EPIC Minecraft Mod: Lord of the Blocks vs Lord of the Rings

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Hello I should be up just this okay I have that going I have my music here in theory the game should have its own audio track that didn’t make any noises it’s going to work let’s see I do have a soundtrack picked out found an excellent website for

It that doesn’t appear to be working at all Minecraft stop it okay what went wrong oh yeah that makes sense okay yep didn’t have the virtual audio cable set up Minecraft really doesn’t like it when you try to alt tab it so give me a second while I reload the textures and audio

Engine come on okay it should now have its own audio track I’m going to reduce this just a little bit so that you can actually hear me over whatever else all right what the hell is happening here this texture issue this loading was not happening before what have I done

Wrong what are you doing I might just reset my OptiFine settings pump it up again in a second but I don’t want to whoops I you’re supposed to just reset your OptiFine settings on M DUI scale um smooth lighting Dynamic SS will do fancy no Dynamic fov no thank you I think

Clear water is already a thing what do we need okay do want some antialiasing in here yes oh it’s only effective after a restart are you serious is this texture details let’s put that in let’s put some anistropic filtering in don’t crash okay I think this is the best quality

Wise we’re going to get out of 1.7.10 Minecraft but oh God don’t do that the world is collapsing around me it happens every time I break a flower okay clearly this P wasn’t designed with OptiFine in mind so I’m just going to not without Define well guess you get to stare at

Nothing actually you get to stare at me I’m here now oh man why do I always screw this up uh OptiFine does not play nice with this apparently okay close that let’s try this again should probably also close all the other garbage programs I have clogging up my memory

Here Chrome get out of here just kidding I don’t use Chrome I use Opera obviously because I’m a gamer maybe I should have worked out the uh Kinks and the uh game before I it wasn’t doing that before I was I mined around in creative

Mode for a long time and it wasn’t doing that nonsense but uh apparently now it is okay turn that back on wow where’s my game capture there it is there it is okay oh this is based on an old Lord of the Rings mod I didn’t think about

That is too late to update I could probably still update let’s see what what version am I using whatever here we are in the Shire the land of my people they’re uh they’re just slightly shorter than normal snapshat what do you want I don’t care this going to re raid people’s

Pantries as is tradition in the Shire mushroom pie who would eat a mushroom pie suppose I would if I am a true Hobbit yes I made this gift for the animated like thing in like 20 seconds so it’s a little rough around the edges I’m looking for someone to share in

Adventure you wouldn’t be oh there’s Gand ah thises sup gandal what do you want welcome to Middle Earth Yep that is an excellent book look inside they may reward you for it and just learn to read a map yep I already got it yep Middle

Earth is full of people fair and foul an alignment meter yep I got it mhm yeah mhm got it yes gandal I know oh pouches yes so this is basically a backpack even though we also have the backpacks mod you can mine them and look at this we have an entire second

Inventory uh now we we don’t have inventory Twigs man so many modern mods that are just super useful to have that we will never have come here hooray like to tell you must be on our way good day to you all right thanks gandal let’s go smoking Indoors this mod had cranberries way before Minecraft whoops I suppose they’re called sweet berries in Minecraft cuz that makes Sense ale I’ll take some Ale mince raft yep it’s mince raft time I’m heing the I’m hearing Lord of the Rings oh these are these are always fun let’s read these yes here’s an old story that evening young halfling that every young halfling should know when white wolves came down

And gave all folk of FR at East farling s of snow they came from the waist of the North and the hills they Ro back and forth iced Brandy Wine remember they crossed with a shiver to Savage both halfling and dwarf those wolves 90 Winters ago would have dealt us no end

Of Woe if not for fair Buckland the sh folks luckland who wore their alarm horn to blow this horn must be blown only strictly Don’t Mess or we scolded bitterly with a shot and a shout of buckin drove the worldes out and the show could celebrate Victory there’s there’s so much stuff me

To leave out of token bro Mr T would you like if you to attend my f 111th birthday at the party field hon on the second 22nd September all your family welcome of surprises Ser Bilbo bag we got the we’ve stolen the Bilbo bag Dragon invitation excellent chub Holo each and every one

Of these places has a has a unique name just going to oh I can’t actually I have to open the pouch e does this grant food at all I can’t I can’t actually tell how much each thing adds for food let’s give it a drink and find out no it has

