EPIC Minecraft Home Makeover & Shizo Surprise

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Hey guys what is going on deoki here once again it is time for another crafting stories I hope you guys are all doing well today I wanted to work on my home and I’m got a pretty big project planned I feel like ahead of me but I

Want to tear this home down not all the way down but most of it because I figured I want to build my dream home and this is not my dream home this looks like a nightmare that’s about to come alive and eat me so I want to work on

This this is going to be kind of my focus get the home base done off camera a little bit I was doing a little bit of work I I was planting some trees alongside Skyland Road here I kind of wanted it to be like engulfed in trees

As you’re walking up these stairs but I’m noticing these trees aren’t growing as big I’m wondering if that’s because it’s being blocked off a little bit not enough space to grow like tall but I was kind of wanting some lengthier trees here get rid of some of these Birches

Around the property and start planting some Oak and spruces around and what else oh yes I tore down my tree farm I kind of scattered the trees a little bit around this area the dark trees I think these are the what are these Oaks these are the sprues okay these are

The Oaks got it see I I just kind of put the sprues around here because essentially I want to build like maybe a garden or some sort of farm area here that’s my goal cuz I like this open space I think the tree farm well the

Tree farm we can do a little bit later just kind of keep replanting as we go oh yes and also the lake up on top of Skyland Road here thank you so much for the name suggestions I think I’m going to name it woolly Lake I like that name

Woolly Lake Wool poool was pretty good too like wool of pool um something with wool was kind of cute so I think woolly Lake will be that top one up there and thank you Ali for that name I think that is a a really nice one there so anyways

Let’s get this home renovated what was that Home Makeover remember that show it’s like that kind of an older show where they tear down people’s homes and like try to make it into their dream house or something and do like a renovation I’ve seen a few episodes of

Those where it did not turn out to well actually it was one episode and there’s this like particular clip that I’ve just kept seeing where it was like not what they planned and they did not like the renovation actually and they wanted it to be reverted cuz it was just not good

Good but hopefully that doesn’t happen here I am just going to tear this whole this top piece off which it’s kind of like a muffin top except not fun so we’re going to go ahead and just take this whole top area just completely off I’m I’m demolishing it guys I almost was

Thinking about just like setting fire to this whole thing like literally to burn it down but I don’t want to harm the underneath part because there I think there’s still some goodness down there like Luna Luna is chilling there and we got a whole bunch of treasure down there

That just don’t feel like moving and reallocating I’m not sure if there’s an easy way to do that so I finally got some different wood right I I don’t have to use this Birch color all the way through and I’m thinking about making like some sort of Log

Cabin um is we’ll see how that turns out but I kind of want to make a Cozy home something that I’m just like proud of and excited about cuz like I was really enjoying crafting Skyland campsite up there and all the fun stuff and I kind of want to do the

Same with this home and just kind of revamp some things because I think it’s time to make things a little more permanent you know like that needs to get revamped for sure too that just looks wrong whatever is happening over there so we got to get that revamped as

Well but you know one thing at a time I think it was nice to have some like base Parts like you know get get a little bit of a start and then once we get a little bit more established we can go ahead and tidy things up especially when we didn’t

Have like everything at the start I think this is a good thing to do I’m sorry if any of you guys got attached to this home whatever this was but I am just going to remodel it’s still going to be the base of the home all right

We’re just doing a huge remodel of it that’s all that’s so pretty all those flowers up there while I’m tearing down my home oh that made my butterflies drop in the stomach it’s making it hard for everybody dang it Luna stop pooping these eggs out oh my

Gosh there’s another one I did want to get some of those like Cobblestone blocks the ones that you cook up and you’re able to make like a nice brick or may do we just call them bricks I guess so when we get like a cobblestone oh I want glass too o yeah I

I need glass also all right well let’s do this first God I have two chickens now in this house all right we’ll we’ll think about that we’ll think about that let me go to my little furnace area which I do want to make some sort of kitchen

Later but later so I think if I cook up these cobblestones I’m able to like make more of those like fancy blocks I don’t think I’ll have enough coal this is probably way too much but whatever right that’s fine where’s one that has like a 64 this one put it

Here okay yeah we make these like stone blocks and we can put them together and make some of the fancier pancier blocks look how much I’ve torn down it’s a lot there’s so much wow this was like the first episode this is we’re back at the first episode right

Here where we just built a box you remember that you remember those times Luna and Luna’s little child go you can be free yes goodbye if you love something you let it go and what’s the saying if it loves you it will come back or something like that yeah something

Like that all right you guys will be just free roam chickens go welcome back guys episode one of crafting stories what I’m going to try to do is make myself a little Log Cabin so I’m going to still use this like same I think foundation of the size format actually

Should I make it a little bit bigger we’ll try this out so I want to build a few of these stone bricks I want to build a fireplace first of all right you know we’ll kind of give that illusion that there’s a fire here oh there will be a a fire here I

I’m planning on trying to get an actual fire in here and then we will have this kind of going upwards like so as our like little fireplace right so I kind of want to build a chimney up on top CU every great Log Cabin needs a

Chimney of some sort this might be a little big but it’s okay and I want to also do this might get expensive but I want to make these blocks do I want to even do this to it like give it even some more texture to that or should we just keep it like

