EPIC Minecraft Modded Server – Join the Fun Now!

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We’re going have to go to the surface wellam up there he might try to kill me oh there’s FLH FLH oh oh Lord you you sound like a zombie oh oh flesh ooh flesh all right ready for uh 5 Hour stream all right you ready do my God yeah yeah

Yeah just say get OptiFine or get Jacob he has one one bar he’s in or he has three no he has three there you go so like now yeah he’s chilling now yo it jinxed him he’s at the main village you like my new skin it’s a demon and then I changed my

Name to demon I couldn’t load back cuz I changed my name cuz you know it doesn’t make sense everyone on the server has their Discord names their name no he has four bars he’s going up in the world bro I got to be so careful there’s like Monsters near here maybe I

Maybe hey hold up you think it should be expanded to 40 for the top yeah what if you’re in the what if you’re in like like a think about it when you’re in a big cave you should be able to I should be able to hear you all the way from down there

With the Reverb pretty much and it yeah but what about up there you’d be able to hear us remember the farther you down the more Reverb yeah I know so uh I got to make it OC you won’t be able to hear through walls Jacob because the you know the the

Sound can’t hear through walls like this thick [ __ ] someone right above us they can’t hear yeah if we didn’t have that it would uh here like I don’t know 50 blocks oh I’m sorry that was yeah sure go through the water go through the cave

God I’m going to need more space if I’m going to be uh I already got like three hours of uh of footage what the [ __ ] is that that’s a hummingbird I I don’t know how this is a tsunami place he might he might try to kill

I I don’t know say are you friendly like just say just say is the uh I’m going to go mine this tree over here Jacob yeah I’m over here I’m right here behind you see me hello hello can you hear me hello yes I can hear you you

[ __ ] all right that’s all you had to say all right let the I already used this mod before which mod I just going to completely invalid what he said did you place this here yeah tsunami said he already profited like 15 iron from finding someone’s corpse he’s over there Scavenging

I don’t know but those Corps been there for about it’s been uh three three some hours since we started this server roughly in time com to you all right let’s go to him all right he’s at like spawn so let’s go where spawn Direction you know what I have to do it d

Go ahead science and don’t look at it tell them uh tell him what’s records no he’s at Village let’s just go to village Village is way I’m a one heart supposed to block when you when you come up how you one I got let the Dog I left my coal again my life is crazy yeah crazy letting a dog out the dog Wants Howell I this yeah I gotta get out of these parts you coming or not yep uh hello where are you you can’t just run off and expect me to think what do you mean I was talking you I was damn telling you to get in the

Boat you said they you’re going to go get food or something stop talking you could stop talking you’re behind my ear you’re behind I’m in front of your ear D I’ll be honest I don’t know know where to go I don’t know where to go I kind of lost oh Buffalo that’s

Good oh we got Bob Bob’s Bob’s going to be like uh where do I go now I see him he’s over there Bob no he can’t hear us from here Bob hey Bob you got any food Bob I got one heart I need food I have a stack of bread

He’s holding out on us D how can you even carry that much bread I’m lagging what the hell here I’ll let Levi know that the server up yeah we got tsunami here he he has full bars see his internet just dipped tells me that the Ser running

Good all right I don’t even know where the village is this is the wrong way pretty sure it’s this way it’s this way I think I think it’s this way cuz this goes to Z uh I don’t know I see over here I think so all right let me get my

Thing come on we got to go back to the snow all right we going to make a we need to make a home base yeah we need to get to the main village go this way oh wait no SP is this way yeah oh yeah yeah it’s going to keep on going

Straight this whole area is surrounded by villagers it’s pretty crazy I’m really tired I’m not not on pizza right now Pizza I think yeah that spawn is like right there over there onion you don’t need to be an exact yeah this is spawn or this is where tsunami was when you took those pictures yeah it’s just the location the remnants we’ll probably find a few few corpse here prepare yourself to see

Corpse and they already leave me he don’t leave me kill tsunami where at spawn uh’s not in the server you went to go get some food no you should add a two name what this is the cave where I brutally died by the cave last stream oh

Yeah no no it’s fine it’s fine down there oh yeah it’s a b it’s a bit it’s a bit loud uh you don’t need it it’s only when you have background noise oh okay I don’t I don’t have background volume what the heck is a microphone ampli amplification don’t turn that

Up here you want to hear what it sounds like here you want to hear what it sounds like with me having it all the way up that’s what it sounds like oh it’s kind of loud turn it down all right yeah turned it back tsunami came here and he was like

Uh where the hell is all the wheat who took all the wheat took it I took everything I saying uh and then whoever placed like uh stuff around here needs to be killed that’s what he said so what about there’s a village Straight Ahead from just don’t don’t

Tell them what’s going on isn’t that the spawn Village I thought this was a spawn Village no this is the village we came to the spawn Village was like uh that way or something yeah that’s spawn Village there’s like four but tsunami he’s he’s over

Here oh this is you um this is where you tra me this is where tsunami was talking about whoever whoever built this needs to Die Play Back remnants I I don’t wait what we have a flower in here salute him all right I need to make a house

Somewhere I don’t really like the GL grass area it’s too much damn grass I need a I need like a I need like a birch Forest I I was thinking about jumping in that it looks just like water this looks like water on my screen it looks like

Cheese I want to turn on shaders but I don’t at the same time yeah I’m cooking an egg I’m going do it hook in an egg don’t yeah don’t touch my egg I need it to survive here don’t throw away eggs you can cook them and turn them into fried

Eggs I want to see I want to see what you mean By I think I’m going to make a house we lost Bob he turned on the Shader oh forgot still you turn on a Shader you could to help yourself oh my God stop hitting me it was a punch barely did any Dam looks like he survived free horse I want the free

Horse free horse guys no rest in peace to the Mr horse he didn’t last long no no come here come here in here in here follow the bread follow the bread yeah yeah follow bread bro there might be loot in that chest there there ain’t enough in

Here this is where he took look at the body look don’t break that look in the body look what’s on the body hey CH look in the body look in the body I know Jacob I seen it from tsunami’s picture it turned into a skeleton no look in the body what’s in

No I’m taking that tunami must have left it there he left it for someone else half a half a set of armor iron armor he uh he didn’t look in the body if he looked in the body he’d be very rich don’t worry guys I’ll I’ll distinguish the lava no you go no

Get back here oh it’s on fire there we go so prom Sol yay this this Lea worker chest had a single piece of bread and that was it yo both I’ve only managed to break One controller my whole entire time of playing v wait leather pants Oh wait I have Iron

Pants bro I’m going to like I’m going to like go somewhere I’m going to like make a base it’s been 20 minutes already just me walking around and like no progress done I’m pist you do what you want what the hell is this I’m about to

Go I’m about to go 3,000 blocks in a different direction make a base that’s uh that’s a turtle turtle oh I just a jum hey wonder what’s down here oh interesting the quest three is good but I don’t know i’ probably I’m probably not yeah probably not going to get a quest

Three I’d ra the quest two is not better I’d rather get a I rather get a Val du actually the r fest is better than the quest too maybe maybe up there we have to we to that’s three2 who knows don’t know haven’t tested them I’ll take that me for Christmas I

Got leather what the [ __ ] there’s two leather worker places thing why is he up there why is he up there bro scared oh this one trades clay that’s pretty good to do that trades ra I played uh v a little too much go let’s go yeah I’m starting to do desktop streams

This stream’s going to be like five hours long planning on doing it longer but I yeah I had to I had a mute for a second basically what I want to do is start streaming uh other games SS VR more of like a take a break from VR in general yo

Hey what G what what good way to do it start on Minecraft Minecraft server can’t even speak I know why am I even digging this up what are you doing down there CL purpose just sell it to get emeralds you get a mod where you go under water and it muffles your voice

Nah that’s asking too much but it’ make it a lot better it would make it better but I didn’t make the mod oh this is a good trade go over here we going to blockade this guy oh that’s that’s pretty good trade smell 20 blob is this your doing or is this

The fire’s doing fire yeah got up here let’s uh start smelting some Cobble I’m going start mining bro chill chill what are you doing lock him down what are you doing you’re supposed to be the master at this N I want this bed ain’t getting it

Why he’s going to live in there with you I don’t want to live with him what the hell something jumped me out of my bed he grabbed me out of my bed and it auto hit him why did it do that I I know maybe because this blew up right here oh

Jump scared jump scared my character jump scared a character here there’s leather pants if someone wants that I don’t want it here blob you want to be a rich minion there you go wait wait wait wait hear me out hear me out hear me out oh yeah I forgot I had this

Hey who hit me not me I’m in my you’re not oh I was going for one second go over here go over here no no come here come here come here you’re right here free house come on who accept your death my death why is there water there’s no water up

There oh wait I have to I’ll have to be right back what the hell what is this they’ll probably kill him by the way AFK never mind all right he served his punishment that’s crazy now we block him in I’m taking a boat ride out of here W up your you

Go hey actuallyy where are you I’m going to be leaving this area that was unprovoked no reason for that no the killer Kraken had to be done yo say goodbye and where do you think you’re going I went that far just to go over here I I want to find myself nice place

To start building I can’t build yeah I’m going to find a place to live to over over here you should try out the Shader I’m using it’s pretty good you probably like it and the water is not messed up or lava I mean yeah you know how to add

Shaders no I’ll do that later all right all right just tell me when you want it I’ll give you the colum fig and the Shader all right I want to make it really good this will be the this will be what replaces renude in the mod pack for the default [ __ ] all right

I’m going to be uh get my boat I already have a boat all right I’m just trying to find the ocean we can do this two ways you come with me and we like have a civilization or uh I I leave and I make my own base which one whatever you

Want I want to add some uh animations and stuff in the future to mobs yeah we only got 24 remember what I said when I had moms or mod it’s going to be very small wher you go go where you want to go if I

Make a house I’m going to have to deal with people com to it just like the real I’m just finding a nice place to make I had to worry about people tracking me down I think it does more damage when you don’t have a shield attached to

It yeah if you don’t have a if you’re not wearing a shield jaob does nine damage but if you have AAR or does seven I mean good to know for mine anyways it does 7.2 when you you have a shield so I’m just going to use my iron swords faster

Hey you’re following me D I don’t want to hear it on your own you said you’re fall on me and then put you on your own I was not but that Where am I going to live now I thought I lost you here help me build here yeah we’ll we’ll live together I guess we’ll make a think about it we’ll make a tower and then we can have we can have like a bunch of ballistas on the top

We’re still a little close to spawn yeah that’s kind of the point Jacob but look at this uh Pass Road there’s going to be giant ships I know some people that joined are going to really look at the crafting recipes and try to get down like battleships and

[ __ ] you can put jaob you can put cannons on those they blow up blocks canons um I think I’m the battle [ __ ] oh no that blob off the deep end he he picked up the seed the SE back don’t kill the crow took the seed I buried him uh like eight here you

Want cirular uh circular one yeah I’ll start the outline I really know how to make a circle not really that hard it’s very easy just depends on how long how large you Leng don’t matter not a damn Circle or I don’t want it a complete

Circle I want it kind of like laid out like a a bunker or something you got any stone by chance no this going to be the first actual big structure on the server uh all goes well I need Stone Jacob start making a damn mine or something

Here I’ll make the outline of the mine I’m not going to mine here I’m going to mine towards that mountain over there yeah mine here n I’m not going to mine here all right here’s my uh I don’t want to go damn like far as [ __ ] to mine I’m going

To I’m going to go far really far to that mountain over there I’m on mine I’m going to have a quick mine over here see you in uh see you in you want me to mine down here right yeah just mine what’s up do you have a shovel nope I need a close

Place need to go the way down like very deep yeah I’m just going to little bit start I’m start op Cobble mine up here cler farther down I don’t know if I want to have levels you want a little deeper than this make it like three blocks we can

Always make the spiral go deeper I just need a place to start mining so and maybe we should make it out of a I don’t know stone brick that’d be nice yeah it’s going to be expensive though oh yeah here give me this is why we need

Blob blob would be a good person to Mine blob is trustworthy we we’ve seen the damn dweller together you know what I mean he got slain by the cave Waller he did he’s seen the horrors in this world I watched we haven’t even seen the other hores I watched them Scream if I even think they are here I don’t know I haven’t checked it might just be the dweller I’ll definitely be adding like trolls and goblins and stuff does a thing verify uh no I’m just going to keep trying it don’t matter I have a way to do it and

People already shown that they can follow to do it so and it’s probably better if to do that way cuz then uh I can just have everything I can’t use shaders with that cuz you can’t play single player so it won’t it won’t get verified the oh just do it from uh the

Server yeah that’s what I’m thinking it’s easier but the whole point of that was to uh see if I do all the config and someone wants to just add it on there they’re not even part of the server they could just do that to play it cuz I can

Add the server and everything there so every time it’s online just pops up there ohami is going to he’s going to build a pipe bomb in Minecraft watch out said yeah did he say that yeah oh my God I don’t know if there is bombs I haven’t even looked you

Should look oh my God uh I don’t think but there’s there’s there’s ballistas I think there’s cats as well which iron do I have left I want to Like Flint stuff that’s that’s in the future all right I am poor little like little grenades and

Like the hell is this I’m going going to go find out can’t even carry all of this I need a backpack mod oh my God they didn’t they add that in the vanilla game H this is not that version we’re thinking about it back in tsunami’s coming back in can’t hear

Me you can’t see our base all right tunami is come back in he be at The Villages is that what he said yeah here you can you can use this as traps it’s not going to be a complete circle so I don’t want to hear it all

Right I’m going to go find uh some iron need it that’s good enough for a tower you think maybe yeah let me try to close some stuff to give me some more FPS soami said that was a shitty Circle [ __ ] tsunami he don’t know what a

Circle looks like and I’m kind of green with them got to redo that a few more times God damn it no it’s good trust trust the process trust trust the proc what’s happening right here it’s a it’s a good circle look this you need Levi to

Build this you can’t make a circle why you sitting on me so much I tried my best all right well your best wasn’t good enough God damn it I ran out of room over here what do you want me to do about it it look at this look at

This what the [ __ ] know you already know what I’m going to do no no we’re not having that don’t be doing all that we should put spikes around it you want to make like a yeah we should definitely put spikes around it don’t slip you’ll fall and

Die oh look at that rain tsunami it’s some good rain right there F3 is something that’s not is just press f23 what’s down here really nothing what are these little gr doing food I’m going to somehow make it back thought that was the Ravine for a second thought I was about to

Die I ain’t pressing F3 for you to know exactly where I am what’s that he ain’t finding me you’re going to have to try to look my surroundings yeah we visit the village the spawn Village in that ow that body that you sent picture of the body had a chest

Iron chest plate iron leggings you could have you could just left ow oh uh I don’t really know the Pacific Place just cave dweller uh proximity and where is uh there’s a few mods if you want to join the it’ll be in the Discord we got everything listed how to join

Don’t you make that noise you hear me don’t you make that Noise don’t you make that noise at me they’re going to kill me noop I going to die it’s just raining hi creeper I miss you I’m terrified that was terrifying hurry very stressful right there why do need to get iron is not going well the lavaur I was trying to go to

This mountain but I don’t know if I can do that anymore just going to have to travel in the trees what all right I’m going to take a picture of my cords just in case if I do die what is this I thought this would be more of a cave than this come

On Mr creeper bro uh is this okay right here oh what is this none these are C oh this is a cave now all right a little deep down here found the iron all right I should be safe down here this shouldn’t be no monster going back to Stone

I don’t know if I should go deeper in the cave should brought a bed with me just deeper and deeper all right I’m going to picture the C uh just don’t don’t know When don’t know when the little monster going come on De I to murder you H Oh wrong I was in a cave and I heard the Weller and I thought I got my head snapped crazy why you spawn us all here you’re abusing your power tusing your

Power fuse your power trying to teleport blob to me I need a [ __ ] I need someone mining someone kill me I don’t want to be here no more wait never mind never mind forget that all right bet all right there you go wait wait what the

[ __ ] guess we just G have to tell usort our back my XP can’t even see them what the heck what is happening there’s a turtle right there what there’s a freaking turtle and I’m walking on the turtle all right May gave him a this is going to be a little bit less accurate

But quite a tunami get keep that yourself I may have some uh wrong wrong qu you may you guys may have German weapons I will take Jesse’s German weapon a second don’t take his stuff off to kill [Laughter] you I had a really good mic and then it broke oh

Broke my well looks like you did a little graining tsunami what do you mean we St I wait hold on let me let me place the the so wait does the voice mod also just like come with no separate mod I’m pretty sure yeah look at this these are from all the

Golems I killed [ __ ] why is there a crow in the compost no where you going where you going here you stole my three seeds he ran away oh shoot you can’t tell me how many people I killed by doing that where I died brutally murdered tsunami where did he go

All the way to the spawn Village it’s already been an hour for dang you taking forever what it’s a bird just hovering we call that a hover what is this you literally disappeared where the heck is demon yellow l seven Contin um what do we do oh no just wait

Here no he doesn’t take a entire hour to get here the silly little Fortress thing I’m here jaob took forever because where I spawned it’s like almost Block in 30 seconds really I think tsunami took one of your swords no he didn’t touch anything it’s

All here he also said uh built where I started building that Tower is like nearly a th blocks away that’s why it took so long I don’t know y tra me in that little place I don’t know minutes till I came back and got out and it was like everyone is this a

New v no they’re firing at us let’s the IP it’s all on the it’s all on the Discord well I’ll give you the IP you can’t join unless if you uh get the mod pack and that’s in it’s in Discord okay guys I will Jo oned Edition it will

Work I see him I see him down here thinking I see him down there reinking it only works with PC too probably know that I mean uh these mods look like PC mods to me yeah they are what the so no no come on villager you’re supposed to

Help us now you got to get in there come on what you doing come on you got you got to compost your come on do it come on come on oh he need he needs food it cost cough up some food put who needs food all right let’s go

Back I want to build this Tower took that ran he took the food the food he’s greedy not come on come on we got to go to the thing it’s uh there’s no positive 5504 positive three uh 234 it’s really not that far you just got to watch out

Dangerous all right follow me if you want to come back I still remember the day I died to the cave all right straight this way yeah your corpse is still down there like 600 blocks hold on yeah blob just keep on running straight you find us eventually is nice

Shoters I’m going to put uh you’re a little too far for us can’t hear you this texture pack is known for uh the the water quality what yeah my PC would say otherwise getting a little bit too low frames I like that my distance chunks really high that does really go well a

Here we go R go over here he good no come here come here come Here yeah that was not that wasn’t that hard raccoons you got any Spruce uh uh any any Spruce saplings I think I got Spruce saplings where is he I don’t have any saplings on me God and I threw mine get get those out of my inventory I

Have we should make this we should make this a dungeon oh yeah a prison to be AA this will be our be our prison where we house um I don’t know rabbits H all right we’re going to build a tower on top since there’s like lots of water around here

You know like big ships are going to be coming in uh what version is the server in Jesse uh you figure that off Jacob all right it’s all on the Discord you got to join the Discord to get the server yep 1.8.2 though you should join the

Discord it’s the only way to get in got to get the mods at this rate the server is going to get maxed out what’s the Discord I I sent it it’s uh the discord’s pinged already people all right here we go here we go

I can’t even carry all that I need a to make chest I have no wood I have a bunch of Bunch Bunch it will be in the Minecraft category and it’ll be how to join has all the steps here make sure you get beds up here there’s three beds up there

Us make sure you get my main weapon like whenever I get really good at the game is going to be the like the netherite um is it called where the hell is it where did it go oh the nether a I didn’t know there’s nether netherite

Versions of that oh my God yeah there is there’s NE versions of every weapon can you enchant them with sharpness yes you can enchant all of them like you might need stronger armor well there is armor there’s steel armor but I haven’t found any steel yet I don’t know how we do that

Rusted half armor I don’t even know how you do that you could make Fab and make fabc do you have the dark dark mod uh no I don’t think it doesn’t work it makes the night like realistically dark like it’s p black I feel like it would be a Hance if

Anything yeah what the heck this thing has durability the thing could be very scary in the caves yeah I’m going to throw my jump in all right well you’ll sort it out all right the RB is kicking in he goes in caves of the oh this is considered a cave now oh

Yeah all right I’m getting out of here then I don’t want to die again well I don’t think he goes around lights I think he stays in the yeah like right here it’s very dark right here if I hear a sound from him I’m going up yeah I got I got some torches

