EPIC Minecraft Mods Tested by JeromeASF!

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Well to going to be a great day in the world of Minecraft that’s cuz we found five viral mods in Minecraft 1165 which is pretty much the most recent version I say pretty much Casino snapshots and all that and these mods all change Minecraft for the better now some of them are just

Application based but the ability of increased storage in your chest and others allow you to choose your very own origin story give you insane Powers you’ve never seen before like me I’m an Enderman right now look I can teleport whenever I want even though I don’t have

Any ender pearls in my inventory I’m a phoenix I chose bird and fire nice dude do it turn into a fire do it you won’t you let me just give myself a flint and steel yeah the slowest payoff to a joke ever look he’s not on fire he can’t get

Hurt wow can you swim in lava you walk in the fire oh oh I forgot I did that what are you Spider-Man yeah I’m a arachnid so when I hit people they’re in cobwebs either way there’s tons of crazy mods out there for us to explore and

We’re going to explore all of them so hit that like button cuz I can’t wait to show you guys all the different mods we found coming in at number one we have a super convenient mod that allows you to craft your own Saddles and horse armor

So instead of having to go around from dungeon to dungeon and dungeon and looting just to find some things that should have been craftable to begin with in Minecraft well now you can the recipes are easy you put the wool right there you put whatever type of helmet

You want right up top there you take a piece of leggings and put them in each position there and then you use the corresponding element like diamond gold or iron and there you go there’s Diamond horse armor gold horse armor and last but not least iron horse armor and to

Make it even better the way you make a saddle is super duper easy as well all you need to do is take some string take a few piece of leather across the top take an iron inot and boom you have a saddle so a really basic mod that allows

You to more easily interact with horses and of course never forget the pigs look at us I can’t hell you need the carrot on a Stig but that’s if I want to control him but I don’t want to control him he has a mind of his own okay okay

There we go yeah mush mush why is the sky crying why is the sky crying Des pop the second awesome viral mod that we have for you guys is called the origins mod which lets you choose an origin from a huge list of different things there’s over nine different

Origins to choose from right now and I have high hopes that they’re going to keep on adding to that list as you can see on screen the zerian Merling Phantom Aven feline shul blazor elyrin and arachn each with their very own benefits and downgrades some of them the benefits

Are far better than the downgrades like for instance a AV you get permanent slow falling and you’re quicker however you can’t sleep at high altitudes which doesn’t matter and you can’t eat meat either so as soon as you join the server Bo you get hit with some questions the

Elyan has wings without needing to equip them which sounds awesome um they have shul with extra inventory space but I’m not really a fan of that I want to use endion because whenever you want you can throw an ender pearl which deals no damage and allows you to teleport even

Without having an ender pearl all right let’s give it a try so I went ahead set my hotkey and no way I literally just is there any limit to how often I it’s literally every like four or 5 Seconds dude you got to be kidding cool you got

To be kidding me right now I’m lit just oh God oh God uh well one of the downsides is if you land in water you take damage to water just like an Enderman and also I have a curious question when you guys hop in creative

Mode and put down a pumpkin it says I’m scared of pumpkins and I really want to know what that is I like how steadfast is afraid of Bones because it keeps dying to Bones can you imagine can you imagine there you go let’s see it doesn’t seem too scary I think it’s

Supposed to be oh doesn’t seem too scary it’s just a normal pumpkin put it on your head oh because Enderman don’t like react whenever you’re wearing a pumpkin head oh here you put a pumpkin H let’s see okay okay okay so what if I put on K

Oh yes what you’re invisible bro wait like really like really you’re not just joking with me now I’m not meing with you hold on everyone put on a pumpkin head right now the only thing I can see is the shadow underneath your feet what no drops

Bro that’s so cool okay this mod is awesome I love that hi Steve I’m in water you you can’t get in water at all yeah I can’t get in water I need a boat if I want to go anywhere in water not fun said you’re really pulling off that

Pumpkin head good for you thanks bud like can have bad yourself coming in at number three we have the winged mod which adds in loads and loads of wings that you can use and create in Minecraft so if you’re ever bored with just boring old elytras we’ll take a look at all the

Different type of elas now at there some of them are based off of Old Mojang Minecon wings or capes I should say some are based off of things that Cappy would like like TNT yeah like this yeah oh you already got them that’s awesome bro look at that

Yeah and others of them are just based off of random things like Phantom wings or purple beetles oh my God the fried chimpin Wing what you heard me stead the fried chimpin Wing look at that that is cool help I’m fallen and I can’t fly up

Now the way you craft these is by getting for yourself some cores of flight which you’re probably wondering how you do that well if you go to the end and go to end cities you can find completed cores of flight otherwise you’re going to have a little bit of

Struggling you can find broken cores of flights around different types of dungeons that’ll be found in the Overworld these include buried treasure simple dungeons Woodland mansions and abandoned M shafts and weirdly enough they’re fixed with a slime ball and a diamond I don’t I don’t know why but I

Don’t make the rules around here I just kind of show up now right below us we actually have a buried treasure so you break on in and boom you have the chance of getting them just like that from there you can go ahead and craft all the different Wings which have different

Recipes that are relatively the same but slightly different at the same time and I don’t know it’s just another way to accessorize in Minecraft I mean why not right if you’re already going to have elytras you might as well be able to do that and on top of that when you right

Click them they do have one eded benefit above regular elytras in that they don’t take up one of your inventory slots as you can see it’s not on my chest plate right there and that means I can put on all the armor I normally want to and still have wings which honestly

Something I I think Minecraft should get on are you are you balancing on that cow’s head stead was that intentional I didn’t even know yeah how are you doing how are you doing that oh he’s in creative and he’s just flying there walk under him a the

Illusion I just look over I’m like stead ste’s playing Minecraft 2 over here the fourth mod on the list we have is super useful and something that we’ve actually used before in the past in a different mod format that’s because something like this has been wanted in Minecraft literally for years and years

And years and some mods have literally done exactly what we’re about to show you the only difference is wait till the very last Golem your mind’s going to be blown so normally everyone knows about making Iron Golems right simple as could be there’s your old friend the Iron

Golem but now you’re able to go ahead thanks to the more Golems mod and make all sorts of Golems like a gold one right here which after you put the pumpkin down you use a good old soul of the Golem potion and there is now as you

Go up through the ranks of things as you can imagine they get stronger and stronger so for instance our good friend the gold one is better than the iron one the diamond one is better than the gold one and the netherite one is absolutely insane like you should see him not just

In terms of health but also the amount of damage he does I mean this guy is not to be messed with in fact stead do you want to punch him in survival mode Let’s see what happens let’s see what happens oh oh he’s not mad at you well you’re a

Very Lu one sir hold up drone we got we got to try something yeah we got we got to try something I’m just saying you want to see how fast he slams a zombie to the ground I’m I’m just saying I’m just saying we got to try this type of

Golem we got to try this type of Golem I don’t think that exists cap what if it does though then stead will cry it’s bones yeah we we’ll try it you miss one of the most important things in the world that zombie is 56 Health he does

20 than 30 damage bro bro it doesn’t work there’s no bom Golems but last but not least guys you want to know what’s a really cool one that I looked up on the list there what is it it’s called a laser Golem wait what you put a redstone block in the

Middle iron blocks on the side pumpkin head on top Golem soul and now we have a laser Golem who will literally shoot lasers look at that dude dude he’s firing lasers at him so he’s basically like a guardian except he’s made of iron shoot the whoop I have to say though the

Lasers don’t do nearly as much damage as I would hope but still a cool touch so there it is everyone a Mor did a meteor just did did anyone just see what I just saw don’t worry about it don’t worry about it I got to go now I’m kind of

Worried about it man don’t worry about it I make it rain now last but not least we have one mod that if you’re a fan of any MMO RPGs or just RPGs in general like Skyrim you’re going to absolutely love it’s called the a of Exiles mod and it

Basically makes the entire adventure of Minecraft into a crazy leveling skill tree experience I mean literally you can make your character go from the base of 20 HP all the way up to where I am right now level 40 with 220 Health but that’s not all if you hit

The H key on your keyboard or whatever you key bind it to that is you’ll see three different tabs your character your skill trees and your talents now to start off with talents wait till you see all the different talents you can get I mean there are quite literally hundreds

And hundreds of different ones that all give you different bonuses like plus 3% extra physical damage or you can go down here to 3% extra armor or 1% melee damage or 2% axe damage or 4% element resist you get the point there is XP for everything in the talents there are

Unlocks for everything in the talent tree but the fun doesn’t stop there there’s also the skill tree where you can go ahead and learn about all different spells which we’re actually going to be actively using like Fireballs volcanoes or you can click the the different tabs up here to get cool

Ones like ice ball Thunder spear I mean you get the point there’s Crazy Ones rain or you can just make it rain I Make It Rain I Make It Rain and that’s all and then if you click on the characters tab take a look you of course have your

