EPIC Minecraft Jurassic World Adventure!

Video Information

It’s time for a Jurassic World Experience so be sure to like the video subscribing is great as well as life finds a way but first let’s take a look at the skins and stuff that you get with Jurassic World Adventures so you get five skins that are uh are not loading uh Alan

Grant Ellie Sadler Owen Grady Kayla Watts Claire Dearing which I’m assuming you’re going to be able to see these skins uh in in the game right here sorry Minecraft is just uh it it it doesn’t yeah the game just doesn’t work very well ever so there’s Owen Grady

There is Ellie Sadler so these are what the Skins would look like alen Grant Claire and Kayla so those are the characters you’d be able to play as okay so info brought to you by Universal Ulin Cyclone Studios Xbox game studios oh they’re even putting that into Minecraft

Now music set to ad audio set to 100 yeah okay that’s funny they even have the Xbox game load go here but they couldn’t even put it in front of their own other games and device graphic settings hi that’s what I’m talking about hey these pictures from like the

Movie in this that’s kind of cool yeah that’s the uh artwork for Fallen Kingdom surprised they were actually allowed to like put that in here well I mean they do have branding with universal but uh no entry anyways I uh oh there’s a collections room cool

Cool I guess we should uh we should start choose who you want to play as I will choose the great old Explorer Dr Allan Grant I I chose Allan Allan Brought to you by Universal amblin entertainment looks like we got ourselves a bit of a town oh we’ve actually got like a backpack and everything that’s cool and a compass telling us where to go interesting I was about to give up oh he talks too the name’s Nick glad you made

It thanks for volunteering by the way there’s not many as well qualified or have lived to tell the tale uh anyway we need all the help we can get to save the dinos you’re going to fly out to the dolomites that’s where they’ll need you most there’s a plane leaving soon you

Need to catch But first you need to go to the black market head to the west end of town you’ll need a password um uh what was it oh well I’m sure you can figure it out when you get in look for Kai she’s got something you’ll need good luck and

Thanks again they’ll really need you out there find the black market entrance very well let’s go do it I love how he jumps and he’s got his like little backpack it’s kind of funny and cute isn’t it okay I’m actually excited for this adventure now I wasn’t sure what to

Expect but we seemingly have a full 2 days earlier okay [Laughter] I love that all the screaming screaming Raptors run riot in Malta you know we’ve evolved in Minecraft when we have full cinematics Andy this is one of the first times the cinematics actually like are done properly and there’s not like awkward

Black bars all over the screen that’s fantastic what are you looking at huh ah first time you’d better be careful in there what’s the password uh lucky guess I guess I’ve got to let you in now honestly I had no idea I just kind of went with it dinos are the new rhinos

Okay whatever that means there’s a dinosaur in the cage ah there you are you made it I did wonder if you would I’m Kai I’ve got something special for you we got this PDA from a bioin employee don’t ask me how we got it but it’s going to be vital

To your survival there you go right now all you can use uses the scanner let’s make sure it’s working try scanning some of the dinos here to calibrate it select the bioc scanner app then aim it at AO hold down the button to start the scan these Minecraft games really do

Feel like their own whole games within a game now calibrate your scanner using the marked dinos do I have a how do I have the scan where where’s the scanner doesn’t really tell me how to use the scanner oh okay it’s its own little thing oh oo I have like a self oh

Oh interesting that is actually legitimately interesting is there like another d know I missed oh there’s one over here Target already scanned oh this is really cool great it’s working okay you better get going that door leads to the outskirts of town get a ride to to the

Air strip good luck and hurry you don’t want to miss the last flight out tonight do I get to ride like a Jeep from Jurassic world I was always more into the Jurassic Parks how do I drive this oh you just like interact with it okay I don’t actually get to drive the

Car all right I know they said it’s music content creator safe but I’m also like worried about playing the audio but I feel like the audio probably adds a lot to the adventure let’s let’s let’s take a quick look and and see what this sounds like I I don’t hear anything

I hear nothing at all now there’s something playing Adventure awaits for Dr Alan Grant Italy in the Dolomite mountains Beauty and the beasts I go nowhere without my cellular phone I’m very excited for this adventure to begin I don’t know why we had to go randomly meet someone to do this but okay

I will explore through the cave warning yeah yeah Rock slides they huh what are the odds there’s dinosaurs out here are you friendly dinosaurs can I scam them okay I can’t seem to scan that perspective cannot be changeable in the camera okay am I supposed to go that way I

Think I skipped something I was supposed to do I mean could you go both ways I I don’t really cuz it says my maybe I am supposed to follow the road here cuz it kind of looks like I should be going to that other area but then it’s like head over

