it’s Le peek okay got speak it and I got ch ch and then um how do I miss spell axe I’ll bet M for 200 I don’t know poke it hey do something funny if you’re going to be a bot in my chat at least be funny at least at least allow me to use you for Content okay I’ve now entered my streamer my content brain Arc if if you’re going to be a bot in my channel let me make content off you or go away okay you see that’s I find it so funny I can’t tell when things are either mine ERS or Bots cuz they type the same way sometimes they’ve gone awfully quiet they don’t want to provide me with with free content you got come back come back I’ll I’ll Google you I promise wait Timothy Kyle gaming I’ll Google you promise come back let me know if you’re a minor or a bot let me Farm content off you please let me Farm content please please um I’ll call it axe yeah okay nice is it okay for bot to spam links to your channel of course not I’d have to destroy them at that point I’ll personally find the person who sent the bot and remove their ankle so they have little stubs yeah no thank you for the super how’s your armor not been CL [ __ ] and BRAC yet listen I’m trying to avoid me making everything about my my tling wife okay okay I’m trying oh my God an actual oh they’re an actual Kyle oh my gosh never thought i’ see one in the wild an IR like an actual Kyle that’s kind of crazy though a real Kyle it’s like it’s like it’s like a specimen yeah yeah guys if anyone ever sends the link in chat don’t click on it unless it’s for me then click on it cuz it’s probably merch but like don’t actually ever click click on anything a bot sense that’s a it’s inter internet literacy 101 don’t do that okay don’t do that one my own relatives got scammed using like an Amazon fishing thing a while back and so like you have to be very careful like the scammers are getting very crafty scammers are getting very crafty so uh protect yourselves everyone please be careful okay and never know what they’re up to no still I should probably go to sleep then huh is there a Bed nearby I can steal real quick uh I know there’s one over here yeah next to the [ __ ] Grimace yeah I know there’s been a Discord one going around too that’s real that’s scary I to be fair the game par social did prove a very solid Point can I make this nope I cannot okay now will you purchase my my offerings good s still no aha you will though you’re a good citizen you know better than to to deny me what I want whatever a gets a wants unless you resort to violence oh oh all I got on the murder list I see I see what’s that like to get murdered what’s that it’s all to deny me what I need yeah oh he’s back hey Kyle Kyle yo yo yo yo are you a bot or a person if you answer me I’ll Google you okay you’re a YouTuber okay okay you’re a person okay who bet it was a bot who bet it was a bot who who bet it was a bot cough up your money who who bet who bet wrong who who lost who lost I’ll have you know dear Kyle that you are currently breaking chat rules and you’ll become banned if you don’t fall into place and follow the rules all right Kyle real let’s go my new Oshi let’s [ __ ] go okay cuz if if you don’t if you don’t follow the rules then I’m going to have to get the police okay oh my goodness you better follow the rules or else or else horrible things will nothing will happen to you except I might ban you so okay let me see oh oh waa a server lag got me for a second goodness gracious oh it’s happening again uhoh is it lagging cuz all I don’t usually have problems with the Villagers it’s my [ __ ] internet of course it’s my [ __ ] internet it’s my [ __ ] okay my internet was [ __ ] itself for a second are we all good okay very good okay well I’ll have you know your breaking chat rules don’t don’t advertise nothing here thank you dang This Server lag is my internet pooping out oh I’m out of I’m out of um iron ingots okay I think it’s enough to purchase some more stuff okay M nothing think I think and just had a slight hiccup okay let’s [ __ ] go okay now I want to what should I do yeah we only advertise I memberships and uh uh like a song or something okay cackling with evil witch laugh L honestly go for I I encourage a good cackle yeah a good good cackle wait why you listening to you cuz I said so and if you don’t I’ll have no choice but to launch a level three Divine Smite directly um at you yeah yeah I think they’re being rude they’re just being goofy they’re being goofy um okay fly multishot impaling I lost my Trident to shoot loot God [ __ ] damn it um depth stratter Unbreaking efficiency sleeping Edge fortune on my sword would be pretty good where’s Fortune where oh there it is ah hello okay yeah okay let’s see Fortune Fortune Fortune I I I lost my trident I realized I lost my Trident no my Trident my Trident my funny Fork my funny funny Fork no okay let’s see let’s go this back oh gomy thank you for the super you can also advertise the fact that I CU but it’s kind of like advertising the sky it’s also it’s advertising a lie honestly it’s a lie and you should know that okay yeah it’s a filthy Li and you know it is it not do I not have enough points for this h i could have SW this how it works isn’t it I haven’t Enchanted in so long goodness gracious I haven’t I haven’t Enchanted in so long how do I am I missing something well was oh my God not not IRC oh my go comic I don’t have a comically oversized Fork I do have a comically oversized water bottle this is two whole liters is it too expensive no it’s not saying nothing huh they don’t work together it’s mending and Fortune I I’ve had it before where it be at work my previous swords was a mending and Fortune huh is it too pricey I have 46 levels it can’t be worth 46 levels there’s no way roll to listen listen whatever works whatever works enchanting do you do this on an enchanting table is that what it is okay in that case let’s do uh I need efficiency give me efficiency okay okay oh for oh fortun’s P pickaxe right all right I got mixed up okay looting looting looting looting thank you I forgot yeah I forgot okay let’s see looting looting looting looting looting [ __ ] where’ It Go o silk touch okay I might get another pickaxe for that then the silk touch does come in [Music] handy where’s looting am I just bad at F okay I’ll answer that question yes I am but where’s looting don’t H am I a stupido oh it’s right there there I’m stupid okay looty thank you um I think I’ll probably take Let’s do let’s do silk touch on my axe then yeah yeah let’s do that so silk to oh exp give you thank you silk touch there good thank you I am your best customer okay then chll I want efficiency on my chll I need more I need more emeralds I want a fancy chll I want my fancy show my effective chll okay grab some more I wonder if the traes are reset I can actually like get them now okay let’s see I would hate to actually use the water elevator’s IRL imagine being shoy all the time shoy okay perfect efficiency five that’s very high I should probably sell these first that might help yeah is no being nerdy again are you catching some nerds in 5K in chat look at these nerdies look at these dorks I don’t know how y’all did like claim to not be a nerd then pull that [ __ ] oh yeah no wet body is fine wet hair ooh it’s actually guys have yall seen how long my hair is do you know how long it takes to dry that would take like forever why are you ripping me off good sir why are both y’all ripping me off screw both of you I don’t want to get ripped ah I’m being taken advantage of this Le stage capitalism okay you’re very good I hi R Grand hello okay I let this go on for long enough Timothy if you act like this in everyone’s chat don’t be surprised if people mute you faster and banned okay you know I don’t know why I give so so many chances you know I’m always like you know what if they just don’t get it you know that’s fine some people just don’t get it but like it cuz I’m been training with them a lot that’s why I know one cuz if you trade for them for too long they’ll jack up their prices cuz they’re being good business people no it’s like I I very y’all know me