Video Information

All right hello everyone and welcome back to the Sky Block series today’s episode is episode 9 and we got a bucket yes yes yes we finally managed to get back our bucket in the last episode uh we dupped a total of two ingots iron ingots um in last episode and another

One in the episode before that so now we finally have bucket again um so that means we can yeah finally start really progressing once again um so that’s some great news and um I also have captured this bad boy um he’s in a boat right now wow those XP thingies are quite loud

Okay and we have catched a little witch that’s in here as you can see um so yeah of course next step in progression will be um uh converting this guy into a some or into a no villager um as well as actually getting a another one of these

And then conf converting that one as well um so that’s kind of the next big step I want to go for in this Sky Block World um but there are of course some things um that we will have to um get oh I guess the chicken despawned okay

Interesting um but yeah we we had a chicken here but no more I guess um but yeah the the the thing we need to do in order to convert our uh zombie villager into a normal villager is um getting a golden apple and for yeah for that we of

Course first of all need an apple and second of all we will need eight gold ingots um so that’s not super cheap or anything um but it’s also nothing too crazy um but my plan for today’s episode is kind of to try and go for that um or

At least get as close to it as possible um and what I’m going to do so I’m going to get all of these bones with me there we go this should be more than enough um and you know what to make it life a little easier I’m going to convert them

All into bone blocks there we go so then they take up less space in my inventory boom boom there we go and there we go and let’s see all right yeah that’s at least a little less inventory um wasted inventory space so there we go and and

Yeah I guess these can just go along like that as well and then we will just drop this into the fort at this point in time we have plenty of Bones um and I’m actually going to take my lava bucket with me as well um because I can now

Finally do that again oh looks like we actually do have another um zombie villager in there but I don’t think it’s worth going for that just now um because it’s going to be quite painful to try and get them out when it’s this full um

So yeah there we go those XP orbs are quite a loud is there a specific option you can do for XP um maybe me play so I’m just going to put this down a little bit and hopefully those XP orbs get a little less loud because that’s and it’s kind of annoying

Uh but yeah there we go and kill a couple more of them nice uh but yeah I’m getting distracted Again by killing all of these zombies and everything else so let’s throw some of this junk out of our inventory there we go and then I’m actually going to try and get some gold

Um pieces with me uh because these can of course still be smelted into ingots and since that’s really what we are going for right now um I guess it would be quite worth it to take this with me into The Nether um and I think I’m going

To yeah just put this in here and all right that should be more than enough so yeah let’s go to the nether now um I guess we are kind of low on food and hunger um but let’s see if we have anything upstairs that we could take

With us oh I forgot my dirt um I need to quickly go back uh but yeah what I want to do um is of course use the gold farm that we now have um okay this bridge might need to be a little safer let’s quickly do that right now because yeah

It’s a little sketchy only being one white now that I’ve have really important items again like my bucket that I definitely should not lose um I want to be a little more careful so yeah there we go and there we go all right uh

Let’s go back up oh no I forgot the dirt again my goodness I’m a little forgetful sometimes um and it’s starting to rain so that’s not too great but we are going to the nether so it doesn’t really matter oh and also um I’m going to need

These and I guess this can stay in here there we go all right there we go oh okay still has long arms all right there we go let’s go up up the water stream there we go uh but yeah what my plan is of course we need an apple and

We need gold so I’m going to go to the gold Farm um and farm away over there and try and get as much gold as possible but in the meantime whilst all the zombie pigman spawn um I’m going to try and get apples from the trees so I’m

Going to take these trees with me um into The Nether and let them grow and I’m mainly going to use bone meal in order to let them grow since we have just yeah I mean almost three stacks of bone blocks uh that’s a crazy amount um

So that just kind of means that we can really just spent away um on the uh bone meal um so I think that would be quite smart actually let’s not take too many dirt blocks with us there we go um yeah eight should be enough just in case

Something bad happens um but yeah there we go and I’m going to quickly take a look in this chest okay so we have so so Soul soil and Ice ah but when I test tested in the um creative testing world this uh didn’t work in order to create Basalt

Wait let’s quickly quickly right here do a little bit of testing I guess um so we go like this and then let’s see we get some ice and we get some soul so so um or however you pronounce it we place the ice down we place this down and then

Like this okay well I guess it’s going off the so that’s not really working um so let’s go up up up there we go and if I now place this here yeah that doesn’t generate that and now I’ve placed down the ice so I can also not get it back so

I’m not too certain on how that specifically Works uh because I wanted to create a basal generator but for that you need blue ice and this is not blue ice so I don’t really know how that works um so maybe you will have to let me know down in the comment section

Maybe there’s a way to get more ice with this ice um and then I can eventually create um blue ice with that maybe it’s something like that I don’t I don’t really know I tried uh it out in the creative tting world but nothing worked

So yeah um there we go okay those guys are now fighting so I’m going to let them do their thing for a little bit um and one of them won okay whoa whoa wo Slow Down slow down slow down okay okay he is quite angry um but he also has

Short arms okay there we go we won the fight and I quickly want to try and spawn proof most of this um just to make the um what is it the the the farm a little more efficient and yeah I can use slabs on these blocks