Here unless I miss something like right off the bat well I can’t go back that way cuz the rock is okay slightly confused well we’re just going to go to where it’s the installation thing cuz my directional post is telling me my guide arrow is telling me to go back to the beginning

But the rock slide already cut that out so I can’t since sometimes you have to ignore the directions that the game gives You oh look at the giant uh dinos oh well that’s cool it’s like there is there any sounded this oh Dr Jones I’ve access to each Outpost communication system so I’ll be right here to guide you now get to the controls and ra bad boy to the clouds interact to The Outpost controls

To activate the tower raise the upper deck what no I want to raise the upper deck there we go ah okay on more PDA apps should have been unlocked you should be able to access the map the dino data bank and the task list oh okay area scan system should be

Online now fire that baby up at the controls and let’s see what’s out there you can view the results of the outposts area scan through the tasks app all right let’s let’s see what the scan gives us hopefully it gives us your likes on the stream and subscribing is great as

Well I thought bioin was like the bad guys nice work now you’ve got your first set of tasks to do bet you thought this would be easy huh while you’re out there be sure to scano to add them to the dino data bank then you can access detailed

Information about each species that may help you in your task these outposts are well supplied with Necessities but I’ve heard rumors that the poacher camps can have some pretty useful stuff too now get out there and do good things I’ll contact you when I can and hey stay

Safe so it’s like a free roow kind of thing okay I think there’s a weapon here I’m I’m pretty sure isn’t that like a weapon I kind of oh there we go oh yeah we got like a taser kind of stun gun or not stun gun but stun baton

All right let’s go and uh go to where we’re supposed to go which I’m not really actually sure okay so I have to map so my target is that green thing I think right which is across this broken bridge okay so we can’t get to the broken bridge which means we’ll have to

Go somewhere else great that’s what I love some busy work really this car can’t go up one block H this is pretty well detailed can I accept like all the quests or do I have to like do one at a time I think I just got attacked by a

Dinosaur oh I’m get attacked by like oh I got killed by a poacher with a baton and now I’m all the way back at the beginning they didn’t give me like a checkpoint holy okay that’s a bit weird all right why am I all the way back

Here that’s so strange like it’s it’s far far away and I lost all my items too all of them oh all right this is a little little brutal to uh to do that just a little bit why why did it take away all my gear now it’s night time too

Unbelievable all right well let’s run back to where I was yeah the the poachers they they killed me and ended my life look at them they’re aggressive that one’s got like a tactical bow can I Tran the uh these guys do I have oh I got the stun

Baton oh one hit with the stun baton takes him down okay down you go is this some really aggressive looking poachers very PR very well done they’re kind of terrifying okay so I got the bow the stun baton tranquilizer darts rations Tran shooter flare stun baton 2 standard Arrow

Okay so can I go inside here no I can’t okay I guess I shouldn’t have gone out of the vehicle I didn’t think I was going to get attacked by poacher damage okay well we should take a look at the map so I have to go and like drive all

The way around can I just like swim across like would it be there’s stealth oh interesting this is a great bow this game has stealth to it this is really kind of impressive and you can kill people rescue the Dinos from the cages why am I crouched I’m like really zoomed in

Weirdly okay there we go you are safe dinosaurs you’re welcome can I scan you can you come back so I can scan you I should be I I saved I saved these dinosaurs okay this is definitely not what I was expecting it’s kind of intriguing all right so now we have to

Do another task poacher camp which is like way further away okay we got to to go for a while too bad you can’t just accept the C like the various trial tasks and just like go out and do them on your own thing you know what I mean you can prioritize what’s

Closer so is this more like an open world kind of thing where it’s not really like structured for what you’re doing you’re just kind of going about adventuring oh look at those another dinosaur collected so when are we going to get to the point where it’s like we got Metal Gear in

Here considering we have the the alert sounds we’re like what the batons look really good I guess when I died I should have slept so that it’s like daytime I don’t like doing this all at night H is this the camp this is the camp let’s get it

Done is that a bear no bear come back I need to scan you for my scanner thing or do you not count because you’re a bear and not a dinosaur I’m sorry bear apparently you are worthless I only need dinosaurs yeah it’s got like stealth in

This I didn’t realize Dr Allen Grant was such a uh you know an action hero never kind of you know hit me as as being such an action hero in the series but then again I did play the the old Jurassic collection recently he’s uh bit of an

Action hero in that one that’s for sure so did I finish the quest okay now I have to heal a dino but no I want to now I got to run all the way over over there okay my little Adventure bag let’s roll head towards the marked

