EPIC Minecraft HOGWARTS Build – Watch Now!

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Good evening good evening it’s turn light on God damn it can hang on let me get let me change the songs let me change the songs let’s get that on I’m on two seconds guys there we go that’s better done done wow two of you did it Amy welcome in

Rise welcomeing cast The Legend welcoming how you doing uh jet welcome in how is everyone how is everyone is everyone good um Amy kill’s come back to me um exactly Sam you another night another night um yeah another night and but not the Christmas P Harry welcome in how you doing Harry

Good evening good evening uh r should we should we see what we’re doing yeah does Harry stream anymore is Harry still a streamer it makes sense I I don’t want it to be like just us I want there to be a few in it so we’ll do it another

Night feeling crazy feeling crazy it’s like I used to know this guy uh I used to know this guy called uh Harry he streamed but I don’t think he does anymore how was a full-time student wow your name is killer welcome in killer how you doing yeah killer I

Don’t want I don’t want to do it with just three of us I don’t want to do it with just three of us it may I want it to be a bigger thing want it to be a big thing more visits on the 21st o o love seeing your dogs on stream

Cass I went into Amy I went into um pass his stream the other day and I banged her she W happy hanging here until walk to oh oh you got your gift back well done Harry well done well done Harry is that why you’re not streaming anymore does she not like

It was she jealous of all the people like you were trying to got a pre pre recognition moment there is it not a premonition moment there so we are working on um we are working on the basement of Hogwarts this is this is going to be our villager trading

Hall quotes welcoming how you doing no worries at all no worries welcome in welcome in buddy yeah this is going to be our villager trading Hall so we’re all going to have rooms like this uh we’re working on the minute it’s taking a bit of time bit of time she was

Jealous of all the money I was making yeah whatever whatever J did you reply to the right one though I’m not sure you do to back wi oh nice har nice nice please for you bu yeah so this is going to be a villager trading Hall not a prison even

Though it looks like a prison it’s not going to be a prison um but I decided like the glass is going to be cion so we got our carpets down every aisle there’s going to be Soul lanterns in the middle here yeah there yeah yeah yeah was you walking along singing

A song walking in a winter underland quot you were playing on Saturday you must have been playing among us if I ra you we show these new people what what we built show these new people our building our big Hogwarts building there to be a few of them don’t

There Susy Saturdays that was it that was it we came in for sussy Saturdays didn’t we yeah we play sussy Saturdays every Saturday um every Saturday you’re more than welcome to join if you want to no pressure to obviously if cuz you got your own group in not play on

Saturday we ain’t never getting older me as I hoodie welcoming how you doing hoodie good evening young man good evening oh nice we got some uh we got some Among Us emotes quotes Among Us emotes quot stealth welcome in how you doing we got some Among Us emotes right okay

So how much had drink nothing I want coffee I want you what to drink need capitals out for a sentence right so this is Hogwarts guys this is Hogwarts this is the boat house that you were arriving at your first film you got up the staircase into the grand uh into

The great hle Courtyard got a great hle Courtyard behind with the peppero tower that is the grand staircase Tower with the viaduct next to it and the quad with the nurse’s wing and the clock tower behind it as well and then we’ve got over this side we’ve got the doam

Section next to the viaduct ignore that that’s my beacon beacon bit uh that’s the Durham section with the Ravenclaw tower on top the two bell towers which overshadow the green houses got the astrology Tower in the middle uh and if we fly over the top of

It you will see down there Durham Durham Cathedral Courtyard which we went in as a group uh and it overlooks this overlooks the two Bell Towers again overlooks the rest of the green houses the annex section which is still to be finished it needs a roof on it and it needs a ruins

Add in and the path that’s the training grounds Tower got the Gryffindor Tower over there the back of the astrology tower that there window there is where someone someone dies and drops I’m not going to say who spoilers and then if we fly over this way you’ll see that suspension bridge

There that’s one of the small suspension bridges over here is where someone blows up this bridge at the end of the film you’ll know if you’ve seen it and if we fly into it you’ll probably recognize this from the films this is a suspension bridge uh that gets blown up as someone’s running

Out of it he stops about ear and he clings on for dear life and this leads to the clock tower c yeah the clock tower shows 4:00 CU that’s what time I was born the Old Clock Tower is an old entrance it doesn’t get used anymore um which is why

It’s got Mossy Cobble some leaves and some Vines all around it which Amy kindly did for me to make it look old cuz I’m useless at stuff like that and that’s basically Hogwarts uh that mountain started coming down killer and book have done a great job of that

Still working on it I see still working over here we’ve got the uh other side of the Great Hall am MVP am is an MVP on this game she’s very good at it very good uh she’s also working on anyx she does yeah she does to be

Fair uh and in here this is a great hall so you’ll see the candles are floating at the top at the end with the hourglasses showing the house points the main table with Amy’s bed and short connect it what’s in there candles yeah she’s still working on candles uh we got

Dumble doors chair in the middle we got four tables which are all separated um not the way they should be in the films but it wasn’t wide enough which is another reason I me why I was thinking about making it bigger we would not be lost without a

Blesser sometimes sometimes just a troll uh and then we got the grand staircase Tower uh which is goes all the way up and it’s going to go all the way down to my base at the bottom down here we’ve been working on the corridors going through to the

Kitchens so through here this is where all shers are containing loads and loads of materials for the builds balcony here that we could go in there but but yet I’m still to figure out what to do this is a nice balcony out here look overlooking the

Viaduct we can go back in here and we can go down the kitchen’s corridor which is this one pictures up on all sides now all the way to the end um there’s a room in there which we’re going to dig out soon hydrate from Booky Booky thank

You a new cup of coffee again but book you do this at the start of the stream I have a coffee fresh coffee ready for the start of the stream all and you try and make me drink it right the start I’ve got this purposely at the side of my

Desk off when you come in S I burn my mouth off we are live over on YouTube tonight as well decided to do Minecraft on YouTube too Irish coffee no normal coffee okay friends I have to go have a great stream have I will do Harry

Harry thank you very much for popping in buddy I hope to see you again soon um so yeah so the the kitchens are in there need a big game we capture the plag in this Castle oh we could do couldn’t we with no damaging anything that’s not a bad shout actually that’s

Not a bad shout oh you’re kidding killer someone’s been there already do you need another one I can get you another one if you need another one uh yeah so these staircases go up to different places but as of yet nothing yet uh a room which leads out to the

Quad and then in the quad is a well of all the ones I could have gave you I like that one’s closest we got well out in the uh in the quad Courtyard you can go out this side door in a minute and see the Great Hall so

This this path comes out here and it slopes down and around there right around to the boat house so that’s a a bit of a long path I’ve got to dig and uh and work out we’re going up this staircase here in a quad uh we’re going to have a

Corridor here in the left uh which leads to the that’s the Divination to so there’s going to be a divination classroom in there you can probably remember um civil trone was in there um and she did the premonitions and stuff so that there going to be like

It goes up at the size doesn’t it so it’s going to be like that it’s got some red carpets and stuff to put in there as well trash I’ve probably been there killer it probably me it probably me I need to go have a look actually

Killer I’m going to check if it was if it was one I went to uh in here in this Great Hall uh um this is the great this not great hle in this Corridor is where it says on the wall um the Chamber of Secrets has been opened couldn’t you recover after

Everyone blows stuff up no hoodie no but I could upload the uh I could upload the spare map we have I’ve got a backup I’ve got a backup so this is the bathrooms uh girls bathroom which leads to the shower that’s the Gryffindor Tower up there so going over the other side shers

