EPIC Minecraft Livestream! Lord Dakr Conquers Warriors Guild

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Good morning answer what are you doing kid okey so today I’m gonna be doing a bit more of a have a stream we’re gonna be finishing off the fight scale so it’s gonna be a bit smaller as in terms of the stream itself but the idea being

That we finish it off very much so it’d be quite cool and then I might do a little bit more Streamlight later on today on something else so what can I have a look at that yeah we’ve got dragon dragon Jack plays how’s it going

Man you were first on the stream we got x-rayed in 91 and then you got x-ray tonight at one as well excellent x-rated 91 x-ray 21 how’s it going man how’s it going guys really really early for me actually because I’m currently on leaf I was would not be streaming at this time

Be at work it’s dead got a PM 99999 even v kyo humpy as well aaron how’s it going evan levansky the backyard how’s it all going guys doing good everyone doing good hope you all doing it right so it’s just thought some stuff out all right cool thanks for coming on dragon

Joke please go into bed that’s fair enough if it’s late it’s late you know it’s always it’s really difficult to catch everybody at the right time that’s why I can’t like decide to do it right now all right I think I pretty much do the same kind of crap in the other room

Really we’ll have a look go go from Amsterdam how’s it going Please I was going to J’s me know as well how’s it going hello Caitlin your lamb as well hello so I’ll try and give everyone a shout out that’s their kind of post in the comments that’s generally how I did and feel free to ask whatever you guys

Want to ask as well you know if there’s any questions or anything else now be really cool got till you’re as well I lied Tilly how’s it going yeah is everyone doing good today yeah I’m doing good Caitlin was gonna sleep slowly Are you ill is he ill is that we’re saying

That’s not good not ill doing great good Jackie plays that’s good that’s good to hear wouldn’t you feel like awkward like in the Warriors Guild like you know getting dressed in front of them like I think this one gonna have a little table type thing in there as well maybe I can call

You dragon or Jack yeah I’ll call you dragon Jack be much easier I think certainly yeah sorry sorry Tilia yeah literally normally I’d be at work I’ve got some annual leave and I kind of fancy finishing on this office this morning yeah mike is doing weird like my Mike or

What’s going on with it it’s a bit crunchy should be alright but I don’t know it might not be how’s it going sir females to go ahead and registers as well I got Jax wings well I meant to be at school felt sick how’s it going man how’s it going jack hopefully you feel better soon anyway rest is the key definitely best thing I might keeps watching but you’re switching between something between crunching clear weird okay let me have a

Little play of the whole thing is because of this thing on the side of my head sometimes it does do this Oh probably just weren’t ready oh really loud okay that’s fine maybe that’s a little bit better that looks like it’s got louder got jag as well how’s it going jag hello

Jesper quillery plays as well cool get lots of people coming on I think it’s because I’m doing it a completely random time for me in the morning Yeah right we’re gonna have some sort of stuff for the minion I don’t know watching like decorations it’s about 750 in Brisbane Australia cool mmm-hmm

Everyone on the comments say hi to jag definitely do that so what am i doing on minecraft today we’re gonna be finishing off the Warriors guild it shouldn’t take too long probably quite a short stream and then we’ll do I’ll probably do a stream a little bit later today or something

Can I see I still don’t think that play chess at all I think warriors who do warrior stuff you know because I keep on trying to put down a chess board which I think it’s just wrong so we’ve got playing cards downstairs but they also play cards up here do you think maybe

You have some gambling ones maybe they’ve got like a little thing going on in here those up there yeah some knives I played no fee you know when you do the stabber thing a basically a steady hand so Jack couldn’t sleep this one that’s

Bad to hear man that is bad to hear yeah Warriors play dice they would yeah absolutely so should we we currently do dice can we because I mean I know there’s like player heads for dice but they’re absolutely huge obviously huge I’ve got will XYZ never caught you on a

Live stream before but super early in the a.m. for me so just stand by for a couple seconds good to see you man sorry that you don’t you know catcher stream just really is so difficult to get get like good times for everyone yeah the chest yeah dragon Jack the chest is a

Bit messed up it’s shaders as soon as you look as soon as you look in a different place at work it’s the thing is it’s worked with the everyone I think it’s just it’s something weird I was talking to Troughton about this and he said that like all shaders have it it’s

Just it’s something that doesn’t make any sense anymore it’s like a really weird bug ya got Brendan and I beside we got in Kay as well cake sorry cake are they going hello right so they got a plane dice of some kind or they’re gonna be playing stabby stabby

Knife thing in their room I can’t imagine them actually using the room quite a lot not really yeah this is why I am in the u.s. damn the US though is so difficult to get like that while she’s not too difficult to get the right time you just go with

Like the mid and they’d partly don’t you because you’ve got so many different time zones so I’ve got we’ve got a chair that’s a very interesting use name the Fox how’s it going the Fox yeah if you if you post stuff I will say you if I

Recognized your name is a new one and I will give you a shout out I saw you just do but yeah about 11 a.m. in in Amsterdam it’s 9:52 a.m. in in the UK so yeah that’s fair enough right uh I need some shell V type stuff I need some yeah

Such natural shelves as well kind of want that cool though they’re like cookie cookie things instead I’m not quite awake today I see if you guys can already tell definitely not so yeah suppose we doing homework oh you got a decent homework what homework have you

Got and we’ll try and help you out how about that how about the stream the stream helps you out on your homework is that good idea it might be it might not be might all just be Complete Idiot’s so might not be the best thing to do it’s

452 east coast in the US Jesus Christ jag that’s crazy that’s early I was really a right I’m gonna have some weird above this guy’s bed like a head so he’s like currently there’s a bit weird this guy so he likes going out doing his quests or like the filling with his

Warrior guild contracts with a scarecrow head can you imagine that that was so weird how he’s such a weird thing you can kind of imagine something very strange like that happening right you have some no that’s the wall skinning I’ll go so go for some sheep skin something like that yeah

Let’s get a little head for a little chesty thingy and a fret on the floor I think everything I have some sort of like axe or saw something hanging around I think or just some papers yeah this one this one some of them can actually read maybe no should I make it look

Messy that’s what I want to do oh well I even go I just got a right click to know isn’t it yeah yeah so this one’s a little bit Messier someone I’ll I’ll do so cool ready for coffee I am I’m ready for coffee already I’m trying I’m trying to cut down on

Coffee though cuz I’m drinking way too much because I always have these like gigantic cups this was a really cool music cup I always have like gigantic ones like double coffees which i think is probably why I end up like falling asleep on the sofa and stuff when I

Haven’t had like a coffee in a while I want to come back from work or something like that probably is I squirt Jack’s rain I could have do another naval boat I love the Navy Jack’s a really big naval builder if you guys don’t know I’ve been doing any lately I’ve just not

Felt like kind of doing them but Jack Jack’s got some I know he’s I think it posted this morning and he dragged someone on Twitter that Ari retweeted it was either this morning or I just saw it this morning to do with he’s got a new built boat

Coming along so I have no idea what it is but we’ll see so if you guys do follow Jack I’m sure you guys will see soon as well maybe mmm got my stick out to go man also was the mic fix now is it less like correctly since like put stuff

In and had to turn it down because on yeah Jack’s got some good stuff coming this year apparently it’s gonna be interesting to see it’s good really good to see I’m looking forward to it right what I want to do this little space here don’t do anything

With it there’s a bit bit of a weird gap isn’t it I want to do something cool with this like I think we need to definitely not use this definitely use these ones and we’ll have iconic quick with around on those less videos better quality though here

Ticking along or each built that’s the thing isn’t it the more the more time you spend on it the better it will look but then the more time you spend on it in order to get it to look good but then again I think it is worth it definitely

I think everything’s going a bit like that now these days is just you know quality over quantity I think as the best best way to do it hmm dragon Jackie yeah Reading area did would Warriors would read I mean these are like these are like hardcore these

Are kind of like the scum of vieira wind that can like hang out in here and they’re kind of like banded together into the Warriors guild so maybe oh okay didn’t realize that was blank I just wonder if we could do something a little bit nicer instead you know I would do

Something like that I say it’s nice so it just looks a little bit old but you know well hangout spot hangout spot yeah and you can have a hangout spot it’s just so it’s so crimped I don’t know what we can do with it it’s just you know do we do we just

Put some stuff down some could read maybe maybe bounties yeah they could do it just true yeah they’d have to it somebody would have to read in here totally totally true dragon Jack definitely yeah yeah precious lad to Brendan thanks man yeah so Jack said the

Easiest rest was to in order to do like you know less videos but better quality videos absolutely because then you are feeling less like a rush do you feel that you don’t have to push everything so yeah right I have no idea I still can’t decide on that

Even this area I think this area could have as a chill-out area at life they would have some sort of reading bounty thing and they maybe know when we might even put down one of these fancy read story thingies so no we were gonna plan was originally that they would all be

Read out here then they would take certain quests or whatever or not really quest so they had not request there but flowerpot where Jax Wayne says literally just a flowerpot actually that could be a good idea there could be some sort of like herb that they use because I did

Say about them having like some sort of like weird steroids type thing so actually you might not be further away from what I was actually thinking so they actually glut grow one of these like weird steroid II type herbs not saying that you should do with steroids

At all good god no but it’s not pot is it’s a terra cotta only when I pulled it okay that’s why all right so I have this so I have some sort of weird flower that they grow right and we’ll have this in every single Warriors guild some sort of