Area so what is like the point of what I’m doing it’s just kind of like a sort of open World Jurassic Adventure kind of thing scan the dinosaurs I thought this is going to be a little bit more narrative driven considering the uh opening segment but cool

Scan for an injured Dino within the marked territory okay how do I heal you do I have like a healing thing a medkit I think I just use the medkit on myself and not the dinosaur maybe my goal is just to like literally scan these things I thought we were supposed to be

Friends I’m trying to help the ones of you that are injured you like die Dr Allan Grant is going to die from the dinosaurs yeah but I’m supposed to find another sick one hey they’re sick cuz you’re not doing anything where’s the other sick dinosaur these ones don’t look sick they

Look happy actually they look like they kind of want to hunt me for sport to some degree have a lot of Dino poo around here too like I am I in the vicinity still I don’t see any other sick dinos oh you got to be kidding me okay let me check the

Map maybe it’s more out this way scan for injur din within the marked area but there’s not really like a marked area it’s just kind of like a Loosely defined kind of set up put the bandages on the dino I don’t have any more bandages bandages bandage injuries on

The dinosaur with with what where do I get more bandages from all I have is this energy trick okay maybe the facility nearby has bandages I just don’t know how they expect me to do my job without the the right supplies please save these dinosaurs but like you know H

What okay okay so I’m looking for bandages they didn’t give me any can I get in here this this more for like show so they didn’t give me enough bandages to heal the dinosaurs so where are what am I doing then just kind of like wandering

Around look for more people to kill like I thought that the human Camp here would have some bandages Okay so we’ve got these creatures have I scanned you you think if I kill this thing that I’ll get like bandages enjoy the afterlife oh he’s he’s just he’s falling asleep you kill

People but you you knock out the Dinos wouldn’t want to injure any uh you know creatures like a little squirrel oh that is awesome that is so well done oh dinosaur you’re just you’re kind of dead cuz I don’t have I don’t have other bandages maybe if I run back to

That other Camp there’d be more bandages here I’m just like a little like you know where’s where’s the stuff I’m supposed to have you know Like am I supposed to run all the way back to base and that’s where I find stuff or I don’t really give you a direction or Tools in this huh I guess the adventure is the Meandering don’t worry we’ll figure this out guys I will find the bandages and save that dinosaur

They really don’t give you any more bandages that’s so weird okay I’ll scan you Chompies I don’t think I have these do I it’s a thankless job apparently where you have to eat so they have a quest where you have to bandage a dinosaur they don’t tell you where to get any bandages

From what if I tranquilize the hurt dinosaur will that do anything this is the dumbest quest Quest design I’ve ever seen so it’s like yeah go do this and it doesn’t give you the stuff to do it how did I even get the bandages in the first place

Okay oh that looks like a mean dinosaur okay I probably haven’t scaned that thing maybe if I let it kill me I can like respawn and then like have more bandage is right by carot tortois oh yeah that’s rough at least you can try it again wow you think they’d spawn you

Closer to the actual base the carot torus H definitely a cool looking creature so do I get any bonuses for scanning all these things or like does it even matter actually we could check out the dino dat bank I have eight out of 23 I’m doing not so bad okay

Let’s go up the elevator and see where this is I need bandages I’m trying to save a dinosaur’s life out here here we go now I have four bandages unbelievable okay now I need some baton I need to beat some dinosaurs and poachers down give me the Baton why is that so

Buggy all right whatever I have what I need let’s go save that dinosaur although I do feel as though I should go and like collect those items cuz that baton would have been helpful for killing anything that gets in my way I don’t really want to run into the carniv asaurus

Again yeah there it is I wonder if I could grab what I need and then like Run Away really quickly or if this thing’s going to be like a pain I guess if I get eaten I do have bandages this guy standing over all my stuff after he just

Killed me it’s just overly confident evil none yeah great for that to show up during a kid’s F Focus Minecraft experience the evil n none I’m glad I’m glad it’s downloaded yeah I’ve never seen the stealth mechanics in Minecraft though so that’s new I always love checking out these

Different maps and kind of seeing how it evolves over time that is intriguing literally could do like metal gear with that you’re welcome good good work all right you’ve got this oh what is that thing do I have that SC I do sorry okay so I completed my tasks now

What do I do tasks done great um what now I have to go back to base I think I think I have to go back to base h kind of thought this would be a little bit more focused then again with these Minecraft maps I never really know what to expect h