Everywhere in this place the spiral staircase which leads out to this which you can see the astrology Tower goes into the West Wing Tower Amy it could have been me though cuz I dug through walls didn’t I when I went to that one for the for the

Template who server it’s mine it’s my realm my realm this one but it’s it’s problem is it’s on Playstation so I have to go on and download I have to go on PC download it to PC upload it send it to the PlayStation yeah it’s it’s a bit of a

Faf uh so this is where the gr uh where the Gryffindor Tower is so the painting’s going to be here on the wall right in front of us right here but I’ve got a I’ve got a trick for that um yeah is a bit of a mess around is a bit of a

Mess around uh jet I’ll catch soon Buddy um so the thing is with this I forgot what was going say I lost me train of thought I’ve lost bet train of thought it’s gone gone uh no comment we were playing for a nil nil Drive I think we do uh this goes through

To the grand staircase Tower which is still yet to finish still needs rooms going through different places and stuff yeah I think we were I think we were playing for a n nil draw it it’s what it looked like to me it was it was horrific

Horrific I was pleased you won in the end because it was boring to watch if you could have scored in the first half I’d have been happier like earlier on yeah that is basically that is basically the Hogwarts build guys we’re happy free confused and lonely at the side wow I got it

Wrong oh yeah it’s not allow me to get words wrong both work killer both do work I I I went um yeah when I went to uh you love Maguire I tell you what right tell you what he was a player the other night he he he was a good play the other night then he did that yeah was a play when did that like

What we didn’t deserve it so I was happy we didn’t deserve it so I I was more than happy to let you guys win it at the end of it over yes yeah it was just it’s just it’s just one of games you don’t want to win them kind of games de

You you going to drive yourself nuts off tomorrow nice R nice you know about me but I bet you want to putting rooms in this thing now need to find a horse you do yeah you already do drive yourself that’s fair fa you’ve had two migraines today I don’t

Like migraines I got a little bit of an headache now we got um we got an 8:30 in the morning at um Amazon which is quite nice be done and out so I started I started after two this morning I started two today and I got home at

R4 got home at R4 was a right shift right easy W 4 Jesus makes a change you being on a Monday as well by the way uh R oh so you want to know what’s on for the week so so I have killer because you’re not in the Discord at the

Minute uh schedule for this week so tomorrow uh why have I done that I put down tomorrow 9: till 2: p.m. TR hunting but that’s obviously not right it’s till it’s it’s tomorrow afternoon I’m I’m doing and then tomorrow night is it takes two with Amy

Again Wednesday I’m off um so I got two shifts on Wednesday and then United are on so I just decide rather day off Thursday tra hunting 12 till 5: Thursday nights to be decided I’m not sure what to do yet I want to do GTA because I’ve got a lot to do on

There um but I’m not sure Friday 10 till 5 TR in and 700 p.m. till I’m drunk Marbles and then Saturday 7:30 is Among Us that’s the schedule for now for now but it it all depends like if I get an Amazon shift I’m I’ve got to I’ve got to

Take it in the minute just with Christmas coming up and everything uh and with us not quite on fulltime viewing figures yet we’re getting there we’re getting there we we we had a good start of the month uh we had a good end of the month so we should

Hopefully be ready to just not do Amazon in about I reckon in about 6 months I’ll be in well I’m hoping so anyway we currently got our highest ever amount of subscribers at one point I get Myra a bit but I am lucky that when I notice them coming on I’m

Fine after that flash horrible I do horrible sh up to yesterday so I don’t I don’t find P my help I I normally go um I nor go have a profile I tried Cod once made me so sick made me sick no we’re not sure yet

Killer it might be Thursday it might be Thursday but it depends what kind of moood I’m in I don’t want to promise people things and then not not do them you see Tom’s said about getting some uh some money together on Thursday night cuz he’s off anyway

On GTA we we I need I need the Platinum for GTA but yeah I’m not sure yet I’m not I haven’t planned it Halo in CU I don’t want to let people down for it again like I did two weeks now when I think about you I touch myself touch myself I tou

Myself it’s someone on your own to create a gladiator Arena we’ve got one we’ve got a we got a theme park stealth there’s a theme park that’s got loads of activities in it RB welcome in IID RB yeah there’s a there’s an arena in the end as

Well uh there’s an arena there’s a theme park never saw that that was on the that was on the birthday stream wasn’t it is it on a birthday stream yeah it was on a birthday stream wasn’t it yeah yeah feels like a perfect night uhoh one with the shriekers that is um

Jason it’s Jason I go just chilling Fair Robby fair fair um yeah but rise you you at work rise I thought you was at work Thursday this week I thought that’s why we said no GTO yeah I know but what what would say what saying is Tom’s going to come on

Tom was going to come on help me with some GTA stuff to get some money for us cuz we need money and stuff and all challenges Rob welcome how you doing Rob uh it is an arena yeah I think so he didn’t finish it I don’t know what it

Is I’m good thank you Rob I’m good how’s the uh job hunting going yeah don’t forget your be Jewels By the way guys highest to 14 yeah it will be highest to 14th yeah so once uh when tomorrow is done I think it takes two will be out of the

Way um unfortunately cuz I’m I’m really enjoying like having a a gaming night um so we able to Halo in a different night hopefully and not cancel it nice nice Fair up fair where Sarah welcome in I can see you I can see you L Sarah

Didn’t know if you want to be quiet or what but I know you’re unw aren you Sarah’s unw guys can everyone hug her everyone give Sarah a hug everyone give sah H she’s poly still can’t believe oh no bubble bugler alarm bubble bugler alarm from

Dist yeah I’ll um yeah like like you say like Tuesday I can always put it takes two on a Tuesday car I I could I could I’m not sure yet I got to have you you oh [ __ ] [ __ ] up I just heard a zombie which I’m not happy about

All we need name for our NWI by the way guys what do we call him mean yeah I mean hello yeah yeah yeah sorry sorry yeah I’m not moving it takes two I’m enjoying it takes two I don’t want it to end really don’t want it to end it’s funny n life Landers

Yes whoa whoa whoa no I I like we we were earlier we were going to call ay I I don’t see why we don’t stick to that with NY n seems to be winning at a minute call him nightbot he’s always luring I just want to check some guys just need to check

Something uh it’s on easy killer for now there something I’m looking into as well it might go to medium for now where you where you running from but now he’s still here you actually have a Ned Flanders in your realm sh uh no soah so there was only me Amy

And killer available to come on and do it so I thought rather than just doing it with three of us I’d wait till more people were available so what I’ll do one I can we can jump on it one night uh before the stream or something can’t wait and do

It what’s what about R the funeral um the funeral botus Prime so we’re having a funeral for botus Prime on Minecraft I did by the way I did like your will I did like the it was very good very entertaining I’d meant to message back

But I don’t have time that be shifting I to get ready I te and yeah oh I move so early on made this wrong and I managed to move the poles away a will yeah botus Prime we left a a will botus Prime which will be right out

When we do all the funeral finally it was a good will will a very good will yes she could do couldn’t she yeah that’s a good idea actually yes Ser can read out right you could no no not try you could you could wow I mean you’re not wrong either

I’m going to miss Bottom’s part when it does go PR the nation we Fe I don’t know what you’re talking about Amy I don’t know what you’re talking about want to try something by the way ignore that ignore that guys I just didn’t know if they sort it yet they [Laughter]

Haven’t need s s list command ah God damn it I wonder why it’s doing that I need to know why it does that Fascination we live w w oh oh botrick is Spanish botrick is Spanish looks like logging didn’t work yeah I know I know I I don’t I don’t

Know why it’s botrick which is the problem yeah it’s it’s a good is a good bot but it’s it’s a developing bot is it is is going to be all right we’re just working with the developers really to try and help him um I mean I mean Amy blesser she