There we go um just to make the gold Farm a little more efficient since they’s still spawning over here and if I’m going to spend the whole episode out in the Nether um trying to get as much gold as possible making this um as or as um efficient as possible is probably

Going to be worth it so yeah there we go um and I might still be able to spawn on top of those trees on those tree blocks I don’t really know but I’m trying to make it as um yeah spawn proofed as I can right now but I don’t

Want to go all overboard or anything like that but yeah there we go remove all of this stuff put it in here and let’s slap this up as well um although we shouldn’t leave at least one of them so there you go I do not have any charcoal

Anymore I’m just going to hope that they cannot spawn in this stuff okay there we go and otherwise it’s one block so that shouldn’t be too bad and oh I guess this whole bridge is actually not spawn proof so that’s a lot a lot worse than just a

Small block on island so let’s quickly do that um now I do believe end spawning in the nether is a little different um making them spawn a lot less the more there are of them um so that should really not U decrease our rates at the

Gold Farm all that much um not as much at least as the um other Island would be doing um so yeah there we go and go back here guess I can remove all of this real quick that’s no longer needed oh the ice melted o That’s that might become a

Problem in the future but I do believe that um there are more biomes in this version um just just in the Overworld as well so that should mean there’s also somewhere in the world an ice biome um where ice should generate naturally I hope uh and

Wow why is this portal so loud all of a sudden okay let’s get out of here and otherwise I might have just made a big big mistake which yeah uh I guess that was not too smart then but okay um for now that’s not a problem I’m just going

To go over here and act like nothing happened um and I’m going to start out uh by starting to increase the size of this area oh actually now that I think about it I oh whoa okay he does not like me oh I don’t have gold armor on that’s

Why oo and he did some chunky chunky damage there jeez okay um let’s see as I was saying I need to increase the size of this platform but I do need to make it all slash because nether is a little different and you need light

Level 15 I believe uh in order to um not allow any um yeah any creature to spawn in here um so yeah that’s why I’m going to just do slabs because otherwise I would either have to uh put the torch on every block or make it all out of

Glowstone and neither of those sound like a good idea so I’m not going to be doing that I’m just going to be using the slabs but yeah there we go um and let’s see what I’m actually going to do is I’m going to make oh we already have

A chest I guess oh there was quite some stuff still in here from the trading I guess so let’s put that all in here there we go and um let’s see here so got quite a bit of inventory space now that’s great let’s make some um slabs there we go and

Let’s start increasing the size of this whole area um just so we can really get going on all kinds of farms and uh good stuff I guess um so yeah we will have one sapling place right here one right here and then one more right here and I

Feel like that would be already quite good so yeah there we go that’s free and then we will have another free right here and then we still have two left um and for now I’m going to save those two just in case I can um get some

Gravel from my boy over here of course right now I’m not trading with him I guess because I need to spare up all my gold for the Apple uh but maybe we get the gold quite quickly and I don’t need to worry about that too much but what

I’m quickly going to do is I’m going to make some of this bone meal there we go and I’m just going to grow oh I didn’t mean to do that I’m just going to grow some berries for myself um so I can have a good amount of food here so yeah there

We go I’m just going to go until I have like a stack and then I at least don’t need to worry about food for a little while now it’s not the best food in the world and um yeah I will eventually have to replace it with a little better fruit

Uh but for now it will do well we’re here I shouldn’t really be taking damage out here either um if I keep on playing it smart I guess um so yeah I think I’m just going to do that there we go and let’s incre let’s actually start off by

Placing down the seins uh maybe they will grow on their own I don’t really know if they even grow in the nether I haven’t really ever tested that out um uh but yeah maybe they will maybe they don’t um in any case I am I’m going to

Build a platform around these trees so that when the saplings drop from them um they don’t go straight into the nethero because that would not be too great um because I don’t want to run out of saplings um while I’m out here so yeah there we

Go and let’s increase it a little more and then we just have a nice little tree farm out here in the nether which is pretty cool I guess let’s kill them again boom there we go oh okay yeah that’s what I mean with being careful okay that was a big chunk of

Damage but we did also get a nice little gold ingot from it so I guess I cannot complain too much um and I survived so it’s fine um let’s put some of that in there and let’s start smelting up some of these armor pieces um while we’re out here just to

Get those extra little nuggets I mean it looks like we are definitely getting that gold quite fast I already have three ingots um saved up so yeah that’s quite quick I guess okay I need to be fast with refilling that stuff there we go um and let’s see okay so they do at

Least grow when I bone me them that’s good news that’s good news no need to worry um about that otherwise yeah my plan would have kind of been um stopped I guess um but let’s see another piece nice Nice Nice kill them all good okay um but yeah

My my plan is of course to also get an apple and in order to get a apple we will have to mine down um oak trees and so I thought why not combine that um all together and just do it all in the Nether um last episode we spent

Basically the whole episode at our normal M Farm trying to get that iron ingot and now we’re going to spend probably most of this episode maybe the whole episode um out here in the nether trying to get the golden apple um but I feel like that’s just a quite efficient

Way of going around with these things um cuz yeah we we need to go for one specific thing but that doesn’t mean I don’t need to do anything else in the meantime I guess um so that’s kind of what I’m doing now um but yeah let’s