Okay so now I have nothing to do or is is that it are there are there any more quests that can’t literally be like everything is it am I supposed to like Explore More guess I could sleep the night and see what’s going on here oh so that’s how you set your spawn

Point genius okay so there’s got to be something else right like that can’t be it maybe I’m supposed to like go to another Outpost or something I want to see the marketplace but I want to see the oh the marketplace is so unintuitive okay my content Jurassic World Adventures step into the

Shoes no I don’t want to buy more Playa five learn protect dinosaurs discover familiar locations in vast new regions uhhuh hm H maybe I I have to perhaps I have to go explore let’s let’s drive a little bit and see if we maybe there’s like another research pillar or something we have to

Come across CU yeah they don’t really make it clear what exactly you’re doing I mean the Jeeps and whatnot are kind of cute okay this looks like an abandoned facility jeez I don’t know if I have crossbow shots tranquilizer arrows I don’t supposed to have something to actually shoot these arrows

With okay that’s a bit of a problem so am I supposed to get in there is it just kind of like a free roaming open World adventure kind of thing oh no I can’t Sprint anymore oh come on inter maybe don’t do it that way again thanks voice thing

Making fun of me because I’ve died don’t forget to like the video and subscribing and the Minecraft world is great as well H I’m very very confused cuz it’s like I guess usually I’m just not used to them being so open-ended these kind of story things yeah this is weird

H well we’ll look around a bit and see if there’s anything else to do in this like the camp area there looks cool but I don’t think I can jump into it oh the dinosaurs are fighting the poachers okay I need a baton so I can start beating

Things did just shoot at me with a crossbow down choppy remember poachers die dinosaurs just get knocked out I like the dinosaur cuts across the screen that’s kind of cool CU I’m like literally almost dead at least we got a medkit oh there’s motorbikes that’s cool why are the motorbikes always damag in

This hm my motorbike is stuck how did oh there we go I was like how is this possible okay so there’s those things kind of looks like a lot of this is like just stage dressing is there like not actually like it’s at an edge of the world kind of thing

Or it looks like there’s another Camp kind of thing over there you can’t really like control the map at all oh there we go you can back out like it looks like there’s a whole other structuring place over there but no way to actually get to it there some

Poachers yeah it looks like it’s all closed off there this is really weird cuz it’s like it it looks like there’s maybe more to do but it doesn’t really actually tell you anything at all H but maybe the idea is you just like kind of wander and then that’s

It I’ve already scanned this target okay scan you later it can climb as well as I can maybe strangely even better which is not good what am I stuck on can I tranquilize this thing kind of don’t even want to try cuz I feel like it’s going to kill

Me for an old guy Dr all Grant sure moves pretty quickly so can I like get in past this wall or what H I’m so genuinely confused by like what you’re doing in this it’s like it gave you a few quests and then it just stopped giving you new

Quests I don’t even have like a goal indicator on my compass mini map or anything there’s a Town warning and I’m going to take a look at my map my goal is done okay I’m going to going to take a look at this town and see if there’s anything here

Like they designed a lot of interesting areas it’s just like am I supposed to do anything in them cuz it looks like they’re just more like set dress places as opposed to like having a goal to them if anything it’d be good to actually turn this into like a bit of a Hunker

Games that would that would fit well with this so cuz it’s not like it’s you’re doing survival or anything right all right so there’s nothing here at the this town there’s some poachers maybe it’s just supposed to be one of those open-ended things that kids

Just like play around in you know what I mean like where it’s not really like focused and it’s just sort of like these are the things you can do and then you’re sort of afraid to do whatever cuz it’ be cool if you like go into some of the buildings or

Something all let’s grab that car and see if we can get through that gate I guess I’m like dying I’ve got zero health and a canned drink okay can I take the helicopter what there’s destinations so there there are other places you can go but I just it just doesn’t tell me

What where to go and what to do oh is it cuz I didn’t unlock them or something like that oh come on better luck next time I suppose all right time to get back on the metaphorical horse uhuh so so what am I what am I doing in this I I literally don’t

Understand may I I got a this is really weird okay so my content and then Jurassic world and look at their website too step into a world we coexist with Dinosaurs your job is to study study dinosaurs it doesn’t really tell you what you’re doing

Though like is is my goal just to scan every single dinosaur or so I I did all my tasks I don’t have any tools left either this is really weird all right I’m going to give like a little bit of a drive and then I we

Might just call it on this to some degree because I’m just like I’m not not really sure what what our objective is like it looks like the helicopter allows you to fly away it look there’s somebody else in another vehicle now I don’t have any weapons or