No no uh ow ow ow no nutritional value whatsoever that’s good I wouldn’t want my alcohol to be useful at all we’re getting some dropped frames as we’re generating so much land we don’t actually need that much view distance I’ll bring it down to 12 no not unlimited 10 yeah let’s just do

60 B sink yes oh what was the thing we were doing last time that was causing it to crap itself we were breaking flowers I now it’s not doing that L magic flowers specifically let’s see I get a magic flower place it in very it nothing happens that’s

Good this place is pretty much completely safe so I don’t really need to worry about anything while we’re here but we should probably hang on I want my map to be on a key that’s anywhere near my come on where’s the map button map menu is out let’s put it to like

C cosmetic r no X menu is now X bam no what I want a specific button for the map do I have that m f not really I guess well if I just close out I can okay so we are currently between wayy meat and byw water we could go to

Hobbiton if we go northeast ow ow man these thistles ouch I should probably craft some tools so that we have something when we actually want to do stuff keep pressing B to open my backpack like I do in better Minecraft but that’s not how you do it here is there

An oh well that’s yeah I was going to say did they have their recip book way back then and the answer is no not even a little bit let’s get like four achievements for just crafting basic tools all right let’s get some music in here that just not work okay there we Go [Applause] H I swear if it crashes Now no we’re Fine maggot Cottage aggressive leak soup oh I can I can press shift on anything and see how much it’s worth in Food that is really loud huh okay I’m going to put it at the volume that I want it to be for me and to reduce it for you so it’s actual background audio and not the whole thing Minecraft tabs out every single time I do anything which is really annoying but uh Whatever it yeah this mod had the attack cool down thing before vanilla Minecraft ever did what is yeah my fov is super low that’s another thing I always play 90 that’s just the fov I have in every game I think better foliage is tanking my FPS

Right now cuz all of this is better foliage right here I might check the Options Whatever whatever leaving it alone why why is it stop playing come on all right I think it’s actually playing on a playlist now yeah like that maybe seems nicer Where are we in the world we’re approaching hobbiton but I don’t think that Hobbit cities actually have any kind of structure I think they’re just literally like a few houses have I’ll run a little bit more before I eat that we’re going to be missing this place once we get to merkwood

Ouch I’m going to turn myself off here I don’t need that okay is that the celebration tree why why is the screen black there it is okay is that the celebration tree right here seems AB normally large maybe we are in hobbiton now overlooked by the hill of B end I

Mean is that really a thing can I actually find Bag End I’m just going to steal everybody’s oh well I think that’s enough Doling around here I think we want to go to Mordor we’re going to we’re going to do the classic Journey yeah um so in order to do

That so just for context the distance we’ve covered in 20 minutes is from here to here and we have this far to go so like uh it’s it’s a bit much and I I realized that I could technically fast traveled any like point of Interest I’ve been in

The same Zone but that seems cheap cuz then all you got to do is enter the Zone fast travel to the end of the zone and then keep going so but we’re not doing that we’re just going to march on East for as far as it

Takes and the distances in this mod are approximately oneth of the distances they covered in the actual you know books more wise which is still quite significant so that’s that’s what we’re going to do for the next several months I would guess but you know resources are plentiful in

The Shire so we can gather them up as many you know various farmable uh things as we can we got an apple sapling that’ll help yeah definitely before next stream I’m going to figure out what’s causing all these FPS issues but for now I guess we just got to go with [Laughter] it You’re going to take advantage of plentiful food while we have it Jee okay this these these uh FPS issues are almost unacceptable could it be the Lord of the Rings mod itself with the sky that I enabled or something that’s probably it h yes all where there It

Is Well I changed it but now we’re going to have to restart I guess shut up for a second I hope we actually gained some traction here otherwise all this setup would have been for nothing it doesn’t seem to respond well To you know the pause button for with me what okay what the hell the world just corrupted what the hell happened are you serious unbelievable well time to start again ACD hit the UF 11 key okay we’re trying this again huh that’s unfortunate now I have to talk to Gandalf again

Unbelievable I toggled the quote unquote new Lord of the Ring sky in the configuration but nothing has Changed maybe it’s because I give it the game like 10 gab of ram I don’t think it actually needs that much and it might just be slowing it down at this point I get obsessed and I try to make it perfect but that’s just not going to happen