Does all she as much as we go on about it Amy puts so much work into the channel like into the Bots she learns the Bots she learns the variables she does the commands she she researches she contacts B tricks and bismo to try and uh get them sorted like

When bismo went down she contact King from a spire and try and S it with him does a lot she does a lot for the channel completely really appreciate her she is she is fly what I’m I’m being honest you you put so much effort into set a bulb agree killer

Agree what’s everyone’s percentage on that by the way guys I do say I do say a lot of things in J but seriously like without the the full mod team won’t community and the channel wouldn’t be where it’s got to without the community wouldn’t be where it’s got

To but yeah with regards to bots I’ve never seen anyone put so much effort into trying to make it work I need that football one I I just haven’t had time yet I know why is a favorite number 4 I’ll take it I’ll take it what

Is this part of the stru to this part of the structure is um this is the village trading Hall so this is underneath so you know where my chest room is I don’t think I’ve shown you this property steal um but this is this is the chest room un welcome back

Chat do not do what so this so this is uh the chest room which you know about um I had a fire I had a fire ignore that uh so you know about chest room so I decided cuz it’s got It’s got Red Lanterns it’s got orangey Red Lanterns

It’s got orange chest got red carpet so uh decided for the villager trading Hall up above so you obviously know this is the Sorting area which we still working on need iron got to make an iron farm but I need villagers to make an farm so here we

Are so um this room what the [ __ ] are you doing up here how did he get up here I’ve not had any slime spawn up here yet so this is the uh oh [ __ ] off this is the villager trading area what it’s going to be I’ve started making them

Already but he going to have it’s going to have cyan carpet it’s going to have soul Lantern serice suggested this morning she was like oh what lanterns you having I never even thought about having Soul lanters so having Soul Lantern cion glass cion carpet to make

It All Uniform I going to change all the beds to C as well when I get chance but yeah this is um this is the start of this building this this massive project under here i’ I’ve never undertaken a massive project like this Amy I’ve just seen your DM as well

I think that’s a good idea thank you steth it’s taking a bit of work it is taking a bit of work I’m keeping a n with yeah yeah I’m keeping a nit witht he he’s he’s uh he’s like our little worker he’s a janitor Ned the

Janitor I might get two more and call him n n NY thank you very much Ste thank you one of us the it it found horse yes killer I might breed a few new yeah you can’t breed nitwits what kind of game is this I

Mean all you have to do is go somewhere like sundland and you’ll see that nitwit breed unless you show me look at Tom for God’s sake ah right fair fair but but the NWS will feed the other villagers at night and make them really didn’t know that stuff Tomy Tom is a good

They marck but he’s a good life so in the Discord in the Discord if Tom joins um if Tom joins Among Us this week before without him knowing in the Discord I’m going to change his name to Magpie Tom and see if he notices see how long it takes him to notice his

Nickname’s changed to Magpie Tom if not I’ll do it next GTA stream m he was in here earlier bless him he started coming he he joined after hours on Saturday think I do I think he a great part of it part of it no I like Tom I like I really like

Tom like we we had a Fallout about a year ago or something we did see a face reveal we got a face reveal the time yeah uh yeah like over over Among Us um when the kids used to join like but he’s he’s just he’s just part of the community

Now I’ll tell you to go [ __ ] yourself and if it ever appears on a torture wheel I’ll quit uh yeah I said that to I said that to him I me before he joined said I see I see it I’ve seen your face already like what yeah on Ren drums’s

Facebook if you put a sniffer in a carot Farm Really stealth you’re so clever can you join the realm see wow wow sford City Maybe then we go back I would wear a salid city shirt the only other football team shirt I’ve ever worn was a Barcelona shirt

Actually I would ever put another shirt on ever there’s nothing on this world that would make me put a rival shirt nothing wow uh yeah hoodie my dad’s from Manchester and we didn’t get on when we was younger because he supports City but united we won’t do it then if you think

It’s a bad idea we won’t do it no s I wouldn’t it’s too close no I wouldn’t just okay self okay that’s worth knowing I might I might do a tour of it one day if you don’t mind like on stream for be able to see that’s promoting you isn’t

It I want to I want to do TOS of people’s realms yeah I used to it was a fake one I had a fake one so so um some one of my ex Partners um parents went to Barcelona and they bought believe it or not their job was for trading standards um taking

Counterfeit goods and stuff getting rid of counterfeit goods and without them knowing they bought a counterfeit Barcelona shirt and when they got back their son was not happy that they bought a counterfeit Barcelona shirt um so they he was like I’m not having it so I I I love

It I don’t know welcome in how you doing uh this is the villager trading Hall uh so I’m just working out the floor at the minute lucky licky guy I think I bmed into one of them before Hood yes this is a vill training hor so what I’ll do I

Don’t know I’ll show you so uh I’m on YouTube and twitch guys just so everyone knows why I’m talking to multiple people that aren’t here so this is the village of trading Hall um got so this is the villager trading Hall um it’s got villages in it at the minute

But they are going to be changing uh job rols and stuff first one I put I got mending got mending for 12 could believe it just I put him in and he he automatically came up with men in 12 and I was like what is that what are the

Chances yeah I couldn’t believe it happened earli live live four please do not swear mending for 12 yeah I didn’t think that was too bad yet best yeah yeah exactly so 12 yeah I tell 12 every day of the week I I couldn’t believe it just came straight up didn’t

It um killer and name me music will come back on moment guys wow je trying to bury him they do look like hanal don’t I I like them I like the color I like the style they remind me of the Harley Quinn cell more obviously I got to think of har

Quin I need to take mine taking 20 wow on in YouTube chat this morning oh yeah this morning some someone came in YouTube chat I’m wanted to know if I single with winked I pulled on YouTube this morning hold on YouTube guys obviously I said no it was like proper serious as

Well I said no I said I’m not and they disappeared Whoa I mean we watching a Minecraft stream so it’s probably a 13year old I know right proper n they probably probably all L but just weird it weird it what was his name wow wow hoodie rejected why are you rejected oh yeah um commands are broken what

Commands the the the B is my w butrick the oh yeah they are botrick is down no cuz the slap didn’t work as well Amy killer did slap and it didn’t work yeah that’s why that’s why right what happened was jet tried to bury botus

Prime and it was like no you can [ __ ] off is still posting strange might be a certain command that’s broke what about yeah that one works oh wait no it’s not is it no it’s not working sound [Laughter] is wasn’t before winner either yeah B is down and him God damn

It chat reset how did I do that last time can you remember I just logged back logged out and back in didn’t I you’re not J that’s the point D reset take a flipflop why not I because because I was nice earlier I got to balance it out hav’t I

Right so we need to remember that I need to log out and back in when uh when it don’t work and I need to turn a chat bot off and on a [ __ ] REM means do I wonder h [Laughter] all right Kev how you doing I’m welcome in [Laughter] Buy

C all right cev I don’t care they call me that have yes that’s the middle one is it Block in the middle and it’s a Slappy slaby the side where’s the middle one again it I did thank you B look very good i in it yeah there there

There there two Soul lanterns give off the same light as normal lanterns on my booty cheeks I love the way he runs oh ver no worries no worries in the middle yeah in the middle hold yeah they give off same properties love this song right my booty chicks I love the way the

Vibe it’ll work fine right okay that changes things but there’s a lot of them with the amount of them that there is I think I’ll be all right count blocks I’ll be fine Jack I’ll be fine okay okay there’s your hydrate buy thank you hydration is key