Tools it’s a lot of poachers out here this kind of seems like one of those Meandering open World Games ooh ATV yes ATV off-road Fury there’s another facility oh here we go this is out Outpost to okay but it doesn’t tell you doesn’t tell you where this is or

Anything how are you supposed to know to go here all right let’s let’s open her up and see what she gives me raise the Outpost activate the Scan these cut scenes are rad quick travel unlocks left all right talk to you soon so is that the goal is you just kind of like what is this it’s an egg thing do I have new quests then to Camp okay so now I have four more quests huh this is very

Strange I wish Minecraft was a little better for inventory management you know Auto Inventory management I suppose you would say sure does feel like everything is trying to kill me huh so I wonder if I just ignore these quests and I just go to the next

Area is does that just like could I just like skip everything that you do in this or oh nice work can’t complain about that all right so I need to get the samples but how would you know where to go if that makes sense like for someone that’s like younger that was playing

This how would you know to go to that other Outpost it’s kind of like wandered around for like 20 minutes I was like what is going on in this all let’s see what we come across at least the map is like really large look at the size of this thing

How am I supposed to get to the top of this mountain is there like a a truck that like gets me there or something oh I can’t drive that okay yeah I sort of wish this had more of a story structuring to it h yeah you get in here and there’s not

Really any way out of here huh they definitely created an interesting World they just didn’t really use it at all so how do I get to the top there was I supposed to can I fast travel back home no no okay is I just supposed to wander oh my

God be nice if I could like move the map around though h maybe I can drive this car nope you can’t drive the car so I have to walk H what fun game design ow why is my screen zoomed in really intensely is that to make the combat feel more action-packed

I love how aggressive looking the characters are though don’t SWAT the ATV well a drive the ATV which apparently gets stuck on on literally every object H okay running down the poachers for the amount you get stuck on this ATV it’s almost like faster to walk around okay there’s samples I was

Supposed to get or the bears attacking me too now is this where the samples are I don’t think this is it like a poacher camp locate and retrieve three Petron and eggs from up on the mountain all righty let’s see if we can get these eggs

Good my parkour skills are at a Max today he and I feel like I missed an egg somewhere cuz you don’t seem to be able to go up any higher I don’t think La a h Through Blood yep definitely pick the weird games to have downloading in the backdrop today that’s

For sure they’re all Minecraft friendly okay so we got does it go higher or did I miss like a set of eggs I’m a bit uh perplexed by the level design of this game okay so there’s one maybe oh there’s one over here okay cuz usually it should feel like

Intuitive to do that stuff place the eggs at Outpost too can I like Fast traveled outpos too or do I literally have to like walk all the way there head towards the area oh so you can switch the quests while you’re doing them that’s way over there okay so

That’s in the middle of nowhere subdue Dino where is that at all the way in the middle of nowhere okay so we need to do uh retrieve sound Les place the eggs in the incubator all right let’s do it let’s get back to base ow why is that killing me every time I

Jump down there I feel like that’s not enough of a height where it should be like crippling my legs but it doesn’t have to be with more of your likes on the stream subscribing is great as well yeah let’s hope this vehicle doesn’t get stuck on every single little thing

I can’t remember where is oh it’s over here right the giant weird tall survey thing is like a survey thing these towers H what are those dinos doing together little bit odd looking but who is Alan Grant to judge these dinosaurs in their natural environments clue is downloaded

Nice it’s been a long day got to get some more sleep what just happened there okay tasks Boer Camp all right let’s let’s finish these quests and see where this objective kind of takes me if there’s anything like deeper going on in this because I don’t really see the point in

Them building all of these like base areas but you don’t really do anything in them they’re just more for like decoration there like a bit of a waste of the play area almost H are they up higher defeat all the poachers okay so we came across these Poes earlier

They look so aggressive the poachers I love it like they look like they really don’t like you and they’re just trying to do their job they’re like I don’t come there and try to poach you out of your job I don’t know where the marked area is oh it’s right over here

Okay so I take it I do this Quest and then I’m like add a quest for this area again are these the dinosaurs I’m supposed to SED do subdue subdue cuz they’re uh they’re kind of kind of a little scary there it’s so a little scary tranquilize the car what

Sweet can I scan this thing now I think the target is in frame or can I not scan them because I’m he’s down Mark tranquilized Dino with flares what if I didn’t have a flare on me all right so I completed the objective now what

H oh that’s think still follow me no no okay it’s done good good good he so we completed all of the tasks for Outpost 2 oh you you still want a piece of me that’s um that’s not great I’m got to bring you over to this Camp of you know poachers

