Epic Minecraft Explosion in Massive Cave!

Video Information

Imagine someone who like doesn’t like he’s like a very conservative old man he doesn’t like Windows and he calls them windows windowss windows what do you need the windows for what they uh they help you let the rain in why do you want more rain in the

House sunlight P who needs an I say what do you think of this guy um I don’t know I guess he likes the dark this a lot yeah well he doesn’t understand why people want all the sunlight sunlight mlight F need a feel like this this a man of my own

People real man of the people uh okay are you in your server M yeah I join yeah my eyes are like uh horizontal and your eyes are like vertical so it looks more like cute and Anime she is an anime girl okay yeah she looks like it yes

Kind of wish I had like an anime face it’s better probably get one I could but this guy’s been carrying me through why should I betray him that’s true but no I guess I guess it’d be cool to get a a custom one how’d you do

It um it’s a long time ago was like this random ass website well it’s cool that we look different yeah uh you are uh you’re building glass aren’t you mhm and I will be a gather your gather of sand primarily right um yeah I’m going to need a lot of

Sand yeah you are you [ __ ] ton of this is awesome of let’s dig let’s dig them uh shovel do you know a fan how to make a shovel uh do you want to make a stone shovel uh yeah we don’t need anything heavy with stone right

No you just make one block on top and then two sticks on the bottom block of like gravel no stone so as far as Stone goes could that be Cobblestone yeah Okay I almost have a thousand subscribers on my YouTube oh nice wait uh how many sticks two two H you know what I’ll just figure it out myself next time you don’t need a [ __ ] baby you know babysit me and walk me through every process I know how yeah I know how to

Figure wooden shovel is uh is not not good not good enough right H we have so much Cobblestone you might as well just use it that’s true all right all right I’m G to go get sand okay a sand journey and So eventually you’re going to make a

Farm yeah I’ll make a farm oh yeah hey there’s a horse here W what a very pretty horse spots spotty spotted brown and white you’re nice buddy want to be you want to be friends oh he don’t want to look at me hello who’s saying hi to someone in the chat oh

Nice sound like you’re saying how like a horse or something well I was looking at you too through the window oh hello where are you going uh oh wow yeah the water the other way yeah really there’s no water over here I thought it was I could just go in

Another Direction all I could you’re lost D I got lost no I mean I will be I will be pretty blazed all day most likely this is what this is what I’m doing right now I am coping very well though yeah you don’t feel sick uh yes yes with all with everything

I’m I feel like I’m mastering yo the idea of like bed rest that [ __ ] really is [ __ ] toxic medicine that does not work I’ve tried it I’ve definitely tried not moving when I’m sick got to do got to get somebody moving even like any anything that gets the heart pumping I

Feel like I always feel much better after that done making me think that like just promoting circulation is good in itself for healing from like a CO or something you know you know what I mean have you ever you ever done that you ever done like a little exercise when you say not

Really [ __ ] I I swear about it nothing too card nothing too like breathing intensive though I think because I was like I was coughing a little bit oh but yeah something that that’s like body movement gets warms the muscles up uh speeds up the heart a bit

Speeds up the breathing maybe a tiny bit but not like you know doing a whole run while where you’re gasping for air is what I do every time I go for like a real run myself like I think I’m in shape yeah pretty much like I used to climb I told you about

Those stairs right yeah yeah [ __ ] those stairs you don’t like it anymore no it’s so boring you just go up and down up and down and like I’m [ __ ] boring running through the woods is the best we’re like kung fu kung fu drills Kung Fu forms hey come back here

Sand yeah like uh Kung Fu forms and [ __ ] uh like jumping stances and uh and running through the W is the best that’s the best cardio I have high SS for cardio now I will only do the most fun cardio oh and like boxing too and like kickboxing all

That is like the best cardio the most fun objectively thing oh yeah sounds like fun yes oh God I’m I going to do this keep popping my head on the [ __ ] I’m like oh I forgot about drowning I forgot about drowning fortunately I’m close to the surface but yeah you take damage pretty

Quick I’m a sand diver oh [ __ ] I’m a marine geologist can you be a marine geologist is Marine geology a thing marine geologist yeah because you can be a marine biologist but can you be a marine geologist Marine gynecologist only study whale vaginas yeah you ever seen Anchor

Man no oh yeah yeah a long time ago sanago which in German of course means a whales vagina so Random everything is yeah everything is very smooth vam is smooth too but everything is like very smooth and it’s just it’s simple enough that everything’s like kind of nothing is really frustrating in

This game everything’s very streamland it easy you know what I mean not yet oh well okay fair this is the being CH being challenged itself is not necessarily A frustration even if it’s like a little frustrating but I don’t know everything just fits together quickly and

Smoothly I guess what I’m trying to say is the lack of physics it makes everything slightly easier that is true yeah it’s probably have bamboo right uh we have some bamboo it should be in the plant chest along with the sticks the right most chest yeah oh we need string for that

Interesting you know where the string is uh yes let’s make a fishing po what else should I make is that Phil Phil who’s Phil I don’t know Phil I Used to Know Phil who the [ __ ] is Phil Doctor Phil well he everyone knows him I used to know somebody named Phil

But I can’t bring a face or a last name to [ __ ] is Phil the [ __ ] is Phil ban pattern what what does that do that looks like poop what’s does the freaking Brown dye nice the picture looks like poop you can there’s dye in this game mhm for

What um for fabric and bed you can make your bed a different color if you want cool carpet you can make a carpet you can make um lots of stuff will I get my own apartment like I did in valheim you don’t want to live in my cake house with

Me I will you want your own room uh am my own room it would be nice yeah you want it to be a boy room it has to be blue uh no but you know whatever’s in the budget I’m just an employee so for now we share a room that’s cool that’s fine

We’re start starting off but eventually be cool to decorate my own space I did really enjoy my apartment of valheim I really I love that the [ __ ] uh the twisty tree symbol all over the walls the the [ __ ] Abomination trophy it’s good [ __ ] that’s some good ass

Decor I tell you what I tell you what can I jump on top of these are there cool like trophies you can put around yeah like weird artifacts not really weird but you could get like a heads sometimes enemies will drop heads and then you could um hang up on the

Wall kind of like in valheim yeah yeah yeah I don’t really know how to do it I don’t know if they just drop it or you had to like there’s a certain thing that you have to do to get it a sapling if you put a Char Blossom

Sapling down it will inevitably grow right yeah eventually cuz I like the sapling I want like a bonsai you want to put it like in the pot oh you can pot a tree pot a tree I don’t know if you can pot a tree tree maybe a flower maybe you

Can pot a tree I really want to pot the the Bon side maybe you can clip it with shears I want a [ __ ] Cher Blossom bonai where’s the clay have to cook the clay yeah cook the clay oh Sun’s going down I got lots of lots of sand why do I hear skeleton

Already they ready what the [ __ ] so uh so here’s how it works so what my mom does is she makes makes the like batter not the batter but like the mix for the ice cream and then she puts it in the fridge she had fridge first

And you let it sit in the fridge overnight and then the next day you put it in the cold ice cream mix you free you have the ice cream mixer Frozen and then you [ __ ] put it in the fro the cold ass ice cream mixer and you [ __ ]

Mix it and then I think you leave it in there for a few hours and you stir it every hour for like six hours damn and that’s how you [ __ ] do it yo and that’s what gives it that creamy texture she using the good ass ingredients yeah that’s happening it’s happening later

It’s not done yet no no it’s a two-day process oh my God I know [ __ ] Mastery uh I I probably walked by the entrance like twice but I finally found it again that’s your glass break Yeah I broke it why are you smashing glasses baby because I I got placed wrong got angry

Admit it no admit it uh 64 glasses all right I have uh I have a lot of we gotta we probably got to get some more coal come I can’t put it on here are you making mud bricks making clay bricks yeah heck yes all right I’m going to put the sand

In the in the the minerals chest okay does that sound Bueno how Bueno does it sound sorry that’s a dumb question I don’t know why I keep asking these dumb questions Bueno Bueno all right I put the glass in the glass chest put the put the shine in the shine

Chest I got to get more coal going I landed on a pig all right we I’ve used all the coal come I put all the coal in the furnaces and and they’re not so just so you don’t the furnaces are not quite full we are I think out of coal a

[ __ ] you know what that means got to go down come on down to the depths come on what a beautifully organized chest it’s okay it’s nice in here yeah who who doesn’t want to come in oh it’s piggy hi buddy is he is he your friend now no I’m

Just trying to ba him in come on can I can I just knock this wall Down he’s gone he doesn’t want to come in oh can you can you feed him and make him a friend he needs uh I think he eats wheat or carrots oh I could try to PR I while you’re working okay want you want to you want to pig in a

House uh yeah I love Pig you don’t like Pig I like Pig you would you prefer pig or a can we make chicken on my friend chicken likes seeds do you want Pig and Chicken in the house I kind of like the pig because it kind of matches wow that’s so shallow

What do you mean you just like him you just like him for his color oh [ __ ] that’s crazy that’s tokenism no I’m just kidding he is nice nice PB how do you spell PB again pib pip yeah pib PB that’s his name chicken right buddy I’ll try to make chicken friend

Too uh I guess chick him his friend cuz he has a heart oh spider spider’s going to kill chick no oh I don’t even oh I have a sword [ __ ] assle come over here okay yeah chick is okay chick is okay actually feel like I want more torches

But we really don’t have any hole yeah that’s true Frick oh maybe maybe we should yeah take some maybe we should take some Out of the Furnace yeah and keep and use those to get into the Caves uh pip uh do you like a carot there we go that’s not a pit that’s a sheep confusing a Pip with a sheep yes it did all different Chum said that he loves me hi buddy you’re so cute Chum said that he loves me but he’s not

Uh he’s not coming in a which is fine maybe oh maybe it’s the fact that it’s like uh there’s all these ridges like the chicken can’t climb you could jump you jump okay yeah that’s realistic that’s you see a chick jump you ever seen a chicken jump

Boy uh yeah I’ve seen chicken jump in in real life um should we what are you building scaffolding oh oh so you can just climb up it yeah oh that’s convenient that’s more convenient than a ladder than when you’re building it is I just remember

Like two seconds ago I was like wait do we have bamboo make this all right let good we have bamboo uh you’re building there’s not too much I can do at night while you’re building I could break this bamboo that this the scaffolding if you’re done with

It on the other side uh yeah there one over here oh yeah it’s fine yeah you’re done with it um well I’m going to go back over there okay just like switching back and forth for some reason mhm you like switching back forth you said yeah yeah I get that I’m kind of

Like that I don’t know how stable this is stable yeah feel like it’s gonna fall oh that’s not how that works that always like kind of freaks me out the breaking glass breaking glass how do I get up there how the [ __ ] is that just go

Up I’m me eat this fish oh here we go for some reason sometimes it doesn’t Place only have panels left wow it’s awesome being on top of the sakura trees wow so cool so cool good good have them to add it good job all right I need to make more do I

Have more yeah I have a lot okay good oh man it’s crazy that we can parkour up on the on the sakura trees and our house yeah make sure uh make sure we have like a way to get onto this like a roof it’s the coolest roof ever the Moon is cheese Square

Cheese what oh did the Moon is cheese he said yes you know what they Sayes like a real except this time it’s Square cheese I’m glad I turned up the draw this this looks awesome a sun is rising morning time son a moon battling for dominance

Can you make the ceiling like so tall that we can still Jump Around um we still jump around on top of the trees or is that like unreasonable well how do you want to so we can still jump on the trees like over like to each one back and

Forth it is pretty awesome to be able to do that but it’s not like essential because what what oh yeah yeah it is not it’s not essential that’d be crazy like who has a house like that no one no one nobody would have a house like that oh like to have trees in

My house I mean yeah the trees are already part of the house I mean like in real life uh yes want like ah I fell ah [ __ ] I really fell what was your question uh have a tree like in the middle like growing in the middle of

Your house yeah I definitely want that I’ve seen awesome pictures like that I I want to go to any like restaurant that has that too awesome I’ll see if I can find some cold somewhere I’ll just dig like somewhere does that work dig I don’t know if you’ll like do not

Carry tea to find any well I could just go into a cave and just start digging yeah I mean Coal’s pretty common compared to Diamond is that accurate yeah it’s the most common one okay okay sometimes it’s just easier to walk around and you’ll just like see it in

Like a mountain side or something oh really the one thing that this game needs is controller compatibility it it is it is it must be it must be I just have to figure it out it’s probably just a mod and I’ve never modded before so I’m like intimidated by

It I don’t think it’s a mod no no this it’s a Microsoft game so it should have controllers you would think so and the whole point of DS4 Windows is to convert PS4 controllers into Xbox controllers so there must be a way to do it with DS4

Windows oh [ __ ] that’s be too far down there’s a cave in our mountain right the mountain that our houses yeah I’ve been looking for it you think we’re good on Sand for now or do you think the main project for me should be get sand and then together we will find

Coal um actually no no no we we will need coal sooner because we are uh low on coal and so not all the sand will get cooked we have much more sand than we have coal yeah so I will look for cool this is good it’s really funny how everything

Looks like Machu Picchu the [ __ ] was that noise turn my heater off hot too hot yeah everything this game looks either like Machu picu or like East Asian Rice patties but mostly Mau I’ve had no luck finding the cave so far my sister hit my window with with a

Ball oh yeah what the [ __ ] was that noise nice what kind of ball a tennis ball what are they doing playing with Bodie oh of course they bounce off his big face hit your window yep probably hey it’s coold it’s cold don’t know where what do you know the name of that phobia

That gives you that freaks you out with the the lots of little bu marks and holes is it trick trick or something I don’t know dude I want to try not to think about it I probably do have a tiny bit of it yeah I want to not think about it

With in the context of mining for coal oh at least I get to destroy the object of fear so if I just found coal in one area I should probably move a long ways before trying to dig more right um no I mean it’s all random totally random so it

Could be two two inches away could be two blocks away I don’t think it’ll be that close but gotcha okay um I should probably get some torches if I’m to beia oh yeah trypt Trypophobia could it be Trypophobia like a y it’s it’s okay was like TR y yeah yeah that’s probably I

