EPIC Minecraft Parkour Cubes w/ CaptainSparklez!

Video Information

welcome everybody to parkour cubes oh boy it it do be going up high oh my goodness gracious all right this is a this is a big map Cube Runner Studios and I guess we have some prologue parkour drip Leaf no less man can he do it without falling he does let’s go I made it out of the prologue area that wasn’t even the start oh my god dude this thing goes so high up this is from clue who does pretty freaking epic parkour maps to be fair which is very awesome ow I took damage there what the heck so five stars on this map is um under 17 12 minutes I’m not so sure we’re going for that however three stars on the map is anything under an hour so you know we could aim for that right we’re going this way I think our biggest challenge our biggest enemy here in getting a good score is going to be just like knowing where to go that’s all that’s all it really is we’re going to get crossed up here in there and then we’re going to be like a Frick I’ve just gone backwards ah freck I got to do it again and then it’s going to be like oof but anyway there we go do we make it out of the first Cube I don’t know that we made it out of the first Cube or not and see here I’m like wait where am I going do I go in the house I came from that way do I go in here is this the way maybe this is the way this seems like it could be the way also if you’re watching this on YouTube um and you’re wondering why there may be some notifications that are like happy birthday and stuff like that it’s because I am uh this is currently upon recording the day before my birthday but I will be snowboarding tomor wait did I make okay that felt very like just flatten in place I was like did I actually go where I needed to I I think I did um so unfortunately I will be unable to stream on my birthday and as such instead my birthday stream is happening one day in advance and I hope everybody is is okay with that and um I am I am sorry for my transgressions and not being available like on the day of it is a it is a mistake it was unexpected um mostly because I didn’t know that I wouldn’t be here until about uh two days ago when my dad was like yo birthday snowboarding let’s do it and I was like yeah no that that that tracks that that tracks that’s normal I mean In fairness like you don’t know what the weather is going to look like until just you know a couple days before and the weather ooh it’s looking like it’s going to be good dude it’s looking like it’s going to be freaking good it it just oh my God they got like 55 new inches of snow over the last week and it’s going to be Crystal Clear sunny over the weekend now the biggest problem here though is that that means other people are like this is going to be a freaking awesome weekend and everybody is going to be out on the mountain and that means it’s going to be crowded however the the hope the fies cross right is that because it’s Super Bowl Sunday on yo let’s go for a ride my boy oh oh I’m supposed to guide you through here I was like wait a minute are you autopathic no um because it is Super Bowl Sun wait where I don’t know where I’m going guys have I gone to the right place oh I have um hopefully Sunday will in fact okay go back wait where did he go they took away my shivery boy anyway because it’s going to be Super Bowl Sunday hopefully it’s not very crowded on Sunday cuz people are going to be watching sportsball instead of um skiing is my big H that’s how it was the last time I was um what the the last time I went snowboarding it was also Super Bowl weekend and it was absolutely nightmarishly crowded on Saturday and it wasn’t in good conditions and uh but then on Sunday it was empty and I was like this is so cool it worked out that way um so anyway I won’t be here that was a long roundabout way of saying it but um thank you everyone for doing the happy birthday wishes and stuff it’s very very cool very awesome I’m old getting older by the minute I turn um wait was this God I hope that was an actual checkpoint I didn’t just go backwards uh I’m turning 132 this year and um I don’t feel a day over a 100 so I feel like we’re you know we’re getting we’re getting younger some might even some might even say are we going up there I think we’re going up there and then we’re going here we got to avoid the TNT oh God wait oh balls no not oh not like this oh not like this I fell in the freaking water that’s my first fail dude I can’t believe I’ve got a fail dude oh God it’s hard to see which one is coming where because the tracks all go and do that’s middle that’s oh there we go okay we made it everything is good everything is great we’re going in here I can’t believe I H I was probably on a festar run TBH probably on a festar run there and now it’s all ruined it’s all over dude I can’t believe it I’ve just ruined everything I couldn’t freaking idiot I’m not using a reset there no thank you no way also I just want to say what the freak is wrong with twitch not hype training us we’ve had so much enthusiasm going on here in twitch is like no hype trains don’t exist for you anymore so anyway shout out to all of you it’s not your fault it’s Twitches we’ll adjust the setting at some point they must have made it like more strict because definitely in the past what’s been going on right now would have qualified it’s weird it’s wonky bro ah yeah hey we are cruising through I’m actually like I’m surprised we haven’t been getting tripped up too much by directions which honestly now that I comment about it will probably end up happening but clue has done a very good job here