Like herb maybe it turnips we’ll have some turnips and they the magical turnip is the one know when I that Harlan flower looks good we it that but I don’t know if that’s a bit too weird obviously can’t place it in a natural pot we can put on there at least

That’s not cool hemp plant yeah that’d be really funny wouldn’t it yeah like they have that and then they go on quest and they have an absolutely amazing time i steaming it there’s too many things in there got wild overgrown nettles now we don’t want that cow eat yeah they all

Have cow wheat in it they think it makes them super strong or something something really stupid like that buttercups no I don’t think is this a stupid idea it might be a stupid idea maybe I think we’ll come back to this cuz it just in a Warrior’s kind of like

Guild type thing yeah it takes lots of sliced snacks as well check there that’s good I think for a warrior’s guilt I don’t like flowers might be a bit too nice maybe alright let’s get rid of that for now we’ll come back to that we’ll see about it

God knows right so if we’ve got this little sitting area type thing here I might actually put in a bench on that side instead and we’re gonna put up some bookcases or something like that and then we had like the scrolls didn’t we downstairs we have some Scrolls last

Time we did it but I think this time we’re gonna have nice lot bookcase type of thing so we’ve always got sitting areas up here as well do you quite like that wouldn’t want it kind of low fits in really nicely as well yeah I think of

Another idea Jack could that’d be great Jack Swing may be awesome is this minecraft coupon oh no it’s not it’s I don’t know if there is a minecraft apartment but this is this is the conquest reforge mod bambam bomb see I don’t know what they’re doing with

These I got I think they’re for other crafts from my remember I look maybe right so we’ve got some sort of like sitting area thingy it depends if we want to cut this up a little bit and because we could actually create a natural barrier on this side just to

Kind of ramp it a little bit I guess you know sort of that yeah yeah do something like that maybe not the fancy one I want you can get with a poor one I quite like the poor one they just it kind of works

For a lot of things be for that one no actually no this one this one works definitely alright and then what I’m gonna do is this so it’s actually gonna be basically got a normal block where you put it at an angle because of the vertical slab so we got definitely

Conquest has added a shit-ton jag you’ll love some of the models that I’ve added onto it like jars and stuff like that now it’s absolutely crazy you’ve got these nice little jars and they all kind of like change they’ve got different models depending on where you place them and things like that it’s

Just is I don’t know how they’ve done it there we go so you get different jars really nice axes and stuff like that some of the handles as well it really cool really really cool yeah like grind grind stone type thing going on there animals are really really

Nice now it’s absolutely amazing what do you think about the super duper pack that’s going to be released what is the super duper pack valentín Lynette what is that why is the super-duper pack that’s what I want to know I kind of want to do something with the reef on these bits

I think it needs a bit of um this summon even if we do that maybe I spin us a little bit flat or looks really flat to me that’s why they put them in near round bits I know we can like mess around with this last last

Time as well I wasn’t too sure what to what to do oh god duck Adel no way I’m never bringing that back just cuz it’s it’s so old now I can’t find the what I think I’ve lost it I’m pretty sure it got wiped unfortunately that world but I think it

Would take so much effort to redo it it did like the castle they did like the castle well the plan is to make this place look better maybe but obviously agree the the mod itself has got so many blocks the vertical slabs are just awesome and pretty much vertical slabs and trap

Doors for absolutely everything yeah so Valentin no it’s too early think about the super duper pack says is a pack that will make minecraft look better that even with mods doesn’t look like that okay that we’ll have to see I think we’ll definitely have to see that and

See see what happens right I might do little bits of I don’t to get into this where the shield there okay that’s why I won’t do that and it’s one the shield yeah now that’s fine right I think it’s good I have to fill it up with lots of

Stuff I just wanna fill out with a little bits and bobs really some books yeah someone’s been reading some books daddy yeah you can definitely reimagine it yeah you can you can like totally do that I absolutely agree yeah totally can you can how much dick of what you were trying to

Do and then you ends up turning out quite different but it’s like seeing but different the only problem is I think you end up trying to try to like do what you used to you’d like do what you previously did maybe you don’t but like

Improve bits of it and then you end up redoing Colpitts of it I’ve an hour d-day landing map now that would be big if you’re gonna do a proper d-day so I remember how many soldiers were actually involved in d-day that would be pretty nuts it’d be an interesting idea they

Wouldn’t that definitely right I’m gonna get some a glass slab or some kind I think that’d be some sort of like we got your vertical we have got new verticals those okay beacons underneath apparently okay glass okay we know started feeling we had like vertical ones I’m sure I’ve used them

And I we haven’t maybe I’m imagining it it’s possible no we do yeah sound got them and everything okay I’ll do see they look like glass sister that I’ve liked at some sort of display and have some kind unless I’m the sword of Jeff the great warrior that’d be cool

So Valentine says madryn released a demo gameplay on YouTube definitely you should check it out I will do yep so Brendan boo Saad is there a link to download download this mod conquest mod is in the description and I read changed it actually still need to from last the

Last time I did sales gonna read switch over in my mother last 20 videos I’ve forgotten to do that but this this stream should have the most current one so that beginner should go to your planet minecraft the pliant minecraft the page that they’ve got which I think

They use and there’s the main one think so but yeah right definitely do it yes objection if you think yeah it might be why forego might be worth doing a deep way I’m pretty sure there’s some on plant minecraft I reckon there’ll be someone planet minecraft that definitely

Do they deal like a little sharpening station type thing yeah I think they probably have the outside wouldn’t they yeah they definitely have the outside I think so maybe we won’t have that does that be so imagine if you’re like sitting down and somebody was just like sharpening their sword when you’re

Trying to like and I shut out and stuff that just people with weird wouldn’t it yeah we can do though is we can put like a weapons rack up maybe not that high so is it weird sound so have some weapons up here and I do like the swords one can

Using it quite a lot like shield I don’t get my time frame and I’m so glad you guys told me how this works cuz I would have known just thinking can we put up a shield somewhere as is rediff achill on that side so maybe we do

It’s gonna end up yeah now that do we get one up there or something cool so god I’m missing missing on the stream though it’s okay and distracted by looking for shields cult sounds good Ryan Daly how’s it going I actually have member you from comments and make maybe

Some previous streams how’s it going man I don’t see for ages we’ve got King King Willie and the Z gamer minecraft or more houses go man yeah we do Jack Jack Jack what basically Jack’s saying is that we need more slabs and stairs pretty much what you need is what Congress wants

Done that Jackie might like this what they’ve done to save they’ve added into a you know honey to get out that’s just as lighter outside and what the Congress mod guys have done is they’ve added in lots of blocks but I’ve also used this wheel type thing so you literally hold

Down C and then you get all the different variation blocks as well which makes building so much easier so like slabs trapdoors we’ve got layers as well so that’s the like snow layers these really cool watches stairs small pillars as well this is quite good because one of the things that the

Congress guys did is added in fences but also added in pillars so you can actually do like pointy thingies I really like them but I absolutely love the arches these just brilliant they’re pretty much the same you know they’re stairs but with a different different model and they just look awesome so it’s

Kinda like change change everything really as well as pretty much everything else all these weird weird blocks anvils as well they’ve done for everything these are quite cool though absolutely love it I think it’s I think it’s great as well as the wheel it saves it it’s

Almost like Mojang need to do something like that house if I don’t take out the floor though doesn’t it Motown probably do need to do something like that yeah yeah somebody does need to do a modern pack for that I wish I had actually done like rather than doing the LD modern

Like mod I wish I’d actually just that extra pack for Congress because they just add all the blocks and stuff about so it’d be just easy easier I think I know it’s awesome yeah yeah I’ve been building lately anyway is this bridge I’m sorting this out quite quite happy

With it now it’s getting there it’s just quite messy I just need to sort out the stuff but this will be on the next episode anyway I quite like the tower I kinda like gate gate tower thing yeah I think I’ve got to figure out actually

Goes is how I’m gonna get these big-ass chains to actually be possible to pull this this gate the idea has been that we’re gonna have like a because it’s a big big river thinking of having actual boats being alter now there’s a pull up and then you be able to actually pull

Them through pull em free sale free will actually see definitely see right who else we got we got Nathan sleddin how’s it going man what’s good text practice when building a medieval kingdom and if you’re on PC and you’ve got the Java version of Minecraft because apparently is two

Versions now I’d definitely advise getting the conquest mod it doesn’t mean you’re going down the modded route but you get access to everything else the conquest texture pack itself is also just for you know there is a vanilla version if you want a like a simple kind

Of looking one John Smith is is just a classic now I think is totally a classic definitely right keoki Let’s finish off this thing I still want to do something within like the the front of it I just hate it it looks too boxy so I think we need to it’s a shame we haven’t got like more slabs and stairs with this one looks like we’ve

Really nice I mean I do like do you like these it’s just a thing we need something else really don’t we I might try doing something with some wood let’s have a look let’s get some slabs got some stairs it’s more like cats death you’ll see right to do Isis accent what

Are you a medieval kind of going on Monica okay depends I kind of switch between them I just suddenly want to do one of them and that’s it I don’t even know why it’s a bit weird but yeah I think don’t tie yourself down to like the style see what

You want to actually build alright if we take that down I might end up having to do something like this maybe at least the pillars of symptom there’s nothing there that can let us do problem with that is that I end up doing something like this with like the little

Spindly pillar to get out to kind of fit our man we all see I think with this kind of like mess around with this forever probably I forgot we do this in a different word I think your work I think at the minute it’s too

You can hardly see it like just kind of like melds in so maybe we do something different something like that you’ve got zappy random how’s it going hybrid Falcon as well a guy that looks like Japanese type characters like I can’t pronounce that til I absolutely no