Think scriptophobia yeah that’s creepy [ __ ] A that kind of [ __ ] is why I don’t like the the the Mushroom Armor in Ellen ring like just having a bunch of like little things growing out of my skin is like the worst like I get like a little queasy just thinking about it

But you know if I have any Trypophobia it’s really mild I I knew someone who had really bad Trypophobia and there’s one time when uh it was we were watching Twin Peaks the return and like you’re going down this the camera is going down this tunnel this like weird

Looking gray tunnel and then it comes out and it’s it’s coming out of drop tile ceiling you know drop tile ceiling with all the holes in it what you know drop tile ceiling that has like a bunch of little like perforated holes in it for like spikes

Uh no no it’s um it’s like in offices oh with the dots in the yeah just got yeah it’s just it’s like a cheap little flimsy piece of material that is there’s a lot of squares of it squares of it to make up ceiling and yeah they have like little dots all over

Yeah so so those dots are holes and so the camera in this episode of twin P return comes out of one of those holes and so you like zoom out and you see all these little holes Perforating and I was watching watching this with her and she

Freaked like she didn’t like scream or anything but she got like really [ __ ] uncomfortable it was like I watched like a a very overt trigger happen oh [ __ ] yeah it was crazy yeah yeah that’s real that is a relatable phobia can you relate to that at all or

Do you just love little little tiny little holes it doesn’t bother me or little tiny mushrooms all over you that doesn’t bother you no good for you good for you Bri good job way to win The evolutionary Lottery you didn’t get [ __ ] cursed with Trypophobia so proud of

You oh that’s crazy you’re SC of spiders no some of them sometimes they scare me but some like I like some spiders cute ones there are some cute ones like the the pictures of the little ones the big eyes yeah I like those yeah jumping

Spiders are cute they do look cute but I don’t like the fact they jump I don’t want to get got by some scooters today on Brew’s podcast we’re going to talk about phobias yay my podcast oh god let’s talk about fear quality content talking about fear and

Phobias people in my chat are saying they they came here because of my Fallout New Vegas shorts oh nice oh whatever drives the traffic that was like two years ago when I played that but I I could play it again I actually wanted to play Fallout

3 soon Fallout 3 has great style Fallout 3 yeah that was the only one I played did you beat it no I could barely get through It’s s too fall is too depressing for me I want to be in a magical like Elder Scrolls or Witcher World mystical

Whimsical just have some drunken dark elf who’s like fly in the sky I need that H I love Oblivion that I just get I got some copper should I even bother mining this copper h no just [ __ ] it this Point got a little more coal I think I see you like floating oh [ __ ] see me yeah I saw like your your body floating you’re are you in like a mountain yeah yeah yeah I just saw your body floating how do that how’s that how that works I don’t

Know that should not be how that works are you pib hi PB ni pib Sun’s going down oh that’s true uh okay well at least I know where that copper or where that coal is you’re gon to get freaked I wish not to I wish I wish not to get breaked

Please I got like 30 OD coal 35 coal okay that’s something I sh me yep so I can probably keep you in glass for a while like that glass grain glass gra bro oh man very grave very grave music right now know oh yeah you get your

Scary music no not scary just like solemn oh really good yeah it’s great P should I try to get Pig inside if you want to pig big pig uh itat it you should just like follow like if you hold it in your hand he should just like follow you

With it oh yeah that seems to be working so I don’t need to feed him with the farm anals they don’t really become your pets so if you give them food then they just get horny and they want to freck that’s funny so if there’s another and then you feed

Another animal and then they’re both horny then they’ll um have baby there’s like a horniness like uh like measure oh can you break this wall real quick so pip can come in I don’t want to let go of the foodless he walk away does he not go in no he’s not

Coming right in I think the doorway is too narrow oh okay that’s all right I got I’m watching you no he walked away [ __ ] you’re destroying my house I have too can we make double doors actually yeah bab you went he went over there piggy there he is piggy I see him you

See him he’s that way he’s which way he’s uh to your Lefty my left thank you classic breed say my left your left yeah I don’t know where you are how am I supposed to on the where’s your theory of mine uh I yeah oh hello hi pib oh no that’s

Not PB that’s sheep I was confus P cheep they’re so different oh I see you all right do you see which direction I’m facing yeah you know where pig is in relation to me um go forward and then go right it uh that way piggy are you pig

No a [ __ ] oh no what is that I don’t know I don’t know Run it can happen later we need build the door build the door quick build the door we need door sleep sleep all right I sealed up the entrance we’re just gonna sleep and and just pretend that it’s not happening I think those monsters come if you don’t sleep enough oh that’s

Crazy yeah they’re hallucinations I don’t remember the last time we slept though I didn’t think it was that long is that a demon or a zombie I can’t tell a zombie that’s oh that’s a zombie villager sheep do you want to come inside ship come in

I should no I mean you could if I have something likes to eat hi quacker you’re clucker you’re clucker hello clucker come on in we should make a new door you want to make a cherry blossom door sure uh is CH this Chum is our friend

Now he’s in the house oh my God I’m going to feed you buddy here you go oh I love you too buddy you are so cute cute chick that’s cute you make two of them two of those doors mhm oh noce looks awesome of course you’ll need glass

Panes instead of these right what do you mean oh now yeah instead of these you’ll need glass P yeah hell yeah see uh okay so I got some more coal for you saw drop it in the furnace furnaces oh you want me to uh convert more of the sand into glass yeah

Co who’s that oh boor oh the lantern interesting nuggies yes okay I’m gonna go in the other SC climb and you know where uh you know where the wood is right yeah the wood chest is right above the the stone chest a I will need using my iron pickaxe doing on

Iron I only have 13 iron which has lasted us fairly well but it might behoove me try to find some iron hello Shf we were talking about L Zeppelin last night yeah it’s really good that song cashmere wonder if he went to cashmir um yeah yeah it’s called casm and I at first I thought that it was um about the material because uh one of the last lines says like moving through

Kashmir and I was like oh so like you’re tripping on acid you you feel like the world is like uh the air is like a soft fabric and you’re moving through it but I think but he spells it like the region in between um India and [ __ ] Pakistan

I think oh where it’s like super um contested they make the cashmere uh I hope they make cashmir there they probably just make a lot of like guns what yeah it’s like super it’s like a conflict region I think oh no Kashmir dude there was a guy at uh that

Poetry that poetry slam that I went to um at P at pow’s CET books uh who was he was catm and his his poem was about like catm and like it was really good it was really sad yeah yeah his English like was very good making me think like oh does

[ __ ] like write even better poetry in whatever language they speak over there kashmirian yeah I don’t know if Kashmir is like a language or maybe they just speak like either Arabic or whatever they speak in Pakistan like erdu or they speak Hindi they probably speak all them it’s probably

Like yeah I don’t I don’t know if they speak Arabic in Pakistan Afghanistan Afghanistan they don’t speak Arabic right I don’t know okay I’m sorry just I sorry I’m just I just talking about languages Lang languages do you like do you like languages uh I like some languages the

Way they sound like Frances yeah that’s hot niones what nipones from Nippon nippes from nippes I they defin they definitely have nipples in your B so does everybody else do you like how Japanese sounds yeah it sounds cute and you can kind of like a lot of

People like talk like whiny like I feel like the girls like whine a lot when they talk definitely I think that’s kind of F I like that it’s funny yeah sometimes I’ll do that in English I’ll talk like whiny it is it’s very funny and you could just drag out any

Sentence by being like exactly are they just like they just like talk like super like they’re annoyed like bratty kind of oh yeah yeah the bratty pouty the pouty yeah you can really do that and uh Japanese and get away with it for some reason that’s like their own

Like sub I don’t know dial I feel like American girls and like English speaking girls try to do that too it just sounds way more like infantile and babyish whereas they do it in a way that’s cute in a way that’s I don’t know it’s like not as

Grotesque good at it yeah different it’s just elegant well I don’t know about elegant but it’s like it’s like elegantly built into the language the ability like that that expressiveness and um uh and then if you’re a man you got to sound like a samurai category or you could be like the

[ __ ] uh very like relaxed Yakuza and be like D yeah great language what’s the best language what’s your uh language Favorita your idoma Favorita English is the best language English is my favorite language for poetry but it’s and rap but it’s it’s also the only one that I can really understand so maybe that’s we just have like the most synonyms I

Think and synonyms are like [ __ ] just make awesome poetry especially rhyming poetry because then you could just like I don’t know you can just twist you just twist a line so much I make up my own English that’s fair uh you have your Sy you have a system of non-verbal

Communication but no you also do modify the English language too I I help I help a little bit I mean who was it who taught you about pib admit it it was me what you didn’t know about pib it’s the word that we made up yesterday that was really funny we we

Did oh no yeah yeah oh yesterday uh no we did make up some good [ __ ] yesterday I made up pip though who was the other one though we got some good ones oh uh I think I do remember I’m GNA remember in a second fre I thought I was going to remember in

A second I was thinking last night should I do one more layer it was like we were doing like a Southern accent I’ll do one more layer and then I’ll put the top layer D I have such trouble finding like things where’s the [ __ ] where’s the mountain or where’s the where’s the cave

Rather oh I had like I had F I had found it I was going to go back and now the sun’s almost setting I still I’ve just been going in circles around this mountain just been going in circles the whole time yeah but try going around this mountain trying to find the cave

Entrance all right well I guess I’ll just head back to Camp okay I did not accomplish anything today wow this hello horse I don’t know we I don’t remember exactly what it was but it was like we we switched out like an N for an M or

Something it was like like rein like reincarnation like you substitute the N for an M like reincarnation or um oh something else though yeah no yeah yeah it totally was very tall glass wall yes this is the last layer I think I’m good nice this probably is more than what we needed

But I was just going I wasn’t really thinking about what I was doing I mean good for you uh oh I guess I guess we did need more sand yeah actually I was wrong we do need more sand than we need coal okay looks like one coal burns more

Than one sand which I didn’t realize I thought it was one to one do that okay huh well hello hello kind of stuck up here a little bit I’m going to break my ankles ow you can’t let like descend the scaffolding like a safe way yeah you could just go

Down or you press uh whatever makes you go down sh well space bar makes me go up but I don’t know what makes me go down makes you go down oh you’re right it does good job okay hello you want to sleep stuck yeah yeah I’m coming

Down there we go I’m made it hello welcome down I’m down welcome to down good morning good morning hello cats and BBs good morning uh Walter subsonic AKA Wally and Bluey and Bluey yeah nice buddies all right let’s get let’s get Brey some [ __ ] sand we’re kind of short on bread too or

I’m I’m out of bread rather oh should start my farm hi PB I’m assuming that that me getting sand is is what would be the best right now right most helpful yeah yeah yeah why can’t I place any more scaffolding here pleas SC what are you

Doing all right I’m just going to use the [ __ ] ladder I guess I can’t place ladder on gloves the scaffolding has betrayed me oh yeah I must use Cobblestone it’s all I have yeah it’s all I have left uh Pro tip if you ever want to mine

Sand uh you there’s tons of sand underwater but you want to stay standing on something above the surface cuz it mines like 10 times faster oh yes yes yes you know this yes good that’s that’s a trick to get underwater digging and Mining is slow so slow so slow I see you I’m

Working I’m contributing you see me uh hold on I can see you in a second I just have to GA these block they Drift Away uh I think I do see oh hello I see you jumping you’re just jumping up and down are you yep you jump for joy placing my

Glass Glass is very strange I don’t understand it [ __ ] awesome like how the [ __ ] did they do that how the [ __ ] did they know that what’s crazy too is like diamond is just like natural glass it’s just uh it’s it’s glass except pressed over way longer and probably under less

Heat right because like doesn’t Diamond mirrors are really creepy I think mirrors are the most creepy Mir are actually very creepy and they don’t even have to be glass right you can just put like a coating on some plastic I don’t even know like my my Mir that’s some magic

Wizard [ __ ] for real yeah especially to make it so perfect so it’s not like distorted or anything like they just know how to make it so smooth and perfect that there’s reflects the image exactly as it is except backwards that’s that’s like the eldrich [ __ ] that’s like

Backwards if you have something on your t-shirts just like in a backwards Dimension oh God it’s crazy when they first like invent mirrors mirrors mirors yeah mirror’s been going on for a long time right Looking Glass yeah like what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] did they know how to do

That well one day somebody looked in a lake and they’re like oh I see me I wonder if there is a way that I can I still don’t get it well well I guess people people were already making metal [ __ ] out of necessity they’re like all right we need metal Shields breast

Plates pots pans and then uh you know people notice like oh if you clean it real good you can see your face in It even like records freak me out too oh like vinyls yeah good [ __ ] yes that’s crazy how the [ __ ] did they get sound on that how did they know to do that isn’t it crazy that that’s more fascinating than like the tiny microchip computers that we all have that’s like whatever I

Don’t care about that yeah even though that’s like a way more advanced achievement it’s like not as crazy as a vinyl cuz vinyl something like a vinyl it makes you realize just the sort of like immensity of the genius that goes in to producing like most of the [ __ ]

Most of the [ __ ] that we use like those people were so crazy smart Alexander granbell like I can’t [ __ ] believe how smart somebody like that is [ __ ] sound waves through the what through the wires like idea how’ they not hang that man for witchcraft like I don’t understand that yeah yeah

Seriously like what the [ __ ] how is he [ __ ] how was he able to even do that and not die yep yeah it’s good [ __ ] I mean they uh I forgot what happened to Galileo but they didn’t like him I’m surprised Gran Bell was like he all

Right but I guess you can make money off that whereas I don’t know if you can you can’t really make money off of believing that the universe that does not center around the earth like you’re making money off of probably believing that it is because that just increase the

Likelihood that people would go to church and like be super devout so when a [ __ ] says oh actually no we are not the center of the universe you’re wrong actually there’s like a lot of other [ __ ] going on uh they I guess really didn’t like that challenge of

Power it’s all about power and privilege I learned that in school oh yeah they love telling me about that I need glass I ran out of glass uh true sorry about that I have I have sand I’m getting some sand oh it’s good it’s good that coal

Burns uh less slowly than the sand that’s really useful actually Co is much uh much much harder to find I got to crunch too I got to crun something all right let me put some [ __ ] away a bunch of [ __ ] on me you should you should talk about your possessions a b more