I’ll light up in here should be fine we’re not really that deep be careful it’s dangerous here could be dangerous you don’t know the doeller control imagine if the dweller shows up we’re in we’re in here he goes after one person ain’t going to be

Me ain’t going to be me after last time cuz I I rewatched the stream and like I saw you like going to through the wall and you can hear me screaming my life on there I I heard it cut out and then I was just echor in the cave after he

Died I was very scared iron I it’s One Piece One Piece I need oh there’s more Yi why is there wool here have a we have multiple beds have no clue I think it’s about Hour 4 I’ve been playing the server how’s it going I got Stone we need like a stone chest

Was he SL but thought I di I did think you died I didn’t think you died I was looking for your corpse I didn’t find it said but the only that it away was iets around my yeah for a second there I did think you got I think you

Died I was terrified I was like that could have been me I was hiding in here cobone thing all right you know that’s it y back to work uh forgot the name the S no the s yeah s that’s Shad called sonami here yeah I see his name your mic is muted

Jessie oh wait I muted everyone you know tsunami here yeah tep he tried he tried to run the shaders his PC blew up PC blew up rip I don’t know why but I left don’t get a habit of uh teleporting everybody well tsunami is uh trustworthy

We can we can trust them with this great cause we are the holy night we got to up uphold our virtues we are we are the first people on the server RI to his PC uh the what first viewer to join your server yeah without being uh actually someone likeone yeah like

Like the other one other people I were playing with I trust all of those with my channel like drop all your Cobble I have it on the chest up there it’s like three stacks s he keeps leaving uh I don’t know he probably running into problems tsunami uh you can’t run the

Shaders I hate I hate to say it but you’re not going to be able to run the shaders tell them to turn it off in the the settings yeah turn off I don’t know before it joins turn it off in the the Minecraft settings he said you don’t have the

Shader Shader enable well turn down your distance trunks I’m done mining for today keep on mining they might have quit just got to keep on mining for the Empire well that’s that’s about enough mining uh uh n look at that Turtle right there look at this Turtle this reminds me this

Reminds me of what you are right now don’t kill it they don’t this reminds me this reminds me of whenever youed no they don’t they don’t randomly spawn no no not the turtle the turtle you hit another one no not that you killed Master ug demon horns it’s all on the it’s all

On the steps it’s the it’s in the steps of the the tutorial here what is this you download the file uh no this one is this one is use useless useless useless you don’t need this one all the steps are in here crazy no server address God damn I

Haven’t found steel yet I don’t know how you do that must be like somewhere deep down or just rare [ __ ] crazy oh free leather leather strips guys tell me if you can’t get it working let’s see wait no I can’t freaking do it wait I need to craft this real

Quick this lag is amazing [ __ ] you can lag I know you can lag in Minecraft how do you make a hill a stick I only lag when I have put my distant chunks to 30 with this Shader yeah that no [ __ ] what I do with these decorations I spend good co I

Just press C can really see into your face crazy pict your face crazy crazy I don’t have that mod that’s optify r i don’t have it installed at the moment you don’t need an opine I know well it’s a little bit of performance increase so technically yes I need

It oh that’s make that okay so I need two have you seen a fly yet sonami yeah I already killed a bunch of them did you did you get the maggots for the reason why there’s going to be no animals around respawn in chunks you already all right how do you import

Mods what job he’s having problems importing the mods you don’t know how to import them you got to follow this tutorial h i don’t troubleshoot oh you have to have Cur fors I’m not doing it through here it’s just fall the tutorial it should uh be everything if you don’t have cursed

Forge install you got to install that what is that kind of looks good I need like L any more turs around turtles in boat in the boat let me get R them that’s my job get away away you [ __ ] you’re a hunter for every Turtle you kill is a

Arrow [ __ ] [ __ ] here there’s two turtles in this boat there two arrows though I’m going to find a cave and find IR we why there no tur on you why are there no turle on you we isn’t this uh isn’t it just copy and paste wait what to import the mods the folder

Crazy all right there’s two turtles over here you want two arrows it’s two arrows for them what do you mean oh yeah yeah idiot that’s one Arrow ah here I got a I got a couch where’s the other Turtle need another arrow this me you have food

Download Cur Forge create a profile and uh click import we have to make sure the profiles uh no you just click import you going to do anything I’m not going to trouble shoot through talking Jaob are we uh are we uh building a foundation right here on the tower uh I’m building stuff at the moment don’t touch my stuff oh my God it’s not funny it’s annoying it’s funny to me it might it might not be funny to you but it’s funny to me yeah

Like I said it’s annoying it’s still funny you got to see this funny it’s not funny well it’s funny you don’t think it’s funny when I do it to you no do you no maybe not it don’t hit me want arrow for that no it was a misclick yeah start building damn it

You’re just looking you ain’t helping at all what do you mean I I uh help dig dig these blocks you can at least help Place damn I don’t know how you download the Jacob use wood at the bottom it look ugly like that damn do you download the mods in the the Google

Drive stop that [ __ ] I Said I’m going to leave I swear to God damn you’re wasting my pick holy [ __ ] that could have been Stone I was mining no you [ __ ] no no no oh my God I’m going to live alone at this right all right calm down fing sleep do we want to sleep yes

All right blob come and sleep that goo I got insomnia can’t sleep tsunami is going to get killed going down you don’t know in the cave I was in the cave and I heard a sound yeah don’t go down there tunami yeah there enough down there get up

Here I’m on Java or I’m on a cur Forge go go to [ __ ] bed bro’s over there dying all right can you stand still there for like uh 30 seconds I’m ready to sleep who’s ready to sleep I’m ready to sleep oh my God all right Jacob come over here get

In your damn bed sleep all right where’s my Bed I forgot I see n see look it’s safe in there you can leave and you can sleep and leave best hotel idea what is this [ __ ] bedw Wars God damn IID get your spawn point if I was zunami I don’t want that threat put it

Onat put it on put it on put what on put it on put what on put it on put it on go on put put it onam I will eat you put it on W drop it w here’s might be can you can you like stand right here can you stand right

Here all right come here we need more might be stand right there look I even got a block up there for shade all right that’s more than stand stand right there all right don’t don’t look up well I told you to stand right there and you said sure go go back there

[ __ ] all right no look at the entrance we’re going to have a little spikes where is he all right see you in a year when I’m back from my mining Expedition something I don’t know oh be careful in the m in the caves you you don’t want to do

It wait doesn’t the wa wait we can walk through it yeah yeah this yeah this is actually a good idea you know why no it’s it’s not a good idea delete itus all right I’m living alone I can’t live with Jacob he’s being all right fine fine fine

Come I don’t want this [ __ ] Jacob it’s good idea I want to I want to go up here what’s up here I want to build ballist is on the top we got to protect this place all right you want me to make the walls I want someone else to help me

Build I’m the only one building the [ __ ] I’m not a good Builder I’ll make I’ll try to make a circle and it ends up being a square you don’t got to be good at building just help finish though I’m going go mine iron what the heck

Nothing that way so I’m going go this way yo hello mind on that tree bro I’m going to the Stone Age I’m back i”s say yeah one more tree enough huh oh that is despawn uh where do they go somewhere else I see you guys D time to go this

Direction we you let’s go this direction now nothing nothing all good over here what you doing down here cuz we’re not as rich as you Jacob damn get off not everyone has a diamond I don’t have a diamond okay oh yeah po as [ __ ] I forgot I forgot the server got

Wiped you’re you’re you’re remembering that I’m poor how do I have that memory it’s a watch out Tsunami water coming down here [ __ ] idiot you think I wanted that you you saw the water you saw the water no I didn’t know the water was right there

The Who a crafting table down I a working over a crafting table here Jacob just start mining you you got shovel get over I can hear your voice through the cave godamn quiet now all of us we we have to stick together tsunami can can I have your chest plate

What make your own [ __ ] chest plat you poor [ __ ] you got it from Iron Golems you want to talk J why you mining that way the [ __ ] I okay hear you to the wall get over here get over here yeah make a copper chest plate M you got to keep

Mining right now make a copper chest plate there you go I don’t want to Copper chest plate I’m gold I have gold chest plate that means I’m rich oh I got a a lot of torches what am I doing you got to believe it why you mining that I’m not mining three blocks

Tall yeah quiet now there is no quiet now just keep moving oh looks like you’re about to hit a cave no we’re not don’t say that told what the [ __ ] you got you can breathe in these bubbles no no no no [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] that it’s so huge in here

Okay goodby help me help me go on the side you’re good good come on that way that way you shut the [ __ ] up qu being so loud I can’t hear you guys scream no Jacob’s screaming for no reason what do you mean there underwater cave and there there

Things that suck me down I was SC I keep hitting my head against this staircase it’s hurting bro I don’t care all you don’t mind make a better staircase one person go one side and the other person go the other not both on the same side

Well you can dig twice as fast and we can steal twice as much think about yeah that’s what I’m saying tsunami you’re kind of do we need to get we need to get to like level I call I call in mind all of It I’m taking all I seen it first oh ohy it’s all mine all mine all my Finders Keepers that’s how this works find us Keepers exactly yeah I can’t see I don’t care we got deep I only have stone pick expect me to buy this all right I’m I’m gon to go down

There and I’m going to get rich I’m going to get all the Diamonds oh Diamonds oh look at all this diamonds right here oh don’t mind me stealing your XP you stay on one side I’ll stay on the other damn this goes don’t be greedy now

There once we get in the cave we’re going separate way how was my stone pick keeping up with your iron pick what that stone pick well I a no iron pick you think I’m that rich ja oh you’re lagging behind we got to hurry up oh make an iron pick you’re

Lagging behind you got a lot more to dig want to make iron pick I’ll be I’ll be pring 90s uh i i h a cave oh did you yeah let me uh mine this up make another pick for good measure what the hell ret guys look what I got what is

It PL them up uh up on top all right you have a monop on scw o a spawner skeleton oh I’m taking all right let’s keep it this could be like a mob GR in the future it’s right where we who wants food I got food you know who that was y’all

Heard that y’all heard that y’all heard that a getting through there that’s for sure I don’t know about that tsunami is going to get himself kill he’s out there alone you know he heard that and he’s over there screaming bro we can’t go in the caves he gets mad when you’re in

Caves [ __ ] we’re in the cave come and get us shut up Jacob yell I think he hears you oh no come get me oh can’t get me back we got we got to hold down the fort until he gets back here let’s get him in

A let’s get him in a block let’s block him in you want to leave yeah come on this going be so scared when they come not know where we are all right let’s go behind the wall and just all right this is getting boring I I want I want to m

That’s what I’m going to say to the dweller when I see Him off what are you doing oh I Died wait why is my get over here now yeah open this jacob just got killed by the caved wer he was talking [ __ ] about him and he crawled under a block and killed him he talking I was talking [ __ ] he came for me what it was scary open up I can’t see

Anything give me a torch come here Dy come on ain’t going alone kill him you can let someone have no weapon to kill him oh I make the odds even better make the odds even better what it don’t help me can’t you see I’m about to die you

Goober I’m trapped I’m actually I’m actually going to die I’m actually I’m dead oh I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead he couldn’t even help me sitting there casually just watching me die could it even bother to break a block and kill a few zombies you goober goober goober

Who why is there so many Zombies It’s uh it’s a server it’s not a room do you have are you on uh PC yeah the can’t I can send you the I can send you the server but you have to join the Discord order for to get the mods oh I can’t join this is a this is PC only

Sadly are you going to speak and be muted oh I got sworn by them I got sworn corner and they [ __ ] killed me that’s what you deserve I was over there screaming I was busy talking to oh my God so many to get my stuff I’m getting my stuff distract

Them uh she can’t join no way all right you’re a good distraction this uh you can’t join on Console PC Only it’s pretty fun though I can’t see my body where is it bro how how did the cave go to us oh spawn oh [ __ ] run kill them kill them I need get my loot run there’s too many I’ll take this to my grave are you dumb I need my

Loot come on you got a shield use it it’s kind of pointless when you get swarmed by them D this is to minute all right oh tomato seeds let’s [ __ ] go tomato seeds oh oh oh my [ __ ] God I’m not even going to tell you what that

Is what bro that is the rarest thing ever what the [ __ ] Jacob don’t I I got a enchanted golden apple I got a [ __ ] god Apple jaob I got a godle got an apple got an apple no one can know I don’t don’t tell them dud don’t tell

Them yeah all right oh my God the cave doer is a coward he’s a coward come for me all right is this your body uh I’m not going to be playing d as much you didn’t see what I craw under I saw that I looked J come here come here come

Here come here I want to show you show you what happened all right this is what happened all right look look I thought I was safe I blocked off this I cased you in there I was trying to block off the whole thing you see look how look how

Scared I was I built this in two seconds what are you doing where you going don’t just leave and I’m talking to you I’m getting the [ __ ] out of here I’m going back in you think you think I’m you think I’m scared of a little little crawler

Thing you know scared of no power oh what you got a sealing for all right it might be a little little hard come for me now think I care you already killed me once card coward I want you come for me coward okay out of

Here I don’t want to die I want to die what is this what is this lead oh no no no no where’s the entrance all right spawner dead body oh Jacob be Quiet you need to connect conect who’s this hey blob I’m right here break that spawner it’s good ass it what are we going to use it for like a grinder yeah what the what the someone has he the oh rip all right you figure that out

Le oh oh he’s up there he’s up there he was he’s up there oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] his oh oh run oh oh oh [ __ ] he can climb under W underneath this one block this is where I died by the cave dweller by the way here’s my corpse I heard son I heard

Walk what is this no he he walked somewhere no I am about this I’m sorry man nothing personal Let Let Me In nothing personal man out cabbage cabbage here blob guess what I got in this uh this right here the rarest thing in the game I can’t

Believe that that is so rare that is unbelievably rare what’s the it’s the rarest item in the game Lei is it really yeah it is so rare it’s even than Nether Nether Nether netherite is not that rare yeah I think it’s like uh it’s easy to Find all right I’ll be right back it lives in this I’m going to get I’m be right back for game is lying y’all heard that [ __ ] no no job’s down here by himself come on Jacob hear them screaming a good sign okay for all I know it’s this way all

Right all right you don’t even want to know what I’ve seen he can crawl under one block oh really yeah yeah yeah yeah he was tarting me I was I was talking trash that was [ __ ] terrifying I didn’t even know he could do that I

Thought it was safe I thought I was safe too until I saw ass D there oh yeah there was a because that’s a zombie spawner about there was like 20 zombies and I got sworn yeah Jesse block blocked himself in and then I was screaming for help and I couldn’t

Build up cuz I yeah well I was talking to you on the phone oh D all right no one no one tell tsunami what I got yeah we got to keep this to ourselves who’s that is that another one of Jacob stream people he uh he lives in Germany he’s a pretty

Cool he’s he’s a OG I don’t know he he’s part of uh he’s he’s in our Discord he been in there for about eight months he’s a moderator in the Discord he’s been in there for a while I think I’ve seen him in uh one of the live streams yeah he’s a

OG believe I joins like one live stream a year oh yeah only one a year Jacob yeah one a year all right this is this is all right you everybody Crouch you ready he’s coming up we we got to we got to Game Bang him you know what I mean

What the jump scare you guys jump scare well it doesn’t really work we’re all speaking forget that idea no I wanted to kill him you uh raped my uh building skills I tried and then it went horribly wrong oh it’s night here get a spawn Levi make sure you get a spawn

That’s that’s Jacob’s handiwork right there he’s to be doing that dumb [ __ ] all right stand underneath it I’m break it never happened is kind of [ __ ] I think where’s he at he’s in the caves Levi what does it mean by help all right Jesse where I contracted to build that’s the

Thing all right Levi this is the This what I wanted here was uh like this like a tower like you know like a center you have to send me a picture of something that you’re interested in all right okay what the heck is this is illegal this is illegal come here this is

Illegal uh I might have place it like that what they’re not double they’re not double no the golden apple rip did you just ate it no I also got a golden apple I got a golden apple and a notch apple apple that’s crazy all right Jesse when do you want

Me to cont when am I doing it I don’t know Levi this is this is a treasure to hold on to I don’t I don’t know if I want to let it go just yet okay like I people know that I have this it’s over this Stone thing the stone

Long sword thing which pretty much everyone knows so Levi give me St a wizard helps you build do you go in creative and spawn in those build materials uh the doesy crash what happened server crashed server crashed how did the server never crash before all right it’s up again

Did something how did you CR I said no no no the server crashed not us oh like the actual server crashed I think something I think my Ram might have got maxed out for a second oh and that might maybe like a glitch I don’t know my my

PC is hot I’m also recording SC oh yeah tsunami said he’d be hearing things in the mine I’m fearing for him like I I died by that monster down there all right what a wizard does do they go in creative and spawn in your resources to build your house no they

Don’t spawn in your resources they build it from creative so you get they get your resources and they just fly around and build it no they build it in Creative job what would be the point of you just giving them resources you give them a high amount of money like like a

Lot like a lot and they build you stuff but that ranges he’s not going to just like spawn in blocks of diamonds for you it’s nothing that gives you a edge it’s just a house so uh and Levi’s a really good fish doing what look at these

Fish you got to watch out that go GNA eat you bro these fish are goofy watch I’m going jump in there and they’re going to run away yeah they’re scared do you tell Levi the server up I’m trying to tell him you might think it’s on his own bro I’m get another

Thumbnail what up that’s up three here you hear me you hear me Levi bro what speak Leva yeah my laptop got overheated overheated no way Ain no way also I got like almost an entire fire yeah yeah yeah can you hear me well I got six so we can do by

I went down there I I buil I buil a whole tire Blockhead climbing under it I look behind me chasing me I ran I build like 20 things he’s behind me he started smacking hear jaob I was on the other side he threw me in the water it can it

Can crawl under one block and then monsters I just kept my distance and the guy [ __ ] off I kept my the guy just you know what I was talking trash I was like he can’t do anything he’s trash I’m going say blah blah blah when he gets there he

Didn’t do anything so what are you doing killing that Turtle put on [ __ ] your frog buddy put on talking too much if I put look atami look at his bars my damage he’s uh in Germany though that makes sense yeah but I was at four earlier do not complain about con

Tsunami Tsunami come over here guess what I found the only one the only one that can complain is me Tsunami Tsunami guess what I found if you can guess correctly I’ll give it to you it’s a diamond you didn’t find a diamond I give you one shot one shot one

Answer don’t [ __ ] scroll back my man my man I know that you didn’t get a diamond because of better be a you don’t know I might have got a diamond ain’t no way because that achievement shows up in chat all right too long I’m just going to show

You what I got oh sure whatever so you figh dungeon all right yeah there’s h two spawners down there one a zombie and a skeleton o a frog did you at least make a frog we didn’t break it that’s a frog that’s a turtle make we M all the spawners what do you

Mean no we didn’t mine them even the skeleton y’all want to hunt for the freaking stupid anyways let me just you guys want to hunt for thei have you even seen the cave wer yet yeah he but he left he just gave me a little spook and

Just left me you guys want to hunt down the cave Waller all five of us I already sent the screenshot in the Minecraft chat so yeah you SC then just then he just yeah tsunami showed his other side he was like begging for mercy I didn’t make [ __ ] noise down

There just just looking at him bro it makes just it’s just makes a terrifying noise it’s so scary dude yeah I know I I was hearing that noise for like 30 minutes straight for like for the entire time I was Ming that drip mine all right I got tomato seeds I got

Just he just made the sound and I thought it was something oh my God maybe I thought the thing was something in the in like in tead on the floor right there crazy Al so can I use this uh the furnace yes no 10 iron per uh per SM one we together

Fre 16 bread uh quality V don’t take it Levi is a really good Builder so he’s going to be what is called a wizard you can take stuff and he’ll build you a house so uh he will have the ability to go in Creative okay I’m the Redstone wizard then you got to

Be he won’t give you specific items though you can’t like ask for like crazy all right no we we my invent expect a diamond for that that bread okay okay okay I’ll explain so there’s different tiers to building and you can pay me an iron diamonds however you want whatever

Here you want but I will set the prices for what it can be and I can build literally anything oh yeah he’s he’s pretty good at building yeah he’s he’s a lot better than uh better than me I okay build build me a Ono one scale replica of the Earth right