That well I can keep like this first and if I want to give it more texture I can always I don’t know what that called like splice it petrify it I don’t know what I’m doing now what am I doing oh let me build another axe Extreme Makeover home

Edition oh my gosh I remember one time watching Extreme Makeover people people Edition where they just like made over people you know gave them a makeover which I thought was pretty cool like being able to do that so well it would be so cool using these like Spruce logs

All the way through cuz I just I like that but it’s not realistic right we’re not going to be able to afford using these sorts of logs all the way through so let me just try to set the pillars up with the spruce logs like the actual

Logs and then we’ll use planks next to it it might not look as good I just don’t have that sort of resource to be able to build out the whole cabin with Spruce logs whoa look at Skyland road is starting to get engulfed by trees I might need to tidy that up

Later if it gets too much you just can’t even find your way through those stairs oh man I don’t know why this reminded me of it when I said makeover people Edition I have a confession guys it’s it’s a confession that needs to stay here though in crafting stories

I accidentally wore my mom’s pants one time and I liked it yes yes it happened I was about 11 or 12 years old and I was in Middle School I remember waking up in the morning doing my routinely thing and you know when you’re in like the schooling

Days or I guess been any days you’re kind of like getting in that routine and you’re just kind of doing muscle memory you know just you know grabbing things doing things you’re not even sure what you’re doing anymore it’s just a blur just going through the motions at that

Point well I took a shower grabbed a pair of pants put it on ate my breakfast walk to the bus stop and I realized while I’m walking I’m a little bit more restricted you know I got a little bit more hippity hop in my step and oh here’s my pumpkin I

Realized that my pants were a little bit tighter and also on top of that they kind of bell bottomed out at the bottom of it if you guys remember bell bottom pants back back in the days when bell bottoms a thing I feel like bell bottoms were like somewhat of parachute pants

You know from like the Disco eras you guys remember those like big old parachute pants I I just feel like bell bottoms were the next step from the parachute pants I got to the bus stop and I realized I was wearing my mom’s pants and I was like so embarrassed and

Worried you know I was like oh no know people are going to see this they’re going to find out they’re going to know and then I remember I got to the bus stop and then my best friend Andy was there waiting for me and I was like oh

He’s going to say something you know he’s going to make fun of me and I looked at his pants and they looked almost the exact same as mine cuz he wore bell bottom pants like jeans with a little bit of a flare at the bottom I’m

Like oh okay that looks kind of good yeah like yeah you you’re wearing the same style of pants I think this is okay so you know I don’t know if maybe Andy accidentally put on his mom’s pants too that morning oh shoot I’m just going right through it

But I I I figured well you know what I think I can just rock the whole day with this so I went to the whole whole day wearing my mom’s pants and I got to say I liked the fit I I liked how tight they were and I think

After that like I went through a little bit of a phase where I was wearing like a bit tighter pants like probably pants that were a little too tight for me I don’t you know some people can pull it off I think you know with their body

Types they’re just is like able to pull off tighter like the skinny jeans yeah skinny jeans I don’t think I have that body type you know I’m not someone that can pull off skinny jeans but I was I was doing it yeah I was definitely doing

It because I just I liked it you know I like the style of it and I tried and I went through a phase of that and I think that was because of that one morning when I wore my mom’s pants it kind of shaped my fashion for a little bit just

An accidental wardrobe malfunction oh my gosh and another man now I’m thinking of wardrobe malfunctions and all I’m thinking is Janet Jackson do you guys remember Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction oh I remember the day clearly it was Super Bowl 2004 the day I became a man I actually don’t remember the day of

It but I remember that night very clearly I if you guys don’t know what I’m referring to to it’s from the Super Bowl halftime show Janet Jackson is an artist she is saying at the Super Bowl halftime show and it was it was a pretty good show but so what happened was there

Was a wardrobe malfunction and Justin timberli I think was performing with her I thought it was part of the show and I was like man this is getting risky but pretty much what happened was at the very end of of the halftime show he like for some reason

Reached over and like tore her top off that’s what it looked like to me but I think he like like went over was like trying to do like a dance move to like finish off and his hand like slipped or something and it just like ripped her

Top off and you saw a lot you saw it all and I was like oh my God and Little David you know I I I didn’t know how to act and then the thing was like my mom conveniently just like left for the halftime show to

Go get chicken wings cuz we like to you know eat chicken wings and enjoy the Super Bowl we’re not really like too into sports but we we like to you know have our our moments is this okay first of all before we continue this BBA story I think we’re

Okay here let me get some more of these these trees out here so yeah little me I was like oh my God you know I see jenet Jackson’s booby this is awesome I am not missing another halftime show ever like I’m watching every Super Bowl from now

On like this kind of was one of my first Super Bowls I’ve watched I was pretty young at the time actually don’t really remember how old I was wait let me look that up now I’m curious when Janet Jackson super bowl oh no oh was that

Super Bowl 38 oh gosh here is 2004 wait it was what date did I say did I say 2004 it was February 1st 2004 that might have been the exact year that I said I was just guessing a year yeah J Jackson in halftime show controversy look it up

Guys it’s it’s wild you know but um careful maybe you want to censor yourself if you don’t like to see too much that thing popped out like it had an expiration date it was needing to leave the area for sure it just it popped right out and oh Tom Brady was