Respectfully where would you be without these pickaxes and uh and blocks and things blocks these Blocks made you who you are I love blocks blocks are being very kind to us you like locks locks yeah like a smoked salmon oh did we go to a bagel place and get

Some like real [ __ ] locks and and bagel the locks was okay yeah we went I don’t know exactly what you should get on there but I feel like uh you get locks cream cheese Capers [ __ ] a tomato sounds good tomato slice you like Capers what that oh Capers are like

These little green balls these tiny and they’re in a lot of Italian food they’re in like Pesca I think it’s like yeah these like little tiny green balls they like kind of seed pods and there’s just like super salty and pack with flavor a they’re like pickles I think

They have like a very sharp like a sharp taste if you don’t if you don’t know that even if you can’t picture them I know that I’m pretty sure you like them because they’re in so much good atali in food probably you like going on Capers going on Capers yeah Caper like a

Like a mystery or uh what’s a caper like a like a little Adventure is that is that what a caper is I don’t know like a caper uh uh like I don’t know like uh any detective mystery solving Hardy boy thing is like a caper on like a caper little

Adventure oh Caper yeah I don’t know that’s like old timey I I’ve definitely heard that in some old timey Context I have oh I got a lot of sand let me bring it to you all right this sound’s going down that’s good I was I was going to go over there but then the sun started going down so Mhm should we keep the floor grass well it does have pedals all over it right yeah could we put the petals on wood I don’t think so I don’t know uh I’m down to keep the floor grass as long as we trim it as long as we we don’t have any like Tall

Grass okay it’s really nice having the flowers on the ground right yeah uh I I wouldn’t mind having like a a square of wood that has a table on it table and chairs that be good yeah maybe right here in this area yeah some look good all right here some

Sands sands for you if we sleep will it speed up the cooking uh I think so maybe let’s try it sleep I’m to sleep uh no it does not speed it up at all H it’s fine yeah it’s cool well while that’s cooking we could uh do something else oh

You did such a great job wow yeah it’s almost done just need and then that’s it wow it’s so modern yeah this is a very modern house it’s kind of like a Botanical Garden enclosure thing botanical garden with [ __ ] suaka parkour that is amazing that’s so cool

Wow how do I hear Enderman yeah I did hear some douche oh end here Ender came to our house hello he surviving the sunlight yeah oh I have one Health oh you ready eat Enderman wants to come inside my door oh God where’d you go maybe we should maybe

We should let him in well I did have the door open but he came right to my [ __ ] that’s so creepy hello I would like to have dinner did he like go Edie he is he on our house oh Jesus man that’s pretty scary say hey we

Got new neighbors hey buddy make sure you don’t make eye contact oh there’s a skeleton over here it’s like just so you know we have new neighbors and so my advice to use don’t make eye contact don’t make any sudden moves and you’ll be fine yeah he’s nice he’s can be

Nice oh man that’s kind of stressful I’m get some more cherry blossom I’ll go to the other cherry blossom Forest oh you need some yeah some of the trees I want to fill in a little bit you g give them weird uh crazy um shapes like uh wabisabi uh imperfect weird imperfect

Like shapes maybe like uneven I like that we should have went to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden uh yeah they had the had a lot cherry blossom trees yeah they had cherry blossom and they had the bonsai trees too oh I wonder if I’ll be able to come back during spring

Break oh my God yes that would be good although I don’t think they flower then maybe they’ll be flowering in June no it’s earlier than that when I went it’s like may may or April I don’t even might be April okay April April April’s gonna be busy why what

Happens in well that’s like that’ll just be in school there’s no break oh you don’t have break no it break is in March I thought oh really E I thought so yeah we do like a quarter system Yeah March is a weird time for spring break yeah it’s

Not spring it’s [ __ ] cold as [ __ ] yeah but we do you know we have quarter system it’s it’s good it’s good for all in all other ways um I don’t know where you end up going I should let me take a little movement bre oh it’s rain y getting rained on

Hopefully the lightning doesn’t strike I’m not finished with the roof yet oh that’s true oh God I’m scared oh [ __ ] I heard lightning [ __ ] I have to hurry why oh just in case yeah what are using oh yeah sorry I remember I was going to ask what you’re

Using the flowers for but I remember you’re going to fill out some of the trees oh [ __ ] my Shear broke well come back I like Pig I like Pig he’s a good friend they’re little snuffers all right hopefully the glass is done there [ __ ] zombies out here what

The hell zombies what the hell is it because is it cuz the sun is is hidden probably damn oh my God there’s so many monsters here holy [ __ ] there’s a big giant Ravine here holy [ __ ] I didn’t even know about that you go down there probably use some mining oh there’s a

Witch holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m I’m going to try to avoid this witch yeah next time we go mining let’s definitely make sure we get iron too creep [ __ ] awesome some music do you remember blade Symphony yeah I just showed it to you briefly it’s like a sword dueling game

It’s very like stylish yeah yeah some’s music really reminds me of that I Chum what’s up buddy are you nice ch chicken all right I’m back you’re so cute I’m just saying hi to chicken he’s a little quicker you got Cluckers and snuffers hi w-e

Lou the cast’s name is m Miku yes not Miku miku’s that’s cute name did you cut down a tree no oh what you working on you finishing the roof yeah s’s going to take movement break this is not I did like a a few seconds of stretching but it doesn’t

Count well it counts but it’s not enough your room uh I am in my room yes yeah this is [ __ ] lighting oh my god did we get hit I don’t know is there fire you see a fire fire fire it looked like it hit the tree one of the trees oh

Damn hopefully it hit the trunk I don’t see a Fire oh my God that was spooky oh oh yeah my room has been a good Refuge that’s good this a place place to be yeah my mom made soup yesterday might get some of that at some point kind of soup she be chicken chicken lentil I want some real like soup made with

Bone broth I wonder if like when you tomato soup you want tomato soup yes grilled cheese oh you know oh you don’t even need to put anything on a grilled cheese if you’re going to have it with tomato soup it could literally just be bread and cheese yeah

You just dip it you just dip it that is quite quite a meal someone [ __ ] figure that [ __ ] out a genius all right let me uh uh smoke sweed drink the sea and then I will be helpful I will do a thing okay freck why did mess

Up I just need a couple more pieces oh it’s so p cool down here with no rain yeah right you can hear the nice Rain Sound yeah it’s nice nice yeah this uh dragon ball weed has really been helping me out oh god really good I don’t know man

There was like there was a long time and yeah there was definitely sometimes in high school when I bought some gross dirt I probably got some some [ __ ] that was sprayed with like something to make it smell better I think that definitely happened but I don’t know also there

Have been just like there’s just been amazing weed in New York City for a long time that is not regulated so the fact that this isn’t like regulated doesn’t automatically mean that it’s gross or bad it’s just there’s risk good oldfashioned Dragon Ball zweed at least this in a storefront like

I don’t think he’d be able to maintain a storefront if he was selling like gr like really gross or like dangerous [ __ ] with like uh what do you call it um it’s like lace and stuff I don’t know it’s really good don’t don’t cry for

Me I’m not I’m laughing at you oh that’s that works too laughing at you Dragon Ball zweed zweed think Goku would approve of that I don’t think so Goku would not understand he’s a simple man he is simple [ __ ] I can’t reach these last he would say he would say why would you

Burn why would you burn well he’s seen people smoke cigarettes before but he probably doesn’t understand that he’s like why would you burn a plant and inhale it it’s got to be bad for your lungs and I would tell him well it increases creativity and makes you have

Fun wacky thoughts and he would say but I already have fun wacky thoughts and I am creative in combat and to him I would say well that’s cool and all and maybe if I was a [ __ ] Elite internal martial artist I wouldn’t smoke weed because I’d be too busy training and

Like breathing and feeling great all the time but for the rest of us weed gives you a little gives you a little sample of the the life of the Gods I finished you finished the ceiling yes it is done let me see I don’t know if I want to keep the

Scalping here feel kind of weird but how else will we go up there wow wow it’s so futury uh well let’s uh no let’s build let’s build a cool staircase a staircase yeah right we have a little spiral staircase maybe do staircase doesn’t have to be spiral just trying to see we

We do a staircase to like a landing to like a little platform yeah we could do like a little platform could do a platform right here here put a staircase put platform right here and then yeah uh how we get on the very top though well once you’re on the

Once you’re on the trees then you can just jump from tree to tree maybe I’ll make like a little platform with the bushes with the petals nice we could jump like that up there nice nice nice or maybe I’ll make the whole staircase out of ped

Oh that was that I like the idea of some wood contrast in there want wood instead uh well a mixture of wooden pedals wouldn’t be bad like the the it could start as a wooden staircase and the platform like the platform could be wood but then like it’ll be connected by

Pedals that’s true we could do that yeah see what I’m saying see I I I I don’t want to do any of the work but I will definitely give you my artistic opinion I’m I’m useful I’m useful here I want to make some lanterns oh not not torches more legit than tor

Yeah nice there’s candles too but I don’t know I think we need beeswax to do the candles oh the candles will be pretty though in said of you put candles yeah candles for sure I’ll make a couple lanterns though um oh God I need coal Coal oh you L on

Coal not really I think I think all the coal is in the furnaces yeah but you don’t even need glass anymore you good on glass yeah this glass green oh there’s a campfire you can make a campfire outside like a little outdoor area cool uh where is the lanterns there they

Are yeah I need torch I need Sak I already have a lot of torches what the [ __ ] am I doing what you doing wait where did I put the [ __ ] there we go I need iron we need more iron uh yes yes we do all right I’m not going to use any hard Yeah we need iron real bad damn this crafting system is so easy so intuitive yeah it is oh we have a saddle where’ we get a saddle from uh oh I was loot nice we can get a horsey oh yeah I want to make like a outdoor Barn too

Maybe with like a little farm area it’s a nice idea and like a back porch too I don’t know where to put this oh I can’t place it on a the pedals let me see what I can do here the carpet maybe the oak slab will do good let’s try that

Uh I’m going to make another chest D it I could do this that yes is that too bright No I don’t want monsters to spawn up here oh you’re just you want to keep it dim but not too dark yeah mhm it’s kind of viy I

Guess do want to fill out this area over here though now let me the heck all right uh this um the chest that we have all the like Trinkets and gems and metals and stuff I’m going to I’m going to reorganize it so it’s jewels and metals in the bottom chest and

Trinket uh Trinkets and odds and ends in the top chest okay you will yeah you’ll see you get it m oops uh oh my mom’s not my door uhoh uh oh I’ll be back I’m back welcome back my mom gave me a big back a big box of

Pads oh nice she said Merry Christmas and she gave me a that’s awesome great now I’m fully supplied for I’m gonna make this last the whole year sweet 64 pads so that’ll be very useful you got to have yourin maybe I could maybe I could make it last a whole

Year I believe in you that’s something I I never have to it’s nothing that comes out of my budget not yet uh what do you think I’ll change that you’re gonna have five dwars and you’re gonna B P that’s true that might happen five wow I didn’t think of that quadruplets Quint qu

Quintuplets and they’re all going to be girls that that would be fun if that happens nothing wrong with uh having a house full of women would you be scared if your wife was like we’re having Quint Quint Chets that would suck that would that would be crazy that’s just a lot of

Work that’s a lot of work too much at once I think I’m going to move the sticks out of the plant chest I’m going to put the sticks into the wood chest okay sticks are in the wood chest glass right now glass is in the wood chest I don’t know I feel about

That Yeah I’m F there’s glass in the wood chest there’s also bones in the wood chest bone maybe that’s going too far no we don’t you don’t use bones to build what am I thinking I’m taking that out of the this is good such good music God

Dam all right uh yeah the top chest has food and trinkets okay yes top left rather all right this good uh I’ve just been a weird uh I’ve been a weird body position for the last few minutes so I’m going I’m going to move around for a Second I should probably get some food some food with like nutritional value not cereal been eating that cereal I I just have one just have one cereal they got two cereals yesterday but that you know yesterday was a long day oh damn oh only two one unit of cereal

Good my hands are dry backs of my hands are dry yeah my hands are my lips are so dry got that bomb get that bomb I have like [ __ ] shea butter Chopstick thing but I don’t know if it really works maybe not it’s okay yeah this [ __ ] my

Mom gave me works but it’s not like all natural it’s just regular ass lip on but really I think it works better than the natural [ __ ] I was getting in Portland which is like olive oil coconut oil the forgot what else oh beeswax yeah Portland B bom that’s good

[ __ ] uh yeah let me just get some nutrient Deads food and then I will will be and I’ll be much more present we can [ __ ] we can go for it okay what are you doing by the way he making the stairs over here okay good Perfect all right be the there we

Go C crunch the only nutrition need I don’t think he eats C crunch I don’t know what he was eating probably some [ __ ] raisin brand or something it’s cute that it still flutters down like that even though it’s just a that’s cute this could be like a little storage area

Maybe if I make a a wall here maybe I’ll put his bed in there and put him in the closet um okay I’m need to try to make a staircase don’t really know how that’s going to work out should probably make more shears so I’m not wasting these have to use more

Iron rais bur is for old people but he’s old so oh [ __ ] I think I chopped a little bit too much I could put him Under the Stairs I don’t want to oh yeah there’s the lantern that I placed okay that leads up to here that’s pretty good but it does look

A little weird we like this and then there Lantern is like I don’t know if this Lantern’s good here in the corner like that me should put the lantern here in this spot this is cute we have to do the other side too keep forgetting to use the shears

I’m in the thick of it that’s kind of cool it’s like under you have to go like inside oh now we’re outside that doesn’t look too bad that’s pretty good look at that that’s nice looks better than that one maybe I should enclose it more like this come on there we go hi

Sheep I think we should put like uh secret rooms here this will be a good storage area but we have all our stuff there I wonder if we could put something Here I put more Chell BL blossoms blossoms oh that looks like it’s like wide open right there excuse me excuse me do need a door how do my mom even get a giant giant pad like that GI box pads pads aren’t cheap you know they’re pretty expensive

That’s why I never want to buy them and I just bleed all over the place Instead it’s better that way yeah I think it’s coming good want more petals to fall this is like the floor floor cuz I kind of want to yeah I think it is kind of want that to be pedals too could be a pedal room I’ll put some candles in there if I