at Naturally guiding you to where it is that you should continue to go and so we can room I always do like these kinds of maps sometimes like I I see ones that come out and it it it’s the same format but they’re really really small and it’ll they’ll be like you know they’ll take like uh uh 3 minutes to get from top to bottom and I’m like I don’t know about that but these ones the big boys am I going the right way yes I am going the right way these are where it’s at wait um oh okay we’re sliming it’s slime time dude I hope I remember how to snowboard it’s been 2 years but hopefully the muscle memory will come back I know that like back when I skateboarded regularly if I went like two weeks without going to the skate park I get back and I be like oh I don’t feel so good what the heck happened to my abilities but for some reason when it comes to snowboarding it’s probably because I’m not that good at it every time I go back I feel like I’m relatively competent or at least I haven’t lost too much ability since the time before so I hope that now I’m going to jinx myself or something like that but I do hope that it it stays that way um it’s like riding a bike yeah maybe it’s weird though because I never got that from I never got that from skateboarding but again it’s probably like it’s probably a situation where because with skateboarding I was actually really good so in order to maintain the the good oity it probably required a lot more constant work whereas with the snowboarding because I’m just like whatever I’m an average average person who can get down whatever run on the mountain um it’s probably harder for that to you know go away just worried my feet are going to be in excruciating pain bro I would actually go snowboarding probably so much more often if my feet didn’t get wrecked um I hate I hate it I hate it so much I’m um what is this what is this what do we have these are okay oh leather boots for powdered snow interesting fascinating wait but where to from here oh we’re going there that way interesting and Down the Hatch presumably no it’s not my boots I have foot problems it’s part of getting old even though I think I’ve had these foot problems since I was like 18 honestly it’s probably from all the impact that I I got um just growing up and skateboarding and and doing that all the time oh we ice boat racing let’s go it’s probably I just kind of frecked my my my feet up and now they are mad at me and this is them giving me payback um that’s what I would have to guess man you could make up a lot of time if you did that quickly on the speedrun but no it’s it’s not my shoes it’s like it happens in any shoes if I just do anything that puts a lot of uh continuous pressure on like the front part like kind of tiptoes or just leaning forward if I do something that does a lot of that it just ends up hurting like if I do jump rope for even a minute I’ll start to feel it um and it’s you know the the way that that materializes most significantly though is with snowboarding because when you’re doing like toe side turns and stuff you’re putting a lot of constant pressure on the front part of your foot and so it just ends up um being excruciating throbbing pain in both feet it’s not like it’s it’s symmetrical I should say some people be like oh maybe You’ have an issue with one foot but no it’s it’s symmetrical um and uh I went I went to a podiatrist a few weeks ago I think I mentioned and they basically just said you got to you got to exercise it and also um wait where are we trying to get to like here maybe got to exercise it and also um do like these metatarsal pads which I’m going to try this will be like the first thing I have attempted to to help mitigate it um when s boarding will be these pads that I’m felt pads that I’m going to put on my uh underside of my feet and I’m going to hope that that makes a difference I’m not too hopeful for it but it would be cool if it ended up working it would be pretty awesome cuz it makes it really a lot less enjoyable feel like I messed that one up makes it a lot okay and my toggle Sprint’s gone thank you um makes it a lot less enjoyable when you are in awful pain pain as you trying to do a fun activity it’s not this oh my God why do you just put things in my way you just make me hit my head why do you make me hit my head um you thought podiatrist meant medic for kids it’s a pediatrician dude um but they both do have peas in the in the name [Laughter] um but hey hey today you learned today you learned now you um I have hopefully saved you some some future embarrassment when you uh you know I don’t know if you have a kid and you’re like all right it’s time to send you the to the podiatrist and uh and your partner’s like what does our child have foot problems and you’re like no they just need to go for like a standard checkup up and they’re like the podiatrist why would we send him to the podiatrist for a standard checkup um anyway I’m here I’m here to what the freak how do I get there how do I get there huh so I’ve opened the B oh I see so I go back and then I just dive into the balloon oh you freaking idiot it’s a timed thing oh what the wait which way am I going I’m going over here right are just trying to figure out okay so I do go back down cuz I was like that’s that’s in Reverse but my speedrun oh okay well here we are next place uh going this way I’m assuming since it was pointing me in this direction are there pediatrician podiatrist there you know there might be it’s it’s possible there are child foot doctor Specialists um okay so we’re following the track in this case which is