MVP there yes so it’s 2004 so how old was I oh man I I was just a little chickling back then wasn’t I I was like 12 or 13 back when that super bull dropped when my mom came back home with the food I didn’t say a word though I I

I didn’t want her to like think I was watching some bad stuff on TV she wouldn’t have believed me she would have like grounded me like saying you know what are you doing I was just like you know what I’ll let her figure that out I don’t know if she actually even knows

That that happened my mom left to go get wings and I was just a boy when she came back I was a man she was like what happened I was like I was was there like you know felt like I just like I was like smoking a cigarette I like

Oh um you don’t know how cruel this world is this this world be seeing some things wait wait wait I don’t think I’m going to put the door here like this though we want to kind of offset this door we got to give it character guys character this

Door is not characteristic enough it’s too symmetrical I definitely felt bad though what happened Janet Jackson oh God I’m getting raided again wait maybe we come in piece hold on hi are we friends I am friend who are you yes we are friend no okay you are not friend oh whoa you

Killed your own Chieftain wait wait wait that wasn’t me okay I didn’t do that that was all you bro wait a second oh I don’t have the raid debuff now cuz it didn’t consider me killing him oh God that’s so crazy am I getting ganked here traitor cow is making

Escape dude he’s shooting my cows oh my goodness this is getting chaotic okay I know the house looks a little weird right now just give give us some time though give us some time oh I see I see I see okay almost like an elevator like house

Oh we have to move everything then maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe baby you know I’m going to say a Maybe Baby on that one I’m not sure if I want to keep it like that going to go ahead and bust this floor out here yeah we probably want like a good

Stone base on this house oh no it’s going to break and be all gross now it’s going to become a cobblestone oh no it doesn’t oh never mind so this little outer place though I want to put some Oak planks I think like outwards a

Bit wait my home yeah but I’m going to have like a little bit of an extended part out as like a balcony and we’ll do some work with that too okay give me a little characteristic right here baby boom characteristic happen now the part that I struggle with the most the roof

Going to put this Spruce stairs around the yo you monster okay roof built continually to build out this side of the roof oh my gosh I like placing stairs oh man I don’t like stairs guys placing stairs oh my goodness I’m so bad at it

Okay I messed up oh shoot I just gave it ears no I wasn’t supposed to place it like that no and it’s raining no it’s just not working guys yes on a roll yes what’s happening here why why oh thank you thank you now here you

Put these planks give it a little bit of a contrast you see you like that good old contrast action happening and then we start closing in this roof this roof over our heads how do I continually to build maybe I put a block here okay I will do that and then here

We need to use the rest of these and walk this up walk that up like that right edging the house with this dark wood and there we are noise like that I’ve seen some people use this sort of technique where you like put an upside down stair on the roof to kind

Of make it more rounded like this kind of like that give it another layer of it and then I think over here I’m going to have to actually take out this this Edge part and continue with this give it that illusion again that it’s just going to be one same wall

Material I don’t have enough of these Spruce logs again missing one piece the one piece is real oh my gosh I’ve been watching so much one piece I’m trying to get caught up I’m on episode like 352 I think it is really good but it’s a

Lot I love it nice look at that isn’t that pretty okay that’s what it was missing that’s what my house is missing it’s like this bottom layer sort of wood look yeah I like that I like that oh yeah well I need to do that same thing on this side so I need

To go find some more Spruce logs cuz no way am I going to have enough just feel more cozy in here already guys okay so this little inside part though while I’m here I think this inside part I kind of want to do the same little layering of upside down

Stairs as well of course me and placing stairs though that’s just going to be so much fun give it a little bit more texture down the down under there we go there we go there we go yes let me go back up there and I need to do some big work right

Here okay where is that happening at is it right here yeah I think right here so this part too just needs to just Rec recognize a little bit on what’s about to be happening cuz this chimney part needs to come out of the top of this house tear this part out a little

Bit so this chimney can just protrude outwards like so I got to look up on how to build this chimney out I think you got to put like a fire in there okay we’ll worry about the fire later I don’t want to do the fire right now cuz I’m

Working with a lot of wood and I feel like if I burn down my house I might cry right now okay I need to get glass too cuz essentially I want to put like a window like right through here like a nice little window maybe

Even like a window like up here too just you know bust that out oh I kind of want to put a window like right here as well do I want to put a window touching the stone or do I want to put the window touching the wood like the wooden

Layer maybe even like a a big old size window like that you know why not get that all going out for us yeah something like that okay oh this fireplace needs to stop going upwards though I think we don’t really want it to like bust out do we want it to bust

Out was looking at some model homes online of Minecraft log cabins and this is something I’ve just been following trying to follow along doesn’t look too bad y it’s getting there it’s getting there okay we got some work to do though we still got some work to do I kind of

Want to put some decorations around as well and all that let me do the ground some nice Oak planks down at the floor level here okay maybe ooh that can be like a hidden chest can I even get to it I could it’s a little bit tough to get

To we just call that me being lazy so you can just like walk into the house you have a nice little above layer I mean we could still access the chests From Below but it’s just it’s not like super ideal I mean it’s not bad I guess it’s okay to have like underground

Chests I’m like trying to justify not moving everything all right it’s okay all right cool I want to get some glass cooking yeah we’re going to finally start working with some glass we all know once you start getting glass it gets a little bit fancy I saw some sand out this