Be I a’t got any be can’t afford any be at the minute I’m fulltime streaming now I can’t be anymore for R either which I’m good to the about cuz watch R the other day Martin Martino welcome in how you doing welcome in on YouTube buddy yeah apparently so J

Yeah supposed to be anyway rise above the Moall yes first time you hear it yeah apparently so yeah yeah I get to off every time I say it 19 days by the way guys to get your Christmas gifts in on the realm 19 days tree looks very impressive jet how many blocks do I need a hell of

A lot Martin a hell of a lot I’ve done Hogwarts already I’ve got the inside to do that’s what you’re asking about Rise Above It All yeah I’m on YouTube as well hoodie yeah yes I’m on SO Martin for you in YouTube I’m on uh twitch as well and I get more on Twitch than I do YouTube which is why I do multi party is the 23 what uh 23rd yeah yeah

23rd what name it’s exactly the same honey exactly the same yeah can a TTV exactly the same oh there you go I’m Hing I can be there for the party but we yeah know it’s that’s fine buddy that’s fine really got got you thanks for being here budy got soon got you soon

Missed above the door was as well so the idea I had with the with the with this as well um I thought it looked a bit plain at the top there we’re just going to curl this round there like that just give it a bit more prominence

Then doesn’t it Alan welcome in how you doing Alan wait I know your full name now % off I know your full name ex there’s no music on there is the hoodie need change YouTube p yeah no [ __ ] not everyone going over there now and checking who you [Laughter] are no comments [Laughter]

H I’ve done that wrong I oh no no cuz that’s the middle that’s the middle that’s fine no I didn’t you know need to go kill Withers no is killer Killer killing Withers that killer can you serve him before you kill him please uh Martin you want to see Hogwarts I see

It this is the base on the Hogwarts this is the Mega base it’s now a meab base it wasn’t a mega base but I’ve decided it is now such a [ __ ] hypocrite hit with the book initially do it killer I can’t believe you revealed your full name L right

Martin this is the boat house that you coming on your first year you walk up the staircase into the Great Hall Courtyard got the pereral tower on the left of the Great Hall with a grand staircase Tower in the middle this here is the quad with the viu in front of it

You got the nurse’s wing and a clock tower behind that you got the do section near side of the viu with Ravenclaw Tower in the middle of the do Corridor the green green hous is on the side and the bell towers over at the end as well and then

You have the um astrology Tower in the middle flying over the top you’ll see do Courtyard which me and a few very very good besti friends went to over here this is the annex section uh over next to the green I was in belt I was overlooking that I You’ got the

Training grounds Tower here where did I get the time I’m full time I’m full time M [ __ ] it twit I don’t care I’m a full-time streamer so um yeah but I built this P fulltime so uh that’s training grounds Tower that’s the D Courtyard that is the Gryffindor Tower and then there’s another

Suspension bridge over there Matty welcome in how you doing uh this is this is the uh this is the uh suspension bridge start never long bottom destroys at the end of the last film shut up R counts as one it was one occurrence this is um this is the clock tower

Courtyard uh it’s all been made Mossy and green uh and just old cuz it is old it’s no part of the uh Cathedral Cathedral it’s not Cathedral an old part of the uh realm and a zombie just fell down there who the [ __ ] is Alice B was pushed probably probably

Fell your grandma’s Alice who the so coming into the Great Hall this is the Great Hall um got four benches that separated rather than the line because they wouldn’t fit this is the uh top table with dumbledor sit in the middle Snape sits there mcgonagle sits there uh this is the hourglasses with

The uh with the house points in it obviously Gryffindor winning CU Gryffindor are the best they are the bravest that’s why they’ve got more going into the grand staircase Tower uh we’re still working on this oh wow Amy you know not a lot of alyses you can’t sing that song uh

Looking up and down so it’s going to go all the way down did I already know about the new har Potter uh yes but I haven’t seen them now but yeah there’s a lot of work to be done Martin there’s a lot of work to be

Done seeing it work to my grandma when drunk I can’t wait to be drunk with your grandma looking for a drama this is [ __ ] awesome what I I want to sing that an old person I’ve never been able to I’ve never been able to swear in front of an old person

Before this sounds amazing what’s that bear what bear this tongue moving the tongue’s moving what what bear you oh that bear that the Among Us bear oh beer uh Guinness you can buy me Guinness I don’t care I don’t know you could buy me Guinness um yeah because I drink a l

Goodness that’s better H that’s Lo better that’s loads better it’s the same Grandma we played CS Against Humanity with and I had to explain what a flashlight was wow grandma was [ __ ] awesome how do you not get B when I bu something big uh I’ll be honest Martin I

Do um and I have to take breaks quite often from it like I’ll go I’ll go do something else on the round for a little bit or I’ll go play I’ll go play different games so I’m I’m a TR Hunter so what I’ll do is I’ll

I’ll go find find another game and grind that for a little bit but yeah I’ll come back to it in the end and carry on the grind’s real the grind is real puty your name is better except your logo I’m not happy about your logo

Hy I love Amy’s gar we we need to play Card against human with Amy’s gar can we get on a Christmas party Amy is she available quer play Cards Against grandma oh my God can you imagine Grandma playing drawing game Alice would be great to play uh these games

With hi Lucy how you doing just joined in welcome in Lucy welcome in good to see you uh yeah we’re looking at Hogwarts at the minute Lucy um we’re under the base we’re in a bag of Base just um we’re digging out this is a village of trading Hall it’s going to be

How are you Lucy how did you find the channel I heard can we no Sarah no oh Sarah it’s who the [ __ ] is that it’s not who’s [ __ ] no stop my first time watching so excited good Lucy good good I’m over on Twitch as well Lucy by the way uh that’s why

I’m talking to other people no stop no stop talking about Amy’s Grandma like that no jet that’s Amy’s Grandma oh nice nice yeah so this is Hogwarts this is the Mega base underneath Hogwarts in the at the minute I didn’t say that I did not say

That uh right let’s just clear this Dey out the way Lucy do you want to see uh do you want to see the build do you want to see Hogwarts I’m not I can’t give you a full tour because I’ve just done it I don’t want to bore people on stream you

See yes right okay hang on let me just finish this little bit here just collecting these bits and then I will go up to Hogwarts for you just for you Lucy you don’t mind Martin no is noce hey it’s not just you two you know these like there’s 50 people on Twitch watching

Hey hoodie that’s better say Alan you yeah Lucy I’m I’m new to YouTube yeah yeah I’m new to YouTube I’ve been on Twitch a lot longer I’ve been on Twitch for two and a half years now it’s a free when you’re already paid I’m kind of a big

Deal yeah I’m kind of a big deal on Twitch now you see I thought I’d kind of be a big deal on YouTube reckon I’m the next Mr Beast so this is uh this is the boat house that you start on the first film you go the

Staircase could maybe put on a bit of background music I have Lucy I’ve got I’ve got um I’ve got background music on Twitch it won’t let me play on YouTube on I do um non-copyright music but on Twitch you can request songs and the viewers like to request songs on

There so over there is the Great Hall Courtyard that’s YouTube channel how do you promote yourself um not on other people’s channels um I do it on Discord and play lot M Discord and Facebook that’s a great hall Courtyard that’s pepper roll Tower the Great Hall with the grand staircase Tower there

Uh the viaduct in front of the quad and the nurse’s Wing in front of it with the clock tower on the back Durham section is here that’s the front entrance that is the Ravenclaw tower on the on the Durham section corridors the Great Hall no the green house is r as side and

That’s the astrology Tower in the Middle with the two bell towers over there yeah Martin yeah join the Discord I I might have I might have that many on on Twitch over this side we have the annex section the two belt house overlooking the rest of the green houses uh the anx