Now you just tripping man no we’re on PC we can just do copy and paste I don’t have World Ed what do you mean yeah we don’t have world edit that’s an extra mod can I can I can I uh manufactur you a nuke by chance all

Right so how much would it but you will need another mod for that yeah like a small guys can you get a can you get a n nuke mod where Get N I can send I me and the boys already played something like that give me a second I I I’ll like to

Send I’ll like to send a nuke to tsunami’s house me and the boys already played something like that and crashed the world so that’s fun let me let me let me find the mod give me a minute but these P the PC that were you say if I wanted to upgrade this like

Uh his PC is crazy which one was it probost like oh yeah no so look when you pay me it’s a one one time fee and I can you just tell me the things that you want get yeah I know but for like small things say if I just want small

Things get there oh so you’ll do this for free uh yeah all right but but not for free without payment first you for like uh just this build Jacob [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you guys doing blob it’s blob have nothing to do with this you encouraged him Jacob you turn him to

The dark side he’s already out oh what is he over there killing us this this a tower all right if we all work together we can build wants to do that you guys want me to build a pirate ship or do you want to make going up I’m saying we should

Probably make one oh God uh a lot of wool a lot of wool yeah all right I need shears then crazy second one I don’t know have they even seen the ship mod yet no don’t drop off the tower to this direction I don’t even know how much I

Need how about this find out how to get a toilet you you pay me and I can I can just spawn one of them find to get crazy well I’d have to know the exact uh no toilets don’t exist I don’t want I want to do that Lev I I want to

Build it I don’t want to just do do you have you even looked at it yet on a different world you shouldn’t do pay to spawn in you should shouldn’t do that you should only do well what what if you wanted to buy a boat you want to play this the tree in

The tree what I mean that’s what I mean by that you can’t pick it back up what the heck what the heck like we place it in this water or you can’t pick it up does it move and everything animal dictionary who would want to know that

It has cannons on it too oh we should have like a a pirate here I’ll make a like have a battle with chips go over here tsunami all right we need start I’m not I’m not happy what do you mean oh no I’m scared I’m scarer than you’re

Scared can you jump off can you jump on the spikes you jump on the spikes [ __ ] [ __ ] drown and kill him all right take great offensive what you did to me come here all right that’s about it baby all right tsunami said that we can have all his iron prob like

Have somewhere somewhere I need Oak pl we need to find this iron guys where do you think it would be oh guys guys there a Christmas tree tsunami thanks for all your iron maybe I’ll there’s a Christmas tree over here here go my friend Levi you think I

Should bury this enchanted golden apple and hide it some sure nobody took it if I hide it somewhere I can make like a treasure hunt hey we tur stole some of someu so many innocent Turtles had to die all right I got a small ship this is

What it looks like guys there guys a Christmas tree just spawned over there hey tsunami can I have three pieces of iron [ __ ] I placed it on Land There gok we have all right it’s very uh it’s easy to break so don’t hit it too much don’t hit it too much going to break it you can’t pick it up once you break it look he’s a pirate you’re a huge pirate he’s a pirate how do how do how

We can build onto it how do how do I stop how can we build on to it here I got it I look at is damn this sh fast no my boat is faster my boat is faster that looks no my boat’s faster my boat has a sword built into

It no no I I know I know you don’t have to find Ste you have to put the like iron and blast F oh wait so that’s how you make steel yep ir and blast no oh yeah oh yeah we don’t have a blast I’m sorry crocodiles exist H yeah don’t have

That guys there’s crocodiles in this mod smooth St that’s not hard to make I think you have to noral sell no be B2 all right I’m back no I’m [ __ ] I’m tripping thing what the heck are you doing right I can’t crazy godamn he looking like he looking like

We have Ste Rob him [ __ ] that over now [ __ ] over oh I also got Fortune one book I didn’t even know that I don’t want this is garbage we willing to trade me something for this uh Fortune one book a worth anything it’s Fortune one here Merry Christmas a little bit

More maybe a dad Merry Christmas Merry Christmas no Fork over your life I’m the look at this this look it’s a Christmas tree take it I don’t want that you take no I don’t want it I want you garbage take it take it wait never mind yes he took myar yes

Here here you want something no here look garbage no the garbage p is over there oh you can make crazy armor oh my God wait let me see right let me how do you how do you wonder how much a cannon is Cannon wait wait wa wa

Canons and Canon M dope Jesse check this out yeah I can see it Li that’s dop oh yeah that’s oh you [ __ ] C get [ __ ] yo get him in there get him in there Jacob kill Jacob no God get away get away from me get away

Get away get away okay okay okay okay okay Tsunami Tsunami you hit me I’m trying to get you wait we need a you know who placed the oh my God did an ender pearl and die no where’s my damn Lo where my loot where my loot no

One got your loot my stop that [ __ ] where my loot I take great offensive what you’re doing reinforce all right let me look let me look what can I do you stole your fault thr your fault [ __ ] off all your fault it’s all your fault good keep dying you’re going to lose your

Loot stop if you keep dying you’re over bro quit goami you wanted didn’t know who placed all that crazy [ __ ] that was Jacob kill me how did you die in the water bro you died in the water what the f I threw an ender pearl in it in a you

Threw it in the water though you threw it in the water though how would you die what the [ __ ] it hit the sck ground and killed me no got you guys had me on half a heart it oh nice we should go mining totally all right I like how I like how

I made like zero progress in the last 3 hours what do you mean zero progress what do you mean we got steel armor you guys have heck is that you got steel armor I don’t got no steel I how do you how do you only I want to only whatever

Um how do you make uh I want this hat you’re just you just do Ste ring bro I really like these mods they’re pretty cool regular Shi yeah they’re not too crazy yeah that’s why I like epic nights it’s just kind of like additional things I do like

I left when you said how did how do I join join the disc what do you like I said J more people will join the the more people that are in the server they’ll feed off each other yeah bro you need so much to craft holy how the [ __ ] what makes it

Fun oh yeah I thought this was fortnite so I tried guys we should go mining for iron so we can get 1 million Steel no you you can go Min and you probably get killed by the cave dollar yeah yeah I don’t want that to happen like that happened last

Time I’m making everybody different Shields come here here’s yours oh here here’s a boat in return I don’t want your [ __ ] peasant boat [ __ ] you bro here’s a goober where he does blob makes like the same nois that Merks does oh my God all right who wants a shield next oh

That’s how you do it do you want do you want uh what one do you want I’m making it out of the Ste bro this [ __ ] is so expensive holy [ __ ] this looks ball this looks if it it’s amazing you just hand over all right let’s see all right needs

A lot of steeling all right bro look what hat I look look at my hat look at my hat God damn bro I got drip drip look at that [ __ ] he’s dri down oh my Lord I need how many do I need hey blob come

Here oh I need a lot I need a lot bro chest plates are so expensive I’m still making it I’m making sure everybody got a shield so there’s so much different armor I don’t even know what I’m making I’m I don’t care I’m making it at all not going to wear right now

Half armor that’s not that expensive I’m making the full thing I don’t care how expensive it is I can always torture more iron golems yeah I know it’s for two-handed sword you need two hands blob if you don’t want that Shield I’ll take it and

I can make you a different one I just need more iron it it does it for all shits different ones don’t affect the same way yeah what the f yeah any Shield will debuff don’t even try the one uh tsunami has that Shield almosts like almost 20 attack damage all right that should

Enough for that and then I do that and then I have the half armor yes that’s amazing we need a blackith the [ __ ] no you can have no mic to play no I need a do you have a do you have PC Minecraft of these guys no if you have uh if you have PC uh if you have PC Minecraft uh join the Discord and go to the category where Minecraft is then go to how to join that’s where the mod pack is In I have a no I just need I need black dye I need black dye four of them squid squids I know I know that I’m just asking if you or a black guy or something what [ __ ] I’m g go fight the cave dweller what the [ __ ] the cave

Dweller oh bet leather need leather all right you want to find them let’s go let’s go find them at least yeah let’s go find I want to make anybody have two anybody have two leather go in a cave make if you go in a c I got 10 you two leather no

No oh wait my bad I thought he was going to take it I don’t want it until until I do I got a saddle so I can make a horse you can make a horse I need one more that’s not what I meant need one

More I Ain gonna do that the [ __ ] all the squid what you can make colored sign you want to go fight the the the the the thing down there the thingy thing ain’t no way Ain’t No Way Chief I’m let me equip myself first I need die for that I need one more

Squid that is Sid a single make it into a you’re hacking tunami you’re hacking Fri egg you’re hacking you can make no no I’m just lagging I’m not hacking oh yeah I forgot you’re in Germany yeah he’s a little bit uh far away let’s see how much a cannon is

Cannon bro who can who someone needs to turn on on the subtitles oh oh subtitles I’m going to do that wait how can we how do we both craft at the same time how does that work tell me how much uh damage this does damage all right it didn’t do much I have

Armor take ow that have my health ow you going to kill me you going to kill me oh damn it already no blob says that join soon all right Mason what is this give me a second bro you can make a wait quick quick quick you can make a heavy

Crossbow well the [ __ ] did all the squids go there are no squids Jacob killed them all no I Kill Them All I need one more I need one more die pack oh just go just go that way You bro you can make uh nunchucks or like a ball thing you can make nunchucks it’s like nunchucks I don’t know if you’re allowed to say that no I’m probably not I probably just got the whole stream demonetized I’m sorry I have it I don’t have mon on someone needs to blow someone

Up cuz they want to they want to they want to flag me for Monti they want they they put 20,000 ads on the stream and then they’re saying that you’re going to make no money from it who wants to buy a saddle from me cuz someone cussed one

Time I I can’t even monetize my channel I only have 100 subscribers you get 500 subs and 3,000 watch hours and if you want ads and need 1,000 subs and 4,000 watch hours One V one not chance I looked on social blade and it said I make3 per

Year social blade is not accurate it says I make like uh I don’t know like $60 a month not really accurate may maybe off of revenue from videos whereami go yeah that’s a that if you like post daily you’ll probably make $60 Nah if I was in gorilla tag I’d make

Way more on just Revenue you know I was in your lob once for gorill tag OG yeah I think either 2 yeah you’re 2000 right no I stopped playing Gill as much take your uh take your Shield off damn 10 that killed someone who found armor in

I was pink and I had a sun hat yeah I like you like your Oculus like disconnected or something and it went up to your face and started hitting the g style while you couldn’t like see your screen you’re like Oculus like some something happened cuz you just like

Froze yeah my VR probably died or I stepped out of my boundary all right I’m going to start a farm s next to a f wording Gator he’s there’s a gator on there’s Gators on here oh yeah there’s crocodiles too like I said there’s 85 new mod mobs and

They’re all based off of real life why would you need rainbow glass I don’t know if he’s going to I don’t know if he’s going to live an egg huh that’s the James Charles mod I was thinking about adding a kraken mod or a cthulu mod how do you guys feel

About that I think more stuff like this the the dweller I think fun yeah yeah yeah I want to make I’m going to add trolls and stuff like mythical Beast no hear me out hear me out hear me out add add this mod uh yeah I could it’s something it’s something called like

Behind the fog or something where it has Herobrine uh text it to me on like Discord or something I don’t I don’t really I don’t really know it but it’s something it says something about fog I don’t really know the uh I’ll keep that in mind I think I know what you’re you

Should add a you should add a weather weather pattern mod where it adds like fog and all that like I said everyone that plays the server give me inputs I want imers mods you know like the crafting table where you can uh see what people are crafting I want stuff like

That as well I’m also going to add more animation mods I don’t want it to be too crazy I want it to be runnable that’s why stuff like the cave dweller is good cuz it’s just him it’s a one mod oh someone wants to one one you

Levi who in chat where’s tunami he he’s joining he’s still he’s still trying to find squid this day he he wants to One V one me why Levi though he wanted to One V one me yeah yeah his to join yeah Jo who has dirt I need dirt I

Don’t know why have dirt but I have 25 gravel there’s a turtle here that’s useful look at this Turtle ow please don’t kill me don’t kill me I need help building this [ __ ] Jesse pay me pay me and I’ll bu an hour I like how there’s Echo something

To squid population I amazing Tower not find a until now uh yeah but I want it small I don’t I don’t want it hey can I make it out a different material than this or no oh oh you got to got to join the Discord and be in the Minecraft category

Into I think you need PC to join you need Java for there talk to Tsunami I’m going to drip out now you got two bars over give me a second I know I know guys we need to donate some internet to Tsunami let’s let’s move everything like over all right I will

Make myself all right we’re moving to Mainland we’re moving to Mainland so we’re just going to ban what me B bed our godle to make it this room look I I will be dripping out of the end of this well I’ve been contracted to build on this island so I need everybody to

Everybody to leave this island we going evacuate over there he’s about he’s going he’s going to blow up this whole island we got to leave what guys let’s go guys let’s go fight the imagine if you had a nuke mod we’ have Sirens going and we’d have to evacuate

And then we just hear our I’m not doing that Jacob that won’t sense stupid like medieval that wouldn’t feel like Minecraft jaob [ __ ] I imagine if we had machine guns and we were fighting on the on the shore ow yeah like like recreate the American Revolution no yeah quit hit hit

Me okay kill me godamn God damn how long that godamn look at that boy move it took a long time because I had to find [ __ ] squid 3K he’s moving you all right how do I make $2,000 we can reenact World War II how do you feel

About that I’m I’m going to make the full set I think I can make a server specifically for it Levi and we can get World War II wait wait wait wait wait you want to do you can make it more realistic wait come here come here come here come here

Everyone come here I just figure something you speak German speak some German no he’s he like be he be he be like cing in his language when I be streaming turt can he be talking to his friends saying like dude that thing is spinning out of here you saw that [ __ ]

Blob yes you can kick the turtle okay yeah to get the most drippiest shoes of all can you like uh can you like donate some like of your resources to me ain’t no way ain’t no way you poor bastard Ain’t No Way can can you like can you

Like spare like a like one of look at those guys come on please small donation to the army l you don’t understand how long this is going to take to edit I already 5 hours that looks sick is that now I need the helmet now I need the helmet hel

And I definitely don’t want to fight you that’s for sure Tsunami Tsunami is is uh digging itself in a coffin showing this on stream ceremonial night boots tsunami you might be targeted now being the person camera get the camera he don’t need no prop

Ro I’m G to hide here and just be his camera all right how do I make the camera oh I did I did I did a I hate it who bro I need I can set up a time lapse for you building if I download the client side

Uh you should guys just bro it’s just watching me what are you doing you guys should go for tsunami he’s very rich no oh all right two steel PL and three I need to get rid of some of my materials two steel plate do I even have

Make sure you uh yes I have enough of that put your stuff somewhere so you’re you’re not like uh yeah yeah the normal helmet hey this chest right here Jesse plat and red wall all right this is all me in this chest right here nobody take

It oh yes I just have enough for the basic one so no one breaks it or something all right all right do you guys have war war war [ __ ] oh War my man we are not the World War II server no I was like uh I ain’t going

To fight you the [ __ ] you’re like fully kiding all right three w war my man are you [ __ ] my English May bad but it’s not bad bad I I don’t got wol but uh you want the saddle the saddle wait he said he wanted wool no I need three wool I don’t have

Wool I don’t care what color go fight we should go fight the cave dweller we should go find him no all right [ __ ] you guys I’m getting my own W I already spotted my targets all right I don’t see uh what targets are you saying all right

Everyone off this island this is under construction so move your bed my all right everyone start moving their stuff got CR of cheating run stole all my coal tunami did and he ran off with 29 coin here like exactly how much I had this is mine I moved it to that chest

You never paid me bro no I’ll pay you after Lei how that works no you pay me beforeand who threw in snowballs the [ __ ] I want this [ __ ] all right uh here come grab it come on guys get in the boat see you guys I’m going to go blow up this mountain over

Here come back here hey tsunami you all right over there tsunami you about to die we’re evacuating Mainland what are you doing down there you’re drowning yourself get up for air we must evacuated wait I’m heading towards the mountains should be safe there ooh what is this don’t mind if I

Do hear me out hear me out hear me out I’m going down down here I I am not a rich minion and I want to be one ooh ooh iron we’re not going hereo uh no oh I don’t know what you’re doing over there but calm

Down what are the mods join the join the Minecraft server has all the mods has the mod pack yeah the Discord all right I’m in mutant I hear you eating over there yeah the mod pack and the requirements are in the Discord your we should be safe in the cave yeah

Totally safest place it’s not like he can spawn here any moment I mean actually he’s really short wait no he can he can craw echo echo imagine if you can hear your own Echo epic guys down yeah I was a victim the dweller mod the dweller did not be

Nice and you know where I am in the cave got to love it right up down here just the cave dweller yo yo yo yo I got iron iron I thought that was terrible for a second Join the Discord it’s uh you got to be on PC though join the Discord go to the Minecraft go to Minecraft uh category and then I’ll see how to join and then I’ll have the mod pack and then the requirements you got to be have you got to have PC chis Forge C

Forge all right everything uh the steps be there I don’t know if the warden’s on this in this update yeah it’s when wood update no imagine the imag the cave dweller versus the warden I don’t know if the cave dweller could be killed Though yeah I hit him like three times before Dying there’s no man from the fog but there’s quit there’s just the cave buer say just saying that I don’t have that mod I’m not really uh I’m not really uh just take s suggestions on mods like if you uh have a mod opinion just uh DM me or L demon

We look into it cuz we are looking for monad I got a fit in with the medieval Style Diamond Rich are you going to Mark where I am I’m going lose where I am here go down G doar please don’t kill me I got to take precautions I’m going to be rich oh no 21 iron should be enough or do I want

More all right I I have to go back have no food going to dig up iron hey if you got a problem like come in the Minecraft server we can S A I’ll murder you hey tsunami I’m in a cave it’s gold in here no no no no uh that’s

Crazy don’t say that I hope it gets you I’m coming up I’m going up and I ain’t come I a come back I X dang man I know you’d be like that am I am I going up a mountain I can hear rain more all right salute I’m

Free yeah might have more DP but wait B too not long I mean join the call still can’t get it to work what step are you not uh know how to get it to work the mods just don’t work cuz it should work unless if you have like

PRS there in a uh I don’t know how to do that while you’re in here no no no we’re not all going in Discord this is just so we can talk me and you okay Jesse my bad we’re all going to be talking in the game still don’t worry

About that BL or whatever your name is all right how to import how do you import the mon yeah this is just so we can talk to each other farther away but it’s going to be duplicated all right I’m gonna all right all right there’s probably videos on it

And how to import hey I need these chest moved cuz I was mostly the weren’t those tsunami chests uh no a lot of that stuff in there was as my any important stuff tsunami has it on him oh really CU my brother did everything for

Me and I don’t really know how to do it Jesse’s just flying so he can do a Time Lapse video of me building does he have that one mod that where it’s a camera where it moves doing that can record a video yeah we’re going to make videos on this L of these

Boots that’s fine I just need those chest building will be off center and three steel plates yeah I don’t know oh uh the heck what oh [ __ ] should we just go back out of this then the blood moon is where well [ __ ] happy night is this where the thing

Was where was the tunnel to the mine I’m trying to eat grub panic I think this is it yes right there y you got it work someone join do we tell where we are said where where we at someone dro my coordinates but he’s going to be really he’s going

To be super confused while I’m while I’m flying uh I’m not going to be uh just giving everyone fors try running I don’t know his toaster crashed toaster crashed I don’t like I don’t like the sound of the freaking blood moon yeah the sound is kind of creepy look at the

Moon that’s why I need to get a like a thing I don’t really I don’t know I don’t exactly know what the blood blood moon even does it uh multiplies the spawns spawn rate of enemies so if you go in the caves cave dweller will spawn twice as fast oh

Yeah oh that’s not that bad there’s also different ones there’s a that means it’s a bad idea if we go down there this mod is the celestial events so there’s uh mods that make there’s uh some of like uh the good moon or whatever it makes it we’re farming is a lot

Better oh yeah cool I have a salad all right I’m begin uh like this thing on my head the salad all right leby it just sounds creepy hey you guys all we’ll make a just looking at it we need to be all off the island let’s

Go uh set up like a spas and then like over there or something’s joining GPM here here let me send you pictures first me should we tell should we tell them where uh should we tell ours to 30 V it’s really just whatever you want to build