See all right it smelts up quite quickly unfortunately I cannot put multiple um things in them at the same time like multiple items multiple swords or something like that which is quite unfortunate um because of course the these items don’t really stack um so that doesn’t mean it’s kind of

Inefficient I kind of wasting some wood planks every now and then uh but at the end it’s just a little bit of wood I’m going to get more than enough wood back from all of this uh alone so it doesn’t really matter all that much uh but it’s

Still kind of annoying that I have to manually put them in the whole time uh but in the end it is a little bit of an extra knet each and every time I do it so yeah might as well try and do it as much as possible

Um and I guess I can put in one of these emeralds while I’m here why not let’s see we got an okay just a bane of aots no enchantment on it um let’s see where’s our special sword oh did I don’t know what happened with my oh I think I

Died with it um uh there was one in case you don’t know I had one sport with zero durability left on it and I was like oh that’s pretty cool so I wanted to save it but I have a slight spe suspicion that I might have fallen into the void

With that that one so yeah that’s too bad that’s too bad and otherwise I might have just put it in a furnace right now but it is what it is um in the end we will at some point probably still get another one I hope otherwise it’s a

Little sad but it’s okay um let’s see all right those nuggets are going really fast I feel like the Apple’s going to take longer than the um gold is but that’s fine I can just trade all the extra gold nuggets I get in the meantime um with the with the piglin I

Could also save them up for another Golden Apple since we will need at least two of them um now that I think about it that’s also quite important I guess so might yeah might save up um a good 18 or no 16 uh nuggets uh or ingots and when

We have that all the other ones will be traded with the piglin um because I do want to get um more dirt of course let’s see is this still filled with locks I don’t believe so I believe it’s just a lot of leaves uh so let’s

Cut this L stre down and allow all of these um leaves to Decay and hopefully give us some apples um but let’s see is it all uh it’s a little bit over the void I’m quickly going to kill them there we go kill them all and collect all the loot of course

Course and let’s quickly expand this platform a little more because yeah it would be really sad if I were to uh get a apple but it falls into the for that would not be great oh oh look at that we already got an apple wow okay nice I

Guess this tactic Works quite great um but we need one more I need one more as I said before uh but yeah this process might be a little faster than I expected it to be um so that’s good news I would say this side looks to be fine okay cool cool

Cool but yeah that’s good news that’s good news I do know that um apples are not super rare but of course you can still get unlucky um wow blast Protection free that’s pretty cool um but yeah let’s kill them again oh another gold ingot nice all right let’s

See can we get a golden apple already yes we can nice all right that’s Golden Apple number Uno um that’s Spanish for one in case you didn’t know uh but yeah um and let’s smell some more all right um and let’s see any more apples anywhere around here doesn’t really look

Like it now of course it doesn’t really make sense if I were to place more trees down right now and let them grow because I’m not doing this for the wood I’m doing this for the apples so uh we will just have to wait a little bit for the

Leaves all to Decay there we go Le got one apple already so that’s very nice I’m going to quickly put it in here just to be really safe uh there we go all right um let’s see I believe it was um let me see or oranic uh 11 that was it

Yeah I was trying to remember name real quick uh but yeah it was armonic 11 that let me know a couple episodes back I believe in the comment section um that they also started uh their own Sky Block world again and it took them a long long

Time to get the uh to get the Apple so I was kind of worried about that you know I was like oh hopefully that doesn’t happen to me but seeing as I already got one I’m not too worried anymore um but yeah I guess sometimes you get unlucky

Sometimes she get a little more lucky uh but that’s how it goes um let’s see we are starting to race through all of these swords and whatever not so that’s good gold is still not most efficient but it’s working I would say I mean yeah

We we got a golden apple at this point so definitely not going to complain about speed too much um put another one in I think it’s time to place down some more saplings there we go let’s see anything else happening n doesn’t really look like it put another one in boom boom

Boom there we we go wow this nether music is quite awesome I would say sounding pretty cool it’s starting to uh ramp up a little bit I don’t know if I ever heard this music before Minecraft music I’m not that much in the ne anymore especially not in the

New versions or anything oh well my sword just got replaced I guess oh we got another one nice okay cool um but it is okay it’s a little little little loud for my liking so I’m going to turn it down just a little bit there we go uh

Hopefully it’s not too loud in the video uh but yeah there we go and let’s see oh they’re all jumping but yeah this is this pretty cool music I would say it’s pretty uh pretty epic it really started to power up as well okay nice I haven’t really yeah never

Really um appreciated the n music before I guess yeah that’s quite cool to now hear um but yeah let’s start growing these trees again there we go all nice and tall and kill them all one more time nice smelt up some more we do have some nugets coming out of this but it’s

Really not that much I feel like one good batch of zombie pickling actually drop more nuggets than all of that combined but yeah it’s fine it’s still a little bonus I guess at this point it’s like two ingots so I’m not going to complain about that it’s still another

Two ingots just for free at this point because yeah would W is no longer a problem for us luckily um so yeah might as well do it oh we got a chicken here we need to be real careful with that because last time they managed to escape

After I killed the chicken so I’m going to be careful here not to let that happen again and I’m going to kill the uh baby um guy first there we go and now I can kill the chicken all right that’s better cuz otherwise yeah we got a baby zombie