Section needs finish it needs a roof on it needs a ruins coming out and around here and over and around into there and then there’s a pathway that goes and curls into there that’s the training grounds tower that is the Gryffindor Tower one day one day that is the suspension

Bridge that is the Clock Tower and that is the other suspension bridge C caic welcoming how you doing thanks for joining the stream buddy thank you very much for thinking it’s cool I think it’s cool too I think it’s cool not geeky at all completely cool

But it’s cool to be geeky so it’s geeky as well uh Cal catic I am on um I’m on Twitch as well which is why I’m talking to multiple people on different ways maybe jck maybe yeah you’re right he kids [ __ ] yes I thanks buddy right so I need some more

Fireworks oh my God Sarah Sarah this is my last stack of fireworks Sarah Sarah feel like think you had your bath early wow so yeah cacticalmain around it what uh no I I was just giving a tour Galactic this is what this is what we

Built uh we’ll go over to uh who’s going over here wer we I do live in a lot rabbit hole under it for now it’s a rabbit hole you’ll see what I build though B funeral yeah fair fair right so this is the suspension bridge that never long

Bottom is on at some point during the films not going to say what it does in case spoilers you know you know nobody likes spoilers today and then going up into the clock tower over here so this is the clock tower which is an old entrance it’s run

Down it’s beat up Amy did the mossy cobblestone the leaves in the vines to make it look old I damaged the while I damaged the roof to make it look L right so um going inside then guys inside this is the great hall four benches are separate rather than in a

Line because I just can’t fit him in unless I at the great hole bigger which I’m not going to do cuz it’s taking a long time to build uh floating cands in the great hle the top table with dumble do shair in the middle the hourglasses with the points obviously Gryffindor is

Winning cuz Gryffindor is the top house always yeah killer it will do yeah why the damage on ground because J because um it had to be cleared up health and safety reasons how long you spent on this so far I reck we’re there 400 hours at least at

Least uh this is the grand staircase Tower that’s it goes all the way up it’s going to go all the way down to my base as well so my base is underneath uh Lucy as you rightly said the rabbit hole this is going to go all the way down to that

Rabbit Hole uh and I have corridors off it so down here and out here this is another Corridor which goes to a nice little balcony let’s just sleep quickly just so we don’t get pged up if anyone on YouTube is on Twitch I am on on Twitch more often than I am on

YouTube it’s the same name Kennedy Hunter TTV all so out this balcony here you can see the Durham section go into this Tower very cool explain a little hole yeah exactly exactly it’s a little hole for now that’s what she said miss you need to check on

My yeah well hoodie I caught you out you are Mr hly Mr Hy uh this this goes this going to go off and it’s going to have different uh pass rooms coming off of it down here to the left this is the kitchens so the kitchens at the end of

This they the kitchens are actually under the Great Hall you don’t see much in the films but that’s where they are and there’s a room in here which is why that’s like that and the kitchens are actually through here but I haven’t dug them out yet so I need to do

That and then going back into uh Mason thank you very much Mom thank you welcome into the stream buddy and then going up the grand staircase Tower shut up my uh and then going into here this is the quad this is the quad area which goes out into the quad with a

Well in the middle that’s the nurse’s Wing out here you can see the uh side of the great hall and then going upstairs to the left here uh there’s more corridors and things going to be coming off of it and then this is that’s the Divination Tower so the Divination Tower

Is where civil Chone holds her classes with the um with the glass balls and things and it’s going to have a corridor coming out of here uh which goes around in here this is the this is the room uh the corridor where it says chamber of sequence has been opened obviously I

Can’t put that unless put it on a sign but I think a sign would look silly this is the bathroom the girls bathroom on a third floor Corridor where the troll comes in that’s the showers for this area as well so this Corridor I’ve decided to

Put chandeliers in so I built one and then I went and moved on and started building another part of the castle so this goes over to the east Wing as you can see the astrology Tower there as well uh suspension bridge so the suspension bridge there is actually made a campfires it’s actually

Campfires do you make what you make or do you use a moderator no I make what I make whatever I make I I I’ve made myself I’ve made this myself fair enough hry fair enough uh so yeah so this is the uh this is the Gryffindor Tower uh like I said

For those that are on YouTube and knows that I’m on Twitch I’m on both platforms at the minute so if I’m talking to other people um then you’ll understand why Mason thank you so much man thanks for the Subscribe uh so that’s the quad out here

As you can see this is the Gryffindor so the Gryffindor room is going to be at the end here most people build the same as somewh the thing is like loads of people have built Hogwarts so I have gone off references from others obviously because it’s Hogwarts is the same wherever you

Go um but the the whole internal is going to be my way uh this goes through to the Great Hall as well and that’s as far as I’ve got so far with the internal uh Lucy have you subscribed as well thank you so much thanks everyone for the subscribers today wow good day

On YouTube pump pump Pump It Up right so yeah so you were saying about this rabbit hole that I live in so this is a secret door I haven’t used it as a secret door in a while actually but yeah it’s there um but this a Mason you still

In a chat are you um so this goes over I’ve got this little boat house over here which has got you can see the rail so the rail comes from a village which is over there uh because we’re trying to breed villages we’re going to breed

Villages and they going to have a little base under here going down here I’ll show you um I’ll show you the base underneath I built Hogwarts and I had a base somewhere else and I was like well rather than rather than having my house somewhere away from Hogwarts why don’t I

Just live in Hogwarts to was created that I lived in Hogwarts instead so every every floor of this that you can see is going to have an entrance on the right hand side uh with a different part of the base in this is your rabbit Holly is all

About Lucy this is your rabbit hole so every lay is going to have something in it this one’s the villager trading Hall so The Village’s trading Hall is still being built it’s still in the process but as you can see from over this side over here uh we’ve got some two seconds guys

Uh yes so this is the villager trading area uh the rooms are all going to look like this so I decided as well like this side so it’s going to be this side but on these end ones cuz this is a hallway I could put it here and here can’t I so

It’s it’s like a a wrap around um and yeah there’s going to be all different villager trades and stuff going on in here and then going over to going down to the next floor uh the next floor is an auto sort I’ll show you what the auto sort is for as well

Obviously because I can’t bother J um right so this is uh this this room is where the auto sort is going to be all these red bits are where is going to be is going down into the main room so at the bottom of this is my chest room my storage

Area so this is my storage area it’s got 680 chests down all 18 Lanes it’s all labeled up it’s all ready to go it just needs um just need to fill in and uh sort in the auto sorts putting in and at the end we’ve got uh an extra two lanes

For overflow and then we’ve got another Lane for uh the other lane is for items that can’t be sorted by an auto sorter so we got quite a big base going on down here yeah it is huge thank you very much Galactic yeah yeah she said that as

Well um right I’m just going to go and make a drink guys I’ll be back in a second give me two minutes and I will be straight back guys all right I’m back guys I’m back right where were we Swit stuff too wow wow did you actually can’t find anything can’t you

Yeah so anyone on YouTube that’s not on Twitch uh anyone on YouTube that’s on Twitch it’s Kennedy H TTV uh the same as it is on YouTube and for twitch on YouTube it’s c h TTV uh feel free to join the other platform if you want to

Guys twitch is my twitch is my busiest and it’s the one I go live on most for those interested in seeing more builds so we are also going to be building Hogs me we’re going to be building grots with um a bank underneath uh the bank underneath will

Have uh a working mine cart system likeing green got and we’re going to build the Hogwarts Express on the viaduct we’re going to be doing a lot calac welcome how you doing welcome over from YouTube hello what and his music over as well ont music on Twitch who the