interesting and then uhoh where oh then we go down here okay usually they’re coming towards us in this case they are not I’m your favorite educational streamer you know that’s that’s what the that’s what the people come to the main channel for these days are the educational direct to oh my God I’m going to die I did not expect that coming around the corner the educational green screen Vlog Style videos that’s why they watch so you know what that tracks uh oh what okay wait what are we how are we wait haven’t I been here or is this a new wait I think I’ve been here uhoh wait what am I doing I feel like I’m not supposed to be there okay well here we oh does Say ding oh now we go over here I should have probably hit the button where the arrow was gigantically pointing to it and stuff like that now that Tom Scott is gone I’m the number one educational um I feel like no I feel like that’s not the case not the case at all hello Mr hbomb oh I see what we’re doing here hello Mr bomb thank you for raiding and hello hello everybody how are you all doing it is so good to have you here for my birthday stream which admittedly is one day before my actual birthday for anyone who’s gone and Googled and been like what the freck you’re lying it’s tomorrow not today but again I won’t be here tomorrow so I’m basically the worst I’m the worst how can you live with me not being here to stream for you on my bday that’s so mean that’s so mean I swear I care guys balls how did I fail God dang it I forget toggle Sprint toggles off every time toggle Sprint toggles off every time I do that I do care I really really do believe me please God that’s costing me time how am I going to get the 17-minute run my going all the way God I’m lower down on the cube now I’m not making vertical progress what the freak okay here’s some vertical progress it doesn’t feel good losing elevation am I going the right way which is the right way I don’t actually know where the right way is everything looks the same everything looks the same am I going down there I feel like I’ve been there I’ve been there okay this is new I think is this new no we were God damn it we were up there be wait is it this oh it’s that for sure okay okay bro when you’ve crisscrossed the same thing like 50 times you just oh I think we’ve entered a new Cube but anyway everybody what we are doing today is we’re doing this bit of parkour and then we’re going to do either a little bit of decked out or a little mod pack series we’re going to probably do both of them I just don’t know what order it’ll be in whether it’ll be decked out or mod pack series thing first we shall see I don’t struggle with directions when it’s a place I’ve been I only struggle with directions when it’s a place that I haven’t been am I go wait is this the way is this new I hope this is new I hope I’m not just looping the same when it takes me to a new place and immediately I have to jump down I get concerned I’m like okay so have I already yep yep I’ve already been there God damn it man you’re going to teleport me to a brand new place at least freaking at least give me a direction okay so now I just I frecked it completely because I stepped on the other I did the other thing I need to jump on the F oh you think it’s a fence jump God oh that’s what it is you’re so right about that it’s always just jump on the fences isn’t it it’s always just jump on the fences uh am I going up now this looks very similar to where I’ve already been but I’m following the arrows so yeah I’m following the arrows hello it it says Arrow this way you can’t just give me an arrow that points that way and then also say but by the way don’t go that way cuz what the freak is that okay I guess I guess the arrow is just like a joke Arrow am I a joke to you yes you are a joke to me I I simply don’t understand why you would be there um ah because presumably this is why so now I need to have the TNT that can be placed on their ice so I have to go back now with the TNT freaking heck [Music] dude we are we going to get there I wonder if there’s a closer way to get here with like resetting instead of having to run all the way back around and then we could blammo it hope I don’t die I wonder if I would have died if I just stood there and if I had died would it have reset the TNT or would it have left it open but I would have simply been dead hey it’s a new Checker Point let’s go he okay where am I going probably over here and then over here and then into here by the way is hbomb still playing decked out or uh is that is that’s over and done with for him as much as people have been um saying like I should go until I I do whatever the actual beating the game is which I guess only one person has done I think probably for me it’ll just be going until I beat the the Deep Frost like one one deep Frost run um probably will be where I say the thing is he’s back to hardcore Sky Vault I haven’t I haven’t tried the whole Sky Vault thing for Vault Hunters I uh I really don’t know much about how it works and how you generate resources and stuff like that but uh you know seems interesting seems interesting is Bomb du run I I would be I don’t know how you do a Duo um Duo deck out I don’t know how you Co-op it but I am up for it let’s see skybolt seems like a fun challenge I would like it perhaps perhaps I would perhaps I would I do not know we just started here’s the thing the the the issue with that right is the fact that you know like we’re going to be doing Vault Hunter season 4 in you know whenever it happens um and so I just I feel like having a little bit more of a reprieve from