Clue so I’m gonna say that Japanese type character dude moves only as well how’s it going her an old RPG style world and John Smith loved that he suspect is really good so it was awesome yeah see ya that guy from Japan we’re getting Turtles says Jack yeah I know jack we

Are getting Turtles in the next release is gonna be as a builder we’ve been waiting for turtles for so long to make turtle you know beaches and stuff like that more realistic and fish and things like that we wanted that’s what we wanted do you know when builders we

Wanted the ships to look really cool because there’s Turtles flowing around them and stuff can you imagine that also got a squid gaming TV official how’s it going that we did right okay terms of this thing I think something that will definitely do it when it I mean that’s

Made it look a lot better but I know this is a bit spindly so what I’ll do is I’ll get a different texture for it but a lot better there’s a little less bossy but bossy boxy look a lot better boxy yeah see gaming you already had a

Shouts out as soon as you comment if I see a name for the first time I’ll give you a shout out that’s pretty much it as such works ya got Luke Campos well how’s it going psycho Tiger 22 or 45 mm and you’re here thank you for coming on man

Yeah it’s not that early in the UK might do it this wood pallets wood all right what else do we need thingies in it yeah if we do that and we can at least do this this will give us a nice light lighter wood but it looks a bit it’s

More reinforced in it That looks color nice is kind of like a pig it’s almost golden that that texture actually at least against all this like darker wood I forgot to take what did I destroy that yeah I’m actually wondering do we want to have some sort of block in

There to end up actually can like really stylize in these end bits mm-hmm not sure yep really not sure we’ll see I’m actually doing this and I wasn’t actually planning on doing any of this at all like the outside part of it I know we needed to do it but I don’t

Think that that block that blog doesn’t really work I think we do need something in there that was better just don’t know what we actually need if we got a stick version got a stick version of this that’s annoying I mean yes the Jack does have requests videos so if you guys have

Got any cuz I know there’s a lot of warship you type stuff requests going on in the the comments do do post on Jack’s videos Jax Jax still doing those at the minute whereas I’m taking a particular break it’s a few mouths – how’s it going hello okay

Striped would stroke Twitter we got struck Twitter got Cohen a van ditched how do I say your last name ditch like is I don’t gonna get it because I’ve seen you in a couple streams now like I’m still like sure reading that I should really learn how to pronounce

That but uh nobody it’s no good I forgot any kind like fancy would I know we’ve got loads of fancy with but fancy would they’ll fit perfectly in this scenario have we got that opened so let’s see oh yeah we got all these like weird ones doing it’s too like or is it

Yeah it’s too light yeah but this is on the right track at least definitely yeah that one that one that one that one already got that one I got that one we got loads of different types of those ones as well so got lighter versions but

I don’t think we need that pan I think we keep that pan just less there’s that one is that one I think a simple beam one would don’t need like I’ve been Oh very nice show about the top tech stripper that is very nicely like I like

Dark as well isn’t it I don’t got that one as well I know have you used for all that one no it’s too light for me I think yeah it’s – you like do you like that one I think they’ll do I do not want to do definitely one a.m. over there in

Washington State well I was found out weird about America that you’ve got Washington as a city and then you got Washington a state and they’re like complete opposites of the country I know they’re obviously not complete opposites the country but you know I mean that they are east and west coast ready yeah

Weird can we join the server this is a single-player map unfortunately so unfortunately can’t man sorry so it man it’s all sorry right so do we end up doing something like are these and do something similar as well oops I just got placed like inside the actual thing that was really weird even

If we do something like this I think this will look quite good oh we need a block there don’t really know block there we can then do some stuff and then that does mean we get rid of these really cool blocks but I think ya actually might make it look better maybe

I’m not sure yeah I’m not convinced yet but I’ll try out right yeah not that one that one just struggling to place blocks it’s not geared is it here we go so I get something like that and now do we want to instead go for that down

There yeah some that will cap onto those two makes it look a lot more popular doesn’t it now thing is I kind of feel like it needs some some of that on top as well somehow I’m not really sure how we can do that I would on the grandmasters

Warrior guys room I haven’t no and that is his name is we named him last stream didn’t we that guy’s name I remember had dad had what stream software are me using I am using OBX I quite like your opx it seems to be alright it’s exactly

The same as streaming on Twitch actually I can’t I kind of prefer it on YouTube because well the fan base is on YouTube and then I don’t have to upload the video as well as it just does it for me I think it’s like that tick box or

Something in the settings when you do it that’s really good right got a kind of like Russian dude as again Russian dude we’ve got blob bun blood-borne duck as well what weapons do I have inside pretty much everything and got builder of blocks try some trapdoors for details

At the bottom of the pillars so what on oh yeah actually yeah yeah I know what you mean I like these so you mean because that wouldn’t make it pop a little bit true I don’t think about that if that’s what you meant if not doing anyway yeah cuz I

Like like pop it out no obviously we’ve got this it’s kinda like pushed back a little bit so we want to do anything else I don’t know I think this now looks a bit too busy now it’s got that I quite like it in bits fit but mm I’m not sure yep not

Sure you got happy geckos how’s it going I got to a arcturus – there we go how’s it going as well got Dutch game plays I think I’ve got all your guys names I was going make sure prison as well an underground prison yeah some people have said about prisons actually

Especially for the for the arena that we got going on over there it’s definitely seven miles – yeah he’s a name for his name means you need name for your world what I ended up doing is I ended up going on – if you’re talking like Fantasy name generator’ or something

Like that there is there is a really good one just like it’ll generate the names for you it’s actually amazing I think it is anyway right outside here do you want anything do you think we need anything do we need any like seats or anything what they have any I mean you

Can have like a little seat out here you know maybe we’ve got some thinkin there’s gonna be like an older dude cuz we got the the older guy in the kitchen who’s who’s to be a warrior now he just cooks food like the worst soup stuff cuz

We’re going on about you know they’ll go out hunting we’ll get like an animal and they’ll get some soup and that’s pretty much it I don’t know we’ll see Dutch game places help you escape or discord Conan we maybe summon he hits Bowen also saying he wants to Skype with

Skype or discord with what’s the name come on kill right you’ve got good tools to monitor this chat pretty good actually jack actually so in terms of the chat what I’ve got for YouTube is you get a you get you can get a separate window so I

Ended up just shoving that on half of my other screen and then you’ve got the entire tied chat you can then same as twitch you can you know put people up as moderators and things about that’s why you’ve got a little grabby clothing that’s pretty much it you can also hold

Any sort of words and things on that as YouTube kind of like normally lets you do it so keywords and you can have two versions of the chat as either one that’s got all of them which is the one that I’ve got because I can’t moderate

It as I go along there’s also one a version of it where it’s it’s kind of like pre moderated so you don’t see any of the questionable stuff that YouTube’s fight up anyway yeah slightly slowing at where you are in the UK where are you in the UK Cornwall’s all right at the

Minute but I know where we’re heading for it we’re supposed to have quite a bit of snow it’s gonna be freezing in the UK goddamn Siberian so period a wind coming down wind and snow and some weather system or whatever it’s gone it’s gone so we’ve got I’ve got exotic

Ninja hallux how’s it going we got Lisa Tranter as well hello Lord mind Jonah’s how’s it going yeah yeah so yeah me and Jack did start to build a prison we never finished it yeah that was a good little series actually that was definitely a good little series said we

Need to do something else like that at some point a nice little it was a nice little mini series already wasn’t it it’s quite enjoyable just wanna think about this I’m now thinking because I can do something like you know cuz he’s drawn into the

Slaps yeah don’t ask Cal is an axe up there by the way house just a that looks better that’s the ice can like pushed it back a little bit as well anyway yeah we’ll see some seats would be nice put a rocking chair on the balcony oh

Yeah yeah rocking chair on the balcony would be good yeah definitely I know we haven’t got rocking chair but we’ve got a chair so imagine it it rocking definitely yeah okay that’s a bit weird there’s gone it’s got some light on it I think it’s cuz it’s clipping into the

Back because it doesn’t only do that well maybe just does it that’s really weird yes he’s just got some golden it simple our eyes we’ve got like a little chair maybe that old cook dude comes out here with his it with his axe and he just he

Just looks out thinking of his old warrior days and all that kind of stuff definitely right okay you got Pinocchio as well house camping ochio Emma lies text back yeah this is conquest conquest reforged mod is which is why it’s so damn geared so yeah right hmm

Yeah jacket was super basic when it came out aged it just had enough and on twitch now it’s now I think it’s alright goes with this with this roof should I push it back so that we don’t have this so I find this really odd are there all

The hey kind of like coming out and stuff so I’m I’m wondering do we actually push it back I think we’d have to do so we almost have to push this back and then we’ll we’ll lump it up a bit if you know I mean it’s evil out or

We actually can turn this into a little feature actually can we destroy this we can actually put in a little roof of some kind I mean look all this this is all just junk really I’ve gotten here so maybe we do something like this I know we’ve

Already got a block there so we don’t need have one there have something like this going across and there we have just a little slopey roof type of thing you know don’t have to be a lot but that might be enough no cuz I’m gonna have to blot off

Oh okay i so plop on duck it makes sense if to using things that slides and hoses weapons because they’re not in war and they can use them for farming saving light yes absolutely I was thinking about that for the the main warrior like that the peasants would definitely write

Out as peasants I think without a doubt the Warriors guilds different though because it’s obviously a it’s more of a guild of warriors rather than just the peasants themselves so they would have they would have proper weapons a lot of them because they’re kind of like from the Nordic that