Whatever oh we got a Swift last think we got a lucky that’s good yes if you don’t know enchantments in this mod work differently you get modifiers on your weapons like in Terraria as opposed to traditional vanilla enchanting and you can reforge them in an anvil to get better

Modifiers we also do have tinker’s construct the problem is that I don’t know how to use tinker’s construct that’s just never been a thing that I’ve done but uh maybe we’ll try it out with some of the more exotic materials later but hey what’s up come on yep I know yep got it

Yep mhm understand gandal give me my pouches cool all right what are these two every time every time I Tab out with this game again it takes OBS like 3 seconds to catch up just take these hay bales and be on my way if I had a saddle I would love to

Take one of these ponies and go do you sell Saddles by any chance you do not you eat your whole cake I’ll just set my can I not set my spawn whenever I want do I have to sleep at night set the spawn I don’t know we’re King West when we should be

Going east what a fool I am all right uh I think for today our goal is going to be get to Bri I would reckon I bet we can do that I figured since it was a Saturday it didn’t really matter when I streamed but them numbers a’t looking too good but I

Guess that’s to be expected I don’t really have an audience I’m trying to still trying to work on that I Suppose yeah if you st directly at the sun you straight up just go [Laughter] blind hey magic I’m going to need some of this magic crystals later well sorry already have confirmed that they do spawn underground so they’re they’re technically a limited resource but you can just mine for them

Also I’m not sure how far do I want my alignment with the Hobbits to actually increase cuz I could grind for hobit alignment like they’re not really a good uh well how would I call it they’re not a great strategic Ally they’re not going to March into battle for me that’s for

Sure unless they do I I now that I think I’ve never seen a hobbit soldier ever in this mod so I don’t know if those exist if they do that’s hilarious but also their stats are low so I would guess that wouldn’t be the best idea if I was going to

Spend the time to actually gain some uh reputation I suppose we’ll make a little Outpost so I I think I think how I’m going to do it is I can teleport fast travel to places I’ve already been but not new locations so I actually have to make the distance [Laughter]

Okay yeah next next time I’m launching it with less room it’s clearly 1.7 doesn’t need 10 Gigs maybe it’s just how this mod is I don’t know we already got a half stack of mutton yeah I always I keep forgetting up until 1.9 axes were not good weapons I’m still salty by 1.9 what the hell was that did I just generate a bunch of

Structures or did I just like did that flower cause me massive lag can’t tell I need to stop looking at the stats because it’s making me sad play the video game eventually everything else will be fine play the video game for yeah when we’re generating lots of new chunks that’s when that happens

Uh oh they actually deal damage are you serious I think they deal a single half part of damage what a terrible weapon yeah no smoking would probably be funnier if I got like 70 70 of them but yeah one conquer does not an army make

I swear of a good PC guys this mod is just really a lot m too Dark back in the good old days where you actually picked up Ore oh I was I was good going to say oh man this pickaxe feels pretty fast and yeah it’s got the handy modifier on it so it actually is faster look I get I get extra melee reach with this that’s good melee reach is if I if if I’ve

Learned anything from my recent escapades in better Minecraft melee reach is really good uhoh what’s happened to my internet my internet’s pooping okay it’s back we died for a minute there I don’t know why that happened I I pay for G about it gab bit Ravine uh there’s lots of iron down there I kind of want it h let me just I don’t have I thought I picked up some milk bucket but I did not so how are we going to get down there safely think there was there water down there’s water somewhere yeah over here there’s

Water okay I have any let’s make some torches man just looking at this place is nostalgic it was a simpler time in 1.7 I think I’ll go for 2 or 3 hours today there’s a bunch of gemstones around here but I definitely can’t mine them without let’s see

No I need at least a uh probably let’s get some Iron cooking I guess and there are no blast furnaces how many Redstone components even exist in 1.7 I’m going to have to does redstone even spawn in here in the uh in Middle Earth I’m not sure cuz these other ores are normal

Things that exist in geology and Redstone is not one of them I’m going to have to make some iron armor and weapons as fast as I can probably before we get to bre land we want to have full iron iron because that’s where the Orcs start showing

Up I’m also going to want to raid some more places for food e they’ll buy salt that could be good I could use some [Applause] coin that is something we could do here we could grind out Quests for a while or uh shops each shop only has a certain

