EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Aphmau Hacker vs Hunters!

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oh are you sure you don’t want to try to take me out I don’t have to do a thing this ugly Big’s going to wait uh this uh dir huh wait wait what what sorry I have to I have to do it I have to I have to this should be fun good luck hunting me all right that’s enough AAU you have to survive against all of us if you can beat the boss that is then you win all I got to do is find the three keys sounds easy yeah good luck finding three keys first I’m absolutely good at finding stuff all right all right babe you may think you are but you have no idea what surprises are out there surprises what hey we’re giving her a hint shut up Ian she needs to know where to go doesn’t this mean you’ll know where to find me though guess you just have to be better than us then all right guess the Hunt’s going to be on good luck you’re going to need it so do we start now when do we oh I think we’re starting now come here hey we got to come the 10 you idiots oh know how to count 10 all right let’s jump up here 10 98 seven what comes next six six really are you sure I’m pretty sure it’s eight got to run get to run looks like I have some powers to help me out too let’s do itys okay now we go all right let’s see I don’t want to overuse my Powers just yet ooh a village nice where are you idiot check over here I’m going to go make some stores yeah good idea let’s see there’s some materials in here to help me out I need to get a sword and everything to fend them off o nice this should be good for right now smell her this way whatever oh nice pickaxe bread should be able to survive with this stuff here uh a bone key I already found one all right this should be useful to opening one of those out she got to grab this Village for resources they they’re catching on I can’t believe they’re using their brains maybe just a you know uh um since there’s no sign of her got to get probably eat the Sheep oh the Sheep oh no it’s not good I got to get out of here I should get some food too food any food will do with the Sheep guys I see her way oh there she I can use power I’ve got these I’ve got these teeth hey guys try to get me up here if you can all right I’m going right here can’t catch me see if I can do this hi there’s nowhere to go Ed yeah this Hunt is going to be a piece of cake hey what you doing here get get out okay got to transform and get out of here there we go and perfect jump down they’ll never catch me not will I have these Powers got an iron chest plate and I should be well equipped now it’ll be harder for them to take me out let’s just take this with me just in case ooh I can see them on the map too nice okay I got to be careful to make sure I can avoid them H oh here we go I think the bone key opens this up let’s see um put that right there and uh right click ooh where ooh I like how it fell down okay let’s see what challenge they got for me here oh oh that’s scary are all these circles bosses oh would you look who we have here what I’m surprised she even made it this far Zane Zane let’s see how she does against this guy we may not even have to lift a finger fine whatever if you’re that confident sure I can take this boss easy peasy uh why is it ice skele good luck babe oh no oh there’s skele wolves too okay I’ve got this try attacking it too a that health bar is still completely full don’t try to taunt me I’ve got this it’s not working you do know you have to hit it right nothing there we go are you sure you don’t want to try to take me out I don’t have to do a thing this ugly Big’s going to wa you already took out of thir he all right I do got a bit of damage on it not worried at all don’t worry out of here gell wolves what kind of attack do she have to do that and now’s your chance to take me out if you’d like all right take just get ready just in case all right I should be good you call yourself a skore get your sword ready and shut up Zane get rid of them oh man they are tough but you know what I think I’ve got this impossible there we go I tried this challenge so oh a key ah I guess this is for the next boss huh all right all right that’s enough gloating it’s time for us to kill you and end this challenge yeah after you we’re going try to run away this time what if I use this what do you think think that’s going to do to us b b b b why am I going this way I can’t stop whatever you know a good thing only works for one person and too bad you don’t have another one oh I don’t have another one do I I’m going to get out of here now good luck hunting me you are not getting away okay let’s see oh they looks like they’re looks like we’re here oh there’s some people on the way but I should be able to avoid them Kim should have stayed with them that way they could have attacked me but this will be a lesson to them they shouldn’t even have traed to attack me oneon-one give me a turn with the sword no this is my sword you can’t have it sword but I want it it’ll be so good at catching AAL no I’m going to be the one to catch AAL you’re going to be the one that helps me what if I trade you this uh this uh J huh wait wait what what there she is hey guys give me gold hey gold well are going this way no Zane I’ve got gold it’s fine also what is going on are leash together take some more gold maybe follow it this way what do go have to do with anything it’s treasure it’s the whole point I’ve been doing this