Very own skill tree that I think we’re all very comfortable with any of us that have played pretty much any video games out there uh in the past so you can go ahead and do things like increase your strength your intelligence for spells which we’re going to do cuz we’re going

To show off a bunch of cool spells and look whenever you do it it increases the magical damage that it does which is really cool you can also get wisdom as well to increase your mana and Mana regen but our Mana is currently 800 cuz we’re level 40 so I’m not too concerned

About that so let’s go ahead and unlock some cool things I’m going to unlock a fireball let’s see what the volcano does and then let’s flip over to I think it was which tab was it that had the thunder on it I want I want the Thunder

Spear um ooh ooh that is the uh laughing face guy the laughing face guy there it is thunder speed all right now we’re looking all good C what about Sky rage oh my sounds cool so whatever you have your key bound to mine’s bound to V you

Can hit that and scroll through the different unlocked spells that you have now to start off I had this little ability here it’s like a magical bolt SP doesn’t do a lot of damage but here’s my Fireball ability we might want to put down some golems that you can try them on yeah

Let’s do it fireflower all right we have our test done here we go oh my gosh did I just do 600 damage about oh no all right we got to try out some more spells here I got Diamond yay all right here we go volcano time dude what that

Is so cool so anything that gets caught in there just gets immediately decimated dude that’s epic do you want to do like water and fire together yeah let’s do it you got a water spell yeah yeah yeah yeah ever okay ready no I’m not ready

Yet okay okay it’s going oh God oh God that water does a nice little bit of damage yeah my spell has like an individual cool down unrelated to my Mana that’s why so I can’t I spit on you you’re not nice and last but not least we have the Lightning

Spear um what you’re Mur that’s insane here here here let’s see if I go into survival if you can hit me oh what it only works against mobs oh you’re a lucky one Steve cuz that lightning spear does over 600 damage that means and there you have it everyone that is five

Viral mods in Minecraft that are taking over the scene well today’s going to be an epic day in the world of Minecraft that’s cuz we found five viral mods and we decided to test them out for ourselves the coolest part about all these mods we found is they’re on 1.64

Which is almost the latest version of Minecraft I said almost because well 165 just came out but that’s the problem it takes creators a little bit of time to make mods forward dropy are you going to interrupt with stes again I thought we talked about this I’m

Sorry so all these five mods we chose for you guys some of them range upon really expansive wao so for those you that don’t know about the abyss it adds in an entire new dimension with all sorts of new blocks new Mobs new weapons armor I mean quite literally take a look

At this this is the abyss Tab and this is the abyss armor tab with all sorts of new here which honestly just looks absolutely epic like the Abyssal mod which adds in a whole another dimension and others are a little weirder like the rats the the rat mod yeah that’s the

Thing so click that like button or else Tony the rat’s coming for you yeah yeah he’s not actually going to he’s a virtual rat just he’s dancing guys he’s dancing dancing R dancing dancing can be I just wanted them to be visible dancing you broke his dancing Fe dancing R dancing dancing R

So I think without further Ado let’s show you guys one of the most awesome weird mods we’ve been able to find which is the rat mod all mods will be down below in the description to download if you want to try them out for yourself so first things first you make friends with

Your favorite rat using a creative cheese or any kind of cheese for that matter but the creative cheese makes it instant then from there you have your very own rat friend which you can do all sorts of crazy things to so for instance I can tell him follow me and look I have

A bu that’ll follow me are you shooting rats out of a cannon stop stop that no what what is that that’s that’s that’s a ball of Filth put onto a rat what no stop stop Steve stop wait I love this mod wait are they they’re attacking the

Pigs oh my no how many of these can I make hold up let’s stop you’re going to lag the server St you’re going to lag the server more rest oh my God sound is horrible can we go away from this I love how I came into this was a legitimate

Plan and Steve just immediately derailed it okay so anyway if we come over to here and you find a nice old rat that you want to make best friends with you can go ahead and you can tame him now there’s a series of commands you give like wander stay here hunt animals

Gather items and harvest now with Harvest it’s really cool because you can make them do things like for instance we can give him the Quarry upgrade where you set him to harvest now and he’ll go ahead and he’ll literally start to harvest things you so cute wait this

One’s over here oh yes look at him look at his little pig pix is he harvesting he’s so cute well he’s he’s kind of looking right now har well we got to set him down into a quarry then let’s go and begin harvesting look at that all right let’s

Give it a try now so send him to harvest he’s doing it guys he’s doing it so I don’t know what I don’t know what went wrong with our last one but it got super glitched up but now the problem is solved so you go ahead take the iron off

Off him go keep getting to work Mr go and guys there’s other cool things you could do with them as well so for instance some of the upgrades you can get for them are like flight what no I hate that he’s an angel guys I need you to see this okay are you

Ready I’m Rainbow wait why I wanted to see why people love this I wanted to see disco red I’m getting rat wait dropsy can I do one thing to him yeah give him this he running around give him this dropsy yes oh okay it’ll make him a randomly teleporting

Rat I thought you were going to make a flying uh rainbow rat there he goes wait is he going to teleport again I wonder what happens if he put this oh oh that’s what you were putting King wait I like that now the crazy part about he killed him so the

Crazy part about this mod is that there’s all sorts of other items you could use to help you out like the rat flute which commands an entire area of rats in case you’re making an army the cheese staff which allows you to go ahead and choose different blocks for

The rats to interact with and a ton of other things including a Santa hat just randomly straight up a Santa hat so if you’re looking for a fun mod to play around with surprisingly enough the rat mod has plenty to look at all right the next mod we have our list is called

Ender expansion which is super cool and allows for all sorts of new things to be added to the end we’re talking mobs we’re talking armor brand new buildings and way more I mean take a look at some of these things you can even get the strongest sword in the game the Ender

Sword let’s do this thing guys what you you you joined the end then it deleted all my TNT no what cap are you going to blow up the end no so take a look guys there’s all sorts of Weird Mobs here some of them are creepier than others and take a look at

Some of the different things you got trees now in the end instead of just having only chorus fruit to choose from there’s actual vegetation and if you go to some of the other Islands as well you’ll find new types of buildings too so guys this is the end city island or

One of the many obviously you just have to go a thousand blocks out but take a look you have Enderman dual wielding axes you got these weird snakes which just look absolutely terrifying you got this guy with well this guy and Jerome if you come over to me you

Also got this island over here where I’m at with new things what’ you oh Steve you found some of the new structures dude look at this and inside warped fungus on a stick and netherite scraps that’s actually not bad loot dude that’s not bad one bit this one over here looks

Cooler though yeah let’s go see what this one’s all about it’s literally like a house but in the end oh that’s cool it’s got a shulker box with Ender gems nice Blast for dude this this is actually a really cool mod and like I said it adds in so many new things to

Explore as well um I I just think it adds a little bit more life to the end that kind of like how we saw with the nether where the nether used to not have a lot of stuff going on oh even these little new endermites look at that but

The the the nether used to not have a lot of cool stuff going on and then they updated it in a recent version of Minecraft and from there it made it more fun and epic now this still falls short of let’s say the nether update but it

Definitely adds a little more life to the end so I think that’s pretty cool guys I do agree in total this mod adds 12 new mobs in and six different structures varying in a rarity all the way up to Legendary which is the Ender Knights Hut basically what I’m saying is

There’s tons of exploring to do get on it and look dropsy dropsy just found an Ender armorer and it has apparently trades we can trade emeralds for dude he has enchanted diamond gear at the bottom good stuff wow all right some pretty cool uh pretty cool things all right well time to

Night all right the next mod on our list is a very simple one but honestly I think it’s pretty cute it allows for snowballs to freeze mobs to the ground so take a look we tried out with a little sheep here so for instance you hit him with a snowball and he can’t

Move look at that he’s stuck to the ground pretty cool it also works as well with Hostile Mobs except for the fact that they’re you know may maybe we should make it not on fire there we go I can’t see look at that see dead dead it’s okay he can’t move yeah he

Move you only have to do it one it’s it’s a one you only have to do okay you only have to do it once everyone see see Dr do you think it work on this on what oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God let’s see

Okay you don’t have to keep doing it it’s a one and done for for like a minute okay there we go wait it actually works does it I think so eat him with snowballs he’s just not moving with snowballs I am I’m just stunned right now he right guys let’s leave him alone

I just want to see how long it lasts okay and there we go look at that he’s still stuck in place wait but for how much longer that’s actually still a considerable amount of time this is a cool mod H now he’s upside down wait do does it work on humans who’s in

Survival well there’s all right a dinner bone no it doesn’t work on peoples ha ha ha a all right the next one is super duper simple as well just like the snowball one but I think it can add in a little bit to the game mostly it’ll make things a little easier for