Yeah he how about how about we go off island or like over there to the mainland and we tell them ours all right I’m just going to be time lapsing watching Levi build so I’m not going to really be playing much plus I got to do real life stuff yes see so I’m

Just going to be in in Creative watching him build can you do something I can’t hear you if you’re speaking Jacob you’re voice was not even on Jo can you hear me can you hear me now uh man I’ll just go in real life Tom all right I’ll be right back

All right I’m back still the blood moon uh don’t break my bed oh there I’m dead yeah I got no food oh no watch out I’m dead why did Jesse leave I don’t know yeah I’m about to die don’t break that bed right here here blob can you kill me okay

Oh there there’s so much there’s so many monsters okay I think it end you see how many monsters are spawned in yeah’s all right bro these guys are so annoying watch out the blood Moon’s over I think I think I think I think Levi broke fight one one of them look at the

Leader board 30 here you want this stack of wood Pro I mean why is there wood right here I threw it there bro I took a arrow to the side and just see of the Shadow I see building up there who I don’t like these noises I’m

Hearing what the heck there a bird oh it’s dinner right there can we make like a farm over here dying of hunger this noise is scaring me fish down here some fish doesn’t work it’s probably on your end I don’t know I haven’t I don’t know

Anything about it but I love I love demon he knows he he he made the server he knows how to do all that all I know is that you got to have Forge and you got to load it through forge on the mod pack and you got to make sure to import

The mod pack you know import It you could probably still join are you loan it through curse Forge No do you have like a the mod pack has 24 mods are you uh do you and then do you launch the mod pack and load up Minecraft and uh join the Discord it’s in the it’s in the Minecraft category how to join and did you uh you see the

Server so what you’re saying is uh you can’t join though can you at least see the server being active cuz he pretty much did everything but when you join the server you can’t it like doesn’t let you join I don’t really know any things that fix troubles

Shooting you’re on the right version you got the right mods you can see the server can I join yeah you can join the the requirements are on the Discord but I’ll give you the server IP right now yeah just go to how how you can join or how to join

What’s up with this music it’s a bit creepy in my opinion creepy and scary what you doing that far oh bedrock this is a PC exclusive so it’s not going to work Bedrock Bedrock is console right uh all all right it’s been so long probably be killed my brain cells

It’s basically uh Cur Forge and Jama it’s basically the cut basically the of I can’t speak oh know I have stupid rain right now there’s some nice shaders Bro Look at that rain that’s some high quality that’s some high quality shaders uh it’s basically only on uh PC Minecraft first

Forge hey yo y you be typing that bit bit Help me me back me back not going to join so I mean it’s it’s going to be hectic soon you don’t know I feel like I’m going to be tracked down and killed all my loot ravage what is that Here hey hey uh Blob why I would say from yesterday it’s a big spike people that are going to join that were are joining okay okay but the if you look on the like the leader board thing Anthony k09 has like 1 million p uh yeah he had like the same ping that

Tsunami had yeah 30 V got a little bit better he got the same as you we got four four bars oh no five bars I got five oh let’s go best five bars ever what the H I’m watching The Stream while I’m watching The Stream movement be like on PC console be versus

Console it’s like that this is my mom’s sensitivity is kind of high so like clearly hey watch out you got to snap your neck that right calm down my God look at that build look at like delayed like three seconds is the stream how’s the Stream

Not bad yeah it’s not bad it’s let me see the highest it can go 10 a yeah it can go to 1080 we have a God Among Us camera what if I just go up what if I just what if I just stack up there and get in the front of the

Camera all right All right all right I I I’ll I’ll make you I’ll give you a chance and if you do that again I I don’t know if I want you on the channel anymore that name and and what you’re saying is very sus I’ll give you one

Chance I I will ban you you do that again I know I don’t usually do that but what I do wait huh was that oh did Jazzy crash did he just crash oh no sorry here never mind just I guess it was just side effects of the tunnel all right I’m

Back basically what I said if he do if he he has one he has one chance to redeem himself can’t oh all right I had the things off basically why I said that is one chance to D There You Go Goofy I don’t know if goofy is the right

Word there’s so many Phantoms up there I’m glad we’re so far away oh shies I’m making this my little my little house Minecraft is working out I transfer to Minecraft now this is what I wanted to do I wanted to do stuff like this is why I wanted to go

To that’s why I want to play Minecraft it’s funner I’ve been stream for 3 hours and 20 minutes 22 minutes still not bored and I did a like 3our stream yesterday oh please so laggy I still remember remember the moment whenever you um or no whenever quality uh generic or genetic freaking

Pushed me down the freaking Ravine oh that was accident last thing I saw before I all right they have good ping now they must be like EU or something to the server I would go to I uh you can speak to be honest um 20 minutes he know

That really hope he’s not watching the stream right now yeah it’s going probably take about an hour for him to build up accidentally clicked on the freaking another video oh [Applause] bro oh the loop the loop go the loop yeah I don’t know what’s with their ping must be very far away

From where I live three six all right we don’t go over there they’re drawing the Phantoms there’s six of them actually Seven oh that’s far chicken I in the state called chicken I need to throw away this stuffz you want a grass block I’m throwing away some things um I don’t need to oh I have golden carrots here you can take a stack of dirt what the [ __ ] I live in

Austria never heard of that place um it’s in like the middle of I don’t it’s I think it’s in the Middle East wait you said Austria or Austria yeah Austria like like said in chat very far I’m act like I’m having a seizure in the chat next to jemy it’s all that

Yo and do some be doing some funny things there’s a dead zombie are we taking meat want flesh we eat it wait no we have to stay here even after he wait no we have to stay here because it’s raining and the freaking Phantoms won’t

Burn yeah we got we can’t even go to where they are run run hey what you doing I thought you I thought you’re I thought you I thought you was cheating for a second I was like I was like hacker Miner whatever I thought are you

GNA see on the time lapse he’s he’s recording a time lapse are you gonna see on it it’s just freaking he’s freaking oh he like for like one second you’re going to see him fly really fast to us and then like hit you three times and fly back and act like

Nothing I’ve been recording for three and a half hours did the same yesterday the day after that got like 10 hours of footage he want an arrow he want that Arrow all right I’m I’m g go uh hey I dare you to punch us with punch this thing with your

Fist run you got run for them maybe yeah you don’t want to get banned from the server that me you have to make all or buy Minecraft go XP I think I think Belgium is closer maybe closer a isn’t Belgium by France I have no clue I have only I have only knowledge

Of 20 names of like 20 countries they are almost same That’s crazy yeah if you guys want to join join the Discord he lives in the country that invented fries so he’s welcome here yeah uh France didn’t invent fries freaking Belgium did wello my sword’s about to break my sword’s on like three four five six eight four seven three durability

That uh pick is at one break there’s one block of life left it says it has three well maybe it has three that’s it I’m break grass so now it has one what the heck what the heck why isn’t it why isn’t it breaking oh I’m stupid I’m using my other

One this one is the one yeah G there’s a thing over here making racket I want to have a raccoon as my pet who does he eat bones exactly why now he lost a now give him some seeds it all breaks how does he keep on falling from a high Place you want a stone sword yeah take that it’s very good for you can finally kill quality the day oh yep and you’re dead and you’re dead yeah you’re dead how did he leave and rejoin at the same Time why is there so many cows I’m going to kill the cow he’s going crazy get away all right I should go mining have stand in here for 20 minutes straight just go mining all right you want die all right all right mic is mik yeah mik yeah

Mic is a little too loud a little bit too loud yeah yeah yeah all right that should be good yeah there go don’t the mic unimaginably loud it was good how it was well it was almost in the red and I don’t like anything in the red Red is not a good place to be What is he doing over there he’s trying to make a hidden chest my guess loud equals funny true you want to see somethingone funny see his eyes very small now look at his eyes look at him I’m drining all right let’s send this that’s dinner right here

What are you doing did I scare you yeah I thought it was a skeleton here take this for conversation I can’t I don’t I can’t pick up ra cat where did you get this from I uh did a little forging murdered some poor fish no more stone tools where

No come on man got to be so difficult Rees I’m going to have to make a hole I make a furnace much effort this is difficult oh I gone maybe I’ll make a maybe I’ll make a iron one look at the day setting let’s see the max render

Distance please don’t yeah it’s not going to load to that we going run to the sunset we’ll talk back about my I don’t need no drip server’s probably capped up to like 30 yeah around 30 get that old PC to work and then we can have this 24/7 be pretty

Nice you know I’ll replace my or my my pick not my axe I say everything i a yeah those slime balls good luck on finding SL balls have to go at all whole different viome is that lava or is that torch keeps on dying from two block balls I don’t trust

You I don’t know that that probably going to be crazy I don’t know s probably going to be like terrifying going to give me a jump scare hummingbird that all right I got enough pictures get too many pictures it’s going to be a problem show yourself don’t you who’s there hello

Quit blah blah this you I take great offense of what you’re doing you’re scaring me over here I thought I thought someone someone found me all right I think I’m going to make a little Camp up here what up me a new base operations here oh anyway about that um hold

On need some St quality yeah I’m down here if you can hear me it’s going to be a hollow cave Hollow Mountain really oh free Iron wait it’s not not Iron Man I think about I think a little blind is pigs love gold we can’t get out of here now the

Cave D is going to spawn we can’t get out of here look youit yeah the server is going to be up when you’re like when it’s almost time for you to go to bed bu T bu until we can uh get that old PC to work then we can make it

2047 cuz your time zone is kind of a kind of a bad time zone 7 hours ahead that means it’s um that means it’s 9:44 mhm at least for me me I think It alled before but it was I I have uh I stayed up for 24 hours or 25 hours probably around there it was terrible absolutely terrible I I had to sleep for 17 hours I slept I went B I slept for 17 hours I’m go back

Up I know but normal human shouldn’t be stay sleeping for 17 hours I almost slept for 24 hours oh yeah he’s dead anthony9 blown by a creeper yeah know in the dweller of course is that the cave dweller outside imagine what about Shy Guy Shy Guy scp096 imagine having that wait he did

Yck did you oh you see no balls look you can see them from here yeah mine is the maximum that Ser go up to is it I don’t know I think it’s around 20 30 20 let me try 20 oh I think my game crashed I think it’s it’s 25 25’s

Max wait my game’s actually running okay 25 renders maxp I can run I can’t run 24 distant chunks of shaders look at that they’re building over there well no I can run 24 I meant 64 I see them over there yo h a player found us player found

Us I saw down there it’s 30 yeah it’s where is he though I like see that little hole right beside that the edge of the forest like that like there’s like a tiny hole like right beside the edge of the for it’s just we going a barricade it’s like you got to watch

Out he had no he has no you almost got an portal up here yeah all right time to put the final block no I don’t know if we should build it right now yeah I I saw him down there look he he was like yeah you see a crafting table down

There in that little hole wish me luck black lag okay gas gas gas go in go back in I’m going back in see you what the heck why is there tring go back in go back in go back in I’ll cover you I’ll cover you go back in the game is

Lagging oh the gas broke the ne portal when I was trying to go through it I don’t know where the where he is his crafting table’s not there anymore he moved I don’t know but I think you I think you seen things no for real there’s a craft there

Was a crafting table down there you want you want to go over there real quick I’m going break the portal break the portal my I’m going to break on my city bag let’s move he was like into the plains biome he doesn’t have any armor um he he has um he of the

ACH yeah we got to watch out we don’t know if they’re enemy or Foe friend F we could we could probably kill him because he has three three million ping or you can Tower up you won’t be able to do anything I like how we’re saying our old

Plan on stream probably watching it’s this probably how he found us he’s like he’s like looking at the volumes that we’re in yeah he he’s prob yeah I think he no he did find us cuz he saw a Nether Portal so we need to get out of here wait I

Think he passed by the freaking big uh structure and none of them noticed the big um thing that was being built maybe yeah he probably did we’re GNA try to find him see if he has a mic he probably don’t know that there’s press me chat maybe if he’s watching the stream

More one more I got everything I need you going down I’m trying to find them you see it’s nice playing Minecraft for a change back to your roots playing the game that I think this is like the first game I played like actually first game been playing same Mega OJ over here excuse

Me all right that means uh I have a disconnection problem oh Didia the last thing the last thing I heard from him was the Mega [Laughter] OG Dead all right let’s go look for him go look for him see if he’s nice nice guy okay he’s from he’s from where near freaking uh tsunami Pro I bet he’s nice are you talking about uh Minecraft chat I don’t see it oh this I’m going to get rid of noise

Suppression all right there you go no noise suppression on Stream So do doesn’t muff don’t muffle anymore oh yeah I’ll be right there dinner nah the forest is fun it’ll regrow trying to get food up me show you where I saw him I’mma show you where I saw the guy uh

30 all right see I’m going to make crafting table make some boats let’s go hunting we need to find where he is we got to sub him the Empire oh my God look at that build getting there let me there was a CRA he put a crafting table right here

And all right there’s signs of uh breaking right here death right definitely signs I think uh I think Levi is finished with the build oh no he’s not no yeah he’s not not let’s go see if he’s at the building place don’t get too close for the time lapse even though we’

Be like specs running around million miles an hour yeah wait has that boat always been there look that one there’s a freaking crocodile where look over there better run no I think he friendly hey yo free sugar here I’m going to light up this area for the time lapse probably not

So Press B on your keyboard and you’ll see the voice chat I tried here take some food oh that’s just mik if you can hear if you can hear if you can hear uh buzzing yeah I’m not doing anything I’m I’ll burn this whole Forest down I’ll

Burn it all that I’ll burn it whole oh what the heck goober I don’t know I don’t think I’ve spawn [Applause] here what the heck why is it he spawned in I’m on half a heart I don’t think I have spawn I have a b hey don’t do that Mel don’t do that

Run wait I think he’s stuck I think he’s stuck it’s a PL yeah he’s trying to kill him oh no that thing’s Invincible don’t even try I think think they’re jumping the skeleton the zombie jumping the zombie in the drown is jumping the skeleton I’m burning this forest in real Itali intiation of

That no one no one those no one throws that monster at me Tells A Tale after I’m burning this Forest down you want to spawn the cave dweller on me there’s going to be some consequences of doing that let it all burn let it all burn come on skeleton

You want to burn come on there you go let it all burn bro quit destruction o oh man I’m at food not what I’m going to do now oh skeleton over there come here come here No I want to die I want to die the server turned into like Anarchy it’s fine every everything’s fine I got this they can’t get two blocks right I don’t feel safe unless they’re dead yeah house is looking nice all right I’m safe ow yeah I think I think the fire the

Forest fire is causing lag in the server all right I’m going to have to look at it in a minute die already no no in balls I’ll be right back I’ll look at your DM yep no balls there ain’t no balls and ain’t no game that’s what I say indeed courtz dweller

Hey Vortex you should join you like the jump scar ja up no you should see dreams uh response to the drama what drama on his channel oh I have no idea about that all right well I’m going to going back to watchs what the flip hey hey I can’t hear you

Yeah I think it’s just called caved Fuller oh wait I forgot about the side I don’t know what it’s called it’s in the mod pack hey look we replant and start for start a new feature new feature a new generation indeed let say uh the little fight with the cave dweller over

Here cleared out couple trees a little Battlefield over here for I found a turtle watch watch watch watch dang dang where man go oh he gone that’s interesting this lake is what is this oopsie Daisy imagine the cave dweller spawns under water the turtle was dying you should see you should see his uh you should see his

Like town he made on a world like four years ago and he took like twoe break haven’t stopped playing for like two years well we back keep on kicking the turtles I see here’s this dead body I’ve been playing for four hours it’s a classic Steve load out right there he

Is just leave his body there this is going to be a skeleton can you still loot it when it’s a skeleton I don’t know yeah you can still Lo it you could like in regular Minecraft if you die it remember a spawn there’s there’s corpses there and one of them had a half

A set of iron armor yeah so there’s going to be it’s going to be crazy like they might last forever I’m going to head up I’m just going to go tunami slop hey blob look at this over here this a there’s a hummingbird yeah it’s been sitting there for like the past three

Days it’s not moving you killed it I got I think they fin to build I want to see if they’re in the Discord call oh that’s going to be scary yeah that’ be a nice tiwer to jump off we should add a diving board diving

Board see on VR I can never I can never play this long I mean I have done 4 Hour streams but I could go for another four hours you know what I mean blob I’ll be here I I’ll out I’ll Outlast you no I will no I

Will many turtles here I’m just to hit he gone we still need a play yeah I’m going to be playing desktop games more so yeah look at that water the water shaders the shaders on the water yeah I think I think it’s the best water shaders what there’s a gator right

Here you got a bed actually I can make a bed yeah I got a I’m make a bed no my bed my bed modded is very fun very very very very fun yeah I got no hunger and I need food I’m looking to him oh I got 14 levels and I’m not

Afraid to die I got no arrows I’m use your axe you’re going to knock one of you’re going to knock us in no no no no no no no no hey hey hey ah he bit my leg he almost killed me yeah I’m on two and a half hearts break your

Bones there’s a mod where you get shot in the head you die instantly I’m looking for food this looks like water food all right see you tsunami salute I don’t know why this keeps on happening Sal I’m going go back over here I’m going go to the

Base by the way dark is L demon there’s a floor here oh Floy I say this crazy this uh I’m not stuck that looks like a good mountain go find blah BL hey blah blob where are you get out of here you turtle where is

He all right I’m just going to go the mountain hope I don’t die maybe make a mine scary very scary m yo yo what’s up skeleton they trying to kill me won’t won’t happen yeah if you want to join oh my oh my I’ve been I’ve been streaming for for

Hours 22 minutes so uh started like 4 hours 20 minutes ago there we go Iron’s down here yeah if you want to join the everything will be linked in the server the Discord server you see in the pink comment Mr Mr Mr skeleton camper cave I don’t want to do this I avoid

Caves cu the monster that lives in them what oh it’s a PC Java it’s a chis Forge it’s with mods it’s not uh vanilla 24 mods as you can see right here mod so yeah you got to be on PC to to join is sad not everybody’s going to be able to

Play but mods are essential to make the game interesting make it fun and that about lightning thunder whatever that be scary how you not want to die by getu come here creeper come here come here boy the monster didn’t live in the cave then oh Village I would have diamond weapons right

Now I don’t want to go in caves cuz there’ll be things that wh wh why why is my connection so bad what is this this CU of the tunnel all right am I back am I back yeah yeah yeah can you guys hear all right if if you can hear me

Just refresh the stream no should be fine if you can hear me yeah basically internet went down for a second was it only me see that was weird all right oh oh good got G give a second ow all right I’ll join VC now oh on three hearts almost died do in the

VC all right I’m going to be in the Minecraft VC just put you guys in it yeah can I join you got uh Java yeah yeah you got Chris Forge you got to you got to go through the Minecraft setup thing how to join I already set up my Minecraft

Account well do you have a curs forge what’s curs Forge you got to install curse Forge along with the zip file the mod mod pack import that will it take up storage not that much yeah how do I do it I just something stupid very I just

Died I’m playing I’m playing I’m on girl tag I’m playing girl tag right now I was playing and then the controller slipped down my hand I can’t tell and my fingernails just follow the steps what in the Discord you basically uh install that the first one yeah okay I did something

Stupid what that okay so I was playing girl tag and the controller got around one of my fings and let’s say the fingernails not looking so well oh no I’m probably not going to be in this VC oh I’m in pain it hurts so much Jesus so how you been doing huh you

Playing a lot of Minecraft lately yeah going on four and a half hours streaming Where is My Dead Body quality yeah the videos I’ve been trying to make right now are getting corrupted for no reason and I don’t know what why I have no clue I I don’t know so I’ve just been

Making videos the whole entire day today and none of them has been saved and they’re all just corrupted the audio is messed up the quality is messed up and everything is just I think I recorded over 20 times and each one is up to 10 minutes to 20 yeah that sucks

That never really happens with PC streaming or recording so my day been no bad I guess so far I mean you can have the server if you have PC like you see the server but you wouldn’t be able to join I gotta get like I’m on like Xbox

So I don’t know if I going or not you can’t PC is UNC compatible I can’t join have like four skeletons on me I get some f up cookers and make this look good looks bad I’m on half a heart die again no do you know do you know the safety

Strap it’s called dig a hole place a block over your head that’s for noobs hey that’s what I do but I just don’t dig a hole I make a base out of it my frames no you know people don’t believe in Christmas that much I a lot of people