And you can deal with it but doesn’t really tell you where to go afterwards you know what I mean like I finished the the Tower of Power obviously and it’s not telling me where the direction for the next thing is like are you just supposed to WAND like the target audience for Minecraft

Is supposed to be like an all ages kind of thing right but it’s like how would the the younger ones know where to go when even I don’t know where to go how do I get through this door I know there’s something on the other side at least I think there

Is my map says there’s stuff over there H so is there like another satellite thing I’m supposed to find found eight out of the 23 dinosaurs but I don’t know where my next objective is get him dinosaur get him attack [Applause] him all right let’s let’s interact with

This helicopter and see if it could take us anywhere interesting oh I can go to the the Lockwood Manor Horn of Bread so I’ve collected nothing so this lets me change my character but it doesn’t really Italy and then I travel back to Italy I’m dying I’m dying in the helicopter it’s making the sound of death is she working with me now or I I don’t no she just stands there oh okay

So where do I I go and what do I do Ah uhuh oh where she where’s she going now is she going to open the gate let’s see if she opens the gate for me let’s let’s see if she opens this up are you going to open the door yes you’re going to open the no she’s not going to open the

Door oh this is a real this is my this is my friend I thought I thought this was an NPC oh my god oh I was just like what is this NPC doing is she going to open the door for me or something oh my I didn’t realize it was a real person

Cuz it doesn’t say any name tags above their head oh my that is so funny that is hilarious okay so here’s what we’ll do we will see if there’s anything else to this game and if there isn’t we’ll call it on this cuz there like there’s that area up to the

Left but you don’t it doesn’t tell you how to get there or anything or even if you can get there it doesn’t really tell you NE so what I had to do was go back to base to pick up my friend and that was the only way that is so funny I legitimately

Thought that that was like I I thought that was an MPC that was going to be like opening doors for me that’s so funny oh man that is hilariously embarrassing cuz usually it shows the name tags right when you come across someone and that’s actually a really good

Chule am I supposed to go up to that red post this doesn’t this like why would you design it like this like the target audience for this is going to be the younger audience and there honestly not going to have any idea what they’re doing in

This it’s like I can’t get into any of these places they’re all just like set up structures is that another one of the facilities over there let’s go see what this is I don’t know I’m I’m just like I’m very like I’m I’m kind of confused as to

Like what the goals are with this one like what the point of this map is okay a map I think maybe this is another one of those structures uh-oh the poachers are coming the poachers are here to kill me oh yeah okay so it’s another one of those structures h

Dr Allen Grant is going to drown oh he’s good he’s good my teammate has left the game that was kind of funny though oh good there’s an NPC that can direct me to stuff this is like you just kind of all right let’s let’s see what this says

Maybe this is more of like a direct Quest good good you made it to Outpost four Outpost all right so what what are my goals now Raptor mission all right we will do the Raptor Mission because that sounds awesome but yeah I don’t I don’t want to just sit here Meandering in this all night so this is

Outpost 4 so I I didn’t I missed an outpost where did I miss an outpost I’m sorry so so the idea is here that they have people just like wander around until you find like command posts like I guess it’s kind of cool that it’s open-ended but like at the same time I’m

Not really sure the focus of this one H right let’s do the Raptor Mission cuz that sounds sweet the gates are opened survive the Raptors until help arrives okay I don’t have another like weapon uh well it looks like life’s found a way haa is it weird that like franchises

That go on way too long you kind of get tired of their catchphrases do I have any more batons I need another baton yeah nothing like getting killed by the dinosaurs of the Starbucks that wasting it’d be nice if I had like a weapon for killing Raptors you know instead of just being

Hung out here to drive with the Raptors in the open I even think I have any arrows left do I don’t even teach you how to use any of the stuff in this game hm and I’m out of tranquilizing darts I use flares that just lets the Raptor see where I am

Better I don’t even know if this crossbow is actually shooting nothing on the bright side if I die the journey ends faster help has arrived collect the spat out key card from the D oh it’s over here by this giant purple beaming light okay to access the service tunnels oh okay

Interesting okay oh interesting I maybe this is opening right up here the service tunnels where are the service tunnels here this a service tunnel no where’s where are the service tunnels is is this a service tunnel I oh oh here we go does that mean we get to visit a new

Area oh my God oh my maybe this just got blown wide open do I have any like food or health left rations yeah but that doesn’t heal me does it ow my knees that’s not the service tunnel oh there’s stuff over here guess it basically kills me oh F that’s too

Bad oh let’s too bad now I got to walk all the way back I want to see if these service tunnel lead though is it strange that I have a great feeling that this adventure is just like going to actually open up and be intriguing in a sec here very very intriguing