Zombie zombified piglin or something like that um running around and that sounds like a whole lot of danger that I rather not be dealing with um so I’m just going to do that there we go uh very nice I feel like none of these trees actually grew nearly as big as the

Last batch which is interesting um and my ax is about to break yep there we go luckily I do have some extra Cobblestone with me and some yeah well actually a whole lot of food so no problemo there um put another one in there we go oh

Hello I do like it that those guys just fall down and instantly die I don’t know oh oh oh wood Farm oh get 64 locks of course of course I guess I never really farmed Oak that much since I always preferred the other wood types especially the spruce because they just

Grow that much bigger but spruce trees don’t really drop leaves or um stupid me uh drop apples so that’s not really an option this time uh but yeah there we go let’s see okay let me see here all right we do have quite a bit of nuggets again so

Let’s see oh four ingots pretty good pretty good so we’re around halfway to the next um Golden Apple in terms of gold and now it’s just a matter of seeing whether or not these leaves will drop a another Apple um I’m quickly going to take a little sip of

Water there we go P say hydrated of course and I’m going to see now I want to test out something oh we got another zero out of 32 and I’m interesting actually oh wow that generates Wonder durability that’s pretty cool okay I guess that’s actually then worse right

Okay since they’re not that um rare I’m going to test something so if I were to now use this so this is two options you know I can use these swords um twice because I got two of them but if I now make a sword out of that I feel like I

Can only use that once yeah so it’s actually less efficient to put them together I guess that’s pretty funny uh but I do want to see something real quick if I were to oh we don’t have any golden swords anymore um will you drop me your golden sword

Yes thank you and it’s another s out of 32 okay if I were to drop you this um will you oh he’s dual weedling that’s pretty cool that actually yeah looks pretty cool okay and he just okay I guess he gave me nothing back right I do believe he gave me

Nothing back wait I want to get one more sword just in case it actually just dropped into the void or something but then 99% certain he doesn’t give me anything for swords no no okay so that’s unfortunate um because I would have liked it to be able to trade those swords instead of

You know smelting them up because that would be a whole lot more efficient uh but I guess they were smart enough to not U let that be the case I guess uh which is unfortunate for me but it is also quite logical that they yeah wouldn’t wouldn’t want that to be uh

Will be the mechanic behind it because that would be a little bit too overpowered I guess um but yeah let’s see I feel like these leaves are not really going to drop me my second Apple just yet so not as lucky this time around but that’s fine it’s fine now I

Feel like if I remember correctly the Arts of getting an apple from leaves is like one in 20 but I I’m not certain if that’s actually the case because uh first of all if that is the case this is definitely way more than 20 leaves so I

Feel like I should have had like three apples by now at this point um and also uh I don’t know if that’s the case because my memory is not the best in the world so I might just completely be remembering it incorrectly um but yeah

If that is actually the case then I feel like we’re still getting unlucky but yeah I don’t know as I said I don’t really remember what the odds were of gold or apples to drop um if there are 20 that’s a little weird uh one in 20

Because then eh should have should have had the second Apple by now uh but if it’s one in like way more one in 40 or something then I do definitely understand um not that I’m really upset that I haven’t got my second Apple yet I don’t even have enough gold anyway um

And also I wasn’t even expecting to have my first Apple uh by this point so I’m quite happy actually uh but still you know something to think about a little bit I guess and to talk about you know um but yeah let’s see we got just another six normal trees it looks

Like there nothing crazy going on here um let’s kill the people again there we go ooh we got another golden ingot from one of them that’s pretty sweet and let’s see oh sharpness two sharpness two all right that’s pretty pretty neat uh not really useful because these guys are

Unde death so they yeah they um they take more damage from SM not from sharpness but still it’s pretty cool cool enchant I would have loved to get looting but yeah that that would make us really really lucky so I’m not expecting it or anything but there we go

And I think we might yeah we have exactly enough for the second Apple now so if another Apple were to drop right now then yeah we’re golden uh literally um and yeah if it doesn’t happen right now I can start giving my golden ingots to this guy um instead because I don’t

Need anym for the apples anymore so yeah that’s all in all pretty good I would say it’s just a matter of waiting a little bit and yeah they are starting to really slow down in falling for some reason it feels like but that’s fine um

Let’s see any apples not yet not yet but we got plenty of leaves still around here now I always felt like that um whenever you remove leaves with your hand or with or with a hoe or something like that it just reduces the drop chance of everything uh I don’t know if

That’s a myth or something I just completely made up um but I almost feel like that’s the case you know um especially yeah in in the early game uh version like the the the first versions of Minecraft whenever I remove a tree all the leaves with just my hand

Basically no leaves up but if I let it just Decay there’s like 10 10 saplings just from one single tree you know so I don’t know I don’t know if that’s just in my head or if that’s actually a mechanic but that’s why I’m not really wanting to remove all of these leaves

With my hoe or at least I don’t have an hoe but I could make one of course um so that’s kind of the thought process behind it um but yeah I don’t know if that’s actually the case maybe that’s something that they changed in future versions or maybe it was never really a

Thing um to begin with uh but yeah might might have to look into that at some point I do know that if you have a hoe with a um fortune on it it does definitely increase the chance of getting stuff uh but yeah once again normal hoe I don’t know if that