other Vault hunting uh in between the seasons of The Vault Hunters smpp is can I can I do that and get up there no I can uh probably better better way to do it cuz otherwise people are going to get a little bit fatigued with the whole thing I kind of had a feeling you know uh cuz there was that uh race to heral thing that um they started in between uh after season 3 ended and before you know Season 4 cuz hasn’t started obviously and I don’t know that that panned out and like I I just I’m not doesn’t catch me by surprise because it’s like youo you’re going to it’s you just you just did season 3 man you’re probably going to get a little bit fatigued if you just go jump right into a brand new ongoing series of of beating the boss that we just completed you know volts Wars when um yeah um I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t hold your breath for that one I wouldn’t hold your breath on that one um are we still going the right way I think we are think he’s cry yeah yeah we’re good look at this beautiful full Cherrywood Inga punches wall I’m so sorry I’m so sorry to have done this to you wait why did that just jump o huh okay I do not know why that just jumped over the freak guys it’s not the only series The only series that’s how I jumped over because you can just walk from the fence onto the block the only Series where I will claim culpability it wait was I supposed to go here or was I not supposed to go here because I can’t get through there maybe I was just supposed to go down the stairs only Series where I claim culpability is Pokemon Heart Gold other than Pokemon Heart Gold it’s not my fault you hear me other than Pokemon Heart Gold it’s not my fault wait did I just go tell me this is where I was supposed to go and I didn’t just reset down wait this is new this is new yeah when am I finishing Pokemon Heart Gold man guys I thought that I thought wait is is is po world not like a Pokemon Heart Gold mod I thought it was like a Pokemon Heart Gold mod and that by by playing po world I would be meeting the qualifications of playing Pokemon Heart Gold um I mean okay you know what you know what I think is pro really funny is the fact that half the people who to this day say yeah what about Pokemon Heart Gold probably don’t even know the Pokemon Heart Gold thing cuz that was like that was like 11 years ago all right how many of you how many of you were genuinely here 11 years ago huh huh show of hands show a hands how am I going to get an honest show of hands here we’re going we definitely we definitely have some bandwagon jumpers when it comes to the Pokemon Heart Gold situation all right not everyone not everyone actually started watching that series and then was disappointed to see that it didn’t continue all right very few very few were probably actually here for that no I they’re I’m I’m sure there are a few of you I’m not I’m not discounting that there are well that was cool those just jumped up I’m not discounting like some of you are absolutely here and like shout out to you by the way like that’s freaking that’s freaking gnarly awesome that you are still here after like 11 years I’m just saying not everybody not everybody wait is this this this new okay this is new upes you’re still waiting for a video on President talk short hey I mean one of those went up on Call of Duty war zone so I mean you know maybe maybe PR don’t talk shorts will maybe I should have done a a Counter-Strike 2 video there so well it’s more call it’s got to be Call of Duty doesn’t it I can’t just I can’t just show up and be like hey it’s me Pros don’t talk shorts um here bringing you now I’m now I’m a Counter Strike guy cuz counter CS 2 should go on CS2 if we’re being honest CS2 on CS2 is a little bit more on brand but you know Call of Duty Call of Duty one of these days maybe what oh my God you are the actually terrible for for that you are terrible for that God dang it what is the current what is the current Call of Duty I’m actually not up to date with what the current goings on are oh monor Warfare 3 okay right right right I think I’d heard about that or something wait am I going in here is this the way is this I don’t know if this is the way I hope this is the way I am glad that you guys know that which I do not why does it feel like that’s the way that I should be going and then I’m going back why does it feel like I’m going back backwards right now why does it feel like I’m going backwards but I’m not going backwards I’m not going backwards okay cool cool we Zoom we room let’s go oh wait hey hey 26 minutes actually for started out the gate you know what if we hadn’t had like a little some fumbles here and there little bit of that like you know we might have we might have five starred that thing honestly I feel like when I played the clue Maps before I’m usually three starring it on the first go so I’ll take that I’ll take that happy birthday to me on the fourstar speedrun obviously you know if you want to give it a try then um feel free to check out the map download in the description and look at that thing look at that thing what a cool structure what a cool structure that’s pretty epic looking dang it’s like a bunch of birthday cakes to celebrate my birthday anyway make sure to like the video subscribe to Captain Sparkles too follow at twitch.tv/ Captain Sparkles and I’ll see you in the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour Cubes’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-02-15 18:00:10. It has garnered 21830 views and 1227 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:47 or 1667 seconds.