When you’re first starting out don’t want to waste a ton of time on obsidian and the second way is it helps with creative builds I mean how often have you you want to build smaller portals and that’s what this one is it allows you to make a 2×2 portal a 1x two portal

And a 1×3 portal but specifically only those nothing more nothing less so for instance you can have a portal looking like that you can go ahead and you can have a portal looking extra tallest like this one right here or you can have cap that still doesn’t it’s got to

Be it needs to be thick there we it need to be able to fit inside well that too actually trap door trap door and crawl yeah but there it is look at that guys so it add a couple more variances to the different portals you can make I I wonder if they’re ever

Going to like expand upon this mod I mean I I don’t see why it’d be so difficult to make it you make it as long or as tall as possible right I feel like that could be a cool update that they could add in all right who burned out of the

Forest guys it wasn’t me guys not it wasn’t not it all that’s it all right now last but not least it’s is the Abyssal chapter 2 which drop’s gone ahead and started setting up the portal you need unstable obsidian and then you just use a flint and steel in there

Dropsy it’s the abyss portal activator it’s something you get when you follow the story of The Mod ooh spooky book by okay anyway wao so for those you that don’t know about the abyss it adds in an entire new dimension with all sorts of new blocks new Mobs new weapons armor I

Mean quite literally take a look at this this is the abyss Tab and this is the abyss armor tab with all sorts of new gear which honestly just looks absolutely epic bro the zombie is glowing wait what you found a glowing zombie yeah sltp calopus waa look at that dude that’s

Epic now you’re GL now one of the main features of the mod is getting the Rings that’ll allow you to have all sorts of different boosts like a ring of regen that can help you regen your health ring of teleporting that can teleport you around the Ring of ghosts which you’ll

Be a ghost for 30 wait a minute what I want to try that out no what guys it literally just puts you basically in spectator mode for 30 seconds I can fly around I can do anything I want that’s really cool okay that’s epic so as you

Can tell there’s a lot to do with the abyss mod and on top of that there’s even custom biomes in here for you to explore so you follow along the story line you progress you progress you progress and you get access to more powerful gear than traditional Minecraft

Has ever seen before all in all I got to say the abyss chapter 2 is probably one of my favorite mods that I’ve seen for 1164 I’d highly recommend checking it out and if you do want to check out any of these mods all the links are down

Below in the description but seriously go check out the rat mod the rat mod is definitely the best one of the all them just don’t yeah don’t tell me what I said that though hey guys look it’s a soul ghoul he’s not friendly he’s not friendly he’s not friendly look at how

Sad he is about it uh what’s the Elder I don’t no someone you’re not supposed to talk back to yes today we’re going to be covering five different mods that are completely useless so hit that like button and subscribe for more cuz most of you watching aren’t subscribed

Yet all right coming in at number one we have beard craft we quite literally all it adds in is beard or which allows you to drop either mustaches or beards I know you can already tell we’re off to a great start from there there’s a few different crafting recipes that you can

Do you can make bearded planks you can make bearded wool and of course the beardy trophy look at Pleasant he is guys Jerome yeah what’s up what’s up I must ask you a question dude okay this is my biggest complaint the mustache in the beard you can’t actually wear what

Yeah they’re not you me you can’t wear I mean they’re literally not wearable they’re just they just just put it on you can’t you put them on you put it on you can’t put them on um okay beard Adam can you edit in a beard on my face no

That’s Che don’t do it Adam don’t do that’s not there’s also a spawn egg for a twitch bot and oh there we go hello why is she following us no Steve no why why no you’re going to get B you’re going to get B no why why would you dinner bone wait wait

Wait I’ll help I’ll help you get dinner bone too this doesn’t help anything legs look at the legs oh no so anyway I wish there was more to this mod and there just truly isn’t the next mod on the list that we want to take a look at is the

Lots more Steves mod and the reason I say that it’s useless is because they lie immediately it’s literally called lots more thieves and then the first sentence on the mod says quote so there isn’t a lot Steves but still unique how you get called a lot more Steves mod if

They’re not a lot there’s a little but not a lot old capap I believeing in stepen yeah believe in me I did not make this but anyway guys if you take a look at the page there are tons and tons of different Steves all with different Health attacks and different manorisms

As well so my first favorite one is one based off of our man Steve over here it’s squat Steve oh bro why is that no no why why you dinner bone everything you got to be able to see it though you got to know all right next up is stal

That’s my other favorite you ready watch he is wait why would you C stop dinner boning wait wait what is happening he’s supposed to be an animal there we go look at him oh my gosh squat Steve is a beef cake yeah he really is a beef cake then

There’s Steve aaz it’s a Steve Blaze oh my goodness why what what do you mean why isn’t it obvious why that is horrifying kill it yes no we need to see who’s strongest no okay okay okay Steve look look at this dude it’s a Steve wither I really don’t like this uh

Where’s he going Jerome and now Army of running Steves get them why do they all hate each other do they need to prove that they are the only true Steve I think so Jerome yeah can you come look at the Steve either there um so apparently all the Steves are aggroed to

Attack each other but that’s okay we got a couple more in there everyone we have for instance the you over here Dr right now before it’s too late well wait fine Steve I was just spawning one in but fine well before he goes through the entire world and we never see him again

I want you to see the stather is he just d straight down yeah and I don’t know if he can destroy Bedrock or not so that’s why I was saying hurry up and get over here where where is he going to bed he can’t delete Bedrock oh no he’s gone

What what um why where where is he he has important business to attend to down there clearly never happened never happened yeah I agree with cap on that hey I found some beard or all right now where was I oh yes paralyzing Steves they um oh they exist what do they do

Exactly they’re blueberries I think they add Dead’s right they’re blueberries and then gas Steves get them gas Steves get them that is disgusting get this out of here all right now guys guys I need you all to take a seat and prepare yourselves for what’s about to happen

Okay yes okay one second I hope you’re all ready Feast your eyes on massive Steve what hold up hold up hold up yes why what is oh my God oh my God why what is going on yeah there’s P Arms This is the most this this mod is not okay bro what

Is going on in the boat this might be my new favorite mod J I’m not going to lie this is the most ridiculous thing I don’t even what why is it going on what just happened did that’s did that thing just seismic toss the other

One dude I can’t right now I again what is going on um I want to see another seismic toss going that’s so cool Jam I love this mod Heads Up Wait what I don’t even know dude tell me why they’re regening Health as well they’re just too powerful

Now next up on the list we have the summoning scepter mod which I don’t really want to call useless I actually do think it’s kind of cool to be completely honest with you but I feel like it just needs a little bit more development so we threw it in the list

The way it works is simple there are three types of staffs the wooden staff the obsidian scepter and the golden scepter there’s five different types of TOS the zombie to skeleton Tome or he dead no bones the bone to horse to stray toome and the Wither Skeleton toome all

You have to do is hit F to put one of these in your off hand and then you go and you choose which staff you want to use a wooden staff spawns a level one which makes them really weak then a gold staff does level two and then the

Obsidian staff does level three so for instance if we were to do this with oh say uh steed’s favorite thing skeletons the wood step that’s a level one cap they don’t everything doesn’t need to be dinner boned cap what do you mean we have the cleric which is the level two

As you can see or the level three sorry level two is a ranger and that’s what they are so how cool is that wait wait wait who changed me luck bud quick the op them quick no no I’m running I’m actually pretty curious how powerful do think the is I

Was hoping to find that out with stead yeah he will come after me I think cuz I summoned him okay G survival kill me yeah kill me yes how much damage how much damage is he doing I’m at like half I’m getting like two or three hearts and

Thing you know that’s not that much I thought it’d be much more powerful than that all right I’m just going to take these name tags off cppy all right let’s see what all the levels of a wither skeleton are here we go so we have a summon Wither Skeleton okay level one

Not bad not bad let’s see what level two looks like the Forgotten Warrior okay and what about level three you ready guys let’s see it what ancient Miner hit him stead hit him yeah I dare you oh he’s not going after you are you in creative mode no

Interesting useless so there you have it I feel like the mod could use a little bit more development but it’s got some features already coming at number four we have the traversal mod now the traversal mod actually does add in some cool features and I feel like it’s going

To be adding in more and more as time goes on however for the beginning the reason I call it almost useless is because a lot of the stuff that it has in there are actual effects you could just get already from either you know running a command or getting potions

Such as for instance speed boost and jump boost which literally have potion effects already made for him then of course you have faster falling which I don’t know why you’d want to faster fall but you can if you want I want to try those you think it hurts you more

Probably one of the cool features however that I like is that it has the first ever enchant for the elytra you can get autoflight on it so let’s go ahead and let’s apply some of these different things to the different boots and give them a test so first things

First we’ll go and get high step for ourselves all right so with the high step five let’s see how high up we can step two blocks so far works three Works let’s try five blocks five works let’s try seven no what about six it might