Warriors Guild I think would start in the in the Northlands that’s kind of where it started from whoa damn it right okay East Midlands Burton area if you know that area I don’t know that area but that’s because I don’t know my own country so yeah but East Midlands I know obviously

Where the East Midlands are but I don’t know that this specific area yeah well that’s a sunlit like in a tech spec well I’ve got shaders on so it’s kind of difficult yeah do a stone supporting said I would I don’t do stone because there’s stone at the bomb so if I put

Stone on top it’ll look a bit too stony you know yeah you know hopefully right the only thing is I don’t wanna have this like block up definitely want some art and like that though this will allow me to like a little bit of a roof

Type thing and to have some I think get rid of this window actually if we can fit a window in we can fit a window in if we can’t we can’t I think that’s that’s the simplest way and I think about it yeah what show depict why you

Says Jack currently using truth in shaders I’m using version seven I’ve just done some tweaks on it mostly minor tweaks to color and also to make stuff wave which apparently shouldn’t need to do but it’ll make like those can ahead things wave so the Scarecrow heads wave

So literally tiny letters to it I’m pretty sure I’ve moved a little bit of blue that was about it like the smallest bit cool alright cool thanks for coming on dragon dragon jack jeez man I was adjusting your build seems empty I had people buy all my

Standard clothes oh no I hate that I absolutely hate that idea I absolutely hate the armorstand type way of you know filling up the world because I’ve seen it done before and it just ends at lagging out everything I have fought about getting an actual like a model of

Some kind to to do it so I might might get a mod I might find a mod that you can add like peoples in so we’ll see about that that would make it a lot more interesting differently but I know you mean because it doesn’t need people it

Needs it’s stuff in general I think just need stuff things we knock this down most likely anyway all right where’s stairs no different now now I don’t think who actually have anything coming over it I just have a bit of it I’m gonna come an officer officer bits of it looks like a

Little bit of a blob yep hmm maybe so a couple times briefly in Cantabria oh that means it’s going my way definitely blob mine mine drone says push it back instead yeah I don’t know I mean we could do it where we do one side gets pushed out because we’ve got it’s

Got this massive gonna let whole really a space we have got a balcony going across this side it’s mainly so that we can get to this section so I mean we only need to push it back push it back on one side it’s really just which side

We do something with the other one we can well one we can obviously we should have a bit out and if we push back it’s just this one because it’s got that right in front of it and I’ve wait and a window block as well I think it makes

More sense but I’m not too sure now now I’m looking at it not really sure we’ll see neighbors London built the Big Town Hall wondering if you have any tips for interior pretty much anything I mean my Styles changed a lot since those days because I was that was years and years

Ago now but yeah pretty much go with whatever you want this is the is a quick quick quick answer for interior just have a play around with it interiors one of those things that you can’t really you can’t really describe it you just you just end up doing something it

Depends on you texture pack is one of the main things that you’ve obviously got to work with my texture pack will kind of give you some ideas some people have like really good while they’re called crafting crafting crafting tables can be used quite a lot as well as

Dressed trying to get out then and then my words just completely fail yeah lots of good right ok ok so what I’ll do we will have a little window okay something like I’ll do that Lisa is sticking out a little bit I’m pretty happy with that yeah jag does have an osprey tutorial

He’s got some some big-ass Ospreys they actually look very very cool on the wasp I really like them on the wasp so yeah I got two jacks up to Osprey tutorials sorry Jack has two of them he’s got it’s got more than me I’ve got one which mine is like little puny and

Jax is like this big big mothertrucker and Jax does look better because it looks sail it’s more accurate definitely so go check that out if he if you guys are looking for an osprey tutorial absolutely right what the hell have I done here oh yeah this is the old old

Thing wasn’t it it’s the old thing hmm stuck right is this block been used I came right okay well we can we can work around that I do quite like how we can just fly up that’s definitely a bonus of this pill that saving me quite a bit right so I

Might do now so here’s where we’re gonna have a bit of fun that’s fine I can do something here this bit will have some sort like then going down right if we can put it into that gap what we’ll do is we’ll do something like this turn

That one in there you guys little little thing and maybe we instead we’ll use tractor on this bit so then open up the window there we go so we get a little bit more lighting that doesn’t look too bad I think from the inside and what we’ll do is we’ll cut this bit

Completely back so we end up having we do have the access to the window but actually this section here is completely light you know you can’t get past it it’s all of that definitely Oh jag yeah did I get the play button I have got my play button it’s actually

Downstairs at the minute but it’s very cool I can’t wait until you get yours man it comes from China as everything does and you do have to wait quite a few weeks I think my not she came pretty quickly they did say it could take up to

Six weeks to arrive but mine actually came in about three weeks or so really really good though really cool I just need to hang up my white wall at the minute because we bought you know bought house can I haven’t got anywhere to hang it yet so can i holding off on

That but I am planning on hanging it up which I think would be quite neat actually right if we do something like that that kind of looks like it’s a little storagee area type thing we can have stuff like hay and all that kind of crap you know the kind of typical stuff

They might use to keep their bedding warm and then at least it’s all dry up here and stuff yeah so what that’ll do does that gamer says who’s a soccer fan I am the opposite of a soccer fan I hate it now guessing because you said soccer

That you are American of course it’s the only place in the world where they call it soccer everything else like on my football you know foosball and all that kind of stuff like almost everything almost every other country it’s a it’s a derivative of like football type type of

Word if you know I mean I don’t feel this all that but actually do I just want a little bit there go won’t even do some of that someone ever I’ll do there we go get some get some stuff going on that’d be good so maybe could do a

Dungeon used to torture criminals and imprison them yeah I don’t know what I’m gonna build the prison I was thinking it was like well I was thinking about being in the noble district just because it’s behind a secondary wall but we do need to have one especially for for the arena two so

They can go into the arena and they can if they’ve done something really bad they have to fight to death I might even have them that they have to fight anyway not with swords and stuff like that but maybe let hand-to-hand if they’ve done something bad and get beaten the crap

Out of not not to death just you know crap up and it would be like a sport you know for these people Jack says how am i doing a video on the on the play button I wasn’t planning on but I might do I think I probably should

Do maybe what kind of see I think I kinda want to get hung up somewhere so I don’t know I might hang up like there it depends and if I changed the direction of my oh yeah it depends if I changed my where my desk is ever put it that wall

As we live they’re not as well put on that wall have probably have it on the back wall behind me or someone of that I think will have a see so Jack sign says why dad well Dwarfs laugh when they play soccer because the grass tickets their balls because the grass

Tickles their balls sorry it’s a tickets actually that’s a quite bad joke good effort they definitely good effort right I’m gonna just try this yeah that looks kind of cool actually just thought about it literally just fall about this using the trap doors to can like push in and out and stuff yeah

That is a game it is no American it’s from the United Arab Emirates then what do you guys say you can’t say soccer surely girl Australia in Australia you call it soccer what what’s of course the world coming to as the as the American influence is obviously it’s obviously Trump Trump’s

Doing that he’s taking over the world with by changing words and things like that guard it’s crazy I can’t actually want just just having a look at this randomly like a little cherry thing here because it just has a natural back then doesn’t it as well see for that we have it I

Think we need now almost and anyway it’s for a chihuahua though though what um we have maybe the maybe the metal on this time now chainmail chamber I want to kind of make them a bit I don’t make them rich until okay sound like a nice little Alma stand

There with some armor on it yeah see right okay I’ve now got a gigantic discussion on on football and soccer okay so the Z game it does call it football see that’s what I’m talking about rest of the world does don’t give in to the Americanization of the word

Soccer or football even though I don’t like it yeah no worries dr. Swedish doctor plastic thank you very much for coming on the stream hope you get better soon we’ll get you to we got to get we got to get jag 200k anybody that doesn’t isn’t already subscribed to Jack if you

Like can like modern ships planes generally just if you like modern stuff modern building type stuff and what I’m talking about there is the two different categories of course if you split minecraft into two very basic categories which is modern buildings and medieval stuff Jaggers a really good medieval builder

He’s a very good military build it go and subscribe to him now he’s in the chat if you want to click on his name I think it then goes to his channel really good warships and stuff like that really good he’s kicks my ass at the minute he is completely kicking

My ass at all of his big ass tutorials completely so do go and check them out policy there you go hopefully that does something right anyway you can also rename the armor so it it turns normal chain to ripped or richer what you mean fingolfin the son of VIN

VIN way fin way that sounds very very Nordic as a name that’s very very Nordic I think you should have been the I think should have been the actual like Guildmaster this place next time next time you’re on a stream and we do like a Warriors Guild put your own name up for

The chief of the Warriors guild definitely you’ve got a very very not extending name and no worries at all Jack and I promote ill man you helped me out when I was starting out I’m gonna help you out when you need to get one of those button things definitely any was

Thinking about this thing having some sort of thing I don’t know what I’m actually trying to do with this I don’t think we need to do too much of it I think if we do too much it will look a bit naff everything is splitting this room into two I think definitely so

We’ll have one side will be the actual guild masters room and the other one will just be a normal room now I think well I used to have is actually these two have quite open roofs didn’t they so if we actually go with that and have

Quite open roofs I think would be a good idea you can’t just do some light Noor pillars can’t we it’s none of that do it’s got a little bit of stylee stuff to it dowdy so rename the AMA so this is in an anvil isn’t it is this the actual armor itself