Amount of money that they have but yeah but you know the farther east we go I think the better off will’ll be in terms of resources uh like it’ll be better stronger items out that way I know Elish steel is really good the dun Dy have some nice stuff as well

Their bows are really nice I definitely want to befriend the dunad but I do that automatically just by killing good bag Arcs I wonder if anyone else on the in my entire like chat understands what that what I’m talking about talking about factions let’s just uh almost fell amethyst okay so the Blue Mountain guys want this uh the daish durans so basically Smiths want this cool but does it does it have any other

Use no it’s basically just a sellable item H might not be worth the ventory space in that case niter used to make gunpowder or bone Meal is there anything good we can make with gunpowder Fire bombs we don’t have blaze powder though oh if I get on agar’s good side I can make bombs do go door morle nick I don’t know who they are have to figure that out thrilling game play right here and aren’t I doing a good job of entertaining my my

Viewers of which there are none the music’s mightly entertaining though I want to get some silver but I don’t know how now I can trade with Merchants but I don’t know what they want ow I never understood why they introduce those they’re specifically cave noises they happen whenever you’re near

Caves but why caves already aren’t part to find I make them terrifying 12-year-old me would like or 10-year-old me rather would slam the lid of his laptop shut whenever he heard that thing and I guess it’s cool to know that there’s finally mod that actually uses those things cave dweller mod kind of

Cool I actually made a creepy PST out of it oops while I’m playing and my head’s just getting flooded with memories of P times you know everything’s so different now 1.7.10 was the first Minecraft version I ever played and this was one of the first mods I ever Installed I wish I could go back back to when I didn’t have to worry about responsibilities or the state of the world or getting drafted to war and my bones didn’t ache and I could just burn years of my life with no regard all right oh we get an extra one protection

Here that’s good awesome look at that full iron before we even got to Brand uh so we’ll just gather whatever iron is left in the cave then we’ll head off wait can I make a shield no that’s uh oh yeah that’s what these are they’re achievements but in reality we have

This what does the sword block even do I don’t even know if I remember anything about this mod is that the sword block is actually a essential to your Survival cuz uh there are things out here they can hit just as hard as I can sluggish get screw the an

Anvil how do I roll Enchantments I’ll have to figure it out some other time I don’t I don’t remember what I’m supposed to do oh I can straight up craft Saddles okay well we’re going to do that I’ll use the slow one just to kill it I’ll take these also whatever yeah I’m like 60% sure there’s

Just literally no danger in the sh copper whatever we’ll take it man this is painfully slow I could continually mine for coal but it’s so plentiful here not sure if I need to when am I going to use it all for coal isn’t exactly a scarce resource don’t break your legs what is

This there’s there’s two kinds of copper and they don’t stack that’s my favorite thing 10 this is 10 now I can wear whatever cosmetic armor I want or I can just not wear any ha I got armor under my skin now guess I’ll go with that since I’m dressed for the Part man this cape is great you know as a as a kid I would do anything for a Minecraft cape and now we actually have some available to everyone who actually paid Attention I would I would pay a 100 bucks straight up for a a piston Cape from linecon I would pay 100 bucks for that easily to the east we go I got to be on the lookout for cows since I want their leather so I can actually tame a horse

Oh W you look at that give me some of these just one more come On really no fine Oo we got some strong stuff let keep that for Later come on does any of this stack really no hang on we have backpacks backpack oh big backpacks take a lot of uh more take like twice as much as regular backpacks and a lot of string we can possibly craft those we can probably do the um Regular backpack

Though if we get lucky with some more More Cows where are we we are at byw water now give take a wild guess why it’s named that guess these big old trees are just normal yeah so north of me there’s a lake I guess we’re in a new day No I only need two more leather for a backpack think we can do that There no no no no no guess we’ll just keep continually Gathering food while we can No Oh Oh we can make a a saddle now now we just need a pony I’m about to make it a frog Morton ponies there we go now we can hold w and go at a mildly Fast Pace it’s it’s not very fast it’s better than walking I

Guess this this man this is such a distance to travel I’m going to make a debris and then we’ll call it there and I’m going to go play Ghost Recon breakpoint you know that game is actually pretty decent when you disable all of the nonsense I went in and I disabled I