Just be one it’s one per level then so depending on what level you have for that enchantment that’s how high up you can go look at that not bad not bad all right let’s give another one to go let’s give another one to go let’s go ahead

And try speed boost see how fast we can go oh okay that’s like speed five or six if I had to even guess look how fast we can go guys a moving next up we have jump boost and let’s give this a try wa okay that’s pretty good I mean that’s

Literally just you know probably like getting jump three or four if you had an effect on it pretty cool and now of course we have faster falling all right so the normal falling speed will’ll start at y 100 would look like that however with the faster falling boots

Let’s go up to 100 and see how fast we come crashing to the ground you ready y I didn’t actually notice a difference it was definitely faster was it yeah try it in survival mode like I put slime down there for you oh yeah that’s a lot F

Definely falling faster okay if you say so kind of hard to tell for me we could fly up there we could make a platform and then we could see who wins the fall race that’s fair we could have two people fall without okay so um can you hold on to my

Horse my donkey for me jome no all right cap when you’re ready Steve and I are going to race for it make sure you’re in survival mode Steve game mode survival okay first person to slap me down here wins all right let’s go hey well C you

Got to call it in Ready Steady go that was exactly the same yeah I don’t think there is a change I’m dead now last but not least we have Auto flight which is really cool and the way it works is whenever you fall more than one block it automatically triggers that

You’d like to fly so for instance if I just jump from here it puts you in fly mode immediately I literally did not double tap that or anything so like for instance if you’re going from right here put ourselves in survival mode oh apparently I can’t get out of flight

There we go all right and jump and look at that we automatically get S to fly it just makes it easier and last but not least we have the pingit mod where if you couldn’t tell literally is a cooked pig in it now the way you make these are

Simple you set down a blast furnace to start and if you go ahead and you cook raw pork chop in the blast furnace you’re going to end up with your very own ping it can I have a ping it no from there you go to the smoker and you drop

That ping it in here and it’ll go ahead and make for you a cooked ping it which is the best food source in the game even better than steak or cooked beef if you want to speed things up as well you could take an already cooked pork chop

Throw that in a blast furnace and it’ll come out the other end with a cooked ping it as well a bro what’s up buddy I don’t feel so good how many PS did you eat all right so we fully starved ourselves here let’s eat one cooked ping

It and see look at that it does nearly five of your hunger bars already and the saturation for it is incredible can we make ping it armor no you can’t make ping it armor Steve why not it’s not mod so anyway everyone that’s it those right

There are five viral mods that we came across let us know what you think and if you want to try them out for yourself they’re all in the description bye the oh but if you come over to here take a look you could jump through and it’ll change your orientation to make you

Upright hi hi St I’m going to jump through to your end well today going to be a great day in the world of Minecraft that’s cuz we found five viral Minecraft mods that are taking over the community I decided to test them out and show you guys which are worth getting and which

Are worth getting it’s the same thing that I said twice which are worth getting Cappy always told me comedy comes in threes yeah yeah that’s why I have three three noses so click that like button or else Adam’s going to cover the whole screen in noses do it you have 3 seconds save

Us so coming in at number one we have the MC dungeons armor mod as well as the MC dungeons weapons mod now these are two separate mods technically I mean come on they’re basically the same exact thing what they do is they take popular weapons and armor from Minecraft

Dungeons the game and throws them into Minecraft which actually makes a lot of sense I I don’t know why they wouldn’t have done something like this already but take a look at some of the cool types of armor like Titan shroud the armor has been passed through the hands

Of evil for generations and take a look at how much armor it actually gives I mean honestly appearance– wise this one’s my favorite but obviously that’s for you guys to decide which ones you like better look at that look at me I got I got I got I got I’m blue bro look

At you you’re so colorful look at you you’re so green yeah I’m wearing tights that on top of that take a look they have a couple of custom Shields like the Vanguard Shield which by the way I don’t know why they don’t have more types of shields in Minecraft already I mean why

Don’t they have like Spike Shields or even like what about a netherite one that whenever you hit someone there’s a 20% chance they light on fire or something and then on top of that too take a look at all the different crossbows like cap do you know with the

Lightning harp one adding electrical energy to this crossbow changes the wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute hold up a minute yeah wait a second here there’s actually a lot of cool crossbows here we got to explore exploding crossbow make it happen well let’s see

What let’s see what happens let’s see what happens you ready hold on game mode s exploding crossbow I’m reloading it right now you know what dead just for that oh you and your creative mode aren’t you yeah who isn’t in creative mode hit hit

Me hit me do me yes oh I didn’t blow up ow ow my tights don’t protect me you know what why oh my tights why don’t we try something a little different then all right so cppy figured it out it only works on hostile mobs and not players

Which is annoying in some ways but you know it’s not the end of the world and makes sense too I mean MC dungeons is literally about PVE not PVP you know what I mean can I use the lightning bolt one now yeah yeah all right wait that didn’t do it maybe you

Need more of them let’s try it wait did someone just combine all those in a what just happen I’m so confus now the SK in stack I I don’t know what what it’s whatever I’m doing okay well stop stop doing oh it did it actually hit the one

Behind it look at that yeah that’s really cool so it actually lightning struges between them all okay cool and let’s take a look at some of the MC dungeon weapons that they add in which apparently there’s a lot of what they have Spears do they can actually it does

Increase your attack reach bro oh that’s nice that is sick and then Frost Slayer as as well let’s see what the freezing does it kills him in one hit oh I found my weapon you can dual wield as well cap I really thought you were going to go

For something else yeah do you know which one that is The Infinity Gauntlet the Soul Fist excuse me that’s not a thing in here there is the Soul Fist dude all right let me see real quick about Frost it does freeze them no it doesn’t wait actually I think it did for a

Second it just it does yeah look at that so it freezes them to the ground for a little bit of time that’s really nice so pretty much as you can see there are so many different things to explore with this additional mod and honestly I can

See us using this in an upcoming video just for the mini games that we play so really cool stuff now next on the list is a super popular mod from prior versions but the cool part about it is that they’ve recently addited in to be active in 1165 which is obviously really important

If you can’t tell already the mod we’re talking about it’s the iron jetpacks mod which has been around for a very long time and makes it way into seemingly every popular FTB mod pack there is I mean try and play a version of sky factor that doesn’t have iron jetpacks

In it yet you won’t be able to find it so the way it works is simple you start off with a very very very basic jetpack like a wood jetpack and you build it up from there upgrading it over time until finally you get up to the netherite

Jetpack or if you want to go on Creative Bo to cheat you can use a creative jet pack now the cool part about these jet pack not only do they provide armor which is obviously super important but they also allow you to fly around the map uh using different forms of energy

And you’re wondering how to get that energy the answer to that question is yes the reason I say it like that is because there are other mods that you can download with it in order to acquire energy and with that it all depends on how you want to get it so there’s some

Mods out there that use nuclear fion there are some mods out there that are as simple as you hook up a combustion engine which means you just burn wood and coal uh so the answer to that question is literally up to you what mod you use with it but for now let’s toggle

The engine on and take a look you can fly through the air and obviously the better the jetpack the faster you go and the more energy that it could store the cool part about it and my favorite part is that when you hit the ground really fast your ankles

Break really that’s your favorite part cuz my favorite part is when you took off you killed a villager wait did I really yes what what wait wait do the trails actually burn the villagers that’s so sad that’s really sad are you sure positive all right let’s give it a

Try and oh what are you talking about Steve it didn’t hurt somebody must have like hit him or something I don’t know but one of them died when you took off I think Ste who wait wait wait did that’s I think I hit him that’s that was that

Was cppy with a mace I’m sure the first time that was Cy with a maze running around my mistake Bonk my ma steak cat oh my good now the next mod is one that we absolutely love and have used countless times on this channel but not the 1165 version which

Is even better it’s the secret rooms mod or the secret blocks mod depending on what you want to call what this does is allow you to make all sorts of cool things like ghost blocks camo blocks and more now at the end of this I’m going to

Show you the staff of camo which is the update that you didn’t know you needed but you really wanted for the secret rooms mod now the cool part about this is it makes fake blocks so for instance let’s say I wanted to make myself a hidden place inside of a mountain well I

Could put down this right here and as far as anyone would know from this side of things it looks like just normal blocks there’s something to see here but in actuality the blocks don’t exist so the fun with this is you can hide not only your bases but you can make really

Funny things like fake parkour like for instance right over here you could have it look like oh okay you just need to parkour across the treacherous spider pit and then you your friends this why you do this I’m sorry stead oh did I say spider pit dead I what I meant to say

The bones imagine dying the Bon dead imagine no it’s not happening today hey Jerome yeah knock knock who dare dwac dwac who jaabo another cool feature as well is the oneway glass which allows you to set up walls for instance just like like this and I could see through this side