PD because I’ve never seen this before and there’s only with chainmail a chainmail that you do it this works you know I’ll be amazed right so what’d you just call it Nordic well that is that you saying I guess that’s what you saying if I can see it more Channel

Richer Nordic so what that changed it for as I can’t wait oh damn it’s actually not is that changed or is that not changed I can’t tell you know I think we have to try out right all you have to call it like okay I’m trying out if this didn’t work

This does work then I will be amazed it doesn’t work our man would be so angry I won’t be angry you know I mean right right so that’s what that looks like if I put this on now see that that looks the same it’s do renaming with iron or

Diamond oh okay so it’s only the iron and diamond ones damn it okay let’s try it let’s try it with the iron one then if this doesn’t work then I’ll be angry alright how about that cool definitely thanks for coming on Swedish toast plastic stay safe

And I do hope you get better because being ill sucks cool thanks everybody that sir currently subscribing to jag that really does have them out quite a bit maybe I did right forgot his legs house boots ok got his boots see I think that’s the same I think that’s normal maybe I think

That’s normal I actually think that’s the same as normal isn’t it because that if I get rid of everything in my inventory that would really helped see let its the same trout dwarven now I’ll have a look at it I’ll look at it up online off for this hmm I should have

That I should have it only works on the one point twelve point to version okay that’s why yeah yeah that’s interesting darn how’s it gonna block for uh no yeah that that’ll probably be Wyatt I’ll probably be the the latest version I’m still waiting for the for that to light

Properly come out and I’m looking forward to it I think I’d be really good I’m really glad that they’re actually keeping it up-to-date they’re not staying on a specific version and they’re making the convert as well as really awesome really awesome if you have an animal on minecraft name

And didn’t bone really really cool name why would you call them Dinnerbone that’s one of the guys that made it isn’t it it sure is right anyway you’re getting distracted we need to get back onto this right so we’ve done done this thing we’ve got the little stickier a

Bit which I quite like now and then this balcony I’m actually gonna keep just as it is I’m gonna put in a little bit this darker slabs though to like fill it up and stuff alright get a block in there but I’m just gonna I’m not gonna put

Anything up here I’m just gonna keep it pretty simple or I might put a narrow bucket you know that’s the only other thing I might do yeah I’ll do a narrow bucket because then at least we’ve got a barrel full of arrows in case anyone did for example attack the village and they

Needed to fend this place pretty much they get burned to the ground but they’ve then got some arrows I can shoot from there at least no good yeah yeah try droven yep Jack I didn’t see what he said there what did he say let’s have a look good

Thing is he stick out with the little little grabby claw thing Yeah they keep on they keep on messing around the algorithms with with YouTube I don’t know they don’t seem to be they seem to be trying to promote as many people that have got lots and lots of subscribers rather than the little guys even though the little guys will have

Then have lots of subscribers I would have thought it would be better to have variations so that when you do have you know channels that just suddenly stop people don’t just give up on YouTube because if you get loads of people that did just stop John I mean like it

Doesn’t it doesn’t really make any sense to me I think should do a bit of both because the big guys people gonna know about them you know you’re not gonna need to suggest to them to somebody to go and watch them because they’re huge but the

Little goes you do so if they and find it and that’s good for them it’s all about they go right oh do you remember the map that map of yarra win with the stars and races on it I do I do indeed that is this map

That’s all I’m building on yeah no punch them on the one getting a bit of lag for some reason this is really weird since this is on my PC it’s like not going across the internet till I just getting lag it’s really really hard right I

Think we need some sort of like thing up here right yeah oh they hide a lot of the videos and such because the military type titles that’s true yeah actually doubt is true you know that’d be that’d be pretty bad I’m guessing they’ve really cut down on

That kind of stuff now just purely because of that because I know they’ve had quite a bit of criticism aren’t they yuichi plays I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do a derpy moose head for people that don’t know that as well what we’re doing why have I done some slightly stuff

They’re not on this side well obviously I need to do that there do I know that block must be in there yeah it’s bowels yeah right so if you have some derby ass moves head here I whenever I make stuff like this I just can’t help but laugh cuz it just I don’t

Think it ever looks good at all I just think it looks crap just weird doesn’t it right to fight hours that go in just by commenting you get a shout out as long as I can read your name because I know there’s a guy that’s got a language

In a different language that I can just down the school a tool something that’s Arabic yeah Arabic or Indian or something like that one of the Indian languages that is yeah I’m 95% the videos getting monetized now I that sucks and tape says stop using at extract I hate it at Mojang

Added in the texture packs you gotta remember that and they added it in for a reason so that we could we could make our own stuff and I’ll never stop using a texture pack because obviously hate default I think this looks dreadful whatever I’m doing looks absolutely dreadful I think that needs to

Definitely come off now this can we do something with these maybe I just don’t I don’t think this is going to look good ever oops you’re not I’m trying to do right hopefully you guys know what I’m trying to do I tried make something that looks

Kind of you know like a thing I’m doing so badly at it I say if we have if we do this across the side no no I want it to actually go Chris that way you know given up yeah text packs make this game worth playing it does joke I agree

Yeah maybe skip the idea on the moose head says Meno I can boom I agree I think so I don’t think it works thanks read the build hours again yep it yeah we’ll see just remove the egg Lydia yeah it just looks dreadful doesn’t it I kind

Of know what I’m trying to do I just don’t think I can do it I might just do something else instead so we just have like some weird feature type thing you know it’s even that or we just end up doing like a shelfie thingy right right

A shelf type thing and we put something on top of it we do have like the guy go ahead I just I just didn’t want to use it at all like ever no not ever now this is the Nordic god pinata I’ve never been all to use that

Like seriously at all forgot any other bells some kind that’s like adept I can like oh yeah they’re not bells over there all the eggs they’re all the eggs but not called eggs what they called them full stone full partial directional Drake no I’ve got some that work is it

I was thinking can we do something to make it like a weird thing cool thanks is he gamer thanks going on man see you later maybe have a shield yeah no yeah I wanna I try and I do like the shields I really do you know but I don’t know oops

Oh I don’t want to pet we alert you know do we just go really simple as Sheila’s massive in my hand you know do we just go really simple we do do we do little bunch of shield type stuff again oops not apply to frame an item frame that’s weird

You know and they just have all these shields up everywhere randomly just make a banner your convene says yeah yeah we do need to do a banner actually if you guys fancy making a banner for the Warriors guild I’m thinking something that has a sword in it I know you can do

Like swords in them with these but if you guys if you guys fancy making the actual banner type thing for the Warriors guild in my entire world that would be really cool feel free to do that and then if you if you tweet it to me put it on Planet minecraft as well

And then or just give me the link to that that’d be really cool because I’d like to put that into the law document and credit you guys in a law document so that’s where you’d be quite good yeah maybe hang some weapons or something yeah same everything we can really do

Isn’t it let’s just put some stuff up I don’t even like this the actual bookcase I I kind of know what I’m trying to do I just don’t think it looks good at all so that’s anything Oh God falling apart right you need some more stuff anyway I do want to have

Another glass thingy I quite like this little glass display case thing I color that as well because there’s a little slab you think I do want to have some I have some books over on this side at least so we’ll have like a little little quiet Reading area up here perhaps I may

Have a little display case II type thing as well not from hidden yata Jesus Christ so bright yeah it’s something simple little simple thingy some updates oh there we go we can then sit in here and they can read and all that kind of crap we got some shields up

There yeah cool how’s it going trill hello good morning man robot Thunder as well how’s it going it’s good to see you again you’re a convene as well did I did I fix the random-ass looking balcony on the barracks year well I say yeah we started

On it we did it randomly on that stream we just literally knocked it through so we’ve now got it looks more like a balcony we just need to fix there behind it I need to kind of I probably need to squidge it a little bit I think I think

We need to do something like that definitely we’ll have a look we’ll definitely have a look yeah so Jackson come on a name an animal dinner mode knew all the minute that pinata looks weird it does yeah it looks like a turd yep bluff rehearsin name’s justin and

Twitter a few days ago did you see them I can’t remember any name suggestions did I like it is the question if what I tend to do is if somebody sends me something on Twitter if I like it then I’ve seen it so that’s that’s generally

How it works or how I work how come we don’t make brainiacs Brainiac seven one nine two says what how do I make Skyrim videos and now I just not been fancying playing Skyrim for quite a while now yeah I think what we need to do instead is we

Need to just do some like detailee types of stuff on this wall and that all doubt kinda do it I don’t think we really need to do too much like if we end up you know cutting this in with some of these nice little blocky things let’s do that see it’s really lucky Some like that you know like eat this you know we’ve got these patterns going in and would do like an opposite of that with like a big pokey out a bit that’s the if that’s the proper word for it is pokey a bit you know like a big V some

I’ll I’ll do on it and it just adds in a little bit detail without was actually doing absolutely anything at all yeah right cool comments wise first stream that you’ve been watching read the fighter how’s it going man good good to see you on the stream yeah

It’s funny to see my fog issue I’m one of my episodes where you create your own I need to set the render distance below first – okay it’s probably cuz I have I usually have it on extreme usually except for I’m doing interiors to do it

On normal cuz there’s no point you can’t see out like that’s that’s enough like normal was enough yeah we’re all fond of watching this before work been editing John Smith legacy on bedrock addition to make it to be more like conquest cool yeah yo convene still doesn’t like the

Falcon II on the bond the barracks that’s fair enough yeah I think we’re gonna I think when we go on to the interior the barracks will redo it yeah someone of that right anyway so what I was thinking about doing is we’ll have an astute let’s do the Guildmaster sort of that