Today we jump up very high Map playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyHRe93TbKfq96bFUPAWI1G

Map: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/parkour-maps/parkour-cubes

My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron

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    Clueless Gamer Tries Minecraft Pixelmon!Video Information C [Música] [Música] oh [Música] [Música] l [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] er coloquei na tela errada B Bom dia tudo bom podia vir rockar tem um ro aqui mas não sei se eu posso escutar normal de boa sem problema nenhum Talvez sim idos enquanto eu grito sem saber o que fazer Quem irá me ver de verdade quem vai é mas eu ainda cantarei as estrelas vão revelar uhum C AB no jogo Eu me atrasei um pouquinho porque tava fazendo algo quando uma corda começa Eu nem sei como tá minha voz… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks! #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks! #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Cherry belt [Music] hat subscribe This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ADRmx123 on 2024-01-13 12:00:06. It has garnered 11215 views and 201 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks #shorts #minecraft ————————— Subscribe!!! https://youtube.com/@adrmx123?sub_confirmation=1 ————————— Please watch until the end… Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share because it makes me even more enthusiastic about making videos other interesting things… And see you in the next video, bye.. ————————— Tags: Minecraft Minecraft 100 Days Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Pocket Edition Minecraft Bedrock Edition Roblox… Read More

  • Unlock Flying Powers in Dawncraft Ep.15!

    Unlock Flying Powers in Dawncraft Ep.15!Video Information hello guys welcome back to the channel welcome back to a brand new episode of dacraft of course it is dacraft because because why not because we love dacraft and that is it I want to say you something guys if you remember in the last episode well last episode we were in a village and that Village was really bad with reputation so I couldn’t do much but to find a new place and that is what I did and like the habits I had this beautiful Village out there but I found this Lighthouse right here… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Potion Trick! 😂 Watch Now! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Potion Trick! 😂 Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘potion using right way 😂 Minecraft moye Moye moment 🤣#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Ultra Gamer on 2024-01-15 13:10:26. It has garnered 6747 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. potion using right way 😂 Minecraft moye Moye moment 🤣#shorts #minecraft#trendingshorts#pain Minecraft potion use Moye Moye i hope you will enjoy this video please make sure subscribe and like friends 😉 Read More

  • 💥💥 Epic Chaos in Minecraft Earth SMP!

    💥💥 Epic Chaos in Minecraft Earth SMP!Video Information mic gaming I beg of you to still at paper 1.4 what the [ __ ] oh my goodness I got to go all the way back and I got a [ __ ] around with a new installation because I’m a stti I thought it would solid is not making me Rock Solid right now you gone mental I beg of you to work sir dark you D yo it’s toxic Maniac this this Maniac is quite toxic not going to what uh toxic you know you can join the Earth SMP right it’s bedrock and Java… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Base Tutorial – Luxurious Underground Survival Build

    Insane Minecraft Base Tutorial - Luxurious Underground Survival BuildVideo Information if you guys do want to build this you can use the stream to build it I kind of stood at the top here so if you ever want to come back you can just pause it there see the block layout it’s like saved in or it’s like colors so you can see block by block your eyes are confused it’s an optical illusion all right you know what I reckon we’re just going to get started right now been live for about 3 and 1 half minutes see there’s seven viewers what must I say sorry… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hypixel Live Stream by Maxwell Gamer!