But you can’t see through the other so you could be spying on someone from one side of there and they’d have no idea like Steve look over here like cap doesn’t realize but he looks so beautiful but just don’t tell him don’t tell really do I sure hope no one’s

Watching me shower oh God that’s creepy okay wait wait cat forance like over here look we can look at these villager Shady dealings who told him who told him oh this one gets the mace oh no well that was a ma steak oh God no now the one thing that we absolutely

Love about this mod and the update that we were talking about needing for the longest time is the staff of camo which lets you actually change what the block is so if you keep misplacing it for instance to get agitated you could change it up and you could change it up

On one side compared to the other so for instance let’s say I had this dirt wall here right so from the outside I want it to look like oh this is just a normal dirt wall nothing to see here right so then on the other side though I’m like I

Don’t want my walls to be made of dirt I’d rather my walls be made of yellow wool well I can go ahead and right click the yellow wool over there and have it be different on each side so this side we can be oh look it’s so beautiful and

This side oh look it’s so dirt it’s so dirt he so dirt so dirt and it works with any kind of block dud you just go over here collect these up and see look get some wood going there so it has grass on one side yellow wall on the

Other dirt on the other one and wood on the other it’s a crazy one and the last edition of this mod is the staff of camo rotation which if you don’t like the way that a block is oriented you can just right click it and change the rotation

Which honestly probably will come in handy for someone like Cappy who loves building and probably gets frustrated sometimes whenever like you know b b you good C oh all right so next up is a mod that cppy has a lot more experience with than myself however it’s

Called the immersive portals mod this is quite possibly the coolest mod I have ever seen in my life and I know that that’s saying a lot considering I’ve playing the game for like 12 plus years but I mean it that’s a genuine endorsement I mean it it’s so cool so

The way it works is simple you just go ahead you make yourself the portal that you want so you make a cool little frame like so and then you go over to here and you it could be any size you want more or less uh and then you can go ahead and

Put down let’s put down another portal like right on the ground here so let’s clear out a good little area like so and there it is and now from here all you have to do is go ahead light me on fire there we go and boom we now have a portal to

Another where you scuffed it bro what happened oh no what happened different aspect ratios oh they have to be the same all right so uh we kind of messed that up uh they’re supposed to be the same size now they are and boom there we

Go look it is grass okay so I don’t know why I decided to face it upside down over here but if you come over to here take a look you could jump through and it’ll change your orientation to make you upright so you can make yourself some really cool portals and of course

The best part about it is that you’re actually able to see through them like I can see hey stad what’s up buddy hi hi St I’m going to jump through to your end so you can set one up at your house one at your friend’s house or anything like

That and you’ll still be connected even though you’ll be super far away and look you come through this side here everything’s fine or you jump through this side you get don’t don’t do that don’t don’t do what I just did don’t do that a very tricky mod pack so cap this

Is actually the mod that if you guys watch my channel Kappy used it before to set up his crazy Puzzle maze Maps because you can get real wild with this thing like for instance you can make a NeverEnding hallway which uh it’s actually a lot easier to do than you

Think the Villager no we went in the tunnel well uh either way what cppy oh he’s trapped forever never hurt well Cy was nice enough to show us how to make a simple trap with this real quick dude I feel so bad for him he can’t he

Literally can’t get out no dude that’s so sad so the way it works is he deleted the portal on the outside so you walk in now that Portal’s gone and now you’re stuck here literally running in the same Loop forever and ever and you can never get out look the same villagers walk

Right past he like what is this guy doing and the best part is if you actually go to the outside of it real quick you can see for real it’s it’s that long it’s it’s not never ending as you would think all right so last but not least we have the most structures

Mod now if you’re wondering what the most structures mod does is it adds in all sorts of brand new things like for instance this villager Market here with these areas they might have some Hostile Mobs friendly mobs really good loot might just be things that make the world

Look a little more beautiful either way there are tons and tons to explore which for instance one of my favorite is the Pillager Factory but let’s take a look at the Villager Market here see nothing too crazy on the outside some emeralds barrels fishing rods basically all

Things you’d expect to see at a villager Market including wolf boots huh huh bark bark wolf wolf yeah dude there’s wolf boots how cool is that so we can climb up through all the different areas of it and on every floor you’ll find different things like for instance this villager

Who’s selling hay bales what’s on the roof do you guys think wo potatoes lots of potatoes and app that’s a cool Market all right guys I think we scatter and find a new dungeon scatter wa guys look at the distance even there’s a hot air balloon it’s like there’s not much to

Explore it’s literally just like a tiny little balloon but let’s see if there’s anything inside no it looks like it’s literally just meant to make the area look more beautiful unless there’s a chest hidden inside nah it’s literally empty I mean it’s still really cute though just having like that when you

Like look up in the air you know cap are you cap did you cap why you do this why Steve spent all his money on that well waste of money so really cool if you’re looking to check out some of these builds you can actually use the SL

Locate command to go ahead and find some of them so for instance let’s find ourselves one of the Pillager factories no I I know you found that but I found something cooler you did oh then let’s Okay Steve I’m down let’s do it buddy what do we look

At that is cool it’s a sky castle what yeah let’s break the front door this is familiar he has a throne of gold what so Cy and I are very familiar with this one actually well this is come back down here you skipped something you skipped

The coolest part what did I skip what’s up go downstairs I did not even notice a downstair that guy does not look none of these guys look very pleasant Steve yeah so you light up the outside out here yeah you can have this as a mob farm it’s a built really really that’s

Actually really cool let me see you just have to put a torch down here like over by the ladder and it works out oh yeah look at that what’s in the chest ooh golden apples I love it all right I’m going to go teleport to a Pillager

Factory wait till you guys see this real quick it’s going to be super cool oh man dude look at that oh my goodness this is really cool yeah right I wonder how do you even think you get in oh I’ve got the answer to that one fam cab light it

Up buddy light it up you’re invisible but light it up buddy we’re breaking in dude look they’ve even got the ravager in here that’s hilarious oh my gosh this is really neat I’m not going to lie I really like this yeah but apparently they’re like pretty broke they don’t really have anything

Worthwhile here are you kidding me there’s a Lecter here do you understand what that means science smart that is true they have SM they do have smirt St so there it is everyone those are our top five viral mods that we want to take a look at this

Week if you guys enjoyed subscribe leave a like and we’ll see you next week wellday going to be a crazy day in the world of Minecraft that’s cuz we have a load of wacky and awesome viral mod to show you guys we scoured the internet for the top five most viral mods that

Are taking over the Minecraft scene and every single one of these Works in Minecraft 1164 which is basically the most recent version I mean one below 165 hard to find them for the most recent version so some of these mods absolutely change the entire game you’re playing

And others are just a wacky little addition like the camera mod so we decided to have a little fun some of us a little more than others Steve why is there a roller coaster how long do this take you take the roller coaster take the roller coaster okay I will take the

Roller coaster I’m very curious how long this took you Steve J how could you you sent an extra mine cart that’s not good why is that not good because it’s okay I’ll fix it I’ll fix it you’re going to fix what what are you going to fix card that’s coming down

The track you’re going to ruin surprises I going to ruin surprises Steve well because now the thing doesn’t work I’m coming Steve I’m coming Chop Chop Bud all right Steve I’m moving I’m moving Steve this is really long Tada BR Jam did you create a NE an ancient debris down here you’re probably

Wondering what exactly happened there well that was takes to the first mod on our list security craft now if you don’t know security craft it has been around in Minecraft modding for literally years I mean we’re talking like 6 seven eight plus years but now it’s been recently

Updated to add in all sorts of new things and specifically what Steve likes the most is the explosives these mines actually look identical to random blocks you might see around Minecraft like for instance this sand block looks perfectly normal coal block same thing but if you

Walk on them they will explode Steve you mind showing them what happens yeah oh you’re in creative mode Steve yeah I know so as a for instance you could go on here and pick your favorite ones like the Cobblestone mines the dirt mines maybe a sand mine and you know what even

Like a diamond mine to troll your friends from there you place them on the ground and whenever any of them interact with it Steve you mind showing them what happens what happens when what they explode now not everything in security craft explodes although there are a lot

Of really cool things out there like the intelligent munition system which sends off rockets that are heat seeking through the air and uh destroy your friends that are trying to sneak into your base however to give you guys an idea of how many more things are out

There you can take a look at the security craft technical Tab and you’ll see all sorts of really cool things like for instance an unbreakable password protected chest where you can go ahead set up your own code something really secure like that for instance and Steve

Try and open it try and open it bet you don’t know the code bet you don’t know the code it’s 1111 yeah I bet it’s 1111 it was really secure it was 1 2 3 4 got him that was my next guess oh well I