[ __ ] are you I asked you first I asked you second Channel Hoodie P popped the gem and the jam is pumping yeah so on uh on Twitch we do other games so we do Among Us on a Saturday we do marbles on a Friday I you do stream the Minecraft H SP every Monday at least um and I do try

And jump on sometimes in the week as well uh but I do I do PlayStation tra hunting Galactic so I do um I do a lot of a lot of other streams I do a lot Community streams we do Among Us on a Saturday uh which is few purely community

Do you stream yourself Galactic Dan floor I need to work on the inside a bit more actually but I’m I’m working on a mega base at the minute cuz with the Villager trades coming in and changing I need to uh lock everything down this got since last time I looked

Myself tin web on the old tin web hoody what I used to call it yeah are fair fair a lot of people don’t a lot of people are just viewers which is good cool cool yeah we we are going to be working on a hell of a lot of stuff um

But like I said twitch is busiest so I’m not on it so I’m not on it what have we got tomorrow daytime I can’t remember what I’m doing tomorrow daytime but tomorrow night I’m doing it takes two I’m playing a game called it takes 2 with my uh one of my

Mods Amy uh and then On Wednesday I’m off Wednesday Thursday we are doing some tra hunting again with either Halo or GTA on the evening yeah I thought it did rise I I didn’t want to nail the game down in case I decided to just hop on this you

See so I’ve got a lot to do on this and I’m I’m I go through periods where I get engrossed in it and periods where I don’t want to do it like at the minute I want to get this room sorted because I’m I’ve been

Meaning to do this room for ages this is the third floor up and I’ve actually only done one one floor if you think about it because the other one is the Auto s meaning it’s 6 p.m tomorrow yes rise yeah yeah God this is taking its time know cool I co

Uh this is bedrock Galactic been on Bedrock for a long time yeah that’s fine I me completely understand with you I I knew that’ be the case yeah are you able to make the meeting tomorrow or not you’ll probably be at work won’t you think I got put off Minecraft I went

On a friend server when first trying it oh wow really Hy I wonder who did that oh your friends did it that was nice want it 2: p.m. for you 1: p.m. yeah 1 p.m. for you J you’ll be at work with you buddy yeah the thing if I did it at 5:00

You still won’t be able to cuz you be at work wouldn’t you so doesn’t matter which way around I do it we’ll do it for Saturday daytime one week or Saturday night before Among Us what sort of games you play CTIC is he just Minecraft all right C

J still probably won’t work though would it that’s M sometimes rocket League when I oh nice we do rocket League well we haven’t done rocket league in a while um but I got asked to do rocket League again at the weekend so I will be doing rocket League soon I will be doing

Rocket League soon as well deal deal lovely coltic yeah we’re on most days catic we’re full time on it e come on Mark it down make the so called friends come And fair enough Fair Angel welcome how you doing Angel how was your trip to the aquarium was there any whales there I said you were going to let us know awesome week good good UK have the time zone issue J you reckon you would would you move to the UK or not look

Noy big aquar with the whales there I bet there was a whale there a fair fair I’ve got it uh spent time with my P with his wife hang on hang on let me just read that again spend time with my partner and some of it with him and his

Wife uh it’s 904 here 904 here all right okay Angel fair fair well I I hope the weekend was good I got a whale of time angel I had to get a whaling somewhere didn’t we because of the aquarium didn’t have one so you one hour ahead oh nice Galactic

Where are you then you in uh you in Europe oh nice nice God bless Christi and Erikson guys a wizard he going so fast good good and walk through an aquarium in Japan and my wife started laughing on live straight away St next to was asking going M Japanese

Wow that’s like that’s like yeah yeah Angel did you say there was there was another partner as well involved is there someone else like I know there’s a partner and um that one but in another one as well fair fair fair enough GRE I know right well I mean speaking speaking of Wales

Um speaking of whales she you saw too so now there’s a free willly find you B while kill is in the chat as well kill a while sorry I’m making this award I did say awkward yeah I did say awkward yeah now is Angel actually actually I could keep

Going with these pawns I could go keep going with these pawns Angel you know you said you went back to back to their did you have a hunt back at their place keep going what else what else have I [Laughter] got I said did you have a hunt back at their place [Laughter]

Pump back pump back whale we talking about [Laughter] whes oh welcome back Amy sorry I made it award again I was back fair fair sorry guys my my jokes are a bit blue whale T AR they sry oh okay Amy no fine it just fit with a it just fit with

A topic of conversation Jack G welcome into uh YouTube sorry I’ve only just seen you there how you doing jack Gala Jack Gala uh I am on um I’m on Twitch as well so I was talking to viewers apologies cuz it’s busy they say so who the [ __ ] is Alice about something wild

J I mean you are married to be fair that’s fair yeah I see that I get that what’s everyone got planned for the rest of the week then guys is everyone excited to see some more it takes two tomorrow oh we’re there aren’t we at the end christas shopping tomorrow rather you than

Me we have tried yet but no you you’re still mared buddy mad with the res madra welcome in seven months it’s been seven months M wow me Wednesday round Christmas shopping Frid nice nice good weekend I leave for few minutes back to Rachel welcome how you doing I didn’t see you there

Sorry sorry Rachel pickle pickle pickle pickle pickle pickle the pi pickle pickle pickle pickle pickle the Met Center today say me wait for food so went elsewhere went to pick up uh meta Quest 3 for the burns crimbo present but what ah KN BOS I’ll stop [Laughter]

So to coworkers today will be nice to go in a place with a few friends and buy a house yes Jack yeah I’m down I’m down didn’t understand that I tried I tried didn’t I so am after you meeting tomorrow again in y oh you were there at the same time

And a metro metro noise J half Northeast was there today like sorry I’ll stop I’ll stop used to work on the Metro I didn’t well wait hang on newcastle’s got an actual Metro I didn’t know Newcastle had an actual Metro I thought it was just the name of the Metro

Center oh I didn’t know that all the swn have been to Newcastle and not showing me the Metro Center no not sh me the Metro show me the Metro Center not the Metro it’s in Gates I’ve been to Gates head’s always looking night night’s on a bit of a delay today it

Seems killer can you slap um feel look can you slap night for me please I know I’ve been to the Metro Center but I thought Metro Center was just called the Metro Center because it was Metro Center not because it had actually had a Metro I’m I’m starting to realize how thick this

Sounds [Laughter] I’m back I got the stars but I had no wores no worries buddy hope you’re all right uh nether Stars he’s gone to get nether stars for um he’s making um bimo BOS God what’s it called killer yeah did store St St this K it oh the

Spark uh it’s called the spark uh no jet no there was only three of us can make it on tonight so and it gives killer a bit more time to prepare and stuff still here should be SP uh well that’s another that’s yeah that’s another thing I was thinking

About I me I left it lateer messaged J before the stream and was like where can we bury him it’s like we hav’t got cemetry yet so yeah so Jet’s going to look at somewhere as he said uh for a PO barrial site I just I was very unprepared for

Tonight I was very unprepared so it’s my fault my fault we don’t bury the bot well jet suggested that just suggested that he water yeah up there is a very nice area I agree fully yes that’ be quite good cherry trees cherry blossom trees I think yes yeah my Apprentice was on the

Time and we’re Metro traction what Fair that’s fair how long you been do this one then hoodie prob not jet now what I don’t know what else we’re going to bury unless we bury members when when to leag I don’t know 25 years 25 years I I think like you said um

I think I think at the start of village jat and I think like you said past that tree line look for a my heart no killer if you need me Reach Out buddy how you doing Rachel you good how how are you finding the round Rachel our newest member

Yeah I I think J suggested that I think that’ll be a good place J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 1 2 3 23 there you go Galactic Galactic you enjoying being here areen