That don’t they don’t do what they don’t believe in Christmas like what is they not to believe into Christmas they just don’t do Christmas H we thought everybody knows Santa is not real hey Santa’s not real I’m joking my God my finger I’ve been known since six or

Five I said it in first grade and no one believed me I will believe that is uh that right there is proof that you can brainwash people I know it’s for fun but if you think about it it’s kind of like brainwashing cuz you think something’s real but it’s not oh it’s

Interesting I don’t really care it’s something that you do as a kid and then when you’re older something to fun you know now that’s a good structure oh my God my phone’s messing up again maybe I don’t really believe Christmas is really much of a religion like

A like it’s a thing you give you give presents it’s something you give is the best thing about Christmas people want to not do Christmas cuz they goes against their religion then that’s on them has really nothing to do with Christmas I mean I don’t know I think that’s

Stupid it should be celebrated for everybody if they want to do Christmas or if they don’t I I don’t I don’t really care about holidays but I don’t celebrate holidays all right maybe I thought thought it was a just given oh so many skeletons dying I so many arrows did

You did you lose your stuff called I got like one video that has like good quality and everything but the Auto’s not there reenact audio that’s what I’m thinking about doing right now but I’ve just been like so busy today I haven’t got like enough free time for myself how long did it

Take you to record the whole enre day yeah I think gorilla tag is too easy for editing I know you can make it a lot harder but it feels like it’s half it is easy lie if if it feels easy then it’s not rewarding that’s what I

Realized if it’s easy then you’re not going to have a say if you gain 100 Subs one day from grag you know what I mean it’s not going to be rewarding not as much as having an active Community because if you switch a different game they don’t watch

You and a majority of uh all people that watch me for gorilla tag or they don’t watch me wait for me to stream gorilla tag or rare rarely join the streams that’s that’s kind of why I wanted to stream desktop games cuz VR is like a loop you play one game and then

Once you play the other game you don’t play that game they don’t watch you that’s not how I want to grow a channel I wanted to grow a channel where they watch me no matter what kind of how like moist criticals audien is like but they’re more of older gu you got like

Make it entertaining yeah I can’t really do that if I’m struggling to do uh grill a tag every day and have no motivation I don’t want to be a soulless I don’t want to be soulless and stream every day I understand VR I don’t care about Grill tag anymore I’ll quit basically already

Quitted if I push if I push myself too hard on one game I get burnt out faster faster than you guys ever realize with the point where I don’t care about anything I get from girl tag in return all right I don’t like seeing that I gain 20 Subs on one

Stream I don’t want to gain that much doesn’t feel real feels like a bunch of people subbed on all their other channels like the current that I got three Subs in like 3 seconds they ain’t real people that’s probably one person at least no I understand it’s just I don’t like

Gorilla tag that’s basically where I’m getting at that’s fine I don’t like beat saber I don’t like VR in general it’s not fun anymore uh yeah I know that I played a good 100 plus hours PC Minecraft so far all right do you got PC PC Minecraft

All right join the Discord if you uh have have a PC Minecraft cuz this is Modded everything will be in the Discord of how to join it’ll be in the Minecraft category after you verify all right let’s see let see there mess Masterpiece building oh I suck at building I don’t know how many hours I have in total I know I played over a thousand hours on

Console about another 2,000,000 or so I have a lot of yeah I have just started I don’t know I feel like anybody can be underrated it’s just they just got to work towards their goals yeah I I I’m not crazy there’s times yeah I could be better

Though plan on getting a face cam off green screen there needs to be more YouTubers where they make it where anybody can join their streams makes it a lot more interesting yeah it does let good to see what your um viewers and subscribers are doing high I can see uh bigger channels

Like like millions of Subs not doing that they do it sometimes it’ just be too crazy hey what you guys been up to call all right what’s your thoughts of this this building right here I I I think this a I think this should

Be more than a golden apple to be to be honest I think you you should charge more than a golden apple for this yeah there it is you should charge more than a golden apple to build something like this oh I I didn’t have my mic on the [ __ ] though nine blocks of

Uh gold could be viable to the St what do you mean Jacob you saying it’s just a regular Golden Apple it’s you know how rare that is true but right now maybe man the yeah I’m definitely going to have to hire you on building my house well Jacob what do you think about

It we’re going to put some stuff up here I think you I think you might be better at building now than you were maybe is pretty good I can only imagine once the server gets big this gets purged put on your damn noise suppression Jacob your mic’s too loud

You guys know this is like a medium build for me yeah I know you like turned up your oh wow why’ you do all that all right can you hear me now hello is it better watch out I killed one we have arrows all right salute

Oh I’ll see you maybe uh maybe later or tomorrow I’ll probably be streaming this every day this is a pretty nice building now it’s time to go the mines if there’s one more bed oh there four beds you guys want to sleep before doing this yes we’ll see you again in due

Time all right there’s been a suggestion on uh a mod it’s like the cave dweller bun steroids it’s very scary too if we if we do if we do the then remove the cave and replace it it’s scary than the cave dweller it’s not it’s not probably going

To spawn in caves it’s probably going to spawn in the open world AFK if it don’t work for 1.8.2 it isn’t I’m not using it I think it’s like a mod that’s coming out I’m not adding any mods right now all right you waitting for the mod pack

To verify actually might noty if I do that it’s I don’t want the job I want it to be playable I don’t want it to be boring it’s going to be boring dying over and over yeah the turtles on the bed get out of here ow he hurts when you do

That he did three my hearts where’s the mine it’s uh on the side yeah I need more iron my tools are breaking all right it’s right here break go get the arrow I found that myor Yeah I’m going Outlast you Blob no catfish in here if anyone wants no I I someh have 28 bread I’m back is it going to be back I don’t know this mine needs to be remod and let’s get Lev is remodeling this mine again actually wouldn’t take them that long in Creative but that’s notary look at them

Going down kill a buch who wants to kill either I mean I need arrows kind of bad oh you got a m spawner we at two zombie and a skeleton by the way all right this is a skeleton no I’m talking about the corpse this My Dead Body a while ago hours ago

Wow Come and Get Us cave dweller come on here Out Boy come here is this where tsunami went I’m not even going Play even no one here yeah I’m probably going to leave the VC tomor I’ll show you what my uh Building looks like in like a picture video I call it shows up and I don’t have a pick one diamond pick all I found it I found an opening

Over here I’m going to leave the VC all right I up too see you just watch out a bunch of people are joining the Discord peace yeah salute salute I’ll be here for a few hours just add me if you want to talk this doesn’t have the I don’t know what salute

Qu we got to make a like a where we’re not going to the just got to reload once everyone starts oh my God can you hear me Jacob down yeah I see the subtitles and it said sound. cave dweller noise F build up Jacob I don’t got as much as you do

Unmute can you guys hear me yeah I can hear all right drop me someone dropped me blocks I I can’t bu that high up there’s a stack I have a bed on me by the way all right that’ll be handy I’m going I don’t have a pick I can’t break

It it’s only one block I’m hey D you’re a coward and you know it here you going to have the diamond blob I just want it for the achievement coward yeah he’ll be a oh my God coward coward coward looks like it opens up over here

Well not really yeah look yeah opens up like crazy over here hey guys it opens up like crazy over there guys come here it opens up crazy what are you doing you coward you know that you know the thing can jump three blocks right does you know the thing can jump three blocks

Up yeah that’s what it did to me oh more diamonds one diamond yeah f follow me follow me goobers follow me place a bed place a bed over here all right place a bed now uh no don’t break these beds by the way I don’t have extra bed on me

Watch out if you fall you might die oh that gravel fell watch out skeleton over here I almost died I they’re mind don’t touch them I don’t know if I want to jump oh hopefully I don’t land on a spike it’s fine down here BL blah

BL I can hear that Echo for like a mile people going to be like diamonds diamonds oh give me another that can you guys hear me from this Far hello Echo you guys good over there yeah I heard the cave dweller and I got three more diamonds you guys should go over there it opens up like crazy Look who got more diamonds one two only two come on man hey leave that b wonder what’s over here there’s a little bit of uh resources here and I’m going to collect all of it he’s probably he’s probably over there running for his life how much I need enough enough for a crafting

Table there you go by the way I can see through I can see through Lava realistic lava not really realistic real life can’t really see through Lava we’re near bed we’re near bed Rock but they we can hear you tell we can hear him what’s in here oh I heard it I heard

It oh are you okay there [ __ ] that was oh He’s dead he’s Dead I can hear you he’s Dead he’s dead I can hardly hear you you’re talking through a block why is my internet Dying all right if the stream ends just refresh it internet’s doing a flop it’s doing a funny right now all right you’re fine hey blah block over here you not join yeah I think there’s something wrong blah I don’t know you don’t move hello better now than I think that’s on art could

Be th my sword our Internet’s Dying by the way why are you killing them well maybe that my pick is this true it’s our it’s probably on our end my internet’s dying yeah he’s dead over there you killed him all right quick he’s he’s alive no that’s on our

End Jesse you might have to restart the server yeah cuz if my Wi-Fi is messed up means there must be a cause could be a cause all right uh I’m going to BRB for a second all right I’m back I don’t know if BL BL is could be

In is he still doing the same thing how you it wasn’t on r Wait w blble you don’t move when you punch punch him that’s going to take a lot of a in a lot of trouble before I make upd for the I want make it run good for people I don’t

Really I’m hearing it all right let’s sleep first people do cuz he’s definitely joining you see it has it has a thing with the plugin thing right there when he joins with what what are you talking about I see nothing what do you mean I see him joining look look you

Don’t see it by his name no the plugin the X the X for the plugin no I don’t I don’t see what you’re talking about look at my stream he has a he has a plugin and then x on it and he’s punching yeah means he needs to probably restart his computer

I don’t see that oh someone new joined never seen them that’s the that’s the one person uh yeah oh wait maybe not all right blah BL can you hear us restart your uh PC might fix it why would it just happen out of nowhere I don’t know if our Wi-Fi is not running

Good or if it messed up the the key hosting thing you want to restart everything what do you mean there’s no restart everything I don’t know talking like a refresh everything there is no refresh everything what are you talking about like refresh the server I already did that what are you talking About why would it run good for us it’s cuz we’re on the internet all right ask that’s uh that’s the other guy cuz he might have the same I know but he he just joined he could not have uh sub added correctly it’s the what that’s the if it’s if it’s

Some sort of problem it might be the it have to be well if it’s Happ been for everybody that’s not on our Network yeah but like I said does my internet messed up like a second ago great when blobs mine my if my internet messed up it could mess up your

Internet he’s in so it’s not the IP he’s in the boy you think the server got bugged no I might have top all right I’m going to make a chest first before you do that all right it’s fine I’ll just stop it give a second stop the

Server I don’t know what’ be the problem could be only uh lob Zone for I going to take a second to get back on for for server up all right it it’s up now is it fine hello [Applause] wow oh my God why I don’t like this data set Watch Out

J somehow didn’t even take damage ow you had to refresh it you hear me Jacob yeah I can hear you I had a WIP that means uh so say if you had like an end chest you wouldn’t have that you wouldn’t have that loot stuff like

That so just be glad we have the corpse mod the Flor yeah what about the stuff he placed in chest chunk that person chunky yeah you like when you got killed by it I think it like uh out yeah he’s on two bars now three maybe we should get out of this area

I feel like Zoom yeah I spot my diamonds from that too same don’t get burnt out cuz I’m going to be streaming this every day a stal what uh TP mer to our base all right just don’t get in a habit of using that TP I’m going to be using all the

Time don’t don’t use it for like uh saving people like like teleport them in a cave out of it when they’re about to die yeah like spawn I’m talking about iner your situations yeah what the flip what the flip jaob I have only one I want to get out of

This cave Sy I got to get TR over to us I I’ll just spawn him right here yeah what are you doing you can spawn them here he’s going to be so upset it’s fine not like he’s going to come out and chase us he’s so my

Ears here you go Trenton Welcome to Hell he’s welcoming you I can hear him warp through the entire cave dun is having his own problems ball I want that ball we need we need to get him out I all right we got to go out yeah and he’ll take you to the

Shadow realm this time you ain’t no walking apart ow all right if you see the Monster just run I know uh C bunny is not having a good time that’s mods come on we got it oh noair yeah yeah way up you [ __ ] I’m going to kill you now you hit

Me yeah but you didn’t there’s no reason for you to hit me that far back I’m not going to kill you I changed my what is this comeing quit all right all right I’m done I’m done figh you shot me you hit me you hit me

Sh all right all all all I got levels I got levels no more no more no more I got level no more iels right I’m about to die going deep all right give me the way give me the way out give me the way let there see the

Way see bunny is not having a good time we just go the enle I don’t know if I can this right way Dam you guys way we’re going to we’re going to starve the death down here no this is the way goober Which Way follow the

Torches lead us out if we if we keep on going up move find it there was no torches I hope you know yeah this not the way you’re dumb dumber than box rocks you guys just made us go on a loot we got to go farther down

Hey it’s not my fault you guys wanted to explore every little uh little little prev I brought Tren into this uh drama him where’s Tron actually I don’t know well he’s just going to find his own on way out J’s going to end up dead ad no he’s

Dead he probably got attacked by the Beast this is the way all right you go up the the way yeah this is the yo I don’t care about VR anymore it’s boring waste of time brother place on I have fun in you think they’re having a good time down there yes salute Uh yeah the tunnel’s bad the viewer just make a noise for should have made this three blocks tall so9 for welcome back this one Jesse didn’t this one Jesse left me to die by zombies swarm of them why you don’t speak English no he doesn’t have his headset set up uh taking that

Surpris we only came out of their one fatality very surprised this thing ain’t up the code Jacob fix it I don’t feel like doing it Jacob stop being a damn troll quit hitting me you’re being a troll quit you hit me I’m blocked in h me out there’s a nice house

Your [ __ ] is [ __ ] D huh what this [ __ ] ass [ __ ] as [ __ ] all right leave I messag here I’m going turn on my stream quality internet’s probably doing a little bit better I’ve been recording for 5 and half hours maybe I can go back to 5 megabytes per

Second you want to fight to the death and lose all my XP no sir you got any uh materials I ain’t fighting it enough I may have only nine levels but I’m not finding this any iron any iron you talking to me yeah I got sub I gave him a chance

There’s a nice Building this might be next stream St this might be next stream thumnail I don’t know maybe probably pay you want some catfish go live somewhere around come on property without my permission get the [ __ ] out of here you’re going to kill me what are you doing nope damage in my

Property tell Triton that he’s going to get Banned I don’t know diamonds you got he makes the prices I didn’t say 50 diamonds I can’t speak for him he’s the one that makes the prices ones well I’m going to go live by myself all right well if you want to do that you can do that you guys are bullying

Me I take it serious uh uh I don’t know probably I’m pretty sure I get a paid Java account H nothing I can do or is this really back to this biome what uh it’s not rendered this The Village I don’t want to go back to the winter biome What those stains you kidding me almost died full iron armor looks just like water all right I’m surrounded I’m going to have to just go through the biome before then before I go and move get to bed just going to end up dying and losing all my

Loot not like I have that much loot n probably fine sheep on the way I’m going to be forced to go to the window vome not what you’re still awake not that late hey hello villager you are never going to leave this house ever don’t you sleep there that’s for me not you what are you doing brother thinks he owns this plate yeah it’s for uh

Same all right you’re never leaving this tsunami is this what you’re doing all right tsunami uh is this what you did did you do this why is it doing this oh oh you trying to get away there their location Arrow that is a rip all right if I Forgot I remember this I think it was on the stream I built this I’m going backwards I’m going to spawn I want to go to spawn T Hil is here another Village there that spawn no I don’t think uh hello hello can you hear

Me yeah I hear you hold let me turn on your stream because I’m here moving you scared me I thought I was about to die I was I was about to find you but I guess you you already found me yeah I’m just trying to move

Yeah I haven’t played a lot of these new mod so I’m going to have to get to learn this oh there’s a there’s pillagers behind you oh I’m going to make some shield and attack them where is think I know how to make Shield we go four of you guys I see

All right bet right on this Village just in case if things go south tsunami this may be the last that you see of me I will try my best onwards prob turn my dist junks a little bit down 18 should be good enough found them come here you going to work on your

Aim we try to do over there it’s weird it’s not normal difficulty shouldn’t be that hard that actually I do not mess with these guys on PC they can literally twoot you in full iron armor very scary I do have them after me right now he’s a little lost over there second raid

Yeah I’d be careful that’s why I don’t mess with them oh my oh my that’s why I don’t mess with them broke one shot you sayway Sway I don’t want I don’t want to die like this all right get some food I’m going to be one shot Stone you kid me all right my goal smell until I can make a full set of armor yeah this is this is modded right Here like I had deep SL this whole entire time was a look like that was my fault yeah you have to be on PC too if you have PC Minecraft and Cur Forge and Java join the Discord the mod mod pack will be in there the requirements he got it down to one

Finish the raid I’m going to wait a little bit tsunami is about to be 12 like you got you got you got you got to get some sleep over there h M five come On funny where is that pager it’s hiding lonely soul where is he you better not be in this cave is there a villager in here what’s this huh what’s this down here I saw you by the way is Jesse getting in no he’s calling up he’s a baby that was the you

M no that was the monster I heard that’s what I’m trying to see 100 no I’m scared yeah for a second yeah there’s this weird creature all right looks like he found it time to get back up n your sleep SK is starting to get wh true hunger not being looking

Good that hurt that Hurt a pu do how much HP does he have a whole firing squad over here come on I’m I’m it floats it turns into a skeleton after a while you probably seen that oh I know what that one is what’s that blob still oh LED it some reason uh there’s like a it’s

With like the tunnel there’s something wrong with like the tunnel yeah that’s probably the tunnel land sorry yeah happens to everyone son that can be fixed yeah they’re running around they don’t know what to do I may die this wave I actually shot You they’re very scared I need food badly no not that no I can’t die like this oh you want some food there you go there you go puppy ain’t that a puppy dog you know yeah that was adorable you take all my food on you I may be on like three hearts

But that’s just [ __ ] do the sun’s Rising hey creeper hey blob blob I almost died there is so much food right here come on I see it my all right I have a theory what remember the guy the the other guy that leaves like keeps on

Leaving what if that’s like the like on like with the tunnel you know like how it kicks you romly yeah yeah I think he’s having the issu that’s what the Texas guys happen that’s what that’s what’s happening to him it has to be it has to do with the tunnel yeah

There yeah uh tsunami did that bro what’s with this lag lag’s going crazy all right you you ready to you ready to have an early grave all right happened to me you think that I think that’s a the tunnel I doing that it’s kicking you oh here come mind if I

Do oh yeah it is hosted on a PC a little bit better yeah I don’t have that many bars too I never see myself have three I many rounds oh I think I think this is there’s been three others so I think this is on to the fourth

I see there might be two now that I’m looking closer uh yeah bug I’m calling bug on that they’re they’re tooking uh by the server uh did the raid thing bug to you not going up buker over there I’m I I wonder I wonder what does he

Doing on his SPC cuz whatever he’s doing is what no oh oh Wa his minions are not dead I’m dying save me help me Chas by oh I think they’re dead oh there aexes yeah we got made a heart and half I was about to die there still H they already spawn after a minute just keep on running they’re very

They’re cowards coward look them back away come here come on Ow no dude please don’t kill me I’m sorry oh why why takes so long I think they’re all well there is a there’s a Vex trying to kill me got me to one heart yeah I got four diamonds on me I have yeah this is what cost me my funs remember me heading

Out has a has a thing that’s pointing towards it me head up tsunami salute yeah it’s all it’s all it’s like midnight for him salute tsunami salute he said he’s going to get Lea leather indeed there’s a beast right right here I don’t want to must to stay clear of these

Beast I’m trying to find food you can hear my fan you maybe should sign out of my main man or talk to me oh I don’t have compress compressed on hello I’m quick you should join Jesse we got someone else in I Wasing I’m starving I’m starving I’m starving I need