Left you I left you a picture there okay 1 2 3 4 hey we’re going to cover that later there’s also other cool things as well like for instance retinol scanners so you can hook up to iron doors that’ll allow you to only open it up when it’s

You that comes to the door so for instance let’s say there’s a whole little house over here and I almost I literally almost just used mines for the door um but anyway we’ll go oh no we’ll go like that and you see it’s set up to

Me so whenever I’m there it’ll open up like stead walk up to it nothing but when I walk up to it hello it is me Jerry how awesome is that so it has all sorts of awesome things to make your base more secure in Minecraft and like I

Said I’ve used this mod for years now Ken vouch great mod all right the next mod is super awesome and in fact you might even recognize it from series like skya Factory as well it allows you to pick up random blocks in Minecraft now it doesn’t work with all blocks but for

Instance if you want to move around a chest and just replace it down instead of having to break it or or like a Lecter or something like that if you want to do some quick remodeling you could do that and the cool part about it as well is whenever you have I don’t

Know why we have Curative spray in the chest not going to ask questions about but look if you pick it up and put it down Steve the items don’t get lost Andy are you holding you can pick up chimpin with it you could pick up any

Animal what what wait I want to pick up dog what is this item I’m stealing your dog I want let to steal your dogy what is the item called item it’s not an item I just picked them up you got to shift I just picked up the

Homie yeah you can’t pick him up look I got Larry I got I’m stealing drop his chimpin run away carry the chipkin so yeah I’m guessing the only real practical uses of this is if you have a loose farm animal you want to pick up and put back in the pen like for

Instance picking up your chipkin or if you want to move a chest without having to take all the items out of it break it replant it down put all the items back in and go through that hassle but overall it’s just a cute little mod that allows you to redecorate more or less

Super duper easily so I like this mod a lot and also let you pick up Larry the Llama what’s not the why can’t I pick him up is it cuz he’s not my llama got him he only he is mine you do not get Larry now the next mod is honestly one

Of the cutest mods I’ve seen in Minecraft it’s the camera mod which allows you to take pictures of anything you want or anyone you want and you can put them on things called photo frames or you could throw them in albums and even put them on pictures on top of lect

Turns as well basically what I’m saying is it’s kind of endless what you could do with it and it’s super duper awesome like take a look you ready let’s zoom on in Steve you ready hold on hold on let me let me so for inst Steve look at the

Camera and cheese oh that is a really flattering photo Steve let me let me show you the end result here okay you ready you ready Steve uh so this is what this is what we’re dealing with here and boom what do you think Steve am I an

Artist oh that’s really good could you give me a picture frame too uh no all right let’s go over here I want to take a picture of ooh like for instance Steve you ready for this look I could be like one of those people on on the TV that talk about aliums guys

Look I took that myself I don’t believe that I just took it Steve no no listen this is Art wow dropy same mind oh my goodness mind look at this wait actually wait a minute guys same wait no guys same mind Noy we were so close to the same angle

Wait Steve Steve stand still stand still stand still I got I got to take a picture I got to take a picture all right all right perfect perfect no hey dropy dropsy huh toes toes Steve’s toast Steve’s toast Steve’s toast Steve’s toast Steve’s toast all right next on our list we have something

Called the structurized mod which Bears a similarity to a lot of different mods out there already in Minecraft for instance the one that comes to mind is a schematic mod which will let you download schematics load them into Minecraft and then go ahead and put them

Into your world with a click of a few buttons this does that and it does a little bit more as well so for instance if you hold out your build tool you right click on the ground you can actually go around and move your build

That you want to from side to side you can see what it all looks like and from there if you like what you see you can right click and hit the check mark boom placing it down in the world now if you want to switch between different builds

As well you can easily do that right here now we’ve only loaded up big well but obviously there’s no real limit to what you can add into Minecraft and it makes things just super easy so for instance you don’t like that there we can push it all the way over here I can

Rotate it if I don’t like that I can move it up in the air see floating well lots and lots you could do with it and it makes building on your world that much easier especially if you found a build online that you like and you want

To add on into it but dropsy you’re super duper smart and you understand the scan tool and I don’t because I’m dumb how does it work all right we’re going to go to an area so I can show you what it does cuz it’s pretty cool so essentially it shows you everything

Within the area that you select so I’m going to take the tool and I’m going to put the first position here by left clicking and then I’m going to put the second position here by right clicking and if you do it in the air you can look

At the coordinates that it sets so I am going to set it to zero so it goes all the way to the bottom and when you do that there’s a thing on the left that shows you everything that’s there so let me save that real quick and I’m going to

Uh let’s see we can take away hold on hold on I SC let’s remove the grass let’s remove the dirt the gravel the stone wait can we replace things too cuz I see show resources so I can do like air replace air with diorite check what yep and now

I can also like show resources replace diorite with air to bring it back to normal and now I can go replace uh replace where’s air Air’s not on there anymore um um uh cuz you got rid of it if you if you exit and weo into it it

Should come back because the air has to be there show you’re right all right replace air with let’s do something like uh wait a minute I got it okay there we go dead they’re all for you woo a they’re all diamond Normans oh my God this is the ultimate trampoline

This is so funny I I love the security craft mod but also drop that’s incredibly cool I feel like this is like a combination of schematica and world edit kind of in one it’s definitely really good for building I wish Cappy was here to see this but he would love it but Cappy

Can’t be here because Texas is frozen solid also dropsy left us dropsy is frozen solid too and last but not least on our list is aliens aliens no but seriously it’s called The War of the world mod and it’s based off of the movie as well as well many other

Things I mean I think the movie was based off of a radio play I think the radio play was based off of a short story so basically it’s based off of take your pick but the premise of it is all the same all the while random alien

Machines and robots will come in and destroy the world and create Ash biomes they’ll also destroy your houses destroy any friendly mobs and just in general become a complete and utter nuisance the mod itself adds in all sorts of crazy biomes you got the ash biome this for

Instance is a red weed biome with spooky red liquid all around I think it’s strawberry jelly but probably not and on top of that don’t worry there is an absolute insane amount of weapons to take a look at like Martian mining lasers I mean look at this thing go it

Makes mining go with a complete and utter Breeze there’s also new types of tools like uranium pickaxes lead pickaxes tungsten pickaxes there’s all sorts of science to explore as well which is part of the mod you actually Salvage items and get to research them into a research table much

Like if you’ve played or watched the game rust and all around there’s random constructions like this UFO Steve how cool is that yeah yeah yeah did you know that the Martians are actually llamas oh did I win did I stop the alien Steve did this is worked did I stop it I was

Hoping that I could pick you up while you were on the Llama a there’s also all sorts of building blocks as well in case you know you’re the more of the creative type like Cappy different foods added in of course super nice clothing like I mean come on who in like a good

Oldfashioned Fedora look guys I my eyes are covered I’m blind help I’m blind oh no and there’s tons more awesomeness to explore like for instance who wouldn’t like some good oldfashioned weapons guys what about alligators yeah I don’t really know what mod those came from but

You know what that’s fine this they came from the world this mod this literal mod that we’re talking about is where it came from oh Steve this machine gun makes a lot of smoke yes it does doesn’t it what is that Steve are those aliums those are

Aliens I put myself in Survival Let’s see alien’s bad so that’s it everyone those are five viral mods that are taking over the Minecraft 1164 scene if you want to try this out for yourself the links to them are all down below in the description what is that oh God why

Is there a floating robot help help take care everyone hit the like button bye well today’s going be a crazy day in the world of Minecraft that’s cuz we found the five most viral mods for 1.64 and technically 1165 so are cross compatible and we throw them in to test

Them out and see which of these is worth downloading Steve what are you Steve what Steve what what I need help I need help I can tell that St what what is this I don’t know man just break some blocks and put them back down real

Fast what wait wait wait wait wait would you break one right here in the ground jles yeah and then you cover it up and then you do it again and then you cover it up and do it again and then you do it again and then you do it again and again

And again and again and again I feel like we’re going to Break Blade server can we please no so coming in first is one of the most simple ones that I can think of the mod quite literally is just called Ender and what it does is allows

You to make all sorts of Ender items and tools you didn’t know you needed but you’d probably want so first things first you have super strong Ender Armor which is about as good as diamond armor what You’ craft that is the same you’d craft any other kind of armor in

Minecraft so it’s pretty cool you just take some ender pearls like so and you put them in the shapes that you’re all used to making and then boom you got yourself the ender armor from there you can also build yourself any weapon or tool that you could think of and they’re

Super powerful like the Ender sword does plus 22 attack damage and five attack speed like take a look at this cool down it’s literally just non-existent Let’s test it out oh my face out my face I’m actually getting a lot of regen you can’t hurt me Cy you can’t hurt me get

Back here my Ender Armor giv be resistance 4 regen 4 you literally can’t hurt me it’s thick and then from Mir look you can make Ender axes Ender pickaxes you name it you can make it out of Ender now a big reminder that any of