You uh maybe there could be yeah we could make a nice walk to Amy yeah yeah that’s not a bad idea everyone I’ve seen has been awesome good Rachel good I’m glad we got rid of that Warden problem for you I know it wer much of a warden

Problem but we got rid it didn’t we nice chill stream thank you CTIC yeah we uh we do like to chill here just you know just relax and stuff lots of berries to make more bushes one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 177 18

19 we got one 2 three four yeah I will J yeah 4 5 6 7 7 * 27 20 140 140 L not actually that many soul lanters is it yeah go and have a look now jck be nice for Galactic to see the rest of everything as

Well um mine nice and Save in a bit of Jungle Love it good good Rachel tree is cute I do like the Christmas tree you’re watching Lucy hey Lucy Lucy if you got twitch you’d benefit a lot from being over there I promise I can do if you call yeah of course Amy

Yeah yeah definitely Amy no problem at all you do what you need to over there I I I would but I haven’t got time of let’s I haven’t I was going to bury him at Hogwarts but I like no cuz what if he

What if I bury him and I got to put some up there which I haven’t yet built like the Quidditch pitch like Star Village is best uh I have not got two boats on me Amy I’ve got only got one look um yeah there’s a few coltic uh so

It’s it’s it’s my realm it’s a community realm um and we have it we have it so the community can join so in fact yeah we we we got um hang on 25 I think it is uh so going down here this is the start so I think there’s about 25 active

At the minute there’s not as many but people come and go quite a lot you see who’s on at the minute it’s me and jet on at the minute that’s it fix but you know what you know what just for you there you go it’s fixed it’s fixed okay

Hold on you can probably see my ass in my belly and everything all my fat so yes so this is a start hub for those that don’t haven’t seen it before Lucy you’re one of them I collect at you two this is a starter Hub this is our stter

Village in here we got South tunnel the people live down in north south the uh Northeast South and the West tunnels down there the book tells you who’s there it’s got everyone in there welcome back killer uh this is where we put on Netherrack so we can use it to put back

Into the building of this nether Hub and everything we’re going down this is a start Village in here so Jet and Jet mainly but Red Beard too have been working on this um jet do you need Al finish in that Tower you could do it a on

You so this this Tower is supposed to go down to bedrock and up to the roof to the ceiling leaving back bye Lucy catch you soon thanks for popping in I’ll see you soon on here yeah have to go to bed no wor Lucy where we supposed to finish it I’ll I’ll

I’ll figure some out J in a schedule and I’ll I’ll work on it it needs doing doesn’t it that wall right okay it’s basically the same as that wall isn’t it how many corners we got to do four this Tower yeah calac so this Tower goes

From the bottom going to trade with a villager up there yeah we’re going to have everything on it Rachel so you’re going to be able to drop from the the highest build Point down to the bottom it was more impressive before you walked in yeah it needs finish in it needs finish in

Ktic um it will be impressive when it’s done it’s going to have floors and everything it’s going to have everything so it’s going to be a trophy Tower so you can get all the trophies on on the game trophies achievements Etc that’s that was the aim wasn’t it jet for

This so this will be finished eventually I’ll show you the bottom of it as well catic this is the highest point you can’t build any higher than this uh that is uh that is red Beard’s Globe beds up here as well I don’t even know what level I got off on

Here why is that going nowhere jet it’s just a balcony for looking over got pandas in the zoo right Fair we’re going down to the next level where was I oh yeah I’m here right okay yes this is the level I came in on I see coming

Here and then going inside and upside you’ve got uh different areas so this is our enchantment area with where can do all your enchantments and stuff uh we’ve got members from the UK and from America so we got about our flags up goes further up got more rooms nether water Farm in

Here which I didn’t know was here otherwise I would have start my own netherite Farm nether water Farm to the next floor the nut floor that I was on need a Canada flag we do need a Canada flag we do yeah cuz we got killer

Does this go all the way to the top yet wow so hang on wait a minute I just went all the way up there slowly when this was here is that right I just went all the way up there slow didn’t I when this was here wow oh Amy’s

Joined Amy meeting me at the build site or S off turn off you oh really jet I didn’t know that yeah so it’s got um the mug good mug good mug galactic yes it’s got a bit of work to do uh We’ve also actually Galactic I can impress you Galactic I can impress

You are you ready we have a zoo We have a zoo but we also have a special attraction outside of the zoo that jet myself jet Ben and killer all got mainly jet but outside of our zoo is it a whale it’s not a whale hi Jack it’s not the queen it’s not

Kin in a glass cage in the middle Galactic we have caught a warden we’ve captured and caught a warden hi Amy there we go you he knows I’m here then Matty welcome and how you doing I’m I’m running I’m going I’m going oh my God yeah we we’ve captured a warden and he’s in there a man attraction uh we got a zoo uh so that’s the entrance to the zoo

Oh we got we got goat we got goat in there what’s his name uh we we named the warden um flu we the water and fluffy i i i Nam the water and fluffy I went in there with a name tag I named him fluffy no I got any

Beef why I CH my beef here it was jet I think we got some camels got some rabbits we’ve got a polar bear we’ve got there there’s the rest of the polar bear uh what’s in there I think we don’t think we got anything in there have we

No not yet we got a brown panda two brown pandas and a black Panda oh look at him look at him he’s so cute we got a bird house here it’s got parrots in it uh we got a horse and a cheater wait is that horse me be there

Jet an not lot sorry is J is this horse supposed to be in here he’s horing around in there the horse isn’t meant to be that right there’s a horse there J right this is our Zoo entrance which Jet Jet’s built the zoo fully on himself on his own right Amy

Where’s this build Oh’s the White Horse there as well right where’s this build Amy let’s go go have a look 10 horse that Wonder oh fair fair how you doing AST you play that guy oh oh I near died doing that game you want about out earing me oh you’re on about over

There actually are you thinking there do you think there or do you think overlooking the bay with a sunset that’s got spot on the bay over looking a sunset won’t be a bad idea Sunrise breeds life doesn’t it hydrate how you doing AST you good buddy Jet’s got a space so what what

We’re doing at the minute uh stream is we are looking somewhere look somewhere to build to bury bismo um which is our bot because the decommission it I what about the island there ay what about the island there in the middle of the water this big big this bit is big and

Flat I just working on a Soo so you right so you want it I get you so we’re looking over here chat I think Andy wants it over here they come through the trees where’s the end of the tree path you want it here or you want

It here if it comes out here you could have it here anyway Mangrove yeah event we got Mangrove these ones you mean there’s everything everything you think of yeah mango populate prg prg prog like yeah oh yeah good I miss you buddy miss you that’s where you want

It but now I got Anam tomorrow I canang out longer on no is colic no that is fine thanks for being here buddy damn [Laughter] it yeah that work am yeah yeah c s collectic thanks for popping in buddy thanks for the follow and thanks for the sub massively massively appreciate

It that’s fine yet no no we can do that um new block haven’t been here in a long time who is this place Jet by the way or whose was this place should I say was it didn’t do much with it did he I like it in the mountain I do I like

How it is in the mountain yeah that’s fine thank you very much I like how it is the side of the mountain I do like this bit up being up here pretty much always building the mountain m it it looks good do it it does look good I built inside a mountain now

The [ __ ] yeah they killers w he J I see it I see it made nice nice I love it killer it’s ABS isn’t it it’s what you want to know oh wow I like it killer so Rachel killer has permissions to kill anyone I ask him to he is our

Where is it what’s the what’s the command killer did it just killer that realm hit man so if I order a hit for something like Ben get on leaving his boat his end of his oh no Ben forgot to put ice down someone’s tunnel so kill had to go and give him a