Way should be pretty nice oh this is kind of fun oh it’s kind of scary oh it’s very scary look at that wow little dangerous to get to the sand that I’m trying to get to go ahead and mine a little bit of that yeah baby first little sand piece here okay

Go ahead and just mine up good portion of sand okay I think I got enough I got quite a bit yeah I got like two and a half stacks of sand whoa look at Skyland Road that’s so cool I’ll be honest I got a little lost

But Skyland road is just lit up over there it’s so pretty that’s awesome awesome and here’s home right over here my cozy little log cabin in the making got a lot of zombies lot of zombies well oh my gosh it’s a wizard no no no get out of here no you

Monster I’ll beat you with my pants beat you with my pants get out of here get out of here get out of here get out of here get out of here oh God my fireplace saved me oh my gosh this thing is a tank I built a beautiful Log Cabin it just

Attracted so many baddies I don’t know what to do I’m going to start building some glass nice got that glass cooking okay so glass will be cooking which is really good which is really good and with this ooh some Oak slabs put it around here like so I’m

Going to replace my little balcony with some of the spruce planks so we can just have a darker contrast I’m going to try to follow some of their techniques also on making furniture and we’ll just place our nice little balcony here how’s that looking so far not too

Bad I like it I like it a lot better than what I had for sure this is this is looking lot a lot nicer and cleaner wa look at Skyland Road oh my goodness look at this the trees just took over this pathway my that’s pretty cool wow it have been

Blocked it completely with wood Skyland road is under construction you can’t even pass into the trail right now it’s just it’s so hidden in there whoa the trees just took over was that too many trees you think did I over do it with the trees it’s

Very hidden though right I mean it makes it more like whoa you know what’s over here and you got to like go through the trees to get to it I kind of like that anyways one thing at a time dud one thing at a time Spruce trapo yeah I want

To make some of these so get some of these Spruce trap doors and then put them maybe not there oh do have to like shift click okay and then from here we’re going to have like a little lantern that sticks out like so did I make too many iron nuggets are these

Iron nuggets yeah okay well whatever oh that’s perfect eight lanterns I think that’s okay we’re going to need some good amount of lanterns I think around this property anyways so I want to put one Lantern here kind of hanging like so and then I think up here would be a pretty

Good spot for a lantern as well coming up over here placing one there this model house I’m looking at though has actually a lantern hanging from a fence like that kind of giving it a little bit more of a lengthy lanter Lantern there it’s not too bad okay

We’ll put a few more lanterns on each side of the house give it some of these light posts here let me go Ahad and get my glass and see if this is all all done the back side of the house doesn’t look too great does it glass always makes things fancy

I said that a lot of times now but I just feel like that’s way too much that is definitely way too much glass how about this oh yes nice our window go build this out now just a little bit there we go yeah I think so I think

That’ll do just fine how about on this side though do we want like some sort of window here guess we don’t have to like make it too even we don’t have to make it too symmetrical yeah giving it a smaller window out or maybe even two windows

Give it bigger window I like the windows in the house anyways because if you’re having a a cabin in the mountains you want to have a you want to take advantage of the sunlight you want to take advantage of just that natural sunlight coming in and have a nice open

House you know I think that makes it really great cute oh my gosh it’s so cozy I love it I’m going to modify this chimney a little bit um I’m watching the tutorial of it and the person kind of built it not like all the way up like this but kind of just

Giving a little bit of the illusion that the chimney is climbing up this wall without it kind of sticking out all the way and then we can use this space I kind of like that yeah yeah this looks a lot better just kind of having a little

Bit of the chimney stick out but it still seems like it’s kind of smoke is rolling through and we could put like some shelves up here too that’d be kind of nice maybe we can have like a little storage place up here or something I know I’ll think about that

Maybe can like store some things up here even like chests have some step ladders to get up there cuz it’s quite tall up here but we can maybe put some plants up there too I don’t know if we can maybe put some steps outwards since we have have some

Space let me see if I can make this like pop out a little bit like that ooh yeah okay is this safe having this piece of wood here I don’t know yeah I think it needs to be up here like that there we go yeah that’s better the chimney is not doing its

Job the smoke is not being filtered out through this what is the fil the filteration of this this chimney here so now we got a nice little fire in there smoking out the house that’s okay we do want to put like another fire up on top

Is what I saw so that it does look like it gives the effect of the smoke coming out of the chimney and one of you guys left a comment saying to put like a hay Bay or a hay Barrel hay Bay a hay Barrel

Or a hay what do they call them the hay stacks to make it look like or to give it a little bit more smoke hey hey Bales hey Bales that’s what it is hey Bales how do you make make a hay bale oh is

This wheat oh we got a lot of that you were saying to put like a fireplace on top of a hay bale to give it more smoke let me see how that looks so a hay bale so you said get a hay bale and then a campfire up on

Top does it produce more smoke so I don’t really like this hay bale showing like that though but I do like the stone here what if I put the hay bale down here and oh this is going to break it isn’t it okay I think I’m good with

That yeah I’m down with that nice okay guys I think I’m a bit done almost with this little cabin here I do want to put some like little grass blocks here I think with some of these trap doors do we want to put these ones or different ones like