Maximized enemy aggression and damage I disabled a lot of the multi like the multiplayer online features I disabled the shop I disabled I made injuries a lot worse I made damage really bad and you know what it’s a half decent head shot simulator but eh for most everyone else who plays the

Game it’s a you know a number crunching level up nonsense and that’s just uh not very fun to me with enemies that you have to have bullets let like how did you do that how did you manage that to combine actually tactical you know game play with a

Looter shooter like the worst possible combination all right let’s cut down some of these trees so we can get some fruit and saplings for uh Brewing can you not jump you just do a pathetic little hop that’s cute we just have to stand around and wait for the leaves to despawn

Oh there we go got a pear sapling Cherry sapling Apple sapling that’s all we needed let’s continue onwards we’re not even to the Brandy Ron bridge yet we’ve already been going for an hour and we’re not even out of the Shire we’re maybe halfway out of the sh at [Applause]

Most and this is on a 1 to 10 scale every one block we’re traveling would be 10 m in the world how insane is that you know maybe I didn’t think this through huh who’s going to watch this who honestly wants to watch this this is not the best oh my music is

Gone I hadn’t even noticed what happened there here it Is should we go up to the town of scary oh the barrel Downs are here there’s the South Downs there I think we’re good I’m pretty sure the barrel whites do actually exist which is not the best for our health getting kidnapped and covered in Treasure [Applause] for well

Ponies don’t do well with slabs it would seem [Applause] for oh we’re not even halfway oh God we’ll get across the brand new one I think that’s enough for me look at this environment though pretty nice nobody’s watching I’m not really having any fun but you know it’ll get better eventually just

Just takes so much time and I got to figure out these performance I think it’s better f I think it is cuz all of all of these extra little bits everywhere are from better foliage is this it there’s the Brandywine Bridge T oh my God there it is we’re across heading into breand

Eventually come on why are you suffocating yourself there that’s enough that’s enough I I can’t take this anymore all right that’s it

This video, titled ‘Lord Of the Blocks plays Minecraft The Lord of the Rings Mod!’, was uploaded by Lord Of The Blocks on 2023-12-03 09:16:06. It has garnered 14 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:53 or 5273 seconds.

I realized that I’ve based my entire identity and online persona on lord of the rings and like… never did anything lord of the rings, so I’m going to change that real quick.

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If you’re a creator looking for some quality celtic music creatorchords.com has you covered, I guess. Epic attribution dump: Music: Autumn Walk by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Adventure by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Mjói by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Skaga by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Borgar by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Norður by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Vopna by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Grundar by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Heartbeat by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Highland Song by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Magic Tavern by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Celtic Atmosphere by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music: Now We Ride by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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    Born for This - Minecraft Animation Music Video Minecraft Parody Song: “Fight for This” – Born for This Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce mobs, players immerse themselves in a realm where the possibilities are endless. Adding to the excitement is the latest Minecraft parody song, “Fight for This,” set to the tune of “Born for This” by The Score. The Song and Video The song, performed by Abtmelody, captures the essence of the Minecraft experience. With lyrics that speak of courage, perseverance, and unity, players are inspired to take on any challenge that comes their… Read More

  • HEROBRINE IS WATCHING – Who Will Survive? 🤯😱 #minecraft

    HEROBRINE IS WATCHING - Who Will Survive? 🤯😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Hai saath Toh Darne kA kya BAAT 🤯😱 #gaming #shorts #minecraft #viral credit by- @LostEdge’, was uploaded by CHILL SWANIK on 2024-04-12 11:49:55. It has garnered 20220 views and 1149 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Herobrine Hai saath Toh Darne kA kya BAAT 🤯😱 #gaming #shorts #minecraft #viral @LostEdge wait for end Share the shorts with your friends! Have a good day. 🙂 Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,… Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! 🚀🔥 #minecraft

    Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! 🚀🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mind-Blowing Bed Wars Showdown! 🤯🎮 #shorts #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by KingOCookies on 2024-05-09 15:59:31. It has garnered 3823 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. ➡️ Enjoy my videos? Watch me live: https://www.twitch.tv/kingocookies Email me your inquiries: [email protected] Sponsors, Business, Media: [email protected] ⭐️ Follow Me If You Are Amazing: ➡️ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@kingocookies ➡️ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/KingOCookies ➡️ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/king_o_cookies/ ➡️ KINGOCOOKIES DISCORD: https://discord.gg/G5gBDmDTYX ➡️ DONATIONS: https://streamlabs.com/kingocookies/tip Read More