    Insane Minecraft Hypixel Live Stream by Maxwell Gamer!Video Information yo we’re back welcome back everyone welcome everyone welcome back sorry about that we’re ready now I’m pretty sure it’s fixed um we’re just going to continue doing doubles cuz doubles was actually really fun hello all right this is my teammate mr1 he’s already bridging over there wow I’ll actually do this then well he attacks the other bed I’m going to defend it I like don’t really know how to do this defense but I think it’s like that and then you like there you go oh he fell off really bro oh Red’s coming over… Read More

  • Sam’s INSANE WOLF IQ Skills in Minecraft! 😱🔥 #shorts

    Sam's INSANE WOLF IQ Skills in Minecraft! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybe that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit cuz that makes meain haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that… Read More

  • Azure Network

    Azure NetworkA Bungeecord Network Proxy Chat Enabled via forge/ fabric Earth, Survival, SkyBlock/Oneblock, Creative and Backrooms What was originally a one server survival world for anyone i gave the IP to play on spiraled into a network of 6 servers and soon more. was looking for a small playerbase. azuremc.playit.gg Read More

  • SkyGens PVE 1.20-1.20.5 Custom Resource Pack Skyblock

    Welcome to Skygens! Features: Custom Enchants: Acquire unique enchants through quests or enchantment tables! Minions: Customize and upgrade minions with more skins coming soon! New Server: Enjoy frequent updates, ensuring fresh content! Free Ranks: Ascend through the ranks simply by playing! Staff Needed: Join our team as a builder, developer, or moderator! Pet System: Collect and train pets to assist you on your island adventures! Join our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/jr4bSrPpBD Play on our server: play.theblind5.com 1.20+ Port: 25565 Read More

  • BrunhildMC

    BrunhildMC[​v1.19.4] ʙʀᴜɴʜɪʟᴅᴍᴄ is a FREE TO PLAY Minecraft server-multiplayer that features FREE Ranks obtainable by votingupgradable Skillspayable Jobsplayer Shops, Crates, Economy, Minions, Casino, Gacha and more!NOTICE: Server is still in development but it is playable. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine’s downfall: It’s time for payback!

    Minecraft Memes - Herobrine's downfall: It's time for payback!Looks like Herobrine finally realized he can’t hide from those update patch notes forever! Read More

  • Minecraft: The Hottest Meme Ever!

    Minecraft: The Hottest Meme Ever! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #funny #shorts Read More

  • Minecraft Creepyfasta: Unveiling the Spooky Secrets

    Minecraft Creepyfasta: Unveiling the Spooky Secrets The Mystery of Minecraft Creepyfasta Have you ever heard of Minecraft Creepyfasta? This mysterious element in the world of Minecraft has intrigued players for years. Let’s delve into the top four Creepyfasta of Minecraft and uncover the secrets they hold. The Haunted Mineshaft One of the most chilling Creepyfasta in Minecraft is the Haunted Mineshaft. Players have reported hearing ghostly whispers and seeing shadowy figures lurking in the depths of these abandoned mines. Dare to explore the Haunted Mineshaft and uncover its dark secrets. Key Features: Ghostly Whispers: Players have reported hearing eerie whispers echoing through the tunnels. Shadowy… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Power Moves

    Mastering Minecraft Power Moves Minecraft: Herobrine’s Quest for Ultimate Power In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new adventure unfolds. Herobrine, a mysterious figure, is on a quest to gain ultimate power and rule over the Minecraft universe. This thrilling journey is captured in a short trailer that promises excitement, challenges, and the ultimate showdown. Herobrine’s Ambition Herobrine, with a menacing aura, sets his sights on achieving unparalleled power. His determination to conquer Minecraft and establish his dominance creates a sense of impending conflict. As players delve into this narrative, they are drawn into a world where danger… Read More

  • Insane Money Grind in LIVE DONUT SMP with Viewers!