Food I have food oh food Village yeah all right see you tsunami salute yeah I don’t I don’t see any of our uh My Little Instruction yink spawn here look at this they built something here they’re sculpting something they’re all gathered around Rob The Villages I might take that I’m Starving oh so hungry it’s been claimed by me I claim this is my own all right this shows how I claim this land onto more surely these guys are not going to be too hard to kill you want to you want to go up your life for me Oh I’ll beat your D one day no I’m Murder What happens when you kill me how big is this biome been going for years all right time to go forward going until we see a biome that is actually nice we’re on the road looks like there’s a village in front of us watch out there’s a dangerous thing right there I got Slowness what a spiders up to be terrifying now Oo served this purpose yeah I’m looking at you what are you going to do huh you can probably hit me from this side come on push me push Me you know what I’m not scared of you I am [Laughter] here I there’s no blacksmith I’m sad we claim this for the Empire we shall we need to find one diamond oh TR to sneak up on me uh it’s a it’s a diamond axe oh the sword the iron sword ah had broke remember no clue you’d have to play back

To stream child I need to bed more than hey don’t slam that door on me all right it’s time to leave I don’t have a shield Iron Golem’s going to be trying to kill me I shot a child there’s a there’s a fly not dog that’s no bug that’s a fly running

What what in the world this is a little bit dangerous oh sh I’m being jum I got oh I’m going to die ah oh oh save me save me what theck just run I placed a bed a all right let this thing blow up now that’s what I call a day’s work right

There now this are going to be our little soda mon for a second calling it something yo shorties stream if you see this subscribe dream if you see this subscribe what do you think you’re doing I told the stream to subscribe I wonder what SE right now he’s probably watching the stream my arrow missed No I died this is going to be ratchet this is all right guys so this is chat’s house so if you subscribed this is your house what heck is this it’s my first time man make a little uh little building out of it like a live in it uh uh uh H serers Down you could have warned them you could warned them yeah seems like I’m killing the internet I don’t usually stream for this long I’ve been uh recording for six and a half hours you you say that make you say that be like enough footage can’t see Stream yeah I blocked it wait yeah oh what the heck server got restarted yeah yeah I know but like what oh I was lagging I was lagging so bad it lags because it loads okay hold on you know you know the thing you should do if the computer RAM like your laptop

L Ram the one that’s hosting the server if it gets to like 100 sometimes just throw it in the freezer it’s using 16 gigs of RAM host the server yeah I think we should be oh that’s that’s not that’s not the end oh stupid that’s on think it’s on your end for

Uh for internet no food oh come here I got food maggots that’s a that’s a stack of steak right there thought it was steak oh there’s danger thing in front of us I hate those fat hate those things you’re fat ass uh very much so things hate them so much shoot

Him like who did that he’s like who did that who did that I’m sniffing them oh that hurt that hurt oh yeah that hurt this no we’ve been going yeah what’s our cords man our last cords are negative th000 that look like that look like water for a

Second all right let’s go to this B don’t be distracted by that there’s little icicle things in front of us well will we in the North Pole or son more got you got you got you got you got you you no clue I like playing this game more than

Dr the W the world bord I don’t know if we’re going to ever get to that oh is that a Orca what he Orca yeah I I seen my books and I those things are dangerous oh I can break ice I want to hit

It it breaks it no no no no no it breaks ice build up no you’re not going up for me I feel like there’s a problem the server so they both keep on leaving and joining should I join you should join Vortex I left a few arrows here my quarts

Think on happen in Texas yeah TR dig up oh pickax is way fast uh that’s up to you rre watch out if there’s orcas in this water you could very much lose their lives all right plenty enough boats all right tell to go on yep and and uh actually I won’t spoil

It yeah I think that there’s a bug going on when they join oh all my dist chunks all the way up I’m turn them all the way up I was thinking about it but kind of want to venture out in the ocean oh my or yeah I saw

That there a little Island right here He typed not a single tree hold on hold on hear me out hear me out hear me out Meck let me cook Sun is going down we got to watch out okay I know this not this does not look like a tree but um this this island now has a tree wait

Hold I want to make it look like more natural I’m making this tree look like a spawn naturally there best tree ever wait hold on there best tree ever I need to hunt and gather what the heck craft a knife he has a knife guys everyone

Run oh no oh wait I can make freaking pants right now like I think we should stay on this island for forever yeah don’t we got a tree right here if we need to break it down you know I think I’m I think I’m acoustic because I’m not using the freaking Blast

Furnace there we go that’s much better chat chat what are they doing to me I think I’m trapped in here why is the cave dweller in here oh Sho oh sho I’m dead G no this is just your new house I can’t hear you in there you got to speak a little

Louder you speak a little louder in there H what is that what did you say can’t hear you in there is it dangerous in there probably hey you live down there you’re lucky if I had all right can you stay there for a second I’m going to go get

Something it might be because of the tunnel if you have any problems uh tell uh I love demon he’s the one that’s hosting the server can you go back in there here you want to see a new here go in here for a second there’s a new there’s a new

Thing guys’s a new thing go go in there go in there what you doing what was thats all right go in there I have to show you something ability wow all that’s good on all right go in there wow this is so cool stay in there for a second

Stay in there for a second everything’s going to be all right don’t worry don’t worry everything’s going to be all right everything’s all right’s all right put the fire out put the fire out this is all the wood in the whole world imagine so someone’s going to find this

Place and they’re going to like freak out like what happened here why is there a million blocks Everywhere no no no I got You finally which way I’m breaking from you can’t get out we got to break two to get out what the heck is glitching I can see through the freaking world I can see see you you’re right there I I can’t get out breaking it no I know how to escape and I will

Escape come on come on I’m out I’m out oh you’re Lucky all right I’m going to go find I’m get some food L kill uh I don’t know Hey hey put that light back in hey what do one get breathed down here you’ll watch out they’re dangerous they killed me many times out you lucky oh I got a heal I need food you got five seconds to get in my bow five well I’m on 4 HP I need a I

Need a food or carrot all right can you hear me watch out oh what is that thing or you never catch me alive Catch Me Alive you never catch me alive oh there get on I’m coming for you all right Vortex I’m going to be getting back into

Uh spawn I’m going to be going to spawn everything will be all right this time I’m not going to die about see how many blocks away about th000 blocks away from Spawn I think we should go back to our base yeah what if they found

It Vortex is fun he ain’t going to he ain’t going to go crazy I think he’s chill but we we haven’t seen his other side you know what I mean everybody has the other side let’s go through here don’t die by the mon and there whoa that was a huge [Applause]

Drop what was that for I deserve it well there goes my iron sword ain’t no way why don’t blow up creeper I was trying to eat some food in my inventory and a creeper sneaked up behind me I was already dead bro my sword got deleted he he deleted my sword Yo Vortex wizard hey oh what the heck I didn’t even know you were there just run run we’ll be fine just got to move forward yeah very far where he you go what did you do that for he was all the way up in the sky I

Was like oh I’m in the void I already know I’m everything I say I’m I looked behind me and you duck your gun I was like what what happened expect a lot of that crazy stuff all right if you type in chat you have a new uh you have a new tag

Just bro why does it say that I think my tag should be first viewer I I was the first viewer to join the server I got to do a custom prefix never mind you’re OG in the Minecraft server it’s just not old yet continue your journey well we were about a th000

Blocks away before you did that we we were um where hey there’s a player over there I think it’s C bunny we got to go terate him he spotted our home no stop abusing your power stop yo stop I saw you hear me where are you guys hello where are you C

Bonny Stone he’s digging Stone maybe block himself somewhere all right all right what what do you think about this um um um this dirt block look suspicious dirt doesn’t go down like that deep right yeah oh what the heck oh now it’s Stone hey I found I found uh I found I found

Sean Texas by the way he’s over there he was standing on a tree over there yeah I see him look it’s over there he found our base I think he I think he realized it was us give me up give me up and he’s drowning and he died and and the world’s got

Deleted and the world got corrupted for for all right time to Run oh you want some food buddy there you go there you go take some what about you you want some food all right there you go see everybody gets their own food I want to mess with bears all right safe now scary now that that’s what I call

Some That’s What I Call fear right there you’re they going to die just by walking in the forest hello anybody home where’d he go where he go where he go where’d he go hey hey hey viral viral watch this watch this watch this There a bird Behind hey where are you Desy are you up here you maybe I don’t know that’s up to Jesse this this ain’t my base where’s Jesse he’s the one that’s L of demon whatever his name is whatever his name is I loveon he’s probably he’s probably flying around somewhere just knowing

Him all right I think he’s here stay your business who who’s this who’s coming up all right all right I thought someone some R coming up all right it disconnected me I see you uh when you T Quality quality do you still have thatare L demonic may I

Live with you your humble AB uh want wait you want to Quality can do you still have that spare armor also I can’t hear you yeah I have it who just broke something you can’t hear me you living can you hear me hey quit hitting

Me I can’t hear you I can hear you I can’t I’m the only person who can’t hear you speaking jaob Yeah I’m speaking Yeah we can hear you uh I don’t know blob is trolling or not I’m not I’m not trolling I actually can’t hear you all right uh he can speak to

You you have to speak my tomatoes here it is take it you said that spare armor there uh anywhere you I wouldn’t recommend that Mya I would recommend play placing anything on the server I mean it’s not it’s not 24/7 yet why is everyone so loud I got no idea oh my

God the echo makes it so much more interesting oh yeah especially when you’re falling through a cave and you just hear them fall to their death no no I swear that happened yesterday on stream yesterday I jumped on a cave and my voice was like

Yeah so if you have enough money you can uh hire a builder the Builder is a he’s called a wizard yeah so for like the he built this I gave him a Notch Apple for it that I found in the M oh my gosh he

Found it in the dungeon yeah so R also don’t don’t ask where I got this from don’t don’t look at my hand don’t ask where I got this from I know where you to the diamond pickaxe or the totem the totem I know I know where I know you

Were there but um you weren’t I helped kill that thing oh here it does here uh give me a second five banners oh nice actually I have 98 get out of my level oh yeah guys I found this we can upgrade our Diamond to netherite even

Though we don’t even have Diamond Stu we should probably try to try to get lava to make We need netherite oh lava to the nether you mean you say you say or or or or or you can you should mine oh you’re already building it or well no he might have a designated

Area that he wants you to build don’t go in there I went in there not not good not good we but no but we I built it over there though it might the spawn might be a bit different you might be above lava you don’t know

So where my all I let the God go first all right we don’t make out nice to know you what that oh Lord help us this is lava this looks like water no no no what is that over there you got tell where are you on the ceiling right over there

What the [ __ ] is that he’s trying to push me in lava oh my God I’m going in I’m going in see you see you no no no [ __ ] that I’ll go back to spawn Forex yeah don’t go in there there’s uh there’s new monsters and [ __ ] there’s

Something weird in there is there oh is there like a giant mosquito that like sucked on your face no like a koala bear like a koala bear that was hanging on a ceiling well there’s also a mosquito that will suck on your face I this is Alex M all right Vortex where are

You here I’m going pause screen for a minute you should be fun now it’s dinner right there by the way when you kill animals they don’t really spawn back you have to go to new distant chunks all right yo all right go to these distance dist how to

Join are you do you have PC Minecraft you need a PC Minecraft oh can’t join you got to have PC Minecraft to be able to join all right Vortex you you follow you you you fall in these cords going to these cords uh all right just go to these cords

All right I’ll be right back be back in like half a minute all right I’m back basically uh to join you got to you got to First join the Discord and then go to Minecraft category and how to join and then mod pack will be there and then the server information to Join Vortex wizard uh you getting near grass for playing Minecraft for seven hours be like they make a fishing rod oh no gut string I think I went the opposite way fish down here see anything what was that do it to Vortex do it to vortex I’m almost here anyways Where are you placing uh upstairs where’s Do I know you’re I ain’t eating anything but I do want to rib guys come here you say my name I come guys TP Vortex I tried to but I went to him on an accident all right all right and you should be out of creative in my

Opinion I don’t I don’t want to be in Creative remember when we did to that other server in the realm you went in creative and B blew them up when they’re like a fourman team oh that that was cuz I I went on a power trip that’s that’s the dark I I

Left and they made a base where I left Jacob I don’t like talking about that that was just the Dark Age we don’t talk about that yeah we don’t TP to like a group of people that were in or we had a Bedrock server and then I blew him up and

Left yeah but they killed me remember they gain up on me cuz you said kill this person you get reward and then there was four of them in full iron armor oh yeah that was the god trip right there all right did you all right teleport uh TP bro look at this

Rain wow this rain is so nice oh I failed I say Hey whenever we TP them we’re going to tell them to get on the plank right here and we’re going to punch them off into the water n not Vortex wizard he’s OG he’s like Tsunami damn he looks like a hot dog he is a hot dog that’s crazy welcome all right now you have to make a sacrifice Vortex press press V get your mic situated here uh does he have a mic yeah he he don’t talk a lot

He’s he don’t have to set up his mic if you don’t want to no he’s setting up his mic he ain’t going to be a hot dog and not talk we call those talking hot dog he should at least set it up so he can

Hear us I don’t know if he can hear us uh jump in the air if you can hear us all right all right jump in the air if you don’t want to speak all right he does want to speak your put no no not blob glob what

Are you doing that’s it I’m being executed no don’t do it Bob glob here I’ll help you and here I’ll help you wait I I pushed you in the Water by doing that czy Vortex uh gu up your mic that’s if you want to it’s in uh it’s in

Settings and say select microphone and select speaker thing should be when you press B oh no my button switch to K I have a knife I gotex wizard there’s uh there’s beds at the bottom of this Tower you should get it yeah the bottom of to you can Pi people up no I’m not I’m not doing that get too cursed fast I can make a tomato sauce

Right yeah and and then what are we at seven man now your body your body will just fall down the cliff oh yeah it will fall into and it will just like into a lava pool we a seven man now Tomatoes uh C bunny we got oh he’s dead no I’m dead rip this is why we going to buy our own server this won’t happen is this a hot dog what the heck who how is he walking around you know that’s we to eat him you

Know oh my Vortex we need to eat you yeah when everyone stand still you uh Tomatoes is Tes oh sleeping sorry there’s so much stuff you can craft you can get a knife and get raw pasta and make here how about we all go in the

Cave and uh Village let go prick kill cave I don’t know we’re we we’re only a fiveman right now I don’t know if that’s enough oh crap okay we okay we’re exploring during the night we got to be has completed the Challenge free Willie there’s challenges I don’t know that bun Bunn Start uh I think it I think it will I’m only 1 million years old well Vortex you should come here come here follow me follow me vortex in here ini come in come here come here come here come here you hear you hear the you hear the

Reverve oh yeah this this is what you can this is what you can hear if you if you do it you go B all right let’s go find a cave dweller come on initi initiate the cave dweller let’s go get I’m going to go get the others I’m going to go get the

Others yeah yeah I don’t have enough food for this there’s a fishy in here we’re going to have to eat uh we’re going to have to eat Vortex yeah we’re have to resort to EA the hot dog all right everybody come here what is this come on we got a

Mission me yeah all of us follow us I was working on forers to light making the actual like blocks uh what blocks uh so we can actually so we can make better food you know oh what do you need why don’t you guys do that and when you get back I

Promise you you’re going to love the new kitchen I’m going to make all right let him do that let him let him cook we have theit we also have the furniture mod so you can Furniture yeah press e and look at all the it scroll all the way down it’s on like page

20 where you find all the dep we might come back and there might be nothing left no food no nothing this place might be purged no no no no come here come here come here come here come here come here come here come here come here I can come

With you I I don’t know if we I don’t know if we trust this guy like he’s talking about all hey go back in there go back I’ve been living off grubs you want me to come I’ll come I’m I’m I’m thinking about planet on get

Empire I think I say we ex now I say we eat hot dog and we make a run for it we take hot dog with us Y come here come here come here all right come on let’s uh let’s go n treat yourself you can treat yourself yeah treat yourself treat yourself we

Don’t mind make yourself a oh okay do you have any your stove here I got a cooking pot damn Jacob all right right here’s a diamond as well I was going to take that what the heck all right come on Vortex see we’re like that we’re we’re very good love demon come

On hold on give me a second by the way we’re going to be screaming down there you’re not going to be able to hear it but Vortex are you going the we’re going to go kill him we’re going to execute him yeah any we got to kill him for his

Crimes of being a dweller we get it damn all right let’s go how much damage does that do I should be a to here Vortex we get to upgrade there’s onions in here onions I have heck I can’t have my tot on you can cook you can cook egg eggs too my

Weapons will do less damage if I might make a chicken farm then oh yeah that’ be nice they give you two hunger bars I think all right you ready Vortex you armed oh can you not have anything in off hand all right everybody that wants to go fight the cave dweller follow me

All right I just want to mine I’m coming here for riches theot soldiers we got to be brave he is food I don’t say that about Vortex we we we leave No Man Behind No Man Behind that’s the rule Jacob you’re you’re being very weird what do you mean how how how much

Yeah watch it get struck by lightning how how I how so cuz you’re walking backwards looking at weird okay I I’m so glad minecra all right this way don’t mind that Vortex that was my past death where where did they where did they go this way this

Way you guys are all over the place times don’t mind this don’t mind this I upload that youas I see quality your V your body disappeared it’s a Java IP I’ll give it to you you got to join the Discord to get just tell them to join the Discord there’s a tutorial on

How to do everything yeah it’s in the category of Minecraft I can tell whenever cave noise cuz I have subtitles on subtitles on Minecraft yes got to launch it through curse Forge there that’s the oh is it just like on why is everyone following me just because I’m the strongest person here

Lead you have the all of us all right follow me Vortex hey cave dweller you’re a coward follow oh cave dweller I already cave dweller you’re C coward coward Jacob shut up sh my but dance dance on all right I’m making it dark here I heard it I heard it while

By myself over there all right we got to stay in the darkness we got to stay in the darkness that’s how it spawns no no no turn the lights off hold on I’m fortnite got to crank the 90s on I don’t on me they’re on me I’m being

All right you have to block he will crawl under one block space so you have to block all of it if he comes out us I have no blocks let me get some blocks so Mr cave dweller to be honest do you know the reason why I need knock come

Here uh there’s no reason oh everyone everyone oh shoot I can’t everyone gets get blocks so we can uh if wait actually it’s no but still get blocks by the way you can jump three blocks yeah I witnessed some jump three blocks when you spawned them on me and I nearly lost my

Life I’m scared I’m making it even worse for I don’t know how much longer until someone dies all right who’s going to be the victim I’m here come here he must have found a chest I’m going to make it even more scarier I think he’s programmed to come after you when you’re

Alone I swear I just heard you fart what nothing can I has two iron uh I don’t have iron I’m sorry but I don’t have any iron on me he has two iron blob blob be nice the mod pack is needed you can’t play if without the mod pack you got iron

Jaob he needs to has iron No I gave him all my iron up there all right let’s go the crevice there’s iron down there Max use the iron one yeah cuz the mod pack adds everything found it you can’t play oh my I did 4 and a half

Hearts all right where do we go I forgot the way to it can’t play why does he have great carpet Cur for is the only way to import The Mont why does he have right do he he yeah would uh bridge mode be better Jesse hey where you

Going H it’s this way this wayd would bridge mode be better optimized I don’t know job I’m not talking about oh wait I have raw iron onnn con yeah Universe I mean he does have two bars oh download the mod pack and launch through C Forge it’ll work follow the steps go to

Sleep I’m telling you we need an actual 24/7 server yeah I know but there’d be chaos it’s 24/7 I found at the I’d wake up and my house would be gone what do you mean when we come out of the cave might be gone

That Ain going to be how would it be hey we we should give it we should give it to uh the hot dog guy he is the less amount of protection here oh I could have killed someone I’m mining you could have killed someone shut up I can

K you don’t need food you’re fine what the he where did he get that from Jess can you use fabric mods on this mod pack uh no maybe if they client side I don’t know he he doesn’t know maybe uh follow the tutorial that’s all you uh we’re

Fine did you break he don’t like when when you go deeper in the caves Jacob youy guys make sure you pray pray that you guys don’t die Oh so dark it’ just be a shame if he just pops out of nowhere bro I’m still stuck on a stone pick I wonder why I wonder why Vortex I wonder why you can’t see you should have optify which game type uh Java uh I don’t know what you mean by

Like game type like the version oh yeah the uh it’s 1.18 like 4 right is no no it’s two yeah it’s 1.8.2 it’s the version I think he targets one person at a time yeah if he does I’m getting out of here and you go together we got to stick