y’all know I don’t like sing the banhammer too often I’m not I’m not the kind of G I’m not very I’m not super like um like no you break the rule ones you’re done for I’m very relaxed with my own rules and y’all know this I’m very relaxed I I couldn’t be I couldn’t give less of a bother for half these things um but you know I have to put my foot down at some point yeah mhm yeah and plus like I literally point out rules I’m like guys these are the rules like if you don’t if you don’t follow them you will get a B just just sing you know just so you’re aware just so you’re fully aware and so if you don’t listen then you can’t blame me okay yeah in danger of being forced to listen to a 10-year-old sh their pain on Internet it’s not just Twitter is not literally just Twitter um no it’s not no I don’t remember how to I forgot how to enchant it’s been a minute uh good night goberry um I could have sworn it’s an on it’s on an anvil isn’t it I could have sworn it’s meant to be on an anvil is it because it’s netherite and I can’t enchant it again what those give me randomized um enchantments I want these specific enchantments hi John how’s it going yeah it’s like I could have sworn these give you random enchantments I want specific enchantments am I going crazy I could have sworn you do that on a on a um on an anvil am I going crazy am I just fre is my memory that bad it should be but it didn’t work earlier am I actually losing it I did earlier but the the enchantment wouldn’t show up exactly that’s what I did earlier but it didn’t work no it’s um where is it okay oh no I’m so [ __ ] stupid forgot it’s cuz I had the wrong uh the wrong an incompatible enchantment okay let’s do uh this one’s efficiency okay it’s pretty affordable let’s do efficiency I was right I just got confused because I I mixed up fortune and looting and that’s why it wouldn’t stick that’s why Jesus [ __ ] Christ I’m so [ __ ] stupid [Music] um okay and then let’s get this one silky and then let’s give my sword looting and oh what’s my last enchantment for Fortune oh this my [ __ ] my excellent P like p exent y oh Bob B welcome back happy 20 months welcome back I it’s good to be back thank you very much thank you thank you thank you thank you very much thank you thank you okay there it is hm okay let’s see oh my God is someone else here to advertise me their [ __ ] what is with this lately what is with rand’s walking in and just casually ignoring Childs no I want to see a video no I don’t actually John are you a real person are you a bot make your bets make your bets make your bets go go guys guys make your [ __ ] bet person or bot person or bot person or bot make your shot make your shot it’s a cat but was that was that on topic with chat’s rules it’s like we need to oh tell me about it I mean I get itnet internet’s etiquette is not a real thing in my opinion it’s not like an actual thing really um but but I feel like etiquette has kind of gone down the [ __ ] not going to lie it’s like things that had some kind of hush hush or some kind of um I guess just just rules and etiquette around it have just ceased existing and I find that so wild I find that so so wild you know yeah that that’s that’s so wild to me okay it’s it’s kind it’s kind of strange it really is and it’s just I I grow I grow tired I grow awfully tired um I need to buy more enchantments what kind of ones do I want next I want to have some power behind my punch so need sharpness sharpness is for sorts though right I’m not I’m not shipping yeah definitely a bot yeah sometimes I can’t tell if like unpleasant person Miner or a bot yeah okay let me see um actually I’m just not I’m just going to be more strict [ __ ] it I need I’m I TI being too nice yeah it’s like I feel like lately the amount of like unsavory Chatters has increased and I don’t really know what brought that on did I actually Bo with oh God damn it let’s go on the hat then fine uh I can just put it away for now here don’t need this I think I purchased the wrong thing I need sharpness yeah I bought aquity I’m stupid huh oh I need a full stack of em oh dang sharpness is expensive Goodness Me Oh than to the iron farm T foron I try not to be so so like pissy with um unruly folks you know yeah I know I have the right to be I know it’s my chat I have the rights as it is my rules and everything but I try to be like rough around it yeah mhm mods yes but I have them on a very relaxed uh rules like only this imminent danger like bad bad bad cuz usually I’ll just handle myself honestly and plus not all my mods are available at all hours of the day cuz time zones so mhm yeah the chat is on sub only so these people really sub to Kazar Ruckus then you know scattle yeah that’s I’m glad I ammers are a pleasant Bunch because I feel like I’ve seen a lot like like if anything my time as a streamer has shown me the best and the worst of the internet in my opinion I mean I’ve not seen the worst worst of the internet no absolutely not I know it can get so much worse but I feel like I’ve seen the goods and the bads and there’s a lot of bad out there oh I’m out of iron and so I’m glad that the eye admirers are so sweet and well adjusted and mostly normal mostly normal because I’m glad that I have a certain amount of patience and internet literacy to deal with the things I have to deal with because have I been a younger less experienced more sensitive person this line of work would not be for me honestly yeah yeah it’s like this line of work is certainly not for everyone if you don’t have the stomach for it you shouldn’t do it you know that’s same offer people like um like follow your dreams do you want to do but be mindful of what it entails be be adjusted with be well acquainted with all of the adjustments you’re going to have to make yeah Define well adjusted okay perhaps this definition lacks financial responsibility cuz I admire it’s a notoriously irresponsible but in psychologically well adjusted they have some sense of decent etiquette okay and I appreciate it um uh Divine SM ah God scared me what the hell okay yeah mhm thank you NAU I try my best actually my o won’t be embarrassing I can’t listen half of Ian talks about Omega verse unprompted you’re fine like not a single stream the past month has gone by without me mentioning that Alvin’s pregnant so trust me juice juice you’re fine that’s like all I ask I admir is to be offline is kind and courteous that’s it you’re you have free rign to do what you want to do to like what you want to like to dislike what you want to like but I ask you to be mindful and courtious yes okay that’s all I ask mhm yeah and nothing brings me more joy than sing an I admire be happy on the TL with my with my Oshi Mark with in their name and everything nothing makes me happier the online is amazing on try of course G you’re absolutely correct absolutely correct absolutely correct I try to pay attention to the good and nothing nothing really uh Sparks a light light in my eyes more than seeing the ey admirers are happy doing what they want to do yeah um ABS is another stream Bingo Square I just uh listen Omega vers is it’s got Okay and like what would an a what would an a stream bingo card look like um arguing with Trav or financial responsibility um gift sniping um Alvin pregnancy um alen pregnancy uh carlac um uh um a snort laugh maybe um silence burps um uh yeah impregnating finana um n just like walks in yeah chat crying chat pissing chat [ __ ] maybe yeah uh what else um acquiring means I feel like there could there could be a lot on on on the bingo card I had Financial irresponsibility mention I think it’s close enough I think it’s close yeah yeah yeah the ey admirers are cooked they are cooked bro I was I going to get next um other books do I want I guess efficiency would be good efficiency five oh [ __ ] oh might as well use my all my enchantment points boop boop boop mhm they just getting who else is impregnating her hold on hold on Iron Monkey pause who who who only I’m allowed into her womb who Anna I guess uh I need to go bird hunting only I can get her pregnant listen I think I’m going be