Book which says uh which gives him his orders that he’s allowed to and then kill him we got to have fun of this place don’t we reason I fun fun honestly Rachel oh no no no when when Killer’s when Killer’s been given orders you have to submit yourself to be killed you can

Take your armor off and everything but you have to submit yourself to be killed if you are given your [Laughter] warrant yes not we had situation yeah yeah I am the queen of hearts yes eternus what are you after yeah are you after my IP yeah I’m on Bedrock yeah

Yeah yeah how you doing eternis welcome in that was weird I’ve never had anyone do that before h imagine if it weren move Rachel you can use the uh The Killing to your advantage because if you get him to kill you on a catalst next to skull you will benefit

But the ruling is that only killer is allowed to do it there’s a bunch into your base exactly you you got a bit bit lucky there didn’t you really with your uh where where your base fell one miss one one miss one one miss one one miss one there

I know he got lucky got very lucky you say there was one my b not far Sarah it’s about about 500ish blocks away you think so killer I hope it doesn’t justce too I do pop in occasionally Rachel and just see what people have built I’m I’m I’m the only

Well me and Jet are the only ones that are allowed to randomly um I’m the only one that does randomly jet likes to ask I like to just go and explore It’s my prerogative sometimes I go to aim is just a [ __ ] in about [Laughter] B which direction uh normally down the

Bed next to the pillow now um away from Hogwarts so if you to fly from Hogwarts to yours you’d go off at that angle to get to it [Laughter] I bet you made love you said that you how do you make Soul torches why am I old wow

Wow seeing you tonight is a bad idea right I’ve just got a message it’s from a number that’s not in my phone book but I think it’s my dad he’s never messaged me before on that number so I think he’s changed his number and only just realized he hasn’t told

Me doesn’t work for you it won’t work for you so know when I was a kid school school kid we made super M wow wow soil stick and coal that does watch it oh yeah he did yeah yeah yeah your voice is [ __ ] from old age server basically is what you treding

To tell me isn’t it yeah I disagree I disagree s oil coal and sticks uh yeah Rachel if you ever need anything I’ve normally got it so just ask if you need anything if I haven’t got it I can find a way of getting it no you been giving stuff you don’t

Have to take stuff you don’t have to take stuff you can find it and make it if you want to but if it helps if you if you’re really struggling to find something if you want help or anything just ask yeah like J said something start Village

Right following the map that LE see you eight another one that one another 16 hi sah hang on wait a minute where’s she going oh there nothing we see you yeah completely understand Rachel like I said you are welcome to any materials you want hot dier 500 bit this is the kind

Of thing that just tickles my balls H’s taking 683 Ben’s bit the bullet was already there oh yeah you were yeah thank you very much Hy following following following to you more of my change I spent on you what you thinking server I know it’s hard to

Remember when you’re not here next to me all my bridge oh yeah yeah I remember your control be so ccle happens off for have a great night everyone good night Jack good night Bas this isn’t this isn’t a breeder this isn’t the breeder area right Sarah the breeder area is out near

The village this is just the Um this is just the thingy yeah that this is just the trading Hall turn your back on tomorrow play to used to say what Color are my plans we made for two you like this bu is [ __ ] I’ll be scared that is J catch anybody call home all of my friends I spent on you you’re happy ever after dead instead uh i’ be scared lost connection to the console killer that’s a weird

One R what way now so if you flew out to your base it’s off to the right hand side Sarah why you going see it you’re brave oh wow really maybe W are you feeling all right I’m going to no e that’s fine I’ll I’ll drop you some bone meal off if I

Can I this years I’ve never heard I don’t think oh wow no way is that just enough for that not uh I can’t remember sir I’ll come over and have a look let me just put these right and I’ll come over and show you one 2 3 4 five six 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 14 more quite light actually isn’t it C start I would bu the entire blood on gun calog night nice nice is a spot magician I’m coming over sir I’m on my way wait wait Amy look s’s been to my place and now look at my cape

Really hoodie you think so you think this is boring hoodie I I love this I love this need we just Le are fa there I can look illusion where just keeps going I know right never been able to grind game you see I I have periods on this jet where I

Will grind it in periods when I won’t let s on way so just remind me your exact coordinates please well that’s new that’s new having a nosy having a nosy over here just flying past me on the r was it under this one I think it was under this one wasn’t

It I think it was under this one Sarah I think there’s the way in around the back it was this one it is in this one I’m sure it was this one I recognize it but not it was in here it was in here I can’t remember where after

That it’s this one it’s definitely this one Sarah definitely under there there was a way in but I can’t remember where it is yeah it was in this one sir but I can’t remember where thought was around 4,400 you think so Amy is it this one

Then it might be this one might be this one yes it’s it’s under this one yes it’s that one somewhere around here let me H get up and we’ll go in here oh hi Sarah now that’s water that’s water it’s not that one oh really Rachel maybe it is this one with the

With the Minecraft M shaft craft yeah it’s this one it’s this one this one sah definitely this one I see the skull you’re stuck are you stuck in that last hole we went in so where are you oh hi Sarah Sarah come over this way look Sarah where you going

Sarah so come over this way what you doing is a staircase up I made a staircase sah I’m out I just ducks to get out of there I just ducked to get out of there is she out where is she love you catch you soon Amy see you tomorrow hopefully so where are

You where did she go is she gone in there yeah I’m going to be logging off in a minute anyway guys myself is late I’ve left you there s I need to try my elytra so I let you you be all right would she uh yes I have yeah I’m on an 8:30

Tomorrow some fun on Rocket League yes hoody yes we’re just about to rain out guys by the way so please stay for the raid if you can just going to fly over to my uh new mob farm and I’ll will camp out of there I’m going I need fireworks don’t I

Harvey welcome in how you doing just in time for the raid Harvey just in time for the raid buddy I go easy I remember in the morning that I need to do that let’s log out over here right tomorrow it be about 12:00 maybe a bit after tomorrow because I am um

Amazoning in the morning let’s pause the song save this song for this Tom morning so you got a full version of it let me find someone to raid I might just raid someone in me contacts first tonight look who we got oh we got Johnny got Johnny playing Johnny playing

Vizage oh we got spanner Basher playing Final Fantasy b bash playing Final Fantasy is he actually like 30 more minut no sorry now we’re go to Johnny playing Visage go to Johnny playing Visage so I like vizage and I like Johnny so we’re going to Johnny right guys that is

The raid thing that is the other one you made it just you swear bucket you swear so right I can’t I can’t hydrate I’m going to wee myself right guys I will catch you all tomorrow love You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Building HOGWARTS’, was uploaded by KennedyHunterTTV on 2023-12-04 22:38:35. It has garnered 77 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:00 or 11460 seconds.

Today I’ll be working on the villager trading hall underneath Hogwarts! | Botisimo | !Rogue | !music | !wishlist #minecraft #harrypotter #twitch #gtav #gta #gta5 #gtaonline #needforspeed

  • Soundcraft: Cube Xuan’s Location Quest!

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  • Kurdoplayz: Minecraft Fog Fun

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures!

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  • Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters

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    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft hacks REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cheats part 4’, was uploaded by Posterfridge gaming on 2024-05-30 17:46:05. It has garnered 43 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:52 or 15412 seconds. your favourite friendly definitely a human… Person! check out last stream to see what i did in that one Read More

  • Medieval Fantasy RPG Minecraft by ManzbegaminYT

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  • “Unbelievable CPvP Mods and X-Ray Hacks!” #minecraft #endcrystal

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Build Hacks 🚀 #minecraftbuilding

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  • Unleashing the Ultimate Shizo Power!

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  • Thirty Numbers SMP

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