Plant some seeds here put some things there I think we could even do like the spruce trap doors people were saying that kind of looked pretty nice as well let’s see which one looks better and let me go ahead and grab some flowers too I got some Lily of the valleys I picked

These These are really pretty maybe some poppies also yeah this one kind of gives a nice little texture to it I like this checkered pattern on there okay let’s see some poppies do we like that I like that red that contrast you that pops like that we if put some SPO trap doors

Here and I just make like a pretty special flower like a little the valley here or something a nice little Lily just popped out get some of these little pink flowers peonies around here as well place them on the sides of the house here have a little bit of pink pop here

Oh guys does that look cute is that nice I’m happy I’m happy with my little cabin The Cabin in the Woods I got to make it more Woody though I I’m not going to lie I kind of caused a little deforestation here was chopping a lot of trees down for this project but

That’s nice oh also let me do one more thing let me clean up my Pathway to Lookout Mountain or sorry Pathway to my Skyland campsite up there and then also put a hay bale on that campfire I think that would be really cute so that we can

Just get a nice big smoke happening from that as well get more smoke going I need a really clean up my inventory first though let me do that it’s going to drive me nuts I just got so much stuff here okay inventory is clean let me get

One more ax cuz I think I’m going to be chopping a lot I got to Bush through this crazy tree line here up to Skyland road kind of give it a feel look at this these trees just overtook this spot this is so cool though yeah how you have to go through

These trees like this we want to make sure you can still see some good views though after you pop up but just kind of going through it and then boom you’re up into a beautiful spot oh that’s so nice this reminds me of my hike that I

Took also in bamp the one to Lake Agnes we were kind of going up the trail and we’re just surrounded by trees on both sides can’t really see much but just maybe like peeking out every so often you can kind of see you know just some views here and there between the trees

Just kind of peeking out how does that look kind of like going through just like peeking through you know a little bit as you’re hiking up this Trail and then once you get up here it’s just a beautiful view boom and then you’re on top you just hit the

Summit oh that’s nice oh look you can see the smoke from the cabin oh that’s so cute all right so this little campfire right here what I think I’m going to do is place a smoke fa right down under how does that look does that produce a bigger smoke

Now I think so I think that’s producing a lot bigger smoke oh yeah that’s nice the Sun setting over there let me see how that looks now from Home the big old smoke line going up yeah this backside though definitely want to do something with this kind of make it look better oh

Yeah look at that you can definitely see the smoke a lot better now from here yeah that’s awesome so that’s where the campsite is this is the home I’m going to end the episode here though this is a good stopping point wow I can’t believe I just redid my whole

House that was a lot that took some work though for sure I hope you guys did enjoy I’m definitely excited though to try to build some stuff around the home just kind of make this more homey clean up the backside too I think that’s just going to be a whole project like

Creating some back spot for the house and then the farm and the the train station as well kind of make that just a little bit better but I’m excited to kind of revamp the area a little bit oh I just love seeing that smoke line up

There I hope you guys did enjoy the episode and thank you so much for watching much love love this has been deoki I’ll be seeing you guys later goodbye

This video, titled ‘Giving my home a make over – Minecraft CS Ep.10’, was uploaded by Daboki on 2023-11-11 00:32:30. It has garnered 1858 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:00 or 2400 seconds.

Crafting stories Episode 10 🙂

Thanks so much for watching~ Much love one love

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/thedaboki/ Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/daboki

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    Silver Fox Gaming: TikTok Live! Minecraft Morning Madness! Exploring the Bean Mart Join the excitement as our favorite gamer delves into the world of Minecraft in a recent TikTok Live stream. The focus of the session? The Bean Mart! Watch as the player orders, stocks, and plans, all while witnessing the growth of this virtual marketplace. The captivating gameplay and thrilling experiences have TikTok viewers glued to their screens, eagerly anticipating each move. Engaging Content The stream is not just about playing the game; it’s about creating an immersive experience for the audience. From ordering supplies to strategically stocking shelves, every moment is filled… Read More

  • Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins!

    Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins! Hypixel: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exciting journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with the popular server, Hypixel. Dive into thrilling game modes like Build Battle and Skywars, where creativity and strategy collide for an unforgettable gaming experience. Build Battle: Unleash Your Creativity Step into the Build Battle arena and let your imagination run wild. Compete against other players to create the most impressive build based on a given theme. From towering castles to whimsical creatures, the possibilities are endless. Show off your building skills and earn the admiration of your peers in this fast-paced and creative… Read More

  • Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown

    Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown Minecraft: MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE Are you ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft? In a recent video titled “Minecraft ama MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE,” the popular gamer Daghaninho takes on the mysterious Herobrine. Let’s dive into the action-packed adventure! The Encounter As the video unfolds, Daghaninho stumbles upon Herobrine while exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft. A tense exchange follows as the two characters come face to face. Herobrine, known for his enigmatic presence in the game, challenges Daghaninho to a game. A Risky Deal Herobrine proposes a dangerous game to Daghaninho, but our fearless… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Power Moves

    Mastering Minecraft Power Moves Minecraft: Herobrine’s Quest for Ultimate Power In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new adventure unfolds. Herobrine, a mysterious figure, is on a quest to gain ultimate power and rule over the Minecraft universe. This thrilling journey is captured in a short trailer that promises excitement, challenges, and the ultimate showdown. Herobrine’s Ambition Herobrine, with a menacing aura, sets his sights on achieving unparalleled power. His determination to conquer Minecraft and establish his dominance creates a sense of impending conflict. As players delve into this narrative, they are drawn into a world where danger… Read More