pregnant too I going be pregnant too guys cuz I’m cooking I’m about to give birth to this is so wild this is the dumbest conversation I’m working on projects and I got a lot of um Patty I am so brain rotted I read it as karma [Music] Karma’s I had a wish I would never mess around when I saw things of you and [Music] the where’s this conversation going where’s this conversation going I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself yeah yeah quas hot dogs you have to see it like quco hot dog yeah how the [ __ ] is aster pregnant he’s the most heteronormative person I know aside from being a f boy he’s the most heterosexual person I know of uh where is it uh what was I [Laughter] doing I should probably get protection on these shouldn’t I I’m almost out of levels though I think that should be good for now then yeah um Iron Monkey welcome back happy four months and N fish are flying fish but don’t worry my love for Angel Fish I got your back did y all see Marie fan art welcome back Iron Monkey happy happy four months of course thank you very much for joining have y’all seen have y’all seen Marie’s fan art of the magnet a fish that was kind of crazy that that was kind of that was kind of that was kind of crazy that was kind of Bonkers that was that was kind of Bonkers I was like oh [ __ ] mind you Marie is very easy very simple and very easy to work with super straightforward super friendly I think like I have’t I’ve had the blessing of having that one bad experience with my art team not a single one when’s the doet cover it’s a perms thing it’s a perms thing that one’s a little hard to get honestly to be fair fish and I have been discussing the possibility of a collab or duet at some points we haven’t gotten around to it yet but we’re talking about it we’re kind of thinking and just trying to balance okay what do we want what do we want like that kind of thing so we’ll see we’ll see some we might be cooking in the future who knows you know no I put this away as well I think I’m going to work on my Barbie house a little bit Yeah Y Mar is indeed goated indeed so I love the fan artists I love the artistic and wonderful people of the community and I love and appreciate them yeah yeah in fact let me show you one right now in fact let me show you one let me show you a piece of fan art that I appreciate from our community cuz our community is so full of wonderful and amazing artists that I just I just have to show you the amazing things they make because it’s so good isn’t it beautiful isn’t it perect isn’t it perfect Prett I want I wonder I wonder who drew that one I wonder waa who means something being so pretty and I should totally follow them on Twitter _ Bell on Twitter please follow them the art is amazing now look now look at the material mama look at the material look at the material mama my favorite activity is harassing my eye admirers with with affection my favorite activ annoying them I I I love to annoy the eye admirers I annoy the on the Tweet of trees and by the fourth time you say okay I keep on going okay I need some coal I think I saw some coal over here a while back aha there is coal here yes excellent Sublime oh no I’m slippy I needs cool and stickies uhoh I won’t be mining the diamonds I know this this is it’s off limits yeah everything soy shut up shut shut shut shut shut thine mouth okay I need to make a some kind of walk some kind of Tower and I saw the pi y her I felt the n twist karma’s a [ __ ] and the song is very mid hi Booty wi booty wizard are you still Wizarding booty Wizarding the booties good for you bro I thing is as long as I’m not making fire I’m safe from it oh weeping how can I tease you weeping I’ve seen your tweets weeping you’re not slick I’ve seen them I see the things you tweet they appear my timeline they appear my time I’ve seen them you’re not safe B of B of I admirers to assume they’re literally ever safe you’re literally never safe I’m always nearby I’m in your walls guys I admire did you forget the fact I live inside your walls you silly geese you you silly geese did you forget I live inside your walls all you little goofy goobers you forgot you you silly goobers you completely forgot I live inside your walls I know everything about you you smell very nice I like your outfit nice shirt mhm and monkey i’ i’ I’ve seen I’ve seen your [ __ ] too yeah it’s okay I’m eating the Cockroaches for sustenance they’re full they’re I’m I’m I mean tell me full of cockroaches yeah pay rent no thank you I don’t believe in paying rent I believe in kissing pretty women it’s all I want personally a how did I miss that okay okay let get these ones I just need more coal okay let’s f for some more I think there’s more veins on that side yeah those are my friends um too bad they’re dorks hello Donkey of the water what is your wisdom chat we’ve encountered we’ve encountered the donkey of the water we must ask it its wisdom Donkey of the water what wisdom do you have for me do crimes loud and clear I will of course thank you I will I’ll do more crimes of course any day thank you thank you for your can I help you sir of course I’ll will always do crimes of course maic it never said that maic you’re just lying now you you are fully lying okay you are you are a liar and a fiber okay and uh you you will never survive the winter okay yeah now now why the [ __ ] you lying oh my God stop [ __ ] lying thank you donkey of the water for for your for your wisdom thank you I I have become wiser because of this information thank you I wonder know what the guy’s up to I hope that guy is still making music the guy who did the why the [ __ ] you lion song I hope he’s still making music becoming a meme is a big deal good on [Music] him sorry I just drove a lot to I’m a little eepe tired goo I’m a little bit of a tired goober today that’s okay as long as I have the blocking oh can I good night’s going to bed good night good night J you must listen to the call of the donkey of the water the donkey of the water provides wisdom I’m a bit of an eepy goob a little sleepy I haven’t made my schedule for next week yet oops I’ll get to it eventually it’s fine all the way up there it’s kind of far okay I think that’s enough for now okay that makes some Torchy boys uh let’s do [Music] another okay like this okay goodie Rie super riey munchy super okay H yeah I know I’m going to have a good dice collection stream um uh next week I don’t know what day I’ll figure something out there’s lots of collabs happening next week also oh yeah um without sharing too much information cuz it’s a surprise um so perhaps the gober’s been cooking a few things and the gloer just got updates from an artist legit like today um how do I work this H H hum well I got updates and they’re very good updates and usually I have a few tinkerings or notes for my artists but this one I just said nope it’s good keep it keep going and that kind of thing so yeah it’s a surprise it’s a surprise okay I got several surprises cooking up yeah mhm I’m pante with surprises yes okay and so um uhoh yeah and so um I’m prante with quite a few surprises and so actually I’m going to start on that side this side now that’s more like it okay yeah I’m pante with surprises um and uh I can’t wait for y’all to see it it’s cooking up it’s cooking up mhm who’s the father myself I’m self- reproducing I I’m engaging in matosis yeah matosis yeah chiplets it’s okay how many things oh te TI thank you for the gift thank you thank you trying to oh my God stop trying again for more children it’s you R pregnant oh my God are you congratulations are you pregnant what are you going to name them it’s not not you’re you’re you’re pagante that’s crazy no the Y in noo means yes yes you are pante oh my good how many triple did I hear wait hold on there’s three letters in yo you’re having triplets oh my God congratulate who’s the FL or the mother or the them oh my goodness BR triet is crazy not it has four four quintuplets quadruplets whatever crazy EOS thank you for the gift it thank you thank you that’s I’m so happy you’re pregnant happy pregnancy happy pregnancy yeah