Could figure out how to make candles has to be with the bees I mean what else do you make candles out of bwax or soy wax who getting the soy candles oh look at that that’s so viby I don’t even need this layer right here cuz this is just a

Foundation things shouldn’t be said you’re new you see my Fallout [ __ ] Clips I be saying crazy [ __ ] I’ve always said crazy [ __ ] maybe instead of making it wood I should just make this like would that look too crazy though I feel like there’s something missing here like this is like an open space

Yeah I’ll work on that a little bit more let me just finish this side first oh I keep forgetting to use the shears whoops didn’t mean that That looks pretty gug I guess I just need a door right here oh I need to get rid of these blocks make more space Oh God he’s coming back is really fit better like that what’s up R hello hi what you doing F I’m I got I think I’m pretty much

Done or you bought built like a platform she oh okay okay I made a little storage hubby room room and then go up yeah like this nice and then there’s another side on the other yeah there’s two ways you could go up so convenient oh you got the

Lanterns yeah I I put two lanterns awes I might put another one but I want to fill in the other corner or more put a lantern there said there’s another way to go up no just that way and then I’ll just get rid of this scalpa thing so well good job every looks

Awesome I made a little room right here underneath the stairs covered under the stairs I hear the end oh nice nice little room here cool and we could put some stuff in there you want to live under the stairs this could be your room I would I would live under

Of the stairs yeah you would yeah totally this is perfect okay wow is this this is my apartment to lease yeah yeah I will lease it I will lease it from you thank you very go I can’t pay you in money for rent but I will pay you in Labor I will

Uh uh mine I will dig up sand for you and chopwood we need iron I’ll get iron for you I’ll help you get iron I’ll try not to die yes good oh nice I like I like this little bit of Sakura sprig hanging down over the left

Wall the staircase yes I can’t get these pieces I’m G to go all the way around [ __ ] awesome Yep one bedro no bath no kitchen that’s all right well I mean we do have a kitchen ferace is the kitchen ow you like the open floor

Plan yeah I mean it is for this kind of house it’s perfect CU it’s like a little Forest M oh cops do we want another Tree in here I don’t know if I could where would you put the tree I mean I needs space from like other

Stuff like here you wouldn’t want a third tree like here I don’t know if it will grow uh that would be even better if it doesn’t grow will it just stay as a sapling forever oh yeah you want to that yeah totally maybe in the

Corner we put it I don’t know if it let me see if I made a pot that’d be so sick I made two there’s two different pots decorative pot I think that’s only for decoration wonder if I might enjoy Bonsai because I don’t like taking care

Of a lot of plants but I I wouldn’t mind taking Exquisite care of one plant it’s so cool let’s just see if this works first oh it does you like that in a pot that’s great we’ll move we’ll move it a little bit yeah oh should we make a table for

It should we do the scaffolding and make it like a bamboo table okay okay yeah why not where do you want it maybe against uh sorry I’m I’m the corner right here or maybe like against this wall right here yeah maybe what do you think let’s

See like that I I think I do like it what do you think that’s cute we put two I mean I I would like one in my room what if we put like one here one here to like for the entrance way of right there or you just like it

There better well I just I want it to be uneven whatever it is I’ve been I’ve been on the been been big on the uneven aesthetic recently okay that’s good should do another one though mhm we could put like a bunch of different plants too yes oh we can pop them right yeah

Yeah plants are the best decoration for like the low and mid level of a room interesting what we could do with the paint can we put these in the oh we can’t plant oh yeah and you sure you can’t put them on you have to plant the flowers you can’t put them on

Wood oh wood yeah I don’t think so no just put them on the trunks no can’t put them on the wall either makes sense I’m a I’m eating my leftover green curry flavor good the curry th but otherwise this is not very good curry this is like some pretty mediocre Ty

Curry oh no yeah they like it’s water it’s kind of watery oh do you need a window in your house you want Windows yes mhm mhm actually actually Bri I do just because I live under the stairs as mean I don’t get Windows it’s a little hot it

Live it under the stairs Harry Potter I’m not Harry Potter what kind of Windows do you want do you want like just one a couple squares like can some like between like one and three squares like not not too not too much window but like good amount of

Window yeah whatever you think looks good I prefer it be uh like big Windows not like little Windows really you want big yeah so like uh I’ll take a yeah group yeah like a all next to each other maybe like three or four or something like in a row

Yeah you don’t like this Design I think I prefer all in a roof if it’s all the same to you I mean I could always do it myself too yeah yeah yeah I’ll re just leave it the way it is and then I’ll um I just move them around okay well those the windows break

And you can’t reuse them oh yeah okay well you want some window panes I’ll take them thank you what kind of blocks is in normal would is that jungle jungle plank yeah those are jungle mhm fortunately the flavor of this C is pretty good oh h

Hello are you having are you having fun snacking around this what I did okay that’s good got to work and then at some point I can decorate get uh so house is very almost finished or completely finished what uh for now yes we need to get iron true that’s

True put the some scaffolding here I have 11 fish I’m probably good for a while right 11 cooked fish I guess so got some sure Appliance um I have an extra sword I have an extra pickaxe I don’t have an extra shovel but we’re not going to be shoveling

Much I be able to eat this much faster but the bowl is like really hot I think I chose a bad Bowl to use [ __ ] microwav man you never have this problem you just heat [ __ ] up on the stove top should just done that where do you put gunpowder oh in

Here got some Rotty flesh I might need to rethink the place where the gunpowder all right I got some torches here got two pickaxes three pickaxes my sword and then this sword is almost broken oh there’s a different chest here okay well if we go down into the

Mine gotta be very careful that’s true that’s true I don’t got a lot of stuff got a lot of what I don’t got a lot of stuff left you got a got an extra sword F just breaks I have a sword I have a sword that’s almost broken a sword that’s like

Kind of Halfway Broken mhm but it is what it is Shield’s looking good no well But we just got to be careful maybe we don’t go in cave May little to dig but uh the caves is probably better because we can find stuff more easily yeah faster yeah all right yeah I’m down for that all right’s sleep sleep oh I’m sweaty a curry is it that

Spicy no I just kind of wor my room too even though have my window Open also got a sweater on there’s a lot of factors contributing all what up R all right let’s go it there’s a giant Rift over here well not Rift like a ravine Rift in the fabric of reality yes damn fa we fa we for some reason I have cancer of the

Soul by blood bath in my head I think it’s blood bath cancer of the Soul awesome oh I almost pushed it down sorry wow this is [ __ ] serious we get some water if we make a bucket of water we could like swim down but we don’t have iron to spare a bucket

Of water yeah bucket allows you to swim well you like pour it down and then you swim down with the water that makes sense and that is how that works this one’s not as deep this thing Some Coal over here oh okay oh Some Coal right

Here I can’t just punch I can’t just punch nope iron oh iron nice just one name name bre oh there it goes okay I pressed Q I pressed Q again terrible uh oh got be careful with that copper I don’t like you copper we’re skipping the copper yeah [ __ ] copper not wasting

My pick on the [ __ ] copper Copper’s a scam it really is I don’t know why they added copper to this game copper was never in the game oh there’s some coal up there oh you know what if they just added recently there might be like a cool use for it

Maybe like something like a chemical some kind of chemical reaction okay try to get this coal Coal oh where’s some Cal there’s a lot of coal there too no really manipulate lightning that’s weird what allows you to manipulate lightning copper guess make a copper Rod or something I mean that’s [ __ ] crazy I

Wonder got the conductive properties hi hi every welcome some gold gold yeah I’m convinced that anything that promotes circulation is like good for recovering from fevers I don’t know like I’m hot like I’m hot right now but I feel almost no symptoms from yeah from Curry and from hot

Liquids from curry spice and hot liquids oh I’m convinced of this oh I am without a pickaxe now oh [ __ ] wow I didn’t realize I had to bring so many yeah oh man could go back okay sorry but we’ll have to come back here right oh we don’t have to come back

Here uh okay fair enough yeah it’s just a little Rift tearing tearing the fabric a fabric that is made out of dirt dirt fabric Got Some Coal that’s true somehow I only have eight coal which does not make sense to me so if you go like this

You jump and you clip you could go up oh nice you look straight down yeah there you go that a good way to get high yeah you can get as high as you want there’s no limit except how much you’ll die when you jump off yes right yeah

Get your ankles busted open yep your ankles will bust through the rest of your body there a little cave right here we’ll mark that for later Market it how torches oh smart ain’t no map for marking marking mark be back we got one iron perfect oh hell yeah we got some

Coal yes we have coal the coal in the furnace all right you need to make uh some pickaxes uh yes I probably should make some too all right I’m content okay okay just eat some rotten flesh yes oh I eat some not rotten Curry let’s see let’s find that cave again M probably

Is connector to another cave where I had I had to take all my sweater I’m back oh too hot I was dying in there in the sweater yes inside of the sweater inside of my mind inside of the sweater where’d you go uh I went down the mountain over

Here um where where’d you go in relation to where the sun is we might as well just go to sleep actually oh yeah that’s fine come back cool ah what a nice homey home I do I do love that uh that Sakura um Sakura Bonsai [ __ ] awesome

Sakur I guess trees are like my favorite it’s like my favorite imagery I guess tree yeah trees are so cool they can be so scary okay let’s go hi chick okay you got chick oh he buddy we’re Mining and crafting You Ever Seen The Muppets Christmas

Carol I feel like I’ve seen some of it raised on that [ __ ] yeah we’re Marley and Marley a dang it this is not a good cave well it could become one yeah you can dig ah the mining is also watch out there’s a hole okay thank

You mining is way faster than valim oh yeah wow we we don’t know we don’t know how oh it’s not too deep but it’s deep enough to kill you I think let me see there’s another path don’t think so is that water that I see water no no I don’t think

So let’s go a little bit this way I like that the mining is fast yeah is oh lapis nice trying to oh gotta go back trying to see if I could place it underneath you think that would I feel like we could jump this and not take a lot of

Damage yeah probably I’ll do it should I do it yeah just a little damage oh I’m getting shot oh wow oh Jesus Lord I’m going in all right I’m drawing some aggro oh I just AG somebody else oh [ __ ] I’m getting wrecked there’s another skeleton over there I don’t

Know there’s more than one there must be more than one [ __ ] the fish oh there’s one over there I try to mine towards him all right one going down there’s this one here he still he’s still shooting yeah I’ll draw I’ll draw zagro nice some iron here here some more monsters watch

Out I got better find those [ __ ] oh frick here end one of those skeletons has an enchanted bow oh [ __ ] stay over here for now get some some Co oh [ __ ] another hole all right let me just make sure we have a place to run back to oh [ __ ] there’s a spider here

Lost you you you’re just checking our exit plant yeah I got hit by a skeleton there’s a lot of skeletons here it was an ancient civilization let’s go the other way hey great Kingdom now fallen into ruin oh co we’re Marley and Marley Aus and greed there’s end

Here I’m just getting this go real quick nice little house you got here you got houses no but he’s like building little you put blocks they pick up blocks and they place blocks that’s cool they’re just like us place the block Here good there’s a lot of copper oh wait a minute got weird cave things going on here uh there was something here I’m not sure what it is probably copper I think it’s copper yeah it’s copper I you’re a witch uh oh I actually uh don’t know where you are went

Down I stopped for that coal and now I’m about to stop for this coal piing up some dripstone block dripstone I guess it drips drippy fair enough oh my goodness witch La is very scary I don’t like it I haven’t heard it yet no no oh

[ __ ] watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out where where where where there’s whole okay there we have we found some mines actual mines all right whoa oh [ __ ] okay who mines was it the skeleton civilization before I don’t know I don’t really know the

Lore okay we got to figure a way to get down there without dying I can place some no oh frick here skeletons oh freak oh my freaking God this is scary oh my freaking freck I don’t want to all I don’t want you I mean how far even is it down I

Guess it’s pretty it looks I think it’s far than it looks it’s not crazy far though like down to the draw bridge H it’s not we go over a little bit more yeah yeah definitely I don’t want to miss the draw bridge just I don’t know what down there

I don’t want to get like Bamboozled that’s true so we should probably go at the same time I got chain got chain I got chain cool I’m going who’re shooting at you oh [ __ ] I got shot down where is he oh he’s down there [ __ ] [ __ ] watch out for zombies I’m eating your

Flesh ah oh no I’m hitting him with a bone oh man that a no weapon I’m going to die help me help me I’m I’m right next to you what I was looking for I was looking for the zombie I knew where you were sorry hey zombies creeper watch out I’ll block him

Ah oh that went well oh God [ __ ] stay in the corner look at those lag lights black light yeah wow look pretty awesome actually damn haven’t seen those yet oh the music just kicked in got mites and tights all over the place mes and tight mes and tights and little tis

It is really dark I got I gotta Light It Up In Here mhm it’s probably super dark on stream creep I have pretty good view bit of a vantage point okay let’s mine some stuff thought I saw some iron I lived you live you did live good

Job what kind of armor do you have on nothing probably oh L yeah I’m naked right now nice uh you want my pants it’s okay you sure I I don’t want you completely un armored I want me to take your pants might as well or you take my shoes

Okay I’ll give you the pants all right oh God your dick is out no way those are those are I know those pants your pants are like flesh colored so I look like well they’re white man flesh covered colored but I’m not a white man true I’m just wearing some

[ __ ] chinos some khakis now we have wood we could uh have a little thing out here cool can make a crafting table we could craft me some armor we get some okay there you go let’s see that where should we have our crafting table can we sleep down here uh there’s

No we don’t have any fabric so we can’t make right right but uh let me just get some of this wood mus killer right now get some of these mines I feel like Zach would enjoy this yeah you think so yeah I would think so you could join our our

Realm likeor 10 players so oh cool I think you enjoy the exploration the um the relaxation of it definitely the music yeah the music’s really nice do you know if they play different [ __ ] underground than they do above ground uh I don’t think so all right I finished my

Curry okay I’m G to make like a little house you’re make a little what it’s a little a little house cool cave house and nothing will spawn since we have torches I think yeah I think we’re good nice this’s a good balance Brie’s like surveying and doing work and Greg’s like