    INSANE BANK BUILD | MINECRAFT TUTORIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘@minecraft|| HOW TO MAKE A BANK 🏦 IN MINECRAFT || Tutorial ||#minecraft#viral@MrBeastGaming #132’, was uploaded by SKY GAMER 0005 on 2024-03-12 14:31:10. It has garnered 335 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftmemes, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses#minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters#dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly… Read More

  • Magic Network

    Magic NetworkThis is a Lifesteal and PVP Server. With Tons of Ranks, Crates and More. I hope you enjoy and have fun! magicsmp.mc-connect.xyz Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist Hermitcraft-like LGBTQ+ Friendly Community-focused 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula Project Nebula Hey! Thanks for checking out our server! Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP where we focus on community and fun gameplay. Our goal is to grow a friendly and diverse community of players who enjoy playing Minecraft together. Quick Links Nebula Photo Album Dynmap Discord About Us & Values Project Nebula is run by college students who love playing Minecraft and fostering a welcoming community. Our server has been running for over 5 years with a focus on providing a fun Vanilla experience. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming Community-driven & transparent Mutual trust & respect Commitment… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥“Who needs a real sunrise when you can wake up to blocky pixels instead? 🌞 #MinecraftLife” Read More

  • 24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains?

    24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains? In the gym for 24 hours straight, Pushing limits, feeling the weight. Stretching, cardio, feeling fine, Ready for this marathon, feeling divine. Energy bursting, two hours in, But the challenge is about to begin. Fatigue setting in, feeling the burn, But I won’t stop, there’s more to learn. Maintaining energy, nutrition is key, No time to rest, let’s continue with glee. Second wind, feeling reinvigorated, Ready for more, feeling elated. Hitting a low point, this is tough, Praying for strength, feeling rough. Every muscle aching, but no giving up, Pushing through, filling my cup. Steroids giving me the boost… Read More

  • “Bedrock Logic: When you dig straight down and find diamonds” 🔥😂 #shorts #viral

    "Bedrock Logic: When you dig straight down and find diamonds" 🔥😂 #shorts #viral “When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft Bedrock but then accidentally fall into lava and lose them all… Troll Face be like ‘Gotcha!’” Read More

  • My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story

    My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story Minecraft Animation Story Love: “Human is my Lover” Season 1 [Part 2] Exploring Chiang Tung City In this episode of the Minecraft Animation Story “Human is my Lover,” the characters find themselves in the vibrant and bustling Chiang Tung City. The map used for this episode provides a stunning backdrop for the unfolding events. You can explore the city yourself by visiting the map here: Chiang Tung City Map. Immersive Soundtrack The episode features an engaging soundtrack that enhances the viewing experience. The music sets the tone for the story and adds depth to the emotions portrayed. Here are… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak Secrets

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Time’, was uploaded by CloaK on 2024-05-29 21:10:37. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:08 or 12128 seconds. Read More

  • Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild Adventures

    Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft 1-7’, was uploaded by Game_Mood on 2024-05-18 11:18:43. It has garnered 53041 views and 1519 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:13 or 3733 seconds. USE CODE: GAMEMOOD in the Item Shop #Epicpartner Support Our Channel By Being a Member https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iynlGv3vLIEFyhsvnU_PQ/join #shorts ✋ ✋ #minecraft #gaming #clips #Minecraftshorts #funny #troll The US Presidents play Minecraft, Donald Trump Joe Biden and Barack Obama start their own Minecraft server and mess around This video in its entirety is satire and is simply to entertain and for laughs. I am in no way… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!

    Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SOS – Ep. 15: THE TOMB OF MYTHICAL SAUSAGE!!!’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-02 14:30:02. It has garnered 40538 views and 3539 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:01 or 1201 seconds. Welcome to Minecraft SOS Episode 15!! Today we’re doing a pet challenge on the server, and building up our recently bought cemetery plot from Jimmy!!! My Friends: Fwhip – https://www.youtube.com/@fWhip Joey – https://www.youtube.com/@JoeyGraceffaGames Katherine – https://www.youtube.com/@KatherineElizabeth_ Lizzie – https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady Mog – https://www.youtube.com/@Mogswamp Owen – https://www.youtube.com/@OwengeJuiceTV Pix – https://www.youtube.com/@Pixlriffs Sausage – https://www.youtube.com/@TheMythicalSausage Scott – https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname Shubble – https://www.youtube.com/@Shubble Joel – https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans… Read More

  • Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH 😱🔥

    Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘KiiBOOM emerald switches 🌿’, was uploaded by Lifeafterdeath Gaming on 2024-01-03 21:45:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #mojang #thankyou #gaming #update #portal #portal2 #dropper #thedropper #2022 #viral #original #dimensions … Read More

  • “Uncover the Secret to Invincibility in Minecraft SMP!” #wintersmp

    "Uncover the Secret to Invincibility in Minecraft SMP!" #wintersmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Becoming invincible #wintersmp #minecraft #smp#shorts’, was uploaded by Qeco on 2024-04-06 12:01:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT ATM9: SAY GOODBYE TO REFINED STORAGE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 18 (Bye Bye Refined Storage!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-22 02:28:37. It has garnered 649 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 05:05:45 or 18345 seconds. Hey everyone! So, I finally decided to just do the thing and switch EVERYTHING over to Applied Energistics because Refined Storage needs to go sit in a time-out for a while and think about the temper tantrums it keeps having. xD Note – I’m going to add a little blurb here since I got asked this several… Read More


    EVIL BOYY EXPOSED IN VIRAL MINECRAFT HACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hack #minecraft #viral #shorts #trending #gamer #shortvideo #game #mcpe’, was uploaded by __EVIL__BOYY__G__ on 2024-01-16 14:06:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “LordS_Dr1p1ng – Epic PvP Kills!” #minecraft #hypixel #skywars

    "LordS_Dr1p1ng - Epic PvP Kills!" #minecraft #hypixel #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Views! #gaming #pvp #minecraft #minecraftpvp #hypixel #bedwar #bedwars #hylex #skywars #mc #shorts’, was uploaded by LordS_Dr1p1ng on 2024-01-10 18:03:25. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:02 or 2 seconds. Read More

  • SNN Shadowy pulls off insane trick! 😱 No gliding allowed!

    SNN Shadowy pulls off insane trick! 😱 No gliding allowed!Video Information This video, titled ‘How did I hit this? 🤣 No gliding for you!’, was uploaded by SNN Shadowy on 2024-01-13 08:03:32. It has garnered 2474 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. My public discord user =sxvh My discord server =https://discord.gg/29ztr3t7rY Minecraft ign = elementalown fortnite main account = SNN Own Valorant account = Shadowy#rizz my tiktok page = SNN Shadowy #fortnite #fortniteclips #gaming #ps #fortnitecommunity #memes #fortnitememes #fortnitebattleroyale #gamer #fortnitebr #fortnitegameplay #xbox #twitch #meme #fortniteclansrecruiting #dankmemes #follow #fortnitenews #fortniteleaks #funny #like #fortnitemontage #youtube #k #fortnitegame #playstation #pubg #game #fortniteps #pc… Read More

  • MysticalB0x

    MysticalB0xA brand new amazing box server. we have grindable ranks, active staff, no p2w system, and a very diverse gameplay style. we have mob arenas, pvp arenas, mini games, but most importantly, a box, with grindable, OP gear. MysticalB0x.minehut.gg Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon SMP, Java & Bedrock 1.20.6, Mature Community, Player-driven Economy, Grief Protection, Custom Features, mcMMO, Progression-based Tools

    Join Our Community at Stormy Lagoon Embark on a survival journey like no other on Minecraft versions 1.20.4-1.20.6. Join our welcoming community established over four years ago on January 4th, 2022. Dive into a player-driven economy, explore unique features, and enjoy our exclusive Stormy Tools for endless enjoyment. Server Details Version: 1.20.4, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: play.stormylagoon.com Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Connect with Us Discord: Join our Discord Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: Tiktok What Makes Us Unique? Chat Report Disabled for hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels for guidance Quality of Life Commands like… Read More

  • ChaotiCraft: The Wild Woods

    ChaotiCraft: The Wild WoodsHello and welcome!Thanks for stopping by.We’re a newer little server that’s just starting to get it’s footing.We’re a friendly bunch and we’re hoping to invite more people so we can make more friends.We have homes you can teleport to and from.We have McMMO, which has a bunch of skills and features.We have NPCs which roam around and can both give you quests and be shopkeepers.We have a Discord server for hanging out which also has a channel linked to the ingame chat.We are actively polling our community and taking suggestions wherever we can.We would love to see you come and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Solo crafter conquers nether & end.