H H happy happy pregnancy when are you going to um when are you going to eject them from your womb like a machine gun you know yeah oh no I recently found out one of my one of the viewers in chat is pregnant with quadruplets can I no I want to be the Godmother I want to be the Godmother no I want be the Godfather so can be an Italian mafia man like hey you come to me my the night of my daughter’s wedding yeah I want to be the Godfather so I can quote Mafia lines yeah no no no you’re pregnant I know what I can let me I can smell the pregnancy fermon from you you smell that I smell pregnancy TNT Raider you’re pregnant aren’t you I can smell your fertile yeah pregnant that’s crazy yeah oh my goodness crazy yeah I admirers I wonder how you deal with me I wonder I wonder why I wonder why and how honestly if you can smell chat for pregnancy what percent of CHA is pregnant 23% 23% right now 23% of you are pregnant all right pregnant folks come forward let me see I’m talking about pregnancy I know chat’s uh 23% of chat’s pregnant right now yeah who’s pregnant I know some are pregnant I know I know I’m pronard I’m pomegranate oh no you guys I I can’t I can’t I can’t afford to take all care of all of you oh my goodness guys I just can’t help I have so many maidens they’re all pregnant this is so weird I want you know I have night I have waking nightmares of my co-workers at Al Luna Institute finding my channel somehow and watching my streams I have like waking night I wake up in a cold sweat because of that you know I have actual waking nightmares I have actual waking nightmares and so um if they were to walk in on this and just see me sniffing out for fertile WBS I I’d have I’d have to quit I’d have to leave I I’d have to um I I’d have to throw myself into the sewers okay yeah I I need to throw myself into the sewers and never to be seen again honestly I need to shave my head and run off into the ocean I’ll shave my head wear a wig and walk walk into the ocean and all I see Flo is my wig yeah yeah yeah I’m already living inside your wall so it’s not too much of a not too much of a uh a a jump there under oh no l you can’t blame me for this no no oh my goodness oh my go yeah you can like you can like uh oh wait you can lay eggs your birds you lay eggs yeah WG snatched by those exactly exactly my goal is to snatch wigs because they’re expensive and I want one wigs are expensive a nice lace F can like a good solid can be 500 to 700 for human hair don’t get me a start in the long ones too there’s full Human Hair lace front units not including installation girl they’re expensive wigs are not cheap thank God that I’m a cheap cosplayer and I just buy synthetic and just just roll with it okay yeah Y no you you’re dork shut shush I’m so egged oh my God yeah invite the baby shower I don’t know TNT Raider I’m not the one who’s prayed calm down it’s not good for the baby TN you have to calm down okay calm down don’t be so mad it’s not good for the baby you shouldn’t stress up the baby like that okay okay I’m going to hop out of Minecraft for now I think it’s causing some uh some mining connection issues when close out of it let me swich it back to this screen hi [Music] [Music] hi it’s me the goo it’s go hello hello and now I get to give you all to myself all to myself hello hello hello hello hello how’s it going oh my goodness my frames ah yeah shut up no I’m not sh Silence You silence yeah I think this upcoming week at Luna Institute is going to be kind of busy so I’ll see what I can do um hopefully I can stream normally hopefully yeah hopefully hope my schedule’s not too Bonkers I don’t want to Crazy schedule I just want a normal week please oh my goodness my why is my my seat cushion sliding so much goodness give me a second okay yeah my my I think I was slouching so my my cushion slid oopsies also guys I wanted a a brief like a bit of a walk earlier I wasn’t wearing the right Footwear and I got a blister on my Tootsie right on my heel my little tootsies I don’t know I think it’s ie’s fault too yeah I think it’s I’s fault it’s I’s fault I have this blister therefore we must we must we We Must Destroy AI honestly yeah yeah we have to destroy them mhm yeah it’s your fault for real okay yeah no it’s like I was wearing boots I hadn’t broken in before and so um yeah the thing is okay can I just be very true and real can I be very true and real right now I I’m sorry to change the subject and everything and I hate like it’s my return to YouTube after a weekl long break and I just want to laugh and joke around with viewers and everything cuz I just it’s what I like to do and everything but I can’t be help but be wary of names I don’t fully recognize in chat especially when they continuously break rules it’s it’s fine like I’m I’m very patient I’m willing to let it slide even if you break rules I’ll let it slide if I don’t think it’s that harmful but I have no choice but to be wary of people who I don’t recognize in my chat cuz mind you the Saving Grace of being one of the smaller streamers is I recognize names pretty well now I’ve been at this game for almost two years I’ve I’ve been at this game for almost two years now I can recognize a lot of names some I don’t cuz my memory is not that great but some I I do okay and so when I see someone I don’t recognize breaking a lot of rules I can’t help but get suspicious and want to ban them or mute them or whatever whatever that entails because at this point I have no choice okay at this point I I can’t be nice about it anymore okay so a general statement to everyone in chat to everyone listening I old and new I admire like please be mindful of chat rules I love to welcome new faces I love welcoming new faces I love new people dropping by to say hi I love that I encourage it more people yay more fresh blood I love it personally but if you walk in Breaking rules immediately I can’t help but get a little bit worried okay all right not when my safety is a concern of mine okay all right because I I normally keep it as lead back as possible I’m not one to be a rules lawyer I studied business not law and so me personally I have to be chill about it please I can’t help to be a little bit suspicious and a little bit worried about such things okay now I admire you don’t typically have a problem with roles absolutely not but on occasion I do see new folks and I I’d love to welcome you and like have you formally join our totally not occults but please be mindful of rules because if you purposely cause issues I can’t help but equate you to be a certain kind of person that I have to remove from the channel okay yeah mhm and I don’t want to do it I really don’t not I hate being a rules lawyer I hate people are on my case for all the tinest little things which is why I’m always so laxed with the rules but I it’s gotten to the point where I can I can no longer be laxed with a lot of things anymore unfortunately okay so sorry it’s just been bugging me cuz I happened a few times to stream already so just just be mindful okay and for those of you who already follow rules it’s easy it’s y’all y’all don’t cause problems it’s you know who you are you’re fine you’re not going to cause problems don’t worry about it nothing changes nothing’s changed so yeah mhm yeah so thank you okay PSA over let’s talk about hot dogs I had I had a really good I had a yummy hot dog I had it with um a broad worst yeah appears a kind of German sausage yeah I happened recently it was a broadw on a Brio bun with mayonnaise and sour crack out and and onions and garlic yeah it was super super yummy now as a person who usually eats quco Hot Dogs it was like a bougie version it was bougie H yeah is hot I it’s like a like a sandwich but long you know yeah yeah it was super yummy it had a wonderful snap to it a delightful texture yeah yeah it was delightful I don’t even know what a Brio bun is I’ll be completely honest I have no idea what a Brio is I just know it’s fancy bread actually have not the slightest clue what Brios means it’s like I know it’s a little bit more orangey looking I think and it’s kind of buttery that’s