These mods that you see if you like them they’ll be down below in the description so you can try them out for yourself the last very cool thing about this mod which you probably saw Steve working on in the background here is of course the teleporter blocks which are my opinion

It’s something that should be added to Minecraft just normally I I don’t see why they’re not already but all you do is you put down one portal block on one place one portal block on the other and then you activate both with an Eye of Ender that’ll help connect them together

Then from there you just Mosey on over to one right click it and boom you can teleport to and from no matter where it is on the map which once again in my opinion I don’t know why it doesn’t exist in Minecraft I think it’s a really

Cool little tool do it again do it again do it again do again oh God save why why would you do this why would you do that he laa now next up we have a new Twist on a very popular style of mods which is called backpack mods I mean all the time

People have thought there’s not enough inventory space in Minecraft so backpack Mod’s been around literally as long as I can remember playing Minecraft I mean I I genuinely like 8 9 10 years but this has a cool little twist on them that makes them a little bit better so you

Could take your backpack like so right click on it and of course you get some extra inventory space however this one along with Cosmetics like the ability to go ahead and D it to your favorite Minecraft colors you can go ahead as well and you can put it on a new

Separate tab which is your backpack slot right up here meaning it’s not going to take up any space in your inventory it’s not going to take up any of your armor slots and you can access it and use it with a moment’s notice it’s really cool

Look at me Dad I’m ready to go to school with my backpack W what are you what are you learning what are you learning huh I’m learning crime oh gosh cap that’s not school crime crime now the one thing that sets this mod apart from all the

Other mod out there is that take a look at all the different upgrades you can give it which for instance one of my favorite ones to give you an idea is the advanced magnet upgrade so what you do is you right click on the backpack you put the advanced magnet upgrade in there

And you can actually change up some of its settings so you can have it match a certain item that perhaps you’re collecting or mining or anything like that or you can have it be for any item so right now I have it set to any so

Steve drop any item at all give back give it back oh did you already drop something hey Steve you want this laving back you’re not getting the bucket back don’t don’t give them that back I’ll give you an empty bucket you take you you give me my lava bucket back well now

I have your lava bucket and your empty bucket so as you can see lots of cool things you can do with it and definitely a lot of utility and last but not least one of the cool features about it is that you’re able to place the backpack

On the ground and because of that you can hook it up to Hopper systems and chests the same way that you would well a chest it’s really cool actually Jerome I got it back uhh I should have seen that coming I wish I did now next up is

Something that I feel like will be added to Minecraft in some way shape or form and that is more use for netherite cuz let’s be real you can make some netherite weapons you can make the netherite armor and then after that point you’re kind of at a standstill

Well luckily enough this mod actually adds in all sorts of new netherite things that you can use you got netherite shulker boxes netherite bows netherite crossbows netherite elytras netherite Shields netherite fishing rods netherite Trident and so on and so forth like a netherite Anvil and even a netherite beacon now it go without

Saying and I don’t want to say it a 100 times over for every single item the biggest thing these all have in common is that they’re resistant to fire damage and lava which is something that we’ve all come to know and love about netherite however some of them do a

Little bit more with lava than you might be expecting which is why we have the Trident here and a good oldfashioned fishing rod wait Jerome wait Jerome use my Fork Dingle hopp can you say that on live TV I don’t even know what that means I want to be where the people

For what all right now the cool part about these lava pools is if you go ahead and take yourself a netherite Anvil which actually reduces the amount of XP that you would use uh when giving yourself some enchantments put Riptide on your Trident you can now use Riptide

While inside of lava it treats it the same way that it would water which is super awesome and then on top of that as well you can go ahead and use netherite fishing rods in lava in order to catch yourself some really good things in fact

It doubles the that you could get from it it’s really cool buddy you got some splaining to do what’s that Steve tell me why this happens oh uh what happens Steve oh no why did you you polarize them can you tell me what that why that happens yeah that’s the that’s the last

Mod in the video we’re going to cover so stay tuned but Steve why would you do that to him those poor gu they just crumble don’t say poor gu and murder him I’m going do it again stop blowing up the horses they got to go you maniac hey

Guys do you think of the riptide you know Riptide works at a trident in the in water and in the rain do you think it’s raining lava you could use it to fly through the air absolutely okay oh yeah if it’s raining lava you have other

Concerns no no not really okay what tops raining lava for you Steve I want to hear this black hole black hole black hole exploding Sun okay by by the time we’re worried about an exploding sun it’s not our problem now from there most of the other netherite stuff is exactly

What you’d expect and it’s really not worth covering for that reason a netherite shield for instance does the stuff that a normal Shield does just with double durability the crossbow and the bow do exactly what youd expect from a normal crossbow and bow except with double durability and a slight bit more

Damage however there’s one item in particular that is different and that I really really love and that’s the netherite elytra that’s cuz in the past when you have an elytra it just takes up an armor slot and doesn’t provide protection but now it gives you plus four armor plus three armor toughness

And plus one knockback resistance all with the ability to use the elytra the same that you’ve always been able to so really cool now next on the list we have the same thing a popular twist uh what has already been done before but it’s called when dungeons arise and it makes

Dungeons spawn all around the map now the reason I like this one so much is because not only does it work super duper well but there’s also so many different varied types of dungeons to experience and on top of that no one Dungeons the sa it actually randomly

Generates and customizes the loot tables in them as well as the dungeon passageways and makes it so that every time you find one it’s a unique and fun experience so guys take a look at this over here the oh my gosh that is actually I thought it was just the tree

At first and then I got over here and it was like oh my goodness that is massive like actually that is a massive Temple well let’s try and go inside let’s see what the dungeon looks like guys but first we need our we need our night vision goggles I’m going straight to the

Top what Steve that’s but but what about all the other floors who needs them yeah you’re right all right let’s go bring it in break it in oh no we can’t break in why not yeah you can me instead Bobby boy did yeah all right cool this is really nice

Inside right let’s see what loot they got though what whoa the loot what the loot cap bro that’s so full that’s too bro that’s not even not koser come to the top it’s like let me see Steve yeah I’m kind of curious this is at the very top Steve yeah this is the

Very Diamond fire protection five like what guys I found Spider-Man Spiderman is interesting mobs what is that thing look I don’t like him I don’t like him at all he’s like a vampire let’s see what he does to somebody when they’re in Survival Mode ouch he’s a vampire

Sleeping upside down I don’t like that I don’t like that at all guys can we find a new dungeon yeah yeah please guys look at this dungeon it’s literally just a ship in the sky get scammed w what is go cap this is crazy this is really cool uh

Loads of diamond armor in here love to see that my goodness oh wow G Willers oh my gosh dude this chest here has like 15 diamonds golden apples some Notch apples TNT the ship TNT the ship saving that for later Steve don’t blow up the

Ship don’t blow up the ship so as you can see this mod is really awesome it added so many cool new things so many Dungeons and in my opinion does the dungeon mod better than most other dungeon mods out there I think they got the they got the right idea all right

Now for the very last mod that we’re going to show it’s called the physics mod now the reason I like this one so much and I think the reason why it’s going so viral is because it’s very very new and they are also looking to expand

Upon it and make it better and better over time which is always good mod with an active developer I mean come on you got to I love that so I think cap wants to show what show us what realistic physics looks like does it always have to be woo baby look at it

Go okay now that was awesome and the cool part about it as well is you can actually play around and choose what you want with the different physics of course most of the time depending on how good your computer is and if it’ll lag or not but you have mob physics on Mob

Fracturing those are the things that we saw with Steve when he was tried to those poor horses they didn’t even stand a chance oh no can I go ahead and do it to these pigs here yeah do it do it do God why is the inside red no that’s not okay oh that’s

Gross let’s try other mobs though yeah let’s do it and there’s also other things you can play around with too like the lifetime of the physics so I guess that means I actually haven’t play with that one is that just how long it lays around I don’t know put it on 100 I’m

Going to kill a pig here I want to see if it’s it just stays there for a really obnoxiously long cap it just stays there that’s cat this is this is really gruesome cuz it just the polar be okay we got to try a guas now that’s like one

Of the biggest mods right I think we do have to blow them up yeah I’m pretty sure we have to we we got to tryy guas collapse speed tick so you could choose like is that how fast it goes let me see okay you guys ready didn’t really do

Much um wait wait wait wait in the physics menu hold on yeah you’re going to want to see this um um um um um um okay okay go go big cap bro that’s so cool so as you can see that one has less practical uses it is

More so you know memes and fun but it’s still a really cool mod and I think in the future they might keep expanding on it to make it better and better so thanks for watching everyone we hope you enjoy these viral mods and we’ll see you next time

This video, titled ‘Testing The Most Viral Mods In Minecraft The Movie!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2023-12-26 19:00:09. It has garnered 2634 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:21 or 4701 seconds.