  • Oldroot’s Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle

    Oldroot's Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unfolds, Oldroot’s puzzle, with codes and clues untold. Researchers on Reddit, a journey they take, To solve the enigma, for the truth’s sake. A dark figure, a SoundCloud link in disguise, Leading to clues, hidden in the skies. Riddles and codes, a message to find, In every step, the truth intertwined. From Kuzgun’s whispers to a Tumblr blog, Each link revealing, like a dense fog. A steve’s image, a new dark sight, Guiding researchers, through the night. Morse code signatures, a message to decode, Each step taken, on the hidden road. A… Read More

  • Bee Relocation Prank – Minecraft Ep. 57

    Bee Relocation Prank - Minecraft Ep. 57 Exploring the World of Minecraft in Episode 57: Bee Relocation 🐝 In the vast and endless world of Minecraft, our journey begins in a beautiful survival mode setting. Let’s dive into the adventures that await us in this exciting episode. Discover New Worlds and Tips Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, there’s always something new to learn in Minecraft. From valuable tips to clever tricks, each episode offers a chance to expand your knowledge and skills. Engage with a Thriving Community Join the vibrant community of Minecraft fans and exchange ideas, strategies, and stories in the comments… Read More

  • Speedrun Your Way with Top 5 Minecraft Bedrock Seeds 1.21

    Speedrun Your Way with Top 5 Minecraft Bedrock Seeds 1.21 Exploring the Top 5 Speedrunning Seeds in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Embark on an exciting journey through the top 5 best speedrunning seeds for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21. These seeds are designed to make your speedrunning experience a breeze, offering a range of features including blacksmiths, bastions, and more. Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with these exceptional speedrunning seeds! Seed 5: 5493909195400639913 Starting off our list is Seed 5, a promising seed that will set you on the right path for a successful speedrun. Explore the vast landscapes and uncover hidden treasures as you race against the… Read More

  • Cybercane’s Server

    Cybercane's ServerJoin our Minecraft server and get ready for an adventure! The server is a place where you can build, explore, and survive in the vast and amazing world. We have a special twist, we’ve taken extra steps to make sure that your creations are safe from unwanted destruction, so you can focus on building your dream builds.  Plugins:  Essentials, GriefPrevention Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Death by Enderman: Minecraft Mob Madness

    It’s like they’re all really desperate for your password or something! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s New Ride!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's New Ride! In the world of Minecraft, a car has arrived, Crafted with care, it’s a thrilling drive. A jeep in the game, a new sight to see, Modeled with love, for you and for me. The process was long, with modeling and texture, But the end result is a true treasure. With wood for the body, iron for the tires, Leather for grip, the design inspires. In Word Felt, the car takes its place, Ready to drive, with style and grace. Click to start, and off it goes, A new addition, to delight all those. So if you enjoy this… Read More

  • Minecraft Efficiency: Hotter than a Nether portal!

    Minecraft Efficiency: Hotter than a Nether portal! “When you spend hours building a complex redstone contraption to automate your farm, only to realize you could have just used a water bucket and some hoppers. Efficiency level: -100” 😂 #minecraftstruggles #redstoneprobs #overcomplicatingthings Read More

  • Crafting a Coffee Machine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Coffee Machine in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas Minecraft Witchcraft Mod by 𝓜Ꮛ For those looking to add a touch of magic to their Minecraft world, the “InWitched” mod created by 𝓜Ꮛ is a must-have. This mod introduces witchcraft elements, allowing players to delve into a world of spells and enchantments. Download the mod today on Planet Minecraft to start your magical adventure! Building Inspiration from Online Creations Many Minecraft players find inspiration for their builds from online shared creations. Whether it’s a stunning castle, a cozy cottage, or a futuristic city, the possibilities are endless. If you come across a build that… Read More

  • Dronio – My PETS in Minecraft are turning into DRONES! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio - My PETS in Minecraft are turning into DRONES! 😱 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской моих питомцев становится больше Итак я заспавнился и теперь с каждым вашим лайкам и подписка и у меня будет появляться Рандомный питомец Подождите и Да кто-то уже подписался и у меня появилось три курочки ладно А наша главная цель – это найти один Алмаз моих питомцев становится больше Это означает что вы ставите лайки или подписываетесь и Ура я нашёл деревню и что вы заспавнил иссушителя Ладно бежим скорее в деревню э К сожалению в этой деревне нету кузницы И вы просто посмотрите свинка побежала убивать голема Ладно бежим искать ещё… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mansion Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mansion Showdown!Video Information H Mikey are you ready to take the test what kind of tests what are you talking about now we now have two tanks at home we will try to withstand different tests in them you will live in the earn and I will live in the diamond it’s not for nothing that we’ve been building all this for so long but if you look carefully in the other direction there is a special machine with a button oh what is this machine doing you won’t believe it as soon as I click on it it will point… Read More