Yes if you guys have got any modern request ideas at all please do post them on on Jack thunder one he’s doing he’s lots of modern stuff in a minute so feel free to post on he’s got a request video which is probably the easiest way to do

It isn’t it as a request video so if you guys post onto that now give Jack some ideas to start doing some more modern stuff so he’s in the chat if you guys want to Jack thunder 1 bang right again so just like not distract it I’m just

Getting lost I’m gonna do a green bed because it’s got the kind of like wood on it so they can have a big big-ass bed right big bed for the big bossman and I think oh it’s the two chairs now Sarge before it’s Bruce chair nope the same chair

Okay I did not realize that they you’ve got stucks on them I think I do is I do you have a little desk thinks obviously he’ll be writing to well he might not be right bad no I think I think the chief can write read and write I have something like that definitely

Definitely definitely definitely where where is the scrappy thingy well can I just not see it I’m being really dumb I just can’t see it for some reason it’s not in the furniture it’s the little righty thingy I thought it was under decoration blocks hmm I bet you is I’m just being completely stupid I was under advanced or something it’s not building blocks that’s the thing you know hmm Oh is something if this ok that kind of makes sense right quill and I want meaning pop one I really like the input one I think it’s just awesome really nice

Oh yeah helps for did blow out like right so we can have this dude wipe that in there he is gonna have like a really thingy and he’s actually have a fancy wall no Paul word I think we still go the poor wardrobe because the area even

Though he gets a cut of like all contracts as a kind of idea I think it’s how it’s going to be working yes drill banners flags in the hall lobster for that is if you guys can create some banners for me and then if you tweet it to me that’d be wicked

Definitely get stuck in here I think I was stupid bit fruit doesn’t mean I can’t put in can he’s not really got the best room if I’m honest but you know it doesn’t need a lot does he like some like chests like that he’s got some little cabinet type

Things got some books over there that work no we can do is we can have like a nice candle next to his bed okay for this look grabby candle so now that work and also a little table Li thing next to to go other crafting table

I stopped and got in no it’s good and medium hasn’t got one enough thanks jack swing thanks for coming on man Will it be bathing I don’t know the word houses in this town it is actually a bathhouse is actually the right word probably not I think most people here would go because I’ve got a big river in their river nearby I can’t imagine them can I go into a bathing house I think

Instead what I end up doing is just you know every god knows how long it takes them for it to actually go however long it takes them to decide that they really stink I think they’ll then jump in the river no so they’ll come down to the river

Side we could actually make that I can like a feature actually couldn’t we could do like a like an area where it looks like they always go in and and swim and stuff so we’ll have them come into the river and they’ll be Eve and then they’ll go back up back into town

Or back into the fields of course as well so I can see how it all goes maybe yeah people need to be able to watch themselves yeah me in the middle actually I think in the Victorian I’d I think I read something about this saying the Victorian ages they they actually

Like the nobles didn’t even wash for like a month or time it’s absolutely crazy we got Scott Julia Rhett as well I hope hopefully I said that right how’s it going suggestion for the town center market you should build a tree in the center that the for the shade yeah I

Know I was thinking about this I think it was your comment actually that was on one of the videos generally I think we probably need to do some trees and put them around on this area I know that we’ve the kind of like story behind it is that they’ve deep you know they

Deforested this area in order to build get to a hill fort itself and that’s why they’ve got these like very open plains like he didn’t used to be like that but I think I think we do need to I think we do need to have some trees around so I’m

Gonna start popping some trees or and I’ll probably have some sort of bigger tree in the middle of some kind some sort of like religious when it also ties in with they’re kind of like Celtic religion type stuff wrong way so I think that’d be got a D on up I’ll pop them

Around probably not around obviously this secondary wall but we’ll have them having them everywhere else differently right anyway you’ll see so got Vickerman plays how’s it going man hello good to see you on the stream you’ve been doing lots of stuff on I’ve been seen on Twitter loads fingerman

Place I think I saw you also jumped on I jumped on to Darwin as one I think I’ve seen their senior builds as well it’s really good to see you on the Darwin reforged the actual the actual mapping there it’s really cool it’s looking good Monasteries had baths did they Jesus now it maybe we can put that somewhere maybe Is the bridge in the next time lapse your convenience yes it is indeed is yeah so that’ll be in the next one we’ve got a master as well go and love all the small channels in the streams yeah I I quite like it as well I really hope that my streams

Haven’t caught on too much yet which is kind of good I think because I quite like chance people I think if the chat was going too fast I’ll just end up ignoring it and if I ended up ignoring it what’s the point you can do on YouTube something called super chat or

Something like that where you pay like a quid or something like that so yeah your message comes up for them I think it’s too expensive I think I think what YouTube needs to do is let let the actual streamers choose how much they can pay because I would like if it’s

Only wanted they’d like chat to stay there for like I know 20 seconds or 30 seconds something about I’d be quite happy with 5p because then you just get in like a really tiny tiny little thing tiny amount of money just to just can I

Show that up and I think I’d be fair enough but it’s really odd they’ve done this like super chat thing cuz I don’t think they I think it’s too I think it’s too high-priced I’ve got it switched on but no one I ever use it and I hope they

Don’t Stu expensive they’re gonna like pots I don’t know why right they got pop here oops cut out there a pot and I also can have some sorta round awesome it’s or weapon type thing I think I’m gonna just head on the ground or an axe there gonna be

An axe axe Minh type person the axe at the end of the bed might also get painting as well I guess something like that yeah what do you something about definitely yeah perfect exactly what I wanted cool right so we’ve got that this is gonna be

The the chief Chiefs room this room will be four we might have some of the higher-ups and we haven’t decided on the actual rank names a tool for the Warriors go but I’m sure we’ll get around to at some point so in here I think we’ll go back to no we won’t

We’ll go back to these welcome to the arrested rustic beds instead so I’ll just have two people living here and I like the lieutenant he type dudes something like that as perhaps and some stuff they can also they’re also letting her to read and I think these these

Cupboards are just cool anyway she’s like don’t think I have a chair though but I will have I still love these wooden boards I don’t think they’ll ever get replaced for me I love them too much yeah so commander imitate aha so I just wanted to do yours do medieval builds

Now or you are still exploring and what the styles really enjoyed are we creating your military builds when I make some maps for survival games the mean I’m just doing medieval I just as you guys probably know if you followed me for a while it just kind of I like

Switch between the two all the time but a minute I’m just really liking the conquest II stuff so I’ve just been building those it’s just enjoyable it’s just really really like work on this good stuff and so that’s that’s the reason why I’ve been doing doing a lot

Of it I don’t think we just do that yeah Brenden bus it says I wish I could scream one day I can’t money-wise Ichi makes up about 2% of my income so it’s like it’s so tiny that I’ll never be able to quit my job if I could

It’d be great if I like won the lottery I think and and you know I had a couple million or something like that I’d obviously built a gigantic business empire oh I’d be my first thing but the second thing would probably be to like do two streams and stuff like that just

Like whenever I fancy doing them because I think it’d be it’d be quite enjoyable wouldn’t it to do all day but yeah there’s just not enough money in YouTube at all I can’t see it ever changing either you have to be really big yeah block for what happened to the small

Village you started in a stream a long time ago you thinking um homestead I think his homestead is it so look I I never got around to finishing it I should do that maybe I can do that after this it’s gone to homestead I’m pretty sure it was yeah homestead this one this

One you thinking block for a well the first build I did in this map this little this little thing I call like yeah actually it’s kind of funky isn’t Yeah this is the one thing and this this is the first first bill to actually think I did properly in the conquest reform Maude it’s alright was this supposed to be like a shop And it’s got a little little balcony area up here okay fair enough it’s very cramped but it’s alright you can really do that you definitely probably do that yeah pretty complete that could sweet I mean there’s not much to do here what I forgot the hell how’s this here I was

The Gary Swann because he came up with a name that’s why I put that there that should be in the law document now I think if not then yeah anyway let’s jump back to jump back to Hamburg Yeah Jack says that YouTube money sucks it does make more in a few hours and my real job behind doing a whole month for you it’s true it seriously is true you know I think I think the only way you’ll be able to do it come and imitate it is

But don’t donations I think that’s the only way yeah go music twitch now I don’t know I don’t like I think you can integrate it to which a lot better company you can buy integrate donations and then pop it up and all that kind of stuff a lot better

But if I did it for the money then and I’d quit I just can’t I can never see see me going form to aunty don’t like making videos for a living just can’t see it happening I just don’t I don’t think it’s possible right what I’m also going to do here is

Painting someone coming up First too many buttons and it’s gladdening crashed there is those combinations of buttons which makes minecraft crashed early now that someone wanted that little one its plot this in then that one I don’t like it there they the good thing is is already blocked in say there we go and I’m sure that’s

Albion I’m absolutely sure it’s not me a lot of youtubers do twitch now for donations they can make way more money yeah I think you can I think it’s probably the only way is to do that it’s just a bit of a shame really but you got

To do what you got to do really have any I think is I think it’s really I think cuz some you choose been hit with a lot of a lot of criticism really quite like this what I’m doing now so like they’re kind of like please go down there I

Think as quit YouTube has been criticized or Google has I think it’s dropped their their price is quite massively they have a shame yeah yeah so what Jax just said in the comments is really retrieve which is if you start YouTube for money you will be very disappointed that’s the number one

Tip do it for fun seven years later I’m still here because of that reason may ask Jax one youtubers more of a hobby than a job in my opinion yeah is definitely yeah yeah you can’t you can’t do it as a job I don’t think I think