Taking forever to like eat Curry and P impecable this is a good balance healthy oh you know I should probably finish the old weed this weed’s from six months ago and then I’ll visit another six months and I’ll have this uh this the rest of this Dragon Ball Weed where’s where do we drop in uh I don’t know why I’m hitting this with my fist I think we dropped in like right yeah right there okay that’s good I don’t know why I keep punching cave walls with my fist I just can’t stop having this empty bowl here is

Bothering the perfect bothering the perfect aesthetic of my room so I’m remove it perfect aesthetic of your room yes Co tiny baby house oops very cozy um can you still hear me yeah oh pretty good I guess it’s when my uh when my PC’s in the

Basement I think it’s harder to hear me when I’m upstairs but my PC’s upstairs it’s easier to hear me when I’m downstairs h must be uh the basement something this is more insulation probably or more um interference all right good aesthetic restored oh now I Smoke N that’s smoke

Played Minecraft but have you played High Mindcraft highcraft no high Minecraft mcraft oh you’re high you’re high when you play Minecraft so it’s high Minecraft oh I see craft things with your mind and you’re clicking you have to click as well with the mind is note is is involved you G mental

Component just pour this [ __ ] Inm C oh I hear a zombie y I hear a zombie too I’m coming back where is it oh there it is down there see it you [ __ ] you probably got from that Darkness I I’ll shoot it oh you know we forgot the chest like underground our first oh you got you got

A yeah wow wow the [ __ ] bow works really well oh three arrows kills that’s fantastic I also have a bow now I did just use three arrows but do you have iron that you want to cook uh no I have no iron all right you put you could put your stuff in the

Chest if you want to okay why do I hear another zombie there you are they’re so gurgly what the zombies really yeah they’re so gurgly their voices Oh I thought you said girly I was like how are they gir I did not I did not say that well that’s what I thought you

Said but oh I was saying remember the chest underneath the jungle house in the mine and I think we left some stuff in there oh I just remember that right now for some reason okay you sure I thought we took everything I don’t think we went underneath and got the chest that was

Underground though oh huh well but I I would not mind adventuring back to the Jungle that’d be fun yeah we could go back and get it the adventurers return to their Homeland to recover a lost treasure that was left behind that’s a that’s a solid foundation for a quest a solid log

Rationale uh where’d you go what are you doing oh I went over here you did you went over you went over here over here oh there there’s a little mine shaft here do you want to chop it no we go through oh ah this [ __ ] drip stone is in my way

Ah that’s what call this stag I’m getting chopped in the in the spider web give me that spider web so to break spider web you use your sword oh cool for some reason you don’t use pickaxe I could see that yeah no that makes perfect sense pickaxe is sharp but only one

Point and so the rest of it will get snagged up careful we don’t get losted yeah seriously that leads that way we do need string for stuff so getting SPID web is pretty good sometimes there is mine carts with chests in them and there might be like like iron bars or

Something could be some good loot in there anything here oh we got a way to go down this way up where’d you go uh I lost you you a different way let’s go this way see some more and you could pick up these ah I’m stuck in a spider

Web to pick up these railing these mine cart rails was that well we can make our own mine cart at our house oh there’s a creeper in the corner there’s a creeper in the corner ladies and gentlemen there is a creeper in the corner H yeah a fre oops you Dage though

Yeah they’re getting good if I could put the drip Stone so my little drip in the house or something actually yeah uh oh that’ll be a different aesthetic though if we had drips in the house you sure you sure that’s different yeah cuz like Cher some cuteness and then there’s like cave

Drippings I don’t know I mean like uh Sakura and like uh oh I got iron there’s iron over here nice uh Sakura and like uh Stone formations that’s a that’s a classic combo in that [ __ ] art style I feel let’s at least try it at least try

And see what you think we can’t make big ones can we just small ones I don’t know the drips the St oh there’s some iron here I hear a spider it could be a spider spawner somewhere oh there’s a spider spawner right here great as soon as I said that die die die

Die okay I killed it Where’d you go I went down more down down okay I’ll got a lot of string here I don’t want to use my oh [ __ ] they’re both [ __ ] swords make a new sword hello hey nice pants thanks silver silver o some iron right next to the coal hell yeah

Oh that’s some gra yep okay spider so slimmy sounds so slimy yeah they do sound slimy e e the zombies sound gurgly and the spider sound slimy sound torture I ran out of torches we got oh and I left all the coal back there I have some coal on me

You have some but no sticks well we can make out of this wood could just go like this scks go like this oh you can convert this wood into sticks yeah okay but you only have like a few torches left yeah oops little cave section over There some iron uhoh epic okay which way should we go now kind want to find that spider and kill it let’s see where is the spider oh are you buddy umbe we could go up this way oh we’re back in the mainlands nice that’s pretty good yeah

Okay is awesome all right let’s drop off so we can always go back in that tunnel we just dug and just keep digging in any direction right yeah we have an equal chance of finding anything as we do finding anything else you want to put your iron in the

Furnace uh yeah yeah let’s do that I have five iron I got a lot of string got some polished dite it’s not polished actually just regular dite I need a new sword my sword’s about to break I mean we might as well we have enough iron to make an iron sword right

Mhm my iron sword is about to break I was going to use Stone but I guess I should probably make another iron right yeah what do you think can make iron sword sck the for my diamond what you just saying kind of harmonized with the music I’m here right now SW it’s

Swey like you plan it all right what’s up what you thinking getting some coal oh hell yeah you’re you’re going out to the to the mine to where we just work uh we can go in a different uh area cool would be interested to find kill that spider at some

Point if we could find it yes got some more here is that it just one lame the universe is a cool place lots of iron okay all right what other direction can we go in we went that way we went yeah that’s the way we went actually went through this way

There a lot water down here oh [ __ ] this this water is really deep down here oh damn I can see the magma we could potentially jump in yeah we could go in deep it is super deep holy [ __ ] watch out for the bubbles the magma makes bu oh the glowing there’s glowing squids

Here oh they’re glowing whoa you see them glow that’s so cool I think I I think I see how they glow oh now I see them glowing holy [ __ ] that’s so cool don’t know exact those are kind of new the glowing squids don’t know if they produce any kind of

Substance I know the regular ones have ink sacks but those might have something like glowing ink sacks I don’t know oh so something that we would kill them and take yeah maybe yeah sure see as long as you don’t make them go extinct watch out for these

Bubbles the magma can hurt you actually I think the bubbles might be good for breathing but oh no they suck you down oh [ __ ] it squirted at me I don’t know if I got anything I need to go back up okay I think I killed it I think it did

Spray me the vase and I got glow ink sack cool wow that’s pretty good yeah that’s crazy a glow item frame really that’s what all the glow does is a glow item frame I don’t know if it’s worth it well it may not be an urgent need but still cool

Yeah they might despawn if we leave though we go somewhere else and come back they might not be here let’s see if I can kill this one oh I pressed Q oh man oh no my sword your sword yeah it’s it will sink to the

Depths it’s going to be hard to get down there I wasn’t that far down that really press Q well you weren’t far down but the sword six damn that sucks I thought they items float oh that would be cool I just made my sword too sorry I’ve been there at least it wasn’t

A super enchanted golden one I should be able to find it though uh yeah I mean you’d have to go down pretty far but it’s possible ah the tide the current what is this do you see anything not yet but I it’s not it wasn’t as deep as I thought yeah it’s not

That we were about here right yeah we were like right here I was going down and I was trying to like swim faster and I picked it up I found it oh my God there’s I was trapped under a rock shelf I didn’t realize holy [ __ ] oh found it

Oh yes good job you could crouch on the bubbles and get your bubbles back you have to crouch on them thought it was something but that they like also sucking down huh oh they are a little spicy though bubbles yeah I hav see bub the [ __ ] magma blocks make bubbles I got another

Squid did you go into this cave this like dark cave area no I’m underwater Oh all right I killed another squid something did just suck me under yeah that’s the bubbles cool [ __ ] you went back underwater yeah I’m be here trying to kill a few of these [ __ ]

Yeah only got five I did kill one over there but I don’t think I collected anything think I got it I’m breathing did you get ink sack doesn’t look like it I killed another one but I don’t see a oh there’s all right I got I think I got

The one that you killed oh good there’s the one I killed all right got it and this can make give you like a glowing sword I said a glowing um item frame right oh just the frame yeah just the frame it’s not that cool it might be cool maybe we get like

A really cool item that we put in the frame Fair uh like a frame like you frame it on your wall yeah I killed another one and don’t think I got the exi uh sometimes they do float up because they’re floating when maybe I got stuck on a rock or something

Okay all right we don’t have to kill anymore that’s fine oh [ __ ] wow just made it one Health oh no you have to eat yeah I’m eating holy [ __ ] have any drink okay we could go either that way or we could go that way all right uh which way

Either way this way or this way okay uh let’s go left this way okay you want to like dig just swim down oh swim cool is that what you did yeah don’t have that many torches left I think only have one more left oh that’s that’s a factor yeah I have any coal

Uh I think I do have coal I don’t think I have sticks though oh true whoa look how many [ __ ] pointy ass oh my God don’t fall the waterfall damn it’s so huge it is really big that’s crazy all right I need the Jaws jaws do how are we supposed to navigate

That I am looking forward to Fig out but you said you need sticks oh so you’re going to go yeah I’m going to get some all right how do I get back up there oh there piece of gold the other side is uh drop there’s no giant well there’s some but

There’s actually there’s none over here on this side no no Lake you mean well there’s no like point oh you said it was dry oh there said lava it’s not that Dry try to go back over there this way why the bats freak me out sometimes I see them coming and I don’t know what the hell they are C wait did you go back did you go back up to the house yeah I’m at the house

Okay um I’m kind of low on food I only have four fish and two rotten flesh oh that’s not good yeah um there’s not really any food down here that is true put some of this stuff away do have some more iron I can make some

Armor oh good oh yeah I have four iron bars on me all right I got a lot of torches now oh nice we had sticks what we had sticks yeah there’s a lot of wood around this so we’re good oh yeah there’s all those all that M shaft equipment

Okay you get a full set okay we’re good can I have your pants now or can I have my pants bag oh you want me to make you some pants uh I will some pants yes my chest armor is still working but not for long but yeah I’ll take the uh I’ll take

The pants okay thank you we fish around so you guys have fish with the squids oh we could do that how do we fish you have a lot of string oh we have a fishing rod already made yeah at the house is that how you make a

Fishing rod oh yeah how you make a fishing rod oh like that all I’ll make you one too oh thank you you go PE a thank you for delicious fish let’s see if that works jump in the water again see if cave fishing is a way to do Things oh God what is happening I don’t know how to do this when do you catch it maybe you gota you gotta see the fish before you start fishing no I don’t think so maybe when it goes under all the way I don’t see anything to catch though

Yeah I usually don’t see it oh really yeah oh I see something coming up oh I got it oh nice I got a stupid puffer fish can’t eat a puffer fish what button do you press when they uh when they bite um right click I think yeah oh somebody’s

Coming hey I got a Cod face nice that’s good no fish want to buy no fish don’t like me oh yay did it awesome what I get what I get I got C nice that’s a good one hell yeah Puffer fish God damn it it must be really awesome to fish in a

Cave giant cave like this that’s experience nice this is uh probably the easiest way to get food in this kind of environment I guess if you’re landlocked it’d be easier to make bread yeah well just going in the water and slicing fish is probably easier than anything that’s fair but only but that

Only is possible if there’s if there’s fish this way that’s true you’re guarant oh yeah we’re going fishing it’s better than valheim fishing God damn it oh my God so much better that was remember the worst you that you were quoting Twin Peaks what gone fishing in the first

Episode this is like pass passive aggressive way of like dealing with his boy gone fish he says in like out of an angry way I love it I forgot that guy’s Name yeah valheim fishing was like the hardest thing about the game yeah that’s crazy why was that so hard made no sense going fishing I’m going fishing going fishing in the kitchen in the kitchen yeah what i r with fishing can’t fish in a kitchen depends on what kind

Of kitchen what if your kitchen is giant Lake in it what if your kitchen has like a big [ __ ] your face again puff fish puff fish give me food don’t give me puffer fish I can’t eat that I want to eat the Flesh of the fish give me

Food give that [ __ ] Omega three fatty acids just dripping dripping with it fish the way I wish I fish all the time yeah me too good like a diet oh we’re gonna eat fish on new year I mean not New Year’s Eve Christmas Eve oh you are yeah is that

Typical for the for the Goan yeah well no it’s just Italian oh it’s Italians because there’s like fish on Fridays I’ve heard of that about that oh because you can’t eat meat on Friday oh okay but you you can crush the Flesh of a dead fish that’s like that’s for like

Um e well not Easter like what is it lent you give it meat for Lent well you’re supposed to not eat meat during the lent time period but you also have to give up something wow meat and something else damn yeah I haven’t done I haven’t given up

Anything for L along I I used to do when I was little though if I cared all about Christianity I might get say you know I might give up like alcohol for Lent or something weed oh god oh hold on I’m being knocked hey what up I’m GNA need your food absolutely

We’re we’re fishing we’re just chilling waiting for fish to bite you know I do that so often you get pretty you get them pretty consistently though it’s it’s just to show you just kind of got to chill uh I kind of want to have like sushi or something confence cuz cuz Jesse’s

Expecting and preferring middle Easter food Jess want can’t do much worse than Sushi or much better than Sushi let’s talk let’s talk about that uh Bri Bri I’m gonna BRB okay gby okay he W he wants sushi cuz we’re fishing let a Passover oh well you didn’t say that about

Passover yeah it’s Mom’s Cute Those squids are very close to the surface I could jump in there and kill them real quick oh oh oh oh you see that hold up [ __ ] come to my territory get the [ __ ] out of here it was interrupting this squid was interrupting how long would I stream I

Know he did say he was gonna play pickle ball with his dad but I don’t think he’s going to do that anymore he said at 5:30 and it’s 5:40 so so actually I don’t know how long I’m going to stream oh [ __ ] hello what are you doing here get the [ __ ] out of

Here he almost got assassinated oh [ __ ] I should probably stand next to him so um that doesn’t happen again just make a nice little platform here I don’t think oh that does lead to something interesting oops oh oh this is the lag light right here okay that’s good I did save him