it that’s that’s all I know I it’s a fancy it’s a fancy Dancy bread it’s good bread I not I’m kind of spoiled though I like I like French bread a lot though bu me served on French bread it’s really yummy oh pastri cheese oh that sounds yummy Ola yeah no no it’s always a crime to do that Rogue Ren it’s a crime to lie to the gber if you lie to Gooby you get the Divine smart I could I could I couldn’t get that to rhyme I tried you know what’s French bread it’s like a like a bagette it’s like like imagine a bread loaf but the crust is all over you hit control T and you drag it sideways so it’s it’s long bread yeah yeah it’s like the yeah it’s that one yeah it’s like get a little bread hit control T and just drag in One Direction that that’s kind of what a bad is yeah and B me is served on it in it whatever with it yeah yeah how do you brat AET oh that sounds yummy I never I was never a big fan of pretzel bread by itself but with something else oh you know what I don’t know cuz it feels a bit too heavy petzel bread is really dense yeah I don’t like breads that are too um dense because I feel like it it just hurts my tummy it sits in there like a [Music] rock yeah listen I like bagets though see hiccups goodness oh no not hiccups not like this okay I think I’m good am I good hiccups gone hiccups gone okay yeah yeah honestly you know B me is really yummy but like because it’s so crusty does scratch the roof of my mouth same with like Captain Crunch cereal see DRS in general yeah French bread quasa no that’s a that’s a croissant it’s different yeah okay it’s different uh-oh uh let me check something real quick okay I’ve been alerted that the power in my area may be at risk of going off um yeah okay I’ve been alerted that I want to talk for more I really do but I’ve been alerted that my area may lose power and I don’t want to end stream uh like that cuz I can’t I can’t end stream if I lose power um I’ll stream let me see okay I’ll stre for another few minutes but I might have to dip yeah yeah okay finally s I me it would be fun but then I I can’t end stream though the stream will cut out but I can’t end the stream I have to ask another member to do it for me and I don’t want to bug anyone so uh yeah okay yeah it’s good to be back everyone I’ll post my screen my stream schedule sometime um tomorrow morning okay I’m going to finalize it this this evening thank you for the welcome back everyone thank you yes I have to cut things short you know I hate doing this I really do but like sorry sorry I have to I have to I don’t want to I don’t want to have to like get locked out of uh closing my stream yeah exactly I hate par outages me person I hate it cuz there’s no way see then I just burn I just booil it gets hot where I’m from it gets really warm it’s only it’s three and a half three and a half hours is kind of short for me though it’s kind of like normal yeah yes sorry everyone I got to go sorry thank you for the supas thanks for hanging out everyone I appreciate it I can’t Camp the FID I wonder if I open up the fridge it lose his cool air yeah yeah okay thank you for tuning in everyone I’m so sorry I have to go I just don’t trust my par to stay stable I live in a my the infrastructure in my neighborhood is not very good so okay it should be I should be okay for a few more minutes though yeah um so a few things just cuz I’m back and I’d like to spoil you a little bit upon my return I have concurrently um uh a couple of birthday projects uh happening right now for my birthday because um funny enough I don’t normally celebrate my birthday I’m not a very festive person but nii has really been the only time I I’ve celebrated my birthday since I was literally a kid um so I have a couple of birthday the surprises um I’ve been planning for a while now um including a new cover song so please look forward to it um May 27th indeed yes um and then in June I’m going to tell you straight up I’m revealing my third outfit in June okay I’m just going to tell you straight up no no no no hints no nothing this third outfit in June okay um the Luna second anniversary is currently being planned um I had some big grandiose ideas for the second anniversary but it looks like the other members really want to take it easier this year so I think the plans will be more laidback okay and see guys see what I [ __ ] mean come on okay very [ __ ] mean absolutely ridiculous why is it so bad lately anyways um so in uh June after reveal July is the anniversary and um May it’s going to be my birthday I have a few things prepared for you okay cuz not going to lie my third half has been done since March my third has been done since March and so I’ve been I’ve been waiting for a good time to reveal it so yeah yeah and school it’s going to be pretty laidback this year okay aluna’s plans for this year are more laidback I kind of wanted to go for something grandiose and very high production but um but it seems the most of the members want to be more laidback for our second anniversary which just respectable we’re all tired and so uh that’s what we’re settling for have stream yeah I I think the other most of the other members have seen it already yeah mhm um I’ve actually revealed it almost a couple times just twice I believe twice so I had it loaded in and I was like [ __ ] Swit switch switch switch switch words comes to words I can I hide my model on screen but still yeah so uh yeah there’s that look forward to yay y yippy yippy yippy yippy yippy and so yeah so those are the plans so there’s going to be the Aluna anniversary in July third outfit in June um a birthday celebration in um in May okay yeah yeah boy I hope you like it I hope you like it I economically washes all her clothes wases the most washes her clothes most exactly exactly can I mean other members have other stuff going on too coming up pretty soon so okay yeah the um hi I love gold how’s it going um I had this AIT done for a while I’m just waiting on a few assets and waiting on a few thingies So yeah thank you sponsor no you you spoil me those it’s only fair that’s why I’m always insistent on giving the ey admirers lots of gifts for my birthday it’s not about me it’s about my stinky Birds okay my stinky Birds deserve it even though they’re smelly and stinky and DOR and they always make fun of me and they’re always loud and annoying and they keep way way weing yeah well you spoil me therefore it’s my turn to spoil you okay yeah okay h again what is with it today is that is it the same person doing it constantly Jesus Christ welcome back to YouTube I guess damn yeah stinky as heck oh juice juice thank you for the super wait wait yeah keep crying keep crying mini scooter not all have alt accounts relating to John Cena to spam gifted memberships I know mini scooter not all of us have multiple accounts centered around John Cena to spam membes like is it is it the Minecraft Miners I mean this chat is technically 18 plus miners are not shunned per se but beware that this is an 18 plus chat therefore I’m going to swear I’m going to talk about weird [ __ ] additionally my material is not marketed towards you my my age group is mostly 24 year olds and up okay mostly female mostly in their mid 20s okay so um you’re allowed to be here just it’s not for you but you’re allowed to be here but you best follow [ __ ] rules follow the damn rules okay and I’m Boomer uh-oh Boomer spotted dog pum yeah yeah yeah yeah honestly the the guys are indeed a minority oops dropped something yeah most of my viewers are uh ladies in their mid 20s yeah yeah some Liv are kidf friend if you want a kid-friendly liver watch um Ike Eveland not because his materials made for kids he doesn’t swear and I know I know swearing is kind of like a big no no around the kidos so you want L doing swear Maria doesn’t swear rosam me doesn’t swear um Ike doesn’t swear um steer clear of the rest of a Luna I Ren for the most party doesn’t swear for the most part Shu doesn’t swear yeah there there there’s members who are a little bit more safe to watch in public than than say others me I’ll will accuse you of being pregnant out of