Right you can do it because there’s obviously people that do it I just don’t think that don’t thing it’s not something you should you should look at and go yeah I’m gonna do this because I think I think some people think I think some people can think they can do that

Yeah some people think that they can go into YouTube and make a lot of money and that’s what I’ll do for the rest of the lives and I think it’s very it’s very very different than that obviously you’ll never be a real job never never never never right what can have up here

Is how much you’re gonna have tankard type type of stuff at school beer thing okay nice beer mug up there just sitting in the window and chill out I might just have some like supply type stuff up here maybe you know God help the person had to carry this up Jesus

Christ in the imagined like all this stuff here had to carry up a little barrels and crates and things and by the way this is cuz I’m getting tired so that’s absolutely no reason why there’d be barrels up here not really for just cuz we can I guess

Yeah cuz of jam jars up here yeah I just looks like some weird green slime we’re gonna say that’s the that’s the the weird herbes they like collect him and we could have like a whole industry go into the the weird steroid herb type stuff that they have maybe it’s all of

That yeah Yeah if your PewDiePie you’ll get a lot absolutely yep you’re absolutely right totally I think I think PewDiePie will obviously get absolutely tons of money just fair enough he’s got a lot of subscribers you know it’s got a big fan base I know that

Some of his videos a bit but um yeah you have to look at it he’s obviously entertaining some people even if we might not like him that much well don’t follow I don’t follow him anyway I’m not I’m not a fan of PewDiePie not mine not my cup of tea as

We’d say just just T just isn’t okay I just think he shouts too much that’s the problem pulling for me anyway right I’m gonna go barrel full of Spears cuz you know that’s what they have a barrel full of Spears and that surprising looks really cool and conquests oh there we go

And also this can now go up there as well have you got some weapons so weapons on the wall no weapons everywhere I can’t like this so far and it’s it looks all right don’t I don’t overfill it too much a bit simpler anything in yeah that’s alright

Anything we need to put in here no it’s alright I think things doing good so again they’re also Jax just said he’s got a world update coming up that’d be good I’d be good to see Jack that’d be really cool do we need any lights in here or do you

Want to keep it quite dark I think it might want to keep it quite dark so you got the fire that’s kind of like lighting up everything instead yeah I’d do that and these yeah nice little dorm rooms they don’t really need to be that big

Simple I’ve got what I hate then I was those tools right so they blocked keep lock you all right down here we didn’t decide on what we’re going to do I’m gonna put a fern in it just a really darn simple firm because that’s too many of those there we go little fern

I got each of those on each on both sides there we’ve got the we got this place here kitchen we’ve got the whole pantry going on get down here which is where they all sit so that will be the kunai style that are going for I guess

We’ve got some outside stuff to do yeah I guess we got some outside stuff to do maybe I see some more detailing but I can do all that I can do that kind of detail heat building up like the walls and stuff about off-camera cuz I said that just takes time really more

Than anything else like the stuff I hear now we’ll just put some blocks it’s to be done stream same with this base well see that side is there anything we can do here to make it okay I’ve got wolf right rusty okay so I think the only thing we need to redo I

Do like these I really like these blocks oh cool um putting some stuff for the the horses they’re gonna have the only thing is are these gonna be guild horses or are they going to be they’re gonna be like the actual people sources you know these these people yes there could be guild

Forces they could actually you know I’m for hire or something don’t I have that I’m not probably not don’t I like right okay I mean it’s important so we neither cold room some water how many bottles world-class sports where we go and undo this whole thing

Where you do this and cut it down and whatnot I can’t remember really really simple I can’t be bothered today well I much I can’t run what else I did detail-wise this and also this this clients that just bear doesn’t it it’s a bit boring so maybe we could do something there mm-hmm

Right anyway was gonna Right I’m gonna put some sort of weird thing outside and then we should be done with this which means we can get to another build you guys got any ideas of what you want me to kinda like work on next any ideas oh I like that I’ve never properly

Looked at this but I didn’t realize that it randomly has a hammer on it that is really cool see what doesn’t belong there but like this feel like horseshoes or something like that maybe cool right no not DAC a Dale I’m thinking I’m thinking interior-wise cuz we got we’ve

Got obviously done this I need to I need to finish up the roof because when we’d redid that I haven’t actually variated that I quite like this stupid roof but actually it looks really cool it’s a very at that roof I need to do that we’ve got a bakery we’ve got car right

To it we’re gonna convert blacksmithing like house stuff so we’ve got a couple of bits and bobs which will which will drill a thinking like these ones both of these ones here definitely undo that body level for camera it’s think it’s nicely it’s nice and easy to do that kind stuff

But this out this one oh this wall you’re probably talking about actually yeah this wall I need to do some detailing on what I’ll do is our and they’re probably doing that the next time I do is a time lapse because I know

I did it I start to do it on this one as part of the time lapse detail up so I’ll whip into that a little over time that’s because it looks quite cool when you can let wade through and just a detail up that entire wall rd we’ve got any to

Talk about horseshoe type things we haven’t have we have a cart like such a saw there anyway we can put the cart right you’re just looking like it’s too big how would they get that in there yeah that’s dusting a problem isn’t it I don’t know car car car oscar’s pitstop how’s it

Going man gave me BAM has gone I’ve got flow hello and a BS papa stone lo put water on the other horse cage the last one yeah forgot about it I know all right put some water in nursery there you go that was all nice and full happy now

Potter Masoner toy-making I have done those I’m thinking I’m thinking more the interiors of the stuff I’ve already got so like the bakery like which one should I do on stream or something intro or something it’s got obviously to do this I don’t think I’ll take that long I mean

They’re warriors a guild was pretty damn big which is the main reason it’s taken so long I think and also it needed a lot of work and I had no clue what I was actually gonna do in the interior of it like this entire open space I’m really glad

Whoever said to do this actually said to do this and the island cut the building up quite a lot it’s you know it’s taken up a lot of space but I really like your face definitely worked definitely definitely worked yeah Oh your straw of course yeah yeah yeah

Forgot about that didn’t I what’s it called though it’s not called straw it’s called as it just called pay yes cool hey you’re right you are absolutely right yeah some completely forgot about so I can switch that one out maybe now that’s terrible I don’t like it

Yeah no you’re right I’ll do right so got like my stuff does it still got the cow power in this yeah it does I remember when this is like dev block or something else this is a bit weird there we go we’re gonna have some poop nice big poops I know that Lisa

Obviously cows but oddly right like I was just chefs and there’s some stuff on here like talking this would be like I know they’ll have some sort like weird apprentice kid those his parents would kill in there some sort of horrific quest and he’s now you know it’s now

Looking after the horses because they’ll be somebody like there’s always some dilemma right okay cool alright I think I said guys I think I think we’re done I think we’re done for the Warriors gold anyway it’s this one the Hamburg and but war is good what I’ll do off off-camera

Is I’ll do a lot of detailing type stuff around the side of it I’ll finish it up and kind of just very ate it like I have with this I obviously need to put a smoke coming out the chimneys but I think I’ve decided on the direction of

The wind which is that way we’ve got like an offshore breeze at the minute is the shores mother sees all the way over here it’s kinda like going through this way I guess if that’s normal not do yeah that’s pretty much it guys thank you very much watching everyone

That already hasn’t subscribed to jab please do so they can get to that that my silver play button that’d be really cool really really cool cool but uh from that guys I’m sure I’ll be back soon doing something else add flies that flies your right trail that is a very

Good last comment is I had flies I knew there’s something that I’d used oh and I need to put in an actual like roof maybe actually I think there might be two for 40 that you’re out flies very good indeed very good shout anyone else

Anyone else got any last what I need to do to finish this up type of things make it really honk you quite good all right cool everyone have a good day I’m sure I’ll see you soon whoever I’ll be that’s something else but yeah I’ll finish up

This I’m going to do a bit more of the time lapse that I’ve got for the next episode of the time lapse version of Hamburg the kind of bigger building stuff I just won’t really want to finish up this really that’d be quite good get the whole tower bridge done and then we

Can we can obviously jump on and do some more stuff definitely cool see you guys later thank you very much

This video, titled ‘LIVE STREAM REPLAY – Minecraft: Hemburg – Ep7 Warriors Guild – Part 3 (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Lord Dakr on 2018-02-26 12:23:47. It has garnered 2358 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:14 or 6674 seconds.

In this episode I start building the interior of the fighters guild.