far I want to win the treasure we have to go this way to get ass no I want the treasure Zane all right get off b z hey guys the water on the server is poisonous stuck you may want to be careful that super easy I just got to avoid the water myself I don’t know why the water’s so poisonous on the server that’s super weird but you know what it works in my favorite where did he go wait I finally got the armor and stuff and where where is everybody looks like he geared up seriously guys is this like hide and seek cuz you didn’t I didn’t count or anything if you’re if it’s to see to stick in the pack and they really need to learn that let’s see maybe I can use this lava bucket to get him oh hey Pierce hey wait where’s that from it’s me I’m right here I like your iron armor it’s a little H but don’t you think hey what I got stuck got me can’t jump in the water bye Pier I got to go in the water quick and then get out okay all right that was close and I need to get my lava back all right there’s only one person left not is Aaron but let me go into my form just in case there we go all right oh Aon it’s about time finally got my bow so you ready to end this are you ready to to begin it that doesn’t make Ser glitch Ser glitch out oh no take take the snowball I should have the T B for this you can’t Dodge forever you looks like you don’t stand a chance Aon trying to go into the wolf form huh yeah I’m trying great that stupid you may be cute but I’m not letting you get away that now I’ve got the hyra how are you going to get oh he’s got range oh no I got my bow and arrow oh no oh no your stupid yellow attack you idiots is anyone else here to help I’m still TI to Zane I can’t move do something so you got to kill me almost got him that’s stupid attack there we go I’m not letting you sabotage me even if it’s cute I got to get this door open come on if I can do this then I win and I win just got to open this up and what was that whatever it doesn’t matter what what the oh this place is cool let’s see what the what are those hm guess I can open this like normal ooh what kind of mob is in here oh what the an ethereal that’s a big word but you’re so cute oh sorry I have to I have to do it I have I have to do it to wait turn going down walk oh wait I must be like the Ender Dragon with all the crystals let’s just get rid of these things with my hell I’m on fire and water doesn’t work on this server okay maybe I might oh never mind Fire’s out got to keep going oh okay perfect oh now it’s vulnerable all right I’ve got this W I got it that must mean I won nice all right let’s see what the other wolves think uh hello anybody there come on hurry up she’s probably exting try we still teed going the way I need them to go what happed what happened T too late this is why it’s important to work together as a pack a few moments later may get out of my office I meant them she safe demon school I would never do that that’s mean how could you that’s evil this is part of the lesson my locker human this must be mine what’s this a human where are your wings um I don’t have any what wait humans aren’t allowed in our demon school um exactly which is why I should be leaving right now you’re not leaving that easily get her guys maybe we can eat her wait where did it go come away from them oh she thinks she’s going to get away s there we go keep going keep going just don’t look back don’t look back I should be fine someone in the school has to help me right there’s got to be someone like a normal human person maybe the principal maybe someone hello excuse me I huh what’s this a human hi demon get out of my office I meant them she get out of here you bunch of Knuckleheads I’ll see you a yes Mr Z thanks all right I think sorry about that sometimes I forget my appearance can be frightening especially to a human like yourself oh you don’t think I guess anyway this is a dangerous school I need to get you to class wait dangerous class I think I’m in the wrong place once you’re here you’re staying here I don’t want other humans to figure out where we are oh let’s just need to grab something here am I a janitor no I need you to get the vial of Angel tears down there angel tears yes you can use that to protect yourself um okay it looks a little nasty all right come on let’s keep going you know you should consider yourself very lucky to be entered into this great safe school that we oh oh no don’t make eye contact with them they don’t like it oh okay should be in here perfect right this way where are you taking me uh wait elytra that’s right I’m giving you a fair chance to pass our courses I confiscated a pair of hum wings from a player years ago years ago those was a human here once yeah give them a try remember just take it nice and slow at first nice and slow all right I can do my gosh wo what I take not howro works this is not how it works at all wait a minute why is it my what huh what oh nice SP new girl you come flying in you call those pieces of cardboard wings no oh look at her face it’s not even right it’s kind of pinkish it’s washing you my face is yeah exactly better shut up I was trying to sleep what the matter you want to sit next to her here sit there that a [Music] fire class what do we do if humans have water uh oh drink it drink it avoid it it’s likely Angel tears correct at least someone’s paying attention but hey that hurt all right then you’ve learned your lesson now let’s complaining and fix the ceiling oh fine yes Mr for everyone