I saved his life these [ __ ] squibs do you want to die I killed your whole family I’ll kill you too don’t interrupt my [ __ ] fishing look at him he’s getting a little too close I don’t know if I like that well here we go [ __ ] puffer can’t eat

Puffers oh wait there another one right there oh there’s actually three okay he’s good he has a family oh my God he’s like going on the shore we’re deep underground we’re so deep Bro can you go underwater please with your [ __ ] family thank you oh here comes a fish that was not a

Fish that was a trip wire I can make a crossbow now how deep are you oh I don’t I don’t know how to bring up that menu anymore I forgot how to do that ah good old fishing nice got a good one oh I remember it was like f

Something damn a lot of a lot of more just spawned in well we know where to go we need the glowy sacks good old glow sacks very Good look at this [ __ ] thing get your ass I had to oh that didn’t poison me wow could go up there and start cooking some fish but I don’t want to leave him down here by myself just in case another zombie comes that’ll be pretty bad that’ll be pretty bad oh here you

Go hello every hello hi s keep you waiting it’s okay what you doing fishing fishing yeah you must be uh must have caught some pretty good oh I killed some squids too that’s kind of like fishing bothering me it’s kind of like fishing and kind of like murdering yeah and then

There was a zombie that came out and tried to get you oh oh no it was an underwater zombie you saved me yeah thank you uh I have six CS that’s pretty good could cook those up and a raw salmon I have 11 Cod four salmon four

Puffer fish and I caught a trip fire hook for some reason uh yeah you know one of them uh one of them tripar hooks just decided to go go for a swim and never never never got back out of the water just get one more fish here he

Comes a very nice beautiful is salmon the best fish I think so it’s it is it does seem like really good health let’s get the best health thank you for save me for the zombie welome oh right here my parents are going to order some uh like Turkish

Food oh nice so I’m going to get uh get fish yeah actually oh that’s why I want want fish I just realized I just realized why I want fish cuz we’re fishing cuz we even fishing yeah it just occurred to me whoa that’s crazy so subconscious there’s so much more over

Here look there’s layers to this [ __ ] this is a big cave ah frick oh my God I just fell a long way oh no and somehow survived let me that holy [ __ ] balls uh I can make another furnace actually oh wow I was just mining with my bow didn’t realize

Oh that’s so weird it happened again we got 19 that must have you got what I got 19 glow sacks oh hell yeah some reason I thought you were saying I got $19 like I wish I got $19 it is nice to get $19 20 is better but you can’t be M

About 19 true that broke yo what’s up what’s up I’m in my room sorry I’m going to mute myself I’m so sorry it’s okay all right that’s done oh C this done sorry about that you don’t want to yell to the [ __ ] mic it’s okay hey Dad hey Daddy I’m on

Twitch.tv I don’t have donos on oh on YouTube yeah I’m not qualified to receive donations but I am on Twitch got get qualified there more more it’s harder to get that on on YouTube than twitch for some reason huh twitch is not that hard you just had to stream for

Like five a certain amount of days a month and then have like average three viewers and um something else I forget oh 100 followers I think oh didn’t you tell me one day when you got there or was I think something else I remember you getting there at a certain point

Yeah I did congrats all right you want to cook your fish uh yeah I got it cooking okay for YouTube you need like 600 followers subscribers or and like I don’t even know you need like 3,000 hour hours oh man in like for TW for twitch

Back in the day for no for YouTube oh oh man brutal rough out there Bri I Know cool uh looks very cute what can I do help you oh should I make uh should I make myself some armor is your armor almost [ __ ] uh oh that’s yeah I guess I have leather armor but it’s uh no it’s still holding strong I I’ll hold

Off okay it’ll break kind of soon but it’s been it’s been at the same level for a while so maybe I’m good did you get your salmon uh yeah I got well I got my one salmon oh there we go this one last crackle crackle I’m gonna go pee real quick go for

It yo so the three of us are going to be on a webinar um the food is supposed to arrive in about 30 all what up oh yeah forgot okay I’m back I’m very happy with how I just organized this chest oh job that’s good it’s a so

AR all right your voice is done the fish oh yes the fish or the fish oh I open the chest over here uh you sure you did maybe I did no I did because it came yeah I guess guess you would know if you

Did I see what you see I am what you are what no yes all right there’s also like look at this did you see this way over here look how big this area is like up this way holy yeah we explore this way too let’s see got some iron here perfect

Floating Sor bless you bless you you always do the double sneeze you sneezed into Oblivion oh yep in about uh about uh 15 minutes I’m going have to go downstairs and just wait for the food to get dropped off I could bring my laptop I guess I I will I

Will answerer the door and play Minecraft at the same time I won’t even make eye contact I’ll just keep playing that’ be so funny that’s classic ah I hit gon uh I have no idea why my health is so low got him good got to eat your fish true it’s

Trueu oh c is quite good C is really good y Prett good driver oh thank you I will be downstairs uh in I can’t wait to get out of here I can’t wait to get out of here oh there’s skeleton there spider oh there’s some coal up there

Get ow why’ you hit me I don’t know uh where’s my good sword my sword about to break let just shoot him True dark so dark I know it’s dark I hear a spider what is happening I’m I miss a lot and don’t understand Why are you pressing the button like really hard like that there I think you should do like slower swipes cuz you see the the meter that comes up when you I do see that meter if you click it a lot it doesn’t really fill up you gota wait for it to fill up

That makes sense that makes sense and then you you hit okay okay try that pretty good iron supplies over here yeah is pretty good okay can be pretty intimidating being completely out of iron and coal and like not knowing where to go you know I guess I just got to go down for

You know diagonal go down well just go down oh God there’s a whole Cave System here too I’m gon to fill up this ho this is treacherous yeah cool cool in the pool gold gold and coal wait did I make a I should make an iron

Pickaxe when we get back stone is tough to my gold with should probably use yeah I could did it come out or did it like break yeah that’s coming out sure Oh okay some things you can’t iron with the stone you need the IR I said Iron with the stone with your ironing yeah ironing board clothes iron okay good to know yeah well we lost all that gold then I think that’s fine gold doesn’t really do that much is pretty it is

Pretty like gold or silver better I don’t know I think I like gold better do you have any gold real gold yeah no yeah me neither I don’t think I have any real silver even I just have a my wrist watch is [ __ ] rubber black rubber

Oh I like it though I prefer it that way you like rubber well I like uh durable flexible comfortable articles and that’s what I got yeah I I may I may never own like a shiny wristwatch H I should get like a maybe I

Should get like a gray a gray one cuz I have a black one but I it doesn’t like sometimes I feel like it’s too much black with if I’m not wearing any other black so I should get like a like a gray one so I don’t want to go around like a

Fancy ass wrist watch no but big ones are so like obnoxious well no not even a big one just like uh just one that’s very nice and tasteful but it’s just like expensive and fragile and like it ticks like I just like a digital watch that has functions although actually I will say

Though it is nice to adjust an anog watch maybe I should get like a dress watch you know rather than like uh because to adjust my watch when I fly time when I move time zones I have to like do a whole button pressing process whereas with a conventional watch it’s

Like just like wind it it’s [ __ ] cool I like that but they’re like fragile and you got to like if the mechanism [ __ ] up now your watch doesn’t work anymore like you know where you’re at with a digital watch it’s not like a whole mechanical like the funny

Watches funny watches yeah that has like a character and they have like the arms point at a time have you seen like what what characters have you seen I do have a lot on my hanging on my dresser thing what who is it I forget maybe I could go look at it real Quick a back who is it it’s a NY watch oh nice yeah and Woodstock is like the the arm it goes around oh hell yeah how how is that little bird long enough to be an arm well he’s not he’s just like a uh he’s just a BP and he just goes

Around oh so it’s like a really fat like hand no it’s not even a hand oh just it oh that’s cool just just runs around yeah he just goes around and snoopies in the middle that’s funny I don’t even know how I I had that

For a long time but I don’t remember I think I got one of those gimy watches back in the 90s I like those those are cute they are cute I think I have another watch that was my great grandma’s watch but it was like she got it like in

The 80s it’s not that old it’s not like some crazy vintage thing yeah there’s something kind ofal calming about adjusting an old watch adjusting the time have you ever had a watch that does that you like pull out the little pin pull little side piece and just twist it

Yeah like yeah I like that oh spider watch out there’s another spider down there too oh you can switch weapons while blocking that’s sick uh are there any stats like does your sword still go up if you swords no I don’t think so that’s oh outside what the heck we wer that deep

After all we’re just going forward nice very good I guess that’s the giant Rift that we looked down yeah probably so we didn’t go in because it was too deep I’m glad we got there yeah I lost you oh I went back in do there’s some some iron over here iron

Ah did I push you yeah a I’m sorry it’s okay oh uhoh I got one more one more stone pickaxe me too it’s my last one oh I still have some iron pickaxes but this is my last Stone one anything else it’s a m shaft right oh

Two Creepers we got a double creeper situation oh damn let me see if I could execute oh nice it got stuck on the spider web and it exploded h perfect hi bet SK what’s it’s going for me what a douche there’s a dead end there’s nothing down that way nothing nothing

Oh my iron sword’s about to break oh but I guess I have another one okay I’m good we been over here before or no I looked away for a second I lost you I went went down I went downstairs okay where’ you go oh I see you over here

Hello once I’ve lost side of you I’m I’m completely [ __ ] like I have no idea where you go you you go in all the twist twisty turny tunnels you don’t see my name tag oh zombie um at a certain point I I do lose oh who’s banging on my door like

That Jesus [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right I’ll be back okay I’m back everything okay yeah my laundry was done I but I had to get it oh good job you’re not going to fold it immediately coming out of the dryer no shocking how how do you how dare you disrespect your clothes by

Not it’s gonna take so long no of course I know I’ll have to go downstairs in a minute here okay I’ll bring my computer I’m GNA game and get at the same time say hello Mr delivery driver well he’ll he’ll be here in probably like 20 minutes but oh playing it

Safe hello Mr delivery driver do you have any P bread for me today oo yes do you have a fish oh gold down here I promise some gold gold there’s gold down there girl oh wait I can’t do it can I no my stone pickaxe will destroy it yeah kind sad

Okay what do we have here a giant hole care yeah careful some Co jump jump jump jump jump kind of reminds me of like Trypophobia [ __ ] it also kind of reminds me of like a chocolate chip cookie the cold does chocolate chip cookie I could go for a really good warm

Mty chocolate chip cookie yeah me too that won’t happen not for me might have it for you no I don’t think it’s going to happen for me I hope does I pray for your cookie r another cave gu we’re back up to the surface not the surface but like back oh

[ __ ] you going to have to handle that CU I’m going down okay I’m bringing you with me bringing you Whitney oh [ __ ] there’s a giant hole here we just Place some torches all right what up hello all right how am I going to do this there’s some zombies coming I see them

Oh they’re frozen frozen you just stopped walking towards me for some reason oh okay oh I know I know how I’ll sit I will sit on one of these big chairs let’s get that [ __ ] back support can you even handle this back support right now no I have no back support I’m sorry

I wish you did ah this is pretty good actually what’s going on here huh uh okay uh I don’t know where you are I went out into the big area oh like up and out yeah I see careful there’s big old okay and Bets doing pretty well for iron and coal

MH it’s a good haul it’s very satisfying let’s mine for some chocolate chip cookie is there chocolate chip cookie or no but you can make chocolate chip cookies in this game there isn’t chocolate chip cookie or no that’s unrealistic There’s real chocolate chip cookie is there real chocolate chip

Cookie ore no in real life no I want to be a chocolate chip cookie Miner or just a regular just a cookie Miner in general it doesn’t have to be only chocolate chip cookies I want a mine I want to go to work every day in the fresh baked smell

Of the the butterscotch mines o and um you know uh be smash crystall smash and crystallized gingerbread and uh and my pickaxe which is made of made of I guess steel is fine just saw iron I don’t know where oh there it is one iron yeah lame I want

To um I want to chip away at Giant shelves of of lemon C cookie lemon cookie giant layers yeah crispy lemon cookie oh just a cookie Miner go to different I think I see another amethyst cave oh yeah amethyst have you seen that oh amethyst is like

The yeah the blue there’s lava what the [ __ ] wait I thought it was ameth amethyst but it’s just lava oh nice the lava made it glowy I thought it was amethyst sh which of us is really colorblind if that’s that’s what happen a creeper over here die creeper ah

Freck oh well I [ __ ] that out nice die monster you don’t belong in this world you know what that’s from no that’s from Castlevania Symphony of the Night oh okay Zach quotes that sometimes and then uh I forgot what Dracula says but that’s what Simon says to

Dracula what is oh yeah he’s like what is a man there’s nothing but a miserable little pile of secrets don’t know if deep slate is like really bad or it’s like whatever oh [ __ ] zombies I got him I got him I got him oh there’s more than one but yeah you’re my 334th

Subscriber thank you that’s amazing that’s amazing good for you good job every it’s Stewie Griffin Peter that’s his username that’s pretty good oh my pickaxe broke is that your last oh you got I’m new subscriber oh hi I’m new subscriber now I your number 3 935 oh God it’s competition now

Everybody’s going to come in here and say they’re the next subscriber you’re you’re the hot you’re the hottest phenomenon everybody wants to say that they’re the they were the first to subscribe to Bri’s Channel who was the first really no one will ever know that’s a good

Question I wonder if you and seal are competing for like demographic no I don’t think so not probably I think seal gets most of his views because of his voice oh [ __ ] what was that ah creeper [ __ ] no I’m good oh man you could have got blasted off that’s

Crazy I was in the corner though that’s good there’s no iron in here oh I think salmon is better than Cod not that much probably is I’ve been saving it though I’ve been eating this rotten fle oh smart I should I should do that more that’s fine 1K hope you hit 1K

Eventually probably in the next couple days I will you think you got 1K in a couple days yeah nice I had to make some more YouTube shorts though it’s a little but it just takes a while it probably does take a while go through all my old videos and just wait

For a funny moment to happen and like I watch it on 2x spe to like get through it faster oh that sounds kind of exhausting and then I have to make the clip and then I have to go in this app and like uh put the URL in from the clip and then

Turn that into a YouTube short like like oh my God was my dog barking like that all right well feel free to exploit me in my like stoned not knowing where I’m going moments and use that for fun content there like giving you a lot of that