Nothing like the two veloc three velocir two Velociraptors and I’ve hanging over my corpse lovely all right please let me see these service tunnels at least aha you are dead okay this is this is it I think this opens up the new area oh that’s some slick work

There but what does it mean what does this do is this like the end game of this I think this is more random kind of nonsense almost but we’re just going to just going to give this a little bit here that there there might be something

More to this let’s let’s just let’s see what happens here looks like the poachers and the dinosaurs are working together otherwise this poacher is really bad at her job I do love that they leave dinosaur poo everywhere that’s entertaining I don’t want to get eaten by the giant

T-rex okay so this is a big cliff and that dinosaur literally does not care if it’s a big Cliff no it does not T-Rex wants to be fed and I don’t have any uh Health bandages or checkpoints do I have a checkpoint I don’t think I have a

Checkpoint so apparently we don’t have that technology the world is shaking so I’m kind of thinking that that T-Rex thing is actually still following me which is kind of a terrifying thought but I don’t know for sure so I’m just kind of like running for my life can it

Climb oh it it was it was still following me oh wow that’s not a sense of hostility I don’t I don’t know what it is I think it was on me man all right let’s see what this opens up for me travel to Canada unlocked we could go to Canada you’re

Still alive and well there are reports of um highly trained ATR Raptors brought in by Elite poacher so keep focused and if you haven’t come across any poachers yet you’re lucky they also shouldn’t be underestimated well keep up the good work I want to go to

Canada does that mean I’d have to like walk all the way back if I wanted to go to Canada at first I didn’t care and then they’re like you can go to Canada and I was like I kind of want to go to Canada is this all this is is just you

Just kind of go like take a look at the quest here poacher Camp heel dinos okay well Canada would be cool but I’ve I’ve kind of had my fill of this uh you get like a handful of cool skins that’s post seven but it’s just kind of like your meander around looking for

These outposts but it doesn’t really tell you where they are and I think the younger ones would probably really struggle with that unless you kind of want a dinosaur game where you just kind of roam around randomly I mean there’s lots of dinosaurs to scan it just seems like really sort of

Unfocused like it’s cool characters but I would have liked more story or more of a directional thing like they’ve even got indicators to where to go but then they’re just like after you complete that first Outpost they don’t tell you anything so I was just was kind of

Really confused by this one I would say overall it was kind of neat I I think you might have some fun with it but I think it does need a bit more Direction it feels like some of the areas are just kind of set dressing it’s very light

Though I think a kid could get probably quite a few hours out of this one for sure if they’re into dinosaurs and that there’s like 23 of them and it does look like you can go to Canada so obviously that’s an A+ in my book so well created dinosaurs well created World neat

Overlays cool UI in audio stuff just the gameplay loop I find a bit confusing and a little uh I don’t know if underwhelming is the right word but it’s it’s cool but uh I don’t know if I’d want to necessarily dive more into this unless the sense of

Getting 4 billion views on the rewatch and then we’ll do a part two but yeah until then sweet

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Jurassic World Adventures Gameplay Review [Walkthrough]’, was uploaded by Skycaptin5 on 2023-12-10 05:15:32. It has garnered 3126 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:47 or 5627 seconds.

Minecraft Jurassic World Adventures Gameplay Review of this incredible packaged map that provides options to play. You’re working through a series of missions with the titular character alongside a weird cast of friends in this rather exciting & expansive DLC pack offering. Get excited since the iconic character is here to battle. It features dynamic story missions, collectibles to gather & mini games to enjoy.

Review: .

Minecraft Jurassic World Adventures gameplay review of this adventure world that tasks you with exploring a vast environment in order to find lost secrets, come across many friends and attempt to save the land from the many problems that are found within the environment. This is on the store for Pocket Edition IOS or Android, Windows 10, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 5, Playstation 4 and Virtual Reality.

Site: https://gamerheadquarters.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/skycaptin5 Amazon Affiliate: https://amzn.to/3zGZi2D Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/skycaptin5 Discord: https://discord.gg/JTY29Wx Twitter: https://twitter.com/Skycaptin5 Instagram: https://instagram.com/skycaptin5 (Note: for clarity, Xbox Store & Amazon Store links are affiliate links, supporting my work)

This is from the special Minecraft Store which features intense community driven experiences that various groups have created. This will greatly expand just what you can do within the game from special add on mods, to texture revamps and even special skin downloads. They range far, completely changing this with new adventures, special survival spawns and even more to witness.