else it’s time for demon 101 101 oh favorite class oh what the all right here we go now listen up humans often fill their homes with junk like this this item in particular actually lights up I mean it’s a nice lamp for sure a what a lamp yes a lamp whatever anyways we break these to freak humans out aou why don’t you give it a try oh no my mom would kill me if I broke that lamp I’ll did it I did it good very good noi but I wanted the new student to try moving on this is what humans call cute oh it’s kitty cat it’s adorable pick me pick me be me me me no it’s app Mouse’s turn go ahead kick it kick it no way never what you expec in Demon school I would never do that that’s mean how could you that’s evil this is part of the lesson well D that’s kind of the point you know you go up and you’re like the kitty nice is a human girl even going to try this human’s too emotional I am and that’s fine there’s nothing wrong you guys are just mean whatever just stay out of my way all right let’s oh oh I know this one it’s stealing candy from a baby wait wait wait wait wait this is my turn hold on I got this all right my locker human this must be mine all right there’s nothing huh you made us look bad I didn’t do that you guys did on your own I just wanted to do good that’s so mean that’s so evil you’re not getting far in this school if you don’t act like a demon what I’m not a demon I just want to go home oh you want to go home huh I think that can be a range that nice St Mr summoning staff nice prank but I think she’s dead wait what what why are you how long will it take for her to rot a few days probably boys how is the human girl you know she is your final exam after all wait what what do you mean final exam yeah you know she’s doing great it’s not over here is she I can’t believe those guys I oh what what’s this a portal yeah you know where we were just showing her to her locker oh really is that wait wait that wasn’t her locker wa who moved the sign got to go got to go right now got to go got to go got to go okay I can get back to the Overworld maybe if I sneak to another nether portal I should be able to get out of here um what the a math book really they learned this H maybe they don’t like it I guess it belong to another all right boys you better find her alive your test is haunting her after all good luck now we have to find her we’re not going to become full demons yeah boy sneak got to be R out and find her now so we just have to go find her human girl be anywhere this place is huge all right almost out go there she is back at the portal quick get her don’t come on got to run just got to run I’ll Escape just want to talk nowhere to run there we go I have the power of M [Applause] I’m immune to fire well uh I was going to say good torture boys but um a math book that’s a good ideal I have to remember that future I like put the fire put back together leave it thanks St you oh good you’re all back in one piece now so we’re not going to the cafeteria for lunch it’s time for you to learn how to hunt your own food like rabbits or something oh no the local Village has the mob farm good morning students I bet you’re wondering why I called you here to the ballroom why yeah it’s because I want each and every one of you to learn how to dance to classical music huh what why sounds boring well because it’s not all fire and brimstone all the time sometimes you need a little class to convince people of things so get ready one and two and three and what what are we supposed to do um come on the mus playing do we really have to do this let’s see hey um would you want to she check this out oh oh whatever dumb no maybe this isn’t so bad yeah a little hey AO check out these hot moves what hey come on no hot it’s actually she is hotter she’s literally on fire make get too close to that bad boy you guys can’t be rude I don’t really want to dance if you you are rude that plus she’s my dance maybe let me out please only if you dance with me oh my God a stars dance around your head H what the okay so before I just stole the candy for the baby but what if I just stole the whole baby what no how would she want a baby to dance yeah that makes no sense see what I’m not want where are we I don’t get with the big is okay I can’t take it anymore none of you listen to me what do you mean Hing the human and fault you’re slow you don’t have to be mad at us well then dance with noise what no fine come here no no no you know what it’s too late all right listen to me if you don’t want to dance then your next lesson is to survive this sur survive what what huh you’re what is that what’s happen I’m taking it down I thought we didn’t have to take care of that one until the final let’s see how you do class this not how I wanted to survive my first day at demon School let’s any damage guys my Fireballs aren working yeah your normal attacks won’t work against my monster guys I got something I got idea what okay did it wait Did you just huh I did it she brought down the chandelier you know what finally did something bad you hurt that demon and took it out I didn’t mean to do that actually I was too good I you pass and the rest of you fail what we did our best and Mr zann what about our trip to you know Heaven yeah we were going to invade remember okay you know what you’re right there’s still an opportunity to learn something there so if you behave I will pass you to the next grade and then we can all go okay heavan really all right get ready