Decreases or anything like that oh need to be careful here a little bit now why are these guys not going into the hole oh they’re not even spawning all that much hello what’s going on here is there a lot of stuff that spawned over there let’s quickly aggravate them come come come

Yep yep yep into the hole you go there you go there the boy let’s go down real quick and let’s see all right so that’s just those two all right that’s weird if I were to go over here you quick is there some sort of spot where a lot of monsters have

Spawned no it looks oh empty to me right okay so why why are there so little um piglin spawning off there that’s a little weird right okay one instantly spawned on one of the dirt blocks of course uh but still why why not on the other stuff I’m

A little confused by all of that okay now I have a problem don’t really know how to get rid of this guy now I guess I can just Notch him to the edge or actually you know what I don’t have to make the edge right here there we go and bye-bye

Up goodbye all right nice um let’s plan down these saplings again there we go it looks like there’s more of them starting to fall down again so that’s good um let’s grow all of them boom boom boom and last one there we go very good let’s kill all of them real quick here

We go and let’s get that apple now if I don’t get it from this this badge I might go back into the overall and at least convert the first uh villager or zombie villager into a villager uh because getting the apples is actually something I can just do in

The Overworld as well it doesn’t have to happen in the Nether and I got the gold so yeah I’m not limited to staying in this area anymore um so if this badge as I said doesn’t drop it I will just go back into the over convert the first

Villager make a little um area for all of that to start start with and then in the meantime um I can grow more um oak trees in that area and then I can combine that task with the other task um because yeah I don’t really want to

Waste all my time here um if I don’t really need to so there you go just threee hits fre broken swords pretty cool and we can actually make our first goldon Ingot that we are going to give to this guy and maybe we can finally get back some gravel that we

Lost to Theo a couple of episodes ago um nope not not in one go but that’s that’s to that’s to be expected to be honest there we go all right nice we are hitting them with sharpness now and that didn’t last too long okay and it didn’t

Give me a single sword back oh I can kind of hit them in one go cool we did get another Ingot so there you go you go and trade that see nothing interesting all right can I killed them with one hit normally no two hits though the two hits

Is doing the trick oh we got leather cool cool um don’t really know what to do with leather to be honest because yeah the well I guess I can make books with it and bookshelves um but je for now that’s not really too interesting because we will need obsidian first in

Order to make an enchanting table and then we will need lapis in order to even enchant so it’s it’s a long way to enchantments uh for now and and I feel like villagers are going to be faster anyway so probably not even going to really bother with getting an enchanting

Table for a little while I might still go for it because it’s still pretty good to get yeah just a whole bunch of enchantments in one go on an um a very specific item um and seeing how levels are really easy to get in this um in

This game mode you know with all the mob Farms being that um powerful um I don’t see a reason why I wouldn’t spend all of my um level sometimes on things like enchanting uh but yeah that’s that’s a little something for more into the future I guess and we don’t really need

To worry about it just yet oh fire assistance cool cool don’t really know if that’s ever going to be useful might be don’t might be you never know uh but yeah is a set I don’t really know for sure um it looks like this bad is also

Probably not going to drop a apple but I’m just going to stick around a little longer might as well get some more gold get some more tries at that um sweet old gravel uh and we got another bane of a EP utus I don’t know it’s a little weird

World word a a art I I feel like I’m pronouncing it pretty decently uh but yeah let’s kill them again there we go come on there you go oh wow okay they’re starting to drop now and that was my SW again and we got another golden inot wow these golden ingots are

Starting to really drop a lot I feel like uh but yeah there we go and it looks like no apple yet um kill you again there you go wow look at that that was like basically back to back jeez okay and he gave me Nether Bricks very cool very cool thank thank

You I haven’t didn’t have those yet um but yeah it’s whatever um oh we got another Fire season potion cool cool thank you H kill them again there we go oh hello you want to die as well I guess boom boom boom we got another two ingots Nice kill them

Again there you go and you can just pick them up from the floor there you go um and yeah these leaves are now gone so once I’ve traded all of the last little ingots I’m going to go back to the overw and I’m going to try and at least

Convert one villager in this episode I feel like that would be pretty cool um now if one of you want to drop a sword to quick thank you then I can speed this up a little bit there we go oh one of them did hit me as well again um and I

Did get another Ingot wow jeez okay I guess I can also trade that one I’m going to keep the cycle up until I don’t have any gold to trade anymore because I feel like it’s just worth it you know I want to get that gravel um so there we

Go and if none of them fall down now oh actually we just got obsidian I just realized that oh that’s actually pretty sweet okay there we go kill them real quick one more time uh but yeah we just got our first piece of obsidian okay that’s pretty cool I would say

Because that is of course eventually going to be useful to make a um enchanting table which I was talking about before um but yeah the reason we were not really able to get an enchanting uh or obsidian uh at at the moment is because um I will need uh

What’s it called um uh infinite lava for that and for that I will need um to get enough iron to make a c now that was really actually that just annoyed myself the fact that I stopped the music with going through back to the over world uh

But I was not going to wait around for the song to finish before I could back go back so yeah kind of unfortunate but that’s how it goes sometimes I guess um but yeah let’s start going down here and let’s try and convert this villager or zombie villager into a villager I guess