    Minecraft Memes - Solo crafter conquers nether & end.I guess you could say this meme is 14 times more popular than any other crafting meme out there! Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft store cutter meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft store cutter meme “Why go to the store to buy a cutter when you can just mine for one in Minecraft? #gamerlogic” Read More

  • Bee Relocation Prank – Minecraft Ep. 57

    Bee Relocation Prank - Minecraft Ep. 57 Exploring the World of Minecraft in Episode 57: Bee Relocation 🐝 In the vast and endless world of Minecraft, our journey begins in a beautiful survival mode setting. Let’s dive into the adventures that await us in this exciting episode. Discover New Worlds and Tips Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, there’s always something new to learn in Minecraft. From valuable tips to clever tricks, each episode offers a chance to expand your knowledge and skills. Engage with a Thriving Community Join the vibrant community of Minecraft fans and exchange ideas, strategies, and stories in the comments… Read More

  • Mister Matt discovers secret in Minecraft 2024!

    Mister Matt discovers secret in Minecraft 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft’s 2024 April Fools Update!’, was uploaded by Mister Matt on 2024-04-02 17:43:54. It has garnered 89 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:35 or 7295 seconds. I missed doing specials for Easter & April Fools’ Day, so allow me to catch up with this ”stream of consciousness” by playing through Minecraft’s latest April Fools’ Update! Join The Hydration Nation! https://discord.gg/hudxh3r Subscribe to my other channels! The Video Essay Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaq0RzpkHUE_SbpsgEzyUMA The Meme Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtRtGRtx2dgkTQcc7y2l0dA/featured MUSIC CREDITS: ”Spring Thaw” by Asher Fulero ”Wind Riders” by Asher Fulero ”Alpha” by C418… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay! Day 9

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay! Day 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Day – 9 || Tarun Playz’, was uploaded by Tarun Playz on 2024-04-24 11:56:38. It has garnered 543 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:51 or 9951 seconds. Hi there guys welcome to Tarun Playz on this channel, we play multiple pc game Such as – GTA 5 , Minecraft , Genshin Impact (as are the main focused games ). The thing are upload in form of video and short, meanwhile we also do short and long marathon stream of genshin and other games Apart from that I have… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Old vs New Minecraft Edition || #minecraft

    Insane Battle: Old vs New Minecraft Edition || #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : old vs new – nostalgia ” || #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by It’s your boy steve on 2024-05-11 18:30:24. It has garnered 10258 views and 911 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC minecraft shorts, minecraft but, minecraft memes, minecraft trends, satisfying minecraft video, minecraft challenge, normal vs realistic minecraft, minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts ,minecraft normal vs realistic, minecraft shorts, minecraft memes, minecraft realistic, minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft, minecraft realistic videos, minecraft, minecraft realistic, realistic minecraft, minecraft realistic texture pack,minecraft realistic water,… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE ANIME EDIT IN MINECRAFT! #jawdroppingVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE BRIDGE #anime #onepunchman #edit #animeedit #minecraft #wallpaper #gamingcommunity’, was uploaded by ALTERLEO – 7 on 2024-03-23 11:54:49. It has garnered 65 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. “Minecraft Bedrock viral PvP” likely refers to popular player-versus-player (PvP) content or strategies within the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft that have gained widespread attention and popularity among players. This could include certain PvP minigames, maps, tactics, or challenges that have gone viral within the Minecraft Bedrock community. inspiration @Sudhy @sharpnessyt Minecraft bedrock server nether games descri NetherGames is a… Read More

  • Fishystrikes: The Ultimate Noob in PigSlap PvP

    Fishystrikes: The Ultimate Noob in PigSlap PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Worst PvPer on PigSlap Montage’, was uploaded by fishystrikes on 2024-03-24 20:32:02. It has garnered 530 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:07 or 67 seconds. ip: pigslappvp.minehut.gg ignore: Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is… Read More