Together yeah we’re stuck in here now yeah no you just killed us all I wonder what Sean Texas is doing just follow the tutorial on U he said he was the that’s where all the mod mods sorry mod pack I’m literally getting killed chicken sandwi I’m see what’s over here

Yeah let me go see what’s over here scream dead all right I’m leaving you alone they target people we don’t go this way all right I’ll be right back ow you’re going to kill me I’m struggling on food yeah what are you going to do about

It that’s my ration I’m not sure if I want to go over there anymore he really me he’s going to be back hello all right bro what the heck we have a friend wait we got a friend yeah look we have a friend he’s pregnant yeah light all right well see you

Guys if you have problems just uh at L demon L yeah and if he refuses just Spam him just go on curse Forge and import the mod pack I don’t really know much about mods so just uh that’s that Guy kid yeah you you take my word when I just said I don’t know much about mods I mean I know some mods I don’t know how to like do everything like import that all right salute what the what do the fabric mods do oh I’m stealing your

Iron going to be like all right here Take you heard that oh my uh yeah here I’m about to just go to the surface me too that’s my stomach yeah that was just my stomach see see bunny was blown up by a creeper he might be trolling never know just like look up look up Spike it’s going to

Fall I’m almost too bro almost dead I told you to look up the spike was falling all right comate with food give food you got any I’m going to die I don’t want I got no food uh Vortex you got any food I got I got R bunny everyone here is at full

Bars not me no we’re all at full bars that’s what it says seven a playment help there is seven in the server so far is this the most that was in the server I never had a server this oh 10 was the max cuz it was the max for the

Count I looked at I looked at the player count whenever I joined the server we’re going to have to protect the tower you guys want to go up uh maybe let’s go up we only find we only find them if we uh fight I mean fight him if we find

Them on the way out we have to split up he doesn’t go after groups safety numbers everybody knows it well he will but it’s R I think uh he normally goes after groups and then I started getting brutally murdered by the freaking thing and you hit wall yeah I was crying

Myself over there gr myself yeah it just cut out too you’re like what was that boom what was that boom what I heard a I heard a boom you’re hear are we even going the right way no all right yeah this is the way I went before turning back I

Think window kid was slain by all right here come this way this seems like the right way no this ain’t the right way goober Vortex found the right way you guys are goobers no oh this is circling we just did a circle Vortex this is Tire Circle we started from

Here goobers you guys do this every single time now we’re lost all right now we’re split up now now we’re going to die all right this is this is where this is where this is where we die right here now we got to stick together the way

Out it’s me and you doesn’t this bring back old memories yes this way this is the way hopefully the way what is that that’s that’s a sound of someone that’s about to die about about died on that one now to find my body Jesse what did you what did I talk

About tele me when when things like this happen fine centipede C centipede I hear it I see it with subtitles what the freak are you doing get out I didn’t teleport you to your body D you still got to get past that pu but you’re getting used to it I don’t want

That I need to get used to it so I can do it faster you know I’m breaking this block hey you want me to send you to the uh I’m not sure if I want a friend right now I I I just wanted he’s on the other side all right There I’m pretty nice too bad I have to lag I lag a little bit too much all right try a look second time the ter that CED I didn’t even know those things resist I’m scared if those things resist in caves I’m going to die radioactive you hey guys you guys get over

There yeah I don’t have a tool can’t just oh it’s been almost eight hours of streaming there’s a whole entire battle going on h H I don’t know if I the VC uh something you want to see ready hello all right they can’t hear me through these walls I mean I can dig through my my fist but it’s going to take a little bit of time all right I could die real quick and just get a

Tool unless if I want to try my look and try to find them nope I refuse to be a corpse was it in Discord uh I didn’t make it Oh you mean like a like a actual video jaob come here OHP ran that way ran through that one

Block here I’ll cover you got Jacob get through mhm yeah the mod is in Forge where’s my loot where where where’s my body my I don’t know where you died I think youed come here fun my ah you remember where you died uh I think viral yep that’s where I died I

Found all right what happened to Vortex are you launching it through Forge oh Vortex wizard he sto here like he he ran off no no no I don’t want to be in the hole might have spawn no no we got to go help Vortex no no hot dog Left

Behind yeah we can eat them later for conversation yeah what are we going to do for food we don’t get Vortex yeah we got no food now we’re going to starve down here ah I did six out of my hearts for son like that I don’t know I’m on

One heart Vortex Vortex I’m dying save me I’m not here anymore Sal radioactive Sal I’m digging up I’m give me a second pain and oh he’s I can’t hear you I’m [ __ ] I’m sorry he’s after me block it it block it Jacob [ __ ] it left it left left left block it block

It block it it you quit moving I’m on half a heart bro CU I’m thinking about doing it oh no no no no no don’t do it jaob don’t do it I’m thinking about end my life a worth it you’re over there trying to kill me that breaks so jaob

You have to break the block on I almost died Jacob I was telling you he’s here he’s here he’s here I heard I saw the footsteps on my subtitle and and I knew he was gone because I was hiding in there and then I saw um cave dweller disappear do you see

Our voices do our voices pop up no no they don’t oh is it like your uh can you stand on here for a second yeah can I show you how to turn it on no I I already know what you’re talking about all right let’s get out of this

Cave before we die yeah uh doesn’t isn’t like isn’t like the time all right let’s go I’m not waiting to find out Tsunami Tsunami where are you tunami or vortex Vortex they’re pretty similar names they mean like similar things I didn’t mean I was a half a heart not me one piece all

Right Vortex he’s still alive he’s still here everything should be all right need to get my loot what have this potion effect uh ran this far dead end what was that bring get a torch oh Lord help me oh there’s something new it’s like a

Rolling spike ball I saw it Rolly it’s a rolly py guys at this point should where where’s my body where’s my corpse it’s up here up here come on right here jaob you died right here you got shot in head by Arrow yeah I was a half a heart after

All I’m three hearts you have any does anyone have any food I like this oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] I don’t give a [ __ ] about the rly pulley ball I’m getting out of here no the rly py ball is that way I don’t care this is the way to go oh almost di By run run run run what about th for forget about them man for no hard feelings but I’m going to block them off oh my God now that that’s why I call terrifying uh jaob you shouldn’t tell them to contact me I did really know how uh I it’s going

To be hard to troubleshoot people do I go well you know more about it than I do I don’t know how to you know Port the mods into a mod pack right there I’m lost right there wait you speak uh yeah yeah I need to get to a

Safe place if I want to talk to all right this dude is look what he’s doing up here it’s really cool yeah it’s nice all right there any food in here he’s organized everything that’s nice this is very nice going to be like a Essence we can

Probably get a knife or a egg and put in here we we got a nice place nice base going setting up can you murder me look I’m taking my taking my booty at you come on there you go what’s this A here that annoying effect is gone there’s that no annoying uh like

Rotten flesh effect can you hear me uh all right for one bar you guys need spare iron I I ran out when I was trying to make the pot uh I might I have raw iron here thank you do not go down in those caves will not there’s a a weird Spike rolling

Thing there’s giant centi that go through one block I’m just I’m just plowing the fields don’t worry yeah yeah yeah don’t don’t go down there so uh when I did it I dug straight up did you leave Vortex behind we had we had to bro did you leave anyone else behind

You left D window kid to also didn’t you those caps I don’t think he was down there he was down there with us I did I dog straight up um yeah dude uh I think he could spawn in your straight if it’s a cave can do

It you want the uh cabbage seeds or do you what can you do with six steel do have a l right now oh all right a I need this bucket full of lava I still need to I still need to make has all like andu not mess

Up take those right there 15 arrows I really like the furniture and stuff pretty cool yeah this is what I dreamed of playing like 5 years eight years ago so how oh oh this is how you cook it basically we need with cage Tomatoes potatoes and I think that’s about it my

Bad guys I’m taking a [ __ ] on the chair come on and not again we can build a toilet for you to do that also the best part is you can use the knife cut not to make not to make you sad but there’s no toilet no there is we need

Rice really that’s a major thing we need rice uh oh yeah oh yeah I just found a canon in the freaking I but how come I search up toilet and nothing popped up Ain no ski toilets here I see like decorations can I like wear

Stuff uh you can use that use oh by the way you can use that panis weapon it’s almost useless it’s just more of a decoration type item oh you can make a raccoon hat it’s cool all right bet let’s go kill one Bear first I have to find can you just get out of here we go back to spawn and there’s just a crater there oh who’s going to make a crater at spawn a God why would oh dwindle wood he blown byep I am hosting the server so uh

Whenever I go to sleep I’ll be your your uh acquaintance I offer you this a bowl of tomato soup uh how many hungers does he do I don’t know we’re about we’re going to find out uh give it to me I’ll find out all cor

Made not a lot it’s only two I mean it’s it’s very basic all right also any bowls you get throw them back in the pot just throw them back oh shoot okay I can make something way bigger this uh I have a tomato farm right I need an onion I can make

Roli Rini yeah Rini what do we need uh I need one uh actually here I can go make one real quick where’s my that giant ship you’re going to be the chef on the ship yes come on come on like like one piece uh I need a boat let me grab one fetch

Me a boat I have a boat looks like these are this is going to be our boats over here I can contract the Builder to make a a bridge no I got cabbage I thought I was getting fine fine I got more cabbage it’s hard

To tell the thing I’m I’m used to having like wall it’s the thing where you like hover over something and it tells you what how much uh what’s all here is it just cabbage this this is cabbage uh this is tomatoes this is onions oh I

Should have marked that wait uh uh use signs maybe I need a I need a tree are there any trees nearby there’s one right there I mean there is one behind me but it’s going to long that oh yeah that take way too long this is pretty cool if you’re speaking Jacob

I can’t hear you I’m not speaking I’m just taking in the surroundings oh yeah this gives me like some medieval like like a farm you know and maybe we could have like a castle like way over there yeah I and maybe like a little shed yeah that’d be

Dope maybe some fences maybe some posts that have like uh lights on it and if you have uh money you can uh hire the wizard to build you stuff he’s pretty good at building he built the house oh looks like uh hot dog gu is back don’t uh don’t tell them what

Happened in the caves is every man for himself all right things happen cabbage tomato things just happened this is nice I got to keep worrying about these crows they keep they keep trying to steal the crops you can make a scare I’m pretty yeah I don’t think you can I searched up um

Scarecrow it didn’t pop up maybe it’s called something else is that a raccoon they when you go up to them they it it it don’t kill it they want food yes make a hat I didn’t get anything I think I think like SE I kind of want to add the mod that

Makes it where like shot in the head you die instantly oh no that that’s the exact reason why I hate rlcraft oh yeah but it be so funny yeah you just walk up to someone and shoot them in the head d a blob is trying to talk to you

Was he see screaming at you screaming at you to come over there Quality quality I’ll be right back but I know what you’re going to do so I’m just going to um I’ll bet no no where you going okay I I got to be right back hold on hold

On I see what you’re doing it’s too late no how the voices get muffled so good yeah I love that and then the Reverb is just good so m that’s why I want instrument because I’ll be curse sword mod pack to uh verify so it’s just easier to join for yeah yeah I

Was I was going to say I feel like he probably he probably set that up most people do that I mean I I run servers too so I know how it feels oh here comes hot dog man coming over with uh something in his hand hey what happened in the cave I’m sorry

About that bro you can’t eat that that ain’t dinner that ain’t Food like you can’t eat that that’s not food are you a mustard hot dog here you go here you go you want to eat something here you go he has face don’t do it he’s on half a heart I think if you punch him once he’ll

Die oh he’s immune to the poison he he’s poisoned so much he’s immune to it that’s crazy I really want to try to run a server like this on Hardcore I’ve been playing for eight hours I’m have a lot of fun on here I’ll probably be on tomorrow yeah I like this I

Like he’s back still in there Buckman SC all right you two can fight this is a sanction fight huh the God says you can fight I’m to for a second I need to go do something I’ll be right backy I have 10 obsidian here Jacob you want to D

Me ow ow D I got no food Fight for Your Life I’m killing you I’ll kill everybody I’ll kill you stop the blood it ain’t don’t K hot dog man he didn’t do anything W who calm [Laughter] down there’s a way out of [Applause] this told to take over the Base make me man didn’t have a bed Jacob quit it hot dog man didn’t have a bed you just TP what’s wrong with you you just TP him well that’s what you got for attacking me unprovoked I’ll make my leave what is Sean Texas doing I don’t think

You can break the bodies he’s a AFK all right uh I think we don’t we don’t talk about what just happened a fly look at that oh my bad all right what are we forging over here for uh farm this is going to be like our food source food source onion cabbage tomato

How many people join since we play I think uh three or four said I’m being [ __ ] by tus dwindle that’s what he said why did you just give me raw Cod cuz it’s good for the soul here I think he’s going off the deepen it’s going off the deep

End guys who thinks we should shrim mine for diamonds uh that’s it’s risky diamonds are risky you feel I don’t know if I want that kind of drama yeah you do strip mining and I don’t know if you can in your like two tunnel you Haven you haven’t seen the picture of

Vortex he can he can crawl under one block I’m sure he can spawn in two blocks he can probably spawn in one block kill that fly may take a break I’m exterminate off the day yeah I feel the same way I’ll leave the server up until uh

Until I probably go to sleep okay wait you’ve been streaming for like 10 hours yeah just about uh eight hours I would say I had a guess that’s how long you been streaming let me let’s check his stream I’m checking the stream I’ve been recording I have like probably like 12

Hours to go through uh let’s see what is that what yeah you don’t want to hear what my actual mic sounds like when I scream that loud without the muffle or it cutting out cuz of sound thing it go crazy blob want to go play fortnite how you doing in there can you

Breathe or viral yeah quality went on a massacre he killed everyone where’s the corpses yeah oh my gosh slame by tusin slame by tusin slame by tuskin I I don’t know what was happening there but everyone’s leaving and joining off cuz uh he wanted to go

Play fortnite uh hot dog man is I think over there OptiFine OptiFine pretty uh nice I have to break them I can’t just right click I the mod I can do that I’m just waiting I thought been I have something that’s blow your give me give me a ton of the what was

That I don’t know big I think I think it’s grown now it only takes one here’s Tomatoes these will grow faster now here I’m I’m I need I need some of them also what dish are you cooking up now uh oh hold on wait wait hold

On roli make some stuff I keep I keep Like ready only ready o well that’s the easiest thing I can I mean I could probably make some other things with this I I I I need to basically I need to make something that either only requires oh is it like r a two yeah did you did

You grow this stuff did you grow all this stuff uh no but maybe it’s just tomato yeah cuz they’re on like a oh there’s a spider over there I’ll execute it uh I broke I broke this right here I’ll execute for the empire he went to the nether we have everything

To make a burger besides uh meat we need beef we we do have meat I actually cut some oh we do we make burgers we need wheat have a lot of wheat we I only have a couple uh well now you have whe magic and then we uh expand everything y

I only got one bone Le left see it now a castle in the distance markets everywhere this will be a bustling City soon we need a block things that where people can’t break I don’t know any mods that make that happen you buy your own I can help

You with that I I’ve had to I have I always would put those in my packs you have mods that make where you can like have spawn protection I think I’ve made one orak myops yeah I’m trying to I have a ho I have all the hes you have all the all

Right there you go there’s a hoe I have a stack of onions that’s too many onions well I want to make an entire row of them we need to like have like a a hidden Cellar or something I feel like we’re going to get I love is such a such aate

Time precious time and car wine is pretty cool I think that’s why rich people like us so much it’s a really like AG like to watch it age is so interesting doesn’t it like get better the longer it gets way better you get drunker oh you know someone opened a um

A two a 2,000 year old like wine drum and they said it was like I think they I think they nut it just by the smell it was that good all right now we need the one million year old uh one that probably kill wait wait am I

Behind oh I am behind I’m like behind by like two minutes onest stream Wine’s a lot like cheese I like cheese as well cheese I like cheese too I love cheese my mom gets mad at me cuz I always eat all the Jack or it’s block cheese no no

No cop Jack I do like block cheese though block cheese is good if I haven’t had it in a while it just like sour or it’s just is so no way is that even is wine even a mod in here is it like it’s not a thing why

Would we need as a yeah I can make it a thing real quick there there are other you know there are multiple Farmers Delight add-ons that exist like a ton of give me ideas for uh mods and I’m slowly adding mods I’ll s I’m gonna probably

Send you a link to one soon because I need to figure out the recipe again because I forgot it all right I decided I decided to join back because none of my friends are playing fornite so I was like oh man that’s understandable uh understand I’m not that good at the

All right I’m back that is crazy you know it’s not even that just I used to think it was just [ __ ] game and then I realized oh sorry good I would Sayes but that’s such a smalles oh that’s cool if anybody wants to join join the Discord and

Uh oh my that is very loud join the Discord and it’ll be in the it’ll be in the Minecraft category oh here it is imersive Melodies that’s it mod pack will be in there too the instrument one all right I’ll look it up let me let me make sure this right [Applause]

One it should work on yep it is I I’ll send you a link that works Vortex says please help me I I just sent it to you I’ll I’ll send you probably like one two or three or four I don’t want to send you like know

A ton of things I just want to send like you know maybe like where is Vortex wizard I need to eat him what the heck where did you come from he says please help me well he’s dead all right I’ll definitely uh check check this stuck in question can admin change player sleeping

Percentage uh I don’t know how to do all that just thre a Rotten Tomato I I know I know how oh wait no but it’s in the freaking you can get rotten tomatoes from like you got to do game R put game R what does it do

Uh it makes it where like only a few people have to sleep in order to make a day oh yeah like maybe like 50% of the day or 50 30% I would have to reset the server no don’t do that don’t do that he’s he can just endure for a

Little bit consider something that maybe you’ll do overnight be like you know done in the morning well I host the server so like I made the server and hosted and everything on my computer so it’s not going to ever be 20 4 S so uh I do two things there two things

That I feel just wait until there’s like 20 most mods like most most modern mod packs use I like the the mods that take like you can like do a lot in like you like these food mods and stuff like it adds a lot and takes a while to do all

Right if you guys excuse me I’m going to execute that guy talking I want to have like a I want to have like a theme you know your pack your your theme of your pack you know what it reminds me of life in the village is that a mod

Pack yeah it’s a I think it’s a medieval pack if I’m correct search it up it’s it’s actually pretty pretty kind of kind of close to what you’re looking for almost oh maybe I should have based it off of that then I mean it’s it’s a 264 pack but for

Me it only took me like maybe five 10 maybe 30 seconds to load in comparison to like like when you compare to like I have a pretty good gaming laptop I would say but it’s like I mean I don’t know if 264 is a lot but that feels like a lot

Not really that many mods craft has a lot of mods I played all the mods that mod pack that 300 I played all the mods 2 and all the mods six I currently just play um Tech world with my is it number three or is it just the one

That’s not number three number three there are otheres but number I think I’ll definitely check this Vortex where are you the the bir Vortex is like he’s like in the nether I’m pretty sure see Bonny is Across the Universe guys I’m GNA go uh work on making food

If that’s okay all right yeah do what you got to do to like the main B I want a cheese well I need a cow cheese CU you need milk and you need to make cream and then you need to make cheese like it’s like it’s like AEP process

Whatever want way too much effort actually yeah that is very Vortex get bed Vortex what are you doing get bed spawn point you in hey Vortex you got spawn what is this oh this is the old one I I think we should do something I’m just making sure it’s on

Got to make sure it’s on I I I think but but but you’re streaming so I don’t want to get you copyrighted uh I don’t have copyright stuff on or uh monetized I turned it off oh okay then you’re I can play something okay craft a

Burger oh I have to it I thought I could like boil it that sucks the nether portals the nether portals connect so if anybody makes a nether portal they come right here yeah I know it’s fine I can make a kangaroo Burger yeah yeah we’ll just

Kill them I can believe the benefit of the doubt that there’s good people you know I mean it my house I mean and I am a god Vortex he took arrows look at him he’s injured he’s a hot dog he don’t feel pain wait oh my god I didn’t even think about

That hot dog should I should I should I punch him yeah you just reminded me that there was no hot dogs in this game I so punch me get an arrow in the head rip your choice wait wait wait wait wait wait I think I have an idea I have an

Idea have an idea um maybe I should make like a like a little ring and if people are annoying or gers I’ll B from there their own Island that would be amazing like uh simulated uh uh simulat simulation or whatever yeah something like that so instead of banning people they