nowhere I will smell you and sense your your pungent pregnant pheromones and call you pregnant on the spot and and claim ownership of your children okay okay s yeah s is not the full issue it’s more like the content cuz not even that not their content is is is is for kiddos I think with the big one of the big ones is swearing yeah mhm oh yeah who has me on speaker right now does anyone have speaker on me right now is any is anyone bold enough to have me on speaker with me on max volume is is anyone ballsy enough for that huh penis okay yeah exactly that that’s your fault for help me on on uh on on loud okay yeah czy I call some yall could tell it was a warning I oh M her M I’m on the big screen I’m on the big big screen big screen Gooby I got a lot of you like oh mute her now before she does it you’re welcome Mommy thank you for the super watching TV I live by myself I’m going to speak to the demons in your house um Demons of jom’s house hi just don’t do a sexy voice Oh you mean this one oh my God not my sexy voice I don’t know if it even counts as a sexy voice it’s just my voice but lower that’s it like I don’t even remotely call this voice sexy I just it’s just the voice that’s lower and older sounding and for some reason it’s considered sexy hey yeah welcome back happy four months baby girl thank you that’s it that is it thank you welcome back happy four months good to see you again I’m I feel like she sounds more authoritative yeah no they’re not I wish I wasn’t so nasly I’m really really even like I watched some react to my uh Bizarre Foods cover song and he commented that my voice is nasly like [ __ ] I know I know I know it’s I know I’m easily can it’s the way I [Music] talk yeah it’s it’s got Authority right you’ll listen to the Miss Mario voice right I admirers if you’re going to respect my authority as missamari you’ll make wiser decisions in life and stop being so [ __ ] silly okay okay good you listen to me right you’ll listen you’ll be good little BBS and make smarter decisions right you will you will of course very good very good glad to hear it thank you nothing makes me happier than ing ey admirers listen to me and heed my call and heed my commands thank you yeah oh yeah no cuz if you don’t I will have to punish you yeah the good old um blood eagle on Minecraft you know the good oldfashioned blood eagle no one thank you for the SAA message unclear shut up shut the [ __ ] up shut up shut turn down the Silly levels please thank you minaton thank you for for the hot dog thank you for the gift to do thank you very much stop I’m hungry I haven’t had dinner yet oopsies Gooby hasn’t eaten yet I’m going to burp I burp excuse me I don’t want to go yet I want to talk go east no I don’t want to go overseas again I don’t want I’m still talking it’s still Gooby time no not going no no I don’t have to listen to some dorks you can’t tell what to do no am I if my power goes out it goes out whatever no I’m not listening to you you can’t do what to do no I’m not I’m not listening to dorks it might go out it’s not guaranteed this might h i don’t listen to nerds you can’t tell what to do dorks I’m My Own Boss now I’m Gooby I make the shots here it’s my stream and and my rules they’re AF to follow my rules or else you get the ban Hammer baby yeah foot is good but I’m talking still I’m not clingy shut up breaker I’m not I’m not clingy shut up don’t want to don’t want to I’m not clingy shut up I’m not clingy I just want to keep talking not clany at all you’re the clingy ones not me you’re the ones who keep going wa wa wa whenever I’m not screen H not clinging at all shut no silence dorks no B Young I’m going to super glue your CLA shut you can’t speak to carlac she’s in my bed I can help I love her a certain kind of way I I feel like I make for a fierce lover for her you know that’s why she’s mine and only mine and you’re just jealous okay stop being jealous of me chat it’s getting pretty embarrassing it’s getting really embarrassing yeah what the hell so your CL is not safe it’s never safe never okay anyhoo any I’m actually getting quite hungry H I’m getting quite hungry I to say before I hop off for today um you s uh did I have anything else to bring up I don’t remember I was going to say something I forgot what um right K I forget thank you for super no clingy stop that thank you LEL thank you thank you thank you I forgot I had something else why is it escaping me right now H my memory is quite bad isn’t it I guess it wasn’t that important question mark I guess it wasn’t important I I guess I don’t know oh yeah positive thing today um I had Jolly bees earlier and I’m back to I’m back to seeing my eye admirers I was worried y’all would forget me y’all remembered me yay yeah I was worried that the ey Master would forget about me or something so I’m glad the irm remembered me cuz if not I had to destroy you in Minecraft yeah I was a little worried there yeah I was a little worried what if I’m gone for too long and I ADM forget yeah so I’m glad y’all remembered Al be sad turn this now sounds like a skill is to me a crab game oh my goodness I stream your eyes back oh a oh thank you I’m glad you playing games together though and shut the [ __ ] up demon shut up ah of course your name is demon you have that first Angels shut shut up oh no matter what would you love me if I was a worm gpng welcome back happy 9 months happy pregnancy happy Grog nut been so it’s been so long who are you again shut the [ __ ] up you’re at my mean greet bro you’re at the mean greet okay damn damn oh [ __ ] okay damn what the hell what the hell sleepy [ __ ] oh AR love yeah yeah I love to little I’m having a stroke I love to do that something like that someday yeah yeah but tomorrow I have to go back to Luna Institute at least I got to work from home but still the the the sentiment rains the same I don’t want to do it but here we are you got to time for bed no no what if I don’t want to okay well I’m getting hungry I should probably hop off for the power goes out nice welcome back Happ s months it’s goo all day all night oh yeah it’s always goo it’s always goo time it’s always goo time will be there when you Don know when you do oh God damn it I’m so brain rotted I read Don know like can I donate to myself I mean I could I guess and just check my bank account and move move money around I guess I don’t know I’m so brain rotted yeah yeah but I’m going to call the night then good night go night everyone night night night night see you tomorrow probably for maidens ship yeah I’ll see you tomorrow see [Music] you see see you wouldn’t want to be you who is she what is she about what is her problem hello hello you can’t kill me I’m a bad [ __ ] you can’t kill me I’m a bad [ __ ] you can’t to kill me my power is still here baby girl my power is still here just OBS crashed OBS crash we good that was that was that was yeah OB really came with the folding chair just bought me with Min SC yeah were you primed and prepped to to attack my chat after I left welcome back thank you T tier thank you for the gifted mini scooter thank you for the 50 gifted I caught you red-handed I caught you red-handed thank you welcome new maidens welcome welcome welcome if y’all got a GI membership from mini scoter properly you ain’t slick fascinating very fascinating indeed okay anyways thank you for tuning in everyone I’ll see you guys tomorrow for the membership stream okay thank you oh we got 236 new members holy [ __ ] thank you so much thank you everyone oh it’s still oh it’s still being assigned oh it’s probably me higher than that then dang around 250 then thank you very much everyone see you tomorrow see you tomorrow don’t get into any funny business as I leave okay good night good night bye Boe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 BACK FROM MY BREAK! Back to the NIJI EN server! 【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】’, was uploaded by Aia Amare 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-04-29 05:35:07. It has garnered 4008 views and 700 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:25 or 14425 seconds.