This video, titled ‘Hunters vs APHMAU HACKER Speedrunner in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)’, was uploaded by Aphmau Fan on 2024-04-22 15:00:05. It has garnered 4398 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:05 or 1205 seconds.

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Aphmau Locked on ONE BLOCK But We’re ELEMENTAL in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)

🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Ein or Aaron? 😅

This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft videos by Aphmau Fun !

Aphmau Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@Aphmau ( I am a fan of Aphmau and make interesting parodies with her!)

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  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Zombies vs Chicken!

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  • AcuaCraft Network

    AcuaCraft Network¿Buscas un servidor al que su calidad es su prioridad? Lo has encontrado. ¡Y no te pierdas nuestra inteligencia artificial integrada! AcuaCraft Network cuenta actualmente con tres modalidades, aunque con el tiempo si se recibe mas apoyo seguiremos desarrollando nuevas modalidades y aventuras. – Survival – BoxPvP – Gens acuacraft.vultam.host https://sites.google.com/view/acuacraftnt ¡Te esperamos dentro! acuacraft.vultam.host Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding: Factions, SMP, Towny.

    Conquer the World with Hardrada Worldbuilding Unleash your creativity and explore endless possibilities with us! Why Choose Us? Unmatched Freedom: Build and rule your empire as you desire. Fair and Supportive Staff: Dedicated team for a balanced experience. Player-Driven Stories: Shape the server’s history and create legends. Community and Collaboration: Join like-minded players for epic adventures. Dynamic World: Your decisions shape the environment. Features: Economy and Trade: Custom shops, currency, and trade opportunities. Quests and Events: Regular challenges with unique rewards. PvP and Warfare: Test your skills in battles or focus on diplomacy. Join Us Today! Discord: https://discord.gg/YD7TbkM569 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cave vine’s vengeful transformation

    I guess you could say the cave vine dug itself into a hole! Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi, Hot Dang!

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi, Hot Dang! When you accidentally hit a Minecraft villager and they start chasing you with their “Oi Oi Oi” battle cry, you know you’re in for a wild ride! Read More

  • 10 Features Mojang Won’t Add to Minecraft

    10 Features Mojang Won't Add to Minecraft Minecraft: Features Mojang Will Never Add While Minecraft continues to evolve with new updates and features, there are certain elements that Mojang has decided will never be added to the game. Let’s explore some of these intriguing choices that the developers have made. Furniture and Decorations One of the features that Mojang has decided not to include in Minecraft is extensive furniture and decoration options. While players can create their own furniture using blocks, the game will not have dedicated furniture items like chairs or tables. Vertical Slabs Vertical slabs, a highly requested feature by the community, will not… Read More

  • Discover the Magic of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Magic of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a truly mesmerizing YouTube video titled “🌟Get Your Wish by Magpipe🌟”. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if you could experience that same level of emotion and beauty in a Minecraft server? Imagine immersing yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can explore, build, and connect with like-minded individuals. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With its vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind… Read More

  • Escaping the Floating Minecraft Village

    Escaping the Floating Minecraft Village Exploring a Floating Minecraft Village Imagine spawning on top of a floating village hut in Minecraft, with nothing around but void and a tiny island. This unique scenario offers a thrilling challenge for any player brave enough to survive in such a precarious setting. The Challenge of Survival Surviving in a floating village presents a myriad of challenges. Players must navigate the void below, carefully gather resources, and build structures to ensure their survival. The lack of solid ground adds an extra layer of difficulty, making every decision crucial for success. Resource Scarcity With limited resources available in the… Read More

  • Survive the Undead in Minecraft’s Closed Tunnel!

    Survive the Undead in Minecraft's Closed Tunnel!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-06-17 13:00:47. It has garnered 2710 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:52 or 2332 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Building Battles

    Insane Minecraft Building BattlesVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft #minecraft #minecraftbuildingminecraft #gaming #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-09 22:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Insane 28 Hour Minecraft Marathon! New vs Old!

    Insane 28 Hour Minecraft Marathon! New vs Old!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new vs old – Nostalgia #bnl #craft #games #minecraft #oldisgold #old #ruokff’, was uploaded by RAUNAK 28 HOUR GAMER on 2024-05-11 09:53:28. It has garnered 11857 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More


    INSANE GAMER MUST COLLECT ALL DOGS!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i must collect every dog in minecraft’, was uploaded by Skippy T on 2024-06-16 14:03:00. It has garnered 37897 views and 2143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:21 or 1401 seconds. i must collect every dog in minecraft 1.21 Edited by NOOBster —— Featuring: @branzybits @JayMojiDeluxe @FailboatsDinghy and me 😀 —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2024, by the Skip the… Read More

  • Endorwitch – Secret Decked Out in Minecraft!

    Endorwitch - Secret Decked Out in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft? Decked Out? Time to die!’, was uploaded by endorwitch on 2024-05-20 09:04:41. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:38 or 7058 seconds. FYI there’s a little bit of swearing in this. Etho’s fan community hosted a Decked Out event this past weekend and you can watch me be bad playing co-op with my Dogcraft buddies. I found the compass and got out ONCE! haha. Also I still sound very sick lol! Thank you to the SLABS folks for hosting this and letting us play! It was… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Mods: Can I Survive 100 Days Hardcore?