Material oh my God this is deep we’re going deep oh my God look at this deep look at this damn I love that that’s beautiful is that magum oh oh [ __ ] that’s lava it’s not beautiful when you’re getting [ __ ] harassed yeah Fair got him that’s so much oh [ __ ] it’s

Darkest [ __ ] in here I only have six torches left creep creeper coming I’ll try to shoot him yeah I see the creeper where I saw him before he’s very he’s kind of stuck oh you got him yeah that’s pretty good wow cool you should write down time stamp for your recording h no

It’s hard to know like when you you when you and me are playing like it’s hard to know what’s going to be like funny later because we’re just freestyling yeah then that kind of ruins the flow if I had to like oh let me write that down the time

I I agree with that actually I was like no I’ll just rewatch the whole thing that is a thoughtful a thoughtful suggestion but I I don’t think if I were streaming I would want to do that got to have I mean at the end of

The day uh I’m just I’m here to have a good time and it just so happens that you can record it I think my parents are going out tonight oh nice out with you have a Razer a giant Minecraft Razer while they’re out good giant Minecraft land

Party with Boo and and cocaine and hookers what that’s too much but everyone’s playing Minecraft you got to get complimentary laptops for the hookers too they should they need to be able to play I ran out of torch is oh [ __ ] I can’t help you at

All got go back gotta go back damn this [ __ ] is crazy though my God enormous e [ __ ] normous that’s scar me that’s another thing that this game captures sort of like unlimited scale whereas like there was clear limits on where you’re going to find the valheim like the mountains

In valheim were quite small compared to a real mountain even the snow mountains uh yeah I mean weren’t huge were they they’re pretty big yeah have to go back the caverns in valim were definitely not this fast I mean did we even go underground at all Val not

Really we went to like went to like caves like you find a little C some caves yeah there were some caves but it was they were limited small caves [ __ ] I don’t know which way to go back up some of those caves are pretty vast under the

Mountains we go go that way did we go this which way did we go I assume this way oh oh don’t no no I thought we went this way how would you put a torch here definitely not this way cuz it’s not oh [ __ ] there’s a lot of zombies

Coming this way R I don’t want to be lost on the ground forever there’s a technique there’s a technique to get up no I’m sure I’m sure that’ be such panic in real life and to actually be lost underground holy [ __ ] yeah that would be really bad uh oh

I’m kind of oh there a zombie villager here how did you get down here oh you had an iron inot on him thank you all right um well we were here then which way did we come from over there we have to go back to the like the wide

Area oh right I remember this little this little piece of lava right here I remember this oh nice so we were here and then we went around it kind of we didn’t go on that we didn’t go over there we like scooted past it the freck get out of my way

Not that way how do we scoot though there’s Ender over there did we go that way I can help oh yes yes yes yes yes this is it nice oh frick SK get him I was playing defensive but he wasn’t shooting yeah and then we were this is the big area oh that’s the big ass hole don’t go down there and we were on the other side though this way holy [ __ ] that hole goes so deep oh

Okay anyway where where’d you go up this way over here up ski up ski behind ski right here behind you oh my God you I keep turning oh there you are oh hello hi up ski behind ski this is hard to see I think our house is over here

Though over here yep yep yep yep yep yep here okay I found the house nice nice awesome good job every I fall oh no no just a little bit we just cook we do a little cooking oh yeah we got a lot of ir iron oh okay I have a question for

You Bri yeah you uh want to cook I’m sorry I stop I just felt like that’s kind of how he says it that is kind of how he says it only kind of though Brian Brian cranon is doing a very good job of imitating Walter White and I’m not doing

A good job of imitating Brion imitating Walter White ban quanon Quon you right okay we got some good loot we have to bring we don’t have to bring everything up with us but we’ll just take the valuables with the the iron and the co yeah that stuff and want want to leave the copper or should we bring

It let’s just bring it okay uh we’ll definitely bring the point to dripstones yeah you could bring that dripstone block um should we bring diorite no we don’t need that that’s super common I’ll bring the stone sword well I guess yeah I’ll bring the stone sword for [ __ ] these arrows for sure

Should I bring these um rails and chains yeah yeah we don’t need the oak doors do we no we don’t need that yeah sticks are always useful oh glow ink sack for sure do you want puffer fish yeah we’ll take the puffer fish uh do you have to cook a potato potato you

Can oh we’ll have to take all the coal Out of the Furnace because it’s cooking right now we have a lot of iron to cook uh should we just take but we should take everything out right furnace yeah cook it cook it at home you could we’ll just do the top one only

Have two more and then we can go take that take the string take the lapis yeah [ __ ] everything else oh my god oh oh all right you took it the coal yeah and the raw iron yep I got the raw iron all right let’s go

Raw all right so the way we got here is we went up there so we need to actually let’s build a staircase nice are we about are we about to build the biggest most epic staircase in the history of Minecraft no or are we about to build the biggest

And most epic staircas staircase in in our history of Minecraft so far um well the other one that I built was pretty cool that’s in our house oh yeah that’s true but it’s not it’s not g to be as big aren’t we going to build like

A giant one like all the way up up up no no no no okay that’s what I because we uh I know the way back I think I know the way back hello co oh there is coal [ __ ] is coal it’s just a mineral I guess so I think of like

Charcoal is something that comes from like you know fire all right we’re back here okay ready uh yes sorry I guess it was distract so I think think we came from up we went up this way got to go up okay go up some more I think this is where the Enderman

Was living actually yes I remember the Enderman was living here here he placed all these blocks here this beautiful artwork he did wow what are you what is your plan that’s what he made he decorating his apartment yeah all right I remember that was the Mander oh maybe

That hole right there up there that’s where we fell down that makes sense hey fell I don’t I don’t like you’re use of that that kind of Dr I very intentionally did a an acrobatic leap downward actually so I don’t appreciate you talking that kind of smack about I

Forg Greg just needlessly oh okay I’m getting hit I’m getting hit I’m good you [ __ ] I’m in a hole that’s good all right we didn’t go that way we did not we went this ah yes my staircase is right here just get rid of this all right I don’t want these [ __ ] [ __ ]

With us oh they’re [ __ ] with us [ __ ] with me don’t [ __ ] don’t [ __ ] with us there’s a creeper next to me too okay I could shoot it but I guess it’s okay cool cool I forgot I don’t have any torches nope oh we repurpose this is our staircase right here oh

Nice I know the way the way up this is the way this is the way staircase to Heaven it’s night time oh yeah we back we made it we’re we pretty uh pretty impressive yeah got a lot of got a lot of [ __ ] survive creepers no witch or or

Baby zombies though un fortunately yeah even though I did hear a witch did not see the witch H yeah where’d you go uh I went the wrong way I see your name tag well I know where I am but I just went the wrong way you went all the way around

The house I did I did go all the way around the house why is a cat’s face in the furnace what the [ __ ] are you doing cat you cat you cat what are you doing cat stop he’s trying to kill himself cat oh my God all right time to cook

Cool so so you do want to cook time to cook there’s some cold there’s some iron gold gold gold don’t Don’t put the lapis uh what else that’s it put go oh man we got ton of coal now awesome lots of iron too should I just make myself better armor for the hell of it since my tunic’s almost busted again where you about the string oh the string um here okay that

I mean the egg okay my beautiful house it is very beautiful you should be so proud so pretty great job it is extremely pretty I would take some credit but I probably shouldn’t I I helped a little bit I helped in I I gathered and now comes organ which is

Has become one of my favorite parts of the G let’s see oh I can make a I can make a crossbow with the drip wire don’t have any feathers yet block of coal interesting I’m going to put the I’m going to put the pointed drip Stone in

Like the the jewels the jewels chest like yeah okay but the regular dripstone I’m going to keep with the oh man we’re almost full make some paintings paintings yeah there’s paintings in this what yes well what I want for my apartment if there’s paintings I want a couple paintings and

One sucker inside and another plant hopefully couple paintings maybe three plants and then I will feel very complete unless we can hang some weapons on the walls can we yeah oh hell yeah I’ll hang a stone sword I don’t care I got I don’t I don’t need standard right

Now F things are a little weird are they yeah I don’t want that one different one oh that would be a good one but it’s in the wrong place yeah that’s what I want I got a Bak potato nice want to see my beautiful art yeah what you what do you got whoa

What the hell it’s a pig queen or king or something yes that’s so silly it’s huge yeah a big because there’s a lot of space on the wall yeah but if I I could probably make a smaller it depends all on the space make me a cool painting okay let’s

See what we get please please where do you want to put it in my room okay oh nice like that badass I mean it’s okay if I break if I break it will I be able to move it yeah okay sweet thank you uh can you make me another P

You want two I do okay and so you put uh you put the the bonai on a scaffold right yeah great awesome you need do you need a pot yes I will a pot but I can I can figure out how to make that yeah you just make it

With the clay the hard clay clay nice nice nice nice the cooked clay oh that’s a big one I don’t know I like this one let just leave it in there for you put the string in with like the glass and stuff okay and this chest organization I’m it doesn’t make

Sense no never mind I’m I’m going to keep the string where it is and I’m going to take your uh your Lantern and your shears and I’m going to put them where the string is with the the Trinkets and artifacts h put some more actually no I’m going to

Put the shears I’m going to put the the lantern in there but I’m going to put the shears with the um the swords and stuff okay with the fishing rods pickaxes yeah ah we now have more than 64 iron whoa supero that’s good yes I’m put the glow ink sack next to

Like the puffer fish and the enchanted Apple oh wait this decorated pot I can use that in my room can’t I yeah I don’t know if you could put a flower in there just decoration that makes sense do you do you want to use it in the main room for for

Decoration you can use it if you need if you want to thank thank you I’d probably rather have plants but I’ll see okay so I got to bake some clay in order to make uh in order to make a pot I think I already have baked clay somewhere bake a clay bake a

Clay where am I did you break your ankles i i f tree baked clay baked clay where my you be Baker clay Baker clay I have no idea oh what does it look like look like a brick it looks like a normal block no it

Looks like a brick Oh I don’t think I used it oh I got it I got it oh okay thank you [ __ ] you copper you’re you’re false hope you’re nothing actually would like to apologize for copper for how I just spoke to Copper that was unnecessarily

Good oh man this is fun I can’t wait to pick this pot CLE Cobblestone wall do you like this this bush what do you think about this bush bush uh I like it it doesn’t really match the aesthetic I think it doesn’t but I guess it’s a similar Hume maybe it

Matches I I like the the weird Japanese aesthetic like the the unevenness try to get some more of those first before I decide okay Pig you like wheat no maybe you like carrots instead carrot yeah probably There you go wa for Pb yeah how there you are coming whoa crazy skeleton paintings that’s a big one pip is here babe Sakura oh wait the paintings are different every time yeah they’re kind of random whoa that’s crazy I like that one though put the hand in the fire damn yeah I need uh I need some more paintings you want more paintings I think so or maybe more plants is what I

Need I definitely want to hang weapons on walls how do you do that Raiders are here Raiders oh [ __ ] they saw me okay okay ah they’re shooting me okay okay ow is is there more is there only one that [ __ ] broke he’s dead ha oh no yep you have achieved people hating

You I guess bad Omen we have a bad Omen for an hour and 39 minutes oh there’s the food you hear the doorbell yeah I did yes classic doorbell sound knows all prb oh I I do have to get in the house you’re right you’re right get in the house

[ __ ] all right be okay oh no we’re frecked I hear them they’re Heron we need to make an iron golem that’s the only way we survive we don’t have pumpkins do I have pumpkins I have pumpkin Seas they S A scout there has to be more than one

Though they never they’re never by themselves I’m back hello uh probably have to bounce in like 10 or 15 okay just so you know but my parents and my brother finishing thing up everybody start shooting yet oh God they’re there they’re at the corner they’re they’re sitting and waiting they

Didn’t move they’re not they have their crossbows drawn though they’re pointing [ __ ] [ __ ] I see them there’s two of them there’s only two wait I got an ominous Banner yeah should I put it up in my room uh no I don’t I think they would attack if you put it up oh

[ __ ] I don’t know you don’t know you don’t know they will I’m not 100% sure but I mean you don’t know the will but you don’t know what it won’t yeah yeah brutal all right guess I’ll keep uh decorating how do how do you make paintings you get sticks all in the

Circle and then you put a piece of BU in inside oh cool what was I gonna do oh where’s my Lantern there it is and how do you make a big painting it just depends on the size of the wall that you’re placing it oh okay

Okay I just heard of a Raider I think see if they’re still there I think they are still there yeah they’re still the same spot I haven’t moved I was thinking we going to make an iron golem oh what is that like a Sentry guards us it’s like a guard um kind of

Thing but you need like blocks of iron not like we like need like actual blocks of iron and then you put a pumpkin on the head and iron golem got to put the pumpkin on the head yeah that’s awesome Pig what are you doing up there oh no I broke the window

Accidentally I was trying to break the oh no the flower pot and stuff oh God I hear them they’re making noises I don’t know if they’re moving though don’t like it nope they’re still the same place uh what are things I I could pot an oak oak sapling right mhm put flower

In there oh yeah flowers those Bush jungle sapling o okay put jungle sapling in there could I do sweet berries or Vines um you could put vines on your walls mine’s on the walls oh nice very nice oh you talking [ __ ] you want to talk [ __ ]

They kind of are talking [ __ ] you want to talk [ __ ] now what does a loom do uh for weaving right yes man there’s so much stuff I want to do I want to make a I want to make a bed what do I need for a

Bed you could just take your bed and put it in there oh that’s true wait were the beds two different colors no they’re both white uh where’ it go over here I see it oh it’s so tiny I’m going to put the box right here why do they sound like they’re coming

From a different area now my painting why did it disappear because something interfered with it whoa martial Arty poster you got to see this I think this one yeah yeah yeah that’s funny yeah that’s a good one I got lucky actually I’ll see what else I’ll get for besid the

Skeleton oh there we go yeah I like that one better they’re still there I don’t know if more are going to come because we have bad Omen on Us okay for about that it’s kind of a weird little Al Cove but I think I made the best of it oh I got the donkey call line oh is that what that is yeah I think so I think there’s only two that are that so oh did you get just get my