More progress in the NIJI EN Minecraft server~! 『Streamlabs Donations』 https://streamlabs.com/aiaamarenijisanjien

Mi★[NEW VOICE PACK]https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/iluna-debut-celebration/products/all-purpose-voice-aia-amare 【1ST STEP GOODS】https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/first-step-goods/products/first-step-goods-aia-amare

ミ★ 『NIJISANJI EN 「ILUNA」 DEBUT!』 https://youtu.be/ekwnJHHK_o0

『ILUNA – (Official Music Video) | NIJISANJI EN』 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGwVwmwHqcc


『Tags』 ✧ Group Name: #ILUNA ✧ GENERAL: #AiaAmare ✧ LIVE: AiaAmareLIVE ✧ ART: #AmareAtelier ✧ NSFW: #AmarErotic ✧ MEME: #AIYAHamare ✧ THUMBNAIL/ASSETS: #AiaAssets ✧ FAN NAME: Aiadmirers

『My socials』 https://twitter.com/AiaAmare


『Rules』 👼 Please be mindful. No spamming or rude words. Please refrain from spamming emojis (as they can be distracting to me and other viewers) UNLESS there is an occasion where I specifically ask for it. Commenting with emojis is fine, but excessive or spammy use will result in a time out.

👼 No discussions about drama, politics, or doxxing speculations. If I see it in the chat, you will be timed out. If I see it in a superchat or dono, I will thank you for the superchat/dono, but I will not read its contents.

👼 No trauma dumping. Please refrain from doing so in chat or superchat/donos. I’m glad that my streams help you on your bad days, but please do not send chats, superchats, or donations containing such material, as it may make me or other viewers uncomfortable. If you do this, I will thank you for the superchat/dono, but I will not read it.

👼 Please do not bring up other Livers in the chat while on my stream UNLESS I bring them up first. In addition, do not bring me up in other Livers’ chats unless they mention me first.

👼 Please stay on topic to the stream. If there are multiple comments being made that are not related to the stream, you will be timed out.

👼 Try not to take things too seriously. We’re all here to just kick back and have fun! If you see anything suspicious in the chat, please remain calm. I or a mod will take care of it.

✧ Guidance for minors: https://www.anycolor.co.jp/notice-for-minors-en ✧ For Business and PR Inquiries : https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/contact ミ★ 『ILUNA』 Aia Amare https://twitter.com/aiaamare https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN68LoM3khS4gdBMiWJO8WA

Kyo Kaneko Twitter: https://twitter.com/kyokanek0 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsb-1aJgiJXJH2feV-zlZRw

Maria Marionette https://twitter.com/mariamari0nette https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwaS8_S7kMiKA3izlTWHbQg

Aster Arcadia https://twitter.com/asterarcadia https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpzxZW5kghGnO5TmAFJQAVw

Scarlet Yonaguni https://twitter.com/scarleyonaguni https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFgXWZOUZA2oYHNr6qDmsTQ

Ren Zotto https://twitter.com/renzott0 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKu59gTZ_rdEmerdx5rV4Yg

ミ★ 『NIJISANJI Official Website』 https://www.nijisanji.jp/en

『Official NIJISANJI ON Twitter』 https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World

『NIJISANJI Official Twitch 』 https://www.twitch.tv/nijisanji_en

『Official ANYCOLOR Website』 https://www.anycolor.co.jp/

Mi★ 『Credits』 BGM – (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aziEvC_4WyI ) Mama ( https://twitter.com/@Noy_0_0 ) Animated Aia Chibi ( https://twitter.com/Rumskiich ) Stream Graphics ( https://twitter.com/uwumedia ) Logo and Schedule ( https://twitter.com/OrihimeVT ) Transition Animation (https://twitter.com/XI_error) Tablet/Mircophone Asset (https://twitter.com/AngieForVT) Room/Desk Asset (https://twitter.com/maka_illu) Cottage/Room Asset (https://twitter.com/nrnmarie) Chat format: (https://twitter.com/chrone_co)

Thumbnail: (twitter.com/myado38) #WEARE #WE_ARE_IN #MOON

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  • MineChest

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  • Minecraft Memes – Pillager Dad adopts Villager Son, Villager Son dies

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 47 of Wood Challenge Madness

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  • Sakura Love: Building a Home in Minecraft

    Sakura Love: Building a Home in Minecraft Minecraft: Building a Sakura-themed House Exploring the creative possibilities of Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, a content creator recently showcased their love for cherry blossoms by constructing a charming Sakura-themed house. Let’s delve into the details of this delightful creation! Embracing Cherry Blossoms The use of Sakura trees in Minecraft is a testament to the player’s appreciation for nature and aesthetics. The delicate pink petals and lush greenery of these trees add a serene and picturesque touch to the virtual world. Building a Dream Home With a keen eye for design, the content creator meticulously crafted a cozy and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft FTB Skies: Hostile Mobs & Rockets!