Just go there and they can uh what if they’re powerful they have or anything uh I don’t know like they can shoot something at like a beam and it blows up entire Mountain I don’t know how you do anti-che for mods I know you can get like a thing that supports

Plugins and mods but you can get a mod that can detect but one that can automatically ban that might not exist I was yeah I mean you would be able to know when someone’s cheating that’s the one good thing about that what am I hearing yeah I just heard

That what was that here it is come here come here come here all the way up I want to tell you something hey that’s copyrighted kill him pause you get a bullet in the head that’s not a bullet it’s a bullet to me come on are

You what are you doing come in I can barely hear you you’re like two floors up come here do come here come here no no that is terrifying I don’t like that am I getting bacon oh I am who just picked up my bacon I’m going have this

Video ready so when this night time C I’m going start playing this you want arrow in the head bro oh my God God did he get a no I love how you about him being dead you didn’t just be disarmed oh my God T you going have TP him I mean it looks

Like there’s a bite out of his arm TPM dy I got a TP got expose of this body quick before the others see it guys oh my gosh there bod on the ground I have a gift for oh my go almost broken I have a gift for everyone all right

It’s almost done but I need one more second he’s right behind you J oh hot dog man lives theck all right time to cut time to time to time to make them where don’t move I when you die you turn right all right all right for you Vortex you have a wait

Wait wait so level you a crabby patty you get a burger oh my god oh thank you on blob you get a burger I get a burger and then for you Vortex you get barbecue on a stick wait we need a table we need a table we can eat

I can I can do that real quick hold on everyone hold yourte I’m dying over here what do you mean hold your appetite hold your appetite for uh I don’t have the materials to make a table hold on do you need I need uh I need uh oak logs like specifically

Logs that works out out of all the people you were the last person I thought would have that oh I don’t have enough it’s not enough do that again you get a bullet in your head that’s not a bullet Jacob qu it play that sound again and you get [Applause]

Bullet to make a chair we got right here you got an arrow in the back of your head huh where I need your where huh huh huh you got an arrow on the back of your head huh oh my that’s beautiful dinner get out get out here we need to eat but while

The Sun is setting hold on we got we got to kill a hot dog so we can lay his body on the table where’s his chair no that’s messed up where’s his he doesn’t get a chair he the Barbe so he doesn’t get Hees is everyone hungry is

Everyone hungry yeah I have half a hunger missing all right as the sun sets we all eat our meals for fre two one M that’s good that was very good I like how we didn’t sa at all look at look at the beautiful sunset your

Head is blocking my view hold on I need Dam only that only if that mountain wasn’t in the way all right I can drone strike it what all right I like these shaders I’m using they’re pretty ni give me a give me a mod where I can uh have control

Like a drone and I can just nuke nuke that whole area I don’t know get a mod where you can nuke bruh bro who has this com all right time to go to the dweller don’t make me play my uh once the sun sets we got to go to the

I have a sound that can kill anybody all right Texas you to go down in the caves oh I I can play a sound that all of you will hate guys yeah kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself end it now end it end hey hey hey back up back up there’s no reason

For this calm down calm down there reason to get memories of that of that one song heard my friend my cousin told me to click this link whenever it was 2021 and it was my it was the most it was I regret it to this what

My C told me to click this link and I still regret it to this day bro has trauma everybody listen up the God is speaking it’s time for Texas initiation we have to go in the caves we all have to go in the caves don’t even work come on everyone

Got to go in the caves none of that none of that come on Jacob coming with guys in the chat VC the server onwards oh my God not with the Rever how how Echo is it let’s execute him really who’s in the favor of executing him publicly I don’t know I will download a your ex beinged by Celler cave dweller is a coward everybody knows itob what did you do I I blocked them all in I blocked them all

In one day you’re going to regret it one day one day hey he just dipped out he’s not coming down come on go Le the way hey guys I have a crafting table on you by chance uh you don’t carry wood on you I have this

One what is that I ain’t picking that that’s cabbage that’s food a no food let’s go let’s go let’s go in here I have no food on me I brought no foode come on I brought no food I have no food I no Food a no I thought I thought I was about to die scared me I don’t even think that is the I’m I need food cave do come here give me some food please huh is that from SpongeBob food starving enough over here oh my God who did that that smells

Horrible that’s for sure what the hell where he where they no ow that was my arm I don’t believe no cave dweller ow that hurts bro we need a keep creepers spawner imagine creeper oh wow so where’s you that Taco Bell all right give me get me out of

Here get me out of here I don’t want to be here no more I don’t want to fight him I want to go home my feet hurting that actually mining away oh can you spare some of this ow I get from food compensation right now give me some

Food that’s my food give me that food give me that food or you get a head shot have it I don’t have it I swear I computer on all right calm down calm down we have give me your food or you going to get to get a head shot no no

Think about it you picked Up Jacob’s gone crazy I need food one piece blob stole my cabbage give me my cabbage I don’t go play yourself give me that give stop playing it I swear you have food right here give me give me it I don’t have it give me a bread give me one piece you

Greedy who votes for Texas execution say I Ved for it oh why you I’m going to give you a head shot I’m going to give you a head shot give me food you got me on one heart I’m on one heart cuz you guys you got any bone me I got seeds

There you go what bro I just I just gave you like 30 I gave you three stacks of bone meal and this is why I get he has a carrot give me back my carrot no I want that got so much food you guys are

Hoarding share the food I what I I only have 48 tomatoes and 58 out in inventory really share some of it He’s not chasing he’s not chasing he’s chasing me he’s stuck no no no he’s stuck look at him what the hell is that you idiot you idiot he’s killed me I’m on half heart what are you doing I don’t Know pull yourself pull your whoa who who calm down where is he where is he oh oh water bucket I get water bucket right now yeah see Gone we’re safe we’re safe for S oh go how you how do you expect to kill him if you can’t pull yourself together Soldier oh it hurt so much Vortex oh Ah I have no torches Here almost died I think he went this way oh my God half a heart I thought I was going to die I was trying to throw it your direction so you died instead of me no I wasn’t talking about that oh I’m so tired come here blob you getting

Away yeah that thing triy to kill me Jacob not everyone’s after you you’re not that special you didn’t you did not you didn’t see the thing chase me no I didn’t see it all uh it’s kind of terrifying I escaped death I escaped the death

Yeah here I’m going to go down this hole down here oh bet leave them behind the monster will eat him yeah yeah it would was that creep oh man I call dibs now they’re going to mine the diamond I called dibs on that you know

Before my game before my game paused I I I put the fire right there and I was like I call this he ain’t joking no more you heard that that’s a man right there fix your tunnel Jessie I’d rather buy a server for $40 a month than be kicked

Out anyone got water so we can go through this lava to be alone I’m scared I have a bucket but I don’t have water I have a bucket but I don’t have water too what’s the point of having a buck use the lava to probably kill it we

Could probably kill it with the lava yeah okay okay I get what I don’t understand why are we trying to kill this because it’s been killing us constantly we want to kill it we want revenge only yep all maybe I don’t know I don’t know too much about it we’re just trying to

Get not they’re not enough info to know yeah all the people that nope never if that happen I I sh myself oh God it probably won’t be tomorrow goity but maybe uh later tomor oh I just realized the lava amids light we’re going to kill this

Thing what is it the cave dweller we’re going to kill it oh yeah I’m on my way hold on hey did y’all hear the cave noise where are they did y’all hear the cave noise the heck was that all right we need to move on

Here we need to do a test someone needs to debate if we want to C it or kill it who wants who volunteers to no I don’t want to do it hey uh Jacob you can hear the freak I think what look what what’s wrong what’s wrong why you looking at me like

That you hit him I didn’t mean to do that I’m sorry he’s asking for help all right let’s get out of the cave I don’t want to be in here Anymore all right I’m getting out of the cave I’m following you let’s leave him behind goodbye come on he’s almost here H hurry where’s the way out he’s behind us behind us I’m kidding he c c Cal I have no clue how we got it in here and how to get

Out think it’s right here yeah I think it’s up here cuz there’s torches yeah you wasted my only block of blocking block what I have where did he die I have no clue I don’t know how we’re supposed to help him if he was being suffocated in the

Wall all right time to in time to get out of here I encounter him again kill him with a oh my God bro my sword has 2,000 durability this thing is going to last for ages 2,000 yeah that’s more that’s more bro what is that that’s a bug cockroach more

Oh I think I know that Lear that my friend there’s something behind us iie say that we failed it yeah we can’t lie about something we Haven done all right I’m going why not hit Hitler did it oh yeah a good I seen the centipede go this direction ow

Wait guys Vortex wizard he’s down there I see his tag where I I still see it oh I see it wait I saw wait wa wait he went I saw a Bo oh [ __ ] uh did you hear that off Hees where is he going I don’t know if we should be going down

There way out what the hell I can’t hear his M there’s something behind us I’m going s at it oh sorry who did that uh oh that that was uh blob what you oh that almost killed me oh my God hey you hit me I know what it feels like to only I

Have is I’m sorry what did you call me you call me a girl without we should actually go though let’s go let’s go let’s go hey we’re over here save us they left us they found way up way I can like all the way up come on let try going this

Way try going let try I think I know a way go yeah they left us behind to die I think it was up here oh yeah I can’t hear you by the way if you’re talking run we’re lost we’re lost are you okay are you okay rip Jacob rip how that

Feel how it feel feel like yeah I got help r where did you die so how you get impaled by a sagamite where’d you die that’s not a good sign oh [ __ ] where’ you die Jacob okay Jacob where did you die you don’t even know room a hot dog man in his natural

Habitat you you okay it’s over I don’t know it’s over Jacob’s not speaking I don’t I don’t know the sauce I think you can guess I don’t care man what is he even still streaming no I don’t know he lost the ability to speak I don’t know why why oh my

God speaking for 30 minutes and have it muted the whole damn time’s your all how do I know you guys left me you died down there what do you mean you left me were you in a cave you in a dark cave you got don’t you have a stre to go back go

Back on the stream I don’t want to do that but streaming for 9 plus hours then end end the stream’s not going to make no difference it’s basically saying I’m Giving Up on N hours of loot I swear I’m never going in a cave again just aggravating where are you can’t see

Anything just going in circles Salute For blob do you know where you know where I died at no for for for for he sh come on man why why does it have to be like this for I don’t know probably should just give up never going to find my loot all that for nothing I’m never going to find

It uh I know where you died you died by the bridge by the spawner over there you know where you died nope play back the streamly point I I have my own recording footage so I can play back that you went by the bridge then you went by uh

Thing let me turn off I don’t want to see it no more yeah I think I’m going to turn off myly Shader as well make it 10 times easier to see that hurts my eyes just seeing that they’re all aggro to you whever uh I don’t through here get spawn I didn’t do

That the what uh I don’t know I’m still looking yeah found my loot there you and you died uh you died by where the other thing was so I’m going to easily be able to find it I could just teleport teleport yeah I’m going to teleport not doing all that hard

[ __ ] cheat though kind of cheating though not really I mean you’re going to find any way I guess yeah you just get out of here before you get killed uh if I can what here you scared me I don’t know where to go I know the exact way to go yeah TP

T t me and then I’ll TP you for I heard that guy once coming to kill you I only did that because I wanted to call it yep like searching for everything we eventually would have found it but better late than ear now you there’s no more drama about

It you think about any more mods uh how many hours until uh 12 from now do the math cuz this matters two and a three and a half hours just do a just do it like 11 do whenever you go do whenever you get ready to go to better so no I say three hours is good enough for these new people get used to everything yeah like I said some people won’t know how to mod that’s why they should uh that’s why you make like a tutorial

Video on it I do but I don’t really want to show my PC uh what I have on my PC I have to move files I don’t want them to see anything you blur it all out yeah that’s what most people do so they don’t have to worry about like

Showing like and black stuff out too black out it’s very easy to do and they watch it like three times over to make sure that didn’t link anything I’ll well look what happened we had spawn here that’s Burning Down The House Jacob better hurry up it’s burning down the whole house by

The way I I thought I didn’t know it was going to kill me I thought it was going to burn me a little bit well it’s over now the house is going to be gone yeah we can have Levi build it back yeah he’s not going to do it for

Free I’ll pay for it I guess since I caused it I’m afraid to look at the damage when I come back you get fast at tpn I guess it didn’t damage that much J this is why I need to be fast at T what if something kind drops like this

Happen that could been bad Lev I was going to wonder where the [ __ ] the bushes went there was only a few bushes there’s two bushes Jesse not even that 247 all the [ __ ] in this base would be gone by the time we the whole base probably be Destro burned down to a

Crisp imagine if I added dragons jaob people would be getting burned alive by dragons yeah and they also crash a lot more yeah the mods could be making it where you crash you don’t realize the more mods you add the more unstable it gets that’s why I’m trying to make

Everything stable test this is pretty stable Jacob for being free it’s a lot better better cuz I can choose how much I can add more RAM figure out how to figure out the old PC parts that PC we get it constant I don’t want it constant if it’s constant people are

Going to do that I just explain that D there won’t be anything on the server and I got to get mods for I got to get an anti-che mod a spawn mod and uh yeah do you really want to host a server every sing day all day if I get a anti

In I will make a computer for it well I guess then I can just uh then people can make their own plots of land get a get a spawn spawn point I can do that with Levi but I need a spawn protection could you do a thing where you can buy

Chunks of land yeah I could do that but that’s with plugins protection but I can’t run plugins with this I got BL um for I’m going to set a timer for you there yeah I’m going to set it timer for 12 said do do 3 hours now like you said yeah 11 that’s

11:30 ji 12 is not 3 hours from now it’s 3 and a half hours you did the math Pi up it’s 11:30 that’s when it ends let’s do that that is 3 hours from now don’t you try to sneak up on me how about put arrow on your brain want another

One watch out there’s a guy climbing up I put an arrow on his side huh yeah 11:30 who is it some guy oh hey blob it’s I use TPS to get all our stuff back so before you die if you like are in a position by yourself press F3 and then

Press f2 and if you can send me that screenshot I can teleports you straight to your body just for a future just cuz I don’t want people to look at this look what I’m doing I can’t do doing soon’s in there that’s crazy these guys are mining oh Turtle killed them turtle

Look at that Turtle ow guys I’m mining the portal the portal someone kill that pi don’t mind y’all actually going into The Nether guys bring a water bucket always what what is that I’m ending the server in 3 hours do whatever you want yeah I saw the team it was um those were

The old days by uh it was by um uh it was it was yeah this this server it was a kid like something kid I forgot his name I only came here from Netherrack for for for

This video, titled ‘Minecraft anybody can join with mods EP 3’, was uploaded by Quality Viral 2 on 2023-12-21 03:08:16. It has garnered 227 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 09:42:10 or 34930 seconds.

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  • Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft

    Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft The Loyalty Trident in Minecraft Are you looking to add a unique and powerful weapon to your Minecraft arsenal? Look no further than the Loyalty Trident! This special trident offers a range of exciting features that can enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore how you can create your very own Loyalty Trident. Creating the Loyalty Trident To make a Loyalty Trident in Minecraft, you will need to combine a trident with the Loyalty enchantment. The Loyalty enchantment is a rare enchantment that causes the trident to return to the player after being… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!

    Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-15 22:30:01. It has garnered 842 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some of the best fails, wins, and other hilarious moments from the Minecraft community. From exploding creepers to epic building fails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Hashtags: #Minecraft #Shorts #Funny #Fails #Wins #Epic #Gaming #Laughter #Entertainment #GamingCommunity #MinecraftCommunity #Gamer #GamingShorts #FunnyShorts #FailShorts #WinShorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Java Edition Minecraft… Read More

  • The Mystery of Creeper952 in Minecraft

    The Mystery of Creeper952 in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unexplained minecraft #memes #minecraft #gaming #mod #minecraftmemes #earth #experiment #warden #mc’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-13 18:14:46. It has garnered 8666 views and 328 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Thanks for watching! #memes #minecraft #gaming Tags:minecraft, funny, gaming, scary minecraft, minecraft mystery, minecraft creepypasta, tutorial, minecraft history, minecraft mod, prank, secret, minecraft challenge, wifies, dream, minecraft pe, minecraft uncovered, minecraft phone, minecraft viral, mcbyt, hidden, minecraft bedrock edition, eystreem, rgn, eystream, retrogamingnow, now, eyestream, retro, mumbo jumbo, trolling, minecraft myth, game theory, the game theorists, herobrine, testing scary… Read More

  • Insane 1v1 – Nabor vs smerb Weakkam in PEREZALIV

    Insane 1v1 - Nabor vs smerb Weakkam in PEREZALIVVideo Information This video, titled ‘Набор в тиму | smerb slabakam(Neverdie) PEREZALIV’, was uploaded by cCMEX_ on 2024-05-24 17:38:29. It has garnered 125 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:41 or 101 seconds. ds-sssfuccckk https://discord.gg/erariseempire – clan tags: prostocraft, prostocraft, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft anarchy, anarchy, pvp anarchy, pvp on anarchy, anarchy prostocraft, pvp, danqo16, pvp, anarchy pvp, prostocraft anarchy, anarchy from scratch, byttcehb, anarchy minecraft, a lot of pvp on anarchy, prostik, a lot of pvp, mrirbbi, jetmine, anarchy without donation, jetmine, dape, vupsen anarchy, vupsen pvp, wellmore, vupsen, uhk, prostocraft pvp, 1.14.4, development from… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: Me VS Captcha in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    INSANE Challenge: Me VS Captcha in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me VS captcha in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Black Buddies on 2024-04-27 04:49:49. It has garnered 2828 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. shorts #minecraftmods #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftanimals #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shorts #shortvideo #short #viral #minecraftfacts #minecrafthacks #MinecraftMadness #BlockBlast #CraftyCreations #PixelPioneers #AdventureCraft #MinecraftMania #CraftingChaos #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBonanza #MineMarvels #BlockyBattles #CreepersCraze #CraftyChronicles #PixelatedPerfection #MinecraftMayhem #BuildBrigade #RedstoneRampage #CraftingComrades #EnderDragonDrama #MineCraze #BuildingBuddies #ExploringEndless #BlockBounty #CraftingCarnival #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBash #CraftingConquest #BlockyAdventures #MinecraftManiacs #PixelParty #CreepersCorner #CraftyCove #EpicExplorations #BuildingBlitz #RedstoneRuckus #CraftingCrew #EnderEpic #MineMasters #BlockBlasters #CraftyCapers #PixelPals #AdventureAwaits #MinecraftMoments #BuilderBuddies #ExploringElysium #BlockyBlast #CraftingCraze #EpicEndeavors #MineMadness #BuildingBlocks #CreepersCavern… Read More

  • SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳

    SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT INDIA🇮🇳 @Its_Rex_777’, was uploaded by NOT_ REX on 2024-04-02 13:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. loyalsmp #minecraftp #lapatasmp #minecraft #minecraftpe #viral #op #smp #technogamerz #gaming #minecrafthindi #loyalsmp … Read More

  • Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮

    Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s Magic on the SMP now?!?’, was uploaded by SchelvyPlays on 2024-05-08 11:10:54. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:02 or 10082 seconds. Uh yeah I added magic and tech! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #sunrisesmp #schelvy #schelvyplays #live #chill #funny —————————————————————————————- 🔴YouTube: https://youtube.com/@SchelvyPlays 🟣Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schelvyplays 🔵TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@schelvyplays? 🟢Second Channel: https://youtube.com/@schelvythesecond?si=vSJcmi8mzZg9EQXF 🟡Zen’s Discord: https://discord.gg/B7nHAuKYVW 🟠Collab Crew: https://youtube.com/@CollabCrew2?si=PY-pKGozDCUN-Hjt Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Motion – ¿Que posibilidad habia? 🥴 #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by StoyacoV Shorts on 2024-03-11 09:45:00. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. My Server: IP: Motionserver.ddns.net Port:19132 My Community: https://discord.io/stoyaco ▶ Tags (Ignorar): minecraft shorts bebu, minecraft shorts beta, minecraft shorts ep 24, minecraft shorts rtx, minecraft shorts tiktok, minecraft shorts ep 5, minecraft shirts music, minecraft shorts alan becker, minecraft #shorts loop, minecraft #shorts gaming, minecraft #shorts perfection, minecraft #shorts rtx, minecraft #shorts song, minecraft shirts, minecraft hot alex and steve, minecraft… Read More