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  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Steve, Mindcraft’s Sensation!

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Steve, Mindcraft's Sensation!Why is Steve so short in Minecraft? Because he skipped leg day at the pixel gym! Read More

  • Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft’s Short Tale

    Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft's Short Tale In Minecraft, rails are key for your trains to roam, But making infinite ones can be quite a tome. Fear not, for I’ll show you a trick so sublime, To create endless rails, it’s not a crime. Gather your materials, iron and sticks in hand, Crafting a rail is simple, just as planned. But to make them infinite, a loop you must create, A farm of rails, a never-ending freight. Place your rails in a loop, connecting end to end, Watch as they multiply, a rail-making trend. Infinite rails, a sight to behold, In Minecraft, creativity never gets old…. Read More

  • Only 0.1% of players have the balls to try this TNT experiment in Minecraft

    Only 0.1% of players have the balls to try this TNT experiment in Minecraft That’s probably because the other 99.9% were too busy accidentally blowing themselves up with regular TNT. Read More

  • Village Madness in Minecraft Superflat Survival

    Village Madness in Minecraft Superflat Survival Minecraft Superflat Survival: Exploring Villages Galore! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft Superflat Survival! In this first episode of the series, players are immersed in a unique survival experience filled with villages galore. Let’s dive into the action-packed gameplay and discover the wonders that await in this thrilling adventure. Survival in a Superflat World In Minecraft Superflat Survival, players find themselves in a world where the terrain is entirely flat, presenting a new set of challenges and opportunities. With no natural hills or mountains to explore, survival becomes a test of creativity and resourcefulness. Players must navigate the… Read More

  • High-Pulse Minecraft Biome Parkour

    High-Pulse Minecraft Biome Parkour Minecraft Biome Parkour Adventure Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with the Biome Parkour series! Join the host as they navigate through challenging parkour courses set in various biomes, showcasing their skills and creativity in this thrilling gameplay. Exploring Diverse Biomes From lush forests to icy tundras, the Biome Parkour series takes players on a journey through a wide range of Minecraft biomes. Each biome presents unique obstacles and landscapes, providing a fresh and engaging experience for both the players and viewers. Challenging Parkour Courses The heart of the adventure lies in the intricate parkour courses designed within each… Read More

  • Join J4sh in Hardcore Minecraft Pt 2!

    Join J4sh in Hardcore Minecraft Pt 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘I PLAY MINECRAFT HARDCORE …… PT 2!’, was uploaded by G4M1NG WITH J4SH on 2024-06-10 16:43:48. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:28 or 6748 seconds. Welcome to a brand new Minecraft adventure! In this action-packed video, we dive headfirst into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds. Join [Your Name or Username] as we embark on an exciting journey filled with building, exploring, and epic battles. 🏰 Build: Watch as we construct incredible structures, from grand castles to cozy cottages, using our imagination… Read More

  • Dangerous Minecraft Creepypasta Challenge

    Dangerous Minecraft Creepypasta ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jangan Pernah Nonton Minecraft Creepypasta Jam 3 Pagi’, was uploaded by Kosapaci Live on 2024-02-13 04:23:22. It has garnered 3718 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. #shorts #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable 2B2T Revelations: Razoon’s Anarchy Adventure

    Unbelievable 2B2T Revelations: Razoon's Anarchy AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Story of 2b2t: Minecraft’s Biggest Anarchy Server’, was uploaded by Razoon on 2024-06-09 18:00:06. It has garnered 1160 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:30 or 450 seconds. 2b2t has a dark and fascinating history. Here’s why. Current Subscriber Count: 3,041 (Consider adding to this number!) ❤️ This video was inspired by: @CalebIsSalty 🔥 Credits for the scenes of 2b2t spawn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjucMemBeFg 📝 Sources: https://2b2t.miraheze.org/wiki/Hausemaster https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2b2t#:~:text=The%202b2t%20Minecraft%20server%20was,referred%20to%20as%20 https://2b2t.miraheze.org/wiki/Crystal_PvP#:~:text=This%20combat%20form%20was%20first,with%20its%20own%20unique%20form. https://www.2b2t.org/2023-08-14/ https://2b2t.miraheze.org/wiki/Crystal_PvP 0:00 – Setting the Stage 0:26 – 2b2t’s Beginning 1:56 – 2b2t’s Peak Days 2:50 – 2b2t’s Destruction 3:37 – Creation… Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Syringeon’s Secret Seed REVEALED!

    Minecraft Mystery: Syringeon's Secret Seed REVEALED!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: What Is Syringeon Hiding On His SEED? (Ps5/XboxSeriesS/PS4/XboxOne/PE/MCPE)’, was uploaded by Drewsmc on 2024-06-12 16:15:02. It has garnered 811 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:19 or 859 seconds. What Is Syringeon Hiding On His SEED? For Minecraft Xbox Series S, Minecraft Xbox One and Minecraft Pocket Edition/MCPE Also Minecraft Ps4 edition and ps5 edition because all console editions are technically the same apart from the new xbox one bedrock version of minecraft which is different. ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Drewsmc1 ►FACE REVEAL Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/drewsmc1/ 🔥 NEW MERCH: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/33623440 SECOND MINECRAFT CHANNEL ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7LEEvPCzPAtHLbQeYuJo6w… Read More

  • Insane House Build with Epic Texture | Nearcraft 2 Ep 18

    Insane House Build with Epic Texture | Nearcraft 2 Ep 18Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a house with Texture | Nearcraft 2 Ep 18 | Minecraft 1.20 SMP’, was uploaded by Breadley on 2024-03-15 21:45:02. It has garnered 59 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:14 or 1994 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbuild #aestheticminecraft Welcome back to Nearcraft! A 1.20 vanilla minecraft server, with a few datapacks and plugins. Today, we’re expanding our base and adding a farmhouse, paths, a sheep farm, other small farms, and experimenting with texture. We also go AFK during an election and… well, you’ll have to watch and find out what happens…. Read More

  • Uncover Secret Witch House in Minecraft Village 🧙‍♀️ #shorts #trending

    Uncover Secret Witch House in Minecraft Village 🧙‍♀️ #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Witch secert house in Village Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #trending’, was uploaded by Cod Gaming on 2024-03-19 08:11:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Witch secert house horror minecraft short Witch house minecraft shorts minecraft shorts minecraft shorts minecraft animation … Read More

  • Unlock Hyperfrost’s Secret in Minecraft LIVE! #TwitchSurvivalKick

    Unlock Hyperfrost's Secret in Minecraft LIVE! #TwitchSurvivalKickVideo Information This video, titled ‘tene xrai? | hyperfrost_ en #Twitch #minecraft #mine #kick #twitch #survival #stream’, was uploaded by hyperfrost_ on 2024-05-31 14:37:00. It has garnered 454 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #shorts Read More

  • INSANE! AndrewAllCaps Tackles Hardcore Modded Minecraft 3×2

    INSANE! AndrewAllCaps Tackles Hardcore Modded Minecraft 3x2Video Information This video, titled ‘【 MINECRAFT 】Hardcore, Modded, Amplified RERUN 3×2’, was uploaded by AndrewAllCaps on 2024-05-22 14:24:28. It has garnered 64 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:31 or 7051 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive 🥭🥭Please refer to the Rules below..🥭🥭 1. ✿― RULES ― ✿ ➤ No spoilers or backseating. ➤ Refrain from all homophobic, racist, sexist, and transphobic comments. ➤ No NSFW jokes. If someone asks you to stop, then stop. ➤ No harassment. ➤ Follow the Youtube TOS. (This means the Chat is 13+) ➤ No doxing threats or jokes. ➤ Read the… Read More

  • OP Minecraft Mic – CRAZY Attitude and Love Song 😱🔥

    OP Minecraft Mic - CRAZY Attitude and Love Song 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘op Nice 🙂🙂#minecraft #attitude #microphone #love #miner #bts #video #song #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by MR. status 7 on 2024-02-19 01:21:43. It has garnered 22 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Blocks of Champions

    Blocks of ChampionsBlocks of Champions is a new Network server that just came out from the events to the open world of Minecraft servers! You will be able to find some mini games in our server and play in the events! play.blocksofchampions.com Read More

  • Arex Server Modded 1.20.1 Whitelist Age 14+

    Welcome to our Modded Minecraft Server! We are a friendly community looking to grow our server. Currently, 7 out of 20 slots are filled. We are seeking new dedicated members who enjoy playing modded Minecraft. Our server does not have a specific theme, but we have a variety of mods including Terralith, Create, Alex’s Mobs, and Caves. The modpack consists of 47 mods and we add more based on player requests. The general age range of our community is 14-18 and we are welcoming and have a good sense of humor. While there may be some power imbalances among teams… Read More