— Mod Pack — Conquest Reforged ModPack Download Link: https://www.conquestreforged.com/launcher

— Texture Pack — Conquest Texture Pack Download: http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/conquest-32×32/

— Shader Pack — Trilitons Shaders (LD’s edit) http://johanfossum.wixsite.com/trilitons-shaders

— Yarowyn Map Download — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4yJsKqYoII

— Yarowyn Lore — https://lorddakr.wixsite.com/yarowyn

— Music Used —

“Space 01” by Machinimasound.com Licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0 Unported License | https://machinimasound.com/licenseMusic:

Vindsvept – Heart of Ice – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmYZ2JCiJsg Vindsvept – Through the Fog – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x98X4aXq8jM Windswept – Wanderer, part two – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUmiE-U_T_Q Windswept – Rite of Passage – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tpwCYfKoQE Windswept – Sleeper – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMUzqKy3Xec Windswept – Hugin’s Flight – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvw5IRzuTVY Windswept – Illuminate – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvBc_Z_HuUE Windswept – Deliverance – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOWbOnDkZIs Windswept – Diverging Realms – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSf99lc3LKM Vindsvept – Light the Bonfire – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIlEj3Mq1JQ Vindsvept – The Oracle’s Prophecy – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnjOX6wSzeo Vindsvept – What Lies Beyond – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKmqkjLDO8I Windswept – Quest’s End – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D59NyexPnU8

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  • Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! 🔥

    Minecraft meme: When you find diamonds in lava! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 🤣 #shorts #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Flirting in Minecraft

    Flirting in Minecraft Minecraft Animation: Talk to a Woman Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players encounter a myriad of characters and scenarios. One such instance is captured in the animation titled “Talk to a Woman.” Let’s delve into this humorous and engaging Minecraft short! The Encounter In the animation, a character proudly declares, “I’M A WOMAN, @PoKeX87MeLLaman!” This unexpected revelation is met with a comical reaction, adding a touch of humor to the storyline. The character’s enthusiasm is palpable, drawing viewers into the unfolding events. A Hilarious Twist As the character continues to assert their identity, a sudden sound interrupts the… Read More

  • Ultimate Rice Farming Technique Revealed! | MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22

    Ultimate Rice Farming Technique Revealed! | MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22Video Information This video, titled ‘Bambus für Reichhaltige Erde & Reisanbau | Let’s Play Together MINECRAFT DARKRPG #22’, was uploaded by Z3ntus on 2024-06-02 13:00:05. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:26 or 1646 seconds. ⇒ Let’s Play Together Minecraft DarkRPG: Bamboo for Rich Soil & Rice Cultivation | #22 | 4K, 60 FPS, Blind ⇒ Playlist: https://bit.ly/3UomPyz ⇒ To the channel: @Z3ntusBl4ck ⇒ LPT by Z3ntus and with Lord Darq ____ Social Media ____ ⇒ TWITTER: https://bit.ly/45gryq7 ⇒ Instagram: https://goo.gl/jtK2Lv ____ Livestream ____ ⇒ Twitch: https://goo.gl/TJxUGp ____ Participant ____ ⇒ Z3ntusBl4ck:… Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Boy’s Terrifying Hack

    Minecraft Mini Boy's Terrifying HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try This scary hack in minecraft #short#subscribe mini boy’, was uploaded by Mini Boy on 2024-01-03 17:01:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • 💎💰I’m the Richest Player in Minecraft GENS! 💵Cap.1

    💎💰I'm the Richest Player in Minecraft GENS! 💵Cap.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Soy el mas RICO de Minecraft GENS.. 💲💰Cap.1’, was uploaded by Frozeado on 2024-03-30 03:03:17. It has garnered 1056 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⚔️Server in this video! 🡆 IP: mc.hycraft.us ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📱 My Discord 📱 🡆 https://discord.gg/vrE6hXCuQy 🐦 Mi Twitter 🐦 🡆 https://twitter.com/Frozeado 📁Business email: [email protected] 📱 Twittch: https://www.twitch.tv/frozeadooficial 📁 Pack’s In this video! 📁 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afwRUIPjiUI ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #MinecraftHCF #StaffSeries #Frozeado Read More

  • Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft – Pixel Art Timelapse #010 Caterpie

    Shocking Bug Transformation in Minecraft - Pixel Art Timelapse #010 CaterpieVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pokémon Pixel Art Timelapse – #010 Caterpie’, was uploaded by Bug & Buds on 2024-02-18 10:16:21. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. I hope you have enjoyed this Pokémon Pixel Art Timelapse! If you would like to build this in your own world, you can download the schematic below! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RHIcG1GsVQmxbr7-SEn1Ks2qqhbqyRtj/view?usp=drive_link Material List: Black Carpet x 828 Lime Carpet x 608 White Carpet x 284 Pink Carpet x 80 Follow me on my other socials if you’re interested! Discord – https://discord.gg/ByUpRHJ Twitter -… Read More

  • Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvP🗿🔥

    Unbelievable Clutch Moments in Minecraft PvP🗿🔥Video Information [Music] he This video, titled ‘I can Clutch🗿😎🔥#minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #sonyvegas #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-16 16:19:26. It has garnered 1490 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More

  • AnParan – CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! 🔥

    AnParan - CRAZY Adventure in MINECRAFT! 🔥Video Information huh live stream lagi langsung end dong lupa ganti dong Oke Guys kembali kita di Minecraft petulangan Baru kali ini gua enggak di kota karena kota Lagi offline jadi kita di sini kita kali ini targetan gua ngalahin Ender Dragon sekarang di episode 1 ya Jadi ini bakal sebuah series live stream yang bakal gua main cuman pas live stream aja ya teman-teman ya yaitu tujuannya tujuan akhirnya yaitu kita bakal membunuh yang namanya Ender Dragon dan ini kita sudah Spawn apa nih ini kita udah Spa G mana gua ya apa nih lagun Ini gua di mana… Read More

  • Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC Minecraft

    Insane Elder Builds Epic Sun Temple in 1.20 HC MinecraftVideo Information hi welcome in or welcome back today I’m going to complete the first 10,000 days in this [Music] [Music] world oh my gosh you are so slow let’s speed this up starting from day 1000 I went straight to work doing a lot of neglected projects around the world first I ran most of the main farms in the world this included the raid Farm the quad mob farm a gravity block duper for both sand and concrete the gold Farm bartering farm and most of the farms on the industrial Island including the bone meal Cobblestone Nether… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! – Minecraft Border Hoarder 18

    UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Bastion & Wither Battle! - Minecraft Border Hoarder 18Video Information hey guys lter here and welcome back to border hoarder if you’re new here border hoarder is a map where I have to collect every single Minecraft item in 1.19 and expands this border to be from small to very big so today’s episode we are trying to get some weather skulls as well as try to fight the weather himself and hopefully hopefully find the what do you say find the stronghold and fight the inner dragon ooh that’s good but it’s not what we want we already have sharpness five on this sword I did a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation 🔥

    🔥 EPIC DANCE PARTY! Fnaf Minecraft Animation 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNTIME DANCE FLOOR | Fnaf Minecraft Aninated Music Video’, was uploaded by Animation Lobby on 2023-12-29 09:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Animation By animation lobby Song By CK9C. Read More

  • VanillaEvolved SMP 1.20.4 Semi-anarchy Java & bedrock crossplay No hacks Seasonal & permanent maps

    VanillaEvolved – Vanilla Minecraft Server IP: us.vanillaevolved.net Discord: Join our Discord community PlanetMinecraft Page: Check us out on PlanetMinecraft About Us: VanillaEvolved has been offering vanilla Minecraft gameplay since 2013. Join us on our seasonal or no-reset maps! Seasonal maps reset every 6 months while the no-reset maps never reset. You can switch between servers using commands. Why Choose Us? True vanilla Minecraft experience Java/Bedrock cross-play support View in-game stats on our website Semi-anarchy gameplay Active and friendly community Unique in-game rank for completing all advancements Freedom to play how you want as long as rules are followed For more… Read More

  • 1.20.6 Nuke factions Quests SMP Survival

    NukeFactions is not your typical Minecraft survival server. It combines the classic survival gameplay with a host of additional features designed to enhance and diversify the player experience. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, NukeFactions offers something for everyone.Key FeaturesSurvival ModeAt its core, NukeFactions offers a robust survival experience. Players can gather resources, build structures, and survive against the elements and mobs. The world is expansive and filled with opportunities for exploration and adventure.FactionsPlayers can create or join factions, fostering a sense of community and cooperation. Factions allow players to band together, build bases,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Vote for your LEAST favourite Minecraft characters! Week 3 Poll.

    Looks like the meme is climbing up the leaderboards faster than a creeper in a mine shaft! Read More

  • Everyone’s guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥

    Everyone's guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥 Remember spending hours meticulously building your dream house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch? Good times. #minecraftfails #oops #memories Read More

  • Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft The Creation of the Monster Monkey Portal in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing embarks on a journey to create a portal like no other. This time, it’s the Monster Monkey portal from the Zoonomaly game. Join UzeMing as he delves into the realm of monsters and anomalies in Minecraft. The Monster Monkey Anomaly The Monster Monkey is a peculiar creature with the face of an ape, long tusks, and remarkably long arms that it uses to move around. In the Zoonomaly game, these creatures are dangerous and will hunt down anything… Read More

  • Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server

    Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft gameplay and stand out from the crowd? Look no further! We have the perfect recommendation for you. While watching the latest YouTube video on the best Minecraft sound effect to make your videos go viral, it became clear that to truly elevate your Minecraft experience, you need to join a server that offers a unique and exciting environment. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community, thrilling gameplay, and endless possibilities, Minewind Minecraft Server is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned player… Read More

  • Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins!

    Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins! The Perfect 5-min Enderman Farm! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than this perfect 5-minute Enderman Farm tutorial! In this exciting video, you’ll learn how to build an extremely easy and highly efficient Enderman XP farm. With step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, you’ll be able to create your own Enderman farm in no time. Don’t miss this opportunity to dominate the world of Minecraft and obtain valuable resources in a simple and effective way! Building the Enderman Farm Follow along as the tutorial guides you through the process of building… Read More

  • TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!

    TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!Video Information hey guys Mikey and I are walking around the village and doing our usual things we just go out and have fun nothing out of the ordinary we should head for home now we’ve seen all we can see it’s true there’s nothing interesting here we should find something to do it’s getting boring follow me I don’t think we’re going to find anything interesting today then what are we going to do with you just go home what else do you have to offer I don’t know I thought you had something to offer look at the… Read More