Painting uh yeah I did you put it back up in that wall I think I guess there’s only two paintings that size yeah I like the skeleton One what is this now playing cat did you see that I put it in the Juke Box oh nice jukebox who where is the juke box it’s right here oh nice well that’s that’s a nice melody it’s oh sticky keys turned on uh I’m going to disable stick

I have a loom I know where to put the loom put all this extra stuff against this wall I guess guess the old song hell yeah it’s awesome uh I’m kind of short on food but now that we know how easy fishing is M do fishing we could do slicing of the

Fishes ah the slicing of the fishes yeah I have oh hey pip nice hey buddy that’s his painting see that’s him oh right well that’s his probably his mom that’s good um what else can I a chisel bookshelf what the hell I don’t like the way that looks just get a regular bookshelf

Actually smithing table a barel usually could get this stuff from the villagers remind me how do I put a weapon on the wall you need a item frame oh that’s but I don’t know how to make the it item frame that’s a painting we have a glowing item frame

But I don’t know how to make a regular item frame yeah a glow item frame maybe we didn’t get the ingredients for that yet I see I see okay that’s fine uh yeah vines vines are a great a great way to do it you like The Vines

Yeah why I have sticks I need Sticks where do you want to put oh we need this for an enchanting table we’ll do that later sure put this away now idiots are still [ __ ] Hamming at us yeah they’re H [ __ ] H they’re going ham oh Pig wants to go in your room oh sorry sorry Pig I didn’t mean to

Offend you I didn’t mean to offend you he wants to go in there I said go I said go ham and I didn’t want him to feel some type of worry about that go go in go go buddy go in Pig Go nice buddy he has he has trouble with the single

Doorways yeah he’s too fat why you so fat wow my ceiling is stck with that’s so cool yeah I it’s kind of a low ceiling I could trim it if I want to right no because that’s where the stairs are oh okay that’s fine it’s not that

Low still jump no it’s not that yeah I can still jump I hit my my head on the ceiling when I jump it’s fine uh what do you think of my room it’s cute pretty good I’m thinking of putting one other thing on like the maybe a couple plants on the

Floor let’s see what do you what do you think of this what do you think if I do the the pot over like here and then I do the jungle I don’t know so I look right and then maybe another plant or something yeah look good okay maybe just that one plant There maybe you want to put the decorative pot uh maybe I don’t know if you could like dye these can you Dy these BS let me try big you’re standing on stuff being bad you’re being bad buddy what can I do with jungle leaves I can’t put them on walls can

I oh yeah I forgot to uh I forgot to make another window I broke the pot oh you broke the pot okay oh you broke the decorative pot yeah but I can make it again okay that’s right I guess you can’t like break it once you place it it’s like that’s it it

Says all right where do you want to put this pot um well I could replace the Jungle the jungle plant with it I guess yeah because it’s like nicer it’s a little nicer I don’t know what it’s going to look like yeah try it just put down oh it’s big oh big

Whoa what the heck that’s very we let try oh what I put the jungle sapling in it disappeared what the heck po oh no I wanted that jungle sapling no it’s too big I don’t want it there maybe if you break it you’ll oh it came out okay good

All well that was thank you interesting pot actually interesting oh do Vines grow naturally yeah they do oh cool you put the there we go I am satis oh I guess I’ll do vines on the ceiling then too well not the ceiling but vines on like my uh let’s see like here and

Uh here okay nice I content with this and yeah Sakura blossoms all over the floor constantly falling from the ceiling it is nice to be in Sakura house very cool I yeah very satisfied with this that was easy easy to decorate uh I guess I would have a candle I do want a

Candle yeah we have to find that that’s all right I don’t know like that one I will uh take this torch down we’ll add it to here I don’t want the same one gu we leave that one and then yeah this torch should also move oh yeah

Like a little end table next to my bed but there is nothing like that because the scaffolding is taller than the bed is there like a very low table hi Pig we used to make tables I’ll show you the technique what where did we bring the

Stupid I’ll show you how we used to do it I I have I have one idea but I’ll I’ll see your idea too not that um oh yeah we can do that oh that’s way too big oh the lightning rod where’s the fence oh I need

STI I am I am content with this room this is a good room want me to show you oh what you got want we do it out here yeah sure all right so we to take the fence like that oh nice and on top yeah we uh do it table

Oh nice yeah let’s I mean are there chairs too what’s up the chairs we use stairs as chairs not a bad way I mean I’d be down to make a little dining area out here we could do uh do a wood floor you want to do one like in the middle um little

Table that would make sense like here or I don’t know I I kind of do like this location although no cuz no this is the staircase yeah not in front of the stairs you’re right you’re right get rid of that want you want to do like a little wood floor

Good I have some on nice you got the flaming skull yeah the the pig Duchess Pig why are you from my door he want to go in I guess want to lock pig out I’ll make a I’ll make a double door does my door have to be pink no

Okay I want my door to be cool and edgy like me no heig oh the that what’s up mama um the jungle door is kind of oh no I don’t want to look like that oh I can I sorry hold on I’m G use the other thing in those are so

Chunky yeah those are so fat Uh I’m very very happy with my room I got a jungle doors I got [ __ ] I got plants that was that was so easy very easy and very rewarding oh yeah I can’t I can’t think of too much else I want to add good okay sweet I’m so cool I am so

Cool oh my uh my chest armor finally broke oh yeah all right let me make some chest armor and then it will be time to go okay where’s it even up What’ you say trying to figure out this table maybe I could just do it and then delete the top is that not how you make a nope that don’t work I’m sorry I’m opening closing chest so much I keep forgetting which which is which it’s okay where’s the [ __ ] W oh

There’s the Are we almost out of wool damn yeah but there’s some sheep’s around so it’s fine that’s true sheep sheep sheeps are pretty easy For some reason my shield was une equipped how that okay B I am Set uh I got new armor on I am fully suited um and my room my room is roomed I feel oh nice oh you got like a little uh dining like a little kitchen

Lunch Counter dining area make a big table oh okay but it’s not really working I I have faith in you though well thanks for hosting me in your glorious uh little kingdom here your duy are you the queen again or you Duchess Queen of the pigs queen of course oh

God hell yeah well we got some nice pigs in here mhm uh I’m sure you will find a suitable place for your bed need some kind of Master bed chamber and uh yeah I’m gonna go in my room and log out okay okay thanks for watching me welcome

H i I’ll let you know uh what time I finish with the fam and uh yeah we could potentially play some more depending on what time finish okay yes yes I don’t know might show with brother after me dinner all all is unclear but All Shall soon

Bequ that good B yeah okay well I hope you have a great night mhm you thank you talk to later bye by bye thought that would work I just want to figure out this table before I stop oh this double door kind of looks ass he’s gone

Um hold on let me get out of this car let me see I a look up like a how to make a table in Minecraft tutorial let’s see not a crafting table just a regular table how to make a picnic table no top dining room table building hacks

Perfect oh wow look at that these are pretty nice how do you make it float like that oh it’s not floating it’s just okay I don’t really want I want like a oh wow you could use wait what is that those are pretty good that one doesn’t look bad

Actually oh wow look at that wa you can make a [ __ ] zombie cake oh that was a little complicated oh use the iron bars these are way too complicated dude I just want a simple ass pink table wait what’s this one you do this with the bank wood

Right slab slab okay how do you oh use the stairs oh put them upside down oh that might be a Vibe actually okay let me try that I feel like we need pinkt carpet instead of because it’ll be wood on wood and it’ll just like not look right too

Much which means I have to go out and get some [ __ ] oh there’s no more white wool really no more white wool I have white wool on me [ __ ] I still little okay let me dye this [ __ ] pink now how do I make carpet what but it’s already

Pink now what is that that’s gray carpet what is this pink okay just two next to each other okay I stole it now I need um the pink stairs I only have that much these [ __ ] ity birur just leave just leave dude just leave us alone no oh oh no that’s not what’s

Supposed to happen well um I guess we’ll just not put the carpet because it floats just that is just so dumb take that [ __ ] out the game bro what do you mean the carpet just floats like huh carpet makes things blow like does that make sense it

Don’t oops it’s going to be a short ass ail how did you no that’s the wrong way it’s raining how did he get it to like go the other way not that way not that way not that way maybe he did this not that way oh no I’m getting

Annoyed feel like tables used to be so simp not that way H maybe I’ll just put a slab there like that yeah yeah yeah Yeah okay nope don’t Hur Me got to make stairs again this that’s not what I want does it have a floating table like that and you like say it like this no no no no how did I do this before is did I have it facing the other way I think I did no not on

Top no not like that no still not right how come it didn’t work before I have it like this there we go that’s what I want can I just no it’s not going to let me nope wrong nope wrong nope wrong nope wrong why is it not nope wrong Oh wrong

To do it like this way nope frog nope there we go nope this is so difficult I don’t even know if I like this no that’s wrong that’s wrong there we go good God too much space for a [ __ ] table that just for aesthetic purposes only going to do extension on this

[ __ ] house eventually there’s going to have to be another we need chairs we’re not not going to use the chairs we’re not going to sit there’s no sitting animation in this game that’s 7:30 I didn’t eat Anything basement we could do a move like the storage to the basement that’s like a classic move of Minecraft we could do a b basement and then we’ll have more space for stuff but where would I put the door to the basement his room would be perfect door

To the basement because you just go in you go down but but he wanted his old room I can’t put carpet underneath the table no nice perfect amount and then let’s put like a we could put a flower pot in the middle put a mushroom in there a hatch

Door could do hatch door I guess or I could do extension and then have like a doorway down not a fan of a hatch Door pumpkin pie to make the cake what do we need any sugar I don’t have any sugar cane we can make the cookies what else can I put on the table I put the mushroom soup we’ll do that later can I hang a lantern from the I don’t think I can

I can’t let hang I’ll probably put candles in they’re still being [ __ ] annoying out there let me just check on them one more time how much sun do I have left on my stupid 58 minutes listen they came on my turf bro yeah they’re still there all right well I think I’m gonna

Stop all right maybe we’ll play again after maybe we’ll Play Baller gate but I need to eat something should I just let the stream roll and I’ll come back to it and maybe we’ll come back take a really long break yeah maybe I’ll just go get some

Food maybe I’ll just keep the stream going we’ll see oh my neck okay I’ll be Back For I think I’m going to stop instead yeah damn I’m going for five hours I didn’t even know that all right I’m stopping goodbye

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft: we exploded the biggest cave’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2023-12-22 01:16:03. It has garnered 33 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:15 or 18015 seconds.

welcome to my stream!

  • New City Gate Revealed!

    New City Gate Revealed! Exploring Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond #6 In the latest episode of Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond, Lennert embarks on the monumental task of constructing a grand city wall, starting with the majestic city gate. Alongside this ambitious project, he delves into completing the Farmer’s Delight Buddycards set, beginning with graded Buddycards sets, pays homage to a statue of a pig, and much more! Building the City Wall Lennert’s journey begins with the construction of the impressive city wall, a vital structure that will define the boundaries of his burgeoning city. The meticulous planning and intricate design of the… Read More

  • Teacher’s Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan’s Class Clash

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  • Block Xuan: Minecraft Review Rhyme, A Blocky World Sublime

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  • Minecraft Bible: Armor of God

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  • Land Shark Survival: 200 Days Hardcore Minecraft!

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  • Unbelievable! Surviving 4K Days Underwater in Minecraft Hardcore with Kazumi in Malaysia

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  • daKatz Goes Back in Time on Minecraft SMP! (Ep. 13)

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  • “INSANE Minecraft Tips to DOMINATE | @MulticortT” #minecraft #shorts

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    INSANE KEYBOARD GAMERS - 🚀MINECRAFT SPECIAL LIVE EVENT | JOIN NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | SPECIAL EVENT TODAY | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-03-04 05:16:29. It has garnered 125 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:16 or 5776 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | SPECIAL EVENT TODAY | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India insta :- https://www.instagram.com/crazy_8899_ckg/ To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The… Read More

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  • Top secret Minecraft sand hack revealed! 😱🔥 #HerobrineVSgod

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  • EpicGaming SMP semi-Vanilla Vanilla Minigames

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  • Emeralds SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – *Hot Minecraft Meme: “and if we have a water bucket hahaha”

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  • Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than Nether!

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  • Mario Trolls Minecraft Players Pt. 2

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies!

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  • Unbelievable! Testing magical sword in Minecraft

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  • Epic Battle: 100 Iron Golem vs Ravager!

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  • EXTREME BLUBERRIES Glitch DESTROYS Hypixel Bedwars!!!

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  • DemonjoeTV’s EPIC Minecraft Hardcore START! (CAT FOUND!)

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  • Insane Wave Machine in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

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  • I ALMOST SOLVED A MURDER with Saitama on AppleMC server

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  • MILITARY BASE OP in GTA V! Don’t Miss Out!

    MILITARY BASE OP in GTA V! Don't Miss Out!Video Information This video, titled ‘The MILITARY BASE IS OP IN GTA V.’, was uploaded by Humopedia on 2024-04-21 23:00:04. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. like, share, subscribe to my channel.. a free minecraft a minecraft download a minecraft pocket edition a minecraft house a minecraft seed a minecraft server a minecraft skin about minecraft 1.20 a paper minecraft about minecraft education edition about minecraft game about minecraft java edition about minecraft realms at launcher minecraft bad omen minecraft b minecraft skin beacon minecraft bedrock minecraft download… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft flower drop glitch! Must see!

    Insane Minecraft flower drop glitch! Must see!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Flowers Drop Op Items !’, was uploaded by CreepyTroop Gaming on 2024-03-14 04:24:19. It has garnered 651 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:38 or 518 seconds. Minecraft, But Flowers Drop Op Items ! In This Video I Played Minecraft But I Added Mod If I Break Flower That Will Drop Random Op Items And I Will Kill Ender Dragon With Items Dropped By Flowers Hope You Will Enjoy #minecraft Video Is Related With This ↓ minecraft but flowers drop op items minecraft but flowers drop op items mod… Read More

  • MuneerKhan unearths secret #Herobrine game hack 🤑 #minecraft

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  • EmeraldLand

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  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

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  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608

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  • Becoming President of Paradise Island – Minecraft

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