  • Surviving Dragon Apocalypse in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving Dragon Apocalypse in Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information sean todos Bienvenidos a un nuevo video en esta ocasión sobreviviremos 100 días en un Eh Eh Eh Ah Espera que se me crasa Minecraft Ah qué caray ya van varias veces y es por la ram espera pero si es el navegador que la USA toda Ah ojalá existiera alguno Que use muy poca RAM y que no sea tan aburrido como el otro mm un momento pero sí lo hay es ópera GX este navegador tiene de todo puedes tener tus redes sociales a la vista mientras mandas un mensaje puedes estar viendo un video en… Read More

  • Building the Tallest Minecraft Tower EVER! 😱 #shorts

    Building the Tallest Minecraft Tower EVER! 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] girl This video, titled ‘TALLEST BUILDING IN THE MINECRAFT । 4.8 KM HIGHEST AT PEAK । #shorts #minecraft #gaming #gameplay’, was uploaded by Gaur Gaming on 2024-02-04 03:30:21. It has garnered 6079 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. subscribe for more ❤️ Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars with AnshuG YT!

    Insane Minecraft Bedwars with AnshuG YT!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft Bedwars With Anshu g Yt || Nether Games || TG Gaming YT’, was uploaded by TG Gaming on 2024-03-07 08:57:00. It has garnered 46 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:01 or 781 seconds. Editing App – Capcut Song Name – Wii Shop Cannel Server Name – Nether Games Server IP – Play.NetherGamez.Org Keywords :- minecraft bedwars minecraft bedwars asmr,l minecraft… Read More

  • “Demise – Unbelievable hack exposes player!” #shizo

    "Demise - Unbelievable hack exposes player!" #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘He just got hit through blocks.. #shorts’, was uploaded by Demise on 2024-02-18 08:09:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #bedwars #minecraft #bridge #clean #trending #juke … Read More

  • SASUKE MONARCH Minecraft Live Hindi SMP – Join Now!

    SASUKE MONARCH Minecraft Live Hindi SMP - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Minecraft Live Hindi public smp live java + pe || free to join || Sasuke Monarch’, was uploaded by Sasuke Monarch on 2024-01-13 02:20:28. It has garnered 17 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:40 or 4240 seconds. THANKS FOR WATCHING……. ignore tags 🙂 24/7 stream 24/7 minecraft smp minecraft 24/7 stream minecraft live thumbnail minecraft live wallpaper minecraft live insaan minecraft live stream minecraft live apk minecraft live insaan skin minecraft live wallpaper 4k minecraft live player count minecraft live action movie minecraft live account minecraft live atlas… Read More

  • EPIC Showdown in Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO Titanic House Build!

    EPIC Showdown in Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO Titanic House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: TITANIC HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Milo and Chip on 2024-05-29 18:00:23. It has garnered 504285 views and 4350 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:22 or 3742 seconds. A Huge ICEBERG is coming and now Milo and Chip need to build Noob vs Pro Titanic Houses to survive! But what happens when the Iceberg hits? #minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip Read More

  • MAIZEN FACES REVENGE! JJ vs. DARK JJ – EPIC Minecraft Battle! 😱💥

    MAIZEN FACES REVENGE! JJ vs. DARK JJ - EPIC Minecraft Battle! 😱💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Maizen : Revenge of DARK JJ – Minecraft Parody Animation Mikey and JJ 😱💥#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by BLOX GAMERZ on 2024-01-11 08:01:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Maizen : Revenge of DARK JJ – Minecraft Parody Animation Mikey and JJ #shorts #minecraft minecraft animation, kamui … Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+Bedrock

    Server IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! If you’re looking for a new SMP survival server with a friendly community and classic gameplay, check out Shaded! Shaded offers: NEW! Lobster Pots. Purchase from Aaron the Angler at /pond and sell your catch back to him Land claiming, grief prevention, custom gear, skills, economy, shops, and more Free ranks, kits, perks, quests, events, and challenges Join Shaded today for a cross-platform experience with Java and Bedrock players. Explore our regularly updated server with a dedicated staff team. IP Address: play.shaded.gg Visit our website, discord, and social media: Discord: Shaded Discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Served Plain

    Why settle for Vanilla Minecraft when you can have Sprinkles Modded Minecraft? Read More

  • “Sigma boys setting the Nether on fire 🔥” #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    "Sigma boys setting the Nether on fire 🔥" #minecraft #minecraftmemes “Why do Sigma boys always carry a compass in Minecraft? Because they can never find their way out of the friendzone!” Read More

  • Unveiling the Chaos: Minecraft Randomness #1

    Unveiling the Chaos: Minecraft Randomness #1 Welcome to a New Minecraft Adventure! Embark on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft in this new series! Get ready to explore, build, and survive in a land filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Creativity With Minecraft, the only limit is your imagination. Build towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or cozy cabins in the woods. The choice is yours! Survive and Thrive From battling hostile mobs to gathering resources, survival is key in Minecraft. Craft tools, weapons, and armor to protect yourself and conquer the challenges that come your way. Discover Hidden Treasures Explore vast caves,… Read More

  • Legendary Minecraft Rap Song!