    Insane Money Grind in LIVE DONUT SMP with Viewers!Video Information all right so just need to change some settings I think actually no they’re good all right wait why is my mic so far away from like where I am all right there that should be louder now oh wait all right there we go hello four watching already so last time I streamed I was at 600k I did a little bit of grinding obviously I got donated a bunch of money too but yeah all right so is that mending yeah that’s mending just class nine and I think I need six levels and St oh… Read More

  • Upside Down Minecraft Prank on Friend

    Upside Down Minecraft Prank on FriendVideo Information I’m turning my friend’s Minecraft world entirely upside down but at any point he dies the video is over hey buddy sit buddy oh oh yo dude hey what’s up dude what’s up dude what are you doing oh I’m about to ruin your day well not entirely listen dude dude dude that’s not how you say hi to somebody you’re going to tell them you’re going to ruin their day oh sorry okay put it this way if you do not die with the challenges that I have set in place for you I’m going to give… Read More

  • Intense Hardcore Raid Prep – Minecraft History 1.14 #27

    Intense Hardcore Raid Prep - Minecraft History 1.14 #27Video Information [Musique] bienvenue en 1.14 alors l’ point la version pardon 1.4 s’appelle la village n pH update voilà donc qu’est-ce qu’il y a ça qu’est-ce que ça a rajouter et bah les villages ont été améliorés et nous avons maintenant les pillage et donc tous les fameux mobs qui viennent défoncer nos nos villages avec des raides alors plus particulièrement quel a été les ajouts je prends mes notes bien sûr et je vous dis ça tout de suite déjà dans un premier temps nous avons eu le bambou qui est apparu d’accord donc les pandas également il… Read More

  • EPIC OIL REFINERY & CRUCIBLE – Minecraft UniversIO!

    EPIC OIL REFINERY & CRUCIBLE - Minecraft UniversIO!Video Information hey hey hey everybody welcome back to some more Universe s hey Universe episode Universe iio universe. hey Nick how’s it going universe doio doio is becoming more and more of a popular domain I feel like it’s been yeah it’s been it’s been trending for a while man you know people have been yeah everyone’s in a oh my Lord a is the one that’s really freaking up and coming now man have you little bit of uh inside baseball oh yeah a domains are really like the minimum price is like $200 wow for a a… Read More

  • Stumble Guys Server Glitch – Mind Blowing! 😱

    Stumble Guys Server Glitch - Mind Blowing! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘*NEW* SERVER GLITCH IN STUMBLE GUYS 😱’, was uploaded by Gamerz Alii on 2024-05-30 13:15:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. NEW* SERVER GLITCH IN STUMBLE GUYS ABOUT MY CHANNEL :- I AM BOY AND A GAMER. I PLAY MINECRAFT … Read More

  • 🔥WITHER KING SEEKS REVENGE!! 😱 | aFrostGod Minecraft Adventure 🌟

    🔥WITHER KING SEEKS REVENGE!! 😱 | aFrostGod Minecraft Adventure 🌟Video Information first there was fire then there was smoke then that Preacher Man was hanging by a rope and then they all fell to their knees and beged that drift and begged him pleas as he raised his fist before he spoke I am the rightous hand of God and I am the devil that you for God and I told you one day you will see that I’ll be back I guarantee and that hell’s coming hell’s coming in Hell hell’s coming with me hell’s coming hell’s coming hell hell’s coming with me This video, titled ‘The Wither… Read More

  • Mind Blowing TikToks – Overwatch 2 or Minecraft?

    Mind Blowing TikToks - Overwatch 2 or Minecraft?Video Information this video by saying that I think OverWatch is going in a great Direction new DPS hero Venture is awesome the new battle pass changes like getting coins in the past Heroes no longer being locked behind the pass are cool as hell there is one singular aspect of OverWatch 2 that I think drastically needs changing the tank roll tanks and OverWatch 2 Face a lot of problems counter swapping getting focused by debuffs but I think the biggest source of the all of these problems is the passive or tank the tank passive is basically just… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Boss Battles! Join the Journey LIVE!

    EPIC Minecraft Boss Battles! Join the Journey LIVE!Video Information yo stream what’s up man what’s up man like I’m talking to one person what’s up yo I know it’s late as hell compared to the usual stream I do another two hours but it’s whatever um part three of live Minecraft on a journey to defeat all the bosses now I’mma say this some [ __ ] happened off camera it was has nothing to do with me it was completely another player I swear I promise um but I will I’ll show you guys what happened in our Minecraft world we tried to get the uh… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Mining Technique! #minecraft

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Mining Technique! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘type of miner in Minecraft#minecraft #shorts #mclol’, was uploaded by Noob_Boiz_91 on 2024-01-15 07:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. type of miner in Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #mclol type of miner in Minecraft #story voice Cradit : @Mc-lol Minecraft Techno … Read More