Um because we should have basically oh I left the golden apple oh that that that definitely makes me feel like a little bit of an idiot right there yeah that that’s annoying okay hopefully it shouldn’t even take a full minute in order to go back to the nether though

And get rap it but yeah still that’s a little silly Now isn’t it um but yeah let’s go back in here and get that Golden Apple oh oh oh and there we go boom boom boom I also forgot my bucket now that I think about it by the

Way U so yeah we go back we kill them all real quick oh there’s another one that spawned on that that’s not good um I’m going to slap them up real quick right now I’m going to engage in perfect combat right here there we go absolutely combo that guy there we go

Kill them all boom boom boom yeah yeah yeah you’re all very very angry that’s all right let’s grab my apple and get out of here and then also grab my bucket again um just yeah bucket you know bucket and stuff but there we go boom boom boom

Grab you and go back into my little Overworld okay we don’t have super much time left in this episode um but it should be enough time to um convert this guy if I do everything correctly now um one important thing the um the sum villager and the witch they are

Replaceable so if they die or anything goes back or bad with that that’s not really a problem um now what is more uh in replaceable is the Golden Apple so I do prioritize the golden apple a little more than them um because it’s painful to get the golden apple than it is to

Get these guys um so that’s one thing to note okay thank you let’s kill them all um I need another sword I guess we do have another zombie villager in there uh but right now oh I didn’t need to do that but right now I’m not really going

To try and get him out because I don’t have the second Apple anyway yet so yeah no need just yet we also have another witch so need to be careful here oh look at that we got another an iron ingot that’s cool okay that will help us to

Get that cauldron eventually um and that will help us to eventually get the um what’s it called infinite lava so yeah that’s pretty cool um I need to just kill them all real quick there we go and oh hello you shouldn’t be there there we

Go collect all the items boom boom be a little quick here put the iron ingot in here and all of the bows and this stuff can just just get out of here I guess and you can go in there all right let’s get started on

This puppy um so what do I need to do in order to do this uh first of all let’s see I don’t have any forms on this right no I’m going to take you for a little right now this is going to hurt me a

Little bit um and I need to be careful here oh what did he go under the sun no oh he did oh he did okay well that was mission one um failed that’s cool I guess I should have placed a roof above this area um so lesson learned make a roof um

Good thing to know for the next one I guess um but yeah okay that’s that’s unfortunate um but it doesn’t matter as I said they are replaceable the golden apple isn’t so the golden apple is more important if I make one of them die I don’t really care all that much about

Them you can definitely maybe already have thought yeah seen they’re not that uncommon or anything in this farm so yeah it’s fine it’s fine you’ll just have to wait for another one to spawn which hopefully does still happen in this episode but yeah now time is definitely starting to tick here so

That’s not too great um but yeah let’s see just need to be careful here of course he was on really low HP since the um what’s it called the the they he did already make the drop all the way down here so yeah there HP is already quite

Low um so that makes it basically impossible for me to make even a singular mistake um which yeah you could have just yeah did just witness uh I made one single mistake and it instant killed them um so that’s yeah important to remember okay okay I feel like this

Is good I can now block it off if I need to quite easily and there’s also a roof here so I have learned from my first mistake and there we go we got one so let’s block it off there we go be careful here now I’m

Going to block this off as well and I feel like one hole should be fine there we go and I’m going to carefully kill all of the other the monsters that are in here it looks like there’s not too many in here so this is fine and there we go all

Right and let’s see okay yeah that should be fine now let’s put some of these items back in here there we go and my inventory is a little messy um and I do not mean the soccer player or football player by that I just mean that

It is a mess um but yeah there we go um and the arrows stupid arrows there we go and I’m actually going to try and lure him all the way over here in one go so I don’t need to move him um in the boat

Itself so yeah there we go make the roof all the way over here as well uh we can get a little more there we go there we go all right and oh who whoa okay okay okay okay okay okay blocked off blocked off no no no no no no no

None of that none of that yeah you you bye-bye goodbye okay um yeah I now know that as well I guess okay let’s open this up um let’s see I want him to be right here I believe and I’m going to open this up there we go and you can now

Throw potions into me right yeah there we go she just poisoned herself okay good to know it needs to be a little bit bigger there we go all right let’s let you out like this and get you into the boat there we go all right and now we need to

Get a weakness potion from her okay so now I am poisoned so it should take a lot of damage and when I’m poisoned she should throw weakness was that weakness no okay it either missed him or it wasn’t weakness okay let’s oh well okay that’s a little awkward I guess um but

We are all right we are all right uh let’s get all of our items back there we go okay um yeah let’s see let’s see uh that was not weakness okay I need to make a little splashy area like this oh oh no oh no no no no no no no no was

Some weakness in there no it was not okay oh and it just happened again okay this is fine I don’t really care about dying I just care about him getting Splash with weakness I guess okay there we go collect all of my items again boom can the witch reach me can

You reach me yes she can okay so now I’m just hoping to get weakness oh is that weakness no but it doesn’t look like she’s hitting him as well okay so I’m quickly going to block this off there we go and okay so I do have poison right