    EPIC Minecraft FTB Skies: Hostile Mobs & Rockets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft FTB Skies (Modded Quest Skyblock) Lets Play Episode 12 Hostile Mobs and Rockets’, was uploaded by ShdowDragonHD on 2024-06-14 11:00:06. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:12 or 2772 seconds. Welcome to my Lets Play series on Feed The Beast Skies a Modded Skyblock With lots of quests to complete this is the non expert version of the modpack so its freeroam for the quest format comparted to Expert Mode which is more locked down Subscribe and follow me as i undertake this adventure and see… Read More

  • Thrilling Minecraft Survival Gameplay Pt. 8

    Thrilling Minecraft Survival Gameplay Pt. 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Survival Gameplay Walkthrough Video Part 8 (iOS, Android)’, was uploaded by DarkPlayerGame on 2024-03-06 21:08:49. It has garnered 771 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:24 or 984 seconds. Minecraft – Survival Gameplay Walkthrough Video Part 8 (iOS, Android) Minecraft Walkthrough Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTFfZzcXkzrAeGMZs1bHvh_no9EOR4jD8 📱GAME DESCRIPTION Minecraft: Pocket Edition – Paid Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor… Read More

  • Insane BOXPVP Montage #12 RAPY.PL DRAW

    Insane BOXPVP Montage #12 RAPY.PL DRAWVideo Information This video, titled ‘RAPY.PL | BOXPVP | MONTAGE #12 |LOSOWANIE | pvpdres |’, was uploaded by pvpdres on 2024-02-16 11:40:22. It has garnered 6006 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. #boxpvpv #minecraft #pvpsmurf #pvpdres dc clan ROXA: https://discord.gg/KtUD34fXPe contact dc : pvpdres – pvpsmurf – ramboo_ – rambo txt – squeru – kajzus – kajzus txt – rybentjusz – gedzu – dudziu – kerdziok – Affer – macro – trombapowirusna – txt – KAMPER – KAMPERR – MALTI – trombapotrzna – Noway69 – Noway txt – tikk99 – txt tikka… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Finale: Rarest Anomalies in Minecraft #6!

    UNBELIEVABLE Finale: Rarest Anomalies in Minecraft #6!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rare Anomalies in Minecraft #6 (FINALE)’, was uploaded by Rovant on 2024-05-20 09:51:46. It has garnered 42682 views and 3171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:59 or 959 seconds. Thanks for watching! Astralex Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/astralex-shader-bsl-edit DylanDC14’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DylanDC14 DamDuck’s Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/DamgodW_-_/ Anomaly 1 – The Tallest Mansions Seed 1 (2nd tallest mansion): 2578614041115360742 Seed 2 (tallest mansion): 3436809468143172779 Versions: Both on 1.20.4 Locations: Both at spawn Anomaly 2 – The Smallest Biome Seed: -2673084626516474955 Version: 1.17.1 Location: 357 70 482 Anomaly 3 – Strange Witch Huts Seed 1 (Longest legs hut): -327284582683722602 Seed… Read More

  • Unbelievable Stone Farm in Minecraft Survival

    Unbelievable Stone Farm in Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Made An OP Stone Farm In Minecraft Survival . Episode 2’, was uploaded by ItsBlackYT on 2024-02-28 14:15:29. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:50 or 710 seconds. We Made An OP Stone Farm In Minecraft Survival . Episode 2 Subscribe Now Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fail! Day 11 Disaster #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Fail! Day 11 Disaster #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Day 11 in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by EpicError on 2024-01-01 09:56:15. It has garnered 11463 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Discord – https://discord.gg/error-ki-haveli-1078173289559642215 FOLLOW KAR LO INSTAGRAM PAR- https://www.instagram.com/mr_error_100k/ Other Channels 1- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZVTGH0v-EnNd7RLxkK_DQw 2- https://youtube.com/@ErrorRao?si=DJeJ-MnwOHLojlxB Read More

  • INSANE PRANK on Kameraman! 😱 #shorts #roblox

    INSANE PRANK on Kameraman! 😱 #shorts #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘KENA PRANK TEAM KAMERAMAN #shorts #skibiditoilet #roblox #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zrone Gaming on 2024-04-24 06:00:31. It has garnered 16521 views and 300 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. KENA PRANK TEAM KAMERAMAN #shorts #skibiditoilet #roblox #minecraft THIS VIDEO IS MY REACTION FROM VIRAL VIDEO THANKS FOR ORIGINAL VIDEO @_BunnyFunny Music by : Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.comCreative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/Msm-KmMusic promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/GQCoV1TarO4 #skibiditoilet #skibidi #skibidibopyesyesyes Read More

  • 🌸COWommunism EXPLODES! Join the madness now! 🌼

    🌸COWommunism EXPLODES! Join the madness now! 🌼Video Information This video, titled ‘Messing with flowers | all the mod 9 | Minecraft #minecraft #live #atm9’, was uploaded by cowommunism on 2024-04-14 19:47:37. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:11 or 19691 seconds. Welcome to stream **Donation** If you want to tip me:https://streamelements.com/cowommunism/tip Upi: rickyfernandes2003-1@okhdfcbank **CHAT RULES** -Be kind -Respect other humans -Include everyone -Listen to the moderation team -No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia or other hate-based chat -No ethnic, sexual, religious, disability, agist or transphobic slurs -Don’t spam words -Don’t argue with people over chat — especially the moderators -English only… Read More

  • Stickman vs Zombies in Minecraft!! 😱

    Stickman vs Zombies in Minecraft!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Zombie ATTACKED Stickman ( Dymon ) @_@’, was uploaded by Katoon Studio on 2024-03-15 19:45:39. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. What happened if minecraft zombie attacked the stickman ?? was stickman prepared for this or zombie will kill stickman ?? watch video to found out !! Subscribe for more fire content !! Comment if you didn’t liked the video & like if u like the video 👅 More Tags: minecraft zombie,stickman,minecraft vs stickman animation,minecraft vs stickman,stickman fights,stickman fight minecraft,stickman fight animation,minecraft… Read More

  • TurboMC Modded

    TurboMC ModdedLooking for a start to a small community for anyone to play along with. -Currently running modded minecraft. The pack running is FTB Skies. -Anyone can join. Come join the discord to get whitelisted! -No banned items, friendly players, No griefing or stealing. turbo.modded.fun Read More

  • The Garden SMP – LGBTQ+ Friendly, Long Term, No Whitelist

    Welcome to The Garden Welcome to The Garden, a laid back Bedrock Edition experience powered by the Forsaken Odyssey expansion. Explore new content without the need for modding, just join and download the resource packs. No Obligations Play Minecraft on your terms with no playtime obligations or paid packages. The server expenses are covered, ensuring a place for pure enjoyment. Fresh and Unique Discover new mobs, blocks, biomes, and items with the Forsaken Odyssey expansion. Join without downloading anything, just get the resource packs when you log in. Play Your Way Whether you prefer a solitary experience or want to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t create a mini Batman in Minecraft!

    If that kid becomes Batman, you better hope he doesn’t have a creeper sidekick ready to explode your plans! Read More