    Legendary Minecraft Rap Song! Minecraft Efsanesi: An Epic Minecraft Rap Song! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎮🎤 Introducing our new song “Minecraft Efsanesi”! In this fun rap track, we delve into the depths of the Minecraft world, sharing our adventures with you. Join us as we mine blocks, battle creatures, and construct our own world! Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and like the video! Share your own Minecraft stories and favorite moments in the comments. Happy gaming to everyone! Kolağası Minecraft Channel Minecraft Efsanesi Song Lyrics: Verse 1: Kazma elimde, maden peşinde, Blokları kırarım, diamond’ı bulurum derinde. Gece çöker, creeper peşinde, Fener ışığında,… Read More

  • Drone Learns English in Minecraft?! Click for Free Lesson!

    Drone Learns English in Minecraft?! Click for Free Lesson!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-15 00:15:00. It has garnered 505 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:04 or 4 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com https://dronio24.com Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some… Read More

  • Surviving the Ultimate Minecraft Nightmare

    Surviving the Ultimate Minecraft NightmareVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed…’, was uploaded by AssaultXD on 2024-02-26 12:40:55. It has garnered 3998 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. I Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed… In this video :- I will show you some Most Scary Seeds of Minecraft and checking If they are Real or Fake. So, Watch this video till end to know the Truth and If you loved this video then please Like this video and Subscribe to the Channel. Business Enquiries email me at : [email protected] Follow me on… Read More

  • “Craft Galaxy Accessories in Minecraft – INSANE TIPS! 😂” #shorts #trending

    "Craft Galaxy Accessories in Minecraft - INSANE TIPS! 😂" #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make accessories in Minecraft? 😂#shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Galaxy space on 2024-03-18 12:23:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to make accessories in Minecraft? #trending #shots  I trolled a Minecraft villager with @DaquavisMC in the new 1.20 … Read More

  • ULTIMATE WATER BUCKET MLG STUNT #shorts #minecraft #trending

    ULTIMATE WATER BUCKET MLG STUNT #shorts #minecraft #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amplified Water Bucket MLG #shorts #minecraft #jump #stunt #foryou #trending #physics #mod’, was uploaded by MINERINO on 2024-01-14 13:00:14. It has garnered 5558 views and 113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #shorts #minecraftvideos #minecraftshorts #dream #waterbucketmlg #jump #amplified Music: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by Kevin MacLeod Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/4071-monkeys-spinning-monkeys Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock World File Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock World File TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Find Minecraft Bedrock World Files – Full Guide’, was uploaded by GuideRealm on 2024-01-13 04:00:10. It has garnered 3244 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Learn how to find minecraft bedrock world files in this video. For more videos like this then please leave a like. Host your own Minecraft server with tons of features such as 24-hour hosting, modded servers and instant setup with Apex Minecraft Hosting! https://apexhost.gg/GuideRealm GuideRealm is the home of technology-based how-to’s, guides & tips Equipment & tools I use (affiliate… Read More

  • INSANE LUCK! Jerome LIVE Pixelmon Bingo

    INSANE LUCK! Jerome LIVE Pixelmon BingoVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW WAS SHE THAT LUCKY! Pixelmon Bingo In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jerome LIVE on 2024-06-12 22:00:39. It has garnered 1692 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:24 or 4404 seconds. Someone Check Dropsy’s Computer For Hacks! Buy My Shirts: http://jeromeasf.store/ Follow Luminosity: https://twitter.com/Luminosity ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF Check out my Snapchat: JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Friends… Read More

  • INSANE!! iGAUTAM Survives 200+ Days in Cataclysm Mod!

    INSANE!! iGAUTAM Survives 200+ Days in Cataclysm Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘200 + days in cataclysm mod Minecraft 1.20.1’, was uploaded by iGAUTAM on 2024-03-16 21:25:36. It has garnered 34 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:25 or 2125 seconds. Playing minecraft with viewers live in hindi Played on PC with the highest settings in 1440p THANKS FOR WATCHING Discord Link- https://discord.gg/Y53dQj3 Cataclysm mod minecraft live minecraft live 2024 how to vote in minecraft live 2021 when is the next minecraft live minecraft live 2022 mob vote minecraft live 2023 minecraft live player count minecraft live wallpaper minecraft live action movie minecraft… Read More

  • Battle of Villagers vs Pillagers | EPIC Showdown! 🤯

    Battle of Villagers vs Pillagers | EPIC Showdown! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGER ARMY VS PILLAGER ARMY || Minecraft Mob Battle ||’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-04-07 10:39:00. It has garnered 589 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. VILLAGER ARMY VS PILLAGER ARMY || Minecraft Mob Battle || #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • “Gaming Obsession: Epic Minecraft Meme!” #viral

    "Gaming Obsession: Epic Minecraft Meme!" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler meme minecraft version 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by I Want Gaming on 2024-06-14 07:49:11. It has garnered 48219 views and 1905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler meme minecraft version 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #viral – #MinecraftShorts – #MinecraftVideos – #GamingContent – #MinecraftGaming – #GamerLife – #MinecraftAdventures – #BlockyFun – #MinecraftMoments – #GamingHighlights – #MinecraftShortFilm – #MinecraftAnimation – #GamingCommunity – #MinecraftCreations – #MinecraftBuilds – #MinecraftSurvival – #MinecraftPvP – #MinecraftExploration – #MinecraftBuilds for building and architecture… Read More

  • Applbees

    ApplbeesApplbees is a 1.20.1 Java Edition server. It is compatible with VoiceChat, you can get married, claim your land, make friends, and have fun! We always have an event going on, so feel free to join our discord to stay posted on updates! Read More