Now I’m going to finish this in this episode so whenever he gets the Apple that’s when the episode is done uh but until then I will not stop okay I’m going to die again um I’m just quickly going to make a little chest and put more most of

These items in there uh because it’s inevitable that I will just die again and that’s fine as I said I just mainly care about the Apple um so let’s quickly die yeah come on there you go and let’s now move him over here there we go and now he

Should definitely be getting hit by the splash potions so there we go that’s now all good get the Apple out get that one out and let’s see see oh let’s move that in here boom bam open her up one more time um okay that sounds a little weird but yeah

There we go um let’s see do I have any torches laying around here doesn’t look like it I guess I should make some more because that’s looking a little dark and I definitely don’t want anything to go bad right now so I’m quickly going to

Light that up um so as I said I don’t want any unaspected un unwanted visitors or anything like that so just to be safe light it all up there we go let’s give this one more try and then I need to sleep because it’s start okay well thank

You um yeah oh and there are now monsters nearby that’s yeah that’s pretty logical okay let’s move the bed to over here make sure there’s enough space for me to get out there we go I got a stick now so now I look like a witch as well or wiard I guess yeah

There we go and let’s try this again give me weakness that’s not weakness come on weakness was it weakness was it weakness no is he is he even getting hit by all of this because I feel like those are definitely weakness there’s no way it’s not or is damage uh it might be

Damage oh that’s slowness okay oh yeah okay he he is getting hit by it okay so that’s good now it’s just a question of doing it enough times I guess okay well time to respawn get my apple and see can she reach me come on throw potion that’s slowness right that’s

Poison that that definitely do like weakness though right no okay no weakness that’s also not weakness I believe right no no weakness okay come on oh come on is it a certain distance you need to be at I feel like I’ve seen that before okay let’s try and get a little

Closer I guess right here if I stand right here will we throw weakness now okay that’s poison still oh that’s harming that’s also harming and I just got killed by the zombie villager um I need to be careful though because I don’t want her to die of her own spells

So yeah okay I hope she’s fine now okay let’s stand right here it’s a little it’s a little hard right now to get this right this should eventually work now this guy should be um healed by all of the poisons he is throwing because yeah the he gets

Opposite effects okay wow that’s just not working though they’re just not throwing oh and he’s holding oh no okay oh I was a little scared that that he was holding the golden apple that would have been really bad that would have really really bad uh but yeah he wasn’t

Okay um here we go come on now the slowness feel like if she can throw slowness surely she can also throw uh weakness though right but she’s not doing it let’s see I am on Hard modus which should make it more likely you’re not holding you’re not

Having weakness though no come on oh she’s going to kill me yeah okay BR why is this not working why is my golden apple who he flew that Golden Apple flew okay what did she give herself oh was that no okay come on if it stands right here I feel like

She can not really hit me oh right here throw something come on okay she just harmed herself I just got hit by the zombie villager there we go come on all right um wait that was a little close to the edge yeah don’t like that I

Don’t like that okay what if I stand right here though surely surely you would be smart enough to hit not hit yourself by the way okay what if I do something just like this yes yes yes yes yes we did we did it oh okay yes

Oh all right we got the weakness we got the weakness okay that works finally finally hit The Sweet Spot I guess okay that’s great news that’s great news I’m going to leave this episode right here um cuz yeah that was long enough for this episode um so yeah a little bit of

Cliffhanger right there uh but that’s that’s that’s all right right so we finally got it um all done oh no this doesn’t need to be like that um I guess I should quickly free up these monsters from this CU otherwise we might run into a bit of a problem in the next

Episode so yeah let’s do that there we go let you all back in there there we go oh didn’t break that block I guess and boom okay nice as I said I’m going to leave the episode right here um so I hope oh we need to take another

Screenshot of course for today’s episode so boom there we go uh but yeah as I said I hope you enjoyed this episode and I will see you all in the next one goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Skyblock Episode 9: I’m A Doctor Now!’, was uploaded by 4oli on 2024-03-02 05:00:31. It has garnered 298 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:59 or 3179 seconds.

In this Episode I had 2 patients, 1 has been cured! The other we don’t talk about…

Skyblock World: https://www.9minecraft.net/skyblock-1-20-map/#Skyblock_120_Map_1204_1194_Download_Links

The Next Episode: https://youtu.be/JsmUmacnF0M The Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/Pp4l3Q7nRic

Rules Of This Series:

Every Episode will be around 45 minutes long.

Every episode will be fully unedited, no cuts, no added music and no special effects.

All gameplay in this world will be on camera, I won’t play in between episodes at all this includes going afk.

2 Episodes per week! 1 on tuesday and 1 on saturday.

No texturepacks, no mods, nothing extra to the game just minecraft. This does include optifine.

#4oli #skyblock #minecraft

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  • Market Shenanigans: 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft

    Market Shenanigans: 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft Day 16 – A Little Market – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Building a Market Square On Day 16 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid player decided to expand the village by constructing a small market square next to the main square where the villagers gather. The goal was to create a vibrant area where villagers could find more job opportunities and engage in trade. Materials Used: Guard Spawn Egg Tiled Deepslate Flat Raw Gold Block Tiles Small Gilded Blackstone Bricks Polished Deepslate Botanist Workbench Carpenter’s Table Loom Table Mason Table Tinkering Table Alchemy… Read More

  • Noob vs Pro: Minecraft Showdown

    Noob vs Pro: Minecraft Showdown Minecraft Noob Vs Pro: A Fun and Educational Comparison Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for some entertainment and learning at the same time? Look no further! The Minecraft Noob Vs Pro video is here to provide you with a delightful comparison of the mistakes made by a noob and the correct strategies employed by a pro. Learning from Mistakes In this video, viewers get to witness the common errors that a noob typically makes in Minecraft. From inefficient resource gathering to building structures that are prone to disasters, the noob’s journey is filled with valuable lessons for beginners…. Read More

  • INSANE!! Completing EVERY Quest!! Minecraft Sky Revolutions Gaming On Caffeine

    INSANE!! Completing EVERY Quest!! Minecraft Sky Revolutions Gaming On CaffeineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Revolutions | COMPLETING EVERY SINGLE QUEST! #18 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-06-01 22:00:23. It has garnered 18043 views and 847 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:35 or 3755 seconds. Minecraft Sky Revolutions | COMPLETING EVERY SINGLE QUEST! #18 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Bees 2 | A DIFFERENT KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/lHV7xvXMjvo ★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine ★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC ★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc Sky Revolutions Mod Pack -… Read More

  • Spooky Encounter in Minecraft

    Spooky Encounter in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro got spooked #minecraft #scary #dweller’, was uploaded by Madi And Will on 2024-05-03 06:03:35. It has garnered 3799 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Crazy New Addition to Minecraft Server!

    Shocking Twist: Crazy New Addition to Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘that one friend joins the minecraft server…’, was uploaded by jimdoga+ on 2024-01-17 11:00:24. It has garnered 12148 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. that one friend joins the minecraft server… #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming #girl #vs #boy #funny #meme #shorts Read More

  • OMG! I ALMOST DELETED Minecraft?!

    OMG! I ALMOST DELETED Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Almost DELETED Minecraft!’, was uploaded by enbentz games on 2024-04-14 18:00:07. It has garnered 53 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:27 or 12027 seconds. This is the story of Glaedred, and how he almost deleted Minecraft in his quest to maintain the Balance within the Shroud. “Before anything existed, there was a Shroud, and in it was a magical, immortal being named Notch. The world we know today did not exist, but was created from His own magic. One day, Notch got tired and lonely from being the… Read More

  • FREE MMOItems Plugin Setup Tutorial | EP01 #mrrjay #minecraft

    FREE MMOItems Plugin Setup Tutorial | EP01 #mrrjay #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Setup MMOItems Plugin For Free Part 01 #mrrjay #minecraft’, was uploaded by MrRJay on 2024-03-18 06:02:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today Iam Gonna Be Show You How To Setup MMOItems Plugin For Free Part 01 #mrrjay #minecraft If you liked the Video don’t … Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: God King Mew’s EPIC Real Base Build!

    UNBELIEVABLE: God King Mew's EPIC Real Base Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Started a REAL Base in Minecraft (2024)’, was uploaded by God King Mew on 2024-04-15 20:00:34. It has garnered 124 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:11 or 18251 seconds. In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, join me as we explore mysterious landscapes, uncover hidden secrets, and embark on quests that will test our courage and creativity. From towering mountains to treacherous dungeons, every block holds a story waiting to be told. **Survival Mode**: We’ll gather resources, build shelters, and fend off mobs. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the… Read More

  • OP Mining Item Revealed while Eating! #1 Minecraft Stream!

    OP Mining Item Revealed while Eating! #1 Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Eating Food And Op Item || Subscribe|| #1 || Minecraft Live Stream’, was uploaded by MiningTv⛏️ on 2024-02-20 23:39:41. It has garnered 10 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. join Dc https://discord.com/invite/AXAmSE2SQd Hey folks! Watch me play PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition Android के लिए)! Join my Club on Turnip MININGTV ⛏️: https://profile.turnip.gg/gPP9GkXose55yFd27 Thank you for watching my PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition Android के लिए) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a… Read More

  • SahuPlays – INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplays

    SahuPlays - INSANE MINECRAFT EDIT! 😱 #sahuplaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EDIT 😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays’, was uploaded by SahuPlays on 2024-06-03 03:32:28. It has garnered 54 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT EDIT 😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays Tags minecraft poppy playtime poppy playtime animation catnap huggy wuggy mommy long legs poppy 퍼거필러 번조버니 마미롱레그 bunzo bunny fancy refill 허기워기 파피플레이타임 smile critters critters 캣냅 poppy playtime chapter3 maizen pj pug a pillar aphmau aphmau games cash and nico nico cash aphmau aaron aphmau playing as minecraft aphmau minecraft mods minecraft funny… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Ignitor vs All Golems x100

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Ignitor vs All Golems x100Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: Ignitor vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by Utos Craft on 2024-05-31 20:41:22. It has garnered 534 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Insane Fight: Ignitor vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft… Read More

  • Doepiecraft

    DoepiecraftHello, this server is just made, we build a simple survival server to play with your friends on PC and Console. So its a Crossplay server! The server is just started so there are not a lot players yet! The bedrock Ip is: And the port is: 19132 Read More