    Terrifying Minecraft Mods: Can I Survive 100 Days Hardcore?Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Minecraft’s Scariest Mods for 100 Days in Hardcore’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-07-03 16:31:58. It has garnered 365402 views and 10813 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:43 or 2503 seconds. The man from the fog and herobrine are in my hardcore world. My goal is to survive 100 days in hardcore Minecraft while every 10 days I add another one of Minecraft’s scariest horror mods. The world will become unbearable very quickly so I have no time to waste but most importantly… can I survive the entire 100 days? This is… Read More


    MonkeyDFNAF - 🐒 CRAZY 🔥 ROBLOX /MINECRAFT STREAM 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴ROBLOX /MINECRAFT +MORE,STREAM🔴, SUB AND GET A SHOUT AND A SUB BACK🔴,SubGoal-900’, was uploaded by MonkeyDFNAF on 2024-07-10 05:00:05. It has garnered 59 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:01 or 19681 seconds. #stream #gaming #roblox #fortnite #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#stream #gaming #roblox #Valorant #fortnite #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#chill #roblox #fortnite #gaming #entertainment #stream #comedy Read More

  • EPIC Fox Vs Wolf Fight in Minecraft! Watch Now!

    EPIC Fox Vs Wolf Fight in Minecraft! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fox🦊 Vs Wolf🐺 Fight||#shorts #shortsfeed #viral #minecraft||’, was uploaded by HAPPY KING 67 on 2024-03-12 07:00:04. It has garnered 479 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. build hacks,minecraft build hacks,life hacks,build,hacks,easy build hacks,101 build hacks,build hacks and ideas,build ideas,simple build hacks,bloxburg build hacks,15 summer build hacks,security build hacks,minecraft: 30+ laboratory build hacks!,build hacks minecraft,build hack,minecraft hacks,minecraft building hacks,minecraft bomb build hacks,how to build a,simple redstone builds,minecraft redstone build hacks minecraft build hacks,minecraft,testing minecraft build hacks,what to build in minecraft,minecraft build,cool minecraft builds,minecraft build tricks,build hacks,minecraft building hacks,minecraft build… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days As KING In Minecraft?! 😱

    Surviving 100 Days As KING In Minecraft?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days As KING In Minecraft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-07-22 02:54:25. It has garnered 28779 views and 1508 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:46 or 2446 seconds. I Survived 100 Days As KING In Minecraft Buy My Shirts: http://www.jeromeasf.store/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe Or Caveman Jerry Will Cry ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF Check out my… Read More

  • Olympians Network

    Olympians NetworkWelcome to Olympians Network! 1. Custom Gamemodes: – Immerse yourself in our handcrafted custom gamemodes. Whether you’re battling fierce mobs, exploring mysterious dimensions, or solving intricate puzzles, there’s something for every player. 2. Survival at Its Finest – Brave the wilderness, gather resources, and build your dream base. Our survival world is both challenging and rewarding. Team up with friends or go solo—the choice is yours! 3. Skyblock Adventures: – Start your journey on a tiny floating island. With limited resources, you’ll need to be resourceful. Expand your island, create automated farms, and unlock new challenges. Skyblock is all about… Read More

  • Aurora SMP 1.21 Hermitcraft-inspired Java Whitelist Bluemap 18+

    Hello everyone! Are you ready to embark on a journey like no other in the enchanting world of Minecraft? Look no further than Aurora SMP, where the possibilities are as vast as the starry night sky ⭐ A World of Imagination Survive and thrive in our season 3 world. An engaging multiplayer experience awaits where the community matters. Join forces with friends or go solo; the AuroraSMP realm is yours to conquer. The only limits are the ones you set yourself! Community: Join a warm and welcoming community of fellow adventurers, where bonds are forged and friendships blossom. From sharing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Reality is the ultimate shitty joke writer

    I guess you could say that innocent gift really set off a “trans”formation in that child! Read More

  • Trade Mine for TF2, USA’s Minecraft FOMO

    Trade Mine for TF2, USA's Minecraft FOMO In the world of TF2, where the battles rage, Players from USA to trade, turning the page. But anger arises, homophobia in the mix, A problem that needs fixing, not just for kicks. Join the discord, share your thoughts and your voice, Together we can make a change, it’s our choice. Minecraft and TF2, games we love to play, Let’s keep the community safe, every single day. Shoutout to Shiny for the gameplay shared, In the world of gaming, let’s show we care. With music by Kevin MacLeod, setting the tone, In this montage of TF2, let’s make it… Read More