This helps support the creators, give players new experiences and greatly expands just what sort of worlds that players can engage with no matter what version of Bedrock they’re playing. It has a ton of content to explore with a wide offering of choice that can be grabbed with coins which is the chosen currency. You’re never sure what sort of new things will be added and this #Minecraft review showcases one of these special maps and goes over exactly what type of content to expect from it. #JurassicWorld #Gaming

00:00 Minecraft Jurassic World Adventures 00:20 Character Skins 02:40 Prologue 09:04 Dolomite Mountains 12:15 Research Outpost 1 54:06 Research Outpost 2 1:18:00 Research Outpost 4 1:30:00 Research Outpost 7 1:32:11 Review

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    Aphmau Soccer Mirrored in Real Life 😱🙌 #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘⚽🤣When REAL LIFE MIRRORS Aphmau’s Minecraft (Watch the Rebound!) #aphmau #aphmaucrew #soccermemes’, was uploaded by Miss Moon on 2024-04-06 12:46:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When Aphmau’s Minecraft Mayhem … HAPPENS FOR REAL! (2 Down@End) #aphmau #aphmaucrew #soccershorts In these … Read More

  • SHOCKING! Accusations in The Vampire’s Bride

    SHOCKING! Accusations in The Vampire's BrideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Accusations – The Vampire’s Bride (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Queen Kat Productions on 2024-02-18 23:00:26. It has garnered 8231 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:37 or 1117 seconds. It’s daring to make accusations with no proof… ❀⊱┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄⊰❀ Subscribe! Please. I’m lonely. Join the Discord Server! – Discord: https://discord.gg/csE3sZbQcx Check out Merch! – https://queen-kat-productions.creator-spring.com/ Viceroy_ (Machinima God) – https://twitter.com/Viiceroy_ Demon (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/DemonUnderBeds Sleak (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/SleakRL Inga (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/IngaPotejto Cora (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/coraliacries Kiwi (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/kiwi_artz Eden (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/edenfinity Damien… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore with Anime Music 🪼 Arcanum Squad

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore with Anime Music 🪼 Arcanum SquadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HARDCORE 🪼Neues Projekt🪼Anime Music Abend🪽Arcanum Squad #minecraft #hardcore #live #tinix’, was uploaded by Tinix on 2024-02-25 01:09:19. It has garnered 51 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:52 or 13372 seconds. Welcome to my hardcore project! Immerse yourself in a world full of possibilities and adventures in 1.20. ↓↓️ More information ↓↓ ️ ···················································································· Spotify Cherry SMP PLAYLIST https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3br7ZXFKxsijHZtfRC38UP?si=89d4c3ae926e4521 ···················································································· SOCIALS Discord: https://discord.gg/AKgnPHpnrw Instagram: https://instagram.com/tinix_tv CHANNEL: @TinixTV @tinixVOD @techtinix ···················································································· SHADER Complementary Reimagined: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-reimagined TEXTURES ····················································································· PARTNER Arcanum Squad: https://discord.gg/AKgnPHpnrw PixelGHG https://www.twitch.tv/pixelghg1 OmegaCat https://www.twitch.tv/omegacat_ TacoEnte https://www.twitch.tv/tacoente LordMeloneHD https://discord.com/invite/MFTpR65 @LordMeloneHD ····················································································… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Dog vs All Minecraft Mobs!

    Ultimate Battle: Dog vs All Minecraft Mobs!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tamed Wolf vs Every mob in Minecraft (Java Edition) – Minecraft Dog vs All Mobs’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-05-09 08:10:00. It has garnered 435 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Tamed Wolf vs Every mob in Minecraft (Java Edition) – Minecraft Dog vs All Mobs #minecraft #memes #meme #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane 2D Comedy Animation! ASA Axom

    Insane 2D Comedy Animation! ASA AxomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sweet 😋 #2danimation #animation #comedy #spongebob #minecraft #jokes’, was uploaded by ASA Axom on 2024-01-11 08:59:44. It has garnered 9652 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Crystal SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Technical, Version Climb, Shared Resources, Whitelist, Carpet Mod

    About Us: We are a technical Minecraft server exploring the game in a semi-vanilla way. Starting from an early version, we progress by collecting cool items and features while encouraging players with different expertise to come together. Current Status: We are currently running a 1.8 snapshot (14w26a) to obtain illegal blocks and a second exit-end portal. Updates are on the way for more exciting content. Features: Upon reaching modern versions, we will implement the Carpet mod for optimizations and quality of life features like flippinCactus and accurateBlockPlacement. Join Us